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Filename: 20180417_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 17, 2018
3311 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses being targeted by deep state actors and media allies. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars and alternative media outlets while addressing tax debt and heart health issues. Additionally, he addresses political issues in Europe, specifically Macron's comments on mass migration, and promotes a prebiotic fiber supplement for digestive health.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, the deep state is going into hyperdrive war against President Trump and basically all of his supporters in an attempt to bully and silence free speech.
It's amazing what we see unfolding.
No joke.
Judge who forced Cohen to ID Hannity performed Soros' wedding and was tapped to be Bill Clinton's Attorney General.
And now we learn she ordered all of Cohen's files to be put into a searchable
Federal database show that the federal employees at the FBI could all get into it and leak it more efficiently.
You cannot underestimate just how lawless all of this is.
And how deceptive.
Judge in Michael Cohen's case officiated George Soros' wedding.
It's George Soros financing the lawsuits against me.
Two more filed yesterday.
Talked to two top law firms, they read the lawsuits, and they said, these are the most frivolous things we've ever seen.
They're not even based on reality.
What they say we said against the Sandy Hook families, we did not even say.
Any listener knows that, if you've tuned in, you've probably heard me say a thousand times, I think kids died there.
But it looks like Cooper's using a blue screen.
Nancy Grace is in a parking lot with cars going in a circle around her.
CNN's famous for cheating on locations.
So they don't let a good crisis go to waste.
So people have a legitimate right to ask questions when our government got caught, you know, staging babies out of incubator deaths to launch the war.
We showed footage yesterday, the media doesn't want to challenge, where it looks like they're faking a chemical attack.
We're not saying chemical attacks don't happen.
The rebels have been caught doing it.
But the White Helmets have been caught staging stuff.
I mean, you know, the doctor winks, he goes, get ready, he falls over conveniently, and the little kid stops acting like he's dying and smiles.
I mean, look, that looks fake, and I have a right to say that.
Will I get sued for it?
But the White Helmets have been caught staging stuff before.
Now, we have a stand-down in Florida.
And that's the news that we put out days after it happened that they deleted off YouTube and then said, Jones says no kids died.
So it's clear they're trying to line that up.
They'll probably follow suit saying Jones said nobody died at the Florida shooting on Valentine's Day.
And they'll probably edit tapes together where I said that happened.
That's what the news does.
They take things out of context where I play devil's advocate
Make a statement where I say I can see how with all the lies we've seen in the media and false flags and weird irregularities where people think, you know, nobody died at XYZ.
But I can't 100% say that and some of these parents look pretty legitimate to me.
So the point is you shouldn't take shootings and then blame all gun owners and try to hit the Second Amendment.
You know, we questioned Vegas because of our law enforcement sources.
They still won't say what happened there and have delayed the report.
They say they won't.
You bring it up for a while.
They waited five years to bring out a police report on Sandy Hook.
This stuff never, has never happened before.
So we have a right to investigate it.
But clearly these lawsuits aren't intended to win, they're intended to put out the false statements again, that I'm saying nobody died there.
And no matter how many times I tell the news that or say it, they still say Jones
Says nobody died.
And they'll show some little edited three-second clip.
And then Megyn Kelly wouldn't even let me answer the question straight.
And they act like they've got me over a barrel.
That, ooh, this is the weak spot.
I, about a year after Sandy Hook, when we had big debates about it, and then the anomaly, said, you know what, I think people died there.
And Paul Watson was the guy who really pushed me to do that, because he went over a lot of the evidence with me.
He, day one, said that, no, the media was building a tar baby.
He was right.
And that's why I pulled back, because some of the groups out there, saying that they were all actors there, were saying that I was Jeff Bridges, or Bo Bridges, and that I was Bill Hicks.
So I said, you know what?
I'm not gonna be bullied by the folks that say nobody died.
The media saw that then as a weakness, then hung it around my neck, it's been beating the drum forever.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Last April, I was visited by failed TV commentator, Megyn Kelly.
And then after the interview aired, weeks later, on Father's Day, I got to watch one of the Sandy Hook parents
Say that I say nobody died there.
Despite the fact I had been saying for at least three years before that, that I believe people died there.
And then we responded to it, and to what sounded like talking points.
Just like what we've seen in Parkland, Florida.
Where they pick four students out of 3,000 who are anti-gun.
George Soros' March for Women that he wholly funds, basically.
Funds the whole March for Our Lives movement.
I point out there's a police stand down from the local witnesses.
YouTube deletes our videos.
Freezes my channel with billions of views.
And says, Jones says nobody died in Florida, and Jones says they're all crisis actors.
Now all of you heard those shows, you saw the videos, you saw the articles, you saw in real time them attempt to run a hoax on you.
And they believe once they can run the hoax on Infowars and shut us down, it is the model to shut down Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge and everybody else.
And even the Wall Street Journal two months ago said, we have a formula to shut Alex Jones down, and when we're done with him, we'll shut everyone down.
There were derivative articles off that.
Hold on to your ten-foot hat, Alex Jones.
YouTube is going to shut you down.
And they explained that if they can define something as bullying, someone can be banned.
Well, if you criticize Islam in Europe in most areas, you get arrested.
They call it bullying.
But they go one step further.
If they can't find something I'm saying that doesn't sound reasonable, they will make up things I've said,
So that they can then misrepresent that to the public, try me in the court of public opinion, then sue me after they've had every comedy show and every news show and every newspaper over and over and over again.
Say, Jones told his listeners to call the families of Sandy Hook victims and threaten them.
Never said that, there's no video, but they're just building that ledger because leftist ideology is all about victimization.
It's all about, we're victims, so we get to go out and take your speech, or take your property, or we get reparations, all white people.
Even though something like 78% of whites living in this country came from whites that immigrated here
After slavery was outlawed that had nothing to do with it.
And that of the 80% or close to it, they're all basically guilty by extension.
And out of the 21% whose ancestors go back to the time of slavery, less than 2% of those people are related to folks that had slaves.
But it doesn't matter, you see, because it's the whole leftist victimology in the Democratic Party.
And the trial lawyers, and the ambulance chasers, and all of them.
The group suing me with two suits they filed yesterday in Travis County is out of Houston, calls themselves the exploding tire lawyers.
They're reportedly the creme de la creme of the vaunted ambulance chasers.
And then you read
The letters they sent us last week and said, you need to retract this, you did this, you did that.
Of course, it's in their lawsuit that I didn't retract.
We got a month to retract, but I couldn't retract it because we went and watched the videos and what they say we said isn't there.
That's what's amazing about this.
And so here's the real history of it.
And then I'm going to, my lawyers are finishing a statement that we had last night.
We were sending to them saying, hey, come on the show.
This isn't what we really said.
You're out of your statute of limitations, off even what's twisted, statutorily.
You're filing this three months after these newest statements.
The suit doesn't stand.
It doesn't stand!
Just by law!
But we'd like to invite Posner and others on so we can humanize this and talk about your experience so that if you claim that people misrepresenting what I've said are giving you any problems, that can be neutralized.
But here's the deal.
The Democratic Party and the media and all of it keep recycling that I'm saying nobody died three plus years after I've clearly said I believe people died there.
And so it's the mainstream media, it's the whole culture, it's the people that were involved going on TV, keeping it going constantly, and then saying, I'm the one still saying it!
Well, that's false statements about myself.
But that's what they do because they think they found a weak spot.
Well, I'll tell you the weak spot.
For me, it's called the truth.
And Paul Watson, when it all happened, said, Jones, I wouldn't even entertain these groups looking at these anomalies, because yeah, sure, there's some anomalies.
And CNN did some interviews where they say they're on satellite, but they're not.
You know, the CNN's been caught hundreds of times doing that.
And yeah, there's weird stuff.
And yeah, there was an armed guy in the woods.
The media later said there wasn't, even though there's helicopter footage.
Yeah, but yeah.
But this is a tar baby set up by the media.
And he said, look at these groups.
Saying nobody died.
They're saying you're Bo Bridges.
And they're saying you're Bill Hicks.
He showed me, and I was like, whoa, this is... I said, you know what, you're right.
I'm being called a crisis actor myself.
They say I'm Bo Bridges.
That's completely crazy.
So I went on air and I said, look, this whole crisis actor thing's gotten out of control.
Sure, we got documents where they hire antifa, they train them on how much violence to engage in, on trying to get others to be engaged in violence.
That is crisis actors being hired.
Hillary hires actor groups for her fake town halls.
That came out.
Yeah, that stuff goes on, but only when we can totally prove it.
When it turns into all the parents are actors and I'm an actor, it's a tar baby.
And so over three years ago,
Well, I mean, it was more like a year after.
It was like four years ago.
I would even try to host debates with both sides.
And then the people, just because I would hear out the other side, would say, you're an agent who said everybody were actors.
And I go, no, I'm not an agent.
I think there's holes in your arguments about this.
Mass shootings happen.
I'm against them blaming gun owners.
Why are they always on Prozac-type drugs?
Why do the police always stand down?
I think that there's benign
Negligence here, actually turning into conscious negligence by the authorities.
Gross, concentrated, premeditated negligence in these victim disarmament zones.
And they go, oh, that's it, you're a fed, you're covering up.
So, you see, the media's lost credibility with dead babies and incubators that didn't exist, and fake WMDs, and all the stuff we've seen.
CNN saying they're under skid missile attack in 1991 when they're really at CNN Center in Atlanta.
And they've caught Brian Williams in all the fake news, and Hillary in fake news, saying she was on the tarmac, and fake town halls, and fake polls, and giving the questions to Hillary, and Google gaming the results, that people don't believe anything anymore.
So they think I'm in on the deception, and they think mainstream media is a hundred times worse, and you really can't blame these people for going crazy, because when all the establishment media has been caught lying so much, what's really happening?
What do people do?
Then I read all these lawsuits against me.
None of them have merit.
None of it's ever what I really said.
And you just realize it's the total bottom falling out.
It's free-for-all, planet hoax, crazy town.
That's what it is.
It's just people deciding at every level they can just be as deceptive as possible.
And then if I try to be actually honest and really look at things, they use that as weakness and then misrepresent what it is.
But coming up, the latest big war news, Soros' judge going after Trump and more.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones.
So the old corporate corrupt media basically has no more viewers or listeners.
They are a shadow of their former selves.
They're having massive layoffs on a daily basis.
They're going bankrupt.
They're consolidating.
They're being propped up by kingpins like Bezos and Carlos Slim, The New York Times, The Washington Post.
So they are openly, in the final days of Obama, signing executive orders to use the CIA against independent American media and to develop plans with stay-behind networks inside the Justice Department and CIA.
This is in the news.
We wrote about it.
Zero Hedge wrote about it.
Atlantic Monthly wrote about it in 2016, how they were going to crush us.
And now we have Kimba Wood, Five Facts You Should Know, the judge that authorized the raid.
On Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer.
Oh, and remember, law says they're not supposed to distribute that to anybody but the investigators in the case.
She ordered all of Trump's private files to be digitized and put on a federal server so that the bureau can all access it and leak it to their heart's content.
She married George Soros and his third wife a few years ago.
And Bill Clinton wanted her to be his Attorney General.
That's why these people are so arrogant.
They're on such incredible power trips.
And now the left has taken over the judiciary.
What, 80% of your lawyers in the country are Democrats?
Or more?
And they've moved from ambulance chasing to trying to destroy the First Amendment and bully everybody and CNN was breathless and MSNBC was completely and totally and absolutely breathless.
Incredibly breathless.
Talking about, Sean Hannity talked to Michael Cohen, it's over, he needs to be fired!
You can't be, and again, you can't be represented by the President's lawyer and still be talking to the President, which isn't even true in many facets.
A, that's not true, but B, Hannity put out a statement, I've never been represented by him.
I talked to him, I talked to the President.
I get legal advice from him on things for the show.
That's totally normal.
But think about how you've got Stephanopoulos and Axelrod.
I mean, half the people on MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, formerly worked for the Clintons or Obama.
And they'll sit there and interview people they used to work with and never even point that out.
But oh my gosh, Hannity's in a bunch of trouble.
Why he got caught?
Why it's unethical?
Why will News Corp let him stay on?
We need more boycotts!
Get rid of Laura Ingraham!
How dare her?
She talked back to a public figure!
David Hogg!
Jimmy Kimmel mocks my pal Sean Hannity over front lawyer bombshell!
CNN bombshell!
Sean Hannity has few rules, and now Fox has a problem.
Oh, you don't have any ratings, Fox does.
I get it, you want them off the air.
So, what's going on here is Trump's announced he's pulling out of Syria again today.
Good, thank you Trump.
North Korea announces what I told you two months ago they're going to do, that they're ending the war officially in a few weeks.
You're coming through.
That never got ended, and they're talking about merging.
Oh, suddenly they're coming to the table.
Under Trump's leadership.
But that doesn't matter because we've got no joke.
Judge who forced Cohen to ID Hannity performed Soros' wedding.
That's on Infowars.com.
But here's five of the facts you should know about Kimba Wood.
Bill Clinton once wanted Wood to be his Attorney General and Hillary Clinton was involved in the process.
According to her own biography.
They praised her as a legal scholar, according to the Washington Post.
And the best judge.
Wood employed an illegal immigrant babysitter, but still sentenced Michael Milken.
For the same thing, I guess.
Number three.
Wood once trained as a Playboy Bunny, and she was named after an Australian town.
Very bizarre.
Look at her, boy.
Yeah, show people a picture of this lady.
Big power trip.
Look at that, they're in charge.
They're gonna do whatever they want.
Wood was famously dubbed the love judge of a romantic scandal.
Wood presided over the wedding of George Soros and was once called a lifelong Democrat.
But that's okay.
George Soros can commit any crimes he wants, that's okay too.
And you can have Strzok and all the rest of them at the Justice Department and the FBI fix the Steele dossier, the PP dossier.
They can put all that out, they can do all that, and they can criminally send hundreds of thousands of dollars to each other's wives and husbands who are on the Threat Fusion GPS job, who only got hired for the dossier, and then Hillary can give a half a million dollars to McCabe, and McCabe can blame other FBI agents for leaks that turned out it was him.
All of that's criminal, but all of that's okay.
Comey can criminally leak, and so can
All the rest of them, Rosenstein can be a Clinton insider and set this whole thing up.
They can raid Trump's lawyer.
They can have six different Clinton law firms with former lawyers that work directly for Hillary at the State Department, the White House, you name it, all sue me with now 16 lawsuits.
And they're all completely frivolous and all completely fake.
And they always file them and then go, oh, Jones wasn't immediately available.
They file the suit a day later.
They go, oh, you're not immediately available.
We wrote the story yesterday.
They admit they write the stories days before.
They all honcho it together with the mainstream media in total collusion.
And then they come out and say things about us we didn't say.
There's Martian bases with humans, slaves on it.
Never said that.
On and on and on.
They misrepresent.
How many times have you heard me say, I believe people died at Sandy Hook?
Have you listened a hundred times?
You've probably heard me say it twenty times.
Say it all the time.
But they file a lawsuit saying I said that nobody died and they're all liars yesterday.
And then there's the statute of limitations.
Back at the time, you had babies out of incubators that didn't die, fake WMDs, a lot of weird anomalies.
I had listeners not believing and I said, well, let's investigate it.
I could see how you think that, but let's see if you're right.
And within about a year, I said, you know what?
I got to say people probably died, but a lot of weird stuff went on.
Not releasing the police reports, bulldozing the school after, was clearly a stand-down.
That's not the parents.
And then the Democrats kind of gave some of the parents stuff they wanted them to say, and you know, in the moment, there was definitely some talking points, but that's not being actors and actresses.
But never will mainstream media even have me saying that or doing that.
They always just go back with little two second quick edited clips.
Where I'm having devil's advocate in the debate.
I can see how you believe nobody died, sir, but you know, what about this?
Or what about that anomaly?
Or you know, tell me, can you stand there and tell the parents that to their face?
I don't see the, you know, the government being that bold to pull something off that crazy.
That's all edited out.
And then they misrepresent, and they have the exploding tire law firm.
That's what it's called.
I mean, wow.
File these things that, again,
Are the defamatory statements against myself and Infowars meant to shut us down, but within a lawsuit they believe are protected?
You see?
And so it's just the mainstream media and the whole combine using children and using hurt families to try to get them on board and not just go after the Second Amendment, but also the First Amendment.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So folks, here is the big news.
The judge is a Clinton favorite, Clinton operative, who married George Soros and his third wife a few years ago, who has been involved in all sorts of corruption cases, and then she has ordered
The entire private database of Michael Cohen and Donald Trump digitized and put in a federal searchable database so all of the Clinton operatives can log in, grab the material, and leak it to the four winds however they want.
How's that for justice?
But here's the thing, they wouldn't be doing all this bold criminal stuff in my view if they weren't going down the tubes.
They wouldn't be doing any of that if they weren't in pure crisis mode.
Here's the thing.
I got mad about the airstrikes because I know they were bold.
I love Trump.
But he's got North Korea coming to the table.
But the fact that the globalists hate Trump and the fact that he's bringing sovereignty back and bringing jobs back, that shows you that they are really upset and that now we're basically with Trump or against Trump.
And we need to understand that if Trump fails, we have people that are consciously evil, who consciously have openly said they want to end free speech in this country.
Trump has come out now and issued a withdrawal plan.
Arab occupational forces and Arabs will pay for it.
The Middle East will pay for it.
And that would end the civil war because
It would be a partnership of the Arab countries who are already financing an attempt to take the country over.
And so that would basically give them the transitional power, then let Assad have elections, and then they would have to pull out.
Which was really the original plan five years ago that the Pentagon set up with Assad.
And then they basically told Obama, we're not doing your immoral plan of turning this over to Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Now we knew this was the case months ago.
But it's clearly a message to Russia, they better go along with the deal.
And I'm not defending the strikes, I still think they're a terrible idea.
Because we know the rebels are the ones behind the last chemical attacks.
There's no evidence these new chemical attacks even happened.
Mainstream media runs videos that are clearly fake.
I mean, if you're a TV viewer, play the clip from this weekend that's been all over the internet and all over TV of a chemical weapons attack.
And they splice him with old attacks that did happen of clearly dying people, but let's roll some of that footage for TV viewers.
Now again, a normal person would see the doctor there wink.
He looks over and says, get ready.
He falls over.
No one else falls over around him.
And they zoom in with the camera and the little kid above him starts laughing.
That kid's looking around in between acting like they're convulsing.
I mean, it's fake.
It's like a bad play.
Falls over.
There you go.
Surgical mask below the nose.
This is just... This is bad acting.
And by the way, who thinks all these doctors are really 18 years old, 16 years old?
I mean, look at this.
Now, I just spent the last 30 minutes saying that I don't think the parents from Sandy Hook were actors.
I think the media clearly, they got with the media, and the talking points, the Democrats were there, and a lot of these folks were Democrats, and so they had an agenda of being anti-gun, we know that for a fact, and we know they're now anti-free speech, some of them.
But you know, on this whole Sandy Hook thing,
There's some interesting opportunities here because we can get these thrown out, even in Travis County.
I mean, they're so badly done and filed wrong and all the rest of it.
They're publicity stunts by the media, again, just using the parents, who are big public figure anti-gun advocates.
But what if I go ahead with it and then depose them and everything?
When you actually sue somebody for defamation, it's a big two-way street in a defamation case.
You get everything, bank records, all of it.
And then the PIs can actively go out and do everything.
But see, they think there'll be enough George Soros finance lawsuits at the end of it to where we won't be here.
In the digital age, we'll always be here.
And you'll never be able to no-platform us.
And you're failing.
You're trying to get rid of Laura Ingraham.
Her ratings went up 30-something percent.
Extra million viewers.
Hannity's bigger than ever.
We're bigger than ever.
Our listeners, the amount of affiliates, the amount of new TV stations picking us up, they all know this is a hoax.
They all know this is a fraud.
We're getting more radio stations, more TV stations, more networks, more channels.
Because Americans understand this country is fighting for its life right now.
Now I'm going to get into more news coming up on the economics on North Korea, on what the left's up to, on other bizarre statements where they're saying, top dim, women dying because dims, losing elections, bunch of clips coming up and we have several guests joining us.
But before I go any further here,
As I always like to say, you have a choice to make in the fight against the globalists.
Are you going to stand with the First Amendment and stand with them full wars, unshaking like a peninsula, rocky peninsula, out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that the big waves can't bring down?
Or will you tire of the fight, the animating Condes of Liberty, and let Soros and the globalists win?
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And the good news is these lawsuits are very, very, very, very frivolous, and have huge holes in them, and are the most fraudulent major law firms I've ever seen.
The problem is, they're filing them in Democrat-controlled places, where Travis County indicts Rick Perry for no reason.
They indict Republican fundraisers, Republican members of the House constantly.
It's all out of Travis County.
And so, they think because of the political nature, somehow, they'll be able to do that.
Well, whatever, ladies and gentlemen.
The issue is, we're going to be here for years to come.
And I'll be broadcasting in so many other ways in so many other places.
We're building.
We're expanding.
We're hiring more people.
We're in a good position.
They know that.
They know we're exploding.
They know we predicted what was really going to happen.
They know that globalism's in trouble.
They know people are really tuning in now.
They're trying to misbrand us as bad people, as fake news, and then destroy us.
Just like they're trying to arrest Trump and his lawyer and it's Soros' top judge and she's leaking all the stuff to the media.
I mean, it's crazy.
You need to support us.
We pray for you.
Please pray for us.
But also, Trump needs to take the gloves off.
Man, the Attorney General is compromised.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So I didn't pick this job to be popular.
I didn't pick this job for myself at the end of the day.
To have a bigger house or fly around on a helicopter or a private jet.
I do this job because I see corrupt globalists that have hijacked this country, and done horrible things to other nations they have full control of, and then I know we have to stand against them.
So I have to cover the hard topics to break the ice, to make it safe for other people to look at those issues, like global government, or the attack on the family, or the fact that radical Islam is being funded by Western intelligence agencies and think tanks and foundations to break down Christian nations.
The war on Christians.
The war on Christmas.
The war on literature.
The war on art.
The war on thought.
The popular street artist.
We're going to get him on today, but there's so much coming up, I'm going to move him to later in the broadcaster tomorrow.
Sabo's been banned off Twitter.
All he does is very powerful, clean street art.
Street art.
This is real tyranny, folks.
So they want to not intimidate me.
They know I'm not going to back down.
The globalists want to intimidate you.
They want you to think, well, if I roll over, if I go along, I'll get ahead.
We stood up against the British crown and produced a nation that wasn't perfect, but produced the most wealth and freedom the planet's ever seen.
Lying down creates tyranny.
It creates entropy.
Now that said, I want to get to some of these clips that are really important, and I want to open the phones up in the next hour and ask you this question.
When are you going to strike back, and how?
When is Trump going to strike back, and how?
We've seen Trump come out and talk about how Bezos runs a monopoly against government funding, $1.50 for every package.
It was $1.48, now it's gone up.
And all the other things they do in the sweatshops, they went down $30-something billion.
He exposed Facebook and how it wasn't just his campaign trying to data mine it publicly and legally, but it data mines as a company itself.
It went down $40 billion.
I mean, a lot of globalist institutions are in trouble.
Universities are collapsing.
Mainstream media is collapsing.
They're in their death throes trying to pull us down with them.
What are we going to do to get really aggressive as libertarians, as nationalists, as conservatives?
What are we going to do?
We're not litigious dirtbags.
We're not bullies.
We don't go to Democrat rallies and point guns at them or hit people on the heads with bike locks like Antifa does.
So what are we going to do?
That's a question
Because we're culturally winning.
The young people are starting to wake up.
Not the millennials.
Some of those are awake, but on average they're not.
But Generation Z is really awake.
The globalists know the clock is ticking against them.
Their only hope is to bring in giant third world populations and then quickly indoctrinate them into leftist ideology, but they're leaving Venezuela.
They're leaving Cuba.
They're leaving that stuff, so they have problems with them as well.
They want prosperity on average.
So Soros and Sanders offer him all these freebies, which they're not really going to get.
But when is Trump going to strike back against George Soros' and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's favorite judge?
She's in the New York Times at their weddings.
She's the one authorizing the raid on Trump's lawyer, and then she orders it put on an FBI digitally searchable database in the FBI files.
Which there's federal laws in an ongoing case you're not supposed to do.
She's putting it out there for plausible deniability for leaking.
Well, yeah, they raided him a week ago.
Within a couple days, on Friday, they were already leaking other stuff about a Republican donor that got Cohen to transfer money to a lady.
And now they're on the TV going, oh Hannity, why are you talking to Cohen?
That means you're getting women paid off.
And he's like, I'm friends with Trump, and I ask Cohen legal questions about Trump and getting Trump on the show.
He's not my client.
But that witch on him, well, it's political.
You should have told us you were talking to him.
Well, I think he's had him on the show.
Meanwhile, you got Axelrod, you got Stephanopoulos, you got all these Clinton operatives that host all the major shows, from Meet the Press to Face the Nation to CNN to all of it.
They host it.
And there's never a discussion when they're on there about conflicts of interest.
It's just amazing.
So they want to bring down everybody.
And they're making the move, and it's simple.
You financially support InfoWars because you directly are our sponsors.
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But you support InfoWars and you stand against everything they're doing.
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But I'm done plugging.
Let me just get back to the main question here.
We have a storm of bullies.
Late night comedy has just weaponized disinformation.
All the big ambulance chasers, law firms, Democrat alumni.
That are making the country almost unlivable already, are swarming and just attacking conservatives, libertarians everywhere.
You gotta fight these false suits.
You gotta get slap back.
You gotta get damages.
You gotta fight them.
You cannot settle these things.
I didn't understand when I got these first lawsuits and they went, I go, I'm not gonna settle.
They go, actually, we'll just pay you.
We're sorry, but it's secret.
I can't say which ones, obviously.
We'll pay you.
X amount of money and I was like, my lawyer's like, this is a good deal.
I guess they realize it's a dumb suit and I go, no, no.
They just wanted me to have the news that I was sued and I settled.
And then sure enough, they put that out to the other trial lawyers who aren't even getting direct orders.
They're just like, look guys, Alex Jones is a new target.
It's not exploding tires or ambulances or, you know, slipping on people's pools or restaurants.
Most restaurants close.
Everybody just comes in and falls down.
They're in the grocery store.
I got friends that own a steakhouse.
It's like every week now, someone just walks in and just openly on security cameras fake falls and goes, and all this.
That's America.
That's what we've got.
That's what the Democrats are.
They're cancer.
So if you know people that are these ambulance chasers, don't talk to them at school.
You know, the Democrats want to dump coffee on my head.
They want to get aggressive with me.
Let's not act like criminals like them.
Don't talk to them.
Don't do business with them.
Don't let your children talk to them.
And when they step out of line, sue them.
They are you and your family's sworn enemies.
They think you're weak.
They think you're stupid.
They think you'll just roll over.
It's time to go to Democrat churches and record the weird, bizarre stuff they're teaching and put it on the internet.
It's time to go to Democrat bars and record these guys.
It's time, if you're a good-looking woman for your country, to go in there and get that Democrat mayor to sit there and cheat on his wife and then burn him to hell!
I don't say get in bed with him.
Just do what must be done!
They don't get conservatives and libertarians.
They take our restraint for weakness.
It's time for all.
of the internet sites, and anonymous, and everyone.
It is time to go after them.
They've been drawn first blood politically.
So I'm going to ask you in the next hour, what do we do?
Legally and lawfully.
They want to get down in the dirt?
Ah, Batman, the Doc.
I was born in the dark.
Cheesiness, but it's true.
So the fire goes up.
We're the real revolutionaries, not you dirtbag establishment people.
Everybody has to run Project Veritas operations on these folks.
And it's time.
Go after all Democrats, all their operatives, all their bullies, all their people.
You work for them?
All of them.
You see them doing stuff?
Report it.
Not paying their taxes?
Videotape it.
Report it.
Deliver it.
Get them at the state level.
Feds don't prosecute Democrats for income evasion.
Hit em!
Hit em!
Hit em!
Hit em!
Hit em!
Go into the big Democrat churches, their mainline Methodist churches and others that teach anti-gun and take up collection plates for blowing them on the gates.
Go in, come spy on the church, then hand out literature.
It's not a real church.
Expose them.
They want to fight?
Better believe they got one.
Phase 2 now goes into high gear.
But what does Trump do?
What do the legislatures do?
Break up the big trust.
Break up Google.
Break them all up.
Pass laws where the loser has to pay.
More of those laws!
More stronger slap statutes!
Bankrupt the ambulance chasers!
They're forcing us to do it!
877-789-ALEX 877-789-2539 There's already graduating more lawyers in a decade than they had in the previous hundred!
It's a cancer!
It's gotta be cut out now!
We'll be back!
They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products, we have it in 4's life.
Michael's VX Plus now has a lower price.
It'd take hours.
It's stronger.
It's the other equation in probiotics.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's back in stock.
The Real Red Pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we're going to find out if America's made of cowards or of real men and women because the globalists are going for the juggler, Trump's lawyer, Russiagate didn't find anything except that Mueller delivered uranium to the Russians illegally and Hillary took a hundred and something million and Tony Podesta and all the rest of it.
So just like that, the media segues out of Russia into Michael Cohen.
And boy, Sean Hannity talks to him on the phone.
Think about the criminality.
A week, less than a week after Cohen gets raided.
We know all about Republican donors and girlfriends and we know all about Sean Hannity talking to the lawyer.
Think about how criminal that Justice Department is.
Think about how criminal that FBI is at the top.
But it's that cabal, that Clinton judge.
The Clinton-FISA judge had to recuse themselves.
And then she orders the stories on InfoWars.com.
They're leaking.
Right there, ladies and gentlemen.
That George Soros judge demands all Cohen records be placed in federal searchable database?
Judge would, so it can be more easily leaked and nobody can get in trouble.
Where is Trump leaking information?
Well see, that's the next logical step.
That's why they want Matt Drudge shut down, Rush Limbaugh shut down, Sean Hannity shut down, Tucker Carlson shut down, Laura Ingraham shut down.
Because none of those people are perfect, and I'm not either.
But I'm pro-America.
I try to tell the truth.
I try to get it right.
I play by the rules.
I believe in this country.
And these people aren't.
They're mad dog criminals.
And that's why I'm not afraid of them, and why I fight them so hard, and no matter how hard they hit me,
And believe me, man, they have, they've done it.
You've seen them try to take my kids away and have the press involved and all that.
You've seen the attacks and the threats and next level stuff they've been doing.
But I'm not going to get into here on air.
But they are nasty.
They are nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty people.
And they get up there at the Hillary marches, funded by George Soros, four women, led by Muslim women, and they go, yes, I'm a nasty woman.
And it's all about hating men, hating reproduction.
They're calling it in a new video, empathy to abort your baby.
Remember they had that video a few years ago?
The woman getting the abortion, the actress?
Did she want to do that to get attention?
She's like, oh, it's so wonderful, it's so loving.
Something I did for myself.
She's like, oh, I'm enjoying it.
Oh, yes, it feels so good.
Other leftists want Drano dumped in their eyes and taxpayers to pay for it.
It's just deviant insanity by giant hordes of people that nobody stands up to, that nobody puts in their place.
And the media's like, God, it's so beautiful how she's blind.
She's identified as blind when we dump the Drano in her eyes.
It's so sexy.
Yeah, we're showing it right now.
You're a radio listener, it's on television.
In fact, turn it off, I can't look at it.
And all her friends go, it's so beautiful, we're glad she made the decision!
We don't make any moral judgments except if you're a Christian and don't want us to sexualize your kids, then we do.
We think it's normal to have the state blind people and then not pay for it.
We think it's normal to have the state teach six-year-olds they're another sex and then have their genitals cut off.
We're the good people.
We're here to help you and I drink some glyphosate.
So how do we strike back legally and lawfully?
How do we take the gloves off to the very edge of the law when we return?
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, we've discovered some shocking developments just in the last few hours since we learned last night in Travis County a law firm called the Exploding Tire Law Firm.
This is next-level ambulance chasing in my view.
They filed two lawsuits for the families of the victims of Sandy Hook, who are public figures, who are anti-gun spokespersons, and now they're anti-free speech spokespersons, who keep going out saying Alex Jones keeps saying our kids didn't die, he needs to retract it, he needs to apologize.
And then four years ago, I'm saying, I believe your children died, and I apologize for any pain you've gone through, and I show Megyn Kelly that, and it doesn't go in the show, because they're never going to drop it.
But what happens in a lawsuit is those things come out.
And we just discovered stuff, and we know these are getting cut and pasted.
We know the lawsuits are getting cut and pasted.
We just laid three of the last lawsuits over each other, and they're the same lawsuits, and they even messed up.
Here's just an example.
More of this is coming up.
Document cam shot, please.
Of course, none of this will be on the fake news.
You'll only see this here.
Defendant Owen Schroer is an individual residing in Travis County, and at all times to this suit, Mr. Daniels has been a reporter for InfoWars.
Mr. Schroer can be served, and then it goes on.
So, and then it's some address that's even a wrong address of our warehouse.
Now, think about that.
The last suit lists Kit Daniels.
This is a new suit that Kit Daniels isn't in, but they list it as Kit Daniels.
And it's all full of that.
There's like typos and wrong words and misspelling, and you're like, what the hell is this?
And then it's not even the right jurisdictions and the right filings, and it goes on and on.
And that's it.
The left is just hysterical.
And then the big Democrat money comes down.
And these suits are guaranteed not to win, but to get them publicity.
So I ask everybody that's listening to me right now.
Don't show this document cam shot again.
I'm asking everybody that's watching and listening to me right now to understand how crazy this is.
And to not be intimidated, they know the average person, they call it country bumpkin, plow over country.
They think, you think, ooh, a lawsuit, ooh, that's scary.
Not in the world of frivolous lawsuits.
They've got to pay once they get caught in a frivolous lawsuit.
So they, in the lawsuit suing Owen Schroeder, one sues Owen, one sues me, I get sued in both.
They then say Kit Daniels is Owen Schroyer.
And that's just part of it.
I'm going to stop right there.
That's because they're cutting and pasting the other lawsuits because this is formulaic being sent out to these people to do, in my view.
I mean, out of all these 15, 16 lawsuits, at least five of the law firms are run by former people that work for Hillary Clinton.
Look what they're doing to Michael Cohen.
Look what they're doing to President Trump.
Our forebears got shot down in helicopters and died on foreign beaches and went down in submarines and died at Lexington and Concord so we'd have some semblance of freedom in this country.
And the fact that we just get sued by Soros?
And the mainstream media tries to have my kids taken away and says I'm a bad dad and lies about stuff and tries to influence the jury and the fact that they, you know, have the IRS harass churches and Christians and veterans groups.
Yeah, it's bad, but it's not as bad as it's going to be if we let these globalists, Soros, Hillary Clinton, all of them get full control.
And that's why they're so bold, is because they're scared.
Don't take their bold, crazy action as strength, it's weakness.
George Soros, judge behind
All Cohen records placed in federal searchable database, and then you wonder why in violation of federal law they did that in an ongoing case, so it could be spread to the four winds with all the little operatives beavering into the database and trying to cook something up.
This is the big assault.
No joke, judge who forced Cohen to ID Hannity performed Soros wedding.
So how do we all, legally and lawfully, TV stations, radio stations, individuals, law firms, businessmen, women, veterans, patriots, libertarians, Christians, conservatives, common sense people, what do we do?
Be it very outspoken, free speech wise, we financially support causes like the NRA, or Infowars that are fighting for our basic freedoms.
We're bold around the left and don't let them intimidate us about our speech.
It's time for conservatives to become litigious against leftist organizations and institutions.
It's time when the local leftist newspaper gets something wrong about you to sue them.
Even if they don't win, get them.
Even if you don't, it's time.
It's time that when you see corruption going on by anybody affiliated with the Democrats, anybody that works with them, supports them, or is a Democrat, they are a part of a Nazi cult, a Soviet cult.
It's the same thing.
They're an evil, cancerous party that seeks total power over our children, our lives, our money, our religion.
They want to open the borders to Islamists.
They are a clear and present danger, and they know they are.
And they're all a bunch of dumb, stupid camp followers, but they've got that one tribal understanding that it's their country, and their power, and they're taking over, and it's their time.
And so I'm telling you, they want to bully us and push us around all the rest is crap?
It's time not to just be all shucks.
There's some crazy people down at UT or crazy people down at Harvard.
If you're an alumni of Georgetown or any of these organizations that are anti-free speech, anti-American, that are banning costume parties because they might hurt somebody's feelings, that's a cult.
When you can't have a costume party, or you can't have the word mother or father, pull your money out.
Don't send your children there.
And it's already happened in Kansas.
And Michigan, and Washington State, where you've seen 20, 30, 40% enrollment drops in one year when they have these big SJW events.
Get out of there!
Don't go there!
Pull out of there!
But how do we take the gloves off?
We're gonna go to Jim, we're gonna go to Jay, we're gonna Paulette, Aline, Elaine, Daniel, David, Sam, Christine, Jesse, everybody.
I'm taking a ton of calls today.
We're going to get to a bunch of these video clips I haven't played yet.
There's so many, but this is just an insane time.
Let's see what Jim in California thinks about this.
How do we stand up to this?
What do we do to the Second American Revolution counter-offensive they've launched against us?
Well, you got me?
Yes, sir.
Well, we've crossed into a spot where
Somebody like you who has a little bit more, how shall I say, upwardly mobile, can handle doing the losses.
But for the rest of us, there is not a lot.
I mean, I live paycheck to paycheck.
There is not a lot I can do in that way.
However, it doesn't mean that there isn't something you can do.
I know that I live in a very small town up in the mountains, and there is a militia.
They've already formed.
They've practiced.
And somebody who's got a lot of power of the voice, as you do, you say the right thing, things could happen.
Or the President.
I know that I work with law enforcement a lot.
And at one point, I was selling a gun that I didn't use anymore, and officers literally came to me and told me, you can't sell that.
And I'm like, what do you mean I can't sell that?
Do you know where to buy ammo?
And if you don't, I'll get it for you.
I'll tell you.
The revolution is coming, brother.
You need to hang on to this.
I mean, and these are the guys, the rank and file, with guns and badges, that are... Well, no, I agree.
I'm going to come back and talk about that one.
Stay right there.
Obama knew it.
Hillary knew this.
That's why they tried to do the strong cities with the Justice Department, to kill some cops, threaten the cops, have them go under U.N.
That was official.
To get them on their side before they make their move.
You're absolutely right.
But that's a critical part of this.
I'm going to come back to you on the other side.
Stay with us, Jim.
Face it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We are back live.
Before I go back to Jim and then others, I want to just clarify something.
He says for somebody upwardly mobile like yourself, you can deal with these lawsuits, but for those of us that aren't, one of these lawsuits would ruin us.
Actually, if it's a frivolous lawsuit, it gets thrown out pretty easily, and then they've got to pay you back.
The problem is they file these in leftist cities, where they'll let it go a little bit further than it should.
So this is a big challenge to InfoWars.
It's not like I'm Mr. Daddy Warbucks here, and I've got all this money laying around to fight these things.
The listeners, though, buy a lot of the products, they support us, they understand we're under attack, they've been coming through.
And it enraged the establishment when we've gotten, what, eight of their lawsuits thrown out now?
But I guess now they've got, like,
Nine more going.
But my lawyers have looked at it.
They're even running out of the frivolous stuff.
I mean, you've seen the weird EEOC complaints that are complete fantasy.
That's a whole process.
And it's just all, everyone I've ever known or didn't know has been contacted.
They've had it in a bunch of newspapers, like, a guy named Doyle at Alamo Draft House says Jones says he doesn't believe anything he says and hates his listeners.
And then other newspapers call Doyle and, oh, what's Alex like, Doyle?
There's no Doyle!
I didn't tell some guy at Alamo Draft House some movie theater!
Just randomly that I hate America?
That's why they're pissed off.
They've gone all over Sheffield, England.
In Northern England where Paul Watson and Steve Watson are from.
Steve doesn't like being on air, he's just as smart as Paul.
Which he was on air.
He's got a degree in international relations, whole nine yards.
And they've knocked on the yearbook of everyone they went to high school with.
And then started offering a little money.
Like, oh Paul, Steve, they're great guys.
Come on, tell us they're bad.
I mean, that's all this is!
So can you imagine they have gone through everything and they can't find anything.
And so that's what this is.
This is the fight for America.
This is the Revolutionary War.
This is information warfare.
They're attacking.
But beyond InfoWars, I'm asking, what do you do?
What do we do?
And you're right.
Tyranny will either come to your door as a uniform or we'll fight tyranny.
And so the globalists have been trying to get the police and military on their side, and I can tell you, the police and military are super awake at the grassroots level to what's going on, and that's really backfired on the globalists.
And we've just all got to have a stiff upper lip, move forward, tell the truth, get the word out.
But everybody keeps saying guns, guns, guns.
We're going to have this big overthrow, or if Trump called for it, or if I called for it.
The globalists are probably going to stage some more false flags to try to get violence going.
We need to keep the information war going, get the economy turned back on, use non-violent stuff like they're doing, the courts against them, economic warfare, boycotts, what they're doing.
You need to infiltrate Soros marches.
You need to get into these leftist groups.
You need to be Project Veritas listeners.
Don't count on us.
Do it yourself.
Put it on YouTube.
Put it on Twitter.
Put it on your own channel.
Bigger channels will pick it up.
You are the power.
We've got to go operational against them.
And believe me, we're doing everything we can here.
But if you'll just go take action and realize the war is now.
Because I found the Second Amendment becomes kind of a cop-out.
And I'm not saying you're doing this, but... Well, somebody says the word, let's start shooting!
We're winning informationally.
They're striking back with a bunch of dirty tricks.
Take what, and we'll try to get him on today or tomorrow, Sabo, this great street artist does.
I said we should copy his work, create our own street art.
Go out, show it, video it, put it up online, it all goes viral.
You do it in the real world, then in the silicon dimension it goes viral.
Everybody taking action as the resistance.
We're the resistance.
We, in modern parlance, coin that, use that, push that, do that.
Now the Democrats call themselves the resistance.
They're the globalists!
They're the big banks!
They're Hollywood!
They're the power structure!
They're the FBI!
They're the federal judges!
The fight is now!
But I can tell you the biggest thing you can do is run good folks for Congress, support them, run yourself for local office, and financially support InfoWars, and spread our articles and our videos, and don't care when the bots and people call you names on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube.
Start your own websites.
I'm talking about solutions here.
What do you think?
I gotta shut up or I won't get to all the calls.
Jay in California, finish up what you were saying.
Go ahead.
You on to me?
Yes, I was just going to have you finish up.
Well, that is exactly what I was going to say.
Go ahead.
I've been buying your stuff for a long time, thinking about that.
Got lots of stuff on auto ship.
And as a piece of that help, how do I help?
And I've seen some good people for office that I've known personally because I went to school with them, with one guy who they just
Destroyed him because he's a Mormon.
Not that there's anything wrong with Mormons.
And you're right.
And that's what we can do.
All I was getting at was there is a whole lot of temperature out there that's gone through the roof.
And it's not just some guys in a militia wandering around or practicing in the forest.
It's one of the largest law enforcement agencies in California where that's how they talk.
Because they are done.
And notice how you've got the lawlessness.
The Democrats are going to do it first.
They're going to push first, saying, we're not going to stop MS-13.
We're going to just let them do whatever they want.
We're not going to let the Border Patrol be here.
We're not going to let the National Guard help Trump when Mexico has a National Guard and a border and a military.
And so absolutely, they've gone so far with their lawlessness that it's really showing everybody exactly what you're saying.
So you're saying you got friends that are in the state police there and that they're upset?
Well, yeah.
One of the things that was really hard was once a year, you have to do a whole test on ethics.
And if you don't pass this test, you don't continue to work.
And as you're doing your test on ethics, I'm listening to an InfoWars news story about the deputy, what do they call him, attorney general of the state of California arrested for being a pedophile.
Here I am and nothing, I shouldn't say nothing, but very low down there on the totem pole, and they're worried about whether or not my wife received a gift from somebody and I, in turn, did something to help out somebody that would have been considered an ethic.
Well, that's what criminals and leftists do, and whole left-hand path people do.
They shoot a smoke screen out, or a crooked toenail, or microaggressions, or somebody bought you a cup of coffee.
That's evil.
That's bad.
But exactly, if they're a pedophile, or they're stealing all this money, oh, that's okay.
They put a smoke screen out, blaming everyone for what they've done.
God bless you, Jim.
Great call.
When we come back, I'm going boom, boom, boom.
I've got to get through these calls.
We've got Jay coming up next.
We've got Paulette.
We're going to get to everybody on the other side.
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com, and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
Let's go to Debit in Florida.
Debit in Florida, you're on the air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Hollywood Babylon, baby!
Alright, we're going back to your phone calls.
I was just talking to some of the crew during the break.
And if you could come up with stuff like this in fiction, you'd win Hollywood Oscars for Best Screenplay.
We're the good guys trying to restore the country, trying to cut taxes, trying to get big megacorporations that don't pay taxes to pay taxes.
We're trying to take care of veterans, take care of our sovereignty, promote free market individualism.
Fight radical Islam that oppresses women, gays, you name it.
We're promoting academic freedom.
We're promoting open free speech.
We're promoting family.
We're promoting just everything wholesome.
And we've got the mainstream media misrepresenting what we say and what we do everywhere.
And then filing suits to back up those frauds so the media can then get on board with those frauds and then
Perpetuate the lie to intimidate everybody else to roll over.
But I gotta tell you, we're in good company here.
Sean Hannity does a great job.
He wasn't perfect years ago, but at the right time in American history, when the country's coming back, he's going through a lot to tell the truth.
And hadn't backed down.
Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge is chief amongst the patriots.
Linking to when the Russians said that the rebels were going to stage false flags a month ago.
Linking to when they got caught staging false flags before.
Nobody else with that type of media pull would dare do that.
You do that, you put yourself in the globalist's crosshairs.
We got the secret Google documents six months ago.
And what were they more afraid of than anything?
They said, we want InfoWars delisted and we want Ron Paul delisted.
We're paying you millions of dollars to go out there and downvote them as an outside company because they exposed that Syria was a false flag.
And the next time there's a false flag, we're not going to get the war we want if they're there exposing it.
They just don't want us to go, oh look, the rebels brag they did it two years ago.
That's our crime, is a memory.
Remember what Gruber said.
I go back to this every day because what did Jonathan Gruber say five years ago on C-SPAN?
He said, thank God the public has no attention span.
They will not remember we told them that Obamacare would be free when it triples their prices.
And he started laughing.
And the other academics were smiling and laughing too.
Those aren't liberals.
Those are predators, folks.
That is so predatory.
And then these new lawsuits they filed on me today, they say Kit Daniels is Owen Schroer.
Because it's a cut and paste from another lawsuit.
They don't even file them right, the right courts, the right dates, none of it's even true.
The way the statutes work, they don't care.
They just want to file so many thinking I'll settle them for nothing to just keep saying Alex is sued, Alex is sued, Alex is fake news, Alex said nobody died at this, Alex did that.
You saw them all say I said nobody died at Parkland.
Never said that.
They still say it because they are preying on you.
That is the mainstream media.
And I know you as an audience know that.
It's just
Here's the deal, I don't want a violent revolution, and I think we can fix this peacefully, except they're gonna keep pushing.
The New York Times, two weeks before Scalise got shot, said, here's a front page article on the Republican Freedom Caucus's security.
Wow, they have as few as one armed guard, when up to 18 of them are there at one time.
If something happened to them,
We'd get control of the agenda.
And then a Democrat from Illinois gets in his car and drives there and tries to kill a bunch of them.
And Democrats went, well, he's not a bad guy, he's a hero!
Hashtag hunt Republicans!
And then they have the police stand down in Charlottesville.
And have them march the alt-right people, Hillary's term, which is mainly half the press, independent press, covering some white supremacists and just some other people that are sick of being told their badges are white.
It was a mix of people.
I don't agree with most of what they have to say.
Marching them in to a group of three times more antifa with their baseball bats and their tear gas and their clubs.
And then, oh, you wonder why a lady gets killed.
And then they sued me saying, Jones says that a State Department official killed the girl.
Never said that.
My lawyers have looked at the tapes.
Look, no one said that.
What they use is exhibits.
I didn't say anything close to that.
It's a total fraud.
But it's so they can run the headline that I said the Democrats killed that girl.
I said George Soros funded Antifa, and the Democrat police stood down, allowing it to happen, which is just like Parkland again.
A stand-down confirmed.
Another Prozac head allowed to do it!
And another stand-down!
And just as night follows day, just like I said last week, I said, you watch, there'll be suits over Sandy Hook soon.
Because they have all these TV shows and movies and comedy shows and the opposition about it and Alex Jones says it, but then they edit the tapes together and I go, I didn't say that.
I don't think that happened.
They won't show you that.
And I said, clearly that's the next suit.
Well, the day after I said that, it came in the mail.
That we're going to sue you.
The lawyers are like, well, there isn't really a retraction to make.
You didn't say these things.
But statutorily, if you make the retraction, there's no big damages.
But it's three months after the date of that.
So statutorily, they don't get the damages.
So this doesn't make sense.
And I'm like, they will file suit within days.
Well, let's just talk to them and see.
And I'm like, listen.
They'll file within days, and they did, because the statutes, the law, none of it even matters.
It's like a temper tantrum is what they file.
But here's the thing, there's some type of secret to it, because all the suits are filed like a temper tantrum.
Misspellings and stuff upside down and weird and not the right people and things we didn't say and filed in the wrong courts and all the rest of it.
And my lawyers are like, don't say it's in the wrong court, let us get it thrown out first.
It's just
It's, it's, it's, it's, it's madness.
It's like crazed pirates or something have become lawyers.
And so they just put out all this vitriol as if if they put out all these lies, somehow that will make them true.
I am so bad.
I always have loaded phones and don't go to an iPhone.
Who should I go to?
Governor Jerry Brown sent a letter to DHS.
That's important.
Jay wants to talk about dial-in on spiritual level towards Trump.
Mark, talk about prophecy.
Patricia, pushing elections and campaigns.
Christina, questions and comments about Trump.
Jesse wants Trump to disclose more info.
Benji, building up info wars.
Sam in Mexico.
I didn't see he was calling from Mexico.
I'll go to Sam first.
What's Trump going to do?
Darina, citing Constitution, I promise, but I can only give you each one minute.
That's a lot of time on Talk Radio.
I'll just shut up.
You just make your point, I'll make mine, I'll go to the next person.
And we've cleared out the guest so that I can take your calls.
So I'm gonna be a good boy.
I'm going to take your calls.
It's just, it's so incredible to have a criminal group in the Justice Department criminally raid his lawyer.
It's a Soros judge.
She puts it out in the federal database for everybody to have.
They start leaking day one.
Comey got caught leaking, lied to Congress.
They're all committing giant crimes.
I can't even keep track of it!
And then Sessions is like, gee golly up there, I like Rosenstein and his wife that works for Hillary.
You've got McCabe getting a half million from Hillary.
It's all illegal.
They sent millions over to Fusion GPS and their wives that openly got hired just for that to create a 17-page toilet paper document.
Here's the good thing.
Toilet paper sinks.
And all you globalists are a bunch of trash.
And Soros and the rest of you, you're freaking out right now because you thought you had this country and you didn't.
And no matter what happens to me, out of this fight comes our victory.
Us showing a good standing will precipitate the Alamo scenario.
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Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you're a globalist and you've committed all these huge war crimes, killed millions of people, funded Al-Qaeda, ISIS, been connected to all the pedophilia, all the incredible corruption, what are you going to do if you're those people?
What are you going to do if you know the world's turning against you and a huge unelected global corporate government you've shut up?
You attack independent media, you attack nationalist media, you misrepresent it, you drag it through the mud, you say, oh, he hurts the parents of the children in Florida, he says none of them died and are all crisis actors.
Trying to tie it back to Sandy Hook and the public's speculation back then, because they've seen the media caught lying over and over again.
It's normal to ask questions.
But now, Soros' favorite judge, that married he and his wife, that works for the Clintons, grabs the president's lawyer's documents and puts them out on the internet for the FBI on a server.
So they can all leak, and they start leaking.
What does the president do with that level of criminal activity and the imperial judiciary we have when it comes to Democrats?
They think America's gonna break.
I'm asking you how we strike back, and I'm sorry I haven't gone to the calls.
I'm a bad person.
But we're going to them right now.
Sam in Mexico.
Sam in Mexico and then everybody else.
Go ahead, Sam, you're on the air.
Trump is going to turn Mexico around on a dime, and he's going to do it by allowing a dark horse candidate into the presidential election.
There is a candidate who's in United States custody.
He was former governor right there across from Texas.
His name's Thomas Yarrington.
The deep state in America and Mexico flushed him in the last presidential election because the likelihood of him winning was so great and upsetting the entire Mexican deep state.
So right now, while we're putting troops on the border because there's hostility with Mexico, the Mexican people, they're looking for their own law and order candidate.
And if that man is permitted to run, it'll turn around so fast.
It'll turn around on a dime.
Well, you sound like you've got a lot of inside knowledge.
Are you in the DEA or Border Patrol?
No, I preached in all Mexico.
And I uncovered a plot where the cartels were hiring witch doctors to curse Tomás Yarrington 20 years ago.
It's on the front page of three regional newspapers right across the road from me in Texas.
So, while he's under investigation, and while the charges from the USDA against Tomas Yarin can have to do with collusion from the cartels, really the opposite is true.
I don't believe that he did any of those things.
Well, that's the type of thing Trump can do.
He struck back against Facebook.
He struck back against Amazon.
But notice that they lost $30-something million and $40-something million, respectively.
They don't care.
They just move forward.
The left is in a crazed mode.
Let me ask you this question.
Why do you think these lawsuits against me get everybody's names wrong and things misspelled and filed wrong and all crazy?
I mean, why are they doing this?
Is it just for the publicity?
What do you think they're doing?
It's a puppy mill.
They're cranking them out, they're cutting and pasting, and they're depending on corrupt jurisdictions to uphold their version of illegality.
It's judicial activism at work.
Those are the same forces that came against Tomas Yarrington.
He was a viable law and order candidate that was very close to entering the candidacy and winning just last time around.
And this time, Trump doesn't even have to back him.
All he has to do is give him his head, just loose the reins, and pardon him if necessary, and Tomás Yarrington, the people of Mexico, will vote for him.
They're all sorry that they let the cartels ruin their country.
Well, there goes all the globalist operation, we know that.
And Trump doesn't want to go forward with destabilization in third world countries.
He's announced again, he is going to pull out of, it's been announced that they are going to pull out of Syria again.
Let's see if there's another staged event to try to make Trump look weak.
But again, I got mad about the World War III scenario, but more and more Trump, I mean, I know Trump's a good guy.
That's why they hate him.
And that's why I stand with Trump.
He's under total deep state attack.
God bless you, sir.
All right, Sam had some great points.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's just go top to bottom here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jay in Canada.
Thanks for holding, Jay.
Hi there.
Yes, sir.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yeah, I hope this doesn't sound kind of cliche or anything, but you know, you speak about, you know, the different dimensions and
You know, connection to God and things like that.
And I really think that just everybody having a knowledge and understanding of the scriptures has a spiritual impact and on a spiritual level rains down righteousness on the land.
It talks about in the Bible how when the people are separated from God, when they stray, then that's when these
You know, pieces of crap start to rule over you.
Rule over the people.
And let me stop you, Jay.
I would always hear this in church growing up.
I didn't realize how lucky I was to actually be going to real churches.
They're very rare now.
That it's true.
The hedge is lowered.
The gate is open.
And that's why evil always wants to get rid of real Christianity and the Holy Spirit and all that because they feel it.
They see it.
It's like a bright light they want to get rid of.
And they know they can push Christianity out.
Then like a broadcast, an evil spirit, a wavelength comes in and society crumbles and falls to evil.
Yeah, so we have, what I'm saying is, is that when we are all carrying this knowledge in our minds, when we have the, you know, God's instructions on our, you know, in our consciousness, it's, we are walking around with that like slaying darkness, just being there, being conscious,
And, you know, I think that, like, the assembled church and stuff is all good, can do good things, but I think it's secondary to just every individual having that understanding.
Not letting, you know, somebody else always...
You know, define everything for us.
I think we have a better commune with God when we just read it and then get that understanding directly from the Spirit.
No, I agree with you, and that's exactly what the globalists fear.
They fear Christians, they fear the Bible, they've got their devil Pope in charge now, who is just the Antichrist, basically.
I'm not saying he's THE Antichrist, but he's the Antichrist Spirit.
And look, I'm not saying I'm a perfect person, but I love God and I love justice.
And Christ said, you know, if you love me, the world will hate you and come after you.
Well, you see it's coming after us because we're standing up against abortion.
We're standing up against Satanism.
We're standing up against the occult.
We're standing up against child sacrifice and child molesters.
And that's what this world is.
These people are in to Aleister Crowley, Black Magic.
Most of the top Democrats are getting busted in devil cults.
How many Democrat mayors have been caught?
Like, eight of them in the last few months being pedophiles?
California Attorney Generals?
It's everywhere!
And look, people say, oh, Trump's not going to stop them.
Trump has green-lighted law enforcement to go after them.
Not that Trump's in full control, but just that idea has given courage to low-level law enforcement and patriots to stand up against these networks.
And that's why they're freaking out.
So if I've got to get sued,
By Soros and Hillary and the Democrats for standing up for children, so be it.
I actually feel really good.
I just get mad at myself that I'm not a good enough steward to fight hard enough and to be focused enough to beat them.
But I just have to turn it over to God, tell the truth, get the news out, and God will provide.
I appreciate your call, Jay.
God bless you.
Speaking of providing, the Lord works through the people.
And they say there's no atheists in foxholes, ladies and gentlemen.
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And you saw him try to sue the supplements.
That got proven to be a fraud and thrown out.
So you saw him go after the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing.
And we knew what their bigger guns were down the road.
We expected all of this.
But it still doesn't mean that without your support, we won't be here.
I mean, we made preparations.
We dug in.
We got ready.
And now it's here.
And you know, they may bust a cap in my ass after this.
It's up to you.
It's up to God.
It's up to all of us what's going to happen.
We'll be back with more of your calls, third hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, David's up next.
Then Daniel, Patricia, Christine, Jesse, Benji, Darian, we're all taking your calls right now on what do we do to fight back against the globalists?
They have raided Trump's lawyer with a Soros judge that is the Clinton's favorite judge, who married George Soros to his wife, his third wife, his current wife.
And it just goes on from there and then she grabs the database illegally and then puts it out into the federal database so everybody can leak it.
That's all in the news.
And I'm going to play a bunch of clips coming up.
I said I would.
The crew does a great job getting all these clips.
Where they're going, oh Sean Hannity probably paid off women.
He's been seen shaking hands with Michael Cohen and his name and phone number was in his Rolodex.
That's the witch hunt now.
Not Russiagate.
But now with Sean Hannity getting women paid off?
I watch Sean Hannity because he's a patriot and he's smart.
But the word is he's a really good family man.
People I know that know him and that wouldn't have probably happened, but there's no evidence of that.
But they've got his name out of the phone number and the feds have leaked it onto the news!
That's the big witch hunt issue!
That's the danger!
This is so history book level, over the top, insane asylum.
And I've studied authoritarians.
These authoritarians are never going to get away with it.
These authoritarians are doing this while they're not in power.
But everyone's treating them like they're God because there's so many cowards.
You know the answer is courage.
People are so scared of the corrupt top of the FBI.
They're so scared of the Justice Department.
They're so scared of Soros.
Only Trump is not scared.
You know,
Now that I think about it, I think he worked it out with the Russians to bomb those sites, knowing that's how he'd get the peace deal and be able to pull out.
Now that he's announcing he's going to do it, that would give him the cover to do it.
And it looks strong for China, and I know Russia wants to fix it and denuclearize the peninsula as well.
I know Russia wants that.
And now, this is very Machiavelli of Trump, and I don't even support it, but now I'm sure of what he did, and it's working.
So sometimes you fight fire with fire and I'm not in the president's position and I just put him up on such a pedestal because he's gone through so much and I know what he's gone through and I know he's trying to bring the country back and trying to really build up jobs for everybody and trying to unify the nation and putting women and minorities in more positions double what Obama ever did.
It's almost too much virtue signaling.
It ought to be whoever's the best at it but he says they're great candidates.
I'm sure a lot of them are but it's like
Head Brigadier Generals, black women, you know, top lawyers, women everywhere.
That's fine if they're talented.
I don't care what color they are or what sex they are.
But I mean, Trump is really delivering on massive increases for black scholarships.
That's not putting somebody at the end of the line who's white or Asian or Hispanic.
It's just helping people.
That's all fine.
And man, they are just freaking out because we've had 50 years of one-sided trade to shut this country down.
This is all a big con game, and I'm calling the globalists bluff.
And guess what?
I know they've got a bluff.
Now, it doesn't mean that I don't, down the road, go down.
But I always thought of it as like them walking up, shooting me in a parking lot or something.
You know, that's... Or, you know, like the parapets at the Alamo or whatever.
But it's not like that.
It's just death by lies and death by lawsuits and death by assassinating your characters.
And then they kill you.
They don't kill you when you're up there and the people love you.
So now I realize that the fight's in my hands and that I've got to beat them and I've got to expose them and I've got to fight harder and be better in the information war.
Because it's mine to lose.
That's the realization.
It's yours to lose.
You've got to want this victory over Hillary and Soros and all these trashy, evil, goblin-like creatures like Epstein and his pedophile aircraft and all of it.
I mean, God help us, this evil elite.
All right, I promise, in 60 seconds, your calls, bam, bam, bam, down the line.
How do we strike back?
How does Trump strike back?
Stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Kimba Wood, five fast facts you need to know about the judge that had the private lawyer of Trump raided and is now the FBI is leaking that Sean Hannity called Cohen.
And then they say, oh, that's proof he's some type of criminal.
So now the witch hunt's gone from Russia to that.
These people will face judgment.
Wood presided over the wedding of George Soros and was once called a lifelong Democrat.
Wood was famously dubbed the love judge of a romantic scandal.
And that's just special.
She can do whatever she wants.
Wood once trained as a playboy bunny.
She was named after an Australian town.
Wood employed an illegal immigrant babysitter, but sentenced people to jail for doing it herself.
Bill Clinton once wanted Wood to be his Attorney General, and Hillary Clinton was involved in the process.
There it is!
They're the rulers of America!
They're the federal judiciary.
And in this latest suit, let me put the statement out for myself that I worked on with the lawyers here in Littlewell.
I had it done last night.
And I said, I want to put this out now.
I said, they're going to file suit on me in the next few days.
They said, oh no, let us talk to him first.
Then boom, it happens.
We want to change the statement to say the suit's already there.
Will you guys go get with Tim and see if it came in?
They said an hour or two hours ago.
So we'll see what happens.
See if folks can do that.
We'll put it out on Infowars.com.
You know, MSNBC, CNN, they'll call.
They'll go, oh, we want a statement.
And they go, oh, get in the car and drive down to our satellite uplink.
And then they tell me it's live and it's never live.
They interviewed me for like an hour so they can edit it together.
So they're just, you know, they're pure liars.
But they want me to go, you know, deal with all this.
But look at the lawsuit.
Defendant Owen Schroer is an individual residing in Travis County.
Owen's getting sued too.
At all times relevant to the suit, Mr. Daniels has been a reporter for InfoWars.
And they go on to call it
Mr. Daniels, who they're suing, when that's not even who they're suing.
I mean, that's thrown out right there.
It's just crazy!
But it doesn't matter, corporate media, establishment fake news will just pick it up and just spew it out there to try to brand InfoWars that warns you about cell phone radiation and brain tumors, all confirmed, that warns you about human-animal hybrids, all over the news now, 20 years after I told you, exactly as I told you, you know, that warns you about globalism, that warns you about the TPP, that they can't stand the fact that we're not controlled!
So they misrepresent to try to destroy us and to try to intimidate you that we're losers.
No, we're winners.
We're taking on the globalists that hijacked this country.
We're turning the Republic around.
And we're drawing fire from the globalists and the enemy because we came to do this.
I didn't come here to be upwardly mobile.
I didn't come here to live next to other mummies in bigger houses who all hate each other and are on power trips.
I'm trying to change the world.
I'm trying to beat collectivists.
I'm trying to beat mega-bank robber barons.
I'm trying to beat evil people.
I'm trying to beat the satanists and devil-worshippers that run this thing.
I've infiltrated their secret meetings.
I've blown their operations wide open over and over again.
I have come to wage war politically, economically, spiritually, and culturally on them because what they're bringing is pure death.
I got four children.
I know how bad the world is.
I had them to double down.
I had them to put them in the game.
Because I love them that much.
I wanted them to exist and have free will, just like God gave us all life.
Not because he hates us, but because he loves us.
I just hope people realize the level of evil we're dealing with.
David in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
How do we take the gloves off?
What's the next level?
What do we need to do?
What does Trump need to do?
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I honestly think he needs to declare martial law and bring the military in.
We already have martial law by the left.
They're just running around like... I'm starting to agree with you.
They're just total criminals.
They're attacking everybody viciously.
They're calling for Congress to be killed.
They're killing Republican mayors and city council people, shooting them in the head all the time, barely.
They're killing cops.
CNN says, well, cops deserve it.
They're bad.
They are trying to create lawlessness and a civil war while they keep turning the heat up on all of us to shut up so they can do it.
And at a certain point, we need the president to move.
He needs... Let me tell you something.
Sessions is totally compromised.
I think they got him in KKK robes or something.
What do you think, David?
Well, it's funny you bring up the police.
I'm calling from southwestern Pennsylvania.
I'm a bitter clinger.
And the day they had the March for Our Lives rally by Mr. Hogg, an off-duty police officer
Why do you think the left's getting so hysterical?
I don't know.
I think they're panicking.
And it's like you say, I think they're just, you know, they're grabbing at anything they can.
I gotta say it.
I gotta say it.
We're already in a civil emergency.
The left's putting us into one.
They admit that's their plan.
CNN and MSNBC have said we want a civil emergency.
Their own publications have said that.
So are we just going to let them cause basically martial law on their own pretext or
I mean, it's time for this permanent judiciary and all these groups and these leftists and these Soros networks that are an outside criminal force.
It's time for that to be smashed.
I agree with you 100%.
Well, I back the president.
We are already in a civil war.
We're already in clear and present danger.
I just hate seeing the President buckle to him with the Syria thing, but now I get what he's doing.
I trust the President.
Let me tell you, I trust how much they hate him.
That's all you need to know.
God bless you, David.
And I don't say I want martial law and all this to save my bacon.
I did all this to get in their face.
I did all this to get nationalism going.
I did this to get populism going.
I've done what I've done so that somebody wasn't a coward and created a focal point, like all the rest of us feel and think, to try to have a future.
I want to move against these criminal networks because they're dug in, they're criminal, they're not stopping, and they intend to overthrow the Republic, and now that they know that we're awake, bring in a hardcore tyranny.
So we're now facing down the barrel of a gun, and we've got to decide whether we're going to grab our ankles and bend over and let them have our children and everything else, or whether we're going to fight.
And listen, I can't do anything but fight.
We're facing real bonafide tyranny.
There's no way to get out of this, but just getting in their face and getting strong.
So people better start spending a lot of money.
And that means hosting your own local radio show and promoting it, putting billboards up or promoting mine or running for con.
Whatever you do, take action and get aggressive or it's going to go over the cliff.
And then everybody that's been talking about how, you know, they want to, you know, take action physically.
Well, you're going to get what you want.
But I'll tell you this, if you haven't been politically active, and financially active, and spiritually active, before some type of physical conflagration, you're not gonna do it when the rubber meets the road.
So, that's what I'm saying.
Elaine in New York, thanks for holding, I really appreciate you calling, Elaine, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, it's nice to talk to you.
Teacher Elena here in New York.
I think you're doing a fantastic job today.
I just got my tax refund.
I'm going to Enforced Warthlife store.
I'm going to get the spray gargle, nasonidine, and more purchases.
Thank you.
And today I started with immune blend coffee.
Well before that I had the liver cleanse and the red pill and brain force.
I'm at the end of the day here in school.
Well let me ask you that question.
I mean how did the products work for you?
We go out and find out what has the best reviews, is the best in industry, and then we try to make it better and then cut the price.
So, without you funding us, you know, you are what funds us, and so God bless you for your support.
I couldn't do it without you.
And God bless you, Alex, and God we trust, and you are fantastic.
You're wonderful, and I'm so glad you're there, and I just can't say enough.
Well, Elaine, what do you think we ought to do?
I mean, you're supporting the broadcast, that's a big thing.
What do you think we should do to really just take more action, speak out, call C-SPAN, get a bigger buzz going?
What do we do?
Yeah, I have my handcuffs.
I'm going to be getting a hotel room down on the Lower East Side tomorrow.
I'm going to see who shows up at Barnes & Noble.
Hold on!
Oh yeah, go out to all the Comey events.
Stay there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Another world.
Another time.
In the age of wonder.
Alright, Elaine in New York.
Or Elena in New York, you were saying that you're going to go to a Barnes & Noble's book signing, I'm guessing it's Comey.
I'm glad we did this show.
I'm glad we're talking about how do we take the gloves off.
Remember during the campaign, Hillary was trying to say that Donald Trump was a rapist because he said if a woman climbed up on top of him wanting to have sex with him,
He could grab her however he wanted and he thought it was incredible how these women came on to him.
Kind of like Elvis Presley when girls were throwing their panties at him in the 1950s and going crazy.
That's not rape.
But they misrepresent that because they're all about victim psychology.
And so we said, oh really?
Bill Clinton settled three rape cases.
Bill Clinton's been on Epstein's Lolita Express pedophile plane.
He flies to these sheik's houses in the Middle East that have harems of kidnapped women and children.
They're hanging out with Anthony Weiner and all his cases and his underage sexting and all the other weirdness and the weird Aleister Crowley stuff.
All of this.
So he said go out to their live events and say Bill Clinton's a rapist.
And it hurt them bad.
It became a big national news story.
Then we said, go out and say CNN is fake news.
They hate that.
So, go, talk to Comey.
Say, shame on you, perjure yourself to Congress.
Shame on you, trying to make money off lies.
Shame on you, your whole family voting for Hillary Clinton.
Or ask him, why did your wife vote for Hillary Clinton?
Why did you cover up for the Clinton crimes?
You know, have a little camera on you.
Have your cell phone.
And everywhere Comey goes, and everywhere any of these people go, if you see a Democrat, if you see a globalist, they want to make us uncomfortable, you got your free speech.
You go over and you let them know what you think of them.
And you videotape it.
And these Democrat congresspersons.
What do we see the Democrats on CNN, MSNBC saying?
They say wherever the Republicans are, wherever the Freedom Caucus are, they want to kill your women.
They want to starve your children.
They want to throw old people out on the street.
The Republicans do.
We want to make everything like Venezuela a wonderland.
We're the Democrats.
When you see them, you go get in their face and say, how dare you say that conservatism and free market starves people when it's what makes people rich?
How dare you push those lies?
You get back in their face.
Look, I have a clip here.
Top Drem.
Women dying because Dems losing elections.
Only Obamacare can save women.
Says Keith Ellison.
I'll play that clip in a moment.
Think about that rhetoric.
So they say, there are these Republicans out there and they're killing women.
That's trying to get their constituents to go kill people.
Because that's the Democrat talking point.
You're killing women.
You're killing minorities.
Donald Trump's a Nazi.
Donald Trump's a white supremacist.
They want to get everybody.
And every time I see a Democrat reporter, they go, aren't you thinking your rhetoric's going to cause violence?
I'm not the one calling for violence.
You're the people pushing violence.
Because you're losers.
And you know you're losers.
And you're a bunch of parasites.
And the money's getting cut off.
And you don't know what to do.
And you wreck every city you run.
Elena, go ahead.
Where are you going to Barnes and Noble?
Who are you going to confront?
I'm going to go in to Comey.
If nobody else is there, I guess I'm going to have to go in there and just, you know, shake his hand and say he needs to do right by American families, and he hasn't.
And he should put his tail between his legs and be ashamed.
Well I would videotape it so it causes a chain reaction and so somebody should go with you, you should videotape it, they're going to try to keep Patriots out but they can't.
What Barnes and Nobles are you going to be at?
I have to look up the exact address.
It's the Lower East Side.
Barnes and Noble.
Just search it on the internet and it'll tell you the exact street.
And folks, see how this lady's doing the job that all of us should be doing?
So we salute you, Elena.
And everybody should pull up Comey's Speaking Tour, Comey's Book Signing Tour.
Pull up the dates if you guys can.
And everyone should be outside to educate the people going in.
And everybody should be going inside as well.
In fact, I know that we've got Millie Weaver on that beat as well.
Elena, God bless you and thank you so much.
What an amazing lady.
Everybody should join her.
Lower East Side tomorrow.
At the Barnes and Noble.
That's how we take this country back, is getting back in their faces.
And taking over their media events.
And dominating it.
And you see CNN live outside?
Everybody should have a bullhorn.
Hey Alex, it's nice to be talking about solutions instead of problems.
Yes sir.
I think what InfoWars should do is get bigger.
They need to get too big to fail.
And I think you do that by talking to Gary Even, and Max Keiser, and McAfee, and Chuck and Mike Norris.
I've already been approached for that by some millionaires and people.
I decided not to do it at this point, and I think, in fact, I know that's what the globalists got word of.
They thought I was already about to do that, and that's why they've gone crazy.
You need to do it just so you have a separate entity that can get litigious, that can actually go after the money.
That's their lifeblood.
It's the fiat currency they print for themselves, and you need to go after it.
You need to have a company that can attack their income stream and seize it or freeze it or take control of it or at least make them think about messing with you.
But you've got to get bigger economically.
Well, here's the deal.
You dot an I wrong, you cross a T wrong, they come in on you.
The Democrats can all do whatever they want, swindle, steal billions, have their foundations.
If I did that, it'd have to be done absolutely kosher, and then there's a lot of fees and things involved, and then they usually want you to start as a private offering, then they want it to be a public offering.
But yeah, no, Infowars, big fish eat little fish.
And you're absolutely right, I intend to go on
We're stronger than ever, audience-wise.
We're expanding, that's why they're doing this, but the number of lawsuits they're ratcheting up isn't going to shut us down.
If people just buy a ton of product, if everybody listening that already buys product doubles the amount of product they're buying, we'll have no problem even if they file a hundred lawsuits.
There's that much money it brings in.
It just costs a lot to do all this, but I agree.
Good solution.
I'm going to re-up looking at the private or public offering, raise $100 million on a whole new entity, start a whole new operation, a whole new system, separate from InfoWars, and that's a great point.
Anything else, Benji?
No, I'd like to see you do it.
Work hard at it.
We're trying, man.
Believe me, we're fighting hard here, but God bless you.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding.
Until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Well, you can see it in the media, the build-up.
Alex Jones says nobody died at Sandy Hook.
And for, I looked it up, it's almost four years I've been saying I believe people died there.
And I played devil's advocate and, you know, looked at both sides, they could edit those tapes together.
But when you've got the history of our government staging events, other governments, the babies in the incubators to get us in the Iraq War that didn't happen, all the other staged chemical attacks, all the lies we've caught them in,
It's normal to be able to question and ask those questions.
But then the media turned it all into what other people were doing online as researchers, into what I had said and done.
And even a few months into it, I was like, don't speak for me.
Some of these folks that think everybody's a crisis actor, they think I'm Bo Bridges, and they think I'm Bill Hicks.
And so Paul Watson never believed any of that from the beginning.
And you want to know why I backed off even looking at that pretty early in that particular case was Paul Watson got hopping mad about it.
Not so much at me, but the people involved in it.
And then they were always threatening him.
And then I would try to have some of the groups on that were a little bit more sane.
And then we'd have a debate and both sides would get mad at me because I was just letting him debate.
And then they would say I was a crisis actor.
But see, the media never tells you the complex reality.
The controlled corporate media just lies and says, Jones has had a lawsuit filed on him for saying that the parents are liars and that none of this happened and it's all fake.
And I'm like, no, I'm talking about CNN, famous for faking locations, looking like they're doing interviews on the site.
It looks like green screen.
Doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Or Nancy Grace is sitting there with cars going in circles around her at a cul-de-sac and clearly she's not interviewing somebody via satellite.
I don't know why they did that.
CNN's famous for that.
Anderson Cooper will have an explosion go off behind him and it turns out it's not real.
You'll hear him adding the background noise and the background noise stops.
CNN saves a lot of money by faking locations.
It doesn't mean
But if Anderson Cooper says he's in Parkland and he's really in New York with a video background of Parkland, that Parkland didn't happen.
But they changed the debate around.
Obviously David Hogg's an anti-gun PR person before it even happened.
Doesn't mean he's a crisis actor, never said it.
But they think because I say I didn't say it, that it's, look, he's weak.
Let's pile on Jones about this.
They'll probably sue me saying that I say nobody died at Parkland or something like that.
I mean, I fully expect it because it's what they do.
They want everybody scared to not question big events when they happen.
Because what were we really doing, interviewing students and playing local newscasts that they didn't want you to see, of people saying there was a stand down, there were multiple shooters, they had a drill the week before, two months before, and the police were all lined up, Coward County, not responding.
Well, weeks later everybody knew that was actually true.
It leaked out.
They didn't contain it.
But they didn't want to go on the news and say, Jones claims the Sheriff's Department stood down, that evil SOB.
They went, Jones says nobody died and David Hogg's a crisis actor and 24 years old.
Never said it.
By the way, Comedy Central's so corrupt and evil, they'll probably take that little clip right there and edit it together.
They've already done that some.
They're the liars!
But it doesn't matter.
Just because they do that and people cite stuff they say in lawsuits, it doesn't fly.
You know, I really got a call from the hostage rescue team saying he had a bunch of Islamic paraphernalia and had been in the room days before and was a gun runner.
We said that the day after Las Vegas.
Still they say unsolved.
They didn't issue a police report on Sandy Hook until last year.
I've got that in my stack.
Now, I don't know what that means, but it's weird.
No emergency helicopters dispatched, weird!
The school torn down, weird!
The school closed the year before but reopened and totally dirty and filthy and mold everywhere, weird!
The whole thing's weird!
And that's not defamation.
But I can't sit there and look at some of those parents talking about their children, some of them I've seen on the news, you haven't seen all of them on the news, and say, well that's fake, you didn't lose a child.
And I haven't.
I said I can see how people who don't believe anything the media says anymore don't know what to believe.
And this gets back to the nerve gas footage.
The rebels got caught three times launching chemical attacks.
And then now this new one, the Russians say it's fake and didn't even happen.
And then we get this footage we're showing for TV viewers, radio listeners, it just shows the doctor, looks like he's about 18, and the children are convulsing and they're not convulsing and then he winks at the camera and he falls back and the little kid starts laughing and then the other kids stop convulsing and then kind of reshift themselves.
And it looks like the fakest thing I ever saw.
Now, is that saying no chemical attacks happened?
I don't know.
New York Times.
Yeah, there it is.
ISIS used chemical arms at least 52 times in Syria, Iraq.
Report says.
And that's a UN report.
Print that for me.
The UN was in all the time days after.
And said, this is actually nerve gas out of Saudi Arabia using their mortars and here's the jihadis shooting video of it.
We'd already reported that.
And I hate siding with the UN.
I don't like the UN.
But they reported on what we already saw.
So this broadcast is about journalistic freedom and truth.
They'll never show you what we really said, unless it's two second clips clipped together.
We could probably show that promo piece for the opposition last week, where they go, oh, you said nobody died at Parkland.
And I went, no, and then they cut clips of me talking about Sandy Hook, but that's out of context too.
Deception after deception, and we're talking editing it, once they go to me, every two seconds.
Yeah, go ahead and fade it up.
Sir, are you the real Alex Jones?
Well, you know... Or are you a crisis actor?
Calling a victim a crisis actor would be a monstrous thing to do.
I didn't call those guys a crisis actor.
On Sandy Hook, all the people that look and act like actors... You've never implied that the victims of any mass shooting were fakes?
If you look at the Aurora shooting, that was totally staged.
If you guys have been saying that... And they may actually even have some experience in...
Uh, you know, acting.
You're an actor, pretending to be a journalist, pretending to be a comedian.
I mean, so they confuse your audience like you're a news show.
I don't think, I don't think a person putting on a big performative show and claiming to be a journalist would get much of a following.
Oh, yeah, really.
Now, I want to be clear.
We didn't call this Alex Jones.
Stop right there.
That's Chuck E. Cheese, the rat.
Now, again, why is it so important?
You all saw the real videos.
You heard me say on what I said on those tapes, on what I said live.
When Owen talked about Parkland, in that very video he was saying, we're not saying they're crisis actors, we're saying they're political operatives with talking points, who happen to be in the drama class, who have some skills as acting.
We ought to take that little one minute promo from Comedy Central.
And show what I really said and then show what they played as a clip.
Show what Owen said and then what they played.
Because Owen and myself in those clips say we don't believe they're crisis actors, we believe it happened.
But I can see how some people don't believe it and say they are.
Or Owen, oh look, we're not saying they're crisis actors.
He says in that very video from that live show,
That YouTube took down, that's one of the videos they took down, saying we said they were actors when we said we do not believe they were crisis actors.
But again, this, you're watching, you're paying attention, you know the truth, you know what's going on, so they have a problem.
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We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Thanks for holding.
Patricia, Christine, stay with us.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're all living in America!
Es wunderbar!
We're all living in America!
We're back live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Ready to go, coming up the next hour.
We'll run right back to your calls in a moment.
I mentioned this earlier, it's on Infowars.com, but I thought I'd play the clip since I mentioned it.
Top dim, women dying because dims are losing elections.
And then he talks about infant mortality being up.
In all the studies, it's from the vaccines they give them now at birth that they didn't used to give them.
And all sorts of other issues.
This country is falling apart.
The life expectancy in general has gone down.
But oh, he thinks she'll get good health care in Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea.
So here it is.
This is Democrats winning the midterm elections of 2018 as a matter of life and death.
According to Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota.
I thought Obamacare was going to be free and fix it all.
Oh, no.
Ezekiel Emanuel on Fox News said, one of the architects, it's about bankrupting existing health care and going to single-payer.
Oh, then it will be like the National Health Service and work so well.
The average leftist is so sheltered and stupid, they go, remember in college and after they go, I want free health care like England.
It's the best in the world.
You don't get health care done.
These controllers know they've just got such idiot constituents.
Here's a clip.
They need me to put it more in.
They need to put my back into it more than before.
Because their lives depend upon it.
Did you know that in Missouri and in Texas and maybe other places, maternal mortality has risen?
Women are dying because we are losing elections.
We don't have the right to lose a damn election!
We have to win!
You gotta steal more elections, yeah right?
We have to win!
Democrats are famous for that.
Just search engine infant mortality up in the US for 10 years running.
But notice he made it about outside of our blue states, everyone's dying.
Yay, we're superheroes!
It's actually much higher in many of the blue areas.
Everybody knows.
Where's the high crime rates, sir?
Oh, in the blue areas.
Here's Sean Hannity, comments on his connection to Michael Cohen, the Trump's main lawyer that goes on Fox News.
And the media is saying, oh, he must be involved in corruption, oh, he's involved with politicos, conflict of interest, when most of the hosts on TV are Democrat operatives that used to be the head of the White House or the head communications person.
What, Dana Perino can't be on The Five because she used to be the spokesperson?
I mean, what is that?
I saw CNN this morning, it was like,
It's next level.
The head of this agency says he was a geologist, but he isn't a geologist.
And you read like three pages of quotes of where he's a geologist, and just from the headline you're thinking he must be a liar, and then later it says, he's got straight A's as a geologist, and played football on a scholarship, and then was a decorated Navy SEAL, but he never practiced as a geologist, so he isn't one, but he is one.
It's just every level is distort, distort, distort, distort, distort, distort.
And they've got such lawlessness from the Democrats, I can't even believe it.
So here's a clip from Hannity on that.
So I've known Michael a long, long time.
And let me be very clear to the media, Michael never represented me in any matter.
I never retained him in the traditional sense as retaining a lawyer.
I never received an invoice from Michael.
I never paid legal fees to Michael.
Uh, but I have occasionally had brief discussions with him about legal questions about which I wanted his input and perspective.
And I assume that those conversations were attorney-client confidential.
Uh, but, and the other thing I will need to point out to the media that is apparently going insane over this, not one of any issue I ever dealt with Michael Cohn on ever, ever involved a matter between me and any third party.
Now he said that hours before this happened, and then I'm going to your calls.
I can't play all these, but Disgusting Cobert, Sean Hannity forgot to mention something.
So they're just licking their lips over this and Stormy Daniels and maybe Trump and him double teamed her.
I mean, this is the level of hysteria to cover up Epstein and Weiner and the Alistair Crowley crap.
I am honored to have the whole Alistair Crowley crowd coming after me.
That's who they are.
They use a lot of, you know, people, and they got victims they manipulate.
But I mean, the people running it, the people at the top are the most... I mean, look, their ringleader is a Nazi collaborator, George Soros.
They want me to shuffle about it, Nazi collaborator, Nazi collaborator.
I think I'm going to write a book about you, the Nazi collaborator, and put a documentary out, Nazi collaborator George Soros.
So, you guys just don't get it.
I know you've been bullying people in death camps and everywhere else over in Eastern Europe.
This is Texas, brother!
So, I'll rather die than roll over to your big, ugly, demonic, wart-covered, demonic butt.
And your stupid little demon sons you've been cursed with.
So, whatever.
Just know this.
It's all metaphysical.
Whatever you do, you get back many, many fold, because you're evil.
You're losers.
Last season's losers.
Wow, that's Whitman, Price and Zod.
They were last season's winners.
Oh no!
They were last season's losers!
That's how it all ends up working in this universe.
The Running Man!
Who loves you and who do you love?
Ready to go for broke on the game grid.
But what happens when you don't run the game grid anymore in the information war?
You become the losers you've always been.
Losers trying to be winners.
Let's go ahead.
You know, do I have time to play, Colbert?
I want to go to these calls.
We have to do it.
Let's play the failed comedian become fake newsman who then exposes fake news but that most liberals get their news from.
Let's go to Fantasyland.
Here it is.
Now, it was revealed that Cohen had one more undisclosed client secret.
But today in court,
The judge ordered him to reveal the name.
It was, nope, you know, CNN, you've earned this.
Michael Cohen has just disclosed in court that the client who had requested to remain unnamed was Sean Hannity of Fox News.
By the way, that's all just fake news.
They just made that up.
They are leaking all this stuff that they stole.
This is a guy that doesn't talk about jet aircraft with the Clintons and little kids and Harvey Weinstein.
How did I get this?
I don't know.
Jon Stewart, after the show, I'm gonna come over and we're just gonna spoon.
Jon Stewart's brother that's the president of the New York Stock Exchange.
I'll stop right there.
So, that's it.
It's gone from Russiagate, to now Stormy Daniels, to now Sean Hannity.
And Mueller did it all.
And then all the Clinton's crimes, and the judge being Soros' judge, and marrying Soros, it's all okay!
Because these bullies think they've got this country.
Everybody better start shopping with the globalists, supporting their big corporate things, everything.
It's time, everywhere you can, to not support the system and to realize it's an accursed, filthy thing.
The NFL's dying, Hollywood's dying, good.
And this is their last death's grip, trying to drag us down to the pit with them.
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Okay, I'm going right to Patricia and right to Christine.
And then others here.
Then Paul Watson's coming up.
I'll get to Darian, Daniel, Patricia, Christian, and Jesse before I end.
But Paul's hotter than a firecracker and a pistol all rolled up in one.
White hot!
So we're gonna obviously not take up too much of his time in the fourth hour.
Then the war room with Owen Schreier!
Hey, he gets his wings!
Got sued by this whole globalist connected group.
Uh, so, uh, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, got sued.
I mean, the law firms, the Democrats.
You know, the parents, they're just, they're just sadly being manipulated into all this.
It's very, very sad.
They're victims in all this.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
Sometimes I feel I've got to run away.
I've got to get away.
Alright, let's go to Danielle in California, then Patricia.
Thank you both for holding.
Go ahead.
You're awesome.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
You know, I'm doing my job, fighting the globalists, and I got great listeners supporting us, so I'm doing really well.
Got a great wife, great children, so thanks for asking.
I gotta say, your Alexa Pure turns that hard Californian water into good drinking water, so thank you.
Thank you.
I was just calling in regards to Exposing Deception by ABC.
They ran a piece on the National Guard being sent to the border.
And in the letter from the governor to Secretary Nielsen and Secretary Mattis, if you don't mind, I'd like to quote this so I get it right.
It's quote, but let's be crystal clear on the scope of this mission.
This will not be a mission to build a wall.
It will not be a mission to round up women and children or detain people escaping violence and seeking a better life.
And the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws.
Now are you saying that's from the governor?
Because I know the governor said we're not going to help you.
Are you saying that's from Trump?
That is from the governor of California.
Oh yeah, I knew.
Yeah, Brown is saying our National Guard's not going to help you.
It's basically like Oregon did.
And again, they're bringing the violence with them.
What about us being able to have a border to screen out the violence?
That's what a border is, like a cell wall or a cell membrane.
We can't have that.
No, no, no.
Yes, it's just outrageous.
Yeah, we can't.
The National Guard, what are they going to be doing down there then?
It's so upsetting.
Well, the Democrats, we have a right with their little blue state and blue city pustules to be walled off from all their crime and out of control crap.
What about our right to not be experienced living under Democrat demons?
You've got it.
You're on the right track.
Thanks again for your products.
That was really all I wanted to let you guys know about because ABC is making it seem like
Uh, like the National Guard going down there and everything funky dory.
You know, it's funny.
That's all the disinfo.
Thank you, Daniel.
Sorry I was saying Danielle.
My eyes are a little bit blurred today.
The lights were so bright.
Paul Watson.
Let's go to Paul Watson for this segment and then I'm going to come right back, take a few calls and hand the baton to Paul.
But Paul, tell us what you have coming up today, my friend.
Well, Alex, we're going to talk about Macron, President Macron of France's recent comments, where he basically said, the future of Europe is unprecedented mass migration.
This is Europe's destiny.
And he cites an expert who basically said that the number of Africans coming over to Europe over the next 30 years will grow from 9 million, which is what it is now, they claim, to up to 200 million within the next 30 years.
So, Alex, if you import Africa into Europe, what do you get?
Africa and all its attendant problems.
But nobody's talking about that.
They're saying how great it will be.
Basically, the complete displacement of Europeans.
Let's talk about that.
We're talking about turning Europe into North Africa, which is what the Jihad always wanted.
Why does no one visit North Africa?
Because it is a hellhole where slavery still goes on.
Slavery, the Africans basically taught the Europeans.
Yeah, the Barbary slave trade, which has now resurrected in the form of street slave markets in Libya, after we liberated it through NATO and, you know, the overthrow of Gaddafi.
But they're saying the most optimistic scenario is something called Your Africa, which would see mass migration create a welcoming multicultural Europe, because it's really working out so far great, isn't it?
Which would fully embrace being a mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding.
Those are the words they're actually using.
We've got like gang warfare on the streets between these two migrant groups in Europe.
Paris is a complete mess.
Crime's going up in Paris.
It's going up in London.
And they want this, times 10, at least, over the next 30 years.
What could possibly go wrong, Alex?
I hadn't seen this report.
You're telling me it's up on Infowars.com now?
Headline is, Macron, Europe entering age of unprecedented mass migration, shares destiny with Africa.
Absolutely incredible.
Well, that's powerful, but I changed the headline that Macron announces the importation of 200 million Africans and turning Europe into North Africa.
That is... Basically, yeah, that's what he's saying.
It is so insane.
Well, they don't want us covering.
That's why they're doing all these lawsuits against us, just so we cover what bull those are.
You know what?
We're going to cover it straight ahead with Paul Joseph Watson.
But first, Darian, Patricia, Christina, and Jesse, and then I'm done.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, there isn't a lot of civilization in Africa.
The globalists have de-industrialized Libya.
They took it over on purpose and it was stabilizing things.
Same thing in South Africa.
South African government is saying that they're going to kill the whites and take their property, and they're trying to keep them from leaving to Australia.
And their vice president, people are saying to Australia, you shouldn't take the fleeing whites that have been there for five, six, seven generations, the Dutch immigrants.
And now there's an article up on Infowars.com.
Macron, Europe faces unprecedented mass migration, shares destiny with Africa, says 200 million need to come in within 30 years.
There's already 15 million.
And you look at Paris.
It is just feces everywhere.
Tent city squatting.
Machete murders, death.
Eastern Europe is just in pure horror.
They're trying to block their borders and they're being called racist.
Soros has these Zodiac boats every day shooting across with thousands of people.
The Italian Navy said they'll stop it.
So the EU said we're going to launch a Navy to stop you.
This is the plan to totally collapse the West so the technocracy can break off.
There's no way to assimilate 200 million Africans from third world countries into a welfare state.
80% of the recent migrants are on welfare, even two or three generationally.
They're taught by the left to hate.
The countries they're coming into and not to assimilate?
Most of the North Africans are Muslims?
My God, Paul, this is the most nightmare scenario.
We knew they were planning to collapse the third world, flood the first world with these populations.
But this is an absolute death sentence to Europe, to free market, to any first world status that could lift the whole planet up.
This is a diabolical plan.
We know Peter Sutherland, who just died a few months ago, and the United Nations, Paul.
Yeah, and Macron cites, as his example of how it's going to unfold, the French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith.
In his book, Smith admits that this transfer, as what he calls it, a population transfer, will be triggered, quote, largely as a result of Western aid money financing would-be migrants' journeys from Africa.
So he brazenly admits
This isn't a natural transfer.
This is going to be directly financed by the Soros groups, by the globalist bodies.
It's being financed.
We thought the number was 10 million.
It's 15 million just the last few years.
This is a total weaponized attack.
We'll have a town of 200 Germans and they import a thousand North Africans and they begin just raping and slaughtering and the police say it's their culture.
This is total insanity.
And they arrest the people who complain about it on Facebook, which is how it ties into another article which is up on Infowars.com, English language exclusive, where there's this EU Parliament member who is also a member of Sweden's radical feminist party.
She's an EU Parliament member.
She wants
Political parties that criticize immigration to be banned completely!
So she starts off by talking about far-right parties, and then she says, oh by the way, the Sweden Democrats, right, which is the second or third biggest party, depending on which poll you look at, got a good chance of winning the Swedish election.
They've got the most votes out of anyone from young people aged 18 to 35.
She wants them banned.
You've got people being arrested, prosecuted, fined in Sweden, simply for quoting statistics from the government about violent crime and rape.
Their reported rapes have increased 34% in the last 10 years.
Over in London, we've got a huge problem with acid attacks, which we never had before.
It's not all migrants, obviously some of it's just gang warfare, but a lot of it is.
And these are the problems that we're importing.
That's what Macron wants, times 10.
And over, as well as all this going on at the same time, as well as you, obviously Alex, trending on Twitter today, Morrissey was trending because he came out and said London is second only to Bangladesh in acid attacks.
He pointed the finger at mass immigration and said nobody in the authorities wants to deal with it because it would be politically incorrect to do so.
So, and he's getting absolutely slaughtered of course because he's an actual liberal who supports tolerant liberal policies, freedom of speech.
So he's getting slaughtered by all the regressive leftists who have chosen to side with a barbaric 7th century belief system because they're not real liberals.
So he's pointing the problems out.
We've imported this.
Now Macron's coming out and saying,
200 million Africans within 30 years.
Meanwhile, he's also saying there's going to be a civil war in Europe over the growing East-West divide, which is what you mentioned before, because these Eastern European countries, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, to some extent...
They're going to bring in 200 million people.
Eastern Europe, already invaded by Muslims over 100 times, has a fighting spirit.
They're going to say no, and then the EU is saying militarily they're going to come in and make Eastern Europe submit to the North African invasion.
What's ironic, Alex, is that Macron says there's going to be a civil war because these authoritarian democracies are upsetting the apple court.
The only authoritarian body in this equation is the EU, which punishes and blocks countries who try to leave its tentacles.
They did it before with these treaties, these referendums, that they completely ignored when they lost the election on several occasions, France, Ireland, Portugal.
Sure, so what is the left thinking?
Because I want you to take over and I promise to go to these calls.
They have gone completely insane.
I mean, they literally just hate the West and prosperity.
They exploit all these third world countries and then want to use it as a weapon to bring in all these dependent people to be their cultural army to enforce control over us.
Yeah, and even in this equation with the French philosopher-professor, they admit that it's completely unaffordable.
How on earth are you going to afford 200 million people coming into the continent, when as you said, you look at the figures, Sweden, Germany is 85% plus of the migrant population are on welfare.
The majority of them don't get jobs.
In fact, there was a
Statistics out of the Netherlands, I think there's 90% of migrants did not get a job within two and a half years.
So how are you going to afford this?
It's completely unaffordable.
They admit this would see the end of social welfare programs.
So is the left really prepared to sacrifice their cherished welfare programs for the benefit, for the cultural diversity of inviting in or importing in with Western aid money 200 million Africans?
And what are the consequences of that going to be?
We're going to turn into Africa.
You can't import Africa and remain a European country with its own protected culture.
Well, I mean, especially when they're going to be brainwashed by Lepus Day 1.
Stay there, Paul.
You're taking over.
Now, I promised to go to these callers, but I cannot take over for Paul.
He's too on fire.
Every person that held, Darian, Patricia, Christina and Jesse, get their numbers.
I'm calling them back tomorrow.
Front of the line and
They all get $50, $50 in whatever purchase they want.
I'm going to have the warehouse call them, and they're going to get $50 at InfowarsStore.com, whatever they want for holding the last dollar.
I said I'd go to you, but the time just got away.
And I tend to not even look at Infowars.com while I'm on air.
I should look at it all the time.
I just get overwhelmed with the hundreds of stories I already have in front of me.
And then Paul just drops this bombshell, and they brought this in to me, and I was reading it during the break.
EU Parliament member calls for banning political parties that criticize immigration.
They already arrest you if you do.
Then it links to their own party saying it.
That's an exclusive in English.
And then another one, Macron.
Europe faces unprecedented mass migration, shares destiny with Africa.
That's not even a strong enough headline.
Because when you read what he says, he says 15 million migrants already, now 20 million within 30 years according to his experts.
He says it'll bankrupt everything, but it's good, and that they'll fight a war with Eastern Europe because they won't submit.
I mean, now we get why they're attacking Eastern Europe and Russia, even though Eastern Europe doesn't like Russia.
We are probably all going to have to flee because here's the deal.
The leftists are going to train all these minorities that whites need to be killed, but when you go watch the live videos of the training at the universities, it's all weird white people leading it!
It's weird white racists who can look at the demographics, and that Christian whites opened everything up and are trying to do this.
They use our own strength against us, turn all these people into racists, bring them in, bankrupt everything.
They've got tax-free global foundations, breakaway civilization.
It's the total takedown plan!
These people are mad, crazed, demon lunatics!
And I'm just mad that I got diverted off into all the lawsuits and the harassment of Trump in the first 3-4 hours of the show.
We did cover a lot of key solutions and stuff.
I got to at least 15 calls today.
That's more than usual.
I love you all.
Paul is coming up.
I'll have more live feeds today.
The War Room, they're trying to take us down for a reason.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Basically, the left has now floated this whole notion, and this goes to the heart of how invasively vicious and personal they get with everything, because they can't fight us on the battlefield of ideas, so they have to intervene and muddle with people's private lives.
There was a Vice.com article basically saying that Conservatives can't get dates.
They're trying to terrify young people into not becoming Conservatives by suggesting that doing so will leave them lonely and desperate for life.
Very, very underhanded tactic.
We're going to talk to Ashton Witty about that at the bottom of the hour.
But for now, let's get into this.
Breitbart headline, Macron, Europe entering age of unprecedented mass migration, shares destiny with Africa.
Now, in this article, the quotes by the French President Macron, he cites this French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith, who admitted
That 150 to 200 million Africans will be allowed to be transferred into Europe over the next 30 years with the aid of Western money financing.
So they're openly admitting the Soros groups, the globalist groups, are going to do this.
It's not going to be even passed off as some kind of natural migration.
It's going to be directly funded from the top.
We currently have around 9 million Africans in Europe.
They're talking about 200 million.
You import 200 million Africans into European countries, what do you get?
And all the attendant problems Africa has.
I mean, let's just be honest about it.
Can we have an honest debate about this?
If you actually want to import Africa, then defend it on its merits.
Be upfront about it.
Stop lying about it.
Macron's being alarmingly honest here.
They're talking about 200 million.
Listen, Sweden.
Within our lifetime, Sweden, Swedes, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in their own country within our lifetimes.
I'm not talking about the major cities, I'm talking about the entire country of Sweden.
Swedes will be an ethnic minority, okay?
At that point, or way before that point, Sweden is no longer Sweden.
It becomes something else, called Swedistan, mainly.
You can't import vast hundreds of millions of people from other countries and not have it change the fundamental nature of a country, for better or worse.
So let's debate that.
On its merits, let's have an honest debate.
They admit it's going to be through Western aid money financing, so they admit it's going to be from the top, and they say that this scenario would see the end of welfare states in Europe because we cannot afford it!
Already 85% plus of immigrants, of migrants in these countries, Germany, Sweden, they're on welfare.
They're not working, which is why it was always so ridiculous when I ever heard Angela Merkel say that Europe needed to import migrants because white people were dying off.
They're not having kids.
That's true.
And that's completely their fault, by the way.
They need to take ownership of that.
Then she always used to say, that's why we need to import tens of millions of migrants.
You know, to fund the pension system, to fund the welfare system by working and paying taxes.
They don't work!
Look at the figures!
85% plus on welfare.
There was a stat today out of the Netherlands.
90% of newly arrived migrants after two and a half years have not had a job.
They're not working, they're not paying taxes.
The majority of them, the vast majority of them.
They want to come over and they have skills, they want to start businesses, they want to contribute.
Great, I'm all for that.
Skilled immigration, business owners.
It's funny, you know, because Sweden tends to actually kick out the business owners.
There was a case where, I think it was a Syrian migrant, came in, started a business, was doing really well, hiring people.
Because of one little technicality on his immigration application, they want to deport him.
Meanwhile, if you were fighting for ISIS in Syria and Iraq, come on in!
Here's a red carpet.
Here's a council house.
Here's therapy.
Here's welfare.
Here's a job.
If you're going to turn up at the job.
That's the situation in Europe.
It's absolutely insane.
200 million Africans.
That's going to change things a little bit.
Let's be honest about it.
Meanwhile, basically, by the way, he's calling it Your Africa.
The most optimistic scenario that Macron's talking about from his citation, which is a Duke University professor, is the most optimistic scenario is something called Your Africa, which would see mass migration create a welcoming multicultural Europe.
Because it's working out great so far, isn't it?
Acid attacks, gang warfare on the streets, stabbings, machete attacks, terrorist attacks, sharia law, female genital mutilation, it's so diverse, it's so diverse, it's so multicultural, it's enriched us greatly, which would fully embrace being a mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding, which is basically biological capitulation, and those are the terms that they talk about it in.
Macron warns of European civil war overgrowing East-West divide.
So he's talking about the Eastern countries who have resisted this mass migration, which is why the Soros group is trying to obliterate them, which is why there was such a big tussle over the Hungarian election recently.
He's talking about those countries who, by the way, if you look at polls, they ask people in Western and Eastern Europe, are you positive?
Are you optimistic for the future of your children?
In Eastern Europe, all those countries say yes, overwhelmingly.
Western Europe, they all say no.
They're less optimistic about their own children's future than they were about their generation.
I wonder why?
You look across Europe, by the way, the majority of Europeans want to ban Islamic immigration altogether.
That sounds like some kind of far-right fringe idea.
Polls have been conducted repeatedly.
The majority of Europeans want to ban it.
And they're going to slowly, you would hope, vote in parties that at least can get a handle, a control on immigration, because if they don't, as Douglas Murray wrote in his book, The Strange Death of Europe, Europe will die, as we know it.
So Macron says that European Union risks being torn apart by a civil war between its liberal and authoritarian democracies, because of course Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland are rejecting this EU quota of migrants.
He has the gall to call Hungary, which just had an election, completely fair and above board, an authoritarian democracy.
He's calling Hungary authoritarian.
He's calling the EU liberal.
The EU that blocks and punishes countries who try to extricate themselves legally through a democratic referendum from their tentacles.
Oh, but Hungary is the authoritarian country.
Give me a break!
This is a body, unelected, that ignores national referendums.
People vote in all these European countries against the Lisbon Treaty.
They just ignore the vote!
That's the very essence of authoritarianism!
And he's got the gall to point at other countries and call them authoritarian when they elect leaders.
Who care about the interests of their own population.
They call them nationalists.
They're not nationalists, they're just populists.
Old school populists.
That's true liberal democracy.
Authoritarianism is the EU.
It's the very essence of authoritarianism.
They're the problem, which is why they're going to collapse.
If we get our way, God only hopes, over the next 10, 20, 30 years.
So while he's calling,
For 200 million Africans to be paid for, imported into Europe.
He's saying in the same breath that it's Hungary that has the problem.
What on earth are you talking about?
They closed the borders.
They didn't have a sprawling migrant camp in Calais.
They don't have mass molestation on the street.
They don't have terrorist attacks every other week.
They have peaceful, prosperous existences, and you're pointing the finger at them and saying they're the problem.
No, you're the problem, Macron.
You and everything your globalist masters represent, you are the real problem.
We'll be back live on the Alex Jones Show, breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live, and we're going to delve into an issue now which I've covered on several occasions in the past, and it is the fact that the left, they're nasty pieces of work, aren't they?
They always try to make everything personal.
They can't just have an argument on the battleground of ideas, on the battlefield of ideas.
They have to interfere in people's families.
They have to interfere in people's private relationships, because they're interfering busybodies.
They're nasty, self-loathing, very hateful people.
And they can't just debate politics without making it personal.
And on that subject, welcome back our guest, who is Ashton Witte.
She is at Ashton Birdie on Twitter.
Ashton, welcome back.
Thank you for having me.
Now, I want to talk about this Vice article which you covered in a video a couple of days ago.
If you could flash this up.
Headline is, Conservatives are whining because no one wants to date them.
This came out in Vice, I think it was back in the beginning of March.
Let's read a couple of sentences out of this.
It says, a handful of conservatives in DC told the magazine they've been having a real tough go of it since the election.
They've just been having a hard time getting laid.
According to one unnamed Trump administration official, it's especially hard to land a date if you're affiliated with the White House.
It continues, a reporter for a right-wing media outlet told the Washingtonian he recently went out on a date that crashed and burned once the woman noticed some conservative books on his shelf!
The horror!
Even though the guy told her he didn't vote for Trump, he got down and grovelled on his knees and considers himself a moderate conservative she ended things there.
So it's not a long article but it goes on in that vein.
First of all, I mean, that's a lucky escape, that guy.
He avoided certain misery.
So, what is the problem there?
Second of all, Ashton, you know, if, you know, for women, let's just look at women.
If you're reasonably attractive, you will never be short of offers from men.
You know, basic biology overrides politics.
That's just a fact.
And for men, which is why I say this article is complete BS in my experience, you know, I'm seeing the opposite.
Like, being a conservative or, you know, just not being an intellectual coward, which is what most leftists are, you know, it's transgressive.
It's daring.
It's attractive.
So, I mean, is vice correct?
From my perspective, this is complete BS.
You know, are confident, good-looking men with strident beliefs and purpose in their lives really going to have problems finding a date?
I wouldn't say so.
I would say it's more the fact that a lot of women nowadays are very picky about what they want.
Not to mention, I don't think women even really want to date or stay in a long-lasting relationship.
They seem to just be more focused on their careers.
And a lot of these feminist women don't really care about traditional family values.
Instead, they either want to focus on their career or be in a relationship, as CNN has stated, with cuck-holding.
So the idea that any of these women actually want a relationship in the first place is just surprising.
Well, yeah, we'll get to the cuckolding in a bit.
I'll save the best for last.
You know, isn't this more about, this is what I introduced this with at the top of the show, isn't this more about the left trying to frighten young people into not becoming conservatives by telling them, by putting the fear of God into them, that they'll be desperate, lonely and unloved if they do?
It seems like a very underhanded tactic to panic young people into not becoming conservatives for fear that they'll be alone.
Do you see that as part of this agenda?
I think when people have this fear that they're going to be alone, they're going to put themselves in a desperate state of mind.
Well, absolutely.
They're going to throw themselves at any person that says hi to them or do anything that's willing.
I think a lot of women who are on the left, they don't respect relationship values or moral values.
The very reason that they push themselves into open relationships or, you know, man after man and just focus on a career, they don't want family values because they're afraid they're going to get hurt
Or someone's going to push them away and then they become conservative and no one's going to love them.
And so I think that's the entire mindset of the left where they just push people to believe they're always going to be alone no matter what.
So you might as well be a freak about it.
Yeah, I mean it's very underhanded.
From my own experience it's very bizarre because most of the messages I get are from very young people, both men and women, who are conservatives.
It's this burgeoning movement which is in the colleges, which is in the schools.
You might not see it on the surface.
But I get tons of messages from young people who say, I watch your videos, you turn me on to this.
This is like the cool, edgy, rebellious thing to be in school now.
Obviously, it's going to be dominated by music and whatever other cultural trends are going on.
It's not all going to be political.
But for some people who are political, who message me, they're saying, no, it's actually, conservatism is kind of the new counterculture.
It is the rebellious, edgy thing to do because it's so taboo.
So, I mean, that's not going to play too badly in terms of attracting other people if you're the cool rebellious kid in school by adopting these kind of edgy beliefs, is it?
That's not going to play too badly with the ladies, I would venture.
Well, it's really interesting because the majority of women who were doing the Women's March, for example, they were either lesbian or divorced.
And so it's no, you know, it's obvious that a lot of women now today, you know, the idea of getting married and settling down and having children is just absolutely ridiculous.
So, it's no question that these women, they don't really think about those kind of things.
I mean, look at them.
The majority of them, they don't shower, they don't shave, they have blue hair.
And, you know, they're all divorced.
So of course they're going to be angry at the world, angry with men, and of course angry with family values, because they don't have any.
Well, and just angry at the fact that they're very ugly people, both inside and out.
I mean, we're talking about them frightening young people into not becoming conservatives.
You know, we probably, and I've done this on occasion, should be pointing the finger at the state of protestors at Antifa riots and Black Lives Matter events.
Because, as he said, tend to be... I'm talking about activists.
Like, when I make this point, and I'm going to get on to it with the science in a second, they always come back at me, these blue check marks, and say, oh, but what about this liberal icon?
Look how attractive she is.
It's like, no, she's a celebrity.
I'm talking about politicians.
I'm talking about activists.
You look at most of them, and we featured them on the show numerous times, it's exactly as he said, the stereotype is true.
Mainly with these feminist protests,
The older women are divorced.
The younger women have got blue hair.
They're completely out of shape.
Like, there's no excuse for being out of shape when you're in your mid-twenties.
There's no excuse.
That's a lifestyle.
That's a series of bad lifestyle choices.
And those people tend to be attracted to this victimhood ideology politics, which allows them to wallow in their own laziness and worthlessness.
So we should be, you know, getting young girls and saying, pointing to that and saying, don't turn into that, whatever you do.
And in fact,
I made a video about this called Sexy Hot Conservatives, pointing to the fact that there was one example where it was the Antifa girl.
I think it was the girl who got punched, and we don't advocate that obviously.
But they had pictures of her before she joined Antifa.
You know, long blonde hair, very natural, very attractive.
After joining Antifa, she's got the nose piercing, she's got the dreadlocks.
As he said, looks like she hasn't had a shower in two years.
You know, it has an effect.
And that ties into the science, which is what that video was about, which I want to get onto.
I'll probably get onto that in the next segment here, because we've got about a minute and a half left.
But I just want to wrap the Vice article up with this.
At the end of the Vice article, which says, Conservatives can't get dates, they admit, quote, we hear that the dating site for Trump supporters is really struggling to attract new members.
So, if a dating site specifically aimed at Trump supporters is struggling to attract new members, doesn't that suggest that Trump supporters are either happily married or having no problem finding dates, therefore debunking the entire premise of this stupid Vice article, Ashton?
I mean, on average, they even say that Trump supporters or conservatives in general are more likely going to appreciate family values, which usually ties to the fact that more so we're going to be married or in relationships and be happy with that, because we don't need to have cuckolding.
Well, yeah, we'll get on to CNN promoting Cookholdry again.
The point I made with that was people were surprised about it.
Why was anyone surprised?
That's like their core audience.
Of course, they're going to promote it.
Also, in the next segment, I'm going to get on to the different standards by which we view
Attractiveness and looks in women, of course.
We're told all day not to look-shame women, not to fat-shame women.
Far from, of course, if it's a conservative women and then you can say the most vile thing imaginable about them.
We'll get to that and more after the break.
We are talking to Ashton Witte.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Analysis reports it's the Alex Jones Show and now your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live.
This is the final segment of the fourth hour and we are still joined by Ashton Witty.
Go and check out her YouTube channel.
She did a video on this about Vice saying Conservatives can't get dates.
Quite the opposite in my experience.
I made a video called Sexy Hot Conservatives, one of the best headlines ever, where I went through the science behind this.
Cambridge University Press reported
Conservatives are more physically attractive.
This is a quote.
Attractive individuals are more likely to identify with the Republican Party and are more likely to be conservatives.
There was a Daily Beast article based on a UCLA study, hardly a far-right outfit, which said GOP women are prettier.
Even the arch-feminist herself, Lindy West, admitted in an article that she wrote that conservative women are prettier.
So if you look at the science, it tends to be that more attractive women and men are attracted to conservative politics.
Of course, they come back and say, oh, but look at this liberal celebrity.
She's so hot.
Yeah, that doesn't disprove the general science in these studies, which include hundreds and hundreds of people.
I'm talking about activists, I'm talking about journalists, I'm talking about the kind of people who were exposed as perverts during this whole hashtag MeToo scenario.
People like Sam Chris, people like Glenn Thrush.
It often was the case that the most ardent virtue-signalling male feminists were the most creepy, predatory perverts in almost every case.
And again, it's because, you know, they're ugly.
I mean, I see this connection all the time.
Leftists, particularly the most vicious ones who jump to that, to getting personal as quickly as possible.
They always have, like, problems with depression, problems with self-loathing.
So in those cases, you know, they can't attract women in the normal way.
So they have to be creeps.
They have to be perverts.
And the science shows that conservatives are indeed hotter.
But, I mean, Ashton, you know, the question is, do leftists, as they get older,
Manifest all that viciousness, all that self-loathing by becoming as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside.
Do they actually begin to wear all that hatred on their faces, do you think?
Oh, absolutely.
Where do you think, uh...
Cat ladies come from, honestly.
I mean, look at all the women who were at the Women's March.
They were, you know, not in shape.
They were all divorcees, and they were all in their mid-40s.
And these are the same people who are offended by beach bodies and women like Pamela Anderson on a Baywatch.
They can't stand the idea of pretty women taking over.
And I think they're indoctrinating a lot of the college students
We're good to go.
Yeah, you see the before and after photos of some of these women and the transformation is quite stunning.
But again, you know, they say, oh, Ashton, that's just your internalised misogyny.
That's my bigotry.
How dare we judge women on their appearance?
Oh, and by the way, Tommy Lawrence had plastic surgery.
You know, Ann Coulter's emaciated.
It's OK to be completely vile about women and how they look and the size they are, so long as they're conservative.
Quite the double standard there, Ashton, isn't it?
Well, what's so interesting to me is that a lot of women who are conservative and they do take care of themselves, you know, whether it be Botox or taking a simple shower, we're actually happier with our lives because taking care of your bodies and actually, you know, basic hygiene tends to tie back to happiness.
You know, you're not going to be depressed if you smell good.
You're not going to be depressed if you're wearing nice clothes.
Happy people just don't look like trolls.
It just doesn't happen.
Noel, I want to get into this.
I know you've been chomping at the bit to talk about it.
In 4Wars headline, CNN promotes cuckoldry as positive for modern relationships.
This came out back in January.
Of course, CNN appealing to the interests of its core audience.
It reads, CNN has hit a new low by posting a feature article that promotes cuckoldry as a positive fetish for modern relationships.
And they quote these experts, including one that said,
Cook Holding tends to be a positive fantasy on behaviour.
They also quote a Dan Savage who is like a gay rights leftist activist who said,
Goes on to say, neither of these assertions are backed up by any evidence or challenged by the writer of the piece, Ian Koerner, who is a licensed psychotherapist.
So there was no actual survey or anything that backed this up, that it was a positive thing for relationships to let your wife sleep with someone else.
They just said it was, and we took their word at face value.
But we had another article though, which completely contradicted this, and this is out of Breitbart,
It says far-left voters more likely to share their wives.
Right-wingers more sexually dominant claims study.
So basically they asked people in France and again this sampling was 4,000 people unlike the three people quoted by CNN and basically they found out that left-wingers are more likely to have orgies to share their wives and we're trying to dance around this because it's a family show.
Right-wingers, this is a quote, are more likely to enjoy, quote, kinky sex.
So they're more likely to engage in taboos.
But it was the left-wingers who were more likely to engage in cuckoldry.
So Ashton, you know, not to get too graphic here, it's the family show.
Why do you think leftists are more likely to be into cuckoldry?
Is there something within their psychological makeup which makes them more attracted to that kind of deviancy?
Well, as a psychotherapist, I think that she would know basic psychology and that sharing multiple men for one woman is not going to help a woman psychologically.
It's actually going to damage her even more, which may even tie to the very fact that feminists are angry themselves.
I mean, there's studies show that women who have more sexual partners at a time, they tend to be angry with their lives.
They tend to have worse relationships.
I think it ties to a lot of what a lot of these feminists, you know, are.
They're angry, they're sad about their own lives, and so I think back to what you said earlier, that they are afraid to be alone.
They sleep around and say it's beneficial to the relationship, when all it really does is destroy the very family and traditional values that they should be upholding.
There you see the study out of the BrightBart.com article.
We'll be sure to revisit this topic.
It's a source of common interest for me.
Just before we go though, tell people how they can find you on Twitter and how they can subscribe to your YouTube channel, which has been doing very well of late.
They can find me on both Twitter and YouTube.
AshtonBurnie, A-S-H-T-O-N-B-I-R-D-I-E.
Okay, be sure to check out her most recent video on this very subject as well.
Ashton, really appreciate your time.
Thanks for joining us today.
Thank you for having me.
There goes Ashton Whitty.
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Now talking about people being attacked, of course Laura Ingram
was under a boycott because of David Hogg's efforts a couple of weeks ago.
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So a round of applause for David Hogg!
He's managed to boost Laura Ingraham's ratings by over 20%.
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So we thank sincerely David Hogg for all his efforts and congratulations to Laura Ingraham.
Her show's 20% up.
She's doing just fine.
That's going to wrap it up for me.
War Room with Owen Schroyer is coming up.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!