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Filename: 20190122_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2019
3232 lines.

The author of this article talks about an incident that took place at a March For Life in Washington D.C. where high school students wearing MAGA hats encountered Native American protesters called the Black Hebrews. The video sparked widespread backlash against the behavior of the Kentucky teens, who were accused of chanting "build the wall". However, the author argues that these allegations are false and that the media is covering up the truth. They also discuss a recent incident where Somali refugees in San Diego demanded halal meals for their children in schools, claiming that they were mistreated by not providing such meals. The conversation takes a political turn with Paul Joseph Watson discussing various social and political issues, including the promotion of TurboForce, an energy drink product available at InfoWarsLive.com. Watson also discusses the negative effects of social media on society and its role in creating polarization. He highlights various media hoaxes in 2019, including the Covington High School MAGA Kids incident, and how they resulted in backlash against innocent individuals. Watson also touches upon the hypocrisy of global elites and climate change activists while discussing news stories such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's claim that the world will end in 12 years due to climate change. The video raises questions about responsible use of social media and its impact on liberal democracy.

A bunch of high school kids in MAGA hats were being verbally abused by a black militant group.
They began chanting high school songs to drown out the abuse.
And this dude tries to cause a confrontation by wading into the group of kids and banging his drum.
Nothing happened.
No one got hurt.
And that should have been the end of it.
But how did the media report it?
A disturbing viral video shows a group of teens harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media right now.
Racist, aggressive Trump supporters viciously abused and harassed Native American veteran!
They taunted him!
Because, and wait for it, this is pretty damn shocking.
One of the kids, who was wearing a MAGA hat, he stood there and he...
He smirked!
Cue a leftist hate mob sharpening their digital pitchforks to engage in the most vile social justice witch hunt ever seen.
I'm certainly in favor of building a wall around Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky and let's electrify it to keep those disgusting punks from getting loose and creating more vileness in society!
Putting Catholic kids in concentration camps to own the Nazis.
So progressive!
White people really are terrorists!
Whiteness is terrorism!
I would like to report a terrorist.
Hey, how dare you criticize those Parkland kids.
Kids in red Trump hats, though.
MAGA kids go screaming, hat first, into the wood chipper.
That's just fine.
I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches when you see them.
That bitch to the ground!
Burn the f***ing school down!
Get schooled out?
Where I'm from, fire on means punch a mother f***er in the face.
And I guess burn the f***ing school down means to stage a peaceful protest and hand out flowers.
Yeah, enjoy prison, loser!
Apparently, according to Twitter, calling for kids to be shot in the head is not a problem.
From elementary school through college, I went to school with Shelton, upper middle class white boys who could
With a smirk!
A facial gesture that weaponised their privilege.
Infuriatingly, you can't fight that f***ing snake with a punch of words!
Imagine being that upset over a kid smiling.
Haha, conservatives so easily triggered by a razor ad.
A white kid smirking.
I honestly haven't stopped.
Show me on the doll where the smirk hurt you.
Caused a visceral reaction in so many!
Yeah, because he's white and you're a self-loathing racist!
Possible modifications?
Assault smirk!
Oh, and this question.
Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?
Yeah, yours!
If you know this little s***!
Punch him in the nuts and send me the video of it!
Promoting sexual assault of children to own the bigots.
When a guy whose entire culture and population was destroyed by foreigners tells you walls don't work.
Smiles in Caucasian.
Forget the white supremacist OK sign, the ADL just found a new hate symbol.
The American Swastika.
Salty by name, salty by nature.
And you'll never guess which behavior the media deemed inappropriate for society.
Fuller Picture emerges a viral video between Native American men and Catholic students.
The New York Times.
Fuller Picture equals we believed lies, failed to perform basic journalistic due diligence, and ruined the lives of numerous children because Orange Man Bad.
Breaking News.
Orange man bad.
Orange man bad.
Orange man bad.
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Where was your outrage then?
I'm calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on.
They seem to be poisoning young minds.
Yeah, I'm calling for the total and complete shutdown of your Twitter account until you can figure out what a lying f***ing moron you are.
Guilty of racist taunt.
Innocent of all charges.
So the media ran a completely fake news story.
Alright folks, Paul's full, extremely powerful report is on Infowars.com.
We launch the main transmission in 60 seconds.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
A lot of good things are happening.
A lot of bad things are happening, obviously.
But I said yesterday at the start of the broadcast that this Covington conspiracy, the Covington hoax, had captured not just America's attention, but the world.
And I saw it as a tipping point.
President Trump came out and tweeted basically those exact words this morning because it's the truth.
It's what's happening and the formulaic way that they use a known Democratic Party activist, an actor, with a group that works for Facebook that also framed me a few months ago in D.C., very same group.
Native American group walks up, starts screaming, F.U.
Uh, your mother's married to her brother.
We're glad you're going extinct.
And I go, wow, you're super racist.
And then she'd go, I'm really sweet and a veteran.
Why are you doing that?
And I went, you just called me a sub human white.
I'm not racist lady.
Why are you so racist?
And they edited it out to make me look crazy.
And you'd think I'd know I was being set up.
Well, here's the deal.
People like, well, Jones is a full grown man.
We had the raw footage showed how they set us up.
Didn't become a story.
Post it to Infowars.com.
Sure, maybe 100,000 people watch the video and hundreds of thousands watching live on the show, but it didn't hit but a tiny sliver of what this did because you've got a bunch of Catholic schoolboys wearing red, white, and blue, and here comes the, quote, native elder, who it turns out is a Democratic Party operative, is in a bunch of Democrat-connected movies, just as we predicted.
Has a history of going on college campuses at Halloween to find people wearing Native American garb to get in their face and try to get beat up.
I mean, he's been in the news five years ago for this.
This individual.
But to have him march over with a group of people, and the students' statements have now been confirmed.
We have all the audio of them saying, we're going to harvest your organs.
We're going to kill you.
Go back to Europe, cracker ass.
We have now multiple angles of this going on for 30 minutes.
They're waiting for the bus.
They're all kind of looking over scared.
They won't start a fight with the racist minority group.
And so they send in their provocateur.
They send him in, just like they send in the ladies to blow smoke in my face, and say, hey, you white, you know, you white pig, and all those names.
They send him in to beat a drum right in their face, but they start, like it's a pep rally, smiling and kind of, okay, nobody's attacking us, because for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, we have all the footage now, they're going, we're gonna kill you, Crackers!
And you little black boys over there with them, we're gonna harvest your organs, bitch!
We're going to kill your ass!
We have the video.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We're going to be playing it this hour.
So imagine, you've got a group of men taunting people because a few of them are wearing MAGA hats, and the Democrat congressman has responded by saying, ban, make America great again hats to be worn on people under 18.
That's a Democrat's answer.
Because you've got a big group of racist, leftist funded, flown in, bushed in trash,
They march over to start a fight.
The media edits it to say that they were surrounded.
Again, now this, the group that works with Facebook, has been caught over and over again.
They run this whole hoax, and the school...
And the Republican Party leadership and National Review all come out against the horrible, white, make-America-great-again racists that surrounded the Elder.
The Elder!
Think about that.
And so I was watching
Fox News this morning for about two hours.
I don't normally watch that much of it.
I normally listen to music and have it on the background when I work out, but I ended up this morning watching it for two hours.
They all have huge staffs.
They all know about the videos that we first pointed out on Saturday night after this happened of them saying, we're going to kill you, Cracker.
Go back to Europe.
Now we're finding more.
Hey, fags, we're going to get you.
You know, Donald Trump's gay.
He's going to hell.
All you fags are going to hell.
This is the left.
We have all this extra video now.
They've had all this.
They've looked at it all.
And the shows are like, well, the kids should have left.
These are Fox News shows.
And, well, this shows how America's at each other's throats.
So, on purpose, Fox News and no one else will show all the footage that tens of millions are seeing of them going, we're gonna kill your ass, crackers!
And you black kids over there, we're gonna harvest your organs!
You're dead!
When we come over there, we're gonna beat your ass!
I have all this video.
One of the videos we put out of this has 10 million views today.
So see, the mainstream media thinks nobody's seeing all this.
Oh, everybody's seeing.
Then they turn on even Fox News.
And they won't even show you how vicious and hateful... I mean, the Democrats, you can walk down a line of Democrats at these marches for an hour.
In front of their kids, they go, F you!
I'll beat your ass!
I hope you die!
They'll say it to women.
They'll run up and grab men's genitals, and the police will laugh.
And they'll say, I'm a liberal!
I can grab your genitals!
They are mad dog crazy!
But here's the good news.
We're going to play all these clips here today.
America's and the world's interest has now been piqued.
This is a tipping point.
Because despite all the censorship and all the manipulation, the truth is getting out and people are seeing what unhinged monsters the left are.
Now Alexander Cortez is saying the world's going to end in 12 years if we don't pay carbon taxes to the Rothschilds.
She's saying billionaires shouldn't exist when it's the big mega billionaires that are actually pushing this global consolidation and are tax exempt.
While Venezuela collapses, these people are out of control.
But just to illustrate, and I'm not bragging, it's why Infowars is so important, it was robbed due on Saturday.
Robbed due on Saturday, and we were up here doing special reports that began to tweet out, hey, look at these angles of the videos we found.
And then Jack Posobiec and others picked it up after the Women's March, pointing out this didn't happen.
And it chained reaction.
It chained reaction, and then by Sunday night, Monday, people were going, oh, maybe there's another side.
And then today, CNN's like, okay, it was wrong what happened to these kids, because they had to close the school.
They've got prominent people saying, bomb them, kill them.
They doxed their whole families.
This is real bullying.
This is real terrorization.
And so now it's all blown up in their face.
But that's what Rush Limbaugh pointed out.
He said, shame on National Review, shame on Fox News.
It's a long 12-minute clip.
I'm just going to play a minute of it next break, after the break.
He said that the Republicans just jump on other Republicans, including these young kids.
The school did it.
The National Review did it.
Fox News did it.
To all virtue signal and say, yes, we're sorry, we're bad, to get curry favor with the corporate media that everyone hates.
It's like Congressman Steve King.
He didn't say white supremacy is good.
He said white supremacy and white nationalism is not the same as nationalism.
But the Republicans all wanted a virtue signal and they all wanted to strip him of his committeeship just to show how they're groveling and pissing down their legs.
Even Jim Jordan, oh gosh, and McCarthy.
We're sorry.
We won't do it anymore.
We promise.
We'll kiss your butt properly.
Please, please, we're not racist.
Let us show you how we're not.
Meanwhile, Fox News won't even show you hours of footage that we shot, hours of footage others shot, where you just randomly click a feed and it's, if you whites are going to freaking die, America was never great.
It'll never be great.
We're bringing this country down and we're going to kill every white person.
And usually it's a weird white person saying it.
With like crazy racist black people and Hispanics going, that's right, bitches!
That's right, bitches!
I mean, I've got all this footage we're gonna show you.
Took the team days to bleep it all.
And it's just frothing.
Men threatening to murder women.
Women running up and grabbing male reporters by the genitals.
Hispanics running up saying, I'm subhuman.
I mean, it's just insane frothing.
And then none of it's on the news, except edited videos to make us look bad.
Fox News is in on it, folks.
They're in on it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Limbaugh gets it right.
The Republicans grovel in fear for corporate mainstream media attention.
It's a total hoax.
And they turned instantly on these young men and bought the leftist hoax.
But the world is waking up and isn't buying it.
Here's Limbaugh knocking it out of the park.
Our old buddies at National Review were among the first to pile on these kids.
What would make a bunch of people on our side want to destroy teenagers?
I'll tell you what would make them want to destroy teenagers, salvaging their own reputations.
They couldn't afford, in their own thinking, to be seen as being on the same side as these evil kids.
Well, the kids were not evil.
The black Israelites starting all this were evil.
And then these Indian provocateurs, who do this for a living because they're part of the bought-and-paid-for rented mob on the American left,
They joined the proceedings because they know they have protected status in the media and within the Democrat Party.
And right there, National Review, they start condemning these kids.
And I think I heard Meghan McCain started condemning these kids.
All these people.
National Review has a race.
They've deleted their original story on this.
Whoever wrote it, Meghan McCain tweeted, oh, I'm sorry, oh my god, I should have waited, I should have spent some time.
Everybody and I, oh, we're terribly sorry, yeah, I get it.
What I don't get is why you don't recognize these scams the moment they happen.
I do.
Oh, and who was here Saturday working, I'm not bragging, Alex Jones, Rob Doon.
We're working seven days a week right now.
And I'm honored to do it.
A lot of times he brings his children up here, so do I, but we have to.
Because we just can't sit here and have something like this happen.
We got our reporters on the ground.
Three of them.
No, four of them.
You know how much money it takes to have four reporters in D.C.
for two days?
That's why we need your financial support, why we need to buy products in 4store.com, but that's another issue.
Now, just to show you we are the zeitgeist.
And yes, White House speechwriters listen every morning and they agree with our points and our analysis because we're always even ahead of Limbaugh and ahead of Hannity and ahead of Tucker Carlson because we hit the bar bar first.
You now see in Trump's tweet, Nick Sandman and the students of Covington have become symbols of fake news and how evil it can be.
They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for good, maybe even to bring people together.
It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream.
And now everyone's saying this is a tipping point, and with leftists calling for killing the kids, killing their families, blowing up their school, prominent Democrats calling for it, Twitter not deleting their tweets.
Twitter only deleted one of the sub-accounts that showed the cropped video, the doctored video of only the end.
But even that audio, if you listen to it carefully, you can hear, white piece of crap, go back to Europe!
But you look at all the video, there's literally 20 minutes before, and a bunch of video after, where you've got full-grown adults pointing at 7-year-old black kids and white kids, saying, I'm gonna harvest your organs, bitch!
These are quotes.
That means I'm gonna kill you!
And people say that.
We got all these other videos going, we're gonna beat your ass!
You take that hat off, I'm gonna beat your ass!
Full grown men to little kids, I'm gonna beat your ass!
And full grown men with clubs, in some cases, saying they're gonna beat people's ass, that's now the poor babies!
And the poor little, poor little native elder, he's so good!
The natives are always sweet to everyone!
They never cut your eyelids off and buried you in ants.
They never murdered each other.
They were just perfect.
They never hurt anybody.
So, just to document it, here's the very start of the show yesterday, where I said this has captured the attention of the world.
Here it is.
Gentlemen, there are moments when you know the world's gonna change.
Like Martin Luther King's speech, I Have a Dream.
There are positive moments.
There are also negative moments.
And I can tell you, the zeitgeist that's been hit
With the mainstream corporate media, from ABC to CBS to NBC, to NPR, to all the local TV stations where I live, all saying, did you see the young gang of white supremacists wearing Make America Great Again hats go up to an innocent elder, this wonderful, good, loving man, and ridicule and attack him viciously.
Notice that on all these different channels and places, they don't show more than one or two seconds of video or audio.
That's because you've got this group of Native Americans, blacks and white.
Okay, let's stop right there.
And then I go into how this is going to blow up in their face.
This is a tipping point, as I just said, captivating the world.
The reason I point that out is, it is.
And now there's a chain reaction I'm seeing everywhere, where we're getting flooded with phone calls, my family is, people apologizing, saying, oh, is this what they do to you?
Yes, this is what they do to us on a regular basis, and that's how cold-blooded corporate media is.
In fact, we put a little compilation together of just some, Saturday and Sunday, of the demonization when the media was in on it and knew full well, here it is.
The outrage over a video showing an encounter between teenagers and a Native American veteran near the Lincoln Memorial.
Outrage is growing this afternoon over students who mocked a Native American Vietnam veteran.
A video that is causing outrage for so many.
A Kentucky Catholic high school is facing backlash after footage of students mocking a Native American elder appeared online.
The videos have drawn outrage.
Outrage from all corners.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media.
Sparked outrage on social media.
A group of teenagers, many wearing Make America Great Again hats, were caught on video taunting a Native American Vietnam veteran.
We are hearing from a Native American elder and Vietnam War veteran.
He's got a gun!
When I was there and I was standing there and I seen that group of people in front of me and I seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation.
One young man is captured in a tense moment, now being replayed online, getting right in his face and mocking his singing and drumming on the day of the Indigenous Peoples March.
A moment from the march has gone viral.
An interaction between native marchers and a group of high school students.
Videos of the encounter shared widely on social media.
Swiss backlash against the behavior of those Kentucky teens.
You see a lot of red in this.
You see a lot of the MAGA hats.
The smile on his face shows how little respect he had for what he was witnessing.
Clearly these boys are not getting a good education because it makes little sense to angrily chant build the wall to a population with literally zero illegal immigrants.
So they never chanted build a wall when the folks came over with the drums they hopped up and down and had fun with them and smiled and then they started saying we're gonna kill you.
I started saying, we're going to take your organs, get out of here, you white pieces of filth.
And I've got all the audio and all the video.
I'm going to show it to you when we come back.
But Fox News won't show you.
Because they're just trying to like go, oh, OK, the kids didn't do anything.
These scumbags marched over grown men, basically in a race cult that hates white people and hates America, and got in their face.
And now the corporate media is covering it up.
And the neocons are involved as well.
They're enemies of the people just as much as CNN.
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Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
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And so,
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You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
So now this is a video production group that contracts with Facebook to do news checking and to put out news reports.
And what they do is they work with provocateurs that show up and come up and say horrible things to you on the streets of D.C.
and other areas.
And when you respond, they edit the tape.
So they're one of the main groups involved in all of this, but Fox News and others and National Review who joined in on attacking the kids with no proof and didn't say a word when the left said kill them, burn down their school, school shoot them, murder them, dox their families.
Now they're like, well, okay, it could have been handled different.
You know, the native elder, the little sweetie cake, you know, Soros minion, which is now confirmed.
He just came over to be friendly and then they were all friendly and it was all nice.
He just felt scared because he was protecting the black men from the horrible, horrible monsters.
Meanwhile, we're going to play two minutes of video here.
This is just some of it.
Not just from the black Israelites, but others.
Saying we're going to harvest your organs, get out of here crackers, go back to Europe.
And the kids are like laughing and smiling at this, and just trying to be friendly.
So this is upside down world, and so now they want this just to go away.
Now the corporate press wants to go, okay, we got it wrong, but they're not getting into the meat and potatoes of it.
That it isn't just the media framing kids for what a bunch of grown men adult thugs did, Democratic Party minions,
Deep state minions, race war provocateurs.
But it's the entire corporate media now continuing to cover up what they really said and what they really did and just how bombshell it is that if you go to a Democrat event and you're wearing a red hat or you're even white, you will have members of the white crowd say, look, he's white.
It's the weirdest thing.
He's got white privilege and they come after you.
So the Democrats are trying to invoke a civil war.
It's very, very dangerous.
I saw a White House spokesperson saying this this morning.
The only truth I saw on Fox about this.
And it's extremely, extremely dangerous.
So, they said that they were chanting, build that wall.
They weren't.
They said that the young man got in the native elder veteran's face, whose veteran story, by the way, doesn't check out.
None of it does.
He says he was a
All these Army Ranger prefixes that don't exist.
It's amazing.
But this story is a window into going to a Democrat event.
It is like going to a lunatic asylum.
And it's getting worse and worse and worse.
So everything they said was a complete inversion.
In fact, if you look at some of the black kids that are from the Catholic school, they're having fun.
They're so nice.
They're so good that they're dancing and having fun while they wait for the bus, smiling.
And the particular one guy that got confronted the most, he sits there and smiles.
Look at the raw footage.
And then look at what the corporate media did.
It's so evil.
Again, we're a radio show that's simulcast on television.
But I'm describing this for radio listeners.
Everyone must tell their neighbors, their friends, their family, their church about InfoWars.com forward slash show to get around the censors so people can see the truth.
And so the corporate media can't put lies out and not be challenged because yet again, I can tell you InfoWars was amongst the very first people on the ground there and here in the ATX.
Rob do.
Within this happening, it was already picked up by leftist media, already picked up by these different Soros amplifier groups, and Rob instantly that evening went and found the raw video and began tweeting it to everybody and warning folks.
And then I saw Jack Posobiec and other people.
So that's why Infowars is so important is we're here seven days a week.
And we're watching and we're aware of their tricks and we know what they're up to.
But we need you to do this as well.
Because we're in an information war.
And we need eyes and ears and people watching what's happening and watching what's going on.
Now I'm going to play some of these videos in a moment, these raw videos.
Get to videos you haven't seen yet.
That's right, videos that we brought back that no one's seen yet.
And some of the viral videos that Caitlin Bennett and others put out for InfoWars that have over 10 million views.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So the Covington Catholic School media pylon calling for their death, calling for their murder.
Kathy Griffin calling for them to be doxxed.
Major musicians calling for mass school shootings, bombings, burning buildings down.
Twitter celebrating it.
This going on for two days starting Saturday at the Soros-funded Women's March has captured the world's attention about fake corporate news and how they knew that this group of hardcore anti-white racists had slithered over into the midst of a bunch of young pro-lifers with black kids, Hispanic kids, you name it, part of their school, just about to get on a bus and leave after their pro-life march.
And then there's 20 plus minutes before with these different groups yelling and screaming expletives, names, get out of here white people, go back to Europe, we're going to harvest your organs, you're all a bunch of fags, you're all incest children, we're going to play all this for you right now.
And the corporate media knew it and ran with it not thinking that, oh, other people are going to go look at the raw footage.
And you had very groups there that have set me up in the same city with other Native American groups who they use as their untouchable gods who come up and yell at you and say horrible things and then go, I've done nothing.
Why are you being mean?
When you respond back.
But these kids were smart.
They didn't even respond back.
And so now it's blown up in their face.
This could have gone horribly wrong with full grown men with clubs.
That where they're huge clubs, big hickory stick clubs, they're harassing little children, some of them as young as age seven.
So I've spent a lot of time on this.
Next hour I'm gonna get into a bunch of other big issues.
We have a bunch of special guests joining us, and I've got a bunch of footage that our folks shot of even worse things happening, but they have radicalized and turned the left into a crazed mob of demons.
So let's go ahead and roll just a two minute compilation
We've got a lot more coming up as well of some of the things that were being said to these young people before, during, and after full-grown men marched into the middle of their crowd, waiting to get on a bus, and tried to start a gangland throwdown with children.
But now men bullying children saying, we're going to harvest your organs.
They're good.
And the young Catholic students, they're bad.
Here it is.
You got all these dirty ass crackers behind you with a red Make America Great hat again on, and your cool ass you want to fight your brother.
You got all these racist bastards with red, you.
You n***** with all these crackers with racist ass make America great hats on and you want to talk about you're going to get violent with us?
Get your old Uncle Tom ass out of here.
Get your Uncle Tom ass out of here.
Get your Super Sambo ass out of here.
Hey, pause right there.
There are some grown black men who are at the pro-life march trying to stop black babies getting killed.
And one guy's like, hey man, you keep doing this, I'm going to beat your ass.
And the black guy starts calling him Shambo and other racist stuff.
I'm telling you folks, there's hours of this.
Just keep rolling it.
That's right.
Leave him alone, brother.
He's trying to make a show now.
You dismissed.
You got your five minutes of fame.
Look at all these damn peckerwoods.
This is what the Lord is coming for.
All these peckerwoods with America, make America great.
This **** want to talk that garbage about **** what you want to do.
Look at all these dusty ass crackers.
We should also add, there are girls, there are high school girls in all this.
And we have footage of people saying to girls, I hope you die, I'm going to kill you, you should have been aborted.
Wait till we get to that.
Keep going.
Racist garbage on, look at these dirty ass crackers.
Can't stand in the damn sun for five minutes.
Why you don't build the damn wall?
Can't stand in the damn sun.
Let me ask you something.
Let me ask y'all something.
Y'all wanna build a wall for Mexicos?
When's the last time you ever seen a Mexican, a Hispanic, a Native American, or a Negro shoot up a school?
Yeah, crickets, crickets, crickets, crickets.
That's right.
Look at their ass, their ass scattered off of that.
Their ass scattered off of that.
Okay, so if you're ready to listen, let me describe what's happening.
You've got people meeting at the mall where they're supposed to meet with their bus to come.
I don't know.
Starts marching over and we've got another 20 minutes of this.
We're going to harvest your organs.
We're going to kill you.
Go back to Europe.
We have the footage of while the native elder veteran is beating on the drum in the guy's face, in the kid's face, the young man's face, saying, go back to Europe.
We're going to get you.
Get out of here.
I mean, we play the audio, but imagine the media had this on the original audio, but wouldn't show it, wouldn't play the audio.
They would just show the video.
And show kids smiling, and then say they were being hateful and mean.
So in a moment we'll play this.
In fact, back that up.
Play that because this is it.
Point Blank Range, the racial slurs, not just from 30-40 yards away.
And then they all move away and get in a circle and are looking out apprehensively 40 yards away.
Well, don't worry.
Here comes the Native American Angel Cake who went on NPR and talked about how scared he was.
He thought they were going to attack the poor little black men.
Who are threatening to beat people's heads in.
Let's continue.
Go back to Europe as long as the Muslims.
Kisses drag.
You're going to see your president kiss Rudy Giuliani dressed in a drag outfit.
Your president is a homosexual.
That's enough.
Turn it off.
And it just goes on and on with the organ harvesting and all of it.
But here's the thing.
That's what the left is.
You go to one of their events.
It's circus insane asylumists.
It is nothing but craziness.
And again, if you're a TV viewer, you can see the wonderful elder marching over, beating his drum while people cuss and yell and say, we're going to get you.
And then march into the group of kids who are hopping up and down with them with his drum, trying to be nice.
What classy young people.
Oh, but for being classy and smiling and hopping up and down with the guy when he comes over with the drum, trying to be nice.
They get to be the horrible evil people condemned by Fox News and the Republican leadership and by National Review and by the Weekly Standard.
But don't worry.
Don't worry.
Infowars was there watching and put the truth out and our audience did and telegraphed it and boosted it and amplified it.
And don't worry.
Trump waited and waited to see what really happened.
He didn't jump the gun.
So there you go.
Now, I've spent a lot of time on this.
We start the next hour.
You're going to see video, and you're going to hear audio, and we're going to play clips here that have never been seen, some that have been seen.
I never even played yesterday on my main show, Owen Schroer having his genitals grabbed, and the Feminist saying, I'm allowed to in front of the police!
Sexually assaulting!
In fact, let's play that video going out to break here.
We'll cue that up in a moment.
But we've got stuff you haven't even seen yet of grown men
Saying get out of here white scum to other white people and then saying I want to kill you because they had Infowars microphones.
Let's play this clip of Owen Troyer being sexually assaulted.
Here it is.
She just grabbed my dick.
Is that sexual assault?
Is that sexual assault?
So you just sexually assaulted me?
I did assault you.
So you'd be arrested?
I'm not going to arrest you.
Arrest me?
There are police officers right here.
So look at this!
Women have so much privilege, she can sexually assault me and get away with it.
If I did that to her, I'd get arrested.
I just told you, if you want to go ahead, there are police right here.
I'm not complaining.
You're the one that walked up and grabbed my crotch.
Yeah, because I'm fighting for equality here.
How so?
So Trump's never been convicted, never charged, never anything for sexual assault.
Clinton's settled all these cases.
But the point is, she's saying, because he talks about women throwing themselves on him, and the president can do whatever he wanted,
That turns into now every other man's guilty and she can assault whoever she wants.
These people are insane.
It's mass mental illness, mass hysteria.
Hour number two.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalists are attempting to kill common sense.
They're attempting to shut down all voices that disagree with their narrative.
They're openly announcing that they're going to ban the word family.
Google is saying that it's a hateful word.
They're going to start restricting.
I'm not kidding.
And now at shopping centers in the UK, they're no longer saying family parking areas.
They are removing that.
And they're now having their first transgender families where everyone is another gender.
And they teach people when they're four they're another gender and say that it was their choice to begin the sterilization process.
No, a four-year-old does what their parents tell them.
So it's like saying my four-year-old wants to commit suicide.
So some areas of Northern Europe, they let little children commit suicide because they said they volunteered.
They aren't of age to make the decision.
This is true child abuse.
But I want to finish up.
We were covering earlier about jumping the shark, corporate media in so much trouble now, because there's other angles of the fraud and then framing these Catholic school children.
And here is Greg Reese's report on that.
A group of young students from Covington Catholic High School were in Washington DC on a field trip.
A group known as the Black Israelites began shouting at the young high school students, calling them incest babies, dogs, and crackers.
You want to wave high?
A bunch of incest babies!
A bunch of babies made out of incest!
They even wished death upon their parents.
May the Lord strike your mother and your father down!
I wish I knew the person he is!
The young students responded by turning away from the verbal attack and engaging in spirited school cheers.
Goddamn dog!
Get rid of your lice!
Y'all sound like a bunch of dogs!
A bunch of hyenas!
A bunch of dogs!
A bunch of hyenas!
So far, a normal day in America's diverse capital.
But then, a group of Native Americans who were in the area protesting approached the group of children.
That's right!
It come again!
It come again!
It come again!
Look at that Make America Great Again hat!
Elderly Native American Nathan Phillips walked right up to young student Nick Sandman and began beating a drum in his face for several minutes, making him understandably uncomfortable.
Grown adults can be heard telling the young white children to go back to Europe.
Out of all this, the mainstream media created a fictional narrative that claimed the students provoked the entire ordeal.
They claimed the young students approached the Native American with hostility and racial hatred, when in fact, the full video shows exactly the opposite.
As a result of this lie, the unhinged American left began spewing calls for violence on social media.
They even called for the murder of the entire school.
The mainstream media is not only lying, they are now targeting young innocent American lives.
They are not only creating false narratives, they are fomenting violence.
They are using their powerful platforms to not only betray the public's trust, but to weaponize us against each other.
These crimes are most serious, and one can only hope that justice makes a long stop in America.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news, today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're now into the second hour of the global transmission.
January 22nd, 2019.
And the globalists have really attempted to silence us and thousands of other prominent nationalists and conservatives around the world.
That it has only made people hit the streets.
It's only made average people become activists.
And no matter what they do, no matter the hoaxes, they try to push that these Democrat events where you have mental illness and America hating on display, the truth is getting out.
We got footage ourselves of the main chance being no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
And America was never great.
And it's never going to be great.
And we're joined by a great activist who also does some work for us, Caitlin Bennett.
She has several videos.
One video has 10 million views, another video has 3 million views.
We're going to premiere some other videos you haven't seen yet that she just sent in to us.
Because obviously you're out there live covering a march, you can't get it all out at that point.
Where you see and hear things like this.
This particular video has 10 million views right now.
Here it is.
Do you know what the number one cause of death in the United States is?
It's abortion.
No, actually I... It's abortion.
Shay, you have a right to one.
Abortion is murder.
Shay, stay away from her.
Your daddy would have killed you.
What will you do to me?
I'll abort you after.
You'll abort me after term?
Yes, like late term abortion.
Out of women's marks, you just said you would murder me.
I'm not against, uh, justice.
So, we have a bunch of clips of grown men saying they'll kill a female reporter.
That's all coming up next segment.
Let's get into some of the other mental illness, though.
Let's get into some of that right now, because Alexandra Cortez, in just the last week,
I know it seems like a week ago was a thousand years ago sometimes.
Remember just a week ago?
She gave an interview and she said that the Democrats are going to pull a train on the Republicans.
Now, that's a gang rape.
Because the Republicans obviously don't like what the Democrats are doing.
She's saying, we're going to line up because her and her homies like to play this game.
Some call it Amtrak, Cortez calls it the train.
She always lines up in a single foul line and they take turns raping girls in their behind.
That's the song she's singing.
Cortez and her homies like to play this game.
Some call it Amtrak.
She calls it the train.
So just in the last week, we had that a week ago.
She looks like she's a molly addict.
That's an ecstasy addict.
I mean, I've seen plenty of them.
Her eyes are the size of saucers.
She's lost a third of her body weight the last year.
She's either on meth or she's a molly head.
But the way she acts in public at events in bright lights, nothing but pure pupils.
So good.
And she's talking about pulling trains and killing people and screwing everybody over and all these crazy things she's saying.
Well, now she says that the world's going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change because it's going to stop the earth spinning.
You know, every time there's an earthquake, they say it's climate change.
This is just pure voodoo.
And then it got better.
She said, we can't have an America where there's billionaires.
I'm going to break all that down.
We have a reporter, by the way, at Davos, Dan Lyman.
He's already got incredible footage that we posted at Infowars.com of the big, huge walls, steel walls, 20-foot steel walls they erected all around the town for the elite's safety.
But that very same group of globalists wants open borders for the countries.
So he'll be with us in the third hour today.
But I thought we'd talk about Cortez, Meth Mouth Cortez, as she's known.
I predicted this a month ago, and I predict it again today.
And DrudgeReport.com has the headline, or had it earlier, that she's cracking up.
Yes, when you say that the earth will be over in 12 years, this is her off script, this is a drug-addled person in my view.
I mean, not my view, folks.
Everybody's watched cops, or other cop shows, and they pull them over, get on, and you go, oh, those are meth heads.
Those are meth heads.
They always find meth.
Or, oh, yeah, they pull over the skater guys, and they're all whacked out, and, oh, they're going to have molly on them.
Or a drunk's kind of falling over like this, ah, officer, what's the problem?
That person's drunk.
Somebody says, hey officer, what's going on, man?
Okay, that person's on pills or marijuana.
Cortez is on amphetamines.
Cortez is on meth.
Cortez is on molly.
Cortez is a drug addict from when she worked at clubs and at bars.
An earlier video she's in, and she's got the look of somebody that does something else on the side.
But, she's gotten strung out now.
But now she's a member of Congress, and what's gonna happen?
Well, because they have polls out, 76% of Democrats in a poll want her for president.
So what's that tell you about the derangement of these people?
Where they want a 27-year-old, appears to be a crack whore,
With meth mouth.
I mean, if you were walking down the street and you saw Cortez, you'd say, that girl is a drug addict.
And the way she dresses, you'd think, you know, she's probably a hooker.
Nothing wrong with hookers.
The point is, is that she looks like a meth-head hooker.
But it's her politics that are dangerous.
So, let's go ahead and get to her, that the earth is going to end.
Because now she's, now she's Carnac the Magnificent.
Now she's
Here it is.
I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.
And your biggest issue is...
Your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And like this is the war, this is our World War II.
This is our World War II to pay the Rothschilds hundreds of millions a year for any carbon that's put out.
But it gets better.
Davos to a man, except when Trump went.
Davos to a man.
And woman wants higher taxes, globalism, except they're all exempt and wrote the international laws.
And the head of the EU and all of them exempt themselves from taxes.
Google, Apple, all of them pay almost no taxes.
We're talking less than 1 or 2 percent.
It's a total scam, but they're lecturing you all day and doing this, and then all the big billionaires are funding this system, ending capitalism, creating a crony, vertical integration, authoritarian, fascist globalism.
But they use socialism to control us at the grassroots to get us domesticated.
And then she's up here putting out the line that Bloomberg and all these billionaires want that made off gaming the system and now they're trying to get rid of the old system so nobody has a way up.
I hate to personalize this, but
Do you think it is moral for individuals to, for instance, do we live in a moral world that allows for billionaires?
Is that a moral outcome?
No, it's not.
It's not.
And I think it's important to say that.
I don't think it's not.
That necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral.
It is not to say that.
Let's stop right there.
We'll come back with more later.
But folks.
The globalists are the ultra-rich that set up a system where they don't pay taxes, and they're getting rid of the way for any of us to ever become successful.
They're ending the family, they're ending humans in the military, they're going into automated total control grids.
This is the way of the future.
Humans are being made obsolete.
The Guardian has an article out today saying, the elite's plan is making humans obsolete.
Yes, exactly, and you leftists are helping do it.
You're morons.
Go to Venezuela, you jackasses.
God Almighty.
What a dangerous, what appears to be a method.
Might be a crackhead.
Might be a leprechaun.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Oh, yeah.
You know, earlier I was talking about Alexandria Cortez.
70 plus percent of Democrats in a poll want her to be the president.
I was just talking about the idiotic things she says.
How the earth's gonna stop spinning in 12 years and we're all dead if we don't pay carbon taxes.
Having billionaires in America is a bad thing.
It's immoral when it's the very billionaires to a person other than Trump and a few others.
99% that
Are tax-exempt, but are pushing for higher taxes on the middle class.
It's incredible, but now she thinks she's Nostradamus.
So we're going to call her Crackhead Domus, Nostral Domus.
You know, we have polls on Infowars.
Sometimes they get like a half million votes, usually about 100,000.
I want somebody to launch a joke poll.
Should Alexander Cortez's name be changed to Nostral Domus, Meth Mouth Domus, Carbon Tax Domus,
Or Race War Damas?
Or Anorexic Damas?
Because I really am worried about her.
She has degenerated.
She was a very pretty girl a few years ago.
She, even when the camera puts 10 pounds on you, she looks like a meth head or crack whore stumbling around in the middle of the street.
I mean, to have her in the dark, to not show that, is very, very sad.
So, I'm really worried about Nostril Damas, who says that Donald Trump Jr.
can't even make fun of her.
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But separately, folks, I'm not trying to pick on her.
She's a very dangerous, crazy person.
But that's why the whole globalists left love her.
It's all about this dumbing down process now, shifting gears.
We have a whole bunch of clips that have already gone viral, other clips that you haven't seen yet.
Dealing with reporters that were at the Soros-funded Women's March.
Caitlin Bennett is at Twitter, and we'll give you her Twitter account on screen here in a moment.
And she was out there doing a great job and got massively accosted.
You can see one of her videos with 10.1 million views.
And this gentleman says that she should be aborted, even though she's out there pointing out to everybody that the main cause of death in the U.S.
is now abortion.
But right now, let's go to this compilation video, Feminist Assault and Threaten to Kill Conservative Women at Women's March with Kaitlin Bennett.
Here it is.
You agreed to this interview.
Get out!
We have a right to listen.
Get the f*** out!
So she's being pretty disruptive.
Are you going to do anything about it?
I believe you do not want me there.
Dude, step back.
Don't, don't stop following her.
That's assault.
That's assault.
You know, stop, seriously.
That's assault, that is assault.
What's your name?
Is this your daughter, ma'am?
She just assaulted us.
Okay, your daughter just assaulted us.
Your daughter just assaulted us.
Okay, we'll go let the police know your daughter assaulted us.
She just assaulted us.
Are you going to do anything?
Don't touch me, sir.
Go someplace else.
Go someplace else.
Don't touch me.
Do not touch me.
Fine, but go someplace else.
Please back away from me.
You've already touched me at this point.
You're harassing these people.
I'm not harassing them.
You're harassing them.
Leave them be.
Okay, so let's go to another clip just so you remember.
This is Owen Schroer at the same event with a woman coming over and grabbing his genitals in front of police that are literally 10 feet away beside him and about 15 feet behind him.
And he says, is that okay to the cops?
They go, yeah, it's okay.
Here it is.
She just grabbed my dick.
Is that sexual assault?
Is that sexual assault?
So you just sexually assaulted me?
I did assault you.
Should you be arrested?
Arrest me?
I'm not going to arrest you.
There are police officers right here.
So look at this!
Women have so much privilege, she can sexually assault me and get away with it.
If I did that to her, I'd get arrested.
I just told you, if you want to go ahead, there are police right here.
I'm not complaining.
You're the one that walked up and grabbed my crotch.
Yeah, because I'm fighting for equality here.
How so?
And we're going to Caitlyn.
He's talking to this guy right before she grabs him.
He goes, no, Trump's never done that.
Bill Clinton has.
And then as soon as she assaults him, he says, yay, you're allowed to!
It's like they've suspended just even, not just common sense, not even morality, they've suspended science and just physics and logic that if it's wrong to talk about women throwing themselves on you, you can do whatever you want, like Elvis, which it isn't, that's part of mating.
You know, the woman throws herself at you, if you want her, then that's what happens.
They have these Gillette ads where a girl walks by all sexy and a guy wants to say hi to her.
Another guy goes, whoa, whoa, bro, don't talk to a girl.
See, talking to a girl is rape.
But if you actually grab somebody by the genitals, or you cut girls' genitals off like the Muslims do, or you throw gays off buildings, or you sell women into sex slavery, and you're the Arab Spring, well, then it's the greatest thing since pumpkin pie.
Let's continue with this guy.
Yeah, he's settled multiple rape cases.
His wife, huh?
He sexually assaults his wife.
You can do that.
So you guys still haven't named one woman Trump has assaulted.
What are you talking about?
Have you ever seen the photos of him with his daughter?
Have you seen the videos of Joe Biden groping children?
Yeah, no.
What's that?
All right, let's stop right here.
Are you real?
This goes on for hours.
I mean, it's like the mental institutions were opened up, and this is what poured out on the streets.
These people literally are the losers, the followers of the planet.
We're going to come back into more exclusive footage of all this, but Caitlin Bennett is a famous activist from Kent State out there carrying her rifle openly.
And of course now she does some work as a freelancer for InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
She also has her own reporting.
We really appreciate Caitlin joining us.
I got to tell you, everything you've been doing is going totally viral.
We're about to go to break, but what's the main takeaway from what we saw at this Women's March?
Just like you said, they let the people out of the mental institutions.
The main takeaway is that they aren't fighting for women's rights.
They're fighting against women's rights.
If I had to take anything away from it, it's that they're kind of going backwards.
They want free speech to be oppressed.
They don't want gun rights.
They want communism.
They want socialism.
And they don't know it, but they're going to tear themselves down if they keep marching and advocating for stuff like this.
Wow, you just crystallized it perfectly.
We've got one minute left.
Give me more big knowledge bombs.
I wish that they would stop using my gender to promote these ideas, too.
Because when I was there, I went to Cleveland specifically because I knew people would know who I was because I'm known around there for what I did at Kent State.
And I wanted just to see how intolerant they would be towards me.
And I didn't even get there for five minutes and that man in the background that we're looking at on the screen in the vest would not quit following me.
A lot of toxic masculinity at this march and a lot of toxic feminism, but no one would disavow it around me.
They just, it's an anti-Trump march.
That's it.
I wish they would be honest about what it is.
Well, you said it.
They're stealing all women's identities and saying that they speak for you and that's led by Linda Sorcerer, whose mother is the global leader of defending genital mutilation of little girls who can't defend themselves.
These are sick freaks.
We'll be right back.
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They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
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I mean, what?
I mean, never!
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you, Redding.
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
And so,
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master built.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, I'm not being a drama queen or drama king here, but they had an event where they blocked off downtown a few months ago, and one of the big events on the main stage on Congress was Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and fake news.
And so they were having this big event about how I'm a big liar and, you know, saying I did all these things I didn't do.
That's what they do.
They run hoaxes.
So I get there and I go up and they start booing me when I'm sitting down.
So I get up and start talking.
And then when I say America's coming back, America's great again, they really started booing and freaking out.
You know, of course, we've shown you the video and men ran up.
Not just one, but several, and began trying to lick my face and grab my genitals.
Well, this happened to Caitlin Bennett multiple times.
And Owen Troyers.
We haven't even gotten to that footage.
And there's a flashback.
Old leftist says he can rape Caitlin Bennett if he wants to.
So there's this derangedness.
I don't care if they're white.
I'm not virtue signaling.
They're almost all white.
It's true.
They're black, Hispanic.
Lacked out of their gourds, ladies and gentlemen.
And they will sexually assault you.
They will kick you.
They will spit on you.
They have bags of poop.
I don't want to get into details what they do.
I looked it up and read about law enforcement.
They have rotting urine and feces in bags.
And when it hits you, it's just, it's next levels.
I've never smelled anything like it.
They mainly hit poor Owen.
They missed me and hit Owen.
When he was out there with me in downtown Austin.
And that's why you can't stay somewhere longer than 20 minutes.
I kept telling the cops that were talking to me, I said, I gotta get out of here, Angie was coming.
And we'll handle them, we'll take care of them.
And I go.
Yeah, I understand.
I'm not scared of them, but I've done what I want.
I don't want to get poop thrown on me.
Well, I did.
They showed up with their poop.
So we're dealing with demon creatures.
Like I've been saying for many years, liberalism is a satanic mental disorder.
Michael Savage just calls it a mental disorder.
So we'll talk to Caitlin Bennett more about this here in a moment.
Next hour, big developments in Davos, big developments in the Euro.
Our main fight isn't just here, it's there as well.
Turns out Merkel and Macron just got booed during an EU army signing.
They've established their army so you can't leave.
Just a few years ago they said it didn't exist.
The dream of Hitler is happening.
But we've got our Dan Lyman in Davos where they built huge steel walls.
The video is up on Infowars.com.
It's all unfolding.
That is next hour.
You're not going to want to miss this.
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All right, I'm going to stop it there.
Caitlin, I apologize.
I've been ranting, and I'll take a little bit of the next hour.
This segment next, you've got the floor.
Describe as a woman, as a patriot, as a liberty activist, what you witnessed at this women's march and where you think this is all going.
Also what happened with the fake Native American group attacking the kids and the media trying to spin it and how that's blown up in their face.
I mean, this seems almost like the left's waterloo is their own events and their true nastiness.
And when America sees the type of scum we're dealing with, they totally wake up.
Yeah, so my experience at the Women's March was it was a bunch of pre-programmed responses to anybody they don't agree with.
And, you know, we have that meme going around that, you know, they're like NPCs, but it's true.
Every time they saw the InfoWars logo on my microphone, it was Sandy Hook, gay frogs, and Alex Jones is banned on every platform.
That's fake news.
One man actually looked at me and said, I won't treat you with respect, even though we're at a women's march, because of the Infowars microphone.
And I was like, that's so rude because Democrats are so mad at Trump for attacking the free press.
But then if it's the press that the Democrats don't like, they literally treat individuals like
Like, complete trash.
And I experienced that there.
There were a lot of people that simply wouldn't talk to me because of the microphone.
There were a lot of women there that just cussed at me.
They said that we should treat women with respect, but not me because I'm the gun girl.
There was one man, like I said, in that vest that would not leave me alone.
I asked him several times.
He's making me uncomfortable.
Please leave me alone.
And he wouldn't.
And no one would disavow him.
They told me that I should leave rather than anything.
Stay there, we're gonna come back, because what this is, is the death of logic.
It's the death of logic, because they'll sit there and grab men's genitals, attack you, say they hope you die, and you're like, well that's really mean and evil, it's against what you say.
Well, I decide to suspend my morals here.
They have no moorings, it's all moral relativist garbage.
We'll be right back with Caitlin Bennett, straight ahead, stay with us.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that, and I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, InfoWarshore.com, to give you my absolute total commitment.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the London Guardian occasionally tells the truth.
The goal is to automate us.
Welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism.
Where they basically manipulate you to buy and act and behave the way they want.
That is the global social score network system developed in the West, deployed and tested in authoritarian China, and now being brought to the West.
And you've got big tech and all of them together on this making their authoritarian move.
And then you've got the susceptible that buy into whatever they think is trending.
And the people that live in their own little weird leftist enclaves always having to become more extreme to be cool.
More extreme.
I cut my genitals off.
I taught my five-year-old to cut his off.
Well, I believe we should cut our arms and legs off and be trans-abled and dump Drano in our eyes.
And psychologists tell us how smart we are.
Britain's first transgender family reveals son five is transitioning.
Children do what their parents tell them.
This is serious child abuse in my view.
Google employees meltdown over the word family.
Google agrees to stop using it.
It's hateful.
It's bad.
Mother-child parking symbol now gender neutral.
The symbol of a mother's hurtful!
To somebody.
So you can't have that symbol.
But it's all okay.
Cortez tells us the end of the world's here.
And maybe it is.
But she just wants our carbon money.
Going back to Caitlin Bennett, journalist, activist, done a great job there at the Women's March.
Continuing with your observations and what you saw and just explosive mental illness and it seems to be getting worse.
Where do you think it's going?
And then let's get into
How this has backfired, claiming that these Catholic school kids attacked these poor, loving, native elders.
Now the media is still trying to backtrack, but not ever showing all the footage where they're saying, we're going to kill you white people.
Still, Fox News won't show that because
They're soft-pedaling the whole deal.
They want to pose as their Trump supporters.
But really, they want to manage us.
It was the Republicans, and it was National Review, and it was all the neocons that jumped on these kids with no evidence.
Now they want to slow-walk this thing back.
Well, I think you're right in the first place when you said that maybe the world is going to end in 12 years like Alexandria said.
Because at the end of the march in Cleveland where I was, the
The Women's March went into a church, and they actually set up a booth for Planned Parenthood inside the church.
And I confronted the pastor and I said, how can you let them advocate for murder in your church?
I'm pretty sure it's not very Christian to advocate for abortion or murder, especially inside of a church.
So, you know, she might be right.
Maybe the world will end in 12 years.
And then, you know, after I left the church because I couldn't stand it, one man threatened to late-term abort me because I told his daughter the truth.
And that video has 10 million views, I just want to point out.
It has 10 million views because leftists are saying that he should have murdered me on the street, and they're getting hundreds of thousands of likes.
Because they're spreading around this video saying that he should have murdered me right there.
He should have shot me.
So, uh, you know, maybe the world is gonna end.
I don't have any doubt about it.
So, about those kids, about the Catholic kids, I didn't say anything about it because I didn't know the truth.
I didn't make any statements about it, and I feel really bad for him that people that he has looked up to, Trump supporters, they all went after him to disavow him, to say, you know, oh, we're not all like that.
I feel terrible for that kid because people he looked up to jumped the gun, didn't wait for him to explain himself, and now he has the whole world disavowing him before they really knew the truth.
And I feel terrible for him because people he looked up to in Fox News, he probably watches Fox News and they disavowed him.
The March for Life disavowed him.
I feel terrible for him.
His school disavowed him.
Rob Dew was the first on it, the first person to start tweeting and pointing out the raw video, and then Jack Posobiec.
We did not disavow him, and we were up here on Saturday just telling the viewers and listeners, we were here to make sure this got launched.
That's why InfoWars is critical.
And I want people to keep us in the game with your prayers and your support because I want to work seven days a week.
I want to fight these people.
I want to fund Caitlin Bennett going out and getting 15 million views on her videos in just the last two days.
I want to fight, but we can't do it without you, and we're delivering.
But we need you to spread the word.
We need you on your email list, and your Facebook, your Twitter, your YouTube, but by your own text messages.
Evidence shows that's the most highly recognized open thing.
You send text messages to friends and family about, hey, this is what's really going on.
It doesn't seem like a lot, but when you do that as a core audience, the most hardcore that still listens and watches, because our core audience is bigger than ever.
Our reach has been cut off some.
When you take action, it moves mountains, so I salute you all.
Absolutely, make sure.
I think the biggest thing that we can do to help InfoWars is to share the articles.
Get those clicks onto the website so when people see it and they click on that article that they want to watch, maybe they want to see InfoWars breaking the news about, you know, what's going on in China or what's going on with these kids, that leads them to the website to where they can see all of the other articles that are breaking down the truth that the mainstream media won't.
Share InfoWars, share NewsWars articles, so that when they go to the site, they see other truth.
Because you won't see that on the mainstream media sources.
Kaitlyn, and again, I'm not putting you down.
You had the courage to be on this March, and I get waiting to see what happened.
You didn't disavow.
So you did a great job.
But I didn't disavow, because I said, right around Saturday, I go,
He's beating a drum in his face.
These kids all look like they're jumping around like they know the guy.
Where is what's bad?
Well, they're white.
Some of them are white.
He's Native American, so they must be bad.
So I immediately said, let's look into this.
And dude texted me at night.
He goes, I'm tweeting and fighting this.
Here's a raw video.
So I'm sitting there Saturday night watching video of the Deuce tweeting, showing the elder, it's euthanized old people, Newsweek and Timeshare, but it's Native American, it's an elder, and I'm not knocking Native Americans, I'm just, you know, it's getting a little old here like they're God.
And then they march over in the middle of the kids trying to start a fight, and still
Fox News won't show where they say we're going to kill you and we're going to organ harvest you.
We played all that earlier.
That's all on the audio.
So I mean, this is this is like shocking.
Adult men with clubs threatening to harvest children's organs and corporate media still won't cover it.
Why aren't they talking about what the black people were saying, what the black kids were saying to those kids?
They were saying some of the most racist, bigoted stuff I've ever seen, but all I see on Twitter is how smirking is now racist.
But literally saying go back to Europe, you know, you guys are gay, you're going to hell and all this stuff.
Why isn't that being shown even on Fox News?
I don't get it.
I don't know if this is just all a big ploy.
Because Fox wants to control the conservatives, not Hannity, not Tucker, but other than that, I mean, I know the folks that are there.
The corporates want to control the narrative and act like the conservatives are conservative, but not ever have the ace card that proves how evil the Dems are.
So there is a filter to try to make sure you never know how evil the Dems really are, you understand?
Yeah, it's controlled.
They're controlled.
And when a conservative steps out of the line, and this is with the entire GOP, this is with all of the... Steve King did not say anything, exactly.
And the Republicans all jumped on him because, like Limbaugh said, they want to just grovel to the establishment.
Yeah, if you step out of line with what the establishment wants, especially within the conservative movement, and I think more conservatives need to call this out, if you step out of line with what the mainstream GOP wants, the other conservatives will tear you down.
I just got accused by Allie Beth Stuckey of being a paid Soros infiltrator.
Because I didn't wait my turn to be approved by the GOP establishment.
I associate with Infowars.
They hate that.
They hate what we're doing.
They hate the truth getting out there.
They hate being called out.
So I didn't wait my turn, so now I'm a Soros paid infiltrator.
Well, I told you, I told you.
That hey, you shouldn't even be associated with InfoWars.
We want to support you just doing your reporting.
And you're like, no, we're proud of InfoWars, which is fine.
But I think everyone should just go be activists like you are.
Just like Will Johnson and others are.
Like Will wants to promote InfoWars.
I'm like, hey, Will, don't worry about it.
We'll just promote you, buddy.
We don't care.
I love the name of his group.
So, again, we need thousands of groups out there.
They hit InfoWars and label us so they can then label anybody else, tell them the truth is bad.
It's okay.
We're here to take the hit.
All we need is the financial support.
And people spread the articles and the videos every day, folks, just to commit to this fight and to hammer and hammer and hammer.
And you see over and over again, we're at the heart of the resistance.
Caitlin, I want to come back for five more minutes with you before we go to our reporter, Dan Lyman at Davos, covering that, covering the big wall they put up, steel wall and everything else.
So Dan Lyman has come up as well.
Yeah, we got reporters, four reporters on the ground for the Women's Marching D.C.
We got reporters on the ground in Switzerland on a mountaintop.
We're swinging for the fences.
We're fighting hard.
All we ask for is your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth.
Thanking local stations and spreading the word and spreading the link religiously to newswars.com and infowars.com.
Thank you all.
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This is InfoWars Darkness Hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Do you know what the number one cause of death in the United States is?
It's abortion.
No, actually I- What?
It's abortion.
Shay, you have a right to one.
Abortion is murder.
Shay, stay away from her.
Your daddy would have killed you.
What will you do to me?
I'll abort you after.
You'll abort me after term?
Yeah, it's like late term abortion.
At a women's morgue, you just said you would murder me.
I'm not against justice.
Kaitlin Bennett has a lot of courage.
I've been familiar with her work for a couple years.
And she was talking about getting demonized by the so-called right wing.
But she's a Soros provocateur.
Because she goes out and gets all these viral videos showing leftists acting bad.
The Republican Party, at the top, works for the Democrats.
Limbaugh came out and said that in a clip we played in the first hour.
They all piled on to these kids.
When anybody could look at it and say, like Limbaugh said, you've got someone who's probably a political activist for the Democrats, which it turned out Limbaugh's right.
We were right.
He's a professional activist.
He goes to universities and on Halloween he starts fights with people.
that are wearing any type of Native American outfit.
Hey dude, it's America!
Anybody can dress however they want.
America's all about everybody appropriating everything.
It's like telling Japanese not to wear Western suits.
They laugh at you.
People are having fun.
What's one of the most fun parties to have is a fiesta party.
You know, my daughter's born on Cinco de Mayo, my youngest daughter.
We've already done it once.
We have Mexican-themed parties.
The food's good.
The neighbors like tequila and stuff like that.
Get a margarita machine.
It's not pissing on Mexicans that we're adopting their holiday.
It's fun.
And by the way, people go out dressed in sombreros.
White people and the Mexicans love it because they get it.
It's fun.
You know, being normal.
Having fun.
But I digress.
It's having a Western party.
But they just keep trying to push this, just keep trying to do this, they keep trying to create this division.
I don't see it working.
I see it starting to peak.
What do you think is coming next?
Honestly, I have no clue.
I think they're kind of setting this up to where they are going to program everybody watching this and everybody listening to what's going on with these kids as a way.
They're pushing for the red MAGA hats to be a symbol of racism.
They want that.
They want people to be attacked that wear a MAGA hat.
Yeah, they're saying it's the new white hood, so they have a right to do it just because of that.
Yeah, I have seen so many people say, if you're wearing a MAGA hat, then you obviously are asking to be assaulted, you're asking for it.
And it's like, this is coming from the party that says girls in short shorts and short skirts aren't asking to be sexually assaulted.
It's the same concept.
But they have no other way to think about this.
They're programmed this way.
You can't go after girls for dressing a certain way, and you can't say they're asking for it, but people wearing a hat are asking to be doxxed and threatened to be murdered and threatened to be killed in their school to be safe.
What they're saying is, they are the moral authority, they can do things that we can't.
It's like, liberals can dress up like Hitler and make a joke, but we can't.
They are the gods, they are above us, they are in command, they are in control.
They want to make sure that, exactly, they're in control, they want to make sure it stays that way, because they want to make sure that they brainwash the public into assaulting us in public, demonizing us whenever they get the chance, and they're making sure that
We will never have a Republican or, you know, a conservative, a right-wing majority in this country.
If you demonize enough people that wear that hat, you're going to start scaring me.
It's pure bullying.
I've got Dan Lyman, gentlemen, but I want to finish with you in 60 seconds.
Let's go out to break with part of the Women's March main refrain that America was never that great.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
Here it is.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
Stay with us.
This is The Info War.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, we saw the dude that looked like an NFL linebacker, He-Man, Castle of Grayskull, I Have the Power, walk into a GameStop and kick down four things, threatened to beat everybody's ass.
As he walks up with his giant shoulders and his 20-inch neck, 6'4",
And the clerk says, hey guys, I'm ready for you.
He goes, it's ma'am!
You saw that?
Well, there's a new video.
It's on Infowars.com.
I'll play it later in the hour.
It's ma'am 2.0.
Another transgender freaks out after being misgendered.
Transgender freaks out over pronouns becoming a common occurrence.
A transgender went ballistic in an Alamo rental car dealership Monday after an employee apparently misgendered him by referring to him as sir.
The clip posted as the transgender's Instagram account shows him pacing around the star, barking at employees for misgendering him.
Boy, wouldn't you love to have your daughter in a bathroom with this guy?
You sir!
You calling me sir?
I'm not a sir, I'm a man!
Shouts the transgendered employee.
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man's man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man!
I'm a man's man!
Look out, look out daddy.
Mama wants some lovin' tonight.
So, I'm a man.
I'm a man.
You're being rude.
It says on my ID, I'm a man.
He's being rude.
You know your pronouns?
You better learn, baby.
I tell you what I am, you better figure it out.
And if you don't know it, there's gonna be a scene here.
Know your pronouns, honey.
It's an effin' world out here.
Know your pronouns, stupid!
The transgender says to the camera.
Let's just play that clip right now.
Here it is.
The Twilight Zone.
And remember, they're having story time at your elementary school right now with these folks.
Here it is.
I don't know.
It's like, call me by my name, Glucklark.
On my planet, we have no sex or race.
You have not announced to me your... I mean, this is the total globalist Tabastock Institute takedown of civilization on record.
I have stacks of articles.
Google to outlaw the term family.
Like, if I want to say effing when I type something on my iPhone, it says ducking.
It's beyond that.
Now you won't be able to say family.
These people aren't playing games.
So let's go ahead and finish up this.
If this person was talking to five-year-olds about their sex, it'd be okay.
So, we have
Caitlin Bennett reporter repeatedly people say I'm gonna rape you, I'm gonna kill you at multiple marches.
They haven't even gotten to that yet.
We have Owen Shorter being sexually assaulted.
So let's go over this right now and then we'll go to our guest who is in Davos doing a great job, Dan Lyman, with huge developments.
But let's go ahead, since I didn't get to this earlier, let's play flashback.
Old leftist says he can rape Caitlin Bennett if he wants to.
And we have video of a man grabbing my genitals and licking my face.
And swapping me in the face, the police did nothing in Austin, at an event called Alex Jones' Fake News that I showed up to.
So that's their M.O.
is they can be black, they can be white, they act like Slimer from Ghostbusters, completely insane, and they go for your genitals.
Or they, you heard it, I'm a man, suck my you-know-what, here it is.
No, you are not allowed to touch me.
No, you are not.
Cuz I have rights.
So this man just said that he could rape me if he wanted to.
Look at your, look at your surprise.
I don't want, I'm gonna go get the officers because that is, that's disgusting.
No, no, don't touch me.
No one touched you.
Don't touch me.
Yes, they did.
I know he did, but we just gotta back up working this lady's store.
You can move away, you can move away.
No, I didn't say that.
That was messed up.
Yeah, it was messed up.
And I like how there's women defending him when he just said he could rape me.
And there's women defending him.
I thought we believed women.
I thought we supported women.
That man just said he could rape me.
No, he did not.
Yes, he did.
You're supposed to believe women.
Why aren't you believing me?
All right, let's stop there.
I can't see anymore.
By the way, Ann Coulters just tweeted, like Don Jr.
did last week, Journalist August 2018, Alex Jones caused the families of Sandy Hook victims to be harassed.
He must be banned from all social media.
Which I never said go there.
It's out of context a lie.
January 2019.
Please kill these children and their families.
Shoot up their school.
Murder them.
So Kaitlin Bennett, you know, finishing up here, should I show them threatening to kill you or rape you at this march?
Should I show Owen being sexually assaulted and the woman in front of cops saying, I'm allowed to and the cops agree?
We already did.
I mean, these people have gone psychotic, Kaitlin.
Yeah, and you know, talking about the flashback that you just posted of that man saying he had the right to rape me, you know, I wanted to leave that situation because it didn't feel comfortable, but I knew I needed that on video.
I knew I needed to spread out that the Democrats are like this, that's how they are, these anti-Trump protests, they are who they claim to be.
So, you know, just having that little bit of courage to go out and spread the truth
It goes a long way because a lot of people have seen that video and a lot of articles are written on it.
So, you know, to all the listeners right now, don't be afraid to go out there and, you know, film these people.
Make sure you're caring, though, to protect yourself.
But, yeah, we have to expose these people.
We can't be afraid.
We can't let them intimidate us and call us racist and we can't let them, oh my goodness, he's hitting you.
He's straight up just hitting you.
He actually grabbed my testicles.
When I wouldn't hit him, when he slapped me three times in the face with what he had in his hand, then he grabbed my genitals and then said, I like children, why not?
And you know, we never see us fight back against these people.
Well, the little demons, they always show up and go, we're going to murder you, your children belong to us.
It's what you always read about in like every culture says demons, ancient Japanese writings, ancient Roman writings, ancient Greek writings.
Others said the evil spirit takes over and says, your house is mine, your kids are mine, I'm going to rape you.
She just grabbed my dick!
Is that sexual assault?
Is that sexual assault?
So you just sexually assaulted me?
I did assault you.
Should you be arrested?
Arrest me?
I'm not gonna arrest you.
There are police officers right here.
So look at this!
Women have so much privilege, she can sexually assault me and get away with it!
If I did that to her, I'd get arrested!
I just told you!
If you want to go ahead, there are police right here.
So those are leaderless...
Followers programmed by Hollywood, the literal scourge of hell, show whether demons are real or not, this behavior is real.
Closing comments, Caitlin, the great job you're doing, how people can follow what you do with your independent work.
Yeah, follow me on Twitter before I get banned.
I'm sure it's only a certain amount of time.
Just keep checking InfoWars for articles about my work.
You can follow me on Facebook at Kate's Unsafe Space, but most importantly, make sure the listeners, make sure you guys are supporting InfoWars.
That's, you know,
I, they support me so much and I have nothing but respect for InfoWars for helping me get my message out to even more people.
So definitely support them so that I can keep doing my work and exposing the Democratic Party and these leftists and how evil and vile that they are.
God bless you.
Great job.
We'll talk to you soon.
There's something.
The globalists try to hold on to power like Pelosi and all them.
Thank you.
But with me, I want to find people to pass the baton to.
That's the real act of leadership, is helping find great people and promoting them who are better than you are in the aggregate, and then being able to retire and watch what they do.
And like Dan Lyman, the amazing job he's doing with EuropeWars.com, on fire with reports, working with Kit Daniels, the rest of the crew supporting him here.
When we come back, he's got big breaking news.
Huge, huge developments.
They tried to form an EU army today.
The public booed them.
They've got big fences put up.
It's huge.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
Radio listeners, I'll read the article.
TV viewers, you'll see it on screen.
Paul Joseph Watson article just broke.
Macron and Merkel booed before signing European Army Treaty.
Chorus of jeers greet globalists.
This literally just happened the last 30 minutes.
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron were booed during the signing of a treaty that takes another giant step towards establishing a European army.
Video footage shows the two leaders posing for photographs in Germany earlier today as the chorus of jeers and boos can be heard in the background.
So, Hitler had a plan.
This is on record.
Just type in EU as a Nazi plan.
To have a European super state.
They were going to put Edward VIII, who was king of England.
He had to advocate over it.
He was in Spain when World War II started.
He was German.
The House of Windsor was a made-up term for World War II.
I mean, nothing against Germans.
I mean, my wife's almost completely German.
I mean, I'm like half German when it comes down to it.
I probably have more blood from Germany than anything else.
I'm not bashing Germans, but the point is the Nazis had a plan to take over Europe.
And that's what happened.
To have them, we're going to roll this booing in a moment, to have them being booed and to have them, just 10 years ago we'd report on the EU army plan that people tried to pull out.
They'd go, oh that's a conspiracy theory.
Two years ago they'd say it.
And now it's, oh yeah, you try to stop migrants coming in, Italy tries to stop boats coming in, Soros, boats from North Africa.
We're going to use our military to stop nation states.
We're going to march troops into
Austria, and into Poland, and into Romania.
This is being said if they try to stop, quote, migrants.
The last time that happened was with Adolf Hitler in 1940, folks.
You can't make... And then Junker is the drunken idiot head of the EU, whose grandfather was royalty, and the most rich man in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
And Prussian.
The Prussians won the war before World War I, even started with the rest of the empire, but it's a long story.
The point is, is that it gets into Kaiser Wilhelm, it gets into World War I, it gets into all these same territorial battles and lines that were already set up, and so the EU is a Nazi creation.
People go, oh, that's ridiculous.
The VW symbol was drawn by Adolf Alois Hitler in 1934.
He drew the Volkswagen Bug.
He designed the engine.
He was pretty damn smart.
Bad guy.
He designed the Autobahn idea with Albert Spheer, the engineer and architect.
He came up with the Audi symbol for the Olympics.
Hitler created the Olympic symbol himself!
The drawings are in museums, I've seen them!
The rings!
So, yeah, all of it.
Adolf Alois Hitler.
So now, Adolf Alois Hitler set up a plan for a pan-European Union that then would merge the Middle East and Africa and take over the world, and now they're doing it.
Let's play that clip from just 30 minutes ago as Merkel and Macron, two traitors to European nations, are booed.
Here it is.
Look at the Audi right there with the Nazi symbol.
It's an Audi A8.
It goes 200 miles an hour.
It's one of the safest cars you can drive, way overpriced.
Ooh, listen to that!
I mean, that is overpower.
People are pissed.
But these arrogant people don't give a damn.
France in bed with Germany to bring in a Hitlerian plan.
Can't make that up.
Our own Dan Lyman is on fire as usual.
He is in Davos, Switzerland right now on the mountaintop.
Shot video and photos that are on his Twitter.
We'll show them of big steel barricades put up to guard the globalist elites and armed guards as well.
Something they're pushing Europe can't have.
Wow, give us your first take on what you witnessed, Dan.
Good to be back with you, Alex.
It's been quite a few days here.
As you know, a couple days ago, I was on the ground with the commoners in France and Paris for their protests against the global elite.
And now I am in a basically a luxury ski village in Switzerland with the global elite.
So it's been quite a few days, as you can imagine.
Yeah, you were showing that wall there.
Ironically, that wall is right in front of the Facebook office.
I don't know if it's necessarily related to the Facebook office, but it's right there.
And I don't see anyone at Facebook complaining about that wall.
And there's walls all over the city that are protecting different hotels, event centers, and of course, the main event and plenty of armed
That's a big central point, but while you're there covering this, what do you make of Hair Merkel and, of course, Macron being booed like that?
From my understanding, there were yellow vests on the ground in Aachen, where they were signing that treaty today.
And some of them apparently came all the way from France to protest against Macron, who has had to cancel his appearance here at Davos, due apparently to instability in France.
But, you know, that remains up for debate because he, of course, could be there to sign this treaty.
And it's an interesting point.
I wasn't aware that this treaty was signed today.
But I had to look it up on the way and I said, wow, okay, so that's why Macron and Merkel aren't here.
Merkel is scheduled to come tomorrow.
But the coverage is so interesting.
Anyone in the mainstream media is prefacing coverage of this treaty by saying that the far right are spinning conspiracy theories about the EU military and even the Irish Times
uses the word bland.
The agreement is bland multiple times.
I don't know if I've ever seen mainstream media talk about an agreement as bland.
I think they're really trying to discourage people from paying any attention to this.
That's right, but they came out last year and said we're going to use an EU army to suppress nation states that try to even leave.
So this is a true repeat of World War II.
You had the Prime Minister of Belgium last year, who has now been actually ousted, partly because of the Yellow Vest protests in Belgium.
Charles Michel, he actually warned Viktor Orban, basically, and we covered that at the time, that if Hungary didn't take more migrants, they maybe could face some military consequences.
So these people just throw around these military threats all over the place, but when we talk about it, we're conspiracy theorists.
You're right, and it's so bold, it's so insane, but the good news is, when they brought in the EU, they said it didn't exist 20 years ago.
And then now, they'll always have a few people out when they celebrate an EU holiday, no one's there, everybody's protesting it.
So here's like 30, 40 people, if you're a radio listener, you can't see this.
30, 40 people there waving their EU flags, all the assistance of the bureaucrats.
And then you've got huge crowds that have been blocked off, obviously far away, but still so loud, you can hear the building shaking with the booing.
This is epic stuff as the villagers come with their pitchforks towards Dr. Frankenstein's castle.
We'll be back with Dan Lyman who heads up EuropeWars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Dan Lyman is on top of the mountain in Switzerland, Veloz.
His connection is cut.
We're getting him back on.
So, big 20-foot steel barriers and walls.
Soldier, sniper, and security at Davos protecting the world's rich and powerful.
Look at this, anti-drone guns.
A member of police unit practices using an anti-drone gun as the security services practice.
That's last year, this year, all of it.
So, but we're not supposed to have any borders, any walls.
You know, there's a story I forgot to get to Sunday that no one's covered.
They have a huge homeless problem downtown with people committing crime and crapping everywhere by these businesses, so they're building a fence along these businesses so the homeless can't go in there.
And it's all the liberals going, we've got crime, we've got problems, we want all this shut down.
In fact,
I think I sent it to you guys Sunday.
We never played it.
Get that for the end of the hour.
Because I want to get that video.
Shitty Erects Fence.
CBS News Local.
Shitty Erects Fence to Stop Crime.
Uh, yeah.
Even if you have nice neighbors on both sides.
They've got dogs.
You've got cats.
The dogs might eat your cats.
Or you've got dogs.
Or your neighbor's got a pool.
You don't.
You don't want your toddler going and falling in and dying.
Fences make nice neighbors, folks.
Fences and walls are nice.
They're good.
That's why any civilization has them.
It's like doors.
There are mosquitoes outside.
In most areas of the country, you don't want to leave the windows open in the spring or summer, or you come home and there's a thousand flies in your house sometimes.
Oh yeah, if it's when the weather changes in some parts of the country, I've been in hunting shacks in like Minnesota.
And we go out on the boat to catch walleye in Great Northern or whatever, six, seven hours.
You come back and somebody left a window open.
Just cracked.
Or the door cracked.
And there's hundreds of flies on the windows and mosquitoes in there and biting flies.
Well, any type of wall is immoral, even though every one of your cells has a membrane.
Every plant cell has a wall.
Nancy Pelosi says they can't exist.
You know, you can say, well that's funny, that's stupid.
It's not.
The border is collapsing.
Latin America is a hellhole.
Any safe areas in Mexico, which is a beautiful country, are defended by paramilitary checkpoints.
And even those zones like Cancun aren't as safe as they were and are collapsing.
I know some friends that said, oh, we hear Cancun's having a bunch of murders and death and all this and shootings every day.
And it's driven prices down.
We're going to fly down there.
This is bull.
Twice while they were there.
Machine gun fire, police and dead people.
Now, they didn't see the dead people and it wasn't even on the news.
But they talked to locals.
Oh, yeah, there was a shootout with some guys.
They killed him in a car.
There was a shootout on the beach.
You're just out on your balcony at your place.
Pow, pow, pow, boom, boom, boom.
I mean, this is what's going on, folks.
Let's go back to Dan Lyman, who is in Switzerland, up on that mountaintop at Davos, strategically placed.
What's on the agenda this year?
What was it like in the preparations?
What are you making?
What's going to come out of this when Trump obviously didn't show up because of the shutdown?
Well, yeah, this year is a little bit different than last year.
Of course, last year was a lot of hype with Trump coming and then, of course, canceling this year.
I believe Secretary of State Pompeo came in through a video feed today, but they were saying that the most anticipated guest this year would be Jair Bolsonaro from Brazil.
And Bolsonaro delivered the opening speech today for the event, and apparently it was six minutes long.
And he apparently didn't really say much.
So people were kind of shocked by that.
And I watched part of the speech.
I don't speak Portuguese, but at least could get a gist of it.
And Bolsonaro, he didn't look comfortable addressing this room of people.
They're not his people, but from my understanding of who he is, and he probably loathes most of them.
So I don't know if he was trolling them or just didn't feel comfortable, but it was an interesting start to the whole series of events with Bolsonaro.
Well, I have a theory.
They're going back five years, four years to his son getting $47,000 of payments.
They're saying they're mysterious $2,000 payments.
And so, oh my gosh, he must be corrupt so he can't fix Brazil.
Right, and they're definitely attacking him for this.
They're saying this proves that he's stupid.
They make the same arguments as with Trump.
They say he's just a dumb far-right fascist, basically.
Clearly, he's not an idiot, but I wonder what the impetus behind such a short speech would be.
I mean, of course, he has speech writers, so I'm wondering if he was just trolling them, you know, to just let them know that he disdains them, because he clearly does disdain the international socialists that are here in attendance.
Well, you know, you take the globalists wanting to flood Europe with totally undocumented people in their own admission to collapse it, to consolidate it.
They're trying to get rid of the middle class.
And they have this whole argument, well, we're the elites, we're real smart.
No, you're running things into the ground despite the renaissance of human development.
It's that simple.
And then you look at the globalists, they're all the ones that live behind walls of armed guards.
So, they're doing this.
Why do you think the globalists are trying to collapse the West, Dan Lyman?
I don't
He's the one that founded the World Economic Forum.
He speaks very openly about drafting a blueprint for a shared global governance architecture.
There's no mistaking the meaning behind that.
They do believe in a global governance.
He made another interesting point here in a blog that was only written a few months ago.
He said, with advances in robotics and artificial intelligence in the context of aging societies, we will have to move from a narrative of production and consumption towards one of sharing and caring.
That sounds like socialism or communism to me for the lay folk, and not for them of course.
Well sure, these globalists literally pay no taxes, they're obsessed with it, but they always virtually signal, what do you make of Alexandria Cortez coming out and saying, oh, any billionaire is immoral, and then Davos says they're worried about that.
They're the ones creating the culture war, they're the ones creating all this, they're the ones who created the inequity by them not paying any taxes.
That's an interesting one because today there was actually an American investor on the inside delivering a talk and he hinted at that.
He said that there may need to be talk about the 70% income tax for the wealthiest Americans.
He said that conversation might need to be had in the next U.S.
presidential election.
So it's interesting and I was wondering if it was just paying lip service to the socialists and they do realize that
That politics on the left are swinging so hard to the left that they have to talk about these things.
But of course, you know, they find a way around it.
But that's what they've been financing.
They know they're doing all these multinational deals offshore where they don't pay tax.
So when they say rich people, they mean somebody making $100,000 a year.
They mean getting rid of any middle class.
That's their end game goal.
Because as you said, they want a consolidation.
They want total power.
They don't want America and the rich West as an example for people to aspire to.
They want folks to live in austerity so the globalists have total control.
Right, my thought is if they start talking about this now and just sell it as, oh, it's only the richest of the rich, eventually they can roll it down, like you said, to much lower income levels and we'll just have heard about it so much that it won't shock us at that point.
Well, that's the thing.
Listen, all these globalists don't pay any taxes, but they're all liberals and give money to Black Lives Matter to virtue signal and create a race war.
So there's no way they're ever going to do this.
They mean it for the general public.
It's like Obamacare was written to rip everybody off.
Totally, totally sick.
We'll be right back on the other side with Dan Lyman with what's happening there at the whole Davos Globalist Confab where global government is front and center.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can follow
His great work at Citizen Analyst on Twitter.
A lot of great videos and photos from Davos at Citizen Analyst with Dan Lyman.
I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So our reporter Dan Lyman is in Davos, second time he's covered it.
Angela Merkel and her footstool, Macron, are not in attendance.
They're in Germany where they just signed a deal to create the unelected EU army to stop nation states from leaving.
But I thought I would illustrate something.
The leftist, globalist-controlled city of Austin, which actually has an agreement with the UN, it's called a munialized city, so it follows UN directives, not even state and federal directives, is building a wall, a barrier, a fence.
They're talking about more fences.
In fact, I confirmed actually more are being built this morning.
To keep the homeless and the illegal alien tent cities out of the alleyways and other areas.
So, the first of many barriers is now being built to stop the crime.
This is local news, this has got no national news.
Downtown Austin crime pushes city to install 10-foot fence along Red River Alleyway.
But wait a minute.
Nancy Pelosi said all walls or fences are immoral.
Wait a minute.
Can we cue that up for later?
But here is the CBS News report on the leftist Great Wall of Austin.
Here it is.
You can see fighting, people having sex, people defecating.
I mean, it's terrible.
It's a third world country back there.
A secluded alleyway in downtown Austin known for crime will soon get blocked off.
The city is looking for contractors to put up a fence in the Red River District.
CBS Austin Jordan Bonke spoke with businesses in the area who say the sooner it goes up, the better.
With live music, good food, and nightlife, there's lots to bring people to the Red River Cultural District.
Build that wall!
There's one sliver of the street where the city- Build that wall!
Why do people want to come out here if that's the stuff that they have to deal with?
Dave Machinist is part owner of the Empire Control Room.
His venue backs up to this alley, a small stretch between Beer Land and the Sidewinder that's been a challenge for the community.
You can see people dealing drugs, exchanging drugs for money.
You can see fighting.
People having sex, people defecating.
I mean, it's terrible.
It's a third world country back there.
When police tried to fix the issue with lights, city staff said it made the problem worse.
And Luke Akers of Hoboken Pie had a front row seat.
That highway needs to be shut down.
It should have been shut down over five years ago whenever we first started complaining about it.
Because it is the head of the drug and prostitution ring here in Austin.
When we got out here we walked down the alley without our cameras on and we ran into two people in a sexual act in broad daylight.
Nobody should be back there in the first place.
So earlier this week the city decided on plans for a fence on either end of the alley.
It'll be at least 10 feet tall and the businesses on either side will have access.
A city spokesperson told us it's become a public safety concern.
The fence will help, hopefully, deter the crime in that specific area, but my biggest worry is it's just going to travel to the other alleyways.
In downtown Austin, Jordan Bontke, CBS Austin News.
And again, they're building them by the river, everywhere, wherever all the drug addicts, illegal aliens, tent cities want to go.
Oh, build a fence to stop them and protect people.
We shouldn't have TSA at airports.
We shouldn't because the borders are open.
All of this is garbage.
All of this is crap.
So Dan Lyman, you just saw that report.
You've got leftist guys calling for a wall, calling for a fence to protect them.
But I bet if we go put a camera on them, which we're going to do, I bet they're against Trump's wall, aren't they?
This is a perfect example of how leftists ultimately ruin everything they touch, every area they move into.
I give leftists some credit.
They're really good at bars and restaurants and coffee shops.
But other than that, once they gentrify an area in that manner, everything else starts falling apart eventually.
You see that in California.
You see that in every city that they take over.
Seattle, Portland, Austin.
Because they refuse to face any of the facts about life, about crime, about immigration, about security.
And eventually those areas that they turned nice, eventually go to hell.
And essentially what that guy was saying by calling it a third world country, is that he was calling it an S-hole.
And that is his city of Austin.
I used to go to Austin every year.
I used to play South by Southwest and I used to travel there even before that.
I love that city.
It was a great place, but as I return now, you know, to come into HQ and whatnot, I can't believe what's happening in Austin, especially, you know, in the real popular areas like on 6th Street.
It's just shocking.
If I need gas, I won't even stop downtown anywhere.
Oh, yeah.
Most of downtown now is literally like Soylent Green or Mexico City.
I mean, there are crackheads, illegal aliens, tent cities, feces everywhere, people getting stabbed, shot, and it all just gets covered up.
I mean, they have absolutely just devastated Austin.
Absolutely, and I've been traveling the world for years now.
I've seen a lot of cities at this point.
This is nothing new.
Every major city that is run by liberals is going this way.
Melbourne, Australia, Wellington, New Zealand, Austin.
I mean, you just see it everywhere where liberalism has taken hold.
Everything goes to hell.
Why do they do that?
And why are they so demonic?
And why are they so stupid?
Who are they?
A lot of them are stupid people.
I mean, a lot of liberals, just, you know, good-meaning liberals, they're stupid.
And they're stupid in the way that they won't accept reality.
They have no instincts.
And they won't face facts and they put feelings over facts.
And I fear that this is going to happen across the country.
You see it happening now, for instance, like in Boise, Idaho, which was a cool, hip town.
It still is.
But I mean, you have Californians moving in there and they're starting to bring the problems and the basically open borders.
You have tons of... Sure, what happens is anywhere left a star, they collapse into a hellhole.
Productive people, not even right-wingers, we run somewhere, we make it great, and then they follow like locusts, and then they always show up to tell us what to do because that's their instinct.
They're the slave masters.
Right, and they are working 24-7 wherever they are to gain footholds of power.
I lived in northern, northern Idaho up by the Canadian border in Sandpoint, and I thought this was going to be a conservative bastion, and in many ways it was, but in the center of town, all Californians
I don't
No one ever got to that report.
Have you seen the news reports with the Somalis?
There'll be five Somalis in the school, and they'd bitch and say it's not halal, and the school changes the whole way they do it, where they slit animals' throats and torture them for hours.
It's like, you want to cut our girls' genitals off?
Do it.
Cue that up.
I didn't cover that Monday.
Or was it Sunday?
I want to play that.
When we come back, halal, now we have to cater to everyone.
We bring them in and it's all these Somalis going, I HATE THIS COUNTRY AND YOU DON'T FEED ME!
And it's like, the Somalis are hungry.
They have no food.
They have not been given halal.
And it's just like it never ends.
It just never ends, Dan.
You see all these protected groups.
Macron held a town hall a couple days ago with mayors from all over France.
Very controlled situation, mostly mayors that didn't challenge him.
But there was one, and we put the story up on Europe Wars yesterday.
And Mayor who basically called him out on open borders and catering to migrants.
He was explaining that schools in the countryside are now minority French-speaking at the schools.
And kids that need foster care and that are orphans or just really high needs French children are being brushed aside now because unaccompanied minors from other countries are getting to the front of the line with all their bills covered.
Absolutely, you must bow down to these people who then piss all over you.
Dan Lyman, we'll talk to you tomorrow from Davos.
Live coverage.
God bless.
God bless.
Follow him at EuropeWars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, speaking of what we just mentioned, we're going to show the French mayor getting in Macron's face next segment, and I'm going to show local news out of California, where it's like
These Somalis are hungry.
No one gives them food.
This is on local news.
It is not halal, the abuse.
And he's pissed off Somalis, like, but boy, you go to their country, you are dead in five minutes or wishing you were.
Don't you worry, though.
We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims, too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
I'm gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
Gonna stab your husband.
Gonna stab your son.
And then the police chief gonna say, We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims, too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
Now, when we come back, remember, remember, without your support, we will not be here.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So here's KBPS with a breathless news reporter going, they are hungry.
It's in San Diego.
California, here they are.
They are hungry!
Yes, they can bring a lunch, but it's not allowed.
We brought them there from their devilish war zone where any American is killed, kidnapped, or raped instantly.
And they came here and we were mean to them!
Just like the Native American, the red hats, who are mean to them at the mall in D.C.
And so let's go ahead and go to how horrible it is for the Somalis.
Not that their genitals were cut off at birth.
Not that they come from a war-torn hellhole of Islam.
No, America!
America was mean and did not make all the lunches halal for them.
So here it is.
I want to see a change in the schools.
I want to see my son a different
How old's your son, lady?
You look like you're 15.
But I guess it is okay under Islam.
So, sorry, let's start over with, I want to see my son eat.
You did this to me, America!
We kill your troops!
And then you take us here and give us welfare!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Let's go back, here we go.
I want to see a change in schools.
I want to see my son a different style of food than what I saw.
Shukri Abdi graduated from Crawford.
Hold on, pause.
We, back it up again.
We weren't supposed to complain about Michelle Obama and the fact that it was worse than prison food.
That's how you checkmate her.
Just go Michelle Obama, Michael Obama, also known as Sir Tallywhacker.
He says, it's good for you lady.
So eat them.
You don't actually get a pork chop, you get pork grease.
It's a liberal.
Just make the pork chop magic.
Wave a wand and transgender it and say it's lamb.
My son will not eat what you slaves eat.
Is that clear?
Let's go back to her.
Here she is.
Shukri Abdi graduated from Crawford High School in 2007 and now has a son in the district.
She says she wasn't able to eat at school because the foods weren't halal.
The hunger affected her studies.
Pause again.
The hunger?
You don't give me more!
I can't pack lunch!
Adam Haji goes to the Kearney High Educational Complex and says packing a lunch is always an option, but a burden for low-income families.
Many refugee children, including Haji, receive free and reduced meals at school.
I feel like the free reduced lunch is a waste because you're providing me with the resources to get lunch because of my low income, but at the same time you're not providing me with the lunch that I'm supposed to be eating.
I anticipate that there will be some people who will object to it.
Adina Betnitsky is a sociologist at the University of San Diego and studies cultural health disparities.
She went to bat for the local Muslim community.
Pause again.
Hey, I wonder what would happen if she got off on the ground in Somalia.
She'd be kidnapped or raped real quick, which would be terrible.
I wonder if they'd go to bat for me if I showed up and told them what I wanted to eat.
They'd be like, ha ha!
But that's okay.
Let's continue.
Muslim community in 2012 when it called for the YMCA to offer special swim hours for Muslim girls.
Let's close the pool because we're gonna wear swim burqas.
You see how this works just like Europe.
We're all guilty.
Meanwhile, daddy's at home running a sex grooming brothel, but it's just their culture.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Strange days have found us.
Strange days have dragged us down.
Okay, so I can joke around about this, but this is end of days level stuff.
So without me commenting, let's just air the short newscast of San Diego, where you're going to have special meals for the Muslims, you're going to shut down swimming pools for the Muslims, you're going to bend over for them, you're just going to absolutely submit to them, and the most radical Islamic situation out of Somalia, which they are like, basically, there's more Somalis living in the US than in Somalia right now.
And we've got our longest war there, 23 years.
Americans are killed on sight.
Here it is.
So let's go to this footage.
The hunger!
It's a burden we took you here in your own welfare.
Everything's free.
It's a burden.
Everybody else has to eat like we eat.
Because when we take over a country, you put a freaking hijab on and you're dead!
There aren't Muslim countries where they let other people live in them.
Other than like Jordan or Syria and our government's trying to overthrow those.
So again, man, I am just so sick of it.
Let's continue.
Eat and reduced meals at school.
I feel like the free reduced lunch is a waste because you're providing me with the resources to get lunch because of my low income, but at the same time you're not providing me with the lunch that I- Hey, pause again!
Why the hell can't your family make some money?
Why are 90% of you on welfare and then you hate it so much?
Why do your countries be hellholes of sex slavery?
And all this- Why?
Why do we have to be like you?
Why do we have to fall?
We want space bases!
We want life extension!
We don't cut women's genitals off!
But we've got to do it, because the left has said so.
Let's continue.
...with the lunch that I'm supposed to be eating.
I anticipate that there will be some people who will object to this.
She's an ally.
...Nitsky is a sociologist at the University of San Diego and studies cultural health disparities.
She went to bat for the local Muslim community in 2012.
When it called for the YMCA to offer special swim hours for Muslim girls.
That sparked a contentious conversation about Sharia law and assimilation.
Vatnitsky says offering a halal option at schools has nothing to do with... Let's pause again.
It's all over Europe.
They literally shut the pools down sometimes for a whole day because you've got to submit to them!
Half of Europe got taken over by them!
They don't assimilate!
They take you all there!
And everything to do with public health.
If these children are not given the opportunity to eat foods that are congruent with their religion... Hey, pause!
They're not given!
They're not given!
You know, let the Amish go out and live by themselves so they can do it the way they want, we let them do it.
You sit there and you bring these people in, you know full well as a sociologist it's your job to break up culture.
And that's what you're doing.
That means a e-mom has to come bless all the food and certify it, and then the animals have to have their throats slowly slit and down over several hours.
You will serve us well!
Good for you.
So, let's go back to the Young Turks broadcast.
Let's hear what they have to say to us about our women.
We'll take care of you closely now.
Continue, please.
San Diego Unified officials would not comment on the halal campaign, but have met with the City Heights group.
The district already offers vegetarian options, which, by the way, aren't always halal, thanks to process salad.
Oh my God, they're not halal.
And there is a precedent for halal school lunches.
Schools in Dearborn Heights, Michigan already offer them to their many Somali students.
Hey, pause, yeah, because it's all Somali they take over.
So here's the thing.
There's never enough submission, because Islam means submit, continue.
San Diego District decides to do the same, there's a good chance non-Muslim students won't really notice.
On the menu back at Jamie Oliver's Big Rig, something called All-American Pancakes.
The least American thing about it, no side of bacon.
Don't have bacon here, so you're gonna do what we say.
We're gonna go to break and let Paul take over.
Paul Joseph Watson, loaded for bear.
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Let's go out to break with the politically incorrect song, We Love Our Smiles.
Here it is.
I'm angry I've had enough of these people
They're a bunch of Christian murderous scum that run giant death factories keeping babies alive and selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under us.
They have green looking skin and they run around screaming, we love Satan, we wanna eat babies.
I have them on video.
I kill my kids.
Hillary's in the creepy weird six-step man.
We came, we saw, we died.
She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears a hood over her head.
That woman number one is ugly.
Imagine how bad she smells, man.
I'm told her and Obama just stink.
Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
There's a guy on the radio who apparently trumps on his show frequently.
He said, me and Hillary are demons.
Said we smell like sulfur.
Ain't that something?
I have never seen or smelled any woman like that, ever.
People are telling me she smells.
Who could not notice someone who smelled that bad?
Litter booth and fire pot and goblins, hobbling round the house.
My spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go, ah, ah, ah.
We're such self-centered crap.
We don't even notice had itself rising up against us.
Millions of pointed people of the very worst type and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
All right.
Paul Watson takes over on the other side of this quick break.
This is the Globalist Takeover of America.
We are fighting back.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
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We won't just be here a hundred years.
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Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you, Revy.
And so,
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Well, 2019 has already seen three giant media hoaxes.
At least three giant media hoaxes.
Of course, a few weeks ago, or a couple of weeks ago, we had the Conservatives triggered over Ocasio-Cortez dancing, because everybody was enraged and furious about that, right?
No, they weren't.
That was a completely false set-up media narrative.
Of course, on the weekend, on Friday night, we also had the Trump ordered Cohen to lie about Trump Tower Moscow BuzzFeed fake news story.
Again, turned out to be completely false.
And then, of course, just a day later or less than 48 hours later, we had the Covington High School MAGA Kids and another element of that story.
is collapsing right now to claim that the Native American activist Nathan Phillips served in Vietnam.
He didn't.
Now let's go back to his CNN interview.
I've got a quote from this here I'm going to read right now.
This was from his original CNN interview.
He said, I'm a Vietnam veteran.
He's not a Vietnam veteran.
The Washington Post has had to issue yet another retraction after falsely claiming that the far-left Native American activist, and he is a paid activist, Nathan Phillips, served in the Vietnam War.
He didn't.
But this lie was previously used to help raise money for a documentary about his life.
Not only was it used for that, it was used to give him credibility over the MAGA kids, to give him the impetus, to give him the gravitas
That they used to force through his lie that he was confronted by them, that he was mobbed by them, which we've established now was a complete hoax.
So now it turns out that not only is he a professional political activist, he was never in the Vietnam War, and the Washington Post has had to admit that.
They said, correction, earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War.
Phillips served in the U.S.
Marines from 72 to 76, but was never deployed to Vietnam.
So, yet another aspect of this story, cooked up by the media, this fake news narrative, has completely collapsed.
He was never in Vietnam.
Absolutely incredible.
Then we have this video, which is the 8-second video, which you can roll right now.
I'll talk over it.
Which has gone viral on Twitter yet again.
Will they ever learn about taking things out of context and exploding and going insane over video clips that have no context, that don't prove anything?
This is an eight second video clip where some MAGA kids at the scene of the same confrontation that we've been talking about for the past three days shouted MAGA at this woman walking past them.
Oh my god, the horror!
They shouted MAGA!
You've literally got the left embracing and encouraging Antifa, beating people up with flagpoles, you know, spitting on disabled people.
We've seen the mass violence across the country over the past two years.
We've got the left continuously encouraging, punching people in the face if they have a different political opinion.
Oh, but some kids yelled the word MAGA and they're having an absolute meltdown.
This video's got 8.43 million views in less than 24 hours.
The Covington Catholic Boys harassed my friends and I before the incident with Nathan Phillips even happened.
I'm tired of reading things saying they were provoked by anyone else other than their own egos and ignorance.
The absolute horror.
Again, it's an 8-second clip.
She's already walked past them, so you don't know if she initiated the confrontation because there's no video of it.
Again, they're taking it out of context.
But 78,000 retweets, 8.43 million views.
Absolutely incredible.
And again, this is the same left that endorses punching people in the face if they have a different opinion.
But now they're having a collective panic attack.
Because some kids shouted MAGA from a distance.
Over 8 million views again having not learned their lessons.
Absolutely incredible situation.
But some people do seem to be learning a lesson and maybe this is a teachable moment.
We have this article out of Breitbart.
Joy Bahar of The View.
Covington students attacked because we're desperate to get Trump out of office.
And on The View, I think it was earlier today, she admitted, Whoopi Goldberg asked her, they were talking about why everyone rushed to judge these maggot kids, why there was a snap judgment.
Whoopi Goldberg asked Joy Behar, why do we keep making the same mistake?
As in, rushing to conclusions, demonizing people, witch-hunting people,
And she admitted, quote, because we're desperate to get Trump out of office.
That's why.
So we've finally got a scintilla of leftist self-awareness.
Trump derangement syndrome.
They're finally acknowledging that they've got it.
They say the first step to combating alcoholism is to accept it, is to embrace it.
Now they're finally embracing Trump derangement syndrome and acknowledging that that's why they react in such an incendiary way to every drummed-up fake controversy.
Absolutely incredible.
So we've had three major media hoaxes in 2019 and this latest one continues to collapse.
Many people have pointed out, as I did in an article, oh by the way that eight second video
I forgot to tell you the main part of this, which came out immediately after.
The woman who posted this video, which has got over 8 million views, over 200,000 likes, over 78,000 retweets, again, pushing the narrative that they're bigoted, that they're racist, that they're harassing her.
Well, people dug through her old tweets, and let's just say I can't even say them on air.
A lot of N-words.
Quite a few N-words in her old tweets.
She locked down a Twitter account because, again, she's N-word this, N-word that.
It's all over the place.
The article up on Gateway Pundit also points out she doesn't like black or Asian babies.
She's making some very incendiary, offensive comments over those.
And again, a lot of N-words.
She's talking about how she feels about Mexicans.
She said, I'm two weeks, in two weeks I'm 21 and in two weeks I'm on vacation from Mexicans.
Again, I don't even know if I can read this, but again, basically just casual racism.
Romney is such a effing F word.
I can't even hashtag sorry, it's just all over the place.
She deleted the tweets, locked down her Twitter account.
Oh no, but those kids are terrible because they shouted the word MAGA after she'd already walked ten paces past them.
That's abusive harassment.
Meanwhile, we've literally got people wishing these students to be burned alive, locked in their school and burned alive.
What happened to his account?
We featured that story yesterday.
This was a musician.
On top of people like Kathy Griffin.
This guy had 32,000 followers.
He was called At House Shoes on Twitter.
I think that was his handle.
Literally calling for these kids to be gunned down.
To be set on fire.
For their school to be blown up.
This guy right here, Uncle Shoes.
Quote, if you're a true fan of shoes, I want you to fire on any of these red hat b-word when you see them on sight.
He later walked that back pathetically and said, Oh, where I'm from, fire on means to punch somebody.
Like that makes it okay anyway.
But no, obviously it doesn't.
You were literally calling for these kids to be gunned down.
That guy is still on Twitter.
Laura Loomer gets banned for criticizing female genital mutilation.
This guy calls for children to be gunned down in cold blood, for schools to be blown up.
His Twitter account is still perfectly active.
Nobody's been punished for this.
Nobody's been suspended.
Nobody's been banned.
But the guy who smirked, the child who smirked, continues to be vilified.
We'll be back.
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And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And before I get back into some more news, and we are going to talk about a few other subjects in the Covington High School debacle, even though it continues to rumble on day after day with, again, different aspects of the same fake news narrative collapsing again and again.
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Now let's get more into the Covington scandal because again it continues to rumble on.
There's actually a really good article
At the Week, which is not a right-wing publication by any stretch of the imagination, by Damon Linker, titled How Twitter Could Be the Death of Liberal Democracy.
And he draws parallels, as I did in my video released yesterday, to George Orwell's 1984.
He writes, quote,
In 1984, George Orwell famously described a totalitarian political order in which people were kept as docile subjects in part by a daily ritual called the two minutes of hate.
You probably remember the scene from the movie, which was in my YouTube video yesterday, in which the population directs all of its pent-up fury at Goldstein, a possibly fictional enemy of the state.
Now, in relation to this, he comes out with this quote, which I thought was very prescient.
He says, extreme partisan polarization is combining with the technology of social media and especially Twitter to provoke a form of recurrent political madness among members of the country's cultural and intellectual elite.
What else could explain the frothing, demented outbursts that we've seen over the past three days and continue to see even though this story has been completely debunked?
There you see the scene out of the, I think it's the John Hurt version of 1984.
The two minutes of hate, which is basically what Twitter has become on a daily basis.
And on the subject of Dorwell's 1984, we got this headline up at InfoWars.com.
Maga Kid was persecuted for committing face crime.
It's actually in Orwell's dystopian classic, Part 1, Chapter 5, quote, The smallest thing could give you away, a nervous tick, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself, anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide.
In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face, to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example,
Was itself a punishable offence.
There was even a word for it in newspeak.
Face crime!
The smirk heard around the world, that is an example of face crime, because even after the whole narrative collapsed, the claims that the Covington High School students had surrounded the Native American activist, had mobbed him, had intimidated him, had harassed him, even after all that collapsed, you still had leftists across Twitter, across social media, expressing once again their demented Trump derangement syndrome.
Being so offended at the mere sight of this young man's facial expression.
In fact, there was a tweet which kind of sums it up here from another verified liberal on Twitter called Jeffrey Grubb.
He said, giving a SHIT eating grin to a Native American's face isn't legally violence, but he is smiling about the violence.
He's saying, my people hurt you and you can't touch me even while I gloat about it.
It is fascism and you should punch fascists!
So, not only is that guy completely demented and off his rocker, he's also apparently a mind reader because he knows that that is what the young man was thinking when he gave that smirk.
Do you really think he was stood there thinking that he's happy about the violence meted out, you know, decades and decades before his parents probably even born to Native Americans?
But again, just an example of the absolute incendiary explosion of nonsense that came out in the aftermath and continues to come out.
Where a mere smirk is fascism, where a mere smile is an example of Orwellian face crime,
And instead of Big Brother enforcing this against dissidents, you have leftists across Twitter enforcing it.
Absolutely incredible, from the article.
In essence, that's precisely what Sandman was persecuted for with his infamous smirk, since he merely stood his ground and adopted an expression, at no point attempting to provoke or get in Nathan Phillips' face.
And again, in the video that I put out yesterday, numerous examples where leftists on Twitter had absolute panic attacks, meltdowns, toys out of the pram over Sandman's expression alone, even after the entire rest of the narrative had collapsed.
Absolutely incredible.
We're now at the point where a red hat and a smile makes you a fascist.
Because of course, in 2019, everyone's a fascist.
They also tried to run another fake news narrative last night, and this is the Cernovich tweet, which is a video which I sent, if you want to play that in the background, where they got this screenshot from a video of some of these kids from this school apparently in blackface!
Oh my god, they caught them, they got the boot polish out.
Actually turns out that it was a theme.
They've had businessmen, they've had nerds, they've had a beach theme, they've had a hunting theme, they've had a blue-out theme, and they've had a black-out theme.
There you see the blue-out.
So they had a black-out theme at, I think it was a basketball game, where they all wore black.
And a few of these boys, also their entire bodies were basically black.
So again, the media took this, the Twitterati took it and spun it and said that these kids were dressing up in blackface to scream racist abuse at black, I think it was basketball players in this instance.
Within half an hour that claim had been demolished and yet still thousands and thousands of retweets, thousands of likes on these tweets claiming that these teens had blacked up to racially abuse African-Americans.
Have they not learned anything?
Taking everything out of context, making snap judgments, and then hounding their victims in this witch hunt mob outrage crescendo.
They still haven't learned anything.
This should have been a teachable moment, because the narrative has completely blown up in their faces, yet they still continue to do it.
As I said in the previous segment, with this new video that came out this morning, where a group of the same kids at the same site of the confrontation literally just shouted MAGA from a distance at this woman who had already walked past them.
Whatever context the video had was stripped out, but she'd already walked past them by the time we saw any of the video, so we don't know what interaction they had before that, whether she provoked them, but
Besides the fact, oh my God, they shouted MAGA, and apparently now MAGA, saying the word MAGA, wearing a red hat, or, God forbid, smiling in the presence of somebody who is not white, that's not just a racist microaggression, that's literally fascism.
Literally fascism.
This is the level of insanity, of hysteria we've now reached in America, thanks to the media ginning this up at every available opportunity.
We'll be back on the other side of the segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at infowars.com.
Now go away.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
You're back for the final segment of this fourth hour.
Remember, War Room is coming up next.
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Now I'm going to get into a few final news stories.
Of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has come out and said, the world's gonna end in 12 years.
Yes, she literally said that.
I've got the quote right here.
I think the part of it is that generational is that millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.
Do you want to bet?
Do you want to bet?
Okay, I've been looking at this for the past, what, 15 plus years I've been reading about climate change alarmism.
And this stretches back way before that.
This stretches back decades to the likes of Paul Ehrlich and all these global warming eugenicists.
He said in 1968, okay, that the British Isles, that Great Britain would be underwater by the 1980s.
Yeah, he's still cited as an expert in man-made climate change.
The guy who said Britain would be underwater by the 1980s.
How many times do they have to get it wrong again and again and again until we say, well, you can't be trusted anymore.
Acid rain, remember that?
In fact, I think it was Jack Posovic posting about this today, other people too.
Scare-mongering magazine articles from the late 80s about how acid rain was going to cause mass tree die-offs.
It didn't.
Again, another completely inaccurate, baseless, alarmist prediction about climate change that did not come to pass.
Al Gore saying that the Arctic would be ice-free, that the ice would all melt by 2014.
Did not happen.
You remember the destructive global cooling scare of the 1970s.
Newsweek magazine and others reporting that not global warming but global cooling would cause a massive environmental catastrophe.
Did not happen!
Again, because the climate is mainly driven by sun activity.
So again, that's when we had a period of warming immediately after the global cooling scare.
Another alarmist prediction that proved to be completely false.
So, I mean,
AOC's prediction that the world's going to end in 12 years is not even that much more alarmist than what they've already said for decades and been proven completely inaccurate on.
Gateway Pundit reports flashback.
Like Ocasio-Cortez, Al Gore warned of global warming disaster in 12 years.
12 years ago this week!
12 years ago, junk scientist Al Gore released his award-winning movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
Remember, in which they said polar bears couldn't swim.
He warned the audience back then, 12 years ago, global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of life.
In January 2006, Gore posited, within the next 10 years the world will reach a point of no return.
Okay, that's past.
And a true planetary emergency due to global warming, because of course he was invested in all the carbon tax stock options.
Of course this turned out to be nothing more than PRBS to push his movie.
And they link to eight dire predictions from that movie which were completely wrong.
Ten years ago, Gore predicted the North Polar ice cap would be completely ice-free in five years.
Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008.
How many times do they have to be wrong before we stop listening to these idiots?
Speaking of idiots, speaking of elitist idiots, the same ones who fly to Davos in private jets while lecturing the rest of us about, you know, not having baths,
Walls armed guards protect Davos elite.
This is Infowars Europe.
Global elite meeting in Davos, Switzerland are relying on walls and armed guards to protect them.
I thought walls were racist.
I thought walls were a nationalistic, populist, bigoted thing.
Obviously not, if you're a member of the global elite and you want to be protected from all the plebs, who by the way are furious about them returning to Davos in their limos as they lecture the rest of us again about man-made climate change.
Meanwhile, France builds Trump-style wall to stop illegals getting to Britain.
The France, the same France under the jurisdiction of globalist Emmanuel Macron, who lectures the United Kingdom about Brexit being racist, who lectures Donald Trump about walls being racist.
Well now, French authorities have built a 10-foot wall at a total station in Calais used by migrants who attempt to storm lorries and break into Britain.
It's almost like walls work.
It's almost like they actually work.
Macron and Merkel booed before signing European Army Treaty, and the video is in the article on m4wars.com.
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron were booed during the signing of a treaty that takes another giant leap towards establishing a European Army.
Yet another thing that the globalists, the technocrats, liked was about, oh it's just a free trade zone, it's never going to be anything more than that, not going to be a federal super state, not going to be European Army, now they're signing treaties which
Cause a vast lurch towards the European Army.
Absolutely incredible.
The Yellow Vests there in Germany, not too happy about it.
They were booed, heckled and jeered during this opening ceremony as they went in to sign the treaty, of course.
Macron's got a 23% approval rating.
There have been violent riots and protests on the streets of France for the past 10 weeks, and yet he still continues in the course of globalism.
As does Angela Merkel, who of course last year
As we highlight in this article, attended an event called Parliamentarianism in the Tension of Globalization and National Sovereignty, where she said, quote, Nation states should be willing to give up their sovereignty and this should be done via an orderly process.
And that's precisely what she's doing today in Germany by signing a treaty with Macron to create, to establish a global European army as they're booed by their own citizens.
Meanwhile, staying in France,
French Mayor blisters Macron, mass immigration must be ended.
French President Emmanuel Macron was warned about the wrath he's incurring by showering migrants with preferential treatment and resources during a town hall attended by some 600 mayors from around the country.
This was Brigitte Bargier, the mayor of Montauban, who spoke on behalf of forgotten French citizens who've now been protesting in the streets for more than 10 weeks and are often smeared as far-right or violent extremists.
He said, quote, mass immigration must be ended.
He cited citizens' concerns in their Cathia de Dolence, a log of grievances being compiled as part of a national grand debate.
He said, the people who are at the roundabouts feel deprecated, forgotten by the Republic.
They express themselves by singing the Marseillaise when they're marching.
They aren't vandals, rioters.
I hosted them in my town hall.
Those are poor people.
So again, you do have some people taking over these riots in France who are doing it for their own reasons and not the right reasons.
Spoiling the image of the yellow vest, but again, as this mayor pointed out, the vast majority of them have very legitimate grievances and have not engaged in direct violence.
Meanwhile in Belgium, six migrants kidnapped and held Belgian woman a slave for months.
Italian authorities, actually in Italy, but it's a Belgian victim, are investigating claims of a 32-year-old Belgian woman who says she was kidnapped by six migrants and forced into sexual slavery for two months.
Yet another story about that.
It never ends.
Transgender epidemic in the UK.
One child changes gender every day.
A non-issue and normal says PM Theresa May.
So listen to these stats.
Most of the kids who are going transgender are either 14 or 15.
The number of children aged between 3 and 18 being referred to gender identity clinics went from 314 in 2011, just 8 years ago, to 2016 in 2016.
And now there's been an even greater increase on top of that.
So could it be, could it possibly be, this consistent media narrative that transgenderism is completely normal for children and that it should be pushed on children?
Is that having an effect in making these children fall into this transgender myopia, whereas otherwise they wouldn't be interested in it whatsoever?
And of course it's parents trying to be all trendy, trying to be really progressive, pushing their own warped mentality onto children,
As we see in this case right here, the amazing Desmond or whatever he's called.
Absolutely incredible.
That was a good point pointed out by somebody on Twitter.
The national media encourages this kind of thing, you know, drag queens and transgender kids.
This is supposedly healthy for society, but a kid, a high school's kid, standing up, smirking, doing absolutely nothing wrong, that is abhorrent behaviour.
This is the complete disconnect we currently see in Western society, and it's only getting worse.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Be sure to stay tuned for that breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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