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Filename: 20190124_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2019
3114 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various news topics, including Syria threatening to bomb Tel Aviv, Iran pledging to wipe Israel off the map, President Trump recognizing the opposition leader in Venezuela causing Russia and others to condemn the United States, and how the media is trying to portray the Covington Catholic school kids as racist. He also talks about being banned from social networks based on lies and the importance of InfoWars for people to get information they won't get elsewhere. Jones addresses lawyers from the Washington Post accusing him of viciously attacking them, which he argues is not an issue of free speech but rather a case of defamation aimed at causing harm. He needs support from his viewers and listeners as false accusations are damaging to him and his reputation. He discusses an upcoming case involving the Covington Catholic School Kids and their lawyer, the double standard in how mainstream media handles situations like these, Hollywood cases involving pedophilia rings and abuse, and a Hollywood individual who made vile and hateful statements towards children. He plans on having guests from these cases on his show to expose the truth behind them. Finally, Jones talks briefly about Venezuela's dictatorship falling apart, encourages viewers struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction to seek help before it's too late, and interviews Gabe Hoffman about child sex abuse in Hollywood.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Everything's happy.
Everything's good.
World War III cometh!
Syria is threatening to bomb the airport in Tel Aviv and Iran is pledging to wipe Israel off the map.
Now you know why the United States is pulling back.
Like we always do before Israel gets into another war.
Big things happening, Venezuela on fire, at least seven shot dead by the dictatorship that has been holding on to power through staged elections.
The country has been in a state of collapse for more than a decade.
And of course, President Trump has recognized the opposition leader yesterday, accelerating the crisis, Russia and others.
Because they have bases in Venezuela, have condemned the United States.
But quite frankly, Trump's move is right.
Maduro clearly is a dictator and a horrible globalist, backed up by Hollywood and others.
So too bad for the Russians if the Venezuelan people actually get control of their government.
Yeah, there's Trump's second inauguration video.
Actually, it's Caracas, where up to a million people flooded the streets.
Now all CNN would have to do is just show a photo from the day before when no one was in the streets and say, look, no one is in the streets of Caracas.
That's what they did back on Inauguration Day 2017, remember?
They just showed it when the mall had first opened and said no one was there, not showing the record crowd.
But I just thought that was a good point to make.
Now imagine the military
We'll look more at Israel.
After a couple days of blaming the Covington Catholic school kids of being horrible demons, the media then said, OK, maybe they weren't, but they're still evil because they're wearing red hats and they're white.
Well, now they've doubled down all over the place.
New York Times, you name it, MSNBC.
And they go, you know what?
Those kids are bad.
And black guys calling them cracker asses and saying we'll harvest your organs is actually a good thing.
And the old Native American wizard coming over and breathing his horrible breath in the kid's face and beating a drum, that was loving and good.
So the New York Times and others have decided that actually it's a wonderful thing.
Kind of like their board member that said whites are subhuman.
Goblins that live in holes in the ground and she can't wait till we're all exterminated.
At first they said, oh yeah, this is wrong.
And then they said, you know what?
It's free speech.
But as long as an Asian or a black person or somebody's talking like a Nazi, it's okay.
Because again, they can't be racist.
They are the anointed God people.
So that's all coming up.
Paul Joseph Watson has a big article on it.
New York Times runs defense for black anti-Semite hate group.
So we're going to be looking at all of that.
Meanwhile, Representative Ilhan Omar smears Covington Boys days after it's all proven to be fraud.
They were taunting five black men, doing Nazi salutes and more.
Channing, build that wall.
What an idiot.
I mean, these people are just unbelievable.
She's one of our first Muslim members of Congress.
They have to all be women.
Of course, in the Muslim countries, the women aren't in their government, but that's okay.
Here they will be, because Islam is for women.
Chopping your genitals off and putting you in slave pits.
Oh, the joys.
Ode to the joy of it all.
Also, we have a bunch of big, special guests joining us here today.
Very, very special guests that you're not going to want to miss.
And I'll tell you about some of those guests when we come back.
So please stay with us.
And remember, without you spreading the word, without you telling everybody you know every day in emails and in text messages, the Globalist will win.
And this TV, this early warning system against the Globalist will be defeated.
Stay with us.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's January 24th, 2019.
It's Thursday.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
The most banned, demonized, and lied-about broadcast in the world, for a good reason.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
A demonized version of Alex Jones to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using ADAPT to overcome subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now, when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration, global social score, complete command and control.
It is the virtual reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors inside the major security agencies blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles of the TICOM slash Big Tech
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been battering ramming it out as much as I can.
I am now being captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this TV will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you a transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you're a radio listener, you've heard that promo before.
Why they banned Alex Jones.
But a cool YouTube website, I hate to even plug, is they'll probably go ban it.
How dare you even talk about InfoWars, you dirty Americans.
Keep your mouth shut.
There's no First Amendment.
That's a channel called Cartoon Intro InfoTunes on YouTube.
We got some more of those we'll be playing today.
Really interesting.
Remember, we are a radio program that is slash TV as well at Infowars.com forward slash show.
And it's not just something we need.
It's essential, like oxygen or water.
If we don't have this, we're dead in the water.
We've been banned off of every major social network, banned off Roku, banned off everything, based on lies.
Based on... Alex Jones is on his radio show saying, go to the Sandy Hook parents' homes and harass them.
A, I never said that.
And B, they have the lawyers for them.
Currently, going all over the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN saying, get him off the air!
Every time they pick a new thing to target to say, take me off the air, Roku last week said no.
He's been on with us eight years, or seven years, we already had an app on there, or a platform.
Some fans made a new one, it went to the front page, it was so popular, and one day, and all these George Soros and Democrat groups bragged that they started lobbying to take it down, and Roku said, no.
We're just an internet platform so you can get stuff from the internet onto your television.
You know, now they're producing some of their own programs.
And so the lawyers then contacted him and bragged in the Washington Post that they told him, he's currently viciously attacking us.
He's currently sending people to our houses.
Help us!
Well, that's not a free speech issue.
That's like saying a local radio host is telling people, go rob the bank.
It's no longer free speech.
You're now calling for criminal action.
Didn't do it.
But see, they're doing it through my name and my voice.
Notice the news never shows you where I did that.
So, now they have these groups, looking like they're grassroots organizations, contacting our affiliates, saying, did you know he's currently saying, go do this and that?
Things I never did.
So, it's a false report.
It's the definition of defamation to cause harm.
They are saying things that aren't true and saying it's to get me off the air.
So I met with lawyers yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon.
It's not something I want to do, but obviously I'm going to have to take action, because imagine if someone was filing reports that you were doing something you weren't, and you reached out to them and you shot all these videos and reports, and their response is to complain to YouTube to have your videos taken down, were you clarified?
So that's what this is, and they're not gonna stop.
So I absolutely need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your financial support, because if they're able to shut us down, this is the model for everybody else.
So we really are a Americana example that is on the front lines, and without you, we will be defeated.
And we got some big guests coming up today.
We have the lawyer for the Covington Catholic School Kids joining us, coming up in just a couple segments.
We all show he's about to file a bunch of lawsuits, which absolutely need to be done.
This is clear.
Go to their houses, go to their schools, kill them, shoot them, murder them.
The people don't even take this off Twitter.
In fact, they're doubling down.
The New York Times is defending the black racist group that was there screaming racist names at him and saying it's a good thing they did.
Just like the New York Times board member says whites are subhuman.
You cannot make this up.
So that's all coming up.
And we have a bunch of other big guests as well.
We have this big Hollywood case of men being raped, men being abused, boys being abused, and famous Hollywood individuals saying no one will believe you.
That's now mainstream news and we've got one of the investigative journalists and filmmakers who's been working with the writers of the story to expose it coming on.
We'll be naming names of confirmed, admitted
Pedophilia rings, rape, you name it, that is now starting to come out about Hollywood.
So that's why they want to shut us off air, but it's not going to work.
That transmission will be going out with Gabe Hoffman and Robert Barnes, the lawyer for many of the Kentucky Catholic schoolboys will be here.
Katie Hopkins, always amazing from the UK, is going to be joining us as well.
But just briefly, going back to what I just mentioned, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
Here's Ann Coulter a few days ago.
Journalist in 2018, Alex Jones caused the families of Sandy Hook victims to be harassed.
He must be banned from all social media.
Well, they actually say I'm currently doing it.
Okay, even though that's not true, and the prior isn't true.
Then, journalist in 2019, police kill these children and their families.
They're then kept on the internet.
That shows the leftist disconnect.
And we have an example of this.
One of these Hollywood individuals that we'll cover at the bottom of the hour, the lawyer, came out and made vile, hateful statements towards the kids and hasn't retracted.
In fact, he's doubled down as of this morning.
We're going to play the shocking video from his Twitter account, tell you who he is.
The article is up on Infowars.com.
He is a monstrous, monstrous, monstrous individual that we're going to be breaking down at the bottom of the hour with the lawyer.
Also, it turns out that the elder Nathan Phillips did say he was in combat in Vietnam, so he is a complete liar.
We have video of that.
Again, Kathy Griffin has backed down and removed her tweet saying, go attack him with her school, but not Hollywood bully who viciously attacked Covington students in profanity, pedophilia-laced rant.
We'll tell you about this dirtbag, Michael Rappaport, as well.
But first, Caracas is on fire.
The Venezuelan dictatorship is falling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alex Jones here, back live!
Juan Guaido, according to many international polling experts and witnesses, won the last election, even though they didn't even allow him to be on the ballot in many areas, in Venezuela.
There has been a one-party dictatorship that first said it was liberal, then said it was socialist, then said it was communist.
And you've got Maduro who is just a complete moron and extremely unpopular.
Say what you want about Hugo Chavez, he was very charismatic and had a very big following and he did originally get elected legitimately.
But with Maduro, these have been fake elections and up to a thousand people a week starving to death.
They passed a law a few years ago, you can't say people are starving to death.
They just say you die of exposure or die of the flu or die of something else.
Five years ago all the zoos had their animals eaten.
Around that same time, all the cats and dogs disappeared.
Now birds have disappeared.
Insects are disappearing.
There's total collapse of society because communists shit on top of all the crops and all the fields and then give the people none of what they produce.
When they do, the communists always sell it to foreign groups to make money because the communists all build lavish palaces in Spain and in Switzerland and in Morocco and other areas like that.
That's just what they do.
Australia, I mean, there's a lot of places they run to.
The United States.
And so this is the total corruption.
There have been cases of people hijacking trailers full of cows, full of beef, and just slaughtering them right there with machetes and just like zombies gobbling the meat.
That's what happens when you're starving to death.
And so if you're a TV viewer, you can see the images of
State-run media said a half million.
It looked like millions of people flooding all the major streets of Caracas.
And we can also roll some of the video of people being shot, armored vehicles being hit by Molotov cocktails.
This is truly a historic situation taking place.
This looks like scenes out of the Hunger Games.
Armored vehicles
Citizens throwing rocks at the armored vehicles, bottle of cocktails, the police and military shooting people.
Hundreds and hundreds wounded.
We're hearing numbers of seven dead.
That's government-run media.
I mean, it's probably 500.
I mean, who knows?
You never know with these communist countries.
And so, yes, I don't like American expansionism, where we go take over Afghanistan for the tune of a trillion-plus dollars.
It's been $2 trillion.
It's been more than that.
It's been $100 billion a year for 18 years.
So approaching 2 trillion.
And then we don't even get any of the rare earth minerals.
And China gets them all.
We guard the roads and facilities for China to get the rare earth minerals to build the smartphones and computers.
Look, if we're going to be imperial, we get all of it.
And I'm not even for that.
That's immoral.
But we get it all.
But see, global corporations like Apple and others, they are based in China now.
We're officially based in Ireland, but they're based over there in China, pays zero percent tax, and then we go pay for all this.
So, so, China and Russia have come out and decried and say the U.S.
is meddling in Venezuela.
Let me tell you something.
It's a national security issue when Venezuela is seven countries from us.
They're in North, Eastern, South America.
And they're only, what?
700 800 miles away from us with a bunch of little bitty countries in between them and they've collapsed.
Brazil and others all built fences and put their militaries on them the last couple years because it's collapsing and the very worst of Venezuela are coming into their nations.
But don't worry now it's coming here and you saw the images months ago of the gates being broken down in Guatemala into southern Mexico and now Mexico just said hey
You orderly process yourselves, we will issue you visas for one month to travel through Mexico.
And if we catch you after that, you'll be sent back or put in prison.
They have very strict immigration laws, obviously in Mexico, they should.
But as bad as Mexico is, Latin America, Central America is even worse now.
I mean, we're talking hellish.
And so now Mexico is organizing with the UN to flood us, just like Turkey did.
In the last six years, just like Albania did to flood Europe.
So it is, it is diabolical to say the least.
It is coordinated, it is extremely evil, and it's only getting worse.
So I hope that Maduro is thrown out.
I hope that a popular conservative nationalist gets in.
Venezuela, per capita, for a country their size.
Has more resources than any country in the world.
Volcanic farmland.
And in the past, hard-working good people.
But they got on the dole, they got into socialism, they got told, oh, that rich coffee plantation owner, or that banana plantation owner, you could have that.
You could have that.
And then they vote to take it, and then there's nothing left.
Because the communist leaders don't sit there and settle on the open market.
They sell it at reduced prices to multinationals.
And that's why the globalists love communist and socialist countries, because they collapse.
Prosperity and capitalism creates a lot of money.
People start having five, six kids.
And the kids go to a socialist school.
They vote in Hugo Chavez.
And 15 years later, the country is one of the poorest in the world.
It was the richest country in Latin America, richer than the United States.
The average citizen in 1950 was paid more, had more savings, and owned more land than the average American in 1950.
And now,
It is a total hell hole.
That's the story of Socialism Show.
Remember that when you see Alexandria Cortez bumbling around like a meth head moron, whatever the hell she's on.
Remember that.
That she's sitting there telling a bunch of stupid people, hey you're gonna get all this free stuff and the big bankers are funding that because they're gonna sit offshore.
When America gets totally looted.
Also coming up, World War III cometh.
Syria is threatening to bomb the airport in Tel Aviv.
And Iran is pledging to wipe Israel off the map.
That's why we've pulled out Michael Snyder's article from Into the American Dream up on Infowars.com.
It's excellent.
We'll be looking at that.
But first, the lawyer for the Covington Catholic School.
Young people framed by the globalists is joining us.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
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So you support us and get creative and get fired up.
We won't just be here a hundred years.
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We'll turn the whole thing around.
Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you ready.
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And so,
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master built.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Please don't forget The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, with Owen Schroer and others.
And then, of course, David Knight.
He'll be back in February after his heart attack.
Thanks for all your prayers.
We've got a great fill-in host doing a great job, Harrison Smith and others.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
Central Standard Time for the three hours that come up right before I go live.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
So, I've been harping since Saturday
On something I said Saturday and Sunday would become a major sea change event if people got the truth out.
That the mainstream corporate media with a bunch of leftist operatives would try to march into a group of Catholic school boys and others trying to get on a bus.
And say that they surrounded them and they said racist things when it's on the audio that the mainstream news didn't show.
That was the first thing.
Get out of here, white boy.
Go back to Europe.
We're going to harvest your organs.
You're a fag.
You know, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your prods, your incest.
I went and found the raw video and heard that.
And then I went, wait a minute.
And then there it was.
Our news director pointed out on Saturday, Rob Dew, that
They marched over to them, the so-called Native American elder and the black Israelites.
But the reason this is so important is, even after the lawyer that's step four representing some of these great young men warned people to back off and gave them a chance to stop the defamation,
I looked this morning for like an hour and I was fascinated they're still publishing editorials about the hate and how the boys represent that because of their hats and how they're Nazis and Hollywood bully viciously attacks Covington students in profanity pedophilia laced rant and that horrible creatures Michael Rappaport that's lied about me as well and then meanwhile this guy still has it up on his Twitter a well-known musician
Verified leftist calls for Make America Great Again kids to be fired on, school to be burned down.
Taffy Griffin said dox them, go get them, and they did.
Ann Coulter asked the question.
Journalist in 2018 said Alex Jones caused the families of Sandy Hook victims to be harassed, never did.
He must be banned from all social media.
Journalist 2019, please kill these children and their families.
We've got Ann coming on very soon.
So again, the left always accuses me of saying, doing things I didn't do.
And then they say that I'm currently sending people like a wolf at the door trying to hurt people.
But then they do it as a matter of course on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else.
That's not true.
We all know about that.
Maxine Waters saying that they're at the gas station, they're at the mall, they're at the grocery store.
You run their ass out of there.
And you know what?
I've experienced it.
They'll walk over and dump hot coffee on your head.
They'll knock your iced tea over right in front of your kids.
They don't care.
Meanwhile, New York Times runs defense for black anti-Semite hate group.
The very group saying they'd harvest the organs of these kids.
So this is really captured by his imagination because you've still got the new Islamic member of Congress.
Days after this has proven to be a hoax.
Ehan Omar saying that they were Nazis and all this other lies.
Turns out that Nathan Phillips is an even bigger fraud, was never in Vietnam, never in combat.
Wow, surprise, surprise.
He's a professional agitator.
But at least Kathy Griffin at least deleted her tweet saying Doxam and go after these Nazis, which they aren't.
I want to play this clip and then go to their lawyer, Robert Barnes.
We really appreciate joining us.
Thank God somebody's standing up for these young people who are having their identities stolen.
They're being called Nazis.
They're being framed.
They surrounded people and were bullying them and none of it's true.
And then a lot of the corporate media still won't back off.
They act like, well, was it inappropriate?
He stood looking at an elder.
It's incredible.
When you're surrounded, you better just look at the ground.
So, let's play a clip of one of the more egregious monsters who's currently, as of this morning, still saying things like this.
This guy is in a bunch of movies.
He's on ESPN.
He's a horrible thug.
He sexually talks about the children.
He's just a monstrous pig.
Here is Michael Rappaport, D-list actor.
You see the video of these Catholic school teenage boys, hand jobs, harassing, get in the face.
These Native American people, you little shit stain.
You got no fucking life, go play some video games.
Go try to bird dog some chicks, you fucking little creeps.
Shorty shit stain, hand job, Catholic school cook, fuck boy.
Where's these people's parents, you little fucking scumbag.
MAGA hat wearing shit stains, this is what you do for fun.
You're 16, 17 years old, and that's fun to you?
That's what your life is?
You f****** loser.
You little Kentucky Catholic school f****** suckers.
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know what I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f****** lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f******
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f*** you.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***.
Good, you f***ing lunatic.
Bye bye, f*** all.
All right, we appreciate Robert Barnes joining us.
He's a trial lawyer.
He wins high-profile cases for clients in civil, criminal, constitutional law.
He was featured in UK Times and AP as America's most successful political gambler.
Robert Barnes has vowed to sue the reporters, thank God, and celebrities.
who have perpetrated the false statements and attacked the Covington Catholic High School students if they don't reverse themselves in 48 hours.
Well, some have half-assed removed stuff, others have doubled down, others have left it up, and so we appreciate him joining us at Barnes underscore Law, BarnesLawLLP.com.
Counselor, thanks for joining us and thanks for standing up to real bullies.
I'm glad to be here.
I mean, it's extraordinary what's taken place.
I've represented people across the political spectrum from Joe Bannister and Bernie Kugelin to Wesley Snipes and Ralph Nader, but this may end up being one of the most consequential cases I'm ever a part of.
Because this is about the rights of ordinary people, private citizens, in this case kids, being able to protect their privacy, being able to protect their rights, who almost had their reputations permanently ruined, their careers and their potential aspirations permanently tarnished, solely because of a lie and a libel spread by the establishment press based on kids they had never met,
A story that they didn't personally witness, built on fabricated stories by lefty protesters who spread it through bots on the internet.
So it's an extraordinary case, and the reason why I offered my services for free is because typically, as you know Alex, libel cases can be very expensive, very difficult to defend, very difficult to bring, and normally big powerful establishment press people get away with it all the time.
Uh, so because they know the ordinary person has no remedy.
They know if they sue people like you, it makes it very difficult for you to defend yourself.
So it's a tool they use.
It's a form of lawfare.
And I offered my services for free because I wanted to equalize the equation.
Because everybody deserves the same rights to be respected, and their rights were not respected in this case.
By the way, a bunch of stuff just clicked.
You know, I'm involved in a bunch of things.
They're trying to end the First Amendment, literally using me.
They admit that.
I know you were Wesley Snipes' lawyer.
And I even thought about trying to get a hold of you, and they didn't do it.
So maybe this is meant to happen, too, for us to talk about some other things.
Because I was actually thinking of you in mind for the psyop and trying to run against me because you're so articulate to break it down.
But I think you're saying this is the moment they bit off more than they could chew.
They really did, because these are private kits.
These are private citizens.
So not only did they spread something that was a clear lie, that was an easy to prove lie, they did it in such a way that everybody was outraged.
That everybody found just incredible.
And they went and they took it a step further.
I mean, they were threatening to burn down the school.
My law offices, within three hours of me announcing that I was representing them, was subject to bomb threats that are now currently under FBI investigation.
They tried to hack every social media account that I had.
They've gone after the family.
The diocese has had to close down three different times because of suspicious packages that showed up at their doors.
You have lunatics like Michael Rapoport, like Ron Perlman, making absurd threats.
Now, I'll give Congresswoman Omar and Kathy Griffin credit that at least when they libeled them and lied about these kids, and I sent tweets to them saying, retract or be sued, they at least had the proper action of at least retracting.
Stay there.
This is amazing.
Let's talk about this.
Robert Barnes is our guest.
Very famous, prominent lawyer.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On a long and lonesome highway East of Omaha
Think about it.
We've got a clear-cut example here of corporate media
Seeing a bunch of school kids, some of them wearing Make America Great Again hats, who are there for a pro-life march, and within 30 minutes we went and found the raw footage from the guy's channel, going, F you white people, to the little black kids that were part of the school, F you, we're going to harvest your organs, kid, you're going to die, your mother and your father, or brother and sisters, you're going to shoot your school up.
And then the media takes that, edits it, and the very same groups have done that to me in DC as well.
They've done the same stuff to us.
But they come over and yell and scream at you, and then they sit back and go, why are you doing this to me?
Because they're editing the tapes.
So you have the premeditatedness of this.
And I said day one, I said, I bet this individual, this so-called native elder, I bet he's got a long history of Democratic Party provocateuring.
Apparently he's been doing it for a decade.
That same day he went to Catholic Church with 20 people at mass, beating drums, trying to get his ass kicked.
He goes to colleges on Halloween.
This is on record in local news channels all over the country.
He's done it in Colorado.
He's done it in Michigan.
He does it all over.
And he shows up, beating a drum, getting in people's faces, saying, you can't dress like an Native American, trying to get his butt kicked, but no one's ever taken the bait.
But you know what?
He's never given up.
Robert Barnes is, again, one of the top lawyers in the country when it comes to this.
He's taking it pro bono.
He's represented major Hollywood stars in cases where they spent millions defending themselves.
Some cases winning, some cases losing.
Everybody knows about the Wesley Snipes case.
But the point is, he's taking this pro bono because he says it's show, clear, cut.
So, lay out what you think really happened here, where it's going, the 48 hours you've given them.
Again, some groups are backing off, but then republishing new lies like the New York Times has done.
So, who do you think, who are you zeroing in on?
Or, I guess that's kind of inside baseball.
I mean, definitely Reza is going to get sued.
The one who said that the kid should be punched in the face.
The former CNN commentator who now has a big social media platform.
Maggie Haberman has yet to correct her statements where she basically called for the expulsion of these kids.
And here you have the lead reporter for the lead newspaper in the nation making a false report about kids she never met in a story she didn't witness for facts she didn't have no first hand, which her own newspaper has corrected.
And yet she has refused to delete or correct her own statements in this regard.
And then Michael Rapoport and Ron Perlman on the Hollywood side of the equation.
And then a range of editors, including the editor of Mother Jones, who has issued false statements about this, who has completely disgraced the independent investigative history of that publication with her partisan political nonsense over the past year and a half, acting as basically a speaking platform for Fusion GPS and the Russiagate scandal.
So, you have a range of people, and there's about a half dozen other prominent people, either in the journalistic world, the celebrity world, or the social media world, who have continued to lie about these kids, libel these kids, and I think they don't understand Kentucky law.
Kentucky law says that you can't put kids, or any other individual citizen of Kentucky, in an unflattering, unreasonable light.
You can't.
That's called false invasion.
That's called basically invasion of privacy claim.
And it's broader than defamation claims, broader than libel claims.
And you can even seek per se damages, which means all you have to do is show that the lie was so outrageous of these private citizens.
That they are entitled to damages without having to prove individual damage.
I'm not a lawyer, but I mean this is really a conspiracy.
Almost like racketeering where all these media groups get together.
They know it's a lie.
They all put it out.
Then when they get caught they kind of halfway back off and say okay well were the kids right to confront him and then then they say okay we were wrong but oh
You know, the kids still ask for it.
I mean, it's just crazy that people like Michael Rappaport are not backing down.
He's still got his video up.
He's still making jokes.
I don't think he gets it.
No, I agree.
I think he's completely out of touch.
And I think what it is is they're so accustomed to beating up on people.
They're used to attacking public figures of a different kind.
They're used to doing it in such a way that they're never sued, they're never successfully sued, they suffer no consequence.
The Wall Street Journal even had an editorial on this that said all these people that lied about these kids will probably face no consequence.
And that was the reason why we tried to step into the breach here, because these people need to suffer a consequence.
They need to realize that just because they have the power of the press and the privilege of the press, they do not have immunity when they lie about innocent kids who they don't know, whose incidents they didn't witness, for which they had no evidence to support their false claims, for which they knew were false claims within a day of their reporting, when they refused to retract.
The families are very conservative, Catholic families, and they authorized me to offer a 48-hour
Uh, notice to everybody that as long as they corrected, retracted, or deleted their wrongful statements, that they wouldn't sue those people.
They're not looking to sue.
They don't want to sue.
They don't want to jump into court.
They're not litigious people.
They just don't want this to happen to any other kids like the hell they've been through over the last week.
And so thus, everybody's on notice that they have until the end of business, midnight Friday, to be able to retract their statements.
And if they don't, they don't correct, they don't apologize, they don't remedy, they're going to be sued.
And they're going to be sued on an individual basis.
So, we won't be targeting institutions as much as individuals, because that will educate them, I think, a little bit better.
That just because you have a powerful institution behind you, that doesn't give you immunity to go out there and lie about kids, libel kids, invade their privacy, try to ruin their reputations, try to get them expelled, try to deny their admissions to college, to try to encourage and incentivize violence against them, just because you don't like the hat they wear, the color of their skin, or their gender.
Can I add one more point, Counselor?
I know you're the expert on this, but they also have to because the mainstream media has stolen their identity.
I mean, as I said, I typed in their names this morning.
I just typed in Covington, Covington students, and I saw North Carolina, Colorado, California op-eds that were out today saying the Covington kids.
This just was one search term.
There was literally dozens, which is Covington kids.
They show the dark side of racism of Kentucky.
There are articles in Kentucky about the shame of Kentucky and our racism and then showing pictures of these poor kids.
They're still doing it.
And then 10 paragraphs down, they would mention, well, there's some contention about what happened, but it's still the racism of these evil white kids confronting this poor Native American.
So they're still doing it!
And that's why I think they have to sue.
That's why I'm gearing up to counter-sue other people that are lying about what I've said.
You know, they sue me, they lie about what I've said.
So it's a very complex issue.
But with this, it's so cut and dry.
So I'm trying to quantify that.
Don't they have to sue to make sure people don't double back and keep lying?
I mean, the way that the approach of the family was anybody could get redemption through confession if they retracted their false statements.
But if they double down, as you noted, many have, then those people need punishment and need deterrence through punishment.
And that needs to be lawfare.
And for the last decade or so, in particular the last several years, lawfare has been waged solely by the left against everybody else to try to censor and shame dissident opinions and dissident powerful voices like yourself.
And it's time that we fight back on those same terms and fight back using lawfare on behalf of the independent, ordinary, everyday people and independent journalists and independent voices out there so this can't happen to ordinary people.
Because that was the message here.
The message was here was if we could destroy the lives of some 16 year old kids in Covington, Kentucky, guess what we could do to you?
And that's why the message needs to be, if you think you can lie and libel about them because you happen to write for the New York Times, well guess again, because you're going to hear from a Kentucky jury about how that should work.
Well I was about to say, it sounds to me like they've been using lawfare in a bunch of fake cases, they use the publication of these suits.
We're almost all of it's something I never did, no one ever did, but they just use that like, well, it must be true, it's in a lawsuit.
But now we've got the whole bona fides of the setup, the frame up, the media news, they doubled down.
I mean, it just seems like, like you said, open and shut because what they say...
Nationalists and Christians and Conservatives and Libertarians are doing is what the left, everybody knows the left are the bullies.
Everybody knows they're the ones brigading around the internet bullying everybody.
And so now they've set it up where even questioning something supposedly unlawful or uncivil, well now they've done the very definition of what they've projected onto us.
That's precisely right.
I mean, they've used the law in illegitimate and illicit ways to wage political warfare using bogus claims and using their unique access to the legal system.
The fact that the judiciary is overwhelmingly establishment and to the left, the legal profession as a class is overwhelmingly to the cultural left and pro-establishment in general.
And so it's time to sort of equalize the playing field.
And the advantage here is actually the actual law and the actual facts are on the side of the family, on the side of the kids.
And often they've been on the side of those independent voices throughout the political right that have now been subject or independent period have that have been subject to these threats.
I mean, I started doing this representation in the ballot access.
Petition Circulator contacts for voices like Ralph Nader, Libertarians, Constitutionalist Tea Party folks, Peace and Freedom Party, everybody across the ideological spectrum.
Sure, whoever's persecuted, you've been doing that for decades.
So that was where they originally started political warfare and legal warfare was using ballot access, using your ability to access candidacies, your ability to circulate petitions.
Now they've shifted it to legal warfare to defame people, to libel people.
Robert, you're on fire.
Robert Barnes, the lawyer for the Covington children.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, Robert Barnes, again, is a very famous lawyer.
He's represented Ralph Nader.
He's represented the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, to get on ballot access.
And then more and more, as he was saying earlier, he's been representing so-called extreme right wing, which just means classic Americans, who are being attacked, lied about, in an organized, concerted effort.
And he just, during the break, quantified it better than I could do.
And I've been, for two-plus years, experiencing the real power of the media and the Democrats and the neocon Republicans trying to crush me.
But we're getting into the kids right now, because I'm a man, I can take it, we've got supporters.
These children, and we come back and we'll play a compilation of the media demonizing and lying about them.
You've told them, you've got a cut-and-dry case here.
I'd give it a 90% chance you win in any court, even a leftist one.
These are children, they did nothing, they were very restrained in how they acted.
It's a miracle that something didn't break out with full-grown men with giant hickory clubs.
And now so many publications have refused to retract and they're doubling down.
It just shows institutional arrogance.
Oh, absolutely.
It's people who are so accustomed to never facing bad consequences.
It's how, and like in a lot of the criminal cases I handle, you deal with prosecutors who do bad things or rogue agents for the IRS or FBI or other people, and you discover early on the reason why they do it is because they've never suffered any consequences for getting caught, because they're usually not even caught.
And when they are, they don't suffer consequences.
The press, the establishment press, has the same attitude.
So these are kids.
I mean, it was so shocking to me.
I mean, these are 15, 16, 17, sometimes 14-year-old kids whose first interaction they ever had with lefty protest culture, which if you know lefty protest culture, you could see this coming and interpret this video right away.
But these kids don't.
These kids don't know lefty protest culture.
They were being open.
They don't know.
In fact, they were doing a haku dance, the haka dance, which is made famous by the rugby players of New Zealand, the famous All Blacks, who do this really cool haka dance.
And so right after they did the haka, which was part of their school cheers,
All of a sudden a Native American comes in, training the drum, and they're dancing along with him.
They think he's joining.
They think he's participating.
They have no idea he's there to do something provocative.
That's key.
They're so innocent, and there's so much joy, and the media called this hate.
Oh, it's absurd.
I mean, these are kids who handled it extraordinarily well.
I mean, the black Hebrew Israelites, or so-called, that were mocking them and attacking them, were also attacking the Native Americans.
They're using phrases like Uncle Tomahawk.
They were the ones chanting... Well, let's just say, different sects of these guys are different, but some of these black Israelite groups are basically black Nazis.
Oh, completely.
They're racial supremacists, who their favorite thing to do is to sit around and just attack people randomly.
Uh, even, you know, Jonathan Capehart for the, uh, Washington Post said that he avoided him.
Because if he was walking down the street with his, uh, white boyfriend, he would be attacked by them.
So the whole media knew what the backstory was here.
It was, it was these kids... Oh, that's key!
The media knows damn well the black Israelites are basically like the, uh, what's that church that says God hates fags and goes to military things and...
Oh, exactly.
I'm blanking on the name of it, but precisely.
They're like the Westboro Baptist Church rolled into white supremacy, black supremacy.
I mean, they're like cartoon characters.
Oh, completely, completely.
They're the worst version of Louis Farrakhan on steroids in terms of some of their racial and religious prejudices.
And they believe things that are just literally insane.
They make the Scientologists look very, very normal.
So once the press knew they were there, then the press knew that this was a political ambush.
They knew these kids were innocent.
Maggie Haberman had to know these kids were innocent.
Uh, so the fact that they attacked him, they knew what they were doing.
It was a deliberate campaign.
They deliberately used bots and other bot accounts so that it would be untraceable and untrackable who the original source of the defamation and libel was on Twitter and social media.
When he shows the premeditation?
Yeah, precisely.
This was, as you said, a conspiracy.
And I think as we dig into the case, as we dig into the evidence,
We'll find that there's a broader, bigger conspiracy here, probably of big financiers behind various political groups who are propagating this story as a way in which to attack, demonize... Oh my gosh, and your discovery is a crowbar right into the heart of it.
And that would be the goal and the objective, to use these cases to get to the bottom line truth of how these lies get propagated, how they get spread, how these smears happen.
Because they tried to ruin the lives of hundreds of kids.
Robert Barnes, I'm not just saying this, but I just feel like the cavalry just came over the hill.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Robert Barnes has represented Wesley Snipes and countless others from the Green Party and Ralph Nader, the Libertarian Party.
And when he sees tyranny, he takes action.
And of course, right now, he has taken on the young people, pro bono, from Covington Catholic School, who are just such an honorable, good group of people.
They're so loving.
You see the little black kids and Hispanic kids that go to the school.
Some of them look as young as 10 years old.
Uh, because there were some kids, you know, from the sub-school there, and like hugging the other kids, white kids and black kids, hugging and laughing.
They were so innocent that they didn't even know that they were being called, go back to Europe scum, we're going to harvest your organs.
And the kids are looking and laughing and they think there's a drums beating.
It's like a football game or a pep rally.
Let's look back, though, on what Robert Barnes' Twitter, at Barnes underscore Law, is saying.
All you gotta do is 48 hours, say it isn't true.
And a lot of the media's retracting with them coming back with new lies, or they're not retracting this for moving stories, or even worse, they're doubling down.
And earlier, he listed who he plans to go after, and they need to make a proper, complete
A retraction as well.
But here's just a small compilation of what they said Saturday, Sunday and Monday viciously against school children.
Here it is.
Now to the outrage over a video showing an encounter between teenagers and a Native American veteran near the Lincoln Memorial.
Outrage is growing this afternoon over students who mocked a Native American Vietnam veteran.
A video that is causing outrage for so many.
A Kentucky Catholic high school is facing backlash after footage of students mocking a Native American elder appeared online.
The videos have drawn outrage.
Outrage from all corners.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media.
Sparked outrage on social media.
A group of teenagers, many wearing Make America Great Again hats, were caught on video taunting a Native American Vietnam veteran.
We are hearing from a Native American elder and Vietnam War veteran speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows a group of teens harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital.
A disturbing viral video shows a mob of teens in Make America Great Again hats harassing a Native American elder in Washington.
Ben Phillips describes the tense moments now being replayed over and over again online when a young man got right in his face.
Nathan Phillips was beating his drum and singing an American Indian protest song.
When I was there and I was standing there and I seen that group of people in front of me and I seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation.
One young man is captured in a tense moment, now being replayed online, getting right in his face and mocking his singing and drumming on the day of the Indigenous Peoples March.
A moment from the march has gone viral.
An interaction between native marchers and a group of high school students.
Videos of the encounter shared widely on social media.
Swiss backlash against the behavior of those Kentucky teens.
You see a lot of red in this.
You see a lot of the MAGA hats.
The smile on his face shows how little respect he had for what he was witnessing.
Clearly these boys are not getting a good education because it makes little sense to angrily chant, build the wall.
To a population with literally zero illegal immigrants who were here long before we were.
Hollywood film producer Jack Morrissey tweeted that he wanted the boys killed.
I know this will come as a huge shock to all of you.
This entire exchange was completely misrepresented in the media.
The media of course claimed that these students were harassing this Native American Indian.
Turns out it was exactly the opposite.
Here's what the mainstream media refused to tell you happened before the exchange.
Look at all these dusty ass crackers.
Put that racist garbage on.
Look at these dirty ass crap.
Ain't gonna be no peace until blood is shed!
I get a little angry looking at this guy who's gone on CNN and everywhere else and what a big victim he is.
When they're with a group screaming, we're gonna kill you!
So the media ran a completely fake news story which resulted in children being threatened with murder.
Today, the Catholic school at the center of that viral confrontation on Capitol Hill forced to close.
Students now facing death threats, being smeared as racist.
Alright, let's fade this down.
There is three minutes left of this.
Context matters.
Compilation video exposes MSM hoax.
Not a strong enough headline.
A great crew put that together, but what do you call this?
Must-see video?
See MSM frame innocent students, mark them for death?
I mean, what do you call that, Robert Barnes, the lawyer, pro bono, valiantly taking on this massive case?
Hopefully we'll have you back in the future to fundraise for this, because I know just suing one person costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, but this is amazing.
What would you call what they've done to these poor students?
Well, really, it was a hit job.
It was a hit job on their futures, a hit job on their reputations, and ended up being almost a literal hit job with bomb threats, death threats, and personal threats of physical violence against them.
I mean, imagine being a 15, 16-year-old kid.
You've never experienced this lefty protest culture before, this crazy mob mania mentality on social media on the left before, yet you probably believe in the press, relatively speaking.
You don't know them to be frauds.
We're good to go.
And you think you're just participating.
All of a sudden, people are harassing you because of the color of your skin.
People are harassing you because of your gender.
People are harassing you because of your politics or the hat on your head.
And all you do is, you don't resort by attacking them.
You don't even say anything to them.
Instead, what you do, you do your own school cheers.
And in the process of that, you're doing your Haka dance, which is a tribute, one of the greatest tribal traditions in the world today.
You see some tribal members join you and you think everything is cool and everything is fun.
And then you go home and within an hour or two, all of a sudden you're discovering that you're the subject of the worst libel campaign of private citizens in American legal and political history.
And that your lives are at risk, your futures are at risk, your reputations are at risk.
Your own school turns your back on you initially.
Some of the so-called conservatives in the press turn their back on you initially because they buy the liberal lies and the liberal libels.
And that's what happened.
This was a conspiracy of a hit job against a bunch of innocent kids to ruin their future.
And most importantly, it wasn't just for them.
It was meant to terrorize everybody else out.
It's the reason why IRS brings criminal prosecutions and tax cases.
It's rarely about the individual.
It's to scare and terrorize everybody else.
That if you don't do what we tell you to do, you don't think the way we want you to think, you don't act the way we want you to act, or if you have the wrong race, the wrong gender, the wrong color, and ironically this was on MLK weekend, that they're judging people based on their color of their skin, not the content of their character, and lying and libeling about that content of their
That's right.
And that's why they're so obsessed with shutting any independent group down.
Hundreds of thousands of people kicked off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube because they're scared.
They want to go rig these things, stage these things.
I've experienced it myself, the very same group doing it.
And they don't want you to be able to respond.
They want to put the hoax out.
But the good news is, no matter what they do, the hoax is now exposed.
And now that people who are just lay folks, like you said earlier, are learning about Democratic Party protest politics, where they always try to start a fight and then edit the video.
They always try to deceive.
They use theater and deception.
Now this did the same thing.
They have these women march over, blow smoke in my face.
Call me subhuman, say my mother's married to her brother.
Call me a monkey.
And when I said you're a racist, she'd go, I'm just a veteran.
Why are you in my face?
And I'm smart, but not that smart.
It wasn't until it was released I went, oh my God, they came and set me up because I've been out there for 30 minutes on the street corner.
This is what they do.
And imagine if voices like yours weren't out there.
Imagine if people like Mike Cernovich wasn't doing what he was doing on Twitter, exposing this quickly.
If people like Tim Pool, an independent journalist who, even though he leans to the left, has been studying this protest culture issue for the last five years and how dangerous and precarious the conduct of the left is.
If those people hadn't been out there, if they didn't have access to the public, if the audience didn't have access to their work and your work, these kids, the libel and lies against these kids may have worked.
Their reputations may have been ruined.
There may have been a story for 80 years later, somebody said, look at what happened to Richard Jewell, happened to a bunch of little kids from a school.
And the left said that, the controlled corporate left, the fascists.
They said, let's terrorize them and teach them not to wear these hats.
And Democratic Congressmen said, ban wearing the hat.
For under 18!
I mean, think of how un-American... Let's do one more segment, Counselor, because I want to get into the big picture and how we fight back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Breakfast where the news is written.
Television children fill.
Unborn living, living dead.
Bullet strikes the helmet's head.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Robert Barnes is a prominent lawyer.
He's represented people across the board from Joe Bannister, the treasury agent that exposed the IRS, setting people up.
Very valiant fellow and they were successful in doing that.
He was going to federal prison, not once but twice.
He represented Wesley Snipes.
He represented basically everybody from the left, the right, you name it.
In fact, I knew he was, but once I got him back on, I'm like, this guy's a champion of liberty.
My God, we should have gotten this guy on years ago.
We've had some of his other fellow lawyers from their cases on before.
But Robert Barnes recapping
What you've announced for 48 hours and who so far has doubled down versus who's back down, who you are currently planning to sue for this conspiracy to turn just innocent and well-behaved nice Catholic schoolboys into Hitler.
And obviously they've got to do this just to defend their name and their record for life.
This is really a fight for their survival right now.
It just shows the psychotic nature of the leftist press.
Oh, precisely.
So Reza, who was the former CNN producer, got fired last year for inflammatory comments but has a huge social media following and is constantly in the press.
He called for these kids to be punched.
He referred to the face of young Nick as, uh, what a punchable face.
He has refused to retract any of his false libels.
He's almost a guarantee to be sued next Monday.
Following on that is going to be Maggie Haberman.
If she doesn't retract her false statements, calling for the kids to be expelled.
After that, Michael Rappaport, who's on a TV show on Netflix against bullying kids.
And here he is bullying kids with homophobic rhetoric.
He's going to get sued next week unless he takes corrective action.
And then there's a range of other journalists, celebrities, and social media personalities that we've specifically called out.
And if they do, they do within 48 hours.
If they do by week's end, if they do by Friday midnight, they won't be sued.
Anyone who refuses to or doubles down, chances are they will be sued.
And chances are they'll be seeing a Kentucky jury within the year.
I would point a term, sneaking around, because a bunch of publications, Newsweek, the New York Times, I read all these, have come out and kind of halfway said, okay, we were confused, it was a jump to judgment, but oh, the black Israelites really meant well.
That's why the Native American went over.
They felt threatened that NPR has done it.
And they're now weaseling around about, well, the underlying evil of Kentucky.
And they are white.
And there's a very sliminess about this that if you don't go after them, if the families don't stay the course, they're just going to go rewrite history as soon as they stop fighting.
Well, one of the people that's likely to get sued next week is the New York Daily News, because I represent some of the kids that were in some of those photos that were blackouts.
And blackouts were very popular throughout all of high school basketball and sports for the last decade, where everybody dresses in all black, or they paint themselves in all black, and they were wrongfully identified as being in blackface, mocking a black player.
Completely false.
Completely fabricated.
The New York Daily News knew that.
The New York Daily News has been a hacked newspaper now for about a half decade.
But if they don't retract that headline, they don't retract that story, then they're going to get sued, and they're going to face a Kentucky jury, like they need to, for lying and libeling about kids.
There's a whole bunch of corporate media, too, that keeps saying they were chanting, build that wall, and they were flashing Nazi salutes.
I mean, that is the real defamation right there.
Oh, absolutely.
They said that they stopped the Indian March.
Didn't happen.
Said they surrounded the Native American elder.
Didn't happen.
They said that they went up into his face.
Didn't happen.
They said they chanted, build the wall.
Didn't happen.
Said they chanted racist slurs.
We're good to go.
Didn't happen.
Within one hour of me asking her to retract her tweet or she was going to be sued next week, what did she do?
She completely deleted her tweet and hasn't defended it since then.
Let's be clear.
She does all the damage and then hides it.
That doesn't do it.
She has to explain, I was wrong, they didn't do this.
And that they need to learn, like, congressmen think that they are immune from defamation and libel, but that's actually a much more limited doctrine.
Isn't that only in law or in Congress?
It's not what they do outside of that.
I mean, if they're answering a press conference about someone subject to regulation or litigation that's a public figure, then it probably is within that.
But when it's a private publication, when it's a private statement about a private... And you're talking about private people that are children?
Being elected to Congress is not immunity to suddenly start lying about your neighbor, about your ex-wife, about your in-law, or your business competitor.
It's never been that.
And that's another theory that we'll be maybe testing in this case, if certain Congress members don't issue corrections, don't issue apologies, don't issue retractions.
I think the anatomy of this, Counselor, shows the crazed arrogance, though.
Like you said, they've been doing this to public figures so long, now they just think, let's do it to kids.
It does scare me that they're this reckless.
Shifting gears just briefly, you had brought up off-air what's happening to myself and others, and just this whole campaign of crazed insanity.
Oh, precisely.
It's part of a campaign.
The campaign is to have people have thought control.
The current cultural left and the media left and the corporate media left thinks very much like sort of the priests during the Inquisition era.
So they're not concerned with independence of thought, with the irrationality of thought,
We're good.
has been independent voices who give voice to independent people who can reach large numbers of people like yourself.
That's why there's been this collusion between the big tech social media giants and the big media press into suppressing and oppressing your voice because they need to make sure that ordinary people like these Covington kids don't have a defense.
That they don't have lawyers like me defending them in court because I don't even know the case exists, because I don't even know the circumstances happened, because I don't have access to people like yourself who tell me what actually happened and what's true.
And that's part of a broader goal and a broader objective to suppress speech, censor thought, control minds, control behavior, so that you only think what the cultural elites and the corporate media want you to think, rather than being independent and having access to the truth.
I mean, it's like what Thomas Jefferson said way back, the best answer to a bad idea is a good idea in a debate.
If you truly believe the truth and empirical value and moral virtue of your ideas, you're never afraid of a debate.
You're never afraid of a discussion.
Exactly, but they build a straw man of who we are, then get us taken off air so they can lie about us more.
In closing, I think that if America doesn't mobilize behind the First Amendment and reverse all this, it's going to descend into civil war.
And I just think, like you said, they have suspended logic and they have started to drink their own Kool-Aid.
And I think what you're doing in this case, at a gut level, I think this case really illustrates the whole thing and it's a sea change.
It's a precedent-setting case that is a different exemplar that exposes the media press corporate establishment doing what they're really up to, using social media control to try to censor and shame dissident speech, to try to control thoughts.
And all that's going to ultimately lead to when you engage in that kind of social media repression and censorship and shaming of innocent individuals and witch-hunting and false blaming and sin-goating is what people like Tim Poole, who's an independent reporter from the left who's been following protest culture for the last half-decade,
And he's been predicting a cultural civil war that could turn violent within several years.
And it's all because of what the institutional press and the establishment press is doing.
Where here, they grit green-lit bully behavior and violent behavior against a bunch of innocent, quiet kids from a small town in Kentucky.
Robert Barnes, we'll have you back soon.
Godspeed standing up for these bullies.
We'll get you back soon about the 48-hour situation.
And I'm talking to you this afternoon off-air.
Thank you so much.
We salute you and thank you.
That is a smart guy right there, boy.
We'll be right back with our next guest.
Stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
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Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master built.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
You win some, lose some, but you'll listen to me
All right, I apologize to Gabe Hoffman.
He's an amazing filmmaker, patriot, researcher, but I got the lawyer for the schoolchildren set up and demonized for this evil globalist race war to betray the dreams of Martin Luther King and the
Abolitionists and others to hell.
So it was a very powerful interview, and I'd forgotten how that lawyers represented the Green Party, the Libertarians, Wesley Snipes, IRS agents that blew the whistle on corruption.
Then I clicked once he was on air with me.
So that's why we ended up spending so much time with him.
We'll go a little bit of the next hour with him, and Katie Hopkins, the great British broadcaster, she'll be joining us as well.
We'll talk to Gabe Hoffman.
I don't even know where to start here.
With this, I mean, I've got a huge research sheet here and a bunch of clips and everything else to understand.
Hollywood is all about power.
And if you sexually control people, then you've got power over them.
Nobody's going to believe you is the Atlantic reporting on the Bohemian Rhapsody director Brian Singer.
And what's coming out about sexual misconduct, including underage people, the rest of it.
And Gabe Hop has been intimately involved in the whole investigation.
We'll talk to him here in just a moment.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not the best person at getting up here on air.
Like, I'm not comparing this to this, but I've had a lot of families that had heart problems.
And then they just die.
They never tell you their heart problems.
Or you don't know if some uncle or great-uncle or somebody has cancer until, oh yeah, they died last week of cancer.
They were like at your house two weeks before, sitting there having dinner with you and kind of grunting a little bit, but you know.
So I'm not saying I got cancer and I'm dying, but I've got a decision to make here very soon.
About what I'm going to tell the audience, because they've been trying to shut us down.
I don't want to give the enemy what they want.
I don't want to, you know, they obviously know how successful they've been.
We still have a huge audience, but money-wise, they have really hurt us.
And we're basically at the point where we're not gonna be able to expand.
And once you get to the point you're not expanding, if you're not expanding, you're contracting.
Things don't just sit in stasis in the universe.
So, that's what I've said.
And that's it.
And a lot of it's my fault.
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But if we don't get massive support on a daily basis, that means spreading the articles, spreading the videos, taking the local stations, and by the products won't be here.
And look, I hate to get on air and talk like that, but let me tell you something.
I can sell my house, that'll fund this place about two months.
That's what this kind of comes down to is,
I don't want to announce how successful the enemy's been.
I think people have noticed, haven't you?
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So Gabe Hoffman joins us.
He's been on before.
He's a head funds manager, philanthropist, and owner.
A production company that created the groundbreaking documentary film, an open secret exposing child sex abuse in Hollywood.
He serves as producer and lead public advocate for an open secret.
And of course, he openly was here, I guess, a year ago, year and a half ago, he can remind me, specifically talked about the individuals that are now in Atlantic Monthly.
The Atlantic, in the New York Times, in the Washington Post, and the one at Guardian.
And he was intimately involved with the researchers in this huge 30-page article out of The Atlantic, which we commend them, finally doing their job, that have gotten into this.
Nobody is going to believe you in getting into the Bohemian Rhapsody director, Brian Singer.
So thanks for joining us in this short segment, Gabe.
Just recap why you got involved.
It's great to be here with you.
I was in Austin with you one week after we made our film that Hollywood blocked and tried to censor.
We're back for more history because Bryan Singer was the number one paid director in Hollywood in 2017 and now his career is over because of this article, which was started with the work we did.
That's right.
You were here a year ago, and you centered around him.
People can find the interview.
It's deleted off YouTube, but I'm sure it's somewhere out there.
We should find that interview.
But you kept going into Singer, Singer, and all these handlers and all these managers.
Basically, he was... Well, you should get into it yourself because you're the expert.
So, we can go through all of it, Alex, but I want to let you know that
I'm here to support you and what you do with InfoWars.
I know that you care about children, you care about child sex abuse, whether it's sexualizing a 10-year-old drag boy, Desmond is the Amazing, whether it's calling out the child porn on Netflix in that show Desire, whether it's drag tots and the sexualization of children, whether it's the big pedophile bust under President Trump,
Things like, you know, Operation Broken Heart, 2,300 pedophiles rounded up.
Each and every time, the mainstream media ignores it.
You're the one who cares about children, and you're the one who gets out there on your soapbox.
And that's why the people need to support you and what you do to keep that going.
Otherwise, that flame will go out.
Well, that's what freaks me out, is that there's ten times the number, literally, of pedophiles being arrested.
Not just child porn, real kids being trafficked.
And then we learn Obama was shipping them in with the open borders.
And then the mainstream media tries to run hoaxes that pedophilia doesn't exist even though it's all over the place.
You're right, and you only have to look at how the mainstream media, the liberals, are treating the Bryan Singer story today.
You have this huge 30-page expose, which we'll get into, but you think about it, you've got NBC News, you've got Huffington Post saying, oh, it's underage sexual misconduct.
No, it's not!
This is child sex abuse.
This is child rape.
And the mainstream media won't even call it what it is.
When we come back, we're going to get into your film as well and put it up on screen so people can watch it.
You put it out for free.
People should also get the DVD at An Open Secret.
Facebook.com forward slash An Open Secret Doc.
Gabe Hoffman is our guest.
We're going down the rabbit hole straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Gabe Hoffman is a documentary filmmaker, but he's been one of the top fund managers out there.
He's been listed at the conclusion of multiple years as one of the top 10 performing hedge funds in the Barron's annual lead table.
He specializes in identifying scientific, medical, and financial frauds on Wall Street.
You can search, you can find it when we were promoting the premiere of an Open Secret, the film, facebook.com forward slash and open secret doc.
I was like, okay.
I remember even during the break saying, listen, we always get sued when we focus in on one person.
So I understand you've all these witnesses, all these people, but I remember now during the break going, um,
Keep talking about Bob Singer over and over again.
And you're like, well, that's the key.
That's the door into all this stuff.
And so now here is a 30-page article in The Atlantic basically detailing the whole thing.
And he's in deep trouble.
And I know you've been deeply involved, Gabe Hoffman.
So spend a minute or so on how you woke up, why you got involved.
Expose him.
And let's get into this huge expose report that could really blow the door off this whole weird, sick system.
Sure, well, Alex, you know, this got going after our film was released for free on Vimeo, October 2017.
I was with you in Austin, and after that, millions and millions of views started happening, and guess what?
One of Bryan Singer's victims came to us, a brave young man by the name of Brett S., and we got this deadline expose.
It was published December 8, 2017.
Well, Bryan Singer, this big Hollywood director, he got fired from the set of Bohemian Rhapsody, the big film, just a few days earlier.
Why did Bryan Singer start acting erratically and not showing up to work?
Because he knew this expose was in the works, the journalist was checking it with his people.
And this expose in December detailed recent crimes, 2014, 15, 16, of pulling a homeless kid, underage, off the street for a group sex session.
Plying under 21, 18, barely 18 kids with drugs and alcohol, corruption of a minor.
So now we're hoping, with this big expose in the Atlantic, that the L.A.
District Attorney's Office will get on this.
You have an on-the-record witness to multiple crimes against children that we exposed.
These in the Atlantic are a little older.
They may not be able to go after them, but Bryan Singer may face deeper legal trouble.
And you've also detailed just dozens of directors, producers, I say dozens, it's hundreds, but prominent ones who get convicted of raping kids and still get jobs directing movies with little kids.
And it's just like, why are there so many people abusing women, little girls, little boys?
And what happens to women is terrible.
I have three daughters and one son, so it's all equal to me.
It seems like boys of this particular group, like if they had little girls at gay bars or straight bars dancing half-naked in front of men throwing money, they'd shut the bar down.
But if it's little boys all over the country now, they're just doing it.
Little boys posing naked in gay magazines or with naked men.
I mean, this is crazy.
It's like, well, they're little boys.
They can toughen up.
Right, we have the Huffington Post just calling it sexual misconduct when it's not, when it's child rape and child sex abuse.
And so what happened after this in December 2017 when we got these recent crimes exposed by Bryan Singer and he went crazy and got fired off the set of Bohemian Rhapsody is
A couple journalists.
They were then part of Esquire.
They contacted me.
It was our first phone call of many in February of 2017.
We gave them a lot of leads.
We introduced them to Brett and others.
They got to work, and they did truly remarkable work.
Things that we couldn't put in a film, and, you know, we'll get to it, but probably most importantly, Brad Renfro.
Now, Brad Renfro was a big child star.
He was in The Client with Joel Schumacher.
He was in Apt Pupil.
Everybody knew Brad Renfro was sexually abused by director Bryan Singer during the filming of Apt Pupil, but we couldn't get anybody on the record in the film at the time.
They got people in print, and it's just simply awful.
Brad Renfro, as many know, died of a heroin overdose at age 25.
I remember you telling me this when you first came on a year and a half ago, then a year ago.
How it got you involved, because I just got involved because every time we turned something over, we weren't looking for pedophilia.
It seems like it's the religion of these people, whether it's the elites in New York or the elites out in LA.
It's like, average people aren't like this.
And then the recklessness of like, you know, Sandusky raping kids in the middle of the field house, in the showers in front of people.
It's like, the brazenness is insane.
And Salon and
Vice-promoting pedophilia.
It's insane!
And that's why, you know, folks have to support you and why we have to keep fighting the fight and what's kept me fighting the fight.
I mean, everybody can go and look at blue check Twitter celebrities, people like Sarah Silverman, you know, Kathy Griffin and others, millions and millions of followers.
These same celebrities were tweeting, you know, violence and advocating doxxing and even in one case, death against children just because they were wearing MAGA hats.
And look today, 24 hours after the big Bryan Singer Hollywood child sex abuse expose, and there's crickets from every single one of those big Hollywood liberals.
It's just sickening and it's shocking.
Bit by bit, piece by piece, this is a long war, and today, with Bryan Singer's career ending, this is just another great victory.
And then you've got
Kevin Spacey, and I understand the guy said he was 21, he was 18, but Spacey's humping him in the bar, pulling his genitals out, so we obviously know there's all these other witnesses that were even younger.
It just shows a crazed maniac behavior.
Well, right, and we learned in, you know, November, again, shortly after our film came out, it was, I think, October 31st, 2017, was when Anthony Rapp, you know, famous actor, he came forward and said Kevin Spacey tried to rape him when he was 14.
Another one of his friends said Kevin Spacey tried to rape him when he was 15.
So, this last thing is probably one of the most mild instances, but I have to tell you, there are hundreds and
And hundreds of accusations against Kevin Spacey going back many, many years.
And his good friend, of course, was Bryan Singer.
And then what about, and of course, he also flew, Kevin Spacey flew a bunch of times on the Lita Express that admittedly had like 13, 14-year-old girls on it, to the sex island.
That's right.
What about R. Kelly, who won't, he goes, yeah, I like little girls, and then he reportedly pisses on little girls, and that's what he likes, and then he doesn't get in trouble.
I mean, he's being protected.
Absolutely, and that shows the power of documentaries where we had to go despite having a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes from professional film critics, even big liberals like the New York Times and Variety, all positive reviews that nobody would even give us a dime for our film at the time.
Guess what?
Five million views later, Bryan Singer's career ended.
We never got sued even once.
So now you see
We're good to go.
The takeaway is, Gabe Hoffman, is you've been totally vindicated.
Your film focused on Mr. Singer, and now he's lost his jobs, he's being fired.
There's huge Atlantic Monthly exposés with all these witnesses that you helped bring forward.
So this is a big win for children, it's a big win for women, for men, for victims of these sexual abuse cults like NXIVM, all of them, that seem to just be permeating everywhere.
I think it's a very vampiric thing where you take sex that's a loving thing between adults,
You're totally correct, and the rabbit hole goes really deep.
Something else that we exposed with the help of, you know, Brave Brett S., is there are organized networks in Hollywood.
For example, there's a criminal named Brett Schulte.
He's not famous.
He has, you know, drugged and raped Brett S., and he is the procurer
Of young boys, not only for Hollywood director Bryan Singer, but also... Oh, I'm not interrupting you, but it goes back to Bram Stoker's Dracula, which is an allure for life.
You have Renfields that aren't raping the kids, but they're supplying them.
Right, or they're supplying and raping.
And so, the famous Hollywood director, Gus Van Zandt, also uses the same procurer, as does the famous Hollywood comedian, Andy Dick, and others.
Or Roman Polanski gets standing ovations when he admits he drug and raped little girls.
And Meryl Streep, you know, defensing even to this day.
So, we're uncovering these networks bit by bit.
It really takes the courage of the victims to come forward.
And in our next segment, you know, I can break some very important news with your folks at InfoWars about what I'm going to do for victims of child sex abuse in Hollywood next to help bring more of that forward.
Well, that's amazing because, Gabe, I've seen your film.
It's amazing.
We promoted it and now it's all being documented.
And it's just total vindication, which is kind of... You think I'd feel good if you were vindicated?
It makes me feel sick, actually.
It's like sickening that it's even worse than you said.
Your crew's a hero.
But you're a hero.
I think you're a very successful guy, and you took on the whole system.
So, you're what makes the world go around at the end of the day.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, we've got this segment, and a little bit of the next.
Katie Hoffman has joined us with huge breaking news out of Davos, the EU, the Islamic invasion, all of it.
I want to invite Gabe Hoffman back to come on The War Room, to come on David Nye Show, to come back with us Sunday, maybe, or next week, to really plow into who these people are.
Because he's got all the video, he's got all the documents.
Maybe we should review the film here.
A year plus after they tried to suppress it, what, two years ago?
Correct me if I'm wrong, and then you got it out a year ago, and it went viral, and now the main target you're exposing, the person you use as the rabbit hole entry point, is in deep, deep trouble.
Gabe Hoffman, you've got the floor of this segment, part of the next.
What's the breaking news you want to impart to people?
So there are, this is, you know, in the Atlantic, this is Pulitzer Prize level journalism.
Everyone needs to go and read this.
This is two journalists who deserve a Pulitzer.
They took almost a year.
They traveled all the way
Why is the House of Cards falling now, pun intended?
It's falling now because victims are finally becoming brave enough to become survivors, go on the record and talk.
Just like the title says, Alex, you know, nobody will believe you.
Well, that's what they all thought for so long.
And, you know, when you saw our film and you saw the brave young men who are the real heroes in our film, who didn't get paid a dime, who came forward, put their real face on camera, their name, everything, that inspired more victims.
And now that's inspired even more victims.
And we're going to see over the coming months, you know, November 1st, 2017.
I'll get it to you guys.
I have the clip.
I was on with you and I talked about Dan Schneider, the Hollywood producer, big showrunner, franchise guy for Nickelodeon.
And I said, look out.
For Dan Schneider, guess what?
Five months later, Dan Schneider, fired from Nickelodeon.
There's more to come on Dan Schneider, that's something I can go over in the future.
Child sex abuse, very very bad stuff.
This is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.
I remember you saying all that, so please send the producers a clip, and you name the time, this week, next week, because we need to really, I don't want to just have you on and go, oh look, you were right, this is a big deal, this is a huge deal, this has got to scare the hell out of the people in Hollywood.
From your just deep research, as a dead reckoning, why are people so obsessed with raping?
Women, men, children, and what's the percentage, I've talked to a lot of folks in Hollywood,
Well, about 100% are into weird deviant stuff.
You know, they actually live in the city.
A lot of people move out.
And then... I mean, what percentages would you say are into pedophilia?
Well, out of the total child sex abuse in Hollywood, our research shows it's about 80-20, that is 80% of the child sex abuse is upon young men and 20% approximately is upon young women.
We haven't heard much from young women.
We did hear from Elijah Dushku, for example, back in January, how she came out and said that during the filming of True Lies, True Lies, which was the big hit, of course, with
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
We're good to go.
And Brian Singer, the director, was going around, according to The Atlantic, on the set, and he was calling him his boyfriend in front of everybody.
Oh, wow.
Great name.
We're going to come right back and finish up with what's coming next with a Part 2 interview live with Gabe Oppen very soon.
It's an open secret.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Gabe Hoffman is a major hedge fund manager, one of the most successful out there, according to Barron's other publications.
He learned about the whole pedophile networks of men, women, children, but mainly men and male children in Hollywood.
He made an open secret that they tried to block the release of, but he reached it free online, six million views just on one platform.
And now you've got a major Atlantic Monthly article documenting how he was right, and this is going to be the whole next domino to fall.
I want to invite him up
Next week, whenever he chooses, so we can really do the show proper for a TV show, not just radio, where we can show all the clips and the proof of the things he's talking about.
But I know he was for real.
I know a lot of these names have already been implicated, but he's been vindicated and validated in a big way right now.
So that's pretty amazing.
So we salute him and the filmmakers.
And as he said, Alex French and Maximilian Potter over at The Atlantic.
So in closing, the few minutes we have left, what else do you want to add and give people a preview of what's going to come up next week?
Well sure, this is a major announcement that I'm going to make for the first time with you exclusively on InfoWars and it's going to be out on other media very soon.
That's this.
I have been contacted by a couple of stars in Hollywood who have been sexually abused as children.
They have signed non-disclosure agreements.
They have gotten money from the studios to keep quiet.
They have gotten money from their abusers to keep quiet.
And I'm saying right here with you, that based on California statute,
California statute says that non-disclosure agreements do not apply to child sex abuse.
And what I am willing to do, whether you are famous or you are not famous, whether you were somebody or never got a single line, if you're a child in Hollywood who got sexually abused as a minor and you got money, you signed an NDA, I believe it is not legally valid.
And what I am willing to do is you come to me,
I will put it in writing.
I have one of the biggest and best law firms in Los Angeles behind me.
I am willing to 100% guarantee and pay for any and all legal costs because I know that these studios and these sexual abusers, there is no way they have a case and there is no way they would ever want to get into discovery with me if I am your shield.
Well, and you're right, under California law, Texas law, NDAA is if you're giving people the secret to Coca-Cola, or you're giving, you're gonna release when the movie's coming out, or what the strategy is, it doesn't let you say, oh, you signed an NDAA, so we're gonna rob a bank tomorrow.
But you can't tell the police because you signed it into the EAA.
But they hoax these people to not understand that.
So you're absolutely right.
The fact that you're saying, though, they usually bully them, they target them, that you're going to back them and you're a wealthy person.
I salute you.
And they've got to be really, really scared right now because you've proven that you've ferreted these guys out.
And as you said, this guy's domino number one.
The big dominoes are about to fall.
There are a lot more where Bryan Singer came from, and I'm so glad to spend time with you on InfoWars, Alex.
Again, the people really need to support what you're doing when you expose the child porn on Netflix, when you expose what they're doing with underage drag kids, when you expose things like these drag tots and these cartoons, these sexualized cartoons on children.
You're doing something amazing.
You're doing God's work.
And the folks need to understand that the mainstream media does not do this.
Sometimes they'll copy you once in a while, but these stories will never see the light of day.
Oh yeah, that's why it's so rare to have mainstream media even jump on this, but you have the proof.
Gabe, let us know.
We'll talk to you next week.
God bless.
Amazing job.
I am proud of him
God managing billions of dollars so he wouldn't just do this for no reason, but now he's been proven right.
It's all over the news.
It's the next big Weinstein thing.
You heard it here.
So you're literally getting next year's, this is actually two years ago almost, it started here.
You're getting the news of two years ago, early.
It's amazing.
So we're blown away right now.
Joining us till about 45 after is one of my favorite guests.
We wanted to get her to do some guest hosting with us, but she's a busy person over in the UK and with Fox News and so much more.
Katie Hopkins, KT Hopkins, and so she's got Hopkins World.
And I wanted to get her on about Brexit and the yellow vest and the explosion of Islamic rape gangs and just all of the insanity and Caracas on fire and what's happening here in America and all of it.
So Katie, good to have you back.
Thank you very much for having me.
It's good to be back.
Good to see you.
It's great having you here in Austin.
So, what do you want to cover first?
I threw a few topics out, but I bet you've got a bunch of others.
Yeah, for sure.
I mean, the thing people are always asking about is Brexit.
Where is it?
What's happening with it?
Is it ever going to happen?
And I think from a British perspective at the moment, you know, 17.4 million people voted for Brexit.
We still don't have it.
And the British Parliament, our members of Parliament are
...are actively trying to prevent it happening.
So democracy in the UK is in a pretty sorry state right now, and it looks like they're trying to stop no deal happening.
For the rest of us that voted Brexit, we'd love to leave without a deal.
Tell the EU to stick it.
No, we're not paying you any money.
No, we don't want to be tied to you.
We're off.
But sadly, that's not what our parliamentarians want.
So it looks like we won't get Brexit as we envisaged it after all.
And again, people say, oh, you voted for it, but now you didn't get it.
But it's the process of, you never voted to enter the EU, it's dictatorial, now you vote two plus years ago to leave, they won't let you.
I always predicted that in the end it would blow up in their face, and it looks like Theresa May and all their shenanigans and skullduggery isn't working.
A, is that true?
And then B, they voted just a few days ago, in fact, queue it up.
To have an EU army that they always denied.
And then Merkel and Macron got booed.
And now, you know, Davos has walls guarding them, but the United States can't.
I mean, it seems like we can lose battles, but overall, I think we're winning the war.
Yeah, I feel the same way as you.
So we're losing the battle.
We're losing the battle for Brexit, for sure.
Theresa May and others have been trying to thwart this process ever since we voted Leave.
And it's been horrible to watch.
But in a way, Alex, there's a good news item to come out of this, because I think it's really helped to wake people up.
You know, people genuinely want to believe in democracy.
I completely understand that.
But this has really shown, it's really exemplified for the nation that actually democracy doesn't really exist.
Just being patted on the head and the powerful and the establishment will always decide what's going to happen no matter what.
And in a way, in terms of winning the war, absolutely.
For so long, the people that supported Lee, people like myself, Brexiteers, warned about the EU army.
We were told we were conspiracy theorists.
We were told
We were making things up.
The EU army was never going to happen.
Of course, right now, Merkel and Macron, you know, cosying up together.
Geert Wilders said it best when he just tweeted, losers.
And I think that's exactly right.
What I can see next is the German police going into France to help Macron with his yellow vest.
And you'll notice, Alex, of course, the mainstream media aren't very keen to cover the yellow vest protests, which are building and growing week on week on week.
It's amazing.
Let's get more into the Yellow Vest.
We're like, what, 13, 14 weeks in?
They shoot him with rubber bullets.
They shoot him with real bullets.
It doesn't back him down.
Macron is just hanging on by his fingernails.
Merkel's already been voted out of her party.
She's still in office.
And then here they are with a little crowd of 30 people waving EU flags.
But even though the streets are blocked up miles, we'll play a clip when we come back, you can still hear the roar of booze.
I mean, this is beautiful.
So let me ask you.
What would you call this moment for the EU?
I mean, this is crazy, Tam, because the idea of an EU army is ridiculous.
It's something that, you know, even if you are a fan of the EU, I think you can see that it really infringes on our sovereignty.
I think from a perspective, you know, many of our grandparents fought in the war against Germany.
They didn't give up just because they happened to be sat next to Angela Merkel, which feels like
Macron just sacrificed France at the altar of Merkel because I think he's genuinely scared because he knows he's lost control of his country.
But what's glorious to see and what, of course, the mainstream media aren't showing are these yellow vest protesters.
You know, they've been out week after week after week.
It was Act 10 last weekend.
They've done a great job.
They've taken down all the speed cameras in France, have been destroyed.
They are targeted in the way that they operate.
They're effective.
They're shutting various areas and they say that movement's going to build.
And like you say, despite being fired at with these rubber bullets, fired at with these tear gas rounds, many of them have lost an eye or been quite, you know, gravely injured.
They're not giving up.
Stay there.
This is history happening.
Stay there, Katie.
Katie Hopkins.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I've learned some information in the last few days.
Not from the White House, not from the Pentagon, not from the CIA, but from big companies out there about what really happened to us seven months ago.
And we've talked to some of the people at the highest levels with this one on and they said, you weren't taken off YouTube.
That was Facebook and Apple made the decision.
Someone went in and deleted it all.
Without us being authorized.
And I was actually told this by some people the day it happened.
They said, hey, this actually wasn't the people that had up Google.
These companies are so big, so out of control.
They have so many intelligence agencies in them.
We don't know.
That's the level of sabotage going on the left.
And it's the same thing with Roku, and I'm going to leave it at that.
We've confirmed that Roku said, no, First Amendment, we're not doing it.
The director of Roku is a listener.
And then, it was just done.
And then once it's done, how do you respond?
How do you then back off of that?
When the head of Roku said, no, it's free speech, we're not going to take him down, the quote, Sandy Hook family lawyers came out and said, he's sending people to our houses right now, help us, help us!
Not a first amendment issue, but a security issue.
Didn't happen.
And so, let me tell you, evil always strikes first.
But then good takes time, but it comes back stronger.
Katie Hopkins of Hopkins World at KT Hopkins,
Amazing filmmaker.
I want to get into something you've been talking about for a decade.
You and Tommy Robinson really the sole people doing this.
And now it's mainstream news.
They've gone from denying no-go zones and grooming gangs...
It's suddenly mainstream news.
Half of major cities in Sweden are off limits.
Plumbers won't go in.
Refrigerator repair people won't go in.
FedEx won't go in.
The DHL won't go in.
And it's all being confirmed, so it's building towards a head.
Even liberal countries are calling for walls now.
Violent crime up 19% in England and Wales.
What is going on here?
It's a craziness, Alex.
I'm just referring back there to you being kind of taken off of platforms, censored from another platform.
I think one of the things that's very striking today when you listen to the social media conversation is so many commentators saying, well, hold on a minute.
Alex Jones was taken off these platforms because he was supposed to have done this or this.
But when you see the Covington Catholic School being attacked and those boys being attacked, of course, the left wing are allowed to stay up when they've been
attacking people.
So I think people, like you say, are starting to see the hypocrisies playing out, people defending your corner saying that this isn't fair, which is great to see people waking up.
And as you say, I'm just back from Finland.
Finland is kind of the
Unknown place.
Everyone talks about Sweden, especially since Trump did.
Finland doesn't get talked about.
And as a result, the grooming gangs operating in Finland think that they are below the radar.
I went there.
I went nearly into the Arctic Circle in Oulu.
To talk about the grooming gangs, to make them talk about their problem.
And they really still have their heads in the sand there.
They're saying, well, maybe these attacks aren't connected.
You know, maybe it's not the fault of the men.
Maybe it's some education programs we need for migrants.
Well, no, they don't need education.
They need deporting.
We need deportation.
If you come to our countries to attack our children, we need to be sending you home.
So Finland,
This place, nearly in the Arctic Circle, is now a target for grooming gangs, majority Muslim grooming gangs.
It's almost unbelievable.
It's minus 25 degrees.
Let me interrupt because I remember about a year ago, it was on YouTube for a while, it was a 20 minute video.
Of course!
That's so archetypal, and we aired it.
You couldn't see penetration, but you could see they were raping her.
Stations complained and said, don't show that.
Hey, we're showing something right now that's another woman being grabbed and raped.
This is what they do.
These liberal women go to these events and then get raped and can't believe it.
It's revolting.
And having spent time in the no-go zones of Sweden, you know, the one thing the girls there, Swedish girls, are frightened of, actually, is not just the migrant men that they're being attacked by.
They're frightened of the Swedish feminists.
Because the Swedish feminists are operating against them.
The Swedish feminists made it so they're not allowed to spray pepper spray in Sweden to defend themselves in case they spray the wrong attacker.
That's the madness that we're now suffering from in Western Europe and it shows no sign of stopping soon.
So what is the endgame?
Because I've seen European courts, the headlines, rule Muslim man raped a nine-year-old, it's his religion, it's okay.
And teaching German schoolgirls in after-school videos that get your Muslim man, it's good to get married at 14, wear your hijab.
I mean clearly they're trying to get people to go to Islam.
What is the endgame of this?
Well, frighteningly enough, you know, and it's always my message to Americans, to your good audiences, do not become like us.
Do not let yourself fall as we have fallen.
Tomorrow, I go to a town in the UK that is 98% Muslim.
Out of four and a half thousand residents, there are only
48 white Brits left and by 2035 in four of our major cities, Muslim births outnumber white Christian births.
And I think that's a terrifying thing.
You know, we are far down that road and what you're seeing is an exodus of people looking for a new place to live.
Jews returning to Israel from France and also now Brits looking towards Hungary and Poland as they search for a new place to call home.
A lot of Germans are moving to Russia.
And again, if the people came in and assimilated, so what if our skin gets browner?
The thing is, they don't assimilate, and they go, you're allowed to rape and kill us.
It's like they're above the law.
It's exactly right.
No one's coming here to be part of our culture.
In fact, they specifically talk about the fact they need to keep themselves separate from Western culture because they don't agree with it.
When I was in Finland, there was a teaching in the mosque at that time.
They had a lollipop.
One lollipop was uncovered and covered in flies.
One lollipop was covered up in its wrapping.
And that was the message from the imam, is that uncovered women, Finnish women, European women are dirty, therefore anybody can use them.
Fair game.
That's being taught in mosques.
And that's the whole Islamic thing, is everything in Islam is the house of Islam, without is the house of war.
So they can deal drugs, pedophilia.
I mean, it's just, it's a great system.
You know, your mom and your sister at home wearing burqas, you can go out and rape five-year-olds if you want.
There's a sense that we're dirty, you know, we get called white, trash, white, well worse than that.
And because we are uncovered, we're fair game or easy meat.
And therefore it's acceptable for Muslim men to be raping our children because we put ourselves out there uncovered.
But they sure as hell fight to get into our evil, dirty countries.
For sure, and it's one of my big questions.
It remains my big question.
If Islam is so fantastic, why do you always come to Christian lands?
Why don't you stay in countries that have Islam as their religion?
Why do you always come to our countries?
It's really frustrating to me that we give up so easily as well.
We spend far too little time defending our culture, far too much time tiptoeing around the cultures and the problems of others.
We need to be much stronger.
And it's why I support Trump with his closing down of everything.
Well, absolutely.
I love it.
And let's say it again.
What, Pakistanis are less than one half of one percent.
God love them in England.
And they're 37 percent of the deformities.
Don't marry your sister, damn it.
And just stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Good God.
We'll be right back with Katie Hopkins to get into what she thinks is coming next, what she thinks Trump should do, and so much more.
What she thinks of the Catholic schoolboys being demonized and attacked and how that's backfired straight ahead.
She's with Hopkins World.
I'm with Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
They're intentionally leaving the borders open in Europe, bringing in mass refugees, among them are going to be jihadists, who are setting up a future Tet Offensive, Tet-style offensive in Europe.
And the same thing is being done to this country.
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Oh well, she cried.
I'll take you in.
And I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Sighed the vicious snake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Beside the vicious snake.
Now she clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you might have died.
She stroked his pretty skin, and then she kissed and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite.
I saved you, cried the woman.
And you've bit me, heavens why.
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Oh shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We had a pretty powerful interview starting about two hours ago or more than two hours ago with the lawyer for the children.
Who were demonized and lied about just Saturday, just five days ago, and it captured the world's attention because it was all rigged, it was all set up, and the media kept going with it.
Now it's blown up in their face, but the lawyers announced who they're going to sue.
That incredible video will be posted soon to InfoWars.com.
I thought folks might want to know who the families announced are officially suing, but hey, we're just InfoWars.
You know, kind of like our news is like, eh, you know, flying saucers can land in our parking lot.
We go, well, we're just our parking lot.
You know, what the hell?
But that's all going to be coming up.
Katie Hopkins, the time we have left in this one segment, you're a smart cookie, a great investigative journalist.
Where do you see Trump going?
What else do you see on the radar screen?
How would you describe this point that we're in in the world right now?
Well, first up, Alex, you know, not everybody disregards InfoWars at all.
You know, I'm part of your support club.
I'm part of your reminding that you that you do a good job.
Last time I was with you, I sat and told you your staff love you because you're a loyal man and you believe in what you say.
So don't knock yourself too much because you've got a great deal of support out there.
Second up, you will find out that you are on the right side of history.
So whilst we might get demonised right now, I might be arrested, I might be fined, I might be threatened, I might be beheaded, we will be on the right side of history and that's a glorious thing.
As for Trump and the wall, I love it.
The more he keeps this going, fantastic.
State of emergency, bring it on.
Do not give in to Nancy Pelosi.
A, because she has dreadful teeth, and I'm saying that as a British person and we have the worst teeth on the planet, but B, because I think the wall matters.
Because we live in a country that's already fallen.
Western Europe has fallen.
You have this one chance.
This one chance in history to defend your nation.
And it doesn't matter if it takes 50 weeks.
It doesn't matter.
This is worth fighting for.
So I'm with Trump all the way.
I would say as well, if you're a furloughed worker, not wishing to be unkind, but do we really need you?
Like, are you really vital?
Or are you just a bit surplus to requirements?
Can't quite work that one out.
But I think Trump's doing a great thing and I so hope he digs in.
I so hope he doesn't cave to Nancy Pelosi.
Well my issue is, he's already compromised on stuff he said he would if he'd been here for many years and he can prove you're not a criminal.
He already said that three years ago when he was running.
They're not going to compromise on anything because they want to shut the economy down to kill his presidency.
So if he just declared the emergency that's in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, he has the funding, and just checkmated them all the way around, just built the damn wall without their funding, that would be true leadership.
So I get they're in the wrong with the shutdown.
I get they're not compromising.
I get they're saying Trump's now winning the shutdown, but why not bypass the whole fake contest and declare the damn emergency?
Yes, of course, and I think that's where this needs to move to.
I think he now needs to move to declaring the state of emergency.
Take the cash, build the wall, deal with the arguments later.
Everyone will get over it.
You cannot but look at the examples of my country, of Western Europe, and see the mess we're in and not believe Trump is on the right side.
Of course, Democrats want all of that lot in.
They want half of Mexico in because those are the ones that will vote for them.
You know, that's never been a good way to make political decisions.
So I stand with Trump.
And like so many of the other leaders we have that are fabulous, like Salvini, you know, like the AFD in Germany, they just get misrepresented and underrepresented in the press.
I think the amount of support out there for populist leaders has never been greater.
I think these are exciting times to be on our side of the bench.
I would describe it like this, Katie.
The globalists and the corrupt corporate forces that want us to be socialized so we're under their control, while they're tax-exempt offshore, fabulously rich, but teaching us that we're middle class, we're bad.
They were kind of asleep and arrogant, and now that Trump and Brexit before that, and what's happened in Brazil and everywhere else, and Italy is scaring them, now they're mobilized and attacking, but good old-fashioned bullying may have a little bit of an effect up front, but it's going to trigger really systemic, stiff upper lip.
And I go back to the British example.
Hitler was only bombing military targets and the British were 90% against war because they'd lost millions of people in World War I. As soon as Hitler went, I'll intimidate them and I'll bomb civilian targets, it went 90% for the war and lines of people ready to kill.
And so the globalists, I think, have a blind spot.
They think messing with us and intimidating us and going after kids is going to make us roll over because I guess that's how they are.
Instead, it makes us go into war mode.
I think you're right, and I think the yellow vest that you're showing there, the Gilets Jaunes in Paris, has really shown that.
That's the reason Macron has gone running, running, running, running, running under Merkel's wing.
Because he's scared.
He knows he's under threat.
He knows that this lot are not going to stop until he is out of office.
And I think that increasing sense that the people only can push so far before they fight back.
I just love what the French are doing.
I wish, I wish the Brits would do the same if we don't get our Brexit.
My fear is that the British will have that whole British polite thing and have a cup of tea and feel better about themselves instead.
I love what the French are doing.
I'm dying to see the day that Macron gets taken down.
I can't stand that little boy and I can't stand Merkel either.
She could murder both of her parents in the night, still turn up.
To the European Court in her jumpsuit, ready for business the next day.
Weird woman.
Well, if people think about France and say they're a bunch of wimps.
No, they had Napoleon, and they had all the wars with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the British.
They were one of the most warlike empires ever, but they killed most of their men over and over again.
Mothers and others got sick of war and told their sons don't be involved in it.
And it's the same thing with England.
You know, some of the biggest wars ever, but not some of the biggest, all the biggest ones.
People fundamentally come against war, and I get that.
But then when you're occupied domestically by a political enemy,
Then you're like, well, let's not have a war.
No, this is the real war politically you've got to have.
And like you said, you think of the French as these big wimps, even though historically they weren't, just the last 80 years or so.
Finally, when they get angry and stand up, I think finally when the UK gets angry and stands up, it's not a bunch of Islamists burning stuff, you know, people's cars, when it's targeted Brits burning Islamic areas, which I'm not calling for.
I think once the veneer of civilization peels off,
That's why you see all the imperial conditioning of Brits and others to be passive because the system fears them.
But I think those old instincts are going to flare back if the political system doesn't back off.
And I think they sowed the seeds of, quite frankly, I don't want to call it fascism, but a very vicious populism that could become quite dangerous.
I agree with you entirely.
And I think it's that sort of sense that people have woken up.
So we saw the kind of global compact on migration happening and them all signing that to say that everybody could move wherever they liked.
And we didn't really like that much.
Then we saw the EU army being talked about.
It's this supranational organisation that makes us kind of prick up our ears and think, hold on a minute.
We're really losing control here of what matters to us.
That's right.
You're saying, I didn't vote to be in this, and they're preparing for war with everyone.
Katie Hopkins, Hopkins World, you are amazing.
Twitter, at Katie Hopkins.
Please join us again soon.
I can't wait to work with you.
We salute you.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with other breaking news.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm fighting as hard as I can.
And like a race car driver that sometimes overrides the engine, sometimes I get out of control and I apologize to the listeners, the audience, the crew.
Because earlier, during the last break, I said, where's the article?
First hour we have the lawyer for the Covington Catholic school kids on.
He announces who they're planning to sue.
That's giant breaking news.
This guy's a high-powered lawyer.
I'd even forgotten who he was.
So I got pissed during the break, because a lot of folks were at lunch right now.
People, you know, kind of get here about nine, they go to lunch about one, and I'm kind of running up and down the hall saying, where's the article?
Well, it's on Infowars.com.
Let's put it up.
And it's got the exclusive video right there.
So good.
I'm glad the crew got it done.
Great job.
Covington Kids lawyer announces who they're going to sue for defamation.
Find out which media personalities will be held accountable for their conspiracy to demonize the American people.
Go ahead and scroll down there, and you can see in the article the exclusive video.
We have our own video system, our own platform.
We have it posted to YouTube as well.
They'll probably say it violates community standards to have a lawyer represent kids being called Nazis standing up for them.
Covington's lawyer announces who they're going to sue for defamation.
That is big medicine.
That's big wampum.
That's big chief right there.
Everybody from chief political attention seeker to the New York Times, the Washington Post, to all these other turd blossoms that have been going around saying, attack these kids, get ready, because you've been told to fill your hand.
This Mike Rappaport and other people.
And their bizarre hate-filled accusation of racism and sex with children discussion.
I don't know what's wrong with Hollywood people, their obsession with children, but that's breaking everywhere.
So that's up on Infowars.com, it's up on Newswars.com, and if you want to...
Fire a heat-seeking missile of truth at them.
You will go to newswars.com and infowars.com and you will get that article right now on the front page and you will retweet it, you will Facebook it, you will YouTube it, you will send it to your email list, you will text messages to people to bypass the censors because Covington Kid's lawyer announces who they're going to sue for defamation.
Let's scroll down a little bit because I think that's probably a large part of the interview.
Do me a favor, click on the video please.
Then click on that video for me and click on the top.
So it's a 12-minute deal.
It's part of a couple segments.
He was on for basically an hour.
We're gonna put the whole interview up under that.
This guy's got it.
I'd forgotten he represented Ralph Nader.
He represented Wesley Snipes.
He represented Pat Buchanan.
He represents all the independent groups.
He's a great patriot.
And we're so excited to have that interview with Robert Barnes, but it deserves to be driven across the web.
Now look, NewsWars.com isn't censored and blocked by the little bots at Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube like InfoWars.com does.
So, yeah, InfoWars gets attention, people see it, they tend to click on it, but it gets banned.
NewsWars.com for now isn't, so go to NewsWars.com, NewsWars.com, NewsWars.com, and get the article with the video and hammer it out there.
And then as soon as I get off air here in a little while, when the fourth hour starts, we're gonna go get the whole interview and put it up.
It's powerful.
And then there's the whole big hedge fund guy that found out about pedophilia in LA, exposed it, he's been proven right, that huge interview.
I mean, I'm not bragging here.
I can't believe how we are directly over the zeitgeist on a daily basis here at InfoWars and how it is your support of the transmission,
That makes all of this possible.
So I'm just very, very, very, very lucky to be here.
I'm very, very blessed to be on air.
And I just want to thank all of you for what you've done over the years.
Because listen, sometimes I'm a train wreck and I'm out of control, and I know I am.
But you know what?
I love God.
I love justice.
And I hate devil worshippers and pedophiles and scumbags.
And I'm ready to wage war on them.
And I'm ready to take them on.
And I'm ready to beat them with your support.
And that said,
I have not come to grips with how I'm supposed to announce this.
And then that's how I always say, this is coming up and I announce it right there.
But I need to really think about this and look at it carefully before I make the announcement because I'm not quite sure what's happening or what we should do.
But we're not going to be able to expand.
And if we're not expanding, that means we're contracting.
And then I look up and I say, I haven't cut new ads in weeks.
I don't promote the products we've got.
So it's my fault.
But at the same time, I just want to cover news.
I just need everybody listening to understand this is history happening, and if you don't go buy the products, and if you don't routinely buy them, sign up for AutoShip to get fluoride-free toothpaste that's concentrated, four to five o'clock, a little silver and iodine, and if you don't get our new TurboForce that's beyond any energy drink you've ever had and it's healthy with all the trace elements and minerals and vitamin C and the amino acids and the organic caffeine stimulants, it's incredible.
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If you don't get the very best, it's the best!
I go out to top firms and say, I want to go above the top brand in the country.
They go, what, 1% so you can say that?
50% above them.
Well, that won't fit in the capsule.
Okay, we're 20% above the very best.
And we're lower price!
That's our body's tumouring.
Our fish oil, the best, the cleanest, the best, the cleanest, at a price lower than they sell Jeff Bezos at the damn Whole Foods.
I'll tell you again, my job would be a lot easier if I didn't spend my time, and I'm not bitching here, scrounging around for money.
But you can sure as hell see that we're in the fight for our lives.
So, you've all been committed to us and you bought a ton of great product that you love.
Average 5.8 star on third-party review sites.
But, if I don't get up here and explain to people that it's do or die, people don't take action and don't get the product.
So, here's what it comes down to.
I don't want to cancel some of the shows we already have.
And I sure as hell don't want to start curtailing how many reporters we have.
We need more reporters.
We had four for the Women's March.
We reached 20 million people in views we had, showed what monstrous demons the left are.
20 damn million views!
Normally, for a major sitcom that hasn't many views, you'd have a budget of $5 million, profit $10 million an episode.
They make $15 million off 20 million views.
You know how much money we made off 20 million views with our auxiliary reporters on their own sites?
I pay for the planes, the hotels, the cameras, the legal, the insurance, and I'm not complaining.
It's about the mission to get the views to win the war against the pedophile globalists.
But you know what?
We've got a couple reporters in California.
They covered stuff that got massive attention.
I need 20 more reporters.
We've got a reporter covering Davos right now.
That reporter needs his own show out of Europe.
I don't have board operators and people to run it.
And I'm not complaining.
I've got big plans.
The enemy knows it.
But I need money.
All my assets is enough to run this place for three months.
Again, I don't want the private jet airplane.
I don't want the big mansions.
I want to see the globalists in prison and I want to see them not teaching five-year-olds how to put dresses on their little boys and I want to defeat this whole thing but I need cold hard cash from a barrel head and I need you to commit and say I'm not giving money to the candy-ass church down the street that doesn't say anything about unborn babies and doesn't say anything about sexualization of children or rural government.
I'm gonna tithe every month
To Infowarsstore.com and I'm gonna get products I need.
I'm gonna get things that are good.
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Buy videos monthly.
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So we did it again thanks to the good Lord and the commitment to do it.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And then in the next few hours all those big interviews from today that are game changers thanks to this great crew and our guests are going up on the site and it's a contest between our wills
Soros' will and your will!
InfoWard is only a focal point, but if you focus on what we're doing and pray for us, we pray for you.
We're together and we're unstoppable!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Everything's happy.
Everything's good.
World War III cometh!
Syria is threatening to bomb the airport in Tel Aviv and Iran is pledging to wipe Israel off the map.
Now you know why the United States is pulling back.
Like we always do before Israel gets into another war.
Big things happening.
Venezuela on fire.
At least seven shot dead by the dictatorship.
That has been holding on to power through staged elections.
The country has been in a state of collapse for more than a decade.
And of course, President Trump has recognized the opposition leader yesterday, accelerating the crisis, Russia and others, because they have bases in Venezuela, have condemned the United States.
But quite frankly, Trump's move is right.
Maduro clearly is a dictator and a horrible globalist.
Backed up by Hollywood and others.
So too bad for the Russians if the Venezuelan people actually get control of their government.
Yeah, there's Trump's second inauguration video.
Actually, it's Caracas, where up to a million people flooded the streets.
Now all CNN would have to do is just show a photo from the day before when no one was in the streets and say, look, no one is in the streets of Caracas.
That's what they did back on Inauguration Day 2017, remember?
They just showed it when the mall had first opened and said no one was there, not showing the record crowd.
But I just thought that was a good point to make.
Now imagine the military
We'll try to disperse everybody.
Shot at least seven people dead, wounding many others.
Many others drug off to dungeons that are already basically full of people as the country completely collapses.
Epic footage.
We're gonna have shots of the armored vehicles exploding.
We're gonna have shots of the people being shot.
So viewer discretion advised.
That is coming up in the next segment.
We'll look more at Israel.
After a couple days of blaming the Covington Catholic school kids of being horrible demons, the media then said, okay, maybe they weren't, but they're still evil because they're wearing red hats and they're white.
Well now they've doubled down all over the place, New York Times, you name it, MSNBC, and they go, you know what, those kids are bad.
And black guys calling them cracker asses and saying we'll harvest your organs is actually a good thing.
And the old Native American wizard coming over and breathing his horrible breath in the kid's face and beating a drum, that was loving and good.
So the New York Times and others have decided that actually it's a wonderful thing.
Kind of like their board member that said whites are subhuman, goblins that live in holes in the ground and she can't wait till we're all exterminated.
At first they said, oh yeah, this is wrong.
And then they said, you know what?
It's free speech.
But as long as an Asian or a black person or somebody's talking like a Nazi, it's okay.
Because again, they can't be racist.
They are the anointed God people.
So that's all coming up.
Paul Joseph Watson has a big article on it.
New York Times runs defense for black anti-Semite hate group.
So we're going to be looking at all of that.
Meanwhile, Representative Ilhan Omar smears Covington Boys days after it's all proven to be fraud.
They were taunting five black men, doing Nazi salutes and more.
Channing, build that wall.
What an idiot.
I mean, these people are just unbelievable.
She's one of our first Muslim members of Congress.
They have to all be women.
Of course, in the Muslim countries, the women aren't in their government, but that's okay.
Here they will be because Islam is for women.
Chopping your genitals off and putting you in slave pits.
Oh, the joys.
Ode to the joy of it all.
Also, we have a bunch of big, special guests joining us here today.
Very, very special guests that you're not going to want to miss.
And I'll tell you about some of those guests when we come back.
So please stay with us and remember, without you spreading the word, without you telling everybody you know every day in emails and in text messages, the Globalists will win.
And this key movement, this early warning system against the Globalists will be defeated.
Stay with us.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's January 24th, 2019.
It's Thursday.
This is the Alex Jones Show, the most banned, demonized, and lied-about broadcast in the world, for a good reason.
Emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas.
resistance against a global corporate combine.
Empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big mega banks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were being used to probe and censorship.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using ADAPT to overcome subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose.
Can we accept the dose?
Total Internet of Things integration, global socialist
Your complete command and control system.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception.
We're good to go.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you're a radio listener, you've heard that promo before.
Why they banned Alex Jones.
But a cool YouTube website, I hate to even plug, is they'll probably go ban it.
How dare you even talk about it, Volosh.
You dirty Americans.
Keep your mouth shut.
There's no First Amendment.
That's a channel called Cartoon Intro InfoTunes on YouTube.
We got some more of those we'll be playing today.
Really interesting.
Remember, we are a radio program that is slash TV as well.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
And it's not just something we need.
It's essential, like oxygen or water.
If we don't have this, we're dead in the water.
We've been banned off of every major social network, banned off Roku, banned off everything, based on lies, based on... Alex Jones is on his radio show saying, go to the Sandy Hook parents' homes and harass them.
A, I never said that.
And B, they have the lawyers for them.
Currently, going all over the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN saying, get him off the air!
Every time they pick a new thing to target to say take me off the air, Roku last week said no.
He's been on with us eight years, or seven years, we already had an app on there, or a platform.
Some fans made a new one, it went to the front page, it was so popular, and one day, and all these George Soros and Democrat groups bragged that they started lobbying to take it down, and Roku said no.
We're just an internet platform so you can get stuff from the internet onto your television.
You know, now they're producing some of their own programs.
And so the lawyers then contacted him and bragged in the Washington Post that they told him, he's currently viciously attacking us.
He's currently sending people to our houses.
Help us!
Well, that's not a free speech issue.
That's like saying a local radio host is telling people, go rob the bank.
It's no longer free speech.
You're now calling for criminal action.
Didn't do it.
But see, they're doing it through my name and my voice.
Notice the news never shows you where I did that.
So, now they have these groups, looking like they're grassroots organizations, contacting our affiliates, saying, did you know he's currently saying, go do this and that?
So, it's a false report.
Things I never did.
It's the definition of defamation to cause harm.
They are saying things that aren't true and saying it's to get me off the air.
I met with lawyers yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon.
It's not something I want to do, but obviously I'm going to have to take action because imagine if someone was filing reports that you were doing something you weren't and you reached out to them and you shot all these videos and reports and their response is to complain to YouTube to have your videos taken down where you clarify.
So that's what this is and they're not going to stop.
So I absolutely need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your financial support.
Because if they're able to shut us down, this is the model for everybody else.
So we really are
Americana example that is on the front lines without you, we will be defeated.
We got some big guests coming up today.
We have the lawyer for the Covington Catholic school kids joining us coming up just a couple segments.
We all show he's about to file a bunch of lawsuits.
Which absolutely need to be done.
This is clear.
Go to their houses.
Go to their schools.
Kill them.
Shoot them.
Murder them.
The people don't even take this off Twitter.
In fact, they're doubling down.
The New York Times is defending the black racist group that was there screaming racist names at them and saying it's a good thing they did.
Just like the New York Times board member says whites are subhuman.
You cannot make this up.
So that's all coming up.
And we have a bunch of other big guests as well.
We have this big Hollywood case of men being raped, men being abused, boys being abused, and famous Hollywood individuals saying no one will believe you.
That's now mainstream news.
And we've got one of the investigative journalists and filmmakers who's been working with the writers of the story to expose it coming on.
We'll be naming names of confirmed, admitted
Pedophilia rings, rape, you name it, that is now starting to come out about Hollywood.
So that's why they want to shut us off air, but it's not going to work.
That transmission will be going out with Gabe Hoffman and Robert Barnes, the lawyer for many of the Kentucky Catholic schoolboys will be here.
Katie Hopkins, always amazing from the UK, is going to be joining us as well.
But just briefly going back to what I just mentioned, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
Here's Ann Coulter a few days ago.
Journalist in 2018, Alex Jones caused the families of Sandy Hook victims to be harassed.
He must be banned from all social media.
Well, they actually say I'm currently doing it.
Okay, even though that's not true.
And the prior is true.
Then journalist in 2019, please kill these children and their families.
They're then kept on the internet.
That shows the leftist disconnect.
And we have an example of this.
One of these Hollywood individuals that we'll cover at the bottom of the hour, the lawyer, came out and made vile, hateful statements towards the kids and hasn't retracted.
In fact, he's doubled down.
As of this morning.
We're going to play the shocking video from his Twitter account, tell you who he is.
The article is up on Infowars.com.
He is a monstrous, monstrous, monstrous individual that we're going to be breaking down at the bottom of the hour with the lawyer.
Also, it turns out that the elder Nathan Phillips did say he was in combat in Vietnam, so he is a complete liar.
We have video of that.
Again, Kathy Griffin has backed down and removed her tweets saying go attack them at their school, but not Hollywood bully who viciously attacked Covington students in profanity, pedophilia, laced rant.
We'll tell you about this dirtbag, Michael Rappaport, as well.
But first, Caracas is on fire.
The Venezuelan dictatorship is falling.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
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So you support us and get creative and get fired up.
We won't just be here a hundred years.
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Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you ready.
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And so,
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master built.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alex Jones here, back live.
Juan Guaido, according to many international polling experts and witnesses, won the last election, even though they didn't even allow him to be on the ballot in many areas, in Venezuela.
There has been a one-party dictatorship that first said it was liberal, then said it was socialist, then said it was communist.
And you've got Maduro, who is just a complete moron and extremely unpopular.
Say what you want about Hugo Chavez, he was very charismatic and had a very big following, and he did originally get elected legitimately.
But with Maduro, these have been fake elections and up to a thousand people a week starving to death.
They passed a law a few years ago, you can't say people are starving to death.
They just say you die of exposure or die of the flu or die of something else.
Five years ago, all the zoos had their animals eaten.
Around that same time, all the cats and dogs disappeared.
Now birds have disappeared.
Insects are disappearing.
There's total collapse of society because communists shit on top of all the crops and all the fields and then give the people none of what they produce.
When they do, the communists always sell it to foreign groups to make money because the communists all build lavish palaces in Spain and in Switzerland and in Morocco and other areas like that.
That's just what they do.
Australia, I mean, there's a lot of places they run to.
The United States.
And so, this is a total corruption.
There have been cases of people hijacking trailers full of cows, full of beef, and just slaughtering them right there with machetes, like zombies, gobbling the meat.
That's what happens when you're starving to death.
And so, if you're a TV viewer, you can see the images of
State-run media said a half million.
It looked like millions of people flooding all the major streets of Caracas.
And we can also roll some of the video of people being shot, armored vehicles being hit by Molotov cocktails.
This is truly a historic situation taking place.
This looks like scenes out of the Hunger Games.
Armored vehicles
Citizens throwing rocks at the armored vehicles, bottle of cocktails, the police and military shooting people.
Hundreds and hundreds wounded.
We're hearing numbers of seven dead.
That's government-run media.
I mean, it's probably 500.
I mean, who knows?
You never know with these communist countries.
And so, yes, I don't like American expansionism, where we go take over Afghanistan for the tune of a trillion-plus dollars.
It's been more than that.
It's been $2 trillion.
It's been $100 billion a year for 18 years.
So approaching 2 trillion.
And then we don't even get any of the rare earth minerals.
And China gets them all.
We guard the roads and facilities for China to get the rare earth minerals to build the smartphones and computers.
Look, if we're going to be imperial, we get all of it.
And I'm not even for that.
That's immoral.
But we get it all.
But see, global corporations like Apple and others, they are based in China now.
We're officially based in Ireland, but they're based over there in China, pays Eurocent tax, and then we go pay for all this.
So China and Russia have come out and decried and say the U.S.
is meddling in Venezuela.
Let me tell you something.
It's a national security issue when Venezuela is seven countries from us.
They're in North, Eastern, South America.
And they're only, what?
700 800 miles away from us with a bunch of little bitty countries in between them and they've collapsed.
Brazil and others all built fences and put their militaries on them the last couple years because it's collapsing and the very worst of Venezuela are coming into their nations.
But don't worry now it's coming here and you saw the images months ago of the gates being broken down in Guatemala into southern Mexico and now Mexico just said hey
You orderly process yourselves, we will issue you visas for one month to travel through Mexico.
And if we catch you after that, you'll be sent back or put in prison.
They have very strict immigration laws.
Obviously in Mexico, they should.
But as bad as Mexico is, Latin America, Central America is even worse now.
I mean, we're talking hellish.
And so now Mexico is organizing with the UN to flood us, just like Turkey did.
In the last six years, just like Albania did to flood Europe.
So it is, it is diabolical to say the least.
It is coordinated, it is extremely evil, and it's only getting worse.
So I hope that Maduro is thrown out.
I hope that a popular conservative nationalist gets in.
Venezuela, per capita, for a country their size.
Has more resources than any country in the world.
Volcanic farmland.
And in the past, hard-working good people.
But they got on the dole, they got into socialism, they got told, oh, that rich coffee plantation owner, or that banana plantation owner, you could have that.
You could have that.
And then they vote to take it, and then there's nothing left.
Because the communist leaders don't sit there and settle on the open market.
They sell it at reduced prices to multinationals.
And that's why the globalists love communist and socialist countries, because they collapse.
Prosperity and capitalism creates a lot of money.
People start having five, six kids.
And the kids go to a socialist school.
They vote in Hugo Chavez.
And 15 years later, the country is one of the poorest in the world.
It was the richest country in Latin America, richer than the United States.
The average citizen in 1950 was paid more, had more savings, and owned more land than the average American in 1950.
And now, it is a total hellhole.
That's the story of Socialism Show.
Remember that when you see Alexandria Cortez bumbling around like a meth head moron, whatever the hell she's on.
Remember that.
That she's sitting there telling a bunch of stupid people, hey you're gonna get all this free stuff and the big bankers are funding that because they're gonna sit offshore.
When America gets totally looted.
Also coming up, World War III cometh.
Syria is threatening to bomb the airport in Tel Aviv.
And Iran is pledging to wipe Israel off the map.
That's why we pulled out Michael Snyder's article from Into the American Dream up on InfoWars.com.
It's excellent.
We'll be looking at that.
But first, the lawyer for the Covington Catholic School.
Young people framed by the globalists is joining us.
Please do not forget.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Please don't forget The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, with Owen Schroyer and others.
And then, of course, David Knight.
He'll be back in February after his heart attack.
Thanks for all your prayers.
We've got a great fill-in host doing a great job, Harrison Smith and others.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
Central Standard Time for the three hours that come up right before I go live in fortworth.com.
So, I've been harping since Saturday
On something I said Saturday and Sunday would become a major sea change event if people got the truth out.
That the mainstream corporate media with a bunch of leftist operatives would try to march into a group of Catholic school boys and others trying to get on a bus.
And say that they surrounded them and they said racist things when it's on the audio that the mainstream news didn't show.
That was the first thing.
Get out of here, white boy.
Go back to Europe.
We're going to harvest your organs.
You're a fag.
You know, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your prods, your incest.
I went and found the raw video and heard that.
And then I went, wait a minute.
And then there it was.
Our news director pointed out on Saturday, Rob Dew, that
They marched over to them, the so-called Native American elder and the black Israelites.
But the reason this is so important is, even after the lawyer of the Step 4 representing some of these great young men warned people to back off and gave them a chance to stop the defamation,
I looked this morning for like an hour and I was fascinated they're still publishing editorials about the hate and how the boys represent that because of their hats and how they're Nazis and Hollywood bully viciously attacks Covington students in profanity pedophilia laced rant and that horrible creature is Michael Rappaport that's lied about me as well and then meanwhile this guy still has it up on his Twitter a well-known musician
Verified leftist calls for Make America Great Again kids to be fired on, school to be burned down.
Katney Griffin said dox them, go get them, and they did.
Ann Coulter asked the question.
Journalist in 2018 said Alex Jones caused the families of Sandy Hook victims to be harassed, never did.
He must be banned from all social media.
Journalist 2019, please kill these children and their families.
We've got Ann coming on very soon.
So again, the left always accuses me of saying, doing things I didn't do.
And then they say that I'm currently sending people like a wolf at the door trying to hurt people.
That's not true.
But then they do it as a matter of course on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else.
We all know about that.
Maxine Waters saying that they're at the gas station, they're at the mall, they're at the grocery store.
You run their ass out of there.
And you know what?
I've experienced it.
They'll walk over and dump hot coffee on your head.
They'll knock your iced tea over right in front of your kids.
They don't care.
Meanwhile, New York Times runs defense for black anti-Semite hate group.
The very group saying they'd harvest the organs of these kids.
So this is really captured by his imagination because you've still got the new Islamic member of Congress.
Days after this has proven to be a hoax.
Ehan Omar saying that they were Nazis and all this other lies.
Turns out that Nathan Phillips is an even bigger fraud, was never in Vietnam, never in combat.
Wow, surprise, surprise.
He's a professional agitator.
But at least Kathy Griffin at least deleted her tweet saying, dox them and go after these Nazis, which they aren't.
I want to play this clip and then go to their lawyer, Robert Barnes.
We really appreciate joining us.
Thank God somebody's standing up for these young people who are having their identities stolen.
They're being called Nazis.
They're being framed.
They surrounded people and were bullying them and none of it's true.
And then a lot of the corporate media still won't back off.
They act like, well, was it inappropriate?
He stood looking at an elder.
It's incredible.
When you're surrounded, you better just look at the ground.
So, let's play a clip of one of the more egregious monsters who's currently, as of this morning, still saying things like this.
This guy is in a bunch of movies.
He's on ESPN.
He's a horrible thug.
He sexually talks about the children.
He's just a monstrous pig.
Here is Michael Rappaport, D-list actor.
You see the video of these Catholic school teenage boys, hand jobs, harassing, get in the face.
Are these Native American people?
You little s**t stain.
You got no f**king life.
Go play some video games.
Go try to bird dog some chicks, you f**king little creeps.
Shorty s**t stain.
Hand job.
Catholic school cuck.
F**k boy.
Where's these people's parents?
You little f**king scumbag.
MAGA hat wearing s**t stains.
This is what you do for fun?
You're 16, 17 years old, and that's fun to you?
That's what your life is?
You f****** loser.
You little Kentucky Catholic school f****** suckers.
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know what I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f****** lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f******.
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f****** Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f******.
You, good, no freedom of speech for you, you piece of shit.
Good, you fucking lunatic.
Good, bye bye.
We appreciate Robert Barnes joining us.
He's a trial lawyer.
He wins high profile cases for clients in civil, criminal, constitutional law.
He was featured in UK Times and AP as America's most successful political gambler.
Robert Barnes has vowed to sue the reporters, thank God, and celebrities.
Who have perpetrated the false statements and attacked the Covington Catholic High School students if they don't reverse themselves in 48 hours.
Well, some have half-assed removed stuff, others have doubled down, others have left it up, and so we appreciate him joining us at Barnes underscore Law, BarnesLawLLP.com.
Counselor, thanks for joining us and thanks for standing up to real bullies.
I'm glad to be here.
I mean, it's extraordinary what's taken place.
I've represented people across the political spectrum, from Joe Bannister and Bernie Kugelin to Wesley Snipes and Ralph Nader, but this may end up being one of the most consequential cases I'm ever a part of.
Because this is about the rights of ordinary people, private citizens, in this case, kids, being able to protect their privacy, being able to protect their rights, who almost had their reputations
Permanently ruined, their careers and their potential aspirations permanently tarnished solely because of a lie and a libel spread by the establishment press based on kids they had never met, a story that they didn't personally witness, built on a fabricated stories by lefty protesters who spread it through bots on the internet.
So it's an extraordinary case.
And the reason why I offered my services for free is because typically, as you know, Alex, libel cases can be very expensive, very difficult to defend, very difficult to bring.
And normally big, powerful establishment press people get away with it all the time.
Uh, so because they know the ordinary person has no remedy.
They know if they sue people like you, it makes it very difficult for you to defend yourself.
So it's a tool they use.
It's a form of lawfare.
And I offered my services for free because I wanted to equalize the equation.
Because everybody deserves the same rights to be respected.
And their rights were not respected in this case.
By the way, a bunch of stuff just clicked.
You know, I'm involved in a bunch of things.
They're trying to end the First Amendment, literally using me.
They admit that.
I know you were Wesley Snipes' lawyer.
And I even thought about trying to get a hold of you, and they didn't do it.
So maybe this is meant to happen, too, for us to talk about some other things.
Because I was actually thinking of you in mind for the psyop and trying to run against me because you're so articulate to break it down.
But I think you're saying this is the moment they bit off more than they could chew.
They really did, because these are private kits.
These are private citizens.
So not only did they spread something that was a clear lie, that was an easy-to-prove lie, they did it in such a way that everybody was outraged.
That everybody found just incredible.
And they took it a step further.
I mean, they were threatening to burn down the school.
My law offices, within three hours of me announcing that I was representing them, was subject to bomb threats that are now currently under FBI investigation.
They tried to hack every social media account that I had.
They've gone after the family.
The diocese has had to close down three different times because of suspicious packages that showed up at their doors.
You have lunatics like Michael Rapoport, like Ron Perlman, making absurd threats.
Now, I'll give Congresswoman Omar and Kathy Griffin credit that at least when they libeled them and lied about these kids, and I sent tweets to them saying, retract or be sued, they at least had the proper action of at least retracting.
Stay there.
Let's talk about this.
This is amazing.
Robert Barnes is our guest.
Very famous, prominent lawyer.
Stay with us.
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We'll be here forever.
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you ready.
And so,
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On a long and lonesome highway East of Omaha
Think about it.
We've got a clear-cut example here of corporate media
We're seeing a bunch of school kids, some of them wearing Make America Great Again hats, who are there for a pro-life march.
And within 30 minutes, we went and found the raw footage from the guy's channel going, F you white people, the little black kids that were part of the school, F you, we're going to harvest your organs, kid.
You're going to die, your mother and your father, or brother and sisters, you're going to shoot your school up.
And then the media takes that, edits it, and the very same groups have done that to me in D.C.
as well.
They've done the same stuff to us!
But they come over and yell and scream at you, and then they sit back and go, why are you doing this to me?
Because they're editing the tapes.
So you have the premeditatedness of this.
And I said day one, I said, I bet this individual, this so-called native elder, I bet he's got a long history of Democratic Party provocateur-ing.
Turns out he's been doing it for a decade.
That same day, he went to Catholic Church with 20 people at mass, beating drums, trying to get his ass kicked.
He goes to colleges on Halloween.
This is on record in local news channels all over the country.
He's done it in Colorado.
He's done it in Michigan.
He does it all over.
And he shows up beating a drum, getting in people's faces, saying, you can't dress like a Native American, trying to get his butt kicked, but no one's ever taken the bait.
But you know what?
He's never given up.
Robert Barnes is, again, one of the top lawyers in the country when it comes to this.
He's taken it pro bono.
He's represented major Hollywood stars in cases where they spent millions defending themselves.
Some cases winning, some cases losing.
Everybody knows about the Wesley Snipes case.
But the point is, he's taking this pro bono because he says it's so clear-cut.
So, lay out what you think really happened here, where it's going, the 48 hours you've given them.
Again, some groups are backing off, but then republishing new lies, like the New York Times has done.
So, who do you think, who are you zeroing in on?
Or, I guess that's kind of inside baseball.
I mean, definitely Reza's gonna get sued.
The one who said that the kid should be punched in the face.
The former CNN commentator who now has a big social media platform.
Maggie Haberman has yet to correct her statements where she basically called for the expulsion of these kids.
And here you have the lead reporter for the lead newspaper in the nation making a false report about kids she never met and a story she didn't witness for facts she didn't have no first hand, which her own newspaper has corrected.
And yet she has refused to delete or correct her own statements in this regard.
And then Michael Rapoport and Ron Perlman on the Hollywood side of the equation.
And then a range of editors, including the editor of Mother Jones, who has issued false statements about this.
It was completely disgraced, the independent investigative history of that publication with her partisan political nonsense over the past year and a half, acting as basically a speaking platform for Fusion GPS and the Russiagate scandal.
So you have a range of people and there's about about a half dozen other prominent people either in the journalistic world, the celebrity world, or the social media world who have continued to lie about these kids, libel these kids, and I think they don't understand Kentucky law.
Kentucky law says that you can't put kids or any other individual citizen of Kentucky in an unflattering, unreasonable light.
You can't.
That's called false invasion.
That's called basically invasion of privacy claim.
And it's broader than defamation claims, broader than libel claims.
And you can even seek per se damages, which means all you have to do is show that the lie was so outrageous of these private citizens.
That they are entitled to damages without having to prove individual damage.
I'm not a lawyer, but I mean this is really a conspiracy.
Almost like racketeering where all these media groups get together.
They know it's a lie.
They all put it out.
Then when they get caught, they kind of halfway back off and say, okay, well were the kids right to...
I don't think he gets it.
No, I agree.
I think he's completely out of touch.
And I think what it is is they're so accustomed to beating up on people.
They're used to attacking public figures of a different kind.
They're used to doing it in such a way that they're never sued.
They're never successfully sued.
They suffer no consequence.
The Wall Street Journal even had an editorial on this that said all these people that lied about these kids will probably face no consequence.
And that was the reason why we tried to step into the breach here.
Because these people need to suffer.
They need to realize that just because they have the power of the press and the privilege of the press, they do not have immunity when they lie about innocent kids who they don't know, whose incidents they didn't witness, for which they had no evidence to support their false claims, for which they knew were false claims within a day of their reporting when they refused to retract.
The family is a very conservative Catholic family and they authorized me to offer a 48-hour
I don't
We're good to go.
We're good.
Can I add one more point, Counselor?
I know you're the expert on this, but they also have to, because the mainstream media has stolen their identity.
I mean, as I said, I typed in their names this morning, or I just typed in Covington students, and I saw North Carolina, Colorado, California op-eds that were out today saying, the Covington kids.
This just was one search term.
There was literally dozens, which is Covington kids.
They show the dark side of racism of Kentucky.
There are articles in Kentucky about the shame of Kentucky and our racism, and then showing pictures of these poor kids.
They're still doing it.
And then 10 paragraphs down, they would mention, well, there's some contention about what happened, but it's still the racism of these evil white kids confronting this poor Native American.
So they're still doing it!
And that's why I think they have to sue.
That's why I'm gearing up to countersue other people that are lying about what I've said.
You know, they sue me, they lie about what I've said, and then they... So it's a very complex issue.
But with this, it's so cut and dry.
So I'm trying to quantify that.
Don't they have to sue to make sure people don't double back and keep lying?
I mean, the way that the approach of the family was, anybody could get redemption through confession if they retracted their false statements.
But if they double down, as you noted, many have, then those people need punishment and need deterrence through punishment.
And that needs to be lawfare.
And for the last decade or so, in particular the last several years, lawfare has been waged solely by the left against everybody else to try to censor and shame dissident opinions and dissident powerful voices like yourself.
And it's time that we fight back on those same terms and fight back using lawfare on behalf of the independent ordinary everyday people and independent journalists and independent voices out there so this can't happen to ordinary people.
Because that was the message here.
The message was here was if we could destroy the lives of some 16
I was about to say, it sounds to me like
They've been using lawfare in a bunch of fake cases.
They use the publication of these suits, where almost all of it's something I never did, no one ever did.
But they just use that like, well, it must be true, it's in a lawsuit.
But now we've got the whole bona fides of the setup, the frame up, the media news, they doubled down.
I mean, it just seems like, like you said, open and shut because what they say
Nationalists and Christians and Conservatives and Libertarians are doing is what the left, everybody knows the left are the bullies.
Everybody knows they're the ones brigading around the internet bullying everybody.
And so now they've set it up where even questioning something supposedly unlawful or uncivil, well now they've done the very definition of what they've projected onto us.
That's precisely right.
I mean, they've used the law in illegitimate and illicit ways to wage political warfare using bogus claims and using their unique access to the legal system.
The fact that the judiciary is overwhelmingly establishment and to the left.
The legal profession as a class is overwhelmingly to the cultural left and pro-establishment in general.
And so it's time to sort of equalize the playing field.
And the advantage here is the actual law.
And the actual facts are on the side of the family, on the side of the kids.
And often they've been on the side of those independent voices throughout the political right that have now been subject, or independent period, that have been subject to these threats.
I mean, I started doing this representation in the ballot access and petition circulator context for voices like Ralph Nader, Libertarians, Constitutionalist Tea Party folks, Peace and Freedom Party, everybody across the ideological spectrum.
Sure, whoever's persecuted, you've been doing that for decades.
So that was where they originally started political warfare and legal warfare was using ballot access, using your ability to access candidacies, your ability to circulate petitions.
Now they've shifted it to legal warfare to defame people, to libel people.
Robert, you're on fire.
Robert Barnes, the lawyer for the Covington children.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.