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Filename: 20170613_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 13, 2017
3460 lines.

Alex Jones talks about his interview with Megyn Kelly, accusing her of misrepresentation, and discusses topics such as Russian hacking scandal, politics, media, and the popularity of alternative media. He promotes Infowars products and encourages support for the organization. The video also touches on restoring the Republic, exposing scoundrels, Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony, Obama's back channel with Russia, and military-industrial complex interests.

You've found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Welcome into the Alex Jones Show.
Live for you this June 13th, 2017.
The Thought Criminal, Alex Jones.
How dare Megyn Kelly interview Alex Jones?
The Thought Criminal.
It's not like the mainstream media reported on weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, that we went to war over.
It's not like Charles Jaco from CNN was pretending to broadcast from Saudi Arabia when he was in a CNN studio in Atlanta.
No, it's not like...
Women crying over babies in incubators, a fake news story.
It's not like the entire mainstream media falling for the Aleppo boy, which it's now come out.
His father has told the story how basically the White Hats came and took him and took him for pictures.
And his father actually supports the Assad regime.
No, it's not like the media reporting on that.
It's not like Barack Obama telling you you can keep your doctor, you can keep your health care plan.
Jonathan Gruber calling the American public a bunch of idiots.
It's not like that.
It's not like the Gulf of Tonkin, a made-up story to send us to war.
It's not like the 28 secret pages of the 9-11 investigation that doesn't exist.
It wasn't Alex Jones, the thought criminal, that told you those lies, was it?
It was the mainstream media.
So now Alex Jones is demonized because he has original thought
He doesn't go with the official story and he goes with his gut and with his own historical research and analysis.
So now...
There is backlash for Megyn Kelly interviewing him.
I'm sure you've heard about all of this.
And the craziest part about this is, to me, which really shows you the nature of who's actually impacting America.
They want to say that the Russians hacked the election.
The Russians hacked here.
We've got news stories today.
38 new accounts where the Russians hacked.
40 new accounts.
All these new things.
The Russians.
The Russians.
The Russians.
So we're led to believe that the Russians are acting in hostility against this nation, led by Vladimir Putin.
Meanwhile, Megyn Kelly interviews Vladimir Putin.
Nobody even cares!
Nobody even knows!
Nobody even notices!
That Vladimir Putin gets interviewed by Megyn Kelly, this guy who's running all the elections!
He's affecting the elections in the United States!
He's affecting elections in Europe!
He's affecting all these elections!
Not George Soros!
It's Vladimir Putin!
Then Megyn Kelly interviews Vladimir Putin, doesn't even get a blip on the radar screen!
What does that tell you about what Americans think about this Russian scandal that doesn't exist?
But then Megyn Kelly dares!
To interview the thought criminal Alex Jones, and you've got all the stories now condemning Megyn Kelly.
As an advertiser, I'm repulsed.
JPMorgan Chase marketing boss pulls ads from Megyn Kelly's show in wake of uproar over upcoming Alex Jones.
The uproar!
There's an uproar!
Dangerous, hateful goon!
Twitter unloads on NBC for upcoming Alex Jones, Megyn Kelly interview.
It wasn't even an interview!
She came here to stage a hit piece!
So here, all of these people are freaking out that Megyn Kelly would even dare sit down with Alex Jones.
Meanwhile, they're in the process of putting together the ultimate hit piece on him.
They should be glad that Megyn Kelly came here to do a hit piece on Alex Jones.
They should be glad that Megyn Kelly came here for an entire day, for an 11 minute segment, featuring the thought criminal Alex Jones.
But no!
No, how dare, how dare Megyn Kelly!
I'll pull my ads!
No, no, no, don't worry about the New York Public Theater that's depicting the assassination of Donald Trump that now has people pulling ads and then American Express allegedly is not pulling their advertisements.
That was something I thought was going to happen, didn't happen.
It gets a standing ovation!
Oh, you depicted the assassination of the president!
Meanwhile, Russia's hacking everything.
Nobody cares that Megyn Kelly interviews Vladimir Putin.
And the mainstream media interviews former Obama, Democrat,
Campaign directors, and they act like they're just random people on the streets!
They've done this before, they do it again!
Fake news!
MSNBC pretends Obama campaign director is random woman on the street!
They rig everything in the fake news, that's why they hate Alex Jones, because he's real!
We'll hear from Alex Jones on the other side, he'll be back, live in this seat in just about an hour.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated trumpet, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences.
As major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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Let's go to Devon in Florida.
Devon in Florida.
You're on the air.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the heart of 1776!
Ladies and gentlemen, in the last 24 hours, according to Twitter, according to Google, according to Facebook, the number one trending story in the United States, one of the top stories in the world, has been Megyn Kelly, Alex Jones.
Those two names together.
Now you would think that having this huge firestorm controversy taking place,
MSM would actually interview me or would actually go to the live feeds and videos that I put out concerning the controversy.
But they won't do it.
Only a handful, USA Today, New York Daily News and others have actually run with the fact that I have said to end this controversy that I think the Megyn Kelly interview coming up on Father's Day this Sunday that she did with me last week here in Austin should be shelved.
Now the reason I say that is Megyn Kelly misrepresented my views and where I stand on Sandy Hook in the edit for the promo piece she put out.
And I'm sick and tired of it.
And I'll break more of that down in a few minutes.
But notice the big secret here is hidden in plain view.
I put out a video a year ago saying I believe Sandy Hook happened.
I put out a video two years ago saying I believed it leaned towards the official story being at least partially true, though they had some PR firms there and were trying to exacerbate and use the crisis.
As Rahm Emanuel said, don't let a good crisis go to waste.
And they will never actually quote what I said.
They will take a devil's advocate statement I made out of context.
Hillary Clinton ran ads in the campaign featuring me.
Manipulated and edited.
It's ongoing.
So imagine this.
I have come out and said again in a video yesterday and the day before, two different new videos, that I believe Sandy Hook happened and they will not run it anywhere but three publications when there are thousands and thousands and thousands.
Number one story.
Now think about that.
That is the deception.
What are they doing here?
They want to demonize new media, alternative media, by misrepresenting what we say and do.
They want to come in and start censoring new media and the internet.
And they're using InfoWars.com as the poster child for it.
And if they're able to do it to us, they can do it to you.
Now some will say then, well then why are you saying pull the interview if they're trying to misrepresent you and MSM?
To, to, to restrict your speech.
It's because Megan is playing along with it.
She's in with the Sandy Hook groups.
She speaks at their events.
This is all a big PR event.
Having them protest her then gives it more hype.
And then puts it out there like I'm the ultimate demon on the earth.
Imagine this.
A week and a half ago she interviews Putin.
Supposedly the evil, mass-murdering criminal, they claim.
But it's okay for her to talk to Putin.
Only Alex Jones is so bad.
Only Alex Jones is so evil that we can't see his interview, and on top of that, we can't hear what he actually has to say.
So the reason I'm saying, sure, don't air the interview, is because it's going to be edited to misrepresent what I said.
In the promo piece, she makes it sound like I'm saying Sandy Hook didn't happen.
When I explained to her both sides of it, and I explained that I only had debates, and looked at the full story.
It's incredible.
And so I'm tired of being misrepresented.
And despite the fact I came out yesterday and said, pull the interview.
Almost no coverage of that, even though it's sensational.
When this is the top story in the country, to have the person being interviewed to say yes, go ahead and pull it, and almost no coverage.
That's because they want the straw man.
The edited strawman of Alex Jones.
The doppelganger.
The imposter.
They want to use that and hold that up and then misrepresent what I've said or what I've done.
When I talk about the 28 pages and our government ordering a stand down for Saudi Arabia that's now been declassified and the 28 pages, they say that I say the firefighters blew up the World Trade Centers.
Firefighters were heroes, so were the police.
They were some of our witnesses to the bombs that were in the buildings.
Again, that's how they misrepresent.
I point out that in the Iraq war, they staged events.
And lied us into that conflict, claiming that babies were being thrown out of incubators, that babies were being killed, and all the rest of this garbage.
And that we can't just sit here and trust an MSM that has shown itself to be such incredible liars.
Why is this happening?
This is happening because dinosaur media, the term I coined, is in crisis, is falling apart.
The dwindling water holes they have of corporate money are evaporating, and new media that questions their lives in real time is popping up everywhere.
Just today, on InfoWars.com, there are tons of links to mainstream media being caught interviewing actors, interviewing political consultants, and claiming that they were just people on the street.
There's new articles coming out with a little boy that was bombed in Syria, supposedly by the Russians, and his family coming out and saying it was actually ISIS that bombed them.
I mean, everything they say is being reversed.
Everything they promote is being disproven.
So, what do they do when they're the fake media?
They go and they pick somebody who's prominent, like myself, who supports Americana, who supports the restoration of our republic, who supports President Trump, to try to destroy his base.
They try to destroy me.
And they try to also intimidate all of you, that if you ever question official narratives, you will be destroyed.
But I want to be clear, before I go over these articles.
Megyn Kelly,
She told me I'm not gonna get into Sandy Hook or any of this other stuff.
You know, I might just mention it and just let you clarify.
And then she interrogated me, asked me five or six times on each subject, never stopped, and then edited the promo piece together deceptively.
And that's why I'm saying don't air it, because I don't want to be used in another deception to drive wedges in this country.
And again, undoubtedly, for years, this whole Sandy Hook PR deal with Bloomberg and Big Money and MSM, not the families, but Big Money and MSM, clearly is synthetic, is fake, and is pushing this like it's war propaganda or something against myself and the independent media, just hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering where I stand and what I believe.
It is the fact that MSM is so untrusted.
That the public didn't buy Sandy Hook and there were anomalies.
And we'll go over some of those.
And we're allowed to ask questions.
And we're allowed to investigate.
Because that's what a free society is based on.
And governments are famous for staging things.
Or using real crises, but then exacerbating them.
And everybody knows that.
So again, all they're doing is building us up.
We're getting more traffic, more viewers, more supporters.
We're selling more products.
We're getting more sponsors knocking down our doors.
Which shows how pathetic MSM is.
But it also shows the fact that they are targeting people who are on the fence and don't know if MSM is telling the truth or not.
They're trying to bully and intimidate anybody that asks questions.
So let's look at these stories here.
A new Ben Garrison cartoon.
Based, of course, on my original term, dinosaur media.
You've got ISIS working with MSM, CNN.
You've got NBC.
They're down here in the waterhole getting their money.
And here comes Stefan Molyneux.
Here comes Paul Watson.
Here comes Cernovich.
Here comes the Infowars.
Here comes Drudge.
Here comes Breitbart.
And just like the meteors, just like the asteroids, just like the comet coming down and killing the dinosaurs, that's exactly what's happening here.
And then continuing.
This is a new story on InfoWars.com by Paul Joseph Watson.
Fake news.
MSNBC pretends Obama campaign director is random woman on the street.
That's how dumb they think you are.
And there's a bunch of examples where they also have actors and staged events just lately below it.
Remember this when they
You know, on election night had their own camera people being interviewed and claiming that they were just citizens.
This is why people don't trust them.
This is why people don't believe them.
This is an excellent article from Zero Hedge.
Alex Jones implores NBC not to air interview with liar Megyn Kelly.
This article better than anyone I've seen.
I'm going to post on Infowars.com.
That's right.
I believe kids die, but it needs to be investigated, and there is definitely a cover-up of the particulars.
They really get it together here.
Very, very important article.
And they also understand it's big news, when this is a top story, and I'm saying, hey, I want the interview pulled, but nobody will cover it.
USA Today and a few others.
Now let's continue right here with this.
Again, this computer's locking up.
Maybe that'll shut down here in just a minute.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen,
The globalists are absolutely panicking right now and we come back from break here in a few minutes.
I will get into some more of the history and some more of these articles and go over documented cases where our government claims kids are being killed.
I think so.
I think?
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
MSM, the dinosaur media, is absolutely panicking.
They do not know what to do.
And so now they are attempting to say that I'm even more evil than their top demon, Putin, and that I cannot be seen on NBC.
That will legitimize me.
No, actually, that will upset our listeners and folks that absolutely hate MSM.
The only reason I would go on it
We're good to go.
Failed, Megyn Kelly.
Megyn Kelly dropped his host for Sandy Hook Group's gala over Alex Jones' interview.
See, she's deep in bed with this.
And Bloomberg admits he's used the Sandy Hook Group's as a red shirt to wave around to demonize.
The second amendment and then blame all gun owners for the deaths.
Again, talk about a frame-up.
Talk about criminal and disgusting and using these poor grieving families.
Alex Jones doubles down on Sandy Hook conspiracy theory and disgusting Megyn Kelly interview because the way she edited the promo.
Not what I said.
I said I believed that people died.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, this is the type of garbage that we're dealing with.
Look, I know I'm moving fast here, and it's because there's so much evidence.
Remember the British ambassador coming out and saying that clearly the false flag chemical attack a few months ago in Syria was carried out by the rebels as an attempt to get the U.S.
to come into the war?
I mean, think about how our government funded the Arab Spring that's killed almost a million people and put radical jihadists in power, and Hillary makes jokes about, I came, I saw, he died.
Think about Madeleine Albright, who was Secretary of State under the Clintons, saying, yeah, half a million kids is no big deal, dying in Iraq for our war, with the sanctions that Clinton expanded.
Again, these are cold-blooded monsters.
And then they turn around and say, if we question events that clearly have big PR firms involved, that we somehow are monsters and evil.
It isn't gonna work.
Nothing can put mainstream media back together again.
Everybody knows about the baby in the incubators.
Everybody knows about other staged events.
Everybody knows about CNN caught staging fake halls at town halls and CNN caught, you know, giving the questions to Hillary from the debate beforehand and the WikiLeaks and how they're all colluding and the fake polls.
You guys are the globalists.
You're the enemies.
You're the people that have hijacked America.
You're the threat to our children.
You're the people that are cold and heartless and don't care.
Not us.
But again, I want to encourage people to read the Zero Hedge article that breaks it all down because they absolutely are on target with this report where they ask the questions that the media seems so scared that I might even actually talk about.
We're good to go.
Uh, porta-potties, sandwiches and fruit drinks and chips brought up and set up for the crime scene, uh, in just a few hours or so.
Sandy Hook, it just goes on and on.
An FBI crime stat which shows no murders occurred in Newtown in 2012.
Why didn't they let paramedics and EMTs in the building?
27 children were declared dead in 8 minutes.
Why was Adam Lanza's home burned to the ground by the bank?
Why have they declared all the records totally secret?
These are questions the public has.
They're the ones asking it.
They're the ones demanding it.
I've said I believe children did die there, but PR firms were involved, admittedly, hyping it up as much as possible.
But there's been a cover-up, and Anderson Cooper got caught faking where his location was with Blue Screen.
I mean, it's all there.
We don't know what happened.
I believe kids died.
But the same media that's faking a bunch of other stuff and faking war propaganda is saying that I have said things that I never said that have been taken out of context and now won't report when I'm saying don't air the interview on Father's Day to hurt fathers and demonize men.
And that you edited me out of context and that I don't want it aired.
Why won't they actually report on what I'm saying?
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWars.
Coming up, Owen Schroyer in studio for the next 30 minutes.
Then I'll be back in studio coming up live.
Please spread the word because the truth lives at InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I want to thank Maxine Waters for bringing us in here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex for about another half hour.
Then Alex will be back.
And I will then be back also as well for the fourth hour.
It's just ridiculous, the fake news against Alex Jones.
Honestly, I said this yesterday, I don't even want to talk about it.
I don't want to even give it any credence by talking about it.
It's just hilarious.
These lefties come up to me at the Sharia protest on Saturday, and they come up to me and they start laughing and cackling like, heh heh, your boss lost his kids, heh heh.
And I'm just standing there like, no, no he didn't.
They're like, what?
I read that he did.
No, not true at all.
In fact, again, he's with them today.
So, again, the left just totally falls for fake news.
All the time.
No discernment, no critical thinking, no logic, no common sense.
And this is the reality that I live in.
I have to go on the streets and deal with these absolute zombies.
And then you can call them zombies right to their face and they don't even know what to do.
Okay, let's get into some of the news though.
This is really incredible stuff that's breaking today.
I guess this story actually broke yesterday.
And we're seeing this more and more.
You had the voter fraud found in Virginia.
Now you've got voter fraud.
Twelve Indiana Democrats charged with falsifying registration.
In October, Indiana police raided the offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in North Indianapolis in a growing voter fraud case.
So they've got all these growing voter fraud cases.
Barack Obama says that voter fraud doesn't exist, rigged elections don't exist.
Project Veritas exposes the crime that's going on inside the Democrat Party.
WikiLeaks exposes the crime that's going on in the Democrat Party.
But you know what we got today?
With all of this buildup,
On the Democrats, who are the ones that are trying to rig elections, that's why they're blaming Russia, folks, because it was the Democrat.
And we'll get more into that.
That's what they do.
It's a Saul Alinsky technique.
Take what you're doing and then blame your opponent for doing that exact same thing.
So you've got all of these Democrats that are now getting caught with these voter fraud cases.
You can go back and look at ACORN.
When Obama was running it, perhaps the biggest documentation of voter fraud ever coming out of ACORN.
And then Barack Obama tells you he's never heard of a rigged election.
As the Democrats are currently being investigated for voter fraud, as the DNC has currently been sued,
For rigging the election against Bernie Sanders, rigging the primary, the Democrat process.
So, Sean Lucas, by the way, who filed that lawsuit, he's dead.
He's dead.
Seth Rich, who was running the tech operations for voter rolls and voter logs inside the DNC, yeah, he's dead.
He's dead too.
And then a prosecutor in Florida who was looking into illegal visas and visa fraud.
He's dead.
And you've got all of this proof building up of the Democrats rigging the election.
News stories breaking all the time.
Voter fraud here, voter fraud there.
But you know what we got today, folks?
You know what we got today?
This should sicken you.
House Intel Panel adds staff for Russia probe.
So we're putting more funding, we're putting more time, we're putting more energy, we're putting more attention on this Russia probe, which is a nothing of an investigation.
They've been investigating.
They found nothing.
And whatever they have found, they haven't been able to link to Trump to bring him down, which is the entire goal of this Russia investigation.
But don't you see?
Of course the Democrats want you to look at Russia.
Of course the Democrats want more funding to go to the Russia probe.
Of course they want to appoint a new special counsel, a new this, more funding.
Because that takes the attention off of them.
That takes the attention off the Democrats who are caught again rigging elections.
Caught again voter fraud, this time in Virginia.
And you wonder why.
This Russia probe continues to go on, folks.
It is a distraction from the caught red-handed voter fraud trying to rig, trying to hack the election that the Democrats are guilty of, folks.
That's the goal of this entire thing.
And so now today, everybody's praising Robert Mueller.
You had Paul Ryan, he gave a speech today urging President Trump to let Robert Mueller do his job.
That's what they're all saying now.
We trust Mueller.
Mueller's the right guy for the job.
Paul Ryan says, let Mueller do his job.
Deputy AG Rosenstein says, no good cause to fire Robert Mueller.
So, obviously,
I think Trump, perhaps, or people within Trump's cabinet were getting a little suspicious of Robert Mueller.
Perhaps stuff starts to surface and circulate about maybe him being relieved from this special investigation.
And so now the deep state, the establishment, the mainstream media is coming out telling you, Robert Mueller, good.
Yes, Robert Mueller, good.
Robert Mueller, trustworthy.
To try to hedge President Trump into a situation where he feels like he can't relieve Mueller of these duties or fire Robert Mueller, because now they're going to say that, again, he's trying to obstruct justice, he's trying to hide any evidence that they might be finding in this Russia probe where there is none.
And then you find this from Lifezet, Polizet.
Robert Mueller stocks staff with Democrat donors.
Special counsel's team includes former Clinton Foundation lawyer and contributors to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
And you'd think that there's a reason for President Trump to be suspicious about a former Bushite?
Somebody who came up in the wings with the Bushes?
Robert Mueller's investigation into this?
So they have to solidify Mueller's position in order to trap President Trump into not being able to relieve him from duty.
Of course, it doesn't even matter, because he's not going to find anything anyway.
It's just about the continuation.
It's about the continuation of the narrative.
It's about the continuation of the probe, the continuation of the investigation.
They know there's nothing to be found.
It's about distraction, and it's a PSYOP.
As long as you keep this narrative going, even though it's not real, even though there's nothing to it, as long as you keep it going, it's still there.
It still lingers.
It's still a shadow that they try to cast on President Trump.
And then, of course, if all of these depictions of his assassination come true, well then, you're just okay with that, aren't you?
Because he's been demonized that much.
Vice President Mike Pence is giving speeches and recently he talked about Obamacare.
And I wanted to highlight a couple tweets he made.
In Ohio, last statewide insurer will leave Obamacare.
The map's red counties are without coverage.
More than 13,000 Ohio citizens will be affected.
And then he also tweets out the map.
Right now, a third of American counties, including five whole states, only have one choice of Obamacare coverage.
You know what that's called?
A monopoly.
A monopoly.
We're supposed to have antitrust laws against monopolies, but Barack Obama, the good liberal, comes in here and wrecks our healthcare by bringing in what is essentially a socialist
Health care system.
So, you've got Barack Obama who tells you you can keep your doctor, you can keep your health plan.
You've got Jonathan Gruber who comes out and says, thank God the American public is so ignorant that they don't even know that we're screwing them over like this.
You've got Alex Jones who calls all of this out before it even goes down, years before.
He gets demonized by the mainstream media.
The mainstream media is now pushing back.
They're demonizing Alex Jones.
He's not allowed to do an interview with Megyn Kelly, even though it's a total hit piece, and even though Vladimir Putin just did one, and he's apparently the most evil villain in the world right now, it's okay for Megyn Kelly to interview him.
But again, this is the same mainstream media, folks, that lies to you time and time again.
This is the same mainstream media that has been caught multiple times pretending to interview people in the street like it's a random man-on-the-street interview when it's a former Obama campaign
Uh, person.
Campaign director.
They do this all the time.
You can go down, Paul Judge Watson just wrote this story.
They've done this before.
They get cameramen, they get, uh, Obama campaign directors, they stage an entire fake news video, pretending to be Muslims out there in the streets, protesting for peace.
They stage the entire thing.
They got caught doing that again.
They stage videos like Charles Jaco, pretending he's in Saudi Arabia.
So here's this video, though,
Of fake news making up a fake story about children in incubators and then trying to sell that to the American public.
The second week after the invasion, I volunteered at the Al-Adhan Hospital with 12 other women who wanted to help as well.
I was the youngest volunteer.
The other women were from 20 to 30 years old.
While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers coming to the hospital with guns.
They took the babies out of incubators.
Took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
It was horrifying.
I could not help but think of my nephew, who if born premature, might have died that day as well.
So that didn't happen.
And you've also got the mainstream media making up stories
The fearless leader has just entered the building.
I had to take my daughter to the dentist.
No, Alex, the lefties told me that you don't have your kids anymore.
That's what they said.
It's victory for them.
That's, yeah, well, OK, whatever the media says is true.
And Iraq had WMDs.
But no, seriously, I now know exactly what happened with Mueller.
We have it from the White House.
The inside intel is coming on.
We've got so much more breaking today, so I'll be up in the second and third and fourth hour.
A huge broadcast coming up, but boy, they are really panicking.
Keep going.
Well, and they should be panicking too, especially with all of these under oath testimonies that are happening right now.
We're actually going to have another one today.
With Sessions, who is going to be having a hearing today.
This is the new thing now.
We build up these hearings, we say count down to it on the mainstream media.
It should be interesting to see because everybody built up the Comey thing that it was going to be some big bomb to drop on the presidency of Donald Trump.
That didn't happen.
Nobody's really talking too much about the Sessions testimony that's going to be happening.
Maybe he's got a bomb to drop.
But then there's this bomb that comes out of the Gateway Pundit.
Christina Lallya, who has done good reporting in the past, I've found her reporting to be accurate every time I cover her stories on the Gateway Pundit, report, Comey suspected of other leaks to the New York Times dating back to at least March.
Now this is key because let's not forget we covered this on the Alex Jones Show yesterday.
There's an interesting window of timing with James Comey's testimonies and the leaks that need to be investigated and that's from May 3rd when he gave his original testimony under oath saying he didn't leak to May 13th
Where a day after Trump's tapes tweet, to which Comey said that he responded to by leaking to a friend to give to the media, but the story that we suspect generated by the leak came out on May 11th.
So, Comey would have had to have leaked or forgotten what day he leaked that to the New York Times, especially if it was after May 3rd, because that means it would have had to be between May 4th and May 13th, which is when he said he did it.
But if that story in the New York Times about the secret meeting and Trump asking for Comey's honest loyalty is true, then that doesn't corroborate with his testimony.
But now, this story says that they're suspecting other leaks from Comey to the New York Times.
So if that's true, if it is true that Comey had been leaking to the New York Times dating back to March, then he did in fact commit perjury on May 3rd.
So that's why this is such a bombshell.
That's why they're so afraid.
I don't
The total double standard party here.
But it goes on, from the Daily Caller, Chuck Schumer to block arms deal to Saudis despite backing arms deal under Obama.
Chuck Schumer is one of the dirtiest gangster mafia type people, I think, in our government, is Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
I wouldn't buy a pastrami sandwich from that guy if he was a deli salesman, okay?
But he's a total shill, he's a total fraud, he's a total liar and you can see it on his face right here where he'll back an arms deal that Obama was willing to make with Saudi Arabia but not President Trump.
Now of course this is funny because personally I don't like this arms deal to Saudi Arabia.
I don't think it's a good deal.
This is a thing that I don't like Trump on but
Chuck Schumer doesn't like it either, and neither does Rand Paul, who actually thinks he's going to surprise people with the amount of support that he's going to get to stop this Saudi Arabian arms deal that President Trump made.
So we'll keep an eye on Rand Paul and his movement to stop this Saudi arms deal, which if he starts to get Democrats on board with him, then he actually might have some legs here, and that's what he actually thinks is going to happen.
Rand Paul thinks he's going to surprise people with how much support he gets to try to stop the Saudi arms deal.
But folks, we need your support.
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The mainstream media shills like Megyn Kelly.
We'll be right back on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones has returned.
He'll be in the seat in just a moment.
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Well this is rich.
Attorney General suing Trump is a big Clinton and Obama donor.
And this is truly rich, folks.
I mean, this is a true knee-slapper.
Attorney General Carl A. Racine and Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosch filed a lawsuit against the President on Monday.
Here you go, accusing him of violating the Constitution's Emoluments Clause by receiving payments from foreign leaders through his businesses!
I'm sorry!
These people!
Again, let me just remind you, let me just read the headline one more time for you.
Attorney General suing Trump is a big Clinton and Obama donor!
The woman notorious with her husband for taking all kinds of foreign money, cutting deals with the Chinese, cutting deals with the Saudis.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
And they're suing Trump, who actually has real business interests in these foreign countries, for making deals.
This just shows you folks, it doesn't even matter.
They know this lawsuit won't catch legs.
They know that they can't litigate here.
They know they can't win.
It's all about smearing President Trump.
It's all about putting the narrative out there.
They know there's no Russian collusion.
They know there's no Russian meddling in our election that had no effect.
It's all about putting that false narrative out there.
Keeping it in the talking points.
Keeping it in the mainstream so that there's this constant subconscious, conscious thing happening where Trump bad.
Trump bad.
Even for the people that don't care.
Even for the people that don't pay attention.
It's just lurking there, lurking there, lurking there.
So then, boom, impeachment.
Well, of course impeachment.
He got sued all those times.
He was working with Russia.
He fired Comey.
He bad!
That's how this PSYOP works.
And it'll be interesting to see if anything comes of this James Comey potentially leaking to the New York Times dating back to at least March.
That would mean he's guilty of perjury.
Again, May 3rd, he said he had never leaked to media.
Then he said in his most recent testimony, he did leak to media in response to Trump's tapes tweet, which happened on May 12th, which means according to his testimony, his leak had to happen after May 12th.
The New York Times story was published on May 11th.
So a lot of questions already with Comey's testimony, but this puts even more questions into the air.
So we'll see what goes on with that.
And again, Alex Jones is going to be joining us here in 10 minutes.
He's got breaking news on the Robert Mueller deal, breaking news on the entire waterfront even, as he's scrambling around today.
You know, and that's the most ridiculous thing about this whole Megyn Kelly nonsense.
It's not that Alex Jones gets more attention than Vladimir Putin, who's the evil world dictator controlling all the world's elections.
It's that even Megyn Kelly, totally disgraced, totally discredited, all of the mainstream media now, nobody trusts it, 6% positive trust in mainstream media according to polls.
But they still think they control the narrative.
They still don't get it.
Now, I don't think Megyn Kelly will air any of my segment that she did with me.
I think I outsmarted her, but we'll find out about that.
She may just try to zoom in on my face.
That's probably what she'll do, so she can't show my Hillary for Prison shirt.
But they don't get it, and I said this to her, and her whole crew was looking at me like I was crazy.
I was like, Megan, you don't get it.
People don't care what you say anymore.
People don't care about your new show on NBC on Sunday nights.
They don't care.
They don't care if you publish a hit piece and make Alex Jones look bad.
You're only going to help us.
They don't get it yet.
They still don't get it.
Yes, Megyn Kelly says it's important to shine a light on Alex Jones.
I asked Megyn Kelly, why did you go after President Trump so viciously with your comment about the Billy Bush tapes?
Well, I just had to ask him how it was going to affect him, you know?
But you didn't manage to ask Hillary Clinton about any of her past, did ya?
Did ya?
It's magic.
It's amazing how that happened, isn't it?
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones coming up in the second hour.
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Over the weekend, Act for America held human rights marches across the United States, marching against Sharia law, which prohibits certain human rights to women.
And countries where Sharia law is in practice oppress women.
So leave it to Antifa to show up and disrupt these Americans' First Amendment right.
But it didn't stop there.
Journalists like myself got assaulted and cursed at just for documenting the event.
Lauren Southern even had animal urine thrown at him while filming in the New York City marches.
If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.
CNN and Antifa are ISIS.
Leftists freaked out when a burqa was put on Fearless Girl in New York City, faced with the imagery of the oppression they were supporting.
The same people that are now supporting Sharia law in America were the same people who were so helplessly offended by Donald Trump's grab her by the private comment.
So Trump's inappropriate private conversation is unacceptable, but forced female genital mutilation is okay.
The left has literally lost their minds.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm sitting here covering all this news, and I'm not gonna get into my personal stuff, but you know, you get a text, you find out something personal about a family member,
Uh, maybe not making it through the day.
You find out about people from your high school that have died.
Multiple people from my high school have died from a heroin overdose.
It's, it's, it's, it's really sad.
And I'm just sitting here thinking about just how precious life is.
And I'm looking at these Democrats that cling to all of this fake news.
And not, I mean, it's just, it's so, it's just nonsense.
Nonsense, a virtue signal all day long.
And you're just sitting here like, you don't, you support abortion.
How can you sit here in Virtue Signal all day over these non-issues when you don't even protect the unborn life of innocent humans?
It's just... It's just sickening.
And even, like, even politically, even politically, if you want to say, alright, I'm pro-choice because you can't stop abortions.
Alright, you know what?
But these people go out in the streets.
They want people to die.
They want abortion.
They literally want abortion.
And then when you tell Black Lives Matter,
Why don't you protest in front of the abortion clinics?
Why don't you protest for the millions of black aborted babies?
More black people are aborted than any other race.
Why aren't you talking about that?
You don't get anything.
They don't care.
They don't even care about life.
It's like they hate themselves so much that they take for granted everything they've been given so much that they're just constantly filled with hate.
And they want to hold up their signs that say, love trumps hate.
But in reality, in their lives, hate has trumped love.
And I think that's obvious now when you've got the L.A.
Pride Parade, the gay pride parade in L.A.
that's been going on for decades.
They're not doing it this year.
Instead, what they're having in its place, an anti-Trump march.
In a way, Kathy Griffin was not kidding.
I mean, Trump has literally ruined these people's lives.
But it's not Trump.
It's the mainstream media that lied about Trump.
It's the mainstream media that lied to them, told them Hillary was going to win.
They were sold a false bill of goods, they invested everything in the false bill of goods, and they lost it all.
So now they're behaving like petulant children, like mindless zombies, and we're truly seeing the nature of these mindsets, of these people's mindsets, out on the streets.
Alex Jones is about to be back, folks.
There's all kinds of news, literally a stack of news here.
And again, you know, Megyn Kelly is such a joke, okay?
I'm just, I'm just sorry.
I mean, here's the thing about Megyn Kelly and people of Megyn Kelly's ilk.
She wouldn't even know what to do with one stack of news here.
I've got six stacks of news.
I got through maybe one of them, just the politics section.
I didn't even get through all of that.
There's six other stacks that Alex is going to get through.
Megyn Kelly would sit down.
She wouldn't even know what to do.
She'd quit.
She'd ask, can you please turn the heat up?
I'm cold.
I'm cold.
Somebody, where's the teleprompter in this studio?
Where's the teleprompter?
You know, and again, more nature of the left.
Controversial Julius Caesar play opens to standing ovation in Central Park.
These people are giving a standing ovation at the site of the President's assassination.
What is wrong with these people?
And then Delta Airlines comes out and says, look, this isn't even a political issue with us.
This is not tasteful.
This is disgusting.
Why would we support art that depicts the President getting assassinated
Which isn't art, it's clearly a political message.
They have women and black people stabbing him, which is clearly a subconscious, subliminal message.
So that's all this is.
Snoop Dogg pretends to assassinate Trump.
Kathie Lee Griffin pretends to assassinate Trump.
These people want Sharia law in America.
They have become ISIS.
We are now fighting ISIS.
It's loving!
Sharia is peaceful!
All hail Allah!
Alex Jones coming up, breaking news on the other side.
The collapse of the left continues.
If it isn't Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi having a mental breakdown, if it isn't Snoop Doggity Dogg pretending to shoot President Trump, if it isn't Kathy Griffin going full ISIS and depicting herself with a decapitated trumpet, it's the New York Public Theater depicting the assassination of President Trump and their latest installment of Shakespeare in the Park.
The play depicted President Trump as the modern-day Julius Caesar, this time being stabbed to death by minorities and women, a clear subliminal message.
Leave it to CNN to endorse such an atrocity, as Fareed Zakaria said the play is a masterpiece.
But the disturbing presentation did not go without consequences, as major sponsors of the theater have now pulled their sponsorship dollars, such as Delta Airlines and Bank of America, who have supported the theater to the tunes of millions in the past.
The suicide of the left is real.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Who claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
I don't know what happens in somebody's mind or how dark their heart must be to say things like that.
The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign to influence voters in the election.
And then they began to weaponize them.
And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like InfoWars, take out pieces and began to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine.
But Trump doesn't challenge these lies.
He actually went on Jones' show and said, your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
A lot of people say, Alex, you ought to watch out.
Hillary Clinton's overthrown countries.
She's been connected to the murder of hundreds of people in Arkansas and D.C.
You're really poking a monster.
Don't you know they could come after you?
Well, of course I know that.
They have come after me.
They're trying to kill my character and kill my name through the giant corrupt MSM media that they control.
The entire narrative that I'm being hit with right now, the number one news story yesterday, to the top five today, is Alex Jones, Megyn Kelly.
That's the top search.
According to Google, according to Twitter, you name it.
And this is going to go on throughout the next week when this piece supposedly airs.
And the show that she hosts doesn't even have that many viewers.
It's the spectacle!
And the disinformation and the lies and the twisting my quotes, that's what this is really all about.
To destroy what the establishment sees as one of the main bastions of Americana and Liberty Left that is watching Trump's flank.
As he attempts to cut the taxes, secure the border, turn the stock market back on and bring our jobs back.
Say what you want.
He's an American president.
He's actually in charge and they don't like it.
Special interests think they own this country.
They think they own you.
I want to be clear.
I as an individual am very, very proud of these attacks.
I am very, very honored.
I'm holding my head very, very high in front of friendies that run up to me at stores and on the street and laugh and say I've lost my children.
Uh, and say that I got sued over Sandy Hook.
They just mix it all together in lies.
I've not been sued.
The one lawsuit was Chobani Yogurt, and they couldn't wait to get out of it.
Let's just say we're very, very pleased with what happened in the settlement.
As I said, I would never give up, and I would be victorious.
And, well, they don't want the details of the settlement out.
Let's just say it's not cash on the bottom for Mr. Jones, like Mr. Colbert said.
No, that'd be the bizarro world interpretation.
We don't know about bizarro world.
It's butt backwards.
But I'm not going to get into the settlement there.
The point is, is that I figured out what these lawsuits and threats of suits are about.
It's to get a PR campaign going that I'm in trouble, that we're declining, that we're collapsing.
They've even run that PSYOP here, I've learned lately, in Austin against us, and some weak minds believed it.
We've never had more visitors.
We've never had more support.
We've never had more affiliates.
We've never been reaching more people.
In the aggregate, to be clear, maybe give me a document cam shot for TV viewers, you go back to the launch of InfoWars in 1996, registered 1997, so the real launch is about 1997, to 2017, the growth curve, ought to go into Google Analytics and show folks this, has been basically something about like this.
Then the election came, and then we went down a little bit from that peak, but we're on a new plateau, and normally the summer is a slower time.
We're now growing back towards our peak in the summer.
While all other libertarian and conservative sites have gone down after the election, and leftist sites have gone down even further, not us.
We're climbing back to an all-time high.
So, rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.
And that's why MSM, that's why the enemy media is in a total hysteria because they've got better analytics than we do.
They know.
We can just see our sites and our platforms.
It's untold the effect that InfoWars videos and articles and your commentary and your analysis is having, because our videos, our articles, get spread.
Other people make videos about them, or you comment on them, and it's just exponential.
Not just in cyberspace, but on the ground.
Know this!
In our information warfare offensive against the globalist forces that have hijacked this nation, we're having devastating victories.
I liken this to 1944, World War II.
We're closing in on the Reich Chancellery underneath the government building there in Berlin.
And the enemy's going to sit there and declare they've had victory until the very end.
The Megyn Kellys and the Sumner Redstones and the Michael Moores and the Nancy Pelosi's and the Hillary Clinton's and the Barack Obama's.
These arrogant, war criminal, anti-American, radical jihad backing scum like Chelsea Clinton crawls out from under the refrigerator at midnight to say that I'm a cockroach.
Oh yeah, that's one of the statements out of her mouth, reportedly, and others.
Lady, your family is what I would describe as the closest thing to cockroaches, but that's an insult to cockroaches.
I mean, total crime, total evil, constantly hanging out with pedophiles, constantly hanging out with people convicted of abusing children, child predators, from Weiner to your daddy, all of them, well, your stepdaddy, we all know Hubble's your real daddy, Webster Hubble, and you're in the WikiLeaks
With a CYA going, these people are dying, we're killing these people, we're stealing billions as they starve to death and their water supply has cholera, mommy and daddy, but you didn't do anything to stop it!
You knew!
You were murdering thousands of little children!
Chelsea Clinton personally oversaw the murder of children, that fat pig!
That disgusting maggot.
I call her a fat pig.
I don't mean physically a fat pig.
I mean her bloated greediness.
Her spirit weighs about 85 trillion pounds of pus.
And then you climb out from under a refrigerator in the middle of the night.
Point your antennas at me with some big PR firm.
They've been running with Bloomberg for years.
That I hate the children of Sandy Hook and I hope they all this other BS.
My listeners didn't believe a word.
We had the email from Bloomberg the day before saying get ready for the big event.
Get ready to have our big rollout tomorrow.
And then the port-a-potties were being delivered an hour after the shooting, on and on and on.
All we said is, boy, somebody knew this was coming, and they were sure geared up for it with PR.
And then a lot of listeners thought the feds went in and shot all the kids, and other listeners thought it was all crisis actors.
And then other listeners thought it all happened and was real, and we had debates about it and looked at it.
Because when you've got a government staging
That babies had their brains stomped out by Iraqi troops in Kuwait to start the war in 1990-1991, and it's admitted all to be a PR firm.
And completely fake.
And then other PR firm garbage, and the White Helmets caught staging terror attacks, that's mainstream news, to get us into the latest war, and ISIS caught staging chemical attacks, and our media going along with it and promoting it, under Obama.
If our government will back ISIS and Al Qaeda to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and put tens of thousands of women and children into sex slavery, and that's even mainstream news, and get away with that,
Absolutely Obama and Hillary and the globalists would be capable of going in and killing kids in a staged event or having actors.
They're completely and totally capable of it.
But I have never waffled on my stance on this.
The media has taken the fact that I've covered all the angles and said we don't know but it's legitimate to question because they're such liars.
Then they hold up a mother or a father.
These people look legitimate and say, no, I lost my child.
And we're like, OK, then that may have happened.
The point is, we can't believe a word comes out of this corrupt government's mouth when it was run by the Clintons and Obama and others.
They've been caught lying so many times and rigging elections and stealing and killing and everything else.
It's totally normal when CNN has been caught faking locations and faking events over and over and over again.
So they act like I'm waffling.
They go, sometimes he says the Feds killed everybody.
Other times he says it was all actors.
Other times he says it's all real.
Because I've sat there and war-gamed just like I just did.
Completely straight shooting, right out of Texas, in everybody's face.
That's what they can't handle.
So they can take those clips.
Probably be on the news tonight.
Jones said the Feds shot everybody.
First he said it was actors.
You edited, out of context, and Hillary did, what I said.
And I stand by what I said four years ago, five years ago, I stand by what I said last night, I stand by what I said today.
Now some will ask, in this whole psy-op war, where we use truth, they use lies, why have you announced last night, or maybe you didn't hear it because it got almost no coverage, number one story in the country,
Bigger than Sessions testimony coming up.
Right now, that's becoming the top story.
But the two stories are at the top.
And I come out and make a statement to millions of people live on live streams.
Bypassing MSM, Dinosaur Media.
And I say, Megyn Kelly told me it wasn't about this, that she misrepresented what I said in that edit to make it look like that I'm absolutely saying Sandy Hook didn't happen, and that's not what I said.
I said I did believe kids died at it, and I'm sick of this, and I'm tired of it.
And so, you know what?
I join with folks and say, don't air it.
Not because I'm scared of the interview, but because I don't need media to be, quote, legitimized.
It's a joke.
It's an attack piece.
But I wanted to then jump into the narrative and force them to report that I'm saying Sandy Hook probably happened.
But they won't do it.
Only Zero Hedge and USA Today and a few others ran it.
Thousands of other publications say I doubled down and that I'm saying the parents aren't real and they're liars.
Then the parents go on TV, take the quote they've been given, and say, I said it.
This is the media deceiving.
Just like they say the Iraqis took babies out of incubators and stomped their brains out.
Never happened.
Hell, they'll probably say I took babies at Newtown out of incubators at the hospital that day and bashed their brains out.
I didn't do that either.
These are known liars manipulating this country and I'm so sick of these psychological parasites and what they're doing and they hate my guts because our straight talk and our straight shooting cuts through their mountains of lies and they can't stand it.
Now CNN just got caught in huge fake news again.
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Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas.
It's Alex Jones.
We're in a massive battle for the future of Western civilization.
We are seeing the anti-freedom, pro-Islamic, globalist media engaged in total war against the few European nations trying to pull out of globalism, against the UK, against the United States, and against Australia, against other countries like Brazil that are trying to get out of it as well.
And just during the break I was walking around and there I am on Fox News.
And then earlier I was in the break room, and there I am on CNN.
I mean, it is top two story.
Top number one or number two, you can debate it.
Alex Jones, Megyn Kelly, or the testimony of the Attorney General today.
Questions swirl around him.
He didn't put on a form that he met with a Russian ambassador, because the FBI said you don't do that as a senator, obviously, because you obviously meet with them in your capacity.
We mean separately in your private life.
And they all know that.
But that's fake news.
So now there's hearings about that and grilling.
Why did he fire Comey?
Because the Democrats said he was the worst ever.
And he's totally political.
And three of the people on the new Mueller investigation that had it are all Democrats and Democrat donors.
This is absolutely sickening, and we've got big Mueller news coming up at the start of the next segment as well.
I've got inside baseball, inside scoops, and a bunch of clips we're going to get to as well.
CNN's Brian Steller bemoans inherent distrust the public has for the media, but then two weeks ago we have CNN caught producing fake protest scenes that violate just the 101 Handbook of Journalism, and here's today!
But we're supposed to trust
These people, fake news, MSNBC pretends Obama campaign director is random woman on the street.
They even stage it.
Oh, who's this lady?
Let's see what she thinks.
Oh, fake news.
Oh, but we're supposed to just trust them when they got caught doing blue screens at Sandy Hook and weren't on location and were caught staging shots.
We're like, we don't know what happened.
They probably killed some people.
We're sad, you know, sad for the folks, whatever.
Don't blame gun owners, though.
See how disingenuous that is?
Blaming gun owners that have done nothing.
We're the ones that should be mad, but instead they spin it around like, oh, you question the media that's known liars.
You hate children.
No, no.
We don't hate the half-million Iraqis the Clintons killed with their expanded sanctions that Madeleine Albright said was a good thing.
It's a good thing that they died.
Can we play that clip again for you?
Because the fake left just bemoans how they get hurt and how they get sad.
And that's what I'd said to Megyn Kelly.
I'd said, you know, they lied about WMDs, they lied about the babies in the incubators, and they're lying about
What happened in Iraq, but the media doesn't cover that, and then she just cuts it in with me saying something about Iraq, where it just sounds like I just threw that in, when I've been talking to her about Newtown for 30 minutes.
But that's how they do it!
That's how they deceive!
So, imagine, I'm one of the top two stories in the country right now, InfoWars, and I've come out and said, I believe kids died at Newtown.
That's because I can't prove it any other way.
I have major questions.
I've investigated, but just...
Out of an abundance of caution, a lot of those folks look like they're really grieving.
I'm sad for them.
I said that four years ago.
We've looked at all three angles.
Did the government completely do it?
Is it staged or is it real?
Because the public doesn't buy stuff that known liars do!
And they won't run it when I go on and talk to a million people online that tuned into different streams, almost no coverage of Alex Jones saying, I believe people died at Newtown, the media has misrepresented what I said, and don't air the Megyn Kelly interview.
Only a handful of news articles out of thousands cover it.
Instead they show Fox News, everywhere else, and say Alex Jones says no kids died.
Here he is at a press conference about something completely different.
The only folks that got it totally accurate was Zero Hedge.
Alex Jones, Employers, NBC, not-to-air interview with liar Megyn Kelly, JP Morgan pulls ads.
Zero Hedge got it right.
iBankCoin.com wrote the first story.
I want to post that in full, that article on InfoWars.com right now.
Because with a sub-context, a note from Alex Jones, this article gets it 110% right.
It's got quotes to me four and a half years ago saying, I don't know what happened in Newtown, but it's got more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
Maybe all the kids really did die.
Maybe it's totally fake like some say, or maybe they sent in a hit team to kill the kids.
But there's a cover-up.
It's got all my quotes going back to the beginning.
I'm not running from this.
I'm proud of this.
I love the enemy media attacking me.
I love the fact they're lying and demonizing because
Real people.
I got mobbed on the street today at a gas station and at a dental office.
High fives everywhere.
It was incredible.
Black people, Hispanics, male, female.
High five, high five, high five.
I saw a few people look scared of me.
I mean, we're changing the world.
We're in a war.
This isn't going to be easy.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Breaking news on Comey.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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InfoWars is the brainchild of radio host Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
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Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Nobody can dispute the fact that we are... Infowars.com.
Infowars comes to mind.
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I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what Jason wants!
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
I like that guy.
That is the best!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
So they're really mad that I will play clips of CNN, MSNBC staging interviews and faking things.
And they faked dead children being killed, you know, children being murdered in incubators to launch wars that killed millions and millions of people.
And the very same MSM that's been behind these wars, killing millions of people in the Arab Spring, and funding the jihadists.
They want to turn around and say that I don't care about kids because my listeners and myself questioned the official story from Newtown?
You bet we did!
We don't believe a word comes out of MSM's mouth.
I mean, they said for two days that the San Bernardino attackers weren't Muslims.
They told us, you know, don't call the gay nightclub attack.
They came out and said, you know, whatever you do, don't you ever, ever, you know, call that Islamic.
So it's simply amazing.
Now, before I go any further, I want to play some of these clips since we've got them here.
And the first clip I want to play, we're just going to run these clips in together.
Fake news, MSNBC pretends Obama campaign director is random woman on the street.
In a Vox Pops segment about the testimony of former FBI director James Comey, MSNBC was caught trying to pretend that a former
Obama campaign director was just a random woman on the street.
And then under the article by Paul Watson, we have a bunch of other examples of where they've just been recently caught doing this again, like two weeks ago with the fake Islamic demonstrators being herded in to do this.
And then again, we're supposed to just trust people.
That lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, show I'm going to run these pieces together.
I'm going to run CNN's Brian Stelter bemoans inherent distrust the public has, and the background show the latest fake CNN footage.
Then we're going to show MSNBC pretends Obama campaign director is a random woman on the street.
And then we're going to air the clip of a CNN cameraman on election night at three in the morning when he learns Hillary's lost, blowing up and yelling and acting like he's just a citizen on the street.
This is the fakeness, and this only scratches the surface of these incredible deceivers.
And now they want to set the precedent that people like Alex Jones aren't even allowed on the air, so Megyn Kelly has to stop.
Her interview with me because they don't want to legitimize me.
Give me a break!
There's nothing more discrediting than MSM agreeing with you.
I wanted to be interviewed because I knew this was a setup hit piece so that everyone that's already awake would be reminded that we trailblazed exposing these monsters.
This is a badge of honor and courage.
And the fact that brainwashed people, and brain-damaged people, and zombies, and useful idiots, and fools, and followers, and weaklings, and quizlings, are buying into this, that's... I'm trying to reach them with hardcore knowledge, but some of them you can't help.
We're here assaulting the globalists, assaulting the fake media.
We're going to Lionel, former prosecutor and media analyst, to give his take on all this, here in just a moment.
But first, here are those clips back-to-back.
If you don't believe the media, then you probably don't believe that the Trump administration's had a dysfunctional few months.
If you don't believe the media, you might not believe that Russia's meddling in last year's election is a very big deal.
The trust in the media has been low for years and getting lower.
And the president feeds that inherent distrust with tweets like this.
Here he is this morning saying, the fake news MSM doesn't report the great economic news since election day.
Obviously the press does report on job creation, stock market wreckers, etc.
There are entire business channels.
But I think what he means is he wants the press to report it more often, more positively.
In any case, we can see how this anti-media rhetoric is having a real effect.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that more than half the country, 52%, believes Trump has changed American attitudes toward the news media for the worse.
22% says he's changed attitudes for the better.
And 20% say he hasn't had an impact.
An estimated 19 million Americans watched former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before Congress on Thursday.
And now we're hearing reaction from people across the country about whether Comey or President Trump is more believable.
The clear message is that you should not continue with this investigation.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
And the fact that he would make a very specific request to have everybody else leave the office so that he would be alone with Comey, for me, speaks volumes.
Because we've been talking about
Things that don't matter.
Things about personality, not policy.
And there needs to be a call to action.
And I need Hillary to stand up right now and walk in and sue the United States of America and say
Back when black people couldn't, right, they couldn't vote, right?
How many years ago your vote would have been one-third?
Guess what?
Today it still is.
Today, right now, it still is.
So you don't feel like this was a fair election?
Because it looks like Donald Trump won fair and square.
How did he win fair and square?
Hillary had more votes.
More human beings voted for Hillary.
This isn't fair.
We didn't get one vote.
You didn't get a vote.
It's just like back in the day when your vote was one-third.
So, the Electoral College, you're somebody who wants to blow that up.
You want to get rid of Electoral College?
Just count the votes.
It's ridiculous.
Hillary, you're a lawyer.
Walk in, go to the Supreme Court.
I believe in you, Hillary.
I've been to Rwanda.
I've been to your hospital in Rwanda.
I've seen all the good you've done.
I believe in you.
Women need you.
Minorities need you.
I need you.
Chicago needs you.
We all need you.
This country needs you to stand up and walk into the Supreme Court and say one vote equals one vote.
What's wrong with that?
What's the debate?
You can definitely feel his passion.
There's other people out here who feel the same way.
So, that was a admitted fake news CNN syop.
Oh, here's a random man on the street.
No, he's the cameraman, the producer.
As well, he's also a producer.
And he just gets in front of the television and lies to you and then launches the narrative, right as it's announced at 3 a.m.
that Trump's the winner, that we need to overthrow this president.
Here we are, eight months later.
And they hate it.
The economy's turned around.
The borders are getting secured.
Sovereignty is being returned.
We're out of the TPP.
We're out of the carbon tax that is only on the West, not on China and India.
It's meant to shut us down.
And they are so angry because they're bought and paid for by the multinational corporations that have pretty much taken this country over and are exploiting it just like third world nations.
We're going to Lionel, our guest, former prosecutor, and of course, syndicated radio and TV host in his own right in a moment.
Before we do that, ladies and gentlemen,
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Now, joining us is Lionel.
And of course, we'll give you his website.
It's lionelmedia.com.
He's at Lionel Media on Twitter.
Does a great job.
Former prosecutor in a big city in Florida.
And of course, big syndicated radio and TV host for years on different big platforms out of New York City.
I don't really know his view yet.
I follow him almost every day, but I haven't the last few days.
I heard he wanted to pop on.
I don't know his view on Megyn Kelly yet, or this being one of the top stories in the world.
I just know they're misrepresenting what I've said, and I'm asking myself, why are they doing this?
To get at Trump?
To get at the new media?
I mean, they don't have this much propaganda before they launch a major war.
I mean, I feel like I'm Saddam Hussein or something.
Lionel, what do you think's going on?
You pose an existential threat to the legacy media.
First of all, whoever was the brain surgeon who said, let's get Alex Jones.
Let's get Alex Jones, who by virtue of your Kevlar soul, is not susceptible or capable of bad information or publicity.
It's your oxygen.
Who was the idiot who said,
Let's get Alex Jones, number one.
And number two, why don't you do this?
Why don't you try to catch him?
Have you ever heard him?
The man's encyclopedic.
Why don't you catch him?
Why don't you bring something up?
Why don't you say Alex?
Why would you ever doubt the official story of 9-11?
The man can do it in a coma!
What are you doing?
What are you nuts?
Now understand, Alex, my dear friend, this is a woman who left Fox, okay?
She left Fox, she's going to NBC, causing an absolute cataclysm!
She is the Ice Queen.
They're going crazy.
They loathe, they detest, they abhor her.
She is there.
The new princess is Brigitte Nielsen wannabe.
This doppelganger.
The Ice Queen who has the personality spectrum from A to B. And this is a woman who comes along and she says, I'm gonna do this now.
She's handed Trump.
Post that blood comment, okay?
And by the way, this may be more emblematic of her career after this than anything else.
But anyway, so she is now handed Trump.
Who in their right mind could have possibly have lost with the President-to-be of the United States?
What happens?
She loses to some age-old rerun on 60 Minutes.
Strike two now.
She goes to Putin.
Who in their right mind can not win with an interview with Putin?
A baby can go and win number one.
Not Megyn Kelly.
She sucks the oxygen out of the air and she basically loses.
Now she comes up with you.
What is the most amazing to all of us?
First, I've got to say something.
And you mentioned this before.
How about that lighting, Darth Vader?
How about that Beelzebub lighting?
What were they trying to do with that?
Why don't you have had spooky music as a third?
No, the background.
Why don't we just Alex Jones?
Dun, dun, dun.
With a light coming this way.
I mean, are you kidding me now?
What she should have done?
And this is the most important.
If she really wanted to catch you, and if you heard your answer, this had to have been edited.
Was it not, sir?
Because nobody speaks with such an obvious lack of congruity.
It didn't make any sense.
She was on, you know, this is a prosecutor and she was a former lawyer and did a lot of cross-examinations.
And my mistake was saying, sure, come here all day.
So they were here 9.30 until almost 11 at night.
She was here from 12 until almost midnight.
She interviewed me three times for approximately four hours total.
And by the third interview that was almost two hours long, she spent 30 minutes on Sandy Hook.
And so I would say, what do you mean?
Of course I question.
They lied about WMDs.
And you know, then they didn't care when a half million kids died.
And she goes, oh, that's a dodge.
So they cut things out.
So it's incongruent.
I kept saying, listen, lady, I didn't change my story.
I said it could be completely staged.
It could be actors.
It could be completely real.
I've been saying that since day one.
I was doing debates and devil's advocate.
I've been saying since the beginning, it was probably real.
They took it out of context.
And then she just has something about.
I made all these statements before the media got concerned about it.
It just sounds like I'm saying incoherent crap!
And that's why I'm mad at her, and that's why I want the piece to be cancelled, because she's clearly done a Katie Couric here and totally scrambled the interview.
Now what I would have done, and I'm sure you did, is I would have pulled Megyn Kelly.
Now you do understand.
That whereas you have limitations of time, I don't.
I've got a camera here recording all of this.
You know, this is what happened.
They didn't want us to tape it.
They didn't want us to have a camera.
I said we wouldn't.
I'm a man of my word.
But some of the guys that came along did tape it.
We can boost the audio.
And I did take my phone call with her when she was saying, oh, it's not a hit piece.
I promise we're not going to get into all this.
I've got it on tape.
So I've got her lying to me.
Alex, what does that tell you?
How many times when you do an interview, do you say, I'm bringing my own recorder?
And they always say, well, of course, do that.
May I suggest how I would have tried to catch somebody?
If I think somebody really is a nut, which I do not think they're a nut, but if I did, do you know what I would have done?
You know how I would have done it?
I would have realized, first of all, that I'm not going to catch you by going after a particular fact, because you know these facts.
You know more facts than I. In fact, all you had to do was say, you know, Megan, is there any particular aspect of what I said in the past
Yeah, but probably.
But listen, I'll be honest.
They were smart to have me all day.
They knew they got me when I was tired.
I didn't even do the best job.
But it doesn't matter.
They're editing all together.
So tell me as a prosecutor what you would have done.
I should have just been like Putin and given short answers and said, that's it.
But this is nuanced stuff.
And I knew they'd take out of context other clips of things I'd said.
And so I was really trying to give them an honest answer.
If she then butchers that and edits that, that's her problem.
Lionel with Lionel Media.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You know, folks, I don't put a good face on things unless there's really a good face on it.
And the weak-minded out there
They're going to see me getting attacked.
They're going to see me getting demonized everywhere at war level propaganda.
I mean, you see this level of brainwashing before they launch an illegal war.
I mean, this is war level.
It's a war against Trump.
It's a war against the new independent media.
And it's a war against the public to think, hey, this is Prasada Nangrata.
And it's a very big miscalculation, because everybody knows MSM lies, everybody knows they deceive, and the majority of people are then going to ask themselves, why are they demonizing this guy so much?
It's a major miscalculation, unless they're preparing to kill Trump, and then try to shut the press down.
And I've talked to several people, high-level, formerly, which there's never any formerly, high-level State Department, high-level CIA, high-level Pentagon, and they said the word is, the preparations are being made to kill the President.
So, Lionel's a smart prosecutor, big national media pundit.
He says it makes no sense.
Nobody who's smart says it makes sense, unless they're going for broke.
They thought Hillary was going to win too, folks.
They lost because they ran a corpse.
I mean, I wasn't, you know, all behind Trump even early on either.
Now he's done a lot of good stuff.
You've got to admire his courage, but asking Lionel, you know, what he would have done with Kelly, separate from that.
We'll come in the next segment and get into that with him.
Maybe he'll ride shotgun a little bit with Roger Stone coming up.
This is so epic.
This is biblical.
I'm not on a power trip.
I mean, I'm actually at a core level not enjoying this, but as a man wanting to make history and fight evil, I'm very proud.
I mean, my spirit tells me I've done a good job.
My flesh is like, dude, you're really asking for it.
These are dangerous killers that overthrow countries and put women into mass sex slavery for jihadists.
I mean, that's what Hillary did.
I mean, they rob hundreds of thousands of Haitians and tens of thousands die, and it's in their own WikiLeaks.
They don't care.
They'll give little kids cholera water.
You know, Chelsea Clinton's a monster.
So, I don't have fun going up against these killers, but somebody's got to.
And I think it shows how weak they are that they've got to engage in this whole thing.
What do you think's really behind this, Lionel?
Well, first of all, it's desperation, because she thought it would be a good idea to bring you in under some strange theory that somehow her ratings would be boosted.
Look, let me tell you something.
I've known you for a while, my friend, and I'm detecting in your voice a little bit of a, a little bit of a, gee, I shouldn't have done this.
You were brilliant!
Don't you understand something?
You can't lose!
It doesn't matter what they say!
You were just exposed to an audience that would have never heard you!
She loses!
She's losing the advertising, not you, because you don't need advertising!
She's the one who went on and basically had the hottest
We're good to go.
Cobbling this thing into this weird patchwork.
All you have to do, out of the first thing out of your mouth, is tell the world, that's not what I said.
That's not what I said.
They edited it.
Do you know they stole my words?
And that's the first thing I said, and then I should have just shut up at that point, because she kept asking, kept asking, so I was trying to be honest answering it, and so she just edited it together, but that's her fault.
That's her problem.
She's not going to be here.
Don't you understand?
She's not going to be here.
Like I said before, she had Trump, Putin, and now you.
Her ratings, by the way, if she's still around, are going to be through the roof by virtue of all of this.
Look, they may not, they may not be the smart people, but they're not crazy.
You watch how she milks it.
No, no, I understand but let me ask you this when we come back in 70 seconds then.
Will they air it Sunday?
Because then I clicked.
The reason I say don't air it is they edited me to misrepresent and I realized it's Father's Day.
They're all saying I did this on Father's Day.
No, they rigged all this.
I didn't think of this.
They're the ones.
This is so nasty.
We're gonna come right back.
I should have looked at the date, but they didn't tell me when it was going to air.
Man, these people are evil!
Hey guys, pull me the Super Bowl stuff where they run the ads against fathers.
Senator Rand Paul slammed the Democrats yesterday and called the Senate hearings into the collusion between Trump and Russia nothing more than political theater.
Appearing on CNN, Rand Paul said that the anti-Trumpers have become totally obsessed with proving a Russian conspiracy that simply does not exist.
This is political theater, and really, those committees aren't getting anywhere.
If there really was anything done wrong, it'll come out of the special counsel.
And my suspicion is very little, if anything, will come out of there.
But I think there's a political operation going on.
Rand Paul went on to say that former FBI Chief James Comey's testimony completely vindicated everything the president has already said.
I hardly know them, man.
I'm not gonna say, I want you to pledge allegiance.
Who would do that?
Who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath?
You can learn more, right now, at Infowars.com!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's the Alex Jones Show!
We have the highest amount of listeners we've had since the election.
We have the highest amount of advertisers knocking down our doors.
We have the highest amount we've ever had in the summer, which is normally dead, of people buying products, to the point of we're selling out a bunch of them.
Meanwhile, Megyn Kelly's losing sponsors.
It's all falling apart.
But Lionel's right.
They'll get high ratings, like Piers Morgan had when I was on.
And I'm not bragging.
I don't know why this happens.
I guess it's explosive to bring two forces together, like in a chemistry set.
But I predict this will bring her down in the end because she was already sinking like a stone.
This is a desperation move.
So when I say Megyn Kelly needs the Patriot movement to tune in, that's the truth.
It isn't me.
It's Lionel.
It's all the guests.
It's the Ron Pauls we have on.
It's all the news they don't want you to see.
Remember when that Google document came out three months ago that Cernovich got her two months ago?
It said he had Ron Paul on saying the chemical attack was a false flag.
That's not credible.
Well, Ron Paul was quoting the UN and the Pentagon.
But it's totally credible.
It's because we are credible that they don't like it and they want it shut down.
So when they want to censor Alex, they want to censor you.
Lionel, what's really behind this?
Well, let me go back to this again.
They are dying.
You don't understand what is going on in the background at NBC with Andy Lack and others because she has been a complete and total cosmic gravitational failure.
And people who want her to fail.
Do you know how many people she's alienated?
Do you know what she did to the Today Show?
I know that's kind of inside baseball, so to speak.
But listen, let me explain something to you.
Nobody has any idea of the power of not only you, but your movement and what this is saying.
Nobody understands that.
Now, another thing too is, let me just also bring up, if you wanted to catch you, because believe it or not,
It would have been better had she done what I suggested.
Let her just ask you to speak.
Alex, if you ever are dealing with somebody who is, if you truly believe they're crazy and dangerous and out of their mind, you let them talk.
You almost give them the fake sense that you admire them.
I would have done something like provided you were somebody else.
Mr. Jones, tell me what it feels like to be the leader of a revolution.
Tell me.
I would have known your catchphrases.
I would have lowered your guard.
I would have brought out.
It's just like hostage negotiation.
You tell somebody, I understand your plight.
I understand they don't respect you.
Then I would have said, folks, run the camera.
Let it go.
But what she did was,
Because you knew these answers.
Because you never said anything that she thought you said.
Because you merely brought up things which she's never thought of before.
Basically, that you have questions and others.
Again, I ask anybody to watch that original trailer, Alex.
It's incongruous.
It doesn't make any sense.
When she asks specifically about Sandy Hook, your answer, if you listen to it, I'm thinking to myself, did Alex not understand this?
That's not what you said!
You know, Alex, we live in a world right now where we hate the notion of plagiarism.
And there's an old expression that says, if you steal from one, it's plagiarism.
If you steal from a bunch, it's called research.
But you know what's worse than plagiarism?
What's worse than taking somebody's idea is taking somebody's idea and removing it.
Making it synthetic.
Making it false.
Building a straw man.
So what she did was, you could say, how dare you?
You know, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Megan, I knew you were going to do a hatchet job on me.
I understood that.
But I must have been naive.
I would have thought you and this august organization known as NBC would have had the common decency to let me merely say what I wanted to say, not to expurgate and bowdlerize
So let me ask this, we're gonna come back, Roger Stone's got big breaking news, I've got my own intel on Comey, we'll talk about that, but do you think Kelly survives?
Because, I don't mean to be mean, but she's aging rapidly, but she's such a cold person, and people don't like her, and her ratings are going down.
This was the nail in the coffin.
This precipitated that which was the inevitable.
She wasn't working.
Nobody at NBC wanted her.
But not only that... And so now she's gonna get big ratings, but it's like the Death Star blowing up.
The last hurrah.
That's it.
We'll be back.
Senator Rand Paul slammed the Democrats yesterday and called the Senate hearings into the collusion between Trump and Russia nothing more than political theater.
Appearing on CNN, Rand Paul said that the anti-Trumpers have become totally obsessed with proving a Russian conspiracy that simply
This is political theater, and really, those committees aren't getting anywhere.
If there really was anything done wrong, it'll come out of the Special Counsel, and my suspicion is very little, if anything, will come out of there.
But I think there's a political operation going on.
Rand Paul went on to say that former FBI Chief James Comey's testimony
Completely vindicated everything the President has already said.
I hardly know the man.
I'm not going to say, I want you to pledge allegiance.
Who would do that?
Who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath?
You can learn more right now at Infowars.com
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Alex Jones, the cure to fake news.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
All right, Roger Stone, former head of the Trump campaign and Lionel are now joining us.
Lionel's already been on.
We're going to go to Roger first and come back with Lionel.
I don't like to sit here and talk about myself.
I get attacked in probably, let's not exaggerate, a couple hundred newspapers a day because I get Google alerts.
On average, about 100, 200.
And I get attacked pretty much every day on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, one of those channels.
Today I'm being attacked every 15-20 minutes.
So every other segment.
And it's all lies.
It's all things I didn't say or edited together.
I told Megyn Kelly I believe that
Newtown probably happened, but that if they lied it was constantly about WMDs and babies getting killed in incubators and all this other garbage and CNN and MSNBC just got caught staging fake newscasts.
I covered it earlier.
It's on Infowars.com with former Clinton campaign directors posing as random women on the street, you know, calling for, you know, Trump to be basically impeached.
It's ridiculous.
So of course we question known liars.
Then they turn it into this whole personal deal.
But what do you do when, I mean, they're attacking Alex Jones more than Trump the last two days.
It was the top story yesterday.
It's the second trend today.
And it is just unbelievable.
Meanwhile, the reason we got Roger Stone on, he's got his sources, I've got mine.
My sources at the White House
And in other areas say that, oh, it's all Democrats, Mueller, Democratic appointees, you know, the whole situation is a nightmare, and that they've got the same folks, you know, in there before who they've used in hatchet jobs.
Three members of Russian special counsel team donated to the Dems.
One previously represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Meanwhile, exclusive, and I'd heard this this morning, I didn't get a chance to call Roger to see if he knew about it, he told me some separate intel, DOJ brass says Comey struck insider immunity deal with Mueller to avoid criminal charges, and you saw how arrogant Comey was about criminally leaking and not being worried about it.
But the intel I've got, we'll see if Roger can confirm or deny this, he's always ahead of me from my other sources, is that
Renz Priebus, who reportedly is going to be out July 4th if he can't, quote, grow up and stop leaking, leaked the information.
To a mutual friend of Roger and I, and others, that Trump was looking to go after Mueller, which I've learned from sources he wasn't.
It was done to further hurt the president, damage him, but also kind of cripple him so he doesn't have moral high standing to go after Mueller to kind of preemptively strike against that.
Now, I haven't talked to Stone.
When I got this info two hours ago, I started texting him saying, please get a hold of Nico.
I was driving in from taking my daughter to the dentist.
Just like I hadn't talked to Lionel before, I don't know Roger's analysis.
We'll see if it concurs with what I've got.
Roger Stone of StoneColdTruth.com, best-selling author of The Making of the President 2016.
I've laid it out.
What's really going on?
Well, first of all, Alex, let me congratulate you for having the second best-dressed man on the face of the planet, Lionel, on with you.
A great friend and always interesting and always incisive.
I think what's happening here, Alex, is that we have to remember where Mr. Mueller came from.
He was not appointed special counsel by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
He was appointed by Mr. Rosenstein, a Deputy Attorney General, standing in because, in this matter, the Attorney General has recused himself.
And Mr. Mueller is a rock-ribbed member of the political establishment.
He is a crony, perhaps even a mentor, to Mr. Cohen.
We know that he met with and coached Mr. Comey on his testimony last week.
We know that he has a history of career two-party opportunism, having served both the Bushes and the Clintons as a deep state
Hitman who would do their bidding investigating some crimes and of course ignoring others.
It is Mr. Comey who swept all of the FBI literature clear of any observations about Islamic terrorism, which I think has been to the detriment of law enforcement.
And he cut the funding for prosecution of white-collar crime, the type committed by globalists, by almost half.
I was about to say, I mean, it's just been a reign of white-collar crime since he got in.
Well, and a greatly increasing funding to crack down on
Black people, poor people, and so on, like the rest of the war on drugs machinery.
Mr. Mueller, in fact, actually auditioned, essentially, with the President for the open FBI position caused
By the resignation, I should pardon me, by the firing of James Comey.
Now this is brilliant.
This is the other point that I got from one of my sources and you're bringing it up on your own.
Because that's what I'm hearing.
That Comey, after he got fired, that the word was there was even debate or discussion or at least he thought Mueller thought he might be brought back for another term.
Well, unfortunately, as we have seen in the case, for example, of Dina B. Powell, Jared Adivanka, the President's son-in-law and his beautiful daughter, have in many cases advocated the hiring and appointments of neocons, of people in the McMaster wing of the Trump White House.
He actually goes to the Bilderberger conference.
He is joining on the spot with an immediate plan for 150,000 troops in Syria right after, allegedly, Assad gases his own people, having renounced any possession of chemical weapons.
Two years previously in agreements with the Obama administration and with the insurances of his patrons, the Russians, who are vouching for him and without whom he cannot survive.
What about my sources saying that Kushner is losing power in the White House because he's the one that had assured Trump that if he just fired Flynn everything would go away?
Here are the facts.
Jared Kushner should not be convicted in the court of public opinion.
And the beating he has taken for allegedly opening a back channel to the Russians- That's totally normal.
I think is entirely unfair.
But that said, it is Mr. Kushner who urged the President
To fire General Flynn, assuring him it would make the entire Russian collusion question go away.
He was wrong.
I think it's clear the President regrets it.
A mausoleum of skeletons in the Clinton and Obama's closet, and we're looking for dirt under the fingernails of any Trump associates, or am I wrong?
Because this just looks like the most classic witch hunt since the Salem witch trials.
You know, Alex, may I, if I could, this, this is
Incredibly important and critical.
But let me just take this a step back.
If we went to Main Street, to the heartland, if we went to any city in the country of the 64 million roughly Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and you ask them, does anybody know the name Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, Bannon?
Does anybody know about McMaster?
Does anybody know about Comey versus Mueller versus, they would say, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Because while this is important and CNN is creating the illusion and the perception by saying investigation, hearing, just like they hit us with the meme of Russia.
Question swirl!
But to the average American, the person who's going to be asked to vote again for President Trump, if you ask this person, do these names resonate with you?
No, they don't.
But Hillary does.
Hillary does too, and also now watch the latest with Terry McAuliffe, because now he's going to be he, and I'm sure Roger knows more about this than I do, but they're trying to now do a shift, because remember, the Democratic Party has lost so much time, they should have been able to formulate a platform and a- So let me ask you this, that's my question, to go back to Roger briefly, we're going to break.
How is this going for the Democrats?
Because my sources say they're failing, but they don't care, they're now preparing and desensitizing for the assassination of Trump.
Alex, before we go there, let me continue because I think it's important.
Not only did Mr. Kushner tell the President to fire General Flynn, he then told the President to fire Mr. Comey as a way of ending the Russian inquiry.
Now, he, the president, in this narrative, the president has done both.
I think he regrets them.
Why is it, Mr. Kushner, driven to end this line of inquiry?
I don't think there's any culpability or knowledge by the President, but it is believed that Mr. Kushner probably solicited both the Chinese and the Russians to bail him out in his 666 real estate project.
I don't believe any transaction ever came to fruition, but that would, and none of that would of course be a crime, but it would be deeply embarrassing.
Perhaps that is the only real link to Russia, because
The president was already decided to fire Mr. Cupone because of his erratic nature and for the fact that he was empire building.
All right, stay there, stay there.
I want to come back and talk about the state of things, but I want to get the big picture from both of you.
I mean, how are these attacks working on Trump?
Everybody I've talked to is completely sick of it, including liberals.
But does that matter?
The Democrats just seem more like piranhas than ever.
So I want to ask you just about the State of the Union, and then about Megyn Kelly, because, I mean, it's one of the biggest stories in the country.
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The former head of Psychological Warfare Operations for the Central Intelligence Agency, supposed to say State Department, Dr. Steve Pachinik, will be joining us to give us his take on the PSYOP that Megyn Kelly's been engaged in.
He's been blowing my phone up.
I just talked to him during the break.
And we'll get his take on that to see if it meshes with my current CIA contacts that are pretty high up.
So that's coming up at about 40 after.
Lionel's got to leave in a few minutes.
Roger's going to say the 40 after.
He'll get into palace intrigue and White House shakeups at the next segment.
But because this one is short, I want to ask both Lionel first and then Roger Stone.
Everybody's been saying it.
I've been saying it first.
I'm not bragging.
It's just a fact.
They're planning a civil war.
They're planning a COG overthrow.
They now are admitting it.
Well, I've just studied deep state.
That's how it operates.
Again, I was talking about deep state 20 years ago.
We're just not fake news.
Not bragging, folks.
They hate us because we know how they operate.
There's rogue elements.
The whole deep state isn't the enemy.
Because anything secret in government is deep state.
There's rogue elements at the top.
I don't want to be Nietzschean about this, but I see a stronger Trump.
And from the time he came in, there was an attack from every flank, every area, every vantage, every direction.
You know, Steve Bannon said it best.
He said, if you think that they're going to just hand this back to us, that these people are going to relinquish their power.
When you have a person in Donald Trump that is loathed by every faction, every contingent, every direction, every party, you name it, the press, the left, the right, the Democrats, the Republicans, you name it.
And that's frankly, I think part of his charm.
From the beginning, they are throwing everything they can at him and what they're trying to do right now.
Let me just say something.
There is nothing more dangerous than a special prosecutor.
Go back to the days of Scooter Libby.
Remember that.
And why anybody would want to remove the most ineffective, ineffectual, weak in a feat prosecutor or FBI director like Comey?
Why would you want to remove him?
Why would you not let him just sit there and just wax ineffectual?
I never understood that because Mueller is scary.
Scary good.
And also what happens is, remember, through habituation and through the conditioning of an audience, you can tell them over and over again that something exists when it doesn't.
How many people believe that Russia somehow hacked into the election?
How many people believe that somehow the President involved himself in obstruction of justice?
Even though every scholar, up to and including Alan Dershowitz, not a big fan of the President, has said, not only can the President fire Comey, he can threaten him, and he can also say, I just ran into you.
So they're trying to paralyze the President.
They're trying to shut him down.
Thank you so much, LionelMedia.com.
Lionel, great points.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Let me go back to Roger Stone.
I'll tell him we have left this segment.
We'll go back to the court intrigue and other big shoes to drop.
Do you agree with Lionel?
Where do you see this going?
Well, I think the path here is fairly clear.
The NSA and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees having come up with not, and I
We're good to go.
As a means of achieving what they could not achieve at the ballot box, the removal of our president.
Unfortunately, I think the option of firing Mr. Mueller, who, let's remember, was foisted on the president by Mr. Rosenstein, is probably more difficult now in view of some of the recent leaks.
Then how do you neuter him?
Just point out all the Democratic connections, put out all the corruption, expose it?
I think you have no choice but right now to point out that he was coaching Comey before his testimony, that he has been part of the person- So there's total collusion, and Comey even admitted, I did all this to get him in.
I mean, he admits his conspiracy.
And the audacity that revolving door style
He was actually auditioning for Comey's position at the FBI, which went to a- So you've got classic shower grapes, a guy illegally leaking a nothing burger, they're pissed off, he's coaching him, admitting collusion, and then Comey arrogantly admits a conspiracy against the president to bring in his buddy to bring him down.
How is that not total recusal of Mr. Mueller?
No, I think you're precisely right.
And therefore, you have standing by the whole Democratic left-wing mainstream media machinery, who will then make this the rationale for their impeachment movement against our president.
It won't wash for two reasons.
One, at best, I think the overall conclusion regarding Mr. Comey's testimony was that it was a dud.
And that he suffered in that.
And at least half of the people in America have seen through this entire charade.
So does Mueller and the Clintons and the globalists and the neocons have the nerve to overthrow a sitting Americana president for nothing when they're so arrogant they admit they brought Mueller in in collusion to overthrow the American people.
That's right.
What a group of arrogant assholes.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You know, I forget the Marine Corps General in Korea, but they were surrounded by about a million Chinese troops.
There's only about 50,000 Marines, and the Army couldn't get to them.
And the famous General, they said, sir, we're completely surrounded.
And he said, good, now we can attack in all directions.
We'll pull it up in a minute.
It's a famous quote.
And there's some other similar quotes by the Korean War Colonel Lewis B. Puller.
We've been looking for the enemy for some time now.
We finally found them.
We're surrounded.
That simplifies things.
But that was from the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.
But, I mean, I'm being... Folks, the fact that they're desperately attacking everybody, the fact that they're frothing and going insane,
Just shows how weak they are.
Major General Oliver Smith said, retreat hell, we're attacking in all directions.
Yeah, there it is.
And that was from the same battle.
And then people under him basically said the same thing.
And that's actually true.
That's when you're winning, is when they're all firing and they're in weaker positions, and you've got superior weapons.
We've got Americana.
We've got the stock market exploding.
We've got the truth.
We've got the borders being secured.
We've got ISIS being crushed.
We've got TPP, this global takeover, being killed.
We've got the Paris Accord meant to screw us over, that nobody else has to follow, dead in the water.
I mean, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!
I've gone from cautiously Trump to just like, I can't believe people aren't more realizing this is the epic battle.
But selfishly, before you finish up with some of the King's Court stuff and other tidbits, Roger Stone of StoneColdTruth.com.
Soon, again, to officially be with him forward, we've just got to cement the deal.
Because we're all so busy, you know, watching new operations.
It'll take some time because we're actually taking action.
We're not just doing this on the drawing board here, folks.
This is the real world changing the world.
Megyn Kelly, give me your real assessment.
They're trying to brand me as fake news.
They're really coming after me.
Is it effective?
Where is it going?
Well, I'm reminded when you mentioned Megyn Kelly of that epic poem that the president recited during the campaign called The Snake.
She's very charming, and too many men find her very beautiful.
But she's deadly.
And you never know how these incredibly talented film editors and news editors at her new network will splice and dice to make anyone that they interview look terrible.
I frankly think that Vladimir Putin bitch-slapped her on television.
Many Americans I know who watched that thought it was, that he handled her precisely because... And she's desperate for a win.
He only gave her 15 minutes at lunch.
She goes, off record, he's just intriguing.
And she even blushed and went, so I guess she has a soul.
She was like, oh, oh, he's so intriguing.
Oh, oh, she almost, she almost had an orgasm talking about Putin.
I mean, I'm serious.
So, I kind of feel bad because I gave them 12 hours and was totally open and nice, and they're going to edit the living hell out of me.
But you know what?
I went into the Gorgon's nest, I faced her.
I don't think I destroyed her.
I think she's already destroyed herself.
I think she's going to have a dead cat bounce from this interview, but I think Megyn Kelly, unless propped up, is going the way of Piers Morgan.
Well, but here's the best thing, Alex, and that is she's just kicking your name identification into the stratosphere.
Millions of Americans will get to find out at least who Alex Jones is.
Let's go further.
It's not her.
We have more audience than she does.
The entire global media of the New World Order is attacking me right now as if I'm Satan himself.
Why is that?
Well, look, I want to say to all the corporate America, yes, Megyn Kelly is making Alex Jones even bigger.
Perhaps you should cancel your advertising.
I mean, this is an absurdity, Alex.
We all know this is going to be a hit piece.
A carefully edited hit piece.
We all know it can be done through the art of skillful editing.
But at the end of the day, the credit goes to the man who climbs in the arena.
The man who goes toe-to-toe with the face of the mainstream media in an effort to twist... That's right.
In Medusa's Nest, with both my arms tied behind my back, I went into the Gorgon's Lair.
And by the way, I'm not joking, when she talked about Putin, I'm sitting there, we're eating barbecue, they're not rolling, I go, how was Putin?
And she goes, and she said off record after, no, sorry, said lady.
She goes, he was intriguing.
Don't say that tonight.
I mean, she was just like balled up.
That was the only time I saw any life in her.
She obviously didn't like me, which is fine.
I mean, I didn't like her.
I'm not in love with, like, you know, snow, snow witches.
Seriously, not enough junk in the trunk.
I thought she might have been a robot looking into her eyes.
They look like, you know, basically marbles.
But seriously, why do you think she got so, like, cringed and actually looked down and went, just an intriguing man.
What was going on with her?
Uh, well, first of all, uh, I had understood that she... I mean, she was wiggling around her chair, bro.
She was wiggling.
Uh, my understanding was you were gonna take her to a fine steak restaurant, then I hear you dined in some... some described it as a second-rate barbecue joint.
Uh, she, I'm sure, turned down the charm, and she was gooey and cloying,
Right up to the episecond that they turned the camera on, and then she lunged for your throat like a viper.
Or is that wrong?
Oh, oh, oh, I've got it on tape, because, I mean, I knew it was a viper operation.
She's like, oh, I'm so obsessed with you.
Oh, I want to have a big juicy steak, and I want to have a dessert with you.
It's going to be a nice piece of profile.
You're such a big man.
You're so famous.
I mean, I felt like...
In the movies I've seen, she's like, hey honey, why don't you come over and see me sometime?
I mean, I'm not a big topless bar guy, but I went to topless bars in college.
It was like when they walk up and like, oh baby, you want to lap dance?
I mean, it was like, oh yeah, you're really going to like this.
And I'm the one.
And I was just like, wow.
And I was like, listen, I know this is fake, sweetheart.
You want publicity, I'm willing to get it.
You come on to town.
And so, yeah, that was totally fake.
She was the fakest I've ever seen.
The worst cross-examination.
I'm just so jaded, I didn't give a damn by the end, but they're going to edit the hell out of me.
Well, Alex, a number of the on-air correspondents at Fox have expressed to me privately that she is vicious, dangerous, calculating, that she cuts corners, and she doesn't really care who she climbs over in her ascent to TV stardom.
And these are people who work with her.
So, everybody is waiting with bated breath to see how they try to manipulate this interview, but your willingness to stand tall against the globalists, your willingness to call it the way you say it, your willingness not to be censored by those who demand political correctness, this is what's gaining you and Infowars an extraordinary audience of liberty-minded Americans, as well as international.
Well, it's amazing.
I wonder what the headline of this little video is.
We're about to step out on a live show.
Megyn Kelly in love with Vladimir Putin.
Megyn Kelly appeared to become aroused.
And I'm not just joking.
It was like watching young girls when they saw Elvis throwing their panties at him.
I mean, she looked down.
She wiggled around.
She really, like, balled up.
It was the only time she acted like a woman.
When she talked about Putin, she just, oh, he's intriguing.
Oh, amazing.
I mean, what the hell is going on here?
I think that's called gushing, Alex.
That's it, Megyn Kelly gushed over Vladimir Putin to Alex Jones.
Yeah, I think that's the name of the segment right there.
Let's just put that baby out there.
Look, she's going to get nailed out of this.
It's funny you see her friends on the far left chiding her for giving Alex Jones a platform.
This is like, give me the popcorn and let me sit back.
Because here's a fight which I don't care who wins.
I'd like to see them kill each other.
It's going to be a total train wreck.
It's totally edited from the promo piece I saw.
Just, I mean, 30 minutes on each subject.
So it's just all scrambled.
Lighting from below.
Things are so fast and furious.
Please come back on every day.
Soon you're going to be hosting a show every day.
We appreciate you, Roger Stone.
God bless you.
Alex, I heard that they hotboxed you in a vacant home, they cranked the heat up to over 100, scheduled the interview late at the night when they thought perhaps you'd had a cocktail or two, when in fact you were sober as a judge.
And I heard you gave as good as you got, so God bless you and I look forward to being with you this week.
No, I mean, I did give as good as I got.
Well, thank you.
The problem was, she was just stopping to do a zinger.
Like, oh, so you glad the gays died?
I'd go, what?
He'd go, you know, at the Pulse nightclub.
You said they deserve to die!
And I'd be like, no I didn't.
I said, why do liberals bring in islamicists that kill liberals?
I'm sad they killed them.
I mean, it was just, it was horrible.
It just was constant, constant, constant.
Roger, thank you.
Many thanks.
Now, joining us is Dr. Steve Pachanek, who ran psychological warfare operations for the State Department, the CIA, you name it.
Helped found Delta Force with General Schumacher and, of course, Boykin.
And, of course, he's a best-selling author with Tom Clancy, produced a lot of big Hollywood films.
Steve Pchenik Talks is his latest book.
StevePchenik.com is a really great website, looks better than Infowars.com.
Sessions hearing has begun.
If folks want to see the Sessions hearing, it's on Infowars.com with Owen Schroer, with a live feed, with commentary during the breaks, and documents and analysis being put up, so you don't just put out the senator's propaganda.
Or folks, you actually can see documents over what really happened.
So our feed is at InfoWars.com, and if you want to get the session's feed, it's at InfoWars.com.
I know many stations may have broken it and are carrying that part of the latest witch hunt as well.
Richard Burr is asking questions right now.
But, joining us is Dr. Steve Puccini.
I hate to make myself the center of attention, literally, because at this level it's pretty dangerous.
They're obsessed.
They're demonizing.
Pchenik thinks Sandy Hook was totally staged.
I've looked at all angles.
With the media caught staging babies in incubators and all these lies, I said, did they kill a bunch of kids?
Was it all actors?
We saw a lot of anomalies.
Or did they really kill some kids?
A lot of anomalies.
But Pchenik believes it's totally staged.
He exposed that they would roll Bin Laden out 14 years before they did.
And of course it's come out, I've talked to military folks, Navy SEALs, Army, people on the boat, they say there was no Bin Laden.
These are known liars.
If we didn't question them, we'd be insane.
But, separate from Sandy Hook, Dr. Pachinik, why are they coming after little old me?
Because, again, it seems like our audience is getting bigger, our traffic's at record levels, people are supporting us, we've got sponsors knocking down our doors.
I don't understand what's going on here with this being one of the number, this was number one yesterday.
It's the second biggest story in the country right now after Sessions.
What is happening as a psychological warfare expert who's fought for this country and now fighting to try to restore the republic?
Well, Alex, it's always a pleasure to come on on your show, and it's always a pleasure to follow you and Roger.
That was funny, but you kind of answered your own question.
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.
Jealousy is, I would like to wear something that you have.
Your jacket, I would like to have a show like yours.
That's jealousy.
But what you're seeing now is far more destructive, and that dynamic is called envy.
In your question, you answered the very element that the media can no longer address, the normal media or whatever they want to call it, the mainstream media.
You're number one.
You create an alternative narrative.
You are very clear.
You stood by your positions.
You called what it was a false flag 9-11.
You've been with us for 20 years.
You were never cowed.
You are never beaten down.
So what the media is doing, they're trying to take you down at the same time that they're taking themselves down.
Now, the issue of self-destruction has been there for quite a while.
You have talked about it.
I've talked about it.
Roger's talked about it.
And what's happening is you're seeing the final cries
Of an elephant, sorry about the elephant and a donkey, that's basically dying.
And the media can no longer understand why didn't they get on the internet?
Why couldn't they develop what you did, Roger, Alex?
In effect, what this is all about is really the dynamic of envy.
They need to tear you apart.
So, Megan Kelly comes along, you know, she's self-aggrandizing, she says she's really a reporter, when in fact we know she's everything but a reporter.
Her interest is in her narcissism and her beauty, and as her first husband said, she needs a wife.
And her second husband became a very good wife for her.
I have nothing against that husband, he happens to be a writer, and I wish him the best.
But the bottom line is very simple.
You will be in the position while they try to tear you down and tear themselves down of helping them.
And helping them means the ratings for NBC, CNN, ABC, they're all in the toilet.
The industry is in the toilet.
I can tell you as part of the Producers Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America, they don't know how to develop content for the internet.
Now along comes this very bright,
Individual from Texas.
They don't even know where Austin, Texas is.
You're not from Hollywood, you're from Texas.
And suddenly, your ability to have a repartee, to be incisive, to be funny, to be able to take yourself not that seriously, but at the same time, to promote truth, transparency, and be incisive and witty, that is very dangerous to the mainstream media.
So what do you have?
You have an Anderson Cooper,
Nice, sweet guy, openly gay.
That's not an issue.
The issue is he forgets to tell you that twice.
And many other times he's been in the CIA, had a CIA internship.
Then you have Fox News.
They went after Sean Kennedy.
They went after all the people in Fox News.
I knew Roger Ailes.
I like working with Roger on the Bush administration.
But he had played out whatever he needed to, and he did very well at Fox.
Now, what happened, the Murdoch sons are in and they really don't know how to develop the content, not because they're stupid, it's just part of the mainstream media where content is king and they don't have it.
Now, how do you explain to Hollywood and to the networks that you have an individual here who may or may not have been a comedian, God only knows what your past is, but I think it's wonderful, who comes out of de novo and creates
I mean, Infowars isn't that good, but let's expand.
It's that they're that bad.
They have to spend millions to reach a million.
We spend hundreds of dollars to reach a million people.
They're panicking, so they think if they kill us, that will make them whole, because they're projecting they've destroyed themselves with their lies.
That's part of the envy.
They're self-destructive, but they want to make sure they take you down.
Now, in that process, they really don't have the tools to take you down.
I was about to say, it's only making us bigger.
I don't understand.
I mean, are they really that dumb?
It's not that they're dumb.
It's just that they're incompetent.
They really have never been in a scope where you have been in that area.
Let me explain it.
Whoever you were, whoever you might be, that's a separate issue for them.
What they can't understand is how you came out of de novo, literally out of nowhere.
And came out of this area in Texas and developed an audience that they can't seem to reach.
So the only way they seem to reach it is to mock you, to denigrate you.
That's right.
So you just said it.
It's not me.
It's not even you.
It's all of us together.
It's this community of American patriots who aren't left or right, who just want America back.
They hate us.
Well, they hate you.
They hate me, too.
That's what I'm saying.
I have an agency that I've worked with for 20, 30 years, and I've said to them, look, I want to write about the alternative media, what happened, how it was done.
They don't want to represent anything to do with Alex Jones.
They categorically said to me, there's no way we're going to represent you and dealing with Alex Jones.
They don't mind writing... And they don't get that they're not even getting the new blood they need to survive.
They're so stupid.
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When I grow up, I want to crush the globalists because they're a bunch of stagnant idiots.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I don't think it's that InfoWars is that good.
I think it's the Globalist are that weak.
And we'll go back to Pchenik here in this little segment the next and David Knight's taking over and we're gonna have Paul Watts and others coming up in the next few days in the fourth hour.
I remember we were running some ads through a sponsor that wanted to work with me on some Clear Channel, big syndicated shows that have giant audiences.
And I knew I'd gone on those shows and plugged things and had a big effect.
I mean, I was on, you know, one show, one time George Norris, and it sold like 20,000 DVDs with one 30 second plug.
And then I was working with this vitamin mineral company that has great products and they were running ads and it was having no effect.
Very low.
We did an ad and the first time it had seven times the effect and then every time I ran the ad it was like 30-40 times the effect by the time and then they're still sponsoring to this day.
And it's other issues, like take Clear Channel.
I could go on all those stations and have them have warehouses and direct sell high-quality products to people, have the host part of it, and make Talk Radio profitable again.
The executives don't care.
They're just off in their own wonderlands, always looking for some other executive job they want to move on to, when Talk Radio is still ginormous.
It still has huge audiences, and then you push that as the infrastructure that's already there to the Internet,
You have the trained personnel already in talk radio and TV.
They're just letting all those people go when that's the huge value of personnel for the media army to take over.
I'm not even that smart!
These people are morons!
I don't mean George, he's really smart.
It happened in other cases.
And so, that's what I'm talking about, is they're just stagnant.
They have no idea.
They're insane.
That's why we're going to beat them.
They may bring me down, or Trump down, or anybody down.
They're bringing themselves down.
Globalism as we know it, anti-free market, a bunch of billionaires that want to make everybody else poor, that's not going to sell.
If we promote freedom against that, they'll fall.
I don't care how much money they got, what they're doing.
If we believe in freedom, they're done.
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We're going to stop that today.
It's supposed to end yesterday.
Pachinick, again, I'm not an egomaniac.
My ego is invested in humanity, which I guess I'm an even bigger egomaniac than.
My ego is so big I just associate everything with me.
But you're the psychiatrist here.
All I know is we're going to beat these people.
We got a short segment here, another segment coming up.
But it's not that we're even that good.
It's that they're that pathetic.
Is that accurate?
Both statements are true, but you are really far better than you understand.
It's not just the fact that who you are, what you've created, and all the personnel with you has a leveraging factor that's so great exponentially, you cannot find that on the main channels or on cable.
Let me give you an example.
The head of Netflix, who I assume is a quite competent guy,
He just lost $110 billion on one show.
He lost $99 billion on another show.
These are shows directly to Netflix.
They're in trouble!
Amazon will be in trouble with content.
Hollywood is in trouble with content.
TV is in trouble with content.
Because there is no content.
There are only so many times you can have a Jason Bourne.
There's only so many times you have Jack Ryan.
And there are only so many times soldiers can shoot up a scene.
When an Alex Jones comes along, and you don't know what the narrative is going to be, it puts everybody on notice.
So it's a loss of control.
It's not Alex Jones, it's the maverick spirit of America.
We'll be back in 70 seconds to have a genetic finish.
And then Data Knight's taking over.
I want to give us credit, but it's just the maverick spirit that's the credit.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Alex Jones here, back live, fourth hour.
David Knight's about to take over.
Let's just fade down this intro to have more time with Dr. Pachinik.
Doc, you're a guy, I mean, since we're giving out laurels here, but it shows that you've been really more accurate than anybody out there with long-term projections.
On my show, eight, nine years ago, saying the feds are going to lose power, things will devolve back to the states, back to the south, back to the Midwest, back to Texas, Americana will be rediscovered, government will just be obsolete, people are going to ignore it, media is going to be ignored.
That de-evolution happened, you were accurate, but as a father of four children,
I do this because I have to, but I don't like it.
What do we have to worry about?
Let's not get too confident here.
How is the empire going to strike back?
And then what are other trends coming up?
The real major trends for the United States, believe it or not, is going to be water wars.
I wrote about it in State of Emergency.
I am now engaged in a water war in Bradford County.
A lack of water.
You're going to see that in California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico.
And this is going to be one of the biggest issues.
The issue of federal power will devolve.
I told you the FBI is not as relevant anymore as they thought they once were.
What we have that's relevant are the local police.
And the local county commissioners and your state governors.
The more and more we devolve power, the more important it becomes to really understand how important you have to be as a member of the community.
You are a Maverick, but you reflect the Maverick quality of Texas, the Southwest of Florida, and all those individuals who had to do it on their own.
Despite the fact that your family came from, you know, a doctor, an orthodontist, a surgeon,
All those elements were irrelevant to the fact that you went out on your own and created Alex Jones and Infowar.
So once that happens, that is the model for our people.
In other words, you're not going to depend on a pension.
You're not going to have a steady job anymore.
We have what we call a gig economy, GIG, meaning you're going to go from job to job and you're going to have to figure out among our people how to create businesses that generate cash,
That allow you to have a certain style of life, but you can't depend on your pensions anymore.
You can't depend on the government to take care of you.
Every one of you who thinks that there's a pension out there waiting for you, you better check it very carefully because those pensions are invested in hedge funds, which are doing very poorly on the markets.
Not because of Trump and not because of any other issue other than the fact
That the hedge funds are becoming antiquated.
You can't build 5-10% out of billions and billions of dollars.
The second thing that's coming in is devolution of power in Europe.
I said it years ago that Catalan would break away from Spain.
Madrid refuses to let the Catalonians who... Yeah, 10 years ago you laid the Brexit out, you said don't worry about the Euro, it's all a joke.
And it's still a joke.
Because the only thing holding it up, and Trump was right when he said, I don't like Germany, I don't like Merkel.
Merkel knows that she's manipulating the Euro so that she can make it as the equivalent of the Deutschmark.
In effect, the Germans have created a dependent relationship on Southern Europe.
Spain, Italy, Greece.
Greece has defaulted again for the fourth time.
Now, if we had Puerto Rico defaulting four times, we would say, you know what, we don't want it in a statehood.
The reality is that we as an entity are really becoming redefined along the Southwest Corridor, the Midwest, the Eastern Coast, and the West Coast are really not relevant anymore.
Shipping will come in from Florida,
New Orleans and around Texas.
And that's basically where you're going to see the engines of the United States.
So the country really is collapsing into the Midwest, into Texas, into Florida and the Southwest and reorganizing.
I wouldn't say it was collapsing.
I'd say that it was reorganizing because we are around the major rivers here in the Mississippi, we're in Missouri.
We have all the major rivers going down south.
And we have the ships coming in, the Panama Ships.
Senator Rand Paul slammed the Democrats yesterday and called the Senate hearings into the collusion between Trump and Russia nothing more than political theater.
Appearing on CNN, Rand Paul said that the anti-Trumpers have become totally obsessed with proving a Russian conspiracy that simply does not exist.
This is political theater, and really, those committees aren't getting anywhere.
If there really was anything done wrong, it'll come out of the Special Counsel.
And my suspicion is very little, if anything, will come out of there.
But I think there's a political operation going on.
Rand Paul went on to say that former FBI Chief James Comey's testimony completely vindicated
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've gotten live coverage out of our other studio at InfoWars.com and part of the InfoWars is spreading that link.
Owen Schroer is in there going over the testimony of Senator Sessions, now Attorney General.
He's saying it's totally false, these are made-up attacks, it's all completely ridiculous.
And so let me ask Dr. Steve Pechenik that as he finishes up, author, researcher.
On what's happening in this country, about how he sees this devolution back to the people, back to the states, that Trump clearly recognizes and is talking about.
Do you think the Trump administration can be saved?
I mean I think overall he's delivered on killing the carbon tax, TPP, a lot of jobs, the stock market, but they just seem more shrill all the time.
A lot of the public's turning against it, but I think psychologically a lot of the
Bureaucrats and some of the deep state people believe they're invincible.
You talked about how a lot of patriots in the deep state helped get Trump elected.
That's admitted now.
I don't know, you know, the juxtapose of the different positions of the people, but looking at the battlefield from your perspective and your sources, where is the restoration of this republic right now?
The restoration of the Republic has to be defined in two ways.
What you see with Comey, Mueller, and Wray, the three, what I call white Anglo-Saxons, the elite of the WASP who went to Yale, Princeton,
Complexes, industrial complexes, apartment houses, and construction sites in New Jersey, Long Island, and Queens.
So what we have here now is the beginning of the end of the process, which was heightened by Obama.
And we're now going into the reality of building structures, infrastructure, building up our towns, our cities, our counties, and starting to care about where America is locally.
We don't care as much about what's happening overseas because Mattis will take care of that.
Tillerson has to take care of that.
But the reality right now is that Trump is focused very much on what Roth and Lafrak are doing.
And wouldn't you say he's delivering because Trump is obsessed?
With true economic real world and is delivering and he just, I guess, thinks that that will defeat the made-up garbage and theater and hysteria being put out by the Republican and Democratic establishment.
I mean, I don't know how anybody could be complaining so far when Trump got so much done.
He had that cabinet meeting yesterday, and everybody from each cabinet department announced the successes they'd had, and the media made fun of it and said, look at the cheerleading session he just had.
Don't they get that if we don't get confidence up, we're going to go into a depression?
I mean, watching the establishment cheerlead against our economy and against everybody's 401Ks really angers me, Dr. Pucinich.
Again, it's the issue of envy.
It's the issue of the fact that people really don't understand how the business of business works.
You come in, you fire people, you put in people in place without spending too much time.
You don't go into meetings.
You don't, put it quite frankly, you don't bullshit.
You get things done.
And the only two concerns that people like myself or you or LeFrak and Roth have is, is it coming on time?
Is it under budget?
That's it.
But in the process of Washington, it's totally irrelevant.
Those two questions and what you have, in fact, is process overtaking substance.
But those days are gone now because we don't have money for it.
We don't have a capacity to handle that anymore.
We have to focus in
We've got Mueller and them trying to block the President while he's trying to jumpstart the economy with defibrillators, running around rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, battling the President as he just tries to steer us around the iceberg field.
It's so obvious to the American people that the Democratic Party and others and the Republican establishment are committing seppuku.
I mean, they are just a bunch of hysterical babies that want to claim they're in power, vestigially through a power structure, even though they're not.
They want to imagine they're in control, and they're actually pissed that America's coming back.
Here's an example of this.
Let's contrast what they did with Solyndra.
Because, you know, that's a renewable energy source, right?
Total scam.
Should have been investigated by the FBI, but it wasn't.
Versus getting the government off the back of the coal miners.
And so we had this report that came out.
Trump tweeted it.
Hey, look, we've got a coal mine opening up, a new coal mine opening up.
And when I looked at Trump's tweet, a guy at the top had said, well, there's more people employed by Arby's than there are by the coal industry.
And I said, well, that's because Hillary and Obama never tried to shut down Arby's.
They are trying to shut down beef supply, but they never tried to shut that down.
And coal sold to the world.
Coal is a platform like oxygen.
Coal gives us steel and strength and energy.
Arby's gives us diabetes.
I'm not trying to attack Arby's, but... One of them gives us energy, the other one gives us gas.
But you know what?
The thing is, is that it's a difference between getting the government off the back of people and allowing them to create versus determining that you're going to shut down no matter what they do.
You're going to shut down the coal industry.
You could clean it up or whatever, but...
Which means they're declaring they're going to annihilate Nazi Germany.
This group today, that group tomorrow.
Now it's industries.
You can have a coal plant, but we're going to bankrupt you.
It's this arbitrary command and control.
And they do it because of crony capitalism.
They do it because they wanted to feed their friends who had Solyndra.
It's crooked.
And that's what the Paris Agreement was about.
It's about crony capitalism.
You don't even have to debate the science on this.
Let me ask you this, because you're taking over to host for us a show.
Let me ask you, and then ask Pecheneg in closing, what do we do to defeat these people?
What do we do to make sure we're in their face?
What do we do to make sure?
I mean, I'm expanding InfoWars.
But I'm just, you know, InfoWars.
What does the audience do?
I got support us, but larger than that, they should call C-SPAN, they should call Talk Radio, they should start a blog.
I mean, what do we do in the InfoWars, David Knight, Steve Pchenik, to really make sure we expose these scoundrels?
Well, we don't allow them to shut us down by calling us a conspiracy theorist.
Every time we question the official government story, their pat reply is to yell, conspiracy theorist.
In the same way that when you show up at one of these rallies, if you have a Trump sign, they immediately call you racist, sexist, homophobe.
We just call their bluff.
Yeah, so we just call their bluff.
It's just a label.
We don't really care.
And we're going to continue to look at the information.
And they're getting more shrill.
Dr. Pachinik, you're a psychiatrist.
I mean, the shrillness, the hysteria, it's like drunken toddlers running around beating people up.
I mean, what does this signify to you?
What I signify is, again, what I'm telling you, is the toddler's either drowning or he's suffocating in his crib.
And the answer was, we've talked about it for quite a while, what you're seeing is the death throes of the end of the mainstream media and the political parties.
What you have done, David, you, a group of others, Steve Quayle, we all started an alternative dialogue and narrative that they cannot shut down, nor do they understand it.
And at this point, all they're doing is throwing mud balls, and it has no effect whatsoever.
So as a psychiatrist that predicted this, and a psychological warfare expert for the Pentagon, State Department, you name it, what do you expect in closing, the next shoe to drop in the insane toddler meltdown?
Well, they're going to try an impeachment narrative, an impeachment scenario against Trump, and it's not going to work.
And then they're going to mock Trump again, and that's not going to work.
And at the same time, foreign countries will try to align with different elements of the Democratic Party in a way to impair Trump or inhibit him.
Executing what he needs to do on foreign policy.
Remember, we're focused in, not as isolationists, we're focused in on the United States.
The devolution of power... Yeah, we're not going to sell out America anymore.
Dr. Pachinik, StevePachinik.com.
Folks can find your latest books there.
Thank you so much for the time.
Thank you.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Have a good day.
I mean, you can say what you want about Trump.
Thank you.
He really is the American president.
He really is saying no more one-sided deals, selling out our infrastructure.
He wants to do deals that are two-way.
He's not even against China or Mexico or anybody.
And I know you're taking over here in a moment.
Just briefly, listeners, we are successful.
We are having a big effect.
David Knight's coming up.
We've got Infowars.com coverage of the hearings in Congress with Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
That's going on right now.
As you can see, they're on the camera shot over our shoulder.
But before David takes over, without you buying products at InfoWars store, we're dead in the water.
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As long as you financially support us and spread the links to the articles, we can stand against the globalists and their boycotts and their attacks and their demonization.
So this is a key fight in the movement to expose the New World Order and defend the restoration of our Republic and the planet towards a freedom-based algorithm.
David Knight's taking over at T-minus four minutes on the other side.
Nightly News Tonight, seven o'clock central.
Want to say great job to the crew, our sponsors and affiliates.
And again, if you want to see Owen Schroer and the live feed of the Attorney General, it's at InfoWars.com.
Spread that link.
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It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, this fourth hour.
I'm David Knight.
I want to give you a context for this Sessions Session that we have going on right now.
We have testimony from Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Of course, last week we had testimony from James Comey, former FBI Director, before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, that Sessions was silent
When Comey told him about his concerns with meeting Trump alone.
Now, Comey is going to contradict that part of the testimony.
He's going to say that's absolutely not true.
He said that he told Comey that the DOJ and the FBI need to be careful about following appropriate policies regarding contacts with the White House.
But if you watched the hearings last week, you also know
That the Democrat Senators kept asking questions about Sessions, and of course, that could not be answered by trying to incriminate him, trying to imply that there was something wrong, trying to talk about other meetings with the Russian ambassador.
And they call for this testimony today to be public.
They said if you make it private, Sessions wanted to talk about this in private, they said if you make it private, we're going to leak the information.
And then we will call for a public hearing.
So they threatened to leak the information out of a private hearing.
And they actually did leak information from last week's private hearing, when Comey talked to them after the public testimony.
They actually already leaked that information.
They said, well, Comey told us that Sessions had a third undisclosed meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
And that has been denied by the Justice Department spokeswoman, Flores.
She's denied that this meeting ever happened at the Mayflower Hotel in D.C.
following a speech that President Trump gave during the campaign.
Now, as they try to say that talking to the transition team of Trump, talking to the Russian ambassador, talking to foreign dignitaries, that that was somehow a violation of the Logan Act, or that was somehow conspiracy with the Russians.
That absolutely isn't true.
As an example of that, this story from the Daily Caller confirmed Obama had his own back channel to Moscow.
These are the words of Bloomberg.
They said, in October, two people said the White House contacted the Kremlin on the back channel.
To offer detailed documents of what it said was Russia's role in election meddling, and to warn that the attacks risk setting off a broader conflict.
So it's not a problem if Obama has a back channel, but it is a problem if anybody in the White House were to talk about that secretly.
Meanwhile, we had Judge Napolitano say that this is a very dangerous game that they're engaged in here.
Newt Gingrich came out and talked about how Bob Mueller is not neutral, and we'll talk about that in a moment here.
Talking about the connections of the special prosecutors with many people in the Hillary Clinton camp.
But Judge Napolitano said prosecutors are not neutral.
They prosecute people.
He understands that this isn't an investigation.
This is a prosecution.
Bring me the man and I'll find the crime type of prosecution.
The kind of prosecution we saw in Stalinist Russia.
Judge Napolitano went on to say they believe that their targets are guilty.
And they mass evidence to justify that belief.
That is what they do.
He says, I'm telling Newt Gingrich that this is no different from any other prosecution.
The whole country, particularly those of us in this business, want it to be public so we can witness what he's going to say.
But this is a very dangerous position for him to be in.
He is testifying as a witness because he doesn't run the Russian investigations.
He is a witness.
He has involvement in both, he's going to be accused of perjury, and he's going to come to a conflict point where he has to decide.
See, here's the situation.
We've had James Comey, and I'm surprised at how silent all the media is.
And I'm even talking about people who typically look at this from a... because let's understand, everybody's partisan, okay?
Let's not pretend that there's any objective media.
Fly your flag, let people know where you're coming from, and support your position.
That's the only way to do honest journalism.
If you come out there and say, I have no dog in this, I have no opinion in this, that's a lie.
That's a lie.
Anybody that believes that is a fool, including the person who says it.
So if you believe that, and you're in the news business, you're a fool.
Because the stories that you pick to talk about
Reflect your opinion, your political bias, the point of view that you're coming from.
And so we have a press that is going to support Trump.
We have a press that's going to attack Trump.
And so the very stories that you pick are going to show that.
But when we have the press that typically is going to support Trump, I'm surprised at how silent they've been on the perjury of James Comey.
This is a guy who, under oath, first said, nobody ever pressured me to shut down an investigation politically.
If they did, that would be a big deal.
Well, it should be a big deal when he comes back and says, no, no, I understood him to be telling me to shut down this investigation.
He said hope, but I understood that was done in the same sense that King Henry II said, I hope somebody will rid me of this turbulent priest.
And so they got the hint and they killed him.
What he was saying was, he was prevaricating in his language.
You know, the person who's prevaricating in their language is James Comey.
And he came out and said, I was pressured, in so many words, he said, I was pressured to shut this down.
He's the one who committed perjury.
He won't, nothing will happen to him.
Even the libertarian conservative press won't say that.
But they will come, everybody will come after Jeff Sessions if they find a contradiction.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Senator Rand Paul slammed the Democrats yesterday and called the Senate hearings into the collusion between Trump and Russia nothing more than political theater.
Appearing on CNN, Rand Paul said that the anti-Trumpers have become totally obsessed with proving a Russian conspiracy that simply does not exist.
This is political theater, and really, those committees aren't getting anywhere.
If there really was anything done wrong, it'll come out of the special counsel.
And my suspicion is very little, if anything, will come out of there.
But I think there's a political operation going on.
Rand Paul went on to say that former FBI Chief James Comey's testimony completely vindicated everything the president has already said.
I hardly know the man.
I'm not going to say I want you to pledge allegiance.
Who would do that?
Who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath?
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It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nye in this fourth hour.
I was just talking about the jeopardy that Jeff Sessions is putting himself in as he testifies at this point because they're looking for a process crime with him.
They're looking for perjury while they ignore Comey's perjury.
I'm going to talk to you about how dirty Comey is here in just a moment.
But as we see this third allegation that came out, of course it was in a closed hearing.
The Democrats leaked it.
Comey alleged that Sessions had met a third time with the Russian ambassador.
So we've got these back channels.
And as I just reported to you, Obama set up back channels with the Russians himself.
So, they do talk to Russia.
It is very important to talk to somebody that has a massive nuclear arsenal, rather than continuing to poke them so that we can revive a Cold War, which is what the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton did.
They want to revive that Cold War for the military-industrial complex that just doesn't make enough money.
If they aren't selling long-range bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles, we need to up the ante on the military spending here.
So, it's necessary to have that, even if it brings us to the brink or into a nuclear war.
That doesn't matter.
We've got to serve the interests of the military-industrial complex.
And of course, the Democrats, who are always anti-war, just play along with this, because it's political theater for them.
Now, as they were saying, as some of Sessions' staff said, spokesperson for the Justice Department denied that meeting.
They said, we want to have an open meeting today with Senator Sessions.
We want to get him in public, because if you put it in private, we're going to leak that information, and then we're going to have a public hearing in addition.
And we already know that they'll leak the information because they leaked the false allegation from Comey from the private meeting last week to put pressure on him.
But he says he did not meet a third time with the Russian ambassador.
And his staffers have acknowledged that he met twice with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
They said he did not mislead Congress because the encounters are part of his job as a senator.
Senators do this all the time.
There's nothing criminal about that.
He did not do it as a Trump surrogate.
Meanwhile, we see that CNN cuts the feed after a senator objects the Clinton Foundation attorney joining the independent quote-unquote independent council.
CNN cut away from, this is a story from Breitbart, CNN cut away from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday morning, seconds after Senator Lindsey Graham raised concerns that a special counsel, that special counsel Robert Mueller had hired a former Clinton Foundation attorney to assist with the probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
And of course this is what Newt Gingrich was very upset about.
It's what
We had the reaction of Judge Napolitano to, reacted to what Newt Gingrich said.
Newt Gingrich had a mini-meltdown, as it's reported by Breitbart, in the media Monday with a tweet challenging the fairness of the investigation in the Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
He said, Republicans are delusional.
If they think the special counsel is going to be fair, look who he is hiring.
Check the FEC reports.
It's time to rethink this.
In other words, the federal election commissions.
And so we have, and many people have done that.
There's three members of this special counsel team, the independent team that's going to investigate this.
We have three members of the legal team hired by special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia.
Overwhelmingly donated to Democrats, according to analysis of the Federal Election Commission records.
The three attorneys collectively made over $53,000 in political campaign contributions to Democrats since 1998, with over half of those contributions coming from one attorney, Quarles.
He was selected by Mueller from his old law firm, WilmerHale.
So this is the kind of collusion the swamp is now going to do an independent investigation of Donald Trump.
And that's what we had Judge Apollo Tano responding to.
He said, look, this is not anything, this is not an investigation.
Oh, let's just look and see if there's anything here.
They've been looking for several months.
They've been looking since, what is it, last, what was it, July?
July was when the DNC was, so it was before that.
They've been looking into Russian interference into our election and all that amount of time.
They haven't found anything yet.
Believe me, if they found something, they would have told you.
Instead, as Marco Rubio pointed out during the testimony of Comey, he said, why is it that all the senators here, all the staffers here, all the mainstream media knows, but you will not say it in public?
The only thing that you won't leak out?
Is that Trump is not under investigation by you?
Well, you know, at some point in the future, he might be under investigation.
So we can't really do that because we'd have a duty to retract.
It's like you would have no problem doing that.
You had no problem doing that for Hillary Clinton.
You had no problem coming back out with that after you shut down and removed the cloud for her.
At the request of Loretta Lynch.
So this is the double standard that we have here, the criminal standard I'm going to get to in just a moment.
Meanwhile, Louie Gohmert said that Mueller is dirty and should recuse himself.
We have a congressman calling the special investigator, Robert Mueller, dirty.
Why does he say that?
He said the creation of a special counsel is a ruse by dishonest Comey.
He said there is so much collusion, real collusion, in the Justice Department, including collusion between Comey and Mueller.
He said there is no collusion with this administration, Russia.
We can drop that independent counsel, that special counsel.
There is no further need, and now that we have collusion between Comey and Mueller before he testified?
Also ran things by other people in the Justice Department when they did their memo.
So much collusion.
Here's what he said specifically.
Now we know the collusion between Comey and Mueller.
This is what Gohmert said.
In the interview on Fox News today, he said, Comey ran things by Mueller before he testified.
You think maybe that was what was happening when Bill Clinton and Lynch met on the tarmac?
Do you think they were running stuff through?
What do you know?
What could she be in jeopardy for in terms of perjury?
Because as I pointed out before, Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for rape.
He wasn't impeached for sexual assault.
There were strong allegations that were never investigated by the special counsel.
Who did that?
And of course that special counsel went on to be the defense counsel for Epstein and his pedophile and also become president of Baylor University and cover up for rape allegations of the football team there.
So he didn't want to go into the rape allegations.
He didn't want to go into the hard stuff.
Instead what he did was he came after a little wimpy charge of perjury.
And of course, Bill Clinton as a lawyer, he knows the seriousness of perjury.
But came after him for perjury about a consensual relationship, which is not a crime.
Not a crime.
But he said, Comey ran things by Mueller before he testified.
Make sure that he didn't get caught in something other than maybe he should have talked to him about the fact that he said, hey, it'd be a big deal if somebody put political pressure on me.
He did commit perjury.
I don't understand why that isn't headline news, that he committed perjury.
He committed perjury because he said, it would be a big deal if anybody ever put political pressure on me.
Then he says, under oath again, he put political pressure on me.
After saying, no, nobody ever did that.
That's a, we got two different testimonies under oath saying two different contradictory things.
He either perjured himself one time or he perjured himself the other time.
But he says Comey also ran things by other people in the Justice Department when he did the memo.
There is so much collusion, real collusion in the Justice Department.
Let's talk about Comey.
Let's talk about Dirty Comey.
You know, Comey stonewalled congressional requests for information about his involvement with the British spy, Christopher Steele, who created the dirty dossier.
Remember in the testimony that we had last week?
We had Comey saying, well, I called the first meeting.
And of course, it's okay if Comey calls a private meeting with the president.
There's nothing inappropriate about that.
But if the president calls a private meeting with Comey, oh, that's flags go up.
Flags go up.
That's right there.
That's obstruction of justice.
If Donald Trump were to call a private meeting.
But no, Comey can call a private meeting.
Comey said, well I wanted to call this private meeting because, you know, we had this dirty dossier that was floating around and I didn't want him to think that I was doing something like Jagger Hoover.
No, he was doing something exactly like J. Edgar Hoover.
He knows J. Edgar Hoover's history, and Trump knows Comey's history.
It's one of the reasons he fired him.
But he stonewalled this congressional investigation request for information about his and the FBI's involvement with the British spy who produced that slanderous, dirty dossier.
That wasn't an instruction of justice, that was involvement in dirty tricks.
And let me read this to you, because I always get to this just before the break, and I always have to cut this short.
Back on March 6th, we had the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, Republican Senator from Iowa.
sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey asking if the FBI had ever attempted to hire Christopher Steele, the British spy who created the false, dirty dossier that BuzzFeed ran with and everybody mocked eventually.
And he said this in that March 6th letter.
He said, the idea, this is Senator Grassley writing to Comey, the idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises substantial questions about the FBI's independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration's use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends.
And let me underscore this.
As equally surprising to me that we don't have people talking about James Comey committing perjury.
The big story here, folks, is the fact that we had the Obama administration use law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political purposes.
This is the worst possible outcome we could have of this massive surveillance machinery that we have created in the wake of the 9-11 false flag.
This is where this is all headed.
This is the worst possible outcome.
It's always going to be the people in power who are going to be the ones who are going to be up against the wall first.
And of course, as we know now, they were investigating and spying on Americans without warrant in clear violation of the law.
Not even the Patriot Act or Section 702 gives them the authority to spy on Americans without a search warrant.
The FBI and the Obama administration and the NSA violated the law.
We've now had the FISA court, which was created to stop that, and then became essentially a tool for them to do dragnet surveillance of Mr. and Mrs. Verizon.
But even the FISA court is concerned about the political use of this surveillance state.
They not only called this a violation of the Constitution, a violation of the law, but then they took essentially an unprecedented step and declassified their court decision for everybody to hear.
And nobody is listening.
Nobody is paying any attention.
This is not an anonymous source from the New York Times or the Washington Post saying that Obama and the intelligence agencies that worked for him used their power for political purposes.
This is the FISA Court!
Saying that this is a violation of law and nobody is listening.
Just as FBI Director Comey refused to listen to Senator Grassley when he said, I want to know what your involvement is with the guy that created this dirty dossier.
So he sent them that letter on March the 6th.
He said, I want to hear from you in two weeks, March the 20th.
So, April the 28th, he writes in a letter and says, you know, I never heard back from you.
He used a little bit stronger language than that.
He said, on March 6th, I wrote to you requesting information about the FBI's relationship with Mr. Christopher Steele, author of the Political Opposition Research Dossier, alleging collusion with Trump and the Russian government.
Although that letter asked for a response by the 20th of March, the FBI has failed to provide one.
A month later, a month and ten days later, he writes about this.
He says, after a startling lack of response from the FBI, I was forced to delay committee proceedings on the nomination for Deputy Attorney General in order to get the Department of Justice's cooperation.
On April the 19th, the FBI sent Ranking Member Feinstein and me a four-sentence letter purporting to be a response to the February 15th and March 6th letters.
Two of those sentences are merely standard closing boilerplate language in FBI letters.
So in other words, he sends them a two-letter, a two-sentence response after
A month after he had asked for a response.
Giving him two weeks, he takes six weeks and he gives him a two sentence response.
He said the letter did not answer any of the questions, instead incorrectly claimed that the briefing addressed the concerns raised in both the February 15th and March 6th letters.
There appear to be, says the Senator to Comey, material inconsistencies between the description of the FBI's relationship with Mr. Steele that you did provide in your briefing and information contained in Justice Department documents.
In other words, you're lying.
You're lying, Comey.
You sent me a response.
You've said things that contradict.
How long is James Comey going to be given a pass for lying?
Well, I guess as long as Hillary Clinton's going to be given a pass for felony violations of handling classified documents, we'll have a pass from James Comey.
These people operate on a privileged basis.
Other people do things and go to jail, but not these people.
So, let's take a look at this.
What he said.
Four things that he said.
Senator Grassley to FBI Director Comey.
He said, in addition to fully answering my March the 6th letter, please give me the following documents and information.
These four things.
Please give me documentations of all payments made to Mr. Steele, the British spy who comes up with this lying document that they then leaked through this, you know, this swamp rag buzzfeed.
Please document all payments you made him, including travel expenses if any, and the date of such payments, the amount of such payments, the authorization
For such payments.
Number two, when the FBI was in contact with Mr. Steele, or otherwise relying on information in the dossier, was it aware that his employer, Fusion GPS, was allegedly simultaneously working as an unregistered agent for Russian interests?
Please provide all related documents.
Number three, if so, if you did know that he was, his employer, was working as an unregistered agent for the Russians,
When and how did the FBI become aware that the guy who wrote this dirty dossier was working for an unregistered agent for Russian interests?
Did it include the information about Fusion GPS's alleged work for Russian principals in any of the documents describing or relying on information from the dossier?
If not, why not?
And lastly, if the FBI was previously unaware, but has now learned of this,
Does the FBI plan to amend any application reports or other documents it's created to describe or rely on the information of the dossier to add to this information, so forth?
So it's very, very legalistic in terms of its case.
But he's saying this, look, we know what you were doing, so why don't you come clean, why don't you give us an answer, and of course, Comey would not.
He has openly and defiantly, in the face of the American people, pushed a double standard.
Comey would not.
He said there's one standard for Hillary Clinton and another standard for everybody else.
She can violate the highest classified information.
She can create her own private server for her own purposes to cover up her information.
And yet, if you do this, we're going to come after you.
And he did.
He came after a guy who worked on a submarine.
He took a couple of snapshots of his workplace as a souvenir.
He didn't have any criminal intent.
That was supposed to be what let Hillary Clinton go.
But of course, there's nothing in the statute about that.
He simply has a different standard for her, just like he had a different standard for Sandy Berger.
Who stole classified documents out of the National Security Archives, who destroyed classified documents, who obstructed justice on behalf of the Clintons, and it was James Comey who gave Sandy Berger a pass.
Then he openly committed perjury and sworn testimony before these people.
And then he kept classified information on his personal computer, if in fact he did memorialize this conversation as he claims now.
He kept that information on his own personal computer, the exact same thing that he had just had an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton saying, you know, you can't put this on something, call it Clintonemails.com, the big red flag out there for everybody to come get the information.
Of course, maybe that's the back channel where she could provide stuff to people that had given her money.
I don't know.
That's something that should be looked at.
But this guy violates security protocols for his own personal Machiavellian agenda just like Hillary Clinton.
And of course he gets a pass.
And there's no investigation in the Department of Homeland Security, hacking into the boards of elections of Georgia and Indiana, trying to make a case that that's critical infrastructure and they need to have a backdoor into it.
And then I think this whole thing with Reality Winner is another false flag to justify that, to put that under the control of Homeland Security because there's not going to be any FBI investigation of that.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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It's Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
Before we get back to the news, I'm going to talk about JP Morgan pulling their ads from NBC News because Megyn Kelly is interviewing Alex Jones.
So JP, Megyn, I guess.
The two of them working together.
But, uh, we'll talk about what's really behind that, uh, what's behind, really, uh, J.P.
Morgan just a second.
Before we do, understand that the way we fund our operation here is not with J.P.
They do not support our operation.
As a matter of fact, they have gone to great lengths to shut down information that we give you about the phony Federal Reserve System and the crimes of large banks like J.P.
They pay a lot of money to a whistleblower to shut her up, to make sure these crimes are not given a public hearing.
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Let's talk quickly about JP Morgan.
Remember J.P.
Morgan, the namesake of the bank that exists today, was the guy who manufactured a banking crisis, created chaos, and then offered the Federal Reserve, a central bank, as a solution to that.
The beast from Jekyll Island.
And so, it's interesting to me because I did a report on that, the 100th anniversary of the creation of that fraud, and now we've even got a guy who is a Turkish citizen, the CEO of Chobani Yogurt, sitting on the Federal Reserve determining what our monetary policy is.
This is a rigged system.
It is a private organization.
They pretend that they are federal and they're not federal.
They're no more federal than Federal Express, as everyone likes to say.
But I did a short piece
On the 100th anniversary, because they did it at Christmastime, they did it while people were not there.
They didn't have as many people on the floor so they could get this thing through with no press coverage.
I called it, it's a wonderful lie.
And I interspersed comments about the creation of the Federal Reserve with the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, because it's all happened at Christmastime.
That was taken down multiple times.
Every time it would get up to 12,000 views, they would take it down and say, copyright violation.
It wasn't a copyright violation.
I would play a little bit of the clip and then I would comment on it and I would talk about the different connections between it.
There you can see part of it, how I did it.
So it was going back and forth.
It was a fair use commentary.
I was showing how this banker, as you can see right there,
We're good to go.
I'm going to talk about the company that's there.
I'm going to talk about how they wanted to silence this woman who talked about the banking crisis, the mortgage fraud that they did.
They were willing to pay $9 billion in fees just so that there would not be a public hearing.
Just as the Democrats want to make sure that we got Jeff Sessions and a public hearing now.
They didn't want those videos on the air.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.