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Filename: 20181212_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 12, 2018
3235 lines.

Alex Jones from InfoWars.com discusses a panel discussion criticizing corrupt politicians paid by Google lobbyists, and debates on government shutdown and Mike Pence's lack of support for the president in a debate. He also appeals to listeners to spread the word about InfoWars and support their fight against globalists.

You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Google's World Headquarters, they've now officially moved to China, is on fire right now.
If you're a radio listener, we have the live feeds at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
There was a large explosion in the building.
And now it's got 100-foot-tall red flames shooting out of the top of it.
A Google executive was found dead yesterday.
In New York, all sorts of things are going on behind the scenes.
Obviously, the head of Google, the CEO, Sundar, ran from us when we were simply pointing out that Dragonfly is already operational.
It's totally illegal.
They're helping round up political dissidents.
But the big story is that Sundar perjured himself spectacularly.
We have so much evidence of Google premeditated censorship of nationalists, conservatives, Christians, you name it, that it's like saying we have sand at the seashore.
But just in the last day, more documents are coming out, more emails, and Google's number one threat, they admit, is leakers.
People inside Google not believing the incredible authoritarianism that they're witnessing, and they're going public.
And they're speaking out.
You have to understand that Google is an AI super weapon.
It is a system that gets the whole world to opt into it, so it can then game stock markets, economies.
It can then predict what you're going to do with almost total certainty before you do it.
And there's a race between Facebook and Amazon and Apple with Google, even though they're all very incestuous and work in and out of each other.
To build the first global AI system that they believe will then take over all the markets and take over society.
And it's basically already happened.
Google is the top of the pyramid.
Right there with Apple.
And Google's helping in dozens and dozens of Islamic countries, you name it, suppress the population.
They tailor the censorship to what the governments want.
And now that it's admitted that's going on, Russia said, okay, we've got a bunch of
Sites that we want banned.
That we say George Soros is funding.
Try to overthrow Eastern European countries and overthrow Russia.
And so you see how this snowball starts going downhill to where everything is censored.
Add to all of that the ultra-massive news
That you have Macron set tomorrow for a no-confidence vote, maybe removed from office, probably will be.
You've got Theresa May set for a no-confidence vote today.
You're seeing the fall of the New World Order.
Remember what happened a month ago?
Germany had its sixth election in a row.
Took six elections to get Merkel's party out of power, because they've got over 20 big parties.
So they have coalitions.
But now she's a lame duck.
She's still the chancellor in their parliamentary system, but she has no power.
And you see the globalists being thrown out in Brazil, in Iceland, in the UK.
I mean, can I keep listing all this?
You see what Trump's doing?
It's happening all over the world.
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
But the globalists are counter-striking right now in a big, big, big way with economic warfare.
They're threatening the UK, the US, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Korea.
Anyone that sides with the United States in a free market, free future, is being threatened by the authoritarian EU that is in league with the Chai Cops and the Axis of Evil with the Hollywood trash and the rest of them.
So this is the fight for this country.
This is the real deal.
And people better decide which side they're on.
There's only patriots and globalists.
There's only people that are pro-human future, people that want a globalist future.
It's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
Unbelievable perjury by Sundar.
Sundar, the liar.
It's all coming up today.
This world is now in global crisis, the likes of which it's never seen.
But humanity's coming back hard from behind, and is about to take the whole position against the technocrats.
The battle is now.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
It literally dumbs the population down.
And on our quest to bring our listeners and viewers the best eye out of the world, we've gone through two permutations.
First, seaweed-based iodine that was pretty good but hard to source, and the Globeless tried to block us getting a supply of it.
So we discovered deep-earth crystals of pure nascent iodine and brought you X2 that's been incredible.
Now, due to the Establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3, now available at mfulworthslife.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So Google's not evil at all?
I'm not saying that.
Just control yourself.
Get under control now.
I'm under control.
Thank you.
He's taken my free speech away and lied about me, so I need to stand up to him.
I'm not worried about that.
They're going to talk about me in this committee.
I will be talked about.
So what am I supposed to do?
I don't get a day in court.
They lie about me.
Google only puts lies up.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
And that guy helps round up political dissidents and then his people come to lie to Congress over and over and over again and we don't get to respond to them.
So Google is helping build censorship systems in China for a global social score they've tested there to totally control every aspect of our lives.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on December 12th, 2018.
I'm Alex Jones on this Wednesday edition back in the command base cockpit here in the Crow's Nest in the ATX.
Very honored to be here with you.
Well, all things are Google, aren't they?
The global DARPA-controlled and DARPA-designed advanced research project into a human-mass-machine interface to be able to predict the future and then control the future.
That's in the founding documents of Google 1997-1998.
I was told about this by high-level NSA whistleblowers in the mid-90s as it was being set up and prepared and it was in Wired Magazine four years ago.
They actually released the quote classified Google documents admitting
That when they were getting CIA funding and NSA funding, they're saying, we already have search engines.
This is NSA technology.
They said, no.
We're going to get humans to interface with it, with their hopes, their dreams, all their actions, dialing into all the other machines and computers, and have a lifetime model of the world hooked into GPS everything, the Internet of Things, to then be able to predict the future, and then be able to control the future.
And now here we are.
Now there's a big phenomenon unfolding.
Everywhere I go, everywhere I go, people walk up to me on the street.
They walk up to me in airports.
They walked up, this morning it happened.
A gentleman walked up to me with his wife.
And he said, Alex, I didn't used to believe you, but I'll be talking about something that I've never talked about before by my home computer or on my phone, and then I will get Google ads for it.
And he said, then I went and looked it up on your site and you guys had articles in 2006 where Google told shareholders they were already doing it.
And I'm like, yes, I know.
And now there's a race between Samsung, and Apple, and Google, and Twitter, and Facebook, and Amazon's there to get assistance.
Alexa, these devices in your house that listen and watch now everything you do, and everyone is now calling me saying, Alex, you gotta cover it!
There's TV commercials admitting that it's listening to you at all times, and there's murder cases where the judges are ordering Amazon and Apple and Google with their devices, give you the home recordings going back years, and they're turning over years of recordings and convicting people of murder with them!
There are cases where a husband kills his wife.
There's a couple of these in the news this month.
And the dumb idiot then tells the cops that a mugger did it.
All they do is go get it from whatever device they had.
They're recording everything, people!
And yes, I told you this.
I told everybody this 20 years ago, but it wasn't because I knew it.
I was told this by high-level people, and it was later all confirmed.
So people are exonerating themselves with the NSA recordings.
They're going to prison with the NSA recordings.
More and more people are filing in federal cases to prove what they really said on a phone call to get the NSA recordings.
Federal courts are set to start ruling that you'll get them.
So we've gone from none of this is happening to the phenomenon of Alexa.
And the Google Assistant and all of these systems watching and listening and now they're saying they're gonna babysit your children and we're just accepting it.
And then imagine the power it gives to a sundar of Google who got up before Congress and said lies that were so over the top, that were so insane that I couldn't believe my eyeballs.
I'm going to give you the big secret about Google.
Not just that it's the preeminent AI grid, the most hooked-in system that can predict the future.
That's been announced for a while.
We told you first.
You notice Facebook now says, oh, the next phase is we'll predict where you're going to be next.
Well, Amazon, four years ago, released that they can predict with 99% accuracy prime users what you're going to order before you order it and already have it packaged and ready, waiting.
For the robot to go pull it off the shelf and mail it.
But here's the big future.
About Google, and about what they're planning, and about what they're gonna do next, is take over the driving cars, the self-driving cars, take control of the military, take control of everything, because it'll all be so advanced, nothing will even be able to compete with it, everything else will be obsolete.
So we're allowing them to position us into a position, into a space, where we've allowed ourselves to be put in a digital prison that they just call progress.
They call the algorithm.
Sundar gets up there and says, oh, we don't run any of it now.
It's the algorithm.
That is a total fraud.
They design the algorithms for the outcomes they want.
And they use giant engines of bots that are trillions of times bigger than what the Russians have, literally, to control the algorithms and manipulate the algorithms, not just of Google, but of all these other companies and systems and competing AI programs.
So what we're really in, here's the big secret, is an AI war.
We're already deep into the AI war of the 21st century.
These things are already artificially intelligent.
The question is, when will they become, if not already,
Conscious, self-aware, sentient.
Now, they'll never really become sentient.
But the system's gonna call it sentient.
They already act like a lie detector that you can easily get around or cheat on.
Not just the person taking it, the person giving it can cheat.
And it's not an exact science, so it's been proven to be a fraud.
But people went to the death penalty with this, by the thousands, and it's a fraud.
Well, now you'll just have fancy
Oracles that are supposedly AI and they can tell you anything going on in the world because you opt into it and you interface with it.
So, every metric shows these AI systems are making us stupider.
They're making us weaker.
Sundar doesn't have Google Assist in his house.
He doesn't have any other system where you bring a little robot into your house to watch and listen to you.
Steve Jobs didn't let anybody in his family have them.
Bill Gates doesn't let his children have any of this stuff.
They're all given classical educations.
Curse of handwriting.
Because this is a weapon system against you.
This is a system to make you obsolete.
And then the master engineers that got us to opt into it, they travel on to the future.
They pick the flicker rates for the screens to mesmerize you.
They pick everything about it to trigger dopamine response and Pavlovian triggers.
And so when you want to know what the ultimate form of mind control is in the 21st century, it's these so-called phones that have all the sensors tracking everything you say, everything you do.
And now you have the new superclass, the few big tech heads who have access to all of this information, and Google was asked a tricky question.
They said, you're not the government, are you, Google?
They said, we don't really see ourselves as that.
And Sundar looked down, because these tech companies already see themselves as the global governance system.
You've got these archaic congresses of arrogant lawyers who play golf all day, who don't get how they've been roped
But there's still time to wake up and take control of it.
But Trump, the American people, the military have to take action.
By the way, Google headquarters is on fire.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Google's new headquarters, they're tax exempt over in Communist China, is China.
They've sided with the Communists in China.
And so we've got the headline here of the Daily Mail, gigantic fire erupts from the roof of Google office in China's Silicon Valley.
So the real headline is...
Google's Chinese headquarters is bursting with flames.
A massive fire erupted in a Google office in China, sending dangerous black plumes of smoke rising in the air.
The furious blaze was first reported at 11 a.m.
local time on Wednesday in Zhonggangkan Tech District, also known as China's Silicon Valley in Beijing, and it's their headquarters in China.
The fire took place in Tower B of Raycom Infotech Park, according to state newspaper The Global Times.
And a Google executive was found dead in New York in Google offices.
A lot of interesting things going on over at Google these days.
And I'm going to, in the next hour, play congressional clips and then go through the evidence of Sundar Pichai perjuring himself at a level that, when you're informed, is unbelievable.
And easily, all of it proven to be a fraud.
We have the videos of the day after Hillary lost, November 9th, 2016, and it's got all the executives, including Sundar, because they have these conference rooms that look like a university amphitheater, and they're all there talking.
And they're saying, oh my God, we tried to help Hillary win, but we didn't do enough.
We're not going to allow this to happen again.
We're going to censor the hell out of conservatives and nationalists.
And they're working with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL and Media Matters and Soros funds it and it's in the WikiLeaks and there's all of the
Emails of Eric Schmidt to Hillary saying, we're gonna put you in office and we're 100% behind you.
Google had an office in the White House for eight years with Obama.
There's all the photos of them vacationing together.
The head of the big five tech companies would go on vacation repeatedly with Obama.
And reportedly they take drugs, they've got all the hookers, male, female, they have orgies together.
And some of that's come out in the news about the Google executives.
They have wide-body jumbo jets with bedrooms all in them, and there's been videotape where like 15 hookers are loaded on.
And the whole point is they're in their own world.
They want their privacy, but you don't get privacy.
Eric Schmidt puts women on his planes like Michael Jackson would have kids with veils over their heads.
And the parent company of Google is Alphabet.
And Congressman Nadler, who was literally reading off a script written by Google about how there's no bias against conservatives, was involved in the premeditated perjury with Sundar, and it turns out he gets on average $26,000 a year from Google.
So he's on their payroll.
But I want to digress into all the other news, because it's really important, obviously.
But the fact that they just rolled out for at least the last 12 years.
It's longer than that.
14 years.
For 14 years, Google in official
Company, shareholder, communications that aren't secret, but they're restricted.
We got them.
2006, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Google to use microphones and cameras embedded in phones, smartphones, and computers to watch and listen to you and to use keyword analysis to then give targeted ads.
I still can't get the general public to admit it's happening when it's on the news every day that all these Google Assist and Alex's are listening and watching you.
Because we're America!
That isn't going on!
You're wrong, Jones!
We're not going to admit you were right 20 years ago.
20 years ago!
I've been covering this since 1996.
That's longer than 20 years ago.
Now, they go, oh, are they?
Well, yes, they do have patents and they say they could, but Google won't answer the question.
Give me a break.
Give me a break.
So let me tell you what's coming next.
Then we're going to go to break and come back and get into all the other news.
Google has 90 plus percent of all the searches.
They've got over half the advertising on the planet now.
They are getting into every faction and system of supply chain.
They have bragged in internal memos that they can deliver elections to whoever the political structure wants them to.
They've been caught doing it here, clearly skewing the election in the midterms.
And then they get up there before Congress with a straight face.
And tell the world, and tell the world that none of it's happening.
And the most sickening thing was Sundar saying, when you turn the location off on your phone, we don't follow you anymore.
No, they just don't give you the service.
They admit in internal documents, it's been in the news, that they still track you.
Of course they do.
Google was caught 12 years ago with their cars driving around for Street View.
That was a cover.
That was just one thing they were doing.
They had all those antennas grabbing all your passcodes and all your wireless data and then putting it into AI to then break into your computers.
And why not?
If you're going to go ahead and spy on people with microphones and cameras and not tell them, why wouldn't you steal their passcode?
Why wouldn't you move to Communist China?
Why wouldn't you help build a censorship system for the Communist Party they've been using for years that's about to go nationwide?
And why not tell Congress, I don't know anything about Dragonfly.
We have lots of projects.
We don't intend to go live with that.
Meanwhile, their internal emails have been released.
They're like, find out whoever did this and ask them!
This is our most secret project!
Listed top secret beta testing for the rest of the world!
We're competing with Apple for the global social ID!
And Google is not going to let Apple get the global social ID!
We are going to rule the planet!
Our AI system is superior!
That's what's going on!
And they're all in an illegal race to get everyone wired in and everyone dialed in.
And the smartphone companies all spend billions with universities, through DARPA, to get the exact flicker rate with the phones, the exact screen flicker rate to put you into a trance.
And then they admit they're doing it.
This is mind control.
Mind control to Major Tom.
It's here!
And then Sundar's walking around because he doesn't respect Congress.
He doesn't respect you.
He doesn't respect anybody.
He'll do whatever he wants with those big evil globalists like Eric Schmidt and Obama up there above him who are on a power-mad ego trip.
And who believe they can do whatever they want, and they admit that those executives are all taking super complex, weird-ass drugs, and having constant weird sex and rituals, and they're all just micro-dosing LSD and mushrooms almost every day, and they are whacked out of their minds, and they believe they're gonna build an AI god they merge with, but first all of us have to die!
That's how evil Google is!
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Everybody knows it.
History documents it.
But there is a cult in every culture and every system throughout history.
That wants to hurt children.
They want to abort children.
They want to disease children.
They want to abuse children.
They want to confuse children.
They want their essence.
They want their soul.
They want their spirit.
They want their power.
Because they are our future.
And this Christmas, remember, it is about Jesus Christ, not ultimate sacrifice.
It is about the West.
It is about a human future and standing with each other and believing in a better future.
So I just want to thank you all for your support.
And I want to ask you all to pray for your own family, to pray for America, to pray for President Trump, and to pray for InfoWars, and to remember that you have the power to change the world.
You have the power to override the censors.
You have the power to stop the globalists dead in their tracks.
And I know you've been taking action, and I salute you, but just remember, I know you're humble, but just remember, you hold the future of this planet and the universe in your hands.
InfoWars has been proven absolutely on target about world government, the attack on the family, the eugenics operations, the whole thing.
We've been proven dead on.
You've been proven dead on as supporters and listeners of this broadcast.
You've been the men and women in the arena and I really do thank you and salute you all.
Words are not enough.
Think about, of all the different systems, of all the different political ideologies, you have been on target.
Promoting Americana and Renaissance, an open free society against the globalist and the dominant world force.
They've created their Tower of Babel with a bunch of people that can't communicate with each other.
But we have cut right to the chase.
Human liberty, a pro-human future versus the globally anti-human future.
And that's why I want to thank you all and ask you now more than ever to remember that InfoWars really is your baby.
I am in your hands.
And we're under unprecedented attack and we just need you to go to InfoWars4.com and do your Christmas shopping there and get the best deals ever and funding InfoWars, a true 360 win.
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping storewide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add
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And what I mean by that is, everyone will get a t-shirt, but these are going to be selling out.
So whatever you order that day, they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out.
Then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next group of orders.
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Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
God bless you, and thank you for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we have the HD footage of myself confronting Congressman Swallowswell, Congressman Deutsch, Congressman Hank Johnson, who's actually quite nice.
Couldn't help but like to call him, I'm not even a person.
That's all coming up, and of course the Sundar Pichai confrontation in HD.
All the stuff you saw was live streamed, some of the audio was hammered.
But we have the HD now, because we're back, we were able to premiere it here.
That's next segment.
But let me direct you to something really frightening, quite frankly.
And, you know, we need to know who's behind this, we need to know if this goes down the way we said it would.
That the people that engineered it,
Should get the blame.
And not President Trump, not capitalism, not nationalism.
Remember Bill Maher?
Saying we need to plunge the economy to stop Trump.
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates seven times and announced five bigger ones coming.
And the stock market has started going down since then.
Now they've had all these globalist CEOs and others weigh in and say the economy is going to go under.
And now we've had members of Congress saying we're going to regulate, we're going to bring in more regulations, we're going to roll back all the regulations that Trump rolled back, we're going to bring those back in these committees, we're going to remove Trump and we're going to arrest his ass.
Well that's hurt the markets globally.
And this is what our president gets when he tries to do better trade deals for us.
The Communist Chinese and the EU promised to plunge our market, and now they're working with the Federal Reserve to do it.
But the Federal Reserve is majority owned by European banks to begin with.
That's why in 2008, 79 percent, this came out in congressional hearings, of the money went to foreign European banks, of the bailout.
Just type in, the majority of money from the 2008 bailout went to foreign banks.
Type that in.
You can also type in, even though trillions went to foreign banks of the bailout, the first tranche being $860 billion, it's secret exactly who got it.
Remember all that?
Remember all that?
So this is what we're dealing with.
So here's DrugsReport.com.
We can put up on screen for folks.
And you notice there on DrugsReport.com,
That it says debt poised to hit $22 trillion.
It's an excellent Michael Snyder article where he lays it all out and where he links to the government's own numbers.
Now under that story on drugsreport.com, it's the top story on drugsreport.com, it's an infowars.com repost of Michael Snyder's excellent work, most CFOs see recession coming.
Chief Financial Officers.
Homelessness on rise in some states.
Now, you look below that.
May away or stay.
UK in disarray.
Vote today.
Theresa May, they have a no confidence vote set.
We'll let you know as soon as that happens in Parliament to remove her as the Prime Minister because she thought she had the votes to do her Brexit screwjob deal that put the UK even more under the
Control of the unelected European Union dictatorship.
Oh, and who else is in trouble?
Macron is having a no confidence vote tomorrow and most French papers say they believe he'll be gone.
He's praised open borders.
He covers up for Islamic terror.
He massively raises taxes on the working class.
He's a monster.
He's a globalist.
So it's another rebuke of them.
And what are they threatening France with in the news?
What are they threatening the UK with in the news?
What are they threatening Spain with in Italy?
It's all over the news.
Financial Times.
If you try to pull out of the euro, and if you try to pull out of carbon taxes, we're gonna plunge your economy.
It's economic terrorism.
And so there it all is, ladies and gentlemen.
And we're being maneuvered into this.
And the EU was bubbling their debt.
The Chinese were leading the global bubble.
Trump knew that.
And knew that this plan was being carried out.
So he said, we better get some industry back, because we're going into a war in the future.
We better get our core steel and aluminum back.
We better get American pride back.
We better, at least we're going to have this big bubble, get some of that bubble money to the general public, instead of all the bubble money going to the big banks.
And that's why they're so pissed.
Because Trump doesn't want you bankrupted.
And he believes we can maybe even make it out of this bubble into another high-tech bubble if we can get secret technologies released, which he's been flogging them to do, and all these incredible medical breakthroughs that have been suppressed.
The only way to get out of a bubble cycle is an incredible new innovation or group of innovations.
Just like NASA and all that technology.
That's not hype, that that led us into the computer generation and the last 30 years of innovation we've seen.
The problem is then that innovation got hijacked and has been used for controlling bad things.
But here's the bottom line.
Trump told you, I mean my God folks, he, when he's on an airplane, a helicopter, or even golfing, in between rides to the holes,
To the Green.
He is on the phone calling CEOs, having little five-minute conversations, two-minute conversations, saying, bet on America.
We're gonna do it.
We're gonna get the jobs back.
I'm gonna roll back the regulations.
We're gonna create a wave.
And they believed it.
They did it.
But then, when they saw the election fraud, and they saw the corruption of the Democrats,
People are now saying, if America didn't want prosperity, and they're still going to reject Trump and we're going to let the Democrats engage in all this fraud, then maybe Trump really can't pull it out like we thought.
And I don't think that's the case, but people want instant gratification.
They want it all now done perfectly.
They all want to sit back and judge Trump and feel big about themselves and talk about how incompetent he is when he's done things nobody else has ever done.
Because that's what the average follower likes to do.
And I said this a year ago, I said it two years ago, I said six months ago, I said a month ago, I said if they're successful plunging the economy, will people have a memory that the country was trying to stand up on its own two feet from its deathbed
And basically the globalists have been like jumping jacks, hopping up and down on our shoulders and head, trying to drive us into the ground, doing everything they can, saying they want to hurt the economy, and then Trump gets the blame instead of the villains.
And you know, if America is that stupid, if England's that stupid, if Scotland's that stupid, if Italy's that stupid, if Spain's that stupid, if France's that stupid, if Brazil's that stupid, they're threatening the new Trump down there with plunging their economy.
If the public gets mad at a leader who could turn things around and then the globalists come to destroy that to then punish the leader and punish the people, do the people get pissed at who's pissing all over them?
Who's running them in the ground?
Who's raping them?
Or do they get pissed at the person that stood up with them and is their brother?
I think common sense is it makes you love Trump more.
It pisses you off more at the deep state.
And there's arrogance, but you know what?
There's a large portion of this country that are a bunch of virtue signaling entitled spoiled brats.
And they just want to be on a bandwagon and feel like they're on a winning football team.
It's like the people that don't really, you know, go see a team or listen to them or wear their jerseys until that team starts winning and then suddenly they all go out and buy the jerseys because they want to be on the bandwagon.
They're not like a fan of a football team where their team didn't even make the playoffs for 20 years and then suddenly goes to the Super Bowl.
See, this isn't the Super Bowl.
This is America coming back from the dead and other countries fighting for oxygen and fighting for sovereignty and fighting to not have the IMF and World Bank and globalists literally destroy their nations and break up their families and bring in AI surveillance control all over the world.
China's deploying AI surveillance grids all over Latin America as well and Africa.
Human cloning, animal-human cloning.
It's all just being done.
Super weapons.
No controls.
Totally insane.
No human rights.
Millions in concentration camps.
Google and Apple feverishly helping China.
Do it.
And then you'll walk down the street if you're Roger Stone or Alex Jones or Donald Trump Jr.
and people will roll down their windows and go, F you, you un-American Russian.
You're going to prison, scum!
When we're the Americans, everybody knows it.
They're trying to plunge the economy right now, and they may be successful.
So you better let everybody you know understand who was to blame.
Living in volcano may sound more dramatic than it really is.
The real drama can be found here in Leilani Estates.
But a lot of us on the Big Island rely on rainwater, and we need to be concerned about ash and acid rain.
Volcanic ash may contain heavy metal particles.
An acid rain could lower the pH of the water to unhealthy levels.
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As it turns out, the filter on the Alexa Pure raises the pH of the water.
So what we've learned is that volcanic ash and acid rain can contaminate a rainwater supply.
But more importantly, a good water filtration system will purify it.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
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Introducing the final and biggest sale of 2018, InfoWars is proud to introduce the 12 Days of Christmas.
And it's bigger than any previous sale before, as we attempt to clear out all of our amazing inventory to escape the dreaded inventory tax at the end of the year.
So get great products and help fund the InfoWars right now with the 12 Days of Christmas that is special amongst a group of incredible sales.
Now more than ever, InfoWars needs your support to continue to promote the spirit of liberty and Americana.
It truly is the Christmas spirit.
When you shop at InfoWarsStore.com, you don't just get incredible sales during the 12 days of Christmas.
You fund the very tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
These conspiracy theories were first spread by radio talk show host Alex Jones.
But to get the employee at YouTube on tape admitting that they do it?
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Time to stop submitting to this parody!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
I heard that on Alex Jones!
InfoWars went even further.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact
InfoWars.com InfoWars comes to mind.
Right now the war is the InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
I got a chant going!
Looking at widely reported information from InfoWars.
InfoWars.com I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what they should want!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats as the CEO is there on Capitol Hill today.
One America's Jack Posobiec has more from Washington.
Here with Alex Jones, the host of InfoWars.
Alex, what was your main message for Google and their CEO who is testifying today?
That we're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public as a control system, as their global social score to tie in all the spy grids and completely control their lives.
And that we're aware of his authoritarianism, we're aware of the lies, and we're also aware of the fact that people like Congressman Nadler, who gets $26,000 a year from Alphabet that owns Google, the parent company, is in their pocket.
And that everything he said today was basically written by their lobbyist.
We know that.
And so there is Sundar committing perjury, and his lawyers and his PR people have clearly written the statements for the Democrats to then
Ask him stage questions.
So they were involved in the perjury as well.
We're all hearing about Mueller, and he's going to indict all these people who supposedly lied with no evidence of lying about, you know, bimbos and things.
That has nothing to do with Russia.
And now we have people lying in our face saying you can turn off the location system on your phone.
Yeah, you can turn it off.
You don't get the service.
But Google admits in the fine print they're still tracking you.
He's telling bald-faced lies to Congress and the whole world.
And it was just outrageous.
So my message to him was,
You have me de-platformed off your system?
You only push negative lies about me everywhere?
Good, guess what?
Every time your executives show up, I'm going to, not just here, but all over the country, all over the world, I'm launching a major operation against them, where in the third dimension, here on the ground, we're going to be exposing that they are a clear and present danger, they've gone totally evil, Google is now one of the number one threats to freedom on this planet, working with the Chinese Communist to help suppress their population.
Let me follow up on that.
What are they doing with Chinese dissidents?
Google admits, and so does Apple, that they are giving over all the data with their phones and systems that are used there to watch their citizens and that the code keys to people's Apple and Google IDs to get on their phones are state-controlled.
To move to China and get tax exemption, you have to then give them the
We're good.
To the Chinese Communists.
Google and Apple are both like suitors to China, wanting to be the system that gets the global social score network set up that will then be adopted on a planetary scale.
Because they believe China will be able to leverage this global social score to be accepted at a planetary level.
So if Apple and Google can compete, they believe that they will be able to get that contract on basically the Mark of the Beast world government system.
And I know that sounds insane.
This is so epic, it's just over the top.
That's what it is.
So my message to him is, you will not silence humanity, and your authoritarianism will be met.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Google's world headquarters in China is on fire today.
Much of the building, this is from about an hour ago, much of the building is on fire.
More of that footage coming up.
Hope everybody gets out of there safely.
A lot of things going on in this world, obviously.
A lot of different forces out there, not just the technocrats.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Now I got into a lot of the economics last segment, but then I didn't get to my main point, which I tend to do.
And so I'm going to do that actually when we get into the next hour.
I'm also going to, as I said, premiere the HD footage that Drew and Rob Duce shot with the confrontation with Sundar, because it's very illustrative.
They have some other confrontations with
Members of Congress that have lied about me personally.
And they did lie about me, by the way, in the hearing.
They had several Democrats get there and say, well, you have banned the hate speech of Alex Jones, correct?
And of course, Sundar didn't want to respond to that.
This is the socialist thing where they just call something hate speech and then ban it.
That's going to be coming up as well.
We're going to be uploading that to Infowars.com in the near future.
But major governments are now warning and major financial officers are now warning that the carbon taxes that are being set up
and that are being deployed are designed to cause economic collapse.
So we're going to be looking at that as well coming up in the next hour.
Michael Cohen, obviously in the last 30 minutes they announced this.
He's getting three years for cases involving Stormy Daniels lying to Congress about Trump's Russia tower.
And of course, there's nothing there with the Russian towel, there's nothing there with Stormy Daniels.
This guy is getting this three years instead of 20 years for $15 million, money laundered, and a bunch of other stuff.
So, to act like Trump had a crooked toenail, he's been given three years, he's lucky, he's getting that.
What a monstrous little traitor.
What a sack of garbage Michael Cohen is.
When we start the next hour, I'm going to get into this.
Security firm warns.
I think?
The no-confidence vote on Theresa May today, on Macron tomorrow, they're all being ribboned from office.
If we don't get them this round, we'll get them next round, because everything they do is turning to liquid garbage, because the public is awake to their treason, and the human instinct for survival is kicking back on.
Meanwhile, I haven't gotten to this yet, and it's unbelievable.
We knew it.
You heard about the Christmas party getting shot up, the outdoor Christmas event in Germany.
Local government tried to cover it up, but he was screaming, Allah Akbar!
And it turned out he was there illegally, and it turned out he had been arrested 27 times.
No, convicted 27 times, but the federal government of Germany would not deport him, and he escaped into another country.
And he shot 12 Germans.
Four are dead.
He sought out Christians to scream, Allah, Allah, Allah, Akbar.
God is great.
And the left is doing all they can to suppress it on YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter.
It's in the news.
In Germany are banning people's accounts that point out, he said, Allah Akbar, you're going to let these guys shoot you, stab you and run you over and rape your daughters, or we're going to ban your ass.
And you got Sundar.
He's got 140 million Hindus killed by Muslims the last thousand years.
That's a conservative number.
Most Indians I know that are Hindus or Buddhists are absolutely terrified of Islam, but not old Sundar.
He likes it.
So he's not just a traitor against this country, he's a traitor against the Indian people.
And he's just a damn monster, isn't he?
God, he's evil.
He's got that big old stupid looking grin on his face when I was talking about how they're helping round up the Chinese and others.
Google is evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, I forgot, didn't plug the whole hour.
I'm going to plug now.
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That shirt, I'm told this is the last day for that.
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There'll still be a free shirt tomorrow.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Oh look, they just hit refresh!
So now it's going to be a mystery shirt because that one sold out.
I think I'm gonna pick one that we've got plenty of and that's popular and we'll actually not have it be a mystery.
It doesn't matter.
Point is, a lot of these orders we're losing money on, but it gets the product out there.
Let's do that.
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Real Red Bull Plus, 60% off today at InfoWarsTore.com.
Stay with us.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Introducing the final and biggest sale of 2018, InfoWars is proud to introduce the 12 Days of Christmas.
And it's bigger than any previous sale before, as we attempt to clear out all of our amazing inventory to escape the dreaded inventory tax at the end of the year.
So get great products and help fund the InfoWars right now with the 12 Days of Christmas that is special amongst a group of incredible sales.
Now more than ever, InfoWars needs your support to continue to promote the spirit of liberty and Americana that truly is the Christmas spirit.
When you shop at InfoWarsStore.com, you don't just get incredible sales during the 12 days of Christmas.
You fund the very tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.
I don't have to tell our listeners and viewers how important InfoWars is in the fight against the anti-human globalists.
So I'll say it short and sweet.
We need your support now more than ever.
You've come through a thousand times so I'm not bitching at you.
I'm just simply telling you we are in the thick of the battle now.
The attacks on M4 Wars have become absolutely exponential and down the road we probably will get destroyed.
But I know, and God has really put it on my heart, that we've got to maintain the fight as hard as possible and go through as much as we can to be an example to others and carry out critical operations ahead of whatever happens.
But I want to be strong in this fight.
I need to be provisioned.
And I'm willing to stand against Hillary and Soros and the Rothschilds and all these devil worshippers.
But I need your prayers.
I need you to spread the articles and videos.
I need you to give us financial support right now.
We make it easy.
Do your Christmas shopping with us, not with the Globalist and not with Bezos and Amazon and you'll help provision us.
We've got a bunch of huge deals in fourstore.com, so please take action right now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'm going to dive into what's happening with global government and the collapse of it, what's going to come out of that, but also some really out-of-control Democrat plans for massive taxes on your text messages.
I'm not kidding.
And we have an exclusive video, I'm not going to tell you about yet, from Portland, Oregon and Antifa that the great Clive Lewis of Ground Zero Radio got to us.
It's an exclusive video.
It's coming up, but first, Gavin McGinnis is going to be in studio tomorrow, here in Austin with us.
The latest great patriot to be banned, and he's being banned because he's pro-human, and he's promoting strong masculinity.
People ask why I get so angry and why I work so hard, and it's the old classic statement, because it's true.
That's why anybody stands up.
That is a very exciting video today, isn't it?
I kind of like that.
Stop it right there.
We're not gonna go to that video now.
You gotta love these computers.
It's not the crew's fault.
They do that sometimes.
There's a lot going on during the breaks.
A lot of questions, a lot happening, a lot moving quickly, and when we do that, that's what tends to happen.
Gavin McGinnis is going to be in studio with us tomorrow, and we get into why they wanted him banned, why they want others banned, because they see men as the threat.
They see men organizing and having the instinct to not be usurped, to not be overtaken, to not be enslaved.
That's why when the Babylonians, or the Egyptians, or the Romans took over any group, they would kill the men down to about age 10, generally.
They would kill the men down to about age 10, and then they would put the women in charge of keeping the men in line, or we'll kill more of your men.
And then, if women were having too many male children,
Every occupied group, from ancient Pharaoh right through to the Aztecs, they would then demand the firstborn child of the male and kill it.
If the firstborn was a male, they would kill the male child.
You know about that in the Old Testament, it's also in Roman histories, it's in Egyptian histories, it's in every culture that had a captured group
You know, a region or area that the Empire had captured.
They would then have it in a religious ceremony that they were going to kill your firstborn son.
And that's because firstborn sons, almost all the astronauts are firstborn sons.
The IQs are higher in firstborn sons.
Genetically, they activate in firstborn sons, but also in girls firstborn.
All statistics show that.
It's not just that they're babies and then see-only adults and kind of project onto that.
Who've even been separated out and put with families with their kids and studies.
They found some interesting things in leadership qualities and things like that.
And so the ancients all knew, you know what?
There's too many of you Israelites or whatever the group was.
We're going to demand your firstborn son.
And we're going to put the sword to him, or we're gonna throw him into a fiery pit to Moloch, and this is what we're gonna do.
But now we do things a little bit different.
We give our firstborn sons Ritalin to shrink their brains, retard their growth, lower their IQs.
We give our firstborn sons extra vaccines, and so instead of, you know, 1 in 35,000 people having autism, it's 1 in 50-plus, and you're about 10 times more likely if you're a boy to have it because your blood-brain barrier isn't as strong, and then you've got the targeting of the sons, you know, to send them off to war.
That's just a, you know, a genetic default.
And then you've got all the other things, and now they're going to teach your son, when they're three years old, that you're really a girl, and you're going to wear a dress.
And by age six, this is the new UN Compact, if you decide you want to be another sex, why, we're going to give you hormones, even if your parents don't like it, and screw you up, and then when you're ten years old, we're going to chop your testicles off.
And the school's going to praise you and all the peer pressure, because the school is a mind-control cult there to make sure you're destroyed.
But I guess that's better than getting killed by the sword of your heart cut out, or thrown into a fiery furnace, or having autism and being in diapers the rest of your life.
So, you know, it's kind of the humane thing.
Let's not kill their firstborn sons.
Let's just chop their balls off.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the InfoWar.
And now, Alex Jones.
I have several articles that are illustrative
Of the left just pushing incredibly divisive, racist, in their view, homophobic narratives.
But if it's Mika Brzezinski or Hillary Clinton doing it, it's okay.
But what makes it even worse is they lie about us when we're not even doing it and get us taken off all these platforms and then they do it.
Coming up, MSNBC's Megan Brzezinski calls Mike Pompeo a wannabe dictator's butt boy.
Stephen Colbert said that Trump is Vladimir Putin's cock holster.
I'm sorry to use these adult terms.
We're a very conservative show.
This is what's going on on national news.
This is what's being said about our president.
I can't show you the video of the trans brainwashing of kids in public schools in Austin and at other events because it's pornographic.
What two-year-olds, what five-year-olds are shown at school, I can't show you.
What's shown at public events, I can't show you because we're on broadcast TV, and I don't want to show you.
We did it last year and the station's complaining, and I know why, but you know, at the end of the day, they're showing kids this crap, man!
Men with glitter all over their genitals with little boys and girls hugging them.
I mean, I like the female form, but if I was at the beach, a public beach, and a woman was going around with glitter all over like that, I'd say, hey lady, let's put some clothes on.
This is a man with glitter on his genitals with little kids hugging him, and it's on the news as a good thing.
I'm sorry, I'm digressing.
Remember Hillary said black people all look alike?
Call them super predators too!
They had to be brought to heel, like a dog.
Imagine if Trump ever said something like that.
His career would be over and it should be.
But you know what?
You got Hillary saying it.
It's like, it's alright, she's Hillary and Bill Clinton's black.
And now Mike Pompeo
Patriot, top of his class, great guy, doing great work for this country, is a butt boy.
A butt boy is pretty much quasi-pedophilic, too.
It means, you know, a boy that a man uses his butt.
Hate to have to define this for you, but that's what a butt boy is.
In fact, it goes back to, they used to impress, down to age six, seven, eight years old, usually about ten was the age they wanted, onto British ships, impressment.
Part of a revolutionary war was over in Pressman.
They would just kidnap your child, sometimes 100 miles inland, and knock him over the head and just take him and put him on a ship to be the cabin boy.
Well, let me tell you, on some ships, the cabin boy was getting buggered.
And buggered is the English term for screwing kids.
And buggering is a big deal over in England, as we all know.
You see it all over the news with the establishment.
But now they just bugger your children's brains right out in the open and turn them into little perverts when they're age five.
And if mommy and daddy don't like it, we're gonna take the child from you if you live in a blue city.
By the way, my mom's from Austin.
I grew up in Dallas, but my family helped found this state.
And I've had family living here in Waterloo, as it was named before it was Austin, for
180 years.
And I've got our building and our structure built here.
But in the next few years, I think we're going to evacuate Austin.
It's fallen to California.
And at least move a distance from it.
Because it's too dangerous to be in these courts here.
It's too dangerous to have children here.
I mean, it's San Francisco now.
Austin has fallen.
It's very sad.
You saw the whole states almost falling to Beto O'Rourke and the rest of them.
I'm sorry, Beto O'Rourke.
Beto O'Rourke, wherever the hell that, Bevo, Bevo O'Rourke.
So that's all coming up.
And all these internal Google documents that have come out, we're going to be covering all of it.
Google executives openly said in an open forum,
That's what they have is these big amphitheater, university style deals where the executives get up and then it transmits to all the Google campuses.
And they say things like, F you leakers.
And then it goes into how they're going to stop the leaks.
The number one threat's the leaks.
Because if you want to know what Google really is, it's not just AI.
It's not just a weapon.
But when we start the next segment, remind me, crew, because I'm going to play this special clip then.
Of what Google really is.
Google is the coward's weapon.
You know, you see these science fiction movies where there's this big giant robot, 50 feet tall, destroying everything, throwing army tanks around.
When they finally defeat it, there's like a little half-foot tall worm driving it.
And that's what Google is.
It's the ultimate coward's secret weapon.
And I'm going to tell you what Google really is on the other side of this break.
You're going to get the world exclusive.
Why they fear him full war is more than anything else.
Because I've read their own writings, their own statements, their own dreams.
And I've studied their overall operations and the globals that control them, and I know them.
And I know what they've named their secret projects.
Like Palantir.
And I know what their endgame is.
And the fact that Sundar walked in there with that crap-eating grin and lied to Congress just shows you how arrogant he is.
But he wasn't by the end.
He looked scared.
People say, you know, Sundar's dangerous.
He's got all this stuff.
You don't think I don't know that?
What's dangerous is rolling over to that sack of garbage.
The reason he fought like the devil to get here, so he could have freedom to do what he wanted, shows how evil he is.
And the most powerful statement was by Louie Gohmert, Congressman of Texas.
And he said, only America would allow you to create something like this.
And he said, my God, you live in the dark so much, you don't even know what the light is, Sundar.
And that's a very profound statement.
Sundar, you don't even know what the light is.
And that's really it.
The people that are into evil, they don't know what light is.
They don't even see it.
He'd claw his way to get here, and then he'd set up a globalist caste system over us.
But he's just the front man for far more evil people.
Sundar's the front man.
Sundar, and his fabulous sun sword, as he cuts through liberty with his knife of censorship.
We're gonna go to break, and I'm gonna come back and give you the big secret of Google.
And we really are giving you a big secret.
There's a lot of talk out there.
There's a lot of people that claim they know how stuff works, or people that claim, oh yeah, this or that.
We know of what we speak, and that's why we're hated.
And that's why it's up to you and only you to spread this information if you accept this mission.
The wonderful listeners of this broadcast, people from India, people from China, people from Mexico, people from Russia, people from all over the world, people from Africa, if you love liberty and you love justice and God, I love you.
But if you love evil, and you love lying, and you love setting up systems that make humans weak, not strong, then I am your enemy, and I swear on the altar of God, eternal resistance against every form of tyranny, against the mind of man.
Google is the ultimate Trojan horse.
The ultimate.
You go out and you buy the Google assistants and the Facebook spy bots and the Lexus of Amazon, and you bring them into your house, and the damn thing is literally watching and listening with horrible AI intentions, programmed by the most psychotic control freaks the world's ever seen.
And then I'm the bad guy for saying this might not be a good idea.
Choose wisely, my friends.
By the way, Google Headquarters is on fire.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patriot points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add
A free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified super blue, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last.
And what I mean by that is, everyone will get a t-shirt, but these are going to be selling out.
So whatever you order that day, they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out.
Then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next group of orders.
In the next 12 days, we are going to have beyond any other sale we've ever had, so this is a lost leader.
We are losing money on this.
This is our biggest sale ever.
Get your free gift, your free shipping, everything, and don't fight the crowds.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
God bless you, and thank you for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
There's always a blind spot in tyrants throughout history where they become haughty.
They believe they're invincible.
We see that with the big tech giants.
Our problem is not going to be these different arrogant tech leaders.
It's going to be
The system they're building and the dependency that the average person is going to have on it, now these things kill competition and actually stagnate society and vertically integrate power to some of the most corrupt, out-of-control groups.
So, if you want to understand Google, you have to understand Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
Now that's just a paper that a special operations black ops commander wrote back in the 80s.
But, if you know about killing people softly, that's a term much older.
You want to kill somebody and not have them know how you killed them, or why you killed them, because you don't want to get the repercussion of them fighting back.
That's why women, you know, tend to poison people.
They don't tend to beat people's brains out like men do.
Because they're not physically, historically as strong as a man, so they do it by stealth.
And so if you look at Google, its power is that you don't know it's spying on you.
In fact, you opt in and never think about the fact that it's watching you.
You're getting this limited query, but it's now tracking what you want, where you're going, and then down the road it can put all that together and guess what you're going to do next with algorithms that are basically completely accurate.
Then they can program those algorithms to manipulate search results to control what you're going to do, down to an exact science.
So it's not just predicting the future, it's directing the future.
And I told you this 20 years ago.
Now it's mainstream news.
But what's the rest of the story?
Well, there's not just the Trojan horse application.
There's not just the gaming, the finances, the politics.
That's all side issues.
The globalists at the universities that developed the idea for the intergalactic communication system, that's what the World Wide Web was first called, and then the British scientists and US scientists actually developed the plan and the different interfacing nodes, the computers that have humans interfaced with those, and then it was supposed to be a system so they couldn't cut out communications worldwide, even in a nuclear war.
That's kind of the public reason for the Internet.
But it was really deployed as this digital neural net human interface
But under its current configuration, the very universities created their SJW anti-free speech hives, told them you're the new ruling class, you're going to take over the planet, take over the country, take over the world.
And so they could then take those people out of Western universities and put them in
To these controlled cults in San Francisco and a few other areas where they can watch them, drug them, carry out mind control experiments on them.
I mean, they do it all.
Silicon Valley is unbelievable.
I know a lot of people that go to the parties and are involved.
I've been invited two years ago, obviously didn't get involved.
But I mean, it's a full-on cult.
Because again, it's all mind control.
They're watching you, they're tracking you.
And so it's this system where these incredible cowards
Can watch what you do, know your dreams, go out and put out false information in government and corporate databases that aren't even public.
Sell that data, manipulate that data, while sitting up there acting all non-threatening and having nerdy guys with long hair and pink socks and this is all very sophisticated training.
It's all a complete cover.
And so that's why they even promote in these corporations men that act effeminate, men that act non-threatening, men saying, oh, I don't have any power, oh, I don't, Apple isn't powerful, oh, Google's not powerful, oh, Alex Jones, we don't know anything about him.
And you saw this with Tim Cook in interviews about me.
He's like, oh, I don't have power.
Oh, I don't do anything.
Oh, I don't.
I'm healthy.
I'm weak.
And it's the ultimate coward, coward tool.
Where basically it's this giant global armored weaponized spy grid exoskeleton.
That these people get to step into, and whoever's the most cunning, the most manipulative, the most deceptive, gets promoted up through the ranks.
And so they've just got millions of SJWs.
You've seen the Project Veritas videos.
You've seen the undercover footage.
You've seen the documents in WikiLeaks.
All the new stuff coming out from Breitbart about info wars, and Tucker Carlson, and Breitbart being targeted to be shut down.
This is a weaponized cult!
A power cult with people with chips on their shoulders who, depending on their psychological profile, are putting different caste systems in the grid.
And then they get to step into this cult where they're highly surveilled, where they go through rituals that are very embarrassing, where they do compromising things.
And then once you're in that cult, this is the new mafia, once you're in this new intelligence agency, this corporate private intelligence agency, you graduate into the eugenics, population reduction, final level.
And there's only maybe a thousand people in that club.
And I was offered to join that club.
Because I'd already reverse engineered it.
And so I was offered to join that club by the Kissinger group, by other groups,
Because the mere fact that I had reverse-engineered it all meant, well, I should obviously be in that club.
They didn't even tell me anything because I already knew about the club.
I already understood the club, so...
It's a whole caste system of weak, evil traitors who are put in low-level positions, and then it goes from there up with all these scumbags who basically have created a system to wage war against the general public, commit all sorts of crimes, do terrible things, but then pose as SJW liberals who are guardians of the planet.
Stay with us.
We'll go to break.
In terms of power, I've never felt like I had any power.
I'm too weak.
Oh, don't kill me.
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Introducing the final and biggest sale of 2018, InfoWars is proud to introduce the 12 Days of Christmas.
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Everybody knows it.
History documents it.
But there is a cult in every culture and every system throughout history.
That wants to hurt children.
They want to abort children.
They want to disease children.
They want to abuse children.
They want to confuse children.
They want their essence.
They want their soul.
They want their spirit.
They want their power.
Because they are our future.
And this Christmas, remember, it is about Jesus Christ, not ultimate sacrifice.
It is about the West.
And it is about a human future and standing with each other and believing in a better future.
So I just want to thank you all for your support.
And I want to ask you all to pray for your own family, to pray for America, to pray for President Trump, and to pray for InfoWars, and to remember that you have the power to change the world.
You have the power to override the censors.
You have the power to stop the globalists dead in their tracks.
And I know you've been taking action, and I salute you, but just remember, I know you're humble, but just remember, you hold the future of this planet and the universe in your hands.
InfoWars has been proven absolutely on target about world government, the attack on the family, the eugenics operations, the whole thing.
We've been proven dead on.
You've been proven dead on as supporters and listeners of this broadcast.
You've been the men and women in the arena and I really do thank you and salute you all.
Words are not enough.
Think about, of all the different systems, of all the different political ideologies, you have been on target.
Promoting Americana and Renaissance, an open free society against the globalist and the dominant world force.
They've created a tower of Babel with a bunch of people that can't communicate with each other.
But we have cut right to the chase.
Human liberty, a pro-human future versus the globalist anti-human future.
That's why I want to thank you all and ask you now more than ever to remember that InfoWars really is your baby.
I am in your hands and we're under unprecedented attack and we just need you to go to InfoWars4.com and do your Christmas shopping there and get the best deals ever and fund the InfoWars, a true 360 win.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen right here on the Alex Jones Show.
So this is a secret of Google.
Google's not just AI.
Google is a covert weapon system that is innately designed to consolidate economies, to remove humans from the thinking equation, and to pre-program the population according to the aims and dreams and objectives of the ruling technotronic technocracy elite, or technocrats.
But how it really operates and what gives it its power is creating the chip-on-the-shoulder SJWs who believe in anti-free speech and oppression being prepared in the universities and then shipped in to the technocracy to then command and control the whole system.
So the entire program is a giant coward operation.
It's a system where you don't know you're being attacked.
A system where you don't know you're being surveilled.
A system where you don't know you're being ensnared until suddenly they announce the global social score and if you don't do exactly what these people say some shadowy person will ban you for life.
Not just from Facebook or Google or Twitter but from being able to have a bank card or a job or travel.
Oh but you say well I'll just
Use cash.
Oh, sorry.
China has a goal within five years, so does Sweden, to be totally non-cash.
In fact, you already get a social score downgrade in China if you use cash.
And now you see where this is going.
People say, I have nothing to hide.
I've done nothing wrong, so what if they're watching me?
What do they have to hide?
You know, it was a big phenomenon in the last 10 years.
People on Facebook and other places would say, we're going to Cancun or we're going to Europe.
We just had our Christmas.
Look, I got this big, beautiful Louis Vuitton bag and I got this new computer.
They'd leave their geolocation on.
Thieves would figure out from their Facebook where they lived and that they were gonna be gone for two weeks and they'd come rob them!
Millions of burglaries based on that.
People finally figured to stop doing that.
To turn their geolocation off on their photos.
But see, it's not just run-of-the-mill street thugs you gotta worry about.
Like, why do you have doors on your house?
Why do you have windows?
You're not a bad person.
But there's something about, you're about to get in bed with your wife to watch television, maybe do something else, and you close the blinds.
There's just something about closing the hot door.
It's private.
It's your time.
It's the essence of freedom.
It's privacy.
Your medical records.
Your sexual preferences.
Who you are.
What you've experimented with.
All of that is under the control of these technocracy people, picked from the world, ready to work with every authoritarian regime, proven they're control freaks, proven they love to censor people, proven they love to lie to get people censored.
And then now we're just going to turn our lives over to these shadowy people and let them know everything about us.
My wife is not a
Spying type person.
She's not a person that's, you know, got a chip on her shoulder.
But before I've been looking for a pen or a piece of gum or something, and I've been in her purse, and she's like, what are you doing in my purse?
I'm like, I'm just looking for something.
Figured you might have something I'm needing here.
Because there's that sense of territorialism, identity.
Sometimes my phone's dead, and I grab her and start doing something, and she's like, what are you doing on my phone?
Now imagine though, everybody else is in your phone, they're in your purse, they're in your brain, and if you talk about it, oh, you're the conspiracy guy, now it's all admitted to have been true, and it's worse, and I'm even more of a bad guy.
See how that works?
So Google is a system
For very wicked, bad control freaks to commit massive crimes, and to play God, and to be bigger than the government, the police, the military, everything, and to try to get away with it.
It is, bottom line, satanic.
And only bad will come of it, and that's their plan.
That's why they were saying, their slogan was, don't be evil, because they are inherently pure evil.
Now, I've got all this other news, but I was putting most of the show on Google today because it's such a big deal.
And those hearings, and I haven't even played the HD of my confrontation with Sundar, the CEO of Google.
But make no mistake, Obama and Hillary and the Democrats and the leftist CIA, they still control Google.
It was built by the U.S.
It's been totally hijacked by rogue, unelected groups.
And they are involved in such crimes against this nation, it's truly unspeakable.
And I think it's emblematic of how corrupt they are that their main headquarters in China burst into flames today.
I wish no harm against anybody.
But it is a omen, I think, for the fact that the world is awake to this and upset.
And that we're not in Kansas anymore.
Now, there's a bunch of breaking news I haven't gotten to yet.
I want to get to what the left would call homophobic statements by Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of a famous mass murderer, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
That's all coming up next segment, and I will finally get to that, premiere that HD video that I hurried him up to get out this morning, but I haven't played yet, of our Sundar confrontation.
That's next segment.
But I'm going to go ahead and just stop right now, and I'm going to spend a couple minutes plugging, because if we don't do this, we won't be here.
But more importantly than that, these are great products you need, and it funds our operation.
We are running the biggest specials that we have ever run, period, at Infowarestore.com right now.
For a lot of reasons.
We want to sell out all our great inventory.
We want to get more InfoWars bumper stickers on the street.
Every order gets a free four or five bumper stickers.
We want to get free InfoWars t-shirts out there.
Every order gets a free InfoWars t-shirt.
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That's my rationale for losing money and doing this.
The biggest overarching reason is you've seen all the news.
PayPal dropped us, other payment processors.
They tried to take them all away.
We were down to one.
We got some backups.
But the hounds are on my heels, which is fine.
That's what I expect to be the thing of the fight.
But take advantage of this.
Don't fight the crowds.
Don't fight the traffic.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com today.
Now, the shirt sold out that says, we're all Alex Jones, don't censor me, instead of don't tread on me, and it's got the Gatsby snake.
It was so popular, we did, it's a limited edition.
That sold out.
We did one more order of that, so that folks that want it can get it.
That shirt sold out.
Every order got a free one.
And now we've got a lot of shirts, including bestsellers, but limited supplies.
So it's gonna be a mystery shirt you get free on top of the free shipping, and 50 to 75% off, and the double Patriot points, 10% on every dollar.
You're going to get a mystery shirt because we're going to sell out all the inventory of the shirts.
We've got about 20 shirts in stock.
Bill Clinton's a rapist, Donald Trump's my president, Pence, Trump 2020, Molon, Labe, Infowars.com.
There's a bunch of these shirts, so every order will now get a mystery shirt.
Because there's not enough of each supply out there to, you know, just have a new shirt every day.
So it's going to be, in the Fed shirt, Republic Defense Force, Won't Tread On Me, Molon Labe, Tank Man, that's an awesome shirt, I Stand With Trump, It's Okay To Be Human, I Am The Resistance, George Washington,
In Your Face, Blue and Red Info Wars, Honest Abe Lincoln T-Shirt.
That's a designer shirt, cost me like eight bucks a piece.
And there's a bunch of others, so it'll be a mystery shirt.
You will get a mystery shirt.
Mashed Murders, The Great Gun Control Works.
All the classics are in there.
Because we're down to just limited supplies, but some of these are best sellers, some of them aren't.
Some of them are designer.
Some of these shirts cost $12.
You'll still get one free.
We're just going through them until they're all gone.
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In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
And then I came up with the idea last week.
Let's not just extend the sale of free shipping store-wide, 50-75% off, double Patreon points.
Let's extend that sale, but also add
A free gift with every order.
Even if it's a tube of fluoride-free, colloidal silver, iodine-fortified, super blue, you'll get a free gift of a best-selling t-shirt while supplies last.
And what I mean by that is, everyone will get a t-shirt, but these are going to be selling out.
So whatever you order that day, they'll be the shirt of the day that's there until it sells out.
Then there'll be another shirt that goes up for the next group of orders.
In the next 12 days, we are going to have beyond any other sale we've ever had.
So this is a lost leader.
We are losing money on this.
This is our biggest sale ever.
Get your free gift, your free shipping, everything.
And don't fight the crowds.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
The globalist system all across the world is being challenged.
They thought they were invincible.
Theresa May faces removal from office.
Macron faces it tomorrow for their treason.
Meanwhile, I've talked about this.
Here's the HD video and audio for radio and TV listeners and viewers of yesterday when you've got Sundar, the CEO of Google, who's doing all this illegal stuff on record.
He went in and lied to Congress.
I predicted he would go in and lie to Congress.
And when he walks in, none of the media, we're talking probably 50 TV cameras, tries to go over and talk to him.
When he left, no one tried to talk to him.
Except our reporters.
So, here's this guy that poses as this bastion of liberalism, and he's gonna ban all conservatives because we're all Nazis.
His own internal documents show he's doing this.
He's lying to Congress about it, and then we're not supposed to confront him about this?
So he was laughing at first, and I was talking about Google is on record helping China round up its dissidents, and competing to help censor their whole population, with not just Dragonfly, but other platforms, and then here he is making jokes about it, but by the end he wasn't laughing.
Here it is.
Google executives and Facebook executives and Twitter executives go before Congress and they tell Congress that they're not censoring anybody.
Even though we have all the Google documents, we have internal Google videos, we have internal Twitter videos, where their executives talk about how they're censoring everyone.
Let's go over here.
Sundar, you know Google is helping China with Dragonfly, and you know that they're helping censor, and you know that you've sold this country out, and you won't even help the Pentagon, but you'll help the CHICOMs.
You bet on the wrong country, Sundar.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
That guy has had his people tell Congress they're not censoring.
They lied to Congress.
They could be arrested just like that Chinese spy got arrested in Canada two weeks ago.
We've allowed this globalist into this country to sell it out.
It's unbelievable.
They're building a censorship system.
It's trash.
We know you're not an American, but you can't work with the Communist Chinese.
You can't work with the Communist Chinese, Sundar.
You can't work with the Communist Chinese on dragonfly censoring and rounding up their dissidents.
Sundar is arresting dissidents in China.
Apple's working with China to suppress their people.
Sundar, you're engaged in treason.
You've had Google executives lie to Congress that you're not censoring conservatives.
Sundar, you will not silence the people.
Your censorship will not work anymore, Sundar.
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaining your search results.
Google is evil.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
You're in a hallway, you're in a public hallway.
You're gonna be arrested.
That's enough.
You're making too much noise.
So Google's not evil now, officer?
I'm not saying that.
Just control yourself.
Get under control now.
I'm under control, officer.
I just was- He's taken my free speech away and lied about me, so I need to stand up to him.
Thank you.
I'm not worried about that right now.
I'm not- They're gonna talk about me in this- That's what I understand.
They're gonna talk about me in this committee.
I will be talked about.
So what am I supposed to do?
I don't get a day in court.
They lie about me.
Google only puts lies up.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
And that guy helps round up political dissidents, and then his people come to lie to Congress over and over and over again, and we don't get to respond to them.
So Google is helping build censorship systems in China for a global social score they've tested there to totally control every aspect of our lives.
Apple and Tim Cook has said he wants censorship worldwide.
They're working with the Communist Chinese that have killed five times what Hitler did.
So here you go.
We're attempting to have free speech.
They silenced us on the internet so they can go strong anymore.
And we're here simply trying to tell the truth and stand up for what's right and let these people know that we will not be silenced and that Americans who are being censored on the internet, libertarians, Christians, conservatives, are going to come to Congress
We're going to come to the State Houses, we're going to go to all the public events, and we're going to let people like Sundar, who literally helps China round up their people, and has put a censorship system in there and here, we're going to let them know that they're not going to sit there and silence us, and that we're going to speak out, and we're going to expose what they're doing.
This is authoritarianism that has come to this country, and Sundar and Google are the absolutely most evil corporation on Earth.
Their camouflage was saying, don't be evil, but they got rid of that slogan, didn't they?
Imagine if it was, say, 1880 and you live in New York City, and electricity has just been discovered, just been invented, the use of it, and they try to pass a law that only certain people in the future can have electricity, a utility.
That would be very draconian, that would create two different civilizations, one above, one below.
This technology sneaks up on us, the leftists get control of it, the globals get control of it, and now they want to censor and control everybody.
And they think we're ignorant, they think we're stupid.
If we don't get involved and demand access to all this, we're done!
I mean, if they can cut us out of the AI system they've built, that is meant to be a monopoly, well, if you're not in the monopoly, you're starving to death!
And they're saying, yeah, if you don't follow what we say, we've got a new global social score, you will starve to death.
You got it?
So, you think I want to go confront Sundar?
You think I want to go confront these people?
But, we have stacks of news this week with new emails released by Google employees, high level, where they say, Breitbart
Alex Jones, Infowars, we're in all these.
We've got to target all their sponsors and kick them off the internet.
Go into everything they've ever said or done and find something.
And what just happened to Gavin McInnes who's going to be in the studio tomorrow.
He's landing in about an hour.
Two hours.
He is the guy that launched Vice TV.
He's the guy that launched the whole trendy beard movement.
He didn't do it on purpose, but he's the guy.
They've got his face on like, you know, beard cream at the mall.
They're scared of him because he's launched trends.
He's just a pro human guy, classical liberal.
They went and banned his YouTube channel with millions of subscribers, millions of views, because they said he violated Vans copyright for a Vans commercial that he was in.
He went into his records 10 years ago, when he first started his YouTube, he went, Vans paid me to do that ad.
That was paid programming.
He called Vans and they said, we did not file a complaint on you.
This is made up.
He got the head of Vans and their lawyer to call Google and they said, we don't care.
It turns out George Soros and media matters.
You're gone.
Did a scan, found that, and then put in the fake complaint saying it was Vans shoes.
Now, once Vans said they would sue, and I'm giving you inside baseball now, so now they reinstated his YouTube channel, but I warned Gavin this morning before he took off.
I said, I've been through this, man.
They said, I said, nobody died at Parkland, but all I said was the police stood down.
They had to restore the channel then, but they're going to find something.
It's just so horrible to watch this happen, and it's how they build these straw men against you, and they lie about you, and then when they take you off, the lies don't go away.
It gets worse!
It gets worse!
Once you're off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter?
Oh man, then the cowards, they pile on then, man.
Because you're not there!
You can't respond.
And that's what this leftist scumbag spirit wants.
It wants to spy on you, know everything you're doing, use the data against you, and then if you ever stand up, ban you, and then go to Congress and say, we don't know what you're talking about even though we have all their proof.
But you know what's gonna downfall the human spirit?
It's gonna be the leakers.
It's going to be those people at Google, at Facebook, at Twitter.
It's going to be the real patriots that bring down these criminals.
Not the brainwashed, old, evil lawyers that run the Republican Party.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I told you about two hours ago we had exclusive video coming up, but it's got to be bleeped, so we can't play it right now.
But sometime today, maybe this show, maybe The War Room coming up, we're going to have this for you.
It's shot video.
Antifa violently assaults local Portland residents protesting the mayor.
They're the leftist bully enforcers.
That's why the left and the corporations and Twitter's, you know, army
I have a guest joining us.
He's the gentleman that got demonized at a university hearing how white people are inherently like cancer and the worst people on the planet.
He just said, you know, the whole modern world, which is true, the Renaissance and the printing press and the combustion engine and space travel and just basically the Internet was a Western European creation.
And I mean, you know, we can't help it.
We're kind of like Martians with these big heads and
Your planet will serve us well, but the point is that we have the Christian ethos which really made us successful and tamed our barbarian problems that we had that kept us in the caves.
So Christianity plus Western civilization created civilization.
So he got in a lot of trouble for that.
He's going to be joining us.
Coming up, and I have another compilation of confronting Congressman Swallowswell, Swallows Tyrannywell.
He's a world-renowned sword swallower.
And we also have Congressman Islandsfloat.
Coming up.
And Congressman Deutch, who famously told incredible lies in the Judiciary Committee about me six months ago.
So get in full wars band.
Off of many of these platforms.
So that is all coming up.
But the first thing that I wanna hit when we come back, I'm gonna be a good boy and get to this, I mentioned an hour ago, is MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski.
And I wouldn't blame, if Hitler had a son or daughter, I wouldn't blame them for their father.
But if they follow in their footsteps, then I do blame them.
Mika Brzezinski, what a hateful, evil tart.
Everyone I know that knows her, and I know quite a few, say she is the most hateful, vapid, conceited, empty, vicious person.
No one gets a tip.
Everyone gets bitched out.
Everyone gets told how they're a piece of crap.
I mean, you know, she's got a bear trapped reportedly between her legs.
So, you know, it's like an alien.
We're defibrillating the guy's chest, and the chest busts open, and the big teeth bite the arms off.
That's like, she reportedly has like a...
You know down there that's what happened to that's what happened to uh Joe Scarborough and he wasn't you know found with dead interns their heads bashed in it was just like it was it's satire I'm like well I'm not actually satire well it is satire but it's not satire but the dead intern and well the whole metal trap thing can we pull up the thing 1983 or whatever um incredible I think probably the best film John Carpenter put out where
He's defibrillating the guy, and the chest opens up, and the monster's teeth bite the arms off, and the guy goes like this, blood spring, because that's reportedly what it's like to crawl into bed with Mika Brzezinski.
I'm sorry.
She's out making comments here.
See, I'm a bad guy for making that comment, but she's fine.
If I say her vagina's like a bear trap, I'm a bad person, even though it's a joke.
But if she says, wannabe dictator's butt boy,
When her father bragged that he helped kill millions around the world and was an absolute criminal, it just adds a delicious cherry on top to the entire fetid pile that is the rotting demon droppings that is Mika Brzezinski.
Mika Brzezinski.
What a joke.
Hey, Mika.
Hey, Mika.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I just, I have to ask, because I don't think there, I can't think of anyone here who could put it more clearly than you.
I understand that Donald Trump doesn't care.
Heilman makes a good point, he doesn't care.
But why doesn't Mike Pompeo care right now?
Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard, when he appeared on Fox & Friends, is that a patriot speaking?
Or a wannabe dictator's butt boy?
I'm dead serious.
I'm asking, are these the words of a patriot?
He's debased himself.
He once again has undercut the conclusions of our intel community.
So if you wonder what's driving down the stock market,
It's the Democrats, the private Federal Reserve, that's European-owned, saying the President's a criminal, he's going to jail, he's a butt boy, which means a young man underage that an older man has sex with.
That's what the vernacular of that, if you look up the providence of butt boy, that's what it means.
So, hearing pedophilic stuff out of Zbigniew Brzezinski's evil,
I mean, what do you think falls off the hind end of that guy?
Well, Mika Brzezinski literally was crapped out on the ground by her evil war criminal father, and that's what they do now.
So two can play at that game, which?
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski calls Mike Pompeo a wannabe dictator's butt boy.
And of course, Stephen Colbert, what does he call Trump?
Putin's cock holster.
Oh, but if anybody else made a joke like that, they'd be removed from air immediately.
Mika Brzezinski apologizes for calling him up and playing a wannabe dictator's butt boy to get in the news.
Meanwhile, Kyler Murphy apologizes for homophobic tweets that resurfaced after he won the Heisman Trophy.
And who was the guy that was about to be the comedian at the Oscars?
Oh, he made jokes that weren't even as bad, but he's a man, so he doesn't get to be at the Oscars.
Kevin Hart.
Says he won't host Oscars after Furover, homophobic tweets.
Because you know, you can joke about any group you want, but not a liberal, not a gay person, no, no, no.
On and on and on.
It's insane.
Now, let's shift gears into this little jewel of a story.
Because more has happened since I first mentioned this this morning.
Turns out the Islamicist was in Germany illegally.
He'd been convicted 20 plus times of serious crimes, but the federal government of Germany, which is globalist and runs the EU, would not support him.
Then he went and shot, in front of witnesses, reportedly, 12 people, killing four Germans, hijacked, carjacked a taxi cab, and drove away and escaped to another nation.
And he screamed, ALLAHU AKBAR!
And by the way, speaking of Google, you know they're moving into the former Eastern Berlin and the former Stasi headquarters for all of Eastern Germany.
And they're not just hiring former Stasi like Facebook is, they're moving into the former headquarters Google is to help censor everyone.
You can't make that up.
Sometimes like, Stasi help, I move in, it's good, American dream.
Muslim Council leader upset at media for accurately reporting on Islamic terror attack.
Claims Allah Akbar shout should not have appeared in headlines.
That's right!
There's no Muslims killing anybody!
A spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain expressed his disappointment at the media today for accurately reporting that an Islamic terrorist who killed three people and injured dozens more in Strasbourg shouted, God is great in Arabic, Allah Akbar, during the attack.
Disappointed to see BBC and Sky News leave with all of Bachbar in their headline on the awful shooting of Strasbourg.
And it goes on.
Meanwhile... It's getting worse.
Strasbourg, Christian Market, gunman shot at al-Akbar.
Open border, Strasbourg, terrorist evades police.
I just think of Strasbourg as Germany.
It's the whole Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Strasburg gunman had 27 prior convictions.
RT reports.
But Germany, Strasburg, Austria, Sweden.
He lived in all... He just runs around murdering, killing, robbing, stealing.
And he's just allowed to because, well, we have the emergency signal.
Kind of like the illegal alien that shot the white woman in the back with her father.
And the San Francisco said, no jail time, murder whoever you want.
She's white!
She'd die.
Meanwhile, the average, quote, minority doesn't like this.
They don't want to be part of this.
But the injustices are being carried out to make everyone hate each other.
Because how do you control a prison?
Most prisons have the white supremacists, the black supremacists, and the Mexican supremacists.
If you're on the east or west coast, you'll have it in four groups.
You'll have the Asian gangs, the white gangs, the black gangs, the Mexican gangs,
And that's it!
And yeah, the crew mentions that, good point.
We talked about this like two years ago when Evergreen College and Missouri State and all those said, we're gonna have weekends where no white people are allowed.
And folks are like, I have a dorm here, I'm studying.
Listen, whitey, you're gonna learn what oppression's like.
But I'm not involved in it, that was...
A long time ago, we were going to learn.
But it's all about the exercise of power.
And so professors, there were even liberals who didn't want to leave, they got fired, remember?
Wait, you don't want to not come in?
Your ass is fired, racist.
And so American University students and staff called for minority-only spaces on campus to promote inclusion.
I'm going to say that again.
Minority only spaces to promote inclusion.
And San Francisco is gonna create transgender districts where the transgenders live.
It's all called divide and conquer.
27 convictions for rape, robbery, stabbing people, everything, and free as a bird.
How about three strikes, you're out?
No, how about 25 strikes, you're out?
I've got articles today in my stack, I can't find it now, where major Democratic Party groups are saying abolish ICE and all police.
Oh, that's a really good idea.
You know what?
Maybe it is a good idea.
Because if there was no more law and order, because I've been trying to fix things peacefully,
But if there was no more law and order, and there was no more due process, and it was like the Purge,
Who would you bet on?
Would you bet on the Americana right wingers?
The free market guys?
Or would you bet on the leftist?
Oh, I don't think the leftist would do too well in that fight.
I don't think they would be walking around above ground for too long.
I think they'd be pushing daisies very quickly.
And by the way, I don't have some bloodlust to kill anybody.
Killing people is like
Well, brushing your teeth's harder.
Wiping your ass is harder than killing people.
I mean, killing people is second nature in a barbarous society.
Now, not everybody has the instincts to kill people.
People that aren't endowed with the instincts, or cursed with them, think it's powerful.
So I get that.
If you have the instincts to kill people, it's kind of like opening a bottle cap on a can of Coca-Cola.
Or a bottle of Coca-Cola.
It's not a big thing.
But see, the left is obsessed with killing babies.
See, they can't kill them when they're a baby.
They want to give them Ritalin or whatever to brain damage them, or they want to tell boys or girls.
They just want to hurt children.
So at a certain point, all these bullies want to gang up on children.
What's going to happen when the men show up?
But where are the men?
Where are the men?
See, I'm not a sadist, but I do like to hurt bad people.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, I look at these globalists and I don't want to be them.
I mean, almost all of their children end up committing suicide or in mental institutions.
And they all are incredibly unhappy people.
And then they're building this big AI thing using technology we developed and telling us they're gods.
This isn't going to go too well.
So why don't we all do ourselves a favor and decide we're not going to bow down to these people.
And not be afraid of their social scores, their intimidation.
And just say, listen, I'm not looking for a fight.
You started it, mister.
So we're gonna go ahead to the end, no matter what the cost is.
And you're gonna find out what it's really like to fight.
Gab McGinnis is about to land in Austin, Texas.
He's going to be in studio with us tomorrow with big breaking news, obviously.
He might even be on The War Room today.
We've got a few interesting things that are coming up, but they've been trying to de-platform him everywhere because he's a nationalist, he's pro-human, he knows there's a war against men.
That's what we're dealing with.
But I was getting into Mika Brzezinski, you know, saying that the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a wannabe dictator's butt boy.
And look, I think she has a right to say that.
It's free speech, whatever.
But if someone else called a Democrat a butt boy, she'd be calling for them to be taken off the air.
So I don't like that double standard.
That's what I don't like.
And that's what frustrates me.
At the end of the day, I'm just tired
Of everyone bowing down to the corporate media that has almost no viewers.
So like, when they say something, we've all got to get scared and go, Oh my God!
Oh my God!
You don't want them to talk bad about you!
They have no power!
They're a joke!
But who cares if they had power?
Who cares if they could hurt you?
Isn't it worse to just give in to them always?
And care what they have to say?
And care what they do?
When they're a bunch of lying trash?
Don't you want to stand up against them?
Don't you want to say no to them and not let them control every facet of your life?
You know, last night, flying in on the airplane, I was sending messages to the producers about all these clips I wanted them to get.
And I haven't played nearly one of them.
Played a few.
And it dealt with all the perjury of Sundar Pichai, the so-called CEO of Google.
And I say that because he's a complete frontman.
But I've got to admit to you, even though the Republicans had some proof and went over some points of admitted red flag censorship by Google of conservatives and nationalists, I'd give them a C-.
The amount of total evidence of Google's
Absolute support of authoritarianism.
Not just against America, but the people of the planet.
And just what a ruthless, evil company they are.
And in fact, their slogan is, don't be evil.
That should tell you, whoa, this is some evil-ass people.
Because the devil's going to tell you he's Jesus Christ.
And to just sit back and look at those folks, and realize where they stand, and realize what they're pushing, will make your head spin.
Now I'm about to play right now a clip, a compilation of Congressman Deutch, and Congressman Swallowswell, and others.
And I think Hank Johnson's in this.
I ran into Hank Johnson, the guy that said, islands float in Guam.
And I said, was that satire when you said that?
He didn't really know what I was saying, but he was a very friendly fellow.
So we've got this compilation from some of the stuff you probably haven't seen from the Google hearings yesterday.
And then we've got a special guest joining us.
Who dared to say that white people have made contributions to civilization.
That itself is white supremacist.
Because if you say white people aren't scum and aren't bad because of their skin color, you're inherently evil.
You are a bad person.
Again, let's remember, it's Google and the Democrats and the globalists.
They're trying to teach all the quote minorities trying to get into the country that whites are inherently bad to create a loggerhead.
So here is that report from yesterday in the Judiciary Committee or outside the Judiciary Committee with the cockroaches running for the hills.
Here it is.
We got to get it tight, get it right.
This is kind of an unwieldy situation.
Nice to meet you.
Good to meet you too.
Good luck to you.
I'll see you on Guam.
All these Google executives and Facebook executives and Twitter executives go before Congress, and they tell Congress that they're not censoring anybody, even though we have all the Google documents, we have internal Google videos, we have internal Twitter videos, where their executives talk about how they're censoring everyone.
Let's go over here.
Sundar, you know Google is helping China with Dragonfly, and you know that they're helping Censored, and you know that you've sold this country out, and you won't even help the Pentagon, but you'll help the Chi-Coms.
You bet on the wrong country, Sundar!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
Google is siding with the Communist Chinese against America.
Google's helping arrest Chinese dissidents, Christians and Buddhists.
Google is evil.
Google is going to lie again and violate the law and violate the Holy Fathers.
You're in a hallway.
You're in a public hallway.
That's enough.
You're gonna be arrested.
You're making too much noise.
So Google's not evil, officer?
I'm not saying that.
Just control yourself.
Get under control, man.
I'm under control, officer.
Thank you.
He's taken my free speech away and lied about me, so I need to stand up to him.
Oh my gosh, is that Congressman Swallow's Will?
That's all from Capitol Hill.
Congressman Swallow's Will.
Why do you hate the First Amendment so much?
There goes Congressman Swallow's Will.
That's really his legal name.
I'm from Texas too.
Very good to see you.
Thank you so very much.
Are you going to go after Google for their censorship?
I'm going to be talking to the press in just a moment.
Thank you so very much.
Oh, good.
Well, we'll try to ask some questions then.
I've always wanted to ask you, that was a joke when you said Guantanamo, right?
That's what I thought.
It was.
You guys are men with a sense of humor.
That's right.
I always knew that.
Well, I always, when I'm watching C-SPAN, I see you talking about stuff, and then you say some really witty stuff, and some of you say some really ridiculous stuff, and I think people are maybe, like, you know, you're being taken so out of context.
Oh my goodness, there he is.
Hey, you said a bunch of lies about me.
You said a bunch of lies about me.
Congressman, douchebag.
You didn't call me to testify.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
How dare you?
You are absolutely incredible.
Now, you lied about me and then got me deplatformed.
You're a fraud.
You lied about me.
Shame on you, liar.
Well, there you go.
That was Congressman Deutch.
And I'm not against test-tube babies.
They have rights too, but did you know he was grown in a douchebag?
That's weird, like, who knows they had clones that long ago, but it's true.
Alright, I'm being a mean person.
Deutsch is actually a good person.
We'll be right back.
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We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it the U.N.
Agenda 21, now they call it the U.N.
2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
We built the modern world.
We built the modern world.
Built the modern world.
We invented science and industry.
We invented science and industry, and you want to tell us to stop because, oh my God, we're so bad.
We invented the modern world.
I feel you.
No, no.
We invented the modern world.
We saved billions of people from starvation.
We built modern civilization!
White people are the best thing that ever happened to the world!
We are so amazing!
I love myself and I love white people!
Yeah, white people!
Yeah, white men!
We're white men!
We did everything!
I don't hate other people, I just love white men!
I just love white men!
Julian Von Obely is our guest.
You just saw a short clip of the viral video that's been on last week.
And he is a Columbia student targeted over drunken rant saying white people invented the modern world.
Now again, this is the big corporations trying to divide and conquer.
The average black person, whatever, is not thinking or acting like this from my own experience.
But I've got news articles today where major universities are saying we're going to have zones only for minorities, whites not allowed, for inclusion.
And then we're told everywhere, whites are inherently bad, they're goblins that live in holes.
New York Times, editorial board people.
So this is how they're trying to control people.
But I wanted to get him on, so you can hear from him when he, you know, wasn't late at night having a few drinks, surrounded by some young black ladies flipping him off, when he's saying all this.
But I just want to say this again.
Africa's great, Latin America's great, the whole world's great.
You can't deny the Western civilization gave us navigation, gave us the printing press, gave us the clocks, gave us the systems, everything that we're based on today.
So the idea that it's bad, A, is a fraud to say any group of people are bad inherently, but to also say that, oh, it's evil, it's backwards, but then you want to get into the countries that are Western.
So joining us is Julian Von Aboulaye.
And I want to talk about all this with him because he's been doxxed by SJWs and they are calling for his head for what you just saw.
And people also basically grabbed his face, you know, basically assaulted him.
That's being praised as well because to say that white people aren't inherently evil is now a thought crime.
So Julian, thanks for coming on with us.
Hey Alex, thanks for inviting me on the show.
Thanks for coming on.
Tell us what happened, what was behind the scenes, what made you say this.
Give us the whole story in context.
Oh man.
Well, I was having an argument with a couple kids who were saying that Trump supporters endorse sexual assault.
I told them, you know what, I'm a Trump supporter and I don't endorse sexual assault.
We're good to go.
And so again, because of what color you are, because of your race, you were surrounded by a mob, you stood up and said you had value, so for not saying you were a piece of crap, you are now enemy number one.
I mean, I'm a massive public enemy.
I mean, a CNN commentator literally told hundreds of thousands of people to destroy my life.
And FIFA activists have threatened me.
They threatened to rob my dorm room.
My university has disavowed me.
I've been doxxed.
My personal information has been leaked on the Internet.
All because, you know what?
I stood up for myself and I said I believe in myself, you know?
And maybe I went a little bit over the top, you know?
But I was frustrated by being attacked for who I am, by being attacked for my race, and it happens so often on college campuses, and it happens so often in cosmopolitan culture, that I was just done apologizing for who I am.
And it's incredible how they dehumanize you because
You're being told you're bad up front, in the full clips on Infowars.com, that you're evil because you're white, and then you just simply state some facts, and then that's why you're bad.
I mean, this is wild, what these universities, the atmosphere that they've created.
Why do you think the universities are creating this atmosphere?
What's the endgame?
Well, look, I'm not really a political person, believe it or not, but I'm pretty scared, personally, about the atmosphere that's emerging on college campuses and, more broadly, in urban American society.
There seems to be a powerful group of people who hate the basic principles of our society.
They hate free expression.
They hate Western civilization.
And they demonize a group of people, okay?
And these students who accosted me brought up white men.
I did not bring up race.
They brought up race in the context of demonizing, and I brought up race in the context of defending who I am.
But there's a powerful group of people who hate white men, or who want to spread hatred of white men.
Obviously, inherently, all these folks want to get into Western civilization.
It's so horrible, why are you trying to get here?
Right, exactly.
I mean, if the United States and Western civilization was so evil, so reprehensibly evil, then why are so many millions of people trying to come to the United States?
Well, the truth is, they're getting here for a lot of good reasons and bad reasons, but they're being organized into a political weapon by the Democrats.
I mean, that's really the endgame here.
Right, right.
I mean, look, just personally, I'm done
With the society that I live in.
With a society that was built by basically Western culture and Western values and individualism.
That opened itself up and was egalitarian and is now being raped in the rear end.
And told, we rule you.
We've let in people, and it's not just that they're brown or black or white, doesn't matter.
We've let in people to be organized by globalists in a giant conquering operation.
That's all this is.
Right, exactly.
I mean, look, what I said in the video, what I really meant was essentially that Western civilization is the greatest society that has ever existed, and I'm not going to back down from saying that.
We're basically the first society to understand the human individual as a person, as a human being, to allow for free expression, okay?
We're the civilization that created the most technologically advanced culture in human history.
And the basic principles of our society are under attack.
And I'm done putting up with our society being under attack.
And I think that the Western society is the greatest society in history.
And if we're under attack, I'm scared about who is pushing it.
And I'm scared.
What the consequences will be of a society that doesn't value human individuals and free expression, but demonizes particular racial groups and says that basically all the ills of the world are because of conflicts between social and racial groups.
When you come back then, I want you to do your real rant.
I want you to have the floor.
I want you to really rant about Western civilization because it's true.
I mean, they're going to ban Jim Morrison.
I forget which song it is.
But it's maybe, come on baby, light my fire.
Try to set my night on fire.
But he says the West is the best and it's going to do the rest.
The issue is the West is for everybody, no matter what color you are, where you came from, if you believe in the human spirit and liberty, it's what ended slavery all over the world.
It's what empowered women.
The West is the classical liberal, and the authoritarians pose as the liberal, take it over, and then attack the mothership of the West that is bringing the world the Renaissance and the future.
It's a fact.
We'll be right back.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News, today.
InfoWars has been proven absolutely on target about world government, the attack on the family, the eugenics operations, the whole thing.
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Everybody knows it.
History documents it.
But there is a cult in every culture and every system throughout history.
That wants to hurt children.
They want to abort children.
They want to disease children.
They want to abuse children.
They want to confuse children.
They want their essence.
They want their soul.
They want their spirit.
They want their power.
Because they are our future.
And this Christmas, remember, it is about Jesus Christ, not ultimate sacrifice.
It is about the West.
And it is about a human future and standing with each other and believing in a better future.
So I just want to thank you all for your support.
And I want to ask you all to pray for your own family, to pray for America, to pray for President Trump, and to pray for InfoWars, and to remember that you have the power to change the world.
You have the power to override the censors.
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And I know you've been taking action, and I salute you, but just remember, I know you're humble, but just remember, you hold the future of this planet and the universe in your hands.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You may be an ambassador to England or France.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Julian Von Abilie.
He's a student studying Theoretic Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University.
He has a passion for exploring different ways of understanding the world from the perspective of mathematics, creating cosmological theories that express the experience of God.
He wrote two books on his parallel universe theories in high school.
More recently, in college, he's developed a new understanding of cosmology and quantum field theory, such as how all cosmic histories interfere in a timeless universal matrix.
Or integrate.
He has also been a free spirit, willing to express himself and challenge the status quo, whether this be academic establishment or physicist or general cultural environment.
He's at Von Abele, V-O-N-A-B-E-L-E on Twitter for now.
Another calling for you to be banned off Twitter.
We're calling for you to be kicked out of school.
Go back to when this happened a few nights ago.
You're surrounded by women poking you, pushing you, because you're a white male.
It's just basically like a gang, like the Warriors or something.
Warriors, come out and play!
And that's what this has become at these universities.
They tell them, you're downtrodden.
Oh yeah, Alex.
Well, you know, I was just pissed off being surrounded by a mob of people who were attacking my identity.
So how did it start?
They just saw, there's a white guy.
What happened?
Well, it started when a couple of students were talking about how Trump endorses sexual assault.
And I told him, you know what, I'm a Trump supporter and I don't endorse sexual assault.
And a large group of students gathered around me and accused me of having white privilege and basically told me that because of my identity, because I'm white, that I've got something to apologize for.
I told him, you know what, I have nothing to apologize for.
I'm going to stand up for who I am.
I'm going to stand up for what I believe and I'm going to stand up for the values of the society that I live in.
But because of that, because I stood up for myself, I'm being attacked by the media relentlessly.
As I said, a CNN commentator told people to destroy my life.
I've been harassed by leftist mobs on the internet.
I've been harassed by Antifa.
My family's been threatened.
And look, I'm going to stand strong and I'm not going to put up with it.
I'm sick and tired of apologizing for who I am and I'm sick and tired of a society that can't accept free expression.
You know, that's the situation.
And let's expand on that, because I've seen you demonized everywhere.
But the specifics of the CNN, we'll pull it up for TV and radio listeners, so they can see it and hear it.
But yeah, they've been calling for you to be doxxed, you to be destroyed.
It's CNN that goes to old women's houses and says you're a Russian agent.
It's CNN that when somebody makes a meme about Trump body slamming CNN, they threaten to destroy his life.
I mean, these are real bullies.
Oh, absolutely.
And they're so disingenuous, too, with the way that they reported my statement.
Also the Associated Press as well.
They didn't publish my full statement.
They completely editorialized it.
They made me seem weak.
And I'm not going to put up with that.
I'm sick of the fake news media demonizing people.
And I'm sick of the media attacking people for
What do you think their endgame is?
When you turn on the news, it's all race-based politics.
You read WikiLeaks, they admit they want to create division racially, because the globalists don't want to deliver economic freedom.
They want to deliver infighting.
They want to destroy the basic bonds of our society.
I mean, that's what I feel like.
They're relentlessly attacking social unity.
They want to split people up into groups.
That's their endgame.
So what is it like on Columbia University?
Because I understand university still has some value, but most of the degrees are worthless.
It's become mainly a brainwashing factory.
I mean, I have four children.
If they want to go to college, they can, but, you know, I went to college a few years ago.
It was just a bunch of brainwashing.
It just seems like it's become one of those anti-Western, anti-American organizations.
They dare even set foot on one of these anti-free speech facilities.
Yeah, I mean,
Columbia's campus, and more generally I feel most university campuses in the country, are utterly conformist.
I mean, intellectually, everyone says the same buzzwords, everyone believes the same thing, everyone demonizes white men and Western civilization, and there's really a limited avenue for free expression.
Let me give you an example.
If you look at the Columbia student newspaper, you know, 20 years ago, most of the stories were normal.
They were talking about students' experiences.
And today, if you look at the student newspaper, all the stories about students' experiences are about their race and their gender and their sexual orientation.
It's just total intellectual conformity.
Let's be clear, the globalists don't want to debate between free market and renaissance and globalism, so they all make it about what color you are, your sexual preference, as a distraction because they really don't care at the end of the day.
And that's really the big secret here is, they're culture jamming, and the globalists want to conquer the U.S., roll it into this one world government, and they even admit in their own internal documents that's what this is, is the actual sabotage of the culture.
So people are paying to go be brainwashed, be given a worthless degree, and be inducted into a cult of losers.
Yeah, I definitely think our society is headed in a sort of scary direction.
You know?
Well, I think on these echo chambers of these universities, these professors see the total power they've got and they think, why not project this outward?
And then they've got willing accomplices of the big tech giants and the corporate media to actually try this operation.
I mean, the tech giants scare me too.
Because so much of our discourse and our expression is controlled by a couple of huge corporations like Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
And they're going to have the ability to control what people say.
So how can we live in a free society where there's a couple huge corporations that have the total ability to censor people and to demonize people?
I mean, I definitely experienced that being the subject of an internet hate mob.
The internet companies and the tech companies have so much power over what people say I Want to go to break come back and do five more minutes with you I'm about you back up for a full hour and but just talk about
Your experiences and what it's like day-to-day on a university and where this is going because I remember just 20 years ago I'd go speak at universities, they'd ask me to come speak.
Now people ask me to speak and then about five days later it's always cancelled and people have been threatened or they've been kicked out of the university, major student groups.
I used to go speak at UT in major halls with 4,000, 2,000 people.
And now it's just no invites, which is fine.
I don't need that invite.
But it's like, wow, these places.
Are not bashings of free speech.
We'll come back with the gentleman, he's at Von Abelle, V-O-N-A-B-E-L-E, on Twitter.
Julian Von Abelle is our guest.
We'll come back and finish up with him.
And then we've got Roger Stone with the aftermath of what's happened, the latest on Michael Cohen and General Flynn and where this country is going and the global attempt to crash the economy.
Speaking of the economy, the establishment, as you know,
understands that Infowars forms a critical ecosystem of nationalist, patriotic, pro-human, classical liberal views.
And so, we're the opposite of these controlled universities, so they want to shut down.
And you've seen the fake lawsuits, you've seen the lies, the demonization, the physical attacks, and we haven't gone away thanks to your prayers, your support, you spreading the word, your word of mouth is king.
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Thanks for all your support.
We'll be back with a fourth hour.
Stay with us.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that.
And I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
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I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will, but I give you my commitment if you financially support us and 4Wars4.com to give you my absolute total commitment.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the end, beautiful friend.
This is the end, my only friend.
The end of all elaborate plans.
The end of everything that starts.
The end.
Good stuff.
Can you picture?
So limitless and free!
Julian Von Abelly is our guest.
He's a physicist student at Columbia, and he's a bad guy being attacked by a group of leftist women poking at him for saying, wow, the West has done incredible stuff.
Everybody wants into the West.
But there is a social envy taught to people to then hate the West and taught to women that they're not part of the West and that men are their enemies.
This is a very diabolical plan by the big corporations.
So in closing, Julian, what do you want to add to the world?
Or what's a rant you'd like to say about the West?
A rant about the West?
Well, I think it's completely ironic that Western civilization is attacked
For being a civilization that hurts people and for being a civilization that puts people down.
Because you know what?
Western civilization has created the greatest living standards and the most peace and the most opportunity for the most people of any society in history.
I think?
I'm going to stand up for it and I hope you do too.
Well, you know, the West is what began to try to end inequality and try to empower everybody.
So the idea that we're then the problem, no, we've projected onto everybody that they are as open-hearted as we are.
And then bad players in the West have gone and tried to mobilize other groups to take down the West in an attempt to conquer it.
It is just insane.
I mean, look, the West was the first society to end slavery.
The West was the first society to create equal legal rights for all people.
The West was the first society that essentially viewed individuals as individuals.
And not as part of some social or racial group.
Okay, look at the worst atrocities in history.
Okay, look at the Wikipedia article that lists the worst atrocities and the worst wars in history by death toll.
And what do you see?
It's not atrocities committed by the West.
It's atrocities committed by civilizations that didn't view individuals as individuals.
For the vast majority of human history, okay, it was standard procedure in a war, when you sacked a city, to kill everyone who lived there.
Western society was the first society to create a code of the rules of war.
It was the first society to respect civilian rights in war.
It was the first society that founded its notion of ethics in the individual, in the human person.
But the human person is being attacked.
But stay there.
We're going to come back.
I want you to finish these great points you're making.
Here's your deadline target.
They use our openness as our weakness.
You see, they know we have this code, and so they use it and tell us to subserve to them, the globalists, when they're actually overthrowing the whole thing.
Why don't you come back and restart that so-called rant, which is historical facts.
The truth is, globalism is the disease.
Western renaissance is the cure.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There was a lady!
We're all told.
Trans White Light wants to show us.
Julian Von Abell, he's a really smart guy.
You saw his drunken rant.
He was surrounded by a bunch of harpy, leftist, brainwashed cult members at Columbia University when he's a physicist student, telling them that he is an evil white devil.
And he said, listen, I'm not going to sit here and hear my identity's bad.
I stand for what people stand for.
So we got Roger Stone coming up, but I want you to start over.
Because you got cut off on the break.
Start over, because this is important, this is when you're not drunk, about your treatise on Western civilization, ending slavery, all the things, which is true, and the printing press, and medicine, and everything, and the Hippocratic Oath being adopted, and women empowerment, and all of this, a culture of renaissance, not conquest.
Doesn't mean we weren't both, but we invented the renaissance culture, not conquest, so lay it out for us.
Absolutely, Alex.
Something remarkable has happened in the last three to four hundred years of human history.
Since we've lived in civilization, since we've had agricultural society, for the vast majority of those ten thousand years, the lives of the vast majority of people have been short and violent and brutish.
But something remarkable has happened in the last 400 years because we finally managed to build a society that views individuals as persons.
Individuals as persons and not as part of a social group.
I cited an example of looking at the worst atrocities in history.
If you look at wars throughout human history, it was standard procedure to sack a city and kill everyone inside.
It was a standard procedure to take out revenge on an entire ethnic group, on everyone with the same blood.
Individuals were not viewed as persons.
But, and I don't know if it's a combination of Christianity and Greco-Roman civilization, but in medieval Europe, a collection of ideas coalesced that viewed the individual
As the embodiment of themselves and not as a representation of an ethnic group or a social group.
He says something very historically sophisticated there.
The Romans were the first group, because they would also kill everybody down to age 10 that were males, but they were the first group that didn't have a super elitism outside of the patrician order.
Where they would bring in outside groups and breed with them if they thought they had good genetics, when no other outside group would do that.
So the Romans would bring in Germans, Visigoths, others, and have sex with them and have kids because they thought their bloodline was strong.
So you're right, the Germans, even before the Christian ethos, started opening up the genetic system and seeing things on an individual basis, not on a group basis.
Right, exactly.
And seeing things on an individual basis is what has built the most prosperous and peaceful period in human history.
And it's such an amazing opportunity that I don't want this society to die.
But I feel like our basic principles are under threat.
Because the genre of leftist identity politics doesn't believe in the individual.
It believes that everyone is part of a social or racial group.
So really, it's just a fallback to the sort of default position of human history, which is that there is no such thing as the individual, which is that everyone is a representation of a blood or an ethnicity.
I don't want the most peaceful and prosperous society in human history to fall and I'm going to stand up for it.
And if that means turning myself into pariah, if that means being attacked by the left-wing media,
I don't care because I'm going to stand up for Western civilization because I truly believe that it is the greatest civilization that has ever existed and it's an amazing opportunity for everyone in the world to live in a society and in a structure that is peaceful and prosperous and values the individual and values free expression.
And let's expand on that.
I go back to Martin Luther King.
He said, judge someone individually on what they stand for, what they do, what they produce.
I'll go to your restaurant with your black, white, brown, your food's good.
I'll listen to your music.
I don't give a damn what color you are.
That's common sense.
We go off what people produce, who they are individually, to say, like, because you're from a group or a certain color, that you must be bad.
But that's what the left is openly teaching.
That's what they're pushing and we know why.
This big global corporate takeover wants a bunch of divided and conquered groups they can manipulate and they are now double-crossing the Western social compact or the Western
Social agreement.
And they are breaking that.
While they tell all of us that have morals, we're racist, do what we say, they're the ones creating the race-based, cultural-based system.
Incredibly evil.
I mean, I do believe that it is evil, Alex.
I do believe that it is evil to blame all of the problems of society on, essentially, Western civilization.
Because that's what the left... That's because Western civilization doesn't compute with an authoritarian technocracy.
We're the cure, man.
They don't want that.
Everyone wants to get here.
Not that we're perfect, but because the little bit of freedom we had produced so much damn wealth.
Obviously, everyone wants it.
It's the best.
So again, the power structure wants to erode it because it creates wealth for the general public.
You go to Whole Foods or read any leftist publication, oh, we're too rich, we have too much, we need to be austere.
But then it's rich elitists with private jets telling us we can't have anything.
This is so damn obvious!
Exactly, it is obvious.
I mean, who would want to restrict free expression?
Corporations, massive corporations and organizations, the tech companies, people who want to control
Citizens of our country, okay?
If you have a society that does not value free expression, if you have a society that does not value the person, if you have a society that does not value individuals, okay?
Then that's a society where you can control people.
That's a society where you can manipulate people.
That's a society where you can put everyone into a little box and tell them to go to their little place.
And I don't want to live in that kind of society.
Exactly, they want to tell you what your identity is.
Instead of a Renaissance identity that's everything, and true diversity.
But let's expand on that.
The reason the big corporations are so threatened is that they've brainwashed Republicans that anything a corporation does is perfect, they can do whatever they want.
But corporations are bigger than governments now.
They're acting as governmental institutions, and they're showing their authoritarian bent.
So we then bring in government as the balance, as the people's will, to not have prohibitions on freedom, but prohibitions on suppression of freedom, like big tech.
So you see the Republicans saying, well, I don't want to regulate big tech.
Well, big tech's already regulating government and elections and all of us.
We waged a war in 1775 and 1776, for the next five years, against the biggest corporation in the world, the British East India Company, that controlled England.
And so that's the issue we've now come back full circle, is that by Congress not acting against Google and Facebook and Apple and Twitter, you've let them become the new government.
We need government in limited level to be the shield to leave a level playing field and not allow monopolies that big corporations always seek.
I think our country and our society is in a time of deep transition.
And I think that the standard concepts of how to protect free expression, that is, to prevent the government essentially from jailing people for what they say, are outdated in a world where the tech companies have unprecedented power in controlling what people say.
And I think we have to stand up to the enormous and unprecedented power that these massive internet and media corporations have over us as human beings and as individuals.
They don't jail you, they just unpersonate you with a social score.
You literally starve to death.
So now everyone must re-evaluate the battlefield.
The consensus is forming and we're going to win.
I want to invite you back for a full hour anytime you want.
We salute you, Julian, Vaughan, Amelie.
God bless you.
Roger Stone coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
While you were sleeping They came and took it all away The names in the middle The places where
Alright, Alex Jones here, about to hand the baton to Roger Stone, who hosts the 4th Hour today, and he's going to be hosting the board with Owen Schroer coming up.
But, you got Trump coming out in a Reuters interview saying, it's hard to impeach somebody who hasn't done anything wrong and has created the greatest economy in the history of our country.
Trump told the NewsTimes the Oval Office interview.
We've got that video coming up.
I'm not concerned, no, yet.
I think the people would revolt if that happened.
We'll play that clip next segment coming up.
I was like, wow, that's amazing.
I saw it this morning.
Roger was with me yesterday when we confronted Sundar, the censor, and his incredible perjury before Congress.
And then we look at Michael Cohen and the three years in prison and just all of this.
And the attempt to derail the stock market, the economy, and then the Democrats want to blame it on Trump.
Will they get the blame if they're successful?
Who knows?
Roger, so much is going on.
I said bye to you yesterday at about 4 o'clock because your plane was taken off earlier than mine when you left for the airport, but I know a lot's happened.
You know, a day is like a year now.
What's front and center for you, my friend?
Well, Alex, let me just say that I have never been prouder of you or of the Infowars crew than when you went right into the lion's den yesterday and called out the epic liar Sundar, who sat there in front of a committee of Congress and perjured himself over and over and over again.
Oh no, we're not tracking anybody on their devices.
Oh no, we're not helping the red Chinese crack down on dissidents and crush dissent and kill people.
Oh no, there's no program to manipulate the search on conservatives or libertarians or Trump supporters or Republicans.
I mean, this guy was incredible in his trail of lies.
And you showed enormous courage just going right in there, going up to his face and calling him out.
I have never been prouder to be associated with you, with Infowars, in my entire life.
It was a thrilling moment of true, democratic, grassroots activism.
And I salute you, and everybody watching this show should recognize your courage in calling him out.
Well, the Democrats attack people physically, chain themselves to doors, all this.
We didn't do that.
We said, hey, Sundar, you're running slave operations in China.
You're helping spy on dissidents.
We just follow him down there.
I think all Americans should start looking at committee hearings and go do this themselves.
Anybody can do this.
I mean, this guy wouldn't even show up a few months ago to Congress.
Remember how arrogant he was?
And it's Congress's ignorance.
What was it?
We were there for hours.
Let's go back to this.
Listen to the lies of Sundar.
And like, oh, we don't spy.
Oh, we don't share data.
Oh, we don't censor.
It was disgusting.
Well, and the worst part about it was watching Jerry Nadler, the congressman from Manhattan, the incoming chairman of the Judiciary Committee, if you believe the results of the last election, which I'm not sure I respect because I think they were fraudulent.
But reading testimony that was written by Google lobbyists, asking questions that were written by Google lobbyists, and saying just with a straight face that there's no evidence whatsoever that conservatives or libertarians or Trump supporters or Republicans are being censored by Google or that their search engine results are being manipulated.
I mean, just saying that, now it is disclosed that Jerry Nadler took $26,000 from the Alphabet company, the parent company of Google.
So, Jerry Nadler is compromised.
He's paid for.
He's corrupted.
He must step down.
No question he asks regarding any question should be answered.
He's disgraced.
He needs to step down and resign.
He's completely exposed.
What is going on at Google?
Their world headquarters, they're down based in China, caught on fire today.
They had a bunch of floors burn out and one of their executives died in New York.
A lot of weird stuff going on over at Google.
Yeah, it looks like a cover-up of some kind.
I'm not sure what it is they're seeking to cover up, but you said it best yesterday.
Google is evil.
This is the personification of evil.
This morning I had an opportunity to read the transcripts of yesterday's hearings.
I must tell you,
The Republicans are a little, a day late and a dollar short with the exception of Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan.
It's not clear that any of the other Republicans there get it.
Louie Gohmert, I think he did a good job.
The Democrats are just bogus.
I mean, they're just bought and paid for.
But the most entertaining part of the day was actually, was watching congressmen flee from us, run like children.
Eric swallows well, for example.
And look, I give Hank Johnson credit.
He was so dumb, he hung around and tried to match wits with you, but he didn't understand that you'll never fight an unarmed man.
I mean, Hank Johnson, he was likable in person, and I kept saying, like, you're joking around.
I don't know.
You say, islands float.
So he went, well, I was just like, you're right.
Like, you know, years later, islands don't float, right?
Well, I think he's probably too dumb to be duplicitous, in all honesty.
He doesn't seem like a bad fellow to me.
He's just reading a script prepared for him by others.
He's one of those go-along-to-get-along Democrats.
But I don't know, Alex.
I watched the video this morning twice of Donald Trump with the leaders Pelosi and Schumer.
And then I watched the reports on CNN.
They must have seen a different video than I did.
Because I think he owned them.
You know, it's funny you say that.
Let's play that when we come back because I haven't gotten to that and I should.
I watched it too on the plane last night.
Now they have wives on the planes.
I'm like watching stuff.
And I was like, Trump was gracious.
He was nice.
They acted like chicken crap jackasses.
They acted all cheap.
And then it was like Trump's manhood challenge.
Trump destroyed by Pelosi and Schumer.
And it was more like two Skeksis from the Dark Crystal were like sitting there bitching at a human.
So I just don't know what to say about that.
We'll come back and get to that with Roger Stone on the other side since he mentioned it.
And I should play that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, let me tell you something.
I'm not on a power trip, it's the opposite.
Because when you're walking along the edge of a cliff, you're not on a power trip.
You're... got your huevos up inside you, but... We're doing some incredibly historical things right now.
And don't just say this to patronize people.
It's because of you.
And that's not patronization.
That actually scares the hell out of me.
That it's like this epic fight.
I've been on there 23 years, and every time we're about to get beat, the listeners come through, or Matt Drudge comes through, or some family member dies, and I get, you know, half a million dollars, I put it in the company.
Because I started the company on my own, my own money, but over the years I've spent, you know, a few inheritances and things on this.
That Hollywood tried to buy me off.
You know, I thought I was, Oh, I'm this great voiceover guy.
I'm being paid $800,000 for this voiceover.
And then I got a call.
You need to back off on this.
If you want that voiceover contract renewed, I went, I thought my voice was that good, but that's a pretty good payoff where the first time they didn't tell you it was a payoff the next time they tell you.
So here's the deal.
I'm telling listeners and viewers, I'm a hundred percent in here.
And it's because I don't want to be some sneaky bastard that goes around screwing people over.
That's just not who I am.
And these globalists are out to get us all.
So the fact that you pray for us, the fact that you support us, the fact that you put us on the map,
That's not talk!
That's you!
So I want people to fully get this through their brain.
If you get one thing, because I was in D.C.
and I was mobbed by Hispanic people and black people particularly.
I don't just say that to try to get a minority support.
The majority of people that will come up and tell me they love me and they heard the show in airports or on the road or at restaurants are black people and Hispanics and some white people but a lot of white folks
They're liberals, think they're the ruling class, so they come get in my face.
They've got some weird white guilt.
I don't know what it is.
But, all I'm telling you is, the listeners of this broadcast are who brung us to the fight.
And, you have to totally get it through your head.
And I don't mean this mean, but I mean I want you to get it.
I want you to get it for real.
It isn't me saying you're included.
I don't patronize people.
I don't play virtue signaling crap.
You're not the Infowar.
You are the Infowar.
You're not part of it.
You're it.
So, that's why they want to shut down.
It's not Alex Jones.
It's that they want Roger Stone shut down.
They want Paul Watson shut down.
They want Owen Schroyer shut down.
They want that amazing young man we had on earlier shut down.
They don't like this uncontrolled forum.
And that's why they want the end of the free internet.
And that's why... Roger, you've got a lot to cover.
You mentioned this Trump thing.
I'm going to play it here, but it'll be on The War Room today, coming up 3 to 6 p.m.
But you and I were there.
We had real trouble listening to Sundar.
I mean, God Almighty, did he lie his ass off?
And it's hard for me to believe the Republicans are that stupid.
I know Google's the biggest lobbyist group, even bigger than oil companies.
But I mean, is there money worth selling your whole culture out?
Or can the Republicans take money to then destroy the party?
Because this is like cyanide.
Google policy is cyanide to this country.
No, Alex, I think what we ought to do, and maybe we should call Darren McBreen to get on this, is to look at each Democrat and Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee and go back through their Federal Election Commission reports and see exactly who Google's controlling parent has given big money to.
I think you're going to find it all on the left.
I think you're going to find very little of it on the right.
My problem with the House Republicans, other than Gates and Jordan, who were quite good yesterday, quite crisp and clearly get it.
They've watched the Project Veritas videos.
They've seen the internal memos, the internal videos right out of Google headquarters that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that conservatives and libertarians and Trump supporters and Republicans are being stifled, are being censored.
And let's expand on this.
If Sundar Pichai showed up in a military uniform
The Delta Force would have gone after him.
The fact that he shows up, skinny jeans, acting all liberal, that's called camouflage, boys!
This is the Army!
These guys mean business!
They are kicking our ass!
So everybody better... We're not fighting the last war.
We're not fighting tanks and missiles.
We're fighting AI, man.
And Sundar Pichai, he is the damn enemy.
Well, there's the irony, because you and I stood feet away while Eric Swallowswell accused me of perjury before the House Intelligence Committee, when there's big-time perjury going on in the next room, where this guy is lying his ass off about everything, about China, about their tracking people, about their systematic censorship and manipulation.
He said they're not even doing Dragonfly!
Dragonfly's already operational!
Yeah, so, I mean, in all honesty, the House Republicans need to take his testimony, they need to document the fact that he lied on point after point, and they need to refer- Look, let's just be honest.
If we really want to dip this in the butt, I'm not an authoritarian.
We're already so down the road.
We need, I mean, there's no half measures at this point.
We're so down the rattle, Roger.
We've got our infrastructure we built seized by the Chi-Coms, a bunch of weird leftist traitors like Sundar.
I mean, we should, if we wait too long, it's not going to be good.
I mean, the Pentagon needs to, everybody's decide which side they're on and they need to move against big tech right now.
They sold the country out.
They screwed us over.
And if we let these pieces of crap do this to us, we deserve what we get.
That's all I'm saying.
Well, look, I think that there is no question.
I spoke to a Bloomberg reporter this morning who tells me that based on everything he can learn, the articles of impeachment being voted in the House against Donald Trump is inexorable.
This is coming.
But let's be very clear.
Step one in their plan is the silencing of Infowars.
It's crucial.
It's like killing Paul Revere.
We've got to shut down their early alert system.
We've got to shut down the voice of freedom.
They understand that we here at Infowars are the ones who will sound the public alert.
We'll let the American people know exactly what's going on.
No, you're right.
Anytime you take over a country, you take over the trains and the telephones.
And that's it.
They are literally, they have to get us before they move, which is not a fun position to be in.
You know what it's like, Roger.
I mean, folks need to know though, this is a total war.
Well, Alex, just the cost of the multi-million dollar harassment lawsuits against InfoWars.
And we get them thrown out because they're bogus and they refinance them.
The goal, again... We haven't talked about it yet.
We got them thrown out and they filed more of the same ones last week.
Yeah, so, but the point is, it's a strategy of personal financial destruction.
They want to limit our ability to defend themselves.
I've been under federal investigation by the Mueller witch hunt for two years, and before that, I was under surveillance by the Obama administration for at least six months in 2016.
And the cost is debilitating.
I mean, I'm going to have a very bleak Christmas unless folks go to stonedefensefund.com and help me, and thank God that I still have this platform here at Info
Now let's talk about that, because Google only puts negative results at the top.
On me, they have a link that says I'm worth $10 million.
On you, it's the same thing, so we don't get support.
And I guess if you sold all the equipment here and everything, it wouldn't even be worth that.
But the point is, they're just lying!
Literally, I know you, Roger, we don't bitch about it, but it's true.
I mean, you're having trouble paying your bills.
I'm okay at this point, people are supporting us, but down the road, I mean, it's...
It's just the lies though, because Google says something that's true.
And I love how Gohmert kept saying, we'll play Gohmert when we come back.
I'll play the Trump thing too.
Kept saying, you know what?
You don't get liability protection anymore.
In fact, you're not living in the light.
You can't even see the light.
Here it is.
You trust people that have stirred up a lot of hate.
And another good example, and you're so surrounded
By liberality that hates conservatism, hates people that really love our Constitution and the freedoms it's afforded people like you, that you don't even recognize it.
It's like a blind man not even knowing what light looks like because you're surrounded by darkness.
You hear that?
That was total veritas.
You come here, America lets you do something like this, and then you crap all over it.
You kill the golden goose.
In the last few months, InfoWars has been escalating our sales to clear out inventory of many of our best-selling items.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, Alex Jones here, riding the shotgun with Roger Stone.
It's the last few minutes of InfoWars Live, which is truly every day.
Man, during the break we got a new article.
It's at Haney.com.
This congressman was in the committee hearing yesterday.
This is insane, but it's par for the course.
You know Democrats want your...
Second Amendment, well now they want your First Amendment.
True Colors!
California Representative says he'd love to regulate speech, but First Amendment prevents him, so it needs to be repealed.
California Congressman Ted Lieu, he should move to China, raised eyebrows across Washington Wednesday, bizarrely saying he'd love, quote, love to regulate the content of speech, but was prohibited from doing so by the First Amendment.
This is on CNN.
Ladies and gentlemen, here it is.
The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, testifying before...
Your committee about a number of concerns.
You took an opportunity to push back on Republican claims of bias in Google searches.
In the middle of this hearing, you googled Republican Steve Scalise.
You googled, after that, Republican Steve King to show that there were favorable stories, including from conservative outlets about Scalise, negative coverage of King, and you made the point, essentially, that's not because of a Google algorithm, it's because of what these members do and say.
I will say, it was clever, it caught some attention, but I wonder,
Have you thought that maybe you and other Democrats have missed opportunities to use your time to press Google's CEO at a time when these large tech companies are struggling to manage content, perpetuating conspiracy theories.
They're so vulnerable to outside interference.
Isn't that a focus that could have been a missed opportunity?
So, it's a very good point you make.
I would love if I could have more than five minutes to question witnesses.
Unfortunately, I don't get that opportunity.
However, I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech.
The First Amendment prevents me from doing so.
And that's simply a function of the First Amendment, but I think over the long run, it's better that government does not regulate the content of speech.
I would urge these private sector companies to regulate it better themselves, but it's really nothing that I believe government can do, and so that's been my position all along.
All right, Governor, or Governor, pardon me, Congressman, I just, I promoted you, as you see.
Yes, you did.
Thank you.
Congressman Ted Lieu from California.
That's not a promotion, idiot.
It's a different branch of government.
It's state government.
It's the executive branch versus the legislative.
You goddamn idiot.
Lord, I apologize.
I will not use your name in vain, but this gives me a real problem.
So many levels.
I watched him from 20 feet away with Roger Stone.
You're staying in the committee.
And he acted like a mental patient, talking to himself for hours.
I couldn't quit looking at him, talking to himself.
And notice, they've given it to Google, they've given it to them as a citizenship, claiming they're private companies, when they're really utilities, using Section 230, and then violating the law to do this.
But he tells you, I'd love to regulate speech, but she's like, what about conspiracy theories?
You know, like when we show Hillary falling down on her face, and the National News says she didn't, they call it a conspiracy even though we have the video.
Or Jim Acosta grabs the mic away and knocks her arm down, they say that's fake, we show the raw video, they're pissed, so they say we're fake.
So, she's like, we need to shut down our competition.
Or people that point out we're liars.
He's like, yes, I'd love to shut down free speech.
But I can't.
But we have the corporations to do it.
I mean, Roger, I gotta be honest.
I thought the Republican side was a bunch of arrogant lawyers, except for a few people like Gates and Jordan and Louie Gohmert is a great guy.
But the Democrats, they all... We have the Hank Johnson clip, we have time to play it.
I don't think they're playing with a full deck here, brother.
You know, Alex, for a moment I thought that was a Saturday Night Live spoof.
I thought that couldn't possibly be serious, but then I realized it was.
Look, CNN is a conspiracy theory.
A left-wing conspiracy theory.
These people, I assume, are just mentally ill.
Ted Lieu is a danger to our society.
He told you right there, blatantly, openly, he opposes the Constitution.
He just wants to silence us.
Because he can't win a debate with us, because he fears honest and open debate.
Then you had Steve Cohen.
What's with that haircut?
What do they call it, a skullet?
That was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.
No, the Democrats on that panel are a group of corrupt, kickback-taking pals, professional career politicians.
Who have no principles whatsoever, and as long as Google's willing to feed them big campaign contributions, they're prepared to read whatever statements the Google lobbyists have written for them.
Jerry Nadler's statement yesterday, I have absolute stone cold proof, was written by Google lobbyists, and he just reads whatever they give him.
The questions that he answered, all prescripted by Google lobbyists.
Jerry, you're a fraud.
You're corrupted.
You've been bought and paid for.
You need to step down.
You need to resign.
Let's be very clear.
Anything you have to say, any questions you want to ask on any issue going forward, the correct response for us would be resign.
You're corrupted.
You're paid for.
You're part of the problem.
Step down.
That's the only answer that one can assume.
And then watching these vermin, these cockroaches, run from you and I yesterday,
Like children, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like
We have Swallowswell saying, gun owners don't worry, I'll nuke you to turn your guns in.
We have all these other people saying, we'll just get rid of the First Amendment if we can.
I mean, these people are really disconnected.
I mean, there's something wrong with them.
It's, liberalism is, as Ian Coulter would say, a mental disease.
I think it's becoming clearer and clearer.
And anybody who watched that video yesterday,
Speaking of the devil, here's a clip of that right now.
Here it is.
The only thing I think we can agree on is we shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute.
And you want to shut it down.
You keep talking about it.
The last time Chuck, you shut it down.
No, no, no.
And then you opened it up very quickly.
Twenty times.
I don't want to do what you did.
Twenty times you have called for, I will shut down the government if I don't get my wool.
None of us have said it.
You said it!
You said it!
Okay, fair enough.
We disagree.
We disagree.
I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country.
So I will take the mantle.
I will be the one to shut it down.
I'm not going to blame you for it.
The last time you shut it down, it didn't work.
I will take the mantle of shutting down.
And I'm going to shut it down for border security.
But we believe you shouldn't shut it down.
Thank you very much, everybody.
And there's only a little bit more.
I mean, how did he get his ass handed to him there, Roger?
There's not much more.
It's really, two things are extraordinary about that.
One thing was the way that Mike Pence sat there like a mummy, like a mute, as if he couldn't speak, as opposed to chiming in and backing our president.
And then secondarily, the fact that the world's largest Miskite, and our friends in the Jewish community know exactly what that means, Chuck Schumer, a man who is unable to feign sincerity, even when he tries, sits there and wants to bicker with the president.
I think Donald Trump owned both of them yesterday, but you wouldn't know that if you watched CNN.
They would tell you that that was an incredible triumph for Plastic Nancy and Chuck E. Cheese.
I thought they got their asses handed to them.
But CNN spun it the opposite.
Alright, you're coming up in the War Room right now at InfoWars.com forward slash show and radio and TV stations across the country.
Owen Schroeder and of course Roger Stone straight ahead on the other side.
That's it for my four hours today.
Gavin McGinnis will be in studio tomorrow and so much more.
He may even be on the War Room.
Here coming up as well.
Heavily censored, heavily attacked.
Find out why at the front lines of the fight for free speech and Americana.
Infowars.com forward slash show and local TV and radio stations across the country.
There's a bunch of special videos we haven't even aired yet.
We're going to be airing all those.
It's going to be chock-full, chop-full, chock-chocker-chopped.
It's going to be a big broadcast coming up on The War Room today.
I want to thank you all for your prayers.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank the good Lord above for every blessing in my life and my children.
And I want to thank you again all for your prayers as well.
Please don't forget the one thing they can't stop.
There's a lot of talk in the world.
A lot of jamming.
A lot of back chatter.
This is the big enchilada.
The word of mouth of you.
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And hey, you've heard him demonize, you've heard him talked about, you've heard him lied about, but find out what's really happening there.
Find out why the establishment fears this the most, and then you know the weapon that can defeat them.
Because it's not a power trip.
My God, I don't want to be
The big bomb getting dropped out of the sky on the enemy.
But you know what?
That's the way the cards are dealt.
I'll do it.
I just want to make sure that we hit the enemy right between the eyes.
I can't get down the field without you.
You can't without me.
We're together.
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Everybody knows it.
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But there is a cult in every culture and every system throughout history.
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They want to abort children.
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They want to abuse children.
They want to confuse children.
They want their essence.
They want their soul.
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They want their power.
Because they are our future.
And this Christmas, remember, it is about Jesus Christ, not ultimate sacrifice.
It is about the West.
It is about a human future and standing with each other and believing in a better future.
So I just want to thank you all for your support.
And I want to ask you all to pray for your own family, to pray for America, to pray for President Trump, and to pray for InfoWars, and to remember that you have the power to change the world.
You have the power to override the censors.
You have the power to stop the globalists dead in their tracks.
And I know you've been taking action, and I salute you, but just remember, I know you're humble, but just remember, you hold the future of this planet and the universe in your hands.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.