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Filename: 20180620_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 20, 2018
3278 lines.

On The Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones discusses various topics including civil unrest in America, censorship, and alternative health solutions. He criticizes Democrats for attempting to cause civil war through plans by George Soros, which he claims have been confirmed by documents obtained earlier this year. Jones also accuses mainstream media outlets of trying to distract from their own crimes by focusing on children being held in shelters and promotes the idea that Hollywood is promoting pedophilia through various media platforms. He introduces Pollen Block, a natural alternative to antihistamines, and Alpha Power, a concentrated brain formula designed to boost stamina, libido, workout performance, and brain function while being safe for everyday use. Peter Henry Fonda calls for violence against President Trump's family on his Twitter account, suggesting that Barron Trump should be ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles. This comes amidst claims by some Democrats and former CIA heads that Trump is sending children to concentration camps and comparing him to Hitler. Alex Jones discusses the recent actions of Peter Fonda and Rachel Maddow who he believes are inciting civil insurrection against the Trump administration. He emphasizes the need to be prepared for emergencies by stocking up on storable meals from InfoWars Life Select and having a reliable water filtration system. On June 20, 2018, President Trump signed an executive order ending the separation of families at the US-Mexico border. Jones also promotes two other products, Floralife and Carnivore, which are part of the InfoWars Life Daily Digestive Pack."

From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen,
There is no doubt that the Democrats are trying to cause a civil war in this country.
Can we print that article from earlier this year when we got the secret Soros documents?
In fact, I forgot.
They later confirmed were real.
They tried to cause martial law in 2015, working in blue cities with the police to have anti-stage attacks to try to get the general public to burn down cities, show that Obama could declare a civil emergency.
It even admits all that.
Please print me that article.
Soros documents show plan to cause civil unrest and martial law.
There it is.
Document that tells plan for civil unrest and martial law in Baltimore to then be spread nationwide.
Then they plan to have the UN come in under the Strong Cities Initiative run by then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and have the local police departments go under UN control.
And remember, back then, a couple years ago, the UN was running the refugee program and telling the State Department who to let in.
So it sounds crazy, but that's how arrogant and out of control these people are.
And they're shooting for the moon.
They're throwing Hail Marys.
But from their experience, it works, so why not do it?
Now, why am I saying that?
Clearly the Democrats are doing this whole hysterical hoax, hissy fit about the illegal aliens' children being held in shelters.
That's what they are.
And comparing it to Nazi Germany as a talking point coming directly out of the deep state, out of Brennan, out of Clapper, out of Hayden.
They started all this.
They're the people that are the shadow government.
McCain has been the head of the shadow government, but he's on death's doorstep.
Kind of a interesting omen to where their deep state's going.
And so, you've had this going on since the times of Eisenhower, but the official law was passed back when George W. Bush was first in office.
Obama continued it until his last few years, and then he just started letting everybody in, and not even checking them.
Didn't matter if they had TB, didn't matter if they had scabies, didn't matter what they had.
Leprosy, you name it.
You got leprosy, came back to the US.
Thousands of cases now.
In public schools in California, Texas, and Florida.
They tried to cover it up, but it's in the news.
He would just let different charities that were certified by the Democrats, that just means be a Democrat donor, load kids in vans, trucks, cars, buses, and just disappear them.
And it came out in the Washington Post that many of them were then sex trafficked.
Headline, children, migrant children released in Obama's program ended up in sex trafficking.
Headline, Washington Post last year.
So, Trump says, we're not doing that.
We're going back to the law unless they change the law and have a new system for this.
We can either totally release people or we can hold them.
It takes on average two days to vet them.
You have no idea who these groups of people are.
Sometimes thousands of them at a time.
Usually 20, 30 at a time.
And there's no discussion of the hundreds of thousands that die in Mexico being fed on by the smuggling gangs.
Hundreds of thousands.
They find mass graves everywhere.
That's a mainline number.
The fact that 80% of the women are raped on their way up here, not in the U.S., but Mexico.
Oh no, Mexico's perfect!
Trump is a monster!
And those are the headlines in the New York Daily News.
The little girl crying.
Trump is heartless.
Trump is cold.
Trump is evil.
Trump is a monster.
He's craven.
And they show a photo of the cute little girl, just like the little girl washed up dead on the beach, and then say, gotta open the borders to Europe, when it's Soros bringing them across from Libya.
Oh my gosh.
It's not Soros' fault.
He brings them across, they hit some high waves, a kid falls out and dies.
It's Europe's fault!
And the same thing, these people come across by the millions, and they're bringing their children in some cases.
We don't know who these people are.
Okay, well we check your IDs or find your IDs or make sure you're not a, you know, somebody who's been deported already five times, you're not an arsonist, a rapist, a pedophile, a criminal.
We are going to
Hold you while we find out what's going on.
Just like when you're flying in from another country, and even you're a citizen, you get checked.
They are spinning all that now, with Rachel Maddow crying, and all this insanity, trying to push insurrection in this country, but also trying to distract.
It's such bad acting, it's like junior high.
Acting level, like 7th grade acting level.
I mean, she wouldn't even get an award for this in 7th grade.
To distract from their treason and the deep state crimes.
They are panicking.
Now we come back.
Hollywood's calling for more violence and the kidnap of the president's son and his rape at the hands of pedos.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats are desperate.
Their whole deep state plan has been blown wide open.
We are getting control back over the federal government.
The country's turning around on every front.
Poll numbers show that Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, but black Americans particularly, are seeing massive increases of support for the president and his Make America Great Again Americana agenda.
So, what are they going to do?
Thank you.
Brought me a coffee.
I forgot my coffee.
What are they going to do?
They know that as Libertarians, as Christians, as Patriots, as Conservatives, we have a conscience and we care about children.
You know, we're the ones that don't want to abort them.
We're the ones that don't want the EU banning people from being able to have disabled children and forcibly abortioning all of the Down's Syndrome children.
It's the Democrats that are the eugenicists.
It's the Democrats that are the social engineers.
They're the ones that say we want the case for killing Granny.
Cover a Newsweek.
They're the ones that say, kill one old lady and hire ten teachers in a zero-sum game.
A win-lose game.
They're the ones that get up there and want government-funded assisted suicide, but at the same time, they don't want someone who's terminally ill to have access to an experimental drug or treatment that might save them, but will certainly help do studies that will save others in the future.
Why is that?
Oh, no, no, no!
We don't want to extend your life, even though it's your choice and you're dying.
But if you were just depressed, and have nothing physically wrong with you, we want the government to fund killing you.
Because we want the state having the power over life and death.
That's the Fabian Socialist, British Socialist model that is really the dominant global system of these big mega banks and of Microsoft and of IBM and others.
That's really who they are.
They're social engineers.
And they've got a huge, horrible group of weak, compromised individuals in Hollywood who are in Salon and in the New York Times and in Vice, HBO, promoting pedophilia.
And promoting all of this other evil garbage over and over and over and over again.
So, what's the latest?
They've got the deep state being exposed.
They've got it coming out that it's the worst bias and corruption and targeting and setups and frame-ups and failed frame-ups of Russiagate and Spygate that making what Nixon did look like heaven compared to hell.
And so what are they going to do?
They're going to have everybody hysterically on every mainstream media channel, every program everywhere, play audio over photos dubbed of a child crying in the night wanting their mama.
You know, I left to work this morning and my 13 and a half month old daughter, who's just beginning to have separation anxiety, even though she was with my wife, began shrieking and crying as my son and I
Oldest child walked out of the house.
And as I closed the door, I heard my little daughter begin to shriek and say, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye.
And it was so sad, I recorded part of it, and I wasn't even thinking of why I recorded it.
I may actually air this.
Because she was saying bye-byes while I recorded it.
I didn't even think that I could play this and talk about how I deserve to have my house burned down.
That's what Cusack's calling for.
I deserve to be kidnapped, killed, whatever, because my daughter cried, and I made her cry.
Think about the mental illness of this.
People bring their children across thousands of miles in some cases, hundreds of miles of desert.
They get here.
And then we have no idea who these people are.
In many cases, they don't even have IDs.
And the media only focuses on the women and children that are a small part of who's coming across and make it look like we're just scooping them up for no reason and putting them in trains to be sent to Auschwitz and Dachau and Buchenwald.
And we have the former head of the CIA and the NSA that did all the illegal spying, all the frame-ups, all the garbage, pointing his finger at our president and saying he's a Nazi.
Loading people on trains.
And as the Attorney General pointed out, people were trying to get out of Nazi Germany.
They weren't trying to get in.
So that's the reality.
And you've got the Democrats not just now pushing to distract from the Russia gate, the spy gate.
And how that's exposing their criminal activity in the deep state, trying to overthrow an election, trying to stop an election, saying he'll never be president once he is.
We've got to keep him from getting in.
We've got to block him from being inaugurated.
Remember all that?
Remember all that?
And lying to you and saying they hadn't spied on you?
And they've got this little arrogant, corrupt, compromised nerd, General Hayden?
If anybody looks like a pedophile, it's him.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile.
God, does he look like one.
I was casting a pedophile.
I was casting a child murderer for a movie.
I'm casting like somebody that kidnaps kids and eats their brains.
I would cast Hayden.
He, doesn't he?
Little soft, gremlin-like.
Person on a power trip who gets to look at all your email and read all you do and look at the photos you put on the cloud of you and your wife and everything else and he gets to oversee all the blackmail and all the control and vault 7 CIA stuff framing everybody.
And then they show photos of Obama era, Drudge has it, when they didn't have these things set up right, so they had them under tinfoil blankets.
Space blankets!
They actually work pretty good if that's all you got.
Look, DrudgeReport.com has it.
So they're showing old photos on CNN with Hayden of what Obama did, and kids that were in smaller cages, not larger facilities, and saying it's Trump when it's them.
Total frauds!
Total liars!
But I don't know if he's a pedophile, he just looks like one.
I know he's a lying, deep state sack of garbage with Phil Mudd and Brennan and all the rest of those crooks that have been caught red-handed.
Red-handed, ladies and gentlemen!
So, the next level isn't just to distract from what's happened.
The next level isn't just to distract from the fact that they've been caught, that they've been found out.
The next level is to call for pedophiles to sexually assault the President's son.
Because that's what Hollywood does.
That's their fetish.
It's what they're upset with Trump about.
He's trying to put the brakes on that.
Paul Watson's InfoWars.com article is top-linked up on DrudgeReport.com right now.
Actor Peter Fonda... Sorry, I almost said Peter Fonda.
Actor... We don't know he's a pedophile.
We just know he's calling for pedophiles to assault a 12-year-old.
So, actor...
Peter Pito Fonda, actor Peter Fonda, encourages targeting children of Border Patrol and ICE agents.
Quote, we should find out what schools they go to, scare the bleep out of them, and make their children worry.
Yes, let's stop children.
But that, that headline isn't even strong enough.
Do you know what he actually said, and it's in the story?
Paul Watson chronicles it at Prison Planet.
You should retweet it.
Things at IM Fonda, which you are as a sicko, has encouraged in the last 24 hours.
Showing up at schools to scare the bleep out of children of border patrol agents, quote, putting Baron Trump in a cage with pedophiles, hacking a government database.
This is really going to be an interesting test of Twitter's terms of service.
They'll probably make him a moderator for what he's done.
But it's worse than what Paul even says.
He calls in the tweet for kidnapping Barron and taking him and putting him in a cage with pedophiles.
Actually taking hundreds and hundreds of people a day per sector, sometimes thousands, sometimes it's thousands, that are stopped at the border, sneaking in, and 80% of which the women have been raped, and taking them and getting them checked for disease, giving them food, giving them clothing, giving them showers, and putting women in one area, children in another, and men in another, while you vet
Who's got a pedophilia conviction?
Who's got a criminal arson?
Who's got an armed robbery?
Who's been deported 15 times?
Who's connected to MS-13?
That's keeping children from being put in cages with pedophiles.
You don't throw kids in a general population when crimes have been committed and you're being put into there to find out who you are.
That's just normal, default, having a border, having a country.
But Fonda turns it around that Trump's putting kids in cages with pedophiles, and then he dreams of the 12-year-old boy, which I guess excites Fonda, obviously being raped, being thrown in.
So Peter Fonda has called for the president's son to be kidnapped, put in a cage with child rapists.
That's what he's calling for.
And he needs to get
In a lot of trouble for it.
Hope he doesn't fall down and hit his face.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
So the sickos in Hollywood that think they've got control of this country's mind and soul
...are starting to get scared.
They realize that their corrupt, degenerate, anti-human, anti-family, pro-abortion, anti-Christian system is being rejected, not just here, but all over the world.
And Hollywood and the big banks and the Communist Chinese are openly allied with the EU against America.
But America is coming back and all over the world there are populist nationalist candidates and people winning office that are now allied with the return of America in 1776 worldwide.
Why not have 1776 and just the Renaissance idea of freedom, it's bigger than America, versus collectivism, and versus globalism, and megabanks that are tax exempt, and exempt from law, who then tell us we can't have prosperity, we can't have families, who then use racial and cultural division to play us off against each other.
Now here's the big news, ladies and gentlemen.
The desperate scum in Hollywood are calling for violence against Trump, violence against his family, violence against Republicans.
They're calling for confronting anyone that's a nationalist and saying, how dare you hurt children?
When Mexico has hundreds of thousands of dead in the last few years in their road warrior level societal collapse.
Hundreds of thousands have been killed.
Hundreds of thousands haven't been found.
They found over 100,000 buried in mass graves along the Texas border right through to Arizona on the Mexico side.
Killed by the smugglers.
Killed by the banditos.
Killed by the criminals.
But there's no movies, there's no TV shows, there's nothing.
They don't humanize any of those people.
It's unbelievable.
They're constantly finding dozens here, 100 there, 20 here.
It's estimated there's hundreds of thousands, close to 200,000 dead, admittedly.
But they haven't found many of the bodies, in comparison.
You've got that being under-reported, and then you've got Peter Fonda, this washed-up guy.
I don't think he's been in a big movie since... What's that one he's in with Jack Nicholson, Born to be Wild?
Motorcycle movie?
So he hasn't been in a movie in something like 50 years that anybody watched.
He's the son of a movie star.
He's a Hollywood, thumb-sucking, degenerate brat.
And he joins other losers like John Cusack calling for burning down the shelter centers that the children on average spend two days in when they're vetting who's who.
Yeah, Easy Rider.
Wasn't born to be wild, but they have that soundtrack in it from Steppenwolf.
Easy Rider.
So there you go.
So a bunch of old hippies that nobody cares about
And Jack Nicholson, the big buddy with Roman Polanski, just another group of has-beens, fossils, crypt keepers, coming out and saying, we want to burn down the migrant centers, that'll be great, kill a bunch of people.
And notice the Democrats are always saying, I'm going to incite somebody to violence.
They're the ones calling for it.
Now, this degenerate,
This washed up nobody, Peter Henry Fonda, has gone on his Twitter account, document cam shot please, I'm going to blur out some of the cuss words here for TV stations that are picking this up.
And he said, we should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if the mother will stand up against the giant you-know-what she is married to.
90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country.
That's the goal, and that's their talking point.
They want civil war.
That came out January 10, 2018.
Document details plan for civil unrest and martial law.
Working with Blue Cities and Antifa, staging riots, hoping to get the citizens involved, and mainly black areas, to cause a race war.
Go read the 30-plus pages yourself, and they admit these documents are real.
Soros' response to me publishing these is to finance a bunch of lawsuits against us.
Think about that.
So they're still doing it.
And that's why you've got the former head of the CIA saying Trump's sending children to concentration camps.
He's like Hitler.
No, the Democrats are advertising, come here.
You've got a whole bunch of people that have made it across.
With diseases, you name it.
We're going to vet them and see who they are.
And they say, oh my gosh, you're the worst person in the world.
And then Henry Fonda comes out.
Peter Henry Fonda.
His dad was Henry Fonda.
And he says we should kidnap the president's son and put him in a cage so pedophiles can have sex with him.
That's the kind of sick stuff going on in his mind.
When Trump's keeping kids from being put in general population, where they would end up getting raped, just like the Superdome and Katrina.
And just like they do in Europe, where they do just put them in general, migrant camps of hell.
And many of the kids Obama did just release, Washington Post, you can pull it up.
Many of the children released under Obama's migrant child program ended up in sex traffic and were killed.
That's the Washington Post.
If you guys can't find it, we had it last night.
It's a key article.
I'm going to pull that up.
So, think about this.
There it is.
Obama administration placed children with human traffickers.
Report says, Washington Post.
That's the Washington Post.
Who first broke that?
Four years ago.
We broke it in 2014.
They were forced to report on it in 2016.
Now since Bezos bought them, they won't report on anything true.
They had some integrity before.
So, they want us to just let people in and let the Democrats and the coyotes on this side pick them up in vans and God knows where.
We would be all aiding true human trafficking and violating federal law as Obama did.
Yeah, print me that article too as well.
So this is unbelievable child abuse.
The Democrats say come here, go through the most dangerous area in the world, northern Mexico.
Then when they get here, we want to vet them and protect the children.
We are heartless scum.
We are the devils.
We're the worst people.
But it gets worse.
Fonda says hack government databases.
Old Pete.
Old Peter.
Old Pete-O-Pete, not saying he's a pedophile, he just wants pedophiles to be with children.
So I guess, you know, he's like the enabler, Pete-O-Pete.
Pete-O-Pete Fonda.
Old Pete-O-Peter Fonda.
Wow, you're a sick freak.
And let me tell you, you old dirty hippie, you old degenerate piece of crap,
We're going to make America great again.
We're taking the country back.
We're going to bring everybody of every color together, one race, like Martin Luther King talked about, and all you dirty race-baiting Democrats.
We all see right through you and the KKK family you're part of, the whole KKK culture.
And no matter what you do to us, we're going to break your back.
We've already broken your will.
So Maddow's crying.
They're all freaking out.
They're all going crazy because they know the truth.
Then he is obsessed with children.
He says that he is going to go and that he's going to call for 90 million people to go stalk conservatives and Border Patrol and ICE agents at their homes and their children's schools to terrorize the children.
We should hack the system, quote.
Get their addresses of the ICE agents, CPB agents, and surround their homes in protest.
We should find out what schools their children go to and surround the schools in protest.
These agents are doing this because they want to do it.
They like doing this.
And more, and more, and more.
Show up at school.
Scare the bleep out of the children.
Put Barron Trump in a cage.
Kidnap him.
Give him to pedophiles.
Hack government databases.
Isn't that just nuts?
We need to make them worry about their children.
Ooh, classic textbook stalking.
Saying they're doing it to terrorize people in mafia racketeering to make us submit to them.
It has a name.
It's called terrorism.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Peter Fonda is saying it.
Rachel Maddow is saying it.
The former head of the CIA, Hayden, is saying it.
Phil Mudd, his deputy, is saying it.
They're all saying we want civil insurrection.
We want to overthrow Trump.
We want war in the streets.
And then we've got Soros documents admitting it all.
And then Peter Henry Fonda, the washed-up child star of Henry Fonda, comes out and says, we want to kidnap
You heard me right.
We want to kidnap Barron Trump and put him into a cage with pedophiles when Trump's stopping these many of them unaccompanied minors and finding out who they are to not put them in general population with pedophiles potentially.
And then he calls for civil insurrection, 90 million in the streets, harassing and targeting and going after the families of Border Patrol agents, stealing their identities.
Hacking into databases, harassing the children.
Look at DrudgeReport.com.
It's all right there.
Antifa blast list of personal photos and identities of border agents and ICE.
Melania breaking calls Secret Service after actor threatens to kidnap Barron.
Caged with pedophiles.
Protesters chase Homeland Security Secretary
From restaurant.
There's video of that.
The media's like, yay, get him, get him.
Do more.
Remember when they got up on stage and told Dana Loesch, you're a murderer?
And they said, burn her, burn her, burn her.
I thought I was watching a Monty Python skit.
She's a witch.
How do you know?
She's got a mole on her nose.
So, this is what the Democrats want.
They want Milo chased out of a New York restaurant, screaming Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, when he's a gay Jewish guy.
They want the Homeland Security Secretary chased out of a restaurant.
They want me chased out of restaurants.
This is what they do.
I was in a restaurant in Hawaii, sitting there with Zimmerman, ordering lunch up at the counter because it was quicker to go back out to the pool where the kids were waiting than to order through the waitress at the pool.
The service was real slow.
And I'm getting the hamburgers and stuff and the drinks and this woman walks over and she goes, I just want to ask you one question.
How do you sleep with yourself at night?
How horrible and evil you are?
And I said, man, that's not really true.
Let's let's talk about this.
Get away from me!
I'm calling security!
Get away!
Get away!
They're all drama queens.
They're all fraudsters.
They're scammers.
It's what they do.
They lie.
Bernie Sanders guy was bumping into me at the airport saying, stop touching me, Alex.
Stop touching me, Alex.
Getting in close to the camera so you couldn't see that he was bumping me.
That's what they are.
They're deceivers.
Their constituents are deceivers.
In studies, they're six times more likely to engage in criminal activity.
Nine times more likely not to give to charity.
That's British studies, U.S.
studies, Australian studies, German studies.
Liberals are posers.
They're not real.
I'm not even really a conservative.
I'm just a libertarian, free-thinking, common-sense guy.
And they hate me because of it.
Because I want you to be strong.
I want you to be independent.
And America's coming back!
Great again!
Disability applications plunge as economy strengthens.
Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow has now apologized for fake crying on live TV.
Elijah Cummings hasn't done it yet.
Oh man, you watch the black congressional caucus knowing that black folks are waking up to them, learning about how blacks are 50 plus percent, you know, their people get aborted and learning about how the Democrats got hired by Margaret Sanger and how the blacks got hired by her to control them.
Blacks are leaving the plantation in mass exodus, so Cummings and everybody just get more and more crazy.
More and more out of control with the kids that are in internment camps.
They're in concentration camps.
Blah, blah, blah.
He doesn't say a word about half the black kids getting aborted.
He doesn't say a word about thousands of people shot dead in Chicago every year, black on black.
He doesn't say a word about MTV and the MTV Awards last night that I monitored.
100% race war, whites are evil.
Hollywood wants to use black Americans as a political detonator for civil war in this country, and black folks aren't buying it, and they don't know what to do.
It is so insane to watch it all happening.
And now, the big news.
Melania calls Secret Service after actor threatens to kidnap Baron Trump.
I called Paul about an hour ago.
And I said, about an hour and a half ago, I said, Paul, I'm glad to see your stories on drugreport.com, but I said, them threatening Border Patrol agents' children and saying harass them and breaking the databases is big, but not as big as saying, kidnap the president's son, Barron, and put him in a cage with pedophiles.
That's the real crime right there.
Spokesman for the First Lady, Stephanie Grisham, has informed the Daily Caller that the Secret Service has been notified of the threat, and the tweet is sick and irresponsible, and the USSS, United States Secret Service, has been notified.
That story's at DailyCaller.com, it's on Infowars.com.
And I'm gonna just give Paul the credit, because Paul's awesome.
This is the number one story in the country right now.
Paul is on it.
He had the first story.
Drudge had it up first.
And my only angle to Paul was, I'd change that headline to, they call for kidnapping the President's son and put it in a thing with a case of pedophiles.
And I want to add the point, again, that if you expand on all of this, this is part of a talking point they're putting out.
This is what they want.
They want violence.
They want attacks.
They want to bully everybody.
Into submitting.
They think if they throw coffee on me, or come up and threaten me, or sue me, or say they're going to kidnap the President's son, or they shoot Congressman Scalise, or they do all this stuff that we're going to go, oh my gosh!
Don't hurt me, I better conform!
No, we bought into political correctness because it was an extension of the civil rights movement and what conservatives and Christians did.
That was something good.
You guys hijacked Martin Luther King and all of that and now have twisted it back into a race-based system of guilt and control and people are rejecting it.
They're rejecting Georgetown.
They're rejecting Evergreen College.
They're rejecting Missouri State.
Where they say, whites aren't allowed, white men aren't allowed on campus today.
Get me some muscle, get these white people out of here, and it's a weird white lady doing it.
And now that very university has signed on to the fake lawsuit against me in Virginia.
And they say they want me taken off the air.
Yeah, let's play her!
What's that lady's name again?
I always forget it.
Melissa Click.
Let's hear her come over and tell an Asian guy, by the way it was the camera guy,
You're not allowed to be here either.
Oh, and Harvard, their internal documents have come out in lawsuits now, even CNN had to report it, saying that...
Asians aren't socially well and that Asians are inferior when it comes to their social intellects.
So the most stereotypical racist stuff, but see, that's the left.
The Asians don't need them.
They're the top nine performing groups according to race, according to amount of money they make.
White people are number 10 below Asian groups.
And yeah, that's an older article.
It just came out this weekend.
I meant to cover it Sunday, but I got so busy I didn't get to it.
I think I printed it.
It was Harvard rated Asians lower on social traits, humor, and humanity.
They actually said they're not as human!
Really, my sister is super funny and super human and super smart, and she's Korean.
Go to hell, CNN and Harvard and all you people.
She just doesn't need you.
You're full of it.
She doesn't want to be dependent on you.
She's upwardly mobile, culturally, genetically, however.
Look at communism in North Korea, they can't even make a car.
South Korea is the most productive country in the world per capita.
The exact same people, but under different ideology.
Allowed to have some freedom, soaring.
And Harvard doesn't want that!
They want a bunch of people they can get in there, and get all angry, and upset, and manipulated, so they can be programmed to go out and cause more social disruption.
Because they want you on the plantation.
They want to train a bunch of house slaves at Harvard and at Missouri State and the rest of it.
When we come back, we'll play her saying, get me some muscle.
But hey, there's the Democrats calling for all their violence, all their other garbage because they're desperate and they're scared and they want to do what?
It's incredible.
Change the subject from the hearings yesterday that we're going to cover straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
I don't know.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So, the desperate megacorporations that finance the giant colleges that give you worthless degrees on average, are extending their call for free speech to be banned everywhere.
They also want to script themselves as the heroes, so when you've got collapsing third world countries coming in, thousands of people being picked up a day per sector, and they are then checking them for diseases and vetting them, you don't put just children in.
The general population, if somebody just trekked across the desert of Mexico facing the smugglers and death and 80% of the women get raped.
Oh, but the bad guys are the border patrol there, everything under surveillance, everything brought in by the book, everybody showered clean, given food, talked to by an expert.
That's the evil Americans that don't have a heart.
After all, it's not Nicaragua, or Salvador, or Venezuela, or Mexico, or Guatemala.
None of them ever did anything bad.
No, no, no.
When they kill American tourists, or kidnap people and shake their families down, or... No, no, no, no!
It's America's bad!
Chuckie Schumer said so!
And Rachel Maddow said so!
And remember, Melissa Click!
She's a white woman, but she can tell the white guys there at Missouri State, remember?
Get me some muscle.
She says the black guy.
You're not allowed being white to come on the campus.
We say so today.
We've taken control of it.
They're invoking total racial division.
And I've got a new article on Infowars.com by PJW.
Never Trump conservatives.
Their new talking point.
A whole bunch of them came out and said whites are bad.
And must be replaced.
So they're trying to tell all these unskilled people coming in, white people are bad!
Come on in and hate white people!
That's the Republicans!
That's Crystal and the rest of these folks.
If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards, that would truly enhance America's greatness, yes.
And then Crystal goes on and says, the problem is white people.
That's right, it's the white people that we have one of the most open societies in the world and all the rest of this, and that the biggest group is Chinese women coming in now to have their babies free, who become citizens and then get all the free goodies.
See, these are race-based folks, so they all look at the demographics and go, well, America's not white anymore, let's jump in and try to make minorities racist and make it all a race-based system instead of a system of free market.
It's unbelievable.
Meanwhile, Melania Trump has called Secret Service after actor
Threatens to kidnap and rape her son.
Peter Fonda, the washed-up-for-life actor, total bumbling Hollywood scumbag, says he wants to kidnap and put him in a cage with pedophiles.
Well, that's what the Democrats want, just releasing kids to whoever's there to pick them up at the border having no idea.
That's the child trafficking.
The Washington Post has reported that, or putting kids in general population.
And you know that!
Unbelievable what a teleprompter reading, virtue signaler he is.
So here's Melissa Click.
I'm media.
Can I talk to you?
No, you need to get out.
You need to get out.
No, I don't.
You need to get out.
I actually don't.
All right.
I need some muscle and here come the folks.
Getting all the minorities together and saying the whites are over there, you're not with them, you can't trust them, only us, only me the little professor, I'm white but I'm the good white, teaching you the other whites want to hurt you.
These are the weirdos with chips on their shoulders that seek power and now that university is joining in the lawsuit against me in Missouri.
And in their lawsuit, they say, we want Jones silenced!
We want Infowars taken off the air!
We run America!
No, you don't!
And we see right through you horrible, race-baiting people!
Just, you are monsters!
And then, of course, don't forget, you've got all these other washed-up Hollywood people.
They call them stars.
I call them droppings.
John Cusack coming out saying, burn down the immigrant centers.
That way they can be picked up by the Democrat vans and buses and trains and taken to God knows where.
Washington Post reports a lot of them in the sex trade.
A lot of them killed.
But that's okay, because John Cusack's got that same lazy-eyed look in his eye.
He's anointed!
He's in movies!
We've got to do what he says.
Burn it down, man!
A lot of unbelievable stuff.
You know, everybody's fleeing the blue states and blue cities.
There's a new article on Infowars.com by Kit Daniels.
Starbucks admits they can't make profit in blue states.
We'll cover that later.
And we'll play the clips of the Republican neocon saying white people are the problem.
Everything race-based.
This is the opposite of Martin Luther King.
It's such a hoax.
The kids being abused is a hoax.
Everything's a hoax.
Everything's a lie.
Cummings crying.
Mr. Maddow crying.
All of this is a joke!
Now what are they really distracting from?
What are they diverting from?
We're gonna go to it in a moment, some of the powerful Trey Gowdy statements, and even he's being forced out to say, okay, the FBI's bad, the Justice Department's bad at the top, this is the worst thing I've ever seen, this is out of control, and now you've got the new talking point that's good out on even Fox News, justice must be served, Comey and McCabe must go to jail, and that means Hillary!
Lock her up!
Lock her up!
Hillary for prison!
You're clear to fire at will, Commander.
They like to compare us to the Empire, or the opposite, where America coming back against the Globalist Empire.
If you want to use one, it's like Empire Strikes Back.
And we've reached the shield generator.
Fire at will, Commander.
Target maximum firepower.
We've already blown your generators.
We're coming in.
It's over.
And you're not going to escape, by the way.
So, you want to use that?
You go ahead and use that.
Imperial troops have entered the base.
Imperial troops have entered the base.
Except patriots have retaken the base.
Patriots have retaken the base.
We are flushing the globalists out.
So, we're gonna play those clips of Gowdy here in a moment.
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Now, let's go out to break with why they're trying to cause civil war, why old Mr. Fonda, Mr. Petey, there, wants Barron to be kidnapped and raped inside a dungeon with pedos, is because they're trying to divert from the fact that their whole deep state attempt to stop the take back of America failed.
So we'll go out to break with just some of Gowdy and more coming up.
And he's talking about how important this is and how momentous it is and he's got to fix and finish what he started with the Hillary Clinton investigation.
I have never in 20 years being a prosecutor seen a law enforcement agent with this amount of animus and bias towards a target and I hope and pray he comes next week and portrays himself as a victim.
And we got a lot more of these clips coming up that they hope we just forget about because now they're talking about prosecutions.
The prosecutions must happen.
That's the new talking point.
We've pushed that up to the top of the mountain.
We now have pushed the rock to the top and we're about to shove it down, rolling towards Hollywood and the Chi-Coms and all of them and they're all crapping their drawers because America's back, you scumbags.
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Do you realize that when you spread the links from InfoWars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you.
That has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the info warriors across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, we got some really bad news for you.
Article 13 and Article 11 passed just about an hour ago.
And they'll go to the full parliament coming up in one month to openly end the internet as we know it.
Even liberals admit that.
It bans memes.
It controls what you can type.
They're really doing it.
They're coming for the one thing that we thought was sacred.
They're coming to ban the memes.
Researchers at University College London have developed an algorithm that can automatically detect and censor hateful content before it's uploaded.
What could possibly go wrong?
Could this algorithm be abused by partisan social media giants to prevent the viral spread of memes that benefit right-of-center political movements and candidates?
They'd never do such a thing.
But why does this matter?
Would they?
Because memes can change history.
As Richard Dawkins first explained, memes are like genes for information, and human evolution has been guided as much by memes as genes.
Memes compete with each other for survival.
Control the meme.
Control future human thought and behavior.
This is about influence.
Leftist websites like Salon, The New Yorker and The Guardian have been bitterly complaining for years about the undue influence of meme warfare on contemporary politics.
They warn that the political meme has become the centerpiece of disinformation campaigns and the ability of memes to communicate ideology is boundless.
The power of the political meme has never been greater.
Now, what possible motive do you think the left could have for wanting to ban memes?
Could it really be because the left can't meme?
Surely not.
I mean, surely they wouldn't.
Yeah, it's that.
The University College London study found that the most effective and widely spread memes largely originated in two places.
The Donald and Paul.
Both of which aren't really known for their left-wing sympathies.
So now we finally have solid proof, backed up by the kind of facts and logic that would even put Ben Shapiro to shame, that the left can't meme.
And as we all know, if something doesn't benefit the left,
The only reasonable thing to do is ban it.
So you remember I mentioned that algorithm which is able to identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded?
Guess what the EU wants to make social media companies do?
Develop an algorithm that can identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded.
Well imagine my shock!
The EU's new Article 13 copyright proposal which will be voted on this week
...would force websites to install upload filters that would automatically censor any content deemed to be a copyright violation.
This is a complete misunderstanding of both fair use and transformative content.
But this is the EU we're talking about, and they're not known for having a firm grasp of the sovereign interests of the individual.
Google-owned YouTube and Facebook already have filters that block porn and copyrighted content before it's posted.
So in effect,
All this will achieve is a de facto ban on memes and a draconian crackdown on the sharing of information.
You know, the entire foundation of how the internet is structured and what makes it work.
The proposal would also institute a link tax, which would require users to get a license from the publisher just to include snippets from a news article like this.
I literally wouldn't be allowed to display a screenshot from a news article like this.
Without getting sued for copyright violation, click the link in the description below to contact your MEP and tell them to vote against this absurd proposal.
Because if it's implemented and used as a template for other countries outside of the EU, the internet as we know and love it is finished.
In short,
Article 13 will impose widespread censorship of all the content you share online, be it a parody video, a remix, a meme, a blog post, comments on Reddit, a piece of code, live streaming your gaming experience, or even a link in a tweet.
Spain also wants to ban memes... We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with a completely jam-packed transmission.
They have now passed it through committee and are coming from the internet.
I want to plow into all of this, but I'm gonna spend a few minutes here first just encouraging listeners to understand that
When you buy t-shirts, or water filtration systems, or books, or videos, or other materiel from InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the revolution.
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We're good to go.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Well, there's some critical articles that you all want to see at InfoWars.com and get out to people.
Peter Fonda threatens Barron with pedophiles.
Says, I want to kidnap you.
I want pedophiles to have their way with you in a cage.
I want to hack the names of the Secret Service, of the ICE agents.
I want to leak that.
I want to harass Republicans.
I want 90 million people in the streets.
You've got John Cusack saying, burn the facilities down.
You've got the Democrats calling for insurrection on the news.
Hashtag hunt Republicans.
This is what they want.
First Lady Melania Trump notified the Secret Service that her actor Peter Fonda threatened to kidnap her son Barron and throw him in a cage with pedophiles.
The tweet is sick and irresponsible, and the U.S.
Secret Service has been notified, First Lady spokesman said.
In the now deleted tweet, found a call for Barron to be kidnapped and thrown in a cage with pedophiles to see if the First Lady would stand up to the President.
Oh my gosh.
Meanwhile, the President, for years since he got in, has said...
I'd like to make this border process, when people come in, even illegally, better.
But the Democrats won't change the law.
We either can release them or process them and bring them in.
I'm processing them and I'm not going to throw them in the general population.
There's a new video out.
It's in the article.
Want to keep families together.
It's very important.
I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that.
President Trump says about immigration policy.
So the Democrats have tried to divert from all the trade gowdy information and the strock information and the information on the FBI coming out in the IG report and the Inspector General's report yesterday that devastated them and showed that they were criminally trying to frame the Trump administration and trying to keep Trump from getting elected, period.
Dems will do anything to change the subject.
Dems will do anything not to charge them, but to obstruct.
Want open borders, which means crime.
And that's Trump also in a tweet talking about what's currently happening.
So that story is up on InfoWars.com.
It is critical, critical that people understand what's happening.
Now, there's so much for me to get to.
That it makes my head spin, but there's other critical videos on InfoWars.com, like US school kids wish they had the same lunches as migrant children.
And we compare the school lunch programs that Obama put in, that are still in place by the way, that feed people the most horrible, gruel, total scams, worse than Supermax prisons, to American school children of every color.
Versus what the children are being fed in official videos inside the migrant centers where they have the Xboxes and all the rest of it.
Very, very important report by my son Rex Jones.
And you need to get this out to everybody because we're in an information war, ladies and gentlemen.
We are in a serious, serious information war with these globalists.
Now, the time we have left in this segment, let me give you the bad news, ladies and gentlemen.
In the time we have left here, we've talked about articles in the new legislation that the EU is trying to ram through.
Now, they have a bureaucracy that actually makes the laws.
The Parliament then decides whether it's going to certify it or not, but that can then be overridden by the permanent bureaucracy.
And so the bad news is, EU votes yes on meme ban, censorship machines, and link tax.
What now?
Now that's the next web.
That's a big establishment-respected
Tech and internet publication.
And the next web has attacked me.
So, you've also got the London Independent saying the same thing.
EU committee approves new rules that could destroy the internet as we know it, close quote.
So see, I first covered this, this was in the TPP like five years ago, and they went, oh Alex, quit being such a fair monger, because I actually had talked to folks that knew what was being negotiated.
Then we got a leaked copy two years ago, and then Trump killed it.
When he was in office three days.
Now they've taken the exact same stuff and they've put it in there.
And you notice this is a tech publication telling you that the browsers, the web services, the web servers, the systems where you upload your website, every platform under EU law, imagine the bureaucracy of this, must then
Be approved by the EU and then you must add to the software systems that allow them in live time, in an example they use, to see Pepe the Frog and to say that's a symbol of hate and that you're not licensed to use it, even though it's fair use and open communication, and that it's then banned and you cannot upload it.
Now they already have this technology when you go on YouTube and want to upload music or something.
But this is going to be to your speech and your words.
And Soros Foundation eyed stronger internet regulation and TPP.
That was two years ago we reported on that.
And Breitbart reported on it.
So Soros is in charge of this and he financed 20,000 people trained by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Snopes and then some mail order
Diploma group out of Florida, I'm not kidding, that then programs the computers already at Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to control what you can upload, what you can do.
And now they're just going to move that onto browsers and onto internet platforms and onto server systems where you cannot
Even take a quote someone has said, if it's put in a newspaper and they claim they own it.
No judge, no jury.
The megacorporations are allowed to say they own everything.
They're allowed to data mine and track everything you do via the EU, all in the name of privacy.
But then you are under EU control and have no rights.
Now, that sounds unbelievable, doesn't it?
It is.
It's happening.
It's called tyranny.
Here's even the next web.
EU votes yes on meme ban, censorship, machines, and link tax.
Money to even link to someone and do them a favor.
Oh, look at the New York Times.
We've got an interesting review of this film.
Here's the link.
Oh, sorry!
You've got to pay us to do that.
It's breaking the internet.
Oh, you have to go through an interface that censors and controls what you can say and what you can do.
And then it's programmed by George Soros' people.
I mean, this is like godlike control.
So they already got the leftists in Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere, censoring Alex Jones and saying he's the test case.
Remember just a few months ago, the Wall Street Journal?
But then once they've set that test case, it rolls out against everybody.
But you can't get any of the so-called new blessed
Conservatives that are kind of like leftist versions of patriots to cover it.
They're all just like, well, Alex is getting censored.
That's good for us.
We get all the attention now when you're all going to be next.
And it's pathetic.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
Everyone should be rallying against this.
And people also go, well, that's the EU.
Oh no, we're already under the EU regulations.
So Trump, the answer is Trump needs to pull out of all these treaties.
He needs to say, no, the EU is predatory.
It's out of control.
It's the same Twitter, Facebook, all of them censoring his son, censoring him.
Silicon Valley, Communist China and the EU are all going along with this together, happily skipping down the road with classic mass control and censorship and a new editor class that stands between you and anything you can write or say or do, even on your own message board.
First they taught us to accept censorship on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google.
Everybody said, that's their company, they can do that if they want.
And now it's coming to everybody, just like Matt Grudge warned you here in studio a few years ago, just like I keep warning you over and over again.
So now it's passed, Article 11 and 13, out of the committee and is going to the full vote, and reportedly they have the EU votes to break the internet as we know it.
You can't make that up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I got some bad news for everybody.
EU votes yes on meme ban, censorship machines, I'm going to break down exactly what that is, and link tax.
What's coming next, ladies and gentlemen?
What's coming next?
We're going to be breaking that down coming up, and how do we fight it?
How do we defeat it?
We mobilize against it, we have the nation-states pull out of it, and announce that we're not following it.
But again, it's the big blocks of countries with Communist China, the EU, openly working with the big global tech companies to unify the censorship, the global social scores, the censorship database interfaces that all internet computer devices will go through, run by George Soros-financed Southern Poverty Law Center Group.
Now you know why Southern Poverty Law Center has a billion dollars in slush funds offshore.
This is big.
And even liberal publications are saying this will break the internet as we know it.
We have a special guest joining us for the next segment.
We'll also get to more of the amazing hearing after day where now we learn that there have been crimes committed and that they were trying to frame the president and trying to stop him from winning and then trying to set him up for Russiagate by a bunch of Democratic Party operatives just like we already knew.
But now it's front and center and now the talking point is there.
Justice must be done.
They must be locked up.
We're hearing Comey's name, McCabe's name, not just Strzok.
So, as I told you, the dominoes are falling, the indictments are already prepared, but they're just educating the public and getting you ready for it first.
Trump is not business as usual.
He's come out in a video we'll play in a moment and said that he never has really been a fan of the deep state.
He did it himself.
He isn't part of the good old boy club, the white shoe boy club.
He's called a maverick and a pro-American maverick at that.
He's not.
But I'll tell you who the bad guys are.
We're going to play these clips.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Never Trump conservatives want to replace pro-Trump Republicans with illegal immigrants.
And there's a whole bunch of them.
We got Bill Kristol.
We got all these other folks writing for the Washington Post, Max Boot, the neocon.
And who are these folks?
Well, Trotsky got hit in the head with a ice axe.
The old days, you know, they had big places that made the ice, you had to hack them up with an axe.
He got killed in Mexico, so all the little commies ran up to the U.S.
and took over the University of Chicago with big banker money out of New York.
And they are the Trotskyites.
And they said, how do we beat America?
And they said, we become the conservatives.
That's how we defeat the anti-communist.
And then, you wonder why the Republican Party was so bad, because they've been running it.
Well, they're being removed like a face sucker.
From Alien 3, off the old face, and they are P.O'd big time.
So we got a bunch of these clips, Chronicle, but let's play that Bill Kristol clip with him on C-SPAN, making jokes about it, about, you know, these lazy, stupid, bad white people.
Wow, that's like Harvard came out, they got sued, had to release their internal, uh,
It's on attitude and culture.
And on humor, and on humanity, the humanities.
And they said Asians don't have souls, basically.
And CNN had an article this weekend defending it.
Well, they scored them and said they don't deal with humor, humanity, or, you know, with social stuff.
No, they do fine.
They're just not running around glad-handing everybody on average they don't know.
They're busy trying to get the degree, get out of there.
But again, we have a communist.
His father became the head Trotskyite after Trotsky was killed.
And then he was given the mantle and all the money and all the stuff reportedly that the Trotskys had gotten out of Russia.
Just like the Bushes sit on top of a lot of the Nazi wealth because they were the head press cup for the Nazis.
That's been a major London Guardian, you name it.
We broke it first, of course, from the Library of Congress documents that weren't declassified until 2000.
For the McCormick-Dickstein Committee.
But this guy's got Russian money.
These commies show up, they take over.
They're the conservatives!
They're gonna lead us!
Oh, oh, oh, Mr. Crystal, thank you.
You're such an intellectual.
Oh, I'm so smart.
You just sit back.
Oh, I'm so intellectual.
I'm so intelligent.
Children sit at my knee, I will tell you.
So, let's go ahead and go to his lordship.
Here he is.
Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad, as you say, with the white working class, don't you want to get new Americans in who aren't going to be... I'm serious, dude.
You can make a case that this is going on too long and this is too crazy, probably, and I hope this thing isn't being videotaped or ever shown anywhere.
Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to be totally collapsed.
You can make a case that America has been great because every...
I think John Adams said this at the beginning, right?
Basically, if you're in a free society, a capitalist society, after two, three, four generations of hard work, everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled, whatever.
And then you, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy and Ireland and Russia and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed and really want their kids to live better lives than them and aren't sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on.
Okay, so that's a way over simplification.
And then he throws it in like it's white people.
When you have massive corruption and problems in Latin America and a lot of failed societies and systems, are there some good people?
Are there some bad people?
And then when Trump says, you got a lot of criminals coming in, we got to vet them, they go, Oh, he called all Hispanics criminals.
So it's this, it's this, it's this deception, but he just kind of throws in the lazy white people, the, you know, the white people.
And he goes on and says more, but now it's gotten worse.
Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin have openly expressed their desire to see pro-Trump Republicans replaced with illegal immigrants.
Writing for the Washington Post, this is a Democrat strategy as well, neoconglobalist Boot wrote, if only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards, that would truly enhance America's greatness.
Then they go on from there with quote after quote, oh, such cowards, such bad people.
Because we don't just let, like Obama did the last few years, random groups of children, unaccompanied in some cases, be loaded on buses of the Catholic Church and of Democratic groups and just of random child smuggling groups.
The Washington Post reported, oh, there's a hundred of you here, just buy!
Just wander on off!
This is what's going on, and it's out of control.
And then they know we've got such a big heart, they go, oh, you're mean.
Here, let us play you some more audio and video of children crying.
Now we're going to break.
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Thank you, brother.
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And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the foray conspiracy theorist who is apparently... Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
Before worse comes to mind.
Reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
We will open the phones up and take a ton of calls in the third hour, because I know you want to talk about all the things that are happening.
Space Force.
The Democrats running this giant hoax that Trump is abusing children when it's the opposite.
Hollywood saying burn down the immigrant centers.
Henry Fonda's deranged loser son coming out.
Peter Fonda.
Peter Fonda.
Coming out and saying, kidnap Baron Trump, put him in a cage to be raped by pedophiles, harass the children of border patrol agents.
Latin America is collapsing.
Hundreds of thousands have been killed in Mexico alone.
They're eating their dogs.
Three, four years ago, the dogs were already gone in Venezuela.
And it's all pouring in here.
80% of the women, according to Amnesty International, are raped on the Mexico side.
We're not doing that!
And then you get all these thousands of people and you go, okay, we're going to vet who you are.
Kids over here, women here, men here.
Inside these big old facilities with chain link between you.
You can't put the kids in with the pedophiles.
That's not what Trump's doing.
He's doing the opposite.
But Fonda, he comes out and says that that's what they want to do to Barron, as if he deserves that.
And then the DHS.
Head, it's run out of a Mexican food restaurant by a bunch of people chanting racist and shame on you.
They are weaponizing the Democrats and getting them into a crazed, hateful, out of control mode.
And the idiot followers that go along with this are unbelievable.
Now, I'm really impressed with the gentleman we've got on with us.
The Amazing Lucas, and he is amazing.
I've seen his 3D character animations.
I've seen the fact that he's 2016 Muscle Classic Physique Champion.
The Muscle Classic, that's one of the biggest ones out there.
And of course, previously a personal trainer.
The Amazing Lucas on Instagram, Twitter, I am Amazing Lucas, YouTube The Amazing Lucas, and I'm telling you.
His videos are powerful.
We've aired some of them here, but here he is with us in the flesh via Skype to get into whatever he wants to cover.
It's great to have you here with us.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me on the show Alex.
What do you want to tackle first?
I mean, the insanity of what's going on?
I mean, what's your view of this thing where we're following a 20-year-old policy, but Trump's actually enforcing it?
I mean, wouldn't it be child abuse just to let a bunch of people randomly go with random adults you have no idea who they are?
I mean, you're 100% correct, but I think what everything harkens back to is a quote from Voltaire.
And what he states is that once you make people believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.
I think that's what's taking place.
Everything from, you know, Steve Scalise shooting, to Antifa, to more presently Kirsten Nielsen, who was yelled out of a restaurant.
And I think what we're seeing right now is exactly what your channel is, an info war.
Because people are listening to the media and what they're saying.
And when I was trying to go on Google to research what the facts of the issues were, it was all saying Trump is separating families, Trump is separating families.
Going to the second page, the third page, the fourth page, and they're filtering results just as they did during the 2016 election.
And it's gotten to the point where I can't blame people who are acting out now.
Because if you actually believe that this man is Hitler, then of course you should do everything in your power to get him out of the Oval Office.
And the thing is, that's what these people actually believe.
It's the same thing with the LGBT and the transsexual.
Back in the day, if someone were on the street corner saying,
You know, I'm an airplane.
People are like, you know what?
We need to get you some help.
Nowadays, you'd have a lefty who'd go up, well, there's a helicopter pad right over there.
Do you need something?
I can build a hovercraft or something for you so you can fly.
That's what it's gotten to.
There's some coming to just asinine sophistry.
That's what it's gotten to.
I think it's actually a sick moment in time where this country is.
But we're fighting the media.
I am speechless.
The way you boiled that down, Amazing Lucas, is amazing.
Because they now have people at Google, you're not joking, the Google execs make people get an amplifier, over 300 of them, it's in the lawsuit, Google admits it, and worship the vice president as a beautiful, ornate building and a female dragon, a dragonette.
And people think that's abusive.
Hell yeah, that is.
Hey, if you want to be... You've heard how we're having to pay in England and the U.S.
In some jurisdictions, people identify as blind.
So they're dumping Drano in their eyes.
A psychiatrist is.
And then we have to pay for them?
If you want to get rid of your eyeballs, you need to be in a rubber room in a straight jacket so you don't hurt yourself.
Alex, that's hate speech.
You need to watch what you're saying.
I mean, anytime you go out, what I call them is hate facts.
And once you post these hate facts that completely contradicts what these people believe, what their whole foundation, their whole reality is rooted in, well, you have two options.
They either acknowledge what you're saying is truth, or they walk away.
Or simply what's going on right now, you have the xenophobic, the bigot thing.
Homophobic, transphobic, the racist, the misogynist, all these terms to silence people, to censor them, so they don't have to listen to what you're saying.
And you're right.
And why are the big megacorporations funding it?
I want to get your take on that because they know
They can't compete with the free market.
They can't get control.
But if they teach mental illness in the schools and the colleges and make us all accept it, they can create a totally dysfunctional society that they as the high priest then can navigate and referee and control and decide what mental illness is kosher, what mental illness is Prasada Nangrata.
Go ahead.
You're 100% correct, Alex.
I mean, we can see this more prominently within the black community, how they've completely crippled them.
I mean, you can see how they're doing in the schools, what they've done to the black community.
They want, as I always say, white liberals want to keep blacks
And they want to keep them poor.
They want to keep them dumb.
They want to keep them poor so they're upset.
They want to keep them dumb so they don't know why they're upset.
So when they get upset, what do white liberals do?
Who they point at?
Look at those conservatives over there.
They're the reason that you're poor.
They're the reason that, you know, that you are where you are.
Don't worry about the vouchers.
Don't worry about getting, you know, vouchers to get a better education.
Don't worry about that.
Don't worry about reforming the welfare state.
No, no, no.
Get you guys on welfare.
We need that.
And I'm like, for what?
For votes?
They've done this time and time again.
So let's say we do get the vouchers.
Now what?
Now we get into higher education.
They're implanted there.
They're completely ingenious.
We have these little
We're good to go.
Fake News!
I want to hear what made you activate and become political because you're smart.
And again, they're pushing people who would just be out there having a regular job into politics for survival.
He's amazing.
We'll be back.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, the Amazing Lucas is amazing, and I just started seeing his videos about six months ago.
That's why I wanted to get him on, but he was busy a few weeks ago that I don't want on vacation.
We got him now.
And let me tell you something.
I find it very interesting.
Somebody like the Amazing Lucas, uh, who is just, I mean,
Fox News ready right now, basically.
But they wouldn't have him on because he'd wake too many people up.
I mean, he's got it, and it's so interesting how he was saying it was the unreality that made him go public.
I was at the inauguration, five rows out, but it was so close, up under the president, I couldn't see the speakers.
Okay, my seat was the front row if you weren't in the actual group up on top.
But then you're looking up 30 feet, I could just barely even see it.
So you can see me in the famous, maybe they can pull it up, CNN megapixel photo, where it's like hundreds of megapixels, where they took a photo from behind the president.
You see it going all the way back, one of the biggest crowds ever.
And you can see me right back, just a few deals looking right there at the president.
So I'm like 50 yards away.
Now the reason I say that is I got upset when CNN showed, when they first opened the doors,
Communists were trying to not let people in in Antifa.
I was there.
I physically got in fights with them.
I saw them beat women up.
And then they showed when it first opened up and so did MSNBC and BBC and said no one was there.
No one was there.
No one was there.
No, I was there.
It was a record crowd.
It took hours and hours and hours to get in.
I had to fight.
There's video of it to get in.
And then they didn't just try to steal my right to be there.
Like a bunch of thugs.
They lied about what happened.
And the amazing Lucas said that was his moment finally to go public.
That is so incredible.
Just seeing that mass lie saying no one was there and show them when the gates first opened from a photo from the Washington Monument.
It's that raping of the truth, isn't it?
That got you to take action.
And got you to go from the career you were already going down doing this, it's changing your destiny.
And there's so many other amazing Lucases out there, men, women, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, who love liberty.
And you all need to do what he did, because now he's reached tens of millions of people in just six months.
So again, talk about your awakening, because it's so important.
Well, you're absolutely right what you said Alex.
It just got to the point, because I wasn't really focusing with the eight years of Obama.
You know, my mother would constantly tell me, you know, this is what's happening, this is what's going on.
I was like, okay, okay.
But the media, they were like, he's crapping rainbows.
So I was like, okay, let's see what's going on.
And then it was such a stark contrast when it got to Trump.
And it was just this myriad of just falsehoods, or just hyperbolic rhetoric.
Everything from the inauguration, to the Martin Luther King bust, to just petty stuff, where he would say, you know, I have the best words.
They would say, that's a lie.
And they would get him, Trump has a way of talking very hyperbolic statements, you know, we have the best men, we have the best people, and they'll constitute that as a lie.
I'm just like, I've never seen an attack like this.
And anyone, anyone who remotely tries to defend this man, you saw with Carter, how they were talking about, oh, well, he's looking for a position on the Trump administration.
Jimmy Carter himself said he'd never seen anything like this before.
He'd never seen an attack on a president like this before.
But if you try and say something like that, especially within the black community, how they turn, they have turned
Uh, black conservatives as if we're the enemy of black people.
And I always make a clearer...
Distinguish me in my videos between black people and black ignants.
How I define ignants is anyone.
They come in all races.
White people have an ignant in their race with the Nazis, the Klansmen, white supremacy, Hispanics with the MS-13.
The thing is, is that it's over-represented.
We're over-rated, over-represented in the black community when it comes to ignants.
And they have this divide where if you support Trump, you're against black people.
Well that's what MTV and Hollywood, I've talked to top hip rappers, I mean on record, you name it.
They said, they were told in the 80s and 90s, you're going to push gangster rap and you're going to do this or we're not going to play your stuff on MTV.
They did that on purpose.
They took the worst examples of the African American community and force fed it by design.
Exactly, 100%.
But you look at it, what's the narrative Alex?
That's why I realize that optics is so important.
When you have Michelle Obama talking about GOP as the party of old white men, the optics are so important and liberals know this.
So you look into the issue of things, and you're like, huh.
That's not as it seems to be.
Democrats want to talk about, you know, we love black and brown people, but that's interesting.
When you look into Planned Parenthood, what is it?
That the more blacks were killed through abortion than born?
Where are Planned Parenthood's primarily?
In low-income black neighborhoods.
Margaret Singer, they want to hush hush about Margaret Singer.
She was a racist eugenicist.
But you have black people talking about, yeah, yeah, you know, a Planned Parenthood, I stay on Planned Parenthood.
I'm like, do you not know the history?
Do you not know the history of the Democratic Party?
But they spun that with the liberal professors talking about, oh, the party switch.
I'm just like, it's one thing after another.
They hedge everything that they say.
And when you look into it, they want to talk about education, the vouchers.
They try and hold blacks, and everyone for that matter, anything that falls against their narrative.
And white liberals, they're so intelligent, they're highly intelligent, I gotta give it to them.
They're super manipulators.
That's the moment Amazing Lucas should come to.
When you realize, I used to think they were just misled idiots.
At academic level and above, they know there's a game plan.
They're following an exact script, and that was in the WikiLeaks, where they're talking about, we're losing control.
What are we going to do?
Let's have more culture war.
And then they just ramped it up.
Do you think it's starting to backfire?
I mean, because it's gotten so cartoonish that people aren't buying it, except the weak-minded.
They're going into a totally crazed mode, like these Hollywood people saying, killed
You know, conservatives, uh, uh, kidnap Baron Trump, uh, burn down people's houses.
That's the real problem, is that certain minority of idiot white people, black people, Hispanics, that are morons, they're really buying, like you said at the start, they really think they're fighting Hitler!
They really think when the CIA director, former director, says Trump's taking kids to Auschwitz, that they actually, well, hell, we better free them from Auschwitz!
It's like, oh my goodness, you're hearing this!
I was like, you know what, if I actually believed just at face value what they were saying, I'd be right there with them!
I'd be like, this is horrible, this is a travesty!
But they've limited, they've dumbed down the American people.
They've dumbed them down.
Studies have shown this, that people are no longer critically thinking.
They are so easily swayed by pleas of emotion.
Completely fallacious arguments, but they're emotionally sound.
Oh my gosh, oh, this sounds so horrible.
And it's just like, none of that is backed up by facts.
You know, when they want to talk about science, conservatives hate science, but they want to give Woman of the Year Award to Caitlyn Jenner.
I mean, but you want to talk to me about climate change and the impact that we're having?
But you believe peanut butter is a gender?
Like, come on now, at least be consistent.
They're trying to make us accept whatever their latest PS is.
That's really it.
They're trying to... They're at war with reality.
And the thing is that they have the people in the spotlight.
Like you were saying, all of this hyperbolic, just defamatory, inflammatory nonsense, this drivel that's coming out, well, it's gotten to the point that people who are on the left are now slowly inching over to the right.
They're now slowly inching over to the center.
And they keep on saying, oh, we're winning, we're winning.
And they don't understand that by doing this constantly, constantly saying the man is evil, 90% of the coverage is negative, evil, evil, evil, that people understand, hey,
Not everything this man could possibly be doing, by probability, could be evil.
So something, something's not right here.
Let me, let me go and look this up.
Huh, that's not true.
Why are they saying this?
And we're seeing this, this, it's, but at the same time, they're clever because they don't show that.
The same thing what they did with the 2016 election.
Oh, Hillary's going to win it.
Hillary's going to win it.
Every person they have in the spotlight, every person they show, yep, I think Hillary's going to win it.
And Trump, he just needs to get out of the race.
It creates this perception that everybody agrees, that everybody's on the same page, and that's not the case.
But then when they lost, the cognitive dissonance kicked in.
They've doubled down.
Now the economy's coming back, and we get all these Democrats going on TV and saying what you and I already knew.
I want the economy to implode, so these people are dependent on us.
I want a depression.
I want the economy to crash, Bill Maher said.
Well, he's got $100 million.
The average person is living paycheck to paycheck.
How evil is that?
And how disconnected are they?
They're completely disconnected, and I think people see that.
But I don't think they see that.
And I don't think that's what's being portrayed.
And the same thing I feel is going to happen come 2020.
Because right now, God forbid you say you're a Trump supporter, or you even say anything favorable to Trump, people are like, oh my God, you're a Nazi, you're a Hitler.
That's what's happening.
So people are going to be a little silent.
And then come 2020, that's when they're going to show up with the polls.
And they're going to, it's the same, it's this,
This feedback loop.
There's a documentary on MTV how they're saying, you know what, we show people what they think they want, the people see, oh, that's what I want.
It's perception management, but it only works on the weak minded, as you said.
And just like they said in the New York Times, 99%, 98% chance Hillary will win.
They had that on their front page for months, but a few hours later when she started losing, then it went down.
They said 55% chance Trump wins.
I mean, it's just a made up crap number.
It's amazing.
The Amazing Lucas is here.
We're going to come back.
Go ahead, Amazing Lucas.
But did you notice the response from the anchors, Alex?
They're all, they're, they're dejected.
They want to tell me that they're giving clear and non-biased news?
Like, what?
They're not even hiding it anymore.
These are the death throes.
We'll talk about the death throes of the globalists next.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
By the way, I was just talking to the amazing Lucas.
He's going to be in studio with us next week.
I am so excited.
So, you seem to really have your finger on the pulse of this, and I'm fascinated.
We'll talk about some policies next segment, and then you're going to go, then I'm going to take calls, and some of the other news issues, and play some Trey Gowdy clips that are really powerful.
I've been critical of him, but now he's starting to really wake up.
But you're awakening.
You're already awake.
I've seen your show, I've seen your clips, I've read about you, conservative Christian family, successful, understanding the American dream, but the fact that you saw brazen lies
That were so ridiculous, like it really freaked me out that I was in those giant crowds and watched hundreds of thousands turned away because they couldn't even fit in for the mall.
And then to see all the news say no one was there, it was a failure.
That like, that they would tell a lie that big, knowing they were going to be caught, told me they'd gone from lying to crazy lying.
And I, I think the establishment just can't give up.
I think they're crazy.
I think it's all boomeranging back on him right now, and the evidence shows that.
So, A, do you agree with that?
And where does this go?
Where does it go?
That's a good question.
That's a very good, amazing question.
But you're absolutely right.
But the thing is, like I say, it goes back to they're very intelligent about how they go about information.
They intermingle those big lies with little lies, and the little lies with little half-truths.
And they play these games of semantics.
Like, I was looking at this Snopes report, how they say, that's false, that's false.
And they play the games with semantics, interchange policy with law.
And people don't catch that.
And they take advantage of the fact that people have lives.
So not everyone has time to go and research what MSNBC says is actually truthful.
Not everyone has the time of their day, because they have families, they have, you know, bills to pay, to go and research what CNN says is truthful.
So they're taking these people, these news outlets, at their word.
And they're taking advantage of people.
That's what's happening.
You're absolutely right.
You know, the media made fun of Trump for weeks that he put up big photos where the press would come through the press room of the record crowd.
And they said, oh, the insecure president keeps showing it.
You know, he's really sad that no one showed up.
No, Trump was fundamentally freaked out.
Not in his ego, about his crowd size, that the media would lie like that.
I mean, that should really, a public event, it'd be like a sold-out Super Bowl, and you show a photo five minutes after the doors open and nobody's there, you go, oh look, nobody showed up for the Super Bowl.
It'd be like, what the hell is wrong with our media?
We all saw it, it was full!
But those stories are suppressed, Alex, that's the thing.
It's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove.
And what you can prove isn't shown to the spotlight, well then, you're a crazy man.
That's what it is.
If you have every news outlet saying, this is a lie, this is a lie, this is a lie, and they change these lies into truths through repetition.
And it's like this brainwashing that's been taking place in America.
I'm out here in California, I heard a lady who actually believed that Trump was a Nazi.
And I'm just like,
I just had to take a moment.
He's not super pro-Israel.
His daughter's married to an Orthodox Jew.
He's always been pro-Israel.
He's the guy that was the first guy at these races.
I can't believe that 40-something years ago there was still golf clubs that didn't let blacks and Jews in.
I'm 44.
Trump's the guy that bought all those and opened it up!
Mar-a-Lago did not let blacks and Jews in.
He did that!
I mean, it's crazy!
Did he get an Ellis Island Award as well?
Did he get an Ellis Island Award as well?
Absolutely, yeah.
But you'll never hear any of this.
You'll never hear anything.
So you see how quickly they turn to Kanye West.
They stick to the narrative.
If you fall out of that line, well, you better get yourself back in line.
That's the thing.
And the thing is, Trump can cure cancer and they blame him for ruining chemotherapy.
They all, he ruined the economy.
You know, let me ask you this.
We're going to come back into other issues and play some clips here.
The Amazing Lucas, when we come back, let me ask you this.
What happens if they are able to assassinate him?
God forbid, but that's what they want.
And what happens if they do get the economy to crash?
Don't they think they'll get the blame when they're all over the place trying to crash the economy?
Because remember, we're all neck and neck with these folks.
Don't just think because we're winning now, we're going to win this whole thing.
Yeah, halftime's here.
We're like, you know, seven points ahead.
But that doesn't mean Jack Diddley squad.
We don't keep our head in the game.
We'll be right back with The Amazing Lucas.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, every time Donald Trump Jr.
or Trump tweets an Infowars.com article, it becomes a major news cycle for two or three days.
Because the left is all about gatekeeping, and they'll lie about what I've said, lie about what I've done.
They used to call me a racist, but nobody bought that, so they moved on to other made-up stuff.
But Donald Trump Jr.
tweeted out our story today.
From Infowars.com, it's Paul Watson that first discovered that Peter Fonda was running around, engaging in all those activities, and saying that we need to kidnap Barron Trump, and we need to put him in a cell with a pedophile, put him in a cage, and we need to go after the Border Patrol people's children and scare them, we need to hack their databases and dox them, and all this other crazy stuff.
And again, that's what it's all about.
We shouldn't be letting them decide who we have on or who we talk to or what we do.
I mean, I'll just tell you point blank that some of the same folks you've seen on national TV promoting Trump that became big controversies that were just mentioned a few minutes ago, they wanted to come here today.
And then the security and the record companies, everybody like, well, let's wait on that.
Let's not do that.
Again, you know, you don't want us to Baker Act you again, do you?
That's the level of behind the scenes I'm dealing with.
I'm going to just leave it at that.
But that's the level I'm dealing with to just try to, a guest wants to come on and they say, listen, get down, girl, get down, get down, girl, get down.
You're not going on his show.
We'll lock your ass up.
And it's not like I'm even over here trying to get this person on.
And then it's about that close to happening, and let me tell you, all hell breaks loose, because Hollywood wants to run all these artists and control all these people, and it's coming to an end.
Because most of these rappers, even people that have put Trump down, have stayed at his house.
And they know the truth about Trump.
And they know it's a load of crap.
And they know what we just talked about.
He was the first guy.
I'm 44.
There used to be a lot of racism in this country.
When Trump first started getting wild courses 40-something years ago, right around the time I was born, in the early 70s, he was the guy that bought Mar-a-Lago and all these places that were local clubs owned by the local elites who they would not let Jews or blacks in.
Trump's the guy that bought more than 20 racist courses, that of course were in decline and falling apart.
They were super nice, but you know, the old crazy people were dying off.
And he's the guy that brought the black people into the fancy golf courses.
And that's why he was in all the rap songs and loved by all the black folks, because they all knew Donald Trump was a cool guy.
And then to turn it around that he's this big racist, but the truth is...
Kanye West knows it's not true.
Louis Farrakhan, say what you want, I disagree with what he says.
He knows Trump's not racist.
All the rest of this stuff, because that's not what's happening.
I'm ranting.
This is the reality.
The amazing Lucas is on with us.
There's so much going on.
What do you want to hit next, my friend?
Man, what can't we cover?
You know, everything from the legal immigration that's going on, the narrative they have there, to collusion.
We saw how collusion took a backseat.
We saw how that went real hush-hush.
And we saw the spin they did on the Kim Jong-un summit.
I'm like, how did you see that as him validating or justifying Kim Jong-un?
It's just like, we went from that, and then to zero tolerance policy.
Oh, he's breaking up families, breaking up families.
You know how every outlet is saying Trump is separation of families, separation of families.
I'm like, zero tolerance policy said nothing about that.
There's nothing that states mandatory separation of families in the policy that zero tolerance policy has.
But yet, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Because that's the narrative that they're going with.
And it's so clear, the Democrats even admit they've dropped the collusion story, because that's all been proven to be a fraud, beyond Watergate.
And they've now moved on completely, amazing Lucas, to this made-up border thing, and it's just not working.
What do you predict they're going to do next?
You know what, if whatever happens with the policy that Trump allegedly is going to be signing to end separation of families and all that, you wanna know who's gonna get credit for that?
Not Trump!
The Democrats!
Like, thank God!
Thank God the Democrats stopped this evil man!
Thank God!
We have to resist!
They were in control of Congress when that law got passed, so now they're gonna take credit for Trump getting rid of their law.
Of course they are!
It's absolute genius!
And who's to call him out?
You think CNN's going to call him out?
We have Don Lemon calling the president a racist.
Imagine that!
You know, I'm not normally speechless, but I mean it really is starting to get completely and totally insane.
Amazing, Lucas.
What is that robot sound?
I love that.
Nobody else has got that on air.
It's like... Prepare to fire missiles.
Are you sitting on top of a missile base or something?
I hope not, but you never know nowadays.
I think someone's car is being towed.
Oh, that's what I'm hearing.
Seriously though, you're out in LA.
Do you share your thoughts openly?
Your videos have millions of views.
I mean, right out of the gate, you're very successful.
People want to hear what you have to say, obviously.
You're a smart, good-looking guy.
Have you gotten any haters on the street?
Or what type of love have you gotten?
Well, the thing is, the beautiful thing about being this skin color, they're not very likely to call me a white supremacist.
They're not likely to say that, you know, I'm white privilege.
So I won't go out and, you know, say Trump, awesome Trump, awesome Trump, but I'll wear like a MAGA hat.
Just to spark conversation.
You know, while we're, you know, build the wall shirt, just to spark conversation.
And I get that that invites people to talk to you.
It's like, hey, are you a Trump supporter?
It's like, yeah.
Don't you know he's a racist?
What racist things has he done?
Well, you know.
And you get this Socratic method where you have to have them explain what they believe.
And through that process, they come to the realization that either A,
What they believe is completely false, and they're going to accept the truth, or B, that they're going to hold on to the lies and the confirmation bias that they have and walk away.
And that's usually how interactions go.
They're like, oh, you have a point?
Or, no, you're a Nazi.
You know, I've got stacks of news here in front of me, but the last thing I want to get into you with is the EU votes yes on meme ban, censorship machines, where there's an interface we all go through to browse or get on the web.
It's even going to control people on message boards.
Soros literally runs it.
It sounds like I'm in like a comic book or something.
This is so ridiculous.
And a link tax.
That now got passed out of the EU committee, and they're trying to pass the whole thing.
Well, I mean, this has got to be a wake-up call for people that they know we're intellectually winning, so they're openly, just like the colleges, trying to censor everything.
I don't see them winning this battle.
What's your view?
I don't see them winning at all.
But they will win it if people don't stand up and say something.
That's the main thing.
If you don't stand up and correct someone when you hear them spouting out lies or falsehoods, it is your job as an American to correct these falsehoods, to correct the fake news that's being propagated and spread throughout social media, Google, or television, wherever it is, wherever you hear it, you have to correct it.
Because once you correct one person, well guess what?
That has a rippling effect in the community.
And that person corrects another person.
And the truth gets out.
But you have to take a stance.
You have to fight.
I know many people don't like public speaking.
They don't like confrontation.
But at the end of the day, you can either be silenced or you can speak out and fight for your freedom.
And that's what it boils down to.
That's what many people are going to have to decide.
Whether they choose to speak up.
And I'm not saying speak up at work or something and get yourself fired.
Or have an argument with the teacher or something like that.
Because people in power, well they can dictate your grades.
If they don't like what you're saying, guess what?
You'll get a B or you'll get a C or you'll get an F. Because, hey, I don't agree with you.
So be wise about it.
Be intelligent about it.
Just like the liberals are doing.
But at the same time, you have to speak out.
Because this fight is only going to get worse, Alex, in 2020.
I hope everyone realizes this.
This is the easiest it's going to get.
Because come 2020, because you saw that Hillary lost the election.
What did they do?
What did they say?
Blame it on Facebook.
Why do you think that is?
They have Facebook.
They have, you know, Instagram.
They have Twitter.
What do you think that's going to be used?
You think that's not going to be weaponized?
You think that's not going to be weaponized?
Like the IRS?
When Obama said, absolutely not.
That didn't happen.
Turns out, it actually did happen.
And people need to understand, out of everything that we're learning right now, imagine if Hillary Clinton won.
Imagine that.
And you know damn well that's what they were betting on.
Mom would have been the word.
Oh, they're still going along with her whole game plan even though she didn't get in.
I hope she goes, uh, Hillary 2020, that's live and trolling.
I'd be like, Hillary 2020, please let her run again!
But you hear they, they trying to keep, they'd be like, please Hillary, shut up, please be quiet.
Alright, well listen, The Amazing Lucas, we're gonna get you that ticket.
You're coming in studio next week.
I really appreciate it.
Love ya.
Appreciate you.
You're amazing.
I am Amazing Lucas on Twitter.
The Amazing Lucas on YouTube.
Instagram, The Amazing Lucas.
God bless you, my friend.
You'll get attacked by the gatekeepers for coming on, but they didn't stop Donald Trump Jr.
from just tweeting us, so...
You're awesome.
I'll talk to you in the break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, it gives me a lot of hope having people on like the amazing Lucas we just had on.
And, you know, Trey Gowdy has really whitewashed a lot of stuff for the FBI and the Justice Department.
We don't have to grovel the FBI and the Justice Department and say how great they are every time we criticize something that some bad person did.
What you say is, in history, you're always going to get corrupt, bad people at any institution.
And we need to target them when they're corrupt and when they do bad things and go after them and not think, oh, that impugns the institution.
No, people respect institutions that go after bad people and tear them into pieces.
You know, the globalists on the left are like, Jones used to not trust the government, Jones used to be anti-government, Jones... Leftists walk over the more sophisticated ones and they go, I remember when you used to not trust the government, you used to actually stand for something good.
They always attacked me before.
But now you just grovel to the power structure and you just grovel to Trump and you just, uh, yeah, cause we're not going to have 300% tariffs against us anymore.
He's like saying you got to cut your tariff in half to 150.
That's what he did with China on all their manipulations.
He's like, okay, you got a $900 billion deficit with us.
Stop it or I'm going to do 50 billion.
And then that didn't do anything.
He goes, OK, 200 billion.
I'm telling you, knock it off.
We're still 600 plus billion dollars behind them, even if he does this new thing.
Canada, and I love Canada, has a 270% tax on everything dairy.
Cheese, milk, cream, yogurt, butter.
What do you think that does to Wisconsin?
By the way, I'm not a snob.
I buy Canadian jam and Canadian stuff, you know, and I did go to Whole Foods before Bezos owned it.
I mean, I like buying French this or German that.
I want to see what it's like.
I like global trade, but man, Germany don't have a 50% tariff on all of our produce and then pull all sorts of inspection crap.
I want to get to Gaudi.
It's just, you know, I'm a numbers guy.
I actually live this stuff.
I live looking at hundreds of articles and video clips a day.
I know what's going on!
And Trump is very pragmatically knowing that this big corrupt system is the system.
So he's doing very small little fixes just to get the ball rolling to test.
And then little things are helping us.
We're like a starving man or starving woman that hadn't had any food in a week and hadn't had water in a couple days and he's just, here's a little water, here's a little biscuit.
Oh look, you're doing better.
Here, let's give you a little piece of beef.
And the media's like, give it nothing!
And he's like, oh, you don't like the $50 billion?
How about $200 billion?
And China's so arrogant.
I saw a CNN article this morning.
I got busy, I didn't send it to you.
Guys, go to CNN.
It's something like, China cuts investments in the U.S.
Now, see, I knew China's investment numbers, because I follow that, before I read it.
And I went, wait a minute.
At its peak, it was like $15 billion, four years ago.
China is the most one-sided in the world.
600 billion in actual trade deficit, another 300 billion in intellectual property conservatively, and then our companies make over 100 billion in investment a year in moving to China.
And then China goes, we're mad at Trump, we've cut from 15 billion.
To $3 billion since he got in a year.
There it is.
Chinese investment in the United States has plummeted.
Oh, Trump hurt us!
Everything negative.
Go ahead and scroll down.
This story's as fake as Rachel Maddow's tears.
Remember when Obama couldn't even squeeze a tear out, so he was, like, touching the corner of his eye?
There's a graph on there.
Scroll down.
And then look!
If you actually look at what was real investment, I dug deeper.
I said 15, but they say 26.
But if you actually look, it was actually 15, because that was actually in U.S.
companies over there.
So, let's just take their numbers.
26 billion, and now it's 2 billion.
And that's what I'm saying.
It's a drop in the bucket.
It means nothing.
China doesn't invest.
That headline should be, China doesn't invest in the United States.
But instead of spending a dime in the U.S., they now spend a penny.
Or 90% less.
That's the real headline.
They're gang raping us.
China is a military action to shut us down, to destroy us.
Let's go out to break with some of Trey Gowdy.
This is what all the bellyaching and lying about kids in concentration camps is about, so you don't hear this.
There were FBI agents and attorneys who decided to prejudge the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case before the investigation ended.
I want you to let that sink in for a second.
They prejudged the outcome of the Hillary Clinton investigation before the investigation ended, and these exact same FBI agents and attorneys prejudged the outcome of the Russia investigation before it even began!
If prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it ends, and prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it begins, is not evidence of outcome-determinative bias, for the life of me, I don't know what would be.
That is textbook bias.
It is quite literally the definition of bias.
Allowing something other than the facts to determine your decision.
These agents were calling her president before she was even interviewed.
They were calling for the end of the Trump campaign before the investigation even began.
They were calling for impeachment simply because he happened to be elected.
That is bias.
And with all due respect, it's the FBI's job, not mine, to prove that bias can ever- We're going to play more of this.
This is powerful.
It's beyond bias.
It's organized crime.
A racketeering operation to defeat a candidate, then to defeat an elected candidate.
President-elect to stop the votes of America.
It is a giant civil rights violation that makes what the toothless KKK did in the South look like small change.
You dropped the shark, bitches!
And now it blew up in your New World Order faces!
And now even Gowdy can't toady for you anymore.
Let's finish up with toady.
Be harmless.
Because I don't agree.
I think bias is always harmful.
So we'll spend a day on a small in number but significant in leadership group of DOJ and FBI officials.
Officials who had leadership and supervisory roles in the Clinton and Russia investigations and who failed to meet the basic expectations of fundamental fairness.
But there are tens of thousands of FBI agents and DOJ employees who do meet our exacting expectations, and we will not be calling their names today, unfortunately, because we don't... Let's stop right there.
Back at the beginning, I'm going to play it when we come back and get the number up.
I'm not in an FBI butt-kissing brigade, but it's true.
What Gowdy is saying here, I'll tell you when we come back, is it was actually FBI whistleblowers, is why we know about a lot of this.
And that's who he's alluding to there.
So there are good people there.
But the Clintons and the globalists have been putting their people in leadership for decades, folks.
We have to admit it.
We have to get these people out of there.
Why is Strzok still there?
Lock his ass up!
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
What do you mean, biblical?
What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor.
Real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies.
Rivers and seas boiling.
Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes.
The dead rising from the grave.
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together.
Mass hysteria!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know this will be a big news item that Donald Trump Jr.
dare tweet an Infowars.com link of Peto, I mean Peter Fonda.
He's not a pedophile himself, he just called for Barron Trump to be kidnapped, the President's son, Melania Trump's son, and to be held in a cage with a pedophile, and for the names of Border Patrol agents' children to be hacked, and customs, Border Patrol, to be hacked and be given out to the public, and guess what?
Antifa's already done it and is sending out their names and where they live and saying, attack them!
But you know the news.
I'm betting money.
There'll be a bunch of news articles.
If they're not already out, maybe type in Alex Jones and click Google News.
I bet George Soros' group is already, in just a few hours, already saying, How dare you!
We tell you what you link to!
Have they done it?
No, they haven't done it.
Here, go back to the top.
There's just hundreds of articles a day.
Oh, look!
But Peter Strzok escorted from the FBI building.
Look at that arrogant guy that ran the Hillary cover-up.
Ran it all.
Peter Strzok!
It's amazing.
Escorted from the FBI building.
Is he about to get fired?
That's the bare minimum.
That guy needs to go to prison.
I keep mentioning it, so let's just play, there's an eight minute statement by Gowdy that's very powerful, but this is just the last three minutes of it, so let's back up where we were, and let's go ahead and play Gowdy.
And again, he's kind of like the canary in the coal mine.
Now that he is finally a former federal prosecutor, admitting that you've got a big group of bad people at the top.
It's a small group, but it's still a large group that would engage in this.
I mean, this is reckless.
This is crazy.
Tim, I mean, if you're going to frame somebody, that's bad enough.
You're going to send text messages about it to everybody?
You're going to take money from Hillary, half a million?
You're going to pay your wives that are running the Fusion GPS to make it up?
Millions of dollars?
I mean, these guys were all, the video, the full video is on newswars.com.
You need to get it out to everybody.
Because the news is just playing like 20 second clips.
I've got his full eight minute
There were FBI agents and attorneys who decided to prejudge the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case before the investigation ended.
I want you to let that sink in for a second.
They prejudged the outcome of the Hillary Clinton investigation before the investigation ended, and these exact same FBI agents and attorneys prejudged the outcome of the Russia investigation before it even began!
If prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it ends, and prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it begins, is not evidence of outcome-determinative bias, for the life of me, I don't know what would be.
What's that, pause?
That is- Back at the beginning, I'm gonna play it from the start.
Plus, if you start going out and just deciding who's guilty without evidence, you're gonna get burned when it comes out that they were innocent.
It's all just crazy.
Even if you were a sociopath, you wouldn't want to operate like this.
But these leftists just think competence means nothing.
They can just get away with anything.
You can't do that!
You can't smoke three packs of cigarettes a day and then wonder why you get lung cancer when you're 55.
You can't drink a bottle of vodka every day and wonder why you get liver cancer or your liver fails.
You can't go out in the middle of, you know, a bad neighborhood and start fights with the biggest guy and wonder why you get your teeth knocked out.
But you people don't seem to get that!
You think you're just going to, say, kidnap the President's son and rape him?
And then we're all going to crap our drawers and go away?
Or you're going to threaten me and my family and I'm just going to go away?
You don't know who you're dealing with, idiots.
We've been busy leading our own lives.
And then you keep messing with us, you're going to make us come down on you.
Just like the amazing Lucas I had on earlier.
That guy's a successful one.
National bodybuilding championships, works at big video game companies.
He's very successful.
He doesn't want to get political.
He has to.
Junior people at those video game companies make $300,000 a year.
He didn't want to become political, but you know, he's watching the news, and they're saying no one's at the inauguration, and then he goes and looks up raw video and it's full, and he goes, that's crazy!
And it is crazy!
And people say, why are you obsessed on that?
Because if they'll tell you nobody's at an inauguration, and show you video before they let the crowds in, and try to get away with that, it shows you they're not just liars, they're crazy!
Because it's one thing that people lie sometimes, and I don't defend that, but at least it's well thought out.
You're like, well, that's bad you're lying, but at least you're not a loon.
You don't walk out at high noon in Texas and point at the sky and it's pure blue with a big old yellow sun and go, that's a black sky.
And I'm like, no man, that ain't a black sky.
And your guy is, Alex.
I'm like, I'm about to knock you upside your head.
Get out of my face.
There's a difference.
I can't get them out of my face.
They want to run my kids.
They want to run my life.
They want to tell me that there aren't two genders.
They want to... I'm not doing it!
They are just trying to get all their followers in line to follow whatever weird crap they make up.
And here's the newsflash.
I'm not doing it!
Look, here it is.
I'm going to play the Gowdy now.
Play the Gowdy now.
Here it is.
There were FBI agents and attorneys who decided to prejudge the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case before the investigation ended.
I want you to let that sink in for a second.
They prejudged the outcome of the Hillary Clinton investigation before the investigation ended, and these exact same FBI agents and attorneys prejudged the outcome of the Russia investigation before it even began!
If prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it ends and prejudging the outcome of an investigation before it begins is not evidence of outcome-determinative bias, for the life of me, I don't know what would be.
That is textbook bias.
It's textbook frame-up.
It is quite literally the definition of bias.
No, of frame-up.
Allowing something other than the facts to determine your decision.
These agents were calling her president before she was even interviewed.
They were calling for the end of the Trump campaign before the investigation even began.
They were calling for impeachment simply because he happened to be elected.
That is bias.
And with all due respect, it's the FBI's job, not mine, to prove that bias can ever be harmless.
Because I don't agree.
I think bias is always harmful.
So we'll spend a day on the small in number but significant in leadership group of DOJ and FBI officials, officials who had leadership and supervisory roles in the Clinton and Russia investigations and who failed to meet the basic expectations of fundamental fairness.
But there are tens of thousands of FBI agents and DOJ employees who do meet our exacting expectations, and we will not be calling their names today, unfortunately, because we don't do IG investigations on agents and prosecutors who do their jobs with character and professionalism.
To those agents and prosecutors who do the right thing, the right way, and for the right reasons,
We'll get through this.
It will be tough and it will be difficult, but we will emerge on the other side with a stronger FBI and a stronger Department of Justice because we have to.
We cannot have a justice system that bases decisions on anything other than facts.
To our fellow citizens watching at home, be unrelenting in your expectations of our justice system.
Never lower those expectations.
Respect for the rule of law is the thread that holds the tapestry of this country together.
And it depends upon you having confidence in those you empower to enforce the law.
And importantly, do not ever accept the notion that those victimized or impacted or negatively treated because of bias or prejudgment have any burden of proving harm.
Bias is intrinsically harmful.
It is the making up of your mind based on anything other than the facts.
To frame up, we use a blindfolded woman.
Holding a set of scales to symbolize what we want in a justice system.
And there is nothing more antithetical to justice than lowering that blindfold and making up your mind based on who is standing in front of you.
That's right.
But they made it up to begin with.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Do you realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you!
That has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the info warriors across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the info war.
And now, because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
That everyone go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up via email so there's no way the censors can get between us with critical videos, articles, breaking news, intel, you name it.
And so now I ask you more than ever to share the Infowars.com articles, to share the videos, to tell people about the local stations you're listening to.
The bare minimum you can do is sign up for the free newsletter at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
We are the renaissance and we are winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
There is a signal broadcast every second of every day through our television sets.
Even when the set is turned off, look around at the environment we live in.
Carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons, and methane have increased since 1958.
Earth is being acclimatized.
They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere.
We are like a natural resource to them.
Deplete the planet, move on to another.
They want benign indifference.
They want us drugged.
We could be pets.
We could be food.
But all we really are is livestock.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Alright, I should have played this video right up front in the broadcast, but I got my
Wheel spinning when I saw the Peter Fonda, well he calls for his son to be kidnapped and raped.
So Peter supporter, Peter voyeur, whatever.
Peter Fonda.
Peter Peter Fonda.
I mean, it is a good nickname.
Peter, Peter Fondle, Peter Fonda, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter Fondler, Peter failure, Peter Fondler, Peter,
It fits!
I mean, I'm not saying he's a pedophile.
He just wants kids to be kidnapped and put in cages with pedophiles and obviously raped.
And he wants the numbers and home addresses of DHS employees given out and people going to their homes and schools and, quote, stalking their children.
I mean, that's such a crime, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, under Clinton, I had Secret Service, FBI, all of it visit me over nothing.
Over calling Clinton a traitor and a piece of garbage, and I hope he goes to hell, they'd come and say, are you planning something?
And I'm like, no!
I don't want Bill Clinton to turn into a martyr!
What, I want to ruin my life and be in a Supermax prison?
But at a certain point, when Peter Fonda and John Cusack and everybody saying, burn down ICE facilities and kidnap kids and go to their houses and harass their kids, I mean,
I would be a liar if I didn't say that I would like
To punch Peter Fonda right in those big old ugly Mr. Ed teeth.
I'm not saying I'm gonna do it, but when I hear about kidnapping kids, anybody's kids, and putting them in rape cages, and he's just a sack of crap, he was never a good actor, his dad was a famous actor, and then they've got this guy up there, and it's just like, good lord, why do I have to look at this person?
I mean, who wouldn't want to slug him in the face?
I mean, be honest.
Just another delusional, washed up, the day he was born, never a big actor, riding on daddy's coattails, and then now he wants to say, he says, all ICE people are evil, they're bad racists, and they deserve going to their kids' schools to scare them, and their houses, and I want you to go after them, and then now, Antifa, I've got the article, it's from, it's pulling up, it's on drugsreport.com, it's on
Infowars.com too.
Antifa spreads a list of ICE agents and where they live, compiled using LinkedIn and blasted over the internet.
And ISIS, excuse me, Freudian Slope, another produced group, Antifa are led by college professors and Strotskyites, and a bunch of them have been indicted, and I'm done!
I mean, you guys just keep pushing and pushing and pushing.
But I know you're so low, you might bomb yourselves and blame it on me, so I'll never do that.
But, if one of you Antifa people have already had punched me and hit me before years ago, if you ever lay a hand on me, I am going to clean your clock.
You have been warned.
I am gonna turn it loose.
Might take three seconds, but you're gonna get punched really hard, and your head's gonna do a little basketball dance off the concrete.
I mean, I'm just so sick of you little meth-head, devil-worshippers.
I'll be honest, I'd like to take a big bite out of your face.
And I've had enough of your bullying crap.
So... And you're lying, and you're just the scum of the earth.
I mean, get them off the screen.
I can't look at them.
Whoever knows who those idiots are anyways.
Oh, my God.
There's the shot of the guy.
There's a famous video where the guy walks over and like he's punching people and they fight back and he goes, I'm a tranny!
I'm a tranny!
I'm a woman!
Don't attack a woman!
Did you see the video last week?
They aired it.
I never got to it.
Hey, I asked McBrain to put it in the folder.
He might've forgot it might be there.
I'm going to go into overdrive to cover this.
Go ask him.
I know Mike Adams is coming in to host, doing a great job.
But can we show
That footage of the kid last week, who's in an after school program, and he's trying to beat up adults, he's reportedly kicking cars, and then he's attacking this adult, and the adult just pushes him down, and he goes, ahhhhhhh, and does this whole fake thing that he's hurt, then threatens everybody.
I wanted a bleeped version of that.
Yeah, yeah, here it is, we have the footage.
Is this bleeped?
But there's the full one, too, where they explain what's happening and he does it all.
Okay, so back this up.
This is perfect liberalism.
They're going to attack you.
He's reportedly in trouble.
One of the people tells him to stop, knows the kid's mom, calls him.
This is a full, like, 8-minute video.
And the little kid, looks like he's about 10 or 11, starts attacking some guy who's probably only 5'8".
He's not starting a fight.
He lets the kid hit him a bunch.
Finally, the kid smacks him in the face, so he pushes him down.
Then the kid whines, screams, blows up.
But this is perfect leftism.
We're gonna attack you, and then we're gonna tell people, bring your families, the borders are open.
All these folks with disease, crime, hundreds of thousands die trying to get here.
We just try to vet and find out what's going on.
We fight back, and then you go, oh, police, help me!
I just assaulted them!
So, here's the footage, here it is.
He's just called the kid's mom.
That's what happens in the full video.
He said, please get your son.
He's starting fights with all the adults.
This kid is running wild.
He's never really been put in his place.
Now he punches him in the arm, hits him in the side, hits him in the face, hits him in the ear.
So finally he just pushes him down and instantly the baby cried.
Oh my God, Trump did this.
You're the baby crying?
We've got to, like, open the borders up.
They are messing with cars.
He was.
And I called him and they started cussing.
And now he cusses all the adults out and says he's going to get his mommy and call the police.
I told Sean to come out here and get the stick because he just kept running around here and cussing me and all that.
I said you need to tell the stick to get out of here.
Sean came out here and told him to go, and he went down right where his bike's at, and dropped his bike and ran back up here and started pushing Sean.
And then he faced us and he called our name.
That's Sean there?
Yeah, he's a nice little kid.
Only push him ten times.
Well, that kid.
I'm sorry, some little kids, like 11-year-olds are punching me four times.
He's going to get.
He's not going to get pushed down.
Then he wouldn't be talking crap anymore because he'd actually be on the ground.
Nowadays you can't even spank your kid.
No, gotta give him a time out.
My dad would have taken me out his busy day to whip my ass.
That's Mr. Foxworthy.
Can you even imagine if my dad saw a video of me talking to women, particularly like that, it would have been a serious situation.
But that's, the left doesn't want you to discipline your kids.
They create these little spoiled monsters and then incubate them at the colleges and then turn them into these bullies that then go, I need some muscle!
Haul over this 20-year-old thug!
But let's go out to break with Maddow crying.
Maddow's so upset right now.
She cares so much.
Here's Mr. Maddow.
Let's go out to break with her.
Here it is.
We've been talking about this story all night, but the AP has just broken some new news.
This has just come out from the Associated Press.
How fake is this?
Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children.
She's laughing during the fakeness.
How bad is this?
Some rubber-headed... To at least three...
Can we put up the graphic of this?
Put the graphic of this?
Thank you.
Do we have it?
Three tender age shelters in South Texas.
Oh, yes!
They weren't putting the general population at the beginning, right?
Then she laughs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I talked to Nigel Farage, who is the Donald Trump slash Ron Paul of Europe.
A few weeks ago on the phone he said, oh, Italy's going to vote for independence.
It's all collapsing.
It's incredible.
But he said, Trump's got to hold the course.
On immigration, because that's the weapon of the globalists to break national sovereignty.
And once you start backing down, they just get rid of borders entirely, like Europe's done.
Well, he has basically issued a warning to Trump and everybody else that Merkel and all these open borders people are super unpopular, they're imploding, they're falling apart.
And it's critical, critical, that conservatives, nationals, libertarians not buy into this garbage.
So let's go ahead and play that clip from Fox Business Today.
Here it is.
So what do you think about what's happening in Germany?
You know, she was the most powerful European leader.
You know, beat in power for over a decade.
She was the dominant figure, not just in Germany, but in the entire European Union.
And one decision has completely ruined her career and her legacy.
And it was, I think, the worst decision any Western leader has taken in modern times.
As many of you as want to come, can come.
Over a million people came.
She's got two weeks to try and convince the European Union to change direction
But it's a bit rich, isn't it?
For the person who opened the door to say to the rest of Europe it's time to get up.
She's finished.
Remember, the police were ordered to cover up crimes, so they're much, much higher.
That's all over Europe.
Remember that as well.
And again, that's from the peak of three years ago.
It's gone down some, because they've gotten control of it, and it's slowed down.
Now there's a new wave coming, so continue.
Basically, what are called refugees are in fact young males, 80% of them are under the age of 30.
They come from cultures in which women aren't even second-class citizens.
Is anyone surprised at the huge rise in sexual crime?
Look, immigration led to the Brexit vote.
Immigration led to the new Italian government.
Immigration will finish off Angela Merkel.
And President Trump was elected on a very tough ticket of dealing with illegal immigration.
And now you've got the liberal media screaming at everything he does.
But the one thing's for certain, if Trump does not hold true and really tighten immigration, many of those people who came out and voted for him won't do it again.
So it's a key issue here too.
So let's take a look at some numbers because there has been a 27% increase in asylum seekers in the United States.
That's just in 2017.
You mentioned President Trump and his tough stance.
You also see the other side of this, how this week especially, the talk has ramped up about what's going on at the border, about the separation of families with the kids.
What do you think the United States can learn from what's happened?
The full video is like 15 minutes long.
It's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
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A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man, emirates a woman, old genitals were cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down ever!
I wanna kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
Fire is coming!
The real revolution against you is coming!
And you will burn in hell!
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
News coverage has confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
King was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if it were a planned explosion.
It just pancaked.
It took the babies out of the incubators and left the children to die on the front porch.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work.
Operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world?
Is Senegal Bankers in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
But some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is at the high level of the country.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
They can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
And welcome to the fourth hour.
Mike Adams here filling in for the fourth hour of InfoWars broadcast today.
It's a pleasure to be joining you today.
Although I am concerned, of course, about the future of our nation and what's going on, I want to hear from you in this segment.
So we're opening up the phone lines and I encourage you to call in.
On the FONDA issue, or border control, how the left-wing media is exploiting children, yet again, everything that they want to accomplish, they have to exploit children.
The phone number is 877-789-ALEX.
That's 877-789-2539.
And please limit your topics for today to the border issues and the exploitation of children by the left-wing media, or what I call, actually, journo-terrorism.
If you think about it, the left-wing media has transitioned.
From, you know, a couple of decades ago, you could say, you could argue then, that they were in the news business.
Now, they are, in essence, inciting a level of violence and hatred that will spill over into terrorism in the United States, and this has already begun to happen.
We saw today, I believe, the arrest of one individual, a Democrat, who was threatening the children of... Was that an ICE agent or was that another member of Congress?
I'll have to check the details on that, but we're seeing the violence starting to break out now.
Yeah, and remember, we had that Democrat go to the baseball game and try to shoot and kill conservative members of Congress, including a senator, Rand Paul, who was there and survived that shooting.
And Steve Scalise, of course, was hit and potentially killed.
I mean, nearly killed, but he survived it thanks to medicine and thanks to emergency services and thanks to the Capitol Police who defended him.
And what I see happening here, you got to understand, this is an intentional
I think?
This is about creating chaos.
This is about creating terrorism on U.S.
This is about protecting criminals through sanctuary cities.
And this is about creating so much chaos that eventually, even if Trump stays in office, and even if he wins in 2020, and even if conservatives continue to win at the election booths, they will still cause so much chaos and violence that they'll call for U.N.
occupation of America.
That's where this is actually going.
Once again, InfoWars is ahead of the curve on understanding exactly where this is going and why the mainstream media, the left-wing media, is trying to push us in that direction.
Bottom line, they can't win on the merits of their arguments.
They can't win a debate, so they have to censor everyone.
They can't win on logic and reason and historical facts.
They can't win on legislation.
They resort to screaming babies.
So what do they do?
That's their argument.
Their argument is a screaming baby in your face.
That's the argument of the left because they have no basis anymore.
They have no logic, no reason, nothing.
Let's go to Rick in New Mexico calling in on the line.
Rick, we've only got a couple minutes left, but welcome to the show.
Welcome to InfoWars.
Let's hear what you've got to say on this issue.
Good, how are you today?
I do believe that Fonda should go to prison immediately, and for the last two days I've been trying to call the White House switchboard to leave comments and messages for the President to have Comey and Mueller put in prison immediately.
So, Rick, I really appreciate your view on that.
I happen to agree with you, but can you state why you believe that James Comey should be imprisoned in particular?
Well, because he's been the Clinton's patsy boy for the last 30-something years.
When Clinton was in Arkansas, he was his attorney general there, coming up, covering up, meaning Arkansas and all the drugs.
And how do you think someone like Comey is worth $45 million?
Well, let me ask you this, Rick.
Do you think that there's any real chance that someone like James Comey will actually face prison time in the United States?
Is Trump going to be able to drain the swamp or do we have a two-tiered justice system and there's no hope of ever holding these people accountable?
What's your take?
I'm hoping they get held accountable, I really do.
And I've also called the FBI office here in New Mexico and told them that I just don't trust anything these guys say anymore.
And the DOJ system should be gotten rid of immediately also.
I think it's just a cover-up for everybody else's cover-up.
Well, you are a well-informed American.
Thank you for your call.
It's Rick, right?
New Mexico.
Thank you for your call.
I appreciate you chiming in.
I think many listeners and many Americans agree with you.
We're going to go to another call right after the break, which is coming up.
But I have seen on other websites that people saying that the FBI and the DOJ
One website designated them as, quote, enemy combatants, which, you know, I had never seen that term for them.
I agree that the FBI, at least at the high levels of FBI, they are engaged in treason against America, and I agree that the DOJ under Obama
Was in many ways engaged in treason and multiple felony crimes.
To designate them enemy combatants, that seems to be a whole different level of discussion that maybe, you know, maybe we can entertain that discussion.
But for now, I think we all agree there's a lot of people that need to go to prison and they're still in the FBI and the DOJ.
This is Mike Adams here filling in at InfoWars, fourth hour for today.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break with more of your calls.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We have breaking news here at InfoWars.com reporting on the signing of an executive order by President Trump.
He signed it just minutes ago.
This executive order ends family separation at the US-Mexico border.
We're going to roll video from that signing right now and then go into discussion and take your calls on it.
Let's roll that video.
I consider it to be a very important executive order.
It's about keeping families together.
Well, at the same time, being sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border and border security will be
Equal if not greater than previously.
So we're going to have strong, very strong borders, but we're going to keep the families together.
I didn't like the sight or the feeling of families being separated is a problem that's gone on for many years, as you know, through many administrations.
And we're working very hard on immigration.
It's been
Yes, sir.
So we're keeping families together, and this will solve that problem.
At the same time, we are keeping a very powerful border, and it continues to be a zero tolerance.
We have zero tolerance for people that enter our country illegally.
With that, I'd ask Mike Pence, Vice President, if you'd like to say anything.
Well, thank you, Mr. President.
I think what the President's made clear is we believe it's a false choice to claim whether we are a country of law and order, a country of borders.
You're listening to the signing of the executive order that ends separation of children, family separation at the US-Mexico border just signed minutes ago.
Listening to Donald Trump, President Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence speaking right now.
We'll continue with this and we'll have some commentary in a moment.
But now we'll be able in that prosecution in the immediate days forward to keep families together as I go forward.
But we are calling on Congress to change the laws in this regard and in a broad range of areas that will secure our borders and give us strength and confidence that we are once again going to take the steps necessary to end the crisis of illegal immigration in America.
I think the word compassion comes into it, but it's still equally as tough, if not tougher.
Secretary Nielsen?
I just thank you for your leadership, sir.
We look forward and expect the House to act this week.
We ask them to do their job.
The laws need to be changed.
This is a problem that president after president has dealt with for decades.
This one is willing to stand up and fix it.
We ask Congress to do their part.
Thank you, sir, for your leadership.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.
The laws need to be changed.
That's what they're saying now at the signing of this executive order ending family separation at the US-Mexico border.
And here today, once again, President Trump showing his brilliance by cleaning out Obama's policy trash, cleaning up the Obama trash, and starting the process here of neutralizing the Democrats' weaponizing of children against America.
Nobody's taking care of it.
The political courage to take care of it, but we're going to take care of it.
It's been going on for a long time.
No, no, the border is just as tough, but we do want to keep families together.
This is a problem if you look at some of those horrible scenes from three years ago.
Okay, very important.
Let me just summarize this because he's taking questions from reporters.
They're going to remain tough on the border.
There's still a zero-tolerance policy for criminals.
In other words, if you're a criminal with a child, you're still going to get processed as a criminal.
This does not excuse criminals who try to exploit children.
This executive order does end the separation of families for other non-criminal processing, including asylum.
At least that's my current understanding.
This was just signed minutes ago, so we're still getting information on what it contains.
I think
The left-wing population to become violent, deranged, frankly, lunatics calling for violence like Fonda did earlier today.
Peter Fonda encouraging the targeting of children of border patrol and ICE agents.
That's insane.
So President Trump neutralizing this weaponization of children by the radical left.
Once again, taking a role of leadership for America.
Now a question that I have, and then we'll go to calls, a question that I have.
Will a left-wing judge override this executive order in order to make sure that the crisis continues?
A countermand did previous executive orders from the president in order to keep a crisis going.
This crisis is traction for the left wing media.
They want screaming babies on TV.
They want to bypass rationality.
They want to bypass policy discussions and replace it.
With screaming crying babies and Rachel Maddow crying on cue on camera.
So the question for right now is will a radical left-wing activist judge nullify or attempt to nullify this executive order by President Trump so that they can continue to have a crisis to scream and cry about?
That's what they want.
Because they are cry bullies after all.
Now, let's go to calls because we've got a lot, a lot of people chiming in on this.
Alex, you've been holding from Michigan.
Welcome to the show.
Alex, thank you.
Let's hear your thoughts on this issue.
Thanks, Mike.
What an honor to talk to you, sir.
It's great to have you on.
Go ahead.
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Yeah, what an honor.
I mean, they're banning all the holistic health channels on YouTube right now because Big Pharma doesn't want that information going out, so it's critical that RealDotVideo
I'm talking to all the holistic health channels trying to get them all signed up.
Anyway, to MS-13 and the border, I was going to say that the Deep State really needs that MS-13 infrastructure to run their drug running operations for their black ops and stuff.
Good point!
And assassinations of political targets, wouldn't you say?
They want those MS-13 assassins out there ready to be on call.
Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, so they need this pipeline and they know that MS-13 gang members and drug runners and child traffickers sometimes pretend to be parents.
It doesn't mean that all parents are gang members, obviously, but within that set of parents there is a subset that are gang members pretending to be parents.
So, what do you think is going to happen now, Alex, that this executive order has been signed?
Well, I'm hoping, you know, the families stay together.
That's a great thing.
And I'm hoping that they continue to crack down on the gang members, and I'd love to see a greater wall than the Great Wall of China built on our border.
Well, I would love to see families stay together who are Americans, too, right?
And I'm sure you would as well.
I would love to see the state stop interfering with families and parenthood in America.
I would like to see the government stopping its medical kidnapping of children.
And I'm going to talk about medical kidnapping in the next segment here, by the way.
Anything else to add, Alex?
I'm not going to take up any more time than I have to.
I think that's it.
I'm just stoked for ReelDev video, and everybody sign up right now.
Alright, thank you Alex.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
I'm going to talk about medical kidnapping when we come back because the government has kidnapped children from American parents at gunpoint for many, many years to force them to take vaccine injections and chemotherapy that damages their brains, their kidneys, their livers, their bodies.
This has been going on in America and there's not a peep about this from the left-wing media.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And we're back here on the Alex Jones Show, a day of breaking news at so many levels.
President Trump has just signed an executive order ending the separation of families at the border, but still maintaining a zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration.
Obviously, the solution here probably is to build a wall, right?
I mean, then you don't have them showing up and you've got to stop the incentives so that these families in Mexico and Central America and South America don't send off their children
To the United States through this very dangerous and treacherous journey during which many children are actually, especially female children, are raped or assaulted.
Some are kidnapped for child trafficking.
That is cruelty.
And that is what many parents of these children are doing to their children by sending them to America.
And that needs to be stopped as well.
So building a wall, of course, is a big part of this.
But let me mention something else and then we'll go to some more calls.
You know, our government
Has been separating mothers from children for as long as I can remember.
And it's done in medical kidnapping.
Medical kidnapping is where a government agency goes in and kidnaps children, takes them from their parents because the parents don't want to subject those children to toxic medical interventions, which include chemotherapy.
That causes brain damage, by the way, and causes cancer as its number one side effect, as well as toxic vaccines.
So vaccines are being pushed onto children, essentially at gunpoint, through government coercion.
It's happened in Maryland.
It's practically the law now in California.
It has happened in many other states as well.
Michigan, for example.
And medical kidnapping is a very real thing, and yet you don't hear anybody in the left-wing media talking about the separating of mothers and children in the United States, of US citizens having their children kidnapped by the government.
And that takes place every day in America.
And CPS, Child Protective Services,
Does some good things, but is radically overzealous in kidnapping children, taking them away from parents, who dare to question the ingredients in a vaccine.
Thinking, hey, maybe I don't want to inject my child with formaldehyde, or mercury, or antibiotics, and yes, or MSG.
All those things are in vaccines, according to the CDC.
So, don't talk to me about all this screaming and crying about separating mothers from babies when in our country we have medical kidnapping, we have an evil, tyrannical, medical police state regime inside our borders that no one is addressing.
Where's our executive order on that?
Where's even the media talking about that?
And also abortion.
You know, abortion separates more children from more mothers than any other single medical procedure that we can think of.
And abortion is violent.
They separate children from mothers using forceps, if you think about it.
It's violence.
It's medical violence.
And it targets low-income African-American neighborhoods.
And it is done as a way to depopulate certain segments of our society.
As Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, of course, has admitted on the record.
So, you want to talk about separating babies from parents?
You've got to talk about abortion and medical kidnapping.
Otherwise, you're not fully informed.
So, one more piece of news and we'll go to calls.
A manhunt is now underway for a central Pennsylvania man accused of threatening to kill President Trump and other officials.
He is being hunted now by the U.S.
Because, of course, he's another person who is being driven to insanity by the journo-terrorist left-wing media.
Again, you almost can't even call them media anymore.
They are enemies of America.
CNN recently had to come out and say, we're not enemies of the people.
Well, the only reason you have to say that is because, frankly, that's the way most people look at you, that you are an enemy of this country.
That you despise the Constitution.
That you despise our President.
You despise the electoral process.
You despise democracy.
You insult your audience and you exploit and abuse them.
CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, you name it.
They are, through all of this fake or exaggerated reporting, they are whipping up a level of intense hatred and anger that is about to spill over into mass violence on our own streets.
And that is the media's fault.
So let's go to calls.
Bob in Oklahoma, you're on the air with Mike Adams here.
Thank you for joining me, Bob.
What's on your mind?
Hi Mike, how are you?
I'll tell you what, I really appreciate everything you've been doing, and I can't wait to get onto your new YouTube-esque website as soon as possible.
I'm alright, man.
Well, thank you, we're working hard at it.
What's on your mind about the border issue?
Well, the border issue's just, I mean, they're just nuts, and I like what Trump's done, but all he's really doing is
Uh, basically it pees in the left so they don't have anything to complain about.
And I think you're right.
I think we'll have a judge that comes out and tries to stop it.
But I also wanted to talk about your medical thing.
I mean, uh, I enjoy everything you put on your website.
It's just awesome stuff.
And, uh, another guy, and I know you know him quite well, is John Rappaport, who really has some excellent stuff about the vaccines.
And all that stuff.
So I'd like to hear some more of your comments on that, but before I do, one thing, you've got an alternative website for videos coming out.
My question is, and I'll hang up and let you answer this, but what about the internet?
If we have so much technology, I've never heard anybody brought this up, why can't we create an alternative internet and just say screw these big companies?
Well, the internet infrastructure, that's a great question.
I appreciate you calling in with that.
The internet infrastructure is digitally neutral.
It passes packets.
The HTTP protocol passes packets and doesn't censor them.
The censorship is happening at the corporate level.
Google is censoring.
Twitter is censoring.
Facebook is censoring.
And more importantly, they're doing it based on your political views.
They're shutting you off, not for doing something illegal, but for doing something that they simply disagree with.
Here's a story I brought in today.
The Stripe Payment Processor, which is a big e-commerce processing company, they're now cancelling alternative websites.
Freestarter just got cancelled for payment processing.
Bitshoot and Maker Support just got cancelled as well.
So this is the same thing that they're doing to gun companies, where anybody associated with firearms is having their
Their e-commerce platform yanked where they can't process payments.
They're now doing it to these alternative websites.
What they're trying to do, of course, is a form of economic warfare against conservatives and libertarians and Trump supporters.
It is extreme!
And what you just mentioned here is exactly right on.
We have to fight back, but we don't need an alternative HTTP protocol.
What we need is, frankly, we need minimal government enforcement of a level playing field where you can't censor somebody's entire business or their channel just because they happen to be conservative.
Let's take another call, but thank you for your call, sir.
Sam in Texas, you're on the air with Mike Adams here at InfoWars.
Go ahead, Sam.
Mike, I've been watching CounterThink and been having a lot of fun.
Very informative, especially your article about the bio-sludge, the human waste that's been put on farm fields and in landfills.
That's terrible stuff, and it's all over.
It gets in the dust and the air.
Thanks for putting that out.
Think how many children are poisoned by that, and yet we don't hear anything from the media about that, do we?
That's really my point about what's going on in the border.
This is the hugest switch and role reversal that I've seen in the media, maybe since Trump's been in.
It reminds me of the end scene in The Brave New World, where in the middle of a political rally, the government switches their ally for their enemy.
And they say, no, we're not at war with Eurasia, we're at war with East Asia.
We've always been at war with East Asia.
It's mind control.
Yeah, it's mind control propaganda.
It's social behavioral engineering at every level.
They're not the media anymore.
They're mind controlling a puppet class of obedient conformists who are now filled with seething hatred and anger and lashing out against the only people trying to save this country, and that's people like you and me, Sam.
We gotta go to break, Sam.
Sorry to interrupt.
We gotta go to break, but thank you for your call.
Excellent points.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break on InfoWars.
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Patrick in the great nation of Australia.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, mate.
Thanks for calling.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen.
Thank you, Brian.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I can imagine a future debate on the Senate floor about immigration policy or anything, where you have Rand Paul standing there giving an eloquent explanation, point by point, logic and reason and history, and that's the conservative argument.
And then for the Democrats, you have a Democrat senator just hold up a screaming baby who cries and sobs on camera and just says, this is my argument.
Because that's what we're dealing with in America today.
There's no rationality behind it.
It's just screaming babies and crying babies, sometimes photos taken completely out of context.
It's like Democrat journalists are scouring the planet trying to find photos of babies behind chain-link fences, even if it's in their own backyard, to say, oh my god, they're in prison, it's a holocaust, it's a concentration camp.
It's insane.
That is not what's happening.
And frankly, we don't treat our own citizens in many cases as well as some of these refugees are being treated, or illegal aliens, or undocumented immigrants, or whatever term you want to use.
The fact is that we've got parents who are not doing a good job of parenting in America, and we need to help our own country.
Get a hold
Screaming theatrics, and you couldn't even invoke logic and reason.
That's where we are now in America.
It has become idiocracy thanks to the radical left.
Let's let's continue taking calls.
I think the name is Beto in in Iowa or Beto.
You're on the air.
I'm sorry about your name.
You're on the air with Mike here.
What's on your mind?
Appreciate you taking my call.
As a Latino here in America and coming from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and
My family as well.
It's really sad to see us being used as a political football by the left that doesn't give anything, doesn't care about us.
And for us that came over here legally, we have this frustration with the people that are coming in here illegally because
What makes them better than us that came here legally, you know?
Yeah, yeah, good point.
That's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to put us, they're trying to have us in fight with each other amongst the Latino community and they are definitely scared from people like, definitely scared of people like me that are aware of their manipulation because my family voted for Trump.
I mean, people are sort of shocked.
So let me just confirm, so you immigrated to America legally through the legal process, correct?
Yeah, and yes, it takes a long time, but you have to have patience.
You know, you have to wait for God's plan.
I know.
My wife is a legal immigrant.
We went through the process.
It took us six years.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
So what you're saying is that now you are being pitted against those who refuse to follow the law, who want to cut in line, so to speak, and bypass the process.
And it's almost like, if I'm hearing you correctly, they're splitting the Latino community apart inside America.
Is that accurate?
Well, just like they do with the black community, like what they did to Kanye.
Now they're sacrificing, they're gonna sacrifice any person that's not in their race group think they're gonna sacrifice this and they're gonna try to, you know, demonize this, but they're not gonna do that, especially with the internet.
And, you know, if everyone wants to start pointing fingers at the people that we should be mad at, well,
We're good to go.
I just wanted to throw that out there for people that want to get mad at somebody.
I think those are the ones that need to be pointed at.
You're right, Beto.
Thank you for your call.
You're absolutely right.
This has been an ongoing problem.
As I said today, Trump has begun the process by signing this executive order, the process of cleaning up Obama's trash policies.
Obama left a lot of trash behind and he left behind a lot of deep state agents to try to sabotage the Trump administration.
Now Trump has to start cleaning this up.
Obviously, this problem has to ultimately get solved by Congress.
We need a law that goes through the legislative process that is signed by the President that, frankly, builds a wall.
I mean, if you build a wall, you don't need to separate families.
You just turn them away.
It's like, hey, people!
You want to come to America, follow the rules.
Stand in line, fill out the forms, have a background check to make sure you're not a felon or a child trafficker from some other country.
Follow the rules like the rest of us did, like my wife did, and like our caller did as well.
Let's take another call.
Fernando in Arizona.
You're on the air with Mike Adams here.
Thank you for your call.
Go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon.
The health ranger and all the info warriors out there.
Nice to have you on.
Pleasure to be on.
So, like with the previous caller, Betha said, yeah, it took my parents like 10 years to actually become citizens.
And what a lot of people lose out on is the quote-unquote American way of life and especially the town that I'm from, you know, I was like latchkey kid 2.0 where, you know, my parents had to come over here and so our family was broken up through
Through the limited jobs that they were able to get and things like that.
But there's a lot of disinformation on the Mexican side, too, where they tell them that there's all these jobs and everything like that here.
Oh, yeah, exactly.
But you see, Obama also contributed to that.
Remember when he was president, he he rolled out the red carpets and said, load them up on a train and bring them in.
And then and then he paid for buses to relocate these, you know,
Truly illegal immigrants at that point to relocate them to cities all across America.
And I'm with you, Fernando.
We welcome immigration when it's done through a legal process and where we get to choose, as a country, a merit-based system of deciding who we wish to invite in.
It's like, you have a house.
You don't just open your door and say, everybody walk in off the street.
You get to pick and choose who comes into your house, right?
Well, that's the way it should be at a national level.
Thank you for your call, Fernando.
Yeah, go ahead.
So one of the things that I wanted to bring up to you guys is the threat that there might actually be a socialist president in Mexico.
So a lot of people are kind of fleeing from that, too.
Oh, wow.
I believe his name is Lopez Obrador.
Well, people are fleeing Venezuela right now.
People are trying to flee North Korea if they can escape without getting shot and killed.
I mean, look, the one reason people want to come to America is because there is still a defense of the Constitution here.
There's still a defense of individual liberty.
And especially places like Texas, where you can still arm yourself in self-defense.
We respect the Second Amendment in this state, and that's why we don't have mass murders and rapings and mass shootings like you see taking place in other gun-controlled states.
But thank you for your call again, Fernando.
Let's go to Wesley in Oregon, because I'd really like to get a variety of calls and opinions.
Wesley, you got anything on this, or are you in line with what everybody else has said so far?
Oh no, Mike, I'm not.
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you too, sir.
What's on your mind?
Oh man, is he gone?
Oh, he dropped.
Sorry, maybe he probably just got excited and hit the phone button.
Trisha in Virginia.
Trisha, you are on the air.
Trisha, thank you for calling.
Thank you, Mike.
What's on your mind?
Uh-oh, Tricia got dropped too.
Okay, are we having problems with the system?
I apologize to Tricia and the previous caller.
Let's try Jordan in Wisconsin, just see if that goes through.
Jordan, you're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, go for it.
I apologize to the previous callers, but go ahead, Jordan.
Hi, you've heard about everything happening in Germany with the migrants and all the mass rapes and whatnot.
Do you think that could happen over here with all the
Well, if I'm hearing your comments correctly, let's be clear.
The Democrats want to overrun America.
They want a flood of non-Americans to come in
And they want to take away Americans' guns.
I mean, this is not a conspiracy.
This is what they are openly calling for.
They want open borders.
They want to flood the country.
They want to bring in people who will vote Democrat.
This is their plan.
They can't win through reason.
They can't convince Americans to vote for Democrats.
Yeah, sort of.
I just, I mean, seeing that all happen over in Europe and just everyone just get overran and they're not even able to defend themselves because their government completely took away the ability to do so.
Just seeing that's kind of like, you know, it's a shame because
Well, it is happening to us, Jordan.
You're right on target.
And I appreciate your call.
And sorry to cut you off, but we're going to be closing out this segment and this hour of the show.
But look, bottom line, folks, we are under attack.
America is being invaded right now.
And the invaders...
...are using screaming babies as their only argument to try to take down our country, nullify our election, take away our guns, and destroy the individual liberties that we and our founding fathers and mothers have fought for for over 240 years.
It's incredible.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!