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Filename: 20180606_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 6, 2018
3142 lines.

InfoWars podcast discusses topics such as school shootings, mental health issues, North Korea summit, deep state involvement in politics with guest Jeff Gonzalez. Other news includes protest against Bill Clinton's book tour, voter blocks skewing election results, criticism of mainstream media, President Trump signing legislation for veteran's choice, Obama officials giving Iran access to US financial system, Howard Schultz as an alternative to Democratic candidates and Brad Parscale predicting a big blue wave in November. The podcast promotes Pollen Block Chewable Tablets, Real Red Pill Plus with added energy boost, and urges signing up for their free newsletter against censorship. News of banned free speech, apocalypse including flying midges, Guatemala's volcano and Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser eruptions are discussed alongside upgrading America's 19th century electric grid and addressing plastic calamity instead of climate change political issue.

It is Wednesday, June 6, 2018.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Filling in for Alex, I am Owen Schroer and I've got stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of news.
Let's get a doc cam of all this news here.
I also have an announcement that I'm going to make in the next segment for an event coming right here to Austin, Texas that we will be hosting.
Well, let's say a counter-event that we will be hosting, that we're going to announce in the next segment, in case you haven't heard about that.
But, before I get to all that in the next segment, with all the news, with my guest Jeff Gonzales, Navy SEAL, who is now the President of Trident Concepts, he's going to be joining me in studio, and when he's with me,
I'm going to open up the phone lines specifically to liberals.
With a question for them.
So we're going to see how that goes if they have the courage and spine to call in.
So again, like I said, stacks of news.
Liberals ruin everything news.
Apocalypse news.
Trump news.
Primary election results last night news.
Obama corruption.
Deep state corruption news.
The Democrats may have an actual hopeful for 2020 news.
All that and more.
But I want to start with this that I didn't get to it yesterday and it's very important.
This is body cam footage.
A young man, I believe 19, went into Forest High School and shot a sawed-off shotgun.
He had tactical gear on, body armor, a backpack full of other weaponry.
And he went in, shot through a door, hit a kid, and then decided to give himself up.
Police have the body cam footage.
They just released it.
But there's a couple moments from this exchange, and these are just a couple moments that we picked out.
There's other similar moments, but I just want to focus on these, that raise the issue
The kid you shot, was he a random kid?
I didn't know the gun would even work.
I shot through the door.
You know that doesn't make any sense, right?
Well, yeah.
Which sense does it make to you?
It's hard to understand if you haven't gone through mental illness or grown up in violence.
Haven't gone through mental illness, he says.
Every one of my family's either bipolar or schizophrenic.
Okay, are you bipolar or schizophrenic?
I've been to a mental hospital once and they told me I was fine.
They just took medication.
Anxiety meds, that was it.
Anxiety meds.
They said I was fine.
That was it.
They gave me pills and let me go.
I was said I was fine.
So you feel like you're messed up?
Aside from today's events?
Sometimes, you know, I just don't feel anything.
It's hard to describe.
Just don't believe me.
People kind of think it's kind of funny.
Now listen to this legendary story.
So you've been planning this since 2013?
I mean, we know about it.
Yeah, I know, I know you do.
So you've been, this is planned?
Uh, the fantasy is probably gone, but when I get depressed, things start going bad.
But I don't do it.
Okay, so what are the two key takeaways from this?
The guy says he had mental problems, he was on medication, anxiety pills.
Again, big pharmaceutical, what we talk about.
Then the police officer says, 2013 you've been planning this, so he's been planning it.
How did they know that?
Was it social media activity?
But you notice how we don't talk about any of this after the shooting, we always just blame the guns.
That's not the debate that comes first.
That's the debate that comes after ten debates before that.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Epic times to be alive here on this Wednesday, June 6th, 2018.
Now, I have all of this news that I am going to get to today.
I mean, literally, I think I have 12 stacks of news in front of me.
All is important for a different reason.
Whether it be the deep state and Obama being exposed, McCabe looking to reach a deal, whether it be climate change failing for a policy issue anymore, whether it be liberals ruining Hollywood, whether it be signs of the apocalypse, whether it be what the Democrats are going to do in the 2020 election.
Whether it be the latest news on Trump, the North Korea summit, how about the primary election results last night that I've got stacks of news on?
It's all ahead today, including Jeff Gonzalez, U.S.
Navy SEAL, President of Trident Concepts, and the Director of Training here at the range in Austin, a great gun range.
He's going to be joining me in studio in the second hour
At which point, I will be opening up the phone lines for liberals to call in, and my challenge to you is this.
Tell me Barack Hussein Obama's accomplishments as President of the United States.
So I will be opening up the phone line.
Specifically, I want liberals to call in, Obama supporters to call in, and give me all of Obama's accomplishments.
We've been touting Trump's accomplishments.
We'll tout a few more here today on the air.
But I'd like to hear the case for Obama's accomplishments.
What did he accomplish?
So we'll be opening up the phone lines, hopefully hearing from liberals on that subject.
Now, in the opening segment, I played a body cam video from a police officer that
Well, they stopped a potential mass school shooting.
A kid shoots a shotgun through a door, hits a kid.
Fortunately, that was all of the damage that was done.
But in that video that I played in the last segment, he talks about being on pharmaceutical drugs, he talks about having mental health issues, and the police officers say that he's been planning that since 2013, and he says, yeah, I know you know that.
So, look at this.
Now you have a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Florida school shooting, security guard, talks about all the signs they had of Cruz, right, we already knew all that, but it's even worse than we originally thought.
Swastikas on his bag, 666 symbols on my bags, on his bags.
He has... The school has to host meetings to literally talk about him being a threat to have a school shooting.
And still, they did everything they could to keep him from having a criminal record, along with the Democrat legislation.
The Promise Act, I think, or something?
What was it called?
Does anybody remember the name of that?
Back there?
Let me know if you remember.
So then he's able to get a firearm.
And then you hear this most recent video.
He talks about the big, the pharmaceutical pills.
He talks about the mental health issues.
So we've got all of these issues when it comes to these school shootings.
There is the list of psych meds and school shootings.
Just add another one to it.
They're all on there.
And yet, why do we always go to guns?
Well, we know why.
Because it's an agenda to take the firearms.
You cannot have a free sovereign country.
When the citizens are armed, period.
That's all that it comes to.
And so I'm sure that Jeff Gonzalez, Navy SEAL, President of Trident Concepts, will be more than happy to talk about that issue with me when he joins me in studio.
So that's everything you have to look forward to today.
And it's really just incredible, actually, this
What we're seeing right now in the media, where first, last week it was, they admit that they spied on President Trump.
FBI admits it.
Clapper admits it.
We have all the documents.
They were spying on Trump.
Now we know as early as, at least confirmed, July 2015.
But then what does the media say?
There was no spying.
Why are you reporting fake news that Obama was spying on Trump?
There was no spying.
And it's like, we know that they spied.
We have the declassified documents.
We have the FBI admitting it.
We have Clapper admitting it.
We have the New York Times actually was the first to report it.
They say there was no spying.
Democrat officials, Democrat representatives like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, who by the way,
Look like they're gonna get re-elected based on the primary results last night.
Shocking that a couple morons like that can keep winning.
I'll delve into those numbers as well.
A lot of weird anomalies there.
But they said, no, there was no spying on Trump.
What are you talking about?
And then it's just like, well, we know that there was spying on Trump.
So why are you saying it?
So now this week, the new thing is they come out and they say, where is Melania Trump?
What is going on with Melania?
Is she hiding?
Is Trump abusing her?
Is she alive?
Does she have health concerns?
Where is Melania?
And they all cover it.
And the CNN has a whole segment with the whole calendar.
Where is Melania?
A panel discussion.
Multiple segments.
And then Melania comes out, gives a speech, sends out a tweet.
And says, I'm fine, nothing to see here.
Trump says, I'm fine, she's fine, nothing to see here.
Desperate media trying to report on something.
And then Brian Stelter, guys, pull this up, I tweeted it out from the war room.
Brian Stelter goes on Twitter and says, how dare the President Trump say that media outlets are talking and theorizing about Melania's health?
How dare he?
And you're like,
Ryan, your own network had multiple entire segments contemplating Melania Trump's health and location!
And you're just like, how did we get to this point?
Mass insanity!
Mass stupidity!
But I'll tell you what, we have a solution to this.
We have a solution to this.
When these people come to your town, you have to bullhorn them.
And so that's what we're going to do this Sunday to Bill Clinton, whose book tour is coming to Bass Concert Hall here in Austin, Texas, this Sunday at 7.30.
Now, we are live on the Alex Jones Show from 4 to 6.
I'll be live here in studio from Austin, Texas, the Infowars World Headquarters.
When that concludes, I'll be going to Bass Concert Hall, where we'll already have streams set up, ready to go, for our hashtag MeToo protest of Bill Clinton, his speaking event in Austin, Texas, this Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
Central at Bass Concert Hall here in Austin, Texas.
The left gets to have all their Me Too marches.
The left gets to do all of their virtue signaling for victims of toxic masculinity.
So do we get to have ours against Bill Clinton?
Yes, we do.
And yes, we will.
This Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
Central outside Bass Concert Hall here in Austin, Texas.
Now, the last time I went out,
I went to the ACLU protest of Trump this weekend.
You saw the footage in the Alex Jones channel on YouTube.
And it got a little tense for me.
And it was the first time ever where I lost my patience with somebody.
Now granted that somebody was shoving up against our female reporter.
And this was after we'd already been spat at and cursed at and everything.
And I'd been in the sun already at two protests.
But the point is,
I'm like, I don't even know if I can go to these things anymore.
It's starting to reach ahead.
But I'll be out there this Sunday, June 10th, at 6 p.m.
Central, the hashtag MeToo protest of Bill Clinton's book tour in Austin, Texas, outside Bass Concert Hall.
And we'll see what happens.
I mean, I don't know how much support Bill Clinton really has anymore.
So I don't really know if you'll have any Bill Clinton supporters there.
But we'll be protesting him!
We're not going to let the Me Too movement leave Bill Clinton out.
And we're not going to let the left take responsibility for that either.
We called out Bill Clinton.
We printed the Bill Clinton rape shirts.
We had the Bill Clinton rape whistles.
That was us.
That wasn't CBS News that gives him one hard interview in 20 years.
Give me a break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm calling on all info warriors from Houston, from Dallas, from San Antonio and beyond to come out to the Me Too protest of Bill Clinton this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday outside of Bass Concert Hall in Austin, Texas at 6 p.m.
You had the Me Too movement
Get sparked by the political left in America and the Hollywood left in America, where sexual assault and abuse is apparently the most rampant!
With the Harvey Weinsteins and the Bill Clintons, the Roman Polanskis, oh yes, the Anthony Weiners, oh sure.
I guess if you're just into artwork, you could consider the Podestas there.
Just their artwork, though, that they're into.
So this Sunday, we're protesting Bill Clinton's book tour.
How can these people even sell books anymore?
You know, Bill Clinton was at some sort of promo event pushing a kid on a swing, and I'm watching this footage, and I'm like, I wouldn't let my kid anywhere near that scumbag.
I know where those hands have been.
It's like, just weird that a guy like Bill Clinton
Can just go around like he's a normal, everyday Joe, President of the United States.
No, the guy was an outright criminal.
And you know, lest we forget, I mean, let's actually remind ourselves what happened when Bill Clinton was President to Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is the most abused,
Woman in the history of American politics.
Bill Clinton cheats on her all day long and everyone knows it.
It's a joke.
They say, look Hillary.
Don't talk about the abuse.
Don't talk about the rape.
Bully the accusers.
Let's maintain the status quo here.
When it's all said and done, you'll get your turn in office.
We'll give you the presidency.
And so it all comes to fruition.
It's Hillary's time.
They're going to give it to Hillary.
They trot out a corpse.
They trot out an animate husk of a human being, Hillary Clinton.
And that's how rigged and pathetic American politics had become.
A sideshow, such a circus act, such a rigged deal that the powers that be would give it to Hillary Clinton, who at this point can't even walk around without a back brace because she's so spineless.
And that's how bad it almost was.
So Bill Clinton comes to Austin, Texas this Sunday for his book tour.
We're protesting it.
But it's the Me Too protest, so I'm sure we'll get a bunch of Soros money.
Oh, the Soros money is going to start raining from the sky because it's a Me Too protest, right?
Oh, it's calling out Bill Clinton, so it doesn't count.
It doesn't count.
Well, it counts to us, so I hope you can join us this Sunday, 6 p.m.
Central, outside Bass Concert Hall.
We need to show these people where they really stand.
You know what?
And so that is going to take me to this.
I've got the election results here.
All of it.
I mean, there's so many.
It's honestly overwhelming.
But there's some stuff in here that is quite shocking to me, quite revealing to me.
Now, in the overall aggregate, if you take a look and guys, I'm citing the L.A.
Times live results page here.
So if you're trying to catch up with me, that's where I'm at.
If you look at
The overall map of California and the results from last night, you notice a trend.
Ah, yes, there's the screen right there.
Now, notice how most of the state of California now is actually red.
Now, this is a phenomenon that occurs every election cycle in Illinois, in Missouri, in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, in Texas, too.
Where almost the entire state is red, except the main cities, the main big cities in that area.
And so you look at some of the numbers, and I do expect Gavin Newsom to be the next governor, but I do think John Cox will give him a run for his money, at least more than people expected.
But notice how even the state of California now is mostly red.
So this is how the Democrats stay in power.
They have voter blocks in the inner cities that rely on welfare or even came here illegally.
And then you have this strange story that has no answer, where hundreds of thousands of people aren't on the voter rolls or something and they can't vote.
The whole story is very ambiguous.
And I'm just scratching my head and I'm thinking, is this what they're doing to get illegals to vote?
They're just saying, oh, major malfunction, we're going to register you right here at the scene.
It's certainly what it feels like.
Regardless though, if these are the results you get in California, a blue wave, you have not.
But there is some interesting stuff in here as far as the results are concerned.
So just bear with me as I flip through all these results and get to my points of interest again.
I already gave you the number one, which was the state of California is now going red and you're seeing the Democrat voter block phenomenon of the big cities start to play out now in California.
Nancy Pelosi,
Has a strong victory.
With 69% of the vote.
Nancy Pelosi, folks.
A dingbat, so dumb, so corrupt, so disgusting.
How in the hell does a woman like that win election after election after election?
I mean, let's be real.
Slightly less offensive, Eric Swalwell looks to be remaining strong in District 15.
That total nitwit.
It's like depressing to just remind yourself that these people are still in government.
Eric Swalwell apparently more popular than Devin Nunes, who's like an American patriot hero.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
But Nunes should be safe.
Adam Schiff.
Adam Schiff.
Little Adam Schiff with a D. Unbelievable that a guy like that's popular.
I mean, I'm telling you, it's depressing to know that somebody that stupid, that ignorant, could actually continue to win elections.
Aja Smith, she just automatically won.
There wasn't enough people.
Oh, here we go.
That's a good one, by the way.
Maxine Waters.
Maxine Waters.
How does Maxine Waters get 10 people to show up at an event in Hawthorne, California?
Right there in District 43.
10 people to show up for a widely publicized and promoted event.
She gets 10 people to show up.
Somehow magically gets 42,000 to show up to vote!
I'm sorry, I'm not buying it.
There's something, this ain't right, man.
Maxine Waters gets 10 people, half of which aren't even voting age, to show up in an event?
10 people and she gets 42,000 to vote?
What kind of backwards country am I living in here?
Maxine Waters!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
We stand to honor our military and to honor our country and to remember the fallen heroes who never made it back home.
We stand to show our love for our fellow citizens and our magnificent Constitution.
We stand to pay tribute to the incredible Americans who came before us and the heroic sacrifices they made.
America is a great nation, a community, a family, and America is our home, and we love our home.
So that was President Trump yesterday, holding a salute to America, pro-America event, a lot of veterans there, Navy there, etc., families.
Instead of what the Eagles turned into a political stunt and a protest of President Trump by only sending 10 of potentially I think it's like 80, 90, 100 people that would have gone normally.
I believe the last time a Super Bowl champion visited the White House they took 88 people.
The Eagles were going to take 10.
So President Trump says
Well, I'm not going to waste my time with 10 of you.
Sorry to the players and staff that wanted to go.
Blame the team for that, not me.
Instead, I'm going to hold an event for dozens and dozens of veterans and active duty and military.
They respect this country.
I'd rather spend my time with them than a bunch of crybaby athletes that don't understand the tradition and significance of the White House visit.
But that's fine.
They don't have to go.
It's perfectly within their rights.
Just like it's perfectly within Trump's rights to say, OK, fine then.
I'll just hold a different event.
I don't need your event.
We'll do a better event.
And of course, they twist it and blame Trump.
Oh, it's Trump's fault.
Well, let's be fair about this.
While even myself, I think maybe, I won't say Trump went too far, but you can certainly see, you know, some reason for some of the backlash.
But can you blame him?
How many times did teams skip the presidential White House visit tradition when Obama was president?
And Obama was trash!
It comes out today, new details of the Iran deal.
The Senate does an investigation, files a report.
Obama officials gave Iran access to the U.S.
financial system.
Oh, but they're going to say, oh, it was just brief.
Oh, we just did a part of the deal.
It's just a one-time thing.
Oh, just a one-time thing.
Can I have your password to your ATM card?
It's just a one-time thing.
Can I get your bank account information?
It's just a brief thing.
Just a one-time thing.
Don't worry about it, baby.
Just a one-time thing.
So Obama, total trash.
No one boycotts him.
He's saluted as a hero.
Teams boycott the Trump White House visit.
He's the bad guy for holding an event for veterans in active duty.
Then you have LeBron James gets asked a question some liberal sports media reporter says after the last basketball game says, LeBron, what do you think about Trump's comments about the Eagles not visiting the White House?
And like a good brainwashed Democrat, LeBron says, oh well, you know, I don't expect anything different from a guy like that.
And then, well, would you go to the White House?
Won't matter because LeBron's not going to win.
But he says, oh well, wouldn't matter.
We wouldn't be going to the White House.
I wouldn't be going to the White House.
And I know that the Warriors wouldn't be going to the White House either.
Now, let's just understand something here.
The NBA and the NFL,
Is comprised of 90% African American athletes?
Conservatively, 80%?
So they try to have this assumed narrative in the media, Trump racist, Trump a bigot, Trump against black people.
And so then it makes sense.
There's the main black athlete saying, of course I don't like Trump.
I'm a good Democrat.
Trump's a racist.
We wouldn't visit that racist in the White House.
But wait a second.
Look at the unemployment numbers for African Americans.
Now, if you pull up a graph from the last 10 years, something stands out.
Pretty much immediately.
Guys, can you pull up the graph I tweeted out last night from the War Room Show on Twitter, please?
It's the African-American unemployment numbers.
When Obama got in office, the African-American unemployment percentage was around 6%.
Within two years, it doubled, skyrocketed to 12%, where it then hovered for the next about two to three years around 10 and 8% for the rest of the Obama administration.
Trump gets in office, what happens?
It goes down immediately.
There it is right there.
Now, this is a different graph than the one I tweeted out from the War Room on Twitter last night, but it's the same thing.
And so you have to ask, why don't the Eagles want to
Have the traditional White House visit for the champions.
Why wouldn't the NBA champion, either Cavaliers or Warriors, want to go to the White House to visit President Trump?
Do they not want black people to attend their sporting events?
Do they not like black people having jobs and making money like they are?
They get to make millions and millions of dollars living the American dream.
Do they not want other black Americans to have that same opportunity?
I'm just confused as to why they're not going to the White House.
Well, you know, I don't like the fact that he's... Yeah, I know, they say that the graph is sensitive on Twitter, if you can believe that.
From the Labor Force Statistics official website.
There it is, right there.
So, under Obama, it doubled, doubled in the first two years, where it remained for about two to three more, and then slowly kind of trickled back down, and then took a nosedive as soon as Trump was elected.
So, those are just the facts.
Why would they protest the White House visit?
Well, Trump's a racist, obviously.
He likes the National Anthem, didn't you hear?
And so then you have, guys, let's go to this clip right now.
Let's go to clip seven.
CNN commentator Angela Rye, this woman, boy, I don't know if I'll be able to make it through this.
This woman really aggravates me.
Listen to what she says about the National Anthem.
You know, it's just dishonest, right?
This isn't about people who disagree with the partisan leanings of the president.
There are Republicans who are my friends.
This is about someone who has trafficked in bigotry, xenophobia, and racism from the very beginning of his campaign.
Everybody has a right to say, you know what?
I disagree with you, and I especially disagree with how you carry yourself as a leader.
I have yet to see you demonstrate real leadership.
This is not about the national anthem.
That's the side issue.
The real issue is Donald Trump's
Can you believe that this woman is not on television?
You haven't been honest since you've opened your mouth!
What do you mean you're not on television?
Alright, turn her down.
See, this is what I'm talking about.
I could break down everything she says in that little minute and a half clip.
Literally break down everything she says and it's totally a lie.
Literally, I could take each little thing that she says and break it down and it's a total lie.
But this is what they do.
Jennifer Rubin from the Washington Post, Sarah Sanders lies because this is what the White House does.
Jennifer Rubin, you are fake news.
Angela Rye, you are fake news.
These people lie all day long.
Did you hear what she says?
Trump traffics in racism and bigotry?
What the hell does that even mean?
Hey, uh, I'll trade you a little racism for a little bigotry over here.
Ooh, yeah, I like that.
Let me get a little bit of that homophobia in there, too.
Oh, yeah, you like that?
I got a little Islamophobia there for you, too.
You want a little bit of that?
What about a little misogyny?
Ooh, ooh!
Put a little misogyny on that with that bigotry, too.
Are you ready to make a deal?
Trafficking in bigotry and racism, says Angela Rye.
A nitwit, a zero, a five-watt light bulb that couldn't light a refrigerator on CNN.
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Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, mate.
I've been following you since I was 14 and I'm 32 now.
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Yeah, and I wanted to say that by following you so much, it's like you're just detoxing the mind, you're detoxing the body, you're detoxing the spirit.
And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
They're set to pass rules, not a law, that if you criticize Islam or gays, you'll get six months in prison.
We know we're only about a year or two behind what's happening in the UK.
CNN and many others are calling for InfoWars to be shut down, taken off the web.
Slate Magazine has a professor and others saying, go beyond censorship.
Brainwash young people against InfoWars.
Psychologically inoculate them with lies so they don't actually hear what we have to say.
We are the most hated news source in the world by globalists.
It is so critical that you go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and sign up for the free newsletter so we can be in contact with you and so the censors can't bully their way in and block us being able to engage in free open dialogue as a society.
That is critical to this fight.
We will prevail if you take action and I know you will.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, President Trump is speaking right now.
The VA Mission Act, which has been in the works for a while with Chris Nywem, who's going to be joining us on Friday.
He's been working to get this deal done with Trump for a long time.
He's going to be joining us Friday, but Trump is speaking live right now addressing this.
So let's go live to President Trump from Washington, D.C.
They are our great people.
Four years ago, our entire nation was shocked and outraged by stories of the VA system plagued by neglect, abuse, fraud, and mistreatment of our veterans.
And there was nothing they could do about it.
They couldn't do anything about it.
Good people that worked there, they couldn't take care of the bad people.
Meaning, you're fired.
Get the hell out of here.
With us today are many brave veterans who endured that grave injustice, including Steve Cooper and Laura Vela.
They served their country with honor, only to be denied the medical treatment they desperately needed.
To Steve and Laura, no one should suffer what you suffered.
You suffered gravely.
No one who defends our country in uniform should have to fight for their lives when they come back, when they come to their home.
We commend your strength and courage in the face of hardship, and we pledge to act in your name,
And in the name of every other veteran who has been so badly wronged, neglected, and mistreated, to those who serve our nation, who risk life and limb for country, we must never be denied care, access, or treatment that they need.
That is why we are here today, and that is why we are signing this most important bill.
Makes so much sense.
It's been so long.
They've been working on it for years and years and years.
And it wouldn't happen.
And accountability is the other one.
As a candidate for president, I promise to make reforming the VA one of my absolute highest priorities.
And from the first day of my administration, that is exactly what we've done.
Last year, I signed the historic
VA accountability legislation.
Meaning, you now can immediately get rid of people that don't treat our veterans right, that rob us or cheat us, or aren't good to our great vets.
You can get them out, you couldn't do it.
For 40 years they've been trying to pass this, Phil, you know that.
40 years.
And they couldn't.
Made so much sense.
But it was hard.
You have civil service.
You have unions.
Of course, they'd never do anything to stop anything.
But they had a very great deal of power.
And in the end, they came along.
Everybody came along because they knew it was right.
So we passed something that hasn't been that recognized.
And yet
I would put it almost in the class with choice.
Almost in the class with choice.
VA accountability passed.
And now, if people don't do a great job, they can't work with our vets anymore.
They're gone.
So we're very proud of
In the campaign, I also promised that we would fight for veterans' choice.
And before I knew that much about it, it just seemed to be common sense.
It seemed like if they're waiting on line for nine days and they can't see a doctor, why aren't they going outside to see a doctor and take care of themselves and we pay the bill?
It's less expensive for us.
It works out much better.
And it's immediate care.
And that's what we're doing.
So we're allowing our veterans to get access to the best medical care available, whether it's at the VA or at a private provider.
In a few moments, I will keep that promise that I've been making ever since the first day of my campaign.
Seems like a long time ago.
And I'm going to sign legislation that will make veterans' choice permanent.
And I just can't stress the people here, the people in the audience, Senators, Congress.
Okay, so there's President Trump again from Washington, D.C.
addressing the VA Mission Act, which he signed today.
A lot of work was done by Christopher Nguyen on that.
He's going to be joining us Friday morning here on the Alex Jones Show to discuss all that.
Now, I want to hit some news headlines.
Before we roll into the next hour, and Jeff Gonzales joins me, he is the President of Trident Concepts and also the Director of Training for the range at Austin, a great gun range here in Austin, Texas.
But let me get through some of this news here before we get into the next hour.
Now, everybody knows about Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong-Un.
Now it's been announced that Dennis Rodman will be in Singapore for the Trump-Kim summit.
So it's kind of like a half joke, half real thing with Dennis Rodman being involved in this.
But here's the funny thing about this to me.
Dennis Rodman and Pamela Anderson.
Yes, that Pamela Anderson.
Dennis Rodman and Pamela Anderson are more effective foreign diplomats and negotiators than anyone from Obama's administration.
Think about that.
And I guess you could perhaps say from Trump's administration, because they're not technically in Trump's administration, but they are getting these negotiations through to the next level under President Trump.
But Pam Anderson, good with foreign affairs when it comes to Julian Assange.
Dennis Rodman, good with foreign affairs when it comes to Kim Jong-un.
Better than anyone from the government!
So I just found that to be ironic.
trade deficit falls to a seven-month low.
So this has been something Trump's been addressing since he got into office, the trade deficit.
This is the result of manufacturing being shipped out, jobs being shipped out, other countries manipulating their currency.
And that's good news with Trump renegotiating trade deals.
But on the other side of these affairs, $119 billion merchandise trade deficit with China hits a record high.
So on one end, while the financial end of the trade deficit is going the right way for America, the merchandise trade deficit is going the wrong way with now more goods being purchased from China compared to the United States
Then ever.
3.8 times as many goods are purchased from China by the United States as are by the United States from, or excuse me, by China from the United States.
So that's a whole nother issue, but that'll start coming back with manufacturing.
When it comes to 2020, the Democrats have not been sure what they're going to do, but now Howard Schultz from Starbucks seems to be coming into the frame here.
He was wrong when he said that it's Trump's fault for polarizing politics.
No, that's the Democrats, but not even really Democrats, really just the fake news more than anything that lies about Trump, like Angela Rye.
She's the one polarizing politics, lying about President Trump on CNN.
But then he says the right thing!
I give him credit.
Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz rips Democrats for veering too far to the left.
How are we going to pay for these things?
The Democrat Party might have a chance.
They might have a reasonable guy that says stuff like that now, who could be running in 2020.
Wouldn't have a chance against Trump.
But a businessman that actually understands stuff, Howard Schultz, coming in telling the Democrats, uh, yeah, how are you going to pay for these things?
We can't afford it.
They just had something today where they had to dip into the reserves for Social Security.
We can't afford that!
But we're going to make more entitlement programs, say the Democrats.
I didn't mention this, but earlier when I was covering the primary election results, some of the names that you've seen here at InfoWars did well.
Antonio Sabato, Dr. Kenneth Wright, Aja Smith, Omar Navarro will all be advancing to the next rounds of elections.
But it will be an uphill battle for them while people like Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Swalwell all are barrel rolling to another victory.
Somehow, crooks and clowns like that continue to get elected at an astronomical rate.
You know, Brad Parscale said something yesterday on Twitter that I want to respond to, but
We'll go ahead and wait to do that in the next hour.
In the meantime, folks, the specials at InfoWarsTore.com are still rolling right now from Memorial Day.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, Jeff Gonzales from TridentConcepts.com is set to join me in the next segment, where I will open up the phone lines for any liberals to call in, or Obama supporters to call in, or Democrats, whoever, to call in and tell us Obama's accomplishments.
I'm serious, I'm not trying to troll you.
I'm opening up the phone lines to you.
I want to hear from you.
What do you think Obama's accomplishments were?
I'm gonna open it up in the next hour, and we'll take your calls.
Call in.
In the meantime, though,
Listen to Bill Clinton on NBC.
This of course after CBS actually gave him a tough interview where he kind of blew up.
Now he's getting the softball interview and trying to correct the errors he made in the last one.
Check out Bill Clinton on NBC.
Look at Bill's face right here, pause it right here, pause it right here.
This is strange for Bill because this stuff has already passed.
All of this garbage with all the women and the hookers and the nose like a vacuum cleaner and the cigars and the you know what's.
This is all past and he didn't have to answer to a damn one of it.
So now here he is like 20 years later like, man, we already beat that crap.
He's like, we already, we already had the media fixed.
We didn't have, why are we bringing this up now?
Don't you know we rigged the system so I didn't have to talk about this?
Now you can see the anger where he's like, he's like, we already, yeah.
Like, why does the world have to know about me?
Just watch his face during this stuff.
No, I felt terrible then.
Oh, you felt so bad you lied about it.
Did you ever apologize?
No, yes.
And nobody believed that I got out of that for free.
I left the White House $16 million in debt.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, oh, oh, this is actually hilarious.
Pause it, pause it, pause it.
Oh, remember Hillary sobbing?
Oh, we were so poor when we left the White House.
Oh my gosh, life is so hard for the Clintons.
We make billions and billions of dollars in the Clinton administration.
We steal money from Haiti.
And Laura Silsby gets caught with kids at the border.
Oh my gosh, it's so hard, the Clintons.
Wait a second, though.
Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton both claim they were broke when they came out of the White House.
Maybe that explains why they stole silverware!
I mean, not like, you know, not just major crime and money laundering like what we believe goes on at the Clinton Foundation.
We're talking about petty theft of silverware from the White House!
You don't believe me?
Look it up.
The Clintons stole silverware from the White House.
That is how classless these people are.
They stole silverware, they stole sofa, a sofa, furniture, kitchen tables, chairs.
Stealing tens of thousands of dollars worth of furniture and silverware from the White House.
I guess maybe they were broke.
Yeah, please.
These people are wanton criminals that know no bounds.
And that's why Bill Clinton, getting asked real questions on television, pisses him off because he already pissed on you 20 years ago!
He thought you already drowned in all the excrement that he fed you with his Democrat news sources at NBC and ABC and CNN for decades.
But maybe they were broke!
Maybe the Clintons were broke when they left the White House, and that's why those petty thefts, that's why those criminals stole silverware and furniture from the White House when they were leaving.
Jeff Gonzalez from Trident Concepts joins me on the other side, and we open up the phone line to liberals to call in and tell us, what are Obama's greatest accomplishments?
Will the lines be dead?
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products, we have it in 4's life.
MycoZX Plus now has a lower price.
It'd take hours.
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It's back in stock.
The Real Red Pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
I think?
I don't know.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Over 20 years ago, Alex Jones created the media platform called InfoWars.
And in the decades since, it's grown into a truly remarkable institution, with over 200 radio affiliates, tens of millions of unique website visitors monthly,
And a 24-7 live news TV channel broadcasting from state-of-the-art studios in Austin, Texas.
InfoWars has become the most trusted independent news source in the country, dedicated to delivering breaking news, live coverage of special events, and exclusive reports you won't find anywhere else.
While the old guard media struggles to maintain supremacy in a landscape rocked by innovation and technology, InfoWars has been at the forefront of the information revolution.
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For the hardest-hitting reports, uncompromising analysis, for high-profile interviews and bombshell revelations, accept no substitutes.
Demand truth.
Demand InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news, today.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death and event insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
You know, sometimes you need some crazy mother****** to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan, and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Filling in for Alex Jones, I am Owen Schroyer.
My guest in studio is Jeff Gonzalez from TridentConcepts.com.
Of course, the range here at Austin is where he directs courses, which is a great range here.
I do enjoy going there.
I purchased some firearms from there myself.
And we're going to talk about
Second Amendment issues and the whole misunderstanding of the Second Amendment and then the misappropriation of what it really is for by the left and how they twist it and then try to demonize it whenever there's a mass shooting.
But also, what we're going to do is we're going to have a little fun here, myself and Jeff from TridentConcepts.com.
We're going to open up the phone lines.
Specifically to liberals and Democrats, Obama supporters, to hear about Obama's accomplishments.
So we heard about Trump's accomplishments in the first 500 days, so I'm genuinely wanting to hear from Obama supporters today.
1-877-789-ALEX, 1-877-789-2539.
Call in if you're an Obama supporter and just tell us Obama's accomplishments.
I'm genuinely open ear.
Want to hear what you think Obama's accomplishments are?
So we're going to give you a chance today.
You can call in.
The lines are open.
Screeners, make sure people that are calling in are calling in on that subject issue.
Otherwise, we'll just stick to news here.
There's a little meme that Turning Point USA put out.
Eight years, three accomplishments.
The three accomplishments are school lunches, inedible.
Health insurance, unaffordable.
Police lives, unimportant.
So, Jeff, Jeff Gonzales from TroutAndConcepts.com, a lot to cover here, but I think that, let's start with the misunderstanding of the Second Amendment.
Now, my philosophy on the Second Amendment is that it's not, they didn't write it in there so that me and you can just have a gun at each other's head all day long, like, well, I have a right to this gun, I have a right to this gun.
No, but it's so that you and I could have a gun in case the government wanted to have that same gun and then try to oppress us.
That was always my philosophy.
I agree 100% with that.
The biggest thing that I've always taken away from the Second Amendment is that it defends all the other amendments.
It is the one that stands firm against everything else.
So without that one, there is no freedom of speech.
There is no Fourth Amendment.
There is none of that.
Because then again, the oppressiveness of anybody who has the guns can just pretty much do what they want.
And they will take that and run with it and say, well, you don't need weapons that the military uses, right?
You don't need to have these weapons of war to which I say, well, what if the weapons of war come to my front door?
Well, then what am I going to want to have?
The idea, first of all, we don't have those weapons of war.
Those are very strictly regulated firearms.
Yeah, I can't go get a bazooka or a rocket launcher.
Or even just as benign as the M4, which is the fully automatic version of the AR-15, which is the commercial civilian model.
So, whenever they go down that road, it turks me with the way they use the language there.
What's not?
Weapons of war.
But they use it because it incites fear and misunderstanding, and that's their whole point.
That's what they like to try to do, is confuse and make people afraid.
Well, fear is the big one.
They want people to be afraid.
And of course, I mean, look, it's a gun.
It can kill you.
There is a reason that you're afraid of a gun.
So is a thief.
So is a robber.
So is a potential rapist.
So there's a reason why it's a tool used in self-defense.
But it's really aggravating.
And I'm sure that you've actually seen this at the range and doing your courses and your training and everything.
Where you'll have an individual that comes in, and they have this fear of a firearm, or this hesitation to even, you know, touch it or shoot it, but then by the time they're out of there, the training, the experience, they feel totally differently.
There is a natural fear, partly because there's the fear of the unknown, right?
They don't know what to expect.
So what our job is, is our job is to educate.
To get them comfortable so that they can learn that it is like any other industrial tool.
That with proper training, education, and respect,
Then it becomes just like anything else that they might find in their garage.
One of the things that bothers me again about kind of like the liberal slant or the anti-gun slant is how those that really do need a firearm are the ones that they're targeting with fear to prevent them from actually becoming self-sufficient or at least being able to protect themselves.
And I looked at a situation where there's a, we'll go with the CNN term, adult film star here in Austin, Texas that did this publicity stunt where she gives away her firearm to the police officer in this buyback program that they have and she puts it on social media and I'm sitting here scratching my head like,
Okay, not only did you just, you know, give away your right to protection, you just gave the public a notice, you just gave any potential stalkers a notice, hey look, I'm not armed, come on in!
Well, I think that's one of those...
They don't really think it through.
They don't really understand.
Okay, not only have you everything that you just said, but it's grandstanding.
It's trying to make a name for themselves.
There's a lot of that.
I mean, it's not genuine.
Oh, totally.
There's nothing genuine about that, because if there was, they would have done it in a more, you know, less attention-getting manner, which is what bothers me the most, because that's all that was.
And they try to slant it towards, oh, look at what this responsible individual is doing.
And if it was genuine, you wouldn't have all of these double standards that you could find in a heartbeat.
Oh, we want to protect the children, you know, every time there's a school shoot.
Well, everybody wants to protect the children.
So I'll see you at the Planned Parenthood protest, right?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We've got to fund Planned Parenthood, don't you see?
Big difference there.
So that's how it goes.
So Jeff Gonzales is going to be in studio here with me in the second hour, perhaps beyond.
Roger Stone will take over in the fourth hour.
This is what you can expect.
And we have the phone lines open.
I'm calling for Obama supporters, Democrats, Liberals.
We talk about Trump's accomplishments all day long, so I'm giving the platform to you, and let's see if you can call in and tell me all of Obama's accomplishments.
And I'm not talking about the inedible lunches, you know, I'm not talking about being the greatest spy, you know, illegal spy in American history.
I mean, seriously, what do you think the accomplishments are?
So the phone line's open.
In the meantime, though, folks, please support us at InfoWarsStore.com, just because
We don't address it every day, even though we probably should.
The attacks on free speech, the attacks on us that they want us shut down, you see it every day and we really don't give it enough attention, but we don't want to sound redundant and we don't want to sound like we're crying, but we do give you great specials and you support us and so it all rings true, but take advantage of the free shipping store-wide before it is closed off at the end of this week.
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But this will end at the end of this week.
So take advantage of free shipping storewide at Infowarsstore.com before it ends this week.
We'll be right back with Jeff Gonzales from TridentConcepts.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Calling in right now.
The phone lines are lit up.
We've got some people that want to call in and talk about Obama's accomplishments.
So we will take your phone calls.
But we're just sitting here going back and forth in the break about how it was the Florida shooting and then the response to it in the media that made me go out and get an AR-15.
Because I was like, wow, they really are going to try to take this.
They're going to write the legislation.
Maybe it's not this year.
But eventually they're going to get it.
Maybe it's not next year.
So I need to make sure I have one before they make it illegal.
And we're saying, you know, we don't like reporting on it.
It's just a fact.
Whenever there's a shooting like this, more people go to the range in Austin, more people want firearms training from you, more people want guns.
I mean, it goes hand in hand.
I mean, I hate to say it because you don't want to see a surge in sales as a result of a tragedy, but the media does such a good job, again, of creating that fear.
That it's an impulse buy for most.
I would say we see so many people, first-time gun owners, come in after a major shooting.
That's how it was for me.
I get impulse.
It was just like, boom, I need to do this.
Because you said it yourself, I'm worried that they're going to shut this down.
Like, really.
And the media, what I've learned about the media, is they will purport what they feel good about reporting.
Not necessarily the truth.
And that, unfortunately, confuses people because then there are these impulse buys that people were like, oh my god, I need to get this because I may never get a chance again.
Well, and I would say, I mean, it's half humor, but reality, the best salesman ever for guns in the history of this country was Barack Obama, now David Hogg!
Oh yeah, probably, or I would say David is responsible for more NRA memberships.
Well, by the numbers, for sure.
They definitely helped us.
There's another one!
My family had been in the NRA, and I was part of it with my family, but once you hit an age, you know, whatever it is.
So I went out for the first time.
Finally, they've been sending me the stuff like, hey, join now.
And finally, after that, I'm joining the NRA.
It was the same thing.
I mean, you know, I don't understand how they can't figure that out yet.
But, you know, eight years of record sales for firearms purchases and within six months, you know, I mean, of the you know, and within the firearms industry, you see this like after Trump was elected, they're kind of like,
There was this down surge.
And I think, you know, it was because we weren't sure what was going to happen.
But now people are comfortable.
And now the opposite effect of what's happening, which is now people are going out and actually enjoying the art or the sport of shooting.
They're getting involved in self-defense.
There's, you know, like now that everything's kind of planed out and settled out, everything's kind of back to normal.
Well, and I think that there's this other thing the media does.
And I guess, you know, street liberals do, the protesters, is they want to put gun owners or Second Amendment activists in a box, where I am a huge Second Amendment activist, I've got guns, but I really only just love going out and shooting skeet at the range with my shotgun.
I don't go hunting.
I don't have a bunch of rifles.
No, there are people that do that, and that's perfectly within their right, and they enjoy that, and that's fine.
But they try to put everybody into a box, and then say, point the finger, you do this, you do this, and it's like, no, no, no, no.
We just love the Second Amendment for a bunch of different reasons, and it's all, the core issue is for the right to self-protection.
It should never come into question.
I'm always upset and disappointed when the media attacks it that way.
Or, you know, like, well, you don't need anything other than a shotgun for your defense of needs.
And it's like, well, you know, you don't get to dictate what I actually need.
There was an armed robber in a man's house.
I forget where this was.
He comes home, two armed robbers in his house.
He grabs his AK-47 out of his closet, shoots him dead, comes out alive.
I'll trump that one, no pun intended, with a, you know, there's the argument, well why do you need an AR-15 for home defense?
So, there was a video that was released just yesterday, I believe, of some home invaders, all masked up, both of them carrying AR-15s, broke down a door.
Luckily, the family was on vacation, but they had that nice security system on their front porch and through their house.
It was all recorded, and of course, they were eventually apprehended.
But, yeah.
How are you to dictate what I do and don't need?
For my needs, you know?
Like, I'm not saying that everybody has to have one, but in a setting like that, it would be kind of nice to have something that's... I mean, there's a reason why we like those types of weapon systems is that they increase my survivability.
Well, and I think it's an issue of, like you're saying, it's just your right to decide.
We can have a debate.
Oh no, the best home defense weapon is a shotgun.
Oh no, the best is the handgun.
Oh no, the best is this.
But it's about...
You're right to decide, and if you're in a situation like you said, I would make the argument that the best home defense weapon is a shotgun.
However, if two people come into my house with AR-15s, I'm gonna change my mind real quick!
I think that's normal, you know, I think that's actually, you know, that's just, again, but that's the type of criminal activity that people don't want to acknowledge.
Wait a second, you're telling me that criminals don't follow the law right now?
I know, right?
Yeah, it's kind of silly to see how, you know, a felon could actually obtain a firearm.
I'm still trying to figure out how that happens, how that works.
It's like, how come whenever there's a mass shooting situation, why doesn't somebody just stand up and say, uh, excuse me, shooter, that gun is illegal here.
I don't understand.
Excuse me, shooter, you're not allowed to kill people.
You'd think they would listen.
I've gone back to that first and fundamental, you know, that the taking of another life has been unlawful.
For the ages.
You know, it's nothing new.
But yet, all of a sudden, you know, we have to create more unnecessary, and quite frankly, just new laws that aren't going to work.
They're not going to do anything to change it.
All they're going to do is continue to repress us, repress us, repress us, which I believe is an ultimate goal.
Just create so much... I mean, in some states, the laws are so confusing that even the law enforcement doesn't know how to interpret them.
And how is the average citizen of that state supposed to be able to, you know, how can you expect them to be reasonably educated on that law if the law enforcement can't even interpret it?
And what are you going to do whenever you pass these different gun legislation or gun acts?
With the background checks, and then the background check fails because there's not a real stopgap.
I mean, how does Nicholas Cruz get the weapon?
Well, you have the Promise Program set up by Democrats that allows him to stay off the, you know, a list.
And then you have, and you would probably know more about this, where, I mean, you know, whenever you buy an AR, you go through the background check, it asks you domestic abuse, you know, drug abuse, this and everything.
You just say no.
And unless the FBI is actually doing their job on the back end, you can get through that really easily.
That is unfortunate, yes.
But it's there for a reason.
And that's not something that gun activists and 2nd Amendment activists complain about.
Because why would we?
That's no different than any other security form.
It's what they call common sense.
Yeah, that's what they do.
Not so much, not so much.
Alright, so here's the deal.
So we're going to be going back and forth with Jeff Gonzalez from TridentConcepts.com and if you're here in Austin or in Texas and you've never been to the range at Austin, I suggest you check it out.
Not only do they have a huge selection of firearms to go check out and purchase, but also great ranges and instructors there as well.
So he's going to be hanging out with me and we're going to be taking your phone calls.
We're going to go out to the phone lines here in the next segment.
And I'm genuinely asking, I'm not trying to troll, I'm not trying to set you up for something, I'm just genuinely asking, we've been celebrating Trump's accomplishments in his first 500 days.
I could go off here, I don't need a teleprompter, I don't need a list, I could go off and tell you all Trump's accomplishments.
So we're going to open up the phone lines for Obama supporters, Democrats, and I want to hear what you think Obama's biggest accomplishments were.
Jeff and I have already discovered one of them, and that was one of the greatest gun salesmen in U.S.
Now, that's a troll.
I don't expect anyone to say that.
But we will go to the phone lines.
We're going to hear what liberals, Democrats, and Obama supporters have to say.
What were Obama's biggest accomplishments in office?
Even CNN says Obama is the best gun salesman in America.
Hey, look at that!
Hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.
CNN has it right.
Alright, we'll be right back with Jeff Gonzalez, TridentConcepts.com.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Okay, we've got the phone lines lit up here.
People calling in.
I'm being genuine.
I'm not trying to troll.
We're going to take calls from Democrats here and we're going to find out what they say, what were Obama's big accomplishments.
I've got Jeff Gonzales in studio with me from TridentConcepts.com.
He is also an instructor at the range here in Austin.
But we're taking your calls here from Democrats, Obama supporters.
We had Trump's massive accomplishments from his first 500 days, big stories, huge accomplishments.
They keep coming.
So we're going to hear from the Obama supporters.
Let's see what Obama's big accomplishments were.
Let's start with Josh calling in from Florida.
Go ahead, Josh.
Hey Owen, yeah, I got nothing.
Really, I keep trying to think about this off the top of my head, the only thing I come up with is not running into Syria based on misinformation from the Likuds or the Wahhabis.
Other than that, I got nothing.
That's a fair point, but I'm not really sure if that's an Obama accomplishment.
I think that's more of a media, alternative media accomplishment for getting the truth out about it to the point where the military said we're not going to be ISIS's air force.
What do you think about that?
I agree, yeah.
That was kind of a, again, the media doing an excellent job of
Poor reporting.
Just reporting on whatever false flag they can go for.
It's, you know, it's really strange.
That you can have an event with, like, where they say Assad gassed his own people, and they just give you no reason.
You know?
Or, yeah, I mean, it would be nice to have somebody actually reporting on the, like you said, on the reasons and the depth and giving content, like, giving some, what's going on there that would even get to that point where all of a sudden something as atrocious as gassing his own people is occurring.
Like, why not, why aren't we covering any of that?
Alright, well Josh gave it a go and said at the end of the day he couldn't figure it out.
So let's go to Steve now, calling in from my hometown of St.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hey Owen, can you hear me?
Yep, go ahead.
Hey man, thanks for taking my call.
Well, it's kind of an inadvertent accomplishment, but if you think about it, even going back to Jimmy Carter, I can't think of one president who brought more attention to police brutality.
It may have been virtue signaling and it may have been inadvertent.
This is an interesting point and I think that
I mean, let's be fair.
Steve phrases it to say that Obama did the most to call out police brutality.
I think that's actually a fair statement to make.
I think that somebody may phrase it differently and say that he was trying to divide based on racism or, you know, police brutality.
But that's a fair point.
And he did get the body cameras across to which I will actually respond.
I've got the story in front of me somewhere in my stack of news.
I've got to find it.
But the police officers from New Jersey, here it is.
Wildwood cops won't face criminal charges and violent beach arrest.
So you had that 20-year-old girl who wasn't drunk, passed a breathalyzer twice, the police tried to arrest her anyway, then threw her to the ground and assaulted her.
She comes out of that deal with three different charges, the police have none, and we saw the whole thing because of the body camera, and yet still no justice for that little girl.
But the issue to me has always been the same.
20-year-old drinking at the beach?
Oh my gosh, I'm shocked!
20-year-olds like to drink alcohol?
Who knew?
That's what I'm saying.
It's just ridiculous.
It's like the same thing.
Do we really need a bunch of police officers running around looking for a bag of marijuana?
Do we really need three police officers running around trying to take down a girl for maybe underage drinking at the beach when she wasn't?
I mean, to me, that's the issue here, Jeff, is that there's too many reasons for police to get involved in our lives.
Well, I think that there's a big issue, a bigger issue in the sense that, you know, when you talk with veteran officers, they have the experience to kind of make a better decision about while, yes, maybe that is illegal.
Does it constitute being arrested?
Are we a land of law or justice?
But factoring in judgment, which I believe is important in a situation like that, like, hey, you know, being able to bring it in without going to the extreme of an arrest and creating basically a national incident where now it's broadcast all over the media.
So for me,
I like listening to the veteran officers that talk about an experience level that is necessary for young officers to kind of observe, but most of that experience moves up in the ranks and they're kind of on the street, so there's a vacuum of some sorts.
You know, like nowadays, I do think that it's warranted to consider, is this an offense that really does justify an arrest?
Even though it may have broken the law, in this case, underage drinking.
Does it really justify it?
And she would have done that.
She would have gladly done that.
I have no doubt.
Her face shoved into the ground, and in my estimation, assaulted.
But the police get away with that.
It must be their white privilege or her white privilege.
I don't know.
Anything else, Steve?
As far as that goes, that girl, that situation she was in, I've been in plenty of situations with police, just like you said, they make you pour it out.
But I think her attitude, you know, she helped escalate the situation just as much, and you saw her spit in a cop's face, I mean... Well now, hold on, let's be fair though, let's be fair.
No, no, no, no, hold on though.
The police officers are asking for her personal information for no reason.
They had no reason to do that.
She didn't do anything illegal, she wasn't being arrested, she wasn't being detained.
At this point, doesn't a woman have the right to stop a police officer from stalking her?
Well, now see, I don't know that she wasn't drinking at all.
She passed a breathalyzer twice.
No, no, no, she passed a breathalyzer twice.
Did she pass it?
I didn't hear that.
Yeah, she passed it twice.
They made her blow twice, she passed twice.
That does change my opinion on it a little bit.
That does.
But, I mean, and the issue of her spitting, I mean, she has her face shoved into the ground.
She's probably got a bunch of sand in her mouth, you know.
And this is just one incident.
See, here's my thing.
When I cover the police brutality things, I really only like to focus on ones where we have the full picture with the body cam.
Otherwise, ambiguousness and you never know what you could report on.
We see this whole scene.
I mean, look at the guy punching her in the head.
I mean, again, I back police officers, but this is just out of control in my opinion.
Anything else, Steve?
That's the best of the world.
Alright, Steve, thank you for the call.
Hey, fair point.
You want to tout the police body cams to Obama.
I'm not sure if it's totally Obama's fault, but I'd say he had a factor in that.
I'll give Steve that.
Well, I mean, I think the body, I kind of feel like while initially the body cams were designed to kind of help illustrate police brutality, I think what they've also done is they've illustrated the lack of morals with a lot of
A lot of the citizens where they make, you know, false claims.
This is a great point.
And so in the sense that while the body cams were maybe designed around, you know, protecting the citizen from police brutality, now what we're learning with all of these body cam videos being released for incidences of false claims and now we're starting to realize, wow,
Maybe this is actually turned in the favor of law enforcement now.
I think what's going to happen is now people are probably going to think twice about false claims and maybe exaggerating on their claims because now they know that the police are going to be wearing a body cam.
So it works.
I think it's now the pendulum is swinging more in favor of law enforcement now, having a little bit better rapport with the public, knowing that, hey, you know, this is probably going to end up on the media.
If you lie or if you don't tell the truth, it's probably going to come back to bite you in the butt.
And it was kind of a situation, with the rollout, where both sides were kind of debating, is it good, is it bad, well it's rolled out, now the results are kind of in.
I think, not just, you know, to say that, oh it helps police here, it helps citizens here, I think it just helps justice and truth, really, at the end of the day.
Because you had the two incidents where you had the woman,
The media kind of spun it.
Sean King, the one fake black guy, says that this woman was raped by the officer.
Bodycam footage comes out.
Totally respectful exchange.
You had the NAACP president say that he was victimized by racism and police brutality.
Bodycam comes out.
But then you get other bodycams like the one from the beach and other incidents where you're like, okay, maybe the police was out of control there.
So really, to me, it doesn't really favor either side.
It just favors reality and truth and fairness.
Well, I haven't seen the body cam from the New Jersey or the beach scene.
I haven't seen the body cam stuff from that.
But we saw what we were looking at.
It looked like it was like handheld videos of some sort.
But my point is that I think before, now you're right.
It's kind of like now there's balance.
Now it's, hey, just be truthful.
Don't try to.
I mean, if you get caught doing something, you know that those body cams are now going to come out.
All right.
We're going to take more calls on Obama's accomplishments on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Jeff Gonzales is in studio with me, TridentConcepts.com.
He's also an instructor here at the range at Austin.
And we're taking phone calls from Obama supporters here, hearing about Obama's accomplishments.
We heard about Trump's accomplishments in the first 500 days, so I'm giving a chance for Obama supporters to do the same thing.
And we've actually got some fair calls.
Josh and Steve.
Well, Josh said, I'm sorry, I couldn't come up with anything.
He was honest.
He thought he had one.
He said, ah, no.
Then Steve mentioned the body cameras on the police officers, which did Obama have a, you know, an involvement in that?
I think, yes, you'd have to say so.
Is he fully to blame?
Maybe not.
But that was one thing.
So I think that's fair.
So we'll continue down this experiment here.
And let's hear from Matthew now in South Carolina.
What are Obama's greatest accomplishments, Matthew?
Yes, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013.
Now, are you a supporter of that?
Well, it's an accomplishment that pushed through everything after that.
Now, and of course, now I'm assuming...
I'm sorry I didn't hear that, but I'm assuming that you are not an Obama fan, and that you're saying this because that act was so authoritarian, or am I misreading you?
Well, uh, for example, I know two lesbians.
They've been together 28 years.
And they couldn't get married and have the same Social Security benefits.
Now, non-violently, what that allowed through
Domestic propaganda was to basically, like, educate housewives and millennials.
I'm not really sure I understand the connection here.
The propaganda of Smith's Modernization Act, which was in that.
Yeah, but how many people actually have heard of that, though?
Well, it doesn't matter if you heard of it.
It's the propaganda, the fake news.
It is what allows that media to say that.
So you're saying Obama helped get more young people to push for... Everybody.
No, no, no.
The domestic propaganda works on everybody.
You're still saying Obama's supporters.
He's passed.
That's in the past.
The domestic propaganda of that is still going on.
I see what you're saying, but why specifically did you mention the homosexual gay wedding thing?
After that, everything culturally, that was the medium he used.
So let me ask you this then.
Would you say, so would you say then that part of the response, if you will, or the reaction to that would be like all the drag queen shows or all the drag queen reading to children at the libraries?
Like, is that what you're kind of saying is flowing down from this?
That's a good question.
Just like Trump, if I shoot for the moon,
But I only get up to 80,000 feet and I only needed 40.
I reached my goal.
So that's an interesting... I understand it looks bad from a myopic point of view, but when you realize it's still in the books.
You know, it's like the gorilla we're not talking about, but it is an accomplishment.
It has driven through all the gay rights, even if I might add scarily, like you say,
Yeah, and we might as well just take it one step further, because Matthew does bring up a fair point here.
You could also tie that into everything we're seeing in the military now, and the Navy, and the testing, how they're changing it, how they're, you know, saying, okay, maybe we will have transgenders, now Trump's in, maybe we won't.
But I think that, would you say you can kind of tie all that together, Matthew, with this?
The Smith-Munn.
The Smithmont Monetization Act does tie that together.
That is the medium because it's State Department.
Actually, the way it's worded is, does not prohibit the State Department from propaganda on the American public.
So there it is, the crew has the, guys pull that back up, what our caller Matthew is bringing up here, how Obama signed it into legislation for it to be legal to spread propaganda.
And oh my gosh, and now I'm just putting it together too.
Remember we just had the Obama, oh, oh, what was his name, who came out and said, I was basically the head of Obama's propaganda department.
So Obama signs the act.
Hey, great call Matthew in South Carolina.
Real good stuff here.
See, I wasn't trying to troll.
I mean, these are good callers.
Obama's, oh my gosh, I can't think of his name, he comes out and he says, I was the head of Obama's propaganda team.
And I remember that.
Obama signs the NDAA making the propaganda legal.
So what do you think?
I mean, I think that's another fair point by the caller.
Yeah, Obama wanted to get propaganda out there to get different agendas through, whether it be more, you know, legalization of homosexual marriage, whether it be more easier
Test to get into the military if you want to be a woman or whatever.
But I think that's a fair point to make if that's what he wanted to do.
And to use the propaganda to do it, which he signed as legal in the NDAA.
Well, the interesting thing for me was, like again, what really did that accomplish other than expand human rights?
Like, I guess, was that his goal?
I'm trying to understand what he was trying to accomplish with that.
And what do we see now currently?
Like, how is that affected?
Is it just the advancement of human rights across the board?
Well, I think... That's what he was trying to accomplish?
I think if you asked someone that was a believer in Obama, that's what they would say.
They would say, yes, this was an accomplishment for human rights.
But that's not even what Matthew was saying.
He was saying that he signed it over, that he could put propaganda out there, whatever it may be for.
Well, that was what concerned me, too, because, again, propaganda, when you start using that term,
It's initiative driven.
Propaganda is always going to be driven towards a goal.
Right, so that's where we come into the question.
Is the goal for human rights or was the goal for human destruction?
And that's where people will actually have the debate of what is the true matter of the economy.
It's like this, you know, you kind of keep chasing your tail on that one, which one is it?
No, that's fair, but I thought that was a great caller.
This is a good intellectual conversation here.
What is the guy's name?
Crew, this is going to haunt me.
I can't even.
What was the guy's name who said, I was the head of Obama's propaganda wing?
It wasn't Ben Rhodes.
Oh my gosh, this is gonna haunt me.
It was like, it wasn't, it wasn't... Was it recently?
It was very recently.
Yeah, because I remember I blew it off because I'm like, what?
Oh my gosh, I can't remember the guy's name.
But it's like you had, um, um, the, uh, Gruber, Jonathan Gruber saying, we took advantage of the Americans' ignorance by passing Obamacare.
You know, they didn't realize how badly they got screwed.
It's the same deal with this other guy.
We're gonna find that.
The crew will find that.
Let's take another call, though.
Let's go to Jordan, calling in from Vermont.
Go ahead, Jordan.
What were Obama's biggest accomplishments?
Uh, his biggest accomplishment, I think, was bringing out more voters.
Obama got a lot of people in that had never really voted before.
Uh, me being one of them.
I'm a registered Democrat.
And, uh, you know, he really, I think, brought out a lot of new people that had never voted before.
Now, how many times did you vote for Obama?
Just once in 2008?
Or twice in, uh, 2012 as well?
No, just in 2012.
And was that the first time you ever voted?
I'm actually not.
It actually turned out to be a flop, I think.
It started out with a lot of hype and then it was just like nothing.
I'm curious, so you say that you were prompted to vote?
The whole hope and change thing, I guess I kind of bought into it.
I just wanted to like, you know, see something different happen, you know what I mean?
No, I think that actually Jordan's point is fair, where I think a lot of people were like Jordan, and they said, you know, we do want something different, and during Obama's campaign, you gotta admit, the guy posed as the different.
I mean, the guy posed as the outsider, the guy posed as the guy that wanted to reign in the government, of course did the exact opposite.
Um, so I think that Jordan makes a fair point here where Obama did drive new voters to the polls because they wanted to see a change in government.
And even though he didn't deliver, I think they went back to the polls and voted for Trump.
Did you go back to the booth and vote for Trump, Jordan?
I did.
That was actually, that was going to be my question too.
I think a lot of people did that same thing.
Hey, Jordan, thank you so much for the call.
I think... Did he have something else to say?
He had two points.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, one more.
We got 60 seconds, Jordan.
He also made me believe in magic.
The magic wand!
The magic wand!
Olly olly oxen free!
And then the economy returns.
So, I mean, that's just... I mean, he makes a good point, but like you were saying, I think a lot of people have the same faith in Obama.
Say, here's a difference maker, here's a guy from the outside who wants to get in.
He didn't deliver, but they believe Trump was the same guy Trump's actually delivering.
Well, yeah, and here's the thing for me, was like, I can't help but, like, when you're looking at somebody, like a presidential candidate, how, what was it that prompted you to believe that he was going to make all these changes?
Like, he had very little, very little experience.
Pretty unknown overall.
Yeah, very much unknown.
So I'm, I'm blown away by the, like, like Jordan was saying, all the people that went to the voter box.
To me, you know, again, gift of gab.
He was really good at that.
He was really good at telling people what they wanted to hear.
And he got the, I mean, Jordan was right, he got the new voter energized.
I mean, he did get new voters energized to the polls.
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Western Europe has already banned free speech, and an iron curtain of censorship is descending down over the UK.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, I've got a video from Paul Joseph Watson we're gonna air here and I just want to kind of just cover a quick spat of news before I pitch to that because
You know, whenever liberals put their fingerprints on something, whether it be the NFL or whether it be Miss America pageant, they always have to ruin it and spoil it for the rest of us.
But real quick, Jared Leto is getting his own Joker movie.
I'm sorry, Heath Ledger, no pun intended, killed the Joker, quit trying to bring it back.
Han Solo, the Disney movie, will lose $50 million plus in the first defeat for Disney's Star Wars.
If Disney's smart, they're going to stop making Star Wars movies, except for episode 9, and then put Star Wars on the shelf for 10 years.
They'll milk this cow for all it's worth, which is actually negative $50 million, when it comes to the Solo movie.
But they won't.
Which had the ever popular Childish Gambino in it.
And then you had the story from Yahoo, going overboard, Hollywood's glut of gender swap remakes.
So now every time they do these gender swap remakes, whether it be the Ghostbusters, whether it be Ocean's Eleven with Ocean's Eight coming out, they always flop, they always fail.
And then they cry, oh it proves America's sexist, they won't watch this.
But here's Paul Joseph Watson's video on now the Miss America pageant ruined by liberals.
Just when you thought the world couldn't get any dumber, this happened.
Now, the Miss America organization says it is dedicated to shifting the focus from the contestants' bodies to their brains.
We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance.
Because it's unthinkable that contestants in a beauty pageant should be judged on their beauty.
God forbid!
It's gonna be what comes out of their mouth that we're interested in when they talk about their social impact initiative.
What comes out of their mouth?
I personally believe that U.S.
Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have that.
And I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and Iraq, everywhere like such as.
Yeah, people only care what comes out of their mouth when they say something stupid like that.
We've heard from a lot of young women who say we'd love to be a part of your program but we don't want to be out there in high heels in a swimsuit.
So guess what?
You don't have to do that anymore.
Miss America to no longer be decided on physical appearance.
What's next?
The Super Bowl to no longer be decided on who scores the most points.
The women's 100 meters to no longer be decided on who can run 100 meters the quickest but on who can recite feminist slam poetry the quickest.
How about instead of giving the gold medal to the best Olympic swimmer we simply give
Just give it to the best virtue signaller and forget the long jump being decided on.
Who can jump the longest?
Just give it to the contestant who can spout the longest list of sanctimonious woke cliches about female empowerment.
And wait, Miss America?
Isn't that transphobic?
Isn't that discriminating against fat, hairy men who might want to enter?
Also, Miss America?
Sounds pretty xenophobic to me.
Surely illegal aliens should be allowed to compete too.
The official Miss America account tweeted an image of a bikini going up in smoke alongside the hashtag, Bye Bye Bikini.
Yeah, more like Bye Bye Your Viewers.
Newsflash, idiots!
No one wants to watch frumpy, miserable bitches droning on about the patriarchy at a beauty pageant.
Americans are sick to the back teeth of this obsession with inserting social justice into everything.
The NFL did it.
Their ratings collapsed.
The awards ceremonies did it.
Their ratings collapsed.
And yours will too.
People have had it with your puritanical, joyless jihad against fun.
We're moving it forward and we're evolving in this cultural revolution.
Yeah, using the term cultural revolution, which for Mao meant purging society of its traditional elements, might not have been the best choice of phrase, Gretchen.
If these women had wanted to be brain surgeons, they'd have done STEM degrees.
They don't.
They want to be appreciated for how they look.
And that's okay.
Again, this is Miss America, not my £600 life.
What kind of message does it send to say that being out of shape is some kind of accomplishment?
It isn't.
That's not female empowerment, that's harmful.
But we need better role models for young women.
Yeah, you know it is possible to live in a world where academic and intellectual role models for young women can exist at the same time as hot beauty pageant contestants.
Oh, but if we allowed that, an army of resentful fatties couldn't deprive thousands of attractive young women of life opportunities while calling themselves feminists.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Jeff Gonzales in studio with me, TridentConcepts.com, a trainer at the range at Austin, of course, U.S.
Navy SEAL as well.
So he is in studio with me and we are taking your calls, well we have been taking your calls, on Obama's accomplishments.
And I thought we've actually had fair callers.
It's been a good intellectual debate.
Fair points.
I wasn't just putting out there for trolling.
You'll see that in due time.
I'll just leave it at that.
We'll still take your calls here as we move on.
The crew is doing a little bit of research for me right now when it comes to the ratings for the Miss America pageant.
I would imagine though, now that they're not having a beauty competition for the beauty competition, that the ratings are probably going to sink.
Yeah, that's kind of common sense, I guess.
Kind of like the football ratings that sank.
Yeah, I would say they probably are going hand-in-hand there.
It's really strange, you know.
Hey, whatever.
If that's how you want to play it, that's how you want to play it.
Let's see what we've got here.
As Miss America says goodbye to bikinis, how will ratings and revenue fare?
Well, here's what's going to happen.
Miss America pageant is either going to be gone within five years, or within two years they're going to go back to having the bikini contest.
And my guess is the latter.
I kind of hope the latter.
It's an institution.
I mean, for what it is, I really think it does good for young ladies, and I would hate to see it go away.
I had friends growing up, Miss Teen Missouri, that competed in beauty.
They never complained about the swimsuit portion or the nightgown portion, and that's the thing with this.
You didn't have the models that are actually walking in the bikinis complaining.
They weren't the ones that raised an issue to this.
I mean, I don't know many of them.
I only know a handful, but they never complained about that at all.
Yeah, but that's just what you get.
In the meantime, though, we've still got some callers on the line.
Let's actually go to Charles in Long Island, who wanted to call in with a Second Amendment issue.
So we'll step aside from the Obama accomplishments for a minute while we're aggregating more calls there.
So let's go to Charles in New York with a Second Amendment call.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, how you doing today?
Doing good.
My question is basically on the overarching conversation of gun control.
It's often put out there that it's about self-defense, and my point is that it's
More about a balance of power.
It's a check and balance that our forefathers understood was important to instill in the citizenry so that we can defend ourselves from the government.
Well, I think it's both, but you think that's more what they had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment is what you're saying?
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's about guns.
And I think we often get in our debates with liberals, we get dragged down and talking about guns and how they're useful for self-defense and you need a shotgun or this is better or that's better.
It's not about guns.
It's about balancing the power between the civilian population and the government.
And that's what I think.
Here's the problem we have with this topic that you're bringing up, Charles, is because, you know, the average person will say.
Oh, what?
You think the government's gonna come to your house?
You think the government's gonna come to your front door?
You think the government's the biggest threat?
And it's like, well, maybe I believe that, maybe I don't, but if you look at history, it has happened before, and we want to avoid that happening.
Why is that so crazy?
I think the other part about that is the fact that we have it ensures that we don't have to worry about it.
The argument is kind of like null and void because we're not going to worry about it because that exists for that reason.
We don't have to worry about it.
The phrase was, when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
That's how the saying goes.
Anything else, Charles?
I know during World War II, the gun behind every blade of grass was mentioned.
That has to do with, you know, the power of the citizens.
Well, and again, I never even thought about it like that.
Where the reason why we don't have a government that will go door-to-door and do gun confiscation or whatever is because they know we're all armed.
And it's like the same thing, and people say, you're crazy.
Well, you know, maybe one of the reasons why we haven't had a land invasion is because people know we're all armed.
I mean, I agree with it a hundred percent.
There is, there's definitely, we were talking during the break about the different mindsets throughout the world, but that is a fundamental issue that many people realize that there is a large volume of firearm ownership in the United States.
And as a result, they don't know that's the game changer.
That's the ace up our sleeve.
That's probably going to ensure land invasion is really never part of our history.
And I think it would ensure that even if the government were to call for some sort of door-to-door confiscation or any, you know, oppression using weapons, that the average service member is going to lay down their arms and be a citizen again because they know, I ain't going to this death trap.
I know there's going to be some of these citizens, as soon as I come to their door with a gun, I'm probably going to get shot.
If it should come to that, which I don't think, I mean, you know, there's threats to that.
We've seen clues and signs.
The NDAA, which one of the callers said earlier, was one of the threats to that.
But I think where we're standing right now, there seems to be a better relationship there as far as it's concerned.
But I think that that's a fair point to bring up and to discuss when discussing the Second Amendment, that we just don't have that conversation enough.
All right, so here's what we're going to do.
Thank you for the call, Charles.
I've got three callers right now that are going to call in about Obama accomplishments, but we're going to take those calls in the next segment.
So stay tuned and we'll get to those calls in the next segment.
Real quick though, I just want to hit these two stories.
We've got McCabe seeks immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony in congressional hearing.
Now this is bombshell.
To me, this says, Andrew McCabe willing to sing, willing to expose all the crimes of the Obama administration, as long as he doesn't go to jail.
That's what that headline means to me.
What do you think, Jeff?
Man, that could be, I mean, that could be like the little thread that starts to unravel that whole mess.
I mean, I gotta say, I'm almost, I'm curious as to what he would be willing to say if he was granted immunity.
I would say it's almost worth it.
Well I think the big thing would be that Obama knew, Obama was behind it, and then maybe you find out.
Who knows what McCabe knows as far as all of the timing between the FISA court and the fake dossier and the exchange of information there.
It can all be tied together by Glenn Simpson, who has also agreed to testify in exchange for immunity.
So now you've got two main factors with Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS, which got paid by Hillary Clinton for the fake dossier.
Then you have Andrew McCabe, who was in the FBI working with the Obama administration in response to that fake dossier to spy on the Trump campaign.
So those two elements could bring the whole thing down.
Well, not just that, but if they are granted immunity, who's to say that a whole just fleet of individuals come forward?
Oh, you're willing to grant immunity, huh?
Yeah, well, I'll be willing to spill the beans.
So, that's why I'm kind of curious to see what McCabe has to say and if we'd be willing to give him that immunity because I really do feel like that would be a domino, just one after the other.
Meanwhile more dominoes are falling or falling out from the Iran deal.
Senate report says Obama officials gave Iran access to US financial system.
Oh, but it was just brief.
So, you know, just give me the code to your ATM card.
Just briefly, just one time, just give me your code to your ATM card.
Just give me all your bank routing number, your account number.
It'll be brief.
I'm just going to make one transaction.
Just a brief one, single, nothing big.
So I'm sure there's nothing to see here about Obama giving Iran access to the U.S.
financial system.
You know, the billions of dollars that he promised to give them, the cash that he flew out there on pallets, you know.
It's all fine and dandy.
I'm sure there's nothing to see here.
So who knows?
Maybe more dominoes start to fall.
But this is the scandal-free Obama.
In the next segment, though, we're going to take more callers talking about Obama's accomplishments, if you can believe that.
Actually, we've had some good callers on that.
We've got a video coming.
We've got some reporters out today that'll be more of the type of response you're expecting when you ask people about Obama's accomplishments.
So we're working on that.
But this is all possible with your support.
We're good to go.
What were Obama's accomplishments?
So far, they don't even stack up.
You couldn't even see them next to Trump's accomplishments.
Trump's accomplishments are up here.
You're like, where are Obama's?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Okay, so we now, I can now tell you, I'll tease it, I'm not sure if it'll be ready for the Jones Show, but it'll definitely be on The War Room, which starts at 3 with Roger Stone and Rob Dew, normally where I am from 3 to 6, but with Alex Jones on vacation, I am doing fill-in duties here to the best of my abilities.
We sent a reporter out to ask people in Austin, Texas, what are Obama's accomplishments?
Savannah Hernandez went out and asked people in Austin, Texas about that.
The responses that we got were the type of responses you would expect.
That video is being edited and it will be out soon.
If we have it ready for the Jones Show, we'll debut it here.
If not, definitely look for it at the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube and on The War Room Live from 3 to 6 p.m.
But, what we've been doing here on air, I think has been good, taking these callers.
You've had some fair points about Obama accomplishments.
You've had kind of some tongue-in-cheek, maybe, accomplishments mentioned here.
But we're going to get more into this as we go on here.
So let's go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to Ed in California.
Go ahead, Ed.
Ed, what are Obama's accomplishments?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Nope, drop him.
We can't do this, bud.
There's a live program.
I can't wait for you.
Let's go to Travis in Florida.
Travis, what were Obama's accomplishments?
Hello, Owen.
How are you doing today?
Just fine.
I first want to say I own an AK-47, a 9mm Beretta, a .40 caliber Beretta, a .44,
Magnum Ruger, so I'm not really, you know, that liberal, but I would say that don't you think that ordering the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden was pretty good?
I would say that'd be a great accomplishment, if it were true.
Oh, okay, so he didn't?
Osama Bin Laden was dead before that, and the whole thing of him being tossed over the boat was a stage.
Obama staged that in order to- Okay, so it's all false flag.
So we don't- Okay, so, alright.
So we don't believe that.
I personally don't believe that.
I personally don't believe that.
You're saying you believe that Obama was the genius behind capturing and killing Bin Laden?
I can't believe you're saying it was a false flag and it's totally fake.
So it's a complete conspiracy.
No, no, no, no.
It was staged for Obama to win political points.
Did you, do you... No, I'm just saying that Obama... So, he didn't kill Osama.
I mean... Okay, well, let's be perfectly clear.
Obama did not kill Osama bin Laden.
If anybody killed Osama bin Laden, it was probably Navy SEALs or Marines or Special Ops or something.
So let's just be clear about that.
Yes, okay.
But, yes, I believe that the killing of Osama Bin Laden was a staged event to gain political points for Barack Hussein Obama, and if you look at the details of that day, and what they did with the body, I mean, did you ever see Bin Laden's body?
Did you ever see proof of the capture?
I saw pictures of his body, yeah, I did, online.
That body.
And do they normally just toss bodies overboard on a boat into the sea for terrorists like that?
Yeah, because they didn't want to have a place for, you know, they didn't want to plant him somewhere where it'd be a giant spiritual place for people to come to.
What, you mean like Libya with Gaddafi?
I'm sorry, man, it's a complete conspiracy.
So really, Obama, I mean, so who killed bin Laden?
Like I said, if anybody killed bin Laden in a U.S.
operation, it would be Marines, SEALs, Special Operations, but who knows who killed bin Laden?
Bin Laden was a U.S.
operative, originally, before he was the terrorist that we labeled responsible for the 9-11 attacks, which I also believe was a lie.
But you know what?
You can hold right there, Travis.
Let's get Jeff's take on this, who's actually a U.S.
Navy SEAL.
What do you think?
Am I crazy on this?
Do you believe that it was Osama bin Laden, he died during Obama years, or Obama ordered that?
Well, yes I do.
I do believe that the U.S.
military acted in concert to bring to justice a known terrorist.
I do agree that he was part of our, you know, he was on our payroll at certain points.
I do understand that he also was responsible for several other incidences, but as far as my belief, I do.
Okay, so do you think it's fair then for Travis to tout the killing of Osama bin Laden as an accomplishment for the Obama administration?
I wouldn't necessarily agree with that completely because unfortunately there was a lot of work that went into that and it's difficult to label that, it's difficult to pin that on one individual.
And in particular, the President.
It's like his greatest accomplishment.
I would not necessarily say that.
I think the accomplishment should be shared by the Department of Defense, the Department of State, all the individuals that were out there that made it their life's mission to find and, in a sense, bring justice back to the United States.
Now, I'm gonna get real down the rabbit hole now, since we're already on this conversation.
Let's bring Travis back in.
Now, why would killing Osama bin Laden be such a great accomplishment?
Well, we're told he's the mastermind behind September 11, 2001.
So, Travis, do you believe that Osama bin Laden was the mastermind behind September 11 attacks?
Yeah, I believe pretty much the official story, but it was mostly Saudis.
But where did Trump go?
The first overseas trip
Okay, well that's Saudi Arabia, but now you're going down.
Hold on, let's bring it back home.
Bring it back home.
You mentioned the Saudi Arabians.
Okay, so magically you have the Twin Towers collapse and Building 7 for no apparent reason.
You have a stack of rubble with liquid lava that remain there for two years, the longest you've ever had a pool of lava.
And somehow magically you have eight Saudi Arabian passports on top of this stack of rubble.
I guess that's magic.
I mean, we did have a caller say he believes in magic.
I'm curious again.
Everyone's opinion is welcome here.
Me and Jeff don't have to agree on everything.
Do you think Osama Bin Laden was responsible for masterminding the September 11th attacks?
The information that I have seen, the reports that I did review, I do believe that he had an integral part in it all.
I don't believe that he pulled it off on his own.
I do believe that there were other forces in play, but I do believe that he was the major player within that entire... I mean, that was not a simple... that was not a simple event to pull off.
There was a lot of players in that, as far as I'm concerned.
Okay, Travis, I'll give you 30 seconds to get a final word in here before we move on.
Well, it's great that we agree 100%.
But you always talk about building World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7.
What about 3, 4, 5, and 6?
Do you realize all of those buildings were destroyed?
What do you mean exactly?
They were all destroyed.
They had to tear them all down.
They were destroyed.
Yeah, but they didn't collapse that day like a planned demolition like Building 7 did.
Yeah, but the argument is always two planes.
How could two planes take out three buildings?
Two planes took out seven buildings.
Well, first of all, hold on a second.
No, no, no, no, no.
Two planes took out two buildings, and then the rubble from a building destroyed buildings around it.
But that's not what we're saying.
Building 7, have you seen the footage of Building 7 falling?
That building, come on, man.
That's been over and done with.
That's a planned demolition, bro.
Now you can say, if you want to make the point that they did that because they thought it was going to come down anyway, that's fair enough.
But don't tell me that's not a planned demolition.
And how do you get the right parts in for the planned demolition like that in a matter of hours during a terror attack?
But maybe I'm crazy.
Hey, I'm just one opinion.
Everyone's opinion is welcome here.
We'll be right back.
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Thanks for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer here filling in while Alex is on vacation.
In studio with me, Jeff Gonzales, U.S.
Navy SEAL, TridentConcepts.com, and instructor at the range at Austin here in Austin, Texas.
We're having a lot of good conversations, and you know, it's funny because people, it's like if you don't agree with everything your guest says, you're fighting.
It's like, no, we're just having conversations here.
We get callers calling, different ideas, we have debates.
It's all fair, it's all fun, and we're all Americans at the end of the day, but
Rob Dew wanted to come in and comment on a very controversial subject that we were talking about last segment, about the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and then he may want to comment on the 9-11 thing too, but he specifically wanted to come on with Osama Bin Laden.
There were a lot of anomalies to the official story, Rob Dew.
You were pointing out one that really stuck out to you.
Well, I remember doing a lot of research and collecting the articles as they were coming in, and there were numerous Navy SEALs that were disagreeing with the official story that was going out there.
They were saying, no, that's not what happened, this happened.
And then another guy came out and said, here's a new book I've written, that's not what happened, this happened.
Yeah, wasn't that Mark Owen, No Easy Day?
That was the first one, and then there were two more books that had different stories.
And then one was written by a Navy SEAL, Rob, who claims to be the guy who fired the kill shot.
And isn't he dead now?
I don't remember Rob's last name, but that Navy SEAL is still alive as far as I know.
Well wasn't there a helicopter accident that had 27 SEALs on it that were involved in the actual raid of Bin Laden's compound?
There was a helicopter crash.
That kind of got covered up.
What was that?
How did they get those guys out?
They said it was a drill.
There's a lot of things going on there that don't make sense.
And then after they said they buried him at sea, then they said, no, we actually didn't bury him at sea.
And you have Madeleine Albright coming out, I think.
In the early 2000s, like 2004-2005, and saying, we had him on ice and we're waiting to bring him out.
That was a statement she made.
These guys could probably find that.
And then, you go back to July 2001, CIA agents met with Osama Bin Laden in a hospital in Dubai where he was undergoing dialysis.
So, you're telling me he's trucking around a dialysis machine through Tora Bora for months on end.
He's the... I think Doug Sandoval calls him the Bigfoot of terrorists.
Everybody sees him.
He does all this stuff, but nobody can find him.
And then they magically find him in 2011.
It's just... It's BS.
He had a lot of health problems.
And the Bushes traveled with the Bin Ladens.
They worked with the Bin Ladens.
They knew this was, you know... I'm sorry.
And there it is.
There's the 2011 article.
Inside Sources.
Bin Laden's corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade.
Well, and let's not forget that it was, what was the guy's name, a Lockheed or someone that met with the Bush administration the day before 9-11?
I think he dined afterwards.
Anwar al-Awlaki.
Who then Obama droned, him and his son.
So let's just look at another story that we haven't got the full thing.
The massacre that happened in Vegas.
Well now it turns out that there were three women in the hotel with the guy.
Never heard that.
So once we start finding a little hole in the story, it's like, how can we trust anything you're saying?
And I'm not disrespecting the soldiers.
Hey, maybe they thought they were going in to kill Osama bin Laden.
Maybe that's what they were told.
I don't know.
And according to the accounts that I've read, you know, they're going into this compound.
It's not well-lit.
You know, they're kind of going into these rooms, getting shot at.
Some of them are women.
They don't really know what they're dealing with, so they're just kind of in action mode, you know, extracting whatever they have to extract in the fight-or-flight mode.
And they were worried about people coming in and attacking them from the outside.
So there was a lot of stuff going on in that operation.
I believe an operation took place.
I'm not doubting that.
There was a crashed helicopter.
You can see pieces of it in the photos.
I'm not doubting any of that stuff.
I'm not doubting that maybe Osama Bin Laden's family members were living there.
But I don't know if that's the guy, I don't believe the guy that they killed or that they claim they killed was Osama Bin Laden.
Let's just zoom out again real quick before we get Jeff's take on this.
Again, he's a Navy SEAL, so he can speak to some of this as well, obviously.
JFK's assassination.
You get the official story for 50 years, for 50 years, and you're called a conspiracy theorist if you don't believe it.
Trump gets in office, declassifies hundreds and hundreds of these files from the JFK assassination reports.
You find out the CIA has operatives in the media running Operation Mockingbird to lie about what happened.
You find out the CIA and the FBI reported on multiple shooters at the time.
So it's all about just
Not believing the original story, knowing the history that the government lies about it.
For whatever reason!
For whatever reason you want to say.
But that's just the truth of the matter.
But Jeff, what is your take on this conversation?
Well, as far as all of the conflict, as far as what the actual account is,
I don't know if we're ever going to know what the actual account is.
I mean, there's methods and procedures that are not going to be released as a result of that event.
There was a lot of technology that was put in place to ensure we had the highest chance of success.
I mean, you saw it with the helicopters.
So would you say, and I want you to go on with this, like some of the movies where they make these movies and act like they're showing you everything, you're saying you're really not getting the full picture?
Well, that's another thing that I have a big beef about is how, I think her name was Bigelow, Kathryn Bigelow, that was the director for Zero Dark Thirty.
She was granted almost...
I don't think so.
Uh, that the operation went down as flawlessly as it could have gone.
I do believe that they had, uh, I mean, for what they accomplished, it was a huge success, both for our U.S.
military and the country as a whole.
Well, and they did take out a bunch of, um, hard drives and stuff from that raid too.
Still, that we are benefiting from.
That material is gonna benefit, I mean, again, it just gave us access to the inner workings of a web that, for, for,
You know, for a very long time we couldn't penetrate.
The bottom line to me is that it brought home closure to a big gash that we had when 9-11 occurred.
And again, you know, there's all kinds of different angles and points to talk about with this, but my biggest thing is, you know, call me a conspiracy theorist, I'm sorry I don't trust the government.
You know, it's nothing personal against people inside the government, it's just the fact that they've been lying to us.
They lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin that led to the war in Vietnam.
So it's like, they'll lie about anything then.
If they'll lie about something like that to get us to war, they'll lie about anything.
Rob Dew with us for two minutes for the remainder of this segment.
Anything else, Rob?
Well, I agree with your sentiments.
Once you start finding holes in these stories, you have to go, well, what else are they hiding?
What else are they keeping from us?
Maybe they're claiming it's for national security.
That's fine, but don't come out and trot these stories out and then claim them as gospel.
Like the guy who called in said he saw photos.
Those were doctored photos.
That was a dead terrorist that they mixed on half of Osama Bin Laden's face.
That's well known that that came out.
But that stays in the mindset.
In fact, we have him pulled up right here.
You can see where they took different faces and composited them.
I'm watching one of the guys pull it up.
So, but that goes out there, and then that becomes the meme.
That becomes, oh, we have him, here he is, he's dead, we got him.
So, yeah, I totally agree.
I don't think they got him on that day.
I think they got some body double.
The guy also, the pictures that they showed, the guy was left-handed, and I think Salman Rahman was right-handed.
Something or other, he was holding the remote control.
That old guy that they claim was, I guess, watching Weekend at Bernie's DVDs or something.
So, again,
I like having the debate, honestly.
I do too.
I'd rather have a debate than just sit here and take whatever the media or the government tells me is gospel.
I think it's great.
I think that's the healthiest thing when it comes to this.
But when it comes to dealing with other SEALs and special operations that actually have to live through this, Jeff, I would imagine
Most of them really would probably rather not talk about it.
I mean, maybe you write a book for whatever reason, but I mean, what is your sentiment just upon, you know, talking about these operations and these things?
Personally and professionally, I am against it.
I grew up in that era that we were referenced as the silent professionals.
We went in, did our job, nobody really knew what we were doing.
If the public found out what we were doing, then we had failed in some way.
Um, I do support my teammates that are trying to move in a different direction.
I don't agree with their methods.
I don't like seeing our community thrown out into the public eye.
I feel it's much better for us to do what we do.
Which people were really concerned about with Hillary Clinton's classified email and national security information being out there.
How many assets got outed because of that compromise?
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Thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
All right, it's been great fun here with Jeff Gonzales in studio.
NavySealTridentConcepts.com and a instructor here at the range at Austin.
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Real quick, I want to plug through some of these news stories we haven't got to, and then we're going to take Dr. Kelly in California and Michael in Kansas on their Obama accomplishments.
But let me just plug through this again.
This is huge news.
GOP Senate report says Obama officials gave Iran access to U.S.
financial system.
Why was Obama basically working for Iran?
Obama did more for Iran, almost, than the United States.
I mean, it's almost you could call in and say Obama's greatest accomplishment was working for Iran.
Maybe you like that.
It is ironic nobody touts Obamacare as an Obama accomplishment.
It's funny how that works.
How Obamacare, the thing he put his name on, nobody even touts that as an accomplishment.
Here's Bombshell.
McCabe seeks immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony in congressional hearings.
Some of the rats are starting to leave the sinking ship, and they're going to name names to keep themselves out of prison, probably.
Facebook gave data access to Chinese firm flagged by U.S.
intelligence as a national security threat.
It's time for Zuckerberg to testify again, this time under oath.
He lied and got away with it last time, but that's because he was not under oath, and he knew it.
Here's some news from the apocalypse.
Massive cloud of flying midges descends on Cleveland, so massive it shows up on weather radar.
Okay, again, just news of the apocalypse here.
Run, it's coming, let's go!
Dramatic moment, truck swallowed by an ash cloud as villagers flee.
1,300 Fahrenheit, pyroclastic flows from Guatemala's volcano of fire, which has killed at least 69.
It's probably more than that.
You look at, guys, you should pull up the story at Daily Mail and look at some of these images.
Wow, I mean, seriously, like, wow, these images from that volcano in Guatemala, just really not too far south of America, folks.
Why does Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser keep erupting?
The Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser usually doesn't erupt at this rate.
Now it is just, it's erupting more now than it did in its 15 years prior.
Scientists don't have an option.
Yeah, they're going through some of these images right now from the
Volcano in Guatemala.
Of course, you got the earthquakes in Mexico, earthquakes in Hawaii.
It's crazy.
And then, maybe not a sign of the apocalypse, but maybe a sign Grand Theft Auto come to life.
Soldier leads cops on chase after stealing armored vehicle.
If you haven't seen this one, this guy, he leads the police on a 65-mile chase.
He's in this fully armored tank-like vehicle.
It doesn't have the guns and the cannons sticking out of it, but it flies over 45 miles per hour.
Just crazy stuff there.
This is a story that should have been addressed years ago.
Now, finally, the Wall Street Journal and others are covering it.
Upgrade America's 19th century electric grid.
It is vulnerable to terrorism, blackouts, and solar flares.
I remember George Norton and Alex Jones making a big deal of this in 2014.
Now other media outlets picking it up.
Brad Parscale, who we all love when he attacks the tech left, tweets this out yesterday.
It is time for America to have a single 5G network for all carriers.
The days of dropped calls, slow speeds and no service need to end.
It is time for the U.S.
to have the world's best cell service.
Well, I'd rather not have the world's best cell service if that means the 5G is going to zap us all to death.
So let's actually have a debate on the health implications of 5G before we just decide to roll it out.
And you have the Wall Street Journal admitting that the climate change political issue has run its course.
It doesn't work for the left anymore.
And now maybe they're going to start addressing the plastic calamity.
They're saying the planet is on the edge of a plastic calamity.
Hey, at least with that you can go out to the ocean and prove it.
You can go out to the ocean and see all the trash in the ocean.
So at least that's something visible you can look at.
Myself, Jeff Gonzales, we're going to take your calls here.
Let's go to Dr. Kelly in California.
Go ahead, Dr. Kelly.
Right on, thank you so much.
Owen, you're like the decathlete of investigative reporting and journalism, and you're on fire.
And I want to plug for InfoWars store, either buy a filter or be a filter.
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And if you can take it and you need it, get some knockout.
You guys are the manna that God has sent down from heaven.
You're the Marines, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Army.
And I'm really stoked to be on the call with you guys today.
Your questions are so provocative and so inspiring that while I was on hold, I made a laundry list of 20 things that I could touch on.
Well, unfortunately, you're going to have to do it quickly because we're running out of time here.
I know, you always give me like 20 seconds.
So the greatest accomplishments of Obama is why we should never have a bar attorney occupying an office of the public trust.
He devoured widows' houses.
He divided the land for gain.
He shed innocent blood.
He rolled out the smarts meters, the wireless, the stingray deployment.
And he was great for firearms and ammunition and training, you know, sales and lessons and all that stuff.
And he vicariously taught a whole nation how to usurp the office of the public trust, how to breach your oath, how to abrogate and deprive and violate rights under color of law 42 United States Code section 1983.
And a tip to Rob Dew, look into lithium, the element,
And kidney failure and damage with a low-sodium diet, as far as the Osama thing goes.
And I want to thank you, bros, for inspiring the people and setting us on fire as well.
I've started a little teeny radio show called The Grand Jury Reawakening, Saturday mornings, 10am on TheRepublicBroadcasting.org.
And I hope to wake up everything north and west of Texas on the function and structure of a well-working, grand jury.
And thank you much.
Well, you are the amplification of our message.
You're doing what needs to be done.
You're putting the message out there.
You're starting your own platform, so I salute you.
Dr. Kelly, thank you so much for calling in in California, which, by the way, is actually moving in the right direction.
You still have the voter blocks in San Francisco and L.A., unfortunately, that will always go blue and destroy your state.
But, overall, the state is now red, and there may be some hope in the future.
She mentions the kidney failure.
I'm not sure about that.
We'll have to look more into that.
But, Jeff, just your response to the caller.
Well, I mean, good to see that there is others that are pushing their, you know, in their own little enclave of individuals that they have access to.
It's good to see that.
I mean, that obviously bodes well for the messes that we're trying to get across, that people need to move outside of the normal channels of media and try to seek out other areas that they can get that information.
I'm happy to hear that, and again, you know, praising the world's best gun salesman.
Can't really complain about that one either.
Now I would imagine, you know, when you're in active duty, I don't know what years you were in the Navy, but I would imagine that when you're in the Navy most of the time, or when you're in any active duty, when you're watching television news, most of the time you're seeing it and you're kind of like,
Yeah, yeah, sure, that's how it happened.
I would imagine that people in the service actually probably are more looking for alternative news because they already see the stuff on TV and either know it or know it's not true.
Like you know better.
I mean, yeah, you know, I'll be honest, I didn't watch a lot of TV.
I was very busy and when I wasn't... Or maybe it's that, you know.
When I wasn't doing anything, I typically just liked to relax and hang out.
But I do think that there's a lot of other options nowadays that weren't available when I was on active duty with the, you know, with the just the explosion of the internet and social media devices, I'm sorry, smartphone devices that allow you to literally have the world in your hand.
You know, while that was coming towards the end of my enlistment, you know, I didn't have that during my enlistment and during my deployment.
So I relied on, you know, the bread and butter of news, you know, the three networks.
That was where we got most of our news.
And it was funny because looking back at that, you know, you're like, yeah, I really don't.
Yeah, that's not interesting, that's not entertaining, that's not what I think, that's not what I believe, that's not what we're seeing, kind of thing.
So even back then, excuse me, even back then, you could kind of see the writing on the wall.
Yeah, that's interesting, you know, the element of alternative media and the access of active duty overseas to watch that, as opposed to the television news, which, you know, probably is all you had access to, you know, decades ago.
All right, let's take one more caller here.
Michael in Kansas.
Sorry to cut you short, but you've only got 60 seconds.
Go ahead.
Thank you for my call, but I want to say, uh, Obama's accomplishments, it's easy.
Uh, he's an American president.
His greatest accomplishments that I can think of that he released almost all the terrorists out of Guantanamo Bay.
He released hundreds of convicted felons out of prison to vote for Hillary Clinton.
And now, well, with Obama that, uh, it's where,
You know, and that's an overarching issue that we could get into, but I think it's just a more general thing.
Were race relations worse or better off before and after Obama?
And even people admit, even Obama supporters have to admit, they were worse after Obama.
I mean, that's not even a question to me.
Yeah, I completely agree.
I mean, obviously, we are a very broad culture, and there's a lot of individuals within our culture, but I feel like we were worse off, for sure.
And now even mainstream liberal news outlets are reporting that.
All right, we got five more minutes on the other side.
Roger Stone takes over.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You just have to wonder.
The last caller says one of Obama's greatest accomplishments was spreading racism in America.
I completely agree.
Jeff and I were talking about that off-air here, which we'll discuss just in a second.
The caller said specifically he made it okay to be racist against white people.
That was like the big thing.
I guess you could say that.
I mean, now you have colleges having no whites allowed events.
You've got, you know, the Black Lives Matter stuff, white people, the worst in the world.
But how many fake news stories have we seen?
For example, the NAACP president who says the officer was racist and rude to him, body cam released fake news.
Sean King says that a black woman was raped and abused by a police officer, body cam
Footage released, not the case, totally polite exchange.
Now, you've got this teen that claimed to be kidnapped by white supremacists, made it up the whole time.
Let's roll clip 8, a story of a fake news.
Eric, police told me this afternoon that that abduction and alleged assault never happened, and they were adamant about the fact that there are no white supremacists kidnapping children in Northeast Houston.
The story was horrible.
A young teenage boy claiming he stepped off of a school bus and was abducted.
An adult and four young men grabbed him, robbed him, beat him, all because of his race.
This was his mother in the hours after Zavion Parker said he managed to escape the gun-wielding kidnappers.
The reason why they got him, because they said he was black.
You deserve to die.
Did she know that it's fake news?
Did she know?
But after a thorough investigation, HPD now says the events as described did not occur.
That the property Parker described as having been taken to had nothing to do with any crime.
Investigators have met with both the child's mother and community activists.
They told them their findings.
When we reached the mother on the phone today, she did not want to comment.
Alright, you know what?
You can pull that down.
Now, you saw that kid.
That is a young child.
That child did not come up with that on his own.
I mean...
You know, I may be stepping out on a ledge here, but to me, I would guess that somebody implanted that in his head.
Why would a young kid like that make up a story unless someone implanted that idea in his head?
I'm not saying it was Obama.
Maybe it was.
Maybe it was his parents.
But to me, a young child does not make up that story, does not have that racist mindset at that age.
It's like, I'm trying to understand, like you were saying, hatred is not a quality, an innate quality that you're born with.
It is something that you learn or observe or are a part of.
So, did he learn it?
Did he observe it?
Was he a part of it?
That, to me, are the questions that I would like to know because something like that really is a division within our nation and there needs to be, we can't just let it go.
Like, okay, what
Why did he make this claim?
What was the reason?
At least there should be some sort of closure that lets us know why did this happen.
Was he bullied at school and this was an outlet for him?
In which case, okay great, let's pay attention to the bullying.
Was it something to do with a prank that everybody's trying to do nowadays to gain attention?
Did he want attention for himself, for his plight, for whatever the issue might be?
I think that's what we want to be focusing on.
But why?
And I think we sit here, again, to the why, how is it that we elect the first black president and I think anybody would say race relations got worse after that.
So how do you add this up?
Okay, America made the leap, historic event, elected the first black president, right?
Okay, well then how is it race relations are worse all of a sudden?
I was talking in the break.
I go to University of Missouri in 2008, no racial strife, no problems, black people, white people, hispanic people, all people, women, everybody gets along, like, it's not even in the thought process of racism on campus or anything like that.
By the time I'm gone, and it's the year 2014, now you've got protests of racism all around campus, you've got professors saying you don't have the right to free speech, and it's just like, what the hell happened?
Race relations didn't get worse organically, so something had to be the conduit for that.
I completely agree.
And the catalyst for it was, in my opinion, the catalyst for that was driving a wedge in our nation.
Now, how do you beat that?
And that's what it is.
That's the question.
How do we beat it?
Because it gets all the hype.
It's not even really there.
It's a tiny thing, but they magnify it.
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Wait a second, Jeff.
You're telling me, when you're having a conversation with a fellow human being, the first thing that doesn't come to your head is racism?
What is wrong with you?
I know, I know.
I must have been too close to some explosions in my time.
Wait, you're telling me that a grenade isn't racist?
A grenade doesn't pick who and what?
That's very true, it does not.
It is very blind in that sense.
Alright, so to provide some context here, as we're waiting to get connected with Roger Stone, in the break, I'm talking to Jeff and I'm asking him if he has somewhere to be, if he needs to go, he can sit around, we'll take some more phone calls.
And he's like, well, maybe we could do just kind of a goodbye segment here.
And I'm like, oh, okay, you don't want to do the Irish goodbye.
And the Irish goodbye is when you just don't even say bye.
You just leave.
Like, if you're out in an event and then all of a sudden you're gone, they call that the Irish goodbye.
And so I'm like, oh, did you just want to do an Irish goodbye?
And he's like, what?
And I'm like, oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be racist.
And then, of course, you know, what was your response?
I said the Irish goodbye.
What did you say?
I said it never even occurred to me that that was racist.
Until you actually started to apologize for it, it never even... Which I didn't!
I was joking.
I wasn't actually sorry, okay?
I didn't even realize it.
I was just like, I was more curious about that.
I'm like, what is an Irish goodbye?
I've never heard of that before.
I was genuinely curious about it.
So my first thought was not racism.
And that though to me...
Is the mental illness that some people have where they can't even have a normal conversation because there's this veil of racism over it.
Where, you know, it's like, I don't know if it's like the PC thing overall or if it's they're so afraid to be labeled racist.
I'm not sure what it is, but that's what it is.
Like, yeah, the average normal people don't think like that.
You make a joke, you say something like, oh, Irish goodbye.
You're not like, oh, wow, racist.
No, you're like, oh, what's Irish goodbye?
But that's what, there's this mindset now that people have, it's like, oh, oh, how dare you say Irish goodbye?
Oh, how dare you wear a Chinese dress to prom?
Like, who looks at a prom dress and says, oh my gosh, racist?
I am floored by that.
Again, it's like, I think we're really digging into the weeds.
Not we, but I think...
Certain people are digging into the weeds for attention, number one, and division, number two.
And when you add those two things together, what gets attention and what do you use to try to act like you're high and mighty?
Oh, race car.
So true.
And so that's how it goes.
Is Roger Stone ready to go here, guys?
All right, so let's bring Roger in real quick before we move on.
Roger, we've got some callers lined up for you if you want to take calls.
Obviously, we've talked about the news.
But one thing, Roger, first of all, the Bill Clinton rape t-shirt is about to make a huge comeback.
Now, we're sold out.
We don't have any left.
But the MeToo protest of Bill Clinton here in Austin, Texas, Sunday, this Sunday, 6 p.m.
Central, we're inviting all InfoWarriors to come out
Well, Owen, I think it's important to note that I think the iconic Clinton rape t-shirt is still available at StoneColdTruth.com at the store there.
But beyond that, this was essentially a meme
You might check on that.
That Alex Jones and I used to break through the mainstream media blockade, the blackout, on the facts regarding Hillary Clinton and her husband.
They wanted to define Bill Clinton's actions as infidelities or indiscretions, personal matters.
But in fact, the issue was far more serious.
It was violence against women.
It was rape.
It was sexual assault.
It wasn't one woman.
It wasn't two.
It wasn't three.
It was dozens.
You can go to the Clinton's War on Women and it is documented.
Even in the historic Juanita Broderick interviews, NBC held on to them for a long time while there was an internal debate over even running them.
And in the taping,
Juanita Broderick has told Breitbart, when she attempted to discuss the role of Hillary in threatening her to her face, a producer jumped up and yelled, cut, we're not interested in that.
So this story is still very germane.
The idea that Hillary Clinton was an advocate for women when she's in fact a tormentor of women and an abuser of women.
It's Hillary Clinton who hires the heavy-handed private detectives and the nasty lawyers to threaten the Kathleen Willys, the Juanita Brodericks, the Paula Joneses, and so many others.
And Jennifer Flowers is another one.
Jennifer Flowers is now actually going even more public with her story where she wasn't telling some of the details.
Now she's going even more public.
There is a distinction though.
Jennifer Flowers enters into a consensual relationship with Bill Clinton that goes wrong and he becomes abusive.
These other women didn't ask for his advances.
These were not consensual relationships.
There is that important distinction.
And let's just point out another part of the media blockade.
You may now recognize the name Michael Isakov.
This is the guy who wrote the article that was used to spy on President Trump about the Russian dossier, knowing it was fake.
That same Michael Isakov
had the Monica Lewinsky story and spiked it and made sure nobody reported on it.
So again, another example of them blocking this.
But we're holding the MeToo protest.
We're asking all InfoWarriors to come to Austin this Sunday, June 10th outside Bass Concert Hall here in Austin, Texas at 6 p.m.
We'll be doing live streams following the Alex Jones Show from 4 to 6 p.m.
As soon as that concludes, I'll be leaving here in the studio going to the Bill Clinton MeToo protest.
Outside Bass Concert Hall.
And of course, this is all possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
The Memorial Day Patriot Specials are still running.
So huge specials, free shipping store-wide, 50% off Supermail Vitality, 50% off Brain Force Plus, DNA Force Plus, the real Red Pill Plus.
It's all at InfoWarsStore.com and free shipping extended.
So be sure to take advantage of that.
Well, Jeff Gonzales, it's been a real pleasure having you in studio from TridentConcepts.com.
And also, if you want to get some of his training, the range at Austin is where to get that.
So great stuff from Jeff today.
There is his website right there.
And without further ado, Roger, I hand it over to you with this question.
Do you think Andrew McCabe is willing and ready to sing like a canary and sell out the Obama administration with the recent reports that he's willing to exchange his testimony for immunity?
Roger Stone.
Well, I think we need to see the Inspector General's report before we can get an accurate answer to that question.
I'm somewhat perplexed by the President, in all honesty.
He's absolutely right about the awesome legal power of the pardon.
He used it justly in the case of Dinesh D'Souza and Jack Johnson.
I wrote him over a year ago, urging him to issue a posthumous pardon for Marcus Garvey, the famous black nationalist who the FBI hounded and improperly convicted.
And it is a legitimate check on a biased or a politicized prosecution.
I think a perfect example is the case of Dinesh D'Souza, where the law was being inequitably applied.
Rosie O'Donnell pays no penalty, poor Dinesh goes up the river.
Why, however, the President would say that he has the power to pardon himself?
When it's irrelevant since, to our knowledge, he has committed no crime requiring a pardon, I must understand I found his comments perplexing.
But don't you think that's a Clinton-operative George Stephanopoulos who forces that question into the media by boring home on Giuliani?
What about the pardon power?
What about the pardon power?
He wouldn't give it up and then Giuliani responds and it becomes a national news story.
Well, it's a theoretical legal question.
The President doesn't require a pardon, but that doesn't mean he couldn't pardon General Mike Flynn if his indictment proves to be as flawed and politicized as we think it is.
It doesn't mean that he could pardon others, whether they are of a political strata or not.
I am perplexed by his decision to pardon Scooter Libby.
Scooter Libby helped lie us into a war that the president opposed, but on the whole I was very pleased by the Jack Johnson thing because there's important symbolism in the pardon as well as the legal authority.
So there it is from Roger Stone.
He takes over on the other side of this break.
We've got some phone calls still.
Roger may take your phone calls or he'll get into the details of all the White House intrigue and all the deep state news that he's aware of.
So for Jeff Gonzales, I'm Owen Troyer filling in for Alex Jones this week.
Hope to see you at the MeToo protest this Sunday at 6 p.m.
I'm signing off.
Roger Stone takes over.
You stay classy, InfoWarriors.
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Patrick, in the great nation of Australia, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for calling.
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And it's just the more you know God, the more you fear God, but the more you chase God.
And I wanted to say that it's an honor to stand side by side with you, the crew, and the listeners out there, 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone sitting in for Alex Jones.
Important primary results from around the country yesterday.
Let's see if we can pull up the final on the California governor's race.
Now, as some of you may remember, California uses this very strange jungle primary system in which all candidates, regardless of their party,
Uh, run in one single primary.
The two top vote getters, if no one gets 50% of the vote, even if they are two Republicans and two Democrats, still face off.
It appears at the most recent count that the candidates will be Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, a
Former mayor of San Francisco and Republican challenger John Cox.
I haven't seen the most recent numbers, but I would certainly like to.
There's the headline.
This is an extraordinary comeback for the Republican Party because many believed that former Los Angeles Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa would have run second in a state this dominated by Democrats.
Cox ran an unconventional campaign.
Although he is a bit more of a moderate Republican, he embraced Trump and the Trump presidency.
And I think it is a major factor beyond the substantial use of his own wealth that he has made this runoff.
Travis Allen, who we interviewed here on the InfoWars the other day, ran a terrific grassroots campaign, but in the final analysis, unfortunately, did not have the mega media bucks that it costs to communicate effectively on broadcast TV in a state the size and expense of California.
A bit of bad news.
Unfortunately, in the overwhelmingly district of poverty pimp Maxine Waters, Waters received 71%.
Therefore, avoiding a runoff, Omar Navarro, a Republican, a friend of the show, received 8,000 votes or 14%.
The same problem.
Omar ran a terrific grassroots and net-based oriented campaign, but without the big dollars for broadcast television.
And the money to pay for a machine, as Maxine Waters does, it was always an uphill fight.
Frank DiMartini, a third candidate in that race, a Republican, a very good man, in the end probably served with Edwin Duarte to further fraction what was already a minority Republican vote.
Demartini and Omar Navarro, both will be heard from again in American elective politics.
We are also intrigued by the results out of Alabama.
This is yet another race that we had highlighted for you.
It appears that RINO Attorney General
Matthews has narrowly squeezed into first place, but right behind him, former Republican Attorney General and hard-charging conservative, Troy King.
This now heads to a runoff.
So the establishment, through everything they had at King, and did everything possible to help Marshall, a party switcher and former Democrat, a faux Trump supporter, held him under the 50.
And they now bruise to what will be a classic, classic runoff.
Alice Martin, the third candidate in that race, garnered a respectable 126,000 votes, but sadly did so on the basis of a lie.
She claimed she had never chosen the appointment to the vacancy in the Attorney General's office from outgoing, corrupt, jailbird President Benchley.
Bentley, pardon me, but unfortunately, as we reported here on InfoWars, a letter surfaced showing that was a lie, most likely undermining her candidacy for Attorney General.
There you have an easy winner in the Democratic primary for Governor of Alabama.
This was also among the more exciting races in the country.
We're going to be talking about a race that is of great interest to me coming up.
We're going to interview a man named Dennis Hoth.
Dennis Hoff is a libertarian, a Trump supporter, a solid Republican, but he also owns the largest chain of legal brothels in the state of Nevada.
Nevada has a long frontier tradition of legalized prostitution as approved by the voters in certain counties.
So, therefore, Mr. Hoff is engaged in a perfectly legal and very well-run business.
He pays his taxes, he employs many people, he has conspicuously clean health department approved facilities, and he allows no drugs.
There have been numerous attacks on him because of his business success, which has made him a billionaire.
You may have seen him on the HBO TV special, Cat House.
He was first brought to my attention by Tucker Carlson, who pointed out that Dennis Hoff is an articulate advocate for working people and a true libertarian.
In the state of Nevada, where corruption is an enormous issue, I have the feeling that Dennis Hoff, there you see him, is unbought and unbossed, a true man of the people.
I ventured to perrumpt
Nevada, because we call him the Trump of Pahrump for a rally this weekend.
And he's going to join us shortly to talk about taxes, water rights and dirty political tricks being attempted against him by his opponents.
I'm Roger Stone.
We'll be right back.
We are OK.
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I think?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your pinch-hitting host, Roger Stone.
And yes, as you can see, it's after Memorial Day, so I'm sporting the seersucker.
In hot weather, there is nothing more comfortable for the well-attired gentleman.
Joining us now is a man who's literally a legend in the West.
Entrepreneur, businessman, showman, libertarian, Republican, and outspoken Trump supporter, Dennis Hoff joins us now.
Hi, Roger.
How are you?
How many seersucker suits you got?
Well, I have several, but as I pointed out, if you buy quality at the beginning and you take good care of your garments, they will last you a lifetime.
Dennis, you are running for the Nevada Assembly in a district in rural Nye County.
You're running against a fella by the name of James Oscarson.
Now, older viewers will remember that Will Rogers once said he never met a man he didn't like.
James Oscarson, in the legislature, never met a tax he didn't hike.
This guy has got Rhino written all over him.
And they have tried to smear you in ways that even boggle the mind for a political veteran like myself.
For example, accusing you, God forbid, of supporting Hillary Clinton.
A lie.
Saying that you didn't support President Donald Trump.
A lie.
Uh, this kind of below the belt smear tactics I don't think will sit well with Nevadans.
And it was amazing to me that Michael McDonald, the chairman of the Republican State Committee,
Who is not taking sides in the primary, who has not endorsed anybody, was forced to come out publicly and correct this incredible litany of lies being thrown your way.
Before I let you answer, let me say why I think this is happening.
Dennis, you scare the daylights out of the career politicians in Carson City.
You scared the daylights out of the establishment status quo.
Let's get reelected and keep our mouths shut, politicians in the state capitol.
Because of your independent wealth, which you've worked very hard to earn every penny of, and your feisty frontier attitude, and your basic integrity, they know you can't be bought.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
It sounds like Donald Trump.
You know, we're both best-selling offers.
We both have reality TV shows.
We both produce shows.
We both have been successful, made a lot of money, him a lot more money than me.
And I appreciate it when you call me the Trump of Pahrump.
I wear that handle proudly.
Well, and there are issues in this race.
Water rights.
Second Amendment rights.
Tax rights and tax increases.
Who comes up on the conservative, reliable, Ronald Reagan side of the agenda?
That would be Dennis Hoff.
And his opponent is part of the go-along to get-along crowd, financed by the special interests, accused himself in the Me Too movement, and running what has to be considered
One of the sleaziest smear campaigns I have ever seen.
I've been called many, many things that I would find insulting, but being called a Hillary Clinton supporter, that's the bottom of the barrel.
Yeah, that's absolutely right.
It's a very dirty race, and I've been accused of causing everything bad in America, maybe even sinking the Titanic.
It's just one thing after another.
I had no idea.
You know, Tucker Carlson told me how dirty the establishment was.
Grover Norquist, I did sign the tax pledge.
He came out to support me.
You all told me, and I just didn't want to believe it was as dirty as it is.
But now it just makes me dig my heels in more and write more checks to fight this.
And when I get to Carson City, who better to run all these political hookers than me?
Well, you're exactly right.
If anybody, if anybody can spot a whore of the political type, it would be you.
Now, it's interesting to me that tomorrow's primary is viewed as very close.
And I know that there will be an extraordinary effort to get out every single vote.
I didn't mean tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
It's the 12th.
Is that correct?
A few short days from now.
Organized labor, who has many members in this district, many of whom are registered Republicans, I think can be pivotal in this race.
People know that you are a friend of the working man.
People know that you stand up for people's rights.
People know of your vast charitable activities, that this isn't all about Dennis Hoff.
So many people say that if you win this race for the assembly, you're heading for the governor's mansion.
People like straight talk.
They like people who don't try to BS them.
But above all, I think they like your feisty, Trump-like independence.
Here's what I learned.
Dennis Hoff will tell you exactly what he thinks.
And he'll give it to you unvarnished.
He's not trying to be politically correct.
He is what he is.
An honest businessman, a solid conservative, a lifelong foe of Hillary Clinton, and up against one of the nastiest, most corrupt political machines in the entire state of Nevada.
There's just not any question about it.
They're doing everything they can.
They're terrified.
You know, Oscarson is owned by the casinos.
He's owned by the developers.
He's owned by Big Pharma.
That's who he goes to when he needs advice on how to vote.
And I'm not going to do that.
I'll listen to him, but I'm going to vote the way the voters want me to vote.
That's how I'm going to vote.
And I did sign that pledge of Grover Norquist, and I'm proud of it.
I think that's a very, very key factor in the race.
Grover Norquist, a good man, his organization for tax reform, one of the major leading voices in the country for fiscal sanity.
I want to remind everybody, therefore, in Nye County, all of my friends that I met this past weekend, that every single vote counts.
You don't want to be home on election night and find out that Dennis lost by two votes and that two of your cousins who were supposed to vote forgot.
That's the worst of all worlds.
So, scour every nook and cranny of this district.
Find every voter who's interested in liberty and fairness and a quality of life that Dennis Hoff will fight for.
A fighter for water rights.
A fighter for the Second Amendment.
A fighter against a commuter tax.
I've read your literature.
I love the fact that you're using your high school graduation picture in your billboards.
And I have every confidence that you're going to win this race.
Forty-five seconds to go.
What are your final exhortations for the voters, Denis?
I thank you for coming to Pahrump.
You made a big splash with everybody.
I know you wore yourself out signing Stone's Rules, but it's an incredible book and I just hope everybody supports you because that's important.
You go to Roger Stone's Legal Defense Fund and send some money.
I did.
I know a lot of my friends did and we're worried about you, Roger, because you are a true American hero.
Well, that's very kind.
I'm a fighter, and you can go to stonedefensefund.com.
I'm very grateful for your contribution, Dennis, and your many friends in Las Vegas.
There you have it, a wrap-up on one of the most exciting races in the country, in Nevada.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
You're on the Alex Jones Show and I'm your host, Roger Stone.
That was a terrific segment with the libertarian businessman and I think soon to be assembly member in the state of Nevada, Dennis Hoff.
Joining us now is the crusading publisher of the Central Florida Post.
Jacob Engels is no stranger to the InfoWars audience.
He has broken story after story after story, leaving the Miami Herald and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, the Orlando Sentinel, and others in the dust when it comes to getting incisive, hard-hitting,
He's going to tell us today about an incredible story regarding a Democratic member of Congress who, it turns out, was gorging herself on shrimp cocktails, lobster tails, and filet mignon while the people in her district were sweltering in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, Jacob Engels.
Thank you for having me.
Yes, Stephanie Murphy is the Democratic Congresswoman in Central Florida.
And we actually reported on an ad that one of her opponents, Republican opponents, released last week where they found FEC filings and reports that showed she was holding a fundraiser on 9-13.
And that's after Hurricane Irma ravaged the state.
We were without power, water shortages, food shortages, streets flooded.
It was very scary for about six or seven days.
And this lady, this Congresswoman, who professes to be a woman of the people, who bills herself as for the poor, for the middle class, Stephanie Murphy, Steakhouse Stephanie, as people are calling her, was holding a fundraiser at Charlie Palmer Steakhouse.
It cost $3,200.
So it was fine wine, fine steak.
She was schmoozing with special interest donors.
That's her right there.
And it really is sad.
Now, when the campaign released the ad and when we subsequently reported on the ad, Ms.
Murphy refused questions, wouldn't answer any questions, and then eventually said, oh, well, I really held the event on the 7th, which was during the state of emergency for the hurricane, and I paid the bill on the 13th.
Now, if we are to believe that line from Murphy,
What kind of average American could walk out on a $3,200 bill at a steakhouse for a week?
I think she's been caught in a line of lying, and I confronted her at her campaign office opening, and she refused to answer.
What's disturbing, though, the real story here is not just the outrageous largesse of Steakhouse Stephanie.
But the fact that the YouTube video of your incredible interview with her has been censored from the media, has been censored by YouTube.
This is the same exact kind of censorship that Alex Jones and the entire force and crew at InfoWars are being subjected to every day.
These are the same people who reject any ad that I place on Facebook to try to sell copies of my stunning new book, Stone's Rules.
These are the same people who, if I use Google Shortener for the InfoWars Buy link, tells me that it's spam.
This is a classic example of people trying to snuff out
The First Amendment rights of the Central Florida Post and a crusading independent publisher.
It is disgraceful, but it's valuable because as I travel around the country and I speak to conservative and Tea Party and Liberty-oriented groups, they ask me, well, aren't you and Alex Jones exaggerating?
I mean, are they really trying to shut you down?
Make no mistake about it, folks.
What's happening to Jacob Engels at the Central Florida Post is exactly what's happening here at InfoWars.
It's what happens when we try to put Owen Schroyer's great videos on from the war room.
It's a war of censorship.
They want to take away our voices and then take away our firearms.
It's a two-pronged strategy.
Uh, and the reason I thought this story was important was not just the fact that, uh, that Steakhouse Stephanie was gorging herself at an extraordinarily expensive and posh watering hole in Washington while the people in their districts were sweating their off.
But the fact that the truth about this is being concealed from the American people through censorship.
And therein lies the issue.
Absolutely, Roger.
I mean, one has to ask themselves if
Facebook, who removed the live video and other platforms, we can't find it anymore.
Facebook removed the live video and there was nothing wrong with the video.
I came to her campaign offices, a publicly advertised event, and I asked a simple question.
Congresswoman, would you agree that natural disasters
Can not be postponed, but political fundraisers can.
She refused to answer the questions and she actually scooped up her young child and kept shielding and putting the child in my face and into the camera space to get out of the question.
And then wants to act like a victim afterwards and says that Child Protective Services should have called on me that I was threatening children.
Well, no, Stephanie Murphy, you won't tell us the truth about what you were doing at Charlie Palmer Steakhouse.
And now you've colluded with Facebook, who has removed a live video that paints you in a negative light.
That's a campaign contribution.
Is Facebook going to be giving campaign contributions to Republicans, to conservatives, or just to fleshy puppets and deep state barboons like Stephanie Murphy?
I was very sad that some Republican colleagues of hers, who shall remain nameless, rushed to her defense.
I think her actions are indefensible.
It's about timing.
She should apologize.
I've made mistakes in my life.
I've had bad timing in my political commentary, but she'd do so much better to apologize to the constituency in her district and refund the money she collected at the five-star Washington restaurant while the poor people in her district were in the dark without clean water, sweating.
That, I think, is the bottom line.
Tell me, since I've got you, what is your assessment of the governor's race there on both the Republican and Democrat side?
Give me a quick Central Florida Post handicap.
We'll start with the Democrat primary.
You actually had South Florida billionaire Jeff Green, who had a quixotic Senate bid in 2010.
Jump in the race.
He's going to spend, I'm hearing, up to $60 to $80 million to get through the primary, and he's willing to spend another $60 to $80 million in the general election.
You have a Black Lives Matter, George Soros-funded Tallahassee mayor, Andrew Gillum, who is actually under investigation by the FBI.
There's a lot of stuff going on up there in Tallahassee.
You have Gwen Graham, a daughter of a former governor.
Bob Graham, she's playing the more moderate line for the Democrats.
And then you have a few other businessmen, Philip Levine, Chris King.
I think this is probably Gwen Graham's to lose.
She'll have a tough fight with Andrew Gillum.
He's an African-American and it's a large voting base for Democrats.
And we'll see who comes out of there.
On the Republican side, you have Adam Putnam.
Who's the Commissioner of Agriculture, and he's actually done a very good job as Commissioner of Agriculture.
I don't agree with everything that he stands for in terms of what he stood for in Congress before he was Commissioner of Agriculture, but he's running against a man, Ron DeSantis, who a lot of viewers probably think is on President Trump's side, and he's not.
This is a man who refused to defend the President's mental health.
This is a man who voted for food stamps for illegal immigrants.
This is a man.
When we exposed that on Central Quarter Post, went to a Soros funded fact checking website that crapped all over Donald Trump in support of Hillary Clinton in 2016 to label me as a mainstream news reporter and claim that I am somehow part of the establishment.
So Ron DeSantis has a real issue here.
He talks a big game, but he...
Really doesn't support our president.
There are some very interesting items that we're going to expose in the next couple of weeks.
In addition to the fact that he claims he cannot be in the district, he claims he cannot be in the state campaigning because he's so busy defending President Trump.
In Congress and on Fox News.
Well, we got to the bottom of it.
We conducted some research and let's just say he's not as active in Congress as people would like to believe.
And they say he would love you to believe.
He's got some issues with attendance, let's say.
And Mr. DeSantis will have a tough primary.
He's at $10 million cash on hand.
I believe Adam Putnam will post your $23 million.
We'll see how it changes.
Did I not read that he took $200,000 from a million-dollar Clinton fundraiser who is financing the campaign of Adam Schiff?
That alone would disturb me greatly.
We're going to be watching this hard-fought Republican primary between Adam Putnam, the Secretary of Agriculture, and hard-charging Congressman Ron DeSantis.
Thank you so much, Jacob, for joining us here on the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!