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Filename: 20170614_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 14, 2017
3302 lines.

Alex Jones of InfoWars discusses various topics such as government surveillance, mainstream media narratives, and the dangers of globalism, communism, and socialism. He accuses CNN of staging interviews after recent shootings and promoting violence by not condemning attackers' actions. The Alex Jones show emphasizes individual liberty and freedom while encouraging listeners to boycott companies that fund anti-Trump propaganda and support InfoWars through purchasing products from their online store.

Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas.
It's Alex Jones!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the globalists have been pushing a new civil war in the United States.
They want physical attacks on Trump supporters.
They want physical attacks on the Trump family.
They want physical attacks on me.
They want physical attacks on anybody that dare engage in the First Amendment and try to cut taxes and restore this republic.
They lie about who we are.
They lie about what we stand for.
They put out vicious hit pieces.
All over the news and say that I shouldn't even be allowed to be interviewed on NBC even though they've interviewed murderers on death row and dictators.
No one's worse than Alex Jones because he's exposing the private Federal Reserve in supporting President Trump.
This is the mindset, this is the system that they are pushing on every front.
And now, with Kathy Griffin saying, you know, cut the head off, and all these congressmen and others calling for violence, and all the Democrats and all the different riders for the mainstream news, LA Times, New York Times, calling for Trump's assassination, and CNBC and MSNBC, terrorism analysts.
Coming out and saying terrorists should blow up Trump Tower.
ISIS, you need to hit Trump Tower.
Let's cue that clip up from about a month ago.
We now see lawmaker Stephen Scalise injured in GOP baseball shooting.
Suspect James T. Hodgkinson dies after shootout.
And Paul Watson has the big article on InfoWars.com confirmed gunman was anti-Trump leftist, 66-year-old, called Trump a traitor, vowed to destroy him.
That's right, vowed to destroy him.
And then we have all of the different leftist groups, LinkedIn, Paul's articles, calling for Trump supporters to be killed.
Because we're Nazis.
Because we're evil.
That's why we have the CNN is ISIS contest.
Because the radical controlled corporate left is allied with radical Islam because they see it as their muscle at San Bernardino and the Pulse nightclub and so many other events.
But then they have Megyn Kelly ask me, why do you blame the gays for dying?
This is a question she asked me in the upcoming Sunday interview.
I don't know if it's going to be in the interview.
I said, what are you talking about?
She actually took me back there.
She said, well, you said that they're the reason they died.
I said, no, the left brings in people that then target them and kill them, and I don't understand why you've got feminists out wearing hijabs, or why a lot of liberal groups are saying bring in radical Muslims that kill gays.
Common sense.
Two plus two equals four.
But see, they can't admit they're bringing in people that are killing citizens and doing this.
They can't admit they're fomenting civil war and death.
They have to engage in this alchemy, this fraud, of taking those of us that want peace, want an open and free society, want tolerance, and claim we're the bad guys.
That I killed the people at the Pulse nightclub.
That I blew up the people at the Manchester Ariana Grande event.
That I am to blame.
That I did Sandy Hook.
That somehow that I'm the worst thing on earth because I questioned a known lying media that said the Iraqis took little babies out of incubators and stomped their brains out when it never happened.
So will they fake things?
You better believe they will.
And do we question everything these known certified liars spew?
We bet you do, ladies and gentlemen.
I know you question it as well.
I felt like I was back in Iraq without my weapon.
Congressman wounded in baseball pitch.
Mass shooting.
Rand Paul was there and survived, thank God.
Our best Senator.
Armed Police.
Armed Capitol Police prevented a massacre.
Senator was at the baseball practice and credits police with saving his and many other lives.
Steve Watson has a report.
It's all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Leftist gunman shoots Republican Congressman in the media-inspired terror attack.
The New York Times is ISIS.
The Washington Post is ISIS and are the enemies of this country and our president and are trying to stir up a violent civil war because they're desperate to wreck this country and consolidate control and complete our journey into globalist enslavement and Sharia law.
The fake news continues!
In a Vox Pops segment about the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey, MSNBC was caught trying to pretend that a former Obama campaign director was just a random woman on the street giving her opinion.
And the fact that he would make a very specific request to have everybody else leave the office so that he would be alone with Comey, for me, speaks volumes.
Well, it turns out that this random woman just happened to be political strategist Alma Marquez.
But this is what we've all learned to expect from the establishment news media.
Where perhaps the worst reputation belongs to CNN, who has a long history of questionable news reporting, including the recent staged Muslim anti-terror protest, where you can clearly see host Becky Anderson directing the entire scene.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
The globalists that have hijacked this nation and are trying to put us under TPP foreign control are desperate to bankrupt the country and culturally bankrupt us as well so that we can be absolutely dominated and socially engineered even further.
And they have been bullying, in an ultra-massive way, the American people, and the people of Europe, and the people of areas of Latin America, Africa, Asia, you name it.
Fomenting domestic revolutions, fomenting civil wars.
Soros, the Globalist, Obama, Hillary, the EU, NATO openly fomented the Arab Spring, putting radical Islamists in charge and overthrowing three of our allies.
They have openly financed the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine four years ago.
They are openly trying to start a war with Russia.
They are openly selling out our secrets to Communist China.
They are openly
Working with every criminal organization and group they can to disintegrate society and then bring in total control on the ashes of it and their strong cities initiative run by Obama and Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department.
To cause a civil war, blame the police for their response, and then federalize and globalize the police and turn them into basically community organizers along the lines of Saul Alinsky.
Tim Kaine, Loretta Lynch called for blood and death in the streets.
Dan Lyman, InfoWars.com.
We have the tweets, we have the videos.
We have MSNBC and CNBC analysts saying a month ago, we need ISIS to bomb Trump properties.
We need death.
That clip's coming up.
And you've seen every major publication out there, LA Times, New York Times, Washington Post, repeatedly say, kill Trump, kill his family, kill, kill, kill.
MSNBC counterterrorism analyst calls for ISIS bombing of Trump.
I'm reading that headline right there.
This is the reality.
That's what Dustin Geibel is out there pushing.
On Twitter and in his statements on television.
And now, lawmaker Steve Scalise injured in GOP baseball shooting.
Suspect James T. Hodgkinson dies after shootout with police.
He shot multiple police officers and the congressman, who's a veteran and survived, and almost shot Senator Rand Paul.
Steve Scalise, a military veteran, said, I felt like I was back in Iraq without my weapon.
Congressman Wounded in baseball pitch mass shooting says leftist gunman shoots Republican congressman in media-inspired terror attack.
The articles you need to get out to everybody are on
On Infowars.com right now, leftist gunman shoots Republican congressman in media-inspired terror attack.
Attacker deliberately targeted Republicans.
He asked the people watching, he said, are those congressmen?
They said, yes.
Are those senators?
Is it a Republican team?
They said, yes.
And he began his attack.
Can you imagine if someone did this to Democrats, if a conservative, if a libertarian did this, it would be the end of the world.
For every attack you see by a right-winger like Dylann Roof, the idiot that shot poor, innocent black people at a church, all whites were guilty, the South was guilty, Christians were guilty, gun owners were guilty, the battle flag of the South was guilty, every statue was guilty, oh, we're all collectively guilty.
Super rare event, horrible, terrible thing.
But then Black Lives Matter goes out with their groups and says kill cops, and a whole bunch of cops get killed, and I come out and say Soros and others defunded the PSYOP, and they're behind it, and then Media Matters runs the headline that I said no cops were killed, or I say it's staged and fake, which I didn't say.
I said the leftist groups are pushing for cops being killed.
The left is pushing for congressmen to be killed and for the president to be killed and they're not going to be able to spin that or turn that around, but it is.
An absolute terrorist operation of the Democratic Party when they get up on every major channel and every major news outlet with plays and movies and TV shows and fiction and non-fiction and every paper and just in the schools and teachers sit there squirting water guns and images of Trump screaming, Die!
I want Derren McBreen.
The rest of the crew.
To just get all the compilations of Democrats saying, kill, kill, die, die, attack Republicans, kill, die, going out beating people up.
The media saying, oh, good, good, attack those Trump supporters.
We've got Madonna saying, blow up the White House.
She thinks about it every day.
All of this, on and on, and Snoop Dogg saying kill the president, and then his nephew Bow Wow saying let's grab his wife and let's pimp her, let's put her into sex slavery, because we're liberals and we love jihadists and that's what we do.
Just total scum, total trash, Kathy Griffin, all of it, on and on and on.
Murder, kill, death, revolution, slaughter, and the summer's coming.
And Soros and the big leftist groups are spending hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars per march nationwide.
They spent 280 plus million just on the national march in three cities.
I was there in D.C.
the day after the inauguration.
They've been attacking us the day before, not letting people go in to hear the inauguration.
But there were all the libertarians and conservatives letting them have their demonstration, putting hijibs on.
$283 million in memory serves.
Look it up yourself to fund that march in three major cities.
New York, DC, LA.
They have other little sub ones around the country, but those were funded and bused in millions of women, and they are violent, and they are hateful, and then they had Sharia law marches all over the country pushing Sharia law.
So groups that have marches against Sharia law that's incompatible, sexual mutilation, gays being murdered, women being enslaved, women not allowed to work or drive cars.
And here in Austin, our own reporters were viciously attacked with people with clubs and carrying AK-47s.
The man behind the women, George Soros, gave $246 million to Partners of Women's March.
My memory said more than that, but I think they later found some more funding too.
So there you go, $246 million, teleprompter-free, going off memory, pretty darn good.
That's the Washington Times.
So now, Paul Watson has the article, Steve Watson has the article, top Republican
Politician shot as gunman fires 50 bullets at baseball game injuring five at Republican baseball game.
Leftist gunman shoots Republican congressman in media-inspired terror attack.
Here's the Paul Watson article.
Retweet it!
Facebook it.
Call into talk radio.
Call into C-SPAN with it.
Gunman was an anti-Trump leftist.
66-year-old called Trump a traitor.
Vowed to destroy him.
And right beside it is a banner to our contest.
A lot of entries coming in.
Already a lot of people that are winners.
We've got to wade through it all.
Getting in public with signs or t-shirts.
Saying CNN is ISIS, CNN is terrorist, CNN is fake news, MSN is fake news, Infowars.com, Infowars.com.
As long as you get Infowars.com in, you show them shooting a fake newscast, you get $2,500, just paid out on that from England.
Catch MSNBC putting out a fake newscast, you get video of it and expose it, we'll pay out to you.
They just caught yesterday interviewing a top Democrat posing as somebody on the street, saying basically impeach Trump.
We're going to expose these terrorists, this literal fifth column of revolutionaries that want to overthrow America and bring in a command-and-control economy where they rule all of us and run our lives.
The ultimate dirtbag scum.
Like Tim Kaine, who was involved in overthrowing Latin American countries for the CIA.
Loretta Lynch and the UN takeover of our police and Black Lives Matter.
Called for blood and death in the streets.
Dan Lyman.
We need to get that report out to absolutely everyone.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is so incredibly critical that everybody stand up to these people and that we not just act like the conservative patriot libertarians we always do and just stiff upper lip.
They, you know, shot the congressman.
They shot some cops.
Nobody died, thank God.
And then we just kind of shut up about it and move on about running the country and working and taking care of our families.
We've got to boycott.
We've got to point out the Democrats are terrorists.
We've got to get in their face with information warfare and point out they're trying to foment a revolution to bully.
And to intimidate us into total and complete abject servitude.
We either take action or they're going to win.
But we're so close to winning because we've been peaceful, we have stood up to them, we have exposed them, we have spoken out.
That's why they have to misrepresent what we say, misrepresent what we do.
We come back, I'm going to play the Congressman, the Senator Rand Paul Clip and more.
But if you just tuned in,
Leftist gunman shoots Republican congressman in media-inspired terror attack.
Confirmed gunman was an anti-Trump leftist.
Congressman Steve Scalise was shot this morning in a politically motivated targeted terror attack.
It's a terror attack by a leftist who deliberately sought out Republicans.
And nobody's saying it.
I want to tweet right now an Alex Jones quote, real Alex Jones.
I'm doing it during the break.
This attack on the Republican baseball game is a leftist terror attack by bullying scum that want to stop the Make America Great Again agenda.
This is a terror attack by people organizing for mass violence and warfare against what's left of the republic as we desperately try to
Turn the economy back on and stop a global depression as we desperately try to stem the tide of the ISIS-Al Qaeda forces that Obama, Saudi Arabia, the Pope, and the globalists have launched into Europe and the United States.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I think so.
And that's when everybody was hitting the dirt.
I saw Scalise go down at second base.
There were staffers running from the perimeter of the outfield from the third base sign where the shooter was all the way to where I was.
So I was in the far perimeter of right field.
And I often give Senator Flake a ride home and just about a minute before I'd been at the batting at home plate and I walked by him at the dugout and I said I'm gonna go one more time for one more batting cage on the right field and as it turns out that was at the farthest point so I'm in the right field I'm at the farthest point on the field of anybody from the gunshots
But the gunshots are still hitting in the dirt in right field where there are two staffers laying on the ground.
I think one of them may have been hit, but there between me and them is about a 15-20 foot fence.
So one of the staffers decides, the heck with this, I'm not staying here, the bullets are flying all around me.
He decided to climb the fence and he climbed the 20 foot fence in about three seconds.
Popped down behind me and there was a big oak tree behind the batting cage.
He and I are behind the oak tree.
But the gunshots are still going in the dirt in right field in the warning track.
So about 5 or 10 feet from us.
And at some point, I'd say 50 or 60 shots at least have been fired from the shooter.
And then we start to hear the Capitol Hill police respond.
And theirs is a different weapon.
So you hear pistol shots going back at the shooter.
I can tell you that I think with absolute certainty nobody would have survived without the Capitol Hill Police.
They saved everybody's life.
Incredibly brave and deserve everyone's praise.
And reportedly as many as three police officers have been shot.
The gunman has been killed.
An admitted crazed Democrat.
We have his social media information up on Infowars.com where he called for
The destruction of Trump, the destruction of the Republicans, truly sickening information.
I felt like I was back in Iraq without my weapon.
Congressman wounded in baseball pitch mass shooting.
Representative Steve Scalise shot in congressional baseball game.
That is now being reported.
James T. Hodgkinson dies after
The shootout, 66 years old from Illinois, was killed in the shootout with police.
First they were saying three were wounded.
Now they're saying two were wounded.
We're still not sure.
The wounded also include two Capitol Police officers, a congressional aide, and a lobbyist.
So that is a total of five people.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got six if you count the gunmen.
These are people that believe they're doing good because Kathy Griffin and all these other folks and people producing plays are saying kill Trump and the newspapers are saying kill Trump and they're saying he's a Nazi.
They're saying he's Hitler.
They're saying his supporters are so they come up to families with clubs and with mace and with rocks and with
Bike locks and just club people's heads in savagely, just screaming.
And what's scary is I've been to a lot of these demonstrations.
You've all watched countless ones.
I'm sure you've been to many of them yourselves.
The leftists are the closest thing to the walking dead.
They just stomp around.
They walk weird.
Their hair is all bozoed out.
Their eyes don't point the right direction.
They scream and just can't even hardly talk.
And we're not just picking and choosing.
A few of them to make them look bad.
We've all watched, or if you've tried you can see it for yourself, people that don't act like they're human anymore.
Completely whacked out of their brains.
Who believe television is real, who believe fake news like CNN is real, who believe ABC is real, who believe NBC is real, fake news like Megyn Kelly.
And they watch it, and they really believe those of us being attacked aren't human.
And that we're really bad trying to cut their taxes, and we're really bad trying to bring their jobs back, and we're really bad trying to keep ISIS out of the country, and we're really bad trying to fix the VA, and we're horrible people that have to die.
And so they go out and they attack.
Imagine what the Democrats would be doing right now, because this was purely politically motivated.
He said it's time to destroy Trump and co.
Congressional shooter recently wrote.
We need to tweet that out at real Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So the Democrats are getting what they wanted.
Well, it seems all these calls for violence are finally working.
Majority Whip Representative Steve Scalise out of Louisiana was shot this morning, along with several other aides and Capitol guards.
And already, there are some amazing quotes coming out of this situation.
Representative Rand Paul said it would have been a massacre had there not been good guys with guns.
Representative Ron DeSantis recounted an odd encounter he had as he was leaving the field just before the shooting.
One of the most harrowing accounts is from Representative Mo Brooks, who talks about taking refuge inside the dugout, applying tourniquets to another injured person, and then running out to the field to help Representative Scalise apply pressure to his wound.
But here is one of the most important things he said.
It's not easy when you see people around you being shot and you don't have a weapon yourself.
Now, Democrats are going to come out of the woodwork and call for more gun control.
But at this time, we should not be relinquishing any of our rights, especially in this climate of violence that is all being sown by the Democrats and leftists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign to influence voters in the election.
And then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is here in studio with us, coming down here to work with InfoWars on the massive expansion we're about to engage in on to cable and satellite and a lot more.
We're already on some cable and satellite systems, but massive expansion we're working on here pretty soon because America and the world is awakening.
We've never had more listeners, never had more support.
I want to thank you all for your prayers and your support, but we're expanding
Because the enemy is coming in like a flood.
You have got thousands and thousands of newspapers, because I look at hundreds every day.
Almost every paper in the country I've seen has had op-eds saying, kill Trump, organize his overthrow.
Atlantic Monthly has just said, organize a military coup.
We have seen Kathy Griffin come out with her activity.
We have seen countless other Hollywood producers and others say, absolutely, let's kill him.
We've seen CNBC.
An MSNBC host come out and say we need ISIS to bomb Trump facilities, Trump Tower.
This is calling for known terror groups to carry out attacks.
This is aiding and abetting enemies.
That's why I said two days ago in Media Matters run by the Democrats and George Soros picked it up and said Alex Jones says he's ready for Trump to move with military action.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, former counter-terrorism specialist, banking specialist, best-selling author, he was on when I said that.
I don't want a coup.
They're involved in the coup.
An active attempt to start a bloody civil war.
So in case you forgot, here's just a small snippet of some of the Democratic leaders recently, and Hollywood people like Madonna.
Saying kill Trump blow up the White House saying that on major platforms like it's acceptable It's going to happen.
So this is clearly Directing terror attacks just like when the leader of Isis gets up on YouTube or gets up on the internet and says run over people with cars Kill the infidels go bomb them.
They go out they bomb they go out They shoot they go out and run people over when they said invade Europe three years ago as part of Isis takeover
3 million extra people came in.
80% military age men.
It's the same thing.
We target ISIS with weapons.
We target them with bombs.
Well, when you've got the Democratic Party openly saying kill Trump, kill Trump supporters, attack their supporters in the streets with clubs, killing people, it is not the President's right.
It is the President's duty.
And the Justice Department's duty to start arresting and indicting people, and if they want to go for a full civil war at that point, we've got to call the army out in the street, ladies and gentlemen, and anybody running around burning stuff down or killing people needs to get a rocket-propelled grenade shot at them.
And I'm not looking for a civil war, but if you come start one, we're going to kick your ass!
Get that through your globalist commie traitor heads!
We are ready to kick your ass!
We know we're going to defeat you and Megyn Kelly, we're going to defeat the rogue CIA, we're going to restore the Republic.
Already most of the CIA and the Pentagon are on our side.
So if you people really want to start it, with 50 million veterans, and millions of people in our military who are almost all awake, good luck SJWs, because you are reaping the wind, you're about to get the whirlwind.
Right now let's go to that one minute clip.
His wife said, oh, he's a tough guy.
He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
And he can suck my f***ing d***.
I'll meet him in the hotel room any motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
Kiss my motherf***ing ass, you bitch, punk, tough sucker.
Yes, I'm angry.
Yes, I am outraged.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Snoop Dogg killing the President.
And then his nephew says, sex slaves.
Kidnapped the President's wife and sex slave.
And then Kathy Griffin saying, let's kill Trump together.
That's nothing compared to the plays, the movies, the TV shows.
But remember, Kathy Griffin then came out last week and cried and said Trump broke her.
She's just calling for mass violence.
And then Trump called her despicable.
And so that was bullying.
When he called her pushing for his death and terrorizing his family and Barron, who thought it was real, when he spoke out and called it disgusting, that was bullying.
Let's play that clip.
And there's no mistaking the truth.
I don't think I will have a career after this.
I think he, I think he, I think he, I'm gonna be honest, he broke me.
He broke me.
He broke me.
Where this spin's gonna go, with Dr. Jerome Corsi, a psychological warfare expert, a battling communist, islamicist, you name it.
Let's talk about what they're gonna do.
They're gonna talk about Gabby Giffords being shot by a mental patient, who was a democrat, who was taking hallucinogens every day for years, and had a satanic altar in his backyard, and went and killed, shot some folks and wounded her, because he was completely out of his mind.
That's totally different than the Democrats everywhere.
It'd be one thing if Republicans, you know, back when Giffords got shot, were saying, go kill Congress people, go kill the President, you know, go after Obama.
And then it happened, you could try to pin it on Republicans.
You can't do that because they weren't calling for it.
The Democrats are frothing like Cujo with rabies to attack Trump supporters, to bully people, to fire people, to boycott people, to kill the President, to put his wife in sex slavery.
Giffords has now come out and said her heart is with my former colleagues.
Please then speak out against the Democrats calling for all of these attacks.
Well, great!
Of course, Trump's come out and said Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana is a true friend and breaks down the fact that this is all a very, very serious tragedy.
Again, let me read you the Trump quote if we can.
I can.
We can pause that.
Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana is a friend, a true friend, a patriot, and was badly injured, but will fully recover.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him.
We need Trump to tweet, this is Democrats-inspired terrorism, directly caused by their organized, concerted effort to start a bloody civil war, which they're going to kick off.
I mean, this is beyond war propaganda to launch the Spanish-American War in 1898 or the Gulf War of 2003.
I mean, this is classic PR, major rollout, demonizing Trump, demonizing myself, lying about what we say, lying about what we stand for.
Same things we never said.
A full court press, as Dr. Corsi said Monday, they're preparing a civil war, probably in July.
They're preparing everybody for Trump to be assassinated.
And they're preparing to try to trigger mass shootings that will make the Republicans roll over in fear and mass shootings of police under strong cities, hoping they roll over with Black Lives and Soros and others openly pushing this, saying, you give in to us.
And you do what we want, or we're going to activate through the media, through the hype, more mentally ill people and more Black Lives Matter to come kill you.
And you watch.
You're going to see a bunch of cops get killed now.
They've activated.
They've activated.
There, you're going to see more politicians and more Republicans shot.
I've got to have, you know, security.
It's on, ladies and gentlemen.
So, they've rewritten the rules of succession to kill Trump or overthrow him, and to remove all Republicans elected in the last election.
This is the official Democratic Party through the elite Atlantic Monthly.
They're also saying it in New Yorker magazine.
Deep state moles caught new government plan to overthrow Trump.
They mean business.
They are a foreign multinational force.
Now, Dr. Corsi literally wrote the book.
Not just his other number one New York Times bestsellers, but wrote the book on NAFTA and GATT and TPP, IMF, World Bank, World Government.
Lou Dobbs, he was one of Lou Dobbs' top advisors.
Lou Dobbs, a great hero, had top ratings at CNN, even better than you know O'Reilly had when he got fired.
Fired because he was leading the charge against globalism and the end of the country.
They may have fired him.
But still, we all owe Lou Dobbs a round of applause for the success with TPP, the Paris and everything.
But Corsi was at the tip of the spear and still is, exposing globalism.
Trump's great crime is pulling us out of it.
So these foreign multinationals are working with Islamist, leftist, communist, the same ones I saw attacking our reporters this weekend in Austin, preparing a massive... Folks, I never saw a communist on the street hardly in my life, except in like New York.
I see them everywhere now in Austin.
They have attacked our crew repeatedly.
They're all over the country.
They're activating.
They're getting ready for their big move.
You've been totally on target, Dr. Corsi.
You're with us till the bottom of the hour next hour when other guests join us, but I just want listeners to know I'm a little bit...
You know, I'm upset here because we told you it was all coming.
We've studied history.
We've studied the globalists.
We've studied how they foment the Arab Spring and other civil wars.
How they tried to overthrow Russia.
We're not saying Russia's perfect, but the same globalists have been trying to overthrow Russia.
They're trying to overthrow us.
Okay, so the only Russia connection is we're under attack by the same dirtbags, Dr. Corsi.
Well, I mean, first of all, let's put it in context.
In 1960, when Jack Kennedy won, Richard Nixon said, well, we might have lost the election by vote fraud in Illinois, but I'm not going to contest it.
And that was all fair.
It was easy to let it go.
Now what happened is, get to 2000.
And Al Gore says, no, I'm going to contest it in the courts.
What we've got to realize is that these Democrats have now gone completely over to the other side.
They're off the cliff.
They're Marxists.
They're beyond over the cliff.
They are frothing terrorists.
I mean, for real.
And they're going to use violence.
They've gone right to the Sololensky, right to the Belarus playbook.
They have completely embraced it.
This is Austin this weekend.
of the Democratic Party to accept the legitimacy of an election in which Donald Trump was elected.
The Democratic Party is going to obstruct, they're going to use violence, they're going to use riots, they're going to use Soros-funded thugs.
The inauguration was the beginning of this, which was violent activity, breaking windows, assaulting people who wanted to go into the inauguration.
This is in the streets now.
And we have Newsweek and Times saying a case for rioting and the Huffington Post saying get violent.
Aren't these people going to get held accountable who are calling for organized crime?
Well, what they're going to do is the deep state and the left, the Democrats, are going to blame Trump for this.
They're going to say it's all Trump's fault.
It's because of Trump's policies.
Look, they were right at the edge of having globalism take over, to have an Islamic state on the way to be created in the United States.
If Hillary had won,
We would have seen massive, massive eliminations of freedom.
First Amendment would have been under- Because she's a villain!
They get off on this!
And it's at the heart of the Democratic Party.
Everybody's got to understand, this is not the Democratic Party of Jack Kennedy.
This is the Democratic Party.
It's a Maoist party.
It's basically thugs.
It's basically funded by Soros.
And it's out there in the streets to win power through a civil war.
What they're going to do is you're going to see an uptick now of violence.
This is just beginning.
Donald Trump and the White House has got to realize this.
He's in this for his life.
In it also for the future, if there's any future for the Republic.
Donald Trump has got to start using the enormous powers of the presidency.
First of all, Jeff Sessions yesterday, they didn't get Jeff Sessions.
The Democrats were gunning for him and Jeff Sessions outsmarted them.
So now, they're going to up the ante.
They want a special prosecutor.
We've got Mueller.
He's hiring a whole bunch of Democrats in there who are going to be Hillary.
People who donated to Hillary.
These are people who hate Trump.
And we're going to get back into that in a minute, but Dr. Corsi, we're not just saying this.
We've been telling everybody this is coming.
That's why they hate us.
That's why Infowars is public enemy number one, because they know... Let's get Matt Bracken on today, by the way, guys.
They know that we know their battle plan, and it totally freaks them out that we've laid it all out before they even laid it out, and so we've got to stop them.
This is a clear and present danger.
This is mainstream media organizing mass murder, criminally,
I mean, what does the President do?
He has to move against these people.
First of all, you've got, it started with a propaganda campaign.
The idea was to begin by saying, look, the Russians stole the election.
Well, that meme is gone because it's obviously clear there's no evidence that the Russians did anything.
It was Hillary and Podesta who were working and being paid by the Russians.
They're not going to be investigated.
We've got a politicized Department of Justice that will not investigate the obvious crimes of Hillary, Podesta, the Democrats, Solyndra.
So they're going to move on to civil unrest and they're going to move on to obstruction of justice of a non-crime.
Okay, now what President Trump's got to do, he's got to realize that first of all, this is a war.
And it's going to be a civil war, and it's going to be violent.
So the powers of the presidency have to be exerted.
First of all, Donald Trump's got to say, no more hearings.
That's it.
No more hearings.
We're done with the hearings.
And he has to start arresting some of the moles in the government that have been leaking under sedition.
If he can link them to foreign combines, not just governments, he has to use
He has to use those acts of espionage because this is globalism.
So if they're on a corporate board and are trying to sell the country out, it's just like working for the Chinese.
He needs to start arresting them.
Well, and also, I mean, get a control, fire Priebus.
You've got a whole bunch of the GOP elite.
Priebus's meal ticket is the donors to the Republican National Committee.
It's Ryan McConnell.
He doesn't care if Trump goes down.
He's got a job.
Get rid of Priebus and clean out all of the, throughout the administration, people who've had jobs with Obama.
But what does he do if they're learning, if he learns they're preparing a physical coup, which they're openly priming the public for?
He's got to move.
I mean, he's got to move against these criminals.
The first step is to get a hold of his own house, and to put an end, no more, no more hearings.
That's done.
Special Prosecutor, pardon General Flynn.
And that's the end of the special... And let's remember, because the Clintons pardoned a bunch of people, and the Clintons wouldn't go to hearings, and Loretta Lynch wouldn't go to hearings, and Susan Rice wouldn't go... None of these people would go to hearings.
Why is Trump's people going to hearings?
You should stop it right now.
That's it.
There's no evidence in the Russian meme that's done.
We're not going to talk about that anymore.
Obstruction of justice?
The President's got to say, look, I have the full authority to tell the Department of Justice what to do.
Full authority to fire Comey.
Full authority to inquire about an investigation.
Full authority to start or stop an FBI investigation.
This nonsense of obstruction of justice does not apply.
I agree with you, but we're going to break.
What does he do now when Black Lives Matter, Funda Bassaros, and others are openly saying kill cops?
That's racketeering!
That's organized crime!
That is preparing murder one!
We cannot put up with this and their intimidation anymore!
It's time to move!
And start by criminal prosecutions and investigations of people who threaten the presidency or threaten violence.
It's a good start with this winner-loser.
This little commie crazy Taliban chick.
I hope they throw her under the prison.
And a hundred more.
There's plenty of them.
They're going to go after the leakers.
They're going to go after anybody who threatens violence.
It's a crime.
It's got to be put to an end.
By the way, folks, everybody knows I don't like a police state.
We're going to have a communist police state on us if we don't do this.
America is fighting for its life.
The president needs to move with force.
I will back it.
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Tell everybody you know, tune in now!
This is a war!
Isn't it a broadcast?
Keep telling everybody.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
People used to say I was anti-police, anti-military.
No, I was against the Clintons and the globalists, organizing it to go after veterans and gun owners.
We got the secret documents from good law enforcement.
We exposed it.
InfoWars broke all that.
That's why they hate us.
We have put out more leaks to defend the Republic than any other group out there, other than Dr. Corsi and the work he did at WorldNetDaily and all the books he's written.
And that's why we're teamed up here at InfoWars.
And it's not about credit.
You have to understand why the number one story in the country until this tragic shooting at the Republican baseball game today by a crazed leftist who had said on Facebook and Twitter and other publications, I'm going out to bring down Trump.
Let's put some of his quotes up on screen.
There's Paul Watson articles and others.
A congressional shooter recently wrote, it's time to destroy Trump and Co.
Here's the deal.
When you have, all over the country, Democrats now marching with guns, with their fingers on the trigger.
It's not like us in Open Carry to defend the Second Amendment.
We're saying hi to the cops and everybody's being safe and, you know, the guns aren't loaded and all the rest of it.
We have the right form to be, but we're not trying to have a mass shootout.
We go out there, they got fingers on their triggers, and then we're coming over and hitting my reporters.
Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?
This is just in Austin a few days ago.
And now we learn the shooter, a left-wing activist, obsessed with Sanders.
So, well, then he ought to be mad at Hillary, because Hillary stole it from him.
These people are whacked out of their brains.
They want a violent revolution.
They want the money.
They have been taught that's how they get ahead in life.
And, of course, they're never going to get it.
It's going to make the country, though, go into a tailspin.
So, this has happened in America before with Lincoln and Andrew Jackson.
There were other cases.
It happened when
President Thomas Jefferson was in.
And Jefferson wasn't a big military guy, but he had to use the military to stop a civil war.
We've had these things before, ladies and gentlemen, but this isn't like North versus South, where both sides had their beefs.
This is the globalists, the communists, the George Soroses, the Saul Alinskys, the Bill Ayers running this.
This is the worst kind of revolution.
And so I ask you, what is the President supposed to do?
We need to let the President know, we're tired of being timid.
My gut, I'm a father, I'm politically savvy, my gut tells me we need hundreds of people arrested today.
We need thousands by the end of the week that have all said kill the President, organize this and that.
If you say, let's kill the President, or ISIS needs to bomb the President, that CNBC, MSNBC guy should be SWAT teamed
He should fall down the stairs, okay?
These people want a war?
We gotta snuff this thing out before it gets out of control.
Folks, I've studied history.
I told you this was all coming, okay?
I don't want to brag, but I am on target like a laser-guided munition, okay?
I'm telling you, the Republic has never been in such peril.
And you got China running around crazy?
All the rest of this stuff, and Latin America collapsing, and Africa collapsing, and the Middle East up in flames.
The whole world is going to go into flames.
It'll make World War II look like a cakewalk.
We need strong leadership now.
And that's why good people in our government, the American people, put Trump in.
There's a civil war with patriots trying to take America back.
So pray for this country.
Call C-SPAN.
Call the White House.
Call the media.
The Democrats are terrorists.
They're the enemy.
They called for this.
And they need to all come out and say we don't want violence and we want people that are calling for it and organizing and arresting.
Now briefly, we're going to come back with Corsi for at least 30 more minutes.
We'll be back in the fourth hour with Roger Stone.
I need money.
I'm in a war.
I'm building another studio.
I'm desperately trying to hire people.
I got the globalists trying to take our sponsors, doing all sorts of other stuff, but I'm expanding in their face.
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Hour number two coming up.
Tell everybody tune in.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The war was lost.
Dr. Corsi is our guest in studio.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I've been ranting here.
I want to give him the floor in this short segment.
We're going to come back and lay out more with the Capitol shooting outside the Capitol of the Republican baseball game.
Rand Paul was almost hit.
Another congressman was.
Four others were shot as well.
The gunman was killed.
Dr. Corsi, during the break, you were saying you've been warning of this for over 15 years.
Now we're here.
The Democrats openly want a violent revolution.
Well, and I've been writing about this, you know, going back to 2004, trying to warn people that this was really a revolution, that this is really the far hard left now in complete deciding that they can take over.
They were desperately disappointed that they didn't win with Hillary.
They had their agenda all planned, they were going to go into the Paris Climate Accord, they were going to expand the relationships with the EU, we're going to open our borders, all the things that Trump was opposed to, and now they're just desperate.
The point is, Donald Trump has got to understand, the presidency has got to understand that this is a war.
And he's got to get control of the administration.
He's got to fire people who were there from holdovers.
And he's not going to make them happy giving them a new liberal health care bill and a bunch of free stuff like he's trying.
They don't care.
The minions of this just want to burn America.
And secondly, the whole core of this, where the Democrats are, is now truly hate America.
And destroy America.
This is a, don't make any mistake, the Democrats have become a communist party.
They're trying to foment a revolution.
That's what this obstruct is about.
And President Trump's got to get a hold, even in the White House, of the message.
Every time you've got the mainstream media and these press briefings in the front row acting up.
They're setting the agenda.
The New York Times, Washington Post, they're setting the agenda.
They want to make it a gotcha question about Attorney General Sessions that now is the next news cycle.
Donald Trump's got to get a hold of that.
We've got to say, okay, General Flynn's pardoned.
There's no reason for a special prosecutor.
I'm in control of the Department of Justice and the FBI.
Anybody who makes threats against the President, threats of violence, is going to get investigated and prosecuted.
We're going to expand the Secret Service.
We're going to expand the FBI and get all the Democrats out of the FBI.
Why wasn't Hillary investigated by the Clinton Foundation?
Why wasn't, what happened ever with Weiner's computer and all the emails?
All the pedophilia.
All these, pedophilia, all the rampant corruption, Solyndra, all the things the Democrats did, no prosecution because they've had their fixers, Lynch, Comey, Holder.
These are the people who are the criminals.
And now here come these rats out of the sewer claiming Trump's done something and they have the hearings and he's literally had done nothing.
Well, the whole point is they're going to blame Trump no matter what.
Everything that happens is going to be Trump's problem.
The whole idea of the left is constantly to obstruct.
They're not wanting to run the country.
They don't want to do anything positive.
They just want to destroy Donald Trump.
And if they can't get him impeached, then the next thing, and I've been saying this, will be to assassinate him.
This is the most frightening period of time, I think, since JFK was alive and all the efforts to warn JFK, he didn't listen.
Donald Trump has got to listen.
This is serious.
These people do not intend to lose.
It's a coup d'etat, deep state coup d'etat, and he's got to clean out the CIA.
He's got to basically start at ground zero, reduce the size of the federal government by a half, and get rid of all the people who are there who are not loyal to the administration.
Now, when we come back, I want to ask you the question.
I want to open the phones up, Dr. Corsi.
I get that's the smart thing to do.
There's a total mutiny in the government.
They're just ignoring him.
What does he do then if they start killing more people on the street, killing more Trump supporters?
The media keeps celebrating it.
By the way, I was looking earlier, we need to do a story on this.
There are people online, on Twitter, celebrating the congressman being shot, saying too bad he didn't die.
So we're going to get that out on Infowars.com coming up as well.
The total free number to join us?
I'll give it to you when we come back on the other side of this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
They're doing everything they can to shut it down for a reason.
Because we're fighting for America and we tell the truth.
A team of global warming scientists were forced to cancel an Arctic trip due to extreme ice conditions, which highlights how the advocacy against man-made climate change is actually a globalist scheme to weaken the U.S.
A group of 40 scientists were on board the Amundsen, a research ship known for its ice-breaking capabilities.
But this time, the ice proved too thick for the ship to break through safely.
Right on cue, one of the researchers blamed the ice on man-made climate change.
But notice how it's typically government-funded scientists and politicians who are pushing the climate change agenda, despite the fact that, historically, the biggest polluter in the world is the government.
You see, the globalists harped the dangers of man-made climate change, which they renamed from global warming once the data didn't fit their agenda.
I don't know.
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It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag...
The flag is the American flag!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
His wife said, well, he's a tough guy.
He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
And he can suck my ****.
And I'll meet him in a hotel room any mother****** day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
Kiss my mother****** ass, you bitch, punk, **** sucker.
Yes, I'm angry.
Yes, I am outraged.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
How dare you try to build factories in black areas?
And another failed.
Kathy Griffin.
Oh, she's a poor victim.
Trump said she was despicable when she stimulated his murder.
And now confirmed.
Gunman was an anti-Trump leftist who said it was time to destroy Trump and
That's all up on Infowars.com.
And guess what's on Twitter?
It's all over Twitter.
I saw it this morning.
Drudge Report is linked to it.
We can put it up on screen.
I can read you some of these tweets.
Twitter is just on fire!
Left-wing Twitter users called out for celebrating GOP baseball shooting.
Imagine with Gabby Giffords, if Republicans had celebrated that, even though he was a, you know, a hallucinogen drug addict that did it, who was a Democrat.
Just imagine, we still got blamed for it.
Doesn't matter.
But imagine, they celebrate, they push for it, it happens, they celebrate again, because this is what they want.
They're either rich Hollywood scum, in their own words, in their own little fantasy land, or they're people living on welfare that are all into being victims.
Think about that.
Think about it.
It's all these betas that have this dream of war.
The total free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
Doc, you've been saying it.
The plan is civil war this summer.
The Democrats have doubled their funding for it.
They're organizing it everywhere.
Pelosi thinks George W. Bush is still in office.
Doesn't know what planet she's on.
Maxine Waters is as well.
But people should worry about this because, I mean, this could get out of hand very, very quickly.
What do you think is about to happen?
Well, first of all, as soon as we really understand where the left is, where now the
Democrats are Tom Perez, who's La Raza, Marxist, heading the Democratic Party.
This is the Democratic Party that's a socialist Maoist party.
They intend violence.
They hate America.
They do not accept the presidency of Donald Trump as legitimate, which is a key thing.
And our republic, constitutional republic, in every election, the other side accepts the loss if they lose.
But this time, the Democrats are trying to legitimate with this Russian meme, which has no evidence.
It's got to be put to an end.
What's going to happen?
More violence.
Because these people have lost their minds.
These people are all really stooges of a Marxist movement to destroy America.
So expect more shootings of this nature.
Donald Trump has got to dramatically increase his security.
Congress, GOP and Congress dramatically increase its security.
Anyone, including like us, speaking out trying to defend America are going to have to be concerned about security.
We're going to have race riots.
We're going to see violence throughout the summer.
We're going to see a continual uptick.
And if it gets celebrated on Twitter and other social media, we've got to have the Department of Justice out there finding these people and prosecuting them.
These are crimes.
You can't advocate violence.
That's not free speech.
Well how dare Trump bring hundreds of billions of new jobs into America?
How dare Trump?
Boost the stock market three plus trillion.
How dare him start to secure the border?
I mean, these people, all we're trying to do is bring back prosperity, but they want to make it like Venezuela or North Korea.
It is just all the MSM's doing, whipping up everybody into this crazed frenzy, Dr. Corsi.
It's so sad.
Well, it's all the socialist communists.
Look at the agenda that they want to support.
They want to support free everything.
They want to support diversity.
Oh, this guy that just went and shot all these people at the baseball game, he was a Bernie supporter.
He doesn't want us to own guns, but he'll use the Second Amendment against us.
And let's get into this dichotomy.
None Dare Call a Conspiracy, written back in the 70s, breaks down how the Rockefeller Foundation and others funded the major communist movements, how they worked with Russia when communists ran it, and China after they took over there, with one-sided deals.
That's why Obama went to Latin America last year and said,
Communism's actually good, and it works with multinationals.
So communism and free market go together.
But he means you're in a communist country, and then offshore free market groups exploit you.
It's total slavery.
So the elite, just as they wrote non-Nunderkant conspiracy from the documents, they're promoting communism and socialism because it domesticates people, it dumbs them down.
It ends the middle class, then the elites sit offshore, outside of the communist or socialist system they bring in.
This is really just feudalism.
Can you explain that paradigm?
Well, it's very simple.
The whole idea of the communists are that, you know, basically, it's a lie.
This whole idea, we're all going to be equal, everything's going to be distributed, everything's going to be free.
It's the capitalists who are stealing from you.
It's always produced mass murder and mass poverty.
Yes, but why do the ultra-rich then keep funding it?
Because they're essentially globalists, and I understand that if there is a communist state or there's a globalist state, they're going to be the elite at the top.
That's their whole plan.
I mean, you don't think Hillary Clinton is living in a project somewhere.
She's worth billions.
And you don't think any of these globalists, the actors... And let's expand on that.
You go out...
To one of these communist marches that are now like roaches running around, and there's so many of them, and they literally, black, white, Hispanic, I don't care, look like they've been lobotomized, look like film footage I've seen on PBS of mental wards or state hospitals.
I mean, you can, everybody's seen it for themselves, drooling, eyes pointing different directions, screaming cuss words, throwing fits, urinating on themselves, throwing pee on people.
I mean, they act like lobotomized, uh,
Middle patients, what is going on?
Look at how close, if you look at Hillary, if you look at how close they thought they were.
They had a Paris Climate Accord, which was going to be a massive carbon tax.
They were shutting down the coal industry.
They were reducing America's ability to produce energy.
Then we had the UN on the rise.
We had the EU on the rise.
Rollback Brexit.
We're going to open our borders.
We're going to be flooded with these refugees coming in from Islamic countries.
And the new numbers are in.
They're talking about a 250% increase in refugees in Europe now, above the 6 million that came in in the last four years.
80% military-age men.
And they're planning that here.
And then major Muslim leaders come here and bring in and import the refugees to your town.
And Hillary and Obama felt like they had it.
They could touch it.
They could feel it.
They knew it was right here.
They were on the edge of it.
As they had won, they were going to immediately throw out all the laws.
They were immediately going to put into high gear.
And First Amendment was going to be gone.
Second Amendment was going to be gone.
And they were in control.
We'd be globalist within four years.
That was the plan.
And there's desperately, insanely,
They can't figure out how they lost.
They are continuing her entire policy, her entire plan, as if Trump isn't even president.
And they're obstructing.
They don't want, they do not want Obama, Obama hates the idea that we'd make America great again.
They're confident that they can destroy America.
Because the globalists have to pick and choose winners and their whole global order will go down because people will want the American system.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and take your phone calls.
And then Dr. Corsi is going to leave us in about 10-15 minutes, and we're going to have another guest pop in who's running for Congress to give his take on this.
She's also a well-known actor.
And then we are going to continue with other guests coming up, former Navy SEALs, terrorism experts, and more.
Dr. Corsi's been a terrorism expert for the State Department as well, and he can speak to that coming up, but briefly.
Ladies and gentlemen, you see the last three days, Infowars being the number one story in the country.
It was bigger than Sessions yesterday, saying lies about me, misrepresenting what I've said, what I believe in, saying I should be banned from the radio, that dictators can be interviewed but I can't.
And then, and then Megyn Kelly putting out, you know, scrambled, edited versions of what I really said.
They're desperate.
That's not a sign of strength.
That's a sign that little old InfoWars is hurting them.
That's because we're not little.
Tens of millions of people tune in every day to one format or another of this show.
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Because I just went and studied Americana, geopolitical systems, communism, fascism, and how to counter it with Americana, with free market, with Gutenberg, Genesis level, Renaissance.
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I'm gonna smatter your calls throughout this hour and the next, Elisa.
You are listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, interrupted myself.
Elisa, Chris, Ryan, Chris, Jim, John, Antonio, Dave, and Shelley, and many others, your phone calls are coming up, in fact, right now.
Coming up, I have Antonio Sabato Jr., who's running for Congress.
It was planned to be on the whole hour, but obviously this attack happened, so we're going to get him to pop in and give us his views on things, then come back on next week for a full hour if he can do it.
Then we have William Binney of the NSA, former technical director, to expose all this deep state spying against the president and what he would do to stop it.
The new film, A Good American, is now out on DVD.
Newsweek called it stunning and deeply disturbing.
So the technical director of the film Snowden, William Binney, will be joining us coming up.
We'll also continue with your phone calls.
What you're witnessing is the Democrats, deep state globalists, that have overthrown countless other countries, preparing a violent, bullying, civil war.
You saw a terror attack
Coordinated, not by ISIS, but by CNN, MSNBC, the Democratic Party, and people that have been calling for violence and putting out the messages through plays and op-eds and articles saying kill the president, kill his supporters, paying him during the campaign to go out and attack people.
This is organized crime!
Imagine if, you know, the Italian Mafia had TV shows everywhere saying, go out and attack a certain group of people.
They'd all be arrested for organized crime.
Or imagine if, you know, Muslims were doing it.
Well, I guess they'd be allowed to do it.
Because Muslims are above the law and they're allowed to organize attacks.
You know, imagine if Christians were going out and, you know, say, kill people.
They would all be arrested.
But because it's Muslims and liberals, they're allowed to do it.
Dr. Corsi?
Well, and also, everybody's got to realize how sophisticated this is.
You've got really professional techniques here of propaganda.
It starts out with lies.
It starts out with a Russian meme that Hillary made up in order to explain why she lost.
And then Trump's a racist, and Trump's a Nazi, and his supporters are.
So first we're dehumanized, then they say kill us, and then the killing starts.
And the messages are being sent out by MSNBC daily, and CNN, which is the hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump, demonize, he's going to do this to you, he's going to take this away.
You never thought he was going to be elected.
He isn't legitimate.
These messages resonate and they get then with a veneer of violence.
Let's eliminate.
Let's kill.
Let's damage.
Let's destroy.
Let's obstruct.
This whole thing is a Democratic, far-left, Marxist propaganda campaign and it's going to have to trace back into the CIA.
The CIA that's packed with John Brennan,
People who are anti-America, basically fundamentally wanting the Democrats' agenda, and that's throughout the administration, and including in the White House.
That's right.
Of course, he's our guest.
Let's go to calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is the site they fear.
Spread it today.
If you're a new listener, find out why they hate us so much, because we're just common sense.
Let's go to Alyssa in Oregon.
Alyssa in Oregon, you're on the air.
I call.
You bet.
This is an absolute war.
You and Corsi hit the nail on the head.
I tweeted at the President this morning that he needs to go on the full offensive now because they're out for blood now.
This is not just little fools on Twitter harassing him anymore.
This is a full-on offensive against us.
I don't think this was an accident that this happened on Donald Trump's birthday.
They are sending a message to us.
That's right.
Oh, they sent a message!
Nobody has pointed this out yet, but I think there's more to this story.
Trump's 71 today!
That's right.
And Donald Trump's got to pay attention.
I tell him as seriously as we try to tell Jack Kennedy.
These people are deadly serious and they're going to kill you.
And he's going to understand that because this is a coup d'etat.
And they're saying kill his family.
Let me throw this in.
That's why I love taking callers.
Stay there, man.
I want you to finish.
They bring up stuff that I didn't think of.
That's right.
June 14th, 1946.
Holy mackerel.
That adds a lot of evidence that this was concerted.
We know the media hyped it up.
They've said kill his family, kill Melania, kill all of them.
He's got so much courage.
71, our oldest president ever elected.
That doesn't look like it.
Think about that.
Donald, John Trump.
I mean, you just can't help but love his courage, how much he's already delivered on.
I just can't believe it.
But you know, there's not just evil.
In this world.
We gotta tweet that out right now.
This was a birthday message from the leftists.
You know, leftists, you know, attack Republicans.
Leftist terrorist.
You know, shoots up a bunch of Republicans and cops on Donald Trump's birthday.
As I said, the declaration of the bloody Civil War.
And the problem is that they kick it off.
You know, fighting back against these people is like, it's pointless.
They're such scum.
It's pathetic.
There's no reason for this.
There's no honor.
They're a bunch of useful idiots.
Yeah, and I tweeted a big, long stretch to the President.
My account is at NotDoneWinning, a Wirecast Latina.
And they locked me out of my Twitter account.
This is a full-on war.
Oh yeah, the censorship has really intensified where common sense stuff isn't getting out there.
They're trying to start a civil war, folks.
We've got to get the word out it's an info war.
We'll be back with more of your calls and special guests.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The fake news continues.
In a Vox Pops segment about the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey, MSNBC was caught trying to pretend that a former Obama campaign director was just a random woman on the street giving her opinions.
And the fact that he would make a very specific request to have everybody else leave the office so that he would be alone with Comey, for me, speaks volumes.
Well, it turns out that this random woman just happened to be political strategist Alma Marquez.
But this is what we've all learned to expect from the establishment news media.
Where perhaps the worst reputation belongs to CNN, who has a long history of questionable news reporting, including the recent staged Muslim anti-terror protest, where you can clearly see host Becky Anderson directing the entire scene.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
As you all know, shortly after 7am this morning,
A gunman opened fire on members of Congress and their staffs as they were practicing for tomorrow's annual charity baseball game.
Authorities are continuing to investigate the crime, and the assailant has now died from his injuries.
The FBI is leading the investigation and will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.
Congressman Steve Scalise, a member of House leadership, was shot and badly wounded and is now in stable condition at the hospital, along with two very courageous Capitol Police officers.
At least two others were also wounded.
Many lives would have been lost if not for the heroic actions of the two Capitol Police officers who took down the gunman despite sustaining gunshot wounds during a very, very brutal assault.
Melania and I are grateful for their heroism and praying for the swift recovery of all victims.
Congressman Scalise is a friend.
Ladies and gentlemen, I do know that's true.
I know they're friends.
They've talked about it.
I am so blown away right now.
I can hardly not even do the show.
I don't mean to interrupt the president with that statement that just came out live.
I have to interrupt him.
They're in there pulling it off.
We've got TVs with DVRs, obviously in live time, recording major news channels, fake news channels like CNN.
I just saw it, and David Knight saw it too, one of our reporters, and they're in there pulling it right now.
David Knight just tweeted, at Libertarian, that's his Twitter handle, CNN just aired Mail on the Street where
One said, I just want people to know he wasn't evil, just tired of politics.
And I saw the clip.
Wolf Blitzer and them say nothing and seem to agree.
And you know CNN's famous for interviewing camera people, producers, and fakes.
They just got caught recently doing it again.
Look, totally staged.
So does MSNBC.
We're getting the video right now.
He wasn't an evil man.
He was just tired of these policies is what I heard.
And CNN cuts back.
I mean, CNN, ladies and gentlemen, is so disgusting.
So, I'm going to have our guest pop in that wasn't going to be on for a full hour, but obviously because of breaking news he isn't.
I'm going to invite him back up in the next week.
Because we have this initiative here of trying to get these great people that are running for Congress or running for governor or running for legislature on the show at least a few times a week to continue the American Revolution and try to restore the Republic.
Antonio Sabato Jr.
Obviously, nobody really needs me to give you an introduction to him.
He's one of the hottest commodities to come on daytime television, top TV shows, movies, you name it.
He's a Calvin Klein model.
I'm not going to go over it all.
What really matters is he's running for Congress.
He's a patriot.
And to do that when you're big in Hollywood and a major celebrity and A-list TV, movies, you name it.
To do that is basically like taking cyanide for your career.
I mean, it takes a lot of courage.
Conservatives and Libertarians have to meet in secret to even talk about ideas.
He was also blacklisted in Hollywood for speaking out and endorsing Trump.
So he's a real hero.
So he's with us for the rest of the hour.
Then I really want to invite him up for a full hour.
He's such an interesting and well-spoken
We're good.
And I'm going to tell you, if he hadn't, presidential material, great career, smart guy, patriot, he'll buck the system.
I don't know who it is.
We need to get him into Congress, you know, first things first.
Facebook.com forward slash Antonio Sabata Jr.
But what a country.
Well, the Democrats are everywhere saying kill Trump, kill his family, kill his supporters.
Jimmy Fallon didn't criticize Trump enough so that they want him fired.
And he comes out and grovels and says, OK, I hate him.
Please, please don't fire me.
I mean, what a group of bullies.
And I love what Kurt Russell said.
He said, I'm not a Republican or Democrat.
I just like free market in America.
And why can't I do that and not get blacklisted?
I guess he's so big they've had trouble blacklisting him.
But, you know, they're still trying.
Is this America or isn't it?
Antonio Sabato Jr., so good to have you on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here with you, man.
It's, uh, living tough times.
Uh, this is Khalees.
I want to, I want to give my, my, send my prayers to him and his family and everybody who was affected today.
Our law enforcement, uh, what a great job they did to intervene.
It's such a, uh, an incredible time.
Uh, you know, they were, they were ready to, uh, to practice this morning, play softball, enjoy their day.
And then the entire day was ruined because of this individual.
We live in crazy times, Alex, and we need to stand up for our country, for the freedom of our country.
And it's a disgrace what's going on in the media, how they publicize this, how they publicize any of these events.
They make it about lies and they continue to do that.
And, you know, basically, that's why I'm running for Congress, because I want to make a difference.
I want to make a change.
And I'm going to fight for what is right, because I love this country so much, Alex.
What's wild for me is...
Gabby Giffords gets shot by a guy that was a drug head and registered Democrat, and they blame conservatives and libertarians and gun owners for years, but they're not even apologizing on CNN or all these other channels that called for Trump's death.
All these people that push violence said he should die in the newspapers.
We've all seen it.
The plays, the movies, everywhere.
And now we're getting the clip.
We should have it soon.
They have a man on the street looks totally staged saying this man wasn't evil.
He was just tired of the policies.
And so they're even, and then no one said, no, that's a terrible viewer, that's crazy.
They're actually trying to push the idea that killing people is okay.
I mean, these people are so whacked out.
Yeah, they are whacked out, Alex, and they're completely out of their minds.
And to support this and always blame guns and guns.
Guns don't shoot themselves.
People have to pull the trigger.
You know, I am for the Second Amendment.
I'm a CCW holder.
I work with law enforcement.
I go to the shooting range.
I've done my testing.
I've done it.
This is not about guns.
This is about people being
Hold left and right and push to do these kinds of things because violence is being on a media, on social media, on CNN, like you were saying, on a daily basis.
They're not reporting the truth.
They're reporting lies.
And it's hypocrisy to the max level.
I mean, this is communism.
This is socialism.
This is all the things that I hate personally.
We need to stand up for this.
This is wrong.
And the American people know what's better.
I mean, that's why we voted for our President Trump to be elected is because we wanted a man.
I mean, look at this man.
This man, by the way, happy birthday, Mr. President.
It's your birthday.
It's kind of sad that on your birthday, these kinds of things are happening.
But this man left.
Let's talk about your courage.
I mean, you're not stupid, you're a smart guy.
Top TV host, huge movies, A-list, making tons of money.
What did you see in America that made you, being big in Hollywood, obviously knowing that this would, like James Wood said, basically end his top career, what made you do that to come out and support Trump?
Well, in the last eight years, ten years actually, what I've seen from our last president is something that I didn't agree with.
And we can't say that about our president now because he just started.
Maybe eight years down the line we can look back and go, okay, this is what it should have been done, or maybe the president should have done this better.
But in the last ten years, you know, I guess it's common sense
You know, the lack of enthusiasm for this country, the lack of enthusiasm for our law enforcement, for our military, for our veterans, what I've seen in the last, not the last president.
And I just wanted to step up and express my opinion about it.
And I was so proud of finally having a candidate who I believed was going to win, and he did win.
I don't know.
Just all this great stuff happening.
Killing TPP that was unelected and secret.
Pulling out of the Paris climate deal that was only on Europe and the U.S.
Those are great things, Alex.
Those are really good things.
The people don't want to talk about that.
They're so against this president.
I tell you, the reason why they're so against him is because they fear him.
Because they can't control this man.
And because they can't control him, they can't give him money, they're going to continue to do this and ridicule this man on a daily basis and spread lies.
Now, I spoke for him, I spoke about him, and I supported him, and I felt that, you know, after this, I just spoke my mind.
We have the right to do that in this country.
But after that, Hollywood has completely just put me on the sideline.
I lost many jobs.
Uh, people have been so cruel and then nasty that I've seen on social media toward me without even knowing me because I supported this president.
It's been incredible.
I've never seen anything like this.
It's just pure evil.
But you're not giving up.
You're running for Congress.
And I got to say, I've seen you in movies.
I've seen you in interviews.
I've seen you on television, and I've always thought, man, that guy's really cool.
You're going to make a great congressman, and I think you could end up being president down the road.
That'll really show these people.
Seriously, so what do we do to get you into Congress?
Well, you have to go to VoteAntonio.com, Alex.
You know, running for anything in the political world, you need to raise money.
As soon as I'm able to raise as much money as possible, I have a shot at this.
And so the next, I would say, six to eight months is about raising money.
So go to VoteAntonio.com and, you know, give a dollar, give 50 cents, give $10.
Oh, the middle class and the people better give a lot more than that.
We're in a war.
It's time for people to get serious.
He only gives $2,000.
What's the max they can give?
$2,000 apiece?
Yeah, I think it's $2,700 is the max.
But like I said, I appreciate anything that you can do.
The more, the better.
I'm giving you $2,700 today.
Well, I'm giving $2,700.
Right now, during the break, I'm going to give my credit card to one of the crew.
Fill out the form.
Do it.
Because we're in a war, folks.
And people that have courage, like Antonio Sabato Jr.
Think about it.
Making millions of dollars a year.
Top TV host.
In big movies.
Knowing they'd come after him.
Knowing they'd try to shut him down.
It takes a lot of courage.
I could care less about...
Hollywood stars, if they don't have courage, then they're just actors.
But this guy is on the front lines, literally at a critical time for this country and the world, putting his money where his mouth is.
That right there is the bona fides for me to back this guy for Congress.
And all of you should donate right now.
Again, folks, you need to go to the website VoteAntonio.com.
How else can they support you if somebody doesn't even have $10?
Obviously, they've got a family out in California.
Call in to talk.
Alex, I think just spreading the word.
Go to my Twitter account, Antonio Sabato Jr., and just spread the word about going to VoteAntonio.com.
Like I said, this is about just spreading the word.
We have 18 months.
They're going to go really fast.
We need to get inside the seat because, you know, California, as you know, I mean, we're short on Republican congressmen and congresswomen.
So one district at a time.
And, you know, I want to fight for the veterans.
I want to fight for a Second Amendment.
I want to fight for illegal immigrations.
I mean, we spend $100 billion, almost $100 billion, on illegal immigrations, but $10 billion would be to build this wall, you know?
And so I think that I want to fight for this thing.
I want to fight for this country.
I love this nation.
It's given me so much, and I'm going to keep fighting.
I'm not afraid of these guys.
I'm not afraid of them.
So just so you know out there, whoever's watching this, I'm here to fight for the American people.
Well, it's a war, and when we get somebody as good as you running for Congress that I think has such great prospects compared to the mummy that you're running against, I mean, I think if people get behind you, you're going to win.
But regardless, you're going to be in those debates, you're going to be on TV, you're going to be injecting real ideas and not laying down after they've tried to destroy you.
This is so exciting.
Now, let's go ahead and play for TV viewers and radio listeners.
This is just what I saw during a break.
Okay, we just grabbed it off the DVR of CNN, who's famous for interviewing fake people, claiming they're a man on the street.
But even if it was a real person, then the general public thinks, oh, this person wasn't evil.
He was just tired of the policies or politics.
But again, if a conservative had gone and shot Democrats, it would be the end of the world.
It shows how warped they've hyped themselves into this Nazi-like, I don't know what you call it, communist-like, cult-like
I just want to let people know that he wasn't evil.
That he was, I guess, tired of some of the politics that are going on.
That's what we just heard.
Perhaps he wasn't evil, just tired of the politics that's going on.
I have no words to say about things like this.
I mean, people have no guts and glory anymore to stand up for what is right.
To stand up for what is right and truthful and honest.
This guy was pure evil.
Who plans to get out of their home with a loaded machine gun, probably a semi-automatic rifle.
Then he wants to ban for us.
And he loads magazines on purpose to kill and to traumatize and to destroy people's lives.
And so we need to talk about that.
This man was pure evil and he was terrorizing people and he did and he succeeded.
But now we got to stand up for that.
And CNN, how can you actually say things like this and support this?
I don't believe it.
I just can't.
Again, Antonio Sabata Jr.
is our guest.
Running for Congress there in California.
A lot of courage.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not calling for this, but I want to be clear.
If someone walks up to Wolf Blitzer when he is doing a live event on the street and shoots a bunch of bullets into him and wounds him or kills him or paralyzes him, do we then go, well, it wasn't evil, it was just a political statement?
I mean, don't these Democrats get
They're taking the restraint of patriots and Christians and libertarians and constitutionalists and conservatives as weakness.
It's not.
We've got the military, the police, everybody else.
If they really start a war with us, I mean, they're opening the door saying it's okay to kill people.
That's basically what Wolf Blitzer did not qualify that and say.
Well, obviously, we don't agree with that here.
I mean, if I had somebody on like that who they sought out, and I had them say that, and I didn't say, I don't agree with that, I would be crucified.
You would be crucified.
Trump would be crucified.
What is wrong with these people?
I don't know Alex, I really don't understand it.
That's what we need to stick together.
We need to spread kindness and love, but we also have to have common sense and something is wrong and really, really wrong.
We have to stand up for that.
And the liberal media, they need to change this because
They're doing something just as bad as these people.
Because they're promoting it.
And they're not going against it.
They're not standing up for what is right.
How do they sleep at night?
I have no idea.
They get paid to report the news.
Not to stand and politicalize, you know, and take stands.
Because every single day I watch this, and I tend to watch because I want to see what the other side is doing, like CNN.
And they're reporting everything.
Everything they reported on our president is against him.
Oh, it's all upside down.
It's all lies.
It's incredible.
I mean, you know, Comey falls on his face.
Comey had a great day.
Sessions dominates.
Sessions had a bad day.
I mean, these are anti-freedom creeps.
They're such villains.
I can't even believe it.
I mean, mainstream media is so evil.
It's an honor, Antonio, that you've been blackballed by Hollywood.
That means you're a real American.
We'll be back with the final segment with our guest.
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Wow, my head is spinning right now.
We're about to post the video to InfoWars.com, if you're a radio listener and want to see it, where CNN pushes the narrative.
I mean, it was clearly someone they went to interview and then put him on and then didn't correct it and say, well, obviously we don't think that shooting people and trying to kill them is just political and that the person wasn't evil.
They're just pushing that the shooter wasn't evil.
That's the new sickening, insane narrative.
Just briefly, before we finish up with Antonio Sabato Jr.
and the David Knights coming in, and we have William Binney, former technical leader of the NSA, joining us to talk about how they're using the NSA illegally against Americans, the Democrats, and the Global Star, and against Trump.
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But whatever you do, pray for people like Antonio.
Pray for people like President Trump.
Quite frankly, I'm a little selfish here.
Pray for me, because they've really done some stuff to me.
And I'm not complaining.
It's the animating contest of liberty.
But understand, this is a war.
And your support and your prayers are critical.
Antonio, please join us with updates every month or every few weeks whenever you want to join us.
If you come to Austin, we'd love to have you on.
I send reporters out.
I'd love for them to interview you.
In the last few minutes, we've got closing comments.
Well, my friend, listen, we want to get back at the liberal and the liberal media.
I tell everyone out there who's a producer or writer or anybody in my business, hire me.
Put me on front of everything.
Hire me for anything, because that's the best way you get back at these people.
I'm not asking you to give me a job.
I'm just asking you to fight with me.
And the best way to fight with these people is to put me on the TV shows, put me on everything, so we can get back at these people, because they think they're winning.
But we're going to win at the end.
Whether it's... I'm going to keep being an actor, I'm going to keep being in the business, and I'm also running for Congress, and I'm going to get this heat, and I'm going to fight for the American people, my friend, no matter what.
You know, they say Hollywood's really scared, though, because they're losing control.
What I've heard is most people aren't even conservative or liberal.
They're libertarian, and everybody's sick of being forced to be really outrageously liberal.
Is that what you've seen?
I've seen that, Matt, my friend.
I've never seen anything like this as long as I've lived in this country since the mid-80s.
This is completely berserk.
I mean, it's a different world.
It's a different country.
I never expected it to be like this, but, you know, if you don't agree with them, you're out of it.
And then they spread lies on top of it and they call you names.
So we gotta fight for that because we need to have our country intact.
Alright, well thanks for coming on.
Antonio Sabato Jr.
running for Congress in California.
Get behind him or you're helping the enemy.
Alright, thank you so much, sir.
Alright, hour number three, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We've got William Binning and Moore.
Spread the word.
They don't want you spreading that link.
We can defeat them.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Well, it was about 30 minutes ago.
I was walking around in the break room and saw David Knight and he said, did you just see this?
And he backed it up on the DVR to recording all the major propaganda channels with CNN.
And it was Wolf Blitzer going, oh, I got a producer telling me go to this.
So they cut to one of the, quote, friends, he should be probably investigated, of the crazy man that got killed this morning going and shooting five people, one of them a congressman, two of them police officers, another one a lobbyist, while they were playing a Republican baseball game.
And Wolf Blitzer
He doesn't come back and say, well, obviously, you know, killing people is not political, and obviously, you know, we don't agree with that here at CNN.
He pushed it.
They clearly, we're in news, we know what it looks like.
CNN's been caught so many times with staged interviews.
This was CNN's statement.
CNN is proud of what they just did.
They've got, you know, Kathy, you know, working for them, that's running around, Kathy Griffin saying, cut the president's head off.
You've got all these other reporters saying, kill the president.
Will it be political if somebody sees Wolf Blitzer and walks up and sprays bullets into him and says, hey, I'm not evil, Wolf.
I just killed you deader than a hammer.
I mean, I don't want to kill Wolf Blitzer.
I'm not saying that.
They're such liars.
They'll say I did, David Knight.
I'm saying, don't you people get it?
You're trying to start a civil war with people.
You're taking our kindness for weakness.
Do you understand the American people will kill all of you?
You understand we are killing machines, you fools?
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Alex, the question is, do they have a duty to say something about that?
They cut this out as an excerpt.
They said, we've got a clip here from somebody who knew him.
And the guy comes out, we'll play the clip for you here in just a second.
The guy says, I just want people to know he's not evil, he's just tired of the politics.
And they come back, and Wolf Blitzer goes, OK, what's going on?
Now, if you are the reporter there, wouldn't you want some clarification about that?
Why is that not evil?
No, I'd say, excuse me?
I'd say, excuse me?
Yeah, why wouldn't Wolf say something about that?
Doesn't he have a duty to say,
I'm sorry, that is evil.
That is not political.
He should have said, none of us are promoting violence here.
This is horrible.
If you or I did that, it'd be career-ending.
Yes, and I would like to know, as a reporter on the scene who got that interview with that guy, I would ask him, what do you mean by that?
Give me some clarification.
No, no interest in that.
The Democrats... They just cut it right there and put it out there on air.
The tweets are all over InfoWars.com.
They're tweeting at me, going, we're gonna get you next, you bastard.
I mean, they're celebrating this.
But they all hate guns.
They don't know how to use them.
But I can shoot bullseye at 400 yards, dumbass.
I mean, they have no idea who they're messing with.
The funny thing is, just before that clip, we were laughing, CJ was laughing about it, we were all back there.
The CNN reporter says, yeah, he was there with an M1 or something.
It's like, an M1?
They don't know anything at all about firearms, and this is a guy... But they dream like the communists we were showing earlier.
This is from Austin this weekend, with their fingers on their triggers, almost aiming guns at cops.
If I was one of those cops, I mean, this is insane!
Yeah, it absolutely is insane.
But we have to look at this, and we have to say, at what point, and this is what I talked about last night, I started, I said, you know what we're seeing here in the Senate, the testimony here, what we're seeing is a political assassination, metaphorically.
But they're also acting it out at the same time in New York, at the theater, in the park.
And so what they're doing is they're acting out that political assassination.
They get a standing ovation from Alec Baldwin, all the Broadway crowd is doing that.
And that is the difference, Alex.
I think, you know, we have a discussion about where is the line on the First Amendment
I tweeted out, I said, you can't cry fire in a crowded theater, and you can't get up in front of the theater because you're an actor and tell people to fire at their enemies.
Plus, look at these communists with axe handles hitting cops, and the cops only bump them away.
I would beat their brains out, man.
They're out there with a deadly weapon, attacking peaceful protesters, protesting Sharia law.
I want my First Amendment protected, or what are you going to do if I really stand up to these people?
And I'm not bragging, man.
You hit me with an ax club, I'm gonna take it away from you and I'm gonna stick it you-know-where.
Well, see, this whole thing is a continuum, Alex, because they have... CNN is out there, they won't call things like what Kathy Griffin did, they won't call that evil.
They won't call this other stuff incitement.
And so when you have a guy who... No, no, she whines about it!
She's a victim!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He destroyed me.
He broke me, is what she said.
He broke me.
Listen, Dr. Corsi's in there.
You're hot to go.
I don't mind the competition against the show because it's competition against the Globalists.
You guys ought to go in the other studio or somewhere and just fire up and do a live feed right now.
I say just let him have it, brother.
We'll do it.
Corsi's back there finishing his lunch, eating some food.
Just attack.
Just everybody.
Everybody just go after the Globalists.
Peacefully in the info war.
Stay with us.
William Bennet coming up.
So the Democrats are getting what they wanted.
Well it seems all these calls for violence are finally working.
Majority Whip Representative Steve Scalise out of Louisiana was shot this morning along with several other aides and Capitol guards.
And already there are some amazing quotes coming out of the situation.
Representative Rand Paul said it would have been a massacre had there not been good guys with guns.
Representative Ron DeSantis recounted an odd encounter he had as he was leaving the field just before the shooting.
There's a guy that walked up to us and asked whether it was the Republicans or Democrats out there.
And it was just a little odd, DeSantis told Fox.
One of the most harrowing accounts is from Representative Mo Brooks, who talks about taking refuge inside the dugout, applying tourniquets to another injured person, and then running out to the field to help Representative Scalise apply pressure to his wound.
But here is one of the most important things he said.
It's not easy when you see people around you being shot and you don't have a weapon yourself.
Now, Democrats are going to come out of the woodwork and call for more gun control.
But at this time, we should not be relinquishing any of our rights, especially in this climate of violence that is all being sown by the Democrats and leftists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Chaos is hanging around.
Put your ear to the ground.
And shut up from the sound.
The death machine ain't slowing down.
It's gaining power.
William Benny at his father's grave.
This is my father's grave.
One time I asked him, I said, in your service in wartime, how many men did you kill?
And he said, maybe one.
So, but that's all he said.
He didn't really talk about it.
I think that was pretty typical of World War II veterans.
They did what they had to do, and they didn't really think that that was anything different than anyone else did in World War II.
Nobody thought they were heroes.
They just thought they did their duty.
One of the worst things about war is those who started force others to be as vicious as they are to stop it.
That's what I'm sure he was feeling.
He just didn't want to talk about having to do what he had to do when in the war.
One of the main reasons we get into war is by mistakes by leadership because they're informed incorrectly or they're uninformed about the events, you know, totally.
So the principle I thought that I was working under was to make sure that the information that I could arrive at through the work I did was informative to leadership so they didn't make mistakes.
Powerful film.
I'm going to show this film to my children this weekend.
We just got it in.
It's amazing.
A good American.
Stunning and deeply disturbing, Newsweek called it.
Extraordinary story of an extraordinary spy, William Benning, one of the top mathematicians in modern history.
One of the men who engineered much of what the NSA is today, but not to spy on the American people, but to protect the nation.
Somebody who tried to stop the illegal spying and was SWAT teamed for it.
He's now been, of course, vindicated.
And we have the filmmaker with us as well.
He, of course, was the main technical advisor.
On Snowden, the big blockbuster film that was so powerful that Oliver Stone put out.
And see, to me, Oliver Stone is a real liberal.
He's against ISIS, he's against war with Russia, he's against bankrupting the country.
And I take somebody like William Binney, I wouldn't call him liberal or conservative, he's just an American patriot.
And the truth is, Trump, like the NSA spying before,
Now he doesn't like it.
Because he realizes it's being used against him.
And it's being used against Americans.
And tens of thousands of Americans we now know were illegally targeted by Obama.
And Trump was spied on.
And they tried to lie about that.
So this is bipartisan.
This affects no matter what color you are, where you came from, this is the giant spy grid.
And it's such a powerful film.
A good American.
This is something that brings us all together under our First Amendment.
Under our Fourth Amendment.
And just understanding the big corporations that have these spy grids that are hooked into the NSA, they're like the new gods.
And they've done it by violating all of our rights, and they're taking over our world and ending competition.
This is the big threat, and this is the film.
I think, informationally, it's even better than Snowden, which was excellent.
I couldn't believe that Hollywood would let something that good come out.
That's one of the only good things I've seen that actually told the truth politically from Hollywood in years, from the left or the right.
And so, the film is A Good American.
I don't mean to gush too much about this, but we've got several other clips.
My father's grave.
Everything is human behavior.
The graph.
The maze.
With William Benning, the former technical director of the National Security Agency and, of course, the filmmaker.
We're going to have on with us for the next 45 minutes or so as well.
This is quite a time to be alive.
Frederick Moser, blueandgreen.info is his film site, and he's an amazing filmmaker in his own right.
I was already aware of his work before.
Before, I knew about a year ago or so that he was working, or a year and a half ago, time flies, when William Benny came to town and had just been interviewed for this film, but now it's out.
Frederick Moser will be joining us, but I wanted to go to, they're both here with us right now, just to talk to William Benny.
Do you not feel vindicated that your SWAT team,
Well, Alex, I just think it's...
It's rather sad that it's taken this long to come out, but it's also very disturbing that we don't have a lot of people standing up to oppose this.
You know, most of them are acquiescing to it, especially those in Congress.
They should be outraged, because they're being spied on too.
You're the expert here, and I want to go to the director as well and talk about this amazing film that's so important, but just looking at the world today and stuff I mentioned, what's your expert take on that?
Oh, I thought you were asking Fritz.
Well, I think Fritz did an excellent job on the whole movie and I think it's brought out the points that are necessary for people to understand.
I just hope that more people can see it so that they'll begin to understand the technology behind it and understand what's possible and what the threat really is here.
I always go back and refer to a former East German Lieutenant Colonel
Who, in the Stasi, who had said of the NSA spying program, this would have been a dream come true for us.
So, that really should tell you what this is all about.
It's about spying on everybody and control of everybody and making sure that people line up to do what central government wants them to do.
And this is contrary to what our entire Constitution was set in place to ensure does not happen.
And a lot of people say, well, nothing to hide.
Well, that's like posting that you're out of town and where you live on Facebook, and then thieves rob your house.
We have blinds, not because we're hiding something, but because we have privacy.
And isn't privacy historically the essence of what free peoples have?
So I want to get into the film, but this film, Years in the Making, is now the life we're living.
It's now vindicated, as you are, by everything it breaks down.
In real time, it's beyond evergreen is what I'm saying and the revelation that certain elites have omnipresent access to information and us mere mortals are here.
I mean, this is the ultimate discrimination as well.
They don't just steal our data, they then collate it and use it against us and market it and predict the future.
I mean, this is Promethean fire, but we pay for the fire, but we don't even get the benefits of it.
That's right.
And for what's going on today, right now, with Comey and Mueller, I mean, these are two guys who were at the center of this spying.
They were using this data with the FBI and the Department of Justice all along, and they were the ones who were advocates for it internally in the government.
So, you know, that's like criminals going after other criminals.
I'm going to go to the director here for a moment, and then we're going to come back to you after break, but that's exactly where I wanted to go.
I'm watching Comey, and I'm watching Mueller, who openly were involved in all this illegal spying.
I'm watching Hayden running and all, like he's a good guy.
And that Trump's bad, and I'm not even here defending Trump.
The point is, it's just bizarre to realize what these guys are involved in.
People have to see the film for themselves, but Frederick Moser, filmmaker, blueandgreen.info.
We're selling the film at Infowars store, infowarsstore.com.
But whatever you do, folks, you need to get this out to libraries, you need to show it to students, you need to, this is powerful.
So, Frederick, congratulations on what you've done here.
It's amazing.
How did you get into this and just how has this changed your life delving into this?
Well, there is a long version of that and a short version of that.
The short version is Wikileaks actually got me to become interested in what is going on in the digital realm.
And I had a story in preparation that was already dealing with surveillance.
But then Snowden came along and showed us that the magnitude of surveillance was just huge and way bigger than what we had come across.
And so it was also clear that Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald would get the Snowden story out and also show the panorama of surveillance as it was going on.
But my academic background is, I have a degree in contemporary history.
And so I was interested, how the hell did we get there?
And so I was looking for a story of a person, you know, a personal story, which could be emotional and powerful enough to attract the interest of people who are not genuinely interested in surveillance as such, but just in the biography of somebody who has worked as a spy.
And on top of my list was Bill Binney.
And I asked him, this was in 2000 and
So this was like two months after Snowden.
13 actually.
Oh yeah, you put a lot of work into this film.
This is amazing.
And so I asked Bill and he said, yes, I'm on board and this is how I started.
And has it changed my life?
Yes, totally.
Yeah, I've been around a lot of Hollywood folks and that doesn't excite me very much unless they have courage like the last guest we had on.
But when you're around Benny, you realize, like, in mainline publications, this is one of the top mathematicians, super brains, helped defeat the Soviet Union, has all these secret awards, and here's the government SWAT teaming him, probably doing other stuff to him he didn't want to get into, and it's just, it's amazing to be out at dinner with this guy and then realize, I'm not really paranoid.
There are people following us.
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's very interesting.
And not only in America.
I mean, of course, the story of Bill is a very American story.
But in the end, we are really having the same trouble in Europe over here.
So, you're right.
The filmmaker, Frederick Moser, the amazing film, A Good American, available at Infowarsstore.com.
Stay there.
If you don't support films like this, you may already know all this stuff.
Folks, you've got to support it.
I'm not lecturing you.
You already know this.
This is important.
Very powerful.
Trump, of course, U.S.
He's our guest.
today even had to admit U.S.
News and World Report as well.
Top spy, top NSA official backs up Trump's story of spying.
We'll talk about that straight ahead from the top NSA insider, William Benny.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Infowar.
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This is what you want.
This is what you get.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're into hour number three.
Fourth hour coming up with Roger Stone.
I'll probably ride shotgun with him.
Frederick Moser is the filmmaker, a good American.
Support the broadcast and see a powerful film and share it with others.
Infowarshore.com, a good American.
A few clips are coming up in the next segment.
Then they'll leave us in about 15 minutes.
I'll shift gears into Member of Congress Schott.
Scalise and Stable.
We were sitting ducks, trail of blood, gum and kill as many Republicans as you can.
And the video is now up on Infowars.com of Wolf Blitzer having a guest on just saying, hey, this is just politics.
He wasn't an evil man.
Again, I didn't used to be a Republican or a Democrat.
I want to be clear.
But the Democrats are the deep state now, along with the Republican leadership.
And they're coming after Trump because he's transferring power back to the country.
That is just a fact.
So that is coming up.
Oh, he wasn't evil.
No, he was just tired of things.
So he went and shot a couple cops, shot some other person, shot a congressman.
He just said, are those Republicans?
And my point is the media is hyping it.
What are they trying to do?
I'm going to ask William Binney that at the start of the next segment and play a few clips of the new film.
But going back to Mr. Binney,
Looking at what Mueller did.
Looking at what Comey did.
Looking at how they ignored all the other big crimes they knew about.
Looking at how they've admittedly been caught in the New York Times targeting Trump.
Trump points out it's illegal.
Then they say, oh no, we never spied on you.
What's the truth?
As an expert, William Binning of ExposedFacts.org.
The truth is, everybody's being copied and collected, all their data.
But when they go after people, they have to specifically target them in the database.
So they go after them specifically.
So in this case, it wasn't that he was specifically wiretapped.
He was captured in mass surveillance, but he was targeted by going in with specifics about him into that database and pulling everything out about him.
So to explain, they basically just capture everything, they've got it in these buckets, and that was, you know, been confirmed by Snowden, you helped design the systems, and then they can then just go into those databases if they want.
Can't they also plant things?
Yeah, that's also possible.
It's possible to manipulate things to make it look like somebody else did it also.
So it's not, it's not, I mean, once you have the data, you can do anything you want to with it.
William Binning, former technical head of the NSA, let's expand on this.
You talked about this a lot in the years you've come on, but they now admit with the latest data dumps, with the Vault 7, that they were also spoofing other countries and then attacking the United States.
How does that tie into all this?
Well, I looked at that cybersecurity as another swindle.
You know, what they're doing is they've known about all these weaknesses all along for decades, in fact, some of them, and they've never told anybody to fix them or what needs to be fixed.
And so they left everybody vulnerable.
Then every time somebody got attacked, they would say, OK, we need more money for cybersecurity.
And they'd never fix the things they knew were wrong.
So they basically are swindling us.
So they're creating the new economy or hijacking it through cyber security and NSA and creating Swiss cheese problems and creating private companies and systems and governmental systems to then service all the problems they've created.
Yeah, but, you know, we the poor taxpayers are paying through the nose to get spied on and manipulated and basically told what to do, fundamentally, by the mainstream media that does nothing more than regurgitate what the government's saying.
Which means, they're going to spout what they're told to spout and that's it.
That's all we bring dead, except for very few programs, like yours for example, or some others, you know, but that's it.
And by the way, it's come out in the news through Sheriff Arpaio, an older database of who was being surveilled, a law enforcement database, we think a DEA database, but I was in there, Trump was in there.
The reason I knew it was real, I had Trump's Mar-a-Lago phone number, his Trump Tower number, his backup number, and another number, and then they had numbers I had from offices like five years ago that no one ever had.
They had my private office number that I didn't even use, and they were actively... I mean, this just came out.
We were leaked this info, Mr. Benny.
Well, that's basically what they do.
It doesn't matter whether or not you use the phone.
If they can tie a phone to you, they'll just put it in the system and the system will automatically monitor it for any communications you activate.
And if you do, they got it.
If you don't, they're still monitoring you.
Now again, I know all these other agencies with their parallel construction get into the NSA, but why would this be an FBI DEA database?
I mean, I've never been investigated for drugs, and Trump as well.
Did they just use that as an excuse?
Because the file we got, well there's millions of files, but I mean, we got a snippet of it.
It was just every phone we've ever used, and then it was just an admission that that was a targeted database if they wanted to go further and try to get into it.
Yeah, what it is, basically, is the FBI and the CIA and commotives of the FBI, including the DEA, the Special Operations Division, they have direct access into the NSA database and can pull out data and target people anytime they want.
They can go and get tips from the people on the street and they can go into that database and target them and see what they're doing.
That's fundamentally what they're doing, but it's no surprise to me that it's there.
It should also be in DHS and a number of other agencies in the U.S.
Sure, the only reason we got this leak was obviously it was connected to local law enforcement.
Well, we'll be right back.
A team of global warming scientists were forced to cancel an Arctic trip due to extreme ice conditions, which highlights how the advocacy against man-made climate change is actually a globalist scheme to weaken the U.S.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Everything is human behavior.
Another clip from the award-winning film, A Good American.
Stunning and deeply disturbing news week.
An extraordinary story of an extraordinary spy, William Benny and more.
The executive producer from the executive producer of Oliver Stone, a Frederick Moser film.
Here it is.
Everything is human behavior.
Human behavior is extremely patterned.
How do people operate?
How do they interact?
And how does that manifest or appear in this abstract set of communications you're looking at?
I couldn't understand why a lot of people couldn't see what I could see.
Man, I tell you, it's a powerful movie.
I can't wait to have my children watch it, because this is what it's really all about.
I've watched it.
Again, a good American.
I'm going to play one more clip, then go back and give both our guests four or five minutes of the floor, because I know they've got to go.
But let's play The Graph, another clip from the film.
I basically envisioned the graph as a very large globe of the Earth, see?
With a total of about 7 billion nodes in it, or dots.
Each representing an individual.
And having all the connections of all those individuals with all the other connections they have anywhere in the world.
Think of yourself as drifting into the globe.
So you're going inside the globe and you can go to any point in the globe.
Look at any given point to see the relationships they have with all the other dots in the globe.
When you go into the globe, you pick out a dot, you can pull it out of that relationship graph, and with it will come all of the nodes that it has a relationship with.
When you pulled that node out in its community, if you will, the social network it had, you pulled all of the backup data that created those relationships to begin with.
So that you could now timeline those relationships and see the interactions over a period of time, whatever you wanted to define.
So that's how I envisioned the graph.
This is God-like stuff, and that's where we are.
That's why free will is so important.
Don't give your free will over to these technocracies.
He's got a new film coming out, The Maze.
Of course, talking about the director of this film and the producer of this film, A Good American, available again at InfoWareStore.com.
From executive producer Oliver Stone, a Frederick Moser Films.
Oliver Stone, of course, is involved in this little jewel as well.
I just love Oliver Stone.
StoneColdTruth.com is coming up in the next hour with Roger Stone, but right now we are talking to William Binney, and we're also talking to Frederick Moser, blueandgreen.info.
I've been asking my questions.
I want to go to Mr. Moser for five minutes, then to Mr. Binney for five minutes, then I'm going to let you go and take phone calls from folks that are holding patiently, but you guys are the experts.
You made the film.
What else do you want to say about the film and about the state of the world?
Because I want to talk about the film.
But the film is the state of the world.
It's like a window deep into what's really happening.
But then I keep trying to tie it into what's currently happening.
It's just amazing.
Who wants to go first?
Jump in, Frederick, first.
Go ahead.
Um, so I think if, I mean, what, what, what to me is really worrying is that despite all the attacks that have happened since 9-11, because basically the program that Bill Binney developed, ThinThread, would have had everything to stop 9-11 up front a long time before.
And despite all the attacks that have happened since 9-11,
Politicians are still pushing for the same medicine, which doesn't cure anything.
And this is mass surveillance.
And I think why this film is still important, even if it stops in terms of history, it goes from the 60s to 2007.
But I think the reason why it's still important is because we need to think differently about surveillance at all and about national security at all.
I think we are totally, we're losing it.
And I sent you a small piece from my new film, The Maze, which looks into the terror attacks that happened since 2005, since the 7-7 London attacks.
And it goes up to the Manchester attacks of two weeks ago.
And if you see it there, yeah, play the clip.
Well, we will definitely have you on about that film.
I want to, this film is so amazing.
I definitely want to have you on about that.
Yeah, go ahead and roll the clip from the start.
Let's go ahead and roll this clip from the new film, The Maze, from Frederick Moser.
Go ahead and roll it.
Let's start it over.
Thank you.
London, Boston, Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Orlando, Nice, Würzburg, Ansbach, Saint-Etienne-du-Rouge, Berlin, Westminster, Stockholm, and Manchester.
14 terrorist incidents, 32 perpetrators, over 400 dead, more than 2,400 injured.
Bombs, firearms, an axe, trucks, and a car.
Attackers between the ages of 17 and 52.
While the backgrounds of the attackers are quite diverse, there seems to be a pattern.
In each attack, at least one of the terrorists was known to the police.
In each attack, the perpetrators were part of a network.
In each attack, the terrorists were communicating electronically with each other or with their backers.
In each attack, there was a digital footprint clearly indicating radicalization.
How can it be that despite all these traces and evidence, the intelligence services had no idea that these attacks were being plotted?
Let me see if I have the answer for Frederick Moser, and then of course, former head of technical, actually ran the NSA, William Binney.
I've been interviewing Binney for like five, six years, but I've been reading his stuff since, play SWAT teaming 14 years ago, or whatever, when he exposed this to Congress, to the proper secret channels.
They spy on everything, because the globalists, the corporations want corporate data, and general data for general control, when instead of you target certain things legally and lawfully, the way you're supposed to, with the
I guess the politically incorrect term to use would be profiling.
Then you could actually stop people by looking at the real networks themselves instead of everybody.
But if you try to search a field for a needle, instead of just searching the haystack, there's no way to find it.
Binney found a way to search the haystack, not the field.
Is that an accurate way of saying it, William Binney?
Yeah, that's right, Alex.
It was a way of using the graph that was a way of looking into the massive amounts of data and pulling out only what is relevant.
But they didn't want that because that wouldn't take over the entire internet, the entire grid, and make them kings of the earth.
Yeah, and it wouldn't cost a lot of money either.
But it makes us blind to real threats.
Yeah, well it fundamentally dumps all this stuff on the analysts and they have to figure it out.
Edward Stoughton, in the material he released, there were about 10 different articles written by analysts inside NSA saying they were too buried, they couldn't find anything, they couldn't find the bad guys and monitor them.
Just like Mueller cut the white collar criminal investigators by 72% and then Comey did it further.
This is on purpose, isn't it William?
Well, I certainly don't think they want us to know anything they're doing.
That's probably part of the reason.
The other reason is they might be found out themselves for what they're doing.
So it's the perfect criminal conspiracy.
Spy on everyone, instead of known criminals and terrorists, because then that allows the criminals to run wild.
This is incredible.
Frederick Moser, your comments on this.
This is profound.
Well, I'm not so familiar with Comey and Mueller because that's America's internal politics.
But what I can say is that there is a real problem with the massive amount of data that they are collecting.
And we had people say this in our new film The Maze, for example, the former UK head of cyber security saying it.
You know, it's simply not working.
So I think this entire surveillance thing has become totally ideological and it shouldn't be.
It should be above ideology.
I think it is a technical problem and it calls for a technical solution or several technical solutions when the solution that we have in place now does not work, obviously.
Well, let me see the maze.
I didn't know that was out.
I want to carry that.
I want to see an amazing Frederick Moser painting.
I mean, I mean, no wonder that, you know, Oliver Stone's, you know, helping you fund, produce your films.
You're an amazing filmmaker.
I mean, in closing, though, this really is the future, like electricity or like the wheel or fire.
This power of technocracy to track everything should be the number one debate.
And no wonder MSM wanted to act like for decades as it was being developed, it just didn't exist, because they didn't want the little people involved
In the discussion about the future architect of the world.
And so thank God that you and Oliver Stone and William Binney, especially William Binney and Edward Snowden.
William, let me say this.
Look, I know Snowden broke the law with what he did.
But you've said great.
Once they prosecute all the big criminals, you know, that are a thousand times worse, maybe go after him.
But I mean, is he not overall a hero?
He didn't give away the actual targets and people like the OPM hack.
He didn't do that.
I mean, he exposed illegal spying.
I mean, you know, you where's your view on that?
Well, I think that part of the exposure of all the criminal activity is absolutely, he's a hero in that.
I mean, he had the guts to take all that material out and show it, but there was some of the material that got printed that shouldn't have been, you know, it was listing some specific targets, that shouldn't be coming out.
But the other stuff about all this illegal activity that they're doing internally in the United States,
And around the world, basically war crimes and things like that.
Also, it needs to be exposed and we need to have it out in public so that everybody can say, let's stop this crap.
Or, you know, do we want our government doing this for us?
Well, I never agreed with liberals on gun control or things like that, but I agreed on, let's not have spying, let's not launch wars preemptively.
Now they love wars!
Now they love spying!
Now they say, kill everybody!
So all I'm asking is, where are the liberals, William Binney, that previously criticized the NSA?
Now because they had eight years of Obama, they think it's the greatest thing since pumpkin pie.
Yeah, well, Obama was one that doubled down on everything that Bush has done, and so it's only made it worse.
And now, so we're getting to this point now where we hire people like Mueller to investigate the president and cover up for Comey or investigate Comey, too.
And, you know, it's like the criminals, the foxes running the henhouse here is basically what's going on, and, you know, you can't trust any of these people.
I mean, we need to find people who are not in any way tainted with anything in Washington or anything that's been the establishment for years.
Because if you don't, you're gonna get somebody who's gonna, you know, cover up for one another.
That's what they've been doing all along.
Covering up for each other.
They're clearly emboldened.
By the fact that they're spying on the President in real time.
And he keeps asking, how are there leaks when it's me and one person in the room?
Because it's the computer.
It's the iPhone.
They don't need to put bugs in the White House.
All the devices are the bugs.
That is now declassified.
That is now a fact.
And the President can't understand why all these bureaucracies literally know when he goes to the bathroom.
Can you explain to the President what's happening to him, Mr. Benny?
I know he watches the show.
Yes, I can, and I sent a note in to him and also Attorney General Sessions about the way to really go forward in a constitutional, law-abiding way and be able to actually succeed against terrorism and other crimes instead of doing this
This bulk acquisition on everybody that puts data in databases so that anybody in the government anywhere can access it.
Now that gives the opportunity for them to leak anything in the world they want on anybody.
Because that's what NSA has stored.
And isn't OPM 15 million, 20 million now they're saying, all the government agents, all the spies?
I believe it was over 21 million people that were hacked, or data that has been hacked.
Yeah, so it's growing, and isn't that what you said on the show five years ago?
The great danger is you give this huge bulk of data, of course there are going to be spies, of course it's going to leak.
I mean, aren't you like blowing up your own ship, your own Pandora's box, by creating this giant data dump?
Isn't the answer, is not storing bulk acquisition for security?
Yeah, that's been my point all along.
You don't get security with bulk acquisition of data.
I mean, the idea that you had to give up privacy for security has been a lie from the beginning.
It was a lie because they wanted to get all information on everybody in the world, and also they wanted to spend a lot of money and build an empire in doing it.
Sure, I know it's classified, and you haven't been there in years, but you helped set the whole thing up.
They admit that.
You're the mastermind.
They say you're the mastermind, one of the top mastermind.
Who then decides the targeting under your limited system?
Is it algorithms?
Does HUMET put in the data and then the computers decide?
It's a mixture of things.
It's like they have software that scores content or speech in a phone call, and they look at phrases and words, and a scoring algorithm goes through and says, if it reaches this level in score, we're going to transfer it to a human to transcribe and record, and put a record of the transcript out.
If it's not something like that, but they're like they're going after President Trump, they're going specifically with his phone numbers and email or any Twitter account, anything, and they're going in and into the NSA database and pulling data out on him.
So that means it's data collected from any source anywhere in the world.
Or out of this world.
Alright, William Binney, exposefacts.org, Frederick Moser, blueandgreen.info, the new film, A Good American, available at infowarstore.com.
Please, I want to carry your next film and see it, and get you back on dealing with that.
Thank you so much, gentlemen.
Any final words of Frederick?
Well, first of all, of course, thanks for having me there.
And then the thing that I'm most worried about is actually the Internet of Things.
It's the connected world, it's the self-driving cars, it's the smart electricity, the smart heating, the smart fridge.
These are the things that really worry me.
Because if you have the entire system surveilled, this allows you not only to listen into, but to play with your life, with our lives.
And I think this is not the world that I desire for myself or for my kids.
It's as simple as that.
Well, that's right.
I mean, I've thought about
I want healthy, happy children.
I want to help people.
I want a good, healthy life for myself.
And I just dream of a house that isn't all surveilled with all these gadgets and none of them work right.
And they're always screwing up.
I like dream of the old days of analog.
I think that's the next big economy with our own consumer choices.
I think all of us together should just vote to go back to analog except for very limited parts of our lives.
And I think it's a human revolution versus technology.
I think technology's been subverted and we have to kind of, you know, put a pause on this.
Gentlemen, thank you so much, William Binney.
Thank you so much, Frederick Moser.
It's always amazing.
Congratulations on the film.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It's always a great honor to be with people like William Binning and Mr. Moser, such an amazing filmmaker in his own right.
I've got four children and I just, I'm not out to screw anybody over.
I just try to tell the truth and the enemy knows that.
That's why they hate me so much.
That's why they hate you.
Chris and Jim and John and Antonio and Dave and Chili.
Dave and Chili's first up.
In fact, all these people held for over an hour.
They all get
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I woke up 6 a.m.
this morning.
I looked at my iPhone, my little digital tracker system, and I saw the top story in the country.
It was not Jeff Sessions, it was me.
Every major TV show.
Every major news show.
And I thought, man, I don't mind these lies about me because people will find the real show and find out what I'm really saying.
But man, is this going to go all the way through next week with this Megyn Kelly hit piece and how she probably edited me and all the rest of it?
I thought, I wonder if there'll be some terror attack or some event that gets me out of the news.
I remember thinking, well, I hope they're in the terror attack, but man, I'm really sick of being in the news, even though I asked for all this.
It's not fun.
I'm in a war.
I expect it.
I'm ready for it.
And then about an hour and a half later, I started getting the calls about the baseball game and the rest of it, you know, like eight in the morning.
Let me tell you, when you're the top news story in the country, it's weird.
And when they're lying about you, it's even weirder.
And I'm not complaining.
It just shows how weak they are, that they're worried about me.
What they're really worried about is you, and the guests we have on here at the broadcast, and our affiliates, and our sponsors, and the fact that they can't take us down without guests killing me.
The problem is, the Democrats and the Globalists are now going to that.
They're killing people.
They're calling for debt, they want war, and at some point,
I guess they're gonna get it.
I mean, I don't want to see them defeated, but I've looked at all the angles.
Man, they start a real war with the Patriot movement?
I mean, killing is our business, lady.
Globalist, all of you people.
That's why we built America, was trying to stop doing that.
Killing people and overrunning scum like you and dominating you is real easy.
We're trying to build you up, not kill you.
See, we're beyond parasites like you that want to make weak people weaker to dominate them.
We want to empower weak people, but we're not going to be dominated by you.
You understand?
So you're pushing it a little too far, and your false flags won't work.
You're losers.
You were losers from the start.
So the globalists and Hillary and all of them know this.
I got your number and I know you know that.
So you want to play chicken ram heads?
Let's do it.
I'm ready.
Just get ready because you're going to be broken.
You're going to fall.
You're going to be with your father forever.
Now look at you and Bill Clinton, and you're Chelsea and all.
Thank God I'm not with dishonorable people like you.
Thank God!
Let's go to Dave and Shelly.
Dave, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Well, thanks for having me today.
I want to say this.
If you're setting up a network, I want to be able to point my satellite dish at a free satellite and receive your content over my TV rather than through the Internet.
Now, my second point is this.
In order for President Trump to get rid of that face hugger that's on the American economy, he's got to send federal troops into the Federal Reserve.
And stop calling it the Federal Reserve!
Well, I think that what they're really trying to do is exactly what you say.
They're setting him up.
They're setting him up for a big fault.
They don't want this guy in charge.
They don't want him in charge.
Because he knows what their endgame is.
He's old-fashioned.
He wants American prosperity.
He doesn't get we can just screw all the people and be globalists.
Trump's totally real.
He wants everyone off welfare.
He doesn't want anybody on welfare.
He wants everybody working.
He wants them to make a living.
He wants them to prosper.
And so a bunch of Hollywood scum want him dead.
Dave, love you brother.
We'll be right back.
Fourth Hour.
Stay with us.
More calls in Rogerstone.
Democrats have had their terror attack.
And Wolf Blitzer, the videos on Infowars, he's as happy as a pig and you know what?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
I'll meet him in a hotel room every motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
I'd like to punch him in the face.
Kiss my motherf***er.
We're gonna play the full clip to start the next segment with Roger Stone, but if you look at James T. Hodgkinson,
The shooter of the police officers, innocent people, and the congressman.
He's another spoiled brat little punk.
Like Mickey Rourke or any of these guys.
That sit there and believe Hollywood that Trump's a Nazi and Trump wants to screw everybody because he wants to give jobs and raise the stock market and doesn't want to screw people.
And they just get off on getting upset and get off on bitching.
And they're just a sick, sick group of people that want to be violent, want to be bullies, and feel good about themselves.
They get the dumbest, dumbest, dumbest people.
Like moths to a flame to buy into their system.
It's time for us to stop being intimidated by them, and stop laying down to them.
The Civil War ought to be, don't do business with Democrats, don't associate with them, don't talk to them, you know, unless they admit they're mentally ill.
I mean, I'm serious, because they're just a bunch of
Hey Alex, thanks.
I just wanted to make two points.
One is,
I don't think so.
No, I agree with you, but more and more the globalists are just criminals.
The globalists are just an out-of-control group.
They've got a bunch of brainwashed minions that believe mainstream TV, that think it's okay to go kill people because it's, quote, political.
I mean, what's going to happen if Will Blitzer gets gunned down, God forbid, and the person says, it's just political, you know, boom, boom, boom?
No, they'll do like they did with Gabby Giffords.
They'll blame it on the Republicans even though they got the charter with a Democrat.
But think about what a dinosaur CNN is.
It's been around 40 years.
Or think about ABC, CBS, NBC.
It's been around 90 years.
I mean, these are jokes.
Well, the other thing we have to do is call for
What kind of American Express?
They're continuing to fund that Kill Trump play that Delta and the other sponsors pulled out of.
We need to highlight that.
You think the dinosaur media knows they're already dead?
Or do you think they haven't figured that out yet?
I think they're telling themselves they're not.
That they're still in control.
You're right, it's the zombie media.
And they've still got the corporate funding.
And so it's just a crazy time to be alive.
Thank you so much, Jim.
We're going to go to a caller, thank you, in North Carolina here in a moment.
We're going to go to Chris in North Carolina.
I'm going to introduce Roger Stone coming up.
Go ahead, Chris.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
I love you guys, and I just want to say I'm a black male.
I've been listening to you for years.
And the only reason I say that is because if, you know, you got new listeners or just media people that's listening, you know, I want them to know that you are not a racist.
You're not crazy.
Everything you're saying is stated facts.
You can look this stuff up.
You can research it for yourself.
Hold on, I want to hear more of this!
You don't mind holding, and by the way, I've been holding for over an hour, so not that you care about this, but if you want something from InfoWareStore.com, just tell us and we'll ship it to you for holding.
My rule is, if you hold over an hour, I'm going to send you a free t-shirt or a bottle of X2.
We've got free shipping store-wide right now.
Stay there, Chris.
I'm going to come back, introduce Stone, finish up with you, and I'm going to get out of here.
I've got a bunch of work to do, plus I'm going to watch the show, but I want to hear about this because, yeah,
So many people I know in entertainment do whatever they're told, but this guy didn't do that, and that's the answer.
Follow your own dream, and then even if you make less money, you keep more of the money you make.
The fake news continues.
In a Vox Pops segment about the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey, MSNBC was caught trying to pretend that a former Obama campaign director was just a random woman on the street giving her opinion.
And the fact that he would make a very specific request to have everybody else leave the office so that he would be alone with Comey, for me,
It speaks volumes.
Well, it turns out that this random woman just happened to be political strategist Alma Marquez.
But this is what we've all learned to expect from the establishment news media, where perhaps the worst reputation belongs to CNN, who has a long history of questionable news reporting, including the recent staged Muslim anti-terror protest.
Where you can clearly see host Becky Anderson directing the entire scene.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
Let's go to Dabbin in Florida.
Dabbin in Florida.
You're on the air.
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He's not a tough guy.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
And he can suck my f***ing a**.
He's a con, a bullsh** artist, a mutt.
I'll meet him in a hotel room every motherf***ing day of the week and give him a Louisville slugger.
I'd like to punch him in the face.
Kiss my motherf***ing a**, you bitch, punk, t*** sucker.
Pointing what appears to be a water gun in the image of President Donald Trump projected on a whiteboard, our teacher Payal Modi has now been seen by countless viewers across the internet.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage.
Pictures and video depicting comedian Kathy Griffin holding the bloody decapitated head of President Trump are no joking matter for the Secret Service.
The rhetoric that has inspired the violence has come from the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
They're involved in the coup, an active attempt to start a bloody civil war.
Ladies and gentlemen, they lost the election, they had fake polls, they gave the questions to the debate and the answers to Hillary beforehand, and they still lost.
The EU, the Communist Chinese, the corrupt Pope, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, they all gave 20 to 1.
It's 20 to 1.
They gave 2 billion to Hillary and big banks gave like a million dollars to Trump.
So that's bigger than 20 to 1.
It's like 200 to 1.
Basically Trump got nothing from the establishment and the entire global power structure threw everything it had behind Hillary and they failed.
And then they start writing articles about we're going to use COG, we're going to kill Trump, we're going to kill his family, we're going to kill Roger Stone, and they poison him with polonium, we're going to get Alex Jones, we're going to boycott him, they take our sponsors, they take us off Google Ads, we're going to get him, we're going to get him, we're going to take his kids away, we're going to, we're going to, I mean these people are crazy!
And so what do we do as a country now that a congressman, two police officers, and two other citizens are shot, and some pig, some Bernie Sanders supporter, we're told, probably a Hillary supporter, who says it's time to destroy Trump and his people.
Then we watch CNN.
I've been watching CNN all day.
Well, it's just political.
Well, he's not evil.
He was just upset about politics.
So if somebody chills Hillary Clinton,
Or kills Bill Clinton, or kills Wolf Blitzer, or kills Nancy Pelosi, or Maxine Waters, or kills any of these people!
Which I don't want to happen.
God forbid.
We're winning politically.
We're winning with ideas.
I mean, America and free market?
Versus Venezuela?
Versus North Korea?
Not a hard sell.
We want to keep things peaceful.
We're winning.
We like it.
We like working.
We like America.
We like going to the ballgame.
We like airplanes.
We like food.
We like medicine.
We like being successful.
We're America!
You go out to communist rallies with the Muslims this weekend in Austin, all over the country beating up peaceful people.
The cops do nothing.
But this is the natural vacuum where we sit here and act weak and they just attack us.
Communists walk around with their fingers on their triggers on M-16s, I don't even know how to use them, like pointing them at cops.
I couldn't believe the cops didn't kill them.
I'm not for a police state, but let me tell you, communists are even worse!
Because they want their own police state once they bully us into submission!
Here's a clip, and we're handing this over to Roger Stone to finish up with Chris in North Carolina, of Wolf Blitzer today.
And they go, oh, the producer says go to this clip.
So they go to a guy in a feed, a friend of this James T. Hodgkinson, who was running around, go, those Republicans?
Yeah, start shooting everybody.
And he says, he was not evil, he was upset about politics.
Wolf Blitzer goes, hmm.
Then I kept watching Wolf Blitzer, he goes, let's talk about why he was politically mad.
Does it Wolf Blitzer get that once he opens the door to this monster?
People that had chivalry, we said we didn't target women and children, not because we were wimps, but because we cared about our families and knew how vicious war was.
You guys aren't warriors.
You're betas.
And then you want to make war on the warriors.
I talked to one PSYOP guy, and he said, it's like it's a setup.
I mean, these people have no idea.
Because once they open the door, once they start the Civil War, which it appears is starting, there's not going to be anywhere for you people to hide.
I mean, killing people is easier than cooking dinner.
I mean, you understand, like, killing people is like going on a bird hunt.
I mean, it's real easy and real men do it like they put their boots on in the morning.
You people do it all stylized.
Kill, kill, kill.
You want to kill us?
You are opening the gate to destruction.
I want to fix this.
I want to stop this.
But these spoiled brats have hijacked the country because we were asleep.
They're so pissed they think it's still theirs.
I don't know.
Here's the club of Wolf Blitzer.
Stand by Art, we're just getting some tape in of an acquaintance of James Hodgkinson, the 66-year-old shooter, describing some of his political, perhaps, motivations.
Listen to this.
I just want to let people know that he wasn't evil.
That he was, I guess, tired of some of the politics that are going on.
That's what we just heard.
Perhaps he wasn't evil, just tired of the politics that's going on.
I mean, imagine if we had somebody on that just shot a bunch of people and we said, oh, it's just politics, no big deal, not evil.
Our career would be over.
But it's like another little fat obese, not against being fat, but you know, eats like the food of eight people in Africa and just bitching.
We want everything free.
We're all upset.
You know, we watch MSNBC and stuff and we're pissed and we didn't do anything.
We just go kill people and shoot people.
I mean, you know, I'm sitting in the sea monster.
You don't mind if I kill you?
I mean, you don't mind if I shoot you?
I mean, we don't know what you... Roger Stone, what the hell is going on?
Alex, this is the direct manifestation of a climate of hate that has been whipped up by the mainstream media, egged on by the left wing of the Democratic Party, their compatriots.
This is the direct result of Kathy Griffin holding up the severed head of the President of the United States, and their insane drive for regime change, despite the facts.
In the background you have the Special Prosecutor, Mr. Mueller, moving aggressively to try to remove our President, to achieve what they couldn't achieve at the ballot box.
And these are the shock troops, they think.
This is extraordinary because we both know
If this had been a Democratic congressman and a right-of-center shooter, we would be all over this because of the hateful ideology of the shooter.
Now we're giving the shooter a pass, and mark my words, the media will come back and blame the president for creating the atmosphere that caused the shooting of a Republican congressman.
I don't get this beta death dance where they want a civil war they're going to lose.
I don't understand it.
I think I can explain it.
You see, they think this is Venezuela.
They think that they can roll in with their thug tactics, and they can circumvent the rule of law, they can hijack the system, and they can undo the results of the last election.
The point is, this isn't Venezuela, it's Colombia.
And there are too many people in the country who are armed.
And committed to the rule of law, who are committed to truth.
So if Mr. Mueller puts forward a bogus case against the President, despite all of the legal experts who have told us that there is no obstruction of justice, if having found nothing in the phony Russian collusion
Uh, narrative.
They now switch to, uh, you know, Trump's obstructed justice in his efforts to remove, uh, to stop the investigation into General Flynn.
Uh, I don't think patriots will stand for it.
We're going to have a, we're going to spiral into anarchy.
We're going to have a cycle of violence like the country has never seen.
So what do you think Wolf Blitzer and flashback Tim Kaine on Infowars.com, Loretta Lynch called for blood and death in the streets.
I mean, every major Democratic publication calling for violence.
What are they going to do when somebody, God forbid, kills Wolf Blitzer, kills Kathy Griffin, kills Bill Clinton, kills Hillary Clinton, kills him, and then they just say, it's just political, he wasn't evil.
No, they'll seek to blame us for anything that happens.
That's kind of part of the narrative.
And right now they could probably use a martyr.
It's not good for their narrative that it was a conservative Republican congressman who was shot by some left-wing kook.
That doesn't fit their narrative.
Who said it's time to destroy Trump and company?
But let's be clear, reprisals spawn reprisals, and pretty soon everything will spiral out of control.
But the good news is conservative libertarians are so restrained, I don't think we'll even respond.
We'll just keep letting them dig their grave.
But they've got their big summer of rage.
Soros has doubled the funding for riots, cop killing, all of it.
What's going to happen?
Look, it kind of depends on a triggering event.
In other words, Soros and the lefty shock troops need a course of action.
The left, within the Democratic Party, has failed to make the case on Russian collusion.
They are now going to try to make the case on obstruction of justice, and if that fails, they will attempt to pretend that the president is mentally feeble, he's got Alzheimer's.
And you predicted that a few months ago.
He's non-compos mentis.
It's all BS.
And we will see how far they go.
Mr. Mueller is a establishment stooge.
The fix is in.
He is going to indict our president despite the facts, and he is going to spark a civil war in this country.
This isn't going to be 1974, where conservatives sit back and let them depose our president.
Not happening.
Not happening.
By the way, that's not just confidence.
I'm looking historically at the tea leaves and just gut
They, just like they lost the election through arrogance, just like they tried to, they are literally about to enter their Waterloo.
Feeling it?
I don't think they realize what they're about to face, because, I mean, the military's not putting up with it.
Well, the average patriot's not going to put up with it.
They cannot usurp the rule of law, ignore the Constitution, let criminals like Bill and Hillary and Barack Obama go free after they've been caught red-handed, wiretapping and stealing, and prosecute Donald Trump?
Not going down that way.
It's like they arrogantly all convince each other in their criminal action where they're all over the news saying kill Trump, kill his family and then this guy goes and starts shooting people and they're trying to like spin that.
I mean don't they understand what they're doing?
Don't they understand that most people aren't buying it?
I mean what are they thinking when they call for violence?
Don't they know that the people that call for violence first lose?
I think that perhaps we underestimate the arrogance of the political establishment.
If you've controlled events tightly for 30 years, and you put down other pro-freedom insurrections in their view, why shouldn't you be able to put down this one?
After all, they control the mainstream media, and they still don't recognize that they're losing power with every passing day.
They're used to dictating the tune in this country through their control of both parties, and the elites in both parties.
And therefore, they may think that these tactics will still work.
They may think they have the upper hand.
As long as we have a free and vibrant alternative media, that won't be the case.
Their only chance for success
Is to silence us here at InfoWars, and at Breitbart, and at Stone Cold Truth, and at the Daily Caller, and at every media outlet that isn't aligned with the... Now enters Megyn Kelly.
Look, look, I didn't do 15 minutes like Putin, so he totally kicked her ass.
It was a profile, it was really an investigative hit piece.
She interviewed me for four hours at least.
I already saw the promo clip.
They edited it out of context.
It's not what I was even saying.
What are they going to do though when I've got the tapes of what really happened?
And then what are they thinking?
Do you think it's a shill?
A PR stunt?
Where they claim that people are really pulling their advertising just to give it hype?
Trying to prop up her failing flagging show?
Are they lit me up from below with a flashlight?
Or are they even turning on their own?
Roger, you're an astute guy.
What do you think is really happening with this Megyn Kelly fiasco?
Couple different things, Alex.
First of all, I heard that they, like, held you in some safe house at 9 o'clock at night, jacked the heat up to 100 degrees.
10 o'clock at night, yeah.
You know, in an obvious attempt.
The way you're lit from below, this is all kind of pyrotechnics that should be obvious to people.
Megyn Kelly's problem here is she has a giant backlash.
She's doing this to screw you, but her left-wing buddies think that she's doing it and that
Benefit from from expended exposure.
They don't get it.
She's they don't get we already got 50 times the exposure from their backlash They're so stupid And Alex I urge you to take the tape of her initial phone call to you and release it Because it wasn't privileged.
I believe that's it's being it's being it's being it's being prepared right now my friend I mean, I believe that's legal in Texas and people need to know you know what this woman's like what a viper She is I had one of the top
Woman commentators at Fox tell me to my face, this woman is a dangerous, dangerous, vicious, unprincipled climber.
Listen, I was talking to her about five minutes and she was coming on to me so hard, I thought, this is a setup, I gotta record it.
So I didn't even have an app to record on my phone, I had another office phone, so I was recording while I'm driving and I said, let me get to the office in about five minutes and call you back.
It was like a Saturday, I was up there working, so I called her back.
And I've got the two phone calls, and Rob Doo's in there getting them downloaded right now.
And I mean, it's exactly what I remembered.
I mean, you talk about, you know, she was just, it was so over-the-top fake.
Just, oh, how, oh, I'm so amazing, and oh, she can't wait to meet me.
Like, and I kept saying, lady, you hate me.
I'm not stupid.
If you want to do the peace fight, stop acting like you're turned on by me.
We all know you're not.
So, it was just completely fake.
Yeah, look, she's a viper, but as Nietzsche said, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
And the more people who realize that you're out there, and you're speaking the truth, and you're not afraid to take on this witch, and you know and you acknowledge right up front that they're going to edit the daylights out of the interview, and they're going to take everything you say out of context, and therefore nothing you see can completely be believed,
I still think you benefit.
You're the guy who had the courage to get in the arena with this witch, given her track record.
Roger Ailes makes her career at Fox.
She knifes him in the back with a completely false claim of sexual harassment.
Now let's expand.
There was a Washington Post article today, not about me and Megyn Kelly, but just to understand media, and it was like Alex Jones preparing his audience for the interview.
I knew it was a hit piece.
I said before, I knew that they're so discredited, this only makes us bigger because I thought there'd be a bunch of hype around it, not as big as I... I mean, it's bigger than I thought, but...
It's not us putting a good face on it.
We know our regular audience doesn't care what she does or how she edits it.
So we know we're just going to get some more new audience.
It's a win-win.
But I was there.
I know it was said.
She said things like, oh, you know, you talked about Newtown not happening.
I hurt people's feelings.
And I explained, no, I looked at all different angles.
I didn't think it happened.
But they staged the WMDs in Iraq, and they staged the babies in the incubators.
So they've lied about babies before.
And so, you know, none of the media cares about the 500,000 kids that died under expanded sanctions under the Clintons.
Well, she just cut the end part about the Clintons and sanctions to make it sound like a dodge.
I said, they've staged babies in incubators under Bush 1.
And then they did it again, and Madeleine Albright said it was a good price to pay.
So it could have been staged, because they stage things.
So she cuts it where it makes no sense.
So that's what they did.
And from the one clip they played, I know that's not what I said.
It's chopped up.
Well, and these mainstream media morons refuse to acknowledge that the government has, throughout history, staged false acts.
Perhaps some of you remember the Gulf of Tonkin attack on us, which never actually happened.
And frankly, anybody who will examine the alleged gas attacks by Assad on his own people, which are completely illogical in view of the fact that he claims he's given up his chemical weapons.
The UN said it was a false flag.
And the Russians have vouched for him, so he's going to put his patrons at risk?
Not a chance.
That was done by our intelligence agencies as a provocation to pull on the President's heartstrings and go for a wholesale invasion of Syria.
The President, way too smart for that, narrows this down to a surgical strike, and he makes his point on the world stage that we're not going to take any crap, but he doesn't buy their secret plan by General McMasters, the Builder Burger insider who's burrowed into the Trump White House, to put 150,000 troops on the ground.
That's right.
I'm going to let you take over.
Thanks for letting me jump in on your latest news at InfoWars.com, but I promise to let Chris have a final comment.
From North Carolina, before you take over, we have free shipping store-wide at InfoWarsTore.com.
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Chris, in North Carolina, you're on the air with StoneColdTruth.com host, Roger Stone.
Yes, sir.
I was just going to finish up with just saying that the reason it's called programming is because that's what they're doing to people.
It's called radio programming because they're programming them.
It's called TV programming because they're programming you.
You guys are programming us with the truth.
They're programming with the lies.
I just want to say, um, hopefully y'all can keep the pressure on.
Y'all got him, man.
Y'all have him.
You got him.
Hey, listen, Chris, it's you, the listeners.
I don't just say that to make you feel good.
Without you, we're nothing, my friend.
I agree.
Thank you, Chris.
You're awesome.
Let me give Chris a show.
Chris just said it all and I'm going to end on this and hand the baton.
Every day I wake up and I think this.
What's old is new.
We tend to get in the new cycle.
I'm the worst about it.
Kind of OCD or kind of ADHD and obsess on what's new.
Those emails, tens of thousands of them, with all the crime, all the corruption, the money laundering, the Clinton Foundation, you know, the Clinton's daughter involved in it all, that's all there.
They hope we forget about that.
We need to bring all that back as greatest hits and hammer the hell out of it.
In my gut, I know that's the victory.
So what that caller just said is the key, Roger Stone.
Well Alex, one of Stone's rules, and probably the most important one, which of course I purloined from Winston Churchill, attack, attack, attack.
Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, what did they know about the NSA's illegal spying on hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Americans?
That's unconstitutional, it's a crime, it's time for a grand jury, and for us to go on the attack.
No, I agree.
I've always followed your rules instinctively without knowing your rules.
And a few times I tried to be journalistic and kind of back off when we're halfway wrong.
They attacked me and made me weak.
So, I'm just like, oh, you don't want me to actually fix stuff, to be honest.
You just want to make me look bad.
No more.
No more.
No more settling lawsuits.
No more backing off.
I'm going back to my instincts.
No more.
Attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack,
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So the Democrats are getting what they wanted.
Well it seems all these calls for violence are finally working.
Majority Whip Representative Steve Scalise out of Louisiana was shot this morning along with several other aides and Capitol guards.
And already there are some amazing quotes coming out of the situation.
Representative Rand Paul said it would have been a massacre had there not been good guys with guns.
Representative Ron DeSantis recounted an odd encounter he had as he was leaving the field just before the shooting.
There was a guy that walked up to us and asked whether it was the Republicans or Democrats out there.
And it was just a little odd, DeSantis told Fox.
One of the most harrowing accounts is from Representative Mo Brooks, who talks about taking refuge inside the dugout, applying tourniquets to another injured person, and then running out to the field to help Representative Scalise apply pressure to his wound.
But here is one of the most important things he said.
It's not easy when you see people around you being shot and you don't have a weapon yourself.
Now, Democrats are going to come out of the woodwork and call for more gun control.
But at this time, we should not be relinquishing any of our rights, especially in this climate of violence that is all being sown by the Democrats and leftists.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for the much beleaguered but unbowed Alex Jones.
The mainstream media assault on him continues unabated.
Yet I'm confident that as his interview with Megyn Kelly airs, people will see through the viciousness, the manipulation, and the true motives of Ms.
Kelly and her failing NBC news show.
I saw recently that reruns on CBS are pulling a much greater rating than Ms.
I want to be very clear about where we are headed in terms of the efforts to unseat our president.
It's very important to understand exactly who Robert Mueller, the special counsel, colloquially called a special prosecutor, is.
But above all, it's important to understand that Mr. Mueller was appointed
Solely on the authority and the direction of Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Meaning he was not appointed either at the direction of the President, nor at the direction of the President's Attorney General, former Senator Jeff Sessions.
Sessions recused himself from the entire Russian matter, in my opinion unwisely, and evidently to the consternation of the President, who was unaware that that recusal was coming.
We'll look at Mr. Rosenstein in just a moment, but first let's look at Mr. Mueller.
This fellow was appointed, as I say, by Rosenstein.
Mr. Mueller was James Comey's immediate predecessor as the FBI director, and he was appointed to that position by George W. Bush when he replaced his deputy.
That wasn't the first time Mr. Comey and Mr. Mueller's paths would cross.
In fact, I think it would be fair to call them cronies.
We now know, incredibly, that Mr. Mueller met with and coached Mr. Comey before his Senate testimony in recent days, in which he falsely accused the President of obstruction of justice.
We also know, historically, that Mr. Mueller has been a hitman and executioner for both the Clintons and the Bushes, proving that he is a loyal soldier of the deep state and the neocons who have dominated both parties essentially for the last 30 years.
It was
Only recently that I was reminded that it was Mr. Mueller who removed all of the anti-Islamic terrorism information from the FBI's training manuals.
So he is politically correct and has been part and parcel of the efforts within both the Bush and Clinton administrations to lay down to radical Islam.
It is not just a question of Mr. Mueller's intention.
Now we know that he is actively hiring Obama-era appointees from the Justice Department to aid in his investigation of the President.
What is there to investigate?
The facts are known.
Legal scholars across the spectrum have made it clear that there is no obstruction of justice.
So what gives?
It's very simple.
Mr. Mueller is determined to bring a charge of obstruction against the President regardless of the facts and regardless of the fact that he has no case.
Having failed with his friends at the NSA and the CIA and the others in the intelligence community to make a case for Russian collusion to assist Donald Trump, a scandal for which there is still not to this day an iota of evidence that would hold up in American court of law, we now conjure this phony obstruction
As a triggering point for the zanies in the left wing of the Democratic Party, bolstered by Mr. Soros, to trigger the insurrection on the ground to destabilize the government and seek to remove Donald Trump in the kind of frenzy we saw surrounding the fall of President Richard Nixon.
Now, while we focus on Mr. Mueller, I think it's important to take a look at Mr. Rosenstein.
Because looking at Rosenstein's background really informs us about the correctness of the sequence of events that I have just predicted to you.
Mr. Rosenstein is an appointee of the Trump administration.
But that does not mean, unfortunately, that he is a conservative or an anti-globalist, because as we know, under the watchful eye of Reince Priebus, never-Trumpers have infiltrated the Trump administration at extraordinary levels.
How else would one explain the presence of
Dina Habib Powell, best friend of Valerie Jarrett, best friend of Huma Abedin, the right-hand woman and gal pal and vice chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
And then the third BFF in this little group, Condoleezza Rice, the failed, discredited national security advisor
To President George W. Bush, who helped lie our way into the Iraq War.
Dean is a charter member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
She is a charter former employee of the Bush White House.
And she has Never Trump written all over her.
Why is she in the Trump White House?
Why indeed is she now the candidate of Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump to be Donald Trump's next chief of staff?
Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
You have establishment Republican Reince Priebus
Who has no idea how Trump was elected and does not understand his base constituency in the country.
And who has loaded the White House with Republican establishment quizlings, whose loyalty is not to the President, but to the Republican National Committee.
We would go from that to an extreme neocon, who throughout her entire career has opposed everything that Donald Trump stands for.
In any event, Mr. Rosenstein, like Ms.
Powell, has infiltrated this administration and has taken it upon himself to appoint a special prosecutor.
And that special prosecutor, Mr. Mueller's job, is to take down our president.
Again, the facts won't matter.
Slate Magazine said when Rosenstein was hired that he would be an adequate check against the extremely right-wing Jeff Sessions.
The Deep State mouthpiece, the Washington Post, often called the Washington Compost, called Rosenstein a fabulous choice for this position and one that should be completely free of controversy, claiming that Rosenstein is admired and respected.
When Slate and the Washington Post are praising you, you can bet you're an establishment insider.
There's other things in Mr. Rosenstein's biography that send up red flags.
Harvard Law, never good news.
The Wharton School, well that's a plus, that's where the president went.
And then a clerkship in the U.S.
Court of Appeals.
But as you start digging into Mr. Rosenstein,
The picture becomes darker.
It turns out that Rosenstein and Mr. Mueller go way back.
In fact, to the beginning of Rosenstein's career at the Justice Department in the 1990s.
The word crony would not be too strong.
And it is absolutely clear that both of these men have firm ties to the Deep State.
Both of them loyal vassals of the Bush machine.
So, Mr. Rosenstein went from being the hand-selected, right-out-of-Harvard deputy to Mr. Mueller
To his new position in charge of the public integrity section of the criminal division back in the 90s, when he would move on from that job, none other than Robert Mueller, now in charge of the false investigation, I should say, the investigation into the false Russian narrative.
And who should appoint Mr. Mueller but, as I said, Mr. Rosenstein?
Wait, it gets better!
Rosenstein then moves on to become a clean-up man for, you guessed it, Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Serving as independent counsel from 1995 to 1997, Mr. Mueller, pardon me, not Mr. Rosenstein, supervised the investigation and found no purpose, no criminal prosecution against White House officials
Who had rummaged through FBI records to get background reports for the use in political blackmail.
So, Mr. Mueller has done a great job of covering up for Bill and Hillary.
And his service, like Mr. Comey's, goes back to the beginning.
James Comey, as we know, gave the Clintons a pass in the Sandy Berger affair.
That's when Berger stole National Archives records that would have proved
That President Bill Clinton could have killed Osama Bin Laden, but didn't.
He gave the Clintons a pass in the Mark Rich case.
You remember Mark Rich.
He was the international billionaire fugitive who funneled several million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in return for a pardon.
Of course, Prosecutor Comey, the man who first convicted Rich,
Found no illegality.
Nobody went to jail.
In fact, Mr. Comey goes all the way back to the Whitewater investigation.
You may not remember Whitewater.
It's a complicated real estate matter.
But let me put it to you this way.
No one involved got any money.
But Bill Clinton got $850,000 with which to finance his comeback TV blitz when he went back to the governor's office.
And because of the good work of Mr. Comey, no one was prosecuted in that matter either.
So Mr. Mueller, Mr. Rosenstein, Mr. Comey, this is a matched set of cronies whose careers intersect.
And that's why I say to you, this goose is cooked.
This is a done deal.
There will be a move on our president.
Now sadly, this week, Chris Ruddy, my friend from Newsmax, revealed that among the options he believed the president was looking at was firing Mr. Mueller.
Not the worst idea I've ever heard, but I think now that the element of surprise has been removed and that it's probable that that was leaked to Mr. Ruddy by some on the White House staff in an effort to discredit the idea and perhaps to preclude from the President that option.
My advice to the President, begin exposing who Mueller is today.
Begin exposing his motives today.
Begin exposing his history today.
Because by the time he makes his phony recommendation, his public credibility will be at an all-time low.
This is not
Venezuela, this is Colombia.
If you push patriots too far, you are going to create a spiral of violence and insurrection.
If you jump the rule of law, if you cheat to try to remove this president, this country will experience a backlash like you have never seen.
I want to remind you that we are continuing to have an ongoing fight with the tech left and their efforts to kneecap us here at InfoWars and frankly at every alternative conservative media outlet.
Manipulating the algorithms and a dozen other tools being used by Amazon, by Yahoo, by Twitter, by Facebook, and above all by Google, in an effort to stop us from communicating with you.
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It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for the great Alex Jones.
There's chilling new developments in the tech left's war on free speech and on a free, open internet.
See, they want to crack down on the alternative voices that are featured here at InfoWars and that you've come to rely on from Stone Cold Truth.
Facebook, in accord with its diverse
The strategic plan to eliminate, quote, fake news has rolled out its latest bag of tools designed to censor information that arrives in users' news feeds that they are uncomfortable with.
Retweaked algorithms will now filter out clickbait stories that Facebook has decided leave out and exaggerate facts.
Other storylines that Facebook finds objectionable will now be tagged with a disputed label.
And what about links to web pages that Facebook has determined have little substance or contain disruptive, shocking, or malicious advertisements such as, shall we say, the truth?
Well, they will be relegated either entirely off the page or segregated perpetually at the bottom of the feed with little chance of changing anyone's mind.
This is the tech left's idea of free speech.
Leftist foundations were the primary financiers of this effort.
Soros and the Ford Foundation poured nearly $200 million into the coffers of so-called open internet advocates.
But they too were joined by the Silicon Valley monopolies, like Google and Facebook, who recognized regulation as further leveraging their monopoly and their control of the internet.
Self-serving and symbiotic, this was a strategy guaranteed to boost their already obscene wealth while advancing their left-wing, godless, globalist agenda.
Helped, of course, that companies like Google owned the Obama White House.
With Google officials visiting the White House more than 425 times, with more than 258 Obama administration officials, executives had essentially a revolving door into the Obama administration.
Folks, this is the war that confronts us.
They will make every effort to kneecap us here at InfoWars, which is why I exhort you one more time, go to the InfoWars.com store and support us by buying a t-shirt or my book, The Making of the President 2016, or Prostagard, or any of the outstanding products.
Give us your support and we will continue the fight for freedom.
I'm speaking this Friday at the Cannabis Expo in New York City at the Javits Center.
If you are for freedom and support the 29 states that have legalized cannabis, you might want to come out.
But let me finish with this key thought.
Victory or death.
I'm Roger Stone, with many thanks for joining us here at InfoWars.
And again, go to the InfoWars store, folks.
This is the struggle of our times.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.