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Filename: 20190117_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 17, 2019
3131 lines.

"In this episode of "The Alex Jones Show," various topics are discussed including border security, censorship, immigration, political issues, misgendering in California, the importance of iodine supplements, and the ongoing battle against globalist forces. The show also takes calls from listeners who share their views on a range of topics, such as freedom of speech and the state of STEM education. Additionally, Alex Jones promotes his products and encourages listeners to sign up for the newsletter and support InfoWars."

Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off since 5.30 in the morning.
There's such a thing as over-preparing.
I have certainly done that and then I go to DrudgeReport.com and we're posting information up on Infowars.com and I just knew it was coming next.
And I've seen some changes over at Drudge the last month that were interesting.
And I even surmised here at the office, I said, I think the deep state's going to try to target Matt Drudge.
And now they are.
Did Trump bribe Drudgepole?
That's one of the things the rat
Cohen, who's been proven to be a total liar, is now saying.
So this is all part of discrediting the election of Donald Trump.
And of course, all of this is absolute crap.
Anything coming out of Cohen's mouth, you can't believe.
But we're going to cover that coming up in the next segment.
In fact, I forgot to get a copy of that article when I was in there reading it.
Will somebody bring me one, please?
But you see, the reason I told some of the crew that I think
They're probably trying to arrest Matt Drudge right now.
See, they've been trying that with me.
And I've not talked about it on air for several reasons.
I'm a nice person.
And there's about a 5% chance in one of these cases that it was not an attempted Mueller sting.
Trying to set me up with Russian money that I, of course, refused.
Reported to the FBI immediately.
In a letter.
And in other ways.
And to the President.
And a top TV host.
I'll have copies of all of it.
And now I've got ABC News and others calling me up, still going with the attempted setup.
It's like, my God, you people are insane.
You try to set me up repeatedly.
And then you've got the nerve when obviously I'm not a moron.
And I'm Mr. Captain America.
It's ridiculous.
I'm not Cobra Commander or Destro, folks.
I'm Captain America.
I don't mean that arrogantly.
It's just if you want to use superhero labels or something, I'm not Cobra.
Not the bad guy.
No, good guys.
That's why the evil globalists tell you all day that I'm the villain and Alex Jones doesn't believe what he says and, oh, Alex Jones this and that.
And they block everybody that tries to defend me on YouTube, Facebook, anywhere.
And they just promote everyone attacking from the left, right, the fake conspiracy-oids.
All of them.
That Jones' banning was fake to promote him.
Oh yeah, yeah right.
It's really great for us to not have billions of viewers on YouTube.
Billions of views.
Oh, it's really wonderful to have all these Soros lawsuits.
It's really wonderful to be fighting to keep the doors open.
It's so staged.
Just like Mueller trying to throw my ass in prison.
No, that's really, boy, I'm really in the deep state.
Let me tell you, I guess I kind of am in the deep end.
I mean, I guess if you're getting raped, I guess you can still say, well, you know, you're having sex with him.
Well, Mueller's trying to rape you.
And so technically you're in the deep state because he's in you.
I think that's kind of how you'd say it.
So I guess technically I am in the deep state, swallowed up by a big squid and dragged down to the bottom and drug across the rocks.
But I can hold my breath.
So I guess I am in the deep state.
Kind of like swimmers out there and a great white shark bites your leg off.
You're in the shark.
And you're not in league with it.
You didn't like it biting your leg off, but technically, I'm in the shark.
Who knew I'm in the deep state?
It swallowed me up.
This is going to crap me out, along with everybody's children.
Oh, see, it's about them, isn't it?
We got to man up and do this, folks.
So, I'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show!
So, the rat Michael Cohen pled guilty to 15 million dollars of unpaid taxes at a taxicab company that had absolutely zero, ze-ro, nada, zip,
That means zero, to do with the President.
And now, two plus years later, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on all these different fake investigations, not just the 30-something million on the fake Russiagate with Mueller.
That's just them teeing up all their other fake investigations at that point a year and a half ago.
All this time later, and oh my goodness, Michael Cohen says,
He gave a bag of cash to some internet company to go promote Trump and drive up polls, online polls.
Now we know Hillary faked the polls at CNN.
There's emails two years before she even ran saying, get it ready, buy off all the pollsters.
That's how it works in Democratic politics.
And it's in the WikiLeaks, they rigged the CNN debates.
Remember those?
But that's not an issue.
A political campaign rigging something with so-called media.
No, no, no.
Michael Cohen, not wanting to get a longer prison sentence, Michael Cohen is now saying, oh, there's no Russians!
But to get a poll, to have Internet Research, a marketing group, go click on something, and to drive up
Donald Trump, I paid somebody.
Oh, and then, oh, oh, oh, is Drudge involved?
Oh, oh, the President, he did it at the sole discretion.
The President told him, go do this.
Bull, corny hot dog.
Bull, corny hot dog.
I'm introducing that into the modern vernacular.
My dead friend, Dowdy, story three.
Went into the doctor, got an infection, died.
Ryan Baxter.
He wouldn't cuss when he was a little kid.
I never heard anybody else say bull corny hot dog.
But if something was like, you know, really bad or whatever, he wanted to act like he was cussing, he'd say, bull corny hot dog!
So, I just introduced that here.
I think he probably invented that, so there it is.
Bull corny hot dog!
So, that's what we've got here.
And that's where this goes.
And look, Drudge can do whatever Drudge wants to do.
I admire Drudge.
He's a trailblazer.
He likes to zig when people zag.
He likes to put pressure, like Ann Coulter's doing, on Trump, trying to get him to do stuff.
I get that.
He knows a lot more than I do.
He's been up at the White House a lot, really trying to help.
But we've been seeing some decided anti-Trumpian stuff on there.
More of a mix.
And I've just been wondering what that was in the last month.
And I said, boy, have they found a crooked toenail?
And they're threatening to throw, you know, Drudge in the hooscow, and I'm not saying that's what's happening.
I just know that they gave up a long time ago trying to threaten me because I just can't make a deal with the devil.
And I don't think Matt Drudge has done that either.
I'm just telling you right now, ladies and gentlemen,
This country's in a civil war with a bunch of anti-American globalists running around bullying and threatening everyone they can.
Illegal groups without warrants are going through every prominent person's email, their phones, their bank accounts, their business records, to try to find something so that they can leverage that
And threaten the people that if you don't come out against Trump or you don't give us intel on Trump, if you don't turn on Trump and this whole nationalism thing, we're going to destroy you.
That's what's happening, period.
And almost all the men I know buckle.
Paul Manafort didn't.
Roger Stone hasn't.
I haven't.
And it's not that sometimes I don't want to buckle.
I can't buckle.
I just can't buckle.
So that's what we've come to in this society.
Because you know why I can't buckle?
Well, I can physically buckle.
I'm sure one day my heart will buckle.
And that's just ready to go to level two.
Not looking forward to it, but spirit is, flesh isn't.
But that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen, where the Clintons can have uranium deals, and sex trade, and kidnap little kids out of Haiti, AP reports, and they can be involved with just absolutely illegal servers, and all these weird murders, and billions in their foundation, and illegal campaigning, and hammers, and acid wash, and destroying SIM cards, total criminal, absconding, obstruction of justice, during live investigations carried out by their minions.
Who are in a sick power cult, not when you read the text messages, but when you're in D.C.
and you're around these law firms and you're around these politicians, I mean, they sycophantically worship senators and congressmen and, oh, and FBI directors.
And there was an article about how I said a year ago that Cohen and all these other folks, and they're starting to roll over to corrupt individuals like
See people like Mueller as an emperor, as a king, as his own branch of government above everyone, because Lord Rosenstein, who's like God in heaven.
You know, Mueller's just king of America.
Runaway train.
Rogue government.
But Rosenstein, I mean, he's like God.
And just how they all shake in fear and grovel and kiss each other's asses.
It is disgusting.
You see, I don't want to be in D.C.
and be king of the swamp.
I don't want to be in New York City and king of that swamp.
I don't want to be in L.A.
and be the king of hell.
I just want you people to get off my back and my children's back, but you just can't do it.
I ran into some politicians, and they're like, Alex, I don't like them confidence threatening.
They're like, Alex, heard you've been saying Mueller, you know, king of America.
Well, he kinda is, you know.
And it's just all a runaway train of a bunch of criminals that have gone up there and hijacked our government and are just so stupid that big tech and the chai comms are running circles around them.
And run in this country in the world of the ground, and these guys are on express elevator to hell with their children on board, everybody else, and they don't give a flying rat's behind.
And I guess it's what happens where you, folks that want to be the cool kids in school, and they want to be the cool kids at college, and they're just a whole bunch of lying butt kissers that don't do a lick of work, and then they get into government, and what's a scumbag lawyer want?
Oh, to have a badge and a gun.
And so now, you can have a badge and a gun and be this big, tough guy, and everybody's scared of you, and you walk into Congress and everyone's like, oh, oh, oh, FBI agents, oh, oh, God, don't get me, oh, please, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
They have presided over 9-11 and the cover-up, Mueller.
The government narcotics trade that Trump's been trying to end.
Why do you think they're so pissed?
Trump got in and he said, we don't ship drugs in and we don't launder them anymore.
Well, him of 13 in the Mexican Mafia will kill us if we don't.
And he's just like, good, kill them!
This is not our business.
He's having junkies and human feces everywhere and high school kids on heroin.
It stops!
And by the way, we're not going to just feed troops into places so companies make money.
He goes, you can all have super high-tech space weapons and tanks and missiles and ships.
You can all make your money, but it'll be where we're dominant.
We don't just kill all our troops.
They go, no!
We don't want a bigger defense budget, but peace.
We don't want peace through streets and a space force.
We want to continue to torture people and fund radical Islamic groups and overthrow allies and put bad radical Muslims in.
And Trump goes, you're a bunch of crazy people!
You don't see the larger strategic plan of keeping the middle of the chessboard destabilized!
You don't understand our grand strategy!
Yeah, he understands your grand strategy!
Running the damn world on the ground, you sacks of crap!
You ever heard of straight shooting, you dumb pieces of crap?
That's what built this country!
You dishonorable chicken crap!
Bunch of filth!
Somebody's got to call these people's bluff.
That means I get smashed flat on a pancake?
At least somebody will give you an example of that, like a damn man around here!
Instead of a bunch of knuckle-dragging cowards!
So everybody just shoot your mouth off about Trump all day!
He's got a lot more courage than most of you combined!
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The United States of Empire is a book that claims the United States is the empire of the world.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Earlier, at the start of the broadcast, I made the joke that...
I'm in the deep state.
So I'm just going to attack by the controlled left and the controlled right.
People learn real fast on YouTube and Facebook.
If you want to sell your soul for a couple pieces of silver, you just say Alex Jones is bad, Alex Jones is a fed, Alex Jones works for the CIA, blah, blah, blah, which is totally asinine.
I'm so proud of the fact that I'm organic, real.
Our listeners helped build all this.
But I made the joke, it's like getting eaten by a great white shark.
I mean, I guess you're inside the great white shark's belly.
But where we really are is inside the globalist head.
Because I'm not that special.
I just know.
That I'm not going to be involved with globalists that ship drugs into our countries and try to push them on kids, that push GMO on our children, tainted vaccines, secret medical experiments, funding Al-Qaeda, ISIS, massive, you know, UN child kidnapping rings, AP reports.
And I see mainstream media always trying to cover up and defend the pedophilia.
It's like whoever this group is, I'm not with them.
It's really that simple.
So I am inside the Deep State's head.
And people ought to ask, why am I in their head so much?
You know, there was an astounding Washington Post video they wrote a big article about.
It was titled, The Case for Banning Alex Jones.
And this is what they're actually like when I'm in D.C.
or I walk down the halls.
And I'm not bragging about me.
It's how pathetic they are and how it's the Emperor's new clothes.
I'm just like the two-year-old, three-year-old, the parable.
No one wants to say the king's naked.
They say only a lord can see, you know, this beautiful gold garment.
He can't see it, so he doesn't want to say he can't see it.
So everyone goes along with it.
And finally, he's having a parade, and a three-year-old steps forward and says, the king is naked.
The Emperor is naked.
And so they've got the Weekly Standard, the neocons, that's the really evil folks saying, ban me.
You've got the Washington Post all saying it, putting videos out.
And they're shaking in fear, going, he's too effective.
He's too convincing.
We've got to eradicate him.
And it's like, wow.
They're literally saying I'm the most dangerous man in the world to them because I have a conscience.
And see, I'm reminding them of how bad they are.
I mean, take Rand Paul.
Take Rand Paul.
Rand Paul came out and said, I'm really proud of President Trump, and I've met with him again privately, and he really intends to not spend the $100 billion a year
That's its average.
On Afghanistan.
And the $40-$50 billion a year on Syria, when we already made the agreement years ago that we would stabilize it and then pull out.
And I'm so proud of him.
But does he get any credit for that?
Does Trump get any credit?
I'm not just defending Trump, I'm defending reality here.
When he announces a new ground-based interceptors in Alaska, radars, sensors, to shield every city, to shoot
ICBMs and other missiles down as they attempt to come back into the atmosphere.
And by the way, that's jobs in America, and it's a defensive system, which we should be doing.
And then all the defense contractors keep their jobs, we keep innovating new technologies from the defense sector that go into civilian use, and our deterrent is better, peace through strength, and we're not running around just having our military killed, and on their 10th tour,
12th tour, 15th tour, 30th tour in some cases.
Oh yes, that actually happens.
We're not just over there with the crazy Islamists killing each other and then doing it to destabilize things.
That's a good thing!
Justice reform!
So that a black person doesn't get three times the sentence of a white person for the same drug.
And crap like that.
Or if somebody's been in jail 20 years for a non-violent crime or whatever, let them out so we can keep the violent people in!
You don't see any praise from the so-called liberal black community.
We don't want missile shields.
We don't want people let out of prison.
We don't want a good economy.
Like Bill Maher said, let's plunge this economy and teach them a lesson.
So the private Federal Reserve did it.
We don't want any of that.
We don't care about Chinese citizens being killed.
We don't care about being surveilled and spot on.
We just want to get on the bandwagon with mainstream media, like we're on this winning team to take down Trump, because after all, he said, America first.
And it's just so much fun to get on board with this, because if you don't, people are mean to you.
Oh, that's right.
Let's give in to bullies.
Let's do what they say.
Let's back down to them because that always works so well.
And see, when I said earlier, I can't break, that was not an arrogant statement.
I can't sign on to a group of people that have no bottom.
I can't sign on to people that are intimately obsessed with abusing children and killing them in a vampiric cult.
I cannot be part of these people.
I am not in their system.
And you know, their system almost seduced me.
I mean, I think when I was about 15, for all intents and purposes, I was a berserking Satanist.
And I mean, I wasn't killing people or dogs or anything.
I'm sure as hell have sex with a devil worshiper woman.
Let's just say I've seen a few things, okay?
In one of the richest areas of the country where I grew up, I've seen the dark side of the moon.
And I pulled out of being seduced by the devil by the time I was about 16.
About 12 to 15, I was definitely there.
And boy, it's a hell of a drug.
I know why the Satanists are into what they're into.
Until you pull away from it and get contact with God.
Because I was with God when I was little.
I got partially seduced, but never gave over all the way.
And wouldn't do bad stuff.
And then now I've pulled away so far from the Satanism, and so far away from these people.
But that's why they can't stand me, because they know I've been super far
In the spiritual level.
Not all the crap and the rituals that they try to do to get where I got.
It was not a good place I got to.
It's not like I got some diploma.
Let me just say, I've seen a couple of things.
And that's why they fear me.
Because I've already been down the rabbit hole where Aleister Crowley went when I was 13.
Already seen it.
And now, all these years later, all I want to do is make sure I get to be with God and my children do.
And boy, I'd sure like to see your children get with God.
Because let me tell you, the devil's real and he wants to destroy you.
And he wants to have you bound to him for eternity.
In the best way to describe it is the Phantom Zone.
Where they send General Zod.
That's exactly what it's like.
And let me tell you something.
The people that have the near-death experiences, who die sometimes for 10-15 minutes, who didn't have good lives and come back, they describe what everybody sees on DMT, who has the bad trips.
And it's hell, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's real.
And there's a lot of stuff I haven't told you yet, that I've made the decision, before they assassinate me or take me off air, whatever they're planning, I'm gonna give you the full data dump now.
I'm gonna tell you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
And I'm going to break it all down.
Because it's got to be done and you've got to know that you better get right with Jesus Christ.
And that doesn't mean most of these churches.
And I don't just say this to be mean, it's true.
Half the churches are actually run by Satanists.
I mean, they're having satanic rituals in the church at night.
That's what Satanists do.
It's a blasphemy thing.
It's their religion.
And another 30-40% are just followers who want their 501c3 and want money.
There's maybe 10% of the churches that have God's spirit in them.
You need to know that.
So that's what can turn you off.
You're not going to find God in these churches.
You're going to find it getting on your knees in the middle of the night and asking God to come into your heart.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
The United States of Empire is a book that claims the United States is the empire of the world.
George Washington had warned us against foreign wars.
The United States of Empire shows that World Wars I and II left England broken.
Its former colony, the U.S., had to save the empire.
Was there ever a vote?
Who do we fight for?
The Deep State began with World War I. The United States of Empire by James Dunn.
Available at Amazon Books.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There's a reason we're playing this song.
Let's fade it down and try to pull up Teenage Frankenstein by Alice Cooper.
Alright, let's get serious here.
I got a lot of red meat for you.
I got a lot of really crazy stuff to show and go over.
But I don't want to go to it unless we really break down why it's important and what's behind it.
So you remember the guy that looks like the original Frankenstein wearing a yellow wig?
That's not a wig.
And in California, if you misgender this bully, you go to jail.
Well, the misgendering is saying that this six-foot-three bully
This big giant bully, this thug, is a woman.
So we're going to get to this in a moment because he's shown up on local television and they defend him like he is Mother Teresa.
You got a big thug, I mean with big veins bulging out.
I mean, you know, he looks like football players did kind of back in the fifties.
They were so all white guys.
He's got like a linebacker look, 1955, the Browns.
I need your corporate number now!
They probably squat 600.
Get it for me now!
And there's some little guy behind the counter.
This guy doesn't even look like a woman.
But he is wearing pink shoes.
I'm sorry for that, ma'am.
I will get you that number.
I apologize, ma'am.
And as soon as he submits, as soon as he submits and says, ma'am, and buys into the bullying, there he is.
As soon as he does that, all the guys, looks like Royd raging to me.
Here comes Buzzsaw, last year's grand champion, slicing enemies into quivering flesh balls.
He's ready to take on the running man.
I'm a woman.
I'm a woman too!
Alex Jones, I identify as a woman!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I can't get outside!
Excuse me, it's ma'am!
It is ma'am!
I can call the police if you'd like me to.
You need to settle down.
You need to settle down and mind your business, okay?
Once again, ma'am!
I said both of you.
No, you said- Listen, stop there.
Stop there.
Stop there.
So, you've got a raging lunatic in your store.
Where people at checkout places, video game places, everywhere, it's like a convenience store, video games.
GameStop, they're just like, boom, money, credit card, video game, boom, out the door.
You can watch the whole video, the guy's just looking, okay, thank you, sir.
And you know this guy does this all day, because he wants to be outraged.
Hell, he might as well like Police Academy, where the cops dress up like hookers.
They're like, hey, sergeant, you might want to shave your beard.
Hell, grow a beard, bro.
But see, for the TV interview, he puts some nice loop earrings on.
And as you can't tell the difference between the way men and women dress now.
But see, this is this big 6'3", 6'4", guy.
He's got a little guy on the other side of the counter.
Looks like he's about 5'5".
And he gets to threaten to assault him and kick over four different displays.
And I gotta say, I'm not saying this guy takes meth, but man, he's got meth mouth, just like Alexander Cortez.
So he and her, while they get together, maybe have some ugly little babies.
Frankenstein meets meth mouth.
So meth mouth the bully, what do you call him?
You call him... Let me think of a good name for this guy.
I'm trying to think of the right name here.
What are we gonna call this guy?
Wild Bill on steroids?
It rubs lotion on skin!
Not my dog!
South of the Lambs.
I mean, because this guy could have a job in Hollywood as a creepy Frankenstein with a big square head, big teeth, big veins, walking around on a hot bench press 500 freaking pounds, baby!
I'm a woman!
I mean, he could probably get a job on one of these
Shows like Last Kingdom on Netflix, where he's a viking.
He could be the next viking villain on the next season of... I'm serious.
So you got a guy who could be cast as a viking villain.
But he gets to finally one-up you and let you know you're bad for not buying into his CIA, Tabastock-created mental illness.
Where he struts around screaming and yelling and freaking out at everyone, and if you misgender him,
Now it's, I'm blind, I have poor drain on my eyes, now I'm a dog.
And people walk, there are people around dogs, and people crap on the side of the street.
In San Francisco they go, well he is a dog.
They have people doing that in Portland.
And the city councilwoman goes, well, we are Portland, it's so beautiful.
And it's like full grown men like, on the side, right in front of you all, ha, ha, ha, crap on the sidewalk.
They're like, beautiful!
Let's bring the school children in and show them how it's done.
You ask, what is this?
The globalists want to corrupt our minds for a very important reason.
Because once they get you used to all this, they can roll in the real carnage and the real control.
This is an exact plan.
It's all admitted.
Ugly architecture, ugly art, sexualizing children, it's all been declassified.
And now they're rolling it out, operational everywhere, and then we now have this clip I'm getting to of him on the news.
Or it on the news, Frankenstein, Franken, Dr. Frankenstein.
Oh yeah, that was when I, if you're a TV viewer, that's when I, a few years ago, uh, that I am now a, uh, able-genders when you handicap yourself on purpose.
They used to call that mental illness.
Uh, but, uh, yeah, trans-abled.
But, like, what do they call it when you turn into another zoological abled?
Trans Species.
So, I'm going to start, literally, I'm going to have my wife put a little chain around my neck, and I'm going to wear some socks on my ears.
I'm going to say I'm a Basset Hound, and I'm going to have her lead me into PetSmart, and we need him to get a full shampoo, nails trimmed, and we need his anal gland milk.
And I will just, I'll come in like a dog on all fours, and if they don't,
If they don't, I'm sorry, this is really happening, if they don't take me in the back and shampoo me and have the lady come over and, you know, milk the anal glands, that's what they do for dogs, then they're bad.
Because in England, I'm not joking, you get arrested or you get fired if a man comes in with a beard and a huge, you know what, and says, you are going to check my cervix in a pap smear for cancer.
And the nurse...
Had to go along with the mental illness, said, okay.
But when she actually got his pants off, she said, sir, I can't do it.
You don't have a cervix.
That hospital was, your ass is fired.
Well, you know what?
I'm going to PetSmart Petco, and I'm going to come in there as a dog.
That's it.
And it's not sexual assault to tell a woman to milk my, you know what, gland.
I'm just going to go in there and say, do it!
Because I identify as a hound dog, blood hound.
Pine nuts, macadamia nuts.
You know, I joke about this, but it's not a joke.
Making a nurse do a pap smear on a man's genitals when he doesn't have a cervix is mass mental illness.
But if they can get you to do it, hell, they're going to let you go to the next level, aren't they?
They're going to let you put up with the fact
That they are coming for your children.
And now, all of a sudden, it's the new thing at all the gay clubs.
I guess they're not really gay clubs, are they?
It's LGBTP, where now eight-year-olds are performing in lingerie, little boys dressed up like girls, and talking about using drugs and ketamine and cocaine with convicted killers on screen.
Oh, look, a convicted killer's here!
An ax murderer to have the child.
And now the children are posing in quote, gay mags with naked men!
Oh my God!
But it's just art, you see!
So when we come back, it was KOB's, that's the name of the TV stations, job to put up the victim.
of the misgendered Frankenstein.
Meanwhile, their creation is literally...
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, in California, if you misgender someone, it's, what, a $500 ticket?
Maybe even jail time.
That's oppression.
That's mental illness.
That's CIA, leftist, Tavistock plan.
Where you're sterilizing little boys, telling them they're little girls.
The Prozac isn't enough.
You didn't give them enough vaccines to make them autistic, so you make sure they don't reproduce by turning them into mental patients.
And almost all the young children they've, quote, turned into trans children are autistic.
That's even been admitted.
So it's preying on mentally ill, brain-damaged children.
Then you've just got people that want attention.
You have Rachel Dolezal, or whatever her name is, and that other fake black person, Sean King,
We're good to go.
Wild Bill on steroids?
I mean, I don't know what you call this guy.
Because, no, I'm not mentally ill and I won't play along in your mentally ill games that the Tabastock Institute created.
This guy probably is, there's no doubt he's mentally ill.
Or he's just an attention seeker.
But he comes off as mentally ill.
GameStop transgender meme re-emerges for interview with local news station.
Claims aggressive behavior was justified due to malicious misgendering.
Now, we're not even making fun of this.
This is sick.
This is obscene.
This is state hospital on TV.
This is what happened to the mental institutions.
They got rid of them.
And they're not on the corner anymore talking to themselves.
They're in stores attacking you.
And as long as you say you misgendered me, you're allowed to attack people, kick things over, do whatever you want.
And listen to this, because this is the baby selfishness, delusional temper tantrum.
I'll do it a hundred thousand, a million times again.
I loved it.
It was good.
It was good to fly off the handle.
It was good to break a bunch of merchandise.
It was good to scream and roar and yell at people when you look like He-Man from Castle Grayskull.
He-Man and the masters of the universe!
I have the power!
He-Man and his power sword, Battle Skeletor!
Can we pull up Masters of the Universe He-Man?
This isn't funny though.
We can make jokes all day.
He's a cross between... I guess that's his name.
That's it.
He-Man Frankenstein?
I don't know.
So let's get to, without further ado, because I have a lot of serious news to cover here that's world-changing, but I've got to have some relief here.
But it's not really relief, is it?
This is the real world that our children face.
This is what we're being brainwashed with.
We're supposed to accept some 6'3", NFL 6'4", linebacker coming in screaming and yelling at everyone because he looks like a brick you-know-what house instead of a woman, and because we need to say, ma'am, we're bad people.
We don't have our speech anymore.
No, it's illegal to have the speech and say someone looks like a man when they're saying they're a woman.
It's amazing.
So, let's go ahead and go to the local news with a straight face.
This is a masterpiece in mind control.
Talking about how he's a victim and how he's not sorry at all.
Excuse me, it's ma'am.
It is ma'am.
It's the video seen by millions.
Tiffany Moore, a transgender woman who recently started her transition, yelling at an employee inside this Albuquerque GameStop.
Moore says the cashier repeatedly called her sir instead of the gender pronoun she identifies with while she was trying to return a game she bought for her son.
Ma'am, once again, ma'am.
I said both of you.
No, you said sir.
Once again, it's ma'am.
I actually said both of you guys, gentlemen.
Right beforehand, you f****** said sir.
Take it outside.
If you want to call me sir again, I will show you a f****** sir.
I apologize.
I apologize, ma'am.
I was so angry at that point because literally five or six times he called me sir and got me so human angry and I was cussing that.
The internet responding to the viral clip with means like super ma'am, aqua ma'am and macho ma'am, tranny savage.
Tranny is a slang term for transgender that many find offensive and derogatory.
What's really sad is it's bringing so many bigots out of woodwork.
But Moore, a local MC and rapper, isn't letting the memes get to her.
She's using her newfound viral fame to raise awareness about the transgender community.
So is this a stunt?
I mean, the person looks like Frankenstein on steroids, but this is the world.
No, the internet got in their face.
The internet blew up in Superman's face and didn't buy it at all.
But oh, the media.
Oh, it's such a beautiful moment.
And they only show
Him kicking over one of the things, not four of them, and screaming and threatening more.
It's all edited where, oh, that's what you do!
...to get her message out there.
We're humans just like you.
We're people just like you.
Um, we have kids.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
We're just people just like you.
We just come into your store.
We are wearing pink shoes and a shirt.
So you must be a woman and you start screaming and yelling at a clerk and being a total jerk as they grovel and apologize and beg.
You're just a big, fat bully who sits there and goes off the media, and they sickeningly, like some alternate dimension of unintentional comedy, with straight faces, talk about what a regular, decent, good person.
Oh, and then, it's never announced to the parents, people like this go and have career day with your five-year-old daughter and son!
A big, giant, Roydhead-looking, not saying he's a Roydhead, man, goes and is going to meet with your kids, without you knowing.
And that's completely normal.
If this person approached you, this freak, and go, oh, don't call us a freak!
No, no, he wants to be freakish.
He wants you to think, what the hell is this linebacker doing in drag?
Dude, grow a beard, like a lot of the fake transgenders do to freak everybody out.
They're clowns!
That's all this is, is creepy dudes have learned they can do whatever the hell they want with your kids, in stores, anywhere!
I'm a woman, and I'm gonna beat everything up!
And I'm gonna kick your store, and everybody else will get arrested!
But because I'm a man, you're not gonna be mean to a lady, are ya?!
Cause I'm gonna take you outside, and you're mean to a lady!
Cause nobody's gonna be mean to little ladies, and I'm a lady.
You understand?
Here's Johnny.
I'm gonna take good care of you, let me tell ya.
We better get him with our kids right now to teach us how to be tolerant.
Let's go back to Frankenmeth.
All right, here he is.
...to get her message out there.
We're humans just like you.
We're people just like you.
We have kids.
We have brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins.
We have parents.
As for how Moore handled the situation inside the store with that expletive-filled outburst... Yeah, I could have reacted a whole lot better.
But you know what?
I look back at it, if I could, I wouldn't change a single thing.
I would do it 100,000 times again.
I would kick over that display 100,000 times again because my actions were justified.
I mean, it was blatant and malicious hate.
It was blatant and malicious misgendering.
And we reached out to GameStop's corporate office for a statement.
We'll let you know when we hear back.
Thank God!
We better boycott GameStop right now.
In fact, George Soros has a group he funds now called Free Press.
I'm not kidding, it's a sick joke.
Everywhere saying no one should be allowed to even post an Alex Jones photo or talk about him.
And they're targeting fan pages for deletion right now.
Running around vitriolically because they're for a free press.
That's why I've got to be taken off the air immediately.
So, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and play this little clip, because we did find it.
Here is this gentleman, actually in a previous role.
We don't have it?
Because you told me you were going to have He-Man Masters of the Universe.
Bigger than... I don't care!
It's not a big deal!
We don't ever need it!
I don't care!
It's not a big freak-out!
We're going to play that later, though, if the hair loops the Admiral and the water don't rise over Bear Creek.
But you know what the good news is?
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Are we gonna let these globalists have their way with our children?
Defeat the globalists.
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Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got a head made of rock.
I'm the kid on the block with my head made of rock.
And I ain't got nobody.
I'm the state of the art.
Got a brain all a cart.
I make the babies cry.
I ain't one of the crowd.
I ain't one of the guys.
They just avoid me, they run and they hide.
Are my colors too bright?
Are my eyes set too high?
Smokin' my whole life, burnin', turnin'.
I'm a teenage Frankenstein.
The local dream is a twisted mind.
I'm a teenage Frankenstein.
These ain't my hands and these legs ain't mine.
This is video you're watching on your TV.
The scientist misgendered a woman and so he deserved what he got.
Can we put that, that's actual surveillance footage, black and white surveillance footage of what happened when a scientist at a medical facility misgendered a woman and she rightfully got angry and took action.
So it's okay to assault people, smash things, anytime.
You don't like what they say.
That's what the left's taught us.
And I agree.
You know, and I actually find the one that looks like Frankenstein more attractive than the blonde over there.
What was that actress's name?
I remember being a little kid, my dad thought she was cute.
I remember my mom going, we were watching it at the movie theater, and when we left, my mom was like, oh, David likes her.
Funny little stories from life.
That is a really good movie.
What's the name of that where it's a comedy?
About Frankenstein?
Young Frankenstein, yeah, yeah.
But you can see what happens when you misgender.
In fact, can we hear the audio from this?
Can we cue this up and play this in a moment?
They start, oh, you don't attack the, the, the, the, miss, miss.
Look, they just attacked a woman for no reason.
Let's back this up and show the brutal assault for TV viewers.
If you're a radio listener, we're showing shocking black and white footage.
We're a scientist.
Mislabeled a woman.
And so Frankenstein began strangling him, and that's good.
Because you heard the local newscast that earlier, they said it's good to be violent, attack people if they misgender you.
Now watch, here's the violence against the transgender.
The transgender standing up for her rights, has done nothing wrong here.
These three racist white people, the transgender is also black as you can see, identifies as black, is a black transgender, excuse me.
Also trans-abled, doesn't have a brain, but that's okay.
Not disabled, trans-abled.
And so look at the violence, look at that.
Stabbing the transgender with Thorazine, which you would give a mentally ill person, but no, no, they're mentally ill to attack this wonderful person.
And now simulated rape of the corpse, now necrophilia.
I want to apologize to TV viewers, family audiences out there watching, showing you this.
Yeah, this isn't really satire, though.
You just saw a Frankenstein-looking character physically attack people, yell, scream, threaten, you know, kick things over, do all this, menace people physically, threaten to kick their ass, which is a terrorist threat.
The police are like, absolutely, called him, called him, sir, you're lucky you're not dead.
In fact, he probably could have hung that guy.
They'd be like, damn right, sir, good job you killed him.
I mean, ooh, did I misgender him?
Maybe the clerk's not a man either.
Let's go to break, though, with By the Power of Grayskull!
And the Masters of the Universe!
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This is Cringer, my fearless friend.
Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said, By the power of Greyskull!
We'll be back, stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Condemned to hell!
Who knew that He-Man, the master of Greyskull... I held aloft my magic sword and said... By the power of Greyskull... I have the power!
Call me a woman, I'll assault you!
Hey man!
Sworn to avenge!
Condemn to hell!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
The Citadel!
For now.
Sworn to avenge.
Condemn to hell.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
All right, enough of that mastery raring.
I have the power!
I, a six foot four, huge man, will strut into a store, and if you say, okay guys, I'll get you next, I, you have defiled me.
I will now threaten to physically assault you and kick over four
You will bow or you will die!
This is how a woman sounds.
How dare you speak to me in such a way?
How dare you?
I have the power!
Can we play that one more time?
We'll tell her what we're talking about.
Go ahead and roll it.
First, let's hear the woman, the NFL Oakland Raiders linebacker, come in.
Frankenstein meets He-Man meets Buffalo Bill.
And he's going to tell you what you're going to... Now he's on the news as a victim!
He's a victim!
Here it is.
Excuse me, sir.
There's a young man in here.
Excuse me, it's ma'am!
It is ma'am!
I can call the police if you'd like me to.
It is Frankenstein!
You need to settle down and mind your business, okay?
Go ahead, pause.
There's like a man and a woman saying, hey, dude, settle down.
He's like, hey, watch your ass.
I'll hand it to you, punk.
Let me tell you, that's why I would have gotten very upset at that point.
I was like, man, you're a huge dude and you're threatening people.
Shut up!
And then if he touched me, you know, it'd be on the news, Alex Jones savagely beat a woman that's five inches taller than him and outweighs him by 50 pounds.
It's like they have dudes winning cycling competitions, and now they'll say no women will ever win again.
Because dudes go, when I get the prize money, they just go, I'm a woman!
They get pigtails, or they even shave their head.
Yeah, I'm a woman!
I'm gonna get that $100,000 prize money!
In fact, you know what?
I think I'm gonna enroll in some type of mental, especially mental illness, that's what it all is, some type of middle-aged woman sport, because I'm 45 now.
45 next month.
And I should literally just, like, get into... Hell, why get into women's sport?
I'll just identify as, say... A girl wrestler.
And I'll go back to high school.
Oh my God.
There's an example right there.
These are dudes.
Dominating women.
And then we all go along with the mental illness and play along with it.
I mean, you talk about using our hospitality to destroy our culture and our society.
Title IX.
What are you whispering in my ear?
Oh, yeah, that's what it is.
Yeah, but I know what it is.
I just you guys.
That's why so much I've told the crew.
If they're going to get on my ear, they'll just get on air.
Cuz that'd be so much more interesting if somebody just heard somebody say Title IX.
Which everybody knows what Title IX is.
I just, half the time you're whispering it and I don't hear it and it just breaks what I'm doing.
Anyways, I'm not mad, I'm just constantly getting distracted here.
Those are the war drums.
Let me do this.
You know, I kind of go off into crazy town covering crazies and then we don't get to all the real meat and potatoes.
But really heavy stuff is important.
But this is all heavy.
They're teaching us to accept mental illness and to go along with it.
And once we do that, logic is suspended and we'll accept tyranny instead of liberty.
See, to get us to accept tyranny...
And the globalist model and the end of the family, we have to accept insanity.
Because we'd be insane to get rid of prosperity and freedom and justice and God for the devil.
And all that comes with that.
So, that's why they've done this.
So what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna get serious here.
And I've played the clips now.
When I come back, I'm going to get into the news.
Because there's a lot of it.
That's very, very serious.
And while we're busy laughing at the mental illness of the left's victims, the globalists are moving to begin to arrest members of the press.
Now, remember that I said if they start trying to arrest Matt Drudge, that's a canary in the coal mine.
I don't think it'd be a rocket scientist to know that, but it's a major bellwether.
And so now the rat, Cohen, is trying to claim that Trump didn't win those polls on Drudge Report.
No, no.
They paid internet research marketing groups to go push Trump, which is normal.
They're trying to turn that into an illicit campaign finance issue.
So notice there's no Russia here.
Oh, no, no, no.
Unless you look at Mueller or Hillary or them.
Then there's just Russia, Russia everywhere.
Because they'll spread the American people's legs.
Remember, they pimp us out.
They don't spread their legs.
They sell our secrets, our money, our future out.
Trump doesn't, so he's ended the gravy train of the traitors.
And so they're busy trying to, you know, take him out.
And they want to take Drudge out too, obviously, ahead of the big finale, all these faking
Atlantic Monthly is a globalist mouthpiece.
It's saying it's time for impeachment.
You know, launch the impeachment.
So it's on.
And they're going to take the economy.
They're going to take it all.
And they're going to threaten and harass everybody until they roll over.
And then when people roll over to them, they're going to arrest them.
Because they want to get rid of everybody that ever had any pull or any clout.
And that's where this country and that's where this world's going.
And it's a very, very, very, very sad thing.
We're going to go on a break in a moment.
We're going to come back and get into all of that.
I also intend to open the phones up to your view on the state of the country and the world.
But nobody said taking the country back would be easy.
But I have learned some very disturbing things from some very influential people.
Basically, I don't know anybody, other than me, I guess, and Rand Paul, that isn't basically cutting Trump loose.
And I think this is a major miscalculation.
I don't think that I know that.
That's okay.
What do I know?
I'm not talking about Ann Coulter.
Much bigger than Ann Coulter.
I mean, my God.
Oh my Lord.
We'll be right back at Footworks.com, Newsworks.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
I sit around with gallows humor and laugh about what's happening, but I don't laugh because I'm having fun.
But I've experienced the tactics that are used from every angle.
And the biggest thing they do is, they threaten your wife, they threaten your kids, they go after people associated with you so they'll put pressure on you, and they just keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it, and doing it, and doing it.
And then they'll send over somebody else to offer you money, and oh, this is a better path to do it.
And so, it just seems like it's easier not to fight.
When in truth, you're talking about a bunch of really
Spiritually dormant, derelict, cowardly, stupid people.
I mean, if you look at who they put at the top of the CIA and the FBI, they're incredibly compromised, small people.
You read their text messages and things and you see it.
I mean, this is what they traffic in, it's what they do.
And they sycophantically worship Hillary and worship Obama.
And you see the Jeff Bezos text messages that have been leaked, which is Trump striking back between his mistress and his ex-wife and all the rest of it.
And it's him bragging that he knows Bono, who's a total nerd.
When you get down to brass tacks, these are like weirdo peacocks that don't have anything inside them.
These are supposedly master controllers.
At the highest levels of power.
Richest man in the world.
Of course he's not.
Real wealth is hidden.
140-something million dollars.
And he didn't think he'd set up a CIA operation to Washington Post to bring Trump down, and that all his dirt wouldn't start coming out then?
And his company wouldn't get broken up?
And that his wife wouldn't be reached out to?
I mean, Trump's making major moves, but
He's not fighting dirty until he gets hit.
And then he's just fighting back, which isn't dirty at all.
But the establishment puts on this swagger, when you see Mueller walk into a hearing or any of them, where they're just incredibly powerful.
And that may pick up a dumb chick at the bar, but at the end of the day, it's all just pickup artist crap.
It's all bravado.
It's all acts.
It's not real.
It doesn't go out and plant the crops.
It doesn't go out and take care of the cows.
It doesn't go get the chicken eggs.
It doesn't work in the factory.
It doesn't put its boots on and go into combat.
It's all a bunch of talk.
And it's all empty.
But you see this whole empty culture, with all the threats of the deep state against everybody, and most people have crap running down the sides of their legs, just shaking in fear.
Oh, don't audit me, or don't take me off the unit, or don't... You know, like Joe Rogan.
It's cowardice.
And it's that collective cowardice of thugs like Robert Mueller that allows somebody like that, a monster like that, to go around and do whatever he wants and intimidate everybody and get away with all this crap because there aren't real men that are willing to stand up.
And it's not like I'm a real man or something.
It means I'm not signing on to evil.
If I roll over to these guys,
I'm separated from God.
I can't join these people.
There's not even a choice here.
These are bad people.
That all flock to these sinners of evil like New York and L.A.
and D.C.
We're just all these weak nobodies, all these cowards, all these yes-men, all these social climbers, people that never commit to anything.
And statistically, they have the worst lives, they have the worst husbands, the worst wives, their children almost all commit suicide.
I'm serious, like, globalists?
Half their kids commit suicide?
Another 20-30% end up in mental institutions or drug addicts and maybe 10-15% become super alpha demons like they are.
That's not a very good track record, is it?
And that's what I want to tell all the sellouts right now.
And you know, I was praying this morning at 4.30 in the morning when I woke up and I said, God, what is the message to try to get the globalists who aren't totally evil to turn back and be like Saul on the road to Damascus becoming Saul of Tarsus becoming Paul hit by the download, hit by the vision, which is so big he fell off his horse.
I got hit by one this morning.
I was hardly walking.
I was like, what's wrong?
I was just like, gee, I can't even describe it.
You know, the knowledge, the data, the connections, all of it, just the eureka explosion moment that now I used to have like once a year.
Now it's like every day.
And God said, well, that's a stupid question.
God, through the ether,
Tell them that their children are going to die from the 5G and the GMO and that they already know it and they know they've sold out to evil and they think their children will escape?
It's not going to be God that destroys the children, it's going to be the parents are going to slowly kill their children.
It's not going to be 1 in 58 with autism, it's going to be half the boys in about 15 years.
And they've got programs hitting the girls too.
Yeah, we've hit the boys enough with the vaccines.
Let's tailor one for girls that destroys their fertility, but also gives them autoimmune diseases in the uterus and in the ovaries and slowly kills them.
That's the fun torture.
Demons like that.
Kill that unicorn.
Hunters of the unicorn.
Killers of innocents.
Killers of the children.
Killers of their potential, their future.
Oh, while they guard the earth and its future, oh, the earth's dying, they tell you, which is true.
They're the ones killing it.
And then the life-giving gas that would clean it, they're going to restrict that.
They're like, no, you don't have the carbon
The four pillars of the life cycle?
We will genetically engineer and put up Wi-Fi everywhere, killing the insects, and we'll see total insect collapse worldwide, and then the collapse of the crops, and the collapse of the ocean, and the collapse of the four pillars!
And then the Earth will fall, and they will manage us through the fall as the Guardians, with all the new plans to fix it!
But all the money in the world, Joe Rogan, will save your children from your God, Lucifer.
And maybe they're good to sell to it.
But I tell you now, all of you particularly have sold out to this, you will pay in your children.
Not by my hand, and I wish no harm upon them.
You will pay by your own deeds.
You will lose your children just as Pharaoh lost his.
You will pay.
Aleister Crowley knew that, that's why he killed his own son.
And you people worship that fat, demonic slug.
So maybe, maybe then if you want to join your God and really prove you're a Satanist, you need to do what he did.
I'm not saying do that.
But you might as well, because you're killing him anyways.
You understand?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, the total division of the nation and the world is going into absolute high gear.
The devil plans to wear out the saints until he gets full dominion over the planet.
But never fear, because the cavalry's coming.
Let me just show you some of the new articles up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And then I'm going to get more into the fact that Robert Mueller's fake net via Michael Cohen the rat is now aimed at Matt Drudge.
You knew that.
It's aimed at me.
It's aimed at everybody.
And then again, everyone's supposed to crap themselves that the FBI's been taken over by rogue criminals at the top.
It's really sad.
And because we then crap ourselves, they could win.
Because we don't get the danger is not standing up to them.
That's what brings in the total tyranny.
Here's a new article that's gotta go viral and it's so important.
It's on newswars.com, it's on infowars.com.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com.
Now they censor you if you try to retweet or Facebook or YouTube InfoWars articles.
That's the corporate board of program people to block that.
But none of you retweet or Facebook or YouTube NewsWars or Prison Planet.
Get this article out.
Remember that.
University of Georgia lecturer says fighting white people is a skill.
And that's why he's for integration so you can beat up white people.
You know,
McBreen was at the Texas Relays downtown a few years ago, and that's a big, you know, dominated black sport.
He ran into folks that were in high school with me, and they were like, yeah.
There were some black coaches.
Alex was such a nice guy.
You know, black people would beat him up, attack him, and he just still had black friends.
Well, that's because I'm like Martin Luther King.
I judge people on who they are.
Anybody that's being honest with you, especially black folks, will tell you that some of the most racist people out there are black people.
And, you know, Hispanics are pretty racist against black people.
They got a whole thing going on.
So this whole thing that it's just black and white is crazy.
But I was smart as a young person, but also kind of stupid and also kind of reckless.
So if I wanted to go over and see one of my black friends I played football with, I would.
Get my mom to drop me off in the black part of town, the town I lived in outside of Dallas.
And by the time I was about 11, 12, my mom, I guess, was kind of politically correct then.
She was just from the 50s.
She thought, oh, no big deal, drop him off.
I mean, I had people come to the door saying, listen, you cracker son of a bitch, I'll shoot your ass if I see you in this neighborhood.
My parents just let me have those experiences.
I'm not saying they're bad people.
Kids are a lot more sheltered now.
Maybe that's a bad thing.
But it's the point.
People that work in this building, 30, 40 years later, have people come up and say, man, Alex Jones was really a nice guy.
Because what happened was, I started having black people attack me in sixth grade.
I started putting people in the hospital by eighth grade.
I started really hurting people by the time I was 15, and we moved to Austin to get away from it.
And my dad sold his dental offices, everything.
Plus, I was caught up just in the wildest crap.
It was just totally insane.
But the point is, I have experienced full-grown black men out of high school who've been out of prison.
Large black men.
We're talking 6'3", 6'4".
Physically attacked me at Sonics and things when I was 14 years old because I'd put their little cousin in the hospital.
Well, your little cousin rammed my head in the ground.
So of course I started punching him in the throat.
And I'm sorry they had to do a tracheotomy on him.
He attacked me!
And by the way, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I'm not a victim.
The look in people's eyes when they think they're going to hurt me and I started turning it loose on them and I started getting them on the ground and ramming their head in the ground.
It was good times.
And then it was like, who's this little guy that thinks he's tough?
I had to beat the hell out of the rednecks when they started fights with me.
But the point is, is that I was fighting for my life is the reason I could kick ass.
I'm not looking for fights.
I don't want to fight.
But the average black person has never had a white person physically attack him.
I'll guarantee you, every white person I know that went to a school that was 20, 30, 40, 50% black, got attacked constantly.
And so I get to see this slimy racist dirtbag.
Why do you think most white kids in schools adopt fake black culture?
Which they get beat up for now too, that's cool.
Because they're trying to not get their ass kicked.
You know, I was in high school when I was 15 and had four Mexicans who had mustaches in high school.
They flunked so many times.
Break my leg!
All because I had talked to a girl that one of them had dated.
And they came to my house in the middle of the night and knocked on the door, and I came out, and they attacked me right there in the parking lot.
And the first guy stood up for an attack, and so I knocked his ass down, and then I knocked another guy, and then all of them jumped on me and stomped my leg, screaming, F.U.
And I got a pin in my leg to this day from it.
Broke my leg at the ankle.
There aren't Mexicans and black people, one out of a thousand, ever had white people do jack crap to them.
Truth is, America is Christian.
The truth is, America is the place with England and others that tried to end slavery.
It's still going on in Africa.
And the truth is, half the murders, 54% of the murders in 2018, were committed by black men.
Six and a half percent of the population.
And I'm not even demonizing, there's some nice black men in this country, and good people that love this show, and care about what's happening, and go to church.
But the point is, blacks have been maneuvered into this mindset and this idea, like the head of the new Black Panther Party says down in Houston, don't mug and kill in the black community, go do it to the crackerheads!
That's in the newspaper.
I've had that guy on the show before.
He defends it.
So now we've got professors saying, oh, I love integrated schools.
Because you can fight your ass some white people in there.
Yeah, little white kids with their book bag talk, they hate themselves because they're white.
And they go into school, they're a freshman.
They live in a private school.
Oh, hi, I'm sorry, I'm white.
Shut up, bitch!
You're not racist, sorry white girl!
I'm a virgin.
Better spread your legs, racist!
Just like the big transgender.
I'm transgender!
I'll beat all your asses!
Bow down and kiss my ass right now!
But the look in people's eyes when you open a can of whip-ass and they didn't expect it.
It's worth a lot, isn't it?
Best thing ever happened to me.
Because that's what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.
That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger.
That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger.
The Nietzschean refrain.
So we'll talk more about this when we come back, but it's not just this dumbass racist, it's the whole left is literally creating total division
Just like it's in the WikiLeaks.
Hillary says we're losing and they said we suggest we expand culture war dramatically.
And that's every TV show, every movie.
Whites are evil.
Blacks are saints.
When Muslims kill or rape people, it's covered up.
This is their system.
This is what the system set up.
And it's up on Infowars.com.
And white people, like I said, religious, like, mothers give their sons Ritalin to brain damage them and give them all the shots so they can't talk.
And parents, religiously, the schools cover, like, well, yeah, you know, the gang beats your kid to death, but it's okay.
It's fun.
University of Georgia lecturer says fighting white people is a skill.
Yeah, I know, beating up nerds is a lot of fun, isn't it?
You have to get used to fighting white people.
A philosophy lecturer at University of Georgia
Was accused of advocating racial violence after he tweeted, fighting white people is a skill.
Fighting white people is really a skill.
Really, it's one of, I'm support of integrated schools.
You have to get used to fighting white people.
It takes practice, tweeted, Arami Kwazib Fringpong, who is listed on the official University of Georgia website of the Department of Philosophy.
Fighting white people is a skill, and he goes on to talk about how great it is.
So this is the type of garbage.
We have the Grand Dragon teaching this.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that.
And I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, InfoWars4.com, to give you my absolute, total commitment.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So I talked about how the leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston said, go out and rob white people.
Don't rob folks in your own area.
But it's not just that, it's Dr.
Bobby Wright.
Blacks kill blacks because they have never been trained to kill whites.
And that's what this lecture at the college is teaching people.
Irem Ozzy Frimpong.
That's an Infowars.com article right now.
University of Georgia lecturer says fighting white people's a skill.
We need integration because then we can
Well, you see we retweets because we need to be trained to kill whites.
And that's being taught in college.
You're going to pay, what, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 a year to send your young person to learn that we need to kill the white devils.
You kind of get the double cross here, right?
Christians, the West, Martin Luther King, let's all live together in peace, that's what works.
And the globalists then double back and train the minorities, or trying to, to do all this.
Yeah, his full tweet is, fighting white people's a skill, really.
It's one reason I'm in support of integrated schools.
If you have to get used to fighting white people, it takes practice.
Blacks kill blacks because they've never been trained to kill whites.
Well, I don't know.
If you're white, you're 10 times more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around.
And 54% of murders in the United States are committed by 6.5% black males.
And then this guy is teaching at the college and white kids are sitting there agreeing, yeah, I'm right.
I'm just some nerd white kid walking down the street.
Please, beat my brains out or shoot me, kill me.
God, I'm so horrible.
Thank you for teaching me how bad I am.
I want to kill myself now.
And you're like, well, this is insane.
Yeah, local news is saying a 6'3", 6'4", guy built like a linebacker looks like He-Man.
Is saying, I'll kick your ass, kicking things over, threatening people with assault, terrorist threats, and the news is like, oh my gosh, I played it last hour, what a poor baby.
Can you believe the victimhood he's gone through?
It really is terrible.
But meanwhile, you've got black people all over the world battling to get into the country.
Battling to get in, because
They know about all the opportunity, and many of them get it and understand.
But it's liberal leftist race leaders, like this guy, that imagine if David Duke, former Grand Wizard, said, we need to, you know, kill black people.
He'd get arrested.
And it'd be called a terroristic threat.
And he should be arrested.
But he didn't say that.
This guy did.
This guy did.
And he knows it damn well.
Somebody kills your daughter, your son, because they're white.
They're not even going to say who killed them in the newspaper.
Every time you label and say who the person is or show a picture, you know.
Same thing in Europe.
It'll say German men raped and killed a girl, five-year-old girl.
You finally find out later they arrested somebody on Facebook who went to the local court and found out it was a Muslim.
And they're here.
You don't tell them that!
Germans raped that little girl!
After all, we've seen the TV commercials and everything where they teach us white men are the problem.
That Gillette commercial, a minute 45, every white person's bad, every black person's good.
And it's not the media trying to set black people up for some great future.
They target blacks for extermination via abortion and all the rest of it.
They're just going to play us off against each other.
And are we so stupid we don't figure that out?
I mean, a lot of people say, well, you know, Jones, if they're trying to black people kill the white people, he said, you know, we don't want abortion, but you know.
You think?
See how they trick us into going along with that?
And then we lose our soul.
Oh, yeah.
Wink, wink, the liberals.
Well, then let us kill the black people.
You're the ones trying to turn them into killers and say, kill us all!
See how sick that is, the left?
They are devils, man.
You've got to understand the full import of this stuff.
They know what they're doing.
And you get a bunch of chip-on-the-shoulder, arrogant, young...
People and you turn them into racists and the idea like, I remember hearing, is there such a thing as reverse racism?
That's idiotic as if tribalism or racism isn't universal by groups and low IQ people or whatever.
If you're going to have a multicultural nation, though, you've got to bind it by Christianity or something like free market prosperity and a shared goal that that's all being removed.
And we're being told to fight and kill each other.
And you notice they had the New York Times writer, the big push is to get Asians to hate white people.
They've got shows for little kids, you name it, where they teach people that whites are inherently bad.
We've played the clips here.
And the New York Times board member, she says she can't wait till whites are extinct.
She calls us subhuman, cave-dwelling goblins.
That's a quote.
She loves being mean to white people.
And it's like, yes!
Oh, you love to be mean to... I mean, she's more KKK
Then a Grand Wizard, Bug-Eyed Cyclops, or whatever you call it.
They got names like that.
Grand Cyclops, Dragons, Wizards, Jesus, excuse me, Lord.
So, humans organize themselves into gangs.
It's what we do.
And part of it is because people used to only be organized with those.
If you didn't have a big gang, and you weren't tribal, you'd get overrun.
But see, Christianity's been double-crossed, because Christianity tried to go out and get everybody to be peaceful.
Everywhere we had Christianity, even a basic form of it, we had prosperity.
But that's all going out the window now.
And man, you got a bunch of crazy, racist jerks, like this guy teaching at that college, who says blacks need to start killing whites.
He tweeted it.
That's right.
It's not that black people have gotten in the habit and the mode of killing each other.
It's not that that's wrong to do.
You should face that problem.
The problem is we're not killing white people.
So, I can project onto this guy whatever, you know, I want to think of him as having a high IQ, but let's do a document cam shot.
There's a video of this guy.
I mean, this guy is a dumbass, stupid, racist pig.
And that's the type of evil that these universities are allowing in to prey on your money.
Just look at the arrogance of this guy.
And by the way, look how creepy and wimpy he is.
Because, and here's how this is going to work.
If you're in there for the money, it's not going to be good for black people.
If you're in there for the shine and the popularity, it's not going to be good for black people.
The only thing that might secure black people from... You notice he sounds like a girl.
It's always some big wimp talking about who they're going to kill this and kill that.
Let me tell you something, you dumbass.
You want to think of it as your people, black people?
They're getting their ass handed to them by the very same leftist eugenicist globalists that run Cold Springs Harbor that say you're not a person.
But you don't say a damn word about Margaret Sanger or the Cold Springs Harbor or Watson, who was there with Margaret Sanger, he's still alive at 97 years old, because you don't get it.
Because you know what?
You get a job to pump that racist crap.
You get a job to sit there and to set up white people to turn into total racists.
Because the real racists want to bully white people using you until they agree to pull the trigger and use bioweapons and wipe every last African off the earth.
They got the weapons, they're ready.
And then we lose our souls.
But see, they intend to force white people into genocide.
And see, you don't actually want to save all the black babies getting aborted.
No, no, no.
You'd lose your job in five minutes if you started saying, hey, don't abort your babies.
See, I'm the one not virtue signaling, buddy.
See, I'm virtue signaling to God, Eva.
God doesn't want those babies killed no matter what color they are.
You understand that?
But you don't give a damn about those black babies.
You'll never hear a word out of scumbags like this guy.
You'll never hear one word about what's really going on.
The larger project.
This guy is literally Hitler.
He's saying kill a group of people because the color of their skin.
He is a monster.
He is a clear and present danger.
He is calling for people to be killed.
He is teaching people to go out and be serial killers and kill people because of what color they are.
What type of trance are we under?
This man should be thrown out of the university.
Not because of his speech, but because of his calls to action.
You've got speech all day long to tell whatever lies you want, buddy.
But when you start teaching people they need to go out and kill somebody because of what color they are, that's just like Black Lives Matter funded by Soros saying cops deserve to die because of what some other cop might have done.
You're evil!
And let me tell you something too, buddy.
There's a hell.
And you better get on your knees and repent.
If you've got any idea of what the future is, what a horrible, evil, snot-nosed piece of crap.
I'm gonna hope the phone's up, covered a ton of news straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm gonna finish up here talking about a real Hitler in America.
And there's a lot of them.
Because the green light has been put out there for white people, Asians, black folks, you name it, to run around and say that whites are inherently evil, and that just having any white blood at all, that just means Ice Age human,
That you then are the most evil, horrible person on earth, and those people deserve to die.
And I remember, like, 15 years ago, saying, I don't like Sesame Street.
Oh, the Cookie Monster.
Because I said, it's all just creepy, and it feels pedophilic.
And Elmo's voice sounds like what a child molester would sound like.
And my wife, my current, my second wife, my real wife, she doesn't like Elmo either.
She says there's something about it.
Well, it turned out that the main voice of it was a pedophile.
Now, I'm not saying this guy's a pedophile.
I'm just saying, what is it about the voice of, oh, hi, how you doing?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, okay, it's fun.
So damn creepy.
Elmo puppeteer Kevin Klass resigns as second man files lawsuit over new underage sex allegations.
Gee, people that want to be around kids.
Hi, I'm Elmo.
Take your pants off.
Hell, now Sesame Street is going to premiere at...
Gay bars.
As long as you don't have the kids up there on the stage naked, as long as it's in a gay bar, it's okay.
That's right, kids are now posing in gay magazines with naked men.
We're like, oh hell yeah, of course we are!
That's mainstream news.
I told you here in Austin, we sent a camera out there last year.
Don't show it.
And it's a man with a flaccid genitals that are large.
And doesn't look like a King David statue.
And, uh, you know, Grubworm with earmuffs on is the opposite of that.
Uh, and the little kids being embraced by it.
And man, that's what they call lesser magic.
Aleister Crowley was obsessed with pedophilia.
He thought that got the most power vampirically other than killing kids.
And it's just, you're sucking the energy off of them when you do that.
And then if you can do it out in the open, oh, that's the big bonanza.
That's, oh, muah, muah, muah, muah, muah.
And then we put up with it.
What's coming next?
People like Frankenstein stumbling around inside these facilities, you know, screaming and yelling and being called victims, or kids, you know, up there with naked men on stage, or, you know, what's coming next?
Can we play some of the, some of the professor that says, uh, kill white people?
My name is Armin Osei-Frimpong, and it's Friday.
That means you're getting your Black Politics today.
And it turns out the Hegel and the Aristotle Show was very popular.
And I do teach philosophy, and I teach philosophy for a few different reasons.
So today we're going to talk about Plato, unity, the NAACP, and black politics.
Because there's a reason I teach philosophy.
Because if you don't know
Philosophy is committed to the search for the truth, and if you're not searching for the truth, you're not doing good stuff for black people.
Because, and here's how this is going to work.
If you're in there for the money, it's not going to be good for black people.
If you're in there for the shine and the popularity, it's not going to be good for black people.
The only thing that might secure black people freedom, it's not going to be guns, necessarily, but it might be the truth.
So we need to tell the truth about our situation, which is going to hurt a lot of feelings, which might be a treasure chest.
We need to teach black people how to kill white people.
Blacks kill blacks because they've never been trained to kill whites.
He's not just calling for murder, he wants organized genocide.
Okay, buddy.
Well, you might want to get your act together before you start a fight with people that are really damn good at everything.
And if white people are good at something, it's organized killing.
So, wouldn't want to do that.
I know, you're not going to listen.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, here's the score.
There's a lot to talk about.
You can see it.
Like right before Trump got inaugurated, and then for about another six months, Fox News, other than Sean Hannity, and a few others, was decidedly against Trump.
Well, now they are more and more against Trump.
They put out the talking points of the globalists that don't really counter him, or they outright attack.
I know for a fact Sean Hannity is being threatened with being fired continually.
And I get that from Sean, I got it from others very close to him.
And then other top people are basically fatalistic and say that Trump is going to be removed.
Now, in the battlefront, I don't necessarily buy that.
Just like with the stupid grabbing by the, you know what, that was edited, so what, it was 12, 13, 14 years ago.
I don't think so.
You know, if you're Elvis or whatever, that's what Trump was saying is, when women are pulling their bras and panties off and throwing them at you and saying, I want you, I want you, I want you, that means they want you.
And that's a great thing.
That's procreation.
That's life.
God gave us that.
You know, the devil acts like he gave us sex and all this stuff.
The devil didn't give us anything but pain and suffering and failure.
God gave us all that good stuff, man.
Everybody was going to bail on.
And I told people, I made some phone calls to a lot of folks.
Roger Stone tells a story and I said, no, he's not going down.
And we're not jumping ship.
And Roger wasn't ready for that, but other people were.
I said, I don't care if we're tied to a failure.
It's not happening.
Now, everybody's being death-threatened and other really nasty stuff's going on.
I mean, people jumping the wall at your house at night and, you know, banging on the door, stuff like that.
I mean, they're doing a lot of stuff, and a lot of people haven't been in the fight that deep that long.
And so they don't get that if we don't hold the gates, we're going to lose everything.
They think if they just give up and back off, when the gates get blown open and the Bohrog comes into the city, that somehow they're going to hide out in an attic somewhere.
No, you're not!
They're going to eat you last, and it's not going to be pretty.
Because there's metaphysical rules, and evil loves destroying cowardly minions the most.
And it's because, historically, God says, alright, you can kill the good guys, when I allow it, but it's gotta be pretty quick.
But God removes the hedge of protection from traitors.
So if you had any discernment out there, you would not be trying to serve this thing or curry favor with it.
And look, I'm not saying people that want to give up or want to back out are bad people.
If they fought, if they've been good, that's great.
But don't become traitors.
Don't try to join with the other side.
Because again, if we had two boss hog operations fight with each other,
Boss Hogg wants prosperity.
He just wants to skim off the top.
He's bad.
He leads to more corruption later, like we're in now, but I wouldn't be risking my life, as I've said a hundred times, and going all out 110% and just asking for it every day just to prove I've got, you know, big huevos, rancheros.
I'm doing it because I'm fighting for my life.
And I'm scared to death of the children.
And I'm just scared for their souls.
You have to understand something, folks.
This whole thing is about souls.
And it's beyond that.
What you think of as the soul is not what it is.
Some ethereal thing that
Whisp around.
It's knowledge, it's integrity, it's honor, it's energy.
And it's encoded DNA that is not the information, it is the receiver.
You have the genetic code of all your ancestors as a receiver from not just God, but from them.
It's real.
And that's the theory that no one else has come up with because they're blinded.
But that knowledge is coming into the universe and the globalists wanted to take control of DNA and these systems to artificially control it and try to use it as a system of communication and control and it's not going to work.
You can't take something this elegant made in the mind of God and then even try to understand it when that's only one level of it.
It's like having a photo of a Bengal tiger versus having the Bengal tiger.
And that Bengal tiger is not just the Bengal tiger.
It's all the Bengal tigers before it and whatever that came from.
And the whole new age is set up as a fraud because when you get closer to what this really is, it resembles what you think of as the new age, but it's not.
It's God's plan.
And they're working around the clock to try to suppress it.
I mean, Burning Man, 100% run by cults that run our intelligence agencies.
And all these shows promoting DMT and all of this crap are literally trying to get dumb idiots to get dialed into something extremely destructive
So that they can be tricked and ensnared by all of this thing.
They're trendy and cool.
They're just creating a bunch of idiots who have no idea how much trouble they're in or what they've been tied into.
And it's all done to make sure that you don't ever
Go to the next level.
So that they can shut you off with some art projects and some bling and like the Soviets would have all these big spaceships and industrialization and all the things they're gonna do.
It's like Burning Man, you go there and there's all these old, creepy, admitted operatives from different intelligence agencies going around trying to create sub-cults they can deploy
Into your local towns and cities to continue this.
And it's all Jack Parson's Jet Propulsion Center, Alistair Crowley crap.
Hollywood, all of it set up by these very same people.
And the whole thing, a giant fraud, a giant scam.
It's disgusting.
That doesn't mean if you've been to the Burning Man, you're a bad person.
It doesn't mean any of that.
It means that they're telling you we're all atheists and you're an animal and you don't have any free will but if you come here there's other dimensions and other universes and we communicate with these things that are our friends and these things are like the cockroaches of the universe.
But there's free will!
And so if cockroaches can trick us to destroy ourselves and build a system for the cockroaches to run, when the cockroaches can't even build it.
They just have been around longer than us and know we've built it before.
And so they come and go, there's another world and we'll help you.
Just, we're your friends, but do what we say.
And here, oh, see how that worked.
Yes, we're working with others.
We'll give you power if you help us.
Everything's gonna be nice.
Now, we do like to do things to children, but never mind that part.
In the largeness of the balance, it's okay.
We'll also do great things for you.
For you, because you are the chosen one.
You are so smart.
You are so enlightened.
Don't look at me too closely.
I'm humble.
That's why I look like a blood-drinking cockroach.
So you have these blood-drinking cockroaches.
That is the spirit animal of George Soros, is a blood-drinking cockroach.
Actually, the entity that runs him is a large blood-drinking cockroach.
I laugh about it, it's all incredible.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm gonna give the phone number out.
I want to get your take on Michael Cohen trying to claim a bunch of illegal stuff connected to Drudge about paying him off to rig polls.
None of it, of course, is true.
There were articles back at the time in Gateway Pundit not so trusted Keating Cruz supporter spam Drudge report to rig online poll.
That just goes on in campaigns because you can't even control people you've got out there doing stuff with the super PACs and all of it.
But this is what they've come up with in Russiagate.
On Trump is nothing.
I want to get your take on that.
That's coming up.
I want to get your take on the SPLC has been sued for criminal racketeering.
I want to get your take on all the things that are happening and unfolding.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
Have you noticed Fox News is becoming more and more anti-Trump?
Have you noticed that the whole campaign to impeach him, being promoted everywhere, is going into high gear?
They're trying to plunge the economy.
What should we, the people, do?
Now, we could also get into this university professor saying, kill all white people, fight all white people.
Retweeting a guy saying, you know, blacks need to stop killing each other and start killing whites.
That's the sick garbage being put out.
That's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
That's why all this censorship is coming in now.
So people can't decry this and say it's wrong.
So this could just be put out by the universities and the media as if it's okay.
To create total division in this country.
This is the plan.
It's dangerous.
The average black person isn't like this.
The average white person isn't like this.
But it's going to create real paranoia.
And real fear.
And real clashes.
But that's what the globalists do while they enslave us and control us.
They find lots of useful idiots like this guy.
And the New York Times board member who says whites are subhuman and can't wait till they're all dead and they're goblin creatures.
I'm like, oh, well, you're Asian.
Oh, well, you're black.
That's okay.
You can say, and retweet, blacks kill blacks because they've never been trained to kill whites.
I like integration so we can get our fighting white people skill up.
These are quotes, ladies and gentlemen, of your radio listener.
I'm showing the articles right now.
They're up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
This is disgusting.
And it's meant just like when the left tried, when cops were getting killed a bunch, they still are.
CNN, MSNBC would say, well, cops are bad.
They need to learn to go under the Attorney General's control and strong cities initiative with the UN and, you know, become totally under our command or more cops are going to die.
The left thought if they went and killed a bunch of cops, the cops would go, okay, we'll go under your leftist ideology.
Most areas that didn't happen.
It's not that cops are perfect either, but my God, you don't want them under globalist control, believe me.
And so now they're just like, hey, whites, we're going to start beating the hell out of you everywhere.
Even worse than we already are.
We're going to tell black people to go do it.
We're going to shoot cops everywhere.
And you better roll over and show us your pink little bellies and virtue signal really, really, really hard.
You know, one of my family friends' granddaughter, and I've known this lady for 43 years, one of my family friend's granddaughter is, quote, biracial, part black, and she was going to a major university, she just graduated from there, and they were in the classes in journalism school, she has a degree now, and it was her final exams coming up, and they came in and said, now we're going to learn about Alex Jones and fake news and how he's a racist.
And this young lady's known me since she was born.
Been over to my house probably 50 times, been on the boat with us, camp outs.
And at first she was buying it, all these years, but it was already building where she was like telling her grandma, you know, they're trying to make us all racist and fight with each other.
Finally, that was it.
She blew up in class, said, this is total crap.
I know Alex Jones.
And the professor was basically like, oh, are you a racist too?
Because that's the new thing.
It was like this Washington Post article had to admit that there's this black radio host debating a libtard, and they go, shut up with your white privilege, not knowing the guy was black.
It's ridiculous.
It's insane.
Yeah, you can look at some rich white person and say their privilege, their rich, or it was given to them, or some black person and say that.
You don't just say of a whole group, you're white, you've got some privilege.
Depends on what street you go down, or where you live, or what you do.
I'll assure you, there wasn't white privilege growing up in Dallas, Texas, with a large proportion of black people super crazy and super racist.
And super violent.
CNN analysts, they said that Areva Martin accused radio host David Webb of white privilege.
I forgot to play that.
I'll play that next segment.
Maybe right now we can cue it up.
Of course, Webb is black.
So that kind of train wrecked right there.
That's how that operation works.
Look at USA Today.
See, everything's racial.
The other thing is Mexico taking over America, and tying that to Spanish, as if Mexico is Spanish-speaking only.
Boy, that's a nationalist issue.
Instead of like, oh, learn how to speak Spanish, isn't that great?
Oh, Mexico!
Take over America!
They want nationalism and the group's coming in.
They don't want the melting pot and it's all getting along.
They want to keep them nationalist so they have no power in this country.
Here's a clip of the black CNN race baiter.
They get a script telling the black guy, I'm not going to debate your facts.
I'm just going to call you white privilege.
Here it is.
I've chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I'm qualified to be in each one.
I never considered my color the issue.
I considered my qualifications the issue.
Well, David, you know, that that's a whole nother long conversation about white privilege and things that you have the privilege of doing that people of color don't have the privilege of.
How do I have the privilege of white privilege?
David, by virtue of being a white male, you have white privilege.
This whole long conversation, I don't have time to get into.
Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should have been better prepped.
I'm black.
Okay, then I stand... See, you went to white privilege.
This is the falsehood in this.
You went immediately with an assumption.
Your people, obviously, or you didn't look.
You're talking to a black man who started out in rock radio in Boston, who crossed the paths into hip-hop, rebuilding one of the greatest black stations in America.
And went on to work for Fox News, where I'm told apparently blacks aren't supposed to work, but yet you come with this assumption and you go to white privilege.
That's actually insulting.
It is, and I apologize because my people gave me wrong information.
The whole white privilege thing is insulting.
David, can I apologize and correct the record?
I want to apologize.
I was given wrong information about you, and I apologize.
So he's a black entrepreneur, he's done all this stuff, really successful in businesses, and he's bad because he's black, according to racist black people.
Because, oh, you're not supposed to have a Fox News show, you're not supposed to own a radio station or two, you're not supposed to turn all these companies around.
No, no, no, you're supposed to be a loser, and you're supposed to run around spewing a bunch of stuff that whites are all out to get you.
And believe me, the average white person is a guilt-ridden nutjob.
I mean, do you think white people are sick of hearing about this?
Do you think white people are sick of being called racist all day?
But see, what's happening to a lot of white people is, who weren't racist, they're flipping.
I know so many leftists now that are like, that are racist.
People that were liberals, who bought into it, and then finally got beat up or something, and they're like, okay, well, my God, you're right, and they go to the other extreme.
Martin Luther King, when he said it's true, judged people on what they produce and what they do.
How do you judge a restaurant?
How good the food is.
How do you judge music?
How good it is.
I don't care if you're black or white.
How good's the music?
But we're getting away from that.
It's insane!
It's total racism!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What the United States needs is the rollout of more advanced weapons that are so dominant, any arms races are ended.
But we need to then have a government that isn't using that for globalist power and to start wars and destabilization.
So Trump has announced anti-missile bases in Alaska,
But also anti-missile systems in space, which is a very, very good thing.
We'll go to that club and then get to some of your phone calls after I cover one more piece of very disturbing news that, believe me, I don't take pleasure getting into, but that must be seen.
But here's the president just a few hours ago.
Space-based missile defense layer.
It's new technology.
It's ultimately going to be a very, very big part of our defense and obviously of our offense.
The system will be monitored and we will terminate any missile launches.
America has some catching up to do when it comes to our geopolitical enemies, right, General Jack Keane?
What's happened here, Dana, 9-11 wars for 17, 18 years and sequestration for the last five years have really eroded the capabilities of the United States.
Meanwhile, Russia and China have been advancing their capabilities rather dramatically, and particularly in long-range offensive missiles that they currently have, cruise missiles and other kinds of missiles.
And secondly, they're developing hypersonic missiles as we are, but they're ahead of us in doing that.
So our missile defense has atrophied in terms of us being able to protect ourselves against these technological advances.
Alright, that's absolutely true.
Let's stop there.
At least with what they admit we've got.
Here's the rest of the story.
It was the Clintons and others that allowed the transfer, with Republican acquiescence, illegally, of all our missile secrets in the 90s to the chat comps.
So they wouldn't even get their weapons off the ground if we hadn't transferred everything we had.
And it's high treason.
Every time we hear these big, long, preachy talks about
Trump and Russia.
Remember, they're now talking about, did Michael Cohen pay a group to try to gain polls online and is Drudge a crook?
I mean, just totally made up BS.
So that's the rest of the story there.
Now, I'm going to play one more video delving into the assault on men.
And that's really what this is.
PETA is a cult set up by Dr. Peter Singer.
And it's a eugenics cult.
I know more about PETA than anybody that's not inside it.
And by a weird twist of fate, it's the only reason I know this.
And I'm not gonna get into how I know or the details, but what I was told years ago by an intimate, who was offered a major book deal, all turned to come out true.
And I said, this is too insane.
Don't even go there.
But it's all Aleister Crowley stuff, okay?
And so, that's what Hollywood, every time, that's what it is.
And so, when you see these ads that they air on TV and everywhere that target kids, it's all meant to be extremely obscene and disgusting.
Because these are fallen people.
And some of the things they do are just ridiculous.
And some of the other things they do are just outright evil and demonic.
But the leadership of PETA has hamburgers and T-bone steaks on the top floor of their facility while everybody's down below they make the people go get dogs and cats from shelters and then the heads of it sit there
Injecting the puppies and cats, killing them, getting off on killing little animals.
And that's just as high as the person I knew got in the cult.
And later they caught the PETA person throwing all these dead animals away.
It was like a hundred of them or something in a trash bin that they'd had frozen that they'd been killing that week.
I mean, it's full-on killing animals while they eat hamburgers.
And the weird thing is they're all into farting on each other.
That was the other thing, is that they all go around and fart in each other's face.
And you have to understand, I heard this and learned all this
And then I got contacted by top publishers, private detectives, everything, just because I had mentioned some of this without even saying who the person was, because the person I knew had formerly, under another name, been one of the top people at PETA.
And even when they were offered all this money to do the book, I said, this is too insane.
They're the Animal Liberation Front, all this other stuff, so.
And you're like, that doesn't make sense.
These are demons, folks.
It doesn't make sense.
Okay, you have to understand the next level of the demonic.
It's all about defiling, being gross, being sick, being weird.
So for TV viewers, you don't want children to watch this, even though this has been shown to children.
And what's the real aim of this?
It shows men that look like complete, absolute, pervert child molesters.
And again, they're glorified.
I'm not saying they're child molesters.
I'm saying if you were walking down the street and you saw a guy that looked like that, you would say that is a homicidal maniac pervert.
That person should be SWAT teamed immediately.
And every one of them is a super creepy dude.
To show the image of a man, being actually what the globalists push, a fallen man, a twisted man, a weak man, a sick man, helicoptering their genitals, so they sickeningly have rubber fruit that actually looks like giant genitals being swung pervertedly at you, and the real message is men are trash, men are garbage, men are filth, and they hide it in a don't eat meat message.
You go back to the leftist-controlled CIA in the 60s and 50s has been declassified.
Ugly architecture.
Break up the family.
Make people used to seeing ugliness and evil.
So this is a, ooh, men are gross.
Like all the other ads, all the men are stupid, all the men are dumb, don't listen to men.
Now women don't listen to men and the men don't act like men.
You listen to the state.
So now all of these things, masculinity is toxic, blah, blah, blah.
And now women know masculinity is not toxic.
It's good, just like femininity is good.
It all comes together, that unity.
So they show you a traditional male as a guy in a pervert wife beater with what looks like grotesque demon genitals, but it's okay for TV.
This is airing on TV and all the channels are picking it up because it's rubber.
Just like you're teaching children, ages 5, 6, 7, how to insert giant dildos in themselves.
And I'm sorry to talk like that.
It's what's going on.
This is Huffington Post.
This is MSNBC.
This is all the publications teaching you pedophilia is good.
So this is hard to watch.
I've only watched it once.
I'm going to watch it again.
But look into the eyes of them pushing.
They're telling you who they are.
They're coming for everybody.
Here it is.
Alexander Soros.
Notice they're white men.
That guy looks just like Jimmy Savelle.
Yeah, back it up.
They picked Jimmy Savelle, the famous pedophile.
And then, oh, here's a guy that works at a car wash.
He's bad.
He's got a job.
So this is just pervert pedophile Hollywood telling you who they are, and a guy dancing with a girl is rape.
And then they put black genitals on the statue of David.
And the girls don't like him.
Increase your sexual stamina.
Go vegan.
PETA has nothing to do with that.
The whole thing is a filthy, sick, evil eugenics operation.
We're going to break.
Right back with your phone calls.
They know exactly what they're doing with Jimmy Savelle.
They've got a new character of him.
White men are bad.
Men are bad.
And it's all brought to you by the very folks that brought you Jimmy Savelle.
So the people that did this are the ones force-feeding it to you and then saying, your daddy, your brother, your son, they're all perverts.
They're all who Hollywood really is.
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Defeat the globalists.
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Hashtag Alex Jones.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now listen.
A lot of you are probably noticing right now that I've not even talked about the fact that one of the top stories in the country is ban Alex Jones.
And I got a really interesting text in the middle of the night from a very famous talk show host saying the irony and it was a tweet that said free press and it's a Soros group publicly and then it says we must ban Alex Jones completely off Facebook.
Well I can tell them
That two of those three aren't even our Facebook.
I don't know how all that works, but Facebook has those pages.
We've talked to two people that have it.
Shadowban, where hardly anything can be promoted.
Less than 1% of our traffic to Infowars.com now comes from Facebook.
They shadowbanned us like two years ago.
So they're having this whole rigmarole about get us off Facebook and really it's about collecting emails to build a lynch mob to go after Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and others.
So they turned me into this unlikable creature to the left, then they used me as a fundraiser and as this strawman creature to attack everybody else.
And I talked to some of these national folks last night and this morning and they totally agreed with me that that's what's going on.
And it's just, so I haven't really talked about it today.
Because, you know, look, the listeners are either going to tell their friends, their family, their neighbors, their email, their whatever about InfoWars and about NewsWars and who we are, or you're not.
I mean, if you don't see they want to shut us down and you don't promote it, and you don't tell folks about your local stations, then we're going to lose.
You got to get obnoxious, you got to get repetitive, you got to get aggressive, which you've been doing.
And I want to thank you all.
I haven't even plugged the last two days and almost no money is coming in to fund our operation.
And I just feel like the information is so heavy that if people don't want to go to mfullmorestore.com and get the great products there and get the great discounts, then fine, don't.
It's really your choice.
I'm going to cover information and news even more and try to not just sit here and plug all day because the time is of the essence.
And I think the audience is smart enough to get that.
One of the smartest groups out there.
That's just what my gut tells me to do.
But we do need your support.
Got a lot of big specials going right now.
And without you, we won't be here.
But, uh... You know, it's just surreal to have George Soros publicly funding a group called Free Press.
In fact, guys, can you pull the article up?
It's at InformationLiberationArticle.com.
I have it right here, actually.
Here it is.
Over the headshot, please.
Free press petitions for Alex Jones to be banned permanently from Facebook.
And the group's called Free Press, run by George Soros.
And they just say, hateful conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is back on Facebook.
They don't even give excuses now.
They just say he's back, whack-a-mole.
Just a few months after the site kicked him off, urged Facebook to ban him permanently.
Facebook, as bad as they are, was the most judicious about all this, with their fakeness.
They at least had some pretense.
They said, well, we did find some transphobic things, you know, saying five-year-olds shouldn't be taught how to wear dresses at school.
We did find some of that, so...
You're banned off these two pages, like those pages.
Then there's the personal Alex Jones page that's shadow banned.
It doesn't really do anything.
And then there is some other sites that, there's some fan sites that are always like, there's a fan site!
You can't have a people promoting it!
Get him down!
We're the free press!
We're liberals!
And you say, that doesn't make sense.
That this group Soros is fighting and getting everybody banned and organizing lynch mobs, outrage mobs, is called free press when they're anti-free press.
That's the point.
Of having men dress up like a bunch of pedophiles, all white men, dress up like famous pedophiles, and have huge, giant, rubber, you-know-what's hanging down, and that's proper to put on the news.
But see, in 1984, Len, when I talk about it, it's bad.
Like on CNN, they can all cuss all day long.
If we let a cuss word slip through, oh my gosh, FCC Investigations.
But don't worry, at Free Press, that's the sick name.
It's like the Committee for Child Safety, you know, a hypothetical name, and then it's a nambla.
The North American Man-Boy Love Association.
And I obsess on that because when you get down to brass tacks, the Vatican, the UK government, all these big institutions are run by pedophiles.
They're all weird, soft, pasty weirdos that are so demon controlled, all they want to do is ruin your son or daughter's future by stealing their innocence.
And then invoking them into the cult, and getting them to bring them more children, and then they tell them,
Well, you've been involved now.
Oh, we're putting Zuckerberg on screen.
I'm not saying there's any evidence that Zuckerberg's connected to pedophilia.
We never found that.
It's Netflix that's like the pedophile channel now.
They have like five shows out about how pedophiles are good.
Like I said, folks, they're coming for your children.
What are you gonna do?
But I haven't really even mentioned that because
It's just crazy.
But there is a danger, though, that even InfoWars, we just kind of get used to being banned.
Oh, Roku today, Facebook tomorrow.
And groups calling for, don't let any users even talk about him, unless it's negative.
Then that gets promoted.
And see, that was not the unseen part.
I knew that was going to happen, but the thing about being banned or throttled back to nothing on these platforms is,
Everyone is then given free reign once your hands are tied and once you've got a gag in your mouth to do whatever they want and you realize what cowards they are.
And that's why they want children.
They love the helplessness.
They love the child begging for mommy.
They love the tying up and the raping and torturing until they call it using them up.
And when they're done slurping the last bit out, they drink their blood.
And then they have sex with the body, the dead body.
And then they eat the food, they eat the baby.
Yeah, that's the rituals.
And so, if they can't abort your children before they're born, eat the pain, endorphins of the meat.
If they can't get them aborted or can't get them autismed, they're gonna hit them with GMO or radiation, but their favorite thing,
Their favorite, favorite, favorite, favorite thing is just what they call listening to the beautiful music of a little boy or girl beg for mommy.
Oh, and the best part, sometimes they start begging God for help.
Oh, it's so good.
And when God doesn't come, the child just curls up and the pedophile comes and opens this gauge and says, you're never gonna see Jesus.
But that's okay.
Hollywood has that right, right?
I mean, Aleister Crowley, in fact, killed his own son.
That's why he's so respected by these people.
A pot-bellied demon.
And so, I just want all these people to know something.
You came from hell, and you're gonna go back to hell, and you're gonna get it.
So, I'm gonna start the next hour.
And then I'll go to your phone calls, I digress.
But it really is important.
The crew's been pointing this out.
I can't do 30-second plugs twice a day and keep us on the air.
We have to beat the Soros lawsuits, the Hillary lawsuits.
We beat most of them, but they're doubling down.
Whatever we do, we have to have a big, long, strong finish.
We can hold out for years.
And we're going to continue on.
We can hold out forever if you give us the funding.
You know, I learned about all these old rich people that give their money to the SPLC that's got billions of dollars offshore illegally, and people that give, you know.
Poorly, David Duke's been giving just property all over the country, so fabulously rich, it's insane by old racist.
You know, I don't go over there and say, hey, old folks, give your property to me, you know.
Instead, they just give it all to Salvation Army.
Like, I had some family that had big Texas Instrument patents and stuff, and they just gave it all to Salvation Army, which is a pretty good organization.
All I'm saying is just go buy the products.
Go buy the toothpaste and go buy the supplements and buy the water filters and buy the air filters, you know.
And instead of buying it all at Target or Walmart or Amazon, which you have Bezos sworn to destroy you, we are an organization that needs money to fund this thing.
I'm willing to go all the way to the mat.
I'm never going to back down, but I need to run this operation.
And I need cold, hard cash on the barrel head to do it.
So, I want to thank you all for your support, but you know, those of you on the fence, you really shouldn't be on the fence.
You should flood us with the money.
Flood me with it, and I give you this commitment.
I will fight as long and as hard and as truthful as possible.
Yeah, people don't like to give donations, though.
They always seem to buy product.
Donations at Infowarsstore.com, there's a donations button there.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm a thousand miles from nowhere.
Time don't matter to me.
Cause I'm a thousand miles from nowhere.
And there's no place I wanna be.
Hello Alex.
I want to fill all these folks in about these lawyers.
First of all, let me let me set a benchmark real quick.
Most of all those
Congressmen down in Washington are all lawyers.
They go in there with a pair of socks that don't match and leave them as millionaires.
Now, let's talk about the ones up here in New York City.
Do you think that President Trump was looking for some powderpuff to take care of business up here in New York, dealing with the city, the layers and layers of bureaucracies they have to deal with in construction, the unions to deal with?
That guy, that guy is just, when he talks, all he's doing is exposing exactly what goes on.
That's all he's doing.
That's business as usual.
That's nothing surprising at all.
I mean, I don't know what... Well, you can hear it in the tapes of Trump where Cohen walks in and is trying to set him up.
We're going to have to do some payoffs.
Trump goes, no, we're not.
And then that's the proof of Trump doing it.
Cohen, absolutely, Trump knows in New York, wherever, he's not corrupt.
But you've got to hire the lawyers who run the system as the gatekeepers and pay their toll or you don't get jack crap taken care of.
Yeah, a lot of people don't understand that New York, the construction business, well that's brutal anywhere you go, but especially in New York, you're dealing with a lot of people up here, layers and layers of bureaucracies.
For one thing, the city, oh lord, going through the permitting business, getting the inspections, you know, of course, there's zoning problems here.
I mean, President Trump is no fool whatsoever.
Well sure, but I mean, the best they've got is
Michael Cohen gave money to some internet group to promote pro-Trump polls.
I mean, this is what they like because, oh, maybe we can get drudge with it.
Yeah, but, you know, Michael Cohen, like I said, he's one of them.
You know, how can you believe the guy?
He got busted for lying to Congress.
Yeah, he would sell his mother out for a stick of bubblegum.
Jerome, great points.
God bless you.
All right, let's take another one on Cohen.
Nick in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Hello Alex, how are you doing?
We spoke last week a little bit about geoengineering when I got cut off.
I was never able to call back in, so we can talk about that after.
But the Cohen thing, it seems like almost to me, I don't know if it's overthinking it or not, but almost seems like this guy can be like, you know, just another one of the bad moles put in place to make some mistakes.
Oh, absolutely.
You know Cohen for years has been trying to get dirt on Trump to exploit new things.
I think with the Roku thing and you, all they can do at this point is keep you off the air.
I think they realize that if your message is able to get out there...
No, you're absolutely right.
And because they have to silence me so they can then put out the straw man that I'm not.
And it's just, it's just dastardly what they're doing, but these are bad people.
And again, we were on Roku seven years, had a lot of viewers on there.
It was an old app, never even thought to make a new one or a new platform.
And then some fans made one and all hell broke loose because it shot up to the front page because the algorithm showed it was popular.
And so, again, that's why we're off the air.
Not because we're lying, not because we're fake news, but because we'll talk about what's really running the show.
Thank you for the call, Nick.
All right, when we come back, Lindsey in New York on vaccines, Dave in Nevada on Coe and the Rat, Vox from New York on Globalist, Slavic from Kansas on the SPLC, Rebecca in Massachusetts
And so much more.
Dean as well.
Stay with us as Matt Bracken takes over.
I'm Alex Jones.
Next year's news today.
Stay with us.
Whatever you do, spread the word.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Our love is unconditional.
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I see it in your eyes.
You can feel it from my heart.
From here on after, let's stay the way we are right now.
A lifetime can allow.
Think about something wholesome like George Strait versus the pedophile press.
Let's put a little bit more of this.
And I want the viewers and listeners to know that I crossed my heart and I pledge to you to do all I've got to do
Try to stand up for what's right, and move into the future.
And not because any of us are hero.
Because we're doing it, because it's the right thing to do.
We don't have a choice.
We're gonna go back to your phone calls right now.
Lindsay in New York on vaccines.
You're on the air, thanks for calling.
Hi, how are you?
I'm... I'm... Thank you, uh...
I just wanted to let you know that we keep you in our prayers, and we absolutely love the product.
Thank you, ma'am.
We couldn't do it without you.
Honestly, Super Silver has been amazing for poison ivy.
Like, we have a ton of poison ivy around our area, and I'm into, like, homesteading and cultivating, like, I forage for medicinal herbs and stuff like that, and sometimes I get tangled up into some poison ivy.
I'm wicked allergic, and that Super Silver
It's been like amazing.
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Sure, well there's a super silver immune gargle in three different sizes you can spray on things.
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That's super amazing.
And then there's the colloidal silver.
But are you talking about the immune gargle which is also a topical?
No, I've been using the Wound Gel.
Yes, the Wound Gel is so unbelievable that people have to experience it for themselves.
Yeah, yeah.
It's really awesome.
The reason why I wanted to call is because our family actually just went through the
Process of, uh, getting religious exemption for, uh, so our, so our kids can go to school, but also keep with our beliefs of, uh, not wanting to get vaccinated.
And like, honestly, like I was super scared about doing it because, you know, like living in New York, it's one of the most difficult.
States to like get religious exemption.
And, uh, it actually really wasn't that bad at all.
The school was, they didn't like, look at me, like, like,
You know what I mean?
It was just really an easy process, actually.
So, I just wanted to call in and encourage other people that if you're thinking about it, like, you just take that step.
And you know, it's a good step to do as a basic, but we should push back and say, the illegal aliens, you bring them in with no vetting and you put their kids in our schools.
Try it.
And I'm not even mad at the little kids.
They should be tested so that they can be taken care of.
They're going to be here.
Might as well do that.
But they don't even do that.
So, TB spreading, all this real stuff spreading.
And then they go, oh, fill out this form for the health department, send it in so we have a record of who you are for religious exemption or other exemptions.
California's gotten rid of the exemptions.
And so they're trying to say it's mandatory.
It's all total fraud.
And I say, hey, how about you take the shot?
And again, it's social control.
They are adding things to the vaccines.
I wish they had clean vaccines.
I wish they had admitted even clean vaccines can cause an autoimmune response.
But they are spiking them 100%.
It's compartmentalized.
The average doctor doesn't know.
It's a fact.
The inserts say it can kill you.
So, I would take the next step.
You've done a great job, Lindsey.
I'd go to the PTA.
The website is the main place that I got all my information about why I don't want to vaccinate.
It's because you look at all the different, uh, the, uh, side effects from the vaccinations.
It's crazy, you know?
I mean, it's our own immune system that creates the immunities.
It's not the vaccination.
That just introduced the pathogens, too.
You know what I mean?
So, like, if you just
Get into healthy living and herbals and stuff like that.
You can build your immunities yourself.
I want to knock on wood.
I get allergies, which means my immune system is cranked up battling.
But, I mean, I want to knock on wood here.
I get a fever maybe every three years.
I mean, I just don't get sick now, other than allergies.
And that's my body swinging for the fences.
I mean, it knows it's under attack, the GMO, all of it.
And so, you know, I mean, I got a hyperimmune system turned up.
When it gives up, you get cancer, folks.
God bless you, man.
I appreciate your call.
The next step, Lindsey, is getting your facts together, reading the inserts from the vaccines.
You can get it at Walgreens anywhere.
Say, I want the inserts.
By law, they got to give them to you.
Not their fact sheet.
That's bull.
It's like George Soros' free speech ban groups called Free Press.
They're fact sheets, the BS sheet.
You want the insert that comes in a little white box that the ampule, that the bottle of vaccine's in.
And you want that.
You just go read front and back that at city council.
All the ways it kills you, all the ways it can give you cancer, all the ways it can cause autoimmune disorder, all the ways it can cause Guillain-Barré.
That's getting paralyzed till you die.
And then just sit there and say, now parents know that.
And I'm telling you, I guarantee you go do that at a city council or PTA, this word of mouth, you'll save two babies from being brain damaged or dead.
So again, folks, you want to take action, this is the way to do it.
We can show you everything.
And almost all vaccines, by the way, have cancer viruses in them.
Oh, and they don't just accidentally have one run-of-the-mill one.
They seem to always have super rare, super deadly ones that come from immortal gene lines.
You're like, wait, a virus is RNA, that's DNA.
They are, I'm not a microbiologist, I just read the reports, they somehow in these microplasms encase the viruses.
In an immortal seed line, immortal cell line.
You understand an immortal cell?
First time they found it was in the 50s.
It was a black lady.
Cancer killed her in two weeks.
It was a black, I forget her name.
Pull up immortal cell line.
She died in two weeks from cancer.
Black lady.
And they put cancer in a Petri dish.
And guess what happened?
It didn't need anything.
It just, it's a zombie.
There's a lot of weird stuff going on.
Yeah, Hereta Lacks.
Henrietta Lacks, 1951, was an African-American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HELA cell line, the first immortalized cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research.
Because one thing kills it, and that's fire.
You've seen these space alien movies where they get something on the ship nothing can kill?
That's it.
So you go ahead and roll your sleeve up.
Because they're going to give you something that's going to make you feel real good.
But they learned with the mutagenic properties of these to test them in primates and other mammals to where they trigger later.
And they normally do it where the hormones dip.
Around 65 when you go in retirement and then those immortal cell lines are waiting and inside the cell they're carrying a weaponized cancer virus.
So see, it's a delivery system, not so much a binary weapon.
And then they suck all your savings out with all the chemo and everything.
It's so liberal.
Anything better for the globalists is kidnapping children or funding radical Islamists to sex trade and kidnap women and children.
Remember, when you think about the globalists, they are the worst people on earth who seek power and who are in control.
I swore to take your calls.
I'm going to try to do this once a week when I go over and run the Matt Braggins.
I took over from...
What, uh, Roger Stone the other day, and a bunch of other people.
And everybody understands you host the 4th Hour, that sometimes I'm gonna go crazy and go over.
And Matt is an awesome guy.
But I'm not gonna pontificate.
I am 100% gonna come back and go right to your phone calls like a laser beam.
There he is!
There's Matt Braggin right there.
And we'll get his take on, clearly, the winds churning, and now turning, against Trump.
And everybody who thinks they're smart is putting their finger in the wind and deciding to back away.
But are people backing away because Trump is faltering?
You know, I don't want to blame people before I know the full story, but I just think people are getting death-threatened and stuff.
I think people say, you know, I've been in this fight a long time, but I'm not going to lose everything for this fight.
But you see, that's the trick.
You lose everything by not fighting.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Matt Brackett's coming up.
I'm going to jam in a bunch of calls, but stuff's getting good.
I think I'm going to stay around.
I'm always here anyways.
There's a war room with Owen coming up, because I've got more to say.
You know Pelosi said, oh, we won't invite you for the State of the Union to Congress.
Trump's like, great, you're not getting military transport, which under the executive is most of the planes that Congress is using.
By the way, she's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I mean billions she's swindled out and paid her husband and stuff.
So it's really hilarious that Pelosi can still take a trip the government will pay for, you know, on commercial.
But she has to fly commercial, so, because she flies around on a jet as big as Air Force One.
So that is hilarious.
That is absolutely, totally hilarious.
But this has reached civil war levels, the government.
And I'm glad Trump's standing up.
Okay, who's up?
Let's move quick here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rebecca in Massachusetts.
Rebecca, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, how are you?
I'm doing pretty good, talking to you.
Thanks for calling.
Of course.
I just wanted to talk to you because it's been placed on my heart.
I've been a long-time listener.
I've been listening since I was like 12.
As you've mentioned before, everything boils down to a spiritual root and a spiritual cause.
And therefore, for that, I just want to encourage you in knowing that God is for you and not
But he also, I believe, would like to encourage you to even teach your viewers how to pray.
Because behind every demonic force, for example, this whole thing with abortion, this whole thing of pedophilia, behind it is actually that ancient spirit of Baal.
And it is a real spirit, and therefore the church needs to learn how to pray against it.
No, I totally agree, and that's not the false church people get turned off by, but really this is good and evil, the spirit of liberty and life versus the spirit of basically vampiric wickedness, and I always have a guilt that I'm not doing enough or fighting hard enough.
I'm always angry at myself for not doing enough, and I've never had an experience like the last 48 hours where it's next level Holy Spirit where it's not, it's like
You're doing good.
I know you're trying as hard as you can.
In fact, here's some knowledge, and it's so hardcore and so huge.
I'm not just saying this.
I'm experiencing stuff that I'm not ready to talk about yet on air.
I know a lot of other people are right now because we prayed for Christ to come back into the world, God's Spirit, at times like this.
And people are praying and it's happening.
And I mean, I have just been having Eureka moments of deep understanding and just God comforting that, hey,
You know, it's okay.
It's back when I could run, before I had a torn Achilles and was in better shape.
Two or three, four miles in, you feel like hell, but all of a sudden, boom, it hits, and I can go six, seven, eight, nine miles.
It's never a super long distance, but I've run eight miles before.
Usually I run six miles is when the second wind would end.
But it's like I've hit the second wind, and it's, so thanks for all your prayers.
I know a big part of it is the listeners praying for me, and I'm not perfect, but I'm trying hard, so thank you for the prayer.
Thank you so much.
May I just leave you with something, maybe to leave it to the viewers?
If it's possible.
If you look up Wind Whirling, he has this whole segment on destroying the roots of Babylon, and in that it showed how the church prayed for Reagan, and how the demonic enemy was trying to keep him out, but it was the prayers and how God directed them, specific prayers against the Federal Reserve, against the IRS, against
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yeah, Alex, first of all, I've been listening for many years.
I'm from Ukraine.
I came to America about 17 years ago.
You were the first one to really wake me up to the New World Order, and I actually applied to the CIA.
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Thank you.
And all your, yeah, your BrainForce product, I gotta tell you, that is the best thing that I've ever taken, because it really has helped me at work.
So, it's pretty, it's pretty an awesome product, so keep it going.
Well, all we did was see what the top products were, make them stronger, and then lower the price, so thank you, but that's our, that's our formula.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so I want to make a comment on SPLC a little bit.
So, you know, I was kind of doing some thinking and, you know, SPLC is literally the legal arm of Antifa, you know, and Antifa is the arm of the globalist fascist Hydra, you know, like from the Captain America movies.
So it's just like the public arm of the CIA.
And, you know, because no one's going to listen to the CIA.
So the CIA has to use, you know, SPLC and other groups to break up the family and make whites look evil.
Well, that's what they're doing, is they're creating racial division in America so we're a divided nation in full.
They are globalists.
They're a poison introduced into the people.
And again, I'm not lionizing the average minority.
Most, quote, minorities who are the majority in most areas, they're good people.
But this is just pumped in.
Even if you're not a racist, it doesn't matter if you're black or you're white, you get uncomfortable around people you don't know, if they're another color, because you've been told to be uncomfortable.
And that's just evil.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's just total evil.
And you're probably familiar with the OKC bombing, but, you know, SPLC basically labeled every constitutional state militia group as evil when they were trying to expose the whole OKC bombing.
I don't know if you remember that.
Oh, I do remember.
The SPLC was running Elohim City that McVeigh was out of.
So SPLC, from my research, was quarterbacking the whole thing.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you know, just going off on the whole traitors within the Trump government, you know, there's this book I think you should check out by Brad Metzer, it's called The First Conspiracy, you know, The Plot to Kill George Washington.
And I'm sure you're more familiar with George Washington's life, but he actually had people within his ranks, within his secret service, that tried to assassinate him in 1776.
And it's the same thing that's happening to Trump today, you know.
I know, and you don't get taught that in history, but like a lot of the pistols misfired, same thing happened over and over again with people like Jackson.
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, and before I go, I wanted to give you a t-shirt idea.
I don't know if it's something you could think of, but you know how Alexandria Cortez, she looks like in the Alien movie, you know, with a big mouth and big teeth coming out?
You know, you should put AOC and then the alien, you know, picture side by side with her big mouth open.
No, I agree.
And she didn't look like that a few years ago.
I mean, she looks exactly like a meth head.
And I predict she's going to end up really embarrassing them.
I predict she has a collapse, a total breakdown within one year.
I mean, she is a, in my research opinion, I think she's a molly addict or a methamphetamine addict.
I mean, she looks like a crack whore.
Yeah, she does have a mess now, so you're definitely right on that.
I mean, she looks like, you know, crack whores, you see.
In Dallas or Florida, Miami, wherever, I've seen, you know, crack whores.
All she needs is like the long shirt, kind of, and the short shorts, walking around in parking lots, and I'd be like, ahhh.
And I mean, that's it.
I feel very sorry for her.
She's a crack whore, probably.
And Alex, I want to encourage your other viewers or anyone tuning in that thinks you're a crackpot or something, because I talked to a high-level colonel, I'm not going to mention his name, but he was a flag officer in the U.S.
He basically confirmed everything you've ever said about 9-11 being an inside job.
He told me that, you know, every flight officer knows it's a job, but they're all afraid to come out because they're afraid to lose their families, you know, or their jobs.
Well, that's it, and in the system, soon we'll have nothing but robots flying the planes, so it'll be the end of the age of men, which the women are being taught is a great thing.
No, it's the end of humanity.
It doesn't mean radical Islam isn't real.
It means the globalists are working with it, they're doing it like they've opened up Europe, like they're doing it all, and Trump's trying to end the destabilization of Europe.
He's trying to bring forth something that is actually pragmatic and works.
I'm not going to walk over Matt Bracken anymore, even though he's agreed to it.
Let me take over when he hosts.
I'm sorry to Vox and Dave and White Knight and Dean.
Call me back tomorrow.
I'll go right to you first.
Coming up in just a few minutes, Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, anti-terrorism expert, and more.
They'll break down all the huge developments.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
No, it's not Alex Jones, it's Matt Bracken, but I think Alex is still around, so we can kick the ball back and forth a little bit.
We will take some calls in a bit at 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
And first, we want to continue talking about this social media de-platforming.
It's beyond obvious now.
I wish I could say that I was surprised by this flap over Roku, the Roku app.
But it's really just part of the seamless effort of the powers that be to de-platform dissidents.
You know, in China, they just have the government do it and they call it the social credit system.
And I think it's in a way more effective here because we have the de-platforming done under the veneer of private corporations.
You know, so you can say, well, I mean, Twitter, Facebook, they've kicked you off, but they're just private organizations.
But if the effect is that you have basically gotten your microphone cut off, what's the difference?
You know, I'm currently on my seventh
30 day Facebook ban in less than a year and a half.
So if you do the math, they'll let me stay on for about a month, then they'll kick me off for a month.
And what I'm concluding from that, it's kind of like, um, I think I'm trying to, they're trying to send me the message that they just don't want me around, but they can't point to anything and say, you know, here's a, here's a violation of terms of service.
So they're just making it such a hassle that you'll just give up and quit.
And I might.
I sort of look at it like a beaten wife looking at a bad marriage.
You know, you keep saying, well, I mean, he's really great sometimes, you know.
He takes me out to wonderful dinners.
It's just that then he'll slap me around and beat me when I get home.
Then, sooner or later, the wife has to say, I've just got to leave.
Even though the guy's rich, he's got a fancy house and fancy cars, it's an abusive relationship.
So I don't know if I'll be back on Facebook at all.
You know, last fall, a couple months ago, I was permabanned from Twitter.
I'd never been suspended nothing.
I was permabanned over a burka meme that didn't even name a religion.
And, you know, when trying to send in the appeals, all you get back is a is a form response, you know, just a robo response.
That says that their terms of service say that you can't post anything that's hateful towards any religious groups.
Well, as we've seen with Twitter bowing down to Islam, Pakistani Sharia judges can demand that they kick people off of Twitter, at least in Pakistan, but this seems to be extending globally.
So essentially, what Sharia blasphemy laws mean is anything that offends any Muslims.
And Twitter is fine with that.
So the last place that I'm, you can find me if you actually want to see what I'm posting.
And what I post is what I'm reading, what I'm studying.
So if you want to know what I'm looking at, you can find me still on freezeoxy.com.
That's about it.
You know, so that the, the light, the little, the spotlight grows smaller and smaller until I guess eventually it blinks out.
But that's just the way it is.
And my overall point here is,
It's up to you, the individual viewer, internet user, to keep searching for the truth.
It may take a few more clicks.
You may have to do some more searching.
Otherwise, the mass brainwashing, there's no doubt, the mass brainwashing works.
That's the overall effect that's going on.
I'm sure we've all watched the Gillette ad about 20 times by now, or maybe you can't stand to watch it.
I can't either.
I've seen clips of it while watching the YouTube videos about it by a lot of smart people like Paul Joseph Watson.
And there's no doubt that there's a social push, a real societal attack going on to tear down the pillars of Western civilization.
And one of the most important pillars of that civilization is, let's face it, strong, European, Christian, heterosexual males.
Why heterosexual?
Because the family is the building block of any successful, long-lasting society.
If you want to wreck a society, wreck the family.
So that's how it's being done at the individual level.
Hollywood and Madison Avenue, they push out the themes that white men, Christian white heterosexual men, are the evil ones.
They're the target.
And what this does is it signals to the population at large
That white Christian heterosexual men are fair game.
If you created an ad campaign or any kind of posters, anything, attacking any other group just for being a member of the group, women, gays, an ethnic minority, it would never fly.
You'd be off the air in seconds.
Yet, white Christian heterosexual men, you can make fun of them, they're buffoons, they're idiots, they're cucks.
You know, you need a strong minority man to come in and save the women, like on Bird Box.
You know, it's just so pervasive, it's really disgusting.
So, what we have to do is just be strong and keep looking for the truth everywhere that we can.
So that the powers that be, I don't know what you want to call it, if it's a conspiracy, if it, you know, these people don't meet in the same room, I don't think, but they all think like a Borg.
The collective mind hive that you find in New York and in Hollywood, that collective mind hive is totally pushing out the same message.
At the national level, we're watching this push for open borders to just flood the country with third-world people that don't speak English, don't share our values, don't know or care what the Constitution is.
And I came up with a little equation.
It's kind of funny.
I call it the Dunning-Kruger effect plus Cloward-Piven.
That's the Democrat plan.
That's the Democrat strategy.
So if you assist the lower, you know, the morons of your society in every way to have more children, basically pay them to have children, ensure that they get the vote.
If they don't get out to vote, you'll vote Harvest for them.
You'll go door to door, you know, with goons convincing them to sign a piece of paper so that the Democrats will count their vote.
You know, you put that together with the Cloward-Piven strategy, which is, you know, just overwhelm the welfare system until it collapses and only a national solution is left.
That's what we've got.
And if you're a Christian of European heritage in this country, it should by now feel a lot like you're a Jew in Germany in, say, the late 1920s.
You know, what's going to be coming is an ugly period in our history.
And I thank God every day for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, who gave us the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment, so that they can't, you know, if I can find a channel to talk, they can't just come into the room and say, you're not allowed to say that.
Now, they can kick me off Twitter, they can kick me off Facebook, but I'll still find a way, we'll still find a way to get the message out.
We're never going to quit.
We're going to keep pushing.
And eventually, if they do come after us, because all of this messaging, it's clearly the battlespace preparation for a genocide to come.
They're conditioning people to accept.
That old, evil, white, heterosexual men need to be thrown out, gotten out of power, one way or the other.
And we've said it before and we'll say it again, the Second Amendment backs up the First Amendment.
So they would be glad to throw us on the boxcars and take us to gulags.
They've just got one problem left.
They have to figure out how to defang and declaw us first.
And believe me, they would send us to gulags if they could.
And you know, Trump is not going to be around forever.
And eventually it's going to be President Kamala Harris or, or Alexandria Ocasio.
And then we'll see what happens next.
We'll be back right after the break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I'm back until the end of the hour and we're going to take some calls in a minute at 877-789-2539 or 789-ALEX.
Alex mentioned at the end of the last hour, you know, Trump seemed to be faltering.
I think that this feud with Nancy Pelosi, it's kind of funny not giving her the military airlift.
But, you know, with the State of the Union looming on the horizon, I would wish that he was focused like a laser beam on that address, because that could really be a deal changer, a real paradigm shifter.
There's not going to be another opportunity like the State of the Union Address to really make the case, for example, for the border wall.
I mean, how many people realize that the border wall funding equals one-tenth of one percent of the budget?
The Pentagon can lose or not account for $100 billion.
Nobody cares.
We've spent I don't know how many trillions in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq over the last 20 years.
And the Democrats won't give five billion toward a border wall.
And what this does, it absolutely proves that the top most important Democrat priority is to keep the borders open so that they can keep the Great Replacement going.
This is something that working-class Americans, you know, apolitical people, people that maybe have given up on the political process, they get it when they see people flooding into the country.
We don't see it much on a day-by-day basis, but it's happening.
And I was very heartened to see President Trump just spoke to and spoke about
A man named Chilton who is a rancher in Arizona.
He owns a pretty huge ranch.
This guy Jim Chilton has been funding these border cameras, you know, the hidden cameras that show guys like columns of troops.
They're wearing camouflage.
They have matching hats.
They're wearing camouflage backpacks, presumably full of drugs.
But who knows what's in them?
No women, no children.
They're just streaming through the border.
They have hours and hours of this video footage.
And supposedly Trump has seen this video footage now.
You can see it, too.
Go to this website.
It's a very good website.
It's called secureborderintel.org.
And, you know, there are people, private citizens, who have been putting out their own trail cameras along the border and catching it.
The Border Patrol can't be everywhere.
That's why we need a barrier.
When there's nothing but, like, you know, a three-strand, broken-down cattle fence along the border,
Then the few Border Patrol on duty have to defend in depth back 50, 100 miles.
If there's an actual wall, an actual border barrier, then they can just watch the wall and nobody's going to get over.
If they see anybody jumping over the wall, they can pounce on them.
But as it is, it's a joke.
We have no border.
I wish at the State of the Union that President Trump would show some of that video that you just saw.
I could, you know, you can go to Secure Border Intel, you can see hours and hours of that video of just hundreds and hundreds of men on a nightly basis bringing backpacks into the country.
What's in it?
I don't know what kind of drugs, anything.
There's an old joke, how do you smuggle a suitcase nuke into America?
You hide it in a pack full of drugs because it's going to get through.
And there's never been a low-hanging curveball to hit out of the park like this issue of the border wall.
So I hope that Trump is really geared up for an amazing State of the Union address.
But if he can't do it,
Then at least he'll have served as a canary in the coal mine.
If he's impeached, if he's forced out of office, if God forbid, you know, some nutcase gets to him and he's taken out like other presidents have been before him, then we'll know that the deep state is just too strong, that we have a sham republic.
Where these senior executive service deep state overlords are going to run it no matter who we elect to put in in the White House.
If Trump is taken out, at least we'll know that for a fact.
You know, another point to be made about this border invasion, not only is it for the for the Democrats, it's a beautiful scenario.
They get the great replacement.
Our families get drugs flooding into every small town.
Heroin, fentanyl, it's coming from Mexico.
And the Democrats don't care because all they want is to replace natural-born Americans with third-worlders who will vote Democrat forever just to get on welfare, get the free medical, the free health care, the free education.
So, you know, if Trump
He has the killer State of the Union address, and I expect him to be heckled, I expect him to be booed, there may be a Democrat walkout.
That will not work for them.
That will actually make Trump look better if they do that, because he'll look like the mature adult.
He stayed in Washington during the entire Christmas vacation.
He didn't bail out and go to a beach in Puerto Rico like the Democrats did.
So another point about these caravans, when people are sent to the border, remember, the timing and location of where these groups cross is set by the drug cartels.
And what the cartels do,
The Democrats don't care.
It would be so easy to illustrate how this works.
The people get pushed in here, all the Border Patrol are taken to that area because, goodness knows, taking care of a sick kid from Guatemala is priority number one.
And if a hundred guys carrying heroin are trooping in ten miles east or west, they never see it.
The private ranchers see it, they've got the video.
We'll never see it on the mainstream media, but it's pathetic, and it's embarrassing that we have a traitor class that's embedded deeply into the government, primarily the Senior Executive Service, that's the Peter Strocks, all of those people, they're all SES.
The media, like Anderson Cooper, Mockingbird Cooper, the CIA plant,
These guys are completely on board with the Deep State.
The intelligence services have been corrupted, co-opted by the Deep State, and the entire Democrat Party, and probably half of the Republicans.
I mean, it's an embarrassment, actually.
All right, enough on that rant.
Let's go to the calls now.
It's 877-789-ALEX, 789-2539.
And we have time for a quick call in here.
How about MJ, right in the belly of the beast in Washington, D.C.?
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
Go ahead, MJ.
You're welcome.
It's crazy.
You watch the news, and it's almost like you're in a cult nowadays, is how I feel.
You know, you were talking about the racism issue.
People go to this, and it's... I forget what the term is when you're talking about cult.
It's a mind or thought-stopping tautology, essentially.
People just immediately go to, oh, you're racist, because you have an opinion that I don't like.
And it has to do with where people come from, or it has to do issues that are tangentially related to race.
So I'm just going to dismiss it off the cuff because of that.
They're NPCs.
They're brainwashed NPCs.
Yes, 100%.
And I think part of that might be, I would like to get your thoughts, discrimination versus prejudice, right?
Discrimination of all kinds has now been lumped into racism and, along with prejudice, as this inherently evil thing, and discrimination is necessary.
If you can't tell between things, then you're not using critical thought.
Yeah, with Martin Luther King Day coming up, how about we get back to the content of your character instead of the color of your skin?
How about we get back to a meritocracy?
That would be an amazing thought.
But that's almost like a joke now.
We're so far beyond that.
Even the STEM field's been infected.
Heather Mac, Heather McDonald, she's been doing great work on this.
And it used to be that, well, it was just the social studies, liberal arts that were infected.
But now you can't even get into a, you know, a master's or doctoral program in the hard sciences without proving that you're a good comrade, you know, without showing your history of social justice warriorship.
It's a joke, and you can bet that the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, they're still hiring the smartest, best scientists that they can find.
They're not affirmative actioning people into this.
Remember that bridge in Miami that fell down?
That was a female engineer who was totally unqualified.
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