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Filename: 20180330_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 30, 2018
3369 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including criticism from David Hogg, promotion of InfoWarsLife products, and discussion on free speech, North Korea, and tariffs on steel. Alex Jones argues that people have a right to make comparisons between public figures and Hitler or Nazi Germany, even if those comparisons are deemed hateful by CNN. He also discusses his son's new video and the fight against globalism, expressing gratitude to family, crew, listeners, and supporters.

You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I have a confession to make.
I support the Parkland student.
I support their call for gun control.
Do I support their call for gun control because I think they're going to achieve any significant gun control measures?
I support them because this issue is perhaps the only thing that can energize conservatives and get them out to vote in the midterms.
Look what's happened in the polls since the
Because gun control is a losing issue for Democrats.
This is how he energises the base.
This is how he turns out voters.
The March for Our Lives campaign has been one huge own goal.
The left just couldn't contain their arrogance.
First it was banning bump stocks and restricting AR-15 sales.
Now it's ban all guns, take them from your cold dead hands and repeal the Second Amendment.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
Because only Trump's Nazi regime and racist police officers should be allowed to have weapons, right?
Oh yeah, and the security at gun control rallies.
But seriously, they've made a huge political error.
Notice how some Democrats responded to that New York Times op-ed.
Think Progress, Washington Post, they're all panicking.
They realize that this gun control purge has woken up Republicans from their slumber.
Listen to what the Washington Post's
The move might as well be considered an in-kind contribution to the National Rifle Association, to Republicans' efforts to keep the House and Senate in 2018, and to President Trump's 2020 re-election bid.
Don't tell them what we actually plan to do, idiots!
You might rile them up and give them a reason to vote against us!
You have over 100 million semi-automatic weapons in the United States right now.
What do you do with those?
You know what?
You give them to the military.
See, that's exactly what I mean.
How insane do you need to be to think you can disarm 70 million American gun owners of 300 million guns with no consequences whatsoever?
The left is actually that crazy.
And the fact they've let slip this agenda is blowing up in their faces.
The March for Our Lives was just a huge recruitment drive for Democrats.
Less than 10% of the attendees were children.
You really think those who organize the protests, the big Soros groups, the big democratic organizations, really care about ending gun violence?
They care about power.
But they've made a huge tactical mistake.
Gun control is as toxic an issue to the Democratic Party as Hillary Clinton was.
So let them keep talking about it.
Amplify their voices.
Don't interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake.
Look what's happened already.
Gun sales are surging again.
The midterm polls are tightening.
Even in CNN's poll, Trump's approval rating is climbing.
NRA donations more than tripled in February.
This is backfiring on the left massively.
And to conservatives,
Don't argue with teenagers.
The optics of arguing with children are terrible.
Let them talk.
Let them continue to piss off gun owners.
Gun owners who will then be more determined than ever to vote against Democrats in November.
If you criticize some of what they're saying, then all of a sudden you're the bad guy, but if you... You are the bad guy!
Yes you are!
I agree with Don Lemon.
Don't criticize the Parkland students.
Because in their rush to exploit tragedy and use children as political props, the left has made a huge miscalculation.
Encourage them.
One that could actually give conservatives a chance, this November, of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
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There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently
Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
The total war has come to mind.
Reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
Bill, vote!
On or before!
The 12th for Donald J. Trump for President!
Thank you.
That was Saturday at a rally in Florida.
Trump was asking supporters to raise their hands, vowing to vote for him in the March 15th primary.
But that led to headlines like these, where some compared that moment to something that might have happened at a rally in Nazi Germany.
We all look at Adolf Hitler in 1940.
We should look at Adolf Hitler in 1929.
He was a kind of a funny kind of character that said the things that people were thinking.
Where Donald Trump takes it, I have absolutely no idea.
But Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying.
So I had one of Hitler's speeches translated into English, and I think this tells us a lot about where Donald Trump is getting his ideas.
Look at this Hitler speech, and we've translated it for you.
Thank you!
Thank you!
We're gonna make Germany great again!
That I can tell you!
Believe me!
So when people ask why you support Donald Trump, you just tell them... He's going to take our economy from here to here.
And I like that.
My understanding is you want to clear the air because you think you're being unfavorably compared to Donald Trump.
Don't get me wrong, Conan.
I agree with a lot he says.
A lot.
Like 90% of what he says.
I'm like, this guy gets it.
But it's just... I don't like the way he says it.
It's just... It's crass.
Yeah, yeah.
Trump is very, very crass.
So, Sarah Silverson, Silverman, can dress up in a Hitler outfit and then connect it to Trump.
And you know what?
I say she has that right to absolutely do that 100% under the First Amendment, under satire,
She can do it.
He's a public figure.
But I have ordered a Hitler uniform.
It's coming.
It should be here next week.
And I guarantee you, when I put that thing on, and I get in here, and I interview one of the other crew members, say Owen Schroyer at Avonite, and I endorse Hillary, and I endorse Obama,
And then I endorse their policies that are very Hitlerian, like censorship, and invading countries, and war, and using racial-based politics to control people.
I guarantee you that there'll be thousands of news articles that I am the devil, and that it needs to be censored.
You know why I know?
Gary McBrain put together a video on Friday that was a minute and a half long,
Of David Hogg wearing an armband and giving salutes.
And he doesn't just put the fist up, he turns militarily the way Hitler would.
He's obviously being choreographed, he's being coached.
I'm not saying they're crisis actors, I'm saying they're spokespersons.
The Democratic Party and Jordan Soros, he funds it.
Private jets, buses, everything.
And when we point that out, they spin it.
Vice has put out a big report editing my video.
To make it sound like I'm saying nobody died and that Hogg is a crisis actor.
They're still doing it.
To misrepresent what I've said.
No, I'm saying out of 3,000 students, they picked four, rolled them out, deployed them.
And that's admitted.
BuzzFeed's written about it, it's a fact.
They brag about it.
The New York Times brags.
But if you look at how Hogg turns and then thrusts his arm up, that's how it's done.
As a fascist salute.
As a salute.
He clicks his heels, ladies and gentlemen, which takes it from fascista with Mussolini to the Germans added the heel clicking.
And then it becomes Austrian-Hungarian Empire salute merged with the Roman salute.
I remember one time we were in art class and they took us to the museum
And I remember the students going, we didn't know there were Nazis in Rome, because there was a famous painting of Roman generals hailing a Roman emperor, and that's the salute.
I won't even do it, because the media will grab it and say I did it, but you know, what Hitler did.
Outstretch the whole hill.
You click your heels though, baby, it's a Nazi salute.
And now I'm starting to think they baited us, putting him in the armband and having him do all that.
So they go, look, the survivors, the children, they're comparing it to Nazis.
Well, man, you're wearing armbands and clicking your heels, bro.
And say they're shaking in their boots.
We're going to get them.
And now we've got all these videos of hogs cussing and screaming and
We're going to effing shut these people up!
We're going to take them out!
Believe me, bro, I know!
CNN and your name came within inches of knocking our YouTube channel off.
It's reached billions of people.
So, people make the comparisons to Nazi youth.
Many have made that.
Gun control.
Youth movements.
The left's more akin to Mao and his youth movements, but he also took the guns.
We cover all of that.
And they turn it around and say, you're hateful, you need to be banned.
And the video that McBreen put out disappeared off of our YouTube site Saturday.
They didn't give us a strike, it just disappeared.
And then everywhere else it was, it disappeared.
And then we tried to re-upload it, and it won't let us re-upload it.
And everyone else is now reporting, just like the purge of guns two weeks ago on YouTube, and the purges before that.
They never announce them, so we point them out until Drudge points it out, then they admit they're purging.
Everyone, memes, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, anyone comparing.
Hogg and the youth movement's parallel to Nazi Germany, which are very strong parallels.
Is being banned or blocked.
And then there's all these news articles attacking me saying, why is Jones still even online?
Banned him for calling David Hogg a Nazi.
Well, even if I did call him a Nazi, he's a public figure and I can make those parallels.
And then if he wanted to try to take me to court and win a lawsuit, which he wouldn't, then...
Then, maybe YouTube could take down a video.
But no, the argument from the left is, ban anyone that says the left is racist, or the left is connected to Hitler.
And then we show you the art, and the memes that we didn't even create, that compare him to a brown shirt, and then they have the Daily Mail say, look what Jones made!
So, they also journalistically misrepresent
What we've covered, and what we've done, and what we're showing you.
You know, when CNN shows Hogg compared to Hitler, and shows somebody else's work, was CNN saying Hogg was Hitler?
These are the semantical games they play, and they have total disdain for you.
Look, it's people's right.
David Hogg's a public figure trying to take an American basic right, and they go, well he's a survivor.
You know, I think the shooting happened.
I think he was there.
We can play the video where he says he was at home and rode his bike there.
Then he said he was always there during the shooting.
Then he's in there doing interviews while the shooting's going on, supposedly.
And all I'm saying is, if somebody says something, and then they say something completely different, I have a right, whether they're a public figure or not, and he is a public figure, to then say, that's a little interesting.
I question that.
I think that's interesting.
And look, people are making these memes.
I knew something was off about that kid.
Made three days ago, but there's just thousands of these.
And they're saying you can't do that.
Meanwhile, Hillary...
Moderator at Rutgers invokes Nazism and Trump, and then Hillary talks about how scared she is.
That's coming up.
So, again, they say the OK sign is Nazi.
They say just having short hair is evil, if you're a white guy.
Everything's Nazi.
Everyone's a Nazi.
Hitler's, you know, taking over.
Trump's Hitler.
I'm Hitler.
But then they've got their public figure out there actually clicking his heel and doing fascist salutes.
We're like, man, this is creepy.
They're like, you can't say that!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you, it's hard to do the show right now.
I walked out there during the break, and one of the crew members, a good friend of mine that I've known for, like, nine years, looked like... Well, he looked super alive.
He looked, uh, upset.
I said, what's going on?
He told me his brother is a friend of mine.
Their baby, two weeks early, died with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck.
He said the saddest part was seeing his brother's wife hold the baby this morning.
And I said, you need to get back down to the Braunfels.
You need to get out of here.
You need to go.
But it just hit me how precious life is and how precious my little
11 month old daughter is how sweet she is what an angel and then what abortion does and then how they sell the body parts and how on one hand we know how precious children are and if a man shoots a woman who's six months pregnant he gets a double double homicide count against him but when the government does it it's okay and I'm not here judging people who've had abortions that's how they get you in the trap
Is, you know, you've had abortions, you've been involved in abortions.
I have.
The media then goes, Jones is a hypocrite.
He admits he's been involved in abortions and he's against them.
Yeah, it's called the space-time continuum.
It's called, when I was a teenager, I did bad things and I pledged to never do it again and I haven't.
And I got four children.
And I thank my lucky stars every time they're healthy and they're born.
And then I just, I have nightmares about it.
I have serious guilt.
Anytime I think about the globalists killing me or something bad happening, I just think about the children and I have no fear, just zero.
When I think about what I've done.
I mean, if someday I'm in some globalist prison and they're torturing me, I deserve it because of what I did to my children.
I'm a murderer.
I've paid money.
I've killed 10 of my children that I know of.
Murdered them.
The difference is, I'm sorry, and I know I'm wrong, and I repent.
And I was young and stupid.
And I believed the propaganda.
And most of the girls wanted to have the abortions, but a couple of them didn't.
And I think about those magic children I'd have today.
But you know what?
I wouldn't have the children I have today if I'd had children back then.
It's all part of life.
So I don't judge you.
God judges you.
And it's the heart that matters.
But, you think about these Satanists and these Globalists, they love it!
They love it!
When I first went out and covered, and then ended up being part of anti-abortion demonstrations in Austin, back in the mid-90s,
I remember how scared the women were going in those places of not of us, 100 yards away, but of what they were about to do.
And once they get them in there, they pressure them to do it.
Those women don't even know they can be paid between $50,000 and $300,000 to have the baby through an adoption agency.
And then they'll get the person a job afterwards.
And there's more people wanting to adopt every year than there are even abortions.
People don't know that.
There's a whole market.
But the globalists want those kids dead.
And the left always says, nobody wants black babies.
And then the left fights to make sure whites can't adopt blacks so they can kill them.
That's what Margaret Sanger did.
That's what the left is.
The left is the real KKK.
I don't just say that.
The Democratic Party is the most upset it is right now.
The Democratic Party today is the most upset it's been about the resurgence and free market and nationalism.
They're the most upset they've been since the end of the Civil War when slavery got abolished.
Think about that.
That's not a statement or a bumper sticker.
That's who these crazy people are.
And we go out to these abortion clinics and
The pro-abortion people would show up, and they always had satanic tattoos on them.
They always were like, shrugged out, looked like their soul was sucked.
They could be black, they could be white, but their skin looks kind of green.
You've seen the videos.
And they just go... And they're not even trying to act like they're possessed to freak us out.
They are just whacked out of their minds, and they always go...
We love murdering children, and we love it.
We're gonna keep killing them.
And we love Satan, and I love killing my own babies.
And I've killed a lot of them.
You'll see, like, you know, the little wannabe vampire pib guy, you know, sitting there going, yeah, I've paid for hundreds of abortions.
It's my religion.
I love it.
And that is who they are.
And they're there with black tarps coming and trying to block our signs.
And it's like,
Not an art project for them.
You couldn't try to look that evil in Soul Sucked.
Because even the tar papers all wrinkled and they can hardly lift their arms up to do it.
It's real.
And they love how they're desiccated in Soul Sucked.
Oh, we love how ugly we are and how much we smell and how we hate our children.
We want to murder children.
And this is on video.
You're like, oh my God, this is real.
These people really don't have an operating system that's in this universe with God.
They are jacked into like Avatar by Slimer on PCP.
And it's just amazing to see that.
And it's amazing to understand that.
The name of the video is Communist Attack Alex Jones at Anti-Abortion Protest.
That's the name of the video.
And it's just incredible to see what these people are like.
And then to know they're the people running YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
We have the behind-the-scenes videos.
They're the ones.
They hate Christians.
They hate God.
They hate free market.
They hate success.
And you're like, but you're working in the power structure.
And they just giggle at you because they're just completely twisted.
I gotta take this phone call.
Yeah, roll some of this video.
Roll some of this video.
Go ahead and roll some of the Satanist...
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
And how many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
F**k you, you piece of s**t!
Bunch of misogynist motherf**kers.
Take your male privilege somewhere else.
I'm being aggressive.
These are the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
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I want to plow into all of this, but I'm going to spend a few minutes here first, just encouraging listeners to understand that when you buy t-shirts, or water filtration systems, or books, or videos, or other material from InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the revolution.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Aborted babies incinerated to eat in UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Bilderberg Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So, enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
If you just watch or listen to that piece we put together like four years ago, that is real-world hospitals being heated with baby parts, fetuses being used for the production of vaccines, cosmetics, flavor testing for Pepsi,
Mixed with the 1970s sci-fi film Silent Green.
So you see how we're here.
We don't have to be here.
It's not a dystopia.
They're making it a dystopia.
And it's very, very critical that we become conscious of this.
You know, I started the broadcast out with all the huge news we've got with the fact that
We now know, because now the public's paying attention to what the big tech companies have been doing, that they are the royalty, they are the new aristocracy, and that they are completely above the law.
Judicial Watch just got more documents where they are kept in private, gilded, government-paid-for facilities
And then it expanded under Obama with the government jets and everything else and that the tech companies have been merged with the Democratic Party as a breakaway civilization.
And that's now Fox News reporting on that, calling it that.
A new government, a new civilization, a whole nother technological separate gilded group
You know, they got this Netflix show about the Maharaji, you know, out in Oregon and all the rest of it, and all the nightmare sex cult stuff, and it's tied into Ariana Huffington and the rest of it.
That's nothing compared to Google.
The Google execs come into rooms of the other executives in an amphitheater, and then everyone has to chant, you are a golden dragon, you are an ornate building.
You go, well, that's silly.
No, that's not silly.
That's a Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinking drill.
You know, they did Kool-Aid drinking drills three times a day.
They did it thousands of times.
And finally, when it was the real Kool-Aid with the cyanide, bye-bye!
Everybody gulped it down.
And that's what the left's doing with all of this, is... Trudeau saying, we're going to take the word fatherland or motherland out of the National Anthem, and now we're not going to have mother on forms.
It's hurtful.
Say that again.
Imagine a science fiction movie in the fifties where, in the future, the word mother is illegal.
Remember I used to tell you that one day it'll be a conspiracy theory that women ever had uteruses or had babies, or that breasts were mammary glands and produced milk?
That's the asexual world that the UN envisioned before it was even founded.
That's in Brave New World Revisited, the non-fiction book, 1961.
I keep going back to that because you can go read
The brother of the head of the World Eugenics Society saying, my brother taught me all this.
This is their plan.
They're going to end the family one day.
Their goal is to basically have the family broken up by the year 2000.
Well, they're behind, but boy, they're trying to catch up.
You understand?
This is real, folks.
And they attack it from saying, get rid of the family at one level or bring in 10 million Muslims and let them date your nine-year-old daughter and have the Swedish government put out a manual on adult men with minor daughters.
Yeah, in fact, the government of Alberta has now banned the words mother and father in schools.
You don't use it!
And you're like, wow!
That's next level.
It has nothing to do with a man that wants to take hormones and wants to be a woman.
There are people inclined that way.
I'm a libertarian.
That's your issue.
You just, once you can't criticize that or even use the word, I mean, Twitter calls us, Facebook calls us and they say, we don't care.
You're not allowed to use the word tranny.
We don't care if you're not even attacking those people.
We've got the recordings back there.
We recorded them.
And I'm sitting there in these phone calls, and Rob Zuse in these phone calls, our news director, going, uh, that is a term created by that community, and it's free speech anyways, and Facebook said in 2017, and Twitter, they had a meeting and decided they were banning it.
You understand, that's these tech giants.
They sit around and they go, well, we're gonna have a big contest in 2019,
We're going to have a big global vote, and she's that way, if the people vote that they want words banned, then we'll do it.
No, no.
It is dangerous speech that is the protected speech.
It is political speech that is the most protected.
But they're going to have a vote, Google and Facebook and Twitter next year, they've announced it, on banning the words, he and she.
Queue up the music for Twilight Zone.
And people are like, that's a bunch of crazy liberals on them universities!
They're not, it's, that's where they're getting the brainwashed core to go out and man all this.
But it's already coming out with AI algorithms, all the other systems.
They're getting rid of everything!
And if they can ban Mama!
Or Dada!
Or he or she!
They can ban it all!
Next stop!
The New World Order Zone.
This isn't fiction.
It's a real place.
You're living in it right now.
Breakaway civilization has siphoned off human ingenuity and technology to build separate reservations for the elite who believe they're about to merge with machines and live forever.
Next stop is the Info War.
Next stop is, do you care?
Because you're being told what's going on.
You see it now.
And that's why they have to destroy me.
And why they're throwing everything evil they've got at us right now to censor us and take us down and block us and you name it.
It's because they're making their big move.
This is it.
Now we come back.
We've got a lot of incredible news that we need to get to.
Trump saying pull out of Syria.
That is in countermanding with each state.
This is huge, really good news.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones!
I want to get into the really good Syria news and why it's so seismic in a moment.
But first, just getting back to what I covered at the beginning of the broadcast.
Sarah Silverman, Charlie Chaplin in the old days, John Cleese, Monty Python, they all dressed up like Hitler and made fun of Nazis.
And nobody said, hey, you shouldn't be able to do that.
And the Democrats compare
Anybody who isn't a total globalist leftist to Nazis and say you're racist.
And then if we make real parallels to the Youth March and George Soros, a real Nazi collaborator, who's the main funder of it.
I mean, that's a direct line.
And then David Hogg's clicking his heels and turning and doing fascist style salutes.
Heel clicking?
It's getting more and more bizarre.
And then they're banning videos or articles on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube that show that and won't even let you upload the original videos.
It's mind-blowing that we're seeing these parallels and they're saying we can't do that.
And then Hillary gets up on the stage and says Trump is attacking the press or the press is under attack.
No, they attack Trump, he speaks back.
That's not attacking the press.
The mainstream press is trying to get rid of free speech, trying to shut down anybody that's in competition with them, because they can't handle the truth.
The lie has to suppress the truth, historically.
That's Hitlerian!
To the maximum!
Taking the guns is what the authoritarians did!
It's what they do.
It's how our country got founded was the redcoats coming to take the guns.
But now, oh, you get some young adult survivors or something who come out and want everybody's rights.
And so, oh, you can't talk back to them.
You have to let them do whatever they want.
You have to give up your right to them.
You have to give up your free speech.
Think about that.
That is so dangerous.
That is happening.
And the left and the media just wants to sneak this in, kind of slide it under
Where nobody kind of notices this big, massive thing they're doing, and they've chosen InfoWars as the poster child to misrepresent who we are, to then sell the idea of banning people from the internet or banning people's speech.
But notice Laura Ingram.
Laura Ingram, very smart, intellectual, good lady.
She rightfully goes, oh, look at Hogg.
Whining that he can't get into four colleges.
Which, that's a pretty weird thing to talk about.
Oh, I can't get into any colleges.
Well, your grades must not be good enough.
So is he, like, saying that?
Maybe Harvard should give you an honorary degree then.
She apologizes for that.
And, of course, loses more sponsors.
Love to know what idiot publicist is advising her.
And Hobbes goes, I do not accept your apology.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We put up a video over the weekend of him cussing and yelling and saying he hates adults and he's just like a super horrible thug-like brat is how he behaves.
And there's a new video that Vice put out of him very proud.
But if we play it and say, man, this is really thug-like,
It'll be banned, because he is the new royalty!
He has free speech, he can call me a piece of SH, you know what?
He can call me a con man, he can call me a piece of crap, he called me a whole bunch of names!
But I'm not allowed to say, wow, you just clipped your heels, dude, in front of a giant crowd of people.
They're shaking, we're coming to get them!
Give us an inch, we'll take it a mile!
On and on and on.
And then we've got these profanity-laced videos coming up in the next hour, new ones, where Hogg just goes off for like 30 minutes like, well, these scum out there saying I'm a crisis actor, we need to shut them up!
See how that works?
Remember when he was on with the head of Axios on C-SPAN on Monday?
The Axios guy goes, there's people like Infowars and Alex Jones that are saying, nobody died and you're a crisis actor.
See, because Axios knows I could sue them for that.
So they slip it in there, a little bit slicker.
With Axios and Gruber and all these guys, it's how to con people.
How do we get up here and lie and get something over on somebody yet again?
So it's the craziest thing.
You got an 18-year-old young man and a bunch of other people funded by Soros, a real Nazi collaborator on record, trying to take our Second Amendment the country got started over,
And we're not even able to supposedly criticizing.
That means the censorship is already here, folks.
And it's getting more intense by the day.
And then we're all supposed to conform, I guess.
Because then we won't have access to the Internet.
We won't have access to our friends.
We won't have... That's how they get you.
Addicted and then locked in to their Internet ghetto that Matt Drudge warned of.
Two years ago in this studio.
Right over there.
Such a rare interview.
I think I'm gonna put a plaque on the wall, actually, over there.
I'm sure that's crazy.
I almost had a heart attack when he walks in.
I'm at Matt Drudge.
Like, he only does, like, one interview every couple years.
Like, oh, I just won the golden ticket at Charlie's Chocolate Factory.
Anyways, the truth is, I'm a libertarian.
Anybody that really listens knows what we stand for.
They know it makes perfect sense.
And that's why they want to stand.
Because they can't deal with it.
And they want to shut you up.
I would love to see her go.
David Hogg says Laura Ingraham should be booted from Fox News if changes are not made.
David Hogg says get her off the air!
Just take the rights, just like David Hogg's got CNN trying to take me off the air.
And so my son, this morning, he's off for Easter, he said I want to come into work, I want to challenge Hogg.
My son's in the Daily Mail, you name it.
Video's gone viral of him challenging Hogg to a debate.
Almost no direction.
I wasn't even there when my son shot that, and it's gold.
Better than I do.
Oh, and by the way, some of the leftists are online saying, he's a child, his father's using him, get him off!
Oh, I see George Soros can get people that are 17, you know, years old, 18, have them go do what he wants, but my real son, who wants to be on air,
He doesn't get to have his free speech.
Oh, I see.
Isn't it terrible how Alex Jones uses his son to go out and interview people on the street and to then challenge Hogg.
He's a conservative.
He's a Christian.
Rex is a libertarian.
He doesn't have a right!
Why, don't compare the left to Hitler!
We only compare everybody to Hitler for no reason with no evidence!
When we're in fascist uniforms with armbands, clicking our heels and turning, in military leadership, it's okay!
Don't compare it!
Because I'm the new public figure!
I'm the new liberal messiah, David Hogg, and I have free speech, but nobody else does!
And if I want to wear skinny black ties and white shirts with dark armbands and click my heels and get funded by George Soros, a literal Nazi, then it's okay!
Because I am the Great and Powerful Oz!
I am the Great and Powerful Incredible His Majesty
David Hogg!
That's where we are in 2018, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, I haven't gotten to the good news yet, and I will get to, oh, it's incredible what Syria means, why it's so critical.
Hillary, you know, and they're like,
I never thought there'd be a Holocaust for Jews in America, but now with Trump, it's like, oh my God, exactly!
His son-in-law's an Orthodox Jew, and he's recognizing Israel, and is an Israel firster!
Oh my God, the Nazis are everywhere!
Meanwhile, they dress up like Nazis and have them go support Trump.
Democrats get caught doing that.
All that's okay.
But boy, don't you compare
Norton Soros' little piglet.
Don't you talk about that public figure.
They're shaking in their boots.
They're afraid to debate me.
They said that on another show.
They're like, by the way, they're afraid to debate me.
They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
They're all shaking in their boots.
They're shaking in their boots.
Let me collect my heels for you.
And then, if we talk about that and say, that's a little creepy,
Oh no, we're going to have to ban you off Twitter, Facebook, or wherever, because you don't criticize.
The savior of the liberals!
Mr. and Mrs. America!
Turn them all in!
Didn't even plug this hour!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Imagine the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
It's the flaming wreckage of China's first space station!
Tiangong-1, aka Heavenly Palace, was launched by China in 2011, but it was pretty much immediately plagued by technical difficulties which culminated in March of 2016.
We're good to go.
Second so while they've been able to more or less pin that down They cannot say yet as to where it will land because of the speed that's traveling 17,000 miles an hour even just a slight miscalculation or a slight change in the atmosphere means it could land anywhere
Pretty much anywhere on Earth.
Specifically between 43 degrees north and 43 degrees south in latitude as that is the orbital range of this flying piece of scrap metal.
Now the 8.5 ton piece of metal is about the size of the school bus.
It's pretty much impossible to accurately pin down exactly where it will land.
However, if you do want to keep an eye on it, you can go to the Aerospace Corps website where they have a re-entry dashboard.
Now, most of the scientists are quick to point out just what a small chance
of being hit by a piece of debris is.
Most of it will be burned up upon re-entry.
However, there will be, they say, a 1240 mile long by 43 mile wide path of destruction as the satellite breaks up and scatters its parts all over the face of the earth wherever it happens to land.
If you do happen to be in the path of this falling satellite, they say keep away from it because there is a chance that not
Not all of the fuel will be burned up and that the pieces that fall to earth will be contaminated by a highly toxic and corrosive jet fuel, rocket fuel called hydrazine.
But still they say that the chance of you actually getting hit is about one in a trillion.
Now that's what they say your chance of getting hit.
I don't know what the chances are of somebody getting hit.
I can say that my chance of winning the Powerball is one in a trillion, but the chance that somebody will win the Powerball is significantly higher.
However, they're not giving us numbers to
Determine exactly what that probability is.
However, as you can see from this diagram, there's no shortage of cities with populations over 1 million in the potential path of this falling debris.
So, there is a danger that this is going to land in a populated area, mostly because the Chinese lost any ability to control the path down.
If you remember the Skylab in the 1970s, that was a space station that America had crashed to the Earth after some technical malfunctions.
However, they were able to more or less control the path and try to steer it away from populated areas.
That's not an option with this satellite.
The strange thing is that this is not the first time this year that falling space debris has been an issue for China.
Let's look back to launch of the Long March 3B Terrier rocket on February 12th.
Now that was launched in China and as you can see from the video, you see these booster rockets fall off.
You've probably seen that before if you've seen other rocket launches in America.
The space shuttle or other such rockets, they would typically do it over the ocean and the boosters would fall into the water.
The SpaceX
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So thank you all for remembering InfoWareStore.com and remembering that it's not just you that's already awake, but it's other people that aren't awake, and it's so essential to spread the word.
Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
I ended up spending most of the last hour getting into the incredible free speech crackdown happening on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and every other leftist controlled tech giant.
And it's all over the news, in new Judicial Watch documents, you name it, about how Google, Facebook, and Twitter were merged with the White House.
They had government lavish facilities, five-star, private jets, everything.
We already knew all that.
Google is based in old NASA bases.
Google is NASA.
Google is a division
Of the whole Space Command grid.
And that's the deep state.
And Trump is in there, and Trump is now understanding this.
And Trump is now going to move on.
But Google has the NSA satellites, it has the NASA systems, it has everything.
And now look, the Washington Post is
That's Jeff Bezos' mouthpiece.
Congress wants to drag Google and Twitter into Facebook's privacy crisis.
Because they've all been doing what they've been doing just as bad.
What, you just think Zuckerberg's the only one breaking in your cell phone and stealing all your data?
With AI computers?
Google wrote the book on it.
Twitter does it.
Twitter reads your private messages.
Microsoft just told everybody in their terms of service
You got any Microsoft devices on your television, your computer, your Xbox, your Kinect, we're going into your computer and we're going to read all your private messages and we're going to watch all your private videos and everything you got stored on there.
Hey, I'll give it to the South Koreans, you know, three years ago, they were more honest.
They said, we're listening to everything you do in your house.
We're selling the data.
So watch what you say.
They actually said, watch what you say and what you do.
Androids lacks app permissions may have allowed Facebook to collect users call logs and text messages without their knowledge.
So all that's going on and you've got all these arrogant people that run the algorithms at YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and they've said you're not allowed to make comparisons to David Hogg and to fascism.
And they're now expanding it.
You can't do it.
To Hillary.
You can't do it to Obama.
And that's what I saw last night and this morning.
They've gone in the space of five, six days.
They started on Saturday, banning anybody that compared the youth march, funded by the oldest living Nazi collaborator.
You make a comparison, we're gonna block you, we're gonna ban you.
And now the reports are rolling in.
You don't do it to Hillary, because it's bullying.
There's a woman that said she came to a country she saw, and he died, and then hundreds of thousands died, and she put jihadists in power that sell women into slavery.
She's a political operative, a criminal, huge criminal past.
But now they're saying, oh, you can't criticize Hillary Clinton now.
And that's what Hillary was getting to when she was at Rutgers yesterday.
This woman goes, my mother survived the Holocaust and I never thought it could come here, but you know, with Trump.
And then Hillary's like, yes, yes.
And the attacks on the press are very worrisome.
Trump's not getting rid of the press's freedom.
He stands up to them.
They punch him, he punches back.
Hillary had Google rigging the polls, rigging the questions, rigging the information,
If you tried to search Hillary death list or Clinton crimes, you couldn't find it.
So as a culture, we have to make a big deal out of this, but I'll tell you the good news.
It's here.
Trump is figuring all this out.
Bezos and Amazon and Google and all of them.
Schmidt just left a month ago.
The head of Goldman Sachs is leaving.
And you see the heads of all these other companies getting ready to leave.
And dad's home and you know, he had a party while he was gone and he tore the house up.
But you're in trouble now.
So just because all these Democrats and globalists took over the whole NSA grid, rolled out all this spy tech system, and think they're God, and think they're going to censor everybody, and think they're going to arrest all their opposition, and think they're going to have Antifa go around and hit people in the head with bike locks, and you think you're going to, you know, sue folks for their free speech, and pay people to make up outlandish lies about
Yours truly.
It's not going to work.
So Bezos just lost 30 plus million dollars into one week.
That is a man who reportedly is so greedy that he'd fight you to the death over a nickel.
Who treats his employees the worst in the United States rated.
And then of course Apple's even worse.
They have suicide nets and forced drugging and forced abortion and the most nightmare facilities in the world.
Yeah, Dr. Evil ain't got nothing on Bezos.
He's the real Dr. Evil.
I will destroy the Earth unless you give me 30 billion dollars.
You just want 30 billion?
Would you like to use 30 billion more?
Who's Bezos' mini-me?
Well, I can't say David Hogg, he's a public figure and says everyone's shaking in their boots and that, you know, he's gonna destroy everyone.
We've got profanity-laced videos coming up.
But that's okay!
Because he's a victim, so now whatever he wants, he gets.
Like he said, I want Laura Ingraham out of there!
I want her fired!
Hogg's like, I've already, I've tried it at four colleges, no one's, you know,
We're like, man, that's a little, you know, complaining that a college hadn't let you in.
Well, I guess he just deserves a degree.
In fact, I think they should give him a Harvard doctorate.
And then, Laura Ingraham rolls over in fear, and then wonders why more sponsors are leaving, and Hogg is now pressing everything.
Because it's not Hogg, folks.
They get up there, they've got their statements.
That is Handgun Control Incorporated, chapter and verse.
It'd be like if he was a guitar player who's heard of playing Stairway to Heaven, and, uh,
I went, hey, you didn't write that song.
Led Zeppelin did.
And they went, don't stop that bullying!
You don't know that he didn't write Stairway to Heaven!
And you say, what are you talking about?
I know Handgun Control Incorporated and Violence Policy Center and
Southern Poverty Law Center and all of it verbatim out of all their mouths.
It just spews out of it.
They're up there on a Jordan Soros set, chanting Democratic Party slogans.
That's what they do.
It's like, how dare you say no one died?
And how dare you say he's from California and an actor?
And I'm like, I didn't say that.
Yes, you did.
Show me.
Well, we can't, but we want you banned.
And I'm like, I don't even care if I did say that, which I didn't.
I have the right to say it!
I don't believe a word comes out of this media.
They've been caught lying and staging so much stuff.
But, I think the school shooting happened from my own research and talking to other students.
I knew there was a stand-down.
We first reported that.
And what were the videos YouTube took down saying I was bullying Hogg?
Saying nobody died or that he was a crisis actor?
It wasn't that.
It was students, real students, saying there was a stand-down.
And boy, three days after the shooting, they didn't want that out in the news.
Of course, now everybody knows it!
Alright, I'm going to stop and discipline myself.
I'm done.
I just cannot believe this is a coordinated disinformation operation with a bunch of globalists inside Bezos' operation, you name it.
The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, trying to kill the First and Second Amendment, and I'm not going to sit here and stand and take it!
And instead of bowing to this bullying, we need to double down!
Stay with us!
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones, who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
I don't know
What happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that?
The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign to influence voters in the election and then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Hillary Clinton has no instincts.
She thought that the media should attack Trump to make him the dominant candidate.
This is in the emails, the WikiLeaks, show that he'd be easier for her to beat.
But of course, instinct-wise, we knew he was the only one that could beat her.
She's so stuff suit, so establishment, so OCD.
And then they thought, let's use Alex Jones against Trump in the campaign.
And all the numbers showed it only made Trump more popular.
And only made us more popular.
And still, it's the John Podesta playbook that was admittedly written for Hillary, the Dark Heart speech, when she announced the alt-right and said, I'm the biggest enemy and I've got to be taken down and we're all Nazis.
And the same blueprint, a year and a half later, two years later, we're still under.
And they just don't stop.
And they just go with the same one.
Just like they said that I said nobody died at Sandy Hook.
When I didn't say that, I did the Devil's Advocate debate.
They clipped it.
They say I say nobody died at Parkland.
It's just... John Podesta's not even in charge anymore, but the left is still at their command stations going, Empress Hillary, what do we do?
Well, the last order came in about two years ago.
We just keep repeating this stuff over and over again.
Nazi, Hitler, ban their speech.
No one died at the thing.
Hillary didn't fall down.
Hitler, Nazi, Nazi, Hitler.
Racist, racist, misogynist.
And it's so cult-like.
You go to Hillary's Twitter.
There's no men.
It's just all women, and only what women are doing, and how women are the answer, and men are bad.
We're a species!
Imagine if you started seeing TV shows going, you know, it's the male killer whales that are bad, or you know, it's the male woodpeckers you can't trust.
You'd be like, male woodpeckers?
It's a species.
We don't go.
You know, it's the female black widows you gotta worry about, actually, that they are the ones that are more venomous.
And they do kill their husband as well.
He ties her legs up before he mates with her.
That's part of the ritual.
That gets her excited.
And he sits there and he ties her legs up and then he does the deed and runs away as quickly as possible.
Well, she needs his protein, that meal, for making the eggs.
But the survival of the fittest, can he get away quickly without being eaten by his dearie?
Anyways, Hillary looking like a demon goblin, is the best way to describe it.
Looking a bit long in the old thing.
She had a lot to say, we'll get to that in a moment.
But first, Trump, this is so seismic.
Just like last year by saying, oh Trump's going to invade Syria and he's not going to pull out and follow the agreement that we made with the Russians years ago.
And I said, funny, he told me that, no, that's a bunch of bull.
We're going to get out of there.
We're going to stabilize it first.
And now he's come out and he's done that.
And he said those exact things.
And it shows the neocons, everybody else that have been trying to not let him know the real situation on the ground, because it is so incredibly complex.
I study it all the time and I can barely keep track of it.
But Trump sees right through it and is going with the agreement that General Flynn and Dempsey made five years ago with the Russians in countervailance of the leftist Obama shadow government.
It was basically a patriot deep state checkmate move where Obama was told, we're not going to be Al Qaeda's air force, how dare you Benghazi, how dare you give the missiles to Al Qaeda?
So they rebranded ISIS to confuse everybody, but Trump saw through that, you saw through that, Ram Paul saw through it, Ted Cruz saw through it.
The military saw through it.
And so now Trump, these years later, is really trying to stabilize things and really trying to pull out of the country.
And saying, we're not going to be in the middle of this.
And that is the agreement that was made with the Russians, by the military, blocking Obama and the globalist expansion.
And by the way, the Russians said,
You better make this deal because we're going to fight you in Syria.
We let you do Libya.
We know you're destabilizing everything to destabilize the Russian border.
We let you do Iraq.
We're not going to let you do it.
And our military said, you know what?
You're right.
This is really crazy.
Why are we helping Al Qaeda and ISIS anyways?
And history happened.
So now Trump is actually following the deal that was made that's moral.
But he's also telling Iran, you sit down and shut up, and you stop starting fights.
And if you come back into Syria, and you try to destabilize it yourself, we're gonna bomb you.
How's that sound?
He told Saudi Arabia, you sit down, you stop it, or we're gonna overthrow you.
And now...
The back of your belly and think, oh, Trump's weird.
He wants stabilization.
That's weird.
That was our policy until the 70s, till the mid 60s.
The U.S.
didn't used to be Dr. Evil, just running around being pure evil.
I mean, if the Spanish Empire had already collapsed for 100 years, the U.S.
is like, we'll take it.
And then free market economics.
But that's it.
But now we've become this globalist empire.
So we'll see if Russia plays nice on that front, but there are major escalations.
This is a major de-escalation and shows Trump is really dealing fair.
And it stunned the Russians that he actually said he's going to do what he said.
Now watch what the globalists do.
They're going to pull something, some new crisis, but we'll see what happens.
Here's what the president said about this yesterday.
And by the way, we're knocking the hell out of ISIS.
We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon.
Let the other people take care of it now.
Very soon.
Very soon, we're coming out.
We're gonna have 100% of the caliphate, as they call it, sometimes referred to as land.
We're taking it all back, quickly.
And of course, he goes in the speech, we've spent 7 trillion in the Middle East,
I was against the destabilization operation that the globalists launched.
Iraq, that's what he's saying.
And we're going back to the pragmatic stabilization model.
And we're not going to be part of this weird, crazy globalist operation anymore to try to put radical Muslims in charge of Europe and Eastern Europe and Asia.
So you can bring down Russia?
Let the Muslims take over and have all the nuclear weapons?
Is that your really dandy idea?
Let me tell you something.
If the West wants to take over Russia, the West just needs to do economic deals with Russia.
But see, the globalists don't want the Russians to be Christian or have their own sovereignty.
Economically, the globalists could be in there like flies on you-know-what, but they don't want that.
They want to keep Russia super poor under their control, bring it down, and then they can have one more big run just torturing Christians and stomping their guts out.
I mean, it was like a liberal playground.
American leftists, you name it, all over the world went to Russia to be part of special units where they could just rape and murder Christians.
I mean, you know that's what the left wants to do here, and that's what they do.
They just want to get your wife and children in a room and rape them and blow their heads off.
They always do it.
I mean, that's what they do.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I've been wanting to get this lady on for a while.
We're going to her in about a minute.
Katie Hopkins over in the UK, but she's in the U.S.
a lot.
Banned off Twitter.
They want her kicked off TV.
Now David Hogg wants Laura Ingraham off Fox News.
Because he said, I've tried to get in at four colleges and couldn't.
And he said, oh look, you're whining.
They're like, oh my gosh, you can't talk bad about a guy that wants to take your right.
Because he is a victim.
Well, he's an adult.
He's projecting onto American gun owners that we did something to him.
No, the Sheriff's Department stood down.
And the guy was on Prozac drugs, and they knew he was planning something, and the whole school said he was planning something, and the police were told over and over again, and the FBI was told, Laura Ingram didn't shoot your classmates.
I didn't.
And it's wrong if somebody else does something to then say somebody else is to blame.
I guess Katie Hoppins is back on Twitter now.
I just always read about her.
Banned here, banned there.
Now they say, look what this woman said.
Get her off!
And then I go hear what she said.
It makes total sense.
Because the left is going into total censorship mode.
Now she's got a new book out.
We'll tell you about that as well.
She's done a lot of things, like spending two days and nights on Skid Row in London, 1600, right before the outbreak of bubonic plague.
Yeah, that's happening now.
The UK banning American and Canadian activists.
Oh, yeah.
Now, they haven't started putting out child sex brochures to Muslims like they are doing now in Sweden, but they're very, very, very close.
It's crazy.
And now we're seeing people convicted and folks facing prison time because they had Hitler
Now again, Sarah Silverman, she can dress up like Hitler and go on TV and make jokes.
John Cleese could.
Charlie Chaplin could.
But not conservatives.
Not libertarians.
We're not allowed to not just have platforms, we're not allowed to be involved in humor.
Only the Hollywood royalty.
They are the only ones.
And if Hogg clicks his heels and
Engages in all these activities and says he wants our rights and it's funded by Jordan Soros, a Nazi collaborator.
If we say that, we need to be banned because... Well, that's because David Hogg's God, ladies and gentlemen.
So, Katie Hopkins, thank you so much for joining us.
What do you want to tackle first?
I mean, just the incredible assault on free speech?
First up, Laura Ingram.
You know, one of the really important things is that you never apologise.
Never apologise, it only encourages them.
The minute you come out and say sorry, the first thing they're going to say back to you is, oh, well, your sorry was too late.
Oh, your sorry was only sorry because now you're losing your sponsors.
Your sorry wasn't good enough.
If you thought about what you said, you wouldn't be sorry.
So saying sorry never works.
It's the worst strategy Fox could have adopted to try and protect her.
And I think what we need to do more of is look for sponsors and commercial partners who are allies who will stand with us no matter what our personal views are.
I think it's disgusting that certain brands like TripAdvisor or Hulu or whatever have decided that in order to appease David Hogg, a small child,
They will withdraw sponsorship from lovely Laura Ingram, who's a fighter, she's a foster mother, she's a great woman.
And I think these sponsors need to be targeted in the same way we did with Hannity and others, to say, no, you are not going to decide the agenda here in this nation.
You are just a corporate making money by selling products.
Do what you do and sell your products and shut up.
You're absolutely right, but I happen to know the inside baseball on Fox, and the coup they had with Ailes, and then how they got rid of O'Reilly, and how they're trying to get rid of Hannity.
The Suns want to segue it into being more like CNN.
They've said that.
They're liberals.
Look at Fox programming, the rest of it's very globalist.
I mean, look what it does there in the UK.
So it's kind of a mixed bag.
But they want to act like
These hosts are getting destroyed because of their own action, and they want to be able to intimidate their host to convince their audience to kind of do what Glenn Beck did and sell out.
So that's the process is they want Fox News to basically kill itself, but they don't want to get the blame.
And so that's why they have these corporate guys advise them to do something which they know, just like Tiger Woods apologizing, will destroy them.
So Laura Ingram is being marched in front of a firing squad by Fox.
Go ahead.
No, you're fine.
I agree with you absolutely, in fact, and many of the times that I've worked on various outlets, when I have my own radio show, you know, it's the most performing, best listened to commercial radio show, and then your bosses love the fact that you're the best performing show, that you have the most listeners, but the moment any kind of
Flashback happens, any kind of, you know, horror story, a tweet that I did that nobody liked, whatever.
The bosses are so quick to run away, to say, oh no, we'll let her go.
And I think that's it.
This whole kind of media, the place we try and base ourselves, you and I, it lacks
It lacks backbone.
It lacks the guys that employ you that say, I stand with her.
These are her opinions.
We've employed her for them.
We're happy with her on the good days and we'll stand by her on the bad days.
And we don't have enough platforms just like that.
Well, that's right.
There are a lot of good people at Fox, by the way, and I know you do some work with them, so I'm sure you have your own inside baseball.
It's just that that is one way that Fox lost a bunch of its viewers about a year and a half ago, but they came back because Fox then got more hardcore again, and that's what the people want, and it's the truth.
If you watch Tucker Carlson or watch you or anybody that's on Fox, it all makes perfect sense, and that's why people are watching.
I think Tucker is this kind of ray of light.
He's kind of my hope in all of the media landscape that we have.
Tucker is my kind of inspiration for the sort of show that we know Americans want and the British people would love a show like Tucker.
You know, being on there the other night with Mark Stein, with Jordan Peterson, I was bringing my report live from Skid Row.
You know, that's the sort of outlet we need where people are just telling their truth
And the American people can decide whether they agree with them or they disagree.
Too many of our media outlets seem to think we need to be able to agree to even show each other.
There was never a bar that said we have to agree before we can even sit at the table together.
We don't need to agree to be able to share our views.
That's right, I want to get into your book when we come back in the next segment, but getting into Skid Row, that's pretty dangerous, one of the most dangerous places in the world, and all these leftist cities, wherever they're in control, it is just crap all over the ground, needles, things falling apart, disease, like you said, bubonic plague, hepatitis, and you went and spent several days in the middle of this, and then the media criticized you for pointing out it should be cleaned up.
When you let these giant sores grow, it feeds into the crime, and they know the demographics, they know the history.
I think two things there.
One is that downtown LA, 5th and 6th, it's in the heart of downtown, and yet everyone turns a blind eye.
Oh, you don't go there.
You don't want to go there.
It's nasty down there.
Even the hotels have covered it over on their maps with a sticker.
Like, if you don't see it, maybe it will go away.
Two, Democrats love to talk about dreamers and Sanctuary City because of course it sounds like a spa resort.
No, Democrats, the reality is this is your skid row, this is your mess and I'm walking around ankle high in human waste, effluent and rats.
The rats there are streaming over the road, they gather around your ankles,
And my point about the bubonic plague is if you look at a description of London in the 1600s, right before the outbreak of the bubonic plague, that is Skid Row now.
And tears and sympathy are not going to cut it.
We need military action in there.
We need to clear up those streets.
And out of respect for people who are truly lost,
We need to help put them into situations, residents, where they can be medically looked after.
We shut the sanatoriums and we let these people drown and that's not good enough.
But I also think, you know, I wasn't that scared there.
I've just come back from South Africa looking at the genocide of white farmers in South Africa.
They've only got about three years left, we think, that we'll have white farmers still in South Africa.
So in a way, Skid Row seems relatively friendly compared to South Africa and the white farmers that are being killed there.
And that's what's wild, is I have these farmers on, you talk to them, and the president's saying we're going to take your land, the communist leader says we're going to kill you, the military leader says we're going to kill you, then they make jokes like, hey, you know, good luck getting out of here, then they say, in the news, that the president did, that, well, we'll come back and talk about it, it's just incredible, and I want to get your take on it, that Australia's racist for offering to take refugees, so it's like, we're going to kill you, we're going to take your land, and by the way,
You can't escape!
I mean, the black racism is so horrible now, it's like, no quarter, we're gonna kill your men, women, and children, and we're not gonna let you escape, and if anybody takes you, they're racist, we're gonna kill ya!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I wanted to get Katie Hopkins on for years and we finally got her.
And she wants to talk about her book that's out.
She just wants to talk about topics.
And every time I see this lady, it's just everything she's saying is veritas.
It's true.
I know what she's talking about.
I cover the news every day.
And it's when she gets into the genocide of the white farmers that happened everywhere else in Africa is now happening again and the left is praising it and I see all the crazy anti-white stuff being taught at colleges and about how whites are inherently evil if you're a white woman abort your white baby in major feminist magazines and then I forgot another reason I wanted to get her on is the assassination of Katie Hopkins state-sponsored national theater opening in a Welsh area
And it's about killing her, and she's had an attempt on her life, and don't forget all the other nationalists that have been killed, murdered in Europe.
So, this is next level, where Sadiq Khan is having women banned off Twitter, you know, that challenge him about genital mutilation, and then Katie Hopkins, because she is empowered, she is strong, she is smart, she's a woman,
They're saying we want her dead and wanting to have that state sponsored.
It's just like Hillary coming out saying white women voted because their husbands told them to.
And then Hillary's in the news again yesterday, I've got a clip coming up later after she leaves us, saying that yeah, these white women are dumb.
That is the most bizarre statement I've ever, most condescending.
They're saying conservative women aren't voting conservative because their husbands told them to.
They're doing it because they like guns and property, and they're executives, and they own things, and they're in charge.
They're the powerful women.
The leftist women are a bunch of chicken-necked idiots, in my experience, just like the men.
Katie, I'm sorry, but it's true.
Go ahead.
Conservative women are awesome.
I want women to be powerful and in charge.
That's sexy.
I know.
I agree with you so much and I always feel about this.
You know, Hillary Clinton had no hope because she wanted to play us all as victims.
She wanted women to be victims, Spanish people to be victims, LGBT.
You know, she wanted to be the ambassador for victims everywhere and conservative women like myself, white,
Christian, conservative women.
We always say we stand with Trump because we stand up for our right to speak freely.
We stand up for your right to bear arms.
I'm a card-carrying member of the NRA right now.
And I say I would much rather be grabbed by the pussies than have a pussy for president.
And I'm proud to stand there with my American sisters because I know we're strong.
Well, and again, they spun this in my whole custody battle that I said it was okay for Trump to grab women.
But the media misrepresented that he raped women.
Trump was saying, like, at an Elvis Presley concert, if women are climbing on top of you, it's like, wow, they let you do whatever they want.
Well, yeah, that's the point.
When a woman jumps on you with both arms and legs around you, that means that's a mammal's mating.
And so they, again, they semantically spin everything.
That's a hint that we liked you.
And never ever imagine that women are done too.
I say screw you, me too.
I've been very in control of my sexual history.
I'm proud of my adventurous sexual history.
And no one's ever grabbed me where I didn't want them to.
If I wanted to be grabbed, you'd be grabbing me and you wouldn't know why.
Because I would have manipulated you to do it.
Women are much tougher, much stronger, much better at this game than men.
And if Trump got lucky a few times with some women with ridiculous boobs down on their knees, go Trump!
We would rather have someone sexually active who's a regular guy than some politician who's dry-humping a sheep in his back garden because he has no social life.
So I stand with Trump.
I tell women... Trump's not branding women in Alistair Crowley rituals, drinking blood and semen.
You know, he's got a bunch of kids and been married and red-blooded.
And he never said he was a preacher!
It'd be one thing if he was Mr. Preacher and then we caught him doing that stuff.
He said, this is who I am!
You've got balance right there in the executive.
You've got Mike Pence.
So if you don't like a guy that's sleeping with women with huge knockers who call themselves crazy names like Stormy Daniels, then you've got Mike Pence.
Look to him.
He's a very straight, Christian, conservative guy.
You've got balance there in the executive.
And women like me too.
Where are those women?
Where are you for the Iran women doing their protest without the burqa?
Where are you when I've got assassination of Katie Hopkins going on?
Where are you for the girls who are having their pictures ripped off by their family members for their religion?
Where are you?
Western feminists have never been more disappointing.
And they want you dead because you're powerful, you're vibrant, and I'm married.
I gotta say, you are pretty sexy.
I mean, I like women like, I don't know how to describe it, who are like, feminists want to be tough, but they don't get like the women I grew up around or my grandma's or anybody, you know, like kind of stomping around in charge, but not in charge as they wanted to be in charge.
They were in charge because they were alive and they were awesome.
Well, if you think I'm sexy, I will say I think you need your eyes tested, but I do think strong women are really fun to be around, and the reason my government is sponsoring a play for you... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Look, I don't think you look bad.
My point is, it's attitudes what matters.
You have light in your eyes.
You have light in your eyes.
I watched all these feminists that were at this feminist meeting with Hillary yesterday, and they look like they're zombies.
It's not that they're even ugly.
They look like something sucked their soul.
The reason the state wants to run the play called The Assassination of Casey Hopkins is because it would be much more convenient for them if that were true.
One of the things the state loves is fear.
They can control people when they're afraid.
When you have someone like me who is not afraid of anyone, not the establishment, not the state, that's far more dangerous.
And they would be much better for them if I wasn't around.
So we have two jihadis sent down earlier this year because they have practiced beheading me with a dummy, with a plastic hunting, with a plastic dummy and a hunting knife.
So the threat against my life is real, and now the state is sponsoring a play called exactly that.
What would happen if I got a poster with the assassination of Sadiq Khan?
Or the assassination of a black politician?
How would that go down, do you think?
Oh, it would be the biggest hissy fit the planet ever saw.
Absolutely I would be banned from everything within a moment because it's the assassination of white Christian conservative woman who's passionate about her country and passionate about people's right to stand up for their country.
It's seen as acceptable and in fact wildly amusing for the liberal elite.
Well I've talked to some top entertainment lawyers in Hollywood and some people in Washington and I said what is the point of the
He's lying about me and saying all this stuff, and he said, you don't get it.
They're trying to create an atmosphere where Christians and conservatives and libertarians get killed.
They've already done it in Europe, and with what they're doing with you, saying kill you, that's what this is.
I mean, they are literally trying to create an atmosphere where they have this political intimidation, just like the Brown Church did in Nazi Germany.
We have a situation where Theresa May, for example, our Prime Minister, is getting rid of Russian spies from our country or Russian diplomats because of the issue with a couple of Russian spies being killed.
You know, my message to people, if you want to stay alive, maybe go be a Russian spy.
I mean, just an idea for you there.
And she moans about that, but the hypocrisy is when they arrest someone like me or a leader of a nationalist party, they throw them in our prisons and they let the Muslims at them.
We just had that with Paul Golding from Britain First.
Whether you agree with his policies, whether you hate him, there is no reason why you should be taking a man who's known for standing up for Britain and throw him in our jails and let the Muslims at him.
They just broke his faith.
And that's the way our state gets rid of and dispatches people it doesn't want.
It puts them inside and lets the Muslim population at them.
And we had that with a guy who threw some bacon at a mosque, which admittedly is a ridiculous thing.
He was killed in our prisons.
He never came out again.
And that's how they dispatch the people they don't want.
So we are no better than the Russians.
The government dispatches people it doesn't want, just in the same way as it's now sponsoring a play for the dispatch of me.
Well, there's also mafia rules to spycraft, and the Russians probably didn't even do this.
It looks like a false flag.
Oh, they used a nerve agent tracked back to them.
But if you're a former GRU colonel, and then you defect and give secrets, is it that?
We kill traitors, right?
I mean, I don't understand that.
Like, oh my God, they killed one of our traitors.
I mean, that's, again, that's upside down world.
That's what they do here.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, it's fine.
I'm just agreeing with you, really.
You're fine.
I think, you know, when we have this big hullabaloo made about kind of a couple Russian spies being bumped off or whatever, or another guy, a Russian spy that was impaled on railings or found in a bag in his bath, sure, that's going to happen.
You know, there is retribution out there in life.
If you failed your state, if you failed to stand up for your country, if you were a traitor, probably you're not going to meet a great end.
But it's a typical way of our politicians looking away from the problems right on our doorstep and talking about something that's much more convenient.
You know, we don't address the issue of Muslim grooming gangs.
We're not even allowed to say the word Muslim grooming gang.
We have to use a euphemism like Asian.
So we throw half of Taiwan, all of the Sikhs,
You know, half of China under the bus just so that we don't offend the Pakistani rapists who are raping our children.
We don't want to give them hurty feelings.
Now, I don't want to get this wrong.
I'm just going from memory.
I'm always reading about you banned on this, banned on that.
But I see your Twitter's up and got close to a million followers.
Tell folks how they can follow you there.
Because I'm going to tell you, I'm a huge fan.
People ask what I do in my spare time.
I watch the videos you're doing, others.
And again, we know why you're so effective because they want to kill you.
Thank you.
I'm still on Twitter.
Twitter has been gracious enough to leave me on there.
But I'm Capital K Capital T Hopkins.
Please do follow me there.
That's my Twitter.
All of my stuff is there.
I overshare on a regular basis.
All my reporting's there.
And at Hopkinsworld.com.
And I'm very grateful for this huge army of people that are supporting me.
And I'm going to be speaking at the first anniversary event for the Manchester bombing.
I will be there.
I will be standing up there.
It's another Speaker's Corner type event.
And I will be rallying the people of Britain who know that it's time for us to stand up for our country and to stop tiptoeing around the cultures that choose to join us and start standing up for the culture that they chose to join.
I just love this lady.
We'll be right back with the third hour.
A little bit more with our guest.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on the Alex Jones Show!
Alright folks, Katie Hopkins is here and she gets me really excited because she's so on target and I do my customary jumping in.
But guess what?
She's going to host the next segment because I want to hear what her top rated UK show was like before they tried to get rid of it because of what she was up to.
But I did misspeak in a short interview saying that she'd been banned on Twitter.
I just remember seeing that headline and so many others have been banned on Twitter.
You're going to cover some other key topics in the next segment and then I'm going to come back.
But I wanted to ask you now, what do you expect them to do?
Because as you pointed out, they're trying to censor you.
They're trying to kill you.
They're trying to block me.
They're trying to censor us, everybody else.
The momentum is building against them.
The Streisand effect is taking place.
So what do you think the globalists, the global left, their alliance with Islam, as humanity awakens to this authoritarian threat, what are they going to do as they understand they're losing more and more?
Well, I think what we need to focus on is not what they're going to do, but what we're going to do.
And I'm very clear about that.
Now, they can label us, you and I, Alex, any other of the network of people that we know we're a part of.
And we don't need to see each other.
We don't need to stand in a line.
We know we belong to this network because we can feel it.
I feel it with conservatives in America.
We're like spiders on an invisible web.
And that web is really strong.
And what we do, Alex, is when they call me all the names they call me, they call me a racist, an Islamophobe, a bigot, a fascist, a misogynist.
Yeah, sure, okay.
I'll be all those things.
But guess what?
Here I am on Skid Row, and here's my truth.
And here's a gentleman vomiting in the street, and here I am, ankle-deep in sewage.
And here I am recovering from Hep C. And so they cannot argue with our truths, Alex.
And the more we present to them our truth, so I spent three weeks in South Africa with white farmers and I allow a lady to tell me the story how she was raped by three men or how a lady whose husband was shot and then her six-year-old child offered her piggy bank if the killers would let her mummy live.
They cannot argue with those truths, Alex.
And it doesn't matter what labels they put on you, our stories will be told.
And they can't silence that.
And I can feel this resurgence coming.
I can feel it in the UK.
And I will help lead it.
And I will help get our country to start to stand up again.
I know why they fear you so much, and I'm not...listeners know I don't just gush over guests constantly, but you're so on target, you're so truthful, and there is that spirit of us that are nationalist, that are free market, and those that love communism and socialism, they just seem like their soul sucked!
I'm not just bashing them just to bash them.
They have existential envy of anything strong and good and want to pull it down when they should have the instinct to try to be strong and good themselves.
But there's something twisted in them and you can't seem to get them to unflip the switch.
And so what we do is we do better than them.
Leave them there.
Leave those bitter women over there complaining with their pussy marches and their banners.
You know, I watched them on the pussy marches and I asked them, ladies, tell me why are you here?
And one would say, well, I'm here because of global warming.
And another would say, I'm here because my vagina is made of steel.
And another one would say, I'm here because I voted Clinton and this is not my president.
And it was
We're good to go.
Okay, fine.
Again, no unified, single mission.
No clear aim.
I think Conservatives have a very clear aim.
We want to make America great again.
That's a clear, unifying aim.
And in Britain, I want to make Britain great again.
And I have a clear aim.
And I think that's where the left fail, and it doesn't matter what they do.
Carry on, ladies.
Bitch about our president, whatever.
I know we're stronger, I know we're better, and I know we're about working hard to look after our families, and that's a fundamental value.
And the thing with fundamental values is they endure, and that's why we will endure too.
Oh my God, I'm in love!
What about the audience?
I gotta get this lady on more, and she didn't want to plug it, but her book, Rude, you can find it online, you can also follow her on Twitter.
She's gonna host the next segment, and then I'll be back after that.
A real treat, straight ahead, Katie Hopkins,
Hosting the InfoWar!
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And welcome back here to the Alex Jones Show on InfoWars.
My name is Katie Hopkins.
I am not Alex Jones.
If that isn't immediately apparent to you, that's a concern to me.
I'm hosting this segment for Alex while he's just popped off to do something.
And I thought I'd like to take this opportunity to update you all on some of my journeys and some of my thoughts over the last couple of weeks.
I just came back from three weeks in South Africa.
You know, one of the things that have been worrying me and troubling me, people email me all the time and you're very welcome to email me too.
My email is katie at katiehotkins.co.uk.
And I have so many emails from farmers, white farmers in South Africa, particularly their wives, worried about the genocide that is happening there.
Essentially, and the gentleman you can see there is the leader of EFF, the kind of terrorist arm, I would say, of the ANC.
When you think about the ANC, the political party leading South Africa, they're headed up by a guy called Cyril Ramaphosa.
He stood there in his State of the Nation address a few weeks ago and he said, we support land expropriation without compensation.
And what that means, of course, is we're going to take back your land and we're not going to pay you for it.
And when you translate that by the guys in those red berets that you see, they were the guys that tore apart the H&M stores when you saw those rioting pictures.
Those are those guys.
And they're rallying cries.
At political forums, their rallying cry is, kill the Boer, kill the white man.
That's how they chant.
And in Parliament, they've been making throat-slitting gestures against
Against the opposition.
Now, if you think about that, the footage you're seeing right there, that's the EFF supporters, the terrorist arm, as I call them, of the ANC, rioting in H&M.
And you'll recall that was about a sweater, about a monkey, and they used a black marble for it.
And they tore those stores apart.
And that's how they do politics in South Africa.
It's a very violent way of doing politics.
And how this is translated by the white farmer means,
And this is kind of brutal.
So if you are easily upset, this is brutal.
But the people I went to see, they've been attacked.
They are being cleansed from the land.
Farm attackers come into their building.
If I think about Bernard, he came back with his family on a Sunday afternoon and he was going to make a barbecue, a braai, for the family.
A black gang were waiting for him in his garage.
They strung up his wife with wire.
They clubbed to death his father on the floor.
Then they took Bernard and they hurt him so badly he didn't know if he was being stamped or not.
They shot at his 11-year-old son and the shot missed but the boy was dragged across the yard and his little brother was watching.
And his little brother sat in the garage door and watched the whole attack.
He watched his mother strung up.
He watched his father, grandfather, killed.
And he watched his father take a beating so bad the guy didn't walk.
And after all of this, you know, we imagine that that is the worst that can happen, but it's not.
I sat on Bernard's stoop with him in South Africa, and I talked to him about his children.
And these children, this eight-year-old son of his, who was a brilliant boy at school, everybody loved him, he was everybody's favourite child, now he cannot sleep anymore.
He's a tortured little boy.
And he has antidepressants and he has sleeping tablets.
And Bernard even went back to the doctor and said, I'm sorry, I think you've given him the wrong one.
Please don't work still.
He can't sleep.
And the doctor said to Bernard, you go home and take one of these tablets.
His son takes four.
Bernard took it and he was out for the count.
But that's what happens in South Africa.
They're destroying not only the white farmers who will be cleansed from the land within three years,
But they're destroying a new generation of children who are also persecuted and tortured because of what they've seen done to their families.
Recently, they took a white baby and they threw it into a bath of boiling water.
An 86-year-old lady, while I was in country, they broke into her farm, they plugged in an iron that they used to iron clothes, and they applied it to the old lady for three hours.
And that's what we're up against, and that's what the world doesn't want to talk about.
I think, you know, sometimes racism, we think it can only happen one way.
We think it can only happen if you're white.
Only white people can be racist, but that's not the case.
In South Africa, because of apartheid, the EFF has given a mandate for vengeance in that country.
And that vengeance is so cruel.
That is the rape of a child in front of the farmer, just to take away every last thing he has before they shoot him.
And because they are white, the world doesn't care.
You know, I've often said the white farmer in South Africa is up there with the white rhino.
You know, they both faced extinction.
The white rhino, we just lost the last one.
And the only difference is, the only difference is that because it's a white farmer, the world doesn't care.
And that's what I found so upsetting and that's why I'm building my documentary now with Rebel Media and that documentary has footage that nobody else has because we went to the darkest places to find that.
I have interviews with a police officer who says that the police work hand in hand with the black gang.
They help equip the black gangs.
They give them the firearms in order to take a kickback from the farm attack if they feel something.
So the policemen are in on this.
I also got an interview with an actual farm attacker and asked him why he felt it was appropriate that they could rape three-year-old children in front of their dads.
And he said, well, apartheid.
It's time the white people learnt their lesson.
So that's the real truth, my truth, from South Africa.
And I would urge you and encourage you to be involved in that story.
Look at the reporting, look at the facts from places like AfriForum with the statistics on what's actually going on in South Africa.
This year so far, in 2018, there's been 103 farm attacks and 15 murders.
And you know, having told you, that behind every farm attack there's a child.
There's an eight-year-old.
There's Bernard's son who can no longer sleep anymore and has been asked to leave his school because he's now a violent boy.
And there's Mariandra, another beautiful lady I met, whose husband was shot.
He died as she buried her husband and she gave birth to her first son, his first son, five days later.
Mariandra's daughter, who saw the whole attack, she can't sleep anymore either and she's on antidepressants too.
So these are the people we want to bring home to you.
Those pictures you're seeing there, that cloud's moored, that's a massive, it's a monument to the white farmers who have died.
And when you go there, it truly is, it breaks your heart because suddenly the individual stories get lost.
Because there've been so many, many murders.
I walked to the top of that mountain, stood next to that sign, and it's almost as if in death.
You know, these people still stand together in the fight.
And that's the way I see us, you know, as conservatives, as Christians, as people who want to stand up for their country.
Whatever label you have, libertarian, apolitical, whatever, if you identify as a frog, it doesn't matter.
What matters is that we stand together.
So we need to reach out our hands to each other.
And even if we disagree a little bit, we don't need to agree on everything.
What we need to agree on is the fact that we love our family.
We want to work hard for our family.
We love our country.
We love the people who want to stand up for our country.
And then we stand together, you know, like these spiders on a web.
Sometimes I think conservative commentators, you know, are big failing.
The thing we do wrong is that we chase a story.
As CNN do it as well.
Like, it's like my son.
I've got a nine year old son.
And when they play football, it's really, really cute.
But they all chase the ball together.
They all move around in this little group, all chasing the ball.
And that's very much like mainstream media right now.
They're all chasing the same ball, the same easy story.
A story where they don't have to leave their office or risk themselves or risk their health.
But we need to be better than that.
We mustn't chase the ball.
We must look for the harder stories and tell our truth.
It really matters that way.
And so I encourage all of you, and the thing you can do tomorrow, the action that you can take, start looking for the quieter stories.
Go to your local council offices.
Go to your local Member of Parliament.
Go walk through Skid Row.
Go find the things that matter.
Tell your truth and let's join together.
Hold each other on this web that we have and we stand strong.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Man, I was just thinking about this song five minutes ago.
Oh, Merle Haggard.
That's like a cool mountain spring.
You're thirsty.
Crank it up a little bit.
Yeah, they're walking!
You see, the average American that has no idea what goes on behind the scenes, people try to take this country down.
And George Soros, people ask why I talk about George Soros so much, because every time I kick down another door, digging into this thing, it's him on the other side of it.
He's got a other group of closely-knit globalists and billionaires, but man, he is just crazy.
You imagine being 14, 15, 16 for three years in Eastern Europe and helping round up Jews.
Because they trusted him.
He was Jewish, he was young, looked a little bit younger for his age, looked like he was about 12.
He wrote a memoir about it.
People don't think as a child it's threatening, like the children, oh turn your guns in, we're children, we're children.
And you know, we've got the 12-minute, 60-minute interview, and McBreen did a great job putting it together with Hitler clips, but there's one part where he says it's the best part of his life.
We don't even have that in the clip we play.
You know, I think I'm going to air... I think I'm going to make a documentary about George Soros.
I haven't made a film in years.
Just about...
I'm not going to say killing George Soros like killing Katie Hopkins.
Because only the left gets to make movies and plays about killing the opposition.
I don't want to kill George Soros.
I just want to expose him, and I know in a bunch of the lawsuits they filed, they'll always have a quote about Ann Jones claims George Soros was a Nazi collaborator.
They just put them in the lawsuits, Georgetown and two others, as a message.
Hey George, I know, I know you're coming after me because I keep saying you're a Nazi collaborator.
These guys don't get it.
See, if the Nazis told me, go round up your fellow Jews or we're going to kill you, I'd kill them.
That's why the Nazis don't run Texas, boy.
We don't roll over like you.
I've had high-level Hollywood folks years ago go, we really want to put your movie in theaters.
You can make like five million dollars.
You know, George Soros,
Had to do what he did.
He's really not a bad guy.
And you know, I talked to somebody close to him.
Would you ever want to talk to George Soros?
And I'm sitting there.
And I go, is that an offer?
And they're like, do you want to be?
And then I had another TV movie star on one time.
And he just brought that up during a break.
He said, you know, Soros' sons are not that bad.
You know, you ought to stop calling him a Nazi collaborator.
You know, he did what he had to do.
So, I mean, I get it.
Soros has reached out a little bit.
You know, hey, here's this option, Alex, or there's this option.
Hey, Soros, fill your hand, buddy.
Fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it.
Fill it again!
I will never sell the truth out!
Got it?
And the reason I keep announcing that is they still haven't figured out that I haven't gotten the message.
I got the message.
It's refused!
Return to sender!
No such number!
I'm not ever selling anybody out!
And it's not because I'm a hero.
It's because I know God's real.
See Soros, I fear God.
I don't fear you.
And I know you wrote that book, and you gave interviews saying, I knew I was the Messiah when I was a young man, but they lock you up for that, so I didn't want to tell anybody until I'd shown everyone.
Oh, you're showing us!
You're showing us!
Your son tweets photos of him at spirit cooking events?
In the middle of the spirit cooking controversy, Alexander Soros?
Your aide?
De Camp?
Your heir?
Your protégé?
Your chosen one?
That thing?
With crazed little demon eyes in every photo, seething with the insanity?
That is your warmog?
That's your battleship?
That's the fruit?
I mean...
You're not a tall, cold drink of water yourself, but your son sure as hell ain't.
God almighty, look at you.
Finally found some people you couldn't intimidate?
Finally found some people you couldn't push around?
Finally found some people that aren't gonna roll over to your crap?
Yeah, that's what you found.
And I noticed, I didn't really, I'm learning so much more like exponentially now because you get the knowledge and then it all starts connecting and that's the wisdom.
You know how people operate and how these groups operate.
It's like it is criminology.
And when you pull back from it and you study it and you look at it,
It's amazing.
And you see the whole thing at that point.
And you see their plans and everything.
And it's the people's unconsciousness and their inaction that allows this stuff to go on.
It's the weirdest thing.
I'll like grasp the whole thing.
And then it's like I'm not supposed to say it because it's not time for it to come out.
And then it like wipes and I can't even tell you.
It's the craziest thing.
But, wouldn't Soros, and all the rest of them, like to know?
Wouldn't they?
But I didn't know what was going on about a year and a half ago when we exposed the spirit cooking and the Alex McCrowley stuff.
They were out bragging about it everywhere.
And then they all started tweeting and celebrating the high priestess.
And just like, oh, oh, she's great.
Look at her.
Like, this is your God?
This crazy woman?
And then you realize how weak these people are.
They sold out to evil because they're scared.
And that's what it is fundamentally.
And they don't understand I'm not scared.
I'm not.
And they know that.
And they can't stand it.
Because if you're tied into the spectrum of their system, you pick up on the mental illness and the confusion.
It's like having the flu or a fever.
It's like hallucination.
It's real broken up.
It's the opposite of that still quiet place of the Most High that Psalms talks about.
Do you realize, oh my god, they're all just totally confused and don't even know what they're doing.
They see order and want to pull it down because they're disorder.
And then you're like, do they even realize the shadow of the huge mountain they're next to that's God?
Face it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John the Revelator put him in an elevator to send him up to the highest floor.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Depeche Mode.
Incredible band.
Love them.
Seen them in concert three times.
Horribly politically dumb.
The song, John the Revelator, if you read the lyrics, says that Christians stole their faith from the Jews, and you could argue that, and then stole it from the Muslims.
Crank it up.
I see it right here.
What did John the Revelator say?
You know, people think P.K.
Dick wrote stuff in the 70s and 80s that came true.
They're like, wow, this guy's a visionary.
John the Revelator had a, what, three, four day hallucination and envisioned everything that now has happened.
Mark of the Beast, world government, giant pillars of fire, explosions.
Describes jets, helicopters, computers, robots.
I mean, a book of lies?
How about an incredibly amazing hallucination that became the blueprint of what happened, regardless of how you look at it.
John the Revelator put him on an elevator, sent him up to the high side.
That's bizarre.
He stole it from the Muslims.
Oh yeah, they didn't exist for 600 years.
That's a fact, Depeche Mode.
And that's what I mean by the left.
Everything they say is BS.
And I'm sick of it!
They call us fake news.
No, we're the opposite of fake news.
And they know it.
You imagine me in a jury.
Let's say David Hogg sued me for comparing the Youth March to Hitler.
A, he's a public figure.
It's thrown out on summary judgment.
But imagine
I think they still might do it, though, because they just get to put whatever they want in the suit, and it's protected defamation in a suit.
And so they just put it out, like, Jones has been sued by the surviving children because he said no one died.
That's what they do.
Hell, that's in the suit Georgetown filed.
I'm not saying Hogg will sue me.
It basically is the same group.
In between when he's trying to get Laura Ingraham off the air, first amendment too.
By the way, has my son tweeted yet?
He wanted to come to work today.
He had this idea of a video he was going to shoot.
And I just don't know.
He's off in there and doing it on his own.
I'm sure it'll be great.
My God, that thing he put up the other day was better than what I do.
That's why they're really upset right now.
Soros' son can hardly talk.
I'm really proud of Rex.
But you know what?
He's a man now.
And I had a talk with him last night about this.
I tried to talk him out of doing this.
But I said, once he made the decision that he wants to fight the Globalist, for real, and he's really a man now, he's always wanted to do this, he was reading like adult history books when he was like 10, he understood, and we had the talk last night about this, and about how, you know, that this is serious, and that he wants to go down this road.
So, another gladiator in the fight for liberty just came out on the field, ladies and gentlemen, and I could feel it.
It's in newspapers all over, you name it.
The enemy is upset right now.
Let me tell you something.
They don't like it.
My son at 15 walked in there.
A few notes I gave him, a few ideas I had.
80% was him.
And then he even did the basic edit and Rob Dew fixed a few things.
I mean, that is incredible!
That is amazing!
Senators can't talk like he can at 15.
With the truth and the spirit and those eyes, the will, because he knows what he's pushing up against.
I tell you, powerful Jedi.
A new apprentice, younger and more powerful in the face of the globalists.
Thank God.
Man, God gave me a son right out of the gate.
My whole life's like that.
So blessed.
I just thank God I'm just on my knees constantly in my spirit.
It's so miraculous.
It's so good.
I am such a wicked person and to be given all these blessings and to be transcended and to be purified and to be sanctified minute by minute by the blood of Jesus is amazing.
It's incredible.
These attacks are just elevating
Our discernment, our connections, our will, and as the globalists throw everything they've got at us, I know why Trump's high as a kite and loving it as well, it just, Trump says, I've changed, I've changed, I wasn't bad before, but now I love Jesus, I understand, and people that know him, that's why they're really freaked out in the White House.
Because it's like Trump is now like, the Holy Ghost is with Trump.
And of course he's the President of the United States, with the globalists after him, trying to turn things around.
I mean, this is epic!
This is incredible!
And I've got all this news to get to.
I just have it because it's just such an amazing time to be alive.
And I'm so proud of my son.
And I'm so proud of my daughters.
I'm so proud of my wife.
And I'm so proud of this crew that puts up with all my crap.
And everybody else.
I just... And the listeners.
You're just so incredible.
Because you're not just listeners.
You're active.
You are the blood of this country.
And the blood of the world.
You are the energy.
You are the force.
You're the mind.
You're the soul.
You're the body.
You're the will.
You're the wind.
You're the rain.
You're the storm.
You're the sun.
You're the moon.
You're the trees.
Everything that ever was.
The clouds.
We're just here.
We're conscious.
And then you look at the people that serve the globalists.
They are so broken and so twisted and so evil.
And we want to feel sorry for them.
But you have to understand.
They don't feel sorry for you.
They want to destroy you.
I mean, Hillary looks like someone out of a horror movie.
And not just because she's old.
I look at old people that have a soul that shines through like a light through, you know, a window pane or stained glass.
The person has a beautiful soul as they get older, like an old gnarled tree.
There's something so beautiful about it.
But what evil people as they get old, all that's there is that demon shining out, grasping, arrogant, twisted, inbred, mentally ill.
Hillary's dad was a Chicago gangster, an enforcer.
I mean, she's just a genetic whack job.
And you look at her.
And you just say, boy, I don't want to be separated from God.
I mean, she looks like Emperor Palpatine without the makeup.
And she's so sick, mentally but also physically.
She has to mount incredible will to even go out and give an hour-long speech.
All that will
For what, lady?
It's all about you, isn't it?
Who's hosting the fourth hour?
I've got so many clips that are so critical.
Until Gliver's coming up.
And I've done 30 seconds of plugging in two hours today and they're like explaining, we will go bankrupt if I keep doing this.
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Again, thank you so much for being part of the Second American Revolution.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I don't want to say I dropped the ball today because I got distracted by a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes.
Man, I should have got to all these clips.
Congressman, FBI report says Andrew McCabe lied four times about media leaks under oath.
Of course, he's a criminal.
What, just because he looks like a Ken doll doesn't mean... You know most of the real psychopaths actually look like Ken dolls.
But the people always get in the car with him.
The women think, oh, he looks like he's a nice guy.
That is a Clinton criminal.
And this crap about, oh, you're putting the FBI down.
The FBI letting people like that run it is the problem.
You are absolutely destroying yourselves.
It's amazing.
All right, let me get into the clips.
I said I was in place.
These are important.
Here's this Vice hit piece.
I'm not going to hear the whole thing.
It's 10 minutes long.
It's on Infowars.com.
You want to see it?
But they go, horrible people are saying kids are actors, and that no one really died.
And then they show people that have that view and are saying it.
And that's their right to do.
That's their First Amendment.
Because the government's lied so much, and got lied about babies in incubators against the Iraq War, and girls that were kidnapped for the Panama Invasion, and then no one was kidnapped.
And now, oh my God, two Russians got nerve gas.
We don't have any proof the Russians did it, but let's have nuclear war because of it!
I think the shootings happened, I think that stuff went on, but then they grabbed people that were Democrats and, you know, in the acting department and for PR to put out the anti-gun message.
That's admitted now!
Okay, you're anti-gun, that's your right.
Okay, you got with political organizations, they're using you.
That's a fact!
But I don't want to retreat from this thing of like, well, I didn't say they're crisis actors, but other people have that right.
But they mixed me in with all them.
In a ten minute report where you're already emotional and mad and poor little hoglet and everything.
And then, oh there's that Jones.
And it's just all part of the newspaper articles every hour.
I can't even keep track of it.
Jones says the kids didn't die, ban him.
You know, when are we going to get rid of this free speech thing?
This is the end of free speech.
We're the test case.
Now the left's running around saying, Jones is using his son, he's a child, he shouldn't be allowed on air.
So you have everybody else can be on air, and all these other students can be on air with their anti-gun, but now because you can't censor my son off air, the new thing is, why, Jones is telling him what to say!
Actually, will somebody run over there and say, we got here at like, you know, 10 o'clock, he's been over there, did they put out the tweets from Rex?
I know he wanted to challenge Hogg on my Twitter.
He wanted his own Twitter, and I said, I don't know yet, use mine, and it's all my son doing it, I don't even know what he's done!
So somebody find out or go to real Alex Jones.
Oh, it's on screen.
Thank you.
So he has done it.
So there you go.
He's a man.
He's 15.
But just like the Democrats can say we're all Hitler and do jokes where we're Hitler and all this, we do it, we get banned.
Oh, well, my son, he shouldn't be allowed to be online either.
Well, he's a little baby at 15.
Says that David Hogg, you are a public figure who has viciously attacked my father and others for nothing more than criticizing you.
You and your CNN buddies are currently trying to take our YouTube channel down.
Why are you so against free speech?
That's good.
And I did see Dew about an hour ago, and I said, hey, if Rex is tweeting, get into Laura Ingraham and how Hogg wants him banned.
That was my little two cents.
And he goes, oh, we're already on it.
He already knows about that.
So see, Rex is already... It isn't like he's saying what I say.
He's already synced.
He already gets it.
It's like, well, now Hogg says get rid of Laura Ingraham.
She's like, okay, it was Easter week's up.
Okay, you said you can't get into college.
I said, oh, why are you whining about it?
Okay, I apologize in the interest of being nice.
He's like, I want your job.
Oh my God, if Hogg wants your job, you better, hell, if he wants her sent to Mars, we better do it.
And he was going to send some other tweets out.
Is that the only one?
No, I know, but he was going to send out multiple tweets.
There was a whole, there was a whole, he, I was there with him this morning in the car, he was like writing the tweets he wanted to send, because I'm like, let me check what you're going to say, and I'm like, no, don't call him a name.
I mean, my two cents was, you'll be a little nicer.
So I guess that's, he didn't send out the other tweets he was going to send.
Okay, whatever.
Uh, so there you go.
That's how I'm directing him.
I'm not directing him.
I just said, you know, my one critique of his video was, don't say crawl back under your rock, even though he's calling me names and all that.
I said, don't go to his level.
But you see, I didn't even pre-look at it.
They just put it out.
So that's how much I'm trusting my son right now.
I mean, I'm giving him two cents, but then I'm walking away to see if he executes.
And he is!
So there's a new video.
Let's hear that in the next five minutes.
We download the new Twitter video he put out.
I guess he put a video out, too.
So we'll find out about that.
Okay, so I'm back on the hog thing.
Here he is on Vice.
Just part of the tirades.
And then it cuts into them misrepresenting what I say.
Here it is.
We've had to learn to deal with these sick f***s that are saying this stuff, that are out there claiming that we're not real people, claiming that we're actors.
We don't give a f*** what you say.
Television is the David Hogg channel now.
He's on everywhere.
And I know scripted PR when I hear it.
One of them went into a bathroom in the same, I believe, in the same hallway as the shooter.
Uh-huh, hold on.
One of them went into the same bathroom, I believe, as the hallway shooter.
That's called a soundbite.
And I was re-saying my soundbites to sound as eloquent as possible.
I wasn't reciting my lines, I was reciting my heart.
I mean, it is incredible, though, to watch fake news in action.
I mean, this is how you murder the truth.
And I don't know if David Hawke understands this.
He probably doesn't.
I tweeted the lovely man that is Alex Jones.
I wanted to come on and actually debate him.
But then I realized some of the stuff that he was saying, which was the exact same stuff that he said about the Sandy Hook survivors, saying that they were actors.
Then we see footage of one of the reported fathers of the victims, Robbie Parker, doing classic
Acting training, where he's laughing and joking, and they say, hey, we're live, and he goes, oh.
And maybe that's real.
I'm sure it is.
He's doing that exact same stuff, and knowing that he had done that before, I wasn't going to give him time a day.
We didn't say you were a crisis actor and believe this happened.
We just pointed out that you're an admitted actor and journalism student, and said that you're anti-gun, and that you're being fed talking points.
Alex Jones was probably the first one that created the narrative of the Sandy Hook victim dies again.
I'll stop right there.
And no, I didn't.
And they had a picture of children killed at Sandy Hook in Pakistan in a bombing.
And I just said, the web was reporting on it.
I said, you know, that's probably just a PR group that's just seizing on the bombing and just printed up some pictures.
And I'm sure the Islamic bombing really happened.
Just like they're trying to misrepresent what I say now.
And like, oh my God, Alex is being mean to the people.
These are the folks telling you that I said no one died at Parkland.
They don't have a video of it because I didn't say it.
But there's Hogg going along with the John Podesta scripted stuff Hillary put out.
That Jones is saying the exact same thing about me that he said about that.
No, I didn't say that about them, I didn't say that about you, and you know it, and that's why the clips they have are not even me saying that, but they tell you I said one thing, and then have to show you something completely different.
I don't even know what level of propaganda this is by vice, but David Hogg is in a man's world,
David Hogg is public.
David Hogg is doing all this.
Now, separately, again, you can't compare this to Hitler or they ban your video.
But the left calls everyone Hitler and everyone racist but them.
It's crazy how they operate, how entitled they are.
You know, I've got some of these clips here.
This is Hillary Clinton, moderator, invokes
Nazism, while talking about America and Hillary, and then Hillary goes, oh yeah, we don't want Trump attacking the press.
When Trump fights back, that's free speech.
It's the left controlling the press.
It's the left calling for us to be banned.
It's the left calling for Trump to be off Twitter.
You're the censors!
You think we're that dumb in this mind control?
Where you're censoring us, you're attacking us, you're calling for this, you're doing it all over the world, and then you say we are.
And then she has this condescending look like attacks on the press and you look at the crowd of women and it's like a weird whack job cult of chip on their shoulder people that just want power and want to run stuff but they can't run their own lives.
Here it is.
As someone who grew up in Vienna and barely escaped the Holocaust my mother would say from time to time that it could happen here and
Hit pause.
Back it up again.
George Soros, in the WikiLeaks, wants to overthrow Israel.
Look it up.
Jerusalem Post.
George Soros worked for the Nazis, and was proud of it, and said best time of his life he'd do it again.
60 minutes.
And then you've got a Jewish lady talking about her family, when George Soros is the main funder of Hillary.
It's just too rich, man!
God Almighty!
Just go back to her.
Just go ahead.
As someone who grew up in Vienna and barely escaped the Holocaust, my mother would say from time to time that it could happen here.
And I was
I would be very dismissive of that.
I would dismiss it and I'd dismiss her comments and her fears as implausible.
Let's go to Debit in Florida.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac,
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said, it's a long walk to Nashville.
Would you like to ride, son?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
He sat down in the front seat.
He turned on the radio.
And them sad old songs coming out of them speakers.
Well, solid country gold.
Then I noticed the stranger was ghost white hair when he asked me for a light.
And I knew there was something strange about this ride.
He said... He said, Christopher, can you make folks cry when you play and sing?
Have you paid your dues?
Can you moan and dish?
Can you bend them guitar strings?
Ladies and gentlemen, The Daily Mail and many others have written about Rex going on air.
And challenging David Hogg to a debate.
Well, my son came to me, I guess it was Wednesday night, Tuesday night, and he just said, man, this Hogg guy, I'm sick of this.
He was like, look at this article.
They're saying that you challenged Hogg to a debate and bullied him, but he challenged you.
He said, Dad, I want to debate that guy.
And I said, Rex, that'll be a pretty big story if you do that.
You can get some good points out about the Second Amendment.
I said, what do you want to do?
He kind of gave me his idea.
And I said, write it down.
Next morning, I got up at 6 a.m., he got up about 6 a.m., he was going to jujitsu before school, grabbed an Uber, and he gave me his list.
I said, yeah.
And then I guess it was the next day, then, that he came after school.
But the point is, is that all these publications are coming out saying, in the same article, they talk about Hogg, that I have thrust my son into politics, that I
And this terrible father that has done this, Alex Jones turned to his 15-year-old son to defend him from bullying by David Hogg.
Yeah, the bullying's tongue-in-cheek.
David Hogg called me a piece of you-know-what and said I'm a scammer and all this other stuff, and tried to get my YouTube channel shut down.
That's a violation of the First Amendment.
But we just point out he's the one by their yardstick bullying.
Oh, I'm a victim.
He wants to be able to jump out.
Oh, I'm a child.
Oh, but you know, you're all shaking in your boots and F you.
I'm going to read over some of this when we come back, but this is just look at the size of this article.
It's like.
How many pages long?
I mean, I just read like five pages during the break.
34 pages long.
And then there's like.
Some implication I'm violating a court order having my son on air.
And I'm already got the lawyers in contact with YouTube, so I'll just go ahead and get into this now.
That's what's going on with my ex-wife is, there'll be a gag order the judge lifts when the trial is over, but then she'll take a thing and send it to YouTube saying that that just happened.
There's a gag order talking about the court case.
I don't talk about it.
My ex-wife talks about it constantly.
She takes one video I do with my lawyer explaining, no, I didn't lose, it's 50-50, and here's my lawyer.
So there's a gag order, yeah, that was lifted after the trial.
It has to be the same thing here.
She got an injunction not once but twice when Rex was 13 and 14 to not be on air, which the lawyers don't think is constitutional, but I didn't buck it.
It makes you want to be on air even more.
And now the injunction has been up for almost
Nine months, and I said, okay, you want to go on?
And I even called the lawyers.
They said, no, there's no injunction.
It's open.
But then I realized, because that's what's already being said, Jones violated an injunction and put his son on YouTube!
Van Alex Jones immediately!
And like the left, they never think another step.
People are going to go, wait a minute.
His son is six foot one and already has arms as big around as mine.
I'm like a gorilla.
Because some of his grandfathers were big, my dad's little.
And... He's got a mustache.
He can grow a mustache in three days.
And all these leftists get to have their kids all over TV and everywhere else, but I can't see because I'm an American!
I'm a conservative!
I'm a libertarian!
And we don't have speech!
It's a long, hard ride.
But it's worth it, isn't it?
That's right.
Gonna warn you it's a long, hard ride.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the left is apoplectic, they're panicking.
You can hear the bugle call, the cavalry's here, Rex Jones.
And they're like... I was reading this Austin American Statesman 30-something page article, and I gotta admit, till love is thorough, but he kinda goes back and forth.
He says something really isn't accurate, he says something is accurate, but...
I guess that's how he gets away with writing for the Statesman.
I think secretly he's a listener or something.
But he's got it down here where he talks about David Hogg being incredibly off-putting.
I just had it and I can't find it.
Well, I will admit that I find Hogg's arrogance off-putting and unsettling.
Yeah, he can get a career in Hollywood acting like a supervillain.
I mean, there's just a certain little gleam in the eye when he's like, and they're panicking, and they're afraid to debate us, and we've got them shaking, and the other girl, oh yes, they would give us an inch, we take it a mile, little mermaid, sign the contract, she's like, I have you now, we want your gun, rule, communist takeover!
I love it!
I mean, who do you think the globalists go and groom and get all polished up for this?
They gotta be just as bottom feeder as they are.
So, Kill Love has to admit that Hoglet comes off like a power-tripping megalomaniac.
I mean, let me tell you something.
When you're clicking your heels and doing fashion salutes on national television, you got a problem.
You know,
Put me away.
Put me out in the pasture if I ever want to get up in front of a crowd and click my heels, turn sideways in a military salute, and then do a fascist salute.
Just the optics!
You only do that when you are a control freak maniac!
And the left cuts in Trump and me with Hitler everywhere, but if we do it, we're the worst people in the world that have to be banned because Hogg is God!
Hogg is God!
Hogg is God!
Hogg is God!
We love Hogg!
King Hogg!
Lord Hogg!
Master Hogg!
King Hogg!
Lord Hogg!
And then you got Hillary up there financed by a 89-year-old famous Nazi collaborator who went on 60 Minutes and confessed to it and said he wasn't sorry and it was, quote, the best time of his life.
Even the Nazis at Nuremberg were like, we're very sorry.
George Soros was like, I really enjoyed it.
And I'm going to roll out Hillary in front of you to strut her stuff.
Hulk, the wave of evil behind Herb, and I'm going to complain about Hitler in America!
And you look at the anti-Israel vitriol, and I used to be on the fence about Israel because it's just another country.
Until I realized the left sacrament is hating Israel, and working with a radical Islamist, and they want to overthrow it, and Soros documents came out, and then I watched the leftist Jews loving Soros.
It's the craziest fruitcake level stuff I've ever seen, and calling everyone a Nazi who isn't a Nazi, and then Arnold wears a Deathshead SS officer belt, in heavy metal, the part they cut.
This is in Rolling Stone.
He said, I love Hitler.
His dad was an SS officer.
His brother was a product of an SS marriage.
He was born after World War II.
His brother that died in a car wreck.
And I just know all this stuff.
You know, I mean, I've seen, I've read the Rolling Stone interview.
The ADL gives him an award.
In Pumping Iron, that's why he bought the films they wouldn't release on the DVD, he would tell the black people they weren't human and then take
Their black girlfriend from them, and have sex in front of everybody as an act of dominance, and say, I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger and I'm into bestiality!
That is, there's film of that!
Of people talking about, and Arnold's like, you bet I do, blacks aren't human!
And the ADL's like, God Almighty, can we get you an award right now?
He's like, I wear a Hitler belt, I dress in SS uniforms and play Hitler records when you come to my home for dinner!
I told Maria, you only wear dresses!
Heil Hitler!
But see, the left likes that.
That's a fetish thing with Hollywood and all those old guys, like, Nazi stuff.
It's come out in the news, like, all these old Hollywood guys are just collecting it and loving it, and they're, like, telling their black girlfriends, well, you can't have any black boyfriends, but I love Hitler.
And they're like, well, you're Jewish.
Heil Hitler!
Shut up!
Hitler wants the power!
And that's it.
There's, like, a Hollywood Jewish Nazi cult.
God, these people are evil!
I mean, it's devil worship!
They like anything bad!
It doesn't matter!
I want to be famous like Hitler or Jesus?
I like Hitler!
I admire him!
And then I get to sit there and watch it, Rutgers, an old Jewish lady going, I'm afraid Hitler's gonna get me.
Sweetheart, Hitler already got you, cupcake.
You're sitting there with the most powerful known Nazi connection there is.
That tentacle, just like, you know, the demon in It, has a tentacle that uses the clown.
Hillary's is the tongue of the anglerfish.
That's what they, it's like a little,
And so it's like a dying robot, but it's still, it's animated only by pure Luciferian energy, and you're sitting there next to Hitler's weapon!
I mean, literally direct control by the spirit of that, and you are next to a Satanist!
And you're afraid of Hitler, when the Satanists are flipping out over Trump, and he's backing Israel.
You're an idiot!
God Almighty!
Headline, Jones attacks daughter of Holocaust survivor for fighting Hitler.
You're all idiots for following Hillary.
She is manifest evil.
Let's play the clip.
I've been saying I'll play it all day.
Let's start over at the beginning with the woman, scared of Hitler, scared of Trump, and then Hillary about how there's an attack on the press when she's the one doing it.
Here it is.
As someone who grew up in Vienna and barely escaped the Holocaust, my mother would say from time to time that it could happen here.
And I would be very dismissive of that.
I would dismiss it and I'd dismiss her comments and her fears as implausible.
I now find it shocking I'm even about to ask this question, but I do want you to talk about what are your concerns about the stability of our democratic institutions and structures in these tumultuous moments and what for you is... Hit pause again.
Hillary announced two years ago the attack on the First Amendment and called for us to be banned and called me Dark Heart.
Gotta inverse that name.
I worry about the degradation of institutions.
That means they're criminal networks.
Oh, see, she has the values.
Oh, she, oh, we're in charge.
It's like pretend princess land.
We're in charge, and everyone's bad but us, and fantasy land, and oh yeah.
Here, let's go back to her.
But at the end of the day, you have a common interest in how we make decisions.
You have an awareness of the importance of facts and evidence on which to base those decisions.
So then you say facts and evidence.
They have these signs in Austin.
Black Lives Matter.
Science is real.
It's like we own science.
Science is real.
And we're mad about
Keep going, she goes, and there's an attack on the press!
Absolutely essential role of the press.
And you protect that.
You're the ones destroying it!
And you... And look at these women!
I mean, look at these pseudo-intellectuals!
Go back to the video!
Look at their slaves!
They're not even bad people!
They don't have ten brain cells put together!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, my son Rex Jones has tweeted at his lordship, the one that cannot be criticized, even as he cusses at us and calls his names, Lord Hogg.
And I'll bet if I retweet it from real Alex Jones.
Oh, do we have the video?
Did you guys download Rex's new video?
From Twitter?
I love you guys so much, but I want to be able to go to our guest.
So I want to be able to play that.
So I want to get that new video that Rex tweeted out, because I want to play that on there.
Can we do that?
Okay, great.
I know I babble a lot, it's hard to listen to everything I'm saying, but I saw the tweet about 20 minutes ago and they got it done.
I haven't seen the video yet, so it's on Real Alex Jones, where he says basically, well he said he was going to challenge Hogg and say, why haven't you debated me, and why aren't you responding, and why are you calling for the end of the First Amendment?
And then I, that was this morning we talked, and then later Hogg came out and called for the firing of
You know, hosts that criticize him on Fox News.
So, it's just a rampant attack.
Look at me, I'm a victim.
Give me your guns, give me your free speech, give me everything!
You hurt me!
You attacked me!
I'm a victim, and I didn't attack you!
If somebody runs over you with a car, and then you go on the news and say, you can't criticize any of my political views because somebody ran into me with a car, it's leftist buffoonery from the establishment.
It's on RealAlexJones on InfoWars.com.
And we will play it.
Now, Joel Gilbert hosts every Friday.
He does a great job.
But he knows, apart from doing the fourth hour, sometimes I go a little, little, little berserk-y.
So we're going to get to him in the next segment.
But, like I said, as soon as I have that Twitter, not trying to be OCD about it, I've just asked a few times,
They have not uploaded it yet.
Okay, I saw the video in the article.
That's what I need to know.
Thank you for that piece of critical, amazing intel.
Thank you.
See, I told Rex he'll make it a big production.
He'll do a live, two-minute deal.
But he's doing something different, so we're going to see what he does.
But again, major news articles.
Jones shouldn't allow his 15-year-old baby on air.
It's abusing him.
Why children can't be on air unless they're David Hogg.
And then they can do whatever they want.
There it is from the Dawsonburg Estate when Alex Jones turns his 15-year-old son into offending from bullying David Hogg.
Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
So David Hogg is the cause celeb that we must fire Laura Ingraham.
We must give up the First Amendment.
We must give up the Second Amendment.
We must Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Or you are a child killer.
Turn in your guns, killers!
Turn in your guns!
It's time to repeal the Second Amendment, or you're a child killer!
Boy, that's not authoritarian, that's not outrageous, that shouldn't make you mad.
People looking at you and telling you, because you have a right, it's your fault.
You didn't know that when somebody stabs somebody with a knife, every knife owner is to blame.
You didn't know if somebody poisons someone with antifreeze,
If you have antifreeze in your car, you're a murderer.
You didn't know that if a jihadi runs over somebody with a truck, and it happens to be a Ford or Chevy, you got a Ford or Chevy, how dare American Ford and Chevy owners?
I'm gonna do a man on the street.
I'm gonna go out in parking lots, and I'm gonna approach people like CNN bullies people, and I'm gonna say, sir, ma'am,
What in the hell are you doing?
You are driving a Mercedes car.
Did you know a Mercedes truck was used just last year in Berlin to run over a bunch of people?
And again, months before that at a Christmas event.
What are you doing driving this killing machine?
They'll be like, well, I'm not associated with that.
I didn't do that with the truck.
Does it matter?
You have this deadly assault vehicle that killed hundreds of people in Nice.
Find out the model of the truck in Nice.
There'll be some US subsidiary and I'm going to go around and I'm going to get in people's faces.
I'm going to say, what in the world are you doing driving a brand vehicle that was associated with running over 270 something people and killing over 180?
And they're going to say, that's the person driving the truck.
No, no, no.
You are the killer.
You criticize me.
You don't care about those toddlers run over to Neese.
You murdered those babies.
Now I want you to kill yourself right now.
Or I'm gonna... I'm so upset with you right now.
Every car owner in this country is responsible for Neese.
You murdered those children and you don't even care!
Here, let's go back to it.
Every car owner, every truck owner in the world is a murderer!
You murdered children in France, in Germany, and in New York!
And I want all vehicles banned!
I agree with the Supreme Court Justice!
I want to repeal the Second Amendment!
I want to repeal everything!
What kind of vehicle was that?
It was a rental car?
Home Depot truck?
I mean, I can't tell because the front's smashed.
Is that a Chevy?
Is that a Ford?
Ford to Chevy still last 10 years like they should.
What is that?
Here, zoom in on that.
Is that a Chevy or is that a Ford?
Not that it matters, but... Can you believe that Ford and Chevy... We got some car buffs in there, right?
Can somebody tell me what that is?
Is that a Ford or a Chevy?
What is that?
It's a Ford.
There you go.
Ladies and gentlemen, should there be lawsuits against Ford for this?
Just like gun manufacturers.
Should there be lawsuits against Home Depot?
They knowingly let somebody rent something that the truck then went out and did.
It's like Christine.
You park that truck there.
It starts up.
It goes and kills people at night.
It pulls back into the bay.
Well, he's coming up.
All right.
Joel Gilbert straight ahead, now I'm going to go find out what's going on with Rex Charge challenging Lord Hoglett.
Oh my gosh, I can't call him Hoglett.
Oh my gosh, I've got to be banned off the internet.
And then all the rest of the news.
There's a lot of clubs as well.
Hillary Clinton, Republican Party's being held captive.
Yeah, by the voters.
And we've got Hillary Clinton.
The Russians are still in our elections.
And we've also got Trump on the tyranny of gun control and saying it's not going to happen.
And oh, George Ramos is eyeing returning to Mexico.
Well, there's some pretty places in Mexico, but they're all heavily controlled, like Isla Mujeres or a few others.
So, George, if you hate America so much and it's so racist and it's so bad and it's so evil that we have less border control than Mexico,
Don't let the door hit you on your booty when you go out.
Oh my God, I just bullied a Hispanic person!
Ban me for that!
But as we speak, they've got newspapers all over saying Alex Jones is exploiting his 15-year-old son and holds him captive and makes him say pro-gun things.
Now we just accused Jones of saying that, you know, any scripting doesn't exist.
But we're going to accuse him of that now.
And we hope his son is removed from YouTube immediately.
Because after all, no conservatives are allowed to have a voice because we're liberal and we're fighting Hitler.
But if you say we're like Hitler, we're taking free speech, we won't have you banned because you're not allowed to call us Hitler.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Joel Gilbert coming to you from Los Angeles, right from the left coast.
Don't forget to go to the Alex Jones store and get Trump the Art of the Insult.
95 minutes of laughter and you'll get to know Trump.
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I want to welcome my guest.
It's Dr. Herbert London, a former candidate for governor of New York.
He heads up the
London Center for Policy Research.
It's also known as a think tank.
They do research on key policy issues, including national security and energy.
And I want to welcome Dr. London on to InfoWars.
How are you today?
It's a pleasure to be with you.
Thank you very much.
Can you tell our audience what exactly does a think tank do?
What does the London Center do?
And how do you influence policy in Congress and even the White House?
Well, one of the things that we attempt to do is, of course, introduce policies that would make sense to the United States.
We don't have any particular partisan agenda.
Our goal is to see whether, in fact, there are policy issues that would be appropriate for the United States, considering the fact that during the Obama years, we did not really have a foreign policy.
So again, the way in which we do that,
We talk to people on the Hill, we organize seminars, we try very hard to insinuate our ideas into the Trump administration, which we have done somewhat successfully.
And so it's always a question of trying to use whatever leverage you have in order to influence the course of history.
Okay, so let's start with what do you think led to the meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Trump?
And what do you think will come of this meeting?
Well, as far as the catalyst for it, it's very hard to say, but my own feeling is what you have is a regime that is desperate.
Absolutely desperate.
Keep in mind that the GDP of North Korea is about a billion dollars.
The GDP of South Korea is more than a trillion dollars.
There's no comparison between the two.
And it's also true that what you have in Kim Jong-un is someone who's a third rate, fourth rate dictator.
The very fact that the President of the United States would meet with him lends prestige to North Korea.
They've won the first battle.
But it seems to me that Trump is engaged in a high wire act and he may turn out to be a very, very successful wizard turning that wheel behind the curtain.
There's no doubt in my mind that what we have here is an interesting set of events.
You have North Korea that has nuclear weapons, but they have nothing else, nothing else in the country.
It is dark, it is dank, it is dim-witted.
But you have, again, a South Korea that could provide an awful lot.
The very fact that Kim Jong-un can no longer provide for his own soldiers, can no longer provide for what is necessary, even for the very, very modest introduction of economic reform into the country, clearly suggests that he is amenable to some sort of negotiation.
Now, if I'm Trump, one of the things that I would say to him, first thing is, make sure you get two guarantees before you get on Air Force One.
De-nuclearization and unlimited verification.
You get those two things, then I think it's appropriate for the President to start engaging in negotiation.
After that, we can talk about aid, we can talk about, I don't know, even as many pork bellies as necessary to feed the population.
But nothing should occur until those two guarantees are put in place.
Okay, Herb, how do you feel about Trump's tariffs?
How will the tariffs on steel play out, and does Trump have a valid point on national security?
Look, one of the things you have to understand about tariffs, by and large, tariffs are a tax.
And I don't like taxes by and large.
I mean, overall, it's not very good for the consumer.
And if you're talking about an unfavorable balance of trade, it's a question of what happens to that unfavorable balance on your side.
Do you spend the money adequately?
Do you need it for other industries?
Does it create jobs?
Very, very difficult to say.
So tariffs as a generalization has to be seen within a certain kind of context.
The other point that I would make about this is that when you're talking about this, the president has already engaged in backsliding.
He is saying now we will negotiate with the Chinese on the $60 billion.
So it wasn't as if he said, you know what, this is blanket reform.
We're going to introduce this.
He is going to start a negotiation with the Chinese about the 60 billion.
Just as he has already said to the Europeans and to both Mexico and Canada, we will keep you again outside the realm of this tariff regimen.
So I do think that even though he's imposed these tariffs, we're already seeing that the President is moving away from them.
OK, look, Donald Trump is criticized nonstop about his lack of expertise during the campaign and on all the cable channels, of course, that aren't Fox for the most part.
How do you assess his foreign policy successes so far?
And is he really lacking in expertise or is he all instincts and maybe good instincts in the end of the day?
Look, I think that this president is not an intellectual.
He would probably admit as much.
But his instincts happen to be very good.
And what we have found on the foreign policy front is that the president, I think, has probably done quite well.
If I'm giving him a report card, I would say probably a B. And I'm a tough grader.
But I think it's important to understand that what he's inherited is a very difficult set of situations across the globe.
And the president has to react to them.
Most of the nations that were once allied with the United States lost confidence in America during the Obama years.
And he has to restore that confidence.
That's not an easy task.
Whether you're talking about Sisi in Egypt, or the Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia, or even Abe in Japan, the President has to reach out to our allies and convince them that the United States is a dependable ally.
Not an easy task, but something that I think he has done quite well.
Well, you wrote a book called Leading from Behind the Obama Doctrine and the U.S.
How bad and how much damage did Barack Obama do to the last 50, 60 years of foreign policy consensus that asserted and projected American power around the world?
Well, Joel, I think you understand this matter very well indeed.
But what you had with Obama was this naive belief that the arc of history was moving in our direction.
And as a consequence, it was not necessary for the United States to engage in any form of intervention, whether it was military intervention or even peaceful intervention, that the United States was going to opt out of foreign policy.
And so we saw a continual and, I must say, an incremental withdrawal from international affairs.
That is one of the reasons why Trump has this difficulty.
If you create a vacuum in international affairs by the departure of the United States, that vacuum will be filled.
Very often filled by bad actors.
Those actors could be ISIS, they could be China, they could be the Iranians, but there's no question that that vacuum will be filled.
We have to understand vacuums in international affairs can be very dangerous.
Therefore, American participation is necessary.
That doesn't mean that we have to play the role of policemen in the world.
I do not believe that for a moment.
But it does mean that the United States' diplomatic activity is critical in dealing with international affairs.
Okay, we've got about another minute.
How do you feel about the personnel changes and the direction that Trump is heading?
We just changed out McMaster for John Bolton at the National Security Council.
Does that make you more comfortable and more optimistic that he's heading in a direction that will secure America's allies and defenses around the world?
Look, I know John.
I think he's terrific.
I think it was a great move on the part of the president.
As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the key moves that have been made by this presidency.
I think that John Bolton has the imagination, as well as a kind of understanding and experience in international affairs, that make him an ideal candidate for National Security Advisor.
I'll tell you a story very, very briefly.
Years ago, when I was the president of the Hudson Institute,
We've got about 10 seconds.
Let's get the story at the top of the next segment after the commercial.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones Show and InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to Infowars.
Joel Gilbert coming to you right from the left coast.
We want to finish up with Dr. Herbert London of the London Center for Policy Research.
Herb, we wanted you to share a story about one of your experiences when I asked you about the NSC.
Look, this is a story about John Bolton.
And it involves a colleague of mine at the Hudson Institute, Robert Bork, who you may remember was converted into a verb.
Robert is fastest mortal coil, but was a great friend and extraordinary jurist, perhaps the finest jurist in America.
Former Solicitor General, and at the same time, someone who taught at Yale Law School for several decades.
During that period, when he was at Yale Law School, he taught every power elite individual in Washington, D.C.
Whether it was Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, I mean, you go down the list, there's probably no one of note who didn't study constitutional law with Robert Fork.
During the course of lunch, I said to Robert, you know, tell me about your students.
And he said, you know, I've taught everyone of any power or influence in Washington.
And I said to him, who is the best student you ever had?
He looked at me and he said, that's easy.
I said, that's easy?
Based on all the experience that you've had?
He said, yes.
By far the most intelligent, the most imaginative student I ever had at a Yale Law School was John Bolton.
That's high praise.
That's high praise.
That's a fabulous story since he's coming on only in a few days.
Dr. London, thanks for being here and appreciate all your insight to all the audience here at InfoWars.
Thank you.
Always a pleasure to be with you.
Thank you.
Okay, folks.
Look, I want to talk about how this week Donald Trump went after Amazon again.
In the tweet he said, they pay little or no taxes to state and local governments and they use our postal system as their delivery boy and they're putting out many thousands of retailers out of business.
So what I want to do today in this last segment is let's look at what and who is behind Amazon.
Could it be the deep state or what I call the police state?
Let's look at some facts.
Did you know that Amazon was not profitable until about three or four years ago?
They were only breaking even or losing money because they low-balled their products.
Amazon had very high revenue and no profit.
What changed three or four years ago?
Well, what changed was CEO Jeff Bezos became a mega-billionaire and the richest man on the planet and his stock price went up to $1,500 per share because of
The Deep State.
In 2013, Amazon got a $600 million contract from the CIA to create a computer cloud service.
That was the whole difference.
That's what turned Amazon around.
In fact, it was an insider deal between Amazon and the CIA.
IBM had to sue the government because the CIA broke the law that requires open bidding for government contracts.
And guess what?
IBM lost in court.
A judge named Thomas Wheeler, who later upheld Obamacare, ruled in favor of the CIA.
You know, you wonder why.
So later that same year, Jeff Bezos buys the Washington Post for $250 million.
This is a guy with no cash except for the $600 million that the CIA gave him.
And Business Insider Magazine wrote, Jeff Bezos didn't waste too much time before signing the $250 million deal.
Bezos said, I did no due diligence.
I did not negotiate for the Washington Post.
I just accepted the first number they proposed.
So Bezos buys the Washington Post with the CIA money.
A leftist newspaper, favorite of the CIA, publisher of leaks.
And essentially half the money he got from the CIA, he turned around and unquestioned bought the Washington Post.
Which often quotes unnamed CIA sources in their reporting.
Of course the Post doesn't disclose that the CIA paid the owner of their newspaper twice what it cost to buy the newspaper for a website.
Remember Obamacare website, they paid two billion dollars.
So who was the CIA director when this deal with Amazon and the Washington Post was finalized?
It was John Brennan.
John Brennan, the corrupt CIA director, the political operative, the Obama campaign advisor.
He's been a loyal progressive Democrat since he voted Communist Party in 1976.
So wouldn't you like to see an investigation into the collusion between John Brennan, Jeff Bezos, Amazon, the Washington Post, and the CIA?
Now Brennan was in the news again this week in his new gig as a MSNBC analyst.
Let's see what Brennan had to say about Trump on video just this past week.
He is mean-spirited.
He is dishonest.
He has shown a lack of integrity.
And he has continued to, I think, to be in the office of the presidency.
Do you believe he's somehow in debt to the President of Russia?
I think he's afraid of the President of Russia.
Well, I think one can speculate as to why.
That the Russians may have something on him personally.
That they could always roll out and make his life more difficult.
So here John Brennan is exposing himself as a political operative.
You can only imagine what went on at the CIA with this guy's leadership.
But it's very rich that Brennan thinks the Russians might have something on Trump.
Brennan's guy, as you know from my film Dreams for My Real Father, Brennan's guy Obama, by his own admission, was raised by a Soviet agent, Frank Marshall Davis, in Hawaii.
And there's a mountain of evidence that Davis is Obama's real father.
The Kenyan student was just a sham marriage.
Now you wonder how that would play and how Putin could control Obama by exposing his real background because his father was a Russian agent.
Let's look at an excerpt from my interview with Malik Obama from a few years ago where he talks about Frank Marshall Davis.
Frank Marshall Davis, a fairly well-known poet named Frank Marshall Davis who had moved to Hawaii.
Frank Marshall Davis.
Do you think that
Barack looks like Frank Marshall Davis.
This is a man that he said raised him.
There's a great resemblance.
Yeah, I think Frank Marshall Davis and Barack, they look alike.
Some kind of moles I see on his face and Frank, he has those too.
There's a resemblance.
And does he resemble your father?
Not really.
I don't, you know, they say about the years and... No.
So, here we have Brennan continuing the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative that somehow Trump was colluding with and is controlled by Putin.
But the only thing that explains Obama's pro-Russia policies, especially during his first term, was because Obama was controlled by Putin.
Don't forget, Obama removed the missile shield from Eastern Europe that Putin desperately wanted out.
Of course, the famous reset that ended up transferring all this technology that was forbidden to Russia.
The U.S.
approval of Uranium One, transferring our uranium deposits to a Russian company.
And as Herb London spoke earlier about how Russia's number one foreign policy goal to get America to retreat from the world so they could fill the vacuum of power in Syria, in Crimea, in Ukraine.
Obama implemented Russian policy called leading from behind.
So everything indicates that
This secret of Obama's, that was very dangerous for him to take to the White House, put America in jeopardy, that his real father was a Russian agent.
Let's look at the video of Obama and Medvedev in that context, when they were speaking before the 2012 election.
My last election, yes.
After my election, I am more flexible.
I am the president of the United States.
A few months ago, when you were asked, what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia.
Not Al-Qaeda, you said Russia.
And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, you know, the Cold War's been over for 20 years.
This is my last lecture, actually, yeah?
And after my lecture, I have more flexibility.
And this is, I transmit this information to Vladimir Putin.
You know, I transmit this information to Vladimir.
That conversation between Obama and Medvedev should have led to an immediate special counsel and talk of impeachment.
It wasn't a scene from a movie.
The American president was begging for time, saying, if I just have a little more time when I get past the election, can you get me some more time and I'll do your bidding?
And Medvedev says, I stand with you, I will transmit this to Vladimir.
That should have been a special counsel.
So the United States is just wasting all this time and energy on this ridiculous probe of Trump, when I think all this time, the person who was controlled by Putin was absolutely Barack Obama, and that's the only way you can explain his pro-Russia policies.
Everyone, please, if you haven't seen it, check out Dreams to My Real Father.
Of course, Trump the Art of the Insult in the Alex Jones Store.
It's very important to buy it from the Alex Jones Store only to help support InfoWars Show.
Trump the Art of the Insult.
Thank you everyone for being here.
This is Joel Gilbert right from the left coast at InfoWars.
Thanks for being here today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.