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Filename: 20190212_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 12, 2019
3405 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including globalism, censorship, recent incidents, abortion laws, economic issues, and legal battles against organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center. The show promotes products available at InfoWars Store and emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency. Guests include Gavin McInnes and Ali Alexander who have filed lawsuits against the Southern Poverty Law Center. They criticize celebrities for not openly addressing evil in the world while praising those who do, such as Walter Cronkite. The show also discusses the potential dangers of following orders blindly and encourages listeners to support InfoWarsStore.com.

Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, there's a storm on the loose.
Sirens in my head.
Wrapped up in silence.
Lost circuits are dead.
Can I be cold?
My whole life spins into a frenzy.
It's Tuesday, February 12, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And when we say this is the most demonized, most lied about, most attacked broadcast in the world, it's the truth.
Think about that.
What is it we're saying?
What is it we're doing that scares the establishment so much?
And if you know the answer to that, you know how to defeat the anti-human agenda, the globalist agenda.
Whatever's running it, whatever's at the bottom of that spider roll, it wants to hurt innocent children, it wants to dumb us down, it wants to poison us, it wants to kill us, it wants to destroy our dreams, it wants to suck our very essence out of us.
And I'm extremely honored to take these globalists on, but I'm also enraged
At points that I don't have the will or the strength to defeat them quickly enough.
And it is our spirit the enemy wants to shut down but I want to salute and thank the listeners and viewers for everything you do because you are the engine of the resistance and without you there is nothing.
You know there's a lot obviously to cover here today.
Quite a bit and this news and information is all so epic.
That I literally have trouble even processing it.
I'm going to do my best today to do it.
And we do have Gavin McInnes and Ali Alexander, both very interesting, informed fellows in studio with us.
Gavin has just launched a lawsuit, obviously, last week against the evil offshore foreign intelligence operation known as Southern Poverty Law Center.
I'm going to tell you some secrets about the Southern Primary Law Center today that nobody knows, except those on the inside of it and those that have done deep, deep research and penetrated, penetrated their operation.
So remind me to do that when they come on today.
Another reason they want us off the air.
But when we come back, I'm at a plunge directly into the news.
There's a big op-ed by George Soros in Market Watch, that's the Wall Street Journal online, and he says, word for word, Europe is on the verge of collapsing, that is the EU, like the old Soviet Union.
Isn't that amazing?
Because that's what we've likened the EU to as an authoritarian Soviet Union, unelected bureaucracy over the member states.
It's not Europe, it's the globalist control arm.
And then he calls for a structure to force nations to stay in it.
What an incredible authoritarian statement.
I mean, we're talking
A literal Nazi collaborator promoting the Nazi plan of the European Union, that's on record that it's a Nazi plan, and saying use force to keep people in while they open the borders and collapse the nation states.
What a fabulously evil statement.
And that's just one of the hundreds of articles that I read last night and this morning.
You know, that's part of my frustration and part of the reason I get so hyped up when I go on air is that I've just been reading this and watching this for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.
And then I go crazy on air.
Everybody knows the real me is like this.
Pretty calm, pretty focused.
But I get to a hysterical point because that was just one of the articles.
Here's the next one.
The police in New York said that a man that stabbed a woman to death and killed the baby on purpose, he got her pregnant.
They said, no, he's not being charged.
He's allowed to kill the baby.
The law says so.
Yeah, you heard me right.
This isn't a Twilight Zone episode.
This is America run by the demonic left.
Every blue city is a festering cancer.
Stay with us.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Gavin McGinnis, Allie Alexander will be in studio for the second half of the broadcast.
Paul Joseph Watson will join us from her Britannic Majesty's command base in London.
I should say her Transylvanian Majesty.
It's Tuesday, February 12, 2019.
Our president is Donald J. Trump, 45.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones from Austin, Texas, 45 years old, yesterday.
Again, it is the year of 45.
So much happening, so much unfolding.
Let me just do this.
When you study globalists and you study their publications, they have business publications that pretty much tell you what's going on because business readers are going to be investing in things and they really want to know what's going on for sophisticated audiences.
And they hide it in plain view.
George Soros just came out in the Wall Street Journal and Market Watch online in an op-ed and said, we need authoritarianism in the Euro or it's going to collapse like the Soviet Union and we need an EU army to smash resistance.
That's just sensational evil.
We're going to be getting to that article.
Europe may be on the cusp of a nightmare, but it's not too late to wake up.
Twitter and uproar over Soros analogy comparing EU to USSR, which of course we've always called it that.
This is the same project from the very same people.
I will explain at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to cover that little jewel.
Then, I pulled together a bunch of articles on the latest censorship where Apple and Google admit they're censoring in America and all over different nations, tailoring it for Islamic censors, communist censors, fascist censors, autocratic censors, and then they go to Congress and say nothing's happening.
It's flagrant lies.
We're going to be getting to all of that bombshell info.
Because Natural News has now published, it's up on Infowars.com, these screenshots of Apple officially telling them, we will not accept your news app, even if it talks about abortions, Satanism, and a whole bunch of other things.
You talk about committed to evil, this is it.
So this is refusing you and having a loyalty test, basically, before you can even have an app to then get out on the internet.
Communist Chinese level censorship.
Well, they already been banning and controlling thousands of apps in China, of course.
This is here.
This is happening.
You knew it was coming.
I'm going to cover this in the next segment.
It begins.
This is not a joke.
This is on the news.
They're defending it.
Governor Cuomo's defending it.
Man spared charge for stabbing unborn baby to death due to New York abortion law.
That's an Infowars.com article.
And the headline, Jimmy White did a great job, but the headline's not even strong enough.
It should be, Man stabs woman to death and unborn baby.
I can't even come up with a headline strong enough.
It's New York
Says that a man can legally stab a baby to death.
I mean, that's it.
New York, no charges for man who stabbed unborn baby to death.
That's your headline.
Like, let's just change it.
New York City announces no charges.
No charges for man who stabbed unborn baby to death.
And they say it with a straight face.
They go, no, the new law says anybody, anywhere, anytime can kill a baby even when they come out of the womb.
In fact, we'll keep those little buggers alive and get their organs.
I'll get you and your little organs, too, my pretties.
This must be done delicately, though, by our moral compass.
So the governor's now calling himself in Virginia.
He will teach us reconciliation.
He's calling for reparations because he is in blackface or in a KKK outfit.
We're not sure which one.
You know, in his official yearbook photo,
We get to all pay people money.
Just unbelievable.
Oh, and the black liberal commentator fawns over him.
She just fawns over him.
Oh, so sweet.
Tell me about those little babies you keep alive and get their goodies.
So we're gonna be breaking that down.
That's not Twilight Zone.
Also, as Gallup polled in a big study in Central and South America, 5 million are planning to come here illegally this year of the 40-plus million on the asylum list.
We've got all the highlights of the Trump rally last night.
We'll be getting to those.
And so the first clip I want to play is of Beto O'Rourke.
Excuse me, Peto O'Rourke.
I always get his name wrong.
Not Beto.
Not Beto O'Rourke.
Beto, or whatever his name is.
The fake guy with giant buck teeth.
And so we're going to play him and his little tiny crowd last night of a few thousand people.
A few thousand people.
I mean, the news said a few thousand.
Let's just go with a few thousand.
Looks like a few hundred to me versus Trump's giant crowd.
We're going to show you all that video that our crew shot last night down there in South Texas on the border in El Paso.
But the first thing we're going to get to is him saying that walls are immoral.
And that walls are bad.
Let me give you the exact quote.
He says walls don't save lives, they end lives.
So that's why you have a cell wall, you have skin, you have doors on your house, you have steel cages in your car, you put babies in safety seats, you have walls around military bases, walls around companies, walls around your home.
If you live on a busy street, you better have concrete barriers so somebody doesn't, you know, run their car into your house.
That happens routinely.
We have these things.
That's why they're all over the world.
And so this is a war on reality.
This is a war on just common sense.
Like Alexandria Cortez says, don't worry about deficits, just spend unlimited.
And we'll get rid of airplanes.
And everything will be free.
If you don't want to work, you get money.
And then we go, wow, this is your official thing on your website.
Oh, no, it's not.
Yes, it is.
You made it up.
It's fake news.
These people just are waging war against reality because what they're doing is bad for humanity, period.
So here is Beto down on the Texas border.
The walls do not make us safer.
We know that walls do not save lives.
Walls end lives.
We stand for America and we stand against walls.
And then he does a Hitler salute.
Let's stop right there.
We're going to go back to it in a moment when we come back.
But if you're a TV viewer, you saw it.
Let's just roll that audio for TV viewers, please.
He is there with a 20 plus foot chain link fence behind him at the stadium where he's meeting for his security and people had to go through a checkpoint to get in there.
So he's surrounded by armed guards.
He's got a big fence, a big barrier behind him, but he's telling you and he's telling me and he's telling the world that walls
Do not work, and that walls are bad, and that walls are evil.
That's like saying bulkheads on ships are bad, or bulkhead doors on submarines are bad, or your eye having a membrane.
That's what contains things.
That's what protects things.
That's what our bones are part of a structure.
And to have these heavily guarded Democrats and this billionaire Beto, his wife's a billionaire, his father-in-law's worth $27 billion.
He flies around in luxury jets.
He doesn't go to the regular airports like the rest of us, but that's okay because he's Beto.
We're going to go to break.
I want to just remind listeners that Soros and the Democratic Party are officially trying to sue us out of oblivion.
We've had some victories.
We've had some defeats.
The point is that we're still moving forward and fighting.
And so when you spread the word about the local stations you're listening to or watching us on, when you tell people about Infowars.com and say, listen, you've heard about Alex Jones.
You've heard about how evil he is.
You heard about how he's attacked everywhere.
You hear how they lie about it.
Go hear it for yourself.
Go see what it is that's supposedly so bad and so evil and so horrible that the system is fighting as hard as they can to make sure nobody gets to hear it.
And then separately to our great audience and our great listeners, thank you for buying great products at InfoWareStore.com.
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We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and we are broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Okay, let's get into the blackening of all of our hearts.
Even if we love God and love children, the system is learning how to manipulate us more and more, using psychological warfare to harden our hearts, is the biblical term.
To harden our hearts,
Because even if you don't like hurting children or hurting innocent animals or being mean, when you're shown it and you hear about it, you become numb to it.
You are dehumanized.
And so there's a big article up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that you should send to every leftist you know and say, what do you think of this?
You know, I know Alex Jones is the bad guy.
He questioned Sandy Hook.
That's the ultimate crime in the world.
Even though the government lied about WMDs, lied about babies in incubators.
I was watching last night with my daughter's Minions, I think, 3, where it's based in the 60s.
And the Minions break into the set of Hollywood and they're shooting the fake Apollo landing.
Oh, it's okay for Hollywood to say that the Apollo landings didn't happen, but if I
See something that looks pretty synthetic and I say, because the public was saying it, oh, I question that.
I'm the worst man in the world.
When I walk down the street in Austin, people go, you're an effing Russian.
Or they say, how dare you attack those children's parents?
And I go, I never did that.
They go, shut up!
But I go, hey, the New York Times and others premeditatedly lied.
About WMDs in Iraq, and it killed millions.
Ah, get out of here, you piece of crap, you Nazi!
F you, Nazi!
Meanwhile, they had Gallup polls and others in the last month, all showing the same thing.
50 to 55 percent to 57 percent of Democrats now just say they're pro-war.
They don't care what it is.
They want to stay in Afghanistan.
They want to stay in Syria.
War, war, war.
Hot and cold running war.
Just give us more war.
Did we tell you how much we love war?
This is a sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick group of people who say they have the moral high ground, and everybody else is a Nazi, and their captain is a famous Nazi collaborator who writes op-eds for Market Watch and the Wall Street Journal, saying the Euro must become a dictatorship and stop countries from leaving, or it'll collapse like the Soviet Union.
He defines it as evil and says we should... See, that's the new thing.
Let's show TV viewers, radio listeners, anybody can type into a search engine, Governor Cuomo signs post-birth abortion bill.
And there's video and photos of them cackling, and them laughing, and looking like they're in heaven when they sign this thing.
And now Virginia is trying to pass it, and other states to kill babies after they're born.
So now, they've gone to the next level, ladies and gentlemen.
Now they've gone to the next level.
A man has been arrested for reportedly stabbing a woman to death that he'd been dating, who was pregnant.
He stabbed her in the stomach till she died, saying reportedly he wanted to kill the baby.
Yeah, there's a photo of your TV viewers, the smirking, the laughing, the video is the most sickening thing I've ever seen.
You'd think they'd all just won the lottery.
I mean, even if you think kill babies after they're born,
It would be a solemn thing.
Because these are demonic people showing you who they are.
No, no, no.
And that's the good news is, they can't help but show you who they are.
So now, this man reportedly stabbed this woman more than 30 times in her stomach, screaming, die baby, die.
That's in the police report.
He wanted that baby dead.
And dead that baby is, and dead the mother is.
He then slit her throat.
She's another partial birth abortion, isn't she?
Poor lady.
I guess she's a post-birth abortion.
And the police say, sorry, we're only charging him with one homicide.
Doesn't matter that the baby was close to being due.
None of that matters.
We say babies aren't human.
So, these statutes are so broad that always, if a mother didn't want to abort a baby, and somebody kills the mother and the baby, you get charged with double homicide.
Or double capital murder if it's premeditated.
Not anymore, not in New York, man.
That's not a person, period.
Even if you want to say it's a person, even if you want to protect it, they're dehumanizing it.
The poor baby, little boy, little girl, I guess it'd be a mixed race baby, a black guy and a white lady.
And so you've got a poor little black baby getting murdered by its daddy with a butcher knife, but oh, we're only gonna charge you for killing mama.
And that's America 2019.
It begins, man spared charge for stabbing unborn baby due to New York abortion law.
Translate that.
Man stabs baby to death.
New York says it's legal.
New York, no charges for man who stabbed unborn baby to death.
That's the reality 2019.
A Queens man who beat and stabbed his pregnant girlfriend and her baby to death was spared abortion charges thanks to New York's recently enacted abortion law.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown initially released a statement saying 48-year-old Anthony Hobson would be charged with murder and abortion for the fatal stabbing of his girlfriend Jennifer
We're good to go.
Repealed by the legislature and this is the law as it exists today, close quote.
Authorities believe Hobson was directly targeting the baby because he didn't want to be the father.
Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act into law to a chorus of applause on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, legalizing abortion up to the moment of full-term delivery.
Additionally, the updated legislation removes the state fetal homicide law from the criminal code, so other people can kill babies now.
And it's not a human.
Think about the magnitude of that.
As I said in my floor speech, being assaulted, or in this case murdered, and losing your baby is not a woman's choice, said Republican Org Assemblywoman Nicole Malakoutis.
As I said in my floor speech, and it goes on from there.
So now,
Malatakis, however you say it.
This is the evil in your face.
And in New York as well, they have 9, 10, 11 year old little boys dressed like girls at strip gay bars having money thrown at them and then meeting on TV with convicted axe murderers talking about using drugs.
Little drugged out kids, all skinny, look like they're dying, dressed like girls with convicted famous murderers out of prison talking about using drugs.
You cannot make it up.
You cannot make up how evil these people are, and there's no limit.
They're never going to stop until we say no to them.
America is dying.
The world has satanic cancer.
Only getting on our knees to Jesus Christ is going to fix it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Wars are like 12-round heavyweight boxing championship fights.
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Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got a policy of truth, and I'm not backing down.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All these worldly people say, Alex, you're under attack everywhere.
Lies, deceit, demonization.
You're a loser!
No, my friends.
I'm a winner.
Take a good look at it.
I don't enjoy this one bit.
Having to put my name, my treasure, my children, my guts, my soul on the line.
My soul won't let me do anything else.
In fact, my soul is like a big group of twelve horses pulling a weapon.
And God's got that wit.
Get in there now!
Digging the spurs in!
I've got froth blood coming out.
And I'm the happiest horse you could ever imagine.
Just... To get that weapon in place.
To get the truth in place.
And I can see the ridge.
We're almost there.
And I can roll over and collapse and that big gun's gonna swing around right on the enemy.
And it's gonna unload in the information war.
We've already begun to launch operations that are unstoppable at this point.
And I thank God for driving me or I'd never do this.
My problem is I'm too driven.
My problem is I have no fear of the enemy, only fear of God.
And then I see them literally celebrating Satanism in the Albany, New York State House, laughing and giggling about how they're going to keep babies alive and harvest their organs.
Believe it.
That's the whole point.
And it makes me sick.
But let's juxtapose two people.
Johnny Carson, who I know folks that knew him well, said he was a great, really good guy, but was also upset about evil and things in the world, and was very depressed most of his life, actually.
That's why he did comedy, trying to not commit suicide.
Juxtapose Johnny Carson with Walter Cronkite, who was a big globalist, into one world government, absolutely recruited when he was in Austin, Texas, by the NWO.
Juxtapose those two people before I go to this next big story that is so massive, it shapes the entire future of the planet.
Let's hear from Walter Cronkite first, then we'll go right into Johnny Carson.
Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives.
He wrote, and literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
Do you get sensitive about the fact that people say, he'll never take a serious controversy?
Well, I have an answer to that.
I said, now, tell me the last time that Jack Benny, Red Skelton, uh, Benny, comedian, used his show to do serious issues.
That's not what I'm there for.
Can't they see that?
But you and I, do they think that just because you have a Tonight Show that you must deal in serious issues?
That's a danger.
It's a real danger.
Once you start that,
You start to get that self-important feeling that what you say has great import.
And you know, strangely enough, you could use that show as a forum.
You could sway people.
And I don't think you should as an entertainer.
We're surrounded by followers.
We're surrounded by people that think going along with the system is going to get them ahead.
And for the last 50, 60 years, that's been the case monetarily.
While you lose your soul, while we lose our country, while we lose our strength, while we lose our will.
But now we're getting down to the time when following orders will get you destroyed.
And where we just have a nation of cowards, preening cowards, all looking for their place in the hierarchy, in the pantheon.
It's really a panopticon.
So let me go to our next big story here.
I mentioned it the first broadcast, but this is just as big as New York and other states legalizing killing babies after they're born.
And now when
Somebody shoots a woman or stabs a woman, and even premeditatedly says, I'm gonna kill that baby, like Charlie Manson did Sharon Tate.
The government says, we're not charging you because you just killed some tissue.
How much fun.
These are a group of monsters.
But let's go to the next report here.
Maybe on the cusp of a nightmare, but it's not too late to wake up.
And who wrote it?
George Soros.
Zoom in on this for me and I'm going to read this for folks.
There's a boil-down article on InfoWars.com that gets right to the quotes.
Mr. New World Order.
Twitter in uproar over Soros
Analogy comparing EU to the USSR.
What have I compared it for my 20 years plus on air, but to the USSR?
The very same multinational globalist forces that put V.I.
Lenin in power and then propped up Stalin.
The very same forces that created a bipolar, multipolar world as a pretext
We're good to go.
Lincoln we should have done.
That's the clear strategic regional control of the world.
A US-Russia alliance is unbreakable.
The resources, the militaries, the people, the IQs, it's unstoppable.
And it's been
The British model, which is not the British people, but their evil crown, has been obsessed in mainline news reports since the 1770s with making sure a US-Russo alliance never takes place.
And that's why we inflicted, and that is our globalist elites, in 1917,
With the horrible Bolshevik disease, all paid for out of London, England, supplied with immigrants from Russia who've been living in the U.S.
less than a generation.
A 100,000 man army, shipped in, paid in gold, paid in spoils.
So now we move on to George Soros, the Nazi collaborator.
The EU being a Nazi plan.
Just don't believe me, type in, European Union was a Nazi plan.
You'll get BBC, London Telegraph.
It's not debated.
It came out in the Nuremberg trials.
The big Hitler plan was the capital of Europe would be in Berlin with a capital dome.
I think it was like ten times bigger than the US dome.
All the big domes of the world, he wanted to be able to fit inside it.
Never happened.
He was in this gigantic thing, and Europe would run the world, they'd have a European Union, and Hitler even sketched the stars in the blue background, the gold stars.
He sketched the, again, everything.
The Volkswagen was his idea, he drew the original design.
Audi, the Olympic symbol, just everything's Hitler.
Space program, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.
Evil guy, very demonically influenced, very smart.
So, the Nazi collaborator emerges once again, and when we come back we'll get to it and more, where he openly calls for world government and says we need to crush, we need to crush Europe and not let them leave, and he compares it to the fall of the USSR, which we can't allow.
Oh yeah, George Herbert Walker Bush was flipping out when the U.S.S.R.
fell in 1991.
And that's when all the fake right-wing stuff said, oh, it's all staged, they're planning to come back as Russians, you know, as communists.
And it was all a big setup while Russia was kicking the globalists out.
No, no, no, no, this is the problem right here, George Soros.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
We're gonna go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsStore.com.
This is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it U.N.
Agenda 21, now they call it the U.N.
2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work with dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
In the next few years.
It's illusion will emerge.
Yep, the takedown of the US.
Race war.
Openly killing babies after born.
Outlawing the family.
Will we fight back?
Our enemies are slaves.
Easily defeated.
Even their top generals are slaves.
Slaves with old servants.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host.
Ready to go to the fire.
Ready to fall.
Because on the ashes of our mission, we will destroy the globalists and bring in the destruction of the old serpent.
And they can feel it and they know it.
Alright, let's get right into the news here.
So, George Soros, the Nazi collaborator promoting the Nazi plan of Hitler, the EU,
has come out in Market Watch and said everything I ever said about the EU.
It's authoritarian, it's unelected, it needs to control and dominate the nation states, and it's like the old Soviet Union.
But that's a good thing.
Europe may be on the cusp of a nightmare, but it's not too late to wake up, that's right, and flood Europe with more Islamists, who don't get jobs and are 80 plus percent on welfare, so the state controls them.
Mr. New World Order, Twitter, in uproar over Soros.
Analogy comparing EU to the USSR.
George Soros has written an op-ed for Market Watch, a finance and investing news site.
Yeah, that's from the Wall Street Journal.
Warning that anti-European forces... No, no, no.
The EU is the anti-European.
I think?
Billionaire, outlawed in the nation, he helped round up his fellow Jews, has been waging an ideological war with conservative, Euro-skeptic forces in countries such as Hungary, Poland and Italy, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on his open society foundations, NGOs across Europe and the United States.
George Soros has written an op-ed for Market Watch of Finance, an investing news site, warning that anti-European forces may have enjoyed an advantage at the upcoming European Parliament elections in May.
Urging, in his voice, sleeping pro-European majority, not to sleepwalk into oblivion.
Soros made the eyebrow-raising argument by suggesting that if they don't, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.
One can still make a case for preserving the EU in order to radically reinvent it.
But that would require a change of heart in the EU.
Zorro stressed, the current leadership is reminiscent of the Politburo when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Continuing to issue orders as if they were still relevant.
Years like Herr Hitler in the bunker.
The upcoming European Parliamentary elections are set to become an infection point for the European project the billionaire argued.
According to Soros, oh funny, what am I called by CNN, MSNBC?
An infection.
If he is willing to stand against us, we must first destroy his name, bankrupt him before we kill him.
Do not make him a martyr.
Destroy him first.
Then I will have my victory over him.
Sorry, let's continue.
The upcoming European Parliamentary elections.
Oh George, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
The upcoming European Parliamentary elections are set to become an infection, an infection point, for a European project.
Oh, the European project?
Whose project is that?
The billionaire argued.
The European project, according to Soros, anti-EU forces enjoy an advantage thanks to an outdated party system.
Yes, you must get rid of them voting.
The practical impossibility
of changing the EU Treaty and a lack of legal tools for disciplining, disciplining, yes, I'm being disciplined, lack of legal tools for disciplining member states that violate the principles on which the European Union was founded.
Close quote.
Soros marked particular concern with Germany's alternative for Deutschland, a right-wing, Euro-skeptic, anti-mass immigration party, which he derided as extremist.
At the same time, Soros praised the German Greens, calling them the only consistently pro-European party in the country, and one that, like the AFD, has also been rising in popularity.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Every time I attack Soros, God lets off with a bullwhip.
Oh yeah, I'm like galloping doing my job.
Okay, in the clear, in the clear.
Wow, that feels good.
Thanks for that.
Thanks for that, boss.
We appreciate it.
Okay, continuing, ladies and gentlemen.
The next hour and we're going to dive deeply into the Trump.
speech yesterday and uh... pedo saying that the wall should exist anywhere it's the most upside down world assault on reality ever seen it's all coming up later details on uh... the so-called green deal of cortez the uh... demon creature he looks like a complete lunatic and everything she says is so idiotic but this is this is who she is and then massive evidence of total proof of next level censorship uh... it is all coming up and then incredible
Chicago, CBS reports, is the most corrupt American city.
And then you go on a line, it's all Democratic cities after it.
So that's coming up as well, so please stay with us.
And we have Gavin McInnes and Ali Alexander in studio.
Now, that said, I want to continue, and I'm a horse that'll go as far as I can pulling this wagon.
But I do occasionally need to get put up and get a little grain or a little whatever to find the operation.
And it's fabulous what you've done for us, spreading the word, taking the articles and getting them out there and everything else.
But the enemy, as you know, is in full-scale war against you.
And so again, if you'll just tell your email list or text message out our articles every day, or tell people word of mouth, hey, you heard of this forbidden Alex Jones?
You ought to go to InfoWars.com and hear it for yourself.
Hear what they don't want you to hear.
That's how we move mountains.
And don't forget, we've got to end this huge sale, 50% off on our great Nootropic RainForce Plus.
If you haven't tried it, the clean, focused energy, all of it, the middle clarity is amazing.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
We're gonna go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
This is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
For years, the SPLC's bullying of conservatives and typical everyday Americans amounted to that of an annoying, blood-sucking mosquito.
But the temptation of that untapped vein appears to be leading to the downfall of the SPLC.
Since the early 1970s, SPLC founder Morris Dees had fed on the civil rights victory of wrestling down the last remnants of the Democratic Party creation known as the Ku Klux Klan.
Drinking from its wealthy liberal donors,
Which also led to the SPLC's nine-figure endowment.
But how do you keep the hate-fighting money rolling in when Generation X, the children of integration, all got along for the most part?
And the dying culture of racism in America seemed to be on its last leg.
Well, you rebrand racism.
Fuel it with Marxist critical theory and deliver that to the gullible little brothers and sisters of Generation X, the Millennials.
As the Washington Free Beacon reported, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing non-profit known for its hate group designations, now has $92 million in offshore investment funds, according to financial statements.
The S.B.L.C.
has been thriving since President Donald Trump entered the White House.
The controversial organization reported $477 million in total assets and $132 million in contributions on its most recent tax forms.
Millions flowed to the group following the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia attacks from employees at companies including JPMorgan Chase and Apple.
And that was staged by Flores.
Such as George Clooney.
And so here we are, up to our necks in divide and conquer hysteria.
In the midst of it, Proud Boys founder, political commentator, and fellow Generation Xer, Gavin McInnes, has had enough.
The SPLC has positioned themselves with such immense power that they are now infiltrating not just big tech,
Well, they decide who can say what.
But they're getting involved in banking.
And they're getting involved with the way everyone can do business.
They're bankrupting people and they're ruining innocent people's careers.
I mean, I'm doing this as much... ...for Deputy Brian Greene.
who was fired from Louisiana law enforcement for being a proud boy.
This guy volunteered doing women's self-defense on the weekends, he's a stalwart of the community, graduated head of his class in the academy, and he's now lucky if he can get air conditioning work.
This is actually worse than communism.
Because in communism, you would go to the gulag, you'd go to the re-education camp, and you'd come back vindicated.
In today's America, with this witch hunt, you're never vindicated.
So once you're a bigot, once you're a homophobe, racist, transphobe, anti-semi, whatever, that's permanently on your record, thanks to the SPLC, and you can never recover from that.
The people that I'm representing here, the people that I'm fighting for, they'll always be Google-able as part of a hate group.
The SPLC starts with bonafide bigots, maybe like 5% of their total list.
And then they just spread that out and include everyone remotely Christian, everyone remotely conservative, and they make this massive hate map that makes America look like a racist hellhole.
The Family Research Council, the black security guard was shot defending them, and the guy who shot them said he wanted to kill as many people as he could.
The Steve Scalise shooting was based on the SPLC hate group.
Just the other day, Charles Murray was at Middlebury College, and the students were so rabid
And as PJ Media reported, Baltimore attorney Glenn Keith-Allen is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for racketeering, wire fraud, defamation, and other claims.
Among other things, Allen's suit demands a court judgment against the SBLC's 501c3 tax-exempt status, which could seriously cripple the organization.
Fortunately, there is something we can all do to make a difference.
Go to DefendGavin.com and give what you can to take on the bloated anti-American Goliath known as the SBLC.
Because division fueled by greed is truly what is tearing this country apart.
John Bowne reporting.
Don't forget, InfoWorksStore.com is the place to shut us down.
For those looking for the ultimate source of energy for their day, every day, the Brain Synergy Combo is here.
Combining the powerful Turbo Force and Brain Force Plus nootropic formulas, this combo has what you need to hit your maximum potential every day.
Take the tasty tropical berry flavored Turbo Force instant drink that's with you on the go or at work to help provide you with focus, clarity,
We're good.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy mother f***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy, now we all on Steve Jobs phones.
They say Trump's crazy, they say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The spirit of America, the spirit of 1776, the spirit of God's real providence and blessing has been bestowed to our Republic and to Infowars.
And I am a dirty beggar in God's presence.
My best is dirty rags.
But I am a true and faithful servant to God.
And I have asked for what's happened.
And I've been committed to carry it out.
And I've never been happier.
And I want to thank all of you for your prayers, your support.
Because we're in this together.
And I salute you all.
I'm going to get to a bunch of clips from Trump in South Texas, down on the border with Mexico.
And I'm going to play some of the Beto O'Rourke videos as well.
If you're a radio listener, I'll describe it, obviously.
It's critical you go to Infowars.com so you can actually see this, because we had two of our reporters, Greg Reese and Drew, down there.
And the Beto O'Rourke
Sorry, Peter O'Rourke crowd.
Man, looked like maybe 500.
The news said a couple thousand.
Then they said Trump was lying and that didn't have 30-something thousand.
We have photos of, you know, 8,000 inside, tens of thousands outside, 50-something thousand RSVP.
It doesn't matter.
The point is the guy had a pathetically small crowd.
I couldn't believe it.
There's our footage we shot.
And he also spoke inside a stadium with big fences around him.
So here he is saying no walls.
We're going to play that insane video that is the most upside down statement I've ever heard.
But that's what Democrats are doing.
It's just upside down world.
They're just trying to condition you to accept the horrible things they're doing.
We're going to kill babies after they're born.
We're going to say that walls, quote, don't save lives, they end lives, and are immoral.
Your epidermis, your skin, is a beautiful wall around your body.
You'd die without it.
We have cell membranes that are walls, barriers.
Plants have actual walls.
It's amazing.
I'm going to go that moment.
First, I want to just remind listeners, and I want to really sink in and really hit bedrock, that InfoWars, that means you, you're the folks that spread the word that did all this, is known by Hillary and the deep state to have been the final global catalyst or detonator.
And again, you might have some giant artillery shell that's
You know, ten inches across on the bottom, and it's two feet long, and it's carrying this giant, you know, charge, and it can shoot five miles.
But it's got a cap in it that might be one twentieth of an ounce of powder.
You know, it's the old saying, I'm gonna bust a cap in your butt.
And it could be a thirty-odd-six round, or a three-oh-eight round, or
It could be a 2-2-3 round.
It could be whatever the round is.
There's a little bitty cap in the back.
Less the amount of powder that's in a match.
And that's the highly explosive accelerant that detonates the chain reaction to then ignite the powder in the chambered round and send the projectile down the rifleding and out towards its intended target.
And M4 Wars is ground zero
For at least half of the devastating victories against the globalists.
I would give the rest, and it's not about credit, but the enemy's given us the credit.
That means it's a big crosshair on us.
To people like Matt Drudge.
And it's not bragging, it's saying, hey, InfoWars is a national treasure for all its issues, and I'm not perfect.
And DrudgeReport.com.
And we're under massive, unprecedented attack because we have everybody else on who's being deplatformed, everybody else on to fundraise.
Marshall Lumbaugh doesn't have anybody on his show to fundraise.
And I get it, he works for a corporation, it's all about the Benjamins.
Not me.
I support everybody else, and most of the time they never even support me.
I don't care, it's about a war.
And we keep coming to you and coming to you for support, but when I ask you just a word of mouth, tell your office about InfoWars.
About NewsWars.
Tell your church.
Send it out to your email list every day.
Send our articles out.
Text message them.
If you don't want to get censored on social media, whatever.
Set up another account on social media you use to push InfoWars.
Or use NewsWars, that doesn't get censored.
We're in a war.
Start a new site yourself.
Get our content.
Post it.
Get it out that way.
This is a war.
We were effective.
Hillary admits to Congress she believes info wars beat her.
We did.
Then Trump gets crowded around by a bunch of politicos and a bunch of politicians.
Who all just want money for Fox News and money for their TV ads, and they see Infowars as a threat to their Republican dominance.
I don't live in D.C.
or New York or L.A.
I don't want to hang around with you mummies.
You all are pathetic scum, most of you.
You're the leadership.
I'm just here in Texas, where my family's been since 1822, trying to just be a decent person and fighting back against you guys.
So I'm not getting into your territory, but because the Republican leadership wants its territory, and a bunch of lawyers, and all play golf and hang out and are intermarried with the Democrats, this country is in deep crap.
And it's being set up for a fault.
And we've been totally sold out to the Chi-Coms and others, and it just has to stop.
So, to listeners, just commit today, and I thank you for all you've already done, but commit today.
They know InfoWars were spreading like wildfire.
Biggest thing in the world at that point, when it came to actual nationalism, and free market capitalism, and ringing the alarm bell that Christianity is being targeted under attack.
So the globalists set about to shut us down, to cut us off from our audience of activists,
Cut us off from the troops, literal and figurative, and to then build a straw man out of us that doesn't exist to then demonize liberty movements worldwide.
And that's why it's so critical that they've been demonizing us to psychologically inoculate people, so when they hear about InfoWars, they think, oh, that's evil.
So you take that and you go, oh, you've heard how evil it is, you've heard how bad it is, right?
Why do you think that is?
He didn't launch wars that killed millions of people.
He didn't do all these.
Why do you think they say he's so bad all day?
Why don't you go to InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com and click on the listen button and hear it or read some of the articles?
Because what is too far?
I mean, now we're going to kill babies after they're born.
What is your line in the sand?
Why are Democrats suddenly pro-war?
And reach out to people.
And again, know that it makes it so easy.
If you just buy your toothpaste from us, it's the best.
Coil, silver, iodine, fortified, no fluoride.
If we just buy our coffee...
It's rated some of the top coffee out there, period, super good.
If you just buy your fish oil, everybody should be taking fish oil, it's so good.
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If you just buy those staples from us, we will be steadfast and be able to continue.
But the enemy, we've always been expanding in my 25 years, growing slowly but growing exponentially in the last few years.
Now the enemy's fought us to a standstill.
And that means either expansion or contraction.
And I need you to signal, and I thank you all for your support, that you want us to get even more hardcore and expand the face of this.
Big specials in this weekend.
50% off on the great nootropic brain force.
33% off TurboForce, our newest product.
Gotta go learn about it.
But whether it's bodies, ultimate turmeric formula, or whether it's ultimate bone formula, bone broth formula, these are all excellent.
This information is game-changing, world-changing.
This is powerful stuff, so shop with the good guys, and whatever you do, spread the word.
We'll be right back with the clips from the Trump rally.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Don't tell Pito or Rourke.
That the world's a dangerous place.
He says we shouldn't have any walls, period.
We're going to play that clip in a moment.
But, you know, I thought the president wasn't going to reach a deal because the current deal we've been hearing about is not a good deal at all.
But just minutes ago, he said, well, he's not happy with it, but that it's the start.
So this is...
Really not a good move by the President.
He's capitulating on letting them censor us.
Again, I still like the President, still think he's done a lot of great things, but his trajectory's going from dead on to a couple degrees off, more and more degrees off.
And over time, that means instead of going straight up, he'll turn and crater and crash.
And once you go too many degrees, you can't change that trajectory.
His approval rating's way up, but again, those are gamed approval ratings.
So as soon as he starts acting like he does what the media wants, they boost the approval rating and then later they take it away again.
So let's go and go to the president just minutes ago.
Here he is from the White House.
Sir, will you sign Congress's border deal?
I have to study it.
I'm not happy about it.
It's not doing the trick.
But I'm adding things to it.
And when you add whatever I have to add, it's all going to happen when we're going to build a beautiful, big, strong wall that's not going to let criminals and traffickers and drug dealers and drugs into our country.
It's very simple.
It's very simple.
We're building a wall.
And now I'm saying we're finishing a wall.
We just started a big, big section on the Rio Grande.
You probably saw it.
Some of you were there when they started.
You went there, you didn't believe it.
You went there, you see trucks all over the place.
You said, hey, he's not kidding.
I don't kid.
I never kid about construction.
I love construction.
And I know how to do it for the right price.
And we're getting a beautiful looking structure that's also less expensive to build.
And works much better.
That's a good combination of events.
Folks, you get what's happening at this point.
In fact, I happen to think that the wall... Trump is distracting us with the wall while they're going to let a bunch of DACA people be legalized, which will then just cause a bigger flood of illegals up here.
And the Democrats don't even want us to have any beds for criminals so they can be kept.
I mean, it's just total insane asylum lawlessness.
And Trump is buckling on the border issue.
And they'll boost his approval rating, which is totally fake.
His approval rating was already high with his core base and with others.
And super popular in Europe.
I mean, he's popular all over.
But he's going to live and die by those stupid polls that are as fake as a $3 bill.
Speaking of fake as a $3 bill, here is Peto O'Rourke.
The walls do not make us safer.
We know that walls do not save lives.
Walls end lives.
We stand for America and we stand against walls.
Immigrants commit crimes, including violent crimes, at a lower rate than do Americans who were born in this country.
El Paso has been the safest city in the United States of America, not in spite of the fact that we're a city of immigrants, but because we are a city of immigrants.
I love how all these literal carpetbaggers running for office in Texas do not have Texas accents.
And he certainly doesn't have a El Paso accent.
Because the white folks down in El Paso, you know, speak kind of a little bit of a Spanish accent.
Again, he's a billionaire.
His father-in-law is worth $27 million.
He's just a total... I'm not saying it's bad to have money.
He's just... He has this fake thing.
They go to the same school.
It's like, you're supposed to talk like this.
It's really confident.
White people don't know what it's like to be poor.
He's got a Connecticut or New York accent.
He's trying to... This is how a Texan talks.
And I'm not against people from New York, but imagine if I went up to New York and I was like,
With my Texas accent going, I'm from New York City.
Yeah, how you doing there, partner?
Like a Pace Picante commercial or something.
It's fake.
I vote for somebody from New York City, they were down here in Texas for 20 years, owned a business, cared about the state, were pro-Second Amendment.
Hell, make the whole legislature Yankee.
Most of Texas won't act like it anymore down here.
But, I mean, that big old buck-toothed lion snake,
Makes me sick.
Here's Trump on the wall that he's giving us a little piece of so they can have DACA and sell us down the river.
Here it is.
It has nothing to do with anything other than safety for the Americans, safety for our people, safety for our country.
And a wall is a very good thing, not a bad thing.
It's a moral thing, to put it in the opposite terms.
And we have tremendous support.
We're building it right now.
We don't even say build the wall anymore.
We say finish the wall.
Because we've built a lot and we're renovating a tremendous amount of old stuff that was really in bad shape, but it had good structure.
So we're saying finish the wall.
No walls are very important.
If you don't have it, all of the technology, Laura, all of the drones that they have flying around so nicely up in the air, they don't mean a thing.
Okay, so let's go ahead now and go to Trump's really truthful statement here.
That the so-called fact-checkers, Schnoeps and PolitiFact, they're the worst.
But you call yourself a fact-checker, sanctimonious, arrogant.
How about I call myself the High Priest of Truth?
And I sit up here on my throne, and I tell you what's true or not.
Like, is that flag behind me red, white, and blue?
Well, let me ask a fact-checker.
No, you don't need the fact-checker.
You look at it for yourself.
You decide what's real news and what's fake news.
But, oh, CNN's the main fact-checker.
That's like saying, you know, a nymphomaniac prostitute is going to go out and eradicate prostitution for us.
I mean, it's upside-down world.
None of it's true.
And here is Trump on the so-called fact-checkers.
Here it is.
I paved the way for socialism.
Democrats are calling for massive tax hikes and the complete elimination of private health care.
Many of us have private health care.
That means you can stand on line for five days as you wait for a doctor that is not nearly as talented as your doctor.
You can keep your doctor.
Remember that?
28 times.
That didn't happen.
Turned out to be a lie.
Hey, where are the fact-checkers?
You know, some of the most dishonest people in media are the so-called fact-checkers.
You can keep your doctor.
28 times.
That didn't turn out to be what he said.
They're coming for your money, and they're coming for your freedom, and it'll never happen, and it won't even come close, folks.
And they're coming for unborn children and now-born children.
Now when we come back, we're gonna have Gavin McInnes and Ali Alexander who've teamed up and of course Gavin's still in the SPLC for their terrorizing him and demonizing him for his unpersoning, which is truly a Nazi tactic.
But first, oh, Mark Dice!
Mark Dice has got a really important point to make about the hatred of the frothing left.
That when we come back, and then Gavin McInnes and Ali Alexander will be right here with us in studio in the old ATX.
Please, share that link.
The censors hope you won't.
Hillary hopes you won't.
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If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late term abortion and all great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's the best seller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
Yeah, they're the highest rated.
I'm like, you're only 50% curcuminoid?
Well, yeah, they only put $5 product in the bottle, but that's still incredible, sir.
I'm like, uh, what's the highest you could do a month later?
Uh, 90, 95%.
No one's ever done that.
I said, how much does that cost per bottle?
It costs $10.
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor is 3 to 5%.
The top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're going to have 95% curcuminoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive?
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Mark Dice is in Fuego.
Then Gavin McGinnis and Ali Alexander in studio.
Stay with us.
February 12th, 2019.
A recent survey by the non-profit Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness found that 1 out of 5 or 20% of moronic millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred.
If you doubt the accuracy of this survey, I'll show you in a minute or so why it's probably true.
46% of those surveyed disagreed with the statement, America is the greatest country in the world.
The Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness founder, Nick Adams, said that he was totally unprepared for the epidemic of anti-Americanism the survey revealed.
I mean, what's next?
Are schools gonna suspend students for wearing shirts with the American flag on them?
Oh wait, what's this?
California students sent home for wearing U.S.
flags on Cinco de Mayo?
The students did the right thing and sued the school for violating their First Amendment rights, but the Ninth Circuit Court ruled in favor of the school.
Here's CNN celebrating the decision.
The school was within their right to ban the U.S.
flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.
A Mexican holiday, if you didn't know.
Here in America, so many people found it hard to believe that a school in America would ban students from wearing shirts with the American flag on them, that even Snopes did an article about it.
And they're like, is it true?
Yes, it's true.
Back in 2016, I interviewed a bunch of random people on the beach boardwalk in a college town here in San Diego, telling them that Congress was getting ready to issue a new American flag because so many people found it offensive just to see what they would have to say.
The old stars and stripes a little bit a little too offensive you think?
Yeah give it a good change just like other countries.
Okay so after maybe after the revolution a new American flag you think after the after the revolution?
Yeah we might have a better start.
I think that's good as far as the African American community.
I think that's right for us.
You think that's maybe a good idea?
I'm always excited for change.
I'm always excited for growth.
If it's something that everybody could agree on, then that'd be fantastic.
So you think it's about time for the new flag?
You're excited about it?
Um, yeah, I mean, the flag changed before, you know what I mean?
Like, there's been old flags and everything like that, so eventually, yeah, I think it would be a great idea for a change.
Excited about the new designs for the new flag?
Haven't seen them.
A lot of people are just saying that any new design would be better just because the stars and stripes still kind of just represent America's kind of racist foundation and past.
So I think it's time that they issue a new design for the flag.
Yeah, I think it should be the colors of the rainbow.
That's actually one of the designs is the rainbow.
Some sort of to just celebrate diversity.
Yeah, I agree.
As you can see, even two and a half years ago when this was recorded, many millennials were uncomfortable with the American flag and wanted a new one for the New World Order.
And this was before the social justice warrior madness caused by the liberal pathogen began to really boil over like it has in the last few years.
And today, we have CNN contributors like Angela Rye, who's literally paid by the network to spew her nonsense on air, who wants all American symbols just torn down.
To me, I don't care if it's a George Washington statue, or a Thomas Jefferson statue, or a Robert E. Lee statue, they all need to come down.
There's a way that we can recognize and appreciate- Yeah, Angela, you've got a problem here.
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not- You're not an American, and you need to get out of our country.
Santa Barbara Community College recently banned the Pledge of Allegiance from being given at their meetings after the president of the board of trustees said that he didn't like its history and symbolism and especially the phrase one nation under God.
So this patriotic woman decided to show up at the meeting with her own flag and give the Pledge of Allegiance anyway and just listen to them trying to shout her down.
I would ask anyone who would like to stand with me.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Nothing triggers them more than saying America's coming back.
It's literally an anti-American cult.
Oh, being a patriot's ridiculous now, huh?
At this rate, it won't be long now until the Democrat nominee for 2020 adopts no border, no wall, no USA at all as their campaign slogan.
No border, no wall, no USA at all!
Make no mistake about it, today's Democrat Party and the liberal media are literally trying to overthrow our republic.
And if they succeed, they're not just going to replace the American flag, they're going to replace the American way of life.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
It's Gavin McGinnis and Ali Alexander in studio with us, and they've got exclusive video.
They're about to premiere the next segment of their shooing the SPLC, what Gavin's done being in Mobile, Alabama.
We've got so much to cover today.
Alex is Andrea Cortez's insane green deal, then saying she didn't do it.
Trump down in Texas, Beto O'Rourke saying walls shouldn't exist anywhere with a big wall, big fence behind him, protecting him with police.
We've got
Apple now telling news apps what articles they're allowed to have or they'll remove their app.
I mean, we have gone into insane overdrive.
Ali, it's good to meet you in person.
Of course, people can go to AmericanPriority.com.
You've been a consultant for Republican campaigns for 11 plus years at the national level, but now you're going public in the last year or so.
Cutting a large swath around you, and certainly waking folks up, so thanks for being here.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Well, tell us what's coming up in the next hour with you boys.
We are suing the SPLC.
We are sick of these tyrants taking over American discourse and deciding who can say what.
I want to be one of the first on the front lines to say, this is a line in the sand, we're done with you.
And then I want a lot more people coming and fighting these bastards.
That's the same hat that LBJ wore, isn't it?
It sure is.
It's literally the same one.
That's why it's so old.
My grandfather wore that exact hat.
It's what's called a Stetson Roadster?
Open road or something?
It goes great with a white suit.
My dad had that after his dad died and then it got lost.
He got so upset because it had like motor oil burned holes in the top and he'd worn it for 30 years.
That's a good hat.
It's the best.
It's one of the things I love about Texas.
It's got such a rich, strong history.
Can I try it on?
I love it.
Little lady, I'm going to need to take you over to the hotel room and have a little discussion with you about America.
You can trust me.
Sorry, I'm being bad.
Go ahead.
Put me in cowboy hats.
It has an effect.
It's too much history.
Although, I'm noticing all these pedo, bedo stickers everywhere.
It's like people leaving their Christmas lights up.
You lost!
It's over!
What else is going on?
That's what my life is dedicated to now.
So, you know, we've got to get rid of kind of these never-Trumpers, this conservative ink, and we've got to teach them how to win, as the president said when he was running in 2016.
You know what we have to do?
We have to protect the left from themselves.
You know the way feminists will get in bed with Shariaists, like Linda Sarsour, and you go, ladies, ladies, Sharia, you're a second-class citizen.
Get away from that.
That's bad for you.
And they're like, what's up?
They cut your genitals off.
Throw you off buildings!
I like Linda Sarsour!
I want Sharia at the Women's March!
And the same with the lefties, I go, totalitarianism, tyranny, fascism, I'm gonna do fine!
I got monkey power!
You're gonna be the- By the way, we've got all these new Muslim members of Congress, literally tweeting out, Jews have hooked noses and blow up Israel, and then the SPLC doesn't say a damn thing about them!
Not a damn thing.
We're learning that the DNC's been in bed with Antifa.
We've always had Keith Ellison talking about Antifa.
All these terrorist groups, both domestic and jihadist.
And we go, guys, guys, our version of society, which is a traditional constitutional free speech, First Amendment, Second Amendment, is best for everyone, including you dummies who keep jeopardizing your own safety.
By the way, I always ask this question when we come back with this video and ask you both.
I asked you like two years ago, what's peak leftist insanity?
There doesn't seem to be a peak.
I thought when that NASCAR guy lost his sponsor because his dad said the N-word in the 80s, I thought, now we're done.
Then we see the Catholic schoolboys and we go, okay, that's the craziest it's going to get.
And it just keeps going and going and going.
Yeah, we're going to kill babies after they're born, I won't apologize!
A day after they're born!
We keep them comfortable.
Yeah, yeah, thanks.
Thanks for keeping me comfortable.
Howard McGinnis, Alexander in studio, I'm Alex Jones, spread the live links, override the censors.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got to tell you, Gavin, I'm very proud of you suing the SPLC.
Win, lose, or draw.
You're going to draw attention to the fact that they're a money laundering operation, a criminal group.
I'm going to get to that in the next hour.
I'm going to reveal some stuff that nobody else, other than their organization, knows here.
But DefendGavin.com is for your defense.
They've deplatformed you where you can't even exist, where you can't live.
They're trying to do it to me.
We have a lot of tricks up our sleeves, but I'll give the enemy the report.
They have exhausted a lot of those, so we just lean on the audience who are awesome at infowarestore.com to spread the word word-of-mouth.
And of course you've also got Ali here with you with culture.com.
That's c-u-l-t-t-t-u-r-e.
Three cheese.
Honest to God, you know, there was a two-week window where you could get inactive counts during 2008 or 2009, so I'd already been on the platform in June 2007.
No, I didn't.
We're good to go.
Middle management person decided to kick me off the platform and, you know, they're playing these PSYOP games, you know, Turn All-E against Jack, Huffington Post, ADL, et cetera, et cetera, you know.
So it's interesting.
Did that guy get kicked off for saying that?
No, his is still up.
His is still up.
Oh, and I love how they... I'm not going to get into that.
We'll get into it next hour.
There's so much to cover.
Oh, yeah.
This video, exclusive here, Gab McGinnis takes on the Southern Poverty Law Center in their own backyard.
And you can narrate if you want.
Here it is.
I'm here joined with Gavin McGinnis, who today... Gavin told me he was going to come down with the white suit, and I did not believe him.
...in Alabama.
We'll be available for questions.
But what's really important for us in this case against the SPLC is that Gavin not shut up.
Gavin is a satirist, he's a political commentator, and the SPLC has put him on a hate list to terrorize his family, and then to chill the speech of Americans like us.
So we want Gavin to tell you what he thinks is going on, and then we'll be available for a Q&A, and we want people to support his lawsuit at DefendGavin.com.
Gavin McGinnis.
I've never been here before.
That's it.
I've never seen the SPLC's headquarters.
But it looks like Darth Vader's son's apartment.
It looks like an evil empire.
So yeah, I think the SPLC started out with noble intentions.
We all want bigotry and hatred to be monitored, to be stemmed.
Sounds good to me.
I'm in.
And then what I presume happened is the checks started pouring in and they went, wow, this type A thing is profitable.
I think Morris Dees said originally, let's just cap it at 50 million.
And then it went to 100 million.
And now I believe it's at 430 million.
And that doesn't include the money in the Cayman Islands, which is probably comparable.
So we've got hundreds and hundreds of millions into fighting hate.
Now, when that is your business plan, you need to expand the net of hatred.
It can't just be the KKK.
It has to be homophobia, it has to be Islamophobia, transphobia, it has to be Christian conservatives.
I don't know why it doesn't include jihadists.
For some reason, extremist Islam gets a pass.
But outside of that, if we really hone in on Christian conservatives, we could probably expand this hate map.
I kind of like the white boys' map.
It's a fountain.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, that's what it is.
And you look at their hate map on their site, and there seems to be more hate groups than there are post offices.
They're everywhere!
And it depicts this picture of America, which is basically
The worst of the 1930s coast-to-coast.
They cast this wide net of everyone's a Nazi, and they start destroying lives.
You know, I love the boss hog outfit.
I kind of missed shot.
Thank you very much.
I'm a Canadian, and I was in Alabama, and people go, why are you dressed like a Texan?
I thought, it's the South!
And they go, no, no, no.
In Alabama, we'd wear, like, Under Armour camo.
You look like you're from Dallas.
And I went, damn it.
I should have an ATV and a camo.
Well, that's in modern times.
What you're wearing from the 50s, 60s, I mean back to the 30s, that's an Alabama outfit.
Oh good, so I did nail it.
Nice, nice.
Yeah, I love the South.
If it wasn't an oven for seven months a year, I would move here in a heart boot.
Well, Austin isn't as bad, but Houston is an oven.
Houston's got humidity.
90% humidity.
You'll be totally clean, take a shower, try to take your wife out or girlfriend out to dinner, and it's 9 at night, man.
You open the front door, you're just... It's unbelievable.
You know, one thing I wanted to say about that quick speech is, did you ever hear this Bill Hicks bit where he says, I don't know if you ever watched CNN for 24 hours, but you just hear, War, Famine, Disease, Death!
War, Famine, Disease, Death!
And then you walk outside and the birds are chirping, and everyone's saying, morning neighbor!
It's an alternate reality.
Yeah, and it's the same with the SPLC.
Oh, hate's on the rise!
Anti-Semitism on the rise!
Hate crimes are on the rise!
And then you walk out and there's some old black guy talking to an old white lady going, hi there, Sandra, how's, now what's going on with your mother?
Oh, she's still not well.
And you realize, wait a, the SPLC's lying about this country.
And they say, oh, there's more racist, white-powered terrorism than there is jihadists.
And you go, let me just sit in an armchair and think about the past year.
And the statistics are 99% of it's Islamic terror.
Yeah, like what, with Dylann Roof?
That mentally ill kid?
That was an example of rampant white nationalism?
I don't know.
And then, did you know that McVeigh lived at the Elohim City compound that came out in federal documents, run by the Southern Property Law Center?
They were leading the white supremacist group, but what U.S.
intelligence, when it's a breakaway criminal group, will do?
Because they will use an outside government, British or German usually.
So they had different foreign intelligence agencies.
This all came out in federal court.
I've had the lawyers on, the families, all of it.
It even came out in local newspapers.
So they were winding up white supremacists to carry out an attack, and they thought they were going to do a sting.
And then McVeigh didn't want to go ahead with the sting.
It even came out in federal court.
So the Southern Poverty Law Center, one reason they want me off the air is I expose the fact the Southern Poverty Law Center was heavily involved.
In the whole operation of Oklahoma City.
You know what it is?
It's sort of like leaving a bunch of Lamborghinis in Harlem, with the keys in them, and then you catch all these thieves and you go, there's a huge car thief problem, and we caught them all!
It's entrapment.
No, you created the problem.
This happened in Canada with the Heritage Front.
They said, we're gonna make an area where we can draw in all the Nazi skinheads.
And they'd have conventions, and newsletters, and they ended up creating Nazi skinheads.
Where there were none!
Oh, oh!
Some of my films, police state films, I show like London Guardian, even AP back then when Tell the Truth.
And it was like 94% of German hate crimes committed by German secret police posing as Nazis to get funding.
And then I start questioning other things like, oh no, don't question other events.
We don't know what's real, we don't know what isn't because of this history.
Well, this is their entire system, right?
The SPLC has its tentacles inside of Silicon Valley, inside of academia, inside of government.
They've launched this new program called Change the Terms in which they say, we'll handle your research, we'll tell you who the bigots are, you just go ban them and kick them off the internet.
And that's why Gavin's suit is so important.
You know, when his team called me and said, Ali, you know, we need somebody
We're good to go.
Well, there was none.
I mean, the Steve Scalise shooting was inspired by the SPLC.
Family Research Council getting shot at, thanks to the SPLC.
You've got Charles Murray getting attacked, professor hospitalized, thanks to the SPLC.
They're a hate group!
They're generating hate!
They're generating death!
They're generating... Well, if you read the WikiLeaks, it says we're losing... we need to create culture war.
And so that's what Hillary's talking about with professors is divide everybody because that's the only hope this ruling corrupt class has.
All these big Silicon Valley heads pay almost no taxes, they pay no local taxes, they screw their employees over like Snap Kitchen just takes their tips, pays them nothing basically.
And it's exactly this leftism, it's camouflage for serious 2.0 robber baron insanity.
Look, this country was built on free speech.
This country was built on liberty.
And they are taking that away.
And they're turning it into worse than a totalitarianism state.
Because with totalitarianism, you get punished, you get sent away, then you come back and your record's clean.
Here, when you get this scarlet letter... Alex Jones banned for life on Twitter.
It's banned for life!
No redemption.
No redemption at all.
You can't redeem yourself.
You can't negotiate with him?
You can apologize, you can go on an apology tour in the country.
No, you're that evil, not him.
Only if you're the Democrat governor.
He's going to be our moral compass now.
Yeah, yeah, Robert Byrd, he can be in the Klan.
Hillary's kissing him on the lips, that's fine.
She's at his funeral crying.
He was a good grand dragon.
Or was it wizard?
Harry Potter wizard.
Linda Starr Seward can say that Israel shouldn't exist.
Ilhan Omar can talk about
How Israel should be abolished.
But if anyone knew a Nazi, or liked the same sandwich David Duke does, you're dead if you're on the right.
When we come back, I want to get into their next plan for the total takeover.
What this censorship war is about.
But most importantly, why isn't Trump doing anything?
Because here's the deal.
I'm getting ready to take the gloves off on Trump.
And it's not because they're attacking the Advan, I mean the Curry Fairway on the left.
No, no, no, no, no.
This will piss Silicon Valley off.
But I'm getting ready to take the gloves off with DJT.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Passion lady!
Give up your vows!
Save our city!
Gavin McGinnis for SennGavin.com Allie Alexander.
Twitter at Allie.
Good time!
Real good, Tom.
Alright, let's repeat in that two minute break all the cool stuff you were just saying.
That was pretty, pretty powerful.
There's a lot of anti-wall propaganda going around.
And the big one is walls don't work.
I've been to Israel, I did a tour with the guy who helped build the wall down there, and it is a work of art.
Can we pull up the Israeli wall, please?
5% of it is about 9 meters tall, it's like Mordor, is what you're saying.
The rest is just a smart fence where no ICE officer, their equivalent of an ICE officer, is more than a minute away from getting over there.
And they used to have a real, obviously a serious terrorism problem with people that would sneak over.
And that wall has brought their terrorism attacks down to zero.
There have been zero attacks since that wall.
And you have all these liberals, even liberal Jews, saying, oh no, the wall's a stupid idea.
Would you rather live in Tel Aviv pre-wall or post-wall?
And another lie that they say, look at that work of art, another lie they say about the wall is, it's so stupid to build a wall.
All of your illegals in America, they come from planes.
That's, it's people skipping out on their visas.
And I just, I want to write this in the clouds over the entire country.
Those are the documented illegals.
Those are the cases we know of.
And that number doesn't hold a candle to the illegals that are running over the border.
The reason we don't have that number is because they're illegals doing it illegally.
You said guess how many there are in the country and they said... Yeah, my new trick with leftists is because they haven't done their homework and I hate that because it shows they don't genuinely care about what they're talking about.
So you give them a few basic quiz questions.
It's all a virtue signal.
And one I like is, how many illegals do you think are in the country now?
The left's number is 13, 14 million.
30, 40.
And Coulter is upwards of 30, 40.
The smart people go 30, 40.
But I'm happy to argue with anyone who says between 13 and 30.
There's probably 40 million in Texas or something.
And I said, give me a number.
And she goes, look, I'm not a numbers person.
Which, the whole subject of immigration is based solely on numbers.
If there's 10,000 illegals, I would never mention 80 million.
And you said she said 80 billion.
She said 80 billion.
Hey, sweetheart, there's 7.5 billion people on the planet.
My dad's a mathematician and I said, Dad, if we froze all the lakes,
And we were sitting like chest to back, how many could we fit in the country?
He worked on it for days.
And he's like, I've done some research and we have to freeze the lakes obviously, but I think it could be 80 million.
But you couldn't turn.
You'd have to be like, and then he started going, wait a minute, what about a high rise like Tokyo?
And then he's like, wait, there's too many buildings, you'd have to worry about sewage!
And we need farmland, but maybe we could import that!
He was working on it for about a week.
Space elevators!
The truth is, 80 billion ain't fitting.
Captain, I don't know if we got the power!
That's my dad.
He's Scotty.
Isn't this supposed to be the party that... Will you get your dad on the show?
Sorry, go ahead.
Isn't this the party that worships science and math, though?
You know, shouldn't they care about... They don't worship math... Oh, they have signs all over Austin that say, Science Matters.
They want to get women into STEM.
They want to get women into math so we can continue to worry about this 80 billion number in America.
It's ridiculous and it's a serious problem.
I think that one of the reasons the left attacked math is so they can say platitudes like, we're a nation of immigrants, and we can't come back with questions like, okay, I agree with you.
To what number?
Ask them, how much per student should we pay on education?
No numbers to them.
Let me answer that question.
Like Cortez says, oh don't worry about budgets.
Just free healthcare is the entire budget.
And free education.
And of course once you make it free it balloons the price.
Of course.
They can't give you numbers.
How much should we pay per student?
50 grand?
100 grand?
Let's literally take it away from them.
Where's this money coming from?
The IRS is taking old people's houses.
And they think that they can ignore numbers, and numbers like gender are fluid.
And you can just go with whatever number you feel like.
That's right.
Randy Rhodes is checking us out, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
Gavin McGinnis, Ali Alexander, and more, 60 Seconds Away.
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Okay, if you're a radio listener, you're tuning in to Alex Jones Show.
Third hour, Paul Watson's coming up fourth hour.
The War Room, Owen Schroyer and others, three o'clock central.
Gavin McGinnis is in studio with us.
One of the latest people to be completely deplatformed out there.
He's suing the SPLC over their incredible demonization, calling him a Nazi, white supremacist, all this made-up crap.
And then, of course, when they're heavily funded by George Soros, the literal Nazi collaborator, and Ali Alexander, political analyst, pundit, you name it, DefendGavin.com.
I've been persecuted for supporting Trump.
And so I have a dogged thing that I have where I'm very loyal.
Especially when I get persecuted, I get more loyal.
It's like a dog in a fight gets even meaner.
But at the same time, hey, it's great we beat Hillary.
But if Trump won't do something about the organized mass focus censorship and really racketeering against a whole class of people, Christians, conservatives, gun owners, veterans, free speech advocates, leftists that are anti-war, they're being censored.
If he won't do something about that and then he goes, well, I don't like this deal, but we'll probably go with it for a billion three and but we'll do all this DACA stuff.
He's going back on promises now.
He's way beyond compromising when he has the power to declare an emergency and build the whole wall in like a year with just a tiny bit of defense spending.
And his own advisors have told him that.
So I've reached the point here, gentlemen, of where
I'm not doing like Ann Coulter does, where it's every day a stunt attacking Trump just to get in the news and have the leftists pick her up and not shadow ban her.
I'm not against Ann Coulter.
She's coming on soon.
It's just that I've come more her way, or say Tucker Carlson's way, where I know the inside of baseball.
Does literally has some good ideas and you know has Miller and a few good people in there but by and large now Trump really thinks he won the election not the internet not the Patriots not the discontent and he's in la-la land when it comes to a lot of stuff and I'm getting ready
I'm not bragging or anything, but just like Joe Rogan, I think I'm diminished and then I unleash on Joe and the phone starts ringing.
But that's the power of the audience.
And so Trump, I don't take pleasure on swinging our political guns around on him, but at a certain point, I love what he's doing.
I hate when he gets attacked.
The enemy wants to bring him down because they know he's a nationalist and he's for real and his big crime is he's being the president and they don't like someone actually being the president.
The whole swamp likes to have big meetings and parlay it and sell the country off.
So I think he's a great man.
But if he won't protect us from savage censorship, if he won't protect us and do anything about it, if he won't do that, then I don't know what I'm supposed to do because he's his own worst enemy.
Alex, you're being a patriot.
You know, we live in a republic where we're supposed to be responsive to our public servants.
Donald Trump ran on a series of promises, and that's how he earned our support.
And so, and he said during the 2016 election, I'll never forget it, in North Carolina, he gave a beautiful speech after, you know, Kellyanne Conway got, you know, some of the collaborating on the writing.
And, you know, he talked about, you know, black Americans have been sold out by both parties.
I want y'all to hold me accountable.
Yada, yada, yada, yada.
So we ought to hold him accountable.
And I've been on White House working groups with executive orders drafted for the president on the Silicon Valley issue.
And the president's instincts are to act.
It's the corporatists inside of the Oval Office who have Oval Office access, who can walk in whenever they want, who have convinced him, let the free market work.
And I agree, and we've got to get really pissed and encamp around the White House to override those pieces of crap.
We are the market.
The people, the consumers, are a market force.
Our petitions, our voices, our protests, you know, gimmicks, stunts, whatever it takes.
We can't forget that the First Amendment was codified into law to protect a principle.
That we can exchange these ideas together to keep us civil, so we won't go into some warlord, factionist, you know, African country type of... And that's exactly where we're headed is tribalism.
Europe was under it for thousands of years.
Africa, until we got Christianity that unified us.
He keeps talking about social media and how it's unfair the way Christians and conservatives are being treated.
Okay, do something about it.
I'm not saying that I want the president to give my Twitter account back, but this giant... Yeah, do more than tweet.
And here's the deal.
Let's go after Trump, folks, in a loving way.
He's got to cover his flank.
I'm going to go over just the articles the last few weeks of Big Tech censorship and then them lying to Congress.
Roger Stone is charged to lying for Congress.
I looked at what he said.
He didn't do it.
These people are doing it butt naked.
It was a typo.
And we have much more serious things going on than this platitudes about how everyone's against me.
Enrico Tarrio is the chairman of the Proud Boys.
He was selling the shirt that says Roger Stone did nothing wrong.
He gets bombarded.
His bank, Chase, takes him off his personal account.
He's had it for 15 years.
Jennifer Morris, who runs the Ruth Institute, they decide that she's a homophobe because she prefers male-female adoption over gay adoption.
By the way, let's go further.
Let's go further.
They're constantly saying everyone's Nazis.
The first thing the Nazis wisely did in their evil brains was from 33 to about 37, take everybody's bank accounts and write to Commerce until they were all bankrupt for four or five years in ghettos.
Then he started picking them off one by one, taking their leaders away, so when they came for everybody, nobody would stand up.
That model is being played out again.
I guarantee you Jeffrey Sandusky has a bank account.
I guarantee you Jeffrey Dahmer maintained a bank account.
People being charged with capital murder get to keep their bank accounts!
That's fine!
But don't support Trump!
That's hate!
They encouraged the Parkland shooter to make sure that he voted in the midterms.
I mean, it is the criminal... Well, your dad's a lawyer.
What is this?
Well, my mom's a lawyer.
But expanding on this, isn't it racketeering?
Isn't it persecution of the class?
I mean, what do you call it when they're telling conservatives, this is a Chinese social score, we're going to take your bank accounts away, we're going to...
Because this is insane!
Yeah, I think that this is the invasion of privacy.
I think this is targeted harassment.
I also think that these Silicon Valley companies are committing antitrust behavior.
You know, we are competitors to some of these folks.
Well, it's cartels.
They're coordinating.
They are absolutely cartels.
I had the Daily Beast, Will Sommer, reach out to us today.
You know, I launched this new media property, Culture.com, to amplify people who have been no-platform, people like Milo, yourself, actually both of you guys.
And they're not going to ban me.
I'm Arab.
I'm black.
I've got a lot of establishment connections.
They're not going to ban me, but they're going to ban y'all.
So we launched CultureWithThreeTs.com, and then the Daily Beast reached out to me.
They're like, oh, we'd like a comment from you.
And I'm kind of like, you're a competitor.
I'm not going to give you a comment.
You don't get to police me anymore.
And you're not a journalist.
They're Antifa activists.
BuzzFeed on them are like God.
I mean, if they say, why is there fan pages of Alex Jones on Facebook and 22 pages get banned?
It's like, they are God.
It's like the SPLC.
They're like the Lord up here on this mountain.
The SPLC, as you know, trained BuzzFeed and others.
And so they're like the Supreme Court.
They just say, you don't exist, your bank account's gone.
And they're not thorough.
They have all this incredible power to de-platform you, to bankrupt you, to de-person you, to put your own life in danger, and they're so flippant about it.
They're just like, someone who I think is racist said something nice about him.
Well here's an example.
This is when it all started.
Remember when Obama first got in ten years ago, and they were prosecuting tens of thousands of 501c Christian churches, conservatives that weren't pro-abortion, and I'll never forget on MSNBC like eight years ago, Rachel Maddow goes,
Of course we're prosecuting Tea Parties and Christians.
You're a bunch of racists.
You deserve the IRS to come after you.
So they weren't denying that Nixon thought about using the IRS and got impeached, or had to leave before they fully impeached him.
And they're literally on TV, that's when it all started, having the IRS persecute gun groups, veterans groups, Christian groups.
I mean, how the hell did this happen?
And when the IRS got away with that, the dam broke.
I was a part of that, actually.
I have the National Bloggers Club.
We applied for our 501c3 designation, and then they postponed us for two years.
And then my lawyer reaches out, as the Tea Party scandals, you know, because I was a co-founder of the Tea Party movement, they reached out and they were like, were we caught up in this scandal?
And we got our designation that next week.
I mean, we got caught up in this bullshit, this bullshit crap, and Lois Lerner never had to pay a darn thing for it.
We're going to go to break, gentlemen.
And we come back.
I'm going to go through Omar, this Islamic member of Congress.
Is she getting her?
And I don't want her to have her bank account taken away.
But she's on TV interviews saying that, oh, it wasn't Islamic, the attacks on Kenyan shopping malls, and that she basically wants Sharia law.
So she's up there defending terror attacks.
She gets to keep her bank account, but we don't.
Because she's God.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Rallying patriots worldwide.
It's Gab McGinnis.
Ali Alexander.
In studio with Alex Jones.
Just like witches at Black Masses.
Alright, let's get serious.
Sorcerers of Death's Construction.
Damn, this is... I'll hear a little bit more.
Oh yeah.
You guys have the best music.
I've always liked guest hosting for that reason.
I thought you meant white people.
I was gonna say thank you man, thank you very much.
Thank you white people!
Alexander, let me ask you this question.
You've seen the big national polls.
Democrats now are 52 to 57, depending on the national poll.
They go, we just want war.
And they're like, and the pollsters are like, well, okay, we don't like Trump, we want war.
So now, don't let black people out of prison, who've been given unfair sentences three times the cocaine sentence of a white.
Thank you, Trump.
Yeah, just don't do that.
And they're like, that's not good.
And we love war.
And Bill Maher says, make the economy tank!
I want the economy to be doing badly!
So he looks bad.
So we go back to the original question, we'll get into this big news.
What, Ali, Gavin, what is the bottom here?
I mean, like, the governor's celebrating like they just won the Powerball?
We can kill babies after they're born!
And then a woman stabbed to death, the guy wants to kill the baby, and they go, well, it's not murder, because it's not a human.
It's really sickening.
What's amazing is, you know, when we were on David Knight's show, Gavin was observing that, you know, these people are becoming feral, they're kind of authoritarian.
But what's really interesting in this information age is, so the information is spreading faster, so ideas are more viral, which is actually leading to consensus, which is why progressives who are increasingly, you know,
They don't have an absolute, right?
So they're pushing their values, so everyone's running together, but they're not actually expanding their majority.
So they are going to cannibalize each other, but our response is the next question for this age is, what's the response from the right?
And the three of us are like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you better stop before, you know, the response looks something like, you know, Brazil or, or, or, you know, that's what they want.
Remember Thatcher?
I don't want all that, right?
We don't, we want peace!
On House Commons, whatever you call it, and they were complaining that the gap throughout Thatcher's regime between rich and poor was bigger than it was before her.
And she goes, yes, but the poor are doing better off.
And then she said, you would rather both people be doing worse off if the gap was smaller and the poor were doing worse than the poor doing better, but the gap being bigger.
And I honestly believe a lot of these leftists would rather we were in the Great Depression and we didn't have Trump and Hillary came back.
Well, Cortez said, if you can't work, or don't want to work.
And then she took it down and said she didn't do it, but it's on the archive.
They do this all the time now.
You know, they've always been revisionist.
But now they're doing it in real time, and then the media was echoing them.
So the media, two days ago, was saying, Mark Dyson, Jack Besopik spread this meme, and it's misinformation, when her own Newt Greene deal document
Said crazy stuff that she doesn't have to take credit for anymore.
I mean, we're living in the age of disinformation.
If I could ban the Yankees and the Astros and make every other team have to play with one hand tied behind their back, it's possible that the Mets would win the World Series.
Well, by the way, people ask why I was banned everywhere.
We happened to launch an app in July, early July, and I was banned on August 7th.
And it was already like the number 10 app in news.
And then they banned me and went to number one, so they just removed it where you couldn't see it.
I remember that, yeah.
But people could still find it, so they just removed it total.
And he's like, well, we're curating.
Okay, your users say something's number one against eight-year-old apps.
I mean, we had three million downloads.
And we looked at it with our statisticians.
We got one here.
And Rob Dues, brother, is a multi-degree statistician.
We looked at it.
We're like, my God, within six months, we'll be the number one app on Apple.
They're not going to allow that to be number one.
So it's like you're a race car driver that keeps winning all the races.
They go, dude, you're not getting in the car.
And we're going to take your sponsors and just go away.
Let's get blacks out of the NBA.
I want my team to win.
I'm going to rig it.
Truth is not on their side.
Well, exactly.
Infowars, I'm not bragging, and just like you were number one on CRTV, which made people mad as they removed you, being number one without the big establishment people knighting you, because they are like slave owners, to use the NFL analogy, they're literally sitting there saying, OK, Alex Jones is LeBron James of the internet.
He's number one everywhere, even with the suppression.
Just take him out of the game.
Get him out of there.
Now I can win.
Now I've got... Well, same thing happened to you.
You were a MVP, you know, NFL Super Team guy.
What do they call that where it's the big, you know, Pro Bowl where all the top guys have the big game.
I don't follow football anymore, but... What's the Super Bowl?
No, not the Super Bowl.
They have the Pro Bowl.
Oh, yeah.
So they took you because you were number one on CRTV.
So that's like, you're off the air.
You can have a Sharia app, you can't have the InfoWars app.
I want all the apps, like Mal said.
Let a thousand flowers bloom.
But they just want their particular flower.
I'm not bragging about that.
It's like, you're number one, and then they take you off.
It's a metric of public support.
That's what it is.
And they want to manipulate the public.
They don't hate Alex Jones.
They hate that the public supports Alex Jones.
And they hate the public realizing that they've got people that agree with them.
They don't want a sense of community.
In fact, they say that in the WikiLeaks.
We can't let nationalists and capitalists and independent free marketers have a sense of community.
Which is the whole basis of this country, by the way.
It predates this country, right?
The pilgrims came here to get a sense of community.
The Puritans did it.
The founders, you know, their parents did it.
I mean, literally, the whole basis of this land mass is that people... So, Ali, where does it end, Gavin?
I mean, you keep saying it.
Where does it go?
Is it civil war?
Is it a Ferguson riot from coast to coast?
Is it murder?
Is it assassination?
Is it burning people's houses?
No, they're going to say you're calling for that.
No, no, you're saying we're in.
No, I don't want that!
We've already seen this in California.
The racial tension is so bad that you have Mexican gangs, MS-13, throwing Molotov cocktails into black people's homes.
We already have a brown and black race war.
That's so astute because all the numbers, state and federal, show the real wars between Hispanics and blacks.
Why is that?
It's economics!
It's economics!
And notice it doesn't get reported on, though.
If you shove everyone in a ghetto, you know, some people want to be king of the ghetto, like Ben Shapiro.
You know, he wants his write-ups at the New York Times, etc., etc.
And then there's other people who are like, okay, well, I need to compete for landmass in the ghetto.
And so that's what happens is you have all these rich people.
I think this is actually the plan for California.
The plan in California is to make elites and slaves and then carve out the middle class, shove them into Montana,
Nevada, Arizona, making them blue states, and then they've taken over the nation by building, you know, District 1.
Moving it from DC to California.
I think that's what's happening.
You're right.
They're moving it to District 1.
And then they see Texas as their other command base.
If they take Texas or Florida off the map, they've won.
Oh yeah.
I can't tell you how many conservatives I talk to who say, I'm sick of being around these people.
It's just not fun.
My kids aren't getting educated.
I want to move to Montana.
Everyone I know.
We're going to come back, I'll talk about this, but I want to get into the censorship.
I know a lot of wealthy people, hard workers that employ a lot of people.
And they're all moving to Montana.
They're trying to get me to move to Montana.
They're like, the private jet is waiting for you.
We want you to move with us.
And it's like the evacuation has already begun.
They call it white flight, but it's really Christian conservative flight.
Literally, like, we got a private jet ready to pick you up, and I'm just like, hmm.
It's just, it's kind of hard, though.
It's kind of like Saigon and the helicopter's kids, you know?
It's like, I don't want to give up!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
You get sensitive about the fact that people say, you'll never take a serious controversy.
Well, I have an answer to that.
I said, now, tell me the last time that Jack Benny, Red Skelton, uh, Benny, comedian, used his show to do serious issues.
That's not what I'm there for.
Can't they see that?
But you and I, do they think that just because you have a Tonight Show that you must deal in serious issues?
That's a danger.
It's a real danger.
Once you start that,
You start to get that self-important feeling that what you say has great import.
And you know, strangely enough, you could use that show as a forum.
You could sway people.
And I don't think you should as an entertainer.
The walls do not make us safer.
We know that walls do not save lives.
Walls end lives.
We stand for America, and we stand against walls.
Immigrants commit crimes, including violent crimes, at a lower rate than do Americans who were born in this country.
El Paso has been the safest city in the United States of America, not in spite of the fact that we're a city of immigrants, but because we are a city of immigrants.
The globalists want to sabotage this country.
There's photos of Beto behind a 20 plus foot fence being guarded by a wall saying walls shouldn't exist.
Gavin McGinnis just sued the SPLC.
Ali Alexander here working with him.
Great journalist and patriot.
I got a lot of angles I want to cover.
Paul Watson's coming up next hour.
I'm going to host a little bit with him, but we'll see.
But the time we had together with you guys.
Other issues, other points you want to get into, because I've kind of been guiding the discussion here, but I think what's coming out as a consensus is the left isn't even liberal anymore.
They're just insane, pro-war, crazy people funded by big corporations and multinationals that want control of this country, and they're really just a bunch of followers.
Well, the problem with all this censorship is, we go off on a tangent, and I don't think the country's ever been more divided.
Maybe during Vietnam, we were this divided.
But they come up with, say, that stupid myth about how all of our illegals come from planes.
No, those are the only ones we have on file.
Much more illegals come over the border, we just don't have them on file.
Ten times the number.
When that rumor propagates on social media, we used to be able to go in there and go, that's a common misconception and sort of correct the ship.
Now the ship has cut us off and they're just going off.
And the next thing you know, we are these horrible Nazis that don't know the whole thing about planes.
Statue of Liberty.
They used to hold you three to six months in quarantine to make sure you didn't have a disease or treat you.
They're not even, the Democrats wanted to have no beds and check no one.
Oh, the plague's coming back.
You know, we have our own people in San Francisco and Los Angeles with the fecal matter, the hair and needles, all that stuff.
And then we have, you know, people overstaying their visas on planes.
And then you have the southern border.
I mean, something bad's coming.
And if you read the fine print, smallpox and measles and all this stuff, they go, look, no, we thought we're gone.
It's illegal aliens.
And I'm not against the illegal aliens!
We should have given them treatment!
Well, we're not against them as human beings, right?
We want to make Mexico great again.
We want to make Guatemala great again.
We want to keep them over there.
But you just can't let them in and that's mean to them to not test them.
Open borders only hurts the brown people in both countries.
It only makes rich white Mexicans richer and rich white Americans richer.
And that's the global, the elitist attitude, whether it's a rich Mexican or a rich German or a rich Chinese is, we live in the elite area, screw them, exploit them.
Well, they, you know, you live in these rich neighborhoods and they have their hate-has-no-home-here attitude and you realize the only visible minorities you see are your servants, is your maid.
Oh, Paul shows the numbers in England.
He looked at J.K.
Rowling and all them saying, how's these people, you know, in Germany, where they're throwing old Germans out of their house and putting 20, you know, Muslim men in it.
And literally, it's 99.9% white.
Yeah, the whiter you are, the more you cherish your precious little race.
And it's so insincere.
They don't really like black culture or brown.
They like the restaurants.
I like when they come up to me with a tray.
That's all it is.
I like to buy chicken, and I like to sag, and I like, you know, this and that.
I like them serving me things, and I'm not speaking me, I'm saying the rich liberal elites.
I like them serving me things, and I like when they dust my house.
But they don't, you know, play soccer with Dominicans.
They don't roll dice with blacks.
They don't hang out at the Apollo Theater.
They're not into the culture, they're into them being served.
They're like aristocrats.
And that pipeline in Britain, it's not American.
What do you make of this spectacle of the governor of Virginia announcing he's a moral compass, he's going to teach us?
It's amazing.
You know, I didn't want that guy to be pilloried when I first heard the story.
And then I remembered, wait a minute, this is the guy who ran on a lie that Trump supporters are driving through Virginia with Dixie flags on their trucks.
Trying to run over Mexican children.
Just trying to kill them all.
He's the guy that got elected on that.
There was an ad, you know, to the viewers, there was an ad.
Yeah, yeah.
Pulled the Virginia ad where a white guy in a truck runs over Mexican kids.
They were scaling a fence.
Like white guys in brush were going, let me find some Mexican kids to run them over.
I'm going to find me a Mexican, oh and a Muslim too.
I know it's the Muslims running folks over with cars.
This is crazy.
Why don't you just show footage of the West Side Highway instead of me?
The Republican nominee was Ed Gillespie, who is a moderate Republican, not a Trumpist, you know?
So they just weren't going to paint all white people, all Christians, all Republicans, anyone who's not agreeing with the orthodoxy.
Let's be clear, Gillespie's a neocon and he wasn't good enough.
So, you know, you're racist.
We're all racist.
Meanwhile, is this an ISIS recruiting video?
Run, run!
Come on, run!
ISIS, run children over.
He's coming to kill us!
No, no.
That's a slow truck, by the way.
I would have killed those kids a hundred times over by now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, I brought this paddle.
Can we get the camera?
Oh, he's got a don't tread on me thing.
Look at that.
But what about the, who's the other guy?
It's crazy.
It's all three of the leaders in order and trouble.
Well, there's the other guy who admitted that he was doing blackface.
He's like the attorney general or something.
And then they got the rapist.
Fire him!
He's in blackface.
Turns out he's in blackface.
So the Attorney General, Mark Herring, was also in blackface, at least.
Yeah, yeah.
Who knows?
They might also be in the KKK.
You don't know with these Southern Democrats.
And then the Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax, you know, apparently is going around grabbing, you know, women's tushies at the Democrat National Convention.
You know, very credible allegations.
But suddenly the Democrats are defending.
Right, right.
So they've got Me Too scandals, and blackface scandals, and KKK scandals, and you know what you notice, what I've noticed, I've had a 12 year career, but even in high school, the only people who are caught in blackface or KKK outfits or KKK titles, you know, well I've been a life of only been Democrats.
Well let me tell you, I've grown up in Texas by Christian conservative parents.
My mom was socially illiberal on a few things, but
We were like, ashamed that America ever did bad stuff.
But then I would suddenly get around Democrats, and I'm not from the North, but I'm sort of going North by the time I was in college, and I'd be at a bar with folks who were like, yeah, these GDs, such and such, and I'd be like, uh, uh, are you testing me?
I'm my own person like Martin Luther King.
I'm proud that I'm about what I stand for, not what color I am.
And I just learned, like, my God, it's these Democrat cities have been using racial management and cultural management, and now they're trying on a whole country, and it's not going to work.
It's going to blow up.
The North is much more racist than the South.
As an immigrant, I've noticed that.
The North hates them in practice, but likes them in theory.
And the South hates them in theory, but likes them in practice.
I talk about this all the time.
Look, where have we had race riots?
We've had them in L.A., Detroit, and in the fake South, Baltimore and Ferguson.
You don't have it in Atlanta, which is called the city too busy to care about race.
You don't have it in Dallas.
You don't have it in Jackson, Mississippi.
You don't have it in Alabama.
They've done that.
Well I'm not virtue signaling, but it was weird.
It's the truth!
It was weird when I was a kid at Thanksgiving or Christmas and I was at my grandma's house in East Texas that like a line of black people would bring all these incredible sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie and and hams and they were all crying giving my grandmother this food and it was because my grandfather was the county tax assessor and it didn't matter if you're poor black or poor white he'd come tell the rich neighbor we're gonna increase your taxes this widow's not gonna pay tax and and they did stand up against the KKK and
And my grandfather was the first Republican elected in that county, and they got threatened and stuff, and the black people literally worshipped my family.
All of a sudden, I'm here with the Southern Poverty Law Center saying I'm a Nazi.
I mean, it's just not reality.
Let's leave the left to their own devices.
No, but I used to literally, like, why are there... Another car pulls up with black people giving us pies?
I was like, well, just don't worry about it, they like us.
And it was because...
We stood up to the KKK.
You know how to coexist in the South.
Blacks and whites know how to coexist.
They don't in the North.
That's just the fact.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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At Infowars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
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Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Drudge retweeted Ali Alexander's powerful interview with David Knight this morning with Gavin McGinnis.
That's also up on Infowars.com.
So we're glad that that happened as well.
Absolutely, we need it because we're getting censored to hell.
We need a million bucks.
We're going to censor a little bit into the next hour.
We're going to get into the censorship right now, a little bit in the next hour, but yes, get into your Southern Poverty Law Center fight.
It's going to take years, and it's going to take a lot of money.
A whole lot of spending money!
You know, we met with the legal team.
We have two legal teams, one in New York and one in Alabama.
We're good to go.
I don't think a lot of people on the right realize how much of the new right's time is spent in court.
The amount of time James O'Keefe spends in court.
They target activists that are effective to weigh us down and bog us down.
So anybody that Soros is funding suits against, Infowars and others, need your support.
And again, I'm all about, you know, Rush Limbaugh does not have any other guest on, unless it's Dick Cheney or Charlton Huston, which is fine.
Because it's all about the Benjamins go to his network.
Here, I bring other people on to talk about what they're doing, but I want to explain something.
We're the mothership.
We're under massive attack.
So I tell listeners, please support your lawsuit.
The discovery, whether you win, lose, or draw, is going to be amazing.
It's just more heat we put on them, but support Infowarstore.com as well, because without your support, folks, we're going to be shut down within the next year.
And it just comes down to that.
We have great products you need.
Thank you all for your support.
Now, getting back to this, a document cam shot, please.
Let me just do that, please.
That'd be great.
Doc McCam, shot please.
I want to show TV viewers this.
Doc McCam is right here.
This is where it's always been, right here.
Hammer the living hell out of it.
So, reports.
Russian authorities make deal with Google.
Now this is AP just a few days ago, okay?
Now that's AP.
And then they could deal to remove thousands of websites.
I've got 50-something articles here that I went over this morning, and that I covered, and that I have, where Google's working with China, Russia, the EU, Saudi Arabia, every major group, to shut down whoever they want.
They then go before Congress, Gavin and Ali, Ali, I'm saying it wrong, Ali, Alexander, they go there and they say none of this is happening, that's lying to Congress.
It's really strange how we lost our freedom.
I don't know when this happened.
I think it's been an asymptote that's really ramped up in the past two to five years.
But we are happily censoring conservatives and Christians in our own country, and then making deals with these communists and saying, yeah, we're fine with that.
As long as we can have our app in your country, we'll follow all your tyrannical rules.
We're living in a la-la land.
You know, I was talking with Jesse, who runs a lot of the creative direction over at Culture.com with 3Ts, and, you know, I was like, you know, 10 years ago, I think things were crazy.
Okay, that was 2009.
What are we in now?
And he said, you know, this is sci-fi.
This is sci-fi.
We're told to go to war with Russia, even though we're arming Ukraine and Poland, and to ignore China.
You need to go to Irvine, California and see what the Chinese are actually doing to our country.
They are gutting the country.
I'm not supposed to talk about this, but, you know, go to cities like Irvine, California, go to parts of Oregon, go to parts of Washington State.
They're totally gutting our country.
They'll come and buy these houses in all cash.
They'll leave Louis Vuitton bags in their Ferraris and not care because it's all fake.
It's all fake.
And then we're told... They're using fiat currency.
They're government printing.
And then Trump isn't a fiat guy, but he gets we're in a fiat world.
So he says, give America fiat, and the Federal Reserve goes, no!
Yeah, I mean, a lot of people don't actually get this.
You're smart.
We are... Explain it!
So we're due for a...
We're due first.
I trade stocks.
I mean, that's how I sustain myself.
So we're not for fiat, but we're in a fiat war and Trump gets it.
So the higher the U.S.
dollar goes, the more we can pay down our debt.
And so Trump has engaged in this type of non-fiscal conservative policy in order to pump up the dollar.
But what people don't know, and the media won't tell you, and I hate this stuff, is the reason why Justin Trudeau had to make the new NAFTA deal is because their economy was down 32 percent when ours was up 32 percent.
That's a 64% spread.
So, a lot of us don't see that in our daily lives.
And just Trump getting a few things fixed, turning it around, but now they're taking power away from him with the Federal Reserve.
Explain that though.
I'm not for fiat.
I'm not for deficits.
But if the Chi-Coms and everybody else is in a race to the value, and they're giving themselves trillions of free money, give it to Americans, build factories, because at least we've got infrastructure and pride.
We're going to have a fricking bubble, baby!
Let's ride that sucker all the way to Mojave!
Yeah, you just actually described what's going on.
So Trump is engaging with the system that we have until it can get fixed later.
But, you know, China's economy is also down 30 percent.
And I like Peter Schiff, but he's like, oh, no, no, we don't get his like perfect Puritan deal.
The Chinese government has a 10% growth rate.
They put tens of trillions into their market.
They prop it all up.
We were put into a global market.
We're playing by these rules.
And then Trump goes, you know, I'm not going to just give, like Obama did for eight years, 0% interest to big mega banks, mainly in Europe and China.
We're going to actually make it for the people.
And then the establishment craps their britches and goes, oh my God, America may come back from the dead.
And just a slight, like they're smothering us with a pillow.
Trump halfway pulled it back.
Oh God, that air's good!
Pillow's right back on her face.
Yeah, so what they want to do is that they want to increase the... So Trump should just open up the floodgates.
I say give everybody a million bucks.
Frickin' Chi-Coms want a deal?
Well, a million bucks to everybody.
Let's break the commies back right now because they're already going to deflate it anyways.
Break them and then reform.
You know, bring them to the negotiating table.
And I think that that's what we three are about.
We're engaged in a cold civil war.
But we're being realist.
This is real.
Not all like, oh my god, we got a deficit and we're going to go bankrupt.
The bank's already moved to China.
They're screwing us.
Singapore, Beijing, those are the next capitals of the world.
Gavin, you're looking at me with that.
No, you guys are real smart about economics and stuff.
I thought Fiat was a car.
I'm getting about 15 to 20 percent of this.
He's got the cowboy hat between the two Texans.
I'm not kidding.
How much do you think Trump statistically was able to get done of what he wanted to get done?
I think like 20 percent.
And it literally was like bringing day back to night.
I mean, it was.
It's tough to say.
I would probably argue that it's more than that.
I don't agree with the Heritage Foundation that he got 100% of his agenda or 80% of his agenda.
That's horse crap.
I don't want to get into why they're doing that.
It's not putting Trump down.
Well, they want him to think everything's won.
No, it's not.
Right, right, right.
It's to defend Mitch McConnell and the Chamber of Commerce.
Let's not get into it.
Yeah, Mitch McConnell, more cheap labor.
Yeah, and so that Mitch... Wow, we need more cheap Mexicans for us to do it all!
He looks like a turtle.
You know, let's pull up Mitch McConnell.
He looks like a turtle, but his wife is the Department of Transportation Secretary.
And she's flying the bus for us.
So he wants to get an infrastructure bill through so that he can retire.
Who's going to manage that money, Alex?
That $2 trillion that goes through an infrastructure bill?
I try not to talk about it too much, because it will get you hurt, but there's an infrastructure bill that can pass both parties.
God, he does look like a Galapagos tortoise.
I want to preserve him.
I'm worried he's going to go extinct.
He's an endangered species.
And I think that when you see him with glasses, it's almost like there's been too much pollution in the ocean.
You know, 20% of our audience is TV.
We're mainly radio.
We're hundreds of affiliates.
People just don't get it.
Pull up Mitch McConnell next to a Galapagos story.
You'll be enlightened by it.
But Trump is under fire, which is why he needs us to remind him you're under fire.
Well, that was my next question.
I mean, let me just go over some of these headlines for you.
This is AP.
Russia authorities make deal with Google to censor thousands of websites, but they tell Congress we don't censor.
Russia makes deal with Google to delete links by banned websites.
Daily Caller.
Apple Google Swim for hosting app that allows men to track women in Saudi Arabia.
And it just goes on.
China, the slaughter box.
Google won't work with the US military, they'll work with the Chinese.
And then it just goes through them, working with all these countries to censor, and they're censoring us.
And I've got articles where the left brags, and now Apple's telling news sites that want to get approved to Apple app, you can't talk about globalism, the new world order, hate, any of this stuff.
That's all going on.
We've got somebody complained at Bloomingdale's that they were selling a fake news shirt.
So that's hurtful.
It doesn't say fake news, so that's banned.
You've got, now Google Engineer wants to ban Jordan Peterson.
Now we've got all of this insanity, and it just gets crazier and crazier.
I mean, how far does this go?
Because they keep telling Congress they're not doing it.
Meanwhile, in Congress, pressures tech companies to ban InfoWars.
So they're like having congressional hearings saying, ban me!
Then they sit there and go, we're not banning anybody.
You're right.
When does it end?
How can it possibly get more clown world?
I don't understand.
I don't understand why the left is so adverse to freedom and everyone having the right to say their say.
They were all raised on these weird-ass universities.
It's the Frankfurt School.
The Frankfurt School worked.
They said, what, was it back in the 50s?
If your opponents become too frustrating, just keep yelling racist and eventually that will distract from the conversation.
It's a cult magic, making words.
They're doing a really good job.
Yeah, Bloomingdale's, don't sell fake news.
We'll be back fourth hour with Paul Watson and these guys.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
All right, Ali.
Gavin just left the room.
Paul Watson's taken over.
You've sued the SPLC.
A lot of crazy stuff going on.
Gavin was supposed to be back now.
He's not here yet.
Bathroom break.
Bathroom break.
But go to DefendGavin.com.
We need your help fighting the SPLC.
Alex, you know, thanks for having us on.
You know, lending your resources.
You're under fire.
It's easy to just tuck in.
These are all lies!
These guys are lying!
They're full of BS!
You guys are sitting here being lied to!
You want to talk about Russia?
Who do you think got Trump elected?
You are blind to the facts of who you are because you're listening to this garbage.
That's a quote from Public Enemy.
This is Gavin's brother, Miles.
You're a joke.
We're security.
You know what I want?
You know what we need?
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
Get security.
I know he was going to meet you in Austin.
You guys were going to reconciliate.
But he brought you here?
Where is he?
I followed him here.
I'm going to undo all of his evilness.
Go to nohate.com and you should be ashamed of yourself.
You know what?
Oh, whoa!
I just slapped a Nazi and I'm going to slap a lot more Nazis because we are living in a police state.
Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.
Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.
This is a police state.
Why are you so anti-free speech?
What is your problem?
I'm not anti... I'm anti-speech if it's cool.
I'm anti-speech if it's open.
You're a bully!
I'm anti your speech!
Your speech is hate speech!
And you're a little bitch!
Hey, get security right now.
How the hell did you get in the building?
I snuck in through the back, and I'm going to snuck in through the back with you!
Why are you supporting Islam with this Islamic member of Congress?
Islam is a religion of peace!
Islam is a religion of peace!
Shut up!
Will you shut your mouth?
You're a joke!
And anyone could take you!
But you sit here, and you threaten other people!
You lot!
Okay, we gotta get security.
Let's cut to a video.
I'm not your friend!
That's it, man.
That son of a bitch is in trouble.
You know what?
You're a punk and an asshole.
You want to fight?
I'm calling the cops right now.
I'm calling the cops.
Isn't that the police state?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You said you're calling the cops?
Yeah, I'm calling the cops.
You just shoved me.
You could have hurt me.
You just slapped me three times.
Yeah, because you're a Nazi.
It's okay to punch police.
Yeah, I'm here with a Nazi.
You see, this is the illogic, ladies and gentlemen.
A Nazi just shoved me off my chair.
This is the illogic.
Of what we're dealing with.
He just physically attacked me.
I saw it.
If you saw it.
He told me his brother, he might be meeting him in town.
This is Austin.
This is a yuppie town.
This is a blue center in a red state for now.
I just can't believe he slapped me three times and I shoved him.
How do you restrain yourself?
And then he called the police.
Okay folks, he's off calling the police.
I'll probably be arrested.
That's crazy.
I'm sorry about that.
Don't kick us off.
Guys, I'm really sorry about that.
My brother has lost his mind.
He hit you.
I saw him doing that.
I couldn't believe you didn't... Where were you?
Crap out of him.
I went to the bathroom.
I come out and I hear security running in.
I see the staff going nuts.
Gavin's never gonna... What's wrong with your brother?
It's kind of hard to explain, but I think what happened was when we were younger, he started listening to these Marxist teachers, and we were on the same page.
We're fraternal twins.
We were on the same page for a long time.
And then it started in college.
We had a professor who was the head of the Canadian Communist Party, Marvin Glass, and he said, it's okay to abort a baby.
Up until a year and a half after the baby's born.
That's like Peter Singer.
They're now doing that in New York.
That's liberal.
And I said, you know what?
I'm done with this.
What a gift to women and children to kill born babies.
That's when he went his way and I went my way.
You told me you were going to reconcile with him today.
You were going to mean he lives in Austin.
He's married to the mayor.
He is.
He is.
And every time I try to talk to him, he does what he just did to you.
He slaps me.
And it's not a very painful slap, is it?
It's not like it rocks your world.
Well, one was a little good.
I was getting a little worried there.
What's his name?
He ran off.
The police are here.
He ran off screaming.
He won't get charged.
He has all these weird lawyers.
Well, it looks like a woman got arrested in England.
She misgendered a guy.
She was arrested.
Did that misgender him?
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, you'll probably go to jail because you made him uncomfortable.
Well, he called the cops after he attacked me.
He's at nohate.com now.
He's put up this site.
Don't visit infowars.com.
Don't visit defendgavin.com either.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's it.
I've never been here before.
I've never seen the SPLC's headquarters.
But it looks like Darth Vader's son's apartment, doesn't it?
So yeah, I think the SPLC started out with noble intentions.
And then what I presume happened is the checks started pouring in.
And they went, wow, this fighting hate thing is profitable.
And now I believe it's at $430 million.
And that doesn't include the money in the Cayman Islands, which is probably comparable.
Now, when that is your business plan, you need to expand the net of hatred.
It can't just be the KKK.
It has to be homophobia, it has to be Islamophobia, transphobia, and make it look like America is a racist hellhole, a dangerous place to be.
And you look at their hate map on their site, and there seems to be more hate groups than there are post offices.
They cast this wide net of everyone's a Nazi, and they start destroying lives.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Paul Joseph Watson from Her Britannic Majesties England is taking over here in about two minutes.
But I gotta tell you, Ali Alexander and of course the great Gavin McInnes are on fire today.
The news will say fake news earlier, that was shatire.
People keep saying, Alex Jones admitted years ago in a custody battle for his children that he was an entertainer.
No, my ex-wife was introducing video of me in lizard outfits, in Cobra Commander outfits, in white face as the Joker, you know, saying all these, I love the New World Order, I'm gonna kill your kids.
And my lawyer's like, when he's doing that, it's satire, he's an actor.
Oh my God!
He admits he's an actor!
No, I'm being myself right now, but earlier, with the satire piece, because let's just say there's a lot of viewers and listeners, they'll say that was real earlier.
Yeah, I don't, I don't want to ruin the bit, Alex.
I can't.
But it was a bit.
But it was real.
It was real.
Your brother just... My brother was just here.
But we have to do that, because the left does this.
They lie so much.
We're not even being sarcastic now.
Don't make me commit how many sins.
No, but, but... I do weird things with words.
It's Ollie.
It's Ollie.
Like, Ollie.
Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali.
I've known you for years and I keep calling you Alex.
Here's the thing, Alex.
Alex is one of our great reporters.
I don't know if I'm supposed to...
I don't know if I'm supposed to plug this or not, but when I got pre-footage of Mike Cernovich's hoax movie, and it had you in it, I have never seen anyone capture and explain what it is you do.
You are a newsman who engages in hyperbole and exaggeration to exaggerate true points!
True points!
And it's color!
It's color!
This is what I hate about the Warren Alex Jones Show!
You don't lie!
It's a war on color!
It's a war on color.
I like that.
That's clever.
So, people need to watch this.
InfoWars needs to put it on their site because when Alex Jones is describing, like, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do this, and he gets these millions of people to tune in to a very important issue, that is a great service in the information age.
You know, you should be praised for it.
And that's when I realized I was a normal GOP operative and someone said, would you ever go on InfoWars?
I was like, of course not.
And then eventually, you know, the hour is nigh.
All of us have to be networking.
We have to be alerting people.
You have to buy stuff at the InfoWarsStore.com.
You have to go to DefendGavin.com.
We've got to keep building up this army of InfoWarriors so that we can fight back against the system.
They are after all of us right now.
I totally agree.
Paul's missing in action.
I know he loves you guys.
He's got Gab McGinnis and Ollie Alexander little pin-ups.
Actually, I've been in his house.
No, seriously, above his bed.
Where's Paul Watson?
Calling Paul Watson!
Germany calling, Germany calling.
This war against you, this war on color is... I've talked to liberals and they say, well, Alex... Color commentary just means excited commentary.
Alex should have known, or I should have known, that that was going to get taken out of context.
You don't say things that can get taken out of context and used against you.
And I say, well then that's NPC land.
That's non-playable character land.
When we all sit here like these stoic robots and say things that couldn't possibly misconstrued, then you just have this, you know, that Chinese news station.
It just repeats the news with that CGI voice going, on Thursday there was a robbery at Detroit's Shop and Save.
Four people were injured in the process.
I don't want that America!
I want to be able to scream and yell and fight!
That news is subsidized.
Hey guys, you're going to be on the war room for the full transmission before you drive to Dallas, my hometown, a nice place.
You're going to go up there tonight, but you're going to be on the war room, 3 to 6 o'clock with Rob Dew.
Owen Schroer is on a week-long deserved vacation.
Let me just get serious here.
I'm glad you're donating to McGavin.
That's wonderful.
He's suing SPLC.
Please do it.
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They're awesome.
You know, I have a 4-stage Ion Filter.
The leading competitor is $600.
It's $200.
Yeah, yeah.
It was super, super cheap.
My mom says don't say cheap.
It's true.
No, no, no.
It doesn't have a metal frame.
It has a plastic frame.
But I know the units cost them like $85.
And so then they get like $50 and I get like $50.
When it's discounted, I get like $30.
They get $30.
That's our mindset.
It's a 4-stage Ion Filter.
Right, right.
Just five years ago, they were $1,000.
Yeah, I have 19 allergies, so I have to have these type of things.
Me too.
I've got them in every damn room.
Yeah, yeah.
Here we are.
I'm like a space alien now.
I can't leave the house because Austin is... Dallas is bad, but you know Austin and Knoxville, Tennessee, are the worst allergies in the country.
I didn't know that.
Oh my God.
I used to think people that had allergies were hypochondriacs.
Now I'm like, my God, I've learned to like get on my knees and pray it goes away.
So, mfullworkstore.com.
Hey, Paul Joseph Watson is taking over.
Paul, what do you think of these guys?
Allie Alexander here and Gavin McGinnis.
These are both thought criminals.
What do you think?
Well, they're both patriots and obviously they're both standing up to social media censorship, Alex.
In terms of now the media is again painting itself as the victim.
You've probably seen this MAGA hat attack on the media last night at the Trump rally.
They described it in two separate ways.
One, it was, quote, an incredibly violent attack.
And then in the same news article, they said that this guy shoved into them.
Now, of course, no one advocates violence against the media, but they're waiting, Alex, to seize on anything against the media.
Remember the shooting?
Against the Capital Gazette last year, which again was the result of a multi-year-long vendetta by the gunman against individuals at that newspaper for reports that he thought were inaccurate.
Immediately CNN blamed it on Trump's rhetoric.
Now we've got this incident and according to a Gateway Pundit article the tag was still on the MAGA hat.
So it looks like a provocateur operation.
Oh, I meant to mention that.
What about this big TV star guy?
The police have all the footage.
There's no evidence that he was ever attacked.
No guys in mega hats.
Justin Smollett.
No one says Jussie.
It's Jussie.
Jussie Mullet.
So he's saying, it looks like another one of these staged events.
He said that he was attacked in the middle of the night, 2am, in a gay and she-she neighborhood in Soho.
Not Soho, but in Chicago.
But it's like Chicago's version of Soho.
And these rednecks with mega hats and ski masks said, hey, you're that F...
Uh, euphemism for homosexuals, uh, n-word from the show Empire, which no white person's ever seen, let alone any racist person.
Which turned into a huge stunt, and now, as usual, I mean, how many hate crimes are real?
And apparently they said, they're in mega country, boy!
Which no one says.
In Chicago!
No one says.
You say Trump country, Obama country, Bush country, but you know... Make it country!
You don't use the slogan.
You guys are on in 45 minutes on The War Room with Rob Doo.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
You're awesome.
Powerful two hours.
Paul, you've got 40 seconds to break.
Tell us what's coming up from Her Majesty's London.
Well, we're going to talk about what I just mentioned with the MAGA hat attack and whether or not we're seeing the preparations for some kind of violent event aimed at the media, which of course no one wants to see, but we're seeing a lot of preparation for that in the narrative.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You found it!
The tip of the spear!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson!
We're live and it's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show and we're talking about a story that's been getting a lot of play over here in the UK because it was
Essentially, a vicious attack on a BBC cameraman.
That's how some news outlets are reporting it.
In fact, there was a Sky News report, which is another British news outlet, which reported this both as a shove and a quote, incredibly violent attack.
This happened last night during Trump's rally in El Paso, Texas.
Daily Caller reports Man in Megahat attacks press El Paso Trump rally.
Now, there's no actual video from what I've seen so far of the actual attack.
The incredibly violent attack on the media by this man wearing a MAGA hat who shouted F the media repeatedly until being dragged away by security.
Now know that the man who tackled or grabbed this assailant responsible for the incredibly violent attack from behind was also a Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat.
Again, that's not being mentioned in the reports here in the UK.
They see the incident right there, the immediate aftermath of it.
And during this incident, Trump stopped his speech, called out to the media to check if everyone was okay, if the incident had passed off and had ended, which it had.
And obviously, we discourage all political violence, including violence against the media.
But then Gateway Pundit has come out with an article asking was this a set-up?
And they note that the tag, or some kind of tag, is still on the MAGA hat.
Now it's not in the realms of wild conspiracy theory to suggest that violent provocateurs are inserted and have been inserted at Trump rallies.
In fact there's this article from Breitbart from back in October 2016.
O'Keefe video sting exposes bird-dogging Democrats effort to incite violence at Trump rallies.
Of course he got Clinton campaign managers on tape admitting that they did use this tactic, bird-dogging, to quote create a sense of anarchy around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support.
You remember I think the big Trump rally in, I think it was in Chicago,
Where it all kicked off and people just started having fistfights with each other and they had to basically cancel the event.
This was an admitted democratic tactic of bird-dogging, inserting violent individuals into Trump rallies to make them start fights with Trump supporters or to make them attack the media.
And it's a known tactic that's been uncovered by a secret recording from James O'Keefe and other people.
So we ask the question, given all the fake hate crimes that we've seen in the United States over the past few years, we ask the same question as the Gateway Pundit.
Was this a setup?
Because we have this narrative in the media that Trump supporters are violent, unhinged, they want to attack the media.
Of course, all the violent, unhinged violence, or the vast majority of it, at least since Trump's election, has come from the left, has come from Antifa.
We've often played videos of Trump supporters being beaten, being smacked in the head with flags and running away as they're assaulted by Antifa by far-left agitators.
But could this be an example of someone being planted at a rally to start an attack to create the narrative that the media is under threat?
Because of course that is the narrative that they've been pushing.
We had the Super Bowl ad
Washington Post Super Bowl ad, which they spent over five million dollars on, basically claiming that journalists are heroes.
Not firefighters, not soldiers, but journalists.
Now, back in the day, if you wanted to talk about war journalists, you know, the kind of people who ran just a few paces behind the guns in places like Vietnam to get the truth, yes, you could call them heroes.
Modern day journalists don't do that, do they?
They find things that a few people are outraged about on Twitter and make that into a huge story.
They ruin people's lives.
They smear them.
They open them up to doxing and harassment.
They often get them fired in many cases.
That's modern journalism.
That's not heroic.
You know, BuzzFeed losing 15% of its staff, The Huffington Post losing its staff, Vice losing its staff, and then them getting up on Twitter begging for sympathy and leading outrage brigades, leading lobbying campaigns to have people banned on Twitter for tweeting hashtag learn to code.
That's not heroic either.
So the media set up this entire narrative that they're constantly under attack, that their profession is under constant threat from Trump, who has no power to do anything, basically, in terms of, you're not going to abridge the First Amendment in any way.
But, you know, we have democracy dies in darkness and all this emotive grandstanding
All this whining, all this victimhood complex from the media.
So they're setting up this narrative that Trump supporters are violent and unhinged and are going to violently attack the media.
And we already had a taste of that last year in June.
Infowars headline, CNN blames Trump for newspaper shooting that had nothing to do with him.
This gunman in Annapolis, this was the Capital Gazette shooting, Jared Ramos,
Killed five journalists tragically last summer and immediately CNN came out and blamed Trump's rhetoric despite the fact that we knew from records and from previous news reports that this gunman had had a vendetta against this newspaper because he'd sued them for defamation back in 2011.
So he had a seven-year vendetta against this newspaper.
He walks into this newspaper office
And kills five people, tragically.
CNN immediately got up.
CNN's Asha Ranga part blamed Donald Trump's rhetoric for the shooting.
Even though he had nothing to do with it, and the gunman had a seven-year vendetta against the journalists, and that's why he targeted them.
But again, they said Donald Trump's, quote, dangerous rhetoric could have been a motivating factor, with no evidence for that whatsoever.
So we've got all these hate hoaxes happening, we've got men in MAGA hats with tags on attacking journalists and we have had this narrative for many months now that violent Trump supporters are about to attack the media.
Are they preparing us in some way or at least trying to put this in the minds of the public where there's some kind of deranged idiot radical like, you know, the case of the MAGA bomber?
Are they trying to inspire somebody?
To attack the media.
Let's not forget that one of the violent attacks on Donald Trump himself at his rallies, of course we had the infamous example where the guy tried to rush him on stage.
Two days later he was on CNN, they were hailing him as a hero.
But there's actually a British guy, his name slips my mind right now, but I think he's an 18-year-old guy, this was before the election, grabbed the gun of an officer at one of these Trump events and literally tried to assassinate Trump.
It got minimal media coverage.
There you see the first incident I mentioned where the guy tried to rush Trump on stage.
The only violence at these Trump rallies, apart from the one example where I think it was a black guy who got punched by a Trump supporter, but apart from that, every single example of violence
Has been carried out by leftists, and it's a known tactic called bird-dogging, which James O'Keefe uncovered and revealed, that they implant violent individuals to stage violent incidences to make the whole rally look chaotic, look out of control, and look violent.
So people are now asking the question, was this a setup?
This MAGA hat attack on the media, which they described as incredibly violent, and also as a shove,
Who knows, because there's no video of it, but we have to be cognizant of the fact that violent attacks against the media could be exploited by the media to paint itself as a victim, and we need to discourage those attacks at every turn.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, and there's a big article up on Infowars.com right now.
Headline French intellectual Zemmour elites organized migrant invasion so they could import servant class and he's put his finger on the pulse of one of the primary reasons why the elite does encourage mass migration and basically it's to import a servant class that is no longer there to serve their needs.
Now this was a talk he gave recently.
Eric Zemmour is a big intellectual in France.
He's an author, public speaker.
And he says that the elite organised an invasion of Europe via mass immigration primarily because they wanted to import a servant class to replace Europeans who are no longer willing to perform menial tasks.
And this is one of the primary reasons why the Yellow Vests have popped up in France over the past, what is it, almost three months now they've been out.
Three months maybe total.
One of the reasons that they give when people interview Yellow Vests is that
They're no longer willing to tolerate, you know, stagnant wages and a standard of living that continues to drop year after year after year.
And they don't want to do the menial slave class jobs to service the globalists.
And this is what Eric Zamora said in his speech.
Quote, today the economic organization of the world relies on large cities, large metropolises, where the winners of globalism live.
That's the key point, you know, these mega cities keep getting bigger and bigger, more people are moving away from the countryside, leaving behind those yellow vest protesters in France who are dependent on, you know, slightly different economic models to succeed.
But he continues, and those winners of globalism who are connected to the world need servants.
They need servants to deliver the sushi, to bring them pizza, to babysit their children, to work in the restaurants, to work everywhere in the large cities.
And the servants, you know, the old European peoples, French, English, they don't want to.
They don't want to.
They decide they don't feel like working in this profession.
They consider they aren't paid enough and so on.
Therefore, there has been an entire organized action for the last 20 years for the purpose of getting rid of those original peoples who don't want to perform the job they're asked to do and to replace them.
And this is what you see in places like London.
You know, globalist, metropolis, mega-cities, where the winners of globalism do live, and where they have nannies who raise their children, and where they don't want to pay those nannies double the price, where they have cleaners that clean their properties, and they don't want to pay them double the price.
So, they vote for Remain.
They vote against things like Brexit.
They vote for the winners, for the globalists, of which they're a part of that movement.
And again, this is a movement against the working class.
Globalism always punishes the working class, and this is the point that Zamora is making in this speech.
He goes on to make the point, elites are organizing the invasion, and he added that globalists treat individual people as if they have no roots.
And he talks about this in the sense of Christian universalism,
Universalism gone mad, which thinks that every human is an individual with no roots, and that man is reduced to the condition of consumer.
So from the perspective of the globalists, he can be from any culture, any race, any origin, it doesn't matter.
So long as he is consuming Nike, voila, this is the universalism of consumers.
And he makes the point, which I've made before, that the scale of mass immigration into Europe, into the Western general, is so rapid,
But there's no chance whatsoever for them to assimilate.
There's no chance whatsoever to see any kind of real integration.
And in fact, the reverse is happening.
Inverse assimilation, where the populations who are being supplanted, who are being swamped, the native populations in these European cities, are either choosing to leave, which is what we saw, for example, in the east of London, where all the white people fled to Essex, which is a county just bordering London,
And it got replaced by, you know, Muslims, Islamists, who basically have swamped many areas of East London now.
He makes the same point.
Rather than these migrants coming in and assimilating and integrating, there are so many of them, that the people, the native people left in these areas where these migrants flood in, they assimilate to the migrants' culture.
So it's reverse colonization, it's inverse assimilation.
And again, this was emphasized by a story that we had recently, whereby in areas of Vienna, white girls, young girls and young women, were being harassed by male Muslim migrants, because that's just what they like to do.
Reference Cologne, Germany is the biggest example of that.
New Year's Eve, where hundreds of women were molested and a few of them in some cases were raped.
So their fathers told them to start wearing Islamic headscarves when they were walking home from work or from school, so they wouldn't be sexually harassed by male Muslim migrants.
Again, an example of reverse colonization, inverse assimilation, where the populations there get taken over by a stronger, more closely knit group, which is Muslim families essentially.
They've got large families, they're very close, unlike
You know, in many major Western cities where people don't even talk to their neighbours anymore, don't even know who their neighbours are.
So the native population assimilates to their culture, even though they're the outside group coming in.
So again, he makes the point that mass immigration is an attack on the working class.
This is what has come out of the Yellow Vest Movement as well.
And it's a way of importing a wage slave servant class for the elite, which is no longer there from the native population, because they're not willing to do those jobs, because the wages have stagnated.
Forget about needing two people in a household to maintain a household.
Now you have groups of migrants in some areas of London and France, you know, living ten to a property, each earning, if they're earning at all, if they're not on welfare,
Minimum wage or below minimum wage on the black market, but they're servicing the elite and they're willing to put up with that lifestyle.
Because again, once they send their money back to their home countries, you know, places like Afghanistan, it's worth way more.
So they can support their families and eventually they can return if they want to.
They've got that option.
But they're perfectly willing to have a far lower standard of living than people in the West.
So they're perfectly willing to do these wage slave servant class jobs, which European native people aren't.
The elite, the globalists, are perfectly happy with that situation, which is one of the main reasons why they're importing
It's an attack on the working class and that's also exemplified with this story out of Breitbart.
BBC journalist allegedly likened working class to cannibals.
So Tommy Robinson did an appearance on Panorama, which is a big BBC show.
He secretly recorded for his own protection John Sweeney, who was the head honcho of this show,
And he was caught referring to working class men as being like cannibals from Amazonia in an undercover video.
So they're literally discovering working class people in the green room of this show that they're recording.
And they're treating it as if it's like a David Attenborough documentary where he's going out into the wild and catching like a rare Amazonian tribe in its natural environment.
This is literally what they think of working class people because they're so secluded from the people who they claim to represent.
It's like when middle class people in London especially virtue signal about how they're so pro-diversity and so pro-minority and how much they love Muslims and black people.
None of them live around Muslims and black people.
I've done videos on this.
The most virulent virtue signal is about mass immigration.
The ones who live in London live in the whitest areas of London that you could possibly live in.
They don't live around these people.
They don't use public transport.
They have private health care.
They don't have to use NHS government health care, which has a massive burden on it as a result of mass immigration.
They don't interact
With working class people or with black people or Muslims who typically tend to also be in that bracket of income, working class.
In fact, it's the white working class people, the ones who mainly voted for Brexit, who do relate and live around and live amongst black people and Muslims.
And yet they're the ones who are constantly castigated as being racists, even though the middle class, the upper middle class, have completely segregated themselves
From black people, from Muslims.
So they've literally got a guy working for the BBC, likening working-class people to cannibals, to Amazonian tribes.
Does nothing more than that reflect on the sheer arrogance that these people view us with?
We'll be back.
It's the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news, Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
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God's got a big war for you, Revy.
And so,
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life.
I want Jesus.
It's simple.
If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late term abortion and all great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
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It's the best seller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab
We're good to go.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive.
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back!
Here's the final segment of The Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
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Now the latest outrage on Twitter, oh my god, this was trending, in fact it still is trending from what I see, it was trending number one for hours earlier today.
And wait for it, it's a shocker.
Esquire magazine, wait for it, prepare yourself, they featured on their front page for their March 2019 issue, a white man.
Or to be more accurate, a white teen.
And that provoked absolute bedlam, toys out of the pram, freaking out from progressives on Twitter.
Again, because the ban, the teen, is male and white.
Headline, Esquire magazine profile of 17-year-old white teen prompts outrage from leftists.
Now I was looking into this article to see if there was any other reason why there would be so much outrage, so much frothing.
It's the simple fact that they've chosen a white male to be on the front page of their magazine.
This is where we're at right now.
And in this article you will see a deluge of tweets from leftists.
Bill Sommer of the Daily Beast totally baffled by this 7,000 plus word a square cover story about a run-of-the-mill Republican teen who likes cool sneakers.
Ominously, we're told this is only part one of a new series.
And even though the editor came out afterwards and said, this is just part one, we're gonna have black people, LGBT people, whoever else, Muslims.
No, it's not good enough.
The very fact that this white male was on there once is enough to cause them to break out in hives.
Absolutely incredible.
So again, the point is clear.
If you're upset,
Over the fact that somebody's on the front page of a magazine because of their skin color.
Then you're a racist!
Full stop.
So they even tried to backtrack and semi-apologize for it.
But they're still getting heat on Twitter because it's Black History Month.
So now every person on the cover of every major magazine apparently has to be black.
Because that's diversity.
In fact, there was another magazine.
I think it was Out Magazine.
Which featured a whole issue, the entire magazine featured only women and non-binary females, which means basically anyone who claims to be any one of the infinity number of genders that they've now invented in their head.
One of the individuals involved in this project, Janet Mock, tweeted, only women and non-binary femmes wrote, styled, photographed and were featured in its pages.
So they've got an entire magazine that eliminates an entire gender and they're calling that diversity and inclusivity.
But having a single story about a white person, that's offensive, that's white privilege.
Bottom line is, it's okay to be white and anyone who gets salty over the mere sight of a white person is a racist.
Deal with it.
Absolutely incredible the level it's reached.
Meanwhile, ex-Google engineer hails YouTube censorship as historic victory, now looking into Jordan Peterson videos.
Well, who could have seen this coming?
Oh yeah, we did.
The first time it happened.
So BuzzFeed, and we talked about this on the show before, came out with an article where they said, oh my God, the horror.
YouTube is recommending conspiracy videos to people who watch conspiracy videos.
The absolute horror.
So BuzzFeed came out with this entire, again, contrived moral outrage story.
But in that article, they conflated Flat Earth conspiracy theories, fake moon landings, stuff like that, with Ben Shapiro, with Dinesh D'Souza, with Prager University, and with Jordan Peterson.
So the agenda was obvious from the beginning.
Within 24 hours of that BuzzFeed article, YouTube put out a statement saying, now we're going to bury, quote, conspiracy theory content in the algorithm, so it doesn't come up as recommended videos.
Which, by the way, is where most people's YouTube views come from.
Well now, an ex-Google engineer, who previously worked on YouTube's algorithm, has shifted his attention to finding out why Jordan Peterson's videos get so much traction.
So again, he hailed YouTube algorithm change as a historic victory.
Then people were asking him about it in the thread of this tweet.
He started talking about, quote, political abuse and radicalization, which are two of the buzz terms used by the left to, again, try and censor conservatives.
Then someone asked him why Jordan Peterson's videos were being recommended to everyone, and he said that he's working on that, and he's working on understanding the reasons as to why that happens.
So you know where this is going.
They start off with conspiracy theories, they start off with
You know, harmful, misleading information, and within a few paragraphs you're talking about Ben Shapiro, who's one of the most mainstream conservatives, Fox News-level conservatives out there.
So obviously, yes, it's a backdoor, once again, to deplatform, to silence, to turn the volume down on right-of-centre political opinion.
We saw through it from the very beginning, it was so transparent, and now one of this
One of the people who helped build YouTube's algorithm, which by the way is the second biggest search engine in the world.
We've highlighted that before.
You know, Mark Dice can put out a video about Michelle Obama.
You search for it on YouTube with the exact title of the video.
It's got millions of views and yet it's buried on page four beneath dozens and dozens of mainstream media videos, which in some cases have nothing to do with even Michelle Obama, the subject which is searched for.
You put in there a direct, exact headline and it doesn't show up because they broke their own search algorithm to game it to silence Conservatives, transparently.
Meanwhile, Pitch Eye and the rest of them get up in front of Congress and lie and say that there's no partisan bias.
Then we get the leaked transcript from within Google, which Alan Bakari at Breitbart revealed, with them openly admitting, yes, there's clearly a partisan bias.
Well, go to an abortion search, for example, and too many of the videos at the top of the search are anti-abortion.
So a Slate writer complains about it in an article.
Within 24 hours, or a few days in that case I think it was, YouTube had completely changed the ranking in which these results appeared.
So pro-abortion results appeared well above any anti-abortion results.
And they did this with Google as well during the Irish referendum on abortion.
Remember, Robert Epstein has done studies which show they can shift millions and millions of votes on election day based on which search result appears above which other search result on any given day.
If they do that on election day, they can swing elections.
And that's why it matters.
That's why we need some kind of executive order which forbids them or at least changes the Communications Act to forbid
these platforms from behaving like publishers for partisan bias ends, which essentially is election meddling.
And on that subject, InfoWars.com reports bombshell, Apple demands natural news stop writing about abortion.
Satanism threatens to block app from Apple devices.
This is a Mike Adams article.
So again, they're behaving like publishers, not like platforms.
They're saying if you have content that's anti-abortion, if you call out New York for passing legislation, which allows for late-term abortions, basically aborting babies when they're fully grown, absolutely despicable and sick,
Then you're not going to be allowed on their platform.
Okay, that's not hate speech.
That's policing opinions held by millions and millions of people in the United States.
So, yes, they are behaving like publishers.
They stopped behaving like platforms a long time ago.
We need some actual regulation and teeth.
We can't just keep saying free market because we're getting silence out of existence.
And if it doesn't change,
It's going to come back to bite the Trump administration hard in the 2020 election.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour.
Coming up, War Room with Owen Schroer.
Don't go away.
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We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
We're gonna go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
This is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.