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Filename: 20181129_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 29, 2018
3229 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as President Trump's plans to release damaging information about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats; the involvement of the United Nations in funding and organizing a migrant caravan towards the US border; accusations against Google of suppressing negative stories about Hillary Clinton; a new form of iodine supplement, X3, which he claims can "supercharge" the body. Throughout his monologue, Jones reiterates his belief in an ongoing battle between Trump and the deep state, emphasizing that Trump will fight back against attempts to discredit him and his supporters.

Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
I told you weeks ago, and I told you Sunday, Trump's getting ready to release the secret documents in Hillary's emails.
He's got them.
There's the headline, Trump threatens to declassify devastating docs about the Democrats.
They don't care.
They've got the rat singing Cohen, changing his stories more time than even Bill Clinton does.
It is the battle against America and the deep state.
Trump's been proven right again.
The private Federal Reserve raising interest rates is trying to kill the economy.
It's all coming up on the number one banned broadcast in the world.
Whatever you do, share those live links and tell folks about local stations to break the back of the censors.
But first, our reporters are on the ground in Mexico and went inside the UN Refugee Centers and it is bedlam.
Here's a report from the front lines.
As a result of the UN-mandated replacement migration program funded by EU taxpayers, we have seen over 15 million refugees flood Europe, given EU taxpayer money and absolutely no incentive to assimilate to their host countries.
And now the United Nations has its sights set upon the United States of America.
The UN-led migrant caravan began thousands of miles from the U.S., politically trained and funded with U.S.
taxpayer dollars from USAID.
The migrant caravan has reached the U.S.
southern border.
Hundreds of them have already probed for weaknesses.
Thousands of them are now living in tents in a park off of Cinco de Mayo Street in Tijuana, Mexico.
We visited there this evening, and it made the whole story real.
The UN-organized clash of cultures is now taking its toll in Tijuana.
There has been more violence and more crime, which has hurt the local businesses that already struggle each day to survive.
There are thousands in Tijuana, and there are thousands more said to be coming.
As proxies of the UN Replacement Migration Agenda, they demand to cross freely into the United States, and they demand immediate US citizenship.
Even as we speak, the UN is attempting to ratify a new global treaty on the rights of migrants to travel anywhere in the world, effectively erasing national sovereignty and borders forever.
This is the world government takeover.
Using giant, impoverished third world populations, converted to globalism, weaponized, and used as tools to bring down the once great first world nation states.
Once all had been reduced to poverty and serfdom, the globalist plan for total domination would be complete.
This is Greg Reese in Tijuana, Mexico, reporting for InfoWars.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you kidding?
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automated weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It's just pancakes.
He took the babies out of incubators.
He must be choking to death on the front porch.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge of?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian, stop!
He denied everything!
He called it all fake!
Globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromide, you name it,
That it lowers IQ.
It literally dumbs the population down.
And on our quest to bring our listeners and viewers the best iodine in the world, we've gone through two permutations.
First, seaweed-based iodine that was pretty good but hard to source, and the Globals tried to block us getting a supply of it.
So we discovered deep-earth crystals of pure nascent iodine and brought you X2 that's been incredible.
Now, due to the establishment trying to block that, we did more research and secured more of the deep-earth crystals of nascent iodine.
But, chemists, scientists, and others showed us the research that by combining it with three other compounds, two forms of iodine and vitamin C, it supercharges it and makes it even more bioavailable.
Ladies and gentlemen, you want to research it, you want to see it, it's an incredible discovery.
X3, now available at mfulmerslife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
There is a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently... Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
Reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, November 29th, 2018.
And I'm on the edge of my seat like I've never before been.
As I told you two years ago, they were illegally spying on Trump and the campaign.
We told you the exact specifics of how it was done.
You notice we're not under investigation for that.
We're under supposed investigation for talking to WikiLeaks, which everybody else was doing and trying to do.
And they somehow, by extension, turn that into the election being stolen by the Russians.
They've now got Michael Cohen, who has just pled guilty to lying to Congress, lying to the FBI, lying to everyone else, when he said that Trump wasn't involved with the Russians.
Now that he was caught laundering $15 million in his taxicab company that has zero to do with President Trump,
Suddenly he's singing like a big, fat, drunken canary and saying whatever deep state creature Robert Mueller and Hillary's former top lawyer, who's the head prosecutor on the case, wants.
And Trump is a very judicious person.
He doesn't like to start fights.
He doesn't start them.
He finishes them.
And he has the totally devastating FISA report.
There was a classified report put out by the federal courts that we made a huge deal about a year ago.
The media totally ignored it because that inspector general report of the federal courts said that they were given false information and lies three times to reverse engineer, parallel construct and create fake investigation trails to bring to the courts to get warrants on President Trump and his
And anyone associated with him, including yours truly, Roger Stone, Dr. Jerome Corsi, you name it.
And you better believe Tucker Carlson's under surveillance and Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Anybody loyal to this country has a magnifying glass shoved up their rear end and is harassed unbelievably.
Most people just don't complain about it on air.
A lot of folks take this super manly road and don't even discuss what's happening to them.
But let me tell you, it's been one hell of a war.
And for everything you've heard about on air, there's been a thousand percent more that you didn't hear about.
So, when Trump says that Cohen is a very weak person, and that Mueller's a monster, and that there are a lot of heroes, he told the New York Post yesterday that Roger Stone and Dr. Kors are heroes, and Paul Manafort's a hero, because they've been told, you will lie,
Or we will put your ass under the prison.
And so far, they've not done that.
So here's the big announcement.
Here is the huge announcement.
We have the video coming up.
Trump threatens to declassify, quote, devastating docs about Democrats.
Now I can tell you that at least 17 agencies and 800,000 plus private contractors have access to Hillary's emails.
She hung them out there like a street-walking hooker shakes her butt on the corner of Main Street at midnight.
So Hillary put that server out there.
So she could leak stuff, put out this info, but also for paper play, get people to pay through the foundation so she would then leak more info, and that's how it works.
It's like a vending machine.
You put money into the foundation, and then she puts whatever you want on the server.
So that server was like a big pile of horse manure with flies crawling all over it.
And obviously the US military and others were watching everything
She did and they have every bit of it and more.
They don't just have her stuff.
They tracked every wormhole back to it.
Trump is a person that delegates.
He's been given briefings on what's in all of it.
He held off and he went ahead and told the Pentagon three weeks ago
Prepared transcripts for Congress of everything.
And they said, sir, what do you mean everything?
He said, anything, everything.
I'm about to give full authorization.
Whatever the worst stuff is, everything.
Prepare it.
They said, yes, sir.
And so they are preparing nightmare mountains.
I mean, believe me, none of us even know what's in this.
This is so huge.
It isn't just going to be the illegal warrants and the lying.
It's everything.
It's Mueller's text messages.
It's Mueller recorded on the phone.
It's Hillary.
It's all of them.
It's their own system that they arrogantly thought they'd be in control of because
Hillary was supposed to win and continue on this globalist regime that started with George Herbert Walker Bush for four years, and then the Clintons co-presidents for eight years, and then George W. for eight years, and then Obama for eight years, and then Hillary for eight years.
It was supposed to go on forever!
With her co-president, since 1993, right through with Obama, and continuing.
So they recklessly
Like criminals always do when they've gotten away with stuff for a long time.
You know, bank robbers, child molesters, child kidnappers, serial killers, just standard robbers.
They're pretty careful when they steal.
The first 10, 20, 30, 100 times.
But you know, after a while, they get sloppy.
It's just criminology.
And so Trump doesn't even use email.
Only acts like he's being recorded all the time.
He's been a target for 45 years.
There's nothing on Trump.
Nothing but liking women.
And not as many as people think.
But that's it.
He never said he was a choir boy.
He likes women.
That's all they got.
There's no N-word tape.
There's nothing.
And you get into Robert Mueller, and you get into Hillary Clinton, and you get into Barack Obama, and you get into all these people, these people are dirty.
And they're arrogant.
And I think because they've got dirt on everybody else, they're supposedly safe, because no one would ever call their bluff.
Well, guess what?
Your bluff just got called, big boy!
It just got called, in spades.
And so, the transcripts, I've been given information about people that's never been wrong.
Just like I told you six months ago, Hillary is planning to run again.
The whole DNC's been told she's going to run with Michelle Obama.
People said that's crazy.
Now it's all over the news.
Because I know people that were in the room who came repeatedly and said, why aren't you saying this on air, buddy?
We're giving you the big story.
We want this on air.
Put it on air.
So I put it on air.
The point is, there's not just bad people in the government, there's good people too.
It's all coming down now.
The gloves are off.
Trump's preparing all of it.
Every damn bit of it.
It's gonna be on senators, congressmen, governors.
You guys want it?
It's all gonna start leaking.
10,000 times worse than the WikiLeaks.
Get ready!
This country is now in civil war.
Choose which side you're on.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
The War Room comes up 3 o'clock every day with my great compadre and friend, Owen Schroyer and Roger Stone.
David Knight knocks it out of the park every day, 8 a.m.
I'm working on a lot of big projects tomorrow, and I was shit to not be broadcasting here, and David Knight's gonna be sitting in tomorrow, but don't worry, I'll be flying around the office like a little fairy.
We're working on all sorts of things and popping in quite a bit.
It's been noted by historians, most historians,
And I've experienced it myself, that when you're really getting hit by incredibly historic things, earth-shattering things, people don't tend to notice it because we tend to ease into these incredible times.
Be they bad, be they good, be they nightmarish, be they ugly, be they a mix of both.
But let me just telegraph again.
If you're not getting chills and you can't politically, culturally, spiritually feel and see and smell what's in the air, you need to have a little bit of a gut check because things are crazy.
And they didn't just take InfoWars off of tens of millions of subscribers on iTunes and
Billions and billions of views and five, six million subscribers on our YouTube channels.
They didn't just take us off over a hundred platforms for nothing.
They're doing it to everybody now ahead of big events.
And that's taken out not just Donald John Trump, but other patriot governors and legislators and members of Congress, people like Jim Jordan.
And also going after other nationalists like Marie Le Pen and like the new Trumpian leader of Brazil and the Trumpian leader of
Italy, and the list goes on and on.
So this is their big counter-global offense, and they're coming after everybody that they think is effective and can rally the people.
That's why you mobilizing now more than ever.
Because we all have a tendency, myself included, when we're on air every day, or involved every day listening and talking to others, that we just get so close to the problem, we aren't afraid enough.
And I'm not saying we should be afraid, I'm saying we're not taking how serious this is, myself included.
I get so close to this stuff that I catch myself having absolutely no fear.
And that's not good.
I need to remind myself to get really focused and really serious because this is dangerous.
And you know, the word's not even fear.
It's concern and focus and frostiness.
Where we need to really pull back and realize what the chips are, what the stakes are here.
You really have that gut check.
You get some hardcore chills for a long time and that's your brain and getting in line with your spirit and your gut and starts the wheels turning to decide what needs to be done and what we're going to do and if this happens what we're going to do and if that happens what they're going to do.
And we've got our offensive plan.
We've also got our defensive plans and we've got wheels within wheels.
But this is it.
Trump did not want to
Put all the establishment in prison because he knew it would make them fight for their lives.
And it would make it harder to just get them out of the way.
But now, they're trying to destroy the country and him even faster, so the gloves are off.
And so metaphysically, culturally, politically, spiritually, economically, everything is going to go haywire.
I mean, here's a story that should be our top story.
But it's trumped by Trump signaling and confirming
In tweets and now in statements that he has devastating information about the Democrats, period.
It's Hillary's emails, it's all of their corruption, it's them colluding, it's the Jerry Epstein stuff, it's all coming out.
And you can tell what Trump's got on them by what they try to cover story.
Miami Herald tries to find some connection to Trump and Epstein, and you know they're going after Ivanka Trump for her email, none of it classified, none of it secret.
Comparing that to Hillary.
There's smoke screening for all that.
But what's the really big trillion pound enchilada here?
Seven interest rate hikes in the last two years.
The Fed has signaled five more at least.
They didn't do any of that under Obama.
Knowing it'll kill the economy.
And they said, oh, Trump's wrong.
It won't hurt the economy.
It'll help it if we do this.
Now they've done it.
It's proven to have hurt it.
They're trying to put the brakes on it, the emergency brake.
Because if the economy comes back, they know, like Bill Maher said, that you'll understand that Trump's really trying to serve you and doing a good job.
And they can't allow that to happen.
They can't let Trump and America come back from the dead and win.
So they're putting the brakes on.
And now they're turning around like they're the good guys.
Saying, Fed warns, it's not federal, it's private, offshore banks, warns that a particularly large plunged stock market price is possible if risk materialized.
So they've already set the stage for this.
They've already set the signals, the big money's pulling their money out to do this on purpose.
Soros is shorting everything under the sun.
And now the private Federal Reserve comes along to help push America's face under the water again, or to hold that pillow over our face until we finally stop struggling.
Here's another one.
Lots of gloom and doom everywhere.
Remember Obama?
It was just all positive BS news.
For the U.S.
economy, storm clouds on the horizon.
So, we have enemies of this country.
You know, General Motors got huge bailouts.
It's had record profits.
Buying back their stock, paying huge bonuses to their executives in the billions of dollars.
And they closed five plants.
Not because they didn't have business.
Not because they didn't have orders, but because they're moving those plants to China.
To become state-run over there.
People say, oh, don't be state-run over here.
We're not state-run.
But you're an American company.
We bailed you out.
We need strategic infrastructure.
General Motors built a lot of our weapons in major wars.
Your ass is going to have major repercussions politically, and we're going to take away all these different incentives for you if you go to China.
And then they go, oh, Trump's a thug.
No, he's not.
He's putting up a shield against the globalists gang raping us for decades.
And the average snot-nosed Democrat doesn't even care about their own future.
Hell, the average union person wants to piss all over the country and Trump because they're in a cult!
They don't even want high-paying jobs!
They don't even want a future for their kids!
They want to watch TV and believe CNN!
Now that's not all of them, but it's a big percentage of them.
Because a lot of people who are in the unions or in the purple state areas won't stand up for America and speak out to your friends and your neighbors and your family when they get in your face about Trump being bad.
You should get in their face and rebuke them!
Because they're idiots!
And stop being ashamed of this country!
Alright, I'm gonna stop right there.
Roger Stone's got big exclusives on Trump taking the gloves off when we come back.
Now Mueller's main focus is Trump's phone calls to Stone.
Told you they're recording all of it, and there's nothing there.
Get me the clip, though, of Trump, about two months before the campaign ended, saying, I don't have the emails, I haven't been talking to Russia, where are the 35,000 missing emails?
Russia, if you've got them, release them.
Yeah, he's the one committing the crime of the illegal emails and the espionage.
Who cares where the emails come from?
But they change the subject.
Roger Stone is coming up.
And please don't forget, this is economic war.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Here's what President Trump had to say earlier this morning about his old lawyer, Michael the Rat.
The flip-flopper Cohen.
What he's trying to do, because he's a weak person and not a very smart person, what he's trying to do is end, and it's very simple.
He's got himself a big prison sentence, and he's trying to get a much lesser prison sentence by making up a story.
Now here's the thing.
Even if he was right, it doesn't matter because I was allowed to do whatever I wanted during the campaign.
I was running my business, a lot of different things during the campaign.
So very simply, Michael Cohen is lying, and he's trying to get a reduced sentence for things that have nothing to do with me.
Now, let's be clear.
The latest that the Civ, they always say that Robert Mueller has never leaked anything, that's all he does to the corporate media, disinformation.
Closed doors, congressional hearings, you name it.
And he spins them and twists them.
They're saying now it's whether Roger Stone ever talked to Trump during the campaign, which everybody knows he did.
He used to be the former head of the campaign and one of his chief advisors.
And then the idea again, did he ever talk to WikiLeaks, like that's illegal.
But he never did.
So Roger's going to pop in because this is all coming to a head right now.
But Trump's gotten it from the beginning.
Remember Trump back in the early fall of 2016, just months before he got elected?
He said, I don't care who got the emails.
She's the one with the illegal server.
Whether they got downloaded, whether they got hacked.
If the Russians got them, whoever's got them, release them!
She's the one that's hiding stuff.
She's the one that bleached them and used hammers on them and had Uma Abedin break a bunch of phones.
And with hammers, that's obstructing justice.
You're committing illegal crimes with an illegal server that you know a bunch of foreign governments are in.
You're using as a drop box.
You lie to Congress about it.
Remember they had hearings for years.
Meanwhile she's breaking them up with hammers.
Meanwhile Mueller's on tarmacs in Russia with uranium.
Hillary's getting millions of dollars from the Russians.
John Podesta, his brother, all of it.
This is crazy!
And now it's all...
Coming to a head, they've got 80-plus new investigations coming up on the President, and he's got a strike now before all the fake investigations start on January 2nd.
Presidents come in on the 20th of January.
New Congress is on the 2nd.
They're going to hit the ground running with total disinfo, just like the Leningradians, so desperate they said, why, there's Paul Manafort inside the embassy.
Visiting with Julian Assange.
Turns out, no passport in England.
Wasn't even there those years.
None of it's true, it's all fake.
And now the Guardian has had to admit, okay, it's probably not true.
Just like Joe Bayhard and ABC and all of them said, Flynn's come out and said he's a Russian agent and Trump's a Russian agent!
They're all going to prison, yay!
None of it's true.
None of it's true.
Jim Acosta told Trump three weeks ago.
That Trump's in the caravan.
He said, there is no caravan.
Trump said, yes there is.
What are they, actors?
So Acosta just manhandled the woman to change the subject.
And the media all lined up to say he didn't touch her.
When everybody saw, he touched her.
This is what they're doing.
They tell us that Trump's waging war on reality.
Trump is reality.
Infowars is reality.
Drudge Report is reality.
We're trying to find reality.
We're trying to be truthful.
These people lie like they control reality.
And it isn't working anymore, so it's all coming to a fetid, nasty head right now with, what did I tell you?
What did I tell you Sunday?
What did I tell you Monday?
What did I tell you every day?
I said Trump's getting ready to declassify, not just the illegal wiretaps, and not just the Comey lying to Congress about it, not just, no.
They've got everything.
They've got Hillary's 35,000 emails, everything.
Because I know that the folks in the federal agencies
That have all this data have been told.
Produce the transcripts for Congress.
And they are now drag-netting.
They've been drag-netting.
That's their own NSA system against them.
Hoisted on their own spear.
It's amazing.
So, since I mentioned Joy Behar in case you're a new radio listener or viewer, here she is with the fake news that General Flynn said they're all Russian agents.
Here it is.
Breaking news.
Oh my god.
Oh, breaking news.
ABC News Brian Ross is reporting Michael Flynn promised full cooperation to the Mueller team and is prepared to testify that as a candidate Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians!
Our president's a Russian agent, everything's gonna fall apart.
You would be really sad if that was even true, but it's not.
You're like, yay, screw the country!
And now the Federal Reserve is, we're going to tank the economy.
Trump was right.
We're going to tank it.
Who is the enemy of this country?
It's the elites, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, Roger Stone has been all over Fox News, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and he's been telling the same story over and over again.
Corsi backtracked last night on the one area where he's been changing his story, that he created a cover story for Stone just to cover for a Twitter thing saying that Podesta would have his time or Podesta's would have their time in the barrel.
Well, what is the point of that when it wasn't an issue for months and months and months later?
Why would he have a cover story then?
And, of course, he says that neither man had contact with the WikiLeaks show.
There's no reason to have a cover story either.
So, regardless, I was there squeezing Corsi and Stone and sending mean emails to WikiLeaks, calling them jerks.
Why won't you come on my show?
You want everybody else's?
So I know.
I was there.
I know.
The public knows that, but regardless, they changed the subject now and are moving the New York Times reports, the main focus being Roger Stone's phone conversations with the President.
Roger Stone, thanks for joining us via telephone.
Alex, it's great to be here.
This is getting really insane.
And you know me, I won't just put a good face on something, but I really feel victory in the air.
Trump is signaling he's going to release the 35,000 emails, the illegal spying, all this other intel.
I mean, I've got it from multiple high-level sources that it's all being prepared and that Trump said, go get them, everything, every bit of dirt you got.
And yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, it looks to me like the president is holding all the cards.
Extraordinary interview yesterday in the New York Post where he basically says, just a matter of timing, but it's pretty clear from that tweet that he understands, as I guess it was Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones who said, every cop is a criminal.
The people doing the investigating here are the actual criminals themselves.
They're the ones who sold weapons-grade uranium to the Russians.
They're the ones who took a giant $143 million bribe from the Russian energy company.
They're the ones who use the surveillance capability of the
Federal government, through illegal FISA warrants, which I predicted first here on InfoWars, you know, a good two years ago, would end up being the linchpin here, to spy on Donald Trump's campaign.
And they use the FBI to infiltrate Donald Trump's campaign in an effort to hijack the 2016 election.
So it's all turning back on them now.
They don't want to haggle about Roger Stone and Jerry Corsi and blah blah blah.
The point of it is, of course, that neither one of us had any contact with WikiLeaks or any advanced copies of anything.
It's all a lie.
It's one big lie designed to distract from their crime.
They are the people headed for prison.
They are the people who need to be investigated.
And I'm not saying this to brag about how I'm a hot shot and people work for me, but you wanted, you've got a lot of jobs, a lot of gigs, consulting, lobbying, media.
You were a paid contributor at Fox.
You were wanting a job here and the litmus test was get me Wikileaks or get me Julian Assange on the air and you got your job.
You later got it anyways.
You've done a great job.
But the point is you were not in contact with Assange.
I know.
I was there.
Well, and it's interesting that I identified the guy who was my kind of back panel to Assange as Randy Credico.
He denied it for months.
The mainstream media bludgeoned me saying, no, no, he denies it.
Stone is lying.
Stone is lying.
Stone is lying.
And then when I produced Stone Cold Truth of It, a series of text messages, you notice how you don't even read his name anymore.
He's just disappeared from the press.
Bob moved on to the controversy between Roger Stone and Jerry Corsi.
You're right about one thing, Alex.
I've worked a lot of places.
I've been in nine presidential campaigns.
I worked as a contributor for Fox.
InfoWars is the most fun I've ever had in any job.
We'll be right back.
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I just want everybody to count the cost here as we enter the last month of 2018.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Here's the headline.
Trump threatens declassified devastating documents if the Democrats want to play tough.
And specifically, we've been pushing for two years for him to release the illegal FISA warrants.
The courts have said it was all done illegally.
It proves Comey, Mueller, all of them lying to Congress, lying to get the warrants.
It proves it all predates the Russia investigation.
But that's not all Trump's got.
He's got Hillary's emails.
There were a whole bunch of countries on that server.
He's got everything, and Trump cannot believe the Federal Reserve's raising interest rates to kill the recovery.
He cannot believe that even though he's done a great job and America's woken up, that they're engaged in all this because they're crazy!
They're megalomaniacs!
Now here's the President...
Twenty six, twenty seven months ago, about three months before the election, saying, hey, it isn't about who got the emails.
It's about what's in the illegal activity and the treason of the emails.
But none of that gets prosecuted.
That's the issue.
None of that gets looked at.
It's incredible.
Here's the president.
Assuming it's Russia or China or one of the major
Countries and competitors, it's a total sign of disrespect for our country.
Putin and the leaders throughout the world have no respect for our country anymore, and they certainly have no respect for our leader.
So I know nothing about it.
It's one of the most far-fetched I've ever heard.
Why do I have to get involved with Putin?
I have nothing to do with Putin.
I've never spoken to him.
I don't know anything about him other than he will respect me.
Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
So, why run from this?
WikiLeaks isn't Russian.
It's Hillary's emails.
It's what she did.
But they have changed the subject onto this, but now Trump's ready to change it back.
Now, I've got my sources, Roger.
You've got your sources.
Can you get into your sources and Trump getting ready to take the gloves off?
And what's coming next, not just from our side, the American side, the Patriot side, but from the deep state?
They're not going to give up.
Is it accurate what the New York Times and others said that the new focus is on Trump's phone calls with you as if that's bad now?
As if the campaign, as if the candidate isn't allowed to talk to you now?
That's the new evil?
Well, I guess what they're trying to say is that there's an email, which is innocuous, between Dr. Corsi and I, which Corsi predicts that WikiLeaks is going to be releasing material in October.
He would be about the 10,000th pundit to predict that.
And two days later, there's a record that I spoke to Donald Trump on the telephone.
But one does not prove the other.
In other words, the Washington Post reporter I spoke to yesterday said, but you, but you must have talked to him about this.
Except for I didn't.
But you must have.
But I didn't.
And he starts to sound like- But like you said, everyone on earth- Robert Mueller.
And then, this is particularly rich.
Watching CNN last night, Wolf Blitzer, who I gotta tell you, the worst breath you've ever spelt.
Bad dandruff.
Mangy looking beard, mean spirited guy who smells vaguely like sulfur, trying to conflate Hillary's missing emails with the emails released by
Bookie Lakes, those are apples and oranges.
They have no relationship to each other.
Hillary's missing emails have never been found unless, of course, as you say, the President has them, which he may very well now have them.
But Hillary erased them for some reason.
The reason, I would speculate, is that they probably show evidence of criminal activity and treasonous activity.
Well, the President tweeted, as you know, yesterday morning, topofnewswars.com, topofdreadreport.com.
The image, we can pull that back up if we have time, for TV viewers, of the entire gaggle of deep state captains and generals, from Robert Mueller to Hillary Clinton to Bill Clinton to Loretta Lynch to James Comey, all of them behind bars.
And he said, now that the Russia thing has been proven to be a hoax, when do we have the treason trials to start?
That was a major signal.
And clearly we could tell what the signal was.
Donald Trump threatens to declassify devastating documents about Democrats.
Says if you want to play tough, it's time.
Yeah, they're the ones that have mountains of crime.
Why are they so chutzpah, bravado, hubris-filled?
I mean, what are these people's problems?
Trump really, you know, left them alone for a while, hoping they'd just go away and even tried to share power a bit if they would just get out of the way of the country and not have a hard-on to screw the nation.
But they can't stop.
They can't stop, Roger.
I think you have to recognize that from the beginning, these career politicians in the two-party duopoly that run the country on the ground, they understand the system better.
I mean, Donald Trump is a great man, but he's a real estate developer, he's a strong leader, he gets the big picture, but that doesn't mean he knew the nuances of how the federal bureaucracy works at all levels.
So they played the game against him, and then of course
Well, Reince Priebus convinced him to appoint a traitor, a Quisling, Rod Rosenstein, as the number two man of the Justice Department.
No one knew that Jeff Sessions was going to take a dive and recuse himself.
That put the Deep State, that put James Comey and Robert Mueller's best friend in charge of Donald Trump's Justice Department.
So right now, the Justice Department, until the appointment of Matthew Whitaker, who I think is a good man,
That's right.
And let's be clear.
They're all blackmailing each other, and so that's why they have this desperateness to them, because it is about their survival.
And if you expand on that, they know, just like Hollywood's going down from all the blackmail, as Hollywood loses power, they can't pay people off anymore, and so more and more people then demand a larger and larger ransom.
So that's also part of the overall sickness in D.C.
of why they want to keep expanding their own government and corporate bubble.
I think?
Thank you.
I couldn't agree more, Alex.
I mean, the president is holding all the cards.
I honestly think the one missing piece here is he needs an honest FBI director.
Christopher Wray is part of the two-party duopoly and part of the political establishment.
He's committed to covering up the crimes of the FBI.
I think the president needs an FBI director who wasn't recommended by the deep establishment, but who is loyal to Donald Trump.
Former New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, for example, who I know to be a true patriot and somebody who's against the globalists.
That's one kind of problem area that I see, because ultimately, the President's going to have to order the arrests of dozens and dozens of people, and he's going to need people, you know, within his government who will carry out those instructions.
And by the way, just because that hasn't happened yet, in decades, is because the swamp's been entrenched.
They're freaking out because that's where Trump's going, and he said that's where he's going, and he knows now they're not gonna back off, they're like mad dogs, and so it's time to pray for Trump, pray for America, pray for Roger Stone.
Pray for me.
Pray for him for worse.
I need the prayers.
And realize, get politically active, get outspoken more than ever.
This is more important right now than the 2016 election, the 2018 election.
Now we're going into the main fight here, politically and economically and culturally.
Roger Stone, we'll keep tracking all this as it unfolds.
Godspeed, my friend.
Many thanks, Alex.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Okay, I'm going to do a one-minute plug here.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Good evening, everybody.
What's different at this point, Doug, than me?
I have two words for you.
Let her go.
There's a guy on the radio.
He said me and Hillary are demons.
Said we smell like salt.
Ain't that something?
I'm not just being tacky.
I'm calling Margaret Mead and Samoa.
I had never seen or smelled any woman like that.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the fight is on.
It's Thursday, the 29th day of November, 2018.
Will Johnson, great independent journalist, also does some work with InfoWars, is going to be joining us coming up in the next segment to cover all the big incredible developments.
We're also going to look at, after banning Alex Jones, YouTube still hosts Race, Hate, Supremacy, David Duke and Farrakhan.
I want to be clear.
I'm not calling for censoring either one of these men.
I'm only pointing out why is ISIS and Al Qaeda and all these groups still on YouTube?
The answer is they are divisive.
We'll be right back after this important point.
What he's trying to do, because he's a weak person and not a very smart person, what he's trying to do is end, and it's very simple, he's got himself a big prison sentence.
And he's trying to get a much lesser prison sentence by making up a story.
Now here's the thing.
Even if he was right, it doesn't matter because I was allowed to do whatever I wanted during the campaign.
I was running my business, a lot of different things during the campaign.
So very simply, Michael Cohen is lying and he's trying to get a reduced sentence for things that have nothing to do with me.
Now, that's Trump talking about one of his former lawyers who said that Trump was not involved with the Russians, there were no meetings, but now that he's been charged with money laundering, $15 million, separate from Trump, a taxi place, suddenly he remembers all this.
But we're going to go to break and come back with Will Johnson, but first, a few minutes from another Greg Reese report.
They're out in California at the border, covering the caravan that's set to attack
For the second time today or tomorrow, and the numbers have massed much greater there.
But up on InfoWars.com we have the full report.
Here's part of it.
What students at SDU think about the migrant caravan?
Here it is.
It's Wednesday, November 28, 2018.
We are here at the University of San Diego today asking students how they feel about the migrant caravan.
It's a conflict that we saw coming.
I think it's unfortunately a necessary evil to get to the next step, which is solving that problem.
I think that anybody who desires to come over here should be allowed to come over here.
I think we definitely shouldn't be able to step in and
Stop a right that's been allowed for... And then pay for all the welfare?
I'm from Mexico, actually.
So, I mean, I feel bad for... They don't even test for diseases.
People from the southern part of Mexico that are out there in Tijuana without food or anything and they feel hopeless.
And I don't know if the right solution is for them to immigrate to the US because the US has its problems of its own.
But their situation is very bad for sure.
It's a difficult situation that they're having.
Because they brought so much violence.
It's actually really close to my hometown.
It's happening.
So my hometown's a border town.
It's like five minutes away, practically.
It's in Mexicali.
And it's not as severe as it is here in TJ, but I think it's still a big issue that's going on.
And we have to learn how to deal with it, like, in a better way, because I don't think throwing gases at people is civilized.
I don't think it's right for them to use tear gas to push them off.
I just want everybody to count the cost here as we enter the last month of 2018.
And I wanted to thank you for all of your support.
And I wanted just to remind you that InfoWars isn't perfect, but we're fighting as hard as we can.
And without you, we won't be here.
And that's why we're having Cyber Monday turned into Cyber Week.
And it's happening now at InfoWarsStore.com.
The biggest sales ever as we attempt to sell all the great inventory so that we can hopefully be capitalized to fund ourselves at least a few months into next year.
I don't have to tell you, we've been under total siege and harassment
I think?
Thank you all for your support.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in incredibly epic times.
Multinational corporations working with communist China, the unelected EU and others, and the America-hating operating system of Hollywood, have pretty much taken control of this nation, and we're in the final phases of bankrupting us financially, but also bankrupting us spiritually, and breaking our will.
And that fight's still ongoing.
We haven't turned them back yet, but we're in the fight now, so at least we're fighting back.
The sleeping giant is at least partially awake.
Trump has all the classified documents.
He has all the NSA data dumps.
He knows about the illegal spying.
We first broke that two years ago.
Plus, now it's all confirmed.
CNN, MSNBC said InfoWars is the source.
On and on and on.
Memorializing the fact that we were indeed correct.
But it wasn't very hard.
I was given secret DEA documents by federal law enforcement.
And I looked at the phone numbers and they were my private phone numbers and Donald Trump's private phone numbers.
So, I knew.
Numbers nobody had.
And later they had to admit.
Now that's a crime.
They were spying illegally and then they went and got warrants based on lies.
Trump has them, but that's not all he has.
He has her emails.
The Pentagon, the Defense Intelligence Agency was all watching Hillary's illegal server in the 18 different countries.
First it was 10, now it's 18 that were on it.
She lied to Congress and said it didn't exist.
Then her and Uma Abedin broke up more than, what was it, 12 phones with hammers?
And then burned them?
That's obstruction of justice.
The server was illegal.
The classified material was illegal.
But they changed the subject to Ivanka Trump, who's used for PR by the White House to go have dinner with people to promote American jobs.
That's what they do.
They go glad hand, folks, to get better NAFTA and GATT deals.
They do a good job.
That turns into she's the same as Hillary because they know Trump's about to bring it out.
How huge is this?
Trump threatens to declassify devastating documents if Democrats want to play rough and play tough.
Now, we told you that was coming.
Told you that for months, told you this weekend, told you yesterday morning.
This was coming.
And just like the sun comes up, it did.
But they're going to counterstrike.
Let me tell you how they're going to counterstrike.
They're going to counter-strike by trying to kill the economy.
The private Federal Reserve raised interest rates seven times.
Never did that to Obama.
Trying to kill the economy.
Maxine Waters said when she gets control of that committee that deals with finance and jobs, one of the most powerful in the House, that she is going to bring back the regulations by fiat, which are designed to keep jobs out of the country.
General Motors announces with record profits, buying back their own stock, that they're moving to China.
Five plants.
Trump says, we bailed you out, and you have incentives, and you have subsidies, we'll take those if you leave.
And our own media calls him the bad guy.
How could anybody not see somebody going to bat for them, and unemployment at the lowest levels, and in two years, it all turned around, and then Trump says, the Federal Reserve doesn't stop, it's gonna kill this, and then it starts to kill it, and the Federal Reserve shows up now, this week, and says, it's Trump's fault,
The economy's going down, see, we told you so when he was the one that warned of it.
But they got another ace in the hole.
And that is culture war.
What does the WikiLeaks talk about six months before Hillary lost?
And Hillary's talking to top professors in psychological warfare in advertising.
And they say, we've got to go to full culture war.
Men against women, women against men, black against white, old against young.
We've got to up it.
We've got to totally distract.
From what we're doing, and how we're taking their future away.
Remember Gruber said, it's my job to come in and triple your prices and make you think it's a good deal.
And thank God you're so stupid on Obamacare.
Thank God you don't have a memory.
So, these people are predators.
And Will Johnson joins us for the Balance of the Hour.
We have a surprise guest perhaps popping in towards the end of the hour.
I'm not going to say exactly what it is, but you'll want to stay tuned.
It's supposedly going to happen in the next 30 minutes, but we're going to see.
Will Johnson, again, UnitedAmericaFirst.com, great guy, also is a correspondent for InfoWars.com, does some freelance work for us.
I wanted to get him on already for the last week, but then I saw this article come out on InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson made this point today.
After banning Alex Jones, YouTube still hosts Race Hate Supremacist, Duke and Farrakhan.
Now, I want to be clear.
I've been to Farrakhan's house, I've had dinner with him.
He said he wants to stop a race war.
I know they take some of what he says out of context.
I disagree with a lot of it.
And I think David Duke's been on.
I don't agree with David Duke.
I tried to do a fair interview.
He didn't do that.
But my point is, I'm not calling for either one of them to be censored or taken off the web.
All I'm saying is, there's people promoting pedophilia on YouTube and Facebook and Twitter.
They've got radical jihadi groups that are calling for women to be sexually mutilated.
Laura Loomer's taken off because she exposes the Democrats all over the country cutting their daughters' genitals off.
So why do they leave Louis Farrakhan and David Duke and all these other people on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, but take me off?
And they're doing it because I'm trying to create unity.
And I saw some powerful videos that Will Johnson shot last week.
One of them deals with Charlie Brown Thanksgiving saying it's racist, even though it's the first comic.
That actually showed whites and blacks inclusively together, and that's why he did it as a Christian.
But they have to invert reality, take everything good and wholesome, and project a vision on it.
That's what WikiLeaks says they're doing.
Huffington Post says Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is problematic, and that it is hateful, and bad, and evil, and needs to be removed as well.
So, these folks are just trying to project onto everything the vision, so that everyone is literally at each other's throats.
Will Johnson, how would you quantify what's going on with this?
Because you've really been focused on this, and you're out there on the West Coast tracking all this, and you're out there at these Antifa events, and you're out there in San Francisco and Portland watching what's happening.
Is it just me, or is the left getting more insane?
The left is getting more insane.
They're constantly trying to ramp it up, the craziness that's going on in this country.
And they're happy about it.
See, they're making excuses to come out and attack people.
They're making excuses to try to demonize everyone that disagree with them.
I mean, look how they're doing you.
It's absolutely crazy to actually live in this country.
And I love how you say, you know, it's an amazing time to be alive.
And it is, because we're seeing exactly what they're doing to us.
And with everything that's going on the border, the evasion is taking place.
And I was watching, before you brought me on, you had a clip where someone was doing an interview.
And they were talking to people.
And I have a colleague that actually went to Tijuana.
And while he was down there talking to them, one of the people, there was like 80 people he was telling me that are like trans, and all of those were pushed away from the main group of the invasion because they said they didn't want them involved with them.
And so they came first.
Well, he was there interviewing one of them and they coughed on him.
The next day he had to go to the emergency room because he was sick.
He felt ill.
And so the media is nowhere.
They're never going to talk about it.
They're saying that no one is climbing the walls.
They're saying that these people are just trying to seek a solemn and it's not true.
None of it's true.
And then Antifa, you know, they're right there with them saying that we need to open up the borders and say, let all these people in.
No telling what kind of diseases they're carrying or what they're doing or what they're going to bring into this country, this nation.
Trump duty as the president of the United States is to protect the United States.
And I was doing my broadcast last night and a gentleman called in and he said, you know what?
It's not necessarily Trump's wall.
It's our wall.
It's the people's wall.
So we want a wall.
We are calling for a wall.
Because we want safety and security for our families and our children.
We deserve it.
We've earned it.
And doesn't this prove that we need a stronger wall?
That the third world's collapsing, the UN's using it as a weapon?
Yes, absolutely they're using it as a weapon.
Because they don't like the fact that Donald J. Trump, our president, is leaving the globalist system.
It's a threat to them.
The United States, the best country in the world, is leaving the globalist system, and they don't like it.
They want to keep us in check.
And Donald J. Trump, thank God we have him, and he's the one that's doing it.
And what's crazy is they're all over TV saying, even saying we're a nation is evil or racist, saying nationalist is bad.
And Cuomo says America was never great, never be that great.
These people are anti-American, period.
We'll be back with Will Johnson.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, 12 years ago, they were doing human trials of Gardasil, and it was killing women all over the U.S.
They banned it in Japan, banned it in India, you name it.
And we knew it reduced fertility.
Well, it turns out HPV vaccine linked to soaring infertility.
It's got all the studies right there.
Just absolutely incredible.
Will Johnson, joining us, reporter for the West Coast, does work for InfoWars.com.
You know, I wanted to get him on just about all the race baiting and where he sees that going.
But since he mentioned the UN-funded illegal alien caravan that even mainstream news has to admit, and even the UN has to admit,
That they've been caught smuggling humans in, including this caravan.
And Will Johnson mentioned to everybody the diseases.
I mean, Latin America, the rest of the world, these are really dangerous places.
And when people came into Ellis Island, they get quarantined for a month, three months, six months.
You had to be let into the country, and there wasn't a welfare system, so you didn't drain the nation.
This is totally different now that they're saying it.
So here's part of a Fox News report dealing with the amount of diseases coming in, but not to mention smuggled children.
For the 6,000 plus migrants that are in this cramped tent city, that tent, that little white tent attached to a small camper is the extent of the health services available from Tijuana's Municipal Health Department.
And the numbers are alarming.
Take a look at these.
Of the 2,267 migrants that have been treated so far, we know that over 60% have respiratory infections.
There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis.
There are four cases
Excuse me, of HIV AIDS, 101 cases of lice, and 4 cases of chicken pox.
And hepatitis is a real concern here as well, because of the overcrowding and unsanitary conditions.
It's been raining all night, expected to rain all day.
The migrants are cold, wet.
Take a listen.
They lied to us from the beginning.
So most of these people are disappointed, you know, and getting frustrated at the time.
So, as you can see, every day that passes, it's more and more people that are coming.
So there's going to be a point break, right?
They're just going to say, let's just...
Just rushed in there, you know?
Now, the key here isn't just the diseases, it's that they were told by the organizers, which is the UN, is USAID, is Open Societies Foundation, George Soros on record, they get them for years, pay them, mass them in Central and South America, march them up, give them $1,000 debit cards for each leg,
They get there, and then they build them up, build them up, build them up, until our border collapses, and then our health care, and our judges, and no one can handle it, and then the word is, just go through and you're open like Europe.
People said, how did Europe let that happen?
Those images of those giant snakes of hundreds of thousands at a time coming in.
Because this is how they break you.
This is a world government plan and they're using these poor people as the weapon system and then they build up in a big open-air camp and it's America's fault!
But then L.A.
and San Francisco and Portland, they turn into the open air camps.
Austin, Texas, since California collapsed into us, I can go 700 yards and there's a migrant camp.
I can go another half mile and there's a big homeless camp.
In fact, I'm going to go tour those next week.
We're going to go tour these ten cities.
Will Johnson,
They are really bringing this country down.
I mean, this is the plan.
And the U.N.
admits it's the plan, and now they've got this new U.N.
treaty they're trying to ratify, making it the law globally that anybody who wants to come to your country can come there.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
You know, we have over 50,000 people alone in L.A.
that are homeless.
And the Democrats act like they're more concerned about this invasion, the people that are trying to invade this country, than they are the American citizens.
It has 50,000 people.
We just had a massive burn in the Northern California area.
People are without homes.
We're the Democrats.
We're the leftists talking about we need to put them in buildings with, you know, game consoles, A.C.
They're not doing that.
They're more concerned about getting people that's going to come here and vote for them.
I mean, they're calling for these people to just get automatic citizenship so they can vote for the Democrats.
The Democrats don't care about the people.
They don't care about anything in America.
They just want to keep in power and they want to control.
And we're seeing it firsthand.
We're seeing it.
And then all these migrant places that they're creating, there's no telling what kind of diseases that they're bringing through.
Oh, I see the cases in California of TB, of smallpox, of exploding, and they go, oh, more vaccines is the answer, and it's vaccinated people that are getting it.
No, you're bringing people in from third world countries, unvetted, untested.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
And it's funny that you bring up the more vaccines are needed, right?
Just in New York, a senator in New York got a flu vaccine.
Two weeks later, he died.
And he contributed him getting sick to the flu vaccine.
You know, if you get a, if you get food poisoning and your stomach is hurting, you know, like, oh, oh, oh, and you know that you just ate something.
You get sick after you get the flu shot.
Most people say, well, I got sick because I got the flu shot.
He died two weeks later.
And now they're bringing all this in.
They're going to push in these vaccines on the people.
And it's just a deliberate way to control the masses.
And we're seeing it in our face.
They're not even hiding it any longer.
And that is part of the whole agenda that they wanted to do to the American people.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes, Will Johnson.
But, you know, Trump has his Trump card to go after them for the illegal spying.
Hillary's emails, we know the government has.
All the crimes they've committed.
The fact that they are colluding as Democrats to try to take Trump out.
But now they've raided the offices of a lawyer who previously did tax work for Trump.
They're acting like the fact that Trump has tax-free groups, that Trump has foundations, that Trump has family trust, they're totally normal, that that's somehow dirty and bad, so they can then leak all of this.
Once they have it, so we're going to be looking at that after we come back from break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
This country's always had problems.
It's always had corruption.
But the ideals of turning the people loose, not worshipping royalty, not worshipping cliques, not worshipping cartels, but really supporting rugged individualism, created something very, very special.
Now, President Trump has a long history.
He's not a corrupt person, but he is a tough guy when it comes to business.
And they launched this entire garbage-filled Russia investigation to discredit not just Trump, and not just Alex Jones, and not just Matt Drudge, but you.
Everybody out there.
The American people.
And here we are, they launched this investigation, it turns out, actually about three and a half years ago, illegally.
And then they used the investigation that started officially two years ago to cover up for that.
And now The Hill is reporting what we knew was coming.
One of Trump's many lawyers, Cohen, goes and tells Congress, the guy that Trump did nothing wrong.
And never, you know, and it ended deals trying to build condos in Russia.
He builds them all over the world, from Thailand to South Africa.
Plus Trump said that's totally legal even if I did.
But now Cohen gets busted, pleads guilty to $50 million in laundered money in his taxi service.
Which if he'd been a good globalist, he could have done.
But because he was with Trump, they burned him so they could then get him to roll over.
And they finally found somebody that would.
And so they've been raiding all these other lawyers that have done work for Trump.
Lawyers that they know have dirt.
Hundreds of lawyers work for Trump in hundreds of cities.
I'm not that big of a company owner.
I'm nothing compared to somebody like Trump.
But, you know, when you're doing business or have to fight something in a city, you hire whoever the best lawyer is reportedly in that town.
But then they get dirt on the lawyers.
I've even dealt with this myself.
I'm not going to get into it this time.
And then those lawyers become operatives against you.
But they get raided so they can then plea bargain and get out of all the other stuff they've done.
And go after you.
And that's what's happened with Michael Cohen.
I'm not saying that's what's happened with this new lawyer, but it's a lawyer in Chicago that's represented Trump on his towers there for decades, who a year ago said he didn't like Trump anymore.
Ooh, how magic!
And now, magically, what are they going to find?
You understand, there's hundreds of lawyers.
The ones they raid are the ones they think they've got something on.
Not Trump.
Federal agents raid office of a lawyer who previously did tax work for Trump.
Federal agents have reportedly raided the Chicago City Hall offices of a lawyer who previously did tax work for President Donald Trump.
It goes on from there.
Chicago Sun-Times reports the federal agents removed everyone from the office of Chicago Finance Committee Chairman Ed Burke Thursday morning, covering the floor to sealing windows with brown paper.
Yes, they can do their work with no one seeing it.
So that's how this works.
No Russia collusion.
No espionage.
That's all the Democrats.
It's some lawyer that did tax work over decades for Trump on real estate property in Chicago.
And now that's what the Democrats are going to investigate in Congress coming up on January 2nd when they go into power.
Where was Russiagate?
Oh, it's all blown out the window.
It's now all this.
That's why Trump has to go on total offense.
Because, yes, he's got them committing all these crimes, but they think they've got enough criminals in the FBI and the Justice Department where they'll never prosecute each other because they've gotten so many other bad people in the FBI that they're corrupt as well.
And that's how corruption works.
Once you get a big enough number of people who are corrupt, who are on the payroll, then no one can stand up and do anything good, even for their own country, their own children, because they'll get burned too.
And once you reach a critical mass like this, you become a banana republic.
And so that's where we are at this point.
And I just hope and pray people realize how much trouble we're in, and that we're fighting this psychotic corruption.
The good news is Will Johnson is the investigative reporter, journalist that's worked for Infowars, the founder of the great national group that reaches hundreds of millions of people, United America First, UnitedAmericaFirst.com.
The good news is, and we're going to show this next hour, Hillary and Bill
I completely agree.
I think they're all going to fold like a house of cards.
You know, it's amazing to me how the Democrats can commit all these crimes, because we've all seen it, and nothing happens to them.
And everyone keeps saying, is Trump going to do something?
Is Trump going to do something?
I think Trump is just letting them dig their graves even deeper, and then he's just going to pour the dirt on top of them.
They have committed all of these crimes throughout history.
Why is it that Democrats can do it, but Conservatives do something and they completely want to remove it?
You say something that they disagree with, they want you removed.
The corruption is at an all-time high.
You know, just let me, if I may.
Let me switch it a little bit because I know you wanted me to talk about... Oh, we'll cover whatever issue you want to cover.
I just love your report, especially your one on Charlie Brown.
Yeah, I was going to talk about that.
You know, the racism in this country.
You know, I've heard liberals and even some of the social, not even just social media, but the mainstream media even try to say Alex Jones is racist.
You're not racist.
I've been watching you for years and you're not racist.
And then they try to say that you're calling for violence and you've never called for violence.
You are a man, you are a Christian, you're a godly man, you will stand up and you make that clear.
And I do the same thing.
What they're doing here with the Charlie Brown issue is just another thing for them to attack Christians.
That's the goal.
They want to attack Christianity at its fullest.
Because the creator of Peanuts, he did it for the strips to introduce Christianity, to bring in conversation so people will start talking about it.
And they don't like it.
So they found a way that, hey, let's try to demonize Charlie Brown because he had a black kid sitting on one side.
Regardless, you know, let's not talk about the black kid.
Franklin, in the comic strip, he's sitting there in a lawn chair, which the lawn chair is more comfortable than the other chairs, and he has the eating utensil.
No one else does.
Explain that.
So, these liberals are so hateful, they try to deem off what's actually going on, that he actually has a seat at the table.
He actually has a seat at the table.
And then you even dug up the letter where he
Yeah, so originally he wasn't even invited to the dinner.
But Peppermint Patty brought him to the dinner and they said, you know what?
Let's pull up a seat for you.
Here's one.
You know, when you're kids, no one, no one thought about Charlie Brown being racist.
You know, you hear all the parents and all the parents talking about politics and everything else.
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.
No one cared.
Everyone wanted to pay attention to what the kids were doing.
Everyone just wanted to pay attention to the story, the message.
Look at this racist photo for TV viewers.
Hillary sitting on the other side of Obama.
That was to put Obama down.
It's just like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
But here's the point.
They're now saying it's racist.
They take anything that's unifying people and say it's racist, and then David Duke and Louis Farrakhan, and I'm not calling them to be removed.
I'm simply saying, why are they all left on everything but I'm taken down?
Because we're creating unity.
That's why.
You're absolutely right.
You know what?
And they don't like the fact that you're reaching so many people.
And you keep coming with the truth.
You keep coming with the facts.
You say what they're going to do tomorrow, and then guess what?
They do it tomorrow.
And then they don't like the fact that you're exposing them.
You constantly expose them, and you are a threat to them.
And you know what?
I'm so honored and blessed to be a part of Infowars.
Well, we're honored to have you, my friend, in the kick-ass job you're doing.
You've been doing it for years on your own.
It's good to have you and how you contribute.
But when we come back, then I want you to have the floor to get into issues you want to cover.
And then we have a special live event that's a little bit behind, but it should be starting in the next 10-15 minutes from the streets of a very large city in the U.S.
We'll just leave it at that.
I'm going to ask not to say what it is until it happens, but you'll definitely want to tune in for that next hour.
Will Johnson's our guest.
Please don't forget.
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And that's why we're having Cyber Monday turned into Cyber Week and it's happening now at InfoWarsStore.com.
The biggest sales ever as we attempt to sell all the great inventory so that we can hopefully be capitalized to fund ourselves at least a few months into next year.
I don't have to tell you we've been under total siege and harassment and
We'll take an hour to go over just some of it.
So right now at InfoWarsStore.com there is the revolution of products that are excellent and the revolution of funding InfoWars that is now in the absolute thick of the battle fighting for the human spirit and human destiny for my children and your children and all of our shared futures together.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them, on our journey to hell.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, there's a big news article out today, put up by one of the big tech research groups, ahrefs.com.
The top web searches of 2018 on Google, YouTube,
And guess who beat Trump out in searches?
Alex Jones was the 40th most searched, 1,990,000 plus times.
Trump was searched 1,950,000 times.
I'm not in competition with Trump.
It's just funny we were right next to each other.
But here's the problem.
They've been gaming YouTube and Google for a while, but as soon as they took me completely off,
All they put is lies and disinfo.
Megyn Kelly.
John Oliver.
All these edited things go on top.
The young turds.
But you can overpower them.
Word of mouth.
You can overpower them and say, go to newswars.com.
Go to Infowars.com.
Hear what he's really saying when you hear, or you see the headline, Alex Jones, KKK.
Remember CNN one time put Alex Jones, KKK, with me, and a story about Trump.
You can type into Google, I think the image is still there.
It's just Alex Jones, KKK, CNN.
And they just put lower third, Alex Jones, KKK.
They literally said, oh, it was a mistake.
But that's the type of stuff they pull, folks.
That's the type of deception that these scumbags are involved in, and that's why they're so bad.
There it is, former KKK leader, Alex Jones.
Now think about that.
If you're a radio listener, you get to see it for yourself.
You just type it in, Alex Jones, former KKK leader.
And I have people come up to me on the street and they go, F you, you Russian, or F you, KKK, and I'm just going, uh, and it's, I'm going to play this next hour.
Maybe we'll go a little bit over, but if he has to go, it's fine.
Of Obama at the globalist James Baker event in Houston last night.
And he's talking about how horrible Republicans are and how they tried to keep Jim Crow in place.
Well, anybody that knows history knows it's the opposite.
But that's what's so crazy.
They'll show you Jim Acosta grabbing the mic away, asking four questions, pushing her arm down, and then they say he didn't touch her and that I faked the video.
So, Will Johnson, are they going to win?
What do you think the point of this level of lying is?
What is the point of leaving?
And I'm not saying take them down.
Louis Fairchild.
David Duke.
I mean, I say leave anybody up as long as they're not calling for violence.
You know, they've got all these New York Times board members saying whites are subhuman and all this.
What's behind all this and where do you think it's going and what is the tactic they're using of just total lies?
You know, the whole thing is being driven by Satan himself.
He is the ultimate deceiver.
He has control of the mainstream media and the mainstream media is deceiving the masses.
And as far as Google and Facebook and Twitter, you know, I did another report where I was talking about how George Soros even admitted that these companies pretty much need to go away because they made an outlet for people such as myself, for you, for conservatives to reach more people.
And it became a major problem for them.
So they're calling for these companies to be removed and be replaced by something that they could control more.
They've created public squares for us to talk.
So they, and when they create these public squares, they didn't intend for us to have communication the way that we, the way we do.
They want the deception to keep going, just like you just said.
They are deceiving all of us.
And a lot of people even know it, but they still go right along with it.
It's almost like they rather believe the lie than believe the truth.
And that's why they turn it around when you've got Charlie Brown, Christmas, and it's made by a Christian showing whites and blacks together loving God.
That has to be called racist because it's not, it's the opposite.
Yeah, it's the opposite.
They've taken everything that was good and they've twisted it to their own liking.
I mean, they've taken, not to, not to be like picking on anyone, but they've taken the rainbow, they're telling little boys and little, that they can be little girls, they tell the little girls they can be little boys.
They're taking everything and twisting, even the word, even Flintstones.
I had to, you know, when I used to watch Flintstones when I was a kid, we all had the gay old time.
In addition, there is mean you're happy.
They've taken and they've twisted it for their own
I forgot about that!
There's the Flintstones!
We'll have a gay old time!
Yes, exactly!
And I thought it was supposed to be happy, but see, that's the point.
Take everything that is good and make it into their own image.
And see, that's exactly what Satan is doing.
Satan wants to destroy the family unit.
Satan wants to destroy everything that God deems good.
And make it for his own.
And they say, we're seeing the same thing.
We're seeing it happen.
You're doing an awesome job.
You're doing wonderful things.
And I truly believe you're doing God's work.
And they see it and they don't like it.
So what do they do?
They want to attack you.
They want to attack us.
They want to attack everyone that doesn't speak like them, that doesn't think like them.
They go all out their way to do it.
And you know, George Soros even admitted.
That their agenda is to remove these platforms is and mainly because we are on them speaking freely.
And it's a problem to them.
They don't like it.
And you know what?
I like the fact that I keep doing it.
And they keep attacking me.
And that just lets me know that I'm doing the right thing.
And if they when they stop attacking me, then okay, wait a minute, what am I not doing?
Because I'm not on my a game.
I need to pick it up.
They're attacking you constantly because you're on your A-game.
And as long as you keep doing it, and as long as you keep speaking the truth, and as long as you keep exposing these evil people, they're going to keep attacking you.
But Will, I want to be clear.
Because, okay, InfoWars is important and I'm important, but InfoWars is you.
InfoWars is all of us.
They hate, like you said, us having a community.
It's not me.
And again, I want to get credit here, but I'm telling you, it's all of us together and the spirit we have of wanting a future together, of actually loving each other, being independent, having our own territory, having our own views, but believing in others, and not wanting to deceive other people, wanting to empower other people, because we're confident.
We're not these globalists that actually want to keep people dumb.
Yeah, I mean, you're absolutely right.
I mean, you know, I still say the Democrats is a domestic terrorist group that's operating in America.
And they are deceiving.
I mean, I'm pretty sure you saw the video clip with Nancy Pelosi saying this is what we do.
We send the information to the media and then they run with it.
And then when it comes back in full circle and then we just play off of it like we didn't put it out there.
It's deception in our face.
They're not hiding it any longer.
We're in a day and age 2018.
Donald J. Trump, he didn't create the Democrat craziness party.
He exposed it.
More and more people have really started paying attention to politics.
And you know what?
They started paying attention to the system.
They started paying attention to the globalists.
They started paying attention after Donald J. Trump came into power.
Well, not power.
I mean, they're probably going to take this.
No, it's true.
I mean, no, no.
He did come into the power of the presidency and the power of the people.
And they're scared of the people getting back in a position of power.
Because as Trump said, I'm here to transfer the power back to you.
And he's trying to do it.
When you, when, uh, when Donald J. Trump came on your broadcast, that was it.
And you know what?
They said, okay, that was it.
He he's given Alex Jones credibility.
And you know what?
You already had it.
You didn't need him to come on for that, but it was awesome that he did.
And you know, just to just kind of change the subject just a little bit.
When you send out, when InfoWars sends out hundreds of emails to Julian Assange to try to get an interview,
That doesn't mean you're trying to collude with Russia or you're trying to hack the DNC or any of that.
That means you're looking, you're seeking for the truth.
You're seeking for information.
And that's all we're trying to do.
That's why it is the information.
And you're absolutely right as far as it's affecting all of us.
The reason why I started speaking out is because I have a family.
I love my family.
I love the American people.
And the reason why I started speaking out because I saw the craziness and you did have a lot to do with it.
I have to give you credit where credit is due.
You used to say it all the time.
I haven't heard you say it in a while because you've been extremely busy doing your thing, but you used to say it all the time.
Do your thing, do videos, get the message out there, spread the InfoWars, spread it, spread it, spread it.
I took heed.
I started speaking out.
But I had this knot in me.
I had this knot in my chest telling me to do it.
You planted the seed.
And I truly believe it's the Holy Spirit saying, Will, you've got to speak up.
It's time for you to start saying something.
You've got to engage.
You've got to say something that's positive to a lot of people because a lot of people are like losing hope.
And that's why this is so critical.
No, you're right.
Don't take the censorship, folks, as we're being beaten.
The fact that they've had to do this is a major Streisand effect gamble.
It means everybody, no matter what color you are, where you came from, if you love liberty, you love God, you love justice, whether it's on the street corner, at a city council, or calling C-SPAN, or doing your own YouTube channel, or starting your own little website, everything together changes the world.
Start communicating, start getting involved, start reaching out, and together we're going to, and again, all over the world, nationalists, Christians are getting elected.
We'll be right back with Will Johnson.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Let's ride with the family down the street.
Through the courtesy of friends to keep.
When you're with the Flintstones.
Have a yabba dabba doo time.
A dabba doo time.
Have a gay old time.
So there you go.
Will Johnson made a really good point there, journalist, talk show host, that the word gay meant just a happy day.
But then groups came and took that over.
You're like, okay, we'll let people not call themselves homosexual, even though straights are called heterosexual.
But then the scientific word becomes evil.
Oh, now don't use the word homosexual.
That's seen as hateful.
Some countries arrest you for saying it.
So it's a war on reality and it's an attempt
Uh, to take over what words you can use, and now you don't use mother or father.
So since you brought this up, Will Johnson, this assault on children, I mean, this is diabolical now.
I don't know if you saw the video, they're having these drag taught and drag queen story time, and it's literally weird men, it's men that usually are predators on children,
Dressed up like women, coming in and trying to talk to little kids about sex.
Imagine if you or I, which we never do, show up at a park and walked over.
Imagine if you didn't know me from Adam, even if you knew me and I was Alex Jones and I walked over here at a park in San Francisco or wherever you live at.
And I walked over and I said, hey, Will, let me talk to your kids about sex.
He's like, that's a little weird, man.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I'm going to get out of here.
If I didn't stop, you'd punch me in the nose.
And you should.
But if they go, oh, it's school sponsored.
We're going to have men dressed like women.
Come tell your kids they're in other sex.
This is this is hellaciously abusive.
You're absolutely right.
Again, you know, even going with the Macy's parade.
The Macy's Parade is supposed to just be a family event.
It's not supposed to be interjecting sexual relations or any of that.
They had a huge exhibit of homosexuality parading before children and kids, and at the end of it, they're like kissing.
Why are they teaching children this?
In the state of California, where I'm at, they're getting ready to put into- I'm not getting ready to.
They've already ruled it to put in a curriculum to teach children about homosexuality and how to have the sexual acts.
This is the world we live in?
I mean, my God!
And I did see the clip where the gentleman was talking about, yeah, we need to show children that this is all loving and show them transgender sexing and groom them.
And the reason why I believe that they're doing it, because if they groom them at this age now, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, when they become adults, young adults, 16, 18, 20, they will be
Desensitized to it.
They would be like, you know what, it's always been here.
I look in the sky and I see an airplane and I don't get shocked.
When I see the videos with the guy looking at them, and I was watching your show and you had the beautiful lady from Canada on, and you were talking about how, and they were showing it, and I was just like, God, I was covering my mouth, not wanting to throw up how they were trying to push this onto our children.
This is going to affect the people like never before.
When they fillet these men, and then, you know, within a year, a lot of them do.
And you're right.
They want to commit suicide.
They end up in mental institutions.
It's horrible.
And they're pushing it like, oh, this is wonderful.
You're so brave.
How is that bravery?
I don't understand.
And how can a six-year-old make the decision they want their genitals cut off, their Johnson cut off, no pun intended, and then the dad doesn't want it so the kid's taken from dad?
Yes, it's crazy.
I mean, how does that happen?
And you know, you can't say him.
You can't say her.
You can no longer say father.
You can no longer say mother.
What can we say?
It's a cult saying this and the answer is say whatever we want and stand up against them.
Will Johnson, UnitedAmericaFirst.com.
Amazing job.
Please join us again very soon and we'll continue to track all the great reports and work you do there and your whole breakdown on Charlie Brown is Christian, not racist.
God bless you.
Thank you for having me.
It's an honor and a blessing to be with you.
Honor and blessing to be with you.
Okay, things happen.
I don't just build stuff up and make you wait.
We were supposed to have this big live event in the last 15 minutes.
There's traffic in a major city.
I'm not supposed to say a word.
But they're behind.
But it's going to be happening in the next 30 minutes or so.
And we're going to cover it live here on air.
And we've got a lot more coming up.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm standing in this briefing room right now.
There is no government official here.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
They came in peace.
Maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news.
Maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
This is CNN.
They're intentionally leaving the borders open in Europe, bringing in mass refugees, among them are going to be jihadists, who are setting up a future Tet Offensive, Tet-style offensive in Europe.
And the same thing is being done to this country.
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Oh well, she cried.
I'll take you in.
And I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Sighed the vicious snake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Beside the vicious snake.
Now she clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you might have died.
She stroked his pretty skin, and then she kissed and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite.
I saved you, cried the woman.
And you've bit me, heavens why.
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Oh shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you... Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Oh, shut up, you silly woman.
You knew I was a snake when you let me in.
Trump is not a snake.
Trump is... the ghost of Christmas presents.
The ghost of the cornucopia.
The ghost of America.
One last time.
God's promise.
But you have to make the choice.
But that choice is an individual choice.
That's what Trump is.
Trump is a pragmatic, down-the-line, Americana guy.
No separate refuge, no manipulation.
He waits and sees what the enemy's doing and he responds to it.
That's why he says, I don't punch, I counter-punch.
They'll go, oh, it's three-dimensional chess, it's all this other stuff.
No, it's not.
They're trying to do three-dimensional chess.
Trump is trying to do the right thing, and he believes you're trying to do the right thing.
But now they've raided one of hundreds of lawyers he has that's done real estate for 20 years for him in Chicago, where he owns five or six buildings, including Trump Tower.
About a year ago, the guy disses himself for Trump.
And I'm not a big shot like Trump in business, but in life and lawsuits and things, when you get sued in a town or a business in a town, you get the lawyer in that town.
But how this works is, Trump has hundreds of lawyers handling major business in cities for him.
And then all Mueller and the globalists do is go through their background, find something, raid them for what they've supposedly done, like Cohen not paying $15 million he pled guilty to, in taxes at a taxicab place he owned part of.
And then he rolls on Trump and makes a bunch of lies.
And now you've got this latest lawyer rated in Chicago.
And I'm not saying a Chicago top real estate lawyer is doing anything wrong.
And I'm not saying bears, you know, live in the woods or that they go bathroom in the woods or whatever they do in the woods.
I'm just saying this is incredibly transparent.
And what I do know is this.
It's real simple.
It has nothing to do with a gigantic country.
That is the largest country in the world called Russia.
That I know.
But see, remember what the globalists always say.
Memories and having a memory is the friend of providence.
Memories are consciousness.
Memories are having a grasp, having a memory.
And a memory is a trained thing.
All of us are genetically exposed to have a good memory or not have a good memory.
Mine was photographed until about 30.
And then that's when you start having massive brain cell death every day on average, and I certainly helped that along in many different ways.
Both traumatic, physically, and chemical.
Because alcohol's not good for your brain overall.
But the point I'm getting at here is, it was kind of nice to lose the photographic memory.
I mean, it was photographic.
Not anymore.
But it's still extremely good.
And that's what I deal with every day.
And see, Trump has an incredible memory as well.
At 72, it's still amazing.
And that's why they can't stand him.
But he also knows to always act like he's being recorded or watched, that people are trying to set him up.
You know, that Cohen tape they released earlier this year, like, was it February?
Damning headlines, Cohen caught his lawyer, Trump, on tape saying, pay off women.
And it's Cohen going, oh, hey, how you doing?
Yeah, we got to make a payment to this woman.
And Trump's like, no, we're not doing that.
And it's the same thing.
I saw this headline this morning.
Dr. Corsi admits he lied.
Ready to go to prison for life.
I sent the clip to you guys.
And that's the name on their official MSNBC YouTube site.
I shouldn't spring this on you, but try to go to MSNBC's official site on YouTube.
And it's got less subscribers than we ever did, but that's why they're so jealous.
Of course he admits he lied, ready to go to prison for life.
And then you watch the video and he goes, I never lied.
I did nothing wrong.
But doesn't matter, the headline is, I lied, I'm ready to go to jail!
And it's just whopper after whopper after whopper.
And the average person isn't going to watch a 22 minute clip.
And that's the problem with research, is
I'm up at 5 a.m., I take a shower, drink a coffee, I'm about to go exercise.
I didn't exercise, because I got caught on that 20-minute clip, and I watched the whole thing, knowing, of course, he hadn't said it.
And then, sure as hell, he did.
He said the opposite.
And it's like, what murderers of truth!
They know the average person's... Put it back on screen, please, for TV viewers.
They know the average person's not going to watch a 22-minute video.
Here, let's see if my memory's correct.
Go up and see how long it is.
22 minutes, 5 seconds.
So, they know the average person is not going to watch a 22 minute video.
He says, I did not lie.
I told the truth over and over again.
That turns into, notice there's no quotes around it though, so legally they can do it.
I lie and I'm ready to die in jail.
I thought, my God, that's contradictory.
Has he done it again?
I went and looked and he didn't say that.
He said the opposite.
He said the sky is blue and I said, of course he says the sky is red.
I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
What do you make of Trump taking the gloves off getting ready to go out to the deep state?
On that specific topic, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words, what they mean, what they say.
Can you keep them in the dark for life?
Can you hide them from the world?
Alright, let's go back to your calls.
Or go to your calls, I should say.
If you just tuned in, Trump is getting ready to hammer the Democrats with the secret illegal FISA warrants, the spying, the politicization of it all.
He's getting ready to hammer them with Hillary's real emails that we know the government's had for a long time.
But he's got to do it now before they start all these new fake 80-plus investigations in January.
Well, the Democrats take control of the House.
It's the right thing to do.
His lawyers have been lying to him.
Everybody else around him has been just trying to hope that, you know, they can stay both in the White House, but also eat dinner with the Democrats at night and play both sides.
No more of that.
He needs to go after all of them politically.
They're the criminals.
They're the globalists.
They hate America.
They've been selling the country out and just start laying the cards out.
And there's so many cards.
That it just needs to be done.
We must obliterate all these people, politically.
And you saw that with what happened with just the text messages of the Deputy Director McCabe and Strzok and the rest of them.
The stuff that Trump has is devastating.
He says it's so bad, he doesn't know if he can release it because it'll hurt the country so bad and the stock market.
I've got his quotes here.
What have I been telling you for a couple of years?
Because I know what's going on.
This stuff is so horrible.
The Clintons running child kidnapping rings, narcotics trafficking, murder for hire.
They run it all, folks.
And Trump is like, why are you people doing this?
Just stop it and leave the country alone.
But they can't stop because they've been getting away with it so long, they can't help it.
So I say go nuclear.
And just start releasing everything.
I'd start releasing stuff next week.
They'll say, oh sir, it's how you release it.
It's the moral authority.
Don't, don't, don't, you know, you have to change the subject.
Just attack.
That's what built this country.
It was not rolling over, but attacking the enemy.
So damn the maneuvers, go straight at them.
And it needs to happen.
And it's going to happen because
When you're a mental patient like Mueller or Comey or Hillary, these people think they rule the earth.
These are the most slimy, dirty, mentally ill lawyers who've had their asses kissed their whole life from big, rich, blue-blood families who think they are invincible.
I mean, I can't tell you how many times, and I'm not the toughest guy around, that some big tough guy who'd never had his ass kicked would just keep pushing and get in a fight.
And about the second they actually got anything good on me, I'd just turn on the, you know, the gorilla juice and I'd black out and they'd be going to the hospital.
And I'm not talking about physically fighting Mueller.
I'm saying he's a bully!
These guys are always super confident.
Until they start crying for mommy.
And they always cry for their mommy in the end.
Just like Hitler or Mussolini or any of these people, these are crooks that have been running around in the criminal justice system, feeding on other crooks and mafias, and being the king mafia because they can get away with anything, thinking all the rest of the country's theirs, and thinking they can use mafia tactics on people that aren't criminal thugs like them.
Whitey Bulger.
They were getting ready to bring it out that he worked for Mueller.
He got killed in prison.
I'm not Whitey Bulger, man.
I didn't strangle prostitutes for you.
I don't murder women like you, Mueller.
I'm not a knuckle-dragging, murderous, slime-bag coward.
You go around pissing on mobsters all day because you're a bigger mobster.
You're not a cop.
You're a piece of trash.
You're a piece of garbage!
You're a piece of filth!
And I pray that God brings you to justice.
Because God will.
He's only a little turd that works for him.
That's supposed to strut around and intimidate everybody all day and make everybody scared of him.
It's disgusting.
I bet Robert Mueller gets a big brain tumor in the next year.
A big one.
He'll be beggin' for mommy.
That big ol' juicy brain tumor eats his brain.
Big ol' fat one.
In fact, I think Robert Mueller's gonna get a brain tumor, just like John McCain.
I bet he's already got one.
I bet Jesus gave him one.
Won't be worried about him too much longer.
Because you see, when the devil's done with somebody, he wipes his ass with them and flushes them down a toilet.
And Robert Mueller, he's already circling the toilet bowl.
The devil already wiped his big old fat greasy ass with him.
Okay, I'm gonna stop being poetic.
I apologize.
Family show.
Your daddy's waiting, mother.
Alright, I'm gonna get serious.
Having a little bit of theatric fun there.
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna come back.
Do you feel the energy?
Do you see it?
And do you agree that Trump needs to release it all?
Just, just hammer them and come out and don't do it through Congress and declassification certifications.
He has the power as the chief executive, his own branch of government, that's why the president is powerful, to release whatever the hell he wants.
And then if we judge it's wrong, he did it, he could be impeached.
He won't be impeached.
He'll be carried on our shoulders forever.
He will secure the Trump name in legend and our republic into the future.
And it's the right thing to do.
And so, I asked the President to release full Information Warfare payloads immediately.
Now is the time.
I mean, I know there's a lot, but I would release the most horrid portion right up front, and then secondary portions, and then portions, and then, of course, then others will run like fetid rats stumbling off cliffs and will squeal as they jump off headlong.
What's there?
Aura of invincibility.
See, I don't have the aura of invincibility.
I have the aura of destiny, and I'm ready to be destroyed.
Don't want to be, but I don't think I'm invincible.
I'm only invincible in making the right move, and then letting God sort it out.
Not believing I'll be successful.
That's the difference.
As soon as they realize that their God has failed them, as soon as everything doesn't continue like it's been a gravy train for their witch King Hillary, as soon as they have that final realization, they will be gone, the complete collapse that will never end.
Oh my God, it's going to be delicious as we remove each rotten tooth of the deep state lovingly with a pair of political pliers.
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I don't know.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The preacher man says it's the end of time.
I worry about Robert Mueller.
Because he's just an example of everything this country was designed to stop.
He spent so much time delivering weapons-grade uranium in personal patches and little packages to Putin that I'm worried about him if he snorted any of it.
Even just a few little particles that could give him a brain tumor.
That's why I pray that only God bring justice to Robert Mueller.
Because vengeance belongs to Jesus.
I like this part.
Crank it up.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls here in just a moment.
Ain't too many things these old boys can't do.
Sure as hell not bluebloods like Mueller.
Or Anderson Cooper.
Bunch of fakes.
Even their fake titles.
Talking about who their robber baron families were.
Yeah, well, I don't look at it in my ancestors where I look at what I do, boy.
But my family eats robber barons.
You can't make us run.
Cause these old boys were raised on shotguns.
We say grace.
We say amen.
In the end of that, we don't give a damn.
Alright, I'm going to go back to your calls now.
I appreciate everybody holding patiently.
We've got Steve and Sandy and Charles and so many others.
Steve in Nevada.
Epic times.
Trump says he's got all the dirt on him.
All the dirt on the Globalist.
I say he releases it or it's a dereliction of duty.
He has no excuse.
He's the executive branch and I think America
He's ready for the full horror, and I think America's even ready for a depression, if that's what it takes to not have Hollywood and the globalists destroying our country and our children.
What do you say, Steve?
I should have gone after these people a long time ago.
Alex, it's a privilege and an honor to talk to you, and I want to say about your products, I started taking Caveman about a year ago, and it changed my life.
Well, thank you.
We had a trademark issue, so we had to change it to Ultimate Bone Broth, but it really is the strongest, most concentrated bone broth out there.
All the studies that... Well, tell people what it did for you.
It got my energy up, it got my stamina up, and it lowered my blood pressure to where I could take a decent truck driving job.
Describe how you took it, how you drank it, how you mixed it, and what happened.
You take... Well, I mixed it up with some other stuff, but...
You have to put it into a blender, you mix it for a little bit, add some fruit in there.
I would always use chia seeds and some lemon.
Drink it first thing in the morning and you are hyper all day long.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's hard to quantify it, but it's twice as strong as the leading brand.
It's absolutely organic.
You have chicken bones, but they're taken raw.
That's reduced down.
So it's beyond, I mean everybody knows you have the flu or whatever, you know, drink chicken broth, chicken noodle soup, and it's been proven to help.
Well this is like hundreds of times stronger.
And then it's got the turmeric in it, it's got a bunch of other things, the bee pollen, and it really is the ultimate formula out there.
And for energy, stamina, building muscle, the chondroitin effect is over the top.
It really is an amazing product.
So thanks for the support.
I will support you any way I know how, but Alex, I just want to say, Trump should have done this a long time ago, and I believe, just me, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, right about now.
Well, I mean, what do they have?
Oh my gosh, some of his lawyers, you know, owned a taxicab place and weren't paying taxes.
Nothing to do with Trump.
And now, oh, they busted another lawyer and raided him in Chicago today for something separate.
There's no Russia there except for Robert Mueller on the tarmac with the uranium.
It's like the insult to our intelligence.
I'm sick of it, man!
What ever happened to attorney-client privilege?
Well, that's a good point.
This is next level to raid Cohen, but here's what's happening.
They've got, it's parallel construction.
Corrupt elements of the FBI have total NSA database connection.
They then have algorithm computers that are able to run somebody's finances and what they own and tell if somebody's breaking the law.
But they don't tell the public that, because the public will then start, you know, who's not paying taxes will start looking out for it.
So it's kind of like they had the code to the German Ultra, or Enigma machine, but throughout World War II they never let Hitler know.
And sometimes they let Germans sink a fleet, or win a war, or win a battle, so they'd win the overall larger war.
And so it's the same thing.
So all this illegal spying's going on.
And they've been spying on everybody.
And so they can spy on the hundreds of lawyers Trump has, find corruption on one of them, raid them, get them, and then say, oh, tell us Trump did this and you won't serve 10 years in prison.
And they know the average, you know, dirty, knuckle-dragging, cowardly lawyer, same folks sold this country out, will do it.
But the problem is they never have any real evidence that Trump did anything.
So it's just next level.
Isn't that modus operandi for the FBI lately?
Well, this is how it works.
The FBI started out fighting communists and anarchists and basically Antifa that were blowing up stuff, and it was a real organization.
And they came up with a lot of good tracking systems and systems of modern policing, modern forensics.
The FBI's done a lot of good.
And that's not some exercise of kissing their ass so they don't come after me.
I'm going after the evil kingpins.
But it hurts us if we just say the whole thing's evil, the whole thing's bad.
There's a place in the Constitution to have federal law enforcement.
The problem is, is that once they interface LaCosa Nostra in the 40s and 50s,
They got bought off.
They got paid off.
They got corrupted.
Then they got politically corrupted.
Then they got blackmailed.
And, you know, let's face it, there are a lot of folks tougher in different mafias than there are in lawyers.
So it created this society of really corrupt people at the top who then compartmentalize the FBI to where real FBI agents couldn't do any real work.
We saw that on 9-11, the main order to stand down.
I mean, it just goes on from there.
So we do a disservice if we just say the whole thing's corrupt because then the average FBI agent knows that's not true.
But if you talk about Mueller and Comey and all these guys, these are arch criminals who have been involved in cover-up forever and they get special little collections
of corrupt people under them, very weak-minded sycophantic people like Strzok, who acts like a literal gremlin in Congress, and they just don't get in trouble so long, so they think they're invincible, then they actually go mentally ill and crazy.
And so that's the point we've reached now, is imagine you're Mueller,
Mueller, Mueller.
Hillary, you're in bed with the Russians, the Chinese.
You sold everybody out.
You're on the board of 10 companies.
You're delivering uranium on tarmacs.
You got an investigation going on Trump thinking you'd beat him, saying Russia.
Now he's about to be the president and learn you did this.
You double down.
You keep the fake Russia investigation going.
And so they're not going to stop.
And so Trump realizes that now.
They're going to have to be dealt with.
And look, look at that mental patient, Hillary.
I mean, she is a demonic mental patient.
They will be defeated.
But some of us just have to be ready to take what happens.
People say, how are you handling her?
Are you depressed?
Do you feel... I've never felt better.
I mean, you know, they could have me in front of a firing squad.
I don't want to die, but if they line me up in a firing squad, you know, for what I've done, it means I delivered to the end.
I was faithful to the end.
I didn't back down.
But let me tell you something right now.
We're going to beat that old dumb hag Hillary.
We're going to defeat the Michael Moores of the country.
America wants prosperity.
It wants a future.
We don't want to be subservient to the shy comms and the globalists.
For that alone, the Pentagon's not perfect.
It's got problems.
But it's alpha.
And it's not going to be beta.
And that's why the globalists are done.
They wanted America to collapse and be over with and be screwed over.
It's not happening!
And there's a lot of us willing to die to make sure it doesn't.
So get that through your mind, you globalists.
This isn't some bravado or some act.
You know this spirit.
And it's the spirit of victory over you that will break you in the end.
You are broken.
You are defeated.
It's done!
We just have to take our birthright in our hands.
Steve, I just took one call in 10 minutes.
I'm gonna try my best when we come back to talk to Charles and Wilde and Matt and Pastor Sam and Mankind and Jefferson and Sandy.
I apologize.
Sandy's up next.
And Jonathan and DJ and everybody else.
Then I normally have the Hagmans taking over, but our special live event is behind, so we'll see when that's gonna happen.
It's all coming up today!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I'm on your phone calls in T-minus 30 seconds, but this story right here just went up on NewsWars.com by Kit Daniels.
And it links to the local news.
The Democrats officially announced a law they want to pass.
Bloody legal aliens vote.
It's happening.
They're passing it everywhere.
Remember if they would deny that?
But guess what they already passed a few years ago that let the Democrats win New Jersey?
Letting illegals get driver's license.
And then now, they can use that to vote.
I mean, this is incredible.
Okay, we're talking about Trump saying he's taking the gloves off, he's got all the dirt on the Democrats.
I don't know.
When you're breaking, you want to hit it as hard as you can.
You want to get those balls all over the place.
You want to go full in right now.
That'll cause a chain reaction.
Trump must go on the total offense.
He's been lied to about his lawyers.
Everybody else said, oh no sir, it's going to get wrapped up.
It's never going to get wrapped up.
Robert Mueller is a criminal.
The Clintons are criminals.
You must now give them the full political destruction.
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Ramming speed.
Sandy in Minnesota, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Hi Alex.
Two years I've waited to talk to you.
What an honor it is.
Honor to talk to you.
Go ahead.
And I'd like to tell you that your products are amazing.
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The floor of life, my daughter suffers from IBS really bad and it took it away.
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And then she got a cut, a pretty bad paper cut the other day.
Long story short, she had it, it was infected, put it on there, two days later it was scabbed up and almost healed over.
Oh, I gotta tell you, I don't mean to digress on the products, but I'm not a big cat person.
My mom had cats growing up and dogs.
My wife has two cats and we got another male cat was a kitten.
Now it's big.
It fights with the older tabby that's 14 pounds.
So the other night there's this huge fight in the living room.
I go out there.
And I try to pull them apart and the bigger one climbs up my arm, pushes off, tears it completely open.
And I've had cat scratches before that took three, four weeks to heal.
It's like 70% healed in only like eight, nine days.
And I'm telling you, I put the silver wound gel and the colloidal silver all over, but the silver wound gel specifically made for that.
And it just, you know, because you know how dirty cats are with their back paws.
I don't want to go into details here, but yes, silver is critical.
Yes, and I also have the toothpaste, and that's really amazing too.
Now, as for the Trump thing, he needs to get his ducks in a row.
He needs to call a State of the Union address, address the people of the United States, and say, listen, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this.
You know, no matter what they do, if he lets, you know, the more you delay on something,
They're going to get into office coming up.
They're going to go ahead no matter what he does.
If he doesn't act now it will be a I should have done that scenario.
He needs to tell the people this is what I'm going to do.
Throw it all on the table and then go from there and just let it loose because no matter what they're going after him.
Now it's kind of like
The more you stay in the public eye, the more you scream and yell and say, look at me, pay attention to me, that way you're protected.
The American people will stand behind him no matter what he does as far as the ones that are true to him.
As long as he's decisive, and I agree, and it should have been earlier, but now it's clear this is his last shot.
With all the crimes they've committed, the illegal stuff they've done, if he doesn't move against them on every front, and I've talked to smart people in government, out of government, and others, and they all agree, he needs to have a State of the Union, an emergency address in Congress, where he announces it's all being released, right in front of the Democrats, to their face.
It's all these criminals know as strength.
And let them know that it's on, because if he just dribbles stuff out, they're going to try to spin it, they're going to obfuscate, they're going to try to tie it up.
He needs to full frontal assault, call these criminals out, which he's getting ready to do.
Well, no matter what he does, if, you know, if anybody's paying attention, no matter what he does, it's already, they're going after him.
They're going to try to impeach him in any way they possibly can.
They're going to do it anyway.
Look what they're putting Roger Stone through and Jerome Corsi and you.
They're going to do it.
So you better fire your cannons now and stop playing around.
And do it now!
Well, ma'am, and I agree with you and I appreciate your call.
I want to be clear.
Trump told Sessions to take action.
He's surrounded by a bunch of double-dealing cowards.
That's what D.C.'
's made up out of.
It's a bunch of feather your own nest, never stick your ass out, always, you know, cover all your bases, a bunch of weasels.
And he's finally getting a hardcore cadre of people that are ready to take action.
But this is really the moment of American destiny right now.
Because there have been a bunch of special interests selling this country out every angle you can.
And the reason the Pentagon and a lot of other folks are with Trump is they get like...
Even if we're hard asses, even if we're evil, which we're not overall, why would we sell it all out just because it's America as a way to conquer it, instead of when we got the most powerful thing, project it into the world and make the world a better place for our kids?
It's the fundamental chicken, I invented a term, I can't say on air.
I call it the chicken, you know what dimension, the chicken SH-T dimension.
And these people, metaphysically,
Nothing against the Visigoths.
Hell, I'm related to the Visigoths that stormed and conquered Rome in 410.
Instead of trying to administer it or run it, they burned it to the ground.
That was their idea of dominance, was to come in and burn it to the ground and run off with a bunch of women.
And then we had a thousand years Dark Age.
So, there's this thing where the globalists conquered America, so they want to break up the family and give people deadly vaccines and make them mentally retarded?
I mean, that's satanic, folks.
That's satanic.
I mean, if you conquered something, why the hell would you burn it down?
Because it's spiritual.
They want to conquer the spirit.
They don't just want the infrastructure of America.
They want the soul.
And so I'm going to tell the military, the police, men, women, everybody.
Do you really want to live in a system where five-year-olds are taught how to suck cock?
You're like, oh, that's an adult term on air.
I'm not somebody trying to be a shock jock using terms like that.
That's what they teach five-year-olds!
In standard sex education, they're teaching five-year-olds about anal sex, men having sex with each other, women having sex with each other.
At Macy's Day parades, they got women kissing each other and men kissing each other, running around shaking their you-know-what's around.
They'll go, oh, what are you against those people?
You're damn right I am!
I don't care if you're heterosexual, homosexual, you go around messing with kids, you try to get your mitts in there, you're a psychic vampire pedophile in my book, and you're my enemy, period.
And that's where my line's drawn.
Keep your damn hands off the kids.
You know, the fictional character Tony Montana was based on Oliver Stone living for about six years in Latin America and a composite of three real guys.
And what's his final line of saying, even though he's worth a billion dollars and all this power?
He goes, I told you, no women, no kids.
Politicians are more than willing to have him fence the corruption for him and have him do it all.
But see, at the end of the day, he won't kill women or kids.
They'll kill a communist for free.
But for a green card he'll carve them up real nice.
But that's killing a corrupt man that's been oppressing people.
That's killing a bad person.
That's not killing a kid or killing a child's innocence.
So, is that who you are, world?
Which side are you on?
I'm not with the pedophiles.
I'm not with people that use pedophiles to compromise other people like Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Mueller.
You gotta decide!
Hell, the Vatican just got caught running giant child kidnapping rings from Australia to the U.S.
and the Pope, three weeks ago, ordered the investigation ended.
I'm going to go to break, come back with more of your calls into the next hour.
I don't usually commandeer Doug Hagman's show, but I have to.
This is a big, live, special thing.
Plus, I can take your calls.
You can ride shotgun with me.
Hagman Report.
They're coming up.
And just a brief plug here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You know, I made a decision a few weeks ago to go ahead and say on air what they're teaching five-year-old kids in elementary school from Houston, Texas to Lafayette, Louisiana to Los Angeles, California to Buffalo, New York.
I'm sitting here and I won't even show footage that they put on local news because I think it's pornographic to have a man with only glitter on his genitals
And he's got little kids hugging him, and this is drag queen hour.
So even, I mean, I've got points I won't go to, but I'll tell some radio and TV stations, if you're mad that I talked about they're teaching five-year-olds how to have anal sex, then you better get down to your local city council, because they're doing it in your local town to little kids.
My show is not shop jock about sex and stuff.
I have to cover this, because this is what's going on.
They've got people that want access to your children in the schools on TV saying we're going to groom your kids and teach them how to be LGBT.
I don't want some schlub teaching my daughters or my son about heterosexual sex.
What the hell is going on here?
So I know I'm uncomfortable talking about this because it makes me get angry.
So I know it's upsetting.
But Nambla and everybody else are out of control.
If you don't know what Nambla is, you better find out.
Because your children are learning about it right now.
Now what should Trump do against the Deep State?
How should he take action?
He signaled he is.
What do you think about that?
Talk to Pastor Sam in Mexico.
Pastor Sam, go ahead.
You said in the last hour that President Trump is looking for a hardcore cadre of people ready to take action.
And we're looking at the United States and we want our crooks hung.
But there is a coalition being formed right now as the President is in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the G20.
He is assembling world leaders of nations that are with him.
And he's going to confront the ones that are against him.
You know, Junkers is going to be there.
Drunkers, Jean-Claude, all of those guys are going to be there.
So the rumble is beginning starting tomorrow in Buenos Aires.
This time around.
Also, Jared Kushner is getting a huge award from the Mexican president two days before he leaves office and lets the Associates president that's been supposedly elected take over.
This is going to basically make Jared Kushner the equivalent of a knight in Mexico and give him the ability to sit at the table with these world leaders without any of these kid jokes that have been chasing him around the world.
The rumble is beginning, the president is working, and it's happening in Mexico City and Buenos Aires right now.
We're good to go.
There's even news about international prosecution of international criminals.
It's come out in The Guardian, and the person that's mentioned is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Now, I don't think that he's guilty of what the talk is.
Sure, but the executive orders have been signed.
Here's the deal.
There's a global realignment happening right now.
Nation-states realize they still have the power.
Why should they give it to globalists that are out to destroy the nation-state?
And so there is definitely a global fight going on.
Pastor Sam, thank you.
Wild, and Jonathan, and Jefferson, and many others, your calls are straight ahead when we come back on the other side.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live.
We've got
Doug Hagman is set to take over very, very soon.
I had a very interesting actress tell me about something that was going to be happening today at noon central, and so I've been standing by with a camera crew there to cover it since I was told it was going to happen, but I'm going to have to not cover that live here soon because I'm not going to run over what Doug Hagman has to cover here, but we'll obviously have it for you at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com as soon as that goes live.
Right now, let's go back to your phone calls.
Who's been holding the longest here?
That would be wild in Wisconsin.
You're on the air, thank you.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I have a question I wanted to get your opinion.
If it's a coincidence or if I'm over-analyzing, specifically regarding the presidential meme, and if it's meme magic or not, the one posted on Drudge Report.
You put it on screen, I'm sure you're familiar with it.
You talking about the one yesterday that showed the globalist behind bars?
Yeah, with all the clowns in the background and then the bars?
Yeah, you're talking about like Hillary and Bill and Comey and all them?
Yeah, behind bars?
Yeah, all the orcs there.
No, ignore those guys.
Ignore all of them.
And focus more on the bars, the prison bars.
They look to be iron.
They also use iron for cemeteries to keep in bad spirits.
But if you take the whole picture and flip it upside down, is it me or is it kind of like a magic eye?
If you then relax your eyes and look at the clowns in the background, how many crosses do you count?
Well, I mean, I do see a bunch of crosses there.
So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
That's like 30-something?
Is that just me or is that a coincidence?
That there's what?
Well, you're going to see crosses anywhere in geometry or anywhere in the world, but I think the overt image is, you know, you're treasonous, you try to destroy this country, you're globalist, and I'm coming for you.
Yeah, I agree.
I agree.
I just thought it was... I thought it was... Here's the thing.
Trump can't believe that they don't sue for peace.
But when you are a rat bastard like Rosenstein or Hillary Clinton, who never built anything but came into a power structure because you were such a traitor and were given everything, they are only used to their raw exercise of power.
And so they just can't believe that it's the end of the... I mean, take John Podesta.
He's in the emails going to Aleister Crowley events to drink semen and blood.
Now, who would want to go do that?
Well, these are freaks, man.
And so that's why they created the whole fake Pizzagate thing to distract everybody off of, to divert us into, from the real stuff they're involved in.
I mean, this guy, these are his brother, published in the Washington Post in 2007, his love of video and photos of naked children, and displayed pedophilic photos.
That's lesser magic to them.
If they can throw it in your face, that's the real power.
And so, I mean, this is real stuff out of Podesta's art that he puts out himself, his brother.
So these are sick people, man.
Who wants pictures of little boys tied up, you know, raped?
But that, you have to understand, it's a spiritual thing.
If you look at Podesta and his brother, they look like snaggle-toothed, yellow-toothed vampires.
Like, their teeth are pointed, they're all... I mean, these are some sick freaks, man.
And so, we just allow these ghouls to think, oh, be tolerant, be loving, have no opinions, so we can rule you.
And so that's what it comes down to, Wild.
I appreciate your call.
These are monsters.
And their time is coming to an end.
They thought our time was coming to an end?
No, it's the other way around.
Let's talk to Jefferson in Virginia.
Jefferson, you're on the air.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
On the funding front, I think I have an idea for you.
It seems to me that if people make fun of you for the Atrazine and the gay frog meme, it should be you that becomes the next Carlos Slim of water filters.
You should get a government contract to provide the public with water filters.
Well, we certainly need water filters.
There's a lot of bad stuff in the regular water.
What's your idea?
Well, I think you can capitalize on the notion that you're the champion for clean water for America.
Nobody can be against clean water.
And there's got to be health and human services is run by a man named Alex Azar.
So the Alexa Pure is perfect to get him on board, to put an Alexa Pure in everybody's house at government expense and you get a licensing fee.
And you cover your costs and... No, I agree.
We should have a nationwide campaign for people to filter their water with systems that actually filter it.
Don't just take out the bad taste, but actually cut out all the garbage.
That's a really good idea.
Like a national initiative for everybody to clean their water.
Yeah, but I mean, if Carlos Slim can get rich giving Obama phones to people, you should be able to get rich.
I never got a government contract, and I don't know how that works, but I don't think he could mandate.
He mandated really cheap cell phones, and the government got a database and got to get Democrats to vote, and then there was a payoff to Carlos Slim of $3 billion, well $5 billion total, $3 billion profit that he was able to buy the New York Times with, but that's a great point.
Jefferson, anything else on your mind?
Uh, the David Knight Show this morning appeared to be jammed.
I'm not sure what happened.
He said he was going to do something on Google yesterday at the end of his show, and then this morning's show was not a live broadcast.
Yeah, no, we're a small operation, and David's hosting the show tomorrow.
He took off today, so the streams didn't go out.
Show didn't go out, so Death Star level failure, and that's the kind of thing, you know.
Really cripple you.
And that's why we need to get more crew hired and more people because the election really exhausted us with the crew we have to be able to even be on air.
So I've always explained to the crew, just because you see us on here doesn't mean you're on air.
It's like a car.
A car needs windshields to look out of.
And so that's what I'm working on behind the scenes is quantifying and looking at what we do and making sure it's going out.
So that was not a conspiracy against David Nutter and Infowars.
That was our fault.
We apologize.
The affiliates will work on that as hard as we can.
It's one reason over a decade ago I stopped doing rebroadcasts.
I went actually six days a week live when I was with another network.
Now I run my own shows.
It's not as bad because I was routinely not on about a rebroadcast.
And so it's kind of an out of sight, out of mind.
There's a discipline of being live.
Being live makes you get it right.
And the people involved in live tend to get it right.
But as soon as you go to tape...
Or as soon as you have an email that is automated or whatever, it takes, it's like getting rid of, you're getting rid of regular arithmetic.
Now no one knows how to do arithmetic without a calculator.
And it's the same thing about technology's great, but it takes the humanity out of us.
Jefferson, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that.
That's another wonderful thing I have to deal with here.
But yeah, just because the main guy's off, doesn't mean the show's off.
And that's... and David does a great show.
It's just that things have a way of extincting themselves.
If people don't put a focus onto it at the technical level, and that's where I've got to step up.
I'm reviewing everything now at every level of InfoWars.
I personally listen to the satellites every day.
I personally listen to the audio feeds, video feeds.
I test the emails.
I get up at 5 a.m.
I go to work at 545, and I just sit there at a terminal, and I go through every single level because it's my job to do it, and damn it, I'll do it.
And I did catch that David wasn't on here today.
So, that's how that works.
So, thank you for letting us know about that.
I really appreciate it.
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Doug Hagman is coming up.
Sorry I can't get to the rest of your calls.
I appreciate you holding.
And the War Room is coming up today, 3 o'clock central.
Standard time, that's in about 45 minutes with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone and more.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Doug Hagman.
Hello and welcome to this fourth hour edition of Info Wars.
Guest hosted by myself, Joe Hagman, and my father, Doug Hagman.
We are, together, The Hagman Report.
Go to our website, HagmanReport.com.
Also, Hagman Report Live.
There you can get all our shows and information.
And we do appreciate everybody who listens.
Now, we got a lot to get into in this fourth hour.
You have the caravan news, the invasion, the migrant mob continuing to attempt to assault the southern border as more caravans are forming south of Mexico's border.
As I've heard today, as many as 10,000 in three separate caravans are starting their trek up north.
Not to mention the inside reports, not the news media reports, the inside reports that there are at least 8 to 10,000 men in these camps in Tijuana and that's one thing I want to talk about and where I want to start today because the mainstream media has done everything in their power in this psychological warfare
I think?
By the mainstream media's own doing, MSNBC ran a piece just a few days ago showing that there were not many women and children, not many families, mostly military-age men.
But I read a report from inside of the camp.
One of the YouTube journalists yesterday did a report from inside the camp showing that there were up to 8,000 military-age men, age 20 to 35,
Inside that caravan and there were very few women and children.
They were very scarce in that camp Excuse me, which tells me that the talk about the invasion was not just talk It was not just a talking point for the Republican Party for Trump to score political points.
It was an accurate
Identification of what we see is this migrant mob, illegal immigrants, invading our southern border.
And as Trump said, he's not going to let this happen.
We see the military down there.
We see the National Guard, Homeland Security, Border Patrol.
And they are not going to back down.
And it is getting ugly.
Now, we saw yesterday that the information, the news came out that during Obama's presidency, tear gas was used at least, if not more, than once a month.
And the figures were put out there, but on shows like The View and other mainstream media, The View talked about it.
They did not care.
They did not care what Obama did during his presidency, sort of like Hillary Clinton didn't care when she said, what difference does it make?
They did not care on their coverage of The View as they said, I don't care what Obama did during his presidency.
This is about President Trump.
But it's only going to get worse.
And President Trump said he promises he will shut down the border before he will let this turn into more of a humanitarian crisis.
We see migrants are already returning home.
The mayor of Tijuana on the side of Trump.
And it is just a mess down there.
At least though, for Trump, he has stuck to his guns and the military have stuck to their guns, not allowing this invasion to circle into the United States.
And hopefully it stays that way.
But there's a lot about the caravan that is not being reported.
The diseases, the infectious diseases that people are bringing into this country from the caravan.
The criminals, there have been arrests made of not only men from Bangladesh, but cartel members, people who have been deported in the past.
And there are up to 500 criminals, according to DHS, that are in this group.
So, of course, we cannot let these people invade our country.
We need to set a precedent.
As we see what's happening in Germany,
As they invited over a million immigrants into their country under Angela Merkel's globalist platform, and what do we see?
Now they have started a program, and I don't know how many people saw this on RT yesterday, we posted this on Hagman Report, to send you back to your homeland and pay your rent for a year if you choose to go back.
Germany in a program realizing or at least coming to their senses somewhat that they have brought too many immigrants or migrants into their country and now it is putting such a tax on their system they can't sustain it so they put these programs in place to send them back and what do they offer?
For incentives, if these people decide to go back, well, Germany has launched a campaign to return you to your homeland and pay your rent for one year.
Which is very insulting, apparently, to the migrants and to some of the local population there, but that's besides the point.
This is an issue that's not going away anytime soon, and the media has not been covering it.
Jorge Ramos from Univision yesterday said, it is the United States
Moral obligation, moral duty to absorb these refugees, these migrants.
And it is just ridiculous.
As Alex Jones has said, as the organization's name says itself, this is an information war.
And this is a battle of perception.
The most important part of the information war.
And where truth was once considered universal, now it is based on your political ideology.
And we are in trouble.
And coming back after we get done with this segment, I want to get into the next segment.
The interrelationship between the CIA and the mainstream media, both historically and in present day, because the influences of our government agencies on the mainstream media, on the Hollywood entertainment industry, is a lot of times overlooked, yet so pivotal and important in this information war.
And we're going to go over the CIA and how they have had relationships with reporters from every major news service going back
40 plus years.
And why is this relevant today?
Well, it is so important when we see that, again, this is a battle of perception, and we have the split among our population, with so many of the population believing in the mainstream media's lies and propaganda, social justice, politically correct ideology, that is destroying the brains and minds of people in America and across the world.
Before you move on from the caravan news, I just want to mention this.
People have to know there are 786,000 pending immigration cases as of today.
There are 160,000 asylum requests right now.
Consider, ten years ago, 2008, at the start of the Fundamental Change of the United States, 42,000 asylum requests.
And only 9-10%, roughly 9% of asylum requests are actually granted.
So, this whole thing about asylum is a red herring.
I just want people to know that.
Just so people have the facts.
When you discuss things with your obtuse uncle Ed at the table at Christmas, understand what the facts are.
So, continue.
That was a great...
Yeah, and we got a lot more caravan news.
Before we get into the CIA and the relationship between the CIA and the news media, mainstream news media and their narrative, I want to make sure that we do cover what the report that I read yesterday from people on the ground inside the Tijuana facilities that they are housing these migrants in.
Tijuana, even the mayor of Tijuana putting a hat on, Make Tijuana Great Again.
I thought that was awesome.
But we see that for seven to ten Mexicans, people who live in Tijuana, are very upset with the caravan.
They want them out of their city.
They are putting a strain on the resources of a already poor nation and a very impoverished people.
And they don't expect in Tijuana, they're not expecting special rights, special privileges.
And they see that these caravanners are demanding, expecting to be given housing and health care and jobs and money by going to the U.S.
But what gives them more of a right than any other immigrant trying to come here legally, going through the system properly, spending the money, taking the time to do it right?
It is a disservice to them, it is a disservice to so many other Americans.
Uh, who are in need, veterans, etc.
And we will talk more about this on the other side.
You're listening to Info Wars, Hour 4, hosted by Doug and Joe Hagman of The Hacker.
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I just want everybody to count the cost here as we enter the last month of 2018.
And I wanted to thank you for all of your support.
And I wanted just to remind you that InfoWars isn't perfect, but we're fighting as hard as we can.
And without you, we won't be here.
And that's why we're having Cyber Monday turned into Cyber Week.
And it's happening now at InfoWarsStore.com.
The biggest sales ever as we attempt to sell all the great inventory so that we can hopefully be capitalized to fund ourselves at least a few months into next year.
I don't have to tell you we've been under total siege and harassment.
A tax would take an hour to go over to some of it.
So right now at InfoWarsStore.com there is the revolution of products that are excellent and the revolution of funding InfoWars that is now in the absolute thick of the battle fighting for the human spirit and human destiny for my children and your children and all of our shared futures together.
InfoWars will talk about the forbidden taboo subjects.
We will stand up for human life and human destiny and we will fight until the end.
With your help, humanity has a chance.
Thank you all for your support.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones with Doug Hagman.
Doug and Joe Hagman here, guest hosting the fourth hour of InfoWars on this Thursday, November 28, 2018.
We're going to get back to news on the caravan from the real numbers of illegal immigrants in Tijuana attempting to cross the border, as well as the numbers of the health crisis and what's going on there.
But first I want to tell you about Cyber Week Special at the InfoWars store.
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And you can tell by the ratings and reviews from people who have used them.
So check out the InfoWars store for their sales today.
All right, back to the Caribbean.
Hey, let me just chime in on here.
Look, folks, Christmas is coming.
If you do exchange gifts on Christmas, shop at InfoWarsTore, because I'm going to tell you something.
We are in the fight of our lives, and I know people have, you know, they say, oh, you're just about money.
No, you know what?
This operation needs to be funded.
And I've got to tell you something, Alex Jones, InfoWars, everyone there, they're out in front and center.
Just think about this.
What are you going to do when you go to tune into InfoWars and it's not there?
So the products, absolutely great products, but also think about the fact that you've got skin in this game and you are helping to fight the fight.
And that's what's really important.
I didn't mean to interject, but I've just got to say, I feel passionately about this.
Yeah, you know, and look at us, okay, as TheHagwinReport.com.
You know what, I just want to toss this in here, conversationally.
We're talking about this illegal invasion, alright?
We had, folks, we had Reagan-Babon, alright?
Now, if you don't know who that is... Yeah, Meghan Barth, Reagan-Babon.
Okay, alright, so, and it's very interesting because we've got...
Well, we've got a utility.
It's a proprietary utility that tracks certain things on Twitter, and I'll just leave it at that.
We tweeted out something that Megan Barth, Reagan Bay, I think we put together like a two-minute segment.
And the bottom line is this, okay?
It got no traction.
It didn't go anywhere.
Well, when you look at the back end from the utility, we can see.
Guess what?
Well, I mean, we too are being shadow banned.
You might say, well, tell me something I didn't know.
The fact of the matter is, is that we, look, it takes money to fight this battle.
Circling back to the products of the store, when you, when people are being shut out of, when people have their soap box removed to stand upon or their public square, when that is taken away from people, it becomes a very dangerous situation.
So I just ask everyone, share everything and also support the fight.
Go ahead, Joe.
Did you?
Go ahead.
Yeah, no.
And you have to, because, I mean, look at the censorship that we are facing.
As Twitter continues to change their terms of service, now to bend to the whims of the transgender crowd.
You can't deadname, which I didn't even know what that was until a few days ago, you know, to mispronounce somebody.
You could get your whole account wiped out.
And I saw the article on Drudge that linked to InfoWars breaking.
Despite massive censorship, Alex Jones still 40 most searched on YouTube.
I thought that was very interesting.
Even knowing he's been deplatformed, thrown off of every social media and video streaming outlet, still, the 40 most searched, and that's probably even suppressed itself, that number, on YouTube, months and months and months after their attempt to make him disappear.
And you talk about a testament to people still searching for that information, still wanting to find that information, despite the best efforts of these left-wing lunatics in their censorship campaign.
That just makes me smile to see that, that they are able to continue to reach that many people and get the word out, despite the deplatforming and basically blacklisting
On the internet.
Now if we can, back to the caravan.
And let's talk about the health risks associated with this caravan, because this is really something that is overlooked, especially by the left.
They'll never address this at all.
More agents are going to the border.
Caravan health risk concerns, and this goes on to detail how the numbers of tuberculosis have three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV AIDS, 101 cases of lice, four cases of chicken pox,
That's just what has been documented.
Over 2,267 cases of health-related issues are already, dubbed as a health crisis, in this caravan.
Authorities are also concerned about the potential cases of hepatitis because of unsanitary conditions.
This was reported by Fox News earlier today.
And we've seen the rise in this polio-like disease that is now spreading throughout America.
And people are asking, you know, how does this start?
Where did this come from?
How does this happen here?
Well, I'll tell you how.
It's by importing not only the impoverished, the poor and welfare recipients, but it's also importing diseases.
And this is what we need to do when we talk about a better system of vetting and checks and balances at the southern border.
I mean, the wall would be great, yes.
It would be more symbolic than anything as you need multi-layer security, you know, from cameras, personnel, night vision, lasers, etc.
But the vetting process is so important.
Getting to know who these people are.
What are their health issues?
What are their political beliefs?
What are their aspirations and reasons for wanting to come into this country?
Instead of just allowing anybody to come in like we had with the visa lottery program, which makes absolutely no sense, we could do a much better job of bringing the best and the brightest people who are going to and want to be productive and most importantly assimilate into our society.
But the left is having none of it.
If you oppose illegal immigration, you are considered a bigot.
You are considered a racist.
Now tell me, what other crime does the mainstream media and the politically driven politicians in this country, what other federal crime do they urge people to break and encourage people to
Not when it comes to immigration.
And then you have these activist judges trying to overturn the bans and the different things President Trump has been doing by executive order.
Never once, never once questioning the authority of Barack Obama to start DACA through an executive order.
But still, President Trump has been fighting or being fought against at every turn.
And now we can move into the Robert Mueller investigation and what's happening with Jerome Corsi, what's happening with Roger Stone.
It's very unfortunate.
And the theme of the day, he's ruining people's lives.
And I think Alan Dershowitz made a great point today.
Where none of these people would be in criminal trouble if it wasn't for his investigation.
And that speaks volumes as to what his intent truly is.
$30 million, no evidence of any real wrongdoing other than processed crimes that were created by his investigation.
And here we are, two years later, and what do we expect coming next?
Well, we expect Robert Mueller to pull out all the stops.
Fabricate, lie, whatever he has to do to try to make it appear as though President Trump is unfit to be president because he stole the election from Hillary Clinton.
You know, Miller's there for only two reasons.
Two reasons only.
Number one, obviously is to protect the previous crimes, the crimes of Obama, the crimes of Hillary.
The crimes of Brennan and such.
And the other reason, of course, is to obstruct, at least in a legal sense, semi-quasi-legal, I should say, obstruct the agenda of President Trump.
And, of course, in so doing, creating misery.
I know we're up against a break.
Yeah, we're up against a break.
And one of the bigger themes that we're missing with this whole migration issue, whether it's from Germany, which that is your country, your future now, the initiative I told you to send immigrants back.
But it's the Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, globalist plan to erase borders, erase culture, and bring in their one world government.
We'll be right back after this short break.
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We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
It's the David Knight Show!
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is a live global exclusive.
She is shamed in front of Twitter that banned her for exposing Islamic genital mutilation of little girls up to age 9 in the US.
So she's chained herself up there.
We have reporters there covering it.
We are now starting to normalize.
These big tech social media companies like Facebook and Twitter are starting to normalize.
This is live coverage of how conservatives are the new Jews in America, like Nazi Germany being censored.
And she's got big stickers up there pointing out that David Duklas Faircon could still be on Twitter, on YouTube.
And I'm not saying take them off.
I'm a free speech.
I don't agree with him, but she's saying that why has she been taken off for exposing general mutilation, up to nine-year-old girls being kidnapped and their genitals cut off, federal judges ruling they can do it.
So let's hear Laura Loomer.
I'm anti-Semite, I'm anti-Termite.
Well, what do you do when you have a termite infestation?
You call the exterminator.
He's obviously invoking Hitler, right?
He's obviously invoking Hitler, calling for the extermination of Jews.
He's calling for the extermination of Jews.
Yet for Jack Dorsey, Lewis Farrakhan's tweet in which he said, I'm not an anti-Semite, I'm anti-Termite.
That was not a violation of their terms of service.
No, they've had the security guards at Twitter trying to get the handcuffs unlocked with locks they have.
She has special handcuffs.
I am physically handcuffed to the door of Twitter because Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and many of these other multi-billionaire CEOs of these left-leaning big tech corporations, they want to silence me.
They want to shut me down.
And I'm not leaving!
I'm not leaving anytime soon.
I'm not going away anytime soon.
You are not going to silence me.
This is not just about me, though.
This is about the millions of conservatives who are censored in silence on social media every single day.
I'm gonna read to you a couple tweets that Jack Dorsey has allowed to stay on Twitter.
Would anybody like a coffee?
I have here thousands of examples of tweets that are still on Twitter.
This is Laura Loomer, incredible activist, investigative journalist, chained outside Twitter.
She was banned last week permanently for saying that cutting little girls' genitals off is bad.
I hate white people.
Fuck white people.
Goddamn white people are the worst.
Kill all white people.
I'm not anti-semites, I'm anti-termite.
I mean, this is all still on Twitter.
All of these tweets right here are still on Twitter.
This is live and raw.
According to Twitter, it's okay if you want to preach hate against the Jews.
It's okay if you want to preach hate against white people.
It's okay, according to Jack Dorsey, if you want to preach hate against conservatives, right?
You don't get banned for that.
That's not a violation of the terms of service.
But if you're a Jewish conservative journalist like myself exposing these people, these leftists, or if you are just a conservative in general- I don't want to be clear.
We've got seven minutes left of live broadcast here.
The War Room with Ellen Schroer is about to begin 3 p.m.
Central every day.
We've got these live feeds on Facebook and Twitter, the backup feeds.
We'll try to ban those.
Then we need to see this at InfoWars.com.
We're gonna have it.
We also have Skype.
We're on backup.
This will continue as the police officer is coming.
She has handcuffs, they're going to have to use Jaws of Life on.
Custom-made handcuffs.
Laura Loomer.
Our brothers and sisters in the United Kingdom have to fear for arrest.
They have to fear that they're going to have their doors knocked down in the middle of the night if they post wrong things.
Everyone go to m4wars.com.
We're going to post this on the front page.
Laura Loomer chains herself to the front.
Doors of Twitter in New York to protest censorship of conservatives.
And get it to Drudge, guys, right now.
Get a blurb up.
Get the live feed up.
Add the War Room feed.
We're about to end.
And guys, get me another chair set up by Ellen.
I'm gonna go in there.
And he had to endure all of this punishment and torture, human rights violations, because our social media companies, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google, Instagram, they are essentially upholding Sharia.
Silicon Valley is essentially upholding Sharia when they decide to ban me for posting facts about Islam, when they decide to ban me for posting facts about Sharia law or criticizing an anti-Jewish Muslim country.
If you're watching us on Infowars.com for the last few days, you've got to share this feed to everybody.
That's the way we get around the censors.
Millions are watching right now on our feeds.
And here I am.
This is Laura Loomer.
You know, if Jack Dorsey wants to come outside... Kane to the New York headquarters of Twitter.
Let's go full screen to her.
I want to shoot Trump in the head!
Fuck white people!
All white people are racist!
God, can someone just shoot Trump already?
I mean, why is this allowed on Twitter, Jack Dorsey?
I want to know how that's not hate speech, but my tweet up there, isn't it ironic how the Twitter moments used to celebrate women, LGBTQ, and minorities is a picture of Ilhan Omar.
And I had a sign here that I wanted to show you guys, but Twitter confiscated it.
So already, here in America, I have a right to protest.
I have a right to peacefully protest here.
And I can't even protest because even on the outside, Jack Dorsey is sending his goons to confiscate my sign.
I want to know why Jew hatred is okay.
Twitter, where Louis Farrakhan could essentially call for the extermination of Jews, just like Hitler did.
But then a Jewish journalist is shut down simply for reporting the truth.
I want to know.
I want to know.
And he won't give me back my sign.
There, you can see my sign right there.
Again, Laura Loomer has reached hundreds of millions of people.
She's an incredible investigative journalist, exposed the Vegas mass shooting.
She's confronted Hillary Clinton, so many others.
She exposed all these radical Islamists getting elected to Congress, people that have been, you know, in serious trouble, and the sexual mutilization of little girls in the U.S.
that's now being legalized in multiple states to cut little girls' genitals off.
And she's there.
She's chained to the front steps, to the front doors of your radio listener.
She's chained to the doors at 249 there in Manhattan at the main New York headquarters.
And she's put up big signs saying that Louis Farrakhan is still on Twitter, but that she's been taken off for exposing sexual mutilization of girls.
Sexual, I'm inventing words, sexual mutilation, sexual mutilation, he must certainly have that word, sexual mutilation of little girls, sexual castration of girls.
Alright, here come the police.
We're on satellite feed, so the Alex Jones Show has to end in two minutes.
Everyone wants to go to Infowars.com forward slash show the war room.
And folks, this is a viral event.
She's doing this for attention for everybody.
Now here's the police.
Let's hear this.
Excuse me, excuse me.
Hi, officer.
Are you protesting?
Yeah, Twitter.
Let me stop you one second.
So you're being recorded just like you guys recorded me.
You cannot block the door.
You can stand- Well, they can come out.
From that part.
You must move from the door.
That's not a request.
I can't tell.
Do you have keys?
I suggest you take them off.
You can try taking them off.
I don't know if they're going to come off.
Take the key thing or whatever?
We'll have BSU come take them off if you don't want to.
You don't want to take them off.
You put them on yourself.
You understand?
You're going to end up getting arrested if you don't remove them.
The system is silencing everybody who's patriotic, who stands up for speech, stands up against girls being sexually mutilated under radical Islamist real law.
Sexually mutilated.
Another trying to use police handcuff keys, but she has special handcuffs that are designed that they can't do that.
Again, this is the third dimension.
They ban us on the internet, we then physically start coming out and peacefully exposing them.
Do you guys think it's okay for terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood?
Hey, this live feed is about to end.
The main feed's posted at InfoWars.com, an article.
Laura Loomer changed herself to the front doors of Twitter to protest citizenship of conservatives.
The war room starts in one minute.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
One minute.
The feed will continue.
I'm gonna go get in-studio with Owen Schroer right now.
Tell everybody this is happening now.
We're fighting back against the censorship right now.
More police are showing up.
Live feeds Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
She's on the bullhorn.
Wow, this is exciting.
Our crew's there.
All over the world, a reign of censorship is coming in, in a perfect storm of dying corporate media, big megacorporations, authoritarian regimes like Communist China, the EU, the Democratic Party and others working in concert to shut down loyal Americans and other loyal nationalists.
And it's praised by the left all over the world.
That's why it's so critical that this Christmas, all of you remember that without you supporting Infowars financially, we will be shut down.
We make it easy to do.
We've got Cyber Week going right now, extending our big mega sales for Black Friday, while supplies last, water filtration, air filtration, incredible supplements, t-shirts, books, films, it's all there, and it makes the information war possible against the globalists.
So, I want to thank you this Christmas for your support, and I want to ask you for your continued support.
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Right now, at InfoWareStore.com or call
Call toll free 888-253-3139 because when you take action, nothing on earth can stop you.
I just want everybody to count the cost here as we enter the last month of 2018.
And I wanted to thank you for all of your support.
And I wanted just to remind you that InfoWars isn't perfect, but we're fighting as hard as we can.
And without you, we won't be here.
And that's why we're having Cyber Monday turned into Cyber Week.
And it's happening now at InfoWarsStore.com.
The biggest sales ever as we attempt to sell all the great inventory so that we can hopefully be capitalized to fund ourselves at least a few months into next year.
I don't have to tell you we've been under total siege and harassment.
A tax would take an hour to go over to some of it.
So right now at InfoWarsTore.com there is the revolution of products that are excellent and the revolution of funding InfoWars that is now in the absolute thick of the battle fighting for the human spirit and human destiny for my children and your children and all of our shared futures together.
InfoWars will talk about the forbidden taboo subjects.
We will stand up for human life and human destiny and we will fight until the end.
With your help, humanity has a chance.
Thank you all for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.