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Filename: 20180611_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 11, 2018
3404 lines.

Alex Jones reports on a protest against Bill Clinton outside Bass Concert Hall in Austin, Texas during his book tour. Inside the concert hall, protesters shout at Clinton for his association with Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" and Juanita Broderick's rape allegations. Jones praises the protesters and calls Clinton a rapist. He discusses the fight against globalists, commending Trump's tariffs as an anti-globalist move. He criticizes Robert De Niro for attacking President Trump during the Tony Awards and highlights his accomplishments. The show touches upon Hollywood, media figures positioning themselves against Trump supporters and cheering on policies that hurt American workers. InfoWars encourages viewers to sign up for their newsletter, share articles and videos, support those who support them by shopping at their store, and use shame against reporters to expose their nefarious deeds.

Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick!
Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Last concert hall, Austin, Texas, last night.
Inside Bass Concert Hall, where Bill Clinton took his book tour.
Outside, protesters gather.
Bill Clinton is a rapist, so we need to go ahead and protest him.
And hopefully we've got some infant warriors inside who can ask him some tough questions, because that would be awesome.
Hey Bill, why did you fly in Jeffrey Epstein's plane 26 times to Lolita Island?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't take me out of my comfort zone here.
I'm in a Bill Clinton book tour.
I paid $100 to be here.
I don't want to hear about the Lolita Express.
So the full video is on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Owen Troyer, Alex Jones, joining us here momentarily.
Last night, we had a protest outside Bass Concert Hall.
There were at least five people inside Bass Concert Hall that shouted at Bill Clinton, called him out for the Lolita Express and the rape.
We're going to be joined by two of them in studio.
But first, Alex Jones joins us on the phone.
Alex, amazing times we're living in here.
Patriots are finally standing up to the treasonous tyrants that have been running our government for decades.
That's right, I'm here on a work occasion with family, but I tell you, I wish I could be there in Austin with you.
It was Mike Cernovich about a week ago, sent me a text message and said, hey, you know, Bill Clinton's going to be in Austin.
So I told you guys about it, and that's just why it's great that everybody always stay in contact with each other, because now this just happened.
We had the one individual on a few days ago who started the ball rolling in Pennsylvania, did a great job.
I got millions of views online, and now you have at least five people inside, dozens outside demonstrating with really powerful signs, making the leftist zombies who have this fake moral high ground, that are openly trying to break up our families, openly trying to destroy our borders, openly trying to basically bring down civilization, because they're social engineers, and in their own admissions they want to end the family.
And take full control, and that's top academics in the U.S.
and England now admit their whole plan.
And so they have to come in, all these government workers, all these bureaucrats, all these people, and know that they don't have the moral high ground and that their god, William Jefferson Clinton, who sold us out to the Communist Chinese, who came after our guns, who helped cripple America, has this whole evil Clinton cabal and what it represents circles the vortex of hell, or the toilet bowl of hell.
As all of this happens, now, you can guarantee, ladies and gentlemen, that just like during the campaign, everywhere he went he got called a rapist, which he said of all those rape cases, he's famous for it.
The Linden Express pedophile plane that Hillary put in the Arab Spring, killing hundreds of thousands, well, almost a million people.
Hundreds of thousands of women and children put into slavery.
I mean, it's incredible.
These people are monsters.
They're absolute
Total, complete monsters that then every time there's a mass shooting that the media hypes up and pushes and promotes a phenomenon totally manufactured by the media with these mental patient, you know, devil whispers that are always on Prozac.
The same story always happens.
They then point at all gun owners and say that we're immoral and we're bad and we're evil.
No, you're immoral.
You're bad.
You're evil.
And all of us on the heels of Trump devastating
The globalists at the G7 calling them all out.
All of them in that photo that I tweeted out on Saturday and Sunday we could put up from Alex Jones that was everywhere of them all gathered around him and him sitting there and it's just...
Nothing to see here, folks.
Just Iran admitting to helping with the 9-11 terror attacks.
Free Beacon reports that Iranian officials have admitted to facilitating the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
by secretly aiding the free travel of al-Qaeda operatives, who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers.
Speaking on Iran's state-controlled television, an international affairs assistant in Iran's judiciary, Mohammad Javad Larjani, said that Iranian intelligence officials did not stamp the passports of the al-Qaeda militants in order to conceal their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments.
Al Qaeda operatives were also given safe refuge in Iran.
The U.S.
government has long accused Iran of playing a role in the attacks, and the U.S.
9-11 Commission concluded that Iran played a role in facilitating the Al Qaeda terrorists.
But these remarks represent the very first time that senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding Al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9-11 attacks.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick!
It's Monday.
I'm on the road.
I'll be back in three days.
Owen Schroyer is in the cockpit there in Austin, Texas, doing an incredible job with the rest of the crew coming up in the second hour.
We have two of the amazing patriots, the heroes, who have incredible courage to go into a den of over a thousand Bill Clinton fawning worshippers.
We're talking the scum of the earth, ladies and gentlemen.
The leftist intelligentsia controllers going in.
After everything they know about Bill Clinton, and all the settled rape cases on the Lolita Express, 26 flights, and the flights of the sheik who's an admitted pedophile dozens of times, and all the war crimes, and all the Arab Spring, and all the turning Serbia over to the Muslims, Kosovo, all the incredible crimes of the Clintons that anybody who's informed knows that they've committed here in Austin, most of them the former employees of the Clintons,
The very deep state that's holding on in the government trying to block the reforms that'll get America moving again.
Trying to block the reforms to turn the family back around.
Trying to block the reforms that'll get blacks out of prison who were given three times the sentence for the same amount of cocaine as whites.
Because the Clintons got a specific law passed in 94 that said when blacks have cocaine they get tripled the amount of time in jail.
That is actually on the records.
It'd be like saying if you get caught with a split small liquor
You know, you get triple the time than if you get caught with Bud Light.
And it's only because it's a type of cocaine that blacks historically used, crack cocaine, even though for the same amount of volume, that the same amount of cocaine.
It's crap like that, when they said we're going to bring black people to heel like they're dogs, that they're being exposed by.
And so it was almost like a Christmas story here, but three ghosts came in the Christmas story, and it was fiction.
This is real, where the five ghosts of his crimes come back from cocaine running, the murders in Mino, Arkansas, the rape of all these women, the Alita Express, and the connections to pedophilia and hell.
These international spy rings have been compromising people, and Epstein, who is an informant to Mueller, and works with Mueller.
God, does that tell you how evil Mueller is, ladies and gentlemen?
They knew Epstein was running these little girls for these powerful sicko men, and they let him sit there and videotape all of it.
That's the word that's coming out.
It's so horrible, though.
You see, they're telling Trump, sir, if you release this, it could tank the economy and kill the U.S.
If it comes out that Mueller and others were actually running child sex,
Uh, compromise situations using Epstein as the handler.
But that's how they run these intelligence operations.
And the word is, they're getting ready to drop the hammer.
So, if Comey and Mueller and the Clintons want to play games, we're just letting them know we're here to fight.
And here's the bottom line.
I'm getting sued by all these Soros and Hillary connected law firms that they actually run because we're exposing the sex slavery.
And we're exposing radical Islam coming in.
Those are the two things.
I haven't told the shop about, or that it'll be beyond destroying me financially.
You know what?
Hey, somebody's got to stand up for these kids.
And it makes me feel good when I see five people go inside there, inside that den of devils, and go in there, into that fiery furnace, into that lion's den, and to rebuke these devils.
And I don't say that from some Pharisee level that I'm the perfect guy, but let me tell you something.
I'm not a devil worshipper.
I don't molest children.
I don't run drugs.
And I don't want to.
And the people going in there have to know full well, as they cheer him and sycophantically worship to him, that these are the worst people in Central Texas and the worst people anywhere he goes.
You have the very total scum of the earth, who many of them know full well what's going on, and they worship this demon that sold us out to the communist Chinese, that gave them our missile secrets, that gave them our technology.
They worship the guy that armed North Korea with nuclear weapons, and the fusion material, and the fissile material, and the reactors.
They worship this global destabilizer.
Again, top academics.
In Europe, in the UK, in the US, all came out the last two weeks and said it's true.
We want to destroy the family.
We hate your families.
Families are bad.
The state is your family.
These people are the most hardcore, wicked devils.
They know they're evil.
They know they're bad.
They know they're committed.
You have to understand that.
That's the final great awakening when you come to full grip.
It's not just Bill Clinton.
Not just Hillary, not just all these folks, but their fellow travelers know exactly what they're doing.
The Bill Maher's of the world, the Michael Moore's of the world, the Fareed Zarkaria's of the world.
They shop at the altar of pure evil.
They're there.
They're sycophantically in love with themselves and how smart they are and how they can deceive everyone.
Mike Gruber said on C-SPAN, thank God the public's so dumb.
Thank God they have no memory.
That way we can triple prices.
And they all giggled.
And the other professors groveled to him and said, teach us how to lie better.
And he said, I will.
And they all just suckled from his fetid, stinking, you know, seeping, poisonous breast.
Teach me how to backstab.
So they go hide, like Bill Clinton's, again, a rotting piece of worm-filled beech wood floating around in the ocean, and these grounding little rats come swimming up to it saying, let's go to a big event and share our evil spirit together.
Let's go to our church and worship our warlock.
Worship our demon God.
Worship our child rapist Bill Clinton.
Let's go and worship him.
And they all went into their little worship service where they thought they could feel strong and they could organize and they could be seen together and they could, you know, help break the will of this country that they almost had full control of.
But now they go to full control, oh no!
We'll get them more fluoride in the water, more vaccines, lower their attention spans even more, keep their souls under our control, keep them in a trance, oh yes!
But now they see the trance is lifting.
And it's shock troops like those people you saw the one in there.
As I said months ago, and as I said weeks ago, and as I said last week, and as I said today, as the dominoes begin to fall, everywhere the Clintons go, everywhere the Democrats go, everywhere their congressmen go,
Everywhere their operatives go, everywhere their high priests go, everywhere their legions of gremlins go, we must be there in their face, saying, you're the devils, you're the sickos, you're the frauds, you're the failures, you're the liars, you're the people that are guilty, not us, and we're taking control back from you, and you don't control our children anymore, and you don't control our currency anymore, and Hollywood, we reject you, we rebuke you.
You see Hollywood, the entire combine, every TV show, every movie's propaganda.
Anti-family, anti-father, anti-male, anti-God.
Hammering, hammering, hammering, hammering in their desperation to sabotage us.
In their own admissions to take full control.
But the truth is, all they did was sabotage themselves.
They are fallen.
So they think pulling us down will rise them.
They will never be above us, no matter what they do.
Because if they look in the mirror, they will see that which they hate.
I want to commend Owen for leading it, and the folks that came out to the event.
This is so huge.
When we come back, we'll get into even bigger news in the aggregate.
The devastation of the globalists, the G7, the amazing Trump speeches, so much more.
There's just so much to get to, so much to break down.
But Owen, I'm telling you, if this starts happening everywhere, they're trying to censor us in cyberspace.
If we let Google and Facebook and Twitter, YouTube that openly promotes pedophilia but censors Christians, you know they've been caught doing that, if we all start demonstrating against them on a routine basis everywhere, this will bring them to their knees even quicker, us getting out there in the actual real world, not just cyberspace, and then magnifying what you do out in the real world in cyberspace.
This is true victory, my friend.
Again, I salute all of you.
I'm serious.
This is so big.
This is so exciting.
This is so huge.
Going in there,
Into that den of devils was like, you know, Elijah or something, going up on top of the mountain with the evil high priest and showing them who the real God is.
The courage of those men and women is just amazing, but you could just hear their spirit, how strong it was.
This is really amazing, Owen.
Well, and that's the key.
It's being willing to go out into the physical realm and stand up to these people.
They'll eventually back down.
They're the cowards.
They're the frauds.
They'll back down.
All we have to do is stand up.
That's how it works.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
As you were heading into these G7 talks, there was a sense that the America's closest allies were frustrated with you and angry with you, and that you were angry with them, and that you were leaving here early to go meet for more friendlier talks with Kim Jong-un in Singapore, and I'm wondering if you view it the same way, and do you view the U.S.
alliance system shifting under your presidency?
Who are you with, out of curiosity?
I figured, fake news CNN, the worst.
But I could tell by the, I have no idea you're with CNN.
After the question, I was just curious as to who you're with, you're with CNN.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Isn't it like night and day?
Sometimes it's the darkest thunderstorm at night, trees are falling down, everything else.
But the sun comes up and it's the most beautiful, crisp, clear day I've ever seen.
And that's what it is with Trump, folks.
And everybody knows I'm not in some worship session of men or women.
Fame, I could care less.
In fact, it turns me off.
But let me tell you something.
Trump is a bull.
And he has been delivering with precision and success and with just amazing grace and energy and turning our economy around in a year and a half.
Beginning to defend the border, beginning to take care of the veterans, defending the Second Amendment, getting good Supreme Court
Justice in, getting hundreds and hundreds of other judges now about to be in place.
I mean, dozens already.
It is just unbelievable.
Getting Obamacare, the beginnings of it repealed.
Just doing so much more.
Getting all those medical treatments for people that are terminal authorized, which then will get those things tested out on folks who've basically decided to be guinea pigs for themselves and everybody else.
To then get the cures and the treatments for everybody.
I mean, this is amazing.
I can't list all of the accomplishments, but breaking the back of political correctness, breaking the will of the liars and the propagandists, and standing against them and having the whole media and the fake polls and the disinformation about him and his family and every single thing he does turned around backwards and twisted.
I have experienced that to a lesser degree, and it's unbelievable.
But here's the good news.
I have never had so many people come up to me of every race, color, and creed.
Old, young, Asian, black, white, Hispanic.
Well, I've been here in Hawaii.
I mean, people from all over the country, but also the Hawaiians.
And they, I mean, I've never been mobbed like this.
It's more intense than ever.
And it's like Fight Club, though.
Other people just smile at me and nod.
And then others smile and nod.
And then they started talking to me and it's like I'll be sitting there.
I was on the snorkeling boat with like 100 people yesterday.
It's a huge one.
And it turned out like the whole boat were listeners, people running it.
Most of the people were.
And again, I'm not bragging, ladies and gentlemen.
I would ask the folks, it's just contact with other humans to know what's happening on the ground, outside the filter of mainstream media.
And I would say, yeah, they're really demonizing me and really attacking me.
They go, we know, we don't care.
We know it's all lies.
We know.
We know.
We know.
And I said, well, have you seen the lies?
And they said, yeah, we've seen some of them.
We know it's all crap, Alex.
We know.
And it's like this psychic thing.
The spirit of liberty is rising, the spirit of discernment, the spirit of awakening is here.
Doesn't mean it's fully manifest yet, but it's here.
That's why the enemy is so scared right now.
And people aren't intimidated anymore, and they know that they've been lied to.
So the trance, the spell people were under, is totally breaking right now.
And to then see Trump go to the G7, why are things suddenly so much better?
Well, I liken it to having your sunroof open.
We've had globalist criminals in charge selling us out, sabotaging us because they were put in charge by big robber barons the last hundred years on record.
Who didn't like the American system, who couldn't compete with it.
That's why Pastor Rodney Howard Brown's book is so important that we sell, is because it's a modern version of Carol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, but written in quick historical chapters, so that it's very, very easy to read.
It has great cliff notes.
So, I mean, the amount of books we will sell is negligible.
It's literally about people having a real blueprint of the real history.
You read that book, that is exactly 100% what's going on.
It's the modern none dare call a conspiracy.
It's just four times thicker.
So yes, you all know about this stuff.
But other people don't.
And so now is the time.
And by the way, get the audio book from his website.
I don't care.
That's how I listen to it.
You just need to get it, ladies and gentlemen, because it explains it all.
But that's a side issue.
What I'm getting at here is once we understand the blueprint,
Once we understand the program, and once other people do, there's no left or right.
There's no debating these issues anymore.
There's a global robber baron mega bank program that's anti-human and wants to end the family as we know it, to make us totally domesticated slaves that they can control and then quote depopulate.
This whole program is about managing us and about getting us ready for depopulation.
And it's an anti-human future.
It's a very dark future.
It's a very nightmarish future run by
We're good.
To get off the tracks we're on, onto other tracks that take us somewhere better.
We've got a lot of challenges regardless.
Even with good leaders, we'll be lucky to make it in the next 50 to 100 years.
But with God's help, we can.
But with the globalists steering things, who've decided on a post-industrial world, who've decided on a new dark age, who've decided they're going to have a breakaway civilization where they're above the law, tax exempt, and live on their own armored compounds.
I mean, this is their admitted plan.
This is what Elon Musk is warning people about.
This is the reality, people.
And we're changing it, and Trump is changing it.
Fundamentally, that's why they're so upset, because the spirit of it is pro-human.
The spirit of it is not pro-death.
That's why he's marching in pro-life rallies.
I know the Republican would do it since Roe v. Wade, 45 years ago, when I was born.
In fact, people told my parents, oh, you're too young, you're going to medical school, you know, get an abortion.
Well, they didn't get the abortion.
So this is the reality, ladies and gentlemen, and this is where we are, pro-life or pro-death.
We're not just talking about babies, we're talking about humanity and species, yes.
Do we consume too much and in reckless ways?
Are we spoiled rotten?
But babies are like that too.
We are going through a metamorphosis.
And the globalist clan are taking control to minimize the damage we do, but they're the ones playing God with the GMO.
And the clones, and all the rest of it, they're actually trying to take control of creation and play God.
They've already decided that creation's crap.
They've already decided what God built is no good.
They're the anti-environmentalists.
They're the anti-stewards of the Earth.
The truth is, all over the world, animals come into where the humans live.
Humans doing things right make the Earth better, and make it greener, and make it healthier, and make it happier.
Where we come and are proper stewards, we make oases.
We don't make wastelands.
So that's the message here of Trump, is we don't want to be in a pro-death culture.
We don't want to be in a G7 that screws us over and is there to hurt humanity, there to transfer all the power to Communist China.
And in the full speech he gives in a John Bowne video that I played yesterday on The Sunday Show, which you'll probably play part of next segment, he talks about the tariffs.
And he talks about how different countries have 100 plus 200 percent tariffs on us and then sit there and play dumb.
So when we come back, we'll play some of that clip and more and talk to Owen Schroer.
And then we've got these amazing patriots in front of Bill Clinton last night in Austin come in the studio.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
They think you're a goldfish!
I've been betting on you my whole life!
I believe in you!
I don't think you're stupid!
One man ever wrecks a woman!
All genitals are cut off!
And we're kicking these traitors' asses politically!
And we're not backing down ever!
I want to kick these people!
We're winning!
I can feel the spirit rising!
Can't you?
We have broken their back!
Yes, I can feel it!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Vengeance is coming!
Fire is coming!
The real revolution against you is coming!
And you will burn in hell!
A variety of issues and opportunities facing our nations.
At the top of the list was the issue of trade.
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People can't charge us 270% and we charge them nothing.
That doesn't work anymore.
I made a lot of statements having to do with clarity.
We want and expect other nations to provide fair market access to American exports and that we will take whatever steps are necessary to protect American industry and workers from unfair foreign trading practices, of which really there are many.
But we're getting them straightened out, slowly but surely.
I think they are starting to be committed to a much more fair trade situation for the United States, because it has been treated very, very unfairly.
And I don't blame other leaders for that.
I blame our past leaders.
There was no reason that this should have happened.
No tariffs.
In other words, let's say Canada, where we have
Tremendous tariffs.
The United States pays tremendous tariffs on dairy, as an example.
Nobody knows that.
We pay nothing.
We don't want to pay anything.
Why should we pay?
We have to... Ultimately, that's what you want.
You want a tariff-free.
You want no barriers.
And you want no subsidies, because you have some cases where countries are subsidizing industries, and that's not fair.
I mean, we have India where some of the tariffs are 100%.
And we charge nothing.
You can't do that.
And so we are talking to many countries, we're talking to all countries.
And it's going to stop.
And I don't blame these people, but I will blame them if they don't act smart and do what they have to do.
Because they have no choice.
I'll be honest with you, they have no choice.
They're either going to make the trades fair,
Because our farmers have been hurt.
You look at our farmers for 15 years, the graph is going just like this down.
Our farmers have been hurt.
Our workers have been hurt.
Our companies have moved out and moved to Mexico and other countries, including Canada.
Now, we are going to fix that situation.
And if it's not fixed, we're not going to deal with these countries.
But the relationship that I've had is great.
So you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN.
The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries has been, I would really rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate it a 10.
As an example, the European Union is brutal to the United States.
They don't take... And they understand that.
They know it.
When I'm telling them, they're smiling at me.
You know, it's like the gig is up.
It's like the gig is up!
They're not trying to... There's nothing they can say.
They can't believe they got away with it.
I asked a top person in China, how did it get so bad?
He looked at me, he said, nobody ever talked to us.
President Trump even called for the readmittance of Russia to the G7, thus making it the G8.
Russia had been suspended from the group in 2014 due to the annexation of Crimea from the Ukraine.
Members were against that idea.
I would rather see Russia in the G8 as opposed to the G7.
I would say that the G8 is a more meaningful group than the G7.
President Trump then left the G7 for Singapore on a mission to negotiate peace
With Kim Jong-un of North Korea.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has tasked Austria with the possibility of being the meeting place between President Trump and the Russian leader.
As Chancellor Merkel's plea for a new world order sounds off the globalist panic and despair.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.com
Ladies and gentlemen, this is history that you're witnessing.
We should take that John Bowne report and tweet that out to everybody because it's so critical.
A lot of mainstream media didn't even show what the president said.
They said, oh, world leaders said he was racist, and they said he was rude, and they said that he was five minutes late to a women's equality meeting they were having, so he hates women.
This is the type of sick jokes
You know, Lebron to the IMF was there and all, you know, like screw everybody over and the lady that pays no taxes herself but wants working people to pay more taxes.
I mean, it's, but, oh, she virtue-signaled.
She virtue-signaled for women.
She cares so much about women.
You know, we want to make sure you die alone.
Make sure the state clearly controls you and make sure you never reproduce.
I mean, that's the whole name of the game, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what these sickos have been pushing the entire time.
They've created this horrible civilization with record suicide and all the rest of it, but things are starting to turn around.
And we even see some of the suicide numbers in the troops starting to go down for the first time in decades because they think people actually care about them again.
It's this idea that people matter.
Think about that.
The average
European car and the EU.
Okay, it comes in here tariff-free.
On average, they have a 30 plus percent
In some cases, depending on some of the more luxury cars or high-end cars that we send in, it's the price of the car.
So the car is $60,000.
They tag on basically $60,000.
But on average, it's about 30-35%.
We put zero in, they put 35.
He was using examples of 200-plus percent on dairy products.
Imagine that, ladies and gentlemen.
Imagine that.
And that little snot-nosed Trudeau is up there acting like we're being mean to the Canadians.
This trade is not reciprocal.
Meaning, you know, I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
You would want reciprocal trade.
That's the kind of thing that you would want.
But notice China drives the cost of everything down.
But because it's a monopoly, it only sells to certain groups who then come in and make huge profits off of it, at the same time deindustrializing.
This was all set up.
This was all planned.
And then what does Trump do with China?
They've got a 15% tax, we've got a 40% on corporate money.
So, corporations say lower it to 15%, we'll move back to the U.S.
He does.
China goes to zero.
But you have to be state-run now.
Think about the level of the trade war we were already in and losing badly.
We were losing the trade war for 30, 40 years.
And now, all we're saying is, we hit a little bit.
You know, China, you get 50 slave factories for Apple, literally.
We want two.
Oh, and the media goes, that dirty traitor Trump.
You know, everybody's sitting around the dinner table here of the G7.
They've got their plates all piled with food.
And then Trump wants
A third as much on the plate for America.
That dirty racist piece of crap.
Why look at him now decriminalizing marijuana and saying follow what the states want to do that's constitutional.
Something Bush wouldn't do.
Something Obama promised we wouldn't do.
That dirty person.
I'm sure on 420 everyone will have piñatas of Trump and Barn Voodoo dolls because they don't care.
The left are brainwashed idiots.
They're so stoned I guess.
They need to expand on that.
At every level, Trump is delivering.
Oh, he's moving to get rid of the mandatory sentencing that focused on black people and put more than 10 million black people in prison since the Clintons got it passed in 94, saying black people are like dogs that have to be brought to heel.
There's a video.
That's a quote.
Super predator.
Oh, but that's okay.
He's a racist.
He doesn't want black people who were caught with cocaine but didn't commit any violent acts to spend 40 years in jail.
Oh my God, he's so racist.
He's pardoning black people who've been in jail for 30 years.
Black mothers.
Oh my God, he's such a bad person.
The brainwashing you've got to be under to go along with this.
When we come back, we've got the amazing footage of the confrontation last night.
And we've got Owen Schroyer as well.
The history's happening.
And I just say, God bless you all.
You were the detonator for Trump to hit this level.
We are the core of the resistance.
That's why the full force is under attack.
We need your prayers, we need your support, and we need you to take action.
Nothing to see here folks, just Iran admitting to helping with the 9-11 terror attacks.
Free Beacon reports that Iranian officials have admitted to facilitating the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
by secretly aiding the free travel of al-Qaeda operatives who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers.
Speaking on Iran's state-controlled television, an international affairs assistant in Iran's judiciary, Mohammad Javad Larjani, said that Iranian intelligence officials did not stamp the passports of the al-Qaeda militants in order to conceal their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments.
Al Qaeda operatives were also given safe refuge in Iran.
The U.S.
government has long accused Iran of playing a role in the attacks, and the U.S.
9-11 Commission concluded that Iran played a role in facilitating the Al Qaeda terrorists.
But these remarks represent the very first time that senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding Al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9-11 attacks.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen.
Thank you, buddy.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Owen Schroeder is about to take over and he's got two of the amazing individuals that went to that den of lobotomized demons at the big center downtown where Bill Clinton was slithering around like a reanimated corpse.
The Crypt Keeper brought out on display and he was just devastated that everywhere he goes he's being devastated.
So it makes me feel good with all their attacks and all their lawsuits and all their globalist Democratic Party garbage to know that we're just going to keep hitting them and hitting them and hitting them and hitting them and hitting them.
And that we're winning and the globalists are losing and that the country's coming back.
And all the major globalist sex crimes are coming out, and Epstein's about to go to prison, or Epstein's already gone to prison, Weinstein's about to go to prison.
So much is happening.
That's why I just want to be positive, folks, and let people know the reason I get giddy is people tend to just get into a relaxed trance.
The television puts people into a medical trance, into a near-sleep state.
And then people don't differentiate, you know, violence in movies with real violence.
So they don't differentiate real life with, you know, make-believe.
This is real life.
We're really taking the Republic back.
We're really turning the corner.
We're really exposing the tyranny at the universities and in the government.
And there are people in the government that are patriots as well.
So this is a historic time when humanity
We're good to go.
And so why not try that here?
It was Memorandum 7277 from the State Department.
It was a real plan.
They were about to try it when Hillary got in.
So, I realize, folks, that Trump is really delivering.
Did I get mad at him about Syria?
You know, do I get upset?
It doesn't mean that I don't absolutely thank God for Trump every day.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, you can tell by the spirit of it, by everything Trump's doing, the way things are turning around, now the fact that he's moving to work with Russia.
That tells you he's about to drop the hammer on Mueller and the rest of them.
We're going to do a 34-hour broadcast Thursday.
I'll be back for that.
I've got to give it a name, but it's basically the release of the Inspector General's report, the fall of the Deep State, you know, showdown with the Deep State, the Royal Rumble in the swamp that's coming up this Thursday when I release that Inspector General report.
There'll be lots of fireworks from that.
There'll be lots of coverage, obviously, here today and tomorrow with the whole Kim Jong-un summit in Singapore.
Massive coverage at InfoWars.
But just here, before I hand the baton to Owen and he plays part of the intro of this video, Bill Clinton getting confronted last night and more dominoes falling, please, ladies and gentlemen, it is absolutely critical to remember
That we're trying to expand to 20 hours a day at least live.
We're trying to hire more people.
We're trying to beat all these globalist lawsuits that cost a lot of money to do that.
We've knocked a lot of them out of court, but now you see the big ones they've launched.
We need to have a lot of money to fight these people, and it makes it really easy for us to do.
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Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, but I've got to end that special here in the next few days.
We're going to extend free shipping until Sunday, but a lot of the best-selling products we have will be 50% off, but we're going to have to stop some of them, like the X2, like the
What's the other one?
Rainforest, that are getting close to selling out because I'm going to pull them back before they sell out and go back to regular price.
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I'm going to get him on as a guest, by the way, like on Friday or something.
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I mean, it's like a hog was on
C-SPAN, about a couple months ago, he goes, you know, Jones is a con man.
You know, he says they're putting bad stuff in the water, then he sells filters.
No, you idiot.
It's called straight shooting.
Of course I'm saying there's poison in the water.
You need to buy a filter from me.
It's a 360 wind.
That's the whole point, you idiot.
If you like, if I was, you know, sold horses, and I'd say, by the way, you need a saddle, you need a rope, you need some boots, you need some chaps with that, you need some lessons.
I feel like I'm trying to sell you a car.
I tell you, it needs gas in it.
Yes, Hogg.
See, Hogg's such a manipulator that he thinks there's a scam there.
He doesn't get a straight shot.
Like, we've gone out and found the very best gravity-fed filters out there, and we carry, you know, like four different brands of water filters.
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And there's tons of poison in the water.
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So again, InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
These specials have got to end this week.
Then I've got some new products coming out next week, and that'll be our special on that.
But I'm telling you folks, this is how you fund the future.
Oh, and I'm going to hand things over to you, my friend.
I'll be popping back in via video Skype coming up in the third hour.
So God bless you, and again, thank you so much.
But history's happening.
Trump is totally delivering now.
If there was any questions earlier, it was because he hadn't gotten control of the executive yet.
He's still only got about half control now.
And to the audience out there, many of you perhaps have been wondering when it's time to get active.
In this fight for liberty, when it's time to hit the streets, when it's time to speak out for your beliefs and your politics, well now's the time.
The tide is turning, and now is the time.
The iron is hot, so it's time to strike.
And I think for President Trump to be doing everything he's doing, if he looks back and sees what's going on in America, and see patriots out there protesting the scum like the Clintons, that will just energize President Trump even more.
Now, we got two minutes till break here.
When we come back in the short segment, I'm going to air the almost full clip.
We don't have the full time, but we'll air almost the entire clip
of the five individuals that stood up and shouted out at Bill Clinton last night during Bill Clinton's book tour event.
So we're going to play that video on the other side of this break.
And then we're going to be joined in studio by two of the brave patriots that were willing to take that stand and willing to stick their neck out there.
And then, just to let you know where you're at on a program note, Dan Lyman is going to join me at 1.05 from, I think he's still in Italy, I'm not sure, he may be back in Switzerland where he lives now, and he'll be giving us a breakdown of the Bilderberg meetings which are concluded now.
So you think about, really, just the month of June, just this month of June, how historic it is with the Bilderberg meetings, the G7,
The Trump-Kim summit happening.
So, I mean, we are right in the middle of it.
And I believe President Trump turns 71 on June 14th.
And a little birthday present is coming for the old president in the form of an Inspector General's report that will surely blow the lid off
The fake investigation into Hillary Clinton.
The fake.
There was no investigation.
They wrote her off before they even investigated her.
Why do you think Loretta Lynch was meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac?
Loretta Lynch.
Can you believe that was an attorney general?
What a joke.
That's like the Democrats considering Elizabeth Warren for a 2020 run.
Elizabeth Warren?
That's pathetic.
That's just pathetic.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Hey, Bill, why did you fly in Jeffrey Epstein's plane 26 times to Lolita Island?
You're a child rapist, too?
You're a child rapist, too?
Get your hands off of me.
No, you're a child rapist, too, Bill?
You can tell your wife to apologize?
Are you gonna make me sit down?
Yes, you will.
No, I won't.
Are you gonna make me sit down?
Are you gonna apologize to all the Haitians for all the money you stole?
Are you gonna apologize to Haitis for all the money that you stole?
What about the women that you raised?
Time to go.
You rapist!
Time to go.
Are you security?
Did you sign my sharpened copy?
Sign my sharpened copy, you rapist!
Pedophile, murderer, rapist!
Claim body count!
Move out, claim body count!
You know, the sad fact is we can't even hear what you're saying, so we can just hang on.
Chinese American women journalists.
Remember that?
Hey, Bill Clinton!
What was your involvement in the illegal drug trafficking ring in Lima, Arkansas?
When you were governor there, Bill Clinton, very seal.
Who's very seal, Bill Clinton?
What was your relationship with very seal?
Hey, don't touch me, sir.
Don't touch me.
Who is very seal, Bill Clinton?
No gun runner and drug trafficker may receive Bill Clinton facilitated drug running in Tavena, Arkansas, where he was governor there!
What's that?
What's that, man?
What about the reconciliation of Danny Williams?
Your illegitimate son!
Don't forget him!
Danny Williams!
Next Sunday is Father's Day!
What about Father's Day?
Look at you!
1985, your son was born!
And you know that!
And you know that, girl!
What about Danny Williams?
What about Danny Williams?
Justice for Danny Williams!
Look it up!
Justice for Danny Williams!
Look it up!
Look it up!
He's a little darker than Bill!
I wonder if you could just... Can you just give me a minute to talk to the former president of the United States of America about North Korea?
Why did you want me to do this?
And he said, Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick in a motel room!
And when he was running for governor of Arkansas, you need to look it up, he doesn't care about women!
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
One of the favorite things is to attack you over something that happened so long ago.
Nobody knows whether it's true or not.
Come on man!
What's up with you man?
Come on!
You have, I think, a pretty plausible way that the President has to react in front of this.
First of all, it is physically possible to do it.
Yeah, because of Lolita Express!
That's why!
Talk about Weinstein, how you're related to Weinstein!
We know it!
Jeffrey Epstein!
We know it!
We'll get your information.
We'll send you out.
So you're not allowed to come back to this venue.
I want to tell you all this.
I'm going to spend a few minutes here first just encouraging listeners to understand that when you buy t-shirts or water filtration systems or books
Or videos or other material from Infowarsstore.com.
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And your purchase of the products stands with us, stands with America, stands with Trump, stands against the globalists and their satanic pedophile armies.
And that's who they are, and they know we know who they are, and they're coming back against us so we need your support.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick!
Alright ladies and gentlemen, you just saw the video in the last segment.
Still not the full video.
The full video is on the Alex Jones channel of the entire confrontation last night at the Bill Clinton book tour.
And this is what these people need to know.
If Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and James Comey want to go do book tours, well then we the people have to let them know that we know who they are, we know what they did, and we're not going to stand idly by
And let them gallivant around this country making a bunch of money, laughing at the people in the process.
That's not going to happen anymore.
So I want to salute Versteen Henry and Sam Montoya for coming out here yesterday and shouting out at Bill Clinton.
Two of the five people that got in there and shouted at Bill.
But before we get into why you guys did this, I wanted to ask you this.
What was it like in there?
What was it like being in that crowd?
Because it's a little bit different, I think, than going to a protest where they're kind of ravenous and enraged.
But going to there, where they're kind of like in their comfort zone, and they're there with their leader, Bill.
Like, yeah, Verstehen, you start first.
What was it like just being in there?
And of course, talk about the guys that I guess were grabbing you or whatever happened with that.
Yeah, I mean, it was just really, um, it was really uncomfortable just, just because, you know, I'm listening to them talk about how much they like this guy and I'm just like, God, he's a rapist.
He's done all these horrible, horrible things.
And, and people are just, you know, praising him.
They're talking about him in line, how much they love him and how much they love Hillary.
And I was just, it was just hard not to just puke because it was just,
They really do, like, I mean, they really were fans of Bill Clinton.
Yeah, and they saw the protesters.
I was talking to this one lady, I wish I had gotten that on video, but I was talking to this one lady, um, outside in the line, and, and I was like, well, didn't, haven't you heard that, you know, he was a rapist?
And she's like, yeah, I heard that.
I was like, well, did you ever look into that?
She's like, no, because I figured if, you know, um, if he really was a rapist, it would have come out by now.
And I was like, uh,
Yeah, CNN would have reported it, right?
CNN would have reported it.
The news would have told me.
Of course.
Like, I don't have to do any thinking for myself.
So, yeah, I mean, it was really kind of a little bit nerve-wracking.
And then once I, you know, remembered why I was doing what I was doing, and I start to do it, it just, you know, kind of like went away.
And it felt great.
People were booing me.
And as I got up, a guy grabbed me by the shorts and tried to pull me back down into my seat.
And then I, like, swiped his hand away, and he grabbed my purse, and, like, pulled my purse, and my purse almost choked me.
It, like, wrapped around my neck, and I had to pull the purse apart.
So it sounds like they're taking after Bill, you know, grabbing women, you know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, just, you know, that was a bit unexpected.
I didn't expect the crowd to get so, like, violent, you know?
I understand that they paid money and stuff, and I understand, you know, that I was gonna get kicked out, because, you know, I'm exercising my freedom of speech, but at the end of the day,
You know, I know that I am disrupting their, you know, worship events, their rituals, their clubs.
I think you guys actually made it worth the price of admission.
Yeah, probably, the cops probably had something to talk about.
Yeah, yeah.
And then, and all the people too.
Look at those crazies!
Look at the crazies protesting!
What was it like for you, Sam?
I mean, were you surprised at the actual fact that these people actually liked Bill Clinton?
Like, did you expect to have actual fanboys out there?
Not to the extent they were, and sorry I lost my voice because I got a little rowdy in there.
But no, not to the extent that they were, that level they were, I guess, because you really have to pile on the denial.
You know, especially when you have that crowd out there of protesters shouting a lot of truth, and they are just lining up like lemmings, like zombies.
You could just feel the darkness in that audience, to be honest.
But it was amazing to be able to get in there and just confront Bill directly, and take it to him with the fact that
He's been getting away and covering up all these crimes with the Lolita Express.
Even covering up what's going on with Danny Williams in Fort Worth has really been on top of that as far as reporting.
So it was awesome.
And that's what you were shouting about.
Mainly your thing was Danny Williams.
Father's Day is coming up.
Are you going to acknowledge Danny Williams?
Are you going to acknowledge your grandson?
What were people saying?
Were they responding to that?
Had they ever heard of Danny Williams?
It didn't seem like anyone around me directly had heard about anything like that.
Everyone got pretty quiet at first because I started yelling, but they all started to cheer once the cops grabbed me and started to pull me out.
And it just seemed like, it felt to me like they were almost...
Happy at the things that that Bill Clinton had been accused of and gotten away with like they were glad like yes Bill Rape the women and cover it up.
Yes, have an illegitimate child.
Yes, Bill Exactly exactly.
I mean you gotta basically numb yourself if you're gonna worship this guy the way these people were doing and Versine you brought up the Lolita Express.
What were people saying to you?
You know, I think they were just mad that I was disrupting.
I don't even think they kind of really understood at first what was going on.
They were just mad that I was, like, yelling.
And then, you know, after I talked about the Lolit Express, and I was like, well, I know the cops are coming to get me.
So I got to, like, bring up other stuff, because he's done so many things.
You know, so I brought that up.
I brought up Haiti, the money.
You know, he's still from Haiti.
Um, I brought up, what else did I, I told people to Google, um, the Clinton bunny count to look that up.
I mean, he just has a plethora of things that he's done.
It's not just like that one thing that him and his, him and Hillary have done, you know?
And so were people though, like curious or were they just in denial of it all?
I was talking to the cops about it, actually, and I tried to... I had more of their attention after they took me away and, you know, they had to question me and do, like, the procedural stuff, but I was just like... I'm like, you heard what I was talking about, right?
You need to look into what I'm talking about, you know?
I think a lot of people, they might think about it later, probably.
I think, but I think in the moment they were just mad that I was like, you know, interrupting their cult leader.
Yeah, I do that.
And I got a lot of physical in it, huh?
No, no, I was just going to say the cops were really good and really chill and they really were listening because even the guy who was talking to me outside, he didn't want to stop talking about Danny Williams.
Once I told him the whole story, you know, he was laughing and saying,
He can't wait for the paternity test to come back, or the suit that Danny Williams has filed.
So the police were just awesome, the APD that was out there, and thanks for being so chill.
That was cool.
Yeah, they were really chill.
So you had to deal with people grabbing you and trying to force you to sit back down.
What about you, Sam?
Did you have to deal with the physical element?
No, not at all.
Maybe it's because I'm a male or just, you know, big guy, but no, nobody touched me.
And there was a couple of big guys around me that I was like thinking maybe they might push me, shove me, grab me.
But no, I didn't get touched by anybody but the police.
Different for Christine.
The police were cool, too, because I was just like, I gotta go, huh?
They're like, yeah, I'm like, all right.
I knew it though.
I'm not like, I know if you're going to do that, just expect to be escorted out.
It's not a big deal.
Cops really don't want to do it.
And if you're cooperative, most of the time I find that they're pretty chill, you know?
And I was.
And I feel like because I was like that too, I was able to explain to them what I was doing.
And they had more of a listening for what I was doing because, you know, I wasn't like,
I see a lot of liberals that go and protest and the cops are moving and they're like, attack the cops!
And then they're like, why are they getting arrested?
I'm like, because you ducked a cop in the face!
Well, and I was actually speaking to some of the police that were outside, too, and they were actually thanking us for, you know, doing things the right way, for not being, you know, aggressive with people, staying in our spot, so big shout-out to APD for handling the whole scene correctly.
But of course, of course they would want to bully you, you know, a woman, you know, you're easy to bully and push around, but Sam, though, a man over here who can, you know, fend for himself.
I didn't take it, though.
I heard you in the video, like, don't touch me!
And they did the same thing to the other woman that was in there.
They were grabbing her and shoving her.
That's the typical double standard.
You know, they don't mind punching Nazis or whoever they want to call a Nazi at the end of the day.
They probably just thought I would punch back so they didn't touch me.
But Christine and the other woman definitely got the brunt of their physical intentions, you know, in there.
It was like going into the lion's den.
I was hearing Alex in the green room talk about it and it was almost like he was reading my brain verbatim because it was that same feeling of walking into the lion's den, being surrounded by zombies, being surrounded by lemmings, people who paid hundreds of dollars to see Bill for God knows why.
$300 if you wanted to get your books out.
Well you guys, you guys are a couple of good Russian Nazis, okay?
So good job, Russian, you're probably white supremacist too.
So you're good white supremacist Russian Nazis.
You did a good job shouting down Bill Clinton.
You guys are going to stick around for another segment and we're going to talk about why this is so important.
Why it's so important to go out into the physical realm.
If Bill Clinton is coming to your city and you don't stand up to that scum, well then what's wrong with you?
And if you're paying $300 to have a book signed by Bill Clinton, boy, you, you are some extra kind of brainwashed, my friend.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick!
Receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
June 10th, 2018, Bass Concert Hall.
Bill Clinton comes to Austin, Texas for his book tour.
He's met with dozens of protesters outside.
The zombie lemmings paid hundreds of dollars to see the scum, Bill Clinton, the rapist.
As the scum entered the event, protesters waited inside to shout him down.
Bill Clinton is a racist, so we need to go ahead and protest him.
And hopefully we've got some InfoWarriors inside who can ask him some tough questions, because that would be awesome.
Hey Bill, why did you fly in Jeffrey Epstein's plane 26 times to Lolita Island?
Get your hands off of me!
Are you a child rapist too, Bill?
Sit down!
Sit down!
Are you going to tell you why to apologize?
For calling me a super predator?
Totalitarianism of the audience.
He will sit down.
I don't want to hear about Haiti.
I don't want to hear about Bill's rapes.
I don't want to hear about the Lolita Express.
I just want to pay $100 to hear Bill speak.
Shut up and sit down.
I like my brainwashing.
I happen to be very comfortable in my brainwashing.
How dare you?
I tried to bring up some truth.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, that is just a portion of the video.
Of course, that was you, Versteen.
That was your portion of the video there.
You were
Again, bringing up everything you could think of, and of course they're grabbing you, they're telling you to sit down, so you had to deal with it.
But Sam, you were talking about something in the break that was pretty incredible, and we were kind of wondering what this was.
So tell the story about you're sitting there before the event starts, and you're just sitting there quietly, you're not making a scene, you know, nobody knows what you're doing there, and tell the audience what happened.
About 10 minutes before the show started.
Actually, I think the show started a little late.
So it was maybe even closer to the 7.30 mark.
There was a gentleman sitting right in front of me.
And it was, you know, everybody in the audience was on their phone, like normal.
But he turned right around, looked me right in the eye, and said, I'm watching you.
I mean, he looked me dead in the eye and just said it directly to me.
And there was no one on either side of me.
You know, and I was on my phone at the moment texting, too.
And you were dressed neutral.
You didn't have a Bill Clinton rape shirt on or anything?
Didn't have the rape shirt on.
Just dressed, you know, in a normal shirt and jeans.
And there's no reason for him to say those words to me.
But it definitely shook me at that moment because I knew what I was there to do.
But then... And you're like, how did he know?
What does he know?
Yeah, what exactly?
I had those questions going through my mind.
What does he know?
Why did he say that?
And then he turned around, and about a minute or so later, he turned around again a second time, and on his phone, he had the Wikipedia page up of the NSA.
And he had the symbol of the NSA, and he showed it directly to me and said,
I'm with the NSA and I'm watching you.
And he just had a, pretty much it looked like an evil in his eyes, but whatever was going on, I just didn't say another word and he turned around and lights went down a little bit later.
It definitely shook me though, like I was telling you earlier, because I didn't know if this guy was gonna, you know, tell somebody, tell a cop, or I didn't know what he knew.
Yeah, and it's like, how would he even know to say that?
And so we were having the debate, like, in the break, like, were you literally, like, looking at a demon?
Like, did a demon, like, take over that person's body and turn around like, I know what you're here to do.
You're here to protest my Bill Clinton.
In that room, I definitely could have been.
You did it anyway.
The probability is high.
You did it anyway.
But that's the thing.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, literally though, that was either someone from the NSA that would have somehow known what you were there to do via reading text or, you know, I can't explain it.
Or that's just a demon literally turning around, showing his face to you.
I know what you're here to do.
Yeah, either way, I just looked him right in the eye and, you know, just held my ground and everything was good as far as me with that guy.
Did you have any weird thing like that too?
With any like spiritual demon telling you?
No, I had to pretend like I liked Bill Clinton.
That was even worse, I think.
You like Bill?
You're a fan?
Oh yeah, I love him.
Oh yeah, me too!
What were people saying?
Like, were people like, in the event, were they like, can you believe those protesters outside?
Like, oh!
In line they were, yeah.
I was trying so hard not to laugh and keep a straight face, but I was a bit nervous too.
I was just trying to be normal.
How does it feel though?
You did it last night, the video's out.
Are you glad you did it?
Do you feel like it was worth it?
I'd do it again.
You know, I also, too, I was thinking that, you know, the journalist is like the fourth estate between the up, the higher-ups and the people.
So I feel like us doing this is fighting for the people because this is how we keep them honest, right?
And CNN and all these other programs, I mean, news organizations, they're not doing it.
So it's up to us.
And that's why they've been able to get away with all this stuff, because nobody stands up.
Even if it's like it's like the movie A Bug's Life.
When he's like, you think this is about grain or whatever?
You think this is about food?
If one ant stands up, they all stand up.
That's what you guys did.
You guys are the ants.
You know what?
Hey, let's pull up, can we pull up Bill Clinton's book tour?
Because we don't want anyone else to do this, okay?
We don't want anyone to be patriotic heroes like Versteen and Sam here.
So don't go to Bill Clinton's book tour whenever his next event is.
Don't infiltrate.
Don't go inside.
Don't shout down Bill.
Don't let the audience know.
I mean, you know, we shouldn't let them do this, right?
Nobody should do what you guys did.
No, definitely just let Bill's tour go on without a hitch.
Let it go smoothly.
Let's let him get as much money.
Let him rape all he wants.
Oh, look at that!
Tonight in San Antonio!
So don't go to Bill's show in San Antonio tonight and bring up the Lolita Express.
Don't bring, like, 20 people.
Don't do that.
Yeah, don't.
The more, you know... Don't bring up the rapes.
Don't bring up Danny Williams.
Don't do it.
Don't bring up Katie.
Unless you're against rape, but other than that, you know.
Pull that back up, guys.
We got San Antonio tonight.
Let's see what we got here.
Don't go to the Tobin Center of the Performing Arts to see Bill Clinton tonight.
Don't do it.
Don't go shout him down.
Don't go to the R. N. A. Theater at Broward Center.
Oh, he's going to Broward County, at Coward County.
In Fort Lauderdale on June 12th, that's Tuesday.
And Wednesday in Atlanta, do not go to the Cobb Energy Center and shout down Bill Clinton and bring up the rapes and the Lolita Express.
And they already cancelled the event in Providence, so they had to cancel an event.
That's a shame.
I just want to say, uh, Versteen Henry and Sam Montoya, you guys are patriotic heroes.
You can see Versteen's YouTube channel at Truth or Talk on YouTube, and you can follow Sam on Twitter at Sammy C. Montoya.
Thank you guys.
You guys are the best.
Great stuff.
The full video is on the Alex Jones channel on YouTube.
We need more people like Versteen and Sam that are willing to stand up and be brave, folks.
But don't do it on Bill Clinton's book tour.
No, no, no, no.
Don't do that.
Don't do that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer hosting today.
I'm going to be joined by Dan Lyman at 1 o'clock and then Alex Jones is going to join us at the bottom of the next hour as well.
In the meantime, I've got a litany of news that I want to get to here.
And then some video clips that hopefully I can get to on the other side.
But this month, and really this week right now, is pivotal and will probably be going down in history.
I mean, we'll see what happens.
We'll see what the history books say about President Trump, but if the truth be told, this week will go down in history.
This month will go down in history.
As one of the most important of Trump's presidencies and perhaps for America.
Now I love this image right here.
This is the image of defiance that President Trump has in the face of the globalists.
And the iconic almost cinematography of this picture of Trump sitting with Angela Merkel domineering over him
With kind of like an Emperor Palpatine look, and Trump is just sitting there in defiance, almost sarcastically smiling.
Like he knows how much he's angering them, he knows how much he's aggravating them, and he loves it!
And you can see Prime Minister Abe in the background, kind of defiant as well, just saying, look, you're not going to bully this man, he cannot be moved.
But Merkel and Macron sit there and beg, Fall to the new world order, President Trump!
Let America collapse!
And we will suck it in to the one world government ruled by AI.
And we'll have the Communist Chinese running the whole thing.
Trump's like, Nah, I'm good.
Don't you want people to die?
We need population control.
We need open borders.
We need the Chinese communists running the whole show.
And America cannot exist.
President Trump, don't you understand?
There's a greater plan to bring civilization to its knees, President Trump.
And President Trump stares and says, hmm, I think I'll pass.
No, don't you understand?
We have to defeat humanity.
Trump's like, I kind of like humans actually.
I think I'll just actually go now.
Thanks for having me.
Enjoy the fake man-made climate change portion of the G7.
Peace out.
So here's what's in the headlines.
France on G7 fits of anger.
Cannot dictate international cooperation.
Yeah, you're damn right.
You can't dictate an American.
Ah, don't you just love it?
Our most awakened inclination.
Trump tweeting about G7 before Kim meeting.
Yeah, just savaging the globalist on Twitter.
Savaging Trudeau.
How weak is Justin Trudeau?
I mean, between Macron and Trudeau, you can get like half a man.
On a good day.
If they took their super male vitality.
Oh, but Bilderberg was also going on during the G7.
And we're going to be joined by Dan Lyman to discuss that.
Bill Luberg globalists meet minutes from no-go migrant village and they want more.
They want more no-go zones in Europe.
They want more no-go zones in France, in Italy, in England, in Sweden.
What is wrong with these people?
Oh, well, you know what's wrong with them.
They want a one world government and you cannot have national sovereignty and a one world government at the same time.
But you see, you will beg for a Chinese Communist government to come and save you when things hit the fan.
That's what their hopes are.
That they just disrupt and destroy civilization so much to the point that the average human is so desolate, so desperate,
They'll beg on their knees for the government to come give them a piece of bread, a drop of water.
That's what communism and socialism does.
Look at Venezuela.
That's what they want to bring to America, to bring America to its knees, to then bring in the one world government.
That's what all of this is about.
And so Bloomberg admits everybody knows it.
Brace for the world economy's most important week of the year.
Now you have to understand something about this North Korean summit with President Trump.
China has been basically propping up North Korea probably for the last decade, maybe longer.
And it's starting to kind of show itself now
Where you had China agree to not be sending oil into North Korea anymore.
Okay, well North Korea then on the brink of having no power, China sends in the oil anyway.
Kim Jong-un can't even pay for a hotel room in Singapore.
He had to have Trump do it.
That's how dire things were in North Korea.
Kim Jong-un was struggling now.
China has been propping up North Korea and using it as a junkyard dog for decades.
And Trump has just destroyed the whole thing.
Just by trying to do it.
So here's what they're saying.
Pompeo says Trump can offer North Korea security assurances unlike any in the past.
Well, really, it's just he's willing to make a deal.
And you have Bolton.
I mean, nobody knows.
Is Bolton the bad cop?
Is Bolton trying to sabotage the deal by going with the Hillary Clinton Libya model where you just rape, murder, pillage and plunder?
But yeah, Trump is willing to make a deal and if he tells North Korea, look, you can be a sovereign nation.
You can have your own power plants.
You can have your own industry.
Look at South Korea.
Then you won't have to rely on China.
So it's like, oh, maybe that will work.
And that's what they'll be talking about at the summit, which is starting now.
Dennis Rodman heading to Singapore for Trump Chem Summit.
You know, a lot of people are upset about this.
Hey, if Dennis Rodman can get the job done, then let him do it.
I don't see why.
If Pamela Anderson can get communications with Julian Assange, let her do it.
And hey, I mean, look, they love Stormy Daniels using the media to promote her porn tour, so I mean, come on now, what's the big deal with Dennis Rodman?
And now you have Lindsey Graham, the war hawk.
Senator Graham calls for war in Korea if Kim doesn't agree to complete denuclearization.
See, this is what I'm saying, why are people like Bolton and Graham saying this stuff?
Are they trying to sabotage the deal?
Are they just so hungry for war anytime they...
Smell a potential war or site to bomb?
They just get a little chub?
So I don't know what Lindsey Graham's deal is, but we don't want war in Korea.
Okay, Graham?
So just get that through your head.
We don't want any more war, actually.
If you can figure that out.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, now I'm going to have some video clips on the other side of this break, but we have barely even plugged today.
I think we've plugged maybe for one minute, and it's your support at InfoWarsTore.com that is so important as we're expanding right now.
And in case you haven't noticed, we're doing more live broadcasts, more special projects.
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We'll be right back with more news on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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Nothing to see here, folks.
Just Iran admitting to helping with the 9-11 terror attacks.
Free Beacon reports that Iranian officials have admitted to facilitating the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
by secretly aiding the free travel of al-Qaeda operatives, who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers.
Speaking on Iran's state-controlled television, an international affairs assistant in Iran's judiciary, Mohammad Javed Larjani, said that Iranian intelligence officials did not stamp the passports of the al-Qaeda militants in order to conceal their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments.
Al Qaeda operatives were also given safe refuge in Iran.
The U.S.
government has long accused Iran of playing a role in the attacks, and the U.S.
9-11 Commission concluded that Iran played a role in facilitating the Al Qaeda terrorists.
But these remarks represent the very first time that senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding Al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9-11 attacks.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, I would be remiss if I went any further and I didn't give a huge shout-out to all of the Infowarriors that came out last night and protested the Bill Clinton book tour with us.
But you heard Alex earlier talking about how he's been more recognized than ever, he gets sworn more than ever.
The average info warrior out there that I've met is just such a good person.
These are the people that make America great.
These are the people that raise great families.
I'm out last night, standing on the street, waiting for a ride.
I can't believe I forgot the gentleman's name.
Family man, family immigrated here, just a total champion, a patriot, a veteran.
And he just pulls over and he's like, he's like, hey, has anyone ever told you you look like Owen Schroer?
And I'm like, oh, no, you got the wrong guy.
He's like, no, no, Schroer.
And he gives me a ride home.
I try to pay him money.
He refuses payment.
I mean, it's just honestly, you people that support us, that I meet and that that shake our hands.
I mean, seriously, I love you guys.
You guys make everything we do here worthwhile.
And it's and it's us together.
Getting active, getting engaged, that's changing the world.
And you might not be able to see it if you just have a flash, and you just look at the world, you still see all the scum, you still see all the degradation, you still see, you know, all the depression and everything.
But we're getting active now, and we're pushing back.
And the momentum is truly going the other way for America now.
This is not going to be a simple, quick process.
This is going to take years to do.
But we've got the momentum on our side now, and we're going in the right direction.
So I just want to salute everybody that was there, everybody I meet, everybody that shakes my hand.
You guys, you make it all possible, and you just keep us driving to be even better.
Alright, where do I want to go here?
First, let's just go with this madness.
We've got a lot of madness here, actually.
Inside Obama's secret meetings with 2020 contenders.
It's now clear that Barack Obama is now the cult thought leader of the left.
It is now clear he's the one telling Jay-Z, he's the one dictating the entire hip-hop rap industry can't meet with Trump.
So there's the cult leader Obama telling you who you can and can't speak to with his operative Jay-Z.
The Spirit Cookers.
Oh, and by the way, this Robert De Niro, which we'll just go to now here, but just real quick.
First of all, the story says they're considering Bernie Sanders.
That's not going to work.
Bernie Sanders isn't a registered Democrat.
The Democrat said only a registered Democrat can run this year.
So if Bernie runs and is independent, that'll kill the Democrat Party.
Wouldn't that be beautiful?
But they're honestly considering Elizabeth Warren.
Elizabeth Warren!
A moldy ham sandwich from the year 2008 is more viable than Elizabeth Warren.
I mean, my goodness!
I'm hoping to be joined by Shiva Ayyadurai on Wednesday.
We have to get Shiva Ayyadurai in.
We have to get Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in to defeat Elizabeth Warren.
It is a necessity.
And you know,
I'm just afraid they just rigged these elections with these electronic voter machines, man.
Especially with these local deals.
How does Elizabeth Warren being considered for president?
A total fop!
A known liar!
Oh, you know... You know, here's what would be beautiful.
And this is to show you how desperate they are.
If Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai defeats Elizabeth Warren in the midterms, which, oh my god, I mean, just get on your knees and pray that that happens, and then they try to resurrect Elizabeth Warren with a presidential election, or imagine they put her as the frontrunner and then she lose her Senate seat.
Oh, oh my gosh.
Sorry, I'm getting all giddy here.
I'm getting little butterflies inside.
Elizabeth Warren as a Democrat Party candidate for president.
She's like Moe from the Three Stooges' ugly cousin.
Oh my gosh.
I'm sorry.
These people are so pathetic, man.
I tell you, that's the most amazing thing.
People like Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden.
These people are pathetic, man.
You are better than this scum.
I just wish people realized these are people just like you, but they're worse than you.
Just because they somehow made it into office doesn't mean they're above you.
They are beneath you.
You are the real people.
You have the power.
Anyway, Robert De Niro, first of all, let's just, a little more ridiculousness here.
Twitter CEO says he was wrong to eat at Chick-fil-A.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Sunday expressed regret over eating at Chick-fil-A because of the chicken company CEO's personal views on gay marriage.
Mark Dorsey says, I'm sorry for eating a chicken sandwich.
That's right.
I'm sorry for eating a chicken sandwich.
I'm Jack Dorsey.
Now let's go to clip 4.
Robert De Niro at the Tony Awards last night.
Nobody was watching.
Listen to Robert De Niro's unhinged rant, who's also friends with Marina Abramovich, the spirit cooker.
Maybe De Niro gets in on some of that.
Listen to Robert De Niro's unhinged rant against President Trump last night at the Tony Awards.
Oh, the whole thing's just bleeped?
So you can't even play it.
It's just bleeped.
The whole thing's bleeped.
They love it, though.
They're all cheering.
He just goes, F Trump, and now they're all cheering and smiling.
I'm the big strong man!
I said F Trump!
I'm Robert De Niro, a Hollywood fop!
I'm a spirit cooker!
These people are so unhappy.
He's getting a standing ovation for saying F Trump.
The intellectualism of Robert De Niro!
Mr. De Niro, pull him down.
Get him out of here.
Mr. De Niro, this crowd here at the Tonys has gathered.
They want you to say something striking.
They want you to say something moving.
They want you to say something intellectual.
Mr. De Niro, do you think you could deliver?
Well, I think it's going to be hard, but I think I've got something for him.
F. Donald Trump!
I'm Robert De Niro!
I said F Trump!
I had a victory!
Look at me!
I had a victory!
I said F Trump at the Tony's!
Victory for me!
You know what's sad about these people?
They are so delusional now.
They are so delusional now that this is how they get off because the rest of society has left them behind.
You see, movie ratings are tanking.
Hollywood is being exposed, and they're being left behind by civilization.
See, we're done with you.
You're scum.
You're frauds.
You are the biggest phonies in this country.
And so, America's moving past Hollywood.
We don't care.
We don't bow down.
We don't suck at the teat.
We're done with ya.
And so,
Now that they've realized that they've been left behind, now that they've realized they don't have control, their hubris is cracking.
And they're breaking down.
See, they thought they controlled you.
They thought if they said F Trump, you would never go to the polls and vote Trump.
Oh, but the opposite happened.
So now they're having their own reckoning, and you're seeing them break down.
And then there's an added element to this, with the sex cults being exposed, the Weinstein rapes being exposed, all of this coming out, and there you go.
Robert De Niro is friends with Weinstein, Robert De Niro is friends with Abramovich.
Ah, and now you see how the world turns.
You know, I wish I had time to play this other madness.
But we're going to be joined by Dan Lyman on the other side.
But maybe I'll go to the editor of The Atlantic saying that this is Trump's punishment for not being good enough citizens.
How about Vanity Fair reporters saying that the Trump family women are dead inside?
No, no, no.
It's Vanity Fair that's dead inside.
It's Hollywood that's dead inside.
Okay, it's the radical left wing of the Democrat Party and the liberal street activists that are dead inside.
It's Bill and Hillary Clinton that are dead inside.
It's the hundreds of people that pay hundreds of dollars to go see Bill Clinton speak that are dead inside.
They are the ones that are dead inside.
They are the ones that have nothing.
All they had was their phony
Corrupt power structure establishment that's corrupting and falling down all around them.
That's all they had, and now they have nothing.
And you're seeing them freak out.
I'm at the Tonys!
F Trump!
F Trump!
Nobody's watching you, Robert De Niro!
You have destroyed your name, Robert De Niro.
You did.
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14, and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen, and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet, and I thought it was
Pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX, Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 Worldwide.
We can't extend this free
We're good to go.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, watching Hollywood
And the Robert De Niro's have this collapse, and then in the break watching one of our History Unleashed videos of the Rodney King riots.
I realized something.
I realized that we're not just living in 1984, we're not just living in Fahrenheit 451, we're also living in Lord of the Flies.
And just like in Lord of the Flies,
I need to go back and read that book now.
When the situation got so desperate, the true self showed itself.
The true ugliness reared its head and showed itself.
And that's what the Lord of the Flies story is all about.
That's what we're seeing now.
That's Hollywood.
Hollywood is now in the desperate dire straits
And doing everything they can and freaking out and acting like, you know, cannibals.
The same thing with the Rodney King riots.
You can see it.
People that walk around masquerading like people on a moral high ground or whatever, then what happens?
The Rodney King riots kick up and then what do they do?
They go into their true state.
Same thing happens with these protests.
Look at what happens when we go to one of the women's marches.
Do you see how they respond, folks?
This is the Lord of the Flies moment.
They're going crazy.
They're going insane.
They're going into their deep, deep, deep roots of hatred and disgust.
This is their Lord of the Flies moment.
And that's why you see Robert De Niro and the like masquerading around and making asses of themselves.
But it doesn't stop there.
Let's now go to the Atlantic editor,
Listen to this absolute madness!
Every thug, every dictator around the planet.
You know, to your very first question about news fatigue, if your child is feverishly ill, it can be very fatiguing to sit by her bedside and take care of her.
But it's what you do, because that's your duty, and that's, I think, your responsibility, and it's also a source of satisfaction to you.
If your country is ill, you have the same responsibility.
You know, there may be things that newsrooms
That's what I'm saying!
That's what we want!
These people don't get it!
Get him out of here!
David Frum is so removed from reality!
It's just like, okay, sorry ma'am, but we've just discovered that you have cancer and unfortunately we're going to have to remove it from you.
So we're going to get rid of that cancer in your colon and we're going to get rid of that tumor in your brain.
And I know, I know, that's just what we have to do.
I know it's bad.
The doctor's going to remove the cancer from you, but everybody wants the cancer to stay, according to David Frum, and it's just like,
They don't get it.
We're sick of big government.
We're sick of all these bureaucracies.
I'm telling you, I can't even imagine.
How do these people wake up every day and look themselves in the mirror?
They're so lost.
They are totally clueless.
They're totally removed from society.
Their arrogance has literally taken over their reality.
It's put a veil over their eyes.
They can't even see what's in front of them.
And then listen to the faux intellectualism!
Just, just, just total faux intellectualism!
Just total fake!
He sits there on a little two-minute segment like... He says nothing!
CNN is fake news.
Brian Stelter is Pennywise.
We'll be right back with Dan Lyman.
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You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, there was so much news in the last week.
That we kind of, we didn't forget about Bilderberg, but it kind of just passed by without getting the coverage that it deserves.
Of course, they used to deny that it even existed.
But the big thing that they met about this year, just like last year, what to do about Trump, what to do about nationalism, and how can they save the New World Order, One World Government.
Which they can't.
The people are awakened now, all over the world, so
Their plan is pretty much done.
And so now they have to figure out some other way to bring it about, which would probably be even more torturous and deadly than their original plans.
But Dan Lyman, he was covering the events.
Of course, he is our InfoWars Europe writer out there, spearheading that movement.
So Dan, what was the big developments?
What was the big news?
What would you say just kind of as an overall consensus of the conclusion of Bilderberg 2018?
I think it remains to be seen what they're taking out of this meeting, since we don't know exactly what went on there, but we did get a chance to confront a good, healthy dose of them on the third and fourth days, and they were very quiet.
They didn't answer any questions.
Beyond, there was one guy who said that the most interesting topic for him was populism in Europe.
But in general, they were either totally radio silent when we tried to speak to them, or they would just tell us to go away.
It was an interesting experience, to say the least.
Yeah, I don't know.
Well, what worked well in our favor is that it's kind of in a semi-remote area of Italy.
So there's just one little airport that services that area.
And so we were able to camp out at the airport yesterday on the last day and really catch a lot of them on their way into the airport.
And then on the previous day, which is a Saturday, was known as their kind of their day for excursions and activities.
And that's when the joggers and the shoppers, let's say, go out.
So we encountered a couple of them.
Avoid that man.
Avoid the journalist.
That man, that man is a journalist.
Don't you know that's a terrorist around here?
Yeah, there was some of that too.
A couple journalists were treated as terrorists, whether intentionally or to throw them off a bit, or mistakenly, we're not sure.
So, a couple of them, one guy was actually woken up at gunpoint in the middle of the night at his apartment.
We're actually going to be talking to him later in the war room.
He had a pretty terrifying experience, and then they later told him that they were searching for a terrorist in his building, and they apologized, but then they came back with his landlord and asked him more questions as to why he was there.
So, it's up to anyone's speculation as to what was going on there.
Wow, so a lot of weird activity with that going on.
And again, the War Room runs at InfoWars.com slash show from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central here weekdays.
Dan will be on there with the journalist he was speaking about.
But you know, it's funny because
The whole notion, right, that they try to pull a veil over the public's face is that, oh, you know, the Bilderberg meeting is for the good of the people, right?
These elites, these world elites, they're meeting for the good of the people.
They want to make the world a better place.
Oh, but then why don't you talk to the media?
Why don't you actually just do a broadcast of all your meetings?
Why all the secrecy?
I mean, isn't that the ultimate
Display of how they're a bunch of phonies and liars that they try to act like they're doing this for the betterment of mankind But they do it all in secrecy.
Well, if you're trying to help us, why are you doing it in secret?
And they had a lot of journalists in there.
I think we might have spoken about this last week, but there was like at least 12 people who were directly affiliated with media organizations.
And then, of course, many of these industrialists are also indirectly or directly linked to them behind the scenes as well.
And what was funny is a lot of these folks, they won't even answer a question.
Some of them will say they don't know what we're talking about.
But then there was the occasional one we'd say, were you at the Bilderberg conference?
Are you a Bilderberg attendee?
And they'd say, yes, I was.
And then that was it.
So it's like the secrecy cracks slightly just enough so that we know it's not a conspiracy theory.
It has an official name, an official agenda, an official website, and they were all there for the same reason.
And again, I just don't understand why they wouldn't be broadcasting this stuff, talking to media.
But you know what they're doing.
The reason why they invite this media in there now is to say, oh, we did though!
Oh, we had media here!
You know, like, oh, like, that's how they do the whole website, the whole unveil of the Bilderberg Group, like, oh, we're not trying to hide!
Oh, wait, you were secret for 50 years, the media said you didn't exist, oh, but you're not trying to hide!
Oh, we're not trying to avoid the media, we invited people from the media!
Come on!
Yes, select chosen few, of course.
And it's funny, one of the agenda items that they released as one of their talking points was that they were addressing the post-truth world.
And I asked a couple of them, how does it benefit combating the post-truth world if you're all having this secret meeting that you won't tell us about what goes on on the inside, but they would not answer that question.
Actually, I said that we're in the post-post-truth world.
I mean, that's really what we're dealing with now.
We've been in the post-truth world, now we're in the post-post-truth world, and they're freaking out.
That's why they're having secret meetings.
That's why they're pretending to let journalists in there, like some veil of transparency.
What about the Vatican coming and having the meeting with the Bilderbergers?
What did you learn about that?
Anything new?
We weren't able to learn anything about what was discussed inside, but that was a big development.
That was something a lot of people had their eye on.
I was speaking to a local journalist there, and he made such a great point.
He said, I'm not even a Catholic.
I would be really concerned as a Catholic if the Vatican felt that it was part of their responsibility to be sending someone to this confab full of elitists.
A lot of them are definitely not Christians and many of them would be opposed to Christianity in general.
So why would the Vatican feel the need to be in on this very secret meeting with these very powerful people?
And I thought that was a great point.
If I was a Catholic, I would be concerned at what my church was getting involved in, if they weren't already aware that the church has, of course, been involved in these types of things for centuries.
Truth be told, you've got two of the big groups that have been pulling the strings on this planet as far as, you know, social developments, what have you, with the Bilderberg Group and with the Vatican.
So I would imagine that they're meeting to try to figure out how to, you know, wrangle back into power the narrative.
Wrangle back into power their control where it's depleting now, nationalism is rising, you know, Trump getting elected, other people like Trump are starting to rise the ranks in other countries.
Or is this about all the pedophilia and the sex cults that are being exposed, not just in Hollywood, but also in the Vatican?
So there may be some of that and trying to stitch all that together.
But here's the thing to me.
Why is it such a big deal?
Why do they freak out?
Where is it?
It's like this.
The left will protest Donald Trump every day, all day.
He's the president.
You don't like him.
You think it's bad.
Perfectly fine.
Where are you at the Bilderberg Group?
You know what I'm saying?
It's like, this is the power structure that has caused you to be in this tizzy, and they don't even understand it.
It's like they deny it exists, or they just don't even want to cross that bridge because it might be too hard to figure out what's going on there.
But what are other journalists saying?
Are they wondering why the media doesn't make a bigger deal of this?
Why more people aren't protesting?
That was an interesting aspect to all of this.
This was my first time covering Bilderberg, but I was with other folks who have done 10, 12 of these, and they're quite accustomed to major protests at some of them, especially the ones in Europe.
The DC ones seem to, they get some protests as well, but anyways.
These guys were shocked that there was not even a single protester this year.
Not one.
In all four days, we didn't encounter any.
And there would have been an opportunity if they wanted to protest.
They could have assembled, of course.
Not even one.
So I think, I don't even know what to make of that yet, but a lot of the vets said that this was the strangest, quietest year that they've been a part of.
I mean, it's almost, in a way, a symbol of them losing power.
You know, it's kind of like what we were talking about before, where it's like, we've almost kind of won the battle of exposing the Bilderberg Group, so we've kind of just left it.
We've kind of just left that steaming pile of ash, and we've moved on.
But they're still operating.
They're still trying to get their power structure back in order.
So, the battle's not over yet, but we did expose them, and that's the key.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Dan is my guest here for one more segment, and we're talking Bilderberg Group.
It was held in Italy this year, which is interesting considering the nationalism that is sweeping over Italy right now, and a new crop of politicians that are willing to stand up for Italy, willing to fight for its borders, willing to fight for its sovereignty, and I'm just curious, Dan,
How much did you see evidence of this when you were in Turin?
I mean, what was the energy like?
I mean, I know that you're not an expert in Italian, but I'm sure you were able to have some conversations, get some feeling of the sentiment right now in Italy.
I mean, are people aware of this nationalist uprising right now?
Is this something that's sweeping Italy?
As soon as I got on the ground there, I quickly vibed immediately and was witness to the two things that is driving populism in Europe and especially in Italy.
That would be immigration and the migrant situation, and also the economy.
The economy in Italy is definitely not doing well.
If I'm not mistaken, the true unemployment rate is somewhere in the ballpark of 20% overall, and then with the youth unemployment, closer to 40%.
So when I got there, I got off at the train station, walked to the hotel, and I couldn't believe how just run-down things looked, at least in the part of town that I was in, and the amount of migrants that I encountered as well.
They were just everywhere.
So the next day, I did some more walking around and went to some other parts of town.
They're a little bit better.
But there are just like a lot of closed storefronts and just businesses that are not operating anymore.
Some of the most graffiti I've ever seen, which, you know, some people might not care about that sort of thing, but to me it's an indicator that there are a lot of youth in the area with nothing better to do than to tag up, you know, businesses, cars even.
There was tagging on cars.
So I could see the two things that are driving populism and people who are just totally sick of the status quo and why they would vote for something different.
And I just did an article today.
One of the things that I found out, one of the reasons why I saw so many migrants in such a rundown area right off the bat was that I had walked by what was formerly the Olympic Athletes Village when Turin hosted the 2006 Winter Games.
And the buildings there that formerly housed the athletes, they went vacant.
And then migrants just moved in and now it's one of the largest migrant encampments in the region.
There's over a thousand mostly African migrants living in these four high-rises and everything in the area like around it is just run down.
I didn't really feel too safe walking through there.
I wanted to get some footage inside like the courtyard of this complex and it just looked
To see for me to even enter.
So just did some shots on the outside.
But that was what I encountered.
And I encountered tons of migrants in a really nice park where there was like other people there, like, you know, eating from food trucks and stuff.
And there's just like young migrant men sitting around kind of leering at the women and passed out on benches and stuff.
So I could see how the immigration thing is really grading on people.
And I did have a chance to talk to some local Turin folk including like a cab driver who I didn't identify myself to.
He lived there his whole life and he said since the 1980s the place has just been changing radically and he said very specifically there's some very dangerous people in town now and I got that same feedback from a couple of other folks from Turin including a guy
Well, I'm so glad you said that because
You know, you look at the situation, and I know people that traveled to Europe regularly since the 80s.
You know, Italy, England, Spain, France, they love touring in Europe, but in the last 10 years, things have gotten so bad in some of these countries, they don't go anymore.
They won't go to France anymore, they won't go to Italy anymore, and it's because exactly of what you just described.
Where, I mean, it's a situation that nobody wants to, you know, really talk about because you feel bad for people living in desperate situations, but at the same time, you know, Italy, this is a beautiful nation, this is a nation with a lot of history, this is a nation that's famous for its architecture, you know, you have an Olympic village that gets built, and
It's such a sad situation that they can't even do anything with it afterwards.
It's like, oh, we just built this probably multi-million dollar facility, and now that, you know, everything's gone, well, we really don't have the means or the wherewithal to do anything with it, so it just gets overrun by these migrants.
And it was amazing, I saw your story on the no-go zones, so you're telling me that it's very similar to the no-go zones in Sweden and in England, where, you know, you can't even go into those areas without, you know, facing a threat of violence.
I wasn't about to risk it.
It looked unsafe and, to be honest, I'm on my own.
Maybe if I had a few folks with me or perhaps something to defend myself with, I might have taken a pass through.
But, I mean, it was just, it did not look like the kind of place you'd want to walk through.
I was talking to a local journalist there, a young guy by the name of Luca Donadalli.
He's got some great videos exposing the migrant crisis, especially as how it pertains to Italy.
And he said that this specific enclave, there have been girls that are walking by unaware and then they've been pulled in and raped.
And the cops can't do anything or won't do anything because it's just, it's very risky.
They don't want to rock the boat too much with these folks because they do tend to riot.
And also they just, they have no grasp on who is in there.
There's like, you know, old rooms and apartments in there that just have like,
Tons of folks sleeping on mattresses and people that kind of pass through town and stay for a little while and some folks that are there for longer and it's just like it's really depressing and it's just one of other migrant encampments around town my understanding so.
Well yeah and Turin is actually you know Turin is actually more more inland.
It's actually a lot worse if you go down in like the tip of Italy and you know the islands and you know southern Italy is actually a lot worse I would imagine you know that's where they're coming in but there's this weird element Dan where it's like
Oh, you know, I don't really want to go visit Italy anymore.
It's been run down.
You know, there's these migrants everywhere.
There's these ghettos everywhere.
I don't want to go tour there anymore.
It's not fun.
And so they'll say, oh my gosh, you're so insensitive.
You're so intolerant.
Well, how dare you say something like that?
It's like, what?
If I want to go on vacation, I want to go somewhere beautiful.
I don't want to deal with all the degradation.
I don't want to deal with all the, you know, sadness and depression in society.
That doesn't mean I'm intolerant.
That doesn't mean I'm insensitive.
It's like they want to be, it's like, just accept it.
Just accept the filth.
Just accept the degradation.
Accept the collapse of society.
And you're just like, no!
Embrace it.
It's like, really?
Do you go hang out in the ghettos of the inner cities for fun?
I mean, that's what they want you to do.
Just accept everything collapsing around you.
Otherwise, you're intolerant and insensitive.
Yeah, I have friends who ask, you know, where do I, where should I visit?
Or I'm going to come out and visit, where should I go?
And I say, look, if you feel the need to see the London, Rome, Paris, you know, circuit, by all means do that.
You know, they are, they have been magnificent cities.
There's still plenty to see.
Say, however,
If you want a better time and you want it a little safer and just see something different, I say go to Eastern Europe, try something else, go to Krakow, you know, go to Tallinn in Estonia.
But personally, I don't spend any time even in these countries.
It's just not appealing to me.
I know there's plenty of great places in the countryside, but frankly, you know, it's not the same as it used to be.
And we know this is all part of the agenda of population control, civilization control, and the destruction of great nations like Italy, like Spain, like France, like England, like America.
They bring these great historical nations to its knees, bring so much degradation to these areas that you beg for the New World Order to come save you.
That's Dan Lyman.
He departs now.
We'll be right back with more of the AJ Show.
Don't go anywhere.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Well, last night we protested Bill Clinton's book tour, a hashtag MeToo protest of Bill Clinton.
And it was a great success.
I salute all the info warriors that came out there.
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Is that a Bill Clinton rape t-shirt?
Hold on a second.
Go to the Bill Clinton rape t-shirt.
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I was gonna say, I thought we were sold out of that.
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We're going to be joined by Alex Jones in the next segment.
I'm not sure where I want to go here.
Let me just get through some of this news here.
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
I found the Russian collusion.
I've got the Russian collusion right here.
This is breaking.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner pose with Alex Ovechkin after Stanley Cup win.
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh.
Alex Ovechkin.
He's a Russian hockey player.
Oh my gosh.
Can we pull up the image of Jared and Ivanka with Alex Ovechkin?
Has someone told Eric Swalwell about this?
Has someone told Adam Schiff about this?
Oh my gosh.
Is that Ivanka Trump wearing red lipstick?
There it is.
I didn't believe it till I saw this.
I didn't believe it.
I thought it was a made up fake news story.
Russian collusion.
But there it is.
Right there.
What more do you need to see?
Alex Ovechkin.
The Ruski.
And Ivanka and Jared Kushner.
Folks, this is breaking.
This is breaking.
This is the Russian collusion we've been waiting for.
This is the Russian collusion.
Didn't you see Alex Ovechkin, the Russian hockey player, the capital of the Stanley Cup champions, posing with Jared and Ivanka?
Of course, the irony of this joke is, there's more proof of Russian collusion in that photo than anything the Democrat Party or the media has presented to us.
So how do you like them apples?
But Ivanka's wearing red lipstick.
She's obviously, she's obviously signaling to all the Russian comrades out there.
That's right.
We're colluding with the Russians.
In fact, we rigged the Stanley Cup to make sure the Russian won.
Didn't you know?
The Russians control everything.
They don't just control the election.
They control the NHL.
There it is, Alex Ovechkin.
He's actually running the whole show.
Yeah, he's only got like three teeth.
That's all you need to run the show here as a Russian agent.
So there it is, folks.
More evidence than the entire Democrat Party has provided for Russian collusion in one picture with Jared, Ivanka, and Alex Ovechkin.
We need to let Eric Swalwell know about this.
Can you pull up Eric Swalwell's Twitter?
He has to be blowing up today!
Eric Swalwell, he knew it!
He, Eric Swalwell told me he knew that Trump was colluding with Russia.
I should have known it was Alex Ovechkin!
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
Eric Swalwell hasn't tweeted in 19 hours.
He doesn't even know yet.
Okay, we need to contact Eric Swalwell's office and let him know we finally found the Russian collusion.
I thought Swalwell was nuts.
I thought he was nuts, but we found it.
Jared, Ivanka, and the Stanley Cup champion Alex Ovechkin.
So there it is.
Russian collusion proved.
Alright, let's get into something real here.
YouTube terminates channel of Firearms Parts Retailer.
We don't talk about it enough, but the censorship on Twitter and YouTube just continues to manifest itself.
In fact, I was wondering why.
I don't tweet from my Twitter anymore.
I don't get on there.
All I do is Owen.
But I had like 66,000 followers or something, and I get new followers every day.
I get new followers every day.
Oh, CJ Pearson has now been deleted from Twitter.
Of course, a conservative, a young conservative.
How dare he?
I am now losing followers every day on Twitter, even though I'm gaining followers.
In fact, I sent something out and a few people responded.
They were like, hey, I followed you a couple years ago and I went and looked at your account and I was not following you anymore.
So now Twitter is unfollowing people.
I mean, this is crazy.
YouTube is erasing channels out of nowhere.
Yeah, you're not allowed to sell firearms parts on YouTube anymore, didn't you know?
It's free speech.
You're not allowed to support Trump on Twitter anymore, didn't you know?
It's free speech.
Remember the scandal-free Obama?
Not so much.
Over 600 gigabytes of highly sensitive U.S.
Navy data compromised in Chinese hack.
Do you remember how you had multiple Navy vessels
I believe it may have even been in the Asia Seas.
And it was like, what's going on?
These naval vessels are crashing.
They're losing control.
They've got all this radar and all these teams.
Why are they crashing?
Obama put in weak leaders of the Navy.
Obama put in Fox to lead the Navy, and then it got hacked by China.
Oh, but Russia's the enemy, though.
Russia's the big problem.
No, China is.
They're hacking our data.
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We are the renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I've got to tell you here, as we're about to be joined by Alex Jones, that everything that we've been fighting for
The truth, the justice, the liberty, the independence is finally starting to manifest itself.
But that doesn't mean we take our foot off the gas.
That means we ram the gas pedal even harder through the floor of the car and ram it down the globalist's throats.
Alex Jones joins me now.
Alex, what is it like, though, you've been fighting this battle for 20 years, to finally see it manifesting itself, to finally see the fruits of all the effort, the sweat, the blood and tears that you have put in to changing this world?
Well, I always had a private joke around the office some, and also with family, that even though Beard's been in style for about...
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we've now turned the tide.
The war has just started, but we're beginning to win.
The globalists are on their heels, so at least for the next month or so, I'm going to go ahead and fulfill that promise and grow a beard.
So that's the type of stuff we're talking about.
If we continue to be reversed on our heels, then I might just shave my head as a symbol of it.
But instead, ladies and gentlemen, I am growing a beard for now just to symbolize the fact that liberty is in full bloom and the ghost of Christmas present is here in big time ways.
But to get serious,
What Trump's doing where they have 200%, 270% tariffs, 100% tariffs, 30% tariffs, 50% tariffs on just everything you can imagine from automobiles to dairy products.
It's a big screw America over joke.
That's how at the end of World War II we had half the world's wealth, more than half the world's industry.
And the Globalist openly wrote books on this and said we will parlay that into a total world government and then we will transfer the power to these multinational corporations in the UN.
They will be tax exempt.
I say this every segment because it's critical that we will be tax exempt.
The Globalist said we will have diplomatic immunity.
We will be above the law and then we will come in with draconian, collectivist regulations and controls in the U.S.
particularly to put us into submission
So that then we could be a service economy and then if you weren't a good little globalist you wouldn't get that job either in government universities or the so-called service economy because they don't want yeoman independent farmers.
They don't want independent machine shops.
They don't want independent artisans and craftsmen and women.
They don't want independent
Hotel chains, independent businesses, independent grocery stores.
They want everything totally big box store, absolutely centralized.
And again, there's nothing wrong with big box if it's standalone.
But this is being done on record to vertically integrate economies, consolidate control.
And Trump says, yeah, you know what?
I'm not out to get America.
And these one-sided trade deals are jokes.
That's what I said during the campaign.
I said Trump's for real.
The lie that he doesn't want to win is a lie.
The lie that he won't run again is a lie.
The lie that...
You know, he wouldn't get out and campaign for the midterm elections.
He was really some type of Hilary Schell.
All of that is a fraud.
Trump's name has been poured into this.
His family, his entire system.
He gave up hundreds and hundreds of millions losing all the big golf tour championships and losing the big women's, you know, Miss America type pageants.
Billions reportedly lost total for Trump.
500 million mainly of his own money he spent
In the campaign with Hillary 5 to 1, 6 to 1, spinning against him.
And so if he's the turnaround guy for America, if he's the turnaround guy for Western civilization, if he's the turnaround guy when America was in the jaws of the globalist, that just from a cynical sociopathic view, if he really wanted to be, you know, George Washington 2.0 would be what you did.
Total commitment.
But see, it's not cynical of Trump.
The globalist,
Are cynical, and for them, if they could destroy America because of its symbol of freedom, and then parlay that into global control, that is having the cake and eating it too.
But now, the fact that they were so arrogant, as David Rockefeller bragged, setting up 30 globalist organizations, like the UN, that they could suppress the free market, create a crony capitalist system, sell us on that, and then have this group of multinationals above the law, with all of us as debt slaves to them,
The idea of that is just insane, that they would ever get away with it.
But, they basically almost got away with it, and they still haven't been completely defeated.
They've still got their trillions of stolen money.
All of it based on tax-exempt operations.
All of it based on tax-free foundations.
All of it based on a $1.50 per package now, for every package he ships.
But you or I don't get that.
InfoWars doesn't get that when we ship packages.
All of this is about one-sided insider deals.
Behind Apple are the worst slave factories on the planet.
Behind Apple are the tax exemptions and the fact that they're state-run now by the Communist Chinese.
These are real statements.
And so, yes, we have the surveillance state.
Yes, we have all these serious problems.
But now we're having a real reconciling of it and a real out-in-the-open discussion of it, and the stonewalling of the Democrats and the globalists isn't working anymore.
So this is a very, very historic time.
That's why I'll be back
Thursday, we're going to have a 34-hour global transmission from David Night at 8 a.m.
right through to the next day when Owen goes off with the War Room with Roger Stone and others at 6 o'clock Central looking at the Inspector General Report and the cornered rat that is the Deep State and what will its collapse look like because it will still reorganize and still keep striking back at us until we've broken the corrupt, unelected, dictatorial, new Soviet Union, EU, until we've broken
We're good to go.
And Amazon, that again is working against gun owners, working against Americans, when they could still be a big successful company, just don't be monopolistic, don't shut down local businesses, and don't get tax exemption and don't get taxpayer money.
But no, Tim Cook and Apple and all these groups wanted a fight, they sowed the wind, they're going to reap the whirlwind, and the fact is you can see the exponential winning
That's happening.
When we had people in charge that were suppressing us in their own admissions by design in hundreds of textbooks saying, we're going to destroy your families, we're going to bankrupt you, we're going to bring America to heel.
There's lots of quotes about bringing over a hundred years ago, the big banking association.
We're going to bring the American people, and these farmers, and these folks that won't turn their guns in, and these people that, you know, all these independent newspapers that don't like the robber barons, the big railroads, the Rockefellers, and others said, Standard Oil, JP Morgan, they said, we're going to teach these Americans to come to heel.
We're going to break their will.
These are quotes.
Just like Hillary said, we're going to teach these blacks to come to heel.
It's the same crap.
They talk about us all the same.
We're the common scum.
We're the filth.
Because they're sociopaths and psychopaths.
So they have this innate hate for everybody.
It's really a hate for themselves.
So once you're in the perspective that they don't like seeing you with a nice car, or good medicine or health care, or having a good life, or, you know, I mean, the globalists at Vildenberg, it always leaks go.
How can these people have money for transportation or to protest us?
How can they even get here?
We want them poor so they can't do this.
Just like Latin America and Africa uses that to control their people.
It's called serfdom.
And the Renaissance has been fighting serfdom for 550 years.
We just haven't realized it yet, but we're about to go into the real third act, the real delivery of the Renaissance.
If the globalists
Can be stopped and we still face a lot.
Now that said, we're going to break.
You're going to continue in with Allie Alexander, super smart guy with viceandvictory.com.
Big political insider, smart guy with the Trump revolution.
Just starting to go public the last year because the fight is so intense.
He's going to be joining us.
Owen's going to be riding a shotgun with him some into the next hour.
Then the war room gets saddled up with the folks that are hosting that today.
And they've been doing a great job, Rob do.
Of course, all the rest of the people that I've seen hosting that have been doing a fabulous job.
Harrison, of course.
Mr. Lloyd and everybody else.
So there's a whole crew there at Infowars.
I salute you.
I salute the listeners.
But I always said thousands of times, globalism is unelected.
Globalism is tyrannical.
Globalism is out of control.
Globalism is exempt.
Globalist is the new royalty.
And if we just expose it, it'll be dead on arrival.
There's no way people won't go along with being free instead of going along with being slaves.
There's no way people will go along with lying to their children and giving them no future once they know the truth.
There's no way people are going to put up with globalism once they understand it's real.
So all the stonewalling about this stuff is over.
We pushed globalists into the light.
This audience did.
And you deserve to know what you've done, not to all pat each other on the back, but to realize we have the ball now, and nothing can stop us as long as we take action.
So please, pray for M4.
Please spread the live videos, the articles.
Overpower their AI.
Overpower their sensors.
They're taking the comment sections out of all the big establishment sites because they're dying.
Their traffic's cratering.
They don't want you to have a voice.
They don't want you to have a say.
They want you to shut up and go along with them and be their little minions.
So whatever you do, hit them.
Hit them, hit them, hit them, hit them, hit them hard.
That's why they're bullying.
That's why there's all the peer pressure.
That's why they're trying to shut you up, make you feel alone, so that you go away so they can dominate and get back control.
They're losing.
It's a war.
You know, we weren't popular with King George III back during the civil war with the Brits that created our country.
If you weren't popular with Hitler, we were kicking his ass.
Or the Soviet Union.
We are going to win.
We're not trying to be popular with the globalists.
We're overturning the corrupt, fraudulent system and returning the republic.
Please don't forget, we're going to end it this week.
Free shipping the last week, store-wide.
Info4Store.com and huge deals like 50% off on X2, even though it's running out.
We hope to get another deeper source.
Whatever you do, be part of the Second American Revolution 1776 worldwide.
Hour number four with Alec Alexander and Owen Schroer, only minutes away.
Spread those links!
Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
I remember back when InfoWars and Prison Planet, it was just blue text on a white screen and I had to load down the page on my dial-up internet and I thought it was
That's pretty cool and read all the books and seen all the DVDs and followed all your guests and I've been using your products since the first iteration of Survival Shield and since then I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX, Body, it's all amazing.
Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products, we have it in 4's life.
They take hours.
Michael's VX Plus now has a lower price.
It's stronger.
It's the other equation in probiotics.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's back in stock.
The Real Red Pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
I think?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
You've got Alec Alexander taking over the next segment with Ellen Schroer.
But I wanted to spend some time here talking about an actor, talking about a modern deadbeat.
Talking about someone that is a puppet that basically just reads the words that someone else feeds to them.
And that's Robert De Niro, a has-been actor for at least a decade, who has spent every waking hour attacking President Trump and talking about how he wants to punch him in the nose, talking about how he's a piece of crap, talking about how he's a racist, how he's a piece of garbage, when Trump is
Trying to get rid of minimum sentencing where they give black people three times the time in prison for the same amount of cocaine as a white person.
Trump's trying to get rid of that.
Trump is telling the states to, you know, they can decriminalize marijuana and telling the feds to stop enforcing it.
Obama promised to do that, never did it.
Trump is taking care of the veterans, securing the borders.
The economy has come back.
4% growth rate is about to be announced.
He's getting peace deals with North Korea.
I could go on for hours and hours.
We've got all these tariff deals where they're 250, 300 percent, 100 percent, 200 and some percent on cars, milk, you name it.
And Trump says, no, this is stopping.
China's not going to have a $900 billion trade deficit with us, you know, where they get $900 billion a year and we don't.
The days of selling America out are over.
But the coastal elites, for some reason, hate the rest of the country.
They hate their own nation.
They've been trained to do it in the universities.
They've been trained to hate families.
They've been trained to hate God.
This is the sickness that the robber barons financed to try to bring America down a hundred years ago, and they almost did it.
But then Robert De Niro comes out during the Tony Awards that have record low ratings, like the NFL, like Hollywood.
And they've got all these articles out there.
I heard Owen talking about it earlier.
You know, they've got Atlantic Monthly and Esquire saying that, you know, that Trump's family's dead inside and he's dead inside.
No, Trump's alive.
He's electric and he's delivering.
And the age of betrayal, it looks like, might be in trouble right now.
And the age of straight shooting looks like starting to dawn here, doesn't it?
And the prosperity is coming back the instant we do it.
So they don't know what to do.
Robert De Niro says F Trump at Tony Awards to virtue signal in his own weird bubble, his own sick collapsing bubble.
This is Weinstein's best buddy.
This is your best buddy for this whole decaying edifice with the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world that's collapsing.
And then all he can do now is sit there and say F Trump, F this American, F this real guy.
Real guy from Brooklyn.
Real guy from Queens.
This real American tough guy who doesn't act like he's tough but he is tough and he delivers on being tough.
So this is the virtue of signaling when he's not hanging around with the high priestess of Aleister Crowley.
These people are a joke.
And look, I'm not against Robert De Niro because he's
I know they're blackmailing De Niro over stuff.
He even tried to do a good thing exposing vaccines and then got scared and backed off.
The truth is he's just a scared little man running around, you know, to his Aleister Crowley events and, you know, all the rest of it.
And, you know, and I think, you know, he should be proud of his dad.
He should be proud of his own sexuality.
Right, Robert?
So we understand he's been blackmailed and it's okay to come out, Robert.
So let's go ahead now, ladies and gentlemen, and play him saying F the President.
Here's the little scared actor reading off a teleprompter.
That's Trump.
Not original.
God, what a virtue signal.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, yeah, we're tough.
Yeah, F him!
Hollywood, we're dying!
We're collapsing!
Now it's for the best that I told my side
You think you'll destroy America?
Six little dogs, rain clouds of Hollywood?
Get out of the way!
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Relentlessly attacking the power structure, you're listening to Alex Jones.
All right, Ali Alexander from viceandvictory.com is about to take over here in the fourth hour, but I just want to say something and then bring him in.
I got a question for him.
The next level
of this war is the economic fight.
You need to make sure that you're spending your dollars with the right people.
What am I talking about?
Don't go see the big Hollywood films.
Don't go see the Robert De Niro films.
Don't spend your money on Amazon.
Don't spend your money on CNN sponsors.
This is how we win.
This is how we break their backs.
We've already got the cultural victories happening and the momentum going there.
But now we need to realize the next level of this, which is the economic victories.
Break their backs economically, force them to change their public policy, or drive them out of existence by not spending your dollars with the anti-American people out there.
Like Robert De Niro.
So the next time Robert De Niro has a film come out, you don't go see it.
That's how you send the next message to these people.
Now, Ali Alexander joins me from AmericanPriority.com, a new website that he's just launched as well.
Now Ali, the last time you were on with Alex, I thought that you were doing... I just really like the topic of discussion and it's about
I don't know how to say it.
People say cuckservatives or you know whatever it is but to me it's just about understanding the difference between somebody who just wants to be in the media because that's what they like to do and see their face on TV and take the selfies and get a bunch of social media following versus the people that are actually in this to change the world.
And I think that for me this is something I don't engage in infighting.
I don't like pointing the fingers and you know that's not something I've never really been into that.
But I'm kind of seeing it happen now where it's like people need to understand we have to push to the next level we can't get
We can't be satisfied now.
We need to get more driven.
We need to get more hungry.
And I don't like seeing certain members of, we'll say, the MAGA movement, kind of sitting back on their heels now, just kind of getting into a comfort zone.
I think it's now time to get out of the comfort zone, get even more uncomfortable, and push these people back even further.
But, Ali Alexander, what's your take on that?
We have to lean in.
You're absolutely right, Owen.
I started calling some of these people, you know, we need to stop calling them never-Trumpers because these people haven't just positioned themselves against the president, the duly elected president of the United States, they positioned themselves against people like you and me.
They positioned themselves against the millions of viewers of
In Infowars, they've partnered with people on the left.
They're cheering on a war with North Korea.
They're cheering on treaties that hurt American workers.
I mean, these people are, now I start calling them the orthodoxers because they go around doxing people and they're these legalist people who want to push, you know, they're not even conservative policies.
I don't know what they're doing, but I think you hit the nail on the head.
You know, fame is poison.
Jesus said the love of money.
He didn't say money, but the love of money is the root of all evil.
And these people, their priorities, principles are all out of whack.
Well, and let's be clear, too.
When we play the clip of Robert De Niro, Robert De Niro, F. Trump, F. Trump.
I'm the big tough guy, F. Trump.
And then all of Hollywood stands up.
It's terrible!
Yeah, it's totally feral.
They're like this wild possum or raccoon that cannot help but exert themselves physically when we're trying to have a debate or a discussion.
And it's actually worse than you mentioned, Owen.
It wasn't just F the American people.
It wasn't just F the millions of people who are going to watch this segment across
Several different platforms.
The platforms that are censoring us, by the way.
But it's also that he was doing a mentalist trick.
So, did you notice that De Niro did this twice?
And he was silent until they gave him a standing ovation.
What they wanted to do was identify anyone who was neutral in Hollywood.
They want to kick people out of Hollywood who have no political position.
It was a trick.
Robert De Niro knows this.
He's been in the business for decades.
It was a mentalist trick into forcing people to give him a standing ovation.
It was a dirty, dirty, nasty trick.
And I like to tell my viewers on Periscope, there is a they.
There is a they.
We do have oligarchs.
Just like Russia has oligarchs.
It just so happens to be the corporatist inside of America who want us to buy their products, buy their pills, and watch their narrative.
To me, this is like watching the modern day KKK after the slaves were freed.
The KKK started doing more rallies, getting louder, getting angrier, doing more events in their anger and disgust that the black man was freed.
And so the KKK started doing more public displays.
That's Hollywood right now!
Their slaves, the American people, their minions, are free now from their thought control, and so they're all rioting and raging and ugh!
But you know, you just said something incredible.
This is why you're so key in this movement.
I never thought of that.
They're identifying the people in Hollywood that won't go along with their propaganda.
And I actually want the crew to replay this, because there's actually a clip.
You said that, and then I saw it.
Start this clip over.
There's a moment.
In this clip where you can see, there's a couple people in the crowd that are like, they're like, oh my gosh, like, ugh, like, really, we're doing this again?
And now they're, here, wait, I'm gonna see if we can pause this at the right frame here, guys, because there is a actual amazing frame here that you can see exactly what Ali is talking about.
This is incredible right here, live on air.
Notice the silence, notice the silence for a second.
Okay, he's gonna force it, he's gonna force it, he didn't get, what do you want it?
Pause it right there, pause it right there!
Alright, now look at this.
See that lady in the background?
She's gonna get kicked out of Hollywood.
See that other guy that's looking up like he's tired of this crap?
He's gonna get kicked out of Hollywood.
This is incredible.
They are identifying the people that they want to blackball from Hollywood with this crap.
Yeah, it's it's really bad Owen and you know now I go out to LA about once every month and a half and I want to tell you there are voices inside of the recording industry.
There are voices inside of Hollywood who are tired of this and unfortunately, you know, we can't talk about them too much, but there are famous people.
In Silicon Valley, there are famous people in Hollywood who want to be free from this mental prison that Kanye talked about.
Many have been talking to me for over a year, but after Kanye West's first two retweets, they reached out even more.
It's really dirty what they're doing.
My mom has a background in psychology.
We were latchkey kids, so I was always going to class with her.
And this is one of those tricks that I learned is you can use silence to force an applause on a bad line.
And Robert De Niro just did a classic mentalist trick in enforcing that.
But you're so keen that you caught that because I wasn't even going to bring that up.
But I caught that last night that that woman was horrified.
And I can't I can't believe that you actually noticed that.
But there's there's a chilling effect going on on Hollywood.
And you here's the math of it, Owen.
If the media isn't happy with 90% control, why does the media need 99.9% control?
Why isn't 90% control good enough?
Why isn't 80% control good enough?
And that tells you there's not a constituency for their blank.
You know, I'll leave it at that, blank, since we're broadcasting all over America.
And it's a totalitarian thing, is what it is.
It has to be a totalitarian thing.
But you know, there's a veil or a facade of Hollywood, you know, that these are the happiest people on earth, these are the freest people on earth, the rich, the fame, it's all great.
No, a lot of these people are probably very unhappy, but more than anything, they're controlled.
And that's what I think a lot of people don't understand how controlled Hollywood actors are.
They just assume because they're rich and famous that they live the most happy, free lives.
That's a facade.
That's fake.
A lot of these people are controlled.
They got bills.
They got mortgages.
Fake bills.
I mean, so they gotta work for a living, and I think a lot of these people are so scared to lose their job because they have to pay for whatever big homes they have, and that's why they don't step out.
But I think more so, people are realizing that you do step out, you actually gain popularity.
Yeah, that's the truth.
And you're watching a lot of people go independent.
This was supposed to be the promise of YouTube and other platforms.
And this is why YouTube is moving to YouTube Red.
Because the industry people, when they got into these startups, wanted to be more like the intellectual ghettos that they had built on terrestrial stations.
And so, you know, this is entirely predictable what they're doing.
The totalitarianism that you're talking about is a natural symptom.
I guess we're about to go to break, but I can't wait to continue for the next 45 minutes.
F Trump!
F Trump!
He's not standing and applauding!
Kick him out!
She's not standing and applauding!
Kick them out!
They don't hate Trump!
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Nothing to see here folks, just Iran admitting to helping with the 9-11 terror attacks.
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by secretly aiding the free travel of al-Qaeda operatives who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers.
Speaking on Iran's state-controlled television, an international affairs assistant in Iran's judiciary, Mohammad Javed Larjani, said that Iranian intelligence officials did not stamp the passports of the al-Qaeda militants in order to conceal their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said, it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
He sat down in the front seat.
You know, I think Johnny Cash, Johnny Cash is actually my favorite artist.
I think Johnny Cash did a rendition of that song.
I'll have to get with the staff and see who that artist was and whether that was a rendition or the original.
You're back listening to the Alex Jones Show here on InfoWars.
I'm the guest host for this bottom hour.
My name is Ali Alexander.
You can find me at Twitter, twitter.com slash Ali.
You know, we just got through talking with Owen
About Mr. Robert De Niro with a lot of secrets in his closet.
But you see, Hollywood and the media are part of the same beast.
This is a hydra that we're facing.
I was on Periscope last night and I made this list for y'all.
I made this list of just the past 72 hours.
Let's think about what the media has done.
Remember, the president called the media
The fake news media, the enemies of the people.
And I have a lot of friends in the press and I started thinking about this and I said, you know, do we really want to use that type of language?
And I visited the Constitution.
I remember there being a free press, free press in the first in the First Amendment.
And I did this thought exercise where I said, OK, well, is corporate media a free press?
And I don't think it is.
So let's go through a couple of examples of what's happened.
And we're going to take calls.
So I'm going to give the number here in a little bit.
You grab a number, you grab a pen.
We're going to give the number out in a little bit.
But let's go through these examples.
One, BuzzFeed's editor in chief has admitted that he knew that his reporter was sleeping with someone on the Select Senate Committee of Intelligence.
Okay, so there was a BuzzFeed reporter who now works at the New York Times who was sleeping with her source in exchange for information, classified information, highly illegal.
Thank goodness the Department of Justice has charged this man.
But BuzzFeed then says, that's okay.
We don't need journalistic standards.
So there's a new standard.
Second on our list is the G7 meeting.
How about that G7 meeting?
So Donald Trump goes in the G7 meeting and he says, you know, I want fairer deals.
If you're going to have tariffs, we're going to have tariffs.
He says America first.
You know, you guys can still run the run the game on us, but it needs to be a little more fair.
Media freaks out.
Donald Trump comes out the next hour and he says, you know what, if we all got rid of our tariffs, then we could have total free trade.
So the president demonstrated, using a technique in the art of the war, that the other side doesn't actually want a deal.
They don't want a deal.
The media is quite literally not pushing an agenda, not a partisan agenda.
They're not pushing for fair trade, and they're not pushing for free trade.
They're pushing for our opponents
Our adversaries are allies to eat our lunch.
And I'll tell you why.
You want to know the secret why?
The secret why is they don't want votes in Ohio.
They don't want votes in Pennsylvania.
They don't want votes in West Virginia.
They want to see the Rust Belt continue its migration to the South.
So that they can make those swing states.
They don't want Donald Trump to ever win Pennsylvania again.
They don't want a Republican to have a chance at getting Ohio.
They don't want West Virginia solidly in the red column.
This is a game of math.
Third, they're rooting for war with North Korea.
You can't make this up.
You cannot make this up.
The press's coverage is about Kim Jong-un's toilet.
And the first question when President Trump was meeting with Prime Minister Lee of Singapore was, didn't you say this was a topsy-turvy world?
You cannot make this up!
They don't want peace with North Korea because that would be a political victory for the President.
You cannot make this up!
The anti-war press, the supposedly so-called anti-war press, is pushing for war
With North Korea.
They do not want a unified peninsula.
They want Guam and Japan under constant threat and stress.
And this one's my favorite.
The press has spent the better part of three decades making fun of Donald Trump's hair.
They stepped this into overdrive when he started running as a Republican.
Super overdrive when he became president.
But nary a mention when the Canadian Prime Minister
Glues on.
Gorilla glues on his eyebrows.
You cannot make this up.
I was complaining on my periscope last night that I must be living in La La Land.
The press is entirely acting like enemies of the people.
They want war.
They don't want a trade deal.
Not a fair trade one.
Not a free trade one.
Nothing that had Donald Trump's name on it.
They're yelling F Trump.
They can't name a single thing they hate about Trump.
They're sleeping with their sources in exchange for classified
Let's not forget that they outed Israel when Israel had subverted and got into ISIS.
They had chilled relations with the UK.
This was all last year.
I mean, literally, we're living in La La Land.
We're living in La La Land.
This guy is copy and pasting on his eyebrows.
You can't make this up.
Let me give you guys the number so we can start getting you guys in the queue.
This number is going to be 877-789-2539.
That number is 877-789-ALEX.
If you want to talk to me, we're going to talk about media.
I want to talk about media reform.
I want to go through the past year and a half of media craziness.
I want you guys to ask because we're definitely going to talk about this after this next segment of how do we step it up.
You know, Owen really touched on this is we can't afford to just complain on Twitter and Facebook anymore.
We got to have skin in the game.
We have to understand that commerce is speech.
We got it.
We can't be frequenting those people who want us.
It's not they don't want us to bake the cake.
They want us to decorate the cake.
You know, but not their allies, not their other religious allies on the left.
No, no, no, no.
This is entirely a plan to keep us from breeding, to keep us out of the marketplace of ideas, to keep us out of commerce.
And then, as you're seeing with this deep state plot, this Russia hoax, to keep us from serving our government.
There is nothing short of a plan to minimize
Half of the United States views in the marketplace, in any part of the marketplace.
So 877-789-2539.
You're going to be on hold.
The producers are going to do a great job of getting me those names.
And I want to talk to you guys.
I want to talk to you guys about what's going on, but I just, I honestly can't believe this.
I honestly cannot believe that we're living in an age where usually this is what happens.
You know, you don't want to be a shill, right?
You don't want to say, well, Donald Trump is right about everything.
But it's getting really, really difficult when not only the press is doing evil things, bad things, anti-American things, promoting the Steve Scalise shooter, promoting BAM by any means necessary, promoting Antifa.
They're not just radicalizing the left.
They're not just running coups on us.
But they're refusing to speak out against their colleagues when they violate journalistic principles.
You can not.
Make this up.
We are living in a cold silver war.
We are living in a hashtag cold silver war.
And I pray that it doesn't warm.
That's what we're trying to do here.
That's why I'm here on InfoWars.
We have to warn people.
We're going to be back after the breaks.
We're going to take your calls.
And I'm really excited to take this war to the media.
We really, truly, truly, truly are
The Resistance.
Stay tuned.
Click share.
We appreciate you.
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Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
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And since then, I'm on the X2, the Super Male Vitality, the Caveman, the Real Red Pill, Micro ZX Body.
It's all amazing.
Thank you, brother.
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And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're coming in live!
Thank you for tuning into the Alex Jones Show.
I am Ollie Alexander, a GOP operative turned philosopher, and I want to talk to everyone.
I want to talk to everyone.
And I'm so glad to be with you guys.
You know, I'm told that there's free shipping at the InfoWars store.
You know, I have never myself shopped at the InfoWars store, but maybe I'll have them send me something.
They are about to end their super summer sale.
Free shipping, 50% off.
If you want to buy something, this is what I told them.
They said, you know, Ali, do you want to talk about our products or not?
And I said, absolutely.
I believe that we should support those who support us.
We have to start building our own marketplaces.
And this is going to include supplements, vitamins.
This is going to include water filters.
This is going to eventually include clothes.
And it's going to be everyone.
It's going to be a federated future.
I talk about this a lot.
In fact, I talk about this in a philosophical speech that I recently published.
It's called Entering the Based Era, and it talks about how we can all live peacefully, liberals, progressives, conservatives, libertarians, whatever, InfoWars viewers, Democracy Now!
We can live peacefully if we're willing to say, okay, well, not everything needs to be political.
You know, we don't need a bowel before our oligarchs.
So they're showing right now, there's the text of the speech.
It's an 11 minute video.
It will change your life.
But support those who support you.
You can go to InfoWars store and you know, you only have a little bit of time to get that free shipping.
So there's there's a plug for my friends and I appreciate having this platform.
You know, we're talking about media.
We're talking about how they are actually our oligarchs.
That this is, see, if you control speech,
You control thought.
And we're going to, I'm going to be coming back on InfoWars to introduce some new stuff that they've never done on InfoWars.
So we're going to be doing thought experiments live in the future.
This is, they don't know this yet, but I'm going to pitch this to them.
We're going to do thought experiments live, and I'm going to teach you guys to discover how you're actually being programmed for them.
When they use the word in a headline, controversial, what actually happens in your brain?
Okay, we're going to show you how quotation marks, if I said, I love you, well, that's a lot different than if I said, I love you with quotations, right?
So I'm going to teach you some of the tricks that I've learned from these nefarious people inside the media.
But first, let's go to Alex in Michigan.
Really good call about the Democrats divide and conquer strategy.
Let's talk to Alex in Michigan.
How are you, Alex?
Hey, Ali, how's it going, man?
You know, I'm lively, I'm having fun, it's summer, and, you know, I'm enjoying talking to all of you.
That's great.
I just started following you on Periscope.
Thank you.
NinjaAlex420 on Twitter, or whatever.
But, yeah, I'd just like to give a plug for the products, too.
The iodine's great, 50% off at the InfoWars store, and I just got the real red pill in the mail.
Looking forward to feeling the effects of that.
I was gonna call in to say that we gotta all just come together right now and it's all part of the plan.
Even the WikiLeaks saying that they're trying to divide us by race, gender, all these things so we don't come together just as Americans and develop a better country.
Yeah, Alex, I think I think that you're right.
And that's what Kanye is touching on.
That's what Roseanne Barr is touching on.
That's what Scott Adams is touching on.
These people are not a part of the traditional right.
Heck, they're not even part of the modern right.
But if we can come together and say, OK, well, we should be able to sell and buy products with each other.
We should we should be able to come together with Americans.
You and I know, Alex, that most black and white people get along.
So then why is 90 percent of the media coverage
Showing us not getting along.
Why do they choose the worst police officers and then the worst black offenders and say this is reflective of the whole?
It's not true.
It is a divide-and-conquer strategy.
It's bigger than the Democrats.
The Democrats just happen to be aligned with these corporate oligarchs on Wall Street, Hollywood, some now in Silicon Valley, and in parts of the Deep State.
I regret that there are once patriots who have turned into these
Oligarch, you know, Sith Lords, but I mean, that's essentially what they've done.
Good call, Alex.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, it's totally true.
Let's go to Steve in Montana.
Let's go to Steve in Montana.
Steve in Montana wants to talk about social media activism.
Today on Twitter, they banned CJ Pearson.
CJ Pearson is like my little brother.
He's a 15-year-old, young, educated black boy out of Augusta, Georgia.
We are fighting really hard, back-channeling with Twitter to make sure he gets his account back.
Social media activism is absolutely something we need to talk about.
How are you, Steve?
Hey Ali, it's great to be talking to you.
First time InfoWars caller.
I saw that you were on this platform.
I had to get in touch, get on the show.
I'm so excited you're on InfoWars.
And I just had a brief question.
You mentioned earlier, you alluded to common folk not just taking to social media to complain about journalists.
And now we're hearing CJ Pearson from you has been banned from Twitter.
What practical steps do we have, aside from bellyaching on Twitter, I mean, what do we actually do?
What sort of game plan would you give to a group of people as to handle this situation?
Something that we can do to really counteract people being deplatformed and journalists spreading fake news.
You know, that's a great question, and it could be an hour-long segment, but I'll tell you this.
I'm a big believer that God embedded rules inside of our DNA.
The reason why the universe and our chemistry and biology are observable is because they're predictable.
And one of the things that we do know that works, and the media employs a disgusting version of this, is shame.
So we need to keep shaming reporters.
We can never stop shaming them.
Because one day they might correct.
One day they might repent.
And so we have to use shame.
I don't think that people should be targeted for harassment or bullied or doxxed or any of that other stuff.
But if we screen cap them instead of linking them, if we point to their nefarious deeds and their falsified information, then that is going to wake people up.
You and I, Steve, have seen people become... We've seen Democrats come over to Trump's party in droves
Simply because people don't want to be lied to.
So I think that those are first great steps.
It's biblical.
So that it kind of doubles up as that win.
But we'll talk about that.
We'll talk about that again.
I want to tie in one more caller who wants to talk about, I think, the tail end of the subject.
I think it's Chase.
Let's talk to Chase out of California, because I think that this will allow me to finish and expand upon Steve's question.
Chase, how are you?
I'm doing great.
Thanks for taking my call.
This is Chase the Patriot in the front lines of California here.
And I got two points for you.
The first thing about the media.
It's this reporter challenge.
I'm fired up for it.
I got my YouTube page fired up and I got some articles posted.
Chase the Patriot.
And if enough of us can get out there and do our own thing.
What's the challenge?
What's that?
It's a reporter challenge for InfoWars right now going on.
And I have my own.
I just started.
I'm fired up.
I'm pretty excited about it, and one of the things I've been talking about is these new California gun laws that are set to take effect on July 1st.
There's 9 million gun owners in California, and if they are held accountable to these new laws, these laws tend to spread across the rest of the country, and that's something we have to prevent.
And if we can all get out there, you know, take over the media, you know, before that's a story, if we can put the narrative out there first by putting our own report
Overriding their system, then we can, you know, put our own narrative and counteract what they're trying to do.
Well, thank you, Chase, for your activism.
I'm sure a lot of people are going to check out your reporter challenge.
I want to encourage everyone to participate in this.
You know, with this last nearly minute we have before the break, we're going to take calls after the break.
But I want to I want to point this out.
Andrew Breitbart was a friend of mine.
And, you know, I love what he used to do at rallies.
He used to say, hold up your phones.
People would hold up their phones.
And he would say, OK, you're now a reporter and I want to be your editor.
And that was such a powerful move.
We are the press.
The First Amendment does not create a class or an industry.
It protects a duty and an obligation entitled to any citizen.
You are guaranteed the same constitutional rights.
You don't have to give up your sources, just like these reporters who are paid the big bucks by Big Pharma and the other nefarious people.
We're going to be back after the break.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Ali Alexander.
We're so excited to be debunking the media and preventing a civil war.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Just Iran admitting to helping with the 9-11 terror attacks.
Free Beacon reports that Iranian officials have admitted to facilitating the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
by secretly aiding the free travel of al-Qaeda operatives who eventually went on to fly commercial airliners into the Twin Towers.
Speaking on Iran's state-controlled television, an international affairs assistant in Iran's judiciary, Mohammad Javad Larjani, said that Iranian intelligence officials did not stamp the passports of the al-Qaeda militants in order to conceal their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments.
Al Qaeda operatives were also given safe refuge in Iran.
government has long accused Iran of playing a role in the attacks, and the U.S.
The U.S.
9-11 Commission concluded that Iran played a role in facilitating the Al Qaeda terrorists.
But these remarks represent the very first time that senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding Al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9-11 attacks.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com
I want to plow into all of this, but I'm going to spend a few minutes here first, just encouraging listeners to understand that when you buy t-shirts, or water filtration systems, or books, or videos, or other materiel from InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the revolution.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, if we're going to avoid 1776, it's gonna take all of us speaking with one another.
Civil debate.
Civil discussion.
Instead of this cold civil war that the media is pushing.
You know what I'm doing?
Beep beep beep!
On my phone right now, I'm sharing.
So if you're on Facebook, if you're on Periscope, I want you guys to click share right now.
It's so important that the last 15 minutes of this show, we touch the entire world.
We touch the entire world and we let them know we love them.
We want to debate.
We want a conversation.
We want to love our neighbor.
And we'll make it.
But I want to take a call from Johnny in California.
He's got a great topic that they screened.
So I want to talk to Johnny in California and then we'll try finding Trevor after that.
How are you, Johnny?
How are you?
I'm doing well.
Tell the listeners your question or topic.
My question is, is there any movement going on behind the scenes to create like a new network
You know, in the news, that kind of challenges, you know, the conventional media like MSNBC and even Fox.
Because I think that might be a great help for our movement.
Do you know of any investors, you know, like to try to call talent together and get something moving?
Because I think that, you know, just having InfoWars is not enough.
I mean, there are other outlets, but
I think having something on television table every night that conservatives can watch would be great.
Yeah, thanks for calling, Johnny.
I'll let them let you go, and I'll answer your question.
You know, again, Andrew Breitbart said, more voices, not less.
And that's the great thing about what they're doing on InfoWars, is they've had on Candace Elwins, myself, CJ Pearson, Mike Cernovich, Jack Pasoek.
They've had on people who, you know, aren't on the payroll here because we have important topics that need to get out.
What I will tell you, what you can be encouraged by, is I know of at least two billionaires that are working on, you know, this is something you got to do in media.
You got to be polite.
You don't mention the competition.
So it's all a friendly competition, but there are voices on the right.
There are other channels that you can supplement with.
So, you know, use Periscope, follow a lot of people, and you'll see these other platforms that are created or expand.
And, you know, InfoWars is expanding.
All the time.
And so it's very exciting what's happening inside of new media.
But this is what I do want to encourage people.
I don't like Fox News.
I don't watch Fox News.
But what I do want to say is you can't leave Twitter.
That's where the debate is happening.
That's where the narrative is determined.
You can't leave Facebook yet.
We're close, but we can't leave Facebook yet.
You know, unfortunately, you can use ad blockers.
You can use all kinds of things to mitigate the money that they make after you.
But we have to be in the arena.
We have to fight.
We cannot afford to cede platforms where the narrative is being constructed.
Now, we don't have to shop at Starbucks.
We don't have to shop at Target.
But there are certain places you have to make a very mature and intellectual reasoned decision.
Okay, I hate this platform, but I'm going to stay in the fight here.
So I always tell people, yes, we need alternatives.
But if we all flee, then we've all we've done is created a ghetto.
And it's easier to off us.
Let's talk to Trevor out of Michigan.
Trevor is actually a friend of mine.
So I'm glad Trevor called in.
Trevor, what's up?
What's up?
What's up, my buddy?
Ollie, good to talk to you.
I just wanted to bring up this subject that... Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, let's tell people this.
You have been championing InfoWars longer than I've ever watched it, and you called me the other day, you said, this is just funny, this is just surreal.
Isn't it?
Isn't that true?
Yeah, what a time to be alive.
Alright, so what's your question again?
My question is, why the mainstream media, who virtue signals and claims to be in the right, why do they protect and defend an ideology that is the ant-opposite of what they advocate for?
And I'm talking about Islam.
And I would like to know what your opinion is on why the media chooses to defend that.
I'll be quite honest.
It's a game of math, I think, Trevor.
They don't actually like Islam.
They don't like the alleged prophet Muhammad.
Um, what they're trying to do is they're trying to radicalize people.
You know, I hear this all the time is, you know, the Hispanics, if we just appeal to them, they're very Catholic.
They'll be GOP.
Well, no, that's not what's worked for Texas, where we have focused on economic growth and entrepreneurship, seeing someone as a person instead of their color.
And so what they try to do is they try to, uh, assign grievances to different groups, ethnic, religious or gender or whatever.
That that person's grievance becomes higher than their economic interest or their spiritual interest.
And I talk about this a lot in private trainings.
In fact, I want them to bring this up.
I have a training on this very topic.
So I want you guys to all come there.
We're going to have InfoWars there.
They're going to be on Media Row.
You guys can sign up.
If you go down to the bottom of that page, you can click the attend button and you can buy your tickets while they're still cheap.
But we're going to have trainings on all of this.
We're going to talk about this stuff.
We're going to equip you.
But that's what's happening is it's a math game.
It's a math game going on.
They don't actually like monotheistic religions.
They just know that there's a minority of Muslims that they can empower to have grievances and hate Republicans.
It is that nasty.
They don't care about women.
They don't care about gay people.
They don't care about Muslims.
They sure as heck don't care about black people.
And we've seen that time and time again.
When a black voice stands up, woo!
They gotta shut them down.
They do the same.
They do the same with Islam.
They do the same with, you know, Mormons.
They do the same with all kinds of other people.
Let's talk to Frank in Virginia, if we can.
Mr. Alexander, can you hear me?
I can hear you loud and clear.
It's nice to talk to you.
I think we have to recognize that free speech, natural speech, and electronic or broadcast speech are not the same thing.
Broadcast speech or amplified speech requires a certain amount of responsibility to be exercised to get the facts straight.
And you should be able to challenge people when they get the facts wrong if they're broadcasting a false narrative.
Too much to share with you, Doctor.
Yeah, it's, you know, it sounds like you're talking a little bit about, you know, regulation, right?
The regulation rules on broadcast versus cable or internet.
Right, the cable and internet have become broadcast.
They're the same thing now, essentially.
Wi-Fi is certainly broadcast everywhere.
Yeah, you know, well, you know, the argument, you know, a lot of conservatives, a lot of free market conservatives like myself, we find ourselves, I think Alex has even talked about the struggle with this, is do we regulate or don't we regulate?
The argument for regulating is that, well, it's impacting the same number of people that broadcast.
But the argument against regulating is that the United States government and the people and the taxpayers built broadcast.
And so we literally own that stream that ABC, NBC, CBS is tapping into, whereas the other stuff has been a private-public partnership.
So I'll tell you, you know, this issue is very
Near and dear to my heart.
And I'm trying to tiptoe into the water of regulation.
But I do agree with you, Frank, that there needs to be something more than we have.
There needs to be something more than we have.
And in some states like New York, in some states like New York, it's illegal to fire someone for political reasons.
So even a liberal state like New York has a law in the books that I think should be a law everywhere.
But that's not a law that you can find anywhere in the South.
Uh, so it's really interesting.
We do need to do a gut check and I want to encourage people.
I'm glad Frank brought this up.
You know, I'm glad Frank brought this up because
We need to respect the founders and we need to learn from their principles, but we can't be afraid to be new founders.
We can't be afraid to find the new frontier and establish new rules based off those old principles.
And that's why I'm here on InfoWars.
That's why I'm plugging AmericanPriority.com, a conference that's happening in Washington, D.C., September 6th through 8th.
And I'm bringing the whole movement together.
If you go to that about page, I say, OK,
You know, we're going to have about a thousand people in government, libertarians, conservatarians, MAGA populists.
We're going to have a bunch of people there because it's time that the movement come together.
We'd be about free thinkers, free association, free speech, free thought.
And we debate this stuff out because we are the people who are living.
Thomas Jefferson talked about this, you know, that we need to govern ourselves as a republic.
We don't need to be accountable to the dead.
They're dead.
They're good guiding lights and rules.
And I'm certainly an originalist, but you know, we can't be dependent on them and we can't just stay in that box.
So, you know, Frank brings up a very complicated issue, but it's one that we're all fast, vastly becoming aware of and having to plug.
You guys, InfoWars is having their sale, free shipping, super summer sale, 50% off.
It's ending soon.
It's ending soon.
Support those who support you.
We're about to close out the hour.
I've had, I've, I've just had a ball.
I've just had a ball.
I don't know if I'm coming right back after this break or not, but, uh, uh, Ali Alexander, twitter.com slash, uh, Ali.
Um, let's get a break.
Let's just, let's go to break.
We're good.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.