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Filename: 20171206_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 6, 2017
2969 lines.

In this podcast episode of "The Alex Jones Show," the speaker discusses various topics including the investigation into President Trump, the situation in Israel, mainstream media, Middle East politics, and Brexit negotiations. They criticize mainstream media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC for creating hype around the idea that it's over for Trump and accusing him of things that Mueller, Comey, and the Clintons have done themselves. The speaker also discusses their opposition to mainstream media's portrayal of Israel and praises Trump for declaring the US embassy will be moved to Jerusalem. They criticize Theresa May's handling of Brexit negotiations and argue that the EU has an unelected bureaucracy and economic instability due to high youth unemployment rates in several countries. Additionally, they discuss the Mueller investigation, impeachment hearings, and recent developments in politics. Lastly, they introduce Carnivore, a digestive enzyme product by InfoWars Life to help with digestion and promote overall gut health.

I mean, there's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently... Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
Reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
We have been through a lot of hoaxes together.
Years during the campaign, during the primaries, during the attempt to keep Trump from being inaugurated.
We've seen a lot of hoaxes, a lot of lies.
The new big hoax that is on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, they're all making their move right now.
Is that this is it, it's over for Trump.
Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll please.
Directed Michael Flynn as an incoming National Security Advisor to contact the Russians.
Dun, dun, dun!
Stalks fall sharply on report that Michael Flynn was directed by Trump to talk to the Russians.
That's always been on record.
That's what a National Security Advisor does.
They stampeded Attorney General Sessions to recuse himself because he had three meetings with the Russian ambassador.
In the year before when he was the head of a Senate committee.
Pelosi met 32 times with the Russian ambassador that same year.
Totally normal.
But again, they create this hype like, we know there's Russians, they're under the table, they're everywhere, because they knew the Podestas and Hillary and the rest of them were up to their eyeballs in all this.
And so now, here's their big gamble.
Here's their big move.
They're making it right now.
The stock market is recoiling in horror, because if they even attempt this, which they're now doing, if they were successful, it'll cause a civil war.
Totally brazen, totally illegal.
Everything that Mueller and Comey and the Clintons and the globalists have done, they're accusing Trump of.
And now they're running the hoax that Flynn has flipped.
And that Flynn says Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, feels President has abandoned him, prepared to testify against Trump, family, White House staff.
Going to plead guilty to lying to the FBI.
When did that law get in place?
Back in the 50s for the Mafia?
Same FBI told us the Mafia didn't exist.
They had the FBI director in compromising positions.
Then they came out and got laws passed so that if you lie to the FBI and they claim it's a lie, it's like they're God.
They're the fourth branch of government.
They say it's a lie.
Because they have the illegal surveillance transcripts of him talking to the Russian ambassador, and it didn't go exactly like he remembered from their recording of it.
And so they go after Flynn, and what's happening is they've got Flynn on Turkey.
Flynn went and did some lobbying.
For the Turks, I've looked at it.
He didn't follow the proper paperwork.
But you have like a year to do it.
And so they could go after him for that.
They've got him on Turkey.
You could technically, nobody's ever been charged with it, but you could say, you know, that he could get some jail time for that.
So they've got him on Turkey.
And they got him over a barrel.
And he's a patriot and a good guy.
And Trump says it's a big mistake that he ever got stampeded into getting rid of him.
That was how this whole thing began.
Mueller's been going around finding somebody he can get in the crosshairs to then basically contradict the president to create a constitutional crisis.
So dictator Mueller can try to overturn the will of the people, the stock market, the recovery, everything else, and the media.
Trump said a G20 or anywhere and just waves at Putin.
They go, look!
Look, he waved!
And then he had the Russian ambassador at the White House.
Trump met behind closed doors with the Russian ambassador.
And the aides in that meeting leaked the info that he patted him on the back and said this whole Russian collusion thing's a load of bull.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, the 6th day of December 2017.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
This is the Infowar.
This is the demonized, attacked broadcast on radio and TV that the big telecoms, the big tech companies, the globalists, the EU, the corrupt Vatican, ISIS, the jihadis, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party establishment all absolutely hate.
And all absolutely dread because we see through their propaganda.
We're aware of their global plan and are standing up against it.
I intend to open the phones up early in the broadcast today.
We're also going to be carrying coming up sometime the next hour and a half.
The president's usually about 10 minutes late.
His live statements that he is going to be making
On moving the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Jerusalem in Israel.
And the media, mainstream media, the Republican Party to a great extent, the Democratic Party especially, the Arab states are flipping out, threatening all this violence and pity partying and just going completely wild.
The London Guardian has the headline that it's going to plunge the world into fire and fury and all this destruction.
Because the Muslims are so peaceful?
Israel is a tiny country.
It was founded by Jews 3,000 years ago by folks coming out of Egypt.
Everybody knows the historical story, and it's true.
And I'm not against the Muslims, but they've got 99% of the territory in the Middle East.
They're always killing each other.
And Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, none of those countries will take any of the Palestinians.
They don't want them.
They won't take one of them.
And most of them are just Arabs that have gone into the area and want to be in Israel.
And it's just like folks that want to get into the United States but hate the United States.
And I'm not saying that there hasn't been oppression of people in that war-torn region.
But it's kill or be killed.
And it's not like we're talking about shrinking violence here with many of the Palestinians who load their children up with bombs.
Now they are in Iraq in a hard place because they're stuck there in that area because the Arab states, many of them filthy rich, will not take one of them.
So, they have absolutely nothing to say that's legitimate in my view.
But it's a big cause celeb, not just with liberals, but with a lot of so-called conservatives, to obsess over Israel, to hate Israel, and to want to destroy Israel.
I get attacked that I'm not pro-Israel enough by the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz and all the rest of this kind of liberal establishment garbage.
And then I also get attacked by the white supremacists and the Muslim groups and all the rest of it that I supposedly, you know, get my directions from Israel, though I've never been to Israel.
It's as asinine as saying that, you know, I get my directives from the Russians or something.
But if you just look at what's going on, Israel is
What, twice the size of, like, Dallas-Fort Worth, maybe?
I mean, it's this small little sliver of area, and all the Middle East uses it as an excuse to want to carry out terror, to want to attack other countries, to hate the United States.
And quite frankly, I'm sick of it.
And now the calculus has really changed over the last few years, where the EU, the globalists towards Soros, openly want to foment war in the Middle East.
They want to overthrow Israel.
That's in the Soros documents that came out last year in WikiLeaks and others, that Soros wants to topple Israel.
If you put the Muslims in there, they would be civil warring with each other instantly over who had control.
The Shiites and the Sunni have been killing each other for over a thousand years and it's not going to stop.
And you know what they do to holy sites?
They blow each other's holy sites up!
So, you let unfettered Islamic takeover happen in Jerusalem, guaranteed within one year, Dome of the Rock, all of it is going to get blown sky high.
Because that's especially what the Wahhabis do.
Trump is trying to kill that whole program of destabilization in the Middle East.
He's trying to bring real stabilization, a new policy.
The globalists and the Arabists and all the folks at the State Department that claim they're pro-Muslim, they've actually just been using it as a destabilizing force in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, around the Red Crescent, around Russia's borders, and now into Europe and the United States, and flooding us with tens of millions of military-age men
Who then don't adopt our culture, they tell us we've got to adopt their culture, and the EU migration body and the rest of the globalist organizations admit that is the plan.
So I was against the Iraq War.
I was against those other adventures.
They were meant to destabilize the Middle East, get rid of secular governments, get rid of governments put in by previous policies, try to stabilize the Middle East, and go with this mass destabilization program that's been declassified and documented and Wesley Clark talked about 10 years ago.
Trump is trying to kill that plan.
But part of recognizing these Arab states and leaving them alone is recognizing that Israel's there, it's not going anywhere, and that people need to accept that that little tiny area in the world is Israel.
Now, at the same time, does that mean I like all the leftists over in Israel and Haaretz and Jerusalem Post lying about me every few weeks and putting out ridiculous crud?
Does that mean I agree with everything Israel does?
Absolutely not!
But at the same time, I can pragmatically just study the lay of the land and realize Soros and the globalists and the Rothschilds and others to a great extent have made the decision to ally themselves with the most radical forms of Islam because demographically they're taking over the world and the deal has been made to sell out Europe, sell out Russia, sell out Israel and sell out the United States
They've even got massive intended Muslim influxes into places like over in the Pacific Ocean.
So, it's just happening everywhere.
It is just absolutely unfolding into Australia and to New Zealand.
They've got huge influxes coming in.
Because on average, Muslims have six children.
And then they're taught, you're going out, you're going to take over, this is part of a larger plan, this is part of a larger program.
And it's very, very frustrating
To know that this fuse has been lit by the globalist, and Trump is trying to defuse it, and the media is turning around saying that by him keeping his promises, that he somehow is selling other people out.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's not what's happening.
Now, I don't just sit here as an apologist for President Trump and defend everything he says or does, but if we simply move our embassy to Jerusalem and recognize that that's the capital of Israel,
That's not an excuse for the Muslims to blow more stuff up, and shoot more rockets, and kill more people, and have more suicide bombs.
I'm done!
Capitulation of the left is over.
And Islam is publicly, nakedly allied, especially Wahhabist Islam, with the globalists, with the leftists,
And with this larger operation.
And so that is why I personally am backing the president and what he's doing.
Plus it's a campaign promise.
It's like some people said, Alex, I hear Trump's given up our national parks and monuments and giving it to rich people to mine on.
He's just reversing some of the monuments Obama grabbed to kick mines that were already off, off.
A little bit of feed coming in in there.
So that is just some of the information, ladies and gentlemen, that we're going to be breaking down and going over here.
But what we know is this.
Trump is delivering what he said he would do.
Trump is standing up for what he said he would do.
And anybody that argues with that or anybody that tries to deny that is lying to you.
Everybody knows what Trump said he was going to do during the campaign.
And it is extremely refreshing to see that happening and to see that unfolding.
And that's why I am so excited about what's happening is because
It's a huge change to have leaders that actually do what they say they're going to do.
And it's starting to happen all over the world as humanity awakens.
But we're going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour.
I'll give the number out in the next segment to get your take.
If you agree, if you disagree, that's fine.
We'll get you on air.
But we'll see if you can disagree without just making personal attacks.
Just make your political point.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So, coming up in the next 40 minutes or so, the President is scheduled to give a speech on how he is planning to designate Jerusalem as where the U.S.
Embassy will be based.
And so, U.S.
embassies all over the world have to brace for Islamic attack.
And it's supposedly Trump's fault for doing what he campaigned that he would do.
And stop playing these half measures that we're going to turn Israel over to the Muslims.
It's just not going to happen.
And instead of going on with this fake Middle East peace process that just stalls the inevitable, just make it cut and dry.
And then have peace in the Middle East, and have trade with all those countries, and develop and work with them, and end the destabilization of the Middle East, which the globalists have been involved in.
That is a very moral, upright, pragmatic position of the President.
Now that said,
There's definitely going to be some fireworks that comes out of this.
And there's already been fireworks.
We've been told by Obama and by the Democrats and by the EU, when Muslims rape people or kill people or bomb people or shoot people or run over them with cars, don't say it's Muslims.
Because, oh, that puts a bad light on it and then gives attention to the extremists.
So let's just ignore the problem.
And it's designed to bring in these massive numbers to balkanize and overtake the civilization.
And Trump existentially realizes that and is saying no to it.
It's that simple.
military on high alert ahead of Trump's announcement to move U.S.
embassy to Jerusalem.
Ergun calls Islamic Summit next week on Jerusalem.
That's right, he can grandstand while he massacres Kurds and massacres his own people and has coup d'etats and all these events.
He can sit on his high horse while he threatens to invade Europe with 50 million more Turks if they don't go ahead and open the border up to begin with.
So, Ergun and all these folks can just stick it.
Right in their little Islamic police state.
Because it's a joke.
They're frauds.
They run around engaging in atrocities thousands of times what the Israelis do.
But when the Israelis fire back at somebody shooting a missile at them, it's all over the news.
War crime.
They're the biggest criminals on earth.
Nobody's worse than the Israelis.
They don't care if North Korea is starving people and killing people.
They don't care if Islamic groups are murdering millions.
They don't care if Boko Haram is bombing people every day.
They don't care if hundreds of churches get blown up per country.
They don't care if women get put into sex slavery and priests get killed.
That's not even in the news.
It's the back of the paper, maybe.
But boy, let me tell you, every couple of years, the Israelis fire back.
And again, I'm not a
Israel-phile, I guess is the word.
If you love the French, you're a Francophile.
If you love the Brits, you're an Anglophile, I guess.
If you love the Israelis, you're an Israel-phile, I guess is the word.
I mean, I'm not... I'm not even on a side here.
I'm just sitting here looking at Israel and just seeing online and the universities and the media just constantly bashing Israel, especially in the European media.
And then, oh, let's bring in 10 million military age men and have them rape women, and kill people, and blow things up, and run over people with cars, and they won't even call it Islamic.
It's just not fair.
And you know what?
If the Muslims want to blow stuff up, and shoot people and run people over, because we have an embassy in Jerusalem, that's their problem, not our problem!
It's like Trump tweets out videos of Muslims throwing homosexuals off buildings and shooting people unarmed and beating people to death.
And the media said, how dare you, you Islamophobe?
The crime isn't killing people.
The crime is talking about it.
So again, with Trump, it's all just a big illustration of
Someone with common sense saying no to the madness, you've gone too far, and then it creates the moral courage in a lot of people that have been on the fence to say, yeah, that's how I feel too.
But I'll tell you, the leftists in Israel in particular, they're trying to have Netanyahu arrested because his wife had the government chef to their house for state dinners with foreign leaders.
Yeah, you heard me right.
The Israeli government paid for dozens of meals over the years for state dinners at their house.
They claim that's embezzlement.
And then the very same leftist groups in Israel recycle all the bull and write articles constantly that I'm an anti-Semite and that I hate Israel, but that they love George Soros.
Because they've sold out to Soros.
These are sick, sick, sick people.
As they face fraud charges for phone bills and dinners.
Boy, don't you wish that Clinton's corruption was like that?
Yeah, the Clintons had state dinners and the government paid for it.
That's just done.
That's the law.
Instead of billions from foreign governments to sell out our industry, to sell out our country, open our borders up and completely devastate the nation.
It's just crazy.
If Netanyahu did something real,
Or Netanyahu did something that I thought was illegal?
I don't care.
Throw him in jail!
I'm not involved in Israeli politics.
It's just you read these articles and it's like his wife is being indicted because they had a government chef at the house when foreign leaders came to eat dinner.
I'm like, the Prime Minister had a chef at his house for state dinners?
And that's what I'm sick of.
It's like this whole Russiagate investigation of Trump.
There's nothing there.
It's all a fraud.
But Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia.
Because again, it's the globalists that are the outside power that have been screwing our country over.
We're the Americans saying no.
So they want to project onto us what they are and say that we are the foreign power, that we're the traitors.
Oh, by the way, the GDP is set to go up again from 3.3 to 3.7.
Little birds are now reporting in the next few weeks the preliminary numbers look like it's surging even faster.
And ahead of these tax cuts, they're talking about a 7.6 to a 10% growth rate in the United States.
You want to pay off your student loans?
You want to get a higher-paying job?
You want a future?
I mean, when economies roar, folks, that's when there's prosperity.
That's when people get paid more.
It's when a lot of big things happen.
There are going to be some problems, though, with inflation.
But would you rather have total stagnation and collapse?
That's why Trump is doing a lot of things to turn the economy back on.
Now, coming up in the next segment, look at DrudgeReport.com.
They've got the Person of the Year Time Magazine.
Magazine pics, hashtag, Me Too!
Yes, that's going to be women's identity now.
Men hit on them, men talk to them.
Don't worry, it'll be like Japan, where the men don't hit on the women anymore, and there's just cultural total death.
And that's the plan, with the rise of the robots.
And so, Me Too, the victimology, goes into mega, mega, mega high gear, and it uses a smoke screen for the raping of men and women and children, and the Satan worship, the occultism, and then they're recycling going after Trump with the Billy Bush stuff.
We told you that was coming three, four months ago with a whole Weinstein reboot.
We were proven right yet again.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Look at these headlines on Infowars.com.
YouTube censors Polish government's video exposing catastrophic migrant invasion.
It is key for the globalist operation.
To invade us, to have an Islamic invasion of radical young men, and then to cover it up.
It is simply mind-blowing how intense all of this is going, and the Soviet-level or Communist-Chinese-level censorship.
Meanwhile, Twitter allows death threats against FCC ahead of net neutrality vote.
The Internet is now just a weapon system of the globalists.
Meanwhile, it should have horns.
Internet's hilarious response to Hillary
Hillary's Christmas tree angel, where she is depicted as an angel.
I had trouble even getting that out of my mouth.
I mean, what a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
She looks like a demon, like a zombie, like a vampire, doesn't she?
And if you ever wanted to know what a demon looks like and acts like, ladies and gentlemen, it's Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I want to open the phones up specifically on Israel, on Trump, on the U.S.
recognizing that Israel has a right to exist.
That's why our little allies in the Middle East, the Islamic countries, as the media portrays them, they're not our allies, most of them, have been saying it's terrible to move your
Embassy to Jerusalem because they've been saying Israel doesn't have a right to be in Jerusalem and they want Israel out of Jerusalem and They want to occupy Jerusalem And that's what the Muslims did hundreds and hundreds of years ago is they came in and they occupied it they started an invasion into Jerusalem and then into Southern Europe Eastern Europe
They invaded all the way with their sheiks that were pirates, going back over a thousand years ago, all the way down the eastern side of Africa and all the way out into what is Asia today, all the way down.
Most of those countries have large Muslim populations or are Muslim countries.
When you go to Indonesia and all those other places, there are mosques everywhere.
There are Muslims everywhere.
And in every one of those countries, they're always busy attacking and killing and trying to take over the rest of the nation.
Just like the Philippines!
You can just look at maps.
Type into a map.
World map.
Countries with large Muslim populations.
Or world map.
Muslim countries.
And you look at it and you go, wow!
More than half of the Pacific Ocean's got Muslims running it.
And they ran a slave trade.
You ever wondered why there are so many big black people in Pacific countries and Pacific islands who've intermarried with the local Asians and others?
Ever wondered why?
Because they had slave breeding and slave trades and did not consider blacks humans and brought them in though, but for warriors and bred them with the local Asian populations.
So again, I'm simply talking about a group, an organization, a political religious philosophy that has sworn it's going to conquer the world and it invaded Europe.
See, Rome, the Western Empire of Rome fell in 410.
And then it went to the East, what's Turkey today, to Constantinople, the head of the Byzantine Empire.
And that was what the Western culture was left.
And then the Muslims invaded it, and murdered all the men above the age of about 12, and then put everybody else into slavery, and then tore the crosses off the churches, and turned them into mosques.
I mean, they conquered that area of Central Europe.
Central Southern Europe.
And then they invaded all over.
But you watch any TV show,
Are you tuning to the History Channel?
It says the Crusades were a horrible period where the vicious Europeans invaded the peaceful, loving Muslim nations and did bad things.
And you open textbooks.
I mean, it's like saying Martin Luther King was white.
I mean, it is the most flagrant lies the planet has ever seen.
And they just teach it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
But, again, if you go to all those Pacific islands, and put a map back up if you can, and folks can blow it up if you're watching on TV and read all the countries that have large Muslim populations or are completely Muslim, light green is, if you blow that up for me,
I know it's Sunni and Shia.
I know the true groups are Sunni and Shia.
79% are Sunni and about 19% are Shia.
And about 1% is Alawite or other subgroups.
I just can't actually read the map.
But thanks.
The point is, you can see the light green is one of the main Muslim derivations.
And in the dark green, I think that's Shia because that's Iran.
Yes, thank you.
So, that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what's happening.
And that's the reality.
And so you have to understand that much of the world's been taken over by this, and Europe has made the deal.
By the way, do you see there on the map, Albania?
The Muslims took Greece for what, 500 years?
You know, the Greeks used to be blonde-haired, blue-eyed.
They took Greece for about 500 years, but some of the Greeks hid out in the hills, so they were able to kick them out finally.
But just prior to World War II,
And then, if you look at Albania, that's the area the Muslims stayed.
And they had their big pirate ships that kidnapped men, women, and children.
That was their main business, was slaves.
And notice, just since the mid-1990s, Clinton and the globalists helped, and they've now been able to take areas of Macedonia,
and areas of Serbia.
Serbia is the number one battleground in the Crusades where they held off more than a hundred massive invasions and reportedly, if you look at history books, more than a million Serbs over those times died fighting Muslims.
Well, guess what?
NATO came in repeatedly in the 1990s, bombed all of Serbia, bombed Belgrade, their capital, and bombed Pristina and turned it over to the Muslims.
And now they have successfully, in almost all areas of Kosovo, that's southern Serbia, killed or driven out all of the Christians.
And there's zero media coverage of that because that's how they want it.
So, you see that big Muslim area?
That's the invasion route.
And then when they started a war with the Serbs and the Serbs fought back, our media said that the Serbs were the bad guys and all deserved to die.
And the UN came in with the United States and with NATO and helped bomb the country so they could take over.
So if you want to know what's going on in Israel with George Soros and the rest of it, he wants to overthrow Israel and do the same thing.
That's an area that's not green.
We've got to turn that green immediately.
And then drive every Jew into the ocean and murder and kill them.
According to Islam.
Now, the Jerusalem Post will probably take that quote and say that I just said that because I don't want to do that.
See, that's how it works in the Jerusalem Post and other publications is total deception, keep the folks in Israel in the dark, not knowing what's going on, say people that don't want to kill all the Jews are Nazis.
That's how this works.
If you're George Soros, an actual Nazi collaborator.
So, we'll be right back on the other side, ladies and gentlemen.
Trump's speech is coming up.
I'm gonna give the number up as well, or give the number out.
It's 877-789-ALEX.
Stay with us.
We're talking about Israel and global Islamic Jihad.
Profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
I'm a nasty woman.
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Matt in Ohio, you're on the air, another Matt, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, listen, I just wanted to say real quick, I'm a long-time listener of InfoWars, and I just wanted to say that the t-shirts that you guys are offering are absolutely fantastic, and that really is a great way to deal with this battle in the InfoWars.
It might seem like a simple thing, but particularly these slogan t-shirts that you guys got up right now are absolutely amazing.
Well, thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***.
He's a con, a bullshit artist, a mutt.
I'll meet him in a hotel room any motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
I'd like to punch him in the face.
Kiss my motherf***ing ass, you bitch, punk, tough sucker.
Pointing what appears to be a water gun at the image of President Donald Trump projected on a whiteboard, our teacher Pale Modi has now been seen by countless viewers across the internet.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage.
Pictures and video depicting comedian Kathy Griffin holding the bloody decapitated head of President Trump are no joking matter for the Secret Service.
The rhetoric that has inspired the violence has come from the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
They're involved in the coup, an active attempt to start a bloody civil war.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
Again, early in the next hour, President Trump is scheduled to give a speech, a statement and a press conference on the announcement to recognize Israel.
We say we officially recognize Israel since it was established in
1947 and then later officially recognized by the US.
But if we don't have an embassy in their real capital, then it's all just a joke.
And it's time to stop giving in to the bullying of the Islamists that every country they take over, like Albania, they don't let you be a Christian in it.
They kill you or drive you out.
See, they're not tolerant.
They'd be like saying, let's go to New Guinea and ship a hundred headhunters back to our neighborhood.
And they go, oh, it's just their culture to headhunt.
Let's let them do it.
I've been speaking a lot about these issues.
Trump declared Jerusalem capital of Israel White House officials.
Again, and the media keeps saying, when is he going to declare it?
When is he going to declare it?
He already declared in the campaign he was going to do it.
And then he said two days ago, sometime in the next six months we're going to move it.
And he's going to officially announce it today.
So there's the answer.
I've seen a lot of confusion out there.
Did he do it or didn't he do it?
It's symbolic, ladies and gentlemen.
And I quite frankly am sick and tired of just the Israel obsession.
It's like the racism obsession in this country.
When you look at actual statistics, we're one of the openest and freest countries in the world for people to be upwardly mobile.
But you go to a college, you get indoctrinated, not on that, but on how bad the country is.
Because again, the social engineers want to bring the nation down.
It's that simple.
And Ergun,
Is running around the Middle East trying to stir up trouble and trying to parlay the Islamic threat into Europe to make Europe sue for peace to capitulate and accept completely open borders.
He says, if you don't accept completely open borders with Turkey, I'll flood you.
You already did!
Albania wasn't Muslim just a few hundred years ago, now it is!
Now part of Serbia is!
It's like tentacles taking over!
If there was a Christian cult that was killing people and taking over, I'd be against it.
Or an agnostic cult, I mean...
I want a reformation of Islam.
I don't want to obsess over Islam all day.
I was against those wars that we previously had, because I knew it was actually there to stir it up, part of globalism.
But now, the deal's been made, and Europe's been opened, and the Islamists are moving forward in their worldwide jihad, and our response is being called a crusade, when all it is, is defensive.
I want to go to Dr. Beth, a caller from Washington.
Went to Israel last year.
Saw Israel and Palestinians interacting.
Again, we don't screen your calls.
I don't know what Dr. Beth's view is.
We're about to find out what Dr. Beth's take was.
And again, you're welcome to call in.
It's 877-789-2539.
On this subject, I've got a bunch of other news.
Obviously, I'm going to be getting into as well.
We've got a big avalanche taking place.
More senators, more Democrats turning against Al Franken.
He's about to be out the door like Mr. John Conyers.
I'm going to play the Billy Bush clip where he suddenly resurfaces, recycled to go after Trump again.
And they said, well, there's so much moral authority now that all these other folks have stepped down from mere allegations.
It's time for Trump to do the same.
Clearly, that was easy to call.
And that is exactly what happened.
So that's coming up as well.
Billy Bush on Trump Access Hollywood tape.
Of course he said it.
Right now, Dr. Beth in Washington.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, welcome.
First call of the day on my 60th birthday.
Well, happy birthday!
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Yes, I went to Israel last year and was able to visit Jerusalem and other areas and also Jordan, which was really interesting.
But while I was in Israel, I have never felt safer.
I was so impressed with the way everyone got along, and when I say everyone, it was very eclectic.
I mean, we went to many sites where there were both Palestinians, Israelis, and they just were all minding their own business and living their lives, and was able to go to the Friends of Zion Museum, and literally fell in love with the Jewish state and the people when I was there.
Well, most people that have gone have told me that, that it's delightful, and that, again, most of the Muslims actually do just want to live and have jobs and be prosperous.
But there are political Islamicists who are in charge outside of Israel, who want to topple Israel, and are using the ongoing beef as a pretext.
And there are issues on both sides, clearly.
It's just that now you've got Soros and the big money backing not just the takedown of Israel, but of the entire Western world, and I have chosen sides.
I'm not going to be part of it.
Well, what's interesting about you choosing sides, and when I first started listening to you, I did some research, and what impressed me the most is that you have not changed.
I watched some of your publications and videos from years ago, and that impressed me the most, is that you've not ever vacillated.
And then coming back, I just started listening at the beginning of, right in the middle of the election last year, like October, September, October-ish,
And then after I came back from Israel, I was even more impressed.
But I wanted to give you a quick story that really impressed me about Jordan.
We went over to Jordan, and first of all, I never felt as unsafe, at least in the areas where we were.
And probably because when we were at the border, we were told that if we brought out, there were people that picked up Israeli, you know, Jewish paraphernalia to starve David.
And we were searched and told, do not, under any circumstances, bring any of these artifacts into Jordan, or you will be in danger.
I won't use the exact wording.
You want to buy, like, some type of Jewish symbol, or some ancient tablet, a copy of a tablet, or some type of little knick-knack memento, like you do anywhere.
Well, exactly.
You go to the Grand Canyon, get a thing on the Grand Canyon, go to Germany, you know, buy a German beer stein.
Doesn't mean you're a German, I'll tell you.
It's the same thing, exactly.
In fact, on airplanes, at checkpoints, you name it, the Islamists will go through everything you've got.
And if you just look like you might be Jewish, or if you get caught with a Jewish passport, you're dead.
And that's what I'm saying.
That happened to me.
I mean, we were told the same thing.
That is absolutely correct.
Well, yeah, these countries aren't tolerant of anybody but Islamists.
That's what I'm saying.
They keep telling us to be tolerant.
They're not tolerant.
It's got to be a two-way street.
Well, it should be, but it is not.
But I did see it in Israel, and there's the paradox.
Well, that's because that's Palestinians and Muslims who've been there for a long time and who just want to be successful and live in peace.
Well, it's a birthday present to me.
Well, it's a birthday present having you call for everybody.
And of course, you know what that is?
It's called vetting.
I mean, if somebody says,
I'm part of the PLO or I'm part of Hamas or I'm part of this and I want to blow up and kill Jews.
Then do you want that?
I mean, you always see the case where they bring in more Palestinians and then somebody comes over to be a mover at somebody's house and then stabs the whole family to death.
And again, I'm not lionizing Israel.
I'm not saying the Jews are perfect, but the Jews are a diverse group of people.
A lot of them are leftist Hollywood people that hate my guts and say I'm an anti-Semite because I'm not an anti-Semite.
And they're self-loathing Jews that get off on cuckolding Israel and get off on thinking about vandalizing Israel and get off.
I mean, why do you think so many Jews are leftists and hate Israel like George Soros?
You tell me.
I don't know.
I was too busy listening to be thinking.
Go ahead, Blake.
No, no, I hear you.
God bless you, Dr. Beth.
I'm glad you told your...
Story of what you saw, that's what I've read, that's what I've seen.
I've thought about going to Israel just to see it.
I'd like to go to some place like Egypt, too.
I'd like to go to Russia sometime, but I mean, I just know it'll be, you're a Russian agent, you're an Israeli agent.
This is just the total dark age garbage.
Where, you know, if you don't just hate a group entirely, you must be with them.
Stay with us, second hour coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Life is full of my face and hands.
Alright, we're waiting for Trump to make his statements on moving the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which just officially recognizes Israel.
I mean, we say we officially do, but that's not the case.
And I'm open to the phones of people that agree, disagree.
I don't know.
Which is crazy, because I am against the Islamic invasion of the world that's going on.
And so let's just say, get rid of Israel.
What about Serbia?
Get rid of them too, like I work for the Serbs.
I just don't get how there's this right-wing thing particularly, on the fringe of the right-wing, that just hates Israel and then just ascribes to it magical powers.
Magical powers.
My ex-wife's
But what grandfather was Jewish, and so then I'm Jewish supposedly, and all this other crazy stuff, and so I've experienced the insanity too, where magical powers are like beyond Tooth Fairy, beyond leprechauns, and then everyone's really secretly a Jew, you see, and anyone successful has, again, has been put in power by the Jews.
And it's just, it's crazy.
Meanwhile, the leftist Jews are trying to arrest Netanyahu and turn the country over to the Muslims.
I mean, it's way more diverse than that.
Just like there's Sunni and Shiite with the Muslims.
It's just a mess.
Do you think Trump's right doing this?
Some folks argue it's not in our national interest.
They'll say that, you know, Israel's separate from the U.S., which it certainly is.
And I don't like some of the Israel-first lobby in the U.S.
trying to manipulate our government.
I've been critical of that, so I've been called an anti-Semite.
But I'm against the Chinese or the Russians or the Brits or anybody else manipulating our policy.
I want Americans doing that.
And Trump's bringing power back to America.
But Israel has the same enemies we have.
And so, Trump's fallen through on his promise, and the American people elected Trump, so that's where it stands.
Let's go ahead and go to Chris in Florida.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me.
Big fan of the show, buy the products, very good.
Well, first of all, I promise I won't call you an Israeli agent if you don't accuse me of being an Israeli hater for asking this question.
Okay, go ahead.
Well, first, I don't see how this move is in the United States' best interest.
I haven't heard you touch on that.
And number two... I'll just explain.
It's time to stop rolling over to radical Islam and doing whatever it says and appeasing it.
All that makes them do is attack more.
Okay, well we give them billions of dollars a year, we give them a lot of aid, military equipment, you say that we have the same enemies, I don't see them... Well I'll say this, I agree with Rand Paul, and I'll hold you over if need be, because I don't want you to be able to make your points, but point by point, I want to get rid of a lot of the foreign aid, including a lot of the aid to Israel, because I do think it just stirs things up and continues to cause problems, so I agree with Rand Paul about that.
Well, we're in agreement then on that.
I mean, you know, ISIS, they really haven't helped us at all in our fight against ISIS.
Well, contrary to that, Israel to a certain extent worked with Obama in the policy of covertly backing ISIS against the Syrians.
And so now they've backed off that because Trump has changed the policy.
Well, I hope you're right.
I hope they have backed off.
I mean, I see where they bombed, you know, I don't know, some Iranian base in Syria.
Well, yeah, because the Iranians are starting to renege on their deal to leave once we had the peace deal.
Well, hold on.
I mean, if you've got more points, I want to hear them.
You're bringing up cogent, real things to debate here.
I mean, did you make all your points?
Alright, well, come back.
You have a couple more minutes, Chris, because I really want to hear somebody who really legitimately disagrees.
I want to hear from you.
Matt in Ohio, you're on the air, another Matt, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, listen, I just wanted to say real quick, I'm a long-time listener of InfoWars, and I just wanted to say that the t-shirts that you guys are offering are absolutely fantastic, and that really is a great way to deal with this battle in the InfoWars.
It might seem like a simple thing, but particularly these slogan t-shirts that you guys got up right now are absolutely amazing.
My favorite new one is the Don't Tread On Me, but instead it says Won't Tread On Me, and it's a big Dayglo snake, Gadsden snake, and then it's got the American flag, InfoWars.com on the right arm.
I mean, that's a great way just to meet like-minded people and spread the word and also exercise free speech.
And the newest one is Trigger Warning T-shirt.
Trigger Warning T-shirt, which is the symbol of a trigger with a yield sign and then InfoWars.com on the back.
That is the new Shirt of the Mind, available exclusively at Infowarshore.com.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, anytime now, the president is set to come out and make a statement or statements and then take questions from the press about why he's made the decision and is about to make the announcement officially to move the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Jerusalem, Israel.
Palestinians are saying that is not Israel.
So this is officially
Not just in word, but in deed, recognizing Israel.
And I see one caller has a comment there that I want to basically say echoes what I believe.
And that's that Trump is standing up the caliphate by making this move.
I mean, you can type in Muslim countries in the world and put up a world map we showed earlier.
And in the last fourteen hundred years, it's taken over half the planet, and it doesn't let you live in those countries.
It doesn't let you live.
It doesn't let you live.
It doesn't let you be a Buddhist, or a Christian, or an atheist, or gay, or whatever.
It doesn't let you do that!
Do you understand that?
So, that's what I'm saying.
That's why I have an issue.
That's why I'm upset.
Trump said he was going to do this during the campaign, so he's doing it.
I can see both sides of the debate.
It's going to stir up the Muslims.
Well, they're already stirred up!
I mean, hell!
Will the Muslims give back Kosovo, one-third of Serbia, that our government helped them take?
Oh no, I'm sorry, because there's a globalist move to take over other countries using Muslims, who they'll then put a dictator in charge that the globalists work with.
The globalists want dictators and authoritarianism, and they want Islam in charge.
The president's now speaking.
Here he is.
With open eyes and very fresh thinking.
We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past.
All challenges demand new approaches.
My announcement today marks the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Urging the federal government to relocate the American Embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city, and so importantly, is Israel's capital.
This act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago.
Yet for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law's waiver, refusing to move the U.S.
Embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital city.
Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace.
Some say they lacked courage, but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time.
Nevertheless, the record is in.
After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula
Would now produce a different or better result.
Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver.
Today, I am delivering.
I've judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
This is a long overdue step to advance the peace process and to work towards a lasting agreement.
Israel is a sovereign nation with the right, like every other sovereign nation,
To determine its own capital.
Acknowledging this is a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace.
It was 70 years ago that the United States, under President Truman, recognized the State of Israel.
Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem.
The capital, the Jewish people established in ancient times.
Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government.
It is the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court.
It is the location of the official residence of the Prime Minister and the President.
It is the headquarters of many government ministries.
For decades, visiting American presidents, secretaries of state, and military leaders have met their Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem, as I did on my trip to Israel earlier this year.
Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world.
Over the past seven decades, the Israeli people have built a country where Jews, Muslims and Christians and people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience
And according to their beliefs.
Jerusalem is today, and must remain, a place where Jews pray at the Western Wall, where Christians walk the stations of the cross, and where Muslims worship at Al-Aqsa Mosque.
However, through all of these years, presidents representing the United States have declined to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
In fact, we have declined to acknowledge any Israeli capital at all.
But today we finally acknowledge the obvious, that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
This is nothing more or less
Then a recognition of reality.
It is also the right thing to do.
What did I say last hour?
It's something that has to be done.
Word for word!
That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
This will immediately begin the process of hiring architects, engineers, and planners so that a new embassy, when completed, will be a magnificent tribute to peace.
In making these announcements, I also want to make one point very clear.
This decision is not intended in any way to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement.
We want an agreement that is a great deal for the Israelis and a great deal for the Palestinians.
All right, let's stop right there.
We've got to go to break.
We are not taking a position... We're going to come back with more of the highlights, but I'm also going to go to your calls on this subject.
And we have a European Union Member of Parliament coming on to get into globalism and its collapse and more.
This is the reality.
It's Israel's capital.
We're not there.
Other governments are there.
And we play this game.
And then it hasn't gotten any negotiations for peace.
It makes us look like idiots.
It makes us look weak.
We're not going to abandon Israel and let them blow it up.
It's not happening.
They have nuclear weapons.
Just stop!
Trump is not letting the globalists have the ongoing Islamist's garbage and they're stirring it up.
He wants to stabilize all those countries.
He wants peace.
And we can have it now, just like we can have an economy, because the globalists were causing war by design.
The globalists were causing depression by design.
That's their program.
And Trump is, pragmatically, killing it.
The Machiavellian stuff, folks, is ending.
Alright, Chris, Mike, Josh, Frank, John, Harvey, your calls are all coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Got some vintage... Metallica bringing us in.
President Trump just recognized Israel officially.
It's just what happened, not just move the embassy.
And Erdogan, the dictator of Turkey, he said state of these elections is promising hell on earth.
Well, you're already hammering Europe with Islamic invasion, bro.
It's not like capitulating to you has gotten us anywhere.
In fact, you've just gotten our politicians and people to sell out to you.
And that's basically what this comes down to, ladies and gentlemen.
Doesn't mean Israel's perfect, doesn't mean I support Israel first groups, not just getting Israel's support in the U.S., but also manipulating our internal politics.
It goes on, it's been documented, it's been kind of a taboo subject or sacred cow.
And if you criticize Israel in any way, the media would kind of thump you in the nose.
But then you look at the globalists and the islamicists.
They're the new game in town.
They're the new boss.
Move aside Israel.
And I'm just telling you, I don't want to blow Israel up and push all the Jews into the ocean.
And Israel's waking up to Soros and waking up to the globalists and waking up to what's happening.
It's a new day.
We're going to go to Mike and others here in a second.
That's my view.
But finishing up with Chris had some other points.
I went to him earlier, but we got up against a break and then President Trump spoke.
So I'm going back to him briefly.
You just heard the president's statement.
What do you think?
Yeah, listen, I voted for Trump.
I'm standing with Trump.
I'm not a one issue guy.
He did say he was going to do this during the campaign.
I had reservations about it.
I voted for him anyway.
I trust.
This is going to work out okay?
I hope so.
Definitely don't want the Jews to be pushed into the ocean, although I'm kind of being pushed into the ocean.
And, you know, I kind of voted for him because I thought maybe he'd focus more on that, but... Well, I mean, sir, he's securing the border more and more.
The economy's starting to come back.
They're trying to kill him.
They got CIA deputy directors on TV saying they're going to kill him.
I had the Secret Service call me yesterday, and it wasn't a secret meeting.
uh... but they want to come here and it's it's total twilight zone and want me to brief them on all the data we've collated on who's setting up a plan to kill the president and uh... so i'm gonna develop that plan and uh... video clips articles all of it and i'm also going to present the plan here uh... but Secret Service didn't care if I kept it secret they said that's fine they were directed by the Secret Service in DC to make contact
And they want to see our analysis of this.
Well, I mean, Phil Mudd's on TV saying they're going to kill the president.
And he's the former deputy director of the CIA.
And you've got Clapper, the former head of the CIA, and Brennan saying Trump will be gone this year extrajudicially.
And the Secret Service guy's like, no, we know about that.
Well, do you know about a specific how they're going to do it?
Yes, yes.
And I said, no, but we should meet about it.
So that's that's how crazy all of this has gotten.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, Trump's the real deal.
Isn't it refreshing that all these other presidents said they'd do this?
Whether you agree with him or not, he said he'd do it, and then he just did it.
I mean, say what you want about Trump.
He's doing what he said.
He said he was going to take those monuments that Obama designated.
Those aren't monuments for you, all those new monuments.
They had mines and stuff on them in Utah and other areas, and they shut them down.
That's why we don't have any industry.
We've been shut down.
The last lead mine in the U.S.
closed four years ago.
We have to buy our lead from China.
They shut down our gold mines, everything.
90% of some of those western states are federal.
And Obama grabbed more!
And Trump said, no!
People go, what?
You're not doing that!
He's taking our public lands.
It's not yours.
But again, he said he was going to do it, and I agree with it.
I say, turn it back to the states.
And put it up for bid of citizens at low prices, and that's what gets the economy going.
Sell the citizens key parcels of land.
The big, beautiful mountains and stuff that aren't accessible and that are good for parks, keep those.
But don't just sit there and turn it over to the feds to take it out of use so their Chinese holdings double in value, like the Utah coal deals.
Excuse me, I'm ranting, I said I'd go to your calls, I'm a bad person.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air worldwide, go ahead.
Oh, Alex, you can rant any day of the week.
Thank you, sir, for doing what you do and being a patriot and doing your best to save America and encouraging us as fellow patriots to do that in our local areas as well.
And as a longtime InfoWars listener, I want to say thanks.
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And thank you so much for doing that for us to keep us healthy.
As well as, I said,
I don't
I've been watching for a long time, and it's your fault, Alex Jones.
Thank you for making me become aware as an individual.
And I was watching as a young man in the 90s, wondering why the U.S.
government was bombing the crap out of Serbia and stuff like that.
I couldn't understand it.
As I went into more research and went above the mainstream media, found out, hey, I don't think we're getting a real story.
Then I get after 9-11, I did more research going, this doesn't make sense.
And then I find out about the blind sheik.
I go, who is this guy?
I do some more research there and discover really the intensity of the caliphate.
And what a lot of people don't understand is that we were
The Ahmadiyya Caliphate is going on right now, and in 2018 it'll be a hundred years of that caliphate running.
And for those that don't know, this is basically a giant global Islamic invasion, and it's their stated goal to do it, and it's being taught, and then we're supposed to just sit here like idiots, and then even back the Islamic takeover of areas that weren't radical, like Libya, like Egypt, like places that weren't Muslim, like Serbia.
The globalists are backing an Islamic invasion and Trump is like a record skipping or two cars running into each other in a big explosion.
He is saying no.
Yes, and that's one of the reasons that I believe that us patriots in America elected this man.
You know, a lot of people don't know that the city of New York City owes a lot of debt and gratitude to Mr. Trump.
I was a fan of Mr. Trump as a real estate mogul when I first read Art of the Deal.
And then years later, when the guy comes out of a cush life, who doesn't have to do this, and stood up for America and said, let me be your guy.
He is our guy and he is producing.
And yet we still will always, as the patriots here,
Thank you, brother.
That's right.
Keep it up, brother.
We're out of time.
But I've got a former member of the EU Parliament who's an expert on globalism popping in.
Then I'm gonna go back to your calls, I promise.
Carlos and Harry and John and Frank and Josh and Nick and everybody else.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
Well, you can say what you want about President Trump, but he has been delivering on his promises.
He has been bringing the economy back, he has now officially recognized Israel, that's what this really was, and pointed out that it hasn't helped the peace process, that for decades we've not followed U.S.
law, designating Jerusalem as the site of a U.S.
embassy, and he just said we're recognizing reality here, we want to broker a peace deal, but no more games, this is for real.
And our own media and others are piling on, saying it's going to be the end of the world, blood in the streets, and Erdogan, the basic dictator of Turkey, has staged elections.
He's trying to threaten Europe with more Islamic invasion if they don't buckle to his demands.
It's crazy.
Now, Janice Atkinson is amazing.
Some say she could be the next Margaret Thatcher over there in the UK.
She was elected to the European Parliament in 2014, and is still there to secure a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU for 20 years.
She's campaigned to leave the undemocratic system, because again, the EU itself is a bureaucracy that has a parliament, but it's only ceremonial.
And she points out it's expensive and unaccountable.
On the 23rd of June 2016, she succeeded.
She represents the South East of England, along with Nigel Farage.
And I'm not going to go over her whole bio, but it's janiceackinson.co.uk.
And we're really excited to have her joining us.
Pardon me?
Oh, okay.
Well, that was a time warp for me, because I thought that we moved her up to that.
So she'll be coming on.
Well, that's a good plug for the fact that that's going to be coming up.
And that gets me time to go back to your phone calls.
What happens is there's so many articles, so much news, so many callers, so many things, they kind of whisper stuff in my ear because I'd asked to move her back.
I didn't know we were moving her back then and I just...
Lost that in translation.
But that's the good part about a show like this.
Nobody else does it.
Radio and TV fused together.
No teleprompters.
Nobody telling me what to say.
Nobody telling me what to do.
So, I'm gonna write that down right here in my little book that she's coming on at 1.30 today.
And now we know that.
Okay, these have been really, really interesting phone calls that we have been taking.
And I want to go to Carlos, and Harry, and John, and Josh, and Nick, and many, many others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us on Trump's decision, on when he's done.
We only played the first half of what he had to say live.
I'm going to be playing the next segment, more of it, and some of the highlights.
But we're going to be going to your calls, 877-789-2539.
Quite frankly, I'm sick of the obsession with Israel.
And people know I've been on there 22 years, a lot of you have been listening that long, that I was not an enemy of Israel, but at the same time, I didn't like some of the leftist policies in Israel, with the Israel First folks in the US bleeding over.
And now it's come out that Soros wants to overthrow Israel.
I don't know.
And you can certainly say the Jews have real connections to Jerusalem there.
And there's not been a real peace deal coming out of this.
So I think what Trump's doing is very, very pragmatic.
Quite frankly, I don't think it's as important as getting the economy going or securing our sovereignty.
But getting rid of Israel is a globalist program.
And the leftist pope that says Europe shouldn't be for Christians and all the rest of it, he's outraged.
And the Islamicist Ergun is outraged.
And being threatening.
So I say good riddance to the globalist pope, who's a false pope, and to Ergun and everybody else.
Listen, we get it.
You keep threatening, you keep thugging, you keep selling out to globalism.
We're not part of it.
We wish the Middle East peace.
But it's the Muslims killing the Muslims nine times out of ten, and that's where I stand on this.
Overall, it's Trump, even if we disagree with Trump, it's Trump keeping his promises.
And how refreshing is that?
Okay, somebody was here saying I'm a shill.
Missy Harry says, using the Muslim vids on Twitter.
To preface today's news, let's talk about that.
Carlos believes there has been a concession for embassy move.
Josh says historic relevance of move of embassy.
Nick says Saudi-Israel connection.
I want to hear all these caller's takes.
But there was one guy up there, he hung up.
I was going to him next and said I was an Israeli shill.
It's like this magic term, like, well to them it's like saying you're a child molester or something.
I believe in what I believe.
I promote what I want to promote.
Because I don't want war with Russia doesn't mean I'm a Russian shill.
Or because I'm not anti-Israel doesn't mean I'm getting orders from Israel.
By the way, what does that mean?
Israel, again, is a whole bunch of different political parties and things.
I don't think that that area of the world should be turned over to the Islamists.
No, I don't.
I think too much land has been turned over to the intolerant Islamists.
And if I wasn't in big support of Israel before I was more neutral, the fact that I've seen the globalists flood Europe, flood the U.S., apologize for radical Islam, apologize for truck attacks, apologize for Pulse Nightclub, try to cover up for radical Islam, that has made me see it more via the Israeli perspective.
So, if I'm for something, I'll be proudly for it.
There's no arterial motives here.
I mean, I'm very naked about what I do.
Everybody knows it.
And the anti-Israel crowd, normally, I had a reasonable caller earlier who wasn't anti-Israel.
He just doesn't see foreign aid and being involved in all these countries, why it's good.
And I said, I agree.
I say what Rand Paul said.
But you've got to cut off all the foreign funding.
You can't just pick and choose.
And then I've seen articles attack me as anti-Semitic because I don't want to turn off billions of dollars.
I mean, I want to turn off billions of dollars to Israel.
It's the same thing.
I'm pragmatically trying to look at this, but then the anti-Israel crowd doesn't do themselves any favors in that they're not fair or reasonable or accurate about what they say about people in the coverage of Israel.
It's kind of like liberals.
Accept their ideology or you're a Nazi.
Accept our ideology or you're an Israeli shill.
Accept our ideology.
And all these groups want to bully you that we're going to call you this big power name.
We're going to call you an Israeli shill that supposedly has all this power if you don't do what we want.
Well then I am an Israeli shill.
There, there you go.
It's not true.
Never been to Israel.
But if it makes you feel powerful, if that takes your power word away, I'll do it.
It's the same thing.
It was like 18 years ago that I'm going near Colston.
I get this call, and then a couple emails from an author of a book about the Vatican, and it said, you haven't responded to my calls and emails, the third or fourth email, having me on about my book about the Vatican, and if you don't, it means you are with them, and it means you're working for them, and it means that I will expose you and get you, basically.
And it was funny because I've seen a few of the emails and even thought about getting the guest on, but never got around to it because I was producing my show most of the time myself and actually calling guests up myself.
And I just thought, wow, I was about to have this person on, but they told me that I was a shill.
For the Vatican, if I didn't have them on, that's like saying, come in my restaurant, or I'm gonna punch you in the nose, or buy these pair of shoes, or I'm gonna say you raped me.
So I said, well, get to making your claims then.
Make up a bunch of stuff, how I get paychecks for the Vatican, and work for the Vatican.
I mean, you talk about crazy.
I'm not even Catholic.
But see, they wanted me to be anti-Catholic.
Just like folks that want you to be anti-Jew.
I'm not even anti-Muslim.
The biggest victims of radical Islam are Muslims.
But I'm not going to be bullied into supporting any group.
It's not going to work.
We'll be right back with your phone calls on the other side.
Then, that member of the EU Parliament will be joining us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, a lot of people ask me why I'm so vehemently supportive of President Trump, and it's simple.
Imagine what it'd be like with Hillary Clinton right now.
And then look at everything Trump's delivered on, and look at how globalism, which is a worldwide authoritarian system, is in trouble.
And it's collapsing.
It's amazing.
But I was just looking at DrugsReport.com during the break, and Infowars.com, and I was just thinking about all the headlines.
17-foot python that could kill any full-grown man caught in the Everglades.
Putin forever, Russian president runs again, American bombers fly over the Korean peninsula, Chinese paper offers advice on surviving nukes, AI to create false reality humans can't distinguish.
That's an article from yesterday on Infowars.com.
And you know, if I'm self-loathing, it's this.
There's so much incredible news that we break and that we cover that I don't even get to, it makes me mad.
So I wasn't jealous of Tucker Carlson.
I was thinking of the right word to use.
Because I know Tucker and we're friends and I had dinner with him a few times and stuff and he's a listener.
He used to not like me but the point is is that it wasn't envy this morning.
It was more like sickeningness in that
I was trying to analyze exactly the thoughts I was having, and they were so complex I couldn't even quantify it in my own mind.
But it had a promo coming up on Tucker tonight.
Are they watching you while you shower, while you sleep?
Coming up on Fox News.
And of course, they are.
And it's come out that millions of people every year have people hack into their computers and into the cameras in their houses and watch them.
And that Airbnb continually gets caught with people who are perverts, who own the Airbnbs, who use Airbnb service to watch you in the shower or have sex or in their bed.
But a lot of hotels have been caught doing it too.
And it's just like, we pioneered all this, exposing it.
We were right.
Now it's way worse than even what Tucker's even covering.
What it is is frustration.
Because by the time the mainstream media covers something 20 years late, then the public's just kind of used to it, just accepts it.
And then I get all the criticism for breaking it first, and then it becomes this kind of mainstream thing on Fox News that's a big investigative journal a day late and a dollar short is what I'm saying.
And then I got mad at myself because when that Airbnb stuff broke yesterday, I didn't even cover it because it's like old news to me.
I mean, I've got a stack of news where they admit the plan is to make reality so ugly you accept virtual reality, run by Google, and that you just plug into a matrix.
And they had that plan before they wrote the Matrix Movement.
And that's what I mean.
It's like an explosion of information.
There was a stack yesterday, and I'm going to your calls.
There was a stack yesterday.
of just the most insane AI stuff admittedly going on, and I didn't even cover it.
It's like I'm frustrated with myself.
And again, I wasn't mad that Tucker's covering it, like, oh, that's my news.
That's my territorial news.
I'm glad he's covering it.
I'm glad it's going somewhat more mainstream.
It's all over the news now.
Associated Press, New York Post, you name it.
People keep finding hidden cameras in their Airbnbs.
Well, people feel like it's their property.
They feel like you're in there.
And even though it's illegal, they're going to violate your privacy because they have a feeling of ownership.
Just like people think they're safe with a phone because it's your phone.
Well, it's not really a phone.
It's a super high-tech system that even knows your heart rate now.
And tracks everything you do, and records the audio and video, and sends it back, not just the government, but corporations that then data mine it and use it.
That's the reality.
Meanwhile, we're fighting some 14-year-old, 1,400-year-old, crazy town religion.
Act like a bunch of 14-year-olds.
We're all being poisoned by the globalists and it's all just a big giant master plan.
And Trump is representing a group coming in, trying to reform the eugenics operation.
I mean, that's really what's going on.
And he's already faltering on that.
He's not going after the vaccine, people like he said he would.
It's just a mess.
I mean, I can't believe more people aren't fighting this, folks, because the new world order and its plans for you and your family is bad, bad and worse.
And downright pure evil.
And it's not my opinion.
And all the joke pieces and all the TV shows attacking me won't change that.
And I don't want to be the smart guy that knew it all and people don't listen because they're not as smart as me.
This isn't hard to figure out.
These people are public about their operations!
Alright, we got Lance strongly disagrees with Trump today.
Then I'm going to Carlos.
Then I'm going to go to Josh and then I'm going to go to Patrick and I promise I'm going to everybody and Nick and everybody else.
We got a good 35-40 minutes until the next guest is on so I'm going to get to you.
I just wanted to make that point about all the AI and all the surveillance and it's a sick feeling to know it's there to expose it when it was early enough to stop it and then once it's ubiquitous and everywhere then they admit it to you when they're just getting ready to roll out the next level.
I mean, I knew they were going to come out with rights for robots and computers so the companies that own them and control them can create a product that then has rights so they can outvote you.
And now they've announced that.
I mean, I knew 20 years ago when they came out with self-driving cars that they would say humans aren't as safe and phase you out with insurance premiums, and they've announced all that.
I don't even need to read the documents most of the time.
I know how the enemy works, and I sit here and know what they're going to do, I'm aware of it, and then I've got to watch it happen.
Lance, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Lance in Texas.
Go ahead, brother.
You're killing me.
I've been with you since the cable days, when you wore all black.
I thought, who does he think he is?
Johnny Cash?
Read Arthur Costler's book, The 13th Tribe.
They call themselves Jews, but they're not Jews.
They've done genetic testing.
They've done genetic testing.
Most of the Ashkenazi Jews do have Sephardic bloodlines in them, so they do have some blood going back to the Middle East.
Kessler's book is not accurate.
A little bit.
They're not Hebrews.
They're not Hebrews.
They were from the Caucasus Mountains.
Read the 13th Tribe.
I have read it.
Kessler's book has been debunked.
Did you respond to me?
Kessler's book has been debunked.
Oh really?
Since everybody did genetic testing.
How much genetic blood do they have?
Maybe they enter bread.
I don't know, but... I mean, it varies.
They're not the Hebrews from the ancient... They're not Judahites.
They're Jews.
They worship the Serpent God, for goodness sake.
Would you like Israel to be blown up?
No, I don't want to hurt anybody, but they are not the ancient Hebrews.
Why won't you say it?
Well, sir, I don't understand why people like you are so mad when you're on air.
And I've read The Thirteen Tribe probably 25 years ago.
Genetic testing's come out, and it's shown that it's not accurate.
There were some people in what's Georgia today that converted to Judaism, so that is certainly the case.
And you do have the Sephardic Jews, which are about
What about 15%?
Depending on the numbers you look at.
Who do have the brown skin?
And you know, you've seen video in Israel where you'll see one guy looks like an Eastern European, but another guy, you know, is tall, dark, and handsome, and has darker skin and black hair.
And that person, you know, is what you'd call, you know, 100%.
from one of those tribes that was there.
And so that's why the term anti-Semite is kind of silly because that means Arabic as well.
So it does really all go back to Abraham and that whole story.
So I am aware of the genealogical and anthropological and sociological and archaeological points that you have raised.
Now, what if
The Palestinians have more Hebraic blood in them than your alleged Ashkenazi brothers who don't have as much.
Who gets the land then?
Well, sure.
I mean, it's cultural.
Just like American Germans went to war in World War II.
Against German Germans.
So it's cultural, it's land areas, it's who controls the land.
And nobody ever, none of those Arab countries take any of the so-called Palestinians to their countries.
And it's because they're on average a very revolutionary group.
Take Linda Sorcerer.
Want to move her into your house?
We'll be right back with more calls.
Thank you, Lance.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Texas State University last week ran a front page cover story saying whites are inherently evil and their genetics are an abomination.
A mutation.
They can find white people that say that about people that aren't white and vice versa.
It's all just completely made up, completely insane.
But you notice the anti-Israel crowd, they really think they're good guys.
And they're calling in, saying, go after Israel.
You know, they're bad, Alex, why are you doing this for them?
I see George Soros, who's Jewish, who worked for the Nazis,
In WikiLeaks trying to overthrow Israel.
It's more complex than that.
And there's a lot of weird globalist propaganda as a litmus test to hate Israel.
I'll guarantee you the last caller, Lance, he hadn't had the Jerusalem Post calling him anti-semitic.
I have.
Because I'm not.
It's very complex.
And it's very Hegelian dialectics what's going on.
But we have a law passed decades ago that Jerusalem is the capital
of Israel and our embassy should be there.
And Trump says, look, we're not going to appease, appease, appease the Islamists anymore.
We're going to start actually pushing back and get some deals.
And he wants to make a deal and he wants to have peace.
Maybe he's going to be right.
Maybe he's going to be wrong.
We'll see.
I don't know.
But he's doing what he said he'd do.
Am I like crying at night or rejoicing at night over this?
I quite frankly am sick of hearing about Israel.
I wish him great luck.
Everything else, I'm sick of foreign aid to everybody.
I'm like Rand Paul or Ron Paul.
Carlos, in Canada, what do you think?
Thanks for holding.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I believe that President Trump is a man who I respected for some time because he showed good judgment, and particularly during the campaign.
And I think that in a decision like, monumental decision like he's made today in his announcement,
I believe that he is putting the United States in a position where it's getting nothing for it or it's getting something for it.
As a dealmaker, it doesn't make any sense to have, in a sense, done what he has done today.
If there isn't something that is going to be treated against it.
But so what if the embassies in Tel Aviv are actually where the Israeli government is in Jerusalem?
I mean, why not?
Why is it such a big deal?
Hell, we gave the Muslims part of Serbia.
We let them attack Russia.
I mean, what more do they want?
Well, because the statements that he made today, Alex, in the context of history, and you know, you follow history very well, and it's one of your strengths.
And I believe that if you consider the statement that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, then Jerusalem is all of Jerusalem, not just part of Jerusalem or East or West Jerusalem.
That's the first issue.
And Israel will assume it's Jerusalem.
But if you know, the City of London and the London City are two different things, but there's a big difference in the size of
The City of London and the London City.
So, if you consider the surrounding areas of Jerusalem expanding to be considered, you know, Israeli territory, then you now have a question of the, where is the demarcation?
I think President Trump, in his wisdom, is negotiating something of a greater value
Well, I think you're right overall.
Clearly he's signaling his speech today.
That a big deal's happening with Israel, and that'll be curtailing the settlements.
And I think that's exactly what the issue here is, is he's using this as a brokering point.
If you know the art of the deal, try to get that rolling.
We'll see what happens.
This has been a multi-thousand year fight going back to the time of Abraham.
Even before Muhammad came along, that those groups have been killing each other.
Thank you so much.
Carlos, always great points.
Alright, Josh and Nick and everybody else.
Harry, your calls are straight ahead.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Boy, I gotta tell you, we have had some really smart callers today who have brought up legitimate issues with what President Trump is doing.
But we've had some others that are just really angry at me, bringing up points that from my research aren't entirely accurate.
Again, I am sick and tired of the Israel-Palestinian thing.
I wish they could all live in peace.
But the other Muslim countries around there won't take any of the so-called Palestinians.
And a lot of them are just refugees from other countries.
Just like there are a lot of refugees from all over the world wanting to go to Israel claiming they're Jewish.
And a lot of them have no connection to it and are really poor.
But Israel still takes Ethiopian Jews, you name it, into the country.
So I just don't think Israel is the most important country in the world.
I don't think it has the most evil in the world.
It's a mixed bag.
And quite frankly, I like to see Trump follow through on his promises.
But at the same time, I just am sick of it, you know?
I mean, humanity faces so many threats.
AI, GMO, the globalists, the eugenicists.
And I see Israel being used as a set piece in all of this.
That's what I see.
But we're taking your phone calls right now on this subject, and it is very interesting.
Make no mistake, and absolutely with Carlos, if you missed the last call, Carlos in Canada made the point.
Trump, if he doesn't have some deal, and isn't getting concessions, and isn't developing a peace deal through this, then there's no interest for the US.
But Trump said in the speech that they've got a peace deal behind the scenes cooking, but this is the opening salvo in that.
We'll see what happens.
They already have their government meetings in Jerusalem, so how is officially having the meetings there, just on paper, how is that this big giant thing for Irgun, who's told Europe, you do what I want or I'll flood you with 50 million more Muslims.
He just said that six months ago and last week again.
I mean, he just kills thousands of people every few weeks.
He just mows down Kurds, lines up and kills whoever he wants, tortures people, stages elections, stages coups, gets involved in our internal affairs.
We've got a giant Muslim population that's doubling every 15 years or so.
And it wants to take over.
And it's got an ideology that wants to take over.
And it's got a lot of money because it's got a lot of oil.
And we have to decide whether we're going to let Soros, the EU, the Vatican, and the globalists turn us into a socialist, globalist, slash caliphate.
A triad.
That's their plan?
That's their program.
They're encircled.
Russia sees it.
Russia's drawn a hard line against it.
That's another reason the globalists hate Russia.
Because Russia is more Western now, even though it's not classically Western, than the West.
The West has morally gone to sleep and forgotten what it is, and has been overrun by globalist opportunistic
I want to go to your phone calls.
Who's been holding the longest here?
John in Wyoming?
I've got a couple of points that'll back up what you've been saying this morning.
Number one, in 1915 when my mother was a little five-year-old girl, she and her older brother
And their father and their pregnant mother had to leave Constantinople, which is in Asia Minor, and come to Ellis Island because the Turks, during the time of World War I, were busy slaughtering a third of a million Greeks and one and a half million Armenians because the Greeks and Armenians were Christians.
Now, another thing.
Fast forward to 1982 during the Lebanese Civil War.
Lebanon in 1982 was a Christian nation.
It was the only Christian government in the Middle East.
And they had an arrest warrant out for Yasser Arafat, who was a longtime bloody murdering terrorist.
And Ronald Reagan gave Yasser Arafat safe passage out of Lebanon on a United States Navy warship in 1982.
Despite the fact that the Lebanese wanted to arrest him and try him on terrorism charges, we gave him a safe passage out of there, and it was Reagan and Maggie Thatcher who engineered the overthrow of the Christian government in Lebanon and replaced it with a Muslim government.
Now, look what happened earlier this year.
At a peaceful protest in Washington, D.C., those Turkish thugs who work for the Turkish embassy in D.C.
Attacked a number of Americans, punched them and kicked them, even kicked them in the face because they were there protesting the Erdogan regime and all of the garbage that's going on.
That's right.
They went across the street to beat up Armenians that dared protest against them and others.
You bet.
And that's the thing.
These were peaceful protesters.
They weren't there to
Start any violence or anything like that.
And the Turkish thugs attacked them, and our government did nothing to arrest them or deport them back to Turkey.
The Turks are thugs.
Remember, they sided with the Germans in World War I. They were German allies in World War I. They sided with the Kaiser.
And in World War II, although the Turks were technically a neutral nation, they still sided with Germany.
They still sided with Hitler.
And now the EU and Merkel are openly saying we're going to replace Europeans with Turks and are in a public alliance.
There's been over a hundred year plan by German aristocracy to replace Germans with Muslims.
I mean, these are official plans.
I don't think people know history like you do, but it's absolutely true.
You're right, Alex, because here's the thing to remember.
Remember, people, the British royal family is not British.
They are German.
As a matter of fact, Queen Victoria, who died way back in 1901, was the aunt of Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany's leader during World War I. Kaiser Wilhelm was her nephew.
And so they changed their name from Saxby Guthardt to Windsor after Windsor Castle around 1947 because it became increasingly suspicious.
No, sir.
We're getting your number right now, and I'm going to start having you on a segment every week with us if you'll do it.
And I don't know if Nico ever saved the other names.
It's my fault.
I have these ideas and never do it.
But you've got your history better than I do, even.
You're smart.
You've got a great voice.
We need folks like you to come on air with us.
So I promise, this time we're going to call you.
We're going to start setting you up.
Next week you'll be on if you can do it.
But separately, just finish up.
Alex, I'd be delighted.
I'd be delighted.
And you were the guy that was there in 1980 at the convention and all that, right, too?
You've been calling it like 15 years.
Yeah, yeah.
So, in the minute we've got left, I think Trump just said, listen, we're not surrendering to Islamic garbage anymore.
Well, I think Trump is being a real president and not a shill for the CFR the way that all of his predecessors have been.
And they really want to get him, don't they?
They want to get him.
They will go to any length, including assassination, to get rid of the best president that we've ever had.
You think he's better than Washington?
I think he is because Washington did not have the challenges facing him that President Trump has today.
I was about to say, but Washington may have been a greater man though, the whole career militarily and President combined, but as President, I gotta say, I mean Trump is already face down the globalist, I mean I would put him co-equal with Washington at this point.
Stay there John, we're gonna get your name and number again, you're gonna come on this week.
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Matt in Ohio, you're on the air, another Matt, go ahead.
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And now, just in time for Christmas,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to be going to your calls.
Now I want to get to everybody responding to Trump.
Boom, boom, boom.
Announcing they're going to move the U.S.
Embassy from Tel Aviv, where it really already is, but a bigger one, in Jerusalem.
And the whole world freaking out.
We've got a
Play patty cake with the Muslims that are all running around killing each other and killing Christians and killing anybody else that doesn't conform to them.
Why play patty cake?
Why sit there and go along with this globalist operation to create global instability?
Trump wants stability.
I want the Muslims to live in peace.
We'll see what happens.
We got Jeremy in California thinks Trump's making the wrong move.
Thanks for holding.
Hey man, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Yeah, I disagree with you on this.
I actually disagree with you on a few things lately, but quickly though, can I make a guest request for you in the future?
You know that broadcaster Pete Santilli just got released from jail?
I think it'd be very interesting to hear his story.
And I think you guys should get him on and talk to him about the last two years.
Well, I did not know that he was one of the people arrested in the whole Bundy thing, and I think that they overcharged him, and I don't think he really did anything wrong.
And it was pretty frightening to see that happen, so I was not aware of that.
So I'll look into that.
Now, go ahead and get to your point on Trump.
The point is with regard to this, doing this now.
Doing this now is kind of like one of those things where you ask, who benefits?
Does the American citizen?
Does this make America great again?
And when we're still dropping bombs, when we're still engaged in Syria, when a war with Iran looks like it's more on the horizon now than it did 10 years ago, and now we're doing this?
It's like, Trump, okay, fine.
He's really good at one thing, we know, and I know you may not like hearing this, but he's good at trolling.
And he's good at trolling the world.
And I think that right now this is a trolling move, and Schumer backs it, and we know Kushner backs it, and these people that definitely have a relationship with the Israeli government.
I mean, when Benjamin Netanyahu was here for a joint press conference with President Trump, he singled out Jared Kushner in that press conference.
Well, he certainly did that, but I don't think Netanyahu likes Senator Schumer.
I mean, the whole leftist arm of the Israeli government is trying to get rid of Netanyahu right now.
But listen, I appreciate your call.
You say you disagree with some of the stuff I'm covering.
Trump's being bold.
He shut down those countries that don't have real passports.
He shut down the UN program where they say who we take in, we should say who we take in.
And Israel's not going anywhere.
They got nuclear weapons and they're not our enemy.
Leave them alone.
I don't think Israel should keep expanding the settlements and all the rest of it.
I think that should stop.
But every time they get attacked, they expand again.
And I kind of get that where
You push me, I'm gonna get more aggressive.
But it's just we've played all the politics too long here, okay?
But I hear what you're saying.
Who's up next here?
Josh in Oregon.
Josh, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
So, I think it's pretty funny because, you know, I'm old enough to remember that it wasn't too long ago when Trump was apparently an anti-Semite.
Oh, exactly!
Yeah, and we had, you know, we had those false flags where you had the threat to bomb the Jewish place, and then that turned out that that was... A leftist Jew.
And I mean, you see this time and time again.
But I think it's kind of interesting that people, you know, the idea is that Trump is literally Hitler.
But when you look at who classically and historically aligned with
radical Islamist, at least politically in the sense that they want to eradicate the Jews.
It was Hitler!
That's a good point.
Here in Austin, I watch how liberals love Volkswagens and liberals love Audi.
Those are the same companies created by the German government and Hitler.
He created the Audi symbol and the symbol for the Olympics and the Volkswagen symbol and the first drawing of a Volkswagen bug.
Now look, imagine if I was driving a car
Designed by Hitler.
They'd say I was a Nazi.
But the left loves socialism, they love command and control, they love Nazi cars, they love Islam like the Nazis.
This morning, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Their taste, the Antifa uniforms, everything they do, they just love it, don't they?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, you should actually make an Antifa brown shirt, like, for the store.
Oh, yes.
I think that would be kind of funny, just mocking them.
I think what people are kind of overlooking here is the level of political courage that this took for Trump to do.
I mean, it truly is, it truly is amazing.
You know, people say that he's not, you know, you had Joe Scarborough saying he's not worried about his legacy, you know, old psycho Joe.
It's just ridiculous.
I mean, this is a guy who's really putting himself out on the line, putting his neck on the line, and, you know, really making a very controversial move.
That's his own decision, and he is his own man.
It's just incredible, you know, to see these attacks.
Um, but when it comes to, when it comes to the, uh, you know, making a deal, uh, you know, with the Palestinians or something like North Korea, they're coming out now and saying, Oh, you know, if you would just allow us to have nukes, we won't nuke you.
It's like, well, exactly.
But let me throw this out there since you're making the point.
You can just type in, World Map of Muslim Countries, and if you just look the last 50 years, it's spreading everywhere and they kill everybody, they take over, it looks like tentacles going into Europe and Asia, and it's all over the place, and they've killed something like 140 million Hindus, I mean, that's why the Indians love Trump so much, and it's the craziest
We're good to go.
The jihad is over.
The crusades are beginning.
And that doesn't mean we're going to invade you and kill you.
It means we're not going to, because the globalists were running the radical Muslims and running the other side.
The globalists have been playing both sides of this and Trump is pragmatically saying it's over, we're not doing it anymore.
And that will make it better for the Muslims.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Just like you've alluded to many times, when it comes to the Middle East, the number one target of radical Islamic terrorism is other Muslims.
I don't wish harm on anybody.
I don't need to hate some group just so I feel good about myself.
The left globally is allied with the most radical form of Islam.
It's powerful.
It's growing.
It's a clear and present danger.
And yes, the globalists were manipulating Islam to take our rights away and letting them come in and attack us.
I want that over too.
I want the whole thing.
The staged events, the false flags, the funding radical Islam.
I want it over.
God bless you.
And so does Trump.
I appreciate your call, Josh.
I haven't gone to Nick in Detroit, or Patrick, or Harry, but Harry's been holding forever.
Oh my gosh.
Harry, go ahead from PA, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Love the show, love the products, but what I'm going to get at is that what Trump did today, moving the embassy to the holy city of Jerusalem, was a very coordinated effort, because we know the reaction that's going to come from the UN.
They're going to keep pushing the narrative of
Israel being the aggressor in the area and what you just touched on is no they don't they get attacked and they expand a little bit but what I think Trump has done is to get ahead of that is just as we know just last week he retweeted a bunch of videos that shows Islamic aggression throughout the world so he defeated the UN's response to what he did.
You're a genius!
Stay there we're gonna come right back to you I want to hear more on that.
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So I'm not going to talk about it anymore because you can't do it justice.
I want to go back to your calls as we get our guest, a member of the European Union Parliament from the UK, Janice Atkinson, on in just a few minutes.
But Harry, in Pennsylvania, you were finishing up Trump's strategy that I agreed, putting out the Islamic
Atrocities first, letting the UN and others attacking for that, so that then they'll look even stupider when they attack him.
We're talking about moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
But as he said today, as a way to then have an opening debate about how to really negotiate a real and lasting peace.
Because as far as the Palestinian Authority and others are concerned, Israel existing is a non-starter.
And here's the deal.
Everybody wants you to take sides.
I'm on the Palestinian side or the Israeli side, because I'm neither one of those groups, but I can geopolitically look at it.
Israel's got nuclear weapons.
They're not going anywhere.
It's like North Korea, and I'm not saying Israel's like North Korea, but I mean, North Korea has crappy nuclear weapons.
They're not going anywhere.
Unless they pull something.
I mean, again, it's like, you're going to start a war with Israel?
I mean, who's going to do that?
The Arab states again?
It's just crazy how we've gotten to this point.
So go ahead and finish up your point.
Yeah, hi.
Well, the reason why I'm going to finish it off is that Trump has got so many million people following him on Twitter, even more people following him on Facebook.
So when he retweets just raw footage, reality, it's not staged, it's not set up that way.
It's just Muslims doing these acts of their own volition.
It pushes the Overton window back into the realm of actually having an open discussion of what the problems are.
Today's actions are a signal flare going out to everybody saying, this is now official.
We are now standing with our allies and we need to
Get this narrative, which is completely backwards, that Israel is the aggressor in the area, when that's completely not true.
That's complete fabrication.
That's pushed by the UN, pushed by certain members of the EU, and Trump has pretty much destroyed that, and now we can actually have an honest discussion about what's going on.
Well, if you look at maps, globally, of Islam's spread across the world, anywhere it gets control, it then pushes out everybody that isn't Islamic.
And so, there's Israel, right in the middle of the hornet's nest, and you can see the Islamic invasion points in Europe, in the Pencer attack, through Turkey, and then through Albania,
And it's a very, very serious situation.
And again, I'm not wanting to fight with the Muslims.
This is a fact.
And it's become a politically correct litmus test when they carry out attacks, or you name it, to not even say it's an Islamic attack.
And the biggest victims of Islam are people under its control.
So I hope for its reformation.
Wow, she's an amazing lady.
I've seen many of her speeches on YouTube in the European Union Parliament.
They say she could be the next Margaret Thatcher.
I hope she is.
She's been behind the Brexit with Nigel Farage and others.
Janice Atkinson was elected to the European Parliament in 2014 to secure referendum on Britain's membership in the unelected dictatorial EU.
Because the bureaucracy is unelected and it has the Parliament under it.
For 20 years she's campaigned to leave.
The undemocratic, expensive, unaccountable, arrogant EU.
On the 23rd of 2016 she did, but now they're striking back and we see nationalism, populism exploding everywhere.
So Janice Atkinson at janiceatkinson.co.uk.
Thank you so much for coming on with us today and to give us a report on the state of the EU and where this fight's going.
Thanks for joining us.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I'm glad to be here.
I'm in DC.
I'm here with a delegation from the Parliament.
I'm the fly in the ointment here.
We've been up on the hill speaking to various senators.
There's the outpouring of grief from the Democrats who are just still in denial about Trump.
We think he's fab.
Absolutely fab from the so-called populist side of things.
You know, there's been a real earthquake in the EU.
First of all it's Brexit and then they've got Trump.
They're in complete and utter meltdown.
Some of the Republicans up on the hill as well.
We do have some friends and we're very pleased to be here.
And look what your president has done.
Since I've been here you've got the tax cuts through.
My colleagues actually don't get tax cuts.
They're sitting there scratching their head wondering
Tax cuts?
No, we increase taxes to pay for our green pet projects and our transgender issues.
It's so refreshing to hear some of the Republicans rejecting that and they really don't get that if you start reducing taxes, corporation tax and also taxes on the ordinary people, then you know your fiscal drag will go down, your GDP will go up, people have got
Cash in their pocket.
They spend it on their families.
They spend it backing into your economy.
They really don't get that.
All they understand is taxes going up.
And while we've been here, I think Trump has now declared, I can't remember because I've been travelling for the past half an hour, but he's declared that you're moving your embassy to, your US embassy to Justin.
I wish my own
The Prime Minister would have the guts to do that, to stand up for our biggest allies in the Middle East.
What else has Trump done this week?
He's done pretty well, and we support him on the populist right.
Absolutely, and he's breaking the back of political correctness because it seems like Europe, the UK, the US have been whipped by political correctness, by all of this anti-liberty, anti-capitalism.
And then you see Linda Sorcerer and all these really radical Palestinian groups funded by George Soros, not just here but in your country and other areas, literally telling us we have to capitulate to Islam.
I was never even on the bandwagon freaking out about Islam.
I mean, I came late to that when it just got so out of control.
And I see what's happening in the UK and the total capitulation of Germany to it.
It's bizarre.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, time and time again, we try to call it what it is on our side of politics is radical Islam.
They do not speak its name.
They have got
The borders open, they can't secure their external borders.
They've got Schengen, which is a complete and utter free movement of people.
They reckon that, if this is the EU's figures, 50,000 jihadis have actually slipped through from Syria.
I think?
Lying on the streets because they can't get housing.
Eight out of ten houses that we're building in my country now goes to migrants and they're not really grateful for this.
In my country also there's a report this week stating how we respond to the current jihadi threat.
We've had, over the past few years, 269 deaths.
That's just in my country.
And this year alone, just in the summer, we had 37 deaths.
And 20-odd of those were the mothers and the children that were blown up at the Ariande Grand Concert.
Janice Hackinson, you're on fire.
I want to hear about how we deal with this when we come back.
Member of the EU Parliament and where the breakdown of the EU is going because of their authoritarianism straight ahead.
The populist explosion is worldwide and the UK is at the tip of the spear.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Janice Atkinson is a member of the EU Parliament from the UK, right in the same area as Nigel Farage with UKIP.
Janice Atkinson dot CO dot UK.
I can't wait to get her back up for a full hour sometime to take your phone calls.
Roger Stone's coming up in the fourth hour.
But I was talking to her during the break saying, what do you want to get into that's most central?
And it was the exact questions I had.
Why are you in D.C.?
That's exciting.
What's going on with the jihad threat?
And what's happened with the rise of populism?
Why do you think it's exploding so fast now?
Not just with UKIP and the Brexit or Trump, but all over the world.
From Latin America to Asia, it's happening.
So again, thank you so much for joining us to break that down.
Okay, well I'm here as part of an official EU delegation.
I sit on the EU-US delegation and we're over here to talk about trade and also transatlantic cooperation.
I had an interesting lunch yesterday with Wilbur Ross and I said, will you
Uh, restate your commitment to our special relationship.
Do you know the man was absolutely brilliant?
He said, absolutely.
Um, we will put you at the front of the queue.
He said, but I can tell you Brits now do not sign up to the poison pill trade deal that the EU wants to hand over to you.
And then he laughed and he said, well, we might send any, they might send in the EU army.
I said, don't laugh.
I'm actually making a speech on that this evening because it's a real threat.
Them having their designer uniforms with their flags and their shiny new buildings.
But they will have tanks and they will have armies and they are setting up directly in direct opposition to NATO, which is quite dangerous.
So we've been having meetings up on the Hill.
There's been some fantastic Republicans up there.
The Democrats are just totally into sort of free fall, snowflake falls.
I've been to a Democrat so-called think tank.
It's McCain funded.
I don't
Having this sort of social democrat, almost socialist program put onto them.
They feel they're not being listened to, they're not being listened to whether it's migration, their kids schooling, whatever the agenda is it all comes centrally out of America or it comes out of the EU and they're revolting against this.
I mean in France we've got my friend Marine Le Pen, she fought the presidency against Macron.
She's got 30% of the support.
She's not going away.
And she is the official opposition to the presidency.
My friend Geert Wilders, the head of the People's Party in the Netherlands, he is the official opposition.
And in Austria, they've just had a recent election there.
The Conservatives will be going into coalition with my friends, the FPO, the Austrian Freedom Party.
So across Europe, in the Czech Republic, friends of mine, again, a freedom party, they've come from nowhere to having 22 MPs
Yeah, MPs and 32 Senators.
It's happening in Greece.
You've got a new party there called Neodexia and they are fallout from the Conservative Party because the Conservative Party is the equivalent of the Republican Party are not delivering conservatism and the same is happening in Spain as well with another group called Vox.
So across Europe there is this explosion of people that want conservatism but it's not being delivered Alex.
And that's the same thing we're seeing here, where the fake conservatives allied with the establishment liberals, the globalists, have been holding on so long, but now the revolutions are through the conservative parties with more of a libertarian populist movement that's popular, and that we're winning.
So we're not just winning elections.
But we're also taking over the old establishment conservative parties, or at least challenging them.
And so now they're really fighting, it seems, for their political lives.
And it seems like the tide has really violently turned against them.
Yeah, it is, and listening to some of the better Republicans up on the Hill this week, I mean, very supportive of us, talking about the nation state, sovereignty, borders.
And the EU is very diplomatic when it comes over here, and there is a consensus.
So even from the alt-left, the communists, through to Angela Merkel's people, and the odd liberal here as well, they are all speaking with one voice, and then I pop up, saying, actually, the reality is this.
This is happening.
And we are very
Kind to each other.
We're very diplomatic.
But I've had some of my colleagues turn their guns on me this week.
She doesn't speak for us.
I said, well, actually, I speak for millions.
No, I don't speak for you.
But I speak to the 9 million people that I represent in the southeast of England.
I don't represent the 500 million in Europe.
I'm supposed to, apparently.
But I don't.
I represent my own country.
They actually get the nation state.
Now, I was at a think tank
Which is funded by McCain just now.
I've just come away from that.
I was so dismayed.
We're called extremists, we're called xenophobes, etc.
And this think tank was saying that they are dismayed at the demise of the socialists.
I mean, this is a Republican think tank that is saying that they are surprised and disappointed at the centre-left demise and the socialists.
But I don't think they really get what's
I was about to say, we see a lot of victories for populism, conservatism, capitalism, but the UK, I guess because of the whole coalition government, the way Parliament's broken up, I mean, it seems like May's hanging on, and that if she goes, they bring in really, really nasty labour, right?
Well, I think if the Conservative Party, I mean, they are survivors.
So what they need to do is ditch her.
She was an absolutely awful Home Secretary, and I do know her personally.
When I was in the Conservative Party, they've got to ditch her.
They've got to have a leadership in action.
I was about to say, you've got personality, you look good, a whole nine yards, you have a great history.
Why not somebody like you?
I mean, I know it's another party.
Why does she just seem... She has, like, the personality of drying paint.
She's not fit for the job.
She came through the middle because Michael Gove stabbed Boris Johnson in the back.
So we're now going back to sort of ground zero.
The Conservative Party have got to have another election of a leader.
They've got to dump her.
She's incapable.
She's actually making a joke of us through the Brexit negotiations.
She's got some ridiculous little Luxembourgian
In Jean-Claude Juncker, who is the President of the Commission.
I was about to say, and now she's been bad-mouthing Trump, trying to earn points with the left.
That only makes them think she's weak.
Well, this is why, and they really don't get this, that populism is on the march, as they call it, because they're not representing the ordinary grassroots of the Conservative Party.
Now, at the moment, the grassroots Conservative Party at home, who actually elect the leader, is going for Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Now, you should get Jacob on.
You know, he's like an old Edwardian type of Conservative.
I don't think he's yet 40.
But he's a real Conservative.
And what we need in Number 10 Downing Street is a Brexiteer.
And of course Mrs May was a Remainer.
So her rivals, such as David Davis and Dr Liam Fox, who I think the Americans know really well, and he's a great guy, a real Conservative, he's our trade negotiator, they're running rings around her.
And she's making an absolute fool of us in the Brexit negotiations.
The way she's talking about Trump at the moment is really dangerous.
You know, as we leave the European Union, if we get a free trade deal with them, great, fine, don't care.
If not, we'll go to World Trade Organization rules.
And Wilbur Ross shared yesterday, and President Trump, you will be at the front of the queue for a free trade deal.
So when you have the British Prime Minister
Berating President Trump for retreating.
Actually, the truth, one of the videos wasn't necessarily the truth, but the others are telling the truth.
This is why the parties are turning to right-wing populism and true conservative parties.
And that's why the likes of Merkel and May and the Republican conservatives in France are losing ground.
And that's a great shame because they're hemorrhaging votes.
The conservative party lost an awful lot of votes to UKIP.
Until we can unite the right,
Around some decent people like Dan Hannan, Nigel Farage, me, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Dr. Liam Fox and people like that.
I mean, even though you're the majority, the fact it's parliamentary, you guys are split up.
That's how they're manipulating it.
And if you look at this, the EU says, we're going to make all the rules.
We're an unelected bureaucracy.
We've got a ceremonial, you know, group below that that you're part of, but you've been elected.
So it should be the other way around.
Until they stop trying to block that, they have no legitimacy.
And of course the UK should want to negotiate its own trade deals.
That's completely reasonable.
I mean, it's the opposite of authoritarianism.
Yeah, it is, but they don't recognize the nation-state.
I mean, the trade deals.
And you wonder why the EU hasn't got many more trade deals around the world.
They've got trade deals with very many tiny countries.
And that's because the woman in charge of
Trade is a woman called Cecilia Malmström.
She is Swedish.
And her expertise is teaching sociology.
That was her job.
So when you put... Hold on, hold on.
Do five more minutes with us.
Janice Atkinson, Member of the EU Parliament from the UK.
We've only got to go to break for two minutes.
I want to come back briefly, just for five more minutes, and ask you where you see the EU going on its current course.
Is it irrevocably damaged?
And what does the collapse look like when and if it comes?
Stay with us.
Hour number four, Roger Stone.
A few more of your calls as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting world-wide, it's Alex Jones.
And Janet Atkinson, a member of the EU Parliament.
They can say the next Margaret Thatcher, really smart, great lady for 20 years, and UKIP, member of the EU Parliament.
And again, the EU bureaucracy is unelected, unaccountable, dictatorial, but under pressure they created the EU Parliament, which is supposed to be ceremonial, but more and more it is a place where herself and Nigel Farage and others can expose the EU for what it's up to, and as Nigel said last year, you're not laughing now,
When Brexit passed.
So they're not laughing now.
Five years ago, I read about the secret EU army.
They said it was a conspiracy theory.
Now they tell people, hey, sign an agreement so we can just come into your country whenever we want.
The Italians this year said no to that.
So where does this go?
It seems like they're becoming even more authoritarian and more militaristic.
Are they on their last legs?
And if they do collapse, what will it look like?
This is the last chance to shore up.
We thought, actually, it would be the Euro collapse that would bring it down.
And you've still got 50% youth unemployment in Greece, in Portugal, in Spain.
Germany's propping it up, the IMF, the European Investment Bank.
It can't go on.
The place is bankrupt.
What will break its back, actually, is the migrant crisis, because we've seen millions of people trying to break into our countries.
They can't secure their national borders.
They have an open border system with Schengen, which the UK isn't part of.
And now the EU is very authoritarian and saying that there's certain countries you have to take your migrant quotas.
There's lots of countries that have taken in migrants.
80% of them are economic, they're not real refugees and asylum seekers, and those poor people are getting mixed up in all this.
So the EU, the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, is dictating to Poland, who's got a right-wing government but an authoritarian government in power, and Viktor Orban's Hungary, and saying, you have got to have X thousand number of migrants.
And if we don't, we will fine you hundreds of thousands of pounds per migrant.
I don't
Migrant numbers, as we have, and Merkel took in 1.2 million.
I mean, she's lost control.
She's hanging on by a thread.
But the stupid woman is going into coalition with the Social Democrats who lost the election, and badly lost the election, thankfully.
But she won't do a deal with the alternative for Deutschland, who are the populists.
So, you know, she's cutting her own throat.
So this is going on.
Exactly, it's a plan, and they admit it's quite a replacement population, and then you sit there and look at it.
Juncker last week said, if we don't bring in 50 million more people out of the Middle East and North Africa, we're doomed.
I mean, this is insane!
It is.
And what we're doing, Alex, is trying to preserve our culture, our way of life, our identity, preserve our Judo, Christian basis of roots.
I mean, I'm a woman that's been in politics and
It's not easy being in politics.
You're attacked, especially from outside of politics.
But when a few years ago, when women were told we could have it all, I absolutely believed that.
And I had just two children.
My husband's got two children as well.
We have to have more children.
We've got to fund the Western world having more children.
So they're saying, you know, we have a demographic crisis and we haven't got enough people to pay taxes.
Well, if they change their economic model, they'd have enough people.
It's not about racism.
You can't have children.
It's about survival.
And if we were going to bring in replacement populations, why not from Latin America or something?
At least they're not going to kill everybody if they don't convert to a weird religion.
I mean, I'm sorry.
I just get just it's insane to say we're now going to replace Europe with Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.
It is.
It sounds like a nightmare.
But it's their official plan, and if we point out the plan, they say we're racist when they say it in speeches every day.
Janice Atkinson, janiceatkinson.co.uk.
I'm very impressed with your work.
Great job to Nico and folks for getting you on.
I've seen your speeches in the EU Parliament, so bravo.
We look forward to speaking to you soon.
God bless.
Happy to do it.
Thanks Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Roger Stone coming up.
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It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, folks, I'm doing all four hours today because I didn't get to a lot of news.
And I want to talk to my good buddy, Roger Stone.
We're both so busy, we don't get a lot of time to talk very often.
I tell you, Roger Stone is the most accurate person in all things Trump that I've been involved with.
And he's been dead on.
But I got to tell you, Paul Watson made a point a few days ago on Tuesday when I was co-hosting with him.
And he was saying, look, Trump is winning politically with this Mueller thing.
It's all falling apart.
The wheels are coming off the wagon.
They're catching them all being Democratic Party operatives.
Even if they get a fake indictment out of the swamp, they're not going to get impeachment in the House.
They're not going to start the impeachment, the indictment.
That's what Paul Watson thinks.
And Paul's smart.
Now, Roger's been saying, hey, we got to get rid of Mueller because Trump's lawyers are telling him that
That, you know, you'll be cleared.
You've done nothing wrong because Trump knows he's done nothing wrong.
But they're in there trying to still get an indictment of the president.
And I said this last week.
Now, Dianne Feinstein says they look like they could have an indictment by Christmas, OK, for obstruction of justice.
So no Russian collusion, but obstruction when it comes to investigations.
So I'm not saying Rogers wrong and previous to all this new news coming out.
Where Mueller's whole thing is a tumbling house of cards.
I agreed with Roger that he should just get rid of Mueller because the guy's a joke and a fraud.
Why can't the president get rid of him when Rosenstein, without the president's authorization, just created him?
It's a palace coup.
And they've got these different avenues.
He has neurological disorders that we first broke six months ago.
Now that's the talking point.
He doesn't have neurological disorders.
We broke the fact they're about to push that fraud.
They are.
And the 25th Amendment, they're pushing that.
They're pushing coups, physical overthrow, his execution, his assassination.
But their big thing is, and now Mueller admits this, it's all over the news, and the Wall Street Journal says it's a fraud.
Indictment to then wound the president for impeachment.
Because again, an indictment for something like this by a kangaroo grand jury will not remove the president under law.
Or every two-bit grand jury out there in the country would be doing just such a thing.
So we're going to talk about
The president's two lawyers, who Stone kept saying, watch, they're undermining him, they're setting him up.
And then, boom, they put out this tweet from the president, supposedly, written in the third person, which now there's witnesses, you know, of the lawyers, CNN admits that it was not Trump, saying, oh, you know, Trump knew Flynn was lying to the FBI, so that's why he got rid of him.
The president had said it was because Pence didn't like him and said he lied to him.
Okay, so again, they're really pushing this.
I just laid out a complex cornucopia in this constellation of information because I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but what we do is try to suss it out here on air, and Roger has got the inside baseball.
Is Paul Watson right?
I mean, this Mueller thing is like Hitler presiding over the Nuremberg trials, or John Gotti presiding over a La Cosa Nostra hearing over capos in New York City.
This is like having the Easter Bunny hold a trial over the Easter Bunny.
I mean, this is...
Like Al Capone being the judge in his own income tax trial.
I mean, how long can it go?
It's so ridiculous.
And because it seems like they are trying to get Trump to fire Mueller so that it looks precipitous.
So I'm not sure.
And I'm usually pretty sure of things.
Roger, you just saw the calculus there.
I'm sure you can add some things here to the witch's broth, witch's brew.
But what do you really think?
Well, first of all, I want to say we are broadcasting from the new Infowars Bureau in New York.
Uh, and we've now finally pulled it all together, so it's great to be with you.
It's chilly here.
Let me just say several things.
First of all, never in my almost 40 years in American politics have I ever seen
The Republic teetering in the face of a coup, but the good news is that the forces of freedom, the forces of free enterprise and decency and personal and economic freedom are on the upswing.
That's why the globalists are so clumsy and obvious in their efforts to take out Trump.
Mueller, Comey's best friend as the special prosecutor, in which Comey presumably testifies that the president obstructed justice.
I think the president's lawyers are naive.
I think they misunderstand the enmity of the two-party duopoly of the establishment, who's had total control for 30 years.
That's right.
They're blinded by the President's innocence.
They're blinded by how there's no evidence, thinking no way they're going to indict the President.
They've got the swamp jury ready, and now Feinstein and others are admitting that's the plan.
Well, but the worst part is not the snakes in the grass, the Democrats, it's the asps in the bosom.
Trump has surrounded himself with deep state psychophants and Bush alum.
And I believe that his lawyers are sleepwalking him to the gallows.
They are naive about the absolute ferocity and partisan nature and the resolve to remove Donald Trump in any way possible.
What they want to do is undo what they lost at the ballot box.
This is a naked attempt to negate the last American election because Donald Trump, an outsider to their two-party schemes, won in a populist revolt.
And they want him out now.
There's plan A, plan B, and plan C, in my view.
Plan A is Mueller.
Mueller has demonstrated that he will bring process-related indictments that have nothing to do with the Russian collusion in order to squeeze witnesses.
And then the stunning news that he had
Trump subpoenaed the Trump Organization's bank records at Deutsches Bank.
That's a $300 million portfolio of real estate developments by Donald J. Trump.
What does this have to do with a Russian collusion?
Did Trump sell an apartment to a wealthy Russian or two at a highly inflated price?
So what?
I want to expand on this.
I have articles we'll cover after we come back from break where it's being reported that, it's being confirmed, that a bunch of these FBI agents that have had to step down literally were the ones that interviewed Flynn, were the ones that have protected Hillary, they're the ones that did all this, and that now
They're probably lying on even the FBI forms they wrote up that got Flynn indicted to begin with.
Representative David Stockman on Flynn, he says the interview was a blatant entrapment.
I mean, this thing is ridiculous.
And now we're learning that retired CIA agent, high level, that's involved with the president, is coming out and saying that H.R.
McMaster actually approved the NSA spy job on the Trump family.
What do you make of that, Roger?
This is not surprising, but it confirms what we have known for some time.
Let me remind you, Alex, it was InfoWars that broke the story that McMaster had attended a dinner with Safra Katz, the incredibly accomplished woman who is the CEO of the Oracle Company.
He was trying to woo her to come on some largely honorific advisory oversight board.
She declined because
McMaster got inebriated, left to take a phone call from the President, returned to the table, and then denigrated his boss, calling him a dope, a simpleton, with the mind of a child, and said that only he, McMaster, stood between Trump and the nuclear codes.
She was grossly offended.
She told Sheldon Adelson, who has declined to comment for the public.
But it's no surprise.
McMaster, as you know, was very, very tied into Soros.
Uh, we can get into this on the other side.
Yeah, let's talk about it when we come back, because you broke that a full four weeks, five weeks before it was all mainstream news two weeks ago.
And it's just, you see him up on TV, he is so into himself, man.
Uh, I mean... Look, Alex, look, this is really simple.
Tomorrow's news, today.
That's right, with Roger Stone straight ahead.
So, why did Trump's lawyer put out that tweet, though, that gave them the only claim of obstruction of justice they've got?
Why'd they give them that gift?
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And now, just in time for Christmas,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And Roger Stone, ladies and gentlemen.
Roger Stone takes over the next segment.
I just wanted to talk to him a while about all the big breaking news.
I appreciate him having me with him during the fourth hour.
He's also going to be co-hosting obviously with Owen Schroer as he does each weekday.
Owen Schroer kicks off the War Room at 3 p.m.
Central coming up here in exactly 40 minutes.
I just want to remind listeners, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, the globalists are trying to block us, censor us.
They have congressional hearings about it, how they're trying to block us.
So when you share the articles and videos, you're getting out information they see as their defeat.
The houses reject dim vote on Trump impeachment.
That just happened again.
That's another update.
They are never going to stop though, and that's why they want this indictment.
And what Roger said is so critical in the last segment.
Trump's lawyers know there's no Russian collusion.
They have all the NSA intercepts.
They know everything Obama knows now, that Obama had been doing to them.
That's now all confirmed.
First, they admitted they were spying and said, oh, we got all the dirt.
Trump went, really?
That's illegal.
Plus, leaking it's illegal.
They went, oh, we never spied on you.
And now it's in the Flynn indictment.
They're spying on his family, on yours truly, it came out in earlier NSA transcripts.
And it wasn't just me, it was hundreds of thousands of people, but Trump specifically, everything he's doing, and then there's nothing there!
And they claim, well, you didn't answer questions right to our investigators, and then it's weirdo FBI agents that openly covered up for Hillary, who are involved?
I mean, this is a scandal, and people say, well, then don't worry!
They're being discredited!
The problem is,
The political class doesn't care the amount of hatred they're committed like kamikazes.
And we've seen minions in the liberal media like Behar and, uh, what's that other idiot's name on, or he was on Esquire, uh, the former sports broadcaster.
What's that guy's name?
Yeah, yeah, Keith Otherman.
It's just a mental block on his name.
They've all come out and said Trump will be gone soon.
Trump will be gone soon.
He'll be gone by December.
And that's what we've seen Phil Mudd say, what we've seen Brennan say.
It's what, just three weeks ago, Roger had lunch with a bunch of congressmen.
They said, no, we've been told he's gone by the end of December.
They're getting ready to try to make their move, but he can't be gone just by December, just if they indict him for obstruction of justice with this phony baloney, you know, swamp creature grand jury.
That isn't enough.
So, Roger, what do you think they've got sneaking around in the background?
Well, Alex, as you know, the political establishment, Republicans and Democrats, are deeply committed to removing this president through any means necessary.
And I call the Mueller investigation, the whole Russian collusion delusion, Plan A. Should that fail, let us say Mueller comes up with a weak indictment or no indictment, it's going to be process related because there is no collusion with the Russians.
That's come up empty-handed despite the very best efforts of Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Mark Warner and others who have flogged, you know, that canard as long as they can.
No one has found any willful effort by the
Trump campaign or Trump family or Trump associates or Trump friends to plan, conspire, collude with Russian entities to change the outcome of the election.
That is simply false.
Donnie Jr.'
's communications are all perfectly legal and the proceedings are innocuous, but they were hyped up by the mainstream media.
's a patriot and I think he's probably watching us right now on InfoWars.
Don Jr.'
And they can't stand the fact that Trump understands what he's up against and is gaining ground and is pulling away from them as the economy gets stronger and stronger.
They get more and more panicked, more and more shrill.
Where do you expect us to go when they fail to get their impeachment?
Well, I must say Fox News deserves three stars because they really have, even though there's perhaps more balance there than there used to be in terms of liberals like Shep Smith and others who trash the president, but
Between Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and Judge Andrew Napolitano, I think the message is getting through regarding the outrageousness of this FBI agent Stroke.
This bad actor, this hitman for the FBI, who happens, oddly enough,
We're good to go.
They both got immunity for whatever it was they said to the agent, but there is no immunity for Judge, for General Flynn.
This, this really stinks to high heavens.
This, this very stroke is the man who changed the language in the final report to Comey that allowed Hillary to walk.
This is the man in charge of investigating whether our president's done something wrong.
The American people have to see through this canard, but the president's lawyers are creating a false
I have a sense of security about this, Alex, and this is what concerns me.
The president can yet save himself, but there is a deadly cabal headed his way, and the people around him who have him in a cocoon aren't telling him the stark facts.
It's not incidental.
That after the president went to his palatial home in Palm Beach, the exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club, where he has an ultra-luxury private apartment in this extraordinary old-style Spanish masterpiece that he has completely refurbished.
And was able to mix with his friends and associates and have freer access without his handlers everywhere.
He was told by General Kelly not to go to the dining room.
It would probably not be best, sir.
And he headed directly there.
And it was after that, Alex, that he posted those accurate anti-Islamic
We're good to go.
But couldn't it backfire if he fired Mueller, then that acts like something actually got covered up, instead of letting the ridiculous, made-up investigation continue as more and more of the agents turn out to be Clinton operatives?
Because this is really hurting the Democrats right now.
I have to take a Marco Rubio moment.
Thank you.
Thank you, Senator Rubio.
No, I think the American people are starting to see through it, but look, you have
We haven't even got into what's the chicanery that's going on in the 25th Amendment, the plan B for the neocons and the two-party duopoly.
And that's the big one because our own Derrick McBreen put together a compilation
Where they have now come out, six, seven months after you first predicted it, because you talked to the folks that were involved at the editorial meetings, and that the new fraud would then be that he has dementia or Alzheimer's, and they are now pushing that full tilt buggy for 20th Amendment.
But first, when we come back, Al Green, ladies and gentlemen, they just failed to impeach the president.
They just tried it in the House of Representatives.
We'll play the video straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we're waging war on corruption with Roger Stone.
This is going to be a jam-packed two final segments here before War Room comes on.
In the next segment, we have a compilation of Roger Stone not predicting breaking their next big push.
Six, seven months ago, this was back in like February, that he talked to high-ups and that they were going to, in the newspapers, that the next big hoax was going to be that Trump was senile.
What was it?
And remember, Project Veritas just got video of the Washington Post admitting the whole Russian thing's made up.
We've got Don Lemon admitting it.
We've got the other folks there on CNN caught on video admitting all this.
But meanwhile, on top of Trump's big Israel announcement, House rejects Trump's impeachment resolution after Dem Representative Al Green forces vote.
With 364 voting to table it, and 58 Democrats voting to move ahead.
So, there you go.
They know it's political suicide right now to move ahead with it, but they want the idea out there.
Here is Mr. Green.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, again, I am honored to be accorded the privilege of standing in the well of the Congress of the United States of America.
Mr. Speaker, the American poet Robert Frost penned a poem with the words, two roads diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled.
Mr. Speaker, in a metaphorical sense today, sometime afternoon, shortly after 12 o'clock,
I will take the road less traveled.
Mr. Speaker, I ask that no one take this journey with me.
I am absolutely convinced that this is a road worth traveling, but I have not asked that others travel this road and will not.
Mr. Speaker, after 12 noon today,
I will present articles of impeachment.
And there are many who want to know what's next.
What will happen after there's a vote?
Mr. Speaker, I will satiate those concerns after the vote.
But I will take the road less traveled.
And I believe that it will make all the difference.
I yield back the balance of my time.
He will satiate us if we go to the men's bathroom and hand out... I'm not going to even say it.
I'm not going to make a good joke out of that one.
Ladies and gentlemen, he knows he's not going to get the votes because he didn't.
So he acts like, please don't vote with me.
I'm just introducing it as a publicity stunt.
But don't worry, I'll satiate you in the men's bathroom.
I mean, he sounds like a bubbling moron, Roger.
Look, I liked Al Green much better when he was singing gospel and R&B, like Love and Happiness.
Is that really the same guy?
Oh, it's not the same guy?
Pardon me.
No, a little humor there.
This is a calculated publicity stunt, approved by the House leadership, I guarantee it.
They just want to introduce the idea.
We know what's coming next.
The drumbeat of stories promulgated by Joe Scarborough, promulgated by many talking heads on CNN,
Uh, that the president is, uh, non-composementist, that he's has the early stages of Alzheimer's and he's crazy and he's doing crazy things.
Uh, sadly, I think that the, uh, the book by Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie
Invertedly or inadvertently feeds this meme, which is the theme of the 25th Amendment crowd.
You see, the president can be removed from office by a majority of his cabinet and a willing vice president who essentially signed on for the removal.
When we come out in the next segment, we're going to play your predictions of this from your sources, and then the media the last week harping on it, and you'll have time to comment on that particular subject.
But let me just bring this up.
I mean, talking to a lot of folks that know Trump, you know him well.
He's really nice, really hard-working, really cool, until somebody screws up a whole bunch of times, and he'll scream at people.
But most presidents, most generals, most people in stressful situations sometimes have yelled at people, and you know, they describe him in this new book.
They're doing your makeup and they're steaming your coat while you're in the dressing room, and you're just a guest on a show!
So they take all these little things and turn it into this huge stuff.
Let's just be honest about Trump.
He's nothing but genial and super nice and never even messes up a word when I've talked to him.
I mean, the guy's incredibly slick, but he does have an angry side.
I mean, let's be honest about it.
He shows no signs, though, of being senile.
No, there's no question.
It's a George S. Patton quality.
He has a very violent temper, in the sense that he does dramatic things when he's angry.
And yes, I've seen him dress people down who deserve to be dressed down.
But then the storm passes, and like Patton, he's back at the task of winning.
Look, this is all part and parcel of a gang that is advocated by Senator Corker keeps insisting he's insane.
Joe Scarborough keeps insisting he's insane.
They understand that if Mueller shoots and loses, that Mike Pence could be tempted into a coup d'etat.
Now, if the President has been essentially removed by the Vice President and a majority of his cabinet, and there are many, many, many bush-quizzling votes against him there, a hard vote count for the President Alex that I have conducted shows me the President with a solid four.
Three I can't place, and the balance of them, like Elaine Chao or
Rex Tillerson or even Jeff Sessions, who the president has certainly put on the hot spot, could take him down.
Not only is it not inconceivable, Ben Sasse, Jeb Bush, Mitch McConnell's agents, this is an active coup d'etat in the works.
It's the establishment's plan B.
Let me raise this point then.
Clearly they're moving more and more to Plan B. I think that signifies that they know the Mueller thing because they're being caught being so corrupt, working for Hillary, covering up for Hillary.
I think the Mueller thing's falling apart.
Now, privately, two weeks ago, you told me, no, it's still got some legs.
But two weeks later, I mean, don't you think it's starting to have the wheels come off?
Well, let me say this.
I like Mike Pence.
I think that he has been a very loyal vice president.
But there are two things we learned more recently.
One is that during the period right after Trump was assaulted in the Billy Bush tape on NBC, probably the darkest day of the campaign, Trump called his running mate, who was on the road, and the vice president declined to take that call.
And he passed a message to Trump that said, I don't want to talk to you right now.
I have to sort out what, you know, how I feel about all of this.
This is at a time that the Republican elders led by Reince Priebus are going to him saying, you must save the party.
Trump is doomed.
We've got to take... But he did make the right decision at that point.
I think it makes it easier the second and the third time.
Well, and we know that he was importuned by the plotters.
What we don't know is, for some period of time, it appears that he entertained it.
So I don't know where he goes in the coup.
And that's key.
So that shows Pence almost jumped ship that probably would have sunk Trump.
He is either going to be LBJ here or he is not.
We'll find out.
But he needs to know we're watching him.
In a friendly way, right?
Uh, well, uh, look, I think he, the problem here is that his, one of his top aides, I think, is among those leaking Russian secrets to make the president look bad.
Uh, and that is of real concern.
I mean, Pence is a good guy overall, but he's definitely a weak link.
No, you're right.
We'll be back.
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Right here on the Alex Jones Show.
And let me tell you, that liner is dead on target.
I mean, we know what we're talking about here.
We do our research.
We got our nose to the grindstone.
Owen Schroer and this guy are coming up, Roger Stone, with the War Room.
I'm tempted just to keep going on with them.
This story from Adan Salazar just went live on NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and InfoWars.com.
It is incredible!
And this is just like these Communist Truth and Reconciliation Committees they have, where they just get you to denounce yourself.
Mayor cries after city council member refuses to acknowledge his white privilege.
It's the astonishing footage of a Minnesota show as the mayor of New Brighton
Breaking down into tears after one fellow council member refuses to acknowledge her white privilege.
I mean, you might have privilege somewhere and negatives others.
There's white people all over the world in different circumstances.
This is so racist and it's always white people pushing it and selling it as their political tool of control.
Now, here's Roger Stone.
He first did it in February and then he said it again in March, however many months ago that was, eight months ago, that he talked, he didn't give the sources then, he hadn't given the sources, but kind of the general area.
He told me, he said we can talk about it now, but he was talking to major newspaper writers who've been at editorial meetings, just about what the next load of baloney would be if Russia failed, and that is
Mental illness, brain breaking down, neurological disorders, early onset of Alzheimer's, early onset dementia.
Here is Roger Stone predicting it and then here's the mainstream media the last week.
Disclaimer right up front.
They're going to say that this is a conspiracy theory, but it's the stone cold truth.
They are going to claim that Donald Trump has Alzheimer's and that it is progressive and that is progressing and that is the source of his insanity.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Post have new reports about the mind of Donald Trump, which is filled with things that are not true, that he spews both publicly and privately, leaving people in the White House to wonder how his mind actually works.
Everybody around Donald Trump knows he's not stable.
Everybody around Donald Trump knows he's not stable now.
You mean all the neocons that kicked everybody out and encircled him?
And then just hate the stock market exploding and hate all the freedom and hate all the success?
I mean, what a load of crap, Scarborough!
Let's continue.
Back it up ten seconds.
I'm sorry, Scarborough.
Everybody knows that intern fell down and it bashed your brains out in your office.
Just saying, everybody.
Sorry, go ahead.
Trump knows he's not stable now.
I think, honestly, it's time for members of Congress, and the Cabinet especially, to come to conclusions about this mountain of empirical evidence that the President is laboring under a mental impairment.
He is still questioning the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificates.
I mean, Dan, I can't believe I'm asking this, but is there something seriously wrong about him?
You have somebody inside the White House that the New York Daily News says is mentally unfit.
That people close to him say is mentally unfit.
Oh, they all said he was going to lose the election, too.
Look at that weird bouffant haircut he's got.
Here continue.
When are we supposed to say this after the first nuclear missile goes?
It's frightening that his behavior, his own behavior, raises questions about his fitness to serve and his grasp of reality.
By the way, Don Lemon completely detached from reality.
It makes me recall people who have early onset dementia.
So we're doing this now?
It's okay to say the D word.
I thought we were all just supposed to smile and pretend he was being colorful like Uncle Marty when he started wearing Kleenex Fox's shoes.
Well, I think it's another example of his being close to psychosis when he is stressed.
Yeah, I think he has short-term memory loss.
I think he maybe even has a touch of, you know, dementia maybe.
I don't know.
That's Joy Behar that said that
Trump was going to go to prison last week because he had Flander in the campaign talking to the Russians.
Of course, she pulled it right out of her big, fat, ugly rear end, but that doesn't matter.
That's where Mueller lives.
Let's continue.
Something's wrong with him.
Something's wrong.
I don't know what it is.
What's really concerning me is that there is no one.
Look at that guy.
Absolutely no one in the White House who can get him to stop talking.
The future ex-president of the United States of America is unstable.
That is not my opinion.
That is not the media's opinion.
That is America's opinion.
Think about the prospect that the president of the United States is not fully in his right mind.
I mean, let's just say it.
They talk to you like you're two years old.
He's not fully in touch with reality, and is worse than... Hey, how many Democrats are getting thrown out of the House and Senate right now?
That the president of the United States...
Is so unstable, is so volatile.
We love it.
Has a decision-making process that is so quixotic that he might order a nuclear weapon strike that is wildly out of step with US national security interests.
When is this the right time to
Talk about a mentally unstable president in the White House and a nuclear showdown with another unstable madman in North Korea.
He's decompensating.
That's a psychiatric term, but what it means in simple terms is he's losing his grip on reality.
This is what we mean when we say that somebody is becoming psychotic.
He's imagining he's president!
It makes me recall people who are in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
America has spoken!
He's unstable!
It is time for the American political media to do the same!
Wow, what a load of horse manure!
And they just create these false consensuses.
He will never be president.
He will never be president.
Now, he's 20 points behind.
The same thing.
Everyone agrees!
Everyone agrees he's got Alzheimer's and dementia!
Everyone agrees!
Did you hear that, Roger Stone?
Yes, absolutely.
Alex, that's the necessary storyline for a 25th Amendment takedown.
This is all part of the plan.
The mainstream media drives the narrative that he's crazy because he has eccentric behavior.
So did FDR.
So did Dwight Eisenhower.
So did Harry Truman.
So did Abraham Lincoln.
So what?
Uh, he got to the top of this stack.
He's leading a new American revolution that scares the bejesus out of the bureaucrats.
I was about to say, he's like a, he's like a, he's got a 15 rabbits feet up his rear end or something.
I mean, this guy's crapping gold cuplinks for everybody.
I mean, and, and, and they're so pissed.
Well, exactly right.
So just when the mainstream media is starting to maybe make some progress in their game of destruction, the Uranium One truth drops into the laps of the American people.
And what does it show?
That the three guys twisting his tail right now
Those would be Mr. Mueller, Mr. Comey, and Rod Rosenstein, the de facto Attorney General of the United States, are up to their teesters in the cover-up of Uranium One.
And these are the men trying to now take down the President.
A special prosecutor is the solution to the President's current
A special prosecutor can be appointed.
Can he order Sessions to do it?
You see, you can tell from his tweets and some things that he says.
He doesn't know that.
His attorneys must have advised him that he cannot communicate or direct.
Yeah, because they claim there's a separation of powers.
It is the executive.
It is his purview.
And therefore, he cannot direct them on matters that pertain to Donald J. Trump, but in this case, he should order Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor.
Of Uranium One, which he's not involved in.
That's the third way.
Don't sit there like Mueller and Potter on.
Don't fire him, but just appoint the special prosecutor.
No, look, if Sessions refuses to carry out a direct order, he has to be fired, as Nixon fired Elliot Richardson.
That's the legal procedure.
Then the decision would fall to Rosenstein.
Must recuse.
Can't decide about whether a special prosecutor can look into himself.
Then it goes to the Solicitor General, who I believe would do the President's will.
Alright, hold on.
Let's just both get this out of here right now.
You're about to be on the war room.
I'm not going to kill myself.
You're not going to kill yourself.
We've both never been happier.
Great families, great children, great grandchildren.
We just love fighting the new world order.
We're so happy because they didn't want to kill us.
They didn't want to shut us down.
Let's get that out there.
And I want to say I'm not a racist and I have no white privilege.
I want everybody to have a great Christmas, no matter what color you are.
We all got red blood.
I love you all.
And the same thing to you, Roger.
Would you like to apologize for your white privilege?
Not at all.
Alex, the new bureau here is terrific, and it is only due to the fact that Patriots go to the Infowars.com store to do their Christmas shopping.
The t-shirts are on fire.
Everybody in my family is loaded up on those.
The savings are extraordinary.
I got some Brain Force Plus, and I'm on auto-ship now.
So, congratulations on that.
I ask the Infowarriors, give us the backing we need.
We are the tip of the spear.
Yes, sir.
God bless you.
Rack them and stack them.
Roger Stone and Owen Schroer coming up with the BreakingInfoWars.com news.
You must all denounce yourselves as racist or those denouncing you will start crying.
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