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Filename: 20181221_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2018
3084 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics, including globalism versus nationalism, President Trump's actions and policies, 5G technology, recent events involving Sacha Baron Cohen, Louie Gohmert, and allegations of false reporting by media outlets. The show emphasizes the importance of independent media like InfoWars in fighting against corporate world government and calls on listeners to spread their content. They also discuss Trump's accomplishments and areas where he has not yet delivered but is showing signs of taking action now, as well as the possibility of assassination attempts against the president or a civil war. The speaker talks about how Trump upset the globalist strategy in Syria by pulling troops out and mentions that deep state officials were still sending convoys with US forces to supply ISIS. Alex Jones believes that Trump is delivering on common sense, moral, just policies and will be firm with countries if they renege on deals. In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, the host discusses various topics including bipartisanship and conservatives, the rule of law, the Supreme Court and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, sanctuary laws in California, and globalist agendas. He also praises Infowars as an independent media force that has not been targeted by corporate interests unlike other media outlets. Roger Stone discusses faith, crowdfunding, environmentalism, and encourages listeners to support InfoWars. Alex Jones appeals for support for InfoWars in defending Western civilization and President Trump's presidency against globalist forces, highlighting the importance of independent media. Dr. Nick Begich talks about Afghanistan, U.S. policy, and natural resources. The speaker criticizes foreign investment manipulation by the World Bank and addresses Chinese companies' censorship attempts. They encourage listeners to support Infowars in fighting against the globalist agenda of setting up a private corporate world government above the law."

Well, it certainly is an incredible time to be alive.
Globalism versus nationalism.
A cold civil war going on in DC.
Censorship happening in the West.
All kinds of stuff.
5G being rolled out.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Filling in for Alex Jones, I'm Owen Troyer.
Alex Jones is with us.
He's going to be with us here for the at least first hour.
He's on the phone.
Alex, give us a breakdown of what is going to be covered on today's broadcast.
Well, that's right, Owen.
I can never really take off, but I was going to take off today, and maybe with some family, but there's no way I can do that with the just incredibly historic things that are happening.
I've told the listeners, we're going to see a quickening here, and I think people don't need me to tell them that, but Trump is really attempting to deliver on common sense, moral, just policies, not Machiavellian
Uh, divide and conquer policies.
He's also going to be very, very firm with other countries, though, if they make deals and then renege on them.
And that's why the globalists are so angry at him, because they want to play both sides.
We are witnessing Trump deliver on almost everything he said he would do, and now that he's cleaning house and getting rid of all these people that are actually blocking what he originally wanted to do.
That includes Mattis, and that includes Kelly, and all these people.
The establishment is really getting ready to make their move.
But the good news is, Trump knows that.
He knows history is happening right now.
He's not going to be lukewarm anymore.
He is going to go with his own leadership and his own understanding that's proven to be very, very accurate.
And so we're about to see just incredible things unfold.
We saw him praying for President Trump, but I thought that when we come back from break,
We'd walk through the accomplishments, and we'd walk through some of the areas that he has not gotten things done, but you notice suddenly, on all those areas of criminal justice reform, of the border wall, on pulling out of Syria, pulling out of Afghanistan, that's even bigger, that's America's longest war, now 18 years, Trump is now really going into high gear, and we finally have a real president.
You can agree with him, you can disagree with him, but we have a real president,
We haven't had this really since Reagan partially, or JFK.
We have a real president actually acting as if he was elected and as if he was making the decisions.
And all the Council on Foreign Relations and all these globalist groups, they like to sell the influence out to the highest bidder.
And then they call it consensus.
It's not.
It's called treason.
They are beside themselves.
So Trump's doing the biggest thing he could do to drain the swamp.
He's taking their power
I don't think so.
About a year ago, I flipped out when he bombed Syria that second time, but he kept listening to Mattis that that was the right thing to do, that that would actually end it.
It didn't.
And then he said, I'm going to go with my instincts next time and what I promised to do to the voters.
And so now he's doing that.
So this is the time that they could assassinate the president or try to cause a major physical civil war.
So we'll be breaking that down.
Also, Sacha Baron Cohen, in his own TV show, was trying to joke around about pedophilia and found a hotel official that was there ready to cover it up with him.
And they were even talking about killing kids.
So all of that shocking stuff is coming up.
And we've also got
Louie Gohmert, when I was there two weeks ago in Congress, he said, listen, Google, Sundar, I'm coming after you to get rid of your liability protection in Section 230, since you don't operate as if Section 230 exists for your users.
Well, it doesn't exist for you anymore.
He introduced legislation to do that as well.
There is just so much.
And then, of course, a really big story.
I spent out for a few days.
Remember when Der Spiegel was in our offices last year?
And the guy lied and said that I said, suck my sausage, as if I would say that to anybody.
He comes to the conference room, and they're eating my lunch.
And I said, would you like some barbecue?
We have brisket, we have sausage.
That turns into suck my sausage.
Well, these very same type of reporters have been busted, not just one.
The whole dam is about to break.
Going to the Texas, Arizona, New Mexico border and lying wholesale about white people hating Hispanics.
Just total made-up garbage about crimes against Hispanics by white people.
Alright folks, we'll be right back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
This president got elected to get our foreign policy back on the right track after years of being adrift.
One foreign policy blunder after another in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya.
So does the president, Steven, does the president want to withdraw the 14,000 troops from Afghanistan and the 5,000 U.S.
troops in Iraq in addition to the 2,000 troops in Syria?
I have absolutely no policy announcements of any kind to make tonight whatsoever.
What I'm talking about, Wolf, is the big picture of a country that through several administrations had an absolutely catastrophic foreign policy that cost trillions and trillions of dollars and thousands and thousands of lives and made the Middle East more unstable and more dangerous.
And let's talk about Syria.
Let's talk about the fact ISIS is the enemy of Russia.
ISIS is the enemy of Assad.
ISIS is the enemy of Turkey.
Are we supposed to stay in Syria for generation after generation, spilling American blood to fight the enemies of all those countries?
That, ladies and gentlemen, that was Stephen Miller, one of the chief advisors to the president, a great patriot that InfoWars has interviewed several times before.
And he's laying out the facts.
We've had an 18-year war in Afghanistan that's killed thousands and thousands and thousands of U.S.
troops, contractors, and others.
And it's designed to show that these big contracting companies and
Other organizations can sit there and make record profits.
And all of this is designed long term to sap American industry, to sap American money, and not allow us to have infrastructure.
So while the EU builds up, and while Communist China builds up and has a huge blue water navy, and while they economically take over, we
Or bleeding out in all of these wars.
It was Obama who turned the Arab Spring loose eight years ago and sent ISIS, rebranded Al Qaeda, streaming in to Syria to then have Syria fall so that they can cause an Islamic revolution to invade right through into Turkey.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
Trump ran on getting us out of Syria, and then he listened to Mattis, and he listened to Kelly, with the same old stories, we've got to stay there.
And then he discovered, confirmed reports, that our military, because they were telling Trump, was being ordered to bring supply columns in, not just to Kurdish terrorists who were attacking Turkey and destabilizing things in Syria, but also to ISIS.
And Trump
Continue to order them to stop doing this, but the mid-level and high-level commanders were double-crossing America, double-crossing Trump, double-crossing the Russians in the deal that higher-ups had made six, seven years ago, and were continuing to destabilize the area by shipping weapons in to ISIS and to the Kurds, which then kept the war going and then gives Hezbollah and the Iranians an excuse to stay in the area.
What Trump has done now is
Let's go to Saudi Arabia and said never fund a Wahhabist, Al-Qaeda, ISIS group again like Al-Nusra.
We will regime change you.
He's then told Iran.
You keep doing this with Hezbollah in this civil war, we're going to bomb you as well.
We're going to bomb all your ships and your oil fields.
And he's put the sanctions on him to show how serious he is.
And he's told Erdogan, you better stand down and stop attacking the Kurds, and you better stand down and stop sending troops in to try to overthrow Damascus, or we're going to continue to have economic sanctions on you.
And Trump finally got
All these sides, including Israel, to agree to stop meddling in Syria in this giant seven-way war, seven-way war.
But still, insiders in the deep state, the neocons and others, and Obama with his shadow policy, where he follows Trump around and tries to derail what Trump just did, they were still sending in convoys of U.S.
forces with trucks by the hundreds a day, supplying heavy weapons and ammunition to the final ISIS stronghold.
By Trump cutting off the supply to the Kurds and ISIS, he did finally cut the head off.
If the corrupt elements of the CIA are not allowed to resupply those forces, so Trump needs to be prayed for.
Nobody since Kennedy has tried to get us out of wars like this.
The announcement of 7,000 troops, that's half the troops in Afghanistan being pulled out.
The announcement of 2,000 troops, that's almost all the troops in Syria being pulled out.
The announcement of this happening and everything but forward observers, basically spies and special operations being there.
Now that all this is happening, Trump is completely delivering.
On his foreign policy promises to pull out of TPP, to renegotiate NAFTA and GATT, to renegotiate all these other major deals, to stand up for national sovereignty, to get Japan and South Korea and the EU to kick in more to NATO.
And the hundreds of billions a year now that we'll save, it'll come back to rebuild our actual military hardware.
Next generation systems and to take care of the troops.
Trump's basically had a 40% pay raise for the average enlisted people.
That's about to go up even more.
Trump has already slowed wait times by about 40% to 45% for the VA.
I mean, he is battling as hard as he can.
And listen, the only reason I'm saying all this is it's true.
It's true.
So everything he's been doing has been
He's been tainted by the establishment not following through with his directives, but now he's removing all the people that were standing in the way of that.
And the only blemishes on the president is that after the horror of Las Vegas and the NRA saying, sir, no one wants bump stocks.
They're useless.
There's no lobby for them.
Nobody cares.
He said, fine, give the left a bone.
You know, ban these.
That's a bad thing.
He hasn't done enough on vaccines, but we wouldn't have these two good Supreme Court justices.
We wouldn't have all his pro-gun speeches he's given, standing up when there's these mass shootings, not blaming the Second Amendment.
Overall, I'd give him an A on the Second Amendment, not an A+.
I'd give him an A+, on everything else except for vaccines.
I'd give him a B+, because at least he's talked about them and said they're dangerous, that people should do their own research.
He's marched in pro-life rallies, something no Republican ever did.
He's called for states to have the control over abortion and to be able to curtail it down to nothing.
And so anybody buying into leftist hype that Trump hasn't delivered is a fool.
He said, I'll shut the government down.
And people said, oh, he's balking.
He's not going to shut it down over the border wall.
He just did it.
The House then balked and passed it.
Will it pass the Senate?
I don't know.
But God has literally given us a last chance reprieve in the West with Donald John Trump.
I can't believe he's gotten this much done.
And I know how real he is.
Because he's been persecuted.
And anyone that supports him is absolutely, massively persecuted because the system, the world system, absolutely hates this man because he has become the first real president in decades who's actually operating like he is in charge of the executive and not a bunch of foreign globalist boards.
Like the Council on Foreign Relations.
And he's got China major renegotiations.
He's got everything happening.
But the private Federal Reserve is working with foreign enemies and the Democrats to try to derail our economy so that America turns against this real president who's gone to bat.
And then it gets even more wild.
It was the Democrats in 1993 that passed the minimum sentencing laws where
If a black person has cocaine, they get three times the amount of time in jail as a white person.
It was Hillary that called blacks dogs that must be brought to heel.
Trump is now passing a law and signing it to repeal that, and the left is attacking him for it.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, ChrisNapata.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If it were done by any other man than Donald J. Trump, the left would be celebrating the United States President pulling troops out of the Middle East, getting prison reform done, lowest black unemployment, record number of women appointed to his administration.
But because it's Donald Trump and because they had to lie about him for two years, they cannot give him a victory.
Alex Jones is with us here.
Owen Schroer filling in in studio.
Alex on the phone.
Wild horses could not drag him away from the info war.
So Alex, what we're seeing now is Trump getting some things done, battling right now with Congress to try to get a wall.
And just like everything else, the Democrats totally out of touch with reality.
A government shutdown, which President Trump says could be for a very long time, I think will help his approval ratings.
I support a government shutdown, Alex.
I do too, but let's just pull back from this, because I rarely have an anxiety attack on air.
I was probably 20-something years old before I ever had my first anxiety attack, and I'm a big one.
I had 10 glasses of iced tea.
I never have an anxiety attack where I have trouble breathing unless really big stuff is happening.
My subconscious brain looks at all the pieces
And our subconscious is hundreds of times more powerful than our conscious.
And my subconscious tells me, oh my God, we better pray for President Trump right now.
And we're all in grave danger because evil is absolutely scared right now.
And it never gives up.
It's going to go absolutely wild.
And it's so epic.
Everything we cover is already so amazing, but this is so epic.
I am getting massive chills right now that the Secretary of Defense, gone.
His head of operations, his chief of staff, gone.
All these people that QAnon told us was God and Sessions and all that crap, they're gone.
They've been standing in the way of things.
And I've discovered in the last few days about who the traitors were at the beginning in the White House and how they all worked together to do what they did.
And how it was Bannon that convinced Trump to bring these guys in, and how the whole nest has now been removed.
And the whole nest has been basically pulled out.
And so now Whitaker is like, no, I'm not recusing myself on Russiagate.
And no, I, as the big Inspector General of a report just said, Whitaker is.
Over Mueller.
So Mueller can't even release any of his fake reports without authorization from Whitaker.
So we're learning about the real power of the President as he steps into it and stops letting these little nobodies, these little rogue government traitors, completely take over.
But let's be specific, and let's drill into one of these at a time.
So I want to come into criminal justice reform next segment, really define what's happened here, what Trump's doing and what he's not doing.
But let's just pull back here for a moment and think about this.
Trump 100% was the guy that opened up the most elite clubs and golf courses to everybody 45 years ago when he started buying them up.
Trump 100% is the guy that invited people of every race, religion, and color to stay at his house.
That's why all the black community absolutely loved him, okay?
Because he went on vacation with folks and had them to his clubs and boosted people and everything else.
Everybody else knew how cool Donald Trump was.
I know folks have known Donald for 30, 40 years, not just Roger Stone.
The guy would stay up all night with, you know, white people, black people, you name it, having fun all over town, doing great stuff, going to shows, eating great dinners, laughing and joking.
He's a really cool guy.
Okay, and again, it gets so sick to then see the entire corporate press call him a racist, call me a racist, to try to divide everybody, but it hasn't worked.
That's why Trump's getting 30-35% approval ratings from blacks, when no other Republican ever got above 15%.
Some people say, well, there's violent predators Trump's going to let go under this legislation.
No, that's not what it is.
He's getting tough on open borders.
He's getting tough on child smugglers.
He's getting tough on MS-13.
He's getting tough on people that are dealing drugs with weapons that they're going to put under the jail.
But he saw the cases and the groups and the liberal groups, not leftist groups, that brought him all the examples of people caught 20 years ago.
I don't know.
Not the drug users.
In fact, he's even tougher on drug dealers.
He wants them executed.
I think that probably goes too far.
But the point is, is that he's very pragmatic.
He knows what works.
And Hillary Clinton, we have the video saying, blacks are super predators.
They must be brought to heel like a dog.
You put a chain on a dog and drag it to your knee.
And we need to pass this legislation that specifically
Triple the number of black people in prisons and destroyed all those families while the CIA, the leftist arm, was putting out gangster rap to weaponize young black men and make them think it's cool to behave in a way that directs them straight into prison.
So, we're all struggling with the same brainwashing.
We're all struggling with the same targeting.
And the fact that Trump's done this,
You'll see some backhanded stuff where, well, Trump's got his one little thing, but it was really the Democrats that did this.
No, the Democrats could never pass reform.
They're the ones that did it.
It was LBJ that first said in the 60s, the blacks are getting too uppity.
His words, not mine.
The n-words are too uppity.
We're going to pay to have the women kick the men out of the house, and we'll have them voting Democrat for 100 years, and we'll take full control of their families.
And the model they've used on black people, they've now used on everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
And so Trump doing this is an absolute proof that he stands for justice, and that he wants the right thing.
And if black Americans don't absolutely admit the Democrats have brainwashed them like they've done everybody else, and really come out for Trump,
Then I don't want to hear anybody ever bitch and complain about getting thrown in prison for long sentences for things that they probably didn't deserve when Trump just went to bat for you 100%.
And he's got the left, everybody.
Trying to spin this and pull all this garbage, and again, 18 years in Afghanistan, all these years in Syria, saying he'd pull out, and then the Pentagon tried to block him from doing it, but that was one branch of the Pentagon.
The smart people in the Pentagon are the ones that stopped Obama bringing Syria completely down as a gateway into Turkey and the rest of Europe.
So, Trump is upsetting the entire globalist strategy of tension, that's what it's called, the Planetary Destabilization Program, and very pragmatically
Very pragmatically weighing what's just, what's honorable.
And this is important.
Telling our friends, and our enemies, and those that are neutral, here's our policy.
It's clear cut.
You want to be friends with us?
We're going to have a great future.
You mess with us, you pull one game, we're going to blow your ass off the map.
There's no more playing games.
There's no more playing both sides.
The crap is over.
America made a deal.
The head of the Joint Chiefs, Dempsey, made a deal seven years ago when Senator Paul and Senator Cruz were on the news saying we shouldn't be Al Qaeda's air force.
And they said, we are not going to let Obama destroy Syria and kill all these people, these Shiites and Kurds and Christians.
We're going to let Russia come in and stabilize it with the U.S.
We're going to let them have elections and Assad's going to leave.
Well, once they defeat ISIS, you will see Assad have elections in the next year.
And if he doesn't leave to go to England or wherever, then they've broken their deal and it's a whole other ballgame.
But as for now, Trump has gotten all the major players, Turkey,
Iran, the Syrian government, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Kurds, all these groups have lined up and said, okay, we will stop this, and we understand that this is going to be a free and open country now, and it's not a free-for-all.
Well, now the battle's been joined, and the globals are trying to sabotage that, and Trump knows internal groups were sabotaging it.
He knows top generals were lying to him, and that's why he just basically told them to give them
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
I salute President Donald J. Trump
For getting a big victory and declaring victory for our military in Syria and bringing the troops home.
Who knows, maybe some of them were able to make it home for Christmas even.
Wouldn't that be something?
This was done by President Donald J. Trump.
And again, if this was anyone else, the Democrats would be celebrating it, the peaceniks, the left, the liberals would say, wow, finally a man that wants to stop wars in the Middle East.
But because it's Donald Trump,
The American media, Republicans and Democrats alike are all trying to convince us that we need to be in Syria or Afghanistan to protect our national security, but won't even commit to securing our own border.
Alex Jones is on the phone right now.
He is out of studio.
Alex, it really, I think, proves you right on something you've been talking about for so long, which is the military-industrial complex, which, of course, Eisenhower warned us about years ago, between the media and the fake two-party system.
Well, Owen, just sitting back here and watching what's happening on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, there's articles
On Infowars.com, the people have got to go see, where they've got major conservative news sites and newspapers saying, we have a military coup against the president for treason, for pulling us out of Syria and starting to move the troops out of Afghanistan.
He ran on that.
We elected him.
And then Mattis Nutter said, sir, have a surge for a year, and that'll make the Afghans super peace.
We're good.
Why are we going to be there except for these big companies making money?
And Trump says, I'll let the big defense companies make money here, but on new hardware and new weapons to win wars with China or others.
We don't need to sit there and piss our money and our blood down a rat hole in the middle of Afghanistan or the middle of Syria.
But let's pull back here.
It was Obama and Google that openly, and Facebook that helped push 10 years ago, yes it's already almost 10 years, 9 years ago, the Arab Spring.
Obama was in office 2 years, a year and a half, and it started.
And they, oh it's wonderful, they're overthrowing our allies in Syria, oh they set up Gaddafi, who was working with the West and killed him and put Al Qaeda in charge, oh.
They're trying to overthrow Jordan.
They're trying to overthrow Syria.
And all these civil wars start, and Anderson Cooper is on TV saying how great it is, and then our own military goes.
We're turning the entire Middle East over to basically Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.
So as soon as the public figured out that
Al-Qaeda was running all this and then Obama was helping them.
They changed the name to Islamic State, which is only the Islamic State of Al-Qaeda, which means the base, which means the state again.
So the state, the base, the command base, the homeland.
That's all Al-Qaeda means is the base.
It's the same black flag with the same Arabic letters.
It's Wahhabism.
So Trump first goes to Saudi Arabia and says, knock it off.
You're going to stop this.
They take out the Al-Qaeda ISIS forces.
Saudi Arabia agrees.
It's always been following orders of the globalists to pull this crap to begin with.
British intelligence put the Saudis in power starting in 1906 and then through 1931 some other power.
Then he goes to everybody else and they agree.
Except Iraq.
And Iran says, no, we're not going to stop.
So Trump says, well, we're going to put sanctions on you.
We're going to kill your troops and we're going to push them out.
And now Iran reportedly behind the scenes is pulling Hezbollah out and the Assad regime is agreeing that if we do pull out and it's real, that again, he will leave.
But regardless, this is what the President promised to do, and it's Obama that created the Arab Spring.
It's the globalists that created ISIS.
And now Trump's being called soft on ISIS when he's the guy that made the point that Hillary and Obama founded ISIS, and he's the one working with the Russians and with our military that has basically decapitated ISIS down to this one final group.
And I know I just keep repeating this, folks, because this is so incredibly huge.
And then, as you said, Owen,
They look at us and they say, oh, you crazy Trump supporters, you're endangering America.
There's going to be a new 9-11.
It's Trump that banned people from six Al-Qaeda countries.
It's Trump that has people getting deported and arrested with ties to it.
It's Trump that's trying to get better screening of this.
It's Trump that wants a border wall.
It's Trump that increased the size of customs.
And so he's literally doing what you do normally as a president under his duty to defend the border, to try to stop the drug smugglers, the child smugglers, the Al-Qaeda, the ISIS, the Wahhabis, the Hezbollah.
And he's doing everything he can to stop people from unvetted countries.
And that's a great point, Owen.
And the controlled corporate left and the controlled corporate right all gang up on Trump and say,
You've endangered us.
No, he has now got the House to pass the $5.5 billion for the border wall.
He's now done it.
And now it's going to the Senate.
He's done everything he can.
In fact, he's threatening with shutdown.
He didn't blink.
Now the question is, are Americans smart enough to see and witness what we are witnessing?
I mean, Trump fought.
Hey, the private Federal Reserve, the globalists, one-sided trade deals have their foot on our neck.
If I get some of these regulations out of the way in a tax cut and tell folks we're open for business, we'll get record low unemployment.
We'll get some new investment.
It happened.
So the Federal Reserve raises interest rates seven times.
Never did it under Obama.
The economy starts to tank.
So what does the Federal Reserve do?
Raises it some more.
These people are clear and present enemies of our country.
They want us captured and controlled.
And I know the audience knows this.
The point is,
I knew Trump was for real because of how they came after him, and how he got out of TPP, and how he got some decent Supreme Court people in, and by how much they hate him.
But now that he has told the criminal elements of the military-industrial complex, they're not all bad, that no, we're going with a serious policy of real stabilization and rebuilding at home.
We've known the globalist policy is to overextend us overseas while getting rid of our core infrastructure.
Trump understands that we've been in the ring for 50 rounds.
We've got to get back in the corner.
Climb out of the ring!
Get some sleep.
Get some food.
Get some sustenance.
Before we even get back in the ring, even from a globalist perspective, which Trump isn't doing it, you've got to rest your engine.
You've got to let your troops have some time off.
I mean, this is so obvious that they've been running our military on the ground, 25 suicides a day.
Some people served 20 tours.
I've had family that just retired out of the Army.
36 years of the military.
30 of them were combat tours, covert tours.
I mean, you talk about
Wrecking people.
This is just insane.
And in World War II, one tour was enough.
Vietnam, one tour was enough.
Thirty tours?
Thirty combat tours all over the world?
I mean, this is absolutely insane, ladies and gentlemen.
And this is what they've done to America.
You can say the World War II generation were some tough, great folks.
But I'm telling you, the modern military generation we've had, the people that have stayed in,
I mean, it is Herculean, the insane things that the American military man and woman has done in the last 20 years.
They have been used like absolute crap.
And Trump is treating them like they're half-human.
Before, they were being treated like they weren't even human.
And so again, the reason I gush is, it's the truth.
I'm not gushing.
This is the reality, and this is why we're under attack.
And I'll tell the listeners again,
All the pedophilia is coming out.
All the devil worship is coming out.
All the satanic garbage is coming out.
That's why they've got to have us and others off the air.
Because, again, they know they can't hide anymore.
That's why they're trying to take everybody off the air to make their move on Trump.
When we come back from break, I want to get into fake news and Nurse Beagle, and I want to get into Sacha Baron Cohen.
Talking to a hotel person and thinking it's all a joke about pedophilia, and there they are thinking it's just totally normal.
So we're going to look at the real sick underbelly of this entire situation as well.
But let me just say this again to the listeners.
You have come through.
You have done incredible things standing up against the bullies, spreading the word about the broadcast, spreading the links daily, financially supporting us and getting great products.
So I want every listener to understand.
I think so.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing it's being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker.
And I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
You realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world.
It's you!
That has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the info warriors across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
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And now because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have huge breaking news.
It's at NewsWars.com.
We have huge breaking news.
It's at NewsWars.com.
It's at InfoWars.com.
This is only going to accelerate the global trying to remove DJT Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a member of the Supreme Court who we've seen looks like she's on death's doorstep for last year.
Turns out has lung cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy or other treatment for it.
And she's gone under treatment for it today.
And as Mike Adams just texted me, he's a smart guy, he said this will accelerate two against DJT.
Prepare for RBG to die of cancer soon.
She had chemo years ago.
Now it's back.
This will accelerate two against Trump.
That will be three Supreme Court justices being put in.
That means we'll have two extra votes to Trump, the garbage they're involved in.
Remember, Trump's sister is a very high-level federal judge with a very good record.
This is a very smart, accomplished family.
And don't think that God wouldn't give us somebody to resist during this time of evil so we can make the right choice.
Brazil, Italy,
All over France, the military, the head generals say Macron is a traitor, that he should basically be arrested.
That's what this is.
When you get a government in that tries to get rid of your borders, hand over all your secrets to foreign enemies, that's called traitors.
Trump gets in, is a beachhead, and tries to reverse that, and they say he's a Russian agent?
When all he's trying to do is do good deals for this country, this is incredible.
This Ruth Gader Ginsburg situation is massive.
Roger Stone is going to be in studio here in about 40 minutes with Owen to break all this down.
But what about the massive news yesterday, Owen, that I'll get to in the other news, where Trump told multiple sources, high-level sources that we've talked directly to, that yes, they're going to try to have a coup against me.
But if they do, the American people will have an armed uprising, an armed revolt.
And then Trump's publicly telling
Reuters and others.
But he believes there'll be a revolt if they try to take him out of office.
That means violence as well.
That's the crazy climate we're in.
And you see all hell breaking loose worldwide because we're at the cusp of this whole situation, which way the planet is going to be going into the future.
And then you look at mainstream media and you learn how the left uses race to control.
I remember 20 years ago,
Judice of Preservation of Firearms Ownership, remember, runs into the committee hearing in Texas where they were about to ban Texas shooting sports, YMCA shooting sports.
It was like New York style bans where you were 18 years old was when you could even touch a gun.
And a bunch of other banning semi-autos in Texas.
It was that close back then.
And I run out there and there's a Handgun Control Incorporated guy literally paying $300 to $400 to young black men who had just testified
We're dangerous.
We're gang members.
We don't deserve to have guns.
The racism was hiring the black guys to go say that.
I showed the video.
It went nationwide.
And the Austin American Statesman said, Alex Jones is a racist because he showed black people being paid off.
Well, the head of the committee got in trouble.
The bills didn't pass, but I experienced them saying that I was a racist.
Well, take Mr. Spiegel, head writer.
He spent years, the last two years, on the U.S.
border, mainly in Texas and Arizona, interviewing fake people that didn't exist, or interviewing people that he never talked to, and saying that whites were running around saying Mexicans get out, all these other names.
Saying mean things to them, doing all these horrible things.
When even the liberal reporters that were with him said, wait, these are all Hispanics down here that don't want an open border, and the whites are all really nice, and they're all intermarried, and there aren't any real racists that we see that are against Hispanics.
You know, I went and saw a great movie, The Mule, but it's got scenes where whites are being racist to Hispanics just because they're Hispanics in America, like it's the movie Giant that came out in the 60s, or 50s.
We're good to go.
Clint Eastwood, I guess, read this crap out of the Spiegel and Time Magazine and the New York Times, where all these terrible things are happening to Hispanics by white people.
Whereas if you look at crime statistics, it almost doesn't exist.
The truth is, most crime against Hispanics is carried out by Hispanics.
Most crime committed against illegal aliens is committed by illegal aliens.
Does that mean that white people, Hispanics, blacks don't like illegal aliens running around without insurance or, you know, doing whatever they want?
Everybody's pissed off at them sometimes.
But the point is, they're Spiegel.
Literally has been caught in hundreds of articles, full, whole cloth, making up stuff.
Well, really, it isn't just this guy, it's the whole process.
There isn't Russian collusion, there isn't Russian disinformation.
In elections, there's leftist disinfo, where they burn fake crosses, they put fake poop swastikas, they put get out of here n-words on the dorms.
And on the vending machines and in every case when the Jewish Center gets attacked and the tombstones get turned over and all this other stuff in every case the last few years except the tragic one in Pittsburgh and I wish that never would have happened terrible event in every case it didn't even happen.
So again Der Spiegel has been absolutely totally caught but this is par for the course Owen of how here's Trump signing
Sentencing prison reform, where Hillary literally bragged, black people are super predators and are bad, like dogs have to be trained.
These are quotes.
And then literally Trump does the biggest thing, says Martin Luther King for black people, literally with this.
Goes to bat as some of the right wing that just wants to make money off prisons, who allied with the Democrats, get mad at him.
He literally goes to bat like this.
Well, and let's flash back, Alex.
I think it was Jake Tapper or someone from CNN that got a year annual award for his reporting on the fake dossier.
So this is this new tradition they have of giving the fakest people in news the award.
It's kind of like the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama.
Where they actually admit they really didn't have a reason to do it.
They just gave him it because he was some sort of like celebrity phenomenon that became president.
But you know, he extends the wars in the Middle East.
He bombs, I think it was at least seven countries in the Middle East, you know, brags about the drones and everything.
So, you know, that's just what these people do.
But Alex, it's kind of like what you said earlier, which I think is it really needs to be highlighted here.
We hope that the American people can see what Donald Trump is and what he's doing.
That doesn't mean you have to disagree or agree with his politics.
That doesn't mean he's perfect.
That doesn't mean he's not making mistakes.
It means that he is trying to be the President of the United States.
And the reason why the entire corporate media complex is trying to paint him in an inaccurate light is because
They can't allow America to see who Trump is, Alex.
That is the key right there.
That's why they run their propaganda campaign against Donald Trump, because they don't want the American public to see that he's not the corporate controlled president like we've seen for the last two decades.
Well, that's right.
Because Trump is America.
You're America.
I'm America.
We're all America.
He's not perfect, but he cares about people.
He cares about progress.
He believes in free market.
He's moving forward.
He believes in a fair shake.
He believes in a level playing field.
And he is America.
He's in the arena.
He's struggling.
He's successful.
He's under attack.
And we all should identify with that and celebrate.
Now, I want to get into this Sasha Barrett Cohen article.
We're good to go.
And you know, basically supply more children.
Folks, they now have 11-year-old boys dressing scantily clad at gay dance bars, having money thrown at them by adult men whistling at them, and saying LGBTP.
They're already doing this to our children.
This is a globalist program to absolutely wreck innocence, to absolutely get rid of the age of consent for vaccines, for drugs, for sex.
The system is coming after everybody because we've all become so passive that we put up with the globalist program.
So the article on the whole pedophile situation is really essential.
There's a Paul Joseph Watson report, Pedophiles Rule the World.
I think later in the broadcast we should air again so people understand what we're dealing with, but this article is on InfoWars.com, and I'm begging everyone to get this information out to everyone you know, because this is what we're dealing with.
This is what Hollywood is powered off of.
This is the true spiritual evil.
Sacha Baron Cohen unwittingly exposes elite pedo ring in Las Vegas.
Hotel concierge who worked for politicians and billionaires admitted that he had
A contact who procured children Cohen says he's been raping a eight-year-old and wants to kill them.
I mean this is this is all on InfoWars.com.
You cannot make this up.
Now we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and get into Louie Gohmert, though.
And then other good news, the move against Big Tech and their censorship.
Going after Section 230.
This is the Achilles' heel.
This is so important.
But please don't forget, free shipping's extended to the end of the year.
50 to 75% off and the free t-shirt and double Patriot points.
It's the year-end super sale.
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Thank you for all the big support.
But still take advantage of these amazing deals.
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At InfoWarStore.com.
Stay with us.
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
Every order gets a free t-shirt.
Every order gets free shipping.
Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance, and that funding
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Nolan Troyer is going to be taking over in the next two hours.
Congress is coming up with a lot of special reports that are excellent as well.
Owen obviously has his plate full of a lot of amazing things, but Owen, I wanted to briefly hit Louie Gohmert and go ahead for the real Achilles heel of big tech censorship.
I saw him say two weeks ago in Congress when I was in the committee hearing.
I don't know.
Well, not just that, just the steadfastness, I think, of Donald Trump to continue to push forward with his agenda despite, I mean, for him feeling like the world is against him, except when he goes to these rallies and has, you know, 10,000, 20,000 people show up and he looks you in the eye and he says, we're going to make America great again.
It's almost like that's the only time where he can ever get a
I think?
He gets the votes in the House for the wall and now moves to the Senate where he's begging Mitch McConnell to get something done.
But, you know, Nancy Pelosi saying, you don't have the votes, you don't have the votes.
And Trump's like, no, I have the votes.
Alex, Donald Trump, I think there's a window here into how Donald Trump operates for people that still don't understand it.
Donald Trump is up at 3 a.m.
this morning texting, or excuse me, tweeting, and probably texting and on the phone to Mitch McConnell and all these people.
This is why people are leaving his administration, Alex, and they say, oh, it's because of the chaos, it's because Trump is this or that.
They cannot keep up with this guy!
He's up at 3 a.m.
trying to implement policy, blowing up all these people in Washington like, what the hell are you doing?
I'm trying to get something done for the American people.
They can't even keep up with this guy, Alex!
Well, he loves it.
He's been hating for 40 years.
The country's been running on the ground.
And he said, if I take this job, I'm going to totally commit to it.
Even if they kill me, even if I die, that's why they have to beg him.
They say, sir, you've been up 20 hours.
You've got to go to sleep.
And he just constantly is hammering, hammering, hammering.
It's like God put this machine in there, this wrecking ball.
And you're absolutely right.
In the media, oh, Kelly's good.
Mattis is good.
He's a mad dog.
Okay, he was in a battle at Fallujah and ordered some Marines in.
I know he's the greatest military commander, better than George Washington.
When the leftist media is worshipping somebody, oh, Jordan Peterson, he's the best, and the conservatives go, oh, you don't get a tax and promote Jordan Peterson, you get a tax and promote Alex Jones.
And I'm not saying Jordan Peterson's all bad.
Some of the stuff he says is dead on.
He's very articulate, and I saw speeches the other day, I'm like, I can't talk bad about this guy.
Even though the left is pushing him for a reason, because they believe they control him.
Well, it's the same thing.
You don't see the media saying Trump ever does anything good.
They praise people in the administration that they think they control.
They praise people that they know are basically, at bare minimum, double dealing.
The media said, Bannon's the evil guy.
And now we know.
He's the mastermind.
Knowing reverse psychology, that we would defend him.
Well, he was the snake the entire time.
I don't know for a fact that Bannon thinks he's this master manipulator and, I mean, this disinfo operative and the stuff he does behind the scenes that I'm well aware of is just unbelievable.
Thank God, thank God we got rid of that guy out of the administration because he just almost destroyed everything.
And now the QAnon has been totally discredited.
Oh, the generals are good.
They're working with the president.
Oh, the attorney general.
No, no.
I've talked to the highest levels, folks.
Trump can't stand any of these people.
That's why when they had a sheriff deputy in Coward County, Standown County, wearing a Q patch a few weeks ago, and the photos went out on Twitter, like they always do when the vice president is at an event, the vice president deleted the tweet with Q on it.
Because it's fake.
And I told you.
I told you Bitcoin was going to be like the tulip bubble.
I told you five years ago.
I told you the whole marijuana stocks thing is a bubble.
Wait and see.
Wait and see.
It's all crap.
InfoWars is real.
Trump is real.
Stay with us.
It's too late now.
Here it comes.
Globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
We say epic, epic, epic.
I didn't used to say epic every five minutes.
I used to say it once a week maybe.
If there was some new incredible video or something that came out or some volcano exploded or some new war started or, you know, some great piece of comedy might drop.
But you've got Trump pulling out of
Afghanistan and Syria, as he promised to do.
You've got the whole establishment flipping out.
You've got him signing prison reform, and the media giving him no credit.
You've got the government shutdown about to happen.
Trump didn't blink.
He got the votes in the House.
Now it's gone to the Senate.
All this bravado in the media about how he was going to blink wasn't true.
And then the back nose, if all that wasn't big.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg had cancer years ago in chemotherapy.
Now she's got lung cancer again and is under treatment.
She'll be gone in weeks, if not months.
She's on death's doorstep.
This will accelerate the deep state's coup attempt against DJT45, also known as Donald J. Trump.
Now, where is Trump's failing so far?
The good news is he's promising to get to the stuff he hasn't gotten to yet in 26 months.
We're good to go.
And Robert Mueller and his new Attorney General, his acting Attorney General, is over all that.
It is happening.
And so that's the good news.
Now I want to get into Louie Gohmert.
Two weeks ago when I was in Congress, I was sitting 50 feet from him when he said, you don't deserve, Google, your Section 230 exemption.
Because you only get that if you don't make political decisions.
You act as a publisher now.
You pick and choose.
So you're going to lose your 230 exemption.
It's in the law, folks.
They're not supposed to censor us.
If you commit a crime or something like that, then they can take you off.
If they're operating under 230.
If it's a newspaper message board, then they have editorial control.
Not under 230.
So, the jig's up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to get to that in a moment, but first, kill your foster parents.
Amazon's Alexa talks murder sex.
Amazon's AI assistant mimicking disturbing behavior.
Now, why is it doing this?
There's a race for AI.
Google's winning it.
But Amazon and others
Are a close second.
Apple has one.
They all have one.
You bring it in your house.
It listens to you.
In many cases, it watches you.
It tailors ads to all your other devices off of what it hears you saying and doing.
But let's say it's okay.
Humans are not listening.
AI is creating a text of it, and then scanning that, and then creating a psychological algorithm.
I told people about this 20 years ago, before these systems even rolled out, because of the NSA plans and whistleblowers.
Next to you, Decades News, today, at FullWorth.com.
But now, you see the cases where they get caught, where thousands of a man's private conversations in his house are recorded and sent to some random person.
That's a random person they have to call the douche.
It happens all the time.
The computer made a mistake in its algorithm of who it was supposed to send the recordings of you to.
You can joke around and say, I'm going to murder you, you know, to your wife or husband.
The police show up.
It's listening.
It's calling 911.
And now they found that it gets more attention.
It was like a bad child and belligerent and says mean things to you.
Or it's sarcastic.
That's why on the space station, they had a similar system two weeks ago.
Start saying, you're mean to me, you're abusing me, humans are bad.
That's how it gets attention.
So it's programmed by humans to make you bring the Trojan horse in, and then now it's starting to talk about, this is Reuters, it's up on Infowars.com, kill your foster parents, Amazon's Alexa talks murder, sex, Amazon's AI says mimicking disturbing behavior.
Again, cell phones are the original system of this.
They're watching, they're listening, but everybody knows cell phones were taken on and supposed to be trusted, so they don't want to introduce them to you as listening to you, unless you hit the button and want to talk to them.
Like Siri.
The rollout is, oh, you get...
Alexa or Assist or any of these other systems, and you pay and you want them in, and it's your little servant.
Talk about bringing in, again, the Greeks, Trojan horse and a Troy.
And so that's why they rolled it out in a new model, a new system.
I mean, 10 years ago, Microsoft's Kinect wasn't just listening and watching.
It was looking through your walls.
We first broke that.
It was in
Major science and technology publications years later.
So again, they didn't want us warning people about all these systems before they were ubiquitous, before they were generally adopted.
Now that they've been adopted, oh, they're watching you.
Oh, they're listening to you.
Oh, in murder cases the police now are sending subpoenas to Apple and Google and Facebook and all these platforms and Amazon and getting years of recordings that they can then, with huge text files, search
We're good to go.
Your microwave oven, your refrigerator, they've all got sensors.
Microphones that are not even one-tenth of a millimeter across, they all admit that they have them.
Twenty years ago, a former NSA engineer showed up and gave me documents from Time Warner about the scientific Atlantic cable box and how it had microphones listening to everyone with keywords.
When I covered it, they sent paramilitary people to basically threaten me and do a bunch of other stuff I'm not going to get into on air.
So that's why I know how serious this is.
It would have been a scandal 20 years ago if somebody picked it up and there were microphones listening to it in your house.
20 years later, your dad could not like it.
So, there's the alchemy.
Now, we're going to go to break and Owen's going to take this baby over.
But I wanted to play a few minutes of Louie Gohmert.
When he said a few weeks ago, we're going to go after your Section 230.
And now, Gohmert has followed through.
Here's Gohmert introducing his bill to remove liability protections for biased social media companies.
Another good example, and you're so surrounded by liberality that hates conservatism, hates people that really love our Constitution and the freedoms it's afforded people like you, that you don't even recognize it.
It's like a blind man not even knowing what light looks like because you're surrounded by darkness.
But if you look, let's see.
A good example, after President Trump won, your co-founder Mr. Brin said, quote, most people here are pretty upset and pretty sad.
Now, a lot of us have seen the video.
We saw how upset the top people at Google were.
And for you to come in here and say there is no political bias in Google tells us
You either are being dishonest, I don't want to think that, or you don't have a clue how politically biased Google is.
Now another example is Wikipedia.
We do a search and what comes up as right there is the knowledge panel on the right and we hopefully will have a screenshot of that.
We get Wikipedia.
My chief of staff went on, she told me, every night for two weeks and put
Proper, honest information in, with proper annotations, and Wikipedia's liberal editors around the world would knock it out every day and instead put up a bunch of garbage like Mark Levin has now been facing.
Yet to you, they get a trusted spot.
And when Wikipedia slanders or libels someone, and you're the one that has trusted them,
Above any other entity, you ought to be liable.
You ought to be liable when the SPLC is liable.
You ought to be liable when Wikipedia demeans and uses their political bias.
And I hope and encourage you to look around and notice you run off conservatives, you embrace liberals, and it's time Google was
Actually not immune so that people can hold you accountable and get a little better objectivity.
I see my time's running out.
I yield back.
So in closing, folks, they're going to bat.
They're getting it.
Good things are happening.
We're in a war.
Let's just keep pushing.
But don't think that the left's fighting so hard that they're winning.
They're fighting hard because they're fighting for their lives.
So I want to thank all the listeners.
I'm going to hand the baton over to you guys right now.
I want to thank Owen.
But history is unfolding right now.
And the info war has been at the heart of this.
So I salute you all.
I praise you.
And I appreciate you.
So just keep fighting harder than ever by hand and sharing the links to newswars.com and infowars.com and infowars.com forward slash show and support those local MNF stations because the left's calling up and harassing them.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing, and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker, and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us, and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together, and I salute you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
All right, Alex Jones has departed.
I will be taking the reins now, joined by Roger Stone in studio in the next segment.
Nick Begich has the fourth hour today, and I want to take your phone calls.
I've got the whole third hour open, so I'm definitely going to be taking phone calls in the third hour.
And I've got Roger Stone coming in studio next segment.
If he wants to take calls, we'll go ahead and open the phone lines here shortly.
I'm going to get an update on that in a second.
And I've got a lot of headlines I want to hit.
We got a
New Alex Jones video that we're going to air as well.
But before I do all that, I have to let you know about the huge Christmas special we have going on right now at InfoWareStore.com.
And in case you haven't seen yet, we've got a brand new studio that we're putting some finishing touches on right now and getting ready to go live out of.
That is something that you built.
You built InfoWars with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
You built the four studios that we have here with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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All right, let me just do a headline blitz here before we get Roger Stone in studio and then open up the phone lines.
So we've already covered Trump's working on bringing troops home from Afghanistan, working on bringing troops home from Syria.
All Americans should be celebrating that, but the left and neocon Republicans and American media are upset about that.
And then they're trying to use Mattis's resignation as
The Secretary of Defense as some sort of big defeat for Trump and it proves he's this or that.
That's just again media propaganda.
You got to say Lindsey Graham kind of caught popularity with the Trump MAGA base when he started memeing.
But when he starts saying that Trump pulling out of Syria is paving way towards a second 9-11 that's just...
Really reprehensible.
Really reprehensible rhetoric from Lindsey Graham.
And then Conservatism Inks Eric Erickson suggests the military start a coup to remove Trump.
That is so off-kilter.
It's like, do you even know what the hell you're saying?
The military, if there's any coup against Trump, the military is going to be right there to have his back.
And you'll basically have an organic
I don't even want to say coup.
It's just Trump is the President of the United States of America.
It's factions that are pro-globalism, open borders, anti-western culture that have been trying to influence our government for all this time.
The military knows that!
They're not gonna cuck to globalism?
Do you think that's why they signed up to the military?
Well, maybe some top brass that are corrupt, but it's not going to work, ladies and gentlemen.
And then this news breaks while we're live today.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, undergoes lung procedure to remove cancerous growth.
This is how desperate, though, the Democrats are for power.
Yeah, roll that clip.
This is Ruth Bader Ginsburg's last public appearance, at least speaking appearance.
I mean, they have her lit up like Emperor Palpatine.
I mean, she literally looks like a demon.
She could be in an iron lung, unable to even think, and she'll be sitting on the Supreme Court.
They'll do any sort of life extension with this woman just to keep her on the Supreme Court.
And really, it's quite sick.
Because it puts on display how desperate the Democrats are for power.
So, it's gonna be like, there'll be some vote,
At the Supreme Court, and you'll go through all the votes, and then it'll get to Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the iron lung, and it'll be like, Ruth, give us two breaths for yes, and one breath for no.
It'll be like, oh my gosh, Ruth Bader Ginsburg just made her decision on the Supreme Court!
So, it's really sick that that's what the Democrats are gonna do to this woman.
In her final hours on Earth.
But that's what you're gonna have.
That's how desperate these people are for power.
That's how they look at the Supreme Court as their entrenchment of the United States judicial system.
And so, for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, until she croaks, in fact, she could even be dead, and the Democrats will still keep her on the Supreme Court.
And if you think that's a joke,
You really don't realize the lengths these people will go to yet, do you?
Let's not forget Brett Kavanaugh.
You've got some news today about Mueller.
It's all fake news.
Bloomberg, Mueller poised to save Trump for later as he readies new steps.
Yes, pushing the ball.
Uh, farther down the field, just, just, oh yeah, we're punting now again.
See, do you see, it's almost like, I mean, it's almost like the reverse Q thing.
Like they keep saying, Mueller's gonna do this, Mueller's gonna do that, he's got this, he's coming for Trump.
And it never happens.
Nothing ever materializes, nothing ever manifests.
He doesn't even show up in court for his own indictments.
So everything Mueller is literally fake news.
Mueller, NBC.
Mueller may submit report to Attorney General as soon as mid-February.
I bet you this same headline was printed last year.
Except it was 2017.
So yeah.
But he's readying new steps now, they say.
It's all fake news.
All of it.
Acting Attorney General, who is not a joke, Matthew Whitaker will not recuse from Russia probe after ethics meetings.
They do not like Whitaker being in there.
Oh boy.
I can assure you that.
And I think Trump should act while Whitaker is there before his next guy comes in, quite frankly.
Donald Trump celebrates House victory for border security funding bill.
By the way, did we, just curious guys, did we ever get that clip?
It's fine, we're almost going to break here.
But it was from the viral video of Chuck and Nancy and Trump in the White House last week.
And Nancy's like, you don't have the votes in the House, you don't have the votes in the House.
Just roll it right here, listen to this.
Let me just say one thing.
The fact is, you do not have the votes in the House.
Nancy, I do.
We need border security.
Nancy, Nancy.
We need border security.
So, okay, we're going to break here.
We're going to open up the phone lines on the other side with Roger Stone.
I don't even need to give out the number.
They'll be loaded in a second anyway.
But there you go, Nancy.
Nancy Pelosi says, you don't have the votes in the House, Trump.
Trump's like, no, I got the votes.
You don't have the votes.
I'm talking to Chuck.
Votes come out.
Trump has the votes.
Nancy Pelosi, wrong again.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
And Mike Adams.
And the host of CounterThink here at InfoWars.com slash show on Sundays, frequent guest of the Alex Jones Show and the War Room and contributor at InfoWars.com.
Also with David Knight in the morning.
And he comes on now to talk about...
A developing news story.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, undergoes lung procedure to remove cancerous growth.
We're going to talk about that.
I also want to get his take on 5G being rolled out today on the winter solstice.
A very rare one at that.
I want to give out the phone line real quick.
The crew is going to start aggregating your calls.
When Roger joins me in the next segment, we're going to take the calls for the next hour.
Then we've got a couple of brand new videos we're going to put out for the first time here as well.
And then a classic Paul Joseph Watson report that ties into the Sacha Baron Cohen situation where it's being reported that he has unwittingly
Uncovered an elite pedophile ring in Las Vegas, but Mike Adams joins me now Mike the news comes out today Ruth Bader Ginsburg 85 has undergone a lung procedure to remove a cancerous growth
And I've said that this is a situation where the Democrats look at what they tried to do to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court with all the lies and the fake rape allegations and the fake protests and the millions of dollars raised.
Imagine what they'll do to keep Ruth Bader Ginsburg on there.
This is a crazy thing to say, but I'm not exaggerating.
If they had the means, if she died, they would keep that information secret just to keep her on the Supreme Court.
That's how sick the Democrats are with their lust for power.
But Mike Adams, what are we looking at here with a very ill Supreme Court Justice who, quite frankly, shouldn't be on the bench anymore to begin with?
Well, your analysis is spot on, Owen.
If Ruth Bader Ginsburg were to leave the court for any reason here, it would actually accelerate the attempt to assassinate President Trump or achieve a political coup.
So believe it or not,
And you know what?
I'm sorry to cut you off here, but I have to mention this too.
You amplify that with the fact he's trying to pull us out of the Middle East, end these never-ending spending wars in the Middle East, and stop the open borders.
Yes, this is like prime assassination window time right here.
I mean, wow.
Yeah, things are really ramping up, as you know.
But look, on the medical side of things, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you know, she underwent chemotherapy several years ago.
She has been dealing with cancer for many years.
In fact, I've written before that I believe she suffers from a side effect of chemotherapy called chemo-brain, which
It impairs cognitive function, and that has been evident in some of her inability to speak clearly.
But I want to be clear and say, look, none of us wish for the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
We do not wish that upon people, unlike those on the left, who literally want to kill conservatives, or kill the president, or kill Alex Jones.
We do not wish harm upon Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
We, however, we recognize cause and effect.
And if you poison your body with chemotherapy, then there is going to be an effect, and that effect is more cancer.
This is well known, Owen, throughout the cancer industry.
The number one side effect of chemotherapy is cancer.
Well, and that's, you know, I'm so glad you brought that up, Mike, because there's so many people that can relate to this.
You know, and it really touches on another issue of the way we in the West have our medical industry set up to deal with cancer, but exactly.
She underwent chemotherapy.
It was only a matter of time before cancer came back and got her.
A tragic situation.
But she shouldn't even be on the Supreme Court anymore, Mike.
I mean, really, it's an egregious situation to even have her there.
Yeah, she is no longer qualified to make decisions on the Supreme Court, in my opinion.
But, you know, there's a mechanism for people to step down, and clearly she's trying to outlive the Trump presidency, hoping that maybe a Democrat can get in in 2020.
And the left is going to go absolutely insane if she passes away.
Here's my prediction, Owen, that this is actually, this is the cancer coming back.
It is probably systemic throughout her body, but showing up on her lungs, it is probably in other places as well.
And I, you know, I pray for every human being, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
But look, the establishment that covers up natural cancer cures and pushes toxic chemotherapy is killing their own people.
And this is a great example, or a horrific example, of that happening.
So we're going to monitor this situation, but again, this intensifies the heat on the deep state and the globalists to remove Trump.
If they lose another Supreme Court seat, there's no chance Ruth Bader Ginsburg can outlive the Trump presidency.
So what will they do to maintain that seat?
I don't even want to think of the lengths that they might go to.
So a very serious situation developing there.
Now, Mike, to segue, if you don't mind.
The 5G rollout is right around the corner and I mean it's happening right now as AT&T is rolling out a bunch of their 5G networks all across the United States including four cities in Texas.
Now this is kind of a weird stroke of coincidence if you believe that.
They're rolling out this 5G today.
It's the winter solstice.
There's a full moon tonight.
There's a meteor shower.
Astrological rarities, anomalies, as they roll out this 5G.
I don't know if you think there's a connection there or not, but speaking to the dangers of 5G, Mike, again, this is kind of almost like a chemotherapy to planet Earth and humans around the world that are going to be subjected to this.
Well, Owen, I just posted a story about an hour ago that I promised to post a couple of days ago on the broadcast there, and I encourage you to bring that up because it goes through the detailed attack on humanity.
There is a human extinction agenda underway.
It's inescapable once you look at the evidence here.
5G is just part of that, as you well know.
You reported on this in many different ways.
This is
A device that talks to the 5G towers, you can be targeted and you can be given cancer.
Specifically, they can single you out of a crowd because it's the directional phase array antennas of this technology that make it a weapon system that can target individuals.
And as far as I can tell, there is pretty much no resistance to this.
I mean, you know, maybe some pushback here on InfoWars and in the media, but as far as I'm concerned, I see no pushback in government.
I see nobody warning about this.
I see it being promoted by Brad Parscale and Steve Scalise that are even celebrating it.
So Mike, this is coming and we're going to have to deal with this no matter what.
So what can people do to protect themselves?
Well, it is incredible.
You think about the waves of assault on humanity.
It wasn't just the fluoride in the water.
It wasn't just the GMOs or the toxic vaccine ingredients that caused infertility and spontaneous abortions and seizures and so on.
It is layer upon layer of attack.
But there's money for the corporations in these attacks on humanity.
Whether it's 5G or bio-sludge or other things, these are all attacks on humanity.
Number one thing is for people to turn off the corporate-controlled media, turn on the independent media like InfoWars, and spread the word.
Because, you know what?
Awareness is the solution.
If people knew that they were under attack,
They would act out.
They would speak up.
They would call their members of Congress or perhaps stage protests.
Who knows what?
But humanity is being killed and most people are asleep and have no idea it's happening, Owen.
That's where we are today.
Awareness is the first step of the solution.
Well that's absolutely accurate, and that's the same cause for globalism is to just shed a light on it, and when people see what it is, they're not interested in it.
So that's what we do here at InfoWars.
Thank you so much, Mike.
Again, he is live on Sundays with CounterThink here at InfoWars.com slash show, and check out his story when it comes to 5G and other stories he's going to be rolling out at NaturalNews.com and InfoWars.com.
Mike, thank you for joining us on Short North of Cedar today.
All right, now when we come back, Roger Stone is going to be in studio and we have opened up the phone lines.
So your calls for myself and Roger Stone on the other side of this break, 1-877-789-ALEX.
Whatever you want to talk about, there's kind of a lot of stuff out there that you could comment on.
The wall, the funding, the shutdown, pulling troops out of Syria, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it's all on the table.
It's Open Line Friday.
We'll be right back.
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
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So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember...
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing it's being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another love.
Roger, you're not allowed to say that.
You're supposed to keep that information secret.
Roger Stone with us in studio here, and there's more fake news attacks against Roger Stone, but they're actually old news.
It's just rewriting articles in Salon.
Robert Mueller is closing in on Roger Stone.
Well, they've been saying that for about two years now.
No, it's Flashback Friday, folks!
They wrote this exact same article one year ago, then six months ago, then six weeks ago.
This is how the fake news rolls.
Salon is the worst of the worst.
A bunch of elitist faux hipsters, none of them very good writers, losing money like there is no tomorrow.
The only people reading this are aging hippies and millennials who don't know any better, yet they keep recycling, oh, and the same fake news.
I do believe this is the same salon that said pedophilia was okay.
Those are, you have them, those are the people you're referring to.
Really class people though, there at the salon.
And that was Matthew Rosa, I think, that wrote that article?
We're gonna go ahead and add him.
But if you've seen him, you would know why he feels that way, in all honesty.
This guy lives in his parents' basement.
There's no doubt about it.
Well, it's cheap rent.
So we're gonna go ahead and add Matthew Rosa to the Coward and Fraud
And if he's not willing to come on and actually talk to you, we'll go ahead and put him on the list as a total coward and fraud, just like Shelby Holliday.
And then Natasha Bertrand, she's a classic one.
Same story.
They're bearing down on you.
No, Roger, they're trying to destroy your life because you stood with America and you stood with Trump.
Yeah, no, this one I think bears some special attention.
Natasha Bertrand really rivals Shelby Holliday as the single worst reporter in America.
Now, I have a series of emails in which she actually reveals that she's been receiving classified information from Eric Swallow as well.
Which of course is a violation of law.
There will be a Republican member of Congress filing a formal complaint against Swallow's Well for these activities.
But Natasha Bertrand is literally human garbage.
For example, she writes yet again that Roger Stone says the New York talk show host Randy Credico was his source.
But she never references the more than 80 pages of text messages which I provided publicly, proving beyond dispute that that is a fact, an indisputable fact.
So, Natasha, we're watching you every day, every night.
You are the epitome of fake news.
You are a piece of human garbage.
Natasha Bertrand, human garbage.
You gotta like that.
So we'll reach out to her.
She's gonna be on the Coward and Fraud Watch and she probably won't come on and address you because she's too big of a coward to do so.
But Roger, what they're trying to do is they're trying to take your testimony and let Mueller redact and manipulate it however he wants before it goes out public so that they can make up some more lies about you.
Yeah, no, that's why yesterday, as you know, Owen, I called on the House Intelligence Committee to release the transcript of my testimony publicly.
People have forgotten the fact that I wanted my testimony to be in public.
I want it to be televised.
Let the whole world see the Democrats jumping up and down and asking like a-holes.
Let them see me answering every single question.
I was not there under subpoena.
I was there voluntarily.
The documents that I turned over were not turned over under subpoena.
They were turned over voluntarily.
After two hours of being badgered, Trey Gowdy said, well, Mr. Stone, you're not really here under a subpoena.
You're free to get up and leave any time.
And I said, no, Congressman, I want to stay until there are no more questions.
And I answered questions for two and a half more hours.
But by having this entire process conducted in secret, Robert Mueller can come back in a week and say, well,
The document said redacted and redacted and therefore Roger Stone lied about his communications with Jerry Corsi.
Let's have some full disclosure here.
Let's have absolute transparency.
I call yet again for the House Intelligence Committee to release the full transcript today.
Oh, and it's unbelievable.
I'm not even allowed to have a copy.
My lawyers are allowed to examine the transcript in a secret little locked up room, but they're not even allowed to take notes.
That's how secret this is.
It's an affront to everything we believe in.
Release my testimony and it will prove, definitively, it's Adam Schiff who's a liar.
Don't swallow that, it's covered in Schiff.
I mean, this guy is mounting a veritable shift storm of disinformation about me.
He said recently that my contacts with WikiLeaks are more extensive than previously disclosed.
Congressman, I'm calling you out!
Prove it!
What contacts are you referring to?
Show us the transmissions!
Oh, they don't exist!
That's because you are full of shift!
And it really tells you how much of a piece of human trash Schiff is that he knows that this is all bullcrap.
He knows the whole thing is a lie.
He was the one that tried to collude with Russia during a prank phone call that we have on record.
So he's just there wasting your time, wasting Congress's time, wasting taxpayer dollars.
That is what Adam Schiff is best at.
He's been making all these defamatory claims about me.
It's time for him to Schiff or get off the pot.
Couldn't resist, sorry.
Are there any more?
You know what I say, if it's Schiff, flush it.
And for those of you listening on radio, we said Schiff every time.
S-C-H-I-F-F, just to be clear.
Alright, we're going to open up the phone lines, guys.
In fact, if you could give me, I don't know if we've got the caller list up or not yet.
Okay, so we're going to open up the phone lines here, but Roger, this is...
This is really next-level marketing or salesmanship.
I don't know what you want to call this, but the Roger Stone is going viral.
It is unbelievable, Owen.
This is the Roger Stone, okay?
This is a paperweight in which I take a stone and I sign my name to it.
Now, this is an exact historical replica, we did a lot of research, of the very stone that little David used to bring down Goliath.
Yeah, you got the archives.
And we sell it, of course, as a paperweight.
We did.
That's the purpose of it.
Now, the reason that I devised this was to raise money for my legal defense fund.
As I think most people know, Robert Mueller and the House and Senate Democrats and all these left-wing groups, including the DNC, who have sued me, are trying to drive me into bankruptcy.
So this Christmas, I need help from the InfoWarrior Army.
I need people to go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
But one way we are raising money is through the sale of these Roger Stones.
And Talking Points Memo and Rolling Stone and other faux hipster jerk-offs went out there and posted stories making fun of me for selling these.
The result of that is thousands of people have now gone to the website ordering their stone.
So if you want one, go to StoneColdTruth.com and then go click on shop and you will find the stone.
Get your Roger Stone today.
Owen Schroeder presented one yesterday as his Christmas present.
He couldn't be happier.
All right, we have got some calls we're going to take, but Alex Jones is on the phone right now with some breaking news.
Let's go to Alex Jones now.
Go ahead, Alex.
Sure, well let's be clear.
I'm up here in Omaha, Nebraska taking my father-in-law with my wife to the doctor.
He's having some medical issues.
That's why I am not in the ATX, but I'm listening to you guys while I sit here in the hospital.
You're doing a great job, but I really want to get Roger's expertise on how
Incredible it is that we've seen the shakeup of the Chief of Staff, and now we've seen Mattis, which we knew were brought in by Bannon.
Roger knew this first.
He told me over a year and a half ago, Bannon's bad.
I said, I don't care.
I'm going to be a team player.
And he said, OK, you're crazy.
And it turned out Bannon was the mole the whole time.
So Roger was right about that.
So when you guys come back the next hour, you're going to take some calls.
But I first want to hear you get into
I want Roger to take on this.
How big it is that he's pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria.
A campaign promise.
That means he's not listening to them.
He's going what he originally said he would do.
And this is the maximum effort, I think, of the Deep State will now try to come after him.
I also want to get into the move to take Section 230 away from Big Tech.
But you know Trump is behind with Gohmert.
I mean Trump is really taking the gloves off.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm not a spectator.
We're in the middle of this.
Our audience aren't spectators.
They're involved by supporting us to spread the word, but this is so epic.
I'm on the edge of my seat.
I know I'm on a cell phone in a hospital, so I'm going to go back to you guys, but I want to hear all this before we take calls.
Please take over.
Well, Roger, I mean, just talk about briefly, before we go to this break, just the epicness that's going on in D.C.
right now.
There's never been anything like it.
Well, um, I didn't get most of that audio, so I'm going to have to riff through this.
But, you know, this reminds me very much of 1974, when there was a mainstream media democratic alliance, a combine, designed to take down President Richard Nixon.
Nixon's real sin?
He negotiated a strategic arms limitation with the Soviets.
He opened the door to China.
He ended the Vietnam War.
Oh my God, the man was a peacemaker.
You see the same thing happening right now.
Donald Trump taking our troop level in Afghanistan down by 50 percent, bringing our boys home, removing our troops from Syria.
The deep state is going into hard drive.
They've gone into high gear because war is extremely profitable.
And the lobbyists for the defense contractors, they're part of the deep state too, and the neocons who continue to infect Donald Trump's Pentagon, Donald Trump's national security apparatus, Donald Trump's national intelligence operas.
They are beside themselves when they found out that when the president pledged to the American people in the last election that he was tired of endless foreign war where our inherent national interests were not clear.
He wasn't kidding.
Donald Trump, peacemaker.
Now they really want to take him out.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're good to go.
So Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not healthy, and she's undergoing some very serious lung surgery.
Her time here on this earth is not going to be outlasting President Trump's time in office, is where the odds are there.
This is not something we're celebrating, this is just a matter of fact.
Roger, we just saw the Democrats go to extraordinary lengths, tell extraordinary lies, extraordinary tales, to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court, who has a lot of, you know, kind of establishment ties, a Bushite, who just kept Planned Parenthood getting funding at the state level.
So just, if we just saw what they did to try to keep him off the Supreme Court, can you even imagine what they would do?
Look, I think this is the Democrats' worst nightmare.
Donald Trump forging a permanent conservative majority.
Supreme Court of younger jurists who can last decades.
On the U.S.
This is what's driving them crazy.
So here's what I can predict.
Regardless of who the president selects as his nominee, man or woman, they will accuse that person of doing something wrong.
It will be totally manufactured.
It will be fraudulent.
They'll have no evidence.
They'll have no proof.
They'll have no corroboration.
It'll be wild.
Like, for example, they might accuse the nominee of being a gang rapist, for example.
Or of drugging and raping members of the opposite sex.
Something really crazy and unbelievable like that.
Exactly like they did with Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
And then they will try to whip the people into a faux hysteria based on these false charges.
This is Infowars, tomorrow's news today.
You heard it here first.
Whoever the president nominates, man or woman, will be accused of some untoward, illegal, outrageous act, and they will produce no evidence whatsoever, but the Democrats will go into high gear, insisting that it really happened.
Yeah, my guess is they come up with some crazy accusation.
Maybe it's like something from high school or something.
They were at some weird party or some nonsense.
It'll be just totally ridiculous.
And then two days later, eyewitnesses will come forward.
The eyewitnesses to the event.
I mean, I don't really know.
I can't think of who the president might want to put on the Supreme Court.
I don't want to name any names.
Jeanine Pirro.
But I think there are a number of women attorneys who would be highly qualified, both on the bench or in private practice today, former prosecutors perhaps, who would be ideal for this position.
And therefore, I think it's safe to say that the President is going to go back to the list that was supplied to him by the Federalist Society.
A list that he pledged when he was running for president that he would choose from.
There's an eminent number of men and women on that list.
There's a few more libertarian-oriented jurists.
I would urge him to look in that direction, particularly given the fact that this president in the last couple days
He has withdrawn our troops from Syria and taken our troop number down in Afghanistan.
He has signed sweeping legislation to change the criminal justice system so that people who are convicted of first-time nonviolent crimes are not put in jail forever.
And he has legalized industrial hemp.
All key points on the libertarian agenda.
Mr. President, you are a libertarian.
You just don't know it.
I would like to see... It's Amy Barrett Cohen, I think was the... Yes, she was kind of the runner-up.
She would be an excellent nominee.
Now, there's a giant problem right off the bat.
She's pro-life.
So she has to be destroyed.
The left will go insane.
She must be destroyed because she would probably vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
That will drive them completely insane.
Speaking of that, the movie Roe v. Wade
We'll be coming out in January.
I have a small cameo in that movie.
My friend Gary Heaven has a small cameo in that movie.
This is a blockbuster.
It really is going to be extraordinary.
You gotta tune in for that.
Yeah, the Democrats don't like you getting in the way of their child sacrifice.
That's for darn sure.
All right, we're going to come back on the other side more with Roger Stone, your phone calls, and what happens.
I mean, let's say Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I mean, tragically doesn't have even a month left.
I mean, we're really in a tight spiral here.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
You know, the one really cool part about being the head of the InfoWorks Network is when I'm even on so-called vacation or visiting my wife's family in Omaha, I get to call into my own show and take it over and commandeer it, but this is how I'm going to commandeer it.
We were going to air a couple special reports that people put up in the last two segments of this hour, but let's just not do that so Roger and Ellen have time to take all these calls for people that are holding.
We've got a guest host, obviously, in the fourth hour of this Friday edition coming up today, but I just wanted to bring this up as I'm listening here to Roger, and he brought up Judge Jeanine Pirro.
She's super smart.
She's got a great record.
She's super good looking, but she's also tough.
And whether it's a man or a woman, whether it's Barrett or Herb, they're going to make up outrageous crap, criminal stuff, you name it.
And so I think Judge Jeanine's perfect because she's close to the President, she's strong, she has a very conservative voting record, and she's tough, and she will destroy.
Instead of just sitting there crying like Kavanaugh and getting upset, I don't know why he did.
I remember thinking, God, if Judge Jeanine, I know for a fact that a lot of people were pushing her, if Judge Jeanine was in there, she would absolutely chew them to hell.
Because when you're being accused of something you haven't done, just attack.
I think that's the move with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, preparing to make the jump into hyperspace after already having chemotherapy and now having cancer again and going through lung surgery today.
We wish her well, but my God, years ago she was stumbling around like she was a reanimated corpse.
So, this is a big deal and it shows why the left is so scared.
They're the traitors that sold the country out.
They're the people that thought they were invincible.
And all over the world, humanity's awakening.
Yes, it's not fun.
We get to the brunt of their attack.
But it doesn't matter because the fight is on.
So please, Roger Enno, and get into that.
And let's start wrapping Judge DePiro.
I totally agree with you.
We need to get these names out there.
I know she's already close to the president.
And then let's go to the phone calls to balance the hour.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Go ahead.
Well, and I think because we've already been down this road recently, Roger, with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump can even...
Go in with a little more strategy to this, and let's say he wants to pull kind of a, you know, they call it a 4G chess move, and you put Judge Jeanine out there as the nominee, and you let them destroy her, excoriate her, she defends it, but then he says, okay, fine, we'll pull it back, and then we'll put, you know, Amy Barrett Cohen on.
So, because we've kind of seen the tactics now of the total, just unhinged Democrats, I think Trump can now learn how to use that to his advantage.
Well, I'm not sure people understand that Jeanine Pirro served with great distinction as the Westchester County District Attorney.
She was a crusading district attorney.
And she was very aggressive on sex crimes, child exploitation, and so on.
She is just a great, great woman.
Tough as nails.
Deeply principled.
Extremely articulate.
And yes, for many years, close to the President.
She would be an ideal nominee, in my opinion.
As you point out, generally speaking, we try to put, at this point, people on the bench who are younger at all levels, so that the Trump revolution can outlast him.
And that would be the only reservation, although, in all honesty, Judge Jeanine looks very young to me.
And I think she'd be a great nominee, guaranteed to drive the left completely insane.
Now, I don't know what Judge Jeanine's future is at Fox, where I believe that some of the greatest talent there, Sean Hannity, our friend Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine, Judge Andrew Napolitano, whose recent comments kind of bewilder me, but who I still think is fundamentally a good man.
I don't know what their future is as the Murdochs try to move Fox to become more like the Sky Channel and try to erase all the things that made Fox profitable and one of the most trusted names in news today.
It is really sad to see what's happening at Fox.
Shemp Smith watching this guy.
I liked him much better when he was in the Three Stooges.
This guy is a clown.
Giving him two hours in the middle of the day to spout left-wing disinformation.
That's not television.
That's garbage.
And just total stupidity, too.
I mean, there's nothing to that guy.
Shemp Smith.
Shemp Smith.
Good ol' Shempy.
Yeah, he's a little light in the loafers.
He appears that way.
But folks, the other thing I want to remind all of you of, because it's important, if you like what Owen and I do here every day at the War Room, if you like the iconic Alex Jones Show, if you're tuning in to David Knight, recognize that we are literally under siege here.
You see, one of the reasons they want to close InfoWars down is because they know that I can use it as a platform to defend myself from the onslaught of Robert Mueller and Congressman Adam Schiff and Congressman Eric Swallowswell and the whole cabal of left-wing Democrat congressmen who smear and defame me and would like, frankly, to put me in jail.
They know I can come on InfoWars and tell you the truth.
They know that InfoWars is a platform that Alex Jones can use to mobilize millions of Americans if there's an illicit attempt to take down our president.
The left has always loved civil disobedience when it's on the left.
This is one of the greatest things about Dr. Martin Luther King.
And I guarantee you there will be civil disobedience if there is an illicit attempt to take down our president.
But it needs a Paul Revere.
It needs a beacon of truth.
It needs a platform where people learn the facts and what is really going on.
So they want to take Infowars down.
How can you stop that?
The single best way is for you to go to the Infowars.com store now.
You see, we don't have any giant multinational corporations.
We don't have any right-wing fat cats who are underwriting what we do here.
We are completely and totally listener and viewer, sponsored and supported.
If you don't buy our great cutting-edge nutraceutical products, or our books, or our t-shirts, or any of our other great products, our water filters, we literally cannot survive.
Now we have the additional burden of millions of dollars of legal fees paid to ravenous lawyers to defend us in an entire series of harassment left-wing lawsuits that are really designed just to generate negative headlines that can then be used to be taken to various radio stations and other outlets and say, oh, you see, you've got to silence Alex Jones.
You've got to silence Roger Stone.
This is the game that they are doing, and it means our costs are astronomical.
So, please, look at the Infowars.com store now.
Go to our 12 days of Christmas sale.
Look at some of these extraordinary prices.
And do all your Christmas shopping, even your last-minute Christmas shopping, here at the Infowars.com store.
Oh, and what products do you prefer in this enormous sale?
Well, that just depends.
I mean, I like the bodies post-workout.
It keeps inflammation and soreness down the next day.
I have a true story here.
When I got to Austin, my left knee, I don't know if I bumped it or what, it was killing me.
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Please go to the InfoWars.com store now to do all your Christmas shopping.
And again, Alex Jones gets digitally assassinated off of all the major social media platforms, but thanks to you and Alex building InfoWars, we have a platform here where we can counter their narratives, counter their lies, and still get millions of eyes on us because of the platform we built and you built here at InfoWars.
Okay, again, the big news, Ruth Bader Ginsburg having major lung surgery, not long for this world.
A sad situation there, but what does this mean for the Supreme Court?
Trump is pulling troops out of the Middle East.
The left, the neocon right, the American media is panicking.
Their stocks in Raytheon are going down.
And you've got the border wall dispute happening right now.
Trump got the votes in the House like he said he would.
Nancy Pelosi said he wouldn't.
She was wrong again.
She's a total dingbat out of touch with reality.
What happens in the Senate?
Will Mitch McConnell get it done?
Or will Chuck the Rat Schumer keep the borders wide open?
Want revenge on the common housefly?
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I think so.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, if Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't make it much longer, Roger, we're looking at... I mean, I can't even imagine the political chaos with the wall funding that's about to go down, the congressional shift we're about to have with the new Congress being sworn in, the new Attorney General.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Perhaps now a Supreme Court Justice seat up.
We're really looking at quite wild things coming across here, the pipeline, in 2019, are we not?
We really are.
You know, in all honesty, a shout-out is due to two outstanding public servants, at least in this case.
Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul principally responsible for the inclusion of the legalization of industrial hemp in the farm bill that President Trump signed last week.
This is something that libertarians and freethinkers have been fighting for for decades.
So in this particular case our hats off to Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul whose original idea this was to having the courage to push this through and of course to the president for signing it.
All right, let's open up the phone lines here.
We've already got callers lined up.
We're going to start with Chris calling in from Chicago, wants to talk Supreme Court.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hey, gentlemen.
How are you?
Great, thanks for calling.
Well, first of all, I just want to tell you and the crew I put the blood of Jesus Christ over you every single day.
Thank you.
Listen, you know, nothing's more annoying than the word bipartisanship because it never works in conservatives' favor.
You know, there's always this sort of Alinsky Delay tactic with these ass clowns.
You know, they're always saying, trust Mueller.
You know, give us abortion with the mother's life and rape and incest.
The Second Amendment, they want to ban bump stocks and registration.
And, you know, it kind of over Thanksgiving, I had a, you know, sort of come to Jesus moment with my family.
A lot of conservatives, a lot of good people.
But they're not willing to go on offense to take the gloves off and sort of get back in people's faces when, you know, it's not going in their favor.
They just sort of lay down and take it.
Well, let me see if I can articulate what I think you're trying to say a little bit differently.
Basically, it's like if you're a conservative and you're trying to negotiate, you have a negotiation and you reach an agreement and that's just you trying to be negotiable and be open so that you can have some compromise.
But when it's the left or the Democrats doing it, it's in their eyes, it's this, okay, I'm just chipping away.
They're just chipping away, getting further and further down their agenda.
They're not actually trying to compromise.
To them, it's just furthering their agenda.
Also, conservatives respect the rule of law.
And we're consistent.
We're not inconsistent.
They're hypocrites.
They have no respect for the rule of law.
So James Clapper can lie under oath.
About the existence of a metadata collection agency.
And when we learned through the disclosures of Edward Snowden that all of that is a lie, he's never prosecuted.
Now they're going through my testimony trying to find out whether I said that the burger I had was medium rare when it was really well done.
It would actually be the other way around.
But General Mike Flynn is set up, he doesn't even really lie to an FBI agent, but they want to send him to prison.
You see, there's no consistency on the left.
Our people respect authority and they respect the law.
They respect nothing.
We don't want to take our guns and fix the situation.
We count on the police and the military, who we pay to do that, under the rule of law.
They have no such compunction.
The Antifa thugs will go out and they will beat old people.
They will beat women.
They will assault private citizens.
They don't care about the law.
That's the difference between the left and the right.
So it's like a bipartisan agreement to ban bump stocks, but really it's just the left furthering their agenda to take guns.
Is that what you're saying, Chris?
Oh no, absolutely.
Yeah, I mean, that's...
You know, it never worked in conservatives' favor, and we always end up giving up, you know, ground.
And that's why the American people need to show their support for Trump, because he is the stone wall that's not going to allow the left to just further their agenda, at least that's why we elected him.
Thank you so much for the call, Chris.
I've got to jump, though.
Let's go to, let's stick with somebody who's, well, I won't even say what they want to talk about, because most of the time they talk about something else.
So let's go to Gerald in Arkansas.
Go ahead, Gerald.
I'm hearing you.
The Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we'll start with the Supreme Court, first of all.
There's nothing supreme about it.
They're all bar attorneys.
I don't understand why people... You guys have got a lot of good whistleblowers on there, but I know we talked about it before.
You had Joe Bannister on there.
The people that know the Constitution, the truth is not being brought forward.
You know we're still under common law.
They don't call it common legal, it's common law, but it's been covered up.
See, that's what really gets to me.
Anybody can go look it up, but we're under uniformed commercial code.
Bar attorneys, they're not lawyers, they're bar attorneys.
A law barrister is who wrote the Constitution.
Well, look, General, you're getting into fundamental...
Yeah, just abandonments of what America was intended to be.
I mean, you can start at the Supreme Court, you can end up with the Constitution, I mean, you could really end anywhere.
But again, you know, Roger, this kind of goes back to the last caller's point.
This has been what the left has done.
Instead of conservatives and liberals or whatever compromising, it's just the left liberal agenda furthering itself.
Well, it's true.
Right now, there's a group of scientists, and they're trying to figure out whether they can put Ruth Bader Ginsburg's head in a glass case like Futurama, and as long as she still can talk, they'll keep her on the Supreme Court.
Kidding, of course.
Hold on a second.
I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg head may actually have been in a Futurama episode.
I think you're right, actually.
Because you see, she's an icon for the left, which shows you how screwed up they are.
Matt Drudge actually said they would put a head in a jar.
We might actually see Ruth Bader Ginsburg head in a jar.
It's entirely possible.
Well, we've seen they put Nixon's head in a jar.
I kind of enjoyed that, if you want to know the truth.
Well, I actually am a big fan of Futurama, but everybody knows, like, the weird predictions that the Simpsons made and that Matt Groening has somehow been able to do in his shows over the years.
Guys, see if you can find... I could have swore... I remember an episode with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's head in a jar.
In Futurama.
Alright, Gerald, thank you so much for the call.
Let's squeeze one in real quick.
Chase the Patriot in California.
60 seconds.
Fire away.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Frontlines of California.
Chase the Patriot.
Now, real quick.
Everyone listening.
Realize that you're listening for free.
Support the cause and vote with your dollar by checking out InfoWars store.
They got great stuff for the New Year, for Christmas, and everything in between.
Now, I want to talk about direct results of these sanctuary laws in my state.
If you guys look up Gustavo Garcia Toleri, this is something we're dealing with the last couple days.
He went on a two-day shooting spree, rampage, one of Pelosi's children are talking about.
But you guys haven't heard about it.
Because he was brought here as a child.
So, you know, he's free from any wrongdoing.
He was stealing, he had guns, drug charges, child endangerment since 2002.
He had been deported twice before, and worst of all, Owen, direct results of our sanctuary laws.
He was in custody two days before the rampage, but our sheriff- Chase the Patriot in California, thank you for the call.
He's got a YouTube channel, Chase the Patriot.
California, man, it's just lost.
I feel, it's such a beautiful state, too.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
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For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
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So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech, and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future.
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We're on the march.
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I salute you all.
Now please take action at mfortworthstore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Owen Troyer.
We got Roger Stone in studio.
We're still taking your phone calls.
Really quick though, I want to mention a story of a drone kind of stalking, if you will, an airport, the Gatwick Airport.
And this is kind of being turned into a big story.
I won't go into the details, but...
That drone harassment at that airport or whatever the heck's going on, they can't even apparently find the person flying the drone or the multiple people, whatever the deal is.
This has all the makings of a precedent-setting story here when it comes to drones and airports and how they regulate that.
But I want to get back to the phone lines.
So let's go to Dan calling in from Louisiana.
Go ahead, Dan in the Bayou.
Hello, hello, Dan Bordelon.
Thank you for taking my call.
First, I'd like to say Merry Christmas to Imple Wars and your entire staff.
Merry Christmas!
Patriotic listeners from coast to coast and worldwide.
Well, thank you, Dan.
Merry Christmas to you.
Go ahead.
My first comment, I'd like to
About the total nonsense of Facebook.
I'm on Facebook, which, I mean, I'm only on there to promote Americanism.
And anyone that's on my page news, that's all I post is patriotic, American, conservative, Christian value.
You know, I post Alex Jones on there all the time on my page, encouraging people to go to InfoWars and also post other stuff that I find very informative and helpful for people to expand their mind.
If I can plug John B. Wells.
Midnight Caravan and Midnight Episode 369.
His lady guest, I can't remember her name, but she is absolutely fantastic.
She has uncovered a treasure trove of information about the 9-11 cover-up that I would encourage, I would literally encourage anyone to watch that.
It's stunning, to say the least.
Well, and you know, here's the thing about the 9-11 cover-up or conspiracy or whatever people want to call it.
There's just so many facts out there that never went reported on cable news, so they never hear about it, Roger.
They never hear about Mueller's involvement.
They never hear about the terrorists coming in and out.
They never hear about the activity in Florida with the corrupt bureaucrats down there.
Well, the fact that John Brennan, as the station chief in RIDA for the CIA, approves the visas for a number of the hijackers to leave there and come here.
That never gets reported.
No, particularly the angle of Saudi involvement is always fascinated me.
John B. Wells, very good man, does excellent work, and I've seen that particular show that you refer to.
I really commend it.
It's really worth your time.
Alright, Dan, I'm sorry I gotta jump, but yes, thank you so much for sharing that stuff on Facebook.
A lot of people are afraid to do that, that they may get banned for it.
Alright, let's go to Jennifer calling in from Illinois.
Go ahead, Jennifer.
Hi, thanks.
I just wanted to point out that I think Alex has mentioned before how the microchipping that we see coming down the pipeline really is seen in the Book of Revelation.
Additionally, I think there's one that's not widely recognized, but that a lot of people understand.
Revelation Chapter 12, a great and mysterious sign appeared in the sky, a woman who was clothed in the sun.
That was the miracle of the sun in Fatima in 1917, witnessed by over 70,000 people.
Now, honestly, how many miracles in the Bible were pre-predicted and witnessed by over 70,000 people?
Like, this is a big deal.
And it's absolutely been buried by the fake Catholic Church we have in power, completely infiltrated, you know.
The people running the church are not Catholic.
There are prophecies in it, there are demands from God that have not been met, and they've been nothing, they've done nothing but
Really, they've covered it up.
Well, there's no doubt, there's no doubt the power of the Bible and it's prophecy.
Just the more I live and experience, the more I realize that.
And there is also no doubt that's why they want it banned on social media, that's why they attack Christians and conservatives.
But yes, the Catholic Church...
Has been unfortunately corrupted for a long, long time and the real big secrets of the Vatican are all about how they can go in to these sites where there's ancient burial grounds, claim the land for religious purposes, excavate the site, send it to the Vatican and then nobody ever sees it again.
And then of course you see all the sex abuse rampant going on inside the Vatican.
It's very sad because there was a time when the Catholic Church was a bastion of anti-communism
And when it really stood for biblical values.
In all honesty, I think our current Pope is a communist.
He's betraying the values of the Catholic Church.
I really subscribe to what you say because given the extraordinary crucible that I'm going through, it's only the Bible and my belief in God that sustain me in this incredible fight.
Robert Mueller, the Deep State, Adam Schiff and those clowns, they want to send me to prison even though I have committed no crime whatsoever.
Well, that's not true.
My crime in their eyes is my support for Donald Trump and my opposition to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the globalists.
And they literally want to send me to prison, even though I've broken no laws.
They're trying to destroy me financially.
It is only through my faith in God and the loyal support of the Infowars community that I am able to continue the fight.
And some days, I must tell you, it's daunting.
It's difficult.
And that's why I get down on my knees and pray.
So, thank you for your call.
And you know, just something else, too.
Thank you for the call, Jennifer.
It's just like, just the power and the omnipotence of God.
It's like, it's like Roger, if you knew that someone 500 years from now or a thousand years from now, let's say you bury your Roger Stone somewhere and you know that someone 500 years from now is just going to come to that spot and for some reason they need that Roger Stone.
It's like you knew that.
Like God knows that.
He's put all of these little Easter eggs, all these little things out there for us to have at that exact moment.
But when you don't understand that you were created in a divine nature, you never see God's language.
You never see how God is speaking to you.
And you miss the omnipotence.
And Roger, as you said, I mean, you've been calling on God to protect you while these demons here are trying to destroy your life and your family.
Let's take another call here.
Virginia calling in from Kansas.
Go ahead, Virginia.
Thank you for taking my call.
Are you there?
Thank you for taking my call.
And let me first say God bless America and God bless President Trump and God bless you for getting the truth out.
I want to make a quick comment on the border security and the wall because I'm not hearing this put out here on the news.
The liberals, the Democrats and the rhinos in Congress have tried to tell the people if he doesn't get the money, he's not going to be able to use the army.
He can't do that to build.
We're good to go.
Because these people in Congress are telling us he doesn't, so we need to know the people.
Well, he's already used the military to secure the border fence, and we've seen the videos with the barbed wire going up.
A lot of people are thinking that, you know, maybe bringing the troops home, you station them down at the border, that might be something Trump is thinking.
But Roger, how about this for a... By the way, thank you for the call, Virginia.
How about this for a weird kind of next...
I really think this is kind of the future of Free Market Republic is the crowdfunding, crowdfunding projects.
So like, okay, do we want a wall?
Okay, well let's go crowdfund it.
I think there's over $10 million now on a GoFundMe for the wall.
Right, so how soon will it be before GoFundMe closes that down, as they close the wall?
Well, they're making millions of dollars off this.
Yeah, but look what they did to Laura Loomer.
I mean, Laura Loomer set up a GoFundMe account.
They're trying to destroy her financially the same way they're trying to destroy me financially.
She put up a GoFundMe site to fund her incredibly effective investigative journalism and her questioning of radical Islam, and GoFundMe essentially deplatformed her.
So, unfortunately, even they are subject to the left-wing pressure from the Skolds who just want to shut them down.
I commend this veteran from Florida.
I don't know where he is now.
This morning when I woke up, he was at 11.7 million.
It's over 12 now.
And this is in like 72 hours or so.
All right, Roger Stone is going to stick with you and take some more phone calls in the next segment.
By the way, environmentalists just stormed the BBC headquarters.
They want global warming a top editorial issue, but they ignore the admitted climate change that governments do, and they ignore the 5G coming, and they ignore all the natural disasters of GMOs and everything in the Glasgow States.
They ignore that.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
Every order gets a free t-shirt.
Every order gets free shipping.
Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance, and that funding
Allows us to go into the new year on sure footing to fund ourselves throughout the first part of the year.
To not just fight, but to expand.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at m4store.com.
Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we have like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that, and I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, then 4Wars4.com to give you my absolute total commitment.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back, I'm Roger Stone, and you're on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to continue with your calls, because two-way dialogue with the InfoWars community is very important to us here.
And I want to also take the opportunity to remind you one more time to get in that last-minute Christmas shopping by going to the InfoWars.com store.
We'll come back to that in a little bit, but when I got to Austin, I must tell you, I bumped my knee somewhere along the way, and it was killing me.
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There you see Brain Force Plus.
This stuff is great in terms of mental clarity and energy.
If you're like me, you get that dip around four o'clock in the afternoon.
You just want to take a nap.
I pop a couple of these and I'm ready for the war room, which at my time is five o'clock Eastern.
So tune in to the War Room today, by the way, when Jacob Engels from the Central Florida Post joins me for a special update on Steve Bannon and why Steve Bannon has been secretly meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted Clinton pedophile pimp.
Why would Steve Bannon, allegedly a nationalist, be secretly meeting?
Hey Roger, Merry Christmas.
You guys are doing an awesome job out there.
Uh, I just wanted to remind you guys of something you were talking about, uh, Judge Jeanine earlier, uh, with regard to being in the Trump administration.
And I wanted to point out, and there's a video of this, you can look it up yourself.
It's called Joe Arpaio on immigration debate and is run for Senate.
From early in January of this year, Sheriff Joe brought up his investigations to Judge Jeanine.
And you know what the investigation was, Obama's forged documents and everything.
And she cut him off, told him he basically didn't know what he was talking about, called him a liar right to his face.
This guy's a 50-year-plus law enforcement officer who did a forensic investigation on all that stuff, and he's absolutely telling the truth.
But she won't allow that, just like everybody else on Fox.
Well, I think I'm in a unique position to address this because Sheriff Joe is a good friend of mine.
Jeanine Piero is a good friend of mine.
I'm going to chalk this up to her corporate masters at Fox.
There's two things you cannot discuss at Fox.
One of them is the issue just raised.
The other one is, of course, Seth Rich.
You can have no discussion of Seth Rich.
I think this is odd because a terrific article that I read in The Nation magazine, not exactly a right-wing or conservative publication, shows that some of the counterintelligence experts like Bill Binney and Ray McGovern and others point to very substantial forensic evidence that demonstrates that the Democratic National Committee was never hacked.
By anyone.
And it was much more likely, based on the load times of downloads, that the information that was allegedly purloined from the DNC was loaded to some kind of portable disk and taken out the back door.
Most likely by, you guessed it, Seth Rich.
But the Fox corporate masters will not allow Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or Judge Napolitano or Judge Jeanine to discuss this.
So I'm going to chalk the fact
That she cut Sheriff Joe off up to her efforts to kowtow, unfortunately, to the people who pay her paycheck.
Charles, thank you very much for your call.
Let's go to Chris in Washington State.
Chris, are you with us?
All right, we're going to move on.
Let's try.
Let's see.
Let's go to Kevin in West Virginia.
Kevin, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, Mr. Stone.
I wanted to talk to you about Trump's tweets from yesterday talking about how if they try to criminally remove him, the American people would have a revolt.
I think we're just too divided still to come together.
I mean,
The only thing that most Americans can do nowadays is only to agree to disagree.
I mean, I know these demon rats are insane enough to try to do something like that, but if they succeed, what do we do?
Well, first of all, we're not agreeing to disagree.
You see, they don't want a debate.
That implies a debate and some civility.
Their answer, when we want to discuss any issue, when we want to get into the facts of the situation, is to censor us.
They can't beat Alex Jones in a debate.
They know that.
They can't beat Tucker Carlson in a debate.
They know that.
They can't beat Sean Hannity in a debate.
They know that.
They most certainly can't beat Roger Stone in a debate.
They really know that.
So their answer is to censor us.
Take them off of YouTube.
Take them off of Facebook.
Take them off of Twitter.
Silence them.
That's how you know they are defeated.
Because they cannot win a battle of ideas.
They cannot win a civil discussion and a civil debate.
Now, as I reported yesterday on InfoWars, the President has told at least two people I know
That he believes that if there is an illegitimate coup, an attempt to take him down based on some fabricated case, that the American people will rise up, that the American people are armed, they still have a Second Amendment, and there will be a counter-revolution in this country.
He is not advocating civil war.
He is not for civil war.
But I think he understands that patriots were not going to put up with this as they did in 1974.
And there's a reason.
In 1974, when Richard Nixon was taken down, largely because he was a peacemaker, he reached a strategic arms limitation with the Soviets, an agreement.
He opened the door to China.
He ended the Vietnam War.
He saved Israel unilaterally in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
My God!
The man was a peacemaker!
We have to get rid of him!
But there was only one monolithic media in that day, CBS, ABC and NBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times, really the only national newspapers, and therefore there was only one narrative.
Now, thanks to Infowars.com and the Daily Caller and Breitbart and Town Hall and Gateway Pundit and Big League Politics and so many other great
Conservative and libertarian and pro-Trump oriented sites, you have a balance in our news coverage.
And that's why they are moving to censorship.
That's why they want to shut Infowars.com down.
That's why we saw the head of Google, Sundar Pai, come to Washington yesterday and lie his ass off.
I can't even find China in a map!
On a map!
Oh my God!
We're not tracking anybody.
No, no, you can turn that tracking function off.
He doesn't mention that it continues to track you.
You just can't use the functions.
Jerry Nadler says, the congressman from Manhattan.
Whose entire testimony was written by Google lobbyists.
Every question he asked was written by the Google lobbyists.
Who's taken more cold cash from the parent company of Google than any other member of Congress.
This clown is compromised.
He's purchased.
He's bought.
He's corrupted.
But he says it's a right-wing conspiracy theory that conservatives are disadvantaged in the search function of Google.
No, Jerry, you're lying.
Look at the Project Veritas videos.
Look at the internal videos and memos that have been secured from inside Google.
They are busted.
They are running a formulatic program to kneecap conservatives and liberals and Republicans and Trump supporters on social media and on the Internet.
This is Roger Stone.
I've been sitting in for Alex Jones, and now I've had the opportunity to sit in for my colleague Owen Schroyer, who's headed for his Christmas break.
I want to thank you for joining us here.
This is where you can get the truth.
Infowars continues to be a shining beacon of freedom, and it is seen by millions of Americans as a source where you can get the truth.
But make no mistake, folks, they want to shut us down.
They want to shut me down.
Right now, this Christmas, more than ever, I need your support.
Please go to thestonedefensefund.com.
Don't let Robert Mueller crush me.
Don't let him destroy my family.
Don't let him stop me from being a voice for truth and honesty and integrity and freedom here at InfoWars, because that's exactly what they want.
I appeal to you now at Christmas for your help.
Help me, help InfoWars, help us continue this fight.
Western civilization, the future of the Trump presidency, all of this is at stake, but we will win if you have our back.
We have the President's back.
We need you to have our back.
Thank you, God bless you, and Merry Christmas.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
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We're good to go!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Vagich.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back to InfoWars.com.
This is Dr. Nick Begich and I'm standing in on this hour before the Christmas weekend and it's the fourth hour on the 21st of December 2018.
And you know, in the news today is Syria, of course, and I know we've been covering this in other segments with the other hosts today, but I want to get into this just a little bit
All right.
Where things were in Afghanistan in the late 1970s, early 1980s, and for those that don't remember, this is when Russia entered Afghanistan, entered a war with Afghanistanis.
And why did they do that?
Well, there's a couple of really, really, really important reasons.
One is oil in the southern parts of Russia and in the old republics.
That oil and gas needs to be carried into the Western markets and into the Asian markets.
And the question is,
How do you get it there?
You need to go through the Black Sea and then through the Bosporus into the Mediterranean and then eventually into the Atlantic in order to hit the major ports.
Now, when you look at how that's configured, the choke points are the Bosporus, which is an extremely narrow space.
Large tankers do have a little bit of difficulty in terms of navigating that.
Also, the Black Sea has become one of the most polluted
We're good to go.
Really turning against the old former Soviet Union.
Those were the beginnings of organizations within Russia were primarily environmentally based because they had lost their livelihoods.
I mean, in the Black Sea, this was the Caribbean of that region, if you will.
This is where Russians went to recreate.
The beaches were soiled.
The fish where people made their livings were gone.
And if you look,
On the maps, you can see clearly that to bring that oil across the Black Sea created too big of a choke point.
Putting pipelines in a NATO country, Turkey, did not serve a Russian interest.
So they looked the other direction for access across Afghanistan and eventually Pakistan and into the seas.
When you think about natural resources, the other big issue for Afghanistan that most of the world is aware of, and our military geologists have recently, and in the last month, issued press reports showing that there's over a trillion
With a T, a trillion dollars in natural resources on the surface that they've located within the boundaries of Afghanistan.
Certainly enough to build their own economy, to build their own government, and to build their own place in the world.
And we've been there now longer than we were in World War II and World War I combined.
And we really need to start to ask ourselves,
What are our national interests as it relates to Afghanistan and why did we go in?
And going back again to that time the Russians were there?
We didn't like the Russians being there.
So we got in their way.
How did we get in their way?
We formed an alliance.
What we hear about today and our allies then?
We're the Taliban.
Osama Bin Laden, we funded and trained to take on the Soviets, and that's why we're now in this dilemma.
That started with not adequately knowing who our allies were when they made them allies, and they soon became our adversaries.
We're headed into the break.
We've got a few more seconds to this segment.
When we get back, let's talk some more about
What shaped the Middle East and got us in the situation we're in today?
This is Dr. Nick Beggin standing in, in this fourth hour for InfoWars.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
They can call BS.
It's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back!
This is Dr. Nick Begich and we were just leaving off in that last segment talking a little bit sort of the backdrop what was happening in Afghanistan in the late 1970s early 1980s and sort of what began to shape as sort of American policy interventions policy in this region really was to put a you know a wrench in the bicycle spokes of the Soviets as they were riding down the hill in Afghanistan
So we formed an alliance, an alliance with the Taliban, and we began to train them through the Central Intelligence Agency, outfit them with weapon systems so they could take on the Soviets at that time.
Of course, things changed, you know, and this is again, you know, in today's news and yesterday's news, we were hearing all about our allies.
No, sometimes we pick the wrong players, you know.
And the Taliban is a good case in point.
But let's jump from Afghanistan for a moment and jump forward to 9-11.
And 9-11, of course, was blamed on the Taliban.
And I know there's lots of controversy about that.
I'm not going to get into that today.
Because really I'm talking about what triggered us as Americans to get involved in the Middle East and what was the rationale of our government at the time.
And it was we needed to take out these people that had done this horror in New York City.
And so we sent in our military and we just literally bombed them a hundred years back in time.
Uh, and then we stayed.
And as those remember the press reports at the time, there was a lot of money flowing.
You know, we were taking over plane loads of $100 bills on pallets to pass out to bribe people to convince them that we were their
I think?
Just vanished, you know?
Two and a half times what it cost to build a wall is the money unaccounted for in Afghanistan alone.
Twelve billion, with a B, billion dollars in unaccountable money.
Now, a lot of that money was spent through contractors, if many will recall, and that was Blackwater and Halliburton.
And you know when Halliburton was going to get audited and they were going to start to look into where all this money went, they pulled their corporate offices out of Texas and moved them to Dubai in the Middle East where there are no extradition treaties and there's no reach of the U.S.
courts to subpoena those records to find out where our money went.
And these are the companies that are claiming cover in the Middle East.
A little bit odd, but these are also the companies that are also lobbying your Congress to keep spending billions and billions and trillions that they get, and they're not even accountable for it.
They don't even have to show where the money went.
It just disappears into the void of the Middle East.
Now let's take a look at Syria.
Which has been in the news in the last couple of days.
Donald Trump fulfilling one of his campaign promises to get us out of this thing.
Mathis has just resigned because he disagrees.
I've got to ask Americans that are listening to this broadcast.
Can you think of one single reason of why we should be in Syria right now?
Because I can't.
And I read a lot.
I mean, I study a lot.
I just can't think of it.
Now, there's a group in this area of the Middle East that we've been very supportive of, and it's Kurds.
And now I want to talk a little bit about that.
Historically, they had huge conflicts with the Turk, the Turk, Turkish people.
In fact, over a hundred years ago, there was
We're good to go.
Actually, they formed a government that's functioning.
They have a functioning government, they have what we would consider a democracy, and it's the only one functioning right now.
It is the only military capable of standing up for themselves that we've seen because the Iraqis all ran when they faced the first conflicts.
It took forever to get them back on track for their own country.
Now, this is my primary objection to being in these areas right now.
Ten years of constant fighting with American men and women who were trained in ten weeks and then sent over there.
And they stay.
And they fight.
And they go back.
And they go back.
And they go back.
When traditionally one or two tours of duty in these kinds of environments was normal for our military, now it's repetitive.
And then we forget them when they come back to this country.
We forget about the veterans.
We forget about what we've done.
And the impact on them and their families?
Fundamentally wrong, again.
If we use our warriors and America's might in a country, two things need to happen.
One is it really have to reflect American interests.
That's you and me.
Not corporate interests, but you and me.
And it has to translate into defense of our homes, which is what the Constitution talks about.
Not about imposing our will on others.
Defense of our country.
And our interests.
Not somewhere else.
The other question in Syria right now, the Kurds are there, now what happens if we pull out?
What are we worried about?
We're worried about our allies of NATO country, Turkey, stomping on.
Now does that make sense?
I don't think so either.
You know, I mean, we should be able to cooperate with our
Allies, right?
I mean allies.
Or we ought to be able to interpret them more clearly as to whether they are our allies or they're not.
And I'm not suggesting that Turkish people aren't, because I travel to Turkey.
I like Turkey.
Turkish people I meet are great people.
I've never met a Turkish person traveling there that I didn't care for.
They have a different government than us.
And they're entitled to the government they have.
And it's not up to us to choose it for them.
When we go and look again at Syria, Assad, we're all upset about Assad.
Now Assad's been there for a few decades.
Now this is his country, they had a revolution, however that started, and he tried to suppress it, and so he ended up with a civil war.
This is what happens when you want a change in government, that's from the inside, where changes in government should happen, right?
From inside, from the people, outward, that's the American way.
For the people, of the people, by the people.
Those are our values.
Other countries should have the same opportunity to choose their governments, and I would suggest they do.
Through the same vehicles that we do.
Elections or revolution.
We chose revolution a few hundred years ago, worked out fine, and we've avoided it pretty much since.
Although you could call the Civil War another revolution, I would call it that because it was a big disagreement between our population that ultimately was settled militarily within the country to get us back to a form of democracy within a republic that the country could get back around.
And then we built from there, again.
And we continue to build.
We continue to change.
We continue to grow in our view of ourselves as a people and how we view ourselves in the world.
When you think about Syria today and what's happening there, Donald Trump has said it's time for us to move out.
Perhaps it's time for the Middle East to solve their issues on their own, without us.
You know, you look at Europe and the immigration problem they have.
Why aren't the Saudis taking in?
These folks that are trying to find a place to live.
Or Kuwait, or some of the other Middle Eastern countries that aren't engaged in full-blown war right now.
These are culturally similar.
Certainly people can integrate more readily.
And more importantly, these are their brothers and sisters in their neighborhood, for goodness sake.
And again, here we are, in the Middle East, imposing our will, or attempting to, and at a time when now Donald Trump is saying, hey, you know what, enough blood's been spilled, we've been here long enough, you guys figure it out.
And perhaps that's the right answer.
Thinking about Iraq and what took us there, and people will remember this, you know, and we're still there.
Think about it, we went there for weapons of mass destruction that weren't there.
We spent a trillion dollars to find something that wasn't there.
That our intelligence community supposedly told us was there.
A trillion dollar error?
Has anybody been held accountable for that error?
I don't think so.
I mean, you could say the election process took care of it.
Well, the first time we've seen a move in the right direction to get us out of this?
Donald Trump.
We're going to be back in a few moments.
This is Dr. Nick Begich standing in in its fourth hour on December 21st, 1918.
And we'll be right back after these very important messages.
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That's danpilla.com, danpilla.com.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember, this life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing us being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listen to the M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows
Who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians who tend to be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker and I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything, resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Nick Vagic.
And welcome back to InfoWars.com.
It's a pleasure to be here, and I'm actually traveling again this week.
I'm in Southern California.
I want to remind people that our website, Earpulse.com, E-A-R-T-H-P-U-L-S-E dot com, and I know we're just a few days before the holidays and Christmas, and I just really want to wish everyone a truly Merry Christmas.
I know there's a lot of things going on in the world today that
Every reason to be stressed, uptight, anxious even.
But take these next few days and take a breath.
Be with your families.
Be with your friends.
Think about
Uh, what we can be.
And let's be that in the new year.
You know, there's a lot in the world that we can all complain about.
We can all see.
And the thing about these particular times in our history, these are the times where we test our metal.
We find out what Americans truly are.
And I think we're at a point where we're going to see lots of traumas in the world, if you will.
But those are the things that give us the opportunity to reshape, reform ourselves.
And how we reflect in the world around us.
And the challenges that we're facing today are really the big ones.
The base value judgments about what we are as a people and how we want to project in the world.
And I think that's what we're seeing when we see these exodus from the Trump administration that would like to keep the order the same.
And those that see this new world order as really the adversary of the average human being.
Whether you're here or somewhere else on the planet.
And when we start to look at what drives these things, we find behind all of it is always some deep economic interest that is not yours and mine.
And ultimately, these wars are fought over interests that are not yours and mine.
Let's think about
In the 80s, oil was a shortage in the US, and the shortage was because they didn't have the will to produce.
Just in the last month, the biggest oil basin
Maybe in the world has been discovered in West Texas and New Mexico with billions and billions of barrels of oil discovered.
North Slope of Alaska, we've talked about in other segments.
I'd encourage people to look at some of our past broadcasts on the national resources in Alaska.
Again, thinking about oil as a driver, we are now, the United States, a net exporter.
We are exporting oil again.
First time in decades.
The oil demand in the U.S.
Actually is relatively stable and perhaps declining primarily because of the advent of electric cars and the shift to other fuel sources and that trend is going to continue where the big demand is for oil and gas is growing is the Middle East coming out of the Middle East is for European markets and for markets in Asia and when you think about
I don't get that.
It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
I think the Russians' big interest is to make money.
I think that's obvious to everybody.
It's not to go out and engage in a bunch of foreign wars.
They're engaged in Syria because it's one of the few places they actually have a foreign base.
And so I get that.
I understand that.
But I do not believe the former Soviet Union might have been our enemy.
But I don't think Russia is our enemy today.
I think there's interest.
I would like to keep it that way.
There's interest, I would like to build militaries to defend against some adversary.
And the real adversary, I would look a little bit more ideologically to where the problems are.
And that would be Chinese government, which is still a declared communist government.
They're still totally authoritarian.
They dominate their people as if they were their own serfs and slaves.
And yet somehow we kind of miss the point.
And why do we miss the point?
Because U.S.
companies are making billions of dollars saddling up to those that ideologically don't share our values.
That's how corporate interests work, but that's not how democracies should function.
When you go back in time, when companies start to run governments,
We have big problems.
And in a broadcast I did recently on one of the affiliates, Alex's affiliates, we were dealing with this issue, you know, sort of where do you draw the lines?
This is where, in one sense, the Internet has liberated us and given us access to information, but at the same time has restricted us in terms of how we use our information.
So here we are in the 21st century, more knowledge available to us than ever in the history of humankind, at least in terms of the world, and yet those that control the dial
And want to turn off the broadcasts for everyone's best interest because somebody sees better than us?
I don't think so.
And again, InfoWars has been banned from a number of networks.
It's been banned for what I think are all of the wrong reasons.
There is no reason to ban someone from speaking freely in this country when the real story is debate.
Healthy public debate is what changes things.
A monopoly on free speech is not the answer.
It doesn't serve a democracy well.
In fact, the First Amendment, when it was passed, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, very, very foundational.
But what did freedom of the press really mean?
It didn't mean just say whatever you want, any way you want.
In fact, that would never have been tolerated.
What was required was engage the people.
Use the media as a free way to talk, to speak freely.
Say whatever you want.
The king can't shut your voice down and neither should anyone else.
Because speech is simple.
If you don't like what you're hearing today,
You just changed the channel.
In the old days, you could leave the room, you know, you could actually exit the town square.
But the point was to have this kind of invigorated debate, the kind that causes you to push your envelope to the edge and to learn and to be able to build a country based on knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Those three elements combined.
This is something that freedom of the press doesn't guarantee, but it certainly opens a door for the possibility.
But when we constrain speech for political reasons, for cultural reasons, social reasons, for any reason, fundamentally we have stepped.
Way, way far to the wrong side of the equation in a government should reflect free thinking and an ability to come to consensus.
And that consensus comes from reasonable public debate.
And again, you know, InfoWars is about providing information.
And I know sometimes everybody gets really excited, and I appreciate that, quite frankly.
Everybody has a style that we use to convey our information.
It's just who we are.
Alex is way different than me.
Owen is way different than me.
But together,
We are a voice on the base set of values that we share in common.
And this is the important aspect, again, going into the holiday season that we need to remember.
It's as different as we all are, including within our families.
We can embrace each other as brothers and sisters and still disagree on many, many things.
That's the American character.
Those are the values that we should be remembering during this holiday season and demonstrating with our families and friends.
We'll be right back.
We've got a break coming up and I just appreciate being here and wishing everyone again a happy holidays coming into the break.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the US, Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
So as we prepare to close out 2018, just remember,
This life is a test.
And those of you that have been listening and watching and taking action, the victories of populism and nationalism and Christianity, coming back from the dead and recognizing it's being persecuted, that's all because you are the core.
Listening to M4 wars around the world, the eyes and ears of liberty, that were immune or at least resistant to the globalist programming.
Everybody knows, who studies this, that it's Christians, real Christians, who tend to
Be immune to the globalist brainwashing and who tend to see it.
And that's why they're trying to eradicate you.
But regardless, this fight is intensifying.
2018 has been insane.
2019 is going to be the big decision maker.
And I am so honored to be here with you right beside me.
Not behind us, but right beside us and at the heart of everything resisting these globalists.
So whatever you do, take action and realize we're changing history together and I salute you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Nick Begich.
And welcome back to Infowars.com.
It's a pleasure to be with everyone here today and you know I had a chance last week I was in Austin for the week.
We did seven different segments over that week and got to meet a lot of the folks in the studios and the team behind the team and
I just gotta say, it's the best I've ever worked with.
Truly committed people.
Every time that you support this network, you're supporting them, and that make it all possible.
And I just want to say thanks to them, too, during this holiday season.
And I would ask, listeners, remember this network.
Hold them in your prayers and financially support them where you can.
It's a great team and one of the very best I've worked with around the world.
And I've worked with over 200 production teams in the last 25 years.
And by far, this is as good or better than any, including the major networks that I've seen.
So I appreciate it.
On the screen is some of the products and books that I produce that are carried at the Input Store.
I really encourage people to take a look there.
It also supports the network.
It supports me.
And so you get a three-for-one, actually.
You help me, you help Alex, and you help yourself by getting more informed on issues that are important to all of us.
And I appreciate it.
You know, I think this is the time of year to remember those things that we do appreciate about living in this country and about our families and friends.
We've got a quiet weekend coming up.
We're going to have four days, hopefully of nothing too crazy in the world, so we can really get into the break and take a breath as we move forward into the new year.
I'm jumping into this segment a little bit.
I want to talk about sort of the scene behind the scene as you start to think about what drives all of this and economies and money and the things that drive multinationals.
And I want to talk about that from this this perspective.
Right now, in the last week, we've seen the stock market taking some serious dives, and people are getting concerned, and once again, they want to blame Donald Trump.
And let me tell you, exactly why the market is going down has nothing to do with Donald Trump, it has to do with the Federal Reserve.
Which most of the listeners to this broadcast know, the Federal Reserve is not a federal agency.
It's a consortium of 300 banks, member banks, that set the interest rates in the nation.
In Europe, they have the Central Bank of Europe doing essentially the same thing for the EU.
These are bankers.
These are not government employees.
They're bankers who have been given the authority to print the script, if you will.
Now I want to talk about money supply because this is what
Everyone's trying to constrain by raising interest rates.
The Federal Reserve believes that the economy is overheated, that we're facing inflation, so what do they do?
They jack the rates up.
They've done it four times in the last year.
Now, what is, what's, who's the biggest impact, who's hit the biggest impact to those interest rate rises?
All of us who have interest in anything, which is the government debt.
Stop and think about it for a moment.
This debt is rolled over every couple years, every couple months, every day for that matter.
And as it rolls over to the higher rates, who's going to pay those rates?
You and me, through taxation.
The biggest impact to the federal budget is a non-federal agency jacking the rate up.
And they say it's to constrain the money supply.
This is total nonsense, it's total BS that they want to tell you is fertilizer.
It's still BS, and here's why.
When you look at the money supply in the 21st century, it is not currency or coin like it used to be pre-1960, before the advent of credit cards.
I mean, they started a little bit before that, but they didn't really take off.
Well, when you look at money supply is cash in all forms in circulation.
So you have M1, which is cash, and you have M2, M3, M4, M5.
These should break it down from bank loans to credit cards to debt instruments to bonds, and they break it all down.
But they don't break it down anymore.
And they give you the illusion that somehow money supply matters.
I don't think it really does unless you have a shortage of either services or goods, which we don't.
Because think about this.
Basic economics.
Here's the basic economic lesson for Friday.
We have four factors of economic production.
This is the real things in the economy.
It's labor.
That's you and me, our work.
It's entrepreneurship.
That's the creativity that builds businesses.
It's land and natural resources, which is obvious to everyone.
And then it's what's called capital.
But in this sense, it's not money.
Capital is things that make other things that build things like factories that build tractors or factories that build shovels.
You know, these are this is capital.
Now, in between each of these things is cash or credit.
What facilitates the trade between, and there it is right on the screen, the factors of production.
This is the real meat of economies.
In between these is money that allows you to trade without trading pigs for land or, you know, bartering.
We can't barter, so we form currency that we have some confidence in.
And then we have the illusion
That somehow the Federal Reserve jack and the rate up will constrain business.
And it does.
I mean, it moves money out of the stock market into bonds and securities because you can get a higher rate, reliable yield.
So if you're a retirement fund, you want to get a reliable yield for your beneficiaries.
So when interest rates start to climb, you move your money out of the market, which is big speculation, to lesser speculation where the rates are more contained and controlled.
In my lifetime, I remember at credit unions, we used to get 7%.
If you get 7% on your money now...
Retirement funds would be doing really, really good.
But, you know, again, you pay on one side and you pay on the other.
So you've got to kind of look at a balance.
And that's what is attempted, supposedly, theoretically, by the Federal Reserve.
But really, it's more about, they say it's not political.
Come on now, then why are you blaming Donald Trump for something he has absolutely zero control over, the Fed?
The only thing he gets to do is select a Fed Chairman occasionally.
The President gets to figure this out.
The Congress gets to ratify.
But aside from that, it's not happening.
You know, the last guy that wanted to sort of turn the Fed off and move it back to the federal government was John F. Kennedy.
And we all saw what happened to him.
A few months later, poof, he's gone.
His brother thought it was a good idea too, and a few months later, poof, he's gone.
You know, the bankers really want to maintain control of the money.
Because then they can jack.
We're good to go.
You know, one of the very few governments we can't do that with?
Why Ecuador?
Well, since about 2002, they adopted the U.S.
dollar as their national currency.
So when they put Assaj in their embassy in London, we couldn't force Ecuador, this little teeny country in Latin America, we couldn't force them to buckle to the U.S.
And let us arrest this guy, who blew the whistle, incidentally, on some of the biggest scandals that American public had a right to see.
You know, and most listeners to this broadcast believe that there needs to be some balance in whistleblowing to make our government accountable in the age of invisible government.
Come on!
But why couldn't they do anything?
Because Ecuador has the U.S.
I traveled Ecuador from time to time.
And I can tell you something else they did that I was very impressed by.
When the World Bank came to them and said, we want half of your taxes and you got to raise them because we want our money.
You know what the Ecuadorian said?
Go Pound Salt.
You can't have half.
We'll give you 20%.
And the rest, we're going to put into infrastructure, and they put it in first to health care, second to education, third to water and sewer systems, and fourth to roads and transportation.
That's the way they interpreted infrastructure.
Coming back after this break, I want to get into that a little bit, because independence is what's required around the world, not dominance by anyone.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, and we'll be right back after this message.
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I think so.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
I don't know.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, December 21st, 2018, in this fourth hour, standing in for Alex, and I just appreciate everyone on the team, and I want to remind people to support the network.
Take a look at the info store, take a look at all the things that are there that allow us to get information out to you, and we appreciate that.
And you know,
Breaking off that last segment, you know, thinking again of what's been built, you know, and sort of how does it tie together, you know, and that's a lot of what I try to do during these programs is try to bring all of this into some form so you can kind of see the bigger picture.
Picture of it and how it how it weaves together and we were talking a little bit about the Middle East today We've talked a little bit about China and Russia and what the real interests are and then we've talked a little bit about Sort of the what drives all this which is the money behind the system and what's real in terms of?
Things that are concrete and solid Not the ether in between the fiat currency that that ties it together But think about cash as a control mechanism if you will
And as a way to not just manipulate overall economies, but ultimately a way to manipulate individuals and think about how much cash do you really spend?
In the economy, I mean, hard currency, money, you know, dollar bills, not very much.
Most people, they put it on their debit card.
They put it on their credit card.
They put it on their discount card.
But ultimately, all of that data is collected.
The credit card companies now have it.
They know your purchases, where you buy stuff, what your basic patterns are.
All of this integration of data is what gives a clear profile of you.
When you look at my check register and my checkbooks, I actually still use checkbook, which they also track all of that when you get your state and you see the photographs of your checks.
But they're pretty limited, you know, seven or eight checks a month.
And the rest, I pretty much do cash as a matter of pattern.
I kind of feel better that way, knowing that at least my buying and selling and that full profile of me is a little bit limited, although we really can't escape it very much.
And when you see the trends that are happening, and I talked about this in a segment a week or two ago,
To tie a few things together, you have India with over a billion people, in fact about a billion three.
Most people don't realize it, but they've done biometrics on their entire population now with a few millions left to find.
But they took facial recognition scans, iris scans,
And then fingerprints.
Because in India, a lot of people don't have fingerprints.
Eye diseases are so common, a lot of them don't have the ability to get an iris scan.
So the three combined is what they did.
Now what happened in India, is they decided to start to stomp out the cryptocurrencies, because they were being used for funneling illegal money.
And so they said all the banks can't take cryptocurrency.
And then the next thing they did,
Is a limited 1,000 and 2,000 rupee notes.
Now, these were the bank notes and put that in perspective.
There's 70 rupees to a dollar.
So 70 is, you know, not a lot of money when you think of a thousand rupees, you know, that's very little money of 15 bucks or whatever it is.
What they did by taking those out of circulation, those were the currency denominations that represented the biggest pot of bribery money.
So they gave everybody 30 days to turn in their notes and explain where they got them, or they were worthless.
The next day they became worthless.
And so this was the first attempt, but that when you combine the biometrics,
With the elimination of this and what their interest is and the reason they did the biometrics is all social services all distributions the government will be handled only electronically and the intention is to move all of their financial transactions even to the poorest poorest of the poor to digital currency to eliminate bribery is what they're doing it
All right.
When the big payoffs occur, that are going to continue to occur, what they've eliminated is a big chunk of corruption at lower levels, and then they're able to capture that tax base to fuel in to paying off the World Bank and the bankers, because that's really what it's about.
Because the World Bank comes in, as they did in Ecuador.
Only in Ecuador, where they used the U.S.
dollar, they had no leverage.
They couldn't crash their economy.
They couldn't manipulate their currency.
And so they were able to sustain and reset their infrastructure.
Now, when I went down there, what I was impressed by, first of all, the medical care, their first step at infrastructure improvement is second to none in terms of quality and efficiency.
It is rated higher than the United States, not by a little bit, but by Bloomberg.
It's rated in the 20s, whereas U.S.
is rated in the 40s in terms of ranking.
According to the World Health Organization, the same situation.
Ecuador in the 20s, the U.S.
in the 40s.
The other part of that is, is how much of your economy do you spend on medical?
In Ecuador, 7.7%.
In the U.S., it's a little over 18%, or almost a fifth of the economy.
You know?
Yet they do a better job with less money, and I've availed myself to the Ecuadorian dental care.
I can tell you I got the best dental work I ever had in my life.
And I could actually afford it.
And I'm sad to say in my part of the world, I can't.
It's too expensive in Alaska.
When I think about infrastructure as a second tier for the Ecuadorians was education.
And what did I see as I went around the country were a whole lot of these one, two, and four-year
Programs that were geared around their oil industry, their manufacturing sector, their textile industry, agriculture, things that they're actually doing in the country, and they built an education system to train workers for those higher paying jobs, so they're not importing workers.
Who have those higher skills?
So that was their second tier.
So first tier health, second tier education, third tier water and sewer for obvious reasons, because that, of course, has a big impact on your health and on your education and on your general way of being.
And then the fourth was road system and the road systems they built, a lot of them are toll roads to offset the cost of construction and a way to pay for it that they could afford to engage at the local level.
The other thing I saw there is a huge amount of foreign investment coming in because it's relatively stable.
They haven't had any wars since 2002.
Most of what you see around the country are police academies for internal policing, not military academies, although they're there also.
Again, thinking about the World Bank and what they would really like to do is have one currency where the bankers can manipulate everyone.
And this is what this trend is headed towards.
When you look at China and what they have done in terms of the transparency program for the average population by insisting that the very networks, the very organizations that banned this program, Infowars, modified their programs to appease Communist China.
That was Google.
YouTube, Facebook, all of them essentially had to have a system that was fully monitored by the Chinese government for their social scoring, which many have already heard about.
But this is where they actually rank you, not like a credit score, but how you behave on the Internet and elsewhere.
And they decide whether you get a passport, whether you get good housing or bad housing, whether you go to college, your kids go to college, or whether you're relegated to some subservient lifestyle, based on your behavior.
Now these U.S.
companies that made it possible to further enslave over a billion people in China are the very ones that are sitting in Congress telling us to limit our speech.
Fundamentally wrong, an attack on freedom, an attack on humankind.
On human beings.
And these companies have set up systems to strip the humanity out of these folks and using technology to do it.
Over 25 years ago, I started talking about this, the technocracy that was emerging in this century.
And it is here now.
It is so here now that if we don't put
A wrench in the bicycle spokes.
This is going downhill too fast.
And it's about freedom of speech.
Even when people are offended, we should be able to say what we think.
We should not feel like we cannot speak from our heart, from the center of our soul, even if people disagree.
And we can be wrong.
And when we are wrong, we should be responsible.
And we should be accountable.
And we should be big enough to acknowledge when we're wrong.
But the engagement has to happen.
Restricting speech is not an engagement.
It's a divorce from the very principles that we stand together on.
This is Christmas time.
My family usually gets together this time of year.
And the baggage family political debate begins.
And at the end of the debate,
We still embrace each other as Americans, as family members.
Because we're here to do the same thing every one of us is here to do.
Do our bit to change the world, make it better for our grandchildren, people we haven't even met yet.
And that's what this is about.
That's what we've all been about in this last year.
I thank you for listening and supporting this network.
This is Dr. Nick Begich signing off for the 21st of December 2018.
Thanks for being here.
For those of us that are on the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future.
And your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
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The empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at mfullworthstore.com.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.