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Filename: 20180409_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 9, 2018
3162 lines.

This passage discusses a variety of subjects on an episode of The Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include InfoWars products and promotions, social media censorship, Russia and global politics, and Martin Luther King's legacy. Throughout the show, Alex encourages listeners to support InfoWars as a counter-narrative to mainstream media. In the first part of this passage, Alex talks about his opposition to vaccinations and how they are forcing people to get vaccinated against their will. He mentions that this is part of a broader agenda by the government to control citizens through medicine. He also discusses how fluoride in drinking water affects our health negatively but is promoted as good for dental hygiene. In another section, Alex talks about a potential war with Iran and how it could lead to World War III. He expresses concern that this conflict may be orchestrated by powerful elites who seek global domination. He also discusses the importance of preparing for such events by stocking up on supplies and being aware of the news. Later in the show, Alex addresses issues related to gun control and the Second Amendment. He argues that the right to bear arms is essential for citizens' self-defense against a tyrannical government or foreign invasion. He criticizes those who advocate for stricter gun control measures as being ignorant of history and the constitution. Throughout the show, Alex takes calls from listeners who share their opinions on various topics discussed in the program. Some callers agree with his views while others challenge them. Despite disagreements, there is a sense of community among listeners who feel marginalized by mainstream media outlets. Overall, this passage provides insight into Alex Jones's perspective on vaccinations, potential wars, gun control, and more. It also highlights how he connects with his audience through his opposition to mainstream narratives."

And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That's right, filling in for Alex today.
I'm your host, Owen Schroer.
I am sure we'll be hearing from Alex, and we have all kinds of huge news to break today.
A loaded deck.
But before we get false flagged into a World War III situation over Syria, I think it's important to remember that history repeats itself, and if we don't learn from our history,
We're bound to repeat it.
John Bowne has an important report on what they're currently trying to do in America to erase American history.
America and its Indian Wars is dark and bloody.
A struggle in the guise of manifest destiny that resulted in the massacre of thousands of innocents.
It's a history that Americans need to learn from rather than drop into the dustbin of history.
Because history always sneaks up and repeats itself if preceding generations are unaware of known consequences.
But now, after the tearing down of Confederate statues ran like wildfire through towns and universities of the United States, the left have now set their sights on the plight of the Native Americans.
The war on statues has opened up a brand new front.
As we told you yesterday, activists in California are targeting a statue of, of all people, President William McKinley.
They claim his policies have harmed Native Americans.
So, of all the statues to prominent Americans, why does this statue offend the Wiyot tribe?
Though he was never there in Humboldt County, his actions that he did while as president severely affected the Native Americans throughout the United States.
So in the 1860s, McKinley, of course, was fighting slavery as a member of the Union Army for three and a half years.
That's, I think we both agree, a virtuous thing.
He was president for a term in a very short period.
What did he do specifically to hurt the Wiyot tribe?
That's the thing, he doesn't have any significance to the WIAT people, but where the statue's at is the issue.
The statue where he's located at in the Arcata Plaza was used as an auctioning block for Native Americans, especially for Native American youth or WIAT youth.
And yeah, it was more like a human trafficking era.
Well, that's awful.
I mean, I'm not for that.
But that didn't happen, obviously, during the time that he was president, because there was no slavery, of course, by his presidency, partly because of the actions that he took as a Union soldier.
I mean, this is so mindless, it's hard to track.
I want to take this seriously.
I mean, your name, for example, is Madison.
Madison owned slaves.
Should you change your name?
Well, Charlottesville, as you know, isn't the only community dealing with controversial historical statues and symbols.
There's a town in Northern California that's removing the statue of President William McKinley from its town center.
McKinley was also a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan.
And where does the tearing down of statues of U.S.
presidents and monuments lead?
Of course, it leads to our very founders.
George Washington was known by the Iroquois as Kano Takarius, or the Destroyer of Towns, or Andrew Jackson's Removal Act that led to the Trail of Tears.
And after that part of our undeniable history is gone, will the name America be next?
Namesake Amerigo Vespucci was a slaveholder.
And then what?
Will the Constitution be targeted on the basis that it was created by slave owners and Indian killers?
If we scrap these historical figures, aren't we also erasing
Everybody's face is covered?
This is America?
This is the country you want to live in?
Whether you agree with it or not, this is communism.
This is what they did pre-World War II.
I mean, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, red.
It might be this monument today, but what's tomorrow?
When will the rabid dogs of the left stop using our history to distort our future?
Why wouldn't we spend our time and tax dollars preserving and paying our respects?
So there you go folks, the full report on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
And if they can erase the past, if they can erase history, they can erase the future and lie about all of it.
And that's what they're doing.
Get ready for Alex Jones to invade the swamp.
Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
on April 10th, during which he'll make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and InfoWars' reputation.
Jones will address the left's new tactic of trying to bury info wars under a deluge of lawsuits, several of which do not rest on any sound legal basis.
While the mainstream media and many on the left routinely celebrate these lawsuits when they're first filed, those same people are noticeably silent when the lawsuits collapse.
These lawsuits are yet another attempt to shut down free speech, and they are doomed to fail.
Alex Jones will go live at 9 a.m.
Eastern from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
You can find live streams of the press conference at InfoWars.com.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Quite a day to be thrust into the main chair here at the InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas.
As the news today is about as big as it's been in a while, and that is saying a lot, where you are on the brink of a potential World War III situation over the chemical attacks or the false flag chemical attacks in Syria.
As President Trump has just said,
He's condemning the heinous attack in Syria and he'll make a decision on US response in 24 to 48 hours.
Now, of course over the weekend on Twitter he went off and said animal Assad and was already condemning the attacks and the Assad regime.
Russia has responded saying that it is a false flag, that in fact it didn't even happen.
And then you have John McCain blaming Trump for the attacks because of his stance, lackadaisical stance on Syria.
Yeah, for not being an interventionist, you know, for just not going into Syria and starting another foreign war.
You know, that's what McCain's into.
But there's an irony to that because technically Trump is kind of to blame because it was McCain's rebels that probably staged the false flag attack in response to Trump not going along with regime change.
So that's how that actually worked.
Trump doesn't go along with regime change.
So the Syrian rebels that McCain brags about meeting with staged a false flag attack.
And then he blames Trump.
Well, of course, because Trump wouldn't go for the regime change.
So you've got all of that going on.
And again, Russia saying it is a false flag.
Trump going fully along with it.
Says 24 to 48 hours before we'll find out the U.S.
And then, of course, Israel blamed for the missile strike in Syria that left 14 dead, including some Iranians.
And so you've got all that.
Then domestically, with Facebook and Twitter and social media, they are in the pit.
On one side of the aisle, you have Mark Zuckerberg, who's going to have to testify, I believe, before two committees.
And this is just crazy, because first you've got all of the stuff going on with the censorship.
They could be facing fines.
Then you've got Zuckerberg hiring people that work for President Bush and others to basically get social tips on how to be normal.
This is how you want to present yourself.
Because, I mean, the guy is socially awkward.
So he's trying to get a course in how to be a normal, socially interactive person.
Then you've got
Twitter's CEO, Jack Dorsey, celebrating a Dem victory in a second civil war, talking about civil war in the United States, which is what they want.
So, we've been telling you they want civil war.
That's why they want to come take the guns.
It's honestly just insane that all of this is going on right now.
And then meanwhile, Robert Mueller's Russian probe.
Have you forgotten about this thing?
So that's just ongoing.
I mean, you know, Russian influencing the election, total bull.
All over the weekend, they say, cyber security threat, Russia, cyber security threat, Russia.
It's like these buzzwords.
It's like, that never changed.
That was the same during the Obama years.
Why are you reporting on it now?
Oh, because Trump got in and you can use it for an agenda and a narrative.
Got it.
It's the same thing with the quote-unquote trade war with China.
We have a trade war now.
It's a trade war.
China's been beating us to a bloody pulp in trade for 20 years.
Almost 30 years, since the 90s.
You can look at the charts.
And now it's a trade war.
So yeah, it used to be trade rape.
But now it's trade war, and it's bad, and it's Trump's fault.
So Trump bad, trade war, China, trade rape, good.
And if you don't like that, you're a Russian agent.
So you've got all of that going on, and here we are smack dab in the middle of it.
But think about this.
This is the key.
And this is to me what Russia is signaling and what Putin is signaling right now.
You're not going to stage another false flag to start a war or install a regime change.
You're done.
And that's right at the McCain's of the world.
And if Trump wants to step in line with the McCain's of the world, he's going to get war with the Russia's and the Putin's of the world.
And that's how this is going to go.
I mean, what... See, here's the thing.
The average individual can see right through this, to me.
And that's one thing that really bothered about this, to me, is I see a lot of young conservatives coming up in political media, coming up on the conservative end of things.
Starting to make a name for themselves, and of course they're riding the Trump momentum.
They're riding the Trump train to get to where they're at.
So they're going right along with this whole Syria thing.
And they're like, oh, thank goodness, Trump will draw a red line.
Trump will draw a line in the sand and they won't cross it, unlike Obama.
And it's like, oh, oh, man.
Oh, that's exactly what we were trying to avoid.
And then here we are, so Trump says 24 to 48 hours before we find out if we're going one step closer to the ledge of World War III.
Which, I know I have the story somewhere over here, I got so many stories I can't even find them.
A former Russian general said would probably be the last war of mankind's history.
Actually, it's right here.
Veteran Putin general
Evgeny Buzhinski says events today could lead to the last war in the history of mankind.
In fact, let's go to the clip.
Let's just go to the clip right now, guys.
Clip 11.
This is a Putin general warning, Evgeny Buzhinski, that World War III, that we just got one step closer to, could be the last war of mankind.
It's worse than the Cold War, because if the situation will develop in the way it is now, I am afraid it will end up in a very, very bad outcome.
Spell it out.
What do you mean by a very bad outcome and worse than the Cold War?
A real war.
Worse than the Cold War is a real war.
It will be the last war in the history of mankind.
You are saying that the fallout from the Salisbury poisoning could lead to a real war.
How so?
Not the Salisbury poisoning, but all the actions.
You see, because the pressure, the United States say, you are saying that the pressure will continue.
What are you going to achieve?
If you are going to achieve the regime change, it's useless.
Actually, you are cornering Russia.
And to corner Russia is a very dangerous thing.
So there you go.
Yeah, they try to stage a false flag over a poisoning in Salisbury and they blame Russia, and then they stage a false flag in Syria and blame Syria.
But again... And so yeah, World War III would be the most deadliest war of all time, absolutely.
The type of weapons we have.
And I think, well, you don't even want to think about this.
You don't even want to know.
But again, the average individual, if you take a look at what has happened over the last two weeks, okay, Trump looks like regime change in Syria, not on his mind, not on his radar.
He'd rather not be involved, even thinks we should be pulled out.
John Bolton, all of a sudden, joins his administration, and less than two weeks later, we get a chemical attack in Syria, and now Trump wants regime change all of a sudden, against animal Assad.
It's funny how that works.
So, for me, and I feel like for you, we scratch our heads and we say, is Trump really being fooled by this?
Is Trump really being fooled by neocons like John Bolton?
Is Trump really being fooled by a false flag?
Or is he going along with it willingly?
Is that the stage that we've reached now?
Is Trump now being controlled like a nice neocon warmonger?
But I'll tell you what, none of it will matter if we don't have a First Amendment and a Second Amendment.
None of it!
And so that's why Alex Jones is in Washington, D.C.
fighting for the First Amendment.
Huge event tomorrow.
We'll talk more about that on the other side.
Hopefully we can avoid World War III, but this latest development in Syria, folks, is not good.
And the President's response is very disheartening.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
If you take life, do you know what you'll get?
I'll tell you more like what it is.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex today.
Big event tomorrow at the National Press Club in D.C.
9 a.m.
start time.
Is that Central, guys?
Or is that Eastern?
Okay, 9 a.m.
Eastern, 8 a.m.
Central time tomorrow.
Alex Jones invades the swamp.
Big speakers, guest list.
Names that include Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, Leanne McAdoo, Roger Stone, Lee Stranahan, and of course Alex.
After all of that, we'll have a questions and answers segment.
Space is limited.
If you're trying to get in, send an email and RSVP to press at infowars.com.
Press at infowars.com.
And of course, we'll have the streams available at infowars.com slash show.
Now, this is all possible because of your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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And again, it's your support at InfoWarsStore.com that allows us to get all of the news covered, send Alex on the road with a big crew, to have an event like this, get the guests, and then do a four-hour broadcast in the middle of 10 hours of live broadcasting that we now do every day.
All made possible by you at InfoWarsStore.com.
So again, the big stories are
False flag in Syria could lead to World War III, depending on the U.S.
Facebook is, well, Zuckerberg is in trouble, as he's about to have to testify.
Then you've got the Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, going right along with the Democrat narrative of civil war, which would, of course, only end up bad for their minions.
But they don't care about that.
And, of course, they're being all looked at as well for perhaps whatever they've been getting involved with, with data gathering and sharing and private information sharing and, you know, they just brag about it in Project Veritas undercover videos.
Nothing from the Justice Department, though.
I guess James O'Keefe just doesn't exist to the Justice Department.
James O'Keefe, never heard of him!
Undercover video of the Democrat Party plotting violence?
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, kid, couldn't be.
Not even possible.
Not even possible.
And then Zuckerberg is so awkward, he's getting coached on how to be social right now.
What is this world I'm living in?
And then you get reminded, when you see stories like this,
Robots replace soldiers in first breaching exercise of its kind.
This is on military.com today.
and British troops participated in the robotic complex breach concept demonstration, during which several remote-controlled vehicles performed a task usually carried out by soldiers.
It's a breach task, obviously a very dangerous one, and now they're about to bring the robots to the field.
And I'm reading this story and I'm like, yeah, Infowars.com had that story a couple years ago.
Robots coming to the army?
Yeah, that was Infowars.com about four years ago.
Yeah, so next year's news today, again.
Just where do you go?
It's just all, all of this is crazy.
Oh, oh, here's another example.
How about CNN?
Secret direct talks underway between US and North Korea.
Oh yeah, CNN breaking this on Sunday, April 7th.
No, we broke this again months ago.
We told you that they were in backchannel secret conversations and that Trump had already reached a deal with North Korea.
That was us, not CNN.
And then I gotta say, Drudge links to this story, not ours, two months ago.
So, just saying.
That's how that goes.
But, let's get back to what's going on in Syria.
Of course, here's Lindsey Graham, guys.
Let's queue up clip 8.
He is right along with it.
Oh, yeah!
Lindsey Graham.
War drums charging into Syria.
He urges Trump, we need to keep those troops in Syria.
President Trump's taking the gloves off when it comes to fighting ISIS inside of Iraq.
He's done the same in Syria, but he wants to somehow leave.
All I can tell President Trump, you're building walls to protect us.
Somehow leave?
You know what, just see, pause this right here.
This is the type of bullcrap that we're sick of.
Try to leave.
What do you mean try to leave?
Let's hop in the jets, let's hop in the helicopters, let's get the hell out.
Like you can, oh, oh, oh, no, no, hey, you can't just do that.
That's way too complicated.
Well, why is that the case?
Because neocon warmongers like you have all your strings tied over there.
And then we, the people of America, have to look like jackasses for your foreign wars.
And then you get Russia ticked off at us, and they're going to want to bomb us.
Because we keep interfering in regime change that we don't belong in.
And going along with false flags.
And then here comes Lindsey Graham.
Make sure to keep those troops in Syria.
You can't take them out.
It's too complex.
It's our business now.
We have to stay.
Finish the clip.
You're building a wall to protect us from threats from the southern border.
There's no wall you can build in the Mideast.
The only way we can protect America from the Mideast... Yeah, America isn't in the Mideast.
You know, see, again, the only way you can protect America from the Mideast, you can't build a wall in the Mideast.
America's not in the Mideast.
You think, like, Lindsey Graham and ABC News think that you are as dumb as a turkey.
This is insulting to me.
This is what we're sick of.
Well, you just can't be removed from Syria.
Well, we gotta stay protected in the Middle East.
We gotta be there all the time.
Oh my gosh, really?
Alright, just go back to, just let, let's let Graham finish.
... troops working with regional partners to have a virtual wall over there.
If you take these troops out of Syria, ISIS comes back, Iran begins to dominate Syria, and that's the end of us being a reliable ally.
The Kurds that fought with us are going to get slaughtered by Turkey, the entire region.
The Syrian rebels over there, McCain goes and meets with them, they can do whatever they want, they leave behind tons and tons of chemical weapons, then a false flag happens, and it's all Syria's fault, so let's go back to war.
It's a bunch of bullcrap, man.
We're done with it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to hear from Alex in this segment in just a moment.
You know, it's amazing, as I was sitting here in the break, I was thinking about the story
How CNN reports now.
We reported on it months ago.
Secret direct talks underway between US and North Korea.
Sorry CNN, we scooped you every time, but... I'm sitting here and I'm thinking, okay, so essentially we're gonna have a taunt with North Korea now.
Well, why not Syria?
Why are there no meetings with Assad and Trump?
Isn't Kim Jong-un much worse?
Oh no, that's why they have to frame Assad and his regime for chemical attacks.
Make him the boogeyman.
But no detente for Assad, and Syria, yes, for North Korea.
I was trying to figure it all out here.
Doesn't make sense to me.
None of it makes sense to me.
I think a lot of Americans are scratching their heads over this.
And when you have Russia, and look at how it pits Russia perfectly into a corner, just as the
General from Russia was saying earlier, look how it puts Russia in a corner when you stage false flags and then use that to give reason why you want to have a regime change, including saying that Russia is poisoning its own spies.
Well, what is Russia supposed to do?
Just take it?
Say, okay, fine, the U.S., just do whatever you want, just lie about us, lie about Syria, take out our ally, fine.
No, and that's why the Russian general says, look, these events could lead to World War III, which would be the last war in mankind.
It's what Einstein said, that's what anyone with a brain understands.
I don't know what weapons they'll fight in World War III with,
But I know in World War 4, they'll be using sticks and stones.
And so that's where we're at right now.
Now hopefully you don't get to that point, but there actually is something very essential you can do for yourself to protect yourself from potential nuclear fallout or other things.
And it's just incredible that you would even have to think about that, but you do.
Let's now go to Alex Jones, who has very important information for you here on the Alex Jones Show.
One of the things I'm really proud of is the fact that doing my own research, talking to top scientists, we knew that there was an iodine conspiracy.
Iodine is in every cell of your body.
Iodine deficiency is the commonest preventable cause of brain damage and loss of IQ in the world.
In fact, over 90% of Americans are low in iodine.
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
Then in the early 1970s, most commercial manufacturers switched to bromide instead.
Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
And I am so proud of the fact that since I've been promoting iodine the last five, six years, it is now all the rage at health food stores, you name it.
But none of them are as pure or as clean as the original Survival Shield X2 at Infowarslife.com.
I was just about to walk out of the studio to pick my children up, and I got some bad news.
For the second time in the five and a half year history of Survival Shield X2, our flagship product, we are having supply chain problems.
And this may be the last batch of this.
You see, we have to go through the DEA to get this because it is pure atomic iodine.
Everything else out there is bound, or it's contaminated, it's not absorbable, it's toxic.
We have deep earth crystal source that's so pure that it actually turns into purple gas in the atmosphere and it's injected into palm oil, organic palm oil, in a proprietary patented process.
And so in our own search to get the purest form,
We discovered that oil companies and gas drilling companies had a byproduct that they were selling to pharmaceutical companies and also drug makers that they used to make drugs.
That's why the FDA is involved and that's why the DEA is involved.
So it's a major industrial product being used and that we could actually bring to the public pure.
But you've got to get contracts with oil companies and gas companies to do it.
And once they figure out there's a market, they start jacking up the price.
So, we have a run of this, a limited run.
We have a good supply right now.
We're talking maybe two months of it.
But this may be the clincher.
We may not have X2 in this configuration in the future.
But we're offering it still 25% off until it sells out.
Hopefully, just like the last time this happened a few years ago.
It's not an issue and we do get more.
But right now, we are not able to secure the crystals that produce the purest iodine from our own research and the test in the world.
Survival Shield X2 at InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
You've got to experience what having the good halogen in your body does.
Most folks about three weeks go through a detoxification process, but what it does is for stamina, libido, focus, energy.
It's really amazing because just like vitamin C, which is readily available everywhere, any green leafy vegetable or fruits like oranges, this is not available.
And if you don't have true iodine, pure iodine, you will end up having all sorts of disorders.
You will die.
Just like water, just like oxygen.
Without iodine, it is an essential element.
You will die.
It's available exclusively.
Survival Shield X2 at Infowarslife.com and Infowarsstore.com.
And I hope, like a few years ago,
Again, the term I coined, or what they said before, a non-zero-sum game.
This could potentially be the end of Survival Shield X2 as we know it.
If you love the original like I do and thousands of others have, it's available now for a limited time at InfoWareStore.com.
And of course, iodine is something you would ever need should there be nuclear fallout or a potential war of that nature.
And I'm telling you, America has been very, very fortunate, and there's reason for it, why we usually don't get hit.
When these international wars are going on, but I think if we go forward with this, folks, I really think Russia would probably launch a missile on us.
I hate to say that.
Honestly, I hate to say it.
It's just, that's what my gut tells me.
They're done.
No more false flags.
No more fake wars.
You're done.
You're done.
And that's, see, and that was what we were supposed to do.
That's why we elected Trump.
Because we said, we're done too.
And now, here we are.
Right smack dab in the middle of it again.
And I realized something.
Remember the big story last week where Russia was calling for a meeting with Trump.
They're saying Putin and Trump need to meet.
This has to happen.
What are you waiting for?
You're meeting with everybody else.
You need to meet with Putin now.
This is desperate.
And Trump responded saying, yeah, we can get along, I think.
We need to meet.
Well, the reason they wanted to meet is because they already got tipped off on this false flag coming.
They knew this false flag was coming.
The White Helmets were in on the planning.
And who knows where they got these chemical weapons.
Let's not forget about the story as well, where the Syrian rebels, backed by McCain and Obama, left behind 30 tons of chemical weapons.
Oh, but forget that.
No, no, no, no, no.
You didn't hear that.
So now you see.
Putin wanted to meet with Trump last week because he knew they were about to stage the chemical weapons false flag this week, blame Assad, and then put Russia in a corner.
And so Putin wanted to get out ahead of that and meet with Trump, and it didn't happen, and now here we are instead.
And everybody, at least I feel like reasonable, logical Trump supporters, ones that don't go along with anything he says and don't want to warmonger,
But when I sit there and be real, say, what is going on?
Why is he saying we have less than 48 hours to decide what our response in Syria is?
Why are we going along with more false flag attacks in Syria?
I thought we were done with this.
I thought we were pulling out of Syria.
But then here comes John Bolton, here comes the chemical weapons attack, and here comes another foreign war.
We need to fund this operation, ladies and gentlemen, and I make it really easy.
We went out and looked at what the top nootropics or brain pills are that are healthy for energy, stamina, mental clarity, you name it.
And we created a stronger formula than some of the best-selling formulas out there.
It's very simple.
We went out and looked at what is the top, what is the best.
We'll just put even more product in, we'll make it better.
Leading competitors put $2 a product in it, sell it for $60.
We put $10 in it and sell it for $30.
It's $19.95 right now.
So you get an incredible top-of-the-line new Tropic for $19.95.
Believe me, we're selling it for $35 on average.
We need that $15, $20 we make to fund this operation in the face of the Globals, the rest of it.
But I'm doing this because we got a ton of it coming in in two weeks.
I want to sell it all out before the big supply comes in.
And I want people that haven't tried Brain Force to try it and find out why.
It's got 6,000-plus five-star reviews.
It's amazing.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslive.com, or 888-253-3139.
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products, we have it in 4's life.
It'd take hours.
Michael's VX Plus now has a lower price.
It's stronger.
It's the other equation in probiotics.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's back in stock.
The Real Red Pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
High quality silver and a lot more.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
So thank you all for remembering InfoWarsTore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
Alex Jones here with an extremely exciting announcement that will be a gift to yourself and a gift to the InfoWar to fight the globalist and live in a free society.
Several years ago, I set out with top formulators in the U.S.
to create the strongest, most concentrated, over-the-top, stamina, libido, workout, brain formula that is safe.
I know from using this myself the last few months, and from seeing my friends and family use it, that this new product is going to end up being the number one
Best selling product at InfoWarsLife.com because it works so well.
This is a gift you want to give yourself and then rest assured you're fighting the Info War so it's a total, absolute, sure win, no lose equation.
Try Alpha Power exclusively available at InfoWarsLife.com for yourself.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's non-GMO.
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It's for activities and it's made in the USA.
Get your Alpha Power today at InfoWarsLife.com.
Everybody needs to try Alpha Power today.
Choose to take control of your chemistry with Survival Shield X2 and BioTrue Selenium.
This powerful combo is perfect for supporting your thyroid and health.
BioTrue Selenium's formula is far from synthetic and is made from a source of 100% organic mustard seed.
Our super high quality nascent iodine
Is an essential mineral sourced of 99.99% ultra pure deep earth iodine crystals.
This essential mineral is necessary in order to produce thyroid hormones which influence every cell, tissue and organ in the body.
With inadequate thyroid hormones you may experience slow metabolism, lethargy, weight gain and overall brain fog.
Survival Shield X2 and BioTrue Selenium work together to support the systems in your body.
Take control of your chemistry today with this super combo.
Discover the power of Survival Shield X2 and BioTrue Selenium at InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
Well, I came across an interesting find the other day when I saw an old 1930s trolley that was from Pennsylvania.
Now inside this trolley there were tons of advertisements and one advertisement really stood out.
It was that of iodine toothpaste.
The iodine containing toothpaste.
It said, all dentists know the value of iodine, therefore, iodent toothpaste.
That's the first time I had ever heard of an iodine-containing toothpaste other than InfoWars Super Blue Iodine-Containing Toothpaste.
So I wanted to know what happened.
Where did this iodine toothpaste go?
It was during the 1930s that the American Dental Association began purging many of the dozens, that's right, you heard me, dozens of iodine-containing toothpaste products from their recommendation list.
In fact, in the 1920s, the American Dental Association approved iodine, and it was the only toothpaste that the American Dental Association approved and recommended.
So what happened?
When did they start replacing iodine-containing toothpaste with fluoride-containing toothpaste?
Well, to understand this, we have to understand the age of fluoride.
That's right, the discovery and implementation and use of fluoride both in America and as well as Germany.
Show the benefits of fluoridation will last throughout life.
It wasn't until 1931 in the United States that fluoride was recognized to have an effect on cavities inside the teeth.
Well, how did this discovery get made?
Well, it was because a Colorado Springs town had an epidemic of fluorosis, essentially brown spotting on their teeth.
And dentists could not discover what was causing it.
Turns out there was fluoride in the water supply naturally occurring and that caused a massive problem of fluorosis.
They then also discovered that the fluorosis of the teeth actually strengthened the tooth's enamel and made it so that the teeth were less likely to decay.
In 1944, the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan used this study
This information to justify adding fluoride to its water supply, which then we all know that many other cities and states would later follow suit.
German doctors were already using fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism in Germany.
It's also interesting to note that the Nazis used fluoride and produced it by the ton.
During World War II, IG Farben created tons and tons of fluoride.
...as insecticides to use on their crops.
They also created this fluoride to make medicines, one of which was for Bayer's Pardinon, a chemical that was used to treat hyperthyroidism.
However, they would later discover the impact of fluoride on the thyroid would blow out the thyroid entirely, and that's why we no longer use fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism today.
So within the time period of World War II, the Nazis were known to have put fluoride in the drinking water at concentration camps.
Now why did they do this?
Did they put the fluoride in the water so that they would essentially give them hypothyroidism?
Essentially remove their willpower to make them tired and fatigued with low energy, poor concentration, and keep them alive longer to do their slave labor?
It's also important to note that today in the drug Prozac is fluoride.
So essentially you're giving a population a mass drugging to sedate them.
So it's between 1931 and 1939 that we saw this massive purge of iodine containing toothpaste products as well as mouthwashes with the argument that these companies could not substantiate the therapeutic claims they were making
In regards to iodine, setting the precedence that toothpaste companies were only allowed to promote and talk about their effect on the consumer's teeth and nothing else.
In 1939, iodine toothpaste was purged from the American Dental Association's list of recommended remedies for reasons such as claiming therapeutic effects belonging to iodine.
Which then opened up the door for the insertion of fluoride into our toothpaste.
Because they were only going to look at and acknowledge the effects that fluoride had on teeth.
And they could ignore any of the health effects that fluoride might have on the rest of the human body.
During the 30s time period, it's been known that there were goiter epidemics, which were linked to iodine deficiency.
So it would have made sense that they would put iodine in their toothpaste products.
We've seen studies where excessive amounts of fluoride could actually lead to goiter problems.
Upon treating goiter with iodine in the West, communities saw substantial increases in children being born with higher IQs.
Studies have shown that pregnant women who are iodine deficient have children with lower IQs and inversely pregnant women that have iodine in their system have children with higher IQs.
Now CNN even acknowledged recently a study that linked lower IQs to pregnant women's consumption of fluoride.
So are we seeing a purposeful negative impact on American health and IQ or can we chalk it up to mere coincidence
You know, it's amazing what you can do for your own health
And then you do it for some time and it becomes habitual, and you can see the changes in your life.
And something simple as nascent iodine, where you can get your pineal gland firing up again, fight against the poisonous fluoride in the water, it's just a simple thing.
It's just a simple thing.
And it changes your life.
And it's so simple, yet people just don't even do it.
But even the average human, because they still have gut instincts, barely, they're clinging to life right now, know that the environment is poisoned.
I mean, anybody you can say, hey, you know, food and water got some, you know, some chemicals and stuff in it running off.
They're probably like, yeah, of course, you know.
Of course it is.
If you deny that, you might as well deny that water even exists.
So that's why Millie highlights that science where it's just incredible.
Yeah, we already knew the power of nascent iodine.
We already knew the negative effects of fluoride.
Why did they put fluoride in the water and then remove the iodine from the toothpaste, from the salt?
And, you know, the human that has a soul left, the human that has a spirit left, asks why, and then tries to find out why, and then goes into the rabbit hole, and then ends up at Infowars.com.
That's pretty much the circle of how that goes.
Now, again, the big story is false flag in Syria, Russia saying no more, putting us on the brink of World War III.
Trump says he will decide the U.S.
response in 48 hours.
That's the big story to me.
Then you've got domestically the big story has to be what's going on with social media.
Twitter, Facebook already under scrutiny.
Now Zuckerberg is going to have to testify.
And then you have the Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey basically going along with the Democrat narrative of civil war.
Because of course the Trump supporters are the Nazis.
I'm gonna open up the phone lines in the next hour.
I'm also going to cover the ridiculous notion of now knife control.
Knife control in London.
Knife control.
So... I mean, where does this end?
If I go out and I report on people beating people
With baseball bats, then does Sadiq Khan call for baseball bat control?
I mean, that's the logic, right?
How many car accidents are there a year?
You know, it's sad.
There was a really special individual, an info warrior, who recently died in a motorcycle accident.
Do we need motorcycle control?
Should we now stop people from riding around in motorcycles because they're more dangerous?
Well, they're calling for knife control in London.
So we'll cover that in the next hour.
We're going to get into the most, I don't know if you would call it irony or inside job, but this whole Facebook testimony and the narrative that's being spun about it, well, we're going to expose that whole thing on the other side as well.
And I'm going to open up the phone lines in the next hour.
So that's the plan for the next hour.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones is in Washington, D.C.
getting set for his press club address tomorrow.
It'll be streamed at Infowars.com slash show.
It's bound to be epic.
They're trying to take away our First Amendment right, folks.
And why do you think that is?
It's because we're next year's news today.
InfoWars Life BrainForce Plus is our number one selling product by leaps and bounds, and for a good reason.
Going back about five years ago, we did research on what top-selling nootropics were, what were most popular, what were best, what people liked, and we made it even stronger.
Then we cut the price because leading competitors have five to seven times markup.
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Well, now it's 50% off.
That means we've got a 25% markup, and we've got it paired with the real red pill that takes about 7 days to kick in.
Brain Force takes about 30 minutes.
But the two go together.
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They're both 50% off individually, or together they're 50% off, and free shipping with the combo at InfoWarsLife.com.
But it's got to end in a couple days because both of these bestsellers are about to sell out.
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Well, thank you, brother.
It's because it also funds our operation, but doing that, I know I've got to have the highest quality.
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Sourced from powerful organic herbs.
Harvested around the planet and then concentrated for maximum potency.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So I'm about to cover this video, the anti-knife, or the knife control video that Sadiq Khan shared.
And I'm just sitting here, first of all, okay.
We all understand the ridiculousness of this notion, even though we almost, in jest, predicted it, you know, like, oh, you know, gun control, then they'll want knife control, and then they'll want, you know, baseball bat control, whatever.
Yeah, alright.
No, that's actually what they do.
That's actually where it's going.
And I'm sitting here and I'm thinking about this, I'm like, okay, we're gonna play this video, but what, you know, what is, what is, and then it hit me, it dawned on me.
Pull that clip back up of Sadiq Khan, that picture you guys just had up there.
That's kind of perfectly what I was going to talk about.
Look, how does some pathetic weasel chump like that become the Mayor of London?
You know, I mean, I'm serious.
Are people that pathetic?
That they elect some twerp, weasel, punk like Sadiq Khan and then he gets re-elected even?
This guy's a puke!
See, this is the problem.
We have a bunch of beta male, sissy punks running government.
Like this clown.
And you know why?
Because alpha males don't want to run government.
Because alpha males don't want to run for office.
You know why?
Because they don't like running other people's lives.
They like independent.
They like being independent, being sovereign.
And if they should lead people voluntarily, then that's the way it goes.
But they don't like begging for your support, begging for your election, deciding your policy.
Look at this nit!
So it doesn't surprise me that some punk you-know-what, some little twerp,
Becomes the mayor.
I guess that's what happens in a country of beta males.
They elect the most beta of them all.
And then he says, terrorism is part and parcel in my city, but we need knife control.
So here is the knife control ad from London.
I make the city.
I'm the energy.
The colour.
The force.
The voice.
The noise you can't turn off.
Nothing moves forward without me.
I'm the big man beyond the small use.
I'm the listener, the learner, the leader.
The funny man.
The wise man.
The man of the house.
I'll be the next thing.
What are we watching?
This is insane.
I am his postcode, his seed.
I am important.
My friends are missing me in Hong Kong.
I'm like the funniest person in the school.
My mom needs me alive.
She needs me alive.
Okay, that is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen that is one of the in fact
I want to apologize to the listening and viewing audience for playing that.
I'm sorry, your IQ dropped at least 10 points.
London needs me alive so I don't carry a knife.
Are you that insane you're going to stab yourself?
People just walking around, stealing each other's knives, just stabbing each other all of a sudden?
I just... This is so insane.
Oh boy, the city of London.
Get out while you still have a chance.
That is like a brain parasite or something.
London needs me alive so I don't carry a knife.
What in the hell are you talking about?
Alright, alright.
More madness on the other side.
You know, if I tried to sit here and tell you about the 60-plus products we have in Fuller's life, it'd take hours.
Michael's ZX Plus now has a lower price.
It's stronger.
It's the other equation in probiotics.
It knocks out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
It's back in stock.
The Real Red Pill, it's been sold out for months.
It's got the preglanone that's the precursor to all the natural hormones in your body.
I think?
I don't know.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
You know, as we're sitting here today thinking about the future of this country, figuring out what's going on with
Syria and the Trump administration and what they're going to do next, figuring out what we need to do about these social media empires, censoring free speech, calling for civil war.
Zuckerberg set to testify.
It's just amazing to me because so much of the news or not excluding myself, but so much of the news really just creates a divide in the country.
And of course, when people deny truth and reality, that's just going to happen.
I mean, I'm not going to stop being honest.
I'm not going to stop being truthful just because someone can't handle the truth.
That's not how we operate here.
That's why we are the tip of the spear.
That's why we are the leading edge.
I'm in St.
Louis over the weekend in my hometown, and when I go out of town or I'm on vacation, it's easier for me to just take the mental break and go into the Arrested Development and go to a ballgame and go to a bar of friends and not be so deep into everything.
I have to step away or I go crazy.
But as I step away, every time, I realize how
Yes, we're divided, but more than anything, because the general public, because the general population is so unaware and is so uninformed, they really aren't divided.
They really just don't care.
And so again, it's all about somehow reaching that body of people.
And I think just being true to yourself, coming on here, being real, going with the truth, going with your gut, you know, praying to God for clarity is the best way to go about that.
Because if you try to shove something down their throats, they're just going to turn away and turn their head and be sour on it.
But here's what's happening, see?
Organically and naturally, as InfoWars gets bigger, as Alex Jones videos get bigger, as Owen Schroer videos get bigger, and they see... That was the biggest thing that I had people saying to me, is, we don't even really necessarily care about your politics or agree with it, but you expose the dirty nastiness of the left!
And so it's like, I am staying as far away from that as possible.
And so that's what the key is going to be moving forward.
And so that's why I say you just have to continue to be true, continue to report what you believe to be the case, and not try to pander or cater, which of course is what the mainstream news does all day long, to some agenda or some narrative or something that you're not even yourself behind,
But you just do it because that's your job.
And it's just amazing.
So, I do believe there's hope, but the question is, do we get enough people awake to fight in the info war, to fight in the spiritual battle, or will it be too late?
Or is it already too late, as we're on the brink of World War III?
And of course, these are all the questions.
On the other side, the next segment, here's what we're going to do.
We're going to talk about Zuckerberg's testimony coming up here and how there's a media spin about it that is absolutely untruthful.
Absolutely provable as a lie.
And it's actually, you know what?
How is that even?
In fact, I don't even know how it's legal.
I don't even know how what we're going to expose on the next side is even legal.
It couldn't be legal, in fact.
I don't know.
So we'll discuss that on the other side.
But essentially, the people that are going to be grilling Zuckerberg are essentially his clients.
Three wolves and a sheep voting for what's for dinner.
You know how that's going to go.
That's essentially what Zuckerberg's testimony is right now.
But we're going to get into the numbers and the details of that on the other side.
I want to give out the phone number now, though.
Now my biggest question, and I like to kind of, let's keep the callers on track today guys, on two questions.
What do they think is going to happen with Syria?
What do they think Trump is thinking?
What do you think Trump is going to do?
So you can either call in on one of these two subjects.
What do you think is happening in Syria?
What do you think Trump's going to do?
What do you think he's thinking?
What do you think Russia is going to do?
What do you think they're thinking?
Or, what do you think happens to Facebook or Zuckerberg, given he's about to have to give at least two testimonies to a committee?
And they're going to grill him.
Not all of them, but there will be select individuals that might actually give him a hard time.
We'll see, and if that's the case, if they ask Zuckerberg the right questions, do you realize how screwed he is?
Oh my gosh!
We're talking about years of data gathering, data mining, data sales, that most of the American population is going to be like, what?
I didn't agree to that.
Oh, but you did, didn't you?
Boy, you did.
You clicked that I agree to the terms and conditions, didn't you, boy?
Oh, but then do you have another precedent?
Now are you looking at another legal precedent?
Is that even considered
Justifiable clause to say, well, they said they agreed to our terms and conditions that said that we now own their soul.
Yes, they didn't read it, but we, they signed it and clicked it.
So they clicked, I accept and check the box.
We now own your soul.
I mean, so is that legal?
I mean, can you do that?
Maybe that's a precedent that needs to be looked into now.
Cause to me, that's Zuckerberg's only defense.
But don't worry, because the liberals have most of these judges bought off anyway.
So Zuckerberg will be fine.
Now if Trump uses Cambridge Analytica and Facebook to get data, then he's bad, Trump administration bad, Facebook bad.
If Obama does it, Obama genius, Facebook genius, they save the world Nobel Peace Prize.
That's how that goes.
That's just lovely.
Alright, so those are the two subjects for your calls on the other side.
What do you think is going on in Syria?
What do you think Trump is going to do?
What do you think Russia is going to do?
And or, what do you think happens with Mark Zuckerberg and his testimony coming up to Mark Zuckerberg and or to Facebook?
Does anything happen?
Does nothing happen?
Or are we looking at potential new legal precedents, the likes of which we've never seen, because this case is so vast and is so... I mean, it's really the first of its kind, to my knowledge.
When you talk about a big social media empire, data gathering, mining and selling it, and then having to testify on it.
And then you had some CEO that was like, this is what all CEOs have to do, so he's about to find out whether or not he's gonna make it.
So those are the two subjects.
In the meantime...
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got Alex Jones in D.C.
right now, full crew.
He's having a full event tomorrow at the D.C.
Press Club, 8 a.m.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer here with you.
There's developing news right now on the Syrian front where Trump says he's going to make a decision on the US response in less than 48 hours.
He already had a missile strike in Syria.
Israel blamed for that.
So this is already popping off and now there are potential reports coming through the pipeline that there might already be people, troops on the way.
So we're going to monitor that situation and see.
What the story is with that.
Now in this segment though we're going to focus on the Facebook Mark Zuckerberg testimony that's coming in front of two Senate committees.
And one of the producers, crew members here, Matt, I was talking to before the show and he was like, hey, look at this media spin that they're trying to report.
Zuckerberg is really in the crosshairs over these committees.
They could really grill him.
And so Matt goes and looks at the members and looks at the committees and says, hey, wait a second.
Would they be grilling him because they're in his pocket deep?
And it's really incredible.
You did the research.
You found some of these, not just committees, but also members of Congress that are making buku dollars from Facebook.
Yeah, that's right, Owen.
So, one of the things that I read on Drudge this morning, it's a piece out of Axios, and it's titled, Meet the Lawmakers Who Could Give Zuckerberg Hell.
And I want to take a look back at an article that was published last week by USA Today, and the key takeaway from it is that
44 out of the 55 members that will be grilling Mark Zuckerberg over the next two days have received contributions from him.
And those numbers are actually pretty substantial.
Where these two stories meet is in exactly where Axios says these folks are really going to give him a good
Infowars.com forward slash show, you can see exactly what we're talking about.
And you can see, look at those donations.
Now in the 2018 cycle alone, you'll see that Democrats have eclipsed the Republicans, I mean, $430,000 in donations compared to $184,000.
Okay, that's still serious money on the table.
You're looking at... It's more money than the Russians spent.
That's a great point.
Russians didn't spend that much money.
I think so.
Well, yeah, there's that.
I think that what this is going to amount to is Facebook making the case that they provide a tangible service, you know, by linking people together.
And that value to users outweighs the cost of them, you know, forfeiting their privacy, you know.
So and, you know, everyone does it.
It becomes, you know, a really common practice for people to, like you said in the last segment, just hit I accept.
Yeah, who reads the, you know, 30 pages Terms of Service every time you get an update?
Nobody reads that.
Yeah, it's, I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous.
And you know what?
Honestly, if legislators from these hearings, if they decided, hey, we need to make the Terms of Service for these things more outlined, more basic, that would be great.
Well, and that's a legal precedent, and that's the thing, too, that we'll ask the callers, is, you know, that's a potential legal precedent that we see coming down on the social media side, and just in general media, you know, anytime it's a terms of service, you know, if you download the latest Adobe, or, you know, whatever it is, you have to agree to the terms of service, nobody's reading that, so you've got that potential legal precedent, then you've got this, where it's like, hey, look,
Isn't it a conflict of interest?
It's almost like they should recuse themselves from being a part of this hearing when you're in the pocket of the guy you're questioning.
So get into some of these numbers.
Oh yeah, okay.
So, let's start here at the three GOP committee chairmen, okay?
Chuck Grassley, he is known as a
A really outstanding ethical guy.
I like Chuck Grassley.
He's a great guy.
If you take a look back in the 2016 election cycle, he received $4,000.
However, I don't think Facebook sees him as politically viable or perhaps they see him as an opponent.
So actually they haven't donated anything in 2018.
So you got that.
You've got John Thune, who looks like has received money in both the 2016 and 2018 election cycles.
He's received $7,000.
And then lastly, Greg Walden has received in total throughout the years $27,000.
Ladies and gentlemen, $27,000.
That's like
I'm not even trying to sit here and judge these contributions or these politicians.
I'm just saying, they're the ones questioning Facebook.
Why would you expect them to give a fair questioning if they're in the pocket?
And those were just the GOP members.
You haven't even gotten to the Democrats.
Oh yeah, we got Dianne Feinstein.
She's received $10,435 since 2014.
Lindsey Graham, kind of odd right here.
In 2014, he received $3,500.
However, it's not listed as him receiving donations in either the 2016 or 2018 election cycles.
And then here's a crazy number.
In total, the Senate Judiciary Committee, total committee donations amount to $235,000.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's a lot of money.
Again, more than the Russians spent.
And you can go down the line.
Oh yeah.
I mean, honestly, again, I would refer people.
Don't just take our word for it.
Go to OpenSecrets.org.
That's a fantastic website.
And if we can pull that up, there was the page of recipients.
And it's absolutely fantastic how you can sort through the page.
You can sort through the 2018, 2016.
You can see the cycle right down there.
And it's important to note that Facebook's PAC is FB, as in Foxtrot Bravo, PAC.
And that's how employees at Facebook contribute to politics.
So I want to talk a little bit about where I see this going as well.
Look at that, Doug Jones got the most money from Facebook in 2018.
Wow, who does that surprise besides no one?
Looks like a lot of Democrats up there in terms of the way this is sorted right now.
Oh yeah, look at it.
Top ten it looks like are all Democrats here.
Yep, all receiving over $10,000.
Ranges all the way up to $10,000.
Which again, I'm not even... What was that guys in the studio?
Yeah, the crew is pointing out to me the only Republican at the top of this list is Paul Ryan.
Might as well have a D next to his name, like McCain.
But again, I'm not even here to report on these contributions or complain about that.
That's its own thing.
I'm saying, if these are the people questioning Mark Zuckerberg, how can we expect a fair testimony if they're involved, potentially, in what he's supposed to be there answering questions to?
And so Axios prints out the story, other people run with the narrative, oh, they're gonna be real tough on Zuckerberg, they're coming for him, and then you find out Zuckerberg's been lining their pockets
For the last five years.
Well, maybe they're not going to be so tough on him.
Maybe they should actually recuse themselves.
Thank you, Matt, for doing that research and bringing that to my attention.
So we're going to go to your calls on the other side.
What do you think is happening in Syria?
What do you think Trump's going to do?
What do you think Russia is going to do?
And what do you think is the outcome of Mark Zuckerberg's testimony in front of the Senate committees?
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We just never stop.
The Infowar never stops.
So Alex Jones is in D.C.
And then he's going to get back, and we're going to do a 34-hour broadcast.
So big week ahead here for InfoWars.
Alex Jones at the DC Press Club.
Live broadcast starting tomorrow, 8 a.m.
Central, 9 a.m.
Then Thursday, April 12th to Friday, April 13th, we have the Stop the Collapse of America 34-hour live broadcast.
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And if we go along with more regime change that we really should not be involved with in Syria, it's just not good.
It's not what we wanted.
It's the last thing we wanted.
We thought that putting Trump in, we wouldn't get that anymore.
And now Trump is saying, in less than 48 hours,
He is going to make his decision on the U.S.
response, but it looks like a decision may have already been made, as the report is up at InfoWars.com from Paul Joseph Watson.
and U.K.
readying attack ships and fighter jets off the coast of Syria.
Now, this just went up.
This just went live right now at InfoWars.com.
So, there you go.
And of course, this is all in response to the chemical weapons attack, or the alleged chemical weapons attack.
Again, Russia comes out and says, no, there's no even evidence of a chemical weapons attack.
And then there is the graphic showing what's going on with the, so that's the Russian Air Force.
So you've got all the activity basically going on.
Jets flying around, ships going in, false flag.
I mean this is... Oh my gosh.
This is so bad.
This is the worst yet.
I guess we'll just go to your calls because...
Common sense and logic.
What happened to it?
Donald Trump says we're pulling out of Syria.
It's time to come out.
Things are going better there.
I mean, let's be real.
Assad, when he actually has control, without the U.S.
meddling, other meddling, funding these proxy wars, funding the rebels, as soon as you get rid of that, Assad stabilizes the region.
Assad stabilizes Syria.
Whatever you think about Assad, it's stable when he's in control and you don't have a bunch of people funding proxy wars and rebels like John McCain.
Oh, but we don't want that, do we?
I guess not.
And so then the region stabilizes.
Trump says, let's pull out.
We pull out.
ISIS is on retreat.
The Syrian rebels are on retreat.
Syria is stabilizing.
Russian troops go in.
They find 30 tons of chemical weapons left by the US-backed rebels.
And then what happens?
Bolton gets put in the administration, false flag chemical weapons attack happens in Syria, and now all of a sudden we're going in.
Just like that.
And you have to ask yourself, is Trump falling for this?
Is Trump going along with this?
I don't see any 60 chess moves in this deal unless you want World War III.
It's just unbelievable.
See, when you realize how real this is, when you understand how real false flags are, how real regime change is, how real U.S.
interference is, that's when you realize how dire the situation is in general.
That's when you realize how the world really works.
But until you face that music, until you face that reality, it doesn't sink in.
It just becomes another news story.
It just becomes more Middle East tension.
Well, it's a little more complicated than that.
So now the stories on Infowars.com.
U.S., U.K.
ships and fighter jets off the coast of Syria.
Russian Air Force off the coast of Syria and Lebanon.
And I'm telling you, I don't want to say this, but this is why Infowars exists.
If we go through with this and we try this regime change in Syria and we move in, I think Russia will bomb us.
And I hate to say that, but I'm dead serious.
I think they would.
And that's going to start World War III.
And here we thought North Korea was the big problem.
I mean, it's just so ridiculous.
But we get detente with North Korea and Kim Jong-un, but not with Assad in Syria.
Assad stabilizes Syria, Assad you could easily have detente with.
Kim Jong-un, crazy dictator, how could you have detente with him?
Somehow we get detente with him, not with Assad.
So, the questions of the day as we go to the phone lines.
What is going to happen in Syria?
What do you think Trump's doing?
What do you think Russia's going to do?
And or, what comes of Zuckerberg's testimony in front of the Senate committees?
Let's go out to the callers now.
Let's start with Carlos calling in from Canada.
Go ahead, Carlos.
Thank you very much, Owen.
Now, just to rewind the clock to 2013, if you remember, President Obama was set up with a red line that he couldn't cross because Syria was going to use chemical weapons against its people.
And, of course, as predictable as the neocons are, they arranged for a chemical attack.
Later on, it was shown to have been not Assad, and even more recently, they have discovered weapons from Israel and from the United States on ISIS camps.
So, effectively, at that time, President Obama was faced with a situation where he mobilized troops and forces to the, you know, to the sea by, you know, Russia.
I think so.
This is the same situation.
It's the same players, the same repeat, you know, false flag.
Well, that's the thing, though.
But see, that's the thing, Carlos.
We didn't think it was the same players because we thought we had Trump in there.
That was the thing.
Change the game by putting in a different player.
Now we get the same game, the same outcome.
And that just gives you a progress report on the squabble.
If President Trump falls to the false flag, doesn't
I think?
No, that is exactly it, Carlos.
That is exactly it.
This is a progress report on the swamp.
We've done our progress reports on Trump.
That's all fine and good.
This is a progress report on the swamp.
They're still calling the shots.
And if Trump doesn't stand up to the neocon Republicans who betrayed him time and time again and stabbed him in the back,
Then why did he say he's going to return the government to the people?
Why did he tell us we're taking Washington D.C.
back when Washington D.C.
is still running D.C.
for interest in the Middle East?
No, that's not what we voted for!
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Get ready for Alex Jones to invade the swamp.
Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
on April 10th, during which he'll make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and InfoWars' reputation.
Jones will address the left's new tactic of trying to bury info wars under a deluge of lawsuits, several of which do not rest on any sound legal basis.
While the mainstream media and many on the left routinely celebrate these lawsuits when they're first filed, those same people are noticeably silent when the lawsuits collapse.
These lawsuits are yet another attempt to shut down free speech, and they are doomed to fail.
Alex Jones will go live at 9 a.m.
Eastern from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
You can find live streams of the press conference at InfoWars.com.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer sitting in for Alex today.
We are taking your calls right now.
What do you think is going to happen in Syria?
What do you think Trump is thinking, doing?
What do you think Russia is thinking, doing?
And where does it go from here?
Let's just go right back out to the phone lines now.
Let's go to Preston calling in from Missouri.
Go ahead, Preston.
Hey Owen, how's it going, buddy?
Can you hear me?
Got you loud and clear.
Well, Carlos pretty much hit it right on the head.
All right.
Said a lot of the points I was trying to make, but it's important for us and the InfoWarriors to understand the context of the history of this whole Syrian civil war.
We helped start it.
Obama gave his famous red line speech.
What was it?
I think, if memory serves, a year to the day.
After he made that speech, we had the first chemical weapons attack.
It turned out to be chlorine, homemade chlorine gas, not state-made sarin gas.
So... And the videos of ISIS actually firing it got discovered.
They're like bragging about it, they're firing it in, they're bragging about it, and the media's like, Assad gasses his own people as they're like loading the bombs, like, oh!
And it's like, what?
And then the UN, I think, did their own investigation and found that it was the rebels that did it.
But the mainstream media just kept going with the parodying effect of Assad killing his own people, Assad killing his own people.
And then you had all of the people in the military post on Twitter
We're good to go.
I am off the Trump train.
It's that simple.
I did not vote for Trump for more regime change.
I voted for Trump to make America great again, to drain the swamp, and right now the swamp is draining Trump, it seems.
You said earlier you don't see any 6D chess.
I don't see any 6D chess either.
There is no good that can come from regime change.
In Syria, and Assad, whether you like him or hate him, he hasn't gassed his own people that we have any credible proof for.
And as you mentioned, he is a stabilizing force in Syria.
Without that, all of the Middle East goes up in flames.
And so... And so do any potential positive relationships with the United States and Russia.
We could take down the globalists in the New World Order if we were able to be allies, or at least not enemies with Russia, if we were able to work with China and a few of these other places.
We could stabilize the planet.
We could use this crazy technology that's going to be coming.
Well, we already have a lot of it, but in the next 10, 20 years, we could use that technology to empower humanity.
But the military-industrial complex is obviously hard at work.
I think so.
Nobody's falling for this.
Everybody, from the minute it happens, is like, wow, this sounds like a false flag.
All week before, Trump's telling the Pentagon, prepare to remove our troops from Syria.
We don't need to be in there.
We're going to bring our troops home and have a parade and make America great again and guard our borders with the troops to stop illegal immigration.
All of a sudden, this happens.
And now nobody's talking about how Kim Jong-un says that he is up for negotiating denuclearization.
Yeah, amazing how that happens.
And how you can have detente with Kim Jong-un, but not Assad.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Kim Jong-un has killed way more of his own people.
He's way more of a ruthless dictator.
Yeah, you want to talk about gassing people?
How about starving them to death?
Yeah, absolutely.
If they didn't cry long enough when your daddy died, then you, you know... And where's Assad making threats against the United States to nuke us?
You know?
I mean... But we can't have detente with him!
No, but I think, I do believe that a lot of people, I mean myself included, and all the stuff behind Trump, he never lost my vote in 2020.
If he starts a war in Syria or we get World War III because of a false flag again, like you said, now I'm questioning Trump 2020?
I don't know how he gets my vote.
Of course you're going to have blind sheep behind any politician.
You've got plenty of blind sheep that will follow Trump wherever he goes, but most Trump supporters
Our critical thinkers are independent-minded and will not go along with this.
And I agree, right now it does not look like they are.
Hey, good to hear from you, Preston.
I'm sure we'll talk sometime soon.
Let's go to Uncle Sam calling in from Louisiana.
Also wants to comment on the Syria situation.
Go ahead, Uncle Sam.
Of course, I want to start out by thanking you for the recognition.
Hello, Owen.
It came with a price, though.
I do believe I was death-threatened by the state police.
I have a video on that.
Well, how dare you?
Well, now hold on.
How dare you be on the streets of New Orleans, a beautiful American city, dressed as Uncle Sam, talking about patriotism and supporting this country?
I mean, how dare you?
Yeah, yeah, and my site is my name, it's Michael, M-D-Barry, D-I capital B-A-R-I.
You can use the support, go buy.
There you go, check out my videos.
There was a video that was also taken down.
I'd like to send to you somehow, but I don't want to send it over the usual ways because I put it up.
It was a video of a reporter
From a very prominent Washington D.C.
newspaper, I will not name right now.
And they got very candid with me, probably more so than they should have.
And they took that video down.
Well, every once in a while their arrogance ends up biting them in the butt.
That's why Project Veritas has been so successful.
But, Uncle Sam, what do you think is the situation right now with Trump, Russia, and Syria?
I wish I had some answers for you all and all I can do is echo exactly what you're saying with a past caller saying and the past caller before that.
Trump's supposed to be the smart one.
I mean, most of us smell a rat immediately.
You know, again, here we are talking about, yeah, we're pulling out and then you could almost do the countdown to the false flag.
And as far as the, uh, on the, uh,
A Facebook thing.
Of course the meetings that he's having right now, I'm looking at Breitbart headlines and they're talking about Zuckerberg going around meeting with Capitol Hill.
Well, the only time you meet with people before testifying is to make a deal.
Or to get your story straight.
Exactly, exactly.
And then what I plan to do this week on the streets, because we have a French Quarter Festival, so there's going to be like
That'd be a blast.
Oh, God.
There's gonna be wall to wall people all over the French Quarter.
So what I'm gonna do is have a Diamond and Silk video running and be asking people if they should be censored.
Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, see, so even though Facebook is in the midst of all of this, the negative press with the censorship, the negative press with the data collection and sales and everything and Zuckerberg, oh, oh, they're still going to censor, they're still going to be anti-free speech, they're still going to politically censor people, and now Diamond and Silk have been deemed
I forget the exact term, it's either inappropriate or a danger to the community.
Diamond and Silk!
I mean, oh yeah!
See, again, why are you, Uncle Sam, a danger to the community and to be intimidated by the New Orleans Police Force?
You're a danger to the community because you're a free-thinking American that supports this country and wants to live in America.
Why are Diamond and Silk considered a threat and unsafe to the community?
Because they're pro-America!
Because they're pro-Trump!
You see, you can't have that message out there!
You can't have a strong, independent black woman who thinks for herself and might have policies that go along with Trump politically.
You can't have that.
That's unsafe for the community that we're trying to make.
We're trying to engineer a community.
See, we're social engineers at Facebook and we're engineering you socially and culturally.
We're God.
We're in charge.
Diamond and silk to organic women who are actually smart and talented and funny that are better than us at Facebook.
We have to shut them down because they're interfering with our social engineering at Facebook.
See, don't you get it?
We're God at Facebook.
We're the AI.
We're socially engineering you.
We can't have Uncle Sam in New Orleans on the street making you think critically.
We can't have Diamond and Silk out there telling you something that you may not have heard before and then maybe changing your mind.
We can't have that at Facebook.
We're the social engineers.
We decide what you say, what you think, and how you get there.
Not you!
You don't think for yourself.
We think for you.
Don't you understand?
We're Facebook.
We think for you.
We decide what you see.
You don't get to see Diamond and Silk.
You don't get to see Uncle Sam on the streets of New Orleans.
That's dangerous for you.
You see?
Because you might be pro-America.
You might be pro-independent.
You might think for yourself.
You might be able to think reasonably and reach logical conclusions by yourself if you had exposure to Diamond and Silk and Uncle Sam in the streets of New Orleans.
But we're social engineers at Facebook.
We make you think things.
We decide the future, so we have to erase them from our platform.
That's unbelievable.
Facebook is anti-free speech.
They've proven it again.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding.
Until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Owen Troyer.
You want to know why the social engineers at Facebook are saying that Diamond and Silk are unsafe to the community?
Well, we're going to play this video right now.
Because, you see, they think for themselves.
They're independent thinkers.
And you might listen to them and start to think for yourself, too.
Here's a perfect example of why Diamond and Silk are deemed unsafe to the Facebook community.
This is after the
Presidential debate where Megyn Kelly was hosting.
Last night on the debate, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly asked Trump to respond to the comments he made about women on Twitter.
And on his former NBC reality show, The Apprentice.
Right, right.
And this is what she said.
When it comes to women, you call them fat pigs, dogs, and slobs, Kelly said.
And then only Rosie O'Donnell Trump interrupted.
And then, you know, the audience started cheering.
Classic moment.
Classic Trump.
It was well beyond Rosie O'Donnell, Kelly reported before finishing her question.
Here's the damn deal, Megyn Kelly, or Kelly, Megyn, whatever your name is.
Rosie O'Donnell started that whole fool's mess.
She was on a view, and she the one that spoke out against Donald, and Donald had to come back on her.
So I don't know why you gonna make this here a part of your forum last night.
You know, perhaps you don't need to be hosting debates.
Oh, and she won't anymore, will she?
About one step away.
I think so.
Leave my man, Donald Trump, the hell alone!
If you got something to say, you got something you want to tell him, run it by us first!
Run it by me first, and I'll let you know whether you have permission to come for him.
Don't come for him unless he invites your ass, okay?
That's all I got to say.
And you can't do this here!
And see, I was all okay preparing to talk about all the other candidates.
Remember that narrative?
They always said Trump lost the debate even though he dominated every time.
Yeah, whether you like it Megyn Kelly or Kelly Megan, whatever your name is or not.
Kelly Megan, I kinda like that.
Get used to it, girl.
Get used to it.
Because you know what?
I think they call her show either Megyn File or Kelly File, whatever it is.
Maybe it's time for her to file out.
File out!
And she has filed out.
I would love to see you sitting up there with Kermit and Miss Kitty.
Bye, Megyn Kelly.
And you know what, Kelly?
They already say you look like a tabloid Barbie doll.
A tabloid Barbie doll.
Diamond and Silk tomorrow's news today.
I was just going to say that.
Where's Megyn Kelly after this video?
She destroyed Donald Trump.
Who is it?
We got to get on top of who it is.
That's he, she, she.
This is so perfect.
Look at this.
This is where we're at.
This is why Facebook has to take Diamond and Silk down.
This is why YouTube censors and throttles Diamond and Silk's content.
Because here, here's Megyn Kelly, right?
Here, guys.
Here's Megyn Kelly.
Actually, give me a doc cam.
Give me a doc cam on this.
I want to illustrate what's going on here.
This is why Facebook has to censor them.
We've reached across paths.
Imagine a line graph.
Megyn Kelly's career, on the rise.
Here it goes, taking off, okay.
And then here's Diamond and Silk's career, okay, taking off.
Alright, now they have surpassed Megyn Kelly, and she's trending down.
So Facebook has to stop this.
They gotta stop Diamond and Silk from blasting into the stratosphere.
And they gotta hope somehow they can get Megyn Kelly controlled fake news media back to the top.
Well, we're not standing for it anymore.
That's why Diamond and Silk are bigger than Megyn Kelly now.
And Megyn Kelly is a total failure ever since that video.
Yeah, we're winning.
That's why you have to censor us.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So here's where we're at.
Trump signals he wants to pull out of Syria, not be involved with whatever's going on in their country.
Then Bolton gets into the Trump administration and now all of a sudden you have a chemical weapons attack, a false flag, in Syria that they blame on Assad so that they can have an excuse for going in there and forcing a regime change.
And then Trump calls Assad an animal and says we're going to respond in 24 or 48 hours and now reports are surfacing of this perhaps already happening with U.S.
ships and jets arriving off the coast of Syria.
And so then Russia says, it's a false flag.
These events could lead to the greatest war of mankind.
And we're just sitting here thinking, what is going on?
Is Trump being fooled by this?
I mean, does he actually believe the intelligence that he's receiving?
Or is he going along with it?
Because I got the story right here.
From earlier today, from the Associated Press,
To hell with it, Trump increasingly weary of staff advice.
So here's Trump basically saying, okay.
And this isn't the first time.
They used to report this like, oh my gosh, Trump horrible.
He's not listening to the people who are telling him what to think and say.
He's like, I don't need to hear the same thing eight times a day.
And he's basically saying the same thing again, except now he's even more critical of the advice he's getting.
Well, Trump, let me tell you something.
Who's ever giving you advice to get involved in Syria and a regime change there?
You need to be very, very weary of that.
So those are the topics we're discussing here on the Alex Jones Show today, as well as the fate of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, with those testimonies coming up.
And then of course you've got Twitter CEO basically going with the Democrat narrative, calling for civil war in America.
But let's go out to the phone lines again.
Let's go to Kai in Oregon.
Go ahead, Kai.
Hey Kai, you wanna try that again?
Can you hear me alright?
Okay, there you go, go ahead.
So, I just wanted to talk about how the rebels in Syria who purportedly
Uh, didn't commit this chemical attack, actually stand to benefit from being attacked by this, or being victims of this chemical attack.
Well, yeah, okay, so just pause right there for a second, because let's give a little context here.
You've got US-backed rebels destabilizing Syria, starting wars.
And so then, let's say that in response to that, the Syrian government or the Syrian army decides we're going to respond, we're going to do something about these people that are destabilizing our country, then they're the bad guy!
So it's like, no, no, no, we're just allowed to start wars in your country, send in weapons and fund these rebels, and then if you respond, you're the bad guy, we're coming in to take you out.
But yes, they stand to benefit because then they get sent back in and they get more money from the United States government.
But of course Russia is saying the chemical weapons attack didn't even happen.
That's interesting.
I also just wanted to mention that reportedly Assad's military had the rebels surrounded at the point at which Assad committed the chemical attack, reportedly committed the chemical attack against his own people, which wouldn't make any sense considering that if he had the rebels surrounded, he would have stood to be... Yeah, you notice how they don't really give any
Or motive?
They just say, Assad chemically attacks his own people.
Wait a second, what happened to like, a basic line of critical thinking?
Okay, why?
Does Assad just hate his own people?
Is he just some crazy warmonger?
Why is Assad gassing his own people like they say?
And so they don't even ask!
They don't even say, why would Assad gas his own people?
Is he some evil dictator?
Does he just hate everybody?
So they don't even ask, they just say, oh!
Bomb him!
Take him out!
Intelligence community says so!
Fox News says!
CNN says!
MSNBC says!
So I'm going along with it!
I'm not asking why!
I'm not asking how!
I'm not asking for any motives!
I'm saying, yes!
I agree, because I am a robot!
I am a brainwashed, programmable,
Human droid.
That just goes along with what I see on television.
You tell me Assad gassed his own people, I say yes.
I don't say why.
I don't say how.
I don't ask for any motive.
I just go along with it because I love war.
Yeah, I want more war, Kai.
You think I'll get another war?
They need their hit.
They're basically, those neocons are basically just junkies looking for their next high.
And Russia's done with it!
And Russia's done with it!
And that's what people in this country don't understand.
They're too stupid!
And they even, think about how dumb they are, they even build Russia up as the boogeyman, they even try to make Russia our enemy, then you're actually in a situation of a potential larger war with Russia, and they just don't even say anything!
They're just like, oh, we'll just roll into Syria and kick Assad out.
No problem there.
And Russia's like, no, big problem there, actually.
Actually, huge problem.
Huge problem.
War that could end mankind type of problem.
Oh, but Syria chemically attacked his own people just because.
Just for the hell of it.
Just because he wanted to.
Yeah, that's actually an interesting point you bring up, that the media is completely ignoring the repercussions of the regime change in Syria.
Yeah, Russia hacks our elections, Russia's the big enemy, but we want to have a regime change in Syria, Russia's ally, and then nobody talks about Russia!
Yeah, exactly.
It's completely backward.
And it just doesn't make any sense at all.
We're good to go.
And that's how you know.
They are always an agenda.
And the agenda always wins.
The agenda in the Vegas massacre was to hide the truth.
The agenda in Syria is to remove Assad from power.
Facts, evidence, common sense don't matter.
They just don't matter anymore.
But they do matter.
And that's why we're here.
And that's why we've said, enough.
You know what?
You want to go around and have some George Soros, leftist funded march, okay, against school shootings and say, enough, enough, enough.
How about enough of foreign wars?
How about that?
You got any problem with us sending masses of weapons into the Middle East?
You say you don't want guns here, but we just send them all over the planet, you have no problem.
And that's cool.
Enough gun attacks!
Enough knife attacks in London!
It's enough!
Think about the children!
Oh, but, oh, you know, false flags in Syria, send weapons to rebels over there.
Yeah, well, that's fine!
Good, actually, good!
We're the good guys!
And I'll tell you something else.
Thank you for the call, Kai.
You know what?
Whatever happened in Syria, or whatever happens in Syria, here's what I'm saying.
It's none of my damn business, okay?
So how about we get the hell out of that hellhole?
Why don't we get our troops out of that hellhole and bring them home and put them on the border where there's a real national security threat?
But that's not the agenda.
So you don't get that.
And that's why we voted for Trump, because we thought that would become the agenda.
We thought America First would be the agenda.
Now who's first?
Who benefits from removing Assad from power?
Not America!
That kills us!
That sends us into another war!
That makes Russia our enemy!
And where's the news?
Nowhere to be found.
Huge cyber threat problem.
Big cyber security threat.
It's like this huge story.
Think about it.
Nothing has changed as far as a quote-unquote cyber security threat from Russia in 10 years.
Except the media coverage and except the president.
Why is that?
Because there's an agenda.
You see, all you have to do is look at things with common sense, logic, and reality, compare two things, and say, how come things have changed?
Because it's all about an agenda!
The agenda isn't to protect America's border, the agenda is to remove Assad from power!
That's not my agenda!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's got to be good looking, because he's so hard to see.
That's basically the deep state.
You better be looking out, because they're hard to see.
And that's how deep it runs.
And ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones is heading right into the swamp.
He's actually in D.C.
now, getting ready for the big event tomorrow.
Alex will be addressing the media regarding the attacks on the First Amendment, the lawsuits against us.
At the National Press Club tomorrow in D.C.
That is at 8 a.m.
Central Time at Infowars.com slash show.
And this is going to be addressing all the attacks on us, all the attacks on the First Amendment.
There'll be other guest speakers there as well.
Space is limited if you're trying to get there.
RSVP to press at Infowars.com.
And a very busy week for us, because not only do we have that extended coverage and special event, then on Thursday, right through Friday, we're having another live 34-hour broadcast special.
That is the Stop the Collapse of America live 34-hour broadcast special from Thursday to Friday.
And of course, when we do these things, we just go live all the way through the night.
Live coverage.
We take a lot of calls.
We cover all the news.
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It's all thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
All right, let's go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to John in Kansas City.
Again, the main topic is, what do you think is going on in Syria and what do you think Trump's response will be?
Go ahead, John.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, Owen.
You're welcome.
Go ahead.
Right on, cool.
Hey, I'm afraid they might have demonstrated to Trump, as they being the globalists, that they might have demonstrated they can get to him anytime they want.
I mean, you gotta look at stuff that's been happening lately.
You got Trump Tower catching on fire twice, and I heard his personal aircraft police had a few helicopters crash, and then you got Melania had engine failure on aircraft, had to make an emergency landing.
And you got all these military aircraft falling out of the sky everywhere.
Don't forget about the white powder that was sent to Don Jr.'
's family.
No, I forgot about that.
There you go.
There's another one.
No, this is a good point.
This is a great point.
You know, I mean... These aircraft falling out of the sky everywhere.
Get your air quotes out.
Training accident.
And then you got the Navy ships out there running into one another.
And, uh...
All this stuff is happening and I'm afraid that if he crosses them too bad, you know, he had to sign that Omnibus Bill so he could get the military on his side.
Maybe he doesn't have the military.
Maybe when the SHTF, maybe those airplanes will all get hacked and quit working.
You know, you did a great job, John, calling in and just laying everything out for us to see on the wall.
Because so many times it gets lost in translation, a lot of the stuff you just reported.
And you just have to, again, you have to scratch your head and wonder because nothing really makes sense of this.
You know, you can't really make sense of any of it.
And this is my thing.
I mean, look, if Trump's family is being threatened, which of course they're being threatened.
I mean, of course Trump's family is being threatened.
But if it's reached a point now where he's feeling essentially held hostage or handicapped as a president because of these threats, well, then I say come out and talk about it.
I mean, you know, if this is really going on, this is like national security issue number one.
Oh yeah, the president's family is being threatened if he doesn't start World War III.
Looks like to me.
You know?
Now I know Trump's not stupid.
He was interviewed right after 9-11 before the smoke cleared out there saying that there had to have been explosives in there.
Yeah, he talks about it being a demolition.
He's totally a 9-11.
He questions the whole thing.
He questions vaccines.
Where is that guy?
Where is that guy?
Where is the president who said he's giving power back to us and taking it away from D.C., where now D.C.
is starting wars in foreign countries again?
Well, if he does pull the trigger on this stuff, he's going to have to get his family to safety, for starters.
And there's, you know, no telling what's going to happen.
I guess, you know, if you can't even trust the Secret Service, too, then what are you going to do?
He's not using them.
And can I make a quick comment about Sessions?
Okay, go ahead.
I'm afraid he's liable to not do very much because I don't think he wants his airplane to blow up.
He hasn't done anything really much of all anyway.
Well, he's, you know, he don't want his airplane to blow up.
Yeah, you know, John, so John is pretty much, thanks for the call, John, in Kansas City, John is pretty much under the impression now, or at least weighing the, considering the potential that, yeah, these guys are being threatened and blackmailed and pretty much held hostage so they can't even implement their policy, to which I say, then get out!
I mean, you know, then just get out!
Then if you're not going to do your job, get out!
I just want to say that the last caller beat me to the punch about the whole threatening thing.
I just figured Trump knows exactly what's going on, but he's been being threatened and he's probably trying to maybe go in there acting like he's about to do something about the chemical weapons, but really go root out the problem with Putin in an effort to, you know what I'm saying, stabilize the situation and figure out what's really going on.
That's me being optimistic.
However, if he goes in there and starts World War III, I'm off the Trump train as well.
Yeah, it seems to be that that's most of the case.
Of course, you've got the blind sheep that'll get behind any politician.
Oh yeah, Trump, Syria bad, Trump good!
As soon as he, you know, talks about nuking them or whatever.
But, you know, I agree.
I don't think Trump is dumb.
I think Trump knows exactly what's going on.
So that's when the question becomes, why?
And some people are saying, well, they think that perhaps he's being threatened or blackmailed or what have you.
Others are saying, the deep state's in charge now.
Trump's now answering to the deep state.
Either way you slice it, it's not good.
I don't know.
And the brawler that we put in there is not showing himself right now.
Maybe there's some underlying plan with Putin to actually do something about this, but I just don't see enough evidence to report that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, developing story.
Mark Zuckerberg has arrived in D.C.
Getting ready for his testimonies in front of Senate committees when it comes to the data mining and selling of information that Facebook engaged him.
Here is the B-roll if you're a television viewer at InfoWars.com slash show or one of our affiliates.
Here he is arriving in DC.
Now, what do you notice about this?
The liberal
Anti-gun platform of Facebook's leader, Mark Zuckerberg, arrives in D.C.
with what?
A full team of armed guards!
So Zuckerberg says, you don't need a gun for protection.
A gun is dangerous.
But I need a full team of armed guards when I arrive in D.C.
Because I'm Mark Zuckerberg and I am obviously much more important than you, the common citizen.
Because this isn't America.
Where every citizen is equal in the Republic.
No, this is America where Mark Zuckerberg is royalty.
He's the king.
Facebook says, you don't need a gun, but we need a gun because, see, we're the king, kiss my ring, and we'll protect you from the bad guys with the gun, even though they have no interest in that.
They only have interest in protecting their own interest and themselves.
And so Zuckerberg uses his platform, Facebook,
To go along with the Democrat Party plan, admitted by Eric Holder and others, to brainwash Americans into not liking guns, disliking guns, rejecting the tradition and culture of guns in America, brainwash you into giving away your Second Amendment right.
Brainwashing you into going from a king to a peasant.
That's what this is about.
The king gets the gun, the peasant gets the boot to the face, and Zuckerberg goes along with that with the Democrat Party, but then arrives in D.C.
with a full team of armed guards.
So that's hypocrisy at its finest.
Then, of course, at Infowars.com, Kit Daniels has the story.
Flashback, Facebook pursues total information awareness of world population
Which of course is what DARPA's surveillance plan was.
Now you understand why Facebook must be saved and Zuckerberg must take the fall.
Because if Facebook falls with Zuckerberg, then the censorship media control plan with the total intelligence gathering of the digital grid on the world's population, then that fails.
And they cannot let that fail.
Zuckerberg, we can let him fail.
He's a prop.
He's a puppet.
He made 30 billion dollars.
No, he didn't.
And so now Zuckerberg says, I'm sorry, it was my mistake.
Because Zuckerberg is gonna hop ship and take his fake wealth to the next island and just disappear.
Because Facebook has to survive.
Zuckerberg is expendable.
He was a puppet, he was an implant from the beginning.
So, so, move along Zuckerberg.
Move along!
Facebook has to stay.
Facebook's bigger than the government.
Facebook is the social engineering platform.
Facebook is being used to censor free speech.
Facebook is being used to demonize the Second Amendment and gun supporters and activists and enthusiasts.
We need Facebook to continue our agenda.
We don't need Zuckerberg.
In fact, Facebook will look better if we kick Zuckerberg to the curb.
How does it feel, Zuckerberg?
How does it feel?
So you'll take the fall, Zuckerberg will fall on the sword, and Facebook will live on.
In the meantime, we are going to use Facebook to go through with the Democrat Party platform and their brainwashing propaganda to get people to hate guns, hate gun supporters,
Admitted by Eric Holder and others, you saw the look in Dianne Feinstein's face, literally channels the Wicked Witch of the West and like, cackles and is like, heh heh heh heh heh.
We're gonna get those guns!
And then they just fly around the country with armed security.
That's how the average Democrat operates.
You, the citizen?
You're a punk.
You're a peasant.
You don't get a gun.
What do you think you are?
You're a peon!
You're a cretin!
You can't have a gun!
That's for the royalty!
Like Zuckerberg, and Feinstein, and Pelosi!
They get a team of armed security!
They're royalty!
You, the American citizen, are a peasant!
And a punk!
And probably a racist Nazi too, while we're at it!
So you don't get a gun!
You're a danger!
And this is the Democrat Party platform of propaganda!
And they don't hide it!
They tell you!
There's... Yeah, look at her!
I mean... You know what's amazing?
The more I live through this...
And the more you see stuff like that, where Dianne Feinstein... I mean, folks, you've never seen a more wicked-looking woman.
And it's... I mean, look at that!
This is about taking the guns!
Look at how thrilled she is!
Oh my gosh, you can't even believe it!
Oh my God, my dream's coming true!
Of the royalty taking the weapons from the American peasants!
The Democrat propaganda finally worked after my 40 years in Congress!
I'm Dianne Feinstein!
And we're finally gonna take the guns!
We're gonna get your guns, you little pretties!
And your silencers, too!
Oh yeah, and don't worry, when the Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey supports the other Democrat propaganda to start a civil war in this country,
Oh don't worry, so they want, listen to the average liberal, they support the Democrat plan to brainwash America into thinking differently about guns, they go along with it, they turn in the guns, they're anti-gun, then they want to start a civil war in which they'll have no guns.
We're good to go.
But the average liberal is so stupid now, that they look at Zuckerberg, they look at Feinstein, who walk around with armed security, guns everywhere, protecting them, and then say, you can't have a gun!
But they support that.
And so Zuckerberg arrives in D.C., there he is, full armed security team, full armed security detail.
Think about this!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
It just hit me.
Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg needs an armed security team?
Do you think that's because the average citizen has any will of violence against Zuckerberg?
Do you think the average American is going to be trying to plot to do something to Zuckerberg?
No, they're not.
In fact, Zuckerberg used to just run around with people in his t-shirt and short shorts.
Just go running miles.
It was like a thing he did.
It was a social thing.
Yeah, he had security, but it wasn't like there's no threat.
But Zuckerberg is about to testify about his actions as the CEO of Facebook.
Oh, think about what he knows about the Democrat Party.
Who do you think is the real threat to Mark Zuckerberg?
Do you think it's an American citizen?
Or do you think it's the deep state that knows he has information that could bring them down?
Think about that.
You want to talk about a twist of fate, there's your twist of fate right there.
Mark Zuckerberg needs armed security from the very forces that put him where he is because he has the intelligence.
And now he's about to go testify.
Oh yeah!
People involved with the Clintons that are about to testify or go into a courtroom magically disappear all the time, but I'm sure that's not what could be going on here with Zuckerberg needing protection.
No, no, no.
He's just royalty and you're a peasant.
He gets armed security.
You get a rock and a slingshot.
Let's go to Devon in Florida.
Devon in Florida.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Look at this little juicy.
From CNN, they tweet out their story.
David Hogg, one of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School's most visible student activists, will postpone his first year of college to devote time to political causes.
First of all, they say, CNN says, one of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School's most visible student activists.
That was you!
You made him that!
You made him most visible!
You gave all the attention to Hogg!
You made him attention hog!
You made him camera hog!
That was you, CNN!
Literally, that was you and the Democrat Party and the FBI!
So they create camera hog,
They create this political pawn, literally a creation from their own hands, and then they say as if it's some sort of organic thing.
Oh, David Hogg is just so coherent and so good and has so much organic grassroots support.
He just gets all this visibility.
And it's like, no, he's a creation of you, CNN.
You created David Hogg.
You created the camera hog.
You created the attention hog.
Not America!
The anti-Americans!
And then they say, he's gonna take a year off of college to work on the midterm elections.
He's gonna be a political activist.
You know what's funny about this?
Now David Hogg might be a different story.
He could be, you know, he could end up at CNN.
That might be his fate.
But all of the other students involved in this, for the anti-gun thing, that are getting all this attention and thinking that they've made it now, they're big, they're celebrities.
I mean, you know what it's like when you're in high school.
You know your mind operates differently and can, basically, you can have beliefs, systems, or understand priorities that are just totally out of whack because you're just simply too young to have the life experience to understand it.
And so they get all of this buildup and they don't understand they're going to be crushed.
These people have now peaked in high school.
You've now peaked in high school and you have all these huge expectations for the rest of your lives and you don't even realize you're going to be nothing.
You're going to be exposed as liberal morons.
But ride the wave now!
Ride that wave, baby, because it's about to cascade hard into a rock wall.
David Hogg will take off college.
He's just, you know, I mean, Camera Hogg is so selfless that he's going to skip college to work in a political field, yes, and the media with CNN.
He's basically a saint.
He's skipping college to do the right thing.
And he was just an organic grassroots creation, even though CNN totally made him.
And it's like, really?
Oh yeah, he must be really struggling.
Oh boy, he's not going to college.
Oh no!
Oh my gosh!
Oh, an 18-year-old that doesn't want to go to school!
Oh my!
Oh, he's a saint!
Most kids that age are just begging!
Send me to more school, please!
Oh my gosh, he's going to end up at CNN right where the plan was from the get-go.
But this is... I'm getting distracted now.
The big stories... Zuckerberg arrives in D.C.
getting ready for his testimony.
Facebook, anti-gun platform.
Zuckerberg has full armed security when he arrives in D.C.
President Trump gets elected, says we're going to return the power
To you the people and take it away from DC and then DC wants to start a war in Syria and have a regime change and then they get what they want.
At least that's what it looks like at this point.
So let me take a couple more calls here before Matt Bracken is going to take over in the fourth hour.
Sarah Sanders saying that Trump stands behind his comments made on Syria.
More bad news there.
But let's go to Jay in Missouri who wants to talk about Syria.
Go ahead Jay.
Yes, I think your caller from Kansas City did a good job outlining the blackmail angle.
And I, you know, I'm sitting here wondering, is Trump compromised?
And if so, to what degree?
And I actually caught Jack Basovic's periscope today.
And he was saying that he didn't feel like Trump was the one who wrote those tweets about Syria 22 hours ago.
So I'm wondering, you know... Alright, let me go down that train of thought.
Let me go down that train of thought.
First of all, I haven't talked to Jack about this.
I don't agree with Jack.
I don't see this.
And even if that's true, it's not an excuse.
Especially now that you have the White House echoing his statement, saying he's confident in the statements.
So whether that's true or not now becomes irrelevant to me.
I don't
What that means... Okay, so you're telling me now that Trump is just totally not in control?
I mean, you know, he can't even control his own Twitter now?
The one thing that we gave him the leeway on to be out there...
We gave him the leeway there because that was the only way that he could control what came out.
He could control the narrative.
Now he doesn't even have control of that?
So he doesn't have control of foreign policy?
And he doesn't have control of his own Twitter account?
And I'm supposed to make... shine it and put makeup on that pig?
I don't think so, Jay.
I'm sorry.
I just can't do it.
Thank you for the call, though.
And thank you for your support of InfoWars.
I think I know who you are.
And thank you for submitting your videos to me.
Let's go to Kevin in Jacksonville.
Go ahead, Kevin.
I just wanted to make two quick points about Facebook.
Thank you, man.
You kind of laid them both out, but I don't think anything's going to happen to Zuckerberg.
Number one, because as you pointed out in your incredible piece a couple minutes ago, he is a puppet for the powers that be.
And why would they want to take down somebody who knows their most deepest, darkest secrets?
So he's got that under their thumb.
Yeah, but do you think he remains the CEO?
I think he does because I think he's become bigger than Facebook.
So it's just like, oh, I'm sorry, and then just wipe your hands of it and nothing changes?
Like, like the same, like a, like a typical slap on the wrist there.
Well, I, because I, you know, and I think you could be right because I said this earlier too.
I think the guy has legal defense.
I mean, if they want to try to say, oh, you know, you're gathering all this data and they'll get him to admit all of it, he'll admit all of it.
But he has a legal defense to me because everybody agreed to the terms of service.
You pointed out in that piece, some of these terms of services are 50, 60, and 70 pages long.
Like you said, nobody reads it.
For convenience, they just hit accept.
So I don't think anything is going to happen.
And number two, he's got to stay on there because he's the figurehead of what you pointed out, that Facebook is the world's biggest spreader of propaganda.
That's the only way that CNN and MSNBC and all these dinosaur-dying, lying medias can get their propaganda out because, as most people know, most people do independent streaming.
I don't know anybody who really has cable anymore.
Everything's internet-based.
Right, right.
And then they need to have control over Facebook so that they can censor us, censor conservatives, and then
Inflate the propaganda of CNN and the MSNBCs and others.
Look at Facebook's biggest donors.
It's pharmaceutical companies, it's junk food companies.
You know, Alex Jones had Mike Adams on a fantastic sitting a couple ways ago, and he said if you eat garbage, your brain's gonna turn into it.
Yeah, you are what you eat.
They're programming these kids
Or, you know, P.E.
where you need the physical activity of running around so that you're not sitting in a classroom for seven hours a day.
There's been studies showing that since they've cut out P.E., the ADHD has gone up because how are you going to tell a child with all this energy to sit still and don't say a word for 8, 9 hours?
Yeah, get in line and shut up.
And I agree with you.
Good call, Kevin, from Florida.
But something's going to happen with this Facebook Zuckerberg deal.
I mean, something's going to happen.
I don't know what it is.
I'm not saying Zuckerberg may be on the outs.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
But something is going to happen.
There has to be some sort of legal precedent that comes out of this, whether it's terms of service stuff, whether it's data mining and sharing of information stuff, whether it's
Honestly, Zuckerberg's genuine, like, look, okay, you know, maybe we were doing this wrong, but I was trying to make money here, and he just outs the whole deal.
I don't know what it is, but something has to come of this.
This can't just be a nothing burger.
And if it is, then once again, you look at Congress and you just say, wow, you suck.
You suck, Congress, and you have sucked for too long.
And so we need to do something in 2018, but the Democrats put so much propaganda out there, it might not be possible.
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That's right.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I'm about to bring in Matt Bracken on the other side of this short segment and, you know, I didn't even get to half the news I needed to get to today.
You've got the anti-Soros Prime Minister.
He gets
Re-elected to his third term, Victor Orban, and he could be targeting Soros real soon.
It'd be nice if we could get some of that in America.
But no, we'd just get a foreign invasion of Syria.
It's something like this, that because of the political nonsense that we have to cover every day, we don't actually get to have a real discussion.
The headline, warning, sex robots could change humanity forever thanks to too easy sex.
So it's like, this should be a huge story.
This should be like, alright, let's literally talk about our humanity.
Let's talk about our survival.
Were we programmed to have sex for pleasure?
Or were we programmed to have sex to procreate?
And so, depending on where you fall in line with that,
You have to say, okay, well, if we were designed to have sex to procreate, this could essentially kill us.
Because now we're just having sex for pleasure with inanimate objects.
But we don't get to have that discussion because we're too busy dealing with fake news, false flags, and political mumbo-jumbo every day.
So that's fine.
Sex robots could literally F us out of existence.
How do you like that?
And another UFO story.
Buzz Aldrin passed his lie detector test claiming he saw a UFO.
I mean, if you believe it, I'm just reporting on it.
But here's the thing.
There's been so much news about UFOs and aliens and contact and all of this stuff.
They're either about to reveal some real stuff
Or they're about to have some new false flag, like Project Blue Beam, to push some new agenda or to lie about something else.
Something's coming with UFOs and aliens, folks.
Again, I'm not saying... I mean, what I believe is irrelevant.
I'm saying something is coming down.
They're greasing the skids for some big UFO alien reveal.
Whether it's real or not,
We'll have the debate when it comes, but I'm telling you, button down the hatches, because they are greasing the skids for some big alien reveal here soon.
So there's a couple of the things here I didn't even get to.
China installed military jamming equipment on Spratly Islands.
Oh, but see!
Oh, another example!
Oh, Syrian regime, big problem, gassing its own people, even though it doesn't make any sense at all.
We don't really have evidence, we just have hearsay.
We want war there, though.
Syria's the problem.
Is militarizing the South China Seas, where there's an actual real debate over who should control that area, and they just come in, build islands, militarize the whole deal.
Oh, but no intervention there.
Of course you don't want to intervene there.
You can't bully China out of existence.
But Syria, that's real easy.
We'll bully Assad out of power.
Chinese facial recognition company becomes world's most valuable AI startup.
This is just a, I mean, if you want, if you're a person that likes making money in the stock market, the surest bet right now, for short term, long term, is AI.
For the next 10 years, AI is going to take off like a rocket.
And then after that, I would be maybe a little concerned that there could be some backlash and people might want to throttle back the AI.
But for the next decade, AI is about the surest bet I would say you could have on the stock market, which they're saying is now cooling after the Trump bump.
Well, it's actually the Trump mountain.
And the last I checked, they were up today.
The stocks were up today.
The stock market's a roller coaster, and if you study its trends, you can kind of figure out what drives it.
Matt Bracken joins me on the other side.
We're going to talk Syria and the potential regime change, and we'll take a couple of these callers that have been holding for a while as well.
Yeah, the stocks are still up today.
All right, we'll be right back with Matt Bracken on the other side.
Get ready for Alex Jones to invade the swamp.
Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
on April 10th, during which he'll make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and InfoWars' reputation.
Jones will address the left's new tactic of trying to bury info wars under a deluge of lawsuits, several of which do not rest on any sound legal basis.
While the mainstream media and many on the left routinely celebrate these lawsuits when they're first filed, those same people are noticeably silent when the lawsuits collapse.
These lawsuits are yet another attempt to shut down free speech, and they are doomed to fail.
Alex Jones will go live at 9 a.m.
Eastern from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
You can find live streams of the press conference at InfoWars.com.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
See, the reason why the news cycle or just in general stories and developments are so paramount right now is because you have all of these different factors and all of these different developments that are reaching a nexus point.
Like the political divide in America between the left and the right.
That's reaching a nexus point.
They're calling for civil war.
You know, fake news versus real news.
That's reaching a nexus point.
So they're trying to censor the First Amendment and free speech.
You know, gun control versus the narrative and the agenda of the Democrats to brainwash people against the Second Amendment and then use shootings to push that agenda.
That's reaching a nexus point.
False flags, regime change, overseas.
Americans are sick of it.
They're aware of it now.
But here we go again, and it looks like another one's building.
That's reaching a nexus point.
And where we go from each of those nexus points determines our future.
And that's why the times we're living in right now are so important.
And truly incredible, honestly.
Man, if you are entertained by the Kardashians or the Jersey Shore or mindless entertainment like that, I mean, like, you know, you're honestly like five pegs down from where you need to be right now mentally.
You're like five pegs down where you need to be right now intellectually for this war, for the information war, for the spiritual war.
If you're still obsessed with mindless entertainment,
You are five pegs below where you need to be for these nexus points that we're crossing right now.
Now, Matt Bracken has been well aware of this, especially with the domestic issues.
He covers that at enemiesforeignanddomestic.com, his website.
Matt, hearing everything that's going on now in Syria and the way they're spinning it and the way Trump is approaching this,
It has to scare you into being like, wait a second, is this the deep state running the Trump administration now?
The whole thing we said wasn't going to happen?
Yeah, I think so.
And, you know, it's been kind of a conundrum trying to correlate what's happening with Syria and the generals that don't want us to get out with what's happening with the Justice Department and the slow walking of the documents.
Everybody's saying, but he appointed Rosenstein, you know, he appointed these people.
It shows how powerful the influence of the deep state is.
Even guys that Trump, that the deep state recommends to Trump to hire, like Rosenstein, he's just another tool.
So Trump coming in as a non-politician, he had no clue.
And something about the generals that's very important is that, you know, there is still a revolving door between, you know, the flag officers who are chosen by the Senate, you know, so it's very political.
The senior generals, they do a rotating, a revolving door straight into the corporate world, you know, defense, the Daddy Warbucks world, and they get their pay for what they do as a general
After they retire.
So there's a lot of bribery that happens on a delayed timeline where it's hard to prove because, okay, he's going to retire next year and he's just going to happen to sit on a board where he never has to show up.
But he'll be paid $5 million a year by, you know, Rockwell or McDonnell Douglas or, you know, whoever.
So yeah, there's a very, the deep state doesn't even begin to scratch it when it comes to things like, you know, macro issues like the war in Syria.
And it's, as it's been noted all day, every time Assad is close to consolidating his control again, there's a timely poison gas attack directly against Assad's interest.
I mean, he doesn't need to do this.
It hurts him.
There's an old Latin, one of the main Latin phrases that everybody learns is, cui bono, who benefits?
But, you know, at the first level thinking sheep level of cognizance, it's just the media said that Assad gassed his own people, let's go to war.
And I'm hearing that on talk radio by people that should know better.
And, you know, we're seeing the White House coming in as if they're experts.
I'm so glad you said that.
So, yeah, that's what amazed me, too.
People that were behind Trump that are conservatives, you hear them just totally going along with this attack in Syria and you're like, no!
This is not why we supported Trump!
How can you say you supported Trump?
The Trump idea, and then support another foreign war in Syria, and then you mention the White Hats.
Oh, you know, they just happen to have all this HD footage every time this attack happens and they're saving the people and the White Hats are there on the scene every time.
I mean, you know, people don't even ask the basic questions anymore, Matt Bracken.
Yeah, I need to, you know, my first novel, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, is a false flag novel.
You know, shooting into a stadium to trash the Second Amendment.
But there was another famous false flag in recent history.
This was in the 90s in Sarajevo, when the Serb Republic was doing relatively well, and we weren't, we were, Clinton didn't want to get involved in Bosnia, and NATO didn't want to get involved, and a 120 millimeter mortar shell, that's big, that's like five inches, which is, these things are monsters, they weigh like, you know, 30 pounds, most of which is the explosive charge.
And it just happened to detonate right in the middle of a market on a market day and killed 68 Bosnians and wounded around 200 with the perfect timing.
Nobody saw it coming.
Generally mortars, you have to walk the fire in.
I mean, their registration is good, but not that good.
It was very, you know, immediately in the weeks after that, we did major attacks against the Serb Republic in support of the Bosnians, and later analysis showed from the crater that... And wasn't that on the heels of some Clinton botch-up, some Clinton activity that they were trying to distract from too?
I can't, you know, I can't remember the timeline, but it seems like
In history, the same plans, the same patterns repeat over and over again, which is why the New World Order likes dumb citizens.
That's why they like mass importing millions of low IQ future welfare voters.
They don't care if our country becomes Venezuela, as long as the left will be in charge.
Because, you know, there are two ways to get fabulously wealthy in this world.
You can either be a capitalist and invent something, make a product or a service, make millions of dollars.
Or, if you're not that creative, not that smart, but you're ruthless and evil,
You can become a left-wing socialist dictator or one of his lackeys.
Then you'll rule over a crumbling empire like Cuba or Venezuela, but it won't matter because your villa will have a giant wall.
Matt Bracken is about to take over here, and I'm going to leave you.
And I just want to make one statement here before I let you go, because it's exactly what you're talking about with people not knowing their history, so they're doomed to repeat it.
And I said this earlier, and I didn't really get to pontificate on it.
If they can erase history, they can erase the future.
Okay, that sounds crazy.
What are you talking about, Schroeder?
You see, if they can erase history and simply determine the historical narrative, regardless of facts, regardless of what actually happened, they can just tell you the story of history, and then that becomes history, 1984 style, even though it's not real.
Then they can control the future, you see?
Anything they do in the future won't matter because they're gonna lie about it and then whatever the history is, is the lie, not what actually happened.
So if they can erase history, not only do they have the brainwashed people that know history and then are doomed to repeat it,
Then they know they've set the precedent, well we now control the future narrative, because whatever we do, we're going to lie about it and put a bunch of propaganda out there with our controlled media, and they'll never know.
So it's like history never actually existed, just the propaganda.
So Matt Braggin, I'm going to sign off.
You've got 60 seconds left this segment.
I know that you've got a lot to cover.
Just tell the audience what to expect here.
Yeah, be kind to me.
I'm new at this, and I'll probably, you know, my backdrop is probably going to fall over the camera or something at some point.
But I'll do my best, and if it's possible, we'll take some calls.
If not, I'll talk about the topics of the day.
But yeah, I'm really grateful for the chance to do this.
It's an amazing time to be alive, and I'm very happy that InfoWars has given me this microphone.
So there's Matt Bracken and again you know he's been coming on the Alex Jones Show for years and his books are always very clairvoyant when his topics are always future discussions that end up coming true and we got a couple callers too if you want to take them.
So Matt Bracken from Enemies Foreign and Domestic takes over the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer signs off.
Remember Alex Jones at the DC Press Club tomorrow 8 a.m.
Central answering questions on the attacks on the First Amendment and against
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Well, hello.
This is my first shot at guest hosting.
Please be easy on me.
Be gentle.
The phone number to call in is 877-789-2539.
Everybody should know that if they're real listeners.
And I've got a few things to talk about if things get slow, but I've got a flashing light down here, Paul from Florida, which is also where I'm located.
And we can go to Paul anytime we want to and continue the discussion.
Your work.
Are you at work?
Can you hear me?
I'm here.
I love your work.
Thank you.
38 years in broadcasting, both radio and TV, and I learned how to do what you're picking up now.
I got out before I got killed.
So far, you know, I'm going to get a little Christian on you.
All battles are spiritual.
They're a reflection of some mighty battles going on in the heavenlies down here.
That's what I believe.
So, I also believe the will of God is enough to a committee.
I think, so far, Trump shows every sign of having been anointed, of having been chosen.
It's kind of like Daniel in the lion's den, you know?
He walks through incredible things and nothing touches him.
Now, I know he's had attempts on his life, his wife and family and all,
Um, uh, and, um, but, uh, he's been laying with some snakes and he's going to get bit.
And, uh, but here's the deal about Syria, uh, number well and Mueller.
I think Trump has been played.
I think he has a monumental ego and, and, uh, on Mueller, he wants to go and sit in front of his worst enemy.
And on Syria, if we get into a war, he's on the side of McCain and Graham and Bolton and everybody else.
And I run from those guys.
I don't want to be on their side.
So you've got to take a quick look at, you know, what side, who's cheering this on?
So as far as, the real tip off is we've been backing ISIS in Syria.
And I couldn't get that right.
I mean, they were butchers.
I mean, they're awful.
And it was the Free Syrian Army.
Come on.
It was the Free Syrian Army.
And so we were backing them and I couldn't figure it out.
And all of a sudden, you know, we're leaving.
And now all of a sudden we get this big problem.
You know, we got to stay.
Well, that's kind of transparent to me.
And we have no proof.
And so you guys are right.
I heard three call hosts hang up on people because of this take on things, that there's a false flag going on.
If American action kills one Russian, okay, if we go in there and one Russian dies, if I was Putin, I'd have a big problem.
Well, we already did.
A couple weeks ago we killed, it's been, the number given is approximately 200 Russians
Who were some oligarch who's a, you know, a stand-in for Putin, sort of an Eric Prince Blackwater situation, where they were crossing a river to make an attack and we took them out with air power.
Supposedly, that's the story.
You know, so we've already killed a couple hundred Russians and anytime you've got, you know, a Russian Blackwater type of an outfit,
You can bet that there are some active duty guys, either FSB or Spetsnaz, who are sheep-dipped as civilians to accompany them and advise them.
So, you know, we're edging closer and closer to an all-out war with Russia.
We've been arming the Ukrainians and so forth.
The Middle East is such an area of strange bedfellows.
We've got the Saudis and the Israelis allied to keep us in Syria.
And we've got Russia and Iran and Assad.
They all have their own goals, but, you know, the big threat is that they're going to build a highway straight from, you know, from the Mediterranean to Iran.
You know, a land bridge for Iranian power projection, supposedly.
And these generals that have their own agendas, and they're coming up on retirement, and they get the little whisper that as soon as they retire, if they play the right hand while they're generals, they stand to become, you know, on the board of directors of these megabucks, Daddy Warbucks corporations, where they'll make five million a year.
To never do anything except maybe go to a stockholders meeting.
So, you know, we're in a... the swamp doesn't even cover what's going on in Washington.
And, you know, God bless Trump that he can come through this, you know, this is like a den of infected lions without getting infected himself.
As far as the spiritual battle, I agree, but even if somebody doesn't believe in God or is not a Christian, natural law
It's also a way to look at this, whether you look at it through the prism of Judeo-Christian belief versus, you know, Islam plus socialism, which seems to be the battle lines today, or just natural law.
You know, we have things going on today that definitely tell me that, you know, if we're not on the one yard line of the end times, I don't know what else explains all of this.
You know, I agree with you totally.
I just, I had a friend that served in Afghanistan.
He said, Paul, we were over there guarding the poppy fields.
And that's one of our biggest problems, and it's big pharma, and then it's the drug trade.
All it takes is some atrazine, and we are done with that.
But our guys were in Afghanistan guarding poppy fields, and those fields are still there.
So I don't, you know, I just,
It's a monumental, the kind of battle Trump has been fighting, but I don't know that we've got enough.
Half America is going to actually get out and help this president do anything because Congress is such a mess.
That's why InfoWars is so important.
There is a war on for your mind.
This is a battle of narratives.
And if the mainstream media, the Zuckerbergs, the Googles, the Facebooks, the Twitters, if they're going to be allowed to shape the narrative,
Then we are on the fast track to hell.
So it's why it's so important for people to support shows like this.
Because without it, all we're going to get is the right-wing propaganda, or excuse me, the left-wing propaganda narrative.
And if it wasn't for Fox News, talk radio, and the internet, but the internet seems to be continually more restricted.
I've been banned on Facebook
Four months out of the last six months.
And they don't tell me why.
They just say, you may have used it inappropriately.
You can post again in 29 days.
But there's no button to click.
What happened?
I assume, like Diamond and Silk, that I'm a danger to the community of social justice warrior progressives.
So there is a battle on for the narrative, the battle for our minds.
And that's why we have to support InfoWars and other programs.
It's like the FBI.
The more corrupt you are, the faster you rise.
Thank you.
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Get ready for Alex Jones to invade the swamp.
Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
on April 10th, during which he'll make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and InfoWars' reputation.
Jones will address the left's new tactic of trying to bury info wars under a deluge of lawsuits, several of which do not rest on any sound legal basis.
While the mainstream media and many on the left routinely celebrate these lawsuits when they're first filed, those same people are noticeably silent when the lawsuits collapse.
These lawsuits are yet another attempt to shut down free speech, and they are doomed to fail.
Alex Jones will go live at 9 a.m.
Eastern from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
You can find live streams of the press conference at InfoWars.com.
Leanne McAdoo, InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The front lines of the human awakening.
It's the InfoWar.
And now, Alex Jones.
Yeah, this is Matt Bracken, InfoWar Alex, the fourth hour, following Owen's capable guest hosting.
You know, it's amazing that the intro music takes me back a little bit, and my mind just boggles at what Jimi Hendrix could have done if he had lived.
He was a creative genius, that man.
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So if we don't do it, the programming disappears.
You know, before Owen left, we were talking about some other topics a little bit besides Russia, which is going to be the main focus today.
He was talking about sex robots and what that might mean.
We're already seeing that with things that will allow men to be gratified without actually going through all the trouble of pursuing an actual living, breathing woman.
I think this has got a lot to do with why the birth rate in Europe is plunging off a cliff.
You know, when scientists are trying to defeat the Mediterranean fruit fly, which can wipe out Florida's oranges, you know what they do is they irradiate male fruit flies, sterilize them, and then release them.
So they short-circuit the reproductive cycle of the fruit flies, causing a die-off of all of the fruit flies.
And I think that this is sort of what we're seeing now with modern technology.
Eventually, it'll be the robots.
But, you know, even without a robot, there's a lot of other things that people can do rather than pursuing the opposite sex and getting married.
But, yeah, let's get back to the main topic, which is, are we about to go to war with Russia, be tripped into a war, tricked into a war?
I really have my doubts about this latest supposed poison gas attack.
It seems like it was just chlorine, which is a common industrial chemical.
We have a long history of Muslim jihadists killing their own people for the good of the cause of spreading Islam.
People are just strictly sacrificial pawns in that mindset.
And the ends justify the means.
And if the end is not allowing Assad to win and control the territory, allowing the, you know, whatever they're going to call ISIS next, that's who he's fighting.
That's unfortunately the side we've been on with the CIA and others.
So, you know, I certainly hope that President Trump is not lured into this trap.
It certainly seems like we are going down that road, and just remember Sarajevo and the magic mortar bomb that went off in the market, and it sure seems to me like they're playing from the same script.
If we can go to a call now, right on top, I see Benjamin in Virginia, one of my old stomping grounds.
I went to the University of Virginia and served in the Navy there.
So, Benjamin, if you can hear me, let me hear you.
Hey Matt Bracken, thank you for your service and thank you for your continued patriotism.
Thank you.
My subject today is, certainly you've seen the film Syriana.
The most famous line in that is, corruption is how we win.
And foreign entanglements is how we confuse you into learned helplessness.
But I think when it comes to Syria, I think there's a situation where
Trump should say to the Russians, perhaps if you kick Assad out and give him to us, we'll just let you take over control of Syria and we'll get out entirely.
Just bail on the whole situation.
I don't think that Assad is going anywhere.
You know, his regime, cruel as it is, it's in an area known for cruelty.
Mahatma Gandhi would last two minutes in that environment.
But the Syrian government at least doesn't wipe out its religious enemies.
They don't cut your head off if you can't recite the Shahada prayer.
There are Christians and Alawites and other sects that are all part of a, in the region, a comparatively secular government.
And they're fighting religious fanatics and it just shows what a strange snake pit this is.
This is like trying to reach into a rattlesnake den and find the good rattlesnake and pull him out without getting bitten by the bad rattlesnake when they're all twisted together and they all look exactly the same.
It's a snake pit.
We should stay the heck out of it as far as I'm concerned.
We're just being lured in there with these, to me, a fairly obvious false flag attack.
Who benefits?
Cui Bono?
Who benefits?
It's certainly not the American people that are going to be dragged into World War III, potentially.
I hope not, but the next 24 hours we'll probably see some military action, unfortunately.
Do you have another point?
I've got a lot of callers here.
I did have another point.
You have predicted what's about to happen here domestically.
I spoke with Owen and Rob last week and a false flag attack is coming and I'd like to stop it.
The deep state's about to attack us.
And you predicted essentially what the target is, although there's a refinement to it.
I think they're going to attack Howard University and blame it on white nationalists.
Yeah, the natural target is a
You know, it will be a left-wing group.
And there will be either a patsy or somebody that the FBI knows about, but somehow they're going to drop the ball again if they don't escort the guy straight to the shooting position like they did in Garland, Texas.
You know, anybody that's saying, Matt Bracken, how can you possibly say this about our wonderful, beloved FBI?
You know, I grew up on Ephraim Zimbalist Jr.
and the FBI story.
These great G-men.
We crossed that Rubicon with Fast and Furious.
They murdered hundreds of Mexicans on purpose.
They already did that.
That's in the past.
And they got away with it.
Congress held Holder in contempt.
Nothing happened to him.
What did they learn from that?
They learned that they'll never be stopped.
So this really is a titanic death match between Trump and the Deep State.
And at this point, I think the Deep State has still got a lot more cards to play.
But yeah, the reason I write about false flags so much is to try to deter people from doing them because they won't be believed.
You know, the more implausible a false flag operation becomes, the less likely they're going to try it.
Although they made a good try in Garland, Texas.
Thanks a lot for your call.
We have a next caller.
Gary in Alabama, another beautiful state this time of year.
Gary, what's on your mind?
Matt, uh, calling about a lot of information that's not being discussed that's on QAnon, you know?
I'm calling it mainly because of Jerome Forsyth.
Forsyth, he's a pretty smart guy.
If he says it's real, I think it's real.
I can't, you know, I don't...
I can't vouch for QAnon's authenticity.
I look at it more as a sign of the times that this frequency is resonating.
I have in the past seen fake blogs, even novels that claim to have been written by somebody that came from the future and people actually believe in it.
There have been bloggers that have pretended to be Washington insiders that meet in secret locations.
And some of them are fake.
So, I don't really go down the QAnon much.
This is InfoWars.
We'll be back after these messages.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
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Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said, it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I sat down in the front seat.
He turned on the radio.
I'm Matt Bracken and I'm guest hosting for the Alex Jones Show today and take care of a little bit more business real quick.
You know, if you want to support this program, there's a new program, the Patriot Points Rewards System, where you're going to sign up for Patriot Points and as you buy products, if you sign up for this, you'll be
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We're going to go back to the main subject of the day, I think, is Russia.
I'd like to mention before that, you know, the other big story is Zuckerberg and Facebook.
But really, I look at them all together.
Google, YouTube, same thing.
Facebook and Twitter.
What they're doing is de facto creating a system like the Chinese are using, which they call social credit.
If you're a bad comrade who's resisting social progress, you find that you can't speak in their social media platform.
I've been banned four months out of the last six on Facebook.
So, what they're going to do eventually is just trim us down, turn down our volume until we have no voice.
That's why it's really important that we support InfoWars and the InfoWars store, because it's the only way to counter their narrative.
Anyway, let's get back to the imminent war with Russia, potentially.
I think these war generals that are looking at their payoffs in the defense industry next year after they retire, these corrupt generals, I think they're steering the policy at this point.
And God help us if we go to war with Russia and Syria, there'll be no end to it.
But let's go to, I see Michael in New York.
He has the ultimate purpose behind Syria.
So Michael, what's your theory?
Yes, hello, Matt and Owen.
Great job, guys, and great callers.
Everybody's spot on.
The ultimate objective, sir, is a necessary war, just like the first two world wars, because a Great Depression precedes them.
And if they don't get the Great War going again, then the blame of the Great Depression, especially here in the United States, when millions of Americans, especially middle class, have been ripped off and burned out by
The big corporations that they built up and their parents built up, their relatives built up like IBM, etc.
And then they move all their middle-class, decent-paying, salaried jobs so they can afford to live in these overtaxed, no-longer-sovereign states of the United States.
Then they're gonna, we're all gonna rise up and take out the Rothschilds, the Crockefellers, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Kuhn-Loeb, Schiff.
I can see where you're going, Michael.
I can see where you're going with that.
You know, obviously there are giant global forces at work, but there is no depression right now.
So that part of your theory, you know, unless you're anticipating that, you know, the debt bubble exploding in the near future, but of course that's been anticipated now for years.
But, you know, when you start naming these families, I think you're just, you know, you're just trying to say something else that you know that you'll get slammed if you say, and I'll be doing some of that slamming myself.
So, thanks for your call there, and let's go to Chris in Utah.
He says we have a false flag president.
Chris in Utah, are you there?
Yes, sir.
You're doing a great job, Matt, and thank you for your service.
What do you mean by that?
In 2012, I made this prediction.
I figured after eight years of Obama, America would be ready for a conservative movement.
And that's what the Deep State gave them, except we don't realize it, but Donald Trump is an asset of the Deep State.
And I present a couple of items to the jury as evidence.
One, he was given $4.5 billion worth of free media coverage.
Now, why didn't they do that to Ron Paul?
Because he was a genuine threat to the Deep State.
But I don't think Donald Trump is, and here's why.
My prediction is within the next year to year and a half,
The powers that be will affect an economic downturn.
And not only will they blame it on Trump, Matt, but they will blame it on the conservative movement in general.
And that's where it gets dangerous.
Because people have bought into Trump.
I never did.
I felt right through him.
Uh, if you look into his history, he's been anti-Second Amendment.
Uh, he's been pro-abortion.
He has donated to democratic causes.
I do not trust the man, nor do I trust him today.
Chris, you know, it's been called the debt bubble could explode at any time.
That's really, you know, it might result from external forces.
It could begin in China, it could begin in Europe, it could begin with a cyber war.
You know, something that people don't consider, when we talk about a war in Syria, you know, we're not going to necessarily see Russian backfire bombers flying over the polar ice cap to take out Minneapolis.
You know, we're going to see an unleashing of cyber tactics that don't necessarily lead straight back to a silo the way a missile does.
And the reason that this is so dangerous is that third-party actors can so easily leave a false trail.
You know, we saw with the Wikipedia thing where the CIA has been collecting Russian hacker codes so that they can put a fake signature onto actual CIA operations.
You know, so we don't know now.
If the power goes out, we might be told it was Russia, but it could be another force.
We'll never know.
That's why it's so important to keep our minds open to all possibilities.
But as far as them giving free media coverage to Trump, he was a story.
They love a story.
And they thought that Hillary would easily be able to take him out if he became nominated.
But they just couldn't resist the story.
They chased the red laser dot, you know, like the kittens chasing the laser.
So to me, that's not a question of the deep state wanting Trump to be elected.
I don't think they wanted to at all.
I do think that he has a good heart.
I think that all in all, you know, when all is weighed,
He is a patriot and he is a moral man.
I know, you know, Billy Bush, this was a locker room BS chat between two guys that never thought it would be out.
As opposed to, say, Jimmy Kimmel walking around with a fake erection, poking women like a pervert.
You know, that was done on film to put on television as entertainment.
You know, what Trump was alleged to have done was all in private.
Having an affair or one-nighter with Stormy Daniels, things like that.
I mean, come on, he was a Democrat at the time for one thing.
But when you weigh a man's whole life, you know, Martin Luther King, he was a cheater.
Does that mean we wipe him out?
Do we tear down his statue because he wasn't perfect?
The way they're tearing down statues like of McKinley, for example, today.
So yeah, we're in the middle of such a, we're like on an ice, a frozen lake.
The cracks are coming from so many directions, it's going to be hard to guess which crack opens up the hole.
Because there are so many threat vectors right now.
Today we're focused on Syria and that could be it.
But if we go to war in Syria, you know, don't be surprised if it's not, you know, bombers and missiles, but a cyber attack in our power grid.
So, people need to seriously think about, you know, first, second, third level thinking.
And please, folks, why would Assad do a poison gas attack at this point?
It makes no sense.
Who benefits?
You know, look deeper, peel back the onion, find out who benefits from these things, and we'll have a sure sense of what's going on.
But, you know, God help us if we take major military action and take out Russians in Syria.
I mean, active duty Russians.
They'll have to respond at this point.
Do we have time for another caller or are we almost out?
Okay, well, look, we are in a dangerous time.
If you want to support the narrative, please visit the InfoWars store.
I've been writing novels on these subjects for years and years.
All of my tricks and ideas and concepts are pretty much embedded in my novels.
And other people, you know, that are writing similar things, support them.
It's not going to get easier.
It's going to get harder.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!