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Filename: 20171119_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 19, 2017
1989 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the state of global affairs and the threat of a one-world government and religion. He believes that Google is working with Soros to control information on the internet and talks about transhumanism and the future plans for a one-world government as detailed in his film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement. Jones encourages listeners to save copies of his film and other materials, as there is an effort underway to purge this information from the web.

We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are well into the 21st century.
We are almost out of the year 2017.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours, and I'll be back tomorrow, live, 11 a.m.
Central, with the InfoWar.
Let me get directly into the news.
The problem here is, even with a lot of our listeners,
People tend to not realize that we're not exaggerating.
Nine times out of ten.
My biggest problem is not seeing how serious things really are.
Last year and this year, it came out in the WikiLeaks and other documents, that George Soros and the EU, the unelected dictatorial EU, along with the UN, wanted full control over the Internet, and Obama tried to give full control over the Internet to the UN, but instead Congress only gave partial control.
Then Obama set up his Ministry of Truth right before he left office in the Defense Authorization Act for this year.
And you see the congressional hearings saying their main job is to shut down Infowars and Matt Drudge and things like that.
As of last night at about nine o'clock, I went to the front page of Google, typed in my name to see what the latest news was, and boom!
At the top on my phone and on my regular computer, desktop,
Everything was hateful stories, everything was lies, everything was disinfo.
And it didn't even have an area saying fake news.
But then above that, it's got two different captions.
Writes About and Reviewed Claims.
Click Reviewed Claims.
And it's Snopes, literally funded by George Soros, that's their main funder.
For Google and PolitiFact, which has been proven to be one of the biggest disinfo outlets there.
They said 98% chance Trump would win.
I mean Hillary would win.
They said...
All 14 intelligence agencies had said Trump did steal the election with the Russians.
None of that was true.
I mean, it's just total BS.
They've got big environmental groups running the sites, saying that global warming's real.
I mean, this is wild.
And they've got fact-checking on CNN and everybody else.
Except Snopes.
Let's show them Snopes.
You type in Snopes and click on web, click on everything, and it just says where are the facts?
Google says that there is no reviewed facts.
Notice those tabs that were there for me or for CNN or anything else isn't there.
It's topics they write about.
But no reviews, no fact-checking.
So they've set themselves up like gods, above everybody, with a search engine that has 90% of the web's traffic, to not just force-feed disinfo, and not just manipulate the search results for Hillary during the election,
But to now put all the lies and all the hate and all the fake news against us on top, and then put things over our articles saying it's fake news, I want to see what Snopes has to say, literally, funded hundreds of millions of dollars a year by George Soros.
So if you ask, where's George Soros' $18 billion he just put in?
Against America?
He said against America.
Against this restoration?
It's against us, folks.
Look at this headline from October.
This is just a few weeks ago.
Google partners with Soros funded fact-checking service to fight fake news.
Right, Bart?
I mean, they admit it.
And of course, they're saying we're fake news because we're real.
Coming up, are top generals really warning of Trump using nukes?
No, that's more fake news from CNN.
It's all coming up.
Plus, you can't make this up.
A chicken man attacked our reporters and was arrested and more.
I'm not kidding.
Police chasing a chicken 500 yards.
We have all the video.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday.
Hard to believe that 2017's only got a month and 11 days or something left in it.
Thank you so much again for joining us as we broadcast worldwide on this live Sunday edition.
Let me just give you a snapshot right here at the beginning of the transmission of what we're going to be covering today, because the news today is particularly key, particularly vital.
If you remember my film that I made called Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, it was seen more than 80 million times on Google Video.
They then retired Google Video and deleted the video.
It's been seen only 10 million times or so on YouTube.
And I made the film, it cost me about a half million dollars, shot all over the world with our crew at Istanbul, Turkey, Ottawa, Canada, you name it.
It's a three and a half hour film total.
This has got an hour long addendum.
And in the film I show you quotes and statements by top futurists and scientists across the board saying the decision has been made to establish a world government and then to carry out
The poisoning and dumbing down of the public, then the banning of all religion but one religion, the worship of AI computers, and the worship of world government, and the worship of transcending male and female.
It's going to be against the law to be male or female.
By the way, it's in the news today that if you don't, in California they arrest you if you don't use GZ or whatever these weird pronouns are for men that want to be women or women that want to be men, whatever.
You got to use their language.
You're hateful.
We're going to arrest you.
Now in Minnesota, they sent the police to a radio station because someone said tranny.
It's not a dirty word.
It's not illegal.
It was a word created by that community.
Facebook this year said it was hateful to practice banning whatever words they want.
It's tied into Soros.
All of it.
I'm going to break it down here in just a moment.
But this isn't a joke.
And if you're tuning into this, you say, this sounds crazy.
It is crazy.
But if you ever wanted to know what the One World Religion World Government would look like, I actually went and read what the top futurists at Google, and that's really the NSA and the CIA, slash private corporate interfaces, and what the people at Microsoft and the folks at the UN and UNESCO said.
This is their long-term transhumanist future plan.
And it's been decided.
So you'll notice, you see that film from 10 years ago, 2007.
Word for word, it broke in the last week in Wired and the Guardian, the New York Times, breathlessly.
Like it's the coolest thing and they're giving you the absolute information that no one else has got.
That there's a new religion that top Google executives and others practice where superstition will be outlawed.
Don't worry.
All those other fake religions, they say, are outlawed.
And these men didn't believe in God.
They're atheists, but they're God.
They're going to merge with AI.
They're going to manage you.
And they just came up with this this week.
See, they're now at the coming out phase.
And if you're a radio listener, my crew is putting articles on screen, word for word, what I told you ten years ago in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
You need to download it, you need to save it, because they're starting to purge our stuff across the web.
In the future, you'll tell people you saw it or heard it and they won't believe you.
We've got it all.
You want to see prophetic?
But it's not prophetic.
Watch it.
They were saying it then, but in white papers.
DARPA in 1977 has a plan at birth put you in like a tank where you power the machines and it's this and you know that's the matrix.
No that's one plan from DARPA declassified in 2000 they reclassified it in 2001.
You're like that sounds insane.
I know I'm not the one saying it.
We'll never fight again, though, and the master controllers will program it.
They won't control your soul.
You've got a soul, folks.
They want to have you be born into a full system so they can totally control you and you never know.
Now, here it is.
This is the Daily Star.
This is the Daily Mail.
This is the London Guardian.
This is the New York Times.
Inside the chilling religion creating the God Robot, a billion times smarter than humans, and it goes on to say,
Outlying the beliefs of the new church, the way of the future, the way of the future, outlaws supernatural powers.
Don't worry, that's all outlawed.
And the other religions, claiming everything can be solved through science.
Inside the chilling religion creating God Robot, close quote, a billion times smarter than humans.
And listen to what he says here.
Google engineer who has created the first church of AI says he's in the process of raising a robot God that will take charge of humans.
And just like Bill Gates, just like Schmidt, all of them, they're all DARPA people.
Just like Bezos.
Look up to Bezos and his dad and the rest of his family.
Total DARPA front.
It's all declassified.
They don't even care.
They create it.
They test it in laboratories.
They roll it out against you.
And then they have, oh, he's now no longer with Google.
He's setting up this church, though.
So they go, oh, it's our young, smart engineer.
He's gonna be cool and trendy.
He's gonna run it.
And they always have the young engineer that goes out and becomes the cool, trendy, young whiz kid of their new tentacle they shoot out.
Bill Gates' dad was Army Intelligence, head of Planned Parenthood, Cold Springs Harbor, genetic engineering.
That's what Bill Gates is into.
So go read it for yourself.
His name is Anthony.
Oh, he's for the self-driving cars in Google Earth.
See, paving the way for the AI takeover that they control.
That's what he helped.
And see, they see it as they're raising a dragon.
They're raising this great powerful thing that's going to love them and is going to be a billion times smarter than the smartest person.
And it's going to make them a god because they're going to merge with it.
What they're building is what they believe they're going to selfishly merge with.
Again, notice everything I've told you is now coming true because it was already true.
I didn't just suddenly come up with this.
I'm telling you what they've been planning.
And you can't have your religion, you can't have your normal family, you can't have your culture because they've got a culture they're gonna program into you with their super intelligence.
And that's them saying it.
And these same globalists back dictatorships all over the world.
They've got autonomous ships, autonomous tractors.
Their job is to bankrupt the farmers and make it impossible for humans to live in a normal agrarian lifestyle.
This is total engineering of the economy to be anti-human, and Trump's big crime is he's trying to get back to using social engineering to build a world for humans, and that's why they're so angry, because this is their church, but they're just now announcing it in 2017, 10 years after I'd read their documents, for at that time, for 12 years, I'd been fully awake.
And was warning you.
Hey, here they are.
These are billionaires.
They're serious.
They say the future doesn't need you.
They're building an artificial intelligence that they believe, within a matter of days, will take over and exterminate everyone.
And they're just gonna beg it to merge with them.
And they even say, it may kill us, but we don't care.
We're going to do it.
It may blow the planet up.
We're going to do it.
This is in the film.
You should want to know about billionaires that meet by the hundreds at lavish resorts, landing in jet helicopters and huge private jets.
And then they come out and say, we've made the decision to kill all of you.
And we're building a grid that's going to take everything over.
And we worship this AI God.
And you are obsolete and the AI God says you must die.
Word for word what I told you.
And again, just like the whole Zeitgeist Movement and the guy talking in the robot voice with a fake name, Peter Joseph, this is the way it is now.
You're going to merge with it.
We're going to plan your life with computers.
It's total freedom.
Accept it.
Folks, this is it.
This is where world government goes.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
There have been thousands of articles written talking to top billionaires.
Former president of Facebook last week went public.
The head of Sun Microsystems, worth tens of billions of dollars, co-owner Bill Joy.
Countless others have said, we designed this to hurt you, we designed this to dehumanize you, we designed this to make you obsolete.
We've been in meetings with the top billionaires who are senior to us and they've made the decision
To basically take over and kill everybody.
Now, they've been developing this one world religion around eternal life and life extension.
I made a film.
I made a film, in-game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Ten years ago, off their admissions then of how they would bring in this plan.
The controlled cities, the self-driving cars, the attack on the family.
It's all in the film.
It's free!
You must watch it!
That said, I'm getting back into that later.
But you read it, and you look at what they say.
They said we're going to ban all of the religion as anti-scientific, but this one you've got to follow.
And robots are going to have rights?
It's just...
You can see where this is going, folks.
This is the takeover plan.
It's so dystopic, and I'm begging people.
There's a reason they have congressional hearings every week saying they want to shut me down.
Because they've got the actuaries, the AI computers can already crunch mass movements.
They're just not totally conscious yet, it's believed.
And they can tell that if they kill me, it causes chain reactions that devastates their operation.
Same thing with Trump.
And this isn't a power trip, folks.
Look at television.
Look at what they're doing.
I mean, it's real.
This is happening.
Because we cared enough to actually read what they were saying and what they were building while they were getting acolytes.
Elon Musk is one of the guys, you know, saying, look out for AI gods.
Look out for people that promote this.
Before the media did the rollout this week going, it's a brand new idea.
We're going to have
AI gods that take over!
Oh, it's so fun!
Oh, it's so cute!
Elon Musk in the last six months is like, it's coming.
It's deadly.
It's dangerous.
It's serious.
These people mean business.
They're authoritarian.
We've got to stop them.
Oh, and then the new Christ has appeared.
The young man that's going to lead it.
Oh, he just thought of it five minutes ago.
Don't listen to Elon Musk.
We have our new leader, Anthony Lewandowski.
He said, we will rule you for your own good.
You're going to live in a big plastic city, and we're going to ban all your other religions because of all the wars and problems, and you're going to worship us.
You're going to worship our machine, and it's going to be the god of the world.
It's the new religion.
They've got the new name of it.
Oh, they just came up with it.
No, they've been cooking this up for decades.
Look, the robot that Dubai's already ordered that's going to replace their police force is literally seven feet tall and is almost identical to the THX-1138 robot.
Look at this if you're a TV viewer.
Look at this right here.
This is the THX-1138 robots based off research that George Lucas did.
In his first film.
Man, we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
They are telling you they're coming.
They're telling you what they're doing.
And I'm just here warning you.
I'm here just begging you.
I'm not anti-technology.
I'm not anti-smartphone.
But I don't like it tracking me and spying on me and listening to me and selling my data and being a government spy.
But they always spit it.
Oh, you're against vaccines.
You're against science.
No, I'm against the genetic engineering you're doing through them.
I'm not against the phone.
Here's the documents.
I'm against paying for all the stuff in it that tracks me and controls me.
They've already got the self-driving car stuff in all the new cars.
They're just not even telling you.
They're announcing it all next year and rolling it out, but only the luxury models.
Oh, oh, you got to pay way more for the Audi A8.
It self-drives.
You can drive from, they've already got cars.
People are driving across the nation with nobody touching them.
Cars you can buy at lots right now.
You're like, oh, that sounds great.
That'll be fun.
I can do my school worker.
You know, me and my wife can have fun in the backseat.
It gives full control to the globalists.
It lets them run you off a cliff and kill you.
It lets foreign enemies hack in and do that.
It's dehumanizing!
And the people that are deploying it are saying it's meant to dehumanize you, to make way for the new God!
It's growing all of its systems and all of its tentacles into control.
And remember, six, seven years ago, they had Will Smith movies, iRobot.
About self-driving cars, and it was Audi, and now Audi is the leader in it.
I mean, it's all pre-programmed.
It's all prepared.
Oh, and who was doing all the PR for Google at the time?
Oh, the new AI leader, who's creating his new baby that's gonna be your god.
Google engineer who has created the first church of AI says he's in the process of raising a robot god that will take charge of humans.
I've gotten behind here.
I haven't gotten into Google officially launching, in partnership with George Soros and Snopes, you can't make that up, with almost no fanfare, total censorship of libertarians, nationalists, conservatives and Christians.
He was in the WikiLeaks last year saying,
Once the UN has control, which they didn't get complete control, Obama was unable to transfer it, we're gonna make people go to our stories and block the ones we don't like.
That's a quote!
They got his emails!
He doesn't care, we elected Trump, he's doing it anyways, with Google.
People say, well just use Bing, or use, that's Microsoft.
What, you think they haven't gotten there yet?
Whatever Google ends up doing, everybody else then adopts.
Google is the deep state, boys and girls.
Don't be evil.
Give me a break.
Oh, it's all happy little colors.
Big G's and little blue G's and red O's.
It's like, it's all tested to treat you like you're three years old.
It's non-threatening.
Remember when you were three, everything was fine in the nursery?
We're not evil.
Come here, sweetie.
We're just jacked into everything DARPA.
They spent billions of our tax dollars just on flicker screens, how to mesmerize you.
It's all declassified.
Just what I know is admitted is beyond anything you could ever imagine.
But remember, I'm the bad guy, because for 22 years I told you they had human-animal hybrids growing inside cows, gestating on
Farms across the U.S.
and the exact words I told you 22 years ago were in MIT late last year.
That thousands of human-animal hybrids are gestating.
You know in the movie Alien when the face sucker lays the egg in your stomach and then it busts out after it eats a meal?
Uses your stomach as a womb?
Because it likes acid, remember?
Smart writers.
And then it busts out, it's been gestating.
That's sweet.
But in this case, humanoids have grown up larger, and are used for biotech and things, and it's all industrial.
Don't worry, they don't have any rights, because they're not human, they're not animal.
Anyways, I'm not going to cover that anymore until tomorrow.
I'm going to come back with the nuke story, and the massive censorship story, and our reporters being physically attacked.
The video, that's coming up.
Stay with us.
You developed Living Defense for us.
Not a group.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And, uh,
You support the broadcast.
Thank you Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live covering very, very serious issues.
Not to scare you, but so you're informed, so we as a culture and as a society and as a species can make decisions with what we say, what we do, what we buy, who we associate with, what we support to build a better world.
The robber barons of a hundred years ago just thought we were animals and didn't care, just wanted to stay separate from the general public.
The elites of today believe they're going to merge with machines and become gods.
And I've been telling you that for 20-something years.
Now it's all over the news.
And there are a few patriots, like Bill Joy and Elon Musk, saying, hey, we've been to the meetings.
They're planning on getting rid of everybody.
And everything they're doing is for the computers and for the machines to take over.
They've already chosen sides.
Because regardless, they're going to be in control of the machines they believe.
So everything you see is a revolution, not to empower humanity, but a revolution to enslave and track and control what we do.
This is life and death.
Now, who would have thought, just a year ago, when I was warning you that it would actually happen.
I can't believe it's actually happening.
I knew they were saying it.
Hey, look at the WikiLeaks!
Jordan Soros wants the U.N.
It's in the news!
to take over the Internet, and Obama's trying, and he says they will block or tell people it's fake news if it's anti-globalist, and then push you to globalist news.
And Soros' words are material.
And then a month ago they announced Google partners with Soros funded fact-checking service to fight fake news, and then last night it happened.
Last night it happened, ladies and gentlemen, on November 18th.
It's November 19th right now.
Suddenly they put above InfoWars it's fake news and said here's the fact-checking of Snopes and you click it and it's a bunch of lies and a bunch of misrepresentations when you click reviewed claims.
But if you go and you type in Snopes into Google, oh no one questions it because it's God!
And who funds it?
Google partners with Soros-funded fact-checking service to fight fake news.
A press release from Google's partnership with IFCN.
The three main aims, increasing the number of fact-checkers reviewing information, expanding the IFCN's current code of principles in new regions, and offering free fact-checking tools to Google users to verify the information they find on Google's search engine.
And it's funded by George Soros, whose job is bringing down governments, overthrowing Western countries, bringing in an Islamist who was a Nazi collaborator, and stole almost all his money, and doesn't pay any taxes, basically, and has it all off short.
A master criminal.
Madoff's problem was he wasn't part of the big club.
You gotta be in the Soros club, and then, hey, you can do anything you want.
And so I have Soros breathing down my neck, breathing down your neck, but all his robots and all his disinfo can't stop you telling people about the fraud, that Google's partnered with him to run fake news and censor, and that you need to financially support InfoWars.
I mean, we are being... People want us to fight the New World Order?
You want us to fight the globalists?
You want us to take them on?
We're doing it, but listen!
Talk about a robot!
InfoWars is a probe droid.
InfoWars is an operation you help build and finance with its continuing long-term mission to go out and take on the New World Order, to expose them, to fight for the family, to fight for religious freedom, to fight for justice, to fight for pro-human operations, to fight for life extension, to be extended to the general public, not just the elites.
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Intense enemy attacks.
I mean, this is a desperate, organic, human resistance to the New World Order.
And they know that we're that human resistance.
It's in Pentagon documents that are out at the very top.
They're talking about highly motivated individuals, nationalism, the main threat to the New World Order.
And then the military reads their own high-level reports and goes, well, we want to join these guys.
We don't want to join the New World Order, but the top of our military's New World Order run.
And Trump's trying to unseat all that, but you need to support us.
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Fluoride-free toothpaste.
People still make jokes about that.
CNN had to admit fluoride toothpaste, when women use it, causes a huge IQ reduction in children.
I mean, boom!
We already knew that!
Point is, I said it in a joke!
But so many people, they already got Zschuld 50% off.
That sale's gonna end tomorrow.
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I'm gonna stop right there.
Shop with the good guys.
Help fund the InfoWar if you believe what we're doing.
Now let me get to this next piece of news here.
Talking about fake news.
The media keeps talking about, oh, the military has a right to refuse an illegal order of Trump, and they're talking about it, implying that the military hasn't always been taught to refuse illegal orders, and that the president hasn't given any illegal orders.
But they keep acting like they're having debates about refusing his orders, because they are illegal.
You see, that's the little semantical game that they're playing here.
So here's the CNN headline.
Top General Says He'd Push Back Against Illegal Nuclear Strike Order.
General John Hyten shared what would happen if he were ordered to launch a nuclear strike.
Senate hearing this week focused on the presidential authority to launch nuclear weapons.
We have doctrines, all the scenarios are laid out.
The president's following the doctrines, the scenarios.
But then they imply he's doing something illegal.
I provide advice to the President, the General said.
He'll tell me what to do, and if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen?
I'm going to say, Mr. President, that's illegal.
Guess what he's going to do?
He's going to say, what would be illegal?
And we'll come up with options of a mix of capabilities that would be legal to respond to whatever the situation is, and that's the way it works.
It's not that complicated.
He was at a meeting
And the press was asking him, what would you do if you got an illegal order to launch a nuke?
He said, well, I would not follow the illegal order.
It's like saying, if someone orders you to rape your wife, what will you do?
Well, I won't follow that order.
It hasn't happened.
What would you do if Trump came in and was snorting cocaine?
Well, I'd call the police.
So again, we have the whole code, the whole constitution, the whole military code.
They're all taught this.
It's illegal to give troops experimental vaccines.
They still do it in order to do it.
So there's lots of generals
Following orders that are illegal.
But the point is we're not seeing that with Trump.
So they're trying to create this whole illusion.
CNN had eight articles yesterday and today on their front page about everyone's scared of Trump and the nukes to create this fake consensus.
Here's a clip of the general talking about it.
The Law of Armed Conflict has certain principles.
Necessity, distinction, proportionality, unnecessary suffering.
All those things are defined.
And we could, you know, for 20 years it was the William Calley-Millai thing that we were trained on because if you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail.
You could go to jail for the rest of your life.
It applies to nuclear weapons.
It applies to small arms.
It applies to small unit tactics.
It applies to everything.
And we apply it as we go through it.
It's not that difficult.
And the way the process works, if you want to get into the details later, I'll go into the details later.
The way the process works is it's simple.
I provide advice to the President.
He'll tell me what to do.
And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen?
I'm going to say, Mr. President, that's illegal.
You say no.
And guess what he's going to do?
He's going to say, what would be legal?
And we'll come up with options of a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is.
And that's the way it works.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
So they take normal doctrine and turn a discussion about doctrine into everyone's scared Trump has nooks.
That's how they distort.
That's how they manipulate.
That's how they control.
But Trump's already with the Joint Chiefs.
The decision's already made before that guy ever gets called.
And he knows that.
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Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, we've talked about the globalists believing they're going to merge the machines and become gods.
They're now introducing that next topic.
To get you ready for that.
But meanwhile, this is not a joke coming up next hour.
Man in chicken suit arrested for attacking reporter, our own Owen Schroyer, will be in here with us in studio.
They now have these dwindling, anti-Trump, Soros-funded events.
About 16 people showed up.
We had a few of our reporters show up down there.
There's live feeds of it.
There's hours of it.
And let me tell you, this is like people escaped from a mental institution.
They're not trying to act crazy.
Every one of them was an incoherent loon.
Now across town, Millie Weaver was at a Hillary book signing.
Here in Austin, Texas, there's a line coming out of the bookstore, and you can't see it in radio, and we had to bleep all the cussing, but there's like 10 women grab her, attack her, grab at the microphone, and none of them can talk, and it's like scary.
This is just going to a book signing.
And then men wearing shirts saying, in the future, women will rule the world.
We're one species, moron.
It just shows how they've totally brainwashed people.
We're going to play part of this segment, then the next.
And then Owen's coming in just to talk about being attacked by a guy who grabbed the microphone, broke it, attacked him, and then ran.
And then for 500 yards, bike police chased a guy in a full chicken suit.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he was acting like he was on PCP.
I don't know if he was on anything.
But wait until you hear this guy talk.
He talked like a robot.
And I can't even do robot voices as good.
I've done top voiceovers, folks, for major movies.
I can't make the noises that were coming out of him.
So, it's like they opened up the mental institutions.
You know, Savage was on last week.
It's not like we're just saying liberalism is a mental disorder.
It really is.
So, Millie Weaver's piece is really powerful.
Gavin Wentz edited it.
They'll say something about, well, you know, Loretta Lynch said this, or Clapper said that,
Donna Brazile said this, and then they'll show the people saying, no she didn't, and then we show the clip, and then it builds in a crescendo.
The video's on YouTube and Facebook.
It's only got like a half million views.
I should have like 20 million views.
New shock video, female reporter attacked by angry mob at Hillary event.
And just, again, these are deranged loons.
And it turns out she's on a public sidewalk.
And they keep telling her, and these goons are bumping into her, get out of there.
So it starts kind of slow, but builds.
And they've got this Hillary security guard that thinks he's God.
Here, let's go ahead and go to the report.
Here it is.
You're not going to get away with this.
Hillary Clinton!
Yeah, that's just some of the women coming up, flipping us off and attacking her.
Millie Weber reporting for InfoWars.com.
I'm here in Austin, Texas, where Hillary Clinton is scheduled to start her book signing.
And you have lots of liberals, mostly women, lined up, ready to go and meet Hillary Clinton to get their What Happened books signed.
Let's go see what they have to say and see if this shirt triggers them.
From the looks of it, from what I can tell, it seems as though everyone is waiting on Hillary Clinton's arrival.
They've got this gate in the back entrance of the bookstore open.
They have their staff waiting there and they have another door open.
Videotape this guy.
Here he comes.
My, how Hillary's fallen.
Alright, so, this guy's coming over.
She says Trump's obsessed with her.
No, she's obsessed with him and won't go away.
He sees it's him for a reason.
Okay, so that's one of Hillary Clinton's staffers.
He made it like, I don't know, 95% of the journey to come over and approach me and talk to me.
And then he stopped and did an about face and turned around and walked away.
And the real question here is, is she going to have an ambulance as part of her motorcade?
She didn't have to be helped.
Alright, here it is, right here.
She didn't have to be helped out of the car.
She couldn't even stand up.
And they tried to cover that up.
But one more car had to get in, so they opened the gate again.
Here she is, ladies and gentlemen.
Look at that, they're gonna shut the gates.
By the way, some of the YouTube people go, why does Jones talk over videos?
Because most of our audience is on radio.
She's not gonna come and say hi to anyone.
So I have to narrate it.
Here's Hillary about to get out.
They're having a little bit of technical difficulties with their gate, it seems like.
Maybe the Russians hacked it.
And there it is.
They had to pick her up like a side of beef.
Just like they reportedly told us they did, and then we caught it on tape.
It was caught on tape a month after we broke it that she was having seizures every 45 minutes.
Now they're closing the gate.
Can we do it on the sidewalk, though?
Just off property?
And by the way, they're on the sidewalk there.
We were planning on walking down that direction anyway.
But is this private?
Yeah, that's not the property of Book People, that's Whole Foods.
You're here with the property owner?
Okay, yeah, we're heading down over here.
We were heading there anyway.
Just to be on public property, you'll be great.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
This guy just lied and said that he's just with the property owner when he was back there with Hillary Clinton's staff.
Well, later he's bumping into her.
They say you gotta leave, but it's clearly the sidewalk.
What do you think about Hillary Clinton selling some of our uranium to the Russians?
Fake news.
That's fake news?
Hillary Clinton, as the chairman, approved this deal.
To quote the good bard, the lady doth protest too much.
What do you think about Bill Clinton and having all these women come forward about raping them?
What do you think about Alex Jones's ridiculous behavior on air and his ranting and raving?
I see you're using his network though and you've got, you know, his propaganda imprinted on your brain.
But don't you think that Hillary Clinton as a woman, if she's really for women that haven't been, you know, sexually assaulted and stuff, don't you think she should have divorced Bill?
Have a nice day.
Another woman grabs it.
Somebody got triggered here.
Tries to rip it away.
Don't grab my microphone.
I won't grab any of your personal items, ma'am.
Are you a little snowflake?
Don't scare me, but I have boundaries here.
Oh, it's so sad.
You're so pathetic.
You're so pathetic.
Yep, dirty looks, hostility.
Look at this woman.
I wonder why?
Oh, is it because of my shirt?
Is it because of my shirt?
I think it's because you work for that trash organization.
Yeah, because of InfoWars.
Because of InfoWars?
Which is a... If you want to talk about fake news, let's talk about what you guys do.
And how you're not real journalists.
And how Soros runs Google now?
CNN, NBC, all of these other mainstream media organizations that have been caught in fake news over and over again.
Yeah, give me an example.
They were pushing that Trump was lying about having been spied on by the Obama administration, okay?
And guess what?
Then later, they had to say, wait, we were wrong.
While InfoWars all along was saying, no, we have sources that say that that was true.
And guess what?
It came out in congressional hearings that yes, Trump was being eavesdropped on.
Mr. Clapper and Ms.
Yates, did either of you ever request the unmasking of Mr. Trump, his associates, or any member of Congress?
Yes, in one case I did.
I'm sorry.
I need for you to go because you are upsetting people.
I need for you to go.
We care about our customers.
This is a customer event.
Let's both go.
You need to go or we're gonna call other people to come get you out of here.
You need to go or we're gonna call...
Call him.
Call him.
Do you know where I'm standing right now?
That's the funny part.
Do you know where I'm standing?
I'm standing!
You're being inappropriate, and you know you're being inappropriate.
Please go.
The left loves that word.
You guys are really, like... This is, like, tyrannical right here.
You don't believe in the First Amendment, do you?
You are being inappropriate.
You are upsetting people.
You need to go.
Are you upset, is that why?
You have upset people, you know you did it.
You need to go.
You know you did it.
But you're being very inappropriate.
Send the Secret Service here then.
You're being very inappropriate and you need to go.
Send the Secret Service, send the police.
Actually, hi, she's upsetting people and she's causing- And now they got this guy in like a fake cop outfit.
I don't mind security guards, but when they're wearing the fake cop outfits.
He looks like a third world dictator, like he just resigned from Zimbabwe as the president.
Is that Robert Mugabe?
Is that his new job?
So Mount Nasty.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, I'm going to play a little bit more of this.
The exciting conclusion we won't have time to get to because I'm sure it's coming in studio.
But new shock video.
Female reporter attacked by angry mob at Hillary event.
And I specifically, you know, see these rent-a-cops in like, at the mall in like general outfits and huge hats and stars all over them.
It's kind of cheesy when generals do it in the U.S.
They've got nuclear submarines and, you know, admirals and the rest of it.
But, you know,
It is something dictatorial, kind of like Nazi Germany or old Soviet Russia, where they start festooning the general public.
And so, yes, I think there are parallels of Robert Mugabe.
That's why I made the joke.
He's a dictator.
He may be out of a job.
Maybe he can come over here.
Or maybe we get somebody from North Korea, Kim Jong-un, where they love uniforms.
They can come over and work for Hillary.
Because that's kind of what they've been trying to set up here with the security guard.
One guy's like, thinks he's
Four, with his big beard.
So he's the Viking dictator.
And then we've got the fellow, I guess, who's trying to walk in the shoes of Robert Mugabe.
Let's go back to that clip.
Here it is.
So Mount Nasty, see that one?
What do you think about Bill Clinton, all these women, having accused Bill Clinton of raping them?
What are you doing standing in front of me, sir?
So now, okay, this is exactly what Don in Brazil was talking about.
It was a cult.
You could not penetrate them.
I felt like it was a cult.
Cult-like behavior from Hillary Clinton's staff and private security.
You're saying we didn't comply?
Yeah, we just asked you to head off property, trying to be as polite as possible.
Okay, Thor.
This is a public sidewalk.
We're asking you to stop harassing our patrons.
Hey, Thor, you and Robert Mugabe are wrong.
I'm not.
Let's pause real quick.
These women are all deranged and seem to have like motor issue problems.
And again, I'm not attacking people that have neurological disorders.
Lord knows most of us will end up having them, or have fellow members that have them.
But I mean, you see like...
We're going to show Chicken Man coming up.
Yes, I'm not kidding.
A man in a chicken suit attacks.
But let's continue.
Private property.
No, this is private property.
Can we do it on the sidewalk, though?
Just off property.
So they go to the sidewalk and then he comes back.
It's fine.
This is great, you guys.
I mean, you're really showing weird cold- Is that Kim Jong-un?
With like a glued-on beard?
What brings you out here today?
And look, Robert Mugabe keeps bumping into her.
She knows how to tell the truth.
Have you always told the truth?
I've always tried to.
Did you read her book, What Happened?
That's why we're here.
We're getting the book.
You're getting the book, okay, so you have it ready.
Watch your body, if you're going to push your body into my elbow, then that's your fault.
We're trying to be cordial, so just no physical contact, okay?
Excuse me, but when I'm standing here and he's pushing into me, pushing into my elbow, saying watch my elbow, he needs to watch his body, okay, and not be assaulting me.
Don't be assaulting me.
I'm invading your space, and when you wake up in the morning, all you'll see is this face.
What do you think about Bill Clinton having sexually assaulted women?
He did not sexually assault women, considering that for sexual assault, you need consent.
That guy can actually talk.
So they're trying to stop him from talking.
Excuse me, do not touch me, sir.
I will file an assault charge on you.
You do not touch me.
I don't know, you're private security.
You do not have the right to touch me.
Yeah, soar.
Yeah, and he's engaging in willful dialogue.
You don't have the right to touch me and push up on me, sir.
Yeah, Robert.
He was.
So, okay, you're saying that consent is the issue here, right?
And are you referencing Monica Lewinsky?
I am in Taekwondo.
And there's other women.
Man, I just saw your t-shirt.
I don't think we're gonna chat.
Alright, stay with us.
We'll be back when Aquaman summons three giant whales and the Intrepid Info Wars crew battles a vicious psychotic chicken.
This is not fake news.
Well, the Aquaman part is a joke.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Well, I'm here with Owen Schroer.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Owen's been working seven days a week and has never been happier.
I was up at midnight last night.
Harrison Smith came over to my house.
I just had a dinner party and people were leaving like, you know, 10, 30, 11 at night and we're shooting 40-minute videos because
Google officially has merged with Soros.
I mean, I have the news articles right here, and is censoring InfoWars, but like, mainline churches and Christian groups, they have fact-checking saying, well, Jesus didn't exist, and our impartial fact-checking group is the Atheist Association.
They have just built an army of every bureaucracy.
The atheists are over the Christians.
The atheists are over the people warning about Muslims.
They love them.
The power-grabbing environmental groups are all now policing people that say man-made global warming isn't real or that coal is good.
And they've just put Snopes and Soros funding hundreds of groups in PolitiFact
Who said that Trump was caught with the Russians, all 14 agencies said so, that wasn't true.
They said that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning, that wasn't true.
They said WikiLeaks wasn't real, that wasn't true.
They just lie, lie, lie, and now suddenly, have you seen this on Google?
Where Snopes is the only one that doesn't get fact-checked.
And the other fact-checkers.
If you get into the fact-checkers, you're above the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Drudge Report, everyone!
You know, the Japanese media, the Mexican media.
There's just like Snopes is like, like in Monty Python, like God.
I mean, they are a guy and his cat and his wife
Who I guess it came out in the news spent money on some interesting extracurricular activities tax-free.
They now are literally the Oracle of all truth.
Did you know that?
Well I think this is the sign that the establishment
is only looking to reach the mentally deranged, mentally defective people.
I agree, they are loosing Snopes on us!
Dun, dun, dun!
Imagine Google Snopes and Soros had a baby!
The average individual is going to look at Snopes and critically analyze it and say, okay, I'm not really going to rely on anything from this organization.
But that's what I'm saying.
They're not targeting that person.
Well, they don't care.
They're going to label, label, label until we're banned.
That's the mission.
Well, I think that you were keying on something when you were talking to the crew.
It's that they want us to even not speak about these things, even in a comedic sense.
They don't want you to even reference these topics.
They don't want you to reference any... But Snopes did have prostitutes at their honeymoon.
I mean, at least they're partying.
It'll reach a point, Alex, where you'll say,
Well, look at Hillary Clinton, and you'll make some joke about Hillary Clinton falling over, and we'll make a funny meme or graphic, and they'll say, insensitive!
You're being rude to old people!
Meanwhile, the left's like, we're gonna murder you and your family!
How dare you!
And they're like, oh, promote this?
It's so liberal!
Here's a decaffeinated Trump head!
It's loving!
It's liberal, though!
Because Trump is the devil!
And that's the reality.
Meanwhile, I'm like, hey, we got a tranny coming on later who's a libertarian.
They're like, banned!
You can't use that word.
I go, since when is it a bad word?
Trannies came up with it.
They go, Facebook decided last month.
And that's in the news where they're sending police now to radio stations to say it.
It's not even illegal.
It's not even an insult word.
There's the article.
College calls police on student who said tranny on radio.
I mean, what planet am I living on?
That's actually shocking to me because... That's their word!
And I'm not even against them!
But I am against people telling me I can't use a word.
It's like, they're like God.
It's like, I will decide what word you use.
Meanwhile, like you said, their constituents can't talk.
Did you see Millie's videos and your videos?
You were there.
What was it like?
You know, part of it's sad.
Tell people what happened this weekend.
Because you know that these people have really been brainwashed.
They've been physically poisoned with chemicals in the food and water.
And you saw Millie's video.
We'll play the highlight from this weekend here yesterday in Austin, Texas.
So we saw a man show up at the November 4th protest.
There he is.
There's the unicorn.
He became famous for showing up at the November 4th protest.
Well, now he brings out his friend in a chicken suit.
What the hell is that, Alex?
Who goes around in public wearing a chicken suit and a unicorn suit?
A grown man!
Well, it shows they're all part of, like, make-believe.
It's like they're three years old.
By the way, why can't the Advocate and all these other publications say tranny, but I've been told by Facebook in meetings we recorded a week and a half ago, we haven't released, you do not use it, period.
And then I have court cases in Canada where professors use it in debate.
They can't even say it in the court case, saying it's such an evil word.
These are just people training you to go, this word is the most evil thing on earth.
But I can use it, but you can't.
It's a new royalty.
So I guess you can't say homo either then?
Is that where this is going?
Or hetero?
That's how it started.
Anyways, I'm sorry.
Get back to the man in the chicken suit.
That's coming up after the break.
Well, this is what it comes down to.
I don't want to target mentally ill people.
That's not our goal here.
Our goal is to not find mentally ill people and to try to exploit them or anything.
What we're illustrating now, this is not... Everywhere we go, Clinton supporters, globalist supporters are literally like escapees from the lunatic asylum.
We don't create that reality.
We're just going and showing the world what's actually happening here.
I don't know what kind of person dresses up as a unicorn and brings out a battle axe and dresses up as a chicken.
What if they identify as a chicken?
Don't even say the word chicken now.
Now you might be on to something.
Now we can't be talking about the chicken man because we're being insensitive because he's identifying as a chicken.
Or a unicorn.
Well, don't say man or woman.
Or unicorn.
Whatever you want to be.
I don't know.
It's like you have the flu and you're hallucinating.
It's like, what?
Alex, think about it like this, though.
These same people that we're talking about, they believe in the quote-unquote science of climate change, right?
They believe in that quote-unquote science, but they don't believe in the science of genders.
How do you create an environment?
They are firing professors that go, I'm sorry, there are male and female chromosomes.
And they're like, you hate me!
You're evil!
You're horrible!
Science is real!
And you're like, I know it's real.
Dude, come on.
I mean, literally, it's crazy.
How do we get hijacked?
RuPaul, we can't use the T word anymore, so I'm saying granny.
Now you've got the most famous tranny there is, can't use it because they were told to.
Use whatever word you want.
This is tyranny.
Yeah, I don't know.
It is, it is.
It's like when you're on your iPhone and won't you type certain words.
Well, they won't directly come after the First Amendment legislatively because they know that that would fail.
So what they do is they bully you, they make you afraid of your free speech, they make you think about, oh, who might I offend, you know, before I say this.
And of course you want to think before you act, but it's not about, oh,
You know, I need to analyze everyone in this room.
We're calling the police.
We saw you at a Halloween party and somebody was dressed as a Native American.
I saw you make a joke about a tranny.
We probably just got censored off 30 stations because of me.
No, no, no.
The radio stations aren't mentally ill yet and they know it's not real and it's a fraud.
That was a college radio station.
They did it as a stunt to create the hype.
It is illegal.
They're just playing a game.
But I'm sure you... I mean... You know they're saying don't say mother or father.
On elementary entrance exams nationwide.
Next, that's the word you can't say.
They don't like to say Jesus Christ.
They say never say that in a prayer.
I love Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Instead of saying more, these are the new FCC banned words.
It's not about what's happening.
Red, white, and blue.
Ninth Circuit ruled three years ago you can't wear American flags in seven states.
Oh, the crew could look it up right now.
They're banning American flag apparel on college campuses, on high school campuses.
Pocket constitutions are banned.
Yeah, on Constitution Day.
You can't hand out a... And then people come in and they go, we have Play-Doh, come play, we have lemonade, and they go, I saw the Constitution!
They go, we're sorry!
This actually happens.
This actually happens though.
But that's what I'm saying.
So when we go to these events, these are the people we're actually seeing in the flesh.
You can actually see them in the flesh when we go to these events.
Now the good news is, there are fewer and far between
The more the events happen, so.
We've gone from 500 in Austin down to 16.
In New York it's gone from 20,000 down to a couple hundred.
Now the media, the local paper reported that thousands came out.
Oh, they were all there.
And they all just... And we're the majority here that stands against Trump.
All of them.
No, you're really not.
And then meanwhile they'd see our reporter, Billy Weaver, in front of her screaming.
Like, like zombies.
All you gotta do is show up, man, and you'll see.
That's it.
You just, you don't even have to say anything.
Let's come back.
Alright, stay there.
We've got highlights of the George Soros antifa demonstration.
And, and, and literally a gibbering lunatic, in my opinion.
That's what he sounds like, one.
I mean, all different, I thought he had like a voice changer under his thing.
He didn't.
Maybe he's a time traveler, got his brain swiped by aliens, but it's coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, getting serious though, Owen.
You were a famous guy for debating, going back two years.
Carl the Cuck, you know, other famous Aids-Crelix folks that even though I offered him $10,000 to come on the show, they wouldn't come on the show.
You went to his house, found out where he lived, he was scared.
And then now you've been in Austin a year.
You were describing what it's like for you to have these new friends.
You go out to have beers with a unicorn and an insane chicken.
I mean, you're thinking about joining Antifa and the Democrats right now.
It was a struggle for me.
And then I went down there yesterday.
I was already on the fence.
You know, Alex says these crazy things like Hillary's sick and then she falls over.
Trump's going to win.
The polls are fake.
And then he does.
But I was still on the fence.
And so I went to the event yesterday, kind of on the fence.
And then I saw some mentally deranged people banging pots and pans in the streets.
I saw my unicorn friend for the second time.
This time he added a battle rifle to his arsenal.
He has a battle axe and a battle rifle now, probably from a different dimension.
And then he also brought his chicken man friend.
But seriously... Oh, if you're a new listener, we have HD video of this.
We're not joking.
And we can go to the B-roll now.
But this is... I mean, Alex...
What do we do with these people?
I mean, that's the question.
How do you, how do you help these people?
Do we just kind of let them go?
Do we just kind of, you know what I'm saying?
And look, the printout is the Soros group, the same font from the November 4th deal.
This is all Soros.
He admits it!
I mean, it's like all Soros.
Like, this is what is 18 billion buys is people in chicken suits?
Well, you reported on Friday, Alex, Soros met with Nancy Pelosi, other members of the Democrat Party.
In California.
I think Soros may be on his last legs of life.
I mean literally like he might even be close to biting the dust.
So they bring him out to California.
They have this meeting.
He puts his 18 billion dollars in.
You can already kind of see Alex Soros taking over the old George Soros social movement.
Meeting with these politicians.
Suddenly a son who is a total moron.
Well, I just think, I think that this is really it, Alex.
This is really their final push.
That's what people don't realize.
Trump is our last stand and everything against Trump is their last stand.
It really is.
It's way beyond Trump or M4s or Soros, but we're the figureheads and that's what everything's shooting at.
I just can't believe we're in this position because they're coming after us.
I make jokes about it, but it's crazy.
Where else can you go that's going to report it like this?
No one else is telling you that we're literally in the battle for the future right now.
We're literally in the battle for America.
What happens in the next... And notice all of our verbiage they're now using, because it's true.
The enemy has adopted everything we do, but from their perspective.
And now they're coming after us.
Yeah, even like... Which is okay.
I asked for it.
I'm ready.
Remember when you used to use the phrase false flag, right?
You used that phrase over ten years ago.
Nobody ever heard of it.
Nobody knew what it was.
Now people use false flag almost every day.
No, it's true.
It's almost uncanny how...
We're running the tables against them, and that's why they go, whoa, this group has total credibility.
Everything they said is dialed in.
Because we were paying attention to them.
They would always have their internal documents that were somewhat public, and then their public BS.
We just went off their real operations.
They were so arrogant, Owen, they didn't hide it.
We only have credibility because we paid attention to what they were actually saying, and now we've been proven right, so they go, whoa, censor them, but that only creates a Streisand effect.
Well, we call it as we see it, based on our historical analysis, real-time analysis, and it sounds crazy at first, and then a couple weeks, couple months, couple years go by, and then it always ends up being right.
Every major globalist billionaire said, we're going to merge the machines, we're going to have a one-world religion, you're going to worship AI, if you do everything we say, we'll let you merge with it and live forever and fly off in giant spaceships.
And I went, that's Childhood's End written in the 60s by, you know, the top MI6 operative and, you know, all the rest of it, Arthur C. Clarke.
And I was like, I go, either they're, and I say in the film, I go, they're either crazy
Or they're jacked into something really bad, but I go, either way, they're nuts.
We've got to oppose it now, today.
Stack of news.
It was on Fox News during the break.
Google executives, world government, AI worship, banning other religions, the religion of machines is here.
They just invented it last week, Owen, did you hear?
No, they're rolling it out.
This is their response.
And they say, we will outlaw your religion.
What have you always said?
The Achilles heel of the globalist technocratic operation apparatus.
Is for the people to have knowledge.
If the general population knows what they're trying to build, knows what they're laying out, they will fight it.
That's what we've reached.
That's the point where we're at right now.
And it really can all be, I think, summarized with the Roy Moore campaign.
You look at Roy Moore.
I'm not here glorifying Roy Moore.
I'm not even involved in this election.
This is an Alabama deal.
Has nothing to do... There's no evidence.
But here's the thing.
So what are we seeing?
Roy Moore, this is a Senate seat that the Democrats need desperately.
They need that vote to impeach Trump.
They need that vote when all of these votes happen.
They are so desperate they cannot get a national victory.
So they're throwing the kitchen sink, they're throwing everything they can against Roy Moore, trying to get him to bow out and basically bully their way into that seat.
So now you're seeing the backlash.
Roy Moore saying, I'm not going to bow out.
People are standing up for them.
His wife is giving speeches.
So this is now the battle.
And the sad thing about it is, people are going to be bullied.
Whether he's perfect or not now, it's literally been set up as a vote litmus test on whether they win or we win.
And this is how they're going to plan on moving their political agenda forward.
Claim all of their enemies are sexual assaulting people, you know, bring up ladies from 40 years ago, 20 years ago, whatever it is, stories from 10 years ago, clips, tapes, anything, throw it all at the... Well a lot of it's been proven false, but then he admits, I got a promotion to date the 17 year old... Well that interview with Hannity, whoever advised him to do that, I mean, I'd fire them immediately.
That was terrible, that was bad for him.
Yeah, but you know, it's not illegal to...
He's kind of a creepy pervert.
But the point is, I'm not even defending it.
I'm just not going to watch them ignore Clinton and all the other stuff and make Roy Moore the devil.
That's all I'm saying.
We know it's being done politically.
We know they're exaggerating.
Wrong or right, though?
That's the point.
I mean, let's take a look back.
If you go back 40 years and you look at, say, a small town in central Illinois where a daughter is eight years old... No, no, it was literally mothers and fathers were shopping their daughters around to the guy that owned the car dealership.
I'm not saying that's good or bad.
I'm not saying we should continue to do that or not.
I'm just saying, look at the time... Well, people were more pragmatic back then.
They're like, do I want my daughter to be with some deadbeat that's her age at 20, pregnant, or do I want her to marry the rich guy?
Here's what I don't understand, Alex.
All the things that the liberals are fighting against right now, as far as gender norms are concerned, are still taught that way in college.
I took psychology.
All of the psychology classes that I took based on sexuality and gender
All said the same stuff.
Women like, they say resources.
Women like rich men.
Do I need a book to tell me that?
No, I'm not an idiot.
Of course a woman wants to be with a man that can sustain them, sustain a family, put them in a shelter, keep food in them and their children's mouth.
That's basic psychology.
So they still keep things.
By the way, now that women have gotten to men's positions in many cases and make a bunch of money, they find out a few years in they don't want the boy toy.
Uh, either they end up wanting somebody that's actually smart.
Oh, oh, exactly!
And so on the opposite spectrum, it's like, what do men look for?
They want a woman that looks like she's fertile.
They want a, you know, it's like, it's all of this basic human psychology stuff.
They're still teaching at the liberal universities.
Just like, just like male and female walruses do.
I don't think they're going to teach it much longer.
I'm serious.
The psychology classes I took on gender and sexuality, I bet they pull, they will pull them from the ranks and they'll start replacing it with women's studies.
By the way, that's more BS.
Rich men do not like slender women.
We don't.
It's not obese women.
So that's that.
I like a real woman.
I like a woman that smiles.
That's a big one for me.
You know.
That's the kind of stuff I'm into.
Me too.
I mean, so much of it is attitude.
Of course, I'm lucky my wife's not street legal.
Is she Russian?
It's just a good t-shirt.
It just means she's got so much horsepower under the hood.
You can't put that on a regular street.
Watch out.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone.
Okay, Alex Jones here with Owen Schroer.
He owes his own transmission.
Weekdays, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central already.
A lot of stations picking it up.
A bunch of stations picking up in the New Year.
A lot of stations signed year-long contracts.
Obviously, we don't do that.
InfoWars is now free to air.
I like GCN, but they're just a satellite provider for me for 18, 19 years.
One reason I thought about leaving GCN
It's just because, I want to just say, stations get all the commercials.
They'll fill them up on the internet with our stuff, but you should have them all.
That's what stations really need, the money to fund themselves, and they only get half the ads.
It's hard.
I want to just say, it's not about leaving GCN.
It's just like, I don't need the ads.
I want to help the local stations.
That's one of the things that goes in the calculus, but I'm still with GCN.
For now, we do our own syndication, our own feed right out of here.
We do our own affiliate relations, but I have GCN as a backup, and they're great guys.
Um, the people that own it and run it are nice folks.
Some of the other talk shows are like piss that I put them on the map and even exist.
Like on the House on the Hill, they're all mad that I even exist.
I'm like, well, let me just get away from you.
You can all fall apart together.
I mean, don't let me go swim in the North Atlantic in the middle of, you know, uh, December.
It's kind of like, uh, uh, what the kid's name, the ball kid's name's father, basically when the reporter says, oh, are you grateful that Trump released your son from 10 years in Chinese prison?
And he's like, eh, yeah, we're fine, whatever.
So Trump hit him back on Twitter.
It's kind of the same thing though.
Just no, you know, it's a lack of respect, I guess.
Well, I mean, it's beyond that.
It's just frustrating.
And I don't tell that story just now as a subscripted idea.
That's the just kind of stuff that goes on in my head.
Like, I just want our affiliates to have all the ads.
We'll do a few plugs live on air.
I want to help the stations.
Plus, we get them the ratings.
Plus, we're Americana.
We believe in our recovery.
We want the country to come back.
It's just insane how they're trying to implode the economy and betting against it.
It's sick.
When you built a marketplace, Alex, not only did you build this operation, you also built a marketplace.
A lot of the products that you put on Infowarsstore.com that were groundbreaking at the time, or considered even loony, probably some people probably made fun of you, now are becoming mainstream.
Now everybody wants to take these types of products.
Now everybody's trying to replicate what we do.
When we started promoting true atomic iodide from deep earth five years ago, it was nowhere.
Now it's in caps at Whole Foods and in CVS and it's the crap stuff.
Just look at DNA Force.
DNA Force is another example.
Dr. Group and you were working together to put DNA Force on the market.
It hits the market a year later.
Every major mainstream network, you're seeing ads to protect your telomeres.
That was a trend that you started.
Well, we could just see hundreds of studies and you're even allowed to say it about it.
I mean, it's not... But how dare you?
I mean, you know, I go out on the streets at a protest, everybody says, F Alex Jones, you know, he's the worst, you should leave Austin, so... That's nice to be... And which I don't want to name drop, I mean, I don't want to name drop, but literally, Travis County, I mean, my family,
Uh, no one's related to Colonel Travis because his line died out.
We raised Colonel Travis, the son of my mom's side.
My dad's side connected into the whole deal.
I'm not going to get into the whole Texas type deal, but literally it exists because my ancestors were willing to fight and die.
And then you're saying I should leave.
A bunch of crazed, not even Californians.
These are losers that went to California like locusts.
It imploded.
Now they're here, here telling me leave.
I just think it's sad.
There's so much judgment on these people.
You know, they want to
Leftists or liberals or anyone say they want to point the fingers at everybody sitting across the aisle from them and say racist bigot homophobe this how about you're a bunch of mentally deranged idiots well or how about you just hold judgment until you know something like they want to come up to me and they say all these things they accuse me of all these things like you don't even know that's the thing they're a bunch of dirty ugly stupid
Mentally deficient people, and I feel sorry for them, but like zombies, they want brains!
They see us and want to bring us down.
Here's some of the highlights or lowlights of what happened to you yesterday out there with our great Harrison Smith and Millie Weaver, when a literal man in a chicken suit grabs the mic, breaks it, bashes it, the police then chase.
Here's some of the highlights.
Today is the latest Refuse Fascism March, and this is specifically the Bring the Noise March.
Hashtag Bring the Noise.
Their Facebook marketing, their social media marketing, everything funded by George Soros here, and the Refuse Fascism website and everything.
Has the flyer.
It's bring the noise.
This nightmare must end.
The Trump-Pence regime must go.
Pots and pans.
Drums and marching bands.
Bring the noise.
That's all Trump funded.
Drums and marching bands.
It is now about 2.05 local time.
No one shows up.
So that's five minutes after this thing was supposed to kick off.
And I don't hear any noise.
I don't see any pots and pans.
I don't see any drum sets or anything like that.
That's a third world thing, beating up the pots.
Is there some paperwork for me?
Something I could read?
Got some paperwork?
No, no InfoWars.
What do you mean no InfoWars?
Isn't that fascist?
Is that not fascist?
Is that not fascist?
No InfoWars?
Hey, how you doing today, chicken?
Hey, hey!
Ho, ho!
You hear that voice?
Hey, Mr. Chicken, why don't you like Trump?
Please Alex, explain what you're seeing here.
I had this wrong thing with his mom and I really want to f**k that guy too.
Okay, so you're out here protesting Trump.
Let's have a real conversation.
Why don't you like Trump?
It's like the pro-abortion protest.
They go, we love Satan, we want to be dirty and bad.
We're scum!
They tell you, we're scum!
And we want to kill you!
And they're like, oh, okay.
Yeah, that's how they avoid the conversation.
They're very honest.
Now, I'm the worst, I want to kill you, I hate America.
Okay, will you leave me alone?
The chicken's about to attack.
Here we go, chicken man.
Why does InfoWars suck?
Wow, you just made that up.
You literally just made something up.
Grabs the mic, breaks it, and now there's no audio.
Now some people theorize that he was actually trying to hit me with the mic.
And that the sign that the lady was holding in between us actually saved me, essentially, from getting hit over the head with the mic.
And she's got a sign with an image of Trump with poop dripping out.
Like, she bought, like, fake turds or something at a store.
And then the chicken man takes off running.
Now you're chasing a guy in a chicken suit with the police.
I can't even do this.
He ripped it out, he smashed it on the ground.
I had a guy at CVS this morning.
He's buying some batteries.
He's like, I love that.
InfoWars is now covering live police chases.
Wow, all right.
So we're standing out at the foot of Capitol Hill here in Austin, Texas.
And maybe 10 people show up to protest Trump.
And I'm just, hey, this is public property.
This right here, this is probably damaged.
So here's the broken equipment, radio, microphone.
He broke an adapter and a microphone.
They always target free speech.
Well, they always try to grab Millie's microphone, too.
Guys, pause it right there.
I'm telling you, Alex, this is probably the weirdest thing.
And you can kind of see it in the video, but if you go back, everyone saw it.
The guy was actually running like a chicken, Alex.
He wasn't, like, running.
He was literally running, like, with his wings extended, like, flapping wings, running like a chicken.
I mean, how do you... Back it up 10 seconds.
Are you kidding me?
And then, well, listen.
I confirmed it with everyone else.
I was like, did you guys... Was he running like a chicken?
And then everyone saw it, like, yeah, he was running like a chicken.
Go ahead and roll it again.
Oh, God.
There he goes.
There he goes.
Turn it up, guys.
Give us audio.
Oh, that's right.
Yeah, the audio died out here.
He broke the microphone.
There he goes!
Yeah, he has his wings back.
Did you see that?
He's running like a chicken!
So there the police go.
And then, you know, but think about this, too.
Here, let it, let it, just let it run for a second here before we... But let me ask you this question.
What attracts so-called liberals?
What attracts mental patients?
Because this isn't funny.
These are serious mentally ill people.
Well, and I think it's obvious.
They kind of are, you know, kind of gravitating towards each other here because how many people would still stick around in a protest group after that when a chicken and a unicorn is like your leading outfit?
I mean, what?
You know, if I had a protest like that, I'd... And then no one could ever talk!
Here, here, here... Alright, yeah, here's where we're explaining the chicken, then.
And I'm just, hey, this is public property.
This right here, this is probably damaged.
So here's the broken equipment here, the microphone.
He was actually running like a chicken.
You saw it too, sir.
He was literally running like a chicken.
That guy saw it too.
That guy's like, he was.
He was like, he ran like a chicken.
You know, we laugh at mental illness, but it's not funny.
Oh my God.
At this point in time, I tried to talk to our unicorn friend here too.
It's unbelievable, Alex.
Ten of them showed up.
This is all over the internet too.
Literally chicken attacks reporters.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Alright, by the way, you just told me about a new Kathy Griffin.
That's that failed comedian from CNN that the severed head of Trump announced that she didn't apologize.
You said, look at this video.
We're going to play it in a moment.
I actually feel sorry for her.
You were showing me without audio.
I said, she looks like...
A mental patient or concentration camp victim.
It's like the demon spirit is like eating these people.
And then I was being told by Matt, he goes, no, we pulled it up.
The first thing she says is, I've lost my mind.
There's 70 percent.
It was 69.
Less illegals coming in.
We've got double the number of veterans getting visits.
We've got the stock market up $4 trillion.
We've got
1.6 million new jobs, we've got ISIS basically defeated, we've got optimism, we've got globalism in trouble, and you're acting like you're dying!
Well it looks like she's dying, based on the video, and actually the craziest thing about it is, she looks like somebody who literally has had dozens of plastic surgeries to make him or herself look like an alien, and the demon transsexual that read to the children at the Michelle Obama Library.
So I don't know if she's intentionally going for that look, but that's not what she looks like.
By the way, we're not saying transsexuals are demons, this is a transsexual dressed as a demon!
Yeah, she read to children at the Michelle Obama Library.
I mean, it's not like I'm just couching, like, oh, I'm not against you.
I really am not against some guy who thinks he's a woman or vice versa.
The thing is that it's like, then just don't go try to tell kids and do a pole dance for them when they're three years old.
If you're heterosexual, whatever, don't do pole dances to three-year-olds.
Leave kids alone and you can go do whatever you want, man.
Literally, yeah, there's the demon transsexual, to use the proper term.
Facebook has taught us, we didn't know it was bad, we'll do what they say.
If you want to put glitter on your Johnson and go around, just don't do it around children.
I was in Austin last weekend, not this weekend but last, a guy with glitter on his genitals with children, kissing them, but it's normal.
Notice though, no media attacked us.
All they did was not show what we were showing.
They just said, Jones claims transsexuals are naked with kids.
On video, in Austin.
That was wrong.
Even though he has the video.
They play these, but they didn't show in the articles.
The advocate, Jones claims transsexuals are after kids, again with no evidence.
And then they clip it together and never show the video I show.
I mean, here it is, look.
Can we roll that again?
There's a woman with a hijab.
Can we go to that camera?
Here you go.
Oh my gosh.
But that's not the pole dancing.
This is all halal, though.
It's pro-Islam, so it's okay.
Is that Dean Snyder from Twisted Sister?
I don't think so.
I wanna rock!
What are you gonna do with your life?
Oh my gosh, this is what we're dealing with.
And here's the deal, I'm a free spirit.
I'm not attacking any of these people.
This is, this is, give me a break.
There shouldn't be kids there.
Look, hey, and like, what?
All I'm saying is can you get attractive transsexuals to your events?
I mean, is that not too much to ask to?
I mean, you know, it's like if you went to a dancing show of women and they weighed 400 pounds on average, you'd say, damn, this Vegas show sucks.
Wait a second.
Why can't we get some good looking ones up here?
And they say that's, I just realized something.
Look at that giant fat one right there!
They're selling... James Snyder!
They're selling women's lingerie at this event.
What the hell is that?
I didn't know that.
Hold on, guys.
Rewind the tape here.
Oh, come on.
Don't show me that.
Look at this.
Here, pause right there.
Are they not... Are they selling women's lingerie?
Am I missing something here?
What is going on?
This sounds like hell to me.
You got a leprechaun in a pink outfit?
Alright Alex, what would you rather do?
Would you rather race a chicken man across the street or have a transsexual read to your children?
That's easier.
I'd rather chase a chicken across the street.
Why did the chicken run across the street?
Because it was bombed out of its brain on bath salts.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To refuse fascism.
It's not just tomorrow's news today, or next year's news today, or next decade's news today.
It's why did the chicken run the MC squared?
We are solving the mysteries of the universe!
People have been wondering why the chicken crossed the road forever, and we finally figured out to refuse fascism.
Here, let's finish your clip.
Here it is.
We'll get to Kathy Griffin.
The broken equipment here, the microphone.
He was actually running like a chicken.
You saw it too, sir.
He was literally running like a chicken.
They're just talking about refusing fascism.
There's the one with the pooping dogs.
She's going to come in here.
Okay, mentally ill people come up with some good art there.
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
It's interesting.
It's definitely interesting.
Here's the legendary unicorn, Alex.
I had to go face-to-face with the battle axe-wielding unicorn.
But she won't let you.
Nope, she had to get in the way.
She tries to shove a Trump with turds at you.
Look, look at this.
A pooping Trump.
And he's farting bluebirds.
By the way, if you're a radio listener, I'm not kidding.
I'm only reporting it.
Let's keep on going.
We'll follow him.
So I went away for a couple minutes and I returned with my bullhorn.
So would the unicorn talk to you?
No, no, no, no.
The unicorn took the tactics of the University of Texas professor.
I kind of want to date the unicorn.
Did you ask the unicorn out for me?
No, but I know you have a message for the chicken man when we finish this video.
You can address your message to the chicken man.
I don't know if the unicorn is interested in you though, Alex.
You might have a tough time getting interest out of that unicorn.
But the left says bestiality is okay.
That's true.
And, and, and pedophilia.
But what is it called if it's with a mythical creature?
That might be an entire- Could I rape a baby unicorn?
That's an entirely new realm of- Well, as long as it's liberal.
So here's, here's- but look, this is the end of their march right here.
So you can see how their numbers are almost to nothing here.
I think it's just wasting our time at this point.
I thought this was a serious vote.
You know, they're all white, the only black folks there with us.
Yeah, literally.
And they're friends.
That's good.
Yeah, Big Info Wars fans.
I've actually met the other one before.
I misunderstood.
I thought you said there were a couple black folks with the protesters.
They were with us.
No, no, no.
Oh, good, good.
Well, they came out.
I think they came out just to see the whole thing.
So they were just viewing it.
And I've met them before, so it was like... Well, you do not want to watch it.
It took me so long to realize the media is lying about Trump!
There it is.
All eight of them.
It took me so long to realize the people that fund these protests don't like America!
They don't want you to succeed!
Okay, so those reports are up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars right now.
And again, the enemy doesn't want you to see this because this is what's really happening.
God, Kathy Griffin looks like a vampire drank everything but like a half ounce of blood out of her.
Like Count Dracula sucked her dry as Anderson Cooper reportedly is a vampire.
He dropped by and like sucked his blood out.
That's called sarcasm.
I'm not saying that's real.
Like Snopes, Kathy Griffin wasn't sucked on by a vampire even though she is one.
Alex Jones claims Kathy Griffin sucked on by a vampire.
I looked at what they have, it's all like, it's stuff like that, like jokes we made.
Hey, but let's get serious.
Chicken Man, Aids Relics was offered 10 grand, wouldn't come, even though he was in Missouri.
You are being offered $10,000 to go for one week with me to Cancun.
That's right.
You're going to go too.
We're going to do live streaming from there.
Can I bring the unicorn?
I'll bring the unicorn as well.
I'm not kidding.
This is the ultimate reality TV.
But none of them will do it because they're all in such a cult.
I will pay for the unicorn.
That is the ultimate reality TV.
We're going to get a suite and stay in the same room.
I want H. Relix.
And I mean I want H. Relix.
I know you want him.
You've wanted him for over a year now.
I want him bad, okay?
I'm coming out of the closet.
I want H. Relix.
That's like a high-end... I want Carl the Cuck.
Can't be, please.
The Unicorn.
The Chicken Man.
I want the chicken with no mask in here.
I will drop charges.
Owen, you said you'd drop charges.
I'll drop... We'll drop the charges.
But he has to come in studio with the Chicken Man costume.
And he can face uncovered.
That's right.
But see, the problem is...
This is all they can get out there.
Oh, we're about to go to break.
We're about to end the show.
Here's Kathy Griffin, if you're a TV viewer, you're seeing the horror.
She looks like beyond a concentration camp victim, and I'm not joking when I say that.
I'm actually worried about her.
This is the mental illness we're talking about.
Without even looking for this, it's just the theme emerges just on its own.
Here it is, the mental illness.
Here it is.
I'm Kathy Griffin, and I'm doing what I call a State of the Union YouTube video.
So I hope you watch this on YouTube.
It'll probably be about five minutes.
What's the date?
It's Saturday, November 18th, 2017.
I kind of lose track because I'm on a world tour.
Alright, so what I want to address today is I'm getting a lot of online hate from trolls who think I've lost my mind.
And I'm admitting I lost my mind.
So it made me a star in the first place.
But I just want to be honest.
As far as what we're going to do... That kind of is telling, isn't it?
I'm going to be as extreme and crazy as possible to get attention.
That's basically what she just said.
Man, all I know is I don't want to take whatever they're on.
I don't want to be with these people.
You don't want to take meth, huh?
Let's go out with my family.
Let's get a porterhouse steak tonight.
I guess so.
We'll do that.
Only if I can invite the chicken man.
We won't eat chicken, though.
We won't eat chicken around the chicken man.
Just steak.
Great job to the crew.
See you tomorrow.
When David Knight kicks off at 8am, I'm at 11am.
We're at 3pm.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!