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Filename: 20170526_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 26, 2017
3117 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show Live on Infowars.com, Paul Joseph Watson discusses with guest Gad Saad the Manchester attack, Islam, a Canadian bill that criminalizes disrespecting someone's gender pronoun, Greg Gianforte's win in Montana after assaulting a reporter, and Chicago's high levels of violence. Watson argues conservatives support Gianforte because they despise the media so much and criticizes Democrat leadership and anti-gun policies for Chicago's problems. The episode also promotes two products from InfowarsLife.com: Caveman Ultimate Paleo Formula and Vitamin Mineral Fusion drink mix.

Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
It is May 26, 2017.
It is The Alex Jones Show Live.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
Alex will be coming in at the halfway stage of the broadcast, so be sure to stay tuned in for that.
For the moment, though, we've got a huge raft of news.
We also have a special guest coming up at the bottom of the hour.
He is Gad Saad, who's been on before.
He's an evolutionary behavioral scientist to talk about the Manchester attack, to talk about Islam, if it can be reformed, to talk about a bill in Canada, which would basically make it a crime to disrespect someone's gender pronoun.
We're going to talk about all that with Gad Saad coming up at the bottom of the hour.
For the moment, though, a ton of news.
Obviously, we're still talking about the Manchester attack.
We're talking about Greg Gianforte in Montana who won political office two days after body-slamming a reporter.
How much does that illustrate how despised the media is by conservatives?
They didn't care!
This is absolutely hilarious.
Now, we don't advocate violence.
We've never advocated violence against anybody.
But, you know, why didn't Gianforte just call the Guardian reporter whom he body-slammed a Nazi?
Then the media would have applauded him for the assault, right?
I mean, that's what they've been doing for the past six months.
You had Trump supporters, you had Richard Spencer.
Again, don't agree with his politics, but he was assaulted.
And the media venerated it.
They legitimized it.
The left lost their right to complain about violence when they did nothing to decry the violence against Trump supporters for the past 18 months.
You remember we had little girls being pepper sprayed by anti-Trump zealots during those rallies.
The media said absolutely nothing in opposition to that.
In fact, they went further.
They blamed Donald Trump himself.
So that's the environment that the left and the media created.
So don't come at me, don't come at me with your butthurt over Gianforte because he body-slammed this Guardian reporter.
Again, not advocating it, but look at what happened.
ABC News reports Greg Gianforte wins Montana special election a day after being charged with assault.
Just 24 hours after being charged with assault for allegedly, again there's no video of it but there's audio, allegedly body slamming a reporter in his Bozeman campaign office, Republican Greg Gianforte on Thursday defeated Democratic opponent Rob Quist to win the special election for the U.S.
House seat in Montana.
I know the butthurt over it today is absolutely monumental on behalf of the left.
The saltiness is unparalleled.
But again, doesn't this exemplify the fact that the left's ideas are so, so unpopular that somebody can win political office two days after body-slamming a journalist?
Conservatives despise the media so much.
They hate the media so much.
They're perfectly willing to overlook that and vote for him anyway.
So after this happened, the left, they were pretty confident that they could overturn this election result.
It looked like Gianforte was going to win.
Then this incident happened.
You had eyewitnesses come out saying that he grabbed the Guardian reporter by the neck.
They then kind of changed their story around so nobody was really sure about what happened.
He admitted that he assaulted this Guardian reporter, Ben Jacobs.
You know, he gave a press conference talking about it.
They expected that it would reverse the election result.
It didn't.
Absolutely, on many levels, hilarious.
I mean, let's be honest, the left has lost its right to complain about violence.
You've lost the moral high ground.
You don't have it, so you don't have the right to whine and bitch when it happens to you, when it happens to people on the left.
We distanced ourselves from any kind of violence from the beginning.
But you don't have the right to whine about it.
We had this puncher Nazi narrative for the past six months.
The media venerating violent assaults on Trump supporters.
Hate crimes committed by anti-Trump people blamed on Trump supporters.
And yet the retraction was always either in the back of the newspaper or they just never talked about it again.
You know, they'll report the big story about swastikas being painted on, you know, dormitory walls or whatever.
When it comes out that the people painting those swastikas are actually doing it to try and frame Trump supporters, you never hear the retraction.
We'll be back with the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
More tragedy in Chicago, which is living up to its nickname, Chirac.
Fourteen shot in four hours.
One fatally, a 16-year-old boy, shot in the head.
One of the boys was 14.
He was walking down the street when someone opened fire and hit him in the chest.
There were also at least six other shootings in Chicago in the same time span.
Recall that President Trump said if Chicago can't fix this problem, he will step in.
While I am not sure what the solution to this is, perhaps legalization of certain drugs, or not indoctrinating the youth into the gang culture, returning industry and manufacturing to cities to produce jobs, but what's certainly not working is Democrat leadership and the anti-gun policies of the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.
While we see great cities like Baltimore, Chicago, parts of Los Angeles, St.
Louis, Detroit deteriorate into violence and dilapidation, are we finally going to see great Americans rise up to leadership roles to return these once great American cities to their glory?
Let's hope with the next round of elections that's the case.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and of course, world leaders are meeting in Sicily today.
It's the G7.
Now, what's interesting about that is, of course, the boats from Libya arriving there in Sicily, in Italy.
It's complete bedlam on the streets of Sicily.
Gang warfare between mafia groups and African migrant groups.
It's absolutely insane.
The mayor there, or one of the mayors, is happy about it.
He says that it's now like the Middle East, it's now like Beirut or Istanbul, and that's a good thing, even though it's a European town.
But of course, what happened during the G7, and this is a headline, migrant boats banned from Sicily during G7 over security fears, so they have these waves of boats arriving every day, hundreds and hundreds of people, 200,000 people a year arriving in Italy, half of them immediately disappear,
Only 2.65% of them are actually given refugee asylum status.
The rest aren't, but again, they just disappear into the background.
You have a huge security threat because ISIS in some cases is paying the fee for these migrants to then pay the people smugglers to get them onto these boats.
Now it's not as if they're struggling across
The sea across the Mediterranean to get to Italy?
They only have to get 12 miles off the coast of Libya, they then send out a distress call to these George Soros funded NGO boats, who come and pick them up.
It's like a taxi service.
And again, people who have worked for some of these organisations, even leftists, who support this, who give up their time to ensure it happens, have admitted that when these people are coming in, they just barge their way past women and children, the few that are coming in.
And they demand immediate asylum.
Some of them have beheading videos on their phones, ISIS flags.
They're basically Islamists or Jihadists.
We've seen the reports they're getting paid by ISIS.
You pledge loyalty to us, you'll be one of our fighters on the ground in Europe.
We'll pay the 1500 euros that it cost them to pay the people smugglers to get into the boat in the first place.
Absolutely huge, insane security threat.
These NGOs should be prosecuted.
They are being prosecuted, at least there's an investigation that could lead to that in Italy.
Oh, but what happened?
For the couple of days when the G7 leaders are in town, oh, they banned the boats coming in.
So again, the policy they created, they don't want to be faced with the reality of it.
Oh, but they're going to inflict it on everyone else, aren't they, living down there in southern Italy?
Oh yeah, but just while they're in town, the political elite, those boats aren't going to be coming in.
Well, what does that tell you about the entire crisis?
The article reads, boats containing migrants picked up in the Mediterranean will be banned from docking in Sicily during the G7 meeting over fears for world leaders' security.
Oh yeah, we care about their security.
Don't care about European security, do we?
Because the very moment they friggin' leave, those boats are going to be coming straight back in.
The ban will begin on Monday.
So it already began a few days ago.
As leaders, including the pro-open borders, Engel and Merkel, will get together to discuss economic policy at San Domenico Palace Hotel on the island.
The security crackdown was ordered by Police Chief Franco Gabrielli, who said Italian security services needed a concrete plan to guarantee the security of the heads of state and government that will be on the island.
So those boats aren't going to be coming in just for the week that the G7 leaders are in town.
And that tells you everything, doesn't it?
If it's such a big security threat, why are the boats coming in at all?
200,000 people a year, some of them with ISIS sympathy, some of them actually ISIS members.
ISIS has bragged in its own manifesto about how they're going to exploit the refugee crisis to infiltrate fighters into the West.
Look what happened in Manchester on Monday night.
The guy's father, the bomber's father, was a Libyan refugee.
The UK gave him asylum.
He gave the UK a suicide bomber son.
Oh, gee, thanks.
He was actually fighting.
The father and son were fighting for an al-Qaeda group.
Just a few years ago, in Libya, they were fighting alongside Al-Qaeda!
And yet they're allowed to come back and forth, in and out of the UK.
He's allowed to go to Libya, to Syria, for terror training.
Absolutely no checks whatsoever, despite the fact he was under surveillance.
And again, LIFG.
They were members of LIFG.
This is a group who's fought alongside Al-Qaeda, basically an Al-Qaeda offshoot.
They killed US troops in Iraq.
And these are the kind of people we're allowing, not just into the country, we're giving them refugee status.
Oh, but when the G7 are in town, temporary ban on that because we care about their security, don't care about the security of Italians or Europeans.
Doesn't that tell you everything?
Now if you saw the video yesterday, we can play it now.
Donald Trump was met with some very strange reactions from the other world leaders.
And you can see here where he meets Macron, the ultimate sissy man who married his grandmother.
Macron goes towards Trump.
You would expect him to shake Trump's hand first.
Oh, look who he goes straight to.
Angela Merkel.
Well, imagine my shock.
Then he continues to ignore Trump and talks to these other nobodies.
Oh, look at Trump's response.
Basically, yanks his hand away, treats him like the manlet that he is.
Absolutely hilarious.
It was obviously a blank by Macron.
He goes to Merkel, then he goes to these other two nobodies, before he even acknowledges the President of the United States.
Obviously deliberate, and I think there was a later handshake between the two, that was just as vigorous.
So Trump's definitely trying to show him who's boss, of course.
The left all whined about it and said, oh my god, this is so ridiculous, this is so bullying!
Of course, Trump supporters absolutely loved it, as they do whenever he does this kind of thing.
There's another video of him pushing Montenegro's Prime Minister out of the way, if we can roll that.
At least that's how the media reported it.
Didn't really push him out of the way, just brushed him aside, basically.
So that's what's going on at the G7.
But again, don't worry, because Justin Trudeau is showing off his fancy socks to Angela Merkel.
There you see Trump pushing the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way.
But if you go on my Twitter page, you can see an image of Justin Trudeau showing off his fancy globalist socks to Angela Merkel.
So they're all basically trying to impress her.
Macron tried to impress her, the Queen of Open Borders, the woman who's almost destroyed Germany's culture at this point.
They're all trying to bow and roll over and have their bellies tickled by her, even at the expense of ignoring the President of the United States.
That tells you absolutely everything about their attitude, but Trump's response was welcome.
He's certainly not going to be bowing down to Saudi princes or Angela Merkel anytime soon.
There's another photo on my Twitter page.
If you want to pull it up, it's him showing off his fancy globalist G7 talks to Angela Merkel.
That's what Justin Trudeau is doing.
So all the little man looks like Trudeau and Macron will be getting along just fine.
Well, Trump shows them who's boss.
There's that image of Trudeau talking to world leaders about his socks.
I'm sure that was time well spent.
So that's what's going on at the G7.
Meanwhile, back in Merkel-land, woman shows injuries after being beaten by migrants.
This is the video that went viral on Facebook a couple of days ago.
Over 500,000 views.
And it explains how a woman is covered in bruises, she shows off the bruises, she thanks sardonically Angela Merkel for allowing this cultural enrichment to impact her in such a wonderful way.
Basically what happened, migrants called her a bitch, she got up in their face presumably and said I'm not a bitch and then they proceeded to beat the holy hell out of her.
Now the response to this on Facebook, and I went and checked this today if you translate the comments, many of the comments in response to images of this woman being beaten, huge welts on her face, bruises everywhere, the response was, she's racist for complaining about it.
Yeah, that's right.
She's racist for complaining about being beaten up by migrants.
Just take the beating and be tolerant, okay?
Just take the beating.
Reminds me of the interview with a woman in Paris.
A couple of months ago with Tim Pool and she basically said, yeah, I know these migrants run down the street and harass me and grab my breasts.
I know it's sexual assault, but we have to be tolerant.
We have to be tolerant.
No, you don't have to be tolerant of being groped and assaulted.
Jesus Christ.
But just go and read the comments in this Facebook post.
Calling her a racist for complaining about being beaten by these migrants simply because she refused to be called a bitch by them.
Absolutely incredible.
Now in this article you can also see, if you scroll down a little bit,
Of course we talked about WND being banned by Twitter yesterday for talking about the Seth Rich story.
Twitter is now outright banning entire accounts in certain countries.
There you see it.
This account has been withheld in Germany and France.
It's basically a Twitter account where this individual, this woman, talks about what's going on in Germany, talks about the cultural enrichment, the sexual assaults, the rapes, the harassment.
That account is now banned in Germany.
Nobody can see it.
This is just off the back of another story, which I'm going to get onto in a second, where the EU is now talking about forcing, quote, hate speech videos off the internet.
Now people say, well, who cares?
I don't use Twitter.
Just delete your Twitter account.
No, that's not a solution.
Social media, for better or worse, is now basically the internet when it comes to news.
It is the internet.
We have been segregated into these social ghettos.
So you have to get out on the battleground, in the war of ideas, and take on people head to head.
It's not a solution to just be completely silent and delete your account and capitulate and submit.
Of course, we're always going to have Infowars.com, but we need to go out on the battleground of ideas, which is social media.
So that's why they're censoring us.
And now the EU has approved a plan to force hate speech videos off the internet.
What's hate speech?
It's anything that contains expressions of racism and xenophobia.
Of course, they think criticism of Islam
Is race.
Is racist.
Even though Islam's not a race.
They think criticism of Germany's migrant policy is xenophobia.
And people have received home visits from police in Holland and Germany for criticising their government.
Mild criticism of their government's migrant policy.
Now the EU is pushing through a proposal to have hate speech videos censored.
Basically censoring criticism of Islam.
We'll be back.
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We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We have Gadsad coming up at the point of the hour.
Before we get back into the news, and there's lots of it, I want to tell you about an exciting new product at infowarsstore.com.
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We don't just say that.
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Since this adpocalypse with YouTube, they've basically wiped out 75-80% of the income on our YouTube channels, which is an absolutely huge chunk of income over the course of a year.
Specifically, again, to do with this hate speech rubbish, which is being imposed via complete deception.
They're just punishing anybody who's controversial on YouTube, anybody who has an opinion.
Doesn't matter if they're left or right, everybody's being hit by this.
And it's a massive hole in the budget when they suddenly demonetize your videos and take away, you know, 75-80% of the profit.
Absolutely incredible situation.
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The Mob Outrage crew managed to get somebody else kicked off the air today in Katie Hopkins over in the UK.
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Going back into the news, RT reports, and this is a story which has been completely buried.
I went on CNN, Sky News, BBC, this is buried at the bottom of their website like it's nothing.
Children among dozens killed as mass gunman ambush convoy of Egyptian Coptic Christians.
Gunmen opened fire on two buses and a truck carrying Coptic Christians in Minya, Egypt on Friday, killing at least 26, including children.
Some 26 people were also injured in the attack.
So, more dead than those who tragically died in Manchester.
They're not even talking about this.
This is buried on every mainstream media website.
Christians are being persecuted and slaughtered around the world while our media continues to lecture us about Islamophobia.
Let that sink in.
26 Christians slaughtered, just the latest example.
They're talking about multiple, eight to nine gunmen.
Okay, are they going to say this is another lone wolf attack?
Maybe it's just someone with mental health issues.
No, this is another targeted slaughter of Christians because of their faith.
It's happening in Egypt, it's happening in Syria, it's happening in Iraq.
Where, what is it, hundreds of thousands of Christians have left in the last ten years.
It's basically a war on Christianity.
They don't want to talk about it.
They want to keep the narrative to Islamophobia.
And now it turns out the actual Manchester bomber was motivated by grievances over Islamophobia, mirroring the exact same rhetoric as the left.
We're going to come back in the next segment and talk about that and a whole lot more with Gadstad on the Alex Jones Show Live.
Don't go away.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
University of Maryland President Wallace Lowe has announced his plan to launch Anti-Hate Initiatives for Campus, an affirmative action plan in an attempt to do more to quell hate.
His plan includes establishing a hate bias and campus safety task force, a rapid response team, allocating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Office of Diversity to help these efforts, a new annual report on all campus hate bias incidents, and appointing a council to prohibit hate bias symbols or actions in any venue.
Then hopefully when you're finished with daycare you can be ready for the real world.
What do you want to do when you grow up, Johnny?
I want to be a Campus Diversity Chief of the Hate Bias Department!
Now, this is in response to a stabbing on campus where Chris Urbanski, a 22-year-old white man, stabbed to death a 23-year-old black student, which is being looked at as a hate crime.
Mainly because the Facebook group, the Alt-Right Nation, which Urbanski had joined.
I'd like him to look into any pharmaceuticals the psycho was taking.
While this is a tragic event, the aftermath is part of an ongoing trend on college campuses to redesign and reshape higher education into kindergarten, telling everyone how to get along.
Be careful what you do and say on social media, as it may be held against you.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show on this May 26th edition and I'm delighted to be joined once again by the always insightful Gad Saad.
He is Professor of Marketing, Evolutionary Behavioural Scientist and an author in his own right.
The YouTube channel is YouTube.com slash Gad Saad.
That's two A's in Saad and Twitter.com forward slash Gad Saad.
Gad, welcome back.
Great to be with you, Paul.
Thank you for having me.
Now obviously this week has been huge in terms of terrorist attacks.
Today, 26 Christians slaughtered in Egypt.
I was talking about it just before the break.
Mainstream media has basically buried it.
They're not really interested in that.
We have Christians being slaughtered across the Middle East, being persecuted, driven out.
Of course we had the Manchester bombing, and in the aftermath of that we heard the same narrative.
And it's this, you know, we must unite against hatred.
Gad, I think
You know, when they say we must unite against hatred, and that's the only response they have, and then a week later everybody forgets about it, and we move on, nothing happens, more people die.
Do you think when they say unite against hatred, they're not talking about uniting against the hatred implicit within Islamism, they're talking about uniting against basically us, conservatives, or anyone who speaks out about Islam?
I mean, that's the sense I get when they use that kind of rhetoric.
Do you agree?
I mean, I think you covered it on your own channel.
The professor, Dr. Katy Perry, came out with a very brilliant strategy for, we just need to unite, we need to hug it out, we need to band together, no more borders, no more walls, and the problems will be resolved.
If only I knew that when my family were escaping persecution in Lebanon, we could have hugged it out and we could have remained in Beirut.
Do you think for a second they consider the fact that people who are willing to, you know, behead children, burn people alive in cages, that they're not really influenced by the word love and the word unite, no matter how many times you say it, no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many hashtags you tweet out, no matter how many Facebook profile pictures you change.
The barbarians of ISIS, I don't think that really affects them, do you?
No, I don't.
I call this, by the way, Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome, which is a type of mental virus that causes people to reject data, to reject evidence, to reject logic, reason, and then simply utter out endless, useless, suicidal platitudes.
It's grotesque, and frankly, I respect the extremist Islamists more than I do the Westerners that grant them coverage.
I still struggle to grasp it.
Do you think somewhere in the back of their minds, these people who after every single terror attack say, let's worry about Islamophobia, right?
That should be the main concern, is people saying mean things to Muslims on public transport.
That should be the main concern after an Islamist has just slaughtered 22, 23 people, mainly young girls.
Do you think the kind of people who say that know in the back of their mind?
They must know, surely.
Or is the Stockholm Syndrome so deep
Do they surely not know that capitulating, showing weakness to a bully, only encourages a bully?
Surely they must know that at some level.
I think there's both types.
There are some who, in the deep recesses of the privacy of their minds, know that they are just saying empty platitudes that they don't believe themselves.
But I think there are other folks who have been so parasitized by these progressive platitudes that they genuinely believe that ultimately
If these things are happening, we probably did something to deserve this, and so they still flagellate, you know, in their white Western guilt, and they truly believe that they are to blame.
It's a cancer, and we need to eradicate it.
And again, when we talk about political correctness, people just think, oh, I mean, you've heard it before, oh, that's just being mean to people.
You know, being politically correct is just being nice to people.
Well, when you have, Gad, you know, 1,400 girls trafficked in Rotherham for sexual abuse by Pakistani rape gangs,
And the local council, the local government does nothing about it, specifically because of political correctness, because they don't want to be called racist, then that's when political correctness becomes harmful.
And we saw it again prior to this Manchester bombing, Gad.
The guy was hanging an ISIS flag from his house.
And his neighbours just thought that was perfectly normal.
He was out in the street, loudly chanting Islamic prayer.
He'd been radicalised.
His dad was a terrorist, and he was given refugee status in the country.
But again, the neighbours saw these signs.
We saw it the same situation in San Bernardino.
You know, they were moving into the apartment, receiving suspicious packages.
Neighbours said it was suspicious, but they said we didn't want to report it.
Because we might be seen as bigoted or racist.
And we saw that again prior to the Manchester bombing.
So, Gad, I mean, political correctness is no longer just about being nice to people.
It actually represents a harmful threat in these kind of situations, right?
I've actually analogized political correctness to the spider's wasp.
So the spider wasp stings a much larger spider, rendering it zombified.
It then drags it into its burrow, lays eggs on it, and then the offspring feed on it in vivo, right?
And that's exactly what political correctness is.
It's the spider wasp's sting
That zombifies our ability to think rationally and critically and we are slowly led to the abyss of infinite darkness quietly and without any fight in us.
It's horrifying.
By the way, just to speak about the point regarding, you know, the endless obfuscation that Westerners come up with, I've actually listed the number of
Excuses that people have offered as quote, root causes.
And frankly, if you read that list, you would think it's satire that I'm coming up with.
Beard bullying caused this.
Toxic masculinity caused this.
Lack of art exposure.
They weren't exposed to enough high art.
Uh, solar panels, uh, you know, carbon emissions.
I mean, it's just endless, right?
And when you look at this, you say, is it possible that a functioning human being can actually utter such stupidity in all seriousness?
And I guess I regret to say that the answer is yes.
No, they will come up with any excuse.
I mean, we've always made the point, you know, don't interfere, don't overthrow secular governments in Syria and Libya.
And that's the only point which has some validity.
When they talk about socio-economic status of terrorists, if you actually look at many of them across the world, many of them are doctors, they're PhDs.
These people aren't vagrants, they're not bums.
In many cases they're well-educated and quite wealthy.
For the countries in which they live.
So again, that's been completely dismantled.
The other aspect, Gad, is I think that they use this whole Islamophobia thing as a kind of human shield.
Because of course, the leftist argument on open borders and mass immigration is completely bankrupt.
They can't defend it anymore at this point.
It's clearly wrong.
It's clearly harmful.
Yeah, I hear you.
I've actually compared it to, I don't know if you know the
The myth of the noble savage, the Jean-Jacques Rousseau argument, where, you know, the argument is that in the natural state, people are noble and then came along the Western man, the white man, that caused all this rife around the world.
Well, in a sense, what the current Westerners are doing is reviving this myth of the noble savage, right?
The brown people, the brown Muslim people, the others,
Our noble, our kind, our peaceful.
It is ultimately us who are to blame.
Again, it's grotesque.
It's the mind virus and we have to win this battle of ideas.
Otherwise, we will lose.
When we take a long-term view, we will lose.
No, I was thinking earlier about a term to describe this attitude which you just described.
It is the noble savage.
It's like they had some justification to massacre, to maim hundreds of people in Manchester.
When in reality, this bomber was just a thug and a loser.
He was a gang member.
The guy who he grew up with, who was his best friend, was a gang rapist.
So this idea that they're somehow noble in this greater cause for Allah, complete BS.
A lot of them are complete losers and thugs.
It's like, I agree with Trump when he calls them losers because that then takes away the left's opportunity to make the argument that it's all about Western foreign policy or that they have some kind of legitimate grievance.
No, they're losers.
But to that, I mean, there's a headline out of The Independent today.
Martin Hett's parents say they only feel sorry for Manchester suicide bomber.
So you've got parents
Of children who died in that attack, saying that they feel sorry, they don't feel anger, they don't want anything done about it, presumably, they feel sorry for the guy who killed their child.
I mean, what level of Stockholm Syndrome do you have to be under to come out with statements like that?
Well, this reminds me, although I think your example is even more grotesque because it deals with children who have died, it reminds me of the case of the Norwegian, I think, journalist who had been sodomized
By, I think, a Somali migrant.
And then when the Somali migrant was going to be in prison and then deported to Somalia, the guy felt guilty, right?
So the guy who had been raped and sodomized could not muster enough anger against his rapist.
Instead, he felt bad that this poor guy was going to be mistreated in Somalia.
It's unbelievable.
You can't make that stuff up.
No, there was another story, I think it was out of Germany, where a woman got raped by a migrant in a train carriage, on an overnight train, and she said she didn't report it to police because she thought that might be racist.
You know, they've had a hard time in Iraq or Syria or wherever, so you have to be tolerant, you have to be understanding, and we see the same thing with verbal and sexual assault on the streets.
Many women
I think that tolerance is accepting being sexually molested by these migrants.
Absolutely insane.
I want to move on though, Gad.
You tweeted about the hijab quite a few times.
I was on your Twitter account earlier.
Hustler Magazine is now glamorizing the hijab.
You know, we have actual feminists in Iran and other countries being thrown in prison
For removing their hijabs, the early Arab-Muslim feminist group, the earliest Arab-Muslim feminist group, the Egyptian Feminist Union, this is a hundred years ago.
They removed their veils in protest.
So the very first actual Arab-Muslim feminist groups decried the veil.
How in the hell did they turn the hijab, I'm talking about leftists and cultural institutions in general, how in the hell did they turn the hijab into a symbol of women's rights?
So I think it comes from the Western feminist idea that the male gaze is a form of visual rape, right?
So if you stare at a woman and you sexually objectify her, you sexually desire her, you are effectively visually raping her.
And so any accoutrement, any sartorial decision that you take that reduces the male gaze, ultimately is a good thing.
So the burqa, which by definition can't have any male gaze, I can't see anything other than a black tent, is liberating, whereas the bikini is patriarchal oppression.
Again, it's part of the same confluence of mind viruses that have completely parasitized the Western mind.
It's unbelievable.
But again, you know, logically it's the ultimate capitulation to a patriarchal system, a damaging, harmful one, which is Islam, which is being imported into the West.
And it's the whole point, isn't it, about, you know, for years we had feminists and people on the left whining about rape culture based on completely fraudulent statistics about one in five women being raped on college campuses.
That argument was eviscerated.
Then along came hundreds of thousands of migrants who imported an actual rape culture into Europe, and they're absolutely silent on it.
In fact, God, I think it was after the Cologne incident, you know, the mass molestation, the feminist, the local feminist, went out to the migrant camp and gave out roses.
To the migrants, after some of them had been involved in this mass molestation.
Which again, you know, it's the ostrich effect you talked about.
They would rather be raped, or even die, than be called a racist.
I mean, people just can't grasp that kind of mindset.
But that's what's happening, right?
Yeah, I think in Sweden, wasn't it the Swedish police who came up with this Einstein decision of having a bracelet on women that says, no, this is my body, you can't touch me.
And they were very surprised when apparently the migrant men were not moved by this powerful feminist symbol and they still attacked the women.
Surprising, isn't it?
Well, in Finland they had a, we played the video, they had a woman using the force and she was holding her arms out to a potential rapist and, you know, just encouraging him not to rape her by using some kind of invisible force field.
Yeah, I don't think that worked that great in the migrant suburbs of Rinkeby or Stockholm or anywhere like that.
But you did post something which was
Fairly positive, I think, on your Facebook page where you talked about how the, quote, battle of ideas will be won.
Can we rely on Muslims within the Muslim community to reform Islam, given that those who have tried, who have become ex-Muslims, you know, are met with death threats, censorship and violence?
Where is this reform going to come from?
I've spoken quite openly about my pessimism regarding any reform initiative.
I think ultimately what's going to have to happen is that the West is going to have to realize that there are inherent elements of Islam, not all of it, there are some spiritual parts that are perfectly
Liveable, if I can put it that way.
But there are other parts that are simply, there's no way to slice them and dice them in any way and reinterpret them or reanalyze them so that they become palatable to our Western values.
And in that case, those particular passages, I suspect down the line, some legal scholars will deem them to be seditious to our Western values and somehow find a way to consider them incitement to hate.
I really don't see... Look, we're going to solve this problem either peacefully or violently.
I still hold out hope that we will do so peacefully, but there is no way to do so peacefully while rearranging the decks on the Titanic while the Titanic is sinking.
Well, reform is ultimately a losing battle.
We have to recognize that there are elements of Islam that cannot be reformed, and then the next step is to decide what to do with that.
What can we do about that?
Of course, one thing is to admit that there isn't a Quran version 2.0.
The radicals, as they call them, are reading the exact same damn book as everybody else, as the moderate Muslims, as the nominal Muslims.
But we have this idea that they're somehow inspired by something completely different, Gad, when they're reading the exact same book.
And people say,
Islam, the Quran is about peace.
I mean, if you kill one person, you kill the world.
Well, yeah, but then somewhere else it says kill all the infidels.
That's the same book being read by ISIS.
There's not a Quran version 2.0.
And not only that, the early, the passage that says all the peace stuff has, from a doctrinal perspective, has actually been abrogated.
has been nullified.
So, if there's a passage that says, be peaceful, and then another one that says, don't be peaceful, if the later one comes, then it supersedes the earlier one.
So, it's not as though there's a contradiction.
From a doctrinal perspective, all of that peaceful Meccan stuff has been abrogated.
And so, you're exactly right.
There is no set of codes that we could go to called radical Islam or Islamism or Jihadism or militant extremism.
It's all contained in the same set of sources.
It's the Quran, it's the Hadith, and it's the Sirah, the biography of Muhammad.
That's it!
And it's the same thing with Ramadan.
The later teaching overruled the previous teaching.
So the original teaching said that Islam, Muslims had to be peaceful during Ramadan.
They couldn't attack anybody.
It was later superseded by a teaching which said the exact opposite.
That that is the perfect time to be deceptive and to launch attacks.
And lo and behold, today we have ISIS ordering people to launch more attacks during Ramadan.
We'll be back with Gad Saad on the Alex Jones Show live.
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We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Going to go back to Gadsad here in a minute.
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Gadsad, before we get into the Bill C-16, which I think we'll dip into that after the next break, G7 happening in Sicily, they've got the boats coming in from Libya, I talked about this earlier, where the NGO ships go to 12 miles off the coast of Libya, basically it's a taxi service, they bring these migrants who, most of them aren't from Libya, they're definitely not from Syria, there's no black people in Syria, they're not
You don't get black Syrians, but if there's nobody asked that question, it's still framed as the Syrian refugee crisis.
You've got 200,000 Africans arriving in Italy every single year.
Half of them just go missing.
But God, they've suspended the G7, the migrant boats arriving in Sicily for the duration of the G7 conference.
What does it say about the political class that they don't want to be faced with the reality of their own policies while they inflict them on everyone else?
Apparently they can't handle the cultural enrichment that might come their way.
Others should be culturally enriched.
They're already sufficiently haughty and culturally enriched.
I can't think of any other reason other than that, right?
I mean, it's absolutely incredible that they, this, I mean, Merkel, they're all bowing down to her.
Did you see Macron, where, and we played the video earlier, we can roll it again, Macron walks up to Trump.
Obviously, you know, it's Trump's first appearance at one of these kind of international conferences.
He's at the front of the queue.
He's the new president of the United States, leader of the free world.
Macron completely blanks him, goes to Angela Merkel.
Blanks him again, shakes hands with these other two basically nobodies in comparison to Trump, and only at the end does he actually acknowledge Donald Trump.
Do you think, I mean have you seen the video?
I just watched it now while you're playing it.
Look, posturing is part of the non-verbal communications that many animals engage in, including humans, so I think you're probably right that there was a bit of signaling that was going on there, but that's to be expected given
The reality of the European progressive mind, right?
I mean, we had the election of Macron just a few weeks ago, and he's already proving to be the little man that everybody thought he was.
Well, exactly.
We're coming up on a break again, Gad.
We're going to get into this Bill C-16.
This is a bill.
And by the way, we've got a video coming up, which we'll play after we've finished here with Gad, where they send basically a £300 drag queen, who looks like a clown, into a school
And this individual is teaching four-year-olds about, quote, gender fluidity.
You will not believe this video that we're going to play in the next hour.
Absolutely incredible.
But after the break, we're going to get into this with Gadsad, because then is now a bill pending in Canada.
Which, and we're going to drill into the details, may make it a crime to disrespect somebody's gender pronoun.
Absolutely incredible.
Going to get into that after the break.
On the Alex Jones Show, live breaking news at infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, what's going on everybody?
This is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
And liberals have finally hit an all-time low.
That's right, they're doing Drag Queen Story Hour at little schools.
I mean, kids that are like three and four.
Bringing these little drag queens, well actually not little, it's pretty big, it looks like Bozo the Clown, bringing them around their kids and going, who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
What kind of brainwashing BS is that?
Don't bring that crap around our kids!
And you got parents that are going to come up on this video and go, well I really think this is what I've been looking for my entire life.
A giant 300 pound dude with a wig on that looks like Bozo the Clown asking your kids about his hips?
Negative, son!
That is completely and totally wrong!
But hey, what do I know?
You're the same kind of people that'll get beat up and killed by ISIS, and then go hug a Muslim ten seconds later, and then do another hashtag pray for this, hashtag pray for that, candlelit vigil here, candlelit vigil there, and nothing ever changes.
You guys are completely losing the war of humanity.
Take a look at this video.
And why is it that I see a whole bunch of beta male cucks in the background with their cell phones out going, oh, this is so adorable.
No, it's not adorable.
You guys are out of your freaking mind.
There's a grown ass 300 pound dude dressed up like Bozo the Clown talking to kids about touching his hips.
Drag Queen Story Hour is fantastic because it addresses all of these issues of gender fluidity and self-acceptance.
You're getting self-acceptance lessons from a guy who dresses up like a woman?
Are you freaking kidding me?
That guy can't even accept the fact that he might have a few bolts loose in his head.
Why doesn't he go get a shrink?
Why doesn't he go seek medical attention?
Instead, this guy can't accept who he is, so he dresses up like something else to mask the deeper problem that's hidden below.
That he is just a freaking lunatic.
And then also, gender fluidity?
There's only two genders.
Do you get it?
Everyone thinks that this girl is a boy because she's a little bit of a tomboy.
It's a man, baby!
Those are people who think that gay people are sinful or evil or, you know, bad to begin with.
So, you know, we're sort of just starting from such different places that it's kind of irrelevant.
Whoa, so now we have a drag queen giving advice about sexuality at a school with very young impressionable minds all around him.
Sir, ma'am, whatever you are, are you a doctor?
So no, you're not.
You're a dude who dresses up like a clown.
And you go and tell people stories, for some reason, about sexuality.
And for some reason, these parents are stupid enough to let you come in and indoctrinate and brainwash these kids.
You have no medical background.
You have no medical history.
And you have no idea of the side effects of things like that.
You don't need to teach those kids those types of things.
It is proven with science that some of the most worst things you can do is to have gay sex.
STDs, AIDS, all kinds of crap.
Now if you're an adult and you're a consenting adult and you decide you want to go that route, then by all means, whatever.
But don't put that in our little children's heads.
I don't find this okay.
I think this is sick and disturbing that this kind of thing would be allowed into a school like this.
It's great!
So much energy.
Did you like it?
You know, that's what I'm looking for in all of our outings, is to present different ways of being in the world and make that fun and available to my kids.
The hands on the drive-in go jazz, jazz, all through the town.
Man, this is some bullsh**!
Booze this night!
Absolutely revolting.
We'll be back to get Gadsad's take on it after the break.
It's the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
Hannity then accused liberal lobbying organization Media Matters of America of liberal fascism, claiming they were mounting a targeted campaign against him after they released a list of companies that advertised during Hannity's show.
Prominent Twitter icon Mark Dice then went to Twitter and said, USAA you're boycotting Hannity to
Please, a few liberal trolls.
So now, we're going to boycott your company because we think you're garbage.
This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show, talking to Professor Gad Saad.
That is G-A-D S-A-A-D.
You can find him on YouTube under that name, and Twitter also.
Gad, you heard the clip, you saw the clip before the break.
I mean, when I was in school, I didn't even have sexual thoughts or think about anything like that until the age of, you know, 9, 10, 11.
They're teaching four-year-old kids via this fat clownish drag queen about gender fluidity.
In what crazy world is that a good idea?
Well, I think it comes from the wrong view of the human mind as an empty slate, right?
It's called the tabula rasa premise, which basically says we're born with no biological blueprints, no biological imperatives, and it's socialization that then causes us to take the particular trajectories that we do in life.
And so if you subscribe to that particular view of the human mind, then, hey, I gotta get the brainwashing started early.
Because the mind is empty, there are no biological imperatives and so let me start inculcating all this political ideologies, all this activism into these young gullible children.
It's grotesque.
It's the same argument they use for feminists.
Some of them want to have sports mixed gender because they claim that, for example, women aren't as good at soccer as men because they didn't grow up playing soccer and it wasn't socialized into them.
Bone mass
Uh, stamina, muscle mass, all different.
There are two genders, there are biological differences.
That's why men, in general, are better at sports.
It's biological.
I want to ask you about Bill C-16, though, because you recently testified in front of the Senate in Canada about this.
It would quote, add gender expression or identity as a protected ground to the Canadian Human Rights Act and also to the criminal code provisions dealing with hate propaganda, incitement to genocide and aggravating factors in sentencing.
Gad, what exactly is the scope of this?
Are we talking about people possibly being arrested or fined for not using the right pronoun?
So I tried to exactly contextualize the difficulties with this bill in terms of how vaguely worded it is by looking at what I do in my life, which is I'm a professor who teaches about evolutionary psychology, about innate sex differences and how these manifest themselves in all sorts of ways.
Now, Harvard University's LGBTQ office came out with a pamphlet that basically said, and I'm quoting, that it is transphobic systemic violence, right?
This wasn't a metaphor.
It's a systemic violence to promulgate
The notion of fixed binaries and biological essentialism.
Fixed binaries is male, female.
Biological essentialism is to resort to some biological argument to explain something that deals with human affairs.
So by that definition,
Anything that I teach in my courses would be transphobic systemic violence, right?
So, for example, if I explain how the process of sexual selection results in, you know, evolved differences between the two sexes,
Well, someone could come along and say, but I am a non-gendered person.
I'm a non-binary person.
You didn't include me in your class material and therefore you're being prejudicial.
You're being biased.
When I tried to raise all these concerns with the senators, they scoffed and laughed and so on.
And then one person actually accused me of being pro-genocide for simply offering possible, you know, warning signals regarding how badly phrased the bill was.
It was simply astonishing that in the 21st century, a scientist had to go in front of the Canadian Senate to argue that there is such a thing as male and female when it comes to sexually reproducing species.
It's unbelievable.
We saw the Bill Nye farce a couple of weeks ago where they actually censored part of his original 1996 show, which was basically someone just talking about chromosomes and how there are two biological genders.
They actually censored that from the Netflix version.
Now he's on Netflix talking about how it's all fluid.
Calls himself the science guy.
Absolutely absurd.
And also you talked about
This new redefinition, you having a different opinion to them, is now not just, oh, you're a Nazi, you're hateful, it's actual violence.
You know, Gad, I mean, do words just sprout fists and start punching people in the face now?
How do words and opinions translate into violence?
I think it's part of what I call collective Munchausen, right?
Munchausen is when you feign an illness or an injury so that you can garner sympathy and empathy.
Well, this whole victimology ethos that is at the root of all of this social justice warrior activism is ultimately rooted in this collective Munchausen where I, you know, I use the following example in my opening remarks at the Canadian Senate, right?
René Descartes said, I think, therefore I am.
The new motto is, I'm a victim, therefore I am, right?
I don't exist unless I could, you know, provide a victimology narrative that defines me.
And that's the problem, right?
Is that these guys operate within a currency of victimhood, and that has to stop.
And some are more victimised than others.
Some are more equal than others.
If you're a white, straight male, you're at the bottom of that league table.
Of course, it's the oppression Olympics.
Gad, we're coming towards the end of this.
Just tell people how they can find you on Twitter and about your YouTube channel.
Thank you for asking.
So on Twitter at GAD, G-A-D, S-A-A-D, please follow me and then you could go check out my YouTube channel.
It's basically a bunch of clips.
Sometimes it's just lectures.
Other times I'm chatting with people.
It's the Sad Truth, S-A-A-D, Truth.
Check it out, subscribe, donate.
Look forward to interacting with you there.
Okay, and I'll be sure to make an appearance on your channel soon.
GAD, thanks for joining us today.
Real pleasure.
Talk to you soon.
Okay, there goes Gad, sad, extremely insightful chat as per usual.
Let's dip back into the news right now though, because Russia is warning its citizens against travelling to Britain due to another terrorist atrocity being inevitable.
Maybe the Russians were behind the attack, as Louise Meng suggested that.
Yeah, probably happened.
Russia has warned its citizens against visiting Britain due to the threat of inevitable new terrorist attacks.
Vladimir Putin's government issued the travel advice after the UK raised its threat level to critical, the maximum possible, following the Manchester bombing.
Of course, the reaction to the Manchester bombing has been to put more men with guns on the street, like that is going to do anything whatsoever to address the root of the violent ideology that caused this attack and all the others like it.
Turning Britain into a police state isn't going to stop terrorism.
They're all going to disappear in two weeks!
People will have forgotten about this attack in two weeks, like they forgot about the Westminster attack in one week!
So putting men with guns on the street for an extra week.
Completely, completely pathetic response.
Not going to do anything.
If they want to attack, they'll attack.
It's about not letting them in the frigging country in the first place.
His dad was a terrorist.
His dad was a member of an Al-Qaeda group.
And they gave him sanctuary in the UK.
Absolutely incredible.
We have this headline out of InfoWars yesterday.
Manchester bomber motivated by anger over Islamophobia.
Well, what do you know?
So it turns out one of his gang member friends, you know, he really grew up with some sterling individuals, but again, he's the martyr.
No, he's a loser and a thug.
One of his friends was basically killed in a gangland attack.
He was run over with a car, murdered, stabbed to death.
At the funeral of his friend, he vowed revenge because he claimed that this was about the, quote, ill-treatment of Muslims in Britain.
So by the sounds of it, it was probably a, you know, a black gang that was having a turf war with a Muslim gang.
His friend got killed.
He said, this is a hate crime and vowed revenge.
His revenge wasn't against the other gang.
It was against 12-year-old girls at a friggin' pop concert.
But again, he's not a noble savage.
That's what they try to do with this whole Islamophobia thing.
Oh, maybe his grievance was justified.
Maybe because we're bombing Libya and Syria.
And again, we've opposed that from the start.
That is related.
Don't support jihadists.
Don't overthrow secular governments.
But that doesn't give legitimacy to anything.
This guy was a loser and a thug.
But again, it's the same narrative embraced by the left immediately after the attack.
When they come out with this whole vigil and hashtags and pray for whatever crap.
Talking about uniting against hate.
They're not uniting against the real source of hate that's causing these attacks.
They're uniting against the hate, which in their eyes is anyone who dares to call out the real ideology behind these attacks.
They're uniting against us.
Here's another headline.
Terror expert.
Political correctness to blame for Manchester bomber not being reported.
So he was heard loudly chanting Islamic prayers in the street.
Didn't raise the alarms of any of the neighbours.
They thought that was perfectly normal behaviour for an Islamic ghetto in Manchester.
He was flying an ISIS flag from his house!
He was already on a watch list.
Nobody reported it because, again, just like San Bernardino,
It might have been politically incorrect to do so.
Suspicious behavior witnessed over and over again, just like San Bernardino, where they were taken in the packages.
Same case scenario.
We're not going to report it because we might be racist.
He supported ISIS, showed pro-ISIS sympathies at his local mosque.
In fact, we've got a video clip, I think we'll probably play it in the next segment, but
They gave out leaflets at the local mosque, which decried Western values.
He was radicalised in these mosques.
There were four mosques alone in the Wally Range area of Manchester, just in that one tiny area.
This is the source of the problem.
Radicalisation in mosques.
They need government people sitting in.
If these mosques have been identified as sources of radicalisation, you need government people sitting in, listening to every sermon, every lecture.
That's how you root out this radicalization.
In prison, it's also a massive problem.
People get thrown into prisons controlled by Muslim gangs so as not to get beat up, they have to join the Muslim gang, become a Muslim.
Put the people behind that in solitary confinement.
These are actual solutions which could prevent terrorism.
We're not even allowed to talk about it.
People are more outraged over Katie Hopkins' frigging tweets.
You can't even talk about any possible solutions.
Anybody who tries to talk about solutions is denigrated, is smeared as a basically a thought criminal, a hate criminal.
This is the situation in the United Kingdom today.
This is why these attacks will keep happening.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show live in 4Wars.com.
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We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is going to be coming up in the next segment, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
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Let's hit a few final news stories.
Professor says terrorist attacks are a part of life.
Do nothing!
This is out of Turning Point News.
A professor at the University of St.
Andrews in Britain has issued a statement after the ISIS suicide bombing and he basically says, quote, that the attack in Manchester is not the first and not will be the last.
It won't be the last.
What the last decade and a half have shown is that these events are now part of life.
Just get used to it and do nothing.
After all, that's what Macron said, isn't it?
That's what Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said.
If you live in a big city, just get used to your kids being blown up.
No, that's capitulation, that's submission.
There are actual hard, concrete measures you can take to lessen the risk of this.
One is just not letting in anybody unvetted from all corners of the globe.
How about that?
How novel is that?
But no, we have 200,000 migrants from these African countries arriving every single year just to Italy alone.
Some of them radicalised by ISIS.
You see what happened in Manchester.
The father was a member of a terrorist group that killed US troops, that overthrew Gaddafi, aligned with these other Al-Qaeda affiliates, a Libyan Islamic fighting group.
They give him refugee status.
He has children, one of whom is the suicide bomber in Manchester.
That's what these kind of policies lead to.
Yet another example of it.
Absolutely incredible.
Doctor quits profession after urging minorities to rape Front National voters to create half-breeds.
What a pleasant individual he sounds like.
This is over in France, of course.
A doctor who called for ethnic minorities to rape female Front National voters.
That's Marine Le Pen's party.
So as to bring France multicoloured descendants, those were his words, and quote, kill right-wing poison in the egg,
Does quit work after a ruling by the Order of Physicians?
So, he's basically whining about the fact that he's being forced to quit after literally calling for women in France to be raped.
Because that's progressive now, you should be able to say that.
But he's in a frothing, whining butthurt over it, the fact that he's had to quit.
Well, good.
You can't call for women to be raped and expect there not to be any consequences for that.
Absolutely incredible.
Former Navy SEAL,
Tells Katy Perry, go to hell!
This is Carl Higby, who told pop singer Katy Perry to go to hell for Thursday for comments she made in favour of open borders after the Manchester suicide bombing.
Interesting now that people are trying to get me to meet Katy Perry in London, saying that
She's aware of my videos and has seen my videos, and maybe we're able to red pill her.
Probably not gonna happen, given the video that I just made about Katy Perry.
But now we have a former Navy SEAL calling her out for her open border idiocy.
That's gonna wrap it up for my section of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones, the man himself, is coming up live in the next segment.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
Hannity then accused liberal lobbying organization Media Matters of America of liberal fascism, claiming they were mounting a targeted campaign against him after they released a list of companies that advertised during Hannity's show.
Prominent Twitter icon Mark Dice then went to Twitter and said, USAA, you're boycotting Hannity to
Please, a few liberal trolls.
So now, we're going to boycott your company, because we think you're garbage.
This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Craig Sawyer is our guest.
Obviously a former Marine, veteran, Navy SEAL, combat instructor, host of several television shows on History Channel, Discovery Channel, CBS News, you name it.
And he's got tacticalinsider.com.
He's also involved investigating, with a group of current and former law enforcement and military, multinationally, the giant child kidnapping, sex trafficking rings that are out there.
And so, anybody who's watching today, on this Friday Global Transmission, can simply search engine, UN child sex trafficking, child murders, Haiti.
About a month after Craig Sawyer was on with us, about three months ago,
It broke in the Associated Press, a year-long investigation of thousands of children raped, thousands trafficked out of the country, and hundreds dead.
You can go read those reports for yourself.
UN Sex Trafficking Haiti, Associated Press.
So that's one of the subjects we're going to get into in a later segment today.
But I wanted to talk to Craig about that because it just goes to the whole mindset of these elites
And why those of us that aren't like them are kind of like blind.
We don't, we don't have avenue into that mindset.
We don't think like that.
And so we're really have a blind spot to it.
So, so how do you respond to that?
It's the same thing with Islam.
You can argue Islam needs a reformation.
Well, maybe Al-Qaeda and ISIS is a reformation, because I've read the Quran.
It's getting back to what Muhammad actually did.
Now, here's the deal.
I know there's some nice Muslims, and I know there's Alawites and Kurds and all the rest of it, and I don't want to have war with them.
I don't want to kill them.
But that said, I can't sit here and watch Manchester, 22 girls blown up and killed, another 50-something injured, and then see the pop singer call for more open borders and talk about how she hopes her fans effing die.
That's a quote.
And you've got these elitist Hollywood people with arm guards and walls, but they don't want you and I to have guns.
And then they say have open borders to unvetted countries.
The six countries Trump's blocked are the ones that they have the Sharia law where the local mosque basically hands out the passports.
Syria is falling to these people, but Libya and Sudan and Somalia, it's already fallen to it.
This is crazy.
So I wanted to get Greg Sawyer's take on what happened in Manchester.
I talked to a Green Beret.
About two months ago, off record.
And he said, look, the next place to be hit will be England.
That's where the jihadis are really targeting, because they're trying to leave the EU.
But jihadis see the EU as kind of their own deal.
They're allied with Merkel and others.
We've seen more truck attacks, more shootings.
And then they say, oh, we can't believe this is happening, when they were letting him go back and forth to Libya, and then back and forth into the country.
So I wanted to ask the question, because Craig hasn't just been a Navy SEAL and all the rest.
He was also a federal officer, and worked in many of those modes.
Well, hi Alex Wolff.
There's a lot of different ways to look at this.
What I look at is the big picture.
You know, they're talking about what's going on over there in England right now with the latest bombing in Manchester and who's behind it and how it was done and all the down in the weeds part of it.
What I look at is more of the big picture
From the counter-terrorism and the federal law enforcement background, is that, look, I know that the British MI5, MI6, and SAS can solve this problem, given the freedom to do their jobs.
So why are their hands tied, and why is this being allowed to happen in the first place?
Why is the stage being set for radical Islamists to blow up concerts, schools, and the like?
Why is it being allowed when the people and the professionals across Europe know how to handle it?
Why is it not being allowed to be dealt with?
And it's this whole political correctness lie that's really got everybody's hands tied.
So I say, look, man,
People are going to have to get fed up to the point to where they're going to demand effective action be taken by their governments.
As long as there is only this soft response to terror, terrorists are going to win.
No more.
They're going to get what they want.
They're going to bomb the living daylights out of everybody, every day, all day, until nobody's left.
Until effective action is taken.
It's got to be effective.
And those techniques and tactics are known.
We know what it takes to defeat terrorism.
And my question is right now, why is that not happening?
It's a political problem.
It's a corruption problem.
It's a lack of will to win.
And I think until we address that, there's no point in getting down in the weeds and all the other points of view.
I totally agree with you.
We don't want to blend the military and the police because their hands are tied.
But you look at Stockholm, Sweden.
You look at Brussels, Belgium.
You look at Berlin, Germany or Cologne.
You look at Paris, France.
Burning buildings every night.
People being raped, killed.
Just crazy town.
An inability to address it or do anything.
And then we learn time and time again the security services actually know what's going on.
Known by police.
Known by MI6.
Known by MI5.
Known by the FBI.
I think?
It's like beyond being paralyzed, and of course you've been a federal officer, you've dealt with this in counter-terrorism.
What is the general feel then about where this is going to go?
Because clearly it's getting worse, clearly they're bringing more refugees here, most of them military-age men.
What is the establishment thinking?
Well, that's the question of the rank and file.
The people that actually have the skills and the background to make a difference are frustrated.
They cannot
We're good to go.
Over in England and it's it's heartbreaking to see the victims needless victims.
They should not have suffered this attack It's known how to prevent this and the the will is just obviously not there to prevent it the politicians want to play these games and Lives are at stake national security is at stake.
So it really is just gonna matter It's gonna boil down to the people getting so fed up to where they're not willing to play this soft politically
And by the way, what would work?
It just boils down to enforcing the law in good faith, Alex.
It's really that simple.
Uh, all of these countries have the laws on the books.
If they would only enforce them, could clean this right up.
Let me ask you this.
What is it?
I mean, it's not like sometimes, and I've been against many of our wars.
Sure, sure.
I'm not against our troops or our country, but I'm against some of the wars.
But once the war is going on...
A missile goes the wrong direction, kills innocent people.
We apologize, it's terrible.
A lot of times spam reparations, that's good.
But the Muslims, we apologize, we kill people on accident that are innocent.
But then they won't apologize, just their general mosque, when they go blow up a bunch of teenage girls.
Why do the Islamists tend to target women, children?
It's like they never seem to go after combatants.
They never seem to go after men.
They're always going after women and children.
I mean, is that just because they're cowards?
Because don't they know how bad that makes them look?
Well, President Trump called it right.
They are cowards.
And yes, that is why.
It's easier to kill the innocent and the helpless and the defenseless.
So that's why nobody respects them.
And that's why they will lose.
I think we all need to just start telling the truth again and quit tiptoeing around and pretending to have more compassion for a hostile group that are coming against our countries than we really believe inside.
It's time to just stand up and call it what it is.
We don't like terrorism.
We don't like the violence.
And we don't condone it.
We don't stand for it.
We should not tolerate it any further.
So it's just a matter of standing up.
Can you imagine being a 27-year-old guy?
And they're sure they let him in the back, and now we know he had help.
Sophisticated device.
It's usually Muslims in England running security.
I've been there many times.
It's, like, bizarre.
They're at the airport asking you if you're planning something.
You're like, give me a break.
You're wearing a hijab, lady.
And imagine you're around a bunch of teenage girls, and you walk in, and then you're proud to blow them up.
I mean, I'm sorry, that is the most mentally ill, warped logic I've ever heard of.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, it's evil.
Anytime you... anytime...
Mankind intentionally does harm to the innocent and helpless.
That's evil.
There's no other way to describe it.
It has a hunger for it, doesn't it?
Yeah, you're right.
It's a depraved and a sick mind that does that.
And we should not allow it any further.
It's not a legitimate outlook.
It's no way to run anything.
It's just they are the least and the weakest among us.
And they have resorted to that which is completely unacceptable to try to achieve their own objectives.
And we must not allow it.
Of course, Trump has called them losers many times.
We're going to play a clip of that in a moment.
And I don't want to just sit here and bash them all day, because Islam's a threat.
Orthodox Islam's a threat.
But isn't it, Craig, the bigger threat?
A political class in Europe and the United States that is allied with it?
Because it's more than just Stockholm Syndrome and the public capitulating.
Our elites have basically been bought off by the power structure.
And one day after our president throws the gauntlet down and says, listen, stop killing us or we're going to wipe you out, they attack the next day.
Yeah, well, I agree with you.
I don't think folks like Merkel over in Germany are as foolish as they appear by just massively importing terrorists and then, you know, acting surprised when things start blowing up.
I don't think anybody's that stupid.
I do believe and have seen behind the scenes that they are corrupt.
They are in league with globalists that buy them off and promise them political power and favors.
And we've got
A segment, unfortunately, of our society that seek their own personal benefit over the best interests of their citizens.
So they're traitors.
They betray their own people and they pretend that somehow mass importing terrorists can in any way, shape, or form be a good idea.
Well sure, your father was a well-known pastor here in Texas and I don't just say this because I mean I grew up Christian and I was I love God but I kind of got sick of hearing about it all day for my family but as I got older I learned it really is evil we're facing and you look at Katy Perry and all her satanic rituals on TV and then her saying open borders bring them in you know they're allied with it
Because they get off on the evil.
It's a perversion.
They enjoy flaunting it and allying with it because spiritually they're one with it because they are fundamentally losers.
Here's President Trump.
I extend my deepest condolences to those so terribly injured in this terrorist attack and to the many killed and the families
So many families of the victims.
We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom.
So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers in life.
I won't call them monsters.
Because they would like that term.
That's enough of the president.
I'm not just saying this.
When I watch these jihadis, they just act like, physically, the wimpiest little creepy people.
Like they're trying to be evil.
They're trying to be bad.
And then I ask myself, if they're so pathetic then, how are we so dominated by them, Craig?
Well, like we pointed out earlier, our politicians in a lot of cases, our elected officials, are not representing us.
They're not looking out for our best interests.
And we have to be more assertive.
Thank God we've gotten President Trump.
I do believe that the tide has changed here in the United States because of that.
And I look forward to the results, the positive and effective results from that.
Over in Europe, it looks like they've still got a lot bigger problem.
And I do hope that we sit up and take notice and watch what's going on over there and look at just how ineffective their responses are to radical Islam and take note and follow and back our president and his determination to
I think?
I agree with you.
I think you're saying the sleeping giant's starting to awaken.
We're going to come right back with Craig Sawyer straight ahead.
I want to talk about, right before we went on air earlier, we talked about the attacks on Trump, you know, the attempt to overthrow him, the fifth column in the government, the deep states that's admitted all these Obama people.
Craig has a lot of law enforcement sources and intelligence sources.
We'll get his expert analysis on that right after this break.
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We'll look at the globalist attacks on Trump from an expert, and we'll look at the latest on the investigations into the pedophile rings, straight ahead with Craig Sawyer.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You can run home for a long time.
You know, quite frankly, I got news yesterday and today from high-level sources in the White House, and without it, about the names, Seth Rich, who did the killing, everything.
And you hear this stuff, it makes you sick for your country.
The Democrats know full well what they've done.
And Trump knows what's going on.
He knows about the illegal spying on the American people.
The Deep State is a bunch of multinationals.
They're... I don't want to keep bashing Muslims, but it's in the news.
They've, like, put a bunch of Islamist groups in charge of the congressional laptops and computers.
They're spying on them that way.
I mean, it's like, I can't believe we're this penetrated.
And I wanted to ask Craig Sawyer in the short segment, another segment coming up in a moment just briefly, from his law enforcement sources as a federal officer, former Navy SEAL and some of the most elite groups out there, TV hosts, you name it.
From his sources, what's happening currently to Trump?
Because man, they are out to get him and we know they admit he's got this fifth column inside of all the agencies just totally ignoring the reforms he's trying to bring in.
Yeah, well, he's got a lot.
I think so.
There are those who are creating a logjam for anything positive that President Trump tries to do.
So, just as an example for law enforcement, a lot of my friends in the federal law enforcement are frustrated.
They are good, patriotic, decent, hard-working Americans who can fix so many of these things that we're facing, but their hands are tied because several officials up and down their chain of command within the DOJ are corrupt, and they will not act in good faith, and they will
They will, you know, help the Clintons and others, you know, hide a lot of the facts and thwart a lot of the investigations.
So how do we stop saboteurs?
Well, how do we stop him?
What I would love to tell the president is he needs to grab a hold of his DOJ and the directors of the different agencies and say, look, my commander's intent to you, sir, is to purge and clean out your agency of all subversives.
We're going to get back to serving the American people in good faith and you are to carry out the charter of your agency.
From the beginning.
And you let me know if you've got any problems, if you need more assistance.
But your personal task is to get rid of those who are creating the logjam, who are against our Constitution, or against our people, who we know are corrupt.
Fire them.
And if they're worse than that, prosecute them.
Get rid of them.
And look how they leak all this stuff that isn't even real.
They use secrecy to leak fake stuff.
Then they leak the Manchester info.
And then blame Trump when they're the ones leaking.
Yeah, well, all the false accusations are just a tactic to tie up the president and his supporters in defending him.
And by the way, as you know, Democratic memos admit the intents just tie him up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They just want to tie him up, just like a boxer, you know.
Well, I don't want to get into fighting tactics.
Yeah, they're looking to tie him up and busy him.
What he needs to be busy doing is supporting his DOJ and his DOJ needs to be at warp speed arresting and perp walking these scumbags who are his worst antagonists.
We the people really deserve more justice than we're seeing and it needs to be ramped up big time.
Big time.
They need to start prosecuting.
I want to come back and talk about the latest investigations into the whole pedophile networks.
Huge arrest there.
We've also got Debbie Washerman Sulz threatening the police chief of D.C.
saying, you know, don't give us these laptops you got from these islamicists that had penetrated Congress reportedly.
She looks so guilty threatening him there will be prices to pay.
I mean, these people are so arrogant.
We'll be right back with the next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
In America's 240 plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out, and in many cases give the ultimate sacrifice.
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So about a year ago we sent our crew landing on dirt airstrips.
In Haiti, to get into the sex trafficking rings.
One of Hillary's staffers gets caught shipping kids in illegally.
She gets convicted, then she changes her name, and she still runs those operations today.
We told you first, Senator Eric Prince, a former Blackwater, that Weiner was sexting this 15-year-old, procuring young girls.
That came out.
Of course, he's now pled guilty.
The point is, they call us fake news because we're real news, and they know I'll put my money, my name, my blood, my family.
Everything on the line.
And by the way, I'm not a hero.
I'm not signing up with pedophiles and devil worshippers.
I mean, it's real easy to not join globalist Islam, the New World Order, George Soros.
I would do anything not to be with them.
Everybody's like, oh, Alex, thank you so much for what you're doing, or Craig, thank you.
Thank you, listeners, for supporting us.
We're all in this together.
No matter what color you are, if you love God and love justice, you're on the same side.
Craig, in the four or five minutes we have left, just getting into the investigations, the pedophile roundups that I know are stopping at the court level right now, over 5,000 arrests now totaled.
That's 150,000 in the whole playpen thing that the FBI was finally greenlighted to cover.
I mean, this is such a giant subculture.
We're learning that the globalist liberal culture really is pedophilia.
They're certainly all over TV normalizing it, making jokes on Saturday Night Live.
I mean, we have dug into this cult, and their answer is just get back in our face.
Yeah, it is, Alex.
We're learning that the pedophilia kind of permeates all the different aspects, different groups of subversives and anti-American and globalists.
They all seem to be tied into this whole, like you call it, a subculture of pedophilia and child rape.
It's just horrible, but I wish I could say it's surprising, but, you know, birds of a feather, if you will, is how I see it.
Again, I just think it really has to do with regaining control of our country.
We've got a pro-American president again.
I say, man, while we've got the football, let's move it as far upfield as we can.
You know he's good by how they're attacking him.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at their desperation to shut him up and, you know, they're trying to throw impeachment out for every which kind of BS excuse.
So yeah, man, he's under their skin and he's a real threat because he just apparently intends to act in good faith for we the people.
So man, shame on us if we do not all rally around him.
I was about to say, he's not perfect, but he literally is acting in good faith.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, who needs to be perfect?
I mean, the guy's trying to uphold the Constitution and re-establish the wealth and freedom.
Under a 360 assault.
Yeah, from all sides.
Look at how you and I, we're not victims, we're conquerors.
We went with Christ's help.
We're not whining, but the attacks we're under are insane.
Can you imagine Trump
Well, oh yeah, yeah, and look at those like Media Matters, you know, we got scumbags that are doing the will of evildoers like Soros, and they're attacking you, they're attacking Sean Hannity, they're attacking any decent patriotic American that dares to
We're good.
Well, we're going to continue to watch things as they unfold.
This is a great time in history.
It's very positive.
It's very negative.
Best of times, worst of times.
But, Craig, I'm glad you're there.
I'm going to be launching more radio shows, more TV shows very, very soon.
I'd like to offer you a slot either once a week or five days a week, whatever you want, as our tactical advisor here.
We've got a lot of radio affiliates out there that are ready to pick up shows we're going to launch.
So that's next level, my friend.
So we'll be talking to you very soon, Craig.
Thank you so much, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
All right, yeah, Craig's a big TV host.
He's got a lot going, but he's bucking the whole system despite the fact he's getting attacked behind the scenes because there's no future if good men don't stand up, as Thomas Jefferson said.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side as I break down some big science news.
Spread that link today.
It's under attack.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
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This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking right about the way we have to live here in this country.
I don't mind them.
And moving to North Korea.
Yeah, you're walking.
Alright, let me get into some personal issues here with viewers.
When I cover how hydrofluorosilicic acid eats holes in people's brains, or how acid forms of
Floor out or bat for your brain, the media makes big jokes about it and says, oh, that guy's a crazy person.
We've all seen the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, where Jack T. Ripper, the general, launches nuclear war, a.k.a.
Curtis LeMay, against the Soviet Union to protect our precious bodily fluids.
We've all seen the jokes.
The problem is, if you just search engine, Harvard Study, Fluoride Causing Massive IQ Reductions, Fluoride Causing Bone Cancer, Fluoride Causing Breast Cancer, Fluoride Causing... all these other crises, it makes you angry.
I'm not up here on some metaphysical high horse, like I've got all the answers, but I am a news talent.
And so if I read 20 years ago, major studies about fluoride killing people, and then I read modern studies saying the same thing, and then I see Stephen Colbert making fun of me at least six, seven times in the last month on fluoride alone.
It makes me ask, what's really going on here?
Doesn't Stephen Colbert have kids?
Can't he read a Harvard study?
So let me, in the time I have here, about nine minutes, go over something a lot bigger than fluoride, a lot bigger than lead and arsenic, a lot bigger than solar flares and radiation giving you skin cancer.
I'm gonna break something down that is in tens of thousands of research documents
Peer-reviewed studies and medical reports.
And the best way to just direct you towards the rabbit hole, because I can only point out the rabbit hole for you, you've gotta go see it for yourself if you want to, because you're already down the rabbit hole, whether you admit it or not, you should consciously go ahead and admit you're in the rabbit hole.
Now let's go ahead and look at this.
This is a story from InfoWars.com on May 16th last week.
Scientists fearful of ecological risks sparked by GMO microalgae.
That's basically just plants that live in the ocean slash fungus that live in the oceans.
They're all closely related.
And then it goes over the research for the University of California in San Diego that bacteria, other funguses, don't slow this down.
If this algae
Slash fungus.
Doesn't get light, it doesn't care.
And they say, you know, we're kind of worried that something like this could turn out being the Andromeda strain.
The Michael Crichton book written back in the 70s, made into a movie where an intergalactic algae slash fungus type creature that's in between those two.
Scientists have always worried about something in between an algae and a fungus.
And that's what this is.
That if it got here and it didn't have any known enemies, it would just suddenly grow and take everything over.
In fact, most elites are actually worried about something just like this.
And this is just one company we know of that's doing this through a university study.
And then, I think about how I've talked about algae, single cell plants in water,
Or growing on top of rocks and funguses and all the rest of it, closely related.
I think about the Vox story a few months ago.
I watched Alex Jones give his viewers health advice.
Here's what I learned.
There's a fungus epidemic and InfoWars has just the supplements to stop it.
Now, by the way, we had an introductory anti-fungus
It was so popular it sold out in three days, even before this ever came out.
We can't even get the pure ingredients right now, so it's been sold out for three months.
But that doesn't matter.
I'm not doing this to sell you a supplement.
The point is, I came up with supplements with top scientists because I'm concerned about countering this, because I personally get sick from it, my children get sick from it, and the medical doctors I talk to say, the dogs, the cats, the bats.
The frogs, the fish are dying from weird genetically engineered funguses and algaes already.
I'm about to show you, not me saying what scientists told me, a big stack of mainstream news saying it.
And that's what's crazy, is that this is all going on.
And I'm here on the radio and TV having scientists on talking about it like most of the bats in the U.S.
have died because of these weird funguses that never showed up before that eat their lungs and brains.
I know four or five people well who've had brain surgeries or who've had family that have died because suddenly fungus goes up their nose, gets in their brain.
They have a brain tumor and they cut in and it's a fungus slash algae growing in their brain.
By the way, we've been sold out of that for months, and I'm not even saying our product that targets fungus and stuff in the gut will even help you if it's in the rest of your body.
The point is, 99% of our coverage is just reporting on what's happening.
Of course we come up with a product that I take myself, hoping to counter it.
But see, they won't address the real crisis.
They just want to make a joke out of it.
Well, let me tell you something.
I love Texas.
My family's been here since like 1829, both sides.
The fungus and the algae and the allergies are so bad.
My grandmother just died this year.
She hadn't had allergies.
She was 85 years old.
I never had allergies until a few years ago.
Almost everybody I know can't breathe.
They got doctor clinics with lines around the block, not knowing what to do because of this crisis.
I want to breathe.
I don't want to be sick.
But let's get into the actual science.
Attacking fungal infection, one of the world's major killers, Science Daily.
A lot of these autoimmune diseases, a lot of folks dying, Crohn's disease, you name it.
Fungus, fungus, algae, algae, fungus, algae.
That's Science Daily, that's mainstream news.
It's got all the studies right there.
And again,
They're now genetically engineering funguses that are part bacteria, that's animal, and they're engineering algaes that are part funguses and part bacteria, that's what these are, that nothing kills!
Do you know that's what cancer is?
You know, we in our own bodies have cancer.
It's when cells stop dying and keep replicating, then they stop following the regular code of the
The colony organism that we are, and our different organs and systems that work together, fail.
This isn't about being black or white or hispanic or old or young or northern or southern or from Chile or from Japan.
This is about top scientists, I just showed you the article, major universities saying, we're creating new organisms.
I should have started this whole piece today.
Alien organisms have been created on Earth.
Aliens are now loose upon the planet.
Aliens are now among us and are killing millions of us a year.
Then people would listen.
You see, because I'm informed, it's not sexy.
But if I laid it out like science fiction, then it would be, oh, incredibly amazing!
So, they've created salmon that are three times the size of regular salmon that are part asparagus and part grasshopper.
And they live twice as long and attack and kill the other fish,
Okay, what's that gonna do?
We don't know.
But we know long-term mutations happen when they change something's genetics main course, when they change the main genetic direction of a creature.
They can do it one generation, but second, third, fourth, it degenerates because you can splice stuff the way you want it once, but it unravels the second and third.
So I don't know what's going to happen.
I just know that all the real scientists point out it's already wreaking havoc and causing genetic problems and causing allergies and causing us, because we're already so bombarded by new artificial alien species of plant and animal and fungus, that we... fungus is a cross between animal and plant.
We don't know what to do!
And we're dying.
And we're getting cancer.
Because our autoimmune system gives up.
And then now, since your autoimmune system turns off, the regular cell replication that becomes mutated doesn't get cut off.
Your body gives up.
You die.
Cancer is your body giving up.
And we come back.
I've got the stack of news articles right here.
All mainstream science journals about how mutated fungus and mutated algae and mutated fungus and algae crossed with animal DNA.
Because, again, fungus is basically between a plant and an animal.
They're now splicing those all around.
God knows, this is the basic building blocks of everything.
And with primitive genetic engineering limited, we're already having crises.
Can you imagine?
In the meanwhile, I just love my children.
I just love my children.
And don't want to be sick.
And they call me a horrible person.
We'll be back on the other side of this break and I'll go through these articles about what the deadly fungus and algae epidemic is doing and how they believe by them taking the genes out that control it, it's going to spread to the atmosphere just like interstellar and literally just eat everything on the earth.
Just prepare for mass death.
It's liberal.
It's liberal like Islam.
Liberal, liberal!
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In America's 240 plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord, right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out, and in many cases give the ultimate sacrifice.
That's what this holiday and remembrance is all about.
It's those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
This group of specials for 2017 Memorial Day are undoubtedly the biggest we've ever had on these items because we want to really memorialize the true trailblazers that put it all on the line and didn't talk but took action.
We have over a thousand high-quality products available that are discounted at InfoWareStore.com.
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These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
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The Preacher Man says... See, when the KKK and the Aryan Nations and the David Dukes tell me I've sold out to all the other evil people...
I look back at them and I say, I'm worried about the entire species.
I'm worried about humans and the planet itself, our spaceship.
I'm a real environmentalist.
The fake environmentalists admit they just want full control of human development.
And I say, we ought to be worried about humanity itself making it for the future.
Not just one group of humans that you want to save.
And you see that choice set up where humanity will never make it out of this.
By ourselves, as some gay group, or some straight group, or some black group, or some white group.
We're being divided and conquered, systematically.
That doesn't mean I don't come out and expose some racist Mexican group, saying they're the Supreme God Nation, and La Raza, kill all the white people.
Or that I'm not gonna go criticize some white supremacist group saying the exact same crap.
But that's all a diversion!
Islam itself, and it's modern permutation is a diversion.
The planet as we know it is being genetically irrevocably altered.
Our atmosphere is being altered.
And I don't believe in space aliens.
Our elites are acting like they are.
That's all I know.
Scientifically, they're altering the atmosphere.
Scientifically, they're waging war against the main biosphere of the planet.
And I can sit back and look at it and say, this isn't human.
There's no way the elites would just be doing this on their own.
This is too sophisticated.
But notice the media doesn't attack me and say Alex Jones believes in space aliens.
Because I'm hitting just the root science that what the elites are doing is anti-human, anti-planet, anti-Earth.
This Earth is its own genetic system, its own genetic history.
We're together as this planet.
Doesn't mean we don't fight each other and kill each other and have our own problems.
But at the end of the day, we ought to respect each other because we all come from the same place.
We have a shared experience.
And the genetic flora and fauna, the bacteria, the fungus, and the algae is all being altered.
And it's being religiously released.
Like the movie Alien Covenant, you know, you'll see that cheesy movie, and it's like they're going in genetically engineering planets.
Monsanto spent billions making Brazil take GMO corn.
And now it's spreading into all their corn and infecting everything and causing health problems because it's a takeover.
There's some larger plan.
You study this thing, you're not dealing with your average bureaucrat.
And so, many areas of the United States are going to have to be evacuated.
We're the big testing ground.
But already, the fungus and the algaes in the atmosphere, where it's not even supposed to be, and it's already raining down, the elites are already racing.
Not from war, I've learned, but to rural areas in the Pacific and the Southern Hemisphere to get away from what's in the air.
And then you go see a movie like Interstellar, and there's all this fungus and stuff in the atmosphere, and it's killing everything.
And I'm like, oh my God, in the real world, the fungus is already killing most of the crops.
But don't worry, Monsanto has a genetically engineered crop that can live in fungus.
And I'm just like, oh my God, people didn't cook this up.
It's just, that's why it's almost a joke to have Megyn Kelly's producer here and like wanting to be big on TV or wanting to be famous.
All I want is the planet not to get destroyed.
I mean, it's just, it's everywhere.
The trees in my yard are dying.
They have fungus on it.
I don't know what's going on, but it's not good, folks.
I mean, look at this.
Science blog.
First systematic study of deadly antibiotic-resistant fungus reported.
Oh, yeah.
Fungus in humans identified for the first time as key factor in Crohn's disease.
Told you that 10 years ago.
Science Daily.
New drug candidate found for deadly fungal lung infections.
I went and visited these cops when I was in Cleveland, and a couple of them were dead or dying from just going into one crack house with fungus.
Fungus-induced neurological diseases.
Estimated risk to animals and humans.
Just like coal miners would get killed by the silicate dust.
This is beyond that.
It's genetic.
Read about it.
National Bio and Agro Defense Facility.
Toxic mold.
Weapons of mass destruction.
Now weaponized.
It's all raining down from the atmosphere.
I mean, I don't know, man.
I don't know, man.
All I know is, whoa, everybody!
It's getting bad.
We're gonna go to break and come back because Millie Weaver, months ago, with our researchers and with Gavin exposed, 4chan later confirmed it, there was professors running around assaulting people at Berkeley with these clubs, these maces, trying to kill them, basically, in my view.
And it's now been confirmed one of these guys has been indicted, arrested.
She's coming up with the whole breakdown.
In fact, let me just come back and introduce her.
This is important, stay with us.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
Hannity then accused liberal lobbying organization Media Matters of America of liberal fascism, claiming they were mounting a targeted campaign against him after they released a list of companies that advertised during Hannity's show.
Prominent Twitter icon Mark Dice then went to Twitter and said, USAA you're boycotting Hannity to
Please, a few liberal trolls.
So now, we're going to boycott your company because we think you're garbage.
This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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In America's 240-plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out, and in many cases, give the ultimate sacrifice.
That's what this holiday and remembrance is all about.
It's those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
This group of specials for 2017 Memorial Day are undoubtedly the biggest we've ever had on these items because we want to really memorialize the true trailblazers that put it all on the line and didn't talk but took action.
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You add Autoship, several of these are lost leaders.
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These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I guess they call it a bike lock, but it's the equivalent of a 3-4 pound big piece of steel you can swing, like a trudgeon or a mace, and kill somebody with.
And it was First Info Wars, I'm proud of Millie, that identified it was professors and others that were bailing people out.
And that it was professors and others that were reportedly swinging the weapons.
And again, in my view, trying to kill people.
So that's coming up.
But very briefly here, I want to just point out that we have Memorial Day specials.
Some of these items, like colloidal silver and knockout, are the biggest specials we've ever offered.
65% off on colloidal silver.
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That is a loss leader.
But that way, you try out how great it is.
I am not a consumerist.
I don't enjoy shopping.
It's kind of fun to go shop for hamburger meat or steaks or chicken.
I mean, I like shopping for food.
Other stuff I don't like.
I'm not a guy that just gets off on buying things and feels fulfilled.
But when I buy something I know the globalists don't like me to have, like a firearm, or I go out and I do things that I know are human empowering and build new economies, then I feel good.
So I love to use the money I have to build better economies, to go buy raw milk from Amish each week, or go to the farmer's market and buy stuff from family farmers that's less expensive with no middleman in the grocery store and is better quality.
I love going and eating dinner at a mom and pop
The food's usually better anyways in a chain.
It's that same basic common sense.
So there's a good consumerism when you use consumerism to vote with your dollars, to vote with your actions, and build a better world.
I don't think I'm stating some big secret here.
I think everybody knows what I'm saying is just common sense.
And that said, Paul Watson was mainly paid, I'll give you some inside baseball, off of the YouTube channel we set up for him years ago, and off the funding he got from that.
I gave him some other funding, but we're not wealthy here, so London's an expensive place to live, and he's got a few crew members under him, so it was hard for Paul to pay his bills.
I'm gonna give you some private info.
And then the last year they said, well, you're a libertarian right winger.
We're going to demonetize your channel about 80% or so.
It's more than 70.
And so I was having to try to dick around and even be able to pay Paul so he could still work here.
And he said, you know, Alex, I've never done this, but because I'm under attack and we're under attack, I guess I'll go ahead and become commercial.
I'm from Northern England.
We're not really commercial.
We're in a pretty low key as everybody knows, but he goes, I'm ready to do what you've asked me to do.
I'm ready to be commercial because I see they're trying to shut us down.
And I said, Paul, what do you want to do?
And he said, they hate this image of me like five years ago, my hair was longer, because it looks kind of trendy, kind of like a Russell Brand.
And he is like Russell Brand, he's a little tall like Russell Brand.
And he said, they hate this image, they want it banned, they want it shut down.
It's a sepia image of him with long hair, kind of smiling.
He said, let's say conservatism is the new counterculture.
A nice, soft, gray, high-quality shirt, which is Paul's idea, with Infowars.com on the back, so you can meet like-minded people.
It's a unisex shirt, great for men and women.
It's that soft, you know, mixed fabric.
And I said, okay, Paul will do that.
I quietly said to the crew, I said, Paul's a...
Really successful guy.
And I said, people are going to buy a t-shirt like that?
Guess what?
It's our best-selling t-shirt for three months running.
And we brought in as much revenue as we've lost from YouTube.
So, the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.
You know, he gets 100 million views or more.
Every few months on our platforms.
And they took that away.
They said, you know what?
We're not going to let you have money because you're pro-Britain, you're pro-sovereignty, you're anti-radical Islam.
We're going to destroy you.
But guess what?
It didn't work.
Because now we are making back that same amount of money.
In fact, it may even be more now that I'm plugging it, with conservatism as the new counterculture.
Paul Watson with the triggering image of him on the front and Infowars.com on the back.
And I personally kind of came up with the shirt design because it's the same manufacturer here that I go with.
By the way, made in the USA, I should add, it's this acrylic slash cotton that is so smooth, it's unisex, it's so comfortable, and that's how you fund the operation.
And also let them know, we will adapt, we will overcome.
You try to shut us down, we'll fund ourselves some other way.
And then finally, in closing, because we got Milly Weaver coming up with a big report,
Paul wanted his face just to trigger them.
This is an anti-commercial guy.
Somebody I couldn't even get on air for the first 10 years he worked with me.
Some guy that hates being on air.
Somebody that hates being commercial.
But they tried to destroy him.
They tried to make him bankrupt.
So he's like, I'm ready to fight back.
And you're fighting back too, listeners.
And it's emboldening Paul to not back down.
We have the ceramic conservatism as the new counterculture.
Paul Watson cup.
And we have this other beauty.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
I don't think so.
And when you purchase these, it makes everything we're doing possible here.
So again, it is a fight for free speech.
Thank you for everything you do.
Without you, we would not be here.
InfoWars is an extension of your will against tyranny.
And the great crew that puts up with all my idiosyncratic behaviors understands that I am in the zeitgeist.
I am in the nuclear reactor.
Let me tell you spiritually.
So, uh, and I'm not complaining.
I asked for this, but, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's very interesting obviously with that, but it's better than being a slave.
And so I wouldn't quit this for anything.
I just want victory now so much that
It's all-encompassing, it's all-controlling, and I'm just begging you to keep doing what you're doing and fear your prayers.
I need your psychic support more than the monetary, but everybody else needs the information.
There's a war, they're pulling out heaven and earth to stop us.
It is such an act of resistance when you spread InfoWars.com articles, or you spread our videos, or you spread a Periscope video, or a Facebook video, or a YouTube video.
Now let me end this now, because Millie, I asked her to come here and host things.
Maybe she'll go a little bit in the next hour.
But I want her to be able to talk about what happened to her and what's happening and just what's unfolding.
But again, thank you all for your support.
Now back to Millie Weaver here live in studio.
I'm Millie Weaver and I will be taking you guys through the rest of this hour.
Then at the bottom of the hour, I will be joined by Mike Cernovich, who will be taking you guys through that last final hour.
Well, the bike lock attacker has been arrested and charged with felony assault.
And this supposed attacker, he himself was a former professor.
Now this completely vindicates the report that I did, the unmasking the Antifa back a couple of months ago.
And it's pretty amazing to see how on 4chan and Poll, how these internet slews actually tracked this person down and used some of that information about these professors that are bailing out Antifa in order to identify this professor.
Now, I want to take you guys through this report, but we'll get to that in a minute, because there's some really interesting detailed information of just how bad it really and truly is, where we have these universities that are completely dominated by liberal professors.
There are more Marxist professors even at universities than there are liberal professors.
It's getting out of control.
It's pretty disturbing.
So I'm going to take you guys through this report.
We're going to be rolling it and it's pretty amazing the information here.
But before that I want to just say this professor's name is Eric Clanton and he was 28.
He was a former California State University professor of philosophy.
And this man who swung and hit somebody with a bike lock was a professor.
So let's go ahead and roll this clip guys.
So let's start where I started, the local anti-fascist group, Revolutionary Student Front's Facebook page.
The first post I noticed was that which discussed the recent March for Trump in Austin, where a group of anti-fascists went to in an attempt to shut it down, which resulted in an anti-fascist journalist, Kit O'Connell's, arrest.
They had a fundraiser page where they were asking for donations for their arrested comrade.
The money will go to support Kit's hospital bill, replacement glasses, missed work and other medical expenses, as well as legal fees, said the post.
They even raised $2,000.
So my next question was, who were these donors funding the anti-fascists?
The donor page had names of the donors and their contributions.
So the next question to answer was, who exactly were these people?
Many were fellow college students, but the most shocking finding of all was that some were professors.
Yes, university professors.
So why would a university professor be donating money to an arrested individual that's a member of the extremist group Anti-Fascist that is known for rioting, vandalism, and attacking Donald Trump supporters?
Now, the trail led me to the universities.
In this article, it talked about how students that took specific social justice studies received $2,800 in scholarships, and they even gained special privileges, which gained them access to use a special computer lab, cameras, and radio equipment.
Why would universities be giving scholarships and special privileges to students that took social justice studies programs?
So the next logical thought was to look into these social justice programs and I decided the University of Texas would be a good start.
I found the Human Rights and Social Justice program.
Upon reading the program summary, it seemed pretty mild, although one sentence stuck out.
Finally, through the connecting experience component of the program, students will have the opportunity to complement their coursework with hands-on experience in an organization working on human rights and social justice concerns.
Then I found the link to the Human Rights and Social Justice Faculty Panel.
It had a long list of professors that each had a summary of their coursework expertise.
What began to become apparent upon simply reading their own description of what they taught is that these professors shared some pretty extreme left ideologies.
And with a simple YouTube search, you could find these professors giving lectures where you could hear their leftist extremist ideologies, some even verging on Marxism.
Here, I want to ask what may seem like a simple and even obvious question.
Where does racism come from?
From what roots does racism arise?
And I think that question also is a simple answer.
It comes from white supremacy.
The idea that non-white people are inherently inferior in intellectual or moral terms from white folks.
Let me start with a clear statement on my own position on these two cults I'm speaking of.
First of all, I am anti-capitalist without hesitation.
The sense of the way I'm using this term, cult, what I'm really arguing is that capitalism can never be anything but a cult.
Capitalism is not only a cult, but essentially at this point, quite clearly, a kind of death cult.
The conclusions you would draw on crucial issues, if you consulted God's Word, if you consulted the design of nature, and what your senses and understanding of the world empirically could convey to you, or if you stepped back and looked, as our founding fathers did, at what kind of Republican principles the basic opinions of mankind demanded.
That the law of God, the law of nature, and the laws of Republican government, the far-right Republican government, were all aligned.
This all comes apart.
In the debate over slavery, the convergence of them collapsed, and even the sources of authority themselves became inherently incoherent.
I think you as teachers, when you're teaching especially the expository literature of the Civil War period, can use these three sources of authority to sort of get your students inside some of these texts to ask them, what are these writers basing their arguments on?
Then I looked at KVRX, the Austin UT College radio station, and lo and behold, the students running the radio were affiliating with outspoken Antifa members.
I even came across a UC Berkeley College radio interview with a professor
It's important to note that the interview is about a book that this professor published about fascism just before the UC Berkeley riots broke out, where anti-fascists shut down a Milo Yiannopoulos event.
Trump became sort of leader of the wingnut Tea Party branch of birthers, and from there he gained a significant right-wing reactionary following.
Which he was able to parlay into his presidential bid and through that campaign he became kind of a figurehead for a lot of Nazis and traditionalists and old school southern neo-confederates.
And so it was through that coalition, if you will, of fascists that Trump was able to
Really compete for presidency and eventually win.
More recently, warnings of a creeping fascism have returned.
I don't know who's doing that.
If we consider the left's embrace of equality as its defining characteristic, fascism remains decisively on the right.
Obviously, he needs to be opposed on every level, and obviously he's not only benefiting from the rise of fascism, he's facilitating it.
Can we make the call that the alt-right is fascist?
Yeah absolutely that is a fascist movement and it has to be opposed physically and ideologically.
And this professor talked about Alex Jones and in so misrepresented Alex's political beliefs in order to create a false dichotomy.
What they did along with like Alex Jones and people like that is create this alt universe where globalization was a creation of the left.
Globalization was the economic expression of an ideology that they referred to as globalism, which is created by cultural Marxists and Jews who are trying to deracinate the people of Europe and white people in the United States.
What can be drawn from this interview is that we have a few professors that are trying to rewrite history in order to falsely associate fascism with Donald Trump and his supporters.
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For the full version of that report, you guys can find that on the Millennial Millie YouTube channel to watch the entire video report of that.
I mean it really goes down deep into what's going on at these universities.
Now it is pretty hard to even believe that there would be liberal professors and Marxist professors out there indoctrinating the youth, but when you go to these Antifa rallies where they have these rioters and
And they're, you know, coming there to beat Trump supporters.
It becomes pretty evident when you see that the vast majority of these Antifa there are young college-aged people, and then they tend to have older people there who, I mean, it becomes pretty obvious who these older people are.
I mean, they're university professors.
It just reminds me of this case where we saw that girl Moldy Locks, the girl who was punched in the face at this, the Berkeley protest, but you know she came there looking for a fight and she had made posts about it.
So this girl Moldy Locks, I mean she was a beautiful young lady, looked like your, you know, daddy's princess.
How does daddy's princess turn into the devil's mistress?
She's being sent to these liberal universities where, even in California, some of these universities have started, you know, dismantling their libraries and essentially turning them into digital versions, which, you know, that does not sound like a good idea when you have this monopoly on speech at these universities and it tends to be coming from the liberal side.
You know, not too long ago I spoke with a man named Professor Ellis, who is a black law professor and had the most amazing credentials you could ever see.
He was so qualified, but he would go and interview at these universities and they would turn him down.
No, they did not turn him down because of the color of his skin.
They turned him down because he was ideologically different from them.
He was a conservative.
And so they actually were discriminating him based on his ideology.
So he actually made a manifesto called Ideological Racism within universities about how these universities are only hiring liberal teachers
You know there's a problem when these liberal universities, you know, these liberal professors outnumber conservative professors 12 to 1.
So people are sending their kids there not realizing that these professors are very extreme leftists.
A lot of them are Marxists.
12% or 12, between 12 and 16% were considered to be Marxist professors.
So it's no wonder that young people, young millennials and Generation Z are more likely to view communism and socialism in a favorable light.
Now, they had studies that came out
And these were from the Communist Memorial Foundation's, you know, victims of Communism who had done these studies, these surveys, and they found that overwhelmingly Millennials and Generation Z had a favorable view of Communism and of Socialism, and they greatly underestimated the number of deaths that can be attributed to Communism.
It's pretty disturbing and so now justice has prevailed.
This bike lock attacker is being charged two felony counts.
He could be facing a lot of jail time but this really should not be surprising when
You know, you go out and decide you're going to whack somebody over the head with a bike lock.
This is what can be expected and anything else would just be being oblivious to the fact that you're going to get caught, you're going to go to jail if you try to go out and attack people that are exercising their right to free speech.
Stay tuned, guys.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm Millie Weaver, joined here by Mike Cernovich, and we're going to be talking about professors and how some of these professors are even under threat at these universities.
I mean, these SJWs are so hysterical.
If they catch any bit of wind that these professors don't share their exact same beliefs, well,
You know, they're going to do anything they can to run these professors off.
So, I wanted to go ahead and talk to Mike Cernovich.
How are you doing today?
So, hello Mike.
Hey, great.
Always great to see you, Millie.
Yeah, what I think is hilarious is they're liberal professors who are now actually getting that jackboot on their throat that all of us have felt for all of these years.
It isn't enough to go after right-wingers or conservatives or centrists.
The professor actually is a leftist.
He's an avowed anti-racist, and even he is feeling the wrath of the mob.
Wow, I mean that's pretty alarming when you have the mob rule mentality where they think that they can just bully and use aggression to essentially scare people off like we have seen with Ann Coulter.
Yeah, and what they got him for was interesting.
There was apparently a holiday, I don't know if we call it a holiday or an event, what people want to call it, but it was white people were told to stay off of campus by the administration.
You can't make this kind of stuff up.
The email has actually been leaked and the producers back there have the emails where they said white people cannot come to campus today as a way of honoring
People of color.
So this Professor Weinstein said, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.
He thought he misunderstood what he was reading.
He said, if white people want to voluntarily remain off campus for a day as a show of solidarity with people of color, hey, that's great for them.
But if the administration is telling white people they're not welcome, that is actually racism.
That is actually oppression.
That's what got him in trouble, is he stood up against the idea that white people should be barred from campus for one day and that set the outrage mob, the SJW outrage mob, out of control.
Now what gets really worse,
In your experience, who is the first to be violent?
People on the right or in the middle or people on the left?
It is without a doubt always the people with the antifa, the people on the left.
They get hysterical and they can't control themselves.
They're emotionally volatile so they lash out and it doesn't surprise me that we're seeing the campus then say, oh well you have to stay off campus for your own safety because we're afraid of these people coming and hurting you.
That's the exact same
Lying or jargon that we heard with Ann Coulter and how the campus cancelled her speech.
Yeah, that's actually a justification is the way they censor us is it's illegal and unconstitutional to say that we can't come on to a state university.
And they say, oh, well, you're in danger, so you can't come to campus.
And even if we say we still want to go, they'll say, no, no, no, you can't.
But they never actually arrest any of the wrongdoers who are criminals.
So, for example, this, um, what was his name?
He was the Berkeley bike lock professor.
He took a bike lock.
Eric Canton.
Yeah, so he actually got arrested, but not for what he did at Berkeley.
He got arrested for something else.
He's such a dodgy character.
He apparently had a gun.
He was committing a felony in it, and we're still investigating that story.
These are the kind of people
Yeah, exactly.
Two felony charges.
So he's an Antifa guy, but he wasn't arrested for what he did at Berkeley, to my understanding.
Maybe that's changed and it's breaking news.
He was arrested for completely unrelated crimes.
These people on the left are violent criminals.
It can't be denied anymore.
These people are scary people.
So we're going to leave here in a minute, but what's your take?
I mean, you live and breathe with these people for a long time.
Should people be worried about them?
I think that people should be worried about the censorship and the indoctrination that we're seeing at universities.
That should be the number one concern without a doubt.
Well, stay tuned guys because Mike Cernovich is going to be carrying you guys through this last and final hour and I will be saying goodbye to you guys.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
Hannity then accused liberal lobbying organization Media Matters of America of liberal fascism, claiming they were mounting a targeted campaign against him after they released a list of companies that advertised during Hannity's show.
Prominent Twitter icon Mark Dice then went to Twitter and said, USAA, you're boycotting Hannity to
Please, a few liberal trolls.
So now, we're going to boycott your company because we think you're garbage.
This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And we're back.
Mike Cernovich just hosted the fourth hour for the real Alex Jones Show.
A lot of news going on today.
It has been a wild day.
So the question, I guess, on everybody's mind is, is it okay to punch a journalist?
And, you know, we disavow political violence.
I do not support violence against people you don't agree with.
I certainly know that Mr. Jones and the Infowars people, we believe in free speech.
We try to debate people.
But whenever we try to hold a debate...
Or a talk.
Or have a civil discussion.
Millie Weaver has done a great job on that.
Owen has done a great job on that.
There's been so much great coverage at Infowars about the violence coming from the left and Antifa.
Whenever we try to have an event, left-wing thugs and savages and Antifa come in, crash it.
They attack us.
They pepper spray people.
They hit women.
They smash people with two-by-fours and baseball bats.
The media has said, hey, we don't care, man.
Because everybody that is to the right of Karl Marx is a Nazi, and they've even said it's okay to punch a Nazi.
This is what they've been saying.
The media has normalized political violence, and I warned people in the media, because I don't hate every journalist.
Actually, I think there's about 10% of journalists who really want to do the right thing, and then the other 90% are given those 10% a bad name.
But I warned people, I said, look,
If you normalize political violence, then the issue is going to be who can do it better?
Who can be more violent?
You guys should probably say something about this.
As a matter of fact, I went into the White House press briefing room and I confronted the entire White House press corps and I said, why will no one in the media disavow political violence on the left?
Why will you not disavow Antifa?
The violence had gotten so bad that a fellow by the name of Bay Stickman had to go in to protect people who wanted to have free speech.
There was a fight, I actually wrote about this, there was a fight that had broken out in an open field in Berkeley because Antifa would come in, yes exactly, Antifa would come in
And then people on the right had to come in too, and it became like a full-on civil war in the fields of Berkeley.
And I said, I really want the media to speak out against this.
I really want people on the left to say, you know what?
You're right.
The violence has been going on to Trump supporters.
The violence has been happening to people on the right.
This has gone on for too long.
We need to do a special on it.
We need to disavow this.
We need to end this.
The media loves it though.
When a Trump supporter is attacked, the media embraces it.
And in fact, they do inspire and incite violence against Trump supporters by calling us all Nazis.
So what the media has done is twofold.
They go, well, is it okay to punch a Nazi?
Is it okay to punch a Nazi?
Now, most people would say, well, sure, because you have this idea of a Nazi as a terrible person from World War II, and in fact, they were terrible people.
But the trick the media played was then they defined everybody as a Nazi.
Anybody that doesn't follow mainstream orthodoxy, anybody doing real news is a Nazi.
And they kind of snuck that one in there.
But I warned people, I said, once you start telling people it's okay to punch those you disagree with, then the media people
We're going to get punched.
And I warned them.
I warned people.
I said, guys, let's do a debate.
I'd offered $100,000 to charity if Keith Olbermann would debate real Alex Jones.
This is how hungry we are.
Those of us who are moderates, people like me and For Wars, we're actually political moderates compared to the far left.
You can't even call us right-wingers anymore.
We are all moderate people because the far left, they want to take away everybody's guns.
They want to enslave people.
They want open borders.
They want terrorism everywhere.
So I said, I will donate $100,000 to charity if Keith Olbermann will debate real Alex Jones in an open forum.
But the moderator, a neutral moderator, Alex Jones was, of course, fully on board.
He wanted to do the debate.
So you got money for charity, $100,000 for charity, open debate.
They won't debate us in open field, though, because they cannot win the war of ideas.
The only way they can defeat us is by blacklisting us, by censoring us, by attacking our advertisers, by delegitimizing people, by lying about people, by spreading fake news about people.
So again, this is all leading to what happened in Montana.
So a candidate for Congress put his hands on a reporter and you know what happened?
The media freaked out.
But I said, I go, you know what?
That won't cost him even one vote.
And in fact, not only did it not cost him a vote, he raised $100,000 in 24 hours.
People were glad.
That he punched the media.
He raised $100,000 in 24 hours in campaign contributions.
People actually said they came out to vote for him, not in spite of him putting his hands on a fake news journalist, but because of it.
You would think this would be a wake-up call.
You would think the media would say, we are done with the violence.
We are sorry.
We apologize for inciting violence against Trump supporters.
We apologize for saying it is okay to hit people you don't agree with.
We were wrong and we're now going to do an expose on Antifa and the political violence coming from the left.
That is happening to people on the right.
But of course not.
Of course not.
Hubris, or as the Bible says, as a good book says, pride cometh before a fall.
Pride cometh before a fall.
The media is too proud to admit, hey, maybe we contributed to this culture of violence.
Maybe this is our fault.
Maybe we need to ratchet down the rhetoric.
Maybe we need to stop dehumanizing people.
Maybe we need to stop calling everybody Nazis.
Maybe we need to stop lying about people.
Maybe we need to cover the violence that's happening to Trump supporters.
Maybe a little bit of humility.
No, they're doubling down.
This proves that Trump is a bad guy, his people are fascists, and that this is an assault on the free press.
They're doubling down on that narrative rather than showing a little contrition and a little bit of self-awareness.
So I predict it.
Over a year ago, that political violence would become normalized, it would become more common.
And I predicted that people on the right would do it better than people on the left.
And that is another point that is being missed by the media.
Point being missed.
This is not a threat because I don't want, I want to debate.
Again, show me anybody on the left who has ever offered $100,000 for charity to debate me.
Alex Jones, big name.
We could raise a lot of money for charity.
We could live stream it, have a super chat going.
I bet you we could raise a million dollars if we had a big like a Wrestlemania.
Wow, this is a great idea.
I wish Alex were here right now.
We could just brainstorm off each other.
I envision a major UFC event, a major boxing match, promoted by CNN, co-promoted by InfoWars, maybe Get Bripe or Daily Call or Cernovich Media.
Get all of us in a room, and we could have an undercard leading to a main event.
So the left, they could have Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Sam Harris, Jake Taper, Brian Stelter.
All these guys on the left could come in.
Like a big battle royal.
And then we could have people on the right.
Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Millie, Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux.
We could have, you know, we could have five, ten people on each side.
And then it would all lead up, this would be, where is Alex right now?
This would be an amazing, amazing event.
We could cut up a promo for it.
I bet you we do a million for charity.
I would put up $100,000 of my own money from Cernovich Media.
I would put up $100,000 to see this event happen for charity.
It would be the battle royale.
The left versus the right.
Who has the better ideas?
Who can engage in free speech with the most tenacity?
The most ferocity?
Who has the better arguments?
Who's more logical?
Who's more cogent?
We would, millions of people would watch this.
We could air it on every network, air it live on CNN, air live on NBC, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, air live on everybody's social media, on everybody's YouTube, crowdfund donations, live streaming, all money would go to charity.
Why isn't this happening?
We could raise at least a million dollars for charity.
Well, I'll tell you why.
I'll tell you why.
They can't beat us in an argument.
That's why they won't show up and debate us.
They can't win.
That is why the media sends their little Nazi soldiers, their little Antifa thugs, to come and disrupt our events.
Because if they actually met with us one-on-one and raised millions of dollars for charity, they would be trounced.
Because the left is intellectually, morally, and spiritually bankrupt.
The left are the archetypes of terrorists.
They create it.
They want terrorism against us.
That's why they'll never debate us.
Instead, what do they want to do?
Well, they want to get Sean Hannity's advertisers pulled.
They write hit pieces every time Alex and I do a show together.
George Soros pays people to monitor it.
I think it's a great service, by the way.
I think it's hilarious that George Soros... Matt, that's a dream job.
Think about that.
The job that George Soros pays people to do is to watch everything that we do, download the videos, and transcribe it, and then write articles about it.
That is a dream.
Can I have that job?
How could I?
Can I get paid to watch Infowars.com and to transcribe what I read and to write about these articles on these amazing people on the right who are doing real journalism?
And actually standing up to Power Elite and the Deep State.
That would be a dream job to me.
Why can't I need to apply for?
Jordan Soros, if you're watching, I know you are.
David Brock, I know you guys are watching.
Hit me up.
Maybe, you know, maybe we can have a win-win.
I'll tell you in advance what I'm going to do.
And then you can donate my salary to charity.
But again, they don't want an open debate.
They want to, just same thing, they're going after Sean Hannity's advertisers.
They want to get us kicked off of YouTube.
They want to get us kicked off of social media.
They can't win.
In open debate.
And of course, that is why you've got to go to Infowarsstore.com.
Because there aren't advertisers.
Look what is happening to Sean Hannity.
Bill O'Reilly was kicked off of Fox News because of the advertiser boycott.
There is now a massive advertiser boycott going on against Sean Hannity.
It might actually get him fired.
So there's right now a Memorial Day Patriot special, 40% off Survival Shield X2.
There are no advertisers.
You are the advertisers.
You are the people.
Every time you shop, every time you buy a product, every time you go to Infowarsstore.com, you are the advertiser.
You keep it in business.
Because the left is working hard to shut us down.
I'll be back after the next segment.
Thanks again.
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And we're back.
It's Jeff Costin, the fourth hour for Real Alex Jones.
And today, again, like Alex will tell you, we're not bragging.
We just want to let you know where you can find the real news.
Let's do a flashback to lead up to this amazing video climax.
It's spectacular.
Even though, karmically, I do not wish poor health on anyone.
I do not wish Parkinson's disease on Hillary Clinton or anyone.
That is very, very bad.
So that is bad energy.
I don't wish it on her.
But let's do a flashback.
I believe the article was published by the Washington Post September 6, 2016.
Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton's health now?
So as you know, the Alex Jones Show Infowarriors had been receiving legitimate sources of information who said that Hillary Clinton's health had been so bad that the Secret Service had a stepstool put up for her in the van.
So Alex and his people were getting this kind of intel I was too.
They said, actually she has a step stool going on to get into the big SUV or whatever you call it, the big suburban.
And then what they would start to do is rather than have Hillary Clinton enter and exit the vehicle facing the camera, she would walk behind a car and get in that way where cameras were out of sight.
So we kept hearing that something was really wrong and we began to talk about
Her health.
She would have coughing fits.
The media would call them allergies.
And then we would go and fact check the media and say, well, wait a minute.
When she gave that talk, she actually was having no allergies.
There was no pollen.
There was no ragweed.
There were no allergens in the air.
When you would actually fact check the media, you would find out there were no allergens.
It was made allergen safe.
So I kept pushing that story hard.
Paul Joseph Watson pushed it hard.
Alex Jones, all of the Infowars team pushed it hard.
We were called fake news.
Oh my God, you're fake news.
They wrote about me.
To this day, when they write about me and they want to try to attack me, they say, my service has spread conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton's health.
They can't quit talking about it.
So on September 6, 2016, the Washington Post and all the fake news media said, you're not allowed to talk to Rahal.
And then of course, we had that fateful day where a hero citizen journalist captured Hillary Clinton having a seizure as she was walking into her SUV.
So why are we talking about this now?
InfoWarrior is vindicated because today they're going to have that clip ready for you.
Today, Hillary Clinton, while giving a graduation speech, had another coughing fit.
So let's go ahead and watch that clip if we have it.
You know, four years ago, maybe a little more or less, for some of you, I've got to get a lozenge.
Thank you.
I told the trustees I was sitting with, after hearing Tala's speech, I didn't think I could get through it.
So we'll blame allergy instead of emotion.
But, you know, you arrived at this campus.
You arrived from all over.
You joined students from 49 states and 58 countries.
Now maybe you felt like you belonged.
Vindicated again.
There you go.
Now again, I don't wish and I know a lot of people would disagree because people believe
Well, she does belong in prison.
It isn't people believing it.
She does belong in prison.
She's a criminal.
She is the most wanted traitor in American history.
Worse than Benedict Arnold.
But that said, she does have Parkinson's or some kind of condition.
So what medical experts will tell you about Parkinson's is people think of Parkinson's very stereotypically.
They understand the tremors that people have, but they don't understand too that neurologically it affects your throat.
So your throat will actually close up when you're a Parkinson's patient.
It's a very sad condition.
That is again why I do believe Hillary Clinton belongs in prison but medically I don't wish this on anybody because it is horrific and I know people who have suffered and you never want to wish a serious medical condition on anybody.
That's not good.
God doesn't approve of that.
Nobody should want to do that.
I'm just telling you the facts.
I'm not gloating about it.
So what happens is neurologically your throat starts to close up and then you can only drink special water that has a higher viscosity, otherwise you can choke on water.
So that's why Hillary Clinton can't even drink water out of a normal water bottle.
So what's the message here?
The real news.
Who had this health story first?
Infowars.com did.
Mike Cermich did.
Paul Joseph Watson did.
We had it on the internet.
The media actually told us we couldn't talk about it.
This is why you cannot listen to the fake news media.
When they tell us they can't talk about something, they know that it's true.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
USAA, the financial services company which caters to military members and their families, is the latest company to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity's show following a string of ad cancellations from numerous companies after the Fox News host started focusing on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his reported ties to WikiLeaks.
Hannity then accused liberal lobbying organization Media Matters of America of liberal fascism, claiming they were mounting a targeted campaign against him after they released a list of companies that advertised during Hannity's show.
Prominent Twitter icon Mark Dice then went to Twitter and said, USAA you're boycotting Hannity to
Please, a few liberal trolls.
So now, we're going to boycott your company because we think you're garbage.
This is Millie Weaver reporting for InfoWars.com.
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It's a win-win, Infowarslife.com.
In America's 240 plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord, right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out and in many cases give the ultimate sacrifice.
That's what this holiday and remembrance is all about.
It's those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
This group of specials for 2017 Memorial Day are undoubtedly the biggest we've ever had on these items because
We want to really memorialize the true trailblazers that put it all on the line and didn't talk but took action.
We have over a thousand high-quality products available that are discounted at InfoWareStore.com.
You add AutoShip, several of these are lost leaders.
65% off Coil Silver.
You sign up for AutoShip, you get an additional 10% off and lock in the price.
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Add the 10% off for auto ship, that's 40% off.
These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Back again, Mike Cernovich filling in for the fourth hour of the Real Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for watching in.
By the way, we can't do this without your support.
That's why, again, people say, why do you talk so much about theinfowarstore.com?
Why do you care so much?
Because the advertising war is happening.
Look what is happening to Sean Hannity.
Sean Hannity lost USAA, which is an insurance company dedicated to soldiers.
The military is pro Sean Hannity.
The military is pro InfoWars.
But if you can't have advertisers, you have to support yourself.
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Speaking of America and American values...
Video games are now waging war on Christianity.
You can't make this stuff up.
There's a new video out there, a new video game out there called Far Cry 5, and we're going to load up the clip here in a minute, where what they want to do is attack Christians as being some kind of cultists, as being some kind of members.
In the promo trailer, they make everybody, the whole plot of the game is that Christians have taken over
In Montana.
These bad, evil Christians.
If you're a Christian, you're probably in a cult.
You're killing people.
They show people at a table with wolves and knives and they have a guy tied up.
The whole attack on Christianity and Christians in America is coming from every level.
The mainstream media, Hollywood, and now for video games.
So let's go ahead and watch this clip and then we'll talk about it.
I don't think so.
You hear that, right?
Amazing Grace playing in the background, peaceful music.
The video game world and the video game industry is controlled by the far left, by the social justice lawyers.
They are now directly attacking Christians.
I don't see Christians going into concerts where little girls are and blowing things up.
I don't see Christians committing terrorist acts.
I don't see Christians and Christianity endorsing terrorism.
I don't see Christians trying to impose their hardcore Christian laws on other people.
But that is what is actually happening.
So that is what the media is trying to say is true about Christians and Christianity, even in the video game world.
But let's compare these leaflets that we're seeing outside of a mosque.
Let's see what is actually going on in the real world.
Because again, I respect everybody's religion.
I believe religion is a good thing for people.
Judaism, Christianity, there are many good Muslims out there.
I don't like this divisiveness about everybody's religion if people practice it peacefully and if they control the violent people.
But as journalists, we do have to tell the truth.
And the truth is that Far Cry 5 video is propaganda from the left.
George Soros probably backed that.
Probably funded by Soros and the Media Matters types.
They're probably funding that kind of propaganda.
That isn't the reality though.
Christians are not doing this kind of stuff.
Now let's look at these leaflets that were found in a mosque.
Let's compare.
This is direct from Didsbury Mosque.
This is a leaflet that I was given on an open day.
And this says, living in a society in which people have accepted Western lifestyle as their way of life brings immorality at every step.
Modesty, shame and honour have no place in Western civilisation.
That is direct from Didsbury Mosque.
And that was given in a very expensive package with DVDs
All I can say is, I have been an attendee of Didsbury Mosque for 30 years or so.
And Didsbury Mosque is a mosque that opens its doors to non-Muslims every week on a Sunday.
It's a very multicultural community.
It's a mosque that invites women in, men in, people of all faiths and all nationalities.
And where that's come from, I don't know.
That's absolutely correct.
And that was given to me on a Sunday, on an open day.
You get tea and biscuits.
Very, very nice.
Very, very nice people.
It's not an official... I have also... It's official from Didsbury Mosque.
I think two lines taken out of context about Didsbury Mosque is unfair.
How is that out of context?
How is talking about British civilisation and Western civilisation out of context?
Well, we don't know who handed it to you or who wrote it.
That's the point.
It's a charity leaflet that's given out officially from Ditchbury Moss.
Thank you.
So this kind of stuff, and this is why the media divides people, this kind of stuff to me is very conflicting for me because I do know very, very, very many Muslims who are opposed to this stuff and they have spoken out about it and they think it's gone completely crazy.
But there's a large segment of Muslims who do endorse terrorism.
They don't say anything.
They don't report on the people who are radicalized.
You can't get the truth about Islam and Muslims.
So, for example, that woman who said that the mosque is open on Sunday and women are welcome.
Are women allowed to be with the men though?
Famously, there was Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who claims he's a feminist and is really against the patriarchy and we really have to do something about these oppressive white Christians.
There's a great picture of how Trudeau went to a mosque in Canada and his female staffers had to go into a separate entrance and they weren't allowed to sit with the men.
They were segregated by gender.
It isn't Christians who are doing this gender segregation.
So on the one hand, you have people like Trudeau, you have all these university professors, you have all these media people, and they claim, look at these lunatic Christians.
I mean, that really is what that far cry thing is.
Look at these lunatic Christians.
Can you imagine the outrage if there was a big video game about Moss?
Terrorists and Moss.
That's how you know the left is intellectually bankrupt.
Let's just imagine it's a thought experiment.
Let's imagine there was a video game funded by a major corporation.
Where they told the true story about the Orlando shooter.
They told the true story about the terrorists in Brussels.
They told the true story about the shooters in Paris.
In fact, the Munich attack, Nice-Paris, and now the Manchester attack, and they had a mosque.
And in their promotion, they had mosques going on there.
And they were talking about Muslims being radicalized and sharing propaganda.
What would the media do with something like this?
Would that video game ever be allowed on the shelves?
But there's a bigger question.
If there were a picture of Muhammad hanging behind me, would I be killed?
If I posted a picture behind me of Christians mocking them, defacing them, I obviously wouldn't do this because that would be wrong and I don't believe in mocking anybody's religion.
And I certainly wouldn't do it to the great Christians listening here.
But if I did, my life would not be in danger.
If Christians would not come in and try to kill me.
And this is proof.
This is empirically proven.
There have been all kinds of vile, vile things like Piss Christ, where they put a crucifix of Jesus in urine.
Funded by taxpayers, by the way.
That isn't even art.
It's just vulgar.
It's actually funded by taxpayers.
Christians aren't going to go in there and murder anybody, blow anything up.
Charlie Hebdo.
Those of you listening in, do you remember the Charlie Hebdo murders?
There was a satirical newspaper in France that made fun of everybody.
They ridiculed Catholics, Jews, Christians, Protestants, Muslims, in the most vile, vulgar ways.
Again, ways that I don't approve of.
They would make carcatures of Jewish people, carcatures of the Virgin Mary engaged in all kinds of vulgar acts.
Completely degenerate.
And I don't even think artistically valuable.
It's complete degeneracy.
But they had a right to do this, and they had every right to do this.
Well, then what happened is they did satire on Muhammad.
The Prophet Muhammad.
What happened next?
Now, what happened on social media?
The Charlie Hebdo murders, I think, were two or three years ago.
Everybody on social media.
I stand with Charlie Hebdo.
More hashtags.
Everything on social media, hashtag campaigns, standing up against it.
But they wouldn't name who did it.
They wouldn't identify the enemy.
They wouldn't say this is caused by radical Islamic terrorism.
And if they did, they would be fired.
But they had a hashtag.
So we have now had, how many terrorist attacks have there been since Charlie Hebdo?
I think there's been one at least every month in Europe.
I lost track of them.
I was actually trying to keep track of them.
But you can't keep track of all the terrorist attacks coming from, again, radical Islamic terror.
So Far Cry 5 and the Hollywood and media entertainment establishment, they won't dare criticize Islam.
In fact, they do the opposite.
I don't know.
Do we have that Katy Perry clip?
So Katy Perry had come in.
So here's what you have coming from Hollywood.
If you believe in God and Jesus and you believe in Easter and Christmas and Christianity, you're some evil cultist who's probably a cannibal.
But if you are part of a religion where there's terrorist attacks all over the world actually every day, there was martial law declared in the Philippines, you can't even criticize it.
So let's try to load up that Kate Perry clip if we have that.
It's a great clip and it really is a great contrast between what the media is saying versus what we have.
The greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other.
And like, no barriers, no borders.
Like, we all need to just coexist.
What a joke.
You watch this stuff and you're just thinking, what a joke.
And of course, the Navy SEAL had a great reaction to that video, I think.
I think if you come to America, you're American and nothing else.
And American foremost.
And I think what this is, is we don't have people who respect the culture of the United States of America.
I mean, you have people like Katy Perry, for instance.
I mean, this woman has said, oh, we need to give them hugs.
Hug it out.
Hug it out.
Go to hell, Katy Perry.
Hold one of your concerts in Syria and see how that goes.
These people fundamentally don't understand what is going on here.
But you don't think she's coming from a bad place.
You just think they don't get the threats.
Oh, I think they're just completely benign, and they don't understand any of this, and they don't want to understand, too.
And that's why I'm so strong against these celebrities who speak out, say, oh, we can fight this through love, or, you know, it's not really violent, and they don't mean it.
We are putting the political correctness of the Islamic culture over our lives, of our citizens, and we need to stop that immediately.
Hey, man.
I believe in free speech.
Again, we can all link this back, by the way, to the very first segment we did on that liberal professor who is an avowed anti-racist, Professor Weinstein.
He's a liberal professor, avowed anti-racist, who wants to coexist.
And the far left in America won't let us co-exist.
And that is why the far left is actually using radical Islamic terrorism as a weapon to attack the right.
And that is why the media is using radical Islamic terrorism to silence the people that they disagree with.
And that's why they won't tell the truth about it.
So, I mean, let's just think about it.
I love the idea of coexisting.
That is what free speech is fundamentally about.
Free speech is all about, hey, you can make fun of each other.
In fact, Comedy Central made fun of me.
I went and did a talk with them, and I knew they were going to edit me, and they edited me completely out of context, but in a very funny way.
And a lot of left-wingers go, oh, Comedy Central, they really got Cernovich good.
And I thought, what are you talking about?
I believe in free speech.
I believe in jokes.
I'm happy for Comedy Central to make fun of me.
I think that that is what we need is free speech.
It's the left that opposes free speech.
It is radical Islam that opposes free speech.
The terrorism, again, it isn't happening from the Christians.
So I believe Far Cry 5 has the right to do a video game making Christians, trying to make Christians look terrible.
I think that that's awful.
I think it's disgusting.
I think it's Christian phobic.
I think it goes against Western values.
I think it's vile.
And I know that it's propaganda designed to create violence against Christians.
That said, they have a free speech right to do it.
Where is the free speech right to a video game from Far Cry 5 about Muslims?
Where they're being radicalized in the mosque?
Where the terrorism coming from the mosque?
That would never be allowed.
And again, you would not only be attacked by the government, in the EU you would actually be arrested.
That's actually a great point to think about.
If you were in the EU or the UK,
And you did a video game like Far Cry 5, but you made it about Islam, you would go to prison.
Katie Hopkins, I believe is her name, there's a British commentator who was on Twitter and said, enough of this terrorism.
We need to stand up against this.
What is going on?
She was reported to the police and the police department said we're investigating it.
At first I thought it was a hoax, right?
I said, I can't believe this.
No, so I think her name is Kate Hopkins.
On Twitter, criticized Islam.
They reported her to the police on Twitter.
The police account on Twitter said, we are investigating her.
That really does say it all.
They're more worried about mean tweets on Twitter, which, and by the way, her tweet wasn't even mean.
She wasn't even saying Islams are savages or animals or anything.
It was just saying, hey, we need to talk about this.
We need to have an open conversation about this, right?
You go to jail.
So if you're in Europe, there is no free speech in the EU.
There is no free speech in the UK.
If you did Far Cry 5, a video game like that, yeah, so Kitty Hopkins, though, looks like she lost her job too, is that, so maybe she's off her network and everything.
Right, so not only is she losing her job, she's also losing her
Freedom, potentially.
She might go to prison.
She might go to prison over a tweet that could have been worded a little bit differently.
She could have used... People have to be careful how they word things and realize the cultural context of what they're saying.
And that's part about being in the media, is being conscientious.
But she could have... She could go to jail.
So why can't you do a video game like Far Cry 5 in America or the UK?
Because if you did it in the UK, then you'd go to prison.
Because it'd be hate speech.
If you did it in the US, you legally might be allowed to do it, but your offices would be firebombed.
If you did a video game with a picture of Muhammad in a mosque, talking about radical Islamic terrorism, your offices would be firebombed by Muslims.
And that's the truth.
So what's the answer?
I don't know.
That's what we have to think about.
My view is the answer is free speech.
My view is that religions cannot coexist in a culture that doesn't allow free speech.
That's why the First Amendment has the Establishment of Religion Clause and the Free Speech Clause.
Because if you do establish a religion, you can't have free speech.
The only way religions can coexist is if we can criticize each other, critique each other,
Mock each other and we have to just let people do the vile carpentry.
How else can free speech exist?
Free speech exists because it takes money to fund these operations.
They're really trying to expand.
They're building out the studios.
They have contractors everywhere.
BrainForce is 47% off of retail right now.
There's a huge Memorial Day Patriot special.
Free speech needs money.
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They wailed against the crown Another red-tagged man
Back once again, Mike Cernovich, with the final segment.
There's so much going on, and for those of you who are wondering how to find me, you can go to twitter.com forward slash Cernovich.
So much going on.
We have, of course, a reminiscent.
I think that we've talked a lot about the Seth Rich case, and I wanted to talk about it just a little bit more.
Because there's a lot of fake news about my role in the investigation, and of course they always lie about us when they can't.
The number one thing I've noticed about the Seth Rich case is the media is telling us we can't talk about it.
Well, that sounds an awful lot like Hillary's health.
The last time the fake news media told us we couldn't talk about a subject, it was Hillary's health.
They said, you guys cannot talk about it, she's perfectly healthy, and then of course she had a seizure on 9-11, and then today she had another coughing fit.
Why does the media care so much about debunking, which they're not doing.
Why do they care so much about debunking the Seth Rich case?
Hey, there's a few people.
If I spent my time debunking all the nonsense about me and Alex Jones that George Soros funds every day, I couldn't get any work done.
I don't care that there are a bunch of people lying about me on the internet every day of my life.
I don't have time to go mess with that.
So why is the media creating a narrative to shut this story down?
Now I want to be clear about what my position is.
I do not know if Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leaks.
But I also do not believe that the Russians had any involvement with that.
The AIT guy could have provided the kind of emails that WikiLeaks had in the leaks.
So why is it that the media is freaking out so much?
Because we're investigating.
What we found through our investigation is that there's been total police incompetency, and that the DNC rushed in to help the family, and there's been no competent investigation.
And this is why I know there is some kind of cover-up with the Seth Rich murder.
Imagine something happened, God forbid, to an InfoWars person, right?
I can tell you what would happen.
There would be a 24-hour hotline.
There would be a tip line.
Alex would be offering reward money.
It would be a full 9-11 style kind of emergency.
What is going on?
What happened?
Private investigators would be hired.
There would be actually what is going on, a full investigation.
Seth Rich was the DNC staffer.
The DNC is a multi-billion dollar corporation.
They bring in all the money from all the big donors.
Warren Buffett, Facebook, Zuckerberg.
They bring in all the money from Soros.
Where was the hotline?
Where was the investigator?
Isn't that interesting that the DNC did not hire a private investigator.
They did not set up a billboard.
They did not offer a tip line.
They didn't put billboards up in the neighborhoods where he was murdered.
They didn't send people out right away to investigate.
They didn't look for any camera footage.
Has anyone here seen a photo, picture of the suspect?
Cameras everywhere.
There are cameras everywhere.
Because we live in this Orwellian world in D.C., Big Brother-style surveillance state in D.C.
I haven't seen a sketch of the suspect.
Why not?
Why isn't their billboard up?
Why weren't the rewards offered?
No, no, no.
The D.N.C.
didn't hire anybody to investigate the murder, to find the murderer.
Simpson did a better job pretending to look for the real killer than the DNC did to look for the killer Seth Rich.
Instead, all the DNC did was they go, oh, hey, we're going to give you a PR damage control person.
So all the DNC cared about was covering it up, doing damage control, sending some public relations black who doesn't care about the Seth Rich family.
He only cares about the DNC and their reputation.
And there was no investigation ever done.
To me, that's intriguing.
Again, I'm not saying Seth Rich was the source of the WikiLeaks because I don't know.
And as a lawyer and a journalist, I look for the evidence.
I don't say what I... I don't make up stories like the fake news media.
There are more questions than answers.
We're going to keep looking and the fake news media cannot stop us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.