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Filename: 20170525_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 25, 2017
3173 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as mainstream media coverage of events, Islam's impact on society, police arresting Professor Eric Clayton for bike lock assaults at Berkeley, the University of Maryland President Wallace Lowe's plan to launch Anti-Hate Initiatives for Campus in response to a stabbing on campus, and re-stocking of Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste at InfoWarsStore.com. The show also touches upon Anthony Cumia's views on the role of Islam in terrorist attacks and the need for profiling individuals with ties to jihad or terrorist organizations."

He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the information I've got is so big, so powerful, that I'm going to go ahead and just air a three minute report by Paul Watson, because I need to just
Catch my breath and collate the information I've got because it's so important.
And I've also got to be very, very careful how I put this out because of sources.
But this country is in a civil war.
The White House knows that.
This country's in a fight for its life.
We have Seth Rich info, we have White House info, we have Press Corps info, we have foreign information on Russia.
We have so much today that's so huge, much bigger than Watergate, and it's all coming up after this break.
So we're just going to go ahead and go to this report from Paul Joseph Watson that just gives you an idea of the type of trash we're dealing with.
Katy Perry is a complete idiot.
She responded to the Manchester attack carried out by a terrorist who was able to exploit open borders by calling for more open borders.
The greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like, no barriers, no borders.
Like, we all need to just coexist.
Yeah, it's easy to call for no borders when you live inside the secluded border of an $18 million mansion, isn't it, Katie?
The rest of us, down here in the real world, actually have to live with the consequences of open borders.
The very kind of open borders that let the Manchester bomber go to Libya and Syria for ISIS terror training and then slip back into the UK.
No barriers, no borders.
We're not worth $280 million.
We can't travel around in chauffeured luxury vehicles and private jets.
We're not so friggin' arrogant, elitist, and out of touch that we have staff who aren't even allowed to talk to us.
I love you today.
I love you, Katie.
I love you too so much.
After the US election, Perry restyled herself as an icon of the anti-Trump resistance, embracing her role as an ambassador of woke pop.
Yes, really.
This is the same clown who called for a revolution after Hillary lost.
Hey, Katie.
You're not Che Guevara!
You're a dumb bimbo who dresses up like a slut and sings about popsicles.
Don't you just yearn for the days when celebrities occasionally told the truth about the world, rather than this sterile, virtue-signalling malaise, where they all just say exactly the same thing.
The only celebrity with the balls to tell the truth is Manchester's own Morrissey.
When you're northern, you're northern forever, and, uh...
You're instilled with a certain, um, feel for life.
Who blamed mass immigration and political correctness for what happened this week.
And for that, he was smeared as a far-right racist.
Everybody's absolutely mad.
But he's been proven completely correct.
The bomber was acting suspiciously for months, loudly chanting Arabic prayers in the street, showing sympathies for ISIS at his local mosque.
But the neighbours did nothing.
They didn't report it, no doubt, because they feared they'd be labelled far-right racists.
Listen, leftist idiots like Katy Perry have no argument when it comes to open borders and Islamic immigration.
That's why they have to use Muslims as rhetorical human shields.
So when you attack their argument, they can claim you're attacking Muslims.
That's why they deify Islam and Islamism.
Because if you remove that human shield from the equation, their argument
I'm sick of Katy Perry and all the other vacuous celebrities with their lame virtue signaling.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I think, like, the greatest thing that we can do now is just unite as people.
Spewing empty platitudes about uniting and loving each other doesn't accomplish anything.
It's just a coping mechanism so people can hide from the fact that they're completely powerless.
Shut the f**k up!
I love you, Jade.
I love you too so much.
Fox News has a new television host and she wants you to stop spreading conspiracy theories about Seth Rich.
Let the Rich family get the closure that they need properly and not with your crazy conspiracy theories on the internet.
Save them for Bigfoot.
In the post-Roger Ailes era of the Fox News Network, Liberal Democrat host Julie Roginsky went after Seth Rich conspiracy theorists.
Listen, WikiLeaks was in collaboration with the Russians.
How do we know this?
Because the entire intelligence community said that the Russians were the ones that hacked into these emails.
Meanwhile, evidence continues to surface that Seth Rich did in fact have contact with WikiLeaks before he was murdered.
Seth Rich joins a long list of unfortunate murder and suicide victims with close ties to the Clinton crime family.
I'm Darren McBreen and you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday.
The 25th day of May, 2017.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we have huge, exclusive news for you today.
Some of which I can get to, some of which I can't.
But I can tell you that Dr. Jerome Corsi, who is a very well-respected, famous investigative journalist, formerly worked for U.S.
government agencies in clandestine capacities and other things we can't get into,
He is obviously interfacing very, very closely with the White House and was given the big intel three months ago by the Trump White House that Obama had looted $300 billion out of Fannie Mae Freddie Mac.
Two and a half months later, Mnuchin, the head of the Treasury Department, came out
And said, yes, those reports are accurate and Trump wants to stop doing it.
And they're now having hearings on Capitol Hill about not letting the Obama era criminal activity of looting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the private investors and taxpayers continue.
They're trying to make a federal agency that is solvent and actually is an engine of free market and an engine of productivity and an engine of homeowning.
An engine for the middle class's ascension.
Continued globalist attempts to sabotage any type of stairway up into wealth.
Destroying the ladder on which the elites themselves climbed.
That's the type of news that he breaks on a weekly basis.
Corsi, I've known Corsi, he's been coming on 14 years.
He's got three number one New York Times best-selling political books.
He's changed the course of at least one election.
The guy does not make stuff up.
That's why he's so hated by the left.
It's why the globalists want to try to keep him out of the White House press briefings, which they've been unsuccessful to do, because they don't want somebody that's been friends with Trump for 44 years and somebody who's had dinner with Trump many times, including last year,
And who was at a dinner event with Mike Pence last week.
They don't want him being in the press gallery because he will ask real questions and then all the other phony reporters that are in there, they will be shown up as the frauds they are.
That's why they say he's fake news.
That's why they say we're fake news.
It's because they're the fake news.
We're going to document that today.
Here's just two examples today.
And then I'll get into all the huge breaking news and the inside intel we've got.
But just to understand this.
Corsi is very credible.
And Corsi
Has proven he's credible.
And I got off the phone with him this morning, and for the first time in 14, 15 years knowing him, he said, you can tell people if I get killed over the weekend, that it was X, Y, and Z. And you're going to need to talk to this person, let's just say who's in the legislative branch.
If I am killed, they have the data.
And I will come on your broadcast Tuesday and I will break it all, but I've not been authorized to do so until Tuesday.
And then he told me four bombshells, two of which I can begin to give you, the other two I can't.
But for the first time knowing Corsi, 14 years, he's never been dramatic like this.
He said, if they kill me, he said, listen, Alex, this is very dangerous.
You need to be very careful as well.
And then he filled me in on some of the stuff going on behind the scenes.
There is a war in this country.
This is not just an information war.
It's already hot.
And the Democrats and the globalists, they mean to totally take this country down.
So at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to get to that news because it's just... I had about a 20-minute conversation with him this morning driving into work.
And then ever since I got here, I had trouble focusing on all the other news, even though it's very, very important.
And extremely illustrative of what we're facing because of the intel he was breaking down.
And then when I got here, Owen Schroyer had some similar info, but not directly from the source.
Source is dealing with one of the very same topics.
And I separately went and did my research and confirmed that this whole thing stinks to high heaven.
But let's just say they got their ducks in a row before they killed Seth Rich.
That's only part of it.
So I will get to all that at the bottom of the hour.
Joining us today, Larry Nichols hasn't been on a while, he's got a lot of intel for us.
Mike Cernovich is popping in, Tommy Robinson, who was in the center of the Manchester attack, exposing it.
He'll be joining us to go over some of the new outrages.
We have videos on Infowars.com that after it aired live on Channel 4 in England,
That's their big national channel.
They deleted it.
But we have the video of Muslim women wearing shirts that have hand grenades on them and machine guns and saying, you better not be Islamic phobic or we're going to strike back.
And other Muslim men saying they're not ashamed.
They're not going to apologize for what happened.
Extremely arrogant people.
But when the left gets some crazy white guy, you know, that they can go after, and I agree they should go after him, like Dylan Roof, going into a black church and killing nine people, every white person on earth is guilty for it, every Christian is guilty, every gun owner is guilty.
But when people show up in Halloween costumes, with hoods over their heads, with hand grenades and machine guns on their shirts,
And start saying you better watch what you say about Muslims or else.
It's mind-blowing.
So that's coming up.
And we've got video right here in the United States of the Minneapolis mayor gives official state speech in a mosque, blasts the president for his oppression of Muslims.
So that's how Democrats respond when Muslims kill people.
And by the way, I knew that I hated
Ariana Grande, I knew she'd shut her mouth off about Christians and keep the borders open and she hated America.
So right after I got home earlier this week, and there'd been the bombing at the rock and roll pop concert for tweenies and young ladies there at the Sky News Center in Manchester.
I did about two minutes of searching, and there she was saying, quote, I hate America, and spitting on red, white, and blue donuts, okay?
So I could then turn to her, saying how much she wants open borders and how great it is.
We have Katy Perry saying the same type of garbage.
But I had forgotten about this, and BuzzFeed took it down, talk about being Soviet-style, when it came out that
You know, here's this pro-Islam lady and her own fans getting blown up.
They said that they took it down just for the public's own good, but now they've been forced to put it back up because it was such an outrage.
Embarrassment for BuzzFeed as it temporarily removes, then alters, a nasty article about Ariana Grande.
And in the article, she said she hopes her fans all effing die.
In a response, it seems, to the deadly bombing at Grande's Manchester concert Monday night.
After the deletion gained a large amount of attention on social media, reaching the front page of the Donald subreddit,
The republished article is back up on the site with a disclosure saying this three-year-old post about a reported Ariana Grande quote went viral following a suicide bombing at her concert Monday in Manchester, England.
The remarks are unrelated to the incident.
But she did say she hopes her fans die.
And that's the whole point is this is her attitude towards her own fans.
This is the self-centeredness of these people worth hundreds of millions of dollars and have bodyguards and big fences and gates around their moated castles.
But they don't care about their fans.
She's come out and said, we need more open borders.
She's come out and said, I hate my fans.
And she's not come out and said,
Even though a Muslim working with accomplices has now come out with a coordinated strike with a sophisticated weapon.
Despite all of that!
Despite the fact that that person would have killed her if he could have!
She still won't criticize orthodox Islam or suicide bombers because that's not the end thing to do.
Because the left must prop up Islam and must say it's loving and peaceful and helpful and compatible because it's the shadow army for their takeover of the West.
It's the incompatible cancer in the open free society by the so-called left that hates open free societies, that wants to ban free speech, that wants to ban conservatives and libertarians and nationalists off Google, off Twitter, off Facebook.
They're authoritarians and they see a friend in the enemy of their enemy.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They like the Arabic saying.
They're dirtbags.
They're cowards.
They're cucks.
But maybe they really are the alphas, the alpha cancer, the alpha parasite, because we won't do anything about them.
So, she came out three years ago and said, I hope my fans all die.
And the left is such control freaks, they go and delete articles showing where she said it, because it'll make their whole narrative about Muslims
Look like a fraud and a hoax because it is a giant fraud and is a giant hoax.
It's ingrained in their authoritarian DNA to go around memory holing everything to manipulate information to suit their mass fraud narrative.
And nowhere is that more evident than the entire Russia hoax.
We've got big developments on that front straight ahead and so much more.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Breaking news.
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All right, coming up in the next segment, I'm going to go through the big breaking news and the internal battle, the Civil War, going on in D.C.
and some of the big shoes that are about to drop, how Trump's getting ready to strike back.
You probably remember last week, Dr. Corsi wrote two articles that Trump needed to prepare a war room and a battle strategy to take down the false Russia narrative.
And of course, the
Trump White House has announced today that they are prepping a war room to defend against the Russian probe.
We'll be looking at that as well.
They're not just going to be looking at the Russian probe, they're going to be counter striking with the facts.
And some of the big weapons that are about to be rolled out, you will learn about at the start of the next segment.
And by the way, this isn't leaking.
We're green-lighted to give you this information.
So, doesn't the fake news hate that?
They can't stand it.
Let me get into this first, though, just dealing with credibility, then I'm gonna get into the Russia narrative, because it ties in to these other developments at the start of the next segment.
Let me just do this in the shorter segment.
Because every day I see mainstream news articles that a year after, two years after, three years after, four years after, five years after, ten years after, twenty years after, we break it, is now mainstream news, exactly as we said.
Not kind of like we said, exactly.
And that's what's so frustrating.
95% of what we cover is already admitted in government white pages, government white reports, white papers, congressional reports, studies, C-SPAN events.
I mean, it's all there.
And here's an example.
Business Insider.
This is this week.
Scientists have found a way to photograph people in 3D through walls using Wi-Fi.
The military, 50 years ago, had what you'd call ground-penetrating radar and other sonar systems that would see through walls, concrete, you name it.
Police departments, 20 years ago, started getting handheld units.
It used the same technology.
So I wasn't telling people something that was something, you know, that was super secret.
Then it came out with Microsoft Kinect, five years ago, six years ago, whenever it first came out,
Industry publications talked about how people were retrofitting it and using it to look through up to two feet of concrete.
And the average house, you can look through four or five, you know, rooms, through the rooms, with that type of technology, through a whole house, through mansions, you could look through.
And they found hackers were getting into the Kinects and videotaping people having sex, playing video games, whatever the case is.
That was in industry publications.
We covered it at the time.
There's a story from 2013.
We covered it back in 2011.
The media came out and attacked us and said we were crazy.
It didn't exist.
Jones thinks that your Xbox is watching you through walls.
They always change it too.
No, no, no.
We said the Kinect.
But there were other systems doing it as well.
And this is just one example.
This is just what I saw today, just looking at the stack.
And it goes on, extracting audio from visual information.
Algorithm recovers speech from vibrations of a potato chip bag filmed through soundproof glass.
And then it gets into how these algorithm systems are being sent out by the televisions to activate your smartphones, to scan what's in your house, to give it a basic digital fingerprint, better than human eyesight, everything happening inside your house.
That's another technology MIT News.
MIT researchers using Wi-Fi to recognize people through walls.
Oh my gosh, they told us about it in 2015.
Thank you, Verge.
And of course, here's InfoWars telling you about it in 2014, 13, 12, 11.
You read it here first.
Government spies on innocent people via webcams, laptops, and Xbox.
And then it's got all the admitted government documents right here for you to see it.
Here we are, 2013.
Adon Salazar.
New Xbox reportedly won't let you play unless it can spy on you.
But again, the Kinect was the first and even worse.
New Xbox can see through your clothes just like TSA scanners.
Adon Salazar.
So, there you go.
We didn't even pull up the stories even older than that.
Jason Burma, six years ago, seven years ago, actually covered it here first.
Now, that said, here's another one on InfoWars.com today.
Suspected Berkeley Antifa bike lock attacker that almost killed people, reportedly, arrested for felony assault.
Guess who, a month ago when it happened, found his name first and put it out here on air, of the professor.
Her name, her name is Millie Weaver.
And we're going to have that added to the Zero Hedge article on InfoWars.
He's now charged.
We broke it.
He's now charged.
He's now charged.
He found with Gavin the identity.
Oh, we're such fake news.
Solving crime, too.
Raising the stock market.
More tragedy in Chicago, which is living up to its nickname, Chirac.
Fourteen shot in four hours.
One fatally, a 16 year old boy, shot in the head.
One of the boys was 14.
He was walking down the street when someone opened fire and hit him in the chest.
There were also at least six other shootings in Chicago in the same time span.
Recall that President Trump said if Chicago can't fix this problem, he will step in.
While I am not sure what the solution to this is,
Perhaps legalization of certain drugs, or not indoctrinating the youth into the gang culture, returning industry and manufacturing to cities to produce jobs.
But what's certainly not working is Democrat leadership and the anti-gun policies of the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.
While we see great cities like Baltimore, Chicago, parts of Los Angeles, St.
Louis, Detroit deteriorate into violence and dilapidation,
Are we finally going to see great Americans rise up to leadership roles to return these once great American cities to their glory?
Let's hope with the next round of elections that's the case.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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In America's 240 plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out, and in many cases give the ultimate sacrifice.
That's what this holiday and remembrance is all about, is those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
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For 2017 Memorial Day are undoubtedly the biggest we've ever had on these items because we want to really memorialize the true trailblazers that put it all on the line and didn't talk but took action.
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These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I'm going to get into some of the big breaking news from my sources in D.C., one of them Dr. Corsi, that has him for the first time in his career, including working in the Middle East for the State Department, actually fearing for his life.
He's done a lot of dangerous stuff, but the intel he's got on a host of issues in D.C.
is so bombshell, it'll make your head spin.
Now, before I go any further, I'm going to air a special report here.
That is important because it ties into people like Katy Perry and all these heartless globalists and people out there like Ariana Grande who, it's confirmed, did say, I hope all my fans die.
That's a real quote by her.
And of course she hasn't criticized Islam for blowing up and killing 22 of her young fans or for maiming 50 plus others.
And I've got a bunch of footage of Muslims saying they're not sorry it happened either.
So there you go, the religion of peace.
How does the open west think you bring people in from third world dungeons, where women are sold as slaves and wear bags over their heads, and that somehow they're not going to try to conquer you and make you convert to their cult?
And that I'm supposed to shut up and not talk about it?
It's absolutely mind-blowing.
Now, let's go ahead and go to this report, because Luciferians Pray for America, a powerful John Bowne report.
Then there's another report.
The liberal hysteria is getting worse.
That's right.
John Kerry's idiotic commencement speech at Harvard by the master of exposing these people, Mark Dice.
Again, he said, oh my gosh, you may all be speaking Russia soon.
You may all be speaking Russian soon.
The Russians can barely run their own country.
The Russians were hardly involved in our election.
Our government is trying to overthrow Russia.
Our government overthrew Ukraine.
This is just crazy.
That it's gotten to this point, as a culture, as a nation, as a planet, that everything's Russia, when none of it's Russia.
I have a stack of news here, and I figured out what they're doing.
They recycle stories every few weeks, thinking you have no memory.
They put out the same fake story over and over again, breaking CNN.
The Attorney General, when he was a senator, didn't pull out and didn't fill out all the forms.
About any foreign nationals he met with.
And then at the bottom of the article it says U.S.
Senators are exempt from that because they meet with foreign dignitaries as part of their job and they're a separate branch of government from the executive.
And then it gets into the whole issue of oversight.
But the point is, I know when I see these headlines it's a lie because I've already Groundhog Day been through them five or six times in the cycle.
They think you have no memory.
It's like, we have all the wiretaps, total proof Trump did this and that.
Oh, really?
Those are illegal.
Who's the leaker?
We never did that.
There are no wiretaps.
You're insane to say it.
Here's hundreds of headlines.
Here's hundreds of videos of you saying it.
We never said it.
You're insane.
What, do you listen to Alex Jones?
Listening to us means you have a memory.
That's all it means.
Or they go, last night, this may be it for Trump.
The military's hopping mad, doesn't say who though.
Another secret source, he gave out the location of our submarines to North Korea.
In a conversation to the President of the Philippines.
And I went, wait a minute.
That conversation happened a while back, and Trump was on the news about the Armada and the submarines, and the submarines docked in Seoul as a show of force, saying they would now be deployed in the South China Sea.
Extra submarines.
It was announced as a show of force by the Pentagon, by the President.
It'd be like if Trump announced Christmas was coming six months before, and then Christmas came, and they went, he gave out the intel that Christmas was coming.
I mean, it's that crazy.
But see, the way the headline is, Trump gave away the secret, you know, nuke locations.
He gave away where the submarines are.
And as soon as I see it, I go, Trump was all over the news a month ago about the Armada and the two submarines, and they docked!
And they were there!
And he didn't give out the exact location, that's part of a show of force!
And then I pulled up the articles from a month ago with exactly those words!
Let's go ahead and go to this Katy Perry breakdown, or Luciferians.
Pray for America, then we'll get to liberal hysteria is getting worse.
John Kerry, idiotic commencement speech at Harvard.
Here it is.
The bombing in Manchester saw the usual predictable outpouring of thoughts and prayers from celebrities.
Notably, Ariana Grande herself, well known for her I hate America faux pas a couple of years ago.
Regardless, our culture dictates that her thoughts and prayers and those of the elite celebrity class are paramount to us little people.
But it was the thoughts and prayers of Katy Perry that grabbed my attention.
No, but I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like no barriers, no borders.
Like, we all need to just coexist.
As you say in your grandbabies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today and tell them that they're expendable?
For another foreign person to have a nicer life, which one would you like to say, you, my child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not follow the law?
Perry tweeted out that she was praying for everyone in Manchester.
The question is, who is Perry praying to?
And if you didn't know, Katy Perry used to be a Christian gospel singer until she says that she sold her soul to the devil.
To become a pop star in mainstream music.
You're doing really well now, but didn't you release a CD like almost 10 years ago?
Yeah, I mean, I released a gospel record when I was 15 because I grew up in, you know, a household where all I ever did was listen to gospel music and my parents are both traveling ministers.
And so I kind of sang about, you know, what was going on in my life at 15.
And that's how I got introduced to the music industry.
It went from being a very secretive society to hardly anybody knowing about it.
I swear I wanted to be
Only a few people have written books about it, too.
Now, everybody supposedly thinks they know about it, and it's become a part of pop culture.
As you said, the cover of Rolling Stone this week is Katy Perry with an Illuminati eye earring.
And in the article, they mention InfoWars, and she says, yeah, she wants to be a part
Most people, the pop culture maniacs, believe that the Illuminati is just a secret society of celebrities.
And of course, in this Babylonian fallen society, that's the number one goal of most people.
And it serves two purposes.
It serves to condition the masses that their controllers are cool.
All right.
They're all building up this big New World Order Orwellian police state unified currency.
And most recently, she appeared on Saturday Night Live mimicking the sick elitist rituals brought to the fore by John Podesta's hacked emails.
It reads, Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the spirit cooking dinner at my place.
Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining that dinner Abramovich
Hell's Saving!
This statement made even more stomach churning as The Rock and the Saturday Night Live crew poked fun at a child molesting robot.
And for the most evil invention in the world contest, I invented a child molesting robot.
Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.
As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
John Bound for Infowars.com
I'll play the clip in just a moment.
The liberal hysteria about the Russians continues to get worse by the day.
Take a look at John Kerry giving a commencement speech to the graduate students at Harvard when he alluded that the Russians have taken over our government.
I'm often asked what the secret is.
What the secret of skull and bones is?
Which you're a member of?
When you laid nude in a coffin and were born again?
Into this satanic secret society?
That secret?
I was just up at luncheon and we were having some conversation about government.
And I've been asked what is the secret to having a real impact on government?
Oh, the secret of government, yes.
Let's not talk about your skull and bones rituals.
And I've been asked what is the secret to having a real impact on government?
Well, it's recently changed.
I used to say, either run for office or get a degree from the Harvard Kennedy School.
With this White House, I'd say, buy Rosetta Stone and learn Russian.
Oh, John Kerry, you're killing me!
You're not going to have a joke about fake news, are you?
Oh, what's next?
Let me be honest about it.
When it was first reported that a Yale grad was going to be speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School, the initial reaction was, fake news.
But notwithstanding my Yale background,
Speaking of fake news, CNN actually interviewed former FBI Director James Comey's father about what he thinks his son thinks about President Trump.
No, I'm not joking.
This is a real story from the Counterfeit News Network.
James Comey's father, Trump, was scared to death of the FBI Director.
The father of former FBI Director James Comey says his son was fired because President Donald Trump was, quote, scared to death of him.
In a phone interview with CNN on Saturday, J. Brian Comey called his son's firing last week a Trump deal.
My son didn't give him 100% loyalty, and he demands that of people who work for him.
The 86-year-old said, my son said he would give 100% honesty, but not loyalty.
I'm sorry, is this something from a tabloid in the supermarket checkout aisle?
Or is this supposed to be a real news story?
I mean, the next thing you know, CNN's going to be interfering with one of his high school friends!
Wait, what's this?
Trump should be scared, Comey friend says!
This is a real article from the Cunnabin News Network as well.
A friend of James Comey says that if he were President Donald Trump, he would be scared of the former FBI Director's panic testimony.
I found it interesting and very telling that Comey declined any opportunity to tell his story in private.
Benjamin Witts, who describes himself as a Comey confidant, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on AC-360.
Describes himself as a Comey confidant.
What kind of a friend of the former leader of the FBI calls up CNN and says, hey, let's do an interview.
This guy has a story to tell, says Witts, who also runs a blog called LawWare and is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute.
Wait, so this guy just called CNN and said he's a friend of James Comey.
Here's an actual clip of which, that's just part of the powerful report from Mark Dice that's up on Infowars.com right now, where he, again, says that Trump ought to be really scared.
This is the bureaucracy, appointed by the Democrats, wanting to overturn the election by the American people, because they want to seize the Supreme Court, they want to gut this country once and for all, they don't want an American recovery, and their blue-blood Republican elite friends, they want the exact same thing.
Here's the clip.
I thought it was interesting and very telling that he declined an opportunity to tell his story in private.
He clearly wants to do it in a public setting and I interpret- Right, he was asked to testify in private and he said no, so now it's going to be public.
Right, and I think that's a reflection of the fact that this is a guy with a story to tell.
You would think that Comey was the president.
These people make me sick.
Alright, I'll get to the big news that I've been mentioning in the next segment, then I'm going to continue on with the incredible response by the Muslims everywhere celebrating the attack in Manchester and saying you better watch your mouth about Islam or there's going to be repercussions.
And then to see governments everywhere saying we don't know why this happened.
You brought in a bunch of people from completely backward areas of the world that can't even get civilization going because they're so busy killing each other.
And quite frankly, we talk about a reformation of Islam.
ISIS and Al-Qaeda, a lot of people say, is the reformation.
It's it going back to its roots of the way the Prophet Muhammad, blessings be upon him, actually engaged.
Here's the deal, I don't want to kill anybody.
But I'm sick and tired of being pushed around.
And I'm sick and tired of the left
Putting out fake stories that I blame the victims in Manchester when it's the left that brought in the people that attacked them and knew they were going back and forth to Libya and knew exactly what they were doing and what they had a plan to carry out.
And then you have the singer.
Grande, who says she hates Americans, she hates her fans, she loves open borders, and Katy Perry running around saying the exact same thing, and nobody calls them on it.
Instead, the Daily Beast runs around taking articles down that have those statements in them, because they know it's so damning, people might actually come out of their trances that are reading BuzzFeed.
Saw an article this weekend, BuzzFeed exclusive, Trump gave away the secret location of the nuclear sobs.
I read it.
There was no citation.
There was no proof.
And then I went, wait a minute.
A month ago, it was all over the news.
He sent two aircraft carrier task forces and sent extra nuked subs to the area.
And then Trump wouldn't say where they were when he was asked.
And the media said, oh, he's dumb.
He doesn't know geography.
No, he wasn't saying their location.
He did the opposite of what you said.
It was a show force when they landed in South Korea, when they docked.
But again, this is how they take anything and turn it into a lie.
Oh, he won't say the location because he doesn't know it.
A month later.
You know they're making notes.
A month from now, we'll say he gave the location.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You can see them loading their calendars up with the new lie that they're going to put out each and every day.
And they just recycle it.
Yeah, Sessions got caught meeting in secret with the Russians.
Yeah, he's gonna get arrested.
Read the bottom of the article.
They have to admit, actually, senators aren't supposed to do it.
The FBI tells them don't fill out that form because it's part of their duty to meet with foreign nationals.
Think about that.
Think about how dumb they think.
And every couple weeks they recycle that same story again.
He got caught.
He got caught.
Oh, he got caught.
Did you hear?
Oh, yeah, bombshell.
He got caught with the Russians.
And here's the big bombshell coming up after the break.
You know what, I'm going to leave it until we come back from break.
It's just knowing the stuff I know about these people makes me so disgusted by them, I'm not even angry at them, that it's almost paralyzing in shame that the American people are so weak.
I love them.
That they let these pop singers tell them how much they hate them and how they hope they die and how they love Islam.
I mean, Hollywood is saying, we hate you, we want your kids.
They're saying, we're pedophiles, give in to us.
And we just run up the white flag and say, Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad.
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I'm going to be really honest with everybody.
I'm so angry right now that I probably shouldn't even be on air.
I may just have to take off tomorrow.
Because you can overheat a race car engine and send it up to 15,000 RPMs and blow it.
But again, it's beyond anger.
I'm struggling.
I just can't believe how evil the globalists are, what liars they are.
And because I have a memory, I see the lies, I see the flip-flops, I see the deception, I see the twisting, just like you do, and it only gets worse and worse and worse.
In fact, you can ask Nico, earlier he was saying, man, you've done a lot of preparation over the weekend for this show, a lot of it last night, today, I've never seen you writing memos up about what you want to cover, and then now you're just all over the map because
These people are evil and they know they're evil.
That's what hit me over the weekend.
Not just the controllers high up, but the actual newspaper reporters, the Democrats, the liberals.
They know they're not liberals.
They know they're authoritarians.
They know they're liars and they consciously want to learn how to be better liars.
It's like the Gruber meetings on C-SPAN with the top faculty teaching them how to lie and they were looking at him like he was God.
About, I'm one of the best liars, and I was chosen to lie to everyone.
Thank God the public's so dumb, he talks like a cartoon character!
And they've got all the faculty there, and all these different C-SPAN meetings at universities, and you've got the graduate students that are listening to Christ at the Mount of Olives.
Just, oh, teach us how to be corrupt and get jobs, and they all just study how to lie better.
They're so turned over to evil!
And now when they lost the election, it didn't make them go, oh, we've been defeated, we've been caught lying, we've been caught putting out fake polls, let's back off.
They went, no, we're gonna lie a hundred times worse.
And that's what it is now.
Is that you get some reporter, attacks a guy with his cell phone, grabs his arm in his office, jumps on his desk.
The guy running for Congress that's about to win in Montana, throws him off of him onto the ground.
And then you are the guy that gets charged with a crime.
It's upside down world.
Remember what they were doing to Trump?
Having people try to assault him, try to assault his security folks, try to assault Lewandowski?
And the assault would be a woman grabbing you by the arm, and then you pull your arm away, and then you assaulted her?
They're a bunch of aggressive scum that see us as their food, that see us as their cattle!
That's who the globalists are.
And here's the memo I wrote.
Then I got that call from Corsi, and that's got me so angry I can hardly talk.
By the way, I'm not waiting to tell you this just to keep you listening.
I'm so angry about all this stuff that I can hardly do my show anymore.
And I'm angry I've got to know stuff like this and put myself in danger.
It's not selfishness.
I'm kind of sick of being good.
And it's not like I want to go join evil.
I want away from all these people.
I'm going to read this memo when I come back.
This is a memo to myself.
But let me just stop, because I've got to do this or we won't be here.
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Harvard admits 98% of the media coverage negative.
How could you claim that you're anti-establishment in any way and then be against Trump?
It doesn't mean he's perfect.
It doesn't even mean he's good.
The point is they hate him because he's really a president.
He really got elected.
They don't control him.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Yeah, we're from the InfoWars.com studios in Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
InfoWars.com News Center.
Deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
You're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, I'll...
I'm pretty freaked out right now.
And Nico's been here like five years, four years.
He's never come in and said, man, are you alright?
And no, I'm not alright.
I mean, look at all the proof of how evil the globalists are.
They're a bunch of child molesters.
They're a bunch of devil worshippers.
They're allied with the most radical form of Islam that kills millions of innocent Muslims every year.
There's a billion and a half Muslims.
They kill millions of them.
They are crazy!
It'd be like if Hitler won World War II or something.
I mean, it's a whacked out group of people.
All cultures are not the same.
Up until about 3,000 years ago, Mesoamerica had more advanced technologies than Rome did.
And then they got into devil worship.
They got into, you don't call, I mean, we, Christians would call it that.
They started worshiping, you know, blood drinking and cutting hearts out and taking a bunch of drugs and getting into a bunch of weird gods.
And their culture went right down the tubes.
Their population collapsed.
By the time Cortez showed up 500 years ago, 250 men could kill 10,000.
That was an evil culture.
The Nazis were an evil culture.
The Soviet system was an evil culture.
And Islam, as it is today in almost every Muslim country, is evil.
And if it isn't evil, like Jordan, or like Iraq was, or like Syria was, where you can land an airplane, go to nice hotels, go to a great bazaar, go see Roman ruins, see ancient Christian civilization, 60% of the graduates, just like in other prosperous Western countries, are women,
Women are in positions of authority.
Women are doctors.
Women are lawyers.
Women are heads of universities.
Not anymore!
They get their heads chopped off!
And then I have weirdo leftist feminist lecturing me how I'm a male chauvinist pig!
Because I need to be less aggressive, I need to sit down and shut up.
Men are supposed to stand up against corrupt men, and that's what I'm going to do.
There's always been good men and bad men.
And the reason we're in this position now is because good men have sat there on their fat asses, and instead, I love how the laziest guys around will strut around like they're tough all day long, and pose.
See guys walk into stores, whatever, look around, everybody's looking at them, trying to act tough.
That guy will roll over in a second to a cop gets in his face.
That guy smarts off you in a parking lot, you tell him cash that check, they'll piss their pants.
Because they're not real men, and I'm sick of men not being men, and I'm tired of it.
Of course when men don't act like men, women come in and fill the vacuum, and then placate and lower the drawbridge to the threatening group they see across the river.
When women don't have men around, they will roll over to an outside invading force as a Stockholm Syndrome survival mechanism, on average.
So there are no men.
And so we have a culture of rolling over to anything.
Capitulating anything.
Here's the memos I've written.
When I get back, I will get into the big news.
Imagine if a right winger had done a terror attack in Manchester, how big the news story would be right now.
Let that sink in.
Again, Dylann Roof.
Kills nine innocent people.
Every gun over, every Christian, every conservative is responsible.
It's the end of the world.
Six months of bitching and whining and moaning and screaming and flipping out like it was the end of the world.
Pulled down every southern statue.
Blah, blah, blah.
That one man was guilty.
His ideology is very rare in this country.
But not Islam.
Are there a billion and a half Dylann Roofs out there?
There's very few of them.
But imagine.
Oh, it's not Islam.
Oh, no, no.
It's the hate of Islam that caused this to happen.
Yes, it's the right wing's fault, CNN said.
We played the clip yesterday.
False flag, ladies and gentlemen.
Was this a false flag?
A real terrorist hit, but they brought in
The individual that engaged in this, so in a way, it is a globalist false flag to use these terror attacks to take our liberties.
And more straight ahead on Alex Jones.
University of Maryland President Wallace Lowe has announced his plans to launch anti-hate initiatives for campus, an affirmative action plan, and an attempt to do more to quell hate.
His plan includes establishing a hate bias and campus safety task force, a rapid response team, allocating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Office of Diversity to help these efforts, a new annual report on all campus hate bias incidents, and appointing a council to prohibit hate bias symbols or actions in any venue.
Then, hopefully, when you're finished with daycare, you can be ready for the real world.
What do you want to do when you grow up, Johnny?
I want to be a Campus Diversity Chief of the Hate Bias Department!
Now, this is in response to a stabbing on campus where Chris Urbanski, a 22-year-old white man, stabbed to death a 23-year-old black student, which is being looked at as a hate crime.
Mainly because the Facebook group, the Alt-Right Nation, which Urbanski had joined.
I'd like him to look into any pharmaceuticals the psycho was taking.
While this is a tragic event, the aftermath is part of an ongoing trend on college campuses to redesign and reshape higher education into kindergarten, telling everyone how to get along.
Be careful what you do and say on social media, as it may be held against you.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Troyer.
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Coming to you from the former United States of America, from deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Last week, Dr. Jerome Corsi began to write reports for Infowars.com about a strategy for the White House to create a war room and a battle strategy
To counter the lies and disinformation claiming that President Donald J. Trump is manipulated and controlled by the Russians.
Now obviously, you can put two and two together now when the White House came out today and announced the plans to form a 24-7 war room to counter the Democratic Party's lies in real time.
Now, our D.C.
Bureau Chief, with offices and crew that he's hiring, with White House press passes, contacted me this morning, as he was going into a very important meeting, to say that if he gets killed anytime before next Tuesday, when he has been authorized to release information on this broadcast, that I am to contact a certain U.S.
Representative in the Capitol.
And I'll leave it there.
These are real conversations.
I'm in a real spy movie here.
So are you.
This country is in a civil war and in deep crisis.
It upsets me with the American people with all you've seen come out and all the criminality of the Democrats to not understand how much trouble we're in and how serious this is.
Now, I am at liberty to give you two of the four points
That Corsi will break here next Tuesday.
He's ready Monday, but that's a holiday.
We may go ahead and publish his reports Monday, but then have him on Tuesday.
And quite frankly, things are moving so quickly, you may see me do a special broadcast tonight, tomorrow, during the weekend.
Because I'm not at liberty to get into all the stuff happening behind the scenes.
The Democrats wanted other Democrats and others to know that Seth Rich had been executed.
The news wanted it to come out that none of his stuff was stolen.
police was appointed by Obama.
You know the D.C.
They let the anarchists and antifa and communists and Black Lives Matter beat up tens of thousands of people, including children and women, trying to go into the convention or trying to go into the inauguration.
So the sky's the limit with these people, and he's got major confirmed intel on Seth Rich.
This is high level, not just out of the White House, not just out of the FBI, not just out of Congress, not just out of local police.
I mean, he's got it.
And that's why you see the big official Democratic Party PR machine out there from day one.
And Sean Hannity being attacked and losing sponsors, and they're talking about taking him off air right now.
Even if it kills Fox News, which has gone from number one in the ratings to number two.
They want to kill Fox News.
I told you that back in the convention in July, there was a plan to take it out.
They meant to already have Hillary in and already be converting everything, and already be shutting us down.
But it didn't happen, so now there's a civil war.
We didn't win when Trump got in, we just bought time and have an emergency beachhead.
I mean, this is getting bad, ladies and gentlemen, where they're pulling Sean Hannity off the air just to send a message.
People say, oh well, Sean Hannity's not perfect.
Nobody's perfect, but he's not out to get the country.
Limbaugh's not out to get the country.
I'm not out to get the country.
Matt Drudge isn't out to get the country.
Donald Trump's not out to get the country.
We believe in free market, Second Amendment, religious freedom, true liberalism.
We're under attack!
Because we're Americans!
Because we're loyal!
Because we're good!
Everything Hannity's going through, we're going through.
And that's why I ask our affiliates to stay with us and to support us.
That's why I ask our listeners, more than ever, to contact your local affiliates and thank them, and to become a sponsor or support their sponsors, and send them $100, $1,000.
It's all about money.
The globalists are coming in, trying to shut these stations down, trying to get their advertisers, or flat-out offering them big money to take us off the air.
Do you understand that if they succeed in this, the sky's the limit?
They're making their move on us right now, and that's on you.
And I don't say that like it's just some solidarity term.
They're making their move, and if they can shut Infowars down, if they can shut down all of the independent conservative media and libertarian media, they're then going after your pension funds, they've announced bail-ins to start taking part of your bank account away.
I mean, folks, they want authoritarianism for a big, big reason.
And it's our own police and military
We're good to go.
That the Democratic Party itself gave thousands of individuals and multiple large companies complete access to the NSA grid to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, not thousands, during the election for political control.
And that foreign nationals were allowed access and were allowed to penetrate and even put in hubs, control hubs, into Congress and into the systems bypassing the firewalls
And then transferring the data out of the country.
I mean, you talk about treason.
The Office of Personnel Management hack was part of a deliberate operation to basically sell us off to the globalists.
That's now coming out.
To roll up the good elements of the CIA and China and other areas that were actually fighting communism.
You read that in the news, the loyal Chinese patriots that are anti-communist
They're like, it's as if everything we do is known.
It's as if there's Chinese spies inside the highest levels of the CIA.
Of course!
Your full data has been given to them.
You're being tracked in live time.
America's been blown wide open.
We're sinking.
We're in an emergency situation.
Why do you think this is happening?
The Communist Chinese have totally taken over the Democratic Party.
This whole Russia thing is a red herring.
Russia is only organized to defend itself.
It has no offensive capability politically.
The claims by Kerry that Russia is taking over and we better learn how to speak Russian is ridiculous.
You see Russians running around?
You see the Russians influencing our news?
It's the Communist Chinese, the EU, the Communist Pope, the Saudis.
And Trump knows that.
He's trying to get them out of that alliance with the Chinese right now.
This country's in deep trouble.
So let me give you the big news.
Trump has all the proof that Obama committed massive crimes directly politically, not just against him, not just against other Americans, but against the Congress, against libertarians, against patriots, against libertarian lobbying groups, against gun groups, against churches.
The Democrats are so arrogant because massive numbers of them have access to everything now.
This is a criminal takeover.
Like brown shirts licking their lips in 1932 knowing Herr Hitler's about to get into office.
By hook or by crook.
Seth Rich was absolutely murdered for political reasons, and Corsi has talked to multiple high-level sources and has the proof, and they know who did it, specifically.
It's now coming out that Donna Brazile warned off private eye on Seth Rich murder.
That came out three days ago, but that's just a very small piece of this, but it's important from WorldNetDaily.
There's a lot coming out, but I'm gonna wait till Corsi's ready to drop it.
And again, other media is ready to simultaneously publish it if anything happens to us.
And then there are other big pieces of data as well.
Comey has absolutely been a sworn Democrat on their payroll the whole time.
He was intending to try to build some type of fake case against Trump?
That information about Comey?
And the things he did working for big international banks and the Democrats, that's being prepared to be dropped.
That's why he's cancelled his testimony for now.
While more information is given to Mueller, the former FBI director.
So there is a huge battle going on right now on that front.
And then there's some other points to those points and another point that I'm not at liberty to get into right now at this time, but I will be breaking down.
But just know this.
Your prayers now for InfoWars and for all independent free press, not just here but around the world, is more needed than ever.
Because authoritarianism knows humanity's awakening and it's moving against humanity on a planetary scale.
The great global battle for the future of our species is being fought right now.
Also, please spread the word about our local affiliates, about InfoWars.com, about our YouTube videos, our articles.
Sharing those articles, sharing those videos,
Is an act of resistance and despite all their attempts to censor and block us and govern us back, it's failing.
We're exploding and growing faster than ever.
So God bless you all.
Thank you for the support because if I'm going to risk my life, I'm going to do it to win.
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Now in the next segment, I'm going to dive into the latest disinfo on the Russia front against Trump and totally break down the lies.
I'm going to get into Ariana Grande saying she hates her fans and loves Islam, basically.
That's all coming up and I wanted to get Millie Weaver in here because tomorrow she's going to join us for 30 minutes to break down the great investigative work that her and of course Gavin, the producer, did together.
They first broke back in March of this year, because we're the fake news, we break stuff every day that turns out to be accurate.
That it was elite professors and the staff that were bailing people out from the Berkeley Antifa attack, the Biclock attack, you name it.
Then it was 4chan that went and blew up the images of shots of the eyes of the professors and actually found the identity and now
Eric Clayton, 28, a former Diablo Valley and California State University philosophy professor, will show the article on screen.
We can scroll down in the article and it shows scans of his face.
Eric Clayton, 28, a former Diablo Valley and California State University philosophy professor, suspected in the Antifa bike lock attacks, was arrested for assault Wednesday afternoon in Oakland.
So good job on that.
Clayton's being held on $200,000 bail.
So there you go.
If you scroll down, you see him there with his little, you know, hoodie on and everything, who thought he would just go out and hit people in the head with an equivalent of a mace, almost killing them with three-pound bike locks over the head.
What do you make of that?
Well, you know, it's not very surprising because we did this research and we found that college university professors were bailing out arrested Antifa members that had been arrested at the March for Trump marches.
And that's what really let us down this rabbit hole of looking into these university professors, into their staff.
Looking at their curriculum, we saw those social justice warrior programs, the social justice classes, and a lot of these professors were professors of those type of classes.
And so it wasn't very surprising when 4chan then, I really do believe they used and utilized our investigative report and started looking into professors when trying to identify these people.
And sure enough, they identified this man who happened to be a university professor.
And you know,
You know, at first people didn't know whether or not this individual was the same individual that Orkan had identified, but I was like, you know what, this is definitely the guy, it's pretty obvious, it looks like the same person, and it completely fits and vindicates the investigative report we did that showed how these professors are actually leaders.
They orchestrate these.
Of course this is the state doing this and again the headline suspected Berkeley Antifa bike lock attacker arrested for felony assault and then of course we have your original reports from months ago with the headline Antifa unmask with Millie Weaver and then of course we also have some of the other reports dealing with that as well.
You know, there are studies and surveys that have been taken and there are more Marxist professors at universities currently in the United States than there are conservative professors.
And that right there is very alarming and it's very disturbing that you would have more Marxist professors than conservative professors.
Well, they have way more than that, and they're total bullies, and now they say, you're not welcome here, period.
We're going to try to kill you.
Exclusive, elite donors of jailed SJW discovered special reports.
So to you and Gavin, it isn't about credit, it's about showing we have power, we can affect change.
You guys did great research.
4chan did even more amazing research, because there's such an army of people.
They are almost unstoppable.
The way they discovered where, you know, that guy put that flag up and everything, and they went and, you know,
It's just simply amazing.
So we salute 4chan.
I wouldn't say I'd salute them 10 years ago, but they've gotten so serious in the fight against the globalists, and we salute the work that you've done.
Here's a clip of you just a few weeks ago, first again reporting on the 4chan investigation.
Apparently 4chan users on poll claim to have identified the Antifa's bike lock attacker.
Now we don't know exactly if this is true but I mean the pictures are pretty amazing.
We have a lot of internet sleuths out there that are kind of piecing it together and they're overlaying the photos with the mask off versus with this person's mask on and so we don't know for sure if this is who this professor indeed is the
Who were these donors funding the anti-fascists?
Again, folks, the full report is riveting.
It's important.
We're going to re-hear excerpts of it tomorrow.
Elite donors of GLSUW has discovered a special report.
Thanks, Millie.
Yes, thank you very much, Alex.
I look forward to seeing you here tomorrow.
I'll present some of your research and Gavin's research and, of course, 4chan's research.
We'll be back.
Stay with us for more breaking news straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
More tragedy in Chicago, which is living up to its nickname, Chirac.
Fourteen shot in four hours.
One fatally, a sixteen-year-old boy, shot in the head.
One of the boys was fourteen.
He was walking down the street when someone opened fire and hit him in the chest.
There were also at least six other shootings in Chicago in the same time span.
Recall that President Trump said if Chicago can't fix this problem, he will step in.
While I am not sure what the solution to this is, perhaps legalization of certain drugs, or not indoctrinating the youth into the gang culture, returning industry and manufacturing to cities to produce jobs, but what's certainly not working
Let's hope with the next round of elections that's the case.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Sounds like angels are playing that, doesn't it?
What do you call the intel I got from Dr. Corsi?
What do you say about that?
There is a civil war going on inside the United States.
And InfoWars is set to break news bigger than the Watergate scandal next Tuesday.
Or InfoWars reporter doesn't fear for his life.
He just said, you know, Alex, this is the most dangerous thing I've ever done.
You need to know what you're doing is dangerous.
And I can't tell you everything, but you need to understand the Democrats wanted folks to know they killed Seth Rich.
They're going to make their move on Trump very, very soon, and Trump knows it.
And we now understand exactly why, because they were on the Russian payroll and the Chinese payroll even worse.
They knew Trump was planning to go after him for it.
They knew the intelligence agencies were very upset about how sold out we'd become.
And they know that Obama was spying on hundreds of thousands of Americans specifically
Not just thousands for political control and had given Democratic Party companies and organizations and groups access to the NSA.
Now you notice that's already come out that Obama was spying on people for political control.
Totally illegal.
But Trump has the proof as POTUS that they're on the Russian and Chinese payroll.
And that they were spying on everybody, and that's why they're so scared of Trump and trying to keep him, like their lives depend on it, from getting his people, his appointees, into the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th places.
The reason they're rebelling so hard is as a rogue government they were doing whatever they wanted to do.
So what do I call that segment earlier where I was breaking all this down?
We take these segments and post them on the internet, obviously, for other people to see them.
Then we should take a clip right now where I describe it, then we cut to eight after, start of the hour, and put that out as a video.
And how do you crystallize the magnitude of this?
Trump has discovered deep state's plans to overthrow America?
Trump has discovered deep state's crimes?
Trump has discovered why the deep state is so desperate to stop him.
And they're so desperate because the crimes are 50 times anything Trump could have ever imagined.
Total, lawless, wild-eyed, abandoned evil.
With the CIA director saying, you watch your mouth to the president two days before he's inaugurated.
And all these different Comey acolytes saying, you better be scared of Comey
Comey thinks Trump was scared of him.
We're gonna get you!
And then they put these guys on TV and they look like the biggest wimp beta males I've ever seen.
But there's something about betas in a man's world that have never been slapped down.
They're some of the most dangerous people out there.
Because a real alpha's been hurt.
A real lion's been through a bunch of fights and knows no matter how tough you think you are, on any given Sunday you can get your ass run over.
And that's the point we've reached here with a bunch of crazies who know they've committed incredible crimes, and they know that Trump really is trying to drain the swamp, and if they drain that sucker, they know they're all going to prison!
Because a bunch of them are child molesters, a bunch of them are child killers, a bunch of them are sold out to foreign governments, the Muslims, the corrupt Catholic Church at the top, Communist China.
I mean, this is a group of sell-out trash who were hell-bent to bankrupt the country and get us dumbed down to protect themselves from all the crimes they'd committed.
And now Trump knows why they want to take him out.
Now Trump knows what's at the bottom of the swamp.
Now Trump knows.
And they're desperate to start impeachments right now.
And Larry Nichols joins us, former Clinton confidant.
He's got a book out, by the way, we're selling, 28 Years of Nowhere, that we're going to have him back on next week to talk about, in more detail, an inspirational tragedy.
Larry Nichols and Mary Ellen just read the book last weekend.
It's excellent.
Of course, he's been fighting a lot of health issues, but thanks to all your prayers, he's still with us.
And Larry, I had you set up a week ago about this book, but as soon as I talked to you during the break, you said, I wanna talk about imminent impeachment they're gonna try, why they're so hysterical, why they're putting out walls of lies, why they're doing all this craziness.
I mean, because they're desperate corner rats.
Is that an accurate statement?
Absolutely, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
This is critical.
You know my sources in Washington.
I've never lied to you, and what I've told you comes to pass.
Folks, within six months, they plan to impeach Donald Trump.
Six months.
They've already started, Alex, preparation.
Now, some of you are saying, well, they can't impeach him over this Russian stuff where he gave up the secret order.
What they did by taking Mueller, Alex, is they've started an investigation.
It doesn't matter.
They're going to find something.
They don't even know what it is yet, but they're going to find something that they can use to knock him out.
And the big tell was Lindsey Graham saying, it's not a Russian investigation, now it's a criminal investigation, finding somebody that didn't fill out a form right or said something wrong to the FBI.
This is so obvious.
And I want to go over that with you.
What does the president need to do to get on offense?
Well, it's not really what he can do, Alex.
This is why I'm calling you.
We've got to stop it.
You know, Trump can do so much, but he can't fight the media.
He can't fight the Democrats.
He can't fight this deep state.
I call him the swamp state.
He can't fight all of them by himself.
There's something we can do.
All of us.
We can make damn sure every Republican congressman, because they've all got to run in 2018, every one of them need to be informed by every one of your listeners that if you don't stop the impeachment, you're not going back in 2018.
You're not.
Now Alex, we've used that trick a million times.
You know we have.
Remember how Obama federalized homeland security?
Listen, when they declare a constitutional crisis, and folks, if you don't believe, when Donald Trump gets impeached, there will be a constitutional crisis.
They're planning it.
And Alex, when people say, well, you know, you're late coming to the bandwagon.
Remember when you and I, months, months, what, a year ago, said we were in the middle of a silent coup?
Deep state, all those terms.
No, we are the trailblazers.
And we're not saying that to brag.
Folks need to know, we know exactly what we're talking about.
Now, I'm going to tell you, there's three things.
Trump being impeached.
Seth Rich being killed.
And then I got another one.
Deborah Wasserman Schultz.
Deborah Wasserman Schultz.
First off, Alex, Seth Rich.
The Inquirer called me, National Inquirer called me, and they said, what about this death?
Does it reek of an Arkansasite?
I said, yes.
They said, well, what is it?
And I told them, I said, well, one of the key signatures of an Arkansasite
Is when the family comes out and tries to stop anybody from investigating it.
Well, they told me on the inquiry, they said, well, no, they're not doing that.
Well, we find out, yes, they are.
They are calling up like Sean Hannity, I guess they've squeezed you and everybody else to get you to back off of this investigation.
But here's the newsflash.
Did y'all know Seth Rich, a couple of days ahead of that,
Was offered a job with the Clinton campaign.
With the Clinton campaign.
Now guys, from my world, do you know what that means?
That means alibi.
You know, because if it ever came back, somebody investigating his death, well, why would the Clintons have anything to do with it?
Sure, he didn't just go for one of the top IT people in the database.
They always call him, oh, an intern, some young guy got shot, he's nobody.
You know, he was a top IT guy over their main databases, and let's expand on that.
The head of Wikileaks has said, we never give up sources, but Seth Rich...
Pretty much is our source.
But then let's expand further.
Since when have the Democrats not used a shooting to promote gun control?
To me, that's another big tell.
But how about they have this top DNC crisis manager back when the family first said, yeah, we think he got killed for political reasons.
He wasn't robbed.
Then in comes the top DNC crisis manager.
We don't hear from the family for months.
And then now finally they come out and say, please stop this.
That's right.
Now folks, you gotta understand why this is important.
When an investigation is basically wrapped up like the D.C.
Police calling it a botched robbery, generally the only people that can get an investigation reopened is the family.
So you go to the family and you get them to back off.
Whatever you gotta do, scare them, pay them, it don't matter.
That is a signature of an Arkansas.
Then, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
You ever heard of a guy named Imran Khan?
This old boy, I think, is Pakistani.
He's an independent IT guy.
And guess what?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the D.C.
police chief to get the computer back that they seized that had all of the stuff on it that got her fired.
But how she threatened him was significant, Alex.
She said there will be, you know, there'll be restitution, meaning she threatened him.
She said if you don't... Now let me tell you about that guy.
Now this guy's handling some of Congress's most sensitive secrets.
Now they're going after Trump for supposedly saying something in front of the ambassador of Russia.
This Pakistani creep is handling sensitive congressional information when, in fact, he was under investigation for threatening and blackmailing his stepmother, he and his brothers, Abeed and Jamal, saying that if she talked, they were going to kidnap her and send her back to Pakistan.
Listen guys, this is deep Alex.
Let's go ahead and play that clip since you mentioned it.
No, I agree.
Here's the IT chief right here.
If ownership has been established, it will be returned.
If it's subject to an ongoing investigation or additional things, it will need to be returned.
But not an ongoing investigation related to the member.
If the equipment belongs to the member, it has been lost, they say it's been lost, and it's been identified as that member's, and the Capitol Police is supposed to return it.
Well, it's not a... I can't give a yes or no answer on that, because I know... It's a simple yes or no answer.
If a member loses equipment, and it is found by the Capitol Police or your staff, and it is identified as that member's equipment, and the member is not associated with any case, and that is their equipment, it is supposed to be returned yes or no.
Depends on the circumstances.
I don't understand how that's possible.
Members' equipment is members' equipment.
It is not, under my understanding, the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate members' equipment when the member is not under investigation.
It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned.
Well, I think there's extenuating circumstances in this case, and I think that, you know, working through my counsel and, you know, the necessary personnel, if that is the case, and with the permission of, through the investigation, we'll return the equipment.
But until that's accomplished, I can't return the equipment.
I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way.
I mean, folks, folks, Larry, we're going to hold you over the next hour a little bit, but here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
I got off the phone with Dr. Korsi concerning this case.
He's in D.C.
right now.
He's never, he's worked for clandestine agencies, you name it.
He's a PsyOps expert countering foreign governments' disinfo.
He's an expert on battling Russians.
The Russians have nothing to do with this.
And he said he's confirmed with law enforcement, I'm going to stop right there.
That they have been threatened, not just this tape, and that they even know who the killers are, and the whole thing.
And look, Shultz is there four days ago, threatening the police chief to his face, when they were just on the news a day before that saying, oh, the laptop's already gone back, there's no investigation.
First it was the FBI had it, then the cops.
No, the cops have it.
So the story Sean Hannity was saying is being borne out.
And you look at her, she looks like it's life and death to get that back.
Because the word is, it was going to WikiLeaks.
The word is, it's all in there.
The word, it shows it.
And why would she be there about some laptop saying, give us our property, and threatening a police chief
In City Hall, in front of 50 cameras!
I mean, these people are crazy!
They are so full of themselves!
The former head of the Democratic Party...
Saying, I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences.
That's why they're so arrogant.
You've got a major national murder investigation that's still open.
You've got the family flip-flopping.
You've got them trying to kick national shows off for this.
You've got all hell breaking loose.
And then we've got video, I should have led the whole show with this, they were telling me at the start, with her threatening him to his face.
What do you make of this?
Well, Alex, this is what I want the audience to understand.
You were right before I came on.
You said it's war.
It is war.
And I'm going to ask y'all to think about this.
Alex, the media, you and I have told people for years, the media was in on it, that they're a part of this cabal, this evil cabal.
Well, guess what?
They're out in the open.
Everybody, Washington D.C., all of the inside people, they're out in the open.
They're coming.
I agree, I agree, I agree.
Well then why would the police chief, even though she's now on a committee, over the police's funding, finally stand up to her?
Well, that one, Alex, is a good one.
Except maybe, just maybe, some people are starting to stand up.
You know, Trump has brought
Something to Washington that has not been there in years and years and years.
And that's right.
And you get one man in it, the president, and that's why they got to get rid of it.
One man can run their whole system, just like you're seeing here.
One man, the president, standing up, and all of a sudden now the Capitol Police chief and everybody else, you know what?
They got backbone.
And that's what's killing him.
That's why I know beyond any shadow of a doubt, and I know a little bit deeper than that, why they've got him impeached.
Now guys, Alex... Stay there, we're gonna come back.
Absolutely, folks.
I'm surprised Trump can do anything under this attack.
It's so treaty to attack the president.
Folks, you're gonna feel like idiots when they bring him down.
Our total enemies are against this president.
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He's bounding down.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am so overwhelmed that I'm like just on fire basically, but I can't get it all out.
Like I'd seen the Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former head of the DNC's video where she threatened the police chief a few days ago, and I knew that we had articles out today on InfoWars.com.
Dealing with the fact that Twitter is banning people that share video of that, or share other videos, where WorldNetDaily put out an article linking Donna Brazile to the Seth Rich case, with her warning the private eye to stop investigating.
I mean, they've got the heads of the Democratic Party, their top crisis management people, involved two days after he's dead!
Because they want to blame everything on the Russians, and now they're saying Comey
Believe that, you know, Hillary might have had a legal server because of the Russians.
Well, she had a legal server.
Everything's the Russians.
I put my pants on this morning because the Russians told me how.
It's ridiculous.
And this is how they plan to take over the election.
It's how they plan to discredit the whole election, overturn it, and claim everybody that was elected was illegitimate.
They've now officially said that's their plan.
We told you they'd try to steal.
The nomination.
They failed.
They tried.
We told you they'd try to overturn the electors.
We told you first.
People couldn't believe they'd try that.
They did it.
They failed.
We told you they'd try to stop Trump before he got in.
They tried.
Now they're everywhere taking normal activity and claiming that any diplomatic activity is illegal.
It's all criminal.
I've never seen a level of lying like this.
They have infinity down.
They have gone to the whole next level.
We're going to keep our guest five minutes to the next hour.
I want to invite him back up Sunday.
I'm going to be here doing a Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m., because things are so important, even though it's the day before the holiday.
If he wants to join me for an hour, he's welcome to in the second hour.
Larry Nichols, but just briefly.
We've been hit and kicked off our Google advertising.
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I mean, they are on our butt.
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I understand.
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Okay, we're going to break, but for the minute before we go to break, you were getting into impeachment.
You know it's a death battle.
They know they're all going to go to jail if Trump is able to take control of the government.
That's why they're blocking him.
It's why we're in such a death battle.
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
Listen, here's how serious it is and how imminent it is.
The trainers that train the Soros anarchist, the people that go to all these town halls and throw a fit, the middle of June, the trainers that train these trainers that go out through the country and train these people are fixing, they're changing them over, Alex.
And when Trump gets impeached, they're going to go back out.
But they're going to protest and riot, but they're going to claim they're us.
That's right, this is a total psy-op.
I mean, this country's in the biggest fight of its life.
I mean, America is in a death battle, folks.
This is it.
By the way, Soros is getting indicted in Italy, back in 70 seconds.
In America's 240 plus year history, we have seen veterans from the first battles at Lexington and Concord, right through to our military trying to take out ISIS today, fight their hearts out, and in many cases give the ultimate sacrifice.
That's what this holiday and remembrance is all about.
is those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
This group of specials for 2017 Memorial Day are undoubtedly the biggest we've ever had on these items because we want to really memorialize the true trailblazers that put it all on the line and didn't talk but took action.
We have over a thousand high-quality products available that are discounted at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm gonna have Larry back up either Sunday or sometime next week to talk about his book.
It's available 28 years from nowhere.
InfoWarsStore.com, Inspirational Tragedy.
It's a great book.
You should support Larry.
You can get it there and also support him there.
We are selling the book.
Larry, this is a five-minute segment.
I'm gonna give you the floor, let you host right now.
Get into the impeachment, how we battle, how we fight back, how important this time is right now in America.
I mean, I don't have words to describe how critical things are, so I shut up.
I'm gonna turn my mic off.
You got four minutes.
All right, Alex.
Well, let me say this.
I thought I was out of it.
I thought when Hillary was defeated that I was done.
Now, all of a sudden, I'm getting information out of the people in Washington and it turns out, Alex, that
They're coming back to me, just like the stuff on Seth Rich, just like the stuff on Schultz.
There's a whole bunch of stuff on Schultz that when you know what's going on there, you'll understand.
Just like Alex was saying, all of this stuff is interconnected.
They have got to get rid of Trump, and I mean out.
Any other president that's kind of lame, as they call him, they would use it.
The Democrats would use it.
They're morning men because they can use it to defeat everything they hate.
They're not doing that with Trump.
They're going for blood.
They're getting him out of there.
And folks, we're the only ones that can stop it.
We're the only ones.
They can't impeach Trump if the Republicans who have control of the House, if the Republicans stand up.
And you and I know, we all know, the Republicans are turncoats.
They're all traitors.
But there's one thing they love more than anything else.
One thing they will do anything to keep more than anything else, and that's their job.
So I promise you, Alex, next week when I come on,
I will have more information into the actual what's going on than you or I want to know.
I don't want to know this stuff.
This is the stuff that gets you killed, guys.
They're vying for the most powerful country in the world.
They will step on people like me.
They'll step on, yes, even people as big as Alex and his network has become.
They'll crush them.
Because they've got to stop.
Alex, there is no way today the media, if tomorrow everything went back to normal, how can the media go back and be a real news organization?
They bet it all.
They've thrown it all out on the table.
They can't go back.
They have no choice.
The problem is, guys, we've got to stand up.
They've declared all total war.
We have got to stand up.
We've got to protect Trump.
And you start out by using your voice.
Don't sit down and let these anarchists stand up and scare the bejesus out of the Republican congressmen and conservative speakers.
Your voice.
Don't do it.
Your voice is the only thing that can save us.
Your voice.
Trump has got to have us, and I would leave y'all with this one little thing to remember always.
If they get rid of Donald Trump, Trump represents us.
That's us they're getting rid of.
They're saying out loud in front of God and everybody, we have no business involved in our form of government.
They're throwing us out if we let them.
I don't want to be here.
I don't want to be talking about this stuff, Alex.
I thought I was done.
I'm too sick, too old.
I don't want it.
But it's here.
And people are feeding me stuff and I can't, I can't not do anything.
And the problem is, the people that feed me information, I can't get them to talk to anybody else because they know me.
They're going to impeach Trump in the next six months.
You say, well, why six months?
How do you know six months?
Six months is the period of time, so that you know, six months is the period of time that the politicians, especially the Republicans, believe that if they take steps that we won't like, you know, and don't stand up and block an impeachment that come next election, we'll have forgotten.
That's what they think we are.
That's right.
They all... Larry, you're such a genius.
It's all about not having a memory.
It's all about time frame.
And they don't want to push it out too far.
They want to get it done soon.
And they're really trying.
And they admit they're trying.
Everything you've said, they're admitting.
So folks better take this serious.
Thank you, Larry.
University of Maryland President Wallace Lowe has announced his plan to launch Anti-Hate Initiatives for Campus, an affirmative action plan in an attempt to do more to quell hate.
His plan includes establishing a hate bias and campus safety task force, a rapid response team, allocating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Office of Diversity to help these efforts, a new annual report on all campus hate bias incidents, and appointing a council to prohibit hate bias symbols or actions in any venue.
Then, hopefully, when you're finished with daycare, you can be ready for the real world.
What do you want to do when you grow up, Johnny?
I want to be a Campus Diversity Chief of the Hate Bias Department!
Now, this is in response to a stabbing on campus where Chris Urbanski, a 22-year-old white man, stabbed to death a 23-year-old black student, which is being looked at as a hate crime.
Mainly because the Facebook group, the Alt-Right Nation, which Urbanski had joined.
I'd like him to look into any pharmaceuticals the psycho was taking.
While this is a tragic event, the aftermath is part of an ongoing trend on college campuses to redesign and reshape higher education into kindergarten, telling everyone how to get along.
Be careful what you do and say on social media, as it may be held against you.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Tommy Robinson, right there in Manchester, side of the attack earlier this week, the terror attack, the Islamic attack, will be joining us.
We also have Mike Cernovich coming on.
Trump team preps war room to defend against Russian probe.
That's out of CNN, but what it's actually going to do is get on the offense because during the live news cycles they just keep putting out, Sessions got caught with the Russians again.
Every week or two they put that out like it's a new story.
Not even true.
Or Trump gave away the exact locations of the submarines.
Not true, but they just keep putting out these lies over and over and over again.
And now Trump is listening to Corsi's advice and others and moving against that in a big way.
Trump has asked the Justice Department to investigate Manchester bomb probe.
And some of the media acted like Trump's troubled White House.
No, this is the media and the globalists that have absolutely been waging war against Trump and the different NSA people.
that interface with the British government and are the ones that are leaking on every front to try to bring down Trump.
Trump is plagued by the leaks.
The American people are plagued by the leaks.
It's not Trump's fault.
And I want to explain something.
A minority of our listeners get mad at me and they say, listen, Trump's done some bad things now.
Why aren't you the old purist you were?
Why aren't you yelling and screaming at him?
I'm critical of him when he does things that are wrong.
The point is, the whole globalist establishment hates his guts, is lying about him, and is trying to throw him out of office.
And if you claim you're anti-establishment, then you should be backing Trump.
That is an absolute no-brainer.
I'm not in some Trump cult.
I want the truth to come out.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is so arrogant.
Let's play that clip again.
The article's up on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to show folks the article.
It's on InfoWars.com.
This is last week.
It only gets attention now.
She goes in to the Metropolitan Police of D.C., controlled by the Democratic Party.
Even though she's out of office and is the head of the DNC now, she's
Involved with the government there over the budgeting.
So I guess they can control the Capitol Police and control the DC Police and control all of it.
She's there in his face saying, you need to give us Seth Rich's laptop.
That's our property.
Well, yeah, but it's part of a murder investigation, sweetheart.
And then she goes on to threaten the police chief.
You better give it to us.
But I saw articles out last week.
Now the Democrats saying, the Democrats already have Seth Rich's laptop.
There's nothing on it.
It's a conspiracy theory.
But the truth is, they don't have it.
And they want it and they're scared because the word is, he was in contact with the DNC.
He was heading up their systems.
But he was in contact with WikiLeaks and giving them the information.
So they are so scared right now, and you can see the palpable fear with her up there to the police chief saying, I'm your boss, I'm over your funding, you will give us that laptop.
And her body language is, she doesn't care there's cameras, she doesn't care he's standing up to her.
The body language is, she's fighting for her life, here it is.
Back it up 5 seconds, we're going to Cernovich.
Think about the magnitude of this.
This has reached so preposterous of levels.
I'm like Robby the Robot in Lost in Space when something so ridiculous he goes, cannot compute, cannot compute, illogical, and smoke starts coming out of his ears.
He's saying, well, this is something in an ongoing investigation.
This is a top murder mystery.
It's an open murder investigation.
He was shot multiple times in the back.
Nothing was stolen.
He hides his laptop in some cranny.
He reportedly is the source to WikiLeaks of all the admitted emails that are their criminal activity, rigging the debates, rigging the polls, rigging everything, saying, let's keep people hopeless and in the dark and poor.
Oh, let's have, you know, kids delivered to the hot tub, how succulent.
Oh my God, Obama wants $65,000 in succulent hot dogs.
Are these as good as the succulent ones we had last week?
Oh yes, they're so succulent.
Notice how they've changed the subject off them and these evil emails to now, okay, how'd they get them?
Oh, it's the Russians.
But since it's their own DNC guy, they're all hands on deck freaking out about this.
Let's finish the clip.
If the equipment belongs to the member, it has been lost.
They say it's been lost and it's been identified as that member's and the Capitol Police is supposed to return it.
Well, it's not a... I can't give a yes or no answer on that, because I know... It's a simple yes or no answer.
If a member loses equipment, and it is found by the Capitol Police or your staff, and it is identified as that member's equipment, and the member is not associated with any case, and that that is their equipment, it is supposed to be returned yes or no.
Depends on the circumstances.
I don't understand how that's possible.
Members' equipment is members' equipment.
It is not, under my understanding, the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate members' equipment when the member is not under investigation.
It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned.
Well, I think there's extenuating circumstances in this case, and I think that, you know, working through my counsel and, you know, the necessary personnel, if that, in fact, is the case, and with the permission of, through the investigation, we'll return the equipment.
But until that's accomplished, I can't return the equipment.
I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way.
And you'd expect that there would be consequences.
And I want to be clear, I rarely do this, but I'm so angry that I conflated a bunch of issues.
Twitter suspends WMD for linking Donna Brazile to Seth Roach's case, trying to get the investigators shut down.
They've been fighting over the laptop, whether it's with the police or the FBI, not wanting to release it, or saying it's with the family, or saying nothing's on there.
Brothers Abid and Idram and Jamal Awan who were running all these different congressional laptops and tied into the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and then a laptop shoved into a crevice and and she's threatening them about that which we were just covering earlier.
So they are acting so incredibly suspicious and now we have this inside intel with Trump
from the White House that he's got the proof that Obama was spying not on thousands but hundreds of thousands of people giving all these Democrats access to it and foreign governments and now the Alwan brothers family has run to Pakistan that's in the news now they're suspected of serious violations including accessing members computer networks with their knowledge and stealing equipment from Congress and finally the DC police are saying no we're not going along with this so the man that's always got a lot of the answers he's hosting the full fourth hour
Mike Cernovich, one of the most important investigative journalists out there alive today, joins us to break all this down.
And I apologize, I know we had you set up for one time and then another, so thanks for being flexible, Mike Cernovich.
Oh yeah, always a pleasure, Alex.
We're definitely looking forward to hosting tomorrow.
Yeah, there's a lot going on, and we found another one of the leakers was a Lindsey Graham legislative aide who specializes in healthcare, and yet somehow she was given the top job at the National Security Council.
So your guys have an article, we just broke this story late last night, we call it Lindsey's Leaker.
And what had happened is numerous veterans, numerous people of national security experience were denied the job to be the legislative affairs chief for the NSC.
So here's what she does.
She goes and gets all the information from the NSC, runs over to Capitol Hill, gives it to John McCain, gives it to Lindsey Graham, gives it to all the aides and staffers, and then they leak.
To the media and to the news.
So she's another major person under investigation right now.
And as you know, as Trump said today at the NATO meeting, the leaks are going to be taken very, very seriously.
And she is somebody that people are looking at.
We've got that video coming up at the bottom of the hour of Trump at the NATO meeting today talking about the leakers will be punished.
That's coming up.
We're going to air that here at Infowars.com.
How would you describe the state of the Trump administration right now?
Well, they lost a bunch of
The Beach Hat employees.
This was an important story that we broke about how Johnny DeStefano, we actually covered this last week or the week before, I think we called it May Massacre, how all these Schedule C temporary employees, the people who actually supported Trump, they are all
Not all of them, but a bunch of them have lost jobs now.
The media is completely covering it up.
Me and you, Paul Joseph Watson, a couple other people, we're the only ones actually covering it.
So I found out what is happening.
Mike Pence is actually involved in this.
So I guess I can break that story.
I was going to wait till tomorrow to break it.
I'm still developing it.
But so here's what happened.
Mike Pence told all the new cabinet chiefs, hey, don't worry about these temporary Trump people.
You only have to put up with them for 120 days.
After that, you can bring in all your never Trump people.
You can bring in all the people who hate Trump.
We don't really care.
Just don't worry about it.
So the conspiracy to sabotage Trump is either incompetence or deliberate.
And Mike Pence is in on it too.
Mike Cernovich, wow.
Again, I've got my wires crossed repeatedly today when it rains at Porsche, because we've changed stuff around here.
That's right, you're hosting the fourth hour tomorrow, and then we've got NC Cumeo hosting the fourth hour today, and I had you at 1.30, we moved you to 1.08.
So again, thank you for being here with us.
But the good news is, the next month or so,
We're going to launch a daily weekday show with you.
We're going to launch one with a lot of other folks here.
So there'll be a set multi-hour show every day where you're at one time breaking news with all the guests and all the analysis right here at InfoWars.com.
When we look at the criminal behavior, and just the desperateness of the Democrats, and all the bizarre disinfo they're putting out, and Trump battling these leaks, my information is, is because they've committed such crimes, that they know that if Trump ever actually gets his people in,
They're all going to prison.
That's what makes them such a formidable enemy, is they have nothing to lose, and we're still acting like, ha ha, they're just dumb liberals.
Pat them on the head.
You'll never impeach Trump.
You'll never remove Trump.
Ha ha, he's a Russian agent.
We have to understand, they intend on carrying this out.
Yeah, right.
They intend on burning down a bunch of cities on July 3rd.
They intend on trying to assassinate people.
They are criminally committed.
Yeah, Sarah Carter actually, too, broke a major story.
I sent that also to the great Nico, who's just so on things right now, where the spying scandal involving Obama...
It's so much bigger.
You and I, we knew how big it was, but it's now finally filtering into the broader consciousness.
Obama, they've been spying on everybody.
The Susan Rice unmasking scandal included everybody.
That is the real reason Deep State is shook.
Because if there's an actual investigation, one third of the Deep State people are, that is in handcuffs.
This is the greatest scandal
Since the Wall Street financial crimes and the bailouts in 2008 and 2009.
It's at this level and that is of course why they're covering it up.
That is why every national reporter in the world went to Montana.
Who cares about
Some race in Montana, right?
But they're all there trying to set people up, putting, you know, recorders in your face, getting in your face, badgering you.
I was about to say, that's what they did to Trump and Lewandowski.
He comes in the room, screams at him, puts a camera in his face.
He tries to grab the phone.
The guy grabs his arm.
He throws him to the ground.
That guy touched him.
That guy assaulted him.
You grab somebody's wrist, you're trying to take control of them.
That's what they do.
They're setting everybody up now.
And it was a total setup to try to swing a race for the Democrats because they lost all four special elections.
So what they do now is they send people and they go, hey, hey, man, hey, and they shove it in your face.
And sometimes, as you know, it hits you.
They have bad breath.
They'll breathe in your face and there's spittle coming out of their mouth.
These media people, a lot of them are just really bad.
Poor hygiene.
They don't take care of themselves.
These are the lowest scum on the earth that know they're liars.
No, they're not even paid until they get a big story.
So they're mercenaries.
They're bounty hunters.
And Ben Jacobs was actually a former Democrat operative.
And by the way, none of these people, as you know, if you wear a Trump hat in public, somebody might try to murder you.
The media never cared about that kind of violence.
But suddenly one of them is maybe pushed to the ground a little bit in self-defense.
And now it's the number one story in the world.
And of course, Paul Ryan is saying that he must apologize.
Oh yeah, this Republican, when some guy grabs his arm, throwing him to the ground in his own office, he's worse than the Manchester 22 dead kids, 50 plus injured, and it doesn't matter that we've got Ariana Grande saying, quote, she hopes her fans effing die.
In fact, my quote, I put a video out earlier saying she hopes her fans die.
Let's add the effing in there because they'll say I'm fake news if I don't add the effing.
She hopes they effing die.
The answer of other Hollywood folks is open the borders up more.
What is going on with the terror attack in England?
Yeah, I actually got suspended from Facebook for 12 hours because I posted a quote from Ariana Grande where she said, I hate America and hate Americans.
So did we.
So did we.
We got suspended for 12 hours, too, for criticizing her.
She's this god.
She can say, I hate America.
I want to effing kill my fans.
I love Islam.
And we're not allowed to say, man, that's uncool.
Why is she a god?
And I didn't even say that was cool.
All I did was quoted her.
That was what blew me away.
I didn't even make commentary.
And it really goes to show how Facebook is conspiring with Hollywood.
Do you want to apologize and agree with her and say that, you know, you hope her fans die?
Because they claimed that I said her fans were to blame.
I said the globalists and the liberals bringing them in.
Why is it the Muslims attack a gay nightclub when the liberals are worshipping Islam?
Why is it they attack a bunch of liberal young teenage girls when most of their parents are calling for open borders?
I'm not blaming them, I'm saying why does Islam attack the people that have run the white flag up to it, Mike?
Well, you always want to attack people who are weak, and they... Here's what I've said, Alex, actually, and I've gotten in a lot of trouble with my own readers and viewers because they don't understand where I'm coming from, so I'll be very clear.
I'm not saying this is what I want to happen, but I'm telling you as a journalist and a philosopher and an anthropologist that the Muslims, they want Europe more than Europeans want it.
Europe belongs to the Muslims now, as far as I can see.
Why are you in trouble for saying the sky's blue?
But it does!
Well, a lot of people go, oh man, you know, Sternovich, you're really trying to impose Sharia law.
A lot of, and this happens to you too, a lot of people think that because we tell the truth about what is happening, that that is because we agree with it.
But our job as journalists- I know, that's the mental illness.
We say the Muslims are taking over Europe, they're completely arrogant, celebrating the attack on Channel 4 and nobody cares, and then we're like, why are you saying the Muslims are winning?
Because they are!
It's not magical thinking, dumbasses!
Yeah, whoever wants it more is gonna get it.
Yeah, we're getting our frickin' asses kicked here!
Let's get together and take action!
The Turks want it!
The President of Turkey... Oh man, the guy's the new Hitler and they're mad at the basketball player for telling the truth!
And then a bunch of Christian Armenians show up to protest and they beat him up in America!
That's how arrogant the Turks are!
And then the young Turks celebrate it and go, ooh, look at the Turks kicking ass again!
Well, why'd you come here then, sink?
You know, if you love Turkey so much, go back there!
And now, of course, they have a NATO thing where Turkey, they stand with them as if they belong with us, and that's why Trump said, we're not going to do Article 5, we're not going to pledge... We're not going to share intelligence with you if you give it to the Turks!
And then they blame Trump when there's leaks about Manchester, when it's the same leakers inside that are leaking on him!
Well, and they want more terrorism, too.
That is what a lot of people, even, you know, sophisticated readers who are reading you and listening and everything now, is what they got to understand is George Soros and the Deep State, they want more terrorism.
They want people afraid because that's how they profit and how they control people.
You see, Soros thinks you're a coward and a cuck.
Let's be clear.
He thinks if there's bombs, you'll submit to Islam and submit to the left that's going to be the managers of Islam instead of standing up to it.
So they love the terror.
That's why
Wasn't this a false flag?
It was a real Islamic terror.
There's real Islamic terror attacks.
But they let him in.
They watched him go.
They let him come back in.
The family had sympathies.
It's always the same story.
Witnesses saw it.
Just like San Bernardino.
Just like everything else did nothing.
Is it not a false flag?
Is it not a Soros Democratic Party leftist false flag?
Well, it was definitely, they architect, they were the architects of terrorism.
That is what the left is.
That's proper.
That's right.
Manchester was a liberal Soros built operation.
They're the architects.
That's right.
They're not the false flaggers.
I call them, I call the left the architects of terrorism because they're putting... But they are!
They are!
They are!
They are scum!
I'm not even a conservative, what you call.
But the left are like a bunch of suicidal dumbasses.
I need to find this article.
Maybe they can find it while we talk.
I tweeted out, Channel 4 News actually did a profile of teenagers from Manchester who went to Libya and became moderate rebels.
And they praised them.
It was a puff piece.
Oh my God.
Let me see if I can find this real quick while you talk and I'll text it because...
I couldn't believe this.
This is how much their architects care.
Did you see the other Channel 4 where it's got a woman wearing the Halloween costume with a hand grenade and a machine gun around her neck?
And she says, you better not talk bad about us or we'll get you.
And then some other guy goes, yeah, I'm not going to apologize.
Yeah, I'm always, when I see things like that though, one thing that I've learned from how the media turned our investigation into pedophilia and all about some pizza parlor is we have to watch out a lot of those people who are over-exaggerating things, a lot of times those are put in by Soros and the media and then they later say, oh no, actually, you know, that was just us pretending, you know.
There's so much now.
Oh, I get it.
You're saying they could have put operatives in to claim we false flagged them.
So they'll put in an operative, and then when we call attention to it, they'll say, oh no, actually, that was a false flag.
You guys are now making things up.
They're trying to set us up.
I get a lot of news tips now, but people don't know how high level my sources are, that are fake, that sound real.
And the reason they're doing it is they're trying to send me a story that I do, and then they'll claim it wasn't vetted.
So you and I especially, the people who are in the major leagues, we have to be really careful that we aren't being false flagged by a psyop at the running that they can later use to say, oh yeah, you know, that was just a prank and we made it up so that we can show that they don't properly vet things.
It's such a... Now, the level we're at now, Alex... No, I agree.
I mean, that woman in the burka, it looks like a prank.
It's like the major leagues... But that's what they really say and do.
I mean... Exactly, but they won't admit it.
They're too smart.
They're too shrewd.
to actually do that.
So when I saw that image, I thought, I thought this is
I wonder if this is a sign-off by Veep State and that they're later going to come out and say, oh no, actually that was a right winger who false flagged it and everything.
There's a lot of misinfo.
So with people like us, what they're doing now is because we're playing, we're basically the New York Yankees now.
We're at the highest level.
Our margin for error is different.
And they're trying to set us up and that is again why the listener support is so important and going to the InfoWars store.
I support you starting, but you're awesome.
You're back tomorrow hosting the fourth hour.
God bless you.
We'll be back with Tommy Robinson from England.
More tragedy in Chicago, which is living up to its nickname, Chirac.
Fourteen shot in four hours.
One fatally, a 16-year-old boy, shot in the head.
One of the boys was 14.
He was walking down the street when someone opened fire and hit him in the chest.
There were also at least six other shootings in Chicago in the same time span.
Recall that President Trump said if Chicago can't fix this problem, he will step in.
While I am not sure what the solution to this is, perhaps legalization of certain drugs, or not indoctrinating the youth into the gang culture, returning industry and manufacturing to cities to produce jobs, but what's certainly not working
...is Democrat leadership and the anti-gun policies of the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.
While we see great cities like Baltimore, Chicago, parts of Los Angeles, St.
Louis, Detroit deteriorate into violence and dilapidation, are we finally going to see great Americans rise up to leadership roles to return these once great American cities to their glory?
Let's hope with the next round of elections that's the case.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
If I leave here tomorrow
Well, Tommy Robinson, that formed the English Defense League, warning of Islamic takeover, now what the globalists call the most effective anti-Islam movement in Europe, not just the UK, is our guest, but then when it got a little bit too right-wing or race-based, he left that organization.
There's extremes on both sides.
And he is just such a powerful crusader for truth.
He's got the best-selling book, Enemy of the State, that everybody should get at Amazon.com.
And he joins us now.
I really appreciate him giving us so much time.
He's always on the street.
He's at a Sikh temple.
And the poor Sikh folks that wear the turban over their hair have been battling Islam for over a thousand years.
No one's been killed, probably more than the Indian people and the Hindus and the Buddhists and by Muslims.
That's why so many American Indians, I don't mean American Indians, but Indians from India that live in America, that I run into are the biggest Donald Trump supporters, because they understand what Islam's done to them.
So he's there now.
You see these dumb, hillbilly, KKK types every once in a while that go into a gas station and kill a Sikh, or go into one of their temples and kill a bunch of them.
You're the biggest morons on earth.
These people have fought Islam more than anybody.
Oh, there's such a big part of the British Army in the UK.
But Tommy Robinson of TommyRobinson.co.uk, TheRubbleMedia.com, he just joined us from Manchester.
We'll find out where he is now.
But he is all over England covering what's unfolding.
We've seen a Channel 4 piece where local Muslims won't even apologize for what happened.
They say they have nothing to apologize about.
All the woman has hand grenade, you know, shirts on and stuff.
Who knows if that's a false flag?
But Tommy Robinson, give us the latest, please.
Yeah, I'm today.
I'm in Birmingham in the UK and just seeing this.
There's Sikh organizations across the UK now.
They're temples.
They're just showing solidarity with Manchester, with what's happening in Manchester.
So long, as you just said, Hillbilly, so many people don't understand the difference and just what the Sikh community give our country, especially the loyalty and respect they give us.
And a lot of the time they're actually targeted as victims.
Because what you had yesterday, what you had with the Manchester incident, you had a Sikh gentleman who offered free lifts and he put a picture of himself and his car and he said, I'm giving free lifts to any victims from Manchester.
And he said he's Sikh.
Now, the Metropolitan, the Cotswolds, Cotswolds and, and the Daily Mirror used that, used his photo and they said, a Muslim, a Muslim offers free lip.
It wasn't a Muslim.
It wasn't a Muslim.
It's Sikh.
Are they clear?
They knew he was a Sikh.
But, they lie.
And that, that, um, a lot of the, that one, who can?
Are they?
I'm just gonna... Can you hold this?
Alex, because I've just been asked to say a few words at the temple.
He'll hold this and bring you in there, yeah?
Yes, go ahead.
Take over.
He's going into the temple.
Yeah, have you just Googled?
Because I saw the image everywhere and I thought, that's not a Muslim.
That's a Sikh.
Or Sik, or however you pronounce it properly.
I know the history.
I have trouble pronouncing words, as everybody knows.
I have like marbles in my mouth.
But... Yeah, there he is.
I was like, that's not a Muslim.
I mean, you know, the guy's wearing like a rock and roll t-shirt and he's got a turban on that bounds his hair.
The men aren't supposed to cut it under their...
Yeah, it is not.
Oh, it isn't.
Oh, he's over there talking with some of the locals there at the Sikh Temple.
Go ahead, Tommy.
Whenever you're ready, Tommy, take over.
You all right, Alex?
I'm just waiting now, because I'm at this event.
I'm just going to say a few words about just what I've got immediately.
If I've got... I understand.
We'll just try to get the camera up close to you while you're speaking.
Maybe they can kneel down so we get the audio.
Let me, um... Let me ask one of the lads.
You know what, Tommy?
You've got the real deal, folks.
This is uncensored, on the ground.
And again, the problem is, I don't want to bash my hillbilly brethren, but routinely, every few years, some idiot goes and shoots Sikhs up.
They're the biggest enemies of radical Islam there is.
Over a million and a half Hindus have been killed by Muslims.
Alright, whenever you're ready, Tommy, you can make your statement.
Go ahead.
It's alright.
This is good radio TV, though.
This is the real deal.
And whenever he's ready, we can just get in close and just maybe show some video.
Here we go.
The audio isn't good and I'll keep covering this.
Here we go.
I like to hear what some of the Sikhs have to say.
But again, folks see those big beards and they think, oh, that's Salman Bin Laden.
So the people are going to kill him.
Very, very interesting.
We'll show you some footage of this while it's ongoing.
If the audio gets killed with Tommy, we'll go back to it.
I have several clips I want to play that illustrate this.
But again, the answer is they need to get the camera up closer to Tommy.
Probably where that other fellow has the larger camera.
There you go.
And as soon as he's ready to speak, we can get what he has to say.
It's not Tommy's fault.
I asked him to come on.
About two minutes.
We're fine, Tommy.
This is good stuff.
This is real.
This isn't like old scripted CNN or BBC.
And this is real people.
Because I've spent years now, do you know the Sikh community in the UK?
When their girls, in the 1980s, this rumen issue, this first started for the Sikhs in the 1980s, and the Muslims were targeting their daughters.
And they had to form a nationwide group, or a gang as such, called Sula Punjab, SP.
And that was a gang, so when their daughters were targeted, men from every single temple across this country would unite together to go and find the girls, and get the girls back.
And they were essentially boars.
And they were ignored by the government, by the councils, they were ignored by everyone.
And they're trying to raise this issue.
They raised this issue in the 1980s.
In the 1980s.
And again, Tommy, thank you for popping in with us.
Go ahead and do your speech.
Just ask the camera guy that's nice enough to take over to get as close to you as possible so we can actually hear him speaking.
We totally understand.
I'll give it to him.
They're just interviewing.
It's for the Seek TV channel.
They're just interviewing the leader of the Sikh Council at the minute.
Oh, I'd like to hear that.
Can we run over there and hear what he has to say?
I mean, I'd love to hear what you'd like to say as well.
But I've always thought it's just fascinating how the Sikhs, don't they have the longest running battle, continual battle with the Muslims?
In history, yeah.
In history.
And do you know what?
They've formed their own organisations across the UK.
Seek Awareness Society, Seek Youth.
All these groups that are going around, they've made films, trying to educate their community to the dangers and the threats of grooming, of extremism, of everything there is, all the problems that Islam is bringing to our country.
Other minority groups are having to form defences for themselves.
By the way, I was reading too, in the UK but also the US, the Sikhs have one of the lowest crime rates of any ethnic group and are not associated with any violence.
Let me just, let me wipe this out.
One second.
In live feed from the Sikh Temple, ladies and gentlemen, Tommy Robinson is our guest.
While he's getting ready, I want to play you a few of these clips here.
And by the way, this is not a train wreck on air.
I love this.
This is real.
This is happening.
This isn't scripted.
This is why people tune in en masse.
Not to get all the packaged crap from Fox News with ratings going in the toilet as they try to kick Hannity off and kick everybody else off.
It's just incredible.
That's Megyn Kelly's producer here today.
Let's talk to her in about 15 minutes.
What a circus.
But you know, I can't just keep denying these interviews.
Go ahead.
Tommy, you're back.
Yeah, so all these videos, Alex, I think when it came up it said rebel.com, didn't it?
I think it's therebel.be for any of the videos of all the live things that are going on.
But I'm still waiting.
I'm just waiting for them to finish.
Well, Tommy, I'm all about the Rebel.
I want them to get great attention.
I want you to do a regular slot.
You can plug a Rebel all day.
They're great folks.
But I want you to do a regular slot with us.
Get your house, we'll send you a great microphone, great equipment, so that you can, like, regularly come on and give us your analysis from England, and of course work with Watson as well.
I know Watson likes your work.
I'm happy to, Alex, because, you know, like, every day, like, if I, even just tomorrow, every single day, what we're going to be doing is going in, I'll give you a breakdown of everything we've done, all the different videos we're working on.
There's so much happening, and I just only wish I could pick up a microphone and get in a camera to highlight all these issues eight years ago.
Would you say the Sikh are one of the key groups to break the liberal brainwashing that it's racist to not like radical Islam because some Muslims happen to have brown skin?
When the Sikhs, genetically, you could say are very close to the same people, but they have, you know, good cultures and are happy people.
Yeah, look, I can't speak, especially for people to understand.
Like, we're welcoming, especially as a British community, we're welcoming them.
When we get a community like the Sikh community, who come here, work so hard, so loyal, so faithful,
Such warriors as well.
I think India's like 4% Sikh and they represent 60% of the Indian military.
They're fighters.
They're warriors.
And they've had to form a defence in this country since the 1980s when they first tried to highlight the issues which were happening to their women.
And there's one gentleman who you should speak to, Alex.
I'll introduce you to him, yeah?
He's such a... And he leads a group.
And he... They spend time... Some of the girls, yeah?
Some of the girls that have been targeted, they move them to Canada, to America, to get them away from the Muslim gangs.
That's what they're having to do.
And to expand on that, I haven't done a history lesson in a while.
Didn't they get founded because of Islamic oppression and murder, and become militaristic, something Indians don't normally do?
I mean, isn't there original order coming out of that?
Yes, they're founded as a form of defense against Islam.
Against Islam, and you couldn't meet a more peaceful, integrated... I mean, like, many Sikhs are probably more British.
Yeah, I think.
And then they'll get footage of the girl.
They'll hide cameras.
They'll get into a relationship, tending their sick.
They'll get into a relationship, and once they've got that footage, they'll then tell the girl, we've got this footage, and because of the honour within the community, we'll put the footage on all your websites, on all your community websites.
So then the girl is trapped.
The girl's trapped.
And then the girl becomes a slave.
And these are the lengths they're going to.
In fact, in my own hometown, you can get the leaflet.
You'll be able to look this leaflet up.
They handed out leaflets telling the Muslim community, telling them to target the Sikh girls.
And this is how you can get them.
Target them.
And all the weak spots of what the Sikh community would have, how they could get them.
And over the years, I said, even when I was leading the EDL,
When there was attacks, there was attacks against a Sikh school by young white kids who were shouting EVL.
And even back then we had a relationship where I'll go down and talk to the kids and when I'm talking to the kids saying what's going on, what's this about, they're saying they burnt our poppies, they abused our troops.
It's like you couldn't be more wrong.
You couldn't be more wrong.
But that shouldn't be left to us to educate the British public on the great work the Sikh community do or how they've integrated.
That should be the BBC's job.
But of course, as we know, they don't do that.
So it is left to us, and that's why I said any platform I've got, I want people to understand, because I'm, um, everybody's fascinated, I've just, yeah, so respectful of the Sikh community.
Tommy Robinson, I think I'm going to go speak in a minute, pop off any time you have to and go do that, but Ariana Grande, we now learn, said she hoped her fans effing die.
We also have all these other big pop stars saying, open the borders up, bring more Muslims in.
What do you make of this arrogance of these people?
They're the problem.
They are the problem.
And I keep saying, in fact, being organised now, there's, um, I know there's a big rally organised now, it's going to be on Sunday the 11th, just that they're working on it now, which, um, which have people from every background, from the Sikh community, from, I think I'll be talking there, in Manchester, but these people are, these people who, everything that's happening, with everything that's happening, when you see what's happening, bring more, open our borders.
If we had a Donald Trump style band,
We're good to
People say, wasn't he watched?
The problem we've got is there's so many.
There's up to 4,000 who are on 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week watch.
Now that 4,000, to monitor each man, it's three groups of nine men.
27 men a day.
That's how much we pay.
That's how much it's costing us.
27 men a day to monitor one man.
And there's 4,000.
So, obviously, that's in our country.
I believe in Belgium there's up to 20,000.
If you look at the problems in France, I believe even the police force had to get rid of 20 people for their links to Islamic radical groups.
The police force!
In Paris!
So this is embedded into our country and all these people wanting more and wanting more.
I think this is me on now, mate, so one second.
Alright, go ahead and go up there.
This is Tommy Robinson in the UK.
A Sikh event.
And I haven't even gotten the clips of Muslims in Manchester saying we have nothing to be ashamed of.
No, don't blame us for what somebody else does, but there's nothing in common.
It's about we're sorry for the victims.
Is this an innate?
And I don't want to sit here and bash Muslims all day.
I want them to reform themselves, but they're being used by the globalists to attack.
We'll go back to Tommy later.
Let me go ahead and play one of these clips since I mentioned it.
This is a clip of the mayor, Minneapolis mayor.
It was official state speech in mosque.
Blast the president of the United States.
Agenda of oppression.
He's in Saudi Arabia saying, please quit killing us.
We'll do business with you.
We want to work with you.
And then elements of that very same group attack Manchester.
And the answer we're given is roll over to this.
So here is the clip of the mayor.
Cities like Minneapolis and the people who live in them are squarely in Donald Trump's sights.
His agendas of oppression and regression and suppression have no place in Minneapolis and we are standing firm in our resistance to them.
When Donald Trump comes after any part of our community, he'll find 419,000 Minneapolisans and me standing squarely in his way.
That's the kind of wall I can support.
Mayor, we'd love to ask you a couple of questions.
It's a free country, I can... We told you, ma'am.
No, we asked and she's refusing to answer.
Mayor, why'd you hold this in a mosque?
Would you do it in a church?
Thank you, it's great to be here.
Philly made a statement holding this in a mosque.
As many on the progressive left say, make hay about separation of church and state.
Why a mosque?
And would you do it in a church?
I'm giving in a mosque today because our Muslim community gave support.
Do you think that's a conflict with separation of church and state or mosque and state?
No, would you give an official state speech in a church from a pulpit?
I have given official speeches in churches before.
Like the State of the City?
I don't know that I've given the State of the City in a church before.
Our Muslim community needs a lot of support right now because one community should not be held responsible for the reprehensible acts of a few members of that community.
But you didn't call out the community of Muslims to make sure they're rooting out, drive them out, the radicals that may be in their midst?
You do a good job of that.
You mentioned Donald Trump.
He gave a speech in Saudi Arabia.
He was well received.
We had a chance to talk to the mayor briefly.
So again, the Muslims need extra support because one of their members just blew up a bunch of people.
See, that's how this whole thing works.
You understand that the Democrats are suing and using the IRS against Christians everywhere for being politically involved.
But they could be politically involved.
It's total evil.
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You're in the break.
Folks at the Sikh temple that they're at there in England.
We're watching you Tommy right now live.
Yeah, we're watching on our phones.
So he's waiting to go up and speak to the group of folks that were basically founded in India over a thousand years ago to fight the Islamic invasions that have happened.
We're almost out of time, Tommy.
I know you're about to speak.
Closing comments though, just about the response we've seen so far, what Donald Trump has said.
Any other points?
Since I just talked to him, he's already going up there live.
This is quite a live circus.
Maybe we can pan around with that camera and give folks some shots of this.
This is what's going on in England right now.
Again, real unfiltered footage of what's unfolding.
We might talk to Tommy in about five minutes when they're done doing this TV interview, but we'll come right back after this.
Let me go to one more clip here.
There's actually several of these from the folks there on Channel 4 in the UK.
One of the women comes out and says, you know, if you don't quit being Islamophobic, there's going to be counterattacks to that.
There's another gentleman, though, before her.
Tommy's talking to us again.
Go ahead, Tommy.
Let's go back and see what he's saying.
What's that?
You know, give in to all this, go along with the poor Muslims.
Here's some clips from Channel 4 in Manchester yesterday.
Go ahead.
Muslims are the ones that are suffering from this attack.
How about the 22 girls that are dead and the 50 plus that were bombed, many of which lost arms and legs and eyeballs?
Oh, but you watch these Muslims with the whole liberal social justice warrior mutation, and it's like they're so entitled and so pissed.
That, oh, you just took us in from Libya, or you just took us in from Iraq, or you just took us in from Saudi Arabia that won't take any refugees, and now you're not doing everything perfectly, and now you're mad at us that we blew some more people up.
How dare you?
When that goes on every day in their countries.
So again, take responsibility for what you've done.
Stop projecting on us.
Let's go back to the clip.
Here it is.
You're shaking your head.
I disagree completely.
My message is to the Muslim community today.
Muslims are the ones who are the potential damage of this kind of attack.
I don't think the Muslim community can do any more than they're already doing.
This is nothing that we have to be apologetic for.
We have done nothing wrong.
Individuals are responsible for their own actions.
My message is that be proud of who you are as a Muslim.
It's a gift that Allah has bestowed upon you.
It's a mercy from Him.
Alright, stop right there.
You can tell that guy's a preacher.
Notice he says, my message to Muslims is, he doesn't talk to profane.
He'll talk to this useful idiot reporter here.
But he's like, we didn't do anything wrong.
And we're the victims of all this.
And you get used to it.
Then they cut to a lady in a jib with an image of a hand grenade and a machine gun around her neck.
And she says, listen, you stop being Islamophobic or there's going to be counter-strikes.
I'm going to come back and play a little bit more of this ahead of Anthony Cumia joining us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Anthony Comey is coming up to start the next segment, syndicated talk show host in his own right.
I had to take more calls today.
I got to a lot of the news, but I tell you, I don't hate Muslims, but there's a billion and a half of them.
Most of them are living in slavery.
Women are slaves, but a lot of them are like brainwashed cult members.
And here's the deal.
You want to live in your own countries and be under that?
That's your issue.
Don't come here.
And blow people up.
And then, turn it into you're a bunch of victims.
I just played Muslims, saying they have nothing to be sorry for in Manchester, England.
And saying they're the main victims of what happened, not the 20 plus young women that got blown up.
Some of them as young as 8 years of age.
And then I look at the Minneapolis mayor up there apologizing to Islam for what happened in Manchester.
It is sick, weird mental illness.
And all these Democrats, I'm not lionizing Republicans, I can't stand them either.
These Democrats, though, just all look like crazy people.
Their eyes look all nuts.
They always look real wild.
We've got this report we first broke, and 4chan confirmed it, so they're the ones who put the final nail in the coffin.
Police arrest Professor Eric Clayton for bike lock assaults at Berkeley, running around with a huge 3-4 pound hammer, basically, or a mace, hitting people,
With a club that can kill you.
People have concussions and fall down, and he just runs around like we're not human, he's not gonna get in trouble.
Guess what, dirtbag?
We found out who you were, our listeners did.
And now you got a $200,000 bond.
I'm not saying I'm a tough guy or anything, but if you didn't knock me out with that bike lock, I'm gonna get my hands around your throat.
I mean, these people, they just keep writing checks their butts can't cash, but maybe the guy who gave a concussion almost killed
Maybe he was in the right.
Just let Mr. Clayton get his jury trial.
He's on video.
Let him get his jury trial.
Then he can go on down to the prison and he can experience things for himself.
This is what you send your young people to college for, to get obsolete degrees and be brainwashed about how you hate the country.
And all I'm saying is, you can have any free speech you want, but if it's so bad and you want to make it like Venezuela or Cuba or China or North Korea, go there!
But oh no, you never want to go there.
Because you've never been there.
Look at this guy's blood, it's just everywhere.
And reportedly, like, eight or nine people got their heads knocked in where some little coward runs up with a three, four pound bike lock.
That's a, that's a mace.
And quacks you upside the head.
And what's crazy is a lot of times they attack people that aren't even Trump supporters.
They're just there at the university to see what's going on.
Oh, what's going on over here?
There's a pro.
I'm hitting the head with a bike lock.
You know, if I'm going to hit somebody in the head with a mace, they better have, like, broken one of my kid's arms or
Tried to kill me.
I mean, you know, I just don't get, like, there's a group of people.
Let me just go over and hit somebody in the head with a hammer.
But again, I'm not the anointed liberal people.
I don't have all the answers.
I'm not just these wondrous good people that, on average, don't give to charity or, on average, involved in criminal activity.
One of the anointed trendies, these are weak-minded people that just watch CNN and MSNBC and they think they're the good guys.
So they're just a bunch of ne'er-do-well criminals, on average, that want to believe they're these empowered, great people.
And so now, you want to ruin somebody's life?
Now your life's going to be ruined, dirtbag.
Anthony Cumia, straight ahead on the other side of this brick.
I know he's got a lot to cover in the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I'll be back tomorrow with Paul Watson co-hosting with me, 11 a.m.
Central, with the Big Info War.
Again, Anthony Cumia, coming up, compoundmedia.com.
University of Maryland President Wallace Lowe has announced his plan to launch Anti-Hate Initiatives for Campus, an affirmative action plan in an attempt to do more to quell hate.
His plan includes establishing a hate bias and campus safety task force, a rapid response team, allocating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Office of Diversity to help these efforts, a new annual report on all campus hate bias incidents, and appointing a council to prohibit hate bias symbols or actions in any venue.
Then hopefully when you're finished with daycare you can be ready for the real world.
What do you want to do when you grow up, Johnny?
I want to be a Campus Diversity Chief of the Hate Bias Department!
Now, this is in response to a stabbing on campus where Chris Urbanski, a 22-year-old white man, stabbed to death a 23-year-old black student, which is being looked at as a hate crime.
Mainly because the Facebook group, the Alt-Right Nation, which Urbanski had joined.
I'd like him to look into any pharmaceuticals the psycho was taking.
While this is a tragic event, the aftermath is part of an ongoing trend on college campuses to redesign and reshape higher education into kindergarten, telling everyone how to get along.
Be careful what you do and say on social media, as it may be held against you.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schreier.
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We're good to go.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Anthony Cumia.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, InfoWars.com.
Anthony Cumia in, of course, Alex Jones just on.
Love watching Alex.
My God.
Just really invigorates you for the battle that you go into on a daily basis if you're fighting for things like free speech and freedom to uh oh something silly go and be entertained at a concert perhaps perhaps that silly little freedom to feel safe when you go out to something as um
As silly as a pop concert.
Of course, Manchester.
The terrorist attack that we saw there.
My God.
What is it going to take?
What is it going to take?
We have a situation here where an Islamic terrorist set off an explosive device killing children.
Going to see a pop concert at an arena.
What is it going to take before I, after an event like this happens, I go to Twitter, I pick up my phone, I go to Twitter and I'm like, wow!
Everyone agrees this has to stop.
Everyone actually agrees that this needs to have some type of resolution to it.
Kids being murdered by Islamic terrorism, and I go to Twitter and it's, oh right, let's not fall for being Islamophobic.
Let's look at the reasons they're doing this.
Lone wolf.
Oh, and it was a balloon popping.
I am so disgusted.
We really need to be disgusted and have enough, just enough with this.
It's gotten to the point where these aren't soldiers.
These aren't people that signed on to take the risk of fighting a war.
These were children and their parents going to see an Ariana Grande show.
That's not something you look at and go, well, you know, they kind of asked for it.
Although, boy, you look at Twitter again, and you will actually see that.
People that cannot do anything but try to find anyone else to blame for these horrific attacks that we're seeing being carried out by Islam, in the name of Islam.
This guy that did this, thank God he's just, unfortunately so many people were killed and injured, but at least he's done.
We shan't be seeing him anymore.
But, a couple of his brothers, his father, over there in Libya,
He traveled to Libya.
This is a gentleman that was known to law enforcement.
I love that one because it's every single time these people are known to law enforcement.
What the hell are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
He's known to law enforcement.
He traveled to Libya.
Uh, to see, uh, dear old dad and, uh, his brothers, I gather.
Because we really don't know who he was seeing or doing over there.
What he was doing.
Then he comes back to the UK, which I assume, I hope anyway, at this point, you could actually go from, when you go from Libya to the UK or the United States, that someone's checking.
That there's some type of tracking on this guy that he went and came back.
And when that happened, what were the police doing to a guy that they knew,
They had information that he was a problem, yet he flies to Libya, comes back to the UK, and they don't pull this guy aside and interview him?
And talk to him?
I've heard stories in the past where people talk about law enforcement and go, man, it seems easy, but there are so many people.
You know, you got this guy, this Islamic guy, and he lives in the community, and he goes to work every day, he's got a family.
We didn't know.
You know, what, are we supposed to track all those people that are just Islam?
I understand.
It would be great if you could.
But I understand there's limitations.
Manpower issues.
But man, if a guy known to law enforcement
For being involved in some type of Islamic shenanigans, travels to Libya, then comes back to the UK, that's the guy you should be talking to.
That's the drop everything, this piece of garbage just came back from Libya, send someone to have a chat with him.
But nothing.
And I, oh boy, do I know why, and everyone else with any powers of reasoning, anyone else with a mind, they know why too.
Oh, the fear of being called Islamophobic.
The fear of being called a racist.
Oh my goodness.
Here's one of the dirtiest words you could possibly say these days.
That's it.
How about you profile a guy known to law enforcement, of Libyan descent, travels to Libya.
His father had a history of being involved in jihad.
That is a profile.
You're building a profile of somebody that could very possibly be involved in plans to harm people.
And you don't sit them down and ask, hey, what were you doing?
Who were you talking to?
Where'd you go?
What was your business?
What, is that terrible?
Is that an awful thing?
To try to protect your population by profiling and asking questions of these animals that are going to the places that are a bastion of terror and murder, that hate our way of life, that have no problem going up to a crowd of children and pulverizing them.
Yet, you're more afraid of being politically incorrect.
That's what we're fighting.
We're still fighting that.
Again, when I first started this rant, what will it take?
What is it going to take to get law enforcement and government on board to make an effort, at least, make it look like you're trying to protect your people?
But I don't see it.
I don't see them even making an effort.
We saw one of the papers in the UK came out and said, hey, just go about your business.
We have heard the go about your business crap for decades.
If we change what we're doing, the terrorists win.
No, they're winning.
When they blow up,
A crowd of children that are just going to see a concert.
By the way, Anthony, I'm sitting here, when you host the show, eating my lunch, saying, God, I wish I was as eloquent as you are.
They're winning.
We have the clip of them 10 minutes after the bombing saying, nothing happened, you had a great night, going about your business.
They had the concert announcing everything was fine.
And then, exactly, we have the Prime Minister, everybody's saying,
Stiff upper lip, don't let it get to you.
Well, they're the ones bringing it in and then using it to take everybody's rights.
They know good and damn well what they're doing.
And then we have all these clips of the Muslims in the town, all excited, saying they're not ashamed of what happened.
Why, Muslims are the victims of this.
They're the Muslim victims, they're the ones that have to worry about their safety.
I don't remember hearing anything on the news about Muslim persecution from ordinary citizens that are the targets of a lot of these attacks.
I don't see this, but yet the news will come out, the media will come out and say, hey, hey, let's not jump to conclusions.
They had an email going, my daughter could have been there, and the guy's wearing a
Again, a hamburger outfit, a hamburglar outfit.
No one in his own country would let his girls go to a rock concert.
In fact, here is the Orwellian move along, move along, nothing to see here clip from the sports stadium.
Ladies and gentlemen, please take your time.
There's no need to bunch up.
There's no problems here.
Just take your time and keep exiting the building.
Take your time.
There's no need to bunch up and run.
Thank you for coming and having a good time tonight.
There's no problems here.
Everything is fine.
Just take your time exiting the building.
There's no need to run.
Walk slowly.
Thank you very much.
Now again, I get not wanting a stampede, but on the news they're saying everything's fine, go back to sleep.
So what they're announcing in the stadium is what they're announcing outside, but you need a cultural stampede to stop a jihad like this.
When I watched the news that evening, shortly after this horrible thing happened, what we heard was
But not speculation that it was Islamic terror, which, by the way, using any powers of deductive reasoning, you figured out it's Islamic terror.
Obama went off to the concert.
Oh, it's Islam.
It's Islam.
But they were saying, let's not speculate.
Let's not speculate until the facts are in.
Yet I heard speculation that it was everything else besides Islamic terrorism.
We heard balloons popping.
Balloons popping?
I heard a speaker exploded or something.
Anything they could possibly come up with that was not
And again, here's my problem.
Why is it leftists that are allied?
Because, separate from the bombing, it's the culture of oppressing women.
I go to the mall now.
There's women wearing full hoods.
It's very upsetting.
Anyway, you take over.
I apologize for popping in.
I just wanted to back you up with what you were saying.
Not at all, Alex.
I love when you pop in, because I was, when you brought up a great point, you go to the mall, you see women head to toe in that Islamic garb, and they're trying, the left will turn it around and say, this is independence, this is feminism.
Yeah, put a dog chain around their neck, no.
How the hell do you interpret a man telling a woman she needs to go out and not show an interest?
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Welcome back.
Anthony Cumia in for InfoWars.com.
Yeah, we were talking about the Manchester bombing, Islamic terror.
It's infuriating, not just on the outside.
What it is, is of course infuriating.
You'd be hard-pressed to find anybody that isn't upset by what happened, regardless of political ideology.
But the response to it
is infuriating to me.
We really need to get serious about how we're going to deal with this.
And I honestly believe profiling is a great start.
Let's look at who these people are that are perpetrating these horrible crimes, where they're coming from, their background,
These are tactics that law enforcement has used for decades.
We see it on TV shows that we all love to watch.
Wow, look, the profiler, he figured it out and he actually really got a great description of who this guy would be before they caught him.
And they'll sit and watch, and then the second you bring up that profiling would work in these cases, or at least help... Oh, what are you doing?
My God, people have freedoms!
They... This, that... I'm not talking about infringing on anybody's freedom.
But there are people that perpetrate these horrid acts...
And they fit into certain categories and profiles.
And if we could use that information to prevent something like we saw in Manchester, that's a great thing.
That is a great thing.
And we should be doing that.
When Alex was talking about how the media over there and government officials are saying, we need to, let's keep a stiff upper lip then!
Alright then, let's not let the terrorists win then!
But go about your business then!
That was a great thing when Winnie Churchill would come out and say that.
Keep a stiff upper lip.
Keep, you know, keep the British end up!
And all that, because at the time, they were bombing the hell out of the Germans!
They were fighting back!
That's great!
If you're just allowing people to waltz into your country, and murder your people, and not doing a damn thing about it, then it's very hard to tell the people to keep a stiff upper lip.
I don't know
Of a more brave and courageous people than the English during World War II.
I can't imagine on a nightly basis having to run into the subways to save yourself from bombs that are destroying your city.
And they came out the next day and cleaned up and did keep a stiff upper lip and the British end up.
And to see a once amazing empire
Like the United Kingdom be reduced to a battleground of Islam is disgusting.
As an American, I have some type of pride in the country that we came from.
And when you look back at history and see what the United Kingdom was so many years ago and how, with grace, they handled World War II right there.
They were right there and dealt with it with class.
And now they criticize people that speak the truth.
They tell people that call out Islam as a murdering cult.
They arrest them.
That's the people that they go after.
The people that are saying things that might be hurtful to the murderers.
Where did this mindset come from?
In a relatively short amount of time, from World War II, over the course of the years,
We're looking at, relatively speaking, a short period of time, yet so much has changed.
And again, even as an American, I look at the United Kingdom and I feel bad.
And I'm angry that that power, that might of the UK, that once great nation has been reduced to apologizing to a people that are invading your country and killing the most innocent of your people.
Do I have an answer here?
Hell no!
I wish I had an answer.
But I don't.
So we sit, and we keep that stiff upper lip, and we wait for the next one to happen.
Anthony Cumia in at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back in a matter of moments.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
More tragedy in Chicago, which is living up to its nickname, Chirac.
Fourteen shot in four hours.
One fatally, a 16-year-old boy, shot in the head.
One of the boys was 14.
He was walking down the street when someone opened fire and hit him in the chest.
There were also at least six other shootings in Chicago in the same time span.
Recall that President Trump said if Chicago can't fix this problem, he will step in.
While I am not sure what the solution to this is, perhaps legalization of certain drugs, or not indoctrinating the youth into the gang culture, returning industry and manufacturing to cities to produce jobs, but what's certainly not working is Democrat leadership and the anti-gun policies of the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel.
While we see great cities like Baltimore, Chicago, parts of Los Angeles, St.
Louis, Detroit deteriorate into violence and dilapidation,
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It's those that made the ultimate sacrifice for the belief they were building a better world.
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These are our Memorial Day specials as we remember the fallen in defense of this republic, the true trailblazers on which all of us stand.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Anthony Cumia.
Thank you.
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Anthony Cumia in for InfoWars.com.
A lot of other things going on that we've got to keep our eye on.
There is a concerted effort by the left and especially organizations like Media Matters that are doing a good job at this.
We really have to keep on our toes here.
Silencing the right.
Silencing alternative media.
Silencing conservatives.
They don't want
You to be able to hear certain people speak.
That's their job.
That's what they want to do.
They do not want people
Sean Hannity is having a hell of a time over there.
At Fox News.
As you know, there's been a changing of the guard over there, and they're starting to drift a little more typical media, which is very heavily left-leaning.
We've seen some of the people go.
O'Reilly, of course, was one of the big ones over there, that are gone.
And people are now questioning whether Sean Hannity has a future over there at Fox News.
They are going after the advertisers.
This is what they do.
This is what they do.
And I, again, on Twitter, I see a lot of people saying, hey, it's the free market.
A sponsor has the right to advertise or not advertise on whatever they want to or don't want to.
Right you are.
I would assume if they're advertising on a program and that show is not getting results for the sponsor, they absolutely have a right to not continue with something that is ineffectual and costing them money.
That's the free market.
When you have organizations threatening sponsors with boycotts or even violence, violence,
If they do not remove their ads from a certain program based on nothing but the political ideology of that program, this is where it is not the free market anymore.
This is mob tactics.
Things like extortion.
When they used to go into local stores and shake down the owners for fear, but they were protecting them for fear that there are going to be problems.
That's all they're doing.
There was Cars.com, I guess, is one of them that dropped sponsorship over at Hannity.
And they just decided, because of intimidation, that they were going to stop advertising.
And the advertisers are the lifeblood of a lot of these... well, everything you see on television.
It's all about advertising and money.
I mean, I am all for not doing business with these organizations that are backing out, because they crumbled to nothing but liberal intimidation.
This is a tactic that has been used for quite a while.
I was victim of it many times.
People would go after the Opie and Anthony Show when I was over there.
They would go after sponsors right here at Compound Media and with Alex on Infowars.
That's what they do.
They go right for the jugular, which is your life's blood, which is the money.
It is not
A legitimate tactic.
It is not free market.
It is intimidation and can't be ignored.
We really need to do it.
I wish I knew.
There's got to be something on those people over there at Media Matters.
They seem a little too willing to jump on other people's shows and get sponsors pulled off.
But yeah, look at this.
Massive layoffs, a time of massive boycott, total coincidence.
Jump Kellogg's.
These are, I don't understand why they succumb to intimidation by these people.
Boycotts never really materialize.
They're threatened with all of these things, these sponsors, that never really come to fruition.
Uh, yet they will time and time again run with their tail tucked between their legs at the mere utterance of the left that they might do something.
They are fearful that they will be called racist.
Oh, you advertise on that horrible racist show?
Well, no, we're not racist!
Pull the ads!
Pull the ads!
And they go crazy falling over themselves to pull the ads based on nothing but liberal intimidation.
We've seen a lot of this going on.
There's another one.
Yes, a female owner, business owner of a burrito stand
The left, leftists in Portland, Oregon, decided because they were white, I'm not kidding, this isn't the Onion, this isn't a parody, this is real, because they are white, they do not have the right to run a business that sells burritos.
First of all, the left's version of things and their vision of race and what they deem equality and everything is amongst the most racist ideology you will find.
You will not find a bigger bunch of racists
Then the progressive left.
Because assuming that only Hispanic people can sell burritos, I mean, me just saying it is making me laugh!
The left is assuming that you have to be Spanish of some type of Hispanic descent to sell burritos.
Is that not the most racist thing you ever heard?
So these women decide to open up a business and they get lambasted by the left.
Because they're white.
There is this...
Ridiculous, insane thing going on in this country that really, really needs to be addressed.
We can't, for years we went around and, you know, we went to our jobs, raise our kids, maybe you're on a bowling league, whatever it is, whatever filled your day, and then you'd read some wacky thing like this and go,
A bunch of jackasses.
And go about your business.
We can't do this anymore.
It's taken a hold and they're running with it.
And it is interfering with people's lives now.
It's not just some goofy joke anymore.
There are a couple of people there now that are, their business has been destroyed because the left thinks only Hispanic people should sell burritos.
I, again, I cannot even fathom that type of thinking.
It is, as I said, amongst the most racist ideology you will find are that of liberals.
Stealing recipes from Mexicans.
That preach inclusivity and the melting pot and all that, yet want nothing more than to segregate and put people in their own little groups.
Never to be intermingled.
White women selling burritos?
Why I never!
There's something else going on that has me as the Confederate statues.
Now look, this is a powder keg issue.
I understand this.
I'm not even talking about what side you come out on.
Whether you're supporting keeping Confederate statues and monuments up or ripping them down and whatever your reasoning is for that.
Not even addressing that.
What I'm addressing is history.
The history of this country.
Good, bad, indifferent, whatever it is.
It is the history of this country.
Removing it, hiding it, putting it behind walls where other people that are agenda-driven can put a biased narrative to these monuments that were once displayed publicly.
Another bad thing.
There's a
A confederate museum down there in Atlanta, a confederate museum, was told they could not sell confederate flags.
Now this is a civil war museum.
They're not allowed to sell the flag of the other side.
Look, people are offended by it.
Again, a whole other argument.
But if you are presenting history, you need to present the entire history.
So when you have a Civil War museum that isn't allowed to display the flag of one of the sides that were fighting, you're altering history.
You're trying to remove something, uh,
And that is never good!
It's never good!
We say it's a horrible thing when we see ISIS destroying Christian monuments.
Whenever we see a dictatorship roll in and rip down any trace of a past regime, we go, wow, that's terrible.
And we always hear, you know, those who forget history are condemned to repeat it, you know?
What a better way to forget history than removing any trace of it.
These monuments apparently are going to be put in a museum.
And I've had many discussions, lively discussions, on Twitter about this.
Saying that these things don't have to be displayed and we don't have to talk about these people as if they're heroes.
We could take the monuments, put them in a museum, and present them in the proper context.
Excuse me, I'd like to decide what my own context is of history.
I'd like to do the research, be inspired perhaps by something I see.
If I see a monument and I read the plaque on the monument, I might be inspired to research a little more and see what that person was about and see what the situation was, see what the war was about, the battle that was fought on the ground.
Whatever that monument is, I might feel inspired
To do a little more research.
When you take these statues and monuments and whatnot and put them behind a locked door, where you now have to go in and look at it based on someone else's opinion of that monument, you're not being allowed to use your own thinking.
You're not being allowed to judge for yourself what this was all about.
There might be some headphone you put on with a narrative going through it.
There might be some plaque in front with some writing that is somebody else's idea of what this was.
Is that good?
Is that the American way?
No, it's absolutely not.
Every single monument that was built in this country should stay there.
Because, uh, in the context of the time, especially, it meant something.
And you might want to look at it in that context, and not in the context of somebody that bought these and put them behind some museum wall to, uh, add their own narrative to.
I think it's disgusting that people are celebrating, uh, taking down these monuments.
Because, again, this might seem like something that, well,
Yeah, the South, the little races.
Yeah, they did this.
Whatever you want to think.
But that's the beginning.
These people don't stop.
They don't stop.
Try stopping Locust after they've wiped one of your fields out.
Hey, Locust!
You full?
Are you done?
You're gonna leave now?
They never leave.
The second you give an inch,
To progressives.
They will continue to progress on whatever you don't want them taking away from you.
And it usually involves your freedoms and your rights.
We all have a freedom to make our own determinations and our own ideas as to what something means, what it meant, what it will mean.
I don't want anybody else, whether it's Media Matters taking away conservative talk, or anyone else, people trying to take monuments away and wipe parts of history off of the books.
The history books?
I don't want anybody determining for me what I should read, or what I should watch, or how I should feel.
I am an American, I've been told I'm an adult in some circles, and I think I am quite able to determine for myself the differences between good and bad, good and evil, right and wrong,
And I want to continue being able to do that based on things I see and read and hear, not somebody else's idea of that.
It's frightening.
Another quick thing about the Hannity story, when you look at
Seth Rich, the gentleman that was killed in DC, that there's been these talks going around, people call them conspiracy theories, about maybe he was murdered for leaking documents about the Democrats to WikiLeaks.
I don't know.
I'm not making, I'm not speculating as to what happened, but it's very fishy that an organization would tell you to just stop talking about it.
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Back with you, my good friends here at
Thanks Alex for giving me the opportunity to come on and talk to you fine people here at InfoWars.com.
Greg Gianforte, is that his name?
Is a politician.
And Ben was asking Greg some questions about the healthcare thing.
The whole healthcare fiasco.
And Greg got mad.
Out of nowhere!
I've heard the audio of this and it's, uh, it's quite compelling.
He apparently picked him up and threw Ben Jacobs to the floor.
Uh, yeah, body slammed him.
Do you have any of this?
We don't have the audio?
That's alright.
But this, uh, yeah.
Oh, you got it?
Let me hear a little of that.
The CBO score.
As you know, you were waiting to make your decision about healthcare until you saw the bill and it just came out.
I will talk to you about that later.
Yeah, but there's not going to be time.
Speak with Shane, please.
I'm just curious.
I'm sick and tired of you guys!
The last time you came here, you did the same thing!
Get the hell out of here!
Get the hell out of here!
The last guy did the same thing.
You were in the garden.
Yes, and you just broke my glasses.
The last guy did the same damn thing.
You just body slammed me and broke my glasses.
Get the hell out of here.
Yeah, that's something.
He broke my glasses and my shoes fell off.
My point on this whole thing is the left, again the progressives on Twitter, coming out and saying this is terrible, the worst thing they've ever seen.
Trump has made people so crazy they're beating up the media.
And this is terrible.
Now, whether you like him or can't stand him, they were crowing when Richard Spencer was punched in the face.
So again, the left deciding who you can hit and who you can't.
Who is terrible to hit and who is absolutely great to punch in the face.
The hypocrisy knows no bounds on the left.
Thank you again, Alex Jones.
Thank you, Infowars.com.
I am Anthony Comia from Compound Media.
We'll see you again in a couple of weeks.