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Filename: 20170322_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 22, 2017
3013 lines.

In this episode of his show, Alex Jones discusses various topics including breaking news about a terror attack in London, the French presidential election, espionage allegations against President Trump and Infowars, paleo nutrition and environmental purification, copycat terrorist attacks, political correctness, government corruption, and investigations into alleged collusion between Trump's campaign team and Russian officials. He also addresses surveillance and monitoring during conversations with Trump, censorship of opposing viewpoints, and speculates about the possible reasons for David Brock's heart attack. Roger Stone fills in for Alex Jones and discusses topics such as President Trump being proven right about being under surveillance, weak-kneed Republican aides urging him to apologize or back down, the carbon tax benefiting Goldman Sachs, and promotes his own book "The Making of The President 2016."

Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Roger Stone is going to be joining us in the next segment with some breaking news.
And we have a lot of breaking news that's happening.
We have a terror attack in London.
Details of this are just emerging.
We've had at least 12 pedestrians mowed down on a bridge by a car.
A man jumped out and has been wielding a knife.
There were shots fired at Westminster.
Parliament is on lockdown, so we're waiting to see what happens with this.
No identity yet on this.
They say more than 10 people are said to have been hit by a car on Westminster Bridge.
The source of this is the Daily Mail.
They say after a vehicle described as a 4x4,
Reportedly drove into pedestrians and cyclists three bodies were visible on the floor outside of Parliament and the palace was on an immediate lockdown so it's not clear if those three bodies are in addition to the ten people that were knocked down on Westminster Bridge that was in a
If that's all in one area.
Nevertheless, a very serious attack in London.
I guess we're waiting to get the last name.
First name is probably Mohammed.
Although there are reports that it's an Asian individual.
Still could be a Muslim.
It certainly looks like an Islamic attack.
With the car, with the knife, etc.
As well as not just the gun issue.
Another example, as well, of the failure of gun control, folks.
You know, this guy had no trouble getting a gun, but of course, they can do a lot of damage with a truck that they've hijacked as well.
We also see that there's an article up on the Drudge Report from InfoWars.
Did the U.S.
military infiltrate North Korean defense networks and take out their latest missile test?
This is an interesting story.
This missile, of course, blew up on the launching pad, and as one of the articles from The Sun said, Kim Jong-un suffered stage fright.
I guess maybe that's first stage flight.
That's when it blew up, was in the first stage.
Maybe we ought to start calling this an unlaunch.
Maybe that could be the new metaphor for rockets that blow up on the launch pad or immediately after.
Maybe that could be his legacy.
Maybe this guy could have something positive to contribute to society and the world after all.
He could give us a new verb.
Unlaunch a rocket.
We have a lot of news that's happening today.
We have the Neil Gorsuch hearing that is going to be continuing today and we have a lot of information from that yesterday as well as
New moves towards impeachment.
They're accusing Paul Manafort of working for Putin's government and he pushed back and said, I worked for Oleg Deripaska almost a decade ago representing him on business and personal matters in countries where he had investments.
My work for Mr. Deripaska did not involve representing Russian political interests.
Meanwhile, we see also
The Podesta, who they conveniently ignore, has even closer ties.
In a call from the Daily Caller article, they point out the Podesta, who was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton the entire time she was running for office, not just for a short period of time, but the entire time she was also Bill Clinton's White House Chief of Staff.
He first made contact with a Russian firm in 2011, so it's more recent than Paul Manafort's, which was more than a decade ago.
The amount that he has involved here is $35 million that is involved, not the $10 million that they're talking about with Paul Manafort, and he has problems in terms of disclosure.
He did not disclose when he started working for Barack Obama's White House staff in 2014 as a senior counselor, he did not disclose
These investments, these stock holdings that he had in Russia at the time, we've talked about this all along.
Now we got Representative Louie Gohmert who is pulling this out and saying, why aren't you talking about John Podesta's involvement?
Which is orders of magnitude more than the allegations against Paul Manafort.
But of course they're not going to do that.
It's the same thing we see from
FBI Director Comey, he's not going to come after Hillary Clinton, remember?
Going all the way back to the national security violations.
Yes, we have multiple felonies committed, but we're not going to go there.
We're not going to investigate that.
But don't you try this at home, because we don't have law enforcement that enforces laws without being selective about two potential individuals or two classes of individuals.
We're also going to be talking about the Rockville rape.
And what that tells us about the special protections afforded to foreign citizens who are criminally trespassing.
We'll be right back.
Ashley Beckford here for InfoWars.com.
I have an article linked from the San Diego Tribune.
North County Carlsbad to photograph every car entering city.
Quote, to me, one million dollars is a drop in the bucket when you are trying to protect 100,000 or more people.
Carlsbad is expanding its use of automatic license plate readers into a system that aims to collect the registration information of every vehicle that enters the city.
The $1 million police department project, which will add stationary cameras at 14 key Carlsbad intersections,
Creating a virtual gateway at the city's borders was approved by the City Council last week, sparking outrage over privacy rights and government control from several residents and one council member.
Stay tuned for more special reports at InfoWars.com.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
On this Wednesday, March 22, 2017, I'm David Knight.
We're going to be going to Roger Stone.
We have breaking news from Roger Stone.
Of course, he's at the top of the New York Times, calling him a trickster on Trump's side, saying he is under FBI security.
He's going to break down what this is.
We're going to go to him in just one moment.
But before we do, I want to talk about this developing terror attack in London.
We've had an individual who drove a car into pedestrians.
At least 10 have been injured.
They say 12 were attacked by a 4x4.
And then a man got out with a knife, ran into Westminster, stabbed a police officer, and the police shot the man.
And I don't know if he is dead or not as far as the information I'm seeing here, but here's the most interesting thing about this so far that has developed, and of course that is the way CNN spins this story.
Kit Daniels just handed this to me.
He put up an article on Infowars.com.
CNN downplays this ISIS-style parliament attack, and of course this is the MO that we have seen from Muslim terrorists.
Car attacks, knife attacks, that is what we've seen from them.
They call it a firearms incident.
Well, it's not an incident.
The police shot the man and stopped the attack.
That's what we keep saying about firearms.
But they report it as a firearms incident, even though it was a knife attack, a car attack, they call it a firearms incident.
We got Roger Stone on the line now.
We have, and he's going to tell us what is really behind these sinister attacks against Donald Trump.
It's really a spy group in the State Department.
Joining us now is Roger Stone.
David, great to be with you.
I was particularly interested in your comments on John Podesta.
You know, it's interesting that they want to now hyper-scrutinize Manafort.
They don't want to look at Podesta.
When I said in August in a tweet, Podesta's time in the barrel will come, meaning
His shady business practices in the Eastern European part of the world would come under greater scrutiny.
I was referring, interestingly, to a long memo I had gotten from Dr. Jerry Corsi, now heading your Washington Bureau.
Some of the best.
Investigative stuff that I have seen about the inherent corruption of John and Tony.
He urged me to look into some issues there.
I published my own article in October.
There's a whole state of alternative conservative media stories that I'm referring to.
Notice I didn't say hashtag WikiLeaks.
So the idea that Stone knew in advance about the hacking of Podesta's email
Is a damnable lie, and you've got some chick out today in a David Brock-funded box saying, Stone's Alibi destroyed.
No, it's not destroyed.
Give me a chance to testify in open hearing for the House or Senate Intelligence Committee, and I will put the lie to this Russian myth.
But more importantly, David, we do have now the pieces coming together.
You'll recall, last time I was on with Alex, I talked about the slow-motion coup.
And many Americans may not have been paying attention back in, I think it was 2017, when Obama quietly authorized in a national defense authorization bill
Essentially, the Bureau of Fake News, meaning the Ministry of Truth, this is step one to suppress a coup.
We have to silence the alternative voices, meaning any voice but the deep state and the government.
We see this in the attack on Infowars.
We see this on the attack on Stone Cold Truths.
We see this in the attack on Breitbart.
We see this in the games that are being played at Google and Facebook to rig our logarithms to deny us our free speech rights.
It's ironic that the left, who talks so much about free speech in the First Amendment,
Now offer censorship Stalin style as their prescription.
But it is all happening now.
They're attacking Ron Paul as an agent of the Kremlin.
John McCain attacked the patriotism of another senator.
This is a blatant violation of the Senate rules.
He should be censured for that.
And that should have been a jump the shark moment.
I think as you're talking about how they're censoring InfoWars and Breitbart and the press that is not friendly to the administration, they're using bots to shut people down.
And yet what they do is they say, you're using bots to get your information out.
So they accuse us of doing what we know that they're doing.
It's amazing how they are selective about this, isn't it?
If you go on Twitter, the torrent of hate directed at Alex Jones, directed at Roger Stone, directed at Steve Bannon, it's just vile.
And it's all paid for, it's all agitprop, it's all the same.
I mean, this guy Brock is just a con man.
He gets $30 million from Dome Ridge donors.
He pockets most of it.
He pays very little in taxes.
There's a complaint filed there.
And he has these bots constantly attacking the supporters of Donald Trump.
And he lost with the giant financial advantage he had.
He lost.
Now I guess he has conned some new fat, rich, sucker liberal donors in his plan to impeach the president.
That will never happen.
You know, I think it's very interesting when we go back and you mentioned John and Tony, and that's the two brothers, the Podesta brothers, both of them lobbyists, very well connected, a lot of connections to Russia, but of course they suppress that information.
When we look at this report that came out today from the Daily Caller, this is Louie Gohmert from Texas calling this out.
It was actually a state-run company that was founded by Vladimir Putin, Rusnano, that was involved.
Yeah, it's Bill and Hillary and the Podestas who are making millions off the clique around Putin.
So let's accuse Trump, who has never met Putin, crossed paths with him in some dressing room, but have never actually met.
Let's blame him of being in Putin's pocket.
It's almost...
It's Kafkaesque, but it's also textbook for the Alinsky School.
Attack your opponent for exactly what you are doing.
Let me point out that the Ministry of Truth, as they call it, this censorship board, was actually put forward by Senator Rob Portman of Ohio.
He is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bush family.
I mean, his breath smells like George W's derriere.
Yeah, we have to understand that when they created this... He's a stooge for the deep state in the defense contractors.
If you look at his campaign contributions, he's owned by the defense contractors and those who make millions on war.
He pushed this secret plan through Congress and now from a war room,
The Justice Department, the State Department, other intelligence agencies have begun the crackdown.
Alex Jones must be silenced.
Roger Stone must be silenced.
They're having conniption fits about the fact that Tucker Carlson's on Fox.
They'd like to figure out some way to shut him down.
Yeah, anybody who pushes against the neocon military-industrial establishment's agenda, who exposes information, they have to be shut down.
As you pointed out, the connection is Rob Portman.
It's the GOP that largely helped to pass this and put it into the NDAA.
And so this is something that is bipartisan.
It's the establishment, the military-industrial complex of both parties that are now coming after our free speech, attacking entire news organizations, saying that we're guilty by alleged association.
They're alleging association.
They're not even saying you're guilty because you're associated.
They're saying alleging this association and saying we need to take them down.
No, David, that is exactly right.
They can't compete in the marketplace of ideas, and therefore they have to go full totalitarian.
You have to be silenced.
It is absolutely outrageous, but it's happening before our very eyes.
And it is really why I keep telling people, in all honesty,
You know, if you want to buy my book, please do it through Room for Wars, because they need the money for this fight.
This is going to be a horrific fight.
They intend to try to silence Alex Jones.
I have at least four media questions from reporters wanting me to comment on the fact
We're good to go.
Yeah, and this is something that's being thrown out there shamefully by the FBI director himself.
And when you look at the double standard, the fact that he's not going to enforce laws against Hillary Clinton when she creates multiple felonies, but he tells people at that time, don't you try this.
That should have been the point at which this guy loses his job and or goes to jail.
If law enforcement
The FBI is not going to enforce the laws against certain individuals or certain classes of people, as we see with the sanctuary city sheriffs like we've got here in Austin.
If they're going to do that, they're not law enforcement.
They ought to be removed from office and or jailed.
And when we look at what you're talking about here, Roger, we've got the Daily Cause, of course, on the hard left, reporting on this, saying the FBI is investigating Breitbart and Infowars for possible Russian collusion.
Then they report what the FBI said.
And then they say, one imagines that the timing of their articles would have been important for this plan to work.
So assuming that there's a plan, assuming that there were bots promoting this, make all those assumptions as if they're fact, and then say, well, now we can make this assumption that they had to be coordinating this with the Russians in order for this to work.
That's the way that they're rolling this, but we can see with the double standard that this is purely political.
These are not investigations, they're allegations.
It's not prosecutions, it's persecutions.
Well, not only that, it's very interesting.
You have Congressman Adam Schiff of California, Junior League Joe McCarthy, attacking myself and others for alleged collusion, but that's not stopping him from having a fundraiser with a known Ukrainian arms dealer, Igor Pasternak.
That's right, and he's pushing that BuzzFeed dossier.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Alex will be joining us later in the show.
We were just talking to Roger Stone.
I want to go back and underscore some of the information that was also released about Podesta.
You will not hear this from the mainstream media or from the FBI.
They will not talk about Podesta and the Clinton campaign's connections to Vladimir Putin, which are far more direct than anything that has been alleged about Paul Manafort.
But of course, everybody today is talking about Paul Manafort.
Before we do, I just want to remind you that we have super blue fluoride toothpaste.
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That's what's happened to me with the toothpaste.
I love the toothpaste, but my wife and I ran out of it, and we've been waiting for this to come back in stock.
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I should be.
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It's very important because, you know, we were talking just a couple of weeks ago about how
Google's surrogate company was banning our ads for things like toothpaste.
There's nothing political about our toothpaste ads.
We don't say anything.
And we have a separate site for InfoWars Store, for InfoWars Life.
All it has are these products, these supplements, these things like toothpaste and storable food.
And that's all that's in our ads.
And they said, no, you're political.
We're not going to serve your ads.
Now they're going the other way around.
If you have a website and you're trying to get ad revenue,
Because you want to serve ads on your site.
Basically, you can make your site available and people will then serve those ads.
So they're taking the other direction now.
And Google is shutting that down.
And why are they doing it?
It's because people like HSBC said, well, we think that there are some sites that we don't really approve of and we want you to shut down that.
Hold that thought there for a moment.
HSBC, which is cited in the article as being the, by the Wall Street Journal, as being the source of concern for saying we don't want to have controversial ads out there.
HSBC has been convicted multiple times by the federal government for money laundering.
In reports that were done by the Rolling Stone, perhaps they are too controversial, they revealed that they were laundering money for drug cartels, for terrorist organizations, as a matter of fact, the Sinaloa cartel.
The cartel that's run by El Chapo.
Remember all the talk about El Chapo and how he escaped from prison and so forth?
Well, they didn't do a lot of talk about his money laundering operations, did they?
Or the fact that HSBC had set up their own private window.
For the Sinaloa cartel to launder their money.
They had their own private window.
They were convicted once.
They were put on probation.
They contained... We talked to a whistleblower who said, yeah, I came in after the first conviction.
They added some more people and they were really not trying to vet this at all.
They purposely brought in people that didn't know anything about it.
According to his testimony and others, they had put things in the search
Uh, terms that they were looking for that would indicate that money was being laundered to known individuals or organizations.
They would put spaces or periods in there so it wasn't even obvious to many of the people that, uh, they had been altered.
Deliberately keeping them from getting a flag.
And so then they were caught a second time doing this.
And now these people, HSBC, are telling Google, you know, we don't want you to serve
We don't want you to allow certain websites that are too controversial.
We don't want you to let them get any ad revenue from serving ads from other people.
So they're coming in both directions trying to shut everything down.
So we appreciate your support.
You've stuck by us and we try to offer you the very best products and I tell you what, that toothpaste is the best toothpaste I've used.
But let's go back to this attack on InfoWars that is being done
By the FBI.
It is going to be coming from the Ministry of Truth.
We talked about this long and hard when it happened back in December when they snuck this again into the National Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA.
That's where they put indefinite detention by the military without trial.
Without accusation.
Remember they slipped that in, in 2012.
Obama, there was a lot of controversy about that at the time when people first learned of it.
Obama said, ah, I'm not going to sign that.
And then on midnight, New Year's Eve, he signs it, quietly.
And says, oh, don't worry, I'm not going to enforce it.
This is the way the tyranny is rolling out.
This kind of deception.
And so when we come back, I want to repeat what we said at the very top of the hour because a lot of people don't get the news broadcast.
I want to hit these points about what's going on with Podesta.
And I want to talk about the double standard in terms of enforcing the law for immigrants, not just for the politically connected Democrats like Podesta and Hillary Clinton.
This is what we have in this country.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
During this week's Senate hearings on Russian hacking, the establishment Democrats and rogue intelligence heads attempted to frame Donald Trump and Infowars for colluding with the Russians in violating the National Defense Authorization Act.
So, Mr. Armstrong, you mentioned in your answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
You have RT, you have Sputnik, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Director Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
Investigators are busy chasing the conspiracy theory that far-right news organizations like InfoWars took action to assist Russian operatives to help Trump win the election.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Um, answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question, that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
Sure, thank you.
So, um, you have RT, you have Sputnik, you have Ruppli, um, and then I think you have them feeding, uh, other entities.
Uh, InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
George Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
I'm not going to talk about any particular person here today, Mr. Schiff.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now, a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing InfoWars.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
Same answer.
We're going to start shutting Alex Jones and others down, and we're going to sue them, and we're going to have the Justice Department come after them.
And get this, folks, if they can shut us down, you're next.
You know, I think it's really important as we sit here that we explain this to the American people in a way that they can understand it.
We are at war with Russia.
So would you say that Russia engaged in hybrid warfare in its effort to undermine our democratic process and engage in our electoral process?
Director Comey?
They engaged in a multi-faceted campaign of active measures to undermine our democracy and hurt one of the candidates and hope to help one of the other candidates.
I actually think that their engagement was an act of war.
You said we were attacked by Russia.
That's not a small thing.
An attack doesn't just invite a counterattack, it demands one, else you reveal your fundamental weaknesses and get attacked again.
Never in the history of our elections has a country attacked us the way that Russia has.
I think before government officials change our foreign policy and declare war against a sovereign country, as you all are attempting to do, we, citizens, have a right to know on what basis you're doing that.
If there is objection, and I note the Senator from Kentucky on the floor, I will say before I read this.
If there is objection, you are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin.
You're achieving the objectives of trying to dismember this small country that has already been the subject of attempted coup.
If they object, they are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin, and I do not say that lightly.
Senator from Kentucky?
I object.
Objection is heard.
The senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.
You're carrying water for the Kremlin.
I'm not carrying water for the Kremlin!
You're a sitting member of Congress on the Insight Committee, and you can't say they hacked.
You're going to have to move your shoulder to RT Russian television because...
That's just so beneath your office because it's so dumb and you're being duplicitous.
I'm asking you, did they hack Podesta's emails and you can't say it?
You have no resort to personal insults like that, Tucker.
You're filling in for Zuckerman.
You just said I was carrying water for Putin!
Russian scum!
Our battleships weren't sunk and our towers didn't collapse a lot.
2011, but make no mistake, 2016 is a year that we should mark on our calendars.
And it's still going on.
The attack didn't end on election day.
Donald John Trump, a man who, to borrow a phrase from another December long ago, will live in infamy.
If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role in helping to devise strategy, if they're the ones who came up with crooked Hillary, if they're the ones who came up with she's ill, something's wrong with her energy,
And the way that he basically, you know, described her in the campaign, I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached.
Okay, we just heard Maxine Waters, and she said if those Russians created that idea that Hillary was sick, and she's doing that, if you're not watching this, if you're listening to it on the radio, we've got the video B-roll that somebody, fortunately standing there with an iPhone, saw Hillary Clinton collapsing on that 9-11 day, and they had to grab her by the arms and drag her into the car.
You know, nobody created that.
People recorded that.
They recorded the reality of what's going on, and I guess when we see Maxine Waters tweeting out, get ready for impeachment,
The news is that Maxine Waters can spell impeachment.
This is a lady who doesn't know the difference between Korea and Crimea.
You know, Vladimir Putin invaded Korea, according to her, not Crimea.
And she's even wrong about the Crimea thing.
But look, this is, this would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
And when you look at Adam Schiff,
And he was in the Comey Hill presentation, again, pushing this absurd BuzzFeed dossier.
And BuzzFeed was attacked by everybody.
Even the Hillary Clinton supporters, the press that was pushing Hillary Clinton and attacking Donald Trump.
The Never Trump press attacked BuzzFeed for putting that out.
And BuzzFeed never did any further articles on it.
They've been sued by a Russian company that they named.
And they explained it as well, you know, it was just a rumor, we don't necessarily believe it, but we just thought even if it wasn't true, even if we hadn't vetted it, that our responsibility as a journalist was to put this out there.
That's the absurdity of where we are.
And of course you heard Matt Armstrong saying that Infowars is with Russia.
We heard the New York Times in that clip saying, they took our headline that Trump is being wiretapped.
Shame on Infowars, they cited our own headline and now Trump is citing our headline.
So that's the absurdity of this.
You know folks, what we've got here, you want a Russian connection?
Let me give you an FBI Russian connection.
The real Russian connection is between James Comey and Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin said, bring me the man, I'll find the crime, and that's the way the FBI is operating right now.
When you go back and you look at the duplicitous nature of these so-called investigations that the FBI is doing, and the fact that they don't investigate known crimes.
We know that somebody illegally leaked the information about Michael Flynn.
Why aren't they investigating it?
Why aren't they investigating the Clinton Foundation?
Well, they won't say.
Can't comment on that.
The only thing that they'll investigate on is allegations that there are connections somehow with Trump.
And now they are investigating Infowars, Breitbart, RT.
Saying, well, we think that maybe they had something to do with the timing of these Russian bots that were putting out articles.
Not even establishing the fact that there were articles that were being promoted by bots.
They're trying to put this out there as if you didn't retweet this.
If you're retweeting Infowars articles, if you're reading that, no, you're not doing that, it's a Russian bot that's doing that.
Our audience, those of you who are listening right now, we don't have anybody listening to us, it's simply Vladimir Putin and his Russian bots listening to us.
That's the narrative that they want to put out there, attacking us, saying that we're using bots, when in fact, they're using bots the night before they started this attack.
I had a guy contact me on Twitter who puts a lot of our information out.
And I know this guy.
I know his name.
I know he's not a bot.
And he sends this information to me.
He sends screenshots showing that he has been shut down on Facebook.
Because he shared a video that some teenager had done about Thomas Jefferson attacking the Barbary Pirates.
But Jefferson goes to war against Islam because they were Islamic and they were enslaving people.
And they were attacking ships that belonged to America as well as to European countries.
Most of the European countries wanted to just pay them tribute.
Jefferson said, we're not going to pay them tribute.
We're not going to pay them blackmail.
We're going to shut them down.
So that's part of the Marine Hem.
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
That's what that's talking about.
But of course, if you talk about actual history, and you use Islam as part of it, their bots will ban you.
So they use bots to control, to censor the narrative, and yet they say, we had bots that were pushing our narrative, and therefore, according to Daily Call, there must have been a coordination between us and them, according to Daily Cause.
That's the way this all works.
But when you look at
And you look at what he did, and we've talked about this many times, the fact that he would say, we know that there were multiple felony violations of national security by Hillary Clinton.
But don't you try this.
That is outrageous.
The man should be removed, he should be removed at this point for having said that, for having done that.
And they went on to attack people before and after Hillary Clinton.
Of course, we've talked to Thomas Drake, who's one of the NSA whistleblowers.
It was the Obama administration that attacked more whistleblowers and journalists than all the other administrations for the last 100 years on the basis of a 1917 law.
It was the Obama administration that attacked them more than all the other administrations combined.
They went after the NSA whistleblowers, tried to put them in jail, specifically Thomas Drake, creating information to try to frame him.
And yet, and after this, we saw also the individual who took a couple of pictures inside a submarine.
They said, well, that would have been known to be confidential information, so we're going to send you to jail for a couple of years.
And yet, Hillary Clinton can leak out information with her careless disregard and flaunting the rules of national security of information that is not only top secret, but above top secret, and she gets away with it because of James Comey.
When you have selective law enforcement, you don't have law enforcement.
What you have is corruption.
What you have is Stalin.
We say we're not going to prosecute some individuals, but we will allege and imply that other people are criminals, and we will look at them with a microscope to try to find something on them.
That is Stalin-esque.
And what we have now is a politicized police state.
We don't have law enforcement.
And I want to step back for a moment from this whole Russian narrative and give you a different example.
This is the Rockville Rape.
And when you look at what's going on with this Rockville Rape, and I want to play a clip Jack Posobiec got of a woman.
Who identified herself as a former bleeding heart liberal.
She was very concerned about what she heard at the school hearings where they were talking about what was going on there.
Let's play that clip from her and I'm going to tell you what they're doing there that is exactly the same thing that we're seeing now with the selective prosecution, I would say persecution, by the FBI.
Let's play that clip of what this lady says about the Rockville rape.
We found it very unsatisfying ourselves.
Now I changed my position.
I was against money.
I thought the public schools should get all the dollars.
Now I'm thinking maybe people should be able to take their money and go to school wherever they want because this changed my mind.
About a lot of my attitudes, you know, as a former bleeding heart liberal.
Um, a lot of it, so, yeah.
I feel differently now.
So she's that fed up with the school administration that she says, well maybe we ought to be able to create different schools on our own.
Well, that's not really the problem.
The problem goes back to the border, to the immigration issues.
And as WND reported, sanctuary policies have led to this brutal bathroom rape of a 14-year-old schoolgirl.
And if you don't know the story, it came out that this 14-year-old girl
Was brutally raped by an 18 and a 17 year old, we're told.
We don't know, because we don't know anything about these individuals, because they just self-immigrated into our country.
These are foreign citizens who are criminally trespassing in our country, but because they are foreign citizens criminally trespassing, known as undocumented immigrants by the Democrats,
They get a free pass on certain things, especially in sanctuary cities.
What they did was they anally, orally, and vaginally raped this young 14-year-old girl in the restroom.
And of course, they're saying that one of them is 18 years old and from Guatemala, another one is 17 years old and from El Salvador.
They were wanted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, by ICE.
And yet, it's a sanctuary city, sanctuary area in Montgomery.
As a matter of fact,
In Montgomery, as WND points out, it's not just the Montgomery County, but Maryland itself gives in-state tuition.
To illegal alien college students.
And its legislature is considering a bill that would declare Maryland the country's first sanctuary state.
Not just a county, not just a city, but the entire state.
They're going to give them in-state tuition preference over even Americans who want to go to college in Maryland.
Montgomery County is already a sanctuary county.
They denied 63 ICE requests to turn over illegal alien criminals last year, reports Fox News.
They should have been deported, but they were in there as freshmen.
They're like 9th graders.
So they're in there with 14, 15 year old kids, even though they are reportedly 17 or 18 years old.
But we don't know how old they are.
These kids could be 20.
They could be 25.
Who knows?
We don't know who these people are.
We're not allowed to ask.
If you ask, you're racist.
So we have created this whole class of people who are protected, just like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are protected by the FBI.
We now have
So called law enforcement in these sanctuary cities, counties, now presumably a state, that protect these criminally trespassing foreign citizens.
And there was an article over the weekend from the Washington Post behind the rise in seemingly chaotic MS-13 violence.
A structured hierarchy.
In other words,
These people with MS-13, they have a structured hierarchy just like the mafia does.
What would you do with a prosecutor?
What would you do with a sheriff or police chief who said, we're not going to do anything with the mafia?
Wouldn't you put them in jail along with the mafia?
You should.
You should move them from office and put them in the jail where they belong.
But of course, they're going to allow these criminal gangs to continue.
And as they point out in this Washington Post story, this is all in Maryland, where they want to make it a sanctuary state.
They said a 34-year-old was lured into the woods in suburban Maryland, where assailants armed with knives had already dug his grave.
A 22-year-old, also taken into a wooded area, was ordered to his knees, shot in the face.
An 18-year-old, ambushed near a stream, was stabbed and stoned as he crawled into the water and died under the bridge of the Capitol Beltway.
And oh, by the way, if you want to say this is racist, a lot of these people, most of these people, are Hispanic.
Because these are disputes and competitions within the gang and against other gangs that are happening there.
They say the shocking slayings 18 months ago signaled a resurgence in Montgomery County, the same county where they had these two older kids, four or five years older than the other kids in their class, if they're telling the truth about their age, brutally raped this girl, gang raped her.
But these slayings that I just told you happened in the same county.
They were also done by MS-13.
They say now the federal government is starting to look at racketeering cases against these people.
Let's protect the borders.
See, the Sanctuary City stuff and the illegal immigration stuff, as they report further on in the article from the Washington Post, MS-13 was formed in the 1980s in Los Angeles by El Salvadoran immigrants, foreign citizens, criminally trespassing in the United States.
They said, we want to create a gang.
Ostensibly, they take their side.
Well, they're being picked on by other gangs.
So they create a gang for protection, and then they went back to El Salvador.
Whether or not that is true, this is a multinational gang.
That is going throughout the United States.
It is not just a presence in Montgomery County.
Not just a presence in Maryland.
There's also massive gang activity on Long Island, New York, where my wife grew up.
A lot of the cities that she knew are now being overrun by MS-13.
But in LA, in California, where this began, we see that the immigrant rights groups wanted to block the lists of gang members from the Trump administration after Donald Trump won the election.
He said, the first thing we're going to do is get rid of the criminals, the gangs.
That's what we really want to get rid of.
And they're killing
Everyone, without regard to your background or your race or your nationality or whatever, they're killing everyone so we want to get rid of them.
Well, the immigrant rights groups in California said, no, we don't want him to get those gang lists.
We don't even want the MS-13 gang members deported.
That is the special protection that is being given to people.
And here in Travis County, in Austin, Texas, our sheriff said, we're not going to turn over to ICE sexual offenders.
Same thing that happened in Maryland.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight.
We're going to go back, take another look at this push by the AP, by the mainstream media, against Paul Manafort, which is directly an attack on Donald Trump.
And we're going to look at how they have completely ignored
What John and Tony Podesta have done.
Completely ignored it.
And the way that they're implying this about Paul Manafort, that he had a plan to benefit Putin and his government.
Okay, we're going to dissect that here in just a moment.
But before we do, it's very important that you stay in contact with us.
As we were talking about before, they're accusing Infowars and Breitbart of, we didn't get traction until Russian bots started pushing our stories out there.
They're the ones who are using bots to suppress information from us.
So they accuse us of using bots to get our information out.
It's exactly the opposite.
That's what they do.
Just as they created this organization as part of the NDAA, they said we're going to counter disinformation and propaganda.
No, they're going to create disinformation and propaganda, just as the Patriot Act was unpatriotic in an attack on the Bill of Rights.
They always call it exactly the opposite of what it is.
They always accuse you
Of doing what they're doing.
Of their MO.
And ignore the crimes of Hillary Clinton, the crimes of John Podesta.
So you need to stay in contact with us.
You need to stay in contact with Truth Media.
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Make sure you sign up for that at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
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That's what gets rid of the harmful bacteria in your face, in your face and your mouth, that endangers your health throughout the rest of your body.
All right, I want to get back to this Podesta story that is coming out, and I'm calling it the Podesta story because that's really the dog that hasn't barked.
That's what the mainstream media will not cover.
First of all, we've got AP coming out and saying Manfred had a plan.
Now, this is something that happened 10 years ago.
It had no bearing on this relationship, on this election here, but he had a plan to benefit the Putin government.
Well, as he pointed out,
The person that he worked with was a Russian billionaire.
They say, according to AP and CNN, that he had close ties to Putin.
But it wasn't a company that was owned or founded by Putin.
It wasn't owned by the Russian government like the company that John Podesta worked with.
John Podesta worked with a company called Rosnano.
It was a state-run, it's Russian-run, it's run by the Russian government.
That's who he was a lobbyist for.
And it wasn't 10 years ago, it was 5 years ago that John Podesta and his brother were working at it.
It was a company that was founded by Vladimir Putin.
And they won't talk about that.
Do you understand the double standard that's going on here?
Do you understand that this information that AP is running with was put out by a Ukrainian lawmaker?
Do you think the Ukrainians are trying to hack our election?
Are they trying to depose our president?
Are they interfering in our country?
Think about that.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?
Give me liberty or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We have an update on the terror attack in London.
They're now reporting that two of the individuals that were run over by the car have now died.
Others have catastrophic wounds.
Another terror attack that was carried out by automobile, by a 4x4.
They say a grey 4x4 crashed into the gates outside of Parliament.
They mowed down a lot of pedestrians on the way to doing that.
Then the individual got out with an 8-inch knife.
We're good to go.
And in terms of vehicles, in terms of knife attacks and so forth, the people who have the guns, the police who shot and killed this individual, then CNN focuses on it as a firearms attack.
So it's not the terrorists, it's the evil guns that defended people from the terrorists that they focus on.
And that's exactly what we're seeing here in this story that is being promoted throughout the mainstream media today about Paul Manafort.
And without defending Paul Manafort, he could be guilty of connections, I don't know.
I don't see, though, that he's done anything that John Podesta hasn't done.
Isn't it interesting that they don't talk about John Podesta?
See, that's the double standard that we see here.
And that's how you know, it's the first clue, that this is politically motivated.
The first clue that this is a Russian-style FBI and press that we're dealing with.
Bring me the man, I'll find the crime.
Let's get Paul Manafort because he's associated with Trump and then we can go after Trump later on.
Let's get Infowars because they're associated with Trump.
They supported Trump.
Or Breitbart.
And then we can go after Trump with that.
That is what these people are doing.
So you have a situation as I reported before, and I'll talk about it later on if I'm still here.
Alex is going to be coming in to take over the show in a little bit, but I want to also talk about the Obamacare vote that is coming up tomorrow.
We have Rand Paul saying that there are easily 35 no votes against Obamacare 2.0.
And people have called it Ryancare.
They've called it Ryanocare.
We're going to break down the details of this on the other side of the break, but you have to understand, Paul Ryan was the running mate of Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney had already done Obamacare in Massachusetts.
It was Romneycare.
He put it together with Ted Kennedy, of all people.
And as he was running for president against Barack Obama, people rightfully pointed out that they were each calling for the same thing in 2012.
And Paul Ryan was his running mate at the time.
You see, the fix was in.
The establishment had decided that they were going to put in Obamacare.
And they were going to make sure that happened, whether or not it was a Democrat or a Republican.
Whether it was Barack Obama or whether it was Mitt Romney, the establishment was going to get a government takeover of your health care.
And that's why they are fighting this so hard.
Because the establishment still wants a bailout of insurance companies.
And of course, one of the things that's come out, we've got a couple of articles that are up on Dredge Report.
In the last minutes here, what we're seeing is, as they're rushing this through, we see that millions of veterans could be ineligible to receive tax credits under this new
Obamacare plan that they've got.
They say late Monday night, leadership staff put out a 22-page technical amendment to the bill and in their haste, they introduced language that could keep as many as 7 million veterans from participating in the GOP health care program.
Whether by design or accident, leadership staffers struck that language that would have protected VA benefits.
Now retired service members qualify only if they are not eligible for other types of government health care.
So they put in some changes at the last minute, removed millions of veterans.
But guess what?
They also put in some changes at the last minute that took out the cuts for illegal immigrants.
So illegal immigrants get coverage, but not the veterans because of these last-minute changes.
Do you see how this is happening?
How many times have we seen veterans and American citizens and people who are citizens of this country not get tuition, not get health care, not get benefits from the government, but we give it to illegal aliens?
This is just one of the issues.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
I want to talk about Obamacare because we've got a vote that is coming up in the next 24 hours, we've been told.
We had Rand Paul go on and talk to Lou Dobbs.
I want to play that clip for you.
He says unless things are changed radically in the next 24 hours, he said there are 35 votes against right now, it's not going to pass.
Here's what he had to say to Lou Dobbs.
Let's start with the President calling you out nicely.
He seems to be a Rand Paul fan.
He likes you very much.
He would like your vote.
Is he going to get it?
Well, you know, I have a lot in common with the President that we both ran on repealing Obamacare.
Conservatives across the country, we won in 2010, 2014, and again in 2016 on repealing Obamacare.
So I think that brings us all together.
But we ran on repealing it, not replacing it with Obamacare Light.
And I think Paul Ryan's plan, one, won't fix the problems.
I think it will continue to allow the insurance premiums to skyrocket.
And I just don't think it really fixes the problems.
And we didn't run on replacing Obamacare with Obamacare Light.
So I'm a no vote and will continue to be.
I think there are enough conservatives in the House to bring this to a halt.
When you look at what Donald Trump ran on, he ran on, as he said, repeal.
But he also ran on market forces replacing this.
Giving people purchasing power by giving them tax credits, health savings accounts.
Giving them competition with insurance companies being able to compete across state lines.
Giving them information about costs, about success rates on different procedures, different doctors, different hospitals.
We need to have information, we need to have purchasing power, and we need to have competition.
All of those things were part of Donald Trump's
Well, we have to be suspicious of Paul Ryan, and there are many details in here that look like this is nothing but a continuation of Obamacare.
And as I said in the last segment, it was Mitt Romney who had a plan that was exactly identical to Obamacare in Massachusetts, as governor, that he put together with Ted Kennedy.
The fix was in four years ago.
We were going to get Obamacare or we were going to get Romneycare and they were the same thing.
And now we have Mitt Romney's running mate who is trying to run interference against any kind of repeal.
Certainly against any kind of substantive change.
The goal here is not just to do something quickly.
The goal is to repeal this, to get rid of this.
You have to understand that if we just make some little minor tweaks to it around the edges,
That this thing is going to be firmly entrenched.
We've already got something here that is less than four years old and people are saying, no, no, it's too ingrained in people's lives.
We can't get rid of it.
That's the way these programs work.
Remember, it was Ronald Reagan who said he was going to get rid of the Department of Education that had been recently created by Jimmy Carter.
It was less than four years old at the time.
But instead of getting rid of it, it was firmly entrenched, it was magnified, it got larger and larger, and the inefficiencies of Obamacare, we should say, Obama-tacks.
Because it is a tax.
It's a tax on medical devices, it's a tax on consumers, forcing us to buy something from private suppliers.
It is unconstitutional, regardless.
Of what Roberts says, and of course he wrote the dissenting and consenting opinions, both sides of these opinions, we've said many times, I believe.
That he was blackmailed by somebody.
I don't understand how he could write both sides of the opinion.
On the one hand, he's arguing with himself here.
But look, let's understand just how bad this bill is.
There's a couple of articles that are up on the Drudge Report talking about last-minute changes that they've made.
Millions of veterans, up to 7 million veterans, could be ineligible to receive tax credits under this Republican plan because of last-minute changes that were just put in.
So the veterans would be taken out
If they would only qualify if they are not eligible for any other kind of government health care.
So they would be taken off of these qualifications to get some of the benefits of this new Romney care.
On the other hand, some other last minute changes were put in that would allow illegal immigrants to continue getting federal health care subsidy.
See, this is the insanity of this.
And the details really do matter.
It's important that we get this right.
It's important that we repeal it.
That's the first thing we have to get right.
And then we can talk about what we replace it with.
Just last week, we had the Congressional Budget Office say that a full repeal of Obamacare
Would result in less Americans losing their insurance than Paul Ryan's Obamacare Light Plan.
Why is it?
Well, that's because Obamacare Light that were being given by Paul Ryan-o
That is going to continue these inefficiencies down the road, and it is going to bankrupt these insurance companies.
We just had a couple of insurance companies who were trying to merge.
We had Aetna and Humana.
They're losing money.
We're trying to merge.
Humana got out of the marketplace.
They said, we can't stay in this Obamacare marketplace.
We're losing too much money.
They're trying to merge.
They're trying to create a too-big-to-fail scenario, just like we saw with the banks.
Once they get too big to fail, these insurance companies who are losing money, they can merge together, then they can come to the government and say, you have to bail us out because we're key to your Obamacare program.
We don't want to see that happen.
And if we continue with the essence of Obamacare, as Paul Ryan wants to do, that's what they want to do with Mitt Romney, with Paul Ryan.
These people are part of the establishment.
Whether they're Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter.
So it's very important that the conservatives hang together.
You need to talk to your conservative representative and tell them you do not want Obamacare to continue.
And that is precisely what they are doing.
There was an editorial by Rand Paul
And it was last Friday, I think, or Thursday.
It was on Breitbart.
He said, look, I'm kind of a half glass, half full guy.
But what we need to do is we need to smash this thing to smithereens because there's too much that's bad in it.
And in this editorial, he pointed out that for four straight elections, Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare.
But now, we want to continue insurance subsidies.
We want to continue mandates.
We want to continue taxes.
We want to continue bailouts for these insurance companies that are also failing.
It's a bad deal for everybody.
It's a bad deal for the medical device manufacturers.
They're being taxed.
That raises the cost.
That doesn't provide more health care for anybody.
When you tax people and raise their costs, they're going to pass that along to you.
It's going to make it more difficult for you.
So he says, when did Republicans, this is Rand Paul, asking these questions, very good questions, when did Republicans begin to believe that insurance companies should be put on the dole?
That they should be bailed out when their customers become sick?
When did Republicans begin to believe that the federal government should force you to pay a penalty to a private insurance company if you can't afford insurance?
Let me repeat that.
Why should you have to pay a penalty to a private insurance company because you can't afford insurance?
See, that's what's in this bill.
That's what Paul Ryan is propagating.
It was Romney, Ryan, Obama, all of them the same.
Ted Kennedy.
This is being propagated by the establishment of both parties.
We do not need to fall in line on this simply because we've got to get something done.
And we gotta mark off a checklist item, say, hey, I did something about Obamacare.
No, we need to do the right thing about Obamacare.
Rand Paul goes on to say, when did Republicans begin to believe that we should levy a special tax penalty on those who choose to buy really good health insurance?
He said, the current Ryan plan, Obamacare lite, is not about patients, it's not about better healthcare, it isn't about lowering costs.
He goes on to say, it's plain and simple, it's about getting more money to the insurance companies and running more of your life from Washington.
It is a tax, it is a mandate, we don't need this.
He says, insurance is not the same as healthcare.
You have to understand that.
You know, going back to the Department of Education.
We have to understand that there's a difference between education and the institutions that we create to help give us an education.
So there's a difference between your education and the school.
There's a difference between getting educated and having a Department of Education.
One does not necessarily lead to the other.
Having health insurance, having Obamacare does not give you health care.
So we need to be looking at ways that we can get more affordable health care.
We need to look at ways that we can educate people better and not ways that we can preserve the Department of Education or ways that we can preserve the current school system or ways that we can preserve Obamacare.
That's not the goal here.
And so many times we get caught up in these institutional boxes that we've created, and we can't think outside of those boxes as to what the original goal was, what the true purpose of those institutions are.
If they're not serving those purposes, they need to go.
Remember the Declaration of Independence?
Governments are instituted to protect our individual liberties.
When they don't do that, it is not only our right, but our duty to alter or abolish those institutions.
That's all these institutions.
Every government institution.
And that certainly includes Obamacare.
Obamacare is not doing what it's supposed to.
Obamacare is destroying our liberty.
It is our right and it is our duty to abolish Obamacare.
Let's declare independence from it.
Rand Paul went on to say, I'm sick of insurance companies putting me on hold, telling me to talk to their representative in a foreign country.
He said, screw that.
I want to let every American be able to join a co-op to buy their health care.
When that happens, the buying power returns to the patients.
Let me tell you what I do.
And there's multiple organizations that do this.
We work with Samaritan Ministries.
There's also Christian Care MediShare.
There's also one that's not Christian, called Liberty, and I don't know the exact title of it.
But if you get together in a co-op to buy health insurance, okay, we're not buying health insurance.
We have, there's a catastrophic
Health care clause that's there for the people if you have cancer or something, that kicks in for the members.
But what you're basically doing is you're sharing your costs with other people.
It's a great idea.
You are a cash patient.
And when you negotiate with the doctors as a cash patient, even the LA Times, which supports the government running and controlling your health care, even the LA Times in an article a couple of years ago, did a study and they said, we looked at these cash patients who went to the doctors and hospitals for these procedures, and we compared it to people who had full boat insurance.
And we found that the people who had insurance were actually paying more by just paying their deductible
Their deductible costs were higher than what the cash patients were paying.
In addition, there were a lot of unnecessary tests and other things that were being added to the bill because you had insurance.
So, you need to think outside of the box.
You now have the ability that you can use these co-ops.
You should investigate that for the most part, but talk to your representative will be right.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be connecting to Alex Jones in just one moment.
And we're going to have him on the line.
He wants to comment about developments today.
We have a very, very heavy news day.
Again, we talked to Roger Stone earlier about what is truly behind these attacks on Donald Trump, on Roger Stone, on Infowars.
It actually is a spy group, as he pointed out, in the State Department.
Okay, let's, uh, do we have Alex on the line here?
I'm not sure what, uh, okay.
Okay, Alex has breaking news.
Let's go to Alex right now.
David, thank you so much for the great work you and the whole crew are doing.
Again, this is beyond a spy novel.
It's beyond Hollywood, and we're all right in the middle of it.
Remember back on December 6th, Obama signed the NDAA.
With Defense Authorization Act 2017, and it said it created a Ministry of Truth with the Board of Governors of the FCC and the CIA, with the Pentagon, actively going to war with independent news in the United States.
And in some of those hearings they previously had, they listed Breitbart and Infowars.
Now remember, there aren't more patriotic, hardcore Americana groups out there than Infowars and Breitbart, okay?
I mean, that's just incontrovertible.
So now all this is happening, and I kept pointing out, Trump's got to kill this, Trump's got to kill this, Trump's got to come in and kill that office as soon as he gets in.
Of course, then they'll say, oh, you're killing our investigation of the Russians.
So that's the perfect globalist takeover plan, is they put a rogue group in there, fund it in the NDAA for hundreds of millions of dollars, and now you're seeing it launch.
Then last week, they have the outgoing head of the Board of Governors, Mr. Armstrong, say, not I'm under investigation for being a Russian asset,
Like the news is saying, and McClatchy is saying off the congressional reports, but that we are Russian operatives.
I mean, this is incredible.
None of us get called before the Congress.
None of us get called on the shows.
I talked to a person earlier who was on Charlie Rose, and I brought out the whole new NSA documents cut out of Charlie Rose.
There is a total blackout on this, so what I'm hitting at here is the magnitude of this, that we have the State Department, an open mutiny against the President, set up by Obama, who admits he put all these sleeper groups in agencies to block America getting out of the New World Order, to block America turning our energy back on, and cutting taxes for the middle class, poor people, and skyrocketing the stock market, and coming roaring back from
But this is the key group that is coordinating.
You're dead.
We already knew it, but now it's documented.
Now they're, Trump's been in six or something days, and they are coordinating out of that office with Congress publicly and John McCain to say that Senator Rand Paul is an agent of, that Alex Jones is an agent of, not Dukes, not, no, no, no, not, not Quisling,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
That's going to be the type of connections they claim that, oh, there's secret servers and things getting ordered from the Russians, and Nancy Pelosi and others have let this out, saying, oh my God, and so it's actually orders.
Trump actually gets direct daily orders from Putin, who gives him ideas like drain the swamp.
Drain the swamp's a hundred year old plus term used in the United States.
It's also used in Scotland.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're now saying, again, the left always attacks language.
They're now saying that literal language about Hillary being crooked is a Russian spy agency.
So just like they try to demonize language and the term father, mother, Christ, all this, they know what they're doing.
They're actually going in and waging war against communication, against even talking and claiming the alphabet is Russian spy.
Ladies and gentlemen, but here's the key.
We have identified the spy network that is operating against the country.
It's hiding in plain view.
It is there to literally shut down the free press in America.
Hillary had said that they were going to do that once she got in, but they failed.
So we are in such an epic battle.
They are moving forward as if they're intending to topple Trump.
They're not going to stop.
They're the violent ones.
They're the aggressive ones.
They're the ones that are engaged in all the crime, all the setups.
The documents are admitted.
In Vault 7 that they're planning malware, you know, planning viruses to frame people and blame Russia.
This is absolutely incredible.
And then, David, we'll talk more about it in the next segment.
I want you to get back to the important work you're doing.
They're having Google and everybody game the web against us with bots.
They're claiming we have bots.
This is incredible.
We'll be right back with David Knight in studio on Alex Jones via the phone.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
During this week's Senate hearings on Russian hacking, the establishment Democrats and rogue intelligence heads attempted to frame Donald Trump and Infowars for colluding with the Russians and violating the National Defense Authorization Act.
So, Mr. Armstrong, you mentioned in your answer to, I think, Ms.
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You have RT, you have Sputnik, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, back live.
Ladies and gentlemen, David Dyer is about to take over again, but that will stop.
He's dealing with the crew there.
Also, we've got a lot of important clips and information on the economy, the military, the spy grid.
The bottom line, everything we've warmed up for 20 plus years is now coming true.
Because it was always being developed.
It was being set up.
We were in a highly engineered, planned world now.
And so that's how everything I've told you is now happening.
Because it's like blueprints for a house.
And I can tell you how the house is going to look down to the color paint that's going to be on the walls.
And, you know, what type of roof it's going to have.
And what type of electrical outlet it's going to have.
And what type of chimney it's going to have.
So listen, this is not my opinion.
This is not my opinion.
I'm not here dramatizing this like all the other people that make up crap in the false reality.
In mainstream media, they create a whole complex of lies and prop each other up.
We're giving you their stated facts because in their battle memos and in their funding under the wall, they've got to say what they're doing.
Well, they put deep state networks hiding in plain view in every major agency commanded by the State Department.
And the people on that committee and on that group
That Rob Doo and of course David Nutter were exposing last night, so well, we need to go into all that more here.
They admit their goal is to demonize the free press and call us foreign assets and use foreign designations to literally define us as enemy soldiers.
Because we're the real Americans trying to kick out the alien globalist program that's so alien to our free world.
Understand, ladies and gentlemen, this is the story that has to get out.
Notice how our NSA story came out.
And it got picked up by World Net Daily and a few other places for this drug's link to it.
And then it got buried by Google results.
Completely banned out of the news section.
Driven down many pages in the web section.
I mean, I can't tell people the behind-the-scenes stuff that's going on.
But just understand this, ladies and gentlemen, this country is in the greatest battle it's ever been.
These criminals can hijack the country.
They put the people to sleep.
And we're seeing a real move by Rex Tillerson and President Trump and others to just ignore NATO that's totally globalist and communist now.
Go right to Russia and that new alliance because China is about to start a war.
And if we can get Russia on our side, China will be checkmated.
China's arrogant.
They think they can make a run at us, folks.
We're in so much trouble.
Your families are in so much danger.
And the fact that they would come out and be so bold to say Rand Paul works for Putin just shows these people are never going to stop.
So we have to start having a public debate about what, as Americans, we're going to do against this globalist, because this is the very definition of a foreign power.
A foreign multinational system.
This is a 21st century war.
And it's dying.
It's failing everywhere.
They think if they can defeat us here in America, this is their Stalingrad.
If they can defeat us here, folks, they win.
And that's why they're now going to use intimidation, and that's why they're going to use demonization against them for wars.
And against Breitbart, and against President Trump, and against Bannon, and against Judge Napolitano.
Anybody that stands with the President, anybody that speaks out, they announce he's been fired, basically.
And it was all a hoax.
None of it was true.
More fake news.
You see, takes off a couple days, goes out to this place in New Jersey to go, you know, kayaking, what he likes to do.
Goes on a river.
He's fired.
That's meant to scare everybody to get in line.
I know mainstream reporters.
They're scared.
They know the truth.
I don't see them apologizing.
Say they got to feed their families.
Folks, this country is overrun by criminals.
And we are in the desperate straits right now.
And say that I am actually working with criminal coordination.
In criminal court nations, folks, when they start making charges like that that could never be proven are total lies.
The next step is killing people.
Just like I told you with Roger Stone.
They make accusations that will destroy them if we get our day in court.
They don't let that happen.
They announce.
You've been caught with child porn or drugs or whatever it is.
Shoot you up with heroin, throw you in a hotel room with a hooker.
They run into you with a car when you're on the street.
They put polonium in your drink.
This is standard.
These people are operating in America right now.
Most of the intelligence agencies are aware of it.
They're trying to leak everything they can.
Good Patriots leaked Vault 7 a few weeks ago to try to expose this thing when they're saying Trump isn't being surveilled.
And then Vault 7 comes out and shows everybody's being surveilled.
That's how dumb they think you are.
These are desperate
I cannot tell you.
When you look at these people on TV, on CNN, MSNBC, they shouldn't take their jobs there at that high level unless they loathe you and want to defeat you.
The low-level people know it's a fraud and don't know what to do and are scared.
But those high-level people you see on CNN, imagine wanting to destroy freedom.
Imagine hating Christians and funding radical Muslims all over to take over.
Imagine the magnitude of these people.
So, listen to me.
I just read our articles and videos more than ever.
They are putting the screws to us all over the place.
They're trying to cut our funding.
They are trying to knock us off everywhere.
But they can't stop people sharing links and people sharing videos.
Because if it backfires, it backfires big.
Everybody knows when you try to censor something.
And suppress it.
And it's the truth.
It explodes.
They think, though, that you're so drunk on info, that there's so much information out there, that you won't take it serious when your future and your free speech is being stolen.
We are champions.
Frontline against the globalists.
Frontline in their face.
I'm going in, through and beyond.
I'm never stopping.
I'm never backing down.
We can defeat these people.
And that is the most important thing in the universe for us to do, is to take on this evil.
Because this is Satan, ladies and gentlemen.
You make no mistake, they make jokes about it when I say that.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Everything we do is non-zero-sum game.
We need you to go there.
We need you to sign up for auto-ship and to commit to keep supporting us.
If just a fraction of the listeners actually watch something, I could hire 20, 30 more people and take on the enemy instead of just trying to hold the line and not contract under their attacks.
And I'm not bitching or complaining.
I'm saying you want victory.
You want war against the globalists and the information war.
You want to defeat the corrupt establishment.
We're doing it.
We're having victories, but we are under massive attack.
It's like the Alamo, okay?
That's what's happening to Trump.
Just so you know.
He's completely surrounded.
And that's Gallagher.
We are in the Alamo, ladies and gentlemen.
Or, you know, 300.
Whatever you want.
That's it, folks.
And it's going to go into physical, from a perspective.
You're committing all these massive crimes against Trump right now, doing all these horrible things, all these dirty things, thousands of times worse than Nixon.
He has to sit there totally clean and not fight back in any way because the public is so brainwashed.
Oh, they know they want freedom and they want some lower taxes.
They don't know how epic and historical this battle is.
I want to thank you all for your previous support and your prayers.
That's most important.
And I want to ask you to understand you're in a war.
This war affects you and
We're good to go.
They think that when I get on air and talk about this, at least in the past, that you were cowards and I was scaring you, so I was left on air, I've been told, not killed.
Now they don't know what to do because you weren't cowards, and I knew you weren't.
I knew you were just like me.
Our hearts are just alike, aren't they?
No matter what color you are or where you came from, if you hate the devil and you don't like these scumbags of her children, then you are with us.
They hate Trump because he has a good heart and he's a good man.
He's not out to get you and they want to kill him, and they want to kill truth.
I'll just say this in closing.
I am so honored.
I am so honored to be one of the main champions for the Restoration of the Republic.
And I am honored to be attacked.
And I am honored that these snakes hate my guts.
But I tell you, I don't want to lose.
To realize the epic moment we are in history, I want to salute our supporters and friends
Um, answer to, I think Ms.
Let's go ahead and run that clip that you got, the montage.
This is a montage that's been put together from the hearings from the last couple of days and the people who have been going on television accusing people like Tucker Carlson, not just Rand Paul, but accusing Tucker Carlson of being a Russian agent.
Anybody that disagrees with him, how is it
The American public can't see through these lies.
I think many of you do.
I think you clearly understand.
And you understand what was behind the accusation from John McCain as he accused Rand Paul of being Vladimir Putin.
You saw how that plays out and we're going to play that clip for you here.
First he says, anybody that disagrees with the idea that we ought to bring in Montenegro as a dependent on NATO,
As another tripwire to put us into a potential war with Russia.
Anybody who opposes that is with Vladimir Putin.
So if you disagree with me, I'm going to accuse you of being a Russian agent.
So let's play that clip right now.
Um, answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question, that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
Sure, thank you.
So, um, you have RT, you have Sputnik, you have Ruppley, um, and then I think you have them feeding, uh, other entities.
Uh, InfoWars comes to mind, where those are echo chambers.
George Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
I'm not going to talk about any particular person here today, Mr. Schiff.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now, a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing InfoWars.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
Same answer.
We're going to start shutting Alex Jones and others down, and we're going to sue them, and we're going to have the Justice Department come after them.
And get this, folks, if they can shut us down, you're next.
You know, I think it's really important as we sit here that we explain this to the American people in a way that they can understand it.
We are at war with Russia.
So would you say that Russia engaged in hybrid warfare in its effort to undermine our democratic process and engage in our electoral process?
Director Comey?
They engaged in a multi-faceted campaign of active measures to undermine our democracy and hurt one of the candidates and hope to help one of the other candidates.
I actually think that their engagement was an act of war.
You said we were attacked by Russia.
That's not a small thing.
An attack doesn't just invite a counter-attack, it demands one, else you reveal your fundamental weaknesses and get attacked again.
Never in the history of our elections has a country attacked us the way that Russia has.
I think before government officials change our foreign policy and declare war against a sovereign country, as you are attempting to do, we, citizens, have a right to know on what basis you're doing that.
If there's objection, and I note the senator from Kentucky on the floor, I will say before I read this, if there's objection,
You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin.
You're achieving the objectives of trying to dismember this small country that has already been the subject of attempted coup.
If they object, they are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin, and I do not say that lightly.
Senator from Kentucky.
I object.
Objection is heard.
The senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.
You're carrying water for the Kremlin.
I'm not carrying water for the Kremlin!
You're a sitting member of Congress on the Insult Committee and you can't say they hacked.
You're gonna have to move your shoulder to RT Russian television because...
That's just so beneath your office because it's so dumb and you're being duplicitous.
I'm asking you, did they hack Podesta's emails and you can't say it?
You have no resort to personal insults like that, Tucker.
You're filling in for the government.
You just said I was carrying water for Putin!
Russian scum!
Our battleships weren't sunk and our towers didn't collapse all out 2011.
But make no mistake, 2016 is a year that we should mark on our calendars.
And it's still going on.
The attack didn't end on election day.
Donald John Trump, a man who, to borrow a phrase from another December long ago, will live in infamy.
If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role in helping to devise strategy, if they're the ones who came up with crooked Hillary, if they're the ones who came up with she's ill, something's wrong with her energy, and the way that he
Basically, you know, described her in the campaign.
I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached.
And again, you hear these amazing narratives.
We heard John McCain say basically, you're either with the more warmongering neocon globalists or you're with Putin.
And then he accuses Rand Paul of being with Putin, because he opposes McCain's policy.
That's the way these people operate, whether they're Republican or Democrat.
No, they're part of the neocon, warmongering, globalist establishment, and if you're not with them, they're going to accuse you of being a Russian.
Now, I want to go to this clip that we had of Comey saying there is no evidence of collusion with the Russians and the Trump campaign.
Let's play that clip.
Have you seen any evidence of any collusion between what I'll call Trump World, associates of campaign officials, Trump World and the Russians to swing the 2016 presidential election?
I'll give you a very simple answer.
No evidence of any collusions.
And this is after talking, getting this information from the FBI.
Up to speed, everything I have up to this morning.
No evidence of collusion.
Do you believe that there are...
Again, that was not Comey, that was Nunes, who is privy to this information because he's part of the Intelligence Committee that is looking on this.
Now we do have some more information, and this is coming out from Devin Nunes, Congressman.
He said the Trump transition members were under surveillance during the Obama administration.
Surprise, surprise!
We revealed this a couple of days ago at Infowars.
We told you about Project Dragnet that came out of a whistleblower who was working with the CIA.
Sheriff Arpaio got that information, along with his investigator, Mike Zullo.
They showed us how there was, I think, 18 different addresses that were associated with Donald Trump that were being spied on 10 years ago, as well as about 8 or 9 different employees, people like his golf pro or whatever.
This is something that our government is doing all the time.
Why is this something that is controversial?
We all know, and we've told you for a long time because of what NSA whistleblowers are telling us, what other whistleblowers are telling us, that there was dragnet surveillance.
It was shown with the Snowden documents.
About a week or so after James Clapper denied it, lied to Congress, lied to the American public when he was asked directly by Senator Wyden, and of course then he was exposed as a liar right after that.
But then we still have
Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA, former director of the NSA, mocking Trump on Colbert, saying, well, hey, you know, your television is not spying on you, even though we got the releases from Vault 7, we got more documentation showing us what Samsung and other people have now admitted.
And then he says, oh, hey, if Trump wants to know, he can just ask him, are you spying on me?
Of course.
They would tell him the truth, wouldn't they?
Just like James Clapper.
Stay with us, we've got more news that has just broken from the House Intelligence Chairman saying that Trump's personal communications may have been collected, you know, incidentally.
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Did you hear the theme song from the Outer Limits?
Yes we are in the Outer Limits.
The Outer Limits of the Republic.
We're about to lose it.
We're entering Twilight Zone is what we're entering.
And of course that was something that we pointed out back in December and it wasn't just us.
There was a lot of media that was pointing out that we were creating a Ministry of Truth with the NDAA.
People like the New American, the John Birch Society, the people who you will not find any more anti-Russian people than the John Birch Society and New American.
And they were pointing out that this tool that was being created was a tool to shut down free speech in America.
To essentially create a monopoly for the government in terms of they will be the ones who will vet truth.
That's why we call it the Ministry of Truth.
Remember we talked about how at the time they were going to turn it over to the cat lady and her husband who have now separated now.
I don't know who got custody of the couch and the cat.
But they were going to be the people that were going to be vetting it.
Some small little organization in St.
Petersburg, Florida was going to be vetting
People as well, it's not even a college, they do seminars.
I mean, this is beyond ridiculous what they were doing at the time.
We'll talk about that in a little bit.
We also have some breaking news.
We have the House Intelligence Chairman pointing out that yes, Donald Trump's personal communications were collected.
Incidentally, that says Politico and CNN.
It must really pain them.
Must really pain them to report this.
I want to get back to that news.
We're going to play you a clip.
About how they were planting malware at Trump Tower.
But before I do, real quickly, I want to let you know that as they are using bots, they're accusing InfoWars.
They say, well, you know, there were bots that were putting out conservative news.
And there must have been coordination with the Russians.
So we're going to have the FBI investigate that.
So they're putting out the coordination of the bots as an established fact and then alleging that there was collusion.
So they can come after us, okay?
Understand they're going to be shutting down.
You already know they're shutting down with their bots.
They are shutting down people on Facebook and Twitter who share information.
You can stay in touch with us with our free InfoWars newsletter.
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We now have that back in stock.
As a matter of fact, let me read you one of their reviews.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Actually, Infowars Life, we have reviews there, and that's one of the ways that you can make your decisions.
Look at those reviews that people put up.
This one says, I love this toothpaste.
It's not only free of toxic fluoride, but it has ingredients in it that make my mouth feel great.
I put this item on auto shipping.
We're good.
About the story that's up on Infowars.com.
Reminder that the Department of Justice found falsely planted malware at Trump Tower designed to mimic ties to Russia.
I'll play that clip for you on the other side of this break, because we're out of time.
We've got to go to a break.
But of course, they're doing that.
Is that going to be investigated by the FBI?
No, I don't think so.
Probably not interested in that.
It's not something that was done by our enemy, the conservative press, or Donald Trump, or Manafort.
So we're not going to investigate that.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from the former United States of America, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and as we were just about to play before we went to break this video,
That relates to the story we have up.
Department of Justice found falsely planted malware at Trump Tower.
I want to talk about this, but I want to wait until we come back at 8 after, because we have a lot of stations that carry us, some carry the news.
So let me go to this other news about what's going on in France, because France is in the French election, which is the next one coming up.
It's an important part of pushing back against the globalists.
We had hoped that there would be some positive results in the Netherlands.
We did not see that in the last election.
We have some information about polling that is up on Infowars.com.
It's a story from Zero Hedge.
It says the French presidential race Marine Le Pen is far ahead of her rivals in secret polling.
They say an editor at the French daily Le Figaro has alluded to secret polling data which shows the Front National's Marine Le Pen polling at close to 34% among those with intentions to vote in the first round of the French presidential election.
And of course, she has taken a very nationalistic approach.
She opposes the European Union.
She essentially is trying to get France back to a sovereign nation again.
And that's what all these individuals in all these different countries are trying to do.
And again, at that point, as Donald Trump has said,
As we've seen Ted Malik say, we want to deal with people on a bilateral relationship.
Negotiate one-on-one with these other countries and work out our own one-on-one deals rather than empowering a multinational organization like the European Union, like the United Nations, like the organization that would have been created with TPP or the transatlantic partnership that would have merged that.
And we understand
Going back to that, what was behind that?
To create these multinational organizations that would then merge at another global level.
We had Zbigniew Brzezinski, who created the Trilateral Commission.
Had talked about the three power centers of Asia, North America, and Europe, and then merging those.
And so to create these economic unions with these multinational trade organizations, and then make a political union out of that, and then merge those three different areas using America as the common spine of those two wings, that was the plan.
Donald Trump shut down TPP right away.
That, folks, is why they are after him so hard.
That is why the globalists are there.
As you heard with John McCain, you're either with the globalists or you're with Vladimir Putin.
That's the narrative that they're selling everybody.
But as we look at this, as we hear, oh, the Russians hacked our election, they manipulated our elections, they were saying the same thing about the French election as well.
They said, well, we know that they're going to do the same thing in France as well.
Let's talk about the reality.
The reality exposed by WikiLeaks, talking about how the CIA
In the last French election in 2012 had infiltrated every single one of the French parties.
They had all major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA's human intelligence and electronic signals intelligence within the seven months leading up to France's 2012 presidential elections.
And they say that this included people like Sarkozy, as well as Marine Le Pen and Francois Hollande.
They went after everyone and every political party they infiltrated, both with individuals infiltrating their party and getting human intelligence, and with signals intelligence, electronics eavesdropping.
Do we manipulate other elections?
Of course we do!
WikiLeaks pointed out we've had, and this is based on a Carnegie Mellon study, 81 different elections that the United States has rigged over the years, not including the CIA coups, where we have overthrown other countries.
When we look at this, you have to understand this dark organization that we have created here in America will use these same tactics for their political purposes here in America.
If we come after their globalist agenda,
They will use these same tactics, and we see this happening right now.
That is what this NDAA was about, the countering disinformation and propaganda.
They want to create disinformation and propaganda.
They want to accuse people, allege that we are colluding with Russians, just as they accuse Rand Paul of being on the Russian side, if he opposes the globalist NATO expansion.
Then you're with Vladimir Putin, obviously.
Stay with us.
When we come back, we're going to talk about the devices that they found at Trump Tower.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
During this week's Senate hearings on Russian hacking, the establishment Democrats and rogue intelligence heads attempted to frame Donald Trump and Infowars for colluding with the Russians and violating the National Defense Authorization Act.
So, Mr. Armstrong, you mentioned in your answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
You have RT, you have Sputnik, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Director Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
Investigators are busy chasing the conspiracy theory that far-right news organizations like InfoWars took action to assist Russian operatives to help Trump win the election.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to get to the bottom of this investigation.
We're going to investigate them back.
If they want to allege collusion without any proof, if they want to smear and slander people in the press, if they want to imply that we are doing what we know that they're doing in terms of using the bots.
As a matter of fact, let's talk about that for just one moment before we get back to Trump Tower and before we get to these amazing revelations that came out today.
CNN and
We've got Politico reporting that the House Intelligence Chairman Nunes has reported that there was information taken from the Trump transition team at Trump Tower.
And of course we have an article up at Infowars.com.
Department of Justice found falsely planted malware at Trump Tower designed to mimic ties to Russia.
Now these are not the same thing, understand.
They're saying, well, we got information on people at Trump Tower, we just happened to incidentally collect it, because, you know, we can listen to anybody under the FISA Act, and if there was somebody that was talking to someone in a foreign country, well, now you're fair game and we can listen to you as well.
Now, that's one part of it.
But then the other part of it is to put malware on their computers to make it look like they're trying to... that they have ties to Russia.
That is framing people.
See, that's the other part.
of the government being able to get into everybody's computers.
They can plant stuff on you, to frame you.
At the same time, they are surveilling you.
So, we have this article at Infowars.com talking about the possible framing of people at Trump Tower, trying to frame them to the Russians, and then we have coming out today
We have it.
He did not learn this from the press.
He said this came out of reviewing intelligence reports.
So this is the House Intelligence Chairman, Devin Nunes.
He said today that President Trump's personal communications may have been picked up by investigators through quote-unquote incidental collection.
And he said he got this, found this, while reviewing intelligence reports, he said he told Speaker Ryan about the collection, is traveling to the White House this afternoon, and he said, I'm actually alarmed by it.
Well good, finally somebody in Washington is alarmed by the omniscient, unconstitutional police state that we have.
But then we have this other story about how they're actually planting malware on their computers.
I want to get to that first, but let me take another digression.
Going back to this bot stuff.
As they're talking about this, we know that they're censoring conservative media using Facebook bots, using other bots on other social media.
Let's go back.
There was a great article from We Are Change.
And they went back and looked at the history of Hillary Clinton.
Did Hillary Clinton use bots in her campaign?
Why, yes, she did!
If you go back, it was reported by Clinton-friendly media like the Daily Beast and the LA Times.
The Daily Beast pointed out Hillary PAC is spending $1 million to correct commenters on Reddit and Facebook.
This was back during the election.
So she's spending money on bots that are coming after people, the way the LA Times reported it.
If you look at the LA Times article here, you got a picture there of guess who?
David Brock right there, smiling, yes, the Hillary Clinton guy.
Anyway, be nice to Hillary Clinton online, says the LA Times, or risk a confrontation with her super PAC.
This is what the LA Times says.
So we know that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were using bots to try to control the narrative, to try to censor any criticism, to push back against criticism.
We know that Facebook and other social media are censoring us with bots.
As I reported, the individual who showed me that he shared a...
video about Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates, and it was titled, Jefferson Goes to War with Islam.
They shut it down.
They said, we are suspending your Facebook account for posting this.
You have been noticed.
You are unmutual.
Well, you know, this is going on, folks.
What they do, what they actually do, and what they have confessed to, that is what they're accusing us of doing, and we didn't do that.
If you shared our articles, they want to pretend that you're a bot.
That you didn't really build InfoWars.
No, you did.
You did by sharing that information.
And then, of course, we've got Donna Brazile doubling down on this.
And she said, neither the party committee nor the Clinton campaign have used bots to widen the reach of the anti-Trump message, she said.
And she's the former chair of the DNC.
Remember, she took over after it was learned that the DNC was hacking the election against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Again, everything that they do
That they're caught doing.
They allege and imply, even though there's no evidence and they don't ever prove it, but they continue with this narrative that the other side did what we know they did.
They come after the whistleblowers.
And of course this is the same Donna Brazile that is no longer working at CNN because she was caught feeding information to Hillary Clinton, giving her questions to programs in advance.
Now there's one more side of this that is important.
And that is the fact that the, and this was put out by Wicked Leaks, the fact that DNC knew of Hillary's paid troll factory that was attacking Bernie Sanders online, but also others.
They say, then there's a leaked email, this is the article from We Are Change, there's a leaked email by alleged Russian operative through Wicked Leaks that shows the Clinton campaign wanting to conspire with Correct the Record and Media Matters to defend Huma Abedin.
And they point out that both Media Matters and Correct Their Record are mostly 501c3 organizations that are barred from getting involved in partisan politics.
So what do we see from these people who have 501c3 organizations that are rigging social media, rigging the narrative, pushing back against people, setting up bots?
Well, we see from Media Matters
They come out and say, uh, report, FBI investigation, Russian operatives are using bots to spread stories from Breitbart, RT, and InfoWars.
Investigators are exploring whether the far-right news operatives took any actions to assist Russia's operatives.
So they put it out as a given that Russia is doing this.
Then, they allege that we colluded with them, and that's what the Daily Cause puts out.
They say, collusion, in their headline, and at the bottom they say, one imagines that the timing of these articles would have to be important for the plan to work.
So in other words, there is some plan, they haven't proved anything, they allege that there's some plan, they allege that there are bots that are out there pushing this stuff, and then, because of those that they treat like fact,
They come back and say, well then, that means that all these conservative organizations had to be timing their articles.
So they're colluding.
And that's what the FBI is insinuating.
But let's take a look at the reality of what's really going on.
That's the fantasy side.
That's the red herring, the red scare, the witch hunt, the McCarthyism that is going on on the left.
But let's take a look at the reality of what is really happening.
Let's play this clip about the malware that was planted at Trump Tower designed to mimic ties to Russia.
It wasn't very well reported.
The Department of Justice revealed just last week that in fact some of these ties that they had witnessed between Trump Tower servers and Russian entities in fact were stooged.
What that means is that there was malware on some of these computers that were mimicking contact between these entities in what looks like an attempt to put Trump in a tight position or in fact
So let's understand what's going on here.
What he's talking about is trying to frame Trump.
That he was colluding with the Russians by putting malware on his computer, on computers at Trump Tower.
That was Washington Free Beacon writer Adam Credo that was reporting that.
Now we've seen other evidence of this.
As WikiLeaks has reported, there was a CIA, and this is also in the article by Steve Watson that's up on Infowars.com.
Breaking that down, you can see that video.
As Steve Watson is reporting, and as we talked about with John McAfee on Monday night, we broke this down.
There's a CIA project identified as Umbridge.
And it maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber attack techniques that were stolen from malware produced in other states, including the Russian Federation.
As we've talked to John McAfee, and he's been on multiple times before, as well as many cyber experts when they came out and said, well, we found certain things that look like Russian fingerprints, like they were, like this code was written on a Cyrillic keyboard or whatever.
As John McAfee said, you would have to be an absolute idiot to leave those kinds of simple tell-tale things behind.
He said no.
In addition to all of this, we're not talking about the malware now that's at Trump Tower, but we're talking about the alleged malware that was part of the hacking.
And it's not clear even whether that was truly a hack or whether that information was turned over.
But the alleged hacking software was actually years old.
It was out of rev and it was widely circulated among hacking communities.
It was not something that a state organization would do.
And in addition to that, as he said, if they were to use old, out-of-rev software to attack somebody, they would justly be fired.
But also, the idea that we see with Umbridge, what they did was they maintained a library that would allow them to look as if they were another country.
If you're going to hack into somebody, you want it to look like you're somebody else, and not...
Uh, who you are.
You don't want to leave fingerprints that, uh, have your address there at Langley, do you?
You don't want to look like an American organization.
You don't want to look like a state organization.
Instead, you want to look like a Chinese organization or a Russian organization or a German or a French or whatever.
Anybody but who you are.
So when they talk about these very simplistic fingerprints, if that were the Russians, the Russians would be so incompetent that we don't really have to worry about anything.
I mean, they would be like Kim Jong-un, who has his rockets blow up on the launch pad.
And again, there's a story that's up on Infowars.com.
Did this go off and explode on its own out of sheer incompetence, or was it helped along?
By somebody who helped to take out that last missile test.
As I said at the top of the program, maybe we should create a new verb.
We could call it un-launch, and that would be any rockets that blow up on the first stage, and that could be a new verb that we
Have that could be the one positive contribution that we have from Ken Jeong Ahn, and that would be to unlaunch a rocket.
In other words, blow it up on the launching pad.
Did that happen by accident, or did we help their incompetence?
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go back to the news.
We have an update on the attack in London we're going to go to in just a moment.
Before we do, I just want to remind you that we do have fluoride-free toothpaste back in stock.
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And again, it is an information war that you are supporting with these products that we sell.
And as we've been talking about throughout the day here, there is a concerted effort to try to shut down our voice as part of the conservative media.
Anybody who is putting out something that is opposed to the globalist warmongering agenda, then you're with Putin.
As we heard John McCain, he made it very clear.
Rand Paul, you're with Putin.
Anybody, he said.
Rand Paul was the only one who had the guts to stand up and say, no, I think we need to have not just a voice vote, but we need to talk about
It wasn't just Rand Paul.
Whether or not we want to bring another dependent into NATO.
We just had Germany here last week, and as Merkel left, Donald Trump said, they owe us a lot of money.
These NATO countries are supposed to pay 2% for their defense, and they're paying just over 1%.
And yet they've got a budget surplus of over $200 billion.
So we don't need another freeloader on the United States, and of course Montenegro
It's not going to be able to contribute much to their defense, but they would contribute to the uncertainty, to the hair triggers that NATO establishes everywhere.
Somebody does something to Montenegro, then we immediately are triggered into war if we bring them into NATO.
That's why Rand Paul said we've got to debate this.
But, hey, if you oppose the globalists, you're with the Russians.
Even if you want to just debate this, we can't have that debate.
So, if you want to stay connected to what's going on, stay connected to InfoWars to find out
Uh, what the stories are to get our information unfiltered, uncensored by these bots, by social media, by the new Ministry of Truth, for example, that has been funded by 180 million dollars for two years out of the State Department, then you can sign up to get our free newsletter.
You can go to Infowars.com forward slash newsletter.
You'll not only get our information direct,
But you will also get discounts like today we have the Republic Defense Force t-shirt 50% off so we'll have things like that there you'll get that direct and it is free there's no cost to sign up for that so you can get the information directly
from us without being filtered or censored.
As I said, we have an update on this shooting.
Well, actually, that's the way that CNN reports it.
They see it as a firearms incident.
We see it as an Islamic radical terrorist incident because it involved a 4x4 that was running people down in the streets.
Between 10 and 12 people were run down the streets.
Two of those people have now died.
Then the person got out of the car and took an 8-inch knife and attacked the policeman.
That policeman is now dead.
And then the attacker was shot dead by other police, stopping further murder by this terrorist.
But when CNN reports it, and we got a story up that Kit Daniels caught it, they put it out as a firearms incident near Parliament.
They look at it and they see
Bad firearms.
Even though the firearms were protecting people, they reported that way.
They do not and cannot see radical Islamic terrorism.
And let's take a look at that picture there.
That is the alleged shooter that is there.
And look at, get a close-up.
You can see his beard there.
I said when I saw that, because you can see the M.O.
of radical Islamic terrorism, I said, all we need to know is what Mohammed's last name was.
And look at the picture there.
This is not, some news agencies reported, an Asian.
I don't think so.
He looks like he's got a Islamic beard and it is exactly the type of method that we have seen used over and over again by these radical Islamic terrorists.
And that's the individual who was shot and killed.
After he stabbed a policeman, after he ran over a dozen people, and two of those people have died, the others are seriously, seriously injured as we continue to see.
All right, so when we come back, I want to take some phone calls from you.
Get your comments as to what's going on.
Let me give that number.
It's 800-259-9231.
That number is 800-259-9231.
We'll try to get as many calls as we can in this final half hour of the show.
And then we're going to have Roger Stone coming on for the fourth hour, breaking down the spy state, this internal coup that has now come back to America, that is coming out of the State Department.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
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You walk into this room at your own risk.
Because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go to our callers in just one moment.
If you want to call in, we're going to take phone calls in the next half hour.
The number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
And I just want to remind people that we've had breaking news through the day.
We've had House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes reporting that he came across and discovered himself while reviewing intelligence reports that, yes,
They did collect information on Donald Trump and on his transition team.
He says he's notified Speaker Paul Ryan about it and he says, I am actually alarmed by it.
Good, he should be.
You should be alarmed by the surveillance state.
And also we have an article on InfoWars.
Reminder, the Department of Justice used falsely planted malware at Trump Tower designed to mimic ties to Russia.
So at the same time they're listening to Donald Trump, yes they really are, and yes it doesn't have to be
No, they don't have to get a search warrant.
Let's explain that to Stephen Colbert and all the skeptics who are rolling on the floor laughing about all this stuff.
No, we live in a warrantless, wireless world.
They're listening to everybody.
They brag about the fact that they do listen to you on your phones, your television sets, and on your appliances, just like Kellyanne Conway said.
You want to make fun of that, Colbert?
You want to say, oh, they're listening to me through my microwave.
They turned it into a television.
Any device.
If you are going to have a refrigerator or an iron, even, or whatever you want, if it has the capability to listen to you, if you can control it from your iPhone, if it is connected to the internet, in other words, and if it has voice recognition, you can guarantee they can turn that into a listening device.
David Petraeus was saying that five years to the day before Stephen Colbert was engaging in this disinformation comedy campaign.
And so, yeah, they can do that.
And they do do that.
And they did it at Trump Tower.
Not only are they listening to Donald Trump and his transition team, but they put malware on the computer to make it look as if they have ties to Russia.
That's framing people.
And they're framing Infowars, the rest of the conservative media, Breitbart and others saying, we somehow colluded with supposed Russian bots that were promoting our stories.
Well, you know what, we know that they used bots to, in the Hillary Clinton campaign, to come after their opponents.
Change the narrative on Reddit, on social media.
That was widely reported by the LA Times, by the Daily Beast, not even by conservative media.
It was widely reported.
They want to pretend that doesn't exist.
They want to pretend that John and Tony Podesta don't have deep ties to a state-operated, a Russian state-operated organization that was founded by Vladimir Putin.
Instead, they go back
Ten years.
To connections that Paul Manafort had with a Russian billionaire.
They say, well, he has close ties to Putin.
Not as close as the Podesta ties.
Now, if they were reporting both of those, you could say, okay, well, yeah, there's a lot of corruption.
But if they only report one of those, you have to understand, there's a political nature to this.
As I said before, we now have an FBI that operates like Joseph Stalin's Cheka did.
Or the KGB did.
Bring me the man, I will find the crime.
That is what's truly behind all this.
And as I pointed out before,
Back in December, everybody knew where this was all headed as they created, everyone said the Ministry of Truth.
The New American.
As anti-Russian as you can get.
The John Birch Society.
Critics slammed Congress for creating an Orwellian Ministry of Truth that was headline in December.
Zero Hedge.
Obama quietly signs the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act into law.
Just like that, the U.S.
Ministry of Truth is officially born.
And that's precisely what they have done.
They hide it inside the NDAA.
And they're going to bring together bureaucrats from the State Department, the Pentagon, intelligence bureaucracies, and the organization, as they point out, in the New America, and the lawless foreign aid bureaucracy known as USAID.
That is run by the CIA folks.
Foreign governments and others are going to bring them in because why?
We need to get these other foreign governments in because this is defending globalism, right?
You're either with the globalists or you are a dangerous, subversive, most likely allied with the Russians, I'm sure.
In addition to establishing what one critic described as a propaganda factory to pump out government-backed propaganda, the bill also authorizes spying on journalists, funding media outlets willing to serve as U.S.
government propaganda organs.
They're going to be training journalists to do journalism their way.
And at the same time, they'll be telling them, look, you do it the way we want you to, we'll give you access.
That's the way this is happening.
And just one final thing, too, that I didn't mention before when I was talking about planting malware on Trump computers.
Understand, as WikiLeaks pointed out, they put out this information
About how the CIA was using these vulnerabilities and they had identified specific vulnerabilities in specific software.
And they said, we notified all these organizations.
Now some of them, like Mozilla, which does Firefox, they have responded with us trying to fix their software.
That's what a white hat hacker does.
They find vulnerabilities and then they notify the people who own that software so they can make that software secure again.
A black hat hacker, like
The CIA doesn't do that.
They use it for their own purposes.
And so they say, we told companies like Google, and they don't respond except to confirm that they received our information.
They have not agreed or disagreed or questioned what we have told them.
In other words, they don't care.
And they said, and it gets worse than this.
They said, you have to understand that organizations like Google, that have government contracts, that have employees who have security clearance, they do not fix security holes.
Because the American government creates and funds these security holes.
The American government wants you to be unsecure.
They don't want to keep you safe.
That's not about keeping you safe.
They want to tell you, you're going to have to sacrifice your privacy and your money, and then we're going to have the CIA and these organizations make you safe.
No, the CIA is making you unsafe!
They put these vulnerabilities in, they leave them in, they release this information, they lost track of it.
Remember we had that discussion, John McAfee was talking about it.
He said, he debated with one of these security experts and the guy said, well we need a key to the iPhone.
He goes, you get a key to the iPhone, you're going to lose it.
It's going to go out in public domain, then all the criminals will have it.
And that's precisely what's happened with Vault 7.
That's what WikiLeaks is telling us.
And now, what WikiLeaks is telling us, Julian Assange says, they're not interested in fixing it.
They don't even want to know what's going on here.
They have security clearance and they don't want to fix this.
They don't want to protect you from individual criminals who might go in and steal all your bank account information.
They could care less about that.
They couldn't care less about any of your security.
It's a lie that they're doing this to make you safe.
They're doing this for their own selfish purposes, and they will throw your safety, your liberty under the bus.
You can't trade your privacy and your liberty for safety and security.
Doesn't ever work.
Doesn't ever work.
I've talked a good bit here, and I want to get to some of these calls.
Let's go to the calls.
Let's go to Dominic in Canada.
Go ahead, Dominic.
Hello, I'm calling in for the first time.
My girlfriend is a U.S.
citizen, and I plan to legally immigrate into the U.S.
in the next two, three years.
My question is, it's a two-parter.
How do you think, since right now the current reports are that the attack near the British Parliament was done by
An extremist preacher will be played off.
And two, do you think we'll see, because of his stance, that he will see copycat attacks in the near future?
Well yeah, I mean what we saw today, and the reason I said right away that I knew that it was a radical Islamic terrorist, was because it's the same MO.
Of course it is a copycat attack of what we've seen before.
We've seen knife attacks, we've seen axe attacks, we've seen multiple attacks that have been conducted by vehicles.
So yes, there will be more of those.
And we need to understand, even though the British government is not going to, they're going to downplay this.
You know they're going to downplay it in a politically correct way.
There will be some, like Nigel Farage, who will point out the obvious facts that are staring people in the face about this, but they will downplay it and there will be more copycat attacks.
What has to happen, and it just shows the vulnerability of a free and open society to this, we have to address this at the border.
We have to have vetting at the border.
One of the things that I just can't believe that the left gets away with, we're talking about these double standards, the fact that they had absolutely nothing to say about Barack Obama going to war with seven different countries.
And these countries that he's at war with, these countries that he's bombing, these countries that he's sending troops to, are presumably dangerous, wouldn't you think?
And yet, if we want to say these people that we have presumed to be so dangerous that we go to war with them with bombs and troops, we should look at who is coming to us from those countries.
They throw up their hands in fits of political correctness and say, no, that's racist to do that.
So we have to do vetting.
Actually, I think we need more countries on the list than we currently have.
But we have to do control vetting of these countries that we're currently at war with.
If they're not dangerous, then let's stop the war against them.
I think these wars are not productive.
I think we have created chaos in Syria and Libya and elsewhere.
Everything that the American government has done and Obama's wars have made things worse.
So I'm not in favor of continuing those wars, quite frankly.
But as long as they've got these wars going on, don't you think we ought to vet people coming in, Dominic?
I don't think...
Yeah, I think we need to know who these people are.
And you know, quite frankly, the default position is not that everybody in the world has a right to immigrate into America.
There's nothing about that.
When they say that, well, we incidentally and legally collected this information on Donald Trump, what they're saying is that non-U.S.
persons, and that was a very clever legalism that they used, they're non-U.S.
persons, non-U.S.
persons don't have these protections that are afforded to Americans in the Bill of Rights.
But yet, they're trying to tell us that these non-American persons, these foreign citizens, have a right to immigrate.
And if we say that they don't, then we're somehow bad and we're racist and so forth.
We have to understand that if they're coming from a country that we currently judge to be dangerous enough that we're going to war with them,
Then we need to know who they are, and if we can't know who they are, if we can't vet them, if there is no reliable information on these people, they don't come.
It's just that simple, I think.
Thank you, Dominic.
Let me go to some of the other callers so we can get through as many as we can.
Let's go to Kevin in Florida.
Kevin, go ahead.
Thank you, David.
I'm a huge InfoWars fan.
I just want to start off by saying that my brother was the one who turned me on to InfoWars about five, six years ago, and it's really woken me up.
I was originally from Detroit, and I was raised a hardcore Democrat.
You know, Democrats are for the working, Republicans are for the wealthy.
And then as I got older, I realized that that was just a fraudulent scam.
I just want to say what's going on right now is a well-orchestrated plan
By the people in power that are electing these officials who are not carrying out what we the people want.
They think they're above the law.
They're controlled by lobbyists because the corruption in most aspects of the government, I mean you have a few senators and congressmen that are actually trying to carry out the will of the people, but for the vast majority of it, it's just so corrupt.
And they're using that as well as the propaganda of the media to weaken the public to try and carry out this agenda.
And, I mean, we keep on hoping it's not going to happen, but I just believe in order for anything to really change, there's going to be a revolution, part two, because the informed people are fed up with what's going on in the government, the corruption, and
You can only poke a bear too much before the bear fights back.
Shipped our jobs overseas and shut down our factories and then applied their welfare state to everyone.
Not even able to supply clean water to the individuals there.
Absolute total failure and yet applying these politics of envy is the way that they got this through in Michigan.
You're right, there are individuals who are above the law.
We can see that very clearly and we are not going to be able to
Move forward to drain the swamp, to do whatever you want to, however you want to phrase this.
We're not going to be able to do that unless we get rid of these so-called law enforcement people who give certain individuals like Hillary Clinton a pass after saying that she has committed a felony.
Comey gives her a pass and then says, but don't you try this.
Then he comes out and comes after people for whom he has absolutely no proof.
Ignoring the crimes of people who have leaked information illegally about Michael Flynn.
I'm not going to talk about any investigations there.
Or the people who are running the sanctuary cities.
Who say we are going to give an entire class of people special protections because they came here illegally.
from a foreign country illegally.
Criminally trespassing in our country, foreign citizens, well we're going to give them special protection.
We're not going to deport people or turn them over to ICE even if we know that they are guilty of criminal sexual offenses.
That's what happened here in Travis County in Austin, Texas with a sheriff here.
Refusing to turn over except for three particular crimes, and that did not include child molestation.
I think she's now added that to her list.
Very generous of her to do that, don't you think?
But we see the same thing happening in Montgomery County.
Throughout the state of Maryland, they want to turn the entire state of Maryland into a sanctuary state.
We saw these individuals, two guys, 18 and 17, in class with 14-year-olds.
And what did we just see?
And we don't even know if that's their real age.
They raped this girl.
In multiple ways.
And these are people that ICE wanted, but the sanctuary law enforcement, quote-unquote law enforcement, would not turn them over to ICE.
That is what is truly criminal.
And so, yes, there are people who are above the law.
There are entire classes of people who are above the law.
You get special protection if you come here illegally.
And that's the way the Democrats want to run this.
Let's go to Beto in Iowa.
Did I pronounce the name correctly?
Go ahead.
Yes, hello?
Hello, yeah, gotcha.
Yes, hello?
Yes, yes, um, yeah, I just wanted to answer, well, answer your question.
I have a statement.
First, why are they going after you and Breitbart?
Well, it's because you guys are completely exposing their blueprint, and of course the government is overtaken by the elite globalists that you've been exposing for over 20 years, and it's time, well,
Back in the day, they used to get rid of you guys with a bullet.
Unfortunately, the internet that they assumed was never going to overtake the media has done the exact opposite.
So now they can't, of course, destroy you with a bullet.
Now they got to come after you with social media.
And, you know, I'm reading a book right now called Spooked by Nicholas Hsu, which was the guy who was behind the Kill the Messenger, killing the messenger with Jeremy Renner, the guy who is exposing the whole CIA thing.
So this thing just
It goes back to so much of corruption that you guys are exposed from not only, you know, CIA, drugs, 9-11.
I mean, you guys are the epicenter of what is America, and that's why they're going after you and Breitbart.
Well, remember what happened to Gary Webb.
You talked about kill the messenger.
Remember what happened to him.
He did this exposé talking about how the CIA had created a crack cocaine epidemic.
And you were using it to fund the Contras.
He first won prizes for that journalism, then mainstream media set up entire divisions to attack him, to destroy him personally, and to shut that down.
That's the process that they're coming after with Breitbart and InfoWars.
Now, anybody who opposes their agenda, stay with us.
We'll be right back with more phone calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to have Roger Stone joining us in the fourth hour coming up.
And I want to go to your calls here in just a moment.
Before I do, real quickly, I want to remind you to sign up for our free InfoWars newsletter if you haven't done so already.
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I want to go back to the callers real quickly, and we're going to have Roger Stone joining us at the top of the hour.
Let's go to Monty in Texas.
Monty, I see you wanted to talk about the squatter report that I filed last week.
Go ahead.
Yes, David.
Great job.
I won't keep you long.
Well, thank you.
My son is a law enforcement officer here in Texas, and he confirmed pretty much everything that you reported.
This problem's widespread.
They know about it.
And due to the structure of the civil laws, there's not a lot they can do about it.
I was just wondering, I'll keep it quick quick.
Have you had any updates on this?
And I'll drop off and let other callers in.
Yeah, I can't really go into what they did to get the people out, but it was very effective.
Nobody was harmed, and they were able to get them out using methods that were outside the legal system.
But I want to point out to people that this is something, as far as I'm aware of, if you look at the comments on that article,
You'll see a lot of people sharing stories about things that have happened and it's not always a group of criminal illegals who come in and take over your house by changing the utilities registration.
And then when the police show up, they say, but wait a minute, we're on the utilities bill.
So we have a informal, verbal lease with these people.
We pay them on a month-to-month basis on cash.
And so we really are legitimate tenants here.
And then at that point, as you point out, your son is a police officer.
The police say, well, we're not set up to where we can judge as to who the rightful owners are.
So now it's got to go to court.
Now that's a long, drawn-out process that can take months to try to evict somebody out of that situation.
It got so bad in Florida that they did pass a law in Florida and there are things that can be done and some utility companies will do this.
I've been told by some people here that when they got a an apartment at a the apartment complex had it on file with the utility company that they could not change the utilities unless they had a lease in hand.
So perhaps there's something you can do with your utility company if your state does not have the proper laws there.
But here's the bottom line folks.
If we have a government that will not protect our borders, if we have a government that doesn't see that its true job is to sit there and to record properly deeds and transitions and to make sure that we have the legal structure that is required for orderly transition and possession of property, then we wind up with these types of things.
These are people who came in here illegally, and you have other situations where you had illegal aliens who were taken advantage of.
A group of people were sold by a dishonest realtor, were sold a house for $5,000 when the family came back from vacation.
They'd listed their house, they were on vacation so it could be shown.
When they came back, these other people genuinely thought they had bought the house for that ridiculous amount of money.
But what happens when the government won't follow the laws and won't be the appropriate referee?
Then you just widen the circle of people who are defrauded.
So check out that report and educate yourself about how you can lose your home.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with Roger Stone.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we're going to be going to Roger Stone.
He's going to be covering the fourth hour of The Alex Jones Show.
And I'm sure he's going to want to talk about these recent developments.
I apologize to the callers who are still on hold.
We didn't have time to get through to everybody that had called in.
But we need to move forward to Roger Stone.
Roger, are you on the line?
I'm with you.
All right, Roger.
And of course, I want to get your reaction to this news that has come out from Devin Nunes, saying that he's now learned from his own personal investigation while reviewing intelligence reports himself.
And of course, he is chair of the House Intelligence Committee.
So he's looking through intelligence reports and he sees that there was information collected about the Trump transition team.
He says it looks like it was done incidentally and legally, but he says I'm actually alarmed by it.
He should be.
And at the same time we have this other report at Infowars.com.
Well, the Department of Justice had found falsely planted malware at Trump Tower that was designed to mimic ties to Russia.
So we see that, yes, in fact, as we reported earlier in the week, we had this Project Dragnet and other things that showed that we had addresses of Donald Trump's quite some time ago.
Many of his employees were being surveilled.
We now know that they have collected this base on the House Intelligence Committee chairman and we also see that they put software on to frame Donald Trump and other people to make it look as though they're talking to the Russians.
Your comments on this?
I mean for the last two weeks the heads of the various agencies in the deep state have vehemently denied that there was any surveillance of Trump Tower.
I have repeatedly urged the president not to back off.
Meanwhile, his weak-kneed advisor Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus have been trying to convince him to walk it back, just apologize to Obama.
Thanks to InfoWars, we now know that surveillance of Donald Trump started much earlier than we thought.
They began having his phone calls in New York and Florida monitored under the Bush administration, and that continued into the Obama administration.
Now Chairman Nunes has learned that they weren't spying on candidate for President Trump, they were spying on President Trump.
Because they were spying on the transition offices.
I know for myself, David, that based on a New York Times story of January 20th, 1917, that the FBI was wiretapping me, was monitoring my phone calls, which means they were listening to my phone calls with candidate Donald Trump.
You know, Roger, I put up a report again, because I think it was three years old, I put it up on my YouTube channel.
Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and the CIA.
Went to Washington Lee University, and he was talking to the law students there, and he said, we don't listen to bad people, we listen to interesting people.
Who would be more interesting than the President-elect for these people to listen to?
And he also bragged, Roger, about the fact that he didn't need the Patriot Act, he didn't need a special section of the Patriot Act, he had a direct order from the President, and he said that as he pointed to his chest.
That is a recipe for dictatorship.
And that is precisely what we're seeing here, is dictatorship and coup foundation.
The fact that we even know about this program, Blockbuster Story, written by Dr. Jerry Corsi, is because a disgruntled and disillusioned CIA agent, who realized that this was all unconstitutional and highly illegal, became a whistleblower.
In this particular case, as I said to you earlier today, and also yesterday,
This is a slow motion coup.
The Ministry of Truth, the National Censorship Board, that will decide what can and cannot be said is step one of the proposed, or I should say planned, Trump takedown.
And just as we see, there's multiple aspects of this, as we see that they're listening to Trump, but then they're also planting stuff to frame him.
That is what this Ministry of Truth is about.
They're going to control the narrative, but then they're also going to apply and allege collusion to people as well.
Stay with us, we're going to have Roger Stone taking over the fourth hour of the broadcast.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
We'll be right back.
During this week's Senate hearings on Russian hacking, the establishment Democrats and rogue intelligence heads attempted to frame Donald Trump and Infowars for colluding with the Russians and violating the National Defense Authorization Act.
So, Mr. Armstrong, you mentioned in your answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
You have RT, you have Sputnik, and then I think you have them feeding other entities, InfoWars comes to mind.
George Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
Investigators are busy chasing the conspiracy theory that far-right news organizations like InfoWars took action to assist Russian operatives to help Trump win the election.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
InfoWars.com, I'm sitting in for public enemy number one of the Deep State.
That would be Alex Jones.
We now nakedly see the attempt to frame him, claiming that he was in league with the Russians, that the Russians were expending millions in bots to take, presumably, feeds from InfoWars.com and spread them to the world.
This is a damnable lie.
In terms of exposure, I wish we were that lucky.
But InfoWars is the tip of the spear, folks.
They've got to take InfoWars down first because we are the ones telling you about the surveillance of the President of the United States.
We are the ones exposing the small-time Joe McCarthy's
On the House Intelligence Committee, we are the ones exposing the corruption and the greed of John and Tony Podesta and their patrons, Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton.
So, please, go to the InfoWars.com store.
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If any of you saw the House Intelligence Committee meeting this week, it was a veritable kangaroo court.
I don't know how many small clowns they could have stuffed in this car.
I saw Representative Adam Schiff and Representative Eric Swalwell acting as demagogues, engaging in red baiting, fear mongering, the worst form of distortion, half-truths, and in some cases, no-truths.
I have to go through the transcripts because I couldn't believe how egregious so much of this was.
Let's go to page one.
Mr. Schiff to Mr. Comey, are you familiar, pardon me, do you know who Roger Stone is?
Director Comey, generally yes.
Are you aware that he is a partner of Paul Manafort?
Thank you for the guilt by association.
Paul Manafort is formally accused of nothing and served Donald Trump's campaign with distinction.
Going to the second page, Mr. Comey says, Mr. Stone acknowledged Mr. Podesta's time in the barrel was coming in August of 2016, which would have been prior to the public release of the stolen emails by WikiLeaks of Mr. Podesta's.
Do you know how Mr. Stone would have known that Mr. Podesta's emails were going to be leaked?
Listen here numbnuts, I never said I knew in advance.
I had already seen an incredible memo by Dr. Jerome Corsi on the massive corruption of Tony and John.
I knew that there were a number of investigative journalists working on this, their connections to organized crime.
I would write my own piece on this in October, which took longer.
Today, if you go online, there's a piece that says Stone's Alibi falls apart because some of the facts in that piece came from WikiLeaks.
Yes, they had been published months before.
Brock, you need better writers.
If you see any bot telling you that my alibi has fallen apart, please, members of the House Committee, invite me.
I'll be happy to bitch-slap all of you in public because you have defamed me.
Mr. Swalwell says that if I am called to testify, I will lie.
That's defamatory.
Waive your congressional immunity, Congressman.
Let's let a federal judge and jury decide whether you are telling the truth.
Again, Mr. Schiff says that he
Uh, that Mr. Stone was in touch with the, uh, Russian hacker, Crucifer 2.0, and subsequently wrote an article about Crucifer's role in the hack of DNC documents.
Wrong, numbnuts!
I wrote the article substantially before the brief.
Now, fully disclosed exchange with a man alleged, alleged by the people who just said the President wasn't, Trump Tower wasn't under surveillance, we just learned it is, alleged by those people to be a Russian asset.
Just because the boys in Langley say something is true, does not make it true.
So, any inference that my now entirely public exchange with Crucifer 2.0 constitutes collusion is disproved by the content,
By the facts and by the timeline.
There is no proof of collusion.
You know, they say, well, Roger Stone, you're a dirty trickster.
You know, politics ain't beanbag.
And I am certainly prepared to use sharp elbows to win.
But there's one trick that is not in my bag of tricks.
That's treason.
And the implication that because I am not for war with Syria, and because I think Hillary and Bill Clinton are epically corrupt, and I applaud the fact that Julian Assange, who does not work for the Russians, Congressman, exposed their corruption, that does not constitute a crime.
Now, I know that I have personally been wiretapped.
Page 1 of the New York Times, January 20th.
Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides.
On what evidence?
On what probable cause?
A Hillary Clinton press release?
Certainly not because of my exchange with Crucifer 2.0, because since the folks at the FBI have already been in my Twitter feed, they know when they leak this story to the Smoking Gun in violation of federal law, that it's a canard.
They're already aware of that.
Numerous other incidental details of my personal and business life appear in both the New York Times and in the Smoking Gun.
If the surveillance was done on me on the basis of a FISA court warrant, a, I should say, secret FISA court warrant, well then the leaking of that information constitutes a felony.
I have committed no felonies, but those who are accusing me, they have committed multiple felonies.
Now, as for this entire question, the Congressman James Himes from Connecticut, my native state, says that Roger Stone and Manafort are high on the list of those who should be called.
Amen, brother!
Let's have an open hearing in the public, so we can go through Mr. Schiff's words, sentence by sentence, and dissect them.
And let's go to the true historical record.
There is no evidence of collusion here.
It is part and parcel of the plan to bring down the President.
You see, the deep state has to rationalize their surveillance of Donald Trump.
And they do so by creating this fake Russian narrative.
And then when you seek to dispute it, they use their technological crackdown of censorship to stop you from having your side of the story aired.
This is precisely what the Ministry of Truth Censor Board, signed into law by Barack Obama in 2017, was created for.
It is not ironic that Bush family operative Rob Portman, Senator from Ohio, is the sponsor of this Big Brother program that allows the entire widespread censorship and violation of our constitutional First Amendment rights.
Believe me, silencing those who would fight is the first step in the silent coup that is planned to take out our new president.
They have now been caught red-handed spying on him, bugging him.
I know my calls again with him were recorded.
We now know they were monitoring
Trump Tower.
If you want to get the facts on this, by the way, you don't have to wait for the congressional hearings if they have the cojones to invite me.
You can go right now to the Infowars store and get The Making of the President 2016 by Roger Stone.
I address
The story of John Podesta.
I address what I knew about the WikiLeaks.
I address the entire fraudulent, corrupt, fetid, Russian lie.
Thanks for joining us here at InfoWars.
I'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, I'm Roger Stone, sitting in for the Revolution's MVP, Alex Jones.
Alex has recently been targeted by the Deep State, along with yours truly, in the effort to stop free speech and for us to bring you the very latest news about the Deep State's efforts to undermine the democratically elected President of the United States, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump tweeted over a week ago that he had been the subject of surveillance at Trump Tower.
He was ridiculed across the board by mainstream media.
Now the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee tells us that Trump was right.
Tip of the iceberg, folks.
As I told Charlie Rose on CBS yesterday, it took over a year for the Watergate cover-up to unravel.
Nixon's men denied everything also, but ultimately the facts became known.
The facts on the efforts to spy on President Trump, President Elect Trump, not Candidate Trump, have now in the last few hours come to light.
This just in, David Brock has reportedly suffered a major heart attack.
It is one of two things in my opinion.
The multiple crimes and the millions he owes the IRS from tax evasion is weighing on him.
Perhaps he has heard from the Trump Justice Department.
Based on the public complaints against him filed with the Federal Election Commission, he is clearly guilty of numerous transgressions in 2016, but there's one other possibility.
He could have been poisoned with a poison made to look like a heart attack by George Soros, who's very angry about the fact that he gave David Brock 30 or 40 million dollars and Mr. Brock has nothing whatsoever to show for it.
Also big news, the MSNBC is reporting that my former partner Paul Manafort worked for a Russian billionaire named, let me get this exactly right, Deripaska, I believe is Oleg Deripaska.
What seems to be missing
From the MSNBC story is the fact that John and Tony Podesta worked for Mr. Deripaska, except for their contracts and payments were far, far larger than those paid to Paul Manafort.
Mr. Manafort has said today publicly that he had no role in lobbying the federal government, and this appears to be part and parcel of the smear to prop up the notion that the Trump campaign was involved with nefarious characters in Eastern Europe.
More on this story from Mr. Manafort, I assure you.
At the White House, we have had, as I indicated earlier, weak-kneed establishment Republican aides urging the President to apologize or back down for his claim that he was under surveillance.
The President has now been proven right.
They have been proven to be the weak-kneed sisters that we had prophesied.
The man to watch inside the Trump White House, though, to watch very carefully, would be Economic Advisor Gary Cohn.
Mr. Cohn has been very aggressively pushing the President to support a carbon tax.
A terrible idea.
But the giant and most, the largest beneficiary of this carbon tax, ironically, would be Goldman Sachs, the previous employer for liberal Democrat Cohen, who is Donald Trump's chief economic advisor.
I think Donald Trump had the most dynamic, exciting, economic proposal of any presidential candidate in this race.
It involved a cut in the corporate tax rate below that of Mexico and China, which would bring companies back to the US.
To create jobs here, to hire here, to expand here.
It included inversion, a program to bring dollars back into the country for fair taxation.
Almost $2 trillion that is sitting offshore or more.
And of course, and across the board, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan style tax cut.
Please, Mr. Cohen, would you focus on that agenda and forget the carbon tax that would be so lucrative for your previous employer?
Stay with us here at Infowars.com and we will bring you even more inside scoop from Washington, D.C.
and beyond.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Donald Trump and Infowars have been accused of espionage.
During this week's Senate hearings on Russian hacking, the establishment Democrats and rogue intelligence heads attempted to frame Donald Trump and Infowars for colluding with the Russians in violating the National Defense Authorization Act.
So, Mr. Armstrong, you mentioned in your answer to, I think, Ms.
Spears' question that there are other RTs operating in the U.S.
Can you describe them, list them?
You have RT, you have Sputnik, and then I think you have them feeding other entities.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Dr. Comey, are you aware that Roger Stone played a role in the Trump campaign?
Investigators are busy chasing the conspiracy theory that far-right news organizations like InfoWars took action to assist Russian operatives to help Trump win the election.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com
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There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America.
Let me just read a little thing here.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.
Well, you know what the next move's gonna be, don't you?
It's gonna be coming after your gun.
Oh, yeah.
I tell you, it ain't gonna sit well down my way.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
They lost.
I want to see what Trump's up against.
It's time to ride, boys.
We need a thousand Paula beers.
When I was a boy, it was okay to be proud of the flag, heritage, mom, and apple pie.
And beef was for supper.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Longing for the sun.
Hello, I'm Roger Stone, New York Times best-selling author, and I'm honored to be here today filling in for Alex Jones.
He has now been targeted by the Deep State, as have I, and it is a high priority for the fascists to close down Infowars.com.
That's really why we need your support.
You see, we don't have George Soros writing us fat checks.
Infowars exists only when you help.
And it's win-win.
Now, there's a lot of great products on the website.
I like the ones that give you political expression.
For example, when I was in Orlando the other night, terrific book event put on by Jacob Engels and his friend L.A.
Blowout crowd.
Massive crowd.
18 people in the crowd wearing their Trump-Pence 2020 t-shirts.
These are hot, folks.
This t-shirt will also end up in the Smithsonian.
So when you go to the Infowars.com store and you buy this t-shirt or the Trump is my President t-shirt or the Hillary for Prison 2017 t-shirt, you're helping the cause.
You're helping the fight for freedom.
Now, we're going to take some calls because, let me say this now, the number is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Last night, I had the privilege of speaking in Boca to the American First Committee.
Terrific turnout there.
I met Stanley Tate, one of Donald Trump's earliest partners and a major mover and shaker in the National Republican Party.
But many people in the crowd said to me,
Why don't you take more calls when you're on InfoWars.
So, you asked, we respond.
Let's start with Keith in Arizona.
Keith, what's on your mind?
Yeah, Roger.
Keith, there you go.
Go ahead, Keith.
I'm sorry.
You're with us.
Yeah, why can't Trump declare martial law
Well, you can't do that because we do have a constitutional form of government and we revere the Constitution.
But he could urge the Justice Department to arrest and indict George Soros because he has paid people to advocate violence in the assassination of the President.
A serious federal crime that could earn Mr. Soros, already in his 80s, a good 15 or 20 years in the slam.
He could have the IRS Commissioner and the Department of Justice review David Brock's failure to pay taxes and his shuffling money between non-profits and hard money political committees and other activities that others have gone to prison for.
He could order his government to release all of the documents.
pertaining to Russian collusion.
And then we'll see exactly what the government does not have.
So he has awesome powers.
Don't sell him short.
He will ultimately use them.
Jason in Florida, my home state of Florida.
Jason, what's on your mind?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Stone.
God bless you, brother.
Thank you, sir.
Well, I have a question.
I'm just wondering
Why, basically, why they are attacking you when you have your article that you put out there that is public, and why is Comey still basically the FBI director?
Why hasn't Trump talked about Comey and his corruption with Hillary Clinton and Lenny
Not to mention the hundreds of millions he's made helping HSSBC break the law.
Look, Mr. Comey was the federal prosecutor in charge of the Sandy Berger case.
You remember that?
Berger snuck into the National Archives, stuffed classified documents down his pants that showed that Bill Clinton could have taken out Bin Laden and did not do so.
Uh, he of course was not prosecuted.
Mark Rich, a fugitive from justice, funneled millions of dollars through his wife to the Clinton Foundation.
In return, he got a pardon, a federal crime.
Neither Bill Clinton nor Mr. Rich was prosecuted by Mr. Comey.
Mr. Comey acknowledged that Hillary Clinton had broken the law repeatedly in her unsecure server.
No prosecution from Mr. Comey.
Mr. Comey announced the week before the election that there were 650,000 new emails and that he was reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails.
Although it took him two years to go through 33,000 emails, he managed to read through all 650,000 in a weekend, and he assured us there was nothing there.
That is a lie.
So, Mr. Comey has no public credibility.
They used him to blacken my name because you see when he says,
I have to ask a question about Roger Stone.
Is he under investigation?
He says, well, I couldn't comment on that.
You see, it's a, this is a kabuki dance.
It's like a circus that's meant to hang in the air present, you know, pregnantly implying yes.
Let me say this, I fear nothing from an FBI investigation.
The idea that crucifer 2.0 and my brief public exchange with him constitutes collusion is a steaming pile of dung as an argument.
The idea that I knew about Podesta's email hacking in advance is proved nowhere.
We operate in this country on proof.
And lastly, I've been quite forthright about the fact
That I heard through an intermediary.
Back channel, intermediary, mutual friend, same thing.
Told me two things and two things only.
Julian Assange, who does not work for the Russians, who is an opponent of the deep state, and who, yes, I think is a hero.
Representative Schiff, he doesn't work for the Russians, if you're listening.
The idea that I knew anything other than the fact that he had a treasure trove on Hillary Clinton, and that it included everything which I took to mean many of the emails that had been erased in Hillary's unsecure, illegal server.
I said both those things publicly.
Does that mean I knew the topics, the timing, the strategy behind their release?
And anyone who says that is making a false and unsupportable charge.
So, trust me, if I have my opportunity to confront my accusers, we'll find out whether they can handle the truth.
Thanks for your call.
Let's go to Kevin in the Bluegrass State of Kentucky.
Kevin, you're on InfoWars.
Yeah, I know that Trump is not a big fan of UN treaties, but I want to know if Trump's going to look into the 1958 Atlantic Treaty or Antarctica Treaty?
It's a question I cannot address.
I think the President has got, you know, a very aggressive agenda.
I am one of those who thinks he should deal with the economy first.
That he should drive, as I said earlier, over the objections of his Chief Economic Advisor, Mr. Cohen, to get a pro-growth, dynamic tax reform package passed to get this economy moving.
As John F. Kennedy said, a rising tide lifts all boats.
So I think the economy, immigration and trade probably first on his agenda.
But thanks for your call.
Let's go to Cora in California.
Hi, Mr. Stone.
I have a question regarding you being poisoned and how you knew and how you're feeling now.
I am feeling pretty good.
I sustained some minor injuries in a hit-and-run car crash when I was driving to Orlando.
As many of you know, the car I was riding in, the passenger seat was t-boned at a high speed.
Thankfully, the driver was trained in evasive maneuvers.
What could have been much worse
I think?
For which I had surgery about a year ago to reattach a retina, a mishap that came from a ill-advised boxing match, is now giving me trouble.
I hope to see a specialist early next week.
I am hopeful I do not have to have another reattachment surgery.
The recovery process is quite difficult.
Cora, thank you for your call.
Let's go to Rich in the Empire State.
Rich, lay it on us.
How you doing, Mr. Stone?
Just have one question.
Do you think there's any kind of antitrust laws being violated by Google with the fact that they have such a hold over the internet with search?
I have been consulting with a very well-known attorney here in Florida who makes that very case.
It's a very compelling case.
Now that President Trump has control of the massive federal bureaucracy, he should see if he can use it
For the purposes of broadening free speech, of broadening choices, of broadening options.
That is a legitimate function of government.
So I would hope that legal minds better than mine would examine your idea.
Rich, thanks very much for calling.
Let's see.
Shane in Ohio.
Shane, you're on InfoWars.
Roger, it's great to talk to you.
You're a great man.
Thank you, sir.
I, you talk to Trump still, and you need to advise him that he needs to think about giving a daily, nightly address to the nation every night until this Russian ignorance is over with.
It needs to happen, Roger.
This is why the drumbeat that he must stop tweeting because it isn't presidential.
Mr. President, if you're listening, double up on the tweets.
Shane, thanks for calling.
Jeff in California.
It's good to... I'm glad to hear that you're okay, sir.
My question is, and I know that I speak on behalf of thousands upon thousands of people that are waiting for these trials to happen.
You know, these people, you know, the corruption runs so deep and they just keep piling on the lie.
They're following Hitler's advice, you know, the lie, make it big, say it over and over again.
There's so many people involved.
How long do you anticipate the trials to last once they get started?
I'm waiting every day, as I know a lot of people are, waiting for these people to be arrested and indicted.
I know that you're ready.
That being said, I hope someday there's a statue erected of you.
I was part of StopItStill.org, and I assure you, sir, your courage.
How soon do you think these trials will happen, and how long?
Well, you know, we are a nation of laws, not men.
Sometimes when you look at the way the Clintons have been treated, you have to question that, but we have due process in this country.
From a strictly political point of view, however,
I think that those who are attempting to topple the president and doing so through illegal and unconstitutional means are only going to motivate him to use his awesome powers to clean up this rigged system and put the deep state criminals and their military industrial financiers behind bars.
I put my faith in Donald Trump.
He's just getting his feet wet in the job.
But the personal attacks on him, on his family, the lies, the creation of the whole Russian fraud.
You noticed as soon as Trump laid out that he'd been under surveillance at Trump Tower, suddenly the talking heads in the deep state start saying, oh, there really is no evidence of Russian influence.
They started this.
Now they just like it to all go away.
But it's not going to.
Jeff, thanks for your call.
Eddie in New York.
Let's go, Eddie.
Hi, Mr. Feldman.
Good to hear you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
These Russian accusations have gone into a whole nother world.
To a fantasy world that, you know, the mainstream media and broke elements of government and multinational corporations are trying to collude us into thinking that we are Russians.
It is ridiculous.
And no greater example is attacking you by using, you know, I try to run you over, not letting you speak in front of a hearing.
This is an outrage.
Yeah, no, it is.
Look, it is very difficult to explain the feeling you get
Let me put it this way.
When I was a young man working for Senator Bob Dole in Washington, my wife and I lived in a small house in Arlington, Virginia, which was a kind of a quaint wooden house that had been there, we thought, since the turn of the century.
And our landlord was a Native American named Jeff Bushyhead.
He was a fine guy.
He charged a fair price for a nice place.
One day while I was at work, someone broke in a window and ransacked the entire house.
The feeling of violation that you get cannot be described.
And so it is when you realize that people have been looking at your emails to your wife, to your children, to your grandchildren, to your friends.
That is the big brother that the Obamas have brought.
Thanks for your calls, and thanks for joining us at InfoWars.
And Eddie, thank you.
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Hello, I'm Roger Stone, back with you at InfoWars and filling in with super patriot Alex Jones.
Alex, as you know, has now become a target of the Deep State.
I myself this past week got at least four inquiries from mainstream media reporters seeking to document the millions that Vladimir Putin has paid on bots pushing the InfoWars stories.
This is, of course, a total fraud.
It's a lie, but it's meant to destabilize.
You know, I've always had an interest in men's style.
If you're not familiar with it, I have an entire website.
I edit stone on style dot com, in which I talk about classic elements of men's style of clothing.
Look good.
Feel good.
But last week, when I appeared on this very show, wearing a leather jacket, a black beret, a black t-shirt, and some shades, well, some woman named Cardly Ledbetter seemed to think that this was a little over the top.
She described me, according to the Huffington Post, as looking like a cat burglar.
I guess she's thinking Cary Grant into Catch a Thief, but that's the wrong homage.
This is straight out of Oakland, down and dirty, Black Panther, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale homage.
It's a homage.
You see, classic styles never go out of date.
And that leather jacket look still works.
You see, they were radicals.
I am a radical.
But what I found now is, people not only want to criticize my clothing, they want to criticize my hair, what I have left of it, they want to criticize my dog, they didn't like the name that I picked, they try to poison me, they try to hit me on the highway, because I will stand up against the two-party duopoly.
You see, for many years, I was part of the system.
I helped the Bushes attain power so they could steal millions.
I helped George H.W.
Bush become president.
I helped his son become president.
I'm sure that I will get my just punishment in hell for those transgressions.
But now I can tell you, despite my long-time sentimental attachment to the old Republican Party, the two-party elite leadership have run this country into the ditch.
Donald Trump's election was the hostile takeover of one of our two major parties.
But that doesn't mean the core of establishment Republicans aren't still opposing his mission.
Get your copy of The Making of the President 2016 if you want to understand this epic struggle between the two-party duopoly and their hand-picked candidates, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, and this man of the people, Donald J. Trump.
You can find out all about John Podesta's emails, all about WikiLeaks, all about the Russian myth.
It's all right there in the book, folks.
And if you order it at the InfoWars.com store, you will ultimately get a signed copy.
Thanks for joining us here, victory or death.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.