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Filename: 20170522_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 22, 2017
3165 lines.

The episode of "The Alex Jones Show" discusses topics including the Russian Red Herring Conspiracy Theory, Trump's foreign trip, censorship by mainstream media outlets, and the influence of Israelis and Saudis on US elections. The show covers Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia as part of his nine-day foreign trip, where he signed a $100 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz. The speakers express skepticism over Trump's recent foreign policies and raise concerns about the influence of Ivanka Trump, Rex Tillerson, and other establishment figures in Washington potentially moving away from Trump's original promises.

You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, May 22nd, 2017.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host today, but we have a lot of reports from Alex.
We have Roger Stone joining us with an update about the
Let's call it the Russian Red Herring Conspiracy Theory.
The favorite conspiracy theory of the Democrat Party.
I want to break down, as part of this broadcast, a little bit about James Comey, who the Democrats hated.
Remember, they all cheered and surprised Colbert.
Stephen Colbert told them, Trump's just fired Comey.
And they all started cheering.
And he's like, oh, wait a minute.
You had to kind of bring them around, get them to realize that, no, it's a bad thing because Trump did it.
They liked it before.
Before the election, we had stories from Politico, and they were absolutely right that Comey wanted to be another J. Edgar Hoover.
He was a J. Edgar wannabe.
But now he's their J. Edgar homie.
Because they love everything this guy does.
Because there's a conflict that they've manufactured here between him and Trump.
So we're going to talk a bit about that.
We're also going to talk about, of course, the trip that is happening right now.
Talked about this a little bit on Friday in terms of the fact that the Saudis have most graciously
Given us 40 billion dollars to use to fix some of our roads out of the trillion dollars that we need to fix our crumbling infrastructure because we've been blowing up the infrastructure of other countries who are enemies of the Saudis.
And of course you can see that realignment happening right now.
Both the Saudis and the Israelis don't like Iran.
They're the boogeyman.
So now we're realigning to go after Iran.
Hey, and I'm not defending Iran.
I don't think that Iran is a great regime either.
You know, the problem is there's not any good guys over there.
But I think this trip really reminds us
If anything, we've got some pretty bad photo ops coming out, and I think when Roger Stone, and he's going to be in the broadcast later today, talking about a secret deposition of somebody, they really are digging, going back, trying to find a CIA employee that goes back to the days of Boris Yeltsin, when they were trying to encourage an opening of Russia.
But they're really digging, and so Roger Stone is going to break that down for us today.
We're also going to have interviews from Daniel Estelin and others, but when we go back and we look at this, I think a lot of this trip, we saw Henry Kissinger come in and meet with Donald Trump.
I think he was telling him, you know, the best way, Mr. President, to get out of this is to take a trip.
And of course, where would you go?
First place you would want to go is Saudi Arabia.
The people who, according to the government's official conspiracy theory of 9-11, were the ones who took down the tower.
And they protected them, redacted that information, said you can't sue these guys.
And so now we're going over there and we're getting awards from them.
It's a very bad photo op.
And I think when Roger Stone said, it makes me want to puke when I see Donald Trump bending over and getting an award.
And so there's been this back and forth.
Did he bow?
Did he curtsy?
The bottom line is,
That we are doing whatever they want.
You want to talk about NATO and the spending that we're doing on their behalf to defend them?
What about the spending that we're doing for Saudi Arabia on their behalf?
And of course what they're talking about as well is a kind of Arab NATO, where I guess we get screwed even more.
Just like we do with the regular NATO.
That's not bad enough.
Now we've got to create an Arab NATO.
We've got to create a global center to fight terrorism.
And ironically, they're going to do it, I guess, in the center of Saudi Arabia.
Because that's what the Orb photo op that everybody's laughing about.
So, I think it's a very bad idea unless you want to get people's minds off of
The Russian Conspiracy Theory and point out to them who really influences our elections.
The Israelis and the Saudis.
They're the real foreign powers behind our elections.
So we're going to talk about a little bit of the Saudis today and we're going to show you a little bit of background on them as well.
But we also have Alex Jones is going to be breaking down the Kober Chobani Yogurt parodies that were done at the end of the week this last week.
He dissects that bit by bit.
We're going to play that at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to have Roger Stone joining us in the third hour.
Daniel Estelin is going to be joining us about his latest book on Bilderberg, because that's about to come up again.
I'm sorry, not a book, but a movie, a documentary that he's done.
And Dr. Jerome Corsi is going to join us from Washington.
He is in the White House press briefing room.
He is our White House correspondent.
He has his credentials.
Sorry, Colbert, it really happened.
I know you're very upset about that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
President Trump is on day four of his nine-day foreign trip, today visiting with Netanyahu in Israel.
But his first stop was to Saudi Arabia.
This was particularly significant because of a $100 billion arms deal the President signed with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz.
While Trump's presence in Saudi Arabia was considered strong diplomatically, one must question the nature of this arms deal.
Let's keep in mind, it was 15 of the 19911 hijackers that were from Saudi Arabia.
Let's also not forget how hard Trump hit Saudi Arabia on the campaign trail.
Ridiculing them for their treatment of women and homosexuals, and criticizing Hillary Clinton for taking money from them.
But President Trump did step on the floor of the Arab Islamic America Summit in Riyadh and call out radical Islamic terrorism, saying their lives would be brief.
Also worth consideration is the stock market jolt the arms deal gave Wall Street, especially Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
Meanwhile back in America, the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump.
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With, uh, Infowars being under unprecedented attack,
Keep your hand on your gun
Don't you trust anyone?
Keep your hand on your gun.
Don't you trust anyone?
And they're trying to choke him for us.
And Stone Cold Truth.
And Breitbart.
And Duff.
And the time for action is now.
We can't let them continue to winnow our numbers down.
And to continue to block our access to our viewers.
The David Brock-inspired ban on Roger Stone has been broken.
It's simple.
You get to a certain point where you're so hot, they have to have you.
It's about ratings.
I'm sure there were many people gnashing their teeth.
I'm not in any rush to go back and do them again.
You know why?
Because I'm reaching so many more people at InfoWars.
Keep your hand on your gun!
Roger Stone has been so busy in New York City, he hasn't even slept.
And he flew down here today.
He's in Austin, Texas with us for a couple days in studio.
Oh, perfect timing, man.
We got one minute right.
Good to see you, Slate.
I'm excited to be here.
It's great to see you.
All right.
Hey, man, I tell you, I watched documentary last night.
Yeah, it really was.
Pretty good.
But come on.
You're a lot cooler.
It's like...
Patriot defeating evil.
You're not really a villain.
They're the villains.
Well, they tried to make us a villain, but they tried to make both of us villains, but I think the Patriots see it.
They get it.
No, they're the scum.
They're the criminals.
We're having to be a little bit tough on them.
They call that villainy when we don't roll over their bullshit, right?
Keep your hand on your gu- Listen, Charles Soros, Brock and all of them.
We're beating you.
You'll never defeat America.
We'll never mount our head on the wall.
Roger, join me.
America will defeat you.
Join me in this.
Come on, Roger.
David Brock, this is just for you.
There you go.
We're having a good time here today.
You'll never defeat America.
Folks, we're getting censored more and more in blocks, so it's up to you if you want to defeat these people.
And I love you to death.
I'm not bitching.
I'm saying, hey, we're in a war here.
Spread this link as soon as it's not live on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube.
It's up to you.
You can roll over to the censorship, or we can win.
And we're starting to win.
That's why the Jeff Bezoses and the guy that calls you all dumb after Zuckerberg are so pissed, because there's still men that still have something between their legs.
If you have a Twitter feed, if you have a Facebook feed, if you're on Instagram, if you're on Snapchat, you're an army of one.
Take the best stories off of it and get them out there.
The most powerful forces of globalism are scared.
They're spending billions to defeat you.
We already beat them once in the election.
We're in a total battle.
They're doing everything they can to defeat our president.
We're going to win if you take action.
Yeah, people repost my videos, and I've had people say, sir, bitch, why do you let people repost your videos?
And they monetize the videos on YouTube, and I go, good!
The ultimate political battle for the future of civilization, we're here witnessing.
They have billions, the Googles, the Facebooks, the Yahoo's, they have billions to fight us, and we have you.
This is the real war, gentlemen.
And their resources, Google's resources are unlimited.
But they don't have the people.
If the people are with us, no one can stand against us.
And the people will be with us as long as we can communicate with them.
That's the whole key.
You want to win on immigration?
You want to win on trade?
You want to win on the economy?
Then you can't be censored.
And finally, we're here!
We're fighting!
We're delivering!
We're doing it!
They are destroying me right now!
I feel great.
I don't care.
I'm going all the way to the end, whatever the cost may be.
But let's be very clear.
While they have been destroying the country, they themselves have become very, very rich.
They're parasites.
They think that that's what we're doing.
We're not in this for the money.
We're in this for the country.
Well, I'll say this.
Oh, I know.
I hope we take the country back and everybody's incredibly wealthy and we roll out spaceships.
The attack on Infowars is for cucks, cowards, and fools to see us getting attacked by MSM and think, oh my god, if I'm for freedom, if I'm for America, if I'm for Second Amendment, if I'm for private property, I'll get attacked.
The attack only makes me bigger.
They're doing it to make you feel like you'll be a loser if you join us in victory.
So it's a sigh off on you.
Do you understand?
Ignore them.
And retweet the posts from InfoWars and Stone Cold Truth and Breitbart and Daily Caller because the truth will set us free.
There is a cultural war.
They want to bully you into submission.
The cucks are lined up thinking they'll get some type of power if they just serve the system that doesn't give a damn about them.
We're building a better world, an open free market of real choice.
History shows it's a fact.
Go to North Korea or Venezuela if you don't like it.
If you want freedom,
If you want Americana, if you want what's really happening, thank God the spirit of America, like a phoenix, rose to the American people through somebody like Donald Trump and Roger Steller.
You've got the entire deep state that's hijacked America, panicking that the American people actually elected somebody who's trying to be president.
And that's the thing about Trump.
I can't believe he's gotten this much done, but the good news is I've heard it from my sources, I've heard it from you, I've heard it from Cernovich and all our sources.
The word is Trump is looking and taking his gloves off.
They have made the mistake of hitting him too hard.
He started his presidency in a conciliatory way.
This is a guy who, while he was president-elect, he met with Al Sharpton.
He met with Al Gore.
He's a counterpuncher.
He reached out.
And what did he get when he put out the olive branch to Hillary and said, oh, maybe we shouldn't prosecute her?
They went after him hammer and tong.
So now he understands the gloves will be off.
This is a fight to the finish.
I can tell you this.
Don't ever push Donald Trump into a corner.
You push Donald Trump into a corner and you are gonna get a snarling tiger.
This guy is a fighter.
Isn't this the archetypal underdog, the lion against a thousand hyenas and wolves?
I mean, this is so epic what we're watching.
I don't want to give my heart to Trump.
I don't.
It's the striving.
It's America.
It's our enemies attacking him.
You know a man by his enemies.
The fact is he really is doing things that are so epic.
He wasn't supposed to be elected.
The old media was stacked against him.
The new media was stacked against him.
He was massively outspent.
But the American people rallied to save this country.
He is our last, best hope for the survival of the United States and the U.S.
It's about this lion surrounded by hyenas to a lesser level.
We're experiencing that.
And it's this kinship knowing the policy, knowing he's doing good.
And to see all these slaves of globalism, all these thugs.
Most people support us, but a large minority doesn't.
And it's very amazing.
Because they are treasonous vipers who are looking for the most opportune moment to strike!
And our awake audience goes, Alex, why don't you talk to the cucks?
Why don't you talk to the zombies?
Why don't you talk to the guys in their moms' basements?
Because they're the prodigal sons.
Read that parable.
I care about them as much as I care about you.
You're already awake.
We love you even more.
We're brothers.
I'm with you.
We're sisters.
But it is the little pathetic cucks that are the victims we've got to reach out to and show they've been lied to.
I want them to be alive and awake.
This is such an epic battle, Roger.
How can they not see what's happening?
Many Americans, many citizens of the world are poisoned by the mainstream media.
I just don't get how some of the population isn't behind Trump.
With the entire Republican leadership, the Democratic leadership, the globalists, the foreign governments, the Pope, the Communist Chinese, the EU are all against him.
Meanwhile, he's trying to turn the economy back on.
Meanwhile, he's delivering sovereignty.
Meanwhile, he killed TPP.
Meanwhile, he's killing the IRS, persecuting Christians.
A solid conservative on the U.S.
Supreme Court, the first president to appoint a justice in the first hundred days since 1918.
So he's keeping faith with the American people on what he said he would do despite the best efforts of the Washington establishment to undo it.
It just shows the best laid plans of mice and men ought to go astray.
The elite believes they're invincible and here comes this reality TV real estate golf course mogul destroying them and then throwing huge mountains of prosperity on even the elite.
Not just the public, and they absolutely hate him for it.
And so it's just very paradoxical to watch him with very good policies, very well-thought-out programs, getting more done than any president in my lifetime in the first hundred days, and they say, a failure.
Just go to the Washington Post, New York Times, Washington Post is even worse.
It is a fountain of vomit.
A few cars drive by and go, F you Alex Jones, F you Roger Stone.
We're showing we're having an effect.
People in cars driving by in the dark know who we are?
I mean, good God.
So, we revel in it.
We revel in it.
Go ahead.
So then, we're walking over and I hear my voice.
There's a guy on the phone listening to the show while he's waiting for his ride share.
And we talked to him, took photos with him.
Then we go over and the two valets come over with our cars.
And they're listeners.
I'm driving home, I turn the talk radio on, they're talking about Roger Bell and the show that day.
I get home, the statesman's written an article.
The point is, is that we're changing history.
They come out every day saying our president's a traitor because globalists have hijacked this country, he's been run under the ground, and all the multinational interests that piss on this nation want to sit here and attack people who stand up for it and are returning power to Washington and to the states and to the people.
That's how
And the elites are panicking.
The TPP, where multinationals will run all of our major business and control our country, it's gone.
He did that day three in the White House.
Three plus trillion dollars in the stock market, $300 billion already in new jobs, half a million new jobs on top of that, and they can't stand it.
You have the president surrounded by enemies in Congress, by both parties, and by people leaking everything he's supposedly doing to sabotage restoring this republic.
You've got cowards, literally telling us that his grandfather fought the Nazis.
His little script thinking we're the Nazi party here.
Oh no, now we're the Germans.
This is America, dumbass.
See how this works?
We're doing real good.
We're kicking ass.
My audience has doubled since I met this guy.
It was already gigantic.
We're the winners, dumbass.
The usual understatement by Alex Jones.
This is a major media thrust, an attack on the president to further destabilize him.
The president is burned up over the false narrative that the Russians helped him win the election.
This makes him angry.
And Alex, it should, because it's a lie.
It's a distortion.
It's a fantasy of the left.
That's the biggest load of horse manure on the planet.
I mean, it is complete abject bull.
Well, and this hearing with the... They don't ever let us testify, do they?
No, isn't that amazing that they don't?
They keep saying, we want these guys to testify.
In fact, Chairman Burr said he'll subpoena anybody who refuses.
Alright, that report is going to be up on Alex Jones' channel.
You'll be able to see it shortly.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Iye.
On this Monday, May 22nd, 2017, Donald Trump is out of the country.
He's been over the weekend, as you've seen, I'm sure.
Many reports, many pictures of him in Saudi Arabia.
Today he is in Israel.
Getting away from the problems here, leaving this baggage behind of the Russian conspiracy theory that the Democrats keep selling.
I've got some interesting news and we may have some breaking news tomorrow from Kim.com.
He said that he knew Seth Rich, that he had proof that Seth Rich was the one who gave this information to people.
We can.
So we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about Julian Assange and J. Edgar Homey, the guy who's now the favorite person of the Democrats after they hated him through the election.
Everybody in Washington wanted to hate him.
He was just like J. Edgar.
Hoover, he had political enemies everywhere because he was setting up the same type of structure to get dirt to blackmail individuals and now we see this happening.
Donald Trump basically, I think, called him on this and then he said, well, I wrote myself a special secret memo two months prior to testifying before Congress that nobody tried to influence me politically.
I wrote this secret memo to myself.
Nobody else saw it.
I didn't go to the Attorney General and tell him that I was concerned, that I was getting pressure from the President.
He didn't tell anybody.
He didn't record it with anybody.
He just had this memo.
So the question is, did he commit perjury?
When he said that there was no influencing of him, or did he just make this memo up to get back at Donald Trump?
I don't know, but we're going to talk a little bit about the background of Comey, we're going to talk about what may be coming up with the Seth Rich issue, and of course we had the private detective recant that.
I thought it was kind of interesting, because when he first came out, he was very specific about the number of emails.
That he said an FBI informant had told him were on these servers.
It wasn't like, oh yeah, there's like 40,000 emails and 17,000 attachments.
It was a very specific number.
It was like, I don't remember what the number was off the top of my head, but it's like 44,123 emails and there's 17,063 attachments or something like that.
It's very specific to one particular, a very specific number.
That was recanted, and now Kim Dotcom has said, no, no, I have evidence.
I can tell you that this is what's coming up.
And we're also going to talk about what is going on in terms of the background here.
There's been a lot of bad photo ops, I think, in this trip.
I think it was a bad idea to go to Saudi Arabia, and we'll tell you why here.
I think it was a bad idea to give them this arms deal, and I'll tell you why coming up later in the program.
But when we look at the stuff that people are focusing on, the fact that they had this orb, and they're all standing there holding this orb with their hands on it, looks like they're trying to do a seance or using a palantir, and everybody's having a lot of fun with that picture because they look pretty bad when they're lit from the bottom, it makes them look kind of sinister, but what nobody is paying attention to
Is that, that was all part of a ceremony about setting up a global organization, a global, there you are, there's the pictures of them.
They're looking at that.
Not a good photo op.
And I think he's not being very well served by the people who planned this trip and the people who did not get him away from bad photo ops.
That's not the worst thing that happened on this trip.
I mean, standing around
With a sword, you know, jumping around and dancing like Rex Tillerson and Wilbur Ross did and Donald Trump to some degree with swords and a sword dance with the Saudis.
This is not a Boy Scout jamboree.
People need to explain that to Rex Tillerson.
And this is not a good photo op.
When you've got so many pictures of people dressed exactly the same way, waving their swords around, and then cutting off the heads of women who are shrouded head-to-toe, screaming.
And we're going to talk about that and show that a little bit later on.
I hope that, you know, when they take these swords for the photo-op opportunities, that they've wiped the blood off of them.
You know, the problem is when you shake hands with people like that, sometimes you get blood on your hands.
We may wind up with blood on our hands in terms of this big arms deal, but of course, Jared Kushner was at the center of that, giving them a discount on that.
We talked about that on Friday.
Mike Pence was at Notre Dame this weekend.
And there were students that walked out.
I thought it was kind of interesting the way this was reported.
They say, you know, dozens of students walked out.
Well, there was over 2,000 people there in terms of the graduating class and classmates there.
So they had dozens out of 2,000 walk out.
They said, and this is what Pence had said in his speech to them, he said, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe zones, tone policing,
Administration-sanctioned political correctness, all of which amounts to nothing less than the suppression of freedom of speech.
And that's precisely what these people demonstrated as they walked out, that that is what they've been learning over the last four years.
And the interesting thing about it was they were protesting attempts to ban travelers from Muslim countries that we think are dangerous enough that
Barack Obama went to war with them.
And then these same people are wearing symbols of gay pride.
Can they understand the cognitive dissonance of supporting these radical Muslims and then wearing gay pride pins?
I don't think they can.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Trump is on day four of his nine-day foreign trip, today visiting with Netanyahu in Israel.
But his first stop was to Saudi Arabia.
This was particularly significant because of a $100 billion arms deal the president signed with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz.
While Trump's presence in Saudi Arabia was considered strong diplomatically, one must question the nature of this arms deal.
Let's keep in mind, it was 15 of the 19911 hijackers that were from Saudi Arabia.
Let's also not forget how hard Trump hit Saudi Arabia on the campaign trail.
Ridiculing them for their treatment of women and homosexuals and criticizing Hillary Clinton for taking money from them.
But President Trump did step on the floor of the Arab Islamic America Summit in Riyadh and call out radical Islamic terrorism saying their lives would be brief.
Also worth consideration is the stock market jolt the arms deal gave Wall Street, especially Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
Meanwhile back in America,
The Democrats are trying to impeach Trump, crying foreign collusion, but are silent on this arms deal.
They must be shareholders.
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It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have a packed show today.
We're going to be talking to Daniel Estelin.
He's done a movie on Bilderberg called, interestingly enough, Bilderberg the Movie.
And he's going to be talking to us later in the show.
We also have Dr. Jerome Corsi, who's going to be joining us.
He's our Washington correspondent.
And recently he put up an article in InfoWars, defeating the deep state coup d'etat.
Counterintelligence step number two, silence the mainstream media.
Well, part of that
Is getting into the White House Press Corps, which Dr. Corsi now has his credentials.
He'll be calling us and giving us a report today and we'll be hearing from Roger Stone.
There's more breaking news now about the Russian conspiracy theory that is still being put together by the mainstream media.
So Roger Stone will be joining us as well.
We've got to report a reply.
to Stephen Colbert
News broadcasts and reports from across the country following these stories as they break.
Take a look at some of the new products that we have at Infowarslife.com.
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Also, we have a t-shirt.
I voted for Donald, not Ivanka Trump.
And this is very important to take a look at.
We've got to get this message out.
When we look at what's going on...
In terms of the arms deal that was put together by Kushner, in terms of other things that are happening, the pushback that we're seeing from his advisors, especially the pushback that he's getting from within his family.
It's not necessarily the best thing.
I know he needs people that he can trust, but these people are not with the agenda that Donald Trump has.
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It's very clear.
If you want to get that message out, you can get that at InfoWarsStore.com.
Also, take a look at Z-Shield Toxic Metal and Chemical Defense Support Formula.
Let me play the report for you from Alex.
This is his reply to Stephen Colbert's propaganda attack.
They're using the comedians now because their narrative is so laughable.
But here's his reply to Stephen Colbert.
Gentlemen, it is Saturday, May 20th, 2017.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, in here on my day off, my one day off, because I've got to respond to the incredible defamation, slander, disinformation, racketeering, fraud.
I don't know what you call it when it's this organized, but my lawyers, some of the best in the country in New York and L.A., you name it, say it is unprecedented, and we're all looking at it in live time.
First off, I've already two days ago put Chobani on notice that they are now, not to destroy any documents, they have a notice of breach of settlement and litigation hold.
Now again, these are confidential communications, I can't show these to you.
I have a settlement agreement here as well.
Let's just say this, what Stephen Colbert said last night on CBS,
Is absolute complete lies and disinformation and is something directly out of bizarro world.
Remember, that means things are backwards there.
And now my lawyers have told me because they did breach this, and we have the evidence, that they breached the confidential settlement which they asked for.
We're going to be able to bring all this out regardless.
We have demand letters in right now that they stop damaging us and release the settlement.
That is the opposite of what Stephen Colbert says, because I told you I would fight, and we did.
We tried to give folks some face-saving things.
That didn't work.
So now, like the mud flaps on the back of an 18-wheeler with Yosemite Sam double barrels up, back off.
So let's go ahead and get into the Stephen Colbert disinformation of last night from CBS.
Then I'm going to come back and go over exactly what's happening with Chobani and their board of directors.
And we just don't have our lawyers' intel.
We also have intel from folks that have been in some of these meetings.
We know exactly what's going on.
In fact, it's what I told my lawyers weeks ago I thought was going on, and now they've confirmed.
Yes, it's what you thought.
A giant publicity stunt supposedly riding on my back and using the courts.
Misusing the courts for that stunt.
That's what is beginning to come into view.
We hope that's not the case.
But again, we strongly call for Chobani, their board of directors, to release the settlement.
Of course, you won't be hearing Gobert talk about that.
Mr. Fake News Colbert who takes what I do out of context and then lies to his viewers.
But right now let's go ahead and go through the greatest piece of disinfo ever by the actor Stephen Colbert last night.
Let's go ahead and show the kickoff of the disinformation.
Anyway, he is a terrible person who lies for a living.
And for the first time this week, Jones has had to answer for one of his mad ramblings because he just settled a defamation lawsuit filed against him by Greek yogurt manufacturer Chobani.
Because in my 21 years plus on air, I've done three retractions when major newspapers do them every single day.
And this coming from a actor that poses as a news reporter so that you can engage in fraud and deceive your viewers and make them believe you're putting out real news.
And then you mix the two together.
Against him by Greek yogurt manufacturer Chobani, which explains their new flavor, cash on the bottom.
Oh, and your writers!
All 20 of them are so smart!
You read off a teleprompter!
Cash on the bottom flavor!
Oh my goodness!
No, this is another famous Stephen Colbert flavor of BS!
S*** on the bottom!
Chobani sued his ass and his company, Infowars, for spreading the false story that they imported migrant rapists and spread tuberculosis!
That's ridiculous!
That's Yoplait's game!
Look, I'm not out to get Shabani, Mr. Colbert.
In fact, several of my children actually like it.
I don't like it.
But let's get serious here.
I think it's too thick.
Even the claim that it's Greek yogurt isn't true, and they've been forced to call it Greek-like.
Colbert goes on to say that out of my mouth, my manly mouth, I have said that they're importing rapist and tuberculosis when all we did was tweet out somebody else's news article.
Again, disinformation after disinformation.
But then the big one,
He says, listen, it's not Chobani doing that.
Everybody knows it's Yoplait that's doing that.
So according to his rules, where nobody's allowed to have any satire, that's serious.
And Stephen Colbert is saying that Yoplait is bringing in rapists and tuberculosis.
So what he claimed I did, but he doesn't have any video of it because I didn't, he is now more guilty than I am of defamation.
That's Stephen BS Colbert for you.
...imported migrant rapists and spread tuberculosis.
That's ridiculous.
That's your plays game.
But it's okay that you're putting words in my mouth and then taking those words and using it against Yoplait for no reason and still acting like it's my fault.
Because again, you're Stephen Colbert.
You get to make cock holster jokes about the president.
You get to make lesbian jokes and then claim in a monologue of this character you created based on me, Tuck Budford, that I'm against lesbians.
And that, Brain Fighters, is how the lesbian conspiracy has maintained its vice grip on our nation's chia seed supply, alright?
It's how they reproduce, okay?
It's their demon seed.
The actor Stephen Colbert then claims that the other actor, character, Tuck Budford, was ordered by a court to engage in this retraction or clarification.
When again, it was a private agreement by law that is now bound by the court, and Shabani asked for it to be secret.
We didn't, because we are very happy with what happened in the settlement.
Very, very happy.
And we're happy for Chobani to save face.
We're very happy for everybody.
But see, now we can't do that because we understand this is a publicity stunt by somebody.
Is it CBS?
Is it Colbert?
Who is it to drag us through the mud as fake news, and to put quotes out there that we didn't say, and then to claim we made all these monetary settlements and things?
To induce others to believe we got a big target painted on our ass to be sued.
And that's not how this works.
And everybody's gonna find out next week.
Cuz folks are already on notice.
But you know what I gotta say?
I feel for Alex Jones.
I understand what he's going through.
Because recently, under threat of lawsuit, my right-wing satirical character, Tuck Buckford, also had to apologize for some slanderous claims he made.
And I believe we have the court-ordered video.
But let me be clear to the writers at CBS and the teleprompters and Stephen Colbert and Tuck Budford.
We weren't forced by a court to do a clarification.
We did it because it was the right thing to do.
When we don't get something completely right, or we tweet somebody else's story, that's what happens?
We then go and correct it.
That's what newspapers do every day when they retract or clarify.
But you wouldn't need to know about that as an actor and a comedian posing as a journalist, would you?
That edits videos of mine to where they deceive people.
Now, a sincere forced apology.
During the period of my entire career, certain statements were made on the Brain Fight Twitter feed, YouTube page, company Sky Writer, and also for my enormous man mouth with his man words!
And I am now legally required to understand those words to be wrong.
So I will now offer the issue of the following corrections.
Now I've noticed a theme by late night comedians,
Journalists, you name it, when they're attacking InfoWars, they really get upset.
In the old days, we talked about the private Federal Reserve being private.
We're talking about a global corporate government being set up.
But now they lost that fight.
Now that's admitted to exist.
The whole world's waking up.
So they don't attack me on things like that now because it's admitted to be true.
That just adds to our credibility.
The big thing they're afraid of now is genetic engineering, attacks on the two sexes, and chemical and biological manipulation.
Of the process of reproduction.
Population control.
And then he spends the rest of his diatribe having Tuck Buckford retract satirical elements of things I've really broken down.
I regret that I mischaracterized Virgin Airlines.
I do know now that they do not use their planes to spray clouds of Viagra onto our nation's playgrounds to incite an anti-government revolution of unstoppable middle school sex warriors.
So this combines two elements.
There is massive geoengineering going on by many governments to control our weather.
That's mainstream news.
And there is also chemical manipulation of the sexes to reduce fertility.
That's been admitted.
There it is.
The Smithsonian airplane contrails may be creating artificial geoengineering.
Dissipating haze from plane exhaust.
See, now they're not saying ice crystals.
We always said it's the exhaust.
Alters how sunlight reaches the earth and may be unintentionally affecting our climate.
No, I have the federal government's patents.
And in 1992, there was a science prize won, a Nobel laureate, with a plan to add three compounds to jet fuel, kerosene basically, and have it aerosolized
My bad.
In addition, I have learned that fruit by the foot is not made out of reptilian skin shed by George Soros.
And then of course, how do you get people to laugh and celebrate someone that's an admitted Nazi collaborator that's crashed the currencies of more than a dozen countries that admits that they are totally sociopathic?
In the last two years you've been blamed for financial collapse of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia.
All of the above.
All of the above.
I think that I've been blamed for everything.
I am basically there to make money.
I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.
You make jokes about how they're a reptile and how their skin is delicious and how wonderful George Soros is.
Again, this is true propaganda placement, training the American people to love hardcore war criminals.
While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews.
You're a Hungarian Jew.
Who escaped the Holocaust by posing as a Christian.
Lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.
I was 14 years old.
And I would say that that's when my character was made.
In what way?
That one should think ahead, one should understand and anticipate events.
And one is threatened.
It was a tremendous threat of evil.
I mean, it was a very personal experience of evil.
I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
Not at all.
Maybe as a child you don't see the connection, but it created no problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
But I stand by the idea that George Soros' skin would be a delicious and nutritious treat.
Potato chips and the lining and the packaging of those, reducing basically male virility.
And that's what all the studies show.
Not just humans, but other species of animal are having their reproduction brought way down.
Bisphenol A and other chemicals are emasculating men and causing massive increases in breast cancer in women.
All of this is in thousands of studies and is not even debated now.
What is Stephen Colbert and his writers doing making a joke out of this?
It's not just this one show.
He does it almost every time and so does every other major detractor.
Because the corporatists do not want people looking at this and how our biological development has been captured and is being manipulated.
This is the big enchilada.
I also see now for the first time that
Wise is not coating the inside of its potato chip bags with an emasculating chemical polymer in an attempt to reduce our generals into hairless mounds easily controlled by psychic Huma Abedin.
Nice try, Huma.
Then there's a weird thing about Huma Abedin wanting to shrivel... Alright, and you can see the rest of that report where Alex breaks down point by point.
You can see that on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be interviewing in the next hour Daniel Estillan.
Long time Bilderberg reporter.
He's going to be talking to us about his new movie, Bilderberg the Movie.
Breaking down what is behind, has been one of the key globalist organizations.
They get together at Davos and they talk about what they want to do as globalists.
They're very public about what they do there.
They invite the press, they do a lot of display and everything.
Then they go to Bilderberg where they really do the business.
We were covering it in Copenhagen.
My wife got pictures of
I don't think so.
Nothing but papers.
All these papers come flying out of there.
No clothes.
And he was very embarrassed and she got it all on tape.
And you know, he lost that next election.
He was one of the leading opposition politicians.
But they just want to say it's just a friendly meeting.
We're just getting together with people and we want to be able to talk freely so we don't want any press there.
But they're doing some serious business.
He had a suitcase
Full of paperwork.
Now he's not going to put it on his phone, he's not going to put it on his laptop, because that's not secure and they know that.
And so we're going to be talking to Daniel Esslin about his movie Bilderberg, about Bilderberg.
We're also going to be talking to Jerome Corsi.
He has gotten his press credentials to be a White House correspondent.
He's going to be talking to us, and of course, his recent article, Defeating the State, the Deep State's coup d'etat, counterintelligence step number two, silencing the mainstream media.
You have to have another source of information to push back against that.
And that's what we're trying to do at this point.
So Jerome Corsi is going to be talking to us from Washington.
And then we also have Roger Stone joining us to talk about the most recent developments.
He's going to be coming in.
In the conspiracy theories that are being pushed by the Democrats in terms of the Russians trying to hack our elections, as I pointed out, this trip should illustrate everyone who the real foreign powers are who are controlling our election.
It's really Saudi Arabia and Israel where Donald Trump is today, but also there was some breaking news about this Russian investigation.
Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has declined a Senate subpoena.
I'm sure that Roger Stone won't talk about that as well.
He has invoked the Fifth Amendment.
He had talked to them earlier and said, if you want to give me an immunity deal, I will talk to you.
I'm sure that he understands that they're out to get him on trumped-up charges, and they will then try to take those charges and impeach the President.
But he has now declined to answer the subpoena.
He has invoked the Fifth Amendment.
Of course, people didn't really talk about that when Susan Rice said she wasn't going to speak.
That really wasn't much news, but you're going to see a lot of news, a lot of people talking about the fact that Flynn doesn't want to talk to them, even though they pretty much ignore the fact that Susan Rice ignored that.
One of the things that you can do to support us would be to take a look at the products that we have, and a couple of new products that we have.
I voted for Donald Not Ivanka shirt.
That's a t-shirt that we have up at InfoWarsStore.com right now, as well as a new product that we put out, Z-Shield Toxic Metal and Chemical Defense Support Formula.
That's 25% off retail.
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That's going to run out pretty soon because we did this as a limited first time run to try to measure demand out there.
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It's a win-win situation, or as Alex Jones says, a 360 win.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Turkey's President Erdogan's grip over the Turkish people, wherever they may be, is chilling.
The Hill reports an NBA player accused the Turkish government of having cancelled his passport in Romania as punishment for his critical views of Turkish President Erdogan.
What's up world?
Just wanted to say we are in Romania and they said they cancelled my passport by Turkish embassy.
You know they've been holding us here for hours by these two police.
Now a self-appointed dictator, after resetting the Constitution on April 16th, 2017, rolled into Washington, D.C.
to meet with President Donald Trump back on May 16th.
Keeping our outstanding relations stronger than ever will be very important, not only for our common interests, but also stability of the globe and peace around the world.
Donald Trump had requested Erdogan release an American pastor from the Turkish prisons now flooded with teachers, press, and any opposition, ranking first in the world for the imprisonment of journalists after taking that title from China.
Erdogan was likely frustrated that Michael Flynn wasn't still acting on the part of his dictatorship after being fired from the Trump administration.
As the Miami Herald reports, it was a fact.
Flynn disclosed himself in a declaration to the Foreign Agent Registration Unit of the Justice Department in early March.
According to Flynn's paperwork, he was paid $530,000 for work that, quote, could be construed to have principally benefited the Republic of Turkey.
The contract ended last November.
Following Erdogan's meeting with Trump, Erdogan's oppression of the opposition of his rule took on a surreal tone as the Turkish president watched as his minions physically attacked protesting Kurds on American soil.
Protesters supposedly protected by the First Amendment.
Somebody ordered them and they just attacked us.
We had the elderly, we were, the women were there and we had the kids with us.
And they didn't mind.
I saw the little girl on the floor, on the ground.
First and foremost, I will say that that's not something that we will tolerate here in Washington, D.C.
This is a city where people should be allowed to come and peacefully protest.
However, Erdogan and company utilized diplomatic immunity to make their getaway.
After injuring 11 protesters, sending 9 to the hospital, Erdogan personally came to America under the umbrella of foreign diplomacy, yet managed to give Americans a taste of the brutality and elitist power being waged on the thousands of innocent Turks populating his prisons.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
All right, when we come back, we're going to be talking to Daniel Estillan about his new movie, Bilderberg the Movie.
He's someone who has covered Bilderberg for a very long time, interested in seeing his trailer and talking to him about the film.
It looks like we're seeing some good moves here on the domestic front as well.
We see that Trump's budget has leaked out in some sources, saying that they will slash $1.7 trillion in entitlements, cut food stamps by 25 percent.
They need to do it for all immigrants, because that's the magnet that's pulling people in.
No other country does that.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Welcome to the Democrat Convention!
F*** Donald Trump!
That's right folks, here at the Democrat Party, we don't engage in policy.
We don't engage in ideas.
We don't have discussion.
We just curse and cry and... Hey, what did that racist just say?
Today's event is featuring the Chrome Dome cursing machine, Tom Perez!
He's a f***ing liar!
That's what I say, pal!
You're f***ing right he's a liar!
And now give it up for the lunatic fringe, Nancy Pelosi, and our esteemed colleague, John Burton, who will lead us in this f*** Donald Trump chant!
Now all together, f*** Donald Trump!
Shut the f*** up and go outside, alright?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nutt on this Monday, May 22nd, 2017.
Joining us now is Daniel Estelin.
He is someone who has reported on Bilderberg for a very long time.
We have here at InfoWars been to very many of the Bilderberg meetings.
I went to the one in Copenhagen a couple of years ago.
As you go there, what you find is that even though we have the most powerful politicians, the most powerful CEOs in the world all meeting,
Nobody is allowed to cover it.
They don't issue any statements.
It's very different from Davos.
They'll do Davos, which is all very public and a dog and pony show, but they want to pretend that nothing at all of any interest is happening at Bilderberg.
And yet this is one of the key places.
Many of us believe that it is the key place because of its secrecy that we have seen over and over again.
So I want to talk to Daniel Esselen about his movie, Bilderberg, the movie, documentary film about the origins, development and expansion of one of the most elitist secret organizations in the world today, the Bilderberg Group.
And he's been following this, as I said, for a very long time.
He has written a book on it.
We're going to play the trailer here in just a moment.
But welcome, Mr. Esselen.
Thank you so much for having me on the show.
Great talking to you.
Now, of course, the meeting is going to be here in the United States this year, right?
That's what it looks like.
It looks like Chantilly again, yep.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, so they're going to go back to Virginia where it was a few years ago.
And what they typically do, interestingly enough, and this is kind of unusual in that it's not a presidential election year.
Usually that's when they like to come to America so the presidential candidates can come in the back door and talk to them about the future, right?
Well, I don't think that's a problem this year because the presidential president is not going to come to any Build-A-Bridge meeting, so they don't need to worry about it too much.
That's right, that's right.
And there's no election this year.
Tell us a little bit about the movie.
Well, the film has actually been in the making for about four years.
It's been a long slog, to paraphrase the former Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld.
We got into this, I think it was the year 2012.
I had a well-known Spanish real estate developer who loved my work approach me about making a documentary about Bilderberg.
Well, we signed the papers, the script was ready to go, and I think we were about three or four days away from actually embarking on a worldwide tour of doing the interviews, when, if you believe the conspiracy or coincidence theories, three banks folded his loans and basically ruined and destroyed him financially.
And, uh, he bought out this old, unfortunate man's share of the film, and I put the other half in, and so we decided to make the film.
The film was done, uh, last July, it was, I believe, or last June.
When he came to me, he said that Baker and Taylor, that's the subsidiary of the Carlyle Group, you know, the Bushes, the Bin Ladens, and so on and so forth, you know, the good guys.
They bought out his half of the negative, and I thought to myself, okay, this is funny.
So, Baker and Taylor making money off of my film.
I knew basically we were going to see the version that I wanted to show, so what I had to do is, what took us three years of painstakingly interviewing people all over the world, I had to basically go back and re-interview everybody in two or three months time to get the movie done and up and running.
And that's what basically we did, and so it's my film that cost me almost $200,000 US of my own money.
Uh, so there's no, you know, uh, uh, uh, IBM or Coca-Cola or, you know, any other major league sponsors involved.
It's, you know, it's all my hard-earned quick cash.
And, but the film was done and, uh...
It's ready to go and now we're doing the U.S.
premiere here in New Orleans at the Britannia Theatre on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m.
It looks like it's going to be standing room only, almost sold out, so I hope people can make it.
So this is Wednesday in New Orleans, and what's the theatre again?
It's the Britannia Theatre, and it starts at 7.30.
People go to the website Bilderbergthemovie.com, that's where I'm seeing it on the screen, that's right.
And there's going to be a conference after the film, we'll talk about Donald Trump, we'll talk about the economic meltdown, why Trump became president, who the people behind Trump are, and how the entire situation fits into the Bilderberg dialectic.
So I think, again, it'll be my first appearance in North America in almost 10 years, because I've lived in Europe for a very long time, until recently I moved back to Canada.
Let's take a quick look at the trailer.
It's about a minute long trailer.
And when we come back, I want to kind of get your take as to some of the things that you said you're going to be talking about in New Orleans.
Give us a quick little overview.
Your take as to how things are looking with Donald Trump.
Of course, he had some very promising things to say as a candidate, and I'm curious to see how you think, here we are about five months or so into his administration, what you think in terms of what you've seen.
Of course, he's going to be leaving from Israel, going to Rome, then he's going to be going to Brussels, and, you know, that, and according to, you know, we'll take a look at the people who are in his cabinet too, but we'll talk about that when we come back from the trailer.
Let's take a quick look at the trailer for Bilderberg, the movie.
The first step necessary for actually winning is to know what the war is.
Imagine a private club where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals hold shoulders, and where the people running the wars, the markets, and governments say what they never say in public.
Under the guise of saving banking institutions, which they saved temporarily, they were effectively taking unpayable debt, huge quantities of unpayable debt, and transferring it from private corporations to governments.
The primary goal is to defend the status of a unipolar world.
And the paradox of this project, of this supernational European project, is the least popular it becomes for the people.
The bigger mess it creates, the more power they get at the center.
It's a war against a concept of man which is evil.
That looks excellent.
Great production values there.
I'm interested in seeing that.
Tell me what you think about Donald Trump's presidency so far because he had great things to say before the election about globalism and then we see a lot of Goldman Sachs people coming into his administration.
We see people like Jared Kushner and the influence that he's having there.
What is your take so far as to what we see and what you think is going to happen with that kind of a cabinet?
Well, you know, first of all, Trump versus Clinton, the whole battle was for survival of two economic models, which simply could not co-exist.
It was a struggle between the transnational powers centered on the person of David Rockefeller, now luckily dead, transnational bankers, Collin World Company Ltd.
Thank you.
Singapore, which is part of, again, the British Empire, Asian operations, you know, triads, Russian mafia, and so on and so forth.
Leftover elite circles of the British Empire, the Rothschilds, European elite represented by the old European aristocracy, such as, for example, the House of Sage-Koburg, Austro-Hungarian aristocracy, Ottoman nobility.
And of course for the most part by many American intelligence agencies with the exception of obviously the CIA, I think some circles of the FBI and maybe the DEA.
If you kind of look at the people again, Trump came in because the people behind the liberal banking financier model lost power because that model no longer made profits.
That model has been running for the past 500 years since about the discovery of America in 1492.
Let's call it Central Banking Warfare Model.
It's based on infinite growth on a finite planet, something we know just doesn't work.
And we actually, the breakdown started in 1991 when the Soviet Union melted away, disappeared, lost the war.
Call it what you wish, but basically capitalism which needs continuous expansion in order to make the system work.
I think so.
Well, the first time in over 100 years, Obama, I don't know if you remember that, David, he eliminated all Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan representatives from the White House Economic Council.
Then in 2014, Obama limits the emission of dollars, basically arguing there's only enough money to, you know, to finance the U.S.
And this is what Trump is saying.
You know, we cannot save the world economy at the expense of the U.S.
We have to save our economy.
You know, at the expense of the world economy, so we cannot print the money that they need, you know, to pay for all of the world financial crisis.
And then in 2016, of course, you had Brexit and Donald Trump's victory.
So the transnational elite power group, they lose power and also access to the money strings.
And again, today, if you kind of look at the size of the economic problem, it is of such magnitude that it simply cannot be resolved through government intervention.
You're looking at
10 trillion dollars of global debt, you know, bonds, securities, derivatives, which are being negotiated and traded at negative interest rates.
World debt is 226% of GDP.
debt is 20 trillion dollars.
European banks leverage the 28 to 1.
So even the slightest change in interest rates
It would basically lead to a global economic collapse in the United States.
You have almost 100 million Americans unemployed, 50 million surviving thanks to the food stamps.
Then another important index is the CIA misery index, which is calculated based on real inflation plus real unemployment.
That's a 32.89.
And as a comparison, you know, during the darkest period of the Great Depression, it was 27.
Let me jump in there, because you're talking about the misery index.
And I think they understand that there's this great group of people, they were called the deplorables by Hillary Clinton.
Macron called them, essentially, les miserables, okay?
It's the same thing, right?
And yet he won.
In France, with the backing of the Rothschilds.
So, is the empire striking back?
And are they going to handle this unrest by a mass migration, a people replacement, and create a civil conflict within the countries?
Is that the way they're going to handle this at this point?
Well, it's a very good question.
Again, you know, as you said, the empire is always striking back.
They're striking back at Donald Trump via the, you know, the corporate media, via, you know, the liberal circles, because again, the people who lost power, which is your liberal banking financier elite, they lost power to the isolationists and people who have the idea of... Hang on, we're going to have to take a quick break.
We're talking to Daniel Estelin about his movie that's coming up premiering this weekend, Bilderberg.
The movie will be right back with more of Daniel Estelin.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm David Knight, your host.
On this Monday, May 22nd, we're talking to Daniel Estelin, a longtime Bilderberg investigator.
He has now produced a documentary on Bilderberg.
You'll find that at BilderbergTheMovie.com.
And of course, Bilderberg is spelled B-E-R-G.
You can find information about that.
There'll be a premiere this Wednesday evening in New Orleans.
He'll be premiering his documentary.
And I think it's interesting, Mr. Estulin, for many years, people mocked all of us when we talked about Bilderberg.
They tried to pretend that it didn't even exist.
And I think there was a turning point.
I'm curious to see what you think about when that turning point was.
It seemed to me like
They started to acknowledge their existence openly and come out and engage with a press release, at least, saying, well, here are the things that we talked about in secret.
It seems like that was like in 2013 when they had the UK.
And then in Copenhagen...
We were allowed to get, like, right across the street from them.
We were very close.
We got a lot of pictures of them meeting with each other, pictures that were taken through the windows as they were going jogging.
But then, in most, and we've seen now since then, since 2014, you go to the Bilderberg meetings, they've kept people at a very far distance away so that it's very difficult to even get pictures of the people who are coming and going.
You have to take their word for it.
So, who's even there, let alone what the agenda is.
What do you think about this?
The fact that this is now much more well known than it used to be.
It was, before it was just dismissed as a conspiracy theory or they pretended that it didn't even exist.
We have a lot, obviously, more access and impact on the social media on the one hand, but also on the other hand, my book in Spain was released in 2005.
It's called The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.
It was released in the United States in 2007.
What actually helped is the fact that my Spanish publisher called Planeta, Planet.
We're good to go.
Eight countries translated into 42 languages.
So it just got to the point where slowly but surely it started trickling out.
Needless to say, the fact that Alex Jones was such a huge following around the world, not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Canada and Australia and so on and so forth.
Got right behind the, you know, the Jim Tucker reports on the Bilderberg Group, then he interviewed me when my book first came out.
And so again, it certainly helps when the alternative media like Alex Jones and others have gotten behind this initiative and the mainstream press simply could no longer ignore it.
So instead of ignoring it, you know, they created their own web page to at least to control the dialectic to a certain extent, you know, to the information that they themselves put out.
Yeah, it's interesting because, you know, for the longest time, you mentioned Tucker.
For the longest time, everybody just mocked him and pretended that it didn't exist.
He was essentially laboring in obscurity.
But then, as we saw the rise of an alternative to mainstream media, Alex Jones and others began talking about your book, talking about his research, and it got traction.
And now people understand in the same way, I think, that we saw with Snowden.
When you go to Bilderberg, when you film this, and when you expose what is behind it, eventually now we have the means, at least for the time being, we have an alternative to the mainstream media that wants to censor this, that wants to silence this.
And that's what we saw for the longest time.
As a matter of fact, it was a lot of the heads of mainstream media like Washington Post, New York Times, they would be at the Bilderberg group and then they would pretend that it didn't exist.
They would push back against it and say that it was a conspiracy theory.
I wanted to touch a little bit back on what you said about, you know, the options available to Donald Trump.
I think it's important.
And then touch on Macron, because most people don't understand the whole election of Macron as President of France.
Now, Trump has two options available to him.
He either saves the U.S.
economy and sings the economies of the rest of the world, because again, there's just simply not enough money, David, in the system to do everything.
Or he saves the world at the expense of the United States, which we know he's not going to do.
Now, according to Trump, there's no more dollars for international investment, only investment available.
We're good to go.
The industry itself is concerned.
We're looking at a 57 trillion dollar sector.
Now, what happens is, when we build infrastructure, we're actually reorganizing the physical space-time of the planet, allowing our world to attain higher and higher levels of efficiency.
So, if your system is increasingly moving to higher levels of efficiency, you're talking about energy flux density, for example, such as from coal-based economy to oil-based economy to nuclear-based economy,
There will be an increase in the productive powers of human labor at every step of the way, and that's the way that actual wealth is created.
Money is simply the way of facilitating trade among those people.
It has no intrinsic value.
We've got to take a quick break.
Can you stay with us for about another 5 or 10 minutes?
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're talking to Daniel Estelin.
He's investigated Bilderberg for a long time, had a best-selling book, and now he has produced a movie, Bilderberg the Movie.
And you can find it at BilderbergTheMovie.com.
And again, of course,
Many of our listeners know, but you spell Bilderberg with an E. It's B-E-R-G, and he's going to have a premiere this Wednesday in New Orleans, and then they'll have a discussion afterwards about what the state of the world is after a Trump presidency, after Brexit, and again after the victory of the Rothschilds in France, which is not an event that either of us are very happy about.
I'm sure Daniel Esselin's not very happy about that.
But let's get back to what you were saying before we went to break, Mr. Esselin.
You're talking about the infrastructure, and I guess one of the things that concerns me as I look at this trip that Donald Trump has, and he goes to Saudi Arabia, and they say, yeah, you know, you need a trillion dollars.
We've got $400 billion arms sale here roughly over the next few years.
Here's a tip, $40 billion for your roads, okay?
We have spent more than twice what we really want to spend on our infrastructure.
We've already spent that, a couple of trillion dollars plus, and there's going to be even more to that because we borrowed that money.
So the bankers, as you pointed out earlier, the bankers love this model.
Of course!
Then they come in and say, well now you don't have any money, we can build the infrastructure but we'll do this private-public partnership, the PPP, and then they wind up owning our infrastructure.
That's what we're increasingly seeing, that they own the toll roads being owned by foreign corporations or other individuals because we no longer have the money in our own country to build our own roads, to rebuild our own infrastructure because we're too busy spending money blowing up other people's infrastructure.
Well, first of all, you know, we own all that stuff anyway, because they have stolen about $40 trillion from us, so any infrastructure being built up, that's ours, you know, the taxpayers.
But then also, it's a very dangerous game to play, because let me explain it to you.
Trump has a possibility right now to destroy the banking elite.
All he needs to do is to implement a 2-3% interest rate hike quickly or slowly.
The first option would allow to quickly weaken the main opponents, the isolationists, the representatives of the financial elite circles, the Rockefeller circles, etc.
As it will cause the collapse of about 90% of large transnational banks, the main holders of corporate and household debt.
So, rising interest rates would also deal a death blow
To the transnational economic elite, wiping out their financial leverage and taking most of the cash out of their hands.
But, David, in this scenario, there's a big problem.
We don't have a model, okay?
It's a negative element.
You need to instantly present an alternative model of the global financial and economic system.
So the central banking warfare model, the infinite growth on a finite planet is dead.
But if Trump pushes the interest rates to 2-3% and the other system crashes completely,
He needs something to substitute it with.
Unfortunately, nobody has any concrete ideas about what this new system should look like.
And this means that the world, in the case of a sharp rise in interest rates, will not just go into a state of chaos, but will stay in it for an indefinite period of time.
So I know we don't have a lot of time, so let me just very quickly explain to you this whole thing about Macron, etc.
So, what is actually being debated right now between the Russians, the Americans, and a few others,
I think so.
That minimum 600 million people.
So each region would have its own currency.
For example, you'd have Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Mexico.
That would be the dollar.
So you'd get about 600 million.
Another group would be Europe, you know, Paris, Berlin axis with the French African colonies, you know, to boot.
Then you have England.
This is where the Macron thing comes in.
England and the Arab countries, you know, from Iraq all the way to Saudi Arabia, because they own most of these countries.
They created them in the first place way back when.
But the problem with that, the Arabs would need some kind of an incentive to join England in that group.
That incentive would be the head of Israel.
At least that was the plan before Trump came into the White House.
And Kissinger talked about this five years ago.
He said, Israel has until about the year 2021 and then it's going to disappear.
The Rothschilds talked about this as well.
With Macron, with Trump winning the presidency, you know, suddenly the British idea of the British Empire, of, you know, doing this kind of a union, is falling out by the wayside.
They need another group.
So what basically have done, is they've created this Macron character, who is a representative the same way that Napoleon III, okay, represented British Empire interests in the 19th century.
Macron is doing the same today.
So those who voted against Le Pen, because they think Macron
His mainstream are going to see how Macron is not only going to destroy France and push it into the hands of England, which is the Rothschilds, but he's also going to destroy European integration, separate Germany from France, and you're going to basically the same formula as the British had in the 19th century.
So again, we're playing and seeing some very interesting games because one of the things about Saudi Arabia and the Israelis, they've always been partners.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
More in Iran than Syria, because again, after Syria comes Iran, and after Iran comes Russia, and then comes a nuclear war, and the end of sub-civilization as we know it.
So the point is that, in this model I just explained to you, regional, you know, economic blocks, you know, elimination of countries, basically the Shiite part of Saudi Arabia, that's where all the oil is.
He's gonna go, you know, join Iran, join Turkey and join western part of Russia up to the Urals, you know, and ex-Soviet Turkic republics as one group, okay, homogenous group.
And that's the kinds of things that Israelis do not want and the Saudis do not want.
So they are banding together against Iran.
And Trump is playing an unwilling, hopefully, victim in this situation because, again, he's being played by these people because the Israelis and the Saudis, they're not America's friends.
No, no, and they have controlled our election for a very long time.
Well, thank you so much for joining us, and again, that film, Bilderberg, the movie, you can find it... It's this Wednesday, the day after tomorrow.
Yes, day after tomorrow, Wednesday, in New Orleans.
There'll be a premiere, and you can get information specific to that at BilderbergTheMovie.com.
Thank you so much for joining us, Daniel Estelin.
Thank you so much for having me.
Thank you.
I don't know.
Roger Stone was exactly right when he said, when he looked at these pictures of Donald Trump getting the award and other things, it made him want to puke.
I think the visuals on this are very, very bad.
I think the people who set this up, it reminds me of the Dukakis tank ride, if many of you may not remember that.
See if you can pull that picture up, picture that we've got of Michael Dukakis when he was campaigning against George H.W.
George I,
And he got into a tank and he put on this ridiculously sized helmet and basically he looked like Rick Moranis from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.
Okay, but basically in this case, what he did was he shrunk the vote.
There's Michael Dukakis.
There you go.
That's what he looked like when he was part of his campaign.
Somebody gave him the idea that that would be a great idea to ride around in a tank and he looked, if you see the video of that, he's very, very goofy looking, looked very much like Rick Moranis.
But when we look at what's happening with Donald Trump, I don't understand why, first of all, we would go there and honor that.
Let me read you some of the comments of Donald Trump about Saudi Arabia when he was a candidate.
He said, Saudi Arabia and many of the countries that gave us vast amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation want women as slaves and they want to kill gays.
Hillary should return all the money from such countries.
He also said, tell Saudi Arabia and others that we want, that we demand free oil for the next 10 years or we'll not protect their private Boeing 747s.
Pay up!
Okay, so he's called them mouthpieces, bullies, cowards.
He said they're paying ISIS, but now they're going to be our partners in the war on terrorism.
Isn't that interesting?
And one of the other things that Donald Trump said, he said, you know, it's sort of nice to know who your friends are and perhaps who your enemies are.
I hope he still knows who his enemies are.
I don't know if the American public does.
We focus a lot on the photo ops.
Did he bow?
Did he not bow?
I think they clearly see this as a victory.
The Saudis do.
I mean, certainly for internal purposes.
I don't know if you guys have got any motion pictures of that, but you can see that it's, I don't think it's just simply bending over.
I think he, you know, we want to call it a bow or a curtsy.
He's accepting an honor.
When you accept honors from people, that says that you're always accepting it from a greater to a lesser.
And I don't want to see us
Throwing this country away for a little trinket, like the Indians sold Manhattan, presumably, for some beads.
Maybe they didn't really think of it as a sale transaction.
Maybe we don't think of it as a sales transaction.
But I'm telling you that the Saudis think of it that way.
And I think it's very, very bad visuals.
We look at what's going on with Ivanka, and of course we have the t-shirt, Trump is my president, not Ivanka.
You can find that at InfoWarsStore.com.
She goes to Saudi Arabia, and she wears, as they report, a very modest suit and a buttoned-up blouse.
And then she praises Saudi progress on women's rights.
Okay, she meets with other women, because, see, in Saudi Arabia, you can't have men meeting with women.
That's one of the problems with this.
Now, they have said we're going to give $100 million to her cause of women entrepreneurs.
I don't imagine they're going to have any women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia.
Because it's pretty hard to run a business when you can't meet with men.
As a matter of fact, you've got to go into a different entrance when you go into the building.
They have one entrance for men, another entrance for women.
So you can't drive a car, you can't meet with men, you can't talk with men, you can't wear certain types of clothes, you can't do anything that's going to highlight your beauty, for example.
You can't.
They have all these different restrictions on them.
But she said, in spite of all that, she said that Saudi Arabia has made encouraging progress in giving women more freedom.
Please give us one example.
Just one.
One example of where Saudi Arabia has made progress with women, or with Christians, respecting minority religious rights, or with homosexuals.
Name one, please.
About how Saudi Arabia has made any progress.
She goes on to say there's still a lot of work to be done and freedoms and opportunities to continue to fight for.
Yeah, I would say that there are.
You know, we have a situation here where they can't drive, they can't wear clothes, they can't wear makeup, they can't do anything that shows off their beauty, they can't try on clothes when they're shopping.
They can't leave home without a male guardian.
They have a male guardian above them at all times.
Either their father, their husband, or a designated male guardian like their brother at all times.
And yet, these are the feminists who are freaking out about the Handmaid's Tale.
Saying, look at this!
This is what these Christian white male patriarchs want to do to our country.
As a matter of fact, if you look at the
The film, you find out that the Handmaid's Tale is actually our future.
Their past is our current.
This is where we're all headed.
And yet they turn a blind eye to what's going on in Saudi Arabia now, as the UN does.
The UN not only put Saudi Arabia into a Human Rights Commission, they also put them into a Women's Rights Commission.
And this is a secret ballot.
According to the World Economic Forum, Saudi Arabia ranks 134 out of a total 145, right there at the bottom, in terms of a global gender gap.
Put them on there.
So I would like to know what they are doing that is so-called progress.
You know, the elephant in the room with all this is Sharia law.
When she meets with these women, when she meets only with women, that's all she's allowed to meet with, the real elephant in the room is Sharia law.
You see, there's not really much of a distinction between Saudi Arabia and ISIS.
There's a little bit of a distinction but there's absolutely no difference and it's because of Sharia law.
Because of the religion of peace.
And of course we had as part of this PR
A trip that was organized by somebody in the White House.
We've allowed the King of Saudi Arabia to give honors to our president and to tell everybody that it is, once again, it is a religion of peace and tolerance.
So let's take a look at what I tweeted out here.
Here's a table.
Crime and punishment.
The difference between the Islamic State and Saudi Arabia.
Now, if you commit blasphemy, acts of homosexuality, treason, murder,
ISIS gives you death, Saudi Arabia gives you death.
If you have slander or you drink alcohol, okay, 80 lashes from ISIS and then the punishment from Saudi Arabia is at the discretion of the judge.
That's the biggest difference in this whole table between the two.
Adultery if married, death by stoning from both ISIS and from Saudi Arabia.
Adultery if not married, 100 lashes from ISIS, 100 lashes from Saudi Arabia.
If you steal,
ISIS amputates your hand.
Saudi Arabia amputates your right hand.
So that's perhaps maybe even more severe because most people are right-handed so they're trying to take the hand that you use the most.
Banditry or theft, okay, that would be essentially robbery as opposed to stealing that would be like robbery.
ISIS will amputate your hand and a foot.
Saudi Arabia will amputate your hand and a foot.
Not much difference there.
How about robbery accompanied by murder?
ISIS gives you crucifixion.
Saudi Arabia is different.
Not by crucifixion because they don't want to have that visual reference there as to what's going on.
But as we understand
What Saudi Arabia is about and again it was I think the end of 2015 everybody was doing all the articles saying this is the most people that Saudi Arabia has beheaded ever and the total was getting very very high so what they did was they suspended their beheadings and then they had it was something 40 or 50 I'm trying to go by memory 40 or 50 people that they beheaded at the beginning of January to try to catch up on the backlog of all the people that needed to be beheaded
These are the people.
These are the people that we go to.
Dancing with them, again, the photo op of Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson, and Wilbur Ross.
Dancing in a conga line with these guys wearing their white robes and carrying the swords.
And hopefully, like I said, before they handed that sword to Donald Trump, maybe they got all the blood off of it.
But, you know, when you shake hands with people with blood on their hands, sometimes you get that blood on your hands.
Let's go to that video of a woman who was being beheaded.
I want you to hear this video.
And for those of you who are looking at this, this is the true face of Saudi Arabia.
This is the true face of Sharia law.
This is the true face of Islam.
You need to understand what is truly behind this.
And we should not be part of a PR ploy for these people.
And we should not be giving them a massive arms deal.
You know, when we look at this $400 billion that they're going to be getting in terms of weapons, we've said how the U.S.
has acted as Al-Qaeda's air force.
Well, we won't have to do that anymore, because Saudi Arabia will be their air force.
And why not?
They're such wonderful pilots.
They can fly commercial jets at speeds that no real pilot can fly at altitudes.
We've seen that many times.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be joined in the next hour by Roger Stone and by Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Roger Stone is going to be talking about the Russian conspiracy theories.
He's been begging to be able to tell his side of the story.
Interestingly enough, we had General Flynn decline a Senate subpoena and he invoked the Fifth Amendment.
So we'll be talking to Roger Stone about that as well as an additional
We're good to go.
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Also, we have the I Voted for Donald, Not Ivanka shirt.
A good time to get that and put that message out there as we see the globalists...
Inside the Trump administration and of course Jared Kushner who has brokered this arms deal with the Saudis.
And this is the largest arm deal the United States has ever had.
And we have reports that Rand Paul has said that he is going to try to block this.
He has done this in the past.
He did this in the past as we had a large arms sale being proposed for Pakistan.
And it's been reported by some sources that he is going to file a resolution to put this up to a vote.
And this is what he had to say when Pakistan was being proposed as someone that we were going to sell weapons to.
He said, I cannot in good conscience look away as America crumbles at home and politicians tax us to spend the money to corrupt and duplicitous regimes abroad.
I think that would apply in spades to Saudi Arabia.
And of course it was Jared Kushner who brokered this deal.
It was Jared Kushner, as the New York Times reports, that put his personal touch on this, picking up the phone saying with the Saudi representatives as he met with them in Washington, we're going to get this deal done today.
Picked up the phone, got Lockheed Martin executives on the line and said, let's get this cost down for the Saudis because these people are such good guys.
We need to give them an air force.
So that they can maybe do their own fighting.
Because we have been their surrogates.
We have been the guys, we've been their mercenaries in the past.
And what they do is they support our phony fiat currency, the petrodollar.
That was a deal that was brokered by Henry Kissinger.
They got us off the gold standard under Nixon, then they went to the petrodollar and the Saudis said, yeah, we're going to buy all your petrodollars and basically what they're doing is working with the Federal Reserve to make us all debt slaves as we go and fight their wars.
No thanks!
As a matter of fact, some people, we'll talk about this in the fourth hour, some people are wondering why Trump is there after everything he said about the Saudis being involved in 9-11.
No thanks.
That's the government's official conspiracy theory.
By their official story, it was the Saudis.
Why are we giving them money?
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Longing for the sun.
Look at the crimes of the Clintons.
Look at the crimes of Obama.
Look at them just engaging in all this insane anti-American behavior, funding ISIS, funding Al Qaeda.
Benghazi, the list just goes on and on.
Opening our borders outside of law, violating the law, not even testing people for diseases coming in.
It goes on and on.
Targeting with the IRS, Christians, and conservatives, and libertarians, and veterans groups, and admitting in their own memos they're going after people for their ideology.
This makes Nixon look like an angel!
So what business does the FBI have doing this to President Trump when all these months of these investigations
Even the Reuters today admitted no evidence of Russian collusion.
There's nothing there.
With the Clintons, they're in bed with the Russians.
It's crazy!
The uranium deals, the energy deals, the secret meetings, all the things they claim Trump did.
But Jonathan Turley and other top Democrat lawyers have come out and said, listen,
We don't particularly like some of his politics, but the Deep State's after him.
And even if this memo's real, this is not obstruction of justice by any means, and Turley runs through all of it.
There is an interesting thing, though, about this president.
If you separate his rhetoric from his record, he actually complies with the law.
When the courts ruled against him on immigration, he yielded.
When they ruled against him on sanctuary
So we've got former Black Ops commander coming out saying that Deep State's coming after Trump, trying to overthrow him.
The president's at war.
The country's in a civil war.
The White House communications staff has to believe they are now in a state of war.
This is war.
It's called information operations, information warfare.
And clearly, the other side, the Deep State and the Clinton
This isn't about one president.
This is about the political process of the United States of America being under attack
We got Dana Bash bragging on CNN saying, quote, this is a deep state.
You know how to get back, even if you're the president.
We know that this is, you know, they talk about the deep state.
Well, these are communities that have a lot of loyalty within and know how to get back, even if you're the president of the United States.
So these people admit they're trying to bring the president down for political power.
They're trying to hijack the country.
They're trying to ignore our election.
They're trying to overthrow an elected president.
They admit it.
They call themselves the resistance.
He didn't have to order Mr. Comey to shut down the investigation, did he?
He only needed to lean on him.
I don't think that's, you know, we interpret words differently, sir.
I think if there's any, has been any obstruction of justice, all you need to do is re-review Comey's history.
Comey has abetted the senior people in the Democratic Party to stay out of prison for his whole term.
And why are every former top CIA guy, or liberal, or real progressives, or black op commanders like Colonel Schaeffer, or even Dennis Kucinich, or Glenn Greenwald, or any of these people, why are they for Trump?
Even though they disagree with a lot of his politics.
Because he's the president, and he's under globalist attack, and a shadow government is trying to fully take the country over.
We're in a tug of war.
So they're for the process, they're for America, they're for checks and balances.
And they know the deep state is 50 times worse than Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's got problems, but he isn't out to get you.
He's a pig-headed American, he's a pig-headed president, and he's our president!
Do you understand that?
We're not gonna get something perfect!
The guy's in a complete battle!
Let's keep in mind, it was 15 of the 19911 hijackers that were from Saudi Arabia.
Let's also not forget how hard Trump hit Saudi Arabia on the campaign trail.
Ridiculing them for their treatment of women and homosexuals, and criticizing Hillary Clinton for taking money from them.
But President Trump did step on the floor of the Arab Islamic America Summit in Riyadh and call out radical Islamic terrorism, saying their lives would be brief.
Also worth consideration is the stock market jolt the arms deal gave Wall Street, especially Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
Meanwhile back in America, the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump, crying foreign collusion, but are silent on this arms deal.
They must be shareholders.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to be talking to Roger Stone.
He has some breaking news about these hearings and the witch hunt, what I like to call the Red Herring Conspiracy Theory, because they come after the Russian Reds as they try to distract us from what's really going on.
But before we get to Roger's breaking news, I want to get your comments, Roger, on Michael Flynn today.
We've had Susan Rice when she was asked by the Senate to testify there.
As the Atlantic said, she declined the invitation.
But when it comes to Flynn, they go, oh, he's going to use the Fifth Amendment, and the Washington Post says, can he even do that?
And the reasons that they gave for Susan Rice, quote unquote, declining the invitation, she said, well, it's highly unusual for a former presidential advisor to testify, and you're giving this to me on short notice.
But when Flynn does it, they're all freaking out about this, saying, I don't think he can even do that.
Joining us now is Roger Stone, StoneColdTruth.com.
Roger, your comments.
David, good to be with you.
This is the typical Washington double standard.
I mean, when Susan Rice declined to testify, and I presume declined to turn over documents, it was a one day story.
It was almost like a half day story.
But there's an immediate flurry when General Flynn does so.
One cannot assume guilt because someone,
As a matter of fact, when you were on with Cuomo this weekend, you were saying, please, I'm asking to tell my side of the story, and they're avoiding talking to me.
Yeah, I think it's very unlikely that they will call me.
We presume that the House and Senate Intelligence Committee have access to the material that was gleaned from the surveillance and the hacking of my email, my phone calls, my text messages.
And therefore, they already know that I've had no contact with the Russians.
They have stepped into a trap here.
Obviously, I'm a fall guy.
I'm a logical suspect.
Because I've got sharp elbows, I'm a political warrior.
I'm a hardcore Donald Trump supporter.
Always will be.
And therefore, they think they can make me the patsy in this particular escapade.
But at the end of the day, I know what they're holding in their hands, and it's not evidence.
We know exactly what they're holding in their hands, Mr. Schiff, Senator Warner, Senator, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
And besmirch the reputation of Michael Caputo.
Now, Michael Caputo is a friend of mine.
Some might say a protege.
I have worked with him since we came together in Jack Kemp's presidential campaign in 1988.
Michael Caputo worked in the Soviet Union from 1994 to 2000 advising the Russian Election Commission on the new presidential elections in that country.
He was an employee at that time of USID.
Which means, in fact, he was an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency.
He was serving his country.
He then went on to form a group in Russia called Rock the Vote to encourage younger voters to participate in the democratic process.
And then in 1996, he formed his own firm working in that country for Amway G-Tech, which is an international lottery
He worked in the Trump campaign in the public relations department and the communications department.
His wife is Ukrainian, not Russian.
This is the most egregious smear of a young man that I have ever seen.
He had no contact with the Russian state, no contact with Russian intelligence, yet they are systematically destroying this man's business.
They're killing his livelihood.
He was all over CNN yesterday.
Congresswoman Speier has defamed him in public hearings.
And there is no place that he can go to get his good name back.
This is deplorable.
It's despicable.
It's fear-mongering and demagoguery, David, of the worst sort.
Attorney General Sessions, because as a senator, he met with a Russian ambassador, yet ignoring all the meetings that the Democrat senators have, because that's what senators do.
That's what Russian ambassadors or ambassadors from any country are there for, is to meet with government officials as part of their job, just like it was for General Flynn to talk to the Russians as part of the transition team.
They make it a criminal action when it happens to somebody on their side, and as we pointed out at the beginning, Susan Rice can decline the invitation to testify.
It's not any big deal, but when Michael Flynn does it, they say they're going to portray this as, oh, he's guilty, he's going to have to take the fifth, he's trying to hide, and so forth.
Well, as someone who lived through what they call Watergate, the parallels are eerie, and frankly, they're uncanny.
Richard Nixon's real sin was that he was a peacemaker.
He ended the war in Vietnam on a much faster timetable than the Pentagon desired.
He opened the door to China, completely circumventing his own national security apparatus and the Pentagon.
He reached a historic arms limitation agreement with the Russians.
My God!
Knight, the man was for peace!
We've got to get rid of him!
Yeah, it used to be that they would say that they taught was a good thing, you know, easing of strained relations, but if you talk about easing strained relations that have escalated to something that we haven't seen since the height of the Cold War under Obama, you talk about easing strained relations, oh, you're a Russian agent now.
Well, we know several things about Watergate today that we didn't know that.
First of all, the Watergate burglary team was infiltrated by at least two active agents on the payroll of the Central Intelligence Agency who were briefing their case officers.
We know that the Washington Post knew about but did not report an elaborate spying ring inside the White House conducted by the Pentagon in which a naval officer was going through the desks and files at night copying sensitive classified information and passing it on to Admiral Moore, the head of the Joint Chiefs.
Unreported by the Washington Post.
We know that Judge John Sirica was meeting ex-part time with the Watergate Special Prosecutors Leon Jaworski and before him Archibald Cox.
Highly illegal.
Would have gotten Judge Sirica impeached.
Would have had the Watergate burglars case thrown out of court.
Would have gotten the two prosecutors disbarred.
We didn't learn this until a terrific book by Jeff Shepard only about a year ago.
So the deep state took Nixon out.
Now let's look at the number two.
Yeah, deep throat of the deep state was the number two guy at the FBI at the time.
So yeah, it was a coup organized by the establishment at the time.
And I think one of the reasons that they're talking about
Coup is because they're concerned that Donald Trump actually fired one of their own.
So what they're really trying to do is a counter coup.
I think it's very interesting to see how they're pushing back on this in terms, because nobody was, the president was not deposed.
The election was not overthrown.
That's what they're trying to do.
They see it as a coup against the deep state.
If you have a president who says, hey, if this guy does the kind of stuff that Comey has done, I'm going to fire him.
And of course, people should remember
As we talked about when he covered up for Hillary Clinton, saying we're not going to be so concerned about getting those servers and so forth.
They did not get those from CrowdStrike.
He praised CrowdStrike, but he never got the information.
Comey was the guy that let Sandy Berger go when he was stealing documents at the National Security Archives, stuffing them in his pockets and taking them out and destroying them.
It was Comey who declined to prosecute him.
Well, Mr. Comey was also the prosecutor who handled the Mark Rich case.
Mark Rich, you may remember, was the fugitive international financier who bribed his way into a pardon by Bill Clinton by giving million-dollar contributions to the Clinton Foundation, funneled through his wife.
He was allowed to bypass the entire formal
We're good to go.
Yeah, he's on the Board of Directors and it's Loretta Lynch as a New York area federal prosecutor who basically gave them the slap on the wrist and he's sitting on the Board of Directors of these people as they're laundering money for the Sinaloa cartel, giving them their own checkout window for cash.
So I think it would be fair to refer to Mr. Comey as a nut job.
I think the president hit that right on the head.
This guy's an eccentric who thought he was a law unto himself, thought the rules did not apply to him.
And he had a very avid interest in pursuing some crimes while ignoring others.
The crimes of the Clintons are so egregious, so obvious, a junior prosecutor could get an indictment
Yeah, there's a double standard.
Now, going back to the Nixon-Trump analogy, Donald Trump, like Nixon, favors detente over war, favors negotiation with the Russians over a thermonuclear confrontation.
He has no illusions about how rotten the Russian system is or the deficiencies of the Russian gulag.
He knows they oppress gays, oppress Christians, oppress Jews.
But at the same time, he'd like to have peace over war, particularly given our current fiscal situation.
We need money to rebuild our roads and our bridges and our airports and our tunnels, or we can spend it on bombs.
Yeah, let's rebuild America first before we destroy other people's infrastructure to a greater degree.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with Roger Stone.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Roger Stone.
You can find him at StoneColdTruth.com.
I want to talk to Roger about his tweet regarding the trip to Saudi Arabia of Donald Trump this last weekend.
Of course, Roger, you tweeted out, looking at these visuals, looking at these photo ops, it makes me want to puke.
I think he was very poorly served by his advisors.
To me,
It looked like another one of these photo ops like we saw with Michael Dukakis in the tank.
To have Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson and Wilbur Ross, you know, in a conga line with these Saudis who are waving swords and so forth.
I think that was a very, very
Bad photo op, as well as the award and the bending down, the curtsying, bowing, whatever you want to call it.
I think that was a very ill-conceived idea.
As a matter of fact, I think it's a bad idea to go to Saudi Arabia and give them $400 billion worth of arms at a discounted price as well.
But your comments, what do you think about those issues?
Well, David, I agree with you.
I hated the atmospherics of that photo.
And I wonder what the White House communications people are doing.
They are not serving the president well.
Frankly, I love the idea of a strong American president calling out Islamic terrorism in his speech with the Saudis sitting there.
But I would remind you that President Trump is well aware of the fact
That the Saudis financed the attack on America on 9-11, that the U.S.
Congress has passed legislation overwhelmingly allowing the families of the 9-11 victims to sue Saudi, and the President has vetoed that.
The Saudis are trying to evade their responsibilities.
I would hope the President would have that on his agenda.
When you say the President vetoed that, you mean Obama vetoed it, Trump hasn't done it.
Obama vetoed it.
I don't know.
No, I'm not breaking with the president.
I support Donald Trump 100%.
I think he will be a transformational and truly great president.
But I am worried about the quislings around him, the Dina Habib Powles, the Sean Spicers, the Reince Priebuses.
No, I'm not looking for a job, nor is there any circumstance in which I would go back into government.
I did that under President Nixon.
That was fine.
Thank you.
But I want to see some tougher, younger Trump loyalists around the president.
The other thing I have to say, David, is a nine-day foreign trip.
It's too long.
It's excessive.
That's too much wear and tear on a younger man, never mind a president who's 70 years old.
And also to be able to do the advanced preparation at all these different locations, it stretches the staffing too thin in order for them to do it right.
And I think one of the things that we're seeing here is that as they join this conga line and very awkwardly dancing around holding swords, I think that's exhibit A
And the fact that they didn't do good preparation before they took this trip to allow that kind of thing to happen, to think about what's going to happen at each one of these venues.
Well, let's just say Wilbur Ross is no Fred Astaire.
That video was embarrassing.
Former President Nixon once said to me, when it came to running for office, he said, I don't wear funny hats and I don't dance.
Yes, exactly.
I think those are good rules.
Then, of course, I went online and I found a bunch of pictures of him wearing funny hats.
I could find no pictures of him dancing, other than dancing with his daughter at her White House wedding, and I think an exception could be made for that.
Yeah, exactly.
You have your people who are going to be in charge of your image, and you make sure that they don't have, that they're not allowed to set up some kind of an awkward photo op, which quite frankly,
Uh, is to the advantage of the Saudis to show him bending over and accepting an award and so forth.
So that's something that they arranged, but your side should have the intelligence to say, no, that's something that is not going to look good or that's something that's going to make our man feel or look very awkward, which is exactly what happened with all of those people who are doing that.
Well, look, the president is very tall.
I think people may not realize how tall he is.
And the Saudi giving him this civilian award was rather short.
So he's leaning forward.
He did not bow to the Saudis when he was introduced
That's the key, that they didn't do the kind of prep.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Roger Stone, you can find him at StoneColdTruth.com.
Stay with us.
We're going to be talking to Jerome Corsi, our Washington correspondent.
We'll be with us after the break.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Democrat Convention!
F*** Donald Trump!
That's right folks, here at the Democrat Party, we don't engage in policy.
We don't engage in ideas.
We don't have discussion.
We just curse and cry and... Hey, what did that racist just say?
Today's event is featuring the chrome dome cursing machine, Tom Perez!
He's a f***ing liar!
That's what I say, pal!
You're f***ing right he's a liar!
And now give it up for the lunatic fringe, Nancy Pelosi, and our esteemed colleague, John Burton, who will lead us in this f*** Donald Trump chant!
Now all together, f*** Donald Trump!
And shut the f*** up and go outside, alright?
That's John Burton closing out the 2017 Democrat Senate event in California after he led the crowd chant of F Donald Trump while the audience raised their middle fingers in the air.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars and the Dems have gone mental.
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We're good to go.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining us now is Jerome Corsi.
He is our White House correspondent.
And he has his credentials now, much to the consternation, I'm sure, of the mainstream media and the court jesters of the Democrat Party, people like Stephen Colbert and others, who mock the fact that, well, we said we're going to get a White House correspondent.
Well, we do have a White House correspondent, so he's going to talk to us about that, the delay in that, as well as where we're headed at this point, because today we have some developments
And the phony Russians did it.
The red herring conspiracy theory from the Democrat Party.
We have news that General Flynn has declined an invitation.
Now that's not the way the mainstream media is putting it.
The mainstream media is trying to make him look as guilty as sin, but when Susan Rice
was asked to testify before the Senate Committee and refused.
They said, well, she has declined the invitation.
So I want to talk to Dr. Corsi about that.
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Let's go to Dr. Corsi now in Washington.
Welcome, Dr. Corsi.
Good to be with you.
Thank you.
Tell us a little bit about getting credentialed.
We had a lot of people mocking us as they always do every time.
We talk about the fact that the government is watching you through your monitor and listening to what you're doing.
They mocked us for years and then we see pictures of Zuckerberg and others and then we see the documents from the NSA.
So this goes on and on.
Earlier I was talking to Daniel Lesterlin who for years was part of the reporting about Bilderberg when they pretended that it didn't even exist.
They kept it very secret.
Now it's an open secret and so
In the same way, we were mocked when we said we're going to have a White House correspondent, and they mocked that.
But now you're credentialed with the White House Press Corps, is that correct?
Yes, today we got the first credentials, and I'll be going on for a while with getting weekly credentials, and then in about three months, we'll be able to apply to get permanent credentials.
I'll have to establish a daily presence here, and we're beginning to open up an office.
We've rented an office near Metro Center.
And on the very first day is the building now what will be a Washington Bureau, where we plan to cover both the White House and Congress on a daily basis and be able to broadcast and provide live streaming as we're doing right now.
We just finished a initial briefing on the budget, which is embargoed until 9 o'clock tonight by the OMB Director Boveni, who will be testifying to Congress later this week.
I got an initial preview of what the 2018 budget is going to look like.
Next budget, 2017 budget, really full budget coming up.
Right now the first year of the Obama administration, 2018, but it will be done to be worked on in September.
You know that's embargoed, but there's been some trickling of that through the mainstream media.
We've had Washington Post, AP, Bloomberg News have leaked out some stuff.
Zero Hedge has reported that what they're saying is that they're looking at massive slashes in entitlement.
They totaled some of this up and they said it was $1.7 trillion in entitlement cuts, food stamp cuts by 25%.
I would hope that he would do something
Like cutting that for immigrants, because there's no other country except perhaps some of the European countries that have been taken over by this population redistribution thinking that is going through Western Europe and America, but any other country that you go to immigrate to, whether you're going to go to Belize or you're going to go to New Zealand or whatever, you have to have
a means of support before they'll let you come into their country to live and you have to have not only an income but you also have to have a certain net worth before you can come in and yet we put this magnet there telling people you can come to our country you can get not only a free education but you can get at the head of the line you can get in-state tuition at any university which even American citizens and their parents who have lived here all their lives paid taxes all their lives they can't get that but we allowed that
To be given to foreign students who come in.
So that's, I think, one of the key things.
Also in this budget, they're saying that there's going to be money for the wall.
Is that what you have seen in the budget?
Or can you comment on it?
Well, I'm not going to violate the embargo, but I think you're seeing some additional reporting which will be designed to scare those who are on various programs that they're not going to get their benefits going to be cut.
There's going to be cuts, there's going to be a readjustment in how the money is allocated, how the money is spent.
I think you'll see money in the budget for building a wall.
Again, I think all these elements, as I'm reviewing it, it's really going to be the first taxpayers' budget, where the Trump administration is asking the question of, as a taxpayer, is the money being wisely spent?
I think there's going to be an increasing emphasis on
Getting people off of various government programs and getting them back to work, which was an endeavor that was last attempted when Newt Gingrich was in Congress and the basic plan with America had been passed, one element of which was replacing welfare with workfare.
I think there's going to be a number of elements in this budget
Which are attempting to balance the budget, which are going to go over a period of years, but are going to be dramatically different than the Obama administration's, which had increasing entitlement spending, with increasing deficits, increasing debt.
Which doubled during the Obama administration.
I think this is going to be a very fundamentally different approach.
We'll be interested to see what happens.
As these details are being rumored and leaked out by the Washington Post and others, we see of course the Democrats adopting a partisan line.
First in line is going to be Chuck Schumer, but we also saw Mitch McConnell come out and say,
We're going to have something to say about that as well.
Just like they said when there was a compromised agreement in the House in terms of Obamacare, the Senate said, well, we haven't even bothered to look at that.
We're going to come up with our own thing.
And as you've pointed out many, many times, they're funding Obamacare by stealing money from Freddie and Fannie.
And you know, when we look at possible welfare reform, Dr. Corsi,
As I said, if we get the immigrants first, have them take the first hit on entitlements, I think that'd be a great deal.
We're losing the American dream just as they're doing a net asset sweep out of the Fannie and Freddie investors.
They're doing a net asset sweep out of American homeowners by opening up our borders and opening up our schools to however many people want to come in.
We have absolutely no control of that.
We're going to give them whatever they want in terms of education, and that education is going to be paid for by property taxes, and that's going to do a
Net asset sweep is going to sweep us right out of the American dream in order to fund education for foreign dreamers.
Well, instead of getting into that, I don't want to begin violating the embargo.
The main purpose of my coming on today was to make it clear.
You can see behind me, you can see very clearly, this is the White House briefing room.
I'll just give you a basic look at it.
If I can, you can recognize it.
It's tough with the iPad.
But there you go.
You can see the White House Briefing Room.
It's really a very small facility.
It's actually like much of the White House.
Quite shocking in how small it is when you're actually in the White House.
I've experienced that many times before.
And very compact facility.
But we're going to be here.
We're going to be here on a regular basis.
So you're going to be able to see reports coming out of
I just wanted to make it clear by being physically present today that you can actually see we have gotten press credentials and we are now in the White House briefing room, which you can see behind me the logo and all the information that makes it clear.
I'm standing right at the podium where press conferences are given.
And that's really the point I wanted to emphasize today.
Tomorrow we'll come back and we can talk more about the budget details.
We can write about it because the embargo will be done.
You're stating right now about where Sean Spicer would be, right?
Here's the podium right here.
That's the Spicer's eye view of the White House press conference room right there.
With as poorly as I can do with an iPad to try to give you a basic view of it.
So with that, I'd kind of like to sign off and we're here.
I think that makes clear we're going to get press credentials and...
We'll do what we need to do to get here on a regular basis to get permanent press credentials.
Okay, and before you go, I want to just ask a question, let you tease this, because you teased it in your article that we got up on Infowars.com.
Defeating the deep state coup d'etat, silencing the mainstream media, and you point out, you know, what do we do to push back against this?
And you say that in the next few days, Infowars.com plans a series of investigative reports detailing the extensive ties that established Comey as a Clinton fixer.
It has been rewarded handsomely for his efforts since first working for the Clinton Justice Department in the 1980s to make sure, first of all, that they weren't indicted for the Whitewater scandal, but as I was just talking to Roger Stone, to also make sure that Sandy Berger got away with destroying documents out of the National Archives that might have made the Clintons look bad in the aftermath of 9-11.
The guy goes in there.
Tate literally stuffs documents.
This is before we had the issues of servers and so forth.
Not wiping them clean with a cloth, as Hillary Clinton was mocking, but back old school documents where he goes and gets the physical documents, stuffs them in his clothes, walks out, and then is caught destroying them.
And Comey was the one who did not want to pull the trigger on a prosecution.
Before we get into all this, look.
I just want to basically show we're here.
I'm going to be having now a microphone and earphones so we don't have to broadcast everything we're saying to the entire press room.
And I'm going to try to cut off at that point.
I'll be writing about this first article will be tomorrow.
And let's kind of end this now by just saying we're here.
We're going to get more established as we go on.
I'm very, very pleased to have made this step today.
All right, great.
Thank you very much, Dr. Jerome Corsi.
And there you can see the Spicer Eye View.
All of you now see what it looks like if you're Sean Spicer.
That's the room, minus the angry mainstream media shouting questions at you.
Thank you so much, Dr. Corsi.
We'll be looking forward to your reports.
Thank you very much.
One of the things that's kind of interesting, this was just handed to me from Kit Daniels, an article by Jamie White and kitdaniels at Infowars.com.
Podesta largely blames the Clinton campaign.
He's done a mea culpa.
He said, we bear responsibility.
And it's a great burden.
I feel it every day.
Yeah, you had it to lose.
You had the entire mainstream media lined up behind you and you couldn't pull it off.
And he says, I feel that every day.
He says, we lost the election.
And then he says, we won the popular vote by 3 million votes.
Yeah, well, we've talked about that as well.
We don't necessarily buy into that vote total.
But he said, we lost the Electoral College, and so we lost the election of Donald Trump.
There you go.
See, it's the Electoral College regardless.
Of the popular vote, and as he pointed out, he said Comey was still a factor.
He said not a primary factor.
It was poor campaigning, including the decision to neglect Wisconsin.
See, that's where the Electoral College comes in.
Depends on where you're going to campaign.
So you can argue about whether or not the votes were accurately reported, but nevertheless, they got too many votes in too few places.
The whole reason we have an Electoral College
Is so that we don't have the votes of a couple of highly densely populated states with a couple of densely populated cities control the election.
If we didn't have the Electoral College, people wouldn't campaign probably except for New York City, LA, and Chicago.
Do you really want to have a situation like that?
The Electoral College was there to try to make sure that we didn't have a small cluster of densely populated people control the election.
And the Democrats chose, and some people besides Podesta have said, you know, we kind of missed this in the polling because we didn't even really think that we needed to poll white rural voters.
They don't matter.
And they didn't matter to them.
But it does matter in the Electoral College.
And that was a big strategic mistake.
And so he is now admitting that in a mea culpa.
Again, as I was just talking with Dr. Gorzy, he did not want to violate
The embargo agreement, but of course the Washington Post, the Associated Press and Bloomberg News have violated it.
They're leaking out information about the Trump budget proposal.
And again, it proposes 1.7 trillion dollars in entitlement spending cuts according to Bloomberg.
And according to the Washington Post, they're tweeting out that it amounts to a 25% reduction in food stamps.
So what they're doing is they're going in and selectively finding things that they think will harm Donald Trump and leaking this out a day in advance before the full budget comes out so that people can't see it in context.
That's the way they operate.
They cherry pick the different items in there so they can start a narrative a full day in advance while everybody else does an embargo that agrees to the conditions that were imposed on this data.
Everybody else agrees to that embargo, then they cherry pick it, they come up with some numbers, and then they create their own narrative, operate that for a full day,
And that then is what becomes the truth in most people's minds because they're out there talking about it for a full day before anybody else goes out there talking about it.
Now one of the other things that has come out and one of the bigger reports I think is going to happen tomorrow is going back to Seth Rich again.
Remember it was about a week ago that we had a private investigator who was working for the family of Seth Rich and also a Fox News contributor
said that he believed that these documents were handed over by Seth Rich, that of course it was not the Russians who were hacking it.
That was the narrative that they started before they said the Russians influenced our election.
When I was there at the DNC, nobody wanted to talk about anything that was revealed about the criminal hacking of the election by Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders.
They wanted to tamp that down and the way they did it
Was to focus on, well, where did that information come from?
Don't look at that information.
Where did it come from?
That's all you heard.
And that's what you hear from the NSA.
That's the way they handle it as well.
When Ed Snowden reveals the documents, they don't want to look at the documents.
They want to say, how did he get those documents?
Who did that?
They want to focus on the whistleblower, criminalize the whistleblower, and ignore what is actually revealed.
Which is either criminal revelations, in the case of the Snowden leaks,
Or, in this case, the fact that it was Hillary and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC that were hacking the election against Bernie Sanders.
Don't look at that.
And then they continued that narrative.
They stretched it out over the election.
Now, we've had a new bombshell that has come out from Tim.com, who is no friend of the deep state.
And he tweeted this out.
He said, I knew Seth Rich.
I know he was the WikiLeaks source.
I was involved.
To which people said, well, let us know what's going on.
He said, well, I'm meeting with my lawyers today, Monday.
He said, on Tuesday, I will issue a statement about Seth Rich.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
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Now, one of the things that I think is interesting coming out of this, people focus on the picture that looks kind of bizarre with these three guys with their hands on the glowing orb.
You can pull that up and show people what that looks like.
And of course, the world, they've got the globe of the world.
And where all the water is, they've got translucent material there so they've got a light in it and it lights them up.
And they're lit from underneath so you get this kind of creepy effect that we saw being done deliberately to John McCain on the magazine cover when they wanted to make him look bad.
This is one of the things we're talking about in terms of Trump's staff.
Let's take a look at the photo ops that we've got here.
But here's the thing that is underlying the bizarre, weird, creepy pictures that we're seeing everywhere.
What they're doing right here is they're dedicating a global center to fight extremism and terrorism.
And where is that global center going to be?
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
You see the problem here?
I mean, to one extent, I guess you could put it at the place where we have the center of terrorism, which is the Saudis.
But you might want to do something else with it.
I'm just concerned that not only is it, it's not just really a head fake, but I'm concerned that this is going to be a situation where intelligence is given to the wrong people.
And when we go back and we look at 9-11, and as Roger Stone said, yes, Donald Trump is totally aware of the Saudis' involvement in that, and it's not in the way that it's in the official conspiracy theory, the official 9-11 report.
But isn't it interesting that they redacted those 28 pages, and of course it was Donald Trump who finally got it declassified.
You had people who were on the 9-11 Commission said, wait a minute, why are you redacting this?
We had senators who were on that but could not get that
We want this out.
Revealed, and yet it was Donald Trump who started talking about that during the presidential debates, and he got that information out there.
And that's the beginning of exposing, I think, what is truly behind 9-11.
When we look at this, understand that Prince Bandar, whose name surfaced as one of the patrons of these terrorists, that he was head of Saudi intelligence, and they worked hand-in-glove with the CIA.
And we'll talk about this more on the other side as we look at Saudi's involvement in terrorism.
The idea that we would have a global center to fight terrorism in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
What hypocrisy!
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to start taking some of your calls.
I want to know what you think.
About the fact that we have a, not only a trip to Saudi Arabia, but the, and the awkward photo ops that Donald Trump's staff allowed to happen.
But I want to know what you think about the massive arms deal that we have.
I want to know what you think about this new global center for fighting terrorism that they're going to create.
In the Mecca of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
As I was saying before, let me give out that phone number.
That's 800-259-9231 if you want to call in and talk about that, talk about Saudi Arabia, talk about terrorism.
Is this a good idea, setting up a center there?
What do you feel, how do you feel about the fact that we are going to sell
A hundred billion dollars of weapons to them right away and about four hundred billion dollars over the next few years.
Is that a good deal for us?
Is that really something that we want to do?
And also the idea of an Arab NATO that is also being floated around.
We haven't even gotten the old NATO fixed.
We're still the ones that are paying the cost in terms of money and lives, in terms of NATO.
We're the ones bearing most of the burden there, so now we're going to do that in the Arab world.
And of course, in the Arab world, we're given a $40 billion thank you tip
from the Saudis.
It's kind of like, you know, what they do to the guys that park their hypercars in the United Arab Emirates.
Here you go, here's a tip, you know, 10% tip of this arms deal telling us to go fix your potholes with this.
We could fix our own roads if we weren't fighting their wars and their conflicts.
Let's make that clear.
We've already spent two trillion dollars.
We had a trillion dollars that we spent in direct costs, another trillion dollars that we have spent in terms of
Medical and disability payments, not to mention the cost in lives that we have suffered.
Not to mention the fact that we have 20 people a day who are veterans with PTSD committing suicide.
Those are the real costs that we bear.
When we become their mercenaries, their slaves.
I'm very concerned about that.
And of course, we borrowed that money.
We borrowed it from the Saudis, the people who buy our Federal Reserve notes.
Those are the Saudis.
That's the petrodollar.
So we borrow the money from them to fight these wars for them, the wars that they want to fight.
And of course, you can see that as Donald Trump is going to Saudi Arabia and Israel,
They're saying that you need to get rid of Iran and Syria.
That's where they're focusing the efforts of the Trump administration.
Are they really fighting ISIS?
Or do they really just want regime change?
As we look at the way the money is being spent, we have this article from the Daily Caller, US allots $200,000 in Europe to promote positive narratives about refugees.
And of course, this is one of the things that the owner of Chobani Yogurt was saying when he went on CBS 60 Minutes.
He said, if I give jobs to refugees, when I give them a job, they're no longer a refugee.
Well, how about, instead of stopping it that way, why don't we stop creating the refugees by stopping the wars?
We've got seven wars going on right now, and they want to get us involved in many more wars.
This is the first time in Obama's administration, the first time we've had a president who has been at war the entire eight years of his administration.
And of course, George Bush could have set that record if only he had started September 11th a little bit earlier.
But he got a late start, so he didn't get the record that went to Obama.
But they're not getting rid of any of these wars.
These are perpetual wars.
And we need to think about this as we look at Saudi Arabia.
How did this stuff all start?
As I was saying in the last segment, Donald Trump said,
We need to release those 28 pages.
They blame the Saudis.
They put them out there as the poster children for the 9-11 attacks.
And then they cover it up for the Saudis, because they didn't want to harm them in the American public's eyes.
And then they protected them from lawsuits.
So they say, these guys are responsible, but you're not going to be able to sue them, and you're not going to be able to see why we say they're responsible.
That's the way they work with the Saudis.
This is the thing that should really concern us.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're going to take your phone calls.
I see the board is already lit up.
Take your phone calls about this Saudi Arabian trip, the ties of the Saudis to terrorism.
We'll be right back.
President Trump is on day four of his nine-day foreign trip, today visiting with Netanyahu in Israel.
But his first stop was to Saudi Arabia.
This was particularly significant because of a $100 billion arms deal the president signed with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz.
While Trump's presence in Saudi Arabia was considered strong diplomatically, one must question the nature of this arms deal.
Let's keep in mind, it was 15 of the 19911 hijackers that were from Saudi Arabia.
Let's also not forget how hard Trump hit Saudi Arabia on the campaign trail.
Ridiculing them for their treatment of women and homosexuals, and criticizing Hillary Clinton for taking money from them.
But President Trump did step on the floor of the Arab Islamic America Summit in Riyadh and call out radical Islamic terrorism, saying their lives would be brief.
Also worth consideration is the stock market jolt the arms deal gave Wall Street, especially Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
Meanwhile back in America, the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump, crying foreign collusion, but are silent on this arms deal.
They must be shareholders.
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It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to take your calls and I want to know what you think about this trip to Saudi Arabia.
What about our relationship with Saudi Arabia?
Is this something that we ought to be close to them?
It's a reality.
This is not something that Donald Trump has created.
This is something that's been going on for a very long time.
They're the basis of our...
Currency now.
They give us the basis of the petrodollar, the fiat currency that goes back to the repudiation of the gold standard.
They became our partners in fraud.
And they are our partners in crime when it comes to September 11th.
We have had the CIA and Saudi intelligence have
It's difficult to tell where one stops and the other one starts.
When we go back to 9-11, I think it's the beginning of finding out what really happened to get those pages redacted, and we can thank Donald Trump for that.
Nobody else was able to get that done.
That begins the discussion.
That began, finally, some compensation for the people who had loved ones who were lost in that.
They were shut down from having that happen by the Congress.
For 15 years, they wouldn't let them do that.
Finally that went through, it got vetoed by Obama, but it passed.
I believe that is now moving forward, the lawsuits are there.
And as we look at this, and as we look at the fact that we're now going to give $400 billion worth of weapons to them, we've had many people saying for the longest time, maybe the U.S.
government should not be the air force for Al Qaeda.
But yet, we see that's really what's happening.
As I mentioned on Friday night, when I was talking about this, I said, just this last couple of days, this was reported by AntiWar.com, they pointed out how ISIS had killed 53, many of them civilians, in attacks on a Syrian Shiite village.
They said there were children as part of these people who were killed, and many of them were beheaded by ISIS.
Now, ISIS did not refute that.
ISIS said, no, no, it wasn't 53, it was 100.
We're proud of that.
We're proud of that.
And so we look at this and what is the other thing that's happening here?
Well we see at the same time Syrian troops are advancing on ISIS in northern Aleppo, 49 killed and fighting.
So they're fighting the people who are beheading children and others in their areas that they control.
And so what do we do?
We go in and we fight the people who are fighting ISIS.
Does that make us ISIS's allies?
Why yes it does.
Yes, it does.
The fact that we give them arms, weapon, and training also makes them our allies.
ISIS is our allies.
So we act as their air force.
Maybe we won't have to act as their air force.
It's kind of embarrassing, you know, when we send in US airplanes to bomb the people who are fighting ISIS.
It'd be better if we could sell these weapons to Saudi Arabia and let them be Al Qaeda's air force.
It makes us look bad.
And quite frankly, folks, we need to understand
That this is truly what's happening.
By any other name.
And of course they've changed their name yet again.
Here's a report from Mint Press.
What's in a name?
The U.S.
takes off Syria's al-Qaeda off the terror watch list.
Because they changed their name again.
They were the Mujahideen, then they became al-Qaeda, then they called themselves various names in Syria like al-Nusra.
Now they have rebranded themselves yet again so they can get off the terror banning list.
As they point out, it turns out getting off the terror list in the U.S.
and Canada is as simple as changing your name.
The terror watch list in the U.S.
has long been secretive and controversial.
You can't find out if you're on it, right?
Just kind of like the no-fly list.
But they say that terrorist groups that are tied to al-Qaeda have found that getting off the watch list only requires a little minor rebranding.
Now a terror group long known to most as Jabhat al-Nusra, or the al-Nusra Front, these are the good guys.
These are the moderate rebels, the moderate al-Qaeda, the kinds of people that John McCain meets with.
These are the good guys.
The guys that we give weapons material and support to and that we send our warmongering senators to meet in person.
So now Al-Nusra, people are starting to catch on to that.
And so what they did, they rebranded themselves as Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham.
We'll just call them HTS.
How's that?
So now they're on name number four at least.
And that allowed them to get removed from the terror watch lists in the U.S.
and Canada.
So that'll allow citizens in the U.S.
and Canada to donate money to the group, to travel, to fight with the group, to disseminate the group's propaganda, and not run into any pesky problems for the United States government.
And then of course, the arms shipments that we're giving to Saudi Arabia, which is currently in a war with Yemen.
That'll allow them to continue the bombing of Yemen, that'll allow them to operate as Al-Qaeda's air force, and we won't really have to worry about anybody seeing us drop bombs on the people who are fighting Al-Qaeda.
Wouldn't that be great?
And of course, why not?
Because the Saudis are such expert pilots.
As we know, when we looked at 9-11, we had American pilots who had trained pilots for decades with flight simulators, who had decades of experience flying these planes, and they would train the pilots.
They looked at it and said, you can't fly those planes that fast at that altitude.
The air is too thick.
You can't fly that fast.
So they said, something is wrong with this.
And of course, maybe you could get an idea that something was wrong with it when
Three buildings, three skyscrapers made of steel fell down in their own footprint and only two of them were hit with planes.
Building 7 was never even hit with a plane.
So these guys are pretty good pilots.
They might really mop up the Middle East with whoever they're fighting because they can fly planes at speeds that are not possible.
They can take down two skyscrapers, three skyscrapers with just two planes hitting them.
So these guys are pretty impressive.
Very impressive, indeed.
And going back to this story, back in September 14, 2016, Politico said, we misled you.
How the Saudis are coming clean on their funding of terrorism.
And the guy who wrote this, Jack Schaefer, pointed out in last September, he said, on my most recent trip to Saudi Arabia, I was greeted with a startling confession.
He said, one top Saudi official admitted to me, we misled you.
He explained that Saudi support for Islamic extremism started in the early 1960s as a counter to Nasserism, the socialist political ideology that came out of the thinking of Egypt's Abdel Nasser.
They thought that it threatened Saudi Arabia because, you know, Saudi Arabia is organized as a kingdom, so if you're going to set up a kind of a socialist populist movement, they saw that as a threat to their hierarchical structure there.
That led to the war that we still have with Yemen.
But they also decided that they could use Islamism as a powerful tool with broader utility.
So they created Islamic terrorism.
The Saudi leadership explained to me that on their support of extremism was a way of resisting the Soviet Union often in cooperation with the United States.
Like 9-11, most likely.
But over time, the Saudis say their support for extremism turned on them, it metastasized into a serious threat to the kingdom and to the West.
And so their narrative now is that, okay, we created this thing, but now it's gotten out of control, so now we really want to work with you guys to get it under control.
Maybe they do.
Maybe they don't.
Like this guy says, it's fair to ask if their new policy really is this.
He said, clearly there are some questions about whether some extremist Sunni groups, such as al-Nusra, we just talked about them, they've rebranded though, they're okay now, they've got a new name, so they're not terrorists for the moment.
Whether or not they're still getting Saudi money.
That's the real issue.
That's the elephant in the room.
But there's one more before I go to your calls.
Thank you guys for holding.
We'll get to your calls in just one moment.
I want to play a little bit
of context for you.
Because I talked earlier in the broadcast about the fact that there's not really a difference between the Saudis and ISIS.
It's a distinction without a difference.
And I want to play for you a couple videos of women.
Being beheaded.
But we're not going to play the beheading, so I don't want to have this taken down by Google.
I don't want this YouTube video to be taken down.
But I want you to see the stage that is set up.
Let's go ahead and roll that video, and I'll kind of talk over this.
Okay, in this particular situation...
We have the people dressed like the people that were in the conga line with our White House staff and the President.
They set up that photo op and there's these same guys in the white robes holding the sword.
And the person that you can barely see there is a woman because she is dressed from head to toe.
And total black.
That's the way they treat their women.
Now this woman is going to be executed.
You'll never see her face because this is, after all, Saudi Arabia.
So let's stop this before the actual head chopping starts.
But this is the context, folks, for Saudi Arabia.
These are the people that Ivanka Trump says they're making great progress in women's rights and human rights and so forth.
No, what they did was they made a contribution of a hundred million dollars to a group that Ivanka Trump wants them to donate money to.
That's the progress that's been made.
Nothing has changed in Saudi Arabia.
They still have Sharia law.
This is what Sharia law is going to look like when it comes to your country.
Let's run another clip.
We've got another clip here where you can see the people who are standing around here.
You got that clip?
Because see, when this happens with our ally, Saudi Arabia, it's not a bad thing.
And they don't want to play this in the news media.
They will play the ISIS beheading videos.
But we have here in this particular situation again a bunch of guys in white robes with their swords and they line the victims up one by one and chop their heads off.
And of course this is
The moderate Saudi Arabia.
The people who are our partners in all of this.
We should not pay attention to this.
So go ahead and stop that so we don't get this video pulled by YouTube.
We're outraged if it's ISIS, but if it's done by Saudi Arabia, no matter how many hundreds of people they kill per year, and of course there's a documentary that's been done on this that you can see, Saudi Arabia Uncovered.
They show not only the beheadings, but they also show the corpses of women still dressed in their head-to-toe burkas dangling from cranes.
And as I said, the only difference between Saudi Arabia and ISIS is that Saudi Arabia buys their air force from us, and ISIS merely borrows their air force from us.
Let's go to our callers here.
Let's go to Stephen in Florida.
Stephen, your comments.
Yeah, hey David.
First of all, I completely agree with your facetiousness and sarcasm about the Saudis being our air force now as a proxy for us, but I wanted to say this before I get to them.
I wanted to give you something that I hope you'll pass along to Alex, and I think he'll really appreciate this.
He had come up with a couple months ago now about MSM, what he coined as what he figured was the most accurate
label for them, which was fake stream media.
You remember that?
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Hang on, we've got to take a break.
We're going to come right back.
We'll begin with your call.
Stay with us, Stephen.
And we've got Bill and Dante, Alex, Chris, many others on the line.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back, taking your phone call.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to go to your calls and we've got people lined up here.
We're talking to Stephen just before we went to the break.
Stephen in Florida, go ahead.
I had to run out of time there.
Your comments.
Okay, and I want to get to the Saudis because I have a scenario I want to lay out for you real quick.
But I have come up with what I believe is a much better term for MSM.
They are the antithesis of what you guys at Infowars stand for.
Which is why I believe they should be called DISC INFO HORRORS!
Who Obama was obviously, he was one of Obama's chief advisors and Obama clearly favored the Saudis.
Remember he bowed to them in reverence and basically deferred to Allah as a loyal Muslim.
And you remember the Saudis were one of the major contributors to whose presidential campaign?
Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, they even bragged about that, and then they pulled that back after it got a little bit of traction in our press.
Not in the mainstream press, but that memo that they talked about how much money they'd given.
What was it?
20 million dollars?
I'm going from memory.
But then they pulled that back and deleted that tweet.
So now, okay, so here's the thing.
Think back to Pastor Lindsey Williams, who Alex hasn't had in the show now in probably almost two years, but remember the scenario he laid out
Those CEOs up there in the Alaskan pipeline who disclosed to him what the New World Order was planning on doing in relation to the Middle East, do you remember that?
He said that they were going to take down the Middle East like dominoes, okay?
And you remember, Kissinger went to the Middle East, met with the Saudis specifically.
We were the major oil producer back then.
And basically what he said they planned was to destabilize our economy.
One of the main ways to take that away, the oil production, and give it to the Saudis and this conglomeration that they came up with called OPEC at the behest of the New World Order.
That's right, and I think the most effective thing we could do right now, instead of aligning ourselves to them, instead of giving them massive amounts of weapons, instead of getting involved in their wars, I think the most important thing we could do
Is to fall back and start to do the things that Donald Trump has already started to do.
We have this divided process here.
You know, you're talking about Henry Kissinger.
The fact that Henry Kissinger met with Donald Trump and then not too long after that, this trip gets put together.
And I think that's a very bad idea.
I don't know if it was Kissinger's idea.
I don't know who planned this.
But I think it was a very bad idea.
Very bad photo ops at the very least.
But it absolutely makes me outraged when I look at this and I understand what's behind it.
And when I was talking earlier,
About the fact that we had these executions going on in villages, that the Syrian army was fighting back against them, and then we went in and bombed the Syrians who were fighting ISIS.
It also took place in the southern part of Syria.
That is the area that they want to run the pipeline from the UAE up through to Europe.
Russia, Iran, and Syria have a different pipeline that they want to run through the northern part of the country.
So it all boils down to this.
We could transcend them.
We have a tremendous reserve in coal.
Back in the 1970s, late 1970s, when Time Magazine was saying we're going to be out of oil within eight years.
We're going to be out of natural gas in something like ten years.
But then they said we have 500 years of coal.
So what'd they do?
They made coal the enemy.
Coal is poison.
We must stop coal.
It's carbon.
Because that's what we have here in America.
But then they came up with fracking, and then that's something that even OPEC can't stop, is fracking.
So what we ought to do is unleash American resources and let the Middle East just fight among themselves.
That's my opinion.
What do you think, Steven?
Well, here's what I'm getting at.
You remember Dr. Steve Pichinick in his last interview over the last few days with Alex and they were talking about Kissinger and Kissinger is now advising Trump and Steve Pichinick thinks this is a good thing and I don't want to, you know, degrade Mr. Pichinick because he knows a whole lot more than I do being, you know, having been in our government but I don't think this is a good thing because remember Kissinger was David Rockefeller's right-hand man
This guy, I think, Kissinger, is a Trojan horse in the Trump administration.
And I think that's why Trump went on this trip recently.
And I agree with what Joel Skousen said.
It's the same thing here.
Just like with Syria, I believe Trump got snookered on that by the New World Order bombing them.
And that was clearly a false flag attack, probably carried out by ISIS.
I don't see the opening to China by Kissinger as being a good thing either.
Take a look at the trade deficit, if you will.
And of course, the people are going to win from our indebtedness, making $5 trillion in interest of the people who own our debt.
Saudi Arabia and China.
We'll be right back.
Take your call.
Stay with us.
Bill and Dante, Alex, Chris and others.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Democrat Convention!
F*** Donald Trump!
That's right folks, here at the Democrat Party, we don't engage in policy.
We don't engage in ideas.
We don't have discussion.
We just curse and cry and... Hey, what did that racist just say?
Today's event is featuring the chrome dome cursing machine, Tom Perez!
He's a f***ing liar!
That's what I say, pal!
You're f***ing right he's a liar!
And now give it up for the lunatic fringe, Nancy Pelosi, and our esteemed colleague, John Burton, who will lead us in this f*** Donald Trump chant!
Now all together, f*** Donald Trump!
And shut the f*** up and go outside, alright?
F*** Donald Trump!
That's John Burton closing out the 2017 Democrat Senate event in California after he led the crowd chants of F Donald Trump while the audience raised their middle fingers in the air.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars and the Dems have gone mental.
Let's go to Debit in Florida.
Debit in Florida, you're on the air.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We're going to get back to our callers in just one moment.
This article that came out today out of Yahoo News.
Trump EPA transition chief laments slow progress in killing green rules.
This is a man who led Trump's transition team for the EPA.
He told a conservative conference
The new administration is moving too slowly to unravel climate change regulations.
And they said, of course, they're also delaying appointing key people.
But a key part of what people are concerned about is the fact that we are remaining in the Paris Climate Agreement.
And I say that remaining with air quotes around it, because it was never ratified by the Senate.
By not repudiating Obama's executive order, Trump is allowing that to remain and to be used to pressure legislation that will be used to influence court cases, as well as the endangerment finding that the Obama administration put in that says that carbon dioxide is a public health threat.
No it's not!
Carbon dioxide is what you breathe out.
So you are a health threat.
The animals that we have for food breathe out carbon dioxide.
But the plants breathe it in.
The plants need that just as they need oxygen.
They breathe in carbon dioxide and they let out oxygen.
That's the basic science behind this.
It's a closed-loop system.
God knew what he was doing, okay?
There are feedback loops that control that, but when you leave the endangerment clause that lies to people and says carbon dioxide is poison, essentially, when you leave in the Paris Climate Agreement and say we're not going to repudiate that signing by the President, by the people who got involved with it, former Secretary of State John Kerry, when you leave that in,
Then basically what you're doing is you're leaving the structure that will be used to keep oppressive regulations from being overturned.
That's what people are concerned about.
Where's that coming from?
Oh, it's coming from Ivanka.
It's coming from Rex Tillerson.
That's why we have this t-shirt.
I voted for Donald, not Ivanka.
I would say I voted for Donald.
Also, I didn't vote for Kissinger either.
Or for Rex Tillerson.
I voted to get rid of these climate change treaties.
That's why it's important for us to try to get Donald Trump to remain on the agenda.
You know when we say things like this, we're not opposing Trump.
What we're trying to do is keep him to his agenda.
Barack Obama said to his supporters,
Hold me to it.
Hold me to it.
He said, I need your help.
I need you to push back on this.
And they did.
And he came up with executive orders that violated the laws, that were in direct contradiction to the law.
What we're asking Donald Trump to do is to overturn those executive orders, to abide by the law, to abide by the Constitution.
We're trying to encourage him to go back to his agenda.
That's the least that we can do.
He needs your support to do that.
He needs your encouragement to stick to his agenda because he has people who are very close to him.
His daughter, his son-in-law, his son-in-law who took a lot of money from George Soros, they are putting a lot of pressure on him as the rest of the people, Republican and Democrat, the establishment in Washington, are pushing on Trump to go in a different direction than his agenda that he was elected on.
So you need to push in the opposite direction to make sure that he goes that way.
You need to encourage him to do that.
So, part of that is the Trump t-shirt.
I voted for Donald, not Ivanka t-shirt.
You can find that at InfoWars.com.
Also, we have a new shipment of BioTruth Selenium now available at InfoWarsLife.com that has been sold out.
Selenium is very important for your health.
You can do your own research and find that.
That's a broad agreement that you need to have selenium.
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We have created a very pure system of selenium.
It's 100% organic.
It comes from mustard seed.
It's not synthetic, like many of the seleniums that you'll get.
So, you want to make sure you take the right supplements, and you want to make sure that you get them in a pure form, in an organic form, not a synthetic form.
And so, BioTruth Selenium is now available at InfoWarsLife.com, and it also helps to support our operation.
We really appreciate your support.
Yeah, boy, I'll tell you, Dave, I don't know where to start.
Hear me, Dave?
I guess
I'm hanging on by fingernails to the Trump agenda.
I am very, very disappointed.
I had commercially made a sign in front of my farm here.
I'm a local public official.
I made calls.
I got a lot of people to support him.
It was almost two to one in our local area forum.
But I'm very disappointed.
We hear all the time about how smart Donald Trump is, and I'm beginning to question that.
But I think that we have to understand, and this is my concern from the very beginning, I held back to wait to see what happens, and what I thought would happen really did happen, you know?
Personnel is policy.
And if you bring in key pieces, if the Queen is playing for the other team,
If the Bishop and the Knight and the Rook are playing for the other team, they're the other team's pieces, and you bring those in, I understand he's got a massive problem to try to do anything about Washington, but it doesn't help when you're trying to run a three-legged race and the other guy's going in the opposite direction from you.
That's a key thing, and so that's really, I think, where it's starting to go wrong.
We need to put pressure on him to stick to his agenda.
I think he really does want to stick to this agenda, but for whatever reason, whether he puts a premium on people who are experts, so he wants Washington experts, he wants banking experts, maybe that's where he went wrong by pulling those people in, and they're diverting his agenda, I believe, or delaying it, dragging their feet.
And betraying the agenda, betraying Donald Trump.
I think it's not wrong to criticize Donald Trump.
I think he needs our encouragement.
I think he needs pressure from us, as well as support from us, to do the agenda that he campaigned on.
Do you agree?
Now, when he, you know, announced his trip, he said he's going to the civilized world, okay, to bring it all together.
Now you tell me, the Saudis are civilized, the Israelis are civilized, and I'm a traditional Catholic.
I can tell you for sure, Pope Francis isn't a pope and he's not civilized either.
So what we have here is catering to all of the problems in the world.
Tears almost came to my eyes.
With America first.
And so what do we have?
We're funneling $38 billion to Israel.
We're, like you pointed out, we're setting up the Saudis to be our air force.
Tillerson calls it an act of peace.
We're promoting peace in the world.
Why are we doing this for the military-industrial complex?
Let's build baby carriages, not weapons.
Yes, absolutely.
You know, when we look at the total cost of just the Iraq and Iran wars, I pointed out before, is about a trillion dollars in terms of direct costs, in terms of weapons, materials, things like that, the actual cost of conducting the war, about another trillion dollars in terms of the cleanup, taking care of our wounded soldiers and so forth, and then
It's estimated to be about another five trillion dollars of interest costs that we're going to accumulate over the next decades as we pay off this money that we borrowed to fight these wars.
And who are we going to pay that off to?
The people who buy our debt.
The Saudis.
The Chinese.
They're going to make five trillion dollars off of our Iraq folly.
This is the thing that is so incredibly disturbing about this as I look at this.
And I just, again, knowing the context of Saudi Arabia, why would we honor them
By going to their country.
Why would we honor them by letting them honor us with medals and so forth?
I just don't understand the trip, I don't understand the symbolism, and I adamantly oppose this weapons system to Saudi Arabia.
And I think we all need to make that clear.
It's come out that Rand Paul and others are going to push back against this weapons sale.
I hope that they do.
And when they do, we need to support them.
And we need to support Trump when he does the right thing.
And we need to pressure him when he does the wrong thing.
Because he's listening to the wrong advisors.
I really think so.
Thank you so much, Bill.
I got a lot of people online.
I want to move along.
Let's go to Dante in California.
Did I write that down correctly?
Yeah, Dante, California.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, David.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm currently, I'm doing great.
I'm currently working on a video over Trump's visit to the Middle East.
I'll be posting it to my YouTube channel soon.
My channel's called Expose the Elites, and there is no spaces in that name.
I currently have five videos over various topics such as geoengineering, so if you'd like to vet it and promote it, that'd be great.
But back to the subject at hand.
Wait a second, before we move on, that's Expose the Elites?
Okay, on YouTube.
So people can find those videos.
Okay, go ahead.
There's no space in it.
It'll get you confused.
Just expose the elites is one word.
So anyway.
Choosing Saudi Arabia as the first stop stands in stark contrast to the nature of Obama back in 2009, when he, when in his visit to Egypt, he was seeking to quote, reset relations with the Muslim world.
And of course,
This was followed by the Arab Spring, which led to the collapsing of the multiple Middle Eastern countries, violence, terrorism.
So, I think what we need to be paying attention to is the actions and conflicts that arise after this fallen trip to know the true nature of these resolutions that Trump is promoting.
Yeah, I agree.
We're going to have to take a look at what happens, and I'm very concerned about the Global Center for Fighting Terrorism that's being created in all places beyond Saudi Arabia.
I mean, this would be a joke if it wasn't being taken seriously.
I cannot believe the hypocrisy.
It really approaches a level of satire.
What do you think about that?
Having our Global Center for Fighting Terrorism with the people.
They're the Mecca of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.
Well, there's one or two things that could be going on here.
Trump has totally fallen over to the deep state, or Trump has a bigger game at play here.
Like you said, playing four-dimensional chess, he could be setting up something that would be in favor for America, but as far as I'm seeing it, this is just totally out of control because, I mean, promoting peace with these countries that are not compatible with each other,
And promoting this idea that all these Muslim countries can work together in unison.
It's never worked in history, and I don't think it can work today.
Absolutely, yeah.
I wish he would focus on America first.
And I think that, it's my suspicion that Kissinger told him to take this trip.
To get away from the attacks, to elevate himself to the level of world leader by meeting with all these different world leaders everywhere.
Because he's going to go from meeting with the Muslims, to the Jews, to the Pope, and then he's going to go to Brussels.
And I guess you could look at this as a religion tour, right?
We go to Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, and then we go to the coming world religion, the coming world government coming out of Brussels.
Of course, that'll be a one world government, one world religion that'll be opposed to all of those religions.
When I look at this, it's just like, I wish he would just fix the problems here, fix the problems in his administration first, get his house in order, get his cabinet in order, get people who are going to work with him on his agenda, and start putting pressure on Congress with the American people.
And that's where the Trump supporters need to step in.
They need to help him put pressure on the swamp to do the right thing, rather than just falling back whenever he does something that looks wrong, or that is obviously wrong.
I see the Trump supporters just lay back and say, he's playing four-dimensional chess, he knows what he's doing, he's a genius.
Instead of saying, we want you to do X, you said you were going to do X, do X. They need to be putting pressure on him instead of taking the pressure off.
When you take the pressure off and say, that's alright, I know you'll eventually do the right thing.
That's not going to happen.
You need to put pressure on to fight against the people who are in Washington, to fight against the swamp.
I think it's the only way we're going to win.
Thank you, Dante.
Let's go to Alex in Michigan.
Go ahead, Alex.
Hey, David.
Can you hear me?
Go ahead.
I had a few points away to make.
I mean, I don't know if... I'm sure Trump is pretty smart.
I mean, I'm going all in for Trump.
I'm supporting Trump and Infowars till the end.
It's obvious Iran is a proxy of Russia.
If he goes to war with Iran, there's just going to be World War III in that scenario.
So I'm hoping he just said that to appease the Saudis or whatever.
Well, the Saudis want Iran taken out.
The Israelis want Iran taken out.
And there's the oil issues that are there.
There's, you know, the Russians, the Iranians, and the Syrians have their own pipeline.
And then the Saudis and their allies and the Americans have a different pipeline they want to go through.
And, you know, so there's these different games that are being played.
People need to realize that Islam is not monolithic.
There's different groups there.
And one of the worst
Uh, extremist groups of the Wahhabists.
And of course they're adamantly opposed to the Sunnis and the Shias.
And so that's a large part of what it's cultural, it's religious, it's geopolitical, it's economic.
There's all these different regions that you got these these two different bases that are there.
But we have our own energy source.
We don't need to be their lackeys, their mercenaries.
And I wish that we would do that.
When you say you support Trump,
What, how do you support Trump?
Do you say, do the right thing?
Do you say, we voted for this, let's do this, come on, let's, you know, stick to the program?
Or do you say, I know that you've got, you know, our back, I know that you know what you're doing, I'll just leave you alone.
How do you view support?
Which of those two alternatives?
I try to tweet to Trump as much as possible, but I don't think he reads them.
But, you know, I just, uh, I bought a Trump hat the other day.
Um, I don't know, just people gotta...
Well, that's good.
You know, if you get on social media and if you say, let's stick to the agenda, let's do this, this is the wrong direction.
Wait a minute, folks, we're going the wrong direction.
Look, anybody who is a pilot, anybody who is a driver and you're driving down the road, you're constantly making corrections to the direction that you're going, aren't you, to get where you want to go.
But you have, you know, you want to go from point A to point B, you're driving down the road, you're constantly reacting to obstacles that are coming up on the road, you're constantly changing direction, but you have to have in mind what your ultimate destination is.
And if it's not clear to us that Trump is going in the right direction,
Then he needs to make that clear to us.
It's like, hey, this is my next step here.
We're going to do that.
But he at least needs to know, even if it's some super secret plan that he's concocting and nobody knows but himself, he still needs to know that we want him to stick to the agenda that we voted for.
I think that's the way that you support Trump, don't you?
I just think, you know, it's not making America great again.
That weapons deal with Saudi Arabia when I can't even get a loan to start up my business.
Because I'm an entrepreneur.
I'm trying to start my own business.
I can't even get a loan at my bank right now.
That's right.
You say that, you know, and so it's like when we look at these situations like with Chobani, this is a guy who comes in, he gets nearly a million dollars from the Small Business Association.
Can you get a loan from the Small Business Association?
I never could.
I never, actually I never tried because I knew they weren't going to give me the money.
But you are not going to get any money from the Small Business Association.
I can guarantee you.
You're probably not going to be able to get any money from the bank either.
But we have people who are friends to the Clintons, friends who are part of the globalist agenda.
They get their money.
And then they pass that money back to the politicians.
And then they get subsidized factories from the states and from the local governments when they build their factories.
And then they get subsidized labor.
That's the way this whole thing works.
The people who are in the system get rewarded for that.
And when we look at what's happening with Saudi Arabia, as I mentioned before, we need a trillion dollars, according to Donald Trump, to rebuild our infrastructure.
But we've already spent twice that amount in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And we are going to spend five times that amount in interest charges to Saudi Arabia and China, among others.
If we didn't have to do that, we could pay for our roads.
We wouldn't need a $40 billion tip.
From the Saudi King to say, here, fix a couple of your potholes while you equip me to be the most powerful military force in the Middle East.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to try to get to as many of our callers as we can here.
I've got Chris, Mike, others on the line I'll get to in just one moment.
You know, we've been talking about supporting Trump, standing with Trump.
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Let's go back to our callers.
Chris in Georgia.
Go ahead, Chris.
Yes, and as far as the Saudi thing, I don't see any difference than like any other president if there was what's to do.
I think he's a globalist.
I think he's just doing some anti-globalist things to give people the illusion that he's an anti-globalist, but in that bad thing, he's in bed with the elites.
Well, time will tell.
We'll have to see what happens.
Clearly, Jared Kushner has ties, financial ties, to George Soros.
And he is the one who put together this arms deal for the Saudis.
And I think that for the good of his family, he needs to distance themselves from this because so many... I would think that if I was Donald Trump, I would want to keep my family compartmentalized
As hard as the mainstream media in Washington is coming after him to try to entrap him with everything.
And there's a lot of stuff in Kushner's background.
Besides the fact that the guy is completely, he and Ivanka are completely opposed to the agenda that Donald Trump ran on, as family members I would want to protect them.
And I would want to keep them out of this.
So hopefully they will have less say in the future.
But we'll have to wait and see what happens.
I'm very
I'm happy about the fact that Saudi Arabia was elevated, and as I said before, I think this has got Kissinger's fingerprints all over it.
It looks like exactly the type of thing that he would do.
Any other comments before we go to O'Brien?
Well, I'm not that convinced about it.
I believe Trump purposely hired them so people like you could be their focus ball and chair at any bunker.
I believe it's all engineered.
Well, I'm very concerned about the people that he brought in from the very beginning.
He brought in a lot of people from Goldman Sachs.
He brought in the number two guy from Goldman Sachs who got accelerated payoff from Goldman Sachs.
They wanted him in there.
We've seen the dominance there as we've seen Mike Flynn being moved out right away and people like Dina Habib Powell put in, also a Goldman Sachs person.
So, I'm very concerned about the people that Donald Trump picked.
I mean, that's his choice to pick people that are there with him.
If he wants to seriously fight the establishment, you've got to get people who are with you on that side.
That's my concern.
We'll have to wait and see.
I'm very unhappy to see him elevating and honoring Saudi Arabia, and that's precisely what happened with this trip.
That's it for today's news.
Join us tonight at 7 central, 8 p.m.
Eastern for the InfoWars Nightly News.
Alex will be back tomorrow, live on the Alex Jones Radio Show.