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Filename: 20180503_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 3, 2018
3453 lines.

Alex Jones is a radio host who criticizes mainstream media and comedy shows for attacking him on various topics like cell phones, chemicals in water, black helicopters, and world government. He promotes health products through Infowars Life and discusses current political events such as investigations into President Trump's campaign ties to Russia and medical privacy laws. Jones also talks about conspiracies involving wealthy individuals, immigration policies, and corruption within the education system.

If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Thursday, already the third day of May 2018, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And look at the headlines I have here in front of me.
Aren't they interesting?
Wired Magazine.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
Now think about that.
Because I've noticed what they attack me with on mainstream news and on the so-called comedy shows.
Jones claims your cell phones are killing you.
Jones claims there's chemicals in the water that are lowering your fertility and confusing your sexuality.
Jones says there's black helicopters.
Jones says there's a world government.
Jones says the EU is unelected.
It is.
On and on and on.
And everything we're saying is out in the open.
So think about how the LA Times, even Wired Magazine, will admit there are thousands of studies that prove that wireless radiation, as it's intensified in its strength the last 30 years, and in how many places it's emanating from, and especially the microwave millimeter waves, cell phones operate
As microwave transmitters and receivers.
Now what's a microwave do?
It vibrates water.
Vibrates molecules.
And 5G is an even more powerful form of microwave that even rattles it faster.
That's what causes the heat, the friction of the molecules.
And burns oxygen and carbon dioxide.
We're going to cover those studies.
You heard me right.
5G burns the atmosphere.
5G destroys ozone.
So they're telling us we're going to destroy ozone, but not telling us what really does it.
And then doing it.
That doesn't sound like something humans would do.
Why are the globalists doing this?
Why are they changing the atmosphere?
Who are they?
Now, ladies and gentlemen, the question is how do we get people out of their trance?
How are we going to do that?
We're going to talk about that today in the second hour and lay out mainline studies, mainline science, that 5G and even the lower 4 and 3G, your game boxes, a lot of your appliances, the smart meters, surveil and dial into everything digital in your house
And steal your data, they physically listen to you, audibly, and they watch you, not with the conventional iris and a camera visually, but with the millimeter waves, the same way a naked body scanner reads you at the airport, it shoots out and reads everything in your house.
But you invite the little Alexes in, you invite the little Google assistants in, there's a big race, you know, the security companies.
Oh, it sits there, it listens to you, it watches, it cares.
And a lot of them kick on when there's burglaries or the sounds of people being upset.
Or they call the police for you.
There's certainly a good side to the double edge.
But it was designed as a Trojan horse.
So we're going to cover it all today.
And black helicopters terrified the public in a major city of New Jersey with explosions and machine gun fire on purpose.
We'll explain the story behind the story and have the powerful video coming up.
And then we have so much more that we're going to be looking at here today that is absolutely critical.
The latest on Kanye West and so much more.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know to go out and check the top scientists and see what they say.
And they have talked about for decades that a lot of the mental disorders, a lot of the behavioral disorders, a lot of the autism spectrum disorders are in the gut.
From the diets and vaccines that trigger autoimmune responses in the stomach, that then create major toxicity in the gut, causing toxicity in the brain.
Here's a big BBC report today.
How bacteria are changing your mood.
If you have the wrong ones, you're depressed.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been sold out for months.
MycoZX is back.
Anti-fungal, anti-yeast, anti-candida.
It goes in and knocks out the walls in your intestines where these things colonize it and put a slime wall in.
But the nutrients go through.
They get what they want first.
They colonize you.
Then they secrete toxins in you that cause depression.
They can even secrete toxins when they want more sugar.
This is well known.
Nuke them with MycoZX.
Exclusively at InfoWarsLive.com
Thank you for joining us on this live Thursday, the third day of May 2018.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We've got a lot of really informative, powerful guests joining us.
James O'Keefe has another big bombshell inside the bazaar
State-run education programs in this country.
Shocking information.
Looking at organized cover-up of abusive students at the highest levels.
So we're going to be looking at that shocking video and talking to James O'Keefe.
We're going to have Dr. Group in studio to break down the mainline medical science that 5G and even below is massively increasing cancer.
And it's currently, it's estimated, and mainline science will go over,
Killing more people than cigarettes.
You heard me right.
And they're only upping the power.
And we'll go into why they want this system.
Now it's being used as a system to kill fertility.
But Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and others, Warren Buffett, meet each year to discuss a planetary world government plan to covertly reduce world population.
Six years ago, they went ahead and admitted they do meet with that plan.
In fact, you can just type that in.
Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and others meet to discuss world depopulation.
You might want to read it because it's going on right now.
And the 5G and the Atrazine and all of it.
Now I've always noticed, what is it they don't want me to talk about?
They don't want me to ever talk about Islam taking over.
They don't want me to talk about Atrazine and chemicals reducing fertility.
And they don't want me talking about cell phone radiation
Causing cancer, but also causing heart problems, mental illness, you name it, in all the major studies.
And now they're going to mount, well beyond 5G, high-powered microwave transmitters on the bottoms of, quote, all major commercial aircraft.
You see the TV ads on Fox running for this.
So, quote, you'll have Wi-Fi all over the country, even in rural areas.
Even if you don't want it, blasting down on you.
And of course, a lot of Telegraph reports on mainline studies we'll be covering later.
Mobile phone cancer warning as malignant brain tumors d-d-d-d-d-d-double.
Oh, it's your fun phone, you play with your friends, you put up your head, you hold it there, and you are cooking your brain.
Total fact!
But you know,
It's funny that the scientists even admit this is happening, because what do they make fun of me on?
On Colbert and the HBO shows and the Showtime shows, the Homeland shows.
And it was even in the news last week, they said Homeland and all the other big media outlets, Netflix, all up and go.
They rotate out a week each of the year and they meet at Laney, Virginia.
At the CIA, and they learn what they're supposed to say, and they're supposed to say Alex Jones is bad.
Cell phone radiation doesn't hurt you.
Vaccines never hurt you.
There's no geoengineering going on, even though it's all declassified, admitted.
And there's no world government, and everything's fine.
And the sperm counts aren't down 87%.
Depression isn't massively up in the youth, of course it all is.
And there's, again, everything's fine.
And oh, and also, remember the old one.
I remember I was first on air 23 years ago, and it would be in Soldier of Fortune, or it would be in a local newspaper that
Fourteen black helicopters, as they were described, showed up and then attacked the old school that was scheduled for demolition the next month, setting it on fire.
Three people at the old folks' homes had heart attacks.
And I would, I was decompartmentalizing news, I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, but I would take some local story from South Texas, or a story that somebody mailed me from Indiana, or people mail me VHS tapes,
As I was on local radio, but used that to syndicate out on a satellite, and I was on, I don't know, like 15 radio stations, even by 1996 or so, and global shortwave.
And satellite, the K-band people had on their houses then, a lot of them still do, it's not an audience, but people that cared, that were looking for the truth.
And they were the ones that educated me.
I was just a mainline libertarian, kind of conservative, knew a lot of history, but didn't get the big picture.
They educated me real fast.
And so, I would play on the radio,
Clips of local news about, you know, foreign troops with the army and blowing up buildings and no one was told.
I'd play it and they would have the state police write an article for the Austin American Statesman saying Jones is insane, Jones is dangerous.
None of this exists.
And they put on the front page of the paper.
And I would have the San Antonio Police Chief on.
I'd have the Austin Police.
I'd talk to them.
I'd have the Emergency Manager at Kingsville on.
They would detail how it was the Delta Force and how they were there with Czech, Republican, German troops.
And I wasn't even attacking the military, but they'd say, Jones is attacking our military and doesn't want you to trust him.
And then they would do these pre-training deals where sometimes they would warn them.
They'd knock on doors and say,
Alex Jones hates America, and he may be coming to talk to you.
When he comes, don't talk to him.
This is in my films, Police State 1, Police State 2.
And I had the locals going, yeah, the Army colonel came by yesterday and said, don't talk to you, you're an enemy.
I don't think you're an enemy.
And they came, and it was scary, and I know who you are, and I heard you a year ago say this, and then they came, and they was blowing it up over there.
So it became this big challenge for me.
Because the news nationally would say, there are no black helicopters.
It's not happening.
And I didn't even know what was going on.
Now I know it was a psyop to train the public that if martial law ever came in, when they came in to take out the local government, if ordered by Bill Clinton who was preparing this, he was testing it, that
They wanted the locals to lay down during the assault.
And that's why every major town in the U.S.
has had multiple Army, Air Force, Marines, you name it, invasions.
Most of them unannounced.
It's so that when they decide to really hit you, you don't know what hit you.
And again, the military is later how I learned about this.
The San Antonio Police Chief was in Army Intelligence.
Uh, the head of emergency management in Kingsville.
He was in secret operations in the army.
So they knew what it was about.
And the word was Bill Clinton, because they were finally told by Delta Force that they didn't like it and they apologized.
In Kingsville, and then later in Austin.
They went ahead and told the head of the SWAT team, and they fired the Travis County head once he told them.
They said, look, we apologize.
This is a PDD, gun confiscation, martial law drill, in case state houses or any counties stand up during a UN takeover.
And we now know that's all real.
Loretta Lynch wanted it, the Strong Cities Initiative.
They wanted to cause a race war, then have the UN come in and put departments under the UN.
That was in the local paper here.
So, I would cover all this because I had police chiefs and emergency managers telling me and the Delta Force had told them they didn't like it, that Bill Clinton was telling them, and man, they got pissed.
I mean, they had the guys come and physically attack me, all sorts of stuff I'm not going to get into on air, but the point is that I got the message, you better shut up, but that was from Clinton goons, not the military.
Now, what just hit last night?
This is CBSLocal.com, New York.
Department of Defense training exercise terrifies unprepared New Jersey residents.
It all started off as a well-kept secret, but the explosions and helicopters ended up giving it away.
Members of the U.S.
Department of Defense were conducting training recently in a New Jersey neighborhood, and the result was plenty of residents with frayed nerves.
Dick Brennan reported for CBS Channel 2.
Other cities
Sued the Fish Department over gunship reporting.
Cell phone video captured the moment.
We'll roll some of that, guys.
A helicopter flew above.
There was excitement in the photographer's voice, but that's because the video was taken on the second night of action.
They didn't warn him the first night.
Residents say they've never seen anything like it before.
Now here's the deal.
Now they admit this, and it's being done now for different reasons, but
It's anti-terrorism training.
But the overall mission was to acclimate us.
And so, it was huge under Clinton.
Some happened under Bush.
Came back under Obama.
It's still continuing.
And I'll get into what's behind it.
But remember, remember that didn't exist.
Remember you were insane.
Remember the black helicopter people?
And, oh, they're crazy.
And, oh, they say they saw... You'd be out in the middle of Alabama and there'd be a Marine Corps checkpoint searching people.
And we'd get the video and they'd go, Jones is crazy!
There were no Marines searching vehicles here, and so this is all part of the acclamation.
And again, another thing where you get decades of news before.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, everyone in 2018 knows that your town, your city, has had an unannounced
8 to 14 to 20 plus black helicopters.
They're painted black with paint that helps absorb radar waves.
Not your classic deep army green.
You've all experienced the night stalkers out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky deliver army personnel for training to operate in the United States.
It's to acclimate them.
It's to acclimate you.
But just remember in the early 1990s when the activity was, I've got to say, hundreds of times what it is now.
I mean it was black helicopters hitting towns every couple days.
It was a major, massive operation under Bill Clinton that started about 94.
And it was to train everybody to accept Waco-type attacks on churches,
On city halls, on state houses.
It was usually too obvious to hit a Capitol.
So they would hit courthouses.
And you've seen federal judges and state judges, even in Texas, come out and say, under Obama, remember a few years ago, they said, if gun confiscation begins and they bring in UN troops, we're going to have to get armored personnel carriers for the Sheriff's Department to fight it.
People thought, man, that's crazy, but the national media barely picked it up when state judges and others
Said that because they'd been briefed via FEMA on the plan.
That was what, four years ago?
They had a couple big judges come out.
And then a year later, Loretta Lynch goes, we're gonna have the UN run local departments if there's a race war.
And now we have the documents, they were trying to start one.
I mean, I used to hear this from our military sources and I thought they were messing with us.
I would say sources say 20 years ago.
Now the plan's public.
You can see my films free online, Police State 1, Police State 2, Police State 3, Police State 4.
They all have the black helicopters, the local police, the Marine Corps checkpoints.
The Army took over the role of taking over local government.
At hitting first.
You'd think the Marines would hit first, but it was usually Army training to hit first.
Marines would then come in and take control of the population and process people.
I mean, it's just incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
We're Americans!
We deserve you!
Help us!
Don't take our guns!
Go see the video!
And the national news, when this came out, CNN played clips.
In the mid-90s and said, Alex Jones is a liar.
He hired fake marines.
They said, the footage you're watching of your TV viewer is fake.
Hovercraft landing.
The Coronado amphibious ship landing.
They claimed, I faked it.
Now that's how dumb they think you are.
The Atrazine isn't sterilizing you and turning mammals, amphibians, into asexual, hermaphrodites,
Yes, it's all admitted.
Thousands of studies.
Totally giving you massive cancer.
Brain tumors already doubled the last decade.
Journal of Medicine.
Just showed you the article earlier.
Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females.
Science department.
UC Berkeley.
Tyrone Hayes, professor of integrative biology.
But it doesn't matter.
Looking down his nose,
Ben Shapiro, the unmade man.
None of these so-called fake conservatives can ever launch a company.
They've always got billionaires financing them.
Which isn't a bad thing, but we're the only outfit self-made.
No one else in media except Matt Drudge is self-made.
No one.
Matt Drudge and Infowars at this level.
No one else.
Matt Drudge and Infowars.
That's it.
Now think about that.
They say Ben Shapiro's buying the blaze.
No, Texas billionaires that he's carpet-bagged down here to get are trying to do it.
I think I'm going to call those billionaires and warn those guys.
I know years ago I've had a lot of people contact me and never got back because I'm funding my own operation here.
That's my mission.
But if Shapiro really wants to get in my business down here in Texas, try to move down here, we already exposed Beck as a fake.
He's out of business.
He's pretty much closed shop.
And you go read Shapiro's website, almost every comment can't stand him and hates him.
Because it's this whole act of how he's intellectual and he's this genius and he's this wizard and he knows everything and then almost every comment, I'm going to show you later, hate his guts.
And say, oh you're so intellectual, you use terms like Alex is awful.
And of course won't debate me.
And why am I mad?
Because Glenn Beck got in my business with radio stations and would keep me off air.
I've talked to many station owners and managers where they would threaten to not be on their station and do all the stuff if I wasn't taking off.
And now you're in my business again, trying to tell people not to come on my show.
I'm about to get in your business big time, you little arrogant son of a bitch.
Now go back to California, go back to Los Angeles, where you came from.
Wait till I go talk to those billionaires that are good Christian men, Seventh-day Adventist pastors, and lay out how you and Jordan Peterson, you think I'm stupid because I'm from Texas?
Wait till I go explain to those self-made men that you aren't.
As a self-made Texan myself, how you and others in the atheist movement are taking control of the whole conservative movement.
And that's why the left puts Peterson and all you guys on TV and doesn't censor you.
But the whole atheist bent and the whole Christ isn't God thing, all of that.
How did you convince Texas Christians to sit there and prop up Glenn Beck and now you?
You don't think I don't know everything about you, bro?
And now you're trying to sucker them to buy the failed garbage blaze?
You can't make anything, you parasite!
Get behind me, Satan!
We should pray for Ben Shapiro to find Christ.
Because this whole act of how smart he is, as he just sits there, reads off a teleprompter and plagiarizes people.
In my view.
You're in my business, Shapiro.
I'm in your business now.
I might just drive up to Cisco this weekend.
Take a few army officers with me and have a conversation with the billionaires that are financing you.
Maybe show them some files, Shapiro.
Want that?
I think you do.
I think I'll do it.
I think I'll get in your business.
You know what happens when I get in people's businesses, boy?
They ain't in business long, son.
You like what I did to your daddy, Beck?
He really did it to himself, didn't he?
But we told everybody what he was.
So you want to be in a man's world, son?
I took on Hillary Clinton in my audience and we kicked her butt.
She's coming at me right now.
I'm in a man's world, son.
I'm self-made.
You couldn't do a damn thing.
You couldn't come up with a dollar.
Everything he's ever had was finance, just like Beck.
I was offered Beck's job when they had him in the stable getting him trained 16, 17 years ago.
And just like then, they sent him in to be a fake Mormon to suck off the Mormon church to launch his whole operation.
And that's what Shapiro does.
He comes down here with his whole little closeted atheist anti-Christian operation and he sucks off some Christians he thinks are dumbasses.
Well, son!
You want a fight?
You got one.
I love how you talk to Kanye West like he's a dog.
No, no, no!
You don't go on that show.
No, no, no!
Boy, you just filled your hand against the wrong group of people, son.
Get your ass out of Texas.
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I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know to go out and check the top scientists and see what they say.
And they have talked about for decades that a lot of the mental disorders, a lot of the behavioral disorders, a lot of the autism spectrum disorders are in the gut from the diets and vaccines that trigger autoimmune responses in the stomach.
That then create major toxicity in the gut, causing toxicity in the brain.
Here's a big BBC report today.
How bacteria are changing your mood.
If you have the wrong ones, you're depressed.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been sold out for months.
MycoZx is back.
Anti-fungal, anti-yeast, anti-candida.
It goes in and knocks out the walls in your intestines where these things colonize it and put a slime wall in.
But the nutrients go through.
They get what they want first.
They colonize you.
Then they secrete toxins in you that cause depression.
They can even secrete toxins when they want more sugar.
This is well known.
Nuke them with MycoZx.
Exclusively at InfoWarsLive.com
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You've found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the Infowar.
And now, Alex Jones.
Over the years, I've had a lot of Texas oil people contact me and want to try to help Infowars.
And I've never done it because I want to self-fund their operation.
And I have that as an ace in the hole.
You know, a lot of people that I can go to if I needed a lot of money.
That's why the whole Soros-Hillary plan where they're in the news on NBC News saying they plan to shut me down.
They admit the Democratic Party's behind it.
That's why
We don't want to go down that route, but we're going to win one way or another.
With our listeners supporting us, with us putting it all into the fight, expanding onto TV stations across the country, the broadcast is exploding.
And I'm going to get into all the other big world news, but the reason I'm attacking Ben Shapiro is, he wasn't ripe enough when I heard about him years ago from one of the top talk show hosts in the country.
And just look out for this guy, he's as bad as it gets.
I just heard from that national talk show host during the break.
We're talking one of the top three names.
And I was warned about him and I just ignore it because I try to be a team player.
And then I noticed Shapiro behind the scenes causing us problems and then also reaching out to people in a whisper campaign saying don't be associated with Infowars just like CNN and MSNBC and George Soros and all them are doing.
And I just ignore it and move on because the guy just comes off so arrogant.
And then, you know, he has his own website that talks about what a genius he is all day and his own readers are just sick of it.
You know, another snot-nosed, arrogant know-it-all.
But, then I also realized that he was trying to get some really nice, self-made, Christian men who created their own oil company.
And have become, you know, multi-billionaires individually.
And one of the brothers owns the Daily Wire.
And then Shapiro runs around and talks about, you know, how he's this big business titan.
And Shapiro couldn't tie his own shoelaces.
And I know about all this stuff because I live here in Texas, okay?
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
But my family's all over the state and they know a lot of people.
And they're in a lot of different businesses.
And so I start to see Shapiro openly saying that Candace Owens don't come on his show and Kanye West and trying to police me.
And I realized it was right to go after him because here's why he's important.
He's the next Glenn Beck.
He's the next Judas Goat.
He's the next guy to control the Christian conservative movement.
Just like Glenn Beck went and married a Mormon to get the Mormon money to have the Mormon cred.
Two years before he married that lady, he was a shock jock, praising abortion, calling up other talk show hosts saying, I heard your wife had a miscarriage, thank God.
I mean, he was a horrible demon.
He worked in more than 20 markets.
I know people that know Beck very well.
He is... You give him the wrong pen, he screams and yells at you and fires you.
He's just a monstrous, very neurotic person.
And he believes he's like a messiah.
He's also got a lot of foreign money and funding coming in.
So, he bet on the wrong horse.
I like Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz has a good voting record.
But the whole Texas Act and the cowboy boots and...
You know, the holier-than-thou stuff?
That's an act, too.
I'm not gonna judge his heart.
I'm a real Christian, but I don't tell you I'm perfect.
I don't sit up here and tell you how good I pray on Sunday and put on the whole, mmm, good Christian act thing, okay?
I'm ready to die for Christ, but I'm definitely a sinner.
So these guys are waltzing into Texas again, just like Beck did, and they're waltzing in here to get all the Texas oil money to back them, and that gets passed through their companies, and then the companies fold.
And so that's what's happening.
And if you go back to Shapiro and where he comes from, and the people he worked for previously, and this particular national talk show host who just might decide to go public or might decide to actually talk to Ferris Wilkes and his brother, who are good men, I know people that know him, talk about really upright, hard-working, self-made men.
Off their masonry company their daddy started, and they didn't get into oil until like 15 years ago.
They've been very successful with hard work and diligence.
They just want to help the country.
So they're going around trying to finance every libertarian conservative thing they can.
And then in comes Shapiro, the anointed one that Fox News and the whole system's pushing.
And then he's in my business just like Glenn Beck was.
I told Glenn Beck five years ago on air.
I said, leave me alone and I will leave you alone.
And for a couple years he did it, and then I learned he was behind the scenes doing it again, so I went after him again.
And it's not hard to go after these people, because they already can't help but sabotage the Christian Libertarian Movement.
They're Judas Codes!
They're operatives!
And that's what they do.
They try to act like they're credible, get control of the movement, and then steer it into the ground.
And they try to make sure the big funds out there
Go into what they're doing, and then they bring on Jordan Peterson, who I've been looking at and studying, out of nowhere, doesn't believe in God, but he'll tell you how to wake up, and suddenly the Atlantic and the New York Times likes him, and he doesn't get censored, and they're all together, and they're gonna have a show, and they're gonna come and merge with Glenn Beck, and how Christian is that to have?
Jordan Peterson, the atheist, that the liberals love, that Bill Maher loves,
Who explains to us that there are only two genders, and we all go, oh, they let him on here say that!
This is so original!
And he gives us some Carl Jung passages, which is fine.
And he's a witty guy.
I think does some good.
But look, this is going to be the conservative movement.
This is the new leaders of it.
None of them are Christians.
There's somebody else who isn't a Christian, but he prays the same God in the Old Testament.
And he would really like to tell you about Shapiro.
Maybe he'll come on.
Maybe it's time for that.
There's another really big talk show host, who's, you could say, of the same tribe as Mr. Shapiro, and is a patriot.
And he'd like to tell you about Mr. Shapiro.
Because Shapiro's an atheist as well.
They're not Jews.
They're not Christians.
They're none of it.
They're establishment individuals, in my view.
And they are now anointed as, oh, they're underground, and now they're all over the system, force-fed to you.
But just look at what Shapiro's own people said.
Document cam, shot please.
Ben Shapiro gets an epic Twitter feud with Alex Jones over Kanye West and Candace Owens, and it says, he destroys Jones with his incredible genius, and it's so stunning.
Using the most sophisticated systems ever seen on Earth, Shapiro annihilates Jones.
Then you actually read what the commenters say.
Jones is supposedly the one unleashing hysterical ad hominems, with Shapiro having sharp, rational rebuttals.
In this exchange, is he just being supremely foolish to do so because you are a kook?
Well, that sounds like a five-year-old wrote it.
That's what Shapiro said.
Backed up by Cook!
Oh, you're supremely.
I think you're supremely.
He goes, it would be supremely bad to go on Cook Show.
You go on Cook Show.
Welcome to McDonald's.
I am Ben Shapiro.
May I help you?
I am the big internet.
Um, um, you are Cook!
You are Cook!
Okay, wow, that was the rational rebuttal?
Or was it the dude
They shouldn't come on your show because you are awful.
You shouldn't come on the show because they're awful!
I am Victor Pirro!
I'm so smart!
Or was it the topless photo?
It's hard to argue with the sharp, rational arguments like those.
He's quoting Shapiro.
Writing in third party about what a genius he is.
Shapiro, the devastating person with a 5,000 IQ, who personally severed Hitler's head, and is actually an immortal god.
The ultimate intellectual!
The King of Earth!
He will show us Christians in Texas how to do things.
With Jordan Peterson, who explains to us that we're all just animals programmed and that he's got a book telling us how to live like robots.
I'm just shaking in the intellect.
And in almost every comment, and I sort of look at other things on his site, they all hate him!
It's just like Glenn Beck.
They go, the anointed one is here!
Here is your God!
Worship him!
And then he endorses Obama and Hillary.
It must have been Shapiro's refusal to even debate Jones.
Nothing screams sharp rationalism like refusing to debate, especially when one's debating skills are routinely highly touted.
We need to get a certain national talk show host on the phone
With the backers of Shapiro.
I really think these fine Texans should be able to know what they're financing, what they're behind, and what they're doing.
Because I know Shapiro probably thinks, they're a bunch of self-made country bumpkins.
Let me swoop in there and teach them.
I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration.
Texas and six other states are suing the Trump administration over its failure to end DACA.
Adan Salazar reports that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading the multi-state lawsuit, which was filed in federal court Tuesday, and seeks to put an end to the unconstitutional immigration program, which protects many illegals from deportation.
Paxton said the multi-state coalition lawsuit is about the rule of law, not the wisdom of any particular immigration policy.
The suit faults activist judges for preventing the Trump administration from phasing out DACA as promised.
According to Paxton, this means that unelected federal judges are forcing the Trump administration to leave an unlawful program in place indefinitely as legal challenges drag on.
Adding, President Trump has a duty under the Constitution
To take care that the law be faithfully executed.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Now, I'm going to get into the most important issue, period.
That's human life on this planet, fertility on this planet, massive increases in cancer, and how to stop it, and how to organize.
I've decided I'm going to start printing up pamphlets with mainstream news articles and studies.
And walking up and saying, here's the Journal of Medicine, here's the London Telegraph, here's the Associated Press, here is the Wall Street Journal, and here is Wired Magazine admitting 5G massively increases cancer when the last decade of just regular 4 and 3G has doubled brain tumors in every Western country.
A 100% increase!
We're going to stop this.
We're going to get this reined in.
And we're going to talk about the Atrazine, and it confusing the sexualization and sexual development of men and women, accelerating cancer in women and men, highly feminizing women, and feminizing men.
I know Ben Shapiro doesn't want us to talk about it.
And again, Jordan Peterson, he gets up on Bill Maher.
We have that clip?
And says, and says, I am not a conservative.
And then he says, there are two genders.
The left's gotten out of control.
We go, oh, you're our God!
You told us what we already all knew, and that's fine!
Except they're all linked up, I know now, behind the scenes, to go take over Glenn Beck's destroyed operation.
He destroyed himself.
And then it's back to Glenn Beck Part 2 with Shapiro behind the scenes like he used to do over at Talk Radio Network.
I know all of it, moron.
The stuff he used to pull there, you are not pulling that with me.
I am not to be pushed around.
I can't help it.
I'm coming after you.
That's it.
I'm in total war mode.
I'm coming after Soros.
I'm coming after Hillary.
People say, oh, why are you still attacking Hillary?
Because she's coming after me.
You want to fight?
You all of you got one to the end.
I love it.
That said, you just think all us conservatives, libertarians, and Christians are a bunch of dumbasses because we're not snakes like you.
You can just waltz in here and take control of our movements.
You can't.
If you're real like Matt Drudge, or real like Michael Savage, or real like Donald Trump, people will love you.
The people know fake when they see it.
You're fake!
And you plan to move down here again right next door to me?
Leave me alone!
Get out of my business!
Get out of my radio stations!
Get out of my, uh, people who comes on my show!
You got the whole CNN, Fox pushing you, force-feeding you to the geriatric audience.
God bless them.
We've got the young audience, jackass.
We're trying to wake them up.
Get out of our way.
You keep doing that Cheshire Cat psycho smile, you're gonna find out.
I'm in your business.
You got mine, buddy.
You threw the first punch, you're gonna get it now.
I put up with years of crap from this guy.
And you can attack me and lie about me all day, but you don't get involved in my operations.
You understand that, you skunk?
I know the counterfeit's always gotta get rid of the real McCoy.
You're not getting rid of me, son.
People a lot smarter and a lot tougher have tried.
As long as God wants me here, I'm gonna be here.
But I got this thing, I love people from all over the country.
But the fake Californians, who aren't even really Californians,
Coming here, trying to run my life, trying to run me out of Austin, trying to run me out of Mount State.
It's not happening.
So, he is Glenn Beck.
When you think Ben Shapiro, remember, he was a never-Trumper.
And he thinks he's going to run your life with Jordan Peterson and the rest of these people.
I mean, what is it with Canadians?
I love Canadians.
They're the nicest people, but we got Peterson is here to run America.
We got the other Canadian, Ted Cruz.
A pair of cowboy boots doesn't make you a Texan.
And I'm sorry, man.
And listen, I don't care if you're not a Texan.
Just don't put on a fake Texas accent and walk around with your hands in your pockets like you're a Banny Rooster like Ted Cruz does.
He runs every time he sees us.
We had like the first Ted Cruz interview when he announced for Senate.
And we supported him.
And he has an overall good voting record.
He was good exposing how we were funding ISIS in Syria.
He did the right thing.
I like Ted Cruz.
But he linked up with Glenn Beck.
And he linked up with... And they got all these other Texans to just shell out money.
See, I have my audience supporting us.
We're the only operation, other than Matt Drudge, that is self-funded by you, the listeners.
But now I realize, if I didn't take the money that other Texas billionaires offered me over the years... What do you want, Alex?
10 million?
50 million?
And I'm like, well, we're just growing here.
We try to fund ourselves.
You know, I don't want to know.
It's not even a pride thing.
I just, I love the fact that we're self-funded, self-made.
Like Shapiro's funders.
But it's always some person that isn't self-made who's being financed by somebody that is self-made.
And it's just like Mike Adams said to me on the radio the other day.
He said, those of us that are self-made should only work with other self-made people.
Because there's something wrong with the people that aren't self-made.
They always want to hijack.
They always want to take over what somebody else has got.
Because they don't have it.
They don't have it.
Ben Shapiro doesn't have it.
Like a Michael Savage has it.
Michael Savage's whole family, everything they touch turns to gold.
Totally self-made.
Number one best-selling health author ever since the 60s.
Supplements, top names everywhere.
You don't even know they own it.
Real estate, everything.
Just solid gold from his dad's hardware shop.
I know Savage is listening right now.
He chimed in earlier.
My dad didn't finance me one cent.
And then you always got the geniuses telling us how to run our lives and academics and everybody that tell me how to run my life.
Stop telling me how to run my life!
And if you want to try to sell
Your rich benefactors, your sugar daddies, on buying the Blaze, I think it's a bad buy.
I was offered to buy his satellite contract, his channel, two years ago, three years ago.
And then they reached out through one of the brokers and said, do you want the Blaze?
Do I want leprosy?
Do I want to be castrated?
Do I want to hang a millstone around my neck?
Do I want to get in bed with fleas?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
But the headlines, Ben Shapiro to buy the blade.
Wow, that young man's rich.
How's he doing?
Wow, look, private jets.
Hey, yeah, on other people's money.
From their daddy, raising them.
Seven kids and a goat shack.
And now you slide in all slick.
To the West Texas folks, you tell them how it all gonna be down there!
Why, I bet you even wear some spurs when you come to town, don't you there, Mr. Shapiro?
Gonna fast-talk us hoes.
You know how the world does work, don't you?
That's good.
How about you get on your little horsey there and ride your ass back out of town, son?
Cause you're gonna burn down just like Beck, cause you're gonna destroy yourself.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Now, let's continue.
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You can donate, but the best way to do it is just buy the products.
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And we're here, we're going down, we're Americans, we're going to win.
If we fall like the Alamo, it'll just be an example to all for the big victory to come.
But I have a suspicion we're going to be here in a long time.
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You know, with time constraints, I can't even get into all of it.
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Learn about all of it at Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Thursday, already the third day of May 2018, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And look at the headlines I have here in front of me.
Aren't they interesting?
Wired Magazine.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
Now think about that.
Because I've noticed what they attack me with on mainstream news and on the so-called comedy shows.
Jones claims your cell phones are killing you.
Jones claims there's chemicals in the water that are lowering your fertility.
And confusing your sexuality.
Jones says there's black helicopters.
Jones says there's a world government.
Jones says the EU is unelected.
It is.
On and on and on.
And everything we're saying is out in the open.
So think about how the LA Times, even Wired Magazine will admit there are thousands of studies that prove
That wireless radiation, as it's intensified in its strength the last 30 years, and in how many places it's emanating from, and especially the microwave millimeter waves, cell phones operate as microwave transmitters and receivers.
Now, what's a microwave do?
It vibrates water.
It vibrates molecules.
And 5G is an even more powerful form of microwave that even rattles it faster.
That's what causes the heat, the friction of the molecules, and burns oxygen and carbon dioxide.
We're going to cover those studies.
You heard me right.
5G burns the atmosphere.
5G destroys ozone.
So they're telling us we're going to destroy ozone, but not telling us what really does it.
And then doing it.
That doesn't sound like something humans would do.
Why are the globalists doing this?
Why are they changing the atmosphere?
Who are they?
Now, ladies and gentlemen, the question is, how do we get people out of their trance?
How are we going to do that?
We're going to talk about that today in the second hour and lay out mainline studies, mainline science, that 5G and even the lower 4 and 3G, your game boxes, a lot of your appliances, the smart meters, surveil and dial into everything digital in your house and steal your data.
They physically listen to you audibly.
And they watch you, not with the conventional iris and a camera visually, but with the millimeter waves, the same way a naked body scanner reads you at the airport.
It shoots out and reads everything in your house.
But you invite the little Alexas in, you invite the little Google assistants in, there's a big race, you know, the security companies.
Oh, it sits there, it listens to you, it watches, it cares.
And a lot of them kick on when there's burglaries or the sounds of people being upset.
Or they call the police for you.
There's certainly a good side to the double edge.
But it was designed as a Trojan horse.
So we're going to cover it all today.
And black helicopters terrified the public in a major city of New Jersey with explosions and machine gun fire on purpose.
We'll explain the story behind the story and have the powerful video coming up.
And then we have so much more that we're going to be looking at here today that is absolutely critical.
The latest on Kanye West and so much more.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I know to go out and check the top scientists and see what they say.
And they have talked about for decades that a lot of the mental disorders
A lot of the behavioral disorders, a lot of the autism spectrum disorders are in the gut from the diets and vaccines that trigger autoimmune responses in the stomach that then create major toxicity in the gut, causing toxicity in the brain.
Here's a big BBC report today.
How bacteria are changing your mood.
If you have the wrong ones, you're depressed.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been sold out for months.
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Thank you for joining us on this live Thursday the third day of May 2018.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We've got a lot of really informative powerful guests joining us.
James O'Keefe has another big bombshell inside the bazaar
State-run education programs in this country.
Shocking information.
Looking at organized cover-up of abusive students at the highest levels.
So we're going to be looking at that shocking video and talking to James O'Keefe.
We're going to have Dr. Group in studio to break down the mainline medical science that 5G and even below is massively increasing cancer.
And as currently it's estimated, and mainline science will go over,
Killing more people than cigarettes.
You heard me right.
And they're only upping the power.
And we'll go into why they want this system.
Now it's being used as a system to kill fertility.
But Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and others, Warren Buffett, meet each year to discuss a planetary world government plan to covertly reduce world population.
Six years ago, they went ahead and admitted they do meet with that plan.
In fact, you can just type that in.
Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and others meet to discuss world depopulation.
You might want to read it because it's going on right now.
And the 5G and the Atrazine and all of it.
Now I've always noticed, what is it they don't want me to talk about?
They don't want me to ever talk about Islam taking over.
They don't want me to talk about Atrazine and chemicals reducing fertility.
And they don't want me talking about cell phone radiation
Causing cancer, but also causing heart problems, mental illness, you name it, in all the major studies.
And now they're going to mount, well beyond 5G, high-powered microwave transmitters on the bottoms of, quote, all major commercial aircraft.
You see the TV ads on Fox running for this.
So, quote, you'll have Wi-Fi all over the country, even in rural areas.
Even if you don't want it, blasting down on you.
And of course, a lot of Telegraph reports on mainline studies we'll be covering later.
Mobile phone cancer warning as malignant brain tumors d-d-d-d-d-d-double.
Oh, it's your fun phone, you play with your friends, you put up your head, you hold it there, and you are cooking your brain.
Total fact.
But you know,
It's funny that the scientists even admit this is happening because what do they make fun of me on?
On Colbert and the HBO shows and the Showtime shows, the Homeland shows.
And it was even in the news last week, they said Homeland and all the other big media outlets, Netflix, all up and go.
They rotate out a week each of the year and they meet at Laney, Virginia.
At the CIA, and they learn what they're supposed to say, and they're supposed to say Alex Jones is bad.
Cell phone radiation doesn't hurt you.
Vaccines never hurt you.
There's no geoengineering going on, even though it's all declassified, admitted.
And there's no world government, and everything's fine.
And the sperm counts aren't down 87%.
Depression isn't massively up in the youth, of course it all is.
And there's, again, everything's fine.
And oh, and also, remember the old one?
I remember I was first on air 23 years ago, and it would be in Soldier of Fortune, or it would be in a local newspaper that
Fourteen black helicopters, as they were described, showed up and then attacked the old school that was scheduled for demolition the next month, setting it on fire.
Three people at the old folks' homes had heart attacks.
And I would... I was decompartmentalizing news, I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, but I would take some local story from South Texas, or a story that somebody mailed me from Indiana, or people mail me VHS tapes,
As I was on local radio, but used that to syndicate out on the satellite, and I was on, I don't know, like 15 radio stations, even by 1996 or so, and global shortwave.
And satellite, the K-band people had on their houses then, a lot of them still do, it's not an audience, but people that cared, that were looking for the truth.
And they were the ones that educated me.
I was just a mainline libertarian, kind of conservative, knew a lot of history, but didn't get the big picture.
They educated me real fast.
And so, I would play on the radio,
Clips of local news about, you know, foreign troops with the army and blowing up buildings and no one was told.
I'd play it and they would have the state police write an article for the Austin American Statesman saying Jones is insane, Jones is dangerous, none of this exists.
And they put on the front page of the paper.
And I would have the San Antonio Police Chief on.
I'd have the Austin Police.
I'd talk to them.
I'd have the Emergency Manager at Kingsville on.
They would detail how it was the Delta Force and how they were there with Czech, Republican, German troops.
And I wasn't even attacking the military, but they'd say, Jones is attacking our military and doesn't want you to trust him.
And then they would do these pre-training deals where sometimes they would warn them.
They'd knock on doors and say,
Alex Jones hates America, and he may be coming to talk to you.
When he comes, don't talk to him.
This is in my films, Police State 1, Police State 2.
And I had the locals going, yeah, the Army colonel came by yesterday and said, don't talk to you, you're an enemy.
I don't think you're an enemy.
And they came, and it was scary, and I know who you are, and I heard you a year ago say this, and then they came, and they was blowing it up over there.
So it became this big challenge for me.
Because the news nationally would say, there are no black helicopters.
It's not happening.
And I didn't even know what was going on.
Now I know it was a psy-op to train the public that if martial law ever came in, when they came in to take out the local government, it was ordered by Bill Clinton who was preparing this, he was testing it, that
They wanted the locals to lay down during the assault.
And that's why every major town in the U.S.
has had multiple Army, Air Force, Marines, you name it, invasions.
Most of them unannounced.
It's so that when they decide to really hit you, you don't know what hit you.
And again, the military is later how I learned about this.
The San Antonio police chief was in Army Intelligence.
Uh, the head of emergency management Kingsville.
He was in secret operations in the army.
So they knew what it was about.
And the word was Bill Clinton, because they were finally told by Delta Force that they didn't like it.
They apologized.
In Kingsville, and then later in Austin.
They went ahead and told the head of the SWAT team, and they fired the Travis County head.
Once he told me, they said, look, we apologize.
This is a PDD gun confiscation, martial law drill, in case state houses or any counties stand up during a UN takeover.
And we now know that's all real.
Loretta Lynch wanted it, the Strong Cities Initiative.
They wanted to cause a race war, then have the UN come in and put departments under the UN.
That was in the local paper here.
So I would cover all this.
I had police chiefs and emergency managers telling me, and the Delta Force had told them they didn't like it, that Bill Clinton was telling them.
And man, they got pissed.
I mean, they had the guys come and physically attack me, all sorts of stuff I'm not going to get into on air.
But the point is that I got the message, you better shut up.
But that was from Clinton goons, not the military.
Now, what just hit last night?
This is CBSLocal.com, New York.
Department of Defense training exercise terrifies unprepared New Jersey residents.
It all started off as a well-kept secret, but the explosions and helicopters ended up giving it away.
Members of the U.S.
Department of Defense were conducting training recently in a New Jersey neighborhood, and the result was plenty of residents with frayed nerves.
Dick Brennan reported for CBS Channel 2.
Other cities
Sued the Feds Department over a gunshot report.
Cell phone video captured the moment.
We'll roll some of that guys.
A helicopter flew above.
There was excitement in the photographer's voice.
But that's because the video was taken on the second night of action.
They didn't warn him the first night.
Residents say they've never seen anything like it before.
Now here's the deal.
Now they admit this and it's being done now for different reasons.
It's anti-terrorism training.
But the overall mission was to acclimate us.
And so, it was huge under Clinton.
Some happened under Bush.
Came back under Obama.
It's still continuing.
And I'll get into what's behind it, but remember... Remember that didn't exist.
Remember you were insane.
Remember the black helicopter people and, oh, they're crazy and, oh, they say they saw... You'd be out in the middle of Alabama and there'd be a Marine Corps checkpoint searching people.
And we'd get the video and they'd go, Jones is crazy!
There were no Marines searching vehicles here, and so this is all part of the acclamation.
And again, another thing where you get decades of news before.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, everyone in 2018 knows that your town, your city, has had unannounced 8 to 14 to
Plus, black helicopters.
They're painted black with paint that helps absorb radar waves.
Not your classic deep army green.
You've all experienced the Night Stalkers out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky deliver army personnel for training to operate in the United States.
It's to acclimate them.
It's to acclimate you.
But just remember in the early 1990s when the activity was, I've got to say, hundreds of times what it is now.
I mean it was black helicopters hitting towns every couple days.
It was a major, massive operation under Bill Clinton that started about 94.
And it was to train everybody to accept Waco-type attacks on churches,
On city halls, on state houses.
It was usually too obvious to hit a Capitol.
So they would hit courthouses.
And you've seen federal judges and state judges, even in Texas, come out and say, under Obama, remember a few years ago, they said if gun confiscation begins and they bring in UN troops, we're going to have to get armored personnel carriers for the Sheriff's Department to fight it.
People thought, man, that's crazy, but the national media barely picked it up when state judges and others
Said that because they'd been briefed via FEMA on the plan.
That was what, four years ago?
They had a couple big judges come out.
And then a year later, Loretta Lynch goes, we're gonna have the UN run local departments if there's a race war.
And now we have the documents, they were trying to start one.
I mean, I used to hear this from our military sources and I thought they were messing with us.
I would say sources say 20 years ago.
Now the plan's public.
You can see my films free online, Police State 1, Police State 2, Police State 3, Police State 4.
They all have the black helicopters, the local police, the Marine Corps checkpoints.
The Army took over the role of taking over local government.
At hitting first.
You'd think the Marines would hit first, but it was usually Army trained to hit first.
Marines would then come in and take control of the population and process people.
I mean, it's just incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
We deserve you!
We're Americans!
Help us!
Don't take our guns!
Go see the video!
And the national news, when this came out, CNN played clips.
In the mid-90s and said, Alex Jones is a liar.
He hired fake Marines.
They said, the footage you're watching of your TV viewer is fake.
Hovercraft landing.
The Coronado amphibious ship landing.
They claimed, I faked it.
Now that's how dumb they think you are.
The Atrazine isn't sterilizing you and turning mammals, amphibians, into asexual, hermaphrodites,
Yes, it's all admitted.
Thousands of studies.
Totally giving you massive cancer.
Brain tumors already doubled the last decade.
Journal of Medicine.
Just showed you the article earlier.
Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females.
Science department.
UC Berkeley.
Tyrone Hayes, professor of integrative biology.
But it doesn't matter.
Looking down his nose,
Ben Shapiro, the unmade man.
None of these so-called fake conservatives can ever launch a company.
They've always got billionaires financing them.
Which isn't a bad thing, but we're the only outfit self-made.
No one else in media except Matt Drudge is self-made.
No one.
Matt Drudge and InfoWars at this level.
No one else.
Matt Drudge and InfoWars.
That's it.
Now think about that.
They say Ben Shapiro's buying the blaze.
No, Texas billionaires that he's carpet-bagged down here to get are trying to do it.
I think I'm going to call those billionaires and warn those guys.
I know years ago I've had a lot of people contact me and never got back because I'm funding my own operation here.
That's my mission.
But if Shapiro really wants to get in my business down here in Texas, try to move down here, we already exposed Beck as a fake.
He's out of business.
He's pretty much closed shop.
And you go read Shapiro's website, almost every comment can't stand him and hates him.
It's just this whole act of how he's intellectual and he's this genius and he's this wizard and he knows everything and then almost every comment, I'm going to show you later, hate his guts.
And say, oh you're so intellectual, you use terms like Alex is awful.
And of course won't debate me.
And why am I mad?
Because Glenn Beck got in my business with radio stations and would keep me off air.
I've talked to many station owners and managers where they would threaten to not be on their station and do all the stuff if I wasn't taking off.
And now you're in my business again, trying to tell people not to come on my show.
I'm about to get in your business big time, you little arrogant son of a bitch.
Now go back to California, go back to Los Angeles where you came from.
Wait till I go talk to those billionaires that are good Christian men, Seventh-day Adventist pastors, and lay out how you and Jordan Peterson, you think I'm stupid because I'm from Texas?
Wait till I go explain to those self-made men that you aren't.
As a self-made Texan myself, how you and others in the atheist movement are taking control of the whole conservative movement.
And that's why the left puts Peterson and all you guys on TV and doesn't censor you.
But the whole atheist bent and the whole Christ isn't God thing, all of that.
How did you convince Texas Christians to sit there and prop up Glenn Beck and now you?
You don't think I don't know everything about you, bro?
And now you're trying to sucker them to buy the failed garbage blaze?
You can't make anything, you parasite.
Get behind me, Satan.
We should pray for Ben Shapiro to find Christ.
Because this whole act of how smart he is, as he just sits there, reads off a teleprompter and plagiarizes people, in my view.
So, you're in my business, Shapiro.
I'm in your business now.
I might just drive up to Cisco this weekend, take a few army officers with me, have a conversation with the billionaires that are financing you.
Maybe show him some files, Shapiro.
Want that?
I think you do.
I think I'll do it.
I think I'll get in your business.
You know what happens when I get in people's businesses, boy?
They ain't in business long, son.
You like what I did to your daddy, Beck?
He really did it to himself, didn't he?
But we told everybody what he was.
So you want to be in a man's world, son?
I took on Hillary Clinton with my audience and we kicked her butt.
She's coming at me right now.
I'm in a man's world, son.
I'm self-made.
You couldn't do a damn thing.
He couldn't come up with a dollar.
Everything he's ever had was finance, just like Beck.
I was offered Beck's job when they had him in the stable getting him trained 16, 17 years ago.
And just like then, they sent him in to be a fake Mormon to suck off the Mormon church to launch his whole operation.
And that's what Shapiro does.
He comes down here with his whole little closeted atheist anti-christian operation and he sucks off some Christians he thinks are dumbasses.
Well, son, you want a fight?
You got one.
I love how you talk to Kanye West like he's a dog.
No, no, no!
You don't go on that show.
No, no, no!
Boy, you just filled your hand against the wrong group of people, son.
Get your ass out of Texas.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You've found it!
The front lines of the human awakening!
It's the InfoWar!
And now, Alex Jones!
Over the years, I've had a lot of Texas oil people contact me and want to try to help InfoWars.
And I've never done it because I want to self-fund their operation.
And I have that as an ace in the hole.
You know, a lot of people that I can go to if I needed a lot of money.
That's why the whole Soros-Hillary plan where they're in the news on NBC News saying they plan to shut me down.
They admit the Democratic Party's behind it.
That's why
We don't want to go down that route, but we're going to win one way or another.
With our listeners supporting us, with us putting it all into the fight, expanding on the TV stations across the country, the broadcast is exploding.
And I'm going to get into all the other big world news, but the reason I'm attacking Ben Shapiro is, he wasn't ripe enough when I heard about him years ago from one of the top talk show hosts of the country.
And just look out for this guy, he's as bad as it gets.
I just heard from that national talk show host during the break.
We're talking one of the top three names.
And I was warned about him and I just ignore it because I try to be a team player.
And then I noticed Shapiro behind the scenes causing us problems and then also reaching out to people in a whisper campaign saying don't be associated with Infowars, just like CNN and MSNBC and George Soros and all them are doing.
And I just ignore it and move on because the guy just comes off so arrogant.
And then, you know, he has his own website that talks about what a genius he is all day and his own readers are just sick of it.
You know, another snot-nosed, arrogant know-it-all.
But, then I also realized that he was trying to get some really nice, self-made, Christian men who created their own oil company.
And have become, you know, multi-billionaires individually.
And one of the brothers owns the Daily Wire.
And then Shapiro runs around and talks about, you know, how he's this big business titan.
And Shapiro couldn't tie his own shoelaces.
And I know about all this stuff because I live here in Texas, okay?
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
But my family's all over the state and they know a lot of people.
And they're in a lot of different businesses.
And so I start to see Shapiro openly saying that Candace Owens don't come on his show and Kanye West and trying to police me.
And I realized it was right to go after him because here's why he's important.
He's the next Glenn Beck.
He's the next Judas Goat.
He's the next guy to control the Christian conservative movement.
Just like Glenn Beck went and married a Mormon to get the Mormon money to have the Mormon cred.
Two years before he married that lady, he was a shock jock praising abortion, calling up other talk show hosts saying, I heard your wife had a miscarriage, thank God.
I mean, he was a horrible demon.
He worked in more than 20 markets.
I know people that know Beck very well.
He is... You give him the wrong pen, he screams and yells at you and fires you.
He's just a monstrous, very neurotic person.
And he believes he's like a messiah.
He's also got a lot of foreign money and funding coming in.
So, he bet on the wrong horse.
I like Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz has a good voting record.
But the whole Texas Act and the cowboy boots and...
You know, the holier-than-thou stuff?
That's an act, too.
I'm not gonna judge his heart.
I'm a real Christian, but I don't tell you I'm perfect.
I don't sit up here and tell you how good I pray on Sunday and put on the whole, mmm, good Christian act thing, okay?
I'm ready to die for Christ, but I'm definitely a sinner.
So these guys are waltzing into Texas again, just like Beck did, and they're waltzing in here to get all the Texas oil money to back them, and that gets passed through their companies, and then the companies fold.
And so that's what's happening.
And if you go back to Shapiro and where he comes from, and the people he worked for previously, and this particular national talk show host who just might decide to go public or might decide to actually talk to Ferris Wilkes and his brother, who are good men, I know people that know him, talk about really upright, hard-working, self-made men.
Off their masonry company their daddy started.
And they didn't get into oil until like 15 years ago.
They've been very successful with hard work and diligence.
They just want to help the country.
So they're going around trying to finance every libertarian conservative thing they can.
And then in comes Shapiro, the anointed one that Fox News and the whole system's pushing.
And then he's in my business just like Glenn Beck was.
I told Glenn Beck five years ago on air.
I said, leave me alone and I will leave you alone.
And for a couple years he did it, and then I learned he was behind the scenes doing it again, so I went after him again.
And it's not hard to go after these people, because they already can't help but sabotage the Christian Libertarian Movement.
They're Judas Coats!
They're operatives!
And that's what they do.
They try to act like they're credible, get control of the movement, and then steer it into the ground.
And they try to make sure the big funds out there
Go into what they're doing, and then they bring on Jordan Peterson, who I've been looking at and studying, out of nowhere, doesn't believe in God, but he'll tell you how to wake up, and suddenly the Atlantic and the New York Times likes him, and he doesn't get censored, and they're all together, and they're gonna have a show, and they're gonna come and merge with Glenn Beck, and how Christian is that to have?
Jordan Peterson, the atheist, that the liberals love, that Bill Maher loves,
Who explains to us that there are only two genders, and we all go, oh, they let him on air say that!
This is so original!
And he gives us some Carl Jung passages, which is fine.
And he's a witty guy.
I think does some good.
But look, this is going to be the conservative movement.
This is the new leaders of it.
None of them are Christians.
There's somebody else who isn't a Christian, but he prays the same God, the Old Testament.
And he would really like to tell you about Shapiro.
Maybe he'll come on.
Maybe it's time for that.
There's another really big talk show host who's, you could say, of the same tribe as Mr. Shapiro and is a patriot.
He'd like to tell you about Mr. Shapiro.
Shapiro's an atheist as well.
They're not Jews.
They're not Christians.
They're none of it.
They're establishment individuals in my view.
And they are now anointed as, oh, they're underground, and now they're all over the system, force-fed to you.
But just look at what Shapiro's own people said.
Document cam shot, please.
Ben Shapiro gets an epic Twitter feud with Alex Jones over Kanye West and Candace Owens, and it says, he destroys Jones with his incredible genius, and it's so stunning.
Using the most sophisticated systems ever seen on Earth, Shapiro annihilates Jones.
Then you actually read what the commenters say.
Jones is supposedly the one unleashing hysterical ad hominems with Shapiro having sharp, rational rebuttals in this exchange?
Is he just being supremely foolish to do so because you are a kook?
Well, that sounds like a five-year-old wrote it.
That's what Shapiro said.
Backed up by Cook!
Who used supremely?
I mean, you're supremely.
He goes, it would be supremely bad to go on Cook Show.
You go on Cook Show.
Welcome to McDonald's.
I am Ben Shapiro.
May I help you?
I am the big intellect.
Um, um, you are Cook!
You are Cook!
Okay, wow, that was the rational rebuttal?
Or was it the dude
They shouldn't come on your show because you are awful.
You shouldn't come on the show because they're awful!
I am Big Shapiro!
I'm so smart!
Or was it the topless photo?
It's hard to argue with sharp, rational arguments like those.
He's quoting Shapiro.
Writing in third party about what a genius he is.
Shapiro, the devastating person with a 5,000 IQ, who personally severed Hitler's head, and is actually an immortal god.
The ultimate intellectual!
The King of Earth!
He will show us Christians in Texas how to do things.
With Jordan Peterson, who explains to us that we're all just animals programmed and that he's got a book telling us how to live like robots.
I'm just shaking in the intellect.
And in almost every comment, and I sort of look at other things on his site, they all hate him!
It's just like Glenn Beck.
They go, The Anointed One is here!
Here is your God!
Worship Him!
And then he endorses Obama and Hillary.
It must have been Shapiro's refusal to even debate Jones.
Nothing screams sharp rationalism like refusing to debate, especially when one's debating skills are routinely highly touted.
We need to get a certain national talk show host on the phone
With the backers of Shapiro.
I really think these fine Texans should be able to know what they're financing, what they're behind, and what they're doing.
Because I know Shapiro probably thinks, they're a bunch of self-made country bumpkins.
Let me swoop in there and teach them.
I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration.
Texas and six other states are suing the Trump administration over its failure to end DACA.
Adon Salazar reports that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading the multi-state lawsuit, which was filed in federal court Tuesday, and seeks to put an end to the unconstitutional immigration program, which protects many illegals from deportation.
Paxton said the multi-state coalition lawsuit is about the rule of law, not the wisdom of any particular immigration policy.
The suit faults activist judges for preventing the Trump administration from phasing out DACA as promised.
According to Paxton, this means that unelected federal judges are forcing the Trump administration to leave an unlawful program in place indefinitely as legal challenges drag on.
Adding, President Trump has a duty under the Constitution
To take care that the law be faithfully executed.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding.
Until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Now, I'm going to get into the most important issue, period.
That's human life on this planet, fertility on this planet, massive increases in cancer, and how to stop it, and how to organize.
I've decided I'm going to start printing up pamphlets with mainstream news articles and studies.
And walking up and saying, here's the Journal of Medicine, here's the London Telegraph, here's the Associated Press, here is the Wall Street Journal, and here is Wired Magazine admitting 5G massively increases cancer when the last decade of just regular 4 and 3G has doubled brain tumors in every Western country.
A 100% increase!
We're going to stop this.
We're going to get this reined in.
And we're going to talk about the Atrazine.
And it confusing the sexualization and sexual development of men and women.
Accelerating cancer in women and men.
Highly feminizing women.
And feminizing men.
I know Ben Shapiro doesn't want us to talk about it.
And again, Jordan Peterson, he gets up on Bill Maher.
We have that clip?
And says, and says, I am not a conservative.
And then he says, there are two genders.
The left's gotten out of control.
We go, oh, you're our God.
You told us what we already all knew, and that's fine.
Except they're all linked up, I know now, behind the scenes, to go take over Glenn Beck's destroyed operation.
He destroyed himself.
And then it's back to Glenn Beck Part 2 with Shapiro behind the scenes like he used to do over Talk Radio Network.
I know all of it, moron.
The stuff he used to pull there.
You are not pulling that with me.
I am not to be pushed around.
I can't help it.
I'm coming after you.
That's it.
I'm in total war mode.
I'm coming after Soros.
I'm coming after Hillary.
People say, oh, why are you still attacking Hillary?
Because she's coming after me.
You want to fight?
You all of you got one to the end.
I love it.
That said, you just think all us conservatives, libertarians, and Christians are a bunch of dumbasses because we're not snakes like you.
You just waltz in here and take control of our movements.
You can't.
If you're real like Matt Drudge, or real like Michael Savage, or real like Donald Trump, people will love you.
But people know fake when they see it.
And you're fake!
And you plan to move down here again right next door to me?
Leave me alone!
Get out of my business!
Get out of my radio stations!
Get out of my, uh, who comes on my show!
You got the whole CNN, Fox pushing you, force-feeding you to the geriatric audience.
God bless them.
We've got the young audience, jackass.
We're trying to wake them up.
Get out of our way.
You keep doing that Cheshire Cat psycho smile, you're gonna find out.
I'm in your business.
You got mine, buddy.
You threw the first punch, you're gonna get it now.
I put up with years of crap from this guy.
And you can attack me and lie about me all day, but you don't get involved in my operations.
You understand that, you skunk?
I know the counterfeit's always gotta get rid of the real McCoy.
You're not getting rid of me, son.
People a lot smarter and a lot tougher have tried.
As long as God wants me here, I'm gonna be here.
But I got this thing.
I love people from all over the country.
But the fake Californians, who aren't even really Californians,
Coming here, trying to run my life, trying to run me out of Austin, trying to run me out of my own state.
It's not happening.
Joe, he is Glenn Beck.
When you think Ben Shapiro, remember, he was a never-Trumper.
And he thinks he's going to run your life with Jordan Peterson and the rest of these people.
I mean, what is it with Canadians?
I love Canadians.
They're the nicest people, but we got Peterson is here to run America.
We got the other Canadian, Ted Cruz.
And I'm sorry, man.
A pair of cowboy boots doesn't make you a Texan.
And listen, I don't care if you're not a Texan.
Just don't put on a fake Texas accent and walk around with your hands in your pockets like you're a Banny Rooster like Ted Cruz does.
He runs every time he sees us.
We had like the first Ted Cruz interview when he announced for Senate.
And we supported him.
And he has an overall good voting record.
He was good exposing how we were funding ISIS in Syria.
He did the right thing.
I like Ted Cruz.
But he linked up with Glenn Beck.
And he linked up with, and they got all these other Texans to just shell out money.
See, I have my audience supporting us.
We're the only operation other than Matt Drudge that is self-funded by you, the listeners.
But now I realize, if I didn't take the money that other Texas billionaires offered me over the years... What do you want, Alex?
50 million?
10 million?
And I'm like, well, we're just growing here.
We try to fund ourselves.
You know, I don't want to know.
It's not even a pride thing.
I just, I love the fact that we're self-funded, self-made.
Like Shapiro's funders.
But it's always some person that isn't self-made who's being financed by somebody that is self-made.
And it's just like Mike Adams said to me off-air the other day.
He said, those of us that are self-made should only work with other self-made people.
Because there's something wrong with the people that aren't self-made.
They always want to hijack.
They always want to take over what somebody else has got.
Because they don't have it.
They don't have it.
Ben Shapiro doesn't have it.
Like a Michael Savage has it.
Michael Savage's whole family, everything they touch turns to gold.
Totally self-made.
Number one best-selling health author ever since the 60s.
Supplements, top names everywhere.
You don't even know they own it.
Real estate, everything.
Just solid gold from his dad's hardware shop.
I know Savage is listening right now.
He chimed in earlier.
My dad didn't finance me one cent.
And then you always got the geniuses telling us how to run our lives and academics and everybody that tell me how to run my life.
Stop telling me how to run my life.
And if you want to try to sell
Your rich benefactors, your sugar daddies, on buying the Blaze, I think it's a bad buy.
I was offered to buy his satellite contract, his channel, two years ago, three years ago.
And then they reached out through one of the brokers and said, do you want the Blaze?
Do I want leprosy?
Do I want to be castrated?
Do I want to hang a millstone around my neck?
Don't want to get in bed with fleas?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
But the headlines, Ben Shapiro to buy the blade.
Wow, that young man's rich.
How's he doing?
Wow, look, private jets.
Hey, yeah, on other people's money.
From their daddy, raising them.
Seven kids in a goat shack.
And now you slide in all slick.
To the West Texas folks, and you tell them how it all gonna be down there!
Why, I bet you even wear some spurs when you come to town, don't you there, Mr. Shapiro?
Gonna fast-talk us all, teach us all how the world does work, don't you?
That's good!
How about you get on your little horsey there and ride your ass back out of town, son?
Cause you're gonna burn down just like Beck, cause you're gonna destroy yourself.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Now, let's continue.
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And we're here, we're going down, we're Americans, we're going to win.
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But I have a suspicion we're going to be here in a long time.
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You know, with time constraints, I can't even get into all of it.
I had a folder here that had it all, and I've kind of gone crazy here on air.
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Learn about all of it at Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the antidote for fake news.
It's Alex Jones.
Notice the media doesn't want to attack us on this issue because they all know it's true.
And we were talking about how these big high-rise buildings are just these giant antennas with all the Wi-Fi, all the 4G, 3G, 5G.
It's just insane.
And when I lived in a high-rise during my divorce for a year and a half, I couldn't sleep.
It was terrible.
Now you're out in the country or Big Bend, you feel so good, you can think so good.
All the studies show these manipulate brainwaves.
Even though they're not trying to manipulate our brainwaves, it's causing major, major problems.
We're going to break here in a few minutes and bring it in.
Project Veritas with James O'Keefe with huge breaking news.
But just finishing up, here is Wired Magazine admitting that it's giving people brain cancer.
I mean, it's all here.
5G smartphones cause brain cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
And you pull back from this.
This is why I'm not scared of George Soros or Hillary suing us or going after James O'Keefe or anybody because we're in a total war.
Either these corporations know what they're doing or they're totally insane because they've always known this.
They're upping the power.
And you were making some great points just to finish up.
Well, I was saying that Bill Clinton's the one that signed the Telecom Act, and Obama just signed the Brain Initiative Project a couple years ago.
So, they know what's going on, and it's already... Look at society today, and you know, you talk about population control,
The men are infertile, and the women are infertile.
Now, just because of all of these things that are happening, the electromagnetic frequencies harden the eggs inside of the female, and the fluoride and all the endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are feminizing all the males are ruining the sperm.
We have mainstream articles!
What happens to an egg that gets cooked?
It gets hard-boiled.
They are cooked!
The eggs are literally cooked.
I mean, young girls now, they're finding that their eggs are just all cooked together.
They're just hard.
So what does that mean?
If the women don't have any viable eggs and the men don't have any viable sperm, you've already accomplished population control.
The way they want to control it is
Now, how do you fertilize a hardened egg?
You have to do it through IVF.
You have to get a male sperm and you have to inject the needle through that hardened layer and you have to inject sperm into it.
So it takes control of the whole reproductive process.
system in the population, and if you're not a good person, if you're not, you know, if you're a free thinker, or you're anything like that, I mean, they can control... Well, it's just like Monsanto said 20 years ago in National Geographic.
We want to take control of the whole biological workings of the planet, and make it where no seeds produce the plant.
You have to come to us.
This is a total takeover.
Listen, they already have technology right now that DARPA's been working on where they can read your thoughts, and they can come... their plan is to come arrest you when you think
About robbing the store two hours ago.
That was in the Associated Press a month ago.
Listeners didn't believe it when I read it.
Yes, I have evidence of that in this documentation.
Yes, as crime prevention, they can punish you for thinking about
Creating a crime.
And they just claim that they know.
And they want to merge your thought patterns with this cyborg type, you know, these brain implants so that you become this half-human transhumanism.
You've been talking about transhumanism for like 15 years.
Well this is thousands of times bigger than the Manhattan Project.
And if you read what the transhumanist Julian Huxley said, Olaus Huxley's brother, in the 60s, he said, we're going to start with trans
The good news is iodine, selenium, vitamin D, DNA force, anything that protects your DNA is being shown right now to be able to protect you from
5G, electromagnetic, of course you want to address the root cause of it and just, you know, try to, let's just try to fight it and let's get the word out.
Studies show if you're more healthy it mitigates it a lot.
But, as long as you have the necessary ingredients and the good products to protect yourself, keep your body clean, there is a solution.
Obviously, that's the solution that we have now to protect yourself and that's, you know, we've taken people through cleansing processes and repaired their DNA and they're able to actually have healthy, good children.
But, especially for the parents out there,
Be aware, there's blankets, there's clothing now, EMF-proof clothing, there's hats you can wear, there's bed things you can put over... Well, people put their cell phone in the bag so that it can't be tracked where you go.
They have embedded propaganda in shows, you know, like Better Call Saul, where his brother's crazy and thinks that.
That's weird.
But you have all the documents, all the UN documents, the Associated Press right here.
It's double brain tumors, folks.
James O'Keefe coming up.
Thanks a lot, Dr. Group.
I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration.
Texas and six other states are suing the Trump administration over its failure to end DACA.
Adan Salazar reports that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading the multi-state lawsuit, which was filed in federal court Tuesday, and seeks to put an end to the unconstitutional immigration program, which protects many illegals from deportation.
Paxton said the multi-state coalition lawsuit is about the rule of law, not the wisdom of any particular immigration policy.
The suit faults activist judges for preventing the Trump administration from phasing out DACA as promised.
According to Paxton, this means that unelected federal judges are forcing the Trump administration to leave an unlawful program in place indefinitely as legal challenges drag on.
Adding, President Trump has a duty under the Constitution to
Well, the one, the only, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is just here with us for two segments.
He's got a major new coup exposing these wild Department of Education operations in the unions around the country.
Just unbelievable.
He's got hours of new raw video up at ProjectVeritas.com.
We're going to play a little bit of an excerpt of it in a moment.
It's up on Infowars.com, but I think it's best, James, if you introduce what happened here.
This individual has now been basically kicked out, but just break down what people are about to see.
Well, Alex, thanks for having me on again.
This is a pretty
Shocking expose or it confirms suspicions about leadership in education.
What you're about to see are two presidents of the teachers union.
One guy named Dave Perry in Trenton, New Jersey.
Another named Kathleen Valencia in Union City, New Jersey.
And they're talking about covering up child abusers in the public schools.
Dave Perry, the statements he makes are so shocking.
He actually says, we want to turn it back around onto the child.
He says, it's my job.
He says, I'm going to backdate it.
That's commit fraud after the incident of abuse.
He says, that's his job at the teachers union.
He's there to protect the worst people.
He's there to bend the truth.
And he's there to reverse it back onto the kid.
There's me confronting Dave Perry, who denied the things he said.
Now last night, Alex,
The National Education Association and the NJEA, that's the New Jersey version of it, has suspended him.
So they've suspended one union president, and then just today, Alex, we released another woman in New Jersey saying that she was protecting child abuse.
And what's incredible here is, of the hundreds of incredible exploits for America you engaged in, exposing ACORN, all of it, exposing election fraud of the Democrats,
When you watch mainstream news, they act like you're a devil, you're a criminal, you're an evil person.
Because once you try to sneak in undercover somewhere, I mean, you deserve a Medal of Honor, in my view, for what you've done for the Republic.
They're definitely coming after you, death-threatening you, you know, you name it.
It's just incredible that time after time, whether you caught YouTube saying their number one job is to ban info wars or any of this, is that they're so brazen, they act like classical villains out of an old black-and-white movie or like a cartoon.
Yeah, Alex, I think there's three stages of the truth.
The first is to ridicule the messenger.
The second is to viciously attack the messenger.
And the third is that the truth becomes self-evident.
And the arc of the moral universe is long, but it sure bends.
These tapes are so... I mean, it is... You couldn't write a caricature of a union boss mobster.
If you look at the video, these guys are saying things that you couldn't script.
I mean, the woman today, Valencia was her name, she says that there's this guy who had sex with a teenage girl, and they're going to cover it up, and no one's going to jail, and she waves the documents in front of the camera,
So the good news is Alex, even the mainstream media in New York and New Jersey, this is kind of a statewide story over the last 24 hours, even them have not been able to defend what you're seeing on tape.
But because these union officials have never been asked a difficult question in their lives, they've never been held accountable,
It's like very low-hanging fruit, and we have a lot more to come.
We're going to play the individual from Illinois first, and we're going to go to break.
You'll do a few more minutes, and you're going to leave us.
I'll play the lady that you just exposed.
We'll talk more about that in the next segment, but again, this is the individual.
This is the Teachers Union head in a major township of Illinois, correct?
This is in Hamilton Township, which is near Trenton, New Jersey.
No, New Jersey.
He's the president of his chapter.
He's a leader, he has a PhD, he's a doctor, and watch what he says.
Okay, here it is.
Dr. Perry, how do you justify having a job where you protect teachers?
You were on hidden camera, sir.
You were on hidden camera talking about protecting teachers with abused students.
Okay, Dr. Perry locked the door, we cannot get in.
First of all, I'm going to be rude to you, so I'm not going to be rude.
And I'm not justifying anything.
I just wanted to come out here and say hello to you, and not be rude to you.
Alright, and do you know the video of yourself talking to the person who said... We already knew that person.
We knew they were coming in because they came in the next day.
So you said that you protected a teacher who had shoplifted?
Would you like to see yourself on video?
No, I said what we do is we help people.
We help people.
And what they do wrong, they deserve the punishment.
What did you mean by bend the truth?
So we just talked to David Perry.
We're outside the Hamilton Township Education Association in New Jersey.
He denied saying what he said, but we have the tape.
But I don't want him coming here with a bunch of lies.
I need to know the truth.
I'm here to defend.
No matter the worst teachers in the world, I have defended.
Yeah, I mean it was like a physical... It was bad?
Yeah, like a physical skirmish.
If he comes to me tomorrow, I'm gonna date it back to the day after the incident.
He was upset, he was worried, he did shake the kid.
Okay, yeah.
That's my job.
It's not a good job, but it's my job and what I have to do.
It's his job.
It's his job to protect teachers who abuse students.
He says he wants to bend the truth.
He said it's what he does all the time.
So we have the tape, he's gonna deny it, but the NJEA is in a bunch of hot water today.
And let me tell you something, there is more coming and it gets worse.
You know, what gets to me, James, is it's like every one of your videos is like this.
They rub their hands together.
If I saw a Netflix show about, like you said, the Gottis.
I've seen footage of the Gottis.
They didn't act as craved.
What has the Democratic Party turned into?
I mean, what is it?
It's like every one of your videos is like next level.
Yeah, you couldn't write a Netflix series.
You couldn't cast the person to play the role.
But the reason why that is, Alex, is these people have never been asked a difficult question in their lives.
There's no transparency.
There's no accountability.
Breitbart called it the Abu Grave of the Great Society.
That is to say, there's just no
So, you know, you have someone like us come along, we walk in there, we spend an hour talking to the guy, sorry, half an hour talking to the guy, and it's just one damning quote after they're revealing their soul to us, and I think the most disgusting thing is that, so you hit the kid, you hit the kid, so what?
My job is to only defend the worst of the worst.
So it's the arrogance, it's the lack of introspection, it's the lack of even self-analysis.
What he says, I'm going to reverse it onto the kid, well that's what they do everything.
The Democrats invert everything.
That's their religion.
They're not very creative.
They just invert, invert, invert.
Yes, and the truth is so powerful here, Alex.
Even the local Trenton newspaper, the Jersey papers, the New York papers today are saying, well, even O'Keefe is a broken clock who's right twice a day.
So they can't come up with a reason to criticize this.
Now, Alex, the teachers union has suspended this president.
They've suspended him.
And now there's a new tape out to, I don't know if you have it queued up, but this is Kathleen Valencia, the president of Union City, who is, oh, there you go.
See, this is unbelievable.
She actually talks about a real incident where a teacher had sex with a teenager, and that they're not allowing him to go to jail, they're protecting their pension!
You gotta listen to this one because this is an actual teacher who's out there and we couldn't get the person's name because we weren't able to read the document but a lot of people are outraged about this Alex and it's starting to... Well let's be clear, I mean that's what colleges and primary schools have turned into places.
Four predators to do what they want, whether it's beat kids up, have sex with them, and then we try to talk about it, they'll use my investigations or other people's investigations, where we weren't 100% on, to then say, oh, there's no such thing as pedophilia, period, or any of this, but ProjectVeritas.com, we just posted to Infowars.com a new tape.
I thought that was just this one.
God, he says there's more coming.
Hidden camera, Union President, New Jersey admits to protecting, quote, teacher who had sex with teenage girl, willing to cover up abuse of scumbag student.
So let's just roll that tape from the start.
You know, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and let O'Keefe finish up.
Then I'm going to play like five minutes of it.
We got 55 seconds to break.
You say more is coming.
I mean, give us an idea.
Yeah, Alex, this is an unprecedented investigation.
Veritas has grown.
We've hired four.
Thanks much to you.
Hold on, your Skype's breaking up, so let's just go to break and come back and let you start back over, because it was unintelligible there.
We'll come right back in five more minutes with James O'Keefe.
I'm going to play five minutes of the 30-something minute tape he's got, and it's just, it's just mind-blowing that, let me tell you something, you know, the high-level real criminals, even when they're having meetings with each other, it's all in code.
It's like these low-level people, like, watch criminals on TV, in my view, and they think that's, like, how you act as a cartoon character.
Like, hey, yeah, scumbag kid, yo, yeah.
We let them have sex with the kids.
It's no big deals.
We blame the kids.
Hey, oh, what you gonna do?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, is here with us.
He got cut off by the break.
He was saying some really powerful stuff during the break when we were talking.
So, James, please go back to where the Skype cut out, my friend.
Yes, Alex.
I was just telling you before the Skype cut off that this is a war.
I mean, we're insurgents fighting this war.
I got an 8,000-word magazine piece in Politico asking me to condemn you, Alex.
And I said, I will not condemn Alex Jones.
We are fighting a war.
We are insurgents up against an unjust world with a propaganda media that... And it's not that these guys are bad people or they're bad journalists.
They're just part of a system that manufactures consent.
And is so monolithic, and we have to provide a counterbalance by showing people the veritas, by showing people the real hidden truth, the great lies.
And your audience has been so supportive that we've hired more undercover journalists than ever before.
We've grown so big that this union store you're seeing, this teacher's union thing, you've seen two tapes.
You're about to see the one in Union City where the woman covers up child abuse.
That's her right there.
And I'm going to talk about that in a second.
But you're seeing us.
We're going to be doing a Blitzkrieg all throughout the month of May.
You're going to see tape after tape after tape after tape.
That is a result of us hiring people.
And I do want to talk about this tape real quick.
Kathleen Valencia, I need your audience to do something for me.
This this person is the president of the teachers union.
And there's a clip in there where she says and this is the highlight, she says,
This file is from a case where a teacher had sex with a teenage girl, and she says, he's not going to jail, we're protecting his pension.
We don't have the name of the teacher.
What I'd like your audience to do, Alex, is I want them to call and email and tweet the NJEA, that's the New Jersey Education Association, the biggest teachers' union in the state, and I want you to ask, what is the name of that person?
That's all I want.
We're going to do that, but let me just say this briefly.
I'm going to play even more whenever you go, but we'll play some now.
I hadn't even seen this new clip until you got on.
I saw it during the break.
It made me physically sick.
I have three daughters, and just the nonchalant
Aiding and abetting the crime of rape and child molestation like it's nonchalant like she's talking about the weather is earth shattering and it's systemic and it's bizarre and it's crazy and it just shows the mindset of we're going to protect a reported child rapist
It's just, my God, where do they find these people?
Let's play the clip you're talking about.
Here it is, hidden camera.
Union President and Mr. Protecting Teacher who had sex, that's a quote, with a teenage girl willing to cover up abuse of scumbag.
Here it is.
This file right here is from a teacher who had sex with a student.
You're not going to jail.
You know what this whole file is about?
It's about whether or not they get to keep their pension.
Let's just stop right there.
James has got to leave in a few minutes for another big interview he's doing, but
Just in closing, James, I appreciate the fact that you thank the show and the audience.
The only reason I've tried to help you guys is I know how small your budget is and how important your work is.
And the fact that you caught Google and YouTube admitting that they're trying to censor us, number one, really showed people that what you're doing is invaluable.
That's why I want to continue to try to support the work you're doing.
But like you said, the real thing is spreading the word, getting your videos out so that people understand what we're facing and the true face of evil we're dealing with.
I don't know how
They're going to be able to protect this union president in New Jersey when she's saying stuff that I would expect would bring the villagers with the pitchforks, you know, coming after Frankenstein and his monster.
I'm not calling for violence here.
I'm just saying anybody that sexually assaults one of my daughters and I find out people aided and abetted it, I find them just as guilty as the dirtbag child molester.
Well, well, well, Alex, they suspended the president last night, David Perry, now there's this new person.
What I'd like your audience to do, it's very simple, is go online, contact the NJEA, and tweet at them, or Facebook at them, or email them, pick up the phone and call them,
And ask, what is the name of the teacher who had sex with the girl that they protected?
That is a real person.
It's in a document that she flashed before us.
We couldn't read the document.
She flashed it so quickly.
We just want the name of the student.
Let's keep the pressure on.
As Alinsky would say, keep the pressure on the opposition.
Expose the, there they are, the NJEA.
Tweet at them.
At NJEA, and there's their phone number and email address there, and just ask for the name of the student.
We get the name of the teacher, not the name of the student, the name of the teacher.
We get that name, and we probably have another resignation, more pressure, more accountability and exposure for a very important issue.
Well, I gotta say, you have incredible courage.
They tried to put you in prison.
They sued you.
They've attacked you.
You know somebody by their enemies, but the fact that you get
That they contact us, they contact everybody, and they say, disavow James O'Keefe, he's a criminal, because he snuck in a government building one time, I mean, legally, up to the counter with a hidden microphone, I mean, he's over metal.
And they edit tapes of me, they say I say there's kids on Mars, all these lies, so that all of us deny each other, so none of us have a community, when they're the globalists, they're the criminals, it's Hillary with the Lolita expression.
Bill Clinton and the Haitian kids and all of it.
They're the monsters that turn it around in the bully mainstream media and you're strong and you don't buckle and that's why they fear you.
So we salute you.
We appreciate you.
We're going to let you go and I'm going to roll out the rest of the segment with this incredible bombshell at ProjectVeritas.com.
Hidden camera.
Union President and Mr. Protecting Teacher who had sex with a teenage girl willing to cover up abuse of a scumbag student.
Again, we all hang together or hang separate as Benjamin Franklin said.
Thank you James O'Keefe.
Thank you.
All right, there goes James O'Keefe.
We're going to go out to break right now, and we're going to roll out some more of this incredible stuff from New Jersey.
Then we're going to come back with a bunch of other massively important news.
Please stay with us.
This file right here is from a teacher who had sex with a student.
You're not going to jail.
You know what this whole file is about?
It's about whether or not they get to keep their pension.
Sex with a teenage girl.
Oh, yeah.
Is he going to jail?
I'm being as brutally honest with you as I can.
If you are afraid of a middle school child who called you a d*** and spit on you and advanced towards you, you are in the wrong profession.
Kid's fine.
Kid's not hurt.
Kid got a scratch.
He's gonna give the kid a 65, right?
He's not gonna fail the kid?
He's not gonna fail the kid?
He's gonna get that kid out of this f***ing classroom and move on fresh for September.
We're facing a crisis in American education and this week the NJEA is under fire.
Teachers unions would have you believe that they're fighting for our children.
But the evidence in these tapes show they're fighting for themselves, their survival, and their own dominance.
On day two of our continuing investigation into the teachers unions across America,
I just called you.
How are you?
I love you!
Meet Kathleen Valencia, a history teacher and the president of the Union City Education Association.
Within minutes of meeting our journalist, Ms.
Valencia boasted about how her office protected a teacher who had sex with a teenage student.
We'll be back, folks.
That is a hardcore felony of truth.
That is protecting child endangerment, aiding and abetting statutory right bare minimum.
And that is America.
That's the Democrats.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen right here on the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com right now.
There's a very important video from the start of the show today.
Explosions, gunfire, and black helicopters terrorize New Jersey City.
And again, that is a boil-down edit of that that we got posted up there to the site.
Because remember, there's no such thing as black helicopters.
They're just constantly doing this.
And what is the point?
Training the military and the public to accept troops on the ground.
Do I blame Trump for that?
Well, he got really big under Clinton.
It went down a lot under Trump.
It got big again under Obama.
Not as big as under Clinton.
And now it's back.
And I've talked to the people involved.
I know all about it.
I've talked to people at every level of it.
The people that fly the helicopters, the people that rappel down on the ropes, the emergency managers, the police chiefs that witness it.
I made four films on it.
I'm an expert.
And it's going on.
Now, why is it so important?
Because the mainstream media would tell you you're crazy.
It's always on local news.
But then if you talk about it nationally or debate why it's happening, oh, you're bad.
So I never played the audio of this.
I mean, we do in the special report, but Department of Defense training exercise terrifies unprepared Tottawat New Jersey residents.
So we just keep staying focused on New Jersey.
We just had the two different union heads saying they cover up crimes and
Sex crimes against children.
One lady says it's just insane.
So I guess we're obsessed with New Jersey.
Back to New Jersey.
Let's go ahead and go to the CBS News report and analyze it.
Here it is.
...captures the moment a helicopter flies above a tow to a New Jersey neighborhood.
Oh, that is sick!
There's excitement in the photographer's voice, but that's because this was taken on the second night of action.
I've never seen anything like this before.
Michael Melegrano took that video from his backyard on Rutherford Court.
The helicopter's flying right above the North Jersey Developmental Center, which is under construction.
There was a Black Hawk helicopter flying right over here.
He can now laugh and even brag about what happened, but in the heat of the moment, he says his entire block was petrified.
I was really scared, I had no idea what was going on.
Around 10 o'clock at night on April 16th, this community was rocked by piercing explosions.
We're scared about that, you know, that's happening at night time.
First it was explosions.
And then the chopper was so low that our house was vibrating.
Most of the block came running outside in panic.
John Imola says his daughter called 9-1-1 to find out what was happening but got a short answer.
Notice no response from the state police.
In the old days, they'd say, you're insane, it didn't happen.
They'd write front page news articles saying I was insane in the paper.
In fact, there's scans of those online.
Maybe click, uh, Alex Jones, Black Helicopters, Texas, Alex Jones, um, I think, Army, Texas Raids, and you can click images on Bing, because Google's so bad, or use one of the other sub-pages, and you can also search web, WorldNet Daily did stories on it, and then you can actually see a lot better video than what they got off a cell phone, but notice,
They were doing it at a former government facility that was under construction.
That means they gutted it, they were going to do damage to it, then they're going to either tear it down or rebuild it.
Like I told you, they always do it at some unnamed site in the middle of the neighborhood as a PSYOP test.
And it's always formulaic, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
So again, if you're a radio listener, you can see this.
But, just another thing we told you about 23 years ago, that nowadays, they admit is going on.
And it's the same thing.
Cell phone radiation.
It's getting stronger.
They're putting more of them up.
Brain tumors alone, directly connected to it, doubling.
Brain tumors aren't fun, folks.
Dying ain't cool.
But everybody in this domesticated western world doesn't believe something bad till it hits them.
And people even laugh at me on the street.
They go, oh, it's the gay frog guy, or, oh, the cell phones are going to get me, oh, oh, oh, oh.
My children, I let them have cell phones if they're going out with friends or something for security saying, I say, don't put it up your head, you know, blah, blah, blah.
And then they go, oh, dad, it's not bad for us.
I just totally took them away.
Because they are great tools, you know, to keep track of your children.
You know, Rex wanted to do a report on it.
Cell phones are more dangerous than cigarette smoking.
And we're just here trying to warn folks.
And guess what videos?
Facebook, Twitter, and Google particularly block and shadow ban.
Where they don't virally spread, but you have to hand share them.
Anything about atrazine or chemicals in the water affecting your sexuality, banned.
Anything warning you about cell phone brain tumors,
Because there's a big, fat, juicy corporate agenda.
But the elites are going to these spas in the middle of nowhere.
They fly out there by jet or helicopter.
No Wi-Fi allowed.
No cell phones allowed.
No cell phones allowed in Bohemian Grove.
No Wi-Fi.
Nothing's allowed.
The rich people go to these resorts.
They have landline telephones.
Only one television in the whole lodge.
Now there's CNN, Florida exposure in utero linked to lower IQs.
Now there's an old David Rosanne article.
Yes, Texas, there are black helicopters.
Now scroll down, I'm in that article.
And man, that was such a big deal for me at the time because drug reporting stuff linked to it.
And people didn't believe.
Read the whole series.
It's got photos and videos I shot.
Operation Last Dance in Texas.
But imagine the paper would say I had made it up.
And imagine that when you're sitting there with an Austin American statesman, state police, sheep dip guys, former state police lieutenant, and they're writing articles basically saying it doesn't exist.
Alex Jones forced their plans to be changed.
Yeah, there it is.
I was aware of a proposed tabletop exercise, that means not real life, which was to occur in Austin last year.
The word was the Feds were to pay $500,000 to the City of Austin for their cooperation.
Vreeland told RollNetDaily he said the publicity caused by local talk show host Alex Jones forced the plans to be changed.
And boy, did the city get pissed.
Then the police didn't believe me about it until later they talked to the Delta Force guys and they said, no, it's Bill Clinton.
He's training us for PDD gun confiscation.
But imagine, that was like in 1996, 97, it was so revolutionary.
Because, I mean, they had me on CBS, NBC, they had late night comics making fun of me.
Jay Leno!
Jay Leno!
On, yeah, guy Alex Jones in Texas with those wacko Brad Davidians, I bet!
Yeah, and the black helicopters, he believes in those things.
Oh, yeah, and Martians!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
All because I went and got video.
All because I proved it was happening.
Here we are, 20 years later, 22 years later.
And all of it, world government, brain cancer from the cell phones.
The smart meters watch you.
They don't have cameras, they have a scanner, like a body scanner, that's much, much, much more powerful.
It's sending out these little particles, these little radiation waves that then bounce back on a sensor, and it gives it an image.
This is not of this world, folks.
This is like an alien invasion.
I'm not saying that's what it is, but this is like a science fiction movie, and people have to really understand that.
This is no game.
This is no joke.
You can get out of the trance.
You can get conscious of this.
You can think about what's happening.
You can get concerned.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the front lines of the fight.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I really should just sit here all day and read headlines off InfoWars.com.
50, 60 incredible stories we put out ourselves, and there's all the other hundreds, but the big meat and potatoes issues are globalism, the eugenics operations, the depopulation, the satanic nature of them, how they're basically protecting giant pedophile rings, big evidence of that today, Project Veritas, so that those of us that aren't evil innately, we all have sin, we all have evil in us, but we're not, our will isn't evil, we love God, our heart's pointed towards God, we're trying to be good,
We certainly don't want to molest children or protect those that are doing it, like Project Veritas has reportedly confirmed.
There's the woman on tape saying it.
The head of the teachers' union.
In a major city.
Two videos in one day.
And you just realize what we're up against is just people that have sold out, and once you sell out for something small, you'll sell out for anything.
And you know, I've recently learned some information about some of the past cases we've covered that we've then said, oh, maybe we weren't 100% right and backed off of.
And then right in your lap drops something that's total synchronicity, serendipity.
And you're like, what do you do?
Those are decisions you make in life.
Good God, these people are bad.
And let me tell you something, we're rarely wrong.
Just when I get convinced I'm wrong, I get hit by
A thunderbolt between the eyes of total confirmation.
I'm not talking about this Veritas video.
It's pretty bad, isn't it?
This stuff's even worse.
And you're like, really?
And just covering it, you feel dirty.
Just fighting it, you feel dirty.
And then you got to be around these people.
You got to have their evil intention focused at you.
You know, you saw James O'Keefe and how they had a 8,000 word?
Did he say 8,000?
Or 800?
Huge political story saying denounce Alex Jones.
I can't even keep track of all that.
Of the hit pieces every couple minutes and the lies and the disinfo and the twisting.
But I know we're going to come through it because of your prayers.
And we are the Tip of the Spirit.
It's our job to take on the hard topics and to get attacked.
Somebody's got to do it.
We're here to get the word out.
We're not here to be the most popular in the media.
Hell, if I was going to do that, why not join the Globalist?
Coming up, Lionel, former prosecutor, author, radio host, TV host.
Always does a great job.
He's loaded for bear right now on the whole Mueller thing.
That's all going the way Roger Stone and others said it would, and the Dr. Grimm's going to be back on with that incredible, expanded presentation.
They're in the Owen Schroyer War Room coming up.
Roger Stone and others.
I got all this other serious news I want to hit, and you know, I didn't want to go on a warpath against Ben Shapiro.
Because I know he's attacked me and lied about me and stuff for years, and tried to control what I say and do, and tried to control who's on the show, and I knew what his connections before at Talk Radio Network
I mean, I heard about this guy a long time ago, like, hey, this guy's bad news by really cool people.
And then I'm like, wait, Glenn Beck, wait, taking that over, wait.
And I'm like, really?
Like, Glenn Beck was always trying to get me kicked off stations and in my business.
And now he's over, this guy's over here again in my life.
And these guys think just because they are these aggressive,
Deceptive manipulators that we're all dumb just because we don't operate like they do.
But I just can't take a Glenn Beck Part 2 in my neighborhood.
I've taken enough abuse from these people.
These fake Christians and now the whole Jordan Peterson, atheist, humanist, liberal takeover of the conservative movement.
You ever get that Peterson clip where he's on Bill Maher last week and he goes, I'm not a conservative!
But that's just... Pardon me?
Oh, really?
I saw it.
It was on there.
They saw it.
It's in his appearance.
You can just scan through it.
It's right there.
Go ask Scott.
He saw it, too.
Scott can give it to you.
But, and I know everybody knows that.
I'm just saying, and I'm not going to be in competition with these guys.
It's that I know Shapiro's history.
I know who he is.
I know what he does.
I know about Glenn Beck.
And these guys that think they're there to lead us.
And they all come down here to Texas with Ted Cruz.
I mean, I don't go up to Canada, to Montreal, and then try to tell everybody what to do.
Or I don't go out to L.A.
and tell everybody I'm a Texan.
Or whatever.
You know, it just gets old.
Just to watch them in the cowboy boots and everything.
Hey, trust me here, buddy.
Come on down here.
That Alex Jones, not a good Texan, not a good American.
Listen to me, we're gonna vote for Hillary.
Hey, I'm going back.
Sidebuster here.
Gunslinger, par excellence there.
They're golden them here, here, over there.
But separate from that, there are people that get intimidated and bullied into going along with the globalists.
And then, there are people that are really with the globalists, who understand they have to be the loyal opposition.
That they can't beat us, but they're straight on attack.
So they gotta have somebody that's a go-between,
In the middle.
Our buddies, our friends.
And it makes me want to throw up.
Before I end this hour, I want to explain something to listeners here.
In case I haven't been clear about it.
We don't just sell high-quality supplements.
They fund this operation.
In the face of all the fake right-wing opposition, the left-wing opposition, Soros, Hillary, the globalists, in case you haven't noticed.
NBC, you know, Today Show saying our goal is to shut Alex Jones down, to stop him.
I mean, they mean it.
And they're not going to be able to do it if you simply intensify your support.
I know they're trying to shut down Veritas, so I sent them some money.
I know they're trying to shut down Tommy Robinson, so I sent them money.
Because all I care about is results.
If I had a lot more money, I'd send it.
And there's no strings attached, by the way.
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And the thing is, if you buy a massive amount of my products, I can't just expand this place and not just beat these fake lawsuits and then countersue them so they don't send more.
Because you've got to defeat the minions, you know, to teach them.
The globalists don't care.
They'll just keep filing.
You've got to teach the people that file the fake stuff.
But we'll also just sit here and seed money.
You know, 100%.
The money that comes in that's dedicated to that, to the organizations, I think are doing the best job.
And I got a pretty good eye on that.
Look at the crew we've assembled over the years.
Just great people.
So here's the thing.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for your prayers.
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Share those articles.
Start your own show.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
For every question they don't want you to ask, he has the answer they don't want you to hear.
He is Alex Jones.
I'm gonna hand the baton to former prosecutor, syndicated TV and radio host, Lionel.
I'm live on media right now, but I just wanted to bring this up.
I haven't really gotten into Mueller and the raid too much, because we know where this is going.
It's totally criminal.
It's a giant dragnet.
It's totally lawless.
You have Mueller up to his eyeballs in Uranium One, Hillary.
I mean, it's a joke.
It's foxes watching the hen house.
And the cowards all around Trump and Sessions and all of it.
It's a nightmare situation, and they're going to try a fake indictment of the President, which will just embarrass him.
There's three branches of government.
They think the public's dumb, so they're going to say, why isn't he stepping down?
But I haven't covered it much because it's really up to the President to get hardcore.
And not just call Mueller a criminal and Comey a criminal, but to fire Sessions and put somebody in there.
It's the executive branch, by the way.
That'll start the indictments, because we've got them open and shut.
But again, we've got this stagnant, cowardly country at the top.
Just like the Project Veritas videos you just saw, with people saying, we cover up teachers assaulting kids, we cover them up having sex with little girls.
That's what runs this country now, from the bottom to the top.
Republicans can be corrupt too, but they're nothing like Democrats.
Democrats are a special breed.
Lionel, I got one more little clip I want to play to hear a lawyer and a prosecutor.
I looked at HIPAA rules.
I have employees.
I've been through divorces, you know, divorce.
I know about HIPAA.
And I know that you can go to any doctor you want to man your medical records, the hard copies.
So I want to hit this after the break.
His doctor says he feels raped because Trump took his medical records.
And he's sitting there changing a story now that Trump wrote the letter, which he says he wrote.
So he has no credibility.
But I want to ask you that in the next segment, just briefly.
You're a former prosecutor, you can speak better to this, but just watching this train wreck, and this rogue element of government, I know the branches of government, and to watch the media act like Mueller is his own fourth branch, am I wrong in what I said, or am I right, or what do you want to add to that?
Absolutely, I was just thinking, did somebody connect my brain?
This is what I was saying today.
I got news for the world.
Look, I love Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani's a great guy and a great friend and a great person, but this is not a substitute for prosecution.
This is terrific.
And every day when I hear about somebody saying TikTok and Hillary does this and Hillary does this, well, damn it, do something.
And the president is not only the commander in chief, but he is the head of the executive.
He can walk in and say, whoever has a job,
You can walk into the DOJ and say, whoever has a job, take one step forward!
Not so fast, Sessions!
You're out!
Rosenstein, out!
All of you out, gone, through.
I want to find out, are you going to charge Hillary Clinton with something?
That's either a yes or a no.
Because Alex, she's the canary in the judicial coal mine.
If she's not charged, look, how many times a week do you hear of some poor, mistaken person thrown away for 30 years on some trumped up rape charge?
We jump on people for the most
The most monumentally insignificant crimes, we throw people away, we don't care about jurisprudence, but we're so afraid to charge Hillary with something because... That's because she knows where the bodies are buried.
Precisely, precisely.
And here's the thing too, this may be terrific, but Rudy Giuliani, again, whom I respect,
On so many levels.
Did he understand the script last night?
What is he?
Did he understand he threw Trump under the bus by saying, oh yeah, we knew all about the payoff.
Yeah, he did it.
Hold it.
Wait a minute.
What do you do?
Do you talk to each other?
You're you're I mean, and I can't say it enough.
I love the man.
But even they don't know how to do it.
Why are we going through so many in-house councils?
And if you think flood isn't going to be subject to some kind of motion to recuse or conflict of interest, you don't think the Clintons are going to be saying, wait a minute,
You're helping him?
Well, walk us through this.
Walk us through this.
And we'll play the Giuliani clips.
And then the doctor saying he was raped because Trump got his medical records.
When the doctor released that he was on Propecia, that violated HIPAA and federal law.
We'll be back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones.
Lionel of LionelMedia.com, syndicated TV host, radio host, massively successful on YouTube and Twitter, is going to be hosting this hour.
And soon we're hiring more board ops, more producers.
I want to talk to Lionel and a bunch of the people.
We just keep waiting and waiting, because it's the process of hiring and training and finishing the studios.
We're very close, trying to launch new programs, new syndications.
And I'm very excited.
We've gotten over 300 TV stations and cable networks.
It's over 300 stations and something like 60, 70 cable networks.
And that sounds big, but there's thousands across the country.
And it is big.
Some of them are main stations, other ones are sub, you know, digital stations.
They have extra stations now, whole feeds.
You know, Channel 9 in Houston.
Phonoscope, 24 hours a day.
I mean, we've been on there a couple years, but now we're 24 hours a day.
We've gotten over 100 TV stations the last two weeks, so we've got a lot of new radio affiliates.
We never get above about 260 or so.
And a lot of them are giant.
Some of them are 50,000 watt AMs.
They're wonderful.
But the TV is going better than I thought.
So that's very, very exciting.
So I want to try to work with a lot of folks, launch some new broadcasts, hopefully with Lionel in the near future.
But I wanted to just selfishly, because I know he's a really smart prosecutor and author and so much more, get into this.
But when you read the news for 23 years and you study this, you go through things, you start to learn how the branches of government and law work.
And you see Clinton, day one, he gets in, he fires 90-something federal prosecutors and U.S.
attorneys, U.S.
And then, any time an attorney general doesn't do what he wants, boom, you're fired.
It's just like, oh, the media's like, of course, that's his right to do it.
Trump, they build it up where you can't fire anybody, and Rosenstein can do whatever he wants, and then it turns out Rosenstein's involved in the cover-up.
Uranium One, and protection of the Clintons, and they're involved in the fake dossier, and CNN's getting awards at the press center for the dossier reporting.
It's like a Monty Python skit.
It's just ridiculous.
And so, all the corruptions there, you know, all the things Hillary's done, the servers, and Uranium One, and Haiti scams, and 84 million laundered money all confirmed in the foundation, out of billions.
And then it's all Stormy Daniels, a woman got $130,000, and then Giuliani's like, well, it wasn't from campaign money, so that doesn't matter.
Like, he's trying to dynamite the oil field to fire with another explosion, and then all that does is explode even crazier.
And meanwhile, they're trying to take us to war again.
We've got all this crazy stuff happening.
I know Trump's approval rating, even though they try to skew it downward with oversampling Democrats, it's doubled in its support from black males.
It's up in black females.
In a lot of polls, he's 55%, even though they're oversampling 15 points Democrats.
So Trump's super popular.
The economy's coming back.
He's a very pragmatic president.
I wouldn't even call him a Republican, but just an Americana guy.
And the left just gets more insane, more crazy.
They talk with, like, worshipful... I used to get a little sicked out by men talking about quarterbacks worshipfully and getting little twinkles in their eyes.
It wasn't even that it was gay.
It was just worshipful.
It was kind of sick.
You know, I like football.
This is beyond that.
I've never seen media sycophantic like, Mueller's coming, Mueller's gonna get you.
Oh, Mueller.
Since when do the left just worship raw state rogue power, runaway special counsel?
And so at this point, Trump not firing Sessions, which is the real problem there, and Rosenstein, for me, it's Trump dereliction of duty.
He wants to act tough and he's made some big moves, done great on North Korea and things.
I want to believe that.
But when there's dereliction of duty, that it's his office, he's in charge, these people are completely rogue.
I gotta start blaming President Trump instead of just blaming the Attorney General.
What do you say as an expert on this?
Let me say something.
The thing you just said right now, Alex, nobody's ever gonna remember because they're gonna call you some sycophantic lickspittle, some bootlicker, some toady, some fawning, you know, Trump acolyte.
And what you just said is what I've said.
Look, this man works for me.
He's my president.
I'm not his slave, his serf, his acolyte.
It doesn't work like that.
His foreign policy is schizophrenic.
I don't even know what he's talking about.
The whole thing about Syria, the whole Skripal poisoning, he's talking about he's going up to a superpower, a nuclear superpower, sticking his thumb in his eye, and then expecting me to sit back and applaud him.
I don't understand it.
And by the way, Stormy Daniels is here for one reason.
As we see more and more information about North Korea, which
Alex, if I ever told you, if I went into this before the president was elected and I said one day he's going to bring peace to North Korea, you'd look at me like I was high or something.
And he did it.
No mention of the Nobel Prize, no mention about anything that's going on.
Prisoner exchange, no Stormy Daniels.
So what he's doing right now is the only firing that's going on is his own legal counsel.
What's that all about?
I don't understand this.
It gives the impression that he doesn't know what he's doing.
By the way, we spent so much time on this Michelle Wolf story, for God's sake.
I mean, that was interesting, kind of.
But it seems like the mainstream media, the corporate sock puppet Ted Baxter, the echo chamber cookie cutter, you know, bumper sticker media, they love low-hanging fruit.
They love things that are easy to decide.
And look at this, this Avenatti, this, this, this lawyer.
Photobombing, photobombing on, I mean, just a little creep.
Look, look at what, and CNN basically has had him on, what, 59 times?
You know, there was a time, Alex, in the old days when CNN was it.
The only time you go to CNN is when there's a plane crash.
Where Don, where Don Lemon will ask you whether there's a possibility that the Malaysian plane was sucked up into a black hole in our own atmosphere.
Well, let's go back to this.
The President owns all of this.
The Department of Justice is his.
And for some reason, we have reconstructed this notion of the superstructure and the hierarchy, and we've made it sound like, oh, no, no.
If he fires Sessions or Mueller or whoever, it's grounds for impeachment.
Impeachment is just a charge.
If you get 51
Senators, or percent rather, in the House.
You can impeach him for being gluten intolerant.
It doesn't matter.
And let's be clear, the Democrats announced yesterday, got almost no attention, it was in the Hill, they're going to run on impeachment.
That's their policy.
And if Trump was failing on the economy and stuff, it might work.
This is so obstructionist, so insane, so out of control.
And then shifting gears, we've got his lawyer.
And let's cue that up.
Well, first let's go to Giuliani, who's also his lawyer, and if we're looking at this, they're saying that Giuliani was going to come in and fix things in two weeks.
Well, now we're three weeks later, and it looks to me like
I don't know what Giuliani's doing.
It's like you said, we don't know what's going on.
I know why he's firing a bunch of his lawyers, because they told him it'd be over by Christmas, and it'd be over by April, and that Mueller wasn't going to go for obstruction, and that Mueller wasn't that bad.
Well, now Trump knows that he was advised right by Roger Stone, and myself, and others, that the whole time they are coming after him.
Can you speak to that?
Well, the thing is that Rudy was supposed to come in.
Rudy was sold as follows, that Rudy knows how things work, that Rudy is respected in the Department of Justice, that he can make connections and he has avenues and he has a way in that other people just don't have.
That's the way it was sold.
But just by virtue of the appearance last night with Sean Hannity, first of all, referring to Comey as some kind of a pervert, that doesn't help anything.
It also gave the people the impression
That it was scattershot, it was slipshot, it was a cluster attack of nothing.
I can't say this enough.
What people need to understand is how profoundly unconstitutional everything is.
I mean everything.
It's not merely
It's not, how do I say this, it's not just unfair, but what Mueller has been doing, going back to dossier, going back to, do you realize, let me just give you this, so far we only have, in terms of in diamonds Alex, we have what, four, technically, Manafort and Gates, who by the way predated Trump, that was Ukraine, that was before.
And they're all process issues.
It was about banking and it was about reporting and that sort of thing.
Then we have Flynn and Papadopoulos.
Flynn, by the way, is most probably going to have his plea withdrawn.
And let me tell you something.
In the world of juridical handicapping, having a plea withdrawn, you never do it.
It never happens.
There's a certainty to it.
But the judge even signaled, I know what you're doing.
So, that's Flynn.
And the other indictments are these 13 bots.
Remember these Russians that nobody heard of?
Nobody knew?
And it came on the Friday after the FBI was told, why didn't you follow up when we warned you about that shooter in Florida?
That's all they've got so far!
Exactly, and they're cornered rats that know they've committed all these crimes, so they're just committed to keep going.
I want to hear your prediction of how this all ends.
Currently, we'll play those Giuliani clips, and then the doctor saying he got raped by Trump.
I mean, this is the most insane.
So now he's part of the Me Too movement, because Trump got his medical records.
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I will immediately terminate President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration.
Texas and six other states are suing the Trump administration over its failure to end DACA.
Adan Salazar reports that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading the multi-state lawsuit, which was filed in federal court Tuesday, and seeks to put an end to the unconstitutional immigration program, which protects many illegals from deportation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And you said the money was not campaign money.
I'm giving you a fact now that you don't know.
It's not campaign money, no campaign violation.
And I said because they funneled through a law firm.
I think we were talking about two different things there.
I want to make sure.
I was talking about the $130,000 payment, the settlement payment, which is a very regular thing for lawyers to do.
The question there was, the only possible violation there would be, was it a campaign finance violation?
Which usually would result in a fine by the way, not this big storm troopers coming in and breaking down his apartment and breaking down his office.
That was money that was paid by his lawyer, the way I would do out of his law firm funds, or whatever funds, doesn't matter.
The president reimbursed that over a period of several months.
He had said, I distinctly remember,
I haven't investigated that.
No reason to dispute that.
No reason to dispute his recollection.
I like Michael a lot.
Listen, here's the deal, folks.
We didn't elect a guy that's a saint when it comes to women.
We all know he likes to run beauty pageants, okay?
So, we didn't elect him for that.
We didn't think we were electing the first Baptist minister here.
The woman didn't even allege abuse 11 years ago.
She has shown herself to be a horrible political tool.
Following the president around, basically stalking him, in my view, politically, and dancing in whatever town the president's at, outside Mar-a-Lago, which is her right to do.
She has her lawyer photobombing everybody, but pulling back from this, you've got Lionel here, who's a former prosecutor, syndicated talk show host, really a very articulate, smart guy on this front.
What is the point of him going out there and even saying that?
A, and then B, what about the issue of this judge that married George Soros and his third wife a couple years ago?
This big Clinton operative, Hillary's quote favorite judge.
She has all the files, which are, as you know, under federal law, only supposed to have in the FBI until it's given to the prosecutor or whatever for trial, by the unit that's involved with the information who's tasked with it.
She has it digitized, put on a federal database, and within 48 hours, all this other stuff, none of it's really criminal, is all over the media, and the entire political FBI is in Trump's private lawyer stuff.
This is next-level criminal activity, in my view.
Okay, you just asked about 20 different things and they were all good.
Let me start with this one right now.
Let me give you a fact pattern.
Let's assume that at some particular point Donald Trump spoke to an FBI agent, somebody in the federal government.
And there's this wonderful statue called 18 USC 1001.
And it basically says, you lied to the federal government, that's it.
Not under oath, necessarily, not in a grand jury, but the way they got Martha Stewart.
Martha Stewart was never put away for, you know, insider trading.
It was because she lied.
Now let's assume, after, remember what happened just now, Trump told somebody, an FBI agent, we don't know who he's talked to.
He said, no, no, I knew nothing about this.
Michael Cohen on his own.
Now think about this.
On his own.
Without even telling me.
Whoever does this.
Imagine me being your lawyer and I say, don't tell Alex, but I'm going to pay this.
And by the way, I'm going to get a second mortgage on my house.
I'm going to refinance my house to pay for this amount.
I'm a millionaire, but I need to refinance my house to pay for this that you don't know about.
I did this without you knowing it.
Trump, let's assume, later on says, hey look, I knew nothing about this.
And let's assume... Yeah, you could argue it was Cohen, and I'm not saying Cohen did this, setting Trump up, doing that, getting in his business to pay somebody off.
And we all know that's not what happened.
We all know at a gut level, he's the president's lawyer.
Lawyers take care of stuff.
You trust your lawyer.
Later they go, hey, I did this.
That's how it works.
It's not illegal.
You're taking care of something.
But you're saying, process, if Cohen's lied about anything, that's how they'll get him.
Well, what about this?
What if Trump lies?
What if they use Giuliani's statement right now on the Sean Hannity Show?
Use that as a basis to charge Trump with perjury or the violation of the statute.
Because the reason why you take the Fifth Amendment, Alex, you can go into a grand jury or a setting and you can be given, you know, under oath or whatever it is.
You can speak the truth, but if somebody else contradicts what you're saying, that could be the charge of perjury.
So because they don't even have the story straight... No, I get it, and he should plead the fifth because it's self-incrimination, but here's the problem.
The president is the head of the executive, as you know, or you'd always have some other grand jury or some group rogue trying to take him down.
That's why only an indictment in the House, a conviction in the Senate can remove the president.
So it's all just exactly the president needs to act like the president and his lawyers, we know, gave him bad advice.
But if Trump said to somebody, let's say in the course of something, an official with the federal government, if he said, I knew nothing about this payment from Cohen, and Rudy just said, oh no, he knew about it, he paid him, he in fact even paid, repaid this, now you're having basically, Rudy could be the witness against Trump for perjury.
Yeah, they may know what they're doing, it's just such a distraction with all the news we've got.
What about this?
Giuliani says, Kushner disposable.
The whole country will turn if they go after Ivanka.
So what is he saying there?
Like, go ahead and get him.
We're not going to roll over for Kushner.
And then he's saying, but don't go after Ivanka.
I mean, this is crazy.
Let's play that club.
If they do do Ivanka, which I doubt they will, the whole country will turn on him.
They're going after his daughter?
What about his son-in-law?
They talked about him.
I guess Jared is a fine man.
You know that.
But men are, you know, disposable.
But a fine woman like Ivanka, come on.
Andrew... What does that mean?
What does that even mean?
What is that?
Listen, like I said, you know, Alex... I think they're signaling to Mueller, you go ahead and go after Kushner, we're going to throw him under the bus.
They're not signaling anything.
If they were going to signal, they would have done this in a better way.
Not on national television, and not because you can hear Sean trying to rehabilitate Rudy during the first question.
He said, uh, are you sure?
You know, my understanding of this is such and such.
Look, this is, this is an example.
This is the legal key.
Yeah, is Giuliani over the hill?
Because he's kind of acting a little crazy.
Well, look, I don't want to do to him what they're doing to Kanye West whenever you do something or whenever you're misspoken.
I don't know if he was feeling a little too comfortable with this.
I have no idea.
All I know is this.
Today, you have to understand and you have to master electronic advocacy, not only courtroom.
Going on TV can actually change the way charges are brought.
It could change the momentum.
No, you're absolutely right.
So let's move to this next subject because I'm going to let you take over.
You have a lot to cover.
This is the doctor of the president who says that he's in great health and all this and that no, I didn't get told what to write.
This is the truth.
I wrote it.
He's all testified to that.
He said that a year and a half ago.
Now he says no, I dictated it over the phone, and I feel like Trump raped me because they came and got my medical records.
Well, I know under law, I can go get my medical records from the doctor, anything that's digitized, like prescriptions, whatever's online.
But then, that's law.
But if the doctor says I'm on Propecia publicly and I didn't authorize that with the HIPAA release, that's a federal crime.
So it looks like the doctor to me is committing a federal crime.
We're going to come back and play the clip.
I'm going to get your take on this and then get out of here for you to take over.
Because, you know, you're a lawyer, former prosecutor.
Maybe I'm wrong about HIPAA, but I've looked it up.
Suddenly, I know they put pressure on everybody that supports Trump.
They've done it to me.
So suddenly this guy says he hates Trump.
And when I said he was on Propecia, they came and took the medical files, and I feel raped.
And he's sitting there like he's this poor victim.
Why would you do this?
You also have a duty as a kind of almost a physician-patient duty and privilege, though not
Well stay there, you're absolutely right.
Actually, under the Hippocratic Oath and the law, doctors aren't supposed to reveal anything personal.
So he's out here blabbering the President's personal stuff.
The day after he does it, they show up and go, give us the medical records, jackass!
And he goes, I feel right!
And CNN headline, Doctor Right!
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Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Man, I gotta get Lionel on my show more, because he just really knows what he's talking about.
And I'm not trying to put the President down.
He's done a lot of good stuff.
The globalists hate him.
He's trying to be President.
He's trying to return power back to America.
That's good, but it doesn't mean he's perfect.
And we're not running a cult here of Trump.
But if we were with Hillary, we would already be in a giant war.
She'd said that was her plan, but the same forces are dragging Trump towards it.
I know Lionel's got more coming up.
He wants to break down.
I can't wait to hear it.
But finishing up here with Lionel before he takes over, you've heard my take on this.
The doctor says last year, we now learned, I remember it was on the news, President Trump's on Propecia.
Stop hair loss.
And that violates HIPAA.
That violates the doctor-patient relationship just like between a lawyer and a client.
And my dad's a physician.
I mean, I grew up knowing about that.
I see it in the news all the time.
People release tiny medical records of, you know, Brad Pitt's baby.
And then they get five years in prison, ten years in prison.
That's something we've all been, you know, taught about even with employment, where you've got people's insurance.
And sometimes insurance companies call you to ask a question about, hey, a sentence that's there, you don't say anything to the insurance company.
You get them on the phone with the employee.
This is dangerous stuff.
You don't talk about people's private medical records.
So the doctor does this, and then a year later he goes, I feel raped.
They came the day after I talked about his propitia, and we'll play the clip right here, and
I feel raped.
I guess the whole Me Too thing.
So I guess now, here he is defaming the president saying I feel raped by men coming and taking this.
He called it a raid.
Alex, right off the bat, Alex, would you pick this guy as your physician?
I mean, just look at him.
Let me just say something.
We live in New York City where we have great physicians, as you can imagine.
What is he?
With the Oak Ridge Boys?
Who is that?
Billy Lee Golden or whatever?
What I'm asking the question is... No, I wouldn't.
This guy acts like he's a grateful dead deadhead.
Like he took 5,000 hits of acid.
I'm not saying he did.
He acts like his brain's wiped.
So I think this is a strike against Trump that he's got Bozo the Clown as his position.
Well, okay, that's number one.
Number two, you could have had so many physicians out there who would have had, by the way, so many degrees and plaques on the wall, you couldn't see any color to the wall.
This is sparse at best, because I go for visuals and optics, I'm sorry.
But the next thing is, is that while there may not be in law, and by the way, keep this in mind, depending upon your jurisdiction, there is not necessarily the physician-patient privilege
In terms of courtroom privileges like husband and wife, there is still within the regular laws and the regulatory administrative rules of it, some rules as well.
Let me tell you something about HIPAA, how bad HIPAA is.
HIPAA is the most draconian, though very, very good.
You know, Alex, there was a case one time where there was a police officer who walked into an emergency room.
Actually doing his job.
It was an emergency.
Came in and he had his body camera thing on.
They were freaked out that maybe this showed either what you could see in the terminals or people who were there.
HIPAA's huge!
Now, did Trump authorize him to do this?
If Trump didn't say, hey listen, go ahead, Moondog.
Oh my god.
Well, we know he didn't because Trump got mad the next day and had his medical records pulled.
So you're seeing the loosest, the most amateurish.
I mean, you were in the fight of your life.
You're at the highest echelon.
Say what you want about Obama or Hillary.
I don't think they would have done that.
This is very, very loose.
But also, here's the thing which always bothers me.
You know, Trump would... Alex, whenever Trump does something, people say, ah, that's his genius.
That's that 4D chess.
I'm thinking, wait a minute.
What are you talking about?
I'm going to tell you what I would tell him.
He's got to tighten the ranks here.
And also, there's this thing I want to tell him.
Alex, I've known this.
He has been a New York fixture for years.
He has been in the news.
He used to pick up the phone sometimes and if he wanted to plan something, hell, he'd call it himself.
He was the darling.
Never, ever, there was no repercussions.
As long as his name was in the paper.
So this is the mindset.
You're the president now.
And I can't say this enough.
Read this 18 U.S.C.
You don't have to be under oath.
If you in any way mislead
Anybody in the government, if he talked to somebody, if there was somebody, an agent, asking him questions, who knows?
And you have somebody on TV going back to Giuliani saying, oh no, that's a bunch of BS.
No, that story that- They're going to use that to say he's a liar.
Let's talk about the doctor, though.
This just shows how they're- No, you're right.
Let's show this.
How they're stretching everything, how they're turning everything into something.
I feel raped.
That's how I feel.
I feel raped.
I feel raped.
I couldn't believe anybody was making a big deal about a drug that's to grow his hair, which seemed to be so important.
That's enough.
He's saying, what's the matter?
I released that he's on this drug.
Any of it's a federal violation.
And I agree, it's our private information.
He says, what's the big deal?
Here, let's finish it up in real time.
They came and they took the records.
I feel raped.
Boo hoo.
I feel sad.
Do you know what the Propecia connection is?
What are the side effects?
Erectile dysfunction.
Right, so what they're doing is, so what you've done is, you've just given Stephen Colbert's 1,000 writers, and you've given them now more fodder.
You volunteered something that you didn't have to mention.
What are you, Kathy Griffin?
She broke me?
You're going to break into that one next?
So here was a situation with all the, you know, whatever you do, do no harm.
It's a Hippocratic oath.
I feel raped.
That's how I feel.
I feel raped by this guy.
And sad.
I couldn't believe anybody was making a big deal about a drug that's to grow his hair, which seemed to be so important.
And it certainly is not a breach of medical trust to tell somebody they take Propecia to grow their hair.
What's the matter with that?
I was completely surprised the morning or two after the story about his hair ran.
She said, so you want it to be the White House doctor?
Forget it.
You're out.
What exactly were they looking for?
Well, his medical records, his pictures, anything they could find.
He must have been here before.
This guy just leaked the medical stuff, violates federal law, admits, oh, it's a big deal, I did it, and now he's pissed that the victim wants his medical records.
And what would have possibly motivated this man, after all he's said and done so far, doesn't he have a friend that says,
Don't say anything!
Has he ever said, ever, I got a better one for your team, find him ever saying, I can't answer that.
I can't answer that question.
This is privileged communication.
You're going to talk about it all when you take over on the other side, but first here they are talking about it.
He sent a White House employee to go through, to rob someone, as far as we can tell.
I mean, that's what this is being claimed.
Made me think.
Made me, yeah, made me think about those tax returns.
We can't see the tax returns.
He doesn't want people to see stuff that, his stuff.
He doesn't want them to see the records.
Yeah, like his medical records, you dumb witch.
He doesn't want them to see the tax returns.
What's in those medical records?
And why?
Yeah, give us your medical records.
But, oh, don't question Hillary, though, when she's falling down.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alrighty, Lionel, with you.
Riders in the storm.
That's what we are, riders on this storm.
I want to finish a couple of things that we said before, because, you know, with Alex, it's so...
It's so wonderful knowing that somebody can think of about 20 different things to say, and I'm not the only one.
Because sometimes people say, what are you doing?
Would you would you stick to one subject?
Would you quit?
Would you quit?
Stick to one?
Would you quit going off?
And it's like, no, I'm not going off.
There's a lot to be said.
I mentioned this one particular statute, and I can't say this enough, and I'm going to go back to the Rudy thing, because when I saw this, I was thunderstruck and amazed.
18 U.S.C.
Statements or entries generally.
Listen to this.
Whoever in any matter, in any matter, within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government, knowingly and willfully
Falsifies, conceals, or covers up by trick, scheme, or device, makes any material false, fictitious, or statement, make a long story short, shall be fined by not more than five years in the federal prison.
Meaning, if you mislead, doesn't matter necessarily that you're under oath.
Now, I want to go back to this doctor thing, just for one second.
First, on so many levels.
How is it that this man would say, I'm going to tell all of my patients, all of the people that go to me, that your information is not, is not protected.
If, if indeed I'm not going to protect the President, if I'm not going to hold his personal information, sacrosanct, privileged, as I should, why would I do yours?
If I'm going to give in and reveal things and act this befuddled with a patient, a patient of a lifetime, for the rest of my life, I'll be able to say, you know, I'm the president's personal physician.
You know what that does in terms of cachet, in terms of clout, to say that you're the president's personal physician and nothing, most people would let nothing get in the way of that.
So instead of
Doing everything to maintain that for nothing more than just personal commercial reasons.
This man says, no, no, no, no.
I'm going to violate this.
HIPAA laws are so monumentally important.
I think we we've stated this.
Let me just tell you this much.
Remember in the old days, maybe you recall the days when you go to a to an old fashioned grocery store, there'd be a pyramid of oranges, like in the produce section.
And if you walked up to that pyramid of all these beautifully stacked oranges, if you picked that one in the middle, sometimes everything's fine.
But the wrong one, and it all comes tumbling down.
I promise you that all the President has to do, and he, how this team grabs what I say so fast, and provides a gif or a gift or whatever, it amazes me.
If he were to do the following, if you're somewhere, and you will be there one day, and you look at your phone and people will be calling you and you realize that Hillary Clinton has been taken into custody, or that Hillary Clinton will be charged, or that a grand jury in West Virginia or wherever has indicted Hillary Rodham Clinton, the oven mitt fashionista, okay?
You will have to sit down,
I will have to have resuscitation.
The entire mainstream media will be paralyzed.
Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, go down the list.
They won't know what to do.
They will completely be, there will be such a frisson of activity, they would be apoplectic.
And all of this, this focus that was on the President
We'll be on the beloved, on this patron saint of whatever.
Because every single thing, and I want you to listen very carefully, every single thing that we're doing today, every bit about the Russian investigation, or the Russian collusion, or the Trump this, or that, and the dossier, and everything, Comey, Mueller, all of it has to do with Hillary Clinton trying to justify losing a rigged election.
Every single thing
Everything that we're doing stems from that.
She is still not only not disappointed in herself, but disappointed with you and I guess the country.
Now, the next thing that will happen once she's charged, and if I could pick something, I am telling you what would be the most important and most critical would be something involving the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, or the Clinton Health Access Initiative.
And the reason for that is because the laws, the laws regarding
These graphics are killing me.
The laws regarding charitable institutions and the like are so brutal.
Do you know that this was started in, what, 97?
They haven't had maybe an audit?
The Clinton Foundation maybe ever?
In 20 years?
Now, I know it doesn't sound exciting because there's all types of, you know, discussions of a child, you know, trafficking and pedophilia and servers being smashed.
Believe me when I tell you this.
Now the next step is, after she's charged with this, and they go after the various people, they go to people like the Soroses and the Bill Gates types and the Rothschilds, and they say, listen, let me ask you a question.
You know, you contributed to her, didn't you?
You're involved in this, yes.
Not only that, pension funds, countries,
It is estimated by some to be about a hundred billion dollars.
The entire, this criminal conspiracy, if you will, that makes the Gambino crime family look like the Junior League in comparison.
Now if you went and said, I want you to do me a favor and we will let you off the hook, whoever you big shots are, disabuse yourself of her,
Disengage from her.
Throw her under the bus.
We will leave you alone.
Because everything that you're going to be facing right now has to do with your affiliation with and to her.
If they say it's a deal, that's the end of it all.
Now, at the same time,
People like Holbert and Jimmy Fallon, not Jimmy Fallon, but Kimmel and others, and you name it, will be seeking grief counselors, they'll have their own little puppies, they'll have to go into quiet rooms, because this woman who represents everything to them, for reasons I'll never understand, is finally being charged.
And you will see rats jumping off of this sinking ship.
That is critical.
Believe me when I tell you this.
It will throw them for a loop, because every single day that this president has to play defensive, every single day that he has to parry and thrust and try to ward off some blow, he takes away from the duty that he owes us, pursuant to his Article 2 responsibilities.
Hillary Clinton is critical.
That's it.
And what he does is he simply does this.
He brings everybody into his office,
And he says, now I want you to listen to me and listen good.
I'm going to tell you this.
And you might think this is untoward.
You might think, oh, I really can't do this.
But believe me, I can.
I know a little bit about this.
I want you to tell me when the first indictment is available.
And if whoever says, well, we're not going to do that, or we've exhausted that investigation, or it's better if we don't, you're fired.
Let me make that clear.
Whoever says we can't do that, shouldn't do that, it wouldn't be in the best interest of justice, anything roughly resembling what I just told you is gone.
Now, let's start with you.
When are you going to bring me something?
What do you have for me?
I am the president.
I'm in charge of the executive.
You work for me.
There's nothing new to this.
Believe me when I tell you this.
Believe me.
They won't know what to do.
And Hillary Clinton will come out and try to song and dance, and she will look at you, and look at these people, and she will say, you don't understand who I am.
You don't understand who I am, to which the Department of Justice will respond, you don't understand who he is.
We've tried everything.
You, and remember, Clinton Foundation, bring in, you know, Bubba Too as well,
And Chelsea better be very careful because she's signing on to things.
That is the answer to all of this.
Everything else, we're moving Comey and that, that's nice.
She is the linchpin.
She is the connector.
I'm telling you, the gravamen, the basis, the ground zero of justice is that woman.
I'm telling you.
I want to thank you so, so much for this.
Alex, you are just without fear.
And remember, as I said before, just because we hold the president to his duties doesn't mean we've abandoned him.
Thank you so much.
You can follow me again at LionelNation on YouTube and on Twitter at LionelMedia.
Thank you so, so very much.
And remember, comment as you see fit.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.