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Filename: 20170420_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 20, 2017
3026 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, topics discussed include recent threats from North Korea, multiculturalism in Poland, attacks on InfoWars by mainstream media, legalization of marijuana in Canada and the drug war in America, immigration from North Korea and its humanitarian problems for Russia and China, Rand Paul's comments on interventionism in Syria, Roger Stone discussing his sales of books and purchase of a 1972 Citroen DS21 station wagon, maintaining old cars, the 2017 Georgia election, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, the potential legalization of marijuana in Canada, drug policy, the Export-Import Bank, Senator Bob Corker's alleged corruption, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, technology development for cell phone radiation protection, promoting Roger Stone's book "The Making of the President 2016", using fluoride-free toothpaste, air purification systems to remove artificial particulates and chemicals from the air, addressing drug prohibition and its connection to MS-13 gang violence, EMF radiation exposure risks confirmed by a government study, DefenderShield's solution to block dangerous radiation, Berkey Purified Water for family needs since 2005, InfoWars Life Prostagard's support for prostate balance, Fresh Start Initiative offering reduced settlements for tax debtors, LibertyOnCall.org providing medical expense discount programs, ShelterPod offering an all-season shelter with emergency supplies, MS-13 being considered the world's most brutal street gang, U.S.-Mexican government corruption, San Francisco covering up murders to protect its sanctuary city image, Border Patrol exposing Obama administration holdovers assisting drug cartels, Venezuela collapsing due to communism, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto's connections to drug cartels and corruption, Wells Fargo executives suing the bank for participating in an account scam, the Export-Import Bank providing subsidized loans to Mexico's largest legal income source, satirical performances by Alex Jones on InfoWars, a lesson plan promoting sympathies for Islamic terrorists in schools, Russia's involvement in Syria, Facebook shutting down pro-Marine Le Pen posts, Cal Bend Soap Company offering triple-concentrated soaps, Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste with natural ingredients, US Presidents' power to engage in secret and criminal surveillance operations, the major media ignoring ISIS stories created by US Empire builders, and the lack of accountability for the destruction left behind after U.S.'s involvement in Libya."

Give me liberty or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have a full news day.
We've got Alex coming up in the next segment.
He's going to talk about what's going on with North Korea.
Of course, North Korea is now warning of, quote, a super mighty preemptive strike.
Boy, that sounds scary.
I mean, when you look at his missiles with the bent noses, whether or not those things are real or not, the missiles that repeatedly blow up on the launch pad, as I've said many times, we need to have a new name for missiles that self-destruct on the launch pad.
We can start calling them an un-launch, in honor of Kim Jong-un.
He keeps stepping up the rhetoric, and the Chinese are concerned about it, the Russians are concerned about it, some of the South Koreans are getting concerned about it.
The Russians have now moved troops and helicopters to their borders, just as the Chinese did earlier.
What are they afraid of?
Well, actually they're afraid of refugees streaming across the border into their country.
They have used, North Korea has used, a weaponized immigration program, if you will, to release criminals into China in the past.
They did it in 1998, just as we had the Mariel Boatlift, where Castro released a lot of, thousands of prisoners into South Florida.
Of course, the movie Scarface was a tribute to the aftermath of what that creates.
China doesn't want to see what may be three million refugees flood across their borders in the aftermath of either a war or an economic meltdown due to sanctions.
Plus, they need the minerals that North Korea has.
This is something that has actually a problem, a bigger problem, for China, Russia, and South Korea than it is for the U.S.
if we didn't continue to beard the bear, in my opinion.
But we're going to have Alex breaking that down for us.
We'll be talking about that as well as Roger Stone will be joining us in the second hour.
He's now on the headlines of the Washington Post today.
Roger Stone helped Donald Trump get elected.
Now he's helping himself.
They criticize him for writing a book.
Oh, wait a minute.
Doesn't the Washington Post sell information?
Is that a crime?
They're criticizing him for doing what they're doing.
And at the same time,
They criticize him.
We now see revelations coming out after the, on the Hill, people looking at the Hillary Clinton campaign doing a post-mortem.
This article from the Hill says, Obama thought that Clinton's handling of the email server was political.
Yes, that's why you hire people like Roger Stone, so you don't commit political malpractice out of your overarching ego and your habit ingrained with decades of lying to the American public and getting away with it.
That was really the downfall of Hillary Clinton, but of course they wanted to move it off to the Russians.
Quite frankly, I think as we look at this moving forward and these revelations we get from the Obama administration,
A lot of what was going on with this false narrative about the Russians hacking our election, I think, was trying to protect themselves from what they were actually doing by spying on the Trump people, the Trump campaign, illegally themselves.
They were committing crimes that were far greater than anything that Richard Nixon did during Watergate.
They knew that eventually that might come out, so they had to prepare this narrative to try to inoculate themselves against criminal prosecution.
We're also going to be talking about what Poland's President says, their Prime Minister, their Interior Minister says, is a bloody harvest of multiculturalism.
He vows that that's not going to come to Poland.
Well, it is coming to the United States.
You know, I was just driving in this morning and I heard NPR doing a long, long piece about this wonderful Islamic school and how they were telling them that Islam was a religion of peace, that slavery was a white American thing.
You know where slavery is still happening?
It's in Muslim-controlled areas.
That's the only place where it's still going on.
And they were a key part of the slave trade.
It was Muslims who were capturing black Africans and then selling them into this whole loop of commerce that wound up bringing black slaves to America.
But they want to discount that.
And we have another article about PBS pushing this.
A lesson plan teaching kids to sympathize with radical Islamic terrorists.
All this is happening, as we look, just a couple of weeks ago, before this attack in Fresno, California.
The newspaper there mocked fears of radical Islamic terror.
Oh yeah.
Bloody harvest of multiculturalism is going to happen.
Stay with us.
Alex is going to break down North Korea.
We'll be right back.
Are your headphones spying on you?
If you have a new pair of wireless Bose headphones, then probably.
A lawsuit filed in Chicago accuses the sound giant Bose of violating the Wiretap Act and a variety of privacy laws.
You see, the Bose headphones have an app which allows you more options, but this app also serves as a gateway to sharing your metadata to anyone, anywhere.
You agree to terms and conditions on the Bose headphone app.
They then send whatever data is collected via the app off to a San Francisco-based firm called Segment, which offers to collect all of your customer data and send it anywhere.
This court case, which is said to be worth millions, could set a precedent for other potential cases where companies are data mining their customers, then selling or moving that data anywhere.
Don't be naive.
Bose is not the only company doing this.
A similar lawsuit was settled last month
For 3.75 million dollars by a sex toy maker called WeVibe.
All those social media apps are monitoring this case closely.
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
This is Alex Jones.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, my fellow Americans, people of the planet Earth, our little spaceship here in deep space.
It's Thursday, April 20th, 2017.
And if you look at that day in history, a lot of really, really amazing things have happened
We're good.
And Warren's don't mess with us.
They claim they have the power to hit the United States mainland.
They can put it on a ship and bring it over here.
They've only got missiles that go 900 kilometers or about 600 miles.
But they have been firing missiles into the South China Sea routinely right off the coast of Japan.
Trump has sent three carrier groups
Submarine groups with nuclear weapons, conventional weapons, B-52 bombers with nukes have been moved back into Guam.
Nuclear weapons have been moved into South Korea again with the US forces there by the demilitarized zone.
Russia shares a border with North Korea as well.
They've moved troops, tanks, mobile rocket launchers, systems there to deal with
The huge tidal wave of refugees that will happen, trying to flee the hellish communist dictatorship, that there is a war.
China's had a whole bunch of wars with Korea, even before the Korean War, and they got involved in that.
They've been threatening Kim Jong-un that they'll nuke him if he does something preemptive.
He's saying he's going to detonate an atomic weapon as a test and fire more missiles at Japan.
Trump says if he tries to fire more missiles at Japan, there's a good chance he's going to shoot them down, maybe even blow them up on the tarmac, on the gantry, on the launch pad.
And they have the technology, obviously, with missiles and lasers and particle beams and special forces on the ground, you name it, to do that.
So the big military operation is the South China Sea.
We also have a situation, obviously, very, very fluid right now.
A lot of special forces folks, including Tim Kennedy, who's reenlisting in the army to go fight ISIS and al Qaeda.
So we're going to pray for him and all the soldiers that are doing that great work in Syria.
Great work taking out al Qaeda and ISIS and other groups.
We certainly hope it doesn't turn
Turned into an attempt to take out Assad who didn't start the war.
We just hope Obama gets the mess cleaned up that he's created by President Trump.
So I firmly back that military operation as long as that's what it is and it's part of Trump's campaign promise.
But now is the time to be praying for this country and the world, all of us that have children especially.
This is an incredibly dangerous time.
We've had nuclear weapons since the 1940s.
They proliferated in the 50s and 60s.
More than 14 nations have them.
So the question is, can North Korea strike the United States and turn us into ashes, as they say?
The answer is no.
They continue to get more advanced missiles from China and US companies that have allowed them to get some technology.
They may be able to hit an island of Hawaii, maybe the closest towards Asia, Kauai, which is the most beautiful island in the world, just from my research.
But they could trigger an event with Russia, China, or others that could turn not the United States, but the entire world into a molten slag heap.
Russia has thousands of ICBMs with one warhead that could destroy the entire surface area of Texas or France, dubbed by the United States the Satan Missile, the Satan Bomb.
Obviously, we have weapons even bigger.
The Air Force admitted
Yes, I'm not joking ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not kidding around.
They also have singlet weapons.
You saw the Star Trek couple back, I forget the name, but it's a pretty good one, a new series, where they send a weapon into the core of the Earth on Vulcan and the whole planet Vulcan implodes in on itself.
That's what a singlet will do.
I'm not kidding.
It's mainstream news.
Look it up.
They're artificially creating singlets at the Hadron Super Collider.
They admit that's their plan.
Japan created artificial black holes 20 years ago.
MIT did it 20 years ago.
I mean, this is the type of stuff going on.
The Atlantean moment I talk about, where we have gotten so godlike with our technology, but we're still just these fallen, little greedy creatures, that like the legend of Atlantis, we end up destroying ourselves.
We're good to go.
Trying to stop man-made calamities is one of our only hopes to avert this and taking it very, very, very, very seriously.
So that's why it's so surreal to be under the biggest attacks we've ever been under at Infowars and to see the servile media with just unprecedented lies and deception about us and twisting on every front.
And quite frankly, I'm not even really worried about it.
I'm worried about it for our crew and my children, you know, others that have to go through the false demonization of the Liberty Movement.
Yeah, right.
But they're the ones detonating weapons, firing missiles at their neighbors, grabbing fishing boats, occasionally firing artillery across and killing people in South Korea.
They're out of control.
It's another arrogant, crazy government control freak who only cares about himself.
Kim Jong-un, psychology terms get over expanded and overused.
But there are some sections of that cosmology that you can, of that world grid, that you can actually look at in reality.
You see, Kim Jong-un, the ultimate narcissist, completely out of his mind on a power trip.
He's a wimp.
He never did anything.
He can hardly walk.
He was given everything.
He feeds off of enslaved people.
Those starving peasants look way more noble and handsome than he does.
He's the biggest joke on the planet.
But it's all about him.
And if it destroys the world, that's okay.
Then the media will come out and attack somebody like myself that actually cares about humanity, has the courage to stand up, and the will to try to build things, because I believe in the species and have confidence.
And they, in the mainstream media, you know, they call that evil.
They call that bad.
They call that being self-centered, ladies and gentlemen.
This is how they invert reality.
No, it's MSM that's staring into hell.
Not into a pool looking at a reflection of themselves, but staring into the abyss and becoming the abyss.
Running around hired henchmen of the disconnected global corporates having no idea what you're even part of.
There's an article up on InfoWars.com today.
It's in Reuters, it's in AP, it's in Wired, there's a bunch of them.
Where Zuckerberg, it's come out, doesn't want you to even talk anymore.
He wants you to think and then it types out the stuff on the computer.
It's really eye movement and brainwaves.
That's why I talk about your iPhone and stuff.
It's an incredibly amazing tool that can also be used for total control.
And it tracks you just like you leave it on at night.
It has that system that monitors your heart rate, your breathing, everything.
That's all going back to the government.
Just like I told you 20 years ago that cameras and microphones were, you know, the computers and TVs.
And now it's all admitted.
I didn't just imagine that.
I had the schematics.
From engineers that were concerned.
It's about 18 years ago, and that really was confirmed.
People were calling me 20 years ago about saying they found microphones in their cable boxes.
And people didn't believe it.
I didn't believe it, and then it just came out.
So, so much of what I do is just cover what's already admitted, and then they hope you're stupid.
So, look at these articles.
North Korea threatens the U.S.
with super-mighty preemptive strike.
Threatens to blow up the mainland U.S.
Now that ties in with this London Independent article with the biggest newspaper in England, the London Guardian, worried about the U.S.
being led by a tyrant?
Trump's a tyrant, he wasn't elected.
Who may destroy the earth?
Blame Alex Jones.
And Lindy West goes on in this article.
To say he's a tyrant, which isn't true, to say that he's caused the North Korean crisis, when even mainline analysts and foreign governments and the Russians and the Chinese are saying North Korea is the main problem, but that Trump shouldn't escalate it.
We keep appeasing North Korea.
The Clintons gave them the nuclear reactors.
That's who you blame.
Obama and the globalists helped create ISIS and Al Qaeda and the caliphate and Turkey's now fallen to it.
And the EU opened up its borders to 5 million migrants.
All of this is their doing.
They sit around and they blame Donald Trump and me in this article.
There's hundreds of articles literally today now saying it's Alex Jones' fault Trump got elected.
They don't know how big the audience is.
They're blaming you.
When they say me, they mean you.
And that we're going to destroy the earth, you see.
And then they go further.
They say Jones is insane or a liar.
And admits he lied about John Kerry, you gotta read this, being naked in a coffin having homosexual sex.
I never said that that wasn't true.
The new thing they do is where they come out and say that people have recanted and said they're frauds, but they never said it.
Total hoax!
They think you're stupid!
John Kerry is an admitted member of Skull & Bones.
Robert De Niro made a historical film, a non-fiction film based on a true story called The Good Shepherd, about the founding of the CIA out of Skull & Bones.
I don't
This is all people broke into there.
What was it like 1906?
Charlotte Isserby's father was a member and and leaked it all and exposed it And I'm not saying he was a bad guy a lot of guys did it because it was a fraternity But they that's how they induct you into the higher levels So it is a fact
They have homosexual sex as the rite of passage.
It is a fact they wallow in feces.
It is a fact that they lay in coffins and are reborn.
It's like Christians go underwater and are reborn, baptism.
That is a fact.
They had congressional investigations in the 70s off the documents her father leaked to her with Anthony Sutton, the top congressional archivist.
He sat and wrote three books on the subject.
I mean, this is a fact.
And it's the same thing.
Everything they do in the article is a lie.
But imagine, it sounds crazy.
Well, Jones finally backed off the lie and said, you know, he just made it all up.
Again, this is how they run the trick.
Oh, you dressed up in a lizard outfit.
You really believe that?
I'm like, no, it was a joke.
Or, oh, you dressed up as a clown, and that's scary.
Is that who you really are?
Alex, you told us you're against vaccines.
You dress up as a clown and say, take the vaccines.
Yeah, and I say, because they'll make you see colors, kids, and then you'll die.
It's called satire.
It's called satire.
I mean, it actually really freaks me out.
It's worked on probably 10% of our audience that actually believes, but they can't be nuanced.
Like, here I am, 100% real, standing where I believe, defeating the globalists with your help.
With their entire system attacking us.
And the media, literally every TV station in the country, everybody knows about it.
It just keeps saying that I'm a liar.
I mean, look right here, Google coming out saying I'm fake news.
The documents come out, how they know we're not, that order people to lie about it.
And then they have to back off and say, oh, it's just contractors, we're gonna stop.
I mean, that's, we told you, that's why they hate us, because we get real secret documents.
We have the real sources.
They know I talk to the people involved, the President, the President.
They're freaked out, folks.
So, let me just go over a few of the things that have come true, that are out in the open, that are admitted.
What have we talked about for 22 years that's now all admitted and out in the open?
Vaccines killing and hurting people, the secret government vaccine damage fund that covers it all up now, public.
The vaccine inserts admitting they can and will sometimes kill you or cause brain damage, you name it.
GMOs flooding, cross feces, mutating our own genes, that's all scientific American, all confirmed, told you about 20 years ago.
Hybrid human animals.
Clone crosses.
That was in MIT publications 30 years ago.
They already had clones.
They just kill them at the embryonic level.
They have cross-species splices.
Part human, part goat, part human, part pig, part human, part cow.
And they do it so they can grow humanoids inside the cow's uteruses, and they're not rejected because they're part cow, then they harvest those organs.
And they're preparing to roll that out publicly and start selling them.
Cow to produce human milk.
China's had it for 15 years.
Just tens of thousands of different splices, chimeras.
Giant salmon that are three times bigger than their part.
The insect and part asparagus that are extinct in the normal salmon population.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
Everything I say, just search engine it.
It's all mainstream news.
Told you about it before it came out.
Death panels in the Obamacare.
De-uranium killing people, the NSA spying on you, the IRS persecuting Christians and gun owners and veterans groups and the media and coming out denying it exists.
All the tens of thousands declassified secret testing, radiating children, radiating foster children, injecting people with syphilis, not just black people.
The media always just focuses on that for some reason, because then to make it so the whites don't get scared that are kind of racist, like, well, it's just for black people.
No, it's for everybody.
It's evil, it's wrong, whoever they do it to.
Appalachians, Peruvians, everybody getting hit.
Anybody that doesn't have a voice that nobody believes.
That's just small rednecks, that's just some black folks, that's how they work.
I don't know.
That's why there's these big media hit pieces.
Cernovich told you three weeks ago there's a big media hit piece out on me.
Ten million dollars on he and I. That's why you just see the demonization everywhere.
It's like they flip a switch on.
It's killing your name.
It's assassinating your personality, your character with people by creating the fraud that you're not.
By saying you're a fraud, when you're not.
I mean, I do a Face of the Crowd rendition, but they would take the clip and say that that was really me saying it.
You gotta go see the famous film Face of the Crowd, where he's this popular talk show TV guy, and at the end, he thinks the mic's off, and he goes, oh, I'm really this and that.
I can't even say it, or they'll clip it out and say that I really said it.
And so they're trying to push this Face of the Crowd deal.
It's not gonna work, because they're so discredited, the thinking people know they're liars, and then come find the truth.
TV's watching you, uh, you know, built-in spy systems and gadgets, uh, U.N.
sex trafficking, A.P.
Reuters told you about that 20-something years ago, it's all over the news now.
June of 21, they put you in small houses, ban cars, restrict you, tax you to control you, uh, rigged interest rates, rigged stock markets, uh, rigged currency rates, LIBOR, it's all come out, told you about that decades before it was out.
NAFTA GATT, part of the North American Union, giant screwjob, TPP, all that, total world government out in the open, they denied it forever, now it's all admitted.
Obamacare is a giant screw job.
Can't keep your doctor.
Rivers says, thank God you're dumb, but you're not.
Secret other projects.
I'll be there in two minutes, thanks.
Secret, secret projects.
All the different secret projects that have come out.
With the chemtrails, the weather manipulation.
They admit it's going on, but you're still crazy and you want to declassify it.
And then it just goes on and on and on.
And now the Facebook interface is to put you in virtual reality or get rid of speaking.
And they already admit texting and all this is reducing speech and language.
But now they want you, the interface, to dehumanize you and make you be a subservient system to it.
Not to empower you, but to phase you out and render you basically zombified before you're finally chemically and biologically killed and then reclimated and then not even buried in the ground but put into an acid bag.
I think?
That's it ladies and gentlemen back to David Knight and the rest of the great crew here in Austin, Texas.
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Also, one of the products that is there on sale is Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine, 25% off.
Once we sell out, it is getting harder for us to secure our deep earth iodine supply, so it may be a while before we get that resupplied.
So right now is a good time to stock up on that, especially while it is 25% off.
Now we're going to come back after the break, and I'm going to talk about what's going on with the renewed threats from Korea.
And perhaps we ought to be putting some leverage on China instead of the other way around.
I think it's kind of interesting when Donald Trump said that Korea had been part of China.
That created a real kickback.
And yet what he was talking about was being their vassal.
Are we being China's vassal?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Communism sucks.
The World Bank announced this week that it was ready to step in and save Venezuela from communism.
The World Bank is just waiting for the failed communists to ask for its help.
The collapse of Venezuela seems to get worse daily, as new protests have sparked up today, even more violent than the past.
Protesters have been killed by the government, streets have been filled with smoke and people in what has been deemed the mother of all marches in Caracas.
President Nicolas Maduro has created a dictatorship backed by the United Socialist Party.
This has led to food riots, mass starvation, non-existent or unaffordable health care, and now the loving communist government has seized a General Motors plant, halting all operations
Which GM has called Illegal Judicial Caesar of Assets.
This is what socialism gets you, this is why communism sucks.
So chalk Venezuela up on the list of failed communist states.
Don't you worry though, the Bernie bros and the university liberals still want it.
For InfoWars.com and Capitalism, I'm Owen Schroeder.
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Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We've got a lot of news on the table today.
We've got Roger Stones going to be joining us in the second hour.
He is headlining on the Washington Post.
They're attacking him for selling a book.
Except the Washington Post sells information too.
I mean, what hypocrisy?
They will resort to anything to attack people.
So we're going to talk to Roger about that.
We're also going to talk today about...
It's April 20th, it's 420, so a lot of people are celebrating marijuana.
There's been a lot of talk from Jeff Sessions about coming after marijuana, but also coming after MS-13.
I'm with him on MS-13.
They are a huge problem.
They're not simply a problem of illegal immigration.
If MS-13 was simply illegal immigration, they would be maybe cutting people's hedges instead of cutting people's heads off.
They are hacking people to death in various areas, just as they're doing in Mexico.
The Mexican drug war, the drug war that is an international war.
This is something that was created by the United Nations.
Conservatives should rebel against a United Nations created war agenda.
You shouldn't want to have anything to do with that.
I have to say that, you know, I'm not doing this, as many people will always accuse me every time I talk about this, I'm not doing this because I want to use marijuana or because I want to use alcohol, but I don't support prohibition.
I don't support alcohol prohibition.
It was an obvious failure.
It created Al Capone and all these other gangs, and now drug prohibition is a failure that's been going on for 46 years.
But ten years before Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs, the war on drugs was laid out precisely in a UN agenda.
He just enacted the agenda that they put together.
All the schedules for drugs, the four different schedules, and putting the different drugs in different schedules, saying that marijuana was a Schedule 1 drug, meaning that it has absolutely no medical use.
That's not true.
That's absolutely not true.
I would like to have the option, if I needed it, to use marijuana as a medical treatment.
There's been a lot of information that shows it's very effective for certain things.
I'm not interested in recreational drugs.
It is a problem, a spiritual problem, when you need to have drugs to get you through the night or the day or whatever it is that you're doing.
That's a spiritual problem.
You know, if you're not a Christian, you understand, you see it as a psychological problem or a medical treatment problem.
It is not a law enforcement problem.
Why do we have to continue to go down this path for 40 plus years and it hasn't done a single thing to reduce any drug usage?
Canada has realized this.
Canada has now
Said that they're going to legalize marijuana.
They said we've had very stringent drug laws, but we have some of the highest use rates of anywhere, so we're going to legalize it.
Now the interesting thing is, and we'll talk about this later, I want to talk about North Korea first, but I'm on this drug thing.
I just want to mention that what they're doing in Canada is they have set up, they're proposing to set up
Certain levels of possession.
You can have a certain number of plants, or you can have a certain number of ounces, or whatever.
But if you get beyond that, they are going to hammer you.
So what they're doing is they're setting up tripwires.
See, there's a big lobby behind all this stuff.
There's a law enforcement lobby.
There's a private prison lobby.
There's a big pharma lobby.
All these people have interests that they want to serve, the bureaucracies that thrive on this.
We've got not only Attorney General Sessions talking about this, but we had Homeland Security Chief talk about it.
First he said, well, you know, marijuana is not really on my viewpoint here, and there was a lot of pushback within all the Washington swamp bureaucracy.
And so he had to come back out and talk really tough.
And then we had the drug czar, because you've got an Attorney General, you've got Homeland Security, you've got a drug czar.
All these people are profiting off of the war on drugs.
Many of our police departments are funded by civil asset forfeiture, where they just steal your property without even accusing you of a crime, let alone finding you guilty.
In Arizona, they're talking about doing some reform of civil asset forfeiture, but they're not really even talking about finding you guilty.
I mean, that's the most amazing thing.
They're going to say, well, there should be a preponderance of evidence instead of just thinking maybe there's a connection with some of this property.
This is outright theft, folks.
And when your law enforcement officers
are turned into highway robbers in order to finance law enforcement.
We've got a fundamental problem.
We have a... You want to talk about a spiritual problem of drug use?
We have a spiritual problem in our government when our government is funded off of theft.
The civil asset forfeiture began under Ronald Reagan's war on drugs.
When he turned the war on drugs from the gangs like MS-13, he turned it on to the users, came up with things like mandatory minimums, civil asset forfeiture,
Once they did that, they set up a pattern of behavior that is now being adopted by all these other three-letter bureaucracies in Washington, like the EPA and the FAA.
The FAA, if you don't register your drone with me, you can get a $20,000-some-odd dollar fine, and we just hit it with you.
And you have to, we just take that money from you or confiscate your property or whatever, just like they do with civil asset forfeiture.
If you want to try to get it back, you have to sue them.
You are presumed to be guilty.
Even though they don't charge you with anything.
Your property, when they take it with civil asset forfeiture, your property is presumed to be guilty.
I mean, how far into... I don't know if this is Kafka or Alice in Wonderland that the property is committed a crime.
And now, you have to go to court.
That's why they come up with this adjective, civil.
By saying that it's civil, they can say, well, none of the Constitution applies to this, because the Sixth Amendment is simply about crimes.
No, the crimes are being committed by our government folks.
This is the corruption that is happening here.
This is the moral decay.
We have police departments that are funded by robbery.
Way back in the time of Lysander Spooner, he said, you know, the difference between a highway robber and the state is that the highway robber simply robs you and then leaves you alone.
The state robs you and then follows you down the road nagging you.
Well, it's gotten a lot worse than that.
Now they have literally become, the state has literally become highway robbers in order to fund law enforcement.
But I want to get to North Korea.
Because we have now, every day, we see more stuff about
What a threat they are.
And North Korea is now threatening again.
We have a little dictator, Tim Pott dictator, who for his own ego or for internal consumption just can't shut up.
This guy would be pathetic.
I mean, he's like a Looney Tunes character.
And we're now going to go in and blow up his ACME missiles that he can't get off the launch pad.
Except a lot of people are going to die when we do that.
And he may be able to... He does have nuclear weapons.
He doesn't have any missiles.
You know, they haven't even started testing their intercontinental ballistic missiles.
And when you say ICBM, in North Korea that means I can't believe it's a missile.
Because you see the nose cones tilted up, these fake missiles, missiles that blow up on the launch pad.
He doesn't have intercontinental ballistic missiles, folks.
He may brag about it, but he doesn't have them.
He hasn't even started testing them yet.
He hasn't even, for the last several launches, been able to get anything off of the launch pad.
But he is still bragging about it, and today he came out and said, uh, in the case of our super mighty preemptive strike being launched, it will completely and immediately wipe out not only U.S.
imperialist invasion forces in South Korea and its surrounding areas, but the U.S.
mainland, and reduce them to ashes.
And when I saw that this morning, I just started trembling.
With laughter.
You should be laughing at this, too.
But you should also take a lesson from this.
Yes, he can be dangerous.
Yes, he has weapons.
Yes, he has nukes.
Maybe he can put them in a submarine and blow them up in a harbor somewhere.
And he will, if we keep pushing him into this.
We have to understand that the people who have a bigger stake in this are China and Russia.
And today we saw, we've got some footage here, roll this footage guys, Russia moves troops and helicopters and armored vehicles to the border with North Korea.
And this is a Russian language video, but basically the guy is saying this is the third set of convoys he had seen, and that was Easter Sunday, moving massive amounts of trucks and equipment to the border.
Why are they doing that?
Well, everybody is very concerned about a massive number of refugees coming from North Korea, if a war breaks out there, or if there is a breakdown of the economy, and rightfully so.
Russia in the past has had to try to come up with
Immigration agreements with North Korea.
One of North Korea's assets.
You wonder, how did they get all the money to build these missiles?
Well, they got a couple different assets.
One of them is the ground that they stand on, and then the other one are the people that they stand on.
They have a lot of minerals in the ground.
They have all kinds of precious metals, but especially rare earth metals, which are in high demand with high technology devices.
Especially things like the little tiny speakers that are in your iPhones and your Samsung phones.
Maybe we should just send them a bunch of Samsung phones that'll
Explode and blow up as a president.
But no, the phones that you have that have speakers with rare earth magnets in them, they can make very small, very powerful magnets with rare earth materials and other things that are used in technology.
And so he really is literally setting on a lot of mineral wealth.
China has been a big customer.
Russia has been a big customer.
And the other thing that they make their money from are their people.
They allow a lot of their people to go to other countries to work, and to Russia, and to China, and to Malaysia, and they take most of the money that these people earn.
So they continue them.
Even though they send them outside of the country, they still regard them and treat them as their slaves and take most of the money.
Some of these people overstay and try to escape and not go back to North Korea.
And then that creates problems of illegal immigration for Russia and for China.
Russia tried to work out an agreement sending these people back when they would capture them.
And of course that created a lot of concern because the people that were sent back were treated as enemies of the state by these little ten-pot dictators in North Korea.
And so it was a humanitarian issue.
They started working on treaties.
So that's been a problem, ongoing problem, with Russia.
An even bigger problem for China.
China has already had, in 1998, they've had a massive number of people who were released on purpose by the Chinese, just as Castro did with the Mariel Boatlift, releasing, emptying his prisons into South Florida for the most part.
Remember the movie Scarface?
That was about the consequences of that, the people coming in who were out of Castro's prisons.
Well, they did that in China as well.
And if there were to be an economic breakdown because of
Boy, because of sanctions.
Or if there was to be a war, there could literally be millions of people flooding across the borders.
That's why China has pre-positioned troops to the border.
That's why Russia has pre-positioned troops to the border.
They're very concerned about that.
As a matter of fact, China is so concerned about illegal immigrants from North Korea that guess what?
They put up a wall.
Imagine that.
They put up a wall, a security fence between them and North Korea.
The Great China Wall is not across their border between China and North Korea.
It's trying to keep the Mongols out.
And that's an ancient wall.
Nevertheless, they actually put up a wall and they put a bounty on the heads of people if you turn in an illegal immigrant to China, and if they successfully deport them, then you get a cash prize for that.
So they're doing all this kind of stuff.
They understand that they cannot assimilate
I don't
Protectionists or trying to start an international trade war or another Great Depression.
That's the kind of criticism that they leveled at Donald Trump when he said he was going to protect our trade.
But China does that all the time.
And yet you have the Chinese president going around talking about how we have to have a global climate treaty and we have to have open trade and so forth.
They are the ones playing 40 chess folks.
The Chinese are the ones playing 40 chess.
We should not be begging them
We're good to go.
It was our first undeclared war.
It was our first police action.
That's when we became the police of the world.
That was when President Truman made us the policemen of the world.
The same guy who created the NSA with executive order and so on and so forth.
You know, we had a declaration of war when we were going to fight Adolf Hitler after Pearl Harbor.
And I understand that FDR did everything that he could to invite an attack, to cover up an attack, to cover up the idea that the knowledge that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor.
The American public didn't understand that at the time.
They saw this as an attack and yet they still went through the constitutional process to declare war.
To say our strategy is to defeat Hitler and to defeat the Japanese who just attacked us.
Now that was a real emergency.
But today, even when our country is not attacked, we shoot cruise missiles from the hip.
And we say, we're not going to tell anybody what that's going to be.
We can't tell you what our strategy is going to be.
We don't want you to know.
Now, see, there's a difference between strategy and tactic.
Strategy was to say, we're going to declare war and we're going to defeat Hitler and the Japanese.
And a tactic is to say, we are going to launch an invasion into Europe on D-Day.
But we're not going to tell you when, or where, or how that's going to be done.
That's a tactic.
So once you declare a war, because you've had a debate about this, and everybody agrees that this is a just war, then you have the president and his generals decide on what the tactics are going to be, and they do that, and have to do that quickly and secretly.
But the overall tactics, even when you've been attacked, you should still have a declaration of war.
It doesn't take long to get these people together and to say we're going to have a declaration of war.
It certainly didn't take long after Pearl Harbor was attacked.
But we don't have just wars anymore.
We don't have a declaration of war.
We don't follow the Constitution.
Like George W. Bush said, it's just a damn piece of paper.
Everything that we do, including the war on drugs on this April 20th, everything we do is in defiance of the Constitution that they swear to obey when they take office.
So we don't have just wars anymore.
We had Augustine lay down the criteria for a just war, and that was what informed Western society based on Christian ethics for millennia.
But we don't have just wars anymore.
We have, we just have wars.
Whenever we want to.
Because it helps us with our poll numbers.
And that's what I find absolutely revolting.
We need to understand how we're being played by the Chinese.
And I think one of the examples of this are these stories that have come out in the last week or so about how, if you want to get a movie made in Hollywood, Hollywood's new script, you can't make movies without China.
And at the same time, we see Richard Gere talking about how he was blacklisted because he complained about Chinese civil rights violations and persecution in Tibet.
So he can't work on a big-ticket movie anymore.
He had a lot of big-ticket movies until he did that.
And now he's not invited back to the Academy Awards as a guest.
He's not going to be in any big movies.
He's still a good actor.
He still does independent films.
And he says, you know, quite frankly, I don't care about wearing a tuxedo and I don't want to be Han Solo.
But, because he's a good actor.
Nevertheless, it should tell us something about their domination and their interest in dominating our culture.
They're going to tell you what movies you can have.
I thought it was really funny in this Wall Street Journal, they showed a picture of the movie The Great Wall with Matt Damien.
If that's what they're going to make, maybe they, we don't really have anything to fear from the Chinese, but they want to make us their vassal.
Just as in the past, they made Korea their vassal.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David and I want to get to a clip of Lindsey Graham who is just so giddy with joy with all the wars breaking out everywhere.
He says it's what he's wanted for eight years.
Except we didn't vote for Lindsey Graham.
We didn't want this.
And I've also got a clip from Rand Paul.
I want to get to those in just a moment.
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I want to play this clip of Lindsey Graham.
He went on to Fox & Friends and at the very end of it he plugged and gave a shout out to Donald Trump because he knows that Donald Trump is going to be watching that.
It's been mentioned that that's one of his favorite shows.
So they put Lindsey Graham on there to give him a big shout out and a thumbs up and here's what Lindsey had to say.
I am like the happiest dude in America.
We've got a president and a national security team that I've been dreaming of for eight years.
So, in 80 days, he's done more to correct the world President Trump than Obama did in eight years.
Well, there you go.
So, Lindsey, Miss Lindsey, is feeling pretty and witty and gay.
He's the happiest dude in the world.
You know, when he ran for president,
And I was going to look this up, but I don't think he ever got more than 1% in any of the races that he got, but he didn't get much of the vote at all because he was a one-trick pony.
All he wanted to do was talk about who we're going to go to war with, who we're going to beat up, right?
And at the end of that, he does a shout-out to Donald Trump, kind of like, you know, Goober says, hey, doing a good job there, lots of wars, I love that.
Well, that's not what the American people voted for.
We didn't want that.
As a matter of fact, Rand Paul points out we wanted just the opposite.
Let me play you a clip of what he had to say.
Final question, are we being hypocritical insofar as we acted in the name of those dead children, but still refused to take on additional Syrian refugees, many of whom are kids?
Well, I think when you look at what creates mass migration, what creates refugees, and what creates the death that has happened in Syria, it's war.
And so people ask me that and they say, well, aren't we going to help them?
Well, if war created it, more war may well create more refugees and more death.
I don't understand how more war is going to lead to less refugees.
I do think, though, that there is an opening.
And one of the tragedies of all this Russia craziness right now
Is it probably does prevent us from having any kind of meaningful dialogue because anybody who wants to talk to Putin about a political settlement and letting and helping Assad go away, anybody wants to talk about that, myself included, will be called by the McCain's of this world a friend of Vladimir Putin.
So as long as we have that kind of stupidity involved in the debate, makes it very hard to get to what President Obama said and many other thinking people said that the answer in Syria is ultimately a political solution.
War creates refugees.
Now, he didn't lay it out for you, but that's precisely why they want to go into Syria.
They want to create the refugees.
They want to create chaos and terrorism in Syria, and then import that into the West.
That's why China and Russia have lined up their military, because they know precisely
What is going to happen with massive war refugees?
When we come back, I'm going to break down some other comments that he had to say, and Roger Stone will be joining us in the next hour.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to have Roger Stone joining us in the next section, next segment.
We just heard Rand Paul say war creates refugees.
And of course, in response to that, we've had Russia and China moving troops to the border of North Korea.
They're worried that there might be millions of people come across the border if the sanctions continue, if war were to break out.
No country can survive massive influx of people like that.
As a matter of fact, we see Saudi Arabia and the rich Arab countries say, we don't want the refugees coming in from Syria or from Libya.
They won't.
Well, maybe we'll give you a little bit of money to put them somewhere else.
We will create political pressure to move them into the United States or into Europe, but we're not going to take our Arab brothers into Saudi Arabia.
No, no, no.
Can't do that.
That would take down our country.
We'll take down your country with the refugees.
And we have to understand that when we're looking at the number of illegal immigrants coming into America, you realize, of course, this is something we haven't really talked about.
But everybody understands the majority of people coming into this country are Hispanic.
But that has been dropping as percentage of the people coming in.
We have seen a 202% increase in people coming from Asia.
So if we have some kind of a Korean War, you can bet we're going to be bringing in massive numbers of people from Korea.
Will we be able to assimilate them?
It's not going to be as hard as the terrorists that we're going to be bringing in from the Middle Eastern wars.
But Rand Paul also had some other things to say in that clip that I think we should think about.
He said, are we going to take care of every atrocity that happens in the world?
He said you might want to glance at Maplecroft's Human Rights Risk Atlas.
It currently lists 35 countries as extreme risk of committing atrocities.
Are we prepared to send our military and all those countries to right all of those wrongs?
Or as Adams said, President Adams said,
We do not want to go around the world seeking monsters to destroy.
Because you might become a monster yourself when you do that.
He said there are horrors all over the world.
Surely, the suggestion is not that we battle them all, said Rand Paul.
And of course, they don't show you the horrors all over the world.
As we had that gas attack that they focused on, they didn't tell you that there was a massive attack in Tikrit, Iraq, the same day, with about the same number of casualties.
You didn't see any pictures of that, let alone unedited, unblurred pictures of children in their last gasping, dying breaths.
That was manufactured for you.
And as a matter of fact, we've talked about it multiple times, and I'll mention it again because now the other media wants to talk about it,
The photographic evidence that the Pentagon offered to say, no, this was a crater in the middle of the street, they didn't hit a building, the blow-up gas canisters, as was first put out, no, this was right in the middle of the street.
See, we got a photograph showing the canister there in a crater.
Well, one of the U.S.
weapons experts, who was Professor Emeritus at MIT, he was part, he was a scientific advisor to the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, he was one of the
Investigators in 2013, and there's that story, put it up on InfoWars.
You're not going to see this from the mainstream media, folks.
Absolute, total silence from the mainstream media about what this MIT professor points out.
He shows the picture.
He says it is crushed.
You can see that.
He says that's not consistent with munitions that were dropped from a plane.
It would have been, it would have exploded from the inside out.
That was crushed from the outside in.
So whatever that was, if it was sarin, it was crushed from the outside in.
It was not ammunition dropped from a plane.
He said it was amateurish and it was politicized.
And that's exactly true.
That's what we're seeing in terms of the justification for this attack into Syria.
Now, Rand Paul also pointed out, as we see Lindsey Graham saying that he is just so excited, he's gotten everything that he ever wanted, everything that he campaigned on, as he's seeing now with these people who are in the war cabinet of Donald Trump.
Rand Paul said, President Trump was elected in no small measure because he castigated the previous administration for disastrous and destabilizing Iraq war.
Trump lampooned the Obama-Clinton decision to bomb Libya and to send it into chaos.
And Trump warned rightfully that Syria was a quagmire, ripe with opportunities for mistakes and catastrophic consequences to world peace.
And he also said we needed to have a declaration of war.
Sad to see how that has changed.
Let's just hope that it doesn't get any worse.
Let's hope that we don't make the same mistakes elsewhere in North Korea.
Roger Stone will be joining us in the next segment.
Stay with us.
Are your headphones spying on you?
If you have a new pair of wireless Bose headphones, then probably.
A lawsuit filed in Chicago accuses the sound giant Bose of violating the Wiretap Act and a variety of privacy laws.
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Don't be naive.
Bose is not the only company doing this.
A similar lawsuit was settled last month for 3.75 million dollars by a sex toy maker called WeVibe.
All those social media apps are monitoring this case closely.
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
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Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight and joining me now is Roger Stone, the man who was featured at the top of the Washington Post today.
They're attacking him.
First of all, they don't like him because he helped Donald Trump get elected.
But now they say that Roger Stone is helping himself.
He's selling books.
Imagine that, Roger.
The Washington Post criticizing somebody for selling information, which is supposed to be the business that they're in, but they're really kind of in the propaganda business.
Well, they're fundamentally opposed to the concept of free enterprise.
You know, I'm not on the government payroll, so I do have to make a living to feed the
Extensive stone family.
Not only do I have my relatives, my wife's relatives, but an enormous mesbuka of cats and dogs.
So, you know, a lot of dog food in our house.
And a pretty cool car that you just got recently.
Yes, I picked up an old 1972 Citroen DS21 station wagon.
With 72,000 miles on it.
I had one of these cars when I lived in Washington.
One of the greatest cars ever made.
It's an interesting car.
Very hard to keep on the road.
Very hard to keep on the road because it has a hydraulic fluid based system of shocks.
So you have to be both a plumber and a mechanic to keep this on the road.
And your average Jim Bob down the street is not going to be able to work on other fine parts if he could.
No, ironically, the very best mechanics for these things, David, tend to be Asians.
Because the French were in Indochina, there are a lot of these cars in that part of the world.
So, you know, I finally found a Vietnamese mechanic who's a genius, and he's sure going to help me keep this on the road.
And maybe he can get parts flown in from Indonesia.
Parts are actually findable, that's the good news.
You've got to have them sent from France, of course.
Not so bad.
That's interesting.
Now, one of the things I think is interesting is as they come after you and their narrative, of course, the Russians did it and everything.
Now they're gradually starting to come out.
We have this article from The Hill.
Obama thought that Clinton's handling of the email server was, quote, political malpractice.
As I said earlier, that's the reason that people hire people like you is to bring these politicians like Hillary Clinton who have spent decades getting away with lying to the public and telling them, you know what?
This lie really isn't flying anywhere.
Maybe we should be a little bit more candid about what's going on here, or try to talk some reason into them.
Yeah, no, it's hubris, I guess.
When you get away with substantial crimes over a 30-40 year period, you begin to believe you're bulletproof, you're invulnerable.
Beyond that, of course, Hillary's entire raison d'etre here was, it's my turn.
Just give this to me.
It's my turn.
She didn't feel she needed to campaign.
She didn't campaign much.
Of course, when she did campaign, she had trouble getting a crowd of more than two or three hundred people.
You could read between the enormous crowds that Trump was getting.
And the dominance at that time on social media of the Trump people, you could see anecdotally, perhaps not scientifically, that the Trump tsunami was coming.
The mainstream media didn't see it, but we here at InfoWars saw it, and the folks at Breitbart and Daily Caller and so on.
So yeah, it was malpractice, but I think they thought right till the end they could stonewall it, as they say, and get away with it.
Yeah, yeah.
They're still kind of
Drinking their own Kool-Aid in the sense that you look at this Georgia election, and as they poured all of these resources, Hollywood personalities, $8.3 million into this small election in Georgia, and volunteers coming from all over the country moving there to live there, they still couldn't pull it out, even against a divided field of Republicans, the Republican district.
Still couldn't pull out a 50 point victory, but they're talking as if they got some kind of a victory there.
I don't think, I don't know, do you see that as a victory?
No, I really don't.
You know, in politics it doesn't matter whether you win by one vote or a half million votes.
Victory is victory and defeat is defeat.
We've now had two House special elections since the election of Donald Trump and they have lost both of them.
By the way, they spent more resources in terms of raw dollars in both of them than we did.
About three times what the Republicans did.
The Republicans came in late.
They were focusing all of their resources on this one guy, Ossoff, and the Republicans came in and did like three million dollars, which is about a third of what they did, talking about the influence of outside money.
Because they had so many Republican candidates, they didn't focus on anyone.
You're right about the fact that the Republicans caught on to all of this late and they got in late.
There was some real concern late among party professionals that I spoke to in the last two weeks that we were
Two folks on Kansas, not focused enough on Georgia, but obviously came out all right.
Yeah, yeah.
So we'll see what happens probably in this next election.
The other thing I find interesting here is the variety cover of Chelsea Clinton.
Obviously, if that's the political legacy of the Clintons, I think they're in deep trouble.
She's not terribly bright.
Personally, people I know who know her, and of course a number of stories including the New York Post,
Talk about how epically abusive she is.
Foul-mouthed, nasty, greedy.
Very much like her mother.
And people who like her, people who have met her, don't like her.
Some discussion of her moving to a suburban New York City district and running for Congress out in Westchester.
Probably the district, the seat now held by Congresswoman Nita Lowey.
I spoke last night to Danny Williams, the abandoned son of Bill Clinton.
Yes, yes.
Should she run for Congress, Danny will move to that district and will challenge her in the Democratic primary.
The district is about 40% African American in the Democratic primary.
Could be very interesting.
Good for him.
Good for him.
He just only has to get near that district, you know, kind of like Ossoff did, right?
Ossoff is not even in his district.
We're to a point now where, as you know, legally, all you gotta do is live in the district by the time you're sworn in.
You don't even have to live in the district at the time you run, and there's nothing really keeping him in Arkansas.
Other than the upcoming paternity suit that he's going to be filing against the former president.
Something that should have been done a long time ago.
Unfortunately, somebody gave him bad legal advice and told him that a paternity suit would only work prior to his being 21 years old.
And that's not true.
The legal underpinnings are still there.
And, you know, there's two ways to do this.
He could challenge
Uh, this question in the courts, he could wait until the former president passes away, and if he is not provided for in the will, I have a feeling he won't be, he could challenge the will.
Here's the point.
Danny Williams has five kids.
He's working in a meat packing plant by day, working until 7-11 at night to make ends meet.
His father's worth between three and four hundred million dollars.
Uh, it's time for justice in this case, in my view.
Yeah, you know, he could, at the very least, if Bill Clinton doesn't think that he's the father, just as a courtesy, you would think that he would do this to put Danny at ease and say, look, let me prove it.
But I think he thinks that he is the father, which is why he won't do a paternity test.
Well, he knows he's a father.
That's why he was sending Christmas presents to Danny.
It's why he was providing cash payments to his mother at the top of every month from the time of Danny's birth until the time he became president.
Sending a highway patrol to make those deliveries?
And as you know, we interviewed, we located and interviewed two retired Arkansas State Troopers who both said that in alternate years they made deliveries to the house.
So it's time for Bill Clinton to do the right thing.
Let's talk about doing the right thing here on 420 Day because we have a lot of news about
Marijuana legalization.
Of course, Canada is talking about, they're introducing legislation to fully legalize marijuana.
I think the interesting thing about this, as we look at it, is how this might proceed.
And I think Canada shows us an example.
They're talking about how they've had 90 years of prohibition, but they say despite decades of criminal prohibition, Canadians, including 21% of our youth, 30% of young adults, continue to use cannabis at among the highest rates in the world.
In other words, it doesn't work.
And we know that.
And we've seen the failure of alcohol prohibition.
We've seen the success of educating people about tobacco.
We've seen tobacco use plummet, mainly because of education.
Yes, they have outlawed it in airplanes and restaurants and things like that.
I think that should have been handled by the businesses themselves.
As a matter of fact, before they outlawed it on airplanes, you might remember there were some small carriers that said that we're not going to have any smoking on our flights.
And so people could make a market choice about that.
You can make a market choice about going to a restaurant or a bar based on whether or not there was smoking there.
But other than that, for the most part, they took an educational approach towards tobacco, and it was successful.
Prohibition didn't work with alcohol, and it hasn't worked with marijuana or any of these other drugs that they prohibited.
But we have had a massive blowback in negative effects in terms of law enforcement abuse, in terms of prisons that have filled up, in terms of civil asset forfeiture and these other things.
Look, I think everybody knows that Richard Nixon, the former president, was my mentor.
But the war on drugs, I think, is his largest single error, with the possible exception of taking us off the gold standard.
The war on drugs has been an expensive, ignominious failure.
We're not rehabilitating anyone.
We have the enormous cost of housing an entire generation of young African American men for the non-violent crime in many states of possession.
And I think Donald Trump really started to lead the way in the campaign when he said, look, this is a states' rights issue.
If the states want to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, it's up to the states.
That's a Tenth Amendment approach.
That's a constitutional approach.
And I think that many libertarian voters, many younger voters in the end voted for Donald Trump based on that assurance.
Now we have Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a man who I like, a guy that I admire, but suddenly he is talking about prosecuting, or I should say, enforcing federal marijuana laws, for which there's been a general stand down, in those eight states that have approved recreational marijuana.
Well, you can't be for states' rights when it comes to transgendered bathrooms, and be for states' rights when it comes to abortion, and be for states' rights when it comes to medicinal marijuana, and now say, well, I'm not for states' rights when it comes to recreational marijuana.
The process is identical.
In many of these states, it takes more than 60% for it to be approved.
I think, in all honesty, Attorney General Sessions is doing a disservice to the President.
I think he is pursuing a policy that is inconsistent with what the President said during the campaign.
I'm going to be working with a fellow named Derek Kitts, putting together a coalition in the eight states that provide for recreational marijuana to persuade the president that they're headed in the wrong direction on this issue.
Absolutely, I agree with you.
We'll talk a little bit more about this when we come back.
Stay with us.
We were talking to Roger Stone.
I'm David Knight.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Roger Stone.
We're going to talk a little bit more about Prohibition, because today is 420 Day.
A lot of people across the country are celebrating marijuana use.
If that's your thing, I don't want to lock you up.
It's not my thing.
I don't use marijuana.
I don't use alcohol.
It's my choice, but I don't want to
I don't
Purchases with civil asset forfeitures.
I don't want to see that kind of thing happening.
I'm against that on a legal basis, on a pragmatic basis, and quite frankly, it just doesn't work if you want to look at it from a pragmatic basis.
Before we get back to that, and I want to talk to you, Roger, about the documentary that Netflix did on you that's going to be premiering this weekend.
I want to get you to tell people about that.
I think it's kind of interesting.
They've followed you around for a very long time with that.
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It debuts, the premiere is at the Tribeca Film Festival this Sunday.
Then there'll be four showings in New York City next week.
Then it will be available to Netflix subscribers in May 12th.
Yeah, you must be.
It's entitled Get Me Roger Stone.
There was a secret showing for the press last night where I had a couple quizlings who tell me that it's pretty balanced, that it's pretty good, so I'm pretty excited.
Good, good.
I'm interested in seeing it.
But yeah, to follow you around for five years, you must be suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome, not having a film crew.
Well, this started when three college students approached me, and these guys looked like they were in ZZ Top.
I mean, they lived in Williamsburg, they were hipsters, and they said, we want to make this documentary about you.
And I said, well, what do you need from me?
They said, we just need your cooperation.
And we need you to agree not to do any other documentary in this period while we make ours seem reasonable.
I asked them about their budget.
They said, well, we think we could do this for $125,000.
And I said, well, how much of that do you have?
Well, we don't have any of it, they said, but we're confident that we can raise it.
So then what would happen is they would raise a small amount of money, they would come, we'd do some intensive interviews, then they would disappear for six months.
Then they would come back, raise a little more money, we'd do a little more.
Politics changed dramatically in those five years.
The rise of Donald Trump, the extraordinarily historic outcome of last year's election.
So during this five-year period, the focus of the documentary changed dramatically.
The President, to my great relief and gratitude, agreed to be interviewed for the documentary, as did many other office holders and journalists and others that I had come across in my lifetime.
It does kind of hurt my feelings that they interviewed the late Senator Arlen Specter for the documentary, but I think he ended up on the cutting room floor.
I'm anxious to see it, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
Well, it's kind of interesting that this would stretch out over a five-year period because that gives it a very interesting perspective.
You talk about everything changing so much over that period of time, but you don't usually have films or documentaries that stretch out over that length of time.
What was it?
Linklider did that film with his actors over a 12-year period, but this is a five-year
That's going to be pretty cool.
I'm looking forward to seeing that.
Stay with us.
We're going to take a quick break and I'll be right back.
David Knight with Roger Stone.
We're going to talk a little bit more about the politics of legalization.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Communism sucks.
The World Bank announced this week that it was ready to step in and save Venezuela from communism.
The World Bank is just waiting for the failed communists to ask for its help.
The collapse of Venezuela seems to get worse daily, as new protests have sparked up today, even more violent than the past.
Protesters have been killed by the government, streets have been filled with smoke and people in what has been deemed the mother of all marches in Caracas.
President Nicolas Maduro has created a dictatorship backed by the United Socialist Party.
This has led to food riots, mass starvation, non-existent or unaffordable health care, and now the loving communist government has seized a General Motors plant, halting all operations
Which GM has called illegal judicial seizure of assets.
This is what socialism gets you.
This is why communism sucks.
So chalk Venezuela up on the list of failed communist states.
Don't you worry though, the Bernie Bros and the university liberals still want it.
For InfoWars.com and Capitalism, I'm Owen Schroeder.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Roger Stone.
Let me get back and look at the
Comments being made by various members of the administration about marijuana laws.
We've got the Attorney General, we've got Homeland Security, we've got the new drug czar, Tom Marino, all of them making very interesting comments on this.
This week, where we're celebrating, many people are celebrating the use of marijuana on 420.
Before we get to that, real quickly, another side issue here, Roger, I want to get your comments on.
We've got a story that just went up on Infowars.com.
Nigel Farage says he's considering running as Prime Minister because we've had these special elections called by Prime Minister May, saying that she wants to consolidate
There's a lot of division within the government as to how they're going to move forward on Brexit.
So this is starting to turn into a Brexit referendum and of course nobody would be better suited for that than Nigel Farage.
What do you think?
The problem of course is you don't run for Prime Minister.
Your party runs candidates for local constituency.
That's true.
And if you win a majority, then the party caucus chooses the Prime Minister, who's almost always the already selected party leader.
I like Nigel Farage, he's a friend of mine, but I don't know how he would fare in what is a very insider system.
Exactly, that's right.
Like you said, they don't have a direct election of Prime Minister.
He would have to have a majority of UKIP people, and he would have to win a seat, and then they would pick him as their Prime Minister.
Now maybe you could run for your local seat, making it clear that if I'm elected I would support Nigel Farage for Prime Minister.
But even that would be antithetical to their current system.
These decisions are usually made after the election.
People vote for the party more than they vote for the person at the constituency level, understanding that if the party wins, the party leader, who is well-known, would become the PM.
And we saw that happen when Theresa May became Prime Minister.
Okay, let's go to a comment that Homeland Security Secretary Kelly said.
Now, he had gone on a Sunday show.
On NBC News, he told Chuck Todd that, quote, marijuana is not a factor in the drug war.
Then he felt that he needed to strengthen this position.
There's a lot of blowback, evidently, within the administration or politically, so he came back with this statement.
Let me be clear about marijuana.
It is a potentially dangerous gateway drug that frequently leads to the use of harder drugs.
Additionally, science tells us it is not only psychologically addictive,
But can have profound negative impacts on the still developing minds of teens and people up into their mid-twenties.
Beyond that, however, its use and possession is against federal law.
And until the law is changed by the United States Congress, we in DHS, along with the rest of the federal government, are sworn to uphold all the laws that are on the books.
So there we go.
That's his Reaper Madness reply.
What planet does this gentleman live on?
First of all, marijuana is not a gateway drug.
This has been disproved.
No one believes that.
I mean, David, one puff and you're immediately a heroin addict.
And you wear real old-fashioned clothes like Griefer Madness.
I mean, if that were true, obviously given the enormous number of people who do utilize and use marijuana, we would be up to our elbows in heroin addicts, which we're not.
This guy lives in 1960.
That is inconsistent with the president's views.
This is deeply concerning, but I do think he hit upon one important thing, which is if
Attorney General Sessions continues and moves in the direction of enforcing federal law only in those areas where recreational marijuana has been approved by the states.
He will force the Congress to legalize marijuana, and we are getting closer and closer to having the numbers to do that.
A coalition of liberal Democrats and liberty-minded Republicans, we're very close, at least in the House, of being able to have complete legalization.
That would be the results of a draconian crackdown and enforcement of the current law.
And by the way, under a Justice Department memo, we are standing down currently on the enforcement of that law.
Perhaps the Secretary is unaware of that.
Ulysses Grant said the best way to get rid of a bad law is to rigorously enforce it.
That's exactly what you're talking about doing here.
You know, it's interesting because in the years that I've been talking about this, because I'm concerned about prohibition and there's an organization called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
Jim Geerak, I've interviewed him multiple times and he educated me about the origins of the drug war.
In 1971, Richard Nixon declared war on drugs.
He had his four schedules.
He had all the drugs that were in those schedules.
That, however,
We're good to go.
Move beyond medical marijuana to decriminalization.
It was the UN that was making the most noise about that.
So, conservatives need to understand that.
And I think they also need to understand that this is not something that they really have a legal basis for.
If we go back and we look at alcohol prohibition, Roger, we've got only 20 some odd amendments to the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, the 10 that are in there.
And a couple of those have to do with prohibition.
Why were those there?
They maintain that they have a right at the federal government to regulate this because of the Commerce Clause.
And yet the Commerce Clause was there before they had the Constitutional Amendment for prohibition of alcohol.
So clearly, nobody in America believed that the Commerce Clause gave them the power to regulate that at the time.
It didn't!
And now we have a situation where they completely ignore the 10th Amendment.
I mean, after the Commerce Clause was written, they had the 10th Amendment, the 9th and 10th Amendment to make sure that the government wasn't going to grow out of its box that they had put it in with the Constitution.
That was the view of the founders.
They have now gone to the position that everything is prohibited, and that includes prescription drugs, the DEA, doing this, and you have all these different agencies, the FDA, the DEA, all telling us what types of drugs we can take.
Everything is prohibited.
Even if you're dying from cancer, you can't take an experimental drug unless the FDA gives you permission to do that.
So everything is prohibited unless they expressly permit it.
It's an exact inversion of everything the Constitution is based on, and they have usurped this power.
It's very disturbing to me to hear the Attorney General say, good people don't use marijuana.
No, Mr. Attorney General, sick people use marijuana.
Why does the federal government hold the patent on artificial THC if it has no medical value?
The fact is the NIH studies of marijuana have systematically been flawed either by the dosages or the period.
So those studies that are showing no medicinal value are rigged.
They're rigged to show that.
Anecdotally, however, you have millions and millions of Americans who have found relief from a number of maladies through the use of marijuana.
I say go with the people, not the NIH studies, which have been rigged from the beginning.
Yeah, yeah.
I think the other thing too, Roger, is as we see the government
Ignore the Constitution and exceed the boundaries.
We have seen them add things going after, during the Reagan administration, they decided to go after the end user heavily.
So we had mandatory minimums.
We had civil asset forfeiture.
And now, as I mentioned earlier in the program, we've got all these different alphabet agencies like the EPA or the FAA saying, we're going to go out and we're going to hammer you with stuff you don't have the presumption of innocence.
We're going to take your property, you're going to have to sue us, and they're going down the same line of civil asset forfeiture.
We've got a bill in Arizona that the governor has just signed.
For asset forfeiture reform.
Now, it doesn't say that they have to charge you with a crime.
It doesn't say that they have to convict you.
That's why they call it civil.
And what they did, and called this reform, they said that it has to go from a preponderance of evidence to say that your property was somehow involved with drugs.
Your property, your inanimate object, was somehow involved with drugs.
So they had a preponderance standard.
Now they've changed that to clear and convincing evidence.
Why don't they go to the Sixth Amendment and say, we're going to have a conviction of this before we're going to take your property.
That's the really bad thing.
And the fact that they can steal it, you have to sue them in court and most people don't have the money to do that.
Yeah, you know, I'm not a medical doctor.
I'm a political operative and therefore perhaps a political scientist.
And I can tell you that if the administration
You know, essentially turns back the clock and we begin vigorous enforcement of marijuana.
After the assurances of candidate Trump that he was a states rights man on this issue, you will fracture the Trump coalition, you will shear off younger voters and libertarian oriented voters.
And this will be the end of Trumpism.
I'm not sure the folks in Washington understand the political implications, never mind the medical and legal implications, but the political implications of what they're doing.
Yeah, I think you're exactly right.
I want to look at one more thing, and of course we've got the Attorney General.
You just heard the Homeland Security Secretary come out and say, you know, give his Reefer Madness speech.
But I want you to hear what the drug czar had to say.
And think about the fact that we're proud of calling somebody a drug czar.
To me, I have always choked on that word.
Why we would ever have anybody in government that we would proudly call a czar.
We're talking about them dictating policy to us, and these are people that we didn't vote for.
So these are unelected dictators that we have here.
You know, as Jefferson said, we did not set this government up to have an elected dictatorship.
Well, yeah, now we've got not just an elected dictator, but that they're pushing for by giving powers to the president and signing off on executive orders to the nth degree as they did with Obama.
But now we've got a drug czar, and this is what this drug czar says.
This is Tom Marino, he's a former representative from Pennsylvania, and he is the drug czar.
He is a rabid hardliner, as Free Thought points out, and he has said that non-violent drug offenders should be placed in a hospital slash prison.
Let me read you the full quote that he has here.
One treatment option I have advocated for years would be placing non-dealer, non-violent drug abusers in a secured hospital type setting under constant care of health professionals.
Once the person agrees to plead guilty to possession,
He or she will be placed in an intensive treatment program until experts determine they should be released under intense supervision.
This is taking civil asset forfeiture where they confiscate your property without charging you with a crime, giving you a trial, convicting you.
This is now where they confiscate you and they put you in a mental hospital.
Maybe that's why they should call him a drug czar, because now we're getting to these Stalinist policies where they put people in mental hospitals until they can get them to turn around and do what they want to do, which is to confess to being a drug possessor.
This is extraordinary.
I'm unfamiliar with Mr. Moreno.
I'm unfamiliar with his appointment.
I have to question whether the president even knows that these are his views.
For example, we have appointed a fellow, I believe his name is Epstein, although I'm not certain of that.
As the head of the FDA, who is a mandatory vaxxer.
I doubt the President is aware of his views.
I know how this works.
Reince Priebus comes in and he says, Mr. President, here's 15 appointments.
They're all qualified.
Sign here.
These are good people.
And he signs.
That's a mistake.
Yeah, you don't have time to vet all these, so even the top positions in all these different bureaucracies, you don't have time to go through and look at all, you'll look at the Supreme Court appointment or something, but you're not going to have the time to take a look at all these people who are going to be all the way down the bureaucracies of the drug prohibition machine.
Now, in this case, Mr. Marino is on to something, which is that drug abuse should be treated as a public health problem, not a criminal problem.
He's absolutely right.
People need to be put into treatment who need help, but not on a mandatory incarcerated basis.
Not a hospital slash prison.
So, I mean, there's again, there's a seed of a germ of a good idea here, but this is draconian and this is the kind of thing that will get Donald Trump beat, in my opinion.
Yeah, absolutely.
Let's switch the topic here to maybe the Export-Import Bank.
This is something that has come up, and of course we just had an article yesterday by Jerome Corsi talking about Senator Bob Corker, who has, he makes the case in a very long, lengthy article, a lot of documentation, how he has profited from Obamacare, from other insider trading, as so many people in both Republican and Democrat parties have profited from insider trading.
When they got caught on it, of course, they put in the Stock Act until everybody lost interest, and then they gutted that so it was no longer there.
But Congress can profit from insider trading intensely.
And now we have a situation with the Export-Import Bank.
Going back to 2015, the Export-Import Bank was not renewed because the Senate did not replace two people on the board, and they didn't have a quorum, so they couldn't do anything.
And Donald Trump talked about how it was feather bedding for large corporations, and it is.
60% of the money that is these subsidized loans, subsidized by taxpayers through the Export-Import Bank, 60% of that goes to, I think it was about a half dozen companies, 40% of it goes to Boeing.
I don't
In the wake of the stock market meltdown that we had, the mortgage collapse in 2008, they brought all the congressmen in, they had a meeting and they said, put your cell phones over to the side, we don't want any of this information getting out.
Well, the next day, Spencer Bacchus went in and
Put in $50,000 on stock options, shorting the market that he'd just been told was going to drop in half.
So, this is one of the two individuals that Donald Trump had put in to revive the Export-Import Bank.
Something that most individuals don't really know what they're doing, but it is a poster child for crony capitalism.
What do you think is going on with this?
Well, Dr. Corsi has done some really groundbreaking research in this area.
I have to tell you, and I know this firsthand, I believe Senator Corker may be the single most corrupt member of the United States Senate, that when he was briefly on the short list for Vice President, the vetting done by the Trump campaign unearthed so much self-dealing.
So much use of insider information that he learned as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and other committees that his selection would have most definitely ended in the defeat of a Trump-Corker ticket.
This is why they call him the Senator from Wells Fargo.
And in all honesty, Dr. Corsi has just introduced the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the epic corruption of Senator Corker.
And it was a long article.
I mean, just that tip was a very long article.
There is so much.
I happen to know, for example, that the Senator hectored a major automobile manufacturer to locate in Tennessee
And then his administrative assistant went out and purchased all the land around the location where they intend to put this automobile plant.
You'll hear more about that shortly.
Yeah, we'll take a quick break and we'll come back and I want to get your comments on Spencer Bacchus because he was one guy that when Andrew Breitbart was still alive he learned about that and he says this guy needs to be forced out of Congress.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Roger Stone.
We've got one more segment with Roger and I want to get the information about where he's going to be tonight.
He's going to be in Round Rock, and I want to get the details about that from you, Roger, in just a moment.
But I want to remind the audience also that we have extended our Easter Mega Specials at InfoWarsTore.com.
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And, Roger, you're going to be, we talked about this earlier, of course, you're
The movie, the Netflix documentary about you is going to be premiering at Tribeca this weekend, and the Netflix movie is going to be coming out in May, but you've got a book signing today at Round Rock.
Yeah, exactly.
David, tonight I am at the Barnes & Noble in Round Rock here in the Austin area, starting at 6.30 this evening.
It's at 2701 Parker Road.
Now, if you don't live in the Austin area, and therefore you can't make it, you could go to theinfowarsstore.com right now and still get a copy of The Making of the President 2016, the inside story of how Donald Trump orchestrated an American revolution.
And I have signed, now at this point, thousands of books across the country.
So I'll either see you tonight,
But if you can't grab it tonight, if you can't make it tonight, go to the InfoWars store because you can do two things.
You can get a great book that I'm very proud of.
You can also help us continue the fight for freedom.
We are being pummeled by Facebook, by Google.
The manipulation of the algorithms here are really cutting our reach and our influence and our ability to network with other freedom-loving Americans.
It's a win-win.
This is the book that the Washington Post is attacking you at the top of the post today on their site.
Roger Stone helped Donald Trump get elected president.
Now he's helping himself.
He's written a book.
Who else have they ever criticized for writing a book?
I mean, theoretically, this is the same business that the Washington Post is in.
They criticize you for writing a book.
Yeah, so it's actually win, win, win.
You can help feed the Stone family, you can help strengthen Infowars in the movement for freedom, and you can enjoy a great book that I think really will give you the inside story about how
Infowars and Breitbart and the Daily Caller and Town Hall and so many others were the vibrant, robust, alternative media that opened the door to Donald Trump's election.
Yeah, yeah.
And I'm really anxious to see that documentary about you, as you point out.
Five years in the making.
So that's going to be a very interesting long-term perspective about what's been happening in politics for the last five years, because you've been at the heart of all that.
Of course, you've got a couple of websites.
Tell us about your website, Stone Cold Truth.
You can go to StoneColdTruth.com to keep up with my doings.
You can go to StoneZone.com, which is more archival and historic.
And then, I would also urge you to go to chargehillary.com.
You know, the President gave a terrific interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business News the other day.
And very clearly, the prosecution of Hillary Clinton is back on the table.
You see, David, no person is above the law.
Yeah, absolutely.
We need to make sure that that happens.
That's the key.
We have to support the rule of law.
That's one of the reasons why I object to drug prohibition.
When we come back, we're going to be joined by Leanne McAdoo.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Nye, in the next segment we'll be joined with Leanne McAdoo.
Today I want to look at a couple of troubling trends in technology, I would say.
This story that's on Drudge Report and elsewhere, we've got it at...
at Infowars.com from RT.
Type messages with your brain, says Facebook.
They're going to do this for your convenience.
For your convenience.
They're going to read your mind.
They don't want to say that they want to read your mind.
They don't want to say they're developing technology to read your mind.
They're just going to say, well, you'll be able to type with your brain.
You need to use your brain and think about where this is all headed.
Okay, we need to have technology that serves us, but understand that every tool can be put to good use or put to bad use.
You need to go back and read the book, and we've interviewed the author of The Pentagon's Brain.
I'm trying to remember what her name is.
It doesn't come to me right now, but Jacobson, yes.
Annie Jacobson, right?
Is that what you said?
Yeah, Annie Jacobson, and it's a great book.
I listened to it on tape.
She's got a great voice to narrate it.
And if you look at that, you can see the abuse, the misuse of technology.
You have to understand that the government under Obama set up hundreds of millions of dollars in their BRAIN project.
It's an acronym, and I don't even know or care what their acronym is.
They always create these phony acronyms to
I think?
Their work for decades of trying to control other people's minds, the MKUltra program and other things.
LSD was created by these types of programs because they wanted to use that against enemy troops, debilitate them so that they couldn't fight.
You have to understand where this technology is headed.
And I think another good example of this is the autonomous car technology.
We hear all of these glowing reports
About how wonderful it's going to be when you no longer have any control of your transportation.
As I was driving in this morning, I heard people on local radio talking about how in the state of Texas we have all these car companies coming in and testifying before the state legislature saying that they want to be able to test their cars on the road.
One of the first things in this law that they're putting up would be to mark these cars like you would a student driver.
That would be the very least that you ought to be able to do.
Because this is unproven technology.
They're going to be experimenting on this on the road.
And these cars are very unpredictable.
This is untested technology.
That's why they are testing it.
But they're going to test it with a live test on your roads.
And they're going to get away with it because they're well-connected corporations.
One of the things that they're looking at, Toyota is looking at a system that is going to control your car from outside of your car.
Of course that's where it's all headed.
It's the first time they've talked about this, but that's exactly where it's headed.
And they're going to prohibit human-driven cars in certain areas.
So they'll have, eventually they'll go to just some roads that will be roads that are only for robotic tax and track taxis, and then they'll have a few roads that you can drive on, and then they'll gradually tighten the noose so that you will not be able to go anywhere without paying rent to some crony capitalist corporation
That is going to turn over all the information to the government, that the government is going to shake hands with him and say, well, I don't think we want Johnny to be able to go anywhere because he owes some taxes, or he's an enemy of the state, or whatever.
They're going to use this for control, and they're going to use it for monopoly.
One of the articles that I see, one of the interesting articles, Road and Track had a thing, oh great, now autonomous cars are learning to drive by playing Grand Theft Auto.
And I pointed that out to CJ and he goes, yeah, I guess they're going to train the autonomous cars to run over police and pick up hookers.
But this is, this would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
It's Agenda 21, it is total domination, by cutting off your freedom of movement, folks.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Are your headphones spying on you?
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For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Leanne McAdoo.
We've been talking with Roger Stone about drug prohibition and the various pronouncements of people within law enforcement from the Attorney General down to the drug czar.
The drug czar making comments, I'm not sure if you heard it Leanne, but saying that we need to have some kind of hospital slash prison that we can find people that we suspect to be using or possessing drugs.
We keep them there.
Until they break down and confess to possession and we put them in treatment.
So that's supposed to sound compassionate, I guess.
But, you know, there's a drug czar offering us a kind of Stalin-esque solution to a situation that should be a medical treatment program, yes, but not done under those types of conditions.
But I want to focus with you
On what's going on with MS-13 because we had some new revelations that came out towards the end of last week about Long Island and of course we had a lot of publicity earlier about Maryland where there was a lot of MS-13 gang crime there.
And this is an El Salvadoran gang that got started with
A lot of illegal immigrants in Los Angeles.
And so yes, it is tied to open borders and to lax immigration.
But I think people need to understand that they would not be billionaires, MS-13, and they would not have the kind of power, and they would not have this kind of ruthlessness, if it wasn't for the war on drugs and the profits that it creates.
Because when you create prohibition, just like with Al Capone,
You give these people a monopoly on the black market that you've created.
And it is a very lucrative market, and they will do anything to eliminate their competition.
They don't run sales.
They cut people's heads off.
They hack people to death.
So, yeah, they come over here.
They don't have any job skills.
They're not going to be cutting hedges down to size.
They're going to be cutting people's heads off, and we've seen that.
And many of the victims of their crimes are Latinos.
Right, there's so much money to be made and it's not as if these low-level guys here on the street, they're not billionaires, but this money is going back to the heads of the cartels and Jeff Sessions is saying that they could be designated a terrorist organization, which is a great move.
It is key because this will basically make it a
I don't
Here in San Antonio, a body was found in a dumpster that with the telltale signs of the gang, their hands and feet were chopped off.
So they were, I mean, this is, you know, here now in San Antonio.
So this is creeping up into many states and people really need to be aware of this.
And we were kind of highlighting how President Obama's lax immigration
Was allowing some of these MS-13 gang members into the country because they were even offering them tattoo removal services and things like that so they could start a new life here.
Well, immediately after the election, you had amnesty groups in California saying that they wanted legislation that would block the state of California from turning over the lists of gang members to the federal government because they said, well, you might have a couple of innocent people and that were flagged as gang members who aren't gang members, but they were taking the side of MS-13.
And there are innocent people who are being killed all the time by MS-13.
I'm sorry if there are some people who have violated the law, who are foreign citizens, who are criminally trespassing in our country here illegally.
I'm sorry if they get swept up because they're on a gang list.
I really want to get the gang out of here.
And you're talking about the new tools that they have.
And of course, when we go back and we look at alcohol prohibition, we should remember all these old movies that you've seen of Al Capone and these other guys riding on the sides of the running boards of their cars, you know, spraying each other with Tommy guns.
That was something that the United States had never seen before.
That was a creation of prohibition that ended when prohibition ended.
You don't see people spraying each other, you know, when they try to compete selling alcohol.
They're not shooting each other on St.
Valentine's Day massacres or whatever, and they're not shooting innocent people in the streets.
And this has gone on for much, much longer than we ever had alcohol prohibition.
And now what we're seeing is a new level of brutality and sadistic behavior and the way that they mutilate the bodies and beat people.
This is the fruit of our prohibition.
But what we have done in this country is not just go after the people who are profiting from this drug trade, the gangs and the...
The criminals who are selling it in the black market, but we've also gone after the end user and that hasn't worked either.
That has had equally bad results for us because it has corrupted our law enforcement by turning them into highway robbers.
So this is the real fruit of prohibition which began as a UN agenda.
All of you need to look that up.
That's something that Law Enforcement Against Prohibition educated me about.
It began as a UN agenda 10 years before Richard Nixon did it.
It was unconstitutional to begin with.
It is not supported by the Commerce Clause.
The Commerce Clause was always there.
And they made it clear that the Commerce Clause did not give them the power to make these kind of laws.
They made that very clear with the 9th and 10th Amendment.
And they also made it clear when they created another constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol, but they now ignore the Constitution for our drug wars, just like they ignore it for our foreign wars.
They couldn't care less what the Constitution says.
Right, yeah, if they can just convince us all that it's outdated.
And what you are also talking about with just this prohibition, a good example of this is that now that marijuana, it's easier to access, it's becoming legalized in some states, now the cartels are moving away from marijuana and they're going to heroin, meth,
Things like that, which are harder for people to get their hands on, I guess.
But it's interesting because it's actually the pharmaceutical companies who are really behind this massive increase in heroin addiction.
Because people get addicted to these opiates, these painkillers, that they're forced on it because... It's very interesting to see that.
Back during the election we had Chris Christie in one of his most powerful speeches.
Because it was a very personal, very compelling recollection of someone that he knew that was very successful in law school, whose life was completely destroyed when he got addicted to these kind of opioid painkillers.
And he was pivoting, though, from that experience to marijuana prohibition.
And it's a total non sequitur to say that, to correlate these two.
And we have to understand the difference between these things, and we also have to understand that it really isn't being solved by law enforcement.
And of course Canada acknowledges this, they're talking about legalizing it within very tight limits, and then once you get outside of those tight limits, they're going to again, hammer you with prison, with massive fines, and that sort of thing.
But they still understand that it is not working, and it is a step in the right direction, and hopefully people will start to realize that no, you know, if instead of having four plants, you've got five plants, you shouldn't go to jail for 15 or 20 years just for that, stepping over that little bit of line.
So gradually people are starting to wake up, but I think we need to get back to the Constitution.
We need to stop making everything a law enforcement problem.
You know, they say when the only tool you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Well, you know, this is not a law enforcement problem.
Well, so back in 1985, the World Health Organization started encouraging doctors to prescribe opioid analgesics for long-term
Cancer pain and then they started saying well maybe we could do for short-term pain as well and there used to be only four indicators that doctors would look for you know your heart beat your you know things like that but then pain started being one of these indicators that doctors would when you well do you have any pain oh well I've got something for that so this was being pushed by the World Health Organization and pain became a vital sign and so this
I think so.
But something that also Breitbart's really been heavily on covering with their Cartel Chronicles series is the fact that the U.S.
media is ignoring the Mexican president's ties to drug cartels.
And so yes, we have going after MS-13 is great, but there's all of these other gangs, prison gangs, Aryan Brotherhood, stuff like that, that are also working with the cartels to move these drugs in our country.
And so going after MS-13 is a really great start, but you know it's also kind of a way to not offend Mexico.
And of course we could also take a look at the CIA's connections to growing poppies in Afghanistan and then the crack cocaine epidemic and Oliver Stone being involved with the Iran-Contra and all the, you know, funding their little wars with crack cocaine and stuff.
All these governments
...are tied together with this, and it's not just, you know, funding their police departments by confiscating people's property.
I mean, that's really bad.
But they also have a dark side of this that eventually surfaces sometimes.
And then we wind up shooting the messenger, as we did when that was exposed with the crack cocaine epidemic that was engineered for the El Salvadoran war.
Which, by the way, the MS-13 gang comes from.
Maybe Oliver Stone knows some of these guys.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Leanne McAdoo.
We've been talking about MS-13.
Attorney General Sessions says he's going to treat them like a terrorist group, and they are a terrorist group.
If you look at what's going on
In Mexico and elsewhere, where they have been, the brutal murders and mutilations that you see there are like something you would see being done by Muslim terrorists in Syria and elsewhere.
They need the extra tools that are there, but it is not simply an issue of open borders.
It really is an issue of the war on drugs that has given them a very lucrative black market to get started with.
It's made them billionaires.
It's at the root of what they do.
It's at the root of their crime.
So we're going to go back to that.
Leanne's going to break that down for you.
Before we do, just want to thank you for your support.
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The BBC News calls MS-13 the world's most brutal street gang.
And that clearly is true of what we're seeing here.
And now we're seeing Senator Sessions saying he's going to use the tools available to him by
Denoting them as a terrorist gang.
I wish that they would take a look at really the root cause of this, and that is the war on drugs.
But at least they're moving in that direction.
They recognize it as a problem.
The Obama administration did not recognize it as a problem.
California tried to block the deportation of MS-13 and other gang members.
They wanted to block that information even from the Trump administration so they wouldn't even know who these people were.
They wanted to protect them, keep them here, give them amnesty.
These are just kids!
They're dreamers!
Let's not forget that they also allowed 1,500 jihadists, former jihadists, into the country, giving them asylum as well.
The Obama administration said, you know, any kind of jihad activities they did, it's because they were under duress.
Bring them on in, just forgive them.
And they did the same thing with these young MS-13 gang members.
Which, in a lot of cases, yes, these kids are forced into the gang.
They have no other choices, and from a very young age, 12, they make them commit murders, atrocious murders, to get them indoctrinated into these gangs.
And so there are... And if they don't, they get hacked to death with machetes and things like that.
Or their mothers, they threaten that they're going to do this to their family members.
So the kids just say, okay.
And that's why we did see so many
People willing to send their kids here alone on that dangerous journey because it's true.
It's very violent there.
But the thing is, it's in our country now.
If we don't control immigration, then the people who are fleeing this kind of violence in Mexico or El Salvador or Central America, when they try to flee that violence, it follows them into this country.
So it doesn't work out for anybody.
It doesn't work out for the refugees or the immigrants or whatever you want to call them, the illegal aliens.
It doesn't work out for them and it certainly doesn't work out for us.
And yet you have California wanting to hide these lists.
You have Maryland where there's been a huge outbreak in MS-13 violence, saying that they want to not only have sanctuary cities, but they want to be the first sanctuary state.
And they're saying this as they're having mass murders conducted by MS-13.
It's absolute insanity of the left.
And they want to cover those murders up or separate the tie between the atrocious way someone has been murdered and then they won't tell you that it is gang related because they don't want the people in this town to turn against their sanctuary city.
Policies and that's I mean that is insane to me.
We're also seeing In Montana about 40 miles of the border there has been ordered to be unpatrolled Even though it's been historically a patrolled area for whatever reason now.
They want to keep this wide open swath open and just available for any money guns people drugs, whatever to be
And the Border Patrol agency blew the whistle on this administrator, said, A, this person is a holdover from the Obama administration, so there may be a political agenda here, or it just may be outright corruption, because they are helping these drug gangs.
And so it's a very important story.
I've got to make a real quick correction here, as I was saying before we went to break.
I've been talking to Roger Stone, so I was saying, Oliver Stone, thinking of Oliver North, he was the one
Who was bringing in the crack cocaine epidemic in order to fund this war in El Salvador, where MS-13 originated.
When we come back, we'll have Leanne McAdoo with us, and we also have a special report coming up from Alex Jones in the next segment.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Communism sucks.
The World Bank announced this week that it was ready to step in and save Venezuela from communism.
The World Bank is just waiting for the failed communists to ask for its help.
The collapse of Venezuela seems to get worse daily, as new protests have sparked up today, even more violent than the past.
Protesters have been killed by the government, streets have been filled with smoke and people, in what has been deemed the mother of all marches and caracass.
President Nicolas Maduro has created a dictatorship backed by the United Socialist Party.
This has led to food riots, mass starvation, non-existent or unaffordable health care, and now the loving communist government has seized a General Motors plant, halting all operations, which GM has called illegal judicial seizure of assets.
This is what socialism gets you.
This is why communism sucks.
So chalk Venezuela up on the list of failed communist states.
Don't you worry though, the Bernie bros and the university liberals still want it.
For InfoWars.com and Capitalism, I'm Owen Schroeder.
We didn't ask for this fight, but we're in this fight.
This is the time to support InfoWars.
We've had an Easter Special that I've decided to extend for another week.
It is a great, empowering thing for me, personally, being in a global slumslide.
And as the enemy turns up the wattage, every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
God, or the good force of the universe, turns up my power.
So let me explain something.
This is a great voyage.
And I know you're on it with me.
I'm on.
The Animated Contest of Liberty that Thomas Jefferson talked about is the paramount vehicle.
This whole world is a test and this experiment that we're all part of is key.
You're conscious and alive and you care.
And the fact that you're even involved and are even searching for the truth shows you're conscious and haven't been pulled under by these dark forces that now dominate our world.
So whether you get our great products and support the broadcast, whether you pray for us, whether you just spread the word about the links, it doesn't matter.
Just being conscious and awake connects us all together.
And this is an incredible moment to be alive.
I'm Alex Jones for the entire InfoWars.com family.
InfoWarsLive.com saluting all of you.
No matter what color your skin is, where you came from in the world, or what your religious background is, we are unstoppable together.
This is Alex Jones.
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The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight with Leanne McAdoo.
You know, we talk about the corruption in government.
We talk about corny capitalism.
There's a story here about a Wells Fargo executive who is now suing the bank, this was Wells Fargo Bank, saying that she was fired because she wouldn't participate in an account scam that they were doing on their customers that has led to millions of dollars in federal fines and she said, you guys sued me because I didn't join in that and now you're getting fined by the federal government.
So we see this kind of corruption everywhere and we see in Mexico, we see
That we have chronic capitalism here in the United States.
We're talking about the Export-Import Bank.
We're making massive subsidized loans, subsidized by you, the taxpayer, eight and a half billion dollars to Pemex.
That is probably the most
The largest income source that is visible, that is legal for the Mexican government, and you and I are paying for loans for them to buy U.S.
equipment from about a half dozen connected American companies.
That's a certain kind of corruption, but there's a whole other kind of corruption, Leanne, and that is the current Mexican president, you've got an article there talking about his connections to the darker side of the corruption in Mexico.
And his ties to the drug cartels.
Right, so multiple acts of corruption linked to the election of the current Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
This is Breitbart reporting.
So he's got ties to the cartels.
There was mysterious release from prison of major cartel figures during his presidency.
Regions of Mexico are under operational control of paramilitary transnational criminal organizations, which rarely go reported and nothing ever happens to them.
Journalists have been murdered there.
I don't know.
Alberto Morera, and before he was running the PRI party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party there in Mexico, and Peña Nieto's campaign, he was the governor of the border state of Coahuila.
Now during his time as governor, he was a surrogate for the Las Zetas cartel.
He would give Las Zetas free reign in exchange for cash bribes.
So once, and then we see what's kind of gone on with Las Zetas there.
So once they were kind of in power and just given free reign to do what they wanted, they carried out a series of massacres in that state.
One case alone, 300 victims, including women and children, were kidnapped, murdered, and incinerated in a network of ovens at government facilities.
So Breitbart was able to investigate this thanks to a lot of anonymous people who were willing to speak out, but obviously very anonymously because they'd be murdered.
But they were trying to get to the bottom of this because their family members were taken, kidnapped, incinerated.
And what they were able to reveal, some of the victims were incinerated in 55-gallon drums inside the state-run prison there in Coahuila.
So I'm sure, you know, Morera, he knew nothing about this.
He just gave Los Zetos free rein in exchange for cash bribes.
And then he went on to help run the current Mexican president's campaign.
Great guy.
See, that's the problem with the war on drugs.
The problem with the war on drugs is not only does it not work, it doesn't keep people off of drugs.
So you still have the drug problem that it was meant to solve.
I mean, can... does anybody...
Within the Justice Department or the federal government, do any of them try to make any case for the effectiveness of this in terms of trying to stop drug addiction?
Drug use?
No, they don't.
Because it doesn't.
It doesn't stop it.
But what it does do is that we keep this problem, and the problem stays the same, or actually what we've seen is that it's grown tremendously, and then we have a massive government corruption problem.
And when you look at how long this has festered, this corruption has festered, and you look at how it has created these brutal gangs in Mexico, because this is not MS-13.
They haven't targeted Los Zetos as a terrorist organization.
MS-13 is even worse.
So you have all these different drug gangs, and there's many of them.
And they are thriving off of this.
They were created by this.
Now they're diversifying into other businesses of human trafficking and other things like this.
But that was their core base.
And they have been hurt by marijuana legalization.
And so now they're moving more into human trafficking and everything.
We created these organizations and they're going to be very hard to take down.
But that's the fruit of the war on drugs, and that's what we have to understand.
It's only going to get worse.
We can't build a wall to keep this out.
We can't hire enough police to do it.
Confiscating your property without trial, or your neighbor's property, taking their home, taking their car, taking their boat, that isn't going to stop this.
It's the war on drugs.
The bottom line is the prohibition.
That's the thing that is really killing us.
And to educate people on the fact that Big Pharma is the biggest drug pusher out there.
Well, thank you, Leanne.
We're going to play a report for you now.
It is the Top 10.
You'll find this on Infowars.com as well.
Alex Jones, Top 10 Performance Art Characters.
Here's a compilation of what he's done over the years.
Alex Jones has been fighting tyranny, government corruption, and the lying mainstream media since the mid-1990s.
He is a syndicated radio talk show host who has pioneered streaming video over the web, and his websites and YouTube channels have unbelievable reach.
Recently, MSM Talking Heads went crazy with the report that Alex Jones is a performance artist and actor, and thus everything he has ever reported on must be considered fake news.
His lawyer is arguing that Alex Jones is playing a character.
And he's a performance artist!
And there is some truth to the first part of this statement.
He was an actor in two groundbreaking Richard Linklater animated films.
The first was Waking Life.
The scene with Alex driving through the town with a car-mounted bullhorn, warning people to wake up, is considered by many to be a highlight of the film.
I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world.
I'm concerned with the structure.
I'm concerned with the systems of control.
Those that control my life and those that seek to control it even more!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
He also played an evil senator in the independent film Warning of EMP Dangers, Amerageddon.
That man's a threat to this country.
All three of these are listed in his IMDB account as acting credits, but he also has 17 credits for documentary films he produced, ranging in subjects from the police state using paper
These are the top 10 Alex Jones performances.
Number 10.
A scientist who can fly.
Even though this was an ad for the InfoWars life product, Supermale Vitality, it illustrates how Alex Jones can channel the character of a scientist on the verge of an amazing breakthrough, while at the same time, he educates people on the current attacks that are happening to their glands and hormonal systems from the use of everyday products.
By the end of this two and a half minute video, produced in 2014, Alex becomes so consumed with his inner power, he gains the ability to fly.
Hop, hop, and away!
Number nine, Russian agent.
The mainstream media and outgoing Obama administration were blown away by the presidential election of 2016 when Donald Trump took power from the loathsome Hillary Clinton who cheated on the debates and even had the supposed impartial DNC attack and steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
This was spun that anyone and everyone who was pro-Trump had to be a Russian agent.
Donning this role, Alex became a mind-control victim of the Russians who
You have RT, you have Sputnik, you have Rupley, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
Uh, Info Wars comes to mind where those are echo chambers.
Alex Jones admits he's Bill Hicks.
Number 8.
Internet sleuths have been hounding Alex Jones for years, saying he was Bill Hicks.
And while he does slightly resemble the groundbreaking comic, and both were friends of filmmaker Kevin Booth, the age and height are immediate signs that this is totally false.
In early 2015, Alex had had enough, and decided to admit to the world that he played the character Bill Hicks, but was actually a famed English actor, David Mentelson III, Master Orator, who was indeed playing two characters, Bill Hicks and Alex Jones, for the last 30 years, and that now he was ready to retire.
I am David Mentelson.
To be quite clear, David Mint was from the third.
Alex Jones has donned the English accent several times, most notably in the legendary Piers Morgan interview.
But I can speak in this accent as well!
Yeah, but it's not what you believe.
The government Hitler-firebombed his own Reichstag, Piers.
But it was the subtle accuracy of the accent that earned this performance number eight in our top ten.
Number seven, Alex Jones becomes a trans dog.
Jumping on the trans movement, which is basically an excuse for people to act weird and have that behavior legitimized,
Alex Jones declared that he was trans zoological and had black socks sewn to his ears to become a dog.
This video is short, barely a minute long, but the message that you must accept any and all behaviors from people, or you are a racist bigot, is a powerful message, even through all the dog barking.
You're a homophobe, you're an anti-zoological phobe, you're a piece of filth.
So now, I become my new self.
Number 6, Cobra Commander.
As the 2012 election season kicked into high gear, Alex Jones decided to interview Cobra Commander, who had recently announced his run for the White House.
In the video, Cobra Commander for President, Alex Jones interviews himself playing the terrorist leader who has the CIA, Bin Laden, and North Korea all on his payroll.
Mr. Cobra lays out his platform on why he would be the best leader for the United States of America.
What is most amazing on this performance is the voice of Cobra Commander,
Which sounds outstandingly like the cartoon character who was previously voiced by the late Chris Lotta.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats officials and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra of Faith!
Number 5.
Alex becomes a TSA tattletale.
Don't trust the public.
Only trust Janet, Big Sis Napolitano, and Homeland Security.
In the intro for the documentary New World Order Blueprint for Mad Men, Alex Jones plays a busybody who wants to become an elite Homeland Security tattletale for the FBI and DHS head Janet Dungbeetle Napolitano.
You got responsibilities now.
The only problem is he works at a coffee shop.
But that doesn't deter the TSA wannabe from spying on customers and freak out on them when they try to pay with cash.
Oh no, it's true.
He's looking at InfoWars.
It's this performance that earns number five on our list.
And that's what America's about.
Total schizophrenic paranoia.
Number four, Alex Jones as a lizard.
In October 2013, it became increasingly clear that Obamacare was indeed a scam job meant to jack up insurance rates that would lead to horrible health care.
Alex Jones produced the video, Alex Jones Reveals Obamacare's Secret Origins.
He dons the mask of Star Trek character Gorn, complete with a top hat, to explain how alien this legislation is.
Because we're insurance companies who wrote it?
Let me pick my teeth here.
As the MF Global scandal broke in late 2011, Alex Jones donned a grandfatherly beard and innocent top hat.
And once again interviewed himself.
Gary Gensler was your main minion at Goldman Sachs and he headed up the CFTC.
He's been missing now for a month.
In the interview, John the Don Corzine admitted he had stolen the money from the private accounts, but there was nothing that anyone could do about it.
The sound bites that Corzine drops in this video are legendary, and it's why it's number three on our top ten countdown.
Was there something else you wanted to sit on Santa's knee and ask for, Mr. Jones?
In the video, secret DHS training video leaked.
Alex Jones plays the role of an elite on Earth who is communicating with the devil, whom he also plays.
The depths of evil depicted in this video freaked out many listeners who called and emailed their concern.
But Alex felt that this video truly depicted the demonic forces that have been guiding the eugenics obsessed elites since the beginning of time.
His voice is also super freaky and it's the lines he channeled into this performance that earned a number two spot in our top ten of Alex Jones performances.
Oh beautiful death, might we pour down on the
And finally, number one, Alex Jones as the Joker.
In August 2009, a picture depicting Barack Obama as the Joker started making the rounds online, but was quickly attacked as racist by the mainstream media.
Quick to capitalize on this meme,
Alex Jones donned creepy Joker makeup and completed his August 7th broadcast as the Joker himself, and announced a Joker poster contest where the winner would receive $1,000.
This contest was a huge success, and posters of the President in Joker makeup appeared across America.
People made videos of their postering, and it proved to be a big hit online and in the real world.
It was Alex's creepiest role to date, and many listeners thought he had truly lost it.
But it was an amazing promotion for a contest that went nationwide.
It's this role as the Joker that earned the number one spot on this video of top ten performances.
Because we've got the documents and we've got the proof of the criminal activities they've been carrying out!
Now there are many performances made by Alex Jones as he hijacked memes and helped spread the message of liberty and freedom across the world.
And all would not fit on this list.
So in the comments below, add what your favorite performance or character that Alex Jones has assumed.
Thanks for watching, and here's a brief message from Alex responding to the recent MSM attacks.
First off, they love to brand us as fake news, or the media loves to attack me and say he dresses up in lizard suits like Gwar.
Or whatever the name of the guy is from the Star Trek episode, the famous one, where he's fighting Captain Kirk.
And then the news asked me, are you serious?
And I say, that's satire!
I'm being an actor, acting like I'm a space alien that wants to exterminate the population of the Earth, trying to sell you on taking vaccines.
I don't actually believe that the Star Trek character's real.
Then they go, oh my gosh!
Alex Jones is fake!
He said he's an actor!
Look, he was in Scanner Darkly, and he was in Waking Life.
They think you're completely stupid, and they think you're completely mentally ill.
If I put a top hat on and play the part of the head of Goldman Sachs, saying, I'm screwing you over, I love the mega banks, I'm gonna rob you, world government's good, I'm illustrating how George Soros and other people think of you, I don't literally believe that.
The times that I put on clown makeup and played the part of the Joker saying, drink your fluoride water and take your vaccines, because you're going to see pretty colors, kids.
People got freaked out and said, oh my gosh, you're not for real, because you act like a nice guy on air.
But then you acted like a monster for an hour on TV, and it was powerful!
It was a powerful performance!
That's why people were so freaked out.
They said, what's the real you?
You know, I keep thinking people are smart.
This is the real me, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Republic, changing the world, Brexit, nationalism rising, Second Amendment family, delivering the goods, getting people elected.
Patriot congressmen and women taking over the House of Representatives and their listeners, folks, Freedom Caucus, every one of them, basically.
They can't stand that.
This platform of people like
David Knight and Paul Watson, all the other guests, and Ron Paul, and Colonel Schaefer, and countless other people, and our great writers and researchers.
Are they actors?
Are they fakes?
Do I screen them before they come on air?
Do we tell guests they can talk about?
No, everybody else does.
Not us.
We don't do pre-interviews.
We're the most bonafide, hardcore, real McCoy thing there is.
Ask anybody.
And everybody knows you, and we're delivering the goods.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the resistance.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I want to talk about what's going on with the elections that are going to be coming up on Sunday in France, but also about what's being said about the U.S.
Green Party.
We got an article here from WND saying they're going all in for Islam.
I'll explain that to you in just a moment.
Before I do, real quickly,
We've extended our Easter Mega Special at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Thank you so much, and we've extended this sale of 25 to 30 percent off.
You can find that at InfoWarsStore.com.
The Green Party is going all in for Islam, says WND.
They say they put out a briefing paper for party activists, instructing them to work with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CARE, and other Islamicists to fight Islamophobia and oppression in all forms.
They say Islamophobia is a contrived fear or a prejudice fomented by the existing Eurocentric and Orientalist global power structure.
Okay, alright.
Get rid of the sophomoric labels that you took out of your freshman classes here.
This is ridiculous.
It should be treated as a type of racism.
Let's talk about what's really going on here.
The person who nailed this was a Polish interior minister.
He said his country will not fall prey to the same violence and savagery that is sweeping much of Europe due to open borders and suicidal refugee policies of his neighbors.
He said the policy of multiculturalism, which is what the Green Party is talking about, is what they were taught when they went to their freshman political science classes and all the way through to their graduate classes.
The policy of multiculturalism in Western Europe is bringing about a bloody harvest
In the form of terrorist attacks.
Does that sound like overblown rhetoric?
Or is that really what's happening?
I think it's really what's happening.
He says, our predecessors, meaning the previous government, agreed to receive thousands of refugees and de facto immigrants from the Middle East and Northern Africa.
They were striving to bring about such a crisis.
So he points out, this is not just something that they stumbled into, that they didn't see this coming.
No, they were striving to bring about a crisis, a multicultural crisis.
As I've pointed out many times, not only do we not have the capability to vet the people who are coming in from other countries.
What if it's one percent?
What if it's only one-tenth of one percent?
And the quantities that you're bringing people in, you're bringing in a lot of radical Islamic terrorists.
And so, that's just the first generation.
Once they come into the country, once their families self-ghettoize and do not want to mix with the rest of the culture.
Continually told that they are superior to everyone, and yet the lie is that they aren't.
They can see that they're not getting ahead because they don't want to assimilate.
They want to remain separate in their own little ghetto.
That builds an intense resentment in the second generation.
And you will have more terrorists in the second generation than you do in the first one.
Now this is a political party that he has.
It's a nationalist party, pro-Christianity, the Law and Justice Party.
That's what they said about it.
Now if you think that that is overblown rhetoric,
Think about the fact that you've got the Fresno Bee two months before Tuesday's deadly attack, where the guy killed people because they're white.
How's that for multiculturalism?
That's what they're told.
Shouting, Allahu Akbar, which is not God is great, but our God is greater than your God.
And this was the title of this article that they put in the Fresno Bee from the New York Times.
Husbands are deadlier than jihadi terrorists.
Stay with us when we come back.
I'm going to tell you what PBS is teaching your children.
We'll be right back.
Not a group.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there.
You have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And, uh,
You support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be going to John Rappaport in just one moment.
I want to finish up
With what I was talking about in Europe, of course, we see the Green Party saying, this is some kind of Eurocentric thing.
We want multiculturalism.
We hate Islamophobia.
And yet, we have the Polish Interior Minister say,
The people who are doing this, who are bringing in massive refugees, they are striving to bring about the kind of crisis that we have seen in France, in Germany, and elsewhere.
And of course France is going to have their election, the first round of their presidential elections on Sunday.
The candidates need to get enough votes to make it to the second round because they have a lot of different political parties.
There's not one strong winner there, so everybody is looking to see who the two are going to be that are going to make it to the runoff.
We have Le Pen's party.
Saying, and Le Pen said, I want to be President of the French Republic.
I don't want to be a European Commission President.
I consider the EU has done a lot of harm to our country.
And then her second-in-command said, you'll soon see that we will stuff your oligarchic rag in the cupboard, referring to the EU flag.
He put that out on a Twitter message.
Well, we've seen the kind of destruction that's been done, and we've seen what happened in Fresno, California, where we just had, two days ago, the individual who shot people, who was a Muslim, who was following all the multicultural instructions that he had gotten.
But I want to take a look, real quickly, before we go to John, this heartland
There's an article here about a PBS lesson plan that's called Dying to be a Martyr.
This is being offered for free by the public broadcasting service, which you support with your taxes.
It seems to encourage students to learn to sympathize with radical Islamic terrorists.
Of course, McMaster's would not want to use that phrase.
McMaster's doesn't like that.
That's not politically correct enough for him.
So in this, a good example of this, they have one lesson plan called Martyrdom.
They interview two individuals.
One was a suicide bomber that failed and he's interviewed from jail.
He's asked why he wanted to be a suicide bomber and he says, well, he says, you know, I feel I'd rather die than live the kind of life that I'm living here in Israel.
And so they instruct the teachers to probe the children, to check their understanding of why he wants to kill people, never saying that this is wrong, okay?
Nothing causes them to denounce his claims.
And then they look at a third video that was recorded of a guy who actually was successful as a suicide bomber.
And he says, if the Israelis kill a child in Gaza, I'm ready to kill one in Tel Aviv.
If they destroy houses in Gaza, I'll do it in Tel Aviv.
In terms of having a balanced approach, they just have them look at the motivations of these two suicide bombers, never telling them that this is wrong.
Never denouncing their radical claims.
And of course, at the end of March, we also had another set of instructions.
This was put out, noticed by the Christian Action Network.
They sent a letter of demand to the U.S.
Department of Education that wanted them to block another PBS program
It was educational material that covered topics relating to Islam that the Christian group said was nothing more than indoctrinating students into Islamic religious beliefs, duties, and actions.
So that's where we see this multicultural war headed, and many people in Europe are starting to wake up to this.
We'll have to see what's going to happen this Sunday.
John, your comments on what's going on with this.
John Rapoport.
Well, it's as you say, you know, indoctrination rather than education.
Let's set this up.
And also, this is an old liberal kind of rag, if you want to even call it liberal.
Nobody's doing anything wrong.
Doesn't matter what you do.
That's right.
It's all about deciding why you did it and what happened to you.
You can be a suicide bomber and that's okay because that's your truth.
Oh, and also because of your past.
Something happened to you.
It's not your fault.
Nobody's responsible.
So what difference does it make?
And we hear the Twilight Zone coming in as a bumper music because that is the Twilight Zone that we live in, folks.
All right, stay with us.
John Rapoport is going to do the rest of the fourth hour.
Thank you so much, John Rapoport.
We'll be right back.
Are your headphones spying on you?
If you have a new pair of wireless Bose headphones, then probably.
A lawsuit filed in Chicago accuses the sound giant Bose of violating the Wiretap Act and a variety of privacy laws.
You see, the Bose headphones have an app which allows you more options, but this app also serves as a gateway to sharing your metadata to anyone, anywhere.
You agree to terms and conditions on the Bose headphone app.
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This court case, which is said to be worth millions, could
We've set a precedent for other potential cases where companies are data mining their customers then selling or moving that data anywhere.
Don't be naive.
Bose is not the only company doing this.
A similar lawsuit was settled last month for 3.75 million dollars by a sex toy maker called WeVibe.
All those social media apps are monitoring this case closely.
For InfoWars.com, I'm Owen Schroer.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is John Rappaport sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour here.
Got a bunch of stories to cover here.
All of them important.
Let's start with this.
The whole Russia thing.
The whole incredible Russia thing.
Russia hacked the election.
Russia influenced the election.
Russia was throwing the election to Trump.
All of this broke out like a rash immediately after Trump won the election.
And at first, it seemed as if, okay, these incredible fake news stories
Were cooked up in order to delegitimize the presidency of Trump.
To say he wasn't really the president.
To find a way the Democrats were desperately hoping to overturn the election.
To get Trump out of office before he ever got there, etc, etc, etc.
But now we can see there was another motive on top of that.
A very significant motive.
Let's say you're the military-industrial complex, okay?
You're the defense contractors, you're the neocons, you're the crazies who want war at any cost.
Endless war all over the world.
You have different reasons for it.
We don't have to get into those right away, but the point is this is how you live, this is how you dream, this is how you make your money, this is how you profit, and so on and so forth.
And now you see, during the presidential campaign, what's happening in Syria.
You see Putin and Russia backing President Assad, saying they're going to intercede and try to destroy ISIS and preserve Assad in office.
You see Trump saying, well, why don't I sit down and talk with this guy?
I think maybe we could bring peace to Syria.
Why not?
There are a lot of terrorists running around there that need to be taken out.
So, is anything wrong with that?
Well, yeah, there is.
That rose the red flag.
That signaled the bell.
That was the warning shot that somehow Trump and Putin might sit down.
And just have a friendly conversation.
Why not?
We can cooperate.
We can put an end to this horrendous catastrophe that's ongoing in Syria and bring peace, a negotiated settlement.
And as time wore on, it became apparent that the actions of Russia primarily, and to a lesser extent the U.S., were
Resolving the wartime situation more and more in Syria.
Well, this is a fantastic threat to you if you're the military-industrial complex.
You have to do something about this on many different fronts, not just one.
But one of the things you've got to try to do is drive a wedge in between Putin and Trump.
And you've got to attack Trump
so vociferously about Russia and his ties to Russia and his associates ties to Russia and anybody who even knows Trump who makes a phone call to anybody who might be Russian is now a treasonous SOB and deserves to be put on trial etc etc that you begin to try to turn the tide so that Trump feels that he has to take some action that is not going to be favorable toward Russia.
For example, he's going to send missiles into Syria.
Well, you need a provocative incident for that, and you had that in this...
Highly dubious story about the poison gas attack.
But basically, you have to, if you are the military-industrial complex, defame, derogate, insult, do everything possible to put down Russia, tie Russia and Putin to Trump, and drive a wedge between them.
Otherwise, you might get a breakout of peace in Syria.
And if that happened, who knows how the other dominoes might fall?
Who knows what other negotiated settlements and peace negotiations might occur between other countries.
It might become infectious and contagious, and that would be horrendous for you, the military-industrial complex.
And so now we see yet another reason, a bigger reason, why all of this sudden, out of nowhere, horrendous negative publicity about Russia.
Very important to understand how that game is being played, and what the stakes are for the neocons and the military-industrial complex.
So before I move on to the next piece, let me remind you that at InfowarsStore.com, Last Chance Easter Mega Specials ending soon.
You know all about the censorship that's being attempted against Infowars.
An attempt to cut down the number of ads that can be presented across digital platforms and so on for InfoWars products.
An attempt to delist, destroy.
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Next up,
This was a piece that came and went.
You know, major media.
Five minutes.
It's gone.
Oh, look at this.
Never to reappear again.
I know Zero Hedge was carrying it.
I believe Infowars was carrying it, too.
Facebook, in negotiations with the French government,
To shut down pro-Marine Le Pen posts, she's running for President of France, as the election nears.
Get that?
Facebook talking with French government officials about shutting down pro-Marine Le Pen posts as election nears.
Let's translate that, if you didn't get it.
Facebook colluding with the French government in order to influence a foreign election, an election in France.
Facebook hacking an election.
I mean, the whole farcical story of Russia hacking the US election.
Based on no evidence that we've ever seen.
What is that compared to this?
Out in the open, apparently.
Do we see the mainstream press howling about it?
A corporation, a giant corporation, social media, Facebook, figuring out ways to censor and shut down
Posts on Facebook that are in support of Le Pen as the election nears?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Do you get what that means?
It's putting a frog in my throat to even talk about it.
That's influencing an election.
That's hacking an election.
Plain and simple.
I mean,
What else would you call it?
I don't know.
I'm asking the question.
Where's the New York Times?
Where's the Washington Post?
Where's CBS?
Associated Press?
Where's investigative journalism looking into this?
Where are advocates of the First Amendment in the United States?
Mainstream academics?
First Amendment dead?
Oh yes, well, you see, we favor the First Amendment, except if it rolls over into being supportive of evil, and we decide what that is, then we have to limit free speech.
We have to shut it down.
We have to do everything we can because it could incite people to actually do evil.
I see.
So, where's the limit on this?
I mean, how much can you shut down?
Well, we can shut down anything we want to, if we judge that it's going to have a profound negative effect.
I see, so the First Amendment then is conditional.
Oh yes, didn't you know that?
Haven't you really studied the evolution of the Constitution?
I mean, I've looked at the actual Constitution.
Well, no.
No, no, no.
You have to look at the precedents that have been set since then.
What is the danger to the public?
We, the people in charge, we have to decide that.
And then we can deny the right to free speech if we think, and suppose, that the danger is going to escalate as a result of permitting free speech.
Wow, I never heard of that interpretation of the First Amendment before.
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
This is what's happening, folks.
It is the shutdown of free speech.
It is censorship.
All under the rubric of, well, we who know what's good for you decide what you can see and hear and smell and touch and taste and feel and experience.
And then instead, we'll give you our virtual reality.
Be back after the break.
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John Rappaport back here in the fourth hour, in fours, sitting in for Alex, talking about free speech, the First Amendment.
What is it?
Why was it put in?
Well, it was put in because it was assumed that there would be an honest press, for one thing.
The press would expose crimes.
The press would keep the government in check.
A limited government, to be sure, to begin with.
A watchdog.
And then, of course, there were the people.
Don't forget the people.
People have a right to speak.
To be heard.
To say what they will say.
To write what they will write.
But, now we seem to have a different interpretation.
Now we have something else.
Now we have social media trying to shut down independent media.
Now we have suppression of ads on social media.
Now we have, apparently here, Facebook talking with the French government about shutting down posts favorable to one candidate, Le Pen, in the upcoming election.
We have a tremendous amount of pressure to say that fake news is proliferating everywhere and it's dangerous because you're too stupid to be able to differentiate between the real and the fake.
Isn't that really what they're trying to get at?
Or isn't that their justification?
You're too stupid.
You don't know.
You're ignorant.
You're dumb.
You're undereducated.
You're disadvantaged.
You're dependent.
You're a victim.
And so we're going to help you.
We're going to help you by taking fake news and putting it out of business and bringing front and center the real, holy, sacred temple of the news.
These are the priests of the news.
They vet the news.
They grind it out and they check it and they inspect it for contamination before they release it as pure as the driven snow to you because they care.
They really care.
These anchors, oh, you know, they sit at night and they're
penthouses in New York and they wring their hands over the plight of you, the great unwashed public.
They weep for you, just like Diane Sawyer.
Remember her on ABC?
She could weep at the drop of a hat.
That was her calling card.
Here I am and I weep.
And there was Brian Williams.
Remember him?
He of late.
Beautiful missile strike on Syria.
He of the, we were under helicopter fire, remember?
They got him canned and then they brought him back in through the back door at MSNBC.
I'm just an all-American boy, Brian Williams, riding my bike down through country lanes, throwing newspapers on front porches.
It's a wonderful world and I'm just a simple American boy here.
Giving you the Pures Driven Snow News every night, the real thing, because we're getting rid of all the fake news.
We're getting rid of the First Amendment.
We're getting rid of free speech.
We're getting rid of bad ideas that are infectious, that put your mind in the wrong place.
You see?
That's what we're doing.
And occasionally when we come across a reporter like Cheryl Atkison at CBS, remember her?
She's still around, stronger than ever.
But she was writing about Benghazi and Fast and Furious and the sway-out-of-fake-swine-flu epidemic.
She was actually doing some investigating.
They, the great controllers, had to shut her down.
They had to hack into her computer, not just at work, but at home.
They had to hack into her television set and other phones in the house at home.
In other words, it wasn't enough to do surveillance.
They had to harass and electronically stalk her and her family because
She was perverting the meaning of free speech by presenting dangerous ideas to the public that they couldn't really handle and would send them off down the wrong path.
That's what they had to do.
And so they did.
And so she resigned.
And now she has her own website and she writes books.
And she's uncovered something very interesting recently about the President of the United States.
And we're going to cover that on the other side of the break.
But this is not just about Trump or Obama or Clinton.
This is about any American president and their right to issue completely illegal orders on the people.
And enlist intelligence agents and agencies in completely illegitimate criminal activities.
It's very interesting.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Communism sucks.
The World Bank announced this week that it was ready to step in and save Venezuela from communism.
The World Bank is just waiting for the failed communists to ask for its help.
The collapse of Venezuela seems to get worse daily, as new protests have sparked up today, even more violent than the past.
Protesters have been killed by the government, streets have been filled with smoke and people in what has been deemed the mother of all marches in Caracas.
President Nicolas Maduro has created a dictatorship backed by the United Socialist Party.
This has led to food riots, mass starvation, non-existent or unaffordable health care, and now the loving communist government has seized a General Motors plant, halting all operations, which GM has called illegal judicial seizure of assets.
This is what socialism gets you.
This is why communism sucks.
So chalk Venezuela up on the list of failed communist states.
Don't you worry though, the Bernie bros and the university liberals still want it.
For InfoWars.com and Capitalism, I'm Owen Schroeder.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
John Rappaport back in the fourth hour for Alex at InfoWars, talking about Cheryl Atkisson, former star investigative reporter at CBS.
So on her website now,
And I've written about this in the past week.
She's been talking to a few very reliable intelligence sources of hers.
And they told her some pretty incredible things.
One of which I want to highlight here.
What they are saying is US presidents can mount
Illegal, illegitimate, criminal surveillance operations.
Personally, Presidents, beyond any court, any warrant, any legal maneuver.
Secret operations.
They can enlist
operatives from intelligence services and they can promise these operatives this is coming this would come from the president immunity if the operation were ever exposed and they were ever caught not only would these operatives be granted immunity but they would be
Permitted by the president to lie and say they were never involved in such operations.
This is way beyond the FISA court.
This is way beyond whatever they call a title three.
This is way beyond any of the sleazy means by which surveillance operations targeted surveillance operations are done.
So you would have presidents who are able to, under the cloak of national security of course, oh we have to protect the nation, get revenge on a personal enemy, win an advantage for re-election, hide a crime, anything, for any reason, mount a surveillance or
Other kind of secret operation.
This is what Atkinson's intelligence sources recently told her.
This, again, major media, please, coverage, forget it.
We don't want to talk about that.
We don't want to talk about presidents who have powers that exceed
Checks and balances, separation of powers, the Constitution, rule of law, precedents, whatever.
We don't want to do that.
Certainly don't want to do that.
So this gives you room to ask questions.
You, who are of course too dumb to appreciate the truth because we have to differentiate fake news from real news and only give you the real news because we are the kings of major media.
But, okay, look into this.
What operations that have taken place, for example, under Obama, under Clinton, under George Bush, could be highlighted in this way?
That we don't even know about.
That we wouldn't know about.
Suppose Obama decided that he was going to support street chaos.
Suppose Bill Clinton decided he was going to support, I don't know, the fundling and laundering of gigantic sums of money into his personal possession or
The foundation that he runs.
Suppose George W. Bush decided that he was going to, well we know, cook up evidence for a massive war.
Or that Dick Cheney was going to be involved in some little operation called, I don't know, 9-11.
Things we would not ordinarily know about, where deniability is king.
Or people can just say, well, no, I was never tasked by the president to do anything.
I don't even know what you're talking about.
Never was involved.
Never heard of it.
Absolutely not.
And I'm not going to go on trial because just between you and me, the president said I wouldn't ever have to.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
In other words, government gone wild.
Government gone completely insane.
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Speaking of which, let's get into a little bit here.
This is one of these stories, I don't know about you, but it makes me... Is cringe the right word?
It's like, when is the stupidity and the insanity going to end?
I'm talking about all of the stories that the major media sells that have to do with ISIS.
Connected with ISIS.
As if this is some phenomenon that rose up out of
Some strange foreign place organically grew on its own.
Spread wings.
And now we have to deal with it.
Now we have to face it.
Now we have to fight it.
When we know from all sorts of reports that ISIS was created.
Created, fund, backed, advised, encouraged.
Supplied with weapons by the empire builders, US empire builders and its allies, globalists, neocons who want chaos, who want endless war, who demand endless war.
You could say, here's where it started in Afghanistan, of course it goes back much further than that.
Let's look at Afghanistan.
I mean, here's the story we're told.
The Russians are going into Afghanistan.
It's the Soviet war.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
And it's a very difficult war for the Russians.
So the CIA secretly intercedes and brings in, helps to bring in a guy named Osama bin Laden and his crew, who are not from Afghanistan, in case that fact has escaped people.
And they come in from the outside and they're going to help
The people of Afghanistan fight the Soviets.
So the U.S.
CIA trains them, equips them, gives them intel, information, etc., etc., etc.
And Stinger missiles, we all know that story.
And then Russia is eventually cowed and has to leave in defeat.
Terrific operation, but then oh wait a minute Osama and his crew turn on the United States and the West in general Oh Unintended consequence we didn't know that was gonna happen.
We didn't plan for it.
We didn't think about it We never really did any research on these guys Honest this was not our fault.
It just happened Okay, so supposedly except that
Story for the moment that then it happened that way unintended consequence But from that point on we would not accept that story because hey you were stung You learned you took a lesson.
You took advice.
You're smarter now.
You're wiser.
You're not gonna fall for that anymore, right?
We'll never do that again.
Oh wait, Libya Syria Iraq
Oh, we didn't know.
We didn't know it was going to happen, that when we destroyed these countries, we just didn't understand that, oh, you know, they were going to turn around, that the rebels were going to become allied with the terrorists, and they weren't going to create...
You know, three branches of government.
They wouldn't have a Thomas Jefferson or James Madison.
We didn't realize they weren't going to put up all kinds of Roman architecture and create a Washington DC.
No, instead they were going to just spread death and destruction and chaos and make hell holes out of these countries.
We honestly didn't know, really.
Is that right?
You didn't know.
It was an unintended consequence.
Just time after time.
In fact,
In the article that those of you who are watching can see that goes up on the screen from No More Fake News, Obama himself was asked in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News several years after the Libya debacle, when that country was turned into utter and complete disintegrated chaos,
What the biggest mistake of his presidency was, and he said, not planning for the day after in Libya.
Are you kidding?
What lunatic would believe that story?
We made a mistake.
When we went in and destroyed Libya completely,
You know, we just didn't think about what would happen when we turned around and left.
I mean, you know...
There was the picnic with Michelle and the kids and her organic garden and I had to fill out my brackets for March Madness and it just slipped my mind and apparently the National Security Council and the Pentagon, they didn't think about it either.
So we left Libya and we forgot and all of a sudden it was terrorists wall to wall.
They were fighting each other and killing civilians and the whole thing just went to pot.
That's what happened.
I'm sorry.
I mean, that was a mistake.
You know, that was like leaving my car keys in the 7-Eleven.
Yeah, a mistake.
And we're supposed to buy this, right?
We are supposed to actually buy this.
This is the pure sanctified holy temple of major media news giving us the straight story and not even asking a question about it, such as, Mr. President,
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding?
That you didn't think about the day after?
The U.S.
left Libya.
That the Pentagon, who does nothing, when they're not fighting wars, besides planning wartime scenarios and contingency plans, they spend millions and billions on this, and what's going to happen if we do this and that in the aftermath of invasion and attack and destruction, that none of these generals piped up?
That nobody said to you from the CIA, wait a second, Mr. President, you've got to think about what's going to happen after we empower these people, these terrorists that we created, by the way, and we know them well.
We really do.
I mean, you know, we understand them.
When you create something, you understand it.
So we know it's going to happen and here's what it is.
Let me lay it out for you.
No, that's okay.
I've got to go.
Invade Libya.
Talk to me after we've gone.
After we've destroyed whatever we're going to destroy and after we get out.
We're supposed to buy this.
And we're supposed to buy what the major media news are telling us about
Fake news.
That independent media are the fake news, whereas they are the good stuff.
The organic, pasture-raised,
Non-chemical version of the purest of the pure news.
Delivered to you every day by people who really care.
They care about you, so they tell you the truth.
We created the terrorist force.
We destroyed the rest of the country, Libya, a lot of Syria.
Big swatches of Iraq, just as examples here, you know.
We unleashed the terror, but we didn't know it was going to happen.
We just didn't know.
Hey, you know, we can't know everything.
Yeah, we can't know everything.
And there are no big time major media reporters that are getting in the face of politicians like McCain and others who are saying,
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
We just can't let this go by.
We gotta corner you.
We gotta ask you questions.
Sit down.
Let's talk for an hour.
Let's put it live on television because we have these questions.
Big time questions.
You didn't know what was going to happen?
I mean, you could go up to some guy at random on the street in Indiana.
And just say, look, we're going to paint a scenario for you.
Here's what's going to happen.
We've got these terrorists that we created, lots of them.
And they don't only fight against the government.
They fight against themselves.
And we gave them weapons.
I mean, nasty weapons, high-powered weapons.
And we're going to go in there with planes, you see.
We're going to bomb the country, destroy a lot of it, the public buildings, utilities, all that kind of stuff.
And we're going to take out the president.
We're going to murder him.
And then we're just going to basically turn around and leave.
So, what would you say is going to happen after that?
How's that country going to work after that?
You think we're going to have a Jeffersonian democracy?
You think we're going to have a constitutional convention?
You think we're going to have three branches of government?
What do you think?
And that guy will tell you, you know,
68 tons more of the truth than in that little capsule statement of Obama's like, we didn't think about what would happen the day after we left Libya.
No, just no.
It was like a little glitch that happens sometimes.
I mean, you've seen it.
You walk into a room and you look around, you wonder, why am I in the room?
Why did I walk into this?
I knew I wanted something.
What was it?
Was it my keys?
What was it?
We can't remember.
We just didn't remember to think about what would happen when we left.
That's the story.
I mean, I'm sorry, but, you know, it happens.
Just kind of so.
Can't be perfect, right?
Can't be perfect.
We'll be back with a short segment after this break.
John Rappaport sitting in for Alex on InfoWords.
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Back for the last segment here in the fourth hour, John Rappaport in for sitting in for Alex.
You know, one of the great cards that we have to play in our deck is they, major media, really think
That we are so stupid that we're going to buy these stories that I was discussing, for example, before the break.
Like, oh, it was just, you know, a mistake.
We didn't think about what would happen after we completely decimated the country and destroyed it and unleashed the terrorists that we had created, armed and funded and provided intel to.
You know, we just we just didn't know.
And oops, chaos.
Oops, no more country.
Oops, no more nation.
You know, the people who feed us this, including Obama, I mean, he's the one that said that, that was the biggest mistake of his presidency.
Oops, we just didn't, that's what he said on Fox!
I mean, and nobody picked up on it.
Worst mistake of his presidency, we didn't, he said, the quote was actually, probably failing to plan for the day after.
Oops, the day after we left Libya in ashes and smoke.
Oh, yeah.
Forgot about that.
Just, you know.
And so, he's sitting there with Chris Wallace.
There's no follow-up.
No follow-up from any other major news outlet.
Nobody picks up on that and says, wait a minute, wait a minute.
We've got to look into this.
Not only do we have to say, hey, Mr. President, this was not a mistake.
This was not a mistake.
Now, if you want to call it utter destruction, chaos, mass murder, yeah, we could buy that, sure.
But a mistake?
You know, destroying the future of a country, turning it into a non-nation?
Yeah, we could buy that.
But not planning for the day after.
No, we can't buy that at all.
And then, as a follow-up, what do you expect?
Or what would you expect if you had a real press, mainstream press?
We're going to send out reporters to dig into this.
What actually did happen in Libya?
Well, that's what Sheryl Atkinson was doing.
With Benghazi, when they began to harass her, and surveil her computers, and hack into them, and hack into her phones at work and at home, and television set at home, and so on.
And she found an extra cable, you know, as in cable television, outside her house.
And she told the
Uh, the workman to leave it there because, obviously, because it was evidence and then all of a sudden it disappeared.
I mean, that's, that's more than surveilling.
That's what happened to her.
When she thought to herself, well, you know, I don't think that was just a mistake.
I don't think that was just a mistake, what happened in Libya, and I think we ought to find out more about it.
Because I have a feeling there's a lot more that we could learn about it.
That's what a really honest press would do.
That's where they would go.
Let's find out what's really happening in Libya now, after it's been destroyed.
Let's report on it in depth, chapter and verse, video, photos, documentary.
Let's lay it at the feet of those who are responsible!
They don't think about that.
So we have to think about that.
And we're ready to, and we do.
Thanks for paying attention.
John Rappaport here, sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour on InfoWars.com.