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Filename: 20170512_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 12, 2017
3537 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Keith Olbermann's speech advocating foreign powers to overthrow Trump. He criticizes Olbermann's lies, hypocrisy, and the media's double standards in covering Trump. The show promotes Infowars products and air filtration systems. Topics include potential new FBI director candidates, WikiLeaks offering James Comey $100,000 for any tapes of conversations with Trump, Trump signing an executive order to establish a commission on alleged voter fraud and suppression, surging human trafficking arrests, Kim Kardashian's Planned Parenthood event, 89% of colleges reporting zero campus rapes in 2015 despite alleged rape culture, and Maxine Waters' and Keith Olbermann's unhinged behavior.

I'm gonna admit something to you on air right now.
I over-prepare.
I laid in bed last night for about three hours with an iPad reading news and watching video clips.
Then I got up at about 6 a.m.
this morning and researched for a couple hours and then I got back to work and went over the latest news and my head is just spinning.
Matt, one of the producers, walked in and he goes, this is going to be an incredible show today.
Look at all these clips you sent us, the other clips we have.
It's incredible.
Total constitutional crisis, meltdown in the government.
This is amazing.
And I'm just like, yeah, I know.
It's amazing, isn't it?
It's amazing how good Trump is.
A commission to expose election fraud.
Now the Democrats are openly getting illegals to vote en masse.
Pence coming out and admitting that there's genocide against Christians, hundreds of thousands a year being killed.
Nobody would say that just a year ago.
steel coming roaring back, U.S.
aluminum, U.S.
dry goods, U.S.
finished goods.
So many good numbers, but then you juxtapose it with all the bad numbers, and we are in the best of times, worst of times.
I opened the broadcast so many times with that statement, and then stuff like this.
I watched this seven and a half minute GQ rant by Keith Oberman, and I watched it very, very carefully.
Let me tell you something.
Oberman didn't do this as a stunt.
I know body language, and I watched it twice.
Last night and this morning.
Keith Oberman is completely mentally ill.
He is mentally ill, and he is dangerous.
When I yell and scream, it's because I'm angry, but I let myself do it.
Let me explain the paradox.
It's not an act, but it is.
It's how I feel, but I let the dog off the leash.
With Oberman, he is completely out of control, calling for foreign governments to work with him to overthrow Trump, and then he begs the Russians to take Trump out.
This is textbook sedition, textbook espionage.
If I did something like this, I would be arrested within a day, and I should be.
And then I've got so many clips of professors today and yesterday saying, kill white people, kill conservatives, kill libertarians, and they've totally normalized it.
We're not even human.
And this is the climate.
They're the danger, not Trump.
Not libertarians, not Christians, not conservatives.
Liberals are not liberals.
They are a fascist crazy cult.
Now even Lester Holt had to admit that Trump has a good point handing him a dossier of 20 plus Democrats calling for Comey to be fired, even last week.
And he had to admit that he, quote, had a point.
No, he has more than a point.
He wasn't investigation.
He wasn't being investigated for Russian collusion.
But the Democrats keep selling it.
And then Comey is running around doing whatever he wants, won't investigate illegal leaks.
So Trump took action.
Here he is with Lester Holt.
Grandstander, the FBI has been in turmoil.
You know that.
I know that.
Everybody knows that.
You take a look at the FBI.
I don't
I was going to fire Comey.
There's no good time to do it, by the way.
Because in your letter you said I accepted their recommendation, so you had already made the decision.
Oh, I was going to fire him regardless of recommendation.
He made a recommendation.
He's highly respected.
Very good guy.
Very smart guy.
The Democrats like him.
The Republicans like him.
He made a recommendation.
But regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.
Let me ask you about your termination letter to Mr. Comey.
You write, I greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation.
Why did you put that in there?
Because he told me that.
I mean, he told me that.
He told you weren't under investigation with regard to the Russia investigation?
I've heard that from others.
Was it in a phone call?
Did you meet face-to-face?
He'll be right back.
Stay with us.
So today I want to talk about killing white people in context.
A Texas A&M professor says that some white people may have to die in order to solve racism and bring about true equality.
When we have this conversation about violence or killing white people, it has to be looked at in this kind of historical term.
And the fact that we've had no one address like how relevant and how
That was Professor Tommy Curry on the Reading News Review podcast who went on to say that the movie Django Unchained
Made killing white people look fun, but in reality, it should be part of a serious discussion.
So far, it is unknown if law enforcement officials or Homeland Security are investigating Tommy Curry for his violent, racist, and terroristic threats.
And you can learn more right now at InfoWars.com.
Today we call it bone broth.
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It's those people living in the wilds having to actually build civilization that are our superior ancestors.
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That's InfoWarsLive.com.
Relentlessly attacking the power structure.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
And if you can't see that the global, corporate, crony, capitalist, anti-free market, eugenicist-based system is attacking Trump, is attacking Le Pen, is attacking Farage, is attacking Jones, is attacking Drudge, is attacking anybody who's independent and wants to have a free market, open, free society, you're blind.
Donald Trump is anti-establishment.
He's a total dark horse, an absolute rogue.
To the establishment.
And anyone who has half a brain would be totally behind Trump right now.
In fact, I can't believe he's fighting this hard.
I said if he got 30-40% down in his first four years, he'd be as great as George Washington.
Just killing TPP.
Just getting our industry turned back on.
Just cutting UN funding by 50%.
Just smashing the globalist Saudi creation ISIS.
One of those things is unbelievably, irrevocably damaging to globalism.
Trump wants to keep cash.
Trump wants to keep the United States preeminent.
Trump wants to rebuild our military.
I saw all these headlines yesterday where it was him under his breath but picked up by the press saying, we're going back to GD steam.
And that's because for a decade they've tried to make robotic
Catapults systems work to launch fighters off the decks of aircraft carriers when we invented that after World War I. And they can't make the robotic systems work right for a decade.
Just like all those fighters that cost, you know, $2 billion a piece and an F-16 or an F-15 can defeat them from 1980.
So I'm somebody that reads Weapons Quarterly.
I'm the guy that stays up on basic weapons systems.
And I know the Navy has had a nightmare with trying to replace their steam systems that catapult the airplanes off.
The Chinese are trying to launch aircraft carriers.
They still can't figure it out.
Because America was always number one in engineering.
The French couldn't build the Panama Canal.
The Germans couldn't build the Panama Canal.
We did!
When they failed.
But it just goes on and on.
He's talked to top engineers, they say, stay with steam.
So he says, that's it, we're not gonna have aircraft crashing and all this stuff.
We're going back to steam.
And they go, oh, he's a troglodyte, he's an idiot.
But then you go research, and I went, you know, I heard they have a problem with steam for a decade.
I went and researched it for like 20 minutes, all these articles of how they can't make the new systems work right.
Trump tried to get rid of the F-23 and all the rest of that, but they got in his face about it, so he said, fine.
I mean, it's just, but notice he relaunched the manned space program that the globalists had killed?
So he believes in humans being involved and controlling our environment and building a world for humans, not a world for globalist technocrats who think we're obsolete.
It isn't that Trump doesn't know how to use technology, he doesn't trust it.
Because he knows the people that have built it have put Trojan horses and back doors into all of it.
The genetic engineering, the smartphones, all of it!
All of it!
Man, I have got so much news to cover, so much good news.
Pence gave a big speech, the Vice President.
They'd sworn they'd stick up for Christians.
The UN admits the last decade persecution of Christians has more than doubled.
Hundreds of thousands are killed every year.
And Pence gave out those numbers.
He went over those numbers and admitted there's a Christian genocide happening globally.
Those clips are coming up at the bottom of the hour.
And instead of backing radical Islam out of Saudi Arabia, we're now fighting it!
Instead of having our government put radical Muslims in charge and take out Iraq, and take out Syria, and take out Libya, take out our allies.
Yeah, Libya's been our ally for eight years.
And take out Hussein Mubarak in Egypt, our ally for 32 years.
Instead of that, that's all changing.
And this isn't just going to be senseless war to install radical Muslims.
This is targeted when they attack countries or Christians to defeat them!
Now it can certainly be turned into a wider war, something McMaster's tried to do and Trump's killed.
But right now, we have to clean up Obama's mess.
And that's happening.
Journalist is credited with undercoming mass voter fraud, vows to aid Trump probe.
Project Veritas.
Trump launches commission to investigate voter fraud.
That's got him real mad.
This is big.
China warms up to blockchain currency.
That's a digital currency.
May ditch paper money altogether for social control.
I'm all for digital money to compete with government currencies.
But we do not need to have a central government digital currency that brings total control.
Soros expands effort to keep net neutrality censorship in place.
Under the name of net neutrality.
We'll explain that.
That's just some of what we've got here.
And it ties in what's happening with Pence with this headline.
There's video of this.
Fight the Jews and kill them!
Outraged in Copenhagen at Iman's call.
Twitter says telling the truth about refugee crisis is hateful conduct.
Pointing out objective facts that there are few women and children migrants could be illegal.
That report on national news in Europe.
Hungary and Slovakia taking EU to court over migrant quotas, where they're ordered to let them in, or be fined.
Detroit school to hold Muslim girls only prom!
Let me tell you something, it isn't hundreds of thousands Obama brought in.
Everywhere I went in Austin yesterday, including a suburb, I went in two shops.
A Starbucks, and then I went in a pool supply place.
And there were like seven people in the Starbucks, three of them were young Muslim girls with hoods over their heads drinking coffee after school.
Then I went to the Pulse of Pie place, same deal.
And all I'm telling you is, imagine if you were in Saudi Arabia, and in Saudi Arabia they were walking to stores and there were Christians and women with lipstick on and high heels everywhere, they'd start physically attacking you.
But here, we're tolerant.
So I'm just saying, we're letting in people en masse that are not tolerant, that are the most oppressive, cult-like people on Earth, and it freaks me out.
You bet I'm freaked out.
You bet I am.
I've got three dollars, ladies and gentlemen, and I don't like it.
Oh, but the feminists all wear the hijab as a sign of their feminism.
I get it.
You got Stockholm Syndrome, literally.
By the way, the media has this firestorm going right now that Trump admits that the Russian probe was part of Comey firing.
That's because he's being honest.
He said, yeah, it's his flip-flopping.
It's him thinking he's the boss.
It's him not investigating Susan Rice and her leaks and how he's been spied on and saying that the president is crazy that he's being spied on.
When it's come out, he was being spied on.
That's outrageous to have the FBI director saying that about anybody that's above him in the chain of command.
And saying he got nauseous, that he may have helped Trump win, all this other crap.
And Trump goes, on top of it, it's a whole Democrat narrative made up that I'm with the Russians.
They lost the election, that's why they're upset.
They lost in the Electoral College, which is very hard to do, and gerrymandered towards them.
And then they spin it, oh, he's flip-flopping, he's, he's, no, there's a lot of reasons Comey got axed.
And Trump is tweeting out all these videos, some of which we've produced, showing the Democrats saying, get rid of him, get rid of him, up to last week.
But let's go back first to him with Lester Holt yesterday.
Laying out that, no, he went with the recommendations, but he was already going to fire Comey.
He was thinking about firing Comey the day he got elected.
And guess what?
I don't just have to believe Trump.
I have him, two nights after he was elected, or sworn in, saying, I'm thinking about firing him.
I don't know if I'm going to keep him.
And that was on, like, the 22nd of January.
So, I've got a memory, see?
So I know Trump's like the North Star.
Unless he changes the policy, then he'll explain why.
That's on a flip-flop.
But he's very steady.
Let's go to part of the Lester Holt interview.
Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.
Let me ask you about your termination letter to Mr. Comey.
You write, I greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation.
Why did you put that in there?
Because he told me that.
I mean, he told me that.
He told you weren't under investigation with regard to the Russia investigation?
I've heard that from others.
Was it in a phone call?
Did you meet face-to-face?
I had a dinner with him.
He wanted to have dinner because he wanted to stay on.
We had a very nice dinner at the White House very early on.
I don't
First of all, when you're under investigation, you're giving all sorts of documents and everything.
I knew I wasn't under.
And I heard it was stated at the committee, at some committee level, that I wasn't.
So that didn't come directly from him?
Then, during a phone call, he said it.
And then during another phone call, he said it.
So he said it once at dinner, and then he said it twice during phone calls.
Did you call him?
In one case I called him, in one case he called me.
And did you ask, am I under investigation?
I actually asked him, yes.
If it's possible, would you let me know, am I under investigation?
He said you are not under investigation.
But he's given sworn testimony that there is an ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign and possible collusion with the Russian government.
You were the centerpiece of the Trump campaign.
So was he being truthful when he said you were under investigation?
I know that I'm not under investigation.
Me, personally.
I'm not talking about campaigns.
I'm not talking about anything else.
I'm not under investigation.
That's right.
Because Trump delegated all of it.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's known that the Clintons, the Podestas, all of them were on the Russian payroll.
But they weren't Russian agents.
They were taking money from basically scores of countries.
They were agents of China.
Hillary has been an agent of China.
Going back to Don Tyson, it's well known.
It's all over the news since the 90s.
Totally documented.
But what's amazing is Trump's restoring our country, our sovereignty, our military, and our energy.
And they have the nerve to then claim he's some Russian stooge.
It's just outrageous bull.
We'll come back and play more of the interview straight ahead.
Then we'll play the clips of Democrats calling for Comey's firing until they did a 180 on Monday.
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So, the media everywhere as you know,
...is spinning things that Trump got caught flip-flopping and giving different stories.
Like he's, you know, a teenage kid caught breaking into a liquor store at 2 in the morning and the cops catch him with a bag of cash and three bottles of whiskey and, you know, he says, oh, my dad works there, oh, I own the liquor store, oh, I found this money on the side of the street.
But that's not what's happening.
In an interview with no notes,
The President's like, yeah, he's flip-flopping everywhere, he won't investigate leaks, he's not doing a very good job, and this whole Russia thing is completely made up, and I'm sick of it!
And he told me I'm not under investigation!
And he goes on to say the Russians must really be laughing at us.
This is idiotic.
Why don't you investigate the Clintons?
Why don't you look at how they're involved with the Russians and the uranium deal?
But see, all that hits the cutting room floor.
That's why Trump has to tweak that.
That's why he came out today and he said, I'm done with Lester Holt and all the media.
I'm going to hand out written statements now so they can't deceive the public.
And that's what I've been saying, Mr. President, Mr. President, a couple nights a week.
Maybe Tuesday nights and Thursday nights or Saturday night, whatever you choose, do a live hour with computer screens, documents, walk around, like a cross between Dr. Phil, you know, meets Alex Jones, meets Donald Trump, meets Ross Perot, meets Glenn Beck with his chalkboards, and just go over the facts for people.
It'll have 50 million views every night.
It will destroy them.
And you can play the clips.
Of the Democrats all saying, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey, fire Comey.
We never said fire Comey and have the record skip sound.
Trump says made up Russia story, part of decision to fire Comey.
Of course, Trump was thinking of this Russia thing when he decided to fire showboat Comey.
Russia ties made up.
And then we know they wouldn't investigate them for their ties that are confirmed.
Because Comey, his deputy directors, all of them, a bunch of Democrats, get my other Democrats, they're disgusting.
They all got put in power by Obama!
And if you don't know that Obama broke the law and got rid of our borders, and did whatever he wanted, and sold out our jobs, and created ISIS, and if you don't know that's treason, you don't know what it is!
And the word is like 85% of the FBI absolutely knows what's going on.
But it's the top is eight years of Democrat rats.
And Bush was a globalist as well.
So God help our country.
We need to just clean house, people.
Boy, if Trump's a Russian agent, we need more like him, right?
Our military, our sovereignty, our jobs.
Give me a break.
You've got all these foreign governments coming in, that's what globalism is, and ganging up on our country.
And they got the nerve, when they're the ones selling our nation out, to say Trump's the one.
Here's Trump, I'm a whole Russia canard!
But regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.
Let me ask you about your termination letter to Mr. Comey.
You write, I greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation.
Why did you put that in there?
Because he told me that.
I mean, he told me that.
He told you weren't under investigation with regard to the Russia investigation?
I've heard that from others.
Was it in a phone call?
Did you meet face to face?
I had a dinner with him.
He wanted to have dinner because he wanted to stay on.
We had a very nice dinner.
So I wanted to add that, where again, he's on record saying that.
Trump reportedly says, you better watch out, there might be recordings of what you really said, Comey.
Before you start lying and leaking, we've got records.
The phone calls are all recorded.
Comey knows that.
So here is the clip on the Russia situation.
He made a recommendation.
He's highly respected.
Very good guy.
Very smart guy.
The Democrats like him.
The Republicans like him.
He made a recommendation.
But regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey, knowing
There was no good time to do it.
And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.
It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.
And the reason they should have won it is the electoral college is almost impossible for a Republican to win very hard.
Because you start off at such a disadvantage.
So everybody was thinking they should have won the election.
This was an excuse for having lost an election.
And then Trump tried to leave him alone.
That's right.
He tried to not have him indicted.
And then they all try to have him removed.
Mr. President, that's an example of why you've got to just follow justice and not try to compromise.
They're not going to compromise with you.
They want to defeat this country.
They want to overwhelm us.
They want to dominate the nation.
They're globalists.
They're anti-American.
When we come back, I've got several master clips of Democrats over and over again calling for Comey's firing.
But now, they've changed their tune, saying they never did that.
Or Hillary had real reasons to fire him, Trump doesn't.
That's Hillary's latest flip-flopping.
And then, Keith Olbermann has committed a blaring, clear-cut, textbook, unavoidable crime.
He must be prosecuted.
He is organizing active sedition.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
He is organizing covert operations against the President with foreign powers.
Last week, a study was released showing the differences between vaccinated kids and non-vaccinated kids.
Infowars.com covered this, pointing out the pushback of these studies being censored, while more pushback has begun.
The Boston Herald published an editorial from the entire editorial staff, which is now calling for anyone pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric to be hung.
The well-written legal speak quote is, Lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.
This after insinuating that anti-vaccine people are responsible for a measles outbreak in a Somali community in Minnesota.
This story claims as fact vaccines don't cause autism when some have it already listed as a side effect.
Of course the irony of their statement regarding hanging people who lie about the health and safety of children
...is it ultimately would fall back on them if they do indeed promote the idea that vaccines cannot be linked to autism, a blatant lie about the health and safety of children.
My guess is this same editorial staff would support abortion, but somehow they don't believe that is a threat to the lives and safety of children.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, Spicer's done some good work, but he's been like a deer in the headlights, so he's been replaced the last few days with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who isn't as good looking as a Guilfoyle, but I gotta tell you, she's super sharp, and she just destroys these reporters.
When they're attacking the president and all the hypocrisy.
So we're going to play that in a few minutes and play some of these clips.
And then I'm going to get into Putin's response saying, it's your country.
I'm not involved.
This is all ridiculous.
Then he goes and plays hockey, makes a bunch of goals.
And then he falls down twice.
And I mean, he goes, oh, not so tough.
You fell down.
Forget what you think of Putin.
He's the guy in the arena.
So the press is literally
Acting like the people that Teddy Roosevelt talked about that'll attack the man in the arena.
We'll talk about how he stumbled or how he fell, but thank God we'll never be one of those timid souls who never actually get in the arena.
It's just crazy.
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Okay, let's go ahead now and get into the big news.
If you just joined us, you know there's a firestorm.
They're trying to bring Trump down.
The whole power structure, the entire media is lying about him twisting, infiltrating, leaking.
He's got traitors in his own mitts.
Because most people are cowards and they're selling out to the system because they can't handle the heat in the kitchen.
And Trump has come out and said, Comey was unreliable, he was doing a bad job, he wouldn't investigate leaks, he wouldn't investigate Clinton crimes, and the word is now, from FBI sources,
This has been the national news is that the Clinton criminal investigation is about to reopen.
Oh, you want to criminally investigate Trump with no evidence?
You want to wiretap him and then admit you were wiretapping him and then lie and say you weren't because no evidence was found.
It's all going to come out.
You want to punch Trump in the face?
He's always said he's a counter puncher.
The defense is always stronger than the offense if you're in the right.
And Trump knows that.
So get ready, criminals.
I told you days ago, Trump is taking the gloves off.
And that's exactly what's happening right now.
Now let's go through some of these riveting clips.
And I'm getting to Keith Auberman openly calling for mass criminal activity.
I mean, if he doesn't get arrested or put in a mental ward, bare minimum, then we're in a whole new climate here.
He's calling for foreign governments to help Aiden Abed in a violent overthrow of our executive branch.
I mean, this is just unprecedented slimyness.
But first, let's go ahead now and get to this clip where she annihilates this guy.
Sarah Sanders exposes hypocritical Democrat relations at Rukami was fired.
This is from yesterday.
Here it is.
I asked you directly yesterday if the President had already decided to fire James Comey when he met with the Deputy Attorney General.
And you said no.
Also, the Vice President of the United States said directly that the President acted to take the recommendation of the Deputy Attorney General to remove the FBI Director.
Sean Spicer said directly it was all him, meaning the Deputy Attorney General.
Now we learn from the President directly that he had already decided to fire James Comey.
So why were so many people giving answers that just... Hey, dummy, let's back that up five seconds, please.
It's called a consensus?
You know, like if you have a jury of 12 people?
And then they agree?
It's not that they're all even agreeing for the same reasons.
They all have different reasons overall, but together it's called a consensus.
A consensus that the mainstream media are liars.
A consensus that they're elitist, that have a stain for the American people.
A consensus that you can't be trusted.
A consensus that you're hacks.
A consensus that you're slime.
So, days after they come out and say there were recommendations, on and on and on, he says, yeah, there were recommendations, but I had my own reasons as well.
That's not him lying.
That's him being genuine.
Something you try to twist.
Something you try to misrepresent.
Because Trump's not a lawyer.
And not playing lawyer games.
Let's go back to her response.
So why were so many people giving answers that just weren't correct?
Were you guys in the dark?
Was the Vice President misled again?
I know you'd love to report that we were misled and we want to create... Hold on, Jonathan.
I'd let you finish and read off every single one of those statements.
So unless you want to trade places, I think it's my turn now.
I think it's pretty simple.
I hadn't had a chance to have the conversation directly with the president to say.
I'd had several conversations with him, but I didn't ask that question directly.
Had you already made that decision?
I went off of the information that I had when I answered your question.
I've since had the conversation with him right before I walked on today, and he laid it out very clearly.
He had already made that decision.
He'd been thinking about it for months, which I did say yesterday and have said many times since.
Back it up again.
Five seconds.
Thank you.
He went on TV two days after he was sworn in with his wife and said, I don't know, I'm gonna keep coming.
We may get rid of him.
He's done some weird stuff.
And then later he just did so much weird things like going on TV and saying the President made him nauseous that he might have helped get him elected.
Mildly nauseous.
And that he also thought that Trump was crazy that Obama was wiretapping him when it was in the front page of the New York Times, the Washington Post, you name it, that Obama was wiretapping him.
And then you think we're so stupid and don't have a memory, you come back and say you never were wiretapping him because there's nothing in the wiretaps, as the head of the Intelligence Committee has said in the House,
Because he's read the transcripts!
There's no treason!
There's no collusion!
There's nothing with the Russians!
But setting up meetings with them, that's normal!
And then they finally have Lavrov, the foreign minister, and the...
Ambassador to the United States from Russia in a meeting, and they turned that into a giant conspiracy theory and say that Trump's helping them plant listening devices in the Oval Office!
That's how crazy these people are!
Let's go back to it.
Yesterday and have said many times since and Wednesday I think was the final straw that pushed him and the recommendation that he got from the Deputy Attorney General just further solidified his decision and again I think reaffirmed that he made the right one.
Was the Vice President in the dark too?
Nobody was in the dark.
Pause, back it up.
No one's in the dark.
When the President finally
Did a TV interview.
He laid out the truth that he was sick of him.
That the guy was waffling all over the place.
That the Democrats couldn't stand him.
That he said when he first got into office he might get rid of him.
And then he got recommended on top of what he'd already made the decision.
He's the president!
So notice the guy goes back to the talking point.
Oh, so you were kept in the dark.
Oh, you were misled when she just said she wasn't.
They just keep coming back with their lies.
That's why they're hated.
It's why they're disdained.
It's why they're disgusting.
So let's go back to this little man.
Here it is.
The vice president in the dark, too.
Nobody was in the dark, Jonathan.
You want to create this false narrative.
If we want to talk about contradicting statements,
And people that were maybe in the dark.
How about the Democrats?
Let's read a few of them.
You want to talk about them?
Here's what Democrats said not long ago about Comey.
Harry Reid said Comey should resign and be investigated by the Senate.
Senator Chuck Schumer said, I don't have confidence in him any longer.
Senator Bernie Sanders said it would not be a bad thing for the American people if Comey resigned.
Nancy Pelosi said Comey was not in the right job.
Former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that she thought Comey was no longer able to serve in a neutral and credible way.
President Obama's advisor Valerie Jarrett reportedly urged him to fire Comey.
Just yesterday, Representative Maxine Waters said that Hillary Clinton would have fired Comey.
Do you want to talk about people in the dark?
Our story is consistent.
The president is the only person that can fire the director of the FBI.
He serves at the pleasure of the president.
The president made the decision.
It was the right decision.
The people that are in the dark today are the Democrats.
They want to come out.
They want to talk about all of these.
They love Comey and how great he was.
Look at the facts.
The facts don't lie.
Their statements are all right there.
I think it's extremely clear that, and frankly, I think it's kind of sad.
In Washington, we finally had something that I think we should have all been able to agree on.
And that was that Director Comey shouldn't have been at the FBI.
But the Democrats want to play partisan games, and I think that's the most glaring thing that's being left out of all of your process.
Wow, she's good.
Better than Spicer.
Put her brain in the brain case of the Fox Info, babe.
No, they're both super smart.
How about have both those ladies up there tag-teaming?
And we got a new FBI female director.
That'll throw it in the liberals' faces.
I don't care if they're all women up there, as long as they're constitutionalists.
Give me a woman president right now, let's do it!
As long as it's not Kingpin Hillary.
But getting back to that clip...
I was thinking there, Comey was so hated by the Democrats that if he ever then said, yeah, the investigation in Russia is over, they'd claim that he was being controlled by Trump.
So Trump basically had nothing else he could do but get rid of Comey because Comey had politicized things to the 10th degree.
Now, I want to get to Oberman after the break, but first let's go to a few of these clips.
We put one of these together.
Trump's been tweeting these out.
Democrats should be ashamed is the first thing that Trump tweeted out.
And again, this is just examples of the Democrats saying how much they hate Comey and then hoping you don't remember this.
Comey acted in an outrageous way.
I think he should take a hard look at what he has done.
And I think it would not be a bad thing for the American people if he did step down.
Do you believe that Jim Comey should resign, Senator Reid?
Of course.
Did you want to see him gone?
So it's absolutely true that Democrats have been very critical of James Comey and many of us did call for his resignation.
It's hard to be a director of such an important institution when that trust is no longer there.
Can you tell us anything about the discussion?
No, it's classified and we can't tell you anything.
All I can tell you is the FBI director has no credibility.
FBI director not to send a letter.
Comey ignored the warning and sent that letter to lawmakers.
They even released internal FBI memos.
And interview notes.
I may have missed this, but my 42 years here, I've never seen anything like that.
Comey can render his country, now he's to resign.
Failing that, Jeff Sessions should invite him for a meeting after he's confirmed as Attorney General, and ask for him to resign.
I agree with the Wall Street Journal.
It's in the best interest of the country that he step down.
You're lying, frankly, publicly, about legal conduct.
The President ought to fire Comey immediately, and he ought to initiate an investigation.
There needs to be restoration of the credibility of the FBI.
I mean, that needed to be done.
I think he should resign because he's damaged the FBI's reputation.
The faith of the people of the FBI is somewhat shaken in their leadership.
And I think the faith of the country in the director of the FBI is somewhat perilous.
Given all of that, I think he ought to spend more time with his family.
The answer is that he resigns by midnight tonight, or early enough that the world can know that maybe he's not in the right job.
I believe the Comey letter was a foul deed.
I applaud what the director Comey did, and now they totally switch over.
I would say it's the lowest history of the FBI.
He should pack his things and go.
That's Hank Johnson that thinks that islands float.
I don't know.
I've ever seen in politics with Hillary just a week ago saying that he's the reason she lost, that he was clearly working for Trump, and then Trump does what the Democrats are asking for, what everybody wants, while Comey's saying Trump isn't under investigation for Russia, and they flip it around and say he got rid of him because Comey was getting too close to the Russiagate situation.
The witch hunt where Democrats admit no evidence has ever been found.
So, there you go.
And now they want a special prosecutor and a special counsel and special investigators.
And I've got a bunch of other videos coming up in the next hour with Trump saying, I may get rid of Comey when he was first sworn in to office.
Which is what he said again on Lester Holt on NBC.
When we come back, Keith Olbermann.
Keith Olbermann is
I can look at his eyes.
He is truly mentally ill.
He is truly, truly having a mental collapse.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know where to begin.
Remember a few months ago when Oberman said that our country has been taken over by the Russians?
Remember he said that this is Russian scum!
He is a Russian agent!
We are now at war with Russia!
Russia scum!
And then, he comes out in a video last night for GQ.
And you look at his eyes.
If you're a radio listener, go to Infowars.com.
We have the video posted.
He looks like he's completely mentally ill, and like he's completely scared, and like he's this five-year-old young boy who's afraid that Krusty the Clown's coming to kill him.
And then he calls for foreign governments, including Russia, to take Trump out, because now Russia must know how evil he is.
And then here's Trump, weathering the storm, restoring our republic, getting our jobs back, getting Obamacare repealed in the House, just over-delivering.
Total stalwart, totally in control, totally slick.
And it's like, he's crazy!
He's evil!
We gotta, the whole world's in danger!
He's bad!
This is mental illness.
But it's more than that.
It's called espionage.
It's called treason.
It's called aiding a foreign power
To carry out criminal operations against your country.
It's called being guilty of high treason.
It's one thing trying to overthrow your government.
It's another thing when you do it with foreign powers.
Then it's treason.
Not just sedition.
And it'd be one thing if Trump was really this far in power and he was screwing us over like the globalists, but instead he's actually an American who really is restoring the country with all the globalists coming after us.
That's what globalism is.
The UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the TPP.
Trump is literally pulling us out of all that and reforming it.
Cut UN funding by 50%.
But Oberman turns it around now and says, we've got to stop this American madman.
Thought he was a Russian agent.
We've got to stop him!
Please, Russia, help us take him out!
Do something!
And I've watched Oberman quite a bit.
He is literally having a mental breakdown here and is absolutely scared.
These people are crazy.
They thought they ran America.
That's their power trip.
That's their identity.
And now they've lost their identity and they are hitting the panic button.
And there's liberal professors everywhere calling to kill Trump supporters, calling to kill Trump.
Nothing's being done about it.
I mean, we've got a guy for GQ Magazine reaching millions of people saying, kill everybody that he basically disagrees with and that we're at war with Russia and Russia's scum.
In fact, here's the Russia scum clip first.
Here it is.
The nation and all of our freedoms hang by a thread and the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to scum who are beholden to scum!
Russian scum!
Now let's start going out to break with the first of the clip where he calls on all intelligence agencies and citizens, everyone else, overthrow Trump!
Stop him!
The world!
Come to America!
Attack us!
I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance.
I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world, to them as entities, entireties, as bureaucracies making official decisions, and to the individuals who make decisions of conscience, to GCHQ and MI6 in the UK, to the BND in Germany, the DGSE in France, the ASIS in Australia, and even to the GRU in Russia.
They must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely helped put an amoral cynic in power here, but an uncontrollable one.
That is the problem.
He's not controlled by the globalists.
So now you're more honest.
You want the foreign powers who did meddle in our election, the EU got involved, the globalists got involved, the UN got involved, the Saudis got involved, the Pope got involved, the Chinese dictator got involved, Cuba got involved, Mexico got involved.
Canada got involved, but you couldn't stop the American people!
You got your asses handed to you, and now you want the whole world to gang up on us more?!
You dirtbag traitor!
His ass needs to be in a Supermax prison!
He is an enemy!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Now he's come out with no proof, of course, of that, and said foreign governments, including Russia, help us overthrow Trump.
You mean overthrow our government.
And don't worry, the Democrats are in major newspapers, major magazines like the New Yorker, saying they're organizing a military attempted coup, grabbing Trump, putting him in a paddy wagon.
All this craziness because he dare turn our economy back on, get three and a half trillion dollars in the stock market, secure our borders again, kill Obamacare and everything else that's a giant screw job.
And then Oberman now calls on foreign powers to come in and overthrow our president.
Do you understand?
If he was a crazy guy on the street corner, the cops wouldn't do anything.
The FBI, everybody has to do something.
This is clear, clear, absolute organized crime, treason, espionage.
Calling on foreign powers for a coup is high treason.
It's punishable by
Being hung by the neck until dead is how the army still does it.
Or firing squad.
I guess you can pick either one.
And I'm serious, man.
If I was calling for foreign governments to come over through our country, I deserve a firing squad.
Let me tell you something.
60 years ago, he would be in front of a firing squad in about a month.
I'm serious!
And look how mentally ill he is.
That guy that grew up never in the real world, a spoiled brat, they call him bathtub boy because he'd hide in the bathtub and wouldn't do his TV shows.
He's a total mental patient.
And then he wants to sit here and call for our president to be overthrown.
And just look how mentally ill he looks.
Look at how weak his whole identity is in running the government and being a liberal fake.
And then now he isn't getting what he wants, and he sees America coming back from the dead.
He's so pissed, he now abandons the fact that Trump's run by foreign powers, because he's not, and he wants foreign powers to come in.
See, that's the traitor right there.
That's the anti-American scumbag.
I love America.
I love our republic.
I love prosperity.
I'm loyal to this country.
My family's always been loyal.
This guy is not an American.
This is a dirtbag liar that thinks he's better than you.
He thinks you're a bitter clinger.
He's an elitist.
And look how freaked out he is, because you got beat!
Your team, Collectivist, your team, Soros, got its big, fat, wart-covered butt handed to it, punk!
So let's go to this mental patient.
I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance.
I appeal to the- Hit pause again!
Back that up again!
You damn plagiarist!
We are The Resistance to you, the globalists ganged up on America!
You're not the resistance, you plagiarist!
I'm the resistance!
My audience is the resistance!
And guess what?
We kicked your teleprompter-rearing ass to the moon!
Let's go back to this.
Let's go back to Nancy.
Here he is.
I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance.
I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world.
You know, pause again.
I'm going to come back to this after the break because I'm going to give you a little message.
All the real people in intelligence agencies around the world don't want to sell their countries out and don't want globalism and don't want poverty and want a future for their kids.
I'd say 80%.
Same thing with the FBI.
You're appealing to people that just helped Trump win the election, dumbass.
Because they're sick of people like you running everything.
You're appealing to people that know you're a pile of steaming dog manure.
Oh, you appeal, so they're trying to sell the idea of a violent overthrow and a civil war.
Hey, jackass, you better pray there's not a civil war, because I guarantee you, you're the one calling for all this?
I guarantee you, son!
Sonny boy!
Sonny boy!
Sonny boy!
Don't open that door!
You have no idea what's on the other side of that door, you little chicken, you little wimp, you little nelly punk!
You open that gate.
You have no idea.
Let's just go out to break and I'll come back with the rest.
Here it is.
...entireties as bureaucracies making official decisions, and to the individuals who make decisions of conscience, to GCHQ and MI6 in the UK, to the BND in Germany, the DGSE in France, the ASIS in Australia, and even to the GRU in Russia, where they must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely helped put an amoral cynic in power here, but an uncontrollable one, whose madness is genuine, and whose usefulness, even to them, is at an end.
To all of them, and to the world's journalists, I make this plea.
We, the citizens of the United States of America, are the victims of a coup.
We need your leaks, your information, and intelligence.
I'm going to come back and play it from this point on.
No, we're the victims of your globalist occupation, and it's coming to an end, Oberman.
Even if you're able to destroy Trump, you'll never put your system together.
Last week, a study was released showing the differences between vaccinated kids and non-vaccinated kids.
Infowars.com covered this, pointing out the pushback of these studies being censored, while more pushback has begun.
The Boston Herald published an editorial from the entire editorial staff which is now calling for anyone pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric to be hung.
The well-written legal speak quote is, This after insinuating that anti-vaccine people are responsible for a measles outbreak in a Somali community in Minnesota.
This story claims as fact vaccines don't cause autism when some have it already listed as a side effect.
Of course, the irony of their statement regarding hanging people who lie about the health and safety of children is it ultimately would fall back on them if they do indeed promote the idea that vaccines cannot be linked to autism, a blatant lie about the health and safety of children.
My guess is this same editorial staff would support abortion, but somehow they don't believe that is a threat to the lives and safety of children.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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Anti-American scum-lucky hooligans.
Anti-American scum who think they're hyper-dominant on a socialist-collectivist system where the general public's totally dumbed down and controlled by the pseudo-intellectual fop scum like Keith Olbermann.
And now it's coming out saying the Russians stole the election with no proof and saying we're at war with Russia.
He's asked Russia and other intelligence agencies to come in and overthrow President Trump.
He's called the American people to overthrow Trump.
He's put a lot of these videos out but his newest one is crazy.
I've been interrupting it quite a bit.
Let me just play it somewhat uninterrupted and then let me write some notes about it.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com.
He's ever been pleased with spies around the world to help him take down Trump.
Now you can work as an American non-violently to take down a president or anybody else you want, but you can't work with foreign governments and groups or call on it.
The intent is illegal.
It's called espionage.
Totally and completely illegal.
But it shows the desperateness, and I've got more professors today, you know, saying kill Trump and all this stuff, and media people.
I mean, this is a foaming at the mouth group of crazies.
Here's Keith Oberman.
For GQ.
This is what the corporations in America want.
This is the climate that they're putting out.
But Keith Olbermann, who looks like a deer in the headlights, has this whole identity that he's better than America.
You know, he's wearing his West German news reporter outfit from the 1980s.
You know, he's got his trendy colors of pink and blue behind him.
He's letting you know how cute and non-threatening he is.
But he wants war!
He wants to be in a man's world!
So let's go ahead and go to Keith Olbermann.
Here it is.
I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance.
I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world, to them as entities, entireties, as bureaucracies making official decisions, and to the individuals who make decisions of conscience, to GCHQ and MI6 in the UK, to the BND in Germany, the DGSE in France, the ASIS in Australia, and even to the GRU in Russia,
Where they must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely helped put an amoral cynic in power here, but an uncontrollable one whose madness is genuine and whose usefulness, even to them, is at an end.
To all of them, and to the world's journalists, I make this plea.
We, the citizens of the United States of America, are the victims of a coup.
We need your leaks, your information, your intelligence, your recordings, your videos, your conscience.
The civilian government and the military of the United States are no longer in the hands of the people, nor in the control of any responsible individuals.
All right, hit pause.
I can't help it.
Back it up five seconds.
We had an election.
Trump's restoring the Republic.
He's restoring the Constitution.
He's restoring jobs.
He's restoring sovereignty.
He fired the guy the Democrats all called on to be fired, Comey.
And then Oberman just says it's a coup.
That means it's unelected.
So he now wants foreign governments to overthrow that.
That's called a coup!
So total inversion of reality by this guy.
Here it is.
Who can rely?
The first step towards compromising our FBI occurred Tuesday with the unilateral firing of its director by the President, prompted by the Attorney General, both of whom are, or were at least in theory possibly to be, under investigation by the FBI as led by that director they fired.
Our CIA is run by one of that president's political appointees.
The first National Security Advisor was fired and may have been a Russian stooge.
The second National Security Advisor has reportedly been yelled at by the president because he had had the temerity to disagree with him.
Our State Department is in the hands of useless amateurs.
Our United Nations mission is bereft of power and uninformed.
Hit pause again.
Rex Tillerson, if anything, has compromised bringing in Condoleezza Rice and is a global expert who's worked in over 160 countries.
So again, that's more false statements.
Pure bull out of a guy openly calling for foreign governments to overthrow our president.
This is naked treason and this arrogant SOB thinks it's okay.
Here it is.
He's run by a cabal of an amoral family syndicate that has spent its first three months slapping a dollar sign on anything that stood still long enough.
A cabal with, at its head, a man with seemingly no interest in our laws, in our rights, in our Constitution, and with a brain that appears to not work properly.
Through our own negligence, the resentments and stupidities of millions of us, and the boundless greed of our elite class, our democracy has all but slipped away from us.
It hangs today by a thread and those who could protect it and restore it and fight for it, even at this late date, the Republican politicians whose voices today could force Trump out of office tomorrow.
They are almost silent, owned by special interests and silenced by a power.
Back it up.
Trump is the only president in 50 plus years who put Pence in charge to get rid of all
All of the special interests, all of the lobbyists, and to put bans on them.
And bans on whoever works for him being lobbyist for over a decade.
The special interests are almost unanimously against him.
Goldman Sachs gave all its money to Hillary.
JPMorgan Chase, all its money.
Some will argue, well he's hired Goldman Sachs folks to run things because they know how to run things, but they're following his orders.
And that's evident in what's happened in our economy.
So again, Oberman, you are a liar!
It's you calling for the Russians to overthrow the President.
He didn't have any aid from the Russians.
It's pathetic what you claim!
Back to Overman.
Fall back into platitudes about the leader of the country firing the head of the FBI and precipitating a constitutional crisis in order to shut down the investigation of his possible high crimes.
Okay, let's hit pause again.
Hey, Oberman, every major Democrat that goes on television or tweets from Hillary Clinton
To her husband, to Nancy Pelosi, to Maxine Waters, to Michael Moore, all of them have come out and said, get rid of Comey, he's horrible.
But now, you claim that's not the case, because you think your viewers are a bunch of idiots.
And the type of folks that go to GQ to get their news and think they're smart, to watch you read off a teleprompter the names of spy agencies, like, oh my gosh, you're so smart, and then every 30 seconds you look down at papers to imply you have notes and aren't reading off the teleprompter, shows your total acting deception.
Mr. Baby, here it is.
The majority party infinitely wrings its hands about timing and how troubled they are, and then they go back to calculating how they will most easily get re-elected.
Well, let's just pause again.
I agree that a lot of the Republicans are a bunch of hand-wringing, blue-blood scum that we're going to remove from office through the ballot box, Dumbo, not through martial law or civil insurrection or foreign powers and coup d'etats that you're calling for while you claim we've done that.
We've got people running for office everywhere, winning, promoting prosperity, the Second Amendment, defending Christians' rights, defending our Republic, and you don't like it!
Your time of kicking Christians around and having deals with the Islamists to have their way and sexually mutilate women and put hijabs on little girls' heads and teach Islam in the schools are over, you leftist trash!
You hated Christianity so much, you made a deal with radical Islam in Europe and the US to bring it in, to cuckol us, and basically rape Lady Liberty in front of us while she's chained down on a bed, and while we're chained down with a ball gag in our mouth.
Americans aren't into bondage, boy!
And we're not going to be enslaved by East Coast, fop, fake, pseudo-intellectual pieces of garbage reading off teleprompters.
Do you understand, Oberman?
Do you understand that you filthy, degenerate, un-American, seditious slimebag?
I hope you do, because you disgrace your family.
You are the biggest liar this planet's ever seen.
And there aren't a bunch of old, stupid, Republican establishment people that really care what CNN and MSNBC still say or think.
And they still are scared of you, Oberman, and still are impressed by you, Oberman.
But most of us aren't impressed anymore, Oberman!
Oberman, if you went to a public school sporting event like I do, and you took your children there to compete in that, with a private school that competes with public schools, and you walked up and had all the
Third and fourth and fifth graders run over like you were a rock star.
You'd be impressed, wouldn't you?
Those kids don't know who you are, Oberman.
They know who I am, Oberman.
And that shows how you've been rejected completely.
And how you're hated.
And only old East Coast and West Coast trendies, scared of their own shadows, scared of freedom, scared of America, who hate Christians and love Islam, they're the only ones that like you.
In your little pseudo-intellectual outfit you wear, Mr. Oberman.
Okay, Mr. Oberman?
Let's go back to the crimes you're calling for on air.
And how you project what you're claiming on us.
Back to him!
We, the citizens of the United States of America, are victims of a coup.
For months we have heard that your organizations have damning evidence against Donald John Trump.
Whatever evidence you may have, you cannot conceal it any longer.
Oh no!
Whatever we in this country are to you now... Pause again!
For months we've heard from liars like you there's all this damning evidence.
When Trump lives one of the cleanest lives there is and is all about winning and all about never letting himself get any trouble and being upright, all he does is eat sweets.
Two scoops of ice cream and a piece of cake every night.
No alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no nothing.
That's what he does.
Everybody knows it.
That's why he's so successful and so healthy at 70 years of age.
You liar!
But you go, we hear you've got all this stuff.
Give it to us.
Oh, like BuzzFeed was made up PPGate?
What if I said BuzzFeed said you got found Keith Olbermann with about four or five little two-year-olds having sex with him?
It's not true!
You never did that.
You're not a pedophile, Mr. Olbermann.
But what if we acted like the press does for Trump?
What if that, skip this break, what if it was like that, Mr. Oberman?
How about we said, Mr. Oberman, that you're a bank fraud expert.
You've stolen money from children's charities.
None of that's true.
But you know who it is true about?
The Clintons stole 97% of the money from Haiti.
They organized the charities and stole it.
But you will never report on that because you're a pseudo-intellectual preying on America and your whole cult and culture is hating those of us that live in flyover territory.
Isn't that right, Mr. Oberman?
Let's go back to your lies.
Wherever you are now, you know that this nation has been a savior to you at some point in the past.
Oh, hit pause again.
Oh, America's been a savior when the left was helping the Russians and the Soviets and everybody else tried to sell us out helping Cuba.
You know we've been your savior.
You know we've been your savior when the Rockefellers that set up the UN helped put the Nazis in power with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
You know we've been this big savior.
The elite, the blue bloods that's almost destroyed America and the world.
So please, do what it takes and now help save occupied America from the great threat that's Donald Trump, who's actually trying to turn our economy back on, and destroying the whole world government.
Oh, we can't stand it.
We had a coup over this country, and now the American people are kicking us out, and we're like parasites hanging on to a dog, and man, we're scared!
That's a translation of what he really thinks.
Here it is.
...and our freedom, and a government controlling this country that is at least sane, is your surest guarantee of a prosperous future.
Indeed, perhaps... Let's just pause.
Yeah, let's teach kids all over the United States that they need to be trannies.
And let's teach them that mother and father is hurtful, so you can't use that.
Let's ban whiteboards in school.
Let's have professors say there's no free speech at colleges.
And let's have Soros fund Black Lives Matter to go out and kill cops.
And let's have all this insanity of Hollywood and all this craziness and firing people on television that criticize the Democrats, cancelling their TV shows, all your insanity, and then you point your finger at us with pure projection and then say that we are the insane ones.
Let's go back to Keith Oberman, who when he was at MSNBC, they called him Bathtub Boy because he demanded a bathtub in his dressing room and he would lock the door and sit in the bathtub for hours.
That is a fact.
Bathtub boy, little spoiled rotten sportscaster that knows everything is now going to sit up here like a general and call for foreign forces to overthrow our president while he claims that we're the coup d'etat when he's the coup d'etat.
Here it is.
Your surest guarantee of any future at all.
Now we need your help.
Oh, hit pause again.
He talks to us like we're two years old and real slow.
He looks down because he's reading a teleprompter.
Let me act like I'm not looking at a teleprompter.
Now we need... I wrote this myself.
I'm Keith Olbermann.
Of course he didn't.
Let me act like I wrote it.
Let me go back to my heartfeltness because I'm reading off Teleprompter.
Can we show the camera here?
It was on Teleprompter here.
Now see Mr. Fake Intellectual.
Let's back him up 10 seconds because this is a key part right here.
He says the world's in danger because of us.
It was the Clintons who gave nuclear reactors to North Korea.
It was the liberal elites that gave a communist Chinese nuclear weapons back in the 60s.
And it's been our elites that have been destabilizing the world forever, and now Trump wants to end all that with common sense and pragmatism, and you don't like it, so you claim the world's in danger because of him.
Let's continue.
Yeah, let's look at Pence speaking to a large Christian group, admitting that there's a genocide of Christians.
200,000 a year.
It's more than double the last decade by Muslims against Christians.
And so now the president and the vice president are talking about how Christians are being persecuted all over the world while Muslims promote killing all the Jews in Copenhagen, Denmark and don't get in trouble.
That's today.
And Twitter says telling the truth about refugee crisis is hateful conduct.
Don't point out that 80 plus percent are military age men or you'll be arrested in Europe because that's hate speech.
That's not scary.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Let's go back to Keith Olbermann.
Here it goes.
Perhaps your surest guarantee of any future at all.
So you have no fu... Oh, pause again.
I'm sorry.
So there's no future at all unless you believe Al Gore and Bill Nye, the science guy.
Bill Nye saves the Earth.
Al Gore saves the Earth.
Polar bears can't swim.
The ice caps have all melted.
The sea level's up 100 feet.
We're all dead.
Sea level's down.
It's all lies, lies, lies by another fake sitting up there in a little costume trying to look intellectual.
Reading off a teleprompter.
Let's go back.
Now we need your help.
Whatever there is on Trump, reveal it.
Issue it officially if you can.
Leak it if you can't.
Pause again.
Whatever it is, because it's all made up.
Whatever it is.
Maybe he's Santa Claus.
Maybe he's really George Washington.
Maybe he's a space alien.
Maybe he's one of Keith Olbermann's hemorrhoids.
I mean, just whatever it is you've got.
We all made stuff up and said there was something, so it must be true.
We all read the secret.
We believe we can manifest.
Of course you can't.
It's all made up.
But let's just manifest that Trump's gone.
How about we manifest that Keith Overman doesn't just read off teleprompters?
Back to him.
If your directors and your governments want you to wait, look to the last days here and ask yourselves, plumb your consciences, if there is any time left.
He didn't want to say we're in the last days, so he said because he's an atheist.
Here in the last days, plumb your conscience.
Go to the depths of it.
Do the right thing.
Go against your own government.
Leak the information about Trump.
Let's continue.
To wait.
Give it to a reporter.
Give it to an American friend.
Put it on the internet.
Leave it outside somebody's back door.
There is no time left for protocols and estimations of long-term impacts and tradecraft.
A dictator in training has betrayed our Constitution and nevertheless survived two nights in office.
The dictatorship he may want, the dictatorship he may feel is the natural extension of his past life, the dictatorship he may believe he has earned, has gone in this week from crawling to taking its first few tentative steps.
What you have, we need.
Alright, pause.
Now what foreign governments have, we need.
Please overthrow our government.
So, Trump does what the Democrats ask for and fires Comey, who's all over the map.
He's bad-mouthing the President, calling him crazy on the news.
And Bill Clinton fires the FBI Director the day before they kill Vince Foster, but that's okay.
And the President's supposed to be the person in charge of that.
But now it's the end of the world.
Again, this is all misrepresentation, like Gruber said, hoping you're stupid, hoping you have no memory.
We need it now.
And to the intelligence community of this country, your patriotic duty is clear.
In many respects, in the months since the election, you have provided your greatest service in our history.
A democracy that has lost its political way, staggers down the street like a drunk, and lurches towards the gutter, yet you have walked a virtually bipartisan straight line, and you have followed your rules, and you have followed the rules of the civilians.
And yet, the evildoers still exist regardless.
The evildoers?
The greatest threat to the freedoms of this nation, that this nation has ever faced, the Trump administration, the Trump junta, is playing by no rules.
Just pause again.
The Trump junta, and the whole world's in danger, and only this guy, only this guy can save everybody.
This is just...
Over the top craziness.
And then Trump responds nicely back to all this, that they're fake news, that they're out to get him and they're the enemy.
And they freak out and go, we just want you dead or overthrown or foreign governments to overthrow you.
We're just saying you're the devil.
We're just saying you're a dictator.
How dare you not come to our press dinner?
How dare you not let us lie about you?
What's your problem?
We're supposed to be in charge and no one's supposed to resist us.
Just off the FBI director and let him find out about it by reading a TV news crawl in the back of the room in which he was addressing his Los Angeles office.
They have no rules.
For now, the rest of us who only want our democracy back, we can have no rules either.
We will take the risk of reestablishing the rules later on.
What you, in the FBI, in the CIA, in the Justice Department, have on Trump, we also need now.
Because by tomorrow, it may disappear.
And your ability to do anything with it may disappear as well.
Some of us here on the outside have tried the best we could to prevent this day.
Others less so.
Right now, it doesn't matter.
I mean, it's so hard to listen to this guy.
I apologize for even playing it.
But this is a mindset into these people.
They've done everything they claim Trump's doing.
They have sat there and assaulted this country, tried to demonize it, tried to pull it down, tried to take our freedoms, shipped our jobs overseas, written books about how they've done it.
They have celebrated and celebrated and celebrated that they, the globalists, they, the leftists, they, the communists, they, the Soroses, they, the Nazi collaborators, have control of our churches, our kids' minds, the FDA, they can brainwash us, they can fluoridate our water, they can push deadly vaccines on us.
They can absolutely attack all our basic institutions, steal our money, perch on top of us, and then put always these same guys like Stephen Colbert and Oberman and all of them in these pseudo-intellectual little suits, little nerd man, non-threatening, you know, bean counter, brain bug, know-it-all, good boy, teacher's pet, psychopath outfits.
You know Ted Bundy, the famous psychopath, dressed in grey suits with black ties and white shirts with glasses, just like that, even though he didn't need them, because he'd drive around non-threatening picking up young college girls and high school girls to torture them to death.
That's a psychopath outfit they wear to look non-threatening.
I'm not saying he's going to kidnap your kids and kill them.
He wants to kidnap your country and strangle it to death while he tells you you deserve it!
That's Keith Overman.
He thinks he's better than you.
He thinks he's beaten you.
And he realizes he's losing and has now been kicked to the curb and he's panicking!
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So today I want to talk about killing white people in context.
A Texas A&M professor says that some white people may have to die in order to solve racism and bring about true equality.
When we have this conversation about violence or killing white people, it has to be looked at in this kind of historical term.
And the fact that we've had no one address like how relevant and how
That was Professor Tommy Curry on the Reading News Review podcast who went on to say that the movie Django Unchained
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It's Alex Jones!
You know, they were pointing out in there that last time I played an Overman clip, I started having a meltdown as well, and I was actually throwing stuff during the breaks.
I mean, when you look at a fake in that pseudo-intellectual outfit that they all wear, and he's there saying foreign governments come overthrow America, and then they're saying Trump's done everything that they've done.
And you know how much they hate this country in their own statements and words, and now they're the resistance, they're the patriots, they like George Washington, they like free market.
And then all this crap about Comey, how great he is, when just a week ago they're all saying firing.
It makes my head spin.
So I want to finish the last minute of this, because he ends it with, you are the resistance, resist, resist.
The whole stinging establishment.
is against Trump right now.
He calls on intelligence agencies, foreign to do this.
Most intelligence agencies globally want their countries out from under globalism.
Globalism is hated!
It's crony capitalism worldwide, allied with dictators.
So let's finish up with Keith Olbermann.
Here he is.
To prevent this day, others less so.
Right now it doesn't matter who did much when.
You and the FBI, CIA, the other intelligence agencies, the Justice Department, you must be the patriots now.
You and the five I's in the PSIA in Japan.
I love the lecturing.
Like everybody's three years old, you've got to be the patriots now.
It's horrible that Trump wants to secure our border and do better trade deals, and that the stock market's up $3 trillion, and $300 billion in new jobs came, and that the steel mills are having the best production they've had in 60 years all of a sudden, and it's terrible we're not doing one-sided deals, and he killed TPP that was unelected.
You've got to do what it takes and overthrow him, okay?
Because it's a coup, so we have to overthrow him, even though he was elected.
So everything he says Trump's done, they're doing.
This is so illegal.
Here he is.
In the outfits around the world, too secret to have their names known to us.
You must become, for the moment, Americans.
We need what you have, and we need it now, and we need it made public.
So give us all your dirt, give us all your made-up garbage, which there isn't any.
Just, I mean, it's incredible.
The Clintons are on the Chinese and Russian payroll.
The globalists have sold the country out.
They're the traitors!
And then Trump's trying to get sovereignty back, and they're the ones running around saying he's what they are.
Here it is.
It is more than just the fate of this sloppy but well-meaning country that is at risk.
Our faults, for good or bad, we cannot be left as a fascist rogue state and an enemy of freedom and international comity.
The fate of all freedoms may rest in your hands and your willingness to not merely hint, but show what you know.
If we go under, you are next.
The freedom you save will be your own.
Man, that guy's phony, reading off a teleprompter in that Ted Bundy kidnapper outfit he wears.
We're going to go to somebody who has been involved in regime change as a co-author with Tom Clancy and formerly worked in Special Operations, Black Ops, State Department, you name it.
He's a psychiatrist and doctor and a lot more.
Dr. Steve Pachetnik popping in and then I'll take your calls the next hour.
We have some other guests popping in as well.
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I'm sorry, I said 2,000.
I was going from memory.
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And I mean, regardless, regardless, Trump is history.
Regardless, big things are happening.
And this is something everybody should have, everybody should frame, just to trigger people that are anti-free speech.
Look, Trump's far from perfect.
I don't like him talking about going after Assange.
I don't like...
You know, some of the things he's been doing, but overall 3 trillion in new jobs, 3 trillion in the stock market, 300 billion in new jobs, half a million new jobs already.
Aluminum, steel, investigations into illegals voting and dead people voting.
People voting in their names.
Cutting the UN funding by half.
43% down on the illegals coming across the border, according to ICE.
I mean, it goes on and on and on, killing TPP.
And that's why the special interests and the elites are so mad at Trump.
The first 70 days, he was pretty much 100% on.
Then the last, I don't know, 50 or so, he started going a little bit sideways, and now he's learned the system isn't compromising, they take that as weakness.
So, I got word from the White House over the weekend, and I told you this,
The gloves are coming off.
Trump is going to get really aggressive now.
He's not going to just roll over like other people that they've basically ganged up on, like a pack of hyenas on a lion.
Trump is going to go after these people now because they are calling for his death.
They're calling for his overthrow.
They're calling for our overthrow.
They're calling for me to be shut down.
They're all over the news saying it's a war.
They mean business, ladies and gentlemen.
And so all of us have to go into high gear now to defend this republic.
Now, I know Pachenek
I don't
Who can deny the establishment is not after Trump?
Who can deny that Keith Overman is calling for foreign agencies to come here and help overthrow him?
That is totally illegal.
And who can deny?
That Comey was operating as his own operative, not investigating the leaks, not investigating Susan Rice.
I mean, this is just a crazy time to be alive.
So, Dr. Pachinik of StevePachinik.com, you've heard my rant here.
What do you think about what's currently happening with Comey and the desperateness of the so-called left?
Just everywhere saying, kill me, kill Trump, kill everybody.
I mean, they just seem so emboldened looking for a fight.
Well, let me put it this way.
Keith Olbermann really paid you one of the highest compliments I have ever seen, Alex.
Because Keith himself has no substance.
He's never had a history of substance.
He knows very little about our national security.
Certainly doesn't know anything about our intelligence, never served our country.
But if you look at his modality, his modus operandi,
He is trying to ape you, but he can't do it very well.
In other words, it was one of the issues you and I talked about many years ago that the left will come in and try to ape what happened with myself, with the intelligence community, and with you, and the alternative right.
So what you're seeing now is literally
A very fuzzy, mirrored image of what we had done, but it doesn't work anymore.
Now, Keith, I don't know him.
I'm sure he's a nice guy.
He went to the same school I went to, Cornell.
He's pompous.
He's bombastic.
He was thrown off of MSNBC.
Bill Riley had problems with him.
Al Gore had problems with him.
So the left has always had problems with Keith.
He has no substance.
He's basically a sports broadcaster.
And you may or may not know this, but he had hit his head against a subway door and may have had a concussion.
So I look at him as a farce.
This is not a serious character.
TQ knows that.
Pretty much our intelligence system knows that.
In order to have credibility in what you and I do, you have to have served our country one way or the other.
In your case, it has been the consistency and the fortitude to remain in your place and what you have done for 20 years.
You know, blowing sunshine here.
I'm just telling you why it is that they're having a very hard time trying to displace you, me, or even Trump.
The issue of Comey is correct.
I mean, Trump is correct.
He's a showboater.
He's a narcissist.
I mean, when he stood up there and said, I can't convict
I don't
We're good.
I will quote to you something that a very famous FBI agent said, and this is the following.
He said, once we collect intelligence and then we are ordered to implement some type of policy, we have become a Gestapo agency.
And who said that?
J. Edgar Hoover.
And Comey didn't listen.
Mueller didn't listen.
A whole bunch of the FBI directors, three didn't listen.
It was J. Edgar Hoover who warned that the minute we collect intelligence and we are asked to implement or manipulate it, we become a Gestapo agency.
That's J. Edgar Hoover.
So, the issue of Trump, I would agree with Roger Stone.
There's leakage, and we've said it from day one.
It's coming out of the White House.
You have Goldman Sachs boys, you have Jared Kushner, and you have McMaster.
The issue that came out for you and me was, what I said a while ago, is that the triumphant, or the triad, you, Bill Reilly, Steve Bannon, were kind of taken offline
But only temporarily.
And what's happened is, they could not assess your endurance, or the fact that Steve Bannon would remain there, or the fact that Fox and others like myself would remain in the alternative right to keep on saying, you know, there's the truth, here's a man who's implementing exactly what he's doing, and by the way, he correctly says, you know what?
We don't need a press conference.
I've said that from day one.
You've been saying that for years, just get rid of it, give them a statement, because they only distort what he says.
There is no entitlement for journalists to be in the White House, to be anywhere.
It was an intercession when we didn't have the Internet.
We don't need journalists to tell me what to do.
You don't need a journalist to tell you what happened.
You just need 1600 Daily, which is the White House statement of the day.
And if you read it, he's protecting Christians.
This is what they're doing in one state.
They're compromised!
My background used to be in disinformation.
A journalist would call me up, I never forgot it, at one of the regime changes I had.
I told him exactly what he wanted to hear and then ten years later I contradicted him because that was the ability for me to manipulate the press.
The press is just an entity very easily manipulated.
They don't have jobs, they can't convert.
And they're becoming more
More and more obsolete, because in an internet world, people independently can fact check them.
There's all these other forms of information that give people a much clearer view, so it shows how antiquated and ridiculous they are.
But expanding on this, Comey's saying, and then leaking it, that he thought Trump was crazy to say Obama was spying on him.
It's now come out that Obama did order thousands of people during the campaign spied on.
The New York Times previously bragged that they were spying on Trump.
So they're acting like there's no memory there, and they're following this Gruber
Precept that they're operating in a vacuum and nobody knows what they're doing.
Sure, a large part of the public has no memory, but the actual people involved working in the country know they're a discredited pack of liars.
So they get more and more crazy, more and more aggressive, more and more out of control in their attempt to defeat the resurgence of a new American system.
And they seem to be in total panic mode.
I'd just like you to respond to the attempt by Comey to say the president was crazy, to say he was being spied on as president-elect.
I mean, that's an absolute fact.
Well, that's not the issue.
The issue is Comey, from day one, I wrote a blog, which I had sent to you, but it was on my blog site in December of 2015, saying that the entire election will depend on Comey.
And we were right.
But what I didn't add, and I added it afterwards, was Hillary's downfall was not just her own incompetence and the incompetence of the left.
It was one individual who I have tracked for 20 to 30 years, and I knew he would never fail to undermine Hillary, and that individual is named Bill Clinton.
Oh yeah.
Let's expand on this.
Why do you think that you said this basically that Trump's right to do this?
The Democrats all want him fired.
He shows he does weird things.
I mean he admitted Hillary was a criminal but then said but I can't do anything.
That's even worse to admit she's a criminal but then say I can't get prosecutors to do it.
Basically saying the whole system's corrupt and they're not showing any courage.
I think Comey overall was just a very very weak person.
Comey was a panderer.
I mean, he came out of a major law firm in Washington, D.C., where he worked with a lot of the other lawyers who had worked for Hillary Clinton.
I've talked about it.
This is part of the Washington set.
So what Comey is going to do right after this and showboating, he's going to go to one of the publishers or he's going to go to Bennett.
Who's a very good agent.
Bennett, he's a lawyer in Washington, D.C.
He has the Clintons.
He has Cheney.
He will get a huge book contract for millions of dollars.
And that's the end of Comey.
The reality is the FBI has been an organization that's been out of control for a long time.
Remember what happened in the Boston bombing?
What happened with the
Muslim psychiatrists who basically threatened to kill people in Fort Hood.
The FBI had information on it.
They never acted on it.
What they need is a cleansing, like the CIA.
Yeah, why didn't they act for two years when that guy was emailing people and telling folks he was gonna kill a bunch of people?
They didn't do anything.
Because they're incompetent.
The ability to do something like you and I is a very simple issue.
You, like many people in the alternative right, you and I, it's not that we're smarter, it's that we're willing to take calculated risks when nobody is in the arena.
And when I mean calculated risks, look, in principle, you should have been thrown out of this business
Because of the entire problem that you had with your divorce and all that.
But you didn't.
You came back even stronger.
And that's what we were counting on.
The same thing with you, same thing with me.
Oh yeah, they think they're going to run a shy-off.
The worse things get, the stronger I get.
And the more my listeners support us, well let's flush that out on the other side.
They're certainly trying to take us out though, and I'm not saying they may not hit us with something that's successful, but in the end, the message will still get out.
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Dr. Steve Pchenik is our guest a little bit in the next hour that I promise I'm opening the phones up, taking a lot of your calls and getting into some of the world news.
We haven't gotten to it, we've been focused on Comey.
I know this though, there's this arrogance by the bureaucracy that Dr. Pchenik talks about, who was in Washington for a long time.
There's an entitlement that you see in any group out there, and I don't claim to have all the answers.
I fundamentally believe in free market capitalism.
I know it produces incredible wealth, incredible freedom, compared to collectivism, whether it be fascist or socialist or communist.
So I really believe in what I believe in.
And all these special interests, they just can't believe that I actually stand for what I believe in.
They want to make their money through crony groups, through inside groups, through government contracts, or through government payroll.
And they offered me $3 million to sell out, $10 million to sell out, that was a long time ago.
Now we're bringing way more money than that to build this organization.
Money's not a bad thing, it's just that I want to defeat them.
I really believe in Team America.
And then they're always calling us traitors, we're being funded by foreign groups.
I'm funded by you, the listeners, buying products.
That's how I have 70 employees and new reporters and we're doing
The work of a lot of other organizations out there that are just too lazy or too afraid.
So many people are afraid to be criticized by MSM.
I love it!
They're a bunch of scum!
If they want to call me names and say lies about me and say I'm racist or make up a bunch of crap, I don't care.
Now going back to Dr. Steve Pachinik, I'm not trying to lionize myself.
He's bringing it up as a model.
They've hit us with everything they've got, so far.
And it's only made the listeners support us more, and buy more of our products, and spread the word more, because they see the censorship, they see the admissions.
Now there may be at some point where we buckle and collapse.
I hope that's not the case, but there's already so many other people now doing what we do, and what Dr. Pchenik does, that the establishment really needs to see the writing on the wall that Trump's only a manifestation of nationalism.
And I don't really see where they're going to put the genie back in the bottle.
And I'm not trying to give people a pep talk here.
I really truly have studied history and I've studied the current trends and I believe if our listeners just continue to take action and continue to spread the word and continue to work hard and promote basic common sense worldwide, we are going to enter
A golden era of human productivity in the future.
If we don't, though, we're going to enter a new dark age.
Dr. Pachinik, what do you think and other comments about Trump so far?
Because I know he did pretty good for a while, kind of went sideways, you got concerned.
Sounds like you think he's getting back on track.
That's what I've heard from the White House, is that he's going to really get back on track now.
Well, I think what he's doing now and is about to do is absolutely correct.
Number one, you fire ad hoc and immediately.
Comey should have been fired from day one.
Number two, Trump doesn't have to justify anything.
And secondly, I would get rid of the press corps on every plane ride.
I would get rid of the press corps in the White House.
They're absolutely of no value to the Republic.
Thirdly, he has people who are loyal to him but are loyal to the Republic.
We're talking about the generals, we're talking about the intelligence industry.
Now, he has to start putting into place the infrastructure issue.
One of the things that I'm most concerned about, even though our economy went up, is that we don't stagnate on growth.
We have to have a greater growth than 2% GDP.
And one of the reasons for that is that it allows, it will justify the Trump approach
Stay there and break the news!
Yeah, basically, I think Trump has to keep his eye on the ball.
The ball is the infrastructure.
That's why he's brought in Mnuchin.
That's why he's been brought in Ross.
That's why he's been in Congress.
But that's what he keeps telling reporters.
He keeps saying, listen, it's the economy.
I want to come back there and ask you what you think we should do on the economy.
Stay there.
But also about Macron, because it's pretty much admitted in the news that he's been compromised since a very young age.
And there's, you know, reports about sex operative stuff, that we may have a true Manchurian candidate as the new French president.
We'll be right back, you know, with his 65-year-old wife and all the rest of the weirdness, who reportedly had sex with him when he was a teenager, and then he's a Rothschild banker.
I mean, who can make this up?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Oh my gosh!
I'm exhausted now.
I apologize for subjecting you to 30 minutes of me yelling at Keith Overman.
I just, he's so fake, he's so phony, he's so full of garbage, and then I look at the horrible establishment trying to stall our economy, and if we don't get it going, we're in so much trouble, all the economists admit, and then they're rooting against their own economy,
And they're just so bad!
It's like, how do we get such a group of bad people in both parties in control of this country?
We've got a psychiatrist here that's worked in the government for decades and knows this.
I mean, I'm just... I know you've got a lot to cover on the economy and other stuff in closing, Dr. Pachinik, StevePachinik.com, but just humor me for a minute, because I'm not billing that we're the good guys either.
I'm not perfect, but I'm not out to get the country.
What is wrong with these people?
What's wrong is the fact that they're irrelevant.
And I've said it for a long time.
They're beginning to understand that they're totally irrelevant.
The New York Times, which is owned by a drug lord, as you and I know.
The Washington Post by Bezos.
Basically, you don't need any of those people anymore.
You anticipated, along with others, that we would be on the internet.
What happened is, you had what we call first advantage.
And the minute you got out there, the people who had no idea what was going on, they began to realize 10-15 years later, oh my god!
This guy, Alex Jones, has really understood the new communication pattern, which is about binary numbers, 1 and 0.
But with all the think tanks that are in Washington, the Brookings, the Heritage, and the this foundation, or that foundation, they're all worthless.
They're basically nursing homes for people who have no jobs.
So you have Washington, one huge nursing home for millions of people who are not effective.
We have top secret clearance for a million and a half people on counterterrorism.
I don't know what they do.
They don't do anything.
I don't even get paid for what I do, and I'm more than happy to help our intelligence community.
Yet our intelligence community is so bloated that you need somebody to clean it out.
Now, of course, Maxine Walters is there.
You made me laugh, but it's not only her that's in there.
There's a bunch of Republicans, too.
Basically, when you go to Congress, I've treated congressmen and senators.
They don't really do anything.
When you ask them, what have you done in a day?
They don't know.
It's all process.
Well, we don't need process anymore in the 21st century.
So we get rid of the people who need the process to live.
Trump does not need process.
You do not need process.
I do not need process.
The reason why Trump doesn't need process is because he fires and hires in seconds.
But he builds an asset.
Whether it's a hotel, whether it's a building, whether it's a golf club, or whether it's the economy in the Americas, he's building an asset.
So that's what they're not used to.
You have Nancy Pelosi who should be in a nursing home.
Nico, stop that.
I know what he's doing.
I can't help it because these are the antiquated people.
You're talking about 79-year-old Nancy Pelosi.
She keeps saying that George Bush is still in office and then Maxine Waters thinks Putin invaded Korea.
I mean, they're nuts.
That's the absurdity.
Now, from my point of view and from your point of view, you keep on doing what you're doing.
They're self-destructing.
What you're watching is the harakiri of literally the Democratic Party of Congress and of the Senate.
We don't need them.
Trump realizes with executive orders, we can move this whole country forward.
And at the same time, Trump had delegitimized Obama, who came out of nowhere, has no history, accomplished absolutely nothing.
So you think they're going to be unsuccessful bringing Trump down?
I'm sorry?
So you think right now they're going to be unsuccessful bringing Trump down?
Oh, totally unsuccessful.
There's not going to be a turnaround on Trump.
He can do what he wants.
Basically, I would advise him to get rid of the Jared Kushners and the Goldman Sachs boys, but get rid of the press.
He doesn't need all that nonsense.
All he has to do is constantly sit down, evaluate the problem, implement a solution, and he will do exceedingly well.
The issue he's getting caught into is the process, not the noise that's created by all the liberals and the so-called Republicans.
We don't need McCain.
We don't need a Lindsey Graham.
We don't need any of them.
But they want to be relevant.
The only relevancy they have is that we have to pay their... That's right.
They want to get in the way of the recovery.
All right.
Thank you, Dr. Buchanek.
Phone calls and clips coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Doc.
Last week, a study was released showing the differences between vaccinated kids and non-vaccinated kids.
Infowars.com covered this, pointing out the pushback of these studies being censored, while more pushback has begun.
The Boston Herald published an editorial from the entire editorial staff, which is now calling for anyone pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric to be hung.
The well-written legal speak quote is, Lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.
This after insinuating that anti-vaccine people are responsible for a measles outbreak in a Somali community in Minnesota.
This story claims as fact vaccines don't cause autism when some have it already listed as a side effect.
Of course the irony of their statement regarding hanging people who lie about the health and safety of children
...is it ultimately would fall back on them if they do indeed promote the idea that vaccines cannot be linked to autism, a blatant lie about the health and safety of children.
My guess is this same editorial staff would support abortion, but somehow they don't believe that is a threat to the lives and safety of children.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being.
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like a wind.
I don't care.
I tell you, I don't care.
I'm a human being.
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives.
I exist.
Even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the strength has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
After an interview with 60 Minutes, Trump left Comey's future hanging in the balance.
FBI Director James Comey, are you going to ask for his resignation?
I think that I would rather not comment on that yet.
I haven't made up my mind.
Huge story that broke just minutes ago, like less than 10 minutes ago.
FBI director James Comey has just been fired by Donald Trump.
Huge, huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.
Do you believe that Jim Comey should resign, Senator Reid?
Of course.
It's classified and we can't tell you anything.
All I can tell you is the FBI director has no credibility.
That's it.
Well, first of all, let's start again.
He was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans.
End of story.
I'm just saying Director Comey testified this week and he made it very plain that he broke the FBI rules with respect to the Clinton campaign and he chose not to break the rules with respect to the Trump campaign.
And that was a factor.
There are many factors.
But I think it will go down as probably the lowest moment in
...of the FBI, probably next to the decision of J. Edgar Hoover to wiretap Martin Luther King.
So now we have Comey putting his finger on the scale.
And yeah, up until then, people thought great things about him.
But this is unprecedented.
I think that Comey acted in an outrageous way during the campaign.
Should he step down?
I think he should take a hard look at what he has done, and I think it would not be a bad thing for the American people if he did step down.
My confidence in the FBI Director's ability to lead this agency has been shaken.
At least one Democratic lawmaker is calling on Comey to resign.
Director Comey is supposed to be an investigator who reports to the Justice Department and not somebody who comes out and makes news himself.
He's gone too far.
But for the first time, President Obama taking a swipe at his FBI director, James Comey.
There is a norm that when there are investigations, we don't operate on innuendo, we don't operate on incomplete information, we don't operate on leaks.
We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.
When I heard about it, I found it hard to believe that Comey, who I thought had some degree of integrity, would do this.
Earlier this afternoon, President Trump called me and informed me he was firing Director Comey.
I told the President, Mr. President, with all due respect, you are making a big mistake.
Now that's only some of the clips.
This morning I saw three or four more videos that we put out, others have put out, that didn't even have the same clips in them.
I could fill the whole show, basically, with Democrats doing the most perfect 180 flip-flops I've ever seen.
So let's say the Democrats are going this direction.
They're going north, saying, get rid of Comey.
And then as soon
As Trump agrees with them, they do a perfect 180 and go the other direction.
180 degrees.
They don't do a U-turn, take them a while to get back to it.
They didn't start changing their story and say, well before we thought this, but now we think that.
They just did a perfect bat-turn.
A 180.
Pretty amazing.
And now they're acting like that never even happened.
I want to open the phones up in the balance of the transmission today before we have in the fourth hour an amazing guest, Roger Stone obviously, on the night that the new Netflix series Get Me Roger Stone premieres.
And I don't watch a lot of television, but I do watch some Netflix because it's got some good series on it.
HBO's got a few good series as well.
I noticed the series True Detective kind of mirrors the real world.
They take real cases and then kind of just change them, change the geography, change the names.
But I've now watched parts of both seasons and it's real cases.
And the older I get, the more I realize so much of fiction is where they take reality, sheep dip it so they don't get sued and just change the names.
But police will tell you, and detectives will tell you, devil worship, child molestation is just rampant.
And they're constantly getting it shut down.
But in the case of Netflix, Roger says he's seen it.
He says they made him the villain or they wouldn't have done the piece.
But he says overall it's pretty entertaining and a lot of it's accurate.
But they say he's this evil guy that constantly lies.
I haven't caught Roger Stone in one lie.
Because the most valuable thing we have is telling the truth.
That's the currency I have, is telling the truth.
When we make a mistake occasionally, I'll tell you.
So, I'm gonna find out tonight, whenever I guess it goes live at like 8 o'clock Eastern or something, I'm gonna sit back and watch the first episode of this supposed, you know, horrible, evil villain, Roger Stone, and, you know, the supposed Russian connections and all the rest of the crap.
My problem is, I literally have gotten to where I don't pay attention to TV cameras,
And so I'm kind of dreading it, because one thing they got right in the BuzzFeed story they wrote about me a few weeks ago that was like 90% twisted disinformation fiction, half of it was just totally made up, was that I am socially oblivious.
And it really is true.
Like, you think it's good there's no teleprompter?
You think it's good that I'm not up here, you know, trying to polish what I say?
Yeah, it's good, except I got so mad at Keith Oberman
That I broke two bottles of Infowars Life products.
I just broke them when I went to break because I was so upset with Keith Overman.
And now I'm totally exhausted.
I've got all this work to do today and I got mad for like 30 minutes.
I could get mad for a couple minutes now, okay?
But I'm 43, I'm not 20 anymore, and I'll just tell you point blank.
I say I let myself get mad.
People ask, are you an actor or are you not an actor?
I'm the most un-false person you'll ever meet.
I'm the most genuine person you'll ever know.
But I try to control myself.
So when I get mad, it's real, but I'm in control of it.
Except every once in a while, when I'm no longer in control of it, and then I just get so upset, and for whatever reason, I'm so exhausted right now.
I just can't stand these people.
They are such liars.
They're such scum.
They're out to get this country.
And it's so obvious we should be able to deal with them.
And if anything, not letting myself get as mad as I really want to is probably where I'm acting.
Because the acting is that I'm holding back saying what I really think about people like him.
Let's just start thinking about these people and how they're out to get us, how they think they're better than us.
And I just think about what trash they are, what scummy families they come from, how dishonest they are, how twisted they are, how they want to hurt good people.
And they make me absolutely enraged and sick to my stomach because they're a pack of scum.
And they bully a lot of well-meaning people into following their ideology of modern leftist garbage by peer pressure.
Most liberals are not bad people.
They really believe the lies of people like Keith Overman!
And Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher!
And those guys are preying on their viewers and everything's scripted and they know full well what they're doing.
I just think my lucky stars, I'm not one of them.
I got a bunch of clips I want to play, but the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
You know, our reporters, our writers, like Kit Daniels and Don Salazar and everybody else, and Carol Thelen, you name it, they're just doing such a great job.
Paul Watts, Steve Watts, and I can't list everybody, but Kit is so prolific.
He writes like five articles a day.
He's just on fire.
And I feel guilty all the time.
Like, I'm not giving justice to this great crew and these great people.
And then they all like me.
Sometimes they get to watch me act like a monkey.
But you know what?
At least I am like a monkey.
At least I do care.
At least I'm not polish and fake.
At least I really do feel this way!
Because those creepazoids like Bill Maher, they know exactly what they're doing.
And I want to see them pay.
I want to see them brought to justice.
I want to see them and all their corruption.
Because they're so dumb.
They're so stupid.
They read off teleprompters.
They've got all these writers.
And they just act with their body language like they're confident and they know what they're talking about.
And what they are is seedy dirtbags.
They all hate me because they know I see them.
But look at this story about Kit Daniels.
Hungary electrifies border wall in defiance of EU migrant quota.
Hungary is the front line, with the Muslims out of Turkey just pouring in by the millions, and then raping, killing, stealing, because the Muslims are very proud, especially the ones coming out of these third world Muslim countries.
They're almost all men.
They feel really arrogant, like they deserve everything, and Christians and the West need to fall, and so they're just strutting around like peacocks.
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Let's go to Debit in Florida.
Debit in Florida, you're on the air.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River she's a gold drive.
I live back in the woods, you see.
You know, Trump doesn't like the new digital systems to launch aircraft because they don't work.
They don't work for 10 years.
So they call them a troglodyte.
The problem is...
If you're too redundant on systems, hackers can take down your whole platform.
So you need integrated systems that have old-fashioned integrated with new technology so you have overlap.
And that's what all the real smart futurists and technology experts have been saying for 50 years, and we haven't listened.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got some of the biggest breaking news in the last 30 minutes.
DrudgeReport.com is doing a great job of reporting on it.
So are we, here at InfoWars.com.
Cyberattacks in at least 12 nations, now it's spread, said to use leaked NSA hacking tool.
Remember what was in the Vault 7 information?
The CIA was posing as Russians and hacking into U.S.
government facilities to blame the Russians.
Now it turns out the Chinese are really doing it.
They're more of a cyber threat than the United States.
But the people that have hijacked our government are false flagging so that they can get more power over the cyber control of the country.
Let's get Steve McShinnick back on right now.
I know he just left, but he's an expert on cyber hacking.
Wrote NetForce with Tom Clancy.
Worked with the CIA and other agencies on predicting a lot of this.
This is in the New York Times.
Cyber attacks in 12 nations said to use leaks.
NSA hacking tool.
If you can't do it, I understand.
Let's just get somebody on about this.
An extensive cyber attack struck computers across a wide swath of Europe and Asia Friday and strained the public health system in Britain, where doctors were blocked from patient files and emergency rooms were forced to divert patients.
The attack involved ransomware, a kind of malware that encrypts data and locks out the user.
According to security experts, it exploited a vulnerability that was discovered and developed by the National Security Agency.
The hacking tool was leaked by a group calling itself Shadow Brokers, which has been dumping stolen NSA hacking tools on online beginning last year.
Microsoft rolled out a patch for the vulnerability last March, but hackers took advantage of the fact that the vulnerable targets, particularly hospitals, had yet to update their systems.
And they attacked hospitals.
You know, a lot of things probably behind this, probably Turkey.
Turkey is involved in some of the dirtiest stuff out there.
Who knows?
Probably globalist intelligence agencies.
I don't know.
The malware was circulated by email.
Targets were sent out, encrypted, compressed file that once loaded allowed the ransomware to infiltrate its targets.
Reuters reports the employees of Britain's National Health Service were warned about the ransomware threat earlier on Friday.
But of course, bureaucrats did nothing.
Of course, you can also say it's doing them a favor, making them get ready to deal with these type of threats because they're a bunch of lazy people in their own world with their horrible health care in the UK.
Worst healthcare in the world.
In many cases, it's socialist countries like Cuba.
Ransomware infections reported worldwide, BBC News.
Cyber attack plunges NHS into chaos as computers shut down across the country.
NHS cyber attack spreads worldwide.
Detroit School told to hold Muslim girls only prom.
I'm going to get to that coming up.
I was going to get into the Vice President coming out and saying he's going to defend Christians and that there's a genocide of Christians going on.
That is certainly important.
We got a bunch of callers.
I'll go to Dennis.
I'll go to Jesse.
I'll go to Matthew.
I'll go to Dean.
I'll go to Sean.
And I'd also like to ask folks, if there are computer programmers or hacking experts or security experts, cyber security experts, if you can get in, tell us what you think about this.
I know most hackers are white hat.
I've had hackers before call up and say, there's a problem here.
I'll turn your website off in two minutes.
Let me show you.
They turn it off.
We show there's a problem here is probably just help us.
Never asked for money.
I've demanded to pay him before because most people are good people.
But there are some really, really nasty folks out there.
And so many times I'm out lionizing Russia.
But Russia gets blamed for cyber attacks and being the main pushers of it.
And it's in the info, the Vault 7 information, that they're framing Russia.
And that shows that that's one of the main targets for criminal elements of our government to frame Russia to create this narrative.
I remember Curt Demme, like eight years ago or something, wrote an article where the head of cybersecurity at the time, they were just setting it up, admitted that they'd run false flags to get Congress's attention.
Of course, the CIA got caught spying on members of the Congress.
So the claim that President Trump's not being spied on by Comey is just laughable.
They caught him.
They admitted they did it.
It happened.
All right, we'll be right back.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So today I want to talk about killing white people in context.
A Texas A&M professor says that some white people may have to die in order to solve racism and bring about true equality.
When we have this conversation about violence or killing white people, it has to be looked at in this historical term.
And the fact that we've had no one address how relevant and how solidified this
We're good to go.
Let's go to Devon in Florida.
Devon in Florida, you're on the air.
Hey, thank you so much.
Listen, I have bought your products and I gotta say they're amazing.
Anyone who's on the fence, buy it.
Because I've got Caveman, Superman Vitality, Secret Swell, 5mm Interfusion, I've got the Body Armor.
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Which Nutraceuticals do you like best?
I really like the Vitamin Mineral Fusion, to be honest.
That's really incredible.
I drank it in the morning and I swear to you, I felt incredible.
I haven't felt sleep.
My morning was fantastic.
And I love you guys.
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And I just want to, yeah, I want to take this opportunity to tell anybody out there who's on the fence, just buy it.
You will love it.
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Alright, we're going to your phone calls here in just a moment.
I'm going to put on screen for TV viewers, I'll describe it for radio listeners, a global graph
That shows where the current cyber attacks are taking place.
And places that have already been hit.
Also where there's active computers now being attacked.
We'll put that on screen for folks.
We'll also put it behind us here for TV viewers.
But there you have it.
That's the cyber threat real-time map.
That's Despersky that puts out that map tied into the big cyber security centers all over the world.
And you can see new attacks that are happening reportedly in the purple.
You can follow each attack through into what's being hit in the ISPs as it goes through the cyber terrain.
You can see the new attacks as they're taking place.
You can see the older attacks.
It's amazing what technology we've got to track all this, but it appears the biggest area being attacked currently in a cyber war is in Western Europe and in the UK, and obviously that's all admitted, but there's also attacks spreading out from there across the planet as the software loaded on the computers, as the viruses begin to activate with the malware.
Casspersky.com is the site where you can see that.
And again, we'll put it up behind us on screen for TV viewers.
Right now, I'm gonna go to Cindy, Jesse, Matthew, Dean, Sean, and others.
As soon as you hear one caller hang up, that's your chance to call in.
I'd love to hear from you here on this Friday edition 800-259-9231.
I told my wife today,
Be ready for me to work a bunch this weekend, because as you can say, I felt a disturbance in the force.
And I don't mean that literally, but almost.
I could just feel the energy in the country and see what was happening, what's happening with Trump, and could tell that a lot of stuff was about to kick off.
So look for some live broadcasts this weekend.
I'll definitely be back this Sunday, obviously, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, but look for a lot more throughout the weekend at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as all of this basically continues to unfold.
I want to take some of your calls.
And then I'm going to get to some amazing video of the Vice President Pence, where he lays out, at a major conservative conference, put on by Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham, the threat.
And, let me tell you, it's refreshing.
When I was watching Fox News this morning, and Franklin Graham came on, I said, watch, he won't say radical Islam, and they won't say that all these Christians getting killed are mainly by Muslims.
And sure enough, he did say it.
And Christians are the number one persecuted group.
Christians are being targeted.
And whether it's pandering or not by Pence and Trump, I don't care.
They're doing something about it.
And we need to raise the alarm and get through this political correctness.
And if they launch wars that are to take out non-radical Muslim countries,
Then I'll be against Trump.
But right now, he was against the Iraq War, he's against the Syria War, he wants to take out the radical Muslims that have invaded.
That's good!
Because Obama and the Global have started that war.
So that's why I'm supporting eradicating.
I do not support the reports that McMaster's, which we first broke with Cernovich, where he wants to have 150,000 troops to have a ground war and remove Assad and ISIS.
Assad didn't start the war!
Assad was democratizing.
They used the openness of his country to do that!
But enough on that subject.
That clip's coming up.
I want to commend Vice President Pence.
Trump was delivering like 99% until about day 70.
Then he started going back about 20% on what he said he'd do.
Now he's made a big turn this week right back into what he said he would do.
And I've been told by four sources in the White House that Trump's taken the gloves off and is going to basically go on a rampage now.
Because, oh, by the way, have they tweeted it out yet?
Because I've noticed that Trump likes to do this thing where he writes letters with a hidden message in the first line.
The founders like to do that too.
It shows your skilled language and it tells Comey, I win.
So I saw that during a break earlier, like the 20 after break.
I didn't have time to tweet it myself.
I asked the guys to tweet it.
And ask for Don to post on Infowars.com.
Can we pull up Real Alex Jones real quick before we go to calls?
Because I do believe they put that out.
But regardless, I want to show people that and tweet it out at Real Alex Jones.
I mean, I do a lot of my own tweeting, but also the crew tweets out some of their own stories here.
Let's scroll down and see.
No, I don't guess that's been tweeted out yet.
So we'll try to get that tweeted out.
Or maybe I'll just... There it is!
They did tweet it out!
Dear Comey!
And then you look at the first line, and then you look at the sixth line down there.
Dear Director Comey, I win.
He also did that in an IRS letter, so it's pretty funny.
Donald Trump is just something else.
And he writes his own letters.
I mean, the guy is just amazing.
He's definitely a character, folks.
You want somebody that's his own man?
You want somebody that's actually president?
Doesn't mean he's gonna be perfect!
We didn't, you know, hire a pastor.
We hired a bull in a China cabinet, and boy, he's got all the scum angry.
Alright, Cindy, Jesse, Matthew, Dean, Sean.
Let's talk to folks in Wyoming first.
Let's talk to Sean.
Sean, thanks for calling today.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thank you, Alex.
I haven't talked with you in a little while.
I've been fighting a constitutional issue that I'm preparing for the courts, but I'm the fellow who was there with Reagan when he was... the subterfuge that went on when he was... That's right.
You haven't called in four or five years, and I talked to folks that know you, and I even recommended some guests that were there that we had on.
I even talked to Phyllis Schlafly.
She was aware of the work you did.
So you were there when they made him take George Herbert Walker Bush.
You were there when they made him compromise.
That's right.
They gave me the press release that I took from the Detroit Plaza Hotel the following day, which was Thursday morning, over to the four Bush boys in a suite at the Pontchartrain across Jefferson Avenue.
And then they told me not to look in the file, and I looked in the file anyways, and it was the history of George Herbert Walker Bush.
And oddly enough,
In Cody, Wyoming in 1988, I cracked open the book, Anthony Sutton's book, The Secret Establishment, The American Secret Establishment, The Illuminati, and it had a history on one page of George Herbert Walker's previous, his history with Zapata Oil and so forth, and I said to myself, my God, I saw this someplace before, and it was in that file I took across to the Bush boys.
But listen, my friend,
I've been very concerned as you have about Trump possibly being compromised, but the key here is...
That I want to make is you and Roger Stone, because I've talked with Roger Stone and myself, we cut our teeth on the Patriot movement decades ago as fervent anti-communists.
So we can recognize a traitor like Keith Overman before us and they're all over.
I have a quote, I just want to finish with a quote from MacArthur when I was in the ninth grade and I know that you would appreciate this.
When I was in the ninth grade,
I memorized MacArthur's final address to Congress verbatim and also some other quotes and they're applicable to now because we really are... Old soldiers never die!
It just hasn't turned hot yet.
I beg to differ with our friend Dr. Pajanik.
He's always so optimistic but I'm...
I'm not always so optimistic.
Well, make your point, but since you say it, he said, old soldiers never die, they just fade away.
No, I hear you.
That was his famous address.
Absolutely, but there's also a tremendous quote that I, I had other quotes that is by MacArthur that is apropos today, and it is this, the history of failure to war can be summed up in two words, too late, too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy, too late in recognizing the mortal danger, too late in preparedness, too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance, and too late
That's right, and I hope we're not too late.
That's why I hope every man, woman, and child, no matter what color you are, gets involved in the fight for free market.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
One of the greatest victories the dirtbag Democrats have had is tricking the Republicans in 1962 to become racist.
The Republican Party had been the anti-racism party since its founding.
It had been the Christian Party, and my family was in the South, and the North did horrible atrocities, but the South got tricked into that war by British Intelligence, folks.
And it was wrong to ever have the war, and Andrew Jackson was right to stop it 25 years earlier.
He was a big Southerner.
And the South just got suckered into that like a bunch of idiots by British Intelligence, not by the North.
And it was just a horrible war of Americans killing Americans.
Robert E. Lee was the head of the Northern Army before that.
They tried to make him the head of that, and he said no.
That's why it's so dumb all these idiot leftists want to pull down Robert E. Lee statues.
He was the most respected man in the North for the next 30 years.
He was the model of being an honorable man.
He didn't want that war.
But once they attacked the South, he had to.
But I don't want to digress into a history lesson.
I don't even know why I started getting off of the Civil War, whenever he was bringing up wars and all the rest of it.
The bottom line is they're trying to cause a new civil war in this country and we don't need to have one.
We don't need to go through all this.
And I'm talking about the Republicans.
The Republicans are the ones that passed the Civil Rights Act.
The Republicans had a Christian strategy and it was working and the Democrats were about to become a regional party of the South.
That's why you always hear that Republicans are about to be a regional party of the South.
From Democrats, because they know that's what had happened to them by the 60s.
So they suddenly completely flipped to like super liberal and put out the wildest stuff, you know, that was politically correct.
And suddenly Republicans went, what are you talking about?
So they kind of jumped into their Southern strategy in the South to out-racist the Democrats.
And so that's why Democrats now have this image of Republicans as the racist when the Democrats are the KKK.
They are the real deal.
It's a fact.
And so you fast forward to what's currently happening.
And you've got the last six, seven years, the Democrats saying the Tea Party's racist and don't go to it or you'll get beat up if you're black.
Now blacks and Hispanics started going and found out how they were totally embraced by everybody and how people just want free market to be Christians and have a sovereign nation.
So Trump's big victory is he broke that.
People know Trump's not racist and they know the Tea Party isn't now.
But for eight years or so, we heard those lies.
But listen, I don't care what color you are.
Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Eastern Europe.
I don't care whether it's white people, black people, whoever it is running things.
Socialism is a hell.
It always falls apart.
It always picks winners and losers.
And it just destroys productivity.
It destroys the future.
Now, we don't have even a perfect free market.
We've got major crony corruption, socialism in many areas.
America's got problems.
Free market is what you want to give your kids, where you've got hundreds of schools to choose from, and hundreds of toothbrushes to choose from, and hundreds of phones to choose from, and hundreds of hospitals to choose from, and hundreds of stores to buy clothes from, and hundreds of places to get your food from, and hundreds of parks to go to, and it's just no, there's no comparison.
But the elites don't want you to have that.
They're always going to be above the law.
They're always going to have offshore, you know, places.
They want to loot this country, and Trump really is trying to stop that.
And that's his crime.
I sit there and I look at the economic numbers.
They are, in every place he's signed an executive order.
And I was never a fan of executive orders.
A lot of them are unconstitutional.
They're being used for globalism.
He's using it against them.
Why are they so pissed right now?
Everything he's doing is just flooding money to the people.
Flooding jobs, flooding factories, just flooding development, flooding investment, flooding the banking associations, giving money to people.
Because Trump knows we're about to go belly up.
We are on the knife's edge of going belly up right now.
And if Trump doesn't succeed, I just got chills.
We're going to go into a worldwide depression.
Understand that, ladies and gentlemen, that we're doing better than Europe, we're doing better than China, we're doing better than Latin America right now.
We're doing good.
And it's not at their expense, either.
A rising tide raises all ships.
We have been screwed over so long, and I'm telling you, I've researched Trump just on the economy, just on Christians, just on TPP, just on one of those things I back him.
He's not perfect.
I'm not in love with him.
I don't care he calls me sometimes.
That means nothing to me.
In fact, it's hurtful when he does stuff that isn't good because then I want to believe in him.
But just cold-bloodedly looking at this, you know a man by his enemies, the scum of the earth hate Donald Trump, folks.
They call him his own man, they call him crazy because they can't intimidate him, they can't get him to do what they want, and they are scared, and they better be.
And I think Zuckerberg and the rock running as president and vice president, that's the word I got from some politicos, those two are going to run against Trump.
And Dwayne Johnson comes off as very charming.
I mean, you can't help but like the guy.
He's funny, but I mean, right there, if he runs with Zuckerberg, he's either an idiot or he's bad.
And Zuckerberg will turn our recovery around so fast, he calls you a dumb effer.
So folks, you talk to Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, and say, do not run with Mark Zuckerberg.
Because the word is, Zuckerberg's already reached out to him.
I got that from a Silicon Valley individual, a billionaire, yesterday.
I got a call last night, right before I went to bed, about, yeah, I heard you're talking about that, with this and that, and The Rock.
Do you know they're talking about those two running as a team?
Can you imagine how horrible that is?
But a vampire like Zuckerberg needs a well-meaning guy like Dwayne Johnson.
Dean in Wisconsin, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is Dean.
I'm a writer in Wisconsin.
I sent you my resume, portfolio, everything I sent to Trump.
I even got a video of me working for my union.
I just want to say I'm ready to fight.
Whatever you need, just email me, give me a call.
But my question is regarding purging the system.
If Trump's the man I think he is, he's got to eventually take down the curtain to know who our true enemy is and to know the truth.
I mean, if he does that, I guarantee you that he'll get... Our enemy is collectivist and gangs and global crony capitalist groups that have been funding communism, fascism, you name it.
I mean, there's always groups saying, it's Catholics, it's Christians, it's Jews, it's Muslims.
And I don't think it's any of those individual groups that are behind the evil.
It's evil, corrupt billionaires that manipulate things and play people off against each other.
But Islam itself, under the more orthodox, radical form that the Saudi Arabians are pushing,
Well, I definitely agree with what you're saying, but I'm saying he has to, like, as far as the Fannie Mae thing, he has to expose that and show that and come on.
I'm just saying he has to, you know what I mean, like, finally, you're right who the enemy is, but he has to go on
I don't know when or what time, but he has to show the people who, you know, the true enemy is.
Well, I totally agree.
I mean, Trump had it leaked to Dr. Coursey, and that came from the Trump White House.
I'm not going to say who, but high level, about the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
We broke it.
Now it's in the news two months later.
And now Trump's saying that they're not going to take money from the government and that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is solvent.
We're not going to give it to Obamacare.
That's why they're so pissed off.
I mean, he's doing it.
He's trying to not
Drag all the bankers through the mud because then they'll fight to the death.
He's trying to just take it away from them and do the right thing.
And I think that's what he's now understanding is they're not going to stop.
He has to crush them.
He has to destroy them.
Plus it's the right thing to do, so.
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All right, I'm going to do more of your calls right now, more in the next segment, then cut us a little bit with Owen Schroeder coming up.
We've got our wires crossed with Roger Stone, but he should be back home with me tonight during an emergency broadcast, and then Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., the fourth hour coming up.
One of the great producers in there, Matt's mom has some friends, Bob and Terry, so I am signing these pocket constitutions to them.
Right now and thanking them for the support and just saying that Matt does such a wonderful job with the audio clips and production along with Daria in there and we're very very thankful to both of them so I want to thank both Bob and Terry as well for spreading the word about the broadcast so I'm signing those for those guys and for whoever orders this one this will randomly be put into the stack of a thousand somebody will get a signed
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How do you know Trump's for real?
Well, just look at the actions he's taken.
Again, I said if he got 30-40% done the first four years, I would say he's a famous president right up there with George Washington.
The fact that he's gotten 30-40% done in 111 days, 112 days, he is redonkulous.
And quite frankly, I think they're going to try to kill him.
They've been coming after me in ways that are just unprecedented.
And, you know, you get the contacts from the people.
They just say, just stop what you're doing or we're going to hit you again.
And I just go, do it.
Let's go.
It's not about being macho.
It's about somebody has to not be a coward and roll over these people.
The problem is it gives me the byproduct of really hating them, really hating them.
The point of I just pray to God every day I don't hate these people so bad because it's hurtful to be this hateful.
And I'll admit it, I have a lot more love than I have hate.
Because I got this big, big thing of love over here for my family and my country and innocent people.
And then I hate these people over here.
And I just, you know, because I know who they are.
I know what makes them tick.
And I just know their enemies are humanity.
Let's go ahead.
We got Jesse.
In Virginia, thanks for holding.
We'll go to Matthew and Cindy and Joe and everybody else.
Go ahead, Jesse.
Alex Jones, how's it going, man?
Good, brother.
Good, man.
Hey, look, I think it's a perfect time that I'm getting this call, and I want to appreciate the call.
And I want to ask you, since everyone's talking about these press briefings and stuff like that, getting rid of them, possibly this and that,
I'm sick and tired of seeing these Lester Holt, these John Dickerson, you know, deface the nation, and all these, you know, nobodies that supported Mr. Trump that has done nothing for Mr. Trump.
The number one person, there's a lot of great Republican news media, news sources that are out there, but nobody, nobody has ever stood up and took the place of Alex Jones for Donald Trump.
Let's be real.
I want to see Alex Jones in that chair.
Well, stay there.
I'll come back in 70 seconds.
Because here's the deal.
If I was in establishment media, it would actually hurt us.
But I see where you're going.
So I'm going to tell you a private conversation I have with Trump when we come back about this very issue.
Stay there, Jesse.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
So, Donald Trump was president-elect, and he gave me a call to congratulate me on being married to my second wife, my dear wife.
And we were sitting there talking, I'm at the airport, I'm talking to the president.
About some issues I won't get into.
And he was like, well I gotta do the show soon.
Let's do it in the next few weeks.
And I said, no sir.
I said, I think at this time that they might use that against you.
You got too much going on.
I just said, maybe just down the road.
Come on.
He goes, no, no, let's do it soon.
I said, no.
I said, I really don't want it to then be used against you, and I just, just get your agenda, cut the taxes, and defend the Christians that are being murdered.
He goes, I will, I will.
Have not been keeping my promise.
And I said, absolutely, sir.
I just said, you're, they'll misrepresent what I've said, they take stuff out of context I've done, and I just said, let's just, let's just hold off.
See, I didn't have Donald Trump on when he was ready to come on the next week.
When he called up and talked to my wife for five minutes and told her stuff I won't say off record.
That's the kind of guy.
I didn't even call Trump to say I was getting married.
No one knew it was a secret.
I'm telling you about it right now.
I was in Hawaii and Donald Trump called me.
That's the kind of guy Donald Trump is.
And I said, sir, you don't need to come on the show, okay?
I believe they might.
I just said, I'm not 100% sure in my gut that's the right thing.
He said, no, let's do it, I told you.
I said, no.
He said, all right, all right, well.
See, who else you think does that with Donald Trump?
So, the media can stick that in their pipe and smoke it.
I don't need Donald Trump, even though I admire him and think he's a great guy.
I don't need MSN.
I turned down The View.
I said maybe if you do it on satellite, but I'm not coming there.
I turned down Charlie Rose.
I turned down HBO shows.
I've turned down more than 50 reality TV shows.
Do you understand the pleasure I have?
Not in an arrogance.
But just in down-home realness, to tell them, you distort, you lie.
I don't need you.
I don't need you.
I don't want you.
So, that's how this works.
Now, I get it though.
He goes on the Lester Holtz, the people that attack him.
He goes on all these other programs and they sit there and try to earn points with the establishment.
They go after him.
His own people do it.
And you look at it and you go, why is he having his bigger supporters in there?
And Trump's trying to get people in the establishment to come over to Americana.
He's trying to recruit them.
He's trying to win, like he's doing against another corporation.
He's learning, though, it's not working, because they're such scum.
So I do agree, he should give more exclusive interviews to independent media, to my reporters, say, or other people's.
And they should let more press in there, and he should kick out the corporate press.
So I do hear what you're saying.
It's up to us, the American people, people of the world, to support nationalism and sovereignty.
It's not even so much up to Trump.
He's important, he's powerful, but without us, he's nothing.
Just like without you, I'm nothing.
So, the truth is, I told the President, I'm like, down the road sometime, once we've got the biggest of the three, please come on.
And he's like, well, how about soon?
How about, yeah, I'm gonna come on.
How about next week?
Sir, I'm not sure that that'd be good.
You know, I've said a lot of things and lost a lot of context and maybe I just, I'm just not sure about that.
He just paused.
He's like, see, see how that works.
It isn't about me.
It's about victory.
It's about defeating the globalists.
And quite frankly,
Maybe it'd be good just to have Trump on, because it's all about defeating them, throwing it in their face, destroying them, showing how they don't care.
They try to demonize me, they try to say I'm a horrible person, they try to lie about me, and it still fails, they still can't destroy our audience, they still can't get rid of our listeners, we still go on.
So maybe, in that moment, I was hesitating, scared, that they would use me against Trump, that maybe he's right, that he needs to be radical, and out there in the open, and show what a joke they are, and call them out.
Did I make the wrong decision?
And I went with my gut.
My spirit said, no, don't have Donald Trump on next week.
Don't do it.
Because they've already sat there and hurt him by taking more radical things I've said out of context.
But then that kind of gives them the power.
They're always going to lie anyway.
So I don't know.
It's one of those things we're actually kind of not sure.
But I made the decision.
We'll be back with your call.
Stay there.
Last week, a study was released showing the differences between vaccinated kids and non-vaccinated kids.
Infowars.com covered this, pointing out the pushback of these studies being censored, while more pushback has begun.
The Boston Herald published an editorial from the entire editorial staff, which is now calling for anyone pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric to be hung.
The well-written legal-speak quote is, Lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.
This after insinuating that anti-vaccine people are responsible for a measles outbreak in a Somali community in Minnesota.
This story claims as fact vaccines don't cause autism when some have it already listed as a side effect.
Of course the irony of their statement regarding hanging people who lie about the health and safety of children
...is it ultimately would fall back on them if they do indeed promote the idea that vaccines cannot be linked to autism, a blatant lie about the health and safety of children.
My guess is this same editorial staff would support abortion, but somehow they don't believe that is a threat to the lives and safety of children.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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We're good to go.
We didn't ask for this fight, but we're in this fight.
This is the time to support InfoWars.
That's InfoWarsLive.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I don't want to be in your British hell!
Under massive cyber attack, now a lot of their hospitals shut down.
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We've got more on that, more of your phone calls, Matthew, Joe, Cindy, Joe.
We're going to all of you here in just a minute.
I'm going to be co-hosting a little bit with Owen Schroer, then handing the baton to him.
Roger Stone got stuck in transit, so is unable to host today, but soon he'll be hosting every day.
We're about to expand more shows.
Owen will have his own show, David Knight, Roger Stone.
That's just a few months away.
But I want to put a little end cap on the whole Trump thing I was talking about.
When Trump called me up without me even knowing he knew that I'd gotten married, remarried, because then it was a secret.
I had a divorce three years ago.
I tried to keep my kids out of it.
I was remarried.
I was on my honeymoon in Hawaii.
And the phone rings and it's President Trump.
He was congratulating me.
It was one of our mutual friends that told him.
And I had a nice conversation with him.
We talked to my wife quite a while.
I'm not going to tell you the stuff he told her.
It's pretty awesome.
But long story short, very charming, very hardworking guy.
And he was like, well, we got to do the show soon.
I keep telling you, I will.
Let's do it in the next few weeks.
And I said, sir, I just, I don't know.
They're going to try to use stuff I've said out of context.
Maybe it's not the best.
He goes, no, really, it's not a problem.
I said, no.
No, I want you on, but you got too much work to do, sir.
And I said, once you've defeated them, and you know, once we've totally dominated, you know, then please come on.
But I just, you know, you're being so loyal.
I just think you're doing this out of pure loyalty.
And I think deep down, you know, it's probably, this is the exact conversation, probably not the best thing.
And he goes, they said some things, I'm gonna leave it right there.
That's why I like Trump, is that he's so loyal that even though he knows he gets attacked and everything else, he would come on my show out of loyalty.
And then out of loyalty, I'd say, no, you're not coming on the show.
And I only say that now so people get an understanding of how cool Donald John Trump is.
I noticed one thing they got right.
Out of a bunch of bull, he had a couple things right in that BuzzFeed piece where he followed me around for three months, was that I'm incredibly loyal and a super nice guy until you screwed me, and then I'm very vindictive.
No, I'm not vindictive!
I cut you out of my life!
I cut in on these people who get cut out of my life, then bitch at me, then I don't start bending over to be abused.
And that's the problem here, is that good people in America have gotten to the point where we put up with being abused, we put up with being pushed around, we put up with crap all day, because we're the good guys.
Well, here's the deal.
If you're good people, I'll give you my shirt.
But if you're some parasite, piece of crap liar, I'll do everything I can to make sure everybody knows what a piece of garbage you are, and that you're not going to be part of polite society anymore.
I forget the guest it was, we had a month on, there was some guest we had on like a month ago, who said Christians are too tolerant.
We're too tolerant of radical Muslims, we're too tolerant of all these groups that won't stop until we're eradicated.
They're out to get us.
Well here's the deal, we're not out to get them, but we're not getting them aid, or comfort, or sucker.
You're not getting anything from us but a hand, a cold hand.
You go back to your Third World hellholes, you go back to your monotheistic oppression of women, you go back to your Stone Age crap, and you leave the Renaissance, and classical liberalism, and Thomas Jefferson, and space travel, and medicine, and the arts, and classical music, and everything the West has to offer, you don't like it?
Then you don't get any part of it.
And so humanity's finding its guts again.
Its heart, its soul, and the world can't stand it.
We'll get ready.
Because the sleeping giant is an idea.
And it's rising.
And anybody, no matter where they're from or what color they are, can be part of it.
And it'll replace all the other gangs, all the other BS systems, all the fake religions,
It's competition.
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It's a college of open debate and ideas.
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And it's here and it's waiting for you.
Now I want to go back to your phone calls for Matthew and Joe.
And I'm sure you gave it to me, but will you guys print me the speech on Teddy Roosevelt, just the short part about the man in the arena?
Because I want to read that part of the poem or statement.
But just looking at Comey, we haven't prescripted this.
We don't prescript things.
What is your overall view of this?
Because even Lester Hull has to admit Trump's got a point that every major Democrat out there said fire Comey even last week.
And now they're acting like they never said it.
I mean, this is crazy.
Bill Clinton fired an FBI director when Bill Clinton had Vince Foster killed.
And people said nothing.
Well, this FBI guy said that Trump wasn't even under investigation.
But I get why Comey said he was surprised and thought it was a joke.
Because the truth is he really hadn't gone after Trump.
Trump just didn't like him because he was a weasel.
Go ahead.
Well, I don't know if this is Trump's doing, or the Democrats just doing this to themselves, but as you talked about earlier, Trump has an amazing way of either sending out a tweet, or making a policy change, or making a statement, or firing somebody like Comey, and just exposing the Democrats that want to stop him as total hypocrites, total double standard politicians, and it really just proves that they're the ones guilty of partisan politics,
And it doesn't matter what Trump does, even if it's good for everyone on the face of the earth, no matter what, they're still going to be against it.
So Trump fires Comey, doesn't even have to do anything, doesn't even have to address the Democrats, doesn't even have to ask Chuck Schumer for a comment or Maxine Waters for a comment.
They do it on their own.
They go on television shows.
So, whatever Trump, I don't know, again, I don't know if Trump does this on purpose, or if the Democrats are just doing this to themselves, but it's amazing how they will come out in broad daylight and just be blatant hypocrites.
It's undebatable.
It's not even questionable.
It's black and white now, Alex.
So, it'll be interesting to see how the Democrats survive this, and I think more people are coming over to Trump now.
Oh, I agree, the polls show it, even the quick polls.
But the good news is, as Trump always says, winning fixes everything.
And that's fundamentally, Trump wants win-win situations.
He wants prosperity.
The globalists want austerity.
That's why they hate him.
Did you see his letter to Comey?
That if you spell it out, it says, I win.
It's with the real Alex Jones on Twitter.
Yeah, there's weird stuff with some of these letters.
There was one that Bill Clinton sent out also that said, help me, maybe, because he's being held hostage by Hillary.
But you know, Alex, think about this with the whole Russia thing, OK?
This all comes from the same group of people.
Now, James Clapper again goes on television today and talks about a cloud over Trump.
A cloud.
There's a cloud over Trump, Alex.
This is the guy that lied and said the NSA never spotted any citizens.
Oh, right.
There's a cloud over Trump.
But hold on.
Let's talk about the bureaucracy that James Clapper represented.
This is the same bureaucracy that told us that it was a North Vietnamese ship that sunk our ship in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Got us into war.
A lie.
This is the same bureaucracy that told us one rifleman and a magic bullet is responsible for killing JFK.
A lie.
This is the same bureaucracy that told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, sent us into war, destroyed the Middle East, we're still not out of there.
The same bureaucracy that told us it was Syria that used chemical weapons against their own people.
A lie.
A lie.
That's been exposed.
What is the most recent one?
This is the big lie, Alex.
This is the big lie.
I don't know if impeaching Trump is what the end goal here is, or if they have other end goals, or they're really just that big of babies, but this is the big latest lie to come out of our corrupt government, just like all the other ones, Alex.
And we see it now.
The people see it.
I totally agree with you.
Did you see Oberman saying foreign governments help overthrow Trump?
When you actually ask for foreign governments to overthrow your government, that's called high treason.
That's executable.
I mean, he's so, he's so, and like Pchenik said, he takes all the terms we use and then turns them around and puts them in his teleprompter.
Alex, we're libertarians, okay?
We are constitutionalists.
And we don't want people to get locked up.
We don't want people's free speech to be squandered.
No, we enjoy the Constitution.
We support free speech.
We love it.
But, it comes to a point where you have to ask yourself, I mean seriously, these people belong in a mental institution.
They either belong in a mental institution, or as you just pointed out, they're guilty of high treason, Alex.
We can't just sit here and have ludicrous people making ludicrous statements.
Here's the deal, I've never said overthrow the government violently.
I've never said have foreign intelligence involved in what we're doing.
And they're calling for me to be locked up, because I told Schiff,
Metaphorically, you get in my face, call me a communist agent, I'll punch you in the nose.
I don't mean that literally.
It's like, dude, stop lying about me with no proof.
Bring me to Congress.
Show your proof.
Meanwhile, they're constantly saying kill Trump.
The Black Lives Matter is funded by Soros, saying kill cops.
And people go, oh, what, you want to kiss cops' butt?
I don't want to randomly have cops who are, like, pulling somebody over or changing a tire or pumping gas be shot in the back.
I'm not for randomly killing black people, Hispanics, white people, Native Americans, schoolteachers, cops, anybody.
You can't just randomly say, let's just kill white people, like this black professor is saying.
I mean, at a fundamental level,
I hear this black professor up at A&M saying it's time to start killing some white people.
And at a fundamental level, it's like, man, it's not because he's black.
It's because he's a guy running his mouth.
He looks like he ate a bunch of white people.
He's so fat.
Maybe he's been eating five or six of them.
At a fundamental level as a man, like when I used to go protest the KKK, that didn't even go that far.
I want to like, dude, here I am.
Let's go.
You want to kill me?
You've been running your big fat mouth all day long.
I got one too.
Here, here's a meat cleaver.
You're the one calling for death.
Let's go.
I mean, what the hell's his problem?
Alex, I understand your frustration.
Keith Olbermann is now the most cringeworthy person in media.
And that is saying a ton.
You're talking about Chunk Yogurt, who hasn't had a suit that fits him right since he located the donut shop.
You've got people that go on NBC like Andrea Mitchell.
Just horrible!
She gets trolled by Russians every time that she tries to rudely ask them a question.
And now, Keith Olbermann is quite literally the worst person in media, Alex.
And A&M is so liberal now.
You should be like a military college.
In fact, my grandfather went there.
They won't even fire him when this guy looks like he ate five white people, he looks like he's 17 years old, and he's up there talking about how we gotta kill the white people.
It's like, dude, what if somebody goes, God forbid, and kills him?
And says that we need to kill some black people.
It's like, it's like, what is it?
I don't want to kill any black people.
I'm trying to stop, why doesn't this dumbass say stop aborting half the black people?
I'm actually have black people on that don't want to abort black people or white people.
Why don't we stop aborting half the black babies, Owen?
I actually care about the black babies.
I don't want to kill black people.
But this guy, this guy is an asshole.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
It goes beyond that, Alex.
He's not just a jerk.
He is mentally deranged.
He really has... It looks like he ate four or five white people.
This is all of them.
That's what I'm saying.
You know how they catch great white sharks and cut them up to see if they've eaten somebody?
I'm worried there may be some white people in there.
Can we show pictures of them?
And it wouldn't even matter if they didn't have their little minions that actually exist.
I mean, these people actually have a following.
I don't know how, but they still have a following, Alex, and I think that that's what... I think I'm going to watch his Twitter and Facebook and stuff, and I think we should all go up there when he's at some speech or go to his class and just say, hey, we're here!
You want to kill people?
Well, it'd be interesting to see, you know, if he wants to retract that statement.
I don't believe that he's made any retraction of that offensive statement.
The university has decided to keep him under the employ.
But it's just this madness, Alex.
It's this madness that's going on right now for all the people that fell for all the fake news about Trump.
They cannot believe the reality they're in.
They cannot wrap their minds around it.
Literally, they are completely
Just drowning in fake news, Alex.
Trump in Russia.
I want to know why he's allowed to eat white people.
How about this?
You've got this guy going on at the University of Texas A&M, OK, calling for white people to be killed.
But Alex, here's a story that seems to be going without any coverage.
Now Bernie Sanders, he's going to talk all day.
He also said white people don't know what it's like to be poor.
White people don't know what it's like to be poor.
Yeah, dumbest thing he's ever said, possibly.
But hold on, though.
He's all about getting the truth out about this FBI investigation into Trump and Russia, right?
He's all about that.
But hold on.
His wife is under FBI investigation for swindling banks.
That's right.
Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane Sanders, falsified loan documents while she served as the president of Burlington College.
My wife doesn't know what it's like to be poor because she swindled so much damn money.
Alex, this is amazing.
I have people that I've gotten into debates with that are friends of mine that are liberals.
They're real liberals, okay?
They live in reality, but they are liberals and they do, at some points, enjoy Bernie Sanders and some of the policies that come out of him and whatnot of the left.
But even they are seeing this now!
Even they are like, this is a joke, man!
Bernie Sanders was a fraud too?
Well, his wife also, I think, may have eaten like 15 white people.
Who does the left have left, Alex?
They have nothing.
That's why they're so desperate for the Rock, or for Oprah, or for Mark Zuckerberg, to come out and run for president.
Because they have nothing!
All of their politicians are losers, man!
They are losers!
They're a bunch of swindlers.
Bernie Sanders can't even get a job until he's, what, 30 and he gets elected or some crap?
Can you imagine if The Rock runs with Zuckerberg?
You know, it's interesting, Alex.
I know you've talked to people within the WWE.
It's pretty well known the WWE is a pretty conservative group politically, considering the people that go out on media and do interviews.
You've got Linda McMahon, who's in as the small business advisor or administration advisor.
Vince McMahon.
Vince McMahon's wife, right.
So... The billionaire's truck.
And like you said earlier, I don't have a problem with The Rock.
I think The Rock is a genuine guy.
I think he genuinely cares about people.
I just know I like all the shows he's on.
I mean, I won't watch a lot of TV and he's just really funny to watch.
I like him and I can't... If he runs with the Democrats, oh...
Please don't do that.
Well, apparently, they say he's a registered Republican.
I don't know if that's true or not.
I hope that's the case, because the word is Zuckerberg's trying to get him to run.
I think that, well, I think that that's what they're going to try to do, Alex.
They know that The Rock has people power.
I mean, you know, he's the people's champion, is what they call him.
And they know that he will draw a lot of attention.
He's already drawing attention just for the notion that he might run.
And the Democrats have nothing.
They have literally nothing.
Cory Booker tried that, failed.
Elizabeth Warren, well-known liar, failed.
Bernie Sanders, cuck to Hillary Clinton, failed.
Joe Biden,
I don't know if he's gonna last that much longer.
Not gonna work for him.
They have nothing.
They have nothing.
They got this Kamala Harris out in California, drops an F-bomb during a public event, Alex.
I'm trying to act young, and I also love how other Democrats go out and say, stay woke, my millennials.
Maxine Waters.
That's what I'm saying!
Alex, this isn't you or I just having a talk show and just throwing out rhetoric to get people... Maxine Waters belongs in a mental institution, okay?
By the way, since you mention it, we're going to come out from break and I'm going to let you get to this because I don't want to take over the whole hour you're doing here.
I want to be here, but I don't want to hog everything.
We've got a bunch of callers I want to go to.
We have this Maxine Waters, the name of the joke video, is Maxine Waters talking in circles on whether Comey should be fired.
That's one important video.
But there's another one that the guys put together that shows Maxine Waters.
Maxine Waters has evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
I want to play that when we come out of break.
But right now, who's been holding the longest?
Matthew in the great street of Alabama.
Come on down, Matthew.
Hey, thanks for having me on.
I've been listening for about two years, and y'all have really changed my perception of what media can be like.
Thanks for putting up with us.
Go ahead.
I'm a gay Trump supporter from Alabama, and I'm also a Christian, despite what media would have you believe.
Well, I'm a gay Trump supporter too, so it's alright.
Well, and 24 years in Alabama, I've never witnessed prejudice or racism around here.
It's a pretty good place to live.
Um, but you know, the media just drives me nuts.
And when people like Stephen Colbert and Oberman, when they accuse Trump of, like, not theism...
Fascism, and just things like that.
It's crazy, because honestly, Republicans are the opposite of things like that.
Well, I mean, I grew up kind of as a... I mean, parents weren't super right-wing Republicans, but they were Republicans.
It was never anything racist.
In fact, I think it was white guilt, but like, you know, a nice white guilt.
I don't like the crazy type white guilt.
And then Democrats, I get around them.
That's where I hear the race stuff.
And I'm just being honest here.
I totally agree with you.
It's like they've distorted reality.
But there's a big difference there.
I mean, with Colbert, he's fake news.
Everybody knows Stephen Colbert is fake news.
He's a jokester.
He's a prankster.
He's a joke himself.
Yeah, the stuff he says isn't real, but he hides behind it.
But Keith Olbermann is actually posing as the savior of the republic.
He's out there ranting and raving like the republic is coming down.
He's a savior!
Real saviors overthrow Trump!
That's why Keith Olbermann ticks me off more than anything else, Alex, because he is the biggest fake out there, because he pretends to be real.
Colbert, you know, is fake.
Olbermann pretends to be real.
Matthew, what else is on your mind?
I just wonder, is there a point, since I've had friends that have honestly gotten upset when I pointed out that Stephen Colbert is a comedy show.
They just don't understand that he's not real.
And then they, exactly, they'll say, oh, he's not comedy, but he's not real, so you shouldn't get so upset.
But is there a point that these people, aren't they inciting chaos?
Aren't they committing defamation, slander?
They're even contradicting what the CIA and FBI are saying.
You know, it's true.
Look, that's a good question.
Thanks for the call, Matthew.
Oh, and they really are getting hysterical now and calling for murder, death, overthrow.
Do we just ignore them?
Because if the government does something, it turns them into victims, but they deserve
Well, they're calling for killing the President, or they're calling for foreign governments to overthrow them.
I mean, you can't just let people do that.
Well, Alex, I'm seeing Jeff Sessions right now really focusing on the war on drugs.
I'm kind of getting sick of it, to be honest with you.
I'd like to see his attention elsewhere.
How about the war on commies?
And I think that that right there, what you talked about, needs to be Jeff Sessions' duty!
Jeff Sessions should be the one saying, hey, look, if you're going to make a threat against the President of the United States on social media or anywhere, we're going to look into you.
That doesn't mean we're going to arrest you.
That doesn't mean you're necessarily doing anything illegal.
But guess what?
We're not just going to allow this to happen anymore.
No, wait a minute.
If you say kill the president, you need to spend a year.
I mean, come on.
You need to go, Jeff.
OK, but who's doing that?
Who's monitoring this?
Whose job is it?
It should be Jeff Sessions.
Sessions is too busy worrying about how to keep people from smoking weed.
Hey, I'm sick of him saying kill me.
I want somebody to get in trouble.
I've never done this.
So why don't they focus on that?
But, you know, Alex, think about this.
We talk about fake news and that caller just made a point that made me think about this.
So, it comes out that after Trump fires Comey, a fake news story comes out that says this happens after Comey asked for more funding into the Russia investigation.
It turns out that wasn't true.
So it turns out that's fake news.
So we have to sit here as Americans and think about this.
We cannot just let this go away.
Well, it first came out in the Washington Post.
Okay, so who made this up?
This is literally a made-up story that comes out of the Washington Compost.
Why is nobody asking about this?
Did somebody inside the Washington Compost make this up?
Was there a fake leak?
Perhaps Donald Trump himself is testing the waters and giving fake intel to people to see where the leaks are.
Nobody's talking about this.
How does fake news just get created and then the media who's quote-unquote watching fake news, really just watching us,
Doesn't even care!
All right, Owen, you got a bunch of callers and a bunch of clips.
We're gonna come back and play this Maxine Waters clip and we're gonna go right to your phone calls.
I'm punching out until Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., and I'll have some special transmissions as well.
Great job, Owen.
Back to you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So today I want to talk about killing white people in context.
A Texas A&M professor says that some white people may have to die in order to solve racism and bring about true equality.
When we have this conversation about violence or killing white people, it has to be looked at in this historical term.
And the fact that we've had no one address how relevant and how solidified this kind of tradition is for black people saying, look, in order to be equal, in order to be liberated,
White people may have to die.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You have an investigation going on where the president is implicated.
Does intelligence exist?
We did not include any evidence in our report, and I say our, that's NSA, FBI, and CIA with my office, the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.
There was no evidence of that included in our report.
I understand that, but does it exist?
Not to my knowledge.
And this is a serious investigation.
I've been trying to get people to focus on this connection with the Kremlin and with Putin.
Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?
Not at this time.
I think there's enough there that we know about the Kremlin and about Putin to be concerned about whether or not there was collusion.
Well, as I stated, I don't know of any evidence of that.
Was Mr. Clapper wrong when he said that?
I think he's right about characterizing the report, which you all have read.
I believe he was, and I believe that they should have to connect the dots and get the facts, because I think it will lead to the impeachment of this president.
Can you say definitively that there was collusion?
There were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians?
I don't think we can say anything definitively at this point.
You keep saying there's a lot more smoke.
There's a lot more.
You think the fire's there?
Listen, well, time will tell.
Everybody go at this investigation until we get to the facts and to the bottom line, which was their conclusion.
I believe that there was.
I had no evidence of what was presented to me of collusion.
Now, have you seen anything?
Either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that you've made.
They have the documentation that they did the hacking.
The hacking.
On the DNC.
And on some of us, you know.
But the collusion, though.
No, we have not.
Was there a conclusion?
I believe that there was.
But the collusion, though.
No, we have not.
We've got to have the will to accept the truth and fuck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the Info War.
Lost her mind.
Suffering from dementia.
I mean, who knows what chemicals are on top of that wig that she puts on her head.
But here's the funny thing.
Here's a story from Daily Caller.
113 days into the Trump presidency and Democrats suggest he could be impeached.
So you got this list of the Democrats who've called for his impeachment.
Maxine Waters, Richard Blumenthal, Al Green, Mark Polkin, Jared Huffman, Tulsi Gabbard, Hakeem Jeffries.
I think the list is actually more than that, especially if you added media.
But nonetheless, all these people are calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
They've called the impeachment for the impeachment over all kinds of things.
The Russian is the biggest one.
Trump's a Russian agent.
But now the last one, even though there's no evidence, right?
We're going to impeach President Trump with no evidence whatsoever.
That makes sense.
But now it's because of the James Comey firing.
Let's recall again.
All of these Democrats said James Comey either cost Hillary the election, they already called for him to be fired, or they said he was incompetent or obstructing justice.
Now those same people are saying that Donald Trump needs to be impeached for obstructing justice when he removed the head of the FBI that the very people calling for Trump's impeachment said was ineffective.
So Trump now needs to be impeached because he wants to actually restore faith in the FBI's investigation process, which the Democrats had no faith in when James Comey was there.
Trump wants to restore that faith, and they hate him for it.
It's like, I don't even know.
It's like I'm beating my head against the wall.
I can't even believe we deal with these people.
I can't even believe I have to talk to these people.
I can't believe Maxine Waters gets to go on TV, literally make 180 flip-flops in the same segment, and still gets to be an official.
People still take her seriously.
Let's go out to some of the callers here.
It's a joke.
We've got Joe in California.
I think Joe wants to talk about the string of hack attacks, or I think it was malware attacks, that happened worldwide today.
Is that what you want to talk about, Joe?
Yes, sir, and it's a pleasure to speak with you, Mr. Carla Cuxlayer.
Yeah, actually, these ransomwares, I deal with a lot of network security myself.
Two ways in which these, you know, this stuff actually manages to get in.
One is either through an email, right?
So you get an email, they'll say you have a voicemail, you open the attachment, and it's an executable.
The second method, which is actually more dubious, and is even, you know, I mean, I'm even having to wear tinfoil in front of my team here, is open remote access ports.
So for example, administrators
Rather than install a tool and go in securely, they'll just use basic remote desktop protocol to remotely administer their machines.
Well, if that's open on the internet, any other idiot who knows those IP addresses can also get in.
Through there, they use, you know, this is where I guess the NSA tools come into play, is where they manage to essentially just create an account to give you administrative access and get in.
I've discovered customers where
A brand new account gets created and this stuff is on there and they're having to shell out $10,000.
So what's the big story though with this attack today?
What do you think's going on today with the malware that was going down?
The story was all around the world this was going on.
Well, yeah, well, I mean, NHS and a few others, they're cheap and so they don't want to lock down their networks.
And this is just a new strain.
I mean, that's really what I see it as.
It's a new strain of malware.
And let's keep in mind, too, that President Trump just, I believe it was he either signed an executive order or he made some sort of initiative to bolster the United States' cybersecurity.
So I wonder if this had anything to do with that.
Hey, final words, Joe.
I got to take another call.
Yeah, secondarily, the best way to fight against this stuff is to have a good backup.
If you've got your data backed up, fine.
Wipe that machine that got hit and restore your data.
If I may speak, actually, if it's possible, about that guy calling for the killing of all whites?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, I mean, that's just racial communism.
I mean, the communists, they couldn't get us on class.
Well, I mean, that's just an absolute liberal professor who's just clueless about history and just wants to virtue signal and play the victim all day.
You can put whatever phrasing on it you want, and I'm not disagreeing with you.
Thank you for the call, Joe.
I just think it's, you know, you can't even, to say that it's
Anything more or less than a mental disorder, I think, is just giving it too much credence.
That's really what it comes down to at the end of the day, based on lies.
Let's go to Cindy, who wants to talk about Keith Olbermann.
Oh my gosh.
Go ahead, Cindy.
Hi, Owen.
If the Trump administration wants to do the right thing, we've been waiting for years for this, they need to charge Keith Olbermann with open treason.
I mean,
The Clintons were guilty of treason.
Obama was guilty of treason.
Bush was guilty of treason.
For years I've been sitting and watching all this open treason everywhere.
But it's Trump, you see, but it's Trump now.
Isn't that amazing?
Trump gets in, is actually an American President.
Whether you like him or not, he's actually acting as the President of the United States.
I'm not saying everything he does is perfect.
I'm saying he wants to be the President of the United States.
Probably, I don't know, I haven't found anything I could say that Donald Trump is guilty of treason with.
But these other presidents, as you just said, it's like hand over fist treason, non-stop!
And they're silent though, silent during those administrations.
And it's time to make an example.
It's time to make an example of these people, and Olbermann's a good place to start.
Well, Olbermann is a media hack, okay?
Olbermann is a media hack.
He's been rejected from multiple networks because he's such a hack.
He's a piece of crap, okay?
Keith Olbermann is a piece of crap.
I can't believe that we have to talk about this guy.
You know what?
Here's what we should do.
All of these Democrats, they're all saying the same thing.
All these liberals in the media.
We need an independent investigation.
We need a special prosecutor.
We need to find out the truth about Russia.
What's stopping you?
You're all working together to find this out.
Why haven't you found anything yet?
In fact, let's put Keith Olbermann in charge of it.
You want a special prosecutor?
Keith Olbermann has ticked off.
He's looking for something to do.
Let's give Keith Olbermann the role of special prosecutor.
He'll do it for free, I'm sure, because it's for the country.
It's all about the republic.
So I'm sure he'll do it for free.
So let's give Keith Olbermann the position of special prosecutor, special investigator.
He's going to find out Trump's rusted ties.
And here's what'll happen.
He'll look like the total jackass that he is because he's not going to find anything.
Final words, Cindy, sorry for cursing at you before I take another call.
No, that's alright.
And what's so bad about Putin and Assad anyway?
They're the only ones in the Middle East protecting the Christians.
And I don't think they like that.
They protect the Muslims, but... Putin, again, not lionizing Putin, but Russia is trying to redeem itself.
Russia is trying to be nationalist.
They're trying to build up their own culture.
They're trying to rebuild Russia.
They want Russia to be great again.
And it's not globalist.
They're not going to go along with the globalist New World Order.
So everybody hates Russia.
But you know what?
A recent video of Putin actually just surfaced that made me love him even more.
Guys, let's roll that video of Vladimir Putin.
All right, well, I think we have this video ready to go.
Well, nonetheless, okay, here we go, I think.
This is probably tough for radio listeners to pick up, so I'll just tell you what's going on.
This is Vladimir Putin at a Russian hockey game.
It's a traditional Russian hockey match, and he's out there skating around.
I mean, how cool is this?
Vladimir Putin skating around in a Russian tradition of hockey, and he comes off the ice in full skate gear, and immediately gets asked about the James Comey firing.
What about us?
Just let it finish.
Folks, the Russians are so sick of this false narrative about Trump-Russia collusion, it's literally like beyond a joke to them.
It's reached unprecedented levels of, like, joke.
It's not even a joke anymore.
It's like, it's like a fairy tale.
It's like an old fable now.
Like an old lore or something.
Old traditional lore that just goes on.
Yes, the old fable about Trump-Russia.
And they clink their glass and they have a good laugh and they go skate around.
Yeah, there's Vladimir Putin playing hockey.
I'm sorry, but I just get a total kick out of this.
I don't know why.
There's Putin putting a slap shot on goal.
He must be taking the super male vitality.
Is Vladimir Putin taking super male vitality and skating and lacing him up and playing hockey?
You know, it's funny, most people probably couldn't even skate.
It's a pretty hard skill.
And it's just funny to see him out here skating around on the ice.
I don't know who's out here skating.
I don't really know much about this game.
I don't know if our Russian agent in here can give me any details about what goes on, if this is like a normal thing that they do in Russia, but it was cool, I think, to see Vladimir Putin out skating around, playing hockey with some people in Russia, and then has to come out in full hockey gear, gets asked about James Comey.
Gosh, that had to be just an unbelievable moment in his life.
Alright, let's take one more quick call.
Actually, let's hold that call over because I gotta let you guys know about some specials that we have right now.
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Alright, we've got time for a quick caller.
Brandon, make it quick.
You've got 60 seconds.
Go ahead.
Hello, how you doing?
I just wanted to make two points, pretty much.
First point was, I just wanted to recommend, I'm sure other people have done this as well at some point,
But if Alex Jones would somehow possibly run for office at some point by 2020 or whenever, I just wanted to throw that out there.
And what's the other one?
Okay, the other one was, is James Cummings got fired?
You think there's a chance that Trey Gowdy will possibly be replaced?
So here's the deal.
The White House has released a list of possible replacements for James Comey, Ray Kelly, former serving New York Police Commissioner Mike Rogers, Trey Gowdy, John Cornyn, Paul Abate, Mike Garcia, John Southers, Michael Luttig, Larry Thompson, and of course, Andrew McCabe.
That is the short list.
The White House confirmed that.
We'll be right back.
Final segment, Alex Jones Show.
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Me personally, I like Trey Gowdy.
I would like to see Trey Gowdy as the new FBI director because I think he's a centipede with his questioning.
I think his heart and his head is in the right place.
And I just love what I've seen from Trey Gowdy.
He gets fired up.
He gets fired up.
And we need that fire in the FBI right now.
We've got some serious corruption in our government.
We can't have a wuss, as Alex calls him, a fruitcake salad with two legs, as the FBI director.
All right, I'm going to do a quick news blitz here before hopefully we get to one more call.
What is going on with WikiLeaks right now?
WikiLeaks offers $100,000 for Trump Comey tapes, which may or may not exist.
WikiLeaks also has offered Comey a job.
It's just strange.
WikiLeaks is truly a rogue element, folks.
Like, they are literally rogue, and it seems like bucking every government right now.
Is any government really cooperating with Julian Assange anymore?
Except, I guess, Ecuador?
Which is...
Being pressured now?
So it's just interesting for WikiLeaks to offer Comey a job and now offer $100,000 for the secret Comey tapes, which might just be a Trump troll, but they probably do exist.
President Trump launches commission on election integrity.
This is huge!
This is huge news!
Donald Trump has signed an executive order today, this is actually yesterday, establishing a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression.
Thank you, Donald Trump, coming through on a promise.
Of course, Project Veritas covered this, and they are welcoming it, and they've even offered to help Donald Trump, which I think is huge.
You know, President Trump did an interview in Time Magazine.
And one thing stuck out to me, he said this.
It was a little thing, most people probably didn't even notice it, of course I did, cause I get it.
He was asked what else he watches on television.
He says, I used to watch sports, hmm, like me.
I don't watch anymore.
I'm now consumed by news and business.
I like the business stuff.
But this was the key.
Doesn't watch sports anymore, consumed by news.
Now I resonate with that because that's how I feel.
Folks who know me around here know my apartment is literally like a circus of news.
Literally all news I'm monitoring all day.
Same with my desk here.
But see how he says this.
He's consumed by news, folks.
This is an example of trickle-down theory.
Leadership trickling down.
Our president is consumed by news.
Our president is obsessed with what's going on in the world.
Now, guess what?
The general population is, too.
Now, they've been asleep for a long time, and they're very confused and disoriented, and a lot of them mentally deranged, but they do care now.
They are paying attention now, and they are vigilant now, and that is key.
How about this?
Stockboard Asset tweeted this today.
This is a journalist.
I'm actually going to be talking to him next week in an interview about the coverage that he did about the dire situations in Baltimore right now.
But this is a guy, an independent journalist.
He's been picked up by Zero Hedge before.
Google Trends, human trafficking arrests surges to all-time highs this year.
This is the trickle-down theory, folks.
This is people caring.
This is you and independent media and InfoWars getting out the news that, guess what, human trafficking is a serious issue and the people care now.
The people care now.
How about this?
You want to talk about people.
Here's not people.
I don't know what you would call these people.
Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe Kardashian go to Planned Parenthood to promote Planned Parenthood.
How sick is that?
You want to talk about draining the swamp?
Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe Kardashian are the epitome of the cultural swamp, folks.
Fake people
Taking up fake causes, all for selfish reasons.
Absolutely disgusting.
How about this?
89% of colleges reported zero campus rapes in 2015.
How's that for your rape culture?
Meanwhile, the multiculturalism in Europe is creating a rape culture that you deny, but you say there's a rape culture on college campuses.
89% of them reported zero!
How do you like that?
The left is totally unhinged!
The left has totally lost their mind!
Case in point, Maxine Waters and Keith Olbermann.
Thanks to everybody that tuned in.
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You stay classy, InfoWarriors.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.