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Filename: 20181224_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 24, 2018
3070 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex interviews Paul and Frank Stringini from StringAnime about artistic expression and censorship. They discuss YouTube's policies under Section 230 and the importance of free speech. Later, Alex and Owen Benjamin debate on topics like Christmas traditions, moon landing conspiracy theories, and celebrity culture. Owen emphasizes supporting InfoWars against tyranny while Alex talks about his struggles with mental illness and spreading links to independent media outlets."

Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Let your heart be light.
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Make the Yuletide gay.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Christmas Eve 2018.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
We've got the war room coming up with Owen Schroyer.
We have a full slate of guests today, and to say that the quickening is here would be an understatement.
To say that each broadcast becomes the next most important broadcast we've ever done is the truth.
Everything is accelerating.
The sides are becoming very, very clear and people are choosing which side they're on.
It is December 24th, 2018.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And you know, I don't like having Roger Stone on about Russiagate because we all know it's a canard.
It's a bucket of baloney.
That's putting it lightly.
It's putting it family style.
Bravo Sierra is what it is.
But now they say Mueller's report will be out by February and this will supposedly be over because Congress would have already launched 80 new fake investigations.
Which Mueller then has got his bloodhounds out to supply them with information on.
None of it dealing with Russia.
Mueller is the bag man or the mule.
Clint Eastwood just plays the mule in his new hit movie, The Mule.
Make a documentary about Mueller, you have to call him the mule.
For all these different gangsters, for narcotics trafficking, for child trafficking, for uranium trafficking.
Robert Mueller is the mule.
But Roger, when they came out and released his house testimony that was secret to Mueller, who'd already had it, it was all PR stunt, they didn't let him respond to what was really in it.
They only cherry-picked it.
Telling us that they are moving against Roger Stone in a big way as their final patsy.
So Roger Stone's popping in.
Then Stephen Mosier is a very respected researcher.
And he's got a big story out in the New York Post about how the arrest of Chinese princess exposes regime's world domination plot.
Now this is a case of next month's news today.
I've already laid out exactly what the Pentagon and the CIA are now saying, because I already know who she is.
She is the most powerful woman in China.
Her father was the right-hand man and grandfather to the Communist Party.
Her grandfather, the right-hand man to Mao Zedong.
Her father, the head of the Communist Party.
And this is their control grid into everything we do with the 5G.
So the author, a bully of Asia,
Who wrote the big article for the New York Post that was linked up on DreadReport.com this weekend will be joining us.
And then we have some video game makers popping in who've done a really interesting piece with yours truly that deals with the standing up to the establishment media.
And then Owen Benjamin, the great comedian and analyst, he really is a great analyst about propaganda, will be hosting the fourth hour today.
Tomorrow will be a special rebroadcast, but on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday it'll be David Knight, Owen Schroyer and myself here live.
Because wild horses could not drag us away.
Some of the War Room won't be live, some of the Morning Show won't be live, David Knight Show, but this broadcast will be live.
Those guys will be co-hosting it with me.
And some of the War Room and some of the David Knight Show will be live too.
I'm not sure which days, but we're going to be in and out.
It's really a working vacation.
We're going to be up here strategizing and working on big stories.
Literal housekeeping, getting equipment together, cleaning up our desk, stuff like that.
Because when you're fighting the globalists, your off time is shining your boots and carrying the trash out and doing stuff like that.
So we'll literally be up here getting this place ship shape on many levels and getting ready to relaunch into the new year.
You've got our 110% commitment.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
When I tell stories like this, I don't do it to brag.
I do it to give the listeners and viewers all across the U.S.
and all across the world the positive news.
When I see negative stuff, I tell you about it.
When I see positive things, I talk about it.
I went up to Omaha, Nebraska to spend the last few days with my wife's, my second wife, my real wife, my awesome wife's father, who's had some heart problems and things.
So she was up there taking him to clinics and hospitals and things.
And at the same time, visiting time with her father.
So I had a lot of time kind of by myself to poke around the real Rust Belt.
It's still a beautiful city in many ways, Omaha, Nebraska.
And then my wife hadn't seen The Mule.
I had seen it with some friends about a week and a half ago.
So I said, let's take your dad to a movie.
So we got in there and got him out of the car and got him in the movie because he has trouble walking.
And I'd already seen the movie and we'd eaten dinner way early.
I wanted a hot dog and some nachos.
So I go out there at like eight o'clock at night.
We eat at about five and I get the fast food and I get the hot dog and I get the nachos and all of a sudden everybody behind the counter wants to take pictures and shake my hand and the manager comes out.
Now by the time I do that more people come and I'm like okay that's like 20 people everyone that comes in here because it wasn't that busy.
Everybody was in the movies it was in between you know the film's letting out.
And I'm like, I gotta get out of here.
I gotta get back to the movie.
My wife's gonna wonder where I am.
I've been out here 20 minutes.
I'm trying to eat the nachos while I'm shaking hands and taking photos.
More people come up.
It's almost everyone.
So, I probably take 25, 30 photographs, sign autographs.
They're pulling out Gadsden flags out of the back of the movie theater.
And it's the big fancy mega mall they built there.
It's all real modern.
And so this is the nicest theater in Omaha.
So I go back in, my wife's like, where have you been?
I go, I got mobbed outside.
We go out 20 minutes later at the end of the movie, and there are 50 people or more, mainly Generation Z high school men and women.
Young, young people, young adults.
And it's just crazy.
And we're like, hey, I gotta get her dad outside.
And as we go outside, I'm walking through the night and more people are running and saying, Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
I was flash mobbed.
And people say, well, why didn't you videotape it?
At a certain point, you're trying to hide.
And I'm not like, oh, I'm a celebrity, leave me alone.
The good news is I got flash mobbed in Omaha, Nebraska, in the middle of nowhere, just trying to get a hot dog and cheese nachos.
And if I would have stayed, because here's the deal, the car was parked
In a parking garage, down the street, about 100 yards.
We had to drive out in front of the theater, and when we drove by, it wasn't just people running in saying, Alex Jones, Alex Jones, like a movie.
When I drove by, there were more people running into the theater.
And I rolled down the window, and they were yelling, Alex Jones.
So there was hysteria, like Elvis Presley was there or something.
Now, again, I'm not building myself up, forget me.
They just see Infowars as a symbol of standing up to the globalists.
And let me tell you, our flight back, this is a flight cancellation and things, we had to go through Denver and then come back.
So it took me all day yesterday to get home.
So, you know, two hour flight, it was like a 10 hour fiasco.
In the Denver International Airport,
It was like Fight Club.
People were like, appreciate you, appreciate you.
Keep it up, keep it up.
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
I mean, I'm talking like every second person.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, foreigners, you name it.
So the good news to all the listeners and viewers is, I don't know what zeitgeist we've hit or what's going on.
Oh, another thing, people kept saying, Merry Christmas.
And I'd say, and they'd wink at me.
The flight attendants, the pilots, the... I mean, I've got to take a hidden camera with me and go out in public now and just show this, because this is what scares the hell out of the globalists, because I'm only a focal point.
I'm a symbol of the Liberty Movement that they've tried to suppress and demonize and destroy.
But people know the globalists are such liars that then it makes them embrace us even more.
It's insane.
And it's also frightening.
I had, you know, women coming over that were obviously lesbians that were listeners.
It's crazy.
I had old people and black people and Hispanics and folks who could barely speak English and Germans and Japanese.
And it's the point where I have to, like, my wife goes, just go get a hat.
So I went in the store and bought a hat and made it a little bit better because I can't get down the concourse now.
And here's the thing, they're not spitting on me, they're not throwing drinks on me.
If I stayed in much longer, they would literally be putting me on their shoulders.
So here's the deal.
I've made a deep analysis of this.
Trump is winning and most people love him.
You know, the fake polls are out there, but still he's more popular than Obama was at this time.
The people are awake, they get a con job when they see it, and we've bet on America, we've bet on humanity, you've bet on humanity, and it's a magic time to be alive.
But that said, the globalists are going to strike back, and I don't know all the different ways they're going to do it.
I've got a good idea, we're going to talk about it today, but this has reached insane levels.
And what happened was, we were big.
And then Hillary said I was the devil and tried to use me to hurt Trump and help Trump.
So the media built me up even bigger.
And then they said, now we got to destroy him.
But then that didn't work.
And now this is like gone supernova and is out of control.
And I don't know what to do at this point.
Because it's, I mean, nationalism is exploding.
The Yellow Vest in Belgium and in France have run the police out of the city squares, out of the capitals, because the police are sick of the government, too.
And the top generals are ready to remove Macron, and it's on, folks!
Just understand, humanity has a will!
Humanity has power!
And if you just tap into that power, not the power to screw people over, not the power to screw kids, not the power to devil worship, not the power to do bad stuff, but the power to be good, you dial into that power, it's electric!
And it's unstoppable!
And everything the globalists have done, sneaking up on us like Lilliputians and trying to tie us down, is only going to blow up in their face now.
Now I've given you the good news, and I'm sure you've got your own good news.
You can share.
We're opening the phones up later if we have time.
We've got like four or five guests today, but I love your calls.
But when we come back, let me give you the bad news.
And just talk about what we're fighting for and what we're dealing with here.
Because the globalists openly said we're going to crash the economy three months ago to stop Trump.
And boy, are they not doing it.
And Trump has the power under the Federal Reserve Act and under the executive to abolish it.
We're going to get into that.
But they're plunging the markets, not just here but all over the world, saying we're going to do this to hurt nationalists and to hurt these people.
Well, okay, hurt us.
Just because you hurt us doesn't mean we submit to you if we have any common sense.
They think you're so dumb that if they hurt you, you'll love those that hurt you instead of those that fought to try to protect you and themselves.
But he's pulling all the trips out, just like he said he'd do.
They're freaking.
And now, I was driving into work, and somebody must have been driving my car while I was gone, because it was on NPR.
And two songs in a row were anti-war Christmas songs.
War's over if you want it, jingle bells.
And I thought, you know, there's the left.
They're against war.
They hate Trump for pulling out of these murderous wars.
And there he is with criminal justice reform that the Democrats put in to give blacks three times the sentences.
And then Trump fixes it.
They're like, shut up, you Nazi.
Don't let the blacks out of jail.
And then he's fighting on all these fronts to secure our border.
He wants stronger sentences for actual violent offenders and let non-violence out.
And all this common sense, they don't know what to do.
They just hope people don't pay attention.
So you're watching history happen.
Oh, and the media's trying to spin it.
The military's mad.
I've talked to a lot of current serving people, I've talked to a lot of CIA commandos, everybody else, they all love this.
They were pissed at Trump when he let Mattis keep the troops in for a couple years.
Oh, by the way, in Afghanistan, by the way, Mattis was supposed to stay in another month, Trump just threw his ass out of the White House today.
Threw him out on his ass.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
Yes, I do.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
The Russians ran an extensive information war
And I'm very proud of the President.
This is exactly what he promised.
And I think the people agree with him, actually.
I think people believe that we've been at war too.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, my reputation's amazing because I come from the exact same people.
Pro-America, anti-communist, that discovered the globalist plan more than 50 years ago, like Fred Trump.
So I've been in the same operation that's organic from the American people.
I've been part of the very same stay-behind network of Americans to challenge the globalists.
And now they are the stay-behind network.
Now they are beginning to be removed.
Now they're beginning to feel our fingers around their throats.
Doesn't matter what knives they shove in our guts.
We got good ol' boy touch.
Because by the time our eyes roll back on our heads, our enemy will be dead.
They can't stand our spirit.
When you run for cover, Globalist, we're not running for cover.
You think all your attacks made us upset or scared?
They only guarded us over you.
Your fires of war only awakened the giant.
And now, your fall, forever, is close.
And then,
We will face the AI and the next levels.
You are nothing but a training toy for babies.
So prepare to join the ash heap of history with your fallen gods, Hillary Clinton, Baphomet, Satan, and Lucifer.
Because this Christmas, we are going to receive the knowledge of the next level.
Alright, let's get serious and get focused here.
Let me just give you the headlines here, because we're going to get into all this, but this is insane.
Trump runs on pulling out of Afghanistan and pulling out of Syria.
There's a huge backstory to that, obviously.
And then when Trump starts bombing and Trump starts increasing troops, I say they've told him it's a buildup to pull out to negotiate a strategy with the Taliban.
But the globalists are double-dealing.
They control the Taliban.
They're telling them, don't give up, don't stop.
So Trump discovers how the Arab Spring was funded by Obama and ISIS created by the Deep State.
And so Trump says, okay, we made a deal with Russia before I even left office.
Obama was a part of it, the Pentagon was, to circumvent his treason.
It was so bad they were going to collapse Turkey all the way into Europe and let the entire Muslim invasion force enter, creating a world depression.
So the Pentagon seven years ago, six years ago, said no to that plan.
Trump gets briefed on it when he's just a citizen.
He runs for office.
He tries to stop it.
Deep State flips out, says, don't do that.
Give us time to clean it up.
Trump says no.
They say, listen, you know, this could go sideways.
Just let us do it.
Then Trump learns that they're actually secretly supplying al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, ISIS forces, all the same group, through cutout organizations in the Pentagon to keep the war going.
And so Trump finally says, that's it, we're not resupplying the Kurds, we're not resupplying ISIS, we're not resupplying, if Hezbollah does anything, we'll attack them from the air.
And he's told Iran, he's told Syria, Assad, he's told Israel, he's told Erdogan in Turkey, he's told all of them, it's over.
And the next country
that goes in there and tries to destabilize things ahead of Assad having elections, which he promises after the civil war he'll have, then he'll leave.
If you try to ruin this peace, we will then attack you with the full force.
Now that is a very moral, good, Solomon-like mindset.
Not of creating crisis, not of a strategy of tension, but a strategy of stabilization.
That's a big, big, big deal.
And so after all the leftists being against the Iraq War, and against the Afghanistan War, and against Syria, and all the daily death counts, our Pentagon circumvents, takes Obama out of the loop seven years ago, comes in,
Tries to stabilize things, lets the Russians come in and spend their blood and treasure to basically win 80% of the war.
The U.S.
won the rest of it.
We lost a lot of people as well.
And then now we're supposed to pull out.
And then Iran didn't pull out like they were supposed to.
So Trump puts sanctions on them.
Trump starts bombing them.
If he catches any Russian contractors helping Shiites, he kills them.
And Trump has told Russia, I catch Russian troops helping, I'm gonna bomb them.
I catch Iranian, I catch Turkish, I catch anybody, you're dead.
And then he actually was honorable and pulled 2,000 troops who were daily truck supplies of food and armaments to the Kurds who were allied with ISIS.
And that's it.
You're like, well, the Kurds were fighting ISIS a few years ago.
Yeah, but now they're allied with them.
Trump has made the moral and correct high ground decision.
Because now he's turning his eye to Iran.
Trump went to Saudi Arabia.
He negotiated previously with them over the phone and via letter.
And he said, I know you're funding Al Qaeda and all the other variants.
I know you've been working with Western intelligence to do it since the British put you in power almost 100 years ago.
He said, if you do it, we're going to overthrow you right now.
And they said, oh no, we'll stop.
In fact, we'll let women drive cars and go to college and start taking their burkas off.
And Trump said, bingo.
So to respond to that, they begin flipping out and going crazy all over our news that Trump is the worst person on earth because the war's over if you want it to be.
Because he knows it'll send hundreds of billions of dollars a year home to America that we need to rebuild.
From a military perspective, build new weapon systems, not just waste it all on blood and treasure.
And that's why Rand Paul has said he's very proud of President Trump.
Here's that clip.
Proud of the president.
This is exactly what he promised.
And I think the people agree with him, actually.
I think people believe that we've been at war too long and too many places, and that we do need to turn attention to problems we have at home here.
Roads, bridges, schools, we have a lot of
And remember, Trump said on record he was against the 2003 war.
The media said he lied, but we played all the clips here from Fox and CNN.
But see, now they can't deny it.
He's following through on his promises, and they're angry.
They're upset.
And it just shows you how evil the left is.
I mean, NPR, CNN, they are like the war party now, right there with the neocons.
What a disgusting group of people.
But when is the average liberal going to say, I'm not a leftist, and say, my God, Trump is the maverick.
He's the liberator.
And when are you going to start really appreciating him and admitting you got conned?
We're good to go.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that, and I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, and forwardstore.com to give you my absolute total commitment.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
I don't think so.
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing, and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker, and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us, and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together, and I salute you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally, over the space-time continuum, through full space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned a hundred years ago, twenty years ago, is now reality.
Well, the society unravels.
Men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women.
And they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed.
It's fulfilling to be involved.
It's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's News.
So, we're sitting back, watching the first president
...in modern history to remove troops from a war.
And I was told that Bannon brought in Mattis and that Bannon brought in Kelly and that they were total snakes the whole time working for the establishment.
I was told that by the Pentagon, by Patriots of the Pentagon.
I was told that by Roger Stone.
I was told that by DrudgeReport.com, what Drudge was writing a year and a half ago.
And I'm such a team player.
I don't like to infight.
I just said, well, the president has got these people in there, and so he must know what he's doing.
And he's good at policy, but no, these guys lie to his face.
And so from now on, we're going to... Notice they're scared of Infowars trying to communicate with the president.
They're scared of you writing letters or calling or going to rallies and saying things, because he really listens to the average people.
Not the establishment.
So, I apologize for backing Bannon.
I kind of bought into the whole corporate media attacking him, saying he was running things, he was the patriot.
They were building him up so that Trump would buy into it and wouldn't know.
Turns out Matt Drudge and others saw right through it.
And I've apologized for it.
I mean, I didn't get a red cent for supporting Bannon.
All I got was hell.
And now I wonder what he's up to behind the scenes.
He thinks he's so damn smart, man.
See, here's the thing.
I can think Machiavellian, and I can think treacherous, but then I'm always covering what they're doing.
I can't apply it myself.
I just can't do it.
I have limitations.
I have blind spots.
You could say it's a good thing, but all I've got is straight shooting.
These people that just, they get into lies and manipulation and they don't even know who they are anymore.
It's like Louie Gohmert said to the head of Google, he said, you don't even know the light if you saw it, it's like you're a blind man.
But see, I can see darkness, I can see evil, but I can't do it.
I don't know how to explain that.
And then the problem is I can't do evil stuff literally.
I mean, I do bad stuff sometimes out of anger and I feel bad about it later, but I can't like launch an evil plan that screws people over and that lies to people and then feel good about it.
And then I don't know how to explain it.
It's like I can't even, like I'm so loyal that I'm disloyal.
Does that make sense?
And that's an important thing to quantify and to realize that because
The hindsight is 20-20.
All I can say is this.
Steve Bannon is so damn bad.
And I can't tell you what I know at this point.
And you're like, well, he's been diminished.
But he's creeping around with Jeffrey Epstein and he's creeping around in my business.
Nobody cares about him.
I mean, he's in my business, man.
Because he goes over to Europe and declares himself the leader of the nationalist movement.
No one's buying it.
He goes around everywhere just declaring, I'm the leader!
I am the leader!
No you're not, you're Robert Mueller's butt boy!
And we all know it!
So all I can say is, get behind me Satan.
God, he thinks I'm stupid.
Dude, I'm not stupid, I just don't swim in the waters that you inhabit.
I got a septic tank at my house, but I don't go take the lid off of it and crawl in it.
Got it?
A lot of listeners are probably, what the hell are you talking about?
You know, here's the problem.
I know so much, and a lot of it is stuff I can't get into on air.
And so it becomes very frustrating.
Trump's doing real criminal justice reform.
Trump's literally trying to secure our nation so we have a nation.
He's literally trying to boost the economy and bring back jobs.
And the globalists are sabotaging it and attacking it and trying to destroy it.
That should make you really angry.
And he's bringing our troops home.
They got the right wing attacking Trump.
Oh, he's going to let murderers out of jail.
No, he's trying to stop the murderers getting out of jail, whether it be an illegal alien or a citizen.
But if you were put in jail 25 years ago with no criminal record previous and no armed robbery or no breaking in a house and you got busted with cocaine 20 years ago, let's let your ass out of prison and put somebody in there that raped somebody.
Because there is corruption in the prisons.
Somebody that
Got busted with cocaine 20 years ago, but it's non-violent, makes a good prison worker.
But somebody who's a real killer, well, they don't make a lot of money, plus you want to put them back on the street to create a crisis.
Everything grassroots Democrats said they wanted to make them look appealing to everybody.
Lower black unemployment, build industry in poorer areas, criminal justice reform, pulling troops out of these 18-year-long wars.
Trump's doing everything that the people want, that the grassroots military wants.
And what does he get for doing all that?
It's common sense.
He gets demonized and attacked and everybody's afraid to support him openly because they'll get attacked too.
They're all a bunch of cowards, but then they attack me and they go, look at Jones sycophantically supporting the president.
Well, because my gut told me Trump was good.
And because I've seen him do so much good and saw him fail in some ways, still I supported him because they were trying to make me not support him.
But now, the last five days, criminal justice reform that's very reasonable and good, not balking, not blinking on the border, not standing down, standing up to Schumer, trying to secure our sovereignty, pulling troops out of that death mill Afghanistan and Syria,
And seeing the big banks and all the chi-coms and all our enemies trying to plunge our economy, and seeing Trump up there getting rid of the dead weight and the traitors, and now going in on his own like a real man.
You're damn right I'm supporting him, and I'm proud I did, and lo and behold, my gut was right again!
I can't believe I ever doubted it!
I told you Trump's steadfast and just as the sun came up this morning, unless there's Providence, but I think it is in Trump's plan.
I've had some conversations with some people close to the president.
He doesn't want to go out like a nobody.
He knows his name is totally bound to this and his whole family.
Trump is very fatalistic.
He believes if he goes into this, I remember one thing a football coach told me that was the best thing I ever got told.
And it was so important.
I wasn't that good of a player.
They put me in varsity when I was a freshman after the season.
One of three people.
And I hated it.
I quit.
I was getting run over and it was so painful.
But it was because I made some big plays and I hurt people and they liked that.
But this coach told me, he said, you go 110%, you don't get hurt.
You go anything less than 100 plus percent, you're going to get hurt.
And I learned it's true.
You go 100% or you get hurt.
And the president is going 110 damn percent.
Because he believes in you.
He's ready to die.
He's ready to be killed.
He's ready to be impeached.
He doesn't give a damn.
Because he knows in the tarot card deck, there's gotta be something called the king.
Something called the prince.
Something called the hero.
There's gotta be somebody that doesn't back down.
There's gotta be somebody that doesn't sell out.
There's gotta be somebody that isn't a pedophile.
There's gotta be somebody that loves God.
And Trump is that card.
InfoWars is that card.
You are that card.
So get ready for fireworks, because this is it!
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it U.N.
Agenda 21, now they call it the U.N.
2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
It's Christmas Eve, Alex Jones here live.
And boy, the biggest Christmas present is the American people are awakening.
There's nationalist uprisings everywhere.
Globalists are losing almost every election.
And the reason I called Roger Stone this morning.
Other than him calling me last night and I missed his call, was to say what he just said on air.
And I called him this morning at about 8am and I forgot to bring this up, and I was just talking to him during the break and he said, if they're coming after me, they're coming after you.
And I know that's an understatement, but...
Mueller says he's releasing his report by a month and a half from now in February.
Who knows?
He lies so much it may not be true.
He's literally the mule with the uranium.
So everybody's sick of Russiagate.
We know it's phony other than Hillary and the globalists selling the country out.
But they use it for the illegal spying on Trump as a cover for all their crimes for Obama and Hillary.
And I want to get into Trump keeping his promise to pull troops out of all these places, Afghanistan, Syria.
I want to get into the economy and how they're trying to plunge it right now.
I mean, there's so much to get to, but we should hit this now because, Roger,
I don't think so.
They released this House Intelligence Committee interview, which you'd always want it released, which Mueller already had, which means if he's saying he wants it publicly, he means to put it out publicly.
So it's all a big stage deal.
I was with you two weeks ago in D.C.
to confront the head of Google.
Which is a very successful operation.
Sundar Pichai.
And the media was just like, we got you in total lying to Congress.
We've got you.
They were just laughing because they've been given their pre-story and now we hear.
But I remember talking to you about your testimony and what you said.
Same thing you were saying on air.
I was there.
You're like, well, this is off record, but I'll say it now.
Yeah, Fox News just let me go as a contributor.
This is during the campaign.
It's not really supposed to be public.
They pay me, but you know, would you, would InfoWars hire me?
And I said, you know, Roger, you're a good guy on the show.
I promote your website and I sell your book.
I don't have a lot of extra money laying around, but I said, if you could get me Julian Assange,
That's good.
Because you've been talking about your intermediary.
I obviously, I go, this jerk goes on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times video, but not us.
And you're like, well, I'll try.
I know this talk show host that knows him and he's going, I mean, I remember you.
I'm not trying to like, oh, you want this job for me?
It's just a story of what happened.
I remember literally, you know, saying no, you're not.
And it was like a year till I gave you a job for other stuff, but because you're a good guy and you have commentary.
I was there!
When Assange wouldn't give us anything, I called him names on air.
I called him Hillary Clinton's butt plug!
So, this claim, meanwhile, what's wrong with talking to Assange?
Everybody else did.
This idea that you've perjured yourselves, and they're going, well, you know, in his testimony, he admits that he once, WikiLeaks said, sorry, we won't talk to you.
He said he never communicated.
Well, someone saying I'm not going to talk to you is not communication.
If I walk up to a speakeasy, they have those here in Austin.
Those are all trendy and cool.
One time, my girlfriend, when I was divorced, said, I want to go to the speakeasy, it's so cool.
There was some liberal director in there.
So once we get in there, they want you to leave.
I'm like, well, screw your little stupid place.
It's so trendy.
It's so exclusive.
But this is this whole thing that I saw Assange doing, Roger.
And so what we know is what you said is true.
If they come for you, they're coming for me.
It's definitely been inexorably twined.
Now, I didn't throw you overboard when this became clear a year and a half ago, because I'm not somebody that cuts bait.
But that's where we are right now.
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
I mean, the illegal leak by Adam Schiff, ahead of a vote by the House Intelligence Committee, is the result of a literally a one-year insidious and relentless campaign by Adam Schiff and Congressman Eric Swallowswell and Ted Deutch and others who have systematically distorted the facts and have spouted disinformation regarding my testimony.
Just last week on ABC, Adam Schiff said, well, new stories demonstrate that Roger Stone's contacts with WikiLeaks were more extensive than he disclosed to the committee.
No, Congressman, no, they were not.
Actually, I disclosed to the committee that Randy Credico, the New York City talk show host referred to, was my source who told me that the WikiLeaks disclosure would be significant and that they would come in October.
All right.
You see a piece in Politico this week, Alex, that says, Yeah, direct messages I disclosed to the committee over a year ago at the time of my testimony in which they brushed me off.
Again, no evidence of collusion.
Well, you're right.
What's different this time is the fact that I released a letter last Friday morning, when I was in Austin, in which I called on the committee to release my testimony.
Why do they fear transparency?
Let's let everybody look at it.
When you see it, you will see that it's Adam Schiff and the Schiff-shapers who have been lying, and not Roger Stone.
But for the first time ever,
My response got very little coverage, and hosts openly salivate on CNN about breaking me, destroying me, sending me to prison for the rest of their life.
Don't bet on it.
But clearly, they've got their new 80-plus fake investigations coming up, Roger, in the Congress, so they want to go ahead and put the fake Russiagate to bed.
What's the timeline on that?
Well, the speculation is that they would release a report in February, but who knows?
They keep moving the goalpost.
$25 million, I think almost $30 million.
Two years in, they still have zero evidence of Russian collusion or any collaboration or coordination with the Trump campaign.
They put Michael Cohen's exploration of a Russian real estate deal in all the headlines just to establish the word Russia as if that is illegal or improper or whether it means anything whatsoever.
So that's where we are now.
Having no evidence of real crimes or Russian collusion, this is all devolved down to process crimes or trumped-up perjury traps, which is why I have declined to go testify for the witch hunts being conducted by the Senate Judiciary and the Senate Intelligence Committees.
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina is a disgrace in the way he lets the Democrats use him as an instrument against President Trump.
Meanwhile, the most incredible thing is the hard left, who in my entire lifetime were anti-war and who hated the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan when George W. Bush was president, now are embracing war and saying Donald Trump should be impeached
Because he ended the war in Syria, where we have no business to begin with, and because he took our troop level down by 50% in Afghanistan.
The entire world is bass-ackward, as far as I can tell.
Let's talk about that, because you've got the criminal justice reform pulling troops out.
I mean, this should be a wet dream for Democrats.
Instead, they act like it's cyanide.
It's really extraordinary.
In the last couple months, Donald Trump has legalized industrial hemp.
He has talked about removing marijuana from the Schedule 1 list.
He has ended the war in Syria.
He's on his way to ending the war in Afghanistan.
He has reformed our criminal justice system so that people, mostly minorities, don't go to jail for 15 years for a first-time nonviolent crime of marijuana possession.
You would think the left would be happy, but because it's Donald Trump,
We are against anything that he's for.
A handful of House African-American Democrats actually voted against his justice reform package.
That blows my mind.
They've been asking for this.
They've been working for this.
They've been calling for this for decades.
Now Donald Trump does something, actually gets justice, and we're opposed to it because Trump was for it.
But let's face it.
The Democratic Party knows how to hire black people that'll keep blacks down.
That's what this is, is they literally have hired a group of plantation owner blacks that want blacks in prison.
They don't want this to stop.
Well, I'll tell you what scares the daylights out of him, the fact that because of the economy, at least prior to the time that certain forces started plotting to crash the economy, almost a third of African-American voters had a favorable view of Donald Trump.
Now, that doesn't seem like much, but the fact that Donald Trump in Michigan, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, in Florida, in Ohio, was able to run two to three points ahead of where John McCain and Mitt Romney ran in the inner city area.
That's a swing.
So when we come back with Roger Stone in the next hour ahead of a bunch of other guests, we're going to on this live Christmas Eve broadcast, get into Trump's mind, why he's doing this, why he's standing up and how the globalists are going to strike back.
Trump believes you want prosperity.
He believes you want freedom.
The establishment thinks you're a bunch of idiots.
We're about to find out what the truth is.
Straight ahead with Roger Stone.
Please don't forget, we still have storewide free shipping.
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For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
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So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I don't have a death wish.
But you know, I'm not afraid to die.
I gotta carry out this mission.
But I get tired when I get old.
The main thing I want to do is set my way against the enemy.
So I suffocate, they suffocate too.
I'm not afraid to die.
So when I look into their eyes while they die, politically, they can know they've met somebody they're not afraid to die.
Because they think they're a snake wrapped around me?
I'm the one wrapped around them.
Roger, you were saying some powerful stuff during the break, but some stages don't carry this segment.
I want you to launch into a Roger Stone-esque rant to really give us what you do behind the scenes at the office, which you never do on air, in the next segment.
In the four minutes we have right now, what about how Trump clearly is getting rid of the dead wood, the people holding him back?
Like we said a few months ago, we're about to see the real Trump.
That's why they're so scared.
You know, there's a terrific piece in Bloomberg today, which is an odd place for it, but someone there, Jennifer Jacobs, actually got it.
Trump has the winning hand here, and he knows it.
He got elected- What's the name of the headline?
We'll pull it up.
I think it was Trump Sees Winning Hand.
Is the way it starts.
It's a terrific piece of analysis and they're absolutely right.
Trump understands he got elected on a wave of non-interventionism.
He got elected on a wave of reform.
He got elected on a wave of national sovereignty and he is responding to his voters.
This is the essence of American politics.
In the meantime, there's no doubt whatsoever that there's an insidious plot to silence anyone who supports him.
Now, I don't know whether they are foolish enough to let Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell egg them on to filing a weak case that I will fight tooth and nail.
And the nice thing about a courtroom is you get the chance to speak your piece, unlike, say, CNN.
Because this is still America, despite what these people try.
If they are coming for me, they are coming for you.
They're coming for Tucker Carlson.
They're coming for Sean Hannity.
They're coming for Mike Savage.
They're coming for Rush Limbaugh.
They want to silence all of us.
Because we broadcast the truth.
Last week you saw an incredible smear.
Stone admits to lying on Infowars.
I never said anything of the kind.
In fact, let me make this clear.
I have never reported or broadcast anything
Part of the smear, trying to establish that Roger Stone is a liar.
I'm proud of the work that I've done here at InfoWars.
We've broken major story after major story.
I'm sorry that they get PO'd at CNN and MSNBC and the Associated Press and the New York Times when we're a day ahead of them with the news, when we report things before they even know them.
But that's what we do at InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news today.
So, what you see is an insidious smear here, Alex, and you've been experiencing it.
You never said no one died at Sandy Hook.
You never said no one died at Parkland High School.
But when you say that, when you respond, when you counterpunch, they don't cover the counterpunch.
They just continue to recycle the same smear over and over and over again.
This piece you're looking at by Natasha Bertrand is a complete and total fabrication, for example, of disinformation.
It's so bad that I've taken it paragraph by paragraph.
I'm going to deconstruct it and republish it.
I used to think Shelby Holliday of the Wall Street Journal was the most dishonest reporter in America.
She's in a tough contest with Natasha Bertrand of the Atlantic.
This is the season of betrayal, the season of deception, but also the season of rebirth, the season of fire.
And fire consumes the tyrannical.
Roger, I want you to recap that when we come back.
And in a nutshell, where we are historically with big breaking news.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please, spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Roger Stone, the supposed Russian mastermind.
There's no proof of it, but two years in, Robert Mueller, the bag man for uranium for Hillary to the Russians, the man who many believe is the top KGB agent in the United States, basically, now to the FSB, is in a giant prosecution against President Trump in a desperate attempt to stop us recovering our economy and rebuilding our military.
The man who had boosted our economy over $4 trillion, we're now told, is a Russian agent by people handled by the Russians.
It's unbelievable, isn't it?
Meanwhile, coming up next segment, the author of Bully of Asia, Stephen M. Mosier, incredible researcher, has a huge article in the New York Post.
How Arrest of Chinese Princess Exposes Regime's World Domination Plot.
You want to know the real threat?
It's not the Rooskies.
If it were the Rooskies, I'd go after them in a millisecond.
It's the shycomps.
They are the ones that penetrated us.
But the crew mentions this to me, Roger, and I wanted to hit you up on this.
For Spiegel to file a criminal complaint against cheating reporter.
Turns out for two years he went down to the Texas and Arizona and New Mexico border and said that he was in towns of white people.
All saying they hated Mexicans and hated Hispanics and that they called them racist names.
It turns out all the names are fake.
All the people are fake.
Yeah, because especially on the border, it's about 70 to 80 percent Hispanic and everybody's married to each other and nobody puts down Hispanics.
A, you're in business, and Hispanics are great people.
B, you're married to them.
And C, you get your ass killed.
I mean, it is the biggest load of manure that Texas Hispanics, the rancher type folks, are the best people you'll ever meet.
Hardworking, Christian, incredible people.
They're the ones calling for help on the border with the Coyotes and the collapsing Mexico.
And Mr. Spiegelreiter put out hundreds of reports with made-up names.
He's like, I am in the town.
It is all white.
The Mexicans are not allowed after dark.
Meanwhile, the mayor is Hispanic and half the, you know, all the rich.
I mean, it is just, it is, it is this leftist operation.
He's been forced to resign.
Jeremy Zerspiegel says star reporter Klaus Rotenus wrote fake stories on a grand scale saying whites in Texas
They hate Hispanics, so that's why we're buying cars from them, and going to doctors that are them, and marrying them, and hiring them, or getting hired.
It's a load of crap!
God, this is... You're married.
We don't play the race car.
You're married to a beautiful, super sexy Cuban-American.
You know, you've got grandchildren that are Hispanic, and they push this crap.
I mean, white people and Hispanics get along damn good, Roger.
When I was in Austin, it was about a 50-50 thing.
Well, it's interesting.
About half the people come up to you and say, God bless you.
God bless Alex Jones.
We love what you do on InfoWars.
Thank you for helping our president.
And the other half, of course, just want to get in your face and call you a Russian spy.
But interestingly enough, the overwhelming number of people who are friendly and who are positive are Hispanic.
So it's totally opposite of what they tell you.
The good news for this guy Klaus is, now that he's out of work, I'm confident that he can get a job at CNN.
Because they have no regard for the truth.
And that was my next point.
Klaus, Jim Acosta is way worse than him.
I mean Klaus is just par for the course.
This ought to scare the system that this level of lying is not going to be tolerated.
Well, it's incredible to see what's going on today.
Front page of yesterday's New York Times reporting that the president is increasingly isolated, that his mood is surly, that his advisors are, you know, they're in shock, that the allies say that his presidency is in crisis.
Yet people who have seen him tell me that his mood is great, there's a bounce in his step, and he's fulfilling everything he told the American people they would do.
The level of hysteria, the level of hatred, the level of malevolence in the national media is unlike anything I have seen since 1974 when they removed President Nixon.
And the difference, Alex, is back then you only had three networks.
But today we have InfoWars and a half dozen other pro-freedom media outlets, which is why they are so desperate to censor us, to close us down, to promulgate fake corruption.
So let me ask you this question.
That's why we're critical.
He's fulfilling what he said he would do.
Mattis lied to him.
Mattis was supposed to stay until February.
He's gone.
He's been fired, thrown out the door.
He's gotten rid of Kelly.
He's bringing in all these good guys now.
He feels good.
He's taking action on criminal justice reform, on all the things the left set up to put blacks in prison.
He's doing all this.
But I got to tell you, to listen to Mattis, like, how dare him stop the war?
This is terrible.
Isn't the left worried people are going to turn against them?
This is crazy.
Yeah, I mean, they cannot be speaking to their own constituents.
No one in their right mind believes that war is good unless you're a defense contractor and you're making money off of it.
Donald Trump hijacked the Republican Party from the neocons based on a pledge to get us out of these endless foreign wars that are only costing us billions and American blood.
And now he's delivering.
So is he not in the prime danger?
Because every time somebody tries this, they kill him.
This is my greatest fear.
Assassination is not unknown in our political system.
The last president to challenge the status quo in the establishment like this was John F. Kennedy.
He wanted monetary reform.
He was calling out the intelligence agencies.
He was calling out the Pentagon.
And we know what happened to him.
So, I pray every night for Donald Trump.
At the same time, I ask the InfoWars audience, which has been great to me, to pray for me.
These people want to destroy me.
They want to destroy you.
They want to take down any opposition, any reasonable person who stands up and points out that Donald Trump is doing exactly what he got elected to do.
That he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
Let me ask you this in closing, ahead of our next guest, the China expert, the real threat.
I totally agree.
We've seen what the president's done so far, now that he's actually acting as the president.
He got a lot done in two years with him trying to hamstring him and cut his achilles and tie bowling balls to his ankles and basically gum up what he was doing.
But now that the obstructionists are being removed, what are you expecting him to do next?
Because they are crapping their britches.
Well, again, don't be surprised if he moves on the reclassification of marijuana so it's no longer a Schedule 1 drug.
Yes, that would be very popular with some elements of the Democratic base who already have a little more jingle in their pocket because of the rising economy.
Don't be surprised if he takes on the Fed because it is absolutely obvious that the globalists are trying to crash this economy.
Bill Maher tipped us off about this months ago when he called for it.
They're prepared to throw people out of work and into the poorhouse if that's what it takes to destroy Donald Trump.
So, you know, the president is really moving to a war footing.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that the simple move of declassifying the documents that expose the massive infiltration of the FBI and the surveillance of his campaign by the intelligence, that is the key to his survival and his ultimate victory.
And let's be clear.
Well and the fact that he's hung tough on the border wall and he isn't
Oh my god, he is right now, let me tell you, he's gone from like 80% to 120%.
I mean, he's like, right now, going with his own instincts, it's like Zeus is firing lightning bolts here.
And you notice that Lindsey Graham, who is critical of our withdrawal from Syria, is hanging extremely tough on the border.
Because he knows in South Carolina the people are with the president, as they are across the country.
Trump is hanging tough and it is driving the globalists insane as they keep saying, he's got to fold, he's got to fold.
No, Chuck Schumer, you're the one who has to fold.
You're the hypocrite.
You're the one who says you're for border security.
You're the one who says you wanted to seal our borders.
And now that Donald Trump wants to do it, actually do it, you're recalcitrant.
Powerful information.
Powerful Jedi you have become.
Roger Stone, we'll talk to you again soon.
Merry Christmas, my friend.
We'll be back.
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For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
Every order gets a free t-shirt.
Every order gets free shipping.
Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance, and that funding
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and you tend to see it and that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I'm so happy Christmas!
So, I was driving in this morning to the office to this live Christmas Eve show, and somebody had been driving my car, I guess, because I didn't put it on NPR, and I heard this anti-war song.
The war's over if you want it to be, John Lennon, Christmas song.
And I thought, well NPR has got to stop playing that because NPR obviously has been pro-war and wants to keep us in Afghanistan and Syria, supported the Arab Spring, to put Al Qaeda and ISIS in charge of all these countries and throw gays off buildings and put women into sex slavery.
And think about that.
That's where we've gotten to in 2018, in the twilight hours.
of 2018, in the fading moments of this battle of the gods, this Guterr-Domoronian event, that Trump says, I ran on getting us out of Afghanistan, we boosted troops, it didn't fix the problem, we've been there 18 years, we're pulling out.
Obama started the Arab Spring.
He funded ISIS.
They took over Syria.
They've been basically beaten.
forces have been resupplying the Kurds, keeping the war going.
Because he's talking to Ergun of Turkey, and Ergun's like, I'll stop.
It's over.
I'll stop attacking.
I'll stop invading.
Just stop funding the Kurds, the Kurds, the Kurds, the young Kurds, the young Turks attacking, and I will leave you alone.
Trump goes, deal, I'm ready to get us out of there.
I gave the order years ago.
Oh, it's precipitous.
It's a quick decision.
It's crazy.
It's random.
It's bad.
Saturday Night Live attacked it.
CNN attacked it.
Rachel Maddow got up and said, this is treason.
He has to be removed now.
She was even against the Syria war when Obama was doing it.
But now, because it is Trump, she is for the war.
Meanwhile, who's the real threat here?
Communist China has killed many, many times the number Hitler killed.
It's about five times.
And just like Santa Claus not existing, communism only exists if the ruling elite enslaved the people and put them into slavery.
So coming up, how arrest of Chinese princess exposes regime's world domination plot.
Your cell phones, your 5G.
You didn't know they were QICOM controlled, did you?
That's coming up with the author of Bully of Asia, Stephen M. Mosier.
Next segment.
Now that said, there's other really big news.
Yellow Vest chased French police out of the main square, the governmental square.
In pre-Christmas battle.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
As nationalism explodes.
James Comey, there's no deep state.
Also, James Comey is a midget if you believe that.
Threats fly as teen Trump supporters confronted over mega hat at airport.
Take off your racist hats.
That video is up on InfoWars.com.
That's coming up.
LeBron James, NFL owners, bunch of old white men with slave mentality.
You're the guy pushing shoes made by Slaves Enchanted, buddy.
You're only worth 400 plus million, though.
It must be terrible.
You poor baby.
America's so bad, get the hell out.
Another key video that for Christmas, even though it's painful, everybody should send out to save other unborn children and newly born children.
Triplets all become autistic within hours of vaccination.
See, shocking video that has the vaccine industry doubling down on lies and disinfo.
That's up on InfoWars.com from the film that Robert De Niro was going to scream but backed off on.
Yeah, see, seven minutes from the film, vaxxed.
up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and share that link.
Only you can get that out there.
Now, we're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers,
Understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for Infowars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe.
And they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, that they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
Footage we're showing is Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
And so, they would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot at, and wherever they radioed in, they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so that's what we do here, is we go out and we find out where the most flack is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
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Words cannot describe how big the stakes are for the future of humanity right now.
InfoWars is being openly targeted by the Democratic Party, leftist CIA operatives, the corrupt Justice Department, and the entire Soros crime syndicate.
People say, why would you start a fight with them?
Because they were already dominating and running America into the ground.
And I knew we had no future if we didn't do this.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Christmas Eve, December 14th, 2018.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Stephen W. Mosier is a best-selling author, researcher, one of the best researchers out there.
He's written the best-selling book, Bully of Asia, Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World Order.
Read the book six months ago.
It's powerful.
We've had him on before.
But I got up, I guess Saturday or so, and read the article on DrudgeReport.com from the New York Post.
And it's something everybody should read.
Now, a lot of you will hear what our guest has to say and you go, well, we heard you a month ago when she got arrested up in Canada say a lot of this.
Yeah, but he's got the backstory on it.
This lady is the heir to one of the most powerful communists in China.
They run the biggest company.
They've got 5G rolling out.
You saw in the big Bloomberg report earlier this year about secret spy chips in almost all the Chinese cell phones.
This has been going on a while.
But they had the Clintons and the Obamas and the deep state was pliant with this because the CFR and others said it was the Chinese century.
They were supposed to undercut America.
Well, Trump came in the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
So I want to give him the floor.
Instead of asking my questions, I want him to walk through this powerful article and what this signifies, because obviously this wasn't done without Trump's knowing, in the middle of this trade war, because this isn't just trade war.
21st century war is digital, and the 5G and all this, and this amazing world domination plot, because I said that a few weeks ago when covering this, because the Chinese communists say
This company is their plot for domination.
I can't believe... Well, I guess they had our leaders bought off for a while, so they're very arrogant about it.
They own Hollywood, the international debt.
Not the Chinese people.
The evil communists that our own establishment helped put in power.
They're great people.
So, I really appreciate...
Our guest joining us to get into all this, Stephen W. Mosier.
And Stephen, I can get into your bio.
You've got a long, lengthy bio with all the great work you've done, but you've really got the floor of the next two segments.
What would you want to tell folks about yourself and then get into the report?
Well, I'd like to say to you, Alex, and everybody who's listening, Merry Christmas!
It's Christmas Eve, and in a few hours we will be celebrating the birth of our Savior.
We're fortunate to be able to do that in the United States.
In China, the Communist Party has said you cannot celebrate Christmas.
They're taking down Christmas decorations, arresting Christians left and right.
They're the big grinch who stole Christmas in China.
But of course, that's not all they want to steal.
They want to steal all of our technology.
They want to steal all of our intellectual property.
They want to steal all of our military secrets.
They want to put secret little computer chips in all of our military hardware so they can take control of them at just the right moment.
Uh, so they're doing all these things, and they're doing a lot of these things through a company that's been in the news a lot.
You know, you brought it up, Huawei.
Huawei, which in Chinese means, for China.
And it was set up by a former member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army years ago.
It has been supported and subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party from the beginning because Huawei, which makes cell phones and 5G equipment, a lot of stuff, has a very special place in the plans of the People's Republic of China Communist Party to dominate the world.
I mean, let's be clear.
Your article breaks it down.
It's the what?
It's bigger than Apple.
It's the second biggest cell phone maker in the world.
You know, it has been growing by 20% a year, in part because they received these huge under-the-table subsidies from the Chinese Communist Party state and they can pour huge amounts of money into research and development on the one hand, and of course they have the 100, 200,000 Chinese Communist Party hackers busy supplying them with all sorts of hacked intellectual property.
Make no mistake about it, every day in China
Hundreds of thousands of people go to work in front of their computers, pay for it, and they're trying to use government to hack into American systems, military systems, government systems, you name it.
And they're hacking constantly.
This is what we were talking about when we were talking about cyber espionage.
This is how this half trillion dollars in intellectual property is stolen each year.
It's stolen because of this huge government hacking effort.
Well, you know, we've got to get you back up for a full hour soon as soon as we get your Skype clear because speaking of cell phones, these damn things.
Thank you.
You know, this woman whose grandfather and father were top communist officials, her grandfather Mao Tse-Tung, the biggest mass murderer in history's right-hand person.
I mean, it's amazing that this happened.
I don't think this happened under Trump's nose without him knowing about it.
I think it's a major message to them that we're aware of the espionage.
Well, Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, said a few months ago, do not buy Huawei cell phones because they're being used for espionage.
We've forbidden the sale of cell phones made by Huawei on U.S.
military assistance.
We've forbidden their use by U.S.
military personnel because China is listening.
Now, it's bad enough.
That Apple may be listening and Google and YouTube and all the rest of our friends who don't want us to talk about these things on their webpages.
But it's even worse that the Chinese Communist Party is listening to everything we do, everything we buy, everywhere we go, everything we say.
They're creating a database not just for 1.4 billion Chinese, Alex.
People need to understand that they're creating a database for
Americans and Europeans as well.
That's why they're stealing America's 100 million names, addresses, cell phones, and so forth.
That's why they're stealing from the Office of President and Personnel.
All of these things are going into this mass computer database, which they will use to identify who their friends are around the world and who their enemies are.
I don't know.
An exit visa or a passport.
You can't get a good loan to buy a car.
You're shut out of not just the political scene, you're shut out of the economic scene as well.
And if you criticize him too harshly, you'll wind up being sent to a re-education camp.
Not that you've committed a crime, but because they think you're having bad thoughts and eventually you're going to commit a crime against the state.
So we're going to lock you up and re-educate you, teach you the collected sayings of President Xi Jinping, make you recite the Communist Creed over and over again until you've been brainwashed into believing everything we say is true.
That's what's happening in China right now.
But they're reaching out into America, using, they want to dominate 5G.
Now why do they want to dominate 5G?
5G because it's a hundred times faster than 4G.
It's fiber to the phone and it's going to control everything in the future.
It's going to control cell phones.
It's going to control military.
That's right.
With 5G, they're not just going to be able to jump into all of our computers.
With Apple a year, nine months ago, moving to China and giving them all the code keys to the cloud, they're going to be able to live time interface
Yeah, we've got people in the White House now, friends of mine, who understand the Trump threat.
Well, here's the deal, Steven.
I know you had trouble with your Skype today.
And your phone's breaking up.
I really want to be able to hear this.
Let's see if we can get a landline or get that Skype working.
If not, come back with me on Friday.
I'm hosting on Friday.
There goes Steven Mosier.
Pop.org population.
They do research.
He lived in China many years.
And obviously worked with U.S.
intelligence agencies.
And we're just talking about the ultimate evil.
I mean, China makes Hitler look like a choir boy.
Hitler was super bad, I mean.
Let's just say this.
High school football versus NFL football.
They're both playing football.
They're both playing mass murder genocide, but one is a whole other level.
They don't want to make light of Hitler.
We'll be right back.
Number three hour.
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
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Allows us to go into the new year on sure footing to fund ourselves throughout the first part of the year.
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We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at MFORSTORE.COM.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember...
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing as being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing, and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker, and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us, and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together, and I salute you.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why, as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Silver bells, silver bells, it's Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, ring-a-ling, hear them ring, ting-a-ling, soon it will be Christmas Day.
City sidewalks,
We've got a bunch of news to cover in the third hour and some special guests that have been in Alex Jones' video game.
I don't want to just promote it because I'm in it, but it's interesting and it's a point we should make about the power of the people to produce art and culture.
That's coming up.
And then the guest we had who had audio problems, Mr. Mosier, he'll be with us on Friday via video Skype, hopefully.
I'll be here live Friday with Owen Schroer and David Knight on Wednesday and Thursday hosting the show.
I'll actually be here working at the office.
Not that I'm ashamed to take some time off, but I'm going to be up here working on behind-the-scenes things while they're on air Thursday and Wednesday.
Some of the reports that we've got here are up on DrudgeReport.com.
And to me, really, I was thinking there in the break, what's the biggest story on Christmas Eve?
What's the biggest story of the last year?
Well, you've got populism and nationalism exploding, and you've got America coming back from the dead, and you've got Trump pulling troops out of all these countries he said he would, and legalizing hemp that has no THC in it, that's better than cotton, and that the big industrial companies don't want, and juvenile justice reform that the establishment doesn't want.
I mean, just amazing stuff.
The wet dreams of Democrats happening, but no coverage, no appreciation.
But this is really the big one.
Because if people don't get this, and how obvious it is, then there's nothing they won't put up with.
The latest financial news is up on DrudgeReport.com.
Because Drudge gets this is the big story.
Stocks extend fall despite Moonshine bid to reassure investors.
Presidents get involved in the Plunge Protection Team or the President's
Group on open markets all the time, but the media hyped it like, look, they're trying to boost the market.
That shows it's desperate.
Dump, dump, dump.
So mainstream media is saying dump stocks to quote, teach Americans lessons.
And then they think you don't have a memory.
They'll tell you in a week.
Oh, look, the stock market tanked.
It's Trump's fault when they did it.
So it's really a test of what you're going to do.
19th month low.
Regulators say nothing out of the ordinary in markets.
Plunge protection team.
Startles Wall Street.
Troubling insider knowledge.
Risk making bad situation worse.
President Fed only problem our economy has.
And boy, is that not true.
The private Federal Reserve did all of this and Trump said they were doing it.
And he predicted it.
Throws a bear market.
Correction deepening.
So we've seen four trillion dollars more, over half that gone, and the globalists have decided to take that away from you.
That's really the big news here, isn't it?
And they think that you won't figure it out.
They figure you're stupid.
They figure you'll go along with it.
And they figure when we have a good depression, you'll forget all about nationalism and we'll stop fighting for your sons not to be taught how to wear dresses.
And you'll roll over real good.
Dow drops 450 points.
S&P 500 on the cusp of bear market.
Stocks hit 19th month low as DC Terminal weighs in.
Market wrap.
Remember Trump told you it was coming.
Analyst says brace for steeper plunge and shutdown drags on.
See, dare defend the border.
Trump finds villain in Powell for markets hit by myriad problems.
He said, you're going to lower the interest rates, the economy will come back.
You keep the same, it will stay the same.
You raise them, we'll go down.
Trump's right, but see, oh, he found a villain.
No, he called the villain.
Bank of America's latest charge to declare bear markets is just correction will last another six months.
CNBC cheerleading his junior family.
Dow drops 400 points following its worst week in a decade.
One year in, Trump's tax law faces test with filing season.
Steve Mnuchin.
Mnuchin bid to calm markets raises risk of bad situation worse.
What was Steve Mnuchin thinking?
Three possibilities.
Oh, he's the one that drove it down.
Not the interest rate hikes.
Not all the news saying the economy was dead.
It was Steve Mnuchin!
It's not all the Democrats and globalists and Soros shorting our markets the last six months.
Now who's making record profits?
No, George Soros.
He's the good guy.
The guy that boosted the markets, brought the jobs back, got the taxes cut, and did all this.
He's the bad one.
That's right.
It's not the communist Chinese spies putting a 5G around the country.
It's Trump trying to end these wars and bring our money back to the US.
He's the bad one.
He's the evil one.
And then they tell us, well, Trump's considering firing the Federal Reserve head of the private Federal Reserve, New York Bank.
And then we've got Forbes, because CNN's saying he can't fire him.
But how Trump could fire Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, and rebuild the Fed.
And then right here in that article, back from September, out of Forbes, it's got the quote,
Thereafter, each member shall hold office for a term of 14 years from the expiration of the term or his predecessor unless sooner removed for cause by the President.
Well, can we zoom in on that please?
If the President can appoint them, they can fire them.
And the Federal Reserve is private and is a fraud.
So this is really a stupidity test for the American people.
If we side against the President, and if we side against our own common sense after two years of prosperity, and if we side with the Stephen Colberts of the world, who are like buzzards flying above our would-be dead bodies, then we deserve what we get.
But if we're conscious of what's happening and realize that we have foreign, alien, globalist corporate forces riding roughshod over our nation,
We have a chance to reverse the nightmare system we're under.
It's really that simple.
Now, I don't know where these markets are going to go, but if the globalists have their way, they're going to go straight down, along with your job and along with your pay increase and along with everything you hold dear, because these globalists want to economically capture you and bankrupt you and control you.
But if you use the free energy of word of mouth, the most powerful thing in the universe, creativity, if you tell folks about InfoWars.com...
Or newswars.com, or that local radio station that picks us up, or that local TV station that picks us up.
If you spread the word about infowars.com, Ford's last show, if you go to infowarsstore.com and look at the amazing products on every front that make your life better, that make your children's life better, that make your family's life better, then you're stepping out of their control and using your economic and cultural power to smash them.
So I would encourage everyone, Christmas ordering is over, but right through to the new year, we have a store-wide clearance sale going, store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points for your next order, a free T-shirt with every order, 50 to 75% off many of these items we lose money on, but I believe you're gonna experience how great our fluoride-free, super blue toothpaste is, fortified with colloidal silver and iodine and other essential oils.
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I believe in you.
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And you understand that by financing InfoWars, you can't lose.
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Committed, beyond commitment, until my very individuality has been absorbed in the fight, and that's a damn good feeling.
Because I'm the ultimate individualist, I'm the ultimate collectivist.
The individual is powerful and is strong.
When the individual chooses God and justice and joins the collective, it's a collective of individuals forming the true collective, not the false collective of the devil, Lucifer, whatever you want to call it that is slavery.
Not a top-down collective, but a collective of common sense and the people that is transcendent.
And it's in that true collective that humanity will reach the stars and go beyond.
So as Christmas passes us and 2018 goes into legend, into history, it's your chance to financially support the very tip of the spear of the fight against the globalists and get great products at the same time.
A true 360 win, unless you don't take advantage of it.
Please stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
Every order gets a free t-shirt.
Every order gets free shipping.
Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance, and that funding
Allows us to go into the new year on sure footing to fund ourselves throughout the first part of the year to not just fight, but to expand.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now, please take action at m4store.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So now it's being reported that the Chai Kom heiress, who's like royalty with hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen loot from the Chinese slaves, is a Chinese communist agent, spying on the American people through cell phones and 5G.
We're gonna have that guest from the New York Post back with us on Friday.
It's Christmas Eve, we're going over all of it.
First off, Silicon Valley is China's Trojan horse.
Here's the report.
A real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him.
That he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.
Where's the outrage for the scores of American globalists siding with China who have made Russian hacking look like child's play?
The Wall Street Journal reported that federal prosecutors will bring criminal charges against hackers linked to the Chinese government
Who have allegedly engaged in sophisticated multi-year schemes to break into U.S.
technology service providers in order to compromise the network of their clients.
Never seen a country dedicate its resources, its espionage resources, to steal economic information and then use it against us, against our economy.
At one point the penetration was so complete a chamber thermostat was communicating with a computer in China.
Meanwhile, China is demanding that arrested Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou be released immediately as Bloomberg reported China's Vice Foreign Minister Lei Yucheng
...has summoned the U.S.
ambassador to China, Terry Branstad, in a protest over the arrest of Huawei Technologies company CFO Meng Wanzhou, and said it will take further action if needed.
Meng was arrested in Vancouver on December 1st on the orders of U.S.
authorities for allegedly violating American sanctions on selling technology to Iran.
Canada's ambassador to China was summoned to the ministry on Saturday.
Why is Huawei so dangerous?
Well, the MIT Technology Review reported that the Chinese firm is the world's largest manufacturer of things like base stations and antennas that mobile operators use to run wireless networks.
And those networks carry data that's used to help control power grids, financial markets, transport systems, and other parts
I think?
And 5G is coming whether you want it or not.
What that means is that 5G will enable smart grids to talk to your vehicle, control robots, and military use by the 5G network will exponentially increase.
As MIT Tech Review continues, it will also ramp up the amount of corporate and other data that hackers can target.
Both Australia and New Zealand have recently banned the use of Huawei equipment in new 5G wireless infrastructure.
This week, the UK's BT followed suit.
Even though China could potentially hack into our network, Silicon Valley continues its love affair with Beijing.
Reuters reported more than 20 Silicon Valley venture capital firms have close ties to a Chinese government fund or state-owned entity, according to interviews with venture capital sources and publicly available information.
The Awei CFO arrest is hypothetically similar to Apple CEO Tim Cook being arrested by the Chinese, with the exception that Americans probably wouldn't be too upset about that.
Rogue actors and even governments have taken advantage of user trust to deepen divisions, incite violence, and even undermine our shared sense of what is true and what is false.
Now more than ever, as leaders of governments, as decision makers in business, and as citizens, we must ask ourselves a fundamental question.
What kind of world do we want to live in?
All right, folks, we're going to be back on the other side on this Christmas Eve worldwide broadcast, the most hated, dreaded program in the world, by pedophiles.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Man, Trump has made the Democrats mad.
He signed a bill where black people don't get three times the prison time of whites.
Yeah, he signed it Friday.
I think it's worse.
He tried to get jobs into the U.S.
and tried to boost the stock market.
But don't worry!
The private Federal Reserve raised interest rates seven times.
It never did that under Obama.
And Bill Maher said, we're going to plunge the economy and teach folks to hate Trump.
And then Trump did something even worse that's got Rachel Maddow and other war hawks really angry.
He's cut the troops in Afghanistan by half after 18 years and pulled the troops out of Syria.
Something he promised to do.
He kept a promise.
Man, I'm starting to get really ashamed that I supported Trump.
He's doing everything he said he would do, and I'm going to blame him for the economy imploding.
I'm not going to blame the big banks that did it.
And I'm actually proud to stand with Maddow and others.
No, actually, Maddow's a disgusting monster, and so they all are.
The right-wingers, the left-wingers, it's all sick.
Trump's for real.
And I'm not saying he's a Christ-likes figure, but it goes back to Pontius Pilate with Christ saying, I find no fault in this man.
But he says, it's the Jewish holiday.
I will give you one life.
Because I'm going to execute Barabbas.
I'm going to execute Jesus.
Barabbas was a robber, a murderer, a rapist, a conman.
And they said, give us Barabbas!
We don't want prosperity.
We don't want justice.
We want the Chi-Coms to run over us.
Give us Barabbas.
Well, Greg Reese, one of our great reporters, has filed this powerful report.
It's up on newswars.com and infowars.com.
I hope you'll share it.
2018 Top 10 Stories Ignored by the Fake News.
Here it is.
The 2018 Top 10 Stories Ignored by the Fake News.
Number 10, President Trump's Successes.
While the fake news was busy with porn stars and baseless Russian conspiracy theories, they continued to ignore all of President Trump's historical wins.
Record economic growth, a Korean peace summit, 85 judges confirmed, and a groundbreaking criminal justice reform bill, to name a few.
Number nine.
The imprisonment of Tommy Robinson.
For reporting on organized human trafficking of underage girls, Tommy Robinson was arrested and thrown in jail without a trial.
His relentless fight for justice has not only been ignored by the fake news, but they attempt to destroy his character whenever his name is mentioned.
Number 8.
Conservative censorship on social media.
After continuously caught lying to Congress, the new social media giants continue to purge their platforms of conservative voices.
Using the nonsense term, hate speech, they continue to destroy all social discourse, and the fake news continues to ignore this historical attack on free speech.
Number seven, China.
From China's colonization of Africa in the Belt and Road Initiative, to military spies in universities, and even the targeted persecution and murder of Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims, the fake news acts like a propaganda machine for the Chinese government, ignoring any story that puts the growing superpower in a negative light.
Number six, global nationalism.
While the people of the world become united with nationalism, the fake news continues to push division with globalist doublespeak.
Acting as gatekeepers for the decaying elitists of the old world order, they ignore this unprecedented global awakening.
Google's Dragonfly.
Number 5.
America's biggest tech giant, Google, has decided to serve the communist Chinese by tracking all of its citizens, targeting political dissidents, and compiling a social credit score straight out of George Orwell's 1984.
Number four, voter fraud.
During the 2018 midterms, more suspicious activity than ever before was being reported by citizens and independent journalists across the nation.
Even brazen Brenda Snipes of Broward County was protected by the silence of the fake news.
Number three, mysterious fires in California.
The world watched in wonder as thousands of buildings burned to white powdery ash in mere hours.
The temperatures were hot enough to melt glass and aluminum alloy, but somehow left the surrounding trees untouched.
Number two, New Mexico terrorist compound.
Prominent New York Imam Seraj Wahaj's family was found in a crude compound in the New Mexican desert, training children to shoot up schools with semi-automatic weapons and sacrificing one of their own children in a bizarre Islamic death ritual.
Number one, deep state crimes.
The number one glaring omission of 2018 and the sole purpose of the fake news media network is the long list of crimes committed by America's entrenched, corrupt, deep state.
Uranium One.
Clinton Foundation crimes, illegal FISA warrants, and human trafficking, all covered up and assisted by rogue elements of the FBI, DOJ, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
If there is any hope for America, then 2019 will be the year we shine the light into the darkness and uproot the cancer known as the Deep State.
From InfoWars.com, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and 1776 Worldwide!
Greg is an amazing researcher, journalist, and editor, and his video is on InfoWars.com right now.
I'm going to scroll halfway down.
It's been up since yesterday.
It's 2018 Top 10 Stories Ignored by the Fake News.
Only you can send that out via email.
Only you can post it to Facebook or Twitter or YouTube.
Repost it.
All our stuff's free to air.
People send me emails all the time.
Can I put InfoWars on the side of my barn?
Yeah, First Amendment says you can.
I'm begging you, please do it.
We're free to air.
I'm not sitting here territorializing what we do.
Plus, you have that right.
Just get the information out.
We've got some guests coming on that have been taking action in a great way.
We'll cover this when we come back, but there's a report I didn't have time to get to because I don't have time to defend myself, but when I can play something that's illustrative of deception,
that informs others and defends InfoWars, I'll do it.
If I try to defend InfoWars, they'd have me off balance on defense instead of offense all the time.
But man, they've got this new thing out there that is just total lies.
And I've had a few people in airports and places bring it up to me.
I remember back two and a half years ago, I was having a custody battle with my ex-wife, which she failed at.
Media lied and said I lost my kids.
Thank God.
I didn't.
And they said, Jones said in the hearing, he's an actor, it's all fake.
They never showed video, they never showed a transcript, they never showed me saying it.
And it was my ex-wife showing me, God bless her, 10 years ago, dressed up in a Joker outfit, going, ah, kids, take drugs, it's good, it'll kill ya, it's fun to die.
I was being sarcastic so they wouldn't use drugs or take vaccines or drink fluoride.
And my lawyer went, uh, Your Honor, that's not admissible to the jury.
He's being an actor there.
Yeah, in that piece, I was being an actor.
99% of the time, I'm being damn serious.
Everybody knows it.
Well, they're back with that.
But they played that game.
And then they sued Roger Stone.
This Steve Bannon guy did.
You know, to say that, oh, this Chinese nationalist wasn't this or that.
So Stone said, yes, this part I said wasn't accurate.
That gets spun to Jones admits it's fake.
And here's the headline.
Where they say that Alex Jones admits he's fake, and it's a total and complete, absolute lie.
But I have time later, I'll get to it.
It's just crazy.
How these people operate and how incredibly deceptive they are and how stupid they think we are.
InfoWars, it's Vincent, it's fake from Rebel HQ.
The little telltale sign is they never show a video, they never show any audio.
I demand that the woman on that show have me on to defend myself.
Or maybe she wants a lawsuit.
She's about to get one.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Christenpotter.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Is that Bing Crosby or is that Frank Sinatra?
I can't remember.
All I know is, if I read the newspaper, they tell me it's evil right-wingers.
I was up in Omaha seeing my wife's family, her dad, the last few days, and you think, oh, this is just leftist stuff online.
Yeah, this is just like the Daily Beast.
The Omaha Daily Herald was like, boys being boys and playing with Nerf guns is bad.
Next article.
The new Dick Cheney movie's out.
It sucks and Alex Jones is in it.
I haven't seen it yet.
I guess I'm in it.
I'm literally reading this at breakfast.
It's like, the next thing is, well, you know, songs like Baby It's Cold Outside really are sexist and should be banned.
You're like, this is in regular newspapers.
So, where does it end?
So, Paul and Frank Stringini are a pair of brothers who have a YouTube channel featuring humorous animations and songs that are sometimes provocative and offensive.
They are artists with a message to corporate censors.
Censor us and we will destroy you.
And they also made this little fun online video game.
They are staunch free speech advocates and American patriots.
They're also creators of a video about a real video game they made called Alex Jones vs. the NPCs.
And again, you can find the String Genie Bros on YouTube, StringGenieBrothers.com.
Now, there's even a Sandy Hook statement where the media says, no kids died, and I hit the guy with an ax.
I believe kids died there.
They've taken that out of context, but they use that as this point to attack me.
But I wanted to talk to you guys the next few segments about what you're doing, because creating art, creating literature, creating images, creating ideas is what the establishment's most scared of.
So you guys are the cure.
So I want to say Merry Christmas to you.
Hard to believe that's a politically incorrect statement.
And we salute you.
And what's on your mind here on Christmas Eve, my friends?
Merry Christmas, Alex.
Merry Christmas, Alex.
Nice talking to you, Dad.
Well, the thing that is most on our mind is freedom of speech.
Uh, there are all these conglomerates, corporations that want to shut people down, like you.
One of the reasons we were inspired to make the game was because of what they did to you and the way they distorted the truth.
You know, they're supposed to be the people who give us the truth, but they're spreading lies and misinformation.
And part of what this game is supposed to portray, it's saying a lot of things.
But we are not going to sit by while they take away our freedoms and they tell us what we're allowed to hear or listen to.
We're explorers.
We want to explore the world and know what's out there.
And I'm not going to allow any corporation to tell me I can't hear something like Alex Jones.
If I want to listen to Alex Jones, I'm going to listen to Alex Jones.
And I think YouTube
One problem with YouTube is it's kind of like the public square.
That's what it became.
I know it's owned by a private corporation, but that doesn't matter.
It is like the public square.
And if Alex Jones and I are going to sit down at a table and have a conversation, it's not the business of anyone around me to say whether or not we can have that conversation.
And by the way, you're right.
They got immunity under Section 230 in the Telecommunications and Decency Act for 20 years.
They have immunity under saying it's a town square.
So they want to have it both ways.
Yeah, they can't be allowed to do that.
We can't let them get away with this.
And we made a provocative video here.
This is meant to be provocative, because it's like, you know, like when you have the thing about Robert Mueller.
You know, I want to have that metaphorical showdown.
Anyone listening to that could totally tell what you were talking about.
But then they portray it like, oh, he was calling for the assassination of Robert Mueller.
It's like that never happened.
It's ridiculous.
And it's like the dangerous thing, that they don't realize the danger is.
If they don't allow people to speak, what are people left with?
What comes next?
And so they can't be allowed to win.
And that's why in this game, you can't lose.
Because we're not allowed to lose.
We must win this fight.
You can't kill Alex Jones in this game.
Because we are going to win.
When the sun comes out again, that is, and we put Trump's face there, but it's not just about Trump.
It's about the rising American spirit that will not allow our rights to be trampled on by corporations that don't understand how critical this is.
Let's expand on that, because there's a lot of older people listening, a lot of adults are like, hey, a lot of them are veterans, you know, they're like, yeah, video games, I do stuff in the real world.
If they'll send it to their grandkids or their kids, and it goes viral through the young people, which we've already done many times, that's how you get to them is through something like this.
So tell people, where do they go find the free video game?
You can find the video game at stringanime.com forward slash NPC forward slash index dot HTML.
But you can also go right there on the YouTube channel and you can find the link right there.
Yep, right on YouTube.
You can do any search for NPC versus Alex Jones or Alex Jones versus NPC.
You'll find us right there on the first page of the video or the game will be available there.
And the video has the link to the game.
I like how Trump is the sun smiling down.
That's a good thing.
I don't know how we're going to defeat them, but we are going to defeat them.
It's not possible that we can allow this to happen.
The American spirit and the human spirit is way too strong for us to allow these poindexter corporate types to come in and tell us what we can and can't say or think about.
I mean, it's like they're not allowing you to think about things.
I want to ask you guys this for the next segment, but let's get into this now.
Look, I knew they hated Trump.
I knew he was good.
He brought the economy back.
He delivered almost everything he said he could do.
Now that he's pulling troops out and reforming the prison system, the left could never do it.
They're the ones that did it.
And Hillary said blacks were animals and all this crazy crap.
It's like he literally is like the Messiah compared to the left.
And they're even more pissed.
So I never questioned my support of Trump because gut level knew it was right.
But now I'm feeling even more secure in what I did.
What about you guys?
I do feel good about it.
When Trump was running in 2016, we did another video called The Trump Studded Banner, which was kind of a parody of The Star Studded Banner.
That's available on the YouTube channel as well.
And one of the things I wanted to emphasize in that song
Was that... These people want to send our children to die in wars that we have no interest in.
I have seven sons.
I'm not interested in my sons being sacrificed for the globalist... By the way, I'm jealous.
You have seven sons?
That's pretty badass.
I do.
I always love it, man.
I can say, I am a man with seven sons.
That's like, that's... You know, that's like mythologically powerful, right?
Yeah, there's a mythological story there.
It's like, I want to fulfill that vision.
I want to be that man.
You know, just like Christ.
Hold on, I'm a little jealous right now.
I got three daughters and a son, but you know, mythologically, you had seven sons in a row.
That means the seventh son, what's the seventh one like?
He's supposedly the big one.
He's pretty amazing, actually.
Yeah, yeah.
He's pretty amazing.
Yeah, he's, uh, we named him Satimio.
There's only one thing that trumps the firstborn, and that's a seventh son.
You know that, right?
Yeah, well, seventh son is seventh son, right?
That's like, uh, that goes, that's back... Schneier made the song, but it goes back before that.
A seventh sun in Norse stuff, but also in Romans, like a holy sun.
So it's a big deal.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
It's the InfoWar on Christmas Eve.
Bearing Down, trying to build a future for humanity.
We don't know if we're gonna win, but if we give up, we lose.
This is the InfoWar for all the marbles.
Straight ahead, we'll talk to two men fighting in the Information War.
Whatever you do, spread these links and tell folks about local stations.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's Muddy Waters and the Alex Jones Show, Christmas Eve, with Paul and Frank Stringini, great YouTubers and video gamers.
So let's go ahead and go to a little bit of video and audio of their new already hit video game.
Here it is.
This coordinated conservative uprising about being muzzled by liberal CEOs.
The public legal and financial crackdown on Jones works.
This is what everybody was like before us.
Alex Jones has been behind several right-wing conspiracy theories.
I'm an explorer!
Alright, let's cut back to our friends.
There's no one in the studio right now.
I don't know where they got this crazy tomahawk.
Seriously, what are these doing around the office?
But there's camera 5 about 30 feet away.
And the question is, can I hit camera 5?
No training.
The problem is, I could definitely get it, but that light's in my way.
This is gonna mess up.
I don't want to mess up anything.
But this is the kind of stuff you do on Christmas Eve.
Let me see.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it.
It's alright.
Hit the light.
See, I told you the light was in the way.
Hey, I get three chances.
Bring the hatchet back, please.
God, it just hacked the hell out of the black floor.
Alright, alright, alright.
I knew the side shot was the way to go.
I apologize.
Can someone bring the hatchet back?
We're gonna do it.
Go back to Alex Jones.
I'll get my own hatchet.
Go back to Alex Jones.
This is Christmas Eve right now.
You attacked me and lied!
Get out of here, crap!
I can't do things in simulation.
No, no.
You don't approve of it?
No, no.
No one's in here, but you're out of the room.
Alright, back to me.
Let me see if I can get camera 5 now, because I was gonna get it.
It's a good 30 feet away.
Damn, hit the TV that time.
Alright, we gotta keep going here.
Because third time's the charm right now with the hatchet.
It's Christmas Eve!
My God, here.
We're doing good here with the hatchet.
You guys are the ones that broke the hatchet.
We can't just do this in like the third dimension or the fourth dimension.
Alright, this is the final shot.
But I can't make it now, no good.
Alright, stuck in the wall but I didn't get it.
Actually, it was all 3D, none of it was real.
None of it was real.
Oh my God, can we zoom in on that TV over there?
That is badass.
What if it hit the fire extinguisher and got me?
Oh my God, I never got camera 5.
Can we show the TV over here though?
Look, this is badass.
Right here, this TV.
I don't need that TV for now.
I apologize.
Everybody said it was a bad idea.
Hey, great part of it was it was all simulated.
Gentlemen, getting back to you.
Let's get back to your video game and where you see the state of the world.
Paul and Frank Stringini, tell us about your video games, your YouTube site, what you're doing.
We're just really passionate about being able to speak our minds.
Mostly what we're doing is we're having fun.
Actually, we have a business together and our YouTube channel is just about having fun and expressing ourselves more.
It's not something I normally get into in our ordinary business, but this is so important.
We need to be able to speak.
We need to be able to tell the world what we think.
If there's a controversial idea that someone has, it's like it's not up to some corporate oligarch to decide if I can hear it.
And I just, I can't get beyond that.
If we can't talk, we can't have peace.
That's how we're going to get to peace.
That's how we're going to get to a future where we have peace and not war.
And it's like when they shut people down, they shut people up, they cut off their incomes, what's going to be left of them?
What's going to be left of people who have nothing left?
You know, they shut down, you know, they go after your hosting.
They go after your money.
They go after everything that supports you.
And when we made this game,
I was a little hesitant because I realized that there's a bit of a risk.
You offend them.
Like the guy who did the Trump meme with the CNN and the wrestling.
They went to his house.
I dared them to come to my house.
They'll regret it.
I live on the country on three acres.
You won't want to be there alone with me and my sons.
Keep going, gentlemen.
I'm just busy playing with my axe here.
I'm a bad person.
Hey, I want you guys on as regular guests.
We've got to get you an external mic, though.
That's a very important part of this.
I'm very pleased to have you guys here with us on Christmas Eve.
It's great to be here.
Yeah, absolutely.
Oh, yeah, we welcome that.
So tell me about your political evolution to where we are.
Like, you're horrible.
Like, you want criminal justice reform so black people don't get triple sentences that whites get.
I mean, you're with Trump on that horrible racism.
You want jobs back and not one-sided trade deals.
You want our troops pulled out as Trump promised out of all these countries.
You want his borders to cure our nation.
I mean, next you're going to say you want oxygen for your children.
This is like, you want to apologize to the world for your evil?
No, I wanted actually to make this as offensive as possible to those powers like CNN, MSNBC.
I wanted them to be seen taking acts down.
They're not people, they're corporations.
And they can't control us.
And there's no way, there's no way in hell I'm going to just sit by idly while they do this.
When they took you down, that really bugged me.
You know, politically speaking, I supported Trump, I supported Ron Paul.
I've always been for freedom.
We've both always been for freedom.
And about patriotism, and about protecting America and our future, and the future for our children.
It's like, these people are thinking about a future, but their idea of the future is, they run everything, they own everything.
They rape our free will, and we don't exist, and they're pissed while we're pissed.
No, that's it.
Like, we're not trying to gang rape their future.
But that's exactly what they want to do with us.
They want to be able to dictate, oh, this is what's okay to think, this is what's... So let me be clear.
I'm familiar with your work.
Are you Paul or are you Frank?
I'm Paul.
That's what I thought.
Frank, you're the quiet guy, but it's in the last three minutes with you.
What do you want to say?
I wanted to make America funny again.
I want to make it great again.
I remember senses of humor that I enjoyed when I was a kid and I thought everybody just had a great sense of humor so it was a natural fit to do cartoons.
And the movie with Trump was a good fit for me because it was like everything I wanted, not just the family stuff, but just everything about Trump really rubbed me the right way.
And like you said about your gut, I felt that about you and I felt that about Trump.
And it was all just freedom and freedom.
It was like a fountain of all these good aspects of Americana that I enjoyed.
So without even having to really think about it and do expensive research beyond what just convinced me initially, the research that I did, I was satisfied.
And I felt right at home.
Voting for Trump and moving forward, border security, the whole nine yards.
And boy, has he not delivered or tried to deliver.
I mean, how can people piss on what he's done so far?
They're idiots if they do this.
Yeah, well they gotta stop maybe taking the boob tube too serious, and maybe go do some other activities.
I believe he's trying, and if they succeed in taking him out, that's very dangerous.
That can't happen, and that really concerns me.
I do not want these, because they're actively trying to assassinate his character, destroy his presidency, just like what they're doing with you.
But I gotta say, I don't feel as a victim.
I feel very honored to be in this position.
And all of us that stand together, whether it be old, young, black, white, you know, Italian, Russian, Nigerian, Mexican.
We love liberty and that power is incredible.
I gotta tell you, I've been around the country.
I think we're winning way better than we know.
We shouldn't listen to corporate media because I think people are awake, man.
That's what I'm saying.
I believe, you know, they talk about the red pill, the blue pill, and the black pill, but I'm thoroughly a white pillar.
And that's not a dog whistle.
What that means is I have an optimistic outlook on the future.
I have to.
I have children.
Now I get it.
Black pill means you believe it's all F. You believe in the future.
I do.
I believe in the future and that it's going to be positive.
How about a platinum pill then?
Platinum pill.
That's even better.
I believe we're going to learn to live together in peace and harmony.
That's what we have to try to do.
Because the alternative is absolutely unacceptable.
Well, I salute you, gentlemen.
I'm very excited.
What's the best website?
We've got the StringiniBrothers.com and awesome job.
We really appreciate both of you.
Again, the best place to search, though, what do they search?
Because, you know, because obviously people mess up on names.
What's the best way to search what you guys are doing?
It is kind of already, I'm sure.
Well, you can always... Wall Street Genie is one good way, or just YouTube, look up Alex Jones vs. the NPCs.
Alright, we'll talk to you soon.
Localists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
I don't know.
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and you tend to see it and that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
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That's the globalist only hope.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars has given the gift of thought.
But you gave us that gift, didn't you?
God, I love to have a lot of Christmas snow on the ground.
My daughters love that.
Only had that once.
Went to Colorado, like 10 years ago.
But most of my daughters weren't even born then.
I had three daughters.
God Almighty, I'm blessed.
You know, I've got a special report I want to air about LeBron James, who is a good-looking, really talented guy, but he's a traitor against humanity.
He's a real piece of crap.
So we're going to talk about him coming up.
Here in just a moment.
Please don't forget that tomorrow is a rebroadcast, but a special rebroadcast, and then Wednesday after Christmas is David Night, and then the next day is Owen Schroer, and then I'll be here on Friday.
And they are loaded for bear with a bunch of huge, really big guests coming up.
And please don't forget that even though the Christmas shopping is over, your funding of us isn't essential, it's critical.
Without you, it's over.
And so we've got still store-wide free shipping, free t-shirt, double patriot points, 50-75% off, year-end clearance still going right now, nymphorestore.com.
So I'm very humble and I appreciate you all.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to this LeBron James piece that I cut in a hotel room yesterday.
Just looking at this modern slave master, here it is.
The truth is, LeBron James and people like him,
Hold on.
Override all legitimate cultures and create a global culture of having chips on our shoulders and identifying anything and everything as racist or divisive.
It is a culture of balkanization, a culture of division, a broke back system in the name of unity.
Our cultures.
And this has been the globalist program for decades in the West.
Cultural Marxism is what it's called.
In the West, we're not embracing financial Marxism.
We know that socialism and communism is a nightmare system.
But we do embrace the division of race and religion.
And we do it because we have a Christian ethos of having guilt.
That actually led us to end slavery and bring forward women's rights and other things that is now being used against us.
The fact that the West has a conscience compared to Asia or Africa or many other areas.
The fact that we have one of the strongest historical consciences out there.
And hence the birthplace of modern civilization, the fact that we have a system of feeling and a system of rules is used against us by the sociopathic controllers who are of every race, color, and creed.
Now, let's go ahead and break this down.
LeBron James comes out and joins Colin Kaepernick.
They both have huge Nike contracts.
LeBron James is the biggest in history.
To put out what they're supposed to say, their talking points, just like they're actors.
Just like actors are slaves to the producers and directors.
I don't know.
We're good.
That's right.
He's also a person that brings other slaves into the slavery and passes on the psychological disease.
Nike, of course, famously owns some of the worst slave factories and sweatshops across the world from China to Indonesia, where workers have reportedly even been killed for trying to unionize.
But because they're Asian, it's OK.
And LeBron James can push it and feel good because he's creating division, one of the
I think?
Uh, and spend money that they could use on books or a new computer or to go on a vacation or a trip to learn something instead to wear big, ugly, stupid tennis shoes made by slaves.
So you've got that hypocritical garbage by LeBron, the slave, James.
LeBron, the slave, the man, James.
LeBron, the slave that enslaves others, LeBron, James.
So again, they're also killing the golden goose, but the corporatists don't care because it's part of a larger strategic plan.
The last three years of the NFL taking knees and pissing all over America and saying the American flag is evil and racist, overall viewership of the NFL is down 40%.
Many of the arenas see their seats half empty and slashing ticket prices.
And ESPN is down 35% the last two years and has had massive layoffs after layoffs.
So a lot of folks out there are not slaves to the NFL.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Globals are not going to stop because they have this mission to totally and completely divide us.
It doesn't matter what they do to their political systems or even their delivery systems, they will ruin these so-called institutions like the NFL and the NBA for their global world government system.
And of course, all football and baseball and basketball turning into a mass spectator sport is done, is divide our cultures and our families and made it the center of the family.
to wear more and more.
We don't even have any type of identity outside of professional sports.
And only now that it's totally politically weaponized do people balk at absorbing the poison.
Continuing with the analysis, ladies and gentlemen, we have real slavery in this nation and in the world.
And when you have LeBron James creating the slavery of chip on the shoulder and the whites are inherently evil,
That then betrays Martin Luther King Jr.
and other Christians that pushed to not judge people on what color they are, but on the character of their deeds, what they actually do, and what they stand for.
If LeBron James, in closing, really wanted to be a real man, he would not just follow the corporate talking points.
We're good.
He'd ask, why are IQs dropping so fast across the Western world?
He'd ask, why has the family, especially the black family, gone from 20% illegitimacy to 85% illegitimacy?
Why are fathers taken out of the home?
It's the Democrats.
It's a plan.
What about abortion?
What about the fact that 50 plus percent of blacks never make it out of the womb and are killed inside their mothers?
And about 30% of whites and Hispanics.
But see, he doesn't care about that.
That's not a talking point.
Oh, why doesn't he praise Donald Trump for the first real prison reform in 50 years, reversing what the Clintons passed in their crime bill that gave black people three times the sentences of white people?
Why isn't he giving Trump any praise for doing that?
Because he's a race baiter that follows orders of a big, fat, old, evil corporatist from Communist China and the U.S., other places.
And they're Chinese, and they're white, and they're Hispanic, and they're African.
What they are is slave masters controlling people.
But he won't say a damn thing.
I don't know.
Continuing, ladies and gentlemen, what about screen time brain damaging people?
What about the lower IQs from that?
Talk about the screen time.
Talk about kids getting outside and outdoors and exercising or enjoying the great outdoors.
What about radical Islam killing over a million people last year, mainly women and children and gays?
You won't hear jack crap out of LeBron James because that's not the talking point.
What about all the other big issues that are out there?
No, you're not gonna hear a damn thing from this selfish person or
So that's my message to LeBron James.
Globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
First 10 companies are struggling to manage content perpetuating conspiracy theories.
They're so vulnerable to outside threats.
If I could have more than five minutes to question witnesses, unfortunately I don't get that opportunity.
However, I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech.
The first amendment prevents me from doing so.
Alex Jones' YouTube channel posted a video that was seen by 2.3 million subscribers, alleging that these were merely, that these were actors.
Not real students who had experienced the most horrific thing anyone could possibly imagine.
The video violated YouTube's rules against bullying and it was removed.
It's a big red pill that we all must swallow.
The United States Congress is occupied by a corporatocracy.
And it has been for at least over a century.
A brazen corporate government.
Allowing foreign interests to drop cash on the barrelhead via their minions in large American corporations, putting a down payment on the influence of our elected representatives in bulk.
Your censorship will not work anymore, Sundar.
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
The mere suspicion that Google manipulates its products and features for self-serving or even political purposes raises serious concerns about its business practices, its impact on free speech and our democratic process, and Americans' trust that the information gathered about them in their day-to-day lives is done with their knowledge and is not being used against them.
This is what a corporatocratic politician sounds like.
Before we delve into these questions, I must first dispense with a completely illegitimate issue, which is the fantasy, dreamed up by some conservatives, that Google and other online platforms have an anti-conservative bias.
As I have said repeatedly, no credible evidence supports this right-wing conspiracy theory.
I have little doubt that my Republican colleagues will spend much of their time presenting a laundry list of anecdotes and out-of-context statements made by Google employees as supposed evidence of anti-conservative bias.
But none of that will actually make it true.
But this fact-free propaganda does help generate the mistrust that the majority leader referred to a few moments ago.
Clearly, Google has engaged in nefarious foreign collusion.
Just last month, Google employees walked out protesting Google's Orwellian Chinese dragonfly search engine.
Nadler and company's fantasy that there isn't any anti-conservative bias amongst the hijacked public square now controlled by ultra-liberal Silicon Valley is laughable.
In fact, the bias is reaching epidemic proportions.
that violate a First Amendment that can no longer exist under this growing corporatocratic government.
Democratic House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerry Nadler's 2018 re-election campaign received a total of $26,458 from Google's parent company, Alphabet, the largest donation Nadler received.
Breitbart wrote, records from the Federal Election Commission
...found that Nadler received donations from Google during the 2012, 2013, and 2014 election cycles, usually totaling $10,000 every year.
Obviously, any further investigation into Google's treasonous activities brings corporatocratic lapdogs like Mr. Nadler into question as well.
And all the while, China has subtly used its corporatic influence to infiltrate the United States, as was uncovered during a recent hearing including the judiciary, FBI, and Homeland Security officials concerned about the impending horror of the state of Chinese espionage.
What we have to understand again is this idea that the Communist Party reigns supreme.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Hi everybody!
It's Christmas Eve.
I never really know how to celebrate Christmas Eve, because it's the Eve.
My wife, my family was very, uh, growing up was very practical, very Germanic, you know?
I don't know.
And my wife's family is very, like, warm and fuzzy on every holiday, and, you know, they get, like, Christmas Eve pajamas and everything.
So I'm trying to balance the two and figure out where I fit in this whole situation, but I don't know what to do on an eve of something.
I guess you just kind of get, like, excited.
And I also don't want to tell my son that Santa is real, but I also want him to be able to have fun.
Like, I'm not going to tell him that Santa is not a magic sleigh of reindeer and all the math doesn't check out.
I think that's pre-programming for other such hoaxes.
You know, I don't want my son to get
Watching him all the time.
Naughty or nice.
And they don't give policy guidelines as to what makes naughty or nice.
And I also don't want him to think that there's something wrong with Cole.
You know, where if you're naughty, you get a lump of coal, but if you're nice, you get a useless toy.
What's wrong with Cole?
Cole heats homes.
But, that being said, I also don't want to be a buzzkill and not let my son join in on the wonderment of Christmas time in America.
Like, I'm not a bitter guy about Christmas.
Like, I'm not, like, I don't hate Christmas.
I'm Christian, you know, but...
I don't, it doesn't seem very tied into Jesus these days, so that's why I'm about, it's all about celebrating Jesus' birth with the spirit of Christmas and Santa Claus is that little thing that makes you want to give something for no reason.
So I frame it.
But other than that, I find the whole thing a little disturbing.
He sees you when you're sleeping.
He knows when you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.
That sounds like the end.
I mean, stretch.
This is how programming works.
And then once you accept one lie, you accept all the lies.
That's how, like, the sillier the lie, you know, like, when you just accept that, everyone's like, oh, it's not a big deal, Owen, why are you being so crazy?
Like, why do you even care?
And then before you know it, you're accepting any narrative they give you, and you're just worried that Santa's staring at you while you're sleeping.
All right, so,
I want, and also I just had a brand new special come out today.
It's called Conspiracy Queries.
And I noticed that, because I stopped watching pornography, which seemed like a very daunting task when I first started.
And then I realized it wasn't that hard because I just replaced it with conspiracy videos.
Because I think a lot of people don't understand that they're not addicted to pornography.
They're addicted to just looking at videos online and going, no way!
That's all it is.
You have a certain nature, and I think human beings have a foraging nature.
You just have to replace it with something else.
So as soon as I stopped watching pornography, I was pretty open to, you know, NASA lying all the time.
And, you know, there's some weird stuff going on, and I'm literally on InfoWars right now, I realize, so I do not need to remind people that there's stuff going on in the world.
So here's a little clip from my special, and you can get it at HugePianist.com for $10, and it's
If you want to get comedy outside of the B system, which is literally impossible, and this is coming from a guy with two Comedy Central specials who was on a sitcom for three years and I've been in six movies.
I've done Leno, Fallon, all that stuff.
So one reason why they Persona 9 broaded me is because they can't use the classic, oh, you're just jealous.
Oh, you're just jealous.
Uh, yeah, no.
Like, how many credits I have make my point of view very uncomfortable for the people in charge.
That's why, you know, you just don't speak the name Owen Benjamin anymore.
Because I'm clearly not jealous.
I just don't want to have to do jokes mocking Trump and praising child sodomy.
I mean, that's what these are like.
If you if you down a lot of what comedy is now, it's a way to inject propaganda into people without them knowing it.
And I just wanted to be funny.
So at first, I had to do tree work with my brother to like make ends meet and, and do all that stuff.
But now I can totally make a living doing this because I self produce specials, you guys buy them that I can do more.
This is my fourth one of the year, maybe fifth.
I'll go toe-to-toe with any Netflix specials.
You know, Norm MacDonald's Hitler's Dog is outstanding.
But yeah, it's called Conspiracy Queries at HugePianist.com.
So here's a clip from it.
And I will say this, the audio on this clip wasn't mastered.
I wanted to get something up so people could just see the vibe.
And we hadn't done audio yet, so bear in mind the audio and the actual one at HugePianist.com and share it, tell your friends, because I'm kicked off Twitter permanently, I'm kicked off Facebook, I'm shadowbanned on everything, so it's up to us!
You know, if you're one of those people out there that's like, comedy sucks now!
Okay, you can either just do that, or you can support good comedy so that we actually grow an alternative.
And it literally is up to you to do that, because the more comedy dies... I have to perform sometimes in rented, like, children's museums, and they don't know who I am.
Because I'm not allowed to perform in theaters, because I'm not Amy Schumer promoting the apocalypse.
All right, so check out this clip.
But even if any so, I just read this story that
That Montecore the Tiger, who attacked Roy from Safe Street and Roy 11 years ago, can't host the Oscars this year.
Because Montecore moved on in his life.
He's a tiger.
And then they dug up the old stuff, 11 years ago.
They're like, that was a hate crime, because you attacked the gang.
And the tiger was like, guys, it wasn't because he was gay.
He's a full-blown Nazi.
Look at me, I'm a white tiger.
You know how hard it is to get a white tiger?
These sick bastards needed one, though.
And then they poked me all day and pinched me.
And now I'm just playing around with them.
I could've killed them if I wanted to, man.
I'm a tiger.
And they're like, sir, you've got to apologize.
I'm not going to apologize until he apologizes to me for giving me AIDS.
And, uh... And then he went to his other tiger buddies to have his back.
He's like, we're tigers, right?
And then the LGBTQ went to, uh... Tony, and they're like, what do you think of homosexuals?
He's like, they're great!
And Mattie Corbett's like, you sell out, son of a bitch.
A heterosexual tiger just... He's got no place in Vegas anymore.
It's the only... It's the only... It's the only time a straight can't beat two queens here, apparently.
I couldn't even sit there all afternoon.
So it's a very good point you make.
I would love if I could have more than five minutes to question witnesses.
Unfortunately, I don't get that opportunity.
However, I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech.
The first moment prevents me from doing so.
Alex Jones's YouTube channel posted a video that was seen by 2.3 million subscribers alleging that these were merely that these were actors and not real students.
Who had experienced the most horrific thing anyone could possibly imagine.
The video violated YouTube's rules against bullying and it was removed.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember, this life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing it's being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to be immune to the globalist brainwashing, and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
2018 has been insane.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show and now your host Owen Benjamin!
What's up, everybody?
What's up?
And sorry about the last segment.
As you can see, I'm a little closer now because I was trying to use a nice, fancy little camera to look extra special for my InfoWars audience here.
And it was slowing it down a little bit.
I guess it was a little patchy.
So if I'll just do a quick recap.
Stop watching porn.
Start watching conspiracy videos to replace the porn.
Realize there's a lot going on in the deep state.
The tiger that attacked that gay guy in Vegas 11 years ago can't host the Oscars.
And yeah, my new special Conspiracy Queries is at hugepianist.com.
So that was pretty much the recap.
And I don't know what, I apologize again, that sometimes when you kind of shoot, shoot for the moon, you might only end up in a near-Earth orbit, you know what I mean?
And I don't even know that that's a thing because I don't watch pornography anymore.
And I noticed something that, and I'm sure a lot of you guys that watch this show have experienced this, that just questioning stuff gets people furious, just furious.
And if you rate what people should be upset about, if you're starting to like talk about if we went to the moon, right?
There's a group of my friends that the fact I question that narrative,
It makes them insane, like they can't even hang out with me.
And it's like, all of science is based on skepticism.
Science has never, like there's no conclusion to science ever.
There's only what you have there.
There's something in science called a knowledge half-life, and it's different in each field, like physics versus medicine versus all that, where in seven years or nine years or whatever, half of everything you're being taught will be debunked.
And this is the irony.
I know so much about the scientific process and the method and some of the things that I'm talking about, that I'm being more scientific than a lot of the people that claim I'm a science denier.
That's the upside down we live in.
That's the hate is love, tolerance is oppression.
You know, you guys get it.
It's getting to the point where I sometimes, if you ever want to come to my YouTube channel, youtube.com slash Owen Benjamin Comedy, I just did a video yesterday where I explain how wizardry works because my father is a professor of rhetoric.
And rhetoric is nothing more than magic spells.
And people can call me crazy all they want and be like, oh, there's no such thing as wizards.
You know what?
The big hat, the staff, the long gown.
It's like, have you ever seen the Pope?
Have you ever seen the Pope in his big wizard hat whispering magic spells and people do stuff?
My dad's a wizard.
I'm a wizard.
I just don't practice witchcraft because I know it's wrong.
But I just did this yesterday.
It's three hours long, which is a bit of a marathon.
I'm really trying to help people navigate this world of witchcraft and spells because all a spell is, is saying words in a way where people give you their freedom and their autonomy
Without any thought of their own for your advantage.
And the way to beat it, and that's why I'm a supporter of Donald Trump, and I don't know him.
I don't know if it's motivated by him truly being a truth teller or if he just knows how to beat magic spells.
Either way, what he did in the election where Hillary Clinton was doing a magic spell,
You know, where she's like, and Donald Trump here, I mean, he will avoid paying taxes, but I'm going to protect the women and the black people.
And he just goes, what a nasty woman.
And just, that's how you beat a magic spell.
Cause she was being a nasty woman.
She was being a hypocrite.
She was doing a magic spell.
She was playing off people's empathy to, uh, and if people don't think spells are real.
That woman, Hillary Clinton, has said words and gotten hundreds of millions of dollars and people killed.
So magic spells are as real as anything in the world.
And like, um, so yeah, if you want to check that out and my new special, uh, conspiracy queries at huge pianist.com.
So just to sum up last night's live stream, in case you don't watch it, the way to beat a magic spell is simply the truth.
As clear as you can possibly say what you think.
It renders them completely vulnerable.
And that's why, like with that Hillary Clinton thing, so he says, what a nasty woman.
And she's like, she can't even stop doing the spell because the thing about wizards is they don't really exist.
They lose their autonomy.
They're hollow on the inside.
So she just keeps going.
And why?
Well, Dale, now, because of Donald over here and you saw a robot just continuing the spell.
And it was devastating for her, and that's why the only response to that was mockery.
And I think one of the reasons I know this so well is because I'm a comedian, and I now know the darkness of mockery.
It was never my interest.
My interest was always to get high fives and laughs and beers with bears.
That's why all those women started being like, I'm a nasty woman.
I'm also a nasty woman.
Hey, Donald, look at me.
I'm a nasty woman.
And the reason Trump, you can't beat him is because he's like, I know.
The slave emotions are shame and fear.
Like, yeah, you should have shame if you're 400 pounds because you're going to get diabetes and we all love you and care about you.
Like, the upside down is reverse weight.
Don't fat shame me.
No, people should fat shame each other.
Myself included.
I've been over 300 pounds before.
My friends and family called me a fat, and I was like, I had shame, and then I lost some weight.
But like, when you're a witch, or when you're evil, or all that stuff.
Like, I used to be pro-choice, simply because I had never had a child, and I was just under a spell, apparently.
And then I said abortion was wrong when I was still in Hollywood, and people lost their minds.
They're like, you are evil!
And I first had shame about it where I'm like, oh no, what did I say?
And then I'm like, wait a minute, they're shaming me for wanting to protect unborn babies from having their skulls ripped out.
And then you really see through it and that that gives you a strength.
And I don't do this and Alex doesn't do this.
I'm sure I'm not going to speak on behalf of Alex, but like this isn't to scare people.
It's to free them.
That's the whole point of shows like Info Wars and my shows and stuff like that.
It's like, okay, this is how you beat the monsters.
They don't really have that much power.
And if you notice they kicked me off Twitter and Facebook about stuff.
They stopped me from live streaming on YouTube, but I started another one.
Lately, I haven't been facing the platformings.
Their new strategy is they just ignore me because they know that it can only help me at this point.
And when you show no fear, if you apologize at all for something you're not sorry for, they'll eat you alive.
Because an apology is a submission, a submission and apology.
The reason me and my wife have such a good marriage is because I only apologize when I feel I'm sorry, I know I'm sorry.
That way, when I say it, she knows it.
And when I don't apologize, she believes that I believe I'm right.
And that's the type of clear boundaries that make for a good marriage, make for a good relationship with the government.
And if someone like
If, like, Steph Curry apologized for saying that he thought we didn't go to the moon a day after he said it, that's not an apology, that's a submission.
And as soon as you do that, you're owned.
Right after the break, I'll show you examples of celebrities being owned.
And it's Queer As Day.
It is Queer As Day, guys.
And I'm not telling you this to raise your cortisol and scare you.
It's to free you so you can beat the wizards.
HugePianist.com for my new special Conspiracy Queries.
Stick around.
And YouTube.com slash OwnBenjaminComedy.
Much love.
See you soon.
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I think so.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please, spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Hi, hi, hi, everybody.
This is a blast.
So we're going to talk about celebrity culture and why they say
Because another actor said that 007 should be trans.
And I'll talk about that and why that is and why they do this.
But I also want to quickly address the moon landing hoax.
This is the whole thing with me.
And science is based in curiosity, right?
They even named one of their spaceships the Curiosity because I'm a very curious person.
And my brother-in-law is an engineer and we debate all the time about whether or not we went to the moon and how and why.
But there's so much wizard emotion attached with it that people literally start like yelling and crying and getting angry.
I've lost friends over this.
I know that we didn't go to the moon when we said we went to the moon, if ever.
And they're like, well, why?
Why wouldn't the Russians call us out?
They did the whole time.
The whole time.
At no point, because I have a lot of Russian friends, at no point did the Russians think we went to the moon.
It's like, well, OK, here's the thing.
The thing that spawned the whole thing for me is the live TV broadcast.
I gave that to my brother-in-law.
I said, listen, I'm not saying human beings have never been to the moon ever because I can't possibly know that.
That's why I know the 9-11 narrative is wrong.
I just have no idea what the real one is.
I know that in 1969 or whatever that broadcast was fake because a TV state look at the trouble that I had in the first break in 2018 with all the technology we had with the transmission.
I couldn't transmit.
Within the same country, with all the technology in the world properly, because of some blip in the 3G, Wi-Fi, all this stuff.
When they said we went to the moon, they had less technology than a cell phone.
290,000 miles to transmit, like a normal TV station requires like 150,000 volt generator to go like, you know, six, eight miles with a giant dish.
So these guys in negative 200 degrees Celsius with these ridiculous wizard outfits on, they transmitted live with like no electricity really and no giant dish and everyone heard them.
The first segment of this show, people couldn't hear me properly.
I'm in entertainment.
I'm in... Listen, there's all this stuff about the pictures being doctored and blah blah, and people can argue all day long about that stuff.
It's all about focusing on what you know.
I understand live broadcasts.
I understand the lack of capability.
And then when NASA said that they destroyed the technology and it's too painful to bring it back, that's their words, not mine.
And then when someone looked at the telemetry data, they said, oh, we erased it.
We taped over the tapes because of budgetary problems in the 70s, because apparently, you know, $20 billion a year, they can't buy new tapes when they're recording a Seinfeld marathon.
It's all nonsense.
That whole thing was staged.
And listen, when someone says, oh, you think we never been?
I'm like, I have no idea.
I'm not saying where we've been or what we've done, but means motive opportunity, right?
They had the means.
They had the opportunity because no one I don't think we can go to the moon personally, but I'm not going to stake my reputation on that and my name on that.
They had the motive.
I don't think we went to the moon, but maybe we can.
Maybe we can.
I just know that that was fake.
So they didn't know that yet.
I don't think that we could not go to the moon.
And Russia was winning the space race.
And so this is why I don't feel that this is a lack of patriotism.
I don't feel like this disrespects America in any way.
I think America is built and founded on skepticism, especially of a government alphabet agency.
What, do I not criticize the IRS now?
Am I not American?
This is nonsense.
Even if I'm wrong, I'm being very American by questioning this.
So, um, I can't remember what I was talking about.
We go to the means motive opportunity.
Oh, so they fake it because at the time I can't, I'm not sure exactly what was going through their heads, but it's like,
We're in a cold war.
We have to win.
We have to do anything we can to win.
We can't let the world see a Russian flag on that moon before us.
So how do we do this?
And one of them was like, well, I happen to know Walt Disney.
And someone's like, I know Stan the Man Kubrick.
And they did it.
They faked it.
And then as time went on, this is why I don't lie.
It's because it always comes out that you lied because you can't possibly predict the future.
They couldn't have known that you can't go to the moon.
That's what I believe.
Maybe you can.
I'm not staking my reputation on that one.
But as time went on, so they quickly fake a bunch in a row and then done.
No one's ever went back, which contradicts all, everything that everyone knows about human nature that contradicts.
At what time in history has one country went to a land, planted a flag in it, and no other country wanted to put their flag in it too?
At what time in human history has a corporation done something that another corporation doesn't want to compete?
The people that went to the moon, that motivated the whole world to want to go there as well.
Why would we not go back?
Why would we want to go to Mars and not the moon again?
It's nonsense.
We never went back.
And then, you know, people are under such a powerful wizard spell that, like, Buzz Aldrin
By the way, never trust a man who names himself Buzz.
I learned that in college.
That's life 101.
My name's Buzz.
It's like, you're not driving the car, Buzz.
I can't remember what I was talking about.
I'm just running and gunning right now.
I was about to talk about celebrity thing, but this is just very, very interesting to me.
Ah, I don't remember.
Oh, yeah, so Buzz and Neil Armstrong.
Neil A. Backwards is alien, by the way.
I'm not, I don't think that necessarily means anything, but whatever.
So they give a moon rock to the country of Holland.
And the country of Holland is like, oh, thank you.
We are Holland.
No, no, hello.
We're Holland.
And they're like, thank you for the moon rock.
This is so great.
We wear wooden shoes.
Why does my every accent I do sound Chinese?
Anyway, it was petrified wood.
The rock wasn't even a rock.
These wizards are so confident that they're not even giving people rocks.
But people are in this denial.
The denial is so intense that they can just put up another Google hit that's like,
Guy with petrified rock loses his rock right next to Holland's guy.
And everyone's like, see?
Look at Tim Foyle hat, Owen Benjamin.
I mean, clearly they just mixed up the rock and the petrified wood.
You've lost your mind.
I mean, you used to be a really good comedian.
Because what happens with addicts?
And approval is an addiction.
Approval is an addiction.
Wanting to fit in with the herd, feeling safe, that's an addiction.
So imagine you lose that and like heroin addicts, it's like, ah, so you don't feel safe, right?
Someone removes your narrative, which makes you feel approved of and safe and all that.
And you're like, wait a minute, we didn't go to them.
Why would they give a piece of wood to them?
Could someone please fix this?
And then a wizard like Neil deGrasse Tyson or what's that other wizard's name?
Bill Nye.
Bill Nye, the potential American version of Jimmy Savile, that my theory, allegedly, whatever I have to say to not be sued.
So they just step in and go, well, I mean, this other story could be true.
And everyone's like, of course, of course.
Owen's crazy!
The fact that we don't, the technology has went in reverse.
The only time in human history that we can't do something that we could do in 1969 because of technological issues.
We deleted all the information.
No one's ever else went back to the moon.
You can't do a live broadcast from the surface.
But other than that, this all checks out.
You know, we probably should just blame Trump and fossil fuel and global warming or cooling or climate change.
What's the spell of the day?
What is it today?
So I don't choose to not live in that world.
And then finally, when you do win these arguments, this is the saddest part.
People just go, just go with it, man.
Come on.
Why do you do this to yourself?
I have two beautiful kids.
I'm happy.
I'm doing fine.
Don't worry about me, guys.
I feel better when I know that I can predict the future, which only comes from being honest to yourself.
Hugepianist.com for my new special.
When we return from break, we will finally discuss the thing I said I was about to discuss.
But we never went to the moon.
And don't ever feel shame saying that, because we never did.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker.
And I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
It's Owen Benjamin.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
Let's talk mind control some more and celebrity culture.
And also, just real quick, when people say, why do you care about whether or not we went to the moon?
Because the way mind control works, and again, my dad is a professor of rhetoric and I'm a 16 year, very accomplished comedian, which is a form of, I guess, good wizardry, but I don't think any wizardry is good.
The reason I consider it good is because it's consensual and it's
There's no manipulation in what I do, but I can stand in front of thousands of people and make them all laugh really hard.
Which, I mean, let's just say I understand the power of words.
Okay, like for example, and then I'll get to that point.
I just, I love giving information to people.
All right, like a few of the words that motivate people the most are the word free, the word imagine, and the word you.
When you say free, people like listen, when you say imagine and you.
So like if you take Martin Luther King Jr.
and remove any like politics or anything you think about him, I'm just objectively looking at his
Rhetorical ability, which is wizardry, right?
So when he goes, free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God Almighty we are free at last!
Free, free, free.
Says free three times.
And that's the same with comedy.
Set up, punchline, tag.
The number three is very, very important in wizardry.
I'm not saying what he's saying isn't cool, like yeah, be free, all that, but that rise, and in the beginning of I Have a Dream, he talks very softly, he's like, I have had a dream, no, it's I had a dream.
One day, I'm from the, and so the reason speakers do that, wizards, is it makes the audience listen.
It's like when you speak softly, people listen, and then as he builds,
Then he starts shouting out regions, because that covers the U. You know, the red hills of Georgia!
The snow-capped mountains of Colorado!
I have a dream!
He's shouting, he's making specific, specific, specific, and he hits enough regions where someone's either been there or they're from there.
And at the very end, free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God Almighty we are free at last!
And as a comedian, I'm watching that like, wow, that guy's awesome at wizardry.
And again, don't listen to what I'm saying and say that I don't think black people should be free.
That's literally insane.
You know, I was just talking to my buddy Vox Dei about nationalism and how he's an American Indian and I'm married
To a Hispanic woman and not a Jewish grandmother.
Not that any of this matters at all.
As far as like what opinions you can have.
Your opinions are not race-based.
That's psychotic.
And we're talking about how that this narrative that like dudes like me and him that like believe in national boundaries that somehow we're full of hate.
It's like, okay, so now you're saying I hate my kids.
Like, that's like fighting words.
Like, I'm starting to not even... Not only do I not feel shame and backpedal, I'm like, say that again!
Say what you just said again!
You know, I'm like, right out of Pulp Fiction.
It's like, he's an American Indian.
And then people could be like, well, I mean, he looks white.
That's his whole point.
Think about, I'm friends with a lot of American Indians because I played lacrosse in college, box lacrosse in Canada, a lot of reservation athletics my whole life.
I've never met an American Indian that isn't a nationalist because they know exactly how nations are taken down.
You know, you come in, you outbreed them.
You take away their god.
You give them some form of drug.
Back then it was booze.
You put them on a little res.
Give them a casino.
A lot of sugar.
And free money that they didn't earn.
And take her easy.
You're now gone.
And look at what they're doing now.
And Vox lives in Italy.
And he was like, so if France invades, does that mean I hate white people?
It's not about race.
And that's the thing.
It's just about the ability to have a nation.
And so when you have all these broken American Indian tribes and all these like wizards being like, I care about the Cherokees because I'm one one thousand twenty-fourth, so I relate.
No, they don't want you to listen to the American Indians because they'll tell you the exact game plan on how to break a nation.
What are the American Indians Nazis?
Are the American Indians white nationalists?
That's insane.
No, just nationalists.
It's the people who built America.
It has nothing to do with being white.
Nationalists is fine.
All right, so anyway, let's talk about celebrities.
The guy from The Wire, I like to show The Wire, and the guy that played that cop in The Wire recently said that 007 should be trans.
And I read this in a few places and I was like,
And normally I would be like, what?
007 should be trans.
This guy, this guy, why is he saying this?
This is, I mean, is this the world we live in now?
Hey everybody, is this the world we live in now?
Because I was still under the spell where I thought that this is what he thinks.
Now that I know what I know, I can break down why this happens.
That guy is hiding a secret.
The way secret societies function sometimes, the way... My opener, Eric Nimmer, who's unbelievable.
We're going to release one of his specials soon.
He described it in a very black guy way of describing it, because he's black.
Unfortunately, I want a white opener, but unfortunately, this guy is just funnier than the whites.
He's like, it's pimps and hoes.
He's like, pimps and hoes relationship.
I'm like, what do you mean?
You do the tricks.
I keep my secret.
You keep your secret.
That's the way these abusive power structures function.
So someone has a secret.
That's why the higher up in some of these institutions of power, you get the most amount of pedophiles.
And that's not just one or the other.
It's all of them.
It's because that's the worst secret you can have.
Like no one does not want to kill pedophiles.
It isn't insane.
So if someone's a secretive pedophile, they have a secret that others can use against them.
And so, whatever it is, whatever vice got you to this position, you now don't have your own voice.
Of all the vices I've had in the world, none of them are very shameful.
You know, someone could be like, when Owen Benjamin was in his 20s and was a touring comedian, he would let women have sex with him!
And, um, I once saw Owen do a shot of alcohol!
Alright, so anyway, so then you have to speak for them.
And right now the trans thing is a big movement because it's just demolishing the family structure, it's increasing suicide in kids, it's just... You know, 007, what's that, 007?
The amount of trans people that don't kill themselves?
Like, it's a tragic community because they won't acknowledge... Like, right now we're celebrating trans people and not acknowledging that they have a... I'll just call it a mental situation.
I'll be PC.
And when you encourage that, you're not helping that person.
I have elements of OCD.
So if I'm working on a song or a joke for 15 straight hours, and my wife doesn't say, hey Owen, like, you're not wearing pants still.
Like, what are you doing?
And I'm like, no, I'll get it perfect.
I'll get it perfect.
If she acts like that's fine, she's not helping me.
If she's like, baby, come to bed, come to bed.
Come on, come to bed.
I miss you.
I'm like, okay, I'll come to bed.
And then as I'm in bed with my wife, the joke makes sense.
Just bing, because I'm just living my life.
I have elements of mental illness, just like everybody does.
And it doesn't help anyone by saying that isn't true.
I get bouts of depression, where I feel like the world is falling, which it is, but I feel like it's a tremendous weight.
And that is not good for me functioning in my life.
If someone's like, yeah, yeah, there's no point in living.
Here's a gun.
It's the same with this stuff.
It's like people are cutting off their wieners and people are like, double, double, double 07.
James Bond, you can have a black James Bond, Idris Elba.
You know, no one had a problem with that.
Cause it's like, wait a minute, can he still be a sex addict and kill a lot of people?
Okay, good.
A trans person can't be double 07.
So, okay, I want to show you someone else.
So a really outspoken actor, or basketball player, on Trump and everything, and people are like, it's LeBron James, right?
He's like, oh, LeBron James, he says what he wants.
Don't tell LeBron what not to say.
No, because someone said, hey, LeBron, just play basketball.
And everyone's like, no, LeBron gets to say what he says.
Okay, this story just came out today.
Yeah, LeBron,
He was forced to apologize, which is an act of submission.
It's not a real apology.
All he was doing was quoting rap lyrics about Jews having money.
I don't know if you know a lot of Jews, but a lot of them do have quite a bit of money.
Okay, so of all the things he said, you see what I'm saying?
He's not free.
There's nothing free about LeBron James.
$80 million a year, and he's like, someone drew a swastika on my eighth house.
I have no proof it was anybody, but everyone needs to get angry.
That guy has no power.
He's saying what people tell him to say, and it's not because they're all pedophiles.
Like, that guy, it's all different vices.
That guy might just want 20 cars, and he doesn't want to give them up.
Someone else wants just tons of sex.
Someone else just needs approval desperately.
They're not free at all!
All right, hugepianist.com for my new special.
Best 10 bucks you'll ever spend.
Conspiracy queries.
Much love.
You guys, you guys are awesome!
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.