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Filename: 20170829_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 29, 2017
3215 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on his show including Hurricane Harvey, tensions between North Korea and other countries, pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, censorship of conservative views, hostility towards conservatives and Christians, planned plot to remove President Trump and Pence, purifying the environment, personal control over one's health, natural and organic personal care products, criticizing media for attacking white people, dangers of chemicals, need for water filter, influence of Infowars, various supplements available at InfoWarsStore.com, free speech on college campuses, police action against conservative students, decline in popularity of MTV VMA Music Awards, right- wing authoritarianism, attacks on Christianity, growth of Infowars, Hurricane Harvey and Houston situation, and an interview with Candace Owens. Candace shares her experience being smeared by leftist media after making a statement. She talks about the media gaslighting people, creating false narratives to control them, and manipulating group perceptions, particularly regarding race issues in America. She criticizes the portrayal of gangster culture in rap music and other forms of popular entertainment for influencing black incarceration rates.

If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You have found it, ladies and gentlemen, the most demonized, most attacked, most lied about broadcast in the world.
Trump is attacked even more than I am, but
I'm only second to Trump, and I'm very, very proud to have the radical Islamicists, the pedophiles, the scum of the earth that seek to bully humanity and seek to end our free societies and seek to end our free will.
I'm so honored to have the trash of the earth, the hypocritical frauds, the social engineers.
It is the badge of honor.
It is the blood of victory.
It is everything I have sought.
Look at the headlines on InfoWars.com.
Harvey is karma for Texas voting Trump.
You see?
Clouds in the skies.
The name Lynch.
The name Lee.
A subway in New York had beams crossing and people thought it looked like a rebel flag, so it's been bricked over.
Every mental illness is catered to.
They're teaching people their new power to run around and race bait.
And the ACLU apologizes for tweeting out an image of a white baby.
Because that's offensive.
Because whites are inherently evil.
And Michael Moore has come out and said, America will be better country when whites are a minority.
And then of course, they'll have to be exterminated, like Zimbabwe and everywhere else.
But Michael Moore, I guess he thinks he'll be long gone.
Meanwhile, you see people of every color of the same race, humanity, red blood, in Houston, coming together.
As things deteriorate very quickly and as the water continues to rise.
50 plus inches just the last few days.
Even more before that.
And we've got our reporters all there in the field today.
We've sent even more crew down to the coast.
We've got Gary Haven in his private helicopter.
Great pilot.
Flew our crew into Haiti a day after the hurricane there last year.
He's going to be joining us.
So he's going to be in Houston today with Michael Zimmerman and of course, Quentin Carter and more of our crew that is down there actually involved in the rescue operation.
Got together with some of the veterans we know here in town.
And some of the off-duty feds that we know and they've got some big army trucks and they're down there right now hauling people out as we speak as well.
So a lot going on, a lot unfolding, a lot happening here.
North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan, this time the closest they've ever done it.
Serious act of provocation.
I've got a big stack of news where mainline analysts say the chances of war being imminent are now at 35%.
They were only about 10% just a few weeks ago.
So this is continuing to escalate continually.
And it's a very, very serious situation.
So that's all
Coming up today, we have Sheriff Joe Arpaio joining us.
He said he'd come on after he got pardoned.
They're demonizing him now as a vicious racist.
It's not that it calls me a racist or KKK or Hitler.
Now you've just got to add things like unalloyed, that makes it fancier, or viciously racist.
You've got all the little cowardly neocon republicans going, oh yeah, Trump made a big mistake.
Yeah, because he didn't pardon cocaine dealers or murderers.
He pardoned somebody where the border was collapsing into Phoenix.
Total lawlessness in Mexico, and so he would follow the law and arrest illegals when they were drunk driving and stuff.
So he is the ultimate racist when Mexico puts you in a forced labor camp for six months to a year for being there illegally.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the info war.
We're going to have to move very, very quickly today because there is so much over-the-top, incredibly important news to cover.
But you talk about sick,
We've got a professor here.
It's up on Infowars.com.
An article by Steve Watson.
Professor, Harvey is karma for Texas voting Trump.
And starting last Friday, I saw the celebrations on Twitter saying, destroy the state, kill all the rednecks.
God, please send a flood to destroy Texas.
And then the ignorant people
I don't
A third of the people or more didn't vote.
They deserve to die.
And the Democrats that voted Hillary, they deserve to die.
It's just this blanket, hardcore aggression where everyone who is a libertarian, a Christian, a conservative, is a Nazi.
Everyone who isn't is Captain America.
And then I was watching more of the footage this morning of them knocking people down Sunday at a prayer vigil.
For free speech in San Francisco, people going out to exercise it in the heart of the beast of the intolerant, hateful, lost left.
And it is just overweight, nice church types, many of them.
Totally wimpy, not even knowing what's happening as they're beaten in a gauntlet and then cornered, pepper sprayed,
And then spit on, I mean there's so many of these videos, and they would single people out that were bald or had short haircuts, because that's all you need to know, hell, to kill somebody, because you're so tolerant.
And then they interviewed some of the women, because it's all these wimpy women surrounding men, beating them up.
And they're saying, Nazis scare me, so I'm gonna hurt Nazis.
And it's the most mentally ill, bizarre, cowardly spectacle of a bunch of bird brains hopping around beating people up.
I mean, we're rolling some footage right here that just shows people trying to grab the American flag away and people exercising their free speech.
This is nothing.
I've got footage of them beating people up, knocking them down, spitting in people's faces, chasing people down.
It just goes on and on and on, dumping urine on them.
They also had thousands of people come with their dogs to have them defecate everywhere so they could all march in feces.
That's official.
There's footage of a guy that just showed up to the prayer meeting and they're beating him up.
And there's footage again of like 20 people around somebody just hawking spit all over him.
And it goes on and on and then Pelosi comes out.
Normally she can't even hardly form a sentence and she was able to.
She said, well, they are white supremacists.
This is the total bullying
And they know what they're doing.
So it's a major coming of age.
And I notice it's like women beating up and piling on men who are the kind of mainline sheep-like Christians.
I'm not knocking them at their sheep like that's their choice to do that.
I'll let a guy throw coffee on me and attack me to illustrate that they're the violent ones.
But beating them in the head with clubs, pulls, women ganging up, and then all these real skinny, in-black meth-head types strutting around like they're NFL linebackers.
I mean, they're feeding their oats.
It is a disgusting spectacle of true authoritarianism.
Of really dangerous, dangerous, brown shirt culture.
I've got stacks of news where conservatives, mainline Christians, you name it, are being kicked off Amazon, kicked out of commerce, kicked off by credit card companies, persecuted.
And people are celebrating that Stormfront has been taken offline, outside of a court ruling.
I don't agree with Stormfront.
They've attacked me mercilessly, made up stuff, whatever.
You know, if I want to sue them, I'd have to sue them.
The point is, they have a right to free speech.
And now Rebel Media, that's owned by a Jewish fellow, it's been shut down, Founder says, was given 24 hours notice.
So the Rebel's been taken down.
And then Stormfront's been taken down.
So mainline conservative sites like the Rebel that
Came out of a conservative network that was in Canada.
Just gone!
And this is how it's working.
Just suddenly you're gone because your quote, internet service where you've got your DNS file for your website just decides you're not allowed to be there and they deep six you.
This is a massive sustained censorship all being announced across the board.
Demonetization of YouTube.
Now putting videos into a phantom zone where you can see them because you uploaded them but other people can't.
And it's here.
And it's ahead of the killing of President Trump.
Or the drugging of the President and claiming he's collapsed.
They said a month ago, within two months, we're gonna kill the President.
And they said it on CNN, they said it on MSNBC, because they need to get the plot members to have confidence.
Let me play first for you, before we get into the hurricane and more, let me play you a clip
of Maxine Waters yesterday saying we will go after Pence once Trump is impeached.
Now, this is the most important thing I want to add here.
The Paul Ryans and the John McCains will be the only people left.
They'll still have a vestigial Republican Party for show only.
Kind of what it already was.
But the Libertarians had a successful partial takeover of the Republican Party.
I told you, don't worry that Ron Paul lost twice.
We built that beachhead culturally, ideologically.
We're going to win down the road with the populist movement.
It came quicker than I thought.
The elite are panicking.
They admit globalism is unpopular.
All the world is unelected, unaccountable, super authoritarian.
By its very basis, by its very system of technocracy, it should be untenable and everyone should reject it.
But WikiLeaks in the documents from the Democrats, it says, we're just going to use culture war.
That's a way of saying race war.
They say, the public's turned against us, they're coming together, what do we do?
And the professor advises Podesta in psychological warfare to accelerate the culture clash.
That's what this is!
And Maxine Waters is there telling the troops, don't worry!
We're going to get Trump, then we're going to get Pence.
And the plan is to have a COG event, have Homeland Security come in with executive orders and deep state already in place, have a new election, suspend all the Republicans that got elected, state houses, you name it.
You didn't elect them, Russians did.
Any governors say no, send in the big red one.
Send in regular army.
That's all the books now.
And just overturn the Republican-Libertarian-Americana realignment.
That's the plan.
They intend to execute this.
Now, I don't have to tell you that the prognosis for them successfully getting away with it are very low.
But we still don't want to go down this road because it will tank the economy.
And every time stuff like this happens in history, big wars start.
The Democrats are so busy trying to make America bankrupt so they can consolidate it and get full control and sexualize your children and run your life.
That they're not looking at North Korea they armed, China they armed, how Venezuela is collapsing, all the other stuff that's happening.
They're not seeing the writing on the wall.
So, here's Maxine Waters rallying the troops, but what the Republicans need to know is, they virtue signal, they go along with Trump's bad, how dare him.
Harden Opaio, the most vicious Nazi ever seen on Earth, murderer of 5 billion children, all made up.
They just keep piling on the ridiculous cartoon lies.
Once they get Trump, they're coming for you because they know they've lost and there's a total realignment and they've made a conscious decision to go to pure authoritarianism and they're going to take the wealth, they're going to get rid of the middle class, they're going to dynamite any upward mobility.
They know what they're doing.
It's a power cult.
Roger Stone's got sources, and so do I, inside the New York Times.
And they're in these editorial meetings going, three, four months ago, we'll do the Russia narrative, then the race narrative, then the he's mentally ill narrative.
They know it's all a lie.
They're conscious liars.
So here's a clip of Maxine Waters getting the troops ready.
That not only can we connect the dots, and Mueller, who is our special counsel, will be able to connect the dots.
Oh, Pence may have- Hit pause again.
Do you hear that?
Mueller, who's our special counsel.
He's ours.
He covered for the Clintons, the Bushes, all of it.
And now their so-called dirtiest
Did Trump cover for his son in a meeting looking for dirt on Hillary?
Which is totally legal.
Let's continue.
We're gonna come back and play this from the first, but gentlemen, we can rebuild it.
The Democratic Party with its incredibly corrupt elites, pardoning cocaine dealers and child molesters, we can rebuild it.
Bigger, stronger, faster, more piratical, more rapacious, more hateful.
And ladies and gentlemen, we're going to pave the way with, you see a white devil walking down the street, you stab him!
Meanwhile, I got some powerful footage coming up of a guy I want to give a radio show to.
I've seen this guy on YouTube a few times out there at the San Francisco rally pointing out that they're trying to start a race war and he just absolutely shoots the whole thing down.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Maxine Waters gave a speech yesterday where she said we're going to get Trump and then we're going to get Pence and we're basically just gonna have whole new elections and remove the Republican Party because the whole party is basically Russian agents.
That's right.
The dying Democratic Party now wants to end all competition and declare everybody a Russian agent and or
A quote, vicious Nazi or vicious white supremacist when they're the ones pushing the whole race narrative.
But she admits early on the speech that Robert Mueller is our, our special counsel.
Well, we know that they've worked for the Democrats and helped cover up, you name it.
And almost everybody he's appointed is a Democrat, including folks that Trump has fired.
So here she is tipping her hand and admitting
They intend to create a one-party dictatorship.
We think that not only can we connect the dots, and Mueller, who is our special counsel, will be able to connect the dots, O. Pence may have some involvement in some of this too.
And so don't think that somehow, if we
Get this president impeached.
We're gonna be stuck with Pence and we can't do anything about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the strength.
We have the influence.
We have the ability.
We have the talent to do whatever we need to do, when we need to do.
This is our country.
We have the criminal energy.
And we're not going to let Trump or anyone else deny it.
We won't let him unify us or get the stock market going or get a thousand companies to move back.
We're going to double that black unemployment like you did with Obama.
And of course, when you hear the haters
And my enemies and your enemies say, I think she's premature in talking about impeachment.
We have to wait, you better start the discussion.
You better provide some leadership because I think the dots are going to be connected.
I believe sincerely that was collusion.
Not only have our intelligence agency
We're good to go.
Matterport, rather, are we talking about Glenn or Wilbur Ross?
Are we talking about Carter Page?
Are we talking about any of the rest of them that I have dubbed the Kremlin clan?
They all think that they're going to get multi-rich.
Again, she's the globalist overthrowing America, and then she says it's Putin.
From doing what he really wants to do, and that is reunite the entire Soviet Union.
He is an egomaniac.
But of course, he's an egomaniac heading Russia, and we've got another one heading the United States of America.
So everybody's an egomaniac, but Maxine Waters that thinks that Putin invaded Korea, where Aleppo is located.
Now, I'm going to show you some footage of your radio listener.
I'm going to describe this to you.
This is just some of the countless videos we've got of them chasing down a man at a prayer meeting because he was white.
It's white people doing it.
Attacking him and spitting on him over and over and over and over again.
During the break, I was just in there watching the footage again.
And it's
Just rain spit on them, giggling and smirking and laughing while the guy's praying to Jesus.
And then they cut to a woman on CBS saying, well, I'm scared of Nazis, so it's good to make them scared.
Because they just say you're a Nazi, now you're allowed to be beaten up.
See how that works?
No, you can't let people beat up a Nazi.
Even if you don't like them, they have a right to free speech, because then, next, all of your rights
Are taken away and CBS News in this piece says it's okay.
Says it's okay to beat these people up.
They don't have swastikas on their arms.
They don't have any white supremacist regalia.
They're wearing Donald Trump hats.
And so they get beaten up by mobs of cowardly gangs of just total lawless, lost, stupid, moronic
Ugly people, too.
I mean, you go look at these leftist demonstrations.
These are the most soul-sucked, dried-out, dried-up looking run-over roadkill.
And I'm not saying that mean.
Something's wrong with these people.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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For the last two years, I've been saying there's an attack on white people in America.
If you go out and you say you're a Trump supporter today, you're automatically racist.
Because you're white.
Right now, the war is the Infowar.
That's the war that we're in right now.
I'm 1776.
You're a white man!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out of the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is...
This is the American flag!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
The number one most hated transmission globally by tyrants, communists, authoritarians, pedophiles, devil worshippers, radical Islamists, you name it.
Well, President Trump landed about 15 minutes ago in Corpus Christi, Texas, right in the epicenter of where this mega hurricane, Category 3, when it came on shore, hit last Friday.
Upwards of 80 inches of rain in some places, over 60 inches of rain in Houston,
They're facing 20 more inches are what the meteorologists are saying right now.
We've got reporters in the field on the ground.
They're going to be joining us later in the broadcast.
Also, we're going to have Sheriff Joe Arpaio on exclusively after the pardon.
I think so.
Delegates being stolen.
The primary being stolen from Bernie Sanders.
That's been thrown out of court by a federal judge.
The judge said, yes, the Democratic Party is allowed to choose.
The voting in primaries is ceremonial.
We ought to cue up those tapes from back in the primaries last year, about a year ago now.
We ought to go dig those out.
Because remember the Republican leadership on CNN and Fox going, listen, it's always been ceremonial.
George Will said, a mere plurality, a majority of votes doesn't count.
It is we and the party hierarchy that will decide.
Well, let's just give you a crown and a scepter and an orb and a groom of the stool, bro.
What a joke with that stupid toupee.
But oh, you're so intellectual because you talk slow.
You're so smart, George Will.
So that is all coming up today.
Now before I go any further here, I've got news here that makes me physically sick, but it's got to be covered.
And when I do cover it, it's very hard for me to get through.
That's why I mentioned it yesterday, but I didn't cover it.
Now we have more
More details, and when you know the back story of why they did it, the minute I saw the headline two days ago, that's when I first saw it, was Sunday night in the Times of London, linked up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, I knew what the story was going to be.
Because I've seen it before and I've had two members of Parliament on, who by the way are Liberals, who have been exposing this in the UK.
It's a giant business, it's a racket, and it's so sick.
Christian children are literally fed into the economic systems of the Muslims.
Because it's a system of slavery.
Slavery is alive and well.
So that's coming up.
And I'm going to get into North Korea and that escalation and... You know, I don't want to bash Joel Osteen because I've said it many times.
It's okay to be positive.
A lot of people have chips on their shoulder.
They're being too negative.
I cover negative things so we can be positive and fix them.
Not just so we can be victims.
There's a difference.
It's okay.
Name it and claim it.
It's kind of like voodoo or magical thinking.
But just at a base instinctive level, he comes off as phony as a $3 bill.
And he's for people that are highly suggestible.
But I said a big test would be if they opened up their church that is above water, we've checked, and sent in their resources of hundreds of millions of dollars a year to house people.
And it'd be a good PR stunt for him to begin with, but see, a sociopath or a psychopath cannot actually give, they can only take.
So he said,
He said, we're not gonna help you.
He said, you need to lean on your faith.
Well, see, magical thinking is just that, magical.
If you believe in something, if you have the capability to do it, if civilization, your ancestors have built a platform of their dreams exponentially with a human mind that's so incredible that now we are close to being able to manifest things.
But through what we built, not abracadabra, hocus pocus,
Diplodocus, and then something just appears.
And I am so ashamed.
I've got his quotes, his tweets here.
He just said, nope, church is closed.
Pray to God.
I couldn't even keep Michael Zimmerman and Clinton Carter and other members of my crew from getting in their own trucks, one of them in one of my trucks, and driving down there.
And people are now rushing boats.
It's a huge disaster.
Things are really deteriorating quickly.
Trump has given Texas everything they've asked for.
He's been totally on top of it.
But the Democrats didn't even tell folks that were in low-lying areas to go to higher ground.
And you're supposed to, under the regulations and the laws, to start locally with that.
People listened to the mayor saying, no problem, it's nonsensical.
And so now things have really, really deteriorated.
There are looters shooting at rescue folks.
There are people shooting at the private citizens going in.
They're shooting at the cops.
The police have confirmed this.
And I didn't even want to race bait.
I saw it on Twitter two nights ago and again today.
It's got the racist black gangs.
Are there saying, you know, look at what we looted, look at what we got.
They're putting it out on Twitter and, you know, we're robbing the white folks.
They deserve it.
And then, of course, there's black folks helping white folks and white folks helping black folks.
It's a very small minority of scum that's doing this.
But can you imagine if there were white people robbing black neighborhoods right now?
And, you know, I'm sure I bet some of that actually goes on.
The point is, is that this is so incredible.
Because I don't want to demonize Holstein, but see,
You look at somebody that's just so into being Mr. Perfect, and there's never a problem, and there's never an issue, and everything's gonna be just fine, and so he's just, everything's fine!
You, no, don't come near my megachurch that's bigger than sports stadiums, that's got all the food and all the water and everything, and don't even use my parking lot as an emergency center, cause it's dry.
Just know it's private property, security's there, don't come around, we're gonna be closed the next few weeks, okay?
Cause, just pray to the Lord, just lean on your faith.
So I'm going to get to this really sick article in a minute, but... Joel Osteen shuts Mega Church amid flooding crisis.
New York Post.
Televangelist Joel Osteen canceled services at his Houston Mega Church Sunday and has yet to reopen his doors, despite the fact that thousands of flooded out residents are desperately seeking shelter.
And again, you always go where?
To a church when there's a flood, or a hurricane, or a tornado.
But you don't go to Osteen's because it's not a church!
It's a big vampire worship facility.
The perpetually smiling pastor told followers on Twitter Monday to lean on their faith.
Jesus promises us peace that passes understanding, he wrote.
That's peace when it doesn't make sense.
Huh, gotta love it.
It's like False of Doom in Cutting the Barbarian.
Mind control.
It goes, steel isn't strong, boy.
Flesh is strong.
Look at that girl up there on the cliffside.
Come to me.
Come to me, my child.
And then she just jumps off and falls to her death.
Steel isn't strong, boy.
Flesh is strong.
Mind control is strong.
And the day of doom has come!
We'll have the Democrats praising the Republican written bill, Obamacare, admittedly to screw them with the architects of it on TV going, thank God you're so stupid.
And then you'll go out and find some Christian group demonstrating for free speech and you'll spit on them and club them in the head and beat them up and the media will praise it.
But when it happens in Charlottesville, even though you started the fight,
Still, everyone who's conservative, by extension, is guilty.
I can play you the CBS News piece where they're spitting on people, beating folks, and they're saying, well, they deserve it on CBS!
Let me tell you, I'm driving along and some crowd will try to drag me and my family out of my vehicle.
I guess I'm just going to let them kill us, because they're God and I'm a bad person.
Here's my neck, here, slit it.
Okay, just scream Nazi while you do it.
It'll be okay.
Have your coming of age.
Meanwhile, Jesus promises his peace and passes understanding.
That peace, when it doesn't make sense.
Oh, but you have the resources of the rich man with the facility, and you supposedly are open to the flock, and then they're all drowned, and it's like, just pray to God, I'm on a $25 million house with armed security.
I have my glitterbug wife.
But Osteen's comforting words didn't sit well with critics who want to know why the doors to his 16,000 seat arena and his Lakewood church near downtown Houston are closed.
You have taken so much money away from people to live like a king.
Entertainment publicist Danny Greeden blasted, is this the least you can do?
And again, these sociopaths don't get it.
If he would have simply done the right thing, he'd have gotten even more successful.
It doesn't make sense when you're not opening up your megachurch to house Houston citizens.
Help me understand that.
According to Florida-based Ryder, while the church and its arena have not suffered any flood damage, ministry spokesman Donald Olof said that the property is inaccessible because of surrounding waters.
And it makes no sense to open church doors when the city and county are already treating thousands of flood victims.
I want our reporters, because I've got a map, in fact, in there.
Pull up a satellite map of that.
And then call our reporters, Zimmerman.
I want them to go to that church, because I've driven by the church, I've seen it.
They've got highways that pull right off into it, and I believe that's not true.
The waters are higher than they were yesterday when they said this.
So I want to go see if that little devil, oh I'm sorry, that little angel, that little name it and claim it,
That little, believe in me, I'll give you nothing, I'll be your guru.
You know, the modern spirit is so satanic.
Everybody's a guru, everybody's a shaman, everybody's just going to tell you how clean and good and positive they are, and they're not going to lift a finger for anybody and they're going to get ahead.
And then they always wonder why they have so much destruction in their lives, because they're trying to avoid conflict.
I'm not looking for pointless conflict, but I'm looking to confront corruption.
Why have we not put out some type of donation page?
I'm still trying to figure out the right group and the right charity, and I'm asking my crews down there, fishing people out of the water, and drawing attention to this.
Who's the best group?
Maybe Salvation Army?
90% of the money you give them gets to the people.
They're always on the scene.
I think that's probably good.
We should probably put some links up to them.
Some local churches.
We need to find a group of churches.
My crew's there.
They're actually helping folks.
Got people staying in them.
Lots of little churches are full of people.
Let's just find some churches and help them.
So that's the mission.
Please call the crew.
Call Quentin and call Mike, Michael, and tell him, go find me real churches to donate to.
We already had this discussion this morning.
It's probably already been done.
And then get over there to that church.
Get over there to that mega church and see if it's inaccessible.
And if Olsteen's telling the truth, well, we'll tell everybody.
Oh, but if you're coming up to the floodwaters, people fighting to get on boats, boats being basically pulled under, folks trying to get on board, but don't come here!
We got security!
This is off-limits!
Let folks save you over there in the boats, let churches save you over there, and let the Mexican neighborhoods save people coming out.
Let everybody help everybody, but don't come to the Glitterbug Palace!
But now Olsteen has done the right thing.
There's been a backlash that just came out.
And now they're saying, okay, we'll issue air mattresses.
So see?
I guess they were accessible.
We're gonna go investigate, ladies and gentlemen.
But Joel Olsteen isn't the only glitter bug around here.
Look at this.
Professor Harvey is karma for Texas voting Trump.
Again, we'll put up on screen for you some footage of Trump surveying the damage.
He just got here about 30 minutes ago landing at the landfall point of Hurricane Harvey Friday.
Corpus Christi, Texas and nearby Rockport where the center of the storm made landfall.
And the governor's doing a great job, the state guard's doing a great job, the state police are doing a great job, Arte Cervantes, the police force is doing a great job, the citizens are doing a great job, the Cajun Navy's doing a great job, but the mayor made fun of people saying get to high ground.
He's done a terrible, condescending, evil job.
And the folks shooting at the Cajun Navy are disgusting.
Now before we go any further,
With the really important story.
Parents begged UK authorities to house Christian child with grandparents, not hardline Muslims.
But the mayor has been convicted of directing money of children that were taken.
Two Muslims!
And it turns out, basically, it's Muslims that get your kids.
Then they sit there on their welfare hineys, with their enslaved women wearing burqas that get acid poured on their face, if they don't step and fetch when they're told.
They got all the weird leftists allied with them, protecting them.
And the little girl had her cross taken.
Told she's going to hell because she's a Christian, all the rest of it.
And it's all confirmed.
Even the social workers say, please give her back.
Her grandmother's nice.
The parents are nice.
Why'd you take them?
And the mayor is like, the impure will be dealt with.
And I had a leftist, uh,
Newspaper writer on the phone with me this morning.
Famous one.
And I said, just say it's wrong they're taking people's kids.
He wouldn't even respond.
I don't know about that, Alex.
Well, just say it's wrong.
The ACLU said they apologize for showing a white child on their website.
That's offensive.
I guess it's a little bit off.
These globalists know exactly what they're doing.
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So, it was about five years ago that I saw some London Independent articles and London Telegraph articles, both with liberal members of the Labour Party, saying, we're bringing in foreigners, mainly Muslims, and they're now the social workers and the foster care people, and we're taking people's children for almost no reason.
And we are giving them in these townships where the local city council controls it.
Town council as it's called in England.
And it's a business and the Muslims are over 70% on welfare in Germany and in England.
The women are on welfare, the men drive taxi cabs or have shops or businesses, and then they use those for criminal fronts, drugs, you name it, because prostitution drugs can be sold to the caffers.
And people probably heard that as a racist term from South Africa, but it's really an Islamic term meaning outsider.
And they then literally just take over.
And so then the children are taken from Brits.
But also from other immigrants and given to the Muslims to raise.
You can't make this up.
This is out of the Sunday Times of London.
Breitbart's got a more extensive article on it.
This is the social workers.
Okay, liberal social workers are decrying this.
Parents begged UK authorities to house Christian child with grandparents, non-hardline Muslims.
And the minute I saw this Sunday night, there's been new developments, I knew the scam.
I go, oh, it'll be the mayor,
Getting money, being a Muslim mayor, and then controlling who gets the kids to get the money.
And guess what's at the end of the article in the Times of London?
The very end of the article, the heart-wrenching article.
They elected the Muslim mayor in 2015.
Look for Rahman.
And now he's been removed after he was found guilty of corruption, bribery, and using undue spiritual influence.
Over voters saying, vote for me or you're going to hell.
And then it gets into how it's a racket to make money taking people's kids.
Parents begged UK authorities to house Christian child with grandparents, not hardline Muslims.
So you've got, she's got brothers and sisters and good people for whatever reason the child was taken.
And grandparents.
She's got aunts and uncles and grandparents.
The family's not going to get the money, the taxpayer money to take care of a child.
They are.
And it gets into them taking her cross.
Now when they get her, she just gibbers and cries and says, I'm going to hell because I'm a Christian.
She won't give up her Christian faith.
It's all right here.
And she begs.
She begs.
I know I love Jesus, but they tell me I'm going to hell if I don't convert to Islam.
It is shus.
And it's photos of them at the park in PR stunts with hoods over their heads.
And the left just makes jokes, they're like, yeah, yeah, take it Christians, take it little girl, take it!
Because as long as it's anti-western, anti-white, they love it.
And it's white people like Michael Moore who are behind it.
Michael Moore said, America will be a better country when whites are a minority.
Articles on Infowars.com.
But you can't read these sickening articles with quotes from the social workers.
And of course I quote the UN.
The UN says you should culturally show deference for what you do with children and not put people with cultures that they're not supposed to be with because it's traumatizing.
But you don't understand, she's white and she's Christian!
And they found town councils where 6, 7, 8,000, 2,000, 3,000, this was being reported years ago by Tommy Robinson, where they take the kids and by the time the little girls are 9, they are on the streets as prostitutes run in these Muslim-controlled areas.
And by the way, you can have a town that's 20% Muslim?
The whites are all kind of doing their job, and the Indians and everybody else, but the Muslims, white, black, Arabic, you name it, they take over government because that's their business.
Their business is taking over!
That's why the Middle East is a hellhole!
They don't build stuff, they kill each other!
We brought cancer into our country, and now we feed our children to them!
Today I'm excited.
I think?
We're good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, President Trump arrived about 40 minutes ago in Corpus Christi, Texas.
To survey the worst hurricane to ever hit the state of Texas.
We've had hurricanes that flooded Galveston and killed more people, sadly.
But in total, trillions of gallons, they're now saying it's like 18 trillion gallons, and the total destruction of property.
And now the panic as people try to get out of Houston.
This is becoming a road warrior scenario.
But the president has done a superlative job of getting out of the way of the professionals and the citizens of Louisiana, Texas, and other states that are coming together and the images of black, white, Hispanic, you name it, all together helping each other.
Black helping white, white helping black, Hispanic helping white, white helping everybody, just humans together, people together.
It's who we are.
And then you see the evil, evil Democrats claiming that Trump is a divider when he's the opposite.
But when they were trying to use globalism to collapse our country, he had to point out that it's okay to have sovereignty, and it's okay to deport people that come here illegally, just like every other country does.
And that we shouldn't be beaten over the head, and we shouldn't bring in people from unvetted Muslim countries that murder gays and keep women like animals.
Parents begged UK authorities to house Christian child with grandparents, not hardline Muslims.
And they said no.
And gave a little five-year-old girl, one of thousands per town.
Oh yes, thousands per town, depending on the size of the city.
They took her cross away.
Now she gibbers in Arabic saying she doesn't want to basically give up her Christian faith, but she doesn't want to go to hell at the same time.
The parents of the five-year-old Christian girl forced to live in the fundamentalist Muslim family begged the council to allow her to stay with the grandmother as she became increasingly distressed.
This is the social workers.
But the mayor, everyone says, no!
That's cash on the borough head right there.
It's now chattel, Demi.
Demi means slave of the Muslim.
The foster family selected by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, removed the child's crucifix necklace, wore full face veils around her, spoke in Arabic which she did not understand, and banned her from consuming bacon, an investigation the Times found.
I love how they put kind of the weak stuff up front because I read six or seven reports on this of what the social workers told local papers.
There's like 20 page articles where it gets into some of it here having to renounce their Christian faith and then crying, begging for mommy, begging for daddy, begging for Mimi.
I'm not gonna ever see them again if they have their way.
And if you get found dead, you know, there's the reports where they actually feed people into kebab machines and then feed it to the demis on the street, to the kafirs.
That means the non-Muslims.
I'm not saying this family's doing that.
Oh, never.
Most recently, the council resisted a call to temporarily place her in the care of the grandmother.
No, because the council is run
What's the, what's the Imam of Jerusalem say?
Europe is weak!
Their women are yours!
We have bought their leaders!
Go there!
Take their women!
Take their children!
And then we will rise up soon and kill the males!
Allah has bestowed it!
Europe is weak!
The child's distress was recorded by the Tower Hamlets employee who supervised regular meetings between the girl and her family.
In a written report on the meeting, the contact supervisor described the girl as very emotional and tearful.
She said they don't speak English at home.
She doesn't understand the Arabic words.
Can you imagine being five years old, thrown in with the people literally wearing Jawa outfits?
She said they don't speak English at home.
She doesn't understand the Arabic words.
Where she is, the girl said, and she wants to go back home to mother.
No, white female!
You're in with the Arab Muslims now!
You're in the harem now!
Oh yeah!
Oh what a cuckold just to rub our little kids in the dirt!
Oh yeah!
And you'll probably end up on the street by the time you're nine, making money!
And then they're going to take over all the city councils!
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the thing I'm best known for, this ties into the hurricane, is gay frogs.
About six, seven years ago, I was reading a scientific report that actually said it made the frogs female, trans, or made male frogs be attracted to male frogs.
And was causing extinction-level events, strangely enough, from Texas to Durban, South Africa, in that particular study.
And here's some headlines today.
Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females.
That's berkeley.edu.
And the media knows this.
They know it's causing fish to have reproductive problems, humans to have them, and so many of the products we use have it as well.
Pesticide turns male frogs into females.
And technically, they think they're attracted to each other is what happens.
Got a shot of it right here, of the two frogs together.
So, that's what's happening.
And so, then I look at these articles, chemical emergency that's added to areas catastrophe contained.
They've got all these chemicals leaking in Houston.
They've got all these problems.
And it frustrates me to see the media trying to basically cover up the fact
That the bisphenol A and the atrazine and hundreds and hundreds of other known chemicals are having massive, massive effects on our bodies.
Cancer, you name it.
So with North Korea firing a missile over Japan, the biggest provocation yet yesterday, and with millions of people out of their homes in Houston,
When Trump arriving, he's flying to Austin.
Next we'll have live coverage of that.
There's so much to get into.
We have Sheriff Arpaio who's been pardoned popping in at the bottom of the hour.
We have our reporters who are in Houston coming on.
There's so much happening.
Social justice warriors on major campuses are moving to ban veterans from being able to attend college.
I mean, this is just the societal meltdown.
That is happening in this society and in this culture, but I like to do things where I know I can at least take control of it myself, personally.
And this isn't a pitch for water filtration, but we go out and find the very best gravity-fed water filters, where it takes out all the garbage, but doesn't take out the good minerals, and then I put my drinking water through that.
And if I'm lazy, I've got reverse osmosis, which really cleans the water, but cuts out the minerals.
So over time, it's probably not too good for you to only drink reverse osmosis.
That's in all the studies.
I said I'm not plugging.
There are the very best filters you can find out there.
Shower filters, bath filters, and that's where you also absorb a lot of it.
But the other big area is the shampoo, and the sunscreens, and the cosmetics, and the body washes, and the soap, which isn't really soap.
So, we've spent, and this is a plug, but it's really informational until the bottom of the hour when Sheriff Arpaio joins us, we spent years
Saying we want to get an organic, high quality line of toiletries and personal care products
Show that I can use them in my own home and know from the manufacturer it's really what they say.
And folks, we got Mark Gonzalvez, the owner of Nature's Brands, one of the biggest organic brands in the country, one of the top sellers at Whole Foods.
Everybody recognizes our labeling because he's so nice.
He even let us use basically his labeling, but changed the name to Emmerich's Essentials.
So whether you get it at Whole Foods under his name or from us, what's best about it is
It's on the low end of cost, but better than a lot of the other so-called.
Organic Brands
He has a lot of courage to come on because he's not a stupid guy.
He knows the bullies out there will probably attack him.
But how could they criticize him for coming on to actually tell people about the chemicals that are in things you use every day?
And why are we so demonized for talking?
This is the thing on the Daily Show and the HBO shows and the news.
They're really mad that I'm talking constantly about the chemicals that are in the daily products we use.
Before I ever came out with Emmerich Essentials, because I have children, and because I sit here every day reading the news, and the studies are legion.
So Mark, thank you so much for coming on to give people this public service information that I think everybody should really appreciate, but separately also letting us end up, because we took us years to actually find a top-flight company like you that would let us private label, so thank you so much.
Well, first of all, Alex, it's great to be with you and everybody here at Nature's Brands.
Our hearts and minds are with the folks in Houston, the greater Houston area.
It's incredible what's going on there.
But having said that, we're under a chemical assault.
It's unbelievable to me what we've allowed to take place.
We've got 84,000 chemicals now in play, 13,000 of which are used in our cosmetics and personal care items.
And we use these things every single day.
Yet about 10% have ever been tested.
So we always rely on the chemical company to be able to be considered innocent until we end up proving them guilty.
Does that make any sense at all?
And by the way, the ones that they test, let's face it, all these products, some of which I bought at Walmart, some of which I bought at Whole Foods, and of course our great pure organic and natural products that we make for you.
Hey, the bottom line is, is the number of chemicals that are in these other products
There's no testing on how these chemicals interact with one another.
It's the same with prescription drugs.
A person takes a prescription drug, yes, there's side effects.
We all understand that.
And some of them include tragic side effects.
But what's never talked about is how the drugs interface with one another.
The average 80-year-old in America, right?
Eight prescription drugs a day.
Yeah, nobody knows how they intervene.
And speaking of the water, that's going into the water and hurting the aquatic life and also people downstream to get in their water table.
But you were a trailblazer in this.
I mean, 20 plus years ago, when you started Nature's Brands and all these other big brands that are the top of the line.
Out there and also for value.
I mean, this must have been a personal thing for you or how did you research this?
How did you discover this?
Because they now admit that the chemicals that are in a lot of the name brands are carcinogenic.
I mean, they're losing major lawsuits all the time.
First of all, just to put the record straight, I didn't found Nature's Brands, but I am the CEO of Nature's Brands, our founder who's still involved with us today.
He did have a passion 22 years ago to bring clean, organic products and he knew that they were healthful.
Well, I'm sorry for getting that wrong.
I was just reading about you.
I knew that you were also involved a long time ago in a bunch of development.
For me, my
Journey to this point really has to do with a daughter that was affected by a vaccine.
You know, one day she's a perfectly normal child and the next day she has a huge medical condition.
I'm sure it was a coincidence, by the way.
I'm sure it was a coincidence 12 years ago.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Just for most people like yourself, I mean, there's always a story behind why that happened.
And I guess with you, it's wow.
And all these jokesters on television, right?
The co-bears of the world.
They think it's funny.
They think it's hilarious.
Until it affects them, it's not going to be so funny, Alex.
It won't be so funny then, will it?
No, it's not.
And these are things we can control.
I'll tell you an example.
Here's a perfect example.
You have an incredible bug spray that we made.
All organic, right?
Here's one.
Bought it at Walmart.
Look familiar?
Looks very familiar.
What it says on the back, two ingredients are listed.
Deet, 30%.
And then it says other ingredients, 70%.
You don't even know what the other 70% is.
Well, we went online and of course we found out what those other 70% were, including two that are human toxicants that are on there, propane being one of them.
Now you wonder why they say, hey, don't put it next to a flame.
Now you kind of understand that.
So all these things that we put on our body,
They're going into our bloodstream.
Takes about 28 seconds to go into our bloodstream.
So here's what we've got.
We've got the FDA that says, hey, you know what?
For external use only.
Think about this.
Think about this.
They say it's for external use only.
They're not stupid at the FDA.
They know it goes into your bloodstream.
That's right.
Why are so many drugs delivered through the skin?
Because they know that's one of the best ways to put something into the bloodstream.
And unlike food, it's not going through the same process, right?
A metabolic process.
So it just makes me spitting mad when I think about how we're all being played for suckers here.
Now we've got a healthcare system totally corrupted, totally unsustainable.
You know, it wasn't that many years ago, 50 years ago, we spent about 6% on healthcare and about 16% on food.
In America, GDP.
Now, it's completely reversed.
We're paying about 17% now on healthcare, and it's about 6% on food.
That's ridiculous.
I mean, Hippocrates had it best, right?
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.
He didn't reverse that, but yeah, we've forgotten that because of all of the interest.
At the end of the day, Alex, you and I both know, it's always, always, always about the money.
And to sell people out their well-being, their family's well-being, their loved one's well-being.
I don't understand where the end game is in this.
What happens when we have a globe that no longer has people on it?
Is that the end game here?
So it just makes me so fired up.
And anybody that looks at these products, all these ones behind me, and can honestly say, that's a smart choice.
Hey, we've got all sorts of things coming at us.
And of course, all these companies hide behind the plausible deniability.
How do you know my father's dementia now is from the aspartame that he took for 40 years or from something else?
It's plausible deniability.
I'll get away with it.
That's right, because they're hit with so many poisons, but all we know is neurological disorders are exploding.
Girls are now going into puberty, on average, at 9.
It used to be 14, just 100 years ago.
Some girls are going into puberty at age 3 now.
Boys, though, are arresting puberty, and their testes aren't even falling until later and later.
And then the media makes jokes.
Colbert makes jokes.
Clepper makes jokes when I've got stacks of mainline Journal of Science, you name it, admitting that males are now more female.
Females are hyper female.
That causes different tissues to have cancer earlier, like
You know, breast cancer, or prostate cancer, and it's all there, and it's all a big joke to them, and then everybody gets confused sexually, because we're being bombarded with all these chemicals, and then they say, oh, don't even talk about the chemicals, or you're anti-this, or you're anti-that, when I love everybody, but people need to know we're being chemically experimented on, and more and more, I've got a lot of the documents where they admit they're using this for social engineering.
Well, you know, here's the funny part, Alex.
We have the cruelty-free, right?
A leaping bunny on all our products because we don't test on animals.
And people love that.
That's one of the reasons why they come to Nature's Brands.
But yet, these companies think it's perfectly okay to conduct these experiments on mankind!
I mean, why don't we put little stickers on all these packages, right?
Experimenting on mankind.
Mark, I'm impressed.
We hadn't talked yet, but going back over a year ago when we were talking to you, Tim Frigier and others, they said, you got to get this guy on.
This guy's impressive.
He knows all this stuff.
And wow.
So I just hope, commentary, anytime you've got something to cover, you'll join us.
Now, let's get to the plug, because I never really talk about
Emerson Essentials.
It was the crew's idea to name it after my middle name.
You know, they name a lot of other products.
But you guys are Nature's Brands, one of the top brands of organic in the country.
And what's crazy is, as soon as they came in to me about a year ago and said, yeah, they're ready to start working with us to private label.
I said, I see this everywhere on end caps and Whole Foods.
This is Nature's Brands.
I was like, amazing.
We are so blessed to have them.
And of course, we've only put out six products with you.
We're going to put out a whole bunch of others.
So folks that want
Nature's Brands, go to Whole Foods.
I guess that's Bezos now, but just go wherever you go, get it.
Go to their website, get it.
But if you want to support us, get Emmerich's Essentials at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's talk about why these are so great for yourself, your children, you name it, and versus the major brands that are out there, some of them that even claim that they're, you know, quote, healthy or they're, quote, natural.
Exactly, Alex.
I'll give you an example.
So you have our shampoo and it has very few ingredients.
Here's the tea tree.
Our shampoo that we made for you is tea tree as well.
Very medicinal.
If you have any sort of issues with your scalp, I would highly recommend tea tree.
So here's one from Whole Foods that I bought yesterday.
I don't know if you can see it on the screen.
Those are all the ingredients
There's 41.
41 ingredients.
Our thing, let me see, I've got the notes right here on it.
Ours has 11.
11 versus 41.
Ours, organic, organic, organic, organic, organic, organic, organic, organic, certified organic, right?
This is sold at Whole Foods.
This is not.
But people walk into Whole Foods and go, oh, well, you know, Whole Foods, they're protecting my interests.
No, no.
Let's get this one right.
They're protecting their own interests.
You have to take responsibility.
You're a person of history, Alex.
You remember Churchill, right?
He's the one, Winston Churchill, who said, the price of greatness is responsibility.
Well, I would just simply suggest the price of great health is responsibility.
You can't let these companies play you for suckers, which is what they're doing.
And by the way, I mean, you're a sharp CEO guy, been very successful, as I looked into you months ago.
That's why I was saying you founded a lot of stuff I know.
And, but look how, it wasn't that you were a bad guy, but to get you focused, you had to have your daughter so hurt.
Same thing's happened to people in my family.
I don't want to get into private stuff about Trump.
Trump's big wake-up call was barren.
He was fine, 18 months, third round of shots.
This is a secret, I'm just going to let it out.
And it really messed him up for a while.
He's come back.
But that's, it'll finally, not that Trump was bad, he was a great guy, but he's like, why are they covering this up?
And so,
That's going to be their problem, though, is more and more heavy hitters and smart guys like you and Trump and others physically get hurt.
And that's going to make really serious, smart guys start taking action.
What is the establishment going to do when all this comes out?
It's already come out about bisphenol A and atrazine, and then they're still putting it in stuff.
What's going to happen?
Why are they doing it?
When I've looked it up, they've got chemicals that are even less expensive that they could be using that have less problems.
It's like they go out of their way to do this.
Here's the curve, Alex, right?
Up and to the right, all this disease.
You talk about it frequently on your show.
It's unbelievable to me that more people are not outraged.
As a matter of fact, you know what you and I need to do, Alex?
We have the march against Monsanto.
I spoke at it a few years ago, as a matter of fact.
We have also Earth Days, Organic Days.
You and I need to create a chemical-free day.
That's the day that everything you use, everything you put in your mouth, everything you put on your skin, toxic, chemical-free.
And make a joke out of it.
Save the gay frogs, have it be rainbow.
Because that's the thing.
The left is right.
The old-fashioned left about chemicals and things.
They were always the ones that were on target about that.
And now it seems like the left and media have just abandoned it.
I think that companies today, are they purposely trying to kill us?
I don't know if I'm going to go quite that far, but what I will say is they don't seem to care if they do.
They don't seem to care.
Just like Bayer with the hemophiliac factor 8, they knew it was in there and they said, you know what, we'll lose money, go ahead and ship these millions of dosages.
These didn't care.
Hey, as a young person, it was Ford with a pintle, right?
Oh yeah, well, we have 30 gas tanks that will blow up.
Yeah, we'll get sued for millions and millions of dollars, but hey, at the end of the day, that's a heck of a lot cheaper than having to replace all those gas tanks in a recall.
I mean, golly, we've got a business to protect.
Again, when you place a person's well-being
At the bottom rung of the ladder, and you place purely profit at the top, that is something seriously wrong.
It's just, it goes to my core.
Our daughter's situation, for my wife and I, hey, we were, we walked around with the rose-colored glasses like you can't imagine.
We made every mistake, did everything wrong, thought everybody was fantastic in our government to protect our interests.
Hey, we saw it first hand.
When you see a child that you love, and you see them hurting, and you see drugs that are providing tremendous side effects, you watch her change in front of, literally in front of your eyes, you start saying, hey, wait a minute, there's got to be a better way.
You're a parent, you saw her off your left arm to save your child, wouldn't you?
No problem.
You do that in an instant.
My mother almost got killed by a flu shot.
My dad's brother almost got killed when he took a tetanus shot.
I mean, and it's on the inserts.
They can really hurt you, but they tell you, oh, don't look at the inserts.
They don't show those to you when you go to the doctor.
They just say there's no side effects, safe and effective.
And again, same thing with all these other leading brands.
That's why it was such a blessing to
Go to all of these companies and they were either politically correct and want to work with us, or they had stuff in there that our experts said no.
And then when, you know, the scientists and companies I go to talk to, they said, you've got Nature's Brands.
That is amazing.
Mark Gonzales, thank you for all the work you're doing.
I want to get you back up for a full hour.
I'm really impressed with your products.
Again, I was already buying these over the years as I tried to get more health conscious.
Didn't mean I'm perfect.
I kind of was wearing rose colored glasses when it came to health stuff.
Seven, eight years ago, myself, I was more like a mainline, you know, libertarian worried about finances and, you know, military and stuff like that.
But I've got to tell you, we've got six of your great line.
We've got the natural herbal shampoo with a tea tree and so much more.
We've got the 10 to 1 organic mouthwash.
We've got so many of the other great products, the body wash.
We've got the anti-bug spray that's natural and healthy, all at Infowarstore.com.
But you guys
Have a lot more products than just the six we've put out.
I know we're going to private label more.
Tell folks about some of the other products people can find at naturesbrands.com.
Well, thanks, Alex.
You know, we pioneered organic wellness 22 years ago, as you mentioned earlier.
We have 155 certified organic products in our lineup.
That's the largest collection of any company in the world.
And we have literally a couple of hundred other products that are earth mineral based, pure and natural, no petrochemicals, no chemicals that are toxic in any way.
So we're very, very proud of what we pioneered.
And I will tell you this, people are on this chemical
We're good to go.
Man, we're at 85 and growing.
I don't want to get into personal stuff.
I don't have a lot of skin issues, but as soon as I get older and my hair falls out, I get little zits on top of my head.
And so many other shampoos wouldn't work, literally, using the tea tree before we even private label you.
It got rid of it, and so it's amazing.
Well, we're really impressed.
Mark, thank you so much.
Folks, you can get their Emmerich's Essentials, private labeled by you.
God bless you.
At InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Mark Gonzales, thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Please come back for a full hour as soon as you want to.
I will.
Sheriff's coming up.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, the establishment media's got a big problem.
The Clintons, Obama, they pardoned drug dealers, child molesters, criminals.
Trump pardoned a guy who did his job and followed the Constitution when a judge didn't give him a jury trial and simply politically persecuted him because he was set to win re-election.
And here's President Trump during a press conference getting sniped at yesterday and then we're joined by Sheriff Arpaio exclusively.
In the middle of Hurricane Harvey hitting on Friday night, you chose to pardon former Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
I wonder if you could tell us what was behind your thinking for issuing a pardon for the sheriff?
And as well, what do you say to your critics, even some in your own party who say it was the wrong thing to do?
Well, a lot of people think it was the right thing to do, John.
And actually, in the middle of a hurricane, even though it was a Friday evening, I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally.
You know, the hurricane was just starting.
And I put it out that I had pardoned, as we call, as we say, Sheriff Joe.
He's done a great job for the people of Arizona.
He's very strong on borders, very strong on illegal immigration.
He is loved in Arizona.
I thought he was treated unbelievably unfairly when they came down with their big decision to go get him right before the election voting started, as you know.
And he lost in a fairly close election.
He would have won the election.
Just hammered him just before the election.
I thought that was a very, very unfair thing to do.
When I mentioned him the other night, you saw the massive crowd we had.
The people went crazy when I said, what do you think of Sheriff Joe or something to that effect.
The place went absolutely crazy when I was in Arizona last week.
And as far as pardons are concerned, I actually did this just before the meeting because I assumed that somebody would ask me the question.
I didn't know it would be you.
As you can attest, you didn't even know you were going to be called.
But I thought I would.
And, you know, Sheriff Joe is a great veteran of the military, great law enforcement person.
Somebody that's won many, many elections in the state of Arizona.
But I wanted to look at some of the other people that were pardoned over the years.
And if you look at, as an example, President Clinton pardoned Mark Rich, who was charged with crimes going back decades, including illegally buying oil from Iran.
While it held 53 American hostages, wasn't allowed to do that, selling to the enemies of the United States.
He was pardoned after his wife donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons.
Then you have dangerous criminals.
President Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weathered Underground, charged as part of a bank robbery that led to a guard and two police officers being killed.
Drug dealers.
President Clinton commuted the sentence of Carlos Vignali, a central player in a cocaine ring that stretched from California to Minnesota.
Criminal leaker.
You've heard the word leaker?
President Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who leaked countless sensitive and classified documents
To WikiLeaks, perhaps and others, but horrible, horrible thing that he did, commuted the sentence and perhaps pardoned.
President Obama commuted the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera, who was charged as part of a violent independence group from Puerto Rico responsible for 28 Chicago area bombings and many deaths in the 1970s and 1980s.
Sheriff Joe is a patriot.
Sheriff Joe loves our country.
Sheriff Joe protected our borders.
And Sheriff Joe was very unfairly treated by the Obama administration, especially right before an election, an election that he would have won.
And he was elected many times.
I stand by my pardon of Sheriff Joe, and I think the people of Arizona, who really know him best, would agree with me.
Thank you very much.
Pardons are supposed to be reserved for people like Arpaio, who have been politically targeted for something that's not illegal.
It's the judge saying, I hold you in contempt, no jury.
That's an imperial judiciary, like they had in Nazi Germany.
And then they just hammered down, I was talking to a New York Times reporter this morning, they're like, why are you supporting such a racist?
And I went, for enforcing the laws?
I go to Mexico, it's six months to a year hard labor if I'm there illegally, and they torture people.
That's in the Leningradia, and I'm not defending that.
But 50 miles into Arizona, it said do not go into these areas because the cartels are taking it over.
Mexico's a failed state.
I feel sorry for Mexico.
But it is just crazy all those ranchers and people in Arizona that were Hispanic, by the way, who say, thank God, people like Sheriff Joe, trying to bring some law and order.
Well, he served many terms there.
Before that was with the DEA and the head of the whole Mexico sector.
And he then was politically convicted by the judge, judge jury, and executioner.
And I don't want to take the credit for this.
Dr. Corsi wrote the articles tirelessly, probably 15 of them.
Roger Stone talked to some folks on the telephone.
He gets some credit.
When Roger talked to a certain person on the phone, the person didn't know about it.
And then our articles went up on Drudge and that's when he really read it and looked into it and asked the Justice Department, is this true?
And they're trying to act like that's illegal now.
Notice, weeks ago, I gave him the inside of the baseball, because we're not hiding anything.
I was told about the chain of events.
He just went and said, can a judge just do that?
And they're going, oh, see, that's obstruction.
You talk to the Attorney General.
No, he's the President.
The Unitary Executive.
He can do the pardon.
Obama pardoned cocaine dealers and weather underground bombers that blew bank tellers up to death, and police officers.
So let's go to Sheriff Joe instead of me ranting.
It's just so frustrating to watch them take everything Trump does.
And now Mueller, we have a Maxine Waters clip coming up, said, oh, we've got our man Mueller.
She's admitting he's a Democratic operative.
Going after the president, they've got the District of Columbia swamped with some hand-picked grand jury.
They've got grand juries reportedly...
Looking into it, I'm a Russian agent, I don't have zero Russian connections.
This is a joke, folks.
And they want to try to come after popular people that are pro-America and shut us down as intimidation.
So we've got a lot to talk about in the next 20 minutes to the end of the hour with former Sheriff of Maricopa County and now a free man, now not facing the six months in jail, no jury.
But now the President is under fire.
Sheriff Joe, what do you say?
Excuse me, I feel sorry, Alex, for him.
Look what they did to me and they can do it to the president too.
So I'm very concerned about what's going on in Washington.
The Obama administration, as you probably know, in Holder, 60 days after they took office, they went after me.
It wasn't under Bush, like all the media and critics are saying.
I got the report that shows it happened in January.
Well, there's some things I'm going to leave out because it has to do with the bias of the first judge.
I'm not going to get into where his brother
Well, a brother-in-law worked at a law firm that is against me and supporting the ACLU against the same judge.
I can go on and on, the bias in that civil case.
And then he said during the trial he wants skin in the game.
So I knew he was going to dump a charge over to the criminal court, which another judge took up.
We had a trial just recently.
The Department of Justice Integrity Unit was running it.
And during that trial, there was no evidence.
Even the prosecutor said there was no racial profiling.
And yet the judge ruled against me, no jury, wrong charge.
And when she hit me guilty, I had to hear it from the media.
Didn't even call me to court.
To stand before her, that's another violation of my coverage.
That's why you're supposed to be able to be there to respond and make a statement and talk to the media.
Instead, they just did it in the dark.
Yeah, I heard it from the media.
I can go on and on.
But I'm going to fight this.
Even my wife says, why don't you calm down?
You know, I'm a fighter.
55 years in law enforcement around the world as a top federal law enforcement official.
And then I end up with two parking tickets in my life.
End up sitting at a defense table before a judge accused of a crime, which by the way is a misdemeanor.
If you have barking dogs, you can get the same time that I could get.
Sure, what do you make of the media when they say, you admit you racially profiled, and then I look, you never said that.
I mean, it's just crazy, and now we have 800 cities where people can drunk drive, they can do it from anywhere in the world.
China, Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America.
I mean, you have serial killers that have killed 20-something people.
You know, deported 20 plus times, deported 40 times.
I mean, it is like a killing spree and then you're the bad guy for stopping people.
Yeah, Scalia, the Supreme Court, said way back that law enforcement can stop people and hold them and turn them over to the Border Patrol or ICE.
The judge that wrote against me, she turned down parts of the 1070, that's that famous law that
was started where law enforcement can enforce the illegal immigration laws.
And I was, I would say about 150 of my officers were trained by ICE.
I signed contracts.
This is 2007, you know, 27, I think it was 2009, that I had the authority to act as illegal immigration officer.
And they finally took that away from me.
We were doing too good of a job.
And this is Holder.
And Obama.
By the way, the Democrats removed him from office.
Our last sheriff was an African-American sheriff, a Democrat.
But he said, listen, we've got to have deportations of murderers and arsonists and rapists.
So he was handing over to ICE three people a week on average, letting everybody else go, DWIs, you name it.
But he was holding rapists and murderers.
The Democrats called him a racist and kicked him out of office.
Ran somebody else against him in Travis County where I live.
Is that not insane?
Well you know Soros pumped in George Soros four million dollars to get me defeated and also the Department of Justice of course the day before early voting said that they're going to charge me with this misdemeanor
Day before early voting, and I could get six months in jail, two weeks later, they charged me.
And that was two weeks before people went to the poll.
So they hit me twice.
Politically, and as a Department of Justice policy, you don't do this.
Actually, you don't really doing it when people are voting.
I guess you can wait a while, so you can see, and you can see I'm a little angry.
Well, you should be.
So let's, because a lot of folks are watching, want to hear from you.
Say the things you think need to be heard.
They're talking about going at the president for pardoning you.
I mean,
Speaking of the clip we played earlier, can you elaborate?
I mean, child molesters, bank robbers, people that are bombing police, people that are cocaine dealers are being pardoned by Obama and by the Clintons, but you're bad.
Trump's bad.
You shouldn't have been pardoned.
Well, of course, the activists, some politicians like McCain and Flake,
I'm really disappointed in them, where they said I should not have been part of it and McCain took some shots, which I'm surprised.
I stayed out of his race as a matter of courtesy last time.
So, you know, they hate Trump.
They're using me, I hate to say this, they're using me to get to our great president.
You know that.
When they say the Republicans, that Ryan and the Republican Party is against our president for, you know, the pardon.
What do you mean?
A handful of Republicans?
Does that mean all the Republican legislators?
I've had three Republican congressmen support me on this issue.
Oh, and that's the next point.
Word is you might be running for Senate.
Well, I've been talking to a lot of people, but yesterday someone called me from Washington, and it's an examiner, wanted to know my future, and I just said, hey.
You know, I told my wife after I left office, I'm done with politics.
Forget it.
And then I re-evaluated what's going on in our country, so I'm back in action.
I'm going to support the good Republicans.
I hate to brag, but how come every time presidents run, they all come to me for my endorsement?
So I re-evaluated it.
Well, are you going to run for office?
I said, I don't know if I'm going to run for office.
I haven't decided.
Or which office?
And I mentioned Flake.
I said, I still don't know if I'm going to run for office, and I left it at that.
Well, Flake's a Flake.
I mean, Flake is a lily-livered, globalist establishment guy.
They're the same people like Paul Ryan that gave us Obamacare, then they blame Trump when he can't get rid of it, when they're the ones standing in the way.
So we need you in the Senate.
We need Flake to be removed.
We need McCain to be gone.
We need real patriots that have courage.
And what does it say about Trump?
That he didn't just forget about you, you know, after you supported him.
You know, he went against the political correctness and did the right thing.
That's why we love Trump so much.
Yeah, I love the guy from day one.
I supported him and I've been saying throughout, even if he did not get me to pardon, I still will be for him to the end.
I say that.
I don't know how many other politicians have the guts to say that, which is sad.
They always skirt around.
Well, that's why they keep attacking and pushing all this.
They're going to break our will.
Lou Dobbs made that point with the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa beating people up and nothing being done.
What do you think the liberals are trying to do right now?
Because they are just running around beating up prayer meetings, screaming everyone's a Nazi.
What's happened?
They can't get over the defeat.
That's number one.
Number two, they don't like a president that speaks out and does the right thing.
They don't like that.
They want to get rid of him.
This is all about getting rid of our president.
That's what the whole situation is about.
Well, Sheriff Farpire, you're absolutely right.
Flake, as you know, is 20-plus points behind a year out from the election.
With your name recognition, you have got to run for the Senate.
This guy is low-hanging fruit, and imagine having you in the U.S.
That would be a delicious revenge.
Well, I'll tell you one thing.
I'll be helping the president, no doubt about that.
He has one vote, if I'm there, and I know how to rock the vote.
That being controversial, you know that.
The past 24 years, all over the world, people know who I am.
Senator Joe Arpaio, U.S.
Senator Joe Arpaio, is our guest.
We've got one more short segment, one to break.
He'll be gone at the end of the hour.
This is a big exclusive, giving us an exclusive interview after the pardon came through.
And boy, they are demonizing him 24-7, but it's good company to be in, because if he's a bad guy,
Every county sheriff in Canada and everybody in every Mexican state in Mexico is an evil racist too because they've got stronger laws than we do.
And now Canada is really cracking down as they get a flood of refugees.
Final segment with our guest, straight ahead.
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Alright, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former Sheriff, former DEA, a head guy.
I think he's going to run for Senate.
Rising out of the political ashes of Phoenix, Arizona.
The Phoenix.
Flake is 20-plus points behind in major polls.
It's getting worse.
He is a sycophant of the establishment.
I mean, he looks totally disingenuous, and his voting record is worse.
I'm excited.
But in closing, Sheriff Joe, thanks for the big exclusive interview.
You want to repeat some of the powerful stuff you were telling me during the break?
Well, you know, I've always dealt with the media my, what, 55 years.
I have relatives that work for the media, but it's really a shame what they're doing to the President.
Forget me, I'm a good target, but what they are doing to our President, lies, deceit, everything to get rid of him.
But I'll tell you one thing, I said that when I introduced him two years ago.
I got a standing ovation when I said there's a silent majority.
Well, there's a silent majority out there, but there's a vocal majority now too.
So if they think they're going to take this president down with all their garbage and lies and crap, I got news for them.
He'll be one of the greatest presidents we ever had.
And I said that a few months ago, and I'll say it again.
As you look into history, he will go down as one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen.
And I predicted he would be elected when I first introduced him.
He was running against 17 people, and I said he will be the next president.
So maybe I'm psychic.
I ought to go into that business.
But that's what I predict, Alex.
He needs help.
I don't like people going after his family.
And all this Russia garbage and calling them a racist, calling me a racist, saying I was charged with racial profile, which is a lie.
So these people better watch out.
They better be careful, all these elected officials that want to take me down.
Well, that's my next question.
I was told the president really liked Roger Stone's clip on TMZ when they confronted him in an LA airport saying, we're going to impeach Trump.
And he said, well, you better watch out because I'm not calling for violence, but the left wants a violent revolution.
They got CIA guys on TV saying they're going to kill him on CNN.
Stone said, you better watch out because there's going to be a revolution.
I think they pushed too far.
Yes, I think they did.
It's all a conspiracy.
I had to use that word.
In law enforcement, I've always solved cases because I was very active in conspiracies.
Another issue that cropped up
Uh, calling me a nutcase or something because of a certain birth certificate.
They got that all wrong, too.
It was debunked.
Who debunked it?
Nobody ever would do anything with it.
So that was debunked.
The, uh, documents were fake.
Of course they lie.
They lie.
The media lies.
Politicians lie.
All they care is about themselves.
They don't care.
They get re-elected, and when they see Barry,
They really go after you when you think there's blood out there.
Well, I think it's more than blood in the water, Sheriff Joe.
I think you're right.
It's part of it.
They're in their death throes.
The Democrats are becoming a coastal party, a party of socialist views.
All the demographics show it.
They tried to create everything and make it all racial.
It backfired.
And it shows demographically people want free market.
They want America.
And people are rejecting the Democrats.
Yeah, you're right.
Look what the president has done in seven months.
He works all the time, always working.
What president works like he works?
And he never rests.
He's always there, trying to do the job, traveling all over the world.
What a great, he's the best Secretary of State we've had in years and years, believe me.
He knows how to operate, how to make deals, go behind the scenes, his own mission.
It's to get the job, Sheriff.
This is only a one-minute break, but stay there.
I've got one more question.
We'll be gone in like three, four minutes.
I want to come back and ask you a question on that issue.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The illegals are used by the cartels, the puppets, the big banks as pawns.
But the globalists want to get rid of our borders and our sovereignty.
They want world government and it's that idea that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been challenging and that President Trump's been challenging and I was
Talking to Sheriff Joe during the break, and I was saying, how do we get these other cowards that surround Trump to stop caring what the mainstream media says and realize the mainstream media is hated by a majority of the American people.
They have a 7% approval rating, and that's the secret Joe knows, I know, the President knows, and he went on to say, yeah, I'm more popular than I've ever been.
It's incredible.
And that's it.
People want trailblazers.
They want mavericks.
They want people that do what they say they're going to do, like the President.
Sticking with the sheriff after he pardoned him.
They don't want him using his executive power.
They say everything he does is wrong.
As the economy turns back on, as the border is 69% more secure than it was, as NAFTA and GATT are being renegotiated, as the carbon tax got killed, as the VA's got 40-some percent more
People being served than just seven months ago.
I mean, this guy is totally delivering.
How do we support him?
Where do you see this country going?
Well, you can't rely on the media, but I think that you'll be surprised at the support he gets.
I know, I go around and you'll be amazed at the people who say we love Donald Trump.
They may not say it out front, but they do.
That's that silent majority, believe me.
And when he goes out front and he says, he likes fast messages.
He uses the media.
I did it.
I get in trouble sometimes.
But why not pass?
No, you said that the illegal immigration has declined.
Yes, because of law enforcement.
I'll tell you another reason.
Because he went out front.
He told the world, if you come into this country, you're going to jail.
And they believe him.
That's why they're not coming into this country because he spoke out.
So one thing you have to do is speak out.
And boy, you can move mountains sometimes when you speak out.
I'm not saying that they're afraid of him, but he sends a message.
Sure, but just like Merkel said, we're open, and 10 million Muslims, most of them men, poured in.
She said, come, everything's free, and they came!
Yeah, that's the point I'm getting.
So leave them alone.
Every time he says something, they have to find fault with it.
I'm so tired of this cable news.
All they talk about, when we have tornadoes, they have to go back to Russia, Russia.
They're obsessed with Russia.
Tell the people what's going on in this country and stop trying to destroy our president when they should be supporting him.
Democrats should be supporting him.
These Republicans that don't like him because they probably have a personal vendetta because some of them ran for office and got wiped out.
So that's not right.
Stick with the President.
Let him do his job.
Especially when North Korea just shot another missile at Japan.
Especially when the world economy's on edge.
The big banks are trying to plunge the economy to stop Trump.
That is criminal!
Yeah, a lot of stuff is criminal, but you'll never see anybody talk about it and so on.
But I'll tell you, Alex, if we ever needed a President, it's time.
With what has been going on under the previous administration, it's Donald Trump.
He came at the right time and he's going to save this country.
Just think if we kept going with Hillary and the same.
Thank you.
There he goes.
People can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and more.
Just Google Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the real sheriff.
Be sure and follow him on Twitter, right there at Joe Arpaio, real Sheriff Joe.
I'm Alex Jones.
More intel with our reporters on the ground in Houston and more coming up.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I get constant calls from major newspapers asking me, how much do you talk to the president?
And the answer is, very, very little.
And then they never believe what I'm telling them because they think I'm liars like they are.
And I'm just like, what is the point of me even taking time out to talk to you?
Make up whatever it is you want to make up.
That's why I very rarely even talk to him anymore, because they just don't take what I say at face value.
Why do you then have Jordan Klepper launching a five-day-a-week show?
Or the Homeland Program admitting it's based on me, but then lying about who I am.
Or the last X-Files series, the main character being Alex Jones.
But on that show, he's a good guy.
And Chris Carter said he thinks I'm a good guy and a libertarian.
Because Chris Carter is a smart guy.
And notice, I guess they're not picking it back up now, even though it was a hit.
Everywhere else, there's like six different shows I know of currently that air weekly, and one that airs every day, and then you've got all the other programs, Colbert, and the Late Late Show, and all these other programs.
I can't even watch 10% of it.
I mean, it's every day.
They've got people that they go, here's Alex Jones!
And then the Alex Jones character comes out and says, I love the KKK!
But then, I see clips of even Joe Rogan, who I've known since like 1998.
When you've known somebody that long, he's a funny guy, but he's sitting there making jokes going, yeah, Alex says there's slave colonies on Mars.
I like him.
I never said that.
Somebody else said that on my show.
And I didn't agree with him.
It's like if Eddie Bravo comes on Joe's show and says, the world's flat.
Do I then go, yeah, Joe Rogan says the world's flat.
Did you hear?
Man, he's really lying.
And Joe does it all good natured, you know, when he sits there with these reporters and people like Jon Ronson, I'm going to play that clip.
Like, let's just play that right now.
Let's play that first.
And then I get a clip of the young
Turks yesterday going, Alex Jones says there are clones that are 80% human, 80% pig, 80% cow.
No, I said there are all sorts of different clones that are generally 80% or more human, and some are human clones, chimeras with pigs, and some are with cows, and some are with goats, and that's in the medical literature.
What they say, Jones doesn't know math.
He said that there's creatures that are 80% this, 80% that, 80% this, thinking I don't know the math.
If they're 80% something, they can only be 20% something else.
But they don't know genes, actually.
That's not what I said, but if you want to get technical, you can gene splice and layer genes.
And have the genes of five people, complete genomes, and stack them, actually.
So, they show their ignorance on top of it, but I'm putting on screen every time I talk about human-animal chimeras, MIT, human-animal chimeras are gestating on U.S.
research farms.
That means in the stomachs, in the uteruses of cows.
And millions of my listeners heard me say it 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, a year ago.
And they know.
That I was right, but then it gets worse.
For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, and you know, but you're laying in bed and I was too lazy to get up and take a knockout.
Should have gone taking that, but I just kind of rolled around a couple hours at like two in the morning.
So I started watching videos on my phone.
That's why I watched more than I usually do, and just YouTube was just full of, of just, you know, John Ronson attacking me and, and, and Joe Rogan, uh, and,
You know, the Daily Show, and the Late Late Show, and Kepler, or Klepper, or whatever his name is, and I couldn't read it all, I couldn't watch it all.
I just watched a few of them, and I said, what's this?
And I knew what it was when I saw it.
It was the young turks going, Trump gives military equipment including grenade launchers to the police.
And I knew when I watched it, she'd say, grenade launchers to shoot people with grenades!
It's the old Army-Navy surplus program going back
50 years.
You can argue whether it's good or bad, but they weren't giving grenades for grenade launchers.
They're giving them tear gas grenades.
But see, leave that out!
My gosh, Trump's giving grenades to the police!
But it's the way this dirty, Soros, Hillary-funded, you know, deal that helped spike the election for Sanders.
They got paid $20 million to do that, reportedly.
And they just sit up there with the Young Turks name that was the fascist group in World War I that killed every Christian in...
Turkey, the Armenian genocide, which he says didn't happen and makes a joke out of it.
It's just like, they're calling me a fascist and Trump a fascist, and there's a big oily fascist making jokes about human-animal experimentation, knowing full well it's all real.
But the talking point put up by Media Matters is that I said,
That there are creatures that are 240% something.
Didn't say they were 80% this, 80% that, 80% this.
I said there are all sorts of creatures that are 10% human, 90% pig.
99% human, 1% goat, and it depends on how they want to implant the humanoids in uterus.
Sometimes it's a mix of different creatures and then they grow them up larger in cows because they can harvest larger organs out of that.
That was in the BBC 20 years ago.
That's how I know about it.
So they made kind of a man-bear-pig joke.
You know, half man, half bear, half pig.
You know, I know that's a joke.
I wasn't joking.
I was being serious about 80% human, 20% cow.
80% human, 20% pig.
They knew what I was doing, but they edited it to make it sound like I'm completely insane.
And this is how they deceive.
Now, Joe can just see all the demonization and all the attacks and
You know, it's just kind of fun.
Oh, Alex is a good guy, but yeah, he did make up the Mars bases, and yeah, you know, he does make up false flags and stuff, and it's okay.
It's just that I then don't really get a chance to respond to that on his show, so I'm responding to it here just for the record.
But... It's the young Kurtz.
I don't know why he lets the female co-host, because he supports it.
You know, not be on there without a hood over her head, with his Hillary money and the rest of it.
And the Linda Sorcerer garbage.
But they're lying to you!
Here's Joe with his backhanded slaps, which again, I like Joe.
You know somebody that long, he's funny, he's smart, great guy.
He used to have more like a comedy show, podcast, now he's being a serious kind of, you know, crossroads of liberal and conservatism and having these big intellectual discussions and everything.
And it's easy to sit up on the mountain and, you know, oh, Alex says that Jewish actors did Charlottesville, didn't say that.
Or Alex says there's slave bases on the moon or on Mars, didn't say that.
But I understand.
Just read a mainstream headline.
Just kind of go with it.
But Joe's smarter than that.
He knows they're lying, or taking out of context.
He knows it's a cheap shot, but that's fine!
Because I'm getting talked about, and there's 15 TV shows about me, and all this demonization attacks, because I identified globalism, I identified the NSA grid, I identified the chimeras, I identified the chemicals in the water, I identified their entire world government program, and have been proven absolutely correct!
And that's why I'm dangerous!
And that's why everybody else wants to get little brownie points with the establishment,
By kind of stepping and fetching it and everything.
And I get it.
But there'll be no future for anybody if men in this country don't start getting serious.
It's an abomination to have a guy calling his group the Young Turks, funded by Qatar and other dictatorships, running down our president and running me down and lying.
So Joe's just having some fun with his guests, kind of taking their attacks, and I don't mind it.
But as for people like
Sinker the turd or whatever his name is.
He's a fraud.
So let's go ahead and play a clip from Joe.
Here it is.
I now wonder.
So he says that Trump called him just after the election to thank him.
And I'm inclined to believe that's true because I don't think that's the kind of thing that Alex would lie about.
You don't hit pause.
I'm going to explain something.
When Trump goes to a rally, a third or more of the people are wearing my t-shirts.
His security detail is handing him my stuff.
The CIA is giving him stuff.
It's raining down on him.
Our information is everywhere.
Drudge's information is everywhere.
We're respected.
Trump knows we're real news versus what you say.
So again, they want to say we're discredited, we're kooks, we're jokes.
Nobody listens, but the whole world's obsessed.
Not just the president, focused.
So again, oh, they're going to judge.
Is he really telling the truth about the president?
If you only knew, ding-dong.
I know you're so important and you're up there on the mountain and you're going to decide what's real because of your superior intellect and then Joe's going to look into it, oh yes, and Martian bases.
Play a clip of me saying Martian bases.
You can't do it.
You got to build a straw man, don't you?
Let's finish up.
Yeah, he knows he's being isolated, he does.
Just last week was the headline, Infowars banned at the White House by General Kelly.
They didn't even say because it's fake news.
They said because the President acts upon it.
But I don't need to be big because the President watches and listens.
We brought the President.
He brought himself.
We're together.
We're the movement.
We're exposing globalism, world government.
Remember it didn't exist?
Now it's all admitted to exist?
And then they show a bunch of viral stories of the week and try to misrepresent what we say and what we do.
But that's the reality.
So just understand that that's what's really happening here.
So we're going to go back and get to it.
The Mars base.
But there's no clip of me saying it.
Just like there's no quip of me saying Jewish actors stage Charlottesville.
But it doesn't matter because, see, if you build a straw man, you can get in the ring with a straw man and kick its ass, can't you?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to be clear, I'm good friends with Joe, I respect him, he's funny, he's great.
I know in the larger podcast, because I watch it a lot when I'm on the treadmill or whatever, and the crew was making the point, they saw this whole episode, I hadn't seen this whole episode, that he basically had my back for most of it and just a little controversial part was put out.
But still, he's going with headlines that are not true.
And it was in thousands of headlines that I said that there's
Slave colonies of children on Mars.
I did not say that.
I had a high-level CIA guy on who's been on for 15 years and just blurted that out, and I think on purpose to be discrediting.
But I can't prove that.
I like Robert David Steele, but he really, I mean, that's just crazy.
Buzz Aldrin came on once and was saying stuff like that.
I mean, I'm not a kook because I had the second guy to walk on the moon.
Okay, and I don't deny we went to the moon either.
I said there's a lot of secret technology there.
The point is, is that the whole media is coming out against me, and now is not the time for people to think piling on is going to get anybody anywhere.
The globalists need to be stood against, period.
But let's finish up this clip, then I'm going to get to the real baloney artist, sinker, ooger, pooker, bluebird, whatever, I can't pronounce his name, of the young turdlets.
Here it is.
I mean, first of all, I don't see how Trump can have a connection with that many people.
I feel like the job of being the president has got to be so insanely demanding.
The idea that he's taking a few moments out of his day, he's got his feet up on the chair with a laptop, and he's on Infowars.com, he's like, I gotta call Alex and find out what the f*** is going on with this child slavery thing on Mars.
Alex, where are these slaves?
Tell me where.
We're on Mars.
I think it benefits everyone to think that Alex, because it makes Trump look bad.
So it benefits people on the left to think that Alex is connected to Trump.
It kind of benefits Alex, I think, for people to think it too.
Let's stop right there.
And Ronson's a really smart guy.
What he's saying there is actually true.
Then he goes on to call me a liar next.
You can see the whole thing if you want.
I'm not going to put the rest of it.
That yes, they've been trying to hurt Trump with me, but it only gives him more cred because folks hate the establishment.
They still think they're so powerful at CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times that lying about what I've said, misrepresenting it, and throwing it at the President makes people hate him.
It makes them like him more.
They want somebody that's on the outside.
Now let's get to a really bad dude.
Money from hardcore Middle Eastern dictators.
Sold out Bernie Sanders for Hillary.
Went along with the election being stolen.
Got a bunch of money from the DNC.
Called it a grassroots movement.
I mean, you know, the jury's out on, like, is Joel Steenbeck.
The jury's in on Sinker Uygur of the young fascist of Turkey.
Here pontificating.
And here he is lying about me saying that people are 80%, 80%, 80%.
Notice he doesn't show a clip.
He reads a false text out of context.
Here it is.
Alex Jones said that there are humanoids, quote, humanoids, and they are, quote, like 80% gorilla and 80% pig, and they're talking.
So the president is listening to a guy who thinks there are humanoids that are 80% gorilla and 80% pig, do the math on that one, and that those are 860% bear pigs are talking humanoids.
I'm sure he has some sort of product that he can sell us that can prevent us or keep us safe.
Yeah, I sell some of the same products that Bezos that helps fund you sells at Whole Foods.
And I don't get money from Qatar and dictatorships.
And I don't have the name the Young Turks that are the greatest genocidal group ever against Christians in modern history.
Yes, I didn't name myself after a proto-Nazi organization.
Yes, you're absolutely right.
That was, by the way, German-funded, I should add.
I mean, you just can't make this up.
So, now let's go to the other clip of her, little Miss Jihad over there.
Why she's not wearing her burka, I don't know, because they're a pro-sharia over there.
So, let's go ahead and play the clip of her claiming that Trump's giving grenade launchers.
They don't tell you the same canister shoots tear gas.
He's giving them the launchers for tear gas.
So taxpayers don't have to pay for it when Antifa is running around beating everybody up.
See, it's just this anti-government thing because they want to overthrow it.
It's what Muslims do.
Here it is.
Donald Trump plans to revive a program that provides local law enforcement with militarized weapons.
Now this was something that President Obama decided to rein in when he realized that local police forces were heavily militarized and it was leading to problems within communities throughout the country.
However, Trump believes that reviving this program is just a great idea.
So let me give you the details on that.
He will revive a program that provides local police departments with surplus military equipment such as high-caliber weapons and grenade launchers.
Let's stop right there.
More lies.
Now, again, they fomented all the race wars.
They got the cops to not go into the neighborhoods where they're not wanted.
Thousands dead every year in Chicago.
A hundred dead by cops or something.
There was no issue.
There was no crisis.
You made it up, part of the strong city initiative of Loretta Lynch, to cause a race war in federalized police.
You little stinker, you!
We'll be right back with the lawsuit getting thrown out, exposing Hillary's election fraud against Bernie Sanders.
But the Young Turks don't care about that.
They got all that money from the DNC!
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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As most of you already know, I am a voracious consumer of news and information.
And in the last four or five years doing more and more research, I came across the fact that the elite establishment is fully aware of the fact that our ancient ancestors, in many cases,
I think?
We're good to go.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It turns out we are in the Twilight Zone.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
We're about to go to our guest.
You know, there are some people out there like Mark Rich and others that were investigating the fact that Bernie Sanders publicly had the nomination stolen from him.
He was winning all the first primaries.
They would just give Hillary the delegates.
The Republicans tried the same thing with Trump, and you know, whether you like Bernie Sanders or hate him, whether you like Donald Trump or hate him, these are both populist, maverick types that Americans across the board saw as anti-establishment.
And now to make sure Bernie Sanders doesn't complain too much, you notice that they've got all those investigations of him going on.
Now we have a Florida judge dismisses fraud lawsuit against the DNC.
Elizabeth Beck is an attorney and founded JamPack, the first and only truly progressive grassroots super PAC.
It is powered by Ordinary Citizens and the Serve the Public rather than billionaires corporations.
JamPack aims to hold
Politicians accountable to the citizenry.
Its goal is to restore the voice of the people to government.
Elizabeth holds a law degree from Yale Law School and a bachelor's of science degree in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles.
And here's the Washington Post, Associated Press, they all ran it.
A year-long legal battle over the Democratic National Committee's handling of the 2016 presidential primary came to an end Friday.
With the federal judge in Florida dismissing a clash action suit brought by supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders.
And here to give us the details of this and this defeat.
Well, I'm no lawyer, but I covered it all.
I know election law looks very, very cut and dry.
Parties may claim that primary votes are ceremonial, but you've got public money being spent on elections.
You've got the Constitution.
Clearly, it's not.
But they're trying to set that precedent.
Republicans tried it.
They failed.
That's because the field was a little bit bigger.
With Hillary, it was just Hillary and Bernie there at the end.
But again, Attorney Elizabeth Beck joins us doing really important work for the integrity of our electoral system.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you for making the time, Alex.
On May 1st, 2013, you, Alex Jones, published an article on InfoWars.
The title of the article was, FBI Report Implicates Saudi Government in 9-11.
The first sentence of this article that you published on Infowars states, Contrary to the official narrative, 9-11 was state-sponsored terror.
The only question is which state sponsored it.
The article goes on to say,
That the Broward Bulldogs FOIA lawsuit asks U.S.
District Judge William Zlotch to order the FBI to produce all records of its Sarasota investigation, including the records seen by Graham.
Alex, what does, what do Antonin Scalia,
Sheila Abduz-Salam and Tayori Zavosky have in common.
The 28 pages?
What do these three people, Antonin Scalia, Sheila Abduz-Salam, and Tayori Zavosky have in common?
Are they dead?
They are dead, and they also have something else in common.
They are all judges.
Antonin Scalia was a United States Supreme Court judge.
He passed away on February 13, 2016.
He was found dead in his sleep as a guest in a West Texas ranch.
There was no autopsy.
Four days before, on February 9, 2016, John Podesta,
Secretary Hillary Clinton's campaign sends an email to Steve Elmendorf saying, quote, didn't think Whitworks meant pool parties at the Vineyard, end quote.
Steve responds, quote, I am all in, end quote.
On the day of the Supreme Court Justice's death,
February 13, 2016, Milia Fisher emails John Podesta links on the justice's death.
Also, she sends him an older Washington Post link from December 31st, 2015, about how a Supreme Court vacancy would favor Democrats.
These emails were released by Wikileaks as part of the Podesta emails.
On November 6, 2016, a few days before the presidential election, Newsweek publishes an article entitled, With Vote Looming, What Happens With the Supreme Court Vacancy?
Approximately a month before the presidential election, on October 19, 2016, CNN publishes an article.
It is titled, Questions for Clinton and Trump on the Supreme Court.
End quote.
The article begins with, quote, the future of the Supreme Court hangs on the next election.
Sheila Abdusalam was a justice on the New York Court of Appeals.
She died on April 12, 2017.
Her body was fished out of the Hudson.
There were bruises on her neck and no suicide note.
Her husband disputed the ruling of suicide.
She was the first African-American woman to be appointed to a seat on New York's highest court.
And just to be clear, we joined this Florida judge's business fraud lawsuit against DNC where they publicly stole the nomination from the voters that went for Bernie Sanders hands down.
And you're tying all this, all this together.
I'll get to that.
Yeah, please continue.
I'll get to that.
Teori Zavaski died on January 19th of this year.
He was a justice on the Brazilian Supreme Court.
He died when his small crane crashed.
He was appointed by former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to investigate widespread corruption in the financial and government elite in Brazil and was in charge of handling the Operation Car Wash corruption trials.
Operation Car Wash is an ongoing criminal investigation begun in 2014.
Rousseff was impeached on August 31st, 2016 and replaced by Michael Tamer as President of Brazil.
Five months later, the head judge, Thierry Zavasky, is dead.
Tamir's new finance minister has appointed Ilan Goldfein as central bank president.
Goldfein, who has a PhD from MIT, has formerly worked as a consultant for the World Bank, the IMF, and the United Nations.
Okay, so I mean, I understand there's a lot of corruption, a lot of murders going on.
How does this tie together with the suit?
This lawsuit was filed approximately a year ago in the Southern District of Florida, in the Fort Lauderdale courthouse.
Last week, after having a three and a half hour court hearing on defendants motion to dismiss the complaint,
For failure to state a claim, the federal judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by over a hundred people for allegations of fraud against the Democratic National Committee and its former chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The judge on this case is Judge William J. Zlock.
By the way, Schultz is under criminal investigation now, and her adjuncts have been indicted for espionage, so we're really starting to dig deeper into all this, and I understand you're giving us just the facts and the background, but... Three months ago, on May 25th, 2017, the body of Mr. Branton Wisnant washed up on shore in Hollywood.
Can you show that gas pump that I sent you?
The picture of the gas pump?
Yeah, we'll pull up some of those images, but just describe it for us.
His body was found on Hollywood Beach.
Hollywood Beach is in Florida.
And I sent you guys a map.
It is very, very close to the Southern District of Florida courthouse where the Wilding case was pending.
A few weeks ago, I had a meeting with a gentleman by the name of George Webb.
George Webb is a roving independent reporter for Crowdsource The Truth.
After he interviewed my law partner, Jared Beck, and I regarding the DNC fraud lawsuit, we went out to dinner with his colleague, Jason Goodman.
George Webb told me that it is very, very easy to induce heart attacks in people.
Apparently, you can freeze toxins, heart attack-inducing toxins, into tiny little splinters and shoot them inside of people.
And once
The frozen toxin dart goes inside your body.
It melts and releases the toxin.
And soon thereafter, you will have a heart attack.
Sure, or it's gelatin darts, but just backing up, because I know you've really been an expert on this, a lawyer involved in it all.
We know that they stole the election from Sanders.
The suit's been thrown out.
We know a lot of judges are getting killed.
They later admitted that Antonin Scalia was part of a secret society connected to Bohemian Grove at the event.
A lot of weirdness.
Clearly, I mean, they've got former CIA deputy directors saying they're going to kill Trump on television.
So, Elizabeth Beck, I'm asking you to send the generalities about the cases while we had you on, dealing with Bernie Sanders, and just show it up for us, what you're saying this all points towards.
What I'm saying is that whatever job we collectively want done is too big for one courthouse,
One judge, one lawyer, or one voter.
That's true.
So now, Judge Slock has dismissed the case.
We are considering our options, including appeal.
If we were to appeal this adverse ruling, it would go up to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Federal Appeals.
If they agree with the lower court, it would then presumably go up to the Supreme Court on a petition for certiorari.
I think it would probably be a good idea for this lawsuit
If more and more judges were on its side rather than it being handled by one lone federal judge sitting here in South Florida.
Sure, but what's the statute of limitations?
Can't folks who voted for Sanders and saw the majority vote given to Hillary as they did in like 12 states at least, can't they just file suits all over and then those have a better chance of something getting through?
There is over 1 million lawyers in this country.
I invite the public to contact attorneys to see if they can assist you in filing your lawsuits against whatever grievances you may have against your local or federal government in connection with election irregularities.
Alright, well listen, Elizabeth Beck, thank you so much.
I want to talk to you again once you get honed down exactly where you think your next step is.
Thank you so much.
Now, getting into the other big news here, I mentioned this earlier today about the Islamicists and how they run a lot of the city councils, town councils as they call them in the
UK and how I've had members of parliament on who've broken down the fact even liberal MPs from the Labour Party
That's the business, is the men go to work, the women stay at home and are foster parents, and they're just giving them little Christian kids, even though there's other family, grandparents, you name it.
And since I mentioned that big story that's in the Times of London, the social workers say it's horrible.
They took her cross, you know, they're telling her she's going to hell reportedly because she's a Christian.
Since I mentioned
Now a lot of these towns, they've caught them grooming thousands of little girls, many times who are in foster care and then they're sold to sex slavery, which you can do under Islam because you're a subhuman, you're a demi.
That's how ISIS could sell little girls into sex labor, have a hundred guys, rape a little girl, you know, until her insides came out and died.
I'm sorry to talk like that, that's just what happens.
But with liberals, it's okay, because it's just kind of a cool, cool, cool liberal thing.
You know, salons into pedophilia, I mean, they promote pedophilia, so why should they care?
It's all just part of something deviant, it's sick, it's fun to, like, throw little Christian children, send them to the lions, just into, you know, burqa, jihad hells.
But I thought I'd mention this, this is out of the Express.co.uk.
Rotterham, abuse scandal, horrific reality of industrial scale.
That's what the police said.
Child grooming revealed.
And it gets into all of it for you.
And they're put on the street at age nine.
And the Muslim men come and they just line up and they pay the local Muslim controller, the mayors, the Muslim police, you name it, and it's just how it is.
Of course, I as a Christian can't go to Saudi Arabia.
I can't go to any of these countries.
I'd be attacked.
I'd be killed if I got outside of my work zone, even though I was an oil field engineer.
And I'm supposed to go, oh, that's okay, because I'm open.
I have guilt that I've been an open Western free society compared to anybody else that we pioneered world freedom.
So I'm going to feel guilty now and just say I'm going to just worship
Merkel saying she's going to bring in even more refugees now and make whole towns only Muslim and pay for everything!
And then it's Muslims feeding on Muslims and abusing them and throwing gays off buildings.
That doesn't matter!
Jihad watch PayPal ban them!
The rebel media just got their website taken down.
They're coming for everybody.
That's owned by a Jewish guy.
Muslim community absolutely disgusted by Newcastle grooming gang.
Hey, foster kids, meet your new dad!
Meet your new dad!
Pakistani folks are great people.
But did you know that 34%
They're less than 1% of the population in England.
34% of the deformities in the hospitals are for the Pakistani folks.
Mental disorders from inbreeding really has hit the British royalty as well, the Japanese royalty, the Egyptian royalty.
It's really crippling and we have to really come to the understanding that with Islam, inbreeding is mandated.
That's why you've got so much mental illness in Islam.
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All right, this just in.
You know, Joy Vila and all those other great artists that are pro-Trump, their videos are being removed.
They're being given cease and desist letters by YouTube to remove the video, Make America Great Again, and they've been demonetized.
They are shutting down the rebel media.
They are shutting down Jihad Watch.
They are shutting down basically everybody.
They've been deleting Paul Watson's videos for two weeks.
He hasn't done one.
He says he's looking for another platform.
I mean,
The censorship, it was 20 times, whatever it was, a couple months ago.
Now it's 100 times.
I mean, Trump needs to move with antitrust.
He needs to move with hearings on Google and Facebook and Twitter.
Massive discrimination.
They're trying to take Twitter away from him.
We're in a revolution.
And these big combines, as Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has pointed out, we need to get him back on, are engaged in racketeering.
And they're trying to block people from credit card companies, from PayPal.
It's on.
Meanwhile, Mother Jones made a huge joke.
The socialist publication, the elite publication.
About a little ad that Kit Daniels put up looking for interns, and in it we said, don't plagiarize, have good spelling, and then they put the deceptive headline up that InfoWars has the, you know, lowest job requirements we've ever seen.
Well, I guess technically it's true.
It is a job because we have paid internships, unlike Mother Jones, who has unpaid interns who qualified for food stamps, even though the directors of Mother Jones rake in millions.
It's always the same.
Alex Jones is looking for someone who can spell.
And what they did was cherry pick just the area where we were talking about interns.
And we're like, yeah, has some journalistic background, be a news junkie, don't plagiarize, and have good grammar and spelling.
But the funny is you go to their ad and it's similar to ours saying be a news junkie.
It's just weird how they take everything and misrepresent it just at every little level.
It's just sniping and watching everything we do.
And why is it?
Because we know their game plan.
They know they're a ruling class.
They know their social engineering.
They know they're getting rich.
They know these charities at the top, they get tens of millions of dollars apiece.
Like the young Turks who act like they're doing it for free.
And the guy's one of the highest paid people in media.
They know, the thing is, it's okay if he's making money.
Just don't sit there and beg for money and do all this while you get 20 million from Hillary and the DNC.
Or sit here and be mad at us that we have paid internships, when your people, yeah, food stamps!
Get some Space Cadet and do it for free!
It's amazing.
Absolutely incredible that they operate like this.
Now before I go any further, speaking of support, we're not funded by the globalists.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And now, live from London, England, it's your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Bezos the Slave Master, they have really jumped the shark in a big way, or jumped the medaglodon as I like to say, by trying to just openly censor conservatives, libertarians, you name it.
SPLC's getting sued up one side and down the other by giant, you know, Christian organizations like the Kennedy Center, great people over there, the Family Research Council, great people.
I mean, they want a war, they're getting one, but massive censorship across the board.
I'm going to turn the baton over to Paul Joseph Watson to get into censorship and all of the big news, but what about the practice you've been talking about where these councils, these city councils
The Muslims run it.
I mean, they do.
It's Muslim gangs.
Muslim mafia exists.
And they give the children as foster care to other Muslims.
Little Christian kids, little five-year-olds, have their crosses taken, are told they're going to hell because they're Christian.
You know, they now live in a family with burkas that don't speak English, so that the city can pay money.
And the mayor's even busted doing it.
And even the social workers are saying it's wrong.
But they don't care, because under political correctness, we've got to give our Christian children to families with burkas!
No, exactly.
Now it's come out, Alex, that the parents of this girl begged the council to allow her to stay with her grandmother.
So we're hearing even more about this.
Remember back a few years ago, there was a UKIP supporting foster couple parents.
Exemplary record in terms of foster parenting of children.
They took in, I think it was actually probably a Pakistani child, it was a non-white child anyway.
Again, perfect record of being adoptive parents.
Because they supported UKIP, which in 2015 was what, the third biggest party in Britain?
Because they supported UKIP, they had those children taken away!
So if you support UKIP, if you support one of the major UK political parties, you can't adopt children.
But if you're a burka-wearing, Arabic-speaking, Al-Akbar-chanting Muslim, then they'll just take little five-year-old Christian girls and hand them over, and if you disagree with it, you're Islamophobic.
This is a perversion.
The left loves attacking Christians, attacking children.
They're all into promoting pedophilia.
And this is a great cuckolding to feed our children into the burqa machines, to feed them into the jihad nest, and to heap the welfare and all the free goodies on the Muslims so they can just walk around ruling everyone.
No, I mean, that's why they've aligned with Islam, Alex, because they both support the fundamental concept of overthrowing Western civilization.
It's that simple.
Over in Sweden, of course, homeschooling is basically illegal, Alex, but unless you're an ISIS jihadist who's returning from Syria to Sweden, then you're allowed to look after children, then you're allowed to homeschool them.
So you only get special rights in Sweden if you're actually an ISIS terrorist, because that's politically correct.
And we're not kidding.
Special rights!
Special rights to the most horribly oppressive, pre-Stone Age, crazy people that cut women's genitals off, and journalists are getting six months suspended sentences for pointing out that Islam aligned with Hitler in World War II.
No, exactly.
We had that story as well.
We've got somebody who's a friend of a friend of mine in Edinburgh who made fun of ISIS, mocked ISIS and was called Islamophobic, is now under investigation.
By the way, they've gone quiet since we reported on it, but a lot of these cases don't even get the light of attention.
Alex, we've got a case over in Sweden where a court refused to deport a migrant who raped a mentally disabled child because he'd had a hard time in Afghanistan before he got to Sweden.
So poor baby, let's be nice to him.
And these are real cases, they do this with a straight face.
And the plan is, if they can make us submit to Islam, they can make us submit to anything.
And that's your Michael Moore article, where he said white people are inherently evil, get rid of them.
No, exactly.
And this is par for the course with Michael Moore, of course.
For years, he built his reputation on being this man of the people.
Now he comes out and just says, oh, all Trump voters are rapists.
He actually got up on CNN and suggested that.
And now, basically, they're all deplorables.
They're all racist.
You know what?
I said I'm getting out of here, but I can't help it.
I want to come back with one final comment on Michael Moore.
I want to define, and that photo you used is so perfect.
In person, he looks like the creepiest pervert you've ever seen.
I'm not saying he's a child molester.
He just looks like one.
Thank you.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com
For the last two years, I've been saying there's an attack on white people in America.
If you go out and you say you're a Trump supporter today, you're automatically racist.
Because you're white.
Right now, the war is the Infowar.
That's the war that we're in right now.
I'm 1776.
You're a white man!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
By the way, if you just saw that intro, I don't know the man's name.
I'm going to call him a black man or a white man, just a man's name from out in San Francisco.
But I saw a bunch of speeches he gave in videos, and I want that guy to be a commentator with us.
Just get on, better speaker than I am, and just boils it all down, saying, look, there are attacks on white people, and it's being directed politically, and it's wrong.
White people were politically directing attacks on black people.
It's just Martin Luther King would say it was wrong.
I would say it's wrong.
You're supposed to judge somebody off the character of what they do.
That's totally common sense.
That's totally libertarian.
But they've gone now from saying, oh, Trump caters to racists, to Trump is a racist, and all of his supporters are KKK, are white supremacists.
And then I watched the footage of Berkeley, of San Francisco.
I mean, I mean, chasing down prayer meeting people and beating the hell out of them and spitting in their faces.
And then Pelosi in the news, CBS News, people there going, well, they're Nazis and I'm scared of Nazis, so I want them to be scared.
They're not Nazis, you idiot!
Now you're going to make some Nazis with that kind of behavior.
It's just incredible and it freaks you out to know people are this dumbed down, but since we mention it, let's put back on screen, we're getting Paul back on Skype, he's back now.
Let's, so let's go to hung around here.
Great, great technology, but sometimes it has hiccups, he's in London, England.
Let's punch up Michael Moore and the article that Paul wrote.
Where he gives this interview and says, I can't wait till white people are the minority.
I can't wait for that day to happen.
That's inherently saying whites as a group are bad.
That's like Hitler saying Jews as a group inherently have bad traits.
That is totally tribal, completely racist, and it's Michael Moore that started out
On PBS and stuff, and Roger and me going and showing deindustrialization pre-NAFTA and GATT, and then he totally sold out on NAFTA and GATT and globalism and everything else, and now hates Trump, the blue-collar billionaire, bringing people together, getting awards from the NAACP for hiring and putting blacks in management, and women, you name it, who do a good job.
He's just like me, I don't care what color you are, you do a good job, I'll put you in position, whatever.
The point is, is that
Here he is now, this total race pimp, made hundreds of millions of dollars, has six armed bodyguards.
Let's put him back on screen.
And boy, he's got a face of somebody you'd like to hire to be your kid's babysitter, wouldn't you?
I've seen him in person, just a creepy, evil, like a big, fat witch.
You know that witch that Bugs Bunny's always fighting with and hehehehe runs around?
But let's forget how he looks.
Let's forget how he looks.
This is a creepy social engineer that knows he's manipulating society.
You know on Morning Joe and all these shows where they say all Trump supporters are secretly racist.
That's telling minorities you can't be pro-America, pro-gun, pro-low taxes, pro-sovereignty, take care of the veterans.
None of you have any unity.
No, no, no.
Everybody's fighting with each other and whites are inherently bad and are the problem in the world.
Well, why is everybody trying to get to Europe and the United States and Australia?
Because they're Christian countries and that's the secret.
You can take and studies in Africa, an African tribe that's Christian, same genetic background, haven't only been Christian 200 years, next to another tribe, same genetics across the river and
Where do the airports get built?
Where are the big houses?
Where are the medicine?
Where is the everything?
It's the Christian area.
So you can argue different types of genetics, different groups, whatever, and different propensities of this or that, but certainly are there to a certain extent, in the average.
But it's Christianity.
Not the fake glitterbug Christianity, not to name it and claim it Christianity, but folks building hospitals, people going and working hard, treating people like they want to be treated, believing in something bigger.
Believe in Jesus Christ and that's why Christianity is under such incredible attack and it's Christianity that re-flowered in the Renaissance and gave open free societies and let you not be Christian if you didn't want to because real Christianity said it's free will.
So we got out of a fake
Twisted false orthodoxy of Christianity in the dark ages and got true Christianity that brought us into this whole new world.
The problem is the same old evils were there and now have grown out of control.
So I want to ask Paul Watson and give him the balance of the transmission here.
I want to ask Paul Watson if we play this clip of where he thinks we are in this battle and where we go and what we do and who he thinks we should sue because I've got damages from all these groups.
But is it Tom Brokaw?
Is it these other groups that have refused us service?
Using the SPLC database, what do we do?
But here is...
A clip.
Black Lives Matter founder claims Trump is trying to commit Hitler-like genocide.
So, we've got universities saying, we don't want veterans now at major universities.
Shouldn't be allowed to go.
That's the new anti-fod demands.
And they're shutting down universities and they're capitulating.
Social justice warriors want universities to ban veterans.
That's the headline.
We've got them taking down Martin Luther King because he was a racist, they're now saying.
I'm not kidding because he didn't mention gay people.
Well, I guess he didn't mention
You know, Malaysians either.
It's just crazy.
By omission, you're now bad.
Total bullying.
We've got all this happening and they're just steamrolling ahead.
What do we do?
We certainly don't give in to the intimidation.
But they think we're going to.
It's crazy.
So it's a collective insanity.
But here it is.
U of Nebraska threatens to call cops and they come, a conservative student, at a public event for their own table, saying you're conservative, that's not allowed, you've got to go.
That's coming up.
But first, Black Lives Matter founder
We wouldn't as a movement take a seat at the table with Trump because we wouldn't have done that with Hitler.
Trump is literally the epitome of evil.
All the evils of this country, be it racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia.
And he has set out some of the most dangerous policies, not just
That impacts this country, but impacts the globe.
And so for us, the answer is not to sit with Trump, but to resist him and to resist every single policy that he's implemented that impacts our communities.
And I think if I'm thinking about what I want my children to know in 30, 40, 50 years, I want them to know that I resisted a president at all costs because this president literally tried to kill our communities.
Literally tried to kill your communities by bringing jobs to them.
This is a truly sickening person.
Black unemployment doubled under Obama, right at doubled.
You read the WikiLeaks, they say we're losing, the people are coming together, what do we do at the DNC?
And they say demographic warfare, that means race warfare.
So, and then you just take some arrogant, racist, anti-you-name-it person like her, shovel her up there, hold her up, have the L.A.
Times interview her like she's this oracle of wisdom that's never done anything in her life, but is funded by George Soros, like Linda Sorcerer.
We're supposed to bow down to her authoritarian, racist inclinations.
What a sick divider.
Then I got one more clip, then Paul's taking over.
This is, again, and the police came.
They were not allowed, students are not allowed
To have free speech.
And again, people at Berkeley being beat up just for being at a prayer meeting.
Everyone is to be attacked.
And then you got all these white allies, who are the most vicious, who want to attack whites to show they understand the inherent evil of white people.
Here it is.
When you make a statement, what is big in government?
And it sucks.
Does it suck?
I'm going to have to ask you guys to move this to the free speech zone or we'll have to have you and LPD remove you.
It's completely up to you.
Is this a public university?
This is not with propaganda.
You can free speech all you want, but you cannot hand out propaganda.
But isn't this a public university?
It is.
But this is a reservable area that requires a reservation.
I've asked you once.
If I have to ask you again, I'm going to have to call you an LPD.
It's up to you.
Free speech zone is over here on the other side of the Memorial Plaza signs.
What is she doing that violates free speech?
This is a reservable space that requires a reservation, that we don't have one.
But I'm not inside, I'm on the public property.
It's everywhere from the two signs, okay?
So if you're on the other side of the two signs, you've got free speed zones specifically over here between the sign and Canfield, yes it is.
So then why can't I see it?
Same reason you can't be inside, like in the bathroom.
It's this particular part that's a reservable part, but over there it's free.
Free speech, yes, public university, reservable space, free speech zone.
He is correct.
You guys can be over there, that is free speech.
Here, because now you've got propaganda, you've also got a table reservation that requires... See, it's propaganda because it had mild statements.
Uh, about free speech.
Uh, Paul, we're gonna skip both network breaks so you get your time back here.
Last six, eight minutes where I've been taking over while you've been getting your Skype reconnected.
Uh, what do you make of these people?
They're just openly authoritarian now.
The censorship's all quadrupled.
Uh, it's total race war narrative.
We know it's in the WikiLeaks, that's their plan.
Good God, where is this going?
Well, I mean, it's mass hysteria, Alex.
That's what's been legitimized.
And what happens with mass hysteria, and top professors have come out and said this, is that it leads to, ironically, right-wing authoritarianism.
So while they wail and gnash their teeth about Trump being a fascist, their very action
We're good to go.
And some people think that's some super secret plan.
It's not.
I know some of the highest levels of this.
They're like insane mental patients, even at the top, who really want to conquer reality and conquer the family and conquer Christians.
Why is it at its heart, I know you agree because it's true, this obsession with destroying Christianity by taking it over, by watering it down, by twisting it, turning it into Joel Olsteen.
I mean, what is going on here?
Well, I mean, it's the essence of post-modernism, Alex, is to not only change the system, to completely eviscerate and destroy everything that went before.
And this came out of the French philosophers, it came out of the cultural Marxists.
Now it's taking root in universities.
Now the media, having embraced and endorsed Antifa,
is legitimising it.
So now they're coming out in the open.
Before it was, oh, we're just for LGBT rights, we're for minority rights.
No, they don't care about that.
OK, since Black Lives Matter came into being, there's more racism, there's more dead black people.
They don't care about minorities.
They care about power, raw power.
That's what it's all about.
It's about fundamentally upsetting, turning over society, remaking it in their own hysterical, warped image.
And they're so power-trippy, and they're also so mob-driven, the Republican leadership as well, they're so cowardly.
Don't they get, historically, but also in current context?
Like you said, I'm worried about the super-wave coming back against this.
I mean, people are pulling out of the globalist system.
They are not giving their money to anything that's establishment now.
Everyone I know, including most, quote, minorities, completely see through this.
No, well, I mean, the positive aspect, Alex, is we were talking about Michael Moore earlier.
There was an article out today, which I commented on on Twitter and on Infowars.com, which is the VMAs, the MTV Video Music Awards, which, of course, now are basically 50 percent of the time it's lame anti-Trump hysterical virtue signaling.
The other 50% is trash culture that doesn't fill anybody's hole.
The youth are completely empty.
They're searching for meaning in anything.
They're not getting it out of popular culture.
Their viewership, Alex, has halved just over the last three years.
The MTV VMA Music Awards, they've lost half of their viewership.
And they're panicking, then trying to shut us up.
And let's not brag, but you and I, well you quit doing videos in protest last few weeks.
We've had videos, conservatively, even with our censorship, the last week, 20 million views.
We're on syndicated radio, 200 stations.
We have millions on our own streams.
Hundreds of thousands on... 20 million views despite all their censorship.
I mean their stupid MTV award, what, might get a couple million watching it?
No, that's exactly it, and it's sinking fast.
The thing about the YouTube censorship is we're probably to blame for it, Alex, because about six weeks ago, before they came out with this new level of censorship, which they say from Thursday onwards, although they're already initiating it, they're going to ban offensive, controversial content.
We're good to go.
And then all of a sudden, YouTube says, OK, we've really got to clamp down now.
So they realized that they were losing.
This is Silicon Valley.
Paul, you remember, I mean, remember my thing I used to say, we should be under the radar and not talk about how successful we are.
But we've got to do it now.
What do you make about there's like 16 shows the last couple of years, I can count.
There's like seven or eight of them right now.
Some of them five days a week misrepresenting yours truly and you by name.
Strawman attacks this new show on Comedy Central called The Opposition.
I mean, they are acting like we are Godzilla attacking Tokyo, man.
No, I mean, it's the intensification of that.
I mean, there would be the occasional attack on us, you know, in years past, you know, media matters would constantly attack us, but it was limited.
Sure, and Kobe would attack once a month, but not like every other night, and he's all attacking, attacking, attacking.
I mean, I used to be able to write response articles to every hit piece, because, I mean, they were still quite regular, but it was, you know, manageable.
Now if I did that, then I'd literally need like a hundred of me to respond to them all.
And it shows that they're petrified because our influence is growing.
And we know that they're really an Islamic slash pedophile network.
No, they actually are!
It's a huge pedophile network that wants to overthrow Western civilization.
They're finally coming out and admitting it, and we're the counterforce, and people are really rallying behind us.
Yeah, choose prosperity, true free society, wealth, honor, or do we want to choose under Islamic and pedophile rule, and devil worshipper rule?
That's why I'm still, a lot of days people say, Alex, why are you co-hosting when Paul's on?
Skype's gotten unstable.
I'm trying to get him in office.
I'm trying to even get some crew member in the US to go over there and help him.
He's a great guy, but his Skype more and more is cutting out.
So while we get the old Skyper going, I'll sit here some more with old Paul.
Probably got to phone back up with him.
But you never know where he is.
I said he's in London.
Is he in Spain?
He's in Spain a lot.
You know, I sit here and I laugh about this because I expected a fight.
And I don't see it as losing to be censored or attacked.
I see it as winning.
But we really are facing the scum of the earth.
I mean, we really are facing the worst people on the planet and then the brainwashed idiots that follow them and believe in them.
They don't understand.
Prosperity is easy in human civilization.
The elites have to get out of the way, though, and let the public have the wealth and have the inventions.
But in Africa, in Asia, in Eastern Europe, in Latin America to a great extent, the elites decide to have a permanent ruling wealthy class and to use poverty to control people.
And that's where we are.
And we're here trying to stop that.
Donald Trump's trying to stop that.
And I don't know if we really deserve it as a whole, because do we really deserve this amount of decadence?
Do we really deserve, you know, to actually have this much advantage if we're not going to appreciate it?
And if we're just going to continue to bitch and grieve about it all day?
But global corporations have done the demographic math.
They've already exploited the third world.
Now they're going to use that third world to take down the West and cement global hegemonic control.
So that's all that's happening.
We're funded by viewers like you, and we need a bigger war chest to really expand what we're doing, hire more crew members, launch a lot of new stuff that's gonna get around the sensors.
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That says 56% off.
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That is.
The whole point.
So, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
And again, we couldn't do any of this without you, the listeners.
I was going to get updates from our reporters today down in Houston, but just who knows what's going on down there, you know?
They're too busy probably saving people.
I know they are.
And we sent down some more trucks.
A big army truck went down there with the Quentin.
And so, an officer drowned in his patrol car in the Harvey floodwaters.
They're now starting to find dead bodies.
And the water is continuing to rise, ladies and gentlemen.
So, there's Arne Cervantes, the Austin Police Chief.
And now they're reporting that levees are going to spill into downtown Houston.
Hey, has anybody called our reporters?
Because I know... Yeah, so Zimmerman's on a helicopter?
Okay, we'll get him to get the footage out as soon as possible.
What about Clinton?
Why don't I just call him and just get an update in the next segment?
If you guys don't have his number, just come on in here and I'll give it to you.
And we can call him.
We can get a reporter on.
We'll do that straight ahead.
Paul's having more and more Skype problems.
That's why I'm usually in here now, riding shotgun with him.
Hell, getting on my phone's like an act of Congress.
So we'll find out more.
Pray for the folks down in Houston.
Paul Watson is back, but we better keep him on his line this time.
We're gonna keep him on his line.
That phone right there ready now.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Cheers to Candice Owens.
You can check her out on Twitter at redhillblack.
The YouTube video which shot to prominence a few days ago in the aftermath of Charlottesville was entitled, I don't care about Charlottesville, the KKK or white supremacy.
And we've got a clip of that now if we can go to the clip.
That was Candice Owens with the viral YouTube video.
She's also an entrepreneur and a public speaker.
Candice, welcome to the show.
Thank you guys for having me.
Now, before we get into the Charlottesville stuff, your Twitter bio, and I like this, it says, force-fed the red pill, kinda liked it.
Now, if we go back a couple of years, you actually started out, not to be rude here, but you started out as something of a social justice warrior, or at least you were accused of being one by some people.
Tell us about social autopsy and how the fallout from that changed your entire perspective.
Right, so it's a big story.
I'm going to sort of try to give you the shortened version here so we don't use up all the time here.
But basically, I created a platform somewhat naively about something that I was passionate about, which is just children that are armed with social media and have cell phones.
They face a different set of rules and they go through something that you and I didn't experience when we were in school.
I really do think that cell phones and social media can be dangerous, which is why we're seeing so many
Um, young kids ages 11 and 12 committing suicide over things like Snapchat.
So my goal by creating this sort of passion project was to kind of sort of monitor their behavior on social media in a way that would give them a little more responsibility at that age.
Um, unfortunately, I landed myself directly smack in the middle of the Gamergate scandal.
I knew nothing about SJWs.
I knew nothing about, um, you know, trolls and internet anonymity.
I was thinking totally outside of that box and landed myself directly
In the Gamergate scandal, which I'm sure you guys have covered on this show quite extensively, a woman named Zoe Quinn contacted me within a few hours of us being on Kickstarter and she basically introduced herself as Ground Zero of Gamergate and said that anonymous white males attacked her on the internet and she threatened me and said, take down your Kickstarter or white males are going to come and attack you.
Obviously, I refused to take down my Kickstarter.
You know, I said, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm not going to just back down.
And she grew hysterical and started crying and said, you're going to ruin everything and sort of this like ominous threat.
I hung up the phone with her within hours.
I was inundated on emails by people with these obvious for Trump sort of, you know, email addresses.
And they were, you know, calling me a nigger, threatening to tar and feather my family.
Just this really vicious, nasty attack.
Beyond obvious to me that it was being orchestrated by her.
And I made that claim on my Twitter account.
I said, you know, I don't know anything about the Gamergate scandal, but I can tell you that this girl Zoe Quinn is no victim.
She is harassing herself.
And I did not for a single second believe that these were white men that were trolling me.
It was very obviously an organized movement from her, who at the time was the anti-harassment chief for Twitter.
Making that assertion, I woke up the next day and the left media was contacting me.
I had Louise Mensch from The Guardian trying to get in contact with me, The Washington Post trying to get in contact with me, New York Magazine trying to get in contact with me, all in this coordinated effort to smear my name and to stop the funding of social autopsy by likening us to a platform that was going to assist pedophiles, which is what they wrote about me.
And they said that, you know, they gaslit me as well, saying that this girl
I think so.
Miraculously, people that were reaching out and telling the true story of what happened was Breitbart, people like Mike Cernovich and the Ralph Retort, publications and people that are white nationalists were stepping to the plate and defending an African-American entrepreneur who they
All told, we disagree with what you're doing entirely, but what's happening to you is wrong.
So, obviously, it threw me down the rabbit hole.
I considered myself a liberal at that time, and I woke up.
I was forced to face the facts.
By the way, Candace, I know about your story, but this is riveting.
I want to beg you to come on the full show sometime with Paul and I and share these stories.
I didn't believe it until I saw it protesting the KKK and stuff on video 18 years ago.
Later you learn it was actually leftists leading it.
White supremacy was so unpopular that 9 times out of 10 it was literally run by the Southern Poverty Law Center or a big foundation or the ADL.
They've been caught doing it.
But it just shows how they tried to set you up, bully you, to make you their cause celeb and you would have never even known it.
Wow, I mean, it's amazing that you sensed it though and realized something was going on.
How did you sense it?
Because this is how they do it.
When people show up at liberal colleges, whether it's in the UK or the US or Canada, they herd everybody in when they're 18 and say, there's white supremacists on campus, get in here, we'll protect you.
This is on the news.
And they call you in and then put you into a cult in the name of protecting you.
That's how, you know, gangs work in bad parts of town or prison.
They say, you gotta be in our gang or you won't be safe.
The Aryan Nations, you know, the Black Nationalists, whatever.
Literally, this is cult programming that you expose going down the rabbit hole.
I know I'm jumping in, but Paul, what a great guest.
Now, Alex, I just wanted to follow on from that by asking Candice.
I put up a cartoon on my Twitter page yesterday and it shows a donkey in a suit, obviously representing the Democratic Party, standing in front of a graveyard entitled Chicago Murder Victims, a graveyard full of headstones.
And the donkey, Candice, is saying, good news, we removed all of the Confederate statues.
Now, of course, this is what you touched on in your viral video.
If the left, and this is what Charles Barkley, by the way, was called a white supremacist for, but Candace, if the left and the media really cared about black lives, what would they be telling black people to get energised about?
Would it be the fact that 900 black babies are aborted every day in the United States?
Would it be the fact that 93% of black murder victims are killed by other black people?
Or would it be 200-year-old statues, Candace?
You're right.
It's a total distraction.
They don't care about the Black community.
They care about the Black vote.
The things that are affecting us, which you mentioned, is the fact that there is Black-on-Black crime.
You know, upwards of 90% of the people, Black African-Americans that are killed, are killed by Black people.
Um, so crime, education statistics, the prison system, which was basically built by the Clinton campaign, which is why, to me, it's the most fascinating thing in the entire, in the entire world to learn.
The tripling of the black prison population happened since 1993, with the Clintons saying, we're going to bring the super predators to heel, and then they've got the nerve, a heel like a dog, they got the nerve to say Donald Trump is the bad guy.
So it's, it's a tactic.
They use us every four years, you know, to shepherd
You know, our votes in to the Democratic Party, and they're widening their net now.
Now they're using trans people and lesbian, bi, if you're a part of any category, it's all identity politics, and they're using you to feel like you have to care more about the social issues, social issues that they themselves are creating, okay?
They are funding these protests, they are funding black people getting arrested, and people don't understand, you get arrested protesting like an animal, that's on your record forever.
So these black people are going to have difficulty getting jobs, getting into schools, but they don't think that way because as you mentioned, Alex,
They are young.
They're all passion and zero intelligence because they don't have real life issues like a mortgage.
And it's easy, I guess, for them to just believe that everybody they've ever known is a white nationalist and a racist.
And there are some white nationalists and racists out there.
Usually they're very poor, mentally ill people that blame everybody for their problems.
What's incredible is it turned out that in Charlottesville, indeed, the entire leadership of the white supremacist groups were, quote, former Obama and former Black Lives Matter and former Occupy just a year ago.
No, they weren't just former.
And they had State Department officials out there, the first people on the news, directing it all.
I mean, it is just amazing how they staged this stuff.
It is amazing.
And so, you know, for me, did they kick me down?
But the problem is when you try to kill somebody, you better make sure they're dead.
OK, so unfortunately, by the end of social autopsy, I was clinging to life support.
But I'm back and I'm back with a vengeance.
And I'm going to make sure that I reach out to every black person, every community to wake them up to this disgusting liberal lie and mass brainwashing.
Paul, I'm going to shut up for your amazing guests, but can you give her a recap for people that might have missed that, how they tried to intimidate her with their own threats?
First, they reach out as the savior.
I'm the savior and you're going to work under me.
Obviously, that woman is just a cutout for a larger intelligence op.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
Uh, large tech companies.
And then, then she gets attacked and she's supposed to go, oh, you're my savior.
That's like somebody on the side of the road, a good looking woman with her car broke down and you pull over and you get mugged.
I mean, this is literally scams.
This is sensational, Paul.
Well, I'm sure Candice will explain it better than I, but that was what gave her the red pill, right, Candice?
The fact that you were basically bullied, intimidated by these people who were supposedly on your side to begin with.
Again, exemplifying the fact all they're interested in, Candice, is power.
It's not about protecting minorities.
It's about furthering their own political agenda, correct?
It is all about power.
Speaking of Kanye West, do you think he's starting to wake up?
He's been awake.
I mean, I'm the biggest Kanye West fan.
Kanye West has never subscribed to any type of politics.
You know, it started with people didn't understand what he was doing when he snatched the trophy from Taylor Swift on stage, and it seemed awful because she was innocent, but he was saying something that needed to be said.
And so maybe, see, I even bought into mainstream hype attack, and the more I learned about him, he was willing to march in there when everybody's against Trump in front of everybody.
He's a genius.
Kanye West is a genius, and he's never subscribed to group things.
He's never subscribed to identity politics.
And I wrote very early on, before I got involved in politics, if you understand, if you consider yourself a fan of Kanye West, there's no way that you cannot be supporting Donald Trump.
Because what they're both doing is sort of slaying this idea of grouping, this idea of... And again, I was conned that he was bad, but the more I researched, the guys, they put him in a mental hospital, they're so scared of him.
No, exactly, and that's what I wanted to get onto with Candice, because I read an interview with you, Candice, where you talked about being bullied for, quote, acting white.
Now, this is something that I wondered about and wanted to investigate for a video is, you know, the influences on black people of popular culture, of the fact that a lot of it went in the direction of, you know, gangster chic in the late 80s into the 90s in terms of rap and hip hop music.
Do you think that that's just an outlier?
Do you think that that had a very real impact on black incarceration rates, the fact that we saw this glorification of violence and criminality through the popular culture?
Or do you think that that's more of an outlier and most of it is related to socioeconomics?
I was going to say it's 50-50.
It's definitely partially socioeconomics.
You know, if you put somebody's back against the wall and they don't have, you know, money to feed their children or, you know, any place to sleep, they're going to commit criminal acts, of course.
But these criminal acts are being glorified in the media.
This is how the media presents black people always, right?
As these gangbangers.
You don't see people like me.
And there are millions of black people like me who are super intelligent, who don't subscribe to this sort of, you know, gangster mentality, but that we're not giving a voice.
Instead, Black Lives Matter is giving a voice.
These people who write these absurd lists of demands are giving a voice.
Um, and that does seep into your mind that, you know, this is just brainwashing.
Everything is brainwashing.
So they start to think, okay, well, you know, I'm committing these crimes and me committing these crimes.
It's kind of cool.
Um, so it's 50 50.
Um, one bleeds into the other, I think for sure.
No, I mean, that's what I've noticed, Candice.
They seem to reserve the most hateful vitriol, I'm talking about the alt-left, for smart, educated, successful black people.
I mean, The Root, which is a black publication, far left, came out and called Charles Barkley a white supremacist because he said black people should focus more on education and financial success than getting angry over 200-year-old statues.
Now, you also covered in the video the fact that your everyday life, your day-to-day activities, you just don't see this race hate, you know, in your interactions with ordinary people.
You know, America had eight years under Obama, a black president, when we heard virtually nothing about the KKK, nothing about white supremacists.
Why are we suddenly, wall-to-wall, hearing about it now?
Because the media is trying to teach people a lesson.
You didn't vote the way that we told you to.
Obviously, everyone, they wanted, their money was invested in Hillary Clinton.
They spent time, a lot of time dedicated to labeling Trump as a racist, a sexist, I mean, a rapist at one point.
Anything that ended with an "-ist," Trump was labeled.
And they thought that they had the election in the bag.
And they lost the election.
They're going to try to make it seem like all of their baseless threats are real.
So what are they going to do?
So now they're going to follow KKK's every move.
They're going to follow these sort of extremist rights who represent this much of the population to say to people, look what happened.
We warned you that if you voted for Donald Trump, this is what was going to happen.
They are going to realize
We've tracked the ISPs, I've got to do another video on this, on the comments where there's all this race stuff going on.
They'll have the white supremacist and the black supremacist and it's the same IP addresses with a bot just running race garbage to get everybody fighting with each other.
Right, absolutely.
Where it ends, people like me, educated black people, have to stand up and we have to start speaking out.
And, you know, I appreciate these characters like Charlie Kirk and Milo Yiannopoulos who go out on campus and they speak up for conservatives, but it's not about going on these campuses and speaking to conservatives.
It's about going on these campuses and speaking to liberals.
And that's something that white people unfortunately can't do without being able to white nationalist.
But you're going to be hard-pressed when you dig into my family and where I came from to label me a white nationalist and the things I have lived through labeled me a white nationalist.
So it's incumbent upon people like me, okay, who have the street cred to get out there and start educating our people to wake up from this dream, you know, this complete lie.
I've read some of your family history, which you talked about in the interview, Candice.
You were far from privileged.
Your family had its problems socioeconomically.
But again, you say, here's a quote which I enjoyed, you keep a group captive by keeping it divided against itself.
You also said our programming can only be overridden by real experiences, which is what you talked about in the video.
How much of this, you know, moral panic, this hysteria over racism,
Is the result of black people and white people just not talking to each other and instead being told how to view others by the media, by politicians.
Well that's the victory.
It's totally dividing everybody where you can't even have a prayer vigil now without being beaten up by crazy virtue signaling white people wanting to show they're not racist so they go beat up some Christian guy that has nothing to do with white supremacism as they spit all over him.
I mean this is mind control.
Right, it is mind control.
And to answer Paul's question, this programming, the only way that it's going to get overwritten, because it's crazy to me, like you said, that people actually place more stock in what they're being told versus what they're experiencing.
So that is to say that if you look on the news and it says,
It's pouring rain, and you walk outside and it's sunshine.
These people will look at you and say, it's pouring rain.
Which is like, what are you talking about?
You know what I mean?
You have to remind people that they should be placing more stock in what they are feeling, what they are actually experiencing.
In their own instincts, their own common sense.
They're exactly like you.
In fact, that's the essence of what we do.
You just crystallized it.
I was thinking about this last night.
It's just about going off what you actually experience, not off what you're fed.
Right, and if I believed in what CNN was telling me every night, what if I stepped one foot out my front door, okay?
There would be a KKK member, you know, calling me the N-word and threatening to kill me.
That's just not what happens every day.
But it does seem like they're trying to cause the whiplash to get some people to actually do that.
You read the WikiLeaks, they say we're losing, the people are waking up.
What do we do?
Well, they say culture war.
That's a fancy word for race war.
I don't see it happening, but in a minority of
Uh, easily suggestible people who run the span of skin color, it's going to have them flip out and start going out and shooting congressmen and stuff.
So where do you think this ends?
Um, like I said, it's a movement, I consider it a 5 by 5 by 5 movement.
My goal is to wake up 5 people, have them wake up another 5 people, 5 black people.
My focus is the African American community.
Um, and at the end of the day, if you can't control the African American community and you can't control the minorities, um, the game is lost for the liberals.
It really is.
It's all they've got left.
Is the separation identity politics?
And Alex, I mean, that's that's what Michael Moore was talking about yesterday when he said, yeah, we just we just have to get rid of all the white people and we've got it locked down forever.
If we educate the black people and it's not going to be as easy for them.
You know, Trump got way more black support than Mitt Romney did.
The other aspect is.
Candice, you know, never have people been so transfixed and enraged about history while simultaneously knowing so little about it.
It's like Martin Luther King's speeches.
We had the anniversary yesterday, the March on Washington.
It's all about integration, treating people as you wish to be treated.
It's about true equality.
Black Lives Matter, they try and segregate people.
You've got white progressives who say, stay in your lane, don't say anything about Black Lives Matter unless you'll give them permission.
They're the ones pushing segregation, the very opposite of Martin Luther King.
You just said it, it's the white knight controllers, and I'm not making it racial, that's what it is, it's social engineers, all about power as you said, who cold-bloodedly know what they're doing, where they can then dictate to everyone they're the high priest.
It's a new religion, it's a cult.
It is absolutely cool.
I couldn't agree more.
Everything you're saying is spot on, especially in terms of them knowing nothing about their own history.
They celebrate these figures, you know, like Malcolm X, right?
Black Lives Matter.
They love Malcolm X. Malcolm X is, you know, number one who told you about the liberal tricks.
You know, he said, you know, you have to stay away from liberals.
They'll kind of get you drinking the Kool-Aid and they'll have you thinking that the people that are oppressing you are your friends and the people that are being oppressed are your enemies.
And that's literally what is happening right now.
Um, so they only know sound bites of their history, which is a huge problem.
And again, uh, another area that I can inject myself in helping African Americans and other minorities wake up.
Where does your gut tell you?
I'm sorry to crash your interview, Paul.
It's just so powerful.
Plus, you're having Skype problems.
This is my last question.
Please come on the full show.
I'll try to get Paul on all the time.
People love Paul.
He's kind of being pushed off YouTube right now.
I think he should do more live stuff.
He should do it on our own streams, our own radio stations, because he's being censored on YouTube.
But clearly, censorship is where they're coming.
I think they're going to false flag.
More demonization.
You know, blow up a black college or something, God forbid.
I mean, I can just get in the mind of these globalists that are against humans, period.
They're psychopaths.
They want to play us off against each other.
They could be a Chinese psychopath, an African psychopath, a German psychopath.
Psychopaths are all the same.
They're less than 1% of the population, but they tend to run everything.
So how are they going to hit us?
Because I think they're losing right now.
They're losing.
They're massively losing.
You need but turn off CNN to understand that they're losing.
Like I said, I'm one person.
I go away, another 10 pop up.
You know, you try to censor Diamond and Silk, you know, I pop up, you know.
I don't know what their next move is.
I just see them as losing.
I see they're fighting an uphill battle right now because they're getting more and more out of their minds.
It's just more and more outrageous.
I mean, look at that list of demands that was created by the Black Lives Matter leader of the Louisville chapter.
She co-founded that chapter in Louisville.
And you cannot read that, even if you're a Black Lives Matter supporter and go, okay, we're kind of jumping off the deep end here.
Uh, so I don't know what they're next.
I do think that they will do something incredibly aggressive like we saw in Charlottesville, but like I said, the people are waking up, um, and my voices were getting louder, and theirs are going to eventually get smaller.
I can't believe they're so bold that all the white nationalists are, like, working for Obama a year ago.
I mean, how obvious is that?
It's pretty obvious.
Paul, I've taken over the interview, but go ahead.
No, I mean, we had one of them on the show who worked for Occupy Wall Street a year ago, so you're right, very suspicious.
The other thing is, this whole Robert, this Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and this was the New York Times that reported this, by the way, not the Daily Stormer, he actually called slavery evil in a letter that he wrote.
He freed black slaves on his own plantation.
So, you know, I'm not saying he's a saint, but if that's the big racist, hateful icon that they want to tear down, again, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of history.
I mean, Candice, again, it comes back to what Charles Barkley said.
Why are they so enraged about 200-year-old statues?
Because they're being told to be by the media.
You called them out by name in your video.
They're contriving this.
They're fanning the flames of hysteria.
And they are doing their best to create a race war because that will best serve them in the 2020 election.
But I don't think it's going to work.
And unfortunately, for people like you and I, you really don't even have to be super educated, just a little educated and think for yourself.
And it's extremely, it's frustrating.
It's frustrating to watch these sort of fake narratives and then when you call out these fake narratives to be accused of being an Uncle Tom and a Coon.
Well, guess what?
I've owned the word Coon now.
My entire vlog series is entitled The Myth of the Coon because that word is a myth and it's meant to teach black people to hate people within their own race that have figured out the game.
That have figured out the globalist game.
That's why these words like Coon and Uncle Tom are the first things that are thrown at people like Dr. Ben Carson who is
Extremely accomplished and someone that we should be celebrating.
People like Condoleezza Rice, who's extremely accomplished and educated and someone that we should be celebrating, are basically told that they're not black.
Our black hearts get stripped away for being educated.
How sad is that?
How enchained and enslaved are African-American minds?
That is the result.
Well, all groups do this.
You know, back when I was successful in talk radio and I tried to build up other talk show hosts.
I would learn that they would get mad and try to pull me down because they just didn't like somebody who was more successful.
Once you transcend, it's not a race of people, we're all humans, kind of the loser group, then you get it's all about people that want to be successful and make others successful.
And that's what's sad is they freeze people down these victim areas where they think that's their identity.
No, your identity is not being a victim.
If you've got a good attitude and you move forward, you're going to find other people that have a good attitude.
If you've got a bad attitude, I don't care what color you are, you're going to be unsuccessful.
Paul, final comment?
Absolutely, I agree.
Yeah, we got about 30 seconds left.
Candice, just tell people where they can find you on YouTube and Twitter.
Uh, at redpillblack, at redpillblack on Instagram, the handle at redpillblack.
It'll also just be kind of, uh, you know, personal stuff.
Patreon if you want to donate so I can keep making videos, uh, patreon.com slash redpillblack.
I want to see that explode.
I want to see 100,000 people on there and please come back on with both of us.
Paul, I'll talk to you right after the show.
Thank you so much.
Redpillblack, that's an amazing name.
Great to talk to you.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We got a lot more coming up.
David Knight tomorrow, 8am.
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