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Filename: 20190211_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2019
3344 lines.

In the podcast, Owen Benjamin discusses preparedness, authority, masculinity, and parenting. He criticizes socialism as a "rat trap" and promotes various products such as fully-cooked bacon with a 10-year shelf life and Sunny Bay Heating Pads. He talks about his experience at the Grammys, sarcasm in comedy, subversive language in movies, and Steven Spielberg's alleged connections to child abuse scandals. Throughout the podcast, he promotes InfoWars products related to health and immunity while urging listeners to be self-reliant and stay informed about current events.

This past weekend, you'll be surprised to hear that I was almost turned into alligator food.
Because an SJW Zookeeper wanted to throw me into an alligator pit because he doesn't like my opinions.
Very progressive.
Who at 5.30 is St.
Augustine man losing his job after posting about a woman online?
I mean this girl has no qualms about carrying a gun around her college campus just minutes after she graduates and you're gonna threaten her with alligators?
Don't bring an alligator to a gunfight is all I'm saying.
On Sunday, I was at the alligator farm in St.
Augustine, Florida with both my parents and fiancé.
Committing the sinister crime of having a family vacation.
I saw hundreds of alligators, crocodiles, and snakes.
But surprisingly, the most dangerous animal at the alligator farm was not a reptile, but a social justice warrior.
Little did I know it at the time, but one of the zookeepers at the alligator farm had intentions of murdering me in front of my family.
Ethan Patterson, now a former employee of the alligator farm, went on Twitter two days after my visit to tweet this.
I just want y'all to know that Kent State Gun Girl came to my place of work and it took everything in me not to push her over the railing into the mouths of 250 hungry alligators.
Ethan learned the hard way that threatening to murder your customers is not the best way to keep your job.
As soon as the Alligator Farm got wind of what he did, they filed a police report, fired him immediately, and had him escorted off the property by the police.
You're fired.
But the story doesn't end there.
The director of the Alligator Farm, John Bruggen, invited me back for a free tour on Wednesday.
He also told me about the conversation he had with Ethan when he fired him.
He told Ethan it's not a good idea to threaten someone who advocates for gun rights because guess what?
You're proving exactly why they advocate for gun rights.
He provided some life advice to Ethan as well.
He urged them to publicly apologize and move on from what he said so that maybe one day he can get a job somewhere else.
But did Ethan listen?
Of course not.
What did Ethan do instead?
He immediately went on Twitter to blame me for his termination instead of accepting responsibility.
The funny part is, he thinks he's doing good for this world.
What world?
And not only is he claiming he never threatened me, but he's saying he didn't deserve to lose his job for saying it took everything in his body not to gruesomely murder a paying customer.
Poor Ethan kept going and shared a tweet from someone who said the following.
I am starting a GoFundMe for the Zookeeper and also for a machine that will push the Kent State Gun Girl into the Alligator Pit.
So even though the director of the Alligator Forum said that Ethan apologized a thousand times for what he had tweeted, it doesn't actually seem like he regrets anything at all.
Hopefully Ethan will change his Twitter name from the Alligator Dude to the Unemployed Dude.
Because with this story following him around, I doubt he will get another job.
And hopefully the few leftists that actually have jobs will learn a valuable lesson from this experience.
Threatening to kill your customers is not an effective way to keep your job.
I'd like to thank John and the Alligator Farm for standing up for me and standing up for the Second Amendment.
I hope if anybody watching goes on vacation in St.
Augustine, you make the alligator farm your first stop.
Honestly, when I saw Ethan's tweet, I was more concerned for the thousands of conservatives that might visit the alligator farm than I was for myself.
In the back of my head, I was wondering if someone like Ethan might push a little boy into an alligator pit because he was wearing a MAGA hat on his head.
If he wanted to kill a girl simply for expressing her Second Amendment rights,
Who knows what a psychopath like him might want to do to others.
But thankfully, he won't have the opportunity to do that anymore.
You're goddamn right.
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Stay with us, we're live.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
It's Monday, February 11th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
And a lot of you had to jump through hoops and really go through a lot of work to even find a radio station to listen to us on, or you had to go directly to InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com to find our feeds.
That are amongst the most censored on the planet, so thank you so much for joining us today, and thank you for spreading the word.
Thank you for taking action, because though we're censored, and though we're outfunded by the globalists a billion to one, the truth is explosive.
The truth is powerful.
The truth is unstoppable when people are willing to stand up and carry it forward.
Now, you know that Gallup and Rasmussen and other polls believe the Democratic Party is the dominant party in the U.S.
And so for more than 30 years, they have always sampled more Democrats than they have Republicans.
On average, about 15% more.
CNN would do up to 35 to 37 percent more during the 2016 election.
Total fraud to create the illusion that Hillary was 20 points ahead.
This is what they do.
But despite all the propaganda in Gallup, Trump is at 52.
And in Rasmussen, Trump is at 52.
Think about that.
That's oversampling, on average, 15 points more for Democrats.
That means they call 15% more Democrats or contact 15% more Democrats for their poll.
And he's at 52%.
That tells you he's really at like 65, 67 conservatively.
And that's why the Democrats and the globalists are getting more and more desperate.
Because they know they're losing.
Trump approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 months, 52%.
The problem is, the globalists know that, so they're getting ready to make their move and try to remove the president.
A lot of the prosecutors have left the Mueller probe.
They've made all the noises that it'll be ending sometime in March.
My dead reckoning is right around March 1st.
But then they've got all the new criminal investigations that the Mueller dragnet was used for, ready, targeting hundreds of his associates for not crimes Trump's committed, but income tax evasion, all these other things, so that they will then turn against the president.
So that they will then bear false witness like we've seen with Michael Cohen and others.
And that is the plan.
DrugsReport.com last night linked directly to our live feed as we broke all this down.
Live Sunday exclusive Mueller probe to end March 1st.
New York, D.C.
and Chicago to announce criminal indictments of Trump organization after.
That's the article that had our live feed last night.
Today's live feed points out that Democrats are set to introduce articles of impeachment today and are moving against the president as they panic that his approval rating is the highest it's ever been and a full five points ahead of Obama in similar polls by the same agencies.
When Obama was two years and two months into his presidency.
So all the king's horses and all the king's men and all the propaganda and all the race baiting and trying to plunge the economy and trying to discredit the election.
It hasn't worked.
And Trump, when he was able to talk to people, it was a 70.
8% or was it 77% in CBS poll and other polls were similar.
People are like, this makes total sense.
And boy, he really has delivered on much of what he said.
And that just sent them into more of an insane rage.
And you've got Al Green about to introduce his articles of impeachment.
You've got Maxine Waters, who is the most corrupt, openly corrupt,
The people more corrupt than her, but she's the most flagrantly corrupt.
If she does like broad day armed robberies, basically it's equivalent broad daylight, high noon, middle of a shopping center, come in and rob a jewelry shop.
That's a broad day, crazy, wearing your gun outside your vest, wild town.
She gave her husband $12 million directly in banker bailout money just in one scam.
There's the hill.
I mean, this woman has been voted by watchdog groups the most corrupt member of Congress.
She doesn't give a you-know-what.
A rat's behind.
But don't worry, she's foaming at the mouth saying, oh, we're going to get those tax returns.
Because you see, it's not about Russiagate.
That's all fraud.
It's about the dragnet and saying, oh, his daddy 40 years ago started giving his money to his family.
That's what you do, or it all goes to inheritance tax.
None of the rich people pay any inheritance tax when they die.
They all give it away to their families.
But making your own money, that's not a good thing, according to Maxine.
If you steal it for your corrupt husband that swindles banks and takes the money out the back door and then bankrupts it and keeps it for himself, and you've got five or six three, four million dollar homes and private aircraft and everything else, you go to Congress with nothing.
And you can't even get outside business lobbying deals to make it look like it's halfway legal.
You give it directly to your husband.
You crook!
You crazy woman!
You devil!
So here she is.
Oh, and she's on the banking committee in the House.
She says, we're going to bring back all the regulations.
So don't you bring those jobs back to America!
And as we play this clip, the really big news that ties into all of this, we're going to be detailing after the break.
But right now, let's go to Mad Maxine.
And you think I'm going to let you stand on someone who's done nothing but steal and lie and undermine?
We're going to get your tax return.
We're going to find out.
Houston, the projector has landed.
That is the greatest case of projection I have ever seen.
Someone that lies, someone that steals.
That's the definition that should be on Maxine Waters' tombstone someday when she lives a long evil life.
So we'll be covering that when we come back.
And the plan to launch the next wave.
Russiagate's going to fade into the mist.
And then all the spying and all the persecution.
Mueller's the one that recommended the whole prosecution of Cohen the rat in New York to the Southern District.
Nothing to do with Russia.
And now they've used the illegal spying and the warrants and all of it to go around and find some juicy low-hanging fruit to go after.
But don't worry, while that's happening, four more giant caravans are already making their way up from Mexico.
And the UN bases in Guatemala and Honduras are amassing hundreds of thousands more to break the border.
So the immigration judges are overwhelmed.
What is Trump supposed to do?
He hasn't been able to change the laws yet.
So 2,000 people a day on average are just released.
Here, just go!
We hold you a couple days, more coming in.
Just go!
Just go!
Breaking our border.
Oh, but the TSA is going to stick their hands down veterans' pants.
That was in the news today, a triple amputee being basically strip-searched in public.
Oh, and don't worry, we're going to have internal checkpoints, and don't worry, everything you do is going to be tracked, but we can't check anybody coming in.
Gallup has done a Central and South American poll.
Five million Latin Americans intend to come to the U.S.
this year.
They say they're coming, and they're eyeing how to get here.
But don't worry, the Democrats' wall deal seeks to limit ISIS's ability to house criminal, illegal immigrants to 16,500.
To give you an idea, there's 3 million people in prison.
So, 16,500, period, illegal aliens can be held.
And so, it doesn't matter if you're a rapist or a murderer, you're going to be released.
So that's the total breaking of our border with the Democrats quarterbacking the complete collapse of the United States under Agenda 21 and the UN Treaty that Trump pulled out of.
But they don't care.
They're rampaging forward.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
History is happening right in front of us.
The United States and Europe are openly under globalist attack from enemies within and without, who've orchestrated the collapse of the third world.
And who are now bringing those populations in to drive down wages and create a permanent underclass they control.
The globalists are panicking though, because from Australia to Europe to the United States, nationalist, populist leaders are being elected and are wildly popular.
Trump, even in fake skewed polls, has the highest Rasmussen ever recorded from him and it's five points above what Obama had at a similar time two years into his administration.
And then you have the incredible imagery.
Of four huge caravans, tens of thousands apiece, funded by the UN, marching towards the U.S., and this announcement.
Gallup poll of Central and South Americans.
A giant study.
Five million Latin Americans coming to the U.S.
this year in their own announcements.
42 million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how it's best time to make the move that suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans.
A full 5 million who are already planning to move in the next 12 months say they're moving to the United States.
That is mainstream news, ladies and gentlemen.
That is directly what they're announcing.
And then meanwhile, Senator Graham, Democrats want to reduce
Bed space for violent offenders at the U.S.
border and internally to only 16,500.
Now there's 3 million people in prison.
Trump's trying to let the nonviolence out because he knows this is the globalist assault just like Europe.
They get a few hundred thousand in, then it's 15 million.
And then it's the collapse of society because the people literally are beyond country bumpkins from North Africa, the Middle East and other areas.
They don't know anything.
They're the lowest IQ of those areas.
Most of them are men.
A lot of them are criminals.
A lot of them are mentally ill.
It is the worst of the worst.
Basically, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America are defecating into a toilet known as the United States.
They're very worse.
And imagine, Trump says, I'll give you DACA for anybody that can prove that they're not a criminal and been here for 20 years.
Or that they were brought here by legal parents, we'll just make them citizens.
We want totally open borders.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
And now Democrats say you are not even allowed to check for diseases or find out who they are.
You are to load them onto Democrat buses and they disappear.
Even the Senate report four years ago said that
Hundreds of thousands of children came to the U.S.
below the age of 17, and that thousands ended up in sex trafficking, hundreds dead under Obama.
You just have totally open borders, and then you just let people in.
I saw an article today about a triple amputee veteran, both legs and one arm, in public having them stick their hands down his pants, into his... you name it.
And again, I'm not even saying TSA itself are bad people.
But you've got checkpoints inside the country that violate the Fourth Amendment, but you can't have them on the border where it's under the Constitution?
And then the President lets them shut the government down instead of declaring an emergency?
He's finally getting to that point.
As we told you, he would.
He was planning it, but then backed down.
So this is just incredible information.
Shameful and disgraceful.
TSA slammed for evasive grope of crippled, amputee U.S.
I love it when they're doing it to a veteran and it's a Muslim.
Oh, by the way, this Muslim woman, member of Congress, retweeting stuff about Jews having hook noses and Jews and their money grubbing and how they run everything and all this stuff.
At first the Democrats defended her, now they aren't.
What do you think happens when you bring in hardcore Somalis and other people who kill everyone who isn't Muslim in their country and sell women on slave blocks?
What do you think happens when you bring in Islamics who don't let any Christians or anybody else live in their countries?
It's like dropping a baby into a backyard with 14 pit bulls with rabies or something.
Islam is not compatible with the West.
And so of course this woman tweeted lies about the Covington young people, and said that they were scum, that they were chanting, you know, women deserve to be raped.
As she said, they were chanting, get used to rape, get used to it, love rape.
Of course she's an islamicist, probably had her genitals cut off, has total Stockholm syndrome, up there wearing her burqa, running around in public with her jibs.
In Muslim countries, they don't put women in office.
Comes here, craps all over our system, lies about the Covington Christians, and nothing's done to her.
And now she's talking about AIPAC and the Jews all day.
Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
But what do you think you do if you go to the Amazon and start slicing your legs up and jump into a pit of piranhas?
The boys were protesting a woman's right to choose and yelled, it's not right if you enjoy it.
Really, where's that video, you lying, defaming monster, you pig?
They were taunting five black men before they surrounded Phillips and led racist chants.
She wrote this a week after the truth came out.
Sandyman's family hired a PR right-wing firm to write his non-apology.
What a monstrous pig!
Wouldn't stand up during the State of the Union against sex slavery and women being freed from sex slavery because that's Islam's main business is capturing non-Muslim areas and selling the women into sex slavery.
That's what it does, like cancer of the lungs or bone or brain.
Don't worry, Trump's the bad guy.
Well, the people are seeing through it, so they're going into high gear to remove him from office.
We'll tell you about that massive plan that's been a huge news story since we broke it yesterday.
It's hiding in plain view when we come back.
We'll get into the latest on Cortez and so much more today, but let me get to this.
We're funded by you, and I know you know that, but literally, we are under siege by Soros and Hillary and the globalists, and we have withstood their flamethrowing attack for two years because of your prayers and your support.
You've seen the deplatforming, the attacks, them taking our banking.
You've seen them put us at the ringer because they see us as a symbol of Americana, because we are a standard.
In a war, like the flag.
InfoWars is seen as America's standard.
One of the key standards of the fight.
So is Trump.
Bigger than us.
But below Trump, the big standard, there's InfoWars.
And they're shooting at the flag, folks.
They're going after it here.
I never intended to be the standard, but I am the standard.
You are the standard.
We are a family.
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We'll be right back.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
So, Gallup has done a huge survey of Latin America and 5 million of the 40 plus million asylum seekers, already on the books, say they're just going to go ahead and come to the U.S.
regardless they're going to join the U.N.
command bases on the Mexico border.
Mexico is now capitulating, saying they're going to build UN refugee bases in northern Mexico.
So those are the resupply zones.
And the UN, with U.S.
taxpayer money through USAID, that's given to Soros, he then skims off the top.
Like Carlos Slim skimmed off the top of the Obama phones and made $3 billion, which he then laundered back through the New York Times.
Remember that?
That was the deal to do that.
Obama gives him the Obama phone contract for five years, six years.
It costs $15 billion.
He makes $3 billion profit.
He launders a billion of the $3 billion he makes back through the New York Times criminal operation.
So money talks, B.S.
You can't touch my three luck bucks.
Quote Sammy Hagar.
So that's how that works.
And so now this giant invasion force has announced 5 million people are coming, 4 new caravans are here, 2,000 plus are released a day because there's not enough beds.
There's over 100,000 beds.
Democrats want it cut to 16,500.
When tens of thousands are arriving a day.
Doesn't matter you're a child molester.
Doesn't matter you got TB.
Doesn't matter you've been deported five times.
Doesn't matter you're a known serial killer.
We're going to release you.
We're going to break that border.
Now we're going to get to this and the plan to remove Trump from office.
We've been breaking down a moment but earlier I didn't properly plug the special we've got going right now.
So I'm going to do it right now for you.
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Rainforest Plus is very popular at $29.95, normally discounted from $39.95.
Right now, you can get it for $19.95, though supplies are limited.
Yeah, normally $29.95.
Look at all those five stars.
But, if you get it in the... You know what?
Let's just stop right there.
Let's stop, because I'm going to start over.
We're not going to show any images of the stuff on screen.
I'm just going to, because the problem is people think I'm directing the show.
I'm not really.
And I'm just going to start over right now and I'm going to talk about this for everybody right now and we'll put it in post.
So what I'm doing right now is I'm cutting an ad so we can fund the operation.
I'm so busy.
I don't do this in post.
We're not live.
I'm doing it live on air right now.
Thank you very much.
So no videos.
I'm going to start over here in just a moment.
Then I'm going to get back into the news.
We're going to fund our operation.
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So please take advantage of that today at InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
It is your purchase of the products that obviously make the entire operation possible.
Thank you very much.
Okay, now let's move on to the total invasion and total attack of the United States.
You know, that's what's happening.
And that's what's so amazing and so incredible about all of this, is that this is really happening.
And I'm the weirdo because I'm concerned and I'm upset about this.
I'm the weirdo because I'm informed and really care about the issues.
You're the weirdo because you're informed and care.
The UN, with traitors in our government, is engineering a takedown of our country and our nation under the UN.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
And that's their plan.
And it's being done bigger than Dallas, right in front of our faces.
And our embattled president is then surrounded by a bunch of lying criminals like Alexandria Cortez.
Or AOC, who just says everything's free, everything's wonderful, get rid of airplanes, you don't wanna work, you don't have to work.
I mean, this is just the absolute beyond communism.
This is just con artist level meth head brainwashing that you get from the permanent demon class that we've set up and established here in this nation.
So we're going to be looking at that when we come back from break.
We're going to be looking at the plan to remove President Trump from office.
Not from Russiagate, but by targeting his, not his inner circle, but anyone he's connected to with non-Russia related tax evasion, you name it.
That's the live Monday broadcast.
Democrats introduce articles of impeachment, prepare criminal indictments against 45 and Co.
That's where this is going.
This country isn't going into a civil war.
It's in a civil war.
When mainline groups and mainline activists are all having their Chase Banks taken away, and their Wells Fargo taken away, and their PayPal taken away, and their Square Cash taken away, that Jack Dorsey owns, it's happening to everybody.
It's a message, shut out and shut up, or you're not allowed to be in commerce, because as a political movement and group, we're coming after you, and the Republicans do nothing.
The Republican Party, when this is obvious, criminal racketeering, absolutely out of control.
They're so paralyzed, they do nothing.
Trump's given lip service to it.
So as much as I support the president, because he's a good guy and cares about the nation, he's under attack, it doesn't matter.
If he won't now stop stuff that's never happened in this country.
Imagine if Democrats were being told you can't use bank accounts or got a report coming up in the third hour where now hundreds of prominent people try to go get an Uber and Uber says because you're a conservative you can't ride in our cars.
This is horrible bullying mafia techniques by the Democrats and nothing's being done to stop it.
And they've been testing and pushing and getting away with more and more.
They've been getting away with it.
And so now they're greenlit to go wild.
This country is in a civil war.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
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Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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Supermail Vitality from Infowarsstore.com.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it U.N.
Agenda 21, now they call it the U.N.
2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
This is no joke, and it's an article you need to get out to people.
The globalists just intend to overrun us, wear us out, before we just get overwhelmed and give up, and go into a fetal position.
This is a NewsWars.com article.
It links directly to the state law they're trying to pass.
New Jersey is expected to enact a rain tax enforced on property owners.
That's the headline, NewsWars.com.
New Jersey to enact rain tax.
Democrat Governor Phil Murphy is preparing to sign the bill that will allow the state's 565 municipalities to literally tax the rain
By charging property owners a fee for their parking lots and driveways and any other surface rainwater can't penetrate.
Great idea, put a tax on building.
That'll drive people out even faster.
Every time you think there's nothing left to tax, we come up with something else, said Assemblyman Hal Wirthus of Sussex, during a debate on the bill.
It's just never ending down here.
Actually, the UN, under its carbon taxes, carbon dioxide that plants then respirate from and put out oxygen, so that's a tax on air.
Lawmakers who supported the bill claim revenue generated by the new tax bill will be used to upgrade the state's storm water runoff systems.
Although some predicted the new revenue will be redirected to another unrelated purpose.
For one thing, the state has already claimed 5% of the revenue.
Under the law, the utilities can levy steep fees on properties with large parking lots, long driveways, or tall buildings.
Which create the most runoff, reported the New York Post.
They kind of already have that in Austin, Texas with this impervious cover taxes.
The state is already prohibitively expensive for the middle class.
More people have fled New Jersey than any other state in 2018.
Meaning the tax could have the unintended consequence of lowering the tax base by forcing even more people to leave.
It goes on from there.
I can't tell you how many people I meet in Austin from New Jersey.
Here's the good news though.
Almost every Californian I meet is mad I have a big truck, an F-150.
They're mad if they see me get out of my vehicle, going even into a shooting range.
They're mad that I've got four kids.
They'll come over and confront you, that's too many kids.
They want to bring in California.
They don't know why they left.
Folks like me from New Jersey are like, oh my God, we're so glad to be here.
What communists?
We're so scared, though.
Is the state going to turn blue?
Where else can we run, Alex?
Every time I go to the mall or out, it seems like somebody from New Jersey or Michigan.
Or Michigan.
It's like, Alex, are they going to do it here?
We love it, please.
So, folks from New Jersey seem to... See, they're the refugees, though.
I guess the folks staying in New Jersey at least like what they've done.
I talked about this a lot last night.
I spent an hour and 15 minutes of the two-hour Sunday show every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
on this subject.
And it's so surreal that it's happening that I personally even have trouble believing it, but it is.
And the Sunday show is worth emailing out, it's worth tweeting, it's worth Facebooking, it's worth sharing.
It still posts on Infowars.com.
Mueller probed in March 1st, New York, DC, Chicago to announce criminal indictments of Trump organization after.
It's on NewsWorse.com as well.
They hadn't been censoring NewsWorse as much, because it wasn't InfoWorse, on Twitter and Facebook, but they did ban a fan page that had a couple hundred thousand followers and millions of views a week on Facebook saying, well, it's basically criminal activity.
Recidivism is the word they used last week.
They said nothing can have the name News Wars or Infowars in it.
But for now, at least on some other platforms, they're not censoring it like Infowars.
You might want to send our articles out from News Wars.
And News Wars has been exploding in popularity.
Only two of the pages were actually loosely affiliated with us.
So again, as citizens, how dare you actually let people hear what Alex Jones said?
We're just going to shut him down so we can then lie about him.
And a new phenomenon is YouTube videos using washed up Hollywood stars saying, we must stop the white supremacist Alex Jones.
And I've shown it to lawyers and they go, yeah, no, that's a slam dunk case.
Two years.
It'll cost a half million dollars, but you'll win.
And they'll probably settle in six months.
You want to do it?
And I just, here's the deal.
There's so many lawsuits I've got set up that are, that are slam dunks.
I've just got to pick a couple of them and launch them.
I've just got to, I've just got to do it.
And I've got to start sending the letters out, too, just to let them know that, hey, you need to stop.
Because there's nothing like being tied up in a corner where, yes, our key audience knows what's going on, you're awesome, you're better than ever, but in the general world, the authoritarian left has set it up where they can lie about you with impunity and you can't say a word.
It is so cowardly.
It is so dastardly.
It is so ridiculous.
And it's just unprecedented.
And before I have this next piece of news, I just can't believe that the Republican Party have congressmen and women being blocked on Facebook and Twitter when something goes viral.
And Republican spokespersons are being banned or blocked.
And then Google and Facebook always goes, oh, we're sorry.
It was an accident.
We're going to stop doing it.
And they're just doing it to everyone in mass.
They're surveilling everyone illegally.
In fact, that was in yesterday's stack and I didn't get to it.
Will you guys dig through yesterday's stack, it's over here, during the next break and find me that whole stack in there, in the strata, the sub-stack in the stack, where it's like Google reaches deal with Russia to censor thousands of websites.
Google reaches deal with Saudi Arabia.
Google reaches deal with China.
Apple reaches deal.
With Saudi Arabia to track women in live time to see if they're driving by themselves to call the police.
Where's the feminist groups?
You know, it's like, well, Tim Cook's gay and Tim Cook, you know, goes to the ADL and gives speeches.
So everything's okay.
Let's not talk bad about Tim Cook.
And that's it.
And then you got Congress.
Yeah, I forgot that.
Pressures tech companies to ban more accounts.
That was back in July last year.
The next month, I was banned.
Print me that.
So Congress acts like they don't know what's going on.
The Democrats are having hearings in front of Republicans going, I want Alex Jones banned.
I want Paul Watson banned.
I want this banned.
Then they misrepresent what we say.
Then we get banned the next month, and then a month later, Twitter and all of them are all in there, and Facebook and hearings saying we never censored anybody.
And then much later, Google's there, directly lying to Congress, just doing it!
And they put up with it!
They roll over to it!
You've got how bloodthirsty and evil and corrupt Silicon Valley is, and how Instacart set up a scam where they take the vast majority of your tip, and they don't even pay you.
And so people don't know that the person's not being paid, and then the bigger the tip, the more money Instacart takes out of it.
You're like, wow, they're that low.
Yes, Silicon Valley is bottomless.
It has no bottom.
And it calls itself the left, and they all effeminate around as they're camouflaged.
So they've learned not to go, we're big, tough, you know, corrupt men.
We're usurping you.
People organize.
They've learned through psychological warfare to go, oh, Black Lives Matter, liberal, oh, Jeff Bezos.
And they pay no tax.
They're all subsidized by the government.
They're totally ruthless.
They've got their own private airports and underground bunkers and compounds all over the world, and they believe humanity is obsolete and they're going to merge with machines.
So I didn't get to it this segment, but I promise you, I'm going to drill into it when we come back in great detail, that the Republican Party's stand down and the Democrats and their witch hunt and the Russiagate coming to an end.
Before that cancer collapses and metastasizes into 84 fake investigations that are already pre-rigged with illegal spying and parallel construction over Trump's entire entourage, circle, outer circle, any connections, to then just go after everyone that dared stand up against the globalists.
They're using Trump almost as like an identification system to laze all the targets they're gonna hit.
With their militant enthusiasm and their system, they've wound up.
And their plan to take Trump out.
Will Trump stand against it?
Or will he fall forever?
Along with America.
It's all up to us to get the transmission out.
It's all up to us to share the word.
So whatever you do, take the live feeds at infowars.com forward slash show and share them now!
Share them today!
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle
We're going to go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
This is a limited time immune boost special.
Get Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited time immune boost special.
Get Super Blue Silver Immune Gargle and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm no stranger to the rain.
I'm a friend of thunder.
Friend as in any wonder lightning strikes me.
I fought with the devil, got down on his level.
But I never gave in, so he gave it for me.
I'm no stranger to the rain.
I can spot bad weather, and I'm good at finding shelter in a downpour.
Okay folks, we're gonna go to a special report here.
It's absolutely critical.
Then when we start the next segment, I'm going to really try to muster my focus and my repertoire of facts to lay out not just the way they're going to end the Mueller probe, but all the new fake investigations and criminal indictments they're going to launch, and then how we counter this and how we respond to it, and what else the globalists are going to do, and what else they're going to launch.
During this engineered crisis, this compendium of organized, synthetic, civil war that the Chi-Coms, the globalists and others that have hijacked this nation are implementing.
But I gotta tell you, I'm really proud of how humanity, one race that loves God, of every color, shape and form, has taken action together.
But here's a report on the censorship down under and how you can counter it.
Tomorrow's news.
No need to be afraid.
I'm your Google assistant.
Let's begin.
Australia has become a testing ground for Google.
They are legalizing driverless cars.
They are disrupting the tourist business by altering Google Maps data.
And now they are filtering the news for the entire country.
An Australian watchdog group wanted to see Google's algorithms, but Google denied them.
The fight for freedom has never been more grave.
And now, more than ever, the world needs you.
We are running into next level attempts to not get the broadcast out.
So, everything's free to air.
We send the TV show out on satellite, over the internet.
Anyone wants to pick it up, anyone wants to carry it, anybody wants to chop it up.
You want to re-stream it on your website?
That's how we're going to get around all this, is for other people to set up info
And then you resend them out on different formats, different ways, and the enemy can't stop them.
So here's how to do it.
To stream it, first, get the show links.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
We are under attack!
Go to InfoWars.com forward slash stream it for links and instructions.
Tomorrow's news.
For those looking for the ultimate source of energy for their day, every day, the Brain Synergy Combo is here.
Combining the powerful Turbo Force and Brain Force Plus nootropic formulas, this combo has what you need to hit your maximum potential every day.
Take the tasty tropical berry flavored Turbo Force instant drink that's with you on the go or at work to help provide you with focus, clarity, and
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Get pure energy on tap and take advantage of old and new InfoWars powerhouse formulas with the Brain Synergy combo.
Head to InfoWarsStore.com today.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're good.
Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
Never defeat the human spirit!
But if you can get through all that to explore what he has been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg Group et al.
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say, you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing?
While history is being recorded, will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And we are back!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Monday, February 11th, 2019, worldwide broadcast.
I wanted to go over some facts here.
Congress knows what they're doing.
It's part of a global government plan.
And they know that Americans are being censored.
They know conservatives and Christians are being censored.
And the Republican leadership has been bought off by big tech and the globalists.
And so they're playing along with resisting all this.
Except for maybe Louie Gohmert and Devin Nunes and Jordan and a few others.
They're playing along.
And they're allowing all this to happen.
So I'm going to hit two big subjects, this segment and the next, and I'm going to give the number out to join us on air.
And that's the total censorship going on that's admitted by Silicon Valley, working with China and others.
And Google and Facebook and Apple tailoring censorship for Islamic needs, communist needs, corporate American needs, whatever you want.
And then having hearings where they say it doesn't exist.
The truth is the biggest lobbyist on Capitol Hill is Silicon Valley.
Even above and beyond the Defense Department.
And so this is the sellout, the takedown of society.
Last year, in July, they said take Alex Jones off.
And a month later, I was taken off.
And those very same people give press conferences saying there is no censorship.
It doesn't exist.
It's all part of a demoralization where you know what you've seen, but they just tell you it didn't happen.
So here's what's happening.
They were illegally spying on Trump throughout the campaign.
They launched the fake Russiagate investigation once Trump became president-elect to cover up that illegal investigation and to open new ones up to discredit the election and to then get a dragnet out to find dirt on Trump associates, not associated with Russia, but on income taxes and things like that.
And they can take regular tax attorney stuff and regular things that law firms, you know, say you can do, and that's in the tax law, and they can convince a jury of, you know, twelve morons that you've committed a crime.
That's how this works.
That's how they do it.
And so now they're going to end the Russia investigation from all the inside intel I've got.
Now I told you Trump was going to declare an emergency a month ago and he didn't.
Now he's about to do it.
I told you about it before it was even being discussed.
I'm giving you accurate info.
I just don't know exactly how it's going to play out.
But when it comes to dates and times, I give you a dead reckoning and sources.
But in the first week of March, they're going to put out the Mueller report.
And it was the cover
To discredit the election, to cover up the illegal spying before, but most importantly, to use that investigation and then refer things that Mueller found with all the wiretaps and spying that wasn't Russia-related to other U.S.
attorneys, like the Southern District of New York, or Chicago, Illinois, or the District of Columbia, where they control the judges, and where they control the juries, and where they control the grand juries.
So you're going to see out of Chicago,
Out of New York City and out of the District of Criminals, D.C., a three-pronged attack.
And probably some other ones as well.
But those are the three we know about.
And none of it will have to do with Russia.
Sure, Schiff will keep something going in the House Judiciary Committee.
He'll keep that canard going as well.
So that when they finally have the impeachment, they can throw in some Russiagate stuff to remove Pence as well.
Then you get President Pelosi.
So that's the plan.
That's why you've got Elizabeth Warren.
Let's play a clip of Elizabeth Warren.
Here she is this weekend saying that, well, he'll probably want to be in office in 2020.
And so this is their plan.
Now, they said Trump would be out by December 2017.
Didn't work.
But they're definitely more organized and acting like they're going to make the jump, you know, off the high-rise building into the pool 10 stories below.
Who knows if they'll break their back when they hit it.
They think it's going to be okay.
So here is what Elizabeth Warren had to say.
But here it is.
It's the first full day of my campaign.
And one of the things we're going to have to decide about how campaigns go forward is about what Donald Trump does every day.
Every day.
There's a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly.
And what are we, as candidates?
As activists, as the press, what are we going to do about that?
Are we going to chase after those every day?
Are we going to let him use those to divide us?
You know, here's what bothers me.
We'll be back, of course.
Just stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
You know, we got a live feed via satellite of the U.S.
Capitol and the flags at half-mast.
When I drive around Texas, flags are at half-mast 90% of the time.
They said they were at half-mast for a month for Herbert Walker Bush who tried to end the United States.
He's a globalist, New World Order.
And look right there, it's at half-mast.
It's below half-mast.
It's just constant.
Again, this is all part of the demoralization.
The country's never coming back.
The family's bad.
I've got articles where a woman on Facebook didn't know that a man thought he was a woman.
The guy looks like a woman.
And so she got arrested for saying it was talking to him like he was a man.
That's crazy.
It's meant to be crazy.
They're training normal people that he can be thrown in prison for any reason because you're a producer.
And you're gonna have a bunch of weird, whacked out, drug addict people, who've all signed on to state power, who've all been sterilized, at a terminal, watching and running your life.
That's the ruling class.
People that chop their testicles off.
That's the endgame.
I'm not joking.
You sell out, you roll over to die, metaphysically, you'll be put in a limited time position, while they get the AI all worked out,
As the watcher.
As the minder.
As the Chavano.
And everybody, you know, that's in... Scarface.
I've asked good Spanish speakers what it is, and they go, maybe I should ask Cubans what it means, but no one ever really tells me what it means, because you want a Chavano in every corner, telling you what to wear, how to live, what to eat.
You like squid?
I get squid three meals a day.
I got squid coming out of my, you know what?
I want to come to the United States of America like the President Jimmy Carter says.
But see, instead we got a bunch of people coming up that want to be communist.
And they're literally trying to break our border.
UN funded with UN bases.
And the Democrats having the judges release everybody and saying let's get rid of the beds and detention facilities so we can break the border completely and just have it wide open like Europe.
That same attack.
This is World War 4.
It's happening now.
But don't worry.
Maxine Waters, whose husband in different bailouts got tens of millions of dollars in one payoff.
The Hill reports she gave $12 million of taxpayer money directly to him after he looted the money out of the bank he runs in California.
Also based in Boston.
So then it's pure, I mean, just look at that psychotic, demon-possessed, nobody-at-home, looks like a ventriloquist doll.
Like Chuckie.
You put that head on like a two-foot body and it's like, I'm here!
With like a butcher knife.
You know what she's thinking about?
She ain't home.
Your planet will serve us well.
Talk about scams.
Well, she wants to bitch about how America's bad all day.
But hell, her and her husband, they'd probably make pretty good African dictators, wouldn't they?
Run the same kind of scams.
I mean, all the... Because, you know, Africa's so altruistic, and the mythical kingdom of Wakanda...
And so she could go be in Wakanda to fly around in spaceships.
No, she'd go to Africa and she'd have 14 Ferraris and palaces in Switzerland.
She'd turn us into a third world country just like that.
And by the way, she's trying hard and she's almost done.
Cause she's gonna rule it.
She's gonna run it.
And when she's done, there ain't gonna be nothing left.
Her and Cortez and Michael Moore and all these crooks know exactly what they're doing.
So I want to open the phones up specifically for all of you.
I wanted to get your take on their plan to remove the president.
I've talked quite a bit about it.
And it's hiding in plain view and the Mueller report is going to be over in the next month or so.
I think early March is what all the tea leaves show and sources I have say.
And then, though, it's going to be, oh, oh, they're going to face-save and keep it going in the Judiciary Committee in the House, the fake Russiagate under Schiff.
But all these other 80-plus sub-investigations start up.
Well, here, let's go ahead and play the Maxine Waters.
Here it is.
And you think I'm going to let you stand on?
Someone who's done nothing but steal and lie and underline.
We're going to get your tax returns!
Wow, so she's going to turn herself in.
In fact, you could turn this around and say Maxine Waters comes clean.
Admit she did it all.
But see, again, I care about the third world, Africa and Latin America, but there's nothing like people who are in America bitching about how bad it is when they're trying to recreate
What's outside the U.S.
You can say what you want about the U.S., we've had our problems, but as corruption goes, we were one of the few places where you didn't just hereditarily get all the power and then everybody had to bow down to you.
Like people had shootouts with the railroad magnets.
I mean, people went to war with the establishment and stood up to it and got some concessions.
But she's not talking about that.
She is the establishment.
It's unbelievable.
Elizabeth Warren says Trump may not even be a free person in 2020.
Do we ever even play that clip?
We've got it ready.
Here it is.
Here's Warren.
By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president.
Yeah, so that's their plan.
In fact, he may not even be a free person.
That's right, all those illegal aliens and rapists and murderers and jihadists you're bringing in, like we are repatriating jihadist ISIS fighters, they'll be fine.
And Hillary and the uranium and the fake servers and the child trafficking networks, that'll all still be operating.
But the rest of the American people, the producers, those that actually care about the country, we're going to keep a tight lid on you because you're our milk cow.
What a group of garbage.
So we're going to open the phones up.
What do you think about the move they're about to make on Trump and the announcements that, oh, the Southern District of New York's getting ready to indict all the Trump people.
There's no Russiagate, but you're all going to jail for tax evasion.
It's our interpretation.
We say as federal prosecutors, this is illegal from 20 years ago, and we're coming after you.
It's a miracle, just put up with that!
More of these bullies!
We're going to air them in the part of the third hour.
Then we'll be back at the end of the third hour live.
But these are so powerful and so informative.
We're going to air them here on air.
One of them, this lady really knocks it out of the park.
I love seeing how viral her videos are going.
I'll plug her, they'll probably take her down.
But why are people disappearing from Uber?
Could you be next?
Lisa Haven.
So that's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
And so much more.
Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson.
It's all coming up.
Tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
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If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late-term abortion and all the great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's a bestseller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor's 3-5%.
The top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're gonna have 95% are humanoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive.
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know,
I'm proud of real Southern culture.
I think it has a lot of great things to offer.
And Texas is kind of the gateway to the West, along with Missouri and Oklahoma.
So we're kind of Southern, kind of not.
Western and Southern.
Cool mix.
But there's a certain type of candy-ass KKK Democrat that I've learned to really hate, who always talks in a fake effeminate voice, who acts real sweet and real like this.
And you just want to run from them.
They are the caricature of a corrupt Southerner.
And most of them are the lineage of carpetbaggers and scallywags.
And that little chicken-necked snake is definitely one of them.
He went to the next level because they fetishize race.
They're super uncomfortable around black people or anybody else.
And he said that black people were indentured servants.
No, they weren't.
It's totally different.
It is a form of slavery, but not the same.
The other type of slavery is like four or five times worse, I'd say, but I've studied the history.
We're going to get to this amazing clip in a moment, and then your phone calls about them trying to take Trump out.
Not anything Russiagate, but all these different U.S.
attorneys put in there by Obama and Clinton and Bush.
They're all getting ready, folks, to make their move.
Will America put up with this crap?
But first,
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But everybody's metabolic system is different.
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But here's the bottom line.
We're good
Let's go to your phone calls on the plan to remove the president.
The Democrats admit they're doing it.
During the election, oh, we're not going to impeach.
Oh, you know, there's not going to be anything but Russiagate.
Now, oh, we got 84 investigations, and we got U.S.
attorneys in big swamp cities like D.C.
and New York City and Chicago, and we're coming for you.
We're going to get you.
We're going to indict everybody you know.
Ha ha ha!
This is a coup by a thousand cuts.
What does Trump do?
How do we respond?
How outrageous is this?
Why won't he appoint special counsels on Uranium One and on the Clintons?
Why won't he take action?
Why won't he stand up to internet censorship?
Now they're deplatforming everybody off their bank accounts.
It's a reign of terror!
So yeah, I love Trump compared to Clinton, and I love him compared to Michael Moore, and I love him compared to Nancy Pelosi, but Trump isn't getting the message!
He's watching Fox News at night, and they won't talk about it!
It's dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
But speaking of what I mentioned earlier, let's get to the governor.
We'll go to your calls.
Here he is on national television acting totally fake, totally synthetic.
He's got that weird thing that fake Southerners have, where he has a little skinny neck, and then the hair on the back of it, like a little snake, it's like a weird mullet goes down the back of his neck.
You gotta see him from the back, like a long, like a little, little snake neck.
I mean, I'm sorry.
And he's talking like this, and loving every word he says, and he just relishes, we have to remember it's the 400th year.
Anniversary of the first African-American slaves that were indentured servants.
Indentured servants were Europeans that came off surf land that had to buy their stuff from the company store.
They were sharecroppers, basically.
And they lived on the Lord's property.
And if they tried to run away or whatever, they'd be killed.
They would sign a contract for passengers of the New World to work seven to ten years as an indentured servant.
And yeah, they can put you in prison.
In some cases, you can get hung if you ran away.
But you could get out of the slavery.
And if you ran away, you'd mix in with the white population and a lot of times could get away.
A lot of the Hessian soldiers were actually German military slaves in the Revolutionary War.
Like, something like a fourth of them, sometimes, in some areas, a half of them would defect, because there were already German communities and others.
They'd just say, hey, this looks a lot better.
You know, this German girl I just met here in, you know, Pennsylvania, or in New York, I think I'm going to, or New Jersey, I think I'm going to do that, instead of get shot by a bunch of continental, continental soldiers who are meaner than hell, and have been in like, you know, dozens of wars.
That's what happened, ladies and gentlemen.
And you've got this guy up here just sycophantically trying to grovel to this black lady on the TV show, and she just slaps him down.
I mean, this guy is an embarrassment.
Here he is.
I know this has been a very difficult week for you in the state of Virginia.
So where would you like to begin?
Well, it has been a difficult week.
And, you know, if you look at Virginia... Back him up again.
Let's play it again.
It has been a difficult week.
I'm Boss Hogg.
Let me exaggerate my southern accent.
People don't talk like that.
They just keep... These establishment types always act like this.
They're always Democrats.
They're total fakes.
They play race politics.
It's all they know.
And he steps in again.
Here he is.
Well, it has been a difficult week.
And, you know, if you look at Virginia's history, we're now at the 400 year anniversary.
Start over again.
Start over again.
He relishes and gets all big-eyed.
We're at the 400 year anniversary.
We're going to cause a lot of division out of this.
We're going to manage everybody like we used to pull whites against poor blacks.
Let's just relish this history and make it a big deal, even though it's still going on in many areas of the world.
Let's open up these old wounds right now, baby.
Sorry, start it over.
It's been a difficult week, and you know, if you look at Virginia's history, we're now at the 400-year anniversary.
Just 90 miles from here, in 1619, the first indentured servants from Africa landed on our shores in Old Point Comfort, what we call now Fort Monroe.
Also known as slavery.
Yeah, yeah.
Everything about this guy is fake.
He can't even tell the truth.
He's on TV.
Everybody knows an indentured servant is different than a slave.
It's a form of slavery, but it's not the same thing!
And it's just, it's just, it's unbelievable how he's relishing.
Oh, history, it's bad.
Look, I'm going to do a real bad tour and tell everybody how bad white people are.
And I'm going to... No, white people aren't bad.
Most people's ancestors got here by the 1870s or 80s and never had anything to do with slavery.
Africa still has slavery.
I guarantee you that son of a bitch was in the KKK.
I know every side of it.
Thinks he's better than everybody?
He's the landed gentry type, gonna manage everybody.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Supreme Wizard, excuse me, Grand Dragon, excuse me, Cyclopsian Ruler, Governor Ralph Northam has just slipped up again and said that blacks were indentured servants, which is completely different than the transatlantic African slave trade started by the Arabs and the Muslims.
Let's continue with your calls.
Let's go to your phone calls.
We've got Pamela.
And we've got Calvin, we got Megan, we got William, and Gary, and Jared, and Dante, and Mike, and Brandon, and Brian, and everybody.
So let's go ahead and talk to Pamela in North Carolina.
Thanks for calling, welcome.
Hi Alex, we just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
Thank you.
I would sing to you, but you may not like that part.
So from all your InfraWarriors, happy birthday.
I'm an old man now.
I look like I'm about 50 because I'm in so many wars, but I'm 45.
That's right.
Oh no, you look great.
And we wanted you to know that we've all placed orders today, since it is your birthday, celebrating for your birthday.
Thank you.
And as far as Trump's impeachment, to me, I would say Trump just needs to get rid of everybody and start all over.
It can't get any worse than it is now.
No, I agree.
But notice Democrats keep saying, we're allowed to remove a president, even though they're not.
It's impeachment that does that, with fake criminal charges.
Well, that was the case.
Any grand jury, any county that didn't like a president could just indict them and get rid of them.
But they're going to make their move with a whole bunch of indictments here in the next few months, I predict.
Including, I think, maybe the president himself, but definitely of his family and others.
So get ready.
Well, we're ready.
All he's got to do is say the word.
And we thank you for all you do.
Ma'am, I thank you for all your support.
Listen, I just want to beat Soros and Hillary.
And we've become a contest, like a tug-of-war with the Globals.
Anything else, Pamela?
Thank you so much.
She's gone.
Let's go to Megan in Texas.
Megan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Thank you for calling.
I'm awesome.
I'm going to give you a little bit of my background.
I'm 31, live in Texas.
My grandpa was from Wise County.
I was born and raised in California.
He went out west for work in the 40s.
I lived through the downfall of California.
My husband and I got out of there as soon as we graduated from school, came to Texas because to us it was a bastion of freedom.
And I'm looking at what's happening to Trump right now, and I'm telling you right now, this whole country's going the way of California.
We're going to be disenfranchised.
If they get him out, that's the gateway right there.
There's no more middle of the country anymore.
We're not going to have a say.
I mean, we're killing babies, and we're poisoning the ones we're not killing.
We're just here in Texas trying to raise our three little girls, and I just... What do you think we're going to... If they manage to get him out, what's our contingency plan?
Where do we go from there?
Megan, I hear the earnestness in your voice, the concern, and I absolutely agree with you.
They hit Europe with 15 million military-age men.
It's collapsed.
They broke their borders.
They're breaking ours.
It's treason.
The governor of New Mexico, the governor of California, has pulled National Guard off.
We have tens of thousands, four caravans coming.
Five million have announced they're coming in a major gallop pull.
This is insane!
Now 5 million want to join caravans.
That's gallop.
I mean, it is on.
And again, they're using these people as weapons.
They're saying, you know, no deal on government shutdown unless you get rid of the 100,000 beds and only make it 16,500.
They're literally saying you can't hold rapists and murderers.
They're saying you can't check who the kids are with or what diseases they have.
This is the lawless world government breaking of America with the Democrat collaborators running it all.
You're absolutely right.
Yeah, I just, I feel like not only that, my husband and I are both business owners, and just, I hate to say this, but the brain dead masses, you try to get through to these people, they're so asleep and zombified, you can't get anybody to work.
Luckily for me, my mom works for me, my husband owns a small trucking company, and it's just like, it's pulling teeth to get anybody who has any kind of work ethic, everybody's
Oh, there's all the videos where the Mexicans tell you, no, no, no, no, no.
Nobody that doesn't speak Spanish, and by the way, it's very racist, they say no black people.
They use a blackbird term.
Oh, I know.
They say no mayates.
Yeah, they hate blacks.
When we were in college, it was just kind of starting to pop off with all this idiocy there.
My husband got kicked out of three of our college classes for standing up and speaking his mind.
But the brown shirts would come out with Mecha, and it was... Which means for those in the race, everything... For those outside the race, nothing.
And again, most Hispanics aren't racist like this.
But the politically involved people, or Hispanics or Americans are great people, but this is the globalist plan and it's absolutely two minutes to midnight.
California used to be just like Texas.
It's now a collapsing hellhole.
God bless you, Megan.
Megan was on fire, ladies and gentlemen, and her warning is absolutely true.
Are you going to listen to her?
Because a lot of Texans, a lot of Oklahomans went out to California.
And now they've come back because the state is gone, ladies and gentlemen.
We have some affiliates out there, so a lot of great people, a beautiful state, but it's gone.
We have to admit, this is the mindset, this is the program into the future.
Let's go to another caller here.
Let's talk to Brandon in Colorado.
We have Democrats introducing articles of impeachment today, Brandon.
Good to talk to you, Alex.
Just first off, I wanted to say thanks for the product.
I've tried a couple of them, the Brain Force and the Silver Bullet.
All good products.
Thank you.
My question is, you know, I don't know exactly how it entirely works, but is there a way that Trump could possibly use the continuity of government in calling for the
I don't know.
It's civil unrest that they're starting.
I mean, it's getting bad enough.
Well, here's the deal.
I'm Mr. Anti-Martial Law.
I'm Mr. Anti-Police State because I saw the Democrats building up an apparatus for the Constitutionalists.
Then the cops wouldn't do what the Dems said, so they started killing cops with the Strong Cities Initiative to try to bring them in under globalist control.
So the police have woken up and kind of rebelled.
It doesn't mean they're perfect.
Nobody is.
They're a cross-section of the country, but the country's woken up.
So the police have woken up, by and large.
In fact, statistically more than anybody else other than military.
And so I don't want martial law.
The Democrats are putting us into a civil emergency.
They're crushing our border.
They're trying to end the country.
They started the war.
So yes, we are going towards the Democrats are going to have a state of emergency to bring in their own martial law or we're going to counter them.
They're going to bring in their own crisis.
We're going to have to crush them at that point or capitulate.
They started the war.
We're in an existential war for the very future of the country right now.
Well, they can start the war, but the problem is they're not going to be left with life, what they're left with as far as the population.
Well, the globalists in the IMF documents think we're idiots.
Yes sir.
We're not calling for that.
Just if they want a war, just like at Bunker Hill, you know, the captain said, listen, we don't want a war, we don't want to start today.
But if they came for a war, they're going to get one.
Don't shoot first.
Well, the shot heard around the world was fired by the Redcoats.
And the rest is history.
So if they want a war, they're going to get one.
And they know who's loyal to America and who isn't.
They know who isn't going to back down and who is.
They've already been testing to see who's going to roll over during this.
So get ready, folks.
You want to go toe-to-toe with the globalists, just understand it's on.
And remember, Pelosi and all them are going to wake this up in Kauai and in Tasmania.
But I imagine that there are a lot of people in those areas that have already made Santa Claus lists about, you know, everything is going to go down because of the globalist thing.
They're going to sit here and screw this country and screw our children over and pull all this crap.
And there ain't going to be a two way street here.
There are going to be blowback.
What do you think is going to happen, my friend?
I appreciate your call.
And that's the type of world we've gotten to.
We come back.
We got more calls here.
We got... William says Mueller will not stop also funding the Infowar.
Mueller is going to in name stop and pull back because his fake Russiagate was a smokescreen for non-Russian related crimes in a dragnet.
So, you're right.
Technically, he's not going to stop, but he's like an ICBM three-stage missile.
He's the boost, and then the in-orbit delivery, you know, boost gets you up, you get into orbit, then you've got another propellant, and then now the re-entry device is going to be all of these fake investigations.
So the multiple re-entry device MIRV shell case pops open, they've got 84 fake investigations they're going to launch on us.
And they're now coming back into orbit, MIRV is opening, warheads are being deployed as we speak.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You got some powerful reports coming up for like 30 minutes, then I'll be back and continue with your phone calls after this segment.
I got lawyers here.
I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on lawsuits against the deep state.
So, uh, it's gonna happen now.
So I'll have lunch over war planning, and we'll be back live.
The war room's coming up.
Gavin McGinnis is gonna be in the studio tomorrow.
We got so much.
Allie Alexander's here in town as well.
We're going back to your phone calls right now, so please stay with us.
Let's go ahead and go back to who I said I was going to go to here.
Let's talk to Mike in Kansas.
Go ahead.
Mike, you're on the air.
Alex, are you there?
I am.
All right.
Listen, with this indictment, what's going to happen?
You remember Mike in Kansas City?
That's me.
I've been in the feds for a while.
But what always happens with this is that you get indicted
They get their cherry-picked jury, they get it in front of a judge who will let them get away with anything, and you're going to prison.
That's how it works.
Yes, but there's a separation of powers, so indictments of the president go nowhere.
The media is trying to act like they do to create this illusion that the president's a criminal.
What they're going to do is indict everyone around Trump to try to get them to then make up lies about the president that are impeachable offenses.
Exactly, exactly.
So what needs to happen, in my opinion, no violence, but we can't all keep expecting the president to kiss every bruise on every knee.
We, the people, need to get physically in the 3D dimension, get up and get out.
No, I totally agree.
We should be going to every Democrat event and confronting them about what they've done.
We should be out there taking action.
God bless you, Mike.
I totally agree with you.
Because they're the ones trying to get violent.
They're the ones trying to cut people's bank accounts off and everything.
That's trying to kill people.
Trying to take food out of your kid's mouth.
I mean, this is a savage group of dirtbags.
Who's been on the longest here?
Brian in California has a message to the globalists.
Go ahead, Brian.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
I just wanted to say that, you know, I remember you were talking about that time when you were on the plane and the globalists said to you that everybody will just adapt.
Well, I mean, they killed Breitbart.
They killed Webb.
They're going to kill you.
Are we just going to adapt to it?
No, I'm not going to adapt to it.
And I'm not suicidal.
I don't look forward to death.
I got kids I want to take care of.
But I think they kill me.
It's a little bit different than Breitbart or a Gary Webb.
But, you know, I'm not worried about it.
I get in the car every day.
That's a super dangerous thing to do as well.
I put my kids in the car and drive around.
That's the most dangerous thing you can do.
So, sure.
I mean, everybody always says, so who's going to start killing?
Who are we going to kill?
I mean, who are we going to start killing?
Because, I mean, everybody's always like, hey, it's time to get violent.
And so they're always trying to stir stuff up and blame us for violence.
So I'm not saying we should offensively start violence.
But people that are talking about violence, I wonder if they've actually planned anything or is it all just kind of tell the people to get violent?
Well, let's just put it this way.
I'm a handyman and I operate in the Bay Area.
I'm in a $7 million house right now.
I have stood next to Ray Kurzweil.
I have stood next to Nathan Wolf.
You can look him up.
He's a DARPA cyber... Okay, listen, listen, listen.
You got me ready to have a cream my pants.
So let's just stop right there.
I get what you're talking about, brother.
I understand.
That's exactly what these bastards don't get, is the very helicopter pilots, the very jet pilots, the very people guarding them hate their guts and can't wait to deliver them to the bottom of the Davy Jones.
I understand.
Yeah, we're in your houses.
We watch you while you sleep.
I don't think they realize that because they've taken our restraint for weakness, Brian.
I don't know what to do.
I'm a former military, former police officer, and I'm just frustrated.
Well, I think while you're talking, please don't do anything, but I think while you're talking is great.
We're not going to go riot in the street and kill cops like the left does.
Stuff goes off, we just clean house, don't we?
What's the catalyst going to be?
I think we're going to know it when it comes.
We want to fix it.
But, I don't know, brother, but you're getting me, believe me.
Believe me.
You're talking the talk that, you know, I already got going on in my brain.
Let's just, we need to hold back.
We just need to hold back.
But I understand we need to let them also know that we're not scared.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Hi everyone, Lisa Haven here, and I've got a question for you.
Do those at the very top, I'm talking about the globalist Democratic arm who is in league with the communist Chinese, by the way, because we know they own a majority here in America.
Do they want their opposition gone, eliminated, dead?
If not, then why is there such a concerted effort of all these groups working against us to ban us?
Check this out.
Here's an entire list from InfoWars in which they were banned, the platforms they were banned from.
It includes Facebook, it includes YouTube, it includes Twitter, Spotify, and many, many others.
But on that list are also a few things that should have never have made the list.
I'm talking about LinkedIn,
LinkedIn deals with, well, resumes and job qualifications.
Or how about Shopify?
Shopify has to deal with e-commerce, buying and selling on the internet.
Or what about PayPal?
PayPal has to deal with sending money to and from people, kind of like that of an internet bank, almost.
Because transactions are made, right?
But here we have PayPal banning someone for their political view.
Now the question isn't whether you agree with Alex Jones, InfoWars or not.
That's not the question.
The question is, why is it okay for PayPal to ban someone for their political view?
That's the question.
And here's the thing.
They don't ban criminals.
You see, you can be a murderer, you can be a rapist, you can be a pedophile, you can be convicted of multiple crimes, you could be a thief, you could even be a hacker, convicted of a hack, and guess what?
You're allowed on PayPal.
You're allowed to thrive on their platform, but yet, someone who has a different view from PayPal or Shopify aren't allowed to be part of their platform?
How is it that a political name has been degraded more than, say, your average mass criminal?
It doesn't make any kind of sense unless there's a concerted effort by those at the top to eliminate a certain voice.
But here's the question.
Did it stop at InfoWars?
Was it just a one-time deal with PayPal?
Absolutely not.
They went on to ban Laura Loomer.
Yeah, check this out.
Here's a screenshot from Laura Loomer's page saying she was banned for, well, hate speech on PayPal.
Here we go again.
We have another activist banned on PayPal.
She's never committed any major murderous crime or is a violent person or has even been convicted of anything violent.
Yet she's banned?
For her political view?
When did politics become worse than murder?
Or a rape?
Or pedophileness?
When did it become such a crime?
That's my question.
Sounds eerily similar to something that happened under Stalin's regime, right?
When he labeled his political activists
with some kind of mental disorder.
You see, same thing's happening right now in America.
But guess what?
Laura Loomer wasn't only banned from PayPal, she was also banned from Uber and Lyft.
Check this report out.
This is from thedailydot.com.
Uber and Lyft banned far-right activist Laura Loomer for an anti-Muslim rant.
So Uber, by the way, she was also banned from Uber Eats, right?
Uber, Uber, Uber Eats and Lyft.
What do they have to do with politics?
It doesn't really matter what was said, but in all reality, does Uber ban people for being anti-Christian and hating on Christians?
Does Uber ban people for being anti-Semitic or against certain things?
Do they ban any of that?
No, what about, does Uber... Okay, let's think of the risk of the drivers in Uber because they should be of utmost concern.
They get their background checks, right?
The Uber driver has a background check and all of that to make sure the passenger is safe.
But you see, Uber allows all kinds of passengers.
It doesn't matter if you committed a crime.
It doesn't matter if you've raped someone in the past or a murderer.
They don't do a background check of who's in that car, do they?
Has nothing to do with that.
Everyone's allowed.
But here, because someone supposedly spoke against one, against Muslims, and I'm not saying it's not right to speak against anyone in that matter, but what I'm saying is because she did something like that, she gets banned.
She wasn't being violent, wasn't causing any violence.
But yet, why does one voice get censored, but the other side
Doesn't at all.
No one else.
Just one political voice.
Rapists, pedophiles can all ride in an Uber.
Can they not?
They can all get in and ride, putting the life of the Uber driver at risk.
They don't get panned.
So who's the worst criminal of all, according to social media?
And Uber and PayPal and all these companies rising to the forefront to fight hate speech.
Well, it's literally become in America more of a crime of hate speech against anyone.
And it's not even hate speech.
It's a political speech that's being subjected.
Political speech has become enemy number one.
And I've just proved to you that point.
I want to bring awareness to what's really going on.
And all I'm asking for is fairness.
All I'm asking for is why don't we focus on the real problem at hand?
How about some of the criminality we have in America?
How about true love, peace, and happiness?
And not attacking one political side for their viewpoint, but everybody understanding that we have differences of opinion.
Since when did we become like Stalin's era?
To where political activists is enemy number one over any crime.
You can rob a bank.
And that's less of a crime according to these social media sites.
You're worthy to rob tons of banks and still have all these things, social media sites.
But lo and behold, if you speak against the globalist, progressive, democratic, liberal arm, you're worthy of being banned from everyday things.
How is that fair?
People don't get their electricity taken away unless they don't pay their bill, right?
People don't get their phones turned off unless they don't pay what's owed to the bill company.
People don't get their gas bill shut off unless they don't pay the bill.
Why isn't it that way with PayPal?
It's understandable if you're not paying what's due on PayPal or paying what you needed to on Shopify or you didn't pay the Uber driver or you got violent with the Uber driver, then no more Uber for you.
But that's not the case.
It's simply your political view, which they're calling and labeling under hate speech, that is how it began.
You see, under Stalin's era, they labeled it some kind of mental issue if you were in disagreement with Stalin, you see?
So, having a political viewpoint became a mental state.
And so people were subjected to all kinds of stuff like we're seeing today.
But since we have the beauty of the internet,
We're seeing it in so many forms and different ways than ever before.
So how do we fix it?
How do we change things?
What do we do?
Well, for starters, maybe we could write letters to PayPal.
Let them know our feelings and how we believe, you know, suppressing someone for a political view isn't right.
Same thing with Uber and Lyft.
Why do you ban a political view but not a criminal who could actually put the life of your driver at stake?
Good question.
And you know, I encourage you, contact your congressmen and senators.
Let them start passing bills or making rules or laws, which this needs to stop.
We have utilities, and these utilities aren't allowed to turn anyone off with any other reason, really, unless you're not paying your bill.
Why are they able to turn us off like that on the internet?
For a crime that is not, has not been committed.
Just a question.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The video I did earlier this week calling out Joe Rogan for his lame interview with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey got over 800 thumbs down from the loyal Joe Rogan fans.
The most thumbed down video I've made in six months.
If only there was some way for YouTube to protect me from all these people hurting my feelings with their thumbs down.
Oh wait, what's this?
YouTube will experiment with ways to prevent dislike button mobs.
This is not a joke, they're freaking out because garbage videos like the Gillette ad and Elizabeth Warren's presidential announcement get hundreds of thousands or millions of dislikes.
By the way, the 800 thumbs down that my video got is nothing compared to the 34,000 thumbs up that it got, which equates to about a 97.5% favorable rating.
But I do appreciate the feedback, and the like and the dislike button are great tools to give that feedback.
For example, when 22,000 people thumbed down Good Morning America's video featuring the 11-year-old drag kid, Desmond is Amazing, which equates to about a 95% negative rating, showing that people don't want to see this crap.
But the literal world record for the number one most thumbed-down YouTube video in history goes to YouTube's very own 2018 Rewind, which they themselves produced in order to highlight the top YouTube
It was the epitome of social justice warrior propaganda and also featured mainstream celebrities like Will Smith, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver.
So 15 million people sent a message with their thumbs down that it didn't represent YouTubers or YouTube culture and that it was garbage.
Something similar happens every time YouTube puts out a corporate video pushing liberal propaganda like when they released their coming together to celebrate the dozens of different gender identities.
Not only did this one have over 300,000 thumbs down, but they also disabled the comments because they can't show that people are voicing disagreement.
YouTube's not quite sure what they're gonna do to save people's feelings from getting hurt from so many thumbs down and protect other people from realizing that a garbage video is garbage.
This YouTube employee said that they may not allow you to thumb down videos anymore unless you watch the whole thing.
If I don't like a video, I'm certainly not going to watch the whole thing, which is part of their plan to artificially inflate the ratings of the videos.
Oh, and what do we have here?
His video explaining that they may take away our ability to thumb down videos as over a 50% thumbs down rating.
In other news, Instagram just censored a post from conservative commentator Kayleigh McEnany after she put up that popular picture showing that Elizabeth Warren claimed that she was an American Indian on her Texas bar registration.
That's harassment and bullying, they said.
Meanwhile, BuzzFeed is pressuring Twitter to censor memes that are hurting Democrats' feelings, saying that Twitter is allowing this altered photo comparing women members of Congress who wore white to the State of the Union to the KKK to circulate on its platform, despite its own policy that it doesn't allow symbols historically associated with hate groups.
They want to censor memes from social media now, because every day is a new low for the left.
Hope you guys pick up a copy of my new book, Liberals and Find a Cure, which came out a few months ago, in paperback from Amazon.com, or download the e-book out of your tablet or your e-reader.
And I'm sure you'll like The True Story of Fake News, which came out about a year ago, which covers all the mainstream media manipulation, the social media censorship, and the liberal bias that we're just being bombarded with.
The books are a lot better than I'm sure you'd expect, and a lot more serious, too, than these short and sarcastic YouTube videos.
So if you guys enjoy my channel, I hope you pick up a copy of one of them on Amazon.com, or click the link in the description below and it'll take you over to the store.
Or again, you can download the e-books onto your tablet or your e-reader.
Or if you're not a reader, you can always get your Liberalism Find a Cure t-shirt from my online store, markdice.com, and help spread the word.
On Thursday, Alexandria Crazy Eyes Cortez released her plan to save the world called the New Green Deal, which is a non-binding resolution that she hopes that everyone will follow in order to save our planet.
I had to put in a lot of overtime fact-checking all the reports that I was seeing because I thought there was no way that they could be accurate.
They had to be fake news!
But what I'm about to tell you is true.
In the outline posted on her official government website, it calls for, quote, a huge mobilization to create a renewable energy economy as fast as possible.
We set a goal to get net zero rather than zero emissions in 10 years because we aren't sure that we're able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast.
Democrats have been concerned about cow farts for some time now, thinking that they're contributing to global warming.
Crazy Eyes also hopes that by the government spending all of our tax money fighting climate change, that it will also provide everyone with, quote, a job with a family-sustaining wage, high quality education, including higher education, aside from clean air and water,
Healthy food, high quality health care, safe, affordable, adequate housing, and economic security for all of those who are unable or unwilling to work!
So for those people who just don't want to work, they can get a UBI, a universal basic income, free money from the government for doing nothing!
After being widely ridiculed by almost everyone, including Nancy Pelosi, she then deleted the FAQ section from her website.
At first I thought that the screenshots I was seeing online and the excerpts I was reading were satire, but I have the original document and that's exactly what it says.
And a lot of news outlets did report that she was promising money for those who were unwilling to work.
The part about the farting cows is true too, but they have since changed the language to say emissions.
Emissions from the cows.
Subscribe to my channel if you're new here because it gets even better.
I saw someone posted this meme with a quote attributed to her saying, quote, we need to invent technology that's never even been invented yet.
The memes about her are the best thing happening on the internet right now.
But what makes this meme so funny is that this is actually a real quote!
Snopes even fact-checked it!
Did Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez say we need to invent technology that's never been invented?
And they said, yes, it is correct!
Oh, it gets even better.
Not only is her plan going to save the world from global warming, it's also going to end racism!
Because today is the day that we truly embark on a comprehensive agenda of economic, social, and racial justice in the United States of America.
That's what this agenda is all about.
Because climate change, climate change and our environmental challenges,
Are one of the biggest existential threats to our way of life.
Not just as a nation, but as a world.
So taxing us more is going to end racism and save the world?
Am I hearing you right?
We should do it because we are an example to the world.
That is why we should do it.
And we need to save ourselves and we can save the rest of the world with us.
That is why we should do it.
This poor woman is in so far over her head, and she's so ignorant, but she means well, and she seems so sweet.
It's like watching a three-year-old explain why everybody in the world should get along with one another.
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Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Words cannot describe how big the stakes are for the future of humanity right now.
InfoWars is being openly targeted by the Democratic Party, leftist CIA operatives, the corrupt Justice Department, and the entire Soros crime syndicate.
People say, why would you start a fight with them?
Because they were already dominating and running America into the ground.
And I knew we had no future if we didn't do this.
So we've already had incredible success.
But if you will simply realize how epic this is, and understand how real this fight is, and why we've been made the main target,
And if you financially support us, and if you spread the word about our articles and videos, InfoWars.com, we won't just continue to stand up against these brutal scumbags.
We'll win.
We have huge sales at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
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But if you don't stand up and support us financially, Soros the Globalist may win.
This is InfoWars Darkness Hour.
We need your support.
I'm counting on you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Hi, I think you're cute.
Do you have a side girl, though?
I have a girlfriend.
No, and I don't want one.
Are you sure, babe?
Stupid pervert f***ing virgin!
Right, so you're trying to ruin his relationship by having sex with him.
But he's the pervert!
Sure, Jan.
You hottie!
How are you, cutie?
What's the big deal in this if you tell me that how the f*** you are?
If you are busy, then tell me.
What does this f***ing ignorance mean?
Oh my God.
Let me ask you again, how are you?
What the f**k?
What's wrong with you?
Hi, I had a really nice time, but we didn't really click, I'm sorry.
Bet, which is slang for okay or sure.
What is bet?
I just googled it, seems like a weird response to what I said, but okay, have a good day.
Not even going to say have a good day back, you're an a**hole!
Just because I rejected you?
No, get over yourself, this is college, f**k happens, not everything works out, n***a!
I'm changing my phone number.
Don't ever text me again!
Yeah, I don't think that'll be necessary.
Watching a film with your girl.
Oh, he's got a nice body.
Look at that smile.
I'd eat him.
Oh my god, that laugh!
Be more like him!
That's a cute flower.
Go f*** Marriott then!
Don't watch films with girls.
You dating Plank?
Yes, ma'am.
You know he doesn't like you, right?
He's mine.
You're ugly!
Oh yikes, but we are literally dating so that wouldn't make him mine.
He doesn't know what he wants.
I'm a nice girl and he'll see that you're just an ugly cow with no personality traits.
Don't ignore me, ugly cow!
Don't ignore me, ugly cow!
You're just mad because I'm better than you and you know it.
You know that he'll pick me over you because you're an ugly whore who would do anything for money.
I see you reading these.
Whatever, I'm blocking.
Have a s**t day.
You don't deserve him.
He deserves a nice girl who won't use him for money.
You're so ugly and devoid of personality that he'll come running to me.
Bro, I thought you were gonna block me.
Goodbye, ugly cow.
Hope you get an STD and die!
But remember, she's a nice girl.
Okay, wake up!
Wow, really?
You can't reply to any of my previous 5,396 messages?
That's how sleeping works!
What the f***?
What the f*** have you been answering?
I was sleeping.
I know you don't think it's a big deal, but you need to f***ing respond when I text you.
Real dick move.
You're lucky I ever said yes to dating you.
You need to treat me like the privilege I am.
Yeah, I'm going back to bed.
Hi, remember me?
Sorry, who's this?
It's me.
Oh, why are you contacting me?
I don't mean to sound rude, just curious.
I want us to get together again.
Sorry, but you broke my trust.
I don't feel comfortable being in a relationship with you anymore.
Really, bitch?
What trust did I break?
One, you tried to hide the condoms I bought for us because you wanted a baby and I didn't.
Then you cheated on me with blank.
Frankly, how am I actually supposed to trust you?
You've broken my trust not once, but twice.
You thought I actually wanted to be in a relationship with you again?
You're a little **** who can't handle a baby.
Also, don't force me not to do things.
I can **** whoever I want.
I'm exploring my sexuality.
I can't handle a baby because I don't have the expenses.
You know very well of my situation.
With two younger siblings to care for alone, I don't have money for a third member in the family.
Second, go find someone who's okay with you having sex with whomever.
**** you, you broke ****!
I'm not.
I hope you die of poverty!
I'll be reporting you and blocking you should you ever contact me again.
You're a sorry excuse of a person, don't you contact me again!
Crazy bitch, you started the conversation!
Tinder profile.
Self-employed, 5'11", don't really date any guy smaller than this if we match before you even read my profile and you're short unmatched.
Fair, eh?
I read most of the profiles here.
Well, unless you're short as f***, lol!
I never judge based on appearances!
But you just said...
Why didn't he try again?
Because she said no.
Forget it.
Dumb bitch, I was talking about the ice cream!
To be fair, it totally could be a stripper's name.
Just going to stay home and study for a bio exam I have on Tuesday.
Can you go to Men's Shoes with me?
It will be like data!
But as friends.
I'd love to, but I really need to catch up with some notes.
Sorry, maybe some other time.
Lalo, why can't you just skip school on Monday and study all day?
Sorry, I really don't have that option with this class.
It's too content-heavy to study for it overnight.
Cue then!
I wanted to help your lonely ass, but never mind.
I just picked you because you have a car!
I bet you thought I really wanted to go out with your fat ass!
You big mad hoe!
And why the f*** I want to date your nasty ass?
You wish I would date you!
You sucked blanks d*** for buying you a Whopper.
I'd prefer not to get close to you.
Oh look, it's our favorite e-thot doing that retarded eye thing again.
$2,500 a month Patreon donation.
You are my god.
I couldn't possibly ever thank you enough.
I couldn't possibly think of a good enough reward for the very best patron I will ever have.
If you achieve this tier, please private message me.
I'm not sure what reward I could give you, but we'll talk about it.
I love you.
Right, so they banned Sargon for dropping the N-word, soliciting thousands of dollars for unspecified, vague, private rewards.
That's just fine.
You play with them balls like it's FIFA!
Hey, what's up?
Long time no talk.
How've you been?
Emily said you broke your leg.
Yeah, I was cleaning my gutters and I fell off.
Classic, lol.
I really miss talking to you.
We should go on a date.
Oh, I'd love to, but my leg is really messed up and I can't leave the house for a few weeks.
I don't even like you anymore.
You're ugly and I hope your leg doesn't get better.
You missed your chance with me, buddy.
Have a nice life.
Even with a broken leg, dude managed to dodge a bullet.
Swiping right to me means that you're down for a dinner date.
I honestly feel so bad for your mum, to be honest.
The poor woman really laid in bed and let your dad pound her musty herpes-bound p*** like a construction site, then planted his seeds in her coochie.
And those seeds raced to the eggs in her uterus, and out of the millions of sperms, it was your unfortunate, ugly-ass sperm that won the game and fertilised the egg.
Then your bitch of a mum had to go through nine months of struggle of backaches and nausea and pregnancy cravings to end up going to labour.
To push out a deformed gorilla with a pothole, fat nose and a shiny-ass forehead out of a gaping vagina that invests time and energy in making Tinder profiles to send sh**ty, corny, pitiful-ass pickup lines to bitches on Tinder just so he could score some b****y. I have to laugh!
A simple no would have sufficed.
So my boyfriend is really into rapping, like, really into all that s***.
Honestly, a great rapper and can sing quite well.
He goes on and on about how it's his dream to become a famous rapper someday.
He has a soundcloud where he currently uploads music there, but they haven't gained much traction.
A couple of days ago, though, he called me all excited and s***, saying he was going to go on one of those music shows.
The Voice or American Idol got talent or some s***.
I had no clue he even auditioned.
As soon as I heard the news, I got nervous.
Like, what if he really makes it big because of this?
I know the reputation of rappers.
They're famous for having a bunch of hoes and cheating on their girlfriends and s***.
What if he makes it big and leaves me for some hoe?
I can't let that happen!
I love him too much!
So I did something that any loving girlfriend would do.
I told him I was pregnant!
He can't go off to have a huge career if he has a baby!
Of course he was very shook and sort of disbelieved when I told him lol.
But I did what's best for our relationship.
I don't want to lose him.
After a lot of hours talking and convincing, he finally agreed to not go to the show.
I can tell he was very upset about it, but I know this will be better for us.
He agreed to put his full focus on me and the BABY, LOL!
He's such a good guy.
I honestly feel kind of bad, but he can do that rapid s*** later!
He needs to focus on us, not trying to become famous and leave me.
Obviously I'll tell him I'm not actually pregnant.
I'll just wait a couple of months and claim I had a miscarriage or something.
I don't think what I did was wrong.
I was looking out for our relationship.
No man should choose some potential career over their loved one.
Lying to him, crushing his one big opportunity and ruining his dreams because you're an insecure, jealous bitch.
Hashtag perfect girlfriend!
Men are like Bluetooth.
He's connected to you when you're nearby, but searches for other devices when you are away.
Women are like Wi-Fi.
She sees all available devices, but connects to the strongest one.
Bluetooth can only connect to one device at a time and would need confirmation from both devices to connect successfully.
Wi-Fi connects to multiple devices and can be set without a password.
Wi-Fi is the ho of the 2.4 gigahertz band.
So this girl who a guy dumped saw him on New Year's Eve, threw a glass at his head, and then sent this message.
Hey, I'm really sorry about the other night.
I think just with seeing you for the first time and being really drunk, it just brought out an unnatural reaction.
Honestly, I wouldn't have dumped anything like that sober.
Hope it didn't actually hit you.
If you're up for it, I can take you out for a drink and some food to say sorry.
Would be good to catch up.
And with a reaction like that, I obviously want to see you again!
It's okay if not, though.
But Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, ducks!
Here, don't worry.
It was all done through intoxication.
Probably deserved it.
I'll have to pass on the drink.
I think the past is in the past, and we should leave it there.
Happy New Year, Laura.
I wish you the best for 2019.
You did deserve it!
Yeah, being with someone who likes to throw glasses at your head while being surrounded by glasses.
Probably not the best idea.
You're such a dad.
I'm a cute daddy.
Wink face.
I have a boyfriend!
I've never been rejected in my entire life.
Who the hell do you think you are?
I'm the best girl you'll ever know.
You don't even talk much.
I approached you because you were very lonely and I feel bad for you.
And now you're gonna dump me?
You're only girl you will ever talk to?
F***ing asshole!
I'm going to f***ing hate you, dude.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
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This is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back live, broadcasting world-wide, about to go to your phone calls.
But we put a little piece together with Johnny Carson 30-something years ago.
Being asked, why don't you get political?
Why don't you go out there and use your power?
Back then having like 40, 50 million viewers a night.
Wow, nobody has anything near that for decades except the Super Bowl.
And he explained why he did that.
And of course, radio listeners will hear his voice, but the video is particularly haunting, because as he's speaking, we're looking at Stephen Colbert and all these other people that are fake news, hide behind being comedians, but then pose as real news, and then say that I'm a KKK member when it's not true.
This is a really, really nasty, nasty system.
And it's, of course, killed the ratings of late night comedy.
Here it is.
Do you get sensitive about the fact that people say, you'll never take a serious controversy?
Well, I have an answer to that.
I said, now, tell me the last time that Jack Benny, Red Skelton, uh, Benny, comedian, used his show to do serious issues.
That's not what I'm there for.
Can't they see that?
But you're not- Why do they think that just because you have a Tonight Show that you must deal in serious issues?
That's a danger.
It's a real danger.
Once you start that,
You start to get that self-important feeling that what you say has great import.
And you know, strangely enough, you could use that show as a forum.
You could sway people.
And I don't think you should as an entertainer.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls right now.
And behind the scenes, there's some incredible stuff going on.
Very positive, very negative.
A big mix of the two.
Just please remember.
Thank you all for your support.
Thank you for your prayers.
The Globalist, Hillary Soros and their criminal combines work around the clock to try to shut this broadcast down and try to stop you being able to spread the word about it.
But on your email, on your text message and word of mouth telling people InfoWars.com
The live feeds, the audio, the video, the reports we put out are incredible.
And the globalists see it as critical to shut us down so that they can carry out their world government program.
I'm gonna go back to your calls, but just please remember we're running specials that end this weekend.
50% off, RainForce Plus, our amazing nootropic, when you get it with TurboForce, our latest total body energy pre-workout, 10-hour energy, beyond energy drinks, whatever you wanna call it.
It's amazing.
Infowarslife.com, infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
We also have All the Rage, Bone Broth.
Most stuff you buy at Whole Foods is like a little mason jar.
It's like 10 bucks.
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I'm sure it does help you.
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Leading brands are 60, 70 bucks for stuff that isn't as strong.
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You know, this is one of the products mainstream media demonizes and attacks all the time because they know how important it is.
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be he alive or be he dead, I'll ground his bones to make my bread.
Until the 50s or so, people baked their own bread in most areas.
You can still do some store-bought.
And you ground up the beef and the chicken bones.
I mean, mom would be in there.
In there.
So it's right here, ladies and gentlemen.
Take advantage of your day.
Thank you all for your support.
But whatever you do, I thank you for your prayers.
That's number one.
Please spread the word.
And the number three, support us financially.
And please support our little stations as well.
They're very, very important.
Okay, who's been holding the longest here?
After that, we got William.
It's actually a little bit longer.
Hey Alex, it's good to finally talk to you.
I've been listening to you for a long time.
Thank you.
You know, you had asked earlier about Robert Mueller, but it's been so long.
I'll go ahead and mention the point that I had, and then there were some blessings that I'd like to offer you, because there's just some crazy stuff going on in the world.
You know, things are really spiritually moving.
I see what's been going on in your show.
You guys have been talking about things moving spiritually and all the things that are happening are connected.
And you can barely talk about one subject without talking about, you know, touching on 50 other subjects.
And so, you know, you're talking about Mueller and what he's doing and stuff like that.
He is way beyond his own authority.
You know, he had a lot of autonomy to operate.
When he got started, but now he's very clearly stepped beyond the bounds of this investigation and all that's left is for him to be stopped because he is, like you said, you know, ironically, you talked about the three-stage MIRV weapons.
Well, I was in the submarine force in the Navy and I worked on weapons very, very similar to that.
I know exactly how their mission operates.
They go to a target and they kill that target.
That is what Mueller is doing.
He is out to kill Trump.
I don't know about physically or spiritually or any of that other stuff.
No, he's on a seek-and-destroy mission.
Yeah, absolutely.
And he is not going to stop unless he is stopped.
That's how these things work.
He's a weapon.
And he's being used against this country.
And I am just sick of people in our Congress just playing football with Democrats who are... That's because they're all keeping their heads down.
We have open socialists in our government now!
It's insane!
They're trying to collapse our border, William.
You're absolutely right.
It's just mind-blowing that we've gone this far.
They're trying to end the First Amendment.
They're taking bank accounts away of thousands of prominent conservatives, and Congress does nothing.
And why?
Why are they sitting on their hands?
Why do we have cowards?
Why have we elected these people into office?
You know, we have this corruption in our election system going on, so we are powerless to do anything.
I mean, like, that is our one voice, and they have taken it away from us.
Well, I can't stop you from spreading the word and doing your own broadcast, but I agree, brother.
We're two minutes to midnight.
Amazing points.
Thank you, William.
Dante in Illinois, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
Good, brother.
Okay, I just got one thing to bring up.
I know Trump's got to stop playing defense and playing their game.
He's got to address the national emergency to secure the border, first of all.
But there's three dominoes that need to fall afterwards.
First thing is to remove the censorship he needs to take out antitrust against big tech.
Try and break up some of those monopolies.
Secondly, he needs to declassify that FISA and shift the focus back on them and make them play defense for a change.
Lastly, he needs to get Whitaker on Mueller.
He needs to sick him on Mueller like Mueller's been sick on him.
He needs to create a special counsel investigating the entire Russiagate situation from Uranium One.
So once they blow that open, maybe we'll get some more of a populist, you know, uprising again and get the socialist stuff out of here.
I agree with you.
Anything else?
I was just firing off my points pretty quick, but yeah, that's pretty much it for me.
I mean, like the last guy said, it's a spiritual thing, and I sense the spirit, and I understand as Christians you want to turn the other cheek, but there comes a point where we've got to stand our ground.
God bless you.
Darren in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Well, Alex, first of all, I don't think the American people are going to do anything
About anything.
I mean, look what the government's done so far.
They ain't done nothing.
And second of all, I find it amazing how when the Bush's visit the White House the next day, they came out with this new prosecutor.
And then, you know, he's part of the cover-up of what happened back there in the 80s, Iran-Contra and all that stuff.
And then lastly, you know, you and Stone, you kind of like, you guys make like a show
of the President.
You're watching him get ready to surround him and then you guys just make a show of it.
You guys got his number.
You can call him.
You can call people.
No, I haven't talked to Trump in a long, long time.
Well, I mean, Stone knows people.
Stone knows where the bodies are buried.
Well, no.
We're trying to put Stone in prison right now.
I know that, but you know what?
Stone saw it coming and he could have said, hey, Mr. President, they're coming after everybody.
You need to do something.
He has said that.
He has said that.
I think we don't have these magical powers described to us, but I hear what you're saying, Darren.
It's a serious situation.
Owen Benjamin is coming up, and I don't want to cut into his time, so Mike, Gary, Luke, and Sue, I apologize for not getting to you.
We'll get to you if you call back in tomorrow.
I promise a lot of the open phones are in the war room today, three o'clock central, but I understand your frustration, Lester.
We're all in this together.
Let's just lean into it and focus on it and take action and not back down.
Owen Benjamin.
The comedians, straight ahead, stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Hi there.
What's up, everybody?
It's me, Owen Benjamin, reporting from a Soviet gulag.
I'm just kidding.
It's where I live.
I'm in Washington State.
We got hit pretty hard with a lot of snow.
And one of my Russian friends actually said that if your flaps are down, it means you're gay.
So I guess you're supposed to go like this to show you're not gay.
But I think that dude lost his ears.
Pretty gay to not have any ears.
All right, so today we're going to talk about a lot of fun stuff.
First off, I guess I now have a mustache.
I'll tell you why I have a mustache, because one, it turns on my wife a lot.
And two, I realized how much mustaches have been associated with pornography and vans and creeps and
I think that there's something going on with it because mustaches are just queer masculinity, authority, you know, someone's got a game plan.
So when I just grew this stache for like a day or two and everywhere I went there'd just be people like, look mommy, that man makes pornography videos.
And I'm like, what?
That's not even, there was like one porn star with a mustache, Ron Jeremy, he's also like four foot five.
He's three Rogans tall.
Joe Rogan's a unit of measurement, by the way, now.
Tell Rogan, he belongs in a shoe, and he's lying to you.
So anyway, if you want to just understand a little taste of the stash, and what the stash is really about, here's just a little window into my life from yesterday.
This is a little video called, A Man with a Mustache and a Plan
Why don't you go ahead and check this one out.
Good times.
We're good.
I'm on a brand new ATV that I had to get because we're so snowed in that I can't go anywhere.
I'm just cruising around with my sweet Russian hat and a mustache and there's snow being stuck to my mustache and my eyebrows and it's just a good time and I ended up not getting what my wife wanted or mustache wax.
I completely failed the mission but my upper lip was very warm.
So all I'm trying to say is, uh, the thing about the mustache, and then in the next few segments, we'll talk about some, uh, more pressing things.
Heavy stuff.
You know, the opposite of Rogan.
He's not heavy.
He's very light.
Very small man.
He's technically one Rogan tall.
I wonder if he changes height.
Do we change the whole unit of measurement?
But this, this segment, I just wanted to talk to you guys about the mustache and, and, and all the, the baggage that comes with it.
But here's the thing was once you grow it and it gets thick enough,
You no longer hear, Mommy, look, that man makes porno videos.
Instead, everybody looks at you for directions.
You know, at first they have a look of fear, but then relief.
They're like, tell us what to do.
What's the game plan?
You know, because there's a real sense of like, a man is finally here.
It's not a joke.
It's not a hipster irony.
You know, like all these hipsters, they're subverting everything.
That's why I'm starting to hate sarcasm.
Uh, maybe next segment we'll do the Chinese person talking to the Jew, and we'll see the difference between sarcasm and non-sarcasm.
But anyway, there's nothing sarcastic about my mustache.
It's what men grow when they have children, and they like unpasteurized whole milk.
They own weapons.
They clean their guns after every use.
Alright guys, when we come back, we will talk more about things that actually matter, like mustaches and preparedness.
I'm all in Benjamin.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Benjamin.
What's up?
What's up?
Welcome back, everybody.
It's me, Owen Benjamin.
And I am in Washington State, and we don't usually get this much snow, but maybe I can show you guys a little more.
This is my backyard.
See all that snow?
See the snow?
By the way, I made the whole fence.
See all the fencing?
Because, yeah, I'm not going to hire anybody that, let's just say, doesn't have a social security number.
Because I stand with Trump.
You guys know what I mean.
You guys get it.
But what was I talking about?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
So normally it doesn't snow that much here.
And people have called me crazy for being prepared.
Like you'll see me stocking up on things like water and bullets.
And people are like, oh, you're such a... And like canned food.
We grow our own food.
We have 20 laying hens.
We have two ducks.
Pretty sure they're both gay guys.
So there's no eggs coming out of them.
But if things got scarce, duck, we can eat the ducks.
We also have rabbits, you know, and people are like, oh, you're such a redneck.
You're such, you're one of those crazy preppers.
Okay, this little bit of snow.
I just went to get my family milk because unfortunately we don't have cows yet.
And Walmart had no milk.
Guys, this isn't a meteor attack.
This isn't the failure of the U.S.
That's an actual picture of today at Walmart.
No milk.
Guys, that's from snow.
That's from snow that I can drive in.
And people are so idiotic.
Well, it's not that they're idiotic.
They just won't face the hardships of reality for obvious reasons.
Too much soy in the blood.
They're only one Rogan tall.
But people are like, oh yeah, everyone overreacted.
Everyone overreacted to the weather.
I mean, it's just so stupid that people would overreact and file the milk.
My best friend who lives down the street from me in this area is a professional truck driver.
What happens is, if the trucks aren't moving, they're not restocking.
People think that the media and Hollywood and all these people control, they're the puppet masters.
No, that most of them are pedophiles just sitting around doing coke, trying not to get caught.
The real power in this country is truck driving.
If the truckers stop trucking for 48 hours,
The whole thing's done.
So if you don't have the trucks coming in, and that's why a lot of truckers are, they're prepared.
They know how to grow stuff.
Like my buddy has goats and pigs and guns.
It's because they know how quickly these stores break down.
That picture I just showed you was not a picture of Venezuela.
That right there was today.
That was this morning in a giant Walmart, one hour outside of Seattle, okay?
That's America because of snow.
Granted, there was people in the store.
It was open.
The lights are on.
It's not that bad.
I'm from northern New York.
This is nothing for me.
But here, everything shuts down.
They're like, what do we do?
There's snow!
Imagine when the dollar cranks.
Imagine when an EMP happens.
I'm pumped that Infowar sells this stuff because that stuff will actually help you.
All that stuff.
When I'm on the road, when I sell merch,
At the table, I always want to make sure that it's not just for me, that people can actually save money with it, or it can protect them.
Like, I'll sell flasks.
And my whole thing is, it's an unbearable flask.
And I don't have them for sale now.
This isn't a sales pitch at all.
I have too much going on right now to deal with packaging.
Oh, UnvariableStore.com, they sell stuff.
My buddy Brandon, he's doing a good job.
But anyway, because I'm like, you can save money at a bar if you just have a flask.
And it's just like this, like all this stuff that InfoWars sells, it's like, one of the best currencies you can have is health and preparedness.
Like, if you're healthy, if you treat your body right, because there's so much poison in our foods now, and the food, this imaginary land of like,
Never-ending prosperity based on a lie and debt is gonna end.
And I'm not trying to scare people.
It actually sets you free.
Once I faced the reality of what's coming, I realized that it's an excuse to be free.
It's an excuse to be like, okay, I'm gonna grow food.
I'm gonna homeschool my kids.
I'm going to
You know, learn skills, I'm going to learn how to build a fence, all this stuff.
And as you're doing that, you think you're going to be all paranoid and depressed and anxious, and you realize that you're calm, you're sleeping better, you're growing mustaches.
You know, your wife's looking at you with pride and a little twinkle of excitement, if you know what I mean.
It's pretty magical.
And then if I go to LA, which I hopefully never do again, but if I
If somehow the Demon Beast pulls me back for something.
You look around, like the last time I did Joe Rogan's show, you know, he had to use his booster seat, obviously.
But the anxiety, the depression that, like, here's something you guys should check out.
Check out something called the Mouse Utopia Experiment, where they took a bunch of mice
And they put them in a condition that's a lot like an American city, where it's like unlimited food and it's real compact and all that.
Within 500 days they were committing cannibalism and most of them had become homosexuals.
That sounds about right.
Yeah, mouse utopia experiment.
It's horrifying and hilarious.
When you see
Like trans gay mice eating each other.
You're like, oh wait, I used to live on that street in LA.
Humans are meant to think about how to heat their house.
Think about where their food's coming from.
Thinking about how to take care of their mustache.
You know, fresh water sources.
And socialism, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose IQ I think is around a schizophrenic donkey.
And I mean, and I'm not trying to offend donkeys, because I know there are schizophrenic donkeys that are more intelligent than this buffoon.
But she's probably a round schizophrenic donkey with the big bug eyes of meth and regret.
And this this old green thing.
Socialism is a rat trap.
You know, socialism is like, look at the free cheese.
And the mice are like, I can't believe we get free cheese.
And then
Just bam, bam, bam!
And then everyone's dead, everyone's gay, everyone's trans, everyone's committing cannibalism.
And you know what we'll be doing?
Having a great time!
Because it's all about faith, community, food sources, water sources, heat sources, actually knowing your children, teaching your own children.
Not only are you going to survive it,
You're gonna be having a really, like, great time.
Like, I've been having more fun than I ever have in my life.
And I finally have the confidence and the health and the faith to grow a mustache, and everywhere I walk, people are like, Can you save us?
What do we do, sir?
I'm like, you don't have to call me sir, sir, because it's cops that treat me this way now.
Yeah, because like when you look at what's happening in New York State with third trimester abortions, that's why I've always been, not always, I used to be pro-choice because I didn't understand the ramifications because I didn't have children or anything.
But when people from back home in New York used to be like, you're a right wing nut job, you know, and I'm like, no, abortion's evil.
And I'm like, they want to take it to the full term.
They're like, no, they'll never do that.
And then now that they're doing that, and one of the reasons is to harvest the stem cells
And the parts, and they sell it to people like Sandra Bullock so she can rub it on their faces.
That's real.
Check it out on Ellen.
She does foreskin skin therapy.
Anyway, that was the plan all along.
So this whole like, in a constant state of shock, when people are like, how could they do that?
It's just really surprising.
And I just don't, it's so gross.
It's like that, they said they were gonna do it the whole time.
I'm one of these whack jobs
That believes people when they tell me things.
Granted, I have been betrayed.
Of course I've been betrayed.
But I'd rather be betrayed occasionally and believe people and be wrong than to just never believe anything.
It's like, when someone says, we are going to do full-term abortions, it's a woman's right, believe them!
Because they're gonna do it!
And they just did it!
And yeah, they're selling wiener parts.
So get prepared.
That's all I'm saying.
Get yourself a mustache, get a clean water source, stock up, and you know, read the Bible a couple times.
Alright, I'll see you guys in a second.
There's some stuff in there.
I'm Owen Benjamin.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Alright, alright!
I just wanted to play you guys this one clip.
Because the State of the Union, Trump did a great job.
And of course they got the people going with the space race again, which I believe was all a lie.
And I've been getting a lot of CRAP over it, if you know what I mean.
When they cut to Buzz Aldrin.
Just check this out.
It's insanely funny.
Just watch this.
I did a little commentary.
Okay, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Buzz Aldrin.
Okay, ready?
Hey, everybody!
I'm a crazy person!
Okay, this way.
This way gets so much better!
I'm an Indian and retarded.
We like money and power.
Buzz is like, guys, stop clapping.
Stop clapping.
It's all lies.
Watch Buzz's face in a second.
Thank you, Buzz.
This year, American astronauts will go back to space on American rockets.
Watch Buzz's face.
He's like, no, we're not.
Alright, so for those of you just listening, and you couldn't see it, Buzz Aldrin showed a look of pure terror from realizing that his entire life has been a lie.
It's so funny.
My YouTube, youtube.com slash Owen Benjamin comedy, just look up Buzz is a liar.
It's, uh, it's, it's hysterical.
Cause, uh, you know, he probably got carted out and Trump was like, Buzz, we just need you to stand up and give a salute.
It's going to be great.
Wear the sweet tie.
And Buzz was like, but you, you promised it.
I won't have to tell the lie again.
It's like, yeah, it's fine, Buzz.
Just, we just need you for a hot second.
And he's, Buzz stands up and he's like, aye aye sir.
And then Trump,
I mean, you know Trump knows we didn't go to the moon.
I mean, the dude's, he's a smart guy.
And so Buzz is like, all right, I can get through this.
And then, and then Trump is like, all right, we're gonna, we're gonna go back to space using American rockets.
And the, and the look on Buzz's face is like, he's just like, why won't they just let me die?
And I'll meet
Neil Armstrong in hell!
Neil, you lucky S.O.B.
Watch this face right here.
Oh, he missed it.
All right, so.
Here it is, here it is.
Back to the space.
Watch this.
And we'll use American rockets.
Watch Buzz's face.
He's about to start clapping.
He's about to start clapping.
And he's like, what?
Dude, it's so...
When you know the reality of the moon landing, it's like, you know, it couldn't be funnier to just watch Trump troll the guy and be like, we're going to go back to space and Buzz is going to be the guy to tell us exactly what happened last time.
Try to not contradict yourself again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Go ahead, Buzz.
Try to explain.
Trying to explain why no one's ever went back, including us, and how we destroyed the technology and all the proof.
Go ahead, Buzz.
Why don't you tell the world?
You're in hell, but you're the lucky one!
It's, uh... It's pretty funny.
Usually you can tell when someone's, uh, lying.
Or when they're just being... When they're a coward is when they use sarcasm all the time.
I've used sarcasm, and I'm sure I will again, but...
Sarcasm is a tool for cowards to be aggressive when they won't say yes for yes and no for no.
That's why I stopped listening to Ben Shapiro.
It's not anti-Semitism.
Everyone's like, oh, you're anti-Semitic if you don't listen to Ben Shapiro.
I'm a heitist.
He's 5'4", maybe.
Like, that's what it is.
I'm prejudiced against short people.
It has nothing to do with being Jewish with little hats and your mangled weens.
It's like, it's short people that are sarcastic.
And yeah, a lot of them happen to be Jewish.
But even the word anti-Semitic doesn't mean it, because Semitic is a type of language that dates back to before the Assyrian Empire.
Oh, there's a picture of me and Shapiro, too.
Wait till you see that one.
And in the caption, he even said, Owen Benjamin's really tall, because these guys can't stop with their little jabs.
Ringo Starr did the same thing to me at the Grammys when I was doing a thing for Leno.
He wouldn't stop talking about my height.
Little guys are the problem.
Little guys are the problem.
It's got to do with race.
It has to do with size.
Yeah, look at that.
Owen Benjamin is really, really, really tall.
Yeah, you're really, really, really short.
All right, so anyway, what was I talking about?
Oh yeah, Ringo's, I can't stand Ringo Starr.
Because we're signing some, like I was wearing a white suit.
I'm not even going to get to Spielberg this round, but I will next round.
So anyway, I'm wearing this white suit and we're signing it and auctioning it off for Haiti.
That's how long ago this was.
I didn't know that it probably just went to
Fuel up the pedo-mobiles for the Clintons.
I was still very innocent at the time thinking that people actually wanted to help victims and it wasn't a scam.
But so I'm at the Grammys and all the celebrities are signing it.
We're having a good time and Ringo Starr just keeps being like, Do I need a stepladder?
Do I need a stepladder to get up there?
And at first I'm like excited to meet him.
I was like a Beatles fan and Paul's a good dude.
He goes to, he used to go to improv a lot.
John was awful, commie.
You know, I'm glad I'm, I'm not gonna say what I'm about to say.
I'm going to sit and hold back.
But the song Imagine is the globalist anthem.
Imagine there's no countries, imagine there's no hell or heaven, you know, basically do what you please.
It's horrifying.
Anyway, so Ringo's like, do I need a stepladder?
And I'm like, haha, Ringo Starr, no way!
He's like, where's my stepladder for the giant?
And I'm like,
Just sign the suit.
Everyone just sign the suit, little pal.
He's like, how do I get all the way up there?
I'm like, just sign the suit, Ringo.
You play quarter notes.
You play quarter notes.
You're one and a half Rogan's tall.
And so, I don't even remember if he signed the suit.
He might have just scurried into a little mouse hole.
Guy's terrible.
That's when I really started understanding how horrible the short... I call them... I'm not even gonna say.
I made it up, but... Specks.
And I know that that isn't a pejorative yet, so I can't get in trouble.
Buy the Specks!
And so people sometimes are like, oh, you're anti-Semitic.
No, I'm against short people and a tiny little man.
I mean, Jews happen to just be really short, a lot, with little tiny hats.
And they wear little tiny hats in honor of, like, the smallest of the small.
Like, that's how they make all... What's the average Jewish height?
One Rogan?
Maybe two Rogans?
I mean, so...
To make themselves look bigger, they wear tiny hats where they look like giants.
And I'm pushing 6'8", guys.
And I'm 3 quarters.
I'm 6'7".
And so these guys just want to kick me in the shin and run away.
They think I'm Nephilim.
You know, they think I'm a giant from the times of Noah.
And I get it.
Well, when we come back, we'll talk about sarcasm and why I hate it, and that Steven Spielberg's a pedophile.
I'm short.
Not because he's Jewish, it's because he's short.
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Now, due to the Establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
It's Owen Benjamin.
What's up everybody?
So I'm back.
And now we're going to talk about subversive language.
So, I don't really like sarcasm anymore.
I used to like it.
But now that things are getting so confusing and horrifying in society and in entertainment and politics and everything, I really just... I've actually enjoyed being around some Asians and people with Asperger's Syndrome.
Because they don't... It's kind of like that character from Guardians of the Galaxy, that big dude that didn't understand sarcasm and was just like,
I can't remember the guy's name.
He looked like a giant, like he had a lot of muscles.
But here's a quick little sketch that I was coming up with called, uh, the Jewish guy and the Chinese guy.
The Jewish guy, this is how cultures can't discuss anything.
And this is one reason why AI on the internet is getting so confusing.
I highly recommend you guys stop using sarcasm on the internet.
Because AI doesn't understand sarcasm.
These bots where it's like, great, I guess this is real life now.
I guess their kids are all just being used for Sandra Bullock's face.
Like, don't do that.
Okay, here's the Jewish guy walks into the Chinese laundromat.
So I paid you to take the mustard out of my slacks.
And I'm so happy that the mustard is still in my slacks.
Why are you happy mustard in your slacks?
Why do you want mustard on your slacks?
That means you're crazy.
Well, I mean, I guess that's why I don't have a therapist.
You don't have a therapist and you're crazy?
What's wrong with you?
Look, we got a real ray of sunshine over here.
I'm not a ray of sunshine.
My name is Mink.
You are a weird, crazy man.
What a great business policy!
To not take the mustard out of a man's slacks!
That bad business policy!
Why would you think that good business policy to not take mustard out of slacks?
You lying about your slacks!
Yeah, that's what I always do, is I lie about my slacks.
You lie about slacks.
You lie about everything.
Everything you say a lie.
I guess that's what I want to do, is just rub my own mustard in my own slacks.
I watch you rub your own mustard in your own slacks.
And a cop comes in, they're like, got a mustache, he's like, excuse me, uh, are you uh, are you uh,
I'm not- I couldn't even think of a stereotypical Jewish name that wasn't an actual guy.
Are you Bernie Sanders?
Yeah, I mean... I guess my driver's license is- Shut up, Bernie!
We caught you on camera rubbing mustard into your own slacks.
Yeah, because cameras, aren't we?
Hey, hey, hey!
Get him out of here!
This guy's crazy!
So... The two cultures in that little sketch is the Chinese, who have zero sarcasm.
And you have to understand, they're a big part of the internet these days and entertainment and everything.
They're like, you no funny.
This all came from a Chinese person telling me that I wasn't funny.
They're like, you no funny.
I'm like, why don't you think I'm funny?
Like, why no funny?
A fat girl with a big hat fall downstairs.
That's funny.
It's funny when men get hit and test you cool.
And the Jewish guy be like,
I love getting hit in the testicle.
I was like, okay, then I hit you in testicle.
Please, that would make my day.
Why did you do that?
You told me to.
I don't understand subversive language.
It's exhausting.
It's exhausting.
The older I get, the more I just don't want to be around, um, exhausting cultures.
It's, uh,
I'm just like, tell me the deal.
Did you rub the mustard in your slacks?
Cause that's what I want to do is just run around rubbing mustard in slack!
But then the Chinese people, they seem to not understand like irony or nuance very well.
When you do like an ironic, you know, if they read, uh, uh, what is that called?
Uh, by Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal.
They'd be like,
Why you want to make Iris baby into handbags?
It's tough.
It's a tough world to be a comedian these days because on one side you got people that just want physical comedy like a fat girl with a big hat falling down stairs or a man getting hit in the testicles makes them laugh.
That's why Adam Sandler adjusted his movies to fit the Chinese audience more.
And then you have just unrelenting sarcasm that just ends up being, like, just lying.
It's just like, great.
Like how Ben Shapiro always says, it's like, so now I guess the New York Times is just gonna talk about how white people are the devil all the time.
That's what I want in my newspaper.
That's just great.
Isn't that great?
Isn't that wonderful?
Isn't that just what the doctor ordered?
And the Chinese person would be like, why you have a doctor order that
The demonization of the majority of the population.
That is not a doctor.
That is not a hypocritical oath.
Hey, don't you mean the hypocri- hypocratic oath?
This is my fifth language.
Uh, you guys get it.
So, uh, I'll show you a subversive, uh, subversive situation in movies.
The Sistine Chapel is a beautiful image.
Of God almost touching man.
And it's in Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo.
And it's beautiful.
We have the image.
I think a lot of you guys know the image.
It's in your mind.
You can just picture it.
It's God and man, and they're almost touching, finger to finger, right?
That's a beautiful image.
Now, we have
A guy named Steven Spielberg, who made a movie called E.T., and he subverted this image into this image of, uh, it's upside down, the alien hand is in a nambla shape, and instead of God and Man, it is a lie and a boy.
So, and behind them is, of course, the moon.
Another lie.
And that's disgusting.
And that's Spielberg's entire
Entire career.
It started with a short film he made called Amblin, which was about a pedophile.
The whole skill he was selling, and you can look into this, look at what Amblin's about.
Amblin is a short film, 20 minutes long, made in 1968.
And he sold it to Universal and got a seven-picture deal from it with no dialogue in it at all.
And it was a $10,000 short film.
People would be like, wow, he must have been a really, really good filmmaker.
Uh, no.
What he was selling is the ability to subvert.
So, what happens is... Oh, and Amblin, by the way, is basically an anagram for Nambla.
Come on.
So, in the guy's suitcase is a paperback copy of Arthur C. Clarke, who is an author, who is a pedophile, had to flee to Sri Lanka.
Uh, and, uh, milk of manganese, which is what, uh, sodomites use.
Yeah, I don't want to get into it.
It's really, really gross.
And so the woman that thought she was with some cool hip guy just walks away from him after looking in his guitar case.
So why is that so valuable?
He was showing the skill of hiding in plain sight.
Anybody that knows what these images represent is like, oh, this is a story about a pedophile and a girl who thought she was meeting a cool guy and it turned out he's a pedophile.
Less than
One in a thousand people can see that.
So Universal was like, oh, this guy's great.
We can do a whole series of it.
We got, you know, AI.
We got Jaws, you know, about a town that has this secret about a monster that keeps eating children.
We have Indiana Jones.
Does no one want to?
If you guys have the clip of Indiana Jones, I think we have the clip of Indiana Jones.
It's in the next segment.
Maybe I'll show it.
I only have a little bit for this one.
But Indiana Jones!
Had an affair with that girl when she was like 11 or 12.
There's this scene when Indiana Jones goes in the bar and she's like, Indiana, I haven't seen you in 10 years.
And he's like, what's up, Meredith or whatever.
And she's like, I was just a little girl.
And he was like, you knew what you wanted.
When we come back, I'll show you the clip.
There's transcript of Lucas and Spielberg discussing how old the child should be when she had sex with Indiana Jones.
And at first they said 11, but had to be under 16.
Yeah, it's hiding in plain sight, ladies and gentlemen.
It's right there.
So that's why I recommend you get seats.
See you in a bit.
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If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
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I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's the bestseller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
Okay, they're the highest rated.
I'm like, you're only 50% curcuminoid?
Well, yeah, they only put $5 product in the bottle, but that's still incredible, sir.
I'm like, uh, what's the highest you could do a month later?
Uh, 90, 95%.
No one's ever done that.
I said, how much does that cost per bottle?
It costs $10.
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor's 3 to 5%.
The top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're gonna have 95% curcuminoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive.
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Hello, Miriam.
Indiana Jones.
Always knew someday you'd come walking back through my door.
I never doubted that.
Something made it inevitable.
So what are you doing here in Nepal?
I need one of the pieces your father collected.
I learned to hate you in the last ten years.
I never meant to hurt you.
I was a child!
I was in love!
It was wrong and you knew it!
You didn't know what you were doing.
Now I do!
This is my place!
Get out!
I did what I did.
You don't have to be happy about it, but maybe we can help each other out now.
So that's insane, right?
Let's just play it again, and this time that you saw the scene, we're going to discuss what really is happening.
So this woman in this scene is in her
Uh, 20s.
And so she's saying it's been 10 years.
I was a child.
And he said you knew what you were doing.
He's a good 20 years older than her in the scene.
And when the scene first starts, she's cowering and he's a shadow.
She's cowering like a child.
And listen to the dialogue again.
Indiana Jones.
Always knew someday you'd come walking back through my door.
I never doubted that.
Something made it inevitable.
So what are you doing here in Nepal?
I need one of the pieces your father collected.
I learned to hate you in the last ten years.
I never meant to hurt you.
I was a child!
I was in love!
It was wrong and you knew it!
You knew what you were doing.
Now I do!
This is my place!
Get out!
I did what I did.
You don't have to be happy about it, but maybe we can help each other out now.
That's it.
That's child rape, guys.
That's... And the way that his unapologetic... Everything about that is insane.
She's like, I was a child!
I was in love!
I didn't know any better.
He's like, you knew what you were doing, whore.
And she's also an alcoholic in this movie.
She's like, this is my place now.
I've grown out of it.
It's so horrible.
And that's all from Steven Spielberg.
And then you get into Heather O'Rourke, the girl that died from a ruptured rectum.
The poltergeist girl, Heather O'Rourke.
She died from septic shock.
On set.
And the kind executives told the parents that it was the flu.
Yeah, it's so bad that a lot of people can't even face it.
And they just hide with sarcasm.
They go, oh, that's great.
Indiana Jones having sex with an 11-year-old?
Wow, that's great.
No, it's disgusting.
It's horrible.
And you look into more of his movies and it's all about, you know, subversion.
It's all about killing God.
You can't kill God, but you can try to kill God in the heart of man.
I'll show you again the Sistine Chapel versus E.T.
The world is run by images, because images go beyond.
So that's the Sistine Chapel right there.
God and man almost touching fingers.
And then you have E.T., which is a monster.
And a little boy touching fingers and there's light and in the background is a sphere representing the moon and the alien's hand is in the shape of an amble triangle and his fingers look like wieners by the way.
It's so bad that like what Spielberg was selling in that Amblin
What Spielberg was selling in Amblin, the short film he made in 1968, that Universal then signed him up for a seven-picture deal, is he could show pedophilia in plain sight and no one would know.
And then even if you look at the cover of Schindler's List, it is, Schindler's List is, the image is an adult and a child holding hands, which is another Nambla symbol.
And so, yeah, you wouldn't know this stuff because instinctively, you know, like when I hold my son's hand, it's cute and fatherly.
It's like, oh, no way.
These sick, sick reptilian psychopaths don't see it that way.
They see it as a symbol for what they're really up to.
And Spielberg in interviews have said that on ET,
On the set of E.T., he would act like a child, and children would act like him, and there was no difference in age, and it's so sick.
Yeah, Amblin.
And it's a little kid against the moon.
Check out what DreamWorks is.
DreamWorks, a little kid against the moon.
It's all the same, guys.
It's like Katzenberg, Spielberg, Geffen.
They're all part of this alleged... Yeah, like compare Amblin symbol to DreamWorks symbol.
You have a lonely child in the moon, and then you have the crescent, and he's holding a pole.
It's so insane when you know what these people really do.
And if you think I'm just some whack job, look at the arrests.
Look at the convictions of child endangerment, child sodomy, sexual abuse of children.
Look at just the people that were around Leonardo DiCaprio.
How many of them had to go to jail for it?
And these are the people that actually get caught and prosecuted.
It's so ugly.
So that's why, you know, I'm having a really good time out here in the snow, burning some fire, protecting my kids.
You can hit me up, HugePianist.com if you want to check out my last few specials.
You know, feed the bear a little bit, support, because I don't know how long my YouTube channel is going to be up.
You know, it's been taken down a few times, and now that I'm up over, you know, 230,000 subscribers, I'm guessing it will be taken down again.
Because pedophiles, oddly, don't like being called out by giant men with mustaches.
I'm pushing 6'8", most pedos are under 5'7".
That's a fact, because they're very childlike, they feel weak.
Because here's the thing about pedophilia, guys.
Pedophilia is obviously not about sex, it's about control, it's about evil, it's about
Re-victimizing, it's keeping a cycle of abuse going, but the main thing is control.
It's the same thing about people who kill like little baby kittens and stuff, and like little puppies, like the people that hurt animals.
I've killed animals that could kill me to eat them, like in the most, in the least cruel way possible.
The people that like hurt animals, it's the same thing.
They want to feel like their own god.
It's about Satanism.
You're your own God.
Do as thou wilt, right?
That always ends up going to control and to passing evil on.
And there's no worse thing than hurting kids.
And so when you see the Steven Spielbergs of the world and how they hide and play inside and no one can do anything about it, that's what makes them so happy.
Their happiness is derived from the fact that everyone knows what they're doing and no one can do anything.
And that they can watch as parents bring their kids to go watch these movies.
And the symbology, I mean, I could do a whole thing on Jurassic Park.
I'm not gonna, because some of it's so disgusting.
But they watch and they laugh and they cackle.
You know, because they know something that no one else does.
And so, I don't know, man.
This segment got a little off the rails here.
But it's a topic that I really hate talking about, but needs to be discussed.
Because nothing shames the devil more than people without fear just talking about it, saying it.
I've taken down people like Spielberg in my life, and they're not strong.
It's all an illusion.
It's all a hologram.
It's nothing there.
It's the Wizard of Oz.
You know, the Wizard of Oz
You know the whole thing about that, that's about the gold standard.
O.Z., ounces, you know, the Emerald City, green.
Don't look at the man behind the, you know, don't look at the man behind the curtain.
And guess what he is?
Guess what the Wizard of Oz is?
He's short!
He's a little dude!
You know?
Follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City.
It's right there!
It's not the Federal Reserve!
All right, youtube.com slash Owen Benjamin comedy, hugepianist.com.
Much love everybody.
I'll see you around.
Bye for now.
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Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!