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Filename: 20180822_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2018
3059 lines.

In this Infowars broadcast, Alex Jones addresses the censorship faced by InfoWars and other conservative voices on big tech platforms. He encourages listeners to sign up for their newsletter and subscribe to their podcast. The discussion covers various topics including fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash by Dr. Jones, support for America against globalist forces, and predictions about 9-11 and Bohemian Grove. Mentioned guests include Professor Daryl Hamamoto and Lauren Southern, who discuss the global spread of anti-white racism and its dangers. Stefan Molyneux adds his thoughts on how globalists plan to brainwash the third world population for political use. The New York Times' reporting on facts is criticized, while exclusive audio reveals that the DNC colluded with the Ukrainian government. Throughout the broadcast, Jones and guests share their perspectives on politics, media manipulation, and current events.

This is the most censored broadcast in the Western Hemisphere.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up, they're making their deep state coup move against the president.
They're making their move on us.
Top Democrats have officially announced a plan to completely deperson me from the internet, banking, and the world as it is known.
This is total tyranny.
Senator Ron Wyden leading the charge.
It's all coming up.
But first, this critical report on the treasonous intelligence community that's hijacked this nation that Trump's trying to remove.
There has never been a more treasonous atmosphere hovering over Washington D.C.
than there is today.
The Daily Caller reports, Florida Democratic Representative Alcee Hastings made this joke about President Trump during a rally in Florida.
He said, do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?
And no one held their hand, so Harry answered for us.
He said, a crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can't swim.
And he said, and a catastrophe is if anybody saves his ass.
The left's constant barrage of death threats regarding the commander-in-chief has become par for the course, all in thanks to the narrative developed by the groaning sore losers from the intelligence community.
Now you're seeing this collective
And we take a significant offense at those who claim that John doesn't have integrity, that John lied to Congress, that John did this or John did that.
And so we wanted to push back against that.
We wanted to be supportive of John's time in government.
The fact that he's using a security clearance of a former CIA director as a pawn in his public relations strategy, I think is just so reflective of somebody who quite frankly, I don't want to use this term maybe, but he's drunk on power.
He really is, and I think he's abusing the powers of that office.
I think right now this country is in a crisis in terms of what Mr. Trump has done and is liable to do.
What really gets under my skin is Mr. Trump's lack of decency, integrity, honesty, and his lack of commitment to this country's well-being and national security.
Mr. Trump is motivated by whatever is in the best interests of Mr. Trump.
That has been his modus operandi for decades.
No, that's you!
Watch the country turn around, you little liar!
I was hoping he was going to change once he assumed the solemn responsibilities of the Office of the Presidency.
That's why for my first year, I sometimes spoke out when he was in front of the agency's memorial wall and spoke about the size of his inauguration crowd.
But I did it very, very selectively.
I gave him a year.
I said, maybe he is going to adapt and change.
You never did that, you liar!
Oh, the common people.
I don't consider what I'm doing political at all.
Like when you were in the Communist Party?
I've never registered as a Republican or a Democrat.
Well, you have to realize John Brennan started his illustrious career by voting for the Communist Party.
You know, that's who he wanted to win the presidency back in the 70s, so he voted for the Communist Party.
When he came to be head of the CIA, I filibustered him because I thought it was bad news from the very beginning.
Brennan's delusional mind has even led him to believe he can sue the president over his cherished security clearance.
And as expected, all is not well in Treasonville.
They are beginning to cannibalize their misguided mission, turning on each other.
And the unraveling continues as Zero Hedge reports.
The FBI has been dealt a major blow after a Washington, D.C.
judge ruled that the agency must respond to a FOIA request for documents concerning the Bureau's efforts to verify the controversial Steele dossier before it was used as the foundation of a FISA surveillance warrant application and subsequent renewals.
Problem is, the Steele dossier isn't worth the paper it was printed on.
Will the judge's FOIA request put an end to the Russia collusion fairy tale once and for all?
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com.
Well, yes, but it's not about Russia now.
It's about paying off an old girlfriend, or it's about paying for your pet rabbit to be flown for your daughter.
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76 days to the most important election in U.S.
Undoubtedly one of the most important elections in world history.
The battle for the Republic is here.
It's Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, the Central Texas Command Center resisting the globalists.
Attempting to retake the republic with your help and friends around the world waking up as nationalists and populists as well.
Like a lion, Trump is surrounded by the hyenas.
The lies, the fake indictments of every major republican going for re-election.
Let us know that this country is facing fifth generational warfare.
But if we're aware of the globalists and who's funding them,
We can take their offensive against us, and let it be their Waterloo, their Battle of the Bulls.
This, my friends, is the turning point.
We stop them here.
It'll be just like in World War II, when Hitler was stopped in Russia, and then the tide turned.
Stay with us, because this is the most banned broadcast in the world.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
You can feel it, you can see it, the enemy knows they're on the rocks.
They know they are on the spikes.
But they are fighting back and trying to take us with them.
Even if they can take me out and take Trump out, they'll lose.
I can see the long-term permutations of this.
Because evil can froth and push and try to get control, and it can dominate for so long, but once people are aware of it, well you know what Johnny Cash says, sooner or later their system comes down.
We knew it was coming.
I could see the plan.
I was not that important when they ran tens of thousands of articles a month the last year and a half lying about me to make me a household name with everyone so that they could then set the Alex Jones precedent or the Alex Jones statute is what one of the crew members called it and now they're actually calling it that
Heard of fire in the theater?
Well now they're saying the Alex Jones rule built on straw men things I never said and pushed by media that knowingly lied about WMDs and helped fund the Arab Spring and killed millions of people.
This is an interview with Recode with the very Nosferatu looking and behaving Senator Ron Wyden along with Senators
Murphy and others, they are saying openly, as well as Senator Warner, that I must be removed from the internet itself and that I cannot even have InfoWars.com.
We have the audio coming up.
He then says, but Alex Jones is only the first and the model.
We're going to remove thousands of sites worse than him, and he talks about how I'm a pollution, and how I'm a disease, just like Brian Stelter does.
There's a handbook.
And then they re-up the lie about Sandy Hook.
They say it's hurtful to say nobody died.
They're the ones constantly saying it.
I have talked to my lawyers, and we are going to move against that, because to say I'm being sued when they twisted what I said about Sandy Hook, and then they say that I'm still saying what they said I said, and then to have all of these groups and organizations saying, in my words, things I never even said, if they're claiming that's hurtful to the families, then they're the ones that are hurting the people.
See how that works?
And they say that, I say there's Martian colonies with slave children, never said that, and they, it's just unbelievable lies.
So again, we have Senator Murphy, Senator Wyden, Warner, and others
Openly saying, remove everyone.
We're going to be going over that audio here in just a moment.
We're going to walk through Michael Cohen, who it turned out made something like $10 million while the president was president-elect and president that Trump knew nothing about because Trump wouldn't take lobbyists.
And Cohen was doing it on his own.
And he was involved, he now pleads guilty in this corrupt
Uh, cab service that Trump had nothing to do with.
And now, because he is in all this trouble, he's saying that, oh, I may come out and say that, you know, that Trump knew about the WikiLeaks hack.
And I may come out and say that Trump is this big criminal and that this was a campaign violation.
Obama had campaign violations in the hundreds of millions
Of dollars.
Does it matter folks?
Because Hillary and all these people are up to their eyeballs and beyond in billions to their foundation.
Paper play, illegal servers that they put secret documents on as a drop box in her bathroom so other governments could break in and get it.
It's well known.
She didn't drop secrets off under a
We're good to go.
Once there's a million, well then the hundreds of millions start flowing in.
And her looting Haiti and keeping 99% of the money and just everything we know the Clintons have done.
Bill Clinton, you know, Trump's corrupt.
That's right.
He hurts women.
And now we're supposed to, oh yes, let's get him right ahead of this election.
This is so predictable.
So, they want the impeachment.
They can't stand the country's coming back.
We have this cabal of Brennans and Obamas and Clintons and Haydens who just stay in there in this revolving door, allowing their own people to commit all these incredible crimes.
And then meanwhile, we've got Representative Duncan Hunter, a rising star, great record out in California, in a key district they can't seem to take.
And so, oh, he's being arraigned, he's being indicted, and I read the indictment.
They paid a couple hundred dollars for his daughter's pet rabbit to be flown on the plane, and the secretary put it on the card of the congressman's office and not on his personal card.
Oh, and then the congressman was allowed to buy a staff dinner on campaign money, but he bought him drinks.
And over the couple years, it was thousands of dollars of drinks.
He's a horrible person.
And, oh, it's like Netanyahu.
His wife's been indicted because over a decade, at state dinners, she didn't pay for the food.
And at state dinners with world leaders at his house, they had the government chef come in and pay for the food.
That's right.
And look, all I'm saying is this is the standard for Trump and Republicans or Netanyahu because they're not in favor of the globalists and Soros doesn't like them.
And so I was reading this.
The worst thing on there was an Italian vacation, the hotel and stuff.
And it turned out he was doing liaison work while he was there.
Yes, it was a workcation.
At worst, he'd pay a small fine.
Obama paid fines.
$300-something thousand dollars out of the campaign money for $80-something million that they improperly brought in and didn't label.
But the investigation stopped there because Obama's people were running it.
He just had to pay $300-something thousand dollars.
But oh my gosh, $80-something million, that's okay.
But if you fly your daughter's pet rabbit or buy her $2,000 worth of video games,
Bought his children $2,000 worth of video games, where they're out on the road with him and they're in a hotel and he's telling the secretary, yeah, go buy him a PlayStation and buy him some games.
They're like, Dad, it's boring!
Fine, Secretary, drive him over, get him the games.
I'm sorry, I gotta go work.
I can't tell you how many times I end up using the company card, because I'll lose one of my cards, or loan it to my wife, or my kids get it out, and I'm like, oh, I've got the company American Express, and then I sit there and buy clothes on it, you name it, and then all the secretary and accountant does is reimburse me right over as a draw, then it just goes in the tax ledger as money I paid myself.
You forget to do that?
You forget that, and they go over with a fine-tooth comb, you're a patriot, you're going to prison.
In fact, I have my accountants checking everything again.
Because that's how America works, folks.
If you're a good person, you go to prison for buying people drinks.
Now, if you sell out to the Communist Chinese and rob Haiti of $3 billion and openly protect pedophiles, well, you're a wonderful person.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, there's one thing consistent about the globalists.
It's that they are corrupt, they are power-seeking, they are liars, and they have formulaic ways of engaging in fraud.
And you could see them kicking myself and now thousands of other prominent, well-spoken, authoritative, popular
Media individuals off of Facebook, off of Twitter, off of Google, off of Apple platforms.
And now the purge has accelerated and I'm going to get to shocking information, the most incredible yet, which proves everything that we were concerned about is dead on.
It's just a progression, another mile marker on the road to 1984.
But we're now 76 days out from the midterms.
The Democrats are laser-focused on indicting every Republican member of the House they can.
They've indicted, what, just three of them in the last month?
All of it on just technicality stuff.
Like they did to Tom DeLay of Texas.
He was a record-raising fundraiser for Republicans.
He was popular.
And what'd they do?
They indicted him five or six times.
It didn't matter.
It took him every dollar he had, millions of dollars, and later he was found not guilty.
But over and over and over again.
They took him here in Travis County, Democrat-controlled.
They took him out of Congress, and they destroyed him.
And that's what they do.
They mean business.
And finally, Trump came along and stood up to them, and they don't know what to do.
So, this is up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, and this is where we are.
Trump slams big tech censorship.
Americans deserve the same free speech rights as the media.
And our own Millie Weaver ran into Jim Acosta at this very rally last night.
And she's like, you say that Trump's trying to take your free speech.
He's not.
He's saying you're liars when you say that he's a traitor or the enemy.
And Acosta walks around that and then she says, well, you want Alex Jones banned on CNN.
He goes, well, he said Sandy Hook didn't happen.
So imagine questioning a event five years ago.
When others questioned it and then saying, okay, I think it happened.
That's everybody's right to say that.
And then they always bring it back up like I'm saying it now and twist it and then say, I don't have a right to speak with that little magic, magic Sandy Hook term they use.
And that's what the lawsuits of all of this and the tens of thousands of articles every month is about positioning towards that.
You'll hear US Senator calling for me to be totally banned from the web and quote thousands of others in just a moment.
Senator Ron White.
That video's up on Infowars.com.
Millie, we were talking to Jim Acosta, and then the aggressive security guys, you know, just acting like he's some type of celebrity.
Acosta is a joke.
Story's on Infowars.com.
But here's Trump laying it out, that these are public commons, they've advertised them as commons, and now they're discriminating against conservatives, and it will not be tolerated.
Here it is.
And we're also standing up
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
That's the new thing.
You know, I'd rather have fake news like CNN.
I would rather have fake news.
It's true.
Then have
Anybody, including liberals, socialists, anything, that have anybody stopped and censored.
We gotta live with it.
We gotta get used to it.
We're gonna live with fake news.
There's too many sources.
Every one of us is sort of like a newspaper.
You have Twitter, you have whatever you have, Facebook.
But everyone, you can't have censorship.
You can't pick one person and say, well, we don't like what he's been saying, he's out.
So we'll live with fake news.
I mean, I hate to say it, but we have no choice because that's by far the better alternative.
We can't have people saying censorship because you know what?
It can turn around.
It could be them next.
It could be them next.
That's right, he's absolutely on target.
Of course, he's talking about banning me as the test case and then going on to quote thousands of other sites that are quote worse than Jones.
And why?
Because Senator Ron Wyden waves a magic wand of fake news that CNN and MSNBC lies about what I've said and done that even if I did the things they said I'd done, I have a right to be on air.
But no, they misrepresent and say that I said get your battle rifles and attack them?
I offered a million dollar
Reward yesterday.
If you can show where I said use battle rifles on the media or get your battle rifles ready for the media.
I said Antifa says they're coming to members of Congress's house.
They've already attacked and shot people.
They're already attacking.
They say that they've doxed law enforcement and ICE.
Hell, I got a new video of a guy that said he was going to kill ICE!
Up in Dallas.
And Steven Crowder went and tracked him down.
That's coming up next segment.
That's what I'm talking about.
So I'm sure saying we have to defensively have a right to protect ourselves and then they lie and twist it and then now, off those lies, Senator Ron Wyden says that we have the Alex Jones case now and now that we have that precedent,
In mob behavior in Congress and the Democrats, and Senator Warner and all them saying, we're going to ban everybody.
Jones isn't enough.
Senator Murphy.
They're running the plan with Big Tech.
And Big Tech wasn't listening to this just a year ago.
They thought Trump might act against them, so they kind of backed off.
But now they believe Trump's going to be gone.
They're making the move.
It's so bold, it's so illegal, and it's so dangerous, folks.
We knew it was coming next.
I told you I was patient zero, domino number one.
Here he is on the Recode Radio Show.
The full article is on Infowars.com.
Here it is.
And so, what I'm going to be trying to do in my legislation is to really lay out
What the consequences are when somebody who is a bad actor, somebody who really doesn't meet the decency, the principles that... He talks to you like you're a little kid, he looks like a cross between a vampire and...
Sandusky or something, in my view.
I mean, you ever watch video of him?
He's really creepy.
He looks like a reptile.
He's really a sicko.
But his ideas are worse.
He's super anti-gun, anti-family, once-open borders, total globalist, and he wants your free speech now.
And he says, if we say someone's a bad actor, if we say they're bad, well, then they're just memory hole.
They're bye-bye.
So let's go back to Nosferatu.
That reflect our values.
If that bad actor blows by the bounds of common decency, I think you gotta have a way to make sure that stuff is taken down.
So that's a hornet's nest with people like this.
The idea of what they take down, who decides.
There's a lot of people uncomfortable with tech companies deciding these things.
I think they do already by downgrading them.
I think they're already doing a version of that.
They're already making decisions.
Why do you think they're resistant to it?
I know they're resistant to being called media companies.
I think that's precisely what they do.
Because we're America, lady, and this is 1984, and these tech companies are about moral high ground.
They help run the censorship in China and get people arrested and executed, which you guys go along with.
You're the people that invade all these innocent countries.
You're the monsters, and you want to shut us up because you ghouls know the people are awake.
Let's go back to it.
Companies have responsibilities.
They're monopolies.
Individually odd monopolies too because there's so many of them.
They are monopolies and these people that were innovators at the beginning and trying to give consumers a fair shake now seem to be interested in monetizing at all costs.
So, by the way, you know, if we were talking about really horrible pornography, I think they would have moved pretty quickly.
You know, to deal with it.
Right, right.
And I think it's also worth noting that with respect to Alex Jones, there are probably a thousand accounts out there that are as bad as Alex Jones.
Right, right.
There you go.
They're coming after everybody.
This is unbelievable.
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We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia, and then voila!
Two weeks later, banned InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top 5 or top 10 news feeds.
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This is what they don't want you to see.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered, it's The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We know for an absolute certain fact that Senator Sessions, now Attorney General, is 100% compromised or he's got dementia or a brain tumor or something.
I don't know.
The few speeches you see him give, he can hardly talk.
He worships the real head of the Justice Department, Rosenstein.
They are
Doing nothing but now, what, indicting three Republican members of the House in just the last month and a half.
And they've got a whole bunch of others they're going to be indicting, literally, for things one one billionth as bad as what the Clintons did.
The Clintons took $4 billion illegally from their foundation, stole $3 billion from Haiti, had illegal servers, hundreds of millions of dollars from the Russians, selling out our uranium.
I mean, the list of crimes are staggering.
Obama, even Politico admits, mishandled $84 million in campaign contributions just in one round, and he was fined $300-something thousand dollars.
So that'd be like Charlie Manson kills Sharon Tate and a bunch of other people and he gets a parking ticket.
But you get a parking ticket and you get the death penalty.
You park and don't pay the meter, you get the death penalty.
That's Congressman Hunter out of California.
They paid to have his daughter's pet rabbit flown on the campaign money and bought drinks a bunch of times and dinner for the campaign people with the money, which everybody does.
It's insane.
And now you've got Michael Cohen, who we now know is running his own criminal enterprise.
He's pled guilty.
Ten million dollars or more of illegal lobbying, because Trump wouldn't allow lobbying.
He just did it.
The taxi service.
Where's the collusion?
You have the former head of the Federal Elections Commission, I'm going to cover that right now with Roger Stone, coming out last night saying Trump used his money, and taxes were paid on the money, and it went through his own company, and then was paid through his lawyer.
And so it's totally legal.
But it doesn't even matter.
It's not Russiagate.
There's nothing there.
And I've got a special guest joining us in the last 30 minutes who actually broke some of the original information that was in Politico last year about the real Russian meddling.
But through Leftist groups and Soros, through Ukraine, and we're going to have the recordings, everything, the exclusive coming up on how that really happened and how the Democrats and Hillary and all of them were involved.
So, real collusion.
But again, none of it matters because Jeff Sessions is totally
Asleep at the switch, whether he be compromised, or whether he, you know, wants the man twice the child.
I don't know.
But I tell you this, people are cowards, they're rolling over, and they're making their move on the President, and you notice, Senator Wyden has joined other top Senators, Democrats, Warner and Murphy, saying, we want Alex Jones completely banned, I just played the clip, and there are thousands of sites as bad.
And they go on to say, or worse.
It's like a 35-minute interview.
We're going to play more coming up.
And they're just, they're the authority.
They're the boss.
And CNN and the New York Times are actually the watchdogs, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters, it's come out, who actually get in your accounts and watch what you do and even know how much money you're getting paid by YouTube.
It's all racketeering.
It's all tortious interference.
And the point is they're going for broke because they control the Justice Department.
And Trump before was saying, don't censor people or I'll go after you, Google.
They believe Trump's going to be taken out.
Now they don't care.
That's why suddenly you saw me be the first person to be purged.
They're making their move.
Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign, former business partners, they hadn't been partners in over a decade, with Paul Manafort, to respond to Manafort and the jury, and then now all of this, and clearly they're making their move, Roger.
I want to get into all the inside baseball you've got for us, but as a gestalt, is what I just said in the last four or five minutes accurate?
Yes, I think you're right on the money, Alex.
And we've got some breaking news here in the segment.
But first, let's talk about the results yesterday.
It's not surprising to me that Manafort was convicted on eight counts.
What's shocking is that he had 10 counts against him dismissed.
This is a stacked deck.
And the entire Mueller probe is an effort to undo the results of that last election.
Now, when Rod Rosenstein was appointed Deputy Attorney General, with the assistance of former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, they put in front of the President a document which changed the order of succession at the Justice Department.
You will recall when President Nixon ordered the firing of Watergate Special Counsel Archibald Cox,
The decision first went to Attorney General Elliot Richardson.
He declined and resigned.
Then it went to the first Deputy Attorney General, William Ruckelshaus.
He declined and resigned.
Then it went to the Solicitor General, Robert Bork, who carried out the President's order.
That is no longer the line of succession.
Rosenstein put a document in front of the president which they told him was a housekeeping matter that changes the line of succession from Sessions to Rosenstein.
To a U.S.
attorney in Texas who's a bushy, to a U.S.
attorney in North Carolina who's another establishment Republican under the control of Rosenstein.
This is a hijacking of the Justice Department put in place just in case the President fires Sessions and Rosenstein.
He would have to go four deep into the Justice Department before he could find a loyal acting Attorney General.
And that's right, and doing deep research, worse for the Democrats is the power combination of the neocons allied with the Democrats, and that's why they're so arrogant.
And clearly, the fact that they were going to make this bold censorship move that Trump and others have told them don't do,
I don't know.
Well, Alex, yesterday I heard from two completely credible sources.
That the Mueller probe is very close to charging Donald Trump Jr.
with lying to the FBI.
Now, let's be clear.
We've said it here numerous times on InfoWars that the Trump Tower meeting was A. not illegal and B. a setup.
We still have no answer as to who approved the visa for the Russian woman.
Sure, we know it's a total fraud.
And so again, he's got to fire Mueller and all these people and Rosenstein before all this fraud comes out.
He's got to move against them now.
Well, here's the key question.
Will moving on a member of the first family finally give Donald Trump what he needs, the impetus to clean out this entire nest of criminals?
You heard it here first on InfoWars.
Again, if there's any further proof that the President should never sit down with Mueller's people for a deposition, the catching potentially of Donald Trump Jr.
in some minor discrepancy regarding the meeting is a classic example of the perjury trap they're trying to walk the President into.
I'm a giant fan of Donald Trump Jr.
Read his tweets.
You know who he reminds me of?
Donald Trump, the candidate.
He's a true believer.
I happen to know that he is a fan of info wars.
He's been a very effective advocate for the president's proposals and platform and his reform agenda.
But now, Mueller threatens to indict him for perjury.
We're going to break it down when we come back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is the most banned, attacked, lied-about broadcast in the world.
When you see these Democrats and these operatives, these fake news people...
Up there on mainstream corporate news, how do you know they're lying when their lips are moving?
And the lying has only intensified.
They are trying to shut everybody down right now.
They know America's awake.
They're going to try to convert us to an absolute tyranny if they can remove President Trump.
This is a literal life-and-death fight for the future of this country.
Every conservative, every Christian, every libertarian, every person that wants to live in a free country
You have to get freaked out, motivated and aggressive.
You've got to call everybody you know.
You've got to tell them, get out and vote.
You've got to call Congress and tell them you know that they're criminals when they're going after the press and the president.
You've got to understand that we're facing an organized crime syndicate.
That is absolutely trying to kill a populist movement to take this nation back.
We are in a soft civil war.
They want to go into a hot civil war.
They're financed by a bizarre Nazi collaborator.
Trump needs to send Soros, you know, over to Germany or over to Hungary.
So we're going to go back to Roger Stone here with mega bombshell information.
You're up against the break.
Start over.
With your sources about the situation with who Mueller is planning to indict next.
This is incredible.
And then what you believe the consequences of that will be, Roger Stone.
My information, Alex, is that Robert Mueller is threatening to indict Donald Trump Jr.
for lying to the FBI in interviews that he gave in connection with the perfectly legal Trump Tower meeting.
I have thought for some time that if the special counsel moved on a member of the first family, Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Eric or Donald Trump Jr., that it would be the last straw.
I think they have held this back knowing that it may be the thing that pushes Trump beyond the breaking point.
But the point you made is a good one, Alex.
What we have here is a coup d'etat.
Wrapped up in a faux legality.
Oh, the special counsel, that's the federal government.
You can't question him.
He has full authority.
Two courts have ruled that he does, which I think is extraordinary because the courts rule that his appointment is legal because he has the oversight of both
Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the President.
But Rosenstein and the President are both, at a minimum, witnesses in the investigation that Mueller is conducting into the termination of FBI Director James Comey.
Meaning they're both conflicted.
The two government officials with theoretical oversight over Mueller are conflicted.
Which is why Mueller's appointment should be voided.
This is a coup d'etat.
There is no question about it.
And again...
They're all conflicted beyond that.
Rosenstein's involved in the dossier.
That's all been proven to be fake, Roger.
The Democrats have been caught being in bed with the Russians, in bed with the Chinese.
We've got breaking news in the third hour confirming all of this, using State Department money that was trying to topple Russia, laundering it back through Ukraine, back to the Hillary campaign.
This is all confirmed.
And will Americans stand
For Obama, who got fined $340-something thousand dollars for $84 million that was improperly marked.
And there was no investigation of that.
They just said, oh, here's a slap on the wrist.
And then meanwhile, we have Duncan Hunter and people literally being indicted for having campaign money paid to fly his daughter's pet rabbit.
And buying campaign members drinks after dinner.
And buying his kids video games.
The secretary, when they're on the road, buying them some video games because they were bored.
I mean, this is her $375,000 Obama had to pay.
This is just out of control.
No, Maxine Waters leans on the federal government to bail out a bank that she and her husband own stock in and whose and her husband is on the board of.
And of course, she pays no penalty whatsoever.
No, this is an egregious double standard.
Here's the difference.
It's an opening shot case on the Clintons.
You want Russian collusion?
$145 million from the Russian Energy Company to the Clinton Foundation while the uranium deal was on the table for approval.
That's about as clear as you can get.
It wouldn't take much of an investigation.
A second year law student could get an indictment from a grand jury.
They are completely busted.
But because the mainstream media will not cover any of that, or they give it scant coverage, the outrage and knowledge of the American people has been slow to build.
But building it is.
A poll yesterday showed that 50% of the people thought Paul Manafort's prosecution was entirely political.
And this was a Monmouth poll from New Jersey.
Hardly a right-wing outfit, but a credible pollster.
So I think the American people are catching on to what's going on here.
And the question is, will it reach critical mass in time for the election?
Will it reach critical mass in time for the president to do what needs to be done?
Clean house.
And, Roger, it's not like the stock market's plunging.
It's at all-time highs.
The economy's coming back.
We see the best numbers ever recorded for black and Hispanic small businesses, startups, and already record profits.
That's why you see a doubling in black and Hispanic support for Trump in only one year, and even their own skewed polls show a collapse away from the Democratic Party, an acceleration over to the Trube.
Americana, you know, gusto that everybody really wants.
Everybody wants to, you know, be a winner.
And people get this.
So the Democrats are in full, insane, cuckoo land mode.
And I'm just concerned about how they're going to counter-strike next.
Because, again, we now know.
I don't know if you saw it.
It's up on Infowars.com.
We played the audio earlier.
We'll come back and talk about this for five minutes.
Senator Ron Wyden has now joined other leading Democrats saying, we want Jones completely banned from the internet, and that anyone that has his content should be fined, and that he must be unpersoned, and that thousands of others are just as bad.
That they are going to have the media matters run.
Who can be on the air and who can't?
I mean, this is Chinese Communist level and they're just announcing it out in the open.
We'll talk about that when we come back with Roger Stone of Infowars.com and StoneColdTruth.com.
We are both under mega attack.
I'm willing to do it for America.
I'm not complaining, but I am telling you this.
People keep saying, I wish somebody would stand up and do something.
We're on a suicide mission here, okay?
And so I'm just going to tell the list or something.
You want us to win, we need your prayers and I appreciate the prayers.
And if you want us to win, thank the local stations and spread the word about those and spread our articles and our videos because we are being crushed.
We are being, I mean, I'm not going to complain.
It's a James Bond movie, my private life, okay?
I mean, let me tell you, let me tell you, if you ever had any question about the Democrats in the state, they were bad.
They're getting much worse, okay?
So, we need massive funds to let these bullies know we're not going to put... because I want to expand.
I don't want to just implode.
And, you know, right now, I'm not going to lie to you, we're in a stasis point for the first time in 25 years, 24 years of my operation, we're not expanding.
The enemy has brought us to a standstill.
We're still at this point of major attack against their lives and we're hurting them bad.
But I want to go through the threshold and blast past and make a jump
Absolutely the next level against the enemy.
And so I need to know a lot of funds are coming in, and you will see four or five new shows launched every day.
You will see new podcasts launching.
You will see us with reporters.
You will see unbelievable stuff I've got up my sleeve.
I am ready, if the funds come in, to hit them and hit them hard.
But I need to know that I have a serious war chest and munitions.
Think of us as an artillery group, and helicopters just drop the artillery in, and now I need another helicopter to bring in the munitions.
I've got the technicians, I've got the people, I've got the enemy in sight politically.
I'm saying literally, this is politically.
And I've got the target grid coordinates, I am ready to start giving the orders, okay?
You think our artillery's already been hitting them politically?
We are ready to, we've got the artillery in the field.
We need munitions, that means money.
Or take the jet analogy.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another fly.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Roger Stone has broken down a world exclusive here, but again, we're up against a break.
I want him to be very clear, because what he's told me off-air is even worse than what he said on-air.
Roger, I know you don't want to destabilize the country, but the truth's the truth.
And I think the president needs to know what you've been told by high-level sources, because you're under Mueller investigation, and what people might be keeping from him.
So just, I'm not telling you what to do, but I think you should just give it to us straight.
Tell folks how bad it is.
The simplest way to put this is Special Counsel Robert Mueller is planning to indict Donald Trump Jr.
for the crime of lying to the FBI in the various interviews he gave pertaining to the perfectly legal meeting at Trump Tower.
That is good information.
We stand by it.
And we are reporting it first.
Remember, this is InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Why have they been holding back?
Because they know the president will absolutely, he's got the power to fire all of them, and you've got Rosenstein's changing it over to, he's in charge of everything, you've got Sessions in la-la land, you know, counting daisies on the wall, and not knowing what time it is.
I mean, clearly these people have engaged in a coup.
And I think if the president addressed the nation,
Address the nation, you know, at 8 p.m.
one night, and just laid all this out and says, I'm firing them, they're crooks, they're scum, and, you know, and I believe in you, the voters, and I believe in this election coming up, and if you think I'm wrong, then impeach me, but if you think I'm right, you like the economy, and you like getting these parasites out of control, well, then stand with me, baby!
I think he should draw the line in the sand like Colonel Travis.
Well, to answer your question as to why he's waited, I think he was waiting for the conviction of Manafort and the guilty plea of Cohn to set the stage and build momentum for his next big scalp.
Now, the Daily Beast, HuffPo, Mother Jones, the rest of the fake news media is, of course, actively predicting that Roger Stone will be indicted next.
Alex, if I have to say it one more time, it's tedious, but
I'm not involved in any Russian collusion.
I know nothing of any collaboration with WikiLeaks or any other crime that pertains to the 2016 presidential election.
This is a witch hunt.
This is an inquisition.
But I need help.
I talked to a top lawyer that I would like to retain.
And he tells me my defense is going to cost more than two million dollars.
So folks can go to StoneDefenseFund.com and it would be a godsend.
I'm not going to roll over.
Like the rest of the InfoWars band, I am going to fight, but it will bankrupt me.
It will destroy me financially unless patriots come forward with their assistance.
And let's expand on this.
You told me during the break you had one of these New York Times reporters, one of the same ones that's been stalking me.
They will not quote anything you said.
It's all twisted.
And you were saying she's calling you at 10 o'clock at night wanting to know about me and Russia.
And she sat there and said, how much does Russia pay you?
How much have you been working with RT?
And I said, never.
Never worked for them.
Haven't been on in years.
And she just started laughing.
Do these people actually believe that I've worked with the Russians?
Obviously so.
This woman is a feature writer, I am told.
I declined to speak with her because it can come to no good.
This is a hatchet job.
You want to see a hatchet job?
There's one around me right now in Mother Jones.
I have written a rebuttal which I'm about to post.
I mean, these people have no regard for facts or truth or context.
They lie by omission.
They lie by half-truths.
They lie by just outright falsehood.
That is the mainstream media today.
It is pathetic.
Thank God we have outlets like, oh, I don't know, InfoWars, to tell you what's really going on.
We're going to break in 10 seconds, but can you believe that they now have more Democrat senators openly saying, take me completely off the air?
They want to take you completely off the planet, Alex.
This is, they want to non-person you.
I've never seen anything quite like it.
Roger, you'll be on The War Room coming today, 3.
God bless you.
I want to plow into all of this, but I'm going to spend a few minutes here first, just encouraging listeners to understand that when you buy t-shirts, or water filtration systems, or books, or videos, or other materiel from infowarstore.com, you are funding the revolution.
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We're now only 76 days out from the most important election in world history.
Powerful globalist forces, from the EU to the Chai Khans to Hollywood, to the corrupt Justice Department, are attempting to steal the nation back from the American people.
But humans all across the world, not just here, are awake, and the New World Order is in trouble.
Coming up, Professor Daryl Hamamoto will break down the brainwashing accelerating on the campuses, and more, than Millie Weaver confronted Jim Acosta.
Kaelin Robertson, of course, right-hand man of Tommy Robertson.
Lee Stranahan with huge breaking news on Russiagate concerning Hillary.
That is damning proof of where the real collusion was.
Roger Stone coming back in the fourth hour and more.
But first, a history of the Infowar.
Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
But if you can get through all that to explore what he's been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
Babylon Mystery Religion Ceremony!
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
Prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg Group et al.
And most of you are a bunch of stinkin' parasites!
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say, you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing while history is being recorded?
Will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
And that's one of our latest great hires, a patriot, former Marine, always Marine, Greg Reese.
He moved here from Hawaii.
You saw him do the whole volcano piece on our water filtration.
And join us just for two short segments.
We'll have him back up in the next few weeks for a full hour.
Once we're getting him on all the shows here, because I always forget about what a great guest he is.
Professor Daryl Hamamoto.
I'm not going to get into his old background.
That would take all the time.
But he's a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship, so he's been an insider.
He's been exposing, for many years, being persecuted for it, how they're bringing in a system of total control, and we're going to use the universities as the invasion force of anti-free speech nationwide.
And he's been totally proven right.
He's got a lot of points he wants to get into.
He's in Vietnam right now.
You can talk about seeing the chi-coms, the crisis of academic humanities, modern language, rise of Islamification on the college, and how this union's working together.
I'd call him a classical liberal.
And again, he's been persecuted a lot for being a real liberal.
And so you've got the floor for this segment.
The next kind of kind of run through your report to everybody and what you see happening.
Good to have you back, Professor.
Thanks so much, Alex.
It's great to be back with you here today.
As you mentioned, I'm here in Vietnam.
I wanted to see what official Marxist Leninism is all about.
And I have to say, and I've only been here for about three weeks now, but I've experienced a much higher degree of personal freedom than one experiences in the United States of America.
I happen to live in the Sacramento area, which is, the whole region is going up in smoke right now because of the
The fake climate change types of eco-fascism that's been imposed on the people of California.
But here in Vietnam, I walk here with a high degree of personal safety.
I get to eat fresh food and fruits and vegetables.
I get to go through open-air markets and some people may complain that, well, what about the sanitation?
Well, it's excellent here.
Now the problem is, is that because this is such a beautiful, verdant country that's rich with resources, including incredible oil reserves in the South China Sea, some of our competitors, most notably the People's Republic of China, have moved aggressively into the region.
And I happen to live, I'm living currently in the residence hotel
Only five minutes away from one of the most beautiful beach areas probably in the world.
And a section of that beach was immortalized in the series of a few years ago called China Beach.
It's the China Beach of the American wars, it's called here, the war against American military.
But I snuck onto one of these luxury resorts the other day and I was challenged by a guard and I responded in English, which was sort of my passport, my entree into the facility.
And I picked up one of these brochures and it's called
The Premier Village Da Nang Resort managed by Accor Hotels.
I don't know what Accor Hotels is.
I'm going to do my research, but I bet you anything it's a Chai Com operation.
But anyway, they've occupied, they privatized this incredible beach area.
And you know, I haven't been to really many high
High-end five-star resorts, but if I have this, this would fit that description.
If you looked in the dictionary under high-end resort, you'd have a photograph of this beautiful facility here.
So I walked in there.
I went to the lobby.
I checked out facility.
It's beautiful.
They have these, this incredible landscaping.
And the picture of the beach itself looks like something out of, I couldn't believe it was actually a beach.
It looked like a photograph, looked like a painting.
It was super real.
And I heard mostly not Chinese language, but strangely enough, Korean language.
Because it seems that a country that was desperately poor, that lived under military dictatorship for many decades after the end of World War II, then liberalized its economy.
It created a huge and productive upper middle class.
And this is what I'm seeing here at the hotels.
I'm also projecting that this is this process is going to be taking place throughout Vietnam.
In fact, the area that I'm living right now, there's construction going on nonstop, five star hotels, much of it subsidized or financed by the Chinese.
And by the way, I should add that the Vietnamese people who have remained free most of the throughout its entire existence before it became Republic,
Have for centuries resisted foreign domination, most notably the Han people or the Chinese.
Yet they're coming in.
And we have this first wave of subjugation from the standpoint of economic investment.
Now the upper-edge land people, I assume that they bought into the program that the People's Republic of China, the developers have brought in.
But on the street level,
There is, from what I can tell, a great deal of resentment against China.
The Chinese people.
In fact, I don't think I've seen a single Chinese tourist here.
What I was about to say, for folks that don't know, I mean, I'm not a professor or historian like you, but I've read a lot about it.
Hasn't there been hundreds of wars between Vietnam and China, and China's always, for over a thousand years, trying to invade?
They even had some shootouts in just the last few years, and China's tried to take over some of the islands that claim that the oil out there, that's always belonged to Vietnam, belongs to them.
In fact, Hainan Island is a hotly contested area.
I suspect it was last week or a week and a half ago.
Part of the Chinese Blue Water Fleet came sailing through the East China Sea and in effect was saying, this is ours, this is ours, this is ours.
And it's disturbing everybody, and this is one of the reasons I'm here, it's disturbing everybody in the region, all the way down to Malaysia.
We'll talk about why it's so important, because how can China be taking over Africa, everywhere, because they got $900 billion deficit every year of our money to do it, and it was all set up, and the globalists did it on purpose.
China has been the chosen new imperial power.
We'll be right back.
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We knew it was coming.
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And then voila, two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back!
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And I wanted to get Professor Daryl Hamamoto, who's been exposing for many years the cult of brainwashing going on at universities and how they're being prepared as this invasion force to take over the country, which has now happened.
I didn't know he was in Vietnam and had been there for a month or so.
And, you know, talking about fascinating is Vietnam borders on its north, a large border with China.
China's been trying to take it for thousands of years.
In fact, I was looking up during the break, almost 2,000 years they've been having wars, not 1,000.
And now they're economically taking over.
So Vietnam's always getting invaded by everybody.
And before, you know, the French, and before that it was the Japanese were there for a while, and then the U.S.
came, and so definitely fighters.
So it's I guess it's in their ethos that they're constantly getting attacked by Cambodia and Laos and Thailand and you know the Philippines and everybody else.
So it goes on and on.
But but but this is just interesting.
And I heard him say yes yes exactly.
But we've already gone to break.
I was elaborating professor on.
China is the new chosen global imperial power with a communist operating system with billionaire generals that rule it all.
It's a total fraud and our elites have decided that that's the model for here and I'm sure you've seen the news that Silicon Valley is preparing China's censorship and preparing it here.
I'm being the platform.
Finish your point about China and then I want to get some of your other points because we have limited time today.
Yes, Alex, I just wanted to underscore for your audience that you've been absolutely right, so far as China's concerned, because some people might be dismissive of saying, well, it's alarmism.
We've been hearing this since the 1950s.
But this is real.
I'm seeing it here.
I'm listening.
I'm reading.
I'm talking to people.
I'm attending academic conferences.
And this is something that I needed to do.
I needed to be here to witness it.
But China is the world power, as you've alluded to, as you stated outright many, many times on your broadcast, that China has been selected by the globalist banker families, that small 0.0001% of the elite.
It's been designated as the wedge to bring down
The entire developed industrialized West, which would include Japan, by the way, Japan is not happy about what's going on in China in this region as well.
And the alliance between us and Japan is strengthening.
And ironically, the military alliance between Vietnam and the United States is warming up because all these nations, and the American people need to understand this, fully comprehend the enormity of this 21st century behemoth that is threatening to bring in, to realize that vision
That was has been workshopped for decades of the New World Order.
And this is why I'm here.
I'm trying to get the specifics.
I'm trying to gather the empirical data that will help support my pioneering efforts in systematizing and developing what I call New World Order theory that I hope will be taught to new generations of students.
Instead of this amoral... And I want to have you back for a full hour to get into that because that's because you have tried as a top PhD in there, very respected, who's also been to the Rockefeller schools, to bring in a real system of world understanding that's based from the elite perspective.
I mean, not looking down on us like the elite do, but knowing how they look at things.
People have a real bird's eye view from their perspective to understand that's the real world system that's taking over versus populists and self-determination.
And just what you were mentioning about Vietnam, like Ho Chi Minh said, OK, I might not be a communist.
I'll work with America.
Let us be independent.
But then the saboteurs actually did not want that.
They wanted communism to stay in power.
So they actually told the U.S.
to go in and invade, but didn't let us win to actually cause this cultural schism here domestically.
These people are very, very sophisticated.
And only studying their long range Hegelian dialectics do you have any way of beating it.
That's absolutely true.
What you've been alluding to earlier is that in the universities we have had imposed on ourselves, and I fell sucker to this early on as well myself, this is why I'm so familiar with this system, but we fell victim to foundation globalist funded forms of knowledge which are completely false.
It's ideology masquerading as social science.
And I'm talking about race and ethnicity theory, gender and sexuality theory,
Which is the opposite of Martin Luther King or the Renaissance or true liberal enlightenment.
It's the most illiberal garbage.
It's exactly true.
It's antithetical to the Western humanistic tradition, which puts man and God at the center of the world, not these superficial characteristics, because genetically we're very similar.
Culturally, I mean, you just go to a different country and you just realize... Family's the unifier, and that's why they're attacking that.
That is what we are.
It's our human, it's our God-given, physiological human endowment that has been systematically destroyed over the past 30 to 40 years with the willing complicity of the entire academic establishment, which is funded by, you know, the government, federal agencies, military, and most of all banker interests.
So we have been kept in the dark.
We have had the blinders on
Purposely in the university, and this is why you see this misbehavior from these brainwashed individuals.
I'm not talking about the Antifa frustrated college grad, I'm talking about the professors themselves because the entire reward and punishment system within the university from top to bottom has been structured in a way to punish people who deviate from this false orthodoxy.
Oh, it's total, it's total...
It's totally insane.
I mean, I know a bunch of well-known liberals and people that... One of them is a famous... He's actually a well-known director and film editor.
He got tired of Hollywood, went back to UT to become a psychiatrist, basically.
And in the program, because he's white, they told him, you're kicked out of the program.
There's too many whites.
And he goes, that's racist.
And he's a big liberal.
And that's the University of Texas officially saying you're white.
We're not gonna let you graduate, even though you're about to graduate.
Doesn't matter.
And he's like, fine, this is insane, but that's, I mean, it's become, it's like Nazi-like.
That's exactly the case.
In fact, Anthony Burgess, whose name should be mentioned in the same breath as people like Orwell and Aldous Huxley,
Anthony Burgess wrote a book called The Wanting Seed, and it was published in 1960.
He was talking exactly about these issues, that people have to feign being homosexual or gay in order to fit in to the new regime.
And the same goes for your racial identity.
If you're a quote-unquote white, whatever that means, then most people are an admixture.
Sure, I mean, I'm part Native American and stuff, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, all of us, including so-called purebred Asian people, have all kinds of genetic material floating around in there someplace, to the greater glory of all humanity, I believe.
So this in itself is a completely false path that we've put on, so-called critical race and ethnicity theory that's taught in all the colleges and universities.
In one word, just what you said to summarize what you stated.
I'm gonna come back real briefly though for any websites or places you think people should visit with Professor Hamamoto.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
We have a special guest joining us.
After that, Millie Weaver just confronted Jim Acosta.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I mean, I try to look at the gender studies, all of it, and then it's always an expanding vocabulary, and then now the new thing is, they're saying, they're being mean to people, period.
If you call medically, so now I'm trying to take over the medical system, a woman's female parts, a vagina, now you've got to call it front hole.
So, uh, that's, that's, that's what's going on here.
And it literally is a takeover of language, culture, everything by this big corporate system that's always directing it.
So you're not allowed.
I saw an article today where a big chef in England is being criticized because he's taken Jamaican seasoning.
And put it into his Italian restaurant.
And so the mainstream news, there is a chef, Jamie Oliver, accused of cultural appropriation for his Jamaica punchy jerk rice.
So, I mean, that's what culture is.
As Marco Polo went to Asia and brought over the spices, the idea of like, you know, coconuts floated from one island to another is the coconut cultural appropriation.
You know, there's the footage of the white kid with dreadlocks.
And San Francisco being beaten up by the black students or whatever, because hey, you're not, you know, it's cultural appropriation.
Again, MTV bombards us with a twisted view of what a culture is.
Then when people adopt it to be left alone and to not be beaten up, well, you get beaten up for that.
You get beaten up for that, too.
And I see these articles everywhere.
Can white people, you know, be discriminated against?
Or is there such a thing as reverse discrimination?
Well, that's ridiculous.
You could pull up
at an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that has, you know, headhunters on it.
And they're going to kill their neighbors that they're genetically identical to across the bay because, you know, it's territorial land.
And if they don't know who you are, they might kill you.
Or they might not.
They might think you're big medicine.
But the whole point is, it's tribal.
So, they've got brown skin, but they'll kill somebody with brown skin if they're not in their tribe.
They'll kill somebody with white skin if they're not in their tribe.
Vice versa, the KKK, you know, back when it was powerful, was just another gang.
People organize themselves into that.
So, people are supposed to organize ourselves into egalitarian ideas of culture and ideas and what we stand for, not how we look, and that would actually be an open, free society.
That's all been betrayed by the big corporations the last 30 years.
They've gone with this race-based divide-and-conquer model, and Professor Daryl Hamamoto was finishing up with basically how this is the heart of the whole operation.
A lot of people say, well,
Well, as you've stated on your
Really, really ahead-of-its-time, perceptive documentary endgame.
The endgame is to gum up the works, to bring the great Western Enlightenment rational and scientific and humanistic tradition to a grinding halt, because that creates prosperity, it creates awareness, mass literacy, and this is exactly what the top stratum of the so-called leadership
Uh, is in fear of.
They're afraid of healthy, sentient, intelligent, spiritually infused individuals and groups of people in societies.
And how do you cripple it?
You start with the basic, uh, perceptual apparatus, with the words, with the language.
And toward that end, I call upon the new president-elect of the Modern Language Association.
And this is the umbrella academic
Oregon that controls the people in English and comparative literature who are to a large degree responsible for the social, cultural, economic, and philosophical incoherence and absurdity of the present day.
That's the MLA, Modern Language Association, the president, Judith Butler.
I call upon you, Judith Butler, to get back to the knitting of doing the work that is the charge
of the Western humanistic tradition.
Not all this deconstruction, performativity, gender fluidity, and all these other abstractions that have no basis whatsoever in reality.
If Albert Einstein could be wrong about mechanics and physics, what makes you think that you have the exclusive purchase on academic truth and the humanities you don't?
Well, think of the authoritarianism of the San Francisco cultural elite that WikiLeaks writes about and others, where they're saying, don't use the word mother and father, it's hurtful.
This is not misguided at the top, as you know.
It is admitted total sabotage of the human condition.
It is a cultural, spiritual virus that's been deployed.
People can find your books at Trine Day, and I look forward to having you back on very soon.
You're on the War Room tomorrow, Professor.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Oh, and you got the app there, the free app.
Thank you, sir.
It's been a lifesaver.
Thank you, brother.
They started attacking you, but I was able to download the ultimate application.
Well, God bless you.
And in fact, that app is free at InfoWars.com forward slash app on the Android and on the Apple for now.
Thank you so much.
But Tim Cook, who runs the worst slave factories in China, that he's all high and mighty and moral,
He says that he's watching me closely, so they may take that down anytime.
It's number one in news on both platforms now.
Last time I checked, it's also in the top 40 of worldwide apps.
We want to go to number one.
The biggest thing you can do is tell people, hey, have you heard about Alex Jones?
Yeah, I've heard about Alex Jones.
Well, what did you hear?
Oh, I heard this.
I heard that.
I heard he says there's Martian slave colonies.
I heard he's a Nazi.
I heard he's mean to children.
Well, did you actually see him say that?
Well, why don't you go find out why he's so demonized, why he's so lied about, why they're coming after him and his team of people, why he's being deplatformed, and Senator Warner
And Senator Murphy, and now Senator Ron Wyden says, de-platform me from the internet itself, and they're trying very hard, which means they're going to go for broke.
We're going to come back with Millie Weaver in this segment, then the next, then Kalen Robertson in studio, who obviously is the right-hand guy with our great patriot over in England, who is the political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, now released.
He's going to be on very, very soon.
And Lee Stranahan with huge Russia news.
It's all coming up.
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The enemy's tested them, they've tracked them, they've tried to shut them down, they've tried to find something, they've been unable to.
So, again,
It is absolutely critical that everyone watching and listening just slow down for a minute.
There's a lot of advertising, a lot of pitches out there, and think, who's the most demonized in the world?
Alex Jones.
Why is that?
Well, he's exposing the entire globalist program from the perspective of the globalists, instead of being caught up in all their disinformation and hype and rabbit trails and false paradigms.
So for whatever reason we've broken through, we're having the effect, they want us shut down.
And then they want everybody else shut down.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, in my stacks of news, this is one of the things I probably should have gotten to right at the start of the show, but I've got major Democrat senators calling for me to be completely shut off the internet and quote, thousands of other sites.
So they're making their move, and if they get Trump out of there, they're coming after everybody.
I mean, this is true authoritarianism, and you can't roll over to these scoundrels and have a good future for yourself and your family.
Notice, I noticed a pattern when illegal aliens kill people, the liberal juries let them go, because you can't ever say an illegal alien did anything wrong.
Hit and runs, drunk driving, you name it.
And Molly Tibbetts, the illegal alien, grabbed her, raped her, killed her.
He admits he did it.
And I have MSNBC Post going, oh big deal, some girl, what, it doesn't matter.
Just like Kate Steinling got shot in the back and they let him go.
And it's over and over and over and over again.
It's like these black islamicists who have a dead three-year-old kid that they say died in a ritual, in a weird compound, and the kids are the ones calling out saying, help us, they're trying to attack schools.
That's what the prosecutors have.
And the white judge goes, she's a liberal, she goes, you may go, it's racist that you were held.
I don't care if there's a dead child.
I don't care if there's underground tunnels.
I ordered the compound covered in dirt, nothing was there, nothing happened.
Move forward, everything's fine.
Because you've got massive crime from illegal aliens, because statistically the average person that comes here as a migrant isn't a bad person, but there's a percentage that are criminals fleeing justice, so they're what, twice as likely to commit crime?
Some areas like 40% of the crime are the illegal aliens?
So, and there's a lot of raping and things going on that Trump talked about during the campaign.
So instead of admitting that Trump's right about this, and that, hey, we gotta have a border, and that folks are trying to flee up here because it's dangerous down there, Elizabeth Warren, on Tibbetts' murder, quote, sad she's dead, but we have to remember, these are quotes, we need an immigration system that focuses on where the real problems are.
Illegal aliens coming across with their kids, sometimes kids alone.
And then Time Magazine puts a fake photo of a kid up there with Trump saying she was taken from her mommy when she wasn't.
That's the real problem.
Someone fleeing, collapsing Latin America, and then blaming their problems on us.
That's more important than women raped and murdered and shot in the back.
Because we're not humans, you see.
What a sick freak!
Let's play a clip from MSNBC, one of their pundits saying something even sicker than we'll go to.
Millie Weaver is going to ride shotgun with us into the next hour, and we're going to have a special guest in the studio.
Here it is.
I'm so sorry for the family here, and I know this is hard, not only for the family, but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa.
But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are.
Last month, I went down to the border.
And I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers.
I met with those mothers who had been lied to, who didn't know where their children were, who hadn't had a chance to talk to their children.
And there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children.
I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat.
And I don't think mamas and babies are the place that we should be.
All right, let's stop right there.
And coming up later, I'll play the clip.
The video's on Infowars.com.
There's an article about it where an MSNBC host says, oh, that girl's no big deal.
Oh, big deal.
Elizabeth Warren, again, dismisses Molly Tibbetts, but it gets worse.
MSNBC had a guest on, not her, it's one of the guests, saying, oh, it's just some girl, big deal.
So we'll get that.
That's the quote.
So this is what they're doing.
We're going to come back and get to the Jim Acosta and
Millie, we were asking him a few questions.
But Millie, just on the subject of Tibbetts and her murder, did you hear?
Her being murdered is not a real problem.
And all these massive numbers of rapes and murders committed by illegal aliens, and the serial killer illegal aliens coming in from all over the world, from Germany to, you know, to Russia, to Latin America, to China.
And, you know, sometimes killing dozens of people and no one knows what their names are, or the Islamic attacks in Europe, and the daily truck attacks.
None of that's a problem.
Did you know that, Millie?
Well, I guess apparently, according to Democrats, they don't seem to see that as a problem.
But the rest of Americans, whose children they have to worry about every day, especially people living in border cities, are terrified.
They don't feel safe in their own country.
And Trump is speaking directly to those people when he's telling them,
We're going to have a secure border.
We're going to keep your families safe.
So it doesn't matter how much virtue signaling the left does.
Trump is actually providing a need that is primitive to most people, which is safety and security.
And the left doesn't seem to care whether or not people get killed by these illegal immigrants, many of which who do come over as murderers and rapists that come over to commit crimes, knowing that they'll just be deported and they can come right back in again.
So yes, the Democrats don't seem to care.
And it's going to actually fall really bad on the Democrats during this next election.
The Democrats are just such criminal scum.
I mean, they came out and said that MS-13 were God's children and Trump shouldn't call them animals.
When they know that they do satanic rituals killing innocent people on record, they believe to get themselves closer to Satan.
And the main group they feed on is other Hispanics, who then they intimidate and scare into not reporting on them.
Then they take over whole towns, whole neighborhoods, whole areas.
And the Democratic Party is saying that MS-13 is good.
I mean, the Democratic Party are like villains out of a movie.
Well, you know, I actually had the opportunity to speak with a young Latina girl who was a Trump supporter who was telling me a story about how she actually used to be a Democrat and didn't even support President Trump.
And it was her mother who lives in LA.
Who started to get her to realize that Trump was going to help make their city in LA more safe because she said they had a massive problem of MS-13 gangs and other Latino cartel gangs coming into Latino American communities and having Latin on Latin crime and Black on Latin crime.
Massive gang problems.
They don't feel safe in their communities.
So, she actually said that one of the main reasons she switched and decided to support Trump was the fact that he's advocating to keep closed borders and have secure borders.
So, he's actually speaking to the Latin American community.
And that's why their support for him has doubled.
But here's the question.
I'm asking you because you've been around the country a lot as a roving reporter doing a great job.
Millie Weaver joins us here.
Why are the Democrats openly saying gangs and MS-13 are good and actually wetting themselves to it?
I think it's because they want to move them in as an organized crime enforcement arm, which we know more and more they're actually using for low-level political intimidation.
Antifa isn't turning out to be the good army they wanted, but they think things like MS-13 will be somebody they can work with.
Well, it's because many of the Democrat politicians, I know at least personally, firsthand in California from the research I've done on the politicians in California, many of them are in bed with cartels.
Many of the politicians in this Democrat state, California, are in bed with cartels.
They get money from cartels.
They get threats from cartels.
Many of them are cartel family members.
So, the reality is that they're going to be on the side of cartels because it helps them to get campaign funding, helps them to get access to that illegal money.
Just remember that when these deep states and things are trying to fund their operations, a lot of times they are using these gangs and cartels to traffic drugs and get money to be able to perform their operations.
So, we're seeing that the DNC, the Democrat Party,
Has definite connections with cartels and gangs and mafias and that's why there's Alright, Millie Weaver, Skype's breaking up.
We'll put it on pause for a moment, please.
Thank you.
While that gets cleared up, let's go ahead since we found it and play this clip from MSNBC where the host is like, oh, some girl's dead.
So again, it's beyond Elizabeth Warren.
Here it is.
The Republican Party is actually not working on behalf of the American people.
They are working on behalf of Donald Trump, and he's been able to bully them into their silence, and I don't think that today changes much.
Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll hear what he has to say about this at his rally, but Fox News is talking about, you know, a girl in Iowa and not this, right?
And tomorrow morning we know he'll wake up and tweet and sort of, you know, besmirch the reputation of Michael Cohen and all the people around him.
So there you go, talking about some girl that got raped and kidnapped and, you know, murdered.
I mean, big deal, her life's over at 24.
Just like that Kate Steinle was 20-something and got shot in the back and died in daddy's arms.
Here he said, you go free!
And you got CNN hosts that when you show racist black people beating up white people for no reason, they go, oh, poor white people.
It is the most racist, insane, wound up craziness I've ever seen.
So there's both those clips for you.
They are dehumanizing anyone killed by an illegal alien because they want to break open the borders via a UN style.
They don't want sovereignty.
And they want to bring in the criminal element of this nation to destabilize the country.
We'll come back with Millie Weaver and the great job she did
Confronting Jim Acosta very peacefully very nicely at the Trump rally last night And then she'll ride shotgun with us when we have the gentleman that works so closely with Tommy Robinson Joining us Tommy's gonna be on very very soon as well again, whatever you do listening on AM and FM or
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, Mellie, I want to get into the Costa video coming up when Kalen Robertson is in studio with us.
I want you to ride shotgun with us.
But I want to get back, I want to get back to this poor lady killed in Iowa, murdered
Kidnapped, raped, the illegal alien admits he did it here illegally.
And imagine if an American gets arrested illegally out of Mexico doing that.
It's all over the news.
But here they try to cover it up.
So when guns kill people at a high school, it's the end of the world.
But when an illegal alien kills somebody, they don't care.
Or when a gun is used, they don't care.
When it's against a citizen, and it's just amazing how they try to openly say, don't cover this.
I don't talk about it, and I think it just shows a tone deafness of the Democrats, where they'll say for two weeks, ban Alex Jones off the internet, he's evil, blah blah blah, and then they take me off a bunch of platforms, and Trump says it's wrong to do that, and they go, no one took him off, you're crazy, there's no conspiracy.
In the same publications, New York Times, Washington Post, Vox, they'll have the same author two days later say, no one's taking Alex Jones off.
What do you make of all this?
Well, I definitely see the double standards here on the left.
Notice if it were an instance like with Michael Brown, who was shot and killed, they would never be saying, oh, well, you know, you know, this happened, but, you know, we've got to just overlook it and look at our policy that we're trying to look at here.
They would never have done that with the Michael Brown shooting, but here they are with this instance here where it doesn't fit their political agenda to acknowledge what actually happened and talk about the issue at hand here where we have real problems with border security.
And yes, there are illegal immigrants who come here and rape women and kill people.
And these people need to be vetted.
They need to be screened at the border and sent back into Mexico.
I agree.
And what you just said is so smart.
That's really the answer to this, to explain to the leftists.
You've got Michael Brown being killed by the police, you have the media lying about what happened, turns out the cops told the truth, just a fact.
You have all these riots and stuff over that, went on and on for years.
And imagine if people said, hey, just move on to real problems, not Michael Brown, you know, getting shot.
You know, let's talk about something else.
People would go crazy.
But it turns out that was a justifiable shooting.
This one, the guy goes, kidnaps her, murders her, admits he does it, and they're like, that doesn't matter.
It's just, it's like they're comic book villains.
I keep saying that because the Democrats have really taken on pure evil.
Exactly, and they're utilizing the mainstream media, which we're going to get into and talk about Jim Acosta, in order to propagate the minds of the left, in order to make them have hysterical reactions to people on the right, and to automatically make assumptions about them.
And that's why it's getting harder and harder to have this dialogue with leftists, because
Like at the protest yesterday, many of them said, turn your back on fake news.
Turn your back on Republicans.
Don't talk to them.
The protesters won't even talk to us anymore.
They're shutting down dialogue just like a cult.
It's very concerning.
Even though Jim Acosta seems scared and concerned about people saying CNN is fake news and yelling at CNN, we should be concerned about the cult-like mentality of the Democrats and how they're shutting themselves off from even engaging in discourse with the right.
That's right, Millie, you're still on Twitter for now.
I've been reinstated, probably not for long.
But you had your own YouTube channel for years.
You've also done some InfoWars reporting there.
I wonder if they'll delete it, but you've boldly still in the face of the thought police, because it's just my channel that got banned, not Alex Jones's presence on YouTube.
People should subscribe there because you've got your own reports and also reports you do for InfoWars.
So tell folks they can follow you on Twitter at MillieWeaver, Millie underscore Weaver, on Twitter, but also tell folks...
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Certainly for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive.
But if you can get through all that to explore what he's been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, he's the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony in Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg Group et al.
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being deplatformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit and say you don't want to use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
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Will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f**k you, f**k you, f**k you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources for
Well sometimes you need some crazy mother f***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Kaelin Robertson's with us for the rest of the hour in studio.
He's the right-hand guy and really, when Tommy said, if I ever go to prison or something, they're trying to put me in prison for covering things, you know, talk to Kaelin Robertson.
Well, he's in studio with us.
Tommy Robinson, of course, just got out a few weeks ago.
He's been on vacation.
He only did Tucker Carlson.
He lost more than
35 pounds while he was in there.
Horrible things happened.
They put him in the Islamic wing.
They showered feces on him, you name it.
And the media spun it and said, oh, nothing's happened to Tommy.
Well, it backfired.
A major national movement started out of it.
Uh, and now they were forced to release him, and so giving us the details in studio is Kalen Robertson, uh, at Kalen Rob, C-A-O-L-A-N Rob, on Twitter for now.
Of course, he's here right while we're being deplatformed, uh, globally as well, but great to have you here in studio.
We'll come back to Millie Weaver as this all ties together in the next segment, so stay there.
We're not chucking with us, Millie, but good to have you here in studio.
Good to see you.
Powerful stuff, you said, when he was in prison, those speeches you gave.
You say you're not really an on-air guy, you're a behind-the-scenes guy building great websites and great camera work for Tommy.
But what's the most important thing you want to tell the public or maybe recap what happened and how Tommy's doing and he may be on Thursday and what's unfolding?
Well, obviously he's doing a lot better than expected.
A lot of people, including me, didn't actually think that he would be able to get out of that situation.
It was so serious.
And you know what?
His mental health really has obviously deteriorated.
That's exactly what the state wanted.
That's what the police wanted.
You could see it on TV.
He had that look of prisoner of war.
Yeah, well, exactly.
They got what they wanted.
Not the final goal, which is for him to disappear completely, but for him to be completely broken down.
They put him in solitary confinement for 23 and a half hours a day.
He could barely move, barely do anything, obviously.
He was mentally tortured by other inmates, Muslim inmates, who were throwing
And they stuck his shell by the mosque!
Yeah, it's sort of a religious praying center, but everybody who uses it is a Muslim, so they have to walk by his cell door like four times a day, screaming the abuse.
He's got to sit there listening to all that.
He's got no one to talk to.
All he's got is some letters to read.
And one can of tuna and crackers a day.
And he walks out of prison basically broken, broken by the state, which is exactly what they wanted to do.
I've seen like Vietnam prisoner of war films and they have that
It's not a wimpy look, it's like they're a thousand miles off and now he has that...
He has that look now.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Is he coming out of it?
Yeah, he is.
He's a fighter.
He's been through this before.
He's been through absolute hell before.
What, like a year or so before, and then they tortured him?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He'll recover.
He'll come out fighting.
He'll do exactly what they don't want him to do.
But he needed this time with his family to be able to recoup.
He went away for a couple of weeks, and he just needed to be able to, you know, get his energy back.
And he's going to come back 100 miles an hour, although they're trying to take him back to prison again.
I don't know if you know about the second court case.
I did.
In fact, I should have started with that.
Tell folks.
That's the headline.
Traitor UK government trying to take Tommy Robinson back to prison.
Yep, that's pretty much it.
So they're going to have a brand new trial.
They basically threw out the first one because it was undemocratic.
They said that everything was wrong with it.
And now they want to do a brand new one from scratch.
So we don't know what's going to happen.
Everything is uncertainty, which is how they want him to exist.
They want him to exist in a constant state of uncertainty.
So he can't plan anything.
He can't plan any videos.
He can't plan any of his life because he doesn't know where he's going to be in a month.
He doesn't know when he's going to be back in prison, whether he's going to be under house arrest.
He has no idea what's going to happen.
And that's exactly how they wanted it.
Well, you know, he is a prisoner of war for our sovereignty.
He really is a hero.
Yeah, but they saw that.
They saw him rising through the ranks.
They saw him go from an average guy in Luton, walking around the street, seeing something that was wrong in his own town, rising through the local population, straight onto mass media, all on his own.
And he saw, they saw what he was doing and how many people... A true leader!
Yeah, he could click his fingers and get tens of thousands of people on the street.
No other politician in Britain can do that.
It's terrifying for them.
And the direction that they're trying to push him down will, well, in the end result, if they keep doing this, it will reverse all that, because they're, you know, if they want him thrown in jail, and they want him completely mentally destroyed, that's how you make someone disappear, and that's how you take away their power.
And then there's the whole John Wayne angle, but the real deal, like, you know, nine antifun, there's only like two or three of you, and you kick their butt.
When they're trying to kill you, and over and over again this happens.
He's trying to have a picnic with his family, a couple of Islamists come over, they attack him, he kicks their ass.
He's not a big guy.
It's the real John Wayne factor here.
Yeah, well it's been violently, if you look at the video, it's been violently attacked.
So has the whole crew.
It's been happening for years.
But this isn't something that should surprise anyone.
But what I thought was as soon as we started making things mainstream, as soon as things like that started to be put into the public light on the internet, that it wouldn't be allowed to happen anymore.
That people would be so outraged by what was happening in 2013 and the rise of the EDL.
The internet wasn't around back then, but now it is.
And I thought this sort of stuff would stop because it would bring it to the surface.
But in fact, they've fought back just as hard as they did before.
But I've watched the body language of the jail guards and they brought him out and the police around him now.
Now everybody's like in awe.
You can tell they're all admiring.
They all know they're working for traitors.
I think we've really reached the tipping point in the UK.
Oh yeah.
I mean, people are walking around in fear.
I live in London and I can see the way it's changed ever since I moved there in 2013.
It was pretty calm before.
Things were obviously escalating.
I can't even cover it all now!
The acid attacks, the beatdowns, the stabbings and the shootings!
The truck attacks!
Yeah, all the residents where I live pay a fee every month to have private police on lots of the street corners because the police just can't cope with the massive demand.
So you can see police in these purple uniforms which have been paid by the residents.
Which is all I saw when I was doing the South Africa documentary with Lauren Southern.
It's basically turning into Johannesburg.
Oh, we've got to talk about South Africa.
When you were saying, and I was saying a year ago, they're going to take the white farmer's land.
Now it's happening.
Now they're killing them en masse.
And then the government says, we're not letting you leave.
We're going to kill you.
It's absolutely terrifying that they're actually letting this happen.
That the governments are working with South Africa.
And they're like the British and South.
So we're not letting you out.
You're going to die.
We'll be right back.
It's all virtues signaling next level and Millie Weaver.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing till they got a hold of me.
Well, we've got Kalen Robertson, of course the right-hand man of Tommy Robinson, who's been convalescing the last three weeks since he got out of the gulag for covering the giant child kidnapping rings that they say don't exist, which he first exposed 12 years ago that are
Now confirmed riding shotgun is investigative journalist Millie Weaver who just confronted Jim Acosta, one of the biggest liars in the fake news media at the mafia organization CNN that's driving to have us unpersoned.
And Millie, we've got Kalen here and he's breaking down
The parallels from having had private police forces everywhere, the breakdown of England, always known as one of the lowest crime rates in the world, to now having one above New York City on average, the acid attacks, the stabbing attacks.
You were in South Africa, we'll talk about that with Laura Southern.
You also were in Australia, mobbed by supporters, but also mobbed by people trying to keep you from speaking.
I mean, this is an image, Millie, of the left, worldwide, on the march, funded by big corporations, the Chi-Coms, trying to dominate populists everywhere, calling us Nazis.
But that's just not the truth.
This is an amazing time to be alive, Millie.
Exactly, Alex.
And what's happening with Tommy Robinson is a case in point example as to why it's so valuable to live in a country that has a constitution like we do in America that affords us the right to have political speech.
I don't believe that they would have had the right to have thrown Tommy Robinson
I really wanted to get to the Jim Acosta interview because there's some very interesting subtleties that went on between the interview
I did with you.
We're going to do that.
And then as an investigative journalist, we'll get Kalen's take on this phenomenon as well as fake news.
The next segment, we will get back to Kalen and South Africa and the latest on Tommy Robinson and more.
But you're right, we'll finish up with you now.
Set up the video, go through the subtleties for us.
So let me just do a little intro really quick.
I initially asked Jim Acosta about his support of the hashtag free press movement, where essentially he's criticizing President Trump.
for criticizing the mainstream media.
He claims that he's doing a dangerous thing by demonizing the mainstream media to the American public and thus putting the media at risk.
Well, here's the thing with that.
On the same time he's pushing hashtag free press, free journalism, he's advocating, CNN is advocating for InfoWars to be banned and shut down off of social media platforms.
So he can't have a double standard there where he's advocating for pre-press and then at the same time he's campaigning for other news organizations to be censored.
And again they equate Trump, this is critical, they equate Trump with saying they're liars with them assaulting him and they say you're going to have the blood on your hands when we get attacked, clearly setting up a false flag in my view or provocateuring one.
And then they go, oh but Jones denies Sandy Hook.
More made-up, twisted garbage right from Hillary Clinton.
But if I did say that I don't believe official news stories, if I say I believe the moon's made of cheese, that is my right.
I mean, they are literally just total hypocrites.
When you talk about CNN, it's crazy.
So let's go ahead, and again, this was last night, Trump's event.
Tell folks where it was.
This was in Charleston, West Virginia at Donald Trump's rally.
And he gave an amazing speech where Trump actually called out the censorship that's been happening with InfoWars and you, Alex Jones, and he warned against it.
So it was interesting.
I didn't even hear his speech because I was outside interviewing, but I actually called Jim Acosta out on basically the same lines that Trump called the mainstream media out.
Let's go ahead and roll some of the clip from Jim Acosta.
Let's start with Acosta.
Here it is last night.
Hey Jim Acosta, what do you think of Alex Jones being banned?
Is that okay?
I don't really have a comment.
I'm sorry.
Well, given that they have hashtag free press as a fellow journalist.
I'm not going to do anything attacking.
No, come on.
As a fellow journalist, you know, hashtag free press was trending.
Are you concerned at all?
I certainly support freedom of the press.
I support freedom of speech.
I certainly don't like what we've seen over the last couple of years.
The president attacking the press.
I think that that's really put a spotlight on the importance of a free press.
And I think anybody who, you know, responsibly exercises that right to free speech, right of freedom of the press, that ought to be respected.
Well, don't you think that it's within the President's First Amendment for him to criticize and make comment against the media?
It's well within his First Amendment rights to make comments about the media.
But it's also within my First Amendment rights to say that I don't think it's a good idea for the President of the United States to demonize the press and to call us the enemy of the people and that sort of thing.
I think that kind of speech... No, you are the enemy.
Well, you know, it's interesting because, you know, some leftists out there will say InfoWars is fake news, but then many on the right, you've even heard, says CNN is fake news, NBC is fake news.
So, what do you think about how- Because you say you can't ban somebody.
Yeah, and if you don't mind, I'd like to make this the last thing that I say because I've got to get going.
Please stop!
Please stop!
My personal opinion is that you can't put CNN in the same category as InfoWars with all due respect.
I think if you look at what the Sandy Hook parents are going through right now with respect to InfoWars...
You're interrupting me, but I think if you were to take a look at what the Sandy Hook parents are going through right now with respect to InfoWars, that there is a conversation going through.
They keep saying, I'm saying it, it's the media saying it.
What's being said in the public sphere, what's being said on social media, and what is being told to a lot of people out there who trust what you say.
And for example, I don't think it's right to say to the Sandy Hook parents out there that what happened was a hoax.
I don't think that that's appropriate.
So do you think the answer is too bad and censored?
What I'm trying to say is that, you know, listen, everybody has a right to free speech, everybody has a right to freedom of the press, but I also think that you have to be responsible in exercising that right.
This is one of the biggest liars on purpose.
It's called lying constantly.
CNN was calling for Infowars to be banned.
Don't you think that's kind of hypocritical though?
But don't you think as a federal news organization you shouldn't be calling for other news to be banned?
We deal with the truth, we deal with the facts, and I would recommend that you guys do the same thing.
In my personal opinion.
But don't you think it's better to just counter?
I understand, but don't you think it's better to just counter people rather than ban them and censor them?
So again, that is one of the biggest liars out there, but at least he had the courage to talk to her.
You know, it looked wimpy and he ran off.
You gotta listen to the end though, Alex.
The ending's like the best part.
I warn him about the pendulum swinging the other direction and he looks back and he looks kind of terrified.
Essentially, Jim Acosta noticed when he says, oh well, we can't compare CNN to InfoWars.
You know what?
Maybe we can't, because InfoWars has not had to make nearly as many retractions for fake news as CNN.
And in fact,
Paul Joseph Watson, one of our star reporters, actually has 200,000 more followers on Twitter than Jim Acosta does.
So maybe they're out of our league.
Well, I mean, take Stelter.
He can't even get five retweets.
And that's why Stelter, there's a powerful video I'm going to do of Mark Dice next hour where he's laying all this out.
It's just insane.
All right, Millie, the full videos on InfoWars.com.
You're right.
The real kicker's there.
Thank you so much.
Look forward to you being on again.
And thanks for all the great work you're doing.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, there's a full video.
InfoWars confronts fake news king Jim Acosta over censorship.
Hypocrite reporter promotes hashtag free press while supporting social media crusade against Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us when we talk to the right-hand man of the big patriot out of the UK.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Okay, here's the deal.
Next segment in the next hour, we've got information so bombshell that it's like everything else is bombshell.
It gives me a headache.
Because I don't even feel like I properly built this stuff up.
We have the total proof of Hillary, absolute Russian collusion,
Hiding in plain view.
It was even in Politico last year, but now we have the rest of the eyewitness report from the credible witnesses.
Exclusive audio coming up with Lee Stranahan.
And he'll stagger in with Roger, who's obviously a target of all this, and is an expert to talk about it from the inside, into the next hour.
And then Kalen Robertson.
I'm going to tape an interview with him about Tommy Robertson and all he's been through.
We're trying to get him on Thursday for some of his first interviews here, a political prisoner.
So we're going to have a special taped interview that's going to be on InfoWars.com, if not today, tomorrow.
But Haley, you got cut off.
There's so much breaking news here.
Just recapping what Tommy's been through, what's happening in the UK, the danger.
But then, you've been to Australia, you've been to South Africa, you've been all over.
They're now, the UK government, others are saying, take the white farmers, kill them.
And it's like, I'm an anti-white supremacist guy.
But then you sit there and you see the left organizing all these other minority groups for a majority worldwide, 90% of the world's not white, that whites are inherently evil and need to be killed.
Five other African countries have wiped out all the white farmers and then collapsed back into the jungle.
It's just what happened.
Now they're trying... I mean, I saw them saying to Australia, the ANC president a month ago, don't let whites flee.
They have to stay here.
He says, we're going to slit your throat.
But we're going to kill you.
These are the quotes.
We're going to take your property.
That's the defense minister right there.
And it's like Hitler's speeches.
But Hitler didn't say we're going to kill you.
He did it secretly.
It was wrong.
This guy is saying this.
And it's just the craziest stuff on earth, and most of these ANC folks aren't even Zulu that were actually in South Africa.
As you know, you've been there.
I've read history books on it.
The Zulu were nomadic, very tough, very knight-like, very, you know, cool.
But it was kind of a wasteland compared to other areas of Africa.
The Dutch came in 400 years ago, made it green, then there was huge African migration into the area, because there was cities and towns and prosperity.
So the idea that whites that have been there 400 years are bad, and so because they're white they deserve to have their land taken and killed, when most of them are poor, is, well, I'm ranting, just the whole gestalt.
Go ahead.
Oh, well this is happening globally.
This kind of rhetoric isn't just in South Africa, it's not just in the political chambers there, it's happening in Australia, it's happening in the UK, it's happening everywhere.
This kind of creeping anti-white racism, you see it with tweets with political people in America, you see it with tweets with political people in the UK.
Kill all whites with verified accounts, they get away with it.
But what happens is, in South Africa, the only reason that's different is because it's 30, 40 years ahead where those people are running the country.
It's super, super scary seeing it on the ground.
We actually interviewed
Some of the top members of the Black First, Land First group, which say that they want to kill white journalists, and they want to confiscate white land using the army and the force, and they want to make South Africa black again.
We interviewed the senior deputy leader of that, and she didn't know who Lauren Southern was, but she was very, very honest about what she wanted to do with that country.
She said every single place she went, up and down the whole of South Africa.
Her views!
We're good to go.
Which is why they want to keep the whites in South Africa.
Because if they leave, they'll go, oh my God, there's no one else to blame.
And then, well, then that is going to happen.
They're going to start blaming each other.
They're going to start separating into black tribal groups.
And then basically the whole of South Africa will just revert back to tribal warfare.
And that's happened in five other countries.
This is a Zimbabwe-ification.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, so many people in South Africa told us that it's turning into Zimbabwe.
Actually, our black hotel security guard told me that South Africa was better under apartheid and that it was turning into... And again, we're not defending it.
You replace one evil that's kind of an old centralized system with a true evil system.
Oh yeah, I mean there is a massive storm and cloud of evil over South Africa.
It's sweeping the West, but it's going to be catastrophic for the people there.
It was so heartbreaking interviewing all the families who have been affected by this, who have had their daughters raped, mutilated, murdered.
You know, I interviewed the woman who said that she had to clean the skin from the rim of the bath from the 12-year-old boy that was boiled alive in one of the house robberies.
And it's so, people are so desensitized to it now there, because they see it in every single part of life.
But we're taught only white people can be racist or be barbarous.
That's totally not true.
I mean, in South Africa and Africa, the more barbarous, the better.
That's how you extract the power.
That's how you do it.
And if you're an albino, they torture you and eat you, even if you're African.
I mean, and Christianity tried to fix it.
Notice the Chicoms come in.
They build a fence and give no one anything.
They just extract everything.
The West brought medicine and railroads and everything.
Oh, yeah, they did.
But don't worry, it's all leaving now.
Oh, well, no, wherever white's colonized, you'll have other cultures go to it and embrace all the greatness of it, and then as soon as the whites are persecuted, they leave.
Everybody follows them for wherever they go next.
But this kind of evil has existed for hundreds and thousands of years across the world, but the only thing that's so annoying about it now is the selective outrage by it.
Nobody seems to care.
But at the time of the Romans, I mean, when they would march into Germany in places, people were boiling people alive and killing, and it was barbarous as well.
I think it was Christianity, I think, is what the West had to offer that was special.
And the Christian beliefs of the farmers in South Africa was absolutely inspirational.
Oh, yeah.
They were absolutely dedicated to the Bible.
It was the one thing that was keeping them all together.
It's the one thing... Oh, Hollywood acts like it's, you know, a lethal weapon movie where there's some racist guy going, argh!
No, really, they're like super Spartan, very, really poor, but just working all the time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, Christianity is the only thing that keeps them together in South Africa.
Christianity made the West, and it made goodness.
It took away so much evil that was plaguing our societies for thousands of years.
And now it's declining.
Obviously, we've seen evil take over the West as well.
We've seen what's happening in Sweden, in Britain, in Australia, in America, everywhere.
Evil is taking over again, and it's absolutely terrifying.
It's very, very sad.
Tell us about Australia.
You went there too.
I thought Australia was fine before I went there.
No one really talks about Australia.
They think it's just a little country over in the corner and if everything goes terribly in Europe, we would probably just flee there.
That's what a lot of people seem to think.
But no, the same rhetoric that we're seeing in Britain, that we're seeing in America, the same kind of anti-white Marxist rhetoric,
And far-left social justice rhetoric is taking place there just as much.
We had a coach full of people trying to turn up to our Melbourne speech.
Overturned, the windows were smashed, the towers were smashed by Antifa.
The police fined us $63,000 just to police the event.
At every single turn they tried to cancel it.
We went to New Zealand.
The venue pulled out a few hours before and told us to get off the premises within an hour.
And thousands of protesters protested it in the city nearby.
This is Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.
And so it would be just as difficult to organize an event in Portland or in London as it would in Melbourne or New Zealand.
The virus has spread globally.
And let's be clear.
The eugenicists have wanted to release bioweapons to knock out the third world.
Christians and others have stopped it.
And now the globalists just said, well, we'll just go and brainwash the third world that outnumbers you 10 to 1.
We'll make them racist.
We'll bring them in, use them politically as a weapon.
And every Western country is accepting the takeover except Russia.
And now Trump is trying.
And that's why they hate Russia so much.
Russia is not going along with this.
A lot of people are looking to Russia and Eastern Europe as the last countries of bastions of nationalism and patriotism and countries that actually care about their own people.
No, no, they're not.
And again, you know why?
Because they're the line on the East that's constantly been slammed into for thousands of years.
Oh yeah, well they've... They have a cultural memory.
Yeah, hard times create strong men.
And it's exactly the case in Eastern Europe and Russia.
And good times create weak men.
This is what we've seen in Britain and the rest of Europe.
We've seen flimsy, demasculated men floating around, letting everything, letting their entire continent just be given away in a silver platter to the rest of the world.
Bought up by this Marxist ideology, the globalism ideology, which has been indoctrinated to their children and their children's children throughout the education system.
It's so sad seeing it actually play out.
This has started in the 60s, but only now are we actually starting to see the impacts of it.
Only now are we starting to see... Do you know how many people are arrested in London, in the UK, every single day for hate speech?
And five of those are convicted.
It's nine.
That means thrown in prison.
It's shocking.
You make a Hitler joke that John Cleves would make with your dog, you're talking here in prison.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, these are flimsy comments.
I've got all these senators saying they want me off the air, period.
And now it's here.
Of course.
This doesn't surprise anyone in the UK.
In America, everyone's really shocked about you being here.
Oh, no, the UK papers are like, damn right, arrest Alex.
And the people in Britain are like, well, yes, of course I'm surprised it didn't get taken off earlier.
They don't want it to happen, they don't support it, but they're not surprised by it.
Everyone's desensitized to censorship, which is what they wanted.
When you start being censored, and when they start doing things like this, and nobody bats an eyelid, and no one shrugs their shoulders, that's when it becomes really dangerous, because people are used to it.
Well, Caelan Robertson, we're going to interview you again.
We're impressed.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
All right, Roger Stone did like 30 interviews yesterday until he was up to like 2 in the morning, you can imagine.
I told him, I said, dude, you look exhausted.
You're not going to host the fourth hour and take off the war room today.
Stop killing yourself.
He is fighting so hard for this country.
He broke the exclusive that he's talked to two high-level people involved with the Mueller witch hunt probe, and then they are looking, they're preparing to indict Donald Trump Jr.
So what I'm going to do in this segment is just talk about some generalities.
And then we'll start the fourth hour with Lee Stranahan, who's his own talk show host and own journalism school guy.
And so he'll host the show from the perspective of the Citizen Journalism School.
And so the views and things he breaks down there will be from the view of the CitizenJournalismSchool.com, you know, as a guest here.
I want to just talk about generalities with him in this segment and the next and I'm gonna go and work on a bunch of big things we've got happening but I'll definitely be listening because you get punched, Trump, to Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia and then if you pull back, there was actually an article in Politico last year in January that Ukraine's efforts to sabotage Trump backfired.
So this is
Before Trump even got inaugurated.
This is like 9 days before.
And I remember this was like a 21 page report.
And I already knew all this, basically, from our sources when we've been in the New York Times.
You know, New York Times, it used to be pure evil.
Like, they had articles, Hillary's uranium problem, Hillary's Ukraine problem, in like 2015 and stuff.
But now they're just pure lies.
I mean, it is like, these people are like the mafia.
I mean, I wouldn't get in a room alone with them.
I wouldn't talk to them.
I mean, they are, they are like hungry wolves that haven't eaten in two weeks.
I mean, they're just like tongues wagging, eyes wild, like they got rabies or something.
So this next hour, he's going to play these exclusive clips.
I'm going to ride with him a little bit to get into it.
But he's gone out and interviewed the people from the original roadmap in Politico, at the embassies, in the government, all of them that witnessed it, he's got the proof.
This is unbelievable.
But let me explain how money laundering works with the Clintons.
They send stuff out to the State Department money, billions of dollars, out to Haiti or Russia or wherever, to take over those governments, and then a large portion comes back into the foundation, or into the campaign, and they don't even try to hide it.
Meanwhile, you've got Republican congressmen, three of them indicted last month, for buying their campaign drinks.
You're allowed to buy the campaign manager's dinner, not drinks, under federal law.
And flying the daughter of the congressman out of California, Duncan Hunter's pet rabbit,
So, you've got Obama with $84 million of secret money and he got a $375,000 fine on $84 million.
I mean, that's Associated Press.
So, these people, it'd be like having Hitler as the head judge of the Nuremberg trial and then
He sentences George Soros to life in prison for just being a collaborator.
You're like, well, I kind of... but George Soros was 14, 15.
He is a Nazi collaborator.
He's a bad guy.
Maybe he goes to prison or something.
But, you know, Hitler, you can't really sit in judgment over Soros, you know, the guy that helped you round up Jews.
Because, you know, they had to have Jews that could speak Yiddish and stuff.
They could, you know, send in and capture him.
So that's all coming up.
We're going to go to Lee here in just a moment.
And to get his kind of gestalt of this, his boil down, his first look.
And then we'll come back and do it all.
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Now, he'll be hosting the next hour and he's an investigative journalist and does a great job covering the waterfront, citizenjournalismschool.com, and he's got the rest of the story from the big Politico article.
about the situation with how they laundered money into Russia, supposedly to topple Russia, and took it back into the Hillary campaign.
This is the smoking gun.
Why is the Justice Department doing nothing?
It's compromised by Rosenstein and others.
So he'll also talk about what does he think Trump should do to counter this 76 days out.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire.
That's a year and a half ago.
Politico, now with exclusive interviews, in the next hour where the folks are actually in the article, is Lee Stranahan.
Lee, we've got two minutes to break.
Tell us what's coming up and why it's so important.
No, wait, Alex Jones, I thought CNN had gotten rid of you.
That's what they told me.
Wait, I can't believe I'm seeing you here.
I know!
They said I'd be shut down immediately.
Instead, we've got ten times the traffic we used to have.
Now, part of that's because of DrugsReport.com and that wonderful Patriot, but yeah.
Shows me for listening to CNN.
But yeah, this was a big story, and I gotta tell you, if you or I had run this story that Politico ran, saying that the Ukrainian government colluded with the DNC, they'd call it a conspiracy theory, right?
They'd go, well Lee hosts a show for Sputnik, and Alex Jones is Alex Jones.
But this is Politico who ran that story, and Ken Vogel, the reporter,
Was later hired by the New York Times.
They didn't retract the story.
They've never corrected it.
This is their story that the Ukrainian government colluded with the DNC.
But I've been following that story for over a year and talking about it because it's a big story if you think about it.
At the time it came out, we weren't thinking about the mute.
There was no Mueller investigation.
But if you think about it, the Ukrainian government colluding with the DNC is exactly what the DNC ends up accusing Donald Trump of doing, except saying, oh, he's doing it with the Russians.
So what you'll see here, if you look at this story, is that this has been a fiction.
We've been in this upside down world because the DNC created this narrative
In the 2016 election, before the Trump Tower meeting.
Sure, they knew their Achilles heel was being sold out to foreign governments.
So they projected onto Trump what they themselves had done.
And because we were overthrown by a coup, because we'd installed, the Obama administration did a coup and got Yanukovych out of there, we'd installed the Ukrainian government.
And by the way, Soros went on for Reza Akari and bragged about the 5 billion and the State Department, so yeah, it's all on record.
And so they had Ukraine as their engine, so they used money to Ukraine, money to Russia, it was anti-Russia.
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Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, coming up next segment, it's Politico's big whistleblower, all confirmed, but they tried to shut it down.
Blows the Hillary-Russian connection wide open.
No, it's not to Putin, it's to the money they were sending in to overthrow Putin, using that to overthrow Ukraine, and then send money back to Hillary.
It's all confirmed.
Investigative journalist, Lee Stranahan of citizenjournalismschool.com, and populist.tv's taking over.
But we were talking during the break, you were making some great points.
It's bold to have Senator Wyden, Senator Murphy, Senator, you name it, coming out and saying, shut me down, shut thousands of conservatives down.
They're panicking.
They're trying to mainline total censorship like it's no big deal and just sneak it in.
But now even Bill Maher and the ACLU is turning against them.
Why do you think they're pushing?
What's the big event do you think that's coming that they want us all shut down?
And why are they particularly seeing us as the first domino?
I think that a lot of the stuff that the globalists have been working on, it's all coming together.
The thing that screwed them up was Trump.
The globalists, they had a plan.
Things were going along with the coup in the Ukraine.
I think?
Everything is going along fine, then someone like Trump comes along, who does not go with the establishment, Democrats or Republicans, doesn't quite fit in, and he's criticizing NATO.
He's specifically going, well wait, why do we need NATO?
Very common sense.
Terrified them.
Those people, when they see their plan getting ruined, one of the things that ruined it was media with people like you.
And the globalists who are going along here, when they listen to Alex Jones, they go, they hear it with the ear.
They know you know what you're talking about.
So to the casual observer, they go, well, Alex is just ranting about who's Carol Quigley.
Well, they know who he is, right?
And so that concerns them.
And this is why you're a real threat to them, because you actually, your depth of knowledge about this stuff is far greater than most people.
So that's why I think they're coming after you.
Well, that is it, because I've had some of them off-record, you know, try to get me hired, and I can only talk about one of them, because he did it right in front of John Harmon.
He still works with this producer, now he's head of affiliate relations.
When I had Rothkopf head of the Kissinger Group going, look, you see it, you need to be with us, blah, blah, blah, you know, you can actually influence things.
They don't, they think everybody's so dumb that no one would read policy papers, or no one would, you know, would read, you know, their different plans.
And so it does freak them out, but I think they're over-worried about my show.
The youth are just breaking with them, period.
In fact, I think it is because, I mean, the actual policy, you're right, that freaks them out.
They think I'm more dangerous than I really am.
They don't get the world's already moved on.
It's uncontainable at this point.
And they don't like that.
They see it.
I saw this when I used to work at NBC.
I was a graphic artist on Access Hollywood 10 years ago.
And I could see the breakdown of the network when I was working at NBC.
It was when YouTube had just come out.
They didn't know what to do with it.
And you could see I had conversations with executives there.
And they were like, yeah, we don't get it.
And it just
Any of the global stuff you're talking about, they would never talk about.
Well, they always just said it didn't exist.
I remember I had the host of ABC Nightly News here.
I showed him like seven clips of people calling for world government, world leaders.
And he goes, that's a different world government they're talking about.
And I went, and he goes, plus governance isn't government.
I went, yeah it is.
And then he just went and he goes, look, I'm a paid soldier.
We went to dinner and he said, listen, I'm a mercenary.
And he goes, I don't think you see him that much on TV anymore either.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Oh, I saw a little dancer, she came a-dancing to my floor.
Jim Carrey calls for burning Trump at the stake, figuratively speaking.
So you think it's bad in this painting he put out where it's myself and Sean Hannity fighting, and then if you look at the audience, if you pull back and see the full image, everyone's Nazis watching.
I don't know.
And this other congressman, Duncan Hunter, might have paid for drinks for staff on the campaign money.
My God.
But now which?
But he says, oh, I'm going to burn Trump at the stake figuratively.
Now, I'll give it to him.
He's saying figuratively.
It's like when I say, that's high noon with Mueller.
We're going to have a political shootout, figuratively.
And that means figuratively.
I don't want to hurt Mueller personally.
It's like I don't want to run around in my yard and step on dog turds or something.
I mean, I just want him to get off my back.
But I don't think he's actually saying kill Trump.
I think he's just trying to be provocative and get attention and say that, oh, you are a witch and we're going to burn you.
So at the same time, though,
It's just insane.
So he says he doesn't want to be part of Hollywood because nobody wanted to see his movies anymore and he's a failure?
No, he failed in Hollywood later in life.
He admits he's mentally ill.
He made fun of Charlton Heston when he died because he believes the right to self-defense.
No, he's going along with Hollywood.
He's a follower.
He's an establishment.
Jim Carrey is the establishment.
Jim Carrey saying burn Trump at the stake is the opposite of a trailblazer.
Kanye West, he is a trailblazer.
Donald Trump is a trailblazer.
Matt Drudge is a trailblazer.
You, the listeners and viewers, are trailblazers.
You're amazing.
So, hey, Kerry has a right to show Trump being burned at the stake as an artist?
He said figuratively?
That's fine.
I get the allegory.
But what are you really saying?
Yeah, let's say he's a witch.
Let's have the mob.
Let's take him down.
Let's do it.
Here's that one minute though where Kanye West lays it all out.
Here it is.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherfuckers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We're joined by Lee Stranahan, CitizenJournalismSchool.com.
He also writes for foreign publications as well and he's got big breaking news that's real Russiagate news, real Russiagate information, exclusive audio from the report over a year ago by Politico about how Hillary was involved through Russian money that the US sent back through Ukraine trying to manipulate the election.
This is the story CNN and others want killed.
Ukraine officials
Efforts to sabotage Trump backfire.
That's Politico.
And he's taking over hosting the hour.
The War Room is in 50 minutes.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Remember, CNN, George Soros, they all think they can defeat you.
They think they can deplatform us and that you won't spread the free podcast.
You won't spread the links.
You won't tell friends, neighbors, family every day about the show.
They're failing.
We're winning.
But we're 76 days out from the election.
This is so critical.
So, Mr. Stranahan, you go ahead and take over for the rest of the hour with this critical breaking news you've got.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
I appreciate it.
So, this is as Alex was saying, the key here is to go back, and we're going to start with this article that Politico published.
Politico, again, not a right-wing nutjob source, right, the way the media denigrates people like Alex or me.
This is a mainstream political source.
So, Politico publishes an article
We're good to go.
The thing about it is, again, if it had dropped today, a friend of mine pointed out, if this story had come out today, you'd go, wait, the DNC colluded with Ukraine would be a big deal because we have the Mueller investigation.
But don't forget, this is before Trump was even inaugurated.
And it told the story of a woman named Alexandra Chalupa.
Alexandra Chalupa is a longtime operative for the DNC.
She worked in the Clinton White House.
So she's been, you know, with the Clintons for a long time.
And she's Ukrainian-American.
And, interestingly, her sister Irina is a fellow at the Atlantic Council.
And if you know anything about the Atlantic Council, that'll mean something to you.
And her sister Andrea is a writer who's associated with people like Michael Weiss.
Michael Weiss, you may know from The Interpreter, CNN, and Daily Beast editor.
Uh, so so very, very interesting connections.
If you know some of the Atlantic Council's a NATO, Russophobe World War Three group that that that's exactly right.
So, Alex, you you get why I'm bringing that up.
I mean, these connections are very significant, but the crux of the story is this, and it's proven by Politico that Alexander Chalupa was
Working for the DNC, doing oppo research, and she colluded with the government, not just a couple of officials, but with the ambassador, Cholly, who was taking orders from Petro Poroshenko, the president.
So this is as high as it goes.
And it's very detailed, but nothing happens with the story.
And again, it's
Politico, Mainstream Reporter, nothing happens, you know, Trump's inaugurated, Soros funds, the Women's March, and there we go.
So, I noticed the story a few months after that, when I was doing research on other things, and I'm like, well, this is really significant.
This story's, there's a big deal here.
And I started running down details of the story by contacting people that were mentioned in it.
There was a whistleblower, there was a brave person named Andre, who's featured in that Politico story, who when certain officials were denying that this had happened, he was the one going, no, I worked in the embassy, this absolutely happened.
And I was very interested in that person because, you know, he's the whistleblower, right?
So I started to make contact with him.
About a year ago, and I wanted to interview him on the record for over a year.
And you know, I have Citizen Journalism School.
One of the things we teach you is it's a hard lesson to learn, but patience, where if you're if you're getting stories right, you have to be patient with the story and not try to chase every headline that's out there.
But sometimes you have to stick to it the way a fisherman sticks to, you know, really reeling in a
By ignoring some of the smaller ones.
So I have kept on this.
And yesterday, after a year, I got to interview Andre.
And I did an audio interview.
Now, I want to set this up.
This is the person, as you'll hear, and I think you'll hear in this clip, it's a short clip.
I did a 50 minute interview with him on the record.
And this is a very brave person.
As you'll hear, he's been threatened, right?
They're telling lies about him around Washington, D.C.
They're trying to ruin his livelihood now.
But he's a truth teller.
And I did this 50 minute interview with him.
It confirmed everything that he said in the Politico story.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Hey there everybody, this is Lee Stranahan.
Appreciate Alex letting me fill in for him with the rest of the hour here.
Let me just tell you a little bit about myself.
I host a show on Sputnik Monday through Friday called Fault Lines with Nixon and Stranahan.
And we do that show every morning.
But the story we're going to talk about, the reason I mentioned that is because, so here I am a guy, I host a show on Sputnik.
Which a lot of media sources, well, don't take anything from that.
They're funded by Russia.
Avoid that media source.
And I'm telling it, I'm telling this story on InfoWars.
A lot of people, oh don't, Alex Jones, can't take that as a source.
But the story that we're telling wasn't actually originated by me or by InfoWars.
It was originated by Politico, an establishment
Political organization and Ken Vogel was later hired by the New York Times.
That's where he works.
This is an establishment reporter and they reported that the Ukrainian Embassy Ukrainian officials were colluding with the DNC with this operative named Alex Jane of Chalupa.
That's what this story was about.
That's what they discussed.
And it goes into a great amount of detail about that.
And part of what it was, there's a whistleblower who worked at the embassy.
And this whistleblower was somebody who I wanted to talk to, to follow up on that reporting.
So for over a year, I worked on that.
His name is Andre.
And he was the person who, as we reveal in my interview with him,
He was worried that this plan where the DNC was collaborating with the Ukrainian government was going to backfire.
He's a loyal Ukrainian who was like, well, I think this is not going to work out well.
But he was introduced to a Democratic operative who worked in the Clinton White House named Alexandra Chalupa.
She's Ukrainian.
And well, let's just hear, that's what this first clip is.
I interviewed him yesterday.
And this is, I'm so excited because this is, uh, this interview brings the story back to life.
I wanted him to go on the record.
Now you'll hear it in his own voice.
This is how he was introduced by the Ukrainian embassy officials to Alexander Shalupa.
And, uh, she asks me, you should talk guys.
You have a lot in common.
You should get to know each other well.
And Andre, you should help her.
And then she backs off and Chalupa introduces herself, says, I work for the DNC and we're working with Hillary's team and we are working really closely on getting dirt and any information connecting at that time presidential candidate Donald Trump and his team, any of his team members and with Russia or any Russian mafia.
As she said.
I was like, why are you looking for that information?
Because we plan to have a committee hearing in Congress in September, October, right before the elections to take, at that time, presidential candidate Donald Trump off the election.
Okay, so I want you to get the significance of that.
There's a few things there.
First off, this is not me telling it.
This is the guy who did it.
This is the guy who's the source for the Politico story.
This is why it's so significant, because this is an unimpeachable source.
This is a guy who's the source in the story that no one's ever questioned, they just ignored it.
What he's saying is clearly Alexander Chalupa introduced herself to him as part of the DNC, that she was specifically looking for Trump.
And this was in March or early April.
He thinks it's around there, but he thinks it was March.
I'd have to look it up, but let's go with March.
That was before the Trump, think about this.
Early March, that was before the Trump Tower meeting, which they're now saying is evidence of Russian collusion.
That's before, that's even before, I'm trying to think of the other thing that they always use as an excuse for this, but early March is when, oh I know, the DNC break-in.
The DNC break-in was reported in June, forgive me.
So this is even before that, right?
They've made up this narrative.
The DNC made up the Trump-Russia narrative before any of the things that they used that came later to prove it.
So she's introduced herself to him as, I'm with the DNC.
I'm looking for dirt on Trump or Manafort.
Paul Manafort's been targeted.
Think about this.
They're making a big deal about these police being found guilty yesterday on eight counts.
He's been targeted by the DNC.
That's what you're revealing here.
He's been targeted by the DNC.
Since early 2016, and what you've seen has been a basically a kangaroo trial, a show trial here for Manafort, the person who specifically was being targeted by Chalupa.
Andre, the person I'm interviewing here, his job was to coordinate with campaigns, not in a bad way.
In other words, every embassy coordinates if you need a press release about something, right?
But they came to him specifically, and he said this in the interview with me, and said, you will not coordinate with a Trump campaign.
So that was the first thing.
They told him to not coordinate with the Trump campaign, but they also told him to work with this woman, Alexandra Chalupa.
And Andre, the reason I say he's a brave whistleblower is he said, why do you want me to do this?
This is not what we do.
We're not supposed to favor one candidate over the other.
That's not what we're supposed to do.
And he was threatened over it and they threatened that he would be fired.
And to his credit, he quit rather than stick around for the corruption.
He did not talk to Alexander Chalupa again, but he told me in the interview that there's other evidence that he's aware of that exists out there.
So that's why in the story, one of the first things I did was make sure that the entire interview got to certain public officials who I know and trust.
And there's only a couple of them.
There's not many you can know or trust.
But because this is significant evidence, I think, not of a conspiracy.
There's no other way to put it.
The DNC was working with the Ukrainian government as far back as
And don't forget, March was also significantly... March 2016 was around the time that Loretta Lynch started talking about, hey, maybe we should do stuff.
Maybe we should start a wiretap program.
So don't forget that's significant as well.
When we come back, I've got a little bit more to add to that timeline.
We'll be back.
I'm Lee Stradain.
You're watching InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Everybody, how you doing?
I'm Lee Stranahan.
Welcome back.
Thanks again to Alex Jones for letting me fill in for him this hour.
You know, one of the things, I'm just going to say this, I host a show called Fall Lines with Nixon, Strahan and Sputnik, Monday through Friday, 7 to 10 a.m.
But one of the things I like about talking to an InfoWars audience, I'm going to be honest, is I don't have to dumb it down.
What I mean by that is I can mention the Atlantic Council, for instance, as I did in that last segment.
And know that a lot of people in the InfoWars audience immediately go, okay, the Atlantic Council, I understand how that connects to certain things.
If you don't know how that connects, okay, that's fine.
It seems like an obscure reference.
But it's nice to talk to an audience who actually does understand how these things connect.
At least much more so than an audience that just watches the mainstream media.
So if I reference some of these things that seem a little obscure to some people, that's okay.
Other people in the audience may know what I'm talking about.
The thing about this story that was very significant to me was that it was
But they projected it onto the Republicans.
This is the craziest thing.
They projected exactly what they did onto the Republicans.
But it was the DNC colluding with the Ukrainian government, not just a low-level official, but with the ambassador, Charlie, right?
And so this political article exposed all that.
Yesterday, I did a long interview.
I'm going to break that up and put that into
Uh, sort of bite-sized chunk article form soon, but I just played a clip from in the last segment from this interview.
One of the things I was interested in was after this political article came out, did my source, he's not hard to find, did my source get a lot of calls from the media?
In other words, this should be a big story, right?
So you'd think the media would crack it down.
So here's what he said.
Let's play that clip.
That's it.
Nobody contacted him.
And you'd think that, like I say, a big story like this, a person not hard to find, they would want to get in touch with them.
But they didn't.
Because the reason they didn't want to get in touch with them is because this was a narrative that was set.
This is a narrative that the Democrats had decided upon well before it began.
If you look at the timing on what he's talking about, this is March-April.
Very significant in the timeline.
It's before the Russian hack.
It's well before the Trump Tower meeting, right?
All the things that they say prove Russian collusion is well before that.
And it's exactly the same narrative.
Now, I think this is significant, especially again, talking to an InfoWars crowd, because who's one of the people coming after Alex, right?
Clearly, it's CNN.
And the reason CNN is coming after Alex, here's one of the reasons I think, there's two reasons actually.
One of them is it's legacy media versus new media, which Alex and I talked about before.
It's an old media conglomerate, CNN, looking at upstart like Alex getting much bigger ratings for much less investment.
And going, we got to shut this down.
But there's an ideological thing in there too, which is CNN is part of the media establishment that keeps a narrative going.
And this is shown here because when this political article resurfaced, and it resurfaced again, it came out originally in January 2017.
Then a few months later,
I'd been following it for a little while before that, but Sarah Sanders mentioned it in a press briefing, in a White House press briefing, and suddenly the whole article flared up again.
Who came to the defense of the media narrative but CNN?
CNN's job was to tamp down the appearance that this story had any substance to it.
So what CNN did was they contacted Alexander Chalupa.
And this is on record.
There's a CNN article.
If you look it up, if you look up Alexander Chalupa DNC Ukraine
Something like that.
Something like that.
You'll find this story from CNN.
There you go.
First on CNN.
There it is.
They found it very quickly.
First on CNN.
Former DNC contractor denies working with Ukrainian officials on anti-Trump research.
So what they did was, here's the way CNN does their journalism.
They went to her and they said, hey, were you colluding with the
The government, the DNC, and she said, no, I wasn't.
I wasn't doing Apple research at all.
And CNN goes, OK, thanks.
And that's what they print.
If they bothered to look, her sister, Andrea Chalupa, had tweeted out not once, but twice,
My sister, Alexandra, was doing opposition research for the DNC.
She tweeted it out.
Her own sister had tweeted that out two times, right?
And we also knew from WikiLeaks, again, you'll find this very easily.
Look up WikiLeaks, Alexandra Chalupa.
You'll find that in an email that was exposed by WikiLeaks,
Alexander Chalupa was reporting on the opposition research he was doing on Manafort to Louise Miranda, who was the Director Communications Director for the DNC.
She's literally reporting to him.
Now, by the way, that's significant.
Again, I'm going to get a little deep here for the InfoWars audience.
It's significant because Louise Miranda was one of the people who was put into place
By the Hillary Clinton campaign, when the DNC made the deal with the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Joint Fundraising Agreement, the JFA, when they made that, Hillary Clinton demanded that they be able to pick the Communications Director.
So that guy was the guy put into place when Hillary made the deal to take over the DNC.
So, in other words, when Shalhoub is reporting to this guy, this is effectively reporting to Hillary.
That's what I want you to understand.
This is a guy put into place by Hillary.
So, she's reporting on how she was colluding with Ukrainian journalists at the Open World... She misnames it.
It's the Open World Foundation.
Basically, it's part of the Library of Congress.
And by the way, again, a little deep dive for InfoWars people, started by George Soros, who's no longer involved with it, sort of, I guess.
But he's one of the people who founded it.
And so she had used that resource, which is supposed to be a non-partisan governmental resource, part of the Library of Congress,
To host these Ukrainian journalists.
And she was telling this story to, again, the DNC people.
So, for her to go on CNN... I mean, this had all been... By the way, that email that we just showed from WikiLeaks, that was in the original Politico article.
So when CNN, to try to debunk... Sarah Sanders talking about the Politico article.
They didn't even want to debunk the Politico article.
What did they do?
They printed what Alexandra Chalupa said, and they ignored what she'd said in the email.
It's the biggest, lamest cover-up ever.
And this is why CNN is terrified of someone like Alex.
Because we don't play that game here at InfoWars, so...
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia.
And then voila, two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
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I want to plow into all of this.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Hey there, we're back.
My name is Lee Stranahan and I want to thank Alex again for letting me finish out the hour.
I host a website at citizenjournalismschool.com.
That's where I've been a journalist for about 10 years.
I've worked at the Huffington Post.
I was the lead investigative reporter at Breitbart News.
Andrew Breitbart said I was his favorite working experience for the 18 months we worked together.
And I've covered big stories in Syria, where I went over to Beirut, Lebanon in 2013, been talking about that.
And in all of these stories, that's why it's great to talk to an InfoWars audience, because if you're like me, I think a lot of people who watch InfoWars are interested in research.
And maybe they're not.
I've been blessed
In that I'm able to do it full time.
So maybe you're like an armchair researcher, right?
And if you don't know what I'm talking about here, don't worry about it.
But I bet most of you know what I'm talking about.
Where you start to learn, like once you figure out who Soros is, you start to see Soros everywhere where most people don't.
So you go, okay, well,
Oh, wait, one second.
Okay, so this is this guy who funds all of these different organizations, these civil society groups.
Once you get that, you start to go, oh, wait, well, this group is connected to that group.
And you see things that most people don't.
You know what I'm talking about, right?
If you don't, don't worry about it.
But I think most of you do.
Now, I'm going to give you a new name to plug into that equation.
So the same way that right now you know the name Soros and know how to look into it, I'm going to give you a name that I've only really been on the trail of about three weeks now.
And the name is Khodorkovsky.
I'm going to spell that because I want you to start being able to plug it into your own research.
It's K-H-O-DORK.
That's the way I remember it.
That's it.
That's the name right there.
May he don't put it up.
God bless him.
I do a radio show.
It's nice to be on InfoWars where I can show you the video too.
So there's his name, Kortakowski.
Start plugging him into your equations.
Here's what you're going to find about Kortakowski.
You're going to find Kortakowski... You ever work on a jigsaw puzzle?
And you're trying to get one section of the jigsaw puzzle to match up with the other section.
And then you find one big chunk and the whole thing starts to just come together.
And you're like, oh, OK, that's that solved the puzzle.
Kortakowski is that guy.
You probably, when you've been researching, gone, OK, I see how this connects, but I don't quite see Kortakowski's guy.
Here's who he is.
It was at one point,
He was the richest man in Russia.
He came, he's one of the Russian oligarchs.
And he came to power in the 90s.
Okay, now remember, this is under Clinton, right?
And so under Clinton, we had the rise of the neoliberals like Larry Summers and the people at Harvard.
And they brought, this is what happened in the 1990s.
Clinton administration, Larry Summers, the Harvard people.
They basically gave Russia bad advice and helped to loot the country and it was very corrupt and there were actually people who were indicted and charged criminally.
Guys like Jonathan Hay, if you look him up, all these people at Harvard who were actually indicted because there was real corruption going on there between this Harvard group and
Clinton connected people and what was going on just right after the Soviet Union fell, okay?
This is kind of Wild West territory.
Soviet Union has just fallen and a lot of people say, well, it's going to be freedom, but to a certain mindset, it's like, oh, no, no, this represents an economic opportunity.
The Soviet Union has fallen.
Let's see if we can make some money here.
This is the way the globalists see these things.
Khodorkovsky is one of those guys who comes up in that atmosphere of chaos, right?
He's a relatively young guy, and he becomes the richest man in Russia.
And the way he does it, here's an example of the kind of thing he figures out.
All these Soviet assets are going in these auctions that they're having, okay?
Like, an oil company is going to be auctioned off.
It used to be held by the Soviet Union, now who's going to own it?
So, what he did was, he bought, Khodorkovsky bought the bank that was going to do the auction, called Bank Menetet.
Menetet, okay?
He buys the bank.
Then, Khodorkovsky
Cancels the other people who are going to bid on the oil company, and he buys the oil company himself.
Does that make sense?
So he buys the bank that was going to do the auction.
He cancels the auction, and he buys it himself.
And that's the way he saved.
He bought a company that was valued at $45 billion.
He was able to buy it, effectively, for $300 million.
So this is the way these guys were able to make money.
This is very forward-thinking stuff, right?
But, completely corrupt, right?
And again, it was a Wild West period.
And while the Clinton administration was looking on all this and fine, because there's money to be made by the people, you know, from Harvard and everything.
So, while all of this is happening, okay?
It's horrible hardship for people in Russia.
People are starving.
People are dying.
It's not fun for the people in Russia at all.
And the oligarchs control the political system.
They eventually pushed this guy named Putin into power, and they think he's going to be another puppet.
But what happens is Putin kind of, when he comes into power, this guy, who they thought was going to be their puppet, goes, no, no, wait a minute.
You guys are looting our resources.
Khodorkovsky, you're about to sell the Russian oil company to ExxonMobil.
And again, if you look it up, this is what was happening.
Khodorkovsky, in fact, if you look up, there's an article, New York Times, 2003, who's buying political influence.
There's a picture.
Look up Khodorkovsky, George W. Bush photo.
You'll find a photo of him.
If you look up, here's the other thing.
Look this up.
Senate Resolution 322 from the year 2006.
Senate Resolution 322 from 2006.
That was a resolution in support of Khodorkovsky.
It had one person who introduced it and two co-sponsors.
Look at this.
Introduced by Joe Biden, the two co-sponsors are Barack Obama and John McCain.
Both coming out in favor of this guy, Khodorkovsky, who most of you never heard of before.
Think about this.
Both of the 2008 presidential candidates supported this guy.
But if you Google it right now, you won't find any stories about that.
Wouldn't you think that one reporter would go, gee, it's kind of curious that you both were the only co-sponsors on this bill introduced by your future vice president.
Who's this Khodorkovsky guy?
No, no, no one looked into it because
That would have disrupted the narrative.
You can't look into that because it affects both candidates, right?
It's the Republican and the Democrat.
And you see now that they're not really two parties.
They're just, as Bill Hicks used to say, you know, the puppet on the left, the puppet on the right.
And oh, look, it's the same guy controlling the puppet.
It's Kortakofsky behind both of them.
And when you start to look it up, you'll find that Kortakofsky links
Quite plainly, with Soros.
And so again, this is where the two jigsaw puzzles start to come together.
So this guy Khodorkovsky, most of you have never heard of.
Just look, supported by Obama and McCain and Biden.
In 2006, there it is, there's a photo, there it is.
You'll find he was buying his way through Russia.
So what happens is, Putin comes along and says, stop.
You can't sell them the resources.
Anymore that you're trying to sell cities.
What had happened was Putin and said we're going to limit the amount of foreign ownership of some key resources like oil.
So the way around that was to go through a guy like for the cops.
And that's what they did.
So, again, a deep dive for people who are InfoWars researchers, but once you start to put this name together, look into it, you're going to see Kretikovsky really pieced a lot of things together for you.
Until next time, I'm Lee Stranahan.
Thanks very much.
Thanks, Alex.
Appreciate you letting me on.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.