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Filename: 20180313_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 13, 2018
3230 lines.

Alex Jones discusses ongoing lawsuits against him and his organization, including one with Georgetown University. He criticizes the mainstream media and Democratic Party for attempting to silence him through misinformation and defamation. Jones promotes various health products available on InfoWarsLife, such as Cell Force and Vitamin Mineral Fusion. He also talks about support for President Trump's actions despite imperfections, the KKK protest video from 1999, censorship by tech giants like Google and YouTube, and the need for free speech.

We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I told you it was coming, and now the beast has reared its head directly.
Georgetown University, headquarters of the globalist takeover of the State Department and the CIA, the deepest of the deep state, even worse than Harvard or Yale.
That's where Carol Quigley trained William Jefferson Clinton for the Central Intelligence Agency role of president.
That's all declassified.
Georgetown University has sued InfoWars and has sued former Congressman Allen West and many others, our own Leanne McAdoo, for pointing out that just like what happened in Florida with the Parkland tragedy, out of 3,000 students, they chose four who were anti-gun, whose parents were connected to the Democratic Party to be the spokespersons.
They then spun that, that we said nobody doubted they were crisis actors.
It's the same thing here.
We pointed out that people that had worked at the State Department and CIA-connected offices, and that had worked for congressmen funded openly, massively by George Soros, and who had worked for Hillary Clinton directly, were the spokespersons out there putting out a narrative.
In the suit, it says, and in the Georgetown editorial,
Put out by the University Law School, it says all the same lies that I said.
It's crisis factors, it's all fake.
This is the defamation.
I am being defamed by a deep state institution, and one of its alumni who worked for the State Department, Hillary Clinton, is the individual claiming that
Us questioning all this and pointing out they put this narrative out of a martyr when the poor woman got killed to create this clash in the media trying to mainline Antifa is a good organization.
And that narrative blew up in their face.
And so they don't want us here.
They don't want us on air.
They don't want us to question.
They even put in the lawsuit that we exposed the Comey
2012 hoax and said that that was a CIA run.
That came out in the news later.
I have friends who were CIA contractors on the ground.
You guys opened up a big fat can of worms on this.
They're saying I need to be taken off the air.
Along with scores of other websites and news organizations, preemptively, this is to set the precedent that they define at Georgetown what's real news and what isn't.
This isn't a defamation suit.
It is sold in a giant PR operation, put out in press releases by Georgetown, and the dean of the law school calling for us to be shut down, and then Sadiq Khan, the Islamist mayor of London,
Who has police stand down when Antifa beat up men, women, and children.
He was in Austin yesterday and called for web censorship of conservatives to be taken off the web.
Just like they've done in Europe by claiming it's white supremacist.
It's on folks!
There's a headline.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan tells Silicon Valley to censor hate speech.
They're mainlining their takeover.
So this is the fight.
It's targeting your speech.
I am, quite frankly, super honored.
Because when I read the suit and saw that... By the way, the suit's saying I'm saying the CIA was connected to PR, which they are on record.
And then now, basically, this is the deep state heart of the CIA leftist arm suing me.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm picking up a fake transmission.
I think it's Alex Jones.
But here's the good news, chumps.
You think you're gonna assassinate Trump?
Shut down the internet media and bully a bunch of us into going along with you?
I'd like reserve power.
That's not wrong for being willing to have a fight.
21 at this point.
And only the dumbest morons buy into your SJW globalist George Soros tropics.
Emergency reserve.
Hillary Clinton and the New World Order and Michael Moore.
Go back to Haiti where you came from.
We're awake and you're not putting us back in the coma.
You got that, Jack?
You're done!
It's over!
Get him back!
Get him back!
Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot make it up.
You cannot make it up.
Georgetown University
Quarterbacks, the actual control of the National Security Act, and the globalist takeover of America.
Carol Quigley, the head of their political science department, wrote an 1,100-page book in the mid-1960s for the CIA and State Department to even understand the algorithm and philosophy they were using of authoritarianism and false left-right paradigm control.
They have now had a former State Department individual assigned to the Foreign Service and working under Hillary sue myself, Allen West, and many others, and we've had Georgetown University law file the suit.
So this is using taxpayer-funded money to engage in an anti-free speech crusade
To set a precedent, as I've been warning you, to ban InfoWars and then everybody else, so that they can preemptively have government say what's real news and what is fake news.
And that's what the suit calls for.
It is incredible.
So this is the Democrat arm of the deep state, Georgetown, suing me.
And what's incredible here is that
They're saying that we say this guy's Hillary and Soros connected, and that it looks like a classic CIA cutout where he worked in these combat zones in Africa for the State Department, because the State Department runs the CIA, not the other way around.
And we had Gaston that pointed that out.
We're being sued for questioning.
And then there is CIA connections to some of the other people.
And so they conflate it, us covering Ukraine and stuff in the videos, in the lawsuit, and mix Ukraine in with Charlottesville.
We're talking about Soros funding that, which he's on record, on Fareed Zakaria saying it, on CNN.
And they do stuff like, in the lawsuit, cut words off, where I say Soros needs to go to jail for staging Charlottesville.
They cut the word chaos off.
So they go, oh look, he says Soros staged it all, nobody was killed, crisis actors.
When I said the Democrats do hire actors to be the core of some of these AstroTurf events, like Michael Moore showing up to the event, right after Trump got elected, that was funded by Russian bots.
Turns out Moore didn't even know he was going to something funded by Russian bots that was anti-Trump.
So you got governments, you got corporations.
This goes on.
Hillary staged fake town halls.
CNN's been caught.
That's on record.
CNN's been caught with the babies in the incubators and, you know, Congress and all those fake reports to get us in the Iraq War.
So, the first Iraq War.
So, we have a right to question.
And they don't like us questioning their narratives.
This is incredible.
And we're going to go over some of the lawsuits today.
Our lawyers have looked at the Peppy the Frog lawsuit.
They said, yeah, the guy told everybody in public interviews to use the image.
Plus, it's not even your art you're selling.
It was a third party posters you sold.
This is we have absolute slapback, total victory.
It's just open and shut.
And it's we got two other lawsuits dismissed this week.
And I'm talking to lawyers about whether I'm going to show that two of them dismissed with prejudice.
By the judge.
These are suits the lawyers didn't even want me to get into.
Now, this was an agreement, so I didn't sue them.
Once they're lawyers, once they got competent counsel, they went, who got you to do this?
They went, well, you know, the Democrats.
And some of these Democrats are so crazy, they tell me, you better watch it and shut up.
More suits are coming.
And they're dumb enough to do it in emails!
I mean, folks, the Democrats are crazy!
They're nuts!
They want Trump out, they want the power, they want to put their boot back on America's neck, and they are pissed.
And that's why they're freaking out, because we're getting all these lawsuits.
I mean, it was up to, actually, it's 11 now, but we've gotten six dismissed.
Two just this week.
I mean, we're like grand slamming them out of the park every time, because they're crazy!
And just because
The Washington Post, the New York Times, and everybody misquotes what we said about this guy who did videotape the stuff and who I don't think was part of staging anything.
He's a spokesperson of the Democrats.
He loves Hillary.
He's a leftist.
He went all over TV.
He was a public figure before.
He's a public figure after.
He's going to be all over the news channels as a cost celeb.
Democratic fundraising.
He writes articles for Politico.
How I Became Fake News.
Brennan Gilmore.
And Alexander Jones, Infowars, is the top of the bill.
It's like John Hancock.
I like that.
We got my name right there, big and bold, baby.
That's the new Declaration of Independence right there.
You got Lee Stranahan, we need to get him on today.
Let's go back, I'll read it.
Lee Ann McAdoo, and then they got some other news organizations they're suing.
So, this guy goes out and writes his articles, misrepresents what I said about Charlottesville, defames me.
Then Georgetown Law, as deep state as it gets, comes out and then they have the nerve to say, we're suing you because you say I might be connected to the CIA.
Are you joking?
I mean, you don't think the public doesn't know, or Colonel Allen West of the Army doesn't know, what the State Department is?
The State Department is the CIA.
It runs it.
It is the deepest state.
That's why Pompeo just got promoted to the number two spot in the government.
More important than the Vice President when it comes to what he's doing.
And then they brought in another lady who's been very loyal to the country under that.
They talk about, oh, the left says she ran black sides and torture, and I'm not for torture.
Trump was kind of honest about it because it does go on.
Everybody does it.
And the point is, is that folks have asked me what I think about it.
You never know what really went on because it's the globalists that are pointing their finger at her and saying, you know, in Thailand there was some black site with Al-Qaeda terrorists in it.
You know, did she destroy evidence?
I mean, that's the New York Times saying she did that.
And you know, I tend to know that stuff goes on, so I tend to believe it, but not because the New York Times wrote it.
The point is, it's the first female director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the first female director, it's so crazy, of any of these big agencies.
But you can hardly even find that in the news.
Instead, it's new CIA director Gina Haspel had leading role in torture.
Obama said he's really good at killing people.
Oh, and Obama said he stopped the torture.
Let me give you a little news flash.
Under Obama, the torture exploded.
And they put ISIS and Al Qaeda in charge to gang rape and murder all over the world.
So that's coming up.
But the big news, Tillerson out.
Let's get Roger Stone on, I forgot to tell you that.
Why is he out?
He's been saying Tillerson's out since last December.
He said it's imminent, imminent, imminent.
And Tillerson is out.
We're going to look at Pompeo.
Let's get Steve Pchenik on as well, former head of psychological operations at the State Department.
That means former head of CIA psychological operations.
It's like a joke.
Oh, how dare you say I'm connected to the CIA?
I just worked in clandestine offices of the State Department in Africa.
Oh, of course.
Oh my goodness, excuse me.
Wait till we explain that to a jury, if it ever gets to them.
And then there is the rules of evidence.
The optional completeness, a jury's gonna have to watch whole four-hour shows for every clip you want to show them.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I grow up, I want the deep state to sue me so I can draw them out in the open.
So I can get them in those deposition rooms and hammer those white shoeboys for the return of the republic.
We now take you live to the rebirth of America and the second revolution!
I can feel the spirit!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My name, my children, my treasure, my soul is on the line to defeat these parasite globalists.
And I'm feeling good.
You want to know their number, if you want to know their kryptonite, if you want to know what they fear, it's Infowars.
It's you.
It's Americana.
It's God-fearing people of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood.
Now, I'll get more into
The deepest of the deep state, Clinton command base, CIA leftist faction, Jesuit, globalist, Vatican, El Supremo operation.
I mean, I'm not anti-Catholic.
I'm anti-leftist, globalist, that are taking control of the Catholic Church with this new Pope.
100% saying China and Communism is the model of Christianity.
I mean, I heard 30, 40 years ago preachers saying, there'll be a Pope that calls for Communism in one world religion.
I'd roll my eyes.
You know, remember, the Popes before that were bringing down Communism and stuff.
And now he's there pushing it.
I mean, this is a takeover.
And Georgetown is the Jesuit command base.
And it is more important than Harvard and Yale when it comes to the State Department.
It is what runs that, basically.
And to have Georgetown Law put out an editorial, just like you'll have an endorsement or a non-endorsement of a candidate, there's no name on it.
That means it's the dean.
And then this whole thing about how I don't deserve speech and I need to be silenced, it sounds like something Mao Zedong would write.
That's coming up!
But it was the Jesuits and the whole leftist arm that helped put Mao into power.
God Almighty, that's all... It's all on record.
It's just incredible.
The Society of Jesus is now the Society of the Globalists and the Communist Party.
And... They're making their move.
I was told by high-level CIA sources that I was going to have Catholics in action take a big move at me in the next month, and boy, here it is.
A direct, direct frontal attack.
So, I guess everything's full circle, because it was my
I don't know, I say 9th generation, but I'm an 8th generation Texas.
My children are 9th generation.
Came into Texas in the early 1820s, was Mexican land grant.
And a lot of my family's from Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia, but on my mom's side, he was, the Ayers and the Greshams and all those folks were successful, very successful, rich folks in New York.
Strangely enough, they sold us some of the slaughterhouses and stuff that later the Rockefellers got the UN buildings owned on.
My family once owned that property on that side.
He sold everything he had and bought a shipload of Bibles.
Back then, a Bible, you know, cost the equivalent of thousands of dollars a day of King James Version Bibles.
And they had a big shootout with the Jesuits in Galveston, but they got the Bibles through.
And they were directly working with President Andrew Jackson at the time to quarterback a plan to overthrow this sector and bring the Republicans.
So, it's just strange how things revolve.
My ancestors working with the President Jackson, Trump fashions himself after Jackson, and I'm working with Trump again.
History repeats, ladies and gentlemen.
It's magic.
It's real.
I am those ancestors.
You know, Trump's got a great lineage of German and is Scott-like Jackson.
And here we are.
It's on, ladies and gentlemen.
Trump's not perfect, but he's trying to be the president.
And Tillerson has been removed.
Tillerson has been a double dealer.
Trump's assistant has also been let go, and a bunch of other people.
He had Pompeo, legally and lawfully, because they are agents of globalists.
Looking into folks at the White House, and we're now into year number two, and Trump knows who's loyal, and Trump knows who isn't, and so let me just say, we're gonna give you as good as you give us.
So enjoy yourselves, everyone.
Because Trump has just decided to take full command of the White House, and it's on.
We're going to play some of Trump coming up in the next segment.
I've got a ton of clips to get to here, but let me tell you something.
We got calls days ago.
They were trying to bully Leanne McAdoo and telling her they were going to sue her and all this stuff.
They've really tried to pressure her and do a lot of things to her in the last few years to get her to make stuff up about this operation and she's just such a good person she never did it.
And her grandmother had a brain tumor and she's been taking care of her but still been working and she's here right now.
That just so happened that she comes about three or four times a year from Florida and she was just here when all this came down and they'd really put the drill bits to her.
She just had Lee Stranahan on, who teaches a journalism school, and never said anything.
He just said, look how they picked people who are Democrat-connected to sit there and parrot talking points all over the news.
And, you know, it says that in this lawsuit.
It says, from Vegas to Parkland, Florida, you know, Jones says nobody died and it's all fake.
That's not true!
The lawsuit itself is a defamatory screed of propaganda.
And that's what, you understand, we got two lawsuits dismissed this week, and I'm allowed to reveal the stuff, but the lawyers are still looking at whether I should.
We gotta send a letter to the Fury guy with the frog, because we have to do that before we sue him, and they just, it's open and shut.
And my lawyers don't tell me that unless it is.
I mean, it's anti-slapback provision, open and shut.
The problem is this is gonna take money.
But now they've got a taxpayer-funded
Suing, trying to end the free speech?
And you've got Sadiq Khan yesterday at UT.
We were going to go cover that.
Or at South by Southwest, down by UT.
The London stand mayor who wants to get rid of free speech, who lets Antifa beat people up, who's banning images of women in bathing suits, he's bringing Sharia law in.
And the guy is a nightmare!
And he says get rid of free speech, calling it hate speech.
London mayor,
Sadiq Khan tells Silicon Valley to censor hate speech, and that means us.
They're coming for the First Amendment.
It's here.
Let's play that clip.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm picking up a fake transmission right here.
I think it's Alex Jones.
But here's the good news, chumps.
You think you're going to assassinate Trump, shoot down the independent media, and bully a bunch of us into going along with you?
I'd like to reserve power.
How long from you willing to have a fight?
Twenty-one at this point.
And only the dumbest morons buy into your SJW globalist George Soros droppings.
Emergency reserve.
So to George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and the New World Order, and Michael Moore, go back to Hades, where you came from.
We're awake, and you're not putting us back in the coma!
You got that, Jack?
You're done!
It's over!
Get him back!
Get him back!
Do you think there was more than one?
For sure.
I'm picking Cheater.
It sounds like it's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully-automated weapons.
What do you suggest?
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the front lines of the information war and the attempt to restore our republic and take back power from the offshore tax-exempt megabanks.
You can see they're fighting very hard to cause civil unrest, to push racial division all over the news, to push cop-killing, and then they've got the foreign Islamic mayor of London standing, who's banning nationals' free speech, arresting people en masse.
Only Muslims are allowed to speak at Speaker's Corner, basically, and call for killing everybody, bringing Islamists back into the nation.
We've got all of this unfolding and going on, and then Georgetown University sues me and puts out an official paper calling for us to be taken off the air.
Total defamation.
They lie.
They say that we say crisis actors, you know, were in Florida and nobody died.
The same thing for
Vegas and all of it and just none of it's true.
The defamation is the lawsuit to then have the media sit out there and push it.
And they're suing Congressman Allen West, they're suing Leanne McAdoo, they're suing a bunch of other folks, at least Granahan.
Virginia Mann sues InfoWars.
You know, let's go back to the Hill.
Others for fake news at the Charlottesville rally.
Oh, where is the headline?
Georgetown University uses taxpayer money to sue to push for the end of the free press.
Wow, that's pretty sensational, isn't it?
Sadiq Khan calls for ending web freedom and free speech in the US.
I mean, that's the headline.
Calls for web censorship of conservatives, labeling it hate speech.
Defendants of the case, Alex Jones.
Reporters, Lee Stranahan, they put that in quotes.
Oh, because only mainstream-ish.
Leanne McAdoo, Jim Hoft, author of the alt-right blog Gateway Pundit.
Oh, it's a blog.
It doesn't get hundreds of millions of views every week.
Former U.S.
Congressman Allen B. West, who operates the alt-right website.
Notice, Hillary created the name alt-right, that's who we are, see?
That means you're racist, a white supremacist, the black guy.
No, I'm the new right, or I'm a libertarian.
Again, they dehumanize you, they label you.
Derek Wilburn, author of the defamatory article about Gilmore on allenwest.com, and Scott Crichton, operator of the blog American Everyman.
You read it?
And all the people are like, wow, how are you handling it?
Man, all these lawsuits.
We had two lawsuits dismissed.
One this week and one last week.
I said two this week.
It's just brought to my attention immediately.
Like, oh, by the way, here's some good news.
Dismissed with prejudice.
That means you can't come back and file it.
And that's when they figured out we could sue them and their lawyers when actually your other lawyers really screwed up.
This is crazy.
And the same thing with the frog.
Two of them.
They said they've never seen a more fraudulent filing.
Slapback provisions 100%.
And the letters being sent today to Mr. Fury... They think we're all dumb.
I guess globalists go to the shopping mall and see zombies and think we're all like that.
And it's their arrogance that blinds them.
It's their arrogance that will bring them down.
Because I've never seen anything like it.
So again, this show, they want to distract us from the news.
They want to distract us from all the things we're doing with these lawsuits.
But it is the news!
They're trying to end free speech in America.
They're trying to destroy talk radio.
They're trying to destroy the churches in this country.
Under Obama, more than 10,000 churches got sued.
By the Justice Department and the IRS saying that conservatives and Christian groups couldn't even be anti-abortion because that was political.
And Trump has put forward his act to restore religious freedom in this country and the IRS has been forced to back off.
The IRS wouldn't even issue 501c3s to libertarian, conservative, or veterans groups.
They wouldn't issue them to groups getting prosthetic legs for people who had their legs blown off!
But the left issued, what was it, 50 plus thousand just in that one year of the debate.
Remember a few years ago, like four years ago, that was really heating up in Congress.
It's fifty-something thousand in one year to leftist groups where they don't have to pay any taxes for all their anti-American crap.
Soros has all his tax-free foundations.
By the way,
Again, they're misrepresenting saying that I said all of Charlottesville was staged by Soros.
I said chaos.
That he added to funding Antifa, which is in the federal filings, and in the news, and on record, and I have articles right here.
But they misrepresent.
And then try to defame us, saying that we say the guy that's suing us somehow carried out the attacks.
No, we're saying he's a Democratic Party operative, worked for Hillary Clinton in the State Department, was out there in the news because of his political views, to be put all over the news.
But I'll say this, CNN and others called for our YouTube channel to be shut down, it almost did, and misrepresented what we said, and I said, hey, you're supposed to sue me to prove something, so at least they're going the route of not going, Alex bullied me, I'm a full-grown man, take down his sites, ban him from the air.
They're at least having Georgetown University, the most leftist, globalist arm of the CIA, Jesuit University,
I mean, this is the Jesuits, with taxpayer money, trying to end free speech in America.
You think there are going to be some amicus briefs to this?
You think some folks are going to wait in?
This is going to be a titan battle.
And I guess they think they got everything worked out there in Virginia with things, huh?
So we can't red pill a jury.
Yeah, this is a very sophisticated operation.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
Think about it.
They are attempting, in this lawsuit and in their public statements, to defame all of us that they've been named, to lie about what we said, to misrepresent, to then rob you of the First Amendment, and that's what they're calling for.
Read the press releases.
But you see them everywhere going, do more to ban hate, starting with Alex Jones.
And what do all the internal videos at Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube say?
What's your main enemy?
What are you trying to stop?
Alex Jones.
And Paul Joseph Watson.
And anyone else like them.
And so all these cowards, they used to even be listeners or have their own big YouTubes, they go, well I'm just going to join this and attack Alex Jones so I can get promoted on YouTube.
Promoted to a bunch of zombies?
Because the folks that actually dial into what you're saying can't rub two brain cells together.
I mean, this is the big assault on everything.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Words.
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified this election cycle.
There's a guy named Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
From Infowars.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
One of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
Claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
The conspiracy du jour, Hillary Clinton is harboring a secret medical condition.
You just had to keep digging, didn't you, Alex?
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story that's according to website InfoWars.
And this really just is so disgusting.
The juice of these pickles is on you, Alex Jones.
It goes right from Alex Jones, and it shows up in Donald Trump's mouth.
Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.
The very fringe of the conspiracy movement, like Alex Jones, are being kind of incorporated into the campaign.
If Trump gets elected, he's gonna be Secretary of Defense.
I think that Alex Jones is a lunatic.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Infowars.com.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
The New World Order sends its regards.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I am so honored to be sued by Pope Francis using U.S.
taxpayer money.
No, I'm not kidding.
Pull up the Washington Post.
Georgetown was founded as a private university in the 1790s.
They're where Washington, D.C.
And it was set up by the Vatican.
basically is today.
But since about 100 years ago, it's been mainly funded by taxpayer money.
So how Georgetown law gets Uncle Sam to pay its students bills.
And they also are getting hundreds of millions of dollars now when Obama quietly signed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act to be run by the CIA and Georgetown as well as the Board of Governors of the FCC.
And so they've decided to try to shut us down.
The Vatican has filed suit on us.
Pope Francis, that's who runs Georgetown, has green-lighted.
He's been calling for shutting down fake news just a month ago.
The Vatican has listed us as fake news.
And so a foreign state based in the city of Rome is now actively suing me.
Because I claim that a State Department official who worked for Hillary Clinton and who worked for a congressman funded by George Soros, because I claim that he should be investigated for CIA ties.
And then now, the main leftist, Jesuit, globalist arm of the CIA has sued me, and Congressman Allen West and others, because they think you're so stupid.
Lee Stranahan, that runs a journalism school, will be joining us.
He's being sued, and we reviewed last night, it was up until 10.30.
We reviewed all the videos they're suing us over and there's nothing there.
But in the lawsuit and then in the Georgetown defamation article they put out against us, the taxpayer-funded defamation against a citizen, fenced through the Vatican, they call for us all to be shut down and just banned out of hand, setting the precedent.
This is huge, ladies and gentlemen, so
Think about that.
They say, oh, a private citizen in Virginia sues Alex Jones for saying that he staged the events in Charlotte.
We didn't say that.
They cut off the end where we said George Soros should be indicted for staging the chaos, funding Antifa.
I have a stack of articles where he pays for full-page Antifa ads in the New York Times saying, overthrow the government.
We have all the statements here.
I've got a big stack of articles.
Assange warrants CIA officers flooding in the Democratic Party for 2018 midterms.
Documents to tell plan for civil unrest and martial law from the George Soros group run by his son, Alexander.
Friends of democracy.
And the media never covered these documents, never refuted them.
How they hire the people, how the police stand down, how they do the riots in blue cities.
Ever wonder why they do it in blue cities?
It's all there.
Boy, you think they're gonna want me to put this in front of the jury?
Jones is... See, I'm being sued by a coalition of the corrupt Pope and George Soros.
I noticed three of the articles they listed in the suit call George Soros a Nazi collaborator.
They are so angry about that.
They're letting me know what they're about.
They're like, shut up.
No, I'm not going to shut up ever.
Never, ever.
And we're drawing your fire.
This is exactly what I was planning.
See, I'm not like you.
I'm not trying to keep myself safe.
I'm not trying to just amass more money.
I'm trying to defeat very dangerous, bad people like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, not the guy that's suing me.
And in their lawsuit, it's misrepresented.
I have been defamed by the things that are said here.
And they go out and they find these folks that I met.
He's a public figure and he goes on TV and he writes articles and he says things about me that I didn't say about him.
That's Brennan Gilmore.
And then he'll be the cost celeb all over the place.
He's a portal foreign service officer with the State Department.
How dare I say it should be looked into, any CIA connections?
The State Department runs the CIA.
The main university the CIA recruits out of is Georgetown, and then taxpayer money, with a Vatican-run institution, the former head of the Jesuits, now the Pope, saying shut down Alex Jones, shut down the free press.
How sensational!
And I had all these newspapers calling me today, and I called a few back, and I just said,
Will you please report on how they filed 12 lawsuits on us?
We've gotten now, I guess, 6 or 7.
I counted it, it's 12.
I was saying 10 earlier.
Dismissed 2 in the last 8-9 days.
Because the courts just look at it, they're like, what in the world is this?
They don't care.
It's that imit.
Ban fake news.
Ban fake news.
Jones is being sued.
Jones is being sued.
Jones is being sued.
So they go to the big tech companies and the big tech giants, the big social media outlets like Sadiq Khan, the Islamic mayor here in Austin, saying shut down the American right.
Ban them from the web completely like China's done.
We played the clip earlier.
He's shutting down free speech in London.
The globalists have brought in the Muslims to carry this out.
They're working with them.
Facebook and Twitter have worked with Pakistan to find out Christians and atheists and people that blaspheme by saying they don't believe in Muhammad to help them be executed.
Oh, but he talked about misogyny.
Yes, let's go to the Muslim Sharia law man.
He'll teach us how to take care of women.
Now, I want to go through all the other news, because they're trying to distract us with this and take our energy, but I realize to go with it, like a judo move, and I've seen every time, we come through this and win.
You understand, we've gotten already five or six.
We're right at half the fake lawsuits dismissed.
And we're doing it very judiciously.
But these are the big ones, though.
This is going to take money to fight these guys.
And that's all I'm saying to listeners and viewers, is that just like the new CEO of News Corp getting bought by Disney shed a month ago, they said, we're going to start banning Alex Jones and WikiLeaks, and then we're going to ban everybody else.
He actually said, we met with the big telecoms, we met with the big internet companies, the tech titans, and this is the plan.
And then they're just bringing it in?
Lawsuits, taxpayer funded, it's all here, it's happening!
And I am so honored to be in the middle of this.
And to see Trump moving to get rid of the globalists, to get rid of the neocons, and really bringing this country back, it's a very, very magic time to be alive.
Before we go any further, because I hardly ever plug, we need to plug more.
I barely plugged for 30 seconds last segment.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the taxpayer-funded so-called private university, Georgetown Law, filed suit on me today, and they put out press releases this morning.
They were secretly talking to Reuters and AP, and they had Reuters and AP calling us, trying to ask us questions, but not tell us there was a lawsuit.
Malfeasance by the so-called journalist.
All working in concert.
And I think there's a lot of evidence pointing towards it being an Operation Mockingbird.
I mean, look at Georgetown.
But, it's key for everybody to understand, Allen West being sued, myself, you name it.
They say in the lawsuit, they say in their press releases, that we need to be banned off the internet because we're fake.
And that they designate us as fake.
That is the globalist Pope that controls that Jesuit University with taxpayer money.
You can't make that up.
And so there needs to be congressional hearings about this.
This is the real move on the First Amendment.
Now, Brittany Pettibone is a, I'd call her new right.
They call her alt-right.
That's a Hillary Clinton term, more of a nationalist, populist.
You know, they call her a Nazi.
I'm familiar with her work.
They call me a Nazi.
It's just something they do.
Of course, George Soros is a real Nazi collaborator.
She and her boyfriend got detained for three days.
So did Laura Southern.
She got detained.
And they basically got put in a prison.
And told, watch your mouth while you're in there.
And the media is all celebrating it.
Now, Sadiq Khan is here at South by Southwest, the London stand mayor.
He says that he wants the telecoms and big tech, Silicon Valley, to shut down all conservatives' free speech.
Because, you know, he's God.
He defines it, just like Georgetown.
So, this is all interconnected.
And so, just like I'm talking about Pettibone, I know when she goes on these shows, I'm giving her my little two cents.
We're going to break here in a moment, but I'm going to go to her now.
that we need to talk about the big picture because this is happening everywhere this is an Obama executive order that was signed that I covered earlier dealing with his ministry of truth and this is an incredible time to be alive but this is all an orchestrated event it's getting really really intense and
It just shows they're that desperate to attempt a massive communist Chinese style, because that's what they're modeling it after, crackdown.
And it's getting so bad if police chiefs mention that 90 plus percent of the rapes are by Muslim men, you know, they get fired.
So Brittany, congratulations on your courage.
I know you were trying to go give a speech at Speaker's Corner with your boyfriend, where for hundreds of years they've had free speech, but I guess only the Islamists are allowed to speak now.
I was in the UK about two weeks ago, and I got in no problem.
And I was at Speaker's Corner, so I was able to see for myself that it's about 90% Muslims that go there now.
But actually, my boyfriend was the one who was going to give the speech at Speaker's Corner.
I was going to go and cover it, but the main reason that I was denied entry was because I wanted to interview Tommy Robinson, who they declared a far-right leader and someone who incites racial hatred.
So it was kind of, you know, a mixture of reasons, but they were trying to get us both on different things because they couldn't say that, oh, you can't go in just because you're going to watch a speech.
You know, it wasn't a good enough reason.
And of course, that's in the news.
That's right.
They admit that.
And you've got the paperwork as well.
We've written articles about it.
It's on Tonya Robinson's website.
Where is it best for people to go check out your sites to actually see the proof for themselves?
Well, I actually just posted a video on my YouTube channel that I made with my boyfriend Martin yesterday.
My YouTube channel is Brittany Pettybone.
I've also put out some tweets regarding it because people are now accusing us of forging these documents.
But, I mean, I have them all here.
I also have documents from the detention facility proving that we were there.
And we actually got ID cards, which they confiscated, but Martin snuck his out.
So we have his ID card proving that we were at the home.
Well, they always do this.
It's like when CNN called for us to be banned.
Later they said it was all made up.
This is how they have disdain for their viewers and listeners.
They've banned Michael Savage from going to England.
I've been interrogated when I go in about what I'm going to say and do, and they had police actually in MI5 come to my hotel on record, expanding on that.
They want, Sadiq Khan wants Donald Trump banned from London, but then they try to say they're not doing this.
Yeah, it's absolutely crazy.
And yet they'll let in, you know, returning ISIS fighters.
They'll let in, you know, all these illegals will slip through the cracks, but then when it comes to people with political opinions who they don't necessarily agree with, suddenly the border force is just the most competent one in the entire world.
Oh, absolutely.
It's London, Stan.
It is the command base for ISIS worldwide.
We'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, Brittany Pettibone has hundreds of millions of views on her YouTube.
She's a great journalist.
I'd call her a libertarian, nationalist, constitutionalist.
But they call her a Nazi.
Of course, George Soros is one that runs that.
He's a real Nazi collaborator.
But her and her boyfriend were trying to fly into London, where they've been many times, to interview Tommy Robinson, the great patriot.
And they got detained for three days in a prison cell.
And it was even in the British news.
You can just type it into a search engine.
Brittany Pettibone and others, Laura Southern, detained.
And the police admitted that.
But now the spin machine is, it looks really scary and bad to have these folks with no criminal record not allowed to come in, but Paul Watson's got a viral video out right now, let's put it up on screen if we can, where they admit that they let thousands of jihad fighters in who tell them, I'm gonna kill people.
They go, oh, we want you for sure.
Like they have in Sweden, these rehabilitation centers for ISIS and Al Qaeda fighters.
It's amazing because this is who they're going to displace everybody with.
So it's the truth about broken Britain.
Everybody needs to see it.
It's very, very powerful.
I'm going to play it later in the hour.
It's on Infowars.com.
So, you have Sadiq Khan here in Austin at South by Southwest saying ban all conservatives offline.
You have the globalist saying they're going to use communist Chinese style net censorship with a new web ID to enforce that.
You've got Georgetown University taxpayer funded at the law department.
They say they're private, they're not.
Put the Washington Post up, please.
So, taxpayer money suing me by the directives of the Pope who called for
Fake news, and in the same article it mentioned us, two weeks ago to be banned.
So, the Pope wants me off the air, and his university is suing me.
With taxpayer money.
I mean, at least use your... It's like when you hear about the Vatican won't pay for its own electricity, from Rome.
They're like 20 years behind.
They just go, we do not pay for electricity.
We have 200 foot walls.
I'm not like, I have no walls.
The Catholic Church has been totally captured.
People need to pull their alumni funding in Georgetown.
You need to call them and let them know that.
This is war, folks.
This is war.
And I'm being sued for saying that the State Department official that worked for Hillary is connected to Soros and might work for the CIA.
The State Department is the CIA.
So, it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
We got two lawsuits thrown out in the last week and a half.
So, Brittany Pettybone, break down what happened, what's going on.
I mean, this is a concerted effort.
We've got to raise the alarm.
I would say, on a Richter scale,
What would you say?
I mean, previous censorship was maybe a 3, a 4.
This is like an 8.
I mean, this is sustained across the board.
Massive governments coming after our speech.
You're being suppressed by the British government.
They're arresting people that criticize Islam, like Marine Le Pen in France, in Germany.
They're coming after everybody.
I mean, this is really going on.
So, investigative journalist Brittany Pettybone, define yourself, since they want to define you and steal your identity.
Define who you are, what your mission is, and what's happening, where you think we are right now.
Well, defining myself politically, I think the most appropriate term is what I've always gone with is an American nationalist.
And, you know, I'm pro-Trump and I've been interested in politics my entire life.
I kind of got, by accident, politically active because of the presidential elections.
But, you know, obviously they define us as all sorts of things.
I don't even bother fighting back against it anymore.
I mean, they call Trump Hitler.
You just can't trust these people.
But regarding what happened to us, it seemed like some kind of coordinated effort, because you saw they went after Lauren Southern right after my boyfriend and me.
And it's one thing to hear about the lack of freedom of speech in the UK, but it's quite another to experience it.
It's not only been eye-opening for us, but I think for many people.
And I really hope that it will encourage people to speak out against this.
I've gotten so many messages from people in the UK, like, I'm just embarrassed for my country.
Because, you know, Britain used to be so great.
They're saying, well, not so much anymore.
And you also have to question, you know, how much they put into shutting down people like myself, my boyfriend Martin Sellner, Lauren Southern.
And then things like this Telford scandal that just broke, like the biggest child sex abuse scandal in the history of Britain over the past 40 years, up to like a thousand children abused.
One girl, I believe she was about 15 years old, she was gotten pregnant six times over the course of four years.
It's absolutely unacceptable, especially after Rotherham, how they could dare to allow this to happen again.
So their priorities are just all out of whack right now.
It's really infuriating.
And finally, the BBC reports on girls as young as seven being groomed and used for sex slavery by the Muslims, who turn it into a business.
And then the rich leftist men, Brits, come and actually use it.
And so they kind of use the Muslims.
It's a complete contradiction.
It's a paradox.
Islam and feminism are not compatible.
Like, okay, so Lauren Southern was accused of racism, which is why she wasn't allowed into the UK, because she criticized Islam, which is a religion, not a race.
So the whole purpose of this social experiment, which I actually participated in, and they didn't bring this up as one of the reasons as to why I was banned, was Vice released an article saying, you know, Jesus, there's a possibility he could have been gay.
So we were thinking, okay, so if they can do this, are all religions really treated equal?
Let's go to the UK, pretend to be leftist activists,
You know, pro-LGBT coming and saying, you know, Allah, you know, it's one religion that accepts everyone, you know, feminism, gays, everything.
And the way that, this video isn't finished yet, perhaps we'll release it, but the way the reaction was incredible.
Within seconds the police were there saying they had already gotten complaints.
We need to remove you for your safety immediately.
They had to confiscate the flyers, everything.
It was an insane situation.
But this is it.
You can't criticize Islam.
It's completely protected.
That's why you see them persecuting Tommy Robinson so much, who I was going to interview.
He eventually flew to Vienna.
We did the interview.
It is, I think, one of the best he's ever done because we break down and go step by step through his five different times in prison, how he was put in there, blackmailed by the police, everything that he has suffered and sacrificed in his quest to expose Islam for what it is.
Well, I mean, radical Islam is the number one threat to Muslims.
It's killed tens of millions of their own people.
I know there are a lot of Muslims who are hard-working, smart people.
I've known a lot of them, but they're really, you know, heretics.
I want to drink a beer with you.
Yeah, I have an uncle who's Muslim.
Well, I mean, let's talk about that because, I mean, it's a fact.
The biggest victim of Islam is Islam.
Yeah, it's the religion.
I mean, you just, you read about it.
It's not just
You know, Muslims are randomly acting out, and it's like, where's this coming from?
You can read it.
You can see it in their religion.
It's written there.
So, I mean, my uncle, he has been very kind.
He's one of my favorite uncles.
We've been close pretty much my entire life.
So there's, you know, not a bad word I can say about him, but it's just, you look at the religion and then look at the Muslims, you know, the radicals, the way they're acting, and you have to criticize it.
They just, they won't even let you question it or criticize it.
It's a huge problem.
And then these grooming gangs, many Muslims are the ones responsible.
Well, it's not like many.
Even the mainstream media admits it's basically their business.
The girls act up, they just disappear.
Hearing about the lawsuits against myself, Congressman West, and others by Georgetown University, which is run by the Vatican, but they admit taxpayer money funds the law school, and they're calling in the suit for us to be shut off the air.
CNN's calling for us to be shut off the air.
They use a State Department official kind of as their
You've got to personalize it, but it is Georgetown doing it.
What do you make of this and the left calling for all of us to be banned?
And again, Marie Le Pen being arrested for saying the biggest threat since World War II to France is radical Islam.
I mean, that's a total, that's absolutely true.
Honestly, I'm not shocked at all.
I think we've all seen this coming for a while now.
The thing is, like the mainstream media, you know, a lot of older people watch it, but the youth are watching these independent creators who aren't, you know, beholden to anyone and can basically go out and report on what they want to report on, talk about what they want to talk about.
They're free.
And they want to shut these people down by any means necessary because, like InfoWars, you know, all these alternative media outlets, they are challenging these big mainstream media outlets and they're going to overtake them soon.
So they have to shut them down because otherwise they're going to fade into obscurity.
And if they don't control the narrative, they don't control people.
And this is classic authoritarianism, nakedly being carried out, and Trump must move.
But we can't wait for Trump.
He's doing a great job getting rid of Tillerson and moving Pompeo and everything else.
But ladies and gentlemen,
All of you, if you're alumni at Georgetown and you're not a snot-nosed globalist, you gotta pull your money.
Other people, I think there should be lawsuits against them.
There's all sorts of issues using taxpayer money, trying to get rid of the free speech.
I mean, I'm having my rights violated like Jim Crow.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones.
As we defend the first, the second amendment, you name it.
Wow, what a time to be alive.
That's right.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I love it.
Crank it up for a minute.
Good old ladies music.
Red Rocker.
He's a great guy by the way.
The judge said, son, just one more.
All right, here's the deal.
I can't drive 55, and I sure as hell can't live under globalism and Islamic Sharia law allied with a bunch of weird soy boy leftists.
It isn't happening.
Now, I was just talking to some of the crew in there.
Imagine what Trump's going through if Democrats and Hillary lawyers have filed, I guess if you count the two EOCs, it's two things.
It's 12 lawsuits in the last year, and most of them in the last couple months.
And we've already gotten six of them thrown out.
Two of them in the last eight, nine days.
Last week and this week.
So, I'm trying to be positive here, because I want to fight the globalists.
I want to change the world.
And Trump just got rid of Tillerson.
The word is for leaking.
And for going along with different globalist operations, just like they just got rid of Trump's assistant.
They're watching who's leaking.
That's what's happening.
And Trump is consolidating control of the executive like he's supposed to do.
And the globalists are just getting more shrill, more insane.
Congress just came out and said, no, there's no Russian collusion.
There's actually collusion by Hillary, Nunes says, which we all know about.
Back in the day, the New York Times admitted that.
You know, real bona fide.
Hey, uranium for money.
Put it in my private bank account.
And put it in Podesta's bank account.
And so, Brittany Pettibone is an investigative journalist, calls herself a nationalist.
And that's exactly what I am, is just somebody that wants to have their own sovereignty.
And she's joining us right now.
She got basically put in prison for three days with her boyfriend, he was going to speak at Speaker's Corner.
She, they said, well you can't speak at Speaker's Corner, you're inciting problems.
Even though the speech was known, it was a pro-free speech speech.
She wasn't allowed to talk to Tommy Robinson.
I tried to talk to a reporter and then Laura Southern also got grabbed, separately coming in, because she's a racist, they just said.
So, and Michael Savage can't come in, because he says Islam isn't a religion of peace, and Sadiq Khan says Trump can't come in.
This is an amazing time to be alive.
So, Brittany Pettybone, in the six, seven minutes we have left, where do you see this fight going?
Marie Le Pen facing prison.
She's the front runner, of course, in the French elections for saying it.
So, where do you see all this going?
I see this being determined by enough people deciding to stand up and take a stand with us, because obviously we can't do this by ourselves.
So if enough people in the Western world will just say, just get over their fear.
Stop living in this mental prison.
In, you know, basically having no ideological freedom.
If they can find the courage to do this, I think then we will be okay.
But it's just, like, even after what happened in the UK, I still don't believe the UK is lost, and it really perturbs me when people say that, you know, France is lost, the UK is lost, Sweden's lost, Germany's lost, whatever.
Not yet.
There's still a chance.
So I think that it's going to come down just to the average people.
And if they're not willing to do that in time, then
You know, we just might be lost.
You're absolutely right.
If we don't start recognizing the draconian, authoritarian, those aren't just words, those are real things, that this is the death of the West, free speech, the right to defense, and an open alliance with the UN, the globalists, the Vatican, radical Islam, the communist Chinese, and Hollywood.
But like you said,
I'm not bragging when I say this, when I go to my children's school, and when I go to other schools that are having school events or sporting events,
I get mobbed, and the kids love me, and college folks love me, and it's weird because I've always been targeting the military, the police, the government, trying to wake them up to the globalist takeover.
We're having success there, because they know our info is accurate, because they're inside there, and then they know what to look for.
A lot of them know more than I do, but it's collaborative effort.
It's just devastating, and the globalists admit that's what they're so scared of.
So if a 44-year-old guy like me, and I know you guys are popular, Paul Watson's super popular, Gavin McGinnis, they are the rock stars.
It's not the sports players, it's not even, you know, the pop singers anymore.
It is the Liberty Movement, and that is just, to me, really weird.
But they admit that this new Generation Z is the most anti-authoritarian, most libertarian ever.
Now the one after them,
The millennials are the most communist.
So what do you think is going on there, Brittany Pettybone?
Our education system is completely flooded with these people, these communists, socialists.
You know, someone once suggested to me, and I think it's a great idea, they should start a reality show where they, you know, bring these people who are so in favor of communism, socialism, drop them into these countries where it's actually a reality and just see how they do.
It would be hilarious.
I would watch, for the first time, reality TV if they did that.
I think these people really don't understand what they're asking for.
I think it's more like, oh, you know, I'd get free college, I'd get free healthcare, but they just, they don't understand.
And you can spin the wheel and say, are you going to go to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, or, you know, perhaps, and then, oh, you're going, it's going to be great.
And notice they've always got skinny jeans, they've always got a nice phone, they're bitching because their car isn't brand new, they're getting their college paid for, and they're so pissed, and they hate America so much.
And you know what's interesting, Alex, is like Antifa.
You look at Antifa and you know they think they're these, you know, anarchists.
They're rebelling against the authoritarian regime.
But if you look at what they're trying to accomplish, the government is in exact alignment with it.
They're trying to shut us down, so are the government.
So if you really think about it, they're just the foot soldiers for the government.
They are the brown church.
They're the modern brown church.
It's really laughable that they can't see this.
They don't have enough self-awareness to see this.
But I mean, this whole thing that's happened to us, we are going to appeal it.
Lauren is joining me in Vienna.
Within the next couple days, we're all going to work with the same lawyer, Martin, Lauren and I, and we're going to appeal this, try to get it overturned.
Well, it's going to be a big fight, I think a battle ahead, but we're going to do what we can because it's completely
Well, since the media is trying to say it never happened, you ought to just come in with your live streaming at the airport, walk right up, have them throw it, and then they'll say that doesn't exist.
But again, Sadiq Khan and others are saying, don't let Trump come.
Yeah, and there's no good reason for that at all.
I don't even understand the reasoning behind this.
He's the President of the United States.
Well, we're going to put on screen that Michael Savage has been banned, what, seven years he's been banned from the UK?
It's amazing.
I actually believe that Lauren will be speaking with him soon about her band, so that should be a very interesting interview.
But Michael Savage, yeah, I've been a fan for a while through my father.
He introduced me.
Really great.
All right, well, Brittany Pettybone, it's great to get you on, I'm familiar with your work.
Please come on anytime you've got breaking news, and I just, it's really a pleasure to see the great job you and your boyfriend are doing, and Lauren Southern, and the whole team.
We just want to salute you, and I think the more they try to suppress all of our speech, I think more great minds like yourself are going to come forward.
What do you think of the first CIA director being a woman being appointed by Trump?
It's hilarious.
But I think they're finding ways to still criticize him for this.
He can do nothing right.
If he found the cure for cancer, they'd find some way to criticize that.
Alright, Brittany Pettibone, thank you so much.
Thanks so much, Alex.
Thank you.
Wow, that's amazing.
All right, I'm going to come back and get into a bunch of other news that we've not hit yet because there is a plethora, there is a cornucopia, there is a compendium of it, and a bunch of clubs I haven't gotten to.
And I probably should open the phone some more.
We've just got so many guests.
And we've got one of the other journalists, Lee Stranahan, who's being sued by the Pope.
The Vatican, through Georgetown, with taxpayer money, is suing us and calling for us to be taken off the air.
I mean, my lord, this is incredible!
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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Because then we could all, as educated patriots, help our other countrymen and women understand that there's bigger problems going on, and if we can get our houses in order, and be good to each other and ourselves, we can take our country back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
What a time to be alive.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Autobots transform and roll out.
Form of... The Pope's Jesuit University Taxpayer Funded Not Private.
Sueing former Congressman Allen West, yours truly Alex Jones, Leanne McAdoo, Lise Franahan for saying you got a bunch of Democrat Party operatives running around at Ferguson trying to spin it and ante for a bunch of sweethearts.
And that President Trump's a Nazi, and they use him as PR people everywhere, and we point out one of the guys worked for Hillary at the State Department, and has a famous history of being tied to the CIA, and running the CIA, and we just said this needs to be investigated.
Oh, we're gonna sue you for fake news, and then in the filing, they say that we say crisis actors, and nothing's real, and all this stuff, and we said nobody, you know, died in Florida.
We didn't say that.
So what it is, is they're fake news, and you know, I know enough about law,
To have a taxpayer funded, they think we're so stupid.
University of Georgetown, the law school, putting out articles defaming me.
Can we put that article back up?
And I guess they think they're gonna control the judges and control through the alumni and somehow you'll get the right jury.
The whole thing smells because you look at the suit, it's a joke.
Witness to a tragedy, a victim of fake news conspiracies, sues Alex Jones and others, Georgetown Law.
And then they say a bunch of stuff we never said or never did.
And that we say there's an imaginary deep state.
But we learned about the deep state from Carol Quigley, one of the heads of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor, in Tragedy and Hope.
Called for a planetary dictatorship.
The end of the family, total social control, an elite ruling everything, run out of Georgetown, but it doesn't exist.
There's no such thing.
Good old Chuckie Schumer never got up on CNN and said, Trump better watch it.
The intelligence agencies have seven ways this Sunday to get back at him and make him pay and remove him.
And we've been spying on him and we know he's a Russian agent.
Trump goes, oh, that's illegal.
And it's illegal to say you were spying.
It was classified, but then it turned out you just lied.
You were spying on the president, but you lied about it.
Then you said, we never said that.
And everybody knows what a pack of liars these people are, but they're so used to creeping around and being in control.
Knowing that America's chained up in their basement.
They're sitting up there watching TV, big old slobs.
We're chained up down there.
There's famous cases of this.
They're getting our social security checks, basically.
They're sitting there like big slobs, eating Twinkies, watching television.
You know, they got like little CIA pocket protectors feeling powerful.
As soon as they walk down, we're chained up downstairs.
They walk by, make us beg for maybe a piece of bread.
They walk down the dungeon, they kind of strut around.
I'm feeling really powerful right now, America.
Let me just kick you in the face a little bit.
Oh, but we've got both our arms out of the shackles.
And then we got our legs out.
And when you open the trap door to come down and rape us, globalist, metaphysically,
Even though we've been emaciated and been in the dark so long we can hardly see, we punched you, knocked you to the ground, bit a chunk out of you, and now we're stumbling around with the lights on trying to see, and you're screaming for mama.
And here comes a big, fat, giant, 400-pound maggot down the stairs just slithering in, pus dripping out of it, smell of rotting dead children in his belly.
There's the big giant puss worm come to save its baby.
Baby's bleeding.
Baby broke its leg when baby fell down in the dark.
And so we're getting our bearings.
The light's coming back in our eyes.
We weigh about 85 pounds, but you know what?
We're fighting for our lives.
And here comes that big worm.
And what are we going to do to that big, giant, stinking worm that smells like dead flesh?
That's squealing like a big rat.
What are we going to do to that worm?
Oh, by the way, I should have started the show with this.
It was September 11th, 2016 that Hillary fell like a ton of bricks in New York City.
And then the media would cut when she fell and said, Alex Jones put out fake news.
Oh, she would slip on a curb and would show kind of this, sort of having a convulsion, then they'd cut.
Well, she was in India yesterday and the Daily Mirror got the video.
It's up on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com, TheDailyMirror.com.
She slipped not once, not twice, but thrice.
And everywhere she goes, she has men helping her, even when she walks on the flat.
We saw that in Austin.
It's okay, because that's actually her doing a dance.
That's not her falling down or slipping three times.
That is Hillary Clinton.
I think that's Uma Abedin behind her.
Yeah, that's her girlfriend right there, reportedly.
Uma Abedin.
Hillary's like a little flying squirrel, actually.
Like I said last night on Arirang Special Reports, she's like the falcon, flying down from the top of the Egyptian monolith, gleaming.
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Oh, yes.
I'm going to play some more of these clips when we come back.
I want to get to Trump, and we'll tell her some memes.
This is really good science, what's happening.
But before I do that, what a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
I'll be honest with you, I woke up at about 2.50 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.
And I can just feel the evil of the globalists.
I could see them trying to destroy our free speech and knowing how bad they are.
I wasn't scared.
I just... I'm usually very positive about things.
I am very positive.
And I understand the larger compendium of history and what our mission is, is not to be famous, not to make money, but to actually change the world and make it a better place.
Because all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
Quote Thomas Jefferson.
But I, about 3.30 in the morning,
Got on my knees in the dark of the night in my living room and I just asked God for strength and discernment and I went in and looked at my 10-month-old baby daughter who's got her first cold because I flew on an airplane with her wheezing and stuff and picked her up and rocked her in my arms for hours and I just
I'm where I'm supposed to be.
And it's so strong that I don't want to come on air and say this is wonderful being sued by Georgetown University with taxpayer money.
But it really is.
Because I know you're going to come through.
I know we're going to win.
And I know that it's going to be rough.
And I know that they want to demonize me before they kill me.
I understand that.
But my children have no future if we don't beat this.
And you don't either.
And so I'll say it again, I am exactly where I want to be.
Because I wasn't really depressed, but I worked about 17 hours yesterday.
And so you just kind of get really tired.
And I went to bed about 11.
And I was a little down, not for my prospects, but just that people don't realize we're really up against pure evil.
But then I just understood that this is what anybody who wants to be a good person would dream of, is actually go toe-to-toe against real evil.
But folks don't understand that avoid conflict or avoid confrontation with evil, they don't understand this is what sharpens you, it's what brings you up, it's what opens everything up.
I mean, I'm so satisfied.
In my life, and it's indescribable.
It's indescribable.
And I remember being a teenager or other stuff, being more ego driven, how unhappy I was.
Even a young man, I was still happier than most people, but I still had a void somewhere.
Even though I had courage and wanted to be a good person, I didn't fully commit to it.
But that's how God does it.
I was like weightlifting.
Slowly more weight on, more weight, more weight, more weight, more weight, more weight.
And God has answered my prayers to take on the Globals, to see them defeated, to see the tide turn, to see the awakening happening, to see them come against us.
I mean, always in my spirit, God's like, you really want this?
Because at the end of the line, they're going to torture you and kill you.
And I, but victory will come.
And I just, it's not even a martyr syndrome.
It's we can't let them win.
And then every time I pass the new threshold of the attacks, stuff people don't even know about on air, it's pretty hardcore.
And they've targeted my family and people surrounding me and it's, they're really bad people.
But they think you're cowards.
They think when I talk about that, I'm scaring you for them.
You're not a coward like they are.
But if you're into fear, you should fear them getting full power and what they'll do to everybody.
Because everywhere they get control, in third world countries, everywhere they get control, these government orphanages, everywhere these people migrate to, these evil globalists, they are into tearing up civilization and tearing up humanity in front of everybody.
Paul Watson's done a really incredible report.
I went too long, this is like a seven minute report.
I'm going to play it.
We start the next hour.
Do we ever get Pachinikang?
I want to get him on this Tillerson thing.
That's right, he can't tomorrow.
And we've got Lee Stranahan being sued by the Vatican as well.
I love how honest people are so honest.
Everyone's going, oh, we're being sued by the State Department guy.
No, we're being sued by Georgetown and by the Pope with taxpayer money.
And then they call for the end of free speech and to set a precedent to ban everyone and then to have the media and Georgetown decide what can be on air and what can't.
I mean, it's a total overthrow of the First Amendment.
It's so epic, it's incredible.
And it's all a slanderous defamation, misrepresentation of what I said and what we said about the event.
Like everything else, it's just a big PR campaign and it's going nowhere.
Doesn't matter how many little things they pull, no matter what they do, the truth is coming out.
We've got so much to get to.
So much to cover, and this is a Kit Daniels article up on Infowars.com.
Trump fires Goldstein amid State Department purge.
President also cutting through isolation by staff.
And when you read this, it's really important to know that Trump is getting rid of the right people.
By the way, let me make this point.
You read this lawsuit, and you read their articles about it, and the press releases put out by the law school that is an open war with the First Amendment.
You read this historical, unbelievable case.
I mean, that's what this is.
This is incredible.
This is how they come to the First Amendment.
And it's written for the public, it's written for the media as talking points.
But then it's written for the spooks and the CIA and they bitch in there and they go, Comey 2012, Jones said that was fake.
And I, by the way, did say that was fake and it came out later, it was all a PR firm and the guy running it flipped out, remember?
Was running around going crazy on the street, remember that?
Pull up, the head of the Comey group goes crazy, running around naked, remember that?
And, but then it later came out in the news that they knew where Comey was and were just using that to bring Afrikan into Africa.
And I've talked to military people that were there and knew where he was and he was being supplied and protected.
And they're suing me.
It's like the lawsuit goes, look, Alex messed up our Vegas operation.
It's not even this guy's suit.
It's all about Jones said Comey was fake.
And that they could have killed him.
And then Jones says that the Parkland shooting's fake.
I didn't say that.
I mean, the hostage rescue team called us and said, look, there's Islamic crap everywhere.
He went to the Middle East, so did she.
There was other women in there.
Was a gun deal gone bad?
Look at the Saudi Arabians in town.
Oh, let's get Zach, one of our other sources, back on.
Old Zach.
Formerly with the Army, now with that other 18th Agency.
But the point is, is that... Can you imagine that this will now be brought up?
It's kind of like when E. Howard Hunt sued the Spotlight for saying that he was involved in JFK and then later gave a deathbed confession and said he was.
He was photographed twice.
He was arrested in the rail car.
He told his son he ran the operation.
He's Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible.
E. Howard Hunt.
He's the guy that reportedly had over 200 kills in China by himself, parachuted in at the start of World War II as an intelligence operative.
He's a famous guy.
He didn't pull the trigger, but he was there running the killing of Kennedy, and he lost that lawsuit against the spotlight.
And now he gave a video, an audio confession that premiered here and on Coast to Coast AM with George Norring.
In 2008, I was a benchwarmer on the operation.
Kordmeier was mad because Kennedy had been banging his wife.
And there's old Jim Mars.
What a great... Those interviews are online right now on our YouTube channel they're trying to get rid of.
That's some of the first videos we put up on that YouTube channel in 2008.
Oh, it's been taken down!
Click on those.
World exclusive.
Click on one.
This video's unavailable.
And I've also noticed we were over 2 million views.
YouTube just deletes our videos all the time, and then doesn't even tell us why.
So that had millions of views.
It went down to like 1.5 billion.
They're like, it's not your car, the speedometer, or the tachometer.
You know, the mileage goes backwards.
My car's got 40,000 minus miles on it.
I thought I drove 40,000 miles.
So, our YouTube channel, the view count goes backwards.
And then they're on the news going, hurry up and censor Alex Jones!
They're already censoring us all over the place, but then it's having a Streisand effect.
And all these weird Ivy League CIA, they're all wimps, who never were actually in the military or anything, but they just, they want to be analysts and in charge of men.
And then they all just want little CIA decoder rings and little secret societies and they go to Yale and crap on each other's faces and flop around having gay sex.
And by the way, that's even in The Good Shepherd, which is an accurate rendition of Scalamone's with Matt Damon and of course, produced and directed
By Robert De Niro.
But then the media goes, Jones claims they pee on each other.
It's killing both.
We all know that's Trump and Russia.
What a liar.
No, they crap on each other.
And worship Lucifer and are born again undead and eat crap.
That's who runs things.
A bunch of ivy league people that eat turds.
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They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
And when that happens, they'll use it as an excuse for their outrage.
The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.
I'm the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, you know, I think we need to come in the next segment with Tiger by the tail because
Georgetown, a supposed private university that gets hundreds of millions of dollars a year in taxpayer money for their law school, thinks they're going to sue me using taxpayer money trying to overthrow free speech.
And they think because they've picked a, quote, radical target like Infowars and Congressman Ellen West, who they say is a white supremacist.
They actually say he's alt-right, which means white supremacist.
He's a black guy, black army colonel.
They think we'll all just roll over or they'll sue enough people that somebody will settle so they can declare victory and then set a precedent that we're fake news in the agreement so they can then start massive censorship in this country.
It's incredible.
I'm going to play a special Paul Watson report coming up in the next segment and I'm going to get through much of the news we haven't hit on the economy, Tillerson, you name it.
But just briefly here,
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We'll be right back on the other side with a critical report from Paul Watson.
I think this will even shock InfoWars listeners.
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He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Last Friday, I was reading the news that Tillerson was sick in Kenya and couldn't give speeches.
And then my phone rang from a certain little birdie who's stuck on a plane that's late.
He'll be with us tomorrow.
And the certain little birdie bird told me that no, Tillerson was out, but that we need to wait on that.
It might be a couple weeks.
Well, he was actually fired that day.
So, we're waiting for Tillerson, they're saying, to make a statement at the State Department.
I guess he flew back from Africa.
And so, again, that just shows their disinfo.
He wasn't feeling too well after he had his little talk with the Chief of Staff, John Kelly.
So we're going to be watching that.
Can we punch up Fox for folks so people can see the press briefing room there?
And we will watch that.
As it develops, and again right there as you can see for TV viewers, we are watching that at 2.07 Eastern Time, 1.07 Central Standard Time.
But I want to play this report, just to illustrate this for you from our own Paul Joseph Watson, that there they are, stopping Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern and others coming in, they've been to the UK many times, have no criminal records, they're journalists, to interview Tommy Robinson.
But they let radical Islamists who are admittedly part of terror groups to come in and to go back and forth and even rehabilitate them and give them money and put them in government housing.
So this just illustrates how the left's allied with Islam.
Sadiq Khan's here in Austin calling for censorship.
It just goes on and on.
The Islamic mayor of London.
So here's what's really happening in London.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson's report.
The UK is really good at keeping out extremists.
You know, like when they kept out Iraqi extremist Ahmed Hassan after he told border officials he'd been trained to kill by ISIS.
Oh no, they let him in and gave him asylum.
But at least they deported him after he was caught watching ISIS videos and singing jihadi songs with the lyrics, We are coming with you to the slaughter in your home and country.
Oh no, they didn't, and he went on to bomb a train.
Okay, but wait, that's just one case.
Yousef Zagbar, who in 2016 told officials, quote, I'm going to be a terrorist, and then went on to carry out the London Bridge terrorist attack a year later.
Not like we let that guy in.
Sheikh Hamza Saudegar, who called for homosexuals to be burned to death and thrown off cliffs, was stopped from entering the UK when he tried to give a series of lectures in London.
Oh no, he was given a visa and welcomed in.
Okay, but some are gonna slip through the cracks, right?
Syed Musafar Shah Qadri,
A preacher considered so extreme he was banned in Pakistan.
Someone who praised the murderer of a politician in Pakistan who spoke out against blasphemy laws.
At least he was banned from the UK.
No, he was allowed in and went on to do a speaking tour of British mosques.
Okay, but Mohammed Naqib U Rehman and Hassam Hasib U Rehman, two Muslim clerics who praised the same assassin in Pakistan, they were kept out.
They were welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Okay, mistakes were made.
But at least we stopped 400 returning ISIS jihadists from re-entering the UK.
At least we were serious enough about stopping extremism to make sure that didn't happen.
They were all allowed in and then offered council housing and welfare.
Okay, but at least the UK doesn't roll out the red carpet for leaders of Saudi Arabia, a country in which gay people are fined, arrested, imprisoned, tortured and killed!
So what extremists are we stopping from entering the UK?
Martin Sellner, a right-wing activist who planned to give a speech in Speaker's Corner Hyde Park about the threat to free speech.
Brittany Pettibone, an author and activist who planned to conduct an interview with Tommy Robinson, a national figure who's made numerous appearances on national television.
Lauren Southern, a conservative journalist who planned to make videos and work on a documentary.
Lauren was specifically banned for handing out leaflets which said, Allah is a gay God.
Maybe if she'd have just represented a country that enforces the industrial persecution of homosexuals, she'd have been embraced with open arms.
It's also interesting how Pettibone was detained and deported for attempting to interview Tommy Robinson.
A fate that didn't await journalists from ABC and NBC News when they arrived in the UK to interview Tommy Robinson.
Now just indulge me for a second, but it's almost as if all these reasons are absolute bulls**t.
And the real reason for them being banned is that the UK is an authoritarian country, which has de facto begun enforcing blasphemy laws that make criticism of Islam, which is a belief system and not a race, a criminal offense.
Okay, let's stop right there.
We'll come back with more of this in a moment.
Let's go to the Secretary of State, former Secretary of State, outgoing Rex Tillerson, sacked with his deputy, Goldstein removed as well as Trump purges the neocons and globals.
Let's go to this.
Most important is to ensure an orderly and smooth transition during a time that the country continues to face significant policy and national security challenges.
As such, effective at the end of the day, I'm delegating all responsibilities of the Office of the Secretary to Deputy Secretary of State Sullivan.
My commission as Secretary of State will terminate at midnight March the 31st.
Between now and then, I will address a few administrative matters related to my departure and work towards a smooth and orderly transition for Secretary of State-designate Mike Pompeo.
I'm encouraging my policy planning team and undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, those confirmed, as well as those in acting positions, to remain at their post and continue our mission at the State Department.
And my office team and policy planning later today to thank them for their service.
They have been extraordinarily dedicated to our mission, which includes promoting values that I view as being very important.
The safety and security of our State Department personnel, accountability, which means treating each other with honesty and integrity, and respect for one another.
Most recently, in particular, to address challenges of sexual harassment within the department.
I want to speak now to my State Department colleagues and to our interagency colleagues and partners at DOD and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, most particularly.
To my Foreign Service officers and civil service colleagues, we all took the same oath of office.
Whether you're a career, employee, or political appointee, we are all bound by that common commitment.
To support and defend the Constitution.
To bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
And to faithfully discharge the duties of our office.
Well this is all coded.
As a State Department we're bound together by that oath.
This is really cryptic.
We remain steadfast here in Washington and at post across the world.
This is some kind of signal to stay behind networks.
He's really proven to be a double agent.
This is all coded.
These are experiences that no lecture hall in an academic environment or a think tank can teach you.
Only by people going to the front lines to serve can they develop this kind of talent.
To the men and women in uniform, I'm told for the first time in most people's memory, the Department of State and the Department of Defense have a close working relationship where we all agree the U.S.
leadership starts with diplomacy.
The men and women in uniform at the Department of Defense, under the leadership of Secretary Mattis and General Dunford, protect us as Americans and our way of life daily, at home and abroad.
As an all-volunteer military... Alright, he's just basically version signaling now, but that earlier stuff about taking the oath and everybody needs to stay at their posts and everything, that was state or post, I guess means deep state.
Stay there, hang on, cowboy is coming.
But let me tell you, there's major infiltration.
And look, I'm not even saying Tillerson's a bad guy, but he's a yes man.
He can't handle the pressure of what I'm sure they've done to him.
But the word is, he's being removed and was so stunned by what he was told Friday that he couldn't be seen for a day because people try to cover their butts.
Buddy, there's no covering your butt in this battle.
We're going in, we're going in 100%.
Get that through your head.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
I just talked to one of the top lawyers.
I just talked to one of the top defamation lawyers in the country.
He's the guy that represents the big Republicans, represented Breitbart.
I'm not going to get into all of it.
The point is he's one of the top lawyers.
He represents me in some of these other cases that we've already gotten shut down.
He's watching and listening right now, and reading the complaint, and I'm not going to get into all that, but he said exactly what I thought before I said more stuff.
He said, this is highly unusual, Georgetown doing this.
We've got to look into taxpayer money being used, if it is, at this clinic.
Most of these universities have a pro-free speech clinic.
This is an anti-free speech clinic, and he said it's highly unusual, and we'll talk more later today when I get off air, but he said,
He's cross-referencing the complaint.
It's exactly as I thought.
It is horse manure.
We talked to our other trademark lawyers, who are really, you know, top 20 group in the country, and they checked with another group in Los Angeles, who is in the top 5, and they said, absolutely, Mr. Fury, the creator of
The comic book that never really went anywhere, but that's fine until the public picked it up.
Pepe the Frog, he gave Daily Dot interviews and others and said, everyone use it.
I love it.
Good people use it.
White supremacists use it, it's okay, they're idiots, but you know, Pepe's a happy guy.
Everyone has total rights to use my frog.
There's the headline, Pepe the Frog creator invited people to profit off Pepe, close quote, 2015 interview.
Then we sell a poster that a third party made where 5% of the image is Pepe, totally transformative, Supreme Court rulings.
I talked to, again, both of the trademark groups, because I wanted to be sure, so I talked to our regular trademark folks that did trademarks for us and check tags, and then they got me in touch with other folks who I talked to yesterday, and they said, Mr. Jones, we don't hardly ever say sue someone.
They said, we think we'll just do this for court costs.
We want to sue Mr. Fury.
But they said, because this is so outrageous against the First Amendment, they said, we want you to send him the letter.
We're writing a letter today.
They're writing a letter.
And then he's got a chance to apologize and tell us who funded him, or we're going to sue him with a slapback.
I'm not a lawyer, but slapback provision, all of it.
It is insane.
They said they've never seen it except McDonald's.
In the 90s, early 90s, sued the McDonald's family in Scotland, who are royal, because they keep their castle going by a bed-and-breakfast hotel and they have a pub restaurant called McDonald's that has been there for, wait for it, as a place where they sell food, what was it, 400 years, but they never got a trademark.
McDonald's still sued them.
This is that level of cockamamie balderdash.
This is lunatic level.
And by lunatic level, I'm not saying he's a lunatic.
I'm saying it's crazy that this is what they're doing.
And again, I don't want to make it about me.
They're coming for the First Amendment.
Now, let's go back to Tillerson.
I was told last week
By my State Department source, that I called a CIA source, and they said that's absolutely it.
Tillerson was not told, and this letter came out a day later, about the Kim Jong Un meeting.
He got angry, and Trump said, I keep telling you, I'm the only person that matters.
He doesn't mean he's the only person that matters, he means, they asked, well what about all your other people, you know, they have this background, or this guy's a neocon, this guy's a liberal.
This guy's a globalist.
Trump goes, I'm the only one that matters.
I listen to them.
I make the decision.
Well, John Oliver and Bill Maher all made the same kind of jokes.
I think Bill Maher said that he was like Violet in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that says, Daddy, I want that Oompa Loompa.
No, he's saying he makes the decisions.
He then delegates.
I know for a fact from folks that were in the room, Trump, the day after he got inaugurated, it was the night of, went to the CIA, called in all the senior people, it was a room of hundreds of people, and he said, give me all your reports and all the targets you weren't allowed to hit, and I'm delegating to all of you, and it all starts in one week.
And they gave them all, just so people know I have the sources, American flags carved into wood, about two by three.
That he paid for.
Now, we broke that, and then later, the news found out and had to spin it.
Did taxpayers pay for the flags?
No, Trump paid for the flags.
And then they tried to say, well, is that a payoff?
Oh, give me a break.
The president can give people American flags.
Come on, man.
But, and then it happened.
So, it's not like he's even a control freak.
If he's got confidence, he looks at the info, he thinks it's a good idea, he goes, green light.
Obama would sit there in the room sometimes at night with SportsCenter on one TV and Predator drones on the other, and he liked to sit there and watch the drones blow people up.
Trump's never done that.
And Obama said, I'm really good at killing people.
Can you imagine?
Like it's a video game.
And he would sit there in, I guess it's the East Wing or wherever the quarters are on the second floor.
He would sit there in his jogging suit and give the order on the phone of when the CIA could drop the bombs.
I mean, give me a break, man.
And then he said, I'm really good at killing people, because he liked to be on the sat phone or the con command down in the bunker.
He'd do it both ways.
This would come out in the news.
And he would tell them, execute.
Like it's a video game!
He would sit there, and there it is, Obama brag in a new book, I'm really good at killing people.
And again, he would select, he would target, and he would give the orders.
Because he's, imagine, he's never been in the military, he's a leftist, and so he wanted to not just say, here are the targets they're signed off on, he would sit there and give the order in real time.
Because he got off on it, imagine,
You know, this Bathhouse Barry, you know?
Nothing against the fact that he's bisexual.
I'm just saying, Bathhouse Barry, it's kind of a thrill, you know?
Just like a Skull and Bones is a thrill for, you know, the bushes and everybody to piss in each other's faces and wallow around in human excrement.
By the way, I'm only saying all this because it's true.
You know, it was, uh... It was Charlotte Izzerbees
Father, who was a good guy by the way, who, uh, she was the one who gave Anthony Sutton, the Congressional Investigator in the 80s, all the Skull and Bones documents.
You know that.
And if you think I'm joking about that, go watch, again, The Good Shepherd with Matt Damon, produced and directed by, you know, the good fella, Robert De Niro.
And that shows a guy in a devil outfit with a crown on and a sword and guys walling around
Two feet of excrement pissing on each other.
And I'm not trying to be gross here on air.
They're mad and want you to be all goody-two-shoe when you didn't hire Trump to be a puritan.
You hired him to fix the country.
He never said he didn't like women.
And he's bad because he's with some big old jumbo, you know, tart.
I mean, me personally, see, I'm not like these globalists that are into little kids and stuff.
That's what I like.
Big, you know, full-on, the whole nine yards, Marilyn Monroe type woman.
The point is, and I tell you, I make the joke, my wife's not, if she was a car, she wouldn't be street legal.
I'm married happily.
People say, what does that mean?
You know what I mean?
She's got so much horsepower.
Speaking of horsepower, he drives a black Hellcat like I do.
Let's crank this up.
This is the Motor City Madman.
We got the full interview coming later in the week.
I did it with him last week or a week and a half ago.
Ted Nugent, he got you in a stranglehold, you globalist.
Alright, stay with us.
We got one of the other reporters sued by the Vatican on the other side.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance, but we need your help getting the signal through.
I'm picking up a fake transmission.
I think it's Alex Jones calling.
But here's the good news, chumps.
On screen.
You think you're gonna assassinate Trump, or shoot down the internet, and you're gonna bully a bunch of us into going along with you?
I'd like reserve time.
Now, how many morons from here are willing to have a fight?
Twenty-one at this point.
And only the dumbest morons buy into your SJW globalist George Soros droppings.
Emergency reserve.
So to George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and the New World Order, and Michael Moore, go back to Haiti, where you came from.
We're awake, and you're not putting us back in the coma.
You got that, Jack?
You're done!
It's over!
We're alive!
Get him back!
Get him back!
Well, they have sued myself.
They've sued a man that runs a very successful journalism center, a guy that has millions of viewers a week on his own radio and TV programs, Lee Stranahan.
I know he's a frequent guest, but I mean to get him on with David Knight and the program we do in the morning, The David Knight Show.
We were calling it Real News.
The Democrats sued us over the term Real News.
They trademarked it.
I'm not kidding.
This is what we're dealing with.
Twelve lawsuits.
We've gotten six thrown out, two in the last week and a half, with prejudice, meaning the court said, you know, this is bad.
You can't come back at Mr. Jones.
And we had the folks agree to that because they didn't want to be countersued.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But I just talked to my lawyer, who is a humble guy, but he is one of the top
anti-defamation you know defense lawyers out there and he's listening right now and he said to have this clinic and to have this university funding this is let me just say highly highly unusual and I said am I right it'll become a big issue of taxpayer funds if it's in any part of the law school he's like
He's like, yeah, let's talk when you get off the air, but this is unprecedented, basically.
He said all of these law schools have pro-free speech clinics.
He goes, this has been set up to destroy the First Amendment, and what they put in the brief is, from my view, defamation and is meant to destroy the First Amendment.
I mean, and I've got a top lawyer who's just read it, and he's like, he's not a very excitable guy, and he sounded excited a little bit.
So, I'll tell you about my lawyer sometime I get him on, but the point is that, I just mentioned this earlier, the Pepe suit last week, that I stole Pepe the Frog because I sold somebody's third party poster that's images of the campaign.
And it's Pepe's 5% and it's transformative.
You can do that, that's totally protected.
There were suits against Andy Warhol saying he couldn't sell Campbell's Suits cans that he altered.
They said, if he feels like he altered it,
He can sell it!
Well, but when you're a third-party seller, you'd have to get an injunction and a ruling, then they could do an injunction on me, and then it's an injunction or a trade deal, and sometimes federal marshals would raid you.
But that's, that's if it was like, you know, NFL stuff or something.
It's just crazy!
Anybody can paint public figures all day long and sell them.
And again, I've had two trademark firms look at it,
But one of them just does trademarking, the other one does litigation.
I mean, they both do it, but the other one's one of the top ones there in Los Angeles, and they said, we believe in the First Amendment, and we sue people all the time that violate trademarks.
They do both.
They said this is, in their words, crazy.
The guy is on record saying everybody can use my image.
Almost like a trolling operation.
You know, Getty before has been caught saying, you can use these website designs, these images, and then a year later, oh, you can read the fine print, now you owe us all this money.
They got in trouble for that and stopped doing it.
And we subscribe to Getty Images and a bunch of others.
I'm not attacking them.
They're more affordable now, but I want to go to Lee Stranahan.
What I'm getting at here is, I sat there until 10.30 last night watching the videos they're suing us for, and the Lee Stranahan one with Leanne McAdoo is the easiest one to cut out.
They should be, day one at the hearing, my lawyers think, should be just cut out.
Leanne and Lee Stranahan.
Will probably be too.
But completely cut out because...
I don't want to say it's milquetoast, but he's a journalist.
You know, he's got, you know, that's his background.
He very, he just said, look, this guy's a politico, he's a Democrat.
We can look at the background.
They're called Martyr Day One.
We're not saying it's staged.
We're saying they've picked politicos that were at the rally to be the spokespersons, just like we said the kids.
We're not saying nobody died, nobody got shot in Florida.
We're saying they picked out of 3,000 kids, four that are anti-gun.
That's a fact, and it turned out it was true.
They spun that and said none died.
I had a guy try to fight me and my son at the airport this weekend saying, how dare you say no kids died?
How dare you be mean and demand David Hogg come on your show?
And I'm like, David Hogg wanted to come on my show!
So, we're here.
This is their plan to get rid of free speech.
News Corp said a month ago in the Wall Street Journal, the new CEO, that he met with all these people.
So let's go to Lee Stranahan.
We'll do him a little bit in the next hour or two.
And we got PJW coming on, but I'm going to talk to him as well, but free-for-all, if Lee Stranahan can do it.
And we'll also give you his website, citizenjournalistschool.com, thepopulist.us.
I'm talking about gonzo journalism.
I'm actually super excited that I am in the First Amendment case of U.S.
history, it looks like.
Not just the millennium.
I mean, not just of the century.
This is just... And I talked to my lawyer and he's like, absolutely.
I've never seen anything like this.
This is wild.
Lee, how are you feeling?
I saw you during the break.
I've seen you on David during the break.
You don't look this happy.
You're a serious guy.
You look pretty happy as well.
I am.
You know, first off, I gotta say, Alec, it's a pleasure to be on with you, the first time on with you.
I wish it were under better circumstances, but these are pretty good circumstances.
You've covered the issue that this is being filed by a law school.
Let me bring up something.
I don't know if you, I don't think you brought this up yet.
Let me bring it up.
I just want you to think about this from the perspective of what they're teaching the students about defamation law, right?
I've been a reporter for about 10 years.
I've made it a point to read landmark decisions like New York Times versus Sullivan.
That's a great decision.
That is the most famous case.
That's right.
It's a fascinating decision.
Very well written.
Anybody can read it and understand it and I highly recommend it.
Let's go over what's going on here because you watched the whole interview that I did with Liam McAdoo last year, right?
Read the lawsuit.
I want someone to underline for me one incorrect statement that I made.
I literally don't say anything in there that is not a fact.
You've been reviewed.
You and Leanne were like the highest standards.
And this is a note to the law students.
Whose school is putting out this suit?
Note to you, let me explain.
I'm not a lawyer, thank God, but let me explain defamation law to you, okay?
Defamation are false statements.
Anybody can look this up.
Intended on purpose to do harm.
That's right.
So there were no false statements.
Let's just start there.
So just on that basis, it's over.
It was part of a 50 minute interview.
And I think this is the thing people need to understand.
This is what's in New York Times vs. Sullivan.
Alex, this is an attempt to shut down any views that they don't like.
And any... Look, I... No, exactly.
They admit they're trying to set a precedent that they just say what's fake news and then ban that person from communication into some ghetto.
Well, and I lived in Austin 15 years ago, so you have a huge audience now and a great audience, but I knew who Alex Jones was 15, 20 years ago, right?
You know, and you've been fighting this for long enough where you know that this is one battle in a very long war.
And when we see the things that have happened today, bloody Gina is now in charge of the CIA.
There's this situation going on with, and I work for Sputnik, but I work for Sputnik because I never bought into the Russian narrative.
I'm watching what's unfolding in England right now.
It's, if this, if this is Russia who did that, it's the worst spy tradecraft I've ever seen in my life.
Sure, it's obviously a false flag.
We've got to go to Breitlicht training and you finish up with that when we come back, but I want to give you the floor to try to roll through.
Exactly, because we've got lawyers and people looking at what was said in the videos, in the radio, versus what they put, and it's the complaint, the lawsuit, is the defamation.
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You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
You're a white male!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I always got accused of working for the CIA or working for some other agency, and I'm really proud of the fact that I didn't.
But I built InfoWars with our listeners, and with ratings, and with success, and with, you know, being on over 200 radio stations.
People have a private jet, they got a couple houses, you know.
I don't have the private jet and I don't have the mansion.
In fact, my house is a four bedroom and it's almost too big for me.
I'm sick of it.
I like, I only live in the kitchen and the bedroom.
And I guess like the extra bedroom's a place where the cat goes to crap on the bed.
But the point, I walk in there, I'm cleaning the house this morning, picking up stuff, and I'm like, why'd the cat crap on the bed?
You know, I know my daughter wants a damn cat.
I like cats, except when they do stuff like that.
And it likes me so it peed on my shoes last week, but I'm digressing.
The point is, is we built InfoWars, ladies and gentlemen, with your help and everything you've done.
You are the InfoWar.
And Lee's been around Austin 15 years ago, and I've been on there 23 years.
And so I get this.
I've been fired.
I've been physically attacked.
I understand we're winning.
When you have the Globalist funded, Vatican funded, State Department controlled, CIA controlled
Georgetown suing us, unprecedented, the main CIA school.
And then they're saying we're being sued because we said this guy that's with the State Department and worked for Hillary should be looked at as CIA.
But that shows novice understanding.
The State Department runs the CIA.
It runs everything.
That's why they just put Pompeo in there and got rid of Tillerson.
We're going to talk to Stranahan about that, who's been sued a little bit in the next hour with myself and Paul Watson.
But briefly, listen.
I'm confident because I believe in you.
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And I prayed really hard last night.
I don't do this act like some big goody-two-shoe guy.
I really pray and it's like...
I knew the jury was going to be 50-50 and take my kids part of the time.
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And I knew when I prayed last night for about an hour straight, I just knew we're going to win.
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Lee Stranahan.
You were getting into the whole latest debacle with England winning war with Russia because the Russians nerve gassed some spy.
I mean, it's completely obvious.
But before we go there, just get into the lawsuit.
When you found out it was happening, I knew days ago, but I didn't want to call you.
I guess you were figuring it out yourself, because the media was calling, not telling us what it was, trying to get evidence for them.
I mean, you watch all them working in collusion.
It just shows you how nasty this deep state is.
Well, and I think it's very clear that some people, look, I've covered stuff.
I was talking to one of your texts about Bill Browder.
He's one of the guys behind the Russiagate narrative.
The reason I mention him is he said something a few years ago.
This guy testified in front of the Senate and everything else.
He understands that not all lawsuits are filed because you think you're going to win them.
Does that make sense?
No, they're filed for PR purposes.
That's exactly right.
Some people file lawsuits to win them.
And some people file lawsuits because, here's the thing Alex, I can't debate, if I come out and say something false about you to cause you harm,
As a reporter, I can be sued for defamation.
But if I put it in a lawsuit, and every news outlet picks it up.
Simple example.
This lawsuit says... It's protected because it's a legal document from libel and defamation.
And that's what I said.
It's designed... We're on the same page.
This is designed to defame us.
That's right.
Well, specifically, it says the defendants, that includes me, supported the Unite the Right rally.
I did not support the Unite the Right rally.
By the way, I didn't either.
They got mad at me because I said I'm New Right or Libertarian.
I am not.
I called a bunch of these people idiots.
Well, and it also said that anybody who follows me on Twitter
It also says that the defendants promoted Pizzagate.
I've been, on the record, adamant before the election, I never bought into the Pizzagate story.
So they've defamed you in a document.
The good news is, news reports about it, though, and when they commentate, then you've got the lawsuit and now you're a rhyme man.
I've told all these people and I've warned them.
I've got to sue them now, but go ahead.
Well, no, you're exactly right.
Look, the other thing here, Alex, is that
I have made my living for 10 years as a reporter on big stories like I went to Libya, I mean forgive me, I went to Beirut in 2013 to report on the Syrian refugee crisis, right?
When no one, I didn't see anybody else in the media over there.
I was interviewing people from refugees to UN people.
I remember.
Alright, Skype just broke up.
We'll go back to Lee Stradahan here in just a moment.
By the way, he's very careful.
If you go see the Lee and McAdoo... In fact, I forgot the name of the headline.
It's in the soup, but they distorted it.
I've got it over here somewhere.
Here's Reuters when they were sending me fake headlines.
It wasn't even our headlines.
I went and checked.
Let me find it right here.
It was a bombshell connection between Charlottesville, Soros, and they cut chaos off.
And then again, they edited this bombshell connection, George Soros needs to be charged and arrested for sedition and causing Charlottesville chaos.
And I have all the documents here where he funds Antifa.
So again, they've edited all this.
It's, it's amazing.
We're getting Lee Stranahan back on a Skype one out.
But that's it.
Let's see.
We're letting this out of the bag, because they think we're stupid.
When they run their mouths, which they're already doing, outside of that court, with the stuff they're saying, they're going to get sued.
And like I said, I got Tom Brokaw saying that I'm an unalloyed racist, which means a committed 100% racist.
We got me protesting the KKK.
We've got, you know, my sister's Korean adopted, you know, my ex-wife's part Jewish, and so that makes my kids, I mean, I guess the Nazis are right.
My kids, I guess, might be able to go to Israel or whatever.
I mean, I never thought of that, but yeah.
That hurt me.
I mean, that did, because then they use that, they say that people want to attack me in airports because of it, and I've got a few more months with the statutes to sue him, and so I'm sitting there with the lawyers.
We have a whole office war room.
With the suits against us, the suits we've got, pictures of who's funding them, it looks like a movie, like an FBI investigation room.
And we got the lawyers on it, and we're tracking, and it's just, we've gotten six of the lawsuits for them to drop them, because they saw what we had, what we were going to do, and they're like, oh wow, you know how to sue us.
And they found out the damages, so they've been dropping them.
But Georgetown University and George Soros and the Vatican and taxpayer money, I mean, this is next level.
And my lawyer said he's never seen anything like it.
So this is just crazy.
And they think you're cowards.
They think, oh, run from Alex Jones.
He's getting sued.
We're taking the country back.
Our forebears had to dodge bullets and get shot and, you know, go through all of this.
Yeah, folks have been finding videos that I didn't even produce that other people shot of us protesting the KKK.
Because I lost those tapes.
I had a flood in my garage.
I kept a bunch of old tapes in my garage and it flooded one time when I was out of town and it just ruined all the VHS tapes.
And now I didn't even know this was, I didn't even know the Austin protest was, oh my God, they found it?
That's great.
I haven't seen this in like 20 years.
19 years.
Alex Jones, 1999, confronts the KKK.
Oh, that's in Waco.
I guess it's the full one, though.
Not our footage.
And I did recently see the one in Austin's online.
Somebody else videotaped that.
And the KKK said they were going to kill me?
And then I told him F off.
And then the cops grabbed me.
I'm always hearing cops are really KKK and it's not true.
But in Waco, the guy goes, my second amendment means I can blow you the hell away.
Turned out he was a federal agent, later came out a federal operative.
That's what I was saying.
And I said, you need to do something.
The cops said, shut up.
And said some other stuff.
I wasn't on tape, so I'm not going to repeat it.
But we'll see if we can get Lee Stranahan back on.
This is a big time to be alive.
Fourth hour, Paul Watson coming up and so much more.
Trump is trading the swamp.
Trump is delivering.
He's not perfect, but I can't believe he's gotten this much done.
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Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Paul Watson's getting in the cockpit there in London.
We've got a lot to talk about with him.
I'm going to ride shotgun the next two segments with him and Lee Stranahan, investigative journalist, who's crystal clear now.
He restarted his computer via Skype, citizenjournalismschool.com.
Let's go back to this.
We're not gonzo journalism.
We don't want to make the shows about us.
Believe me, I had stacks of stuff ready here.
Lee Stranahan shows how smart he is.
And I don't just say that.
Most people don't get these lawsuits are PR stunts to say we're fake news and say lies about us.
Because if you're in divorce court or anything, somebody can come in and say, you know, I watched him murder 15 penguins after he raped them and he flew around the room in a Santa Claus suit.
None of it's true.
It's defamatory.
But you can say it in court.
And that's what they've done.
And they've used some guy that goes, yeah, I worked for a congressman that got so much money.
Yeah, I was in the State Department in Africa.
Yeah, I worked for Hillary Clinton.
But they say I staged the whole thing and nothing happened.
We didn't say that.
We said you're a politico and you became a spokesperson.
And they should be investigated.
And they're sick of us getting in the middle of their narratives.
So, it is quite a time to be alive, and I love Skype.
At least Ranahan's thing's gone down three times as a strike.
We'll get him back on.
I think it's our equipment in here.
Because on the other studios, Skype doesn't have as many problems, and I keep noticing that.
I don't know.
I think we have too much redundant stuff in the chain.
I want to go raw.
We got too much fandangled fancy pansies in here.
I want to cut down.
And I think that's what's going on.
I think just a regular Skype connection works better than these big computerized special Skype boxes we bought like three years ago.
That's like 18 million years ago now.
Paul Joseph Watson, though, is working with this guy from London, England.
Paul, what do you make of them jumping the shark?
I think, I've talked to lawyers, they've never heard of a university, publicly funded, they say they're private, they're really publicly funded, CIA based, suing us and then putting a bunch of fake stuff in the complaint.
I mean, Paul, this is one of the biggest stories in the world right now, suing Alan West, former congressman, army colonel, suing everybody else.
What in Hades is going on?
Well, yeah, I've read the Gateway Pundit breakdown about this.
I haven't read the actual suit, but they break it down in what they're claiming, and yeah.
Obviously he worked for the State Department.
I mean, that's a proven fact.
That's what we pointed out.
We were talking about the media narrative behind Charlottesville.
Of course, we've never advocated violence in any form whatsoever.
Oh, they say we're pro-alt-right, a Hillary term, which a lot of people that call themselves that aren't bad, but some of them are white supremacists.
We said they were bad on that side and on the other.
They say, Paul, we are that.
They just defamed us.
I can literally make videos attacking the alt-right.
They're in my DMs every day, insulting me.
I can put anti-alt-right on a Twitter profile.
Doesn't matter!
Everyone's alt-right.
Everyone right of Chairman Mao is alt-right at this point.
And this whole process, Alex, is, you know, it's just again the consequence of resentment and vindictiveness over losing an election.
It's like almost every day now, as you talked about yesterday, you wake up, oh, our channel's about to be banned.
Oh, this video is being censored.
We have to fight back against it.
Oh, CNN's targeting our sponsors.
Oh, they call us fake news blues.
Oh, we're being sued for conspiracy theories.
Translate, Sadiq Khan, ban free speech in America of conservatives.
Yeah, you see, politics used to work like, okay, I advocate these principles for making society better, I advocate these policies, you advocate these policies and these principles, let's have an argument, let's have a conversation, and the voter will decide.
Now it's just, no, we're going to sue you, we're going to target your sponsors, we're going to call you alt-right, we're going to demean you, we're going to character assassinate you.
They can't beat us at the game as it was five, ten years ago, so now it's just completely underhanded, completely trying to subvert everything we do.
And again, they're lashing out with yet another frivolous lawsuit.
I mean, he worked for the State Department, it's a proven fact.
He was a political activist, that's a fact.
They removed his name when we first pointed it out, and they denied a bunch of it, and then later he admitted it all.
This is insane.
Lee Strahan's back.
Let's talk to him.
He's also named a suit.
And Paul Watson will take over from her Britannic Majesty's London, where Sadiq Khan, the Islamist, rules with impunity and brings in jihadis on a daily basis.
In between times spent in Austin, Texas, calling for my show to be banned.
We'll be back.
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Live, raw and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live with Paul Joseph Watson.
Been working on Lee Stranahan's Skype.
He's frozen, but we'll still get his audio.
Paul, where do you think this is going next?
And, you know, now we've got the removal here of Tillerson, who we know is playing ball with the Globalist, his deputy.
Just overall, what's the big worldview on what's happening right now?
Well in terms of the election, Hillary Clinton is the greatest ally Donald Trump can ever have.
I've got this clip which they're going to play later where basically she says...
Oh, but I'm the top candidate amongst the highest GDP areas on both coasts.
I'm the best candidate.
She's brazenly admitting that nobody in those Rust Belt areas, in the areas which Trump beat her, likes her.
And she's saying that that's a good strategy to continue to ignore those people in 2018 and in 2020.
And they say they hate flyover country.
They say they hurt Christians.
They're telling all the white, black, Hispanic, you name it, folks in the Rust Belt, you don't freaking matter because you don't have a high GDP.
Yeah, it's just supreme arrogance and idiocy.
I mean, she's the best friend the Trump campaign can have in 2020.
She's falling down stairs again.
Now, remember, CNN told us that Trump was physically unfit, told us that he was deranged.
It was completely proven otherwise, yet they continued to do it.
The same people who said questioning her health was a conspiracy theory.
She's got two guys holding her up at the end of that clip, and she's still stumbling and falling down.
And apparently now she's got some kind of hand injury as well that she's being treated for.
So we were proven completely right again, but yet they still claim, oh this was part of the Russian bot conspiracy network to claim Hillary was sick.
While she was hacking away through every speech.
Well you know the word is, she wasn't falling down in India, she was just dancing like Trudeau, Canada.
So again, they called us every name under the sun for pointing out basic reality, that she was obviously ill.
Then took their own conspiracy theory, said Trump was sick.
That was proven completely false, and yet they still continued to do it.
That's why everyone hates CNN, that's why they're collapsing.
And Paul, they also say that Trump didn't really want to win the election, that's why he's announced 900 plus days early, and has a new slogan, Keep America Great, and is in absolute ecstasy winning.
It's incredible.
Also with this Tillerson thing, Nancy Pelosi came out today and basically said that he was fired because he stood up to Russia.
That Tillerson was fired because he stood up to Russia.
Which is interesting because when Tillerson was nominated back in 2016, Pelosi came out with another statement and basically said Tillerson was a Russian agent.
So he's a Russian agent when he gets nominated.
When he gets fired, it's because he stood up against the Russians.
Well, that's because he got an Exxon Mobil deal, which we should be trying to get the resources out of Russia.
That helps everybody.
They got more resources than any other nation or continent.
You know, Eurasia.
And we need all that.
And Tillerson got a big award for bringing industry to Russia.
They're free market!
They're Christian!
We should be doing business with them!
Exactly, and now they're saying that he... other commentators like David Corn are saying that he was fired because of his comments about Russia yesterday.
Okay, he was told he was going to be fired on Friday.
It was before he made any comments about Russia, but literally everything has to be fed into this Russian...
There's only been one minute of coverage on the news that the House said no Russian collusion, but evidence of Hillary collusion.
Let's bring in Lee Stranahan here, who's having some Skype problems, but he's on the phone now.
Lee, we're all under attack.
Paul's being sued by extension.
Leanne McAdoo is our reporter.
You are.
But I gotta say again, the video of you...
And Leanne, we've already had it reviewed by legal folks.
It's total journalism.
It's just insane.
So again, I agree with you.
I think this is a PR stunt.
The problem is we can't let them keep doing the PR stunts.
That's why we're preparing lawsuits against all these people.
And I'm not just saying that.
I don't want to sue people.
But what do we do next?
What are other key points you want to tell folks?
Well, I think one of the big things here, one of the things I loved about the lawsuit was just seeing, it says InfoWars is being sued through a company which is named Free Speech, what is it, Free Speech Systems?
Free Speech Systems.
Yeah, so they're suing Free Speech.
I love that.
I just, I love the irony of it.
That they're suing Free Speech.
You know when I named the company that, you know when I named the company that, like 15 years ago when I incorporated, I did it in case it was ever a lawsuit, they'd be suing Free Speech.
I'm not surprised, Alex.
I'm not surprised.
I mean, because this is the thing.
And Paul makes a great point.
By the way, hi, Paul.
What's going on here is the revolution started in 2007.
Two things happened in 2007.
The markets collapsed and everybody realized that they've been buying into things and out of that you got Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movement.
But the other thing that happened was the iPhone was released.
And the reason that's significant is they know in the media right now
We, the citizens, don't actually need them anymore.
People can actually make up their own minds from a buffet of ideas.
And the fact that people are getting their information from InfoWars, who is one of the only news outlets, including outlets on the right, I will say this,
Including outlets broadly on the right that will actually report on what the CIA, for instance, has been up to.
Because a lot of right outlets don't want to touch that with a 10-foot pole, and you've been great on that.
It's frightening them.
And what they've done is they've exposed themselves for who they really are.
They are desperately afraid that people will figure out that... I said this on my radio show this morning.
We're watching with this thing in England right now.
We're good to go.
It is a race, and the elites are aware of this.
It is a race to see whether they can shut down free media.
And this is why we're seeing Twitter, Google.
I've been told by people in Silicon Valley that they're under threat of antitrust.
Just ask yourself, Alex.
Remember the Microsoft suit in the 90s?
Who's bigger?
Google now or Microsoft in the 90s?
Answer's obvious, right?
Answer's obvious.
Who's bigger?
Amazon now or Microsoft in the 90s?
So, they could be shut down today, right?
And you saw Trump's new campaign head warn them last week.
What do you make of that?
Well, I've known Brad Parscale for about 20 years.
I used to work with him in San Antonio, actually, at a high-tech company 20 years ago.
And I'm very happy to see Brad on there, because Brad knows tech.
He's very ambitious.
He's very professional.
But, God bless him for warning people.
And this thing with you, you got two Community Standards strikes, correct?
Is that what happened?
They did four, and then they kept removing them.
Yeah, exactly, but we're down to one.
I got three community standards strikes and they deleted my entire YouTube account.
So I'm a little jealous, Alex.
But see, no, no, exactly.
That's why I keep talking.
Ours came back because it was too obvious.
They want to do all these fake suits and then ban us, but thousands of channels are still gone.
That's right, yes.
But the beauty of what you've done with InfoWars is they could take you down on YouTube tomorrow
People would still be able to get InfoWars for a variety of means, and YouTube just wouldn't go through YouTube.
So, this is what they're afraid of.
And there's a real race going on, I really believe this, between the people who are promoting free speech and a marketplace of ideas.
You don't have to believe me.
Sure, you disagree on free speech.
And Lee, you're right.
I'm sure you saw the Microsoft CEO, I mean, not Microsoft, I think we're talking about Microsoft, the News Corp CEO a month ago said this is the plan.
They're going to set the precedent with us and everybody else.
This is them coming for the First Amendment.
We need to talk more in the next week or so on air about the suit, coordinating.
Love seeing you on David Knight during the morning.
Lee Stranahan, thank you so much.
Sorry about the problems today.
We'll talk to you more.
Thanks Alex, appreciate it.
Great points from him.
Take care Paul.
Thank you.
Paul, I want to come back.
I know you've got a full raft and I'm begging Paul to do more than just an hour a week.
Everybody loves him so much and we need Paul.
And Tommy Robinson is going to meet with him on Friday for a big interview they're going to do.
We're about to launch our London, UK, EU headquarters which I've already got backing to do if Paul will take Excalibur from the stone.
Or I'm going to beat him upside the head with it actually if he doesn't take it out of the stone.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
They don't get it.
The Globalists are zero-sum game.
They believe the pie is only so big.
They don't get that we know engaging them in combat, when we have the high ground, will only boost us!
Hide your bitch, Globalists!
All right, Paul Watson, I want you to take over, my friend.
Please do more of the shows.
Everybody loves the great work you're doing.
I know you're writing so many great articles and being suppressed on YouTube and all the rest of it, but this is an epic time to be alive.
And again, I've talked to very competent lawyers in D.C., folks that have done a great job for us in the past.
They're highly connected, and they say they've never seen anything like this.
Georgetown, a government-funded law school, because their law school is government.
Sueing against the First Amendment to set a precedent to ban people.
You got Sadiq Khan running around saying banish.
You got the Pope funding this lawsuit calling to ban conservative voices.
This is next level.
I know we've been harping on this, but this is the big issue.
The NRA got record donations when they tried to take their sponsors and shut them down.
That's great.
I support it.
We've gotten some extra.
And I felt better after yesterday because like $100,000 extra came in.
But we were discounting things so much.
Okay, we sold $350,000 worth of product and made $100,000.
That sounds like a lot, not when you got 12 Democrat Party lawsuits on your ass and 100 crew members and satellites and everything else.
That's a really good day, though.
Most days we're making like $20,000, $30,000 to fund things.
With all this, that just pays the bills.
But, it's a war.
People need to understand, it's not like, oh, they're suing again, we'll never win.
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You know, we get a better price on Micro ZX, it's even stronger, we lower the price.
But we need people to just understand it's a long distance battle.
So Paul, I'm going to let you take over, love you to death.
I'm told you're meeting with Mr. Robinson on Friday for a big interview, that's correct, right?
I don't know anything about that, but we can talk about it after the show.
Okay, well, see, I'm talking to him and he keeps saying he's going to go meet you.
He's running around off in Canterbury or somewhere right now, but we need to get you guys together because we have the funds to launch the UK operations, remember?
We'll set it up, yeah, we'll talk about it.
Well, Paul, here's the deal.
We must blow up the Death Star.
So, all I'm saying is we're kind of wargaming live here on air.
Okay, fine.
Tommy said, I'm going to see him on Friday.
It's set up.
So, you start talking.
I'm going to call Tommy right now on air.
I'm going to put him on air with us on speakerphone, but go ahead.
Yeah, what Tommy's been talking about and what I've been talking about today, Alex, last week, last weekend, the weekend just gone, there was a women's march in London.
Now what they were marching about, God only knows, they weren't marching up against the Saudi Arabian Embassy or the Qatari Embassy or anywhere like that.
Against, you know, countries where women are still treated as second-class citizens.
They were marching for women's rights in London.
Now in the UK, women have exactly the same rights as men.
There's nothing to protest about in the West.
Feminism has achieved its objective.
Now it's just about regressive leftism.
So there was a big women's march in London.
I've been asking today where people can point me to details of this coming weekend's feminist march against the industrial level abuse of over 1,000 young girls in a town called Telford in the UK.
1,000 young girls drugged, abducted, raped, tortured, in one case killed.
Now this wasn't an overnight thing.
This went on for 40 plus years.
And our main broadcaster, the BBC, it took them well over 24 hours to even talk about it.
They had one story up on their website yesterday when people started calling them out for it.
It was like a local story buried between two other non-issue stories.
So the main broadcaster refused to even talk about it before they got so much pressure.
And where are the feminist marchers?
Where are the women marching against the industrial level abuse of young women, and children in some cases, in not just Telford, but in Rotherham, in Oxford, in all these different towns?
And once again, it comes back to political correctness.
People say, oh, political correctness is just being nice to people.
It's just being nice to people.
No, it isn't.
It kills.
It leads to mass abuse.
Because once again, just like Rotherham,
The police, the social services refuse to properly investigate this scandal.
This four decade long scandal.
Refuse to properly investigate it.
Disbelieve the victims in some cases.
Refuse to prosecute the culprits in some cases.
Because they feared being called racist.
The exact same story we heard in Rotherham.
The exact same story we heard in Oxford.
So now you've got journalists visiting Telford just turning up and talking to people living there and they're saying that they were embroiled with it.
There was one journalist who works for Westmonster I think who said
Out of the eight people he talked to, like half of them were embroiled in this scandal, in this one little town.
So let's be clear, the giant dam is breaking and anybody can go with a camera to any British town and ask about the Muslims kidnapping the women and raping them and no one will stop them, this mass Stockholm syndrome, the dam is breaking.
It's coming out on the BBC everywhere.
4,000 in this town, 1,000 in this town, 800 in this town.
Girls found dead, girls shipped overseas.
What are they going to do as this scandal implodes and collapses?
And surprise, surprise, the Muslims are setting up harems again of kidnapped women.
It's what they do.
It's a cult of kidnapping, raping, and enslaving women.
Well, it's interesting because the original Sunday Mirror exposé on this did not mention anything to do with their faith.
They said they were from Pakistan, they were from Bangladesh, they were from Muslim-majority countries, but they didn't say they were Muslim.
Because we have a law in this country, I think it's the 2006 Religious Race Relations Act, something like that, it's the 2006 law, which basically is a blasphemy law, which says you can't discriminate or even criticise
A belief system because again they treat Islam as if it's a race.
So the very newspaper that did the massive expose on this refused to even point out their belief system and the fact that this is a culture which you know they come from a culture which treats women and girls as second-class citizens.
They can't even make that point because it would put them under likelihood of criminal prosecution.
We had a Lord stand up in in the House of Lords today or yesterday
Who made the connection and just asked the basic question, can we criticize the religion of Islam or is that a hate crime?
I think we need that question solidly, firmly cleared up.
Given what happened to Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone, Lauren was basically banned from the country for handing out a pro-gay rights leaflet that said, quote, Allah is a gay God.
Okay, that's why she was banned.
They can say that about Christ all day.
You're gonna take over, Paul, but here's the bottom line.
They're using West Open Society hospitality to get us to give up our culture to be dominated, and the left is using Islam as a sword of domination and the skeleton key to get us to submit.
Paul Watson takes over from London on the other side.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back!
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this March 13th edition.
And of course, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has essentially been fired by Donald Trump.
You're fired!
Because of his stance on Iran mainly, but of course the media is turning this into the narrative of constant chaos at the White House.
But they're also spinning a conspiracy theory that Tillerson was fired because he stood up against Russia.
Again, they're tying literally everything into this Russian derangement syndrome that has taken hold.
Daily caller headline, reporters immediately blame Tillerson firing on Russia comments.
There's just one problem.
Rex Tillerson is out as Secretary of State, leading many establishment journalists to falsely claim that his recent comments on Russia allegedly poisoning a spy in the United Kingdom are responsible.
Now, of course, this whole poisoning scandal in the United Kingdom is still up in the air.
There's been no actual full investigation into it.
People have pointed out the fact that this ex-Russian spy double agent was retired.
He wasn't even active.
He was living a quiet life.
It would not benefit Russia in any way to take him out.
As a petty form of revenge, it would have so much blowback, it would not be worth it.
Of course, Russia's denying any involvement.
There hasn't been a proper investigation.
But the Washington Post reported on Tillerson's departure Tuesday morning.
Tillerson commented on Monday that Sergei Skripal, an ex-Russian spy poisoned in the UK last week, appears to be clearly an act of the Kremlin.
So Tillerson said that on Monday.
And then today, a lot of the talking heads on the left came out and said that that was the reason he was fired.
An example being David Corn, who said Tillerson says Russia clearly involved in poisoning a former Russian spy in the UK.
Trump fires Tillerson.
Hashtag just saying.
This is complete bunk, because as the article points out, Tillerson was actually asked to leave last Friday, according to that same Washington Post article, meaning he was fired before.
Before his comment on Russia.
But literally every opportunity they get, they will tie it into Russia.
It truly is Russian Derangement Syndrome.
And this extends to Nancy Pelosi!
Who can barely give a speech now without stuttering and stammering as we play the videos many times on this show.
Now if you go on my Twitter page and scroll down a little bit, I've posted the statements of Nancy Pelosi
Both when Tillerson was nominated as Secretary of State and when he was fired today.
Now this is interesting because you will note somewhat of a contradiction here.
So this is from the official statement, the press release, when Tillerson was first nominated back in, I think it was December 2016, for Secretary of State.
Nancy Pelosi said, quote, our nation has always needed a wise and experienced Secretary of State who has the judgment and skill to protect our national security, strengthen our alliance as an advocate for human rights.
And you see the tweet there, it's the image on the left below.
This is the statement she made when he was nominated.
Choosing an oil executive friendly with Vladimir Putin as Secretary of State sends a disturbing signal about President-elect Trump's priorities.
It goes on to say Rex Tillerson's cozy relationship with the Kremlin is especially alarming in light of his attitude towards sanctions over Russia's aggressive behavior in Europe.
So, Nancy Pelosi was out on the day of Tillerson's nomination basically accusing him of being a Russian agent or at least being in bed with the Russians sympathetic to the Russians.
Compare that
To Nancy Pelosi's statement today when Tillerson was fired.
Now because we know why he was fired, it's because they fundamentally disagreed over Iran.
There were problems with the trade negotiations.
There were problems potentially in the future with the North Korean negotiation.
But this is what Nancy Pelosi said today about the statement of, about the firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Quote, So she's basically trying to argue that Tillerson was fired
Because he stood up against Russia, even though we know, as I just explained, he was fired, de facto fired on Friday, he was told about it on Friday, it was announced today, before Tillerson made the comments about Russia.
So on the one hand, Pelosi, on the day he was nominated, says he's a Russian agent, this is horrible, this just proves the collusion, conspiracy once again, on the day he was fired,
It proves that Trump is firing people who stand up against Russian aggression, Russian collusion.
So again, everything is Russia, everything is tied into Russian derangement syndrome.
Even if those two statements completely contradict each other, she still put out a statement asserting that he was fired because he stood up against Russia.
Absolutely clear, clear example
Of how this whole Russian collusion conspiracy is complete bunkum and is being used as a political witch hunt to undermine the Trump administration once again.
We see it with the firing of Rex Tillerson.
Now Hillary Clinton...
Has been making headlines once again, and as I said on Twitter, that's a good thing.
Every effort possible should be made to ensure Hillary has a vocal platform right up until 2020, because everything that comes out of her mouth is completely imbecilic, is completely arrogant, and completely strikes at the root of why she lost in the first place.
I mean she's Trump's biggest and best cheerleader for 2020.
We need to keep her prominent on that platform because everything that comes out of her mouth helps Trump immeasurably.
So we've got this video clip now where she's talking about why she resonated with people on the east and west coast and how that relates to GDP.
Let's go to the Hillary clip right now.
Here it is.
Do you have the clip?
There's all that red in the middle where Trump won.
I win the coast, I win, you know, Illinois and Minnesota, places like that.
But what the map doesn't show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America's gross domestic product.
So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, and his whole campaign, Make America Great Again, was looking backwards.
So again, there is Hillary Clinton brazenly admitting to the fact that she only resonated with the bi-coastal elites, that she paid no attention whatsoever to the Rust Belt, to Wisconsin, to Michigan, the very places where she lost the election.
See, she can't help let her arrogance, her disdain for flyover country slip out at every available opportunity.
And the audience applauds it!
She's like, this is why I lost, because I don't resonate with actual hard-working Americans who have been impoverished because of globalism.
And she's making that out as if it's a good thing.
No, you complete idiot.
That's why you lost.
That's why Democrats are going to lose again if they don't have an actual economic platform for 2020 that resonates with Americans in those Rust Belt areas.
The ones who voted for Trump, the ones who are now getting their jobs back.
We saw a steel plant, I think it was in Pennsylvania last week, opening.
500 Americans getting jobs because of that.
You don't resonate with those people.
That's why you lost the election, because you campaigned online.
You failed to even go out there because you were too busy coughing, hacking, collapsing and sleeping.
But the very fact that it still comes out of her mouth and she can barely hide her supreme arrogance, again just tells you everything you need to know about Hillary Clinton and the machine that surrounds her.
There you see again, stumbling down the stairs.
Shouldn't really laugh at somebody's disability or their illness but when the media tells us we're conspiracy theorists for even pointing to reality and saying that obviously she's got complications, problems from prior illnesses
That made their way very viscerally, very visually into the 2016 election campaign and they call us conspiracy theorists.
Then they went on this whole rag for the past six months about how Trump was deranged, about how he was physically unfit, drinking too many Diet Cokes.
He has his physical assessment, he has his mental assessment.
Absolutely perfect, and yet Delta and all the rest of them at CNN still insisted he was physically unfit.
But we're reckless conspiracy theorists for saying the same about Hillary, even as she's coughing, even as she's falling and fainting.
Absolutely incredible.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show Live, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're back for the final segment of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Did you know that saying, I'm not racist, is racist?
That's right, according to the University of California,
Headline University of California guide saying I'm not racist is racist up on InfoWars.com.
They've put out this list of microaggressions.
Now of course microaggressions is basically
An absolutely pedantic list of verbal, non-verbal, environmental slights, these are their words, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, you could not even be aware that you're doing them, that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages to target persons.
Now they've got a list of them which is up on their official website, and we've seen this before from other universities, but they actually list on there
Telling someone you speak English very well, that's racist.
Can't compliment somebody on their English if they're a foreign student, that's racist.
Telling an Asian person they're good at math, that's racist.
Insisting America is a melting pot.
See, there's this whole area about saying, if you say, oh, I don't see race, I see America as a melting pot.
So even if you parrot some of these multicultural cliches, no, that's not good enough.
You're still racist.
And they actually have the phrase, I'm not racist, I have several black friends, listed as an example of racism.
Absolutely incredible.
Other examples include, there's only one race, the human race.
So basically, you know, reciting the lyrics to John Lennon's Imagine now makes you a racist.
I believe the most qualified person should get the job, that's racist.
Believing in a meritocracy, which is how the whole Western world works, is now racist.
Thinking that America is the land of opportunity, that's literally a quote.
If you say America is the land of opportunity, again, for all races, regardless of color or creed, no, that's racist.
Can't say that anymore.
They also say a white woman who clutches her purse or bag when approached by a black or Latino person is also committing a racist microaggression.
Not because those people are over-represented in crime statistics, no, it's because the woman is racist.
Asking non-white people why they're being quiet or loud, that's racist.
So you can't even ask why people are behaving in a certain way, whether that's positive or negative, that's racist.
And again, it hearkens back to these other articles that we did, including one out of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
And they literally launched a campaign in 2015 where they claimed that using the term politically correct, so just saying the term politically correct in a pejorative way, in a negative way, was a micro-aggression, was essentially racist.
There was also the University of New Hampshire's Bias-Free Language Guide which asserted that the word American, American, the word American is problematic
Because it assumes the US is the only country inside the continents of North and South America.
So you can't use the word American.
You also can't use the words and phrases obese, normal, mothering, fathering, homosexual, illegal alien, and senior citizens.
Because they might offend someone somewhere.
Now of course the goal of all this is to police language.
Is to get those parameters of acceptable speech.
And by this very definition, acceptable thought.
Constricted to the point where everybody's walking on eggshells before they say anything.
They live in absolute fear of offending anybody because of these constrictive language guides that literally act to control people's thoughts.
This is what's going on in our universities.
Little surprise then that this survey which just came out surveyed Democrat college students say inclusivity more important than free speech.
I basically asked them if diversity and inclusivity should take precedence over free speech
And the overwhelming majority of Democrats favoured protecting feelings over free speech.
They literally think protecting people's fee-fees is more important than the fundamental bedrock of American freedom.
And we wonder why.
We see Antifa at all these colleges, all these universities, literally holding up signs that say free speech crossed out and burning them and trashing them.
Is it any wonder?
Absolutely incredible.
Now I talked about this at the start of the show with Alex.
We had a women's march in London last weekend for what reason, God only knows, because women in the UK have exactly the same rights as men.
They have a lot more protections in terms of care, in terms of abuse, in terms of psychological trauma support than men.
But no, that's not enough apparently.
So there was a women's march for no particular purpose.
There's no gender pay gap.
It doesn't exist.
It doesn't account for the fact that men work more hours.
Well they had a march anyway.
Now I've been trying to find details and I just can't seem to pin them down of the feminist march this coming weekend against the industrial level abuse of over 1,000 young girls for a period of over 40 years, 4-0 years, in Telford which is a town in England.
Now you would think that feminists support
The right of young girls to not be drugged, to not be abducted, to not be raped, to not be abused, in one case to not be killed.
You would think that that would be an important women's rights issue, especially given the fact that it's not just this one case, that we've literally had probably a dozen of these cases over the past few years.
Where we have the industrial level abuse of young girls by Muslim grooming gangs.
And in the Daily Mirror expose of this, which came out on Sunday, they couldn't even mention the fact that they were Muslim.
They said they were Bangladeshi, Pakistan.
Of course we know what those people have in common.
This is a massive problem, but a major national newspaper is afraid to even use certain language.
Because we have de facto blasphemy laws in this country, which prevent us from even talking about it in many cases.
Tory MP reports Breitbart, BBC not standing up for white working class after ignoring Telford scandal.
This is Lucy Allen MP who said she was pushing to ask an urgent question in Parliament on Tuesday as well as revealing she'll be demanding an inquiry into the scandal.
Well we know already why this scandal happened from the original early reporting is because social services, authorities and police were so petrified of, God forbid, being called racist
That they refused to properly investigate, to properly prosecute the culprits.
So the BBC ignored this story for about 24 hours after it came out on Sunday.
It was the biggest story in the country by far.
The BBC ignored it for about 24 hours.
They finally put out an article in like the local section of their website.
It wasn't even on the front page.
They buried it beneath all these other articles.
The pressure that that causes finally prompted the BBC to give this top billing that it deserves.
But another example of how this is covered up, not just by the authorities, but by the media itself, the leading media lights in the United Kingdom.
There's a Hill article, report hundreds of girls raped and forced into prostitution in small English town, which goes through the history of it.
Absolutely incredible.
Where is the feminist march this weekend?
That's my question.
You marched last weekend for no discernible reason.
Now we have yet another example of the industrial level abuse of young girls in one town in our country for 40 years.
One of many.
Where's the march?
Where's the protest?
Ain't gonna happen.
Because feminists don't give a damn about actual women's rights.
They don't give a damn about young girls being abused.
They only care about obtaining power because feminism has been hijacked as a far-left crusade.
That's why there won't be any marches.
Let's head to Europe now for the latest in cultural enrichment news.
This is out of Voice of Europe.
Greek woman gang-raped by migrants after visiting refugee solidarity event.
Refugees welcome.
A 23-year-old Greek woman and her boyfriend relived scenes of horror in the court of Thessaloniki last week.
The woman was gang-raped by three migrants from Syria and Algeria more than a year ago.
This happened in October 2016.
It's just in court.
They actually went to a refugee solidarity event, and right next to it, this woman was gang raped.
Absolutely incredible.
You hear some of the stories that came out of Calais of similar circumstances, where in many cases the volunteers who went there to help were the victims of this.
And then they actually didn't speak out about it, because they were like, oh my God, I might be called racist.
I won't tell the police that I've just been gang raped.
Absolutely incredible.
In Sweden, their government is encouraging, actually spending millions to encourage migrant background citizens to vote in September election.
So Sweden's got a big September election coming up where it's basically their last chance to save their country and the current liberal lefty establishment government in charge is literally dropping nearly a million dollars
In these no-go suburbs of Sweden, which we've all seen the horrible footage of, of reporters being attacked, people being chased off, ambulance, fire, police being attacked.
They're dropping a million dollars in those areas to get those migrants to vote in the election.
The very same migrants who have created in many cases the soaring violent crime and parallel societies
That have basically turned Sweden into a meme.
So the government of Sweden is paying money to destroy Sweden.
Absolutely insane stories continue to pour out of Europe.
That's going to wrap it up though.
Owen Troyer's coming up with The War Room.
Don't go away.
They use their media to assassinate Real News.
They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler.
They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.
And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.
All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia, to smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding, until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!