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Filename: 20181113_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 13, 2018
3075 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses various topics including the removal of a gorilla statue from a Texas park due to accusations of racism; the launch of RightSocial.net, a social media network for conservatives promoting free speech; and the availability of new products at InfowarsStore.com such as The Real Red Pill Plus and Ultimate Bone Broth. Mark Dice criticizes the far left for pushing an agenda that disrespects people's property and territory, including their own minds, while also addressing issues of censorship, demonetization, and the importance of preserving First Amendment rights. The UN 2030 Agenda is mentioned as a plan to move everyone off rural lands and suburbs into cities for easier control. Various news items are discussed in relation to social media censorship, conservative values, and media hoaxes. CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to reclaim White House credentials for chief correspondent Jim Acosta, which is criticized by Alex Jones. The reliability of video footage in news reports is also questioned.

Live, raw, and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, the election happened seven days ago, but it's ongoing.
And I gotta hand it to the Democrats and their deep state controllers.
Everyone knows that Broward County steals every election for the Democrats that's close.
Everybody knows they always pull up with big trucks with fake ballots and they've got their corrupt police with machine guns guarding them and that's the end of it.
They rule.
And for some reason the Republican establishment always rolls over to it because they're in a deal with the Democrats to keep them in the two-party duopoly.
Or nationalism and conservatism and capitalism would take over.
And so now they've stolen the governor's race in Arizona.
They're getting ready to steal the governor's and senate race and a bunch of other races that were close.
And there's videos inside the main tabulation center where they build walls of equipment so you can't see what they're doing with the ballots.
All of it violates the law, and it's being done brazenly in everybody's face.
And they're getting more brazen.
The Pope came out and said, don't have a vote condemning pedophilia.
In fact, this year, when a young man said, you know, I was raped by a priest, the Pope said, that's a blessing.
It's good to be gay.
So now, men having sex with little boys is gay.
It's the LGBT pedophile movement.
If you criticize it, well, you're a bad person.
They'll have lots of headlines.
Jones attacks gay people again.
Well, if it's a staple of being gay that you're a pedophile, then yes, I am homophobic, whatever you want to call it, pedophobic.
And then it gets worse from there.
It's just so insane how out in the open all of this is.
Meanwhile, brink of war, troops and tanks head to the Gaza border after hundreds of missiles rained down on Israel.
I don't even agree with that headline.
This is a war.
It's started.
We're going to be looking at all the different angles of that.
Rabbi warns new Israel-Palestinian conflict could be start of biblical war.
It's all coming up today.
And the President has come out and said the Democrats and their harassment of my agenda and their harassment of America is spooking the stock market and could tank it.
Well, that's totally true.
You've got all these prominent people like Bill Maher and others saying we need a plunging economy so we can kick Trump out.
That magic wand, we gotta get rid of it.
And then you have Maxine Waters saying, last Monday on the eve of the kickoff of the election thieving, that's still ongoing, magical trucks, magical ballots, it's raining down out of heaven.
From California to Florida, they're just stealing everything.
You knew it was coming.
And now.
It just gets more intense and they say, Trump's crazy.
We never said we want to hurt the economy.
When their whole model is to bankrupt the nation, to get full control over you and your family, they even wrote policy reports the Democratic Party adopted since the 70s, cloward and piven!
It's well known in third world countries, they keep the public poor to control them.
So that the underclass doesn't get too uppity.
Only the renaissance, the last 550 years,
Produced a middle class and wealth and the ability to progress and have science.
That's what free market is.
But the left teaches you, no, we are the progress.
Well, yes, of the progression of syphilis into the brain, the progression of metastasization of cancer cells.
Yes, then you are progressing, but not the type of... I can slam my car in reverse and drive it through the garage if I want.
Like a nut.
I'll be progressing, but in the wrong direction.
Like an idiot.
Like a malfunctioning buffoon.
We're not doing that.
That's why we are the most attacked, most demonized, most lied about broadcasts in the world.
So it's all coming up in an even bigger doozy.
Democrats are filing suit saying that Trump has no authority to have this new interim attorney general.
That's like saying Trump has no authority to brush his teeth in the morning.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromine, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Here we are, Tuesday, November 13th, 2018.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And we're seven days after that historic election.
A referendum on nationalism and free market and prosperity versus globalism and collapsing third world nations and world government, corporate world government, Chaicom rule via the Davos Axis.
The Yolker captaining the dictatorial EU.
I want you to believe, everywhere else in the world where they've had elections, nationalists and patriots like Trump get elected for the last six years, 22 major global elections around the world, but magically here where they said they'd make their stand, magically, magically.
Trump, even though the polls showed he was only 5 points, this was a referendum on Trump, even though the Trump Republican takeover was only 5 points behind in skewed polls, oversampling 10 to 15 points more Democrat, magically, even though they were skewing 20 points or more in the election two years ago, magically this time,
They gained 23 seats, and then it was 30 seats, now it's 40 seats, and they just keep finding ballots in California and Arizona and Florida and other states, then they just arrive at Democrat precincts that are famous for corruption and who've been found in court to do it in California, Arizona, and Florida, and magically, Florida is turning blue.
Now Arizona's turned blue for the first time ever.
It's so magic!
In Texas, they had illegals vote.
They had people vote in the name of dead people.
You could see all the skewed numbers.
They really tried to stuff the ballot box for old Beto.
But old Beto, Bevo, Peto, however you say his name, he still lost by two points.
But then Abbott won by seven.
Even though it should be about exactly the same.
And then we saw that in these other key Texas races that magically these Democrat-controlled cities had many precincts 100% Beto.
Isn't that just magical?
I was going over this with an election expert yesterday, doing a special report for us, Richard Reeves, and he is an expert.
And predicted everything that happened two years ago, about a year before it took place.
He's the one that got the superdelegates to first admit that they were going to give it to Hillary, regardless of Bernie winning all those states.
Remember that?
We got that to the President.
Mr. Miller got it to the President.
Richard Reeves also interviewed Mr. Miller, who writes a lot of Trump speeches.
He's a great patriot, who they're trying to take out, of course.
He sat there yesterday and went over all the numbers and showed me their own maps, and it's incredible.
So here's the big takeaway.
Everybody knows it.
The question is, what are we going to do about it?
Because the Democrats have what you call criminal energy.
They have criminal will.
They have criminal energy and criminal will to do everything
They're doing and they work with other criminals around the world and they are not Americans.
They hate America.
They say they hate America.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
They teach the illegal aliens how to hate America.
They teach them how to lie to get in.
Same thing happens in Europe.
It's all with the UN NGOs.
This is now the operating system of the dumbed down followers
in this country that make up the Democratic Party and the universities and the academic systems.
And they're out bullying and attacking everyone and boycotting everyone and harassing everyone who won't submit to them and of course they're stealing elections.
They're doing it in famous counties certified and convicted over and over and over again.
And you ask, well then why is the head of the Board of Elections still there?
It's always the underlings of her that get
Found guilty.
It's never her.
She never gets her hands dirty.
She's a good girl.
And it's the same county where you have the police standing now.
It's the same county where you get Debbie Washerman Schultz and, oh, Congressman Deutsch, who's sworn to get me shut down off the Internet, and then they did.
They're coming for your children.
They're coming for your free speech.
They're coming for your guns.
They're coming for your property.
They're coming for you.
They are conscious criminals that follow the latest methodology of control globally.
The exact same operations.
They represent multinational corporations that have established the IMF, the World Bank, the TPP, the European Union, and other private corporate bodies.
The EU is the Marshall Plan.
It's what the robber barons got the U.S.
to invest at the end of World War II to rebuild Europe, not for the Europeans, and not for us, not for America to run Europe.
We could have stayed there and run the thing.
But the corporations, they run it.
And they've got a plan.
And they've got Macron up there telling you 2 plus 2 equals 5 billion.
Saying, quote, nationalism is unpatriotic.
Nationalism means you have rules, you have laws, you have a country, you have a culture, you stand up for each other.
You organize because there's outside threats.
It's the only reason for a state to exist.
And we've had one of the best states ever in America.
It's why we had so much wealth.
Everybody wants to come here and then exploit it.
We've become soft.
And Macron is a total traitor.
And what did Trump say?
He said, you're lucky America exists or you'd be speaking German.
Your own Vichy French sold out to the Germans.
Traders like Macron... You know, the French didn't even fight.
They were ordered to stand down.
Almost all of their generals were bought off.
How do you think we went so quick in Desert Storm and all those wars?
We buy their generals.
It's a smart thing to do.
But you gotta have traders to do it.
And the Muslims are very easy to buy.
And so are the French.
A lot of great French people.
The French used to really fight, and I guess Napoleon broke their spirit when it came to war, because they used to be one of the most warlock-aggressive folks, but they said all the tough men, French used to be some of the biggest people in Europe, vicious, galls.
Last group, the Romans, were able to, you know, take over on the continent.
They now have just bred into them being sellouts and being selfish, just like Americans have become.
Hey, let's not look down on France, boy!
The Democrats almost took Texas!
We are a emasculated joke!
Men don't have will, they roll over and kiss ass, hoping that curry's favor with ruthless globalists whose operating system is anti-America.
People ask me, how are you taking being demonized and lied about?
How are you taking it?
I'm taking it fine!
I'm a man fighting for my country that has a much better system than what they're trying to put on my children.
I've got what you call instincts and spirit!
In fact, I'm doing real good!
I'm in total war mode!
I got so much energy, I'm bouncing off the walls!
Like a ping pong ball!
My country's under attack!
I'm being usurped!
I'm being enslaved!
And of course Trump admires Putin for standing up and kicking the globalists out.
We should all admire Vladimir Putin.
I thought about it today.
I'm not going to give half-hearted support for Putin.
Putin is the model of taking our nations back.
And then Brexit.
And then America leading the world.
And now Brazil.
And now Italy.
It's happening!
And Austria.
It's all coming back!
And Germany.
Instead of the EU run by Juncker, the king of Luxembourg, whose father was the richest Nazi, who took it over by force, and now it's a Nazi project to collapse Europe and collapse the nations and suck them dry and then have an EU army to enforce over them.
Macron is a literal Vichy French traitor, literally.
This is a Vichy French plan.
They were going to share power over Europe and North Africa in a Nazi world kingdom.
What, you think the people offer world kingdoms?
Is this just a ride after World War II?
This was already being planned!
The New World Order is a planetary world government run out of Europe and the Bible said it would come 2,000 years ago.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The United States is under attack.
This is the mainline statement of the Democratic Party.
America was never great.
Governor Cuomo.
It'll never be great.
The globalists are here to break our laws.
They're here to take over our country.
They're here to conquer us.
They're here to suck us dry like Venezuela, like North Korea, like China.
And they mean business.
The Democrats have openly stolen the governorship.
Yeah, Arizona.
I was reading where the conservative would be 1,800 votes ahead and then suddenly the Democratic counties would find 2,000.
And it just happened over and over again.
And they're there in Broward County in Florida with just truck after truck arriving days after the law says they can't.
And no one knows where they're from.
And they admit when people put cameras on them, these are provisional, it doesn't matter, just cram them in, cram them in.
And you've got Democrats and former Hillary staffers and former MoveOn.org and current groups on the news are manning this as volunteers.
And if they see cameras, they put up walls.
They use bins to block it out.
And then they just start shoving everything in to the machines, looking over their shoulders.
It is the most over-the-top, suspicious behavior, and the county's been caught stealing elections over and over again!
Meanwhile, you've got the EU, you've got CBS television, you've got every channel out there, world leaders saying, nations don't exist, they're bad.
Now, a nation existing is evil.
Because the globalists have five billion plus third world people, almost six billion.
I guess it's more than that, because there's seven and a half billion people, and only about a billion, you could say, live in the first world, and a lot of those are in third world conditions too.
I'd say there's 800 million people living at first world standards.
That leaves six billion, 700, 800 million people
That number's about to be eight, nine billion, third world, who are being taught the West is yours by big mega corporations that are building armored compounds in Tasmania and Kauai.
I mean, they are about to smash everything.
Bill of Rights, Constitution, your pension funds, they're going to swindle all those.
That's why socialists finally woke up too late in Europe from Germany to Sweden.
The Spaniards are now saying, we don't want to have 200, 300 million people from the Middle East and North Africa here who have no skills and are violent and who will all be on welfare.
We're going to go bankrupt.
That's the plan.
And then after it collapses, they're going to come in with a new super EU stabilization package and army.
How do I know this?
Because I know how they do it to third world countries and I envisioned it and two months after I said it in 2016 Soros came out officially and said we need a Marshall Plan.
We're going to collapse Europe.
Not hard to figure that out.
The EU is meant to strangle and suck Europe dry and then open its borders and implode it.
David Knight did a devastating breakdown of nationalism versus globalism today.
This morning, here it is.
Patriotism, as I said, it's about defending your home.
That's one of the only reasons to fight.
Defend your home, defend the Constitution.
Patriotism is defending your home.
Nationalism is defending your legal system, your Constitution, your way of life, your culture.
And those are things worth fighting for.
The European Army will be used to suppress the culture, the legal system, and it'll be used to destroy
The homeland of the European people.
You're listening to the David Knight Show.
We had Macron lecturing us.
Of course, you've heard the quote many times by now.
Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism, he said.
Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism, you stupid English types.
Yeah, well, not at all.
Not at all.
I'll tell you what patriotism is.
Patriotism was summed up by Smedley Butler.
He said, talking about true patriotism, he said, we fight to protect our homes and our Constitution.
So we fight to defend our lives, to defend our lives.
Not in foreign wars of empire, not for regime change in the Middle East.
We fight to defend our homes.
He said everything else is a racket.
It is organized crime.
And he was exactly right.
Patriotism is about fighting to defend your homeland,
Nationalism is about fighting to defend your political system and the values embodied in that political and legal system in our Constitution.
And if we had stuck to those values, we would have never been drawn into World War I. Macron then went on to say, he said, in saying that our interests are first, whatever happens to others, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great, and that which is most important is its moral values.
Well, of course.
And quite frankly, however, Macron is embracing the same type of realpolitik that Henry Kissinger embraced and made popular, along with that phrase, realpolitik.
What that means is, the politics of pragmatism.
We do whatever is in our interest.
And as Henry Kissinger famously said, he said, we don't have any permanent allies, we have permanent interests.
And they have no morals and no principles whatsoever.
Henry Kissinger, who has said that soldiers are nothing but animals to be slaughtered.
Paraphrased what he had to say.
But we have seen what he believes and what he did.
Let's contrast that a little bit to the Founding Fathers.
James Madison, we've said this many times, a standing military force with an overgrown
The means of defense against foreign danger have always been the instruments of tyranny at home.
Among the Romans, it was a standing maxim to excite a war whenever a revolt was apprehended.
That is what we're coming up to.
We will have war excited.
There may be an accompanied economic cause.
There is certainly a cultural clash that is building, as I said before the election, regardless of who wins or loses or how they stuff the ballots.
You're going to have more and more unrest.
And they know that.
And they're going to use a war.
They're going to start a war to try to control us.
Maybe Emmanuel Macron should read the writing of our former president, James Madison, the father of the Bill of Rights.
He said, throughout Europe, the armies kept under the pretext of defending have enslaved the people.
And quite frankly, that is the true purpose of Macron's EU army.
He's not going to be putting that up there to protect them from foreign invasions.
He's inviting the foreign invaders, the fifth columns, coming into the country.
He's opened up the borders.
He's part of the globalist open border cartel.
He is not going to defend the people.
He's going to use the army to attack the people who object to that, who object to having their homes destroyed.
See, patriotism, as I said, as Bentley Butler said, it's about defending your home.
That's one of the only reasons to fight.
Defend your home, defend the Constitution.
Patriotism is defending your home.
Nationalism is defending your legal system, your Constitution, your way of life, your culture.
All right, the full report is going to be posted to Infowars.com and Newswars.com, where David Knight gives you the definition of nationalism and patriotism versus globalism.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
It's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, Roger Stone and his lawyer, Tyler Nixon, are going to join us on the huge White House shakeups.
The internal documents leaked to One American News Network that they found no Russia collusion, but are trying to frame people.
This is bombshell exclusive stuff you're going to be getting.
That's next segment.
We're going to be getting into
The Democratic Party and others saying they're going to sue Trump saying it's illegal for him to have a appointment of an Attorney General for 210 days before they have a vote when it's in the Constitution.
And I'm going to read you the subsection.
But they think their constituents are idiots and they want to just say everything is illegitimate.
And Maxine Waters last Monday on the eve of this ongoing election theft,
As they steal the election nationwide, and as their gains go from 20 seats to 40 seats, and they may lose the Senate now.
I mean, it's incredible.
Governorships, you name it, they're going for broke.
They have come out and she has said that she's going to roll back the rollback of regulations and going to go after all these companies that are moving here.
So she's announcing, hey, business isn't welcome here in America, as she literally sits there with legislation blocking firebreaks in Southern California that everybody else has and allowing the inferno.
These people
Everything they infest burns down, piles of human feces, needles everywhere, mismanagement, Venezuela.
Because it's what they do!
They love it!
They're criminals!
So that's all coming up as well.
It is just insane.
Now we're going to give you the exclusive.
We knew this a year ago, that we were being nice to General Kelly and not trying to stir up trouble for the White House.
But Trump announced he's going to fire Kelly's girlfriend.
And I was told this a year ago, and I was told this two days ago by Roger Stone.
But he said, let's not go with it yet, because let's just let them break it.
But we're going to go ahead and break it now because Trump's ready to flush it, just like we held our fire on Bannon until it was ready.
But now the political daggers are going to come out.
So you're going to get all the exclusive with Tyler Nixon and Roger Stone right now.
And notice the fast and furious pace now.
After the election, it's just getting crazier globally.
Democrats are going for broke.
They're totally stealing, totally opening the borders.
We have all this video of them training the illegal aliens on how to get in, how to lie, how to say they're asylum seekers.
Exact same video out of Europe.
Poses Christians.
But once you get there, it's killing time.
I mean, this is a global World War IV run by the big banks, the big corporations against nation states.
It's on.
And we must have the demarcation line of which side are you on.
Free market, your own nation, your own country, and a future?
Or globalists looting the hell out of you and turning you into a third world country?
You got a choice, and that's why they're shutting us down ahead of this, because they don't want you to have that choice.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
No borders, no wall, no European countries at all.
Nations are bad.
Only unelected EU, run by the heir of the Nazi fortune, Juncker, allied with the Chai Koms, pledging he could defeat Europe.
And pledging he could defeat American nationalists two years ago when Trump got elected.
And now they're just up there.
The head of the Vatican says, do not investigate pedophiles.
Shut down all investigations in the United States.
And the left is, yay!
Don't stand up for people raped in satanic rituals in Pennsylvania, in Catholic churches, encircling up to 15 men raping six-year-old boys.
And telling them this is the sacrament ejaculating in their mouths.
I hate to have to talk like that, but that's in the police reports confirmed, and you understand, this is a Satan cult.
That's what Satanists do, is they have rituals in churches, they defile Christ, they defile the Holy Ghost, they defile, that's what they do.
So it's all happening.
And the Pope loves it.
Guaranteed he's into it.
His Deputy Pope is in a secret trial in Australia with over 100 raped boys.
Some of them never got found again.
And they just found a bunch of dead girls in the Vatican last week.
That's right.
Little girls that got grabbed off the streets.
And their parents, people said, they were picked up by the Vatican for satanic rituals.
Well, they found them, and they dead.
Now, let's go to Roger Stone, Truth is Stranger than Fiction, and Tyler Nixon.
There is so much to get to here.
Stonecoldtruth.com, at Tyler Nixon, at Tyler P. Nixon on Twitter.
Of course, Roger's at InfoWars.
He works with InfoWars.
We're going to have you guys on for a few segments.
And then we have Katie Hopkins in studio with us.
And then we have Mark Dice coming on.
So big, big lineup today.
But this is such an epic time, gentlemen, as we're trying to relaunch America and relaunch the Renaissance.
And the Globals are trying to block it.
It's so clear to anyone who's informed.
But here we are.
So let's get into what's really going on with General Kelly and the fact that he's about to be ousted.
Well, Alex, you will recall that some weeks ago there was a report that General Kelly and John Bolton, the President's National Security Advisor, actually got into a scuffle outside the Oval Office.
My sources tell me that's because Bolton made some comment to General Kelly regarding his personal relationship with Kristen Nielsen, the head of Homeland Security and Kelly's former top deputy.
It is an open secret in Washington that Kelly and Nielsen are, as they say, an item having an affair.
It was reported yesterday that the President is on the verge of firing Nielsen.
To me, that is a clear signal that Kelly's power is on the wane.
And now you see multiple hints that Kelly's replacement will be imminent.
I think that that is because Kelly has opposed efforts by the President to bring the out-of-control Mueller probe under control under the new acting Attorney General.
The Democrats claiming that the acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker should recuse himself based on his previous political positions is a laughable joke given the makeup of Mr. Mueller's hit squad.
But what we know, we'll get into the whole Russia canard, which is not news anymore, but it is news that's finally coming to an end.
And this incredible One American News Network, where they got the documents, it's on Infowars.com, and it's the internal documents, the FBI saying no evidence, no nothing, all we've got is maybe twisting some people's words into perjury.
And so they have absolutely come up, like Trump said a month ago, Rosenstein told him,
Here's a report, nothing was found, absolutely no one, including Russia, except Hillary and Mueller himself.
And this was all to run off the clock, we know, on the statute of limitations for Mueller and Uranium One.
That was their first goal, then to discredit the elections, and then try to indict a bunch of Trump's most savvy and dogged supporters, like Roger Stone.
Tyler Nixon, we're going to break here in a few minutes, but as a lawyer, and a long
Time confidant Roger Stone, who also just testified to the grand jury just last week.
What would you call this point of history we're at?
Oh, it's seminal.
It's a major juncture.
It's make or break, I think, really.
Either we stand and deliver for the Constitution and for freedom and for liberty for all people and justice, or we capitulate to the horde, to the mob, to the giant collectivist Borg with its ruling elites that will have no right to power, have no
No really claim to it in terms of their abilities or the results that they produce, yet they will use force and they will use the mob, they will use any means available to enslave humanity and keep their power and lord over us.
And I think this is really its break point for the world, for the globe.
That is exactly where we are.
And then the bizarreness where they say, nations are now bad.
We formed an army.
We won't let you leave when these countries didn't vote to join the EU.
And then Trump says, hey buddy, we saved your ass from the Nazis when French government collaborated and totally laid down.
Oh, the British fought back and got run to Dunkirk.
I mean, people don't know.
The French stood down.
The French
Occupied themselves, and Macron is now right in line with the marshals that did that.
Yeah, those comments by Macron were just absurd.
Patriotism and nationalism, I mean, it's semantics really.
What it comes down to is what do you believe in?
Do you believe in being ruled by a global elite sitting atop a bunch of violent street thugs?
Pushing collectivist ideology that, you know, really just comes down to, again, the ruling elite.
You know, it's amazing that they would hide behind collectivist ideologies as though it's for the greater good, when we all know it's about enriching those at the top.
And that's exactly what we see in the Democrat Party today.
These people don't stand for anything anymore.
85 targets of investigation.
What are they?
They're just an investigative hive mind intent on taking down... They have mutated into a criminal cult.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
For 20 plus years on talk radio, I've had liners that say, defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, awakening America and the globe to the threat of corporate fascism in the form of globalism, carrying out a technocracy agenda.
It wasn't!
Until about five years ago, it gave us that Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller...
And others began to say, we are a technocracy and we're establishing a private world government.
Exactly what I was saying.
Because they had secretive white papers.
Because their documents had leaked over the years.
Barry Goldwater first exposed it.
Carol Quigley wrote about it and thought it was a great idea.
He was an insider.
And so all we are is loyal people.
It's not like there's some foreign great thing that's better.
You know, I mean, if Switzerland wanted to merge with us, I'd be all for it.
It's the unelected EU, and it's here now.
But let's shift gears into Russia, because that's how they try to discredit nationalists trying to bring their country back, and exposing Hillary's criminal activity in the WikiLeaks with Russia, with China, and others.
How do you change the subject that Robert Mueller is involved delivering uranium
Weapons grade, most weapons grade ever they were saying to the Russians secretly to show all the good stuff Hillary was ready to sell them.
You change it to Donald Trump and Donald Jr.
and Roger Stone and now Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi.
You know we've been on Corsi because they've been to the grand jury over and over again and the media was saying that he was saying you know that Roger you know did all this but it turned out never said any of it so Corsi says he's now going to be indicted.
There is
Of course he's a hero.
There is a video exclusive of OAN on Infowars.com where they got in to the Justice Department.
Obviously Trump's now allowing this.
You know Fox has the info.
They're too scared to do it.
That's how controlled they are.
And they show the documents that Rosenstein gave Trump a month ago when Trump came out and said Rosenstein says it's over.
No collusion.
Fine, let's move on, make the country great again.
Which everybody already knew, but there it is, but later, now Mueller's trying to end it, but with a few process indictments to make it look like there was something at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Will it be Corsi?
He thinks yes.
Will it be Roger Stone?
Hell, it might be me.
Who knows, man?
I have congressional hearings saying I'm a Russian agent with no proof.
At CIA and Defense Department hearings, at the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, and I'm not allowed to be a speaker and defend myself.
Public hearings.
You've seen the clips.
This isn't America.
They are the traitors saying that!
They are the ones that hate America!
Not absolutely rabid pro-America people like me.
I'm a foaming at the mouth pit bull for America.
My whole family, since the damn thing started, mayflower both sides, founded Texas, 100% pedigree.
You cannot be more American than me!
It's a fact.
I'm not bragging.
But the idea to say that I am a traitor is the most asinine manure the planet has ever been fed.
I'm sorry, the Pope says drop all pedophile investigations, and pedophilia is good, and tells people, you know, you're lucky to be gay.
You're lucky priests raped the hell out of you.
That's in the news today.
Now being raped is gay, so don't talk bad about it.
Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm going to stop ranting in this segment and the next.
I'm just so... the quickening is amazing.
This OAN report I'm going to play later, it's on InfoWars.com, is just...
You always use the word extraordinary.
It's extraordinary.
Roger, Tyler Nixon, this whole thing's coming to a head.
Everything's coming to a head as Trump begins to take the gloves off.
The WikiLeaks collaboration.
Where is any evidence whatsoever or proof that I knew about the source or content of the allegedly stolen or hacked emails published by WikiLeaks?
It simply doesn't exist.
So now they're trying to jack Jerry Corsi, maybe me, maybe others up on some bogus
frame of a of a process crime and with all these Democrats jumping up and down saying the attacking the acting Attorney General should recuse himself from oversight of the Mueller probe because of his previous political opinions.
It's really ludicrous.
Tyler's had a more direct experience with the Mueller grand jury.
I think he can tell us about it.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, the whole thing started with the FBI contacting me out of the blue, literally one week to the day before I went in and testified.
So they were very quick to move things along.
They wanted me in there.
And by the way, Alex and Roger, one of the FBI agents, when I mentioned posting the video of Randy Credico basically
Denying or excuse me saying that he was the intermediary and I asked if they saw it They said no, but we did see that video of you and Roger Stone and Alex Jones at the range last year So they they watched that one of us firing up targets, but at any rate Robert Mueller You know this whole thing he worked at a law firm called Wilmer Hale and
One of the attorneys there at WilmerHale, who's been in a revolving door Justice Department position, is someone named Jeannie Rhee.
Rhee to be someone who had worked for Hillary Clinton directly as her attorney, representing her in the email, some of these lawsuits involving email, her email, missing emails, the 35,000 missing emails.
Now, I knew Ms.
This is around 2015.
She also represented the Clinton Foundation, defending them against racketeering.
So, I knew that there to be the FBI, two FBI agents, and an assistant U.S.
attorney who I was going to be interviewing with immediately prior to testifying to the grand jury.
Now, they kept saying prosecutors when they referred to the interview meeting in advance, but they never said who it was going to be.
So, I go to there with my attorney and sit down, and who walks in?
Jeannie Rhee introduces herself.
You know, it gave me serious pause.
I almost couldn't believe it.
This is the attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
This is her kraken.
This is her political assassin.
This is her water bearer.
Her groom of the stool.
Yeah, this is the one who defended her against all types of legal actions concerning her elimination of thousands and tens of thousands of emails.
It's not a matter of, like, this was the attorney for Hillary concerning some side thing, and, you know, the fact that she was her attorney makes, you know, negligible difference either way.
No, she was her attorney concerning cybersecurity, concerning leaks, concerning questions about how she handled, you know, her electronic accounts and so forth.
Meaning, like, Jeannie Rhee might have information on a confidential basis with Hillary Clinton as to sloppiness, incompetence, the possibility that maybe it wasn't hacked,
Maybe there was a leak involved, or maybe it was, as Roger Stone has said repeatedly over and over, walked out the back door after having been downloaded to a thumb drive, as validated by Bill Binney, who said that the transfer speeds of like 30 megabits per second were physically impossible to have gone over the encrypted networks or the networks that they claimed in order to go back to Russia.
So at any rate, Ms.
Rhee walks in,
You know, speaking of breakpoints, it's a point at which you say, well, what do I do?
Basically, it's like Hillary Clinton walks into the grand jury interview.
It's like Hillary Clinton is running the prosecution.
That's right.
And Robert Mueller's law firm partner.
So, you know, this little incident, double Yale, both, you know, I mean, you want to look at the number of Yale attorneys who are after Roger Stone, after Donald Trump, after you, Alex.
I mean, it's like, you know, what's with Yale?
I mean, my God, it's got to be a blight on this country with the people it's producing.
And the assistant U.S.
attorney were exemplary.
I will say that the people who are working at the lower levels are patriots and good people from everything I saw.
They were courteous, professional, and just trying to do their jobs.
And you could see that they were exhausted of it just as much as probably anybody else who's the target of these investigations.
And it's a classic witch hunt, when you've got the witch in bed with anybody that'll pay her.
She's in bed with over 100 countries, selling us out, and there's the witch!
There she is!
You're looking for one, good lord!
It's evil, evil projects itself onto you, accuses you of its sins.
And what they're trying to do, Alex, and Roger knows this all too well, and unfortunately been successful to some extent, is they're trying to tie our hands and have us arguing over tertiary-level, laughable, you didn't say this, you know, hair-splitting semantics, to bring process charges, to have attorneys and people like me who are having to beat this back, rather than fighting them offensively, rather than fighting for reforms in government.
That's right, Tyler!
Nixon, stay there.
Roger Stone, stay there.
We're going to come back and then we have a special guest coming in studio.
I want to come back and then shift gears.
What you're predicting or gut level, what you think is about to happen.
Trump's been told it's being wrapped up.
Nothing was found.
Those documents have been leaked, confirming what Trump said a month ago.
The article is on Infowars.com.
We'll also look at Kelly and his reported girlfriend.
Trump set to fire Kelly and his girlfriend in the next few days.
That information is exclusive.
It's well known.
In DC, the head of DHS that Kelly brought in is his main girl.
We're nothing wrong with that, except that it causes a conflict of interest and Kelly's not been executing like the President wants him to.
So we're about to see more heads rolling!
Oh, stick with the plan.
QAnon just went down the toilet again.
InfoWars proven right again.
Globalist's Snoop groups, DisinfoOps proven wrong again.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Mark Dice is joining us in the next hour, this hour.
We've got a very special guest who's going to be in studio, Katie Hopkins.
Katie Hopkins on Twitter, Hopkinsworld.com.
And then I've just got, you've got to stay tuned for this broadcast and you've got it later when we upload it to InfoWars.com, the audio and the video, you've got to get it out to people.
Because I haven't even gotten into the news yet.
It is what's happening in Israel and they're already at war with Hezbollah.
We've got the total election fraud continuing a week later.
Democrats are just stealing everything.
Any close races.
All the fake ballots they need are being produced.
They're even getting caught.
It's all happening.
It doesn't matter.
Gentlemen, how do you see this all ending?
Because Trump finally gets the fact that the globalists don't want prosperity.
They want to destroy him.
And then he's been lied to by a bunch of double-dealing cowards.
He's about to remove them.
Well Alex, I can't really say.
I do know that they're trying to destroy me financially.
They're trying to drive my family to bankruptcy because I refuse to fold.
I am not going to plead guilty to some
Bogus crime, particularly perjury that I am not guilty of.
I've committed no offense in connection with the 2016 election.
I'm being persecuted because I appear on InfoWars!
I'm being persecuted because I supported Donald Trump for president.
I'm being persecuted because I was effective in the defeat of Hillary Clinton.
This is, as the president says, a witch hunt.
And I think Mr. Mueller is running out of time.
And he now has oversight from a real attorney general who's committed to the rule of law.
Beyond that, I can't speculate.
What should Trump do right now?
Because I know the governor a week, five days ago in Florida, ordered them to impound the ballots.
They're not doing that.
They're just showing up with more totally illegally.
Well, you've got several things going on at once.
First of all, we have a recount on, but if any county fails to complete the recount, which is an arduous process, by the deadline, then the numbers they reported on election night stand.
That would appear to benefit the Republicans.
Yet in Broward County, specifically, votes that have been disallowed by the election board as not valid are now being counted and Republican observers are being denied access to the recount process in violation of the state sunshine law.
This is up for grabs.
The real hero here is Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi, who has directed the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Secretary of State to investigate those two infractions that I just mentioned.
Tyler, put a cherry on top of the situation for us.
I think the Democrats
Securing of the House of Representatives will prove to, in short, Donald Trump's re-election as president in 2020.
I think they will lose seats and there will be a reversal because people will see that they stand for nothing, that all they're interested in doing is basically hatred and street violence and endorsing and abetting essentially sedition and these types of un-American activities.
I think?
You know, whatever you want to call it, investigation-o-rama, where they don't stand for anything except literally just constantly hounding the man in charge, the man in the arena.
And I think Donald Trump, if he's able to, if he's able to keep his cool and not get too wrapped up in the attempts of people like Adam Schiff and these other little hen-pecking nothings who, you know, and future President Eric Swalwell, right, yeah, sure.
If he maintains his cool and we all continue to plow forward, I think we're going to see victory in 2020 and beyond.
And the Democrats are going to collapse into oblivion where they belong.
That's right, and you know, just like your ancestor Richard Nixon should have gone on the offense earlier, Trump must go on the offense now, or they are going to destroy him, because he is for this country, and he is delivering.
And they are literally enemies of this country, and work for the globalists, and hate America.
That is their official policy.
Thank you, gentlemen.
We'll be back with Katie Hopkins and more.
Stay with us.
Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
I want to be troublesome and pesky.
I want to keep going.
I want to make them do the ultimate, not just destroy us financially.
I want to push all the way.
I've committed to do that.
I've prayed for that.
And I've been told that's going to happen.
But you've got to back us, and I promise you this.
I will never falter.
I will never waver at the spiritual level.
I physically will.
But I give you my commitment, if you financially support us, InfoWars4.com, to give you my absolute total commitment.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
Katie Hopkins, syndicated radio host, TV host.
They have government-funded plays in the UK calling for her murder.
She's going to be in studio with us about five minutes to the next hour.
Then Mark Dice is going to be with us as well.
He's got a new book out and a lot of other big developments.
Very excited about that.
And then PJW from England, always a heavy hitter.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroyer and Roger Stone today.
Everything is coming to a head.
There is a huge One News American Network, OAN, One American News Network video, special report, where they got in to the Justice Department, showed the documents that Trump talked about a month ago.
He just joined us.
No evidence of Russia collusion.
Mueller's investigation is coming to an end, but they want some fake indictments for perjury.
That is on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
That is huge.
Trump is pointing out the Democrats are trying to implode the economy, working as hard as they can, saying they're going to bring back the regulations that brought the jobs back.
And so Trump's right when he says they're the ones killing the economy.
Stock market you know plunged last week and yesterday it's come back up some because they're saying they want to hurt the economy to hurt Trump.
I mean Democrats say it on the news.
Bill Maher says it.
It's just true sabotage against the nation.
And then I'm going to read from the Constitution because the Democrats are now filing suits
And saying that Trump can't fire an Attorney General and then bring in one for confirmation when it's in the Constitution.
So next level disinfo.
The Pope's come out and said stop investigations into pedophilia and don't have a vote by the Cardinals to call for it.
Cover it up because he is up to his eyeballs in it.
Vatican orders U.S.
bishops to postpone crucial vote on sexual abuse claims.
It's totally public.
It's admitted.
It is unbelievable.
Some of it including satanic rituals.
Just like we've seen this pop up over and over and over and over again.
CNN, as we told you days ago, has now sued President Trump and his top aides, saying you can't kick them out of the White House.
They lobbied to have our press credentials pulled, which was done.
A year and a half ago.
I mean, they are just monsters!
They are monsters!
They are unbelievable!
They call for deplatforming, banning all conservatives, not letting conservatives have political advertising, and then they're going to have hearings in two months when they get into office in January.
And they've said publicly.
That they're going to have hearings on the attack on the First Amendment when it's Obama that sent hundreds of journalists and whistleblowers to prison, and Trump has done no such thing.
These people are monsters, and they are murdering the truth big time, just like they're stealing the election, endangering our republic.
There's a very important report on Infowars.com by Harrison Smith.
What's happening in Florida threatens to collapse our Republic.
The Democrats have gotten away with so much, they're stealing it all over the nation.
You thought the election ended a week ago?
They're taking more and more House seats, Senate seats, gubernatorial seats, everywhere!
Last night in Arizona!
Clear fraud!
We are dealing with criminals making their move.
America has not rejected Trump.
The Democrats are involved in massive fraud.
To the next level to block it.
We're going to air this special report by John Bowne dealing with the global treason.
Our media, it's globalist media, says it's treason if Trump says a nation exists.
Macron says the same thing now while he establishes an EU army to not let nation states leave who never voted to enter it.
They're even threatening an EU army against the UK with Brexit.
Wow, these really are incredible times we're living in.
It's all happening in front of us.
So here's John Bowne's report.
We'll come back with Katie Hopkins in studio.
I'm Alex Jones in full wars.com tomorrow's news today.
It can be a difficult dilemma explaining where you stand as an American.
The rampant betrayal has driven many away from a Congress with what is better described as a high disapproval rating.
So, when President Trump echoed the core beliefs of a majority of Americans... As President of the United States, I will always put America first.
Just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always, and should always, put your countries first.
Well, you say nationalism, I actually call it nationism.
We believe in the nation-state.
That is the unit we identify with.
That is what we feel part of.
That is what we cheer for in the Olympics.
And if necessary, that is what we're prepared to fight for.
It embodies our values, our families, our communities, our heritage, our identity.
A globalist!
Is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.
And you know what?
We can't have that.
You know, they have a word.
It sort of became old-fashioned.
It's called a nationalist.
And I say, really?
We're not supposed to use that word.
You know what I am?
I'm a nationalist, okay?
It's obvious that nationalism seemed a simple explanation for where most Americans stand against the creeping tide of globalism.
Protection of our values, security, and future against the efforts of international bankers and world government.
However, the conniving mainstream media saw yet another opportunity to smear the president and anyone that agrees with it.
It is.
We have a president who calls himself a nationalist.
A loaded word for a lot of people.
But the president dismissed any concern about it and sitting at his desk in the Oval Office defended the new label he is using for himself.
I love our country and our country has taken second fiddle.
There is a concern that you are sending coded language or a dog whistle to some Americans out there that what you really mean is that you're a white nationalist.
I've never even heard that.
I cannot imagine that.
You mean I'm a nationalist?
No, I never heard that theory about being a nationalist.
So now the Trump campaign has disavowed William Johnson and the white nationalist party that he runs.
But that has not stopped William Johnson from remaining a big-time fan of Donald Trump.
President Trump has a ton of support from white nationalists and that's a very different thing.
Merriam-Webster's definition defines a white nationalist as one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation.
Even in Los Angeles, where white nationalist William Johnson was elated with President Trump's press conference.
I think there's blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either.
He is the most honest president since George Washington and the cherry tree.
On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist.
Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists.
Now people are also saying... I don't know why you'd say that.
It's such a racist question.
There are some people that say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric.
What do you make of that?
I don't believe.
I just, well, I don't know.
Why do I have my highest poll numbers ever with African Americans?
Why do I have among the highest poll numbers?
Honestly, I mean, I know you have it written down and you're going to tell me.
Let me tell you, it's a racist question.
They're assaulting reality.
We pay taxes.
It's our nation.
We have a system.
We're proud of it.
We protect our power globally.
They go, no, no, no.
You can't have a country.
We got to come in and take this over right now.
Who's taking it over?
The IMF?
The UN?
The World Bank?
The UN Human Rights Commission run by Saudi Arabia and China?
It's like having Hitler run your local synagogue!
And as populism becomes increasingly under attack, it came as no surprise that French President Macron
Mouthpiece of the globalists chose to sour the commemoration of the Armistice Day Centennial observance in Paris with propaganda.
Macron stated, patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.
Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism.
In saying, our interests first, whatever happens to the others, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great, and that which is most important, its moral values.
But Macron didn't even bother to look up nationalism.
Nationalism is described as a patriotic feeling.
An extreme form of this is especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
Nationalism advocates political independence for a particular country.
So, nationalism on its face is simply the opposite of globalism, not the opposite of patriotism.
There is no betrayal by American citizens here, but the desperation infused in the propaganda of the globalists knows no limits, twisting the meaning of words and reality on an international stage.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I'm really excited to have Katie Hopkins in studio with us.
She's also going to be on The War Room today, and I'm going to be interviewed for her show.
She has Hopkinsworld.com.
She also does reporting for Fox News.
She, of course, has been a big popular writer for major British newspapers, with some of her videos getting tens of millions of views, and that's why she's become so fired, just like InfoWars, if you're popular.
And you're not saying what they want to hear.
You're standing up for sovereignty and capitalism and you don't want, you know, Islamic acid attacks or grooming of kidnapped little girls.
You've got to be taken off the air.
Well, you're bad.
But now she's come to America.
But who knows how long we'll have free speech here as well.
So Katie Hopkins, you were during the break, you were really saying some incredibly important things the way you were tying it together.
So it's good to have you here.
And please, please, please do it again.
Thank you very much indeed.
It's really good to be here.
And it's really good to be here in studio with you as well.
We've talked a number of times but it's good to finally meet a lot of the team members as well.
But one of the things that's really striking for me, I've been out in LA for the last week or so with the midterms.
One of the things that's really striking for me is the way that here in the States now
You know, watching democracy be overturned.
So in Florida, the surprising result in Arizona, watching people overturn what seems to be a democratic vote and how that ties in with Brexit, where 17.4 million people voted for something that probably we'll never see either.
And it's kind of this idea of what do people expect?
They scrap
That's the idea of the true family.
They remove your true identity of your country by flooding it with people from another place and then they tell you to vote, you vote and then they tell you your vote doesn't count or your vote doesn't matter or they just found some more ballots so funnily enough you're not getting the guy that you voted for.
You know, at what point do they expect people to still be able to believe in
A system or the country they belong to.
You know, we're trashing so much of what structures our lives and makes our lives feel like they have worth and value.
And it's a global system.
We have our controlled media saying Trump's evil.
You can't say we're a nation.
A nation existing is bad.
You can't even have borders.
It's bad.
Macron comes out and says it.
When it was the Vichy French that signed on to Hitler and the original EU plan and here he is this traitor saying that the Brits are bad or the UK's bad for wanting to get out of something you never voted to get into, you voted three years ago to leave and they won't let you leave and then magically it's happening here again.
So the truth is the people are rejecting globalism and tyranny but it's become a tyranny.
So let's walk through some of the parallels there because we're dealing whether it's the UK or whether it's
Brazil or whether it's the US all of us are trying to get self-determination back from the modern corporate colonialism that's globalism.
Yeah absolutely and I think one of the things we see every time so if I think about Brexit you know we had the Brexit vote leave one and
People like myself.
You know, it was the best day ever, the 23rd of June 2016.
The best night because we had our voices heard for the first time.
You know, this lovely country I come from, a place called the rest of the UK.
You know, the UK is divided into two places.
There's London and there's this other great place called the rest of the UK.
We had our voices heard for once and we celebrated.
And ever since that night, ever since that win, it's been
A court case to try and stop Brexit.
It's been why we need to have another vote.
There's this huge campaign called the People's Vote, which is a second referendum.
And we've already voted once, but they want us to vote again because we came up with the wrong answer.
And watching this unfold in Florida as well, where these ballot boxes, provisional ballots, are turning up.
And it's a famous county that tries to steal any close election statewide.
Yeah, of course.
And it's unbelievable that somebody who's already been found guilty of election fraud is still there running this thing.
It's unbelievable you have people trying to cover up for election boxes, ballot boxes turning up, you know, at airports in the back of cars by calling it a bomb.
I mean, it's a craziness.
It's a madness that we're suffering from.
And it strikes me that America was always, you know, we all hold America up as this kind of, because you have the Constitution, we hold you up as this ambassador of
Democracy, the leader of the free world.
Well, our societal contract is based on this idea that we have law and order.
And it's being broken.
We comply to it because we have our vote.
You want to take away my vote.
Why am I now societally contracted to obey law and order?
You know, we are really messing with the system here.
And let's talk about that, because it's like you read my mind.
I was literally about to say the social contract is broken, and then you said it, because it's prima facie.
We're not reading each other's minds.
We're seeing the same thing.
It's the truth.
And we've done our research.
But if you look at what they're doing, clearly there's election fraud.
The Democrats are saying, let illegal aliens vote.
We're catching them all over Texas, all over the country, voting the names of dead people.
Project Veritas gets the undercover video of all this, and
Then they say, oh, the Trump election is illegitimate, the Russians did it with no proof.
We have them violating and stealing elections with total proof, but they say it's illegitimate and fascist and dangerous that Trump is saying there's clearly fraud.
This is upside down world.
There's not even congruency that they're saying it's good to challenge elections with no proof, but with total proof, it's bad.
And there's another thing as well, so not only do I see the parallels stretching from Western Europe or Britain to America in terms of the overturning of a popular vote, as it appears to be happening in Florida, certainly I believe it's happened in Arizona personally, because of the incongruency between the numbers, but I think the other thing that's really alarming to me as an outsider, it's the reason I spend so much time here in America,
Is watching people vote according to religion.
So for the first time you've had two Muslim females elected and they're going to be going to Congress.
And explain that.
Oh great!
But they always vote as a bloc and then that's why they're so key.
Yeah and that's the parallel that I would draw.
So we're a long way down that, you know, the UK has fallen.
We're a long way down the dark path to some kind of holy hell.
First they take your identity then they bring in a absolute
It's a tyrannical system that votes monolithically.
There's no way you can stand against it.
I think, you know, there's sort of the stages you can easily see them mapped out.
So what you do is you flood an area with a one, a monoculture, the Muslim population.
You'll see houses change.
They used to have a single doorbell and now they have four or five doorbells because they become multiple occupancy homes.
You've got five families where there used to be one and that one family leaves because they don't know where they are anymore because they're surrounded by a different culture.
Once you have a Muslim population, they vote according to religion, because religion is the number one thing in their lives.
And that means they vote how their political imam tells them.
So you have a political imam, you see those mosques building up, where of course political Islam is pushed, and then you will see the baton being handed over from one Muslim to another.
So it's a new kind of, you know, in our country we used to have this kind of generational, this aristocracy that used to pass down, whether that was right or wrong, that's how power was passed.
You've traded one out,
That gave us the Magna Carta and gave us the Renaissance with one that gave us sex slavery and mass death.
You have a new kind of succession planning going on right here in America, in Minnesota, in Michigan.
I've spent a lot of time there trying to warn people.
But once you start passing that baton from one Muslim leader to another, which you've done with Keith Ellison, straight over to the next one who married, potentially, allegedly, America's brother.
And we're going to come back to this because this is key.
They are totally monotheistic, a monoculture, let no one else in.
And that's, oh, that's good and liberal.
But everything Christian or Western, just the idea of liking the West and it works well, even if you're not a Christian, that's supposed to be thrown down the rat hole into the garbage.
This is totally sick and it's totally planned.
Kenny Hopkins is on fire in studio.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You want a drop?
You want a drop?
You're the president.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, Katie Hopkins of Hopkins World, Fox News contributor.
They have government-sponsored plays in the UK calling for her death, called the assassination of Katie Hopkins.
This is par for the course for these people.
It's like they call for violence here, and then say that we're calling for violence.
So they say that President Trump is attacking the press when he points out they're lying about him.
And then they're calling for me to be taken off the air and lobbying successfully to do it on over a hundred platforms.
And now they want our banking.
Now they want our software.
Now they're contacting the software we use for the websites and saying, revoke the right to software, to contract.
This is war.
Katie Hopkins.
Let's get
You're getting into the voting, the new Islamic aristocracy, the two Islamic women, even though in their own countries they don't do that, being elected to Congress, flying their Palestinian flags at their victory events.
One of them is a daughter of Palestinians and when she was elected to Congress as the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, you know, what flag was it that she got out and what flag was it that she decided to fly first?
Of course, the Palestinian flag and people celebrate because they say, well, isn't it fantastic?
We've got another Muslim woman going to Congress but for me of course those are where the warning bells, well they're not just ringing, the whole system, I know this system, I've lived it in the UK, you have a Muslim in power and suddenly the Muslim population of that area which is a dense and a monoculture right there with mosques that facilitate them, you have them voting according to their religion, what happens next of course is that police start turning a blind eye, you have no-go zones where police actually
Actively don't patrol where black money starts to flow in through unregistered mosques.
I've seen it happen on the street.
Well, I mean everybody knows that they have in the Islamic culture sex slavery and they call it a harem, but it's kidnapped women, it's kidnapped children and this is the process and Islam is only 1,400 years old and there are countries that were free, now they're Islamic like Turkey was the
Eastern Christian Empire.
It's gone now.
And it's the new invasion force.
So there's the house of Islam, and there's the house of war outside of it.
There's that, but I think there's also it's far more sophisticated than that.
You know, I don't really focus so much on the female element, though clearly that is abhorrent.
But when you watch them on the streets of Belgium,
You know there's the garages, the car washes, there's the unofficial mosques and then there's these reception places where they pretend to host things but actually it's a way of laundering money.
The movement of drugs and weapons and money through those areas which are controlled by the Muslims where police no longer patrol because the imams control who can...
Ambulances in mail won't even get delivered in Sweden and Germany.
Yeah, precisely my point is that the takeover is far more sinister and far more... It's a takeover of the entire society, the culture, and they're lawless because everyone outside of their culture is the enemy.
Right, and where you end up with
I think so.
And to watch the left, in the name of diversity, bring in something that's the opposite of diversity is a total mono-tyranny.
It's mind-blowing.
It is mind-blowing, and you always hope that at some point the lizard, if I think of Democrats, which I prefer to as lizards, you hope one day that they'll spin so fast that their head will eat the tail, you know, and they'll die from blood loss to the head.
And when I think of examples of this, I think of the trans movement, where we just had the World Track Cycling Championship won by a trans woman, who's obviously a former male,
And now we're going to get to the point where women, I think you had it in Connecticut, the state championships too, two of those races, the 100 and 200.
And let's be clear, these people still have their testicles.
I mean, these are men and they have twice the strength, bigger bones, more blood, less fat.
I mean, men and women are different.
It'd be like... Smaller brains.
Well, sure.
And we don't have a uterus.
So there's a big difference.
I mean, look at this guy.
I mean, this is a big... But he's not going to compete against Lance Armstrong.
Oh, but when Lance Armstrong enhances his maleness to win, that's called cheating.
So when this guy goes up against girls... Alex, you've got to point out that the lady in the middle is called Rachel.
So just for your viewers to be clear, that lady in the middle is called Rachel.
And one of the women, second place now, says she's mad and she was cheated, but then they got mad at her so she apologized.
She wrote back, yeah, on that.
But we're now at the point, of course, where you have to say, well, the big thing for the Liberals or the Democrats was women are equal, women are all equal.
Well, okay, but how are we equal now if we can't compete?
How are we equal if we can't run as fast?
How are we equal if men are against us?
How is that?
But this is total mental illness.
It's like in the UK where the guy with a big beard comes in and the nurse said a huge you know male genitals and he's got he gets up and says check my cervix and then she won't go okay let me he doesn't have a cervix and so what she got suspended.
Yeah and we have that with waxing parlors too.
We have a trans individual in Europe who is suing waxing parlors because they wouldn't wax him as a female.
And they're trying to say let adult
Men who say they're women shower with young girls because they'll be the girl's coach.
Well, she's a woman.
No, she's not.
And Chris Cuomo said it's bigoted if you don't want your 12-year-old daughter to see a woman's penis.
That's 2 plus 2 equals whatever.
That's mental illness.
A woman's genitals.
It's true and we have men now that identify as women who are now being put in prisons with our female population because they now identify as a woman and then we had a newspaper report recently where the women in the prison were violated by the other lady's penis and that was actually written in a newspaper.
Let's be clear.
A woman raped another woman with her penis.
That's absolutely correct.
This is a family show.
This is what they're teaching your five-year-olds right now.
Total mental illness.
But this is societal sabotage.
You know, Tavistock Institute cooked all this up.
You know about that.
Yes, of course.
And you know, you see, so you hope they'll get to the point where even they have to go, hold on,
We've gone a bit too far with this now, with the point that women can't compete in a race anymore because men are in the race and that's not good.
But they still don't wake up to it.
It's almost like they carry on building on the madness to the point they still can't compete.
It's the impersonal clothes.
Once they get you, like Hitler did, to sign on to something really bad, once you've signed on to it, you'll just keep by approximation...
And you know the other thing, Alex, even though I would say that, look, you chop the legs off a cat, it doesn't become a slug, right?
Like the analogy goes.
But I don't even mind if you, Alex, want to be Alexandra for the rest of your life.
I don't care if you want to be... I don't hate those people, but it's when you use it against kids!
Yeah, well, if you tell me I have to believe that you're now Alexandra, I don't mind if you want to be, you know, Vera, the Vietnamese guy who's had to... I could be a beautiful, ornate building.
I don't mind.
I could be a beautiful, ornate building.
Don't ask me to believe it.
Yeah, I can believe 2 plus 2 equals 10, but you're saying, no, I'm not going to believe that.
Well, Katie Hopkins, you're a bigot.
Because 2 plus 2 does equal 10, and I'm a beautiful, golden, ornate building.
As a Google exec makes his employees call him that, I am a beautiful, ornate, golden building.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
There must be some way out of here Said the joker to the thief There's too much confusion I can't get no relief Businessmen, they drink my wine
We are being conquered by megacorporations that have looked at the demographics of six plus billion people in the third world, and they're using them as weapons.
And then Macron is repeating the EU project that literally was launched by the Nazis.
The French military stood down under orders by their generals, who then moved down to Vichy France and ran things.
His name was Marshall Tito, or whatever his name was.
And now they're repeating it.
Macron is saying,
You know, you need to be open, you need to blah blah blah, to be looted by the globalists who, people like Bono, pays less than 1% of the money he raises for Africa to it.
These are all monsters, the EU bureaucrats don't pay taxes, and now they're telling the UK that never voted to be in the EU that they have to stay in.
What about this EU army, and just the arrogance, and Macron saying,
Nationalism is the opposite of patriotism.
That's saying white is the opposite of white.
Red is the opposite of red.
You know, Hillary Clinton's in great shape.
It's crazy.
And some background on Macron, I think, is helpful because he sort of disappeared from nowhere and people just went, OK, he's the leader of France.
I'll accept that.
But actually, people need to really question
Macron and his background.
He's actually part of the intellectual elite, the establishment.
He wormed his way to the position he's in.
Well, let's say it.
He was a pedophilic sex toy of the establishment.
And that's on record.
Look, Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild years make him an easy election target, Financial Times.
So they know Macron.
He's a special puppet to the point of literally shoving their arm in him and puppeting him.
That's a strong way to put it, Mr. Jones, but I do think that Macron is a sly.
You know, he has come from inside the very system that he pretends that he's against.
Secondly, yes, he did marry his drama teacher, who's like 50 years older than him, and they were together at school when he was just a boy.
And there is this really, when you see them together, away from the cameras, she is a very... I mean, I'm quite an old lady, but she's a properly old lady and it's a very, very weird relationship and that tells you something about him.
Also, he wears sparkly nail polish, not saying anything about that, but... Well, the issue is, is that he is a... I mean, it's come out in the news, he is a... he's been a sex toy since he was 13 or 14.
These elite parties she would take him to, and that's how he went right to the top.
All the way up, as it were.
And the other thing is I was there when he was elected because obviously I was in France to champion Marine Le Pen and champion the patriotic movement that was behind Marine Le Pen.
And actually there was a slim chance at one point that she might actually pull it off.
And she's in the lead again!
I know, it's just so exciting.
I'm very excited.
Wow, she's a smart lady.
But when he walked up to the stage, which was all set up for him to celebrate, as people like myself walked in, we were given t-shirts to wear with him on them.
We were given t-shirts to wear.
This is him with a big black pyramid behind him.
Oh yeah, it was all, the staging was huge.
The show, Macron's inauguration, a big black pyramid with a flashing red light behind him.
As he walked up to the stage,
He walked up to the EU Anthem.
He did not walk up to the French National Anthem and all of Marine Le Pen's stuff was the flying of the flag.
He walked up to the EU National Anthem.
And why are the French buying into literally having their noses rubbed in?
Is it a form of cuckolding?
It's so weird, you know, so many voters are so, it drives me crazy, they're so lazy.
They look at a picture and they go, oh does he look nice?
Oh yeah, he looks quite nice.
Would I have a drink with him?
Oh yeah, I'd have a drink with him.
And then they think, oh I wouldn't have a drink with Marine Le Pen.
And so they vote for him.
He is such a slime and such a cheese ball and yet he has no authenticity and you can see it.
You can see how shallow he is.
You can see it when you look at him, I think.
But when I saw him, he's so unimpressive whereas Marine Le Pen's support is so deep, is so authentic, is so grounded and she's been in this for such a long time and her partnered with Salvini from Italy is just a glorious thing.
What does that do to the globalists that from
Brazil, to Italy, everywhere where you get a vote, people say, yeah, we don't want to be run by some, you know, shadowy group who we don't even know who they are.
It's so exciting.
So there's a part of me coming from Western Europe, coming from the UK, that is so, it's like standing in a cold shower.
Like, I just have to endure it.
A bit like you have to endure the treatment you receive for InfoWars.
You know, it's an endurance struggle that we're part of here.
We're all in for the fight.
But when you see these movements, I was in Germany for the most recent elections where Merkel ended up having to stand down, where the AFD were triumphant, where the leader of the Greens has just said that the horde of invading migrants was one of the worst mistakes we've made in history.
That's from the Green Party leader.
And when you see Salvini so resurgent and you see Marine Le Pen coming back on form, there is something so exciting going on.
And Poland
Poland, if you saw the parade in Poland for Independence Day, 250,000 people and people like me... Well they get it because they've been overrun by Hitler, they've been overrun by the Russians, they've been overrun by the Islamists.
They have it in their DNA that they've been overrun a bunch.
And so I interviewed the leader of the Law and Order Party.
You know, it's the safest place in Europe to be a woman.
It's the place in Europe where they've never had a terrorist attack in Poland.
And that day, after 250,000 people marched in the street, people took pictures of the street.
They were immaculate.
Nothing damaged, nothing burnt, nothing spoiled, no vehicles damaged.
Respectful Christian culture.
They will be the Israel for the Christian culture.
You've got Germans and others fleeing to Eastern Europe now because the West is so dead in the West that we're now refinding what's left of the West in the East.
Israel will be the home for the Jewish people who are persecuted, being persecuted right now as we speak by rockets from house bombs.
Of course.
If the globalists win and America is overtaken, I will have to go with my family 10, 15, 20 years from now to whatever doubt or refuge there is for Christians?
Yeah, and there will be this sense, we see it in South Africa, the South African whites, there's only, you know, they say there's only two more years that we will have whites in South Africa.
They are pulling back to a defendable territory.
They are prepared to make a last stand.
They talk of dying in their boots and we will do the same.
We will pull back
To a last stand, a defendable territory, and I think that would be Poland, Hungary, Eastern Europe.
And let's be clear, then all the civilization will collapse.
It's not even the minorities that want this in the West.
Islam does want to take over.
It's our own globalist elites that come out of the West that want to sacrifice the West.
Because the idea of freedom threatens them.
They're literally betting that they can defeat freedom.
This is World War 4.
It is.
And it is, I think, not widely acknowledged or not acknowledged enough that it's equally profitable to manage the decline of a country.
People always say, why?
Why does Britain let it go?
It's easier and more profitable to manage the decline of the country and take the money from the Saudis for another mosque than it is to try and defend or rebuild
Yeah, there's a bunch of weaklings and sellouts that only care about now, but above that there's the really evil globalists and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and Soros is the world who said he wants to overthrow Israel.
There are these people that really want to destroy anything that's ancient Judaic or ancient Christian.
They're threatened by it.
Absolutely, and that's why we've seen in the Outer Hebrides, which I was just looking for a map, but off the coast of Scotland, so the furthest northerly point of Scotland, the most far north that you can go, the islands off the coast of Scotland, so literally the middle of nowhere, a new mega mosque has just been planned for one of those islands.
These are planted flags.
These are like alien motherships.
And that was known as the sort of Catholic heartland.
That was known as the place where Christianity was sort of... And this current pope says don't investigate pedophilia in the US, shut down investigations.
He ordered them today, or last night to do that, and he's the one saying open Europe up.
He gets nauseated, close quote, when he hears about our Christian roots in Europe.
What's going on with this guy?
Yeah, the Pope's a crazy individual and it really concerns me.
I see it with the Pope, I see it with a number of rabbis that come from the left side of the equation.
Rabbis who will, who know that actually, and I'm such a supporter of Israel and the rights of Jews to have a homeland, and yet there are these rabbis in Western Europe that encourage the Muslims to come because they believe... And let's be clear, how many times did the Muslims get to the gates of the Vatican and sack Rome, but the Vatican's hundred foot walls
Stopped him.
And he's literally trying to kill what's left of Christendom.
I think so, and I think one of the interesting things about being minorities is that in South Africa, if you think of the white farmers, even when they're a minority, they're only a tiny percentage of the population, they still don't gain any rights.
You know the Vatican will end up being a mosque, just like the Blue Mosque was formerly the big church in Istanbul, formerly Constantinople.
Sorry to interrupt.
No, you're good.
Interrupting is what you do, partly.
I'm famous for it.
That's what you take when you come.
Yeah, exactly.
No, I do a little too much.
But no, I mean, I was seeing that.
That will be a mosque.
I mean, the Vatican will be a big, giant mosque.
What will they call it?
They'll call it the Great, the Grand Mosque of Rome.
That's it?
Because in Belgium, we have the Grand Mosque of Brussels.
There's always a title that kind of links it implicitly to the area it's located in.
And the Grand Mosque of Brussels was given rent-free for 100 years to the Saudis.
And they're taking the crosses down.
They're ordering them to take crosses down everywhere in Europe.
Ordering them.
And maybe we should show the Grand Blue Mosque of Istanbul, which was a church.
But they teach in U.S.
textbooks that Islam built it.
A deliberate lie.
Look at the beautiful architecture.
No, it was built by the Byzantine Empire.
Islam built it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You know, poor Katie Hopkins is here from the UK and it'd be like I tried to serve her tea and crumpets.
Yes, yes.
New Yorkers come to Texas and they go, where are the horses?
Or like Roger Stone comes to Texas wearing a huge cowboy hat.
And I have to put up with this racket.
I have to put up with this racket.
I've asked for Land of Hope and Glory.
I've asked for God Save the Queen, my version.
God save our Queen.
Or some rugby songs.
Do I get them?
No, I get this nonsense.
That's the sort of team you've got behind you.
That is not good.
Not good enough.
Listen, you're going to interview me.
You're going to be in the War Room.
I could have you on so much and hopefully we'll be working more together.
You're doing great work out on the road.
In the last four minutes we have, what other big nuggets?
I mean, really, you're here raising the alarm from the UK that may actually be lost.
I'm here to raise the alarm for particularly Minnesota and Michigan.
They know they're screwed, but I'm here to tell you, you really are screwed.
And the last thing I'd like to talk about, please, is Aisha Bibi, a lady, a persecuted Christian in Pakistan.
She was alleged to have committed blasphemy.
She was kept on death row for nine years.
She was released recently by the Supreme Court, very brave decision because now everybody wants to kill the judges that says no she didn't commit blasphemy.
She asked the UK, she's a mother of five, she asked the UK if her family could begin a new life in the UK and what do you think we told her Alex?
As a Christian country, what do you think we told a persecuted Christian?
We told her no.
You cannot have asylum in the UK because we do not want to upset local communities.
We don't want to upset local communities.
Can you imagine a situation where a persecuted woman, a Christian, can't... we accept jihadis, we accept half of Africa, we accept
You accept ISIS and Al-Qaeda if they say they want to come back and be reformed and they're given better housing than war vets.
I mean, that's in the news.
So this woman, they're trying to kill her.
There's a fatwa out.
She's a Christian.
She has incredible courage.
She's a political prisoner, a political dissident.
And she says, please help me, Christendom.
And the left says, not just no, hell no, lady.
And the right and the Prime Minister and everybody in my country says no because we don't want to upset the Muslim communities.
And so I say the next time we have an Islamic terrorist attack in the UK and the next time our political leadership stands up and says we carry on as normal, we are not going to be beaten by terrorists, we are not cowed, remember Asia Bibi.
We are cowed.
This is the symbol of how my country is cowed because we will not give refuge to a Christian woman because we don't want to upset the Muslims.
Who they're trying to kill.
They will kill her.
They will kill her.
And the left, why is the left?
It really is spiritual.
But it's the right as well, Alex.
It's not just the right.
No, no, they all want a virtue signal to the precious Muslims and just run around behind them and like, you know, their droppings are like gold and it's just, you know, please let me give all my rights up to you.
Oh, you're so wonderful.
You wear these big nightgown diapers out in public and I have to kiss your ass.
Most of you don't work.
It's so true!
And you know this to me is the ultimate symbol we're cowed.
We just had a European Court of Human Rights ruling that says the right of Muslims not to be offended is greater than the freedom to speak or to speak freely.
And this is what we have now.
Blasphemy laws in the UK.
And I want to be clear.
They're trying to conquer us.
I was against the wars in the Middle East and we took out moderate regimes and put the bad ones in as part of this plan.
It's insane.
It is properly insane.
And it is properly insane that in the face of not giving a Christian woman, you know, any kind of refuge, having welcomed... Well, it's in the same realm that now they're saying within 10 years all women's sports, including basketball, will be ruled by men who literally have not even had their testicles removed, and are two feet, three feet taller than women, and look like they can kick in the barbarian's ass.
We truly have reached a new stage of madness.
We really have.
And the UK is truly fallen.
We are beyond sad.
Well, you know already in the Olympics, two or three of the top runners that win all the championships are actually hermaphrodites.
Oh, of course.
And of course, nothing against the hermaphrodite, but you know, these guys can have babies.
I mean, they can get women pregnant.
Oh my gosh.
Katie Hopkins, amazing.
Hopkins World, ladies and gentlemen, check it out today.
Mark Dice, coming up.
Stay with us.
The globalists know that if they suppress the good halogen and pump the environment full of the bad halogens, fluoride, chlorine, bromide, you name it, that it lowers IQ.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, people like Katie Hopkins, people like Ron Paul, people like Paul Joseph Watson, people like Mark Deich, people like Matt Drudge, people like Tucker Carlson.
Well, I've talked to quite a bit of them, leave it at that.
It's just so good to be a patriot, to be a nationalist, to be a Christian, and to be for freedom.
And I get to know all the coolest people in the world, like President Trump.
You look at our people, whether they're black, white, old, young.
They have light in their eyes of liberty.
You look at the left, they are crazy people.
Mark Dice with us for the rest of the hour.
He's got his new book that starts ordering today.
We've got a big shipment of them coming in, so we'll have those links up on Inforestore.com.
We'll tell you about his new book here in just a moment.
But first, let's play one of his best little pieces here that went viral with tens of millions of views.
Cable News Crazies, completely unchanged.
Mark Dice, here it is.
We're gonna see if this reign lasts for 30 days, or two years, or a thousand year reich!
Because that is how, that is what these people have set themselves up for.
And I believe that they need to move from saying, well, I don't like his tweets, but, you know, the economy's doing okay.
I mean, they need to move from there to reality, which is that we have a white nationalist president who's a threat to American democracy,
Not only is Donald Trump a white supremacist sympathizer, I think he identifies with this notion of white supremacy, this notion of preservation of white culture.
This is about black versus white.
This is about Donald Trump's appeal to racism, and it just happens all the time, and we never say it, or we don't say it enough for what it is, but that's what's going on.
He went full Hitler and admitted he's a nationalist.
We can stop calling it a dog whistle.
Look at what his slogan, Make America Great Again, means.
We know what it means.
We know what it meant.
Make America White Again.
You have a Republican Party who is giving aid and comfort to the Proud Boys and to white nationalists.
And they've become the party of white nationalists and all of their hatred.
A guy who was sending a message.
By time and time again tweeting about baseball or talking about his bad hair day there, that was done intentionally to send a message to white nationalists.
I didn't think white people would put him in office.
So here he is, running around the country, appealing to our darker angels, appealing to our hatreds and fears.
Do they agree with him, or is he using some sort of, like, cult-like force to try to make them see that?
We're gonna right this ship.
We are gonna right this ship.
There's no way that he's gonna prevail.
Because he's evil.
He's dark.
It's the opposite of what America stands for.
The President of the United States is racist.
A lot of us already knew that.
Kanye West is engaging in one of the most nefarious practices yet.
A black body and brain are the warehouse for the articulation and expression of anti-black sentiments that have been chin-checked by people with far more rigorous credentials.
This is white supremacy by ventriloquism.
A black mouth is moving, but white racist ideals are flowing from Kanye West's mouth.
Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don't read.
And we have this now, and now Donald Trump is going to use it and pervert it.
The thing about Trump, though, is that he's the recruiter-in-chief.
He is basically working with ISIS to kill us.
This president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.
I mean, the way he talks, the way he, the way he... That is, that just, it's, it's impossible to say that.
The way he talks, the way, the way that he, uh, allows these people, the way he winks and nods to these groups, the way he says, I know I'm not supposed to say it, but I'm a nationalist.
He wants to send the military to the border, so... I would have sent the military to the White House to get him.
I don't even know if we're going to get to 2020 as a democracy.
So we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized up to the right.
And we have to start doing something about them.
There is no travel ban on them.
There is no ban on, you know, the Muslim ban.
There is no white guy ban.
So what do we do about that?
I don't want to have that fight with you.
Hey, it's okay.
We'll have another fight with you.
Leslie, it's okay.
In the meantime, I'm president and you're not.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, Mark Dice has been a busy media commentator for the decade plus I've known him.
Wow how time flies.
MarkDice.com and for now he's been shadow banned and demonetized but he still reaches tens of millions of people a week on YouTube and at Twitter at Mark Dice and I see him stick up for me all the time.
I don't have a voice on those platforms and the bad part about the censorship is this.
They can then
Say whatever they want about you, whatever lies they want about you, and you can't respond.
They can say that we put out fake video when we don't.
They can say that I'm a Nazi.
We're not.
It's good to have people sticking up for us like Mark Dice.
You know, Mark started making videos every day about Infowars when we got banned, and like every week since then, when almost everybody else, including old so-called friends, won't even talk to me now because they're so afraid it's gonna happen to them.
That's the spirit that'll allow the takeover to happen.
And so we hang together, we hang separate.
Mark, you've got a new book out that just came out today.
I've got a big shipment of them coming in here to m4store.com.
Liberalism, Find a Cure.
Great name, always great information.
We really do need a cure.
So Mark, what do you want to dive into first?
Well, first of all, it's an honor to be on the most banned broadcast probably in world history, and that's not an exaggeration.
And modern liberalism has ballooned into a mental health crisis, and that clip that you just played, that compilation, is just a small sample of what the general public are inundated with every day on MSNBC and CNN.
And I joke that I watch CNN so that you don't have to, because that's what people are subjected to every day.
And if we win this, which hopefully we will,
It's clips like that which will literally be in the history books analyzing the level of propaganda that was being pushed because it's even more vile and more sophisticated than the propaganda that helped foment communist revolutions in China and in Russia.
And we're seeing the Democrat Party
has morphed into this strange Maoist, communist, little red shirt, Stalinist type of a group.
Because for generations, the differences between liberals and conservatives were pretty well established.
You knew generally where each party stood on certain issues.
Each party had reasonable arguments about the issues that they were putting forth.
But in the last few years, the Democrat Party, Democrats, liberals, the left, have morphed into this social justice warrior psychosis, and it is a mental health crisis.
And most of your audience has probably been monitoring this for some time, but even if you've been watching this unfold for the last few years,
It's just the tip of the insanity iceberg that's getting ready to burst through.
And if we don't stop this cultural revolution, this cultural Marxist revolution that they're trying to push forward, the human race is going to be fragmented into so many different pieces.
Oh, we're going to have a nuclear war.
We're going to kill each other.
The fact that the psych warfare experts are undermining civilization to try to maintain control
Which is in the WikiLeaks.
They admit they're doing it.
And the fact that they're going to pure Hitler-level race-baiting, but just from the minority perspective, trying to invoke total division, it's criminal!
It's a wonder we're not in total civil war!
It's horrible in Wisconsin, all these young kids hiling Hitler with a black kid with them, but they're doing it
As a response to the total Hitlerian garbage from the left.
And I decry both sides.
But that's what you're going to do.
You're going to make people into extreme groups.
Just like they do in prisons on purpose.
Where they put everybody in their own racial group.
And you've got to get a Nazi tattoo.
Or the whites kill you if you're white.
You've got to join the racist black group and get the tattoo.
Or they're going to kill you.
You've got to join the Mexican Mafia.
Or MS-13.
Or they're going to kill you.
They are making people get into these racial groups.
Yeah, I agree.
And a lot of, you know, that photo that you're talking about, the students making the hand sign, is really just them trolling and reacting to this oppression of free speech, trying to get a reaction, trying to push the envelope as far as they can.
And these leftists are pushing our culture so far over the cliff.
The Victoria's Secret fashion show was just last week.
And now there's a campaign in order to include transgender women in the Victoria's Secret's catalog and in the fashion show.
Obese women, fat women.
I'm sorry, you're not even allowed to say fat anymore.
That's divisive.
Every culture, every society, every system that has its own culture is under attack.
This is the megacorporations taking over all culture to then dictate that only they can tell you what's proper culture.
You will be assimilated.
This is the board.
I say no.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars stores that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Well, back on August 6th when I got banned on 30-something big platforms, now it's hundreds.
Mark Deist and others pointed out that everybody else is next.
And now they're going after leftist groups as well.
Establishment left goes after rival left.
Once the dam breaks, everybody gets censored.
The President needs to act.
Congress needs to act.
We need to get all the influential people like Mark Deist and others just to push the President to act.
And the President's getting ready to act.
And I know Tucker Carlson's pushing him as well.
But you talked, Mark, Mark Deist, media commentator at markdeist.com.
You know, beloved out there for years, the great work you do, pointing out the irony, the corruption, the craziness of the out-of-control left and their race-based politics and system.
Where are they going to go next?
Because you're sort of bringing this up, that this weaponization is so dangerous that it's not like it's just some ideology.
This is an ideology that wants to take over every facet of society.
It wants total domination.
Well, they're developing more sophisticated AI systems every day, so if you just use the wrong words, or post the wrong photo, or post a link to certain websites, then that'll just be disappeared down the memory hole.
The Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is talking about removing the public follower count and the like count, because
If somebody like me can have 350,000 Twitter followers and over a million YouTube subscribers, that shows that my message is resonating with a lot of people, and so they don't want people to see that.
And I just checked, even before coming on this broadcast, Alex,
My book, Liberals and Find a Cure, number 18 on Amazon's bestseller list.
That's before doing any interviews.
That's literally just announcing it on my YouTube channel, which gets about a third of the audience as Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon, which is why they're scared to death.
Because if just one guy on a laptop in his kitchen can get a third of the viewers of CNN, a billion-dollar network,
And Rise break through the top 20 on Amazon's bestseller list.
Who knows how high we can get it, so I hope everyone will pick up a copy.
Well, that is super exciting, and it's like when our apps went to number one, Apple just took the app down five stars, 30-something thousand reviews, three million downloads, and their answer was, we're just taking it down part of the curation.
And Tim Cook, oh, if something has five stars and people love it,
And it's backfired on us.
We'll just remove it.
But what you said is huge.
That's not just in political then.
That's number 18 total.
That shows how hungry... And I've got to correct you.
You get put on all these other platforms.
You get aired everywhere.
They manipulate your view counts.
You have well over a million views on all your videos.
You have some videos with 10, 15, 20 million views.
When you hear that Anderson Cooper has a million, two million viewers, Nielsen's been caught faking those.
They have to pay to be on at airports.
They have to pay to be on all these places, and they add that into it.
When Cooper got paid, what was it, tens of millions of dollars by Facebook to do these videos, literally
My junior reporters would have five times the viewers of Anderson Cooper.
That's why they had to take us off Twitter and take us off Facebook for our live feeds.
So I could go out in my backyard and shoot a video and it would have, you know, 300,000 even after they put the shadow ban on us.
And then Cooper is being paid millions and the thing's got 50,000 views after he's on there for an hour with total promotion.
So you're bigger than Anderson Cooper.
Let's be clear, Mark Dice.
And I think so, and thanks for pointing that out, because we do have to really look at the solid numbers.
Anderson Cooper's live streams on Facebook, like you were talking about, he was getting barely 2,000 viewers.
A total joke.
That's why earlier this year, as you know, YouTube manipulated the algorithm so that whenever you search for almost any topic,
The top search results are all authoritative sources from mainstream media, and before that it used to be the most popular videos, the most well-engaged, videos with the most watch time, and so that was a way... So they've broken their algorithm?
They've favored all of the mainstream media news outlets, and I did a test on some of my most popular videos, one of which was buried under 50 other results.
Results that had a few thousand views, and all from mainstream media channels.
They're terrified of our message, which is why they banned you from almost everything.
It's quite stunning, and they memory hold Alex Jones, which is despicable, and it was
It was good to see some people come out and support, but it was also disappointing that there wasn't more support for Alex, because I think a lot of people were a little bit scared, or perhaps they want to distance themselves from some of the things that Alex has said in the past.
But what they did to Alex was a test, and now that they were able to do it, they just keep on going, keep on going.
And you notice the group that went and harassed Tucker Carlson's wife and kids outside of his own house.
They were still allowed, last I checked, they were still on Facebook.
They were allowed on Twitter for 12 to 16 hours after they posted that video, and they were posting other videos harassing other politicians, Ted Cruz, and other... Posting their children's schools, posting their phone numbers, doxing people, and you said something key earlier.
They, years ago, began to take comment sections out of the big papers because they learned people respected that more than the article, and most of it was a lake.
Just like they can't have you with five stars, so Netflix and others start taking away the star process, because they're going to steal elections now out in the open, and they can't have us be super popular and get all the popular votes online with any form of voting system, and then the Liberty Movement loses at the polls.
So they can't let anybody know that you're not alone.
In fact, they talk about it in the white papers.
Don't let us have any community.
Don't let us have any aid or comfort.
Don't let us have any culture.
Make us be totally alone in our Facebook prison, Facebook executives have gone public, saying we're there to make you depressed, under our control, and then we have fake political bots that become your friends that aren't even real people, ten to one, and then you're literally in a mental institution under their radicalization, under their mind control.
And they're setting this up so that ordinary Americans can't disagree with this insane agenda.
Part of the reason that you were banned is because you criticized a drag queen festival that involved children and things that I don't even want to discuss.
But I do cover in the book, by the way, and I quoted exactly what you said about it.
It seems reasonable criticism to me, a reasonable reaction, but that's not allowed because 2 plus 2 equals 5 under the current establishment.
And so people are getting scared.
To even speak out against this insane agenda.
And so they keep pushing it further and further.
And people, big companies as well, are afraid to not cave into this.
I saw that you covered my tweet to Target about the Black Panther.
Oh, I should have opened it up about that.
That was just a few weeks ago during Halloween.
Tell people about that who might have missed it.
It was brought to my attention that a Black Panther Halloween costume model on Target.com was being modeled by a white boy, and so I sarcastically tweeted to them that it's terrible, and that this is a black-only costume, and they took it down.
They took down the photo of the white boy modeling the costume, and then later I started researching, and I saw an article from People Magazine saying, you know what, white parents
You really want to think twice before allowing your children to dress up as the Black Panther Marvel superhero.
And it's so insane.
There's a whole chapter in my book on imaginary racism because with many mental illnesses, people hallucinate and see and hear things that aren't there.
And so we've been seeing this rash of
Imaginary racism in companies and communities caving into it.
There was a park, I think it was in Texas, where somebody complained that there was a gorilla in the park because it was an animal themed, a circus themed playground for the children.
And of course, there was a gorilla there and a camel and a lion and all sorts of other animals.
And somebody complained that, oh, this ape is racist or this monkey is racist.
And so the city took it down.
They removed the
Hey, all over the country people who have the last Irish name Lynch are changing their name and they're taking it off buildings.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, how do you assault Western culture and the Renaissance that's truly liberal in the classical sense and egalitarian, trying to build people up, believing in humanity?
You make ugly architecture.
You attack the family.
It's all declassified.
And you start with political correctness with things like Nazis.
And then, once you ban that, you move on to the family.
You move on to people that say a man competing in women's sports is not a woman.
You arrest them.
Here it is, a gorilla statue finally removed from Texas Park after two decades following complaints of racism.
And it's a themed park that has giraffes and other things that folks were nice enough to build for kids, like it's a zoo, but not living animals.
It's a really classy, nice park.
Well, a gorilla is racist.
Sheek is first.
First, if you, you know, have monkey attire, and my kids love monkeys, and saying, little monkey, you know, my daughter has a shirt, my youngest daughter says, little monkey.
Well, if a store in South Africa shows a little black kid in a shirt saying, I'm the number one monkey, well, that's suddenly racist because you're projecting that people are saying black people look like monkeys.
I mean, we humans are, I mean, we're made by God.
I'm not saying we are an ape, but our DNA is, you know, I mean, we are the super smart killer apes.
So, I mean, again, it's a war on reality, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a war on words.
It's a war on communication, where all these ignorant people don't know anything but interpreting
They took down Martin Luther King statues and murals all over universities because he said all God's children, little boys, little girls, brown, yellow, red.
So he didn't talk about trans or gay.
It makes you holy.
It makes you better than anybody.
And then you can pull everything down.
We're going back to Mark Dice.
Talk about his new book shooting up towards number one on Amazon.
You should all get it.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
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Okay, going back to Mark Dyche.
Mark, I'm going to ask a lot of questions here, but front and center, again, where are we going?
We don't stop this.
How do we stop it?
They're stealing the election now in front of us.
The left's answer to populism fighting globalism and winning every election across the world is, as I predicted, total fraud.
They're doing it in front of God and country.
They are, I mean, it is just wild.
What's coming next, Mark Dyson?
Tell us about liberalism.
What an amazing title.
Find a cure.
All your books are great.
I'm so proud of you that it's only been out a couple days and it's shooting towards number one now at 18 right now.
So everyone is a political act.
Even though I hate Amazon because they rip off the authors and mark it's almost nothing.
Should go there and buy Liberalism Find a Cure, read it, and then donate it to the library.
A political act of resistance.
Mark Dice.
People have to stop apologizing to lunatics.
We saw the head director of marketing for Victoria's Secret apologize for saying that he didn't want to have transgenders, or that it wasn't a problem that there were no transgender women in the Victoria's Secret Show.
And then a day or two later, they apologized on their official account, said, oh, it's so sorry, and we'd love to have them in there.
Because as Andrew Breitbart said,
Politics is downstream from culture.
So if the culture keeps getting polluted, we're going to see more and more laws that then prevent us from speaking out.
In multiple states now, California included, on your driver's license, you can check that you're neither a man or a woman.
Just an X or an NA for not available.
And we don't have any sort of standards for, you know, what is a transgender man or a woman, and if somebody could just self-identify, what's going to stop anyone?
Yeah, what they're saying is we control reality.
Men go in on purpose, spread their legs and say, check my cervix, check my uterus, and it's like, you don't have one, and then those people are fired!
This is a cult of the left saying, we can... Remember when Winston's being tortured by O'Brien?
And he says, listen, we can suspend the laws of gravity if we want.
And 2 plus 2 will be whatever I want it to be when I'm done wrecking your mind.
And then by the end, he thinks there's no gravity, he thinks 2 plus 2 equals whatever O'Brien says.
This is brainwashing!
When a cult says, there is no mother and father, there are no genders, there are no mother and father, there are no genders, you're in a brainwashing cult!
They want you to believe that 2 plus 2 equals 5 and there's an organization that's lobbying Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to stop referring to the women, the pregnant women, as women and as, you know, she and her because a gender non-conforming woman went in to get an abortion and she was offended that they were calling her a she.
And they're even saying that it's wrong to say that women have periods and men can get pregnant now.
And if you even just use the caveat, you know, a transgender woman, or to make the distinction between an actual biological chromosomal individual, they're saying that that's discrimination and that's wrong as well.
And again, it's always more, more, more, more.
And Kenny Hobbs was talking about at what point
Is there a limit?
And I don't think there is a limit.
I think they're going to start saying, we choose to come kill you at your house.
We call this giving you life.
And then you'll be arrested if you don't want to let this come kill you.
Yeah, if we don't win this, the Christians are going to literally have to live like the Amish in our own little villages where we completely disconnect and are self-sufficient because we can't interact with these people.
You can't send your kids to a public school.
Are you kidding me?
Mark, I've already come to that realization that if I really love my children, I have to move to the country and I have to literally disconnect from everything.
It's true!
I mean, we are literally going through what the Amish went through in Germany and Switzerland 500 years ago.
Every day on social media or every week there's these far leftist trending topics that are artificially inflated or astroturfed or paid to present.
Every time there's a new Disney movie out or a superhero movie out, the liberals are upset that the characters aren't gay or that they're not transgender.
They were upset when one of the new Captain Americas came out because Captain America and his best friend Bucky, they didn't have a relationship.
Well, in the comics, they're normal men.
And even saying that heterosexuality is normal is considered to be hateful as well because how dare you say that that's normal.
And so they want everything.
They are just pushing.
What this is, you just said it, pushing.
It's a total saying you have no property even over your own mind.
They are absolutely not letting you have any of your own territory or any of your own space.
Just like quote sending in for career day in Colorado without telling the parents to teach kids to be a drag queen or if you're a boy be a girl for your profession.
Basically be a sex worker and again it's the religion of getting into your territory not even telling you when they do it.
It's all about disrespect.
And if there's just one complaint, then corporations completely yield, afraid to upset or afraid to be labeled as non-inclusive.
There was a university recently to celebrate Black History Month.
Some of the chefs in the cafeteria set up a special menu to honor Black History Month with traditional black foods that included, of course, fried chicken and other foods that are traditionally associated with black people.
That's the line I'm gonna be in.
It was probably white social justice warriors.
Let me tell you, so-called black cooking is what my grandma's both made, okay?
It's not southern cooking.
The best part is, the menu was set up by some black people in the cafeteria who did their best to honor their black heritage and the black foods that they like, but they said, oh, that's offensive, sorry, can't do that.
Sorry, go ahead.
Gotta take it down.
Because they're killing real black culture.
They're making it leftist, poison, racist culture.
No, celebrate all cultures, particularly black southern cooking.
It's the barbecue, good lord, it's the best!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up, Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom is ready to go.
Mark Dice is a busy guy.
He's hard to get on.
But he says now that the book is done, he's going to be on a lot more.
And let me tell you, I'm very excited.
He's had some books that have done very, very well.
But this new one, Liberalism Find a Cure, just came out the last few days and it's already hit number 18 total books on Amazon.
Now, I don't want to discourage things here, but every time we've seen this from somebody else that's a patriot, they then just cheat it and knock it to 2,000 or something.
But it doesn't matter.
People know the truth.
It's just the rigging.
I mean, we thought two and a half years ago during the election, the rigging was bad, taking out negative search terms about Hillary.
Now, it's like you said earlier, it's just insane.
And like you said, I said, Mark, you did great man on the street to show how crazy leftists are.
But since you started doing political commentary all the time, it's as good as it gets.
It's what the late-night comics wish they were doing.
And so it's very, very exciting.
And I just see your popularity just rising and rising.
That makes me feel good.
But then I ask myself...
Again, how insane can this get?
What do you think about Trump?
You said during the break, hey, I've been more positive the last two years since Trump's in.
So have I. I've gotten behind him because he's for real.
But now we see them stealing the election.
Now we see them getting even worse than they were.
And at this point, this is war.
I mean, it's really flipped some switches in my brain.
Well, never before has your show's name, InfoWars, been more appropriate, because it is an information war.
And, you know, we were talking during the break.
It's glad to be on your show.
I love talking with you.
A lot of the audience may not know, but I've been a guest on your show for 13 years, back all the way to 2005.
And, you know, it's great to be on the show, great to be a part of the broadcast.
And since Trump won in 2016, you know, my YouTube channel has sort of taken a slightly different direction, so it's great to do interviews where people can see kind of the serious side to me, because maybe a lot of people may think that I just like to joke around and be sarcastic, but I am a pretty serious guy.
I'm a big nerd.
I like writing books.
This is my...
12th book?
13th book?
I lost track.
And, you know, you can't help but look at what the liberals are doing and really just shake your head and laugh at it because it is, in many cases, impossible to distinguish what they're doing from sarcasm or from a parody.
And that's why we're seeing some trolls on 4chan just making up certain things and saying that symbols and
Milk is a symbol of their white supremacy.
And then seeing that being taken as serious, that's how crazy the culture has gotten.
So we are in a culture war.
We're in the information war.
And if we don't win this, we're going to sink down into a dystopian nightmare worse than 1984 because the technology wasn't there like we have now.
And we've been seeing it get worse every day, every week.
And you can only imagine what it's going to be.
They may make it to a point where
It looks like your viewers are watching your content or liking it or responding to it, but they're not even seeing it.
And they may get to a point where if you just say, you know, you don't, you don't think that a transgender, you know, woman is, is a, you know, a natural woman and they'll ban you.
Just like last Christmas, there was a race car driver who said, told his nephew that boys don't wear princess dresses.
His boy, his nephew was wearing a Disney dress after Christmas morning.
And he said, Hey, what are you doing?
You know, like boys don't wear dresses.
It's a total attack on parenthood.
It's a total takeover.
I want to get your take on this.
All Paul did, as you know, last week was zoom in on Acosta.
People say, oh it's a petty story, why do you keep covering it?
They made it the number one story in the country for two days, not the election thieving any of it, and he didn't slow it up, he didn't speed it, he didn't do any of that.
All he did was blow it up, as the president said, but all the corporate media went with it, called for Huckabee Sanders to be fired, and even the Dallas Morning News, the local paper here in Austin, said Jones is horrible, next-level lying, fake video, Acosta didn't even touch her, but here's the key, hundreds of papers I saw didn't even show the video or
Jim Acosta is a protester.
He's not a reporter.
He has no business being anywhere close to the president.
He's a heckler.
I put together a compilation on my YouTube channel last week showing just a small fraction of the instances of him just yelling out of turn, being shushed by fellow reporters.
And CNN is now suing the White House in order to try to get the press pass back.
And I'm sorry, Mr. Acosta, but the First Amendment doesn't mean that you'll be invited to the White House.
It means that the White House won't stop you from spewing your insanity on your own private property.
And if Jim Acosta is allowed to be on the White House property,
After the White House says, you know, we don't want you here, you're disruptive.
What's to stop anyone and everyone from going?
Why don't I have a right to be in the White House press corps then?
They're discriminating against me.
I'm a media analyst.
Why can't I be there?
It's insane.
He's a performance artist and a heckler.
And I don't know how anyone can watch CNN without getting a headache because it is absolutely nauseating.
And Anderson Cooper's making about $40,000 per day, per show.
People should know how much money these talking heads are making.
Same with Megyn Kelly.
$40,000 a day to sit there and read a teleprompter and then comment about how bad Trump is.
And that's why they took you down, because you were too large, really the largest independent media operation, eclipsing them on all fronts, and they couldn't have that.
And that's why they started demonizing me right after I saw a report from PBS said that,
Alex has spawned countless imitators and they're selling merchandise and they showed me... Oh no!
Let's stop them immediately!
Let's not let them have any economy!
Don't just take their speech!
Take their bank accounts away!
And by the way...
He famously was the only heir to the Vanderbilt fortune that's so big and so secret, it's rumored to be in the trillions.
So, yeah, there's people worth trillions, okay?
Cooper is at least worth $300-400 billion.
People go, oh, the richest man in the world is worth $120 billion.
No, folks.
This is a trillionaire, okay?
And so he's given a show with no ratings to shut up there because, just like
I mean, just like Tim Cook!
It's like, it doesn't matter he's a trillionaire, doesn't matter he's in the CIA, doesn't matter he supports Communist China killing people, he's gay, so it's cool!
Part of the left's plan undermining our culture is attacking all of our holidays and Thanksgiving is next week.
There isn't really a single holiday that they don't completely assault.
They're upset about Thanksgiving because of what the pilgrims supposedly did to the natives.
Christmas is a white Christian holiday.
They want Santa Claus to be black and have a boyfriend.
There's really a children's book about that that came out last year.
Valentine's Day they're upset about because it celebrates heterosexual couples and traditional gender roles.
Mother's Day, Father's Day.
It makes the single parents feel bad.
It makes same-sex
Parents feel bad because all the cards and all the commercials are about a man and a woman.
That's bad.
So they're trying to literally tear apart the basic foundation of society, which is the nuclear family.
And with so many children being raised by single parents, who were raised by single parents, who were raised by single parents,
Being raised by social media now today being so disconnected from the traditional value structure and Teaching systems of the family.
We're dealing with rudderless people and the IQs are physically dropping People are becoming extremely stupid.
So those of us that have a brain we see this and it's asinine But Acosta can show the same video and say I didn't touch her and he is touching her he's pushing and
And pulling away and they're so brainwashed they just go, okay, he didn't touch her and it's doctored video even though it's not.
I mean, this is just incredible!
The fact that CNN says they're the most trusted name in news, everything is the opposite.
It is like a bizarro world.
They accuse Trump of being divisive.
They accuse Trump of inciting hatred.
Name a Trump supporter who's not a little bit anxious to walk down the street or go into a bar wearing a Make America Great Again hat or a Trump shirt.
You're literally putting yourself at risk.
Name a liberal who is concerned about wearing, you know, some leftist Bernie shirt.
Nobody cares.
Somebody might snicker at them.
That's it.
But they're not going to be put in physical danger.
They are the ones causing the problems.
They're undermining our culture, our country, our holidays, the family.
It is an all-out assault and it is a mental health
We're good to go.
Human sacrifice by the Aztecs cutting their children's hearts out.
Crazy is getting charged and they make people do more and more and more until the lemmings are all throwing their kids off cliffs to Booga Nooga and every culture goes crazy sometime and you're right we've gone crazy but it's being scientifically directed to sabotage us and you know I've come up with the saying you probably put it better than I but leftist aren't Americans.
They really aren't.
Their ethos is hating the nation-state, hating success, hating the family.
But it's beyond that.
Leftists are demons.
And have you noticed that every Christian is immune to the liberal pathogen?
Christians are the patriots who love America, love the Constitution, love their family, love their neighbor as themselves.
Even as flawed as we are, we are still adhering to that goal.
Mark, I know you gotta go, but do five more minutes with us than Watson's coming.
I want you to finish the key, because it's true, I've always been a Christian, but now it's totally clear it's a fight between good and evil, period.
Mark Dice is our guest for five more than Paul Watson.
Stay with us, NewsWars.com.
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Please, whatever you do, realize that we're all getting punched drunk to the censorship.
And you saw 18 Twitter accounts, they say, affiliated with InfoWars.
Yeah, some of them are like little side accounts.
They know we had like InfoWars store that just showed our products.
But they just banned them all yesterday in punishment that I be at a Trump rally and be mobbed by all these folks that loved us.
Your excitement about America, your excitement about this broadcast is what brought the country and the world back from the brick.
But the globalists now want to target where the resistance came from, so that we're not pesky in the future.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Mr. President, will you stop calling us the enemy of the people, sir?
Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people, sir?
Mr. President, will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people, sir?
Everybody, thank you.
Mr. President, Mr. President, if there is no collusion, Mr. President, if there is no collusion, why does Rudy Giuliani consider there is no crime and collusion?
Mr. President, Mr. President, do you think other countries should not allow children to stay with their parents if they come in illegally?
Since you're attacking us, can you give us a question?
Mr. President-elect, Mr. President-elect, since you are attacking our news organization,
This goes on for quite a while.
It's at MarkDice.com.
In loving memory of Jim Acosta's career, the heckler, and now they're suing.
It was CNN that got our credentials pulled.
That had come down from people high level in the administration.
We had a contact as well through one of our crew.
They got our press passes.
We were totally polite.
And CNN said, oh my God, look, they're in the building and God is banned.
And now they're suing because the heckler Jim Acosta.
But I don't want to go into that anymore.
I just thought I'd play that because Mark mentioned it.
Mark, in the three and a half minutes we have left, it's a fight between good and evil.
These people desire to abort children.
I mean, it really is.
They desire to molest children.
The Pope has now said, don't investigate pedophilia.
He ordered it in the U.S.
This is not a Christian leader.
I mean, they're really showing who they are.
It is a battle between good and evil and it's just like the Bible says in the end times what's good will be considered evil and what's evil will be considered good.
You can see the beginning stages or perhaps even the middle phase of setting up the beast system where you can't buy and sell unless you worship the beast because
If they're going to ban people from doing commerce, ban you from social media, ban you from doing banking, ban you from talking on the phone because they don't like what you say, people aren't going to speak out.
A lot of people are going to see what happens to you and see what happens to others and say, well, I'm not going to say anything.
I don't want to get my account shut down.
And that's what they're setting up now.
And it's interesting because Christians are spiritually immune to this madness.
Christians are the ones who have been warning about this.
Christians are the ones who are watching this unfold and denouncing it for what it is, a spiritual sickness, because the leftists...
They hate God.
They hate the family.
They hate America.
You see them chanting, you know, no U.S., no borders, no Trump, no USA at all, whatever their chant is.
They don't like the country.
They don't like our culture.
They don't like our Bill of Rights.
They want a mob rule.
They hate their freedom of speech.
They hate the Second Amendment.
They hate a trial by a jury of your peers.
They are the enemies of America.
They're the enemies of humanity.
And now, from Fox News to CNN, they're saying, you will take chips.
You will accept it.
I mean, they're literally, like, following Revelation, but as an owner's manual.
They're following 1984, but as an owner's manual.
And that's why they're trying to create an artificially intelligent God.
And you can really go way down the rabbit hole, aside from just the typical cultural insanity and the political problems, to what their ultimate goal is, is to create an artificially intelligent system to wire humans into it, to turn mankind into...
You wrote about this, you wrote about this 15 years ago, we did, because you were going out with your own statements.
Now Elon Musk talks like Mark Dice or Alex Jones, and so they have to take me off the air, they have to try to restrict you, because people are going to go, wait, they warned us of all this.
I wrote a book about this called The Resistance Manifesto in 2005.
That was when the Resistance was fighting against the New World Order and all the foot soldiers of it.
And there was a whole chapter in there on artificial intelligence, transhumanism, robot soldiers.
And I was laughed at.
People said, oh, you just watched too many Terminator movies.
And now we have Atlas, the robot dogs, and the humanoid robot being manufactured.
And that's just what they're telling us.
Mark Dice, markdice.com, your new book.
Always great to be with you, Alex.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Major newspapers are running headlines like Orange Buffoon in the White House tells us votes shouldn't be counted.
Yeah, not when they show up in 18-wheelers, but Democratic Party operatives that literally work for MoveOn.org and George Soros and Hillary are doing it.
I mean, this is just insane.
I guess they'll be counting forever now in these special Democrat districts and just they'll get as many votes as they need to overturn Senate races, House races.
They're doing it.
They're stealing the country right now as the president prepares a major shake-up.
Paul Watson's taking over in literally about, I don't know, 120 seconds or so.
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Infowarsstore.com, infowarslife.com, and they've got a couple thousand extra that they think that they can sell at this price.
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A bunch of the big specials are about to end as well.
Paul, thanks for all your great work, my friend.
It's been a busy week for everybody.
I know you've always got the most important intel to cover, so Paul Watson, take it away.
Yeah again we're delving back into delusion and reality in the aftermath of this Jim Acosta controversy where they said he never touched her even though the video all the videos clearly show that he did touch her.
Thanks Alex.
We also had this big story a few days ago which kind of got glossed over and when it happened where PayPal
Had to ban both Antifa and the Proud Boys after this situation outside Tucker Carlson's home.
Because again, they tried to eschew blame from Antifa by claiming that it wasn't a single organization.
Of course, it is an organization.
You have several different chapters of Antifa.
In many cases, they wear the same clothes, the same uniforms within these individual chapters.
So PayPal banned a bunch of Antifa groups alongside a bunch of Proud Boy chapters.
And then we had
Think Progress come out with this narrative, which has been replicated by several other left-wing publications, that Antifa has never engaged in violence, that Antifa literally never attacks anyone.
This is the article from Think Progress, which again is another George Soros front group.
PayPal draws controversy for banning Antifa alongside far-right Proud Boys.
So again, even though we warned all along that this censorious climate where people get de-platformed, where people lose their PayPal accounts, where they lose their bank accounts, is eventually going to have to affect both sides, they're still defending the far-left fringe extremists.
It's the distinction I make over and over again.
On the right, when there are far-right violent extremists, we distance ourselves from them.
We don't want to be associated with them.
The left doesn't.
They make excuses for them time and time again.
This is a quote out of the Think Progress article which is up right now.
That is complete bonk.
That is a complete lie.
The very reason Proud Boys got banned from PayPal
Sprang from that incident in New York after the event at the Metropolitan Republican Club, where Antifa and Proud Boys became engaged in a brawl in a fight.
Now, Proud Boys finished that, they basically beat them up and won the fight, but who started it?
Well, according to news reports, according to the NYPD, Antifa started the fight.
They physically confronted Proud Boys members.
They threw a bottle at them as they were coming out of that event.
So the very violent confrontation that was used as an excuse to ban the Proud Boys was started by Antifa.
And yet you've got these left-wing groups out claiming that not only did Antifa, were they completely blameless in that incident, that they've never engaged in any violent confrontations.
Literally, you can go back to August.
Here's a headline out of the Oregonian.
He brought an American flag to protest fascism in Portland.
Then Antifa attacked him.
So they even attack their own people.
This was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
This was the August event.
Uh, where Antifa and Proud Boys and these other right-wing groups clashed.
They ended up smacking his- him over the head with a pole, beating him to the ground because he had an Antifa, uh, sorry, a US flag.
You can't have a US flag.
That's very triggering.
They will beat the crap out of you.
Oh, but no, they don't engage in any violence whatsoever, according to ThinkProgress.
You can go back to 2017.
Of course, we had the incident at UC Berkeley during the Milo speech, before and after, where they literally burned down the campus, threw rocks at police officers, injuring many of them, and pepper-sprayed women in the face.
We all remember the horrific footage.
But again, according to ThinkProgress, according to the left-wing media, none of this ever happened.
Antifa's never violently attacked anyone.
All the footage you see of them kicking people on the floor, beating people over the heads with clubs,
The professor, the Antifa professor, smacking someone over the head with a bike lock, which he basically got away with.
They tried to take him to court, he got away with it.
None of that ever happened, according to the leftist media.
Only right-wing organizations or groups ever engage in any kind of violence or any kind of civil unrest.
So again, it goes back to this.
The illusion versus reality bubble that we've got right now in American politics where Jim Acosta clearly touches a White House intern.
It's on tape.
It's on all the tapes.
It's on the doctored tape which isn't even doctored as I've explained a million times until I'm blue in the face.
It's also on the original CNN tape.
It's also on the original C-SPAN tape.
Yet they've literally filed a lawsuit claiming that he never touched her.
Hundreds of mainstream media publications have filed reports claiming he never touched her.
Don't believe your lying guys, even though it's right there on the tape.
Now they're doing the same thing to excuse Antifa of the clear pattern of violence they've engaged in for the past two plus years.
We'll be back to cover this and more on the Alex Jones Show Live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to hit on a number of stories for the rest of this hour, including a big story that's just gone up on Infowars.com about a professor warning that Amazon Alexa and all these other home devices, including Google's device, are recording your conversations in real time.
It's not consensual.
It's not when you just give them the cue.
Alexa, what's the weather?
Blah, blah, blah.
They're recording your conversations in real time.
Now we have a top professor warning people about that.
It's got nowhere near the news attention it deserves.
And I guess the overarching narrative
For today's show is media hoaxes.
We have the media hoax that Antifa didn't deserve to be banned, that Smash Racism didn't deserve to be banned.
Who, by the way, Smash Racism, the group that organized that harassment campaign against Tucker Carlson targeting his house where his wife and children literally had to hide in a pantry while calling the police because they were running up and banging on the door and vandalizing his property.
They're now saying that basically that was nothing, they didn't even bang on the door.
This smash racism group is still active on Instagram, on Facebook, they've been banned on Twitter, having doxxed numerous people in the past but they're still active on all these other platforms.
So isn't it interesting that
In the case of Infowars, they all coordinated to ban Infowars at basically the same time, within the same 12-hour time period, but not with these Antifa groups.
They only get banned by sole platforms and eventually, in many cases, find their way back.
But now you've got the media hoax narrative that Antifa have never engaged in violence.
That's complete bunk.
We've disproven that time and time again.
You've got the whole Jim Acosta media hoax that he never touched the White House in turn, when he clearly did.
And then on top of that, you've had a three-year media hoax about refugees and migrants coming into Europe, that they are child refugees, when in the majority, the majority of cases, they're not.
And now we have this, which is another big story again.
Picked up by RT, picked up by a couple of right-wing media outlets, but getting nowhere near like the attention it deserves.
This is out of RT.
NGO exposed teaching migrants how to trick effing stupid EU border guards.
This is secretly recorded footage from one of these top NGOs that's been helping these refugees, who aren't refugees, get into Greece, get into Europe,
Via a process of complete and utter fraud.
And as a result of this expose they've actually had to basically delete their entire social media presence to save face.
It remains to be seen whether they'll try and crawl back.
The mainstream media is giving them cover.
By not reporting on this, so they probably will try and crawl back eventually.
The article states, a group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admitting to systematically training asylum seekers to exploit screening interviews by feigning trauma and persecution.
Ariel Ricker, this is the woman caught on a secret recording.
The Executive Director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussing how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents.
Now again, they brag on their website, it remains to be seen whether they'll remove their website temporarily, that they've helped as many as 15,000 migrants.
But in this footage, basically she admits that they teach them to act.
They teach them to act like they're in trauma, like they're fleeing war, when they're not fleeing war.
Telling them what to say to border guards to trick them into letting them in.
To lie to them.
Absolutely shocking footage.
After this footage was released initially,
Advocates Abroad put out a tweet stating, Advocates Abroad was made aware of a video that shows a heavily edited version of an informal conversation that was secretly filmed and without consent.
So again, what do they run to every time they get caught?
Oh, it was heavily edited.
Cutting out segments of a video and putting the important bits out publicly is not doctoring, it's not heavily editing.
All news organisations do it.
You cannot run away from your fraud, from your criminality, by claiming a video was edited.
This tweet went on to say, the video is being used for political right-wing effect.
So they came out hours after this broke, claiming that it was all a hoax, that the video was doctored, that it was fake.
It wasn't fake, just as in the Jim Acosta situation.
And when all these other big groups think Oxford University was won, even the UN came out and had to distance themselves from this group, they deleted their Twitter page.
They deleted their Facebook page with 140,000 followers.
So again, they basically de-platformed themselves, perhaps in the hope that once this goes away, they can crawl back without anyone noticing.
But their top individual is on tape saying,
We train these people to fake trauma, to lie to border agents, to get in, and it's all being exposed.
But again, hardly any media is picking up on it.
Which reminds me of another related controversy, which actually happened in 2016.
This is out of The Independent.
Gary Lineker receives torrent of criticism after calling response to child refugees arrival, hideously racist.
So basically, if you remember the story, a bunch of child refugees arrived in the UK from the jungle camp in Calais, France.
They were obviously literally like 30 years old plus.
They had full beards, some of them.
Some of them were probably even over 40.
When myself and others pointed out that these were obviously not child refugees, they were faking their ages to get into the country, we were demonised, we were called hideously racist.
And then what came out almost two years later?
This story out of the Daily Mail.
Truth about child refugees.
Two-thirds quizzed about their age are found to be adults, official report reveals, after almost 3,000 people claiming to be unaccompanied minors apply for asylum in a year.
The article states, nearly two-thirds of child refugees who were questioned about their real age after coming to Britain were found to be adults.
Two-thirds of them!
And if you look at the pictures in that Daily Mail article, the first picture on the article, blatantly not a child, probably an adult nearing the age of 40.
If you scroll down you'll see the first picture there, right there.
That is not a child, okay?
We were called racist for saying that was not a child in 2016,
Less than two years later, the official report came out.
Two-thirds of them were, imagine my shock, lying about their age.
And what happened next?
We had this report out of the BBC just last week.
Ipswich School reports pupil aged 30 to home office.
This was a secondary school, a high school of teenagers.
There was a 30-year-old guy in the maths class basically joking to all the other kids about how he was an adult, how he lied and tricked his way into the country by claiming to be a child refugee.
Again, at the time, the media reported all this completely above board that there was no deception going on.
It was a gigantic media hoax.
Same thing in Sweden.
Again, BBC report of December 2017.
Sweden child migrant tests reveal many adults.
They had a forensic investigation.
Sweden's National Forensic Medicine Agency.
They found that the, I think it was over, it was 84% I believe from this article, actually 79% that they were not children.
They were over the age of 18.
They lied from the very beginning.
Everyone who pointed that out at the very beginning was called a racist.
You had the same thing in Denmark.
An article out of the Express.
So it's media hoax after media hoax after media hoax.
We're right.
We're called racist.
We're demonized for telling the truth.
And when it comes out, they just want the story to slowly vanish and go away.
Absolutely incredible levels of deception at every level, and the media is complicit in that.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Now, I want to get into CNN.
Obviously, they've come out with this lawsuit.
Very interesting report on CNN.com.
Obviously, they made themselves the top story on their own website today.
CNN has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
Now this is where it gets interesting.
The statement they put out read, quote, it demands the return of White House credentials of CNN's chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta.
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta's First Amendment rights of freedom of the press and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process.
So now CNN's all butthurt and worried about people being revoked of their right of freedom of the press.
Now, Jim Acosta is not banned from the White House, let's make that clear.
He has to get permission before re-entering the White House, like every other reporter who doesn't have what they call this hard pass.
His hard pass, where he gets to go in and out as he pleases, has been revoked as a result of his behavior during that press conference last week.
But this is the irony.
They're complaining about the rights of freedom of press being removed.
This is the same organisation with Oliver Darcy and Brian Stelter and others that lobbied for a solid six months, six months to get a competing news network banned, yeeted,
Removed, de-platformed, de-personed from all social media.
They literally put reporters on special assignments to lobby corporations to ban Alex Jones, to ban InfoWars.
In the end, with obviously widespread success.
So now they're all worried about freedom of the press having spent much of the past year campaigning, lobbying, abusing their platform to ban other press outlets.
Isn't that ironic?
Now this is the article
CNN sues President Trump and White House for banning reports of Jim Acosta.
And again, it goes into it.
The lawsuit, which I've actually read, mentions the so-called doctored videotape, which was never doctored.
And the lawsuit is linked from a Breitbart article called Full Document, CNN's lawsuit to restore Jim Acosta's White House credentials.
And in that lawsuit, which you can read on Scribe, they've posted it, they literally claim, they're now claiming, having initially said in Washington Post and a hundred other media outlets, big media outlets, claiming that this video was definitely doctored and that this video was used to remove Acosta's press access, they're now saying it was apparently doctored.
So those are the words used in the exact lawsuit, apparently doctored.
They mention Infowars.
They mention that they basically say they got it from me.
But again, trying to create, trying to continue this giant media hoax that Jim Acosta did not touch a woman.
In fact, they actually quote Reuters journalists.
They quote other journalists who say they were right there when it happened and they did not see
Jim Acosta, place his hands on the intern.
Those are the exact words they use, place his hands on the intern.
They quote Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller, who is wrong, and who wrote that there is, quote, plenty to criticise Acosta about, but he did not place his hands on the intern.
It's ridiculous for anyone to suggest he did.
Okay, now let's roll the video, you've obviously got it in the system right there, of that very incident where he clearly places his hands on the White House intern.
They also quote another journalist, Jeff Mason of Reuters.
Here we see the video again, the original video from C-SPAN, not the quote, doctored version, which isn't doctored at all.
Does he place his hands on a White House intern?
Does he use his left hand to push down on hers?
Yes he does, it's right there in the video.
Yet they're still claiming, as part of this international media hoax, that it never happened.
They quote Jeff Mason of Reuters, a former president of WHCA, who was seated next to Acosta at the press conference,
And quote, did not witness him placing his hands on the young intern as the White House alleges.
He held on to the microphone as she reached for it.
Yes, he held on to the microphone with his right hand and using his left hand placed his hand on the White House intern.
You can see it in the CNN video.
You can see it in the C-SPAN video.
You don't even need to look at the video that I put out, which wasn't doctored, to see that that's a blatant reality.
They also talk about the audio being removed.
Now this is something that Jimmy Kimmel mentioned, I think it was three times, during his monologue last week on, I think it was Wednesday night or Thursday night.
Again, claiming...
That the video was doctored or edited because the audio from the moment where Acosta said, I'm sorry ma'am, had been removed.
Well no, again, that's another complete misleading deception.
The audio from the entire clip had been removed because the original file was a GIF image and it was not a video file.
GIF images do not have audio contained.
That's basic.
Anyone knows that.
Anyone who's ever used the internet knows that.
So this lawsuit says, in the original video, Acosta's arm appears to move only as a response to a tussle for the microphone.
Oh wait a minute, you just said before he didn't place his hands on her, now you're saying it was a tussle for the microphone.
What is a tussle?
Okay, a tussle is a physical coming together, right?
So this lawsuit contradicts itself in the very next paragraph.
It continues, his statement referring to Acosta, pardon me ma'am, is not included in the video Sanders shared.
So again, they're attempting to claim that this was doctored, which if you look at the definition of doctored it means to falsify, which is again completely wrong.
They're claiming that the audio was removed as part of this doctoring, as part of this deception, when the audio was removed from the entire clip, not just that moment.
They then quote Councillor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who went on Fox News on Sunday
And said, admitted as they say, that it had been sped up like they speed up replays in football.
Now obviously she misspoke.
She meant to say slow down.
But they're not accounting for that fact where she clearly misspoke and meant to say slow down.
But again, as I've proven with the screenshots from the editing software, nothing was slowed down, nothing was sped up.
They can't seem to decide whether it was slowed down or sped up.
Some people talk about frames being added, some people talk about frames being removed.
They can't make up their own minds.
There was two forensic analysts who vice-quoted in one of their articles, again,
After having initially said that the video was doctored, Motherboard, which is also a division of Vice, came out in an article and admitted forensic experts say the video was not doctored.
So they can't decide whether it was sped up or slowed down.
They're talking about audio being removed when there was no audio in the video to begin with because it was a GIF image which doesn't contain audio.
So now in this lawsuit they're saying that it was, quote, apparently doctored.
So they're not even now solid on whether it was doctored or not, or apparently altered as they say.
It wasn't altered in a way to deceive.
The only alteration was zooming in.
And as Trump said, that's not doctoring.
I did an entire eight minute video about it, which you can see on YouTube.
Acosta doesn't have any divine right to be in the White House.
He can still ask for permission to be in the White House.
As Alex Jones said in a previous segment, we had White House access at least to the press room for a brief amount of time.
CNN was one of the mainstream media organizations lobbying to have that press access revoked.
So again, it's do as we say, not as we do.
They lobbied for six months to have Infowars removed, to have our rights to press freedom yanked, taken away.
Then Acosta's gets his removed for justifiable reasons and it's a massive scandal.
No, stop lying to your audience, stop deceiving.
Absolutely incredible.
We'll be back live.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
MEP Nigel Farage has called out Angela Merkel, called on her to apologize for basically ruining German communities as a result of her disastrous open borders policy.
We're going to go to that clip here in a second.
This of course comes off the back of President Macron of France with his pathetic and plummeting 26% approval rating.
Remember, this is the new so-called leader of Europe as Angela Merkel's political legacy crashes and burns.
He, with his 26% approval rating, is now lecturing Donald Trump about how things should be run, about how evil nationalism is, while his own former Interior Minister basically says that within five years in France there's going to be mass civil unrest, dislocation of society.
You know, perhaps he should concentrate on problems within his own country before getting up and lecturing Donald Trump.
We've got the French Finance Minister basically saying that Europe now needs to become an empire to challenge the United States.
We've got Angela Merkel and others pursuing and actually formalising now an EU army which they promised they would never do.
So now Farage got up in front of the EU Parliament and directly challenged, as she sat there just a few feet away from him, Angela Merkel.
Here's the clip.
Mrs. Merkel, many of my Eurosceptic colleagues have been booing you this morning, but they shouldn't be in a way, because the British should be cheering you.
Without you, we'd never have made it over the line with Brexit, and I want to thank you very much for that.
And of course, many of these Eurosceptic groups on the right, the centre and the left, will come back here after the next European elections in huge numbers, directly as a result of your immigration and asylum policy.
You're We Can Cope.
led to a huge migrant tide.
Indeed, a stampede that came across the Mediterranean.
Young men coming from very different cultures who were not going to integrate.
Young men, none of whom would have qualified as being genuine refugees.
And I think in many ways,
We looked at it in the referendum and we said we don't want to be part of an increasingly German-dominated European Union, and we certainly don't want to pay the price for Mrs Merkel's errors.
And I believe, having heard you today, and listening to senior French politicians over the last couple of days, that for us leaving the European Union is now indeed a liberation.
It's a European Union that we're told is now to become an empire.
A militarized European Union.
An undemocratic European Union.
A European Union that seeks to continually expand to the East.
A European Union that has launched a new Cold War against the United States of America.
A European Union that tries to rewrite history.
And I think a hundred years on from the armistice,
We should be genuinely worried.
The idea that this new militarized union is somehow a recipe for peace, I suggest you all sit back and think a little bit more carefully.
Maybe you should all re-read history.
The European project was set up to stop German domination.
What you've seen today is a naked takeover bid.
So I think Brexit becomes a necessity after this.
And for the rest of the country, Mrs Merkel, you've had a long, successful career.
But your political decision to open up the doors unconditionally is the worst decision we've seen in post-war politics in Europe.
Is it not time for you at last
To admit that you were wrong, is it not time for you to say to German communities and many others, I'm sorry for what I've done to you and the problems I've inflicted upon you for many decades to come?
That was Nigel Farage earlier today in the European Parliament calling out Angela Merkel.
Now bear in mind that it was only back in September that the Bundestag president Wolfgang Schauble told Germans, and we had an article about this at the time, that they could completely forget about these one million refugees, and it's over one million, and most of them aren't refugees, who've flooded into Germany over the past three years from ever returning to their home countries.
We've had violent crime in Germany rise over the last two years,
90% of that violent crime rise is due to migrants according to the German government's own statistics.
They tried to call Trump out over that and say he was wrong just because he didn't put the word violent in front of crime but those are the facts.
Now 67.1% of all sudden gang rapes were committed by foreign migrants.
These are new statistics out of Germany.
Overwhelming majority of gang rapes in Germany committed by foreigners is the headline out of Voice of Europe.
The gang rape of a German teen by seven Syrians in Freiburg has made the issue a hot topic and now they've come to the conclusion from these latest stats that 67.1% of sudden gang rapes, that's not planned gang rapes, that's sudden gang rapes, were committed by foreigners last year.
So they've got a massive problem with violent crime, they've got a massive problem with gang rapes as we see in virtually every other country.
Angela Merkel's political legacy is crashing and burning as a result of it.
But the consequences remain.
They're not doing anything to deport foreign migrants.
In many cases they're more lenient than actual German criminals in dealing with them.
We have another headline here out of Information Liberation.
We love you Angola.
Migrants say they're trekking to Europe because they love the lifestyle.
Newly released video shows a group of Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrants explaining to an interviewer why they're working to illegally immigrate to Western Europe through the new Balkan route.
One man from Bangladesh who said he and his group were paying around €9,000 each to make the journey said they're trying to get to Western Europe not because they're fleeing war, but because, quote, we love the European lifestyle.
So when you've got actual refugees who are actually fleeing war and persecution, actually fleeing potential death by remaining in their home countries, they're being displaced by the people who aren't.
By the people who admittedly in their own words are going there to make money for the lifestyle.
So the actual refugees are being put by the wayside.
They can't afford to pay the criminal people smugglers who are conspiring with the NGOs to get them into these countries.
So the actual refugees, the people who actually need help...
Like the Pakistani woman who recently was denied asylum in Britain.
They're being left behind because of these leftists and these NGOs with their bleeding hot crap as they present it.
Whereas behind the scenes they're working with criminal people smugglers to get these people into these Western European countries who aren't refugees.
Absolutely incredible.
The children who actually need asylum, they're being cut off, they're being put to the wayside because you have a bunch of lying 30-year-olds with full beards being allowed into the country.
And as we saw earlier with this new footage out of Lauren Southern and her organisation where advocates abroad, they admit,
They teach migrants to lie to get into Western European countries because they're not refugees.
So these NGOs are actually harming real refugees.
There's also a brain drain of people out of those countries.
The ones who can afford to pay people smugglers leaving those countries in the Middle East predominantly.
So there's a brain drain and they're leaving the actual refugees behind.
Absolutely incredible that they present themselves as these bleeding heart liberals
They point at us and call us racist and heartless, when if we followed our advice they would actually treat and provide asylum for real refugees.
To a far greater degree.
It's absolutely unconscionable what's happening and it only seems to be getting worse in terms of these NGOs being paid to criminally smuggle people into Western Europe who don't deserve it, who aren't fleeing war and who are not real refugees.
We've been talking about it for three years and it's still going on.
Maybe it will take more of these organisations to be exposed where they'll have to basically just run off the internet entirely as happened in this case.
For this to get better and for serious questions to be asked.
It's absolutely ludicrous, this situation.
Final story, though.
This went up on Infowars.com about an hour ago.
Professor warns Amazon Echo is always recording your conversations.
Now, this is Nick Flore, an Associate Professor of Information Systems out of New Mexico.
He was reacting to a story out of New Hampshire, where basically a man is accused of a double murder, stabbing two women to death in his home.
The judge in this case gave New Hampshire authorities permission to examine audio recordings from Echo, which of course uses Amazon's Alexa voice assistant, to try and find out if there's any information as to what happened during this double murder.
Now the problem is, as anyone will know,
To access that recording system where Alexa or Echo responds to a command from the user, you have to give them the cue of saying, Alexa, why would a guy who is murdering two women in his home activate Alexa before he proceeds to commit the murder?
Unless Alexa is recording the conversations in real time.
So Professor Nick Floor tweeted, quote, remember when Amazon claimed they only start recording when you said Alexa?
Turns out that's a big freaking lie.
These stupid devices are always recording.
All it takes is one SJW working in Amazon support to leak all your conversations for the greater good.
So he makes the point.
They're not just recording when you give them the cue by saying, Alexa, tell me what the weather is today.
They must be recording all the time.
If these judges, if these authorities, are asking permission to access the audio files.
Because why would he access Alexa?
Why would he cue Amazon Echo before a double murder?
It makes no sense whatsoever.
So now a top professor is calling that out for what it is.
Absolutely incredible story up on InfoWars.com.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Coming up next is War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Again, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!