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Filename: 20170831_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 31, 2017
3233 lines.

Infowars reports on U.S nuclear-ready jets conducting drills near North Korea border, Germany's foreign minister calling for removal of U.S nukes from their country, Japan pushing for new UN sanctions against North Korea, ISIS and Al-Qaeda forces being defeated in final pockets, and South Asia's monsoon worsening in Mumbai. Alex Jones discusses criticism of Islam decreasing since Trump's election, with a shocking image displayed on Infowars.com dovetailing with CNN's reporting about Nazi banners and flags under water while stating "God is killing the Nazis of Texas". He argues that this is similar to how Soviets, communists, and fascists always label those who don't agree with them as enemies. The speaker then moves on to discuss how the left has been triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist. Various advertisements for products and services are played throughout the recording. Alex Jones talks about blocking of Drudge Report news feed due to its effective content that the other side doesn't like, criticizing mainstream media for one-sided coverage, and MSNBC calling Antifa fascist. He mentions how multiculturally people are attending pro-free speech rallies and Trump rallies, which scares globalists since they have been trying to brand the Tea Party as racist for a long time. Jones discusses President Trump condemning events in Charlottesville, Virginia, and how Hurricane Harvey proved America isn't racist because it brought people together. The issue of Antifa is discussed; their acts of violence are portrayed negatively by mainstream media now due to public backlash and negative coverage. The hosts express their frustration with how the media has portrayed events such as Hurricane Harvey and the protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. They discuss upcoming events, encourage millennials to get involved in the media to combat the narrative being pushed by mainstream outlets, talk about economy, banking system, market crash, GSI Exchange, My Patriot Supply, participating whole life insurance, free speech, and a united America based on merit rather than race or other factors. Alex Jones and his guest discuss regression in racial dialogue during Obama's presidency, the Islamification of Western society, and its impact on women. They also address the recent actions taken by Democrats admitting that Antifa is a violent terror group after trying to sell them as knights that are allowed to attack people. A supporter of President Trump wears a MAGA hat and goes out into the streets to "preach the word of Trump," explaining American values. The person speaks with Alex Jones, who praises Tommy Robinson for exposing the real Islamist threat in Europe. They discuss the increase in terrorist attacks in Europe, noting that this problem is only getting worse and wondering when Americans will realize what's happening. Tommy Robinson talks about his book reaching number one on Amazon and how it has become an international bestseller. He discusses the importance of standing up for freedom and truth and the challenges people face when they do so. Additionally, he mentions the need for courage in the face of adversity and encourages listeners to support each other while promoting a sale on various products available on his website, including Super Mel Vitality and Z-Shield meant to help detoxify the body and support overall health. Colonel Tony Shaffer speaks about North Korea, Afghanistan, the Deep State, and the Trump Administration in an interview with Alex Jones. He believes that public criticism of President Trump's agenda by staff members within the administration should reconsider their positions. Regarding North Korea, Shaffer sees Kim Jong- un as unhinged and a threat to international security but appreciates China's efforts in working closely with the US to address the situation. He also mentions that India has moved away from Pakistan and is now more focused on competing with China. In relation to President Trump's approach in Afghanistan, Shaffer criticizes previous attempts at nation-building and emphasizes stabilizing the region economically instead of changing centuries-old traditions."

We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
The United States has come out and publicly admitted that they did attack drills yesterday practicing dropping nuclear weapons on the DMZ.
That is the official
Headlines here.
The left, all over the place, is now publicly celebrating the death and destruction in Houston, saying, good, you're all white supremacist in Houston, even though it is the most diverse city, arguably, in the United States.
Even though it's a great example of people coming together, truly sickening.
Now even Nancy Pelosi came out and more strongly criticized the Antifa, and said they were equivalent to the Nazi groups.
And Joe Scarborough,
...has come out and said that Antifa is fascist.
It blew up in their face.
They are collapsing.
Trump's been proven right.
Here's a key report by John Bowne.
And so it goes.
When disaster occurs, criminals find an opportunity to ply their nefarious trade.
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo says he has arrested 14 looters since Sunday who faced five years to life for preying on the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
While online phishing scams robbed the charities intended for the victims, price gouging at gas stations and hotels has been rampant.
And worst of all, fake firefighters and fake
Homeland Security agents are committing acts of armed robbery on the vulnerable.
Meanwhile, arrogant wannabe mainstream media sycophants sell the American public on the blatant, untrue fantasy that our duly elected president has fumbled this major crisis.
You think the president's language missed the mark emotionally and tonally?
If you think the president was undignified, then you might also want to think about what the president was wearing.
That hat is for sale.
Tonight, the Washington Post puts it this way in its headline.
Even in visiting hurricane-ravaged Texas, Trump keeps the focus on himself.
And Politico wrote, it was a presidential trip to a deluge state where the president didn't meet a single storm victim, see an inch of rain, or get near a flooded street.
When it comes to the president's conduct, you know, Lawrence, I had the opportunity to travel with President Obama on numerous occasions, unfortunately.
Obama didn't even visit the hurricane last year.
But in reality, it's never been organized by a president better, according to all of the rescue services involved.
I gotta tell you, I give FEMA a grade of A+.
All the way from the president down.
I've spoken to the president several times, to his cabinet members, such as Secretary of Homeland Security.
Ladies and gentlemen, this just broke from the un-American enemy of the country, CNN.
They're saying Houston got hit because of global warming.
We've had record low hurricanes.
Houston's always been hit by hurricanes since the city's so built up now.
So the scale of any disaster is going to be bigger.
It is a record storm.
This is the voodoo they push.
Sachs says Texas Governor Greg Abbott needs to resign and that we should apologize for having Houston being an oil town.
All these liberals fly around in private jets and
But hey, we understand, mainstream media, that it's your job to act like a sniveling, spoiled child.
You have to get on your knees to keep your elitist-funded paychecks.
But y'all sitting here, y'all trying to interview people during their worst times.
Like, that's not the smartest thing to do.
Like, people are really breaking down and y'all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what the f*** is wrong with us.
I'm so sorry.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live and broadcasting worldwide on the 31st day of August 2017.
Now, the news obviously is all absolutely critical and incredibly important and very, very revealing as well.
The first big news, and then I'm going to go through all this in order, is U.S.
nuke-ready jets dropped bombs at Kim's doorstep in exercise.
This is being reported on across the board.
This is a direct warning to North Korea of preparations to bomb the DNC with nuclear weapons.
nuke-ready jets drop bombs near North Korea border after Donald Trump warned talking was not the answer.
Meanwhile Mattis responds to Trump, U.S.
never out of diplomatic solutions on North Korea.
If Korea war breaks out, Seoul will send special forces to assassinate Kim Jong-un, major South Korean papers are reporting.
Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister joins calls to withdraw U.S.
nukes from the country.
That's just some of the news on that front.
I will go into more detail.
Japan is pushing the U.S.
to propose new U.N.
sanctions on North Korea.
That's just some of the news on that front.
We've got final pockets of ISIS, Al-Qaeda forces being defeated.
We'll be breaking some of that down as well.
Meanwhile, the death toll from Mumbai over in Asia floods jumps to 14 as rain eases up with their own monsoon taking place in South Asia.
Some of the worst flooding in years in South Asia.
I wonder if Charlie Hebdo, the
French shock satire publication that got rocket-propelled grenade attacks.
They don't really criticize Islam now.
I wonder if they'll be making fun of the death toll in Mumbai.
Because they've come out.
It's up on Infowars.com, the shocking, disgusting image, but it dovetails with what CNN's been reporting, what leftist professors have been pushing.
The cover shows a bunch of Nazi banners and flags halfway under water with a bunch of arms sticking up Sheik Hailing with one leg sticking up indicating somebody's dead.
And it says there is a God.
God does exist.
Because God is killing the Nazis of Texas.
Even though Houston is arguably in the top three most diverse cities in the U.S.
Some demographics say the most diverse city in the United States.
Whites are a minority in Houston.
But see, it doesn't matter.
Because folks that I run into from France or even New York City sometimes, they think we ride horses to work and that Matt Dillon is alive and lives here along with John Wayne.
They actually say, where are your horses?
They don't know that we have cyclotrons and nuclear reactors and underground bases and...
Huge scientific facilities and genetic engineering operations.
They have no idea that Texas is jam-packed with more science and technology than any other state in the country.
They think we're like knuckle-draggers because that makes folks living in coffin apartments that don't even know how to skin a buck or run a trot line.
They don't know what a buck or a trot line is.
And then they can just say, oh look, the Nazis down there.
Because MSNBC and CNN and everybody have said that Texas
Is just a bunch of Nazis, because again, they voted for Trump.
Well, if you know you only had 65% turnout, and what, 53% or so voted for Trump.
So you're talking about 30% of the people in Texas voted for Trump.
It doesn't matter.
You all deserve to die.
That's what Soviets and communists and fascists, authoritarians always do.
They always come out.
And say, oh, somebody shot a commissar in the neighborhood, or somebody killed an SS officer.
We're going to kill a whole block of people to make you all pay.
Or somebody stole some food from the government commissary, so we're going to starve a whole block of people to death, and we're going to burn your houses down.
That's the same idea.
We don't like some Trump voters and so we're just going to say you're all Nazis and then just be glad you're dead and dying and flooded when in reality the left is triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist.
Before I get into the economy and another VA whistleblower being terminated, the Southern Poverty Law Center being caught with giant offshore bank accounts to run their black op operations,
We know they've been caught running the major white supremacist groups, actually commanding them, creating them, and we're talking about tens of millions of dollars that they found in the Pelican brief, basically.
Well, how do you think a multinational intelligence operation operates?
The Southern Poverty Law Center are not your average little sweet liberals, let me tell you.
They're hardcore.
And they mean business.
On their breath and on their hands.
Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice people.
You like that little bit of showmanship you saw in Virginia a few weeks ago?
Got their hands all over it.
Every one of the leaders just a year ago worked
The Deep State worked for Soros-funded groups.
And I said in the past we'd caught him, and the media spot it, and said that I was saying that that happened in Charlottesville on day one, while it was happening.
I said investigated, I didn't say it was for sure, and it turned out exactly what we said.
They even had State Department officials, high level, from the Obama administration on the ground with the first tweets, with the first interviews, all just there magically quarterbacking.
But it's blown up in their face spectacularly because this was to be the trigger for Antifa and their October Bolshevik 2.0
And it blew up in their face because there's now independent new media and the massive censorship they've launched the last few months still couldn't stop you the listeners and the activists and the patriots of every red-blooded race of man that is one race under God.
To go out and show the antifa spitting on women, beating up prayer vigils, pulling down American flags, beating up women in Boston, beating up people for no reason in Berkeley, San Francisco.
Hundreds and hundreds of videos every day coming out.
Millions of views per video.
Absolutely incredible.
Unfolding on a humongous scale.
And now, Nancy Pelosi comes out on Tuesday and says, okay, Antifa is like a gang, they did some bad things, violence is bad.
The police said we should list it as a gang.
Then yesterday she comes out and the Washington Post has the headline quoting her and says, Antifa is equivalent to Nazis.
And then Scarborough this morning, distancing themselves fast on the morning job,
Says they are fascist.
Their flag is red and black.
It actually goes back to Germany and a fascist movement.
You cannot make this stuff up.
D'Souza's written a book about it, The Big Lie.
The modern left actually comes out of the fascist movement in Italy and Germany.
The Nazis were national socialists.
They divided Poland with Uncle Joe Stalin.
Then they double-crossed each other.
It's incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
Everything they say they are, they're the opposite.
Their anti-fascist flag is the fascist flag.
Look at that flag!
Does the anti-flag remind you of anything?
It's a literal early Nazi flag, before they adopt the swastika.
You cannot make this up!
But a Nazi, a former Nazi collaborator, runs and funds them.
So this is a big deal, ladies and gentlemen, that it's totally blown up in their face.
The left is triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist.
Now here's the giant announcement that I probably should have started the show with.
But I don't know.
simulating dropping nuke bombs on the DMZ and openly saying that they're preparing to nuke if Kim Jong-un fires any more missiles directly at countries is the big news.
The U.S.
Linda Sarsour and the left have been caught everywhere collecting money saying it's for hurricane victims and it's going directly to super PACs that have zero to do with it and admit that it's, quote, to turn Texas blue.
The Women's March group that she ran that got $287 million last year alone from George Soros, that ran the marches trying to block folks getting in to hear Trump's inauguration,
And then it's worse.
She is raising millions of dollars saying it's for the hurricane and not one red stinkin' cent's going to it.
They have a name for that.
And it gets worse!
The Women's March came out and said, whatever you do, don't give it to any organization that white people get money from.
I mean, they are the most flagrant
Race-baiting scum of the earth!
And let me tell you, this isn't white virtue signaling for me to say this.
It's mainly weirdo professors and white people running this.
But she is an islamicist, radical, jihad dirtbag with family in prison in Israel.
She supports genital mutilation and everything else.
And they tell pro-life women, don't march in our marches.
But under Islam, they'll execute you for abortion.
One of the only good things in Islam.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
More straight ahead.
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Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
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Everybody knows the good guys lost.
And everybody knows the late great Leonard Cohen bringing us in.
Alright, we are back live.
I don't want to sit here and just win points against the Democrats and the Liberals attacking them for all the horrible things they're doing.
It truly sickens me
That they are just totally immoral, beyond Matthew Valiant, and are the most nasty, horrible, backstabbing, opportunistic, stupid people the world's ever seen.
You have Linda Sarsour publicly telling everybody, give my Women's March money, give our organization's money, and putting on a list of groups saying, for hurricane aid,
I don't
community organizer groups and then it gets worse her women's march group that she's organized and that she's created with George Soros that won't let pro-life women march with it but supports radical Islam and she goes and raises money for Hamas groups on record
We're having congressional investigations about it.
The Women's March group then says, whatever you do, here's a list of charities that aren't really charities, for the relief, don't give money to anybody that supports white people or that are going to help white people.
This is the most horrible, evil stuff put out on the official Women's March Twitter!
Paul Watson's got links to it in his powerful article that's at Infowars.com right now.
The left is triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist.
And then going through the article, it is incredible images of black people saving white people, and white people saving black people, and brown people saving brown people.
And Hispanics saving white people, and white people saving Hispanics, all just people!
And this is what our crew has been videotaping, and what our crew has been showing, but we've got this dignity where we haven't even shown you the groups of racist blacks looting, saying go rob the white neighborhoods.
We haven't even gotten into that because we want to show the unity that's happening that's 99% of what's unfolding.
But it is racist black groups that are doing most of the looting because the media has told them it's okay.
But then it's black cops, off-duty cops out there stopping the black looters.
And that footage is up on Infowars.com.
So it is truly sick to see the left saying,
Don't give whites support in a hurricane.
Whites deserve to die.
And professors saying this happened because of karma, because of God.
And Charlie Hebdo saying, thank God Houston's been flooded.
They're a bunch of Nazis.
God exists.
When depending on the demographics you see,
Houston's 45% white, and that's not counting the millions of illegals that they admit are in the city who aren't on the census.
Whites are probably, a lot of demographic charts show, 30% of Houston.
So imagine the mindset.
It's like in the historical film Braveheart.
Longshanks, the tyrant king, says fire the archers into the general battle, and they say, sire, it'll kill some of our own people, and he says, it'll get theirs as well?
Imagine that mindset!
Texas is all white, all whites are Nazis, that mindless equation.
And so, I hope they all die, because they're all Nazis, when you don't even know that Houston is less than 40% white.
Imagine the... But again, this shows the evil mindset of these people, but it's finally blowing up in their face.
When we come back, we're going to play these clips, where they're having to admit
Nancy Pelosi, Scarborough, the San Francisco Police, that okay, Antifa is a dangerous, hateful gang, because they even attack their own scum.
They're a frothing group of like piranhas meet pit bulls, meet gunpowder, meet PCP, meet Jeffrey Dahmer, and you mix it all together and dump it out as a big steaming pile of venomous vomit.
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Waging war on corruption, crashing with lies and disinformation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Infamous enemy of pedophiles, globalists, radical jihadists, and everybody pushing parasitic world government.
I am public enemy number one, and I am ready for war!
Think about it, folks.
We're gonna rock them like a hurricane.
This hurricane is rocking the leftists to their core.
It hit the wrong state.
And now they see the real unity and the real strength of Texas.
And now the unity is driving the globalists like vampires at high noon back into their rat holes.
Storm breaks loose!
He's licking his lips.
He's ready to win.
How do you like it, Globalist?
As you know, this isn't an act.
You know we're winning.
We're licking our lips, losers.
Globalists know they're losers of old.
That's why they seek power.
They're falling.
And only when they attack us, only when we're down, does the sleeping giant awaken.
And the enemy runs.
Runs for the hills.
Some would say, why are you playing a song like Rocky Like a Hurricane?
Because the hurricane has awakened the sleeping giant.
And no weapon formed against it shall prosper.
And out of the ashes of the sea rises the phoenix again.
And it's always darkest before the dawn.
Yeah, I'd say it's God.
I'd say it's Carla.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, as their fake polls showing Trump at 50% really show him at 65 to 70.
And they go into complete panic mode, not knowing what to do, as everyone turns against them.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us as we rage forward with the truth and engage the globalists at point-blank range.
He's licking his lips.
He's ready to win.
You're gonna get so sick of winning and winning and winning and winning.
It's not some fake Oprah Winfrey secret winning.
It's not some magical thinking where you get the whole universe for nothing.
It's the real magic of the animating contest.
Finding yourself in the struggle and out of that transcending.
So this song from the great German band the Scorpions is to everybody in the ATX, everybody in Houston, everybody supporting the great people down there, and the overflowing love and unity that is absolutely devastating the globalists and sending them into complete panic mode.
The left is triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist.
And you've got to go see the images and the videos at Infowars.com, at Newswars.com, at PrisonPlanet.com, and please get this article, print it off, hand it out, email it to everybody you know, post it on Facebook, Twitter, show it to your church, celebrate it, because it's incredible!
And we've got so much footage, the Zimmerman's already uploaded more, of just these big trucks going in there, private citizens had.
Most of it led by former military people just spontaneously doing it and saving men, women, and children en masse.
And Paul Watson tweeted out, this is America, a white guy saving a Hispanic lady, not this, a bunch of stupid Nazis and a bunch of moron, idiot, Antifa ding-dongs.
Oh, and guess what?
Twitter and Facebook have been trying to block lots of this.
I tried to go to Drudge Report's Twitter this morning.
And I noticed that almost all of them said, just like they did with Eric Trump a few weeks ago, they said, oh, this is flagged.
You need to click here and, you know, agree that this might not be proper for you to see.
And it was a NASA link about an asteroid, largest asteroid in a century, to whiz by September 1st.
Man, a lot of crazy stuff's been going on lately.
Eclipses and volcanoes and earthquakes.
The Pacific Rim's the hottest ever recorded.
A lot of stuff going on.
And then I went to his Twitter, and almost all of his tweets are blocked.
So I thought, well, let me just get off my phone.
Maybe it's just a problem.
I went to my personal computer.
It did the same thing.
So I called my dad, and I said, do you see this?
Same thing.
Because they also geolocate to only certain areas.
I called Paul Watson.
He can see Drudge's tweets.
So it's not settings in our phones.
They're blocking most of Drudge's tweets.
You say, well then why are you on Twitter?
Real Alex Jones.
Why do you?
Because we've got to be on every big platform.
They want us off the platforms because we're winning the information war on those platforms.
Because they don't want us on those fields.
We need to be there now more than ever.
But again, I cannot describe to you how big a victory it is right now.
Guys, I had my video list and I can't find it now.
Somebody bring me another one.
Thank you.
I cannot describe to you
How important what's happened is, with Nancy Pelosi and the Sheriff's Department and all these groups coming out and saying, okay, in the morning show, saying Antifa is a bad organization, equivalent to fascist or Nazis, because they are, and there's not many white supremacists.
They're equivalent to that as well, but they're like finding a four leaf clover that's unlucky, or a unicorn.
Ain't a lot of them around.
Just a tiny amount, but let me tell you something.
There are a lot of antifa, like roaches, running around.
And they're very fascist and very, very hateful.
Let me go ahead and put that article back up on screen for radio listeners.
I want to read this out to folks.
Paul Watson got the article out.
Twitter caught.
Censoring Drudge Report.
Again, tweet about Charlie Hebdo.
Cover marked sensitive.
Update, Ebdo portrays victims as Neo-Nazis.
And they said, oh, the following media may contain sensitive material.
But that's, that's the only one Paul could see for himself.
I have the screenshots on my PC and my phone.
60% or more of his tweets were blocked, including this one.
Largest asteroid in a century to whiz by September 1st.
Let me pull it up on my phone.
Because I screenshotted it.
And sent it to Paul.
Yeah, here's the one they... Here's the one they blocked.
Screenshot, please.
Folks, give me a document cam shot.
I'm going to show people.
Physics.org is evil with an actual NASA announcement.
Largest asteroid in a century.
Coerced by Earth.
You have to click it because this may be sensitive media.
Then it gives you a message.
You've got to go through it.
And it was... Most of the tweets...
Way more than half, when I went to the Drudge Report news feed, it said this is sensitive material and is blocked.
So, that's what's going on, that's what's happening, it's ridiculous.
Drudge isn't being blocked because he's an evil bad person, he's being blocked because he's effective, because they don't like him, and because they like to shut down his website.
And they've been shutting down a lot of mainline conservative sites.
PayPal's been kicking mainline sites off.
And again, I'm not going to have this argument where we go, we're not Nazis, don't take us down.
You've got to leave the new Black Panther Party up and Mecha and La Raza and the Aryan Nations, even though you disagree with them and I disagree with them.
You've got to leave them up because it's called free speech.
Now Berkley's saying just no conservative groups are ever allowed to do anything.
We're just going to ban them, period, because of the problems they cause.
No, it's Antifa coming out attacking to where Ann Coulter has to cancel her speech, or people get half beaten to death trying to go hear Milo, a gay Jewish guy, talk about free speech.
Milo's not even conservative.
He just doesn't hate conservatives, and he's smart and funny, and he's a good-looking guy.
That's why they don't like him.
That's why they don't like Paul Watson.
It's why they don't like Drudge.
Because they're effective.
They're effective.
That's why.
Because they're smart, and they're funny, and they know how to turn a phrase, and they're up 24 hours a day working.
They don't like it because we're kicking their booties.
Up one side of the street and down the other with actual facts and actual information.
Let's just go to James Woods' Twitter while I'm getting to this other story.
I want to show you his Twitter.
I mean, I wish I could manage my Twitter good and actually do the smart things they do, but I kind of shoot my water on air and have to manage this whole operation.
But you just look at Paul or look at James Woods and just the wit and the intelligence and the funniness of all of it and how smart conservatives and libertarians are.
Compared to the so-called left, and that's why the left is always talking about how smart they are and how many worthless degrees they've got, is because they know their constituents are the dumbest of the dumb, or they're parasites feeding on the dumbest of the dumb.
But the videos of Antifab beating up veterans in wheelchairs, and the videos of Antifab spitting on people, and the videos of Antifab chasing down prayer vigil folks and beating them up when they don't even defend themselves, on and on and on and on.
And black activists just going out to cover things, if it turns out they're pro-free speech, they get beat up.
They get physically attacked.
Again, white guys that have shaved heads.
Hey, sorry my hair fell out.
Sorry everybody else can have his hair cut.
As they sit there literally like a Christ figure being hissed at and spit on and punched.
And now that leads us to this next point.
MSNBC just said Antifa are fascist morning Joe.
They are now saying what Trump said in the first speech.
White supremacists are terrible.
It's horrible.
The other group is horrible too, coming with bats and things attacking people.
This is...
Absolutely disgusting.
We need to investigate what was behind this.
Oh no, don't investigate how the big globalist organizations have their fingerprints all over it.
But see, now after three weeks of them hammering this and hammering this like it's the end of the world and projecting it onto all conservatives, all libertarians or white supremacists, your own little babies are emboldened and go out and attack people from Boston,
To Dallas, to San Francisco, to Chicago, to Austin, and are the nastiest, most hateful people ever, and they know they've got internal polling, then they've got their fake polls, showing Trump's unpopular is totally untrue.
And they know internally they've lost, the word is, 15 points in the last three weeks.
This blew up in their face royale.
Having all the fake CEOs turn against Trump, and all the fake peer pressure, and all the garbage, just like in the campaign.
No one bought it.
But those that already bought it, they get more hysterical, and then more violent.
All you've got is weak-minded, brain-damaged, very sad losers, Looney Tunes, and their handlers, and a bunch of shysters, like Linda Saucer, caught trying to get her hands on millions of dollars of flood aid.
And zero of it goes to flood aid.
I mean, you know, boy, scum of the earth.
But, oh, her women's group goes further.
Don't give it to any group that helps white people.
Wow, you talk about racist!
The scumbag KKK wouldn't put out a tweet saying, make sure no flood aid goes to black people.
You're sicker than anybody I've ever heard of in modern times.
All the professors, the liberals, celebrating Texas flooded.
Hope all the rednecks die.
It's God's vengeance.
And that is blowing up in your face.
Charlie Hebdo, the liberal sniveling group.
I don't think they should be bombed or shot by the Islamicists.
But when they point out, you know, that Mohammed did this or that, that stuff's true.
This isn't even true.
This is, oh, a bunch of Nazis got flooded in Houston.
This will show them, when in truth, the hurricane brought everybody together and showed the love of America and blew up in your face royale.
So MSNBC just said Antifa are fascists.
Here it is.
Nick, this is an ongoing problem.
Ongoing problem in Berkeley especially.
Where members of the far left are using violence to shut down free speech and there to shut down demonstrators.
This is new.
This is not just scuffles between rabble protesters.
This is shutting down someone else's speeches with a violent assault.
You saw the guy in the red shirt there appeared to be trying to help the guy on the ground.
I think he was a different protester.
But it's revolting.
Might have been a reporter.
Or maybe it was a different protester.
I don't know.
But, you know, also, you know, the police, I mean, when the police see these guys coming in with with masks, they need to do, I think they did it in Auburn, Alabama, maybe four or five months ago.
Take your mask off.
Take your mask off.
You know, we should probably play the clip in all four press conferences where he, in the tweets and in the speeches, always disparaged racism by any sides, pointed out two sides were fighting with each other, and they called that not repudiating Nazis.
No, that's repudiating violent, stupid, moronic groups, and if you haven't been around Antifa, you haven't experienced anti-white racism.
F you white males, go to hell, you'll soon all be dead.
Whites are inherently evil, and then you look at them and you go, wait a minute,
My reporters have done this.
They look at him and they say, wait a minute.
Wait just a minute.
Hold on.
Something doesn't make sense here.
Almost all of you are white.
And that's what's crazy.
I'm going to skip this break.
Thank you.
It's just, they're so intellectually bankrupt, there's no logic, it's all ridiculous, and they keep trying to force-feed their insanity through the MSM bubble chamber, echo chamber, and they keep just hammering everybody and trying to bully everyone, and all it's doing is causing people to dig their heels in.
And I'm seeing record numbers of black folks, Hispanics, you name it, out at pro-free speech rallies, out at Trump rallies, and that's what scares the globalists, because they've been trying to brand the Tea Party as racist forever, and it's not working now.
And so if multiculturally people become libertarians, and we take over the Republican Party,
Which has been its roots all along anyways.
And it comes back to where it began.
We can take the country back and then reform the Democratic Party.
Once we've defeated this radical, race-baiting, global, social engineering, divide and conquer, great game.
System, we can truly turn not just America but the world around.
Globalists hijacked America and have used our power to finance and bully and militarily impose their globalist will.
We could turn the whole planet around if we retake America and the globalists in their own white papers.
Not for public consumption, but they're public.
Admit that!
They're on the rocks.
They're on the ropes.
They're on their last legs.
And that's why they have quadrupled, quintupled down.
Because they have nothing left but to fight for their political lives.
And that's what you're seeing as a giant con game in everybody's face.
Here's another clip.
Berkley Mayor, we should classify Antifa as a gang.
Now this is three days ago.
This is on Monday.
Three and a half days ago.
Now Pelosi's being quoted in the Washington Post as saying, yes, they're equivalent with Nazis.
I've got the headlines right here.
This is a spectacular repudiation, a spectacular
Defeat of everything they had for almost three weeks, throwing it at Trump supporters, throwing it at the American flag, throwing it at Thomas Jefferson, throwing it at George Washington, throwing it at free market, throwing it at capitalism, throwing it at private property, throwing it at unity.
They're trying to divide us and they got their poll numbers in and you can see it.
They are crapping their britches.
I saw three days ago there were headlines that Democrats were meeting privately all over the country and in Congress about their strategies and saying it wasn't working with this race narrative.
Yes, it's not working.
You are failures.
You've only gotten the stupidest people on the earth and weirdo meth-head kids whose parents were probably in the KKK
So they feel guilty, now just flipping to a new racial narrative, running around trying to virtue signal and white knight and white ally your way, leading a bunch of foolish minorities behind you, running around saying we're gonna go beat up Nazis.
And it doesn't work.
By the way, I see the couple black guys that, you know, follow, you know, the Trump campaign around that the media keeps pointing out are token black folks.
And I get it.
They got a vet with the Secret Service who gets in, who's back there.
A lot of it's the same crowds going around with Trump everywhere.
That's a security issue.
But I mean, if Trump wants to come out or has people come out in a crowd in Austin or anywhere else, there are amazing, amazing black people in every town that support Trump that should be there.
So they can't just single out one guy or two guys and say, look, there's no black people there.
Because, again, this is a psyop by the enemy.
They've done everything they can to tell black folks, Hispanics and others, you're not welcome at a Trump event.
Go to a Trump event!
You're going to get spit at and attacked for going in, even if you're not wearing a Trump shirt, by the white, crazy people on the outside that do not want you to get in and have people hug on you and love on you and appreciate you and want to have unity in this country and want to defeat socialism and anti-Christ garbage.
But here is the Berkley Mayor.
We should classify Antifa as a gang.
I think we should classify them as a gang.
You know, they come dressed in uniforms, they have weapons, they're almost a militia.
I think we need to think about that in terms of our law enforcement approach.
Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin says that he does not support the far right, but that it was time to draw a line on the left as well.
Especially with the black bloc anarchists who showed up in force and took over both the protest and the park, and played a part in yesterday's violent clashes.
I think we're going to have to think big picture about what's the strategy of how we're going to deal with these violent elements on the left as well.
The mayor said it was also time for non-violent protesters to take a stand as well.
We also need to hold accountable and encourage people not to associate.
Alright, let's stop right there.
That is total spin.
Antifa are the people that start the fights.
Everybody's seen the live videos.
Everybody's seen the streams.
They're there to make sure a fight gets going because they're scared to death, like you see on the videos, of a black guy walking over to somebody wearing an American flag, asking him, are you a Nazi?
And the person says, of course not.
And five minutes later, they got their arms around each other.
That's what the globalists
Do not want.
But Trump should do a victory lap right now and should tweet and should give a speech and say, I'm very glad Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have recognized that Antifa is violent and bad and federal law enforcement is here to help you when they commit crimes.
Go after them and also if white supremacists or Nazis commit crimes, we're not going to tolerate criminal activity against somebody's civil rights or God-given rights based on race, ethnicity, or sexual preference.
Because that's all he's ever been saying!
In fact, a lot of the more hardcore right-wing Christians are going, wait a minute, you got awards from gay groups 20, 30 years ago.
Wait a minute, you gotta, you know, they're saying, wait, wait, wait.
And Trump's like, I've always been like that.
He's always been a populist.
He's always been inclusive.
It's been their lies and cherry-picking what he said.
We may disagree with each other about gay marriage or this or that.
But here's the deal.
The issue is we have to defeat Soros and the globalists, the people that want to sabotage the economy, and folks that want to sexualize our children, and people that want to start a race war.
Here is the president from three weeks ago saying what the mayor of San Francisco is now saying.
But we're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.
On many sides.
It's been going on for a long time in our country.
Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama.
It's been going on for a long, long time.
It is no place in America.
What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives.
No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society.
And we should come back and probably play more of it than, of course, the tweets you put out earlier saying racism's horrible.
The media has failed spectacularly.
It's blown up in their face.
This is a great day.
It's bad for folks in Houston, but the tragedy has been turned to good because people came together and it is just destroying their narrative.
The article is on newswars.com.
The left is triggered by Hurricane Harvey because it proves America isn't racist.
I'm going to retweet that during the break at Real Alex Jones, and I'm asking all of you to retweet it if you're on Twitter, to post it on Facebook, to send it to the local talk show host, whatever.
This is the truth, not a narrative, the truth.
In fact, that'll be our slogan.
Our talking points are the truth.
Our narrative is the truth.
And we are public enemy number one by the globalists because we really do want to unify people and we're explaining to folks how the globalists run their scams.
I'm going to end this on Monday because we're not getting more Super Metal Vitality, our top-selling product, until October at least, unfortunately, because it is a long process.
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As most of
I think?
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average fan with an average life.
I work from nine to five.
Hey, hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home.
The truth is, none of you are average.
We're all living incredible lives.
We're alive on this planet.
Made by the creator of the universe.
Look at the technology we've developed and we're like babies.
Not even crawling yet.
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard what the creator has in store for us.
And I humbly submit to God's will to take action.
We're gonna be joined coming up
By R.C.
Maxwell, another awesome patriot, Trump supporter, Infowarrior, who went out and got attacked by Antifa, got sucker-punched, and more.
And then, the Antifa alt-left rat went on Twitter and bragged about it.
Man arrested for allegedly punching black Trump supporter, then boasting on Twitter.
It's very Gandhi-esque.
It's very Martin Luther King, how the Patriots, look at this thug, how the Patriots let these thugs punch them because then it just shows what thugs they are and then they end up getting in trouble.
But that guy was a pretty big guy that came over and punched this guy and it looks like R.C.
is a pretty big guy too.
I don't know if I'm going to let some big gorilla-like guy punch me.
And that guy's got some big forearms, big arms, looks like a pretty nasty guy.
You can get killed, you know, getting knocked to the ground like that.
These folks are better than I am.
I don't know.
Some big old gorilla comes over and tries to punch me.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna punch him right in the throat.
Look at that thug.
Gosh, I did it because he would, would stop talking about Trump when all of us told him to.
And said, please arrest me.
Well, he did get arrested.
Look at that stupid thug.
He's like, listen, stop talking about Trump.
This isn't America.
You don't have free speech.
I'm going to come over and knock you upside your head.
I got kids to go home to.
You know what?
So I'm not going to turn the other cheek.
I let him throw coffee on me and try to punch me and stuff in Seattle.
You know, that was stupid.
Next time somebody makes a move to hurt me, I'm going to put them down with my fist.
So, fair warning.
Next person takes a swing or tries to hit me, I'm just letting the dogs off the chain.
I'm done.
You want to get put down, I'm going to put you down.
I don't care if you're a goblin or... You gotta feel sorry for... I don't know what it is.
I kind of bowed up to a bigger guy that told me to F off, because it's that psychology when they're bigger than you.
There's something about people littler than you.
You don't want to attack them, but then they throw... It wasn't scalding, but you could tell it was scalding a few minutes before.
He poured hot coffee on my face.
It cooled down some in the air, but it burned.
And it's just the entitlement.
They're like turds that think they're royal.
And then want us to bow down to him, so... We've got to put together a video.
That shows three weeks ago, two weeks ago, a week ago, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, saying Antifa's good when it's time to riot.
It's good to go out and attack the alt-right.
They deserve it.
They're all Nazis.
All Trump supporters are really Nazis.
Those are headlines.
Those are video clips.
And then their people went out and started beating the daylights out of multiracial loving crowds and prayer vigils.
And spitting on people en masse in disgusting exercises of thuggery.
And now the morning Joe, Nancy Pelosi, the mayor of San Francisco, they all have to admit that Antifa are equivalent to Nazis and are thugs and are horrible.
So Donald Trump, who said, bat on both sides, decry all the bigotry, all the hate, he was correct!
He was correct!
And now you've got the globalists trying to abort Antifa that Soros and the foundations have been nurturing and suckling at their little fetid breasts for 20 years.
And now they're flushing the big meth head turd.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We have had incredible victories for truth, and for justice, and for what Martin Luther King called for, true unity for our children to live together in peace into the future.
In his I Have a Dream speech that we played again just last week,
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Globalists, the Democratic Party, George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, they have been fomenting Antifa, giving them hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Women's March, Linda Sorcerer has been caught getting donations, claiming it was for the hurricane relief, but it's really for her Islamic radical groups.
She got caught, and other groups got caught in her Women's March officially on their Twitter saying, don't give any money to any charity groups that give it to any white people.
I mean, you talk about the most hardcore discrimination that is illegal to say, you know, these charities can't be given to any group that's inclusive.
Where's PayPal on getting rid of her account?
She's got family in prison for Islamic terror in Israel.
She wants the overthrow of this country.
She says she wants jihad against the president.
So that's okay.
But now, Nancy Pelosi, The Washington Post,
They're all jettisoning Antifa overboard because of the videos from Boston to San Francisco.
The Morning Joe.
to Dallas, Texas, are of them beating up men, women, children, black Trump supporters, white Trump supporters, everybody's got red blood, beating up prayer vigil people, spitting on them over and over again, chasing them down, continuing to beat them on and on and on and on.
And that footage that we'll be rolling in the background some while our guest is on,
Is the truth.
It's what happened.
You don't see any of the so-called alt-right, who's now being called Nazis by the media, at this prayer group, attacking back.
Which is incredible, because quite frankly, I just can't be hitting the head with a club.
Or have some big guy walk up and throw full power punch into my jaw.
I just instinctively can't do it.
Now, R.C.
Maxwell is a lot more Gandhi or Martin Luther King than I am, or a lot more Christ-like, because I just can't take it.
I was going to let that guy throw coffee on me in Seattle, but you notice I just moved mainly out of the way, so it just hit the front of my face and my shoulder instead of right directly into my face.
I don't know how these guys do it, but he walks right up to R.C.
Maxwell, who is an American Political Action Committee National Director.
He is a Republican strategist known for using new media, online solutions, and grassroots organization as tactics to
Turn districts red.
Most recently Maxwell worked for Trump's team, Oregon, and then assumed control of Trump's super PAC called America's Voice, americasvoicepac.org.
He's got a lot of courage.
So we're going to set this up for you, let you know where it happened directly from him.
But here's the Breitbart article.
Man arrested after allegedly punching black Trump supporter, then boasting about it on Twitter.
And they sat on here because he wouldn't shut up at a demonstration.
Because he wouldn't shut his mouth.
Because he wouldn't sit at the back of the bus.
Because he wouldn't let them intimidate him off of the street.
There he is with Mike Cernovich.
You can follow him at Black Hannity.
Right there.
Absolutely amazing.
A Trump supporter was sucker punched by a counter protester.
Why isn't this a hate crime?
Ask the Washington Post.
So, the Washington Post, CNN have all gone from three weeks ago, a week ago, saying Antifa is good, when violence is good for peace, you know, when violence is needed, promoting Antifa.
In fact, I have a bunch of colleges, professors out today saying they're good.
But they're starting to throw them overboard.
Because it hasn't sold.
They tried to sell these horrible, hateful people to throw feces and urine on folks.
The nastiest people you can imagine.
They even beat up people at other Democrat demonstrations.
They take over everything.
They attack the police.
They're just frothing crazy people.
They're like Reavers or something from that... What was that science fiction movie that came out years ago?
It was only a one-off.
The point is, is that they're like road warrior crazies or something.
You know, just attacking anybody they see.
They're like meth head, PCP, piranhas meet pit bulls, meet a bucket of methamphetamine, meet an insane asylum.
And you have to see them and be there for yourself.
They stink!
I mean, I don't want to demonize them.
They do it for themselves.
And they never talk to you.
They never say why they're there.
They just scream, F you racists, die, die, die.
So R.C.
Maxwell joins us to break down when this happened, where this happened.
I've got it all right here, but it's better for him to tell you himself while we roll the footage in the background.
Thank you for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Well, you know, I made the mistake of thinking you can reason with these people.
You're absolutely right to characterize them as almost vampires.
The guy, the look behind his eyes, I was simply having an open dialogue about immigration was almost scary.
And the mainstream media is, you know, you're right to feel sorry for these people.
I feel sorry almost for this guy because the media has emboldened these people to think that all Trump supporters, anyone who has conservative traditional beliefs about society, they think that we were evil.
We're Nazis.
We're white supremacists.
So I often get even more backlash from the left and these people on the ground because it's really hard for them to just sit there and scream and call me Nazi when I'm eloquently describing how, you know, most Americans feel the ways that I do and why they should as well.
Well, I see you there in the crowd.
Looks like you're taller than most people.
And this guy looks like he's pretty well built.
And he looks like, and acts like Fred Flintstone.
And I understand he's sucker punching, because now that I watch it, it looks like you weren't fully aware that it was coming.
You only realized it right as he actually hits you.
Describe for us, because obviously cameras don't pick up as much as being there do, what happened?
Then he chases you.
Now this is just incredible.
Yeah, this is, you know, the most kind of disgusting attack that I never thought I would actually be the victim of, but yeah, I was kind of, I had my head on a swivel, because all these people, they were screaming things, sell out Uncle Tom, so I was trying to keep my best, you know, understanding of the entire situation, and out of nowhere, yeah, this guy, you know, he comes up, he looks well built,
Because they couldn't prove me wrong.
And that's why the media won't have me on.
That's why, you know, CNN and Simone Sanders, some of these other racial agitators, they won't have me on because, you know, it's obvious that they know I've been, you know, watching you since 2002.
They know I'm a Cernovich guy.
I'm too smart for these people.
And most patriots are.
So, you know, I don't expect to see myself, you know, on CNN, but I do expect to see, you know, some more outreach as this situation gets
I'm going to be at Free Speech Week.
I'll be with Milo Yiannopoulos.
So Antifa, if you want to come take another punch at me, you can.
I'm not going to stop talking about how Trump is great for this country and that just irritates the left so much.
Now I noticed that this happened in Laguna Beach, and as we just had on screen for radio listeners, local magazines, local newspapers show an anti-faboot stomping on a Nazi face and killing them, and then people actually think then, well anybody I go out and protest, be it a Christian group, a libertarian group, a conservative group, a pro-gun group, a land rights group, they by extension are Nazis and deserve to die.
That is literally a Nazi tactic of dehumanizing your targets, or it's a Khmer Rouge tactic, it's a communist tactic, it's an authoritarian tactic, it's a classic tactic, and they're doing it.
But what do you make of them changing course in the middle of the stream?
For months, for years promoting Antifa as just the purest, most loving people that are authorized to 007 basically kill you if they want to.
Now the left is panicking and suddenly saying, no, no, no, they're horrible.
Why do you think that's happening?
I think they're trying to save grace, but they're doing it in the most, you know, lackadaisical way possible.
Look, these people said that President Trump was literally responsible and had blood on his hands for what happened in Charlottesville.
An absurd, you know, point.
But, you know, you look at Nancy Pelosi, you look at people like Don Lemon, Hillary Clinton, who has said,
Yeah, go resist.
You know, do what you need to to stand up against oppression.
Those people actually have blood on their hand.
You know, I got punched.
I didn't get blood drawn.
Some of these other people in Berkeley, you know, they suffer fierce attacks, group attacks, hitting with flags and metal objects.
So, you know, Antifa has been emboldened by these people.
You know, a little statement in the San Francisco Chronicle isn't going to be enough, Nancy Pelosi.
I think it's a problem and the left hasn't done enough to appease my concerns.
Maxwell, where do you see this going?
Because 3% growth rate, they said that was impossible.
The left is celebrating Houston saying drowned Nazis on the cover of magazines.
Totally insane.
Celebrating it on CNN.
Saying Texas deserves it on CNN.
New York Times.
And it's backfiring on them.
And people are seeing through it.
I mean, where do you see this going?
I see this getting worse, unfortunately, before I see it get better.
You know, there's events coming up in DC and obviously in Berkeley next month that are going to have some very significant consequences, depending on how police takes a look at a situation and stuff like that.
But regarding the media, the media is going to continue their all-out assault on Trump.
That's why I implore other young people, other millennial conservatives, to get active in the media.
That's why I write a lot, that's why I'm a freelance journalist, in addition to the stuff I do for the RNC, because I think it's important for us to continue to craft the narrative in a way that actually depicts the reality of the situation.
Exactly, our job is easy because it's just reality and show what's happening.
Their job is just this upside-down world where they're hitting people in the head with bike locks.
You know, all the rest of it, it's like their weird coming of age.
Like, they're out to attack Nazis and then a lesbian woman's trying to go in to hear, you know, somebody speak and they almost kill her.
Well, you're white!
We're gonna kill you!
And it's like, you're a white person attacking a white person because they're white!
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It's in the WikiLeaks that they're using cultural warfare, that means racial, religious strife, to control.
They've had more truck attacks, more stabbings in Sweden today.
Not even gonna hardly make the news.
But you get one idiot, crazy looking white guy running over a poor woman and killing her.
It's horrible.
And then weeks and weeks of all Trump supporters are guilty, Trump's guilty, and Trump...
is responsible for saying there was violence on both sides.
Well isn't he vindicated now, R.C.
Yourself, again, of folks who just joined us, attacked over the weekend, uh, there in California, uh, by, uh, thugs.
It wasn't just one guy, there was others screaming, yelling, telling you to go to hell, telling you you're not allowed to be there, telling you you have no free speech, and then sucker-punching you, and the guy's been arrested.
AmericanVoicePAC.org, R.C.
Maxwell, R.C.
How big a victory is this for all of us though that Pelosi and all these folks are having to now say that Antifa is wrong and that Antifa shouldn't just go out and attack everybody and that everybody that supports Trump isn't a Nazi?
This is very significant because this means that over the past several weeks, the attacks that we've seen from all sides, not only Democrats, but establishment Republicans, it's now obvious those attacks were quite invalid because Trump was absolutely right to point out Antifa.
You have to realize the Laguna Beach rally that we had, it's been peaceful for months.
That's happened as a monthly event.
We've never needed riot police.
We've never needed any of those kinds of protections, but as a result of
We're good to go.
For months I've been carrying pepper spray and wearing masks at political events.
This has been happening since the inauguration.
That's how bad these people, these communists and these Marxists, which means that it's definitely cultural, because Marxists, it's a cultural movement.
These people, they hate so much the unification that they see at these kinds of events.
And they see it across ethnicities.
I'm not the only unicorn in the bunch.
I know plenty of black conservatives, plenty of Jewish conservatives, plenty of Latino, mixed race, the whole guard.
But their side, they want to agitate on a racial level, and they want to do anything to spread
And that's because they've lost the argument.
We're promoting free market, real unity.
What Martin Luther King promoted is the truth.
Judge people on how they operate.
I go to restaurants off what the food tastes like and how good it is, not off what color they are.
I go listen to music, not off what color somebody is, but off how good it sounds.
You know, I go stay at hotels, not off who owns it, but how good the hotel is.
It's the same thing, exactly what Martin Luther King said.
And the Democrats have completely flipped from being so-called, I mean real racists, to being so-called anti-racists, to now right back to their racist roots.
I blame Obama and the Clintons, quite frankly.
Under the Clintons, you already know, Hillary Clinton, she made the comment, super predator, in which she talked about, you know, black young males.
So, we know that the Democrats have been racist for forever, even preceding Clinton.
But you take a look at Obama's presidency, we've seen a regression in racial dialogue.
You know, concepts of colorblindness, which were things that Martin Luther King was a prominent of, they were demonized.
You know, they said, oh no, we must talk about white privilege.
These kinds of,
I don't
I think so.
That's right.
If you look at real wealth, real output, real opportunity, we are the most open, free society ever seen.
They use our weakness against us because it's our strength.
That we are open.
They take that as a weakness and use it against us.
Yeah, they use that as a weakness.
And now what you see is you see Islam coming into American society.
You know, there's nothing wrong with, you know, most Muslims, you know, but however, we have to understand Islamic enterprise and the assault from of Muslims into Western society is a problem for women.
It's a problem for
There is an orchestrated hardcore orthodoxy in Islam taking it over right now and dominating it and trying to dominate us.
It's a fact.
I want to do five more minutes with you and then Tommy Robinson, speaking of Islam, is joining us.
What an amazing guest with all the stuff happening over there.
But I want to come back and ask you then, in your gut, where you think this is all going?
And if the Democrats are now admitting that Antifa is a violent terror group,
Uh, after trying to sell them as these knights that are allowed to attack people, what's gonna happen next?
Will Antifa stop the savage attacks?
What is coming next?
We're on the march.
Stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones.
Tommy Robinson is joining us for the next 30 minutes to get into the situation in England with the Islamification and young Christian girl taken away from her Christian mother and given to hardcore Islamists that wear burqas and took her cross away.
Liberal social workers are the ones that pointed all this out but now the media spun and said oh but
She might have had a grandparent or something that might have been a Muslim, so it's okay.
So they're really trying to cover this up.
But the grooming of kids, the town councils being run by radical Muslims, taking children, that's a fact.
I have the members of Parliament on about it years ago.
So we'll get the true story from the man that broke the info here in a moment.
But finishing up with R.C.
R.C., you were attacked over the weekend viciously.
The guy bragged about it online.
He's been arrested.
And he just said, hey, the guy wouldn't shut up.
He was a Trump supporter.
He even told the cops and told the news.
He says, hey, why am I in trouble?
You know, anybody that's a Trump supporter is allowed to be punched as hard as you can so somebody can fall down, hit their head and die, basically.
I mean, this is incredible.
And we saw folks here in Austin two days ago when Trump was here screaming and yelling at our camera people saying, F you, F Trump, F Ben Carson.
Ben Carson isn't black.
And then they have the covers of magazines showing Antifa's heroes stomping the brains out of Nazis, saying again, anybody that protests them is a Nazi.
So where is this going, R.C.
Hopefully this goes to a place with more law and order.
I think that police agencies have a huge responsibility to make sure that free speech advocates are protected going forth.
No masks should ever be allowed at any sort of political event, and especially not any utility belts that have pepper spray and all this other nonsense.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
It can't just be President Trump.
As you see, he's lost allies in the White House.
He's already named Antifa for us.
He's condemned the alt-left.
Now we need other Republican figures to stand up.
And I think the American people, they should implore their local political figures.
You know, hey, why aren't you calling out Antifa?
Why aren't you going after them legislatively?
Why aren't you asking your Democratic counterparts why they emboldened these people to hate us so much simply for our political beliefs?
Well, please come back on with David Knight, who's launching his syndicated radio slash TV program 8 to 11 every day right before this transmission.
Please come on for a full hour tomorrow, I think they've got an hour open, to just chronicle Antifa's violence, how Trump's been totally vindicated only three weeks later with Pelosi and others trying to abort Antifa that they've been creating for decades.
This is a big deal and it's because of citizen media.
And it's because of people like R.C.
Maxwell, who has unbelievable courage, of AmericanVoicePact.org, to actually go out and be attacked, because I've noticed...
No one gets attacked more than Hispanics or Blacks that dare go out to First Amendment rallies, pro-gun rallies, private property rallies, you name it.
You guys get really singled out even more than somebody like I do by the so-called left.
In fact, we have footage here in Austin where they run over and they scream that Black Trump supporters
White people, it's really bizarre, very racist, you know, F.U., Uncle Tom, you know, you need to be here with us, we're going to kick your butt.
I mean, just the entitlement, the mindlessness of this.
What is, it's just crazy how emboldened they are and how racist they act, and then they're projecting it onto all of us.
Yeah, these people are absolutely mindless, but you know, we have to have the courage to stay out there.
So, you know, today I'll be wearing my MAGA hat.
I won't disclose my location because I don't want Antifa to immediately know where I am, but I'm going to be out there doing my best, you know,
Preaching the word of Trump, explaining why, you know, American values are the best and give the most inalienable rights.
So I'll be glad to go on with David Knight and I'm going to keep, you know, being an info warrior in the street against these demons while you continue to, you know, lead us on this battle.
Did I hear you right, R.C.
Maxwell, that you were aware of InfoWars a long time ago?
Oh, 100%.
I was on to Infowars a couple years after it was syndicated.
So around 2003 is when I started heavily.
I seen how you covered Bilderberg.
And I was a young millennial, you know, who was watching that.
And there are more of us, you know, there are lots of black parents who slap people upside the head if they have their pants.
Hanging off their butt talk.
So, you know, you know, my parents definitely did that and I think that entire generation of young black Americans, you know, they should be, you know, American and hopefully supporting conservative values.
I'll tell you this, companies and organizations are hungry for young people regardless of what color they are, but particularly so-called minorities, they're really gonna be the majority in the future, really want
Thank you so much for coming on.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Keep doing the Lord's work and I'll keep taking punches for free speech.
Thank you, sir.
It is so great for me to just run into all these great young people over the years that are having such a huge effect and then to know that we've been seminal in helping wake them up.
Now, somebody who helped wake me up about the real Islamist threat is the man that's joining us right now, Tommy Robinson, because
I remember seeing him in articles ten years ago about their grooming young girls, the Muslims are taking over the police, and the social workers, and the town councils, and it's an Islamist's takeover, and I was like, oh, that's another nut like David Horowitz.
Well, ten years later, it's all come true in spades, and I've got stacks of news right here dealing with it.
The Sunday Express
Rotherham abuse scandal, horrified reality of industrial-scale child grooming.
It was Robinson saying that ten years ago, and countless videos of him being physically attacked, and I should add fighting back.
This came out, Christian child forced into Muslim foster care, The Times of London last week.
So the new spin is, yes, her mother's Christian, yes, they took the cross from her, but maybe she's got some Muslim family or something, you know, grandparents.
Oh, but they wouldn't give her to the grandparents who were Christian.
So what this is, is somebody in a Christian family, I guess, being sucked back into the cult by folks that aren't her family.
But the issue here is, Tommy Robinson spearheaded all of this, exposing it.
Just an amazing individual, and he joins us to give us the state of this war, because every day in the back of the news, more stabbings, more truck attacks, more shootings, more bombings, to where now you can have 15 people run over and die, 200 injured, and the next day it's out of the news.
But then you get one white supremacist ding-dong running over somebody and telling them it's the end of the world and you know Trump's the devil and the antifa's good and communists are out beating everybody up but now the Democrats are backing off so it seems like there's a real battle.
We know there is but the pendulum may be starting to swing back the other way because people like Tommy Robinson and people like the last fellow we had on are forcing these rats out in the open to really say what they believe.
I saw a big example
out of Europe last night, and another one out of England, where they've got the refugees raping people, and then the leader of a refugee group in Italy said, well, once you stick your dingaling, he actually used that term, he used these weird terms, in them, then they like it, then they need it, and it's good under Islam to rape women.
And then they're defending the refugee coordinator, I mean, because they're literally, like,
In Spain, in Italy, raping people in broad daylight, folks.
Because Europeans are so genteel on average.
They're just like, what's going on?
Whether it's Spain or England, they just sit there while... It's like people come in with knives, start stabbing everybody, only one guy out of a hundred goes, screw you, this is England, I'm gonna kick your ass.
And one guy basically fought him off, getting stabbed like 14 times.
I mean...
Where are the people like that?
Tommy Robinson to give us the state of the ongoing Islamic invasion, but it seems like humanity is kind of coming out of their days a little bit, and that we're not on the mat anymore.
Is that true?
I've just come back from a two-week holiday.
During that two weeks, there's been seven terrorist attacks in Europe.
So that's in a two-week period.
And that's now, and obviously as we go on each year, we see terrorism increasing by 60%.
People have to ask themselves, which is where I don't understand what's going on with the European men, or even European women, what's going on with people to think, where is this heading?
Where is this going?
If we go back through each year, it gets worse and worse.
And things like, I always say Alex, in my hometown of Luton, which is now, we have over 30 mosques, we had just, you know the attack this week at Buckingham Palace, where the Muslim jumped out of his Uber taxi with a sword shouting Allah Akbar, trying to behead police officers outside our Queen's home.
He was from Luton again.
He was from my hometown.
Fertiliser bomb plot, Stockholm bomber, an attack last year to behead an American soldier in the UK, multiple attacks all coming out, all the time coming out of Luton.
So I always say, if you'd have said to people in Luton 30 years ago, if you'd have stood to them at that time, in 30 years, in this town, every single food outlet in the city centre would be halal.
Your soldiers will get attacked on their homecoming parade.
The emblem of your country will be banned on your national day from all premises.
Terrorist attack after terrorist attack after terrorist attack will be spotted from this home town.
There will be 30 mosques.
40% of the town will be Muslim.
It will be the home to Al-Mujradeen, one of the world's most extreme terrorist organisations.
If you'd have said that 30 years ago to the Lutonians, men and women in Luton, they'd have said you're mad.
Now that's happened in 30 years.
So what I always say to America, and people in America, like that.
It happens like that.
I know of my home cities.
I look at one area, say an estate, an estate called Farley Hill, where all of a sudden it was a white, working class estate.
And like that, within five years, it's like, what's happened here?
And it gets so bad so quick.
And that's why I say, when you hear us saying, this will happen, we will see conflict, we will see Sharia, and people at the minute may say you're mad.
In 30 years time, what will they then think is mad?
And that's the reality of where we're heading.
And you explain how it's formulaic.
The Muslims know what they're doing.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They are working hand-in-hand so well.
For example, if I bring you to the city of Manchester.
Manchester was the city where the Ariana Grande concert was attacked.
Now in that city we have an extremist radical group called MEND.
Now MEND, we have pictured working with the Labour Party, the equivalent of your Democrats.
Now, I follow all the organisations and the people from MEND, which is a radical jihadist group.
Now, MEND, one of their key speakers was speaking in a mosque in Greater Manchester.
Through the transcripts of his speak, he said, every political party will work with us.
We now swing the vote, the Muslim community, we swing the vote of up to 30 seats in Parliament.
Do you understand how powerful that is?
That's what he was saying to the congregation of the mosque.
Now, we recently had an election.
Labour recently won 30 seats.
This is where you will realise, and this is what your people have to realise, and the Democrats probably do realise it, this is what we realise is that we, as a young non-Muslim English man in my hometown, we're irrelevant.
We're irrelevant because we have the Luton Council of Mosques and we have one man in charge of 30 mosques who sits down with our Labour Council.
They get their vote upon agreement for backhand deals, we'll give you this, we'll give you that, we'll let you do this, we'll let you do that.
And that's because Islamic countries are horrible nightmare failures because it all runs according to slavery.
The women don't drive, they don't talk.
There's a boss over every neighborhood, a boss over every town.
And if you don't, they say you violated Islamic law and cut your head off.
And that cancer is now here and the Democrats know it.
They've decided to sell out to it.
But so is McMaster.
It's turned out that he definitely is being controlled by Brennan and Clapper.
And it's totally clear that they won't even allow anybody to say radical Islamic stuff exists.
The former FBI Director Mueller had it taken out of the FBI database.
Islamic terror does not exist.
It's only 99 plus percent of all terror.
According to the FBI, does not exist.
Where is their power coming from?
Why are they so incredible?
Is it because they are a unified cult?
They're unified.
The Labour Party would have no future, which is our left-wing party in the UK, without the Muslim community.
Now, they see the demographical change that's coming.
They see the average of 5.6 children for the Muslim household, 1.3 for the non-Muslim household.
All they care about is regaining power in towns and cities.
I don't care about destroying our culture.
And the Sikhs that you're friends with and speak with, they've been fighting them from India, and of course they're a big part of the British military, for 8,000 years.
What do they say needs to be done?
Well, when I looked to India as well, I learned of the term vote bank politics.
Because they're vote banks.
Muslim block vote bank.
Which is exactly, and I was watching years ago and listening to Indians talking about what's happened in their country, exactly what's happening here.
And the Sikhs, the Sikhs are the most integrated and patriotic minority group we've had in this country.
They're loyal, they're faithful, they're respectful.
And they have been battling and they've been targeted in every way as well.
And they've been battling and still, and they get brushed to the side.
Do you know why they get brushed to the side by the government?
There's only 500,000 of them.
And they're not reproducing at an incredible rate that's ten times of ours.
So they don't play that much of a hold in any future political demographic for the Labour Party.
Or for any of the political parties.
So they're not that relevant in keeping power.
Whereas the Islamic community are.
Which is why they're pandered to, they're bowed to, and we're...
Push to the side.
And that's the one thing that Americans need to realize is how quickly this will happen to your town and city.
I'm sure in cities like Dearborn, you're already seeing these sort of problems that are stemming.
But the problems we see, as you've just been speaking about, will get on to- Well, I've been called by, you know, off-record by big powerful organizations and they said, look, you're going to be destroyed.
They go, is this off-record conversation?
It is.
Just leave the Muslims alone.
And, you know, basically, you know, abandon Trump.
And leave the Muslims alone, and we will basically leave you alone.
And I'm like, wow!
And then you realize they're literally on the payroll.
Oh, they're on the payroll.
Yeah, they're working with them.
Completely working with them.
It's a complete coalition.
And that's the one thing that, more than anything, because I've watched Luton, again, I just always bring it back to Luton.
I've watched the Labour Party.
What they do is they don't elect a Muslim.
They don't elect a Muslim.
They open a puppet.
They elect a puppet.
Every time they elect a puppet.
Whether it be in Luton, most recently, up when I was looking into Oldham.
These different places, they elect a puppet, a left-wing Labour.
When it comes to America, this will be a Democrat who will do everything they want.
Jeremy Corbyn is a complete puppet for them.
So, they elect people, they don't elect their own, they don't start their own political party, they just infiltrate yours.
And then they elect someone that will do everything they have, whether they have dirt on them, or whether they're just working for them, whether they see a coalition of Marxism-Communism working with Islam in order to bring back, or to start again, then that's what we're seeing.
And I've watched that my entire life.
I've watched the way the Labour Party works, and I've seen the destruction caused to our town.
Tommy Robinson, let's talk about how we stop it straight ahead.
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Tommy Robinson is our guest.
He's the best-selling author of Enemy of the State.
And again, I'm a classically liberal person.
I've studied history.
I've studied Islam.
I know that Islam has gone through different phases, but in the last 1400 years, it's taken over more of the planet than the British Empire ever did.
The British Empire had its problems, but it would bring aqueducts and cities and buildings and medicine and civilization to China, you name it, everywhere.
Islam brings slums and enslavement and just horrible oppression and women are treated like animals.
And everybody's like, oh yeah, look at Turkey, the Blue Mosque.
That's a church, folks.
So I'm so sick of hearing, soon we're going to hear
You know, that Muslims built the pyramids or something, okay?
I mean, I'm not trying to attack Muslims.
I can't go to any Muslim country and live, okay?
And get outside my little controlled area, and that's in a few countries.
So, Tommy, this is an existential threat, and I've got three daughters.
I mean, I guess a lot of men join Islam, a lot of white folks are joining because they can be thugs, they can, you know, have slaves.
Here's the deal.
Death before dishonor.
I understand they're coming after me.
I am committed.
What do I do to stop the takeover of Islam?
What do I do?
Because you're the general, buddy.
You're the guy out of anybody out there that's been the most on target and has the most energy.
What do we do?
You see, I always question that myself.
I think a lot of people do.
What can we do?
What can we do?
As ordinary men, what can we do?
And I always just say what my role would be, or what I see my role is.
I see my role as just speaking, enlightening, awakening people, educating people, highlighting.
What we need is we need the entire British public, the entire American public, to understand what Islam is.
Islam's not the same as Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism.
It's completely separate.
They need to understand who Muhammad was.
We need to understand the life of Muhammad, the kind of man that 4 million Muslims in the UK hold up as a moral compass.
We need to understand the horrendous acts he committed, the violence he committed, the murders he committed, the rape he committed, his opposition to free speech, his opposition to gay... All we need to understand who he was.
Because currently what we have is we have an education system which is completely lying.
It completely lies to the children.
The whole next generation of children are being brought up... I've told you this example before, I'll give you it again.
My daughter was seven years old, and at this time, because of everything I had going on myself, I hadn't had, I didn't want to have those conversations with my children.
I want my children to continue being children, yeah?
These are politics that they shouldn't have to know about.
Now, I'm sitting there with the book out, it's the biography of Mohammed, because I'm practicing and researching for a debate.
Now, my daughter walked past and said, Mohammed, please be upon him.
I said, what did you just say?
And she said, Mandy, you have to say peace be upon him.
I said, well, who's told you that?
Who's told you that?
The school have told you, you have to say Mohammed peace be upon him.
And this is where it gets me, because in the UK, every single child, as part of our national curriculum, they now have to visit the mosque.
And what they do is they go on this school trip, fun day out, where they get sent letters saying they have to cover their arms, they have to address a certain... And now it's happening here in the US, and they're getting it into the curriculum everywhere, how are they getting them to do this?
They say it's multi-faith.
It's about educating about the faiths.
You bring my children to a mosque, you stand them up with an imam who's 50 or 60 years old, and you tell them that he married a child their age.
You tell them that he raped her.
You give them the facts about what he did.
You don't bring them into that mosque and tell them it's an important spiritual place.
You know, because what you're doing is you're lying.
You're not giving
You're bringing our children into these buildings!
And I'm also, they're not taking them to churches.
Stay right there, let's do five more minutes, and I gotta get you one more often because it's too important.
But it just hit me, looking at your face and listening to you, because you come across as truthful and people know that, plus you've been proven right.
Tommy, it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
And I want to warn you on the other side of this brick, because I can guarantee
They're going to kill you very, very soon.
That's not a curse, it's a warning.
It just hit me.
You've got to protect yourself.
Me too, but it just hit me.
We're back in 70 seconds, folks.
They're going to kill Tommy Robinson.
I just know it.
They're going to walk right up, stab him with a butcher knife.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, folks, we're back live.
Final segment with Tommy Robinson.
And I'm not trying to be dramatic.
I was sitting there, if you're a radio listener, you can't see it, looking at him talk so sincerely and with truth on the big screen.
And I just realized they're going to kill him.
They killed so many other leaders in Europe that speak out against the cancer that is political Islam, that's the biggest threat to people that are under Islam.
No, you're absolutely right.
Don't forget, I was locked up for years in prison and tortured by these people.
So, Tommy, let's speak to that and what you're doing for your security.
Because I know you boldly get out there, they physically attack you, you fight back.
But I'm telling you, you're beating them so bad, I've done the calculus, they want to kill you.
Go ahead.
Alex, you know, like, um, my new book, Mohammed's Quran, Why Muslims Kill for Islam, I think this is a game changer.
I think, looking back in a few years' time, this will be the biggest book awakening people on Islam, yeah?
Now, it's the Quran in chronological order, it gives all the history, but
When Mohammed's Qur'an, while Muslims kill for Islam, was blubbered over the front page, went to Amazon number one bestseller, it's been the bestselling Qur'an in the world for four weeks.
I'm fully aware how much they're going to want to kill me.
I'm fully aware of how bad.
I didn't realize it was that big a seller.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, well, it sold out in the UK.
It went to Amazon number one bestseller for five days, and it sold out.
I think in America, because bearing in mind, I've had no publisher.
I literally just put it on Amazon and tweeted it.
It went to number 40 in America.
Yeah, it went to number 40 book in America.
I've got no publisher.
We've got no publisher.
That's just self-published, us putting it online.
Now, it sold out.
It went to number one for five days.
It sold out.
It's been the number one.
If you read the comments, and again, I take so much satisfaction.
You know, if they do kill me,
And this is a message for any Muslim watching this and planning on killing me.
You will create the best-selling Quran that is going to awaken every single person to what your ideology is.
So, I will die a happy man, knowing that the minute I die, people will know it's for writing that book, and they'll know it's for taking a stand, and they will educate themselves so much on your book.
And then, and only then, will we see an uprising in the British public, we'll see an uprising in the people, and we'll see what I'd say is a revolution against this.
So, I take that, and Alex, as I said, I don't sit here and say, oh, they're going to kill me.
I'm fully aware of that, yeah?
And I know that, if I'm honest, when I go back through the years, I've been doing this for so many years, I had a few bad years there.
Trying to deal with that.
Trying to... the feeling of walking around with a terminal illness, which is how I felt, and the feeling of thinking that I should be hiding and I've got... I'm a family man, I've got three beautiful young children, but at the same time...
I know I'm right, which is what I always say to my family.
It's always what I always say to my wife.
It's what I always say to my parents.
I'm right.
Everything I'm saying is right.
Now, at the moment, I may face a backlash, but in years to come, people will judge me right correctly.
So I have no qualms about that, and I'm happy to walk that walk.
So you're asking, what do we do as men, and as we put ourselves in front of this, no matter what happens, and some of us will get killed, but we'll be real martyrs for the cause of true liberty, and Christian freedom, and everybody's freedom against this true cancer.
And, you know, I've seen that book was on the bestseller list, and I didn't read the fine print of who wrote it, Muhammad's Quran.
I saw a few weeks ago it was the number one book in the UK.
Congratulations, and wow, what powerful work you're doing, my friend.
No, thanks.
And it's like, what we have to do is just speak the truth.
That's all we have to do.
That's all every person has to do.
And the problem is, I understand because I've had everything thrown at me.
So I understand if you're there, do you know how many people come up to me every day?
They shake my hand and they say, I'd love to be vocally supportive of you, but my job.
Do you know how many people, I'm going to try and interview one this week, who's at work, he put his views about Islam online, he gets called in for disciplinary, he says it, they say it's gross misconduct.
This is what's going on at every single employer, at every company across the country.
This is why the public are so... They whisper.
But come on man, we have, if you, and that's where I think people take inspiration from, that's why I love watching that last man you just had on your show.
I saw you on the screen getting excited hearing him because we're standing up against the bullying.
If we don't, we're already under Sharia.
I look forward to speaking to you very soon.
Please come on next week.
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Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight.
Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would rather switch than fight.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, he is a hard guy to get on.
He's a Fox News contributor.
LondonCenter.org, Tony-Shafer.com, follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shafer is a super patriot.
He never really talks about himself, but early on tried to get Bin Laden killed, was ordered to stand down.
The whole Abel Danger controversy and then since then has been right at the heart of exposing Benghazi, exposing Obama and of course Hillary and others trying to fund an Islamic Jihad worldwide, basically backing Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
He helped get the information out along with others that exposed that Benghazi was a weapons transfer to the jihadis.
And now that whole thing has been unraveled.
We've elected a president that has decimated ISIS with our great military and Al Qaeda forces.
So I wanted to get him on about the Trump
Expansion in Afghanistan that I've been told is really about having a strong exit in a year or so and actually making a deal but actually wiping out some of the Al Qaeda type leadership that hasn't allowed that deal to take place because Obama and others actually had side deals keeping the problem going.
But we'll get Colonel Schaffer's expert take on that.
I wanted to get his view on North Korea.
They're simulating dropping nuclear bombs on the DNC as we speak today and yesterday I wanted to get his take on Antifa.
The collapse of Antifa after the independent media showed how violent they are.
And now three weeks later, Nancy Pelosi says Trump is right, that Antifa is a terrorist organization.
The Washington Post is saying it.
The Morning Joe is saying it.
So we've seen a 360 turn there in George Soros' admitted summer of rage that was meant to start a nationwide civil insurrection.
That would then be the pretext for the removal of Trump with Phil Mudd, former counterterrorism head of the CIA that I know Schaefer's worked with, saying the president will be killed soon.
Of course, we first exposed that from our sources.
They're now all over the news saying they want to have a COG overthrow.
I know a lot of this stuff's classified, but Schaefer's in and out of the government and all his sources, and he's got the courage, as a citizen a lot of times, to give us a good idea of what the real lay of the land is.
So that's your three-minute kind of news briefing from me of what I want to extract from Colonel Schaefer, but not get him killed or thrown in prison, as we see a deep state civil war in America.
Colonel Schaefer, thanks for joining us.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me.
Always good to be on with you.
What do you want to tackle first?
You see that buffet there.
Yeah, no, it's great.
Let me just start off with, I think, how you started off.
Look, there's some issues relating to what's going on with just the whole administration, the heart of the White House.
And look, part of the chaos you've seen, which everything else touches, everything from the White House touches, everything you just talked about, there's been a lot of chaos.
So I think President Trump's been doing some things, making some choices that need to be made relating to staff.
I think John Kelly coming in was a good stabilizing effect.
I think some others need to go.
And I don't want to get into specifics, but I think anybody who speaks out against the President's agenda publicly needs to really reconsider why they're working for the President.
I've seen some comments come out of his staff, out of his cabinet, which I think are unsettling.
And look, I'm all for free speech.
I'm just, you know, as others have pointed out, there's consequences to speech.
And even though it's free, you know, there's things you need to... You're talking about Rex Tillerson throwing the President under the bus?
And also Cohen.
Yes, absolutely.
So I think there's some issues there with both Mr. Cohen and Mr. Tillerson saying things which I think are counterproductive.
But let's start off with North Korea, since Tillerson and others have talked about that.
I think there is a clear threat there.
I think, one, Kim Jong-un, unlike his father and his father's father, is a bit unhinged.
And I think we've been working very closely with the Chinese to say, look,
I think so.
And they've only got, what, about a two-week backup food supply?
That's correct.
And so they have to remember that the Vietnamese and the Filipinos don't like them.
So, you know, it wouldn't be necessarily us taking shots at the Chinese should war start in Korea.
I don't think people, Alex, are thinking of things in second and third order effects.
It's not just about South Korea and North Korea, it's about all the other things in the Pacific, and I think this is where... It's about India and Pakistan and India and China, isn't it?
There you go!
I'm glad you brought that up.
India is now more of a competitor against China than other regional powers, and frankly, the Indians have moved on and don't care so much about Pakistan other than their nuclear weapons.
And I do appreciate President Trump playing the so-called Indian card, because that goes both ways.
So I think that was a very wise move.
Speaking of playing the India card, this goes to the Afghanistan issue you just mentioned.
Look, in his speech, I think he made it very clear of two things which we have not been doing well.
First, we have been trying to nation-build, not win a war.
I think that was a mistake.
You and I have spoken about this a number of times.
I think it's pretty, just not smart to think that somehow we're going to change 2,000 years of tradition, warlords.
We're good to go.
And as you recall, Alex, my book, Operation Dark Heart, actually talks about that point in time from when we went off the offensive to start building the nation.
And then we made all... And so what he's saying is we're actually going to go in, wipe out the bad guys, give them a business deal, and then pull out.
And hey, by the way, Pakistan, stop funding the economy network and the terrorists.
We're going to actually leave if you just stop it.
Pretty much something along that line.
And the other thing, to your point, you are completely correct about the side deals that President Obama and his administration are trying to make.
It's completely insane.
I mean, let's just talk about the Taliban for a second.
It's very clear now, from looking at what happened, that President Obama and his staff
They weren't actually trying to stop the war.
They were just actually kind of prolonging it by this kind of insane negotiation with the Taliban.
Alex, the Taliban are not actually an entity.
They are an outgrowth of the Pakistani Intelligence Service, the ISI.
So, I said on your show several times, you know, you might as well be negotiating with
We're good to go.
So can Trump then basically have a buildup, stabilize it, make some business deals, get out of there?
Will Deep State let him do that?
Because people say, oh, we can't win the war.
As you said, there's no state there.
We just have to basically get out of there.
But you can't just do that automatically or it'll be 1975 Saigon.
Right, and so this is the plan as I understand it.
This is where I don't think he wanted to get into a lot of detail on troop movements.
Alex, I don't see us doing a huge surge.
I mean, we're talking about probably putting maybe one or two more thousand in to focus on special operations to get back on the offensive.
I don't see us increasing our footprint and doing what we did under President Obama.
This is my recommendation.
We just need to accept the fact that Afghanistan is essentially seven different sub-countries.
And each one of those sub-countries is run by a warlord.
And look, I don't care what governance exists in Afghanistan.
It's not my job to worry about another country, as long as that country will not permit
Terrorists to train, equip, and come kill us.
That's it.
And I think this is where we're going.
We need to understand it's not our job to try to push the Afghan people to be loyal to a central government, to force them into fealty.
The idea is to stabilize the region.
And that's why he talked about a quote-unquote regional approach.
I think so.
Is that we're the most badass tribe on the ground.
If you do something to attack us, we will come kill you.
I mean, it's really that simple.
These people don't understand the idea of us being nice to them.
It's not a concept, this whole liberal idea that if we just come in and be nice to people, they're going to like us.
No, it doesn't work like that.
The cavemen that keep women as slaves don't understand that.
So, overall, you're thinking then that Trump's plan is one of the more workable plans?
Yes, I do.
And I know, I've talked to Eric Prince.
You know, Eric did an editorial on the 30th of August talking about his concept of privatization.
I think Eric has some good ideas in that.
I don't think it's the full solution, but it has elements of it.
There are economic benefits to be had.
I mean, the Chinese, for goodness sake, Alex, have two copper mines in Afghanistan.
There's all sorts of natural resources.
Sure, that's the answer.
That's the answer is economics.
So I think that, and so Eric's got a good idea, which by the way a lot of folks don't like, a lot of the Deep State guys.
So this is one of those things where I think if you actually kind of harvest the good ideas, you look at what's worked in the past, you put those things together and walk away from the neocon concept of us putting ground troops in for an indefinite amount of time and hoping for the best, I think the President's pushing us in the right direction.
Well, that's basically what I've seen from it, and Trump's trying to execute it.
The military's done a great job cleaning up Obama and Hillary's mess by design, trying to double-cross us, working with the more nasty forms of Wahhabist Islam.
And now in the ten minutes we have left with Lt.
Tony Schafer, one of the smartest guys out there when it comes to geopolitical systems.
You've talked on Lou Dobbs and also on Hannity and other shows.
About the fact there really is a deep state breakaway group trying to overthrow the president.
Now months after you said that, they're in Atlantic Monthly saying it.
They're in the Washington Post saying it.
Phil Mudd goes on air and says he wants to beat up Gowdy.
He says,
Kick his ass is the quote.
He says, I want, he goes, the president will be dead in the next couple months.
Clapper says that.
Brennan says that.
I mean, clearly they're trying to have confidence for splinter groups in the government that they're trying to prepare for some move.
I mean, there's no other thing in history I've ever seen plotters publicly plotting the death of Lincoln would have been rounded up in five minutes.
And I don't think there's any doubt
They're doing this, but I think it's from total desperation.
They're trying to look confident, but still it's dangerous.
We had some guy try to run in the motorcade yesterday and try to run into the president.
They're all over the place saying, kill him.
I get attacked anytime I go out on the streets in a liberal area.
They have frothed this country up with Antifa into the most fascist, insane...
Garbage I've ever seen where leftists are now like delusional piranhas.
So with that said, what do you think the atmosphere is?
What are we facing?
What are these calls for killing the president on TV?
What is this signal?
Well, this is exactly what it appears to be.
You have elements of what I would consider the Republicans in name only, the RINOs, the never-Trumpers.
There's elements on the left so resentful of Hillary Clinton losing.
And I think there's this kind of evil alliance behind the scenes.
And Antifa is the armed resistance.
That I think, essentially, I think there's evidence that Barack Obama was able to put seed money out into private organizations via the Department of Justice to actually kind of prepare for this.
I see this as a long-term kind of destabilization effort, and I think even if Hillary Clinton had won, I don't think we would see stability.
I think the left strives on chaos.
And look, I'm the first, I love chaos at times, and I think it's a great thing to be challenged by.
That said, what you're seeing here is an organized effort by people like Phil Mudd and others who, I'll just be blunt, are speaking sedition.
Jim Clapper, John Brennan, Susan Rice,
Ben Rhodes should be, in my judgment, under, they should be the ones that Mueller's looking at, the special prosecutor, because of clear violations of both the Constitution regarding illegal collection against Americans, about certain efforts that I think they've been involved in after the fact, after they left office, to undermine the stability of the nation by being involved in seditious activities.
I think?
They're the ones trying to control art and literature.
They're the ones with even fascist flags.
It's crazy now going back to what you just talked about because
It's not your opinion.
They're in the New Yorker magazine, they're in Atlantic Monthly, they're in the Financial Times, they're in The Economist, all elite publications that aren't just propaganda but are propaganda of their own people, directives, saying something big in the next two months is going to happen, that was a month ago, we're going to take him out, we're going to kill him, he's going to be gone suddenly, it's going to be violent, and they go around and threaten people's families, and not everybody's like you or I or Trump, where somebody threatens us, we dig our heels in,
They go in and they say, better go with us.
I've even gotten those phone calls like, it might just be best for you the next few months to survive, Alex.
And I'm like, oh yeah, right.
So they're definitely out there in a campaign threatening people trying to act confident.
They're definitely trying to get a coup going.
And then they've got, you know,
Cohen and they've got Tillerson signaling that, hey, we're not with Trump either because they want to ride the fence.
I mean, I think we're in an emergency situation here.
What does the president do?
Because if this is super negative, but their plan for destabilization as their cover for removing him, that's falling apart because of the hurricane showing the unity.
What do we do?
The first and only good point of the way they're doing it, Alex, is they're self-identifying.
They're so arrogant, to your point.
They're so arrogant, they're so desperate, they're kind of showing themselves.
It's kind of like, you know, having a light shone against a black screen.
You may not be able to make out the entire definition of something, but you know it's there, so I think that's a good thing.
I think President Trump has to consider replacing Jeff Sessions.
I'm not sure how you feel about that, but, you know, this is not 1978.
It's not time to be focused on... Yeah, we're not playing patty cake or saying they're going to kill the president and arrest the resistance.
Because let me tell you, once they get Trump, you're a smart guy.
You know they're coming after you and me.
Oh absolutely, and Alex, you and I were going to be targeted had Ms.
Clinton won.
I mean, I remember right before the election, you and I talking about this on air about how bad it would be for us if she won.
So no, you're completely correct.
And I think this is where Jeff Sessions has to make a decision.
Is he for the American people or is he for the deep state?
Because you can't be with both.
And I think this is where he's got to look at how much
It's being said on the left by the folks, the fake Republicans like that female on CNN, you know, all these folks who are talking big.
You know, if you're going to talk big and talk sedition, there should be consequences for that sort of talk, because obviously, Alex, they're trying to encourage someone to do that.
And that encouragement, in my judgment, just like Kathie Lee Griffith and Kathie Griffith
Doing the beheading of the president, an effigy, I think, needs to be addressed directly.
Mike Cernovich is in Breitbart, and I know he's been in D.C.
for weeks.
He says that White House coup underway, Trump basically under house arrest.
I think that's jumping the gun a little bit, but they are trying to isolate him ahead of that, maybe drug him or something, is what some of my sources think, where they just claim, oh, he had a stroke.
But that's Breitbart, a major publication, former chief strategist, now back running it.
So the fact that they ran that shows that, let's post that article to Infowars.com,
Right now, folks.
But bottom line, Colonel Schaefer, the elite are in trouble.
They're mad the economy's coming back.
Everything they do blows up in their face.
I'm just concerned if they do try to kill the president, or do kill him, what the backlash of that will be.
That is incredible.
I think you are nailing it very well.
Look, there will be huge backlash by those who elected President Trump.
I think a lot of folks kind of suffered through the Obama eight years.
A lot of folks are very unhappy with him.
And it has nothing to do with his color.
It has nothing to do with anything except his policies.
And yet the left would paint you or me.
We're good to go.
I just can't believe we've gotten to this point and I don't see how Mudd and all these people and the Democrats led by their senile leadership and Soros another senile Nazi if they're able to actually have an overthrow all of history shows the group that does the overthrow is then instantly removed by the next group and then we'll have a
Power vacuum battle that will plunge the economy.
Our enemies will take advantage of it.
Wars will probably start.
I mean, this is a disaster.
These people are crazy.
Yeah, the moment this happens, you know, there were some great Cold War movies in the old days, Seven Days in May.
I don't know if you ever saw it.
You know, that was one of the things said in that movie is the moment that you relieve, you move the president, that's when the enemies are going to jump in.
So if you really are
I think so.
Well, Colonel Schaefer, you've only got a minute and a half left, but any other tidbits of information you'd like to add?
Yeah, just a week from tomorrow, I'd be looking for some new information on Able Danger.
It was, I think, two days ago.
Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of the first hearing.
Well, I think you've already been proven correct with the 28 pages and what we saw with the Arab Spring, that criminals in our deep state have been funding and working with radical Islam in a double-triple game.
And I think you're going to get a lot more specificity on how they were doing it.
So I think your audience has been one of those very supportive of me coming out and telling the truth.
And I think, you know, you guys are going to see a lot more truth coming out.
And I think, frankly, some of this is coming out now because certain folks do see what the deep state is doing and they want to try to stop it.
All right.
Well, folks, be sure to follow you on Twitter and Facebook.
Your information is amazing.
Thank you, Colonel Schaefer.
Thank you.
Take care, Alex.
That was incredible.
We'll be back with this other White House arrest news.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people.
We're interrupting your regularly scheduled program to bring you this terrifying report.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
New York very much a city still in chaos.
The phones are not working properly.
The subway lines are not working properly.
The sky now black with smoke in front of us.
Just across the Tigris River here.
This is shock and awe, Tom, to the population of Baghdad.
Shock and awe, indeed.
The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
Come on!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
I love my dad.
I'd kill for him.
I'd go to prison for him because I love him so much.
I love Bill Clinton.
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
When you are subverting the power of government, that's a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy.
What do you think of Edward Snowden?
I think he's a traitor.
Obama is the one that kills the U.S.
troops if the Russians bomb any of them.
Obama is the one that put them in harm's way.
Obama is the one using them as human shields.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Welcome to America, ISIS!
This is what we do!
We got people that have taken your asses out in this building right now.
We're armed to the teeth, and we're not scared.
You got that, you sons of bitches?
In 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the U.S.
was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that?
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector, I needed you.
I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected.
We're all part of it.
Are we ready for it?
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
We ran a little bit longer intro so I could call Mike Cernovich who's on in 15 minutes and so I could actually read the Breitbart article because it made my heart jump because you know Mike is a smart guy and has a lot of great sources but it was tongue-in-cheek that he's on house arrest but that's what they're kind of setting up and the plan is to build towards a type of house arrest
Where he's totally surrounded and drug him and claiming he had a stroke, but they don't want to kill him.
That'd be too obvious.
They want him brain damaged.
Because they don't want a fighting Trump to speak out or be impeached or be before Congress.
They know he's got nine lives.
He'll get out of it.
You know, they had their anti-fuzz stage, all these attacks blew up in their face.
They're now abandoning anti-fuzz.
So, I read this from Cernovich, who's been for basically a week and a half in D.C.
Amazing sources.
I was talking to him some last week, and with some of those sources, and it was really interesting.
Cernovich sources, White House queue underway, Trump under house arrest.
Close quote, and that's the way they describe it arrogantly, and that's why you see Rex Tillerson, and that's why you see Cohen and others bad-mouthing him.
So this is really an unprecedented deal.
Millie Weaver, from her month-and-a-half trip with Gavin around the country, did a whole bunch of episodes just online for free to show.
Flyover America!
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, living together.
Flyover America is, you know, Houston, that the left's celebrating is in so much trouble right now.
And so she'll be on with David Knight in the fourth hour.
At the bottom of the hour, they're going to air in that 18-minute segment, the 11-minute highlights of her getting attacked along with Gavin.
They're in Charlottesville, Virginia, but also the incredible eclipse of the highs and lows.
Being told there's no free speech in Dallas on the sidewalk to interview people.
She got mobbed all over the country by listeners recognizing her, just showing how awake so many people are.
So Flyover America there on Facebook has the videos posted right there, including the dumbest anti-protesters, anti-Trump protesters ever.
That's some more you ought to play.
And of course, we have the incredible footage that Owen Troyer got.
Where they're calling Ben Carson a white supremacist who isn't black, and it's white people saying this, and just screaming and yelling mindlessly.
I mean, these people are getting stupider and stupider.
Exactly, and it's out of ignorance because they're watching the mainstream media and we know that CNN and Politico and a lot of these other news sources are blatantly spinning and trying to stir the pot to create civil unrest, to create disunity,
To make it so that there's this idea and image that Trump is not running the country properly so that they can justify trying to impeach him or throw indictments at him or put him on house arrest as Mike Cernovich said in tongue-in-cheek so to speak.
But really they're almost there because he didn't say it.
I mean to be clear the people are saying that's basically it's a form of house arrest now.
And again, they say everything he does is upside down, but it's not working.
Here comes the hurricane, brings us together, the emergency responders do a great job, the citizens do a great job, because Trump tells FEMA to get out of the way, and then it shows all this unity, and then the left's caught stealing the aid money and saying don't give it to white people.
They do not want the United States to appear to be united under a Trump presidency.
That is the worst nightmare of the liberal media.
And of course, this Hurricane Harvey, as devastating as it was, it sparked unbelievable acts of humanitarianism and sacrifice where you had black people, white people, Mexican people, everyone coming together to help each other.
The article on Infowars.com and Newswars.com by Paul Watson's got to get out to everybody.
It's so important where why the left is triggered by this is because it shows the incredible unity and you just see black people helping white people, white people helping black people, Hispanic people helping white people, vice versa, and just humans together in the backs of these trucks saving people, people dying trying to save folks.
And then you see the left making fun saying, God, please destroy all of Texas.
You know, God, you know, thank God the Nazis are all drowned.
Charlie Hebdo truly
This had the opposite effect that Charlottesville had.
See, the mainstream media wanted to use Charlottesville to try and create this idea that everyone in the United States hates each other, there's going to be a race war, the United States was horrible, it's bad, so that you can input communism and input their... This was going to be their October
It's failing because the right is smart.
And they knew and saw that it was a trap.
Once we saw Charlottesville and called it out as a deep state operation, people were able to see, oh my gosh, this is a trap.
They want us to all go out there so that they can have their summer of rage to use that to demonize the Trump presidency.
And as soon as the right caught on to that, we all pulled back.
And guess who was out there in the streets?
Antifa running amok, committing violence, being the terrorists that they are.
Beating up prayer vigils and black people.
Yes, exactly.
It's horrible.
It's horrible.
And I watched these Antifa thugs walk up and just
Just white guys just punched black guys right in the face.
I don't know how they let them do it.
I just cannot let some guy, some big gorilla guy punch me right in the face.
I know, and the amount of hate in these people's voices, in their eyes, I've seen it myself.
They hate you if they think you're a Nazi.
It's like they think that they have every justification to do any act of violence or say any profanity at you under the guise of them believing that you're a Nazi.
No, you haven't been proven guilty in a court of law, and you know, you yourself can profess over and over and over again
I'm not a Nazi.
I'm not a racist.
I'm not a bigot.
They won't hear it.
They don't care.
Because they have their idea of you.
And quite simply, I think that partially, it's because they just don't like our opinions and what we stand for.
That's right.
And they use Nazism as an excuse to attack us.
And by the way, I was told David was hosting the fourth hour.
He does his own great three-hour show every morning, Real News with David Knight, syndicated right here from InfoWars.
A lot of stations are starting to pick it up and signing up to pick it up, because stations always have a few months to get out of their contracts and to pick up new shows.
But we've got over 70 stations that are looking at the contract.
It's just basically free to air.
You get more of the ads than, you know, with anybody else out there.
I'm officially syndicating shows myself, not through GCN.
My show is still with GCN, fine folks and all, but we need to be running things out of our own house here more.
More and more with the TV network system and radio network system we're launching.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
We're getting Mike Cernovich on the line right now.
Millie's going to ride shotgun and Owen Schroyer is going to host the fourth hour, which is even better.
Not that he's a better host than David, but because he was out talking to Antifa in Austin, just like you were when Trump was here a few days ago, and they were going crazy.
So we'll get to some of those clips as well, but your 11 minute clip that's the boil down
Of more than 20 pieces you guys did, you and Gavin Winch, on the road.
So we'll talk more about that in a moment.
But folks, you know, when we're not having a victory, I will tell you we're not having a victory.
But for years I was called the most negative man out there because I was saying how bad it was, how evil the globalists were, how they were dominating us.
Well, when they got you down on the ground beating the snot out of you, you got to admit it.
But let me tell you something.
We're in the 11th round and they are
Like a dead zombie that keeps marching on, but their arms and legs are hanging off.
They're drooling and we're getting stronger.
The blood of honor is in us and we are absolutely dominating right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And they know it.
They're panicking.
Now they've got some tricks up their sleeve, but I didn't plug last hour.
But I plugged for 30 seconds in the first hour.
And everybody keeps saying, Alex, you say you need financing.
If you just plug twice an hour, because we've done it before, we will bring in all the money we need to hire 15 new people, 20 new people, expand, have all the crew.
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Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139, but whatever you do.
Support the broadcast by spreading the articles, the links, the videos.
All of it.
Take the clips from the show.
Put them on your own YouTube.
Stream them out yourself.
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Play clips on your local radio show.
I'm not in competition with Breitbart.
I'm not in competition with Matt Drudge.
I'm not in competition with Mike Cernovich.
I'm not in competition with anybody.
Tommy Robinson, the Rebel, the Keebler Elves, and the Easter Bunny.
I want to defeat the globalists that if they are able to remove Trump or kill him, they're coming after us.
And Trump can't sell out.
Even if he did, they're still going to kill him or destroy him as a symbol.
Now joining us with the report...
It's on Breitbart.com.
Cernovich sources.
Cernovich has proven he's got sources that are good.
White House 2 underway, Trump under house arrest.
Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlowe spoke to journalist Mike Cernovich on Breitbart News Daily this morning discussing Trump presidency.
Jared Kusher and Ivanka Trump's influence, the possibility of President Trump being held under house arrest.
And basically with everybody bad-mouthing him, members of the cabinet, the Secretary of State, and others,
That's what they're doing!
And so we just had Colonel Schaefer, high-level connections, saying there is a plan of sedition to murder the president soon or drug him, and that Phil Mudd and others are involved in treason.
That interview is just bombshell.
Just finished it 20 minutes ago.
So, Mike Cernovich, great to have you back with us.
Give us the long and short of this story.
Yeah, and just to be clear, I used the house arrest metaphorically, and you know, everybody's going, oh my god, Cernovich, you know, it's so sad that we have to explain when we're using a figure of speech and everything.
That's how dishon- like Chris Hayes goes, oh, Cernovich is making up, Trump is on house arrest because he left his house.
It's like, these people, they're so desperate, but
Metaphorically speaking, yeah, Trump's movements have been closely monitored.
If he tries to meet with anybody outside of General Kelly's approved list of people he's allowed to meet... And they brag about this!
They brag about this!
Yeah, exactly.
So, I had heard that Trump, you know, again, house arrest figure a speech for a while, and I didn't want to report it because I didn't believe it, even though this came from people in the West Wing.
And then John Bolton, who... Last week, you were halfway defending Kelly, while saying, well, anybody can walk in.
It is a circus.
Now you're not.
Yeah, I mean, and that's the way things change when you're covering the White House.
Things change by the day.
You could have a story today that's 100% true, and then tomorrow,
Everything is different.
It is a different world all the time.
That's why, in a way, it's such a frantic pace for everybody to cover it.
So, in any event, I'd heard that they had been withholding access to people with Trump and limiting the information he saw.
You were saying that last week.
I mean, we announced with Posobiec, you know, a month ago that was happening with Infowars and others, but now we even have Bolton saying he's not allowed to talk to the President.
Yeah, exactly.
So that's what we were getting into is John Bolton had been at the White House nearly every week.
He had open access, could come in whenever he wanted.
He had credentials.
It was no big deal.
They had him there.
The president liked to talk to him.
And Bolton was rumored to be McMaster's replacement for National Security Advisor.
Now, you and I might not agree with that, but, you know, that's a different conversation.
The point is John Bolton can't get in to see Trump.
That's how in the world, when I read John Bolton say, please retweet this article so Trump sees it, I thought, what in the heck?
This is complete madness, right?
And then you read the article and he goes,
Hey, I can't even come see Trump anymore.
That's John Bolton.
So house arrest is what I'd heard, again, a figure of speech.
And once Bolton said that, I go, okay, I need to get the full story out.
I need to tell people everything that I've heard about the White House, the information control and everything like that.
And of course, the deep state trolls are out trying to discredit me and attack me and blah, blah, blah.
You know, welcome to a Thursday afternoon.
We're going to break with Mike Cernovich very, very soon.
It contributes everywhere.
Breitbart, InfoWars, we love it.
And starting next week, we'll be contributing more as we launch more transmissions.
Stay with us.
We're going to come back.
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Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got to get Mike Cernovich on more.
He has been a very, very busy beaver there in D.C.
Just everything he's been reporting, we've been reporting, it's all coming true.
So they don't even deny now that we have sources.
They just say we're horrible, but the Antifa thing is imploding.
Cernovich sent me a big article from The Intercept, the sordid double life of Washington's most powerful ambassador.
New emails out.
Really shocking stuff.
We'll get into that in the next segment.
You're going to do the whole fourth hour with Owen.
You have incredible footage of the racism of the anti-Trump people towards minorities that were there pro-Trump, Millie.
So that's coming up truly sickening.
It's disgusting.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I think that the African American Trump supporters looked shocked as well.
The looks on their faces were just so telling that they were like, oh my gosh, these leftist liberals that hate Trump supporters are sitting here screaming Uncle Tom.
They called one boy, this professor, a liberal professor, she called the boy a little token person.
He's saying he's a professor's a boy?
No, a woman professor was out there and she was blowing this fart whistle constantly around Owen, trying to interrupt him.
Or his child?
Oh, I saw that footage.
Yeah, and she called this young high school boy, who is an African-American, Owen's token little person.
And the boy's face just looks like he's really upset.
I saw that footage.
I saw that footage, yeah.
And another one, there was an argument that I had... Well, we need to get these... See, you guys put these out in big giant chunks.
It's disturbing.
That's great.
They get 200,000 views.
We need to put them out, like Cernovich folks do, in like 30, 40 seconds, and then the larger video is a link.
Then they'll get 10 million views, because people... Just everywhere we go, the frothing racism, the elitism.
Cernovich, the state of the world right now.
What are the other big stories?
What are the other big shoes to drop?
Well, that story that The Intercept just published is a major blockbuster because Dina, Habib Pal and Jared Kushner and Ivanka are very close friends with this person.
And when you read the kind of information, when you read the article, it is appalling what he was doing, what he's accused of and everything.
And it goes, we're going to have to demand that Dina disavow her, you know, her friend.
These are the kind of people Ivanka and Dina are hanging out with.
Again, the allegations in there are quite serious, so you and I are going to want to make sure we pour over and comb over it so that we don't have some other guy try to file a frivolous lawsuit against us, as they always do.
But I would encourage everybody to go read that article.
Well, let's tell folks what's in The Intercept.
We have the emails.
The Intercept's pretty respected.
Yeah, he obtained emails indicating a lot of potential, again, so Soros doesn't try to fund another frivolous lawsuit, potential sex trafficking allegations.
Very, very serious allegations.
There was a screencap that I actually sent you where he refers to little girls.
He says, he goes, is my diplomatic immunity valid in Vegas?
And he goes, okay, here's a contract.
And the contract says, I comma, insert name of dumb girl, agreed to let, insert name of one of us filth bags, hit it.
I insert dumb broad's name again, if her drunk ASS can remember it.
And at least 18 years old.
Signed, little chick signature.
So... And this is a major, major ambassador.
Very, very powerful ambassador from the UAE.
Let's expand.
We have the... I remember hearing this years ago and it's now confirmed they were blackmailing Senator Menendez and now he's having the bribery scheme and reportedly underage prostitutes.
So it's all coming home to roost.
Yeah, exactly, and that again is why the media continues to try to lie about us and claim that we were talking about some nonsense pizza parlor.
This is what we've always been talking about.
Menendez, underage prostitutes, trips, Bill Clinton, the pedophile express, with Jeffrey Epstein, Jacob Schwartz, Weiner and the underage girl.
Just one, one shoe after another.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Surprise, surprise.
More Arab diplomats caught in reported sex trafficking.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm a libertarian.
People can do what they want in their lives, but not when you traffic from women out of Eastern Europe.
Not when you've got the UAE and Saudi Arabia caught running huge sleigh brothels.
You know, they call those harems.
If Cernovich can do a little bit in the next segment, I'll stay and we'll get Owen in here after that because I want to get into all the racism.
The problem is there's too much.
The left's too insane.
They're too crazy.
Mike Cernovich, I can't even handle it.
There's just too much going on.
And they're always worse than we thought, Mike.
Yeah, I mean, I don't even have time for a haircut.
I'm looking at myself, you know, because you called me and you go, you know, why aren't you coming on InfoWars more often?
I'm like, man, I don't even have time to get a haircut.
You know, I have to, you know, it's looking kind of, you know, I got to get things tightened up.
You're right.
Because there is so much going on and there's a pedophile scandal.
It feels like every day there's some kind of pedophile scandal with these media elites and these politicians like Menendez, who's accused of under by federal prosecutors.
Look how sick the media is.
They always bring up Pizzagate.
Which they made up out of a real story to then throw on us to act like pedophilia doesn't exist.
Just like they said 10 years ago, Catholic stuff doesn't exist.
No, it does.
And everybody helping cover it up is complicit, even if you didn't grab the kids out of backyards.
And it's backfiring on them, actually, because more people are realizing that, yeah, we were never talking about that.
It was never about that.
Even a billionaire, Notch, the Minecraft creator, came out and said, the media is actually lying about what these guys were talking about.
They were never talking about what the media claims we were talking about.
So everybody now is waking up and realizing,
Well, why would the media try to shut down our investigations into accused pedophiles like Melendez?
And now we have the Intercept, of course.
We broke Weiner and the info from the New York police when the feds wouldn't do anything and the underage girls, but reportedly it wasn't that.
He was online procuring them, seeing the 14, 15, 13 year olds he could lure out of their house to the bus station.
So why shut it down?
So the forces on the left are more demonic than we even actually ever thought about.
But they know that's why they're becoming more desperate, because they know that they're being pushed back.
We're fighting.
That's my question.
How big is it that they're having to admit Trump was right three weeks ago about Antifa being bad too?
I mean, this is huge.
And no one's even really... I saw you doing it in tweets a few days ago.
We've been saying it, but it's not a... Trump needs to come out as family and say, see?
Pelosi admits they're terrorists.
The Washington Post admits I'm right.
Huge victory lap to all the idiots that actually believe he was racist because he said Antifa's bad too.
Well, if Trump were on a house arrest, he would be getting these talking points.
So that's... The issue is that...
These are winning issues for Trump.
He should be taking a victory lap.
He should be calling out CNN.
He should say Van Jones and Don Lemon on air, on CNN, both
I've been saying it for three days!
That's right!
If we don't have the time, somebody else do it!
We've got all the footage of all of them endorsing Antifa, saying they're great, saying they're wonderful, then show all their violence, and now show them turning around saying, okay, we don't endorse them, showing how Trump was right!
It's incredible!
In fact, there it is!
Left admits they cycled talking points to destroy Trump!
Yeah, exactly.
So those video clips need to be getting out.
Those little snippets need to be getting out.
People need to be saying, Van Jones blocked me on Twitter, and I go, Van Jones, you endorsed Antifa now that Nancy Pelosi has disavowed them.
And by the way, talk about a win.
For new media.
We, the Infowarriors, the Breitbart people, the Twitter people, the social media people, they never, the media never demanded that Pelosi disavow Antifa.
This was all done by new media, by people listening in here who make phone calls, pick up the phones, call Paul Ryan, call Pelosi.
We're not going to stand for this.
This is the people uniting
That's right.
Well, if it wasn't for independent media, they could still act like they tried to sell Antifa as the good guys.
It blew up in their face.
Spectacular defeat.
And because the president's instincts were right, he decried both groups.
And now he gave us the moral support to push the truth.
And now we won.
I want to ask Mike Cernovich the next shoe to drop.
Other big intel with Millie Weaver, Owen Schroer, Ann Moore, and the liberals on video being viciously racist to black people.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I am like a frothing piranha, and Millie's about to take over with Owen Schroyer with all this footage we haven't even gotten to.
Some of it three days old, some of it happened yesterday, of just white people screaming racist stuff at black people if they dare be at a pro free speech rally.
I don't know.
Still kind of supporting it.
Local newspapers are saying, good, go out to this prayer meeting, attack everybody.
And Pelosi said, good, they were attacking Nazis.
And CBS News said, oh, look, good, they attacked Nazis in Berkeley.
No, they attacked a prayer vigil and chased people down.
Multiracial folks attacked them.
And again, the Nazis have a right to rally.
The ACLU came out and said that.
They're being called Nazis.
You have to let the horrible groups do that or you lose your rights.
That's what liberals used to understand.
So, this is all coming up, Milly.
I'm going to finish up with Cernovich, but do you have any comments about what he's saying?
Just the climate of what's going on and Democrat senators, you know, in trials over money laundering and underage sex crimes and
Well, you know, I think that it's pretty hypocritical that you have so many progressive leftists out there calling out and trying to go after white people for reparations for slavery.
Slavery that happened hundreds of years ago and people today that have not been in slavery.
Whereas you have this total silence, it seems like, from people on the left regarding sex trafficking and sex slavery.
That goes on today, and the amount of people that are being sex trafficked is insane!
And even just hearing about these stories where, you know, we're talking about young girls, young children being trafficked, and where's the leftists coming out and marching in the streets against modern slavery?
Modern sex slavery?
So that's a little bit hypocritical right there, but as far as we're talking about with these racial relations in the country right now and how you have the media hyping up and spinning up tensions amongst people to where you actually have people thinking it's okay to go out and physically attack someone just because you think that they're a Nazi or a racist, that doesn't justify attacking somebody.
In America, we have the justice system, the rule of law, innocent until proven guilty.
And that's what we saw, especially at the Boston Free Speech Rally, where you had hordes of people going out to attack people.
It was like a modern-day witch hunt, something you'd see back in Salem.
So here's the big news, and we're gonna get more into that after Mike leaves in like six, seven minutes, when you take over.
Mike, why is suddenly, I keep going back to this, Pelosi and everybody turning against him.
I know the real media showed it.
We had videos with millions of views, you had videos, hundreds of people had videos with millions of views.
I mean, I would go look at pages of 500,000, 300,000, 2 million, 7 million, 4 million, and it's just scum of the earth, mainly white people, I'm not just saying it to be, you know, justice signaling or whatever it's called, that's who it is, screaming and beating up
People who clearly aren't even Nazis, screaming Nazi at them.
Sometimes they're dressed up in role-player outfits like Captain America, screaming Nazi.
It's like totally insane.
And now the Democrats are abandoning them.
The LA Times, the New York Times.
What happened?
They realize with the hurricane hitting, everybody's seeing the unity.
I think that backfired.
The perfect storm of Trump having courage telling the truth, independent media telling the truth, people having courage, people of color coming out to Trump rallies, breaking the conditioning.
Then the storm hitting, showing the unity, Trump doing a great job, the emergency services doing a great job, Trump getting out of the way, letting the Cajun Navy come in, all of it showing unity.
I think it's the perfect storm.
I sense incredible victory right now.
I sense just, this is, it's just like in the campaign.
I can feel it!
We've turned another major corner!
It doesn't mean they're not going to come back at us again, but I've gone from incredible anxiety in the last 24 hours to really feeling good, Cernovich.
Well, I mean, as you know, and as you talked about on Joe Rogan's podcast and the biggest downloaded podcast in history, we are a global brain, as Howard Bloom called it in his excellent book.
We are a collective.
We're all plugged in collectively to this consciousness.
And because of that, people are feeling the unity and love happening in Houston.
So the media even, I mean, think about it.
When is the last time you turned on the television and there are stories of inspiration, of heroism, of love?
There was the human chain of people rescuing that elderly person.
I mean, if you're not feeling goosebumps when you're watching this footage, right?
So, collectively, this is an opportunity for us as a species to collectively level up into the next dimension of understanding and the next dimension of consciousness.
Beautifully said.
We've got to put that at the front of this interview.
I mean, wow.
And I saw you when these people are trying to attack you, Millie, around the country, but also just yesterday and two days ago when Trump was there.
I forget the name of the video.
There's so many of them.
But at the end, you find one guy that will talk to you and go, can't we just all love each other and come together?
And he goes, yeah.
And he was the one guy that wasn't hateful out there for the real reason.
And then he starts looking at you and like shaking his head and understanding it's all a lie.
And you see that happening.
Exactly, and if you notice, the amount of people that wanted to come out and spew hate at the president who was going to Austin to have a briefing about Harvey and what they can do to help the victims of Harvey, the amount of anti-Trump protesters that were out there actually to spew hate were small.
Compared to the hundreds and thousands of people that went to Houston and were standing in line to volunteer to help people.
The amount of people that went there with boats attached to their trucks to go help people.
So the whole message here, folks, is that there are way more many people in America that want to come together, that want to unite, that want to just love each other.
Can we know who's stirring it up?
You're going to cover it for the next 40 minutes.
So in closing, Cernovich, other key points, other big stories you're working on at Cernovich.
I mean, I don't want to be too positive here, because a lot of good stuff's happening, but they're going to counter-strike.
North Korea, we just simulated a drop of nuclear bombs on their DMZ.
That's escalating.
What's really going on?
What are your other sources telling you?
Well, the good news, I think, is that people in the media, after seeing the great love and heroism in Houston, I think they're going to say, you know what?
We're tired of being spokespeople for the demonic forces.
We're tired of... I agree.
I kind of felt a giving up lately.
Are you feeling them give up, Mike?
Well, they realize they want to cover the beautiful and the aspirational about because, you know, as you know, we live in an aesthetic age and aesthetic dictates morality.
And the aesthetics of the media has been character assassination, false accusations, destroying lives, inciting violence, inciting terrorism, backing Antifa.
But now all these reporters have had an opportunity
To see what humanity is capable of, the love, the inspiration, the unity, the recognizing that we shouldn't be negative all the time.
We should we should try to rise above the conditioning, the cultural conditioning, rise above the postmodern aesthetic of poop flags and poop swastikas and you know, urine crucifixes and the negativity.
So I think you're going to see a lot of people in media saying, you know what?
I'm tired of just being a professional assassin for the evil.
There's a video by John Bowne for Infowars.com called Opportunistic Trash Pounce on Hurricane Victims.
And in the short video, it shows Sir surrogate money and all the scams that are being run.
And it shows CNN, MSNBC going, how dare the president be hateful?
He's so pathetic.
Everyone hates him.
And you can tell the CNN reporters and pundits look like demons.
I mean, you can't believe they're saying this when it's the opposite of reality and you can just see the breaking point that they have shoveled BS to a level never before seen, Mike.
And you're going to see more reporters saying, you know what, I don't want to do this.
I don't want to lie anymore.
Ultimately, people have virtue and goodness in themselves.
Ultimately, people do want to spread a positive message and do great things for the world and great things for themselves.
So you're going to find more and more reporters saying, you know what, I'm just I'm fed up with this.
I'm fed up.
Oh, that's the next thing!
You know, I'm looking to sue the Southern Property Law Center.
I had plenty of standing to do it.
I'm going to have to sue somebody because they're blocking us and listing us as Nazis, and you too, and we're getting blocked from commerce, and mainline sites are getting banned off PayPal.
I mean, they're forcing us.
Now we learn they're flooding money offshore to bank accounts that the federal watch groups say
They've, Free Beacon has a story, they've never seen any quote, human rights group do this.
And I'm here to tell you, it's not just money that they're getting offshore so it's tax exempt.
They're already 501c3.
They basically represent no poor people in the South with legal representation of what they claim.
They're a hate group.
They got caught running the Oklahoma City operation to a great extent through Ellingham City.
But they're also doing this because they put the money offshore to run black ops.
They're not just moving the money offshore for themselves.
This is a very evil group.
But evidence shows they're accelerating their money out of the country because I think they know they're going to lose, Mike.
Well, maybe they're involved in some kind of trafficking or something that they don't want people to learn about.
You know, those are the kind of questions.
If you're laundering money the way they are, people are going to naturally say, well, are they involved in human trafficking?
I don't know, but I would want to know why.
I don't hide my money.
My money is all in American bank accounts.
Mine too.
So why are they taking all this millions of dollars?
What are they buying with that money off the books?
They're clearly buying something that they don't want people to know that they're paying for.
So I would be.
And by the way, we're talking about started out like two million a year, then five million a year.
I mean, they are shoveling cash offshore.
Right, so what are they buying with that money?
Or maybe, who are they buying?
And by the way, is it like the Clinton Foundation?
Because everybody from J.P.
Morgan to that weasel, oh what's that idiot's name, George Clooney, they're just shoveling millions at him.
So, I mean, are they really getting that money back?
They give it to a tax-free group, and then it goes back into the United States, back into them.
I'm not saying that, but that's what the Clinton Foundation did.
Well, maybe, I mean, maybe they're giving the money to the SPLC for services that are being provided off the books in this money laundering, black ops kind of operation.
That's the whole thing.
Who knows how deep this goes?
I mean, we do know that
Jeffrey Epstein and other people were involved in a lot of shady things, a lot of Democrats are, so maybe there are big parties happening with Jeffrey Epstein and that's what's really happening here.
These are very, very important questions we have to investigate because we do know there's no reason that you should be laundering millions of dollars offshore like the SPLC is doing.
And by the way, no other non-profit group, this is probably not legal, experts are saying, I tell you, the SPLC is a hardcore group.
Let me tell you, they are hard core.
They ran Elohim steady.
They're evil.
I hope they sue me because then I can get discovery and all this stuff.
So maybe... Well, I know you're a lawyer.
Listen, I'm looking around.
I got a lot of great lawyers.
I've been talking to folks all over the country.
That's one reason I've been so busy.
And, you know, a lot of stuff we're supposed to be working on and haven't been doing.
I just instinctively know I've got to sue maybe Tom Brokaw calling me a Nazi.
I got to fight back, man.
I don't know.
I can't just sit there.
And then they use that database to keep me from commerce like I'm a Jew in Nazi Germany.
That's how it started was not letting people have commerce.
I mean, this is literal.
Yeah, and more importantly, they're trying to get you murdered again.
The Floyd Lee Corkins is the five-year anniversary of that mass shooting.
He told an FBI interrogator that I went on to the SPLC hate watching.
Focus on the family.
Yeah, and that's why I wanted to commit murder because of the SPLC.
Family Research Center.
Yeah, so when they, when they, um, yeah, people can, your, your producers can find Floyd Lee Corkin's FBI interview, Family Research Council.
So what you find out is when the SPLC adds this to these lists, they are essentially telling terrorists like Floyd Lee Corkin's mass murderers, mass killers, hey, this is your target list.
These are the people we want.
They're telling Antifa, meth head,
I mean, even Stefan Molyneux used to be kind of like an atheist, but he says, watching the behavior of Antifa, it's like they're satanic.
Well, what's wrong with them, Mike?
Well, and actually, it's funny you mention that.
I actually said that on a Molyneux podcast, which I was a very hardcore atheist, but everything that I've read about in the Bible growing up is kind of coming to fruition.
If you look around and you don't see truly evil demonic forces at play here, at a biblical level, then you're not
You're not a wake man.
So we've actually talked about that where we are people who five years ago were very much atheists, but when you see this truth, forces that can only be described as evil and demonic and satanic.
And when you're in a whole other city and someone says the same nasty thing in a demon voice that's never been on TV, it's like there's a wavelength.
It's like, it's like, uh,
Agent Smith's coming into different bodies like in the Matrix and it's like you walk around the corner and he's still there again and it's like you people are like wide open.
Well look at that potbelly goblin that went after you in Seattle they're like there's something you know overtakes them overtakes their bodies where they don't look like a human anymore it's like
And they don't, they're no longer humans.
Listen, we go to these events now and there will be people all over just going, like, for like hours.
What is that?
Yeah, because people ask me, they go, Cernovich, you know, some of my national security sources actually, they go, is that video real or not?
And I go, guys, I have, I had a demonic person like that confront me when I was in Austin.
He stalked me and he was screaming so loudly that hotel security said, you're going to go to jail, buddy.
And it really is like something you would see in a horror film.
Oh yeah, I didn't stage that coffee thing.
We don't stage anything.
But that's what I mean.
They don't realize how demonic the people we deal with on a daily... For us, that's just another walk in the park.
It's like an exorcist movie.
It's true, literally.
I walk around with the InfoWars moniker on the mic, and literally, I have people coming up... It's like a cross to a vampire.
Literally, it is!
But you show it to them, hey look!
Yeah, they're like... Have you seen InfoWars?
Yeah, they start cursing, yelling profanities.
They get all like heightened emotional and they freak out and they can't handle themselves.
It's like they're about to explode.
I mean, it's pretty bizarre.
And I've seen a number of satanic symbolism on some of these Antifa's shirts and clothing they're wearing.
What do you mean?
We got countless videos.
What do you like to say today?
I love Satan.
I kill my babies.
Kill Satan.
And they wear it on their clothes and their jewelry and even on their Facebook profiles.
I saw some of the antifa that were threatening us and I clicked on their page and lo and behold they got giant baphomet and satanic stuff all over their profiles.
These people are choosing the dark side.
It's clear.
And it's like fat guys in dresses with machine guns saying we're gonna kill you?
Well, it's weird.
It's weird because the Antifa are so bad now, the actual Church of Satan Twitter account has said, we don't even want them associated with us.
The Antifa is so demonic that the Satanic Church is saying, wait, wait, wait.
I mean, those people are on a completely different dimension of evil.
It's something all together.
And that's what people don't understand.
It's like slimer demons.
It's not like Satan is the slick devil or whatever.
It's an unhinged, that's the thing.
It's an unhinged energy where their facial expressions change, they don't look human.
It's literally like a spirit moves in them, takes over their body, leaves, and then the person goes on with his day-to-day life.
And it really is.
Every day, every time we go out, especially in Austin, you can feel it too.
You can feel when you walk in.
Uh, like in an exorcist or something, whether in the church and the walls start to move or something, there's those types of spiritual reverberation.
And it's coming to a quickening, and they hate Houston, they hate the love.
They do, they hate it.
And you know what's really interesting?
I know there are motivational speakers out there and people who teach about how to de-escalate a fight.
And so when these people come up screaming and yelling and cursing at me, what I tend to do is, for the most part, I try to de-escalate by saying something nice back, or just kind of bouncing a different energy back, because that's what they're trying to do in all of this, is provoke me.
I was able to be nice some of the time, but sometimes when they're screaming and cussing, I would cuss right back.
Yeah, I mean, it is tempting.
I get frustrated as well.
Definitely, it is tempting.
Well, you're going to cover it coming up with Owen here.
Mike Cernovich, anything else?
You've always got more info you'd like to add.
It just seems like everywhere, everything's turning against him.
But Mueller's now looking at Donald Jr., and they're pitting all their hopes on that, and all their hopes, like we predicted, on did they bounce a check or something?
Yeah, they're going after General Flynn very hard again.
The enemy is going to strike back.
What people have to realize is that we are in an information war, a spiritual war, and the evil isn't going to rest.
The evil is on its back foot now.
The pedophiles, accused pedophiles, accused underage hookers, using underage hookers like Menendez, a lot of trouble they're in.
The love in Houston is sending something into the collective unconscious, very important.
So I would encourage just people in general
To tap into that positive energy.
No, no, I agree.
I tend to get negative to get folks motivated, so it's not negative, but it comes off as negative.
We should be celebrating that Antifa has been exposed, celebrating people are coming together as one race, as one humanity under God in Houston.
Celebrate that everything they're doing is being turned against them, shouldn't we?
And that's what they hate, is optimism, and just the MSM is a joke, and let's just laugh at them and document what they're doing, but realize they're cancer, and we've got most of the cancer cut out, and we think the patient's gonna live.
Exactly, and if you really want to trigger the left, be nice to them when they start trying to scream and provoke you, and give them a response they aren't expecting.
And let's try to promote unity, because after all, who benefits from a united nation under Trump?
Trump supporters and the Trump administration.
If we really want Trump 2020, we have to promote unity in this country so that we don't have civil unrest and violence.
And that counters the lie.
That's why Antifa is there at any event to make sure no one gets together.
They now take over any leftist event because they're the jackboots.
But this isn't Ukraine.
This isn't, you know, some place that's been overthrown over and over again.
This is America and it's not going to work the way they think.
And even the Nazis, we have to keep them out too.
That was one of the big stories.
Oh, absolutely.
Everybody's like, God, what are we going to do with these idiot Nazi people on the flags?
And I said, look, I'm going to be completely honest with you.
You just have to have somebody in your crew who's ready to rough up the guy, the Nazi flag.
Maybe that's on principle, but.
It's at the point now where the Nazis are, they are Antifa, they are a demonic force, and they're entering in to destroy the unity and destroy us coming together.
Well, most of the time they're former Democrats and know they aren't staged.
Yeah, exactly.
So that's what I've been telling people.
I go, look man, if somebody shows up to one of my events with the Nazi flag, one of my friends and the crowd will do what you have to do, and that's where we are.
People are going to have to do what they have to do to get rid of that.
Now, beating up a Democrat federal officer is illegal.
Well, if he's undercover and you don't know, then it's a misdemeanor assault charge.
It is too bad a little Southern Poverty Law Center guy fell down and, you know, got hurt.
Well, you know, a lot of these neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups have long been infiltrated by the FBI, and they've- They run it!
Yeah, exactly.
It's Southern Poverty Law Center with special leftist liaison officers.
It's been proven.
Millie, you're coming up with all that amazing Millie Weaver.
How do folks follow you on Twitter?
You can follow me at Millie underscore Weaver on Twitter.
And then Cernovich at Cernovich, at Prison Planet Paul, at Real Alex Jones.
I'm just finally starting to get good at Twitter.
I'm horrible at it.
But follow me at Real Alex Jones, Cernovich, and Paul are masters.
And Mike, you're hosting the fourth hour tomorrow.
You are hosting the fourth hour tomorrow.
Excited about that.
And we'll be back with more transmissions right after this.
The broadcast is not over.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Hurricane Harvey puts out the fires of the race war.
Hurricane Harvey drowns the globalist agenda to divide America based on race.
That is the story because that is what the globalists have been trying to do.
That is what Soros-funded groups have been trying to do.
Divide this country on race.
Take it down.
But Hurricane Harvey has brought the people of America together.
Powerful images coming out of Texas.
And it shows how this country can come together no matter the race color decreed.
To get above these hard times and get them in the past.
Alex Jones still with us here in the fourth hour.
Pretty powerful stuff, Alex.
Okay, so I think we're trying to get Alex connected here right now.
So we're going to get Alex connected.
I think he'll just come in studio.
He's just gonna come into the new spaceship.
21st Century Headquarters Info Wars in Austin, Texas.
Well, Charlottesville was a deep state operation that the deep state and the mainstream media had started off trying to kick off the summer of rage to incite a race war in the country.
And once Hurricane Harvey happened and we saw this unbelievable amount of humanitarianism and sacrifice,
And unity that people in America displayed.
It really kind of destroyed that narrative, didn't it, Owen?
Well, they never got the summer of rage that they wanted.
The only thing that they got was the Charlottesville protest.
Alex Jones is sneaking up on Millie like an Antifa member.
I can feel the energy of the demons fading.
No, I actually agree.
But seriously, the bad news, the judge is so evil she's claiming, oh, pardon means an admission of guilt, so under law, which it doesn't actually say that, we're going to continue oral arguments, you know, for your sentencing.
And so he has to admit that.
It's all just a way to act like Trump doesn't have power and that Trump can't do things.
It'll be another loss for him.
It'll be another loss for the left, for the Democrats.
But we'll get our pile back on tomorrow.
This is big.
I just want you guys to know that.
Please continue.
We got all the footage.
Yeah, yeah.
Let's get to these clips.
Let's get to these clips.
So Millie and I were out at the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Emergency Operations Center here in Austin, Texas, when Trump came to town to address Hurricane Harvey.
And we ran into, obviously, some protesters on the streets that kind of slink and sneak around like...
Like Alex Jones behind us right now.
This will be funny for the YouTube videos.
Oh my gosh.
Alex is sneaking around in the studio right now.
Well, he's trying to do his best impersonation of Antifa.
He just doesn't have a bat in his hand to bloody somebody.
Or a mask.
Yeah, or a mask.
But it was amazing.
So, here are some of the clips that Millie got yesterday.
We had my clips on the air.
I think that was either yesterday or Tuesday.
News flies so fast around here.
It's just like, I can't even keep track of myself.
But here's some of the clips that Millie got from the Trump protesters in Austin.
You're judging me by the color of my skin.
I'm on the wrong side.
So technically, you say I'm on the wrong side.
You're going to tell me what side I should be on?
Is that what you're doing?
You're on the wrong side.
This is a black lady who's a Trump supporter, a white lady telling her she's on the wrong side of the protest.
She's a Hispanic.
She's a Hispanic lady.
She's telling her she's on the wrong side.
You know what, ma'am?
I don't know what race you are.
I really don't care.
I like you as an individual human being.
And we are one nation under God.
Of course, you could tell by the words she said that she supports Trump, Polly.
You should not do that.
No, I just know what he says against people of color.
And then here's the dumbass Trump protester.
The Klan doesn't want you.
The Klan doesn't want you.
The Klan.
People are such a joke.
I'm more offended that you're sitting here being racist towards me than you're telling me that my president is.
Yeah, exactly.
Where's the Klan being racist to this woman?
The Klan's not here.
It's this crazy liberal.
We've got some protesters.
We've got a little debate going on.
What's your name, ma'am?
I'm Vivian.
Nice to meet you, Vivian.
What brings you out here today?
Because I love my president.
Someone that can answer a question.
I didn't find any of those, Millie.
Good job.
This is the response you get from Trump supporters versus the responses you get from Trump haters.
No matter what Trump does, they are not going to allow him to do right.
Do you think that people should come together in unity to support the president?
I think we should.
It's not even so much because he was, look, he's our president.
Where are you from?
Austin, Texas.
I think there's a big mistake if you're trying to separate politicians.
Both sides are just corrupt.
But we got an outsider who's not an insider, and that's why both sides hate him.
Look at these Trump supporters, well-spoken, polite.
Very articulate.
Now, what happened between you and this girl here?
Asked her.
What happened was, she's telling me that I'm colored, and I am offended by that.
She's saying that they are being racist.
A racist liberal, labeling based on identity.
I'm American, that's what I am.
I am not black, I am American.
And you are a Democrat or Republican?
None of your business.
She's embarrassed.
That woman's embarrassed.
This is what happens when Trump supporters take the high road.
Liberals cower because they realize they're being hateful and they're the ones who are actually being bigoted.
I will.
I have no problem answering your question.
Go ahead.
Why are you out here today?
I'm out here because I feel like we should have someone stand for America.
Not a certain race.
Yeah, and meanwhile, this woman's trying to talk and these people just keep... What are they yelling?
What are they yelling about?
They were singing and chanting like pro-immigration rants.
So this group came out here and they're supporting illegal immigration in the United States, which is illegal.
I mean, just in the title of it.
No, they don't know that word.
That word's not in their dictionary.
Not in their lexicon.
So there's black Nazis?
I've seen them accuse, I've seen them accuse black people of being Nazis.
I'm a black Nazi.
I've seen them.
Yeah, on the other side of this protest where I was at, we had a University of Texas, or no, that wasn't the professor, this other crazy dingbat woman who said Ben Carson wasn't black.
...boy stand with me with a Trump sign and they called him a Nazi.
It was a senior high school boy.
And this is a woman that saw that?
Let's end this one and let's get to the next video.
Again, this is Millie Weaver on the streets of Austin outside of the Texas Department of Public Safety Emergency Operations Center.
She's talking to some Trump supporters.
She's talking to some protesters.
And this racist Trump protester starts labeling this black woman all sorts of things just because she supports Trump.
And really exposes herself as the true racist in the video, and then when she realizes it, and this team of diverse Trump supporters actually wants to have a dialogue that requires a little bit of a higher education, higher intellect, she cowers away and she's embarrassed and she doesn't want to talk all of a sudden.
So, what is this next clip that we're about to play, Millie?
Well, this is all just one clip here, but as far as what you're saying with the Trump supporters versus the anti-Trump supporters, the anti-Trump supporters were out there, and either A, as you've experienced, Owen, they don't want to respond to you, they say, I'm not talking to you, or they just flip you off, or yell profanities, and so on and so forth.
Well, I asked an entire crowd of impeached Trump protesters why to impeach Trump.
I didn't get one answer.
And look, these guys here in the video, you can see that they brought some signs that has like a red circle with a line through it that has like a swastika that's forced into a 45.
This woman's sign says, I will not be governed by hate.
Meanwhile, everything she does is based on hate.
It's really sad.
So now here's a clip that I got of a University of Texas professor on the streets of Austin yesterday protesting Trump.
Again, folks, the anti-Trump supporters out here.
She's a professor at University of Texas.
Here's one of them.
That's nice.
She flicks off the camera, just like a good liberal does.
They hate Trump.
Well, maybe that's because you started rubbing up on him.
Oh, really?
What do you think about Greg Fenves saying that Robert E. Lee represents neo-Nazis?
This clip is incredible.
He all of a sudden gets an accent out of here.
Auschwitz got an accent.
Okay, that's interesting logic.
But I asked a question.
If you had read his statement, you would know.
I did, and I'm referring it to you.
I literally read his statement.
Does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
She didn't read his statement.
Look at the veins in her neck bulging.
I can't talk about that.
I don't think veins bulge.
I can't help how good I look.
You're a big, big dude.
You're so... I'm a little above average.
I'm pretty strong.
Yeah, awesome.
I'm just asking you, does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
No, ma'am.
No, I'm not.
Listen, look.
You see this young man right here?
Now listen to this.
This young man has a bright future, and I love that.
I love the fact that this young man has a bright future.
So how am I a white supremacist?
Token little person, right?
I've never even met this man before.
Token little person, she calls this young black man.
Because he came up and talked to me.
Because we're both Americans.
Because he agrees with you.
Because we're Americans.
Can we actually rewind that?
You know what?
Let's play this again, folks.
This is the mindset.
This is the mindset.
Go back to this clip.
I'm telling you, so much can be revealed in that one little clip.
So this young African-American high school student is out here supporting Trump.
He's glad that he has a president that's going to provide him a future.
He can get a good job.
He can get a good education and go out and make some money and have a career and have a family.
This young man likes that.
He's proud of that.
He's out there supporting President Trump.
I do an interview with this young man.
I talk to him for a little bit.
We get along.
We become friends.
And then she calls me a white supremacist, I say, hey look, this young man here, he's black, he's a friend of mine, I love him.
How am I a white supremacist?
And then she says, oh, he's a little token person.
I mean, that is unbelievable that she would say that.
This is a professor.
Alright, do we have that audio ready to go again?
Just roll this again, this is unbelievable.
This is, look, you see this young man right here?
This young man has a bright future, and I love that.
I love the fact that this young man has a bright future.
So how am I a white supremacist?
A token little person, right?
I've never even met this man before.
A token little person.
That's how they think of it, folks.
This is racism.
This is racism.
Because we're Americans.
He agrees with you.
So does Robert E. Lee, does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
Do I say that?
No, it has nothing to do with that.
So yes or no, does Robert E. Lee represent neo-Nazis?
It's not what he said, but it's also not what I said.
Okay, so the University of Texas professor gets mad at me for saying I don't know who Fenves is, then misquotes his own statement.
Yeah, hide the camera from your embarrassment.
You know what?
This is why higher education is failing.
Excuse me, officer, can you please keep her off my camera?
Yeah, yeah, you know what?
Didn't this woman claim to you that she's a professor?
Yeah, she's a professor of gender studies at University of Texas.
For radio listeners, she calls me a white supremacist.
I have a young black man next to me.
I say, hey, look, this guy's awesome.
He's a friend of mine.
And she's like, oh, you're little token person.
I love him.
How rude.
How racist.
And she says it right to his face.
And that's how they think that they're they literally think they're beyond reproach.
He literally goes from having this bright smile on his face to the saddest looking expression on his face, and it's heartbreaking.
It really is.
Yeah, exactly!
You can see when I reach out and I grab him, his face lights up.
He's like, yes, I'm part of something.
I'm part of building a future.
And then this witch, look at his face.
Look at how happy he is.
He's like, yeah, and then this witch insults him.
Now, isn't this the woman that she had the fart whistle?
Oh, yeah, she was over and over while they were trying to do your job.
So I think it would be kind of interesting or or ironic if her students blew a fart whistle during her speeches.
Oh, yeah.
I bet she wouldn't.
They make sure you don't.
Make sure you don't go to her gender studies class and blow a fart whistle like she does.
But I mean, she might not even be at class.
She might be out protesting Trump, you know, because this is a school day.
She is a professor out here on school hours protesting Trump.
So that really goes to show you so much.
But just the hate.
is really unbelievable.
These people hate everything.
It's not that they just hate white people or they just hate Neo-Nazis or this or that.
They hate everything.
They hate themselves.
And Greg Fenves, I shot this video!
Greg Fenves made a statement that he's removing the Robert E. Lee statue because it represents Neo-Nazis.
That was his statement.
I read the entire thing.
I then immediately went to UT and filed a report and got protesters to chant, Death to America.
Then this UT professor, I asked her, do you agree with Fenves' statement
That Robert E. Lee represented Neo-Nazis, and she says, no, of course not, but he didn't say that.
So, like, she's, this woman's, this woman's logic is so twisted, so confused, how could she possibly teach your kid anything?
Other than hate?
We know that Houston is heavily an area where minorities live.
So these liberals want to claim... It's the most diverse city in America.
They want to claim that they're all for helping minorities and that's why they hate Trump.
But why weren't they going out to help the people that were in need in Houston?
No, that's not what it's about for them.
They just want to go out and spew hate and hate the president.
And most have no good reason as to why they do.
And you really did a great job, Owen, showing how they don't have any real reasons to not like Trump.
They don't even know why they're out there.
Well, we've been putting that on display for over a year now, and that still hasn't changed.
They've had over a year to do a little bit of research and to find out why they hate Trump, and they still can't figure it out, just like the Russia thing.
This will just continue, but I really do, you know, in that video, we're going to go to this other video that Millie shot, but in that video, if you watch closely, there's a moment where you can actually see some of these Trump protesters, you can literally see when their brain malfunctions.
When I say, why won't you want to impeach Trump?
And some of them still have an entity of free thought and they go there and they're like,
You can literally see the moment when their brain malfunctions and they're like, wait, I have to give a reason?
Or like there's these young girls in the background that are listening to me and they're kind of like, wait a second, this guy actually is making sense and this woman is clearly an idiot.
She just called Ben Carson white.
So this woman is not a woman that I want to be aligned with.
But you shot a video as part of your Fly Over America series.
Guys, do we have that video ready to go?
Well, I wanted to do a little intro really quick here.
Okay, go ahead.
Remember, though, we barely have enough time.
Yes, for those of you who don't know, Fly Over America was a tour that we went on, an InfoWars original series to go out and show and dispel the myth that Trump supporters are a bunch of racist, redneck bigots.
And we just kind of went out and talked to your everyday Trump supporters out there.
And, of course, the mainstream media hated that, and then Charlottesville happened, and then the mainstream media, CBS, ended up doing a hit piece on Fly Over America saying that
We were having KKK rally events at our events, which was absolutely bogus.
So you found out what we found out on the streets of Austin, like where there's a whole group of hateful white people protesting Trump, and then the Trump supporters are black people, Latino people, women, young children.
I mean, just literally the most diverse people.
Yes, they are.
So let's go ahead and roll to the Fly Over America clip.
Some call it the heartland.
Others call it America's breadbasket.
Progressives call it Flyover America, but those that live there call it home.
Uh-oh, there's the racist Make America Great Again hat.
How dare you?
As we discover Flyover America.
Flyover America.
So this is Dallas.
Wouldn't change that for nothing in the world.
And when you go to these different places and you get to meet these different people, it is really pretty neat.
I just want to kind of be somewhere where there's more like-minded people.
I mean, I love states' rights.
I love keeping things local as possible.
Anytime you have a centralized government, it just makes things worse and worse and worse.
We don't want high taxes.
Us Indians, we're hard workers just like the rest of America, and Donald was clearly the better choice.
But as soon as the people who voted for him know that they are in the majority, I think we will win this war against the globalists.
I started listening to Alex Jones like in 1998.
Probably about a year before the election, I kept hearing all these negative things about Trump and I just
It just didn't really make a lot of sense because I hadn't heard him, Trump, say a whole lot of things.
So I wanted to find out more about, okay, if he's really this horrible person, what's a lot of the stuff?
Just had a hard time finding us about when I bumped into Alex Jones.
So I'm Native American, like I said, and for whatever reason, we didn't have to comply with Obamacare.
And so I didn't face the big fines, but my wife did.
And we had to pay somewhere around $1,500 to $1,800 every year that it was
And we don't want to pay for insurance.
We eat healthy, we buy the products at Info Wars, and we stay active.
That's weird how people just look at the bad stuff, or the rumors about him, but don't look at the facts.
People are not informed, that's the bad thing about it.
Everybody should be happy we're free, you know, like 4th of July again every day, you know, for us.
Being a crooked politician should be one of the worst crimes in the country.
If you get labeled as a crooked politician, that should be like with kid crimes, you know, something like that.
For a person to be a crooked politician, because you're hurting so many people, when you decide to run for and help, or say you're going to help so many people, and then you fail to do it, or you just choose not to do it.
And I don't think Donald Trump is going to choose to not help us.
I'm from Oklahoma, and I am a very proud deplorable.
I've been in Oklahoma 30 years.
From Oklahoma City.
Well, I kind of go back and forth between Texas and Oklahoma.
I'm Kayleen.
And I'm Charlene.
And we're Fly Over America!
Fly Over America!
Trump, because he's got balls.
He wasn't part of the liberal establishment.
He hadn't been there.
He told you like it was.
He wasn't afraid to tell the media that they were not correct.
That's really what I like.
He didn't take any crap and he still doesn't and I think that's what we need.
I'd say one of the big things is that he brought God and Jesus back into the White House.
My name is Charlene.
I'm from Oklahoma and I'm a very, very good deplorable.
Crazy deplorable, actually.
People here will stand by the door and keep it open for as long as 15 minutes until everybody gets through.
When you're, you know, walking into a store or any place in California, you open the door, you shut it right back and people just shut and open the door.
Nobody will stop and open doors for people.
And that's just like a really, I don't, that's not exactly what Oklahoma is, but that's how I can explain it.
Like when the tornado happened in 2013, the big tornado that hit Moore, people stopped what they were doing to help all those that didn't have a place to stay.
People welcomed each other.
Oh, just like what's happening in Houston, and you got this footage before Hurricane Harvey.
Exactly, this was released prior.
We're on our way right now to meet with a farmer out here in Nelson, Missouri.
Nice to meet you!
Liberals literally hate this.
But liberals buy their organic food from these people.
Someone that was not in conventional medicine and and they recommended a few a few simple things and and part of that was just being You know eating organic foods.
We tried it.
I'd say what 30 60 days
Give me 30 days and you'll see a big difference.
So we took the leap of faith and and took the 30 days and in just in two weeks we saw a huge difference.
So we went ahead and finished our 30 days out and knew that we just needed to make some permanent changes.
So it was a real eye-opener.
We've continued it to today.
We're still doing that and and so I like I was saying at one point there you know we've been farming I have for about 25 years and always been conventional and
Uh, not knocking the conventional guy.
I really feel like we've been kind of, uh, almost pushed into it.
But, um, you know, we saw an opportunity to farm organically, did a lot of research on it for a year or two before we, uh, we started doing it.
And then we transitioned the acres we have to organic, plus we found some additional acres that we could take straight to organic.
Yes, we did.
You can't take eight years or however many years of, I'm going to call it going backwards, and expect to fix it in the first 100, 200 days.
That just is not going to work.
But we are excited about where he's going, you know?
I'd be... And he's making amazing strides.
If I said that we're excited about everything Mr. Trump's doing, but we see the big picture.
You know, he's got talks about cutting farm subsidies, cutting some of the crop insurance help that we get as farmers, and some other things of that nature.
But we know enough to know that it's part of helping the greater good.
When we have the deficit like we've got, you can't do it unless you make some drastic cuts.
And if that's what it takes, we're willing to help do that.
We are on our way right now to go meet with Francisco.
He is a resident of Wichita, Kansas.
Hey, how are you doing?
So great stuff here from Millie Weaver, the Flyover America special folks.
Great footage, great job Millie.
Thanks for finding these people.
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