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Filename: 20180821_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 21, 2018
3254 lines.

In this InfoWars episode, Alex Jones talks about the censorship faced by his website due to its criticism of mainstream media and alternative reporting. He encourages listeners to support Infowars by visiting the website and subscribing to the podcast. The speaker discusses increasing globalist control through vaccines, biometric identification, and surveillance technology, and accuses Microsoft, big universities, newspapers, and political institutions of working towards authoritarianism. InfoWars has been demonized by mainstream media and tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Spotify, and YouTube due to its alternative viewpoints. Alex Jones also talks about election rigging through electronic voting machines, Smartmatic's involvement in alleged election rigging, and the importance of controlling the narrative. He highlights historical cases like John Peter Zenger's trial for criticizing a governor and how truth was not considered a defense at that time. Additionally, he discusses globalization, social media censorship, and the influx of migrants into European countries with Paul Joseph Watson.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the 21st day of August 2018.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
They now have officially announced that Facebook and the rest of Silicon Valley are bringing the Chinese social score that face scans you everywhere you go to America.
They will control your banking, everything.
That is now all confirmed.
It's on DrudgeReport.com.
We're going to be breaking it down, but first let's look at this key boil down of the war on free speech.
Here it is.
As you probably heard, recently many of the biggest tech companies joined in a coordinated effort to censor content from broadcaster Alex Jones.
Because it looks like his website, InfoWars, just lost their war on info.
Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter, all of them pulled or froze Jones' accounts on the grounds that his views are too dangerous to be heard publicly.
Oh, it's easy to dismiss concerns about big tech's actions.
All coordinated, it seems, to shut down Jones because, of course, he's the media's poster child for conspiracy theories.
Court hearings will resume today in lawsuits against radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones from Infowars.
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
I know we're supposed to think that Alex Jones is way more radical than like Bill Maher, Michelle Wolf, or Rosie O'Donnell.
But he's got a point of view, and CNN is trying to squelch his point of view.
Did Twitter make mistakes around Alex Jones and InfoWars?
At the time, we did not receive reports that we felt we could take any action that violated our terms of service.
Your colleagues at CNN pointed out a number of them.
We took action on one, and then we noticed that all the others, likely because they were made known to Alex Jones and InfoWars, were being deleted.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom and our access to information from the sources we as individuals trust and like.
The left, which seeks to crush anything it can't control, applauded the news.
I think Alex Jones is disgusting.
I think the things he says are awful.
He makes me physically sick.
With that being said, he does have the ear of the president and he has six million people that listen to him.
And I would like people out there to know that there is a segment of the population that's drawn to this.
We have a problem in this country.
That's so scary.
Alex Jones promotes conspiracy theories and foments hatred of media.
I don't like giving people like Alex Jones a platform.
He's one of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
Yesterday, Apple, Google, Facebook and Spotify all erased most of the posts and videos on their services from Alex Jones.
So, if...
They're gone.
They're out of there.
Why are the most powerful companies in the world suddenly so threatened by an independent radio show host in Texas that they're willing to lose business in order to make him shut up?
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
Virtually every day, the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech, and shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
We just got taken down by YouTube.
They just killed our stream.
Community guidelines.
We can't even show his footage.
Alex Jones, who is not my friend, and who tells crazy lies about me, is thrown off Twitter, I think, and Facebook, and a few other platforms.
I think he's gonna be good.
Well, if you're a liberal, you're supposed to be for free speech.
That's free speech for the speech you hate.
That's what free speech means.
Our establishment crushes dissent not because our establishment is strong, but because it is weak and afraid.
They're the ones in control and they're the ultimate censors at universities, the media, everywhere.
They're monsters.
And now they want you completely banned from all new forms of digital communication.
Elites aren't afraid of what Alex Jones says, Krieger writes.
They're terrified that it's popular.
Trump didn't divide American society.
Alex Jones didn't cause our widespread and, by the way, justified distrust in institutions.
Elites did that.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
Alright, we're gonna launch the main transmission in T-minus 60 seconds after this break initiates.
Initiate countdown for launch.
This is the most censored transmission on the planet.
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia.
And then voila, two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
Go to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Subscribe to the free podcast.
Click on the link, whatever you're subscribing your podcast in, it'll pop up there.
It's also critical to go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and give us your email so that we can stay in contact with you and send you videos and articles on our own platform.
But whatever you do, tell folks about InfoWars.com, how they can download the free Android and iPhone apps, how they can then reach out to others with the information and point out this is the verboten info.
This is what they don't want you to see.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're only 77 days out from the most important election in U.S.
history, and many could argue the most important election in world history.
America is ground zero for the battle for the future of humanity, for the globalist fight-rag-tag bands of pro-America, pro-liberty, pro-Western, pro-God individuals.
It's here.
It's happening now.
The Democrats are all over the place preparing violence.
They're all over the place preparing to have illegal aliens vote.
They're having all these cities legalize illegal aliens voting.
They're handing them out voter registration cards.
They are weaponizing the universities, completely weaponizing the already fake news media into mafia stalking syndicates to stalk myself and everyone else that stands up for what's right and to slander and defame the American people.
The news is now ratcheting up.
Their propaganda, the fake news media, that everyone's being violent to them, and they're getting death threats from the New York Times, the CNN.
They're misquoting me in thousands of publications everywhere, saying that I said, use battle rifles on the media.
That's why I'm offering a $1 million contest, a $1 million reward, that of course will never be paid out, because there is no video of me saying, use battle rifles on the media.
It's a total hoax by Lester Holt.
It is a hoax by all these individuals.
Brian Stelter, all of them, they sit there with Jack Dorsey and go, I'm getting chills right now.
He said, come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
Now I said, use the judicial system legally and lawfully and go after them criminally.
Paul Watson has an article on Infowars.com detailing the actual quotes, the actual video versus their criminal
Vicious fraud ahead of framing the American people with events on their own institutions.
You can smell it.
You can see it.
It'd be like if you had a neighbor and they told you, you know, fire is starting to burn down houses.
Hoping you go out of town next weekend to the beach.
Nobody burns your house down.
You'd be like, what?
...to your weird neighbor, and then later you come home and your house is burned down, and you call the police, you say, hey, my neighbor sets up a bout, and they go, well, that's funny.
Mr. Brown or Mr. Johnson or Mr. whatever his name is, there's real cases like this that have happened quite a few times, he's been convicted twice of arson and is mentally ill.
And then they go arrest him.
And, I mean, they're saying, your house is going to get burned down, our house is going to get burned down, the right-wingers are going to attack us.
Look, Alex Jones is saying it, he's saying it.
Meanwhile, in the very video, I'm like, they're going to false flag themselves and stage events against themselves.
President Trump, they are setting this up to do it.
And they've got Antifa saying they're coming with weapons to members of Congress' houses.
They've already shot and attacked Congressman Scalise and attacked Rand Paul and said they want to kidnap your son and rape him with pedophiles.
But that's okay.
Peter Fonda can say that, Peter Fonda.
So, it's just next level.
And then, you heard it, Jones!
Jones, he's behind it!
And again, why would they de-platform me two weeks ago and take that giant risk?
Because they're making their move into the midterms with false flags and civil unrest.
We have George Soros' own internal documents.
Infowars.com has their game plan.
Infowars.com has their attack profile.
What is an attack profile, ladies and gentlemen?
That's a term used by a lot of different air forces for the profile and
Basically, the mission, the sortie, and then you can also then, other defending military knows the profile of the different types of attacks that different aircraft run with different systems and knows the maneuvers that different state actors tend to use.
So, we know their blueprint of attack.
I'm going to explain this again.
Five years ago, we wrote exclusively at Infowars.com that Silicon Valley was building a giant censorship system to come in to the United States.
And it was being tested in China, but that the great Chinese firewall was built by Google and is going to be administered by Facebook and Apple and others.
It's all official.
There it is, 2015, four years ago.
Coming to America, China introduces credit score for obedient citizens.
Social isolation for people who express controversial opinions or dissent.
Criticize the government.
Well, your score drops.
Do it too much or private corporations you can no longer buy or sell as they're doing to us, deplatforming us, getting rid of our bank accounts, getting rid of our payment processors, trying to get rid of our server software.
They scan our site and then we get letters from the top
One of the top hardware, software groups, saying, you can no longer use our software.
Then we contacted the executives.
They said, well, that is our company, but that's not going to happen.
That was a mistake.
No, it's not a mistake.
They've got all these things in place.
They've already tested it.
Look at DrugsReport.com.
You get tomorrow's news today at InfoWars.com.
And NewsWars.com, there it is.
Facebook trust ratings for users to be hooked into face scanning cameras everywhere with your banking information and then controlling everything you do according to your religion, your ethnicity, your race derivation, all of it.
Now, no wonder Trump is suing Facebook for violating the fair housing.
This is true racketeering, but see, while you're busy hearing about Black Lives Matter as the red herring, all of us are being put into a giant digital gulag.
So there it is.
Facebook trust rating for users.
Communist social credit score, algorithm, flags, behavior, and then controls you.
What does Jack Dorsey say?
He says, we're going to control Alex Jones and others with Pavlovian carrots and sticks.
He explains to Skelter and he explains to Lester Holt, based on the faulty data that I'm saying kill the media, total lie, use battle rifles on them, no proof is shown because there is none.
Then with a faulty lie, it is then extruded that, oh, we have to bring in a draconian system bigger than anything George Orwell could even imagine in his wildest nightmares or fantasies.
I'm gonna explain it again.
Google and Apple and Microsoft and others are on record building the Chinese control grid.
As soon as Obama got in, all the restraints were taken off.
Ten years ago now.
Ten years ago, this is the Chinese Gulag.
Facebook is the Chinese Communist Gulag, but brought to you by Made in America.
Oh, we make stuff in America now.
We make things that Hitler could only dream of on another planet.
And now you know why they banned me.
They're getting ready to false flag, they're getting ready to frame everybody, they're getting ready with civil unrest, and they help round up dissidents.
Google and Apple, they report the dissidents who were then taken and executed.
On record!
Google would love to have me arrested and killed.
See, I've never killed anybody.
Technically one guy, I had some health problems later, but technically I didn't
The point is, I've never killed anybody.
But these people have helped China kill millions, and now they're bringing it here, and then they sit there all day and go, Alex Jones was mean to the Sandy Hook families.
Alex Jones won't stop saying no one died.
And I'm like, that's out of context.
I didn't say that the way you're saying it.
Please stop saying I'm saying it if it's so hurtful.
And they go, no, you hurt children!
You hurt children!
Meanwhile, they help China, the biggest mass murderers in history.
They lie to get us into these wars.
They fund the Arab Spring to topple regimes that are actually more democratic.
They are wild-eyed authoritarians in a nightmare system.
Oh, a 90-something-year-old man, I got an article here, 95-year-old Nazi camp guards being deported to Germany to stand trial and go to prison.
Why is George Soros not being deported to Hungary?
Or to Germany, because Germany will try anybody they say is a Nazi.
I mean, he actually helped round up Jews and take their property.
Oh no!
He gets ADL awards like Schwarzenegger, who wears a Nazi belt buckle, and told Rolling Stone he loves Hitler.
His father was an SS officer.
The marriage was an approved SS breeding program.
But, you know, because he's in Hollywood and actually is the son of a real Nazi and used to greet people at dinner parties in an SS uniform playing Hitler speeches.
That's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And then you got Soros, a literal Nazi collaborator.
He ain't getting deported anywhere, is he?
He runs this country and he's about to break the country's back if he can.
He's fighting to plunge the stock market right now!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I think.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
This is the most censored, hated, demonized program in the world.
And why is it?
Because I've been telling you for years, because I've read their own statements, picked up pieces of the intel here and there, that they were building a total censorship system for America and testing it in China and preparing to have the universities and leftist think tanks and groups then man
The AI computers, they're in our private messages, they are in your Facebook, they are in your email, they have given the Southern Primary Law Center, Media Matters, the ADL, all access.
And incredibly enough, World Net Daily had the big article yesterday, where now Media Matters has put out a 40 plus page report
Please click on the memo there in the article.
Thank you.
It's called Democracy Matters.
Now, a strategic plan for action for last year.
Now, remember, Senator Warner and Senator Murphy say shutting down all right-wing patriot media, starting with Alex Jones, is the only way to save the democracy.
Oh, the democracy where you block people's speech and spy on them and absolutely rape their rights according to what color they are, what sex they are, have all their data, all of it's given to them,
And in this, David Brock brags, and he was given the tens of millions of dollars, $40 million program alone, to quarterback the entire operation.
This is, in their own words, with interfaces into your Facebook, into your Google, into your Apple, into everything.
It's admitted that they run the moderation.
And remember,
Back in February, when they took me off YouTube and some other stuff for a while, and then Bloomberg said, oh, Alex Jones and others were taken down by mistake.
The moderators weren't properly trained.
And that was groups from these organizations.
And it was incredible.
CNN's involved.
The New York Times is involved.
They're involved.
We have undercover footage from Project Veritas, remember, but also
They would know information about our private messages on Twitter.
They would know everything.
And it's because they're reading and watching everything.
And they would know if a Russell Brand reached out and wanted to come on the show.
And then Russell Brand would get a call, and I'm giving you inside baseball now, and said, you better not go on his show, when Russell Brand reached out to me.
Now you understand the true level of this, folks.
They are.
And David Brock thinks you're so stupid that he brags... In fact, post this WorldNetDaily article and then put the document under it, please.
Post a blurb from it and then put the document on Infowars.com.
This is like having the admission that 14 bodies are buried in their backyard, hypothetically.
I mean, this is red-handed.
And again, flashback.
There it is, Jamie White also reporting on that at Infowars.com.
Soros back groups gloat over colluding with big tech to censor conservatives.
Then it flashes back to when we reported it last year.
So again, I know so much.
I hadn't even remembered we'd covered this last year.
But I mean, here it is!
They are in everything!
They are a mafia!
They are using a Maoist playbook!
You think they're playing games?
These people are not playing games.
They're funded by a crazy Nazi collaborator who, when I was a teenager, was on the Lair News Hour that he was an international criminal that overthrew governments and devalued currencies and stole people's pension funds.
He took his hundreds of billions of dollars.
Soros is worth hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions, not 50 billion or whatever.
And he came to America and he bought the media.
And these people are all nightmare henchmen of this guy, and he's sworn to destroy me.
He was in the New York Times.
He said, I know who my enemies are, and I'm glad to know.
And then the next paragraph was about Alex Jones and populism, and he's not sure he can beat us.
I'm just supposed to roll over to some crazy Nazi collaborator that overthrows countries and steals old people's pension funds?
And you've got the entire Hollywood scumbaggery worshiping you?
It was happy making time when I would help round up the Jews.
I feel not bad about it at all.
I said it was very invigorating time for me in my life.
I love the Transylvania accent, too.
It's so much fun to do what we do to you.
And you don't even know it, do you?
It's so much good times.
My son is at spirit cooking events.
He looks even crazier than I do.
Every photo, he's like...
No one stops us!
No one gets in our way!
Trump got in our way!
Get him!
Jones got in our way!
Destroy him!
No one gets in my way!
No one!
deports former Nazi camp guard, 95, to Germany.
He's just convicted, but not Soros.
No, no, no.
He doesn't get chipped away.
He's a good man.
He's a good person funding people so arrogant that they brag.
CNN would go on the news in February and announce how much money we were making off YouTube and what was in our account.
They were in tortuous interference in my YouTube account.
We have the New York Times on tape admitting that as well.
Project Veritas got it last year.
They're in my financial dealings in a contract with Google.
I'm going to say it again.
If Google could ship David Knight and Alex Jones and Matt Drudge to a forced labor camp, they'd do it like that.
They fund it all over the world.
They help, in Pakistan, them round up people that blaspheme Muhammad, who then get said to be killed.
They help round up women that don't wear their veils and they get stoned to death.
They are authoritarians one trillion infinities.
They are mad dog foaming at the mouth authoritarians with this fake Black Lives Matter gay liberation cover story.
It has nothing to do with that.
China executes gays, Christians, Buddhists.
They are sick, evil monsters who have this fake moral high ground where they sit up there and they lecture everybody how good they are and then lie about me and lie about Trump and Trump is
Valiantly going after them.
They mark if you're conservative, if you're libertarian, if you're Christian, if you're black, if you're white, if you're Asian, if you're gay, if you're straight.
They're reading with AI.
All your private messages to your boyfriends, your girlfriends, everything.
And then they just let David Brock and Media Matters and George Soros can go right in whenever they want and just see your film role, what you did with your wife, your kids, you know, in the bathtub, uh, grandma.
It's all theirs!
And they don't respect you because you don't respect yourselves!
And everybody's lined up to kiss these monsters' disgusting, satanic souls.
I'm not talking to our general audience.
I'm talking to the sickos that sold out in the media by successive approximation.
You are in a brainwashed leftist cult that is just a...
Paper-thin veneer over the fact that you work for the most evil, ruthless people in the world that are bringing AI, social credit cores, with your banking, face scanning, everything you say and do in the real world, tracking everything you do in real time, with total control to hack your life, to ruin your life, because they think they're God, allied with the Chai-coms that have killed over 100 million people.
They are the enemy!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up in the next hour, there's a lot of news that we haven't been getting to while this huge takeover of the internet, the attempt to steal the midterm elections, and Chinese communists openly flexing their muscles, taking over Hollywood, U.S.
universities, censoring U.S.
news operations that are patriotic and faithful and dutiful to common sense and sanity.
Yes, we are the most censored transmission in the world.
And InfoWars and the attack we've been under, this amazing crew and our audience that are activists and are the InfoWars, and everybody here are on an incredible historic journey together.
You heard me get heated earlier because Media Matters Brags, funded by Soros,
That they have a 40 plus million dollar program just funded last year.
There's a bunch of other programs.
Bragging how they get into all of your data.
Bragging how they are running your life.
Bragging how they've been given access to moderate Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, everything.
And you watch Media Matters writes an article, the entire media dutifully puts it out.
Media Matters says Jones says he's going to assault the media with assault rifles.
I never say it, doesn't matter.
If they say it, Soros says it, Papa, Nazi collaborator says it, and it's like God said it, or Pharaoh said it, so let it be written, so let it be done.
I'm surprised they don't, you know,
Read the tea leaves of Soros' droppings and have, you know, High Priest look into the stars and, you know, see what his droppings portend for the future with their sages.
I mean, this is sick!
That demonic, burbling creature perched on top of America.
All the pension funds, all the currencies he bankrupted, all the evils, all the Arab Springs he funded.
His horrible little sick evil son, Alexander, all perching on us, drinking the essence out of our nation.
Go read the report, it's on Infowars.com.
It's incredible.
And yes, we broke it four years ago that the Chinese Communist Social Score was already being developed in the U.S.
for China and already being deployed by Facebook.
Word for word, where's our Pulitzer Prize?
I don't want that.
I wouldn't take a Pulitzer Prize.
A Pulitzer Prize would be like Hitler trying to give me an Iron Cross first class.
I would say, I don't want that from Adolf Hitler.
It's a mark of being pathetic and a mark of being a horrible person.
Pulitzer Prize winners now, Pulitzer Prize winners now are literally like recipients of Nazi medals.
You get a Peace Prize now, it means you've launched a bunch of wars that are evil.
If Trump ever gets one, because they're trying to reprieve themselves and the public's out, he should give the money to charity.
But that's enough.
I'm going to go to David Knight here in just a moment.
He'll go with us a little bit in the next hour.
It's the one year anniversary of him launching The Real News.
We're going to be discussing all that with him in just a moment, but to see the cackling and the celebrations all over HBO, all over CNN, all over MSNBC, them spiking the football in the end zone, yeah!
He's being deplatformed, and let's deplatform them all!
Our country's democracy depends on it, when that's the opposite of what they call a democracy.
And we're a republic, by the way.
It's the most illogical stuff.
Brian Stelter and others, when I see these clips, in the same segment will say Trump's war on the press is very serious.
He wants to shut us down.
He wants blood.
He says you're liars and enemies of the truth.
Never said that.
And then in the very same segment, let's move to Alex Jones de-platforming him.
He's been taken off 20 plus platforms, but Twitter needs to take him completely off.
Because, you know, only tyrants try to shut down the press.
And you say, there's no logic to that.
They're raping logic in front of you.
George Orwell was a big liberal.
He saw the bad side of the imperial system.
Imperial police officer in India.
So he went and became basically a communist, a Thabian socialist.
And then when he got to the higher level, it was like, no, we're evil nihilist.
We're basically Satanist.
We want to totally dominate humanity, make them accept falsitudes that there is no gravity unless we say there's gravity.
It's double think, holding two opposite thoughts in your head at the same time, but being able to rationally operate in that artificial schism.
And that's what it is.
Donald Trump is trying to kill the press.
Donald Trump is a dictator.
Donald Trump is like Hitler.
Donald Trump wants us all dead.
Donald Trump wants our blood.
Anyone that tries to take down any of the press is a criminal.
A, he's not trying to take them down.
He's just standing up against them.
Then, the next Senate, take Alex Jones and all of them off the air and kick Trump off of Twitter.
USA Today, Associated Press, they're all, take Trump off!
Take Trump off!
We're going to go to break and come back with David Knight and I'm going to try to calm down here.
He's got a lot to go over himself on this and one year anniversary of the Real News that comes on 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
right before I come on every day and then the War Room with Owen Schroeder, Roger Stone and others comes up.
But this is an incredible time.
When all of this is coming out and it's all being revealed.
Silicon Valley built the Chinese firewall.
They're helping round up their dissidents.
Apple's moved to China officially.
Google's building their censorship engines.
Facebook is using face scanning and banking info and giving it all to the Democrats and foreign governments and the Chinese and you got Zuckerberg in China praising them and praising censorship a year ago.
Zuckerberg goes to China and praises censorship with their internet czar.
Pull it up!
And there's videos of him laughing and how great it is.
This is the sick joke.
This is what they're doing.
Now, I need to tell you this right now.
People say, why didn't somebody stand for the globalists?
Why didn't somebody take action?
Well, because people are scared.
That's why.
I don't want to call it fear.
And I'll be honest with you.
Because I'm not a big flight guy, I'm more of a fight guy.
But this is, this is me scared.
InfoWars, this whole operation, is me seeing a bunch of serious tyrants that think I'm a slave and think you're a slave.
And they think because I'm not a psychopath or sociopath and I have deep chivalry that I'm a fool.
No, I'm not a fool.
You people look empty, you act empty, your families are ugly and stupid, you look like you have been cursed to hell, I know you have horrible lives, I know all about you.
I don't want to be with you.
Understand, it's an energy thing.
I want to go with the energy that loves people and builds things and is open and honorable.
I will not serve your satanic system, ever.
And I pray that Jesus Christ, and the Father and the Holy Spirit, moves across the world and gets humanity to awaken before we go into an even deeper level of this, because this is our last chance.
And Trump is a final signpost on the way to hell, pointing back, saying, go back, go back!
This way leads to destruction!
And InfoWars is that signpost.
God wouldn't put you in this position and not give you a chance out of it, folks.
But this is the final course.
And that's why the enemy's activating, it's why they're getting so satanic, it's why they're so hateful now, because they want your soul.
They want your energy, they want to run your mind.
And they've already turned all their minions over.
To a form of spiritual possession of just hate!
When I'm around mainstream reporters now, they literally go... And that's the spirit.
It's like zombiosis.
And I just look at them and feel sorry for them.
They don't know how to handle that.
I mean, these people will do anything.
They'd love to see us in death camps.
They already helped China run it.
So we need financial support.
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The rebellion against Satan continues!
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia.
And then voila, two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news feeds.
Go to InfoWars.com,
I think so.
They don't want you to see.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now you know you're winning the information war when the other side has no response but to resort to censorship.
Drain the swamp?
We're gonna have to drain the privilege out of Washington first because that's what the swamp feeds on, their privilege.
They can't stand for people to exercise their first and second amendments together.
You found it.
It's the real news.
That's what you have to look forward to.
He's not sorry when snowflakes can't handle the truth.
It's your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to Real News.
I'm David Knight, and joining me in this segment is Lionel.
Always happy to have Lionel, an Emmy Award-winning television news decoder, as he puts it, and a legal analyst, a licensed trial lawyer, a former prosecutor.
You can find him at LionelNation.com.
Let me tell you something, I love your show.
I'm not just saying it because you're here, but it's true.
It's great, so keep up the great work.
And how things are changing, David!
You did something before this morning which is terrific, and I was thunderstruck by it yet again.
You found it.
It's The Real News with your host, David Knight.
That's why you have to understand how these criminals in Washington have perverted our system of government, have turned it upside down, have shredded the Constitution.
And we have the Democrats suing us, it's a lawsuit that has never been announced, over the name Real News, trying to shut David down right now.
One year anniversary of him launching the show.
We are under total George Soros attack.
But we trust in you, the audience.
We trust in God.
And listen, it's true.
I'm on a suicide mission.
I don't want to die.
The suicide mission means it's 50-50 that you're not going to make it back.
That's what's considered to be a suicide mission by the U.S.
Army and the Marine Corps.
They consider that a suicide mission.
When you go up a hill, and you know, taking these hills, to use the Pacific example, half the Marines die going up the hill.
But you know what?
Our kids are back down that hill, and we've got evil people running this show.
We've got to go up, we've got to go over the top, folks.
We're going to do it.
But the full force of evil is hitting us, but it's all coming out.
China is running it with Facebook, Apple, all of them.
They're pure evil.
They helped China round up people and send them to death camps to have their organs taken.
That means they do it to you.
This whole leftist thing is a facade.
It's a cover.
And the world is waking up.
So, David Knight,
Well, six, seven years ago, he entered a contest.
He didn't win the contest, but he ended up moving down here from, what, North Carolina with his family to sweltering Texas.
And I love Texas, but let me tell you, North Carolina's a lot prettier and a lot nicer, right?
I mean, I love it up there.
And he pulled up stakes, sold his house, his business, and came down here, and he's helped change the world.
And I wanted to get him on the one-year anniversary because they've been trying to shut him down, you know, destroying his...
He has his YouTube channel, 9 million subscribers on Apple iTunes.
That was a place where he had more subscribers than I did.
Folks like to listen to him that way, but you can go to Infowars.com forward slash show, and right there is a link.
Just click it on any device, and you will get the podcast direct to you, not through iTunes, not through these middlemen.
But the apps, they haven't taken yet.
But Tim Cook says he's watching me.
Oh, we know you're watching the Chinese slaves as well, Mr. Cook, and your slave factories.
He said he's watching us.
He might delete us off of the app that's number one
I don't know.
And great times make great men and great women.
But make no mistake, brother, this is the total fight for planetary future for our species, and you are right in the heart of it.
So I want to thank you and your wife and your family and your sons and everybody for the work they've done working with us as well.
We salute you, David.
Well, thank you, and it's an honor to be here, and it's an honor to be a wanted man, wanted by the largest corporation the world has ever seen.
They have hunted me down just like they've hunted you down.
I never got a warning, ever, from Google.
I got one message, they cut me off that Monday, August the 6th, they cut me off the last four minutes of my program.
I got an email saying, we have a complaint, and we've deleted your channel.
And so we sent a thing back to them and I tweeted out what's going on but of course I'm not a left of center outlet so they didn't get back to me right away like they did h3h3 and they never did anything but six hours later they started sending me and now they've been sending me for the last couple weeks have been sending me an email that same email every 10 to 15 minutes they won't tell me what video it was I'd never had a complaint never had a strike they shut me down guilty by association and
So, that got shut down, and the interesting thing, Alex, is that I set up as a test case, set up the David Knight Show with no connections to InfoWars, put up two interviews, or two segments.
One was an interview with Steve Quayle, talking about the Gen 6 conference coming up in September, and it's about transhumanism.
The other one was about vaccine deaths.
In Samoa, those are the only two videos there.
They shut that down within 16 hours.
So they're searching out what I'm doing and they're shutting me down.
They have unpersoned you for your association with me.
That's right.
That is Gulag Archipelago 110%.
That's right, absolutely.
And you know, when we're talking about this, let's talk about Google here.
Because Google is, you know, we just had the guy who used to be the head of free expression in China.
Now he's the former head of free expression and they didn't replace him.
There is nobody there at Google for free expression.
And he said what they are doing
in China with their censorship.
He said, I can't imagine a scenario where that isn't a violation of human rights.
And that truly is.
When you are censored by a corporation, that is a violation of human rights.
It doesn't have to be by a government.
The First Amendment is not a privilege.
It doesn't guarantee us free speech or freedom of the press.
Those were prohibitions against the government taking them away.
But when the government
...merges with the corporations, which is what's really happening now.
We have these globalist corporations and these globalist government entities, like China and others, that are merging together to enact censorship.
And that is the worst of fascism.
That is actually what fascism is.
Antifa is not anti-fascism.
They're anti-First Amendment.
And this is really what this is all fundamentally about.
And they've got their report.
We've got our Adams report that we know got to the president.
That's another reason we've confirmed, yes, very high-level people in the federal government, I'll leave it at that, that Trump is now demanding our reports.
And the Adams report that I commissioned with Mike Adams, we're going to get another report that I have a top law firm supposedly going to finish today that the president's eagerly awaiting on the whole antitrust stuff.
And here's the deal.
No one else in Washington will bring this to the president, because you can get killed doing this, okay?
And we need everybody's prayers, because I'm not... I mean, the Chinese killed over 100 million people.
The big tech giants love it.
They're moving there.
Somebody explain everybody.
We're threading the needle here.
We need your prayers.
This is getting, to use a Star Wars analogy, X-Wings in the trench, okay?
And I'm not trying to sit there and blow that up a portion.
Look at it, okay?
This is history.
We need your prayers more than anything.
Democracy Matters Strategic Plan of Action, David Brock, funded
By Soros, private and confidential.
And of course it got leaked, and now Brock admits it, of how they're in the interfaces reading our private messages on all these platforms and literally using it against us.
And the New York Times is also given access to all of your data.
So the New York Times, folks, Project Veritas' undercover video is literally in your Facebook, in everything.
This is beyond criminal, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's why they want to shut down.
Just so you know.
Just take a look at what happened today with Microsoft.
This is at the top of Washington Post, Alex.
Microsoft, this is a quote, the headlines, Microsoft says it's found a Russian operation that was targeting U.S.
political institutions.
They're pretending that the Russians are coming after a couple of neocon conservative institutes that nobody's ever heard of.
Yeah, did they find a Martian too?
Yeah, that's right.
Well, and of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Microsoft just last week threatened to de-platform Gab.
They said, well, we've got two people that made some comments here and we're going to take down all of Gab because we don't like those comments.
So they looked like they were pretty bad.
So they come out and say, oh, but look, we're protecting Republicans from Russians.
Microsoft is one of the first companies, actually it was the first company, if you look at the Ed Snowden documents, the first company that jumped onto the PRISM program to spy unconstitutionally, illegally on Americans.
Exactly, we're going to come back and break all this down.
Stay right there David, this is important.
I don't want to say it again.
They think you're so stupid, they admit they're spying on all of you.
These big universities, these big newspapers, they're not news anymore.
They're not just fake news.
They are weaponized, organized crime syndicates, literally trying to steer us into authoritarianism.
77 days, they're getting ready to make their big jump.
Please, spread the word.
Please tell everybody on local AM and FM stations you're listening to.
We forget, that's the main audience.
TV stations, it's so precious.
Thank you stations.
Everybody, tell folks how you're watching, how you're listening.
Put a billboard up if you have the money.
It's a total war.
It's all in the next 77 days.
And financially support us, this big super sale has to end because Super Mel Vitale and stuff's about to sell out.
When some of the other products, bodies, is about to sell out.
We got more coming in in about a month.
45% off free shipping.
It's gotta end.
This will be the last day.
And while you're there, get some t-shirts promoting America.
This is a total war.
Don't let them intimidate you into silence.
Stay with us.
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Do you realize that when you spread the links from InfoWars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you.
That's why you've been on the team supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the InfoWar.
And now because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
We are the renaissance and we are winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
It's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I'm trying to be calm here.
And we analyzed the architecture of the globalist operation, quite frankly, down to a T. And it totally freaked them out.
And I'm trying to explain something here.
This is not like I'm up here bragging.
This is like walking into a dragon's nest.
And of course, the figurative illusion is China.
China and the Chinese Communists are the most soulless people on the planet.
Not the Chinese people, but the Chinese Communists.
And David Knight knows that.
You know, his daughter is from China, adopted.
My sister's from South Korea, adopted.
But he went there, he saw her in the starving conditions.
And old people, they just let them die on the side of the street.
If you criticize the government, they just kill you.
They love Buddhists because they're so healthy, they go and put them in a facility and blood type them and everything and gut them and sell their organs.
And you tell the left this, they laugh because they like it.
And that's what Tucker Carlson talked about on Friday night with that professor I'm going to get on, is that we keep thinking, man, these people don't get it, they're idiots.
Well, their minions are idiots, but the left knows they're criminals.
They know they're sociopaths.
They know they're following a Jacobin left-hand path, basically
Devil worship is their operating system.
And then they rebrand devil worshippers as, oh, free libertarians and all this other crud.
And, oh, you're such intellectuals.
That's not your real devil worshippers.
That's people trying to look powerful and look avant-garde.
Being a devil worshipper on planet Earth is not being avant-garde.
It's worshipping the big mainframe system.
David Knight is co-hosting with me for the next 30 minutes.
One year anniversary of The Real News.
And I love how they persecute us, David.
And they think it...
I mean, I've seen you.
When you get tired, you get exhausted because you work so hard.
You do so much research for your show.
Five, six, seven hours.
Then when they persecute you, suddenly you're just bounding around the office for a couple months.
And then now they just keep persecuting you.
I've never seen you have so much energy.
And I'm the same way.
I was up till 3 a.m.
I slept two and a half hours.
Got up, made breakfast, took my children to school.
I'm up here bouncing off the walls because they're trying to silence me and I know I'm right and we're beginning to defeat them, David.
And that's a magic moment, isn't it?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
They don't want us, Alex, it's like the stuff I was talking about.
They don't want people to find out what they're doing with vaccines.
They don't want people to find out what they're doing in terms of persecuting people.
I was talking about the biometric identification.
China is a beta test site.
And this is a unification of government organizations, especially China.
They are hand-picked by the Globalist to be the beta test site.
That's where they're trying out all the biometric stuff.
And if you want to know what this is going to look like, the fact that they can recognize people by their face, recognize them by their walk, immediately find them if they are jaywalking.
They can make it so they can't travel, so they can't get a job.
Everything that you see happening... And they're doing it!
We're going to come back and talk about this.
They're already doing it.
11 million flights cancelled.
I mean, it's here.
And then Silicon Valley, as you said, this is the happy hunting ground.
This is a total evil system that killed five times what Hitler did, where they let them do whatever they want, and so it's the playground of these monsters that are tax-exempt like Zuckerberg and Tim Cook.
But it's okay, because Tim Cook's gay, so it's okay if he runs slave factories.
It's just incredible, David.
Yeah, and when you look at what's happening in Toronto, for example, Google, or Alphabet, has got their sidewalk labs.
Now that is their smart city.
And I talk about this a lot.
I talk about self-driving cars, the smart cities, which are part of the UN 2030 agenda.
They've gotten very specific.
It's not Agenda 21 anymore.
It's now 2030 that they want this to happen.
They want to be able to control your movement.
You know, we talk about this being a war.
What do they tell the troops?
You've got to learn how to shoot, move, and communicate, right?
Well, they want to make sure that you can't shoot.
They want to make sure you can't communicate.
That's the First and Second Amendment.
They also want to make sure that you can't move.
They want to get you in the cities.
They want to control your transportation.
It's kind of like what Matt Drudge said about the ghetto.
He said, yeah, they want everybody in their little ghetto.
Once they get you in there, they're going to shut the doors and turn on the gas.
And that's what they're going to do in these smart cities.
And now, let's come back and talk about that.
These are like roach motels they're luring people into to be trendy.
These little bubble cities that are the beta test of how cool it is to be a slave, how cool it is to have a microchip, now in Sweden to get on the trains and buses.
This is not coming, it's here.
The Mark of the Beast is now here, and it was made in America, deployed in China.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
77 days to the most important election, I think, in world history.
The battle between the truly ruthless, psychopathic, murderous, global technocrats.
Allied with communist China, radical Islam, the EU, Hollywood, and their leftist hordes.
Lusting for total control.
A panopticonic system, trillions of times more evil than you can even imagine in Orwell's worst nightmares.
Visited with every human action, every system tracked in real time, fed through algorithms, to then not let you...
Travel, or meet people, or have a life, unless you conform to how they demand you conform by increments towards total and absolute annihilation of the family, of the individual, designed to make you depressed, designed to make you under their control, in their own admissions from Sean Parker and others.
You ask, well, why are they all having these executives say, Facebook's evil, all this stuff's meant to lower your IQ, control you?
Because the vampire has to ask permission to come in.
Metaphysically and all the time and space, for some reason, you see it at every level, above and below, that they have to tell you what they're going to do to you before they do it.
And I remember years ago being told by Globalist in the off-record discussions I had with some of them,
That, oh, you're allowed to operate because we think people are cowards and you're just going to make them submit and condition them so you serve a purpose.
Well, that was their delusion.
They decided, I really don't serve that purpose.
See, they believe you're stupid.
They believe you're failed.
They told me.
They said it in front of John Harmon in just one of many conversations.
That you've bet on the wrong people.
Humanity's ugly.
It's done.
We're going to clean them up and get rid of them.
We're doing all this evil stuff to get control and save the planet.
Which they're not, obviously.
The GMO, all of it.
They're the main authors of saying, we'll make a thousand worlds.
We have to absorb this one to build the new one.
We're going to merge the machines.
Humanity's obsolete.
If you think humanity's obsolete, you think everything else is obsolete.
They project their own predatory psychosis onto us.
And then they build a system to make us weak and ugly and stupid so that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But the feedback loop only makes them uglier.
And so David, get into the Mark of the Beast, made in America, the big breaking news, DrudgeReport.com, mainstream news, Zuckerberg's been secretly tracking everything you do and creating detailed algorithms of who you are and targeting you with ads and giving you different prices.
Amazon got caught doing this.
We have to hit refresh.
So notice if I went into the bar like Expedia or whatever, you go in there and because they think you have money, they'll sit there and charge you more for plane tickets, you name it.
And that came out a decade ago that these companies had cookies and knew to charge you more or not.
I would never even think like that, have cookies.
I mean, these systems have cookies to work, but cookies to like know, oh, this person's got more money or this person will pay more.
So I'm going to have them see on display something more.
Because the average person says, I don't care if they watch me.
You know, it's like people that post what they bought for Christmas or got for Christmas on Facebook.
They go, oh, I'm going to Cancun for a week.
And their house gets robbed because they said where they lived and what they had.
You have doors on your house because criminals could come in.
You have doors and windows because mosquitoes can come in.
You don't lower your blinds at night because you're a bad person.
You do it because instinctively you know that privacy is the essence of your freedom and the ethos from which true civilization and freedom and individuality can grow.
So I'm going to shut up this segment the next.
Get into these huge announcements, the admissions, the fact that Trump is clearly battling them toe-to-toe, coming out against Facebook with the discrimination because that's what this is.
You know, we know the Nazis were bad.
They put yellow stars on Jews and pink triangles on gays.
This is beyond that.
And it's all here.
And why would they miscalculate first and de-platform us?
Everyone agrees now.
It's blown up spectacularly.
The ACLU has come out against it.
Everybody you can imagine is starting to turn the tide.
They tried to sell this whole thing as their rollout of the new social score of de-platforming people.
That's what the social score is, folks, if you're not a good slave.
And now the intimidation isn't working because, I'm sorry, we haven't been under 5,000 years of feudal Chinese legalistic control.
David Knight.
Well, you know, Alex, I think when we look at what's going on in the last couple of days and what we've seen with this meeting that we've seen the notes of from January 2017, just a couple of months after the election, they said, look, we got hammered.
We're going to take it back by taking over social media and shutting down other voices.
That's what went wrong.
And I think that they're at a time, Alex, and I've talked about this before.
It's one of the first reports I did when I came here to InfoWars.
I talked about the fourth turning, a cyclical view of history.
It came from Strauss and Howe.
A couple of guys went back 500 years.
They looked at like an 80-year cycle of history as things, you know, ramp up as different generations react.
Thank you.
You understand they're playing the long game.
If we go back to the mid-1950s, we had the Milgram Experiment, where you had people that would obey authority.
You know, they had the little gag that was set up, everybody's seen it, in the Ghostbusters that Bill Murray kind of made fun of it, where you've got somebody that is administering electric shock when they don't give the right answer.
Well, in the Milgram Experiment, they were giving them electric shock,
And the person was pretending to be electric-shocked.
So it was kind of a gag there.
They wanted to see if the person who was running the machine would administer that.
And yes, they would.
In 67% of the cases, they would go all the way up to a lethal dosage.
And they reenacted this in a French TV game show.
Also, at the same time, they had the A.S.H.
experiment, where they would take one person, put them in a crowd of people, and they would have, you know, a simple question like, which line is longer?
And most of the people would go along with the crowd, even when they knew that was the wrong answer.
So you take a look at these two things, and ten years after the Ash Experiment, where they were showing the power of herd mentality, the power of peer pressure, you have this guy at DARPA, JCR Licklider.
Who is considered to be the father of the Internet, not Al Gore.
This guy actually was a psychologist working for DARPA.
He called it the Intergalactic Computer Network.
He gave it the name.
We now call that the Internet.
He was a psychologist.
He was well aware of these experiments by Milgram and Axe.
I've read two of his papers.
I've read two of his papers, as you know.
You read them on air.
He said we need to be able to track the stimuli of the carrot and stick, and that's why whenever the head of Twitter talks to Stelzer like he's an idiot, he goes, listen, we're conditioning Jones to behave and we're mind controlling him.
And then Darcy says you will submit Jones or you'll be blown out the airlock.
Well, fire away, baby, let's go!
But you're not going to get sued, Darcy.
You're not going to get sued.
For kicking me off your platform.
You're gonna get sued for going along with the fact that you said and you agree that I said take guns after the media.
I did not say that.
You will not defame me with the media while you pull that, Darcy.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, I've played the clip many times of Michael Hayden going to the Washington and Lee Law School, talking to the students there and saying, we're not interested in bad people.
We're interested in interesting people.
Well, that would be people like you, Alex, people like me, people who are interested in what they're doing.
We're going to get the 1984 treatment.
The rest of the people get the brave new world treatment, right?
And so when you get the psychological... And that's what I appreciate.
You're totally, we'll explain it when we come back, but continuing, the 1984 versus the Pavlovian Brave New World, but get into what they did with the whole system where they were claiming that we said they were going to invade Texas and Jade Helm, we never said that, but what Jade Helm documents were, when we come back we'll break down, that it was admittedly having the military and others interface with the social media and surveillance to take control of the population.
That's right, that's right.
It's geospatial intelligence, the fastest growing part of the internet.
You know, when we go from the 1950s and 60s, where they say, hey, you know, we could use this as a tool of psychological control and manipulation, because when they put out a false narrative from the Washington Post or the New York Times or CNN, they want to know if that's working.
So they want to be able to monitor people's conversations.
Are they buying this?
Do we need to tweak it here and adjust it there?
And so that's the important thing.
When they were just doing black propaganda or white propaganda with radios, they didn't know how people were accepting that.
But the Internet gives them the perfect control feedback loop.
And so in the late 1990s, you have these organizations, team,
With the venture capitalists that are creating Google, that are creating Facebook, you know, they're getting a lot of attention because they had total information awareness, and they had the LifeLog.
Well, they said, forget about the LifeLog, where we track everything everybody does.
We can call that Facebook, and we can fund them with In-Q-Tel and these other venture capitalists.
And we come back, let's talk about it, because they're so upset.
They believed their whole technocracy would be based on this grid, but now we have organically hacked it and used it to relaunch a human
Renaissance Project, a pro-human operation, and they're literally panicking.
We'll be back with David Knight.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Hey, let's call Ted Nugent.
Let's get him on.
I'm thinking about him.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
I've been watching his wife's show.
We've been talking a lot.
She's a great lady.
Man, he's got the spirit of America in him.
In person, Ted News, you're like... It's like you feel good.
Feel it.
Got that soul.
Got something deep down.
I got something.
Tells me what to do.
Come on, come on, come on.
We're looking for the animating contest.
We're not starting the fight, but if you're pushing one, you came to the right place.
Alright, let's go back to David Knight.
David, I get frantic talking about this because we're watching them build our prison.
Real intelligence is just studying what's actually going on, not what somebody's saying.
And we've watched what they built, and then now they admit it's exactly what we said it was, and it's covered in blood and evil.
And then it's a bunch of people with fake liberal virtue signaling on stuff that doesn't even matter.
Oh, confederate statues.
Oh, the cops are killing black people.
You know, it's like a couple hundred a year.
It's terrible.
Some of it's wrong.
In some cases, you know, it's justified.
But it's literal red herrings.
To distract, and everybody's like these little babies, pouting and complaining, hating America, and it's literally run by this multinational combine that, as you said, has China as its big ally.
It's unbelievable.
Alex, we've had William Binion multiple times, and one of the things that he said one time, and I interviewed him, that really stood out.
Well, as he said, what we have here in America now is far worse than anything that the Stasi ever had in East Germany.
He spent decades as a global technical head of the NSA observing East Germany and the Stasi.
And the reason for that is because of the technological leverage that they have in terms of watching people.
And they were the bad guys, they were the evil guys for doing one one millionth of this and then David Brock brags that they're in all of our accounts watching us and listening to us and the New York Times does.
This is all illegal and how exciting is it for you to see Trump now on the fair housing discrimination angle which all of this obviously tracks who you are, manipulates because of what they have on you.
It's, again, billions of times more out of control than not renting to somebody because of what color they are.
This is unbelievable.
And that's wrong, too.
But they use, again, the liberal packaging to get away with it.
Well, you know, it all is a system of technocratic control.
So it's all the things that tyrants have always wanted to do to control people, but it's now merged with a very sophisticated technology, like we talked about, middle of the 20th century.
Understanding after the Nuremberg trials, you know, we just had this guy deported back to Germany because he was a prison guard at one of the prison camps there.
But they understood that, you know, people will just follow orders.
I think so.
People that were running DARPA were sitting on the boards of these venture capital firms.
You had In-Q-Tel, which was a venture capital firm itself created by the CIA.
They actually came out and did that to create these organizations so that they didn't have to be the ones doing it.
Just like they don't have to be the ones doing the censorship right now.
They can have these people doing it.
And they created things, they also started geospatial intelligence.
The fastest growing part of the intelligence and surveillance community is geospatial intelligence.
What is that?
That's mapping who you are, what you believe, who your friends are, putting it on a map.
Activity-based intelligence, I call it ABI, human domain analytics.
Does that sound familiar?
And the Pentagon.
Jade Helm thing you talked about was mastering the human domain, and that's been a big part of their geospatial intelligence.
And let's be clear, they then give this map of the world that the Pentagon has to the Southern Poverty Law Center, to Media Matters, and that's what's incredible, and that's my big question for you.
This is the key to everything, in my view.
They're getting ready for a false flag against the media, they're priming it everywhere, lying about me, lying about you, lying about everybody, lying about Trump saying we want violence, and just flat out doing it.
They wouldn't be doing that unless they're planning something to make themselves the victims of the October Surprise.
So I'll get your take on that, but pulling back from this,
Trump said, hey, what you're doing on Twitter is illegal with shadow banning.
Others stop it.
Stop it.
They backed off a little.
But now with Facebook, Google, Apple, they're all far worse.
They're in bed with China.
Far worse.
And I'm not just defending Twitter because we're still on there.
It's like a baby when it comes to, you know, the true evil stuff.
They aren't running slave factories in China.
Jack Dorsey doesn't have any blood on his hands that I know of.
But these others are true monsters.
And he's just a junior player.
So the fact that Senator Warner three weeks ago
I don't know.
Not listening to the President, because I'll just tell folks.
I'll tell you who actually runs Google.
The Pentagon told them to put me back on YouTube in February.
I told everybody we're going back up.
The Pentagon told them to do it.
So we've gotten to the point where the Pentagon said you put Jones back on.
I'm sure people can see all the Department of Defense ads that we had on there.
But the point is, is that this is a civil war, folks.
And I'm not saying the Pentagon's perfect, but they said, no, the Chinese don't call the shots.
Put Jones back on.
And they were told by the president.
Now, they don't care now.
They're ignoring the president.
And he's saying, I will not tolerate this.
This is illegal.
It's a lot bigger than Alex Jones.
I'm coming after you.
Now he is.
Do people realize how epic
This is?
I mean, this is epic!
We'll come back more tonight, but go ahead.
I mean, I should have opened the show with that because it's so big, I can't even get how big this is.
It's like Trump is the real McCoy.
Thank Jesus Christ of Nazareth for Donald Trump.
I'm serious.
Thank God!
Go ahead.
Well, you know, they're talking about hacking the election.
That has been the narrative.
But then they come back and they say, well, we're not actually talking about, you know, hacking, getting into the electronic voting machines, getting into the state boards of elections, totaling up all the elections and so forth.
No, we're just saying that somebody told the truth about Hillary Clinton.
Well, they want to hack this election by making sure that nobody tells the truth about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
And they made that clear in that January memo of 2017.
That was the training wheel.
And once they got them to do that, why not do everything?
That's right.
Well, what they said in that was they said, we're going to do two things.
That's right.
We're going to impeach Trump or we're going to defeat him in 2020.
The way we're going to do that is by shutting down these other voices and doing it with shutting them down using social media.
And so they can impeach Trump.
That's the election here.
They're trying to hack the election.
It's all premeditated.
It's all premeditated.
David, why is it so premeditated?
I guess they're hiding it in plain view.
Why the hell would they tell us they're doing something this illegal?
Well, I think it's because they're looking at this 2030 timeframe.
They understand that they have to strike when the population is in the right mood.
That's when they can get a revolution.
And I think that when they're looking at this election, I think they're going to try to hack it in two ways.
Number one is to control speech.
The second way, Alex, which is our election system with all these electronic machines, when they talk about hacking this, it is very, very vulnerable.
And it is very easy.
Look, you've had the Pentagon hacked.
You've had the CIA hacked.
Everybody forgets about the Vault 7 stuff that was put out there by WikiLeaks, showing that they can make it look like they're anybody.
So when Microsoft is putting this stuff out and the Democrats are talking about, oh the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, they know that they can get into these machines and hack them.
The first electronic voting machines came out of Venezuela.
And you see the cover.
They're the enemy.
They're with the Chai Koms.
They're killing America.
They're trying to kill the stock market.
They're trying to stop America being great again.
They're trying to, you know, end freedom on the web.
And so they go, The Russians!
The Russians!
Trump and Jones and Drudge!
They're all Russians!
David Knight's a Russian!
You're the traitors!
You're the globalists!
You hate America!
You say America was never great!
You say it'll never be great!
You are the enemy by your own words!
You're stinking scum!
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And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I grow up, I want to end collectivism and empower the new renaissance.
Go to the stars.
I want planetary victory like the president wants.
I want you to succeed.
I want control freak tyrants to be defeated.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
David Knight, one year anniversary of him hosting his own syndicated radio slash TV program and working with us over six years now doing a great job.
He's riding shotgun with me and we're gonna get into this now.
The Democrats, David Brock, Media Matters, all the documents are public.
They're on Infowars.com.
Chinese social scores, tracking everything you do.
They're in your accounts.
They're monitoring everything you do.
They're spying on you.
They're deleting everything.
This is true authoritarianism.
They are the modern book burners, but they're also stealing your data.
But the companies claim, well, you opted into it.
Well, Trump is suing them over the discriminatory practices by tracking people according to what race they are, what color or ethnicity or sexual preference.
Everything the left says they're against, they're the ones doing it in spades.
That's their cover story.
Now, David, I want you to walk through this because it's so critical.
The Democrats have basically hidden in plain view and announced their takeover plan.
And they've said, Senator Warner, Senator Murphy, we're going to steal the election.
We're going to shut everybody down ahead of it.
Uh, we're gonna, I mean the Democrats are announcing, they're telling illegal aliens go ahead and vote.
Major cities are legalizing them voting.
They're clearly making their move all in.
They've got their people in a crazed fury.
They're openly having crowds say, America was never great, it'll never be great.
I mean they've really trained them to hate America.
They have no idea what China and other countries are like, where you've been.
So, so get into how
You think they're gonna try to make this move and how we how we stop them just summing up right now everything we're facing and how critical it is this get out and thank God Trump is now moving against him but with only 77 days I can just feel in my spirit the earnestness of this moment.
You know, Alex, as we said earlier, that memo says it all.
It says we're going to impeach Trump.
Well, they can impeach Trump if they win a majority of the House and Senate in this next election.
So this is very key.
They can impeach him and not have to defeat him in 2020.
The way they do that
Is to control the narrative.
They're saying that we hacked the election because we told the truth about Hillary Clinton in 2016.
That's how pathetic this is.
But they actually have another strategy.
You know they're not going to put all of their eggs in one basket.
These people never do.
They're too clever.
So they've got a couple of different strategies.
Number one, to control the narrative and to only put out their narrative about what is going on.
The second thing, I think, is really to hack the election.
These electronic voting machines are very, very vulnerable.
The first electronic voting machines were created by Smartmatic in Venezuela.
It was created by friends of Hugo Chavez.
They created the voting machines so they could rig the elections.
And Smartmatic was accused of rigging and being involved in election rigging throughout
Central and South America, and to Brazil, that communist lady that was elected president there, they flipped the narrative there.
Everybody knew from looking at the exit polls that they had rigged that election.
Of course, here in America, we have one corporation that does exit polls, just like they do in Central and South America, but they never tell us what the total vote total is.
When you get that one organization that does the exit polling, they only give you demographic breakdown.
Well, this many men, this many women voted for that candidate, this many white people, this many black people, and so forth, but they never look at the election, the exit polls, and compare that to the actual results.
The State Department does, and when they see a difference of more than 4%, they say, that election was rigged.
And so we know that Smartmatic and other companies were involved in election rigging in Philippines and Brazil and Mexico and many other places.
They are a major vendor here, but they've just had at DEF CON and the Black Hat Conference in Vegas that they have every August, they had kids come in and they hacked replicas of the state boards of election where they total up all this stuff.
It is very easy to do.
It was an 11-year-old girl who rigged it in just a matter of minutes, but they had kids from like 5 to 17.
They said, we're going to show you how easy this is, that even a kid can do it.
And they don't need to have access to the actual machine.
They can do it by the internet.
If it's connected to the internet, it's even easier.
Exactly, and Trump had such a giant landslide.
We know they stole at least five states, tried to steal six others.
Local Homeland Security said no.
We were watching federal Homeland Security come into the computer's lifetime, and we're blocking them.
So, I mean, this is unbelievable.
Well, if it's enough of a landslide, they know they can't get away with it.
You know, if it's a close election, they can nudge it in one direction and people say, well, okay, I guess that's it.
But if it is a landslide, they can nudge it in the other, and they did that in certain areas.
And so that, I think, is a key thing that we're going to see there.
Let me ask you this.
Make your point, but then, clearly, they're saying, we're going to be violent, the New York Times is being death-threatened, you know, they're such liars, guaranteed it's them, and they're just the scum of the earth, folks.
Nobody wants violence against these scum.
They make themselves the martyrs.
They're the biggest liars on the planet.
They say the President's going to be violent, I'm going to be violent.
New York Times print that I said, attack them with guns.
I never said it.
They don't even show it.
They are criminal liars, committed to evil, committed to fraud, committed to deception, literally, and authorized to engage in it in just a hysterical point of they'll do anything now.
So what do you expect them to pull knowing that they're such criminal liars?
Well, I think, like I said, I think they're going to rig it with the speech.
I think they're going to rig it with the machines.
And then they're going to blame it on the Russians if they get caught with their finger in the till.
That's why they're setting up this thing.
But I want to get back to what, you know, is at the center of this, the way that they've attacked you.
Because we've talked about the history of how they have set up these control mechanisms going back to the mid-20th century, the major changes that took place around the year 2000, the late 1990s and 2000, how they've set these structures up.
But if we go back to the beginnings of free speech, a landmark case of John Peter Zinger, Alex, that was back in the 1730s.
And what was he guilty of?
It was a New York paper.
He was criticizing the governor for corruption.
And the governor came back at him with a defamation trial.
This is the way they attack the president.
This is what they're doing to attack you.
And in that trial, the judge said, well, truth is no defense.
And it wasn't, legally, because he was saying it.
But the jury nullified that.
And here's the point I want to leave with the audience here.
We were never given...
By the government.
And it's going to be during nullification, it's going to be people acting at the local level, it's going to be us taking these tools of the internet that they meant for evil and turning them to good.
That's really what's going to turn this thing around.
And it's the same tactics that we're seeing used against you, you know, truth is no defense, we're going to come after you for defamation.
And we're going to shut you down on that basis when it was exactly what you're talking about is exposing the corruption of Hillary Clinton and the deep state and they're going to try to turn that thing around on us.
We have had the alphabet agencies in Washington, the swamp, have been making the rules for us.
These unelected, unaccountable agencies have been making the rules and of course when they make the rules,
The federal government and the Justice Department pretends that you don't have any protections, you don't have any presumption of innocence, you don't have any right to a trial by jury, and they can impose excessive fines.
We've seen this happen with all these different alphabet agencies, and now we have Alphabet, the company, and they're going to make the rules.
And we've got the mob on the street.
Applauding this.
The people who have always hated corporations and big business, they are applauding the biggest corporations we've ever had.
The mob, as you're talking about, is celebrating the fact that we have these small number of individuals setting the rules for us, working in tandem with the Chinese government and these other globalist institutions, trying to censor free speech on the internet.
When I run into lepers on the street,
They just go, look, you're bad, you're bad, like it hurts me.
And I'm like, I'm not the bad one.
You're the ones allied with the chi-coms and the globalists and these trillion dollar companies that have literal suicide nets and forced abortion.
And I've been right about everything.
And then you've got some made up thing in your head that I was mean to kids or something.
I mean, it's just crazy how a lot of these leftists at the grassroots, they really believe their own BS, David.
Oh yeah, because they don't see anything else, Alex.
It goes back to what we're saying.
Control the narrative.
The Mockingbird Press, as the CIA came out there, they only say, oh look, Alex, he said this and that.
They take the characterizations that are put out there by the New York Times, by the Washington Post, and that's all these people see.
They don't look at the videos.
They don't look at what you actually said, because truth is no defense.
I want to do a few more minutes with you and then I'm going to let you go get some lunch.
I know you've been up since 3 a.m.
with your morning show at 8 a.m.
with the Real News, but I want to ask you the question, why do you think they finally pulled the plug on us?
That was a bold move.
They admit it backfired now, so what's next?
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We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia, and then voila!
Two weeks later, banned InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top 5 or top 10 news feeds.
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Thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Epic history is happening now.
We're gonna open the phones up in the next hour.
Paul Joseph Watson joins us in the fourth.
Always a powerhouse of information.
David Knight, one-year anniversary of the Real News.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
That's 9 a.m.
7 a.m.
6 a.m.
We are the most censored platform in the world.
As the first domino, they softened us up with their artillery.
For years lying about us, and then they thought this will be the first domino.
We'll get the public to accept the platforming and the global social credit score, which they now admit Facebook and Google and others are bringing to America to track and trace everything you do, then not let you buy or sell if you aren't a good little globalist.
That's what this is.
They're trying to take our banking away.
They're taking one of our payment processors.
Jihad Watch just lost that.
So that's how historical this is.
David, I held you over for several reasons, and I appreciate you coming on with us.
I just cannot overstate how epic this historical moment is.
And how crazy this is.
And I want to ask you, because you're an engineer and a father and a business owner and a smart guy.
Why do you think they made the move?
Because I do know Apple's at the top of the evil chain with China and the globalists.
It's the worst.
And Tim Cook is really a very dark state actor.
And we know that he has Sunday meetings with the other tech heads on the phones.
Why would they do it, though, in a whole Sherman antitrust way?
Where it's so transparent, and I've got top law firms looked at it, they said, we're just going to go ahead and sue them all for no money.
I mean, you know, the top ones, because this is like the case of the century.
What they're doing is totally illegal.
And the consensus is, the New York Times, the Washington Post, all these groups are engaging in serious criminal activity.
Racketeering, getting into people's databases through these companies, going and intimidating people to lie, or they'll write bad stories about them.
I warn folks, people have been recording them when they call.
And they're desperate, they're like, just tell us something or we'll get you!
Tell us Jones is on drugs, tell us Jones is having sex with men, just tell us!
And they're so panicked, they've been ordered to do this or else, there's a hysteria, and all of this is so criminal that they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think a total revolution was coming.
They're counter-revolution, they're acting like crazed maximum security prisoners, they are acting
You know, Phil Mudd, I never played at your stage, just blew up at a black Trump supporter, started screaming and yelling and frothing on air, you know, that says we're going to kill President Trump, the former, he used to give the orders for folks to kill people, he never did it himself, but he ran counterterrorism at the CIA.
I mean, these are crazy people.
They are, they are just mad dog, their religion is running our lives.
So they're so crazed, they believe they have nothing to lose, they're going for broke, even though Trump has offered them abstention.
Trump has offered them amnesty, very wisely, hoping they would just defer and stop it, but they cannot stop it.
It is spiritual.
Yeah, you know, and it's also a time.
It's the right time for them to do this.
They must do it right now.
And they understand that they not only lost the election of President Trump, but they've lost the momentum, they've lost the narrative that people have awoken to what they're doing.
We see this happening not only in the United States of President Trump, but of course we saw it with Brexit.
We see it happening in Italy.
You've got the Italian president there saying we're not taking any more of these people without being able to vet them and saying we're not going to enforce mandatory vaccines.
A whole slew of things.
You see it happening in Hungary.
Now the people in Sweden have awakened to what's going on.
So they're looking at their globalist plans that are unraveling and they knew that they had a cycle where everything was going to be lining up.
Just take a look at how
I think?
Once every 70 or 80 years.
They know that at this point in time things can either go towards more freedom and more local control, which is what populism is about.
The populist movements are happening with Trump and Brexit and these other places in Western Europe.
They can move ahead with their agenda.
This is a key moment for them.
So even though they have to come out, take the mask off, expose themselves to jeopardy and expose themselves to showing what's really going on, they know that the gig is up and they've got to do it right now or they're not going to get this done.
You know, you have these timings, these moments in history where everything really kind of lines up where the population is right for this.
When you go back and look at the Civil War, for example, if you go back to the... That is the exact... In fact, this is a great turning.
You're right, every generation, every 80 years it happens or so, but this is one of the mega-turnings, happens every 4 or 5 generations, every couple hundred years, beyond Civil War.
We are entering a 1776 lens.
Civil War was an echo of, but I agree, all the parallels are there, and the enemy
He knows that, and as you said, is in full commitment because they lust, like a rapist lusts after some woman, they lust after controlling virtuous people.
It is a form of psychic vampirism.
Yeah, if you go back, again, going back to the fourth turning, the Great Depression, World War II, prior to that the Civil War, prior to that the American Revolution, but Strauss and Howe went back about 500 years taking a look at this.
And I think the Civil War is kind of interesting because if you go back to 1828,
You had the agrarian interests, you had the industrial interests, and you had tariffs that were set up.
You almost had a civil war and secession then, in 1828.
They called it the Tariff of Abomination.
And then they came back and they said... Jackson stopped that because he was a Southerner.
He was able to stop it.
That's right.
They came back with the Nullification Act.
But it wasn't right.
The timing wasn't right.
Even though what happened in 1860 with Sumter and so forth is almost exactly the same thing that nearly happened in 1832.
But they walked that back because the timing wasn't right.
And then it happened again 30 years later.
Right now the timing is going... We got a crisis moment.
It's dangerous and it's also an opportunity.
And this is the time when things are going to change.
The next 77 days are Luke Skywalker
One second from pulling the trigger and firing the torpedo down the reactor shaft.
I mean, this is, the next 77 days is like a blink of the eye in the time of humanity.
This is the most critical time in human history.
David, do you agree?
I agree, because this is, if they can stop Trump, it's going to be a major victory for them in terms of rolling back the populist movement, the movement for sovereign control, the unravelling that is happening in the European Union and so forth.
Can you believe, because we've got to go, but can you believe that even though things are getting better and it's so clear Trump's real, that the average minion of the system is only going to be hurt by Trump failing, but they don't care, their identity is in destroying their own salvation.
It's insane.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And you take a look at what's going on.
I reported earlier today, you have a 400% increase in just one year over African-American businesses.
And you also got President Trump doubling his popularity with African-Americans in just one year.
That panics the globalists.
So they're desperate to roll out things like Omarosa and so forth to try to pull that back.
David, on fire as usual.
Thank you so much.
Paul Watson's coming up.
I intend to open the phones up as well.
So much big news we haven't gotten to yet.
Speaking of communism, the white farmers are being kicked out in South Africa.
The Zimbabwe paradigm is unfolding.
Thank you, David Knight.
People can find you, of course, at Infowars.com for its last show.
Thank you.
Oh my gosh, this is such an epic time.
I had three hours sleep last night because I was on Coast to Coast AM with George Norey.
Great guy.
Let me set the record straight to 10 million plus listeners that tune in every evening, 16 million listeners total every week, but I feel like I had 10 hours sleep.
It's just an incredible time and I'm very, very thankful to all of you.
Listen, I should be plugging every segment because of some of the deficits we have.
We lost a $3 million advertising package where I advertise our products, water filters, air
Uh, air filters, water filters, and supplements.
And they took us off Criteo, they took us off AdRoll a year ago, a year and a half ago, and they're just hitting us everywhere.
This is sanctions by the deep state, it's global, it's taxed, it's totally criminal, concerted, racketeering, on record.
They've admitted it in the news.
So you can still bypass them and go to Infowarstore.com and you are the Infowar.
If you don't buy the products, if you don't sign up for AutoShip so that you know every month or every two months, three months, you can't sleep time with one click on the website where the coffee comes or the supplements come.
If you don't commit to it, we will be destroyed.
Now listen, if that's in God's plan, that's the way it is.
But I'm telling you, they didn't like I'm flipping a coin here.
You and your will and what you do, along with God's blessing, come together.
But what two of us agree on on earth, God makes it so in heaven.
To quote the Bible, it's true.
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Without you, we are nothing.
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Stay with us.
Hour number three, your calls and more news.
And then Paul Watson, straight ahead.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know this morning I was in there making breakfast with my four children and getting ready to take three of them to school and I was exhausted and I was tired and I went in and brushed my teeth and I looked at my face how old I look and how exhausted and I just never looked better.
And by that, I mean, I was so tired and so concerned about the world, but knowing I was doing the right thing, it was like my soul kicked in.
You know what I'm talking about?
And that's the thing about standing up against evil, is that when you know you're doing the right thing, when you know you really know your facts,
And that you're leading the right life, and you're going the way God wants you to go.
There's not a better feeling.
Their minions, more and more of them actually know they're just part of an evil, nihilistic program, a criminal operating system, a spirit.
But their really low-level minions are upset and freaked out and think everything's wrong and, God, I'm a good person, but why is it so horrible?
Something's horrible!
We've got to do... Because you're under evil and you're projecting on us that we're the evil when you're following the bad guys!
And it's not subjective.
The globalists openly in their own white papers want people poor and stupid.
That's why I love David Knight because he's actually a scholar.
He's done a lot of research.
So when I hear him say things, he's saying things that nobody would know unless you'd actually read Bertrand Russell's books, which I've read a couple of them.
Oh, my God.
And unless you've actually read Brave New World and then Brave New World Revisited, that's a nonfiction book written in 1961 before Huxley died.
You know, the whole background of he was part of a secret government breeding program and, you know, related to the Wedgewoods and the
Darwins and Galton, the creators of eugenics, and it just goes down a rabbit hole.
When you know this stuff, he was saying, we're going to get to 1984 treatment.
Everybody else is going to get, there's only a few percent get to 1984 treatment.
There was all debate about that.
It's two systems that work together.
And of course, he was actually related to Blair, was part of that, on the periphery of that elite group, George Orwell, Eric Blair.
And so they had competing systems of how it would be done, but Orwell genuinely didn't like it.
And said, look, I've been around the communists at the highest levels.
They are people that want to have priest of power and hurt you.
That's all they want is to make ugly architecture, ugly art, ugly culture.
And he said, I don't like Hitler.
And he fought Hitler and the Spanish Civil War, Hitler forces.
And he meant well, but then he would go meet with the top communists.
He's like, my God, they're as bad as the Nazis.
And so
But, you know, I heard Knight just mentioning, people like he and I, and then Matt Drudge and President Trump, we get the 1984 treatment, the boot stomping on our face, the unpersoning, but everybody else gets the football and the Prozac and the fluoride and the just brain damage and the cancer and you never know what hit you, like a bus hit you, like a two-year-old walking out into traffic and a Mack truck's going 60 miles an hour and just, you know, never knew what hit him.
Worst thing I ever saw was a couple kids thrown out of a car on the way down to the beach when I was in college.
You've got to stop and render aid, but let me tell you, you see a toddler smeared all over the highway, it's not a good feeling.
But the point I'm getting at is, it's like a Mack truck.
You just... never knew what hit them.
And that's the thing is, when you get around globalists, they already know all the stuff I know.
And they just go, why don't you join us, man?
What's your problem?
These people are idiots.
They'll tear you apart if you try to help them or build them up.
They don't want the knowledge.
Join us, and you can maybe influence things for the better on the inside, but that's not what it is.
The higher up you get, these people... If you ever get around some of these people, they look like space aliens.
Zuckerberg and people.
I've been around him, but I'm around someone, and they're all just like... And it's all just...
And they're not real people, and all they can do is hurt people.
That's all they do is fountains of evil, fountains of wickedness, fountains of fraud, fountains of out-of-control dominance.
Just social Darwinistic monsters of the id.
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia, and then voila!
Two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top five or top ten news
I think so.
How they can download the free Android and iPhone apps.
How they can then reach out to others with the information and point out, this is the verboten info.
This is what they don't want you to see.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Paul Watson's coming up in T-minus 54 minutes.
I want to open the phones up, then I want to go through a bunch of news and go to your calls, but I'm going to your phone calls.
The middle of the next segment, the toll-free number to discuss the open admission that Communist China and Apple and Google and Facebook.
It's now all over the news today.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times.
Oh yeah!
There's a new social score coming!
And if we don't like how you talk or how you act, you're going to get charged more.
You're not going to be able to get your kids in school.
You're going to not be able to attend college if you ever supported Trump or Alex Jones.
That's now being announced.
That's in mainstream news.
And you won't be able to buy or sell or travel if your score goes low enough.
That's not tyranny at all, Democrats.
You're really nice people.
No, you are ego maniacs, Senator Warner.
You are crazy, Senator Murphy.
Hillary Clinton is still quarterbacking a lot of this.
A psycho witch that brags about destabilizing countries and bringing down nations, and I came, I saw, he died, and half of Africa collapsed.
But that's okay, because she virtue-signaled she likes Black Lives Matter.
It's okay if she says blacks are super predators and need to be brought to heel.
And it's okay if she used rebel flags when Bill Clinton ran for governor.
That's okay if she went to the funerals of KKK grand wizards.
Because she's a Democrat and she's a lady!
She's a lady!
So, that's where we stand.
Now, I almost started the broadcast with us today, but I'm doing it as we get into the third hour here today.
And it's because I woke up this morning, and I just know, I've studied history,
And I don't know how, and I don't get into mysticism, any of that.
I just instinctively know that there are things connected.
Like if you read the history books, there'd be a big war in China and they'd have a giant earthquake.
Or Rome would be in a big battle and then a volcano would just suddenly erupt a hundred miles away.
It just seems things rhyme, things kind of go.
You ever been out in the middle of the country and you're watching, you know, you're deer hunting or something, there's a four-way stop of a highway, maybe a quarter mile away, you're looking through your riflescope and you notice no cars come by for like 30 minutes, but all of a sudden, four cars come right at the same time.
And you wait about an hour and eat your sack lunch and, you know, sit back and get out your little,
You know, get out your little hot toddy thermos, a little bit of Jack Daniels in the coffee, and you're sitting there, and four cars coming exactly the same time again, and you're like, that was twice!
Then it happens again, while you're up in the dirt stand.
So, there's weird rhymes, and as above, so below in the world.
I woke up this morning, because my son's bathroom's broken, so he came in and woke me up, in my shower, in my bathroom.
God love him.
I don't know why he announced, I'm taking a shower as he walks to the bedroom, but okay.
I'd just gone to bed two hours before.
I'm not complaining, it's just I'm going back to that moment.
And I've been having a dream about volcanoes and earthquakes and meteors hitting the earth.
And I just sat up in my chair and I went, you know, with all these world changes going on and all these wars and all this tectonic stuff, I just wonder if history will align again, the planets will align.
With all this, you know, literal planetary alignment going on, and we're going to see some big earthquakes.
And I just said, go on air, Alex.
It's like I thought they were going to blow up the World Trade Center, and I described it all, how they blamed Bin Laden, because I just had a feeling, and I had some dreams.
And I'm on record with that.
I don't get into this a lot, but I do have the, you know, what they call the touch.
I don't think, most people that claim they have it are con artists, and they can't control it.
No one can control it, in my experience.
In fact, the way to control it is not to control it.
I just felt like I should go on the air and tell you, I think there's going to be some big earthquakes, and I think there's going to be some big volcanoes, and I think there's going to be some big stuff kicking off in the next few months, and I mean the biggest probably we've recorded since they've been recording this the last 200 years with seismographs.
So I'm not even looking for this news, and I get in here, and they've got
Hundreds of articles, so I'm going through them, looking at them, reading parts of them, highlighting stuff, and I suddenly see headline after headline after headline after headline.
Scientists say the big one's overdue.
Scientists say it's imminent.
Scientists say that, you know, don't worry about the volcano at Yellowstone, the supervolcano.
Worry about a seven or higher earthquake.
And then it's 69 major earthquakes hit the Pacific, a ring of fire in just 48 hours, driving fears that the big one is about to hit.
So, I'm having dreams about earthquakes, meanwhile they're going on.
And you're like, yeah, just like birds will fly a day before a big earthquake hits, mice will run out of their holes.
And people are like, why are the... I mean, they learned in ancient times, in Europe and in China, they wrote about it, like, if you see mice and stuff going up in trees, and you see, you know, animals coming out of their holes, an earthquake's coming.
And how do they know?
I don't know.
But this is documented stuff that goes on in the universe.
Because there's an electrochemical internet that they prove in the sixth sense that cells in a lot of creatures' brains, some humans have more than others, that's what the ley lines are about, Stonehenge and all that, it's been documented, those are big volcanic rock points where huge, scientists have measured it, and all those stone sites all over the world, from China to again Europe to Latin America, it's points where huge electromagnetic energy is spewing out of the Earth's core.
Basically blasting out, not just suns that are blasting out, you know, radiation.
And so mammals particularly, but also birds, especially migratory birds, have cells in the brain that are part metal.
And they're actually able to pick up, and that's how the birds, better than an F-16, little bitty hummingbirds can fly 3,000 miles.
From the East Coast all the way down to Mexico, or all the way down to Central America, and in some cases South America, and the little birdies, they have little metal deposits, iron balls in bird brains, yeah there it is, that allow them magnetically off the iron that's in the earth resonating with their electrochemical GPS.
And now they know the cell towers and stuff are actually blocking that.
And now they know whales don't just have sonar.
Whales also have electrochemical deposits in their brains.
And in fact, some of them maybe have a whole organ.
They didn't know why you go into whale brains.
There's like actually pieces, like, you know, metal nodes.
And it's actually like, like wireless internet.
So, and the globalists know all this and they're jamming it and they're doing all sorts of weird stuff.
I just want to tell you that we are incredible.
And so is the other life on this planet.
And we're amazing.
And the enemy is humans that know this and think they're a new species flitting away who don't want you to have access to what you really are.
And let me tell you, I can look at Hillary Clinton or Bill Gates and I can tell you right now, you are no God.
You are disreputable, evil, wicked control freaks who are so selfish that you will never go to the promised land.
You, your family, none of you.
You're from bad stock.
You're twisted.
You are cancer.
You are malfunctioning.
Just because you can take over the planet, as I've said a thousand times, and like cancer can take over a body, it doesn't mean you're elite.
It means you are the failure.
You want us to fail because you're a failure.
You tell us we're obsolete and we're ugly and post-human world because you are.
And you want us to die.
And you talk about it.
And you try to bring us down to your level.
But it's not going to happen.
So here it is.
It's the big one about to hit California.
Fears rise after a swarm of 53 major earthquakes.
ABC News scientist to tell.
Impact, a big one.
They say it's over 10 years over in Southern California.
And if it hits,
You're talking crazy town.
Yellowstone's greatest geological threat is a supervolcano.
It's a magnitude 7 quake.
USA Today.
And that's spot on.
You know, I'd cover that super caldera 10 years ago and say I was a conspiracy theorist.
But I mean, I was listening to what the geologist actually had said.
Now they've told the geologist, shut up.
So, you think about that.
But out in the ocean, we're having magnitude 8.9s and stuff.
So it's all happening.
California's a big one to happen before we think and will be triggered by slow earthquake, the scientists are reporting.
So, I'm just telling you, you know, I woke up this morning thinking about earthquakes and volcanoes and I never do.
And I think everybody senses this is the big change, this is the big deal.
And you've got these soul reapers, these soul suckers.
Uh, we are dealing with a literal spiritual vampire invasion, folks.
They're activating people everywhere.
They're acting like absolute monster animals because they are.
They're gone.
They are completely jacked.
They turned over their consciousness to whatever this, you know...
Stuff is that floats around in deep space and attaches itself to people and you know that's just that's just the way it is and I'm real sorry for him but it's good to know Jesus isn't it?
It's good to not be a devil worshiper.
I'm gonna give the number out when we come back.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, Michelle Wolf, the worst comic I've ever seen.
Another one of these women that they force feed that's politically correct and says cuss words every three seconds.
Her show's being cancelled.
Another one bites the dust.
The opposition!
A show that stole my identity and said horrible racist things I never said.
No ratings, everybody hates you.
Bites the dust.
See, we're not going to censor you because nobody wants to watch you.
Nobody wants to listen to Air America, a bunch of virtue signaling people in everybody's face.
So there you go.
You've got to lock Dinesh D'Souza up because, you know, his movies are number one.
But every one of your comics is failing.
It is Sarah Silverman, all of it.
Can you imagine if I dressed up in a Hitler outfit?
And then got up here and said that I was pro-Hillary.
They would say on the news that I was a Nazi.
Oh, but all the liberals, they, Charlie Chaplin, you know, they could do what Charlie Chaplin did.
But if, if Count Dankula does the Hitler Dog, he gets arrested and is facing a year in prison in England.
And YouTube
Deleted his videos and said it was hate speech.
Of the pug.
Heiling Hitler.
But John Cleese can do it.
Sarah Silverman can do it.
Charlie Chaplin can do it.
But you can't.
You see, slave.
See how that works?
Because you're an American, you're a Brit, you're Hitler.
Even though most of you lost grandparents or great-grandparents in those wars.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not how it works, ladies and gentlemen.
The Nazi collaborator that helped round up Jews, he runs Media Matters and he says you're a Nazi.
So you are!
Because see, George Soros walks as a man.
All of you were there to drink fluoride and get brainwashed in the schools and eat GMO until you roll up double X's in your eyes.
Because this earth belongs to him.
He's a man, you're an animal!
He just didn't like Hitler, because Hitler was trying to take over before he did.
George Soros wrote in books and in articles in the 80s that he believes he is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Think about that.
Think about that long and hard.
And remember, he thinks he's better than you.
His little demon son.
When you take those vaccines, you drink that fluoride, you eat that GMO, you listen to their propaganda, you go to their mainline sports games, all of it, you give in to them and you let them win.
But the NFL's ratings have dropped another 10 points.
That's half from four years ago.
And we're never coming back.
It'll be 20% of what it was in a couple more years, because everyone's sick of spoiled, rotten people making $20 million a year, telling them how much they hate America, when all a lot of people's got is a little bit of pride in their country, you sacks of garbage.
Oh, but you've got your free speech to take a knee when you're a paid employee.
It's like if I worked at a restaurant and I said, you know, I'm going to piss on the carpet.
Well, you can piss on your own carpet.
You ain't pissing on our carpet.
Old veterans, people that lost family members, all they've got is a little bit of belief in America, and you want to piss all over it while you make $20 million a year.
People are done.
The NFL's biting the dust.
CNN already bit the dust.
New York Times bit the dust.
Washington Post bit the dust.
They're all failed.
They're all frauds.
They're all propped up by crooks.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, and others are calling everybody's uncle and going, who secretly funds Jones?
Who's the foundation?
Who's the group?
Is it the Russians?
None of them are self-made.
They all go grovel and try to virtue signal at college to get a place in the toilet bowl of George Soros, hoping that when he defecates on them with propaganda that they get a little, just a little crumb or something.
They're literally little feeder fish that follow around, you know, towards the, towards the, uh...
Or they call it the anal fin of the fish, of the shark.
And they all just kind of swim right next to his butt.
I mean, I'm sorry, that's who they are.
And they just, oh, they're just waiting.
Oh, oh, he's about to have a bowel movement.
Oh, let us get in there real quickly.
Hey, Ben Garrison always knows.
The NFL jumped the shark.
I need to call Ben.
He's a great guy.
I had 50 phone calls I've got to make.
I've been so hammered.
He's one of the first ones.
Anyways, I don't mean to have gross analogies, but if I have to go with the analogy, I have to go with the analogy.
The toll-free number to join us, ladies and gentlemen, is 877-789-ALEX.
Just please have a good call, good phone.
What do you think about them openly saying that media matters?
And their own report is interfacing with all of your social media and watching everything you do, your messages, how much money you're making on it, what you're doing, who your sponsors are.
So CNN, who was given access to Google, they admit this, was able to then call every one of the sponsors and threaten them with exposes so they didn't leave us.
And then once that happened, I didn't care about the money, Google dropped us because there was no money.
See how that works?
Real racketeering.
It's all there in the reports.
What do you think about that?
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
That said...
They're trying to shut down our shopping cart in Fort Worth Store.com, but they haven't gotten to that point.
They need to stage an attack on the New York Times, the Washington Post, or CNN, then have a patsy that gets killed in the stairwell, and the real gunmen get away.
They've got to front bomb a federal building and blame it on me, you know, and find some crazy former, you know, Army officer or something who's drugged up, doesn't know who he is, you know, with my books and videos laying in his front seats.
I mean, that'll be the same replay.
They always do that.
They blame Limbaugh in 95.
They're getting ready to do it to me and Trump.
I mean, it's a whole ad rollout, you know.
It's like, how do you know McRib's back at McDonald's while I see the billboards?
You know, it's like, hey, Oklahoma City, it's back!
This time we're blaming Alex Jones and Trump!
And the New York Times, Washington Post, we're all getting death threats!
Get ready!
Oh, we're poor little babies!
Oh my God, Alex Jones wants to kill us!
You're lying sacks of garbage!
And so the false flag is a-comin'.
I hear the train a-comin'.
It's rollin' round the bend.
And I ain't seen the sunshine since.
I don't know when.
I'm stuck in police state prison.
And time keeps draggin' on.
I gotta tell ya.
I bet there's rich folks eating in a fancy dining car.
They're probably drinking coffee and smoking big cigars.
You know, I knew I had it coming.
I knew I can't be free.
But that train keeps a-blowing, and that's what tortures me.
Yeah, when I was just a baby, mama told me, son, always be a good boy.
Don't ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
Oh my goodness, we're going to go to break and come back with your calls.
And then I've got a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to yet.
Ah yes, the Antifa Piranhas.
It's up on Infowars.com.
It's so vicious and so out of control.
There's a bunch of articles where they attack their own people in their own events, brutally.
There's video and articles about that.
I mean, it's just like sharks in a feeding frenzy.
You know, it's like, they're eating, and they're all, they're biting.
I mean, it's just... I'm gonna be somebody!
I wanna be somebody!
Be somebody, yeah!
To quote Blackie Lawless.
We'll be back on the other side, ladies and gentlemen, with a lot more news and information.
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I think?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I'm 18 and I like it!
Lines form on my face and hands.
Lines form on the ups and downs.
I'm in the middle.
I'm in the middle without any plans.
Alright, let's get into the news here.
I want to go to your calls, and then I want to get to this piece.
Antifa assaults Bernie Sanders voter in Portland for carrying a fascist American flag.
Hit him in the head with a bike lock, which is a mace.
Remember they did that in San Francisco, they heard attacking the police and just random people, that's what they do.
Just the unbelievable cowardice of these people.
And just how stupid they are.
I mean, you can kill somebody with a bike lock.
To them it's all LARPing.
Now compare them attacking their own people.
Because I guess they saw one of the other LARPers has grabbed a flag from somebody, they're like piranhas, to Rufio Panman, with a guy trying to kill him with a deadly weapon.
He grabs it in swing, controls the punch, knocks the guy out.
A woman tries to virtue signal and push him to hope that he hits her, and he controls it all in a split second.
Now that's the difference between a conservative and a Christian and a patriot, and a little cowardly rat-like globalist.
You can see, not a coward, standing up against deadly violence, suppresses hitting the woman even though she strikes him.
And this is why they banned us as well.
We had live coverage of all this happening, and they, with millions of viewers, despite shadowbanning, their shadowbanning failed, and they're like, listen, your shadowbanning is supposed to stop Jones from getting millions of views.
But Owen Schroer and the rest of them had millions of views that weekend, with their live feeds, and we could see them shadowbanning it, and it just didn't work.
So they'd kill the feeds, but other people got them.
So I added it up.
I don't usually do that, but they suppress it so much, I did it.
And we had something like, just on our feeds, five million views despite shadow banning.
And then it was everywhere else.
And they're just like, we're not allowing this.
We're not going to show people our children, the Antifa, out beating up men, women, and children and getting their butts kicked.
We're just going to say Jones is calling for violence and saying kill reporters, which I'm not.
Lester Holt, Brian Felton.
But you can.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, they wouldn't be committing absolute criminal activity like that unless they were planning to go all the way in the next 77 days.
They are, they're coming for everybody, they're not going to stop.
And by the way, they're going to lose this war, whether we keep it peaceful, which I'm trying to do, or whether they start the offensive and, you know, people have to defend themselves, they are all going to lose.
But if they start the Civil War and start getting really, really violent with everybody, we're going to have to really, you know, do what must be done.
And we're just going to have to, for our families and everybody else's future and everything, we've got to be very, very firm.
And I take no pleasure in the fact that we're going to have to defend ourselves.
And I would take no pleasure, you know, if Antifa tried to come to my house or someone else's house to attack and you had to defend yourself, it's like stepping on a cockroach.
And I'm like, oh man, cockroach, I don't like having a bunch of exterminators here.
Oh, come here, buddy.
I'm gonna have to get a napkin and just crush your head as quickly as possible and get you in the trash can.
I mean, I don't like killing cockroaches.
And the media are a pack of liars.
I would never offensively attack anybody, and they know it, but they're putting all of that out there and trying to get people to go out and attack.
And the New York Times is advertising, hey, here's where they play baseball.
They know what they're doing, and they just think they're going to start this shooting war with the most armed population in the world.
It's insane!
Just stop now!
I mean, I get a bullhorn like I'm an FBI hostage negotiator.
You are overwhelmed and surrounded.
You have committed major crimes.
It's going to go best if you come out with your hands up.
Do not execute the hostages.
Stop calling for violence.
We do not want to have to use overwhelming force in defense.
Think about what you're doing.
You are emotional right now and scared and pumped up on adrenaline.
But things will go a lot better if you stop and release the hostages.
Now I'm waiting by the phone line in here.
Just let me know how the hostages are.
And we'll send in some food.
I mean, that's really where we've gotten to here.
And I'm just like, whoa, man.
I mean, Media Matters is in everyone's Twitter, Facebook, Google accounts with all your private.
It's totally illegal.
But Soros has overthrown a bunch of countries.
He always gets away with it, so he thinks he can.
I mean, it's just like, yes, Trump, indict them.
But the Justice Department,
They were smart getting a coup in there.
And, you know, Sessions has got his old wife in his house, in his mansion, and he's, he's just, they got dirt on him, folks.
I don't know if it's, you know, him with little kids or in a KKK outfit or what it is, but Sessions really has turned out to be a real Trojan horse piece of crap.
Uh, and, uh, he, I mean, it's just the crimes being committed are astounding.
I guess the Soros and the Chicoms can go offshore.
They don't care if there's a big bloody civil war.
They're trying to start one, aren't they?
Let me just be a thousand percent clear.
I have security, so I'm not sitting there sleeping with a battle rifle by my bed.
But the idea that Twitter and people say that it's violent to say that if you come to my house trying to hurt me or my family, I'll defend myself.
The crime to the left, the authoritarians, is standing up to them.
And so they see that as offensively violent.
If you're asleep in your bed,
And five armed men come to kill you.
If you do not open your chest and present it and kneel and kiss the Antifa boot, you are a terrorist and a Nazi.
If you roll over and squeal and beg and say, you're a god, you're the most powerful human on earth, Antifa has defeated me, they go, good, and then shove the rifle in your mouth and pull the trigger and go, ah!
And then Jack Dorsey, or I guess Twitter, would say, ah, Alex is a liberal!
He likes the death camps in China.
Ah, he likes Tim Cook.
Ah, Alex is learning!
You're learning with the stimuli, Alex!
You're learning the stimuli, my boy.
Good, you're submitting well.
There might be a place for you in all of this, my boy, if you'll simply continue along the current path of submission to me.
George Soros is actually a very nice person.
Oh, you could hang around with Brian Stelter and stand in front of Hollywood signs and take glamour shots with your demonic-looking wife and go, oh, we're on CNN!
Oh, I want to be part of it!
Oh, I want to be with Jack Dorsey in San Francisco!
Oh, the Fox News Club!
Oh, we're part of the establishment!
Oh, we're so powerful!
I'm going to go to break.
Take your calls when I come back.
Please don't ban me.
Thank you, don't ban me.
You just went along with the fact that you said I was going to kill people when I wasn't.
Thank you for lying about me and slandering me so much.
Thank you for letting me stay on here where you can read my messages with your employees.
I know it's valuable intel for the media matters to read the private messages to me.
Thank you for letting you spy on me.
Thank you for raping me.
Thank you, Jack Dorsey.
You're so smart.
Jack Dorsey, thank you.
Google, thank you for letting, thank you for letting the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Democrats into all my accounts and they could announce it on air.
That's not criminal or anything!
After all, you run slave factories in China.
It's totally reasonable.
Why, you got away with it there.
Why not here?
I'm going to go to Britain and come back right with your calls.
I promise.
It's going to be a good boy day.
I want to take your calls.
I have him plugged this hour.
If you don't finance this, they'll win.
Which, whatever, it's all in God's plan.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So the globalists want to sabotage America.
They want to bring in a total police state grid based in China, here.
It's all over the news.
Everything we told you years ago, next year's news, today.
We're going to your phone calls.
Look, you got two deceptive lying machines, ABC News and CNN.
CNN is usually far worse, but ABC News, you know, lies a lot too.
They had Brian Ross, you know, say that Flynn had flipped and that he was a Russian agent and that
You know, Trump was born in Russia and was a KGB commander, you know, and fought Hitler.
All total crap.
Joy Behar, yay!
He just flipped, all that's made up.
They're saying that Michael Cohen, Trump's one of his many lawyers, one of his disgraced lawyers, who've been caught lying, you name it, with his taxi company, nothing to do with Trump.
They've got him, they claim, on money laundering because his business partner didn't pay taxes.
Probably nothing.
But the point is Cohen's been chomping at the bit now to actually
You know, record Trump, and then Trump's like, financing?
I'm not paying for anything.
So the tape's actually exonerated, but CNN is saying Cohen to plead guilty to criminal charges, and that he's not rolled.
So, I don't know.
I mean, when you get two disinformation organizations like CNN and ABC together, if they had a baby, if they had a baby, it would look something like Brian Stelter.
So that's an ugly baby.
And a very deceptive little baby as well.
So we'll be looking at all that.
Fox News reported Michael Cohen striking a deal as well.
But again, let's play Joy Behar and then we'll go to your calls.
Remember, here's Joy Behar.
Go ahead and loop that audio.
And is prepared to testify that as a candidate, Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians!
Makeup lies!
Okay, let's stop there.
Okay, let's go to your phone calls.
Carlos in Montreal, Canada.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you very much, Alexa.
Be strong.
General Cornwallis surrendered to Washington, and ever since that day, the, what we now know as the Internationale, has been out to destroy the United States.
And the way that they want to destroy the United States is to convince the individual against their better judgment of the founding fathers.
That the individual is a majority and a minority of one.
That the individual, you, me, and everyone else in America, has a right to be free, to vote their conscience.
And that is what they're trying to steal from the youth, from those that now support the Intifada.
They're trying to beat everyone into groupthink, exactly.
To take away the individual's concept that you have so strongly of being a sovereign on your own, to be willing to stand and fight, and to put your Hancock signature on a piece of paper that tells everybody, we must be sovereign individually.
Not George III, not some kingdom, not some secret society, but the individual must be sovereign.
And you're right, that's the fight we're in.
That's what globalism versus individualism is.
And they call themselves the International throughout history.
You can find them in Europe, all Europe.
The International, of which Mr. Soros, of course, is a big member.
And these people have had, over time, since 1913, as a matter of fact, when they were successful in passing and to self-finance their project through the Federal Reserve, what they had, they had an agenda.
Then they needed to finance it because, you see, as in you would have in the Game of Thrones today, one side being financed by the bankers against each other.
That was very wasteful of property and money because one had to win but the other one had to lose.
In the meantime, they had to collect.
But then they suggested, why don't we just do it the other way?
Why don't we print money out of thin air?
And collect on that money, taxes in principle, and then use that money that we get from taxes to buy the companies from which the Americans will be working to pay taxes to pay the debts that we print out of Federa.
That's a fantastic mechanism.
So once they had the means to finance it, now they have to execute it.
And when it comes to executing the death of America's sovereignty, that's when they have to go to the media
And the media, of course, cannot tell you the truth.
They have to tell you Krapola, the Krapola News Network, CNN, or any other of these agents.
I mean, they're beyond just lying now.
Well, I agree.
These are weaponized criminal groups now actually engaging in stalking, racketeering.
I mean, did they get in all your private accounts criminally?
I mean, they are agents now.
In our lives, literally.
And now Facebook wants your banking.
That way George Soros and of course David Brock can get in your bank account itself.
That's international.
That's right.
That's the fingers.
The octopus.
That's international.
Mr. Churchill wrote about them.
Churchill wrote and that's MI6, OSS, Ian Fleming.
Spectre is the
That's Spectre.
It is.
As a matter of fact, a little anecdote.
I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Moneypenny from the Ian Fleming novels out in London.
She was the wife of Lord Ritzdale, as a matter of fact, Secretary to Fleming.
So it's a very interesting turn of events to see now the international coming in.
But to all of you listening, Intifadas and haters of Infowars, it's your individual sovereignty, the right to be able to vote that is trying to be taken from you.
That's what you have to fight for.
The moment that goes, America is finished.
All the rest would just be the corpse walking.
I agree.
God bless you, Carlos.
What a smart caller.
He's been calling for years.
I love it when he gets in the line.
If they get this social credit score going, we're really screwed.
And they just did it to me.
They're doing it to all these other conservatives and Christian libertarians.
They're saying, you can't have credit cards.
You can't be online.
You can't bank.
This is the unpersoning.
I mean, this is it, ladies and gentlemen.
This isn't a cakewalk.
It's not a drill.
It's here.
And Trump is fighting them as hard as he can.
He's just surrounded by cowards.
Surrounded by people that are hedging their bets.
Man, you don't hedge your bet with evil.
You all in or it wins.
There's no hedging your bets with evil.
There's no paying off tyrants.
This country was founded by people that had come out of major revolutions in England, the Scots and others, and people that were leaving Germany who had been slaves and wanted freedom, and that's why they were hard to push around.
It didn't mean they were perfect, it didn't mean they didn't recreate bad stuff they lived under, but that's the American ethos, is people that were for hundreds of years under the British Empire were trying to get away from it.
And that's exactly what the caller was just saying.
Great job, Carlos.
Okay, this caller says that comments are being censored.
Let's talk about Infowars.com.
We have this thing called...
Vocal or whatever, because they go and won't let us get any big commenting platform.
It's all Silicon Valley, so they're discriminating against us, so you can't comment.
And I know Vocal has some AI moderation that is a nightmare.
And it's just, I don't know.
People can email us at ShowTips what comment system you think we could use.
I'm thinking about Sue and Discuss, because they definitely are discriminating against us, and they have a good system, but it's just unbelievable.
I mean, we've been that blacklisted.
They're trying to shut the site down right now.
InfoWars was down last week.
I mean, you know.
So it's an act of defiance to even be able to comment on InfoWars.com, but yeah, no vocal.
Makes you want to jump out of a window.
Johnny in Ontario, go ahead.
More Canadian callers, go ahead.
Yeah, I got no comments being censored on Infowars.
I'm talking more about our own BDF here, with the Communist Broadcasting Corporation, alas.
Oh, they're arresting pastors that read out of the Bible now.
Yeah, they're arresting parents that won't let their five-year-old be taught at school how to be a girl.
Yeah, doors are shutting.
There's even talk of online gun forms being harvested for information.
Regarding regarding hate crimes and everything else.
Yeah, you've got a bunch of leftist authoritarian bullies on your hands up there your own leader Trudeau says don't say mother and father in the national anthem.
They mean business.
Oh, they changed it and it kind of sucks for this veteran and I'm kind of concerned with your with your talk about false flags and everything because we have a lot of going up here in the fall in
I don't know man.
All I can say is I'm just kind of looking at the
Kind of a side rail here.
I'm kind of looking at the wild turkeys walking across my backyard and going yum yum yum.
Say gobble, gobble, gobble and get you some.
Johnny, God bless you.
We're going to come back and talk to a few more callers.
The poll watch is loaded for bear coming in and then the war room at 3 o'clock.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, Paul Watson's coming up.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
I appreciate you calling in.
Dan in Indiana, you're on the air.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this is Bible Dan, and I got something to say.
Don't cut me off.
I want my time.
Okay, don't blow my volume.
Let me speak.
Now, I'm kind of mad at Daria.
I sent her an email saying that I wanted to debate the pre-trip with you, and she said, well, put your money where your mouth at and debate Pastor Anderson.
I said, sure, I'll do that.
Hey, Dan, here's the deal.
It says on screen you wanted to talk about government regulations and backfiring.
I'm not going to Pharisee debate with you.
Call in some other day.
I love you to death.
I said we're talking about the censorship and the globalism, and you said that government regulations backfire.
And I think they are backfiring.
God bless you.
I'm not going to debate.
I believe in Jesus Christ.
I don't know if it's pre or post or any of that.
The world government's here.
The mark of the beast is here.
This stuff's all happening.
And the average Christian's going to take the mark because they think there's a pre-tribulation.
So it can't be the Mark of the Beast.
I took a chip in my brain, but it can't be that.
Facebook, you gotta have Facebook to buy or sell.
China's already got it, but it can't be the Mark of the Beast, because Jesus didn't come get me yet.
So just get your microchip.
Line up.
Whether you believe in God or not, they're using this Mark of the Beast as a model.
It's here.
We told you first.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Robert Maryland.
Robert, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, this is Robert.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I've been trying to contact you for about three or four months now with my visual marketing campaign, Road Wars.
I wanted to get it started for the summer, but it's imminent now with 77 days to go.
My dad just turned 77 yesterday.
I told him it was, you know, it's a good number, but 76 was much better.
Well, you know, you got the guy running for Senate against Pocahontas and he's calling it Operation Road Warrior.
And it really, it closely mirrors exactly what he's doing.
Well, I actually tried to launch Operation Road War and even use different than Road War.
I said Operation Road Wars.
I mean, I never got around to making the magnets ourselves.
It's funny.
I was going to copy him.
I don't
I've got like 20 logos already designed.
Well let me put you on hold and I'll give your number to Tim Ferruchet and we can talk.
I've got a bunch of meetings today and I'm working on this, but it's very exciting.
Yes, everybody needs to exercise their free speech now.
77 days out.
Tell us more about what you think we ought to do.
It's a QR code that takes people directly to Infowars.com.
So then they can go to the store, they can go to the podcast, they can go to the live show.
It's a QR code most smartphones now will read.
No, I know.
People are really lazy now and so what?
We put QR codes up everywhere and like just say forbidden and then the QR code and that way they don't even know what they're going to.
We're good to go.
Well sure, you can also put our stuff up and then watch libtards pull it down and then put it on YouTube.
The way to fight back against YouTube is everybody just do your own thing, talk about America, talk about freedom, expose them.
Everybody become a broadcaster.
Everybody attack their platforms with truth and love and justice, not with the violence they're pushing.
Very exciting, Robert, we'll put you on hold, get your number, give that to Tim Ferruchet.
Sounds like a smart guy.
Just send us emails about your plans or what you want to do.
We're just, don't wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the guns.
You quote Pat Buchanan.
We'll be back with more calls and Paul Joseph Watson from Her Britannic Majesty's London, England.
Stay with us, we shall return!
We knew it was coming.
The whole thing was formulaic.
First demonize InfoWars, lie about us, build a strawman, then sue us to add credibility to that, then have a few fake strikes on YouTube and Facebook with nebulous terms like bullying children and Islamophobia, and then voila!
Two weeks later, ban InfoWars completely off of dozens of major platforms where we were all in the top 5 or top 10
I think.
How they can download the free Android and iPhone apps.
How they can then reach out to others with the information and point out, this is the verboten info.
This is what they don't want you to see.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the info war.
Well, the battle's joined.
Incredible news has broken, if you just tuned in.
And I'm not talking about Michael Cohen's reportedly corrupt taxicab business that has nothing to do with the President.
I'm talking about...
Facebook, admittedly, having a Chinese communist social score system, where they track every facet of your life, everything you do, and charge you different prices, and you name it.
Total discrimination, and thank God Trump's moving with a real anti-discrimination suit.
This is so un-American.
But the big news is, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple,
And others.
Not so much Twitter.
I'm not saying that because Twitter is doing stuff in China, basically.
Not that Twitter isn't censoring bad things.
I just want to remove them from that because I misspoke.
But Apple, Google, Facebook, they're all going into China.
They're all helping censor.
And they're already doing it here.
All the things they're doing in China, they're already here.
They have unpersoned me.
They have sent me to the Phantom Zone.
And now they're going after our bank accounts.
Now they're going after
The payment processors, they're now going after the software.
You heard that Gab.ai, Microsoft found out that the software they paid for and use is running it, so they're saying, no, you can't use that.
Even though you paid for the software and the license says you can, we want Gab shut down because Americans can't meet in a place and talk.
And a lot of people go, gee Alex, you need to go ahead and roll over.
That's what followers do, that's how you become
North Korea!
So, let's go to Paul Watson to tell us what he's got coming up.
You know, Paul, to me, it's just fantastical that the President is tweeting in support of Infowars.
He's saying it will not be tolerated, the censorship of conservatives and others.
It's clearly racketeering.
It's not the private company talk.
They selectively enforce, they boost Democrat posts, they block conservative posts.
It's clear election meddling.
Well they try to distract us with Russiagate and we've now reached this epic moment where you wrote four plus years ago at Infowars.com first about the Chinese social score.
And that was the mark of the beast.
And that would be used.
And now we learn it's already here, just as we knew.
Top of GrudgeReport.com.
This is just getting insane, Paul.
I mean, this is quite a time to be alive.
What point in history do you think we are, A and B?
Why do you think they're so bold?
What were tech giants thinking two weeks ago when they deleted us on August 6th
From planet Earth.
I mean, what were you from 95% of the Internet?
What were they thinking?
Because I'm not bragging when I say this.
I always tell people recognize me on the street.
And most of it's positive, but I went to the mall.
And I went to California Pizza Kitchen and literally it was full of liberals and full of, you know, gay folks and you name it.
They were all coming over.
We're listeners saying we see through it.
We know it's lies.
I went to Lululemon.
My daughters wanted back to school clothes and I was mobbed by everyone that worked there and everyone in the shop and they were telling me about shows from a few days ago and you and everything else.
And then I went to another store and I was mobbed by half the people and I couldn't walk
10 feet.
Blacks, Hispanics, old, young, people who couldn't even hardly speak English.
Alex Jones, we love you.
We know you're good.
We know it's true.
We know the man's coming after you.
I mean, and cops and security guards and just Hispanics.
And I mean, Paul, they've done something with thousands of articles a day and all these things lying.
Everybody knows they're liars.
And so all it did was make everybody come to us.
But I'm telling you, and I'm not saying this to act confident.
The globalists knew they had to shut us down.
I guess a chain reaction happened thanks to DrugsReport.com, but...
I mean, literally, almost everyone was a listener now, and it was like, we're in the inner circle.
It's like Fight Club.
Hey, we all know, we're not, hey, I'm a liberal, hey, I'm gay, but I know what they're doing to you is wrong, and I know they're lying about you, Alex.
I heard you say that they're coming to get you at your house, or other people, and you didn't say you were gonna hurt the media.
I think they're gonna false flag, Alex!
Are they gonna, you know, Trump's a great guy, he's a great guy!
You know, I mean, it's like, I think they've completely imploded, Paul.
I wanna predict a massive red wave unless there's election fraud.
What do you think's happened?
Well, it's like we always say, if you're getting attacked by them, they've got such low credibility and trust ratings that it shows you're having a positive effect.
The point about this social credit score, which, as you said, we wrote about three years ago in the article that you've just flagged up, is probably even longer ago than that.
They want to destroy people's lives.
Now I've gone through how this social credit score, which by the way is not even fully in place in China, it's going to be in place by 2020, is actually destroying people's lives.
We've talked about you being delisted from LinkedIn, which you can't even upload any content to.
Now we're seeing people, for example,
Getting their accounts shut down for Airbnb.
We've seen people get their bank accounts shut down.
Bank accounts refused.
The Jihad Watch guy, Robert Spencer, getting his Patreon pulled.
That's how it's having an effect in China.
They've got a system whereby if you have a good social credit score, a good little automaton, a good little sheep, you don't criticize the government, which in America is basically now, don't criticize Silicon Valley.
It was funny how I made that
San Francisco is an asshole video, like two weeks before they removed you off of anything.
So it's in a similar vein, but it's now, don't criticize big tech or your life will be ruined.
So in China, they've got it down to a level, and this is already happening now.
Whereby the people with a good social credit score get higher ranking on the dating websites, for example.
They get access to better women.
So they've got it down to that level.
They've got it down to people being refused loans, people being refused credit.
People not being able to buy airline tickets because they've got a bad social credit score because they said something mean on the internet.
You know, you can parlay that today with the USA Today writer saying, should Trump be banned from Twitter because he was mean to CNN?
So they've expanded that definition of targeted harassment to the point where it now basically means, oh you said something a little bit naughty about Brian Stelter's appearance, that's targeted harassment, get off the internet.
That's right.
They're public figures that want us silenced and bankrupted and literally put in gulags.
But if you criticize them, they're the new super class.
And then now you've got the reports coming out where Media Matters, funded by Soros, has access to all of our accounts and is spying on us, like CNN knew all our sponsors on YouTube and was blocking them.
This is a criminal mafia.
But we all think from Hollywood that only Italians can do that, and so somehow we're blind to this.
Trump's starting to act, Paul, and when I bragged about everybody being awake at the mall, I'm saying it's backfiring spectacularly, but they don't care.
So how do you, and I'll let you go and take over, how do you expect this immovable object, unstoppable force of liberty versus tyranny, how is this going to collide?
Because they're just going ahead with this, and they're acting very, very confident, and let me tell you, on the street, things aren't confident.
Well, I mean, someone made the point to me today, and this is obviously not going to happen at that level, but if enough people do it, it will happen.
Imagine if Trump suddenly one day just said, right, I'm shutting down my Twitter account, I'm moving over to Minds.com, for example.
Then the media would all be forced to move over to Minds.com.
Trump's haters would be forced to move over to Minds.com to respond to his posts.
His supporters would as well, obviously.
So obviously Trump's not going to do it, he's the President.
But if you get enough prominent people banned, they move over to these alt-tech platforms, they will grow.
And in fact, I've been looking at your real video stats, the video platform that we moved over to a couple of weeks ago.
Getting a lot of good views on these videos already, to say we've only been there for less than two weeks.
And that's a really smooth platform, it runs really well.
So the more people they ban, the more these alt-tech websites are going to grow.
And that's going to help us.
Obviously we're going to stay on the battlefield for as long as possible, but the more they break their own systems, the more Google breaks its own search engine, the more alternatives are going to pop up.
But then you have people on Fox News like Stossel, is it, who, you know, he's been good on the past with some stuff.
He's a libertarian, John Stossel.
He went on and he said, well I don't care if YouTube can censor people if they like, it's a private company.
This is not about censorship, as you just said.
This is about brigading.
This is about media matters and these Soros... This is about people with burning torches saying we can't have bank accounts and we can't exist.
False flagging us to take us down.
Yeah, it's organized lobbying.
So when they say, we're just enforcing our terms of service.
No, you're abusing your terms of service because you're falling prey to lobbyists, to witch hunts on Twitter, to witch hunts orchestrated by Media Matters, which is an abuse of their terms of service.
You're going to take over, Paul.
But let me just make this point.
Trump can have his cake and eat it, too, and I'm gonna actually, next time I'm gonna get info on him in the next day or two, I'm actually gonna advise the president, but give me a list, Paul, who you think, that he should set up subsidiary accounts and just start doing some there to show them his power.
So I think he could have the cake and eat it, too.
Stay on Twitter, and stay on other, but start moving over to other platforms just to show them.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're still talking about Facebook and basically their admission or the revelation that they're imposing a Chinese-style social credit score onto their platform.
The article out of The Sun, which we probably flashed up earlier, Facebook has trust ratings for users but won't tell you your score.
Now the other issue of this, which most people haven't touched upon, is the tyranny of the fact checkers.
And in this article, Facebook puts out this kind of denial.
And this is their explanation.
The article reads, Facebook developed a process that protects people against indiscriminately flagging news as fake, attempting to game the system.
One of the indicators used in this process is how people report articles as false.
For instance, if somebody previously gave Facebook feedback that an article was false, and then the article was confirmed false by a fact-checker, that person's future feedback would be weighted more positively.
If the fact-checkers... Now, flip that over for a second.
So if they report an article as fake news, as false, then it turns out after it was fact-checked that the article was in fact true, then they lose the score, they lose their trust, their influence is demoted within Facebook.
Now that would be all well and good if the fact-checkers were impartial and neutral and non-partisan.
Guess what?
They're not.
Which fact-checkers does Facebook use to fact-check its articles?
Well, they're ABC News, the Associated Press, Factcheck.org, PolitiFact and, wait for it, Snopes!
All of those outlets have a leftist bias.
In the case of Snopes, it is far left.
This means, of course, they'll overwhelmingly flag right-of-center content as fake news and not the reverse.
So when they say, oh, we're just instituting a system where people can't get brigaded, where people can't flag articles as fake just because they disagree with the politics, that would work if the fact-checkers were impartial.
They're not impartial.
So of course the fact-checkers are going to abuse their power.
Of course the fact-checkers are going to come down harder on non-leftist news sources.
So the fact that they've done this will only help the far-left even more because their trust, their Facebook trust, is not going to get downgraded because the vast majority of articles they flag will indeed be backed up, be flagged as fake news by the fact-checkers.
That is the question.
Who fact-checked the fact-checkers?
Because there was an article which was posted on Facebook a few months ago.
This is a headline out of PJ Media.
Facebook threatened satire site Babylon Bee over CNN story that Snopes rated false.
So this satirical website, which is upfront about the fact that it's satirical, posted a headline
The headline was CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine to Spin News Before Publication.
It was obviously a satirical news story.
What happened?
It got flagged up on Facebook as containing information that was false, that was fake news.
So then Snopes.com flagged it up, they fact-checked it, and it came back that it was fake news, and I believe for a short amount of time it was removed.
So that's an example.
They will flag an obviously satirical article as fake news, even though it's clearly satire.
And then obviously the person that published that article will lose trust, will lose their much-vaunted credit score on Facebook.
Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?
They are not neutral, they are far-left, they are partisan.
Let's give some more examples of Snopes.
This is from Infowars.com.
Snopes debunks itself on Oprah's white people, quote, just have to die controversy.
So you may remember this video circulated again.
It was originally from 2013.
It circulated again back in January when they were talking about
Potentially Oprah running for president.
She basically gives a BBC interview where she says that generations of racists to solve racism, quote, just have to die.
Now, she didn't specifically say white people, but it was clear from the context that she was talking about old white Americans.
She could have been talking about nobody else.
She literally said the solution to racism
And that racism will continue until this generation of racists, this generation of old racists in America dies.
So then we put out a headline, you know,
Oprah Winfrey says old white people need to die to solve racism.
That's clearly who she was talking about.
Snopes.com runs a fact check on it and says, oh, just because she didn't say white people, that means she didn't mean old white people, even though from the context, it clearly was old white people who she was referring to.
So they play these little lexicon tricks to declare an article false when it's clearly true.
But because she didn't use the term white, the word white,
They label it fake news.
It gets, in some cases, deleted off of Facebook and Infowars.com or whoever posted it, not us anymore because we're banned, then our trust, our credit rating, gets downgraded.
And even in this example, Snopes.com, at the end of this debunking piece, which said it was fake news, admitted that, yes, she meant old white people.
So even at the end of their own article, they admitted, yes, obviously she meant old white people, but because she didn't specifically say the word white,
That means it's fake news.
That's an example of the tricks they play to label right-of-center websites fake news when they're not fake news.
Here's another example.
Again, we wrote about this on January 2nd.
Snopes debunked on claim New York Times didn't collude with Hillary Clinton.
Snopes, the left-wing website that supposedly debunks fake news, Facebook hires them to do so, has itself been debunked after new WikiLeaks emails revealed that the New York Times colluded with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.
So again, they put out an article
So then there's no evidence of Hillary colluding with the New York Times.
WikiLeaks emails proved otherwise.
But again, they've already declared it to be fake news, so it goes down the memory hole.
Here's another example of how Snopes is a far-left, partisan, biased website from the Daily Caller headline.
And this is from 2017.
Snopes caught playing defence for Democrats who sat during Navy SEAL tribute.
Myth-busting website Snopes got caught pushing a misleading fact-check that offered cover for Democratic reps Ellison and Wasserman Schultz, who remained seated during the second standing ovation for Karen Owens, the widow of deceased Navy SEAL Ryan Owens.
So again, you remember that.
Conservatives, it was during the State of the Union, said why are they not standing?
They weren't standing.
Snopes put out an article basically misleading people because they did stand on another occasion when these individuals got a standing ovation, but the one that Conservatives were referring to and had the video to prove it was a previous occasion when they didn't stand when the rest of the House did stand.
So they took a second occasion, which was not related to the claim relating to the first, and said because they did stand and give these people an ovation on that second occasion, then the entire story is fake news.
You see how they weasel their way out of it, again, to declare entire stories to downgrade entire websites as fake news.
And this is an organization, Snopes.com, that has been caught defrauding, that has been caught embezzling money, according to a report by the Daily Mail.
Facebook fact checker who will arbitrate on fake news is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes and its staff includes an escort porn star and vice vixen dog.
Now, these people have been caught on record having far-left partisan biases, admitting to it, and yet these are the people who will be fact-checking the fake news.
These are the people who will decide whether your credit score on Facebook is downgraded.
So, this is the tyranny of the fact-checkers.
They're not impartial.
They're far-left.
They're partisan.
And this is how Facebook games its own algorithm.
This is how they shadow-ban and censor conservative content.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back, breaking news at infowars.com.
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Now I'm going to go back to this Facebook credit score system before we move on to other news.
Basically, we discussed it with Alex earlier, they terminated him from LinkedIn, which you don't even upload content to LinkedIn, okay?
If that happens to someone because of their political beliefs, that's going to prevent them from getting a job in the future.
This is about sabotaging people's lives.
I mentioned as well,
Jack Montgomery, who is a writer for Breitbart, which again is targeted by these brigade witch hunt people on Twitter, the Sleeping Giant and all these other organisations.
His Airbnb account was terminated.
They gave him no reason whatsoever.
We've seen it before where bookings on Airbnb, where accounts related to Airbnb get terminated because of people's political beliefs.
This is the social credit score in action in America, in Western countries today.
Now, I read a Wired News article earlier which explained how China's social credit score is already going into effect.
Again, it was begun back in 2015.
It's basically into a great extent, not going to be finalised and centralised until 2020.
But the headline on Wired News is, the odd reality of life under China's all-seeing credit score system.
And it describes a futuristic dystopian nightmare which is already a reality in China and it's coming fast to America.
Don't worry about that if Facebook gets their way.
The article says, social credit is preventing people from buying airline and train tickets, stopping social gatherings from happening, and blocking people from going on certain dating websites.
Meanwhile, those viewed kindly are rewarded with discounted energy bills and similar perks.
Now you'll notice that one of the great features of Facebook, when you get blocked on Facebook, as I was blocked on Facebook a couple of weeks ago for 24 hours,
They stop you from using the messenger system.
It's not just the fact that you can't post.
They stop you from using the messenger system.
A lot of people communicate with their friends and family on things like Instagram, on Facebook Messenger.
I mean, at least with Twitter, if you get suspended on Twitter, you can still talk to people.
You can still talk to your friends and family behind the scenes on the messenger system.
Facebook, you're blocked.
You can't even communicate with people.
So it's interesting, you know,
They had this big virtue signal Facebook a couple of years ago, I think they instituted it, whereby if there was a terror attack or any other kind of emergency incident in a certain geographic location, they would send out an alert and you were able to go on there and mark that you were safe.
Now, you wouldn't be able to do that if you were suspended or blocked, would you?
And you're not able to even communicate with your friends and family if you're suspended on Facebook.
That is the essence of the commie-style social credit score system, where they prevent you from organizing.
They prevent you from accessing things like dating websites or buying airline and train tickets because you've been a naughty boy or girl.
This is the essence of the tyranny we're dealing with, given how much power these big tech corporations
have amalgamated under their monopoly.
This is why the monopoly needs to be broken up.
So it gives further examples, this Wired News article.
One independent journalist has already been barred from buying plane tickets because of court fees related to his work.
So he got into trouble with the court for saying something he shouldn't, for reporting something which upset the one-party state, now he can't buy a plane ticket.
China's Supreme Court, for example, this is another example,
Shares a blacklist of people who haven't paid court fines with Sesame Credit, that's what they call their social credit score system, which in turn deducts users' scores until they sort out the bill.
So if you don't pay your bills, then you get punished, then you can't use other networks of websites.
The other example they give is jumping healthcare waiting lists.
So in China you've got these hospitals where you have to basically be in with the hospital to some extent to jump ahead of the queue, the massive queue.
You can do that by having a good social credit score by being a good little slave and not criticising the government.
It continues.
Chinese citizens signing up for the wildly popular multiplayer shooter game Counter-Strike Global Offensive must register using both their national ID and Sesame credit score, according to state media.
So again, this takes it one step beyond to the point where, again, if you've been a naughty boy or girl, you've posted something on Facebook you shouldn't.
Then your very access to the internet gets blocked because your internet ID, which is linked with your national ID, is blocked, is censored.
So these are the levels that they're willing to take it to.
It continues, anyone caught using cheating software, like Aimbot, so these are people playing an online video game,
Which ensure perfect aim will have their Sesame credit scores deducted, potentially affecting their real-life ability to get loans.
So there's literally everything it affects if you've been a naughty boy on the internet.
In China, a high credit score can help you find a date.
Zeni.com, a dating service with 140 million users, which is partly owned by the American parent company behind Tinder, gives users with high Sesame Credit scores better visibility on their website.
And in a Tinder-like move, dating giant Barhay.com lets users with high Sesame Credit show off their score to members of the opposite sex as long as they agree to display their scores as well.
So they're taking it to the level of dating websites.
Again, if you've been a good boy or girl, you'll rise to the top of the rankings when people are looking for dates.
If you've criticized the government, or in America, as it's heading, criticized big tech corporations, then maybe you won't, maybe your dating profile will get buried, and maybe you won't get a date.
You see what I mean?
How they're punishing people on a personal, private level.
It's not just you're banned off of Facebook, it's then it has a knock-on effect, and it affects you
In every other facet of your private life.
This is the intensity of the tyranny that Chinese citizens are dealing with and Facebook, Google, they're working with them, they're trying to bring it here.
It gives another example.
In fact, a list of names, a list of 169 people
Who were banned from buying travel tickets was published by the government.
So they literally outed people.
They shamed people.
They said, don't do business with these people.
Similar to how the Democrats have said, don't serve members of the Trump administration at restaurants, get in their face, etc, etc.
It's the very same spirit.
Another example about the social credit score that's already underway in China.
In the eastern city of Suzhou, bus fare evasion, posting fake product reviews online, not paying your electric bill, and booking a room in a hotel without showing up, all caused deductions in the city's 200-point social credit score system.
So literally,
They've taken what was a script in Black Mirror from a couple of years ago, the dystopian sci-fi series which is popular on Netflix, whereby everyone has a rating out of five.
It's like an Uber rating or something.
Everyone has a rating out of five.
If your rating is not good enough,
Businesses will not do business with you.
That image right there that you're seeing up on screen is from that Black Mirror episode where basically the character is overly keen to up her social credit score that she overcompensates.
She tries too hard.
It makes people dislike her.
It makes them downrate her on her social credit score and she can't get access to basic services.
She basically ends up destitute and homeless.
Obviously that's an Orwellian future that's probably way off in the future, but that's the spirit, that's the tyranny of this social credit score.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live with this final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna go to some global news now.
This was up on InfoWars.com last night.
Article by yours truly.
Germany, no one recognises our city anymore.
Residents complain after 1,200 migrants moved in.
We've seen this happen across Germany, where these small towns of a few thousand people get absolutely subsumed by migrants and the face of their town changes.
Not for the better in the vast majority of cases.
Residents of Buchstedt, Germany, complain that, quote, no one recognises our city anymore after 1,200 migrants moved in, increasing the population by 26% in one foul swoop.
Mayor Harmut Konig said that the town, which now has 4,600 inhabitants, had changed drastically since the migrants were housed at a local military barracks.
It's quite simply the behaviour.
He says, for example, in shops, things are stolen.
I experienced it myself.
Three refugees walking on the pavement, not making enough room for a woman with a pushchair and a child coming in their direction.
They make no room.
She has to move onto the street to get around them.
He said, besides that, they leave piles of rubbish and use every available space to sit around and drink beer.
Now another resident that they interviewed, which is coming up next in this video, said, quote,
Now there's another video in that article which basically features Germans who are absolutely furious at Angela Merkel's policies.
That's why her approval rating is at the lowest it's ever been in her entire political career.
The real mood in Germany there is again it's people attending protests and saying basically they voted for her in the past they will never vote for her again.
Now I also mention in this article another story that we had last week about
A Yazidi teenager, a young woman who was actually captured and enslaved by the Islamic State in Iraq.
She moved to Germany.
She got refugee status, one of the ones that actually deserved it.
Then on the streets near Stuttgart, Germany, where she lived, where she had registered as a refugee, she met her captor.
She actually met the guy who captured her and basically sold her into sex slavery.
The ISIS bodyguard!
He was an actual ISIS member.
There you see the woman.
And he had registered as a refugee too!
So he was an actual ISIS member.
He kidnapped this young woman in Iraq, sold her into sex slavery.
She's walking down the street in Germany after she's been given refugee status there, and meets her former ISIS abductor and captor.
This is the situation in Germany.
This is the situation in numerous European countries, of course.
A couple of months ago, Donald Trump was put on the rack once again for saying that crime had risen in Germany.
Actually, violent crime that's risen in Germany, but because he didn't put the word violent in front of it, that meant it was all fake news.
Once again, another example of that.
Although the fact is that Reuters has reported from German government statistics, which we wrote about as well, crime has risen, violent crime has risen, and 90% of it is due to migrants.
That's not Infowars, that's not Breitbart, that's the German government's own statistics, as the fallout from this horrendous policy continues to reverberate around Europe.
Another story here.
Four year prison sentence for Afghan migrant who stabbed four people after being told not to harass girls.
Which is again something we see across these major European cities.
Gangs of migrants, or in some cases just individual migrants, harassing young women on the street.
This is in France.
An Afghan migrant was given a short four-year sentence with one year suspended after being found guilty of stabbing four people in the town of Perriyou last week.
So he's basically going to be out of prison and back on the streets in three years.
He's not going to be deported.
The 19-year-old asylum seeker was found guilty of aggravated violence over the weekend after he had gone on a drunken rampage with a kitchen knife and injured four people.
Now, from what I read of the article,
Two of these people who were paramedics attempted to intervene when he was harassing the young girls and they got stabbed for their trouble.
So again, don't interfere when they're harassing girls because you might end up dead.
This guy gets three years, basically he's going to be on the streets in three years or less.
Another story out of Greece.
Young man dies while trying to protect his girlfriend from three Asian migrants in Greece.
On the 16th of August, near the hill of Filipapu, under the Acropolis in Athens, a gang of three migrants attacked a young couple during the night.
The migrants tried to separate a 23-year-old Portuguese woman from her boyfriend.
The young Greek reacted immediately, fighting all three of them.
During the fight, the 25-year-old Greek fell off the cliff, resulting in fatal injuries.
The gang fled due to the screams of his girlfriend.
So basically, he was trying to defend his girlfriend from being attacked by these migrants, fell off a cliff, and died.
Again, yet another story which has barely been reported.
It's been reported, I think, in Voice of Europe.
No other mainstream media outlet will pick it up because it goes against their agenda, especially with key European elections coming up.
Including next month in Sweden, where the Sweden Democrats, who are the only anti-mass migration party, are expected to perform very well.
Now going back to the social media censorship, here's a story that just broke earlier.
Don't know if we'll see legislation on social media censorship.
That's a question for Congress.
So this was White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley who stated that he isn't sure if there's going to be any legislation dealing with social media censorship.
This is a matter for Congress.
But he added that the President had been using the bully pulpit to call attention to the issue.
So at least we have finally Trump tweeting about this.
Whether there's action in Congress remains to be seen.
Obviously Section 230 of the Decency Communications Act already mandates social media companies not to act like publishers or their immunity from being sued for the content posted on their websites will be withdrawn.
So the law is basically already there, it's just not being enforced and it needs to be enforced sooner rather than later before they ban everyone.
Now we had a poll out of Rasmussen the other day, headline Rasmussen poll, just 18% of Americans support Antifa,
And the support is dropping.
Imagine my shock.
The more innocent people they attack on the street, including this past weekend or a couple of weekends ago.
An American who is flying an American flag, Old Glory, turned out to be a Bernie Sanders supporting leftist.
They bashed him over the head with a pipe because they fight the Nazis, right?
The Bernie Sanders supporting Nazis.
No, it's anyone who carries an American flag because they hate America.
And as this poll illustrates, the American people hate them too.
The Rasmussen Report's National Telephone and Online Survey finds that only 18% of likely U.S.
voters share a favorable opinion of the Antifa protesters, with 6% who view them very favorably.
That compares to 24% and 8% respectively last September.
So these numbers are dropping.
The more Americans see of Antifa's thuggish, violent, ridiculous behavior on the streets of America, the more they disapprove.
So it's actually working in Trump's favour.
Of course, I've said for many months that Trump's 2020 campaign ad should be chock full of footage like this of Antifa attacking people on the streets because it's very effective and it gets the message across as to who the left really is supporting.
Of course, they've made the whole moral panic about the alt-right and the neo-Nazis on the right.
We disavow the neo-Nazis.
We don't embrace them to any degree.
The far left, and in some cases the centre left, if it even still exists, they not only don't disavow their violence, they embrace their violence.
Because they say, oh but they're called Antifa!
That means anti-fascist.
So that means if you don't support Antifa, you're a fascist.
Which is like saying that the Democratic Republic of North Korea is a democratic republic.
Newsflash, it isn't.
So the poll shows
Dropping support, plummeting support for Antifa, I mean 18% as a stat is too high to begin with, but now that's dropping over the course of last year, the more Americans see of their unbridled violence and hatred on the streets of America.
Now noted Nazi apologist Donald Trump has
Dumbfounded everyone by deporting the last Nazi in America.
This is ABC News, Nazi death camp guard arrested by ICE, deported to Germany.
A man who authorities believe that is the last known Nazi collaborator living in the US has been arrested and deported to Germany at the order of President Donald Trump Immigration Customs Enforcement agents, which the left wants to completely abolish.
You know, the
The agency that's actually kicking Nazis out of the country, the moral panic neo-Nazis are everywhere crowd wants them abolished, removed 95-year-old Jawed Paj from his Queens, New York home on Monday, and you can see the video there on the article.
So again, noted neo-Nazi apologist Donald Trump deports America's last living Nazi, something that Barack Obama completely failed to do.
Doesn't quite fit with the narrative, does it?
AFP reports Israel eases gun controls following lone wolf attacks.
Israel has changed its gun regulations.
Have they made it harder to get guns because of lone wolf attacks?
They've done the opposite.
They've let responsible people own firearms.
They've changed the regulations to enable hundreds of thousands more civilians to apply for licenses and move authorities say will increase security.
But others argue we'll stoke violence.
The shifted policy announced by the Public Security Ministry means that up to 600,000 Israelis could apply for gun licenses, a dramatic increase on the current 140,000 civilians with permits.
So they decided to react to violent criminals trying to kill people by arming responsible people who can shoot bullets in the opposite direction.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
War Room with Owen Troyer is coming up next.
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