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Filename: 20180918_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 18, 2018
3193 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including the Kavanaugh allegations, gender identity and mental illness, political censorship, Islam-related rape cases, and the promotion of supplements. The show critiques Maxine Waters for her inflammatory speech, criticizes left-wing media coverage of crimes against women by Muslims in the UK and Europe, and discusses a study on how chemicals in food and water are making people obese by design with $5.7 million in taxpayer funding. The show also warns about the potential dangers of chemical exposure in food and water which can lead to feminization of males and other health problems, promotes Alpha Power, Blue Diamond Gusset Jeans, and Defender Motorcycle Jeans, and discusses political censorship, free speech, and social media. Additionally, Alex Jones talks about YouTube's "alternative influence network" of right-wing and radical content creators including himself, criticizes the left-wing media for not challenging reporting restrictions on Muslim rape trials, and discusses China's social credit system which uses facial recognition, body scanning, and geo-tracking to assign a score to each citizen based on their behavior.

49 days, 7 weeks out from the most historic election in world history.
Strap yourselves in, ladies and gentlemen.
We're live on this September 18th, 2018 global transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and this is the most banned, most dreaded, most demonized broadcast in the world for good reason.
We've accurately analyzed the enemy's operations and charted a course based on historical understanding and the arc of human development.
The new renaissance.
The globalists want a new dark age, a technotronic era.
We oppose the technocrats.
This is the Infowar and it's all about the choice.
The destiny you choose to take in the future.
The Kavanaugh situation is as political and as phony in my researched opinion as anything you could ever imagine, as plastic fruit.
You know, that you are going to the grocery store and you reach over and pick up an orange, you say, that's not a real orange, that's synthetic.
And you look at it, it is just unbelievable.
To watch all this unfold and I'm predicting there's going to be a snowball effect of other women coming forward during the hearings that'll be seen as the hammer death blow to this and then they'll never get anybody.
Confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Because you can always have somebody say that 36 years ago, or 40 years ago, or hell, 100 years ago, 5 million years ago, you can say that somebody jumped on you to party drunk in another lifetime when you were Cleopatra.
And we've all got to, you know, hear them out and believe it.
Her lawyer says it's not their job to investigate, it's not their job to vet any of this.
Well, yeah it is.
Anybody that's ever been involved filing a complaint or suing somebody or being sued knows, the first thing the lawyers do is try to vet whether your story is provable or not or true.
But they're already setting the parameters where how dare him say she's a liar?
How dare he?
As I said yesterday, I have enjoyed the Democratic Party's operations, just putting it lightly, in the last few years, and the things they do, and the things they engage in, and the way they get people to lie, and so I know
How the Democrats operate, I have experienced it.
Now, maybe that prejudices me.
Maybe she thinks somebody 36 years ago at a party, drunk, groped her and jumped on top of her.
They're calling that sexual assault and all the rest of this stuff from teenagers?
I mean, again, it's unbelievable.
But the really big news is always hiding inside the headlines.
And there's a chilling article from Reitbart.com, it's up on Infowars.com, 5.7 million in taxpayer funds for study to justify sterilizing children.
Now imagine, that's a terrible headline, sterilizing children.
But if it's for gender confused, well then it's okay.
Just like teaching five-year-olds that you might be a girl if you think you're a boy.
You might be a boy if you think you're a girl.
Vice versa.
But if it's done, oh, under transgender studies, it's okay.
Developed by the Tavistock Institute.
These poor folks have the highest rates of suicide.
It's just terrible.
Does that mean I hate people that think they're another sex and go and have their genitals removed?
Absolutely not.
Does it not mean that people throughout history
Have you had proclivity towards the same sex or felt like a woman or whatever?
I'm not judging anybody.
I'm saying in the main, the chemicals in the food and water, it's in all the studies, and the push by the globalists is to reduce population.
And it's to get people to opt in to being sterilized and not having children.
They always juxtapose it.
Oh, you don't care about, you hate the trans people.
And see, it's not going to be just men who think they're women or vice versa or changing their sex.
It's moving into the whole transhumanist movement where you can't criticize brain chips or forcing children to take them or the military to take them.
This is about the globalists taking control of human evolution into a de-evolution.
So that's coming up as well.
Also, Beto, the big Democrat god of Texas against Cruz, says he will push a ban.
Turn your AR-15s in.
In Texas.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Tuesday, the 18th day of September, 2018.
We are 49 days out from this incredibly important election and so much more.
We have right on time, you say you're watched by it, the accusation of sex assault on Kavanaugh.
I'm sure it's all real.
I'm sure it's true.
Of course, he's a big Democratic Party operative and a leftist professor.
Gave money to Hillary 10 times, and Dileppis causes 60 times, federal election records show.
And sure, you know, we've caught a lot of other women lying, and even the police and a lot of files show up to half of rape allegations are false.
Doesn't matter.
Kavanaugh and no one else who ever gets nominated by a Republican can be on the Supreme Court, because, well, we've got to virtue signal.
So we're going to be looking at all the latest developments and angles of that coming up.
Also, at the bottom of the hour, there was a big study out last week, which you guys print that for me again, that there are record numbers of suicides in America, not just of young people, not just of teens, but pre-teens.
Seven, eight-year-olds are killing themselves.
And there was a big question, why is it happening?
Well, I'm going to give you the answers.
It's by design.
And we're gonna look at it all at the bottom of the hour.
This is critical information to you and your family.
Not just, oh, if you're feeling suicidal, call a suicide prevention hotline.
Sure, that's fine.
That's good.
Don't get into a culture of death.
Get out and exercise.
Get the chemicals out of your body.
Realize what's going on.
Don't let your children watch television all day.
All the studies out there that it creates depression, print me those, just five or six studies, pick the top ones, just to show folks when we cover it.
That study show lowers IQ, causes depression, screen time television, rewires the brain, makes you unsocial, and then that prison intensifies.
And then Sean Parker, the former head of Facebook, said, we designed all of this to make you depressed and make you totally bond with the device so that we control and run your life.
It's a form of the matrix.
See it as a face sucker that attaches itself.
And that's going to tie into this big story.
5.7 million in U.S.
taxpayer funds for study to justify sterilizing children who are gender confused.
You know, I put the headline out for the live video feed on Infowars.com this morning and said, U.S.
government spends 5.7 on studying sterilizing children.
It's worse than that.
Let's change the headline.
government spends $5.7 million to prepare the sterilization of U.S.
But they're doing it through liberalism and the school coming in and telling your five-year-old, you're really a girl, you're really a boy, and then if it's liberal and LGBT, well then, sexualizing and sterilizing children is gorgeous.
It's now LGBT-P.
So I now have to more and more realize that when I criticize the pedophile movement and the movement to sterilize children, I always get attacked by the major LGBT groups, who I'm not enemies with anybody.
I'm a libertarian.
Well, then it means you've signed on to something incredibly evil.
And you've got all the leftists out there saying, oh, we are telling our boys and our girls, you know, to basically all dress like girls.
That's what's going on and I know people, and my wife knows people, that live in Seattle who dress both their sons and daughters in grey uniforms and then obsess on letting them choose what they are, which instead means let the culture come in and confuse them and subject your children to super hardcore
I've got all these articles.
In the US and Canada and Europe where they're openly saying they're now teaching kindergartners in schools in Austin, you don't say boy or girl.
That's a bad word!
What sick, evil, psychological warfare, crazy, mad scientist freaks that they've created this system to go in and that we will accept
Boy or girl!
Telling your five-year-old that they're going to be assigned another gender and confusing them and giving them Pavlovian treats and conditioning and carrots so that they embrace this.
There's so much to cover but we really need to get into this because this is one of the big things.
Don't criticize radical Islam.
Don't criticize open borders.
That means world government.
That means get rid of sovereignty so that no one can stand against the global corporate government.
By Apple, Google, China.
And, absolutely teach children.
That they are, quote, another sex or no sex at all.
And then, of course, most of the children get depressed.
They put them on a cocktail of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
And it is just mainlining children for absolute destruction.
And it is a cult.
And it's my view, these parents have been inducted into a sick cult.
And you can go back to the Tavistock Institute and the beginnings of all this.
And it's the total sick mainlining of people opting in to be sterilized for population reduction.
And all the studies show it's higher IQ conformists, but they're still conformists, who will end up getting sterilized.
The third world populations are not being sterilized, and it is basically a giant IQ reduction for the planet.
It is the most cold-blooded plan.
I mean, if you were space aliens, and had taken control of the ruling government, and had a long-term strategic plan without firing a shot to exterminate a species, this is exactly what you'd do.
And what does Elon Musk say?
He says he's been in the meetings where they discuss world government, sterilizing everybody, having us merge with machines.
The people took him on the Joe Rogan Show three weeks ago, with me on there a year and a half ago, and they took all the clips and put my clips next to him and they said, Musk is saying exactly what Jones said.
But see, when I say it, I'm a moron, because I said it first.
When he says it, he's a genius.
So next year's news today.
This is the plan.
This is the program.
This is the operation.
This is going on.
And when you criticize it, the stimulus comes in, the stick comes in, not the carrot, and puts heat on you to stop it.
Well, I have to take the heat as a man.
And I have to go through that for the betterment to expose this final revolution against our very biology to take full control of human reproduction, evolution.
That's their goal.
It is beyond diabolical.
The good news is, when we come back, I'll briefly get into this.
The New York Times ran their hoax story.
Saying that Traffic Info Wars was down by 50%.
It was a total hoax.
A total fraud.
We showed you internal analytics that showed that it was a lie.
Here's the New York Times headline.
Alex Jones said bans would strengthen him.
He was wrong.
See that?
Total fraud, September 4th.
Well, the big analytics firm came out, looked at them, Media Post has it.
Alex Jones wins Infowar.
Site traffic soars in August.
Fastest growing conservative site in the world.
Fastest growing site in the world of a conservative libertarian bent.
Thank you for spreading the word, folks.
Thanks to all the affiliates.
Thanks to everybody that's been... Thanks to DrudgeReport.com.
We have stood against them.
Now, the test will be into the future.
And there's going to be more attacks on us.
But right now, we are getting stronger under the sustained attack because you have stood with us.
So, you won't be seeing any retraction from the New York Times because it's their job to murder the truth.
We'll look more at those numbers.
But first, when we come back, the story was on DrudgeReport.com yesterday afternoon.
It's gone now.
It's on Infowars.com by Paul Watson.
Maxine Waters encourages resistance to, quote, knock off Trump.
So our rhetoric's becoming more and more clear.
Roger Stone's issued an apology and clarification to Donald Trump Jr.
We'll tell you why.
Who paid for Kavanaugh's accuser's so-called polygraph test?
What FBI former agent gave it?
Was it Peter Strzok?
Or was it Lisa Page?
And then we're gonna get into the economy and so much more straight ahead.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Tommy Robbins is gonna be joining us as well.
Big exclusive interview and so much more.
This is a big broadcast today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Next segment I'm going to break down something incredibly critical to you and your family and the the globalist plan to destroy your children.
They can't abort them inside the womb if they can't sterilize you ahead of time with chemicals in the food and water they want
To absolutely take control of your children with a death cult, have them self-sterilize under the abusive tutelage of the state, and then make them depressed, put them on drugs, and then finally have them commit suicide by their early 30s after they've sucked every last ounce of their humanity out in the name of empowerment.
So we're going to be looking at all that in the next segment.
Let's get into this right now and then later.
He passed four separate detailed FBI background checks in the last 30 years.
Never had any accusers of any type.
Again, it's someone standing in a community and their history and their M.O.
Past behavior is indicative of future behavior and performance.
It's the known indicator in the world.
It's like saying, how do you know that Martin Luther King was for black rights?
Well, you know he was.
He was for human rights, God-given rights.
And so, you've got some leftist, man-hating, Hillary-worshipping, person who her students say is very vindictive and hateful, popping up at the 11th hour, 58th minute.
It has the credibility and the floatability of a giant lead zeppelin.
of a bowling ball dropped off the Empire State's building.
But that doesn't matter to these crazed maniacs.
Why, you just can't question.
Maxine Waters encourages resistance to knock off Trump.
How many of the swastikas painted on dorm doors and black churches burned down or crosses burnt in front yards, how many of those
Or Muslim women having their hijabs pulled off in Toronto or London or New York City.
How many of them are trying to be fake?
Almost everyone.
InfoWars has done big articles on women that staged attacks on themselves to particularly blame conservatives.
It's something they do.
But oh, to even question this woman, to even say she could be doing it for political purposes, or remembering something falsely after she was contacted.
Oh no, don't do that, because it's a dirty man.
And it's worse than that, it's an effing white male.
In the words of Abe Skrillex.
You're an effing white male!
You're not allowed to have any opinions!
You're a man!
But he's a white male too!
So there's a story on Infowars.com.
Maxine Waters encourages resistance to knock off Trump.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters is under fire for spouting more incendiary rhetoric after she gave a speech in which she called for Lepus Democrats to, quote, knock off President Trump, which is parlance for kill.
It is the verbiage.
It is the very meaning of kill.
Well, let's hear it.
Let's hear it directly from the horse's mouth.
Here it is.
We're here to talk about the impeachment, and when Alan Green comes up here, you're going to find out.
The Senate, the first resolution for impeachment in the House of Representatives.
There are those who say, well, what if we get rid of him?
Then we've got that Vice President, and he will be worse.
I said, knock off the first one, and then go after the second one.
We have the power.
We have the numbers.
But we've got to understand our power and we've got to use our power.
Well, we've got to use our power to block people like you that got tens of millions of dollars to her husband's bank that you stole.
I mean, can you imagine letting that moron actually run anything?
Or Nancy Pelosi?
These people have run the country into the ground.
They're a bunch of power-mad harpies.
Sea hags.
And I love old folks.
But you know, you look at the average age of, what, a Democrat senator is like 75.
Members of Congress, I think it's around 70.
I mean, you got a bunch of them, 80-something years old, man, on power trips, and they were always bad people, and they just get worse and worse and worse and worse.
It's fair to say that Maxine Waters is a rotting edifice to the rotting Democratic Party.
She's the perfect symbol of these people.
And it just gets worse and worse and worse.
You gotta love how Hillary thought she could really win, despite all her corruption.
Trump won by a huge landslide, but their fraud was so bad, they stole at least five states, that he still almost lost.
He won by a whopping margin in the Electoral College.
But it just shows the entitlement of these ruling class elites.
And the fact that the Democrats have 80% of the wealth in Congress.
They are the rich people.
They are the power.
And it's all the billionaires, except for Trump.
Almost 95% of world billionaires are socialists.
Because they're tax exempt, they take your money, they get you domesticated, they think you're an idiot.
And people are waking up to this.
People like Alexandra Cortez, she doesn't want to, you know, she wanted her parents to migrate here.
She wanted to get here, leaving countries that had socialism, so she can wear $3,600 outfits, while shaking her finger at everybody else, and talking about effing rich white men and stuff.
When nine groups of Asians are above white people in this country, as the richest people, per capita.
And if you weren't so ignorant, Cortez, you'd know, if you've got some native blood in you, that's Asian, sweetheart.
It's been type-tested.
It's basically Hun blood, or Chinese blood.
So, you are part Chinese, lady.
And you are sitting there, in the most elite group, Asians, money-wise.
And you're just an idiot.
You're an absolute disgrace.
So she's part European, part Spanish, and part Chinese.
That's what you are!
You're from Latin America, you're Asian, and it's the Chinese derivation.
You think the Chinese just sat there in China?
They went up over through Siberia, over the North Pole, when there was a land bridge, into North America, following the caribou, following the whales, following the woolly mammoths, the mastodons, the food.
I'm going to come back to the biggest issue there is.
We're on a break.
All this other stuff is just a smokescreen.
Straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The global social engineers know that the West's weakness is that we are open.
We are liberal.
We are not leftist.
Big difference between liberal and leftist.
I suggest you see the Prager University five-minute documentary piece on that.
It is pure Veritas.
Speaking of Veritas, big, huge, deep state.
Breaking Veritas news coming up later in the broadcast.
We have Tommy Robinson live.
We're the second only interview after getting out of prison, a political prisoner.
Owen Benjamin, a really funny comedian.
Also, it looks like he's a NFL center.
It looks like a giant.
He's going to be in studio here with this very funny, very smart guy, censored comedian.
Look forward to that.
And Paul Joseph Watson to say this is a jam-packed transmission is an understatement.
Roger Stone with Big Breaking News and an apology to Donald Trump Jr.
pops in.
Kavanaugh info next segment.
This is the most important information for you and your family of really anything out there other than getting your heart and soul right with God.
I'm going to show you some of the statistics and studies here in a moment that go right to that point.
The Tavistock Institute in England by the 60s is a PR psychological warfare firm that developed
The whole trans movement to be the beginning of transhumanism, computer chips in your brain, genetic augmentation, cloned humans, so-called humans that have three, four parents that aren't really humans, they're humanoids.
It's about breaking down that barrier and getting humanity to accept the manipulation and control of human evolution by the establishment.
And there are big university studies on this, not just Tavistock Institute, but they were at the tip of the spear.
That's why England, more than any other country in the world, even Brazil, is second, has children and adults transferring from male to female, and from female to male.
And then they say, technically you are a woman if you say you're one.
Of course you're not.
Or you are a man if you say you're one.
No, you're not.
Down to your mitochondria, your mitochondrial DNA, you are not.
Women have a whole second set of DNA.
Women are actually the full species, and they've known this for at least 80 years.
Women are the human species.
And in embryonic development, we are all females, and then the female...
And they are still figuring out how the switches works, decides when they're going to have a male, and then they put environmental crises and other things that are going on into what type of male is needed.
So men are the warrior ants or worker bees of the species that is female.
And it's like that in many species.
So this whole thing that it's a goddess and mother earth, it's totally true.
And imagine the assault on that saying men are now going to be women.
No, we're not!
No, we're not!
Men are created by the female to go out and to build the civilization for the species.
Now, you take over the women, you've got the children, so follow the men.
Adolf Hitler said that.
80% of advertising targets women.
Why is that?
Because women have always been the real deciders, not men.
And that is why they are sabotaging and targeting women, because if you have them, you have everything.
They make the gay frog joke.
That was from PBS documentaries.
Frontline documentaries.
I just pointed out that this is happening to our children.
It's that it flips switches in the brain.
It flips olfactory nerves.
It makes males be attracted to males.
It makes females become hyper feminine.
It gives them cancer.
It's a fact.
So everything from Democracy Now to Harvard to you name it has documented this.
It is the reality.
And so how do you sell sexualizing children, as they said in Brave New World, which Huxley later wrote, Brave New World revisited, that was non-fiction, saying this is the real plan, that the underclass first gets hyper-sexualized, then the next generation we confuse sex, and then we sterilize.
And so they're moving towards a genderless, joyless creature.
So the chemicals are in the food and water.
Now they're bringing in not just the environmental control, but also the cultural push towards this.
Males are smaller.
Their genitals are smaller in all racial groups.
IQs are lower.
Girls go into puberty earlier or more feminine.
Have bigger breasts.
Grow taller.
A lot of studies show within another 50 years, women will be taller than men.
Because the chemicals in the food and water are designed to feminize.
So you give that to a woman early, they're gonna grow bigger, larger.
So this is known.
It will basically wipe out boys, make them sickly.
It'll make women ogre-like goblin creatures.
Now, 5.7 million in taxpayer funds for study.
And there's more studies out today that the chemicals in food and water are quote, making you fat, making you obese.
It's by design.
5.7 million in taxpayer funds for studies to justify sterilizing children who are gender confused.
And it gets into the U.S.
study in its fifth year with Dr. Quentin Van Meter, Atlantic pediatric endocrinologist who trained at John Hopkins University when transsexualism was quote first studied, rolled out.
And they are studying to legitimize and push taxpayer-funded sterilization starting at age five, and they call it the sterilization program, but they call it trendy and cool and aren't you special, aren't you neat now?
But really, it's so you don't have children.
Again, how do you sell sterilizing the children?
First, you put chemicals in to begin to nudge you in that direction.
Then you put in the cultural stimuli.
Then you demonize anyone that doesn't go along with it.
Then you incentivize with taxpayer money to fund it.
Sterilizing a child for a better life.
There it is.
The Atlantic.
It's the new sexy face of eugenics.
And if you look at Aldous Huxley's brother...
Julian Huxley, he was the head of the World Eugenics Society.
After World War II, he said, Hitler gave us a bad name.
We will now be the World Transhumanist Society.
Well, how do you begin the trans?
Men becoming women, women becoming men, becoming whatever you want, body modification.
I'm not judging anybody.
You want to snort cocaine until you die?
I'm a libertarian.
You want to jump off a cliff?
You want to, you know, do this?
You want to drink Drano?
That's your issue.
I'm not paying for you if you don't get the job done.
It's like I don't want to pay for your sex change.
Oh, you're hateful, you're hateful!
No, you are a victim of a cult, caught, brainwashed, and now you want me to pay for it?
I'm not going to pay for your Harley Davidson either.
So, it goes into a system of already testing sterilizing children, and people having Drano dropped in their eyes by a psychiatrist, and you've got to pay for them being blind, because they identify as being blind.
No, you're completely mentally ill, seeking attention.
You are demonic!
I will not pay for you, you pig-like creature, who wants to put Drano in your eyes, you crazy person!
People who want to blind themselves go in rubber rooms, they don't get worshipped!
You understand?
If a full-grown adult person feels like a woman and likes men, and wants to take hormones and stuff, and then wants to do that, that's- they're an adult!
I'm not judging them!
I don't hate those people!
At all!
I'm talking about children, and the push of this, and then what comes next.
USA Today.
Transgender people face an alarmingly high risk of suicide.
Suicide attempt rate amongst transgender youth hits 50%.
Oh, because people are being mean to them.
No, they're being celebrated everywhere.
They go get on a bunch of chemicals, they cut their testicles and you know what off.
And then they're totally freaked out.
They're inducted into a cult of sex.
Almost all of them end up raising money as being escorts.
This is in the studies.
And then just like prostitutes have an alarmingly high level of disease and killing themselves, it's the same thing here.
This is an abused, brainwashed group of people in the main.
Are there stories where people are successful?
I'm sure.
But it's like joining MS-13.
It's dangerous and it's destructive.
And then I've got all the other studies here about the screen time and not going outside and record suicide in young people.
This whole culture is to be a post-human world.
They're selling us a plan to make women alone, women completely under the state's control, men alone, completely confused and atomized and destroyed.
And if you'll let them go in schools and confuse your children,
And send them to the nurse, not to get some aspirin, but to have their genitals prepared to be cut off.
You are sick, and you are evil, and you are a pedophile actually trying to rip their genitals off.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up later, I'll get more into 5.7 million in a study on how great it is to sterilize young children for the earth and for the environment.
Now, one of the suicide rates are exploding in children even below the age of 10.
Suicides age under 13, one every five days.
That's CNN.
Study of 500,000 teens suggests association between excessive screen time and depression.
You need to get out of the house, ladies and gentlemen.
Screen time is making kids moody, crazy, and lazy.
Don't worry, we've got Prozac for that.
And meanwhile, raising kids with religion or spirituality may protect them and their mental health, major studies show.
That's even Forbes.
And exercise.
And gardening.
I mean, one of the best things I ever had when I lived down on the farm before my ex-wife divorced me.
Was going out to the garden and planting stuff and picking things and watering things.
It was just, I could be super stressed out.
I'd go out there and garden for 30 minutes, an hour, and I would just feel totally zenned out and high, watering things and picking things and bringing in tomatoes and peppers and eggplant and cutting it up and cooking it.
I've got to get back out to the country.
It's just the hour-long commute back and forth was killing me.
But that is something that's definitely on the game plan.
Speaking of game plan, it's come out in a major study I'm going to get to after Roger Stone leaves us.
Remember the New York Times two weeks ago said Alex Jones said bans would strengthen him.
He was wrong.
They put up totally fake statistics of some group I've never heard of.
Well, here it is.
Alex Jones wins Infowar.
Site traffic soars in August.
32.3 percent.
This is out of Media Post and they got a big study that was done by Writing Group.
It says we're the fastest growing conservative site in the world and in the top 10 fastest growing sites on the planet, period.
So, yes.
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated now.
That said, there was a giant spike and it's trailing off.
We're still higher than we ever were on average because of you spreading the word, but they are trying to destroy us.
So this is a real contest.
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So get it at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
And while you're there, get a George Washington in his Prime shirt.
Got him with a hatchet and a tomahawk.
It is made by and designed by the former, I'm not going to say, one of the former leaders of SEAL Team 6.
I'll just leave it at that, here in Austin, Texas.
And all the great stuff there is.
Produced by a group here in Austin.
And I'm not even going to say now the name of the group, because it's a known group.
People don't know who runs it.
So I'll just leave it at that.
But a lot of the designs are put out by very interesting, very smart folks.
So InfoWarsTore.com.
We also have the new Trump Medusa t-shirt.
Oh my gosh, that is so powerful.
I need to plug that.
But all of this funds the operation.
It's all the highest quality.
Without you, we will be shut down.
And they're only intensifying their efforts to shut us down.
Now, Roger Stone joins us for the next two segments, Big News, Kavanaugh, and so much more.
But first off, Roger never really makes a lot of mistakes.
When he does, he says it happened.
He was told by sources.
He's obviously right in the middle of the fake Mueller investigation with the big news.
That Trump's going to declassify the Comey and McCabe stuff.
I mean, this is just devastating.
Getting almost no coverage.
We're going to hit that too.
But, Roger Stone issues a clarification apology to Donald Trump Jr.
Good news!
He says from sources now that he's not next up on the target hit list.
So, tell us about that, Roger.
Well, Alex, I reported here because I had from two solid sources that the Runaway Special Counsel was examining Donald Trump Jr.
allegedly for lying to an FBI agent.
I now learned that my source was incorrect.
They are.
I believe that Mueller is indeed examining Donald Trump Jr., a man I like very much, a true patriot, because only a Trump family member would be able to, under the rules of Donald Trump's trust, approve the payment that went to Michael Cohen to allegedly reimburse Stormy Daniels.
I don't think that that's a crime.
I've explained why it's a campaign finance violation, at least.
But the point is, the Daily Caller, everything from the Daily Caller to the Daily Beast said, Stone says Donald Trump necks for FBI lie.
I retract that.
I apologize for it.
That's the difference between Infowars and CNN.
Carl Bernstein gets caught reporting a fake news story that he believes is real, never retracts it, never backs down.
I made an error.
I went right to our readers and clarified it.
Well that's good news, but we know they're gunning for him.
Now, expanding.
You were on Sunday saying, Drudge is right, we're going to lose 60 seats unless Trump does this, Matt Drudge is dead on.
I wasn't disagreeing with Matt Drudge, I was just saying the Trump effect of a bunch of folks are scared to admit in polls they're going to vote for him, I think that overpowers the rules since the Civil War.
That the president who just gets elected two years in always loses the House at least, usually the Senate.
I think we see a major political realignment, so that may be countervailing wins.
But you're correct, election fraud coupled on top of that, we may actually see the Democrats win the House, which means certain impeachment and other big problems.
So let's horn in on the major announcement that's gotten very little attention.
Trump declassifies.
He's set to do it.
Russia probe docs, including Comey, McCabe, Text.
Yeah, Alex, I think this actually relates very deeply to what we just talked about.
I agree with you.
There is a silent majority Trump vote.
There are voters out there who don't want to take the crap from their elitist neighbors or friends or out in public so they don't advertise their support for this president.
Whether that completely offsets and explains these polls, I'm not certain.
What it means is the race is much, much closer.
Assuming all those people vote, the President still needs to have a winning message to take it home.
The first part of that, as I told you yesterday, declassify the documents and explain to the American people that Democrats... You've been harping on that and so do you think they'll even do it?
Last time he said release the JFK unredacted, they released him redacted.
Well, they reached them somewhat redacted.
But in this case, the deep states lost their argument.
They've been saying for months, Mr. President, you can't declassify these documents that would exonerate you and your campaign because it would compromise our intelligence service methods.
Well, if they're abusing the process like this, I'd like to see those methods.
Secondarily, national security, national security.
There are no national security interests here.
The Obama administration ran an operation to infiltrate, to plant the faux Russian... Well, I mean, I disagree.
The national security is these moles that we have to dig out.
Well, he needs to release this under national security, which is what he said.
He said, in the interest of the public, in the interest of justice, I'm doing this because the FBI is belligerent and won't release it.
This is one of these situations, Alex, that at each step we're going to learn more that we didn't know at the last step.
We know, for example, that Andrew Weissman, the number two man in Mueller's probe, actually was one of the deputy attorney generals that approved the extension of the questionable FISA warrant.
We also know he was briefed on its creation when it was fabricated with Russian intelligence assistance.
So the thick plottons, as they say, that's why they're firing up the Russian collusion back story and why they create all these stories about the New York Times and Bob Woodward.
It is to distract from the crime of the century, the hijacking of an American presidential election that was thwarted due to the popular will.
Roger, it shows he's taking the gloves off because this is a big deal.
They didn't think he'd do it and the word is those executive orders are imminent on net censorship and so much more.
I think them going after Kavanaugh with what I believe is a fairy tale right here on the 11th hour, I believe that's going to trigger Trump to go into rampage mode.
You know, Alex, I've been in the American political arena for 40 years.
I've dealt with many, many, many, many media organizations.
As a general rule, they have a journalistic rule of thumb that you need two witnesses to corroborate an allegation before it is worthy of publication.
Here you have a woman with no witnesses who claims she was assaulted.
And here you have Kavanaugh, who says he has no memory of this ever happening, and he has a witness who she identifies as being there, and he says it never happened.
This is called a smear, a last minute smear.
This woman's politics are evidently far left.
She has a reputation as an eccentric.
I think this is a hatchet job, a silver bullet assassination attempt at this nomination.
I think Kavanaugh will in the end prevail, but the fact that the media keeps repeating the allegations without saying that they have no corroboration or confirmation is irresponsible.
Let's come back in a minute and get more into this, but I mean, come on!
36 years ago and then the guy she says is a witness says that nothing even happened?
He doesn't even remember being at a party with her?
And then she's a political activist?
I mean, this smells, man!
Yeah, it really does.
But it's not the fact that they tried this stunt.
It's the fact that CNN and MSNBC and other allegedly unbiased news organizations run with this as if it is a fact.
This woman has an uncorroborated claim.
It has questionable political motives.
Roger, it's like saying you raped me 36 years ago with no proof and no witnesses.
You're not my type, but... It's preposterous!
I rate you then.
We'll be right back to talk about other women coming forward.
I think they're going to pull back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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Look, I can smell a rotting dead fish from quite a ways away.
And, you know, this whole thing with Kavanaugh, two minutes to midnight, and the whole background of this lady, and 36 years ago, and her witnesses, it didn't happen.
She has no witnesses.
As Roger Stone said, it's really incredible.
But just as night follows day, my gut tells me
The Democrats have contacted a whole database that they've got of women that grew up in the area around Kavanaugh, looking for somebody who thinks somebody abused them, has a memory.
You know, you hear about people with false memories, whatever, because people get attention for this.
Money, books, you name it.
There's an incentive to then come out.
And if I was a Democrat, then I was dirty.
Which I'm not, but I can look into their world.
I would wait till the middle of the hearings next week, and then I would have more women come forward, and they'll say, see, now we can't confirm it, we've got to hear them out.
Because once everybody virtues signals, and oh, we've got to hear her out, 36 years ago, no witnesses.
Oh, we've got to hear them out.
Oh, we've got to hear them out.
I never get to face my accusers when Congress lies about me.
I think they're getting more women ready.
I just have a feeling.
Roger Stone?
Well, look, I think that is entirely possible, but this entire proceeding did have a number of side benefits, for example.
It virtually destroyed the presidential candidacy of Cory Booker.
This man made such an ass of himself on national television that the political reporters are overwhelmingly downgrading his prospects.
This is street theater.
These are Linsky tactics, and now it's the last-minute smear, the big lie.
This is going to hang on the women Republican members of the U.S.
Senate in the end.
I believe the pressure on them in their states is going to be extraordinary, but I still believe that Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
I hope you're right.
I'm just really concerned about the drip, drip, drip.
But when you get Sean Penn saying this is out of control, and Bill Maher saying it's out of control, and Anthony Robbins, I mean, it's epidemic.
Everyone's been falsely accused who's a public figure.
It's ridiculous.
And it's just the go-to thing.
I mean, what do you make of Sean Penn and everybody saying, you know, this is unbelievably ridiculous?
You know, I think that most people have some reasonable standard of fair play.
It used to be that the Washington Post or the New York Times would not print something unless they had at least two confirmations.
This woman has come forward with no corroborating evidence, and she learned this in psychotherapy in a divorce from her husband.
That makes it all the more suspicious, in my opinion.
She's an activist trying to get her Anita Hill 15 minutes and take down Brett Kavanaugh.
For folks that don't know, I'm not going to get into anything in my personal life, but I know a lot of people have been in divorces.
When the ex-wife or whatever has a breakdown, I've read about this in newspapers, they get sent to a facility and then they, to make it okay, suddenly they have all these memories and they become these big stars in these big group meetings because they remember all these things that happened to them.
I've read about that.
Yeah, look, it is very suspect as a matter of mental health, but this is a political hit job.
I mean, they call me a dirty trickster.
I know them when I see one.
This is a dirty trick.
But you didn't do a dirty trick.
You went and got women that Bill Clinton settled with, or had cases, or had their cervix smashed in, or had their lips bitten.
I mean, he's a famous sex predator flying around on pedophile airplanes.
You didn't go pay women to make stuff up.
No, but when the left is exposed, they believe that exposure of their actual public record is a dirty trick somehow.
That's precisely the point.
Well, exactly.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Daily Mail, they've all offered good, hard cash to women to lie about.
I mean, all the women say is, he's really a nice guy.
I mean, they're up against the wall.
That's what I'm saying.
It's really hard, because most people are still very moral, to get people to lie.
Well, you'd be surprised.
I'm saying on the conservative side, yeah.
Oh, yes, I think that is true.
But some of these wild-eyed leftists would do anything to bring Alex Jones down, or Donald Trump down, or the New American Revolution down.
That's why this woman's getting her 15 minutes, her kissers all over television.
Isn't that really the point?
All right, Roger Stone, great job.
We'll be back with a very special guest in studio, Owen Benjamin, the Band Comic.
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Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
But if you can get through all that to explore what he's been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIA asset in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
He helped reveal the so-called Goldeberg Group et al.
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing while history is being recorded?
Will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I know why he's called Huge Pianist.
He's not just a pianist, he's a huge pianist.
HugePianist.com, Owen Benjamin, been a big fan of him for years.
And he's more like a libertarian in my own view.
A comic, seen him all over national television, sells out big arenas.
Until he started being pro-Trump and, you know, anti-teaching five-year-olds that they're boys, they're really a girl or whatever.
Then he's become very banned.
I was just telling him about how we can sell out, you know, five, ten thousand people at a venue, but they get bomb threats.
And people come after me and say, oh my God, and you were explaining the stuff you have to go through and how you're such a banned comic.
But even Seinfeld and people now won't go to colleges or they stopped touring because, you know, if you tell and he's Jewish, a Jewish joke, they literally try to kill you.
Or if you're black and tell a black joke, they go, you're racist.
I mean, they have.
I mean, there's no way that they could make Blazing Saddles again.
There's no way that those type of films could be made and it's just so un-American.
Oh, and the groups that they claim to be protecting are not the ones offended.
It's these little, this little group of leftist psychos and they would just call venues that I was going to and they'd get them cancelled.
So now what I do is people buy tickets for a city and then that week we just email them where the location is so that way they don't get harassed.
In America?
It's crazy.
Again, break that down.
I mean, they don't do that in Russia.
They don't do that in Europe.
Describe what you've got to do.
Because I would rent couches because I play piano and I'm like, oh, it's a place of art.
They need money.
So I'd give them like a thousand bucks to have the venue and then I'd sell tickets.
And it was a win-win.
And then that week they'd always cancel and say, listen, we didn't know who we were dealing with.
We've had all these calls about how you're a racist.
And then they just give me the money back and I couldn't do stand-up.
And I've had two Comedy Central specials.
I was on a sitcom for three years.
I've done Fallon, you know, Leno seven times.
You know, it's like there's no amount of credits that you can get to keep you away from this blackballing if you're against the narrative.
So now I get a venue and then I don't tell anyone where it is.
I don't put it on my website and if people buy tickets, I then tell them later.
But there's a huge market.
That kind of makes it cooler though.
Yeah, it's like a speakeasy.
It's like comedy is now, it's almost, I was joking about that last night in San Antonio, where I was like, I feel like I'm selling drugs or something.
I'm like, yo, where's that punchline stash bot, bro?
I'm so sick of Samantha Bee.
And because people are dying for comedy, so there's a huge market for any venue that just won't bend the knee to fascism.
Because the venues know I'm not that, they just don't want the hassle.
I mean, I've, and I'm not just saying this, I've seen you on Comedy Central, I've seen you on national TV, I've watched your comedy.
I never thought of you as a conservative, I thought of you as funny.
Like, oh, I know that guy's face, even though I didn't really follow your name until he got censored.
He's funny, I'm gonna stop.
Again, but how did you make them mad?
How did you get blackballed?
Oh, it was, uh, I was at CAA and I was at Prince of Body Young, like the two of the biggest management companies and CAA is the biggest agency.
And there was this guy who had a five-year-old who he was saying was a girl.
And I called him out by name, like, on Twitter.
I'm like, dude, that's child abuse, man.
Are you going to put him on hormone blockers?
And he's like, you know, we'll do what's what's right for her.
And I was like, and my agent and them were like, you have to apologize.
You can't say that crazy stuff.
And I'm like, no, this is straight up child abuse.
Camille Paglia agrees with you.
Yeah, because now that I'm a father, I see that children just want to please their parents.
So if you have, like, psycho lefty parents, they're going to be like, I want my dad to like me.
Daddy, cut my genitals off!
I will, sweetie.
$5.7 million in taxpayer funds for study to justify sterilizing children who are gender confused.
Now the public schools are going to tell kids, and then they're going to take control of your children.
This is sick.
And now public schools in Austin are set this year, coming up, to not say he or she, boy or girl.
In Canada, they'll take your kid if you don't respect their gender identity.
It's seven that they teach them at school.
So the perverts at the Tavistock Institute in the school confuse your child.
Daddy, I'm not a boy, I'm a girl.
I'm not a girl, I'm a boy.
They're gonna put me on these funny little pink pills?
And if you go, no, that's crazy.
Oh my God, your child's gone!
Yeah, and... So you dared to go after their sacred cow.
Right, and then after that, it was like...
I think so.
If you just have the will to say not that, you're out.
And people don't get that, you know?
And there's a couple, like me, me just questioning... It's called having a soul?
Yeah, no, that literally is, and I'm happy.
It's like people, that's why it's like the proof of life thing is so necessary, because they keep trying to destroy me.
I've kicked off Twitter for life.
I'm still banned on Facebook.
I should have announced that first.
You're one of the few guys like me that's been banned on almost every platform.
Yeah, and mine was so early, I was joking with Gavin about that.
You and Gavin were in this article, and I'm like, man, I was like nine months early on this.
I was like the sex pistols of this.
And it's like, if they can't argue against you, they have to ban you.
And that's why I've developed a lot of resentment for people that don't stick up for guys like us, because
Appeasement just means you get eaten last.
Plus, these people, like when you get banned or I get banned, they'll go, even conservatives, with whatever the lie was about us.
Well, I'm not for racists, but I am free speech.
And I'm like, you don't even get anything for selling out, dumbasses.
And let's talk about that briefly.
I don't want to brag here, but they always keep saying that, you know, we're dead, we're losers.
Here's the New York Times a few weeks ago.
Alex Jones said bans would strengthen him.
He was wrong.
And they put out a fake, because I have analytics.
We have Google, we have it all.
Our numbers tripled.
And they're still like double.
So, they said I was the loser after they banned me.
The truth is they just had the big writing group, one of the top firms that looks at this say, we are the fastest growing site of any conservative site in the world and we're the top 10 fastest growing sites in the world.
32.3% and that's on their algorithm.
So Alex Jones wins InfoWars site traffic source in August.
That came out today, again.
The truth is, they want to just say we've lost, so other people go, oh, I better do what you say.
Well, yeah, because a huge amount of people in America, I call them zebras, where they're not, they're not evil.
They just will go where the, where the herd goes, you know, because zebras, their stripes are to blend in with other zebras, not the Serengeti.
So, they're followers, they're conformists.
We'll be right back with Owen Benjamin, HugePianist.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Two of the most banned guys in the world and never having more fun.
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We knew it was coming.
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And then voila!
Two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
Go to InfoWars.com.
I don't want you to see.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
Huge Pianist is here.
Owen Benjamin.
Very popular.
One of the top comics really out there.
Out of the millions.
Everybody's a comic these days.
Not all the big national TV shows.
And he's now super banned the last few years for saying, don't abuse kids.
Don't try to change their sexuality.
He's going to drive through the night to Atlanta to do a show tomorrow.
So he's also a hardworking guy.
Talk about a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.
Next segment.
None of it's really that dirty, but if anything happens, we've got delays for our TV and radio stations out there.
He's going to do some of the banned comedy for you.
But in this segment, I wanted to get into this point, because you keep getting back to this, how great it is to keep your soul and be persecuted, and how happy you are now this has even happened, because people say, oh, you're a loser, Alex.
You're getting sued by this group, Made Up Stuff, or they banned you on 30-something platforms, the most banned person in the world.
They always defame me about what I did, but they never actually show what I did.
They have hearings, never show what I said, never face my accuser.
But the thing is, we're doing what we want to do to change the world and stand up for what's right.
We don't want to be the 99% that are followers.
But the followers, they watch what we're doing and they think we're losing, and they ask me.
Law firms call me up that I know, and they go,
Why'd you do that to Twitter?
Why'd you go to the hearing and say, you know, that what they said you said didn't happen and then they banned you?
Because I'm not going to kiss their butt to stay on their platform if they're doing... I'm not looking to be kicked off things, but I'm not going to change who I am when they're lying about me.
Yeah, that's the thing that some people don't understand is they're like, why can't you just play ball?
It's like, because you either submit your free will or you don't because there is no playing ball.
Like when I got kicked off Twitter, it's because I said David Hogg wasn't old enough to tell me not to have a gun.
And I referenced that he hadn't grown a certain type of hair that only adults have.
And so they painted that like I was being a creep.
And they, like, shamelessly were like, why are you talking about a child?
I'm like, that's a phrase we all have used!
And he's a public figure in a man's world, and so, for as long as there's been humans in every language, there have been men in the tribes, when some little punk tells them what to do, saying, boy, you ain't got hair on your boneheads.
Until you grow some hair on your, you know what, on your chest, until you've gone out and made your bones, boy, don't tell me what to do.
That is a normal statement.
Yeah, and it's like, and they twisted it, and then the same people are defending James Gunn's, like, legitimately weird tweets, and they're calling it- Oh, please, let him have Guardians of the Galaxy!
He just fantasizes about sex and hangs out with pedophiles and does, you know, these weird-ass meetings where he recreates to catch a predator.
Exactly, that guy's a real threat to kids on a set of a movie designed around children.
That's a no-brainer to fire that guy, and I was talking about gun control, and just to see, like, how many- Pull up James Gunn.
Yeah, it's like how many people, they made all these videos to resist people about me talking about Hogg like he was some sort of sexual... Oh, oh, oh, oh!
A god!
What's that?
No, I mean, I'm sorry to interrupt.
When I criticized Hogg and said, dude, you've been hired by Soros, you're being anti-gun, they lied and said that I said he was a crisis actor and the shooting didn't happen.
And then they tried to take down my YouTube channel saying, you cannot criticize this god.
Oh, 100%.
It's a sacred cow.
But you get, as a comedian, I'm drawn to where the flack is because there's truth in it.
And so, I'm like, oh, if I can't make fun of him, then he's exactly who I have to make fun of.
And all the other comedians are like, just don't do this one, bro.
I'm like, yeah, when you take a knee, you never get back up and you're gone.
Well, that's it.
Once you give in to the Chinese social score online, people go, oh, just give in to it.
It's more, more, more, more.
Once they get you to start bending a knee, it's over.
Right, because South Park talked about that.
That's why they had to make fun of Mohammed.
They're like, because if we don't, then everything else looks real mean.
You know, because it has to be that equal look at the world.
And I respect him for that.
And America is about not playing ball.
It's about following your own gut.
And we can't we can't become Canada or England or any of these places because that it
Because, you know, my family goes back to 1710 here, and a lot of them died in mud so that I could say what I say.
And freedom comes with responsibility, and right now the responsibility is take a little heat on Facebook to say what you really believe, because if you don't, it just makes it harder for people like me and him, you know, we keep getting banned.
If more people just didn't give in, we wouldn't be as persecuted.
But I have a sneaking suspicion.
Maybe I'll put my foot in my mouth right now, but let me guess.
Are you at your actual shows and things bigger than you were before the ban?
Oh yeah, and my wife respects me and my... Isn't that funny how when you're a real leader, people respect you more?
Yeah, because you're actually saying something.
It's like I've seen a lot of these guys that have stayed in that dumb zone and the crowd doesn't laugh.
Like I've done... How much more, because I'm sure your wife already likes you, you're a good looking guy here, but I mean how much more sexy now that she knows she's got a real trailblazing rebel?
Yeah, and also how much sexy she is to me.
To stand up for you?
Yeah, when she said... I was doing tree work for a couple months because I lost all these gigs that were at colleges.
It was like what I was going to use to pay for our mortgage and stuff.
So you just zinned out?
No, my brother's a lumberjack, so I just started doing tree work.
I'm like, I'd rather do this than that.
And in that moment, she didn't want the shiny stuff.
You know, she was like, you know, I want our sons to be like that.
And I was like, at that point, I really knew I trusted her.
And I was like, this is awesome.
So that's when you really, really sinked in.
They got that picture.
So is that, I mean, so you and your wife synced up even more in the persecution?
That's hilarious.
100 percent, because I knew she didn't.
Because like, when we first started dating I was on a TV show, so at that moment I knew she wasn't... I mean, I always knew, but I knew knew that she wasn't in it for money or fame or anything.
And that was awesome, you know?
Because she was just like, you're standing up to monsters, and she's a good person.
And see, people that haven't taken the step into that, it's a bigger world.
I mean, it really is.
That's what America is about, is about saying no to the power.
It is about being an individual.
That is the cult of America, and people need to step into that.
They have to or else they'll lose everything good.
It's like when people are like, like I had a book deal with like a huge publisher.
It would have definitely just been a New York Times bestseller.
And I lost all that.
And even my dad was like, why couldn't you have just like waited for the book to come out?
I'm like, because then you lose everything.
Like I can't change that.
Once you get in that little timid position, then the sky's the limit.
I've seen it happen to so many strong men.
Even Norm just apologized on The View.
And that guy's one of my heroes.
You know, like, I'm like, you just see these strong men just fall because they think they can handle it.
It's almost like an opioid addiction or something.
It's like, just a little bit, man.
I just got to get rid of the pain and then... Oh, well, with me, they took a few stories and are like, just apologize.
These weren't 100% accurate.
And then when I did apologize, even though I wasn't the creator, that was what hurt my audience more than anything, was even though I did it because I thought, OK, I'll take the high road.
Even though I'm not responsible for this, I wasn't perfect, and as soon as I did it, it was like blood in the water.
Then they just kept saying other things I never said, and do this, do that.
That's what the left is about, is poking people that have a conscience.
Because it's not about apologies, it's about compliance.
Like, when they say apologize, that means get on your back, dawg.
And that's why, like, I'll still apologize for things that I know are wrong, because I also don't want to be in the zone where... And the apology comes from you.
It's a real apology.
It's like, if I... Because I've thought about it.
I've been wrong, and I'm like...
If I just stop apologizing because I know the left will then use it to twist me, then my lack of apology is meaningless.
So, I'll still apologize.
That's another form of control.
Because if you stop apologizing because they've twisted apologies, exactly.
Yeah, you just have to stay the course and try as hard as you can and not be affected by it.
You have to go with the inner compass?
Yeah, yeah.
That's the move.
Because if you don't, it's over.
It's like you're walking a tightrope now.
And it's only going to keep getting wrenched up and wrenched up.
Because free speech and self-protection with guns is how we maintain America.
Because if not, if you can't battle ideas with words, it has to be with clubs.
And that's a nightmare.
Which we'll win, but we don't want to go there.
Owen Benjamin, huge pianist, is our guest.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Next year's news today, when we return, we're going to get into some of the banned comedy that he actually covered.
But I guess they didn't ban his comedy, they banned him because he stood up for children not being abused by the state, confusing their sexuality, which we covered in the first hour.
We'll be back straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Huge pianist, meaning huge piano.
Hugepianist.com, Owen Benjamin.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tommy Robinson.
He's only done one interview with Tucker Carlson.
I learned he's been trying to get a hold of me since he got out of jail.
They took his phone, lost his number.
He wanted to do our show first.
I was like, where's Tommy?
Well, I've finally been talking to him the last few weeks.
Political president, lost 30-something pounds while he was in there for
Covering a pedophile ring, which he first exposed.
Trial of little girls kidnapped and raped.
That is coming up next hour.
Owen Benjamin likes you even better in person.
You're an amazing guy.
I want you to get into some of the comedy that's politically incorrect at your big shows coming up all over the country.
We were getting into this thing about stealing our soul, getting us to go ahead and compromise on that one little thing, and then once you've done that, the whole door opens.
Elaborate, take over on this segment, because people want to hear you, not me, but you're really thought-provoking.
And then, let's talk about the real avant-garde, Joe Rogan.
Undoubtedly the biggest long-form podcast in the world.
20-30 million viewers per show.
He's the new Johnny Carson.
The system's scared of that.
And I understand him not trying to be political, but at the same time, he got there by being independent.
But then, PewDiePie, 21 billion views.
They're trying to censor him.
I mean, what does the establishment do?
What do they do when everybody hates them, but then the big tech giants control the internet?
So if you're a maverick like a Joe Rogan, if you don't play ball, they come after you.
I mean, this is quite a paradigm.
And then examples of you being banned, me being banned, I think it's kind of a message to them.
Though Joe does say he's having me on at the end of the month.
Date to be announced.
I'm ready to hear the date.
I'm ready to fly out there.
So it's very exciting.
It's like this silence can sometimes be very telling and that's why it's very important for guys like us, for people like Joe to have us on to give a voice to what happened because the silence scares a lot of people.
Like if someone's friends with somebody and they get demonetized or banned, it's important that someone like Joe has you on to talk about it because if not,
Everyone else is terrified to speak their mind, and that's just one more... Joe's the perfect icebreaker to their attempt to bring in this giant chilling effect.
Like, when you look at what happened to Norm Macdonald and Jimmy Fallon, Norm Macdonald has a Netflix show coming out, and...
Norm Macdonald said something obvious about the Me Too movement, like nothing even crazy, and then he wasn't allowed to be on Fallon, because apparently Fallon's writers started like weeping and crying, and you know, Fallon's like, you can't do it, man, Jimmy Fallon.
And so Norm goes on The View, I mean, Fallon will have on Hillary Clinton, you know, but, but, you know, Mike- A woman who made her bones representing child rapists.
Yeah, and just, just a murderous,
I came, I saw, he died.
But not Norm Macdonald for saying a joke they didn't like, and so that's when you see the censorship.
Why don't you repeat the joke?
Let me do one.
It was just a comment he had, and people, he just was like, eh, man, as far as they said, a hundred...
You know, 100 can't be wrong, and then, you know, believe every woman, and now it's like, an accusation is rape.
I mean, when is it, you know, just basic stuff like that.
It's like questioning the stampede of women just constantly saying, you know, he looked at me wrong.
Yeah, my joke about Me Too movement was that I thought it was the pound Me Too movement, because I thought it was a pound symbol, and the whole thing was about me being like,
I don't know.
You just gotta see it, I guess.
But, uh, so the fact... I don't understand.
It says... Yeah, because it's... I'm like, I'm 38.
In my world, that's not a hashtag.
So it's like, pound me, too.
That's a pound symbol.
Stop being so aggressively.
That's super funny.
Pound me, too.
The pounding movement.
Because you could really think of it that way.
But it's like the idea of women and men coming together, that the whole species is dirty and bad.
Make the joke!
Yeah, just make the joke.
God, women, go have some fun, go climb a mountain, go whatever.
It's all this neuroticness of the left raising these big skyscrapers, like you live out in the country, and they're just like all these neurotic TV heads.
I think it's mental illness.
And the safest place for a woman is married.
You know, like, as far as being attacked or raped or anything, like, the safest place is in a family.
So it's like, now you're gonna say that mammals, male and females get together, that's crazy.
Yeah, so anyway, so Norm has to go on The View and say it was unforgivable what he said about having Roseanne's back, and like, saying that about the Me Too movement, and that sends a shockwave out there to say, listen,
Like, because the whole thing is they want to do stuff in front of everybody and no one reacts.
Like, Caitlyn Jenner's the woman of the year.
Agree or you're out.
He's an ugly old man on a wig.
And it's not.
It has to be the thing that everyone knows.
He looks like a snapping turtle.
And he wasn't even a woman for a year.
How could he be a woman of the year?
And then he says, I like women, and he's got a horse weenie.
Yeah, and he killed a lady.
A guy, I don't know if it's a family show, but a guy wearing a wig.
Did you see the article in England where the nurse got fired?
A guy in a beard, with tattoos all over him, comes in and gets up in the stirrups and says, give me a pap smear.
My cervix hurts.
She pulls his pants off.
I wouldn't even have done that.
You're a dude.
She said the guy literally was like a racehorse.
She goes, sir, you're a man.
He goes, pap smear me.
Well, he didn't have a vagina.
And so the nurse says, no, that's mental illness.
Who comes in off the street with a beard?
And, you know, a giant proboscis, and then a woman, that's abusing that woman!
That nurse has to claim this is a woman?
Yeah, yeah, of course it is.
It's like, Donald Trump is Hitler, now give Hitler all your guns.
It's like, the whole, it's radicalized subjectivism where nothing is real.
And, like, that guy was mentally ill, but everybody else, it's a compliance training mechanism.
It's right out of Star Trek.
Like, there are four lights.
Three lights.
Say there are four lights.
And until you... Once you give up that will, you are now an arm of tyranny.
So the whole point is... It's like, hey, I'm a guy with a beard.
I'm long dong silver.
Now say I'm a woman.
And this isn't new.
This is... Every tyranny does this.
2 plus 2 equals whatever they say in 1984.
Yeah, like the... Hey, how many fingers am I holding up?
Say, whatever I say.
Whatever you say.
Well, it identifies as hate.
Say it or you're racist.
Say it or you hate.
It identifies as hate.
Yeah, and it's like, this isn't new.
David Hogg.
Like, look at, like Spain, they say Cerveza instead of Cerveza because they had a king with a lisp, and he made everyone else talk like him.
You know, Cerveza.
That's why they do that.
And that's why other Spanish doesn't do that.
It's like, no Castilian has a lisp because, yeah.
Every time I run into rich Mexicans, I'm wondering why they got a lisp, and it's the Castilian Lisp!
Yeah, because they had a tyrannical king that's like, everyone talk like me or you're racist!
And so this isn't new, it's how you control people.
And so I just won't do, like, when you have any line, then you're a threat to the state.
Should I do that as a stunt?
Like, go into the local hospital and say, I want a pap smear?
And then say, how dare you?
How dare you?
That's the line.
If it's like you're a man, be like, how dare you?
How dare you?
I'm going to say I've got a toothache, but I'm going to get up and say it's my butt.
Like I have teeth down here, I've got a toothache.
I'm going to go to a dentist's office and say, I want you to do a root canal down here.
Dude, because that's the thing they say, there's no such thing as gender, but there's a wage gap that you can't prove with math.
You know, they're like, there's no such thing.
Men and women is a social construct, but they only earn 77 cents on the dollar.
Unless you factor in everything, then there isn't a wage gap.
You know, what's crazy is, you're such a renaissance man.
When we come back, we got a clip of this.
You are now doing weather reporting.
You know, I have to... How do you do that without a meteorology degree?
Well, I'm passionate about the weather and also I have to pay the bills and so, you know, I play ball with the weather, but, you know, that's how I stayed in good with the narrative.
Because let me tell you, this video we've got, this is only on local TV, but what was it like in South Carolina, I guess?
You were actually covering the hurricane.
This is coming up after the break.
It's a really good one.
We've got a minute and a half, and I keep interrupting.
We've got to get HugePianist.com, Owen, Benjamin, in here more often, any time you want on.
You're doing so many different things.
Tell folks about the whole constellation of your verboten work.
Well, you can just go to HugePianist.com.
That has everything.
Because right now, YouTube is YouTube.com, so that's Owen Benjamin Comedy, but I'm currently on a bit of a live stream banning.
But just hit me up.
We're doing really fun, really great stuff.
Hey, what's great is we're live streaming.
We're not just on hundreds of TV stations.
We're doing our own streams that millions are watching.
That's awesome, man.
And as soon as my numbers started climbing, they banned my live streaming, because I had a video of bonobo monkeys doing it, and they said it was porn.
Like, they're not even trying anymore.
I almost started laughing.
I'm like, good for them.
They're just insane.
But what do the monkeys identify as Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Well, just the word monkey is now racist, so you have to say, hey, hey, with the M words.
Oh, there's a bunch of other new words.
They were trying to ban people on Facebook that sent out Infowars.com.
So that's a new one.
That's hate speech.
How dare you?
How dare you?
Owen Benjamin is here.
They look very healthy, don't they?
They're watching on TV.
Bill and Hillary look like reanimated dog turds.
They're just hunting.
Look at them.
Oh, there's Bill and Hillary right there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I want to plow into all of this, but I'm going to spend a few minutes here first, just encouraging listeners to understand that when you buy t-shirts, or water filtration systems, or books, or videos, or other material from InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the revolution.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Owen Benjamin in studio, huge pianist dot com, being piano, not violating FCC rules here.
That's the funny part, they're trying to censor me off the internet, but you can say whatever you want.
And they only target conservatives when people violate the FCC stuff.
All the left can say whatever they want, we can't, which is fine.
They forget we've exploded on TV, on radio, that's still there.
It all has its internet feed.
We've exploded Infowars.com to show the statistics.
You've exploded.
How do you think they're going to respond as the whole world wakes up to capitalism, populism?
There's a major political realignment.
Or do you agree with that?
What do you think's happening in the world?
Well, that's an intense one.
I think that we have to face a lot of this backlash and a lot of these obstacles that they don't because they're almost operating on the Pleasure Island thing from Pinocchio where they become donkeys.
That metaphor is beautiful because it's like they become donkeys where they lose their ability to speak.
Here, have some candy, have sex with whoever you want, we won't judge.
You know, everything open, inclusivity, and then before you know it, they're going, hee haw, hee haw, like they can't speak their words.
It's an archetype that dates back forever.
And so, you know, I was saying off air, you said- Show Pinocchio, it'll be on YouTube, Pinocchio, Pleasure Island, Pinocchio, the donkeys go in.
Yeah, it's like, but life's still funny when you keep your soul, you know, where, dude's like- Say that again, that's a great bumper sticker.
Life's still funny when you keep your soul?
Because it's like, a lot of these people that are now, they gave in to this, so now they face no backlash, they face no obstacles, none of it.
They're not funny anymore.
They've lost what made them passionate.
They've lost what made them get out of bed in the morning.
And it's legitimately sad.
I'm not even angry at a lot of them.
I'm only angry at the ones that still have their soul, and they still see the world for what it is, and they're starting to bend the knee.
I just can't, I'm trying to explain to them, like, you're going to lose
Everything good for nothing.
For what?
A different type of car?
For likes on Facebook?
For retweets on Twitter?
It's a hollow existence.
I'll tell an example.
I was like 14.
I look like I was about 16 or 17.
And I had a buddy that played baseball with his older brother.
He was like six years older.
He was out of school.
He was a drug dealer.
And they lived across the lake.
And he had all these strippers at his house.
And I'd go over there.
And I was like 14.
I'll tell the story.
And I was having sex with like 22-year-old gorgeous women.
And everything.
And all of a sudden he goes, by the way, I want you to sell kids drugs.
It went on for a few months.
In high school.
And I said, no I'm not.
And then he threatened me and hated me, and then that all ended.
So I kind of got on the pleasure island boat, but I didn't turn into a donkey.
Yeah, everybody has, on some level, a little bit.
You know, none of us are just pure, you know, hate the sin, love the sinner type thing.
But this is what, this is all I'm saying.
It's like, sin just means miss the mark.
If you are just trying to not sin, that's all you need to do.
Well, it doesn't mean you haven't done things that are wrong.
Maybe you had an abortion, whatever.
You recognize it's wrong.
I mean, in fact, keep rolling that metaphor.
And you want to be better.
You're right.
That's all it is.
You lose your soul when you no longer consider a sin a sin, when you just say that reality is subjective.
And look at these poor Democrats.
I mean, this is really who they are.
Yeah, no, that's what you give up.
You give up.
There's Joe Biden right there.
Look at him.
Wage gap!
Here, fade up the audio if you guys can.
I don't know, this is one of the computers that does that, but... I wasn't trying to brag about that story.
I, you know, I looked back on it, and it was pretty wild.
You know, like, some of these girls are like super hot, blonde, you're sitting there, you're like 14, 15, and then later you realize it's because you were being corrupted to do something that I then wouldn't carry out.
Then it's like, get your ass out of here, we hate you.
Well yeah, and then when you get married or you really have a good relationship, you realize that if you're just with a bunch of women, you never even get to know what a woman is, you know?
Like I'm working on... Exactly, it was very empty.
It's very empty.
You get the first ten minutes of a bunch of great movies.
So you never, you know, you think, you never get to see the whole movie.
I think Shawshank Redemption is just about some dude who gets wrongly put in prison.
You know, like when you're with one woman for a long time, you really get to have that intimacy and that closeness.
And the sex is better because you know each other versus just this constant Groundhog's Day, repetitive.
It's almost like compulsive.
And then you're just stuck.
You don't realize what you're losing until you give that up.
You know, and then once you get something good... And then it's ten times better than it ever was.
Yeah, exactly.
And it's like that leap of faith.
Like, I think that my career went in a good direction when I was willing to give it all up because of a principle and do tree work with my brother, and then, you know, you know, I believe in God, but just like, whatever force, whatever people believe in, it's just like, okay, here's a better life then, because you're willing to give it up first, you know?
Getting a little bit silly here, because they're going to say, Jones claims he had a weatherman, and it's called satire.
Yeah, but let him be idiots!
Dude, there was this one news report recently that said, I'm not even going to say it, because I don't want to be... No, no, say it.
Tell some of your band comedy.
Go ahead.
Well, no, it was... I was doing a joke about soybeans, making like Asian people not have... It was like some stupid joke, and it said like, comedian Owen Benjamin obsessed with Asian genitalia.
Like, this is real!
Well, exactly.
It's like if I said, why did the chicken cross the road?
It's like, comedian Owen Benjamin attempts to rape a chicken crossing the road.
It's like knock-knock.
Well, no, exactly, like two years ago in this cussing battle for my kids.
My ex-wife's lawyer comes up and goes, look at this video of him as a joker screaming that he takes PCP.
And my lawyer goes, Judge, we want this taken out.
He's being an actor there.
It's a joke.
Alex says he's fake.
Yeah, when I'm in white paint screaming I take PCP, I'm joking.
Or Corporate Commander.
Then they said, oh, I'm being fake, as if you can't switch gears.
Look at that!
Kovic obsessed with Asian... Yeah, I don't know if I can say that word.
Asian women insists he's not racist.
I mean, that's like... I'm starting to enjoy it.
Like, I really do.
It's like that... The voice of global Asians.
Like, if you watch Japanese TV, all they do is make fun of themselves.
I make fun of rednecks.
I go...
I'm a country guy.
I hate rabbits.
Listen up here, boy.
I mean, it doesn't mean I hate my family because I can talk like a redneck.
Well, the only rule in comedy is don't mock the helpless.
And I think the difference between dudes like us and the Democrats is I don't view minorities as helpless.
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, exactly.
They're trying to tell them they're helpless.
Yeah, they're literally like, you can't make fun of black people.
They can't handle it.
It's like, but can I make fun of white people?
It's like, of course, we're the best.
It's the opposite of what I said!
I think I saw an article yesterday, it was like, everything orbits the great right of being white.
And it was just this elitist statement, like the supremacist statement of it, was like, what?
And meanwhile, nine top earning groups are Asians.
Oh yeah!
And it's just like, it's getting hysterically funny to me.
Because if not, you laugh or cry.
No, I agree.
And as they try to force us, and as the orthodoxy gets crazier in the universities, the media, they're all one-upping.
So whoever the most demanding crazy is, you know, saying whites are subhuman, they go, it's true, that's not racist.
At the New York Times, that becomes the norm.
But seriously, you're right.
You're now a meteorologist.
They're going to say, Jones claims a man and not a meteorologist is.
It's satire.
Here you are, here is,
Owen Benjamin.
He's now a weatherman.
This is absolutely real.
Here it is.
As we can see, a horrifying hurricane caused by Donald Trump pulling out of the climate accords and also his tweets have caused devastation up here near Virginia.
This hurricane...
This just in, it is a his-a-cane.
Apparently we do not want to assign gender to the storm because there's a lot of moisture inequality happening out there.
So it started as a category four and now has been downgraded to only a category...
Are you serious?
Apparently there are now no more categories of hurricanes because it made some hurricanes feel excluded.
This is just as bad as any other hurricane or just as good.
No one knows anymore and that's why we have proof of Russia collusion.
This is the I of the hurricane.
You gotta be kidding.
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
This is now called the we of the hurricane because I of course is exclusive only to
Cis straight white males.
So now there's the wee of the hurricane coming in hard.
Look at all these scary colors.
Look at all these scary colors.
If there was any equality whatsoever, it would all be the same color.
Moisture inequality out here in the Gulf of something is the reason that this is even happening.
If Donald Trump had just acknowledged that his tweets hurt people's feelings, there would be no rain here at all.
Damn, Luke.
...to move these scary red parts anywhere else.
Trump could have just been a little nicer and more inclusive, and then this would not have been a problem.
This hurricane does not like to be assigned gender, so hurricane may be a bit of a pigeonhole, that's why it identifies as a hizzicane, but let's just say she's acting like a bit of a hurricane, if you know what I mean.
She's just out there causing it.
Apparently I've now been accused of rape.
It happened back in a party in high school.
I don't remember any of it, and it definitely didn't happen, but now I may have to be fired or apologize or cut off my wiener.
If I have to do that, I will enter a tropical depression.
Back to you, Alex.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Owen Benjamin is in studio.
Great comic.
One of the greats out there, but a free speech guy.
That's why we love him.
Big dates all over the country at HugePianist.com.
We were talking during the break about final statements here, and we're also getting into global warming and the rest of it, and you were asking about China and how big tech's moving there, but how do you see this ending?
Because there's a Streisand effect if you're big enough like you or I, where they ban us and we get bigger thanks to the listeners taking action.
But for the average person, it's a real intimidation.
It's a real chilling effect.
So how do you at a gut level see, as the left gets crazier and crazier, how do you think this ends?
Well, I think the crazier the left gets, the more anyone with a line will bail on them.
And someone that was a hard stance liberal five years ago could easily become seen as libertarian or conservative or anybody on the right if they simply just say, no more after this line.
And they're only going to keep pushing.
But the worry I have is Lenin used to say that you don't need the majority of the population to be on your side, you just need the telephone lines and to take over the trains and the phones.
So I think tech... Exactly.
Yeah, I think that a small amount of people can do a lot of damage with this unless people just...
What guys like me and you need is just, if you like us, just follow us where we go and support us.
Because if not, it's over.
Because we can be confident.
We're alpha males.
We believe what we're doing.
We're projecting confidence and we're winning.
But if people don't take what you just say and realize the war for everything we hold dearest now, real authoritarianism, for the first time in 240 plus years, has really hit American shores.
So it's really up to you.
We're not trying to be confident just to
Make you feel good.
We're being confident, but at the same time, if you don't take action, if you don't get involved, we could lose this.
Yeah, and it's not about feelings or compassion.
It's about money, and it's about China, and it's about subverting what makes America resistant to a lot of this stuff, which is our freedom of speech, self-protection, all that stuff.
That's it!
They're taking our natural defenses.
Yeah, because it's about money.
Don't think for a second that these leftists in D.C.
give a damn about
They're the ones that don't pay taxes!
All these big leftist corporations are the ones that are offshore and don't pay damn taxes!
Yeah, Bernie Sanders has three houses.
He's not going to let you... I have three $1,000,000 homes and a $110 car!
I deserve it!
Yeah, and so just don't think... Because it appeals... That's what makes me so angry about child abuse and a lot of this leftism, is that it appeals to something actually good in people and they make it horrifying.
Like, let's protect little boys and cut their genitals off.
It's liberal.
Don't question the school telling your son to cut his balls off.
It's liberal.
Yeah, and for people to think that's a conspiracy or whatever, A, it's coming if it isn't already here, and B, you can see it already with how they treat boys.
If a boy is acting like a boy, he's put on pills, he's called toxic, he's made to become depressed and suicidal, and it's a really awful time.
And what if your child identifies as dead?
Put him in a wood chipper.
Here it is, 5.7 million to prepare the sterilization of children.
And then what you see with the climate,
It's insane.
Change denial is also, it's such a contradiction.
Science is based on questioning things.
So as soon as the denial of something is seen as heresy, it's game over.
By the way, you'd miss that, and I don't blame you, but the news said it was Trump's fault.
Put an article up.
Trump, it's Trump's fault, severity of hurricane.
There it is.
I mean, it's like, we just did a funny joke that's now real.
I mean, they're actually saying this.
To the Washington Post?
Yes, you can blame President Trump for Hurricane Florence.
Yes, you can cut your five-year-old's genitals off.
It's liberal.
Yeah, because they're creating a whipping boy so when more horrors arise...
We've dehumanized the people that they may want killed or put into gulags.
And here's what's sick.
I wanted to laugh when you did that great comedy piece literally in like a three minutes impromptu.
You did it.
You had the idea in our studio right before you came on.
It's like, boom, amazing.
But I wanted to laugh, but I was getting a sick feeling.
You're saying what they're doing!
It's not funny!
But if you do it in a comedic way... No, no, I get it.
It is funny, but... It helps us, though, because it's like more people will see the absurdity.
I do laugh now.
I agree, but it hits me at a point where it's funny, but it isn't.
So I kind of like go, Will Robinson cannot compute.
No, I get it.
I know.
It's a balance between horror and reality.
And we just... The only way around is individual accountability.
So each person out there just... That's right, right.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on over your mind.
The content of what I'm streaming, I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
Are you arresting him?
I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
You've all watched this.
You've all watched this.
You've all watched this.
Can you get me a slisser?
Can you get me a slisser?
Can you get me a slisser?
Just turn off your live feed, please.
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
That's the information I've got.
I'm inciting people.
I'm inciting people.
How am I inciting people?
This is free speech.
This is where we're at.
You're not even allowed to.
Look at this.
No matter what you try and hide.
Do you know when you do this?
More people.
More people.
More people.
More people.
This is ridiculous, lads.
Do you feel right what you're doing here?
In fact, someone laid their hand and assaulted me outside court.
I haven't said a word.
Other people have scorned me and threatened me about my mother, and here I am being arrested for saying nothing.
I'm threatened to behead me.
You've not said anything about me.
What, they're arresting you for talking about me?
Preaching the peace.
Apparently, I'm inciting on my video.
Can you please, George, get me a solicitor.
Because I'm Gavin's son.
Because I'm there.
I'm honest to spend his sentence if I'm to say nothing.
We haven't actually done nothing wrong.
Consult anything like that.
All it would take is for you to go through his video and see he's not, he's even said...
Well, it's his second major interview since he was incarcerated for covering a child mass pedophile ring trial happening in England.
Tommy Robinson joins us for the next three segments.
And then we've got a big exclusive breakdown as well coming up on 9-11.
It's really good to have Tommy here.
I saw him go into jail.
He came out 30 pounds lighter.
And the things he went through were amazing.
And he's here today.
Uh, to just talk about the battlefront and the acid attacks and the stabbings and the shootings and the bombings that we see happening constantly and the attempts to outlaw exposing radical Islam, something he 12 years ago as a business owner, a small town in England, saw happening.
So Tommy, it's really great to have you here.
And, uh, you know, I know you've gone through a lot, already put in jail for a year before for exposing this, put back in for three months.
And I know you've literally got PTSD from it, but we're all really, really proud of you, my friend.
Yeah, Alex, I'd like to take the opportunity, I know it's the first time I've come back on, but to thank you and to thank all of your watchers and the campaign.
To thank that there was a movement that was created from my arrest, which is that I took satisfaction at that whilst I was in prison because I know that the reason they do this, or the reason they've done this, is to silence and to stop the debate, to stop us raising concerns.
And that video you just played then, 7 million people end up watching that in the next 48 hours from when I was arrested.
So yeah, I sat in prison and I received mail, so much mail, so much support.
And I know many of the comments were commenting on the support you'd shown me, Alex, and your show had shown me.
So thank you personally for that.
I don't
You know, 14-year-old girl had sex with 100 men in captivity.
No, she was raped.
So there's just... and it says Asian men.
No, it's not Chinese or Japanese men.
It's not Vietnamese men.
They're not doing that.
They have honor, on average.
So, the level of rape, the level of abuse, this isn't just sexual gratification for the men doing it.
They are literally doing everything they can to destroy the victim.
To torture the victim.
They are, and this has gone on, I think there's, in every single town, city in the UK that has an Islamic community, there are these rape squads.
And the word used in Britain is grooming.
Which sounds like something cute, doesn't it?
Like you're grooming your dog.
This is actually a rape jihad by an invading army.
Now, what these men do to some of these victims, if I just talk to you about some of the cities.
In one of the cities in the north of England, they took a young 12-year-old girl and they stuck a claw... When they got her pregnant through repeated rapes, they took her to a field and they put a claw hammer up inside her to give her an abortion.
They have taken young girls and put their tongues on tables and put nails through them.
They have branded young 11-year-old children where they've heated up iron rods with the letter M and they've scalded it on their bum because that 11-year-old girl was the property of Mohammed.
Now, during all of this, families whose children have become victims have gone to the police, they've gone to the authorities, they've cried and they've begged for help.
rather than getting help.
Now, these stories, when you read them, and finally, when we first started talking about this a decade ago, we were branded as extremists and racists and people simply did not want to believe it.
Now we have government reports and government investigations that show and expose the truth in all of this.
We've had young fathers.
Two of their daughters are in a house with a dozen Muslim men.
Their daughters are 12 and 13 years old.
The fathers have got together and they've gone to get their girls back.
The police have turned up.
They arrested the dads.
They leave the girls.
This has gone on from one end of our country to the other.
Since 2010, there was a journalist who worked for the Times newspaper.
But he actually openly admits that he had been told a decade before, he had had all the information a decade before about these gang rapes of young children.
But only when he saw us, who he brands as far right, only when he saw us marching the country did he then think we have to take this back, this issue back from the far right.
So he didn't think young children are being raped by gangs of men.
We must stop it.
The only time he acted, and this is his own words, Andrew Norfolk his name was, and people talk in our country like he should have a knighthood for exposing it.
The truth, in his own words, he only began to deal with it
Because he saw the marches of people he didn't like the look of, who he described as far right.
And by what I say is don't like the look of, what he meant was young working class men.
And the reason we're marching, because we know it's happening to all of our daughters and our sisters in our communities.
And let's go back to that moment, because you literally are one of the main leaders in Europe now, even beyond Nigel Farage.
True working class patriot, successful tanning salon, everything.
I know your stories, repeat it.
You're watching them load little girls in cars with men to rape them.
You talk to the girls later and you start kicking their asses.
First you call the cops, something happens.
And the same thing, I see somebody loading a 10-year-old, 12-year-old girl in, who's crying, I'm going to beat the hell out of them.
And they ban me saying I'm being abusive.
No, a man standing up for little girls is not abusive.
I see a pedophile picking a girl up, I'm going to break their goddamn jaw, excuse me.
Do you know how far back this goes, Alex?
So, if you look at the Sikh community in the UK, now the Sikh community who have come here, embraced our culture, embraced our identity, worked hard, business owners, never a threat to our nation, their daughters were being targeted in a similar fashion.
And they had to set up a gang.
This is all documented.
They had to set up a gang in the 1980s called Shilla Punjab, SP.
Stay right there!
The cuckolding on the left, sacrificing our daughters on the altar of Islamic rape gangs, their favorite fetish.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Welcome back.
Tommy Robbins is with us two more segments.
And he's a real man.
So he's not talking about what happened to him.
But we need to get into that to realize the persecution going on.
But imagine a Hollywood movie.
Where a gentleman, 12, 13 years ago, sees little girls being trafficked, says that Muslim men are organizing them.
They never say Muslim, they always say Asian.
Organizing them into these rape groups, and then it starts happening.
It starts being proven it's happening, and like dominoes, thousands per town.
And the government and the Asian men organizing, the Muslim men organizing the girls for sex.
You got the white guys coming in, others having sex with them.
This is the known pedophilia of the UK.
It's the religion of the elite over there.
And so they tried to mentally destroy him.
And all the things they did.
So I want to get back into his awakening and what he saw and how vindicating it is that this has all been proven right, but also arresting him for not even going in the trial, but saying, see, I'm right.
There's a giant pedophilia trial happening in there and using these new anti-free speech laws to do it.
Because, Tommy, I want you to have the floor of the next two segments.
You can finish up with what woke you up, what you saw, what you've been through.
You've been to prison repeatedly for exposing this, but then getting into what happened to you currently, and then the big question next segment, where do you go from here?
Because I know you're a brave guy.
You were telling me you plan all these marches and stuff, and I'm like, man, you're a major leader now.
People really respect you.
And it's putting your skin in the game is why they respect you, and being right is why they respect you.
Have some caution here because they want to kill you as you experienced in those months where you lost 30 pounds.
So, Tommy, just wherever you want to take this interview, you're in control now.
So basically, these gangs were operating freely for 30 years.
And our country witnessed the conspiracy of silence from police leaders, community leaders, religious leaders to facilitate this rape.
And what's come out in the reports is the reason why
The police didn't act.
The reason why social services, the organisations put in to protect children, the reason why they allowed, they actually allowed, when you read the reports, they allowed gangs of men, Muslim men, to come and pick the children up from care homes, sit outside in their car, picking 12-year-old children up, take them away for three or four days and drop them back in a dishevelled state.
And no one
Anyone in a position of power who tried to whistleblow and identify these problems was quickly sidelined, fired and targeted.
This went on across our whole country.
The two major cities that people hear about across the world are Rotherham
where 1,400 young children were identified for a charity.
So these are just the children that this one charity dealt with during the 20-year period.
So 1,400 children.
The number would way exceed that.
Now in Rotherham, there are only 3,500 Muslim men.
Now when you read the reports of how many people were raping these girls,
You can ask yourself, so Rotherham has a Muslim population of, I think, about 3%.
Many other towns and cities in the UK have Muslim populations of 30%.
Yet the government have refused in an area called Keithley near Bradford, which is a predominantly Muslim area.
Now, the government have refused to do a similar style report in any of those largely Muslim areas.
The only areas they've done it is where there's not many Muslims.
Another city called Telford, where I think there's been three or four victims have been murdered.
Their families have been set on fire when they tried to speak out.
There was a thousand young girls identified in Telford.
There's not many Muslims in Telford either.
So if you see the size of the problem in the two cities that they've looked at, which doesn't have a large Muslim population, you can only begin to imagine
The size and the proportion of how many children have been destroyed in all the other major towns and cities.
In my hometown of Luton, the police have just in the last three months made 26 arrests backdating for child gang rape and grooming in an area of the town that we've all told them for years it's going on.
A certain park called Wardown Park and Pope's Meadow Park.
An area that we've been telling them it's happening, only now they've started making arrests.
I've travelled the country for the last 10 years, meeting victims' families.
One of the conversations I had was with a father from, let's just say the North West, from the North West of England.
His daughter was taken, and the Muslim male that took his daughter would ring the dads, so he'd go to the police, they'd do nothing.
Let me bring this up because we've seen the Swedish videos and everything where they rape the little girls and videotape it as a celebration because you are not a Muslim.
It is an act of jihad to rape a girl.
It's actually, what we tried to explain in this country was this is actually the first time ever.
We've had huge paedophile gangs and there's many within Westminster, but this was the first sort of gang-related phenomenon where brothers, cousins, brother-in-laws, fathers and sons would share the victims and where
When this gets exposed, rather than their family and their community be disgusted with them... They defend them.
They defend them!
Well, let's expand on this, though.
Let's expand, because harems and all this and sex slavery is the big Islamic thing.
It's the big business.
They invaded Europe to get women slaves.
I mean, that's what the Crusades were to counter that.
In fact, it was, quote, you know, to save our women, to save our God, you know, to save our crown, to save Christ, to save our children, to save our country.
That's what this has all been about, and so why is the left allied with this?
A, and then B, Tommy, what are they doing now as it all comes out?
Because now it's everywhere, and you now see vigilantes fighting back, all the rest of it.
Well, I've also spoke to other communities, Hindu communities and Sikh communities, to hear the stories of the rapes against their daughters.
And in each, in every single one... Because they've been putting up with it for 1,400 years.
Yet in every single attack, the rapists, the Muslim men, make comments about the girl's religion.
So, the fact that she's Sikh, the fact that she's Hindu.
Now, we hear so much in this country about hate crime.
We hear so much about saying bad things on Twitter or Facebook.
Here, we have gangs of men
Every single court case, you hear the victim was called a white English slag, the victim was called a kuffar.
Religiously racially motivated rapes, yet none of them have ever been charged with any hate crime.
Now, with regards to hate crime in the UK,
I mean, some of these attacks in one small town...
I mean, it's the real deal, folks.
We talk about InfoWars has gone through, this guy's gone through even more.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
Alright, I just went on during the break and I said to Tommy, I said, listen, you need to talk about yourself, okay?
Because you can't get him to do it.
And if they made a movie about Tommy Robinson...
Because I remember hearing about him like 12 years ago, this guy exposing rape gangs, English Defense League, he's a racist, he wasn't.
Then they brought in racists, he left the league, he works for the Sikhs and others.
You don't have Sikhs, and I know the statistics, one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
They got formed hundreds of years ago because the Islamists were trying to kill them in India.
The Hindus, they're not doing anything.
I mean, okay, Hindus are kind of like Texans, maybe they don't pay their income tax, but that's about it.
So yeah, but you know, it's not even about the genetics.
A lot of these Arabs have similar genetics to Sikhs or people in India.
It's the culture.
It's what Muhammad did.
Does that mean I want to have war with Islam?
But they've got 1.8 billion people.
They're about to be 3 billion in the middle of the next decade.
The globalists have made their bet on them and this whole plan to repopulate Europe with Islamists and then we're supposed to just die
And give ourselves over.
So, Tommy, I want to get back into what's happening, but you've already proven it.
I know you just can't be stopped to warn about the girls being raped, the kidnapping, because you've got a bunch of children, I know, and they've been threatened with ass attack.
You don't want to get into that, but talk about just what you've been through.
In like a five minute gestalt, how it began, you're in prison, taking your house, three months, losing all the weight, then putting you by the mosque in the jail, then throwing feces on you, and then again, now you got a court date, I don't know what you can get into on air, I know the inside baseball, they're wanting you to say certain things that they might send you back, so I want you to be very careful here, because the world's listening, they admire you, they support you, because you are the real deal.
But we need to focus on Tommy.
Tommy Robinson online.
Twitter, for now.
Are they banned you there yet?
T. Robinson, New Era?
I'm gone, mate.
I'm banned off Twitter.
That's right, so we can't go there.
Where are the best places to contact you first?
Because everybody's getting... And talk about yourself.
Talk about yourself.
So, from when I first started activism, within the first
Six months, my house and my parents' houses were raided by the police three times.
This has become a common theme over the years that continues.
Go back to the time, what you were witnessing.
So, we were holding demonstrations and we were highlighting these issues.
Now, the same police force that just imprisoned me outside the court case in Leeds,
When we first started, I'd organised a demonstration in that police force.
South Yorkshire Police Force is the police force that's come out and been proven as hiding all of these problems.
Now when I first come to their borough... In fact, didn't it turn out in a lot of departments some of the leading cops are involved in the pimping?
Some of the leading cops, we've had a Muslim police officer who was actually killed in an accident, who was part of it.
We've seen, in this South Yorkshire area, I organised a demonstration to come and talk about these issues, but at the time, these issues were not exposed.
And the police, as a result of that, arrested me at the airport, raided my wife's house with machine guns, raided my mum and dad's house,
Put me on false charges that meant I couldn't associate with the organisation I'd formed.
My bail conditions made sure I couldn't enter their entire area.
So they prevented me from holding a demonstration.
They prevented me from talking about these issues.
Once the date had gone past of our demonstration, they just dropped all the charges.
I actually have it from 10 years ago in black and white writing from an independent police investigation.
Where I put in a complaint that the police accepted what they'd done was politically motivated.
They accepted the reason they'd done it was to silence me.
And they sent their police officers on training courses.
Now... So you were politically persecuted.
Fast forward to your year in prison, your three months, and now what you're facing, because you may be thrown back in.
Fast forward to... So that has been a common theme over ten years.
If we get to the most recent case... The most recent case, I went to the city of Leeds
In fact, I still have to be careful now because there's still condition on this case.
Basically, when I went there, there's a court trial going on involving 31 people.
Now, all the information I'm about to tell you now, which is the whole reason why I'm still arguing my innocence, all this information is in the public domain.
Now, when you read the law, the law clearly states a judge has no power to put reporting restrictions on any information that's already in the public domain.
Now, what we've witnessed on the last six or seven big Muslim rape trials, that these reporting restrictions are put in place at the very start.
And they state that there can be no reporting on this case whatsoever.
So then, if there was reporting,
Then you'd be getting the details each day of what the men said to the girls, the comments they made, and the horrific abuse that these children have suffered.
Including, even Mainstream News admits, a lot of dead girls.
Yeah, there are plenty of dead girls.
Plenty of dead girls.
Plenty of girls who have never been found.
Their bodies have just never been found.
Now let's be clear, we're hearing about Brett Kavanaugh, with no witnesses, 36 years ago, jumping on a girl at a party.
And the same scumbag leftist media here covers up all the crap going on here against women.
And again, I'm sick of people claiming they care about women.
I have a wife.
I have three daughters.
I particularly care about women as an instinctive level and it enrages me to watch the left and their obsession with abusing women and then defending radical Islam.
And their obsession with the Me Too movement when I hear so many comments about someone said something sexist or massive deals made out of the fact that someone made a comment and I think we've got children dying
Children missing, being raped by their thousands in every single town and city.
And you're silent.
And you're not just silent, but you actually go out of your way.
Journalists in this country, not one of them have challenged these reporting restrictions.
So these restrictions are put in place so you can have a trial that lasts two months and you will not hear anything.
And then when the trial finishes, they'll lift the reporting restriction and you'll get one day of news.
Dirty men have been convicted for raping young girls.
That's it.
You won't hear the details.
You won't hear the ins and outs.
Why does the left cover up for Islam from Sweden to England to the US and the mass raping and killing of women?
The whole thing of radical Islam and its orthodoxy is enslaving women and they're subhuman.
That's a fact.
Why is the left in love with the true satanic patriarchy?
Well, many of the time, as we've heard from the previous journalists, who knew this was happening, Andrew Norfolk, but he only acted when he saw the far right or the working class were making an issue out of it.
I think many journalists despise us that much, despise the working class that much, despise their own country that much.
And it depends, it depends on what newspapers you look into, for where the money comes from.
If you look at the Daily Mirror, we see the Saudi influence... Sure, it's a sick form of cuckolding.
It's like, funny, the working class are getting their daughters sold into slavery by the Muslims.
Well they're certainly not, they're certainly not, what they actually do then is they run stories about how people are racist or extremist when they march over it.
In fact- But now it's all come up, so let me ask you this.
Now that it's all coming out, what are they going to do?
Because they're on their heels.
They want to kill you, my friend.
You've got to stay alive.
We'll talk about what happened in prison when we come back, but let me ask you this.
What are they going to do?
Because it does seem like they're more and more on their heels.
Nationalists are getting voted in everywhere in Europe.
Common sense, life force, self-preservation is coming back.
Well, I said this, we had a day for freedom demonstration two months before I was arrested.
And I asked that question, what are they going to do?
Because I sit there now thinking, what are they going to do next?
Because essentially,
I think I'm in the winning seat and I've said that because everything I've tried to do for 10 years and I'd be willing to sacrifice my life to bring the change that's needed.
Now, I think their intention has been many times to let me be killed or have me be killed.
But now if that happens, after seeing the world response and the response in Britain and across the globe to my- Hold on, we gotta go to break.
It's a hard break.
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Come back with an incredible answer.
Talk about a cliffhanger.
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It isn't movies.
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This is a guy they've tried to kill.
This is a guy tortured in prison repeatedly.
This is a guy that lost his house.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Imagine a Hollywood movie where a guy 12 years ago is running a tanning salon in a little town in England and sees 10, 12, 13 year old girls crying for mommy being put in cars.
And then he talks to the fathers and mothers and they go, yeah, the police won't help us.
Our daughters are sold to sex slavery.
And then it comes out 9, 10 years after he talks about it, it's happening in every town.
And in many areas, the police are involved.
And it's just incredible.
So now he's been put in prison for a year because he exposed it.
They tried to kill him there.
Now he's put in three months, loses 30-something pounds.
Recap what you've gone through and the fact that a Superior Court judge said, and you're the expert on English law, you've been through it, correct me if I'm wrong, said, okay, you were convicted in one hour of covering the pedophile gang, which again,
And then, so they struck that down, but still it's got to be re-heard.
And I don't know how much you're allowed to say on air.
You told me a lot of it yesterday in that hour-long conversation we had.
So how much, because people really care about you and they want to know what's going on.
So recap what happened to you the three months in, and then the latest info coming up next week.
So I went for a judge in Leeds where I was reported on this trial.
I was not asked to plead guilty or not guilty.
I was refused the opportunity to speak with my lawyers.
The case was not adjourned.
The judge didn't even tell me what I'd done or said that amounted to contempt.
And he sentenced me to prison.
So it took them a matter of hours to sentence me to prison.
But then it took me two months to get back before a judge to put across our case to say this is not how the British legal system should work.
Thankfully, the highest court in the land, the Court of Appeal, agreed and they gave a scathing attack, a scathing report against the judge where they said my sentence was unlawful.
Everything about it was unlawful.
Five major points were unlawful.
But the point is,
They didn't have to retry me.
There's another case of a gentleman called West where one thing, and one of the illegalities that the judge done on my case, he done five on my case, there was one illegal thing done in a gentleman called West's case and his conviction was quashed and there was no retrial.
They've decided to retry me at the Old Bailey.
Next Thursday I go to court at the Old Bailey in London
The most senior court of our land, the court that deals with terrorism, high-profile murders, and I'm in court for talking on my iPhone about Muslim men who are raping children.
That's why I'm in court.
The court case had finished.
I wasn't prejudiced in a trial because... And let's be clear, other news covered what you said and showed it, they didn't get in trouble.
You were being persecuted because you are a world leader.
Everything I said was in the public domain.
In fact, if you look at what I said, the contempt charge, other journalists such as Rod Liddle have been stopped on contempt for breaching reporting restrictions.
He got a £4,000 fine.
I spoke to other journalists this week who collapsed the trial.
There was 11 men on a murder trial and he collapsed the trial due to his reporting.
And he didn't face any charges!
No, we know you're being railroaded, so let's talk about what you're facing next week, and then what you're planning, because... Next week I face whether I walk into court, as I'd be told, to apologize and plead guilty, so to meet the government halfway.
To meet them midway, because at the minute it looks embarrassing for them, because they've been proven that they're persecuting me, they've been proven that their previous trial was unlawful and illegal.
So it's whether I walk into court and do that, and then I get to go home,
Or whether I walk in, which in fact I won't be doing anyway, I will walk into court with my head held up and even if I walk out the front door there and then, my head's still held up.
Or if I go to prison and I come out in a matter of months or however long, then I'll still walk out with my head held up.
Because the only thing I take that I'm happy with about all this, obviously I'm concerned and I'd be lying if I
If I said I wasn't worried.
I don't want to go back to prison.
It had an adverse effect on my whole family, not just me.
So let's be clear.
Tommy Robinson jailed for exposing pedophile rings and being a hero and being proven right because he's dangerous.
What makes you tick?
I mean, I know me.
I'm not looking to be put in prison or killed or attacked or boycotted, but I know I'm right.
And so when they attack me, it has the opposite.
I can be totally exhausted.
And some bad news comes in and suddenly I have like five hours of incredible energy.
And it reminds me of growing up in Dallas, you know, when I was a nice, sweet little kid, like 10 years old and bullies would beat me up.
I'd come home, my dad said, well, you need to fight harder.
And I was like 11 or 12.
I put one of the bullies in the hospital next time he did it and I ended up getting in trouble.
My dad got me out of it.
He said, it's okay son, we don't start fights, we finish them.
What makes you at a gut level have, not just the courage, but the will to go out and do this and that totally scares the enemy?
I put a lot of things, if I ever begin to feel sorry for myself, I put things into perspective.
I just spent two and a half months in prison, on solitary confinement, away from my children.
So yes, that was not good.
It hasn't been a good effect.
But then I look at members of the British public who sign up for our armed forces, or the American armed forces, and they leave their children, they kiss them goodbye, and they go on six-month tours.
So I just view everything.
I may have been in jail.
It may have been terrible.
There wasn't bullets passing my head every day.
No, you said it.
That's it.
This is a war for our own homelands.
We are soldiers in the information war.
And once we decide we're expendable, it doesn't mean we want to die.
We love life.
But we have to decide we are expendable.
And I think once you cross that road, many years ago, was it not empowering when you made the decision, I'm going to go on to the end, whatever the cost is?
It was empowering.
I don't fear that.
I don't fear that.
And that's the truth.
I generally don't fear that because I've accepted that.
I've accepted that the inevitable outcome of this path, which I've chosen, I wrote a letter to my wife when I was in prison explaining all of this to say that I'm not in this position through anything other than choice.
I know what I'm doing.
I'm not a victim.
I'm a target.
Yeah, I'm not their victim on their target, and I'm not going to wallow in self-pity about a situation that is nothing in comparison to what many other people go through.
Well, these little girls!
I mean, any time I, in the middle of the night, wake up and go, what are you doing?
I think about how the globalists are pedophiles, and how they hurt children, and God's just saying, do it!
You claim you love me?
Execute this operation!
Yeah, and the other thing, the other judgment to make all the time is, are we morally right?
And if I'm morally right, I'll do anything.
I will go anywhere and I will not face or care about the consequences of the problems I'm talking about, if I'm morally right.
And once you go past that,
As a moral compass, what we're doing is trying to save the future of our culture, our children, our country, our history, a thousand years of history in this land that I'm sitting in, and thousands of men.
If all I have to do for five minutes is see and think about the previous generations of what they gave and what they sacrificed, and to be honest, even what I'm doing is nothing, or what I've been through is nothing.
We are a generation of cowards, born in an era where, and I also take huge satisfaction that so many people have been bought off of the fence.
They've watched what happened.
This last arrest, I'd like to say a thank you to Judge Marson, who put me in prison, because he has red-pilled more people than anyone I've ever met.
He's been the most successful in bringing people to our courts.
So that's all I base it on, Alex.
I'm sure with yourself, we're right.
We're telling the truth.
It's a moral battle.
It's a battle that we can't afford to lose.
And the consequences are really nothing in comparison to what many
And now we need intelligence, we need to think our steps out, because you're a major general in this fight.
We're going to go to break for two minutes, five more minutes, and we'll get back to your family.
TommyRobinson.online, people need to support him.
He's trying to develop a plan.
We're trying to work with other folks to set up something so that he can really get out there and be protected when he does it.
We'll be right back after break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to The Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
Sometimes I feel I've got to run away.
I've got to get away from the pain you drive.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson is coming up in the next hour.
He's loaded for bear.
Incredible information to break down.
Tommy Robinson is our guest.
True political hero.
And just incredible what he's gone through in the five minutes we have left.
Other points you want to get out to people, other areas you want to get into, where you're going, where you see the political awakening, how you see the globalists striking back.
Tommy Robinson.
One thing I'd love to do is to just to express to individuals, to anyone who's watched this, to anyone who sent me a letter, to anyone who sent me an email,
Yes, just to let them know the effect, the support.
When I went to custody, I think next Thursday I'll go back to prison.
I just want people to know the support they give me.
I took satisfaction in the fact that many people who watch that, many people who watch these shows, they make a decision at some point to step over.
So then start to start sharing articles, to start speaking.
And it shows courage by every single individual who's willing to do that.
Because I'm fully aware of the backlash that you get of certain members of family, of friends at work.
So I wanted to just take a special moment, whilst I've got the platform, to thank everyone.
If you're in America, if you're in Australia, if you're in Britain, if you email me just to let you know for those hours that I read your words,
And your support, it picks me, it picked me up, it picked me up.
When I sat, I used to sit on a demonstration day, when there was a demonstration to free me, anywhere on the globe, I'd sit and wait for the messages and the letters to come through to show me what happened on that day.
So yeah, whilst I'm on the platform, just a massive opportunity, Alex, to yourself and to everyone across the world who showed me support because it meant so much.
Tommy, you're such a, you're such a working class hero and everybody knows that I'm not just
Buttering you up here.
And to hear you say, I fully expect to go back to prison next week, what you privately told me, you said some of it on air.
They want you to apologize and fall on your sword.
They might set you up anyways.
And so you're saying, not that you don't, you almost, like you said, you lost 30 pounds.
You said when you were in there a year, it wasn't as bad.
This time it was so bad.
They were throwing feces on you, all this.
And it's not like you look like a prisoner of war when you came out on Tucker right after it happened.
Took a few weeks off with your family.
Why are you ready to go back to prison?
Why do you think you may go back?
Because I think that if I was... I think it would diminish everything.
And to be honest, I don't see... No, but I don't want you to sell out.
But I did tell you, if you would at least say, I understand the law, I think you misinterpreted it, but I'll try to work within it.
I don't think you should say the open-throated apology they want up front, they might set you up.
But, Tommy, we... Man, we don't want them to kill you in there, man.
No, I've gone through the... I sat down with my wife, I explained to her the situation I'm in.
And I said, look, I just can't do it.
I can't do it.
I can't do it in the sense that, um, in the sense I don't accept it.
I don't accept that anything I said could have predicted that trial.
No, I agree.
So it comes down to will.
You're not exposing pedophiles successfully.
You're not going to say you did something wrong when you didn't.
No, I'm not.
That's it.
And if someone could show me, which I've repeatedly, after meeting, after meeting, after meeting with different lawyers, all different lawyers, I've said, tell me what problem there is with what I said.
No one can.
All they can say is, yes, but it broke this restriction.
So tell me why there's that restriction.
And that was the judge's interpretation.
Well, yeah, because the law, the law states, the law states that he cannot put, he cannot put a restriction on any infringement.
Well, here's the deal.
I want folks to pray for you, and I want them to pray for justice, and then I want you to be safe.
And you've already been on the front line long enough.
As a real leader, people want to hear you in a studio, on the street some, but you've charged into battle enough, my friend.
You really, at a gut level, you are more valuable to winning the hearts and minds
Thank you very much Alex.
Cheers man.
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Ain't no difference what you say.
We are live in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on the September 18th edition.
There's a big article which went up on The Guardian, an always friendly website towards yours truly and InfoWars.
Today, this afternoon, as of a couple of hours ago, headline, YouTube's alternative influence network breeds right-wing radicalization report finds.
So you remember that CNN basically, along with BuzzFeed and others, embarked on a six-month lobbying campaign to have InfoWars' Alex Jones banned off of the internet virtually almost entirely, to the degree that his LinkedIn page even got taken down?
Well now we see the same process again.
Basically what's happened is this shadowy group called Data & Society Group
Put out this report, and they specifically identified literally every semi-famous or famous YouTuber you can think of.
They've got a network here in this article, which if you scroll down is in the middle of it.
It's called the Alternative Influence Network on YouTube.
And basically, it looks like that famous meme out of, what's the TV show?
It's always Sonny in Philadelphia or something where he's
Well listen, that mad guy with the mad hair has drawn all these lines, all these different connections between random things.
They've literally taken every major YouTuber, who even dips their toe into politics, and drawn a manic series of webs and interconnected lines between all of them, based on who has appeared on who else's show.
Which of course means you must of course completely agree with everything that person says if you appear on their YouTube channel.
Even though in many of these cases, it's literally where two people have had arguments and have completely disagreed with each other and fallen out.
But no, that means there's a giant, alt-right, dangerous conspiracy taking place within the underbelly of YouTube.
Basically, they try and make the argument that it's radicalizing young people.
In fact, in their very report, which is linked through from the Guardian article, and I'll find it just here, they say, quote, YouTube is a principal online news source for young people.
So they acknowledge that the mainstream media, the legacy media, is getting its butt kicked on YouTube, which I've acknowledged for a long time.
And then they go about making an argument
With absolutely no evidence whatsoever that it's radicalizing young people on the right, even though a lot of these people in this crazy network that they've drawn up aren't even right wing.
Some of them are actually left wing.
And of course, what do you think the conclusion to this article is?
Oh, it's that YouTube needs to shut us all down.
So you see how this works.
And within five minutes, within five minutes, I was able to pick this apart.
You go to the original report, you go to the original website of this shadowy Data and Society group, which is calling for YouTube and admits in this article that they've lobbied YouTube to have all these different people shut down.
We're talking about people like Steven Crowder, people like Ben Shapiro.
Some of these people are somewhat part of the Republican establishment.
Candace Owens, I mean she's basically in the White House now.
Dennis Prager, Joe Rogan, who isn't even right-wing.
Doesn't even talk about politics, mainly on his podcast.
But all these people are engaged in a giant, hateful conspiracy to radicalise young people.
Of course, I'm there on the network as well, so is Mike Cernovich, James O'Keefe, Gavin McInnes, basically anyone you can think of.
Sargon of Akkad, even Tim Pool, who is a Liberal, he's apparently at the centre of this vast alt-right conspiracy.
So you go to the website,
of this shadowy organisation that's put this report together and then had it amplified by their left-wing allies in the media.
And who's funding them?
Well, imagine my shock!
It's George Soros' Open Society!
Literally, you can go direct to their funding page, datasociety.net.
Click on the left-hand side where it says Funding and Partners.
What have you got?
Open Society Foundation, New York Times, Microsoft, Microsoft Research,
All these massive corporations, UNICEF, Kellogg Foundation, Ford Foundation, Omidyar Network, Media Lab, all these massive foundations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
That's who funds them, that's who they're partnered with.
So again, we see the same process once again.
Lobbying YouTube to shut down their competition, not because we're radicalising young people, because we're defeating them on their narrative.
And this is a roundabout way in which they get to lobby and directly take it to YouTube and say, oh, look at us.
We're this big, credible, independent organisation and we've identified hate speech on your platform.
What are you going to do about it?
You dig into it for five minutes, it's a George Soros front group.
Let's start going through this article on The Guardian.
Because again, it immediately comes out in The Guardian because again, that benefits them.
They want to shut down their competition too, for monetary and political purposes.
Says, YouTube provides a breeding ground for far-right radicalization where people interested in conservative and libertarian ideas are quickly exposed to white nationalist ones.
Now, absolute nonsense.
In virtually all cases on this weird network that they've drawn, the actual white nationalists who appear on the same channel as the, quote, Libertarians, Conservatives, are arguing with them.
It's a debate.
The people, the Conservatives, the Libertarians, are challenging their ideas and trying to discredit and debunk them.
Just because you appear on the same platform as somebody doesn't mean you share all their beliefs.
I mean, what is a debate?
It's two people with opposing viewpoints going up against each other.
None of these people, none of these white supremacists, who openly call themselves white supremacists in some cases, or at least white nationalists, have ever been on my channel.
Jared Taylor, never been on my channel.
People like Mark Collard, never been on my channel.
Richard Spencer, never been on my channel.
I've argued with all of them on Twitter at certain different times.
But again, just because they may have once appeared on someone else's channel, oh, then everyone's a white supremacist!
Guilt by association!
Literally to the point where you have a black 20-something woman, Candace Owens, who's literally in the White House basically talking to the Trump family.
She's a white supremacist too.
So again, it's so transparent what they're trying to do here.
They're trying to pressure YouTube, because YouTube aren't going to look into their website.
They're not going to see that this is another form of corporate brigading.
They're just going to accept it as an independent, credible organisation.
And it says, although YouTube's recommendation algorithms are partly to blame, see, now they're getting into, well, if you don't ban these people, at least relegate them in the algorithm.
The problem is fundamentally linked to the social network of political influencers on the platform and how, like other YouTube influencers, they invite one another onto their shows.
Oh my God!
You can't have people who disagree with each other or people who mainly agree with each other talking to each other about politics!
I mean, what could go wrong?
The report.
And again, this Guardian article does not tell you who's funding the report.
It's the people who want to shut us down and silence us.
The report describes an alternative influence network, like it's some shadowy thing that we've kept secret.
Of about 65 scholars, they have to be shut down too.
Media pundits and internet celebrities promoting a range of right-wing political positions, from mainstream conservatism to overt white nationalism.
Right, so basically,
Two opposite ends of the spectrum, Conservatism, Libertarianism, White Nationalism.
Because Conservatives and Libertarians have challenged their views and sometimes appeared on their channels or vice versa, that means that that's some kind of conspiracy to push White Nationalism as a whole.
No, it isn't.
That is the ultimate in conspiracy theorising.
They are broadly united by their reactionary position.
Again, most of these people disagree with each other.
In fact, they had an article yesterday out of a UK publication calling Count Dankula and Sargon of Akkad alt-right.
They literally have massive giant flame wars and arguments on YouTube, on Twitter, with actual members of the alt-right on a regular basis.
Oh, but no, they're alt-right.
Do you know what the alt-right is?
Sargon of Akkad was literally banned off of Twitter
For pissing off the alt-right!
Oh no, but he's alt-right.
We're all alt-right.
Because then if they can slap you with that designation, they can pressure YouTube to shut down the channels, or in the very least, relegate you in the algorithm, and that's what it's all about.
Because we're winning the narrative.
We're waking people up to this phony left-right system, to this phony system.
You know, overseen by NGOs like the Open Society of George Soros, which is literally funding this report, literally partnered with this organisation.
We'll be back on the other side of the break to get into it more.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at infowars.com.
Go, go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Well, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up later in the hour, we've got some
Shocking new revelations about China's social credit system.
We've talked about that before, how it's coming to America.
How people are now literally, they have this social credit score which updates in real time.
This is literally straight out of a Black Mirror episode.
They've linked it up to surveillance cameras and misbehavior, bad behavior, examples of which I'm going to give later from this article,
Well, literally being taken off their social credit score.
So they have a social credit score of 800.
If they're a naughty boy or girl, if they criticize the government on the internet, if they buy alcohol, that is one of the reasons given.
If they buy alcohol, their social credit score gets diminished in real time.
And it can lead to preventing them from traveling by plane or train.
It can lead to social media account suspensions and being barred from government jobs.
And people are already having their lives destroyed by this.
This is what the authoritarian left wants.
They want to take it beyond merely silencing your voice on the internet.
They want to punish your life.
So there's a big new article on that I'll get into shortly.
But continuing with this, this shadowy organisation backed by George Soros basically and a bunch of massive corporations and NGOs has come out with this fear-mongering pile of crap and the Guardian has peddled it without question, claiming that the vast network of alt-right white nationalists, the vast majority of whom don't believe in anything that the alt-right believes,
is basically part of a huge network that's radicalizing young people.
Radicalizing them to do what?
They don't quite say because they have absolutely no evidence to back up these ridiculous aspersions.
So they get into people like Ben Shapiro, he's bad, he's part of the alt-right now, even though he's Jewish and the alt-right absolutely hates him and he argues with them on a daily basis.
No, he's alt-right.
Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, again a Jewish gay man, he's a white supremacist.
It continues, while the mainstream members of the group typically don't subscribe to alt-right or white nationalist ideals, they do host those who do under very friendly terms.
Well, no, they don't.
They've had giant arguments with them.
But again, it's called debate.
Again, these people don't believe in even acknowledging the right for anyone to have a platform, even if it's for the purpose of debunking their arguments.
It continues.
Now this is where it gets interesting, because you can see right through what they're trying to do.
It says, YouTube profits from these live debates, God forbid people should have political debates, through the Super Chat feature, which allows users to pay to have their comments highlighted during the stream, even if a channel fails to meet YouTube's advertiser-friendly content guidelines.
As a BuzzFeed investigation in May highlighted, these paid-for comments are frequently used to spread hate speech.
So again, what is that?
That is a direct financial attack.
That is an attempt to financially sabotage YouTubers who have already been sabotaged by the adpocalypse, which again was another moral panic contrived and inflated by corporate media networks because we're their competition and we're kicking their ass without the giant ad budget that they've got.
So they got rid of most of the monetization on the videos through the adpocalypse.
They probably reduced it by, I don't know, two-thirds at least.
Oh, but then we had a super chat feature.
Fans of the channel could ask questions.
They could pay, you know, $5, $10, $15, whatever they wanted, to have that question highlighted and have it answered on a live stream.
No, you're not allowed to do that.
That's hate speech.
Because again, God forbid these content creators should be able to make money.
This is the transparent purpose of this entire report, to undermine people financially, to sabotage them at that level, just as the communist Chinese government does with their social credit score.
Again, this is the embryonic stage of the social credit system in America, in the West, and it's being driven by the authoritarian left.
It's been driven by groups like Data & Society, by corporate networks like The Guardian, who are losing readers, losing money, because their talking points and their narratives no longer resonate with most people.
So instead of getting better arguments and shifting their political positions, they just silence, intimidate, financially sabotage their competition, and that's what this is all about.
Article continues.
One of the challenges for YouTube is how careful the more extreme members of the network are to avoid breaking the platform's community guidelines.
So again, this is all about lobbying YouTube to look at every single person that they put together in this ridiculous conspiracy of the dangerous alt-right network, the vast majority of people within which are not alt-right, disagree with the alt-right, hate the alt-right, get abused by the alt-right in many cases.
So they're trying to get YouTube to look at it to shut us down or at least limit
With the algorithm, the deadly algorithm, for example, I made a video about Bono a couple of weeks ago and his rampant hypocrisy on flying the EU flag on stage, his rampant hypocrisy on global warming, climate change and all these other issues.
Now YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, only one behind Google.
As of a few days ago, if you went and searched for Bono on YouTube, my video was quite high up.
Let's just leave it at that.
I don't want to give them any ideas.
But again, this is what they mean with algorithmic censorship.
Article continues, YouTube issues awards to accounts when the content creator reaches 100,000, 1 million or 10 million subscribers.
At these milestones, the company also reviews the account to make sure they have not infringed copyright or violated YouTube's community guidelines.
So again,
Another attempt to force YouTube to look at these accounts, to monitor these accounts, and eventually, if they get their own way, to shut down these accounts.
The vast majority of YouTube's moderation decisions are based on the content of videos.
The exception to this rule is foreign terrorists.
In these cases, YouTube refers to a list of individuals and organizations supplied by the government and will block them from creating channels, regardless of whether those channels violate YouTube community standards.
So again, in the third to last paragraph, they bring up foreign terrorists.
Again, guilt by association.
Oh, YouTube monitors foreign terrorist videos.
Why should it not monitor these videos?
Because they're akin to ISIS propaganda, right?
They're radicalizing young people.
That's their entire argument.
No evidence whatsoever to back it up.
But see how they just slip it in there, snidely right at the end of the article.
Lewis proposes that YouTube should consider
Not only reviewing the content of the channels identified in the report, but the people they host and what their guests say.
So Big Brother is not watching closely enough.
They need to review all these channels.
They need to review every word that comes out of every guest's mouth to see if it violates their arbitrary, vague definitions of what constitutes harassment or hate speech, as you saw with the Alex Jones Channel, as you saw with the Alex Jones Facebook and Twitter accounts, when we were shut down completely.
For basically the crime in the case of Twitter, of Alex Jones being mean to a CNN reporter.
See how they're working this in now?
They got rid of Alex Jones, now they're coming for everyone else.
Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Tim Pool, who is a liberal.
Yours truly.
Gavin McInnes, everyone on this list.
The article concludes, YouTube is choosing to continue to endorse the content of these people who are delivering really harmful messages.
Yeah, harmful to what?
Harmful to your agenda to flood the West with migrants.
Harmful to your agenda to kill free speech across the board.
That's the only way in which I'm harmful.
It would be an opportune time to make their standards stricter for people that have that level of influence.
Complete, basic, transparent call for censorship right there in the last paragraph.
And who's funding it all?
George Soros, Open Society, New York Times, Microsoft.
Giant corporations lobbying to shut down their competition once again because they're getting their butt kicked.
They're getting their butts kicked.
In the culture war, they're getting their narrative crucified.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be right back.
Don't go away.
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We knew it was coming.
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And then voila, two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Support this network as you've continued to do even in the face of massive increased big tech censorship.
Which brings us to this story out of News.com.au.
This is out of Australia, but it's about China.
Big brother, China's chilling dictatorship moves to introduce scorecards to control everyone.
Imagine that headline.
If that headline had been on Infowars.com ten years ago, it would have been evidence of a fevered mind, a crazy conspiracy theory.
Now it's in the mainstream media.
China's dictatorship will introduce personal scorecards where citizens will be monitored 24-7 and ranked on behavior.
Now this has been knocking around for a few years.
We first reported on it, I believe, in 2015.
It was launched in 2016.
It's going to be completed totally in 2020.
But the more we hear about this, the more... This is beyond Orwellian.
China's chilling dictatorship is moving quickly to introduce social scorecards in which all citizens will be monitored 24-7 and ranked on their behaviour.
In real time, as it goes on to describe.
The Communist Party's plan is for every one of its 1.4 billion citizens to be at the whim of a dystopian social credit system, and it's on track to be fully operational by the year 2020.
An active pilot programme has already seen millions of people assigned a score out of 800 and they then either reap its benefits or suffer its consequences depending on which end of the scale they sit.
There's literally a Black Mirror episode which just won an Emmy last night, the series won an Emmy, where it's a woman
And they each have a social credit score on their phone, and based on their interactions with the police, with the other members of the public, based on their purchasing behaviour, that social credit score goes up and down.
They've literally, I don't know who copied who, it was probably China who came up with the idea first, but it's here, and it's even worse than that Black Mirror episode.
I don't remember people being punished in that Black Mirror episode for buying alcohol, maybe they were, but they are going to be in China
And this is what they want here, in the UK, in the West, in America.
Under the social credit scheme, points are lost and gained based on readings.
They see the Black Mirror episode where they talk about this.
Based on readings from a sophisticated network of 200 million surveillance cameras, the figure is set to triple in 18 months.
So they're going to have 600 million surveillance cameras controlling this.
This is beyond Orwell.
The programme has been enabled by rapid advances in facial recognition,
Body scanning and geo-tracking.
So everyone's face automatically flags up on this system and they know whether you be naughty or nice.
The data is combined with information collected from individuals' government records, medical and educational, along with their financial and internet browsing histories.
Listen to this.
Overall scores can go up and down in real time, dependent on the person's behavior, but they can also be affected by people they associate with.
Oh, so you remember before the break I was talking about the association of YouTubers who have appeared on each other's channel.
And in fact they go on in this article to talk about people who've posted things they shouldn't have done on social media.
That makes their score go down.
So again, what does that do?
It creates this process of you need to distance yourself from your friends if they behave badly in
Um, in favor of, uh, you know, getting closer to the state.
So if your friends have done something bad, in fact, from what I read before, you can actually gain points from reporting bad behavior.
So there's the tattletale aspect to it, too.
You distance yourself from their friends if they're bad, because their bad behavior, which means buying alcohol or criticizing the state, impacts on you.
You see how that works?
Very, very insidious.
Listen to this.
If your best friend or your dad says something negative about the government, you'll lose points too.
So it's literally like when the youth brigades out of 1984...
grasped up their own parents.
But it wasn't... I mean it's worse than that because as far as I know they weren't impacted by the bad behavior of their parents in Orwell's 1984 but you will be in China under this system which they want to bring here.
The mandatory social credit system was first announced in 2014 in a bid to reinforce the notion that keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful according to a government document.
Now there's an episode to air on ABC Australia tonight
Where the system is summarized by Taijin General Manager Jai Kong who says, if people keep their promises they can go anywhere in the world.
If people break their promises they won't be able to move an inch.
And they'll literally bar you from traveling anywhere if your social credit score is too low.
This is the most terrifying system, the most Orwellian surveillance centric system, the most brave new world system that we've ever seen on planet Earth.
And it's going to be completed in two years.
It's already rolling out now.
Under the system, those deemed to be top citizens are awarded bonus points.
They basically borrowed every single feature out of dystopian horror movies, out of dystopian fiction and put it into this system.
What was the one, I think it was Escape from New York or something, where the well-behaved citizens were rewarded bonus points for reporting dissidents and for chasing them and stuff like that.
So they've literally borrowed everything out of every dystopian thriller you can imagine.
The benefits of being ranked on the higher end of the scale include waived deposits on hotels and rental cars.
Also, they'll give you the carrot as well as the stick if you're a good boy.
VIP treatment at airports, discounted loans, priority job applications and fast tracking to the most prestigious universities.
But if you're a bad boy, it's quite different.
If you're at the bottom of the scale, it doesn't take much to end up on the wrong side of the scale with an estimated 10 million people already paying the price of a low rating.
Jaywalking, late payments on bills or taxes, buying too much alcohol or speaking out against the government, each cost citizen points.
Now that is exactly the system they're trying to bring here by unpersoning people as they did with Alex Jones literally taking down his LinkedIn profile.
And then it's, well, do you have the right to have a bank account?
Do you have the right to have a credit card or get a mortgage if you're engaging in hate speech on the internet?
You see how that works?
Robert Spencer, wasn't it?
Who got his credit card revoked by Mastercard, got his Patreon access revoked because of hate speech.
He was being punished because he was a bad boy.
That is an embryonic social credit system.
It's already here and it's only going to get worse unless we fight against it.
We'll be back.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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No, we're getting to the end of this article which is about the most terrifying Orwellian system that you've ever heard of in reality.
It goes way beyond Outstrips 1984, Brave New World, any dystopian thriller that you can think of.
It is China's social credit score.
And we're getting to what happens to the people whose credit scores aren't so good.
The people who have bought alcohol or spoken out against the government.
Literally paying bills late
Jaywalking reduces your social credit score, which is linked to your phone, which is linked to your facial recognition, which is linked to 600 million surveillance cameras.
Can you think of anything more dystopian, more Big Brother than that?
And again, it's already here in a limited format with what's happening with free speech.
They want to extend it to other things.
We've seen numerous conservatives de-platformed, we've seen their Patreons taken away, their credit cards removed, even their inability to get bank accounts because they have the wrong political opinion.
So how much different is that to what the communist Chinese government is imposing on its citizens in China?
It's at least the same thing in embryonic format and it's only going to get worse.
Now listen to this.
Other mooted, punishable offences include spending too long playing video games.
So all your video game time will be linked into this same system.
Wasting money on frivolous purchases.
Again, completely vague.
Couldn't mean anything.
Posting on social media.
And of course, criticising the government on social media.
Penalties range from losing the right to travel by plane or train, social media account suspensions and being barred from government jobs.
They give an example here.
Chinese journalist Luke Hsu is one of the millions who have already amassed a low social credit rating.
He was arrested, jailed and fined after he exposed government corruption.
He told ABC, the government regards me as an enemy.
He's now banned from travelling by plane or fast train.
I guess this is what they want for Alex Jones for his hate speech as well.
Never mind you can't be on Twitter or Facebook or YouTube, you can't have a website, you can't sell products, you can't travel.
Maybe he can't breathe.
His social media accounts with millions of followers have been suspended.
He struggles to find work.
This kind of social control is against the tide of the world.
The Chinese people's eyes are blinded and their ears are blocked.
They know little about the world and are living in an illusion.
So again, they give another example.
Somebody who fled the US, actually this is a whistleblower, told ABC that China's surveillance system suddenly ramped up after the end of 2016.
He said, since then advanced surveillance technology, which we've never seen, never experienced, never heard of, started appearing.
That is China's social credit score system.
I'm going to have to make a video about that because nobody's really put it together in its whole and what it means and how it's already being imported and embryonically introduced in the West to some extent.
Another video, which I'm hopefully going to be putting out later on my channel,
Is about cell phone addiction, about the question of why tech elites keep their own children away from smartphones, away from iPads, away from televisions, while of course literally making billions and billions of dollars off the sale of those same products to the general public.
The link between the addictiveness of these technologies and depression, especially childhood depression in the modern world, the fact that for example
The swipe down mechanism on your Twitter feed and on other social media feeds and other apps, when you swipe down to get the latest updates, the latest notifications, that was literally modelled on a slot machine where you pull the handle in a casino.
They literally modelled it on that because they thought it would increase addictiveness, and boy it did!
Another example, the Facebook notifications, you'll notice they're red.
They weren't always red.
When they originally developed them, they were blue.
Those little numbers that pop up over your messages, your notifications, your friend requests.
They were originally blue.
They noticed that nobody was interested in checking them if they were blue.
As soon as they turned them red, they literally triggered a panic alarm in the brain and to assuage that,
You know, background anxiousness.
You have to check the notifications over and over and over again.
So they literally created a generation of addicts addicted to cell phones, addicted to social media.
And look at the depression now in teens.
And I give some stats about this.
This is all going to be in a video later on tonight.
Probably it will be up on the channel as to why they designed it to be so addictive and why many of these tech elites now expressing remorse
As to what they've inflicted on society.
It's very, very interesting indeed.
So there'll be a video up about that hopefully later on tonight.
Let's get into some final headlines here out of Europe.
Holland judge gives Afghan migrant who raped mentally disabled teen girl lighter sentence to save him from being deported.
A 38 year old Afghan migrant raped an 18 year old mentally disabled girl
In the Netherlands and was given a life sentence by a judge in order to save him from being deported.
Basically what happened, this 18 year old girl walked into a store.
I presume those were the only two people in it.
He dragged her into the back, he raped her.
But the judge said, well, your residency permit might be affected by this if we actually give you the proper sentence that a rapist should get.
Now bearing in mind that in Afghanistan, which is a different culture, they literally have something called Bacha Barzi, where old men, tribal elders, get to rape young boys on a regular basis and nobody does anything about it.
You remember the US military blew the whistle on it and nothing happened.
That's their culture and now apparently, according to some authorities in Amsterdam, Holland,
That's okay to import.
Literally, they did not deport him, they did not give him the proper punishment because, quote, it would lead to his expulsion.
Absolutely incredible.
You have a situation in the Netherlands where people who criticize Islam are routinely the target of assassination attempts.
We had, just a couple of weeks ago, Gert Wilders, of course the anti-mass immigration politician, set to hold a draw Mohammed cartoon contest in Amsterdam
A guy literally gets up on Facebook, puts out a video, a Muslim migrant saying, no I'm going to assassinate him, I'm going to stage a terrorist attack.
Thankfully they arrested the guy because he was dumb enough to put it on the internet days before.
But then other threats rolled in and they just cancelled the event altogether.
Once again proving, apparently in their eyes, that terrorism does indeed work.
Now the Netherlands itself has a huge problem with
Muslim grooming gangs, like virtually every other European country does since it instituted mass migration and open borders.
More than a thousand underage Dutch girls are groomed and sold into sex slavery every year by young pimps with migrant backgrounds.
And again, you have a Muslim party now in the Netherlands, a Muslim political party, who is telling Dutch citizens to leave their own country if they don't like the increasing number of Muslim migrants populating Dutch cities.
Meanwhile, a 38-year-old Afghan migrant who raped a mentally disabled 18-year-old gets away with it, basically does not get deported because they didn't want his residency permit to be affected.
That's the situation in Europe right now.
Where Merkel is set to fire her domestic intelligence chief who questioned the Chemnitz migrant hunt narrative.
So basically, obviously we had a bunch of protests in Chemnitz, Germany a few weeks ago because two migrants stabbed to death a German citizen.
They had mass protests in the aftermath of that.
They caught one or two of these migrants, from what I remember of the reports, spitting on the graves of Germans.
They were obviously angry, they chased after them to a certain extent.
Then the German media got a hold of this and claimed that German people were hunting down migrants, basically killing them, which never happened.
And now because Merkel's domestic intelligence chief questioned this narrative,
Questioned as to why you should believe Antifa videos that claim something, even though they're obviously incredibly politically partisan, he merely said, let's wait for the evidence to come in.
Now he's being fired.
And you wonder why Angela Merkel's approval rating in Germany is in the toilet.
Absolutely incredible situation that still continues, unfortunately, to get worse across the continent.
That's going to wrap it up for this hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Wall Room with Owen Schroer is coming up next.
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