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Filename: 20190210_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 10, 2019
1632 lines.

In this radio show, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics and society. He mentions that Mueller's investigation into the Russiagate probe is set to end by March 1st, but criminal indictments and investigations are expected within a week after in several districts. Jones claims exclusive news on this matter as his team has been closely monitoring details missed by others. The host then talks about President Trump's plan to remove him from office using Russiagate as a pretext. He argues that the investigation was never about Russia but rather an attempt to discredit the election and label all of Trump's domestic enemies as Russian agents. Jones warns listeners that if Trump thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, he will be caught off guard by their plans. Next, Jones talks about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, referring to her as the "Abode of Demons". He discusses how she posted something on a congressional site about banning air flight and fossil fuels but quickly deleted it. Despite this, he says that the information was archived and is now being circulated online. Finally, Jones encourages listeners to support him financially through purchases at InfoWars store which offers various products including wound gel, immune gargle, coffee, fish oil supplements etc. He also promotes Ultimate Fish Oil, Ultimate Krill Oil, and Honor Roll for Children Fish Oil as essential for brain health and cognitive function.

From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's the one, the only, what the enemy's trying to keep you from hearing or seeing.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live, Sunday, February 10th, 2019, global transmission.
Now, the headline at InfoWars.com, this afternoon, this evening, says, live Sunday exclusive, Mueller to end fake Russiagate probe,
By March 1st.
But criminal indictments and investigations to be announced within a week after in the Southern District of New York, in the District of Columbia, and in Chicago.
Now that's a global exclusive because no one's been paying attention to the fine details like yours truly and our team and our researchers.
That's all hiding in plain view.
And just like I told you Trump would declare a national emergency to stop the border crisis, months later, I mean I said that back in October of last year, months later he was going to do it but didn't do it.
And then he let them hurt the economy instead of just stepping in and using executive power to checkmate them.
And I'm not saying it's a mistake, maybe he's smarter than I am, time will tell.
But notice you heard about the national emergency here first.
I wasn't wrong when it didn't happen.
They were intending to do it, and it was the right move.
With this Mueller thing, folks know I'm right about 98% of the time.
This Mueller thing, because I'm talking about it, they might change it.
Probably not, though.
I think they've diminished us and have cut our reach down, actually have made it more influential in elite circles.
They've cut the reach some down to the general public.
That's kind of a feedback loop, though.
I'm not sure.
It actually may be helping us, but time will tell.
The point is, I'm going to lay out the global exclusive, and we have all the pieces.
You know, I was obsessed with showing you the pieces, and most of you have more pieces than I do.
That's why the broadcast is popular, is I'm stating things that newshounds and historians and lay researchers already know, but the news will never echo because they don't want you to think that you're normal or in the majority.
That's perception management.
That's the fraud we're dealing with.
So tonight, I'm going to get into
Their plan to remove Trump and exactly how they're going to do it.
And if he ever thought that they were telling him the truth about Russiagate, he's about to really, really get a rude awakening.
They have used Russiagate as the dragnet to harass anyone and everyone connected to him, including hundreds of lawyers he has in hundreds of jurisdictions for real estate.
And they catch a few dozen lawyers out of a few hundred not paying taxes or things like that.
They start indicting them as they've done in DC, in New York, in Chicago.
Well then a lot of them will roll over and make something up about Trump.
So it was never about Russia.
They knew there was nothing there.
They were always going to discredit the election with that in people's minds, call all their domestic enemies Russian agents, like they've done me, the deplatforming.
They order ISPs to shut us down.
They say, he's a Russian, House Intelligence Committee.
No proof, no face my accusers, it's asinine.
What has Kamala Harris come out and said?
We gotta remove Trump from office, we gotta shut down his prominent supporters, she said just Friday.
She said it's a national security issue.
You mean to these criminals?
So we're gonna break it down.
This is their plan.
It's a 99% chance it's gonna go just like this.
And the president has to get out ahead of it.
He keeps thinking if he hasn't done anything wrong, he'll be okay.
They're coming for him.
They're coming for America.
Stay with us.
Wars are like 12-round heavyweight boxing championship fights.
It's about who wants it, who's prepared to go the longest, and who's ready to do the damage.
We took on Hillary Clinton.
We stopped her.
We got a nationalist in.
Nationalists are getting elected all over the world right now.
We are winning.
Those of us who are at the very front line of the tip of the spear are under unprecedented attack.
So I come to you each day and try to explain to you that this is a war of attrition.
This is about who wants it most.
You know the persecution, the censorship, the sponsors they've taken, everything.
I am in your hands, you are in my hands.
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So please, go to InforMoreShore.com today, look at all the great products, because we're in your hands, I'm in your hands, and your support is beyond critical.
Thank you.
Tomorrow's news today.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday, February 10th, 2019.
And yes, this is one of the most important broadcasts we've ever engaged in.
I've said that many times, because it just gets more and more serious.
20 years ago, I might say once a year, this is the most important broadcast I've ever done.
Then, 10 years ago, I started saying it.
Every few months.
Now the last year or so, I say it, every few weeks.
Because things just get more serious, more insane, more crazy, more... Down to the wire.
All of it.
World government.
The plan to end the family.
Human-animal clones.
Cell phones tracking their lifetime, watching and listening.
Five-year-olds being taught to change sex.
Forced inoculations.
Open borders.
Flesh-eating bacteria.
Autonomous hunter-killer robots openly launched by the Chinese government.
All of it.
All of it.
Total censorship.
Apple now telling all new applications that you can't mention.
World government.
Mainline Christian groups banned on Facebook.
It's here.
Ever wanted to know what total tyranny looked like?
You're about to get.
Front row seats to it, ladies and gentlemen.
And Infowars is only a canary in the coal mine.
Now, here's what's going to happen at the bottom of the hour.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to reveal the plan to remove the president from office.
They wanted us off air because we actually study U.S.
law, U.S.
codes, covert action, how globalists have operated in the past, and we've laid out exactly what their plan has been for two years against Trump and against America.
Now we've confirmed their attack profile, so we're going to give you their exact plan
And how it's going to be rolled out, even beyond the indictments of people very close to the President and indictments of the President himself.
It's coming.
Now they're telling the President, just work with the system, appoint George Herbert Walker Bush's former Attorney General.
Just appoint all of Mueller's former adjuncts.
And we'll leave you alone.
That is the total setup and the total betrayal.
They do not want Trump to be a kept president.
And he's so stubborn he wouldn't do that anyways.
They plan on removing him and destroying him and ushering in an authoritarianism that the likes of which this planet's never seen.
So that's the bottom of the hour.
We're going to break that down.
Knowing this information could stop it.
We'll see if folks are going to be able to get the word out on all of this.
Now, let me get into all the rest of the news that we're going to be covering today, and then I'll plunge next segment into our first story, our first big report.
Obviously, that's going to be Alexandria Cortez, AOC.
The Habitation of Evil Spirit is her nickname.
The Abode of Demons is her birth name.
We're going to be discussing her and her latest fraud where it was on the site for 12 hours.
On a congressional site that they're going to ban air flight and ban fossil fuels and quote, let people not work if they don't feel like it and much more.
Now, this was on NPR.
It's on Archive.org, it's on Bing's Archive, it's on Google Archive.
We're going to put it all on screen for you and show you the URL.
Didn't matter.
She had a flotilla of minions go out onto all of the different channels and say it's fake news conspiracy theory.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
It's fake news.
Conspiracy theory.
And all the big fact check sites are saying it is.
This is the organized criminal evil of the censors and their lies.
So that's coming up in the next segment with some amazing clips and more.
And let's cue up this professor who's involved in it all, who I thought I was tuning into like a comedy piece.
Friday night, I was still up here working in the break room and going over some research.
And some groups are going to be filing lawsuits on, very important lawsuits, to defend free speech and to stop their racketeering.
It's not going to be going the old free speech route like everybody else does.
We have the goods on the collusion and tortious interference and monopoly activities.
I'm sorry, I'll get to that later too once those suits are filed because we're about to strike back in a big way.
But continuing, it's just amazing to watch the professor go on
Tucker Carlson and just say, nope, it's made up fake news.
And then he does his little fake intellectual Dr. Evil deal, and he has the most ridiculous toupee I've ever seen.
Because the left thinks it makes him look ironic and smart.
Kind of that Einstein trick to look like he's got a mushroom cloud on top of his head.
So we're going to be looking at all that as well.
If I forgot to tell you guys, get that Tucker Carlson clip.
It's at Infowars.com.
It's just the first minute or so, the guy is unbelievably hilarious.
If it wasn't so dangerous, this is unintentional comedy by these mental patients.
And he just sits there and says, nope, it was never put out, it's fake news.
And Carlson is laughing because it was up 12 hours, Pelosi responded and said it was BS, that it was stupid.
And their answer was to remove it and say it was never there.
Part of their hateful disdain for truth.
And then we're going to get into how Google won't work with the Pentagon on AI, autonomous weapons, which would be a good idea maybe if they didn't do it for anybody, but they did it for China.
And they're launching slaughter bots.
Slaughter bots, I'm not kidding, can kill without human command.
That's up on InfoWars.com from Newsmax.com.
The Sun has it, China unleashes killer bots and drones that carry out airstrikes on their own.
How loving!
So we'll get to all that coming up and then how Google helps Chinese military.
Why not U.S.? ?
The Defense Department asked because our Congress are a bunch of traitors, or they're mentally ill, or they've got low IQs.
I mean, I sit there and watch the Google and other executives just lie and go, oh, we've never...
Censored anything in our entire history.
Meanwhile, Google reaches deals with Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia to censor everyone.
And Google reaches deals, and Apple reaches deals, to help target and round people up.
And to attract women in live time if they try to drive a car and call the government.
I mean, this is A.P.
But they told Congress, we've never helped a foreign government censor, we've never had a plan here in the U.S., we've never targeted conservatives, we've never... Anyway, with all their internal videos, all their own documents, specifically, it's like, who do we mainly target?
This is in roundtable groups of executives.
Well, Alex Jones is the number one problem.
And then any other dumbass veterans or anybody with American flags.
That's Twitter and Google and internal... and they're... Alex Jones and veterans and American flags.
Oh, and those rednecks and white people.
These are quotes.
But everything's OK.
Everything's all right.
Imagine the total disdain these people have from our open and free society and how they've used it against us and our idiot elite.
We're busy trying to sell us off the highest bidder and then mount American exceptionalism and independence on the wall.
Because these authoritarians were born and raised and trained to hate America.
And now they're in charge, selling us out.
And even though the Chinese and others are their real enemy, they don't care because they imprinted like baby ducks at birth, hatching out of their eggs with a little egg tooth, hate America, hate America, hate America, hate America, hate gun owners, hate men being men, hate exceptionalism, hate Christianity.
And that's who they are, and we are in big trouble if we don't awaken to it.
It's all coming up so much, it's unbelievable.
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Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
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The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now, if you notice, DrudgeReport.com, the number one news site in the world, on the left-hand side, left-hand column, says Trump leans towards declaring state of emergency.
And then it goes into the big CBN report.
Now, remember, we were the first to tell you in October that that was the best option for the president instead of letting there be a government shutdown that would simply hurt the economy and let the Democrats get what they wanted.
Well, he's now come out in tweets and said they want to hurt the economy.
They don't want us to do well.
That's why I don't let them have shutdowns.
That's why I tried, you know, to not have a shutdown.
But he went on to say that basically, as he did a few weeks ago, he may declare an emergency.
Well, now that's what he's leaning towards because it's in his prerogative, it's under the executive branch clearly, and it won't cost a fraction as much money as two to three billion dollars a week that we lose with a shutdown.
So it's very, very important for the president to exercise that power.
He's clearly shown that the Democrats are obstructionists.
They want to hurt the economy.
He's tweeted that out.
He's pointed that out.
A few months ago, a few weeks ago, and again, just a few days ago, the President was on solid legal ground to declare a national emergency.
There have been 58 national emergencies declared since the law was enacted in 76, and 31 right now that are currently active.
So this is hardly unprecedented.
And that's the President today.
So again, that's tomorrow's news today.
He also tweeted out today that
They want a shutdown.
That the Democrats, again, want to do that to hurt the economy.
So, when I tell you this stuff's going on, I'm almost always right, from research, but also sources.
But most of the time, it's not sources, because I research this stuff 20 hours a day, sometimes.
Usually, 10-15 hours a day.
This is basically all I do.
I'm obsessed.
And so a lot of points go into this, and I'm going to cover it in this segment, and the next, and the next.
It'll take probably 30-40 minutes to cover this properly.
DrudgeReport.com is also linked right at the top of the middle column.
Live Info Wars, Mueller set to end Russia probe development.
So, most of this is open source.
Most of this information is all the little thousands of things they've said and done
What Pocahontas came out and said today in a speech, we'll play that clip next segment, where she says that he probably won't even be president for the 2020 race.
Now, what is she talking about?
She's a senator.
She's, you know, she's in the top three or four people running.
Why is she now saying this?
Because that's the plan.
So let me go ahead and get into this right now.
We know that Mueller was about two things, well really three things.
Covering up all the criminal wiretaps and spying on the Trump campaign, Trump the nominee, Trump the president-elect, and Trump the president.
So it was meant to be parallel construction, where they were illegally spying, but they launched these new investigations to cover up the other criminal investigations that were going on without warrants.
We broke that over two years ago, that's now confirmed.
That's number one, but not as important.
Number two, it's done to discredit the entire election and make it really sound like an outside foreign power was meddling, not illegal aliens and people voting the names of dead people and massive election fraud by Democrats where they got caught.
So it's meant to delegitimize the election.
Everybody's like, yeah, Alex, we know that.
Tell us something we don't know.
I'm just laying history out here.
Cover up them using the national security apparatus, which I first told you, and it turned out they were using foreign spy apparatus on the president during the campaign, so they could keep it secret from the courts.
Then they use that fake info and fake foreign dossiers to get the ongoing investigation launched.
Discredit the election.
And then now, the finale, which is really the number one reason.
Out of three.
Launch a giant dragnet over the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of top lawyers, thousands of lawyers and managers total, that Trump has at hundreds of properties in almost every state of the union.
He's got like properties in what, 26 states or something?
Ridiculous, and sub-properties, or pieces of properties in almost every state.
In fact, look up how many places in the US he has properties.
I know it's insane.
He's got properties over 30 countries.
I know that.
And if you notice, the dragnets are all, oh, this lawyer didn't pay taxes on taxi cab medallions, or this lawyer himself didn't pay all of his property tax, but he's Trump's lawyer, or this lawyer might have laundered some money.
These are just lawyers he hires.
So they have this huge rush of dragnet, suck everything into it,
Interview all of his renters and owners and managers and just his family and just harass everybody for years on end.
Two years.
Use all their illegal wiretaps and stuff to find dirt on people they're targeting, not connected to Russiagate or even Trump, and then get a huge assemblage of people who are about to go to prison unless they turn state's evidence against somebody in the Trump orbit.
A Don Jr., a Jared Kushner, a Ivanka Trump.
And so the drag net works that way.
Trying to get them to then flip and turn state's evidence.
And so here's the intel we've got, and this is a little bit I got from sources.
I got one call from, let's just say the military attached to the CIA, and somebody that doesn't play games.
And they said, hey, I'll be able to talk to you over the phone again in mid-March.
It'll all be over then.
Then I got a call from a former high-level CIA person involved with the Pentagon saying, you know, your boy Trump's done and you better get straight what you're going to do or you're going to be in a world of hurt.
I said, go to hell.
And then I got another call.
And then I got another call.
And then I got another text message from a very prominent person
It's a household name saying Trump is going to be gone.
And that's just the way it is.
And it's his fault for not standing up for himself.
And it's going to get really bloody and really bad if he isn't gone.
So things will be better after he's gone.
Let me break this down for you, ladies and gentlemen.
They're threatening everybody and they're telling everybody that Trump's going to be gone by mid-March.
I told you that in October when I first started getting these calls.
And I've talked to some very prominent people and they've been told the exact same thing.
And that's how you take a country down.
Now listen to me carefully.
You know the French didn't fight Hitler in 1940.
You know that in Gulf War I and Gulf War II they bought off most of the generals so they stood down when the U.S.
That's how real military operations go, is you buy off the opposition and you activate your spies inside of it.
So what's happening is they're reaching out to everybody saying, you'll be okay as long as you don't try to stop this.
It's going down.
And only people like Sean Hannity and myself and a few others are not taking the threats.
So when we come back, it's the same deal.
They're making their move on the President.
Now, they may back off and stop.
They were already planning it in December of 2017 and backed off.
But this time they intend to move, and I'm going to explain it when we come back.
Russiagate's ending.
But within days of it ending, they're going to launch all these new criminal indictments and announcements.
Stay with us, I'll break it down.
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Our fish oil.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
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So, you support us and get creative and get fired up.
We won't just be here 100 years.
We'll turn the whole thing around.
We'll be here forever.
Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
We made it.
And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you, Reddy.
And so,
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So I was told in October of last year, and I said it here on air, that in early March of 2019, the Miller Probe would end.
And that a lot of sources I have and things could talk to me again and then, because I would not be implicated in Russiagate anymore, but that they had used the dragnet against Trump and his family and all of his companies and all of his employees to try to find other criminal activities, not of Trump, but of anybody not paying taxes, a la what we saw with Cohen.
And I kept getting these calls, I kept getting these text messages by very prominent people.
And then, again, about a month ago, I got one from an extremely prominent person.
And they've been given the same talking to.
And their argument is Trump isn't standing up for himself, so he kind of deserves it.
And at a certain point, when somebody won't stand up against a criminal conspiracy because they're innocent, they think, oh, that's ridiculous, and then they're going to get taken down.
I'm not mad at Trump.
I'm just kind of really upset about what's going on here.
Drudge is linked to this article that has the live feed in it.
I suggest folks share this because I'm going to condense what's happening right now and then go to the evidence.
Live Sunday exclusive.
Mueller probed to end March 1st, or thereabouts, New York, D.C., and Chicago to announce criminal indictments of Trump after.
And again, those are the federal U.S.
attorneys and prosecutors in those areas.
That's the plan.
So Mueller was simply there to cover up the illegal spying that was going on, discredit the election, and the minds of the people.
But then the coup de grace, the final blow, the dessert, the main mission, the main course, really, the endgame, is to then launch all these criminal indictments of people all around Trump
And then create a firestorm that he is a criminal, and doesn't need to be in office, and then trigger civil unrest and so much more, in a hope to plunge the economy, because this will kill.
Here's another prediction.
If they do this, because I'm not saying this is going to happen, but it's like a bank robber has the gun to the teller's head, they might pull the trigger.
This is currently their plan, and you can see them saying all this too.
I mean, they admit a lot of this, but
It's the behind-the-scenes preparation, the threats, that'll be better for you and your family, Alex, if you just sit this one out.
Well, what does sitting it out mean?
We'll say the President's an idiot and turn against him.
Well, that's not true and I'm not doing it.
You know, what's the next thing I'm supposed to do?
There's got to be some point where people don't back down.
America was built on not backing down.
That's why we were exceptional.
Everywhere else everybody backed down.
And you end up in Nazi Germany or Communist Venezuela.
I'm done.
Because the men that back down in this country make me sick.
But I'm digressing.
Let's get to the evidence here.
So they end the Russia probe.
And they'll have the House continue it with Schiff and the Judiciary Committee so that they'll never admit that it was over.
But there's nothing there.
The Senate Intelligence Committee and all the rest have said zero, nothing.
They admit that.
Yeah, no, it's all Hillary and Mueller and the rest of them.
It's ridiculous.
Change the subject onto your enemy of what you've actually done, which was another side component.
They picked something to allege that Trump and his supporters had done because they were guilty of it and scared you-know-what about it.
And so how this works is quite simple.
They have the regular suspects now introducing articles of impeachment tomorrow, for the third time.
Multiple Democrat bills will be introduced this week.
Democrat Al Green, what an idiot, vows to move forward with third impeachment effort, dividing party.
Boy, he loves to run America down all day, but man, he's sure done well in this country.
They love our milk and honey, but they preach some other way of living.
You're running down my country, Hoss.
You're walking on the fighting side of me.
I'd like to see a country run by Mr. Green, or founded by Mr. Green.
Mr. Dumbass.
Excuse me, I'm digressing.
And you've got Elizabeth Warren.
Let's get that clip ready.
This is just today.
Trump may not even be a free person by 2020.
And she says every day it's a racist tweet.
This is the party of the KKK race baiting everywhere.
This is Trump literally doing the proper type of form of action demanding giant factories be built in specifically black areas.
That they be incentivized to have job training and hire them for dignity.
I'm not going to go into Trump's history.
Buying up all these golf courses that blacks couldn't attend and having new leadership and then actually incentivizing ambassadors to get black folks to come play because they were so freaked out they wouldn't come play.
Trump handing out free memberships to black people.
Well, if it was smart, he'd hand him out to, like, sports legends and people.
Everybody wants to be around those guys.
I mean, it's a smart guy.
Oh my gosh, he's KKK!
This is the sickness of this by the real ruling class that's literally KKK!
I'm digressing.
So here's Pocahontas, the widest person ever, 0.00000042.
I mean, whatever.
I mean, the woman is ridiculous.
You could look at a Native American and, you know, have a higher DNA count than this.
Now this lying fraud that says she was Native American on her bar card in Texas, an impeachable, a disbarable offense, she's now up here trimulating with that shaking, pathetic, chicken neck, you know, social climbing voice of hers that Trump's going to be in prison.
Before 2020.
So she's kind of telegraphing the plan.
Let's go to this coward.
Every day, there's a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly.
Are we going to let him use those to divide us?
You know, here's what bothers me.
By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president.
So, you're about to see a 21st century coup, where they illegally spy, they demonize, they lie, they put out fake reports, they undermine, they try to destroy the economy, they put out a huge dragnet in all areas that Trump owns, a hotel, or a golf course, or a casino, or anything else, and they look at everything he does, and everybody that works for him, and all they can find is Michael Cohen, and a few other people.
But now, they've had beavering away.
At the Southern District of New York.
That's gonna be the main assault.
It'll probably be that's where they'll do it first.
But I'm told in March, they will announce criminal indictments of a bunch of Trump associates.
They will announce that.
And then it'll be in DC.
All controlled areas, controlled juries, controlled judges.
Then it'll be, oh, Chicago.
Where they've already had a bunch of raids on all the Trump properties and all his lawyers and everybody else and people are doing plea deals behind the scenes and none of it to do with the old fur-capped Russians.
Not any vodka, not any ruskies, not any red stars, folks.
It's all about taking down the red, white, and blue.
And then all the crimes of the Clintons, and all the crimes of the deep states selling out the country, and Benghazi, and all, none of that's a problem.
Illegal servers, Arab Springs, funding the radical Muslims, none of that's a problem.
It's all El Presidente.
So when we come back I'll get into all the other articles here where they telegraph what they're about to do.
Do New York prosecutors pose the greatest threat to Donald Trump?
Already the Guardian see a shag weighing everybody in.
And so is the New York Times.
Oh, Russiagate, that'll continue, yeah.
But see, it's the mafia, it's the criminality, it's his tax returns, it's what his daddy did, creating trust for the children, which is standard procedure.
It's all now the 84 investigations, indictments, everyone going, look!
Everyone around is indicted!
He's a criminal!
Get rid of him now!
What does Trump need to do to stop this?
Well, he can't.
He's got a Justice Department running the people doing it.
So Trump's dead in the water.
It's over.
I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship.
And I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most varied, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So there's the headline up on InfoWars.com.
It's also one of the top stories on DrudgeReport.com.
Live, Sunday exclusive.
Mueller probed to end March 1st, New York, D.C.
and Chicago to announce criminal indictments of Trump after.
And when I say Trump, you should probably add, I told the writer what to post, Trump Organization.
I think they miss O-R, you know, Org.
Trump Organization.
But Trump is Person 1.
He's Organization 1.
He's Target 1.
That's all admitted.
So, what do you do?
You're illegally spying on him as a candidate.
You're using international espionage operations to do it.
We first reported on that two plus years ago, now confirmed.
That's illegal.
You use that illegal operation and fake dossiers to start a new criminal investigation in the United States once he's elected.
Then you use that to try to discredit his election, connecting it to Russians.
That's not true.
But you use the dragnet
To find people in his circle, or in his orbit, who you can find for tax problems, money laundering, gambling, sex, who knows what it is, like Mr. Cohen, and you start indicting them, and then you tell them, if you tell us a bunch of dirt about the President, or you say he knew about this crime you were committing, or that crime you were committing, on property taxes, whatever the case may be, we're gonna let you go.
For a reduced sentence.
And that's the ball of wax.
And that's what different people who've been involved in this have come out and actually said they've been offered.
And said they've been told.
They've been given sheets and been told, you are to do this.
Rudolph Giuliani, Trump's chief lawyer, has said he's seen the agreements because of joint defense agreements they have with some of these individuals like Dr. Corsi.
They've given Corsi these big lists of things he's supposed to say.
I'm not going to get in the middle of who's good and who's bad between him and Roger and their fight.
I just know this, they're trying to make Coursey say things that aren't true and so far he's withstood it.
And that's a good thing.
But now you've seen Roger who's been indicted and none of it is Russia.
It's all process.
It's all he lied to Congress with no evidence of that.
Where is the Russia crime?
It's not there.
You've got 150 prosecutors in the Southern District, and they have been collecting data on Trump since he was a candidate, and they're coming after him.
And all the inside baseball I've heard is they're going to make their move in March.
Mueller's going to end it.
He's going to put his report out, but then out of that report.
Remember, it was Mueller, admittedly, doing the Russiagate investigation that, quote, came across Michael Cohen the rat.
Not paying his $15 million in taxes.
And it wasn't even all him.
He had a bunch of partners in the company not paying for the medallions.
Faking medallions.
Well, that's an old scam.
The taxes are so high in New York, if you don't cheat on your taxes, you're going to go bankrupt.
I'm not saying that's a good thing.
The point is, is that what is Mueller doing investigating medallions and unpaid
City taxes.
In fact, what are the Feds doing involved in that?
Well, their argument is it's money laundering.
So then he, quote, alerts the Southern District.
Type it into a search engine.
Mueller alerted Southern District to Michael Cohen.
So that's the M.O.
I'm not just telling you this is my opinion.
This is what they've done.
This is what they've set up.
It's not going to be Schiff of the Judiciary Committee covering up Russiagate and Chinagate for Hillary and Servergate.
It's not going to be any of that.
No, no, no.
It's all going to be Trump associates who are facing long prison sentences because the corrupt Mueller probe has done a fine-tooth comb of every facet of their life and found some fleas, found some cooties, found some ticks.
And that's how America dies, is with an out-of-control federal prosecutorial system who is in the WikiLeaks and who is in the documents and is who in the text, saying insurance policy.
We can't let him get in.
If he does, we gotta have something to take him down.
Any investigation that has something like that in it is null and void.
All the more reason it became the dragnet when there was no Russiagate.
Two years ago, Strzok and Page and Org, all of them are saying,
There's nothing here.
This guy's incredibly clean.
There's no foreign entanglements.
There's nothing.
We don't know what we're going to do.
Most of Hillary's money was from foreign governments, including Russia.
And so they say, well, just keep hammering it while we find some dirt on something.
Move forward.
And that's the plan.
So I asked the listeners.
I asked the world.
I asked Matt Drudge, who's obviously tuned in right now.
I asked Tucker Carlson.
I asked Sean Hannity.
I asked Rush Limbaugh.
I asked everybody.
You know when they get Trump, they're coming for everybody else.
They said they are.
They know America's turned against globalism and leftist garbage.
They know we're awake.
They know that they're on TV saying, let's abort babies after they're born.
They know people are fundamentally sick of this and are vomiting it out, are rejecting it.
They're raping us.
It's like serial abuse.
We're literally like beating lives here.
Just get out of my life.
Leave me alone.
No, they say.
We're coming after your speech.
We're coming after your bank accounts.
We're coming after everybody.
Your kids.
And so what do we do?
I hope Whitaker's a good guy.
The way they attacked him viciously at those hearings, we'll play some of that next hour.
Looks like he is, but the new guy Trump put in is literally Robert Mueller's daddy.
The guy that brought him in.
The guy that set up the CIA in 89 to take over the FBI.
Because the FBI had its problems before.
But the left didn't like it because it was anti-communist and had a little soft spot for Americana and a lot of their agents were good people.
But man, since then, what have you seen?
The FBI has become a puppet of the worst elements of the CIA.
The worst elements of the CIA.
And some people online go, look, I knew Jones was CIA.
He said he talked to him.
It's like saying I talked to a New York Times reporter.
The CIA is the biggest federal agency out there outside of the post office.
Their people are everywhere.
I have been messed with by the Mossad.
I have been jacked with by MI6 and MI5.
I have been jacked with by Saudi intelligence.
I have been people claiming to work for Russians, like 10 years ago, a couple times in New York, you know, said, Putin likes you.
You like blonde woman?
No, no.
Well, you like, you like, you like investment in the stock market.
I'm like, no, get away from me.
That's my extent of the Russians trying to get to me.
And you're prominent, you get spies coming up to you.
With the Russians, it was incredibly blatant.
You like woman, she like you.
With everybody else, it was like, well, we're thinking about whether we're going to do something bad to you or not.
We're thinking about if we're going to allow you to, you know, keep... A lot of people die around here, Jones!
Might want to join the club and be our bitch.
Plus, you're a pretty smart guy.
Might do pretty well for yourself.
Oh, thanks.
Oh, thanks.
See, because there's a few people still act like this is America.
I'm not going to put up with your crap.
You're supposed to have all this power to fight big evil groups, but you're allied with radical Islam, you're allied with the chi-coms, who literally have got all of our technology, and now have all these AI weapons and we don't.
You're called traitors!
You're called candy asses that rolled over to every foreign power and every white shoe boy you could find, so I'm done with you.
When we start the next hour, I'm going to get into what Trump needs to do to counter this.
And then I'm going to open the phones up, but we'll get 30 calls and I won't get to all of you.
So we're going to take six or seven phone calls.
that are specifically on topic of what do you think Trump needs to do to avert this and stop this because it's clear as day this is coming and it's happening and the next phase is here.
They use the Mueller probe to illegally launch all these investigations to go and harass everybody to then lie about the president and set this up and now they're making their move.
So what does the president need to do?
This is a very important broadcast and they wanted us off the air before they do this.
Now let me mention them wanting us off the air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong.
A new world order.
So if Trump doesn't make his move very, very soon, and I don't know how he does that, they are going to launch
It's going to be dozens of indictments.
And it's going to be two or three indictments a week for a month or so.
And then they're just going to call for the president to step down.
And that's what Elizabeth Warren is telegraphing.
That's what they're all saying.
And then this whole reign of terror, taking the banking away of conservatives, libertarians, that's now expanding even mainline groups, is going to get even worse.
And the left is going to just unleash its leftist stormtroopers and just start attacking everybody.
I mean, they're taking the country down.
And America had this instinct and got Trump in to stop it, and he's done a great job on so many fronts, but... I sent you guys some compilations of the hearings with Whitaker Friday, right?
I mean, we've got some of these where they're like, where did you come from?
Who are you?
I said shut up!
I wasn't talking to you.
I've been watching C-SPAN since I was in high school.
I've never seen anything like it.
These people are mad dogs.
So I'm gonna open the phones up specifically
On... Clearly they're making their move on Trump.
They've said they are.
Can you believe Russiagate was all a fraud?
Well, yeah.
But now it uses the dragnet to get dirt on other people, on non-related Russia stuff, to then blackmail them into bearing false witness against the President.
I mean, that's it.
That's all that's happening here.
We're just going to sit here and allow the total third world style Banana Republic slash Hitler slash Soviet Union slash Chai Com.
That's who's actually funding it, the Chai Coms.
I remember two years ago, watching the Chinese dictator at Davos.
This is crazy.
He said, with Juncker, the drunk aired all the Nazi fortune, literally, for the most powerful Nazi family.
Saying, don't worry, we'll defeat America, we'll defeat Trump, and giggling and laughing.
And I thought, I played the clip over and over again, I read the headlines for like two months straight, and people didn't care.
Because they have no instincts as a nation to organize themselves and stop this.
And there's the Chinese dictator, and the EU dictator, he's unelected.
It's saying, we're going to destroy America, F you.
And he said, we'll crush your economy.
And you know, about a year in that letter, I'm like, ah, you didn't crush us.
You know, but the Federal Reserve said, which is 80% foreign owned, they said, we do crush you.
And started the crushing.
You think Americans will be mad with the foreign governments working with the Federal Reserve, the private Federal Reserve, to crush us and saying they'll crush us?
And then a bunch of corrupt law firms and the corrupt lawyers with badges and guns running around doing whatever they want.
And the Democrats getting all pissed when Trump says we're against humans trafficking and smuggling and busted all these kidnappers and we need to stop killing babies after they're born.
They're like, no we don't!
Pelosi wouldn't stand, and Cortez shook her head, and Kamala Harris shook her head, and I'm like, listen, I didn't believe the Wicked Witch of the East existed in movies like The Wizard of Oz, but you know what?
It does exist in the real world.
And it just makes me ashamed of this country.
You know, part of me is proud of it, and proud of the listeners and viewers, and proud of what we've done together, and proud of the good people out there that have stood up for what's right, but man, shouldn't it be that much easier to win against evil?
I mean, isn't it obvious?
But no.
No, it's not.
This country is fighting for its life.
You're fighting for your life, ladies and gentlemen.
People better get it through their head.
They've hired a bunch of weird criminal traitors, wild-eyed scum like Pito and O'Rourke and all of them, and Cortez.
They're coming for everything we got.
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Tomorrow's news.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Again, Elizabeth Warren knows something that we know.
They're planning to remove Trump before 2020, and they plan in March to end the fake Russia investigation.
They've used it as a dragnet to blackmail everyone around Trump on not paying taxes and things, but then bear false witness against the first real president we've had in a long time.
Here is Elizabeth Warren.
Every day, there's a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly.
Are we gonna let him use those to divide us?
Here's what bothers me.
By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president.
Yeah, well you may not even have your bar card because you lied and said you were Native American to get into college and get preferential treatment on affirmative action, and you lied to get your bar card.
You are a sack of garbage.
Now, let's give out the toll-free number on the specific question.
We're taking calls on this one issue.
What does Trump need to do to strike back against the swamp?
Because they're getting ready in less than a month to end the fake Mueller investigation, which was used as an illegal dragnet to get blackmail stuff in non-Russia related things on anybody in his orbit to lie about him to save their yellow hides.
See, if we just weren't a nation of yellow-hided people, or if there wasn't a lot of us, we would live like third world slaves, wouldn't we?
If we had chivalry again and just you couldn't make us run, couldn't make us bow.
People always think that's like a real cough.
Guys are like that.
No, smart people are like that.
I couldn't imagine living on my knees.
Hey, teach his own.
Like Patrick Henry said, the war has already started in the North.
While we sit here idle, the clash of arms, you can hear it.
Listen, if you want to let your chain sit lightly upon you, slave, crouch down, lick the hand that feeds you, I'm paraphrasing, but ask for me.
Give me liberty or give me death.
I mean the Chi-Coms have just walked in here and taken this country over.
So here's the toll free number, 877-789-2539.
There comes a time, after generations of appeasement, and decades of groveling,
That laying down doesn't get you passed over, it gets you destroyed.
The stagnation, the entropy of groveling.
It creates a absolute system
Of sycophants.
People don't learn how to farm, or be engineers, or fight, or be leaders, or be doctors, or be counted by what they produce and what they stand for and how good their name is.
Oh, that family?
Their name's incredible.
They never sell out.
They never back down.
If you can get business with them, it's the best thing.
People are lined up around the block.
Then there's always the scammers around the back alley that nobody wants to work with because their name is mud.
Quite literally.
I'm just taking 6 or 7 calls because I've learned to not just take 50 and then I can't get to everybody.
That way it's specifically what does Trump need to do.
That's coming up.
If you just joined us, again, the big announcement.
It's top-linked up on DrugsReport.com, right there in the middle column.
Live Info Wars.
Mueller set to end Russia probe.
That's private intel I've got, but it's also prosecutors are all leaving in droves.
And they're going and joining the House Judiciary Committee.
And they're hiring former members of the Trump administration, which is a total violation of presidential separation and presidential privilege.
It's unprecedented.
And they're going to back to work at the North
District of Chicago and they're going back to the Southern District of New York and they're going back to the District of Criminals there in DC.
And they're all getting ready to open up Trump by going after everybody he knows.
I guess we're just gonna sit here and take it.
Oh, the whole Russia thing was fake!
Oh, but we got, you know, 30 indictments.
Yeah, 13 of them.
Fake Russian bots.
And the rest, all nothing.
Like, one time in a bar in Italy, somebody talked to a Russian who was really a double agent.
And one guy had sex with a Russian woman he married.
Well, my God, that's a real crimer.
And we sit here and we watch this.
You know, Trump does have a lot of cards to play, but he better start playing them.
You know, the good news is, another Drug Report headline, Trump leans towards declaring a state of emergency.
Yeah, if he'd have done that up front, and said, I'm not going to let them hurt the economy with a shutdown, and I've got the executive power, that'd have been boss, huh?
Bloody listen to those advisers instead of himself.
He was going to do it.
But then they had West Point bits to him.
Sir, we need our new barracks.
You know, the robots are replacing us, and we've all got to go in here and learn how to be trannies.
So he said, oh, let me listen to the commandant.
We need a new barracks for our candy asses.
I mean, give me a break, man.
The border is falling apart.
Giant organized U.N.
waves are attacking.
And we're going to sit there and believe that West Point really bitched.
No, it's because he's going to take funds from that.
We've spent almost $2 trillion in Afghanistan.
Just cut the troops by 30%, you'll get all the wall funding you need for a double wall, for a $20 billion wall, not a $5 billion wall.
It's all UN replacement migration.
I saw a headline of a national poll out of France, and it was 25% of French believe the UN and the EU are bringing in all these migrants to replace them.
Well, that means 25% read because the UN openly says that's what they're doing.
So if I walked up to you and I said, I'm gonna break your nose right now, and I punch you and I break your nose, and only 25% of the people watching go, did he just break his nose?
So that's the plan.
We'll take your calls coming up.
But as we take some of those calls,
I'm then going to get to some of the Whitaker testimony that I found riveting.
We were live on air when it was happening.
We were releasing the exclusive proof that CNN was already there earlier and did work with the FBI and did lie about the whole thing.
Serious criminal activity on a felony warrant.
By the FBI and by CNN and in the line to everybody and saying it didn't happen.
Huge exclusive video.
But the Whitaker testimony after I got off air, I ended up watching large portions of last few days and I've not seen child molesters treated like this in court.
I mean, you would think, and you've got these obviously mental midget congressmen from these dirtbag blue cities that, you know, think islands float and all the rest of it.
No one, who are you?
Where the hell you come from?
So we're going to play the clip.
Yeah, it's in that article.
Trump blasts hatred and scorn from vicious Democrats at Whitaker hearing.
You got to see this.
It's up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
But to show the upside down world, Democrats all posted the worst of this stuff as well.
And they think it's really cool.
To just say, to like, ask a question and go, shut up, I didn't ask a question!
Like, who are you?
Why are you here?
Well, I'm, I didn't tell you to talk, boy!
It's like the sergeant in Full Metal Jacket, Hartman, where he's like, choke yourself!
I say, okay, I didn't say you do it, with my hand!
I mean, it goes on for frickin' hours!
It was like Sgt.
Hartman, except at least Sgt.
Hartman had chewed some dirt!
These were all evil, blue city, weirdo, dumbass, low IQ filth dredged up by the chi-coms in Hollywood because they were the filth that would piss all over the country and sell it out for nothing and crap all over it, end to end!
This was the Devil's Rejects!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Spread the links.
Nothing can stop you when you do.
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Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
So America is in an emergency.
Corrupt law firms, special interests, lobbyists, and mega-corporations that are multinational have decided to move to China.
They've decided to move to the EU.
They've decided to move to India and Mexico.
And they've basically sold off American power.
Because America had the promise of Christianity and of capitalism and free market.
And the corporations, they're not communists.
They use communism to control us at the grassroots to make us dependent, domesticated.
They're globalist.
They're like Jeff Bezos who pays no tax in cities, pays no federal tax.
All his money goes offshore.
He makes cities compete with each other where nothing's paid.
His employees get screwed.
It's like Instacart.
Doesn't even pay its employees.
It gets the tips and then gives that to themselves and then gives the employee almost nothing.
If you look at Silicon Valley, nothing's more soulless, nothing's more hateful, nothing's more automated, nothing's more anti-human, nothing's more sicky sweet liberal on the surface.
Because that's the SJW cover, is to tell you how good they are, to tell you how much they love you, but to hate humanity.
So, what should Trump do to strike back against this?
I've got some ideas.
I'll talk about it at the start of the next segment, but I want to get your ideas.
Daniel, Teddy,
Michael, Stan, Paul, Carlos, and others.
Let's talk to Carlos first from Montreal, Canada.
He's a caller, gets in every few months, always has great points.
Carlos, do you agree about the crisis we're in, the move they're about to make?
I mean, hell, they're admitting it, 90% of it, and what do you think the President should do?
Thank you.
Yes, I share your views, Alex.
You concentrate on
The vast evidence and knowledge you have of history, that's very important.
And then you focus and narrow down, and you see patterns that repeat, and then you focus and narrow down to the level that you now make predictions from semantic analysis of the things that are said and why they're said.
I'm long in the tooth in this attitude, and I recognize in you, and the most powerful assistance to the President that he can count on is to have people like you,
Who really know the background and can make predictions.
Now having said that, I'll tell you something about President Trump's also strongest weapon, and that is that evil does not respect or manipulate, but fears facts.
And the facts for President Trump are clear.
This is a self-financed businessman, a billionaire, who's had to make tough decisions all his life, and to decide to run for high office with dirty background, dirty laundry, or things in the closet,
Are you sure?
I guess naive as a person who's never been in politics a long long period and been in Congress and Senate and so on and and or a governor of states or whatever that he the political world wasn't his expertise so when he became president that was his greatest weakness
Because, as Reince Priebus was told when he was in charge of the Republican Party was, get rid of that candidate.
Whatever you have to do, get rid of him.
That was in the newspapers.
That was said.
So... No, exactly.
The very fact that he'd never been in office, he could turn things around because he had a fresh approach, but it's also his greatest weakness because he doesn't know the tricks.
Great point, Carlos.
We're going to move quickly here.
We're going to go to Reggie in California.
Trump needs to audit the Fed.
Go after the privately foreign-owned Fed.
I agree.
That will get their attention.
That's a great place to counter-strike.
Instead of fighting the minions with fake indictments of his family and others, go directly at their power.
Go directly at the private Federal Reserve.
Go ahead, Reggie.
We've got to audit the Fed and the Fed.
We do need some other system of currency, you know,
All these things, but also March 1st is the debt ceiling hits the limit again.
And, I mean, nobody's even talking about that.
March 1st is a couple weeks away.
We're going to hit the debt ceiling again.
Every six months we're hitting the debt ceiling.
And these politicians, it almost seems like both of them are aware that they are having to spy off us into not even focusing on it.
That's right.
Well, the word is that I heard, like I said in October, I said March is when they're going to end the Russia probe, going to all the new criminal probes.
And notice they said a month ago, they said, oh, it'll end by February.
So it's been announced that senators are saying they've been told in early March Mueller ends it.
So I'm announcing things that they've already announced.
They may change it.
The intent of this show is to get so much information out there that there's so much light on this that it doesn't happen.
I appreciate your call, Reggie.
Great point.
Let's go to a caller in
Oregon, let's talk to Daniel.
Daniel, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling tonight.
Great for having me, Alex.
I was thinking that Trump, you know, he really is a master strategist.
A lot of people don't give him credit.
But his sister, who's a federal judge, she stopped playing board games with him and card games with him when they were young because she said that he would always win.
And he seemed like he didn't even know how to play.
But he was just always playing possum or something like that.
I also know someone in business who had business dealings with Donald Trump, and he said that Donald Trump had 13 contingency plans for every business move that he made.
A lot of that is distinctive.
Okay, well that pisses me off.
If Trump is this mastered 50-level chess Yoda on PCP, then he's not defending the First Amendment and all the censorship of conservatives and nationalists and patriots and veterans groups that have been run over and destroyed and attacked and not even allowed to be in commerce, literally unpersoned.
This is like Nazi-level stuff.
Because Hitler didn't start killing people who weren't his own Nazis in power struggles until about 37.
He took their bank accounts away, he took their businesses away, he demonized them.
So, if Trump's got all this master stuff going on, then we need to see it.
I mean, what's he doing letting the First Amendment hang out here, you know, to flail around in the wind?
I agree, Alex.
And the thing, you know, you may very well be right.
He could just be going out there like a boxing opponent and allowing his opponent to hit him in the jaw as hard as he can, but you never know if, you know, I think that... Here's the deal, here's the deal, okay?
If you want to say some idiot, savant, master guy, he didn't get elected, never running for office in the presidency, nobody's done that but George Washington.
Here's the problem.
Letting them do all this and persecute people is wrong.
So saying he's letting us be sacrificial lambs to piss people off, he's got all the proof, he's got all the evidence, and I know folks that are close to the President, they say that's not the case.
He's watching Fox News all day.
So he's making these big multi-chest moves then off of that.
I agree he's still smart at 72, but he's not covering his butt.
I appreciate your call.
He saves a lot of cards to play.
He didn't tell me the cards to play, but we're out of time.
We'll come back with a few more calls, and I've got some more clips I want to play.
Teddy in Chicago.
Dan in Oregon.
Michael in Alberta, Canada.
Michael's up next.
Then Stan and Paul.
That's it for calls.
I mean, we got Jefferson says he'd classify OKC and dissolve Congress.
Well, you know, there's executive orders that the president can declare an emergency for six months and dissolve Congress.
No one's ever done it, but I mean... Hell, he won't even declare an emergency on the border when that's constitutional.
So, I mean, I wouldn't be looking for that to happen.
I just know this.
These globalists are trying to plunge the economy right now to teach America not to vote nationalist.
If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
It's simple.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late term abortion and all great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's a bestseller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
OK, they're the highest rated.
I'm like, you're only 50% curcuminoid?
Well, yeah, they only put $5 product in the bottle, but that's still incredible, sir.
I'm like, uh, what's the highest you could do a month later?
Uh, 90, 95%.
No one's ever done that.
I said, how much does that cost per bottle?
That costs $10.
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor's 3 to 5%.
You're the top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're going to have 95% curcuminoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive?
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
And InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
We're going to go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
This is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, Hakeem Jeffries.
Had the acting Attorney General in front of him who worked with one of the top deputies of John Ashcroft's Justice Department for 15 years and went into private practice and is brought back in by the President.
And he sits there like he's talking to a pile of horse manure during Friday's hearings.
And he just keeps saying, who are you?
Tell me where you came from.
And then he pauses.
So Whitaker can say, well, sir, I... He goes, whoa!
I didn't tell you to talk, boy!
So he had written all this up as a little slimy whatever he is, lawyer or whatever, to act like this.
That's all they do is stunts and scams and frauds.
Let's go ahead and roll the clip.
Here it is.
Thank you, Mr. Jeffries.
Mr. Whitaker, thank you for your presence here today.
This hearing is important because there are many Americans throughout the country who are confused.
I'm confused.
I really am.
We're all trying to figure out who are you, where did you come from, and how the heck did you become the head of the Department of Justice?
He pauses.
And then it goes on from there.
He says, I want to play the rest of it.
Let's just start it over again.
We're gonna do this.
This is a very important clip.
So no matter how long it takes, no matter what it takes, let's just start it over.
Hit refresh, whatever we gotta do.
Let's just, we're gonna, the whole rest of the show is this right now.
It's just all we're doing.
We're gonna play this, okay?
We're gonna play this because this is so illustrative of the arrogance and the lies and the corruption.
Because he pauses.
Tell us who you are.
Well, I'm... Well, I didn't tell you to talk to me!
It's like, hey, shake my hand.
I'm too cool to talk to you.
Shake my hand.
And then Sheila Jackson Lee does it.
All of them do it.
Just shaking with hate of America!
But none of them want to leave America!
So here it is again.
Thank you, Mr. Jeffries.
Where did you come from, and how the heck did you become the head of the Department of Justice?
So hopefully you can help me work through this confusion.
All right, well, I mean, Congressman, not... Mr. Whitaker, that was a statement, not a question.
I assume you know the difference.
The investigation into possible Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election has resulted in 37 indictments.
Is that correct?
I believe that number is correct, but most of those folks were Russian citizens.
34 individuals have been indicted, sir.
All right, so let's stop right there, and it just goes on and on.
Just the nastiness, the lowliness, the stinking anti-Americanism.
This is what's been created, and it went on for hours.
Let's pull up Sheila Jackson Lee.
We'll go back to your calls.
This is Sheila Jackson Lee heading up the committee with her cape on.
She's got a superwoman cape on.
And she's up there doing the same nasty stuff.
This country is gone if we don't stop stuff like this.
I mean, these people will do anything, like the Kavanaugh hearings, you name it.
I mean, these are a bunch of scum.
Dangerous scum.
And just hours of this.
So here she is.
This is all they did.
It's never been done before.
Just frothing hate.
Just frothing.
Here it is.
Let's play it.
And with the short time that I have, I want to make sure that your questions are answered in a yes or no matter.
This is the first oversight hearing we have had in the Justice Department in almost 15 months.
You did not have a confirmation hearing and you have not yet appeared for an oversight hearing.
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Congresswoman, I am the acting... Yes or no?
Have you appeared... Oh, let's start it over.
Look at that big old giant wig she's got on the back of her head so that she doesn't look like her head's a little peanut.
I mean, imagine if Whitaker was wearing a big ol' giant fake black toupee on his head.
We'd all make fun of him, like the guy that was on Tucker Carlson.
I'll show him in a minute.
It's just, like, what's up with leftists and weird-ass heritives?
Like, she's got this giant, I'm a Martian space alien, big ol' beehive thing on the back of her head that's obviously not hers.
But now it's like five times bigger.
Pull it up.
And then, and then, and then, and again, she's just total fraud.
Everything about her is a fraud.
She's wearing a cape.
A cape.
Here, here, let's go back to her.
And with the short time that I have, I want to make sure that your questions are answered in a yes or no matter.
This is the first oversight hearing we have had in the Justice Department in almost 15 months.
You did not have a confirmation hearing and you have not yet appeared for an oversight hearing.
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Congresswoman, I am the acting... Yes or no?
Have you appeared before an oversight hearing in the Congress?
Congresswoman, I have not.
It has been 10 years... Witness will answer the question as asked, please.
Mr. Chairman?
Mr. Chairman, if the Parliamentary Inquiry, if he feels that a yes or no is appropriate, he'll answer in a yes or no.
If he does not feel it's appropriate, he should be able to answer in an appropriate, as many Democrat administration officials have done before this committee before.
That is unreal.
The member has only five minutes, and if she... If we've just discovered that we have... She wants a yes or no, and she's entitled to it.
I will not allow the witness to stall and waste members' time.
Mr. Chairman, may I have my time restored?
I think it was at four minutes.
Thank you.
Again, Mr. Attorney General, the question is, did you have a confirmation hearing, and has it been more than ten years?
That's enough.
I want to go to your phone calls and get back to how does the President save himself, and I'll get to that at the start of the next segment.
I said I'd do it in the segment, but we're behind.
I've got so many other clips I want to play, but the nastiness is like, tell us exactly who you are and where you came from.
Well, I came from... I didn't... That's a question, obviously, you idiot!
Shake my hand.
Don't you try to shake my hand.
Obviously, I wouldn't try to do that.
I mean, it's like junior high garbage here.
Junior high garbage.
We got Paul in Las Vegas, and the Radio Sessions president.
We've got Teddy.
Trump may just let them come.
He needs to investigate Mueller.
Yeah, a special prosecutor, the rate of assassination.
Let's talk to Paul in Vegas.
Paul, what do you think's going on here?
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I think they're after the president in so many different ways.
They've got him hemmed up.
And what they're going to do is the same thing they did with Ross Perot, if you remember.
You know, as he was a candidate and as he became popular.
They threatened to kill his daughter.
Absolutely, and I think that's what's coming.
I think you're going to see a complete change in 180.
The things that you're talking about with Trump, the things that he's been able to do and not been able to do, I think are subject to that.
He's in a lot of trouble and we've got to protect him.
Real quick, I'm an inventor.
I love our president.
I take your brain force.
I figured out a way to make hydrogen fuel cells from razor blades by recycling your razor blades, and they're wonderful.
I just want to give myself a plug real quick.
My name is Dan Franks.
I'm on Facebook.
I got a good fun new page.
I'm trying to pay for the lawyers and mechanical drawings and all that stuff, but they're absolutely fantastic, and they're going to change how we make energy.
I'll check it out, Paul.
I appreciate your call, man.
Let's go ahead and go to Teddy in Chicago.
Teddy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, you talk about the metaphysical laws of the universe.
The Roman Republic they tried to save by killing Caesar.
What we need to do, Trump's asset is the American patriots, the American people.
We need to stand up.
In the meantime, formulate his strike forces and let them come.
Through their aggression, total Gandhi logic, they'll be the aggressors in history.
And then we'll have to defend our republic.
I believe that.
Well, Trump is fatalistic.
So you think Trump's setting himself up in a Christ-like way to be destroyed, and he believes out of that comes a victory?
Is that what you're saying?
I do believe that, but he still needs to declare the emergency.
That's a side issue.
He still needs to stand up and keep being president, but in terms of them trying to set him up and bring him down, let them try.
No, they're not trying.
They're doing it, but I hear you.
We'll be right back.
Thank you.
We've got some other stuff we're going to talk about straight ahead.
Wars are like 12-round heavyweight boxing championship fights.
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Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
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Again, this is a limited time Immune Boost Special.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or your mind.
So, we should all be asking ourselves on this Sunday night.
The Mueller investigation's all fake.
Democrats say all these new criminal indictments are coming out of the Southern District of New York and Chicago and everywhere.
That's the plan.
Mueller's gonna end his investigation in the next few weeks.
They've said they are, and it's just been a cover for a witch hunt to get blackmail on people on non-Russia related crimes that Trump wasn't even involved in.
What an outrage, what a danger.
But I want to go back to that subject I mentioned in the second segment of tonight's show.
Alexandria Cortez, or AOC as she's known, the perfect, dumbed down, looks like a meth head, low IQ idiot, to lead us into Venezuelan or North Korean hell.
She comes out, as everyone knows, with her green plan.
Was it on Thursday?
And within 12 hours she takes it down.
I was on the congressional site myself reading it that morning.
And NPR had everybody report it was Herb's.
And all the archive sites, Bing and all the rest of them.
Let's show TV viewers.
Up there at the top, that's bing.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com
She says, get rid of airplanes, they're evil.
And people that don't want to work, people that can't work or don't want to work, is the quote, give them free stuff.
And so instead of defending it, once everybody said this is incredibly bad, she said it doesn't exist and put some weird professor with his giant toupee on Tucker Carlson and other shows to say that we were liars and that we'd created fake news.
So they'll lie even when they're caught.
They don't care.
Watch Cortez Gaslight's Green New Deal.
Cornell University professor, green activist, and Cortez advisor, Robert Hockett.
And the guy literally, show him on screen please.
He looks like Bozo the Clown.
He's trying to look all ironic.
Full screen.
You can't get the full horror.
He's got weird like green teeth.
And then he goes, liar!
Never existed!
We never thought that!
He even has a fake Atlantic, you know, like fake British accent.
How dare you!
Listen, Buffy, first in hell who's third!
So, this is the reality we're dealing with here.
Is that they come out and they won't stand up when Trump says, let's not kill babies after they're born.
The Speaker of the House, Pelosi, none of them will even stand up.
So the mysterious case of AOC's scrubbed Green New Deal details.
And then it goes on from there.
Meanwhile, we have all the screenshots, all the articles, her tweeting it in the morning on her own Twitter.
She doubles down on free money for lazy people and admits that, well, that's actually in her plan.
And the quote is, people unable to work are those who don't want to work.
So Trump's come out and said, this is a great idea.
You should embrace this.
We're only we turn off all the carbon and no one else does.
And we literally most studies show that about 8% of the population would die within two years of no carbon in the US.
But that's OK.
Because we have a fop with a big giant, you know, giant, I mean, I was on TV with a huge toupee, like a foot, like eight inches tall.
I was like, hi, I'm Bob's big boy.
Do what I say.
No, we didn't do that.
But here's the actual green New Deal fax from the archive of Bing search engine.
And it says right here, all the stuff that they're going to do, but she says,
They never said it, even though we have them all saying it.
So, this is who these people are.
This is how they operate.
This is the world they want to build.
This is what they want to do.
I haven't gotten to this yet, and we're not going to be able to, because the show's going to end.
If you're on the streams, then InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com.
The broadcast's going to end.
InfoWars.com, four-slot show.
The counterfeit with Mike Adams is always powerful.
He tapes an hour every Friday for the Sunday show.
That's coming up.
Then I'll be back at 11 a.m.
David Knight's over his heart attack.
He'll be back at 8 a.m.
We've got the war with Owen Schroyer, 3 p.m.
every day.
But China?
Got Google to help build their autonomous killer robots and have announced they'll be the first to launch them.
That's all right here in mainstream news today.
Didn't even get to that.
Didn't even get to that or Gallup.
Five million Latin Americans.
They pulled.
Latin Americans, 5 million are planning to come to the U.S.
in 2019, and Trump's going to be out on the border tomorrow.
In Texas, we're going to be covering it.
Our reporters are down there.
We got Drew down there, the camera guy, the intrepid cameraman.
And we've also got Greg Reese.
That'll all be on the regular weekday show and the morning shows and the afternoon shows tomorrow with live coverage.
And don't worry, Peto O'Rourke
He's going to be down there bringing in like a lighthouse the big unwashed socialist caravans that the UN are running to overwhelm our judges and fully break our border so everyone knows they're using our laws of openness against us to fully destroy the country.
That's all coming up tomorrow.
We'll be covering it here.
But I want to shift to something else.
I want to shift to something else as we end this broadcast tonight.
I want to shift to just a little compilation we've put together.
We're going to post to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Demonic Liberals.
Compilation just of Demonic Liberals because I saw this clip, and I'll cover it more tomorrow, of a California abortion operator sees someone at the allotted 20 yards away from the property just saying, Jesus loves the children.
He comes over in a demonic voice and gets in his face.
And this is what they all do.
Like, leftists now will break into this satanic, weird behavior.
So I thought we'd show some of this tonight about the demonic infestation, the apparent mass demonic possession of leftists, not just here, but it's being reported worldwide.
Here it is.
You know, the only difference is between the back alley pushers and today's horse opponents is that they let you in through the front door.
The procedure's the same.
The instruments are the same.
They let you go through the front door.
That's the difference.
There you go!
You're having some mentally ill Democrats!
Sheriff, we know you got it on Saturday afternoon.
These people put you on here.
I feel sorry for you.
I feel sorry for you and your mental illness.
I feel sorry for your mental illness.
How are you in the state hospital?
I know you're in a state hospital.
There you go.
Go ahead and assault me.
Go ahead.
That's what you do.
Assault me right now.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
I hate the truce!
I hate the truce!
I hate the truce!
You got to repent, sir, for murdering babies.
Because it's a sin before God.
Stinky breath.
It's pretty evil of you, sir.
Yeah, I am.
And I hope and pray that you...
Well, that's what you do to babies, huh?
Yeah, I love it!
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
Okay, I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I'd never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
Yeah, you... I don't listen to Christ.
You will have a darkened heart, sir.
I do have a darkened heart, yeah.
You have a darkened heart.
I do, I do.
Very, very much so.
And you will stand before God in judgment day, huh?
Yes, I will.
Every day.
You will stand before God in judgment day.
Yes, I will.
Every day.
All of the babies that you have killed.
I love it, I love it.
Your planet is ours.
Butchered women.
Butchered children.
You have carpets down in here.
So Pearl Ivers talking about babies in Texas that women shoved up, we love Satan, Satan, Satan.
Here's the video.
At the beginning of this year, February, 5 million... She's surrounded by Democrats going, Satan, Satan, Satan.
Do you think you hear about that on the news?
No, you don't.
Because they want to keep that fact from you.
They don't want you to.
And Democrats are surrounding the Christian woman saying, hell, Satan.
And we didn't even show you all the footage we've got of them saying, we kill our babies, we love death.
We'll have it all for you tomorrow.
All for you tomorrow.
When we go out and these people say, we kill our kids, we love Satan, we love Satan, we want to kill our kids.
They'll go... You're like, well, no, they're not doing it to freak us out.
That's who they are.
So we'll have all those other clips for you tomorrow, I promise.
The really powerful ones aren't in that compilation, but it's okay.
It's a start!
It's called our A-Team video.
All right, that's it for this transmission.
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They're coming after the President.
Thanks to Drudge linking to us.
Retransmission comes after Mike Adams.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.