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Filename: 20181226_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 26, 2018
2975 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses the effects of welfare on society and how it leads to dependency while criticizing the push for universal basic income as a means of control. He brings up the example of Native Americans and current education practices, highlighting Stockton's experiment with universal basic income and its similarity to Detroit's decline. Additionally, Jones discusses double standards applied by Democrats and Republicans in cases of perjury, criticizes the Federal Reserve chairman for raising interest rates without evidence of economic overheating, praises President Trump for creating jobs and reducing unemployment, and accuses international bankers of attempting to destroy economic prosperity in order to bring down President Trump. Finally, he urges listeners to support InfoWars financially by purchasing their products.

You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome on this day after Christmas, 2018.
I hope you had a nice Christmas.
It certainly did in my family.
And as we see in Washington, they've actually even lit the Christmas tree.
This is the sort of thing that we've seen before from the National Park Service.
Not playing reindeer games, but playing the kind of National Park games that they did 20 some odd years ago, when we had the budget fight between Newt Gingrich and the Democrats.
And of course, at that time, if you remember, he was the Gingrich who stole Christmas.
He took all the blame for balancing the budget, but Bill Clinton got all the credit later on.
So we got the National Park Foundation that had to shut down a Christmas tree earlier because somebody had tried to climb it.
They said, well, we don't have the money now to reopen it.
But they short-circuited those optics, because that's what they want to do.
They always want to close down.
Whenever they say there's a threat to the federal government, they come out and they take the most visible, symbolic things.
The parks, the Christmas trees, turn off the lights.
So they short-circuited that optic.
They got a grant from the National Park Foundation.
It's going to keep them open until January the 1st.
But of course, President Trump said he's going to keep open this promise that he made to the American people when he ran for office that he's going to protect the border.
And that really has Washington upset.
We're going to talk today about what is happening in terms of the President standing very strong on protecting our country, bringing us home from foreign wars, and also trying to do something about the Federal Reserve.
You know, as I tweeted out this morning, even as it's Christmas week,
We're going to see the mainstream media pushing back.
When we're talking about peace on earth, they're going to push war on earth.
When we talk about the eternal life that was a gift of God that we celebrate with the advent of Christ, they're going to talk about eternal life using blood.
That they can get from young people, transfusions or whatever, the transhumanist ideas.
You see the mainstream media articles popping up all the place, you know, saying, oh, you can live forever.
A lot of people don't want to die.
They said, of course, who wants to die, right?
And so we have the fake
Alternatives of transhumanism and other things that are presented to us.
And of course, the massive censorship of Christmas.
And then trying to turn it into something it isn't.
It's the censorship of it.
It's trying to take the good news, to counterfeit it, to twist it into something else.
So we're going to push back against that today.
We're going to talk about the good news about eternal life and peace on earth.
You know, it was 104 years ago
At Christmas time, that we had the short truce breakout in World War I. They had the British and German troops were very close to each other.
You know the story, I'm sure, about Silent Night.
They had a tenor from the Berlin Opera stand up and start to sing it, first in German, then in English.
It was joined, it turned into a truce for several days.
But the generals couldn't have that.
Couldn't have peace breaking out around a common culture, a common religion.
Around the time of Christ.
Had to stop that.
They eventually did.
And then they threatened the troops, don't you ever do that again.
We will make very severe penalties for anybody that fraternizes with the enemy.
And so they kept that war going for another four years until they ended it.
We just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the end of the war to end all wars.
But of course it didn't end all wars, did it?
We're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about the push to try to keep the wars going on, because we've got President Trump saying, look, we've beaten ISIS.
Clearly we have.
As I pointed out when I did the show on Sunday, the Russians, just a couple of weeks ago, they're running 100 to 110 flights per day over Syria.
Then they stopped it in the last couple of weeks.
They're only running two to four flights per week.
And yeah, it's time to bring the troops home, declare victory and come home.
Rand Paul had some amazing things that he put out.
He does it every year under the cover of Festivus and the airing of grievances.
And he had some great things to say about war and the absurdity of Washington.
And we're going to take a look at President Trump.
Home alone in the White House.
Can he keep those creepy burglars out?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome on this day after Christmas 2018.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to take a look at what's happening in Washington.
This is a key moment, folks.
President Trump has made some very strong moves in the last week.
I really do think we need to support him.
He's going to have a lot of opposition as we've seen over the weekend.
The actions of Steve Mnuchin, the Wall Street Journal, the mainstream media pushing back against everything that he's doing.
Criticizing everything that he's doing.
Laying all the blame of all the economic activity that we see.
Even though we know that the Federal Reserve did everything that it could to puncture the bubble that it created.
Uh, and, uh, raising interest rates in everybody's face.
But, of course, it's all about President Trump and what he did.
Nothing that the Federal Reserve does is ever criticized in the mainstream press.
And when President Trump talks about getting rid of the chair of the Federal Reserve,
You have Steve Mnuchin and his new White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney saying, oh he didn't mean that, oh no he can't do that, oh he knows he can't do that.
We know that he can, quite frankly, and we'll tell you later in the program exactly how and why he can do that.
I think the smart move would be to audit the Fed.
If you were to audit the Fed, if you were to expose what they do in secret, you would have everybody demanding that not only the chairman but the rest of them be shown the door.
And it's pretty obvious that it's either gross malpractice or malicious actions that the Fed has been involved in ever since President Trump was elected.
They began raising rates that first December after he was elected early November.
And they've been raising them a quarter of a percent every quarter since then.
I said at the time, I said they're going to do the same thing that Greenspan did.
He took insuratories down, created a bubble holding them at zero, and then he burst that bubble by raising interest rates a quarter of a percent every single quarter.
And that's exactly what they've done.
And they said they're going to continue to do that.
It is malicious.
But let's talk a little bit about what's going on in the news before we get into these other issues we have.
Senator Paul has taken on Lindsey Graham and many other people about war and peace and many other issues and Washington in a hilarious way.
Of course, he does it under cover of celebrating Festivus, the Seinfeld made-up holiday, the airing of grievances and so forth.
But very, very funny what he had to say about Lindsey Graham.
Saying, I haven't seen a senator who loves war this much since the Star Wars prequels, and he shows Senator Palpatine there in his more satanic form.
He's got a lot of stuff there, but we're going to talk about what's really going on with the war in Syria and the pushback against that.
There is a Green New Deal, all the talk around Washington now, from Alexandria Occasional Cortex, and it is a very radical
New Deal.
And it is like FDR's New Deal.
It is going to be a radical expansion of the government.
That's the kind of red and green that we're being offered by the Democrats.
We're going to take a look at that and how it is already playing out in Europe and how they've already tipped their hand that this isn't about saving the environment at all, folks.
It's about controlling your life, about taxing you, it's about tracking you.
It's not about saving the environment.
So we're going to expose that coming up as well.
Let's take a look a little bit at some of the twisting of Christmas that's being done in the mainstream media by many people.
We've got, speaking of Alexandria Occasional Cortex, she was out there pushing this Jesus was a refugee nonsense.
And we've got that being done in a lot of churches.
And folks, if you go by a church that's got their nativity scene in a cage, run as fast as you can the other way.
Not only these people not know anything about the Bible or Christianity, or they're lying to you about it, but they're also subjugating that to their own political agenda, twisting it to fit.
And so what she is saying is, we've got refugee babies in mangers everywhere.
No, not really.
Not really.
Actually, the story of Jesus, he was, his family was forced to travel to their home.
So that they could be taxed.
So if you want a parallel to that, Occasional Cortex, what you would do is you would say, well we're going to send all the Hondurans back to their homes so that they can be taxed.
We're going to force them to make that trip.
These people who are coming here, we're not forced to make this trip.
And they're not refugees.
They are waving the flag of the country that they're supposedly fleeing, as President Trump pointed out, and burning our flag at the same time.
And the Democrats are trying to use them to burn down this country politically.
I think it's absolutely deplorable that these people, these Democrats, who hate everything about Christmas, who try to purge it,
From not only being seen, but heard, would use this to serve their political agenda.
And part of what they're doing is the death, the tragic death, of an eight-year-old Guatemalan boy.
And the headline's everywhere, even in conservative media.
We'll read something like, U.S.
boy dies in U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol custody.
Folks, he was not killed by Border Patrol.
He was not killed by us protecting our border.
Where is the discussion in any of these articles, whether it's coming from mainstream media or the conservative media that parrots them, where is the discussion about parental child endangerment?
Taking these children on a very dangerous journey.
Perhaps taking this child on this journey even when the child was sick.
Maybe the child got sick as part of the journey, I don't know.
But the child was taken into custody one day and died the next.
So he probably came across the border sick.
Yet, if we talk about vetting the people who are coming across the border, people that we don't know anything about, we don't even know if these children are in the company of their parents, or if it's somebody else that is bringing them across, if they've been brought over by child traffickers, or kidnapped.
And so the parentage needs to be discussed there.
But they talk about Ellis Island all the time.
Ellis Island, the people that would come in there would be quarantined for quite some time to make sure they weren't bringing diseases into the country.
This child was sick when he came in.
We don't know what he had.
He was initially diagnosed by hospital staff with a common cold.
Evaluated for release, they said, then they found a fever, they brought him back in after giving him some antibiotics, amoxicillin, ibuprofen for a fever and so forth, and then he suddenly died.
They still don't know what was wrong with the child.
And yet, if you look at all the headlines, they make it out, they imply,
That he was murdered by our policies.
Murdered by our border.
Murdered by our border patrol.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
It was child endangerment.
And it is very sad to see this being given a pass.
You know, we had the situation just a little over a year ago.
So much hepatitis in San Diego, right there at the border, that they were washing the streets with bleach.
This is an underreported side effect of immigration, and that is the health issues.
So what about our children?
When other children are brought in sick?
We don't have any ability to quarantine or to vet these children?
That's what the liberals don't want.
This is not about a wall.
This is about having a border.
The wall is one aspect of it.
But these are the same people who say, you don't need a wall, a wall's not effective.
These are the same people who want to abolish ICE as well.
So once the people get in, once they get past Border Patrol, and Border Patrol's intercepting enough people that it amounts to more than a caravan a week that are coming in, bits and pieces.
Those are just the people that they intercept.
The people that they don't intercept, oh, they don't want them taken away by ICE.
And they don't want anybody inspected for whether or not they are criminals or whether they have any diseases.
None of that.
We just leave the borders open.
And as we look at the open borders, one of the things that's been sold to us for this, we had the UN selling us back around 2000, saying you have to open up your borders because the Ponzi schemes that we've set up everywhere, you've got an aging population,
And you're not going to have your social security.
So we have to bring in people from other countries.
And now it's reached peak absurdity.
We now have...
A study from the American Enterprise Institute, a guy there named Lyman Stone, who's looking at our aging population and the Ponzi scheme lie that Social Security's always been.
He says, I got an idea.
What we could do is we could give people credits if they have children based on the amount of money that their children are adding back into the economy.
It's like, well, that used to be called families.
We used to have things called families.
Why is it that the population is declining like that?
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
It's 104 years since peace broke out
Between the Germans and the British at the beginning of World War One.
It was the first Christmas since the war had started.
And the generals made sure that would never happen again.
Now you remember the story.
There was a German tenor from the Berlin Opera.
Started singing Silent Night first in German then in English.
He was joined by other people as a New American recounts the story.
It was on Christmas Eve 1914.
Troops in the trenches of both sides.
...began singing Christmas carols, with the trenches on the opposing sides frequently being close enough that troops on either side could hear each other.
First, one side would sing a carol, then the other side would, and then singing carols at both sides, often recognized like Silent Night, Holy Night, or others.
And as one historian pointed out, it was impromptu, nobody had planned it.
And if it hadn't been for a shared culture, certainly there would have been no Christmas truce.
Maybe it was also a shared religion.
A lot of these people.
Nevertheless, they said the guy came forward, he's saying, uh, silent night, shooting stopped.
And in that silence, he sang and the British knew the song and sang back.
The morning after the singing took place, soldiers from both sides wished each other a Merry Christmas.
They made arrangements to have a truce.
Soldiers then emerged from the trenches, traded gifts with each other, kicked around soccer balls, buried their dead.
It's rumored that even one British soldier got a haircut from a guy that was a German barber before the war.
It's estimated that as many, this is the key thing, how big this got, it kept spreading.
It says, rich man's war, poor man's fight.
That's pretty much the way it is every one of these wars, isn't it?
It's estimated that as many as two-thirds of the troops on the front lines, nearly 100,000 men, participated in the truce, sometimes continuing it for many, many days.
The generals got very angry.
They got them fighting again.
And then they sent out word that if you ever do anything like that again, there's going to be very severe penalties for fraternizing with the enemy.
And we're kind of seeing something like that right now.
The pushback.
As President Trump said, we won.
Let's enjoy a little bit of peace.
Maybe we should secure our borders here instead of continuing to push for regime change.
And of course they're not saying it's regime change anymore.
They're very open about that.
Under Obama, you had the National Security Council, you had Hillary Clinton, you had John McCain saying, look, Hillary and the National Security Council, they demanded that Obama fund and arm ISIS so he could get Assad out of there.
And Obama's just not doing it.
Well, did he do it?
Or did they do it for him?
It was done.
And we saw McCain meeting with ISIS, we saw these people prolonging the war, but now it's not about regime change anymore.
No, now we've got, let's see, what is the excuse of the week?
The mission creep?
Oh, we've got to stay there to keep the Iranians under control.
Well, you know, you've got the Saudis for that.
You've also got the Israelis for that.
We have to, you know, we've got to fight ISIS, now we've got to do the Iranian thing.
Now they're going to come up with some
Reason to keep this going forever.
There he is.
Friend of terrorists.
John McCain.
They admitted it.
They admitted that they were funding the terrorists.
Many times they said that.
It was General Flynn who told us in 2015 that they had armed ISIS, that they'd made a conscious decision to do that.
I think it's one of the reasons why President Trump selected him.
And it's why they got him out immediately and replaced him with McMaster.
We're seeing now what we said at the very beginning.
That was what was happening.
Now it's been proven that they had absolutely no reason to take him out.
It was all a trumped up charge, if you will, to control the Trump administration.
And yet now we have a lot of people running fear stories about how ISIS is not finished.
I mean, even some of the conservative media, even I've seen even stories in Breitbart.
Oh, you know, Matt is really, he's great.
He knows what he's doing.
He's the adult in the room and so forth.
And we got to still worry about ISIS.
The interesting thing was that President Trump was talking to John Bolton.
This was reported by even the mainstream media.
They were trying to get Erdogan of Turkey to keep the Turkish troops back.
And Erdogan said, why are you even there?
ISIS is gone!
And Trump asked John Bolton who was there.
Is that true?
Is ISIS 99% gone, like Erdogan of Turkey says?
And he says, yes Mr. President, that's true.
And it says, well, why are we there?
We need to get out of there.
So for a week, they pushed back against it.
Then you had Brett McGurk, the guy who held the press conference, and said, we're going to be there indefinitely.
And started coming up with some new reasons why we had to stay there forever, just like they want to stay in Afghanistan forever.
He's the guy who, over the weekend, very publicly quit, as well as Mattis.
And yet, as I'd reported, the Russians' flights over Syria, fighting ISIS and so forth,
Had dropped from between 100 to 104 per day to 2 to 4 per week!
So yeah, it's very well known that that was the case.
Certainly Mattis has other alternative motivations here as well.
We had, if you remember, just two or three months ago, I know it's hard for people to remember the news cycle, so much stuff is happening.
Remember when Woodward's book came out, Fear?
Remember when Mattis was trash-talking President Trump?
Saying he has a mentality and understanding of a six-year-old or something to that effect.
And he said, no, I didn't say that.
And President Trump said, yeah, he's kind of a Democrat.
Well, prior to that, going back to May of last year, another four or five months earlier than that, you had Mattis sending around non-disclosure agreements to various political consultants in Washington, D.C.
The documents were exposed the end of last week by Gateway Pundit.
Asking what they thought about Mattis running for president against President Trump in 2020.
And they said, well, he's got very good, you know, people like him, favorable ratings and so forth, but it might be problematic for him to run against the guy that he's serving.
So he might want to wait until 2024 or unless something changes, like if he were to get out of the administration.
And now he's had a very public break, both with the trash talking and Woodward's book
And now with the trash-talking that's going on, with the pull-out of Syria.
So now he's positioned himself to run in 2020.
So did you even know when we look at this and we talk about what's going on at the border and we're constantly told there's no authority to protect our border, there's no money to protect our border, we have to worry about the troops, are they going to come home for Christmas, are they going to come home for Thanksgiving?
We were told.
Did you know that we were occupying a third of Syria?
Did you know that we had not 500, but anywhere from up to 4,000, they said.
Now we're hearing that they're going to bring 2,000 home.
I hope they're not leaving 2,000 behind.
But they have them in a very dangerous position.
They're surrounded on all sides by hostile forces, although it's not as dangerous as it was before.
But where did they get all the money for that?
How did they build a dozen military bases in the third of Syria that they're occupying?
It's an area the size of Louisiana.
They built a dozen military bases.
They built four airfields.
Where did they get all the money for that?
How did they build it so quickly?
You know, if we even get the money to build the wall, $23 million per mile, they will take a decade or more to ever build it, even if they do fund it.
They really ought to bring the military home, have the military that can build those military bases, do it quickly, do it quietly, without you even knowing it, using the money that we have to protect our country.
Use that at the border.
President Trump has the authority and the duty to do exactly that.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why, as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
Let's talk about that other Christmas holiday.
Best of us for the rest of us.
From the Seinfeld episode, of course,
Uh, completely made up holiday that has caught on with people having fun, especially Rand Paul.
Every year he has a great series of tweets.
Says, uh, here's my grievances, and very funny, especially this year, but to the point.
about war and many other issues.
And of course, a part of Festivus was airing your grievances, you know, nailing them to this, I guess, aluminum tree or whatever that they had.
Here's some of the tweets that Rand Paul put out.
He said, my friend Lindsey Graham is a bit mad right now.
You see, he's never had a war end before.
He's going to have to console himself with the fact that we're still in about eight more.
I know it'll be hard for him, but I think he'll get by.
And I have to tell you, I haven't seen a senator who loves this war this much since the Star Wars prequels.
And he has a picture of Senator Palpatine, which may be the alter ego of Lindsey Graham, quite frankly.
He says, well, actually, let's talk about John Bolton.
I don't have a grievance.
I just really would have liked to have been there in the room when POTUS told him to end a war.
And that's what I was talking about before.
He's on the phone with the President of Turkey.
Bolton is telling President Trump, tell him to back off.
Tell him he's there in Syria.
He shouldn't be in Syria.
We should be in Syria.
We should control a third of the country.
When did we have that discussion as a people?
I don't recall that.
And as I pointed out before, did you know that they had the time and the money?
To build a dozen military bases?
American military bases there in Syria?
Four airfields?
How much did that cost?
We're not allowed to know.
Who knows?
We weren't even told that we had thousands of troops there.
They were telling us we had 500.
We had a couple of... We had Washington Post, I think it was, let it slip that we had 4,000 there.
Now we're told there's 2,000.
Who knows?
All the stuff is kept secret from us.
Everything in your life is an open book to these people.
They can figure out where you're going to go have lunch today, but you can't know about massive wars that they're starting.
Nevertheless, yeah it was John Bolton there and he said, I would have liked to have been there when POTUS told him the end of the war.
Because as he's talking to the President of Turkey, the President of Turkey says, you know ISIS is gone, why are you still there?
And Trump says to Bolton, is that true?
And Bolton says, yes it is.
Pompeo knows it.
Mattis knows it.
I know it.
All the warmongers know it.
Yeah, they're gone.
Okay, we're going to leave too.
And then they work for a week to try to stop it.
Anyway, Rand Paul says, how many times do you think he made the President repeat it because he didn't even know what the words meant?
End the war.
End the war.
We've had this situation before.
Remember when President Trump started talking about bringing troops home once before?
And remember the response from the Pentagon?
They said, well, we really don't know what he means by that, and we don't know how to do that.
We have to have some kind of plan for how to bring them home.
I don't know.
Have you ever heard that kind of discussion when it was the other way around?
You ever hear any reluctance or any, we've got to have a plan discussions when we inject troops into a foreign country for regime change?
No, never.
But they pretend, even though they can deploy everywhere, without any notification, and do it almost instantaneously, and it's a good thing that they can, if they're needed.
But we don't need our Pentagon to do that without having a discussion about whether or not we should have a war.
That is something that the Congress should be doing before we deploy the troops.
The public should be aware of it.
We should have a plan for when we go to war.
We should have a reason for when we go to war.
You know, we're talking about Christmas time here.
The tradition, the Christmas tradition for a just war for Christian countries was always the precondition that we were attacked.
That we don't go to war when we weren't attacked.
That's why there was so much resistance against our involvement in World War I. That's why people were resistant to get involved in World War II.
But of course, George H.W.
Bush, on the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, which again, FDR stepped back.
He knew that they were massing for that attack.
He wanted to invite that attack.
Perhaps he didn't know it was going to be as severe as it was, but he wanted them to strike first.
So we would have justification to go to war.
And George H.W.
Bush, on the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, said the people to blame for that were not the Japanese.
It was the America First people.
They were flying escort, said George H.W.
They were flying escort with the bombers.
But he didn't blame the Japanese.
The Japanese were our friends.
They were going to be part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
So, anyway, Rand Paul goes on to say, I oppose John Bolton being hired, but I really can't think of anything that makes me happier than thinking of him having to end wars for the rest of his time in the White House.
Let's hope that's the case.
Rand Paul went on to say he was opposed to appropriating more money for border wall, unless there's a good way to fund it.
But he said, I've got a good way to fund it.
We promised to spend less money, so I won't vote for it, but we are spending $50 billion a year in Afghanistan.
We should have declared victory there years ago.
I think we should come home and out of that $50 billion in savings, I think we would have enough for border wall and security.
And quite frankly, folks, if we have a Department of Defense,
That demands that we have secret wars, that demands that we occupy and invade other countries forever.
Because that's what they're talking about in both Syria and Afghanistan.
And yet, they refuse, refuse to defend this country.
That's the point at which we need to understand that this whole thing is a sham.
And so he's absolutely right to call for that to come home.
And they're still saying the same thing.
In the past, when President Trump said, we need to start bringing some of these troops home, stand down from putting them in danger, start to protect our country, they said, we don't know how to do it.
And they're saying it again now.
Look at the headlines from the Daily Mail.
Top Marine reveals chaos inside the Pentagon over Trump's Syria and Afghanistan pullout orders, telling combat troops, I don't think anybody really knows exactly what's going to happen.
Have you ever heard them say that about deployment?
Well, President Obama has ordered us to go into Syria.
I don't really know how we're going to do that.
Do we have any authority to do that?
Where are we going to get the money to do that?
What's the mission?
I don't know.
No, you never hear that when they get injected into Syria.
But you pull them out of Syria.
Oh, this is... I don't know.
I can't answer the troops' questions.
There's no timelines.
We don't have detailed orders.
All we got is tweets.
Well, we didn't even have tweets from Obama when they put the troops in.
Where'd they get that information?
How'd that get to them?
Do you remember when we had Leon Panetta and Jeff Sessions?
Going back and forth about whether they were going to put troops in Syria.
And how would they start that?
Well, we had Leon Panetta.
I'm going to play that clip for you in a moment here.
But let's go to the one with Leon Panetta with Chris Wallace on Fox News.
Here's Leon Panetta criticizing President Trump, saying it's just too much chaos.
These people have been creating chaos everywhere around the globe.
It's chaos.
Remember Get Smart?
You have the two different sides, control and chaos.
They are the chaos side.
They're not the control side.
But here he is on Fox News with Chris Wallace.
...talk about the national security component of it first in your last job as Secretary of Defense.
We have had these abrupt shifts in policy, pulling out of Syria, drawing down in Afghanistan, the resignation of Defense Secretary Mattis.
But President Trump did campaign saying he did not want to be engaged in these endless wars.
In that sense, isn't he keeping a campaign promise?
Well, the question the President has to decide is whether he upholds his oath of office as President of the United States to protect our security, or whether he's simply going to move forward and fulfill campaign promises.
I think the more important responsibility is to protect this country and protect our security.
And that should come first.
You know, a lot of presidents make campaign promises, but when they become President of the United States, their primary responsibility is to protect our country.
That's right!
To protect our country.
That's what he's trying to do with the wall.
And to obey the Constitution.
And when we come back, I'm going to flash back to 2012, when Leon Panetta was just in the face of Jeff Sessions about that very thing.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember, this life is a test.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
So we have the General saying, I really have no idea what we're doing, how to get out of Syria.
I have no plan, no orders.
I don't know what's going on here.
Again, did you ever hear them say that about going into Syria?
We weren't even told how many troops we had in there.
At one point, the biggest number we'd seen was 500.
Until just a couple of weeks ago, as they began saying, oh, we've got a big presence there.
They started admitting in the back pages of mainstream media, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and others, saying, we've got about 4,000 troops there, we're occupying about a third of the country, about the size of Louisiana, and we're gonna be there forever, said Brett McGurk.
Because at that point, President Trump already was on to the fact that ISIS was gone.
And they were trying to put him in a difficult position.
Make him look like he's soft on ISIS, and that is the approach that they're now taking.
And you heard Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense, and of course also former CIA director, former congressman, who swore an oath to the Constitution, as Jeff Sessions reminded him back in 2012, when they were talking about Syria.
When they were talking about whether or not they would send troops into Syria.
And I want to play for you this back and forth between Panetta
And Jeff Sessions at the time, Jeff Sessions was like, well, you would come to us and tell us if you're going to send them there, right?
Well, I might tell you after we did it.
We'd consult with our international allies, we'd talk to the UN, we'd talk to NATO, and so for them, we might tell you what's going on.
Well, evidently they didn't.
Because who knew that they had 2,000, 4,000 troops there?
They put them there, and they didn't even tell us.
Here's the discussion six years ago, and I want you to see the arrogance
of Leon Panetta, and also at the same time, how Jeff Sessions, even though he knew the right thing to do, was a little bit too timid to do anything about it, except to say, aw shucks and golly gee!
Here are the two of them talking about whether or not we should go into Syria.
Remember, we've got a third of the country, 4,000 troops here right now.
Here they were six years ago.
When it comes to the kind of military action where we want to build a coalition and work with our international partners, then obviously we would like to have some kind of legal basis on which to do it as we did in Libya.
As we did in Libya.
That was a success, wasn't it?
Some sort of legal basis.
We worried about international legal basis, but nobody worried about the fundamental constitutional legal basis that this Congress has over war.
We were not asked, stunningly, in direct violation of the War Powers Act, whether or not you believe its constitution, it certainly didn't comply with it.
We spent our time worrying about the UN, the Arab League, NATO, and too little time, in my opinion,
We're worried about the elected representatives of the United States.
Do you think that you can act without Congress to initiate a no-fly zone in Syria without congressional approval?
You know, again, our goal would be to seek international permission and we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.
And those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here.
Well, I'm almost breathless about that.
Because what I heard you say is, we're going to seek international approval, and they will come and tell the Congress what we might do.
And we might seek congressional approval.
I want to just say to you, that's a big dish.
Wouldn't you agree, you've served in the Congress, wouldn't you agree that that's
Would be pretty breathtaking to the average American, so would you like to clarify that?
I've also served with Republican Presidents and Democratic Presidents who have always reserved the right to defend this country if necessary.
Except when it's at our borders.
We're not going to do that.
They don't reserve that right, even though the President has that right, and he has the duty to do that.
We don't have a duty.
There's nothing about defending ISIS when they take the oath of office.
They're supposed to defend and obey the Constitution.
And so he says, yeah, we will do that.
And Sessions said, well, that would be pretty breathtaking for you to say that you're going to consult with NATO and with the UN, with our foreign allies, and you might, you might tell us
Well, guess what, Jeff?
They didn't tell you.
Maybe they did tell you, and you didn't tell the American people.
If so, shame on you for that!
Because they just told everybody this last week, and they only mentioned it because they heard that President Trump was talking about coming out of Syria.
That's the deception that these people have been involved in.
And at the time, Newt Gingrich came out and criticized Panetta very strongly about that.
That was back in March of 2012.
Panetta later came on and said that Obama was wrong to not arm ISIS more.
See, he was there with the John McCain's and the Lindsey Graham's and the Hillary Clinton's and all these people.
He was saying, well, we would follow the same patterns we did in Libya.
That's why we need to get out of there.
We saw what happened with Libya.
Now in Libya, they have the arms bazaar for ISIS.
And if you recall, also going back into 2012, beginning of 2012, just as Hillary Clinton was about to leave because the disaster,
Actually, it was 2013, because it was later in that year, 2012, that you had the situation in Benghazi.
And as Rand Paul was talking to Hillary Clinton about that, saying, what about all these arms that are being transferred out of Benghazi?
And Hillary Clinton said, well, you'll need to talk to the agency that runs the annex there.
In other words, the CIA.
She wouldn't say you need to talk to the CIA.
She kind of couched it back, very cleverly.
What a calculating witch she is!
Because she knew what was going on with that.
And we know what's happened with that, as Rand Paula says, it's become a big arms bazaar for ISIS in the wake of that disaster there in Libya, where she stood down, let people die, our own people die.
Talk about national defense, they won't even defend their own personnel.
Their own ambassador they won't even defend.
And now we have in Libya, we have open slave trading blocks there.
They've resumed the slave trade.
That's the kind of successful foreign policy that has come out of these secret wars.
Where they never consult with us.
And if you go back and you look at the letter that came from Mattis, as Matt Tiabi of Rolling Stones pointed out, he says, nothing unites the political class like the threat of ending our never-ending wars.
He said, what's the war on terror death count by now?
A half million people?
How much money have we spent?
Five trillion?
Five and a half?
For that cost, we have destabilized the region to the point of abject chaos.
There's your chaos, Panetta!
He's saying, oh, it's total chaos in Washington because Trump wants to end these wars.
You have created chaos worldwide.
We have inspired millions of Muslims to hate us.
We've torn up the Geneva Convention and half the Constitution in pursuit of policies like torture, kidnapping, assassination by robot, and warrantless detention.
Mattiabi goes on to say, unless Donald Trump decides to reverse his decision to begin withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan, cable news for the next few weeks is going to be one long scanners marathon of exploding heads.
And as an example here.
He's got George W. Bush, communications, former communications director.
Today's decision will cheer Moscow, ISIS, and Iran.
Bill Kristol of the failing Weekly Standard, spelled W-E-A-K-L-Y.
Maybe Trump will bring Republicans and Democrats together, he said.
He says that's really what may happen.
He said prior to this point,
He said Crystal may be on to something.
The Democrats' plan up until now was probably to impeach Trump in the White House using something that they could get out of some financial crimes.
But he said the plan never had a chance to succeed in the Senate until now.
Because now you've got Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ben Sasse, maybe even Mitch McConnell ready to throw President Trump out because he's going to push back against the military-industrial complex.
We'll talk more about this when we come back in the next segment, but he goes on to talk about Jim Mattis.
He says his letter is now being celebrated like some kind of inspirational literature like the Gettysburg Address or whatever.
Basically what Mattis was saying was exactly what you just heard Leon Panetta say years ago.
We will consult with our allies.
Mattis says the core strength of our country are our foreign alliances.
No it isn't!
Those entangling alliances are the things that are destroying this country, as George Washington warned in his farewell address.
He goes on to say, well, I don't want to be the policeman of the world, so we have NATO.
Who do you think pays for NATO?
We just had President Trump come back out and say, he's out there wanting us to stay in NATO.
Let us do all the heavy lifting for these people.
We are NATO.
We are the policeman of the world.
And yet we have no right to know what NATO is doing.
Alright folks, we've got to take a quick break.
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Stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, as I was just saying.
We have these, as Matt Diaby of Rolling Stones is saying, he's behind President Trump.
Because we have seen how these wars have failed, in every respect.
It is not chaos that's coming from President Trump, it is chaos that's been brought to the world by our foreign policy, our failed foreign policy.
And he said, up to this point, it looked like they were going to try to remove President Trump on some kind of financial crime entrapment.
But now they might actually have the votes of the Republican establishment there.
These senators are pushing back on it.
People like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ben Sasse, Mitch McConnell and others.
Talking about what Marco Rubio said as he is praising this letter from Jim Mattis that says that our core strength are our foreign alliances, our entangling alliances.
It's the same kind of stuff that we hear from the left all the time.
Our core strength of our country is our open borders.
An uncontrolled immigration?
No it isn't!
And President Trump is trying to take those two weaknesses of our country, those entangling alliances on our open borders, and do something about them in one stroke.
Pull these things together.
President Trump needs to understand that he has the authority, he has the money, he has the military troops to protect our border.
If we can do all this stuff in Syria, we can do it at our border.
They did it surreptitiously.
They did it without even telling Congress, as you just saw back in 2012.
Leon Panetta is arrogantly boasting the session.
Yeah, we'll talk to NATO.
We'll talk to the other people.
We might tell you if we're going to send troops to Syria.
Now we find out they've got thousands there.
They control a third of the country.
They've built a dozen military bases there.
Did they ever tell any of us any of that?
Until they decided they're going to stay there forever?
And they said that at that point in time.
Because they realized that President Trump was serious about moving out.
That was after the conference call with Bolton and the President of Turkey and President Trump.
President Trump said, is that right?
ISIS is gone?
Yeah, yeah Mr. President, that's right.
Well then, let's get out of there.
And so that's when they started telling us how much they had there.
But otherwise they would have told us.
And so Marco Rubio, talking about that letter from Jim Mattis.
He said, it makes it abundantly clear we're headed towards a series of grave policy errors which will endanger our nation, damage our alliances, and empower our adversaries.
No, that's what you've been doing.
That's what you've been doing for the last two decades, really.
He says, you'll hear all sorts of arguments today about why withdrawals are bad.
You'll hear that Trump has no plan.
And that's true, maybe.
Did they have a plan as to what they were going to do when they went to war?
They've just said, we're going to send some troops in.
But now they don't know how to get them out.
And so you've got the generals all saying, we don't know how to get our troops out of Syria.
We don't know how to get them out of Afghanistan.
Let's get them out.
We can do it.
He says, but we don't exactly have a plan for staying in the Middle East either, beyond installing a permanent garrison in a dozen countries.
Sending buttloads of money and making ourselves permanently despised in the region as civilian deaths pile up through drone bombings and other so-called surgical actions.
And he quotes President Trump.
Here's a guy writing for Rolling Stones, and he has to distance himself back and say, just as you heard many of them say about prison reform.
Well, I don't typically like President Trump, but he's doing the right thing.
Well, he's doing the right thing about this as well.
Prison reform?
Ending foreign forever wars?
President Trump, he said, said, I don't think we should be nation building anymore, he said in March of 2016.
He said, I watched as we built schools in Iraq and they're blown up and we built another one and we get blown up.
And he said Trump was wrong about a thousand other things, says the Rolling Stones writer.
But this was true.
I had done a story about how military contractors spent 72 million dollars on what was supposed to be an Iraqi police academy, and they delivered a pile of rubble that was so unusable pedestrians made it into a toilet.
The special inspector general for Iraqi construction said, we witnessed a light fixture so full of diluted urine and feces that it wouldn't operate.
And that's what they found in Afghanistan as well.
All right, stay with us.
We're still going to talk about what's going on with the Green New Deal.
That's the red and green that's being offered to us by the Democrats.
It'll make you see red, and it'll make our balance sheet go red as well.
We'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Deep down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans Way back up in the woods among the evergreens There stood a log cabin made of earth
Yes, the complaining in Washington has now escalated to a new level.
And as we see President Trump staying behind in the White House, it kind of reminds me of that other movie, Christmas time movie, Home Alone.
And I think somebody needs to do a re-envisioning of this, instead of having the burglars that are trying to break into the house.
The McCauley-Culkin is in.
I think maybe we have President Trump and you've got all these two dozen or so President wannabes who are trying to get into the White House.
And you have them trying to break into the White House.
You have President Trump dumping stuff on them, like the truth, maybe, about that.
But yeah, just redo that movie and change the heads.
Maybe we'll get somebody... Maybe Derrick McBrain could do that.
He could do a great job of that.
Yeah, Home Alone.
And we'll talk a little bit more about what President Trump had to say in the White House as he was talking to people about Santa Claus and other fantasies like the Federal Reserve and quantitative easing.
We'll get to that in just a few minutes, but I want to talk again about the amazing pushback from the establishment.
As Matt Tiabi of Rolling Stone said, nothing unifies both political parties other than putting an end to our forever wars.
And you can see this.
Look at some of the reactions that he's pulled together here.
There is absolutely no precedent.
Said a Europe scholar, that's what his title is, from a Brookings Institute, Thomas Wright from the Brookings Institute.
Then another, a former CIA official for both George W. Bush and Obama, Patrick Skinner, said the open disdain that Trump has shown for the agencies is unprecedented.
This is the kind of stuff that they're pushing out there.
And as we talk about the money, they don't have any money to protect the border here in America.
But there's absolutely no problem.
And the money that they spend throughout Afghanistan, Iraq, I mean, did you ever hear any discussion about that?
Any complaints about any of that?
Any objections?
Did it ever come up for a vote?
It just went into the general military budget.
And out of the general military budget, we were able to do anything that we wanted to, to defend Iraq or Afghanistan, or to invade and occupy Syria without any authorization, without even telling Congress about it.
Leon Panetta said, yeah, we might tell you about it after we decide to do it in consultation with our foreign allies, NATO and the UN.
We might tell you about it, Senator Sessions.
Golly, I can't believe you'd say that!
You know what the Constitution is?
You were congressman once, but he didn't call him on it.
He didn't expose it when it happened.
Nobody tried to impeach Obama or Sessions or Panetta.
For putting us into Syria without even talking about it, having a discussion about whether or not we should do that.
Yeah, once the war starts, it's up to the President to run it.
But whether or not we have a war under the Constitution, that's something that is supposed to be decided by the people's representatives in a public debate.
What is the objective?
What is the threat?
What does it look like to win this war?
No, they're not going to do that.
And so what did it look like?
Let's just go back and look at, as we're talking about this $5 billion that the Democrats will shut the government down for, and then after they don't even fund 200 miles of the wall, which is only about 10% of the distance, they won't even fund 10% of the wall.
They want to abolish ICE as well.
That tells you that this is about the border.
It's not about the wall, specifically.
But just remember, it's $5 billion.
The Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction, Sigur, Sigar, maybe?
Sigur, found that they spent over $60 billion on Iraqi construction, reconstruction, after we go in and blow up their infrastructure, then we rebuild it.
But we can't rebuild our infrastructure here.
They said it didn't significantly improve life for the Iraqis.
Oh, what a surprise.
The parallel body that was covering Afghanistan, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, concluded last year that at least $15.5 billion, now how much is that?
That's three times what President Trump is asking for for the wall.
$15.5 billion had been wasted in that country between 2008-2017.
And that this was likely only a fraction, they said, a fraction of the financial leakage.
And then, of course, we had all the politicians going insane when President Trump had the audacity to point out that NATO needs to be funded by somebody other than us.
NATO, that thing that is the core of our strength, said Mattis.
What a deception that is.
You know, we look at this $5 billion again.
A third of what they wasted in Afghanistan?
Just in Afghanistan, not even counting Iraq.
They spent $60 billion on Iraqi reconstruction.
Five times what President Trump is asking for.
President Trump has said $20 billion to build a whole wall.
Whether that would be done or not, they wasted three times that amount just in Iraq.
I'm sorry, 15 times that amount.
12 times that amount in Iraq and 3 times that in Afghanistan.
So what are we talking about here?
$4 trillion, we're talking about not 1%, we're talking about 0.125%.
1 eighth of 1%.
They can't find that money.
That's one-third of what we spent for Boston's bloated Big Dig project, where they took a highway and dug it.
That's one-half of what we lost with the General Motors bailout.
So we blow money on bailouts for General Motors, we blow money on wasteful projects in Boston, cost overrun, bad design and so forth, and quite frankly, I'm concerned about that with the law.
I think $23 million per mile is too much money.
They over-engineer, they over-spend on everything that they do.
We need to get the guys that built those dozen military bases and the four airfields in Syria.
We need to get them to do it, because we need it done quickly.
We don't need to take a decade or two to build a wall at the border.
We don't need to spend $23 million a mile.
Remember Alaska?
Remember how they got the, after they had a massive earthquake there, they were able to rebuild the roads there in just a couple of weeks?
They got them completely rebuilt after an earthquake?
And yet here in Austin, just like in Boston, we can't seem to figure out how to build roads.
Certainly can't do it on budget.
But we take decades to get these projects done.
That's what's happening here in Austin.
And it's happening everywhere in the United States.
Because of corruption.
That's really what's going on.
The same type of thing that was happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It was a corruption that meant that we spent sixty billion dollars and wasted that money in Iraq.
Twelve times what he's asking for.
Three times and Afghanistan lost.
Just leaking, they said.
And so Mattis has now signed the order to withdraw US troops from Syria.
Trump went on to say
That Mattis didn't see a problem with the U.S.
subsidizing the militaries of rich countries or allowing them to, quote, take total advantage of the U.S.
and our taxpayers on trade.
And that's true.
That's exactly true.
But you're going to see everybody united against President Trump as he tries to bring a little bit more peace on Earth at this time of year.
Isn't that amazing?
It really does go back to what we saw 104 years ago.
But there's other twists that we see coming out over this weekend.
As I said at the beginning of the program, at Christmastime when people are talking about how we have, you've probably heard the song sung many times.
Hark the herald angels sing, one of the lines of that, mild he lays his glory by, born that man no more may die.
But what do they tell us?
They say, oh, well, we're gonna, in 30 years, we're gonna live forever.
We're gonna have immortality.
We'll be the new plastic surgery.
But of course, it'll only be for the rich people.
That's what we're being told by the Daily Star.
Immortality is on the horizon according to leading transhumanists.
This is the way they take the good news and they spin it into bad news or into elitist news.
They said the rich and famous will be getting the treatment by the 2050s.
Similar to how stars are having plastic surgery today.
Does that mean you're gonna wind up with fish lips if you live forever?
I don't know.
Anyway, they said there's quite a lot of people that are interested in living forever.
Oh, you think?
You think?
That has been the desire of mankind since the Garden of Eden.
And they've been lying to us just like these transhumanists are lying to us today.
You will live forever.
You will become like God.
No, we had God take care of that.
We'll talk a little bit more about how they're spinning this and the message from the Imam that if you wish a Christian Merry Christmas, that's worse than murder.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing as being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back on this Day After Christmas 2018, and as I was looking at the headlines over the holidays, so much stuff, such a twisted version of the Christmas story, of what Christ has done.
You've got Alexandria Occasional Cortex out there saying, look, you've got the story of Christmas is about refugee migrants.
You have people talking about living forever with
In 30 years, science is going to get us there.
Or mainstream media talking about how the blood of children is going to let them live forever.
As Free Thought Project put it out, the mainstream media is now openly reporting on this.
What was once a conspiracy, now is the subject of mainstream media reports over and over again.
The elite began lining up to ingest the blood of children.
We talked about how this is a hidden thing for a long time, you know, kind of like Tim Trails, but now we can come out and talk about it.
Oh, it's a good thing and we're going to do it.
Before it was, no, you're crazy.
Just like, you're crazy if you think they're spying on you with your computer.
Nobody would ever do that.
If you think that they're able to turn on the camera and listen to you.
If you think that they're following you.
You're paranoid.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
All these things are true, folks.
And as we look at this, I said, could the secret to eternal youth be found in blood transfusions from young people?
Yes, says CBS.
Yes, young blood from teenagers.
And again, it was back in January of last year, so it was about a year ago, that they went public with the experiments about mice.
And he had Peter Thiel at the time saying, I'm looking into this parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting.
This is where they did the young blood and older mice, and they found they had a massive rejuvenating effect.
But now, here we are a year later, that was back in January last year, it was science and nature, medicine.
They were the ones who put it out there.
And now they're going beyond mice.
Now you've got a startup company called Ambrosia, and they're doing it with humans.
And the rich are lining up to get the blood of young humans.
They said the brains are younger, their hearts, their hair.
If it was gray, it turns dark again, they said, after the treatment.
And so this is their promise of how they are going to give you eternal life.
And so we found it was safe and feasible to administer infusions of young plasma weekly, said a doctor, Dr. Sharon Shaw, a doctor at the Alzheimer's Research Facility at Stanford.
So they're out in the open about it.
And they think they've got this solved.
And so that's why you've got the transhumanists and others saying, it's just a matter of money.
Have you got enough money?
It'd be like plastic surgery.
And you will live forever.
We've got immortality on the horizon.
The transhumanists told us that.
And if we can't do it by injecting you with blood from babies and young people and stuff like that, we can somehow transfer your mind into a machine.
That's what Ray Kurzweil wants to do.
How about that?
That's what the transhumanists are doing.
It has always been their promise.
That you'll become like God, that you'll live forever.
There you go.
They're transferring it over.
You know, I look at this, I think about the, they say it's like plastic surgery.
I think about the movie Brazil.
Remember that?
Remember the plastic surgery?
That was so popular.
Of course, Brazil was kind of a Monty Python version of 1984.
Terry Gilliam did that movie.
And all the technology didn't quite work.
You know, they had TV screens, but they couldn't get big TV screens, so they had big Fresnel lenses that they put in front of it.
And the plastic surgery that everybody was getting really wasn't working out too well.
And they might find the same types of things happening with this.
But of course, as they're pushing this on the Daily Star, they captioned one of these pictures, Never Grow Old.
Humans could change nature.
I don't think so.
And I don't think that human nature changes.
I think that everybody has always believed a lie that they'll become like God, that they'll live forever, that they can do it themselves.
Another example of how they're twisting it.
But I think what we're really seeing over the holidays is a very interesting thing that's happening in some of the Islamic countries, where they're starting to openly embrace secular aspects of Christmas.
But not all of them.
As you'll see here in the U.S., they're a little bit more open and honest about it because, of course, the liberals have their backs.
The liberals hate everything about Christmas.
Whether it's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Jesus Christ, they hate it.
And so the Muslims here in America are a little bit more bold than they are in the Middle East.
In Lebanon, they're trying to pretend that they are now embracing Christianity.
The Iranian cultural attaché
Stepped up to the microphone in Beirut, flanked by banners bearing the faces of Iran's two foremost religious authorities, Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, and that's the picture you'll remember from the kidnapping of everybody in the U.S.
Embassy, to Ayatollah Khamenei, the current Supreme Leader.
And I don't know if you pronounce these things differently or not.
I mean, the only difference is one letter between these two guys.
One of them, they changed the O to an A. Khomeini and Khamenei.
Are the current ones, but nothing really has changed.
They still chant death to America every day there.
To the left of Ayatollah Khomeini stood a twinkling Christmas tree, a gold star gilding its tip, angel ornaments, and miniature Santa hats.
See, Santa is safe.
Even the Christians who are being attacked by Jihadi terrorists in Egypt at their churches, they have to have bomb scanners and security and so forth, like they do with the TSA.
But of course, like the TSA, it's totally ineffective.
They just blow themselves up at the checkpoint and take out all the people waiting in line to get a security check.
But even in Egypt,
You see pictures of these people in Christian churches and they're having celebrations there and in places like India where they've had a lot of persecution of Christians, they'll come out with giant inflatable Santa clauses because that's somehow safe.
And I don't know, I've never been part of a church where we worshipped Santa Claus.
They said, today we're celebrating the birth of Christ.
They said, Jesus, these are the Ayatollahs of Iran.
Do you really believe them?
When they're in Lebanon, they're saying this?
They said, Jesus the Savior is born.
They're calling Him their Savior.
The King of Peace, the Son of Mary, He freed the slaves, He heals, the angels protect Him.
The Bible and the Quran embrace together.
We're all the same religion, they said.
No, there's a real key difference here.
Yes, you know, Islam teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin, the Virgin Mary.
The difference is they don't embrace him as Savior.
They don't embrace him as God.
That's the key difference.
And without that...
There really isn't any meaning to Christmas.
And they don't really have anything to do with their sin.
They don't have a Savior.
What they have is a self-righteous religion.
There's Christians who have a self-righteous religion as well.
You know, maybe you're looking at it that same way as well.
But you go back to the blood, even going back to Leviticus, the life is in the blood.
That has always been the understanding.
Science has now proven that.
And it was His life given with His blood.
That's why we call Him a Savior.
They will celebrate Jesus as virgin born and so forth, but they say that He was removed from the cross before He died, that He didn't die for their sins.
So what do they do?
They try to atone for their own lives.
And so they have a lot of different things that they do.
Some of them
It may include, the good works may be enslaving the infidel.
It may be killing the infidel.
That may be the way that they get into heaven, right?
For some of them, that's absolutely what they want to say.
And here in America, I'm going to play for you what this in North America should say, what this Canadian Imam said, if you wish a Christian Merry Christmas, that is a worse sin than murdering somebody.
Yeah, you'd be better off to murder that infidel.
That's really the way that they think.
All right, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We'll play that clip for you when we get back.
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I think so.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
We're going to take a look at this Canadian Imam who had the boldness to say what he really believed here and what the left agrees with him on.
Saying Merry Christmas is worse than murder.
It's one of the worst things you can do, according to the left, according to Islam.
But they're pretending, in Lebanon and other places, to embrace Christianity.
And we'll talk a little bit about what's going on with that.
They will do that.
We're going to get into red and green environmentalism.
That's the new environmentalist New Deal that's coming up.
Also has something I want to say about LeBron James and his slave mentality.
I'll tell you who the real slaves are.
It certainly isn't the multi-million dollar players.
I think it's you and I who are being ripped off by the multi-million dollar players and the billionaire owners and the people like Jeff Bezos who gets the massive subsidies in places like New York.
But that's just one of the worst examples.
This stuff has been going on for a long time with the sports community.
We're also talking about universal basic income.
We've got a lot of people
Newcomers into politics on the left, and they are a radical group, folks.
The mayor of Stockton, a young mayor there in a city that's just about to come out of bankruptcy, and now they're going to implement universal basic income there.
We have Alexandria Occasional Cortex, who's pushing this new green deal.
These people are pushing socialism really hard.
And the mainstream of the party is falling in line with them.
We're going to have a big fight coming up this next year.
Before we get into all that, I just want to remind you of the sale that we have, the end of year clearance sale that we have at InfowarsStore.com.
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Alright, as I was saying before we went to break, we have the Ayatollahs, the Iranians, the Hezbollah, that has now moved in a big way into Lebanon.
There's been a lot of Syrians that have fled into Lebanon.
As they point out, Lebanon is only about 4 million people.
But they're housing 2 million Syrian refugees.
And it's really putting a strain on them, economically, culturally,
Lebanon has been one of these countries that has had a pluralistic society.
They tolerated Christianity there, but that's not necessarily the case anymore.
They're concerned about that happening.
And as we see, that's why they have the Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs there in Beirut, Lebanon, with Santa Claus, and then on either side of Santa Claus they have the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Ayatollah Khomeini, the current guy.
And the one that started through the Shah of Iran out, took over the U.S.
Embassy, the original Ayatollah.
It's kind of like what you see in China, where if you want to put up a crucifix in a church building, you're now required by law to worship Mao and the current president.
That's kind of what they've got going in Beirut.
So it kind of gives you an idea, they're not really exactly tolerating Christianity.
And as part of that, as part of the
The idea that if you can lie to the infidel and you can take over their country or you can get yourself in power, it's okay to lie under those circumstances.
In Denmark, in the last week or so, they passed a law that has really gotten the left very upset about this.
They said that you're going to have to conclude your citizenship naturalization ceremony with a handshake.
And the Muslims are saying, you can't do that.
That's racist.
Critics of the bill argue that it's aimed at discouraging Muslims from seeking Danish citizenship.
No, the purpose of it is to say, are you going to see yourself as a Dane or as a Muslim?
Because the problem is that they are not assimilating into the society.
They're remaining in their own ghetto.
And what we see is, with the second generation,
That's when it gets really dangerous.
These are people who have grown up ghettoized, self-ghettoized, because they did not want to be a part of that society, and they don't succeed economically.
The young people that are growing up there say, look at this, we're being discriminated against, even though it's their parents who have done it to them.
And they are the ones who become the most radical jihadis.
But what's going on in Denmark?
The Danish lawmakers have approved a government-backed proposal to make citizenship applicants shake hands with the official conducting the naturalization ceremony.
And it's been criticized for discriminating against Muslims.
Because they don't want to shake the filthy hands of those non-Muslims.
It requires those applying for Danish citizenship to commit to the country's values and to show respect for its government by shaking hands with its representative.
They said that it's aimed at Muslims who refuse, on religious grounds, to touch members of the opposite sex, even in a handshake.
Said Denmark is not alone.
Authorities in Switzerland and France have recently cited the lack of assimilation
In rejection of citizenship to foreigners who refuse to shake hands with officials.
If you arrive in Denmark, where it's custom to shake hands when you greet, if you don't do it, it's disrespectful, said one lawmaker who pushed it.
And of course, that is just one part of the bigger issue.
They want to pretend that they want to be part of the society, but then they don't even, can't even bring themselves to the point of a handshake.
But here in North America, we don't have that problem, them trying to hide it.
We have a Canadian Imam,
That made it very clear that wishing Merry Christmas to people, a Muslim wishing Merry Christmas is worse than a Muslim committing murder.
Here's a clip of that Imam who is speaking to the Muslim youth of Victoria, British Columbia.
Imam Kathrata.
Here he is.
If a person were to commit every major sin, a zina,
Al-ta'amul bil-riba, al-tabid, al-qatin, murder, committing adultery, dealing with interest.
All of these sins, if a person were to do all of those major sins, they are nothing compared to the sin of congratulating and greeting the non-Muslims on their false festivals.
There you go.
Congratulations on the birth of your Lord, he said.
Is that acceptable to a Muslim?
Are you now approving of their beliefs by saying that you are approving of it when you say Merry Christmas to them?
What are you congratulating them on?
And again, in...
In Lebanon, they're trying to say, oh, yes, we worship the Quran and the Bible are the same, right?
Just like when you'll see when they shout, Allahu Akbar, they say, they're simply saying God is great.
Yeah, they worship, you know, they're a monotheistic religion.
We're a monotheistic religion.
They have many of the same people in their book and so forth.
No, it's not the same.
And he is saying that quite clearly.
As a matter of fact, look at Pakistan.
Our wonderful ally over there.
I'm sure that James Mattis thinks that they're great allies of ours.
They've now just sentenced two more Christians to death for blasphemy.
We had the one woman who spent eight years on death row.
She had the audacity to drink water.
She was laboring in the field.
And the Muslim women there said, you filthy Christian.
If you don't convert, you're not going to drink water there.
She said, I'm a Christian.
I'm not going to convert just to drink water.
So they had her arrested on blasphemy.
They had her on death row for eight years.
One of the legislators there in Pakistan said, this is an insane law.
We need to change it.
So his bodyguard murdered him.
And then when the Supreme Court overthrew the conviction of Asia Bibi, the woman who was on death row for eight years in Pakistan,
When they overturned that, said you're not going to execute her for having a drink of water as a Christian and calling that blasphemy, you had riots all over Pakistan.
It wasn't reported by the American media, but it was riots like you're seeing in France with the yellow vests all over Pakistan.
Because they wanted to kill that Christian woman for blasphemy.
Now they've sentenced two more Christians to death for blasphemy.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why, as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember, this life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing as being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows
Who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians who tend to be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I've got a couple more things that we'll look at here with Christmas news.
I've put a bookmark on this.
We're going to take a look at LeBron James, his slavery mentality comment, and then we'll talk about
What slavery really looks like here in the U.S.
We'll talk about the TSA and the travel hell that you're probably experiencing if you are traveling.
Before we do, real quickly, I just want to remind you again of our end-of-the-year total store clearance at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have many items that are 50, 60, even up to 75% off.
We have free shipping, we have double Patriot points, and a free t-shirt with every order.
It's our end of year inventory clearance sale that we have at InfoWarsStore.com.
A great time to take a look and provide for your health coming up in this new year.
We've got some health news coming up as well later in the program.
As we look at this
story about Merry Christmas, about the Muslims in Lebanon telling everybody, we all worship the same God, the same Jesus, and so forth, right?
Except that Christianity is being exterminated in Lebanon.
That's the reality of it.
Here they're not really trying to mince any words.
They just played for you the clip from the Canadian Imam saying that wishing a Christian Merry Christmas
is celebrating their savior and it is worse than committing murder.
He has a whole list of sins, you know, adultery, embezzling money, raping somebody.
Here's his list right here.
Every major sin, he says, if a person were to commit every major sin, committing adultery, dealing with interest, lying,
Because if a person were to do all those major sins, they are nothing compared to the sin of congratulating and greeting the non-Muslim on their false festivals.
So while they may pretend to be embracing Christianity and Christmas abroad, this is really the way they feel.
And this is really the way that the liberals feel.
He's safe saying that here in America.
Safer to say that here than he is in Lebanon.
Because here we have senior citizens
Being banned from saying Merry Christmas.
This is what's happening here in America.
A residence for seniors in Washington State reports WND has decided to ban the words Merry Christmas.
They claim the Department of Housing and Urban Development requires those actions.
And so now you have people from the Alliance Defending Freedom who are taking them to court saying, no it doesn't.
We have a First Amendment.
They said the building manager told a Christian resident that the Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits residents from saying Merry Christmas, singing Christmas carols that reference Christ, or displaying any decorations or cards referencing the Christian religion during the Christmas season.
Kind of sounds like that Canadian imam, doesn't it?
But it's the federal government and they made a law, right?
Said, in truth, no federal law prohibits such Christmas expressions of the Alliance Defending Freedom.
Americans don't lose their constitutionally protected freedom to say Merry Christmas or to otherwise express their faith just because they live in a facility that accepts government funds.
See, but it's the same kind of logic.
You know, people would think, well, you know, I can do this because we've seen the ACLU invoke these types of freedom from religion clauses in schools, for example.
They're using the same thing.
Oh, there's government money involved here, so you can't, we're going to put a gag order on you.
No, it doesn't.
That should be pushed back, just as we've got some pastors who are pushing back on the gag orders that were put on pastors.
Uh, to say anything political from the pulpit.
There's no such restriction there, either.
They would have to get rid of the First Amendment in order to do something like that.
As he points out, uh, the same person who was saying, well, there's a housing and urban development rule that requires that, that same person permitted a menorah in the public space, quote, because it was a cultural expression, unquote.
It just happens to be the cultural expression that that person wanted to allow.
But here's another example of it, also from WND.
A family photo was deemed too religious for U.S.
Customs Christmas stamp.
They have a program, I didn't know about this, the U.S.
Postal Service has a program where you can have companies create custom Christmas stamps.
And as part of this, a family had a picture of themselves taken
And Moscow.
And it's not because of Russia, Russia, Russia.
No, it's because of Christ, Christ, Christ that they had a problem at the U.S.
Post Office.
So what they have there in the background, if you look at that picture, you can barely tell what's in the background.
I mean, it's mostly the family.
They're standing in front of St.
Basil's Cathedral.
It's a Moscow icon.
It is an historic location.
But I wouldn't have known that to look at that.
I wouldn't have recognized it that much.
But somebody was scrutinizing these types of things.
You got some little religious policeman there at the post office.
Says, oh, I know what that is.
That's a cathedral in the background.
Can't have that on a U.S.
postal stamp.
And said, no, you can't do that.
We're going to throw that out.
So now they're having to fight for that.
So we look at those types of things happening here in America.
There we go.
There's the cathedral there in the background.
Maybe that's the postal stamp that they had that was cropped before.
So you can see the cathedral a little bit better.
Well, what's the point?
I mean, you're not allowed to show a picture of that?
You should be able to put any kind of picture you want.
It's called free expression.
The free exercise of religion is what's in the First Amendment.
It's not freedom from religion.
You know, there's actually an organization that goes around
Suing people, calling themselves actually the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Freedom from religion is not in the Constitution.
The free exercise of religion without any restraints is in the Constitution.
But of course, they're coming after the First Amendment, every aspect of that very clearly.
When we look at what's happening in other persecution, of course, at this time of year, even in India.
You have a Christian pastor arrested for showing a film about Jesus called Jesus Christ.
He was arrested in India.
It said minorities are even more vulnerable and intimidated by the majority and by its false accusations, said a person, part of a group of Christians there in India.
So it's not just in Islamic countries.
And it's not just on religious grounds either.
Because in China, as we pointed out many times, we have a pastor there who is looking at a 15-year jail sentence, Pastor Wang Yi.
A hundred members of his church were arrested because he published a manifesto, very brave.
One pastor in China called him the bravest pastor in China.
Because he tackled head-on the demands by President Xi, who wants to see himself worshipped as a god.
I mean, this is the guy who's now running China.
This is the guy that the mainstream media and Wall Street side with him on every conflict with President Trump.
Whether it's trying to equalize tariffs.
You know, President Trump says, your tariffs are ten times what ours are.
Take yours down or I'll raise mine to your level.
And then they all freak out.
Look at this!
President Trump has raised his tariffs to 25 percent!
It's like, they never criticize China for anything that they do.
Not for piracy.
Not for unequal trade tariffs.
They always take the side of this guy who is a megalomaniac, demanding that he be worshipped.
It's not just putting his picture up next to the cross in the churches, but he also demands that you have to read from his writings at the wedding ceremonies and so forth.
And so this pastor, his name is Pastor Wang Yi, you should pray for this man.
He's now been arrested because he wrote a manifesto.
He said he's calling for Caesar worship.
He says, I have no desire to dictate what policy is going to be, but I will not worship this politician.
We're not called to do that.
And so they very quickly, the next day after he published that, they rounded up a hundred people have been arrested out of that one church.
They went to their homes, to their places of business.
They cut off their power.
So they couldn't tell anybody what was happening.
They just disappeared them.
Some of them have been released.
They were told that if they signed a statement saying this church was a cult and that they would never go back, that they would be released.
Now the real cult is the cult of President Xi Jinping.
And we better understand just how dangerous that guy is.
The people who demand that you worship them, the people who worship government, just as I said about Michael Moore.
It's very sad to see Michael Moore.
Worshipping Ruth Vader Ginsburg.
Darth Vader Ginsburg, I call her.
It's very sad to see him putting her on his Christmas tree.
He even had some people on the left say this is a very dangerous area that we've gotten into.
Worshipping the Supreme Court.
Worshipping RGB.
Yeah, she's not red, green, and blue, but she is being worshipped by the left, and they basically give them god-like powers.
There she is!
Darth Vader Ginsburg.
Somebody's already done the meme.
I'm not the only one to think of that.
And if we look at where this is happening everywhere, it's the gradually creeping of Sharia law.
The Supreme Court has rejected the anti-child marriage law there.
This is a situation, again, from a Syrian man.
He moved into Germany.
He wants to be reunited with his wife, who was his cousin, who was 14 years old.
You know, they just had an Austrian woman whose conviction was upheld by the European court.
She said, look at this, you have...
You have pedophilia embraced by Islam because Mohammed married a young girl that was eight or nine years old or whatever and said you can't say that we're going to fine you and now you've got in Germany they say yes okay this guy can marry his cousin who is 14 years old.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
You know we had LeBron James, of course he got a lot of coverage over the weekend, saying the old white NFL owners have a slave mentality and people were very quick to point out that he is not a slave.
He's being paid handsomely.
Millions of dollars.
I don't think we've ever seen any slaves so richly rewarded.
Again, it was hate and it was very hypocritical, I think, this guy who is pushing Islam, LeBron James, out there.
Let's understand, folks, when we talk about all this stuff, that the place that you'll still find slavery is within Islam.
After Hillary Clinton's successful Libya policy, they not only turned the place into an arms bazaar for ISIS, but now you literally have slave auction blocks back in Libya operating there.
Because Islam doesn't have a problem with slavery.
You know, there have been Christians who have defended slavery.
There have been Christians who have opposed it.
But the reason we don't have Christianity in the Western civilization is because of a couple of Christians.
William Wilberforce and William Pitt the Younger.
There's two William Pitts who are Prime Minister.
William Pitt the Younger.
And they pushed back.
Now, they stopped the slave trade.
Then they stopped slavery.
They did it without a war.
They compensated the people for their property.
They did it peacefully.
They spent less money compensating the slave owners in British territories in Bermuda and so forth than we spent on ammunition in the Civil War.
And they did it on Christian values, Christian principles.
So let's talk a little bit about slavery, because that's where he wants to pull this in.
He wants to pull in white.
He wants to pull in slavery.
Say, oh, all you white people, you're racist, and the only place that slavery has ever existed has been in America.
No, that's not true.
It's been a part of every single civilization and culture.
That's not true.
And it is still going on as part of Islam because it's okay to enslave other people if they are infidels.
That's what they teach at this point in time.
But let's understand who the real slaves are in all this.
The real slaves are you and I. We're the ones, the idiots, who don't realize that we're slaves.
We're the ones who pay for these stadiums that these millionaires play in, for their billionaire bosses that he calls plantation owners.
We're the ones who are really the slaves, because we pay for that nonsense.
You know, we just had in the last couple of weeks the $35 million disappear out of a New Jersey failed baseball stadium, and now they're going to have to pay millions more to repurpose it, to tear it down and to repurpose it.
But we've seen this happen over and over again.
Five years ago, I was doing reports about how the NFL was taking advantage of people.
At the time, the prices there were absurdly low.
They have exploded in the amount of money that they get for these NFL stadiums.
And this is way before any of this kneeling nonsense, before they became the knee-FL.
We were being ripped off by these people, enslaved by these people.
Now we're up to the point where they get half a billion dollars for these things.
They are remodeling these stadiums more frequently than they are fixing the nuclear power plants we have.
They create nuclear power plants, they have a useful life of 20-25 years, and then they're supposed to be decommissioned.
Or at the very least, they're supposed to have a massive reworking after 20-25 years.
You know, after a few decades they get so radioactive they have to shut them down.
But after a couple of decades, they start to get very dangerous because of the stress that's put on key cooling systems and so forth.
But we don't worry about our nuclear power plants.
We've got to rebuild those stadiums because we've got sports teams.
And we all identify with that.
We wear their logos and we buy their overpriced sports merchandise.
And it's taxes that are paid by local people, by local businesses.
That's why they call them bond issues.
Because they put you in bondage to pay for that.
That's the real slavery.
And we're too stupid to understand it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, ChrisNPotter.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Yeah, in the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams, and they have that slave mentality.
And as I said at the top of the hour, no, we're the ones with the slave mentality.
We're the ones who give these billionaires billions of dollars for their stadiums.
When I first reported on this five, six years ago, you had the state of Minnesota going, as they were struggling,
With debt.
They decided to spend half a billion dollars on a new stadium there.
But that's nothing.
Now they've got four billion dollar stadiums that they're putting in in California and these billionaire owners are demanding it.
They're demanding that you sell yourself into bondage.
You are indentured slaves to these people.
Your property taxes, the other businesses that operate in that area, they all become indentured slaves to these billionaires.
That's the real slave mentality.
That we would embrace that.
Because, oh, look, it's our team.
We won the playoffs.
No, you didn't.
These millionaires and their subsidized billionaire owner are the ones who won or lost in these particular games.
But here's the most recent one.
New Jersey, and even before that, we had Seattle.
They were talking about some bond issues that they were trying to get past there, how the people there had been left holding the bag.
Because sometimes these teams don't wind up playing there, or they play there for a few years, and they say, well, you're going to build us a new stadium, or we're going to take the team to another town that will.
And we build these stadiums more frequently than we fix our nuclear reactors.
Our nuclear power plants.
Camden, New Jersey.
Their Improvement Authority approved a $1 million contract this month to demolish the 17-year-old stadium after $21 million in taxpayer dollars built the structure for an independent minor league baseball team.
So that's just minor league stuff.
$21 million?
That's minor league stuff, folks!
We're talking $4 billion for an NFL stadium out in LA.
That's, you know, as Everett Dirksen said, a million here, a million there, pretty soon you're talking about
Something that's an NFL statement.
We're talking about real money.
Now we're in the billions of dollars now.
That's how rapidly this thing is expanding.
And that is nothing compared to the fact that in New Jersey they were begging Jeff Bezos, richest man in the world, of course, to be subsidized there.
We'll give you billions of dollars to move to this location.
Of course, Bezos left the most amount of money on the table.
You know, he's going to be subsidized quite a bit more in some of these jurisdictions.
And he just walked away from that.
Because he wanted to go where the economic and political centers were.
And that should tell you everything about what this really was about.
So, in New York, the trillion dollar Amazon executives are blasted by New York City officials.
So this is bad for all of us.
Some of them are complaining about it.
They said $2.8 billion in tax breaks and grants to build a new headquarters in Queens.
Why haven't we seen Occasional Cortex taking the lead on this?
That's her neighborhood right there.
But of course, along with her, we've got a lot of other young socialists.
We're going to talk a little bit about her Green New Deal.
For people who haven't seen any of this stuff before, you've got to be that kind of green in order to fall for that kind of lie.
Here's a guy who's pretty green, Michael Tubbs, a young socialist.
For more than a year now, he's been pushing the idea of universal basic income.
If you don't know what universal basic income is, it is welfare on steroids.
It is a way to make everybody dependent on the government.
And the sad thing about this is that we've had people who are
Conservatives or Libertarians now join in on this as well.
People like Charles Murray, who wrote Losing Ground back in the 1980s.
He talked about how welfare was not working for the people it was supposed to benefit.
It was actually making them more dependent and we needed to stop it.
And that became the basis for massive welfare reform under Reagan.
Or at least we hoped it was going to be massive welfare reform.
They didn't reform anything, really.
But that was the argument.
We had a big fight over that.
Nothing ever really happened.
We've got an even bigger welfare state now.
But universal basic income is something that is coming up because they're looking at the massive unemployment that is staring us in the face that is only about a decade away.
By 2030, they expect to have all of us locked up into their cities.
Locked down, unable to move because they've taken away our private cars and so forth.
That's part of this Green Initiative, this Green New Deal.
And they are looking at massive unemployment.
Across all different industries and professions from the top to the bottom.
So it's horizontal and vertical.
It's going to affect people in white-collar jobs as well as blue-collar jobs.
It's going to affect every type of business and industry all at once.
It isn't going to be a situation like we've had in the past where there's been disruption and relocation in, let's say, agriculture or in a particular type of manufacturing.
This is going to happen everywhere to everybody.
And as they look at this, you've seen the Bilderberg Group talking about the precariat, pulling in their Marxist ideology of the proletariat, but talking about how they, the elites, are now in a precarious position because they're very concerned they're going to touch off something like we see in France with the Yellow Jackets.
People realizing, waking up to what they're doing.
And so they have to pacify people.
Too quickly.
The way they want to pacify the Yellow Jackets and other people is with universal basic income.
We'll just put everybody on welfare.
We'll guarantee you a basic income.
That is a prescription for control.
It's pacification, and it's control, and it is the deepest system of welfare we've ever seen proposed.
And it's being embraced now by some of these same people, like Charles Murray, who talked about how welfare was destroying the lives of people, the poor, the black in the inner cities and so forth, who are on welfare, how it had destroyed their lives.
And now he is embracing it for all of us.
It's kind of like what they did to the Native Americans with the Indian Reservations.
We've seen how that worked out for them, and now they're applying the same types of stuff to us universally.
You know, one of the things that they did was to make it impossible for them to work.
They took their children away from them in the Indian Reservation, shipped them off to schools to be re-educated into a different culture, a different way of thinking.
What do you think is happening with our federal control of education?
You don't think they're doing that to our kids?
You know, you look at that picture of Alexandria Occasional Cortex, that glassy-eyed stare.
I mean, she's not the only one that you've ever had a conversation with.
If you talk to a millennial, there's a lot of people out there just like her that you can't carry on a conversation with because they're non-playable characters.
They've been too brainwashed and uneducated, miseducated.
By the government schools and school systems.
And that system of education comes the common core, dumbing everybody down, the deliberate dumbing down of America.
As Charlotte Iserby and Phyllis Schlafly point out, it's very deliberate.
It is a deliberate dumbing down of America.
And you can't even carry on conversations with these people because they just repeat labels.
Or they try to silence you.
And so, we go to Stockton again.
Michael Tubbs is young mayor, young socialist.
He's come up with a non-profit organization.
They call it the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration.
It's got a great acronym.
As in, gone to seed.
Which is what that city is going to look like.
It's going to look like Detroit.
Detroit has gone to seed.
You've got the buildings falling down.
They're knocking down buildings and roads and it literally is just going back to the grassland after what the Democrats have done to it.
And this is what it's going to do as they go through with universal basic income.
It was the first major city to file for bankruptcy.
They did that back in 2012.
They'll be doing that again pretty soon.
Believe me.
They've already tried this in some other countries and they stopped it early.
The Universal Basic Income Experiment.
There's a guy who is running for President in 2020, a Democrat.
You've probably never heard of him.
I heard of him because he was pushing Universal Basic Income.
That was going to be the thing he was going to run on.
I tried to reach out to him and said, come on the program.
He said, okay, sure, I'll come on.
And then he found out who I was.
He found out it was Infowars and he's not going to come on and debate Universal Basic Income with me.
His name is Yang.
I tweeted out to him and said, come on, I'll be the Ying to your Yang and we'll talk about whether this is good for people.
We've seen socialism applied before.
We can still see it being applied in North Korea versus South Korea.
That's the difference when you plan everything.
You think your pension is going to be there for you?
Illinois, their shortfall has worsened now to $134 billion.
But don't worry, they've got universal basic income for everybody.
Same people that can't pay the pension to their government employees.
We'll be right back.
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I started fighting the IRS over 40 years ago when they tried to seize my mother's house.
I sued the IRS and won.
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I wrote the book on tax debt settlement, and I've helped thousands of people deal with tax problems they thought might never be solved.
I can help you, too.
If you owe taxes you can't pay, don't wait another day.
There's no such thing as a hopeless tax case.
Call 800-34-NO-TAX, or go to my website, danpilla.com.
That's danpilla.com, danpilla.com.
Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brink.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that, and I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
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I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, and forwardstore.com to give you my absolute total commitment.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, don't worry.
The government's got it taken care of.
They've got your pensions for you.
Luxurious pensions if you work for the government.
Except that they're not funded.
They have Social Security.
Except that's not funded either, right?
That's a Ponzi scheme.
We're gonna have to open up our borders and bring people in.
That's what they were telling us at the UN 20 years ago.
Uh, you're not having enough kids, so we're gonna have to bring kids in from other countries, and those kids will be happy to support you in your retirement.
Uh, yeah, right.
If you think that the government is going to provide for you, uh, that is the true slave mentality.
That's what we need to wake up to.
Forget what LeBron James is saying.
The real slave mentality is the idea that we're going to just wave the team flag and we don't care how much money they're going to put us in bondage for to build a shiny new stadium for these billionaires.
How many billions of dollars are we going to spend on a football team stadium?
Or a minor league stadium, or whatever.
Baseball stadium, or hockey, or basketball, whatever.
It's the same game with all these different sports.
We pay through the nose as slaves so we can watch these millionaires play a boys game in a stadium that is supposedly owned by the billionaires.
They just get the profits.
You and I get the bill.
Here's an example of this.
You know, we've got Amazon, one of the best examples of elitism that we have in this country.
Somebody who works on an Amazon film, Sneaky Pete, that's a good film if you haven't seen it.
Good series, TV series that they have on Amazon.
This is a guy who's a grip.
Working on Sneaky Pete.
Came out about a week or two ago.
And of course he's having to live in his vehicle.
He started living in his vehicle about four years ago.
But he's got aspirations.
He's gonna... Listen to this.
His aspiration is not to move into a home.
It's to move into a bigger vehicle soon.
Isn't that sad?
How we've lowered our expectations.
He's not looking for a three-bedroom home.
He's looking for a four-door van.
Something a little bit bigger.
Isn't that sad?
And we now have people who work for the world's richest man, who's just been given billions and billions of subsidies in New York and Washington, D.C.
And the people who work on his productions, I mean, they're being paid like a migrant worker who's a fruit picker used to be paid.
Exorbitant rents in L.A.
because, again, it's the failed policies of the Democrats there.
Going back and looking at the 50 most expensive zip codes, I was absolutely amazed to see that all but about four were in California.
And those four were in New York.
So they have priced homes out of reach for everybody.
They have run Stockton into bankruptcy, but now Stockton is going to give everybody universal basic income.
The only way this could be possible
Is if the people there are deliberately dumbed down.
And voila!
We see the article.
Least educated state, California, is number one in the least educated category.
Number one in the percentage of residents 25 and older who never finished 9th grade.
Number 50 in high school graduates.
Dead last.
It's that kind of population that you can mandate vaccines, that you can tell people that they shouldn't have free speech, that corporations are allowed to censor you if they wish.
Because, you know, your human rights are subject to the whims of people like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, and others.
If they decide that they want to shut down your free speech, they own the public square, as Jack Dorsey of Twitter said.
He said, this is, you know, our business model is the public square.
Twitter is a public square.
He said it at least eight times publicly.
And of course the Supreme Court has said, even if the public square is privately owned, you can't censor people.
That was a Supreme Court decision back in 1946, Marsh versus Alabama.
But we don't pay attention to that Supreme Court decision.
We've got other Supreme Court decisions that are supposedly the law of the land, that can never be altered, like Roe v. Wade.
And we can execute tens of millions of babies,
Over that Supreme Court decision.
But the Supreme Court decision that prevents corporations from executing your free speech.
We don't... That doesn't have any authority here!
Doesn't matter!
That was exactly what was happening.
You had a woman, Jehovah's Witness, passing out religious literature.
And the public square.
The whole town was owned by a corporation.
And they said, we own everything, including the public square.
And the Supreme Court said, sorry, if it's the public square, even if you own it privately, you can't censor free speech.
It's a human right.
But we've turned that human right over to the billionaires to dispose of as they wish, just like our income.
And they can dumb us down and quite frankly,
If the people in California went to school longer, they'd be even dumber!
It's not the number of years that they're spending in school, it's what they're being taught in the schools that's really the problem in California.
So yeah, if they were to stay there longer, it would only exacerbate the problem.
We have a few wealthy individuals who are running everything, and the rest of these people, look at what's happening again in this story, it was on the Drudge Report, it was a week or so ago.
One person, Noelle25, she only can use her first name because she signed a no publicity clause for one of her jobs.
So you can't even tell people how poor they're making you.
Tennessee Ernie Ford, yeah, I owe my soul to the company store, to Amazon, or whatever studio that she's working for.
They're embarrassed about the fact they don't pay her anything.
So don't tell anybody your last name.
We don't want them to know how poor we've made you, how we've wiped out the middle class.
And of course, part of this
Is the deliberate policies of the people who want open borders.
Send us your children from Mexico, Honduras, every country in the world.
Send us your children, we'll educate them for free at the expense of the people who used to want, you know, who used to have a home here in America.
That used to be the American dream.
Owning a home.
You can't own a home if you gotta pay property taxes to pay for the education of every child on earth who comes here.
And there is no limit.
They're not putting any limits on the number of people that can be educated at your expense, at the expense of your home, at the expense of your American dream.
And they very cleverly call these
Illegal aliens who are of the age that they need to be educated at your expense.
They call them dreamers.
Oh, they have dreams, but you don't.
You don't have an American dream.
Only they have the American, only they have a dream of an education at your expense, at the expense of your American dream home.
So this person, Noel, 25, one of 15,748 people in Los Angeles currently living in his or her vehicle.
As of January 2018, 9,117 vehicles are being used as homes in LA.
And that's up from 600 in 2017.
Who knows where it is this year?
Or what will happen when things get tougher economically this next year?
So they went from 600 in 2017 to 9,000 in 2018.
People living out of their vehicles.
But don't worry, they've got plans to take away your vehicle as well.
I'm serious.
This is what they're talking about, the UN agenda for smart cities.
And it's all being done with the mask of being green.
Behind the green mask, remember Rosa Corey exposing Agenda 21?
Well, they've gotten more specific about Agenda 21.
It's no longer a UN agenda for something that's going to happen to us all in the 21st century.
Now it is more specific.
In terms of time.
It's now the UN 2030 agenda.
That 2030 number just keeps coming up every time they talk about the future.
Our new dystopian Orwellian future.
We'll tell you about that and how that meshes with Alexandria Occasional Cortex's dream of a new Green Deal.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Hi, I'm Dan Pilla.
I started fighting the IRS over 40 years ago when they tried to seize my mother's house.
I sued the IRS and won.
I beat the IRS then, and I've been beating them ever since.
I wrote the book on tax debt settlement, and I've helped thousands of people deal with tax problems they thought might never be solved.
I can help you, too.
If you owe taxes you can't pay, don't wait another day.
There's no such thing as a hopeless tax case.
Call 800-34-NO-TAX, or go to my website, danpilla.com.
That's danpilla.com, danpilla.com.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.
All right, let's talk about the Green Deal from Occasional Cortex.
Let's begin by looking at the left press.
I'm talking about the Guardian, the Huffington Post.
This last week they had, they're all putting out stories that they thought was so funny.
They have a blind creature that buries its head in the sand and it's going to be named after President Trump.
That's the headline for both of these.
They use the same headline.
They said they discovered a blind and burrowing amphibian and so they had to come up with a name for it.
So they named it after President Trump.
They called it Dermaphis Donald Trumpi.
And the name was chosen by the boss of a green company called EnviroBuild.
They are a sustainable building materials company.
They paid $25,000 in an auction so they could name this blind amphibian that buries his head in the sand so they could name it after President Trump and troll him.
And these are the people who, you know, when you look at this, paying $25,000 in an auction for the right to mock President Trump and to virtue signal to their Democrat patrons
Uh, you know, this is basically what H.L.
Meakin said about an election.
He says it's an advanced auction of stolen goods.
These people will give money to their politicians and they can get thousands of percent ROI.
It's not just Jeff Bezos who's doing it.
He does it better than anybody else.
But this is the game that all these people play.
Whether it's Solyndra or whether it's EnviroBuild or whatever, they can
Give money to these politicians and then the politicians will turn over contracts to them that are a thousand times bigger than the amount of money that they gave to those politicians.
And as the Guardian is pointing out, it said the only event that Trump's administration put on at the recent UN climate summit in Poland was to extol the virtues of fossil fuels.
Good for him.
Trump and the Poles were trolling these people who went right into the heart of Europe's coal production and the city that was at the heart of Poland's coal production.
And they actually put up exhibits there extolling the virtues of coal and President Trump sent a delegation there to do the same thing.
And it really made them furious.
And then as you had them talking about global warming, they had a massive snowstorm there.
The Al Gore effect is
Mark Morano pointed out.
But they go on to say, the co-founder of this company, EnviroBuild, said, EnviroBuild is not an overtly political organization, but we do feel strongly that everyone should do everything they can to leave the world in a better way than they found it.
Come on.
This guy is nothing but a fascist, subsidy-seeking, crony, capitalist, who, again, is trying to virtue signal to his patrons there in the Democrat Party.
He goes on to say, as this thing is an amphibian, it is particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and is therefore in danger of becoming extinct.
But not to be outdone, occasional cortex tells us that we are all going to die.
People are going to die, she says, unless her new green New Deal is passed.
She said, Americans are dying already.
Either way, we face cataclysmic climate disaster unless Congress can plan and implement a Green New Deal in 10 years.
Well, you know, 10 years ago we were told by Al Gore that all the polar ice caps were going to be melting.
Didn't happen.
You know, just give us a little bit more time.
Let's wait another 10 years before we take drastic measures and let's see how your predictions point out by that point in time.
We've already seen that they failed.
That your models are failing based on bad data, bad models.
We've had enough time.
You know, it takes a while with climate predictions.
It isn't like weather.
We can tell in a day or two if they don't know what they're talking about.
But with climate, you've got to go a few years or decades.
Let's not rush into this thing here.
Again, they point out that it was just a decade ago we had Van Jones and some Breitbart pointing out the green-collar economy.
He was selling the same thing, right?
How one solution can fix our two biggest problems.
And we have to have higher fuel prices to avoid a climate catastrophe, is what Van Jones was saying at the time.
It was published a month before Barack Obama won the 2008 election.
Jones went on to be the green jobs czar of Obama.
So actually, the Green New Deal is not new at all.
It's recycled socialism from Van Jones and Obama.
But now it's getting more traction because they've just won the House.
Around the same time, 2008, ten years ago, New York Times columnist and British academic Richard Murphy introduced the phrase, the Green New Deal.
See, occasional cortex doesn't even have any new phrases.
Even Green New Deal is ten years old.
The idea is old, the science has failed, but they're going to use it to try to reorganize our society.
Going to have to have economic stimulus to stimulate renewable energy industries.
You know, things like Solyndra.
That was so successful, we need to do more of that.
As The Daily Caller points out, this could be the largest expansion of government in decades, and the House Democrats are all lining up behind occasional cortex.
Pretending that they've just now discovered this, and look at this, this is new and fashionable, even though it's a very old idea.
But it's going to cost us tens of trillions of dollars.
Forty Democrats in Congress have already lined up behind occasional cortex.
And they said, as Daily Caller points out, if we figure out what's in this and how much it's going to cost, will people still support it?
They're talking about spending $5.2 trillion over two decades.
These are the people who will shut down Washington over $5 billion, with a B, $5 billion for 10% of the wall.
They want to spend, over the next two decades, $5.2 trillion to have 100% renewable electric grid.
You know, as we've talked about this to people, I remember David Schneer.
He worked for 30 years for the EPA.
He joined the EPA when the EPA was focused on cleaning up toxic waste, and then when they became about shutting down entire industries and rewarding other industries, he said, I'm out.
He became a whistleblower.
And he would go around and talk to people about energy, and he would ask the audience, it was very interesting, he would ask the audience, what is your favorite source of energy?
And he said, there were always several people who would say, electricity.
Electricity is an end product.
It doesn't, it's the form that the energy is transferred to you.
You generate the electricity with fossil fuels, or in some cases with renewables, like solar, except there's no reasonable way to store that right now on the grid.
Yeah, you can do it individually, but there's no reasonable way to store it on the grid.
Ah, but they've got a solution.
Remember when they hit Volkswagen?
With tens of billions of dollars of fines and other things because they cheated on their emissions test.
Nobody died.
You know, we've had automakers who have cynically removed equipment and nothing really happened.
And then they got hit with a million dollar fines or something.
But Volkswagen, they almost took out of business.
And they've locked up a Volkswagen executive because they cheated on an emissions test, right?
For the EPA.
And now we find, I saw this in Car and Driver very quietly, first time I've ever seen any reference to this, there is now an organization called Electrify America.
How did they fund that?
It's funded with billions of dollars that were taken from Volkswagen.
So they come in and say, you cheated on your emission test, four billion dollar fine, and then we got other things, then they take that money and they're going to use it to put in
Charging stations across America.
After they told Volkswagen very quickly, you stop selling reliable, economical, durable, diesel engines, even though you can make them clean, you stop selling those or we're going to put you out of business.
And they very quickly came out with electric cars and now this money that they had extorted from them, I should say, basically highway robbery, that's going to be used to pay for an infrastructure
Because they won't build roads.
I don't know what we're going to be driving, even though, you know, you might have an electric car, but you still have to have a road filled with potholes, a road that is enough levels, because we can't make them any wider.
We need to start making them levels.
That's one thing that Elon Musk got right.
You got to go 3D with the roads, whether you go down or whether you go up.
Everybody's always known that.
If you don't build the roads in a 3D manner, then we're not going to be able to, nobody's going to be moving regardless of what the engine or the motor that's being used.
But if you look at what's going on in London, and we'll talk a little bit more about this on the other side, we see what the end game is.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is now going to phase out the congestion charges.
See, first they were going to have low emission zones.
Oh, you're not going to be allowed in the city unless you've got virtually zero emissions.
Now it's about congestion and they're even going to come after the electric cars.
We'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright folks, just a little bit more about travel and I want to get to President Trump and what's going on in the White House and with the Federal Reserve.
I got a lot to cover in this last segment of the show and coming up in the next hour we have Roger Stone will be hosting in the fourth hour of the show.
Real quickly, we have an end of year total store clearance at InfoWarsStore.com.
You know you're going to be thinking about your health.
Everybody does at the beginning of the new year.
Everybody makes resolutions about how they're going to eat better, how they're going to take better care of themselves, exercise and so forth.
Now's a good time to get started on this.
We're trying to clear out our inventory before the first of the year.
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We have 50, 60% off many different items, some of them up to 75% off.
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That'll get you discounts on future orders.
But think about this.
We've talked about this in terms of Christmas gifts before.
Many people get entertaining things, games, clothes, things like that.
But think about what you can do for your health.
This is the time of year that people start to think about this as the calendar rolls over.
It's a good way to help your family and your friends if you're giving gifts.
Of course, that time has passed now, but it's still not too late to help them to be more proactive.
About taking care of their health.
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And there's no better time than right now.
We've never had discounts this deep, this broad at the store.
Again, up to 75% off items at InfoWarsTore.com.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot points, and even a free t-shirt with every order at InfoWarsTore.com.
All right, real quickly, just to finish up on this transportation stuff.
As I was saying,
We have all the people that have come to us with these green mandates.
And they would say things like, well, you know, you've got to have less CO2 emission and so forth, higher mileage.
Mandates you've got in London and other places across Europe.
They have these ultra-low emission zones.
You're not allowed in if you don't have an extremely low emission car.
In other words, something that's like a hybrid or an electric car.
They really hit you with a large fine each day that you drive in.
It's going to be things like $16 a day to get into London.
But, predictably, it's no longer about the economy, is it?
It's about them taxing you.
It's about them tracking you.
It's about them having control over your transportation and making sure that you can't drive.
Here's the evidence of it.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is going to phase out the congestion charge.
It was an emission charge.
Now, then it became a congestion charge.
And now he's going to phase out the exemption that they carved out for hybrid cars next year.
And then they're going to phase out the exemption for electric cars, zero emission cars, in 2025.
So they're going to gradually take that out.
Even if you want to have a Uber or something like that, they're still going to tax that.
$16 a day.
So they don't want you to have even access to a car.
And so when you look at what Google is doing up in Toronto, they call their smart city for dumb people, they call it Sidewalk Labs because you're going to be doing a lot of walking.
You're not going to have a vehicle to get around.
They don't want you to be mobile.
They don't want you to have that kind of freedom.
Washington DC is in on this as well because this is a global initiative.
This is coming from the United Nations and guess what?
All this stuff is going to be in place by 2030.
By 2032, I said, D.C.
is going to pass a bill to make the city run on 100% clean energy.
This is what's happening everywhere.
And Jerry Brown, I think, gave us an amazing nugget of truth.
He said, the Democrats are becoming too radical for the majority of voters.
That is absolutely true.
All right, just a little bit of time we've got left here.
As I was looking at the various mainstream media, hammering President Trump because, you know, he started, he's there in the White House.
He's not going to his home because of the shutdown and so forth.
So he's taking calls from kids.
Part of this thing with NORAD is tracking Santa Claus or whatever.
And one kid calls in and he says, hello, is this Coleman?
Merry Christmas.
How are you?
How old are you?
Are you doing well in school?
Do you still believe in Santa?
The kid says, well, I'm seven years old.
And he says, well, because, you know, at seven it's marginal, right?
I was like, you're getting a little bit too old to believe in Santa Claus, he said to the kid.
So they're having a fit about this.
All the people, oh, you shouldn't tell him that.
Well, I guess the question is, you know, if we talk about marginal beliefs, does the mainstream media still believe in Santa Claus?
Do they still believe in quantitative easing?
Do they still believe in the Federal Reserve?
See, this is the real question that ought to be out there.
President Trump should call them up and say, do you still believe in the Federal Reserve?
Do you still believe they have America's best interests at heart?
Do you still believe that they're trying to help us when they say we've got to ratchet this economy down real hard?
Got to have a hard landing, because these people are about to grow at 2 or 3% a year, when they've allowed China to grow for 9.5% average a year for 40 years!
You just had the Chinese president bragging about that.
40 years!
As someone pointed out, did somebody slip Donald Trump some kind of political Viagra?
Yeah, well, you know, maybe he just woke up to this stuff.
Maybe he woke up to the fact that the establishment is against him.
You know, folks, when we look at this, Trump really is the iconoclast that we need.
And who is an iconoclast?
Anybody that challenges cherished beliefs and venerated institutions, like the Federal Reserve.
On the grounds that they are pernicious or in error.
Oh, the Federal Reserve is both in error and pernicious.
It just depends on your perspective.
Are they grossly incompetent or are they pernicious and malicious in what they're doing?
Bottom line is, folks, we need to get rid of calling ourselves... I don't call myself a conservative because I don't want to maintain, conserve, or preserve things like the Federal Reserve.
There are certain things in our society that are like a cancer.
Federal Reserve is one of those.
Created 105 years ago this last Friday.
They did it at Christmas break, when nobody was paying attention.
And now, just like this story that we saw this last week, this squatter who moved into a half-million-dollar home, and said, I'm here, I'm an indigenous Moor, and I'm taking this for reparations, or whatever, the bogus reason.
Fortunately, they had the police throw him out.
A lot of times, police won't take any action on that.
But we've had the Federal Reserve is essentially like this squatter.
They have squatted on our country.
And they're telling us that we can't get rid of them.
And the sad thing about it is, that President Trump's, the people surrounding him, people like Steve Mnuchin, who just kicked off what they call the Mnuchin Massacre.
Yeah, it was a nightmare before Christmas.
And all through the house, he starts calling up the six big banks.
You know, we got six big banks.
The big banks.
They're too big to fail, too big to jail.
These are the banks, by the way.
That were created by Bill Clinton and his administration when they got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act, when they approved the merger of Bank of America and Nations Bank, because he had a chief of staff that was, you know, part of that industry right there in North Carolina, Erskine Bowles.
Nevertheless, they put that through and everybody said, you're going to create a wave of mergers, you're going to wind up with just a few big banks.
And sure enough, they did.
And guess what those big banks did?
They worked with the Federal Reserve to destroy our economy.
And so, yeah, you've got six banks, and so Steve Mnuchin was calling them up and saying, you know, don't worry, everything's gonna, you're okay, right?
You're liquid, right?
And then he puts it out that the Plunge Protection Team is going to protect the stock market.
And then starts telling people, don't worry, I've talked to all the banks, and they said they're doing really well.
And there's one commenter pointed out that said, that's kind of like, that's worrying, like if you were to go to the doctor and you have some tests made and the doctor calls you up and say, well,
I can't tell you about it right now, but don't worry, I don't think it's cancer.
And even if it is that kind of cancer, we've got some treatments for it that sometimes work.
That's basically what Steve Mnuchin did.
Crashed the market.
And now the same Steve Mnuchin is the one that is telling President Trump, that you, telling everybody, President Trump did not suggest firing the Fed Chair.
And his new Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, is saying the President now realizes that he doesn't have the ability to fire Powell.
No, he does.
He really does.
If you look at the Federal Reserve Act, it says for cause.
And again, we talk about people having employment, you either have at will or you got a contract, right?
If you've got a contract,
Then they can't get rid of you unless there's misconduct or unless you're fired for cause.
What is firing for cause?
Well, if you look at what they tell people in employment contracts in terms of state law, in terms of national law, when they talk to employers, they say, well, for cause is somebody that is not doing what they were supposed to do.
Misconduct is not the same thing as cause.
Cause is understood to mean for good reason.
Misconduct is something like criminal behavior.
So what you're hearing from the people is that you can't fire the Fed
For cause, because he hasn't committed any crimes.
Or he hasn't, you know, molested some girls on a casting couch like Weinstein has.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with that.
That would be misconduct.
Misconduct is sometimes explicitly stated in the for cause part of a contract so that they can get rid of him for that as well.
But for cause simply means that you have been doing things that harm the thing that you're supposed to be working on.
Not working.
He could fire him for that, but he should audit them.
And you need to call President Trump and tell him that you support him.
Because the rest of Washington doesn't.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
My fellow Americans, let me make this perfectly clear.
You're listening to Roger Stone on InfoWars.
Welcome back.
That's right.
I'm Roger Stone and you're on the most talked about show on the net, the Alex Jones Show.
Why is it the globalists and the two party duopoly that have run this country into the gutter are so hysterical to ban InfoWars and snuff the Alex Jones Show?
That's because we bring you the truth.
Seven days a week.
So you're in the right place.
Buckle your seatbelt.
We've got a great show for you.
Now, just last week, you may have seen a raft of fake news stories regarding a legal settlement that I reached with a Chinese billionaire who is fighting extradition to his home country where he is wanted for financial crimes.
This is one of the greatest smears in American history because, to be very clear, I have never broadcast or reported any story or any fact that I did not believe to be true at the time I reported it.
Not on InfoWars, not on any other platform.
In this instance, some of the details of my report regarding this businessman turned out to be incorrect.
That's because I relied on a source who just turned out to be wrong.
And, unlike the Washington Post, unlike the Wall Street Journal, unlike CNN, unlike MSNBC, when we make an error here at InfoWars, we quickly correct it.
That's what real journalists do.
But every single one of these mainstream media outlets led with a headline that says, Roger Stone admits lying on InfoWars.
No, I never said anything of the kind.
And in the settlement, by the way, I was sued for $100 million.
I paid zero, but I issued a retraction and an apology.
Built around two key points.
I said the businessman in question had been a bundler for Hillary Clinton.
That turns out to have been a misreading of the Federal Election Commission report by none other than Sam Nunberg.
And also that he was financing a presidential campaign for Steve Bannon.
I was incorrect about that.
He's financing a non-profit for Steve Bannon as reported in the New York Times.
Funny, the same amount that I was sued for.
That was a page one story in the New York Times only days ago.
And, of course, I said that Mr. Kwok was wanted both in China and here for financial crimes, when in fact he's only wanted in China for alleged financial crimes.
So, our apologies, but unlike the mainstream media, we correct when we're wrong.
It's not often, but it happens.
We have been proud of our track record here at InfoWars of bringing you tomorrow's news today.
We've had a series of breaking stories over the last two years.
It is kind of interesting that in the two years that I have been reporting for InfoWars, I have had to issue one retraction and one apology.
That's what real journalists do.
In any event, you're in the right place.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I want you to take a moment to go to the InfoWars.com site.
We'll be back to talk about this, but I want to remind you, we are completely and totally listener and viewer supported.
Therefore, if you don't go to the site and load up on our very best products, whether it is a nutraceutical, a t-shirt, a book, or anything else, a water filter,
Well then, we can't continue to expand and continue the fight against the Deep State, the globalists, George Soros, and others who would put us out of business, who would snuff out this very broadcast.
So please, give us your support.
We need it more than ever before.
A lot of people think that Alex Jones and I
Cry wolf that we are exaggerating the hazardous days ahead.
That's not true.
Infowars faces multi-million dollar bogus harassment lawsuits that they use as an excuse to censor us.
Please have our back because we have yours.
I'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen.
Right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
That's right.
You're on the Alex Jones Show, the most talked about, the most controversial, and the most news busting story on the, or I should say program, on the net and on your local radio station.
We're proud of the work we do here.
We're the Paul Revere of the American political revolution that has taken place under President Donald Trump.
It's amazing to sit back here and watch the spasms and hysteria of the far left.
You see, when I first got involved in politics, the left was against war.
The conservatives were for war, certainly against the war against the communists in Southeast Asia.
And let's face it, if President Barack Obama had ended the war in Syria, well, they'd be nominating him for another Nobel Peace Prize.
But because Donald Trump has kept faith with the American people, because he has kept his pledge to get us withdrawn from endless foreign war that cost us billions, not to mention American lives, well, we're against anything the President does, and that includes making peace.
It is disgraceful.
It's amazing how Donald Trump has stuck to his guns when it comes to the withdrawal from Syria, bringing our troop levels in Afghanistan down by 50% on the way to bringing them to zero.
Exactly what he told the American people he would do when he ran as a non-interventionist candidate for president.
And now he is hanging tough on the wall in a way that few could have imagined.
The thing about Donald Trump, a man I have known for 40 years, is that he is an inordinately stubborn individual.
And I say that in a positive sense.
What I mean is when the president puts his mind to a goal, he will not be taken off of it.
He will not be distracted.
He will not fold.
And I am convinced that he will let the government shutdown go as long as it needs to until the Congress folds and gives him
The funding for a wall.
Do we really need a wall?
Take a look at what's going on in Europe, even as we speak.
Take a look at what's going on in France, in Belgium, in Germany, in Paris, specifically.
Tell me that that tidal wave of terrorism, of rape, of murder, of assault, of peace-loving citizens is not headed this way.
That is the wave of the future if we allow unfettered open borders and let anyone come into the country who wants to.
If you do not have borders, you do not have a country, as the president has said throughout his campaign.
Now, let's go to another story that I know a lot of info warriors are most interested in, and that is the fate of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.
Now, right up front, I want to say that I supported Scott Israel for Sheriff the second time he ran,
Because I learned that our local Broward County, Florida Republican Sheriff, Al Lamberti, had been corrupted by a Ponzi scammer named Scott Rothstein, who was using the Broward County Sheriff's Office as his personal Gestapo.
And that he had corrupted the agency, was using it for his personal protection.
We even learned that Sheriff Lamberti ordered the destruction, with a hammer, of two hard drives that contained evidence of his illicit relationship with the Ponzi scammer Rothstein.
So I supported Scott Israel for Sheriff, and I live to regret it.
Then, when the shooting at the Parkland High School went down, well, the sheriff lied to my face about what happened.
I should have listened to Alex Jones and others who told me that their analysis indicated that more than one officer had stood down.
Now, we have learned, based on an incredible story in the Miami Herald and then spreading elsewhere, that the official inquiry, one of two, indicates that at least six Broward County Sheriff's officers arrived at the Parkland High School, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, while there was still active shooting going on, and that they stood down for 11 crucial minutes.
minutes in which you could hear the ringing of gunshots and probable murder in the background.
It is amazing to me that Governor-elect Ron DeSantis essentially ran on a platform pledging that he would remove the sheriff.
77 members of the state legislature, all Republicans, co-signed a letter to Governor Rick Scott demanding the ouster of the sheriff, but Scott has taken no action, preferring to appoint two different commissions to study exactly what happened.
Well, now we know what happened, and in a stunning editorial in today's Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, a newspaper that frankly I very, very rarely agree with,
We've learned even more.
Not only is there the failure of leadership by Scott Israel in the Parkland High School shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but there's also his mishandling of the shooting at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport.
I must sadly admit that I agree it is time for Scott Israel to go.
And Ron DeSantis said that he would have suspended the sheriff, removed him, had he been governor at the time of the shooting.
Ron DeSantis, the Republican candidate, now governor-elect, appeared with Andrew Pollack, the father of one of the victims of the Parkland shooter, a man who lost, tragically, his daughter on that fateful day.
Now, however, Ron DeSantis seems to be backing off his pledge to replace Sheriff Scott Israel.
Let's take a look.
You said a number of times that if you had been governor after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, given the response of BSO, that you would have suspended, fired Sheriff Scott Israel.
Well, on January 8th, you're going to be the governor.
Will you suspend him?
Well, I also said that I would take stock of what's happened between the time I said that and when I was governor, because I didn't know what was happening.
And there is going to be a report that is going to be presented to the public early in January.
So I want to look at that.
From what I've been told about it, there's a lot of really troubling facts about, really, this guy should not have been anywhere near that campus.
He should have been brought to have been in the criminal system.
There's a whole bunch of problems, but let's get that out there and then we'll make a decision.
Well, there you have it.
Now, if anything, the information that has come to light since the shooting, since Mr. DeSantis was elected governor, is even more troubling than what we knew before.
So what will happen?
Some people speculate that outgoing governor Rick Scott will remove Scott Israel and appoint a replacement.
Other people believe that Governor-elect Ron DeSantis will replace Scott Israel and appoint a replacement, which I believe he has the authority to do, and which today's editorial in the Sun Central argues that he has the authority to do, although Israel might face a trial in the State Senate, which is in solidly Republican hands and could be counted on to remove him.
And of course, there's a third theory, which is that DeSantis
And Scott will do nothing and that Scott Israel will remain in office for two more years to face the wrath of the voters.
There's a rumor about a poll going around in Broward County that shows that the sheriff is still very popular.
Frankly, I doubt that.
Having seen some survey research during the recent congressional race for a district that takes up most of Broward County, I found that he had a 69% unfavorable rating among all voters.
I don't think he can stay the course.
I must reluctantly conclude that Alex Jones and others like Laura Loomer were absolutely right.
It's time for Sheriff Scott Israel to go.
I hope Governor-Elect Ron DeSantis will keep his pledge.
To review this case and act aggressively to replace the leadership at the Broward County Sheriff's Office, which some of you may not know is the largest police force in the United States.
A department with over 6,000 employees, almost 4,000 of whom
are either law enforcement officers or firefighters.
The people of Broward County, the taxpayers of Broward County, and the parents who lost children at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School deserve nothing less.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker.
And I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Roger Stone.
I was in Washington DC with Alex Jones and many, many other Trump supporters to celebrate the inauguration of our new president when a story hit page one of the New York Times.
This story said that I was among three Trump advisors who was under Obama administration surveillance during the 2016 campaign.
Well, we know that at least one of those other people was Carter Page.
And of course, the story about the misuse of illicit FISA warrants to spy on Mr. Page has now been firmly established in the mainstream media, as well as the alternative media.
And I can tell you that IT experts retained by my current attorneys can say to a certainty that I have been under government surveillance
I think?
You gotta wonder, how can this kind of violation of my Fourth Amendment rights go on?
Well, now I want to talk to you about an incredible case that is moving into the courts, in which the crusading journalist Cheryl Atkinson is suing the Justice Department and the FBI because she learned, due to her reporting about Fast and Furious, the gun-running scandal under
We're good.
This is not the first time the Obama administration monitored the activities of journalists.
Some will remember that James Rosen, formerly of Fox News, covering the White House for that news organization, was monitored as well, reading his emails.
Listening to his phone calls.
Why, you might ask, how can this happen in America?
Well, Cheryl Adkinson, who is an incredible journalist, is not taking this news sitting down.
She is moving into the courts with an aggressive lawsuit to challenge the government over the illicit, and I believe illegal, surveillance of her work.
She is facing a daunting task because the government plays keep away even when in discovery they are ordered to reveal things.
They delay, they stall, they cover up and in many cases they lie.
Cheryl Adkinson needs our support for this incredible lawsuit and therefore I urge those who are concerned about our Fourth Amendment rights
And concerned about the Obama administration's and the current FBI's constant illicit use of our intelligence services for domestic political spying to go to Sheryl Atkinson's GoFundMe site.
She has raised a good $79,000.
I think this is all by and large over the last month.
But she needs our support today.
So keep tabs on this case.
It's an important one.
And if you can, give Cheryl Atkinson your support.
She needs it and deserves it.
Now, some of you may be familiar with a story that broke last Friday when we learned that the House Intelligence Committee voted to give my four hours of testimony transcript to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Some people may remember that I wanted my testimony to be in public from the beginning, and I was denied that right so that my testimony was taken behind closed doors.
What people don't know is that even today, I am not permitted to have a copy of the transcript of my own testimony.
My lawyers are entitled to go look at it in a controlled chamber of the U.S.
House of Representatives, but they are not even allowed to take notes.
It's quite extraordinary.
Here's the key thing to remember, though, and that is that the House Intelligence Committee made this move having been egged on by Congressman Adam Schiff and his allies, Congressman Eric Swallow as well, Congressman Joaquin Castro and others.
The truth is, they are the liars.
My testimony is entirely truthful.
Now, it's not inconceivable that I may have made inconsequential errors over a four and a half hour inquiry.
I have over one million emails, impossible for one individual to remember all of that.
But at no time did I dissemble.
What does this all really mean?
I will tell you.
It means they have no evidence of Russian collusion, no evidence of WikiLeaks collaboration, no evidence whatsoever that I received anything, including allegedly hacked or allegedly stolen emails, in advance of their publication by WikiLeaks.
And in fact, I had no knowledge of the source or the content of those disclosures.
Now, I disclosed to the House Intelligence Committee that Randy Credico, a New York City talk show host, was the source that told me about both the significance and the October release date for the WikiLeaks disclosures.
Mr. Credico has denied that repeatedly, mostly on MSNBC, who is given in my forum every 15 minutes.
The problem is that approximately 10 days ago, I released 80 total pages of text messages, 30 pages of which proved beyond dispute that Mr. Credico was my source.
Where will you find that?
Not in the Wall Street Journal, not in the Daily Beast, not at Politico until my lawyers registered a formal complaint, not at the Washington Post until they finally reported it, only after another formal complaint from my attorneys.
This is the game they play.
At the end of the day, however,
I don't know that the government wants to get into this.
You see, one of the questions is about Henry Greenberg.
Now, Henry Greenberg was a Russian, an ethnic Russian, but an American citizen, who approached me in May of 2016 trying to sell me dirt on Hillary Clinton, an approach which I flatly turned down and left.
But Henry Greenberg was and is an FBI informant.
That is beyond dispute, based on information that has been posted online.
His actual informant visas that prove he was working for James Comey.
So what was he doing coming to see me in May of 2016?
About the same time that an FBI asset was approaching George Papadopoulos, an FBI asset was approaching Carter Page.
Well, we know that the formal investigation of Donald Trump's supposed ties to Russia didn't start until July of 2016.
That means there had to be a preliminary investigation opened in order for their approach to me to be legal.
When did that preliminary investigation start?
Why does the Obama administration and the FBI and even the intelligence services today refuse to answer that question?
This is the Pandora's box that would be opened in the event that they bring some bogus charge against me.
You see, I have the name of Mr. Greenberg's handler and his phone number in the Miami FBI office.
I assure you he would be called as a witness and we would ask for discovery from the FBI about the approach made to me by someone who is indisputably an FBI informant.
So, we shall see.
I'm Roger Stone.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember
This life is a test, and those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity coming back from the dead and recognizing it's being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Let's take the M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing, and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker, and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us, and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together, and I salute you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
My fellow Americans, let me make this perfectly clear.
You're listening to Roger Stone, on and forth.
Thank you very much, Mr. President.
I'm Roger Stone, and you're at the right place.
That's right, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your pinch-hitting host, Roger Stone.
Now, we were talking earlier about the vote by the House Intelligence Committee to turn over
Transcripts of
A spate of stories we spoke about earlier smearing me, saying incorrectly that I admitted to lying about a billionaire Chinese fugitive in a news report here on InfoWars.
Let me say it again in case you didn't hear it earlier.
I have never reported or broadcast anything I did not believe to be true at the time I broadcast it on InfoWars or any other platform.
And when you consider the many hours and the hundreds of stories that we have reported, occasionally we make a mistake.
And when we make a mistake, unlike the Washington Post, unlike the Daily Beast, unlike the Wall Street Journal, and so many other of the fake news media, we correct it.
But those stories were the setup for the leak on Friday that the House Intelligence Committee had voted to release my testimony.
Here's what you will sadly not read other than at ABC.
I released a letter sent to the committee that very same day demanding that they release my testimony to the American people.
Let's let the people see exactly what I said.
So, when Adam Schiff says, well, he didn't tell us about Henry Greenberg, he's right about that.
On the other hand, my meeting with Henry Greenberg was inconsequential, other than the fact that Mr. Greenberg, a Russian national, was an FBI informant, and he was in the country in 2016 on the basis of an informant's visa.
Why is it that Congressman Schiff,
The Bull Shiffer himself has no interest whatsoever in who Henry Greenberg was and why he was trying to compromise me and attempting to sully the President, I should say entrap the President in May of 2016.
Then there's the question of an email exchange between Steve Bannon and I.
We're good to go.
Uh, inside the embassy, of course, in London.
Uh, and he released no documents regarding Hillary Clinton.
Documents he had been teasing about, uh, on CNN, on Fox, since June of 2016.
What most people did not notice is that Assange, in that press event, said that there would be weekly releases for the next 10 weeks and that all of the U.S.
election-related material would be released in the weeks before the election.
That was reported by the Washington Post as, and I quote, Assange made some vague commitment to future disclosures.
Close quote.
We have asked repeatedly for the Washington Post to correct that and they have refused to do so.
Who are the honest journalists and who is playing games with the truth?
I think it's clear to the American people.
So, if the Mueller investigation or the House Intelligence Committee want to open the can of worms, we will find out when Crossfire Hurricane really began.
We will find out when their preliminary investigation was opened.
We will find out
We will find out the circumstances under which Professor Joseph Mifsud approached George Papadopoulos.
We will find out the circumstances under which Carter Page was approached by Stephen Alper.
But more importantly, we will find out why the FBI was sending a known informant to see me in May of 2016, trying to sell me dirt on Hillary Clinton for $2 million.
When I scoffed at that offer and rejected it, Mr. Greenberg said, and I quote, it's not your money I want.
It's Donald Trump's money.
I think that tells us everything we need to know.
In the meantime, I think most of you are familiar with a tactic that the special counsel specializes in, and that is trying to financially destroy their victims.
I have been under federal investigation for almost two years.
I believe that few Americans could survive the proctological legal examination that I have been under.
Yet today, I can tell you with all confidence that they have no evidence of Russian collusion, no evidence that I collaborated with WikiLeaks, no evidence that I communicated with Julian Assange or WikiLeaks beyond the two examples which are known.
So, on ABC two weekends ago, when Congressman Adam Schiff said, public reports indicate that the contacts with Stone and Wikileaks were more extensive than he told the committee.
No, Congressman, that's a lie!
I disclosed that Randy Credico was my source to the House Intelligence Committee, and I released an innocuous direct message exchange between me and the flak at WikiLeaks, in which he essentially blew me off, providing no evidence yet again of any collaboration.
Only in this insane atmosphere can a direct message exchange, which is exculpatory, be held up as your tormentors in an aha moment.
The problem is that those documents were turned over to the House Intelligence Committee well over a year ago.
So that is the kind of witch hunt I have been subjected to.
I think most of you know the goal is to destroy me financially.
To so sap me of resources that I can no longer pay for the attorneys that I need to fight.
Which is why I asked you to go to the Stone Defense Fund now for a special holiday season emergency contribution.
I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that every penny I can scrape up has to go to pay my legal defense.
They have unlimited taxpayer money with which to try to smear and destroy me.
The woman heading the investigation into me used to be Hillary Clinton's attorney in the email case.
Yes, you heard me right.
And the supervising prosecutor was recommended for his job by none other than Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General.
Wait a minute, I thought Mr. Mueller's inquiry was supposed to be completely independent of the Justice Department.
There's a lot to get into here if they really want to proceed in this effort to take me down.
But you can read again and again in the Atlantic, in the Washington Post, in the New York Times, I'm being investigated for my ties to WikiLeaks!
Which I've fully disclosed are minimal and innocuous.
It's a witch hunt.
Now, some of you may have seen that I, last week, offered this little nugget.
It's a paperweight.
It's actually a Roger Stone.
A stone which I have signed.
And you can go to StoneColdTruth.com, click on shop, and buy one of these mementos for yourself.
This is an exact replica of the very stone that little David used to take down Goliath.
Now, this was obviously a fundraising idea.
Every dollar for stones that I sell, go to fund the Stone Legal Defense Fund.
And frankly, sales were not too brisk, until Talking Points Memo and Rolling Stone decided to mock me for the sale of these Roger Stones.
That, in turn, means that they have flown off the shelf.
I spent most of the Christmas holiday signing stones.
I distributed gift stones, pardon me, to many of the InfoWars staff.
But if you want to get your own stone today, a historical memento, go to StoneColdTruth.com, click on shop and get your own Roger Stone.
I will be happy to sign it and mail it to you immediately.
Thank you.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Roger Stone, and it's a good time to remind you that we still need your support at Infowars.com.
We are facing legal challenges and a veritable war of censorship.
You can pick up my latest book, Stone's Rules, or many other great products, knowing that your expenditures go to fund the fight for freedom.
I'll be right back.
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Do you realize that when you spread the links from InfoWars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
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The bare minimum you can do is sign up for the free newsletter at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
We are the renaissance and we are winning!
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
For those of us that are on the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist's only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
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We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at m4store.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rumors spreadin' round
Welcome back!
Yes, that's ZZ Top.
That's an awful lot of music for just three guys.
That's your genuine Texas guitar.
Welcome back.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Roger Stone.
You know, the most fun I had in all of the past year was when Alex Jones and I went into the lion's den and bearded down Sundar Pai, the chief executive officer of Google, a man who sat before
The panel of the House Judiciary Committee and perjured himself over and over again.
Also notable was the performance of Congressman Jerry Nadler, who will soon claim to be the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would be if we recognize the illicit and illegal recent elections in which voter fraud installed an alleged Democrat majority.
Now, Nadler said in a statement
Which was written by Google lobbyists and in a series of questions, which were written by Google lobbyists, that the idea that conservatives and Republicans and Trump supporters are disadvantaged in the Google search is a right-wing conspiracy theory.
No, Jerry.
You may simply look at the internal videos from Google, the internal memos that have leaked, and the extraordinary good work of Project Veritas to prove that you are a bald-faced liar.
And that conservatives are indeed disadvantaged.
Case in point, when Congressman Joaquin Castro, the adorable twin congressman from Texas, IQ 70, accused me a week ago of perjury for the House Intelligence Committee because he claimed that I said that I didn't know the timing of the WikiLeaks disclosures
When what I said was I didn't know the exact timing of my contact, my source, having told me that it would be in October.
Now I know this is tough for you, Joaquin.
But October has 31 days, and we didn't know what day it would be.
Consequently, my testimony was truthful and honest, and your claim is a smear.
But if you go look that story up, you'll find that all the stories in which he makes the charge against me are at the top of the feed.
But then the story in the media, in the Daily Caller, in InfoWars,
We're good to go.
A lie, then we talked about the whole question of the tracking capability of the Google program on your cell phone.
Oh, no, he said that can be turned off.
Well, yes, it can be turned off.
That means you don't have the function showing, but the tracking continues.
This guy is the biggest liar since, oh, I don't know, Congressman Adam Schiff.
You remember him?
He's the guy who said he's seen more than circumstantial evidence of Russian collusion as a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
Told that to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, but has never been able to produce an iota, a scintilla.
That's because it is a fraud.
It's Bull Schiff.
If you're listening on radio, I said Schiff.
Which reminds me of the slogan, if it's Schiff, flush it.
That's Schiff.
This guy is the greatest con man, the greatest huckster, the greatest charlatan that I have seen.
They called him Tricky Dick, but next to Richard Nixon, Nixon looks like St.
Thomas Aquinas compared to Adam Schiff.
A fraudster.
It's a shame that I am unlikely to go testify for his committee because a lot of questions I'd like to ask him.
Like, why is he having a fundraiser hosted by a Ukrainian arms dealer with undeniable links to organized crime in Ukraine?
And what exactly is his relationship with Ed Buck?
Yes, I would say Adam Schiff has a lot of questions to answer.
Unfortunately, I probably won't get the opportunity to ask that.
But I'm sure the mainstream media will ask him these hard questions.
Oh, probably not.
In any event, it is going to be an extraordinary year because it is obvious to me that the House Democrats intend to vote articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
You can see them crashing the economy now as the backdrop for impeachment.
As Rush Limbaugh pointed out only the other day in his terrific broadcast,
That is their intention.
They did it under Nixon in 1974.
They seek to do it now.
No, it is not Donald Trump destroying the economy.
It is a Fed chairman who is now raising interest rates yet again because he says the economy may overheat.
I see no evidence of this overheating.
What I see is prosperity and the fact
That there are jobs again.
President Donald Trump has created 4.2 million jobs.
Unemployment is at the lowest point in American history.
The Hispanic and Black unemployment are at the lowest point since we began keeping those statistics.
Billions of dollars were pouring back into the country for reinvestment.
My God, Trump has revived the economy.
Now they, the international bankers, working with the Fed, an illicit group, responsibilities and duties and authority are not outlined in our U.S.
Constitution, are seeking destroy economic prosperity as the backdrop to take down our president.
Make no mistake about that, folks.
That is the game plan.
Now, since Mr. Mueller will come up empty-handed on the question of Russian collusion, it's pretty clear that the Democrats decided they were going to use a tortured and questionable campaign finance reform allegation against the President as the basis of impeachment.
Adam Schiff, who we referred to previously, actually said Donald Trump will face jail time.
Well, you know what, Congressman?
The guy who should face jail time is the guy who took international campaign contributions from the Ukraine, if we know anybody who meets that definition.
And while we're at it, we probably need to disclose the names of all those members of Congress who use taxpayer money to pay off claims of sexual harassment.
That would be a story that would be most interesting, and I'm willing to bet you that there are more Democrats on that list than Republicans.
In fact, I'm willing to bet you that most of the people on that list, perhaps virtually all of them, will be Democrats.
Democrats whose names are in the news every day.
Democrats who are members of the House Intelligence Committee, soon to be in their alleged majority.
I suspect that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Mr. Schiff says he's sponsoring legislation to change a ruling by the Justice Department that says a sitting president cannot be prosecuted.
Why don't we also push legislation to say that members of Congress who use taxpayer money to pay off claims of sexual assault or sexual harassment are immediately ejected from the Congress?
Now that's legislation that I could really get behind.
The hypocrisy of the left is incredible.
Robert Mueller and Adam Schiff are pursuing Roger Stone on allegations of perjury.
Yet James Clapper can testify to the Congress that we have no metadata collection program on Americans proven to be a lie by the revelations published
By Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept that came from Edward Snowden.
So there is one standard for Republicans and conservatives and Trump supporters.
There's a completely different standard for Democrats.
That's where we have come in America today.
If you want us to continue, this crusading investigative journalist, if you want us to continue to call out George Soros and the globalists and the two-party duopoly to run this country into the gutter, please go to InfoWars.com right now and go to the store and look at our extraordinary specials for the holiday season.
I want to remind you, whether it is Mico ZX Plus at 55% off, my all-time favorite, of course, Brain Force Plus, my new favorite, Bodies, which has helped my knee dramatically.
I kind of overdid it by running a little too far.
These products help us finance the fight for freedom.
And a vibrant, robust InfoWars as the flagship, as a beacon of freedom and truth.
Thank you for joining us on the Alex Jones Show.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.