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Filename: 20170428_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 28, 2017
3162 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics such as the Syrian chemical attack, a Berkeley rally where Antifa failed to show up, Trump's comments on being both a globalist and nationalist, controversy over leftists setting up a hotline to report crimes by undocumented immigrants, students being presented with Trump's achievements which turn out to be Obama's, NBC News advising on nuclear attack preparedness, and Marine Le Pen banning fake news from her press pool. Products promoted include Infowars Life products, Liver Shield, Caveman True Paleo Formula, Harry's razors, and a "Conservatism is the new counterculture" t-shirt design. The show also discusses factionalism within Trump's White House, critiques Obamacare and the UN's position on repealing it, and promotes a paleo nutrition formula. The Alex Jones Show delves into various subjects like the chemical weapons attack in Syria and its implications, the absence of Antifa at a recent Berkeley rally, Trump's comments suggesting he is both a globalist and a nationalist, the controversy surrounding a hotline established by leftists to report crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, students being presented with Trump's achievements during his first 100 days which are later revealed to be Obama's accomplishments for the same period, NBC News advising its audience on how to prepare for a nuclear attack, and Marine Le Pen banning fake news outlets from her press pool. Additionally, products such as Infowars Life products, Liver Shield, Caveman True Paleo Formula, Harry's razors, and the t-shirt design "Conservatism is the new counterculture" are promoted. The show also discusses the differing views of nationalism and globalism within Trump's administration, criticizes Obamacare and the UN's stance on repealing it, advocating for healthcare to be reserved for catastrophic events rather than everyday care. Lastly, a paleo nutrition formula, Caveman, is reviewed before mentioning an upcoming press conference set at 4 p.m. Central.

From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Paul Joseph Watson in for Alex Jones on this Friday April 28 edition of the show and we got another huge show lined up for you today Robert Parry the award-winning Iran contract journalist is gonna be on the line in the second hour to talk about the chemical weapons attack in Syria which of course led to the Tomahawk missile attack led to a
Increasing tensions in the region.
He's going to be on to talk about his sources from within the intelligence community who suggest that that attack was not as we were told.
His sources say it was likely not dropped from the air, it was actually detonated on the ground and of course that suggests that the moderate rebels that we've been arming for the past six, seven years may indeed have been responsible.
We had that big article up on Infowars.
US intelligence saw Syria chemical weapons attack launch from Saudi base.
He's got the intel, he's got the inside sources.
This is a key part of the narrative that is not being told in relation to what happened in Syria, what might happen going forward as ISIS begins to collapse.
In the third hour we have Baked Alaska, who of course attended the Berkeley rally yesterday.
At which Antifa completely failed to show.
They stood down.
People had their free speech event.
The First Amendment won out.
Antifa were cowards.
They backed away.
They never showed up.
So we're going to talk to Bates Alaska about that in the third hour.
We're also going to talk about Donald Trump.
Once again making strange comments for the people who voted for him given that he ran on an America First platform.
Donald Trump now says he's a globalist and a nationalist.
Is that possible to be both?
I think that's kind of a either-or choice there.
You can't be a globalist, you can't advocate globalist policies and yet remain a nationalist given that globalist policies wreck.
Nationalist sentiment wreck nationalist policies.
They don't tend to combine very well, especially in the context of NAFTA.
So we're going to get on to talk about that.
Social justice warriors and leftists have flooded a hotline to report crimes committed by illegal immigrants.
They're reporting sightings of aliens and UFOs and they're very pleased with themselves that they're preventing actual crimes from being reported.
So rapists,
Muggers, robbers are all going free right now because of virtue signaling by leftists.
Absolute disgrace!
And we're also going to get on to play an amazing video in the next segment, which is they basically go to a college and present students.
Snowflakes with Trump's accomplishments in the first 100 days.
At least that's what they tell them.
What's actually happening is they're Obama's quote accomplishments in his first 100 days.
So we're going to see their reaction to that here in the next segment.
First let's dip right into the news and it is massive on the European front as well.
Gateway Pundit reports Liberal Austrian President says day will come when all women must wear the headscarf in solidarity with Muslims.
That's right.
We've warned about this increasing move.
We have to integrate with their culture.
They don't have to integrate with our culture even as they enter our country.
There you see it out of the Independent.
Austrian President calls on all women to wear headscarves in solidarity with Muslims to fight rampant Islamophobia.
Of course, Islamophobia, over the past several years, has basically morphed into criticism of Islam.
That's not the same thing, but they've made it that way.
They've merged the two to crush free speech.
Now we have people reporting tweets over in London, where Katie Hopkins, a Daily Mail journalist, makes a joke tweet about Islam.
People report it as a hate crime, and the Metropolitan Police actually responds on Twitter
to this offensive joke and says, please provide us with more information.
Meanwhile, there's literally terrorists out on the streets of London with bags full of knives trying to carry out terrorist attacks.
But the Metropolitan Police is more concerned about mean tweets.
Absolutely incredible.
We've also got huge breaking news on North Korea.
China has basically come out and said they will enforce a red line on any nation that tries to attack them.
This is the Alex Jones Show live huge news blitz coming up.
We'll be back.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
Listen to these headlines from just the last week.
Four times in four days, Russian military aircraft fly off U.S.
coast, some nuclear capable.
sends nuclear sniffer plane to Korea.
China test missile on deadly new destroyer ship near North Korea as it warns it's getting troops battle ready.
preparing to evacuate 230,000 Americans from South Korea.
Washington, D.C.
to hold massive coordinated terror attack drill.
Feds prepare for nuclear attack in New Jersey.
North Korea flexes muscle in unprecedented live fire drill.
area first responders prepare for a complex terror attack.
Navy fires warning flare at Iran vessel in Persian Gulf.
Air Force launches test missile off California coast.
Entire U.S.
Senate called for meeting on North Korea briefing.
And now, NBC News is telling its audience what to do in case of a nuclear attack.
Will this cold world war ever go hot?
Stay informed at InfoWars.com.
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That's InfoWarsLive.com.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna jump straight into the news right now because it is absolutely massive.
I mentioned this story before the break.
It's out of Gateway Pundit.
Liberal Austrian president says day will come when all women must wear headscarves in solidarity with Muslims.
And now you have another article out of The Independent reporting the same story.
This is his quote.
We're not going to play the video because it's in Austrian.
It wouldn't make sense unless you're watching the subtitles.
But he said, quote, a day will come where we will have to ask all women to wear the headscarf.
This is Alexander Van der Bellen.
Remember, he's the guy who beat out the nationalist candidate there in Austria after they had that suspicious voting fraud incident with the postal votes.
He's a Green Party-backed Austrian president and politician most people will not have heard of since last December when of course he beat Norbert Hofer of Austria's Freedom Party, the nationalist candidate.
Mr. van der Bellen is again making headlines beyond Austria for a segment broadcast on state television Tuesday, looking back at his first 100 days in office.
A clip used in the piece shows the Austrian president speaking with students
During a roundtable discussion, commenting on proposals to ban the full Islamic-based veil in the country, which he opposes.
Bearing in mind even Angela Merkel, even Angela Merkel, who's no Islamophobe by any stretch of the imagination, supports banning the veil.
We've seen moves to ban the burkini in France.
We've seen UKIP over in England call for banning the burka.
But Van der Bellen opposes even that.
That's not even seen as a very authoritarian measure in Europe now.
There's Angela Merkel calling for a burqa ban whenever legally possible in Germany.
Even she supports it.
But according to Van der Bellen, the liberal Austrian president, that's rampant Islamophobia.
He clearly emphasises the word all when suggesting that every woman, every woman,
Should be asked to wear the veil in solidarity with those who do it for religious reasons.
Of course we know they don't do it for religious reasons.
This is the lie we've been spun by the left over and over again.
If you research
Muslim feminist groups right back to the 1920s.
In fact, there was an Egyptian, I think it was an Egyptian Muslim feminist group.
They were the first Muslim feminist group ever in history.
Stretch back to 1922, I think.
They were the first ones who called for banning the veil or at least not forcing Muslim women to ban the veil.
The people who said that were Muslim women feminists.
100 years ago, and yet 100 years later nearly, we still have leftists, regressives, poshing this narrative that the hijab, that the burqa, is a feminist icon.
It's not!
Why do they wear it in Islamic countries?
Because in the Quran, in the Hadith, if women don't wear the veil, they're subject to be kidnapped and raped.
That's the ultimate form of patriarchal misogyny.
Yet we have feminists celebrating the hijab.
We have them making cutesy art projects about it.
We have them supporting Linda Sarsour, their new leader.
A woman who supports and jokes about
Sharia Law jokes about female genital mutilation, which is now happening in the United States, which we'll get on to.
Linda Sarsour linked with Hamas, and there you see the video out of Germany.
Feminists protest as chanting Allah Akbar as they smile.
Absolutely incredible part of the left merging with Islam because they broadly share the same goals.
The most woman-hating, misogynistic belief system on the planet that treats women literally like cattle in some cases.
We saw the video out of Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago, the high school girls again fully veiled in their beekeeper suits trying to leave class.
To get their chaperone home from their mail drivers.
No, it's not your turn.
Whip them on the back.
Get back in.
Get back inside.
That's the kind of feminism that leftists are now celebrating when they embrace this hijab.
When they embrace the burqa.
When they embrace Linda Sarsour.
And now the Austrian president is saying things along similar lines.
The article continues.
The bizarre comments made weeks ago but only aired this week have caused uproar on social media, but have drawn surprisingly little reaction from feminists.
Imagine my shock.
Austria, like several other European countries, is debating a law to ban the burka and full face veil, a government move intended to take votes away from the Nationalist Freedom Party during what is likely to be an election year.
So this face veil, they haven't banned it in the UK.
What's happening in the UK is
Muslim women who wear the full face veil swap driver's licenses.
They abuse this ad infinitum and it's a big problem.
It's a big problem in terms of security.
They have bars in England where you can't even wear a baseball cap.
They won't let you in.
You won't get into a bank if you're wearing a baseball cap or a balaclava for obvious reasons.
But no, this is allowed even though it poses a definite
Security risk.
They see the UKIP proposal which came out last week.
Britain's pro-Brexit party loses support from within after Birkeband proposal.
People saying that it's a step too far, even though Angela Merkel supports it.
So we're all at different tracks along the way.
We're at different stages in different European countries on this.
But now the Austrian president
Says that women should wear it in solidarity with Muslim women.
Again, this attempt to turn it into some kind of feminist icon.
Absolutely despicable, given what it actually represents.
Given that the original Muslim feminist movements opposed the burqa and the hijab.
Given that women liberated from ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
You've seen the videos.
Unveil themselves.
That's their form of liberation.
They rip off the face mask.
They're so happy to be free of ISIS persecution.
Of course, they were forced to wear the veil by ISIS.
But now it's a feminist icon now, according to the left.
The Austrian president says Austrian women must wear it in solidarity.
That's going to happen.
Maybe it's going to happen
By force, at some point, if Europe continues on its current track in 5, 10, 15 years' time.
There you see!
Syrian women burn burqas in celebration after being freed from ISIS!
They not only remove them, they burn them!
Absolutely incredible!
Why are feminists embracing this when actual Muslim women in the Middle East are disavowing it?
Forced under ISIS persecution to wear the veil, they celebrate.
Absolutely amazing stuff.
I just can't understand how feminists can embrace this as a women's rights symbol, when it's literally the exact opposite.
Continuing, Information Liberation reports, Italian prosecutor wiretapped reveal NGOs working with human smugglers to flood Italy.
Now this is an issue I've talked about several times.
People have a huge misunderstanding of the migrant crisis, of the refugee crisis.
Are there genuine Syrian refugees?
Who, by the way, most of whom would rather return to Syria, but we're now bombing the people who are fighting ISIS, so they can't.
Literally bombing airbases 20 minutes from Christian towns.
People don't understand the true nature of the migrant crisis.
A tiny proportion of, quote, refugees are actually Syrian.
They're economic migrants, the vast majority.
The vast majority are men.
Out of Libya, they get 11 miles off the coast of Libya in these boats, which are often overcrowded because of the people smugglers.
That's why many people die.
They sink.
They're too heavy.
There you see the map.
They're not just coming out of Libya, they're coming out of Egypt, Sudan, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, all these different countries, Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast.
Most of them aren't even coming from Libya.
Which again, you can go back to the whole argument, why did we topple Gaddafi, a secular leader, in the first place?
But they're not mainly even coming from Libya.
They get 11 miles off the coast of Libya, the people smugglers, the criminals...
Call up these NGOs, call up the EU on the phone and say we got another boatload of people.
They go and literally pick them up.
They send boats hundreds of miles to pick them up, 11 miles off the coast of Libya, as a taxi service to bring them into Italy.
That's not a refugee crisis, that's a literal taxi service, that's literally using humans as a weapon.
Which is what Italians are now saying.
The article states, Italian prosecutor Carmelo Zaccaro said Thursday that wiretapped conversations, now you see the map there out of Libya, revealed non-governmental organisations are working together with human smugglers to flood Italy with migrants and quote destabilise their economy.
They're working hand in hand with the criminal people smugglers.
Yes, you can understand the motivation of some of these people who want to escape a failing state in Libya because of Western foreign policy.
We should never have toppled Gaddafi.
It was an absolute disaster.
Obama's humanitarian intervention supported by Hillary Clinton.
But again, we can't absorb the entire third world.
There has to be differentiation between actual refugees and economic migrants.
So now, wiretaps have revealed that, basically confirmed what we already knew, the communication between the EU, the NGOs and the people smugglers.
This is out of AP.
An Italian prosecutor on Thursday defended his accusation that non-governmental organisations operating rescue boats in the Mediterranean are colluding with migrant smugglers after one humanitarian organisation said the charge threatened its work and requested proof for the allegation.
This is documented!
We've featured numerous articles on this before, testimony that this is happening.
Carmelo Zaccaro, chief prosecutor for the Sicilian city of Catania, told RAI state television that he believes some NGOs are working to rescue migrants just outside Libyan waters and could be financed by traffickers and that their ultimate goal could be to destabilize the Italian economy, which is already ruined at this point.
He has cited a wiretap conversation.
In separate comments, Zaccaro said he was identifying on a phenomenon.
Not individual organisations in an attempt to prevent greater abuses.
He said prosecutors would need to investigate and seek charges.
We've played the videos before.
You look at Calais.
You look at those people trying to get on the boats, trying to get to England.
The left-wing groups go and help.
They throw rocks at people who are trying to prevent it.
They helped them storm the boats in Calais to try and get to England.
We've played those videos.
This is a known phenomenon that NGOs and the European Union is working directly with criminal people smugglers to bring economic migrants who aren't even refugees into Europe.
And we've seen what's happened as a result, the terror attacks, the mass sexual assaults.
This is a criminal conspiracy taking place and it's finally being exposed.
We will be back on the Alex Jones Show Live.
More breaking news including massive news on North Korea and safe space snowflake protests.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live, InfoWars.com.
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We are live on the Alex Jones Show.
Before I dip back into the news, I want to tell you about an exciting new product we have here, available right now at the Infowars store.
It is the t-shirt, and I have it right here.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
There's never been a phrase more triggering to liberals, to leftists, especially on the echo chamber of Twitter, than that phrase right there.
And that image.
They get so triggered by that image, it's absolutely incredible.
You've probably seen the tweets.
That is available right now.
It emerges out of, of course, the fact that leftists control the institutions of culture, mass entertainment, Hollywood, the music industry.
They are the dominant culture.
They keep trying to have the monopoly on everything and also be the counterculture.
You can't have it both ways.
Now, of course, back 30, 40 years ago, it was the right that censored people.
It was the right that acted as the Puritans.
Now it's the left.
You see what's happening in Berkeley with the attempts to shut down free speech.
Conservatism really is the new counterculture.
Populism is the new punk.
Because we're the only ones who have an actual true diversity of opinion.
It's available right now.
And this will make me incredibly happy if you get this t-shirt, because it triggers so many people.
Limited run.
This design will sell out quickly.
We're not going to print any more of this design.
This is going to go.
It's probably going to go by the end of today.
It's available right now at infowarsstore.com.
You can call 1-888-253-3139.
It's 24.95.
It's the most comfortable shirt you'll ever own.
It's that soft blend.
It's really comfortable on the skin to wear.
And it's going to trigger the holy hell out of absolutely everyone.
Also, for people of like mind, it's going to start conversations.
Again, it's a limited run.
This will make me so happy if you get this t-shirt.
In fact, get it, take a picture of yourself and post it on Twitter under the hashtag, Conservatism is the new counterculture.
And I will retweet all of those.
You will get massive exposure.
You will get Twitter followers.
Put it on Facebook.
I'll post them on Facebook.
But again, limited edition.
It's not going to stick around for long.
We may do new designs in the future, but this is the original.
So only a limited amount of people will be able to get this T-shirt.
It's super premium, American-made, extra soft, tri-blend T-shirt.
It's comfortable on the skin.
Most importantly, it's going to trigger the holy hell out of liberals.
Absolutely incredible.
Conservatism is the new counterculture.
We'll probably do another one.
Populism is the new punk at some point.
But again, this is the original.
It's £24.95.
It's available for a limited time.
This will probably sell out within the next 24 hours, I would imagine, because we've printed relatively few of them.
So get it while you can.
It's 24.95.
Wear it.
Post your images on Twitter.
I will retweet you.
I will post the images up on Infowars.com.
We're going to have a lot of fun with this.
And above all, it's a great t-shirt.
That is the Conservatism is the New Cancer Culture t-shirt.
Available at Infowarsstore.com.
It's huge, but it's going to go quick.
Get yours today.
Let's dip into some more news now out of France.
French scientist who predicted Trump and Brexit says the maths add up for a Le Pen victory.
Could she pull it off?
The odds are against her.
Of course, the odds were against Trump and Brexit.
We all saw what happened.
According to French physicist Serge Galam, a victory for populist anti-mass migration presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is entirely possible due to a phenomenon known as differentiated abstention.
What is differentiated abstention?
He explains it's the key.
It's incredibly unlikely that those who voted for Le Pen in the first round of the French presidential election will vote for Macron.
So all the people who voted for Le Pen are not going to vote for Macron.
They're not going to switch.
We've seen the polls.
She's got the most solid support.
She's got a sizable base.
When it comes to Macron, they were a lot more undecided about whether they would vote for him.
So it's unlikely all those who oppose Le Pen are guaranteed to support Macron.
Who is unpopular with the far left and conservative voters.
He is, of course, the ultimate establishment candidate.
Groomed by the highly unpopular outgoing socialist government.
So you ask, why on earth are French people voting for more of the same?
Polls look like that's going to happen.
But Marine Le Pen has closed the gap with Macron in the latest election poll after he is accused of taking victory.
For granted!
He's getting quite haughty.
He's getting quite arrogant.
You saw the visit to the Whirlpool factory there in France.
Macron was greeted with boos and jeers.
Marine Le Pen was hugged.
She was adored.
She was celebrated because she represents the interests of those blue-collar workers
The same platform that Trump ran on.
Can Marine Le Pen pull it off?
It's going to be a mammoth task, but she has a chance according to this top expert.
We will be back on the Alex Jones Show live with more news.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN radio network.
Trump just signed an executive order to pull the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials.
Titled Education Federalism Executive Order, it directs Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts.
And gives her the power to modify or repeal measures she deems an overreach by the federal government.
It was amazing to hear liberals scream and cry as Betsy DeVos was being confirmed.
And all I was saying the entire time was, good, we need to get rid of the Department of Education.
You wonder why your local schools don't have money to pay teachers or for upkeep?
It's because that money is being held by the federal government.
Don't believe me?
Just read the book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Isserby.
She was a whistleblower from the Department of Education in the 1980s, and her tome describes how the federal education system was designed to create automatons.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live, back on the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna dip into some clips in this segment about the, uh, Safe Space Snowflakes.
Of course, we had the big Antifa, uh, Trump rally yesterday.
There was supposed to be a confrontation between the two.
Never happened because Antifa didn't show up.
We're gonna get into that with Baked Alaska later in the show.
We're also gonna play a clip where...
Students at George Mason University are presented with Obama's accomplishments in his first 100 days in office, but told that they're Trump's accomplishments, and their reaction is very interesting, to say the least.
We're going to get into that soon.
We're going to also play the Simpsons, making fun of SJWs.
That got a ton of traction last week.
We're going to play that again.
Let's finish off on this French news right now though, of course we've got the second round of the election on May the 7th with Le Pen up against the establishment candidate Emmanuel Macron.
The lead that Macron had over her, which was substantial, is narrowing as voter abstention threatens to swing it in Le Pen's favour.
Now we have an article out of westmonster.com.
Le Pen bans biased fake news from campaign.
You remember though, there was a video we played a few weeks ago where a reporter confronted Marine Le Pen with the charge, aren't you just supported by fake news?
Le Pen shot back of course and said, you're the fake news.
She was playing the Trump line to a tee.
Well now French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has taken a leaf out of US President Donald Trump's playbook banning fake news outlets from her press pool.
The pool generally follows a candidate around for the duration of the election and has access to all campaign events such as rallies and photo ops.
Le Pen, though, has banned various left-wing news outlets such as Le Monde, France 24 and La Libération, which are the main news outlets in France, among others, who she felt had not given her a fair opportunity to put forward her case, and in many instances have outright lied about her and her supporters.
So she's banned the fake news from her circle just days before the second round of voting.
Is that a smart move?
It sounds like it, given all they do is lie about her, given that all they do is try to smear her as a far-right extremist, as they do all around the world.
So now Maureen Le Pen has banned them from her inner circle as the polls show the gap between her and Macron is tightening.
Let's get into this SJW news now though.
Now there was a
Information put out by Oxford University that said making eye contact or not making eye contact with people was racist.
They actually came out and said not making eye contact with people was racist.
In a little guide!
As to racial microaggressions, of course we know that that's basically everything on the planet and everybody's racist at this point, but they came out and said that those who don't make eye contact are racist.
They had to back down!
They had to apologize because of the oppression Olympics.
People came back and made the point that certain people, maybe autistic people, people with disabilities,
Unable to make eye contact with people because of their disability.
So you see, they actually got trumped in the oppression Olympics by people making this point, whether they were being serious or not.
BBC reports, let's go back to that article, Oxford University sorry for eye contact racism claim.
Oxford University has apologized.
Probably got complaints from like two people and immediately caved in as all these institutions do.
Has apologised for saying that avoiding eye contact could be everyday racism after it was accused of discriminating against autistic people.
The claim was included in a list of racial microaggressions in an equality and diversity unit newsletter.
But the university was criticised for being insensitive to autistic people who can struggle making eye contact.
So they had to come out on Twitter and apologise.
They actually apologised to me directly, which is kind of funny.
Because I put out the screenshot to one of the original news stories which got, you know, 5,000 retweets or whatever.
So they had to literally go on Twitter and apologize to everybody who complained about this.
Again, they're not going to apologize if, for example, they ban Marine Le Pen from speaking at their college because a bunch of Trigglypuffs protest.
They don't care about free speech.
But if you just mention the word disabled or autistic and that those people might be offended, they immediately back down.
They cave and apologize to everybody.
So again, it's another example of that oppression Olympics.
One thing trumps another.
They try to virtue signal, they try to, again, play into this narrative that everything is racist through microaggressions, which is things like asking where somebody is from if they have a non-Western accent, a non-British accent.
Now they said that not making eye contact was racist.
They've had to cave in.
It's absolutely delicious in terms of disastrous optics because it shows that the oppression Olympics ranks different levels of oppression.
If one is seen to be above another, they have to back down.
They have to apologize.
So now they're out on Twitter doing that.
Absolutely incredible.
Campus reform reports, and we're going to go to this video here in a second.
Students despise Obama policies when credited to Trump.
Saturday will mark Donald Trump's 100th day in office, an important milestone for US presidents ever since the flurry of panic flailings with which Franklin Roosevelt began his administration.
Well, President Trump's supporters point to his slew of executive orders and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch as markers of his success.
Detractors claim Mr Trump has accomplished very little since taking office.
So they went out and asked a bunch of special snowflakes at George Mason University.
Hoping to tease out whether such reflexive opposition to Trump is based on policy disagreements or simply distaste for Trump himself.
So they presented these snowflakes with Obama's accomplishments, not telling them, or telling them, lying to them, saying that they were Trump's.
So they're being told Obama's accomplishments in the first 100 days, but it's presented as if they're Trump's accomplishments and just watch the reaction.
Let's roll the clip.
Donald Trump, first 100 days, how do you think he's done?
He's kind of a d***.
He's really just a liar.
Like, pathologically, it's kind of insane.
As of just recently, he's done a little bit of work that's not exactly beneficial to Planned Parenthood.
We're a little wary of what's coming up.
It's kind of scary.
You know, you wake up every morning and then you see something ridiculous.
I'm surprised that with things he lies about, he has not been impeached or whatever.
Because, I mean, Bill Clinton was impeached for lying.
Trump recently went on what's called an apology tour to countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, basically apologizing for the past eight years and saying, you know, there's a new sheriff in town, this old stuff's not going to fly.
Him apologizing like that to the other countries, is it something that, you know, you would like to see him stop doing?
Oh, for sure.
I really think he kind of overstepped his bounds.
I think he's just trying to fix band-aids at this point, and it's not really working for him, so I think it's a bad thing for him.
You know, you have to carry the image of the U.S., and he hasn't done that so well.
The people he's apologizing to are not people he should be apologizing to.
Saudi Arabia, the Gulf monarchies, dictatorships everywhere.
I don't think it was up to him to apologize on behalf of a nation, especially with such opposition to him within the nation.
He recently has been talking about a $700 billion jobs plan.
He would tax people and then use that money to try and use the government to help create jobs.
Is that something that you view positively or negatively?
I gotta say, it kind of would be a little, definitely more negative.
So how is that gonna help us if he's raising and creating jobs for people that aren't trying to get a higher education?
Knowing that Donald Trump is the one proposing it probably means there's some turd in the punch bowl somewhere.
Him bringing jobs, I just don't really see that happening.
Using the government to do what states would do, that kind of goes against the whole platform.
Really reminiscent of Weimar Germany, when there was a lot of hatred of foreigners taking jobs.
I mean, same types of rhetoric.
What's the shirt?
Oh, this is just a communism shirt, man.
Gotta love the hammer and sickle.
Gotta collectivize the means of production.
The final thing that Trump has done is he changed some of the statutes of limitations on court cases.
So, basically making it easier for people to sue each other.
What do you think about that?
Being in a law class right now, I don't like it at all.
I think it would directly benefit Trump because Trump is a businessman by cutting down on regulations.
He says it's for one reason, but it's just I just don't see him helping.
That's pretty upsetting.
I also think it's kind of ridiculous how he wants to, he was saying, loosen up the libel laws.
I think it would make him money in the long run.
Because I don't really think he's in it for the presidency.
Like, I think he's in it for his own, like, personal gain.
There's so many conflicts of interest and unanswered questions there.
What if I told you all the things I was asking about were actually things that Obama did in his first hundred days?
Oh, wow.
Oh, wow.
It's almost like we don't have any critical thinking faculties.
Oh, wow.
Given that we wear Hammer and Sickle t-shirts, literally 80 million people dead in the last century alone.
Oh wow!
Absolutely insane.
This is the effect it's having on the campuses there.
This is the kind of mindset we're producing.
Now in Mizzou, of course we had the big race protest last year with Melissa Click and all that.
Bring me some muscle!
Gateway Pundit reports consequences.
Mizzou loses more students, we'll shut down three more dorms.
The University of Missouri has no one to blame for their current crisis but their own leadership.
After the campus protests of 2016 they could have corrected course.
Instead they did nothing to address the problem and they're now paying the price.
The College Fix reported.
Mizzou enrollment plunge continues.
Three more dorms shutting down next year.
The public university that gave us Melissa, Muscle, Click.
Now you see part of those protests last year where the Asian-American reporter was kicked out simply for trying to do his job.
It's not like he was a right-wing extremist who was simply trying to do his job.
Now Mizzou is shutting down three more dorms.
The public university that gave us Melissa, Muscle, Click.
Announce open season on student journalists that try to cover social justice warrior continues to suffer from the fallout!
Get out!
I need some muscle over here!
There's Melissa Click.
The University of Missouri is shutting down three dorms next year because of low freshman enrollment.
The Maneater reports.
So nobody wants to go there.
Social justice hysteria always leads to failure.
Let's go to that Simpsons clip because they delightfully took on social justice warriors in a recent episode.
This has caused absolute shockwaves across the web.
Here is the Simpsons on SJWs and campus snowflake culture.
It's gone viral.
It's always wonderful when a successful and childless alumnus returns.
It's delightful how you take turns sniffing after my money.
Now here's a group that was established in 1909.
I hate modern music.
The whiffin' poofs.
I'll buy you a new library if you have them killed.
So many have tried to kill them.
But other smug jackasses in white gloves would just take their place.
Well, I am here to offer you money.
I'd like to endow a Department of Nuclear Plant Management.
Of course we can't do nuclear.
Our students are highly entitled wusses.
You'd be creating a space for violence to happen.
How about funding a chair in the non-narrative cinema of self-identified pansexuals?
We also need to hire more deans to decide which Halloween costumes are appropriate.
Eight deans should do it.
Is this still a coven of capitalism where evil money can acquire a patina of virtue?
Yes, that's in our charter.
But with an issue as heteropatriarchal as nuclear power, we'll have to hire multicultural empathizers, build a new safe space... Not so fast!
We insist on a chair of anti-nuclear studies and a nuclear-neutral curriculum pathway.
Absolutely, Teddy.
We run all decisions fast as Wash Team.
Also, the fencing team, Water Polo, and Handsome Dan, the mascot.
Place me, you hound.
Oh, yeah.
What's happened to this place?
This was the home of ruthless media disruptor Samuel F.B.
Who's his successor?
That fellow?
That word is cisgender normative, okay?
You're worse than Hitler!
Too late for flattery.
I'm not giving this school a dime.
This is the Simpsons taking on Social Justice Warriors.
You've seen it with South Park.
The Simpsons have never really dipped their water into this to this extent.
It's absolutely hilarious.
Towards the end here, they perfectly send up the robotic nature, the unthinking nature of Social Justice Warriors on campus.
And we're going to get into more news related to this.
Here's the final part of the Simpsons taking on the SJW Snowflakes on campus.
He's in boss phase!
That's unbelievably offensive!
Cultural appropriation!
Dear lord, those teachers made them too human!
You've ruined me!
Well, not completely.
I still have my health.
So there you have it.
Offensive, offensive, offensive.
Kind of sounds like Oxford University, does it?
You don't look somebody in the eye, you're racist.
What about disabled people?
What about people with autism?
Oh, sorry, we'll cave in immediately.
Absolutely incredible.
Interesting, though, to see the Simpsons taking it on so vehemently.
As I said, they haven't really gone for it as much as something like South Park has.
But again, that shows you the culture is turning against these people.
It really is, in terms of even entertainment now.
Now look at this story, absolutely disgusting and it ties into the whole social justice warrior hysteria we're seeing.
This is out of the Ralph Report.
SJW Op-Ed asks why it's illegal to purposely infect your partner with HIV.
Apparently, HIV is now progressive.
Only bigots get upset if their partner gives it to them on purpose.
And you've seen this before, I think Alex has talked about the
Bug chaser phenomenon, where people will literally have sex parties to try and get HIV.
Yes, that really happens.
And this article itself is full of cringe.
These laws aren't compassionate.
This is the article, the op-ed, written by an SJW.
These laws aren't compassionate, caring or tolerant towards people with HIV or AIDS.
They're fear-based holdovers from the days of gay plague, which in many ways the Reagan administration callously let happen, ignoring the disease and its victims for far too long.
So they're actually saying that it shouldn't be illegal to go out and have sex with people and deliberately infect them with HIV.
Against their knowledge, against their will, they're actually trying to make that argument and saying that anyone who has a problem with that is bigoted!
Absolutely incredible.
They actually have Grindr, the app, and before the rumours start, my cousin is gay, by the way, so he told me, where one of the categories for people who you want to meet
Is POS, which means HIV positive.
So this is now trendy.
It's trendy to go and meet people with HIV to catch the disease.
At least in that instance, they both know they've got it.
In this instance, this SJW wants it to be legal, it's currently not, to go out and deliberately infect people with HIV.
Again, against their will, against their knowledge.
And anyone who opposes that is a bigot.
How dare you oppose it!
Again, yet another example of the oppression Olympics, social justice warrior hysteria that we're seeing now actually putting people's health at risk.
The cost of political correctness continues to claim more victims.
We will be back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Huge breaking news on North Korea and more.
We'll be back.
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We are back live on the Alex Jones Show.
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Let's hit some more news now.
RT reports Trump's immigrant crime hotline trolled with reports of sightings of space aliens.
The left actually decided to prevent victims of crime reporting assaults, rapes.
Robbings, by flooding this hotline with sightings of space aliens, absolutely despicable behavior, and they're all proud about it.
They're out celebrating on Twitter.
We'll get into that more and other news after the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live, InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Paul Joseph Watson in for Alex Jones.
Let's jump right back into this news.
And by the way, we have Robert Parry coming up in the next segment.
Award-winning former Newsweek AP journalist.
He of course broke a lot of the Iran-Contra information.
He's got huge news based on inside sources about the Syria chemical weapons attack and what's unfolding in the region.
Robert Parry coming up live in the next segment.
First, back to what I was talking about before the break.
RT reports
Trump's immigrant crime hotline trolled with reports of sightings of space aliens.
Online activists have used Alien Day, an annual event for the fans of the Alien movie franchise, to troll US President Donald Trump's new hotline aimed at assisting the victims of crime committed by illegal aliens.
Callers to the free phone number of the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office, VOICE, were kept on hold.
As lines were already tied up with hoaxes reporting sightings of space aliens and UFOs, U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, working in line with an executive order issued by President Trump last January, opened the office Wednesday.
So as soon as they opened it, it was flooded by fake calls blocking actual victims of crime from reporting real crimes.
That would be bad enough.
But they're out celebrating it on Twitter!
They're proud of themselves!
Actual victims of crime are prevented from reporting that crime.
Because these people want to get won over on Donald Trump.
Because they're the resistance!
Again, absolutely despicable.
An ICE spokesman confirmed the delays according to BuzzFeed News.
There are certainly more constructive ways to make one's opinions heard than to prevent legitimate victims of crime from receiving the information and resources they seek because the lines are tied up by hoax callers, the spokesman said.
Will they sink to depths any lower than this?
Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
Let's go to a video now.
Andrea Mitchell on the same subject.
I prefer to refer to people as undocumented immigrants.
Andrea Mitchell, of course, the Hillary Clinton sycophant.
Let's go to that clip now.
This is the Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly, talking about his new office.
Let me play that.
We're opening an important office today as part of the ICE family.
We call it the Voice Office, the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement.
We are giving people who are victimized by illegal aliens for the first time a voice of their own.
But our mission is clear, and that is to acknowledge the exceptional damage caused by criminal illegal aliens and to support the victims of these preventable crimes.
Mr. Attorney General, first of all, with all due respect to the Secretary, I'd prefer to refer to people as undocumented immigrants, but in any case, what would be the impact of this new office?
What is the impact?
I have no idea.
Great response there from the guest.
I have no idea.
That shows that Andrea Mitchell really did her research into that interview.
But again, she was triggered by the term illegal alien.
She prefers to police the language in this politically correct time and only use the term undocumented immigrants because that's what's important, not actually the problems that illegal aliens bring, the crime, the drugs, the sexual assaults, the murders.
No, that's not what we should be concerned about.
We should be concerned about people using the wrong words.
Now you see another example of people flooding that hotline to report illegal immigrant crimes, reporting Bigfoot sightings, actually stopping actual victims of crime, in some cases serious crime, from being represented.
And they're out on Twitter celebrating it and saying how proud of themselves they are.
That is the modern left in a nutshell.
We'll be back in the next segment with our guest Robert Parry.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live InfoWars.com.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pennybone, and Faith
Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
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Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
That would be the height of stupidity.
With stiff competition, mind you.
But nonetheless, the height of stupidity to date.
Emboldened by the Mockingbird mainstream media's anti-Trump narrative, the Democrats are on a rampage of disinformation, clawing at the undeniable success of President Trump's first hundred days, regardless of the Democrats' best efforts to undermine it.
If the first hundred days is any indication, we're just headed to failure because the working people of America who thought Trump was going to help them have seen promise after promise broken or unfulfilled.
Some people have asked me what grade would I give him.
We could take it subject by subject.
Broken promises on jobs and infrastructure.
We haven't seen a jobs bill.
We haven't seen an infrastructure bill for all the talk.
F. Broken promises on America's healthcare.
F minus.
So drain the swamp, F2, yeah.
Senator McConnell wanted me to negotiate the wall with President Trump.
I said to him two things.
First, it's not a negotiation.
No wall.
Absolutely not.
You know, she talks about splitting the community up.
All the communities that I know about, all of the cities along the border, already have high fences.
Where the wall is necessary,
...is in a lot of the outlying areas that still only have a four-wire barbed wire fence between Mexico and us.
Sure, and you... John, how much of a reduction have you seen since Donald Trump has been President of the United States?
Well, it's 90%, 95%.
The minute they cast that vote, they put doo-doo on their shoe.
Tattoo on their forehead.
And they have to explain it to their children.
And then, say they pass it.
Even worse.
They really have to be a counselor.
Largely unpassable in the Senate.
Walk the plank for nothing.
Thank you, Mr. President.
President Trump has successfully sat at the bargaining table with a slew of American companies to bring the jobs back to the United States.
The stock market is at record highs.
Trump decreased the national debt in his first month by $12 billion, over 0.1%.
And ironically, even the weather appears to be cooperating.
When not filled with seething vitriol, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi can't manage to string a sentence together.
...and Hassan Shourey for your well-deserved recognitions tonight.
Today, the strong moral voice of Refugees International, we degrade our values and our security when we slam the door in the face of children fleeing atrocities.
With the specter of famine looming over northeast Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen, slashing the State Department budget and foreign aid budget by 30% would only deepen the crisis facing the children.
Thank you for challenging us to honor our values as a nation.
Thank you all for the honor to participate this evening.
Thank you so much.
And DNC Chair Tom Perez is pushing the Democrats' message by relating to his apparent base of 15-year-olds.
He's a damn liar!
That's what I say, pal!
You're damn right he's a liar!
No one will lose coverage.
That's bullsh**, my friends.
Well guess what happened?
That turned out to be, let me be more polite because I just saw a young child in the audience, that turned out to be a lie!
That turned out to be faulty stuff!
And the budget is another example of broken promises!
The budget is bankrupt!
They call it a skinny budget!
I call it a shitty budget!
Give it up, Pelosi and company.
Donald Trump is your president.
And the American people see right through the Democrats' deep state mouthpiece rhetoric.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
That is John Bowne with his special report.
We're back now.
We've changed studio because Alex is coming in to do a special report.
But we're going to dive back into this news.
Now this relates to me personally, of course.
I'm from London.
We had the Westminster terrorist attack back a few weeks ago.
But what's the Metropolitan Police in London more concerned about?
Well, at least some of them are more concerned about mean tweets.
Now let's set the backdrop to this first.
We have an RT report.
This just happened yesterday.
Another attempt at a terrorist attack in London.
The headline is Whitehall terrorist suspect identified.
A terrorist suspect who was arrested by armed police as he was carrying a bag of knives through Westminster.
Again, the same spot where the guy mowed down dozens of people just a few weeks ago.
Has been named as Mohammed Khalid Omar Ali.
There's this picture right there.
The 27-year-old was detained as part of an intelligence-led operation and has been tracked by MI5 for possible ties to Islamic State after a concerned family member is believed to have contacted the police.
Which that's the one positive aspect of this story is that a family member actually reported him to the cops after knowing he was about to go on this terrorist rampage.
Didn't happen in Belgium after the massacre in France, in Paris.
One of the assailants, Abdeslam, escaped into Belgium.
Escaped into the Islamic ghetto there in Molenbeek.
He was hidden.
He was protected by his friends and family after taking part in a massacre that killed over 200 people.
They protected him for months on end, which is one of the major problems with radicalization.
It's not just the terrorists carrying out the attack, it's the fact that he's protected in the aftermath.
Thankfully in this case, the guy was shopped to the police before he could go on his rampage.
He had a knife, he had a bag full of kitchen knives.
The man who is understood to have been born overseas and lived in South East London was detained outside the Treasury, just yards from where five people were killed in a terrorist attack by Khalid Massoud last month.
So people are very wary about this.
Thankfully it was reported beforehand.
Dramatic pictures show police pinning the suspect to the ground as three large knives and a discarded rucksack featuring the Union flag with the word London on it, lying on the pavement next to him.
Witnesses said he appeared calm as the officers moved in.
Some commented on the picture, which you can see there, he almost seemed to be smirking.
It is thought he was headed towards Downing Street after emerging from St.
James' Park tube station according to The Telegraph.
So we have a guy with a bag full of kitchen knives trying to carry out an attack in central London just weeks after the other terrorist Khalid Massoud mowed down dozens of people in a vehicle on Westminster Bridge.
We also had
The day after, or that night indeed, another incident in England.
This is also out of RT.
Police foil active terrorist plot after woman shot in London raid.
British law enforcement claims to have thought that an active terrorist plot after a woman in her twenties was shot in an armed police raid on a house in the north of the UK's capital.
So again, in London.
The police arrested five people in the Thursday evening Operation Senior National Coordinator for Counterterrorism Policing, Neil Basu, said Friday.
The woman shot during the raid was one of the subjects of an investigation into terrorism, according to the official.
Among the other four people arrested are a 16-year-old boy, a 20-year-old woman who was apprehended at the scene of the raid, as well as a 20-year-old man who was nearby.
A guy with a bag full of knives carrying out a terrorist attack or attempting to in London.
You have people trying to plot terrorist attacks.
The Metropolitan Police did their job in this case, but in another case they didn't.
They were actually asking people to report mean tweets which Katie Hopkins put out over Twitter.
Furious Londoners call for police to investigate Katie Hopkins over tweet about Whitehall terrorist.
She was making offensive jokes about terrorists and the Metropolitan Police actually tried to canvas people for more information on that while at the same time an actual terrorist was trying to carry out an attack in London.
So they were more concerned about the mean tweets.
Well, thanks for having me.
Now, this chemical weapons attack in Syria, of course you wrote this major article on it which we picked up.
You know, you had the backstory to this.
Assad was winning.
Tillerson came out and said that Assad was part of Syria's future.
You know, there was no seeming motive for Assad to be behind this attack.
There hasn't, according to my knowledge, so far been an impartial investigation
Concluded into the actual source of this chemical weapons attack, what did your sources tell you was the most likely scenario behind the chemical weapons incident?
Well, initially there was a good deal of confusion within the US intelligence community, which is understandable since
There are a lot of different players in the Syrian conflict.
It's not just the Syrian government and the Russians.
We know that the U.S.
and its western allies have been active in the air over Syria.
We know that Turkey's been involved.
Israel has been engaging in strikes inside Syria.
So the idea that it was automatically something that was done by the Syrian government was always implausible.
And then, so the US intelligence analysts were sort of trying to piece it together.
However, things got moved awfully fast.
And President Trump decided he would pick up what he was seeing on television, which was that the Syrian government must have done it.
So there was kind of a rushed effort to give him something to back that up with.
But what I was being told was that the intelligence community was not on board.
In the United States, for the retaliatory strike on April 6th.
They since have sort of pretended that they were, because otherwise you undercut the President.
But this has not been investigated in any serious way.
And many of the arguments that you're seeing in the New York Times and elsewhere just don't make a lot of sense.
They've been arguing that Assad did this because he was announcing his impunity.
Well, if he was announcing his impunity, why didn't he just say he did it?
You know?
Alright, Robert Parry, we've got a break coming up.
We'll be back in a few minutes.
Hold that thought.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back in 4Wars.com.
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We're back live on the Alex Jones Show talking to our guest Robert Parry.
He is the award-winning investigative journalist known for his work with Iran-Contra, covering Iran-Contra, and the website is consortiumnews.com.
Robert, you just got cut off before the break there.
We had the Tomahawk missile attack, we had the National Security Council coming out with a four-page document in the aftermath saying basically
Just trust us, there wasn't any real concrete evidence in that.
Just get back to your comments there you were telling us about and what your sources were telling you what happened possibly with the chemical weapons attack in Syria.
Well the intelligence community was trying to do its job as I understood it and they were trying to figure this out because it was a mystery as to how this could have happened.
One source said that they had picked up on the satellite surveillance what looked like a drone
They're having trouble tracking its exact path, but it appeared to have been coming from Jordan.
They believed it might have been coming from an Israeli-Saudi special operations base that's been in support of the rebel efforts inside Syria.
But the biggest problem is you have so many different countries with a hand in Syria, many of them engaging in airstrikes over Syria.
That you can't, it's hard to simply say, ah, it was an airstrike, ergo it was the Syrian government.
And there was also, there are also reasons why some of these other countries might have wanted to derail what the Trump administration had just announced, which was that the U.S.
would focus on defeating the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda and not be as concerned about Assad, that the future of Assad would be left to the Syrian people.
So, that's what was announced at the end of March.
Within a few days, we have this incident which derails that.
And obviously, there are these various countries that put a lot of time, effort, money, blood, even, into getting rid of Assad.
And they did not want to see that enterprise ended.
It's been going on since 2011 and even before that.
So, we have a lot of people with motive to try to disrupt this.
And there should have been a more careful investigation, which there wasn't.
There was a rush to judgment, as we've seen in the past in connection with some of these events in the Middle East.
There wasn't the kind of careful analysis that you would hope the CIA and others could do.
They were under great pressure to pretty much get on board once President Trump made his announcement very quickly that he believed that it was Assad killing these beautiful babies.
And then, of course, the retaliatory strike happens just two days later, on April 6th.
So there wasn't really the time to do the assessment.
And then, of course, you have the problem with our mainstream media in the United States, which is that it just gets on board with these things.
The neoconservatives have such influence over the New York Times and the Washington Post, and the neoconservatives have made getting rid of the Assad regime a top item on their agenda, too.
You see, you have a lot of factors here that have prevented the kind of careful, serious analysis that we would hope to see happen in a case of war and peace.
Of course, you mentioned the reaction to it.
It's amazing how all the accusations about Trump's links with Russia just suddenly disappeared.
You had Brian Williams saying how beautiful the Tomahawk missiles were.
Even Rachel Maddow was almost smacking her lips with her delight at it.
The other angle is, of course,
You showed the photo in your article and we had it in the InfoWars article where we covered this.
If you want to flip back to the InfoWars article on screen there.
The photo from the Mar-a-Lago situation room where they're watching this attack take place, the Tomahawk missile, they're overseeing it.
A couple of people are noticeably absent from that room.
If you scroll down in the article there you can see the photo.
The Infowars article.
Why were, and you mentioned this in your article Robert, both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats not present in the room in that Mar-a-Lago situation photo when this Tomahawk missile attack was being overseen?
Well, you would think they would be there.
Certainly the CIA played a very big role, central role, when the attack against Osama Bin Laden in 2011.
The person on the screen that everyone's watching in that famous photograph with President Obama, the person on the screen is Director Panetta of the Central Intelligence Agency, sort of managing the whole thing.
Now, it's possible there was other reasons, but it is unusual that you would not have the CIA directed there.
Now, later, the next week, Pompeo was sort of sent out to a think tank conference, and he was asked about this, and he came up with a story that he had looked President Trump in the eye and told him that it was definitely Assad.
But I'm told that was just that he had to basically fill in, because
I don't think so.
That's not something that people want to hear, and certainly not in the White House, so... Okay, Robert, sorry to cut you off again.
We're coming up on another hard break.
We'll be back with a long segment.
We're talking to Robert Parry about the chemical weapons attack in Syria.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pettibone, and Faith
Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show and we still have our guest Robert Parry.
Consortiumnews.com is the website.
We're talking about Syria, we're talking about the rush to war after the chemical weapons attack, given that there was no impartial investigation of that attack before the Tomahawk missiles started to fly.
Robert, again, just finishing up your comments there.
Also, I want to ask you a pretty basic question, which is a big concern that many Trump voters have had over the past three weeks, definitely.
You know, given that Trump ran on this America First non-interventionist platform, why have we seen this apparent 180 degree turn in the context of foreign policy?
Do you think Trump made a deal with the deep state, with the neocons, or do you think he was just basically surrounded by them
Isolated, and that the more, you know, non-interventionist type people, Steve Bannon for example, were kind of made to go to the background of his administration.
What do you think is the explanation behind this apparent twist?
Given, as I said earlier, that Tillerson said Assad was part of Syria's future, then we have the huge change.
What are your thoughts on that?
Well, it's been no surprise or secret that Trump has been under heavy attack regarding the so-called Russiagate business.
It's all been rather hazy.
There have been a lot of dots that people keep putting up without really connecting them that they say Trump was somehow colluding with Russia to get the election.
It seems in many ways like an excuse that's been thrown up by some of the Democrats for why they lost.
But it's been going on for several months.
Every day.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, all of them have been pounding at him.
And you also have to remember that in official Washington, the neoconservatives and the liberal interventionists are kind of a junior partner.
They control the foreign policy establishment now.
There used to be the realists and others who had a big say in things, but they've been aged out and pushed out.
So when Trump came in trying to do something different, there wasn't much of a bench to draw from in terms of people who could have enough credentials to get through Senate confirmation and do something different from what's been happening for the last 20, 30 years.
So, he was pounded, and it appears, if you look at just what's happened, once he did the Tomahawk missile strike, once he went after Syria, which has been a major target of the neoconservatives going back to the 1990s,
Um, a lot of that pressure from so-called Russiagate evaporator, at least, was put on the back burner.
He was suddenly being praised by the neocons, and he was being told that maybe he was now the president, and so forth.
So, there was a lot of incentive.
Plus, he has been surrounded more by people like Mattis, like McMaster.
These are generals, but they were part of this
There was a sort of neoconservative element of the military.
There was Petraeus and others who had become really part of the neoconservative apparatus in Washington.
So sure, I think there were several factors here that were going.
Trump was under a lot of pressure.
This was a way to get out from it by suddenly making these other folks happy and giving in a bit.
And he had people, his advisors, after Flynn was pushed out and Bannon was shoved aside,
He was really in the hands of the neoconservatives again.
You have Kushner, his son-in-law, who's probably a little bit more hesitant in that regard.
But in terms of what happened on April 4th to 6th, the neocons in the Trump administration were basically in charge.
I mean, it's amazing.
I looked at the roster of National Security Council advisors back in March, probably a month before the Syria strike, and was shocked to learn that the majority of them were CFR members.
We know the CFR's line on Syria.
In fact, some of its members years ago openly called
For arming the Al-Qaeda rebels when they knew they were not moderate rebels, they were jihadists.
So to see the swamp not being drained in that sense, even a month before the Syria attack, it was kind of inevitable what was eventually going to happen.
Also on the subject of Saudi Arabia, which you talk about on your website, you know, Trump ran on the platform of halting, crushing Islamic terrorism.
Why is he moving to appease a country and now we're seeing another arms deal in the works in Saudi Arabia?
That is the biggest, if not one of the biggest, exporters of terrorism in the world, given that he ran on a platform of crushing Islamic terrorism.
There were people at the very beginning of the Trump presidency who were encouraging him to basically declare Saudi Arabia a sponsor of terrorism, which they are.
And they have been, really going back to the 1980s, if you want to count the Mujahideen that evolved into the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
So this history, and it's been recognized, we have documents from the State Department, even some of Hillary Clinton's emails that came out revealed that she knew that the Saudis were arming Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, and so did Vice President Biden in a speech at Harvard University.
So this has been well known, but again, the neoconservatives have allied themselves, of course, obviously with Israel, and Israel has, really since sometime in the 90s, developed a relationship with Saudi Arabia.
It's now become probably public.
For a long time it was pretty secret.
So that's the tandem, Israel and Saudi Arabia, that has been calling the shots in the Middle East, and essentially calling the shots with the neoconservatives in the United States.
And therefore calling the shots with U.S.
foreign policy.
This is really not a secret anymore.
But it's still not talked about much.
But Trump was sort of a threat to that initially.
But he didn't act in any kind of expeditious way.
He let himself sit back and be played.
He busied himself with rather silly things like whose inaugural crowd was bigger.
And then he got pounded on the Russiagate issue and eventually appears to have just caved in.
And decided that, in this case, giving in, it makes more sense than trying to fight and maybe be impeached.
So that's what seems to have happened here.
And as far as the Syria issue, there's also what Ted Postol, who was the MIT expert on this, and he has looked at some of the claims, both in the White House report and others,
And says that these are fraudulent intelligence claims.
So again, we have the same sort of problem we had in 2002-2003 with Iraq.
It's being replayed again, with just a different president.
And we saw much of it also under Obama.
Obama also was pushed around in some of these ways by these forces, and gave in often.
Some people call it a deep state.
I'm not sure I would use that word exactly, or that phrase.
But there are many aspects to it that have the resemblance of a deep state, that no matter who you put in office, it doesn't seem to change much.
And you mentioned Ted Postol there.
He put out the evidence which was quite compelling that the chemical weapons attack was a munition, a ground-level munition, correct?
It wasn't dropped from the air.
Yeah, that was the evidence that he presented.
I want to move on to a, you know, the perspective from the left here.
You posted an article on ConsortiumNews.com by James W. Carden entitled, The Pro-War Twist of the Resistance.
I'll read a sentence from it here.
The anti-Trump resistance has become a movement to defend
Well, what we've seen with the Democrats is that historically, certainly since the Vietnam War, they have been more of the peace-oriented party.
That's why many of the neocons, who really were Democrats back in the 60s, evolved into Republicans as we go forward.
But now you're seeing the Democrats essentially switching roles again.
And you saw it with someone like Secretary of State Clinton, who was essentially a neoconservative.
Robert Kagan, one of the premier neocons, said, you know, we were happy with her views, she wouldn't call it neocon, she'll call it something else.
But that's the truth.
So there's the whole idea that the establishment Democratic Party now has become a pro-war party.
That doesn't mean that at the rank and file there are still a lot of peace Democrats out there, but they've lost really control of the party.
Uh, and that was clear from what happened during the campaign last year when Sanders was pushed aside in favor of Hillary Clinton.
And the Republicans also, of course, have a very strong war element.
But that was somewhat pushed aside by Trump.
But we now see that as Trump becomes president,
He also is being pulled into that pro-war position.
But I think the case of this article by Cardin, which is a very good article, he talks about more the establishment Democrats, the national Democrats, and the media that is part of that, you know, the Rachel Maddows of the world at MSNBC.
They've taken an extremely hawkish position both vis-a-vis Russia and the Cold War and Syria.
And this is not where many rank-and-file Democrats are comfortable, but that's where the leadership has taken them to.
Now we've got about five or six minutes left here.
I just want to get your opinion on North Korea.
Obviously we had Trump yesterday saying a major, major conflict was possible.
You have Vladimir Putin saying that the situation has seriously deteriorated.
You have China threatening to strike any country in the region that crosses a red line.
But if you talk to people in South Korea, they've got a kind of normalcy bias over this.
They've had this for the best part of two decades, the constant tension.
They're kind of blase about it at this point.
Tensions continue to build though.
Do you see it as being a different scenario this time or will it just fade into the background as it has on every other occasion?
Well there is, there's no really, a major major war, as Trump talks about, would be disastrous not just for the Korean Peninsula but probably Japan as well.
The North Koreans, well I don't, they do not want a war, they're mostly, they have their, they have their weapons to, as defense.
They saw what happened to Saddam Hussein when he gave up his chemical weapons.
They saw what happened to Gaddafi when he gave up his chemical weapons.
They're not willing to go that route.
So they're keeping their weapons.
Now, obviously that becomes a threat in many ways to other parts of the world, including potentially the United States at some point.
But you have there, if the U.S.
decides to strike, it's very likely nuclear weapons will be used against South Korea, which would be very easy for North Korea to do, and possibly Japan.
And China might also get involved.
So there really is no military solution that is really feasible.
There is negotiations that are possible and maybe Trump, one hopes perhaps, is sort of setting himself up for being the tough guy and then trying to negotiate something to sort of at least calm down the North Korean advance on ballistic missiles.
But this has been, as you say, it's been going on for a long time.
There have been efforts and some success in constraining it.
But now with the history of what they've seen, what happens to countries that give up their weapons of mass destruction?
They get overthrown.
There's regime change.
And the leaders are killed.
We did that with Qaddafi.
We did that with Saddam Hussein.
Those are lessons that the North Koreans can read pretty clearly.
And to expect them to just disarm, I think, with that as the recent history, is kind of unrealistic.
You don't see a scenario whereby, you know, Special Forces would go in and take out the leadership, then?
You think that's just... No, I don't think the Special Forces, as good as they are in any way, can be that good.
I mean, it'd be a very highly risky operation, let's put it that way.
And not only would many Americans, Special Forces guys, probably get killed,
But to think you could do that without retaliation from the North Korean government is certainly hopeful, but it's not likely.
So I think the more reasonable thing is to go back to this idea of giving them food, you know, getting them to agree to at least to constrain themselves.
That is possible.
I mean, the North Koreans are not, and I know people who deal with them, they're not irrational.
I mean, obviously what they're doing is dangerous and risky, but they are doing it because they've seen what happens.
And this is a problem.
What happened with both President Bush and President Obama in killing leaders who had given up their weapons of mass destruction, it makes it impossible then to go to another country and say, gee, why don't you give up yours?
Because no one wants to have what happened to Gaddafi or what happened to Saddam Hussein happen to them.
And we have to be realistic about some of this.
We just can't be arrogant and assume that other people don't have a sense of survival like we do.
And that's why Syria was reticent to give up its chemical weapons supposedly.
It had given them up in 2013.
And they still don't have the evidence that they didn't give them up.
I know that's become the new conventional wisdom and groupthink.
But we know that the UN inspectors found one of the cases of supposed chlorine attack which had been staged by Al-Qaeda.
There were seven witnesses came forward from the reach from that town and said Al-Qaeda had staged this event.
And so the UN knows that Al-Qaeda is smart enough to be trying to stage chemical attacks
Obviously, you can't maybe extrapolate onto a couple of others, but once you know that Al-Qaeda is smart enough to stage chemical attacks, why do we assume that when one happens, that it has to be the Syrian government?
It's amazing.
You talk about, that was Ghouta of course, we had reports back in 2013 that the rebels... That was Ghouta in 2013, but in 2014 there was a chemical attack.
It's a chlorine attack that the UN wanted to pin on the Syrian government.
And the UN inspectors are under tremendous pressure from the West to give them information to use against the Syrian government.
So they were very eager to do that.
But these seven witnesses came in and said, we were there and here's what we witnessed.
They said it was going to happen.
They had these helicopters.
They sort of staged it.
But it wasn't a case of the government doing it.
In that case, the UN backed away from the accusation, but they still went ahead and said, well, a couple of others.
It looks like it must have been the government.
But once you know that Al-Qaeda is staging chemical attacks for propaganda reasons, one should be additionally skeptical.
I mean, that would be logical, I would think.
But instead, we're not.
We just jumped to the next conclusion.
We're going to leave it there, Robert.
That's right.
Just tell people about the website and the book in the final minute here.
Well, ConsortiumNews.com has been an investigative independent website that I started back in 1995, so it's been going for 21 years now.
And we try to do serious, old-fashioned in a sense, journalism.
Stuff that's gone out of style in many places.
And it's also interesting because a number of our writers now have come out of the Central Intelligence Agency.
We have analysts from the agency now retired who write for us.
So it's an interesting mix of old-fashioned journalists and some people with very deep insights into how the U.S.
government functions.
We have also some people from overseas who
We're good to go.
Issues that people think they know, and now we have a lot of evidence coming out of the historical record that changes how we should understand our history.
So the book is really an interesting look at some of the turning points of more or less modern American history, and how they were misreported, and how now, based on the historical record that we can assemble, it turns out to be quite different than we thought.
Okay, we're going to leave it there, Robert.
We've got about 20 seconds left.
We really appreciate you joining us on the show today.
The website is consortiumnews.com.
Robert, thanks for joining us today.
Thank you.
Okay, there goes Robert Parry.
We're going to come back in the next segment with more breaking news about North Korea as tensions build.
Also going to go back to that story about the London police investigating Katie Hopkins' tweet while actual terrorists are out on the streets of London trying to carry out attacks.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back.
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Now let's flip back to some news I was covering earlier.
This is out of the London Evening Standard.
Furious Londoners call for police to investigate Katie Hopkins over tweet about Whitehall terror arrest.
Outraged Londoners are calling for Katie Hopkins to be investigated by police over a string of tweets she posted after a suspected terrorist was detained in Whitehall.
So they weren't outraged about the terrorist detained in Whitehall with a bag full of kitchen knives.
They weren't outraged about the other terrorists that were being arrested in a different part of London.
They weren't outraged about dozens of people being mown down in terror attacks three weeks ago in Westminster.
They're outraged about a joke tweet
that Katie Hopkins put out about Ramadan.
But it gets worse.
The Metropolitan Police actually investigated this, called on members of the public to provide further information.
One internet user called Jennifer said, please do something about this woman.
There is a line between free speech and hate speech.
Another John Crumb called it racism.
Islam's not a race.
And a hate crime, while someone else called it a hate preacher.
So you have actual hate preachers throughout London, indoctrinating people to go out and kill themselves, blow themselves up, mow people down in cars, stab people to death.
Hate preaching.
Sending a joke tweet is not hate preaching.
That's not hate speech.
And it certainly shouldn't be under investigation by Metropolitan Police.
Which it is.
They've previously investigated her for comments on the migrant crisis.
That's her entire job, is to cause controversy in the media.
Don't you realise that by now?
Like Katie Hopkins cares if people are outraged about her tweets.
That's her entire career.
Why are the police investigating this when there are actual terrorists out on the streets mowing people down in cold blood?
Stop being ridiculous.
Stop being hysterical.
We'll be back with the next segment.
Leanne McAdoo is coming in studio.
We also have Baked Alaska on the Antifa cowardly stand down in Berkeley.
It's the Alex Jones Show live in 4Wars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNLive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show into the third hour.
We're going to hit some global news stories right now with the situation in North Korea hotting up.
Now the interesting thing about China is that it hides its propaganda behind these milquetoast headlines.
The Global Times is basically the Communist Party mouthpiece.
They release a lot of their agenda in these editorials that appear in the Global Times.
One came out yesterday and the headline is, China must be ready for worsened North Korea ties.
Sounds quite a dry, stale, boring article, but if you actually read into it, the nuggets are always in there.
It states, quote, if the North Korean nuclear issue boils over, a war on the peninsula is unavoidable.
The war will bring more risks than the tough sanctions on Pyongyang could to China.
If China does not tackle the conundrum now, it will face more difficult choices in the future.
So they're starting to turn against North Korea, their ally, by the sounds of it.
After this aggressive stance by Trump, the article continues, Beijing hopes to maximize the interests of all stakeholders, but if it fails, in the end, it still has the capability to strike back at any side that crosses the red line.
So Beijing is announcing its own red line in terms of North Korea.
They came out a few days ago and said if there is an attempt to overthrow the North Korean leadership, they will go to war.
Again, they always put out these statements, very aggressive statements, in their official mouthpiece.
Nobody really picked this one up, but they're basically saying they have a red line and they're moving closer towards it as regards North Korea.
Daily Mail reports Pacific's top Navy officer says America must assume Kim Jong-un will nuke America.
Again, there's speculation how many years will it take before they get that ICBM missile to reach the West Coast.
Well, the Navy's top officer in the Pacific has warned that the North Korean crisis is real and the US must assume Kim Jong-un intends to launch nuclear attacks on America and its allies.
He is Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr.
Quote, there is some doubt within the intelligence community whether Kim Jong-un has that capability today or whether he will soon, but I have to assume he has it.
The capability is real and that he's moving towards it, Harris said, according to Fox News.
The North Korean crisis is the worst he's ever seen.
So maybe those people in South Korea who are quite blase about it
Should be more alarmed given that he's quite a prominent voice saying that it's the worst situation he's seen given that it's been rolling on for the best part of two decades.
Mentioned this earlier, Zero Hedge reports, Trump warns there's a chance of a major, major conflict with North Korea.
That was during an interview with Reuters, where he was actually quite kind to Kim Jong-un.
Bizarrely, he said, quote, he's 27 years old, his father dies, took over a regime.
So say what you want, but that's not easy, especially at that age.
I'm not giving him credit or not giving him credit.
I'm just saying that it's a very hard thing to do.
So he was actually somewhat kind to Kim Jong-un, but he also said there was a chance of a major, major conflict soon.
Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has come out and said that the situation in North Korea has, quote, seriously deteriorated.
So again, the rhetoric there is heating up.
That's what Putin said during a meeting Thursday after a Kremlin meeting on Thursday.
Quote, we call on all states involved in the region's affairs to refrain from military rhetoric and seek peaceful, constructive dialogue.
But he says it's seriously deteriorated.
The Sun reports Kim Jong-un ready to send army of up to 500,000 women soldiers to the front line, that'll probably be celebrated by feminists across the world, if war with the US erupts.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is ready to send up to 500,000 women soldiers to the front line if the war with the US breaks out, according to defectors' estimates.
Battalions of female soldiers took part in the nation's biggest ever live firing exercise to mark the 85th anniversary of the military's creation.
This week.
Of course they keep saying whenever there's an anniversary of the military or of the founder of the country that that is going to mark the sixth nuclear test that will then lead to a US military strike on North Korea.
It hasn't happened yet and that can only be a good thing as we seek to de-escalate these tensions in the region.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show with Leanne McAdoo and more news baked Alaska coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pettibone, and Faith
Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to talk about Berkeley.
Of course we've got Baked Alaska who was there for the third battle of Berkeley yesterday which didn't actually happen because the Antifa chicken neck cowards didn't show up and the rally was peaceful.
Imagine my shock they don't show up and it's actually peaceful.
Some kind of coincidence there.
So we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about Bill Nye again with his
Social justice hysteria with his Netflix special right now.
There's actually a clip from his 1996 show, which I saw earlier today, where he was talking about how there's an XX chromosome and an XY chromosome.
There aren't more than two genders, which is interesting given what he's saying now.
But we've got Leanne McAdoo in studio.
Leanne, let's talk about Berkeley, Mario Savio.
And there's a monument in Berkeley dedicated to him which says, quote, the most beautiful thing in the world is free speech.
The people at Berkeley now don't seem very dedicated to that idea, do they?
Right, exactly.
And I've actually got a clip, if we can get it ready, I would love to just remind people where this fight for
I think?
We're like physically fighting and getting violent to bring liberal speakers onto their campus.
And now, of course, we can see the exact inverse is going on.
But let's take a little, you know, walk through history there with this very famous speech on the Sproul Hall steps.
If President Kerr actually tried to get something more liberal out of the Regents in his telephone conversations, why didn't he make some public statement to that effect?
And the answer we received from a well-meaning liberal was the following.
He said, would you ever imagine the manager of a firm making a statement publicly in opposition to his board of directors?
That's the answer.
I ask you to consider, if this is a firm, and if the Board of Regents are the Board of Directors, and if President Kerr, in fact, is the manager, then I tell you something, the faculty are a bunch of employees, and we're the raw material, but we're a bunch of raw materials that don't mean to have any process upon us, don't mean to be made into any product, don't mean to end up
Being bought by some clients of the university, be they the government, be they industry, be they organized labor, be they anyone!
Or you would be!
Students are the product still.
And now we see they're being programmed.
Makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part.
You can't even passively take part.
And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop.
And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.
And so we can see these are the same sort of activists now who have gone on to become these liberal professors who are still kind of pumping out this, you know, throw yourself against the machine, tell it it won't work if we'll throw ourselves against the levers and we're not your product, you can't buy us.
So very powerful, but it's interesting to see how it's completely now flipped and that they are using that same power to silence any conservative voices on campus.
Well it's like Bill Maher said, it was the cradle of free speech, now it's the cradle for crybabies!
We have the perfect antidote and you're wearing it right now.
Yes, I'm one of your groupies here with the Conservatism is the new counterculture and that's exactly it because we can see how things have completely flipped
Flipped over to now we have students actually throwing themselves against the machine there at Berkeley and these are your alt-right people.
We've got, you know, Baked Alaska coming up.
Lauren Southern there yesterday made some very good points when she was on the live stream with us, just that this is so important.
For people to stand up for the First Amendment, regardless of what side of the issue you're on, because it affects all of us.
And it's not about aligning yourself to a certain political party or a certain president, because politicians, presidents, they come and they go.
But our fundamental rights, we have to preserve them.
The government is not going to protect them for us.
So just like we see decades ago, where the liberal students are having to fight to be heard and fight to have access to free speech, well now it's flipped and it's gone the other way now.
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Berkeley, they're teaming up with Bill Ayres.
Now, Leigh-Anne, which is interesting given that he's a convicted domestic terrorist.
Some kind of connection there.
Well, that should explain everything to you.
So there was a guest actually on Tucker Carlson basically making the case that they have the right to resist right-wing provocateurs from coming to campus.
They have the right to do this and they can make these militant threats in order to shut this down.
Meanwhile, they're working with violent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
He's now officially linked to Antifa through his group Refuse Fascism.
And of course he's famous for the Weather Underground domestic terror organization that he helped found.
They bombed the Pentagon and it's just like, that's fine.
Those type of liberal provocateurs, that's completely fine.
And isn't it interesting, too, how just a year or so ago the buzzword was anti-government.
And it was all about, you know, demonizing these anti-government folks.
But now it's super cool and trendy to be anti-government.
You must resist!
Well it's amazing isn't it?
You look at Black Lives Matter and it's the same situation.
It's okay to be violent and radical if you're on the left and the media will legitimize it.
They will authenticate it and they won't call out, they won't disavow their fringe extremists.
Like we've never denied that the right or conservatives whatever have fringe extremists.
We disavow them.
They don't.
They encourage them.
Now they're working with the convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers
They're pepper spraying people, they're punching them in the face, they're stabbing people.
It continues to happen, but we're going to talk about it later.
They basically failed to show up yesterday, Leigh-Anne, right?
We were all here expecting these massive riots and virtually nothing happened.
Well, it appears as if the cops were there in riot gear.
They were prepared.
They obviously were not given a stand-down order.
Could it be because there was a lot of speculation regarding the mayor's ties to By Any Means Necessary?
You know, he liked this group publicly on his Facebook.
What's the deal there?
So, then it appears as if the police were told, you know what, do what you gotta do.
Try to keep the peace.
But it's interesting that we see these little militant
Arms of these activist groups being allowed to make these militant threats to threaten GOP marchers for instance in Portland where they were having to cancel that Rose Parade that had gone
67 years they had been in that parade.
Had to cancel it because of anti-fascist threats that were made.
So then they felt really empowered.
Anyone who says violence doesn't work or militant threats don't work, we'll see.
See how powerful we were and effective we were.
We were able to shut down Milo, Ann Coulter, now the Portland Rose Parade.
They're going to come target every single event that they possibly can.
And the left and the establishment, our representatives, are going to coddle them and encourage them because they have plans to move this country more progressive to the left as far as they possibly can.
So they want
They want to tear down the fabric of what this society, of what America was founded on, so that they can rebuild it in a really regressive way.
Exactly, and of course, YAF, this conservative group who basically cucked out and said we can't provide security for Ann Coulter, they need to take some of the blame because that was easy enough to pull out.
They could have crowdfunded it, so they're rightly being criticised.
That's why Ann Coulter had to pull out of her speech.
Gavin McKins actually gave her speech in his words, or he read out her speech.
We might get to that clip later on.
Other news though, Leanne, you wanted to talk about Bill Nye, right?
Yes, well, and this is something that's interesting as well.
Ben Shapiro is trademarking it, the science, because it's the new science of the left.
It's this cult, this religion of the left is their science that they've got.
So now Bill Nye, you know, it's not enough that he's got his...
Gender spectrum music that he's put out, but now he's also suggesting that in order to save the world from climate change, we might want to punish people in developed countries for having too many children.
Even though we're basically having no children at this point.
It's falling off a cliff.
It's a demographic suicide.
Right, that's why they're having to import so many people from other countries to help revitalize certain areas because there's just, the birth rate is down in Western countries.
And they're basically like, oh, people in Nigeria, they hardly emit any carbon dioxide.
Yeah, because they've got no standard of living.
They've got no quality of life.
They want everybody dragged down to that level rather than allowing Africa to develop, you know, getting these clean technologies in there.
They just want to drag us all down to that level.
But of course, the same situation isn't going to be applied to them.
They're still going to be in their ivory tower, right?
Right, and this is what is just so insane.
Bill Nye is not a scientist, okay?
He's a comedian.
Why is he being paraded out to teach us now about the gender spectrum?
My Sex Junk is the music video.
And then now basically putting this out there, which young people are going to.
I know I got really propagated with this when I was in school about how, well, you know, we probably shouldn't have kids, maybe just one, because the planet has reached capacity and we have to save the planet, so don't have children.
I mean, what is this globalist agenda here?
And why Bill Nye of all people?
Who is this guy?
It's amazing.
Of course, now he says there's a gender spectrum.
Back in 96, he came out with a video saying there were only two genders, which is scientific.
But now, he's no longer scientific.
Yeah, he still calls himself the Science Guy.
Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
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We're live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to dip back into some news on racial microaggressions.
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Let's get this out.
This is going to trigger so many people.
You don't even know.
Especially the people that we're about to talk about.
They've paid way too much for their liberal arts education.
They've got nothing better to do with their time.
So all they can do is sit around and figure out what has triggered them today.
What's racist today?
Tell us.
Well, Asian salad is a microaggression, so labeling a salad, a Oriental chicken salad for instance, as some restaurants do, this is now a microaggression and Asian people would like for you to stop generalizing food.
Not really Asian people, just leftist social justice warriors.
One person.
Well, you were saying, though, that the only people who wouldn't eat, like, exotic or ethnic food are the only people who would likely to be actual racist.
Yeah, like, I don't want to eat that.
I actually know someone.
I'm going to withhold that statement I was about to make.
People there would know who I'm talking about.
But that's not it.
That is not it.
It's not just Asian food, but it's also tater tots or chips and crackers or things, food items that would most commonly be found in poverty stricken households or this new trailer park trend where you can go get a bunch of food out of trailers.
This is now triggering people who feel that they had to grow up in poverty and now you are
It's a troubling trendiness of poverty appropriation.
So it's the SJWs eating each other.
They want to live here to save on their carbon footprint, but no, that's still offensive.
You can't, because now you're just culturally appropriating the poor, and how dare you serve tater tots at your trendy restaurants, because that's, you know, something that poverty-stricken households are forced to eat, tater tots.
And cheese and crackers, which, cheese and crackers, I'm pretty sure they've been around forever in every culture.
No, that's racist, you can't do that.
It is racist, and I... ESPN!
Another example of social justice hysteria leading to abject failure once again.
So a lot of people are talking about they've laid off at least a hundred on-air personalities and other people working there with ESPN, the sports network, but people are saying,
Get back to being the world's largest provider of sports news and get off the SJW train!
And so, one day before the network laid off many of its employees, it published five poems about feminism and political resistance on its website.
They've actually published a poem in tribute to the fugitive cop killer Asada Shakur.
She was actually the first woman put on the FBI's Most Wanted list.
She's the spiritual guru for Black Lives Matter as well.
Absolutely amazing ESPN.
Complete abject failure.
Baked Alaska coming up with Antifa and Berkley News.
It's the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pennybone, and
Faith Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
They tried to ban her, and we can't allow that.
That's unacceptable.
It kind of reminded me of, remember the interview with James DeFranco and Seth Rogen where they had a rumor of a threat from North Korea via email.
And they said, well, we're shutting down the movie.
It's too dangerous.
That's not America.
America's not built on that.
America's built on freedom.
You have to protect the First Amendment, even when it's uncomfortable.
So they should have a National Guardian for that movie.
And similarly, when Anne gets bullied out of a talk, we have to hop on a plane and go do the talk for her.
This has to happen.
Free speech is not about things that make you comfortable.
It's not about things that are allowed.
Free speech is about uncomfortable speech.
Yes, it's often about hate speech.
And it's about speech that's banned.
So I'm happy to hop on a plane anytime anyone gets shut down to make sure this happens.
And if you have a problem with it, then show up for the Q&A and ask some questions.
I'm sure we'd love to fry you in a debate.
Thanks for tuning in to The Rebel.
Stay tuned for more videos.
Yeah, how's it going, Paul?
Thanks for having me on, as always.
Yeah, so I just got back from Berkeley, and the Antifa people there, they literally backed down.
They could not take the Trump supporters being there peacefully.
I want to point something out.
You know, the fake news media was coming out, the mainstream media, they wanted to paint this narrative that the Trump supporters were coming out for violence and it was completely wrong.
When the Trump supporters came out without the Antifa terrorists coming there,
It was completely peaceful.
And as you saw, there were, you know, no one was getting punched, no one was getting in fights.
We were purely there to protect free speech.
And, you know, agree or disagree with Ann Coulter, I personally love her, but everyone should be standing up for free speech, even if you're a liberal.
I know, and some did, I know the ACLU did.
And a couple others, I think Bill Maher.
But I mean, it's a strong American woman who's a New York Times bestseller, and she's got a strong opinion.
Why are people trying to shut that down and censor her and threaten her with violence?
You know, it's ridiculous.
So we felt like we had to go and not only defend Anne, but defend everyone's right to free speech out in Berkeley yesterday.
Now to walk it back a bit, you know, Ann Coulter planned to do this speech.
Berkeley cancelled it.
They then said it could be rescheduled for a different date.
I think Ann Coulter wanted to keep it on the same date.
You then had this group, I think it's called YAF, pull the funding for the security.
It wouldn't have been that difficult, would it, to have crowdfunded security for this Ann Coulter speech.
But this young Conservative group pulled the funding, they kind of cucked out, which is a bit of an overused phrase, but I think they got a lot of criticism, and rightly so, for standing down when it would have been quite straightforward to get the funding, to get the security, to allow Ann Coulter to make that speech, right?
You're absolutely right, Paul.
I mean, I had a group from Los Angeles.
We crowdfunded almost $10,000 in a couple days just to bus up Trump supporters to go support free speech.
So, of course, people could have crowdfunded stuff for Ann Coulter.
And, you know, on the day Ann Coulter was supposed to speak, she was still, you know, not given a time, not given a location where she was supposed to speak.
You know, and I want people to imagine if this was a feminist speaker or a Black Lives Matter speaker, you know, people would be outraged that someone wasn't given, you know, adequate time and resources to be able to speak.
So it's completely ridiculous.
And also, you know, we had thousands of people there, thousands of patriots there.
We had the Oath Keepers.
We had ex-military, ex-cops.
We had so many people defending, and the cops, I gotta hand it out to the cops.
They did a good job this time.
When I was in Berkeley two weeks ago, the cops were ordered to completely stand down by the mayor of Berkeley, who we've now discovered is a member of Antifa.
He's on their Facebook group.
You know, it is extremely troubling.
But this time around, you know, we had we outnumbered them so far that they really couldn't do anything.
And the police had to come out and they had to, you know, defend the peaceful speech that was there.
So it was great to see that the police sort of are taking a turn over to our side.
And they were actually telling Antifa people if they didn't take off their masks, they would be arrested.
So I think that's a great development.
Yeah, we've actually got a clip.
If you want to get that ready, if you want to cue that up, the Antifa guy arrested for refusing to remove his mask, because of course we had the police in Auburn, I think it was a week ago, they wouldn't let anyone get near the rally if they refused to remove their masks.
And of course we know why they wear masks, because they're committing criminal behaviour and they don't want to be identified.
Pretty much the only reason why they do it.
They think it looks trendy as well.
They think they look like Islamists, which is a coincidence given that they share the same beliefs as Islamists.
This guy here, um, Baked Alaska, I don't know if you can see it on your screen, but he had a long conversation with this cop.
He's basically wearing a surgical mask.
It doesn't even, it looks ridiculous.
He was told to remove it, refused to do so.
They arrested him.
They actually did their job, right?
Yeah, no, the police, I have to say, the police were fantastic this time around and they were arresting people who would not take off their masks.
And I think this is great because if you're going to go out and you're going to stand up for something, you should be able to identify yourself.
What is wrong?
And this is the problem with Antifa.
You know, all the Trump supporters, if you go up to them and you ask them what they believe, what their ideologies are,
They will identify themselves, they will show their face, and they will have a conversation with you, whether or not they agree with you.
And on the Antifa side, we'll go up to people, they won't take off their masks, they don't want to talk.
I even tell people, I say, hey, I'm live streaming on Periscope in front of 50,000 people, why don't you use this as a chance?
To spread your message, even if I don't agree with it.
What is your message?
And yeah, in that clip there, I was actually trying to give Antifa Pepsi as a peace offering and these guys got so triggered, they cannot take a joke.
You know, I don't know what happened to these people.
I don't know if they have daddy issues or if they want to be, you know, communists, but
They just threw the Pepsi out of my hand and they clearly don't know how to have a good time.
So I think the cops did a great job and I hope to see this moving forward that we're not going to tolerate this terrorist organization and we're not going to tolerate people coming in dressing like ISIS with black masks that hate America.
You know, they keep chanting, America was never great.
And I'm like, well, why are you here?
Why are you dressing like ISIS?
Why won't you stand up for something you believe in?
Why aren't you giving a free speech rally?
Why aren't you doing some sort of positive rally yourselves?
And they don't know.
All they can do is try to protest what we're doing, because we're uniting people, a diverse crowd, and we're making America great again one day at a time.
And they don't know how to do that.
It seems to me, I think they're just jealous that they lost.
You know it's funny you mention them dressing like ISIS because I've tweeted the images before.
You have actual Islamists protesting in London and they hold up signs, some of them dressed in hijabs, burqas, looking like, you know, ISIS basically.
They hold up signs saying freedom of expression, go to hell.
Which is exactly the same sentiment that these Antifa people embrace and now they dress the same way as these Islamists as well.
In fact we had people in during the inauguration
Showing Trump supporters ISIS flags.
There you see some of the signs I'm talking about.
If you type in freedom of expression, go to hell.
There you see the Antifa guy in DC, I think it was in DC, trying to intimidate Trump supporters by showing an ISIS flag.
He also did a cutthroat motion.
So not only are they dressing like them, not only are they exhibiting the same mannerisms, they hold similar signs.
They hold exactly the same beliefs.
This is Baits Alaska, the far left.
Merging with actual Islamism.
This is absolutely shocking.
There you see the signs out of London.
They share the same beliefs.
Yeah, they absolutely do.
And they don't want anyone to speak.
And another thing is you've got to look at how is Antifa treating their women.
And one thing we realise when we're out there is they always put their women on the front lines.
And if you go back and look at my Pepsi video or some of the other videos, what you're going to notice is the women are always on the front lines of the battle.
That's why you saw that, you know, that girl getting punched and that that's why you see them in the front and you see their men in the back.
And that
We're good to go.
Also, I wanted to point out, I saw this on Twitter the other day, I don't know if you caught it, but the Antifa logo is identical to the 1933 Communist Party of Germany logo.
Like, to a T. Someone figured this out and put it out on Twitter.
And it's really strange.
It's like completely identical.
So they definitely have beliefs very similar to ISIS.
They don't want people to be able to express their views in America.
They hate America.
I mean, they tell me that they hate America.
They say it was never great.
And it looks like they want something like communism or Sharia law.
And I'm not down for that.
And I will not stand for that.
They hate America and that's why ISIS put it in their own manifesto that they're trying to reach out to far leftists in the West to make them militant, give them weapons, and of course that doesn't mean that Antifa are going to go and fight for ISIS in Syria, but it just shows the relationship, the fact that they embrace this same anti-American hatred.
You mentioned the girl who was punched there, and it's interesting, you know, we don't condone violence.
We do condone it if it's in self-defense.
But isn't it fascinating how Antifa's own tactics, when they're used against them, they completely shrink into the background.
You've got 4Chad, you've got Paul, identifying these people.
They hate that.
You've got people going out and violently assaulting them.
They hate that.
As soon as their own tactics get used against them, they completely disappear into the background.
And you have the media, with Moldy Locks,
Out defending her?
They didn't defend any of the people who were pepper sprayed or physically assaulted at the first battle of Berkeley, did they?
No, they did not.
And there's a clear distinction between the Trump supporters and the Antifa people.
When, you know, I don't condone violence against anyone, of course, but if you have girls on the battlefield throwing punches, throwing bottles at you,
You know what?
No one really seemed to care on their side.
They don't seem to have a respect for women.
They don't seem to have a respect for human life.
They don't seem to have any sort of positivity or camaraderie.
It's just pure anarchy and chaos.
You know, every time I saw a Trump supporter get hurt or get bear maced or anything, we were there and we were helping them.
We were, you know, we had to bring some people out to the ambulance.
One guy got hit with a bike lock over the head.
We had M80s thrown at us, huge bricks the size of your head, slabs of concrete.
And that's why this time we brought helmets and we were prepared this time because it was really ugly last time.
And I have to point out, many of the fake news media were coming up to me, interviewing me, and they said, hey, why are all the Trump supporters coming out here with riot gear?
It looks like you guys are inciting a fight.
And we're like, no, we are here defending ourselves, protecting ourselves, because last time we had boulders and M80s and fireworks and glass bottles thrown at our heads, and people's heads were getting cracked open with bike locks.
And we proved that it was purely preventative, it was purely defensive, and we had a peaceful day.
But it's okay to be prepared.
As you know, it's okay to have protection and to defend yourself.
We have a First Amendment, we have a Second Amendment, and we have the right to defend yourself against a very violent group.
And if you look at Antifa, one other thing I pointed out
Is all the groups are completely pro-violence.
Every single group.
This is not a fringe part of Antifa.
This is the mainstream belief.
They say, you know, punch a Nazi, 100 Nazi scalps.
You know, they want violence.
And then you have to ask yourself this question, who's defining what a Nazi is?
Because apparently, you know, PewDiePie's a Nazi, John Tron, you know, anyone you disagree with now is a Nazi.
So you can't condone violence against Nazis and then say everyone you disagree with is a Nazi.
And the media runs defense for them every single time.
You had this Moldy Locks girl who was punched in the face.
And again, we don't condone that.
But also, we have no sympathy for her because she was out on Facebook days before saying she intended to get into physical fights with people.
She was carrying around a bottle.
She then tried to claim she wasn't carrying a bottle when she was punched in the face by this guy.
Even Snopes, this far-left bias outfit, which, you know, debunks conspiracy theories and they're proven wrong over and over again, but even Snopes said, yes, she was carrying a bottle, yes, she was being violent towards other people, yet you had other articles, I think she went on one of the big morning shows or CBS or whatever, they were defending her, making her out to be 100% the victim.
When she's there to commit violence, she's there assaulting people with a bottle.
So how can anyone rational have any sympathy for her
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, these people aren't rational.
I wish they were, but I've seen this over and over.
I saw headlines yesterday from the mainstream media and they were saying, you know, Trump supporters are coming to bring violence to people.
They, you know,
I came with a bus full of Trump supporters that we crowdfunded and organically came out to Berkeley to support free speech.
And I spoke along with Lauren Southern, Gavin McInnes, Brittany Pettibone, Faith Goldie, and more.
And we raised that all on ourselves.
And we had the media saying, Hey, why are you guys bussing in people to Berkeley?
Shouldn't you stay in your own city?
Shouldn't you stay in Los Angeles or wherever you come from?
And we said, no, absolutely not.
We are American citizens.
We are allowed to go anywhere we want.
And the ironic thing is the left is the side that buses in people and it's, you know, they're not organic.
They have Soros funding things like Black Lives Matter and all sorts of movements that cause trouble and chaos.
And so
It's just so strange to see that we have a positive organic movement going and yet we get accused of violence still by the mainstream media.
That's exactly right.
Baked Alaska, come back and do one more quick segment with us after the break at Baked Alaska on Twitter.
We're going to talk about Antifa.
Is it the beginning of the end for Antifa?
This is the Alex Jones Show live in 4Wars.com.
We'll be back, don't go away.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss, another
We're live!
It's the final segment of this hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go back to Bates, Alaska here in a second.
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And it supports the growth of this network as we're under attack on a daily basis.
Back to Lascaux, we've got about a minute left.
Is this the end of Antifa?
And just tell us about some of the events you've got planned for the coming weeks and months.
Sure, so I think Antifa is definitely dying down.
They've had some embarrassing defeats lately.
Shout out to Poll and 4chan, everyone online that's been helping, and people who have been coming in person.
And we have to continue to fight and stand up for free speech.
And we have a lot of events coming up.
I'm still doing Trump events.
And or free speech, whatever you want to call it.
And I tell people just because we won an election, you know, the work doesn't stop there.
We have to stay vigilant every single day.
So, you know, I'm speaking at Mount Baldy Monday.
We have a huge freedom of speech rally in Los Angeles, and we're just gonna keep rolling and we're gonna keep standing up for free speech.
Okay, we'll leave it there.
The Twitter handle is at Baked Alaska.
Baked Alaska, thanks for joining us on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, thanks so much for having me, Paul.
Take care.
Thank you very much.
There goes Baked Alaska.
We got about a minute left here in the final segment.
Let's hit a couple of news stories.
Gateway Pundit reports hypocrite Elizabeth Warren troubled by Obama's big payday from Wall Street, but also accepts Wall Street donations.
Another Democrat hypocrite.
Imagine my shock.
The news this week that failed former President Barack Obama is being paid $400,000 for an upcoming Wall Street spree speech reportedly stunned liberal hacks.
Elizabeth Warren said she was troubled to hear the news.
But when she ran for Congress in 2011, she collected more than $630,000 from individuals in the securities and investment industry.
So she's a complete hypocrite.
She's trying to call out
Other people for taking money from Wall Street like Barack Obama.
She took even more than him in that one instance.
That's going to wrap it up though for this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Get the new t-shirt.
Conservatism is the new cancer culture at InfoWarsStore.com.
David Knight coming up with the fourth hour.
Thanks for joining us.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show live.
David Knight is still preparing to do the fourth hour so you have to tolerate me for another five minutes right now.
We'll hit some more news and this is something that I meant to cover actually forgot to do so.
Wall Street Journal the headline is why Donald Trump decided to back off NAFTA threat.
Of course we had noises coming out of the administration that there would be no termination of NAFTA.
Then they came out and said oh we're just going to renegotiate it.
That was 4D chess according to a lot of people.
But the troubling aspect of this article is in the very last paragraph.
I'm going to quote it now.
This is in the Wall Street Journal last night.
Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation.
Quote, Hey, I'm a nationalist and a globalist.
He said, quote, I'm both and I'm the only one who makes the decision.
Believe me.
How is it possible to be a nationalist and a globalist?
Of course Trump ran on an America First nationalist campaign.
Now he's saying he's a globalist too.
Well you can't be a globalist with NAFTA and a nationalist given that it hurts nationalist policies.
It hurts America First sentiment.
A lot of people concerned about that quote.
There's another article speaking about his
There's problems within the administration.
Who makes the decisions?
As he said, a lot of people speculated that Bannon was moved to the back of the room, that he became a peripheral figure because, you know, he was making too many decisions.
Trump thought it was a threat to his ego that he wasn't in charge.
He reacted to media pressure when they were saying that Bannon was taking too many decisions, making too many calls.
Again by putting Bannon to the back of the room, now it appears the Hill's reporting that Bannon's come back to the fore.
So it remains to be seen if that's the case.
Breitbart reports, Detroit FGM doctor mutilated girls far worse than she admits.
There you see the Hill article about Bannon, we're asking if he's coming back to the fore.
But of course now we have FGM cases in the United States.
The Detroit Free Press reported Thursday documents obtained by the paper show much more serious mutilation of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala's alleged victim's genitals than the doctor admitted to.
They were arrested.
Along with two others last week, which represents the first federal female genital mutilation investigation in United States history.
The first time it's happened, of course, it's happening all over the Islamic world, all over Africa.
Now we have the New York Times coming out a few days ago and saying we daren't even call it F.
They don't even want to use the term female genital mutilation because it's too brutal.
It's too shocking.
Well, yes, the practice itself is horrific.
It is shocking.
That's why you have to call it what it is.
And now it's happening inside the United States.
It's culturally loaded and divides people, so we're not going to call a spade a spade, just like they refused to use the term along with Barack Obama for years.
Radical Islamic terrorism.
Politically correct New York Times hides horror of female genital mutilation as it begins to happen inside the United States.
88% of Trump voters agree that media is the enemy of Americans.
In fact, Trump's approval rating is still climbing as we speak.
Now a new poll sponsored by the University of Virginia Center for Politics finds that an overwhelming number of Trump voters agree with his statement that the press is the enemy of the people.
So again, 88% in contrast, a mere 12% said that the media's criticism makes them question their support for the President.
So again, there are concerns within Trump's base that he's going back on many of his promises, but still, people know the media's full of crap, and they are still telling the pollsters that.
So just because Trump may have been flip-flopping on some of these issues, doesn't mean that they now suddenly trust the mainstream media
Whose trustworthiness is in the toilet has been for many years.
That's going to wrap it up for my segment of the Alex Jones Show.
David Knight is coming up live.
Fresh breaking news in the fourth hour.
Thanks for joining us, InfoWars.com.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pennybone, and
Faith Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
This is Alex Jones.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Yeah, it's back to the Get Smart 1960s.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and thanks, crew, for getting that together on such short notice.
These guys are able to find the old Get Smart theme.
Because we've got some news that sounds like it's straight out of a 1960s spy versus spy situation comedy.
Get Smart, remember that?
Would you believe?
The CIA put a radio and a cat.
They spent 10 million, as the British paper is reporting, at 10 million pounds, so translate that over to dollars, maybe about 15 million dollars.
Five years wiring up a cat?
I mean, this is not only sick and bizarre, but it tells you a great deal about the CIA, I think, and our own government.
It's absolutely insane.
It's like something out of the old Get Smart show.
When I saw this, at first I made a joke about it, you know, the cat intelligence agency.
A Yankee Doodle found a cat, wired it like a radio, stuck antennas in his back and tuned him like macaroni.
Sorry about not rhyming there, but I'm not a poet.
I'm just a commentator, and I can't help but comment on the insanity of this plan.
Of course, I spent a lot of time torturing this poor cat.
And then when they field-tested him, he immediately got run over by a truck as some people came back.
They said the problem with the experiment was that every time strangers came in the room, he left.
So it doesn't really work as a dropping device.
But this is the kind of insanity we see.
And of course, somebody else tweeted back to me.
You know, the Russians have tried to bug people with cockroaches, and of course, I remember seeing, I don't know if it's true or not, in Vietnam, they tried to use ticks to alert them of approaching humans.
I mean, that sounds pretty far-fetched, but I don't put anything past DARPA, past the CIA.
And so, the question is, if Alex Jones were to tell you that this is something that had happened, if he had found this document before it got released,
And he had told you about this 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago.
Would all the Colbert's be making fun of him?
All the Rachel Maddow's be making fun of him?
Of course they would.
The sad thing about this is just how deadly serious these people are.
You understand the CIA created LSD because they wanted to drop acid in the water of the food supply of the enemy and they could take them over without firing a shot.
And they actually dumped it into the water supply of a French city, according to some sources.
I wouldn't put that past them either.
Not for a minute.
They're capable of doing anything.
I think one of the things that this story shows us, I tweeted this out as well, it shows, one person says, wow, they would do that to a poor cat.
What's next?
I said it shows the CIA is not only desperate, but they also are clinical psychopaths.
Because, you know, we've talked about this many times.
You look at mass killers, and I've got a Psychology Today article here.
Do mass killers start out by harming pets?
You know, this is something that's done in the 1960s.
You could say the CIA was in its childhood then, or at least it was kind of a teenager as an institution.
As I go back, the fact that, you know, young children might pull a cat's tail, or they might yank a dog's hair, something like that.
Uh, just out of curiosity, maybe sometimes out of mischief, they say this can be a teachable moment, you can try to teach them empathy.
That's the key word here.
Because that's what's lacking in a psychopath.
They have no empathy.
No conscience for other people.
And they point out troubled children are much more likely to mistreat animals.
While less than 5% of U.S.
children are estimated to have intentionally hurt an animal, for animal cruelty rates range from 10 to 25% for children who are in mental health clinics.
And then they did an assessment of 1,433 children, ages 6 to 12, and what they found was that abused children
60% of those had then abused animals.
Kind of what we've been seeing with the airports, isn't it?
The abused airport employees who've been abused over and over again by government agents.
Now they're starting to abuse the customers, aren't they?
And I talked about earlier this week somebody relating their experience of living
And East Germany and how ordinary normal people would get really vicious when they were in their official position in their job even if it was a retail store they would get really vicious with the customers because it gave them a sense of power it gave them a chance to
Almost kind of therapeutically abuse somebody else and that's what we see happening here with abused children than abusing animals.
But then they also talk about the fact that animal abuse is often the first signs of serious disturbance among people who later become serial killers.
And so we look at all these different people.
The Boston Strangler, Son of Sam, Jeffrey Dahmer, all these people.
Also the animal torture was their first violent act.
And so we see that at the beginning of the CIA, they're out there with absolutely no empathy, abusing animals to no end, to no purpose.
That's the other part of the insanity of our intelligence agencies.
How totally ineffective they are.
We have given up our liberties and our freedom for a cat that is tortured with a, split open and sewn up with a radio.
That's what our intelligence services are.
That's a perfect metaphor for what our intelligence services are.
Totally insane, totally ineffective, and yet we allow them to torture us to
Just give these psychopaths this kind of power.
Really sick.
Really sick.
And then of course the other story that was on Drudge Report.
That was a story that you'll find on Drudge Report.
The one with the killer robot that the Kremlin is showing.
Everybody is showing off their new killer robot toys.
And of course this is going to be going into space, so no need to worry about that, right?
Yeah, right.
Because you do need to be able to shoot guns in space.
That's what they have this robot doing.
You know, this brings up the concern that we've talked to other people about, and that is the arms race and autonomous killing machines.
Killing robots.
You have to understand, the Terminator is not science fiction.
It was predictive programming.
The people who were already working on this stuff were getting you accustomed to it.
Just like they're getting you accustomed to a future where your identity papers are always there, the government is controlling your every movement.
That's what the airports are about.
They set up these psychological programs of acclimation to move the normalcy bias, the Overton window, whatever you want to call it.
They're getting you accustomed to it.
So they show it to you in these horrific, dystopian science fiction films.
And you look at it, it's how horrible this is.
But then, it's all okay, because at the last minute, the lone hero pulls it out.
And so it's like, oh, gee, well, that's really kind of a scary vision of the future, but I know we can conquer that as humans.
That's why they do that with a kind of happy ending that you get from Hollywood because there you see the robot driving himself down the road.
And of course, he won't need to do that.
They will have self-driving cars, robotic cars that will be driving the killer robots that will then disengorge from the tank or whatever and kill people.
And they can say, sorry, it was a bug.
You know, that whole city was wiped out or that village was wiped out.
It was just a mistake.
It's a software error.
We had, you know, the software bombed and people died.
So, we have to be concerned about the fact that there literally is an arms race going on here, and they're very concerned, and this is what all of the military industrial complexes in America and Russia and every country are telling everybody.
They don't want a robot gap, can't have a robot gap.
So we have to get ahead of the other guys and killer robots and, you know, a robot gap could mean that if you have humans controlling these things, if you've got a dead man switch on it or something, then you could be at a disadvantage because then that other guy who's got killer robots who are operating autonomously can react more quickly than the humans controlling them.
So if you put humans in the loop, you're going to lose this war.
You're going to increase your robot gap.
See, this is the way this is all going to go down.
We have to get control of this somehow.
And first, people have to care.
Over and over again, I see people, they say, well, it's kind of creepy.
I don't think it'll happen in my lifetime, or whatever, right?
We've all thought that kind of thing.
Or, what can I do about it?
Well, you can get angry about it.
You can start talking to other people about it.
You can start building a consensus to stop it, or you will suffer underneath it, or your children or your grandchildren will suffer underneath it.
Remember Hezekiah?
Those of you who know the Bible?
He brought people in, he showed them his treasures from Babylon, and he said, well, you know, this is, look at this, look at all the stuff I've got, look at my, it wasn't his technology he was proud of, but he was proud of his wealth.
And then when he leaves, Isaiah comes in and says, you know, what have you done?
They're going to carry your children away into captivity, or grandchildren, or whatever, and he says, well, great, it's not going to happen to me, it won't happen to my lifetime, that's cool.
And he was a good guy, overall.
The Bible says he was a good guy.
Even the best of us can be cowardly when it comes to things like this.
So what are you going to do about it?
Are you going to tell people about this?
Are you going to tell people this has to be stopped?
We've got a bunch of psychopaths who not only cannot defend us, they think that defending us is sewing a radio inside of a cat.
These sick psychopaths are going to create some stuff that can get out of control, or can be used by a small clique of people.
That's the other thing that's dangerous about these autonomous killing machines, because what they do is it extends the... Well, number one, when we look at a war, right?
As war becomes more and more distant for our Western societies, we become less and less invested in the decisions to commit to a war.
Because if we're not going to be there on the front lines, back in the day when we had the first Americans, the founders of our country, when you kill somebody, you did it eye to eye.
You shot them at close range, or your gun wasn't going to make it, or you stabbed them with a bayonet, or you slit their throat, or you hacked them with a sword.
And so, that got them to thinking a little bit more about having to commit to war.
But when you can push a button from on the other side of the world, and you can blow people up with a drone or an intercontinental ballistic missile, then the decision becomes a little bit easier.
It becomes easier also, you know, if you send other people to kill on your behalf, right?
That's always been the biggest issue.
Even when war was face-to-face, it was always rich man, poor man's fight.
But what happens when it's just machines that are going out and clashing against each other?
And things don't really get nasty until those machines get into the cities.
That's what we have to be concerned about.
The inoculation against the horror of war.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to get back to the news here in just a moment.
We had Congress passing a temporary deal to keep the government running, unfortunately, for another week.
But I want to get to our specials here real quickly because, folks, you have to understand, as we see across the board in media, we see lawsuits everywhere.
And, of course, we have a lawsuit now that's starting up against us because of content that we reported.
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Let's take a look at some of the news today.
We had today Congress passing a spending deal to keep the federal government going open for another week.
Short-term spending agreement
Passed today, it will fund the government for another week.
Top staff and leaders say the Washington Post on the Appropriations Committee had tried late yesterday to reach a longer agreement, but were unable to resolve differences on several unrelated policy measures that plagued the process.
Okay, so they've extended it for another week.
Meanwhile, Paul Ryan is under fire, getting a lot of criticism, as Breitbart reports, as health care is delayed yet again.
Yet again, as a Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan's leadership was called into question by new voices Thursday night as hopes expire of passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before President Trump's first 100 days end on Saturday.
And as we talked about yesterday, CNS asked the question, are we really not going to fund the wall?
Are we really not going to do anything with Obamacare?
But we are going to fund Planned Parenthood.
See, they're not getting anything from this.
And so, we really need to take a look at this.
I hope that President Trump will no longer stand with Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan has been the problem behind
President Trump's Obamacare issues, he was a problem from the very beginning.
The way that he put this in, the fact that he did not want to put repeal in, and just the entire process.
Even if it had been a good deal, I think it would not have passed at the time they wanted it to because of the way it was presented.
You don't
Continue to do what Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner have done and that is deliver a several thousand page bill and change it up to the very last minute and just tell everybody I want you to rubber stamp what I've put here without reading it.
Just sign on the bottom line.
Don't worry, we'll help you to explain it to your constituents.
We don't want that to happen.
And when we come back
I'm going to explain to you a story that we got at Infowars.com.
Jerome Corsi explains how President Trump can end Obamacare with the stroke of a pen.
It really is kind of easy.
If you have the will to do it, if you recognize Obamacare for what it is, you can get rid of it very quickly.
I'll tell you how when we come back.
We'll go over Dr. Corsi's story.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Although conservative commentator Ann Coulter backed out of showing up to her already-canceled speech at Berkeley, that didn't stop freedom-loving Americans from conducting a large First Amendment rally in its place.
Prominent social media icons such as Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Based Stickman, Baked Alaska, Brittany Pettibone, and Faith
Goldie showed up to support free speech and gave speeches.
Reports that the Berkeley police did their job in protecting the peace have come in, and apparently a total of six Antifa protesters were arrested.
Two for resisting arrest, one for a drug violation, and another for possessing a weapon.
Two more arrests were made earlier in the day for possession of a knife and obstructing an officer and wearing a mask to evade police.
Despite these arrests, the protests remained peaceful and dialogue between both sides was present.
This is Millie Weaver reporting to you for InfoWars.com.
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The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
As I was saying in the last segment,
We have Paul Ryan under fire again because he failed to do anything about health care.
As if he wanted to.
How many times have we said he doesn't want to do this?
I said this before the election.
I said, as Donald Trump did not back Paul Ryan's opponent in the local race, and I understand the politics involved with that.
Couldn't take on the GOP at that time, but I said, I hope...
Donald Trump understands that his biggest opposition is going to be from within the Republican Party.
And that's where it's coming from.
It's coming from Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment.
They are the biggest opposition to Trump's agenda.
But we have a story at Infowars.com from Jerome Corsi.
And he points out how President Trump can end Obamacare with simply a stroke of a pen.
And here's the answer, folks.
You just need to end the theft that subsidizes Obamacare.
The theft that comes from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
And of course, Jerome Corsi has pointed that out extensively.
This whole thing is fraud.
They are robbing the investors in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They're robbing those people.
Uh, Fannie Mae to pay Paul, if you will, instead of Peter.
Uh, this is what he had to say.
All President Trump must do to repeal Obamacare is to sign an executive order instructing the Solicitor General to withdraw the Obama Administration's appeal in the Federal District Court case, U.S.
House of Representatives v. Burwell.
The result will be to immediately defund the low-income insurance company subsidies that are being paid by the federal government under Section 1402 of the Affordable Care Act, causing Obamacare to collapse almost immediately.
The point is, Congress never funded
Any taxpayer funds to pay the low-income insurance subsidies that are at the heart of making the Affordable Care Act work.
It's not affordable.
They never even set the money up for it.
They just steal it.
And of course, that's the socialist aspect of it.
Socialism is based upon theft.
As Margaret Thatcher said, eventually you run out of other people's money.
Someday they're going to run out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac funds.
And then how will they fund this?
Because they haven't
voted to appropriate any funds for this.
They're just stealing it.
Just stealing it.
And I'm going to talk to you about how the UN is now getting involved in this, saying that health care is a right.
And that's a very, very concerning extension of the moves that Donald Trump has made this week toward the UN.
We talked about this just yesterday when I interviewed William Jasper, the New American.
And there's another story up here.
I want to get into that.
Let's do that now, okay?
Because we had Donald Trump talk today, and it was up on the Drudge Report.
He talked about, and it was quoted by the Wall Street Journal, saying, well, let me get the quote right here.
He says,
Ask him, what about these factions inside the White House?
Because we had, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out, Craig Fuller had served eight years in Reagan's White House and he said in an interview, he said here, the trouble here is I don't see how you get course correction when there isn't course correction.
It's just erratic.
He needs to look at the two factions inside the White House and get rid of one of them.
You can't operate that way in the White House.
Mr. Trump dismissed talk about the split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or a globalist orientation.
Quote from the Wall Street Journal, he said to them, hey, I'm a nationalist and a globalist.
I'm both.
And I'm the only one who makes a decision.
Believe me.
That context for that is the article that the Wall Street Journal
wrote about the movements surrounding whether or not Donald Trump is going to get out of NAFTA.
There were reports that came out two days ago saying that Donald Trump is putting together an executive order to get us out of NAFTA.
That roiled the markets in both Mexico and Canada.
The peso collapsed and so the presidents from Canada and Mexico got Donald Trump on the phone to talk to him about it.
And then he had Sonny Perdue, the new Agricultural Secretary, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross showing him a map saying, look, if you do this, we're going to lose jobs in these states, so forth and so on.
So you have people within his administration saying, we've got to get out of NAFTA.
And we do.
We have to get out of NAFTA.
The reality, regardless of the maps that he was shown by Wilbur Ross,
The reality is that as soon as we got into NAFTA, we had, prior to that, between the US and Mexico, we'd had a rough trade parity.
Some years we would have a surplus, some years they would have a surplus.
It never varied by more than plus or minus five billion dollars.
As soon as NAFTA came in, with the Clintons by the way,
As soon as
The markets understand that.
When you see that the Canadian and the Mexican stock markets crash, what does that tell you?
It tells you that the markets understand that Mexico and Canada are benefiting from this at the expense of America overall.
And so that is what we need to do something about.
Of course, as this is happening, we have to understand that Donald Trump did kill TPP.
That was one of the first things he did.
He had a very different cabinet then, different group of advisors.
That's changed quite a bit over the last 100 days.
And of course just a week or so ago we had Paul Ryan in Europe pushing a revived TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade Partnership in Europe.
And of course we have Jared and Ivanka pushing the Paris Climate Treaty in the White House.
So we've got all these different globalist deals on the table and then Donald Trump says, well I'm both a globalist and a nationalist.
And of course he has put
Both globalists and nationalists in his cabinet.
And that was one of the things that concerned me from the very beginning.
This isn't a new development.
This is something that has been developing over a period of time.
And as you start to look at the backgrounds of the people that it was putting in, I was commenting as it was happening, this is not going to play well.
There's going to be conflict, the House divided against itself, but also divided against the agenda that Donald Trump campaigned and won on.
He was bringing in people who were adamantly opposed to the policies that he had campaigned on, that he had advocated on, that people had voted for him on.
On things like trade, on things like economic policy, on globalism particularly.
And of course, Donald Trump himself had said that it is an issue of nationalism versus globalism.
It's part of his campaign rhetoric.
You cannot be both.
As I tweeted out today, I said either he doesn't know or he doesn't care that they are mutually exclusive.
He knows that they're mutually exclusive.
That's why he was offering us that choice.
And now we see this kind of Machiavellian Kissinger politician speak that we're getting, saying, well, I'm both of these things.
Don't worry.
I'm both of them.
I will make the decisions.
Well, we just had an election and he's only been president for 100 days.
It's a very unusual turn of events.
But let's talk about this nationalism versus globalism.
Because as we're looking at Obamacare and the fact that they won't move anywhere on this.
There was a story today on the New American.
The UN says repealing Obamacare violates international law.
And let's talk for a second here about insurance, okay?
What if you had insurance for your home that was going to pay for mowing the lawn?
What if your home insurance paid for repainting your house?
What if your car insurance paid for your gas fill-ups?
Paid for your oil changes?
Would you be able to afford your car insurance?
Would you be able to afford your home insurance?
And we understand that for your car and for your home, you get insurance in case it's a catastrophic incident.
In case your car gets smashed in an accident or a tree falls on your house.
That's why you have insurance.
And that's really the way that insurance should be used, and healthcare as well, if you're ever going to be able to afford insurance.
But you also have to understand that the goal here is not universal coverage.
If the goal is universal coverage, we will go into a kind of single-payer, socialist healthcare system that you see in Venezuela, where we all pretend
That we get health insurance from the government, but you don't get anything.
They're rationalizing, they're rationing, not rationing, it's a rationalization for rationing, and nobody gets anything.
It's just a pretend system.
Because it doesn't work.
You have to have a market, you have to have competition, you have to have choice, you have to have empowered consumers to get the cost of health care down and the quality up.
Only the free market will do that.
And to the extent that we set the metric to be the number of people who get insurance coverage, not even the number of people who get health care, but the number of people who have health insurance.
It's not even, the metric is not even affordable anymore.
Even that part of it is a lie.
People have seen their insurance premiums skyrocket.
And of course, the insurance companies are losing money in the individual market, so they're getting out of that, but they're still making a lot of money and getting subsidized in the group market.
So, the whole thing is a combination of socialism and economic fascism.
And when we look at the economic fascism aspect of it, we understand
This is like an argument between Hitler and Stalin.
One of them left, one of them right.
This guy says he's a communist, this guy says he's a nationalist, a fascist, a national socialist is what Hitler called himself.
And he said that he thought that the problem with Stalin was that he went to the final stage first.
He said the final stage is where you confiscate everything from everybody, where you steal everything.
We're good to go.
Talk about nationalism.
We're going to leave people ostensibly in control, but we will work with a few big corporations to get what we want, and we'll allow them to have profits that they get from this.
So we'll operate this in a kind of what we today call crony capitalism, but it's actually that's economic fascism.
And so Hitler was using these companies, saying that after he got what he wanted, which was military conquest, then he would take these companies away from them.
And he criticized Stalin, said he doesn't understand what he's doing.
He went to the final stage at the beginning, so he's not going to be very competitive, he's not going to be much of a problem for us to handle.
And he's right, because as soon as you do that, you now have a weak company, a weak country.
And so they weren't going to be able to compete militarily.
He was going to be able to defeat them and the only way that he was going to be able to go that final stage was if he had a worldwide dictatorship.
Because then he wasn't going to have any outside competition.
Or a worldwide government.
That's what the UN has always been about.
And so let's take a look at what they're saying now about health care.
Let's read the actual letter.
This letter that was referenced in the New American
This article, this goes back to the 2nd of February 2017, shortly after Trump became President.
This was a warning, a demand letter from the United Nations, from their Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, and it starts out this way, the mandate on the right of everyone to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
They're saying this is a mandate, this is a basic human right that they have health care.
It says, I would like to bring to the attention of your government information I have received concerning the possibility to repeal core elements of the Affordable Care Act with negative impacts on the right of everyone to enjoy the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health.
They go on to say, available, reliable information indicates that ACA has resulted in an estimated 20 million people gaining health insurance.
There you go, there's their goal, and that is universal health coverage.
Not quality of health care, not even affordability of health care or affordability of health insurance, but just universal coverage.
Socialism, okay?
Which is an illusion.
In this context, he said, I would like to draw your attention and that of your government to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
And I would also like to draw to the attention of your government to Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which was signed by the United States of America on 5th October 1977.
While your government has not ratified the covenant,
It is obliged to refrain from acts that would defeat the Covenant's object or purpose.
Now here's something that applies to the Paris Climate Treaty.
There are people in the Trump administration, like Rex Tillerson and Ivanka and Jared, who are saying, we don't need to reject this.
It's not officially a treaty, so we can just kind of leave it there and not pick a fight with anybody.
If they leave that there, that structure there, just like if you leave the structure of Obamacare, that framework there, it will be used by these people.
And they will say, even though it's not a treaty, you are required to abide by it.
The courts will use that as an excuse to say that we are required to abide by it.
This is the way these globalist agreements work.
You probably didn't even know that we were in a UN Declaration of Human Rights that some idiot in our government signed.
But of course the Senate would never ratify that.
Still, they say, well, somebody in your government signed it, so now you have to abide by it.
And then this officious tone that he takes.
I would like to refer you to this.
I would also like to refer you to this.
And then he refers them to Article 5, saying you've got to eliminate all racial discrimination.
So it's racism if you get rid of Obamacare.
If you repeal it, the UN says you're racist.
And you're denying fundamental human rights to people.
He said, I would also like to draw your attention of your government to the general comment number 14 on the Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Do you really care about these documents from the UN?
Do you really care?
This is why the UN needs to be shut down.
And we had Donald Trump saying, well, I think this is a globalist cabal, we need to shut it down.
But not on Monday.
Not on Monday.
He says, I think you're underperforming.
I think we can expand your mission.
Is this what we want?
Do we want to expand the mission of an organization like this?
Let me continue to read this.
He sums it up with four points.
A couple of them seem to be redundant.
Please provide information on the expected impact on the right to health of all people in the United States of America should the Congress decide to repeal.
Don't worry, they're not going to repeal.
You can rest easy at the UN.
Please provide details on the health policy, programmatic, and financial measures that will be put in place to subsidize the ACA should it be repealed.
And please provide information on how you will protect the right of health to everyone.
Yeah, well tell us when you figure that out in Venezuela, or when you figure it out in any other country, how you're going to do that, okay?
You tell us how government is going to provide everything to everybody.
Well, please let us know.
That's what I would do if I were president.
I would send it back.
When you figure out how you're going to provide everything in the world to everybody at no cost, then please advise us with a UN representative and official letterhead, and then we'll adopt whatever, possibly whatever policy you do.
I don't think that I'd even do it at that point.
Anyway, while awaiting a reply, I urge that all necessary interim measures be taken to prevent these alleged violations.
Your government's response will be made available in a report to be presented to the Human Rights Council for its consideration.
You have been noticed.
We're going to put your name on a permanent file and we're going to put this in a report.
So this is a guy, his name is Danius Puris, and according to the article from New American, they say that he is a Lithuanian psychiatrist.
And they say, among other U.N.
instruments that he describes falsely as international law, he points to Article 25 of the U.N.
Human Rights Declaration, which purports to mandate government health care.
But they say that these rights and freedoms, as they go down this United Declaration of Human Rights, understand that the U.N.
exempts itself from any human rights that they think might interfere with any of their mandates or their interest in taking your money.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to get back to the news.
Before I do, real quickly, we have our live 3 to 5 program that goes out on our Facebook stream.
And at 4 o'clock, Alex Jones is going to have a live press conference talking about the verdict in his court case.
So that'll be at 4 p.m.
The live 3 to 5 will be coming up right after this broadcast ends.
I've got one more segment with you and then that will be on our stream.
So again, you can see Alex Jones holding a press conference at 4 p.m.
Central talking about the verdict in his court case.
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As I was saying when we were talking about the UN, and if you go back and you look at the officiousness of the UN, demanding that we abide by something that we never ratified.
Saying that health care was a basic human right and you better let us know what you're going to do about that.
These are the people that Donald Trump rightly said this was a globalist cabal, international bankers seeking global government for humanity.
This is a story from earlier in the week.
New American, the day after he met with the UN Security Council and the White House.
And he had a lot of nice things to say to them.
He said to them, he said, the United Nations is an underperformer, but it has huge potential.
He says, I see a day when there's a conflict where the UN, you get together, you solve the conflict, you don't just see the United Nations like solving conflicts.
I think that's going to start happening now.
I can see it.
And the UN will get together and solve conflicts.
It won't be two countries, it'll be the United Nations mediating or arbitrating, or I would add, imposing a solution.
These are authoritarian globalists.
There is a difference between globalism and nationalism.
We need to understand that.
As I tweeted out, and if you want to follow me on Twitter, it's libertarian.
I said today, I said, you know, nationalism is true multiculturalism.
The left needs to understand that.
It is true multiculturalism.
Globalism is the eradication and the homogenization of a rich cultural political tapestry that is worldwide.
You want to homogenize everything?
You have globalization.
If you want a rich multicultural tapestry from culture to politics to economics, then you want nationalism.
We're not xenophobic, we're not racist for saying that.
It's the global elite
Who are the ultimate people with privilege?
Why doesn't the left see this?
Why do they applaud globalism?
Stay with us.
3 to 5 Live is coming up and Alex Jones will be holding a press conference at 4 p.m.