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Filename: 20170313_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 13, 2017
3774 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses attacks on InfoWars by mainstream media outlets as part of a larger effort to discredit alternative news sources and suppress free speech. He also talks about unity in challenging globalist agendas, promotes various products available on his website, and covers topics such as politics, spirituality, personal preparedness, and the importance of supporting those trying to bring positive change amidst adversity.

Sound like we owe it to Chevy.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You want it, baby?
You're about to get it.
Well, it's 3-13, March 13th, 2017, on this Monday kickoff of a new week.
We are live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I've got to tell you, it is bizarrely surreal to be attacked by so many corporate media outlets, but also so-called entertainment outlets that are the big propaganda outlets.
To be attacked by so many, I can't even keep track of it every day.
Of course, obviously Saturday, Saturday Night Live attacked George Trudy and the President during their opening intro live from New York, Saturday Night Live with Alec Baldwin.
And there were other attacks on late night shows last week that we didn't even cover.
And then I was just shown, before I went live about 30 minutes ago, the latest episode of Homeland.
It's a popular show on Showtime.
Because mainstream media has tiny audiences, but these shows and TV shows
We still have large audiences, especially things like Saturday Night Live, and it really hit me this morning.
This is like a form of identity theft.
This is beyond fake news.
Because they do things on these entertainment shows where they say, I heard black people aren't human.
I heard it from Alex Jones and InfoWars.
That's what Alec Baldwin says.
As the president.
He's saying, well I heard from Alex Jones that those aren't people.
He points out two black people, so obviously saying we're racist.
And then the lies just go on from there.
And then the Homeland clip, this is every week now.
And they admit the character's based on me, and tries to copy my voice, everything else.
This actor, Jake Webber.
And then, you know, the female president's son is a war hero, and he's rushing in to save people, but they cut the video to say he's a coward.
And then I'm fake news, and then I actually see people in the real world saying, oh, isn't Alex despicable?
The things he's done to the president.
That's how mentally ill TV heads are, that don't even know politics.
They shoot their news from these TV shows.
It becomes a reality.
People go, oh they're just joking around on Saturday Night Live.
Oh really, every week putting words in the president's mouth that he didn't say?
Then Snoop Dogg puts out a new rap video where he takes a gun and points it at the Trump clown and then talks about taking the clown out?
No, this is picked up by idiots.
By people with low IQs all over the place.
Every race, color, and creed who believe it, folks.
Because you say enough, Trump doesn't like black people.
Folks start to believe it.
And where'd he learn it?
I got it from Alex Jones.
Yes, that's where I got it from.
This is just stupid.
And I think Alec Baldwin's been a great actor before.
He didn't do a very good job on SNL, though.
And then this Jake Webber is a horrible accent.
He goes back and forth between Australian and then this Texas accent.
I mean, they're gonna try to steal my identity, man.
At least do a good job.
And then... This is next-level fraud, though.
Because this is fake news.
Just like Colbert is a fake newscaster who does a fake news show, but then exposes me as fake news.
It's fraud on fraud on fraud.
The good news is, their desperate system's going down, and the thinking people know they're a pack of traitorous scum.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment, compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
This is Alex Jones.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Here we are, another Monday, 3-13.
Thank you for joining us.
You better stand.
Bugle sounds, the charge begins!
But on this battlefield, no one wins.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
If you're inside the globalist paradigm, you're a loser.
If you're outside the paradigm, you are seeking to be a winner in the entire consciousness of humanity and the renaissance that we are in the middle of as we speak.
Those that still serve the decadent, decaying, globalist, technocrat superclass are the losers.
Those of us seeking liberty and freedom and have goodwill towards all, we are the future.
Make no mistake.
Okay, huge military news, massive economic news, really positive Trump news.
It's amazing.
But every time I think MSM and dying dinosaur media can't go any lower, they go lower.
We didn't just dig out the firing letter of 93 US attorneys in 1993.
No pun intended.
We found the video, Daria found the video of Janet Reno firing them.
Now, everybody remembers this who has any memory, but I guess a lot of the public has a goldfish memory.
Remember Gruber, who headed up the Obamacare scam?
He said, thank God you're so stupid and don't have attention spans.
Well, I think freedom and being intelligent, more and more is about having an attention span.
And people have to be basically trained to not have attention spans, and that's what's happened with the modern culture.
It's happened with television and commercials and all of it.
The ruling class admittedly tried to shrink the attention span.
And that's why people like Steve Jobs said, I never let my children get on the computer.
I don't let them have iPads when they first came out before he died, because he said it brain damages them.
They're like, wow, Steve Jobs, that's crazy.
And all the statistics show it.
What was crazy is that he'd be so honest about it.
But we live in a world of fakes.
We live in a world of fraud spewed out by the establishment.
This skull on the table here of your TV viewers is not a fake skull.
It's illegal to have one of these unless you have a medical degree.
This is from my dad's from medical school, back before they brought in all the plastic fake ones.
But this is out of his office here.
So I thought I'd bring it in today.
I've got it here for several reasons.
We'll talk about this remnant of a once alive human that walked bipedally upon the earth.
Just to illustrate the whole life and death scenario and the reality of what we face here on Terra Firma.
Now, continuing.
We're going to be getting into that, just because it illustrates the incredible lies that I have the headlines here.
Anger mounts over handling of U.S.
attorney firings.
Chuck Schumer comes out and says, this has never before been done.
These are incredibly honorable people that were battling corruption, and he removed them because of corruption probes they were involved in.
This rock star U.S.
attorney was just dismissed for no reason.
I've never seen anything like it.
And in the articles, and in the transcripts, it's crazy, they go,
Well, it's quite normal for them to fire a bunch of people when they get in, but Trump never made the announcement, so they kept waiting for the announcement, and asking for the announcement, and then the announcement came, and it was shocking!
It's like teaching mental illness or something, because it's so illogical.
Sure, everybody does this, in fact, much larger numbers than Trump did, it's completely normal, but it was really mean that he didn't tell anybody, but then he just made an announcement, because they were waiting for the announcement, and you're reading it going...
It feels like when you have the flu real bad and you've got like 104 temperature and things don't make sense.
When you're reading the articles they write, it's like you're reading something an insane person wrote.
And they have all these deceptions just in each article, which are just transcripts of the shows.
It's just a loaded teleprompter BS they put out.
And they put that out as an article, as a derivative.
They said, yes, other presidents have fired dozens, like Bill Clinton.
He didn't fire dozens, he fired 93.
But you don't want to say 93 versus 46, because that doesn't sound like it's a big deal, what Sessions did.
No, no.
So you just say, oh, dozens, dozen, dozens, several dozen, more than several dozen, quite a few dozen, seven dozen.
And just, you're like, how do they get so many people
To sit there and write stuff like this.
It's just all a tissue of fraud and lies.
So that's coming up.
I want to go back over that because it's so informative and we have the clip.
Let's get the Janet Reno clip.
It's a short one queued up here because we're the opposite of fake news.
We actually go and show you.
No, it's not dozens.
It's 93.
And most presidents do similar things.
Bill Clinton fired the most at once.
And Trump was nice.
And gave them a chance to actually execute the Constitution and follow his directives, and 50 days into it, the decision was made to fire their butts because they were in open mutiny against the President and the Constitution.
That's what happened, and that's why they're gone.
The President is giving these bureaucrats a chance to do their job, and they're not doing it, so there's going to be big purges now.
A lot of you reside in the State Department, others are in Open Rebellion.
Justice Department, State Department, hey, you want to go out and work in the private sector for once in your life?
Get ready, because it's about to happen.
And they'll have CNN and Chuckie Schumer all breathless.
I'll just throw Chuckie Schumer, the new leader of the Democrats, because at least he can talk, unlike Pelosi, who thinks George W. Bush is still in office, and Maxine Waters thinks that Putin invaded Korea.
Not North or South Korea, but Korea.
She doesn't know that North Korea is threatening to nuke South Korea and Japan, and that nuclear bombers have been dispatched there, and that there's U.S.
warships right off the coast, some of the worst crises since the armistice or since the ceasefire at the end of the Korean War.
Technically, it never ended.
Japan, for the first time, is deploying its biggest warships into the disputed South China Sea that China is now claiming 95% of.
Oh, they're claiming right up into the territorial waters of a whole bunch of countries.
Japan, the Philippines,
Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of square miles.
A major power grab by the little sweet commies!
But it doesn't matter.
Maxine Waters thinks the Russians invaded Korea, and it's their fault.
That's like if I said Texas was in New York, or London was in Pakistan, or New Jersey was in Japan.
I mean, it's just cuckoo land, total cuckoo land.
Have no idea what planet they're on.
It's as if they're already dead.
There are many walking around that are physically alive that aren't really conscious.
You could argue they're just walking propelled stomachs, self-propelled gas bags.
It's very, very sad.
But let me just mention the other stuff that's coming up here because it's all extremely important.
Fake news has hit a new all-time low.
With SNL posing again as if they're news, just like Colbert poses as a, again, anchor who then puts out fake news and calls Real News fake news.
And we have the new episode of Homeland with Jack Webber playing Alex Jones.
We've got those headlines.
And he's putting out fake news.
And he's got to be shut down.
Funny, right at the same time, Facebook admits they're blocking most of our articles from being shared and now deleting many of them.
Paul Watson has an article on Infowars.com today.
People say, well, why are you on Facebook?
Well, it's like a third of the internet.
It's where the people are we want to reach.
We follow their terms of service.
There's not profanity.
There's not porn.
They let jihadis post on there.
But when we post a link to a former CIA section chief saying, no, it's true.
My colleagues who are currently in say they were ordered to target Trump during and after the election.
With spying, wiretaps, you name it.
Snowden's now come out as well.
And they didn't let us share that.
They deleted it because it was so real.
And during a BBC interview, BBC interview this weekend, a geopolitical expert had his toddlers run in, a baby and a larger toddler.
So the wife came in, grabbed the kids, you know, the dad's doing a show.
And they went, oh my gosh, the patriarchy of this, it's horrible that a woman's taking care of the kids.
I'm not kidding, that was national news.
That's been banned.
So that's been blocked now.
So, again, ladies and gentlemen, we're being banned and blocked because people listen to us, they know we're telling the truth, they believe us, and they understand we're cutting edge, and we have gigantic audiences and dominate every platform we're on.
Paul Watson's being blocked and banned because his average video gets three million views.
That's bigger than the top CNN show every day.
They don't know what to do.
They're panicking.
They admit it.
So they have all these new made-for-TV movies and Saturday Night Live and all these shows with Alec Baldwin saying, I'm the president.
I learned black people aren't human from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones in four words.
It's a talk show.
So people watching, that's not comedy.
That's not funny with a laugh track running in the background.
That's an attempt to literally tell people who've never heard of Infowars, because they know they're about to hear because the show's growing so fast, that, oh, that's a racist show.
And it's meant to threaten everybody else.
You don't ever speak the truth or stand up or we'll call you names.
Well, go ahead, you lying scum.
But CNN, MSNBC have almost no audience now.
Their average show, a couple hundred thousand.
Their biggest show's a million.
I mean, that is nothing, folks.
That is nothing.
That is a joke.
So they have to retreat in their own admissions.
It's in the WikiLeaks how Hollywood and all the big TV networks were working in the fiction department to attack populism, Trump, you name it.
So we're going to get into that.
In fact, I'm going to get into that right now because it's so important.
Now I'm going to get into it at the next break at the bottom of the hour.
I'm too nice about this and I need to really formulate my thoughts a little bit more because I was already going to come in here and talk about all the fake news and all the defamation and the identity theft that's going on.
Because the public that still watches SNL and the public that watches things like Homeland is so dumbed down.
People that watch mainline TV, on average, have lower IQs, lower earning rates.
I mean, there's metrics, it's known.
You can look it up.
It causes brain damage.
The very medium itself causes them to be disassociated, to be alone, to be unhealthy.
It causes neuron breakdown.
Mainline television, where you suspend disbelief and watch fantasy, is very, very bad for your brain.
It's not bad for children in small dosages, but it's bad for adults, and the studies are legion about screen time, you name it.
I mean, just search engine, screen time hurting children, screen time hurting adults, neurological disorders up as a screen time, Alzheimer's linked to TV watching.
I mean, it's known.
But what's crazy about this is that it's not even good actors, but it hit me.
This is identity theft.
They admit, we're gonna have a character that sounds like Alex Jones, and says some of the things like, if you wanna fight, you're gonna get one, we are the resistance, we're restoring the republic, then they'll sandwich that with, by the way, I don't like black people.
They'll take that out of context, I didn't say that, I'm quoting the shows.
I hate, I'm not saying this, they'll say it, I hate gay people.
It doesn't matter, you saw Colbert two weeks ago, take me saying that, and putting it on!
Again, they think of you as nobodies.
They are deceiving you so massively.
It's such an insult to everybody watching it.
It's criminal.
In my view.
But it's identity theft.
And they admit on the Homeland Show in press releases that they're attacking the evil fake news person Alex Jones.
You know, Chris Carter, you can pull up Variety and Hollywood Reporter last year when they had the return of X-Files.
Had top ratings for Fox.
I won't let it come back now, though, because it was too thought-provoking.
And he said, oh, we're not just basing the main character, the new character on Alex Jones, we're basing the content on his analysis of globalism, world government, vaccines, you name it.
And I think Alex Jones is a patriot, a libertarian, not a racist, like the media says.
That's Chris Carter quotes.
I'm paraphrasing him almost word for word.
The point is, Chris Carter put out a good show, it had huge ratings, and it was overall positive.
And the Alex Jones character was better looking than I am.
But he admitted he was creating something out of what I report on in Breakdown.
Plus, it's popular.
People are awake.
Chris Carter is a patriot.
Chris Carter, you know, knows what's going on.
And I know for a fact, it's been told by people in the CIA that are aware of what's going on years ago that the show's dead on.
I'm just going to stop right there.
But not Homeland.
They get a bad British actor,
Who doesn't know an Australian versus a Texas accent.
And then he sits there and says the most horrible things in my name.
And edits video of the hero's son of the female president.
Because they have these scripts all written thinking Hillary would be in.
That's admitted.
Their whole agenda.
Books already written with Chelsea and all of it.
How she was going to take the helm of the world government medical system.
And so, so they can restrict free speech, use us as a test case to ban info wars and to ban drudge.
Those are the main targets.
And once they've set up with these straw men that we're bad and we're evil, then everybody can have the political cover at Facebook and Twitter and Google to start restricting us and banning us and governing us down.
And then finally take down info wars and finally take down President Planet with, we know, the lawsuits they're kicking up and wiring up and churning up and designing right out of the Democratic Party.
Oh yeah.
And then once they can get us shut down, they think they can shut you down, folks.
This is happening.
This is an assault on you.
And they've got six different major TV shows that I know of right now attacking patriots, libertarians, people that talk about real issues.
They've got a lot of others, admittedly, attacking Trump by name.
But to sit there and have Alec Baldwin say horrible things in the name of Trump, playing the personage of Trump.
To weak-minded TV viewers, it has the effect of weak-minded people like Snoop Dogg putting out a video where he basically says he wants to go after the President with a gun.
Because he doesn't like black people.
No, Snoop, you know you're playing to a bunch of brainwashed, dumb people that sit there and are into your music.
Little, thug, zit-faced white kids that, you know, are hiding out in their mommy's basement and think you're the image of a man.
You sit there and advertise to arrested development losers.
That's what you do.
You prey on dumb people.
Snoop Dogg's real smart.
Snoop Dogg just rips off little kids that never had a daddy.
That's what he does.
And he sits there and again shows basically himself with a .357 Magnum about to kill President Trump.
They got an actor who looks just like Trump.
This is the crap they engage in.
And the media talks about how great it is and how cute it is and how fun it is.
Real war kicks off, Snoop!
All you guys that act like men and act like you're tough better hightail your butts out of the country.
Because you know what's going to happen.
And you do.
That's why you got your private jets fueled and ready.
And folks know where those jets have got landing spots and where people are trying to hide out with all their loot.
You and Zuckerberg and everybody else just know this.
The Nazis had to hide in holes and you're going to too if you kick off this civil war you're trying to fund.
That's why they've got this whole new Michael Brown crap with this edited video out to get riots going again because that's all they've got is trying to get a race war going because God forbid Trump build a bunch of factories in black neighborhoods.
God forbid he cut taxes and gives 25 billion dollars to black colleges when Trump
He gave $25 billion, Obama gave $4 billion in eight years.
God forbid people actually get prosperity and come together.
So we gotta make sure people owned by the man, by the globalist, like Snoop, sits out there and pushes his poison on young people so they all dress like gangsters and walk around so the cops are trained to pull you over or throw you in jail.
See, Snoop's there to get your kids trained and get ready to go to jail.
That's why MTV in the late 80s, early 90s got the order by Viacom and the social engineers at the Carnegie Endowment and then the major CIA endowments, this is all public knowledge by the way, to create gangster rap to induce the black population to adopt it to be prepared for prison and now they're moving on to all the other populations.
And so, take Rick Ross, the fake Rick Ross, the obese rapper who was a jail guard.
Well, he understands his job now is to go steal the identity of a real drug dealer, the real Rick Ross, and to go out and then to prime everybody for prison as well.
So he's been working on the inside of the prison.
Now he's working to get you all lined up at the outside of the prison.
And they knew this a long time ago, that in any major city, there were crime managers
Who wanted slave labor for the prisons, and so they would have older thugs that would induce the younger thugs into the gang life, but cull certain numbers of them, the dumber ones, into prison.
That's why if you watch Pinocchio, anybody ever seen Pinocchio?
How he goes into the town and then he hangs around with some, you know, corrupt bad kids, and then he gets led on to the actual scam artist, the weasel and the fox, and then they get him all drunk and have him partying and playing pool, and then
Because they engage in vandalism and crime, they turn into jackasses, into fools, and they get loaded on the slave ship.
That's an allegory.
And see, that's what Snoop's doing, is he's loading you on the slave ship.
He's a slave master, and you're his food.
But he works for a bigger slave master above him.
So they know exactly what they're doing.
He is a Judas goat to lead all the little boys into prison.
All the little white boys, all the little black boys, all the little Hispanic boys, all the little boys into prison.
While Snoop Dogg sits back there on the outside and laughs how he pimped everybody.
Well, guess what?
We're gonna expose you, Mr. Pimp, and your pimp handlers, and your pimp game.
We're going to talk about Jack Weber.
We're going to play the clip when we come back and get into real fake news because this is the assault on your free press.
This is the assault on the Liberty Movement and what we're trying to do and the trillions that have been announced in new development over the next three years.
The 400 billion now that's already been put in by companies and growing.
The three plus trillion in the stock market the last 50 days, 52 days.
And it goes on and on and on as America is open for business and the world responds and believes that globalism is collapsing and globalism is in crisis everywhere.
And Trump's got his head down, doing everything he can to restore the Republic, and everything he can to get big banks to make low-interest loans to small businesses, and everything he can to flood minority programs in colleges and in work programs, to actually get people trained as machinists and as dental assistants, and to go to school to be doctors, and to go to school... I mean, just flooding real investment for the first time in decades, point-blank range.
Point-blank range, trying to get you on your feet.
The Snoop Dogg's running around, we gotta kill this Trump!
As the big mega corporation put that out and the big newspapers go, how beautiful, how nice, all the weird little fake white trendy managers, who again are pimping everybody else as well.
Oh look, the cool Snoop!
He'll lead more kids into prison!
Oh look, the Snoop!
And then while Snoop's training you how to go out and get killed on the street with guns, waving them around at cops... Oh, in the video they're pointing guns at cops, everything... He'll sit around and say the cops are out to kill you, when you're being inducted and trained by Soros and all these groups to go out and kill cops, so cops get scared!
All been set up, playin' the cops, playin' you, playin' everybody!
But I'm here to tell you how the game's played.
I'm here to show you where the aces are up the sleeve.
And to break the will of the enemy and have real prosperity, if we want it!
Real unity, if we want it!
We all bleed the same red blood.
We all live in the same country.
The same republic.
And we, sinkers, swim together.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
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We now take you live.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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And again, we're under massive media attack.
They're trying to block us, demonetize us, shut us down on Google, not let us advertise on the web, outside of the show, kick us off radio stations.
I mean, Hillary Clinton attacks us by name.
60 Minutes does fake news, fake comedy.
It's all weaponized.
Saturday Night Live, Colbert,
All the shows.
I mean, all three of the weekly nighttime shows attack us routinely.
And they just put out incredible disinformation.
If I say Hillary's responsible for killing kids in Syria, they'll cut it together and say that I said she did it in the bottom of a pizza place.
That's Fox News.
The entire establishment hates us for a reason, because we're here exposing them when they say, this is incredible, no one's ever fired U.S.
And then we have Janet Reno saying she fired 93 when she first got in office in 93.
I mean, we just show you how they're liars.
So the mainstream media has killed the old-fashioned press.
It always had problems, but it's become totally corporate and a bunch of PR lackeys and hacks and hatchet men.
They have destroyed themselves, and now they want to destroy anybody else that's trying to research what's happening.
They don't want anybody else to have free speech, folks, because they can't contend with a free press and a free people.
It's actually happening.
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I wish there were a 10-star rating that says, Nap Polly, from New York, New York.
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I did recommend it to a friend.
He can't say, you know, thank you for this.
All right, well thank you so much for the five-star review from New York, New York.
It's amazing.
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Alright, I'm done there.
Just we need to fund ourselves and we fund ourselves by you buying the products.
That's why they're shutting down Talk Radio, shutting down other systems.
I've told our affiliates and other media that's fighting for liberty, the answer is go to direct sales.
Where your radio station gets high quality products that you demonstrate, that you talk about, and then if people believe in the type of information that's on the broadcast and want to get more of that information out that your station's putting out, they can be
Recruited to be team members to go out and hand out bumper stickers and have events to restore the Republic.
That's how we're going to do this.
And then the local radio stations find great products and great sponsors either locally produced or produced right here in America.
And then that's how you can fund your operation and also host events at local sponsors facilities.
And we have a lot of stations that are doing this.
I don't know why Clear Channel
I mean, look, I've been involved with ad agencies that bought ads on Clear Channel networks, and when I wrote the ad, they got five to seven times the response.
And when they used my voice, they got much higher response levels.
And then hired up executives, and I'm not involved with Clear Channel, but obviously they have a near radio monopoly, like half the radio stations in the country, so I'm involved with them some.
There's some patrons that actually work there.
It comes down from higher up.
No, we don't want to do this.
Too much Alex Jones.
He's promoting himself as if I need to have my voice on your network promoting a product.
Shouldn't it be what gets results for your sponsors?
The point is people respond to me.
They respond to my voice.
They respond to the ad copy I write because it comes from a place of truth.
And I know how to invigorate talk radio.
I know how to energize it.
I mean, I came from nowhere.
Nobody else has done this independently like I've done it.
No one.
Has done what I've done in 19 years through the platform of GCN that's basically my satellite provider.
And Ted's done a lot of work behind the scenes promoting the show as well.
But I mean, I don't just sit up here and shoot my mouth off.
We've changed the world politically.
Globalism is on fire, being destroyed all over the planet.
The tyrants are panicking and buying armored fortresses in remote areas of the planet and admitting it.
That's all over the news.
They've got a desperate rearguard action here trying to start race wars in the West, and you know, hoping they can bring us down that way, but it's not happening.
So when I say, financially support us, buy the products, you buy more products, we hire more people, we get more aggressive, we get more in their face, we stand up against the attacks better, and we win.
You are the info war.
So support our local affiliates, buy their products, support their sponsors.
This is a war.
And they're trying to shut down talk radio, they're trying to shut down libertarians and conservatives and nationalists and just people that want free market prosperity.
Good, straight-shooting, hard-working people, no matter what color they are, are under attack by the establishment because they want to sew this country up in a depression and consolidate it and buy it all up and turn us all into renters.
And make the average, you know, family home 1,000 square feet.
And the average person's apartment 220 square feet.
They're training us to have less.
Just like McDonald's famously put...
Signs up saying thank you like you're supposed to throw away your own trash so they could get rid of employees.
You should just want a place that has employees so that you have an entry level into the economy and demand quality in the economy, not the opposite.
Globalism is about you being poor and society falling apart while the elite eat caviar.
And we're not going to stand for that, folks.
Excuse me, I'm ranting off into economics right now.
It's just that
The higher-ups in these big corporations want talk radio to die.
They know full well how to save it.
Talk radio has, I don't want to exaggerate, 15 times the audience of all the major cable news combined.
I mean, it's incredible.
Big talk stations that have been in places like Austin like 590 AM,
Sometimes even in the Arbitron ratings, they'll have a quarter million people listening in an hour.
That's one station.
There are stations in New York that have a million people listening an hour.
And they can't even make money, but then a Rachel Maddow with a million viewers will get 20 times the sponsorship because the establishment wants to prop that garbage up.
It's economic warfare.
They don't care about the money they're making.
They care about dominating the entire market and controlling the full spectrum.
That's why you see the big globalist Archer Daniels, Medlin, and Monsanto ads on CNN.
Because they want the status quo in place.
So it's an act of rebellion when you buy these products.
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And it's going to sell out today.
I'm going to hold some back for auto ship, but we're going to take the 10% discount off at midnight tonight.
So just heads up for that.
All right, I'm done plugging.
I just tend to forget to do it sometimes for two, three hours and don't even do it for a whole show.
So when I do, I tend to have a little bit more hefty, hearty plug.
Now, I'm just going to do this at the start of the next hour because
Here's the deal.
I get so disgusted is the word, not even angry, when I see the filth at Saturday Night Live and the filth that's ten times worse at Showtime with this Jack Weber, another little nobody, talentless actor in my view, who has stolen my identity and who then admits that, and they say in the news it's Alex Jones, and then he says horrible stuff I never said.
And then he's got the nerve, and they've got the nerve to run around.
I mean, it's just like that guy, who's the guy that did the Mr. Show and all the other stuff, Portlandia?
Who did, made a whole movie two years ago about me.
And then people run around screaming the N-word.
David Cross, they just run around screaming, N-word, N-word, N-word.
And then they say, in the news, that's me.
And then people walk up and say, are you the, haven't went two weeks ago.
Somebody asked me on the street, a white lady, do you love Hitler?
And do you run around screaming the N-word?
And I said, no.
And she said, well, I saw it on TV.
And I'm like, lady, that ain't me, man.
They've, the public, a third of the public they admit have lower brainwaves from TV, they're in a near sleep state, they've been hypnotized, and they're watching this stuff, and even though he doesn't even look like me very much, he sounds like me, and so, and David Cross does this stuff, I hate, you know, I won't even say it or they'll take it out, you know, I hate, you know what, I hate, blah blah blah, I heard it from Alex Jones.
And it's like, wow, these people are the scum of the earth.
The writers, the people that own Showtime.
Who owns Showtime?
I forget.
And SNL's NBC.
And they just... Black people aren't human.
That's Alec Baldwin saying that.
You watched it, you'll take that out and say, I said that.
No, I didn't.
The Alec Baldwin character as the president.
That's how deceptive they are, folks.
The Alec Baldwin character, playing the part of the president's straw man, says,
You're not humans to black people.
You're aliens.
And a CBS corporation owns it.
They're the worst.
No wonder.
It just makes my head spin.
I want to get focused and kind of just go through it linearly and just play the clips and analyze them because
It doesn't hurt me.
They're hurting their viewers.
They're assaulting them with just outrageous lies, with huge sets and huge budgets.
With Alec Baldwin?
Playing the part of the President saying that President Trump doesn't think black people are human?
And showing the black people all mad?
And then the next day they kick off the new fake Ferguson edited video to try to get riots going in and shots have been fired?
I mean this is how dumb they think you are!
It's so evil to watch them preying on people!
And to know that now, I used to like Alec Baldwin as an actor, I think he's a pretty good actor.
It's like I can't watch him in a movie.
I can't.
It's like he's too disturbing because I realize he's a horrible, evil person who wants to prey on people and lie to viewers.
Oh, it's comedy.
No, it's not.
SNL admitted they wanted Hillary to get elected.
I know people that were there at the SNL headquarters on election night.
They admitted.
They were crying and panicking when Hillary lost.
It's a cult.
But then on the homeland, it's not Islamic terrorists we're battling anymore.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Alex Jones!
And they admit the news.
So again, I don't want to make this show about myself.
I have to because they're putting out all this fake news that I'm fake with actors and these huge budgets and all this and in hundreds of newspapers a day so they can set the precedent to ban us.
And now in live time, they're restricting us and first not letting us share.
We used to get about 5,000 shares on average on our main Facebook.
Now it's down to about 200.
And people tell us they're not letting them link the articles, the videos, they're blocking them, they're taking them down.
They put a new thing out where they have master moderators, whose one vote is the power of 100 votes, who then go in and say, oh, this is fake news.
Paul Watson has an article, if we can show folks the graphic of the screenshot.
Scroll down, please.
And notice, it only lets you say it's fake.
Blow that up for me.
It only lets you say it's fake.
You can't go in there and vote on, oh I think this is real, I think this is pertinent, I think this is valuable.
No, it says it's annoying and not entertaining.
Or it's spam.
You see how they operate?
You see how they work?
It only
Gives you the opportunity to say it's annoying or not interesting.
I think it shouldn't be on Facebook.
It's a fake news story.
It's spam.
And then they say, oh, we had it.
We had some moderators say your article with Senator Rand Paul was fake.
And they took it down.
Oh, your video with a former CIA section chief saying his colleagues told him they were ordered to target Trump.
That's spam.
No, that's incredibly sensational, and documented, and important, and a whistleblower.
But see, it doesn't matter, because they've got their little socialists, social justice warriors.
YouTube announced a few months ago, they've got supermods now, that are just communities that have shown that they're anti-free speech, anti-conservative, who get knighted as supermods, and then they go and say, we're blocking you, no one can see your video, your subscribers can't see it, we said it's fake.
It's fake?
When I have to respond to Alec Baldwin attacking me by name?
Am I allowed to respond?
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You know, as a patriot, I don't even want to tell our listeners to go on Facebook and go find socialist globalist garbage and then downvote it to remove it off sites.
I just want our information to be able to compete with it head to head.
But does it matter?
They have their supermods chosen from the algorithm because they hate libertarian or pro-human speech, and so your vote doesn't even count to begin with.
It's all rigged.
Facebook and YouTube admit that.
Zuckerberg has bragged to the Communist Chinese that he has perfected censorship tools in the United States on the population, and it's in the news that he's proving himself to them.
It's in the news that Google is courting China and proving itself with censorship in America and Europe.
This is public!
But it's not even an outrage.
It's, oh, Google and Facebook are courting China and showing them how they can ban nationalist news.
And they see all these headlines, Democrats and globalists hope China can make Americans get back in the globalist system.
And the Chinese president, a dictator, goes to Davos a month ago and says, I'll whip America into shape!
And the average liberal goes, good, yes, oh, good master.
A lot of you like Buddhism, right?
They killed Buddhists for practicing it there, dumbass!
God, you people are sick!
They just made it a death penalty sentence to criticize any communist leader today, by the way, in China.
They already did that, but now it's public.
You don't care.
North Korea?
They're not America, so you lionize them.
They have liberal bars all over the U.S.
with Mao Zedong crap, and I've actually been in them in Denver, and people actually liked it with their smartphones and fancy cars outside, and I said, this is all capitalism gave us to you.
They're like, we don't care.
They like the sickness of it.
They like the evilness of it.
Like all the big feminist groups wearing shirts, I got an abortion.
I like killing my baby.
Remember that video we played of the woman going, I loved it.
It was good to kill my baby.
It made me happy.
Everybody's like, oh, how pretty, how good.
It's all just spoiled, rotten nothings that have been given everything, so they're just basically pissing all over it, just begging for destruction.
That happens in history, doesn't it?
You read about it in the Bible, it happens in civilizations as well.
So that's all coming up.
Oh, Google is another step closer to being unblocked in China.
Oh my gosh, is that just dandy?
They're working hard.
They're working hard to prove they can censor here.
We'll prove ourselves, Communist Chinese!
Buy up Hollywood as soon as you can and help block Alex Jones into the President!
Oh, and they've got the new Michael Bay movie coming out where Trump is a dictator that the Chinese have to take out with U.S.
Special Forces.
Trump's a dictator in the new Michael Bay movie coming out.
Financed by the Communist Chinese!
Foreign, open, psych warfare against our country.
It's outrageous what criminal traitors these people are.
And then all these TV shows and all these movies where I'm a racist and I'm bad and I'm fake news with actors playing Alex Jones saying stuff I've never said!
Total war!
Against us!
Because we are the Republic!
We are 1776!
We are the good guys!
And we're kicking their ass with almost nothing!
But we've got everything because we've got you.
Since I mentioned it, they'll say it's not true and fake news.
There actually are some articles now saying it.
It's fake news claiming other attorneys were fired.
Hoping you don't go look it up.
It's blah blah blah.
Anger mounts over handling of U.S.
attorney firings.
They weren't told they'd be fired.
No one's ever told.
They're fired!
So let's go out with Janet Reno in 1993.
Remember her?
Lovely lady.
Remember that monster, the Butcher of Waco?
Here she is.
Janet Reno fired every holdover Republican U.S.
attorney all across the country.
I have asked for their resignations at the request of the president.
All 93 U.S.
A one-day clean sweep.
Presidents do replace the other parties' appointees, but usually not
It's important that we build a team that reflects our desire to have a Justice Department marked by excellence, marked by diversity, marked by professionalism and integrity.
Alright folks, we'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones, The Anti-Fake News.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Rallying Patriots Worldwide!
Ha ha ha!
Rallying Patriots Worldwide.
You know it's globalist.
In defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am deep.
They're in deep mud up to their axles worldwide.
And... The surge has only begun.
That's why they're so desperate throwing everything they've got at humanity right now.
And all it's gonna do is accelerate their fall.
That's not confidence, that's history.
The arrogance of elites throughout history is unbound.
Basically unending.
There is no bottom to it.
We've gone from being way behind to now having major beachheads globally against our operations and our territory is expanding inside the human mind.
Their territory is shrinking.
So I'm going to really discipline myself at the start of the next segment and give you a focused laser beam analysis of what I kind of ranted about some in the last hour.
Then we're going to get into everything I haven't hit today.
Dr. Corsi's a great guy.
Three times New York Times number one bestselling author.
Treasury report, Obama stole from Fannie Freddie investors to fund Obamacare.
Now you're like, wait a minute, we heard this two weeks ago from Corsi and Exclusive.
Yes, now he got Treasury documents that confirm the other documents.
And he's gotten this from the White House, just so you know.
And notice it's so powerful, you haven't seen this anywhere.
You know, he has copies of the documents, the court rulings, all of it.
And this is what the White House wants you to know about.
So many times, MSN will attack us and help put out something that they hope nobody sees, and it becomes a national news story.
More often than not, it's drudge will link to something that they've been blockading and it finally gets out.
But this is a big deal.
Close to $200 billion stolen out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and even more documents confirming that they did that in just 2013 alone.
The looting has been biblical.
We've only got certain documents from certain years.
They've been trying to block all this, and now Trump's people have access to a lot of it, and they're aware of the lawsuits and court cases, so they're desperately trying to get you, we, the people, us, to get this information out.
So that's coming up.
Treasury report Obama stole from Fannie Freddie investors to fund Obamacare.
And let's not get fatigued with the tyranny.
Oh, we know they rob everybody.
We have to bring the criminals to justice.
That's just what they do.
They're running around hyperventilating about Donald Trump all day in this garbage, you know.
Oh, met with the Russians!
And then he didn't.
Meanwhile, as I told you, I went and looked at her list.
Chuck Schumer, Pelosi, all of them.
There's photos, there's videos of it.
All met with the Russian ambassador way more than they met with any of the Republicans.
But it's normal to do that at that level.
That's what you do.
And the Russians have come out and said, completely normal at that level of diplomatic interchange, intercourse.
Discuss and to talk, that's what you do.
This is bizarre.
This is hysteria.
This is weird.
And Senator Rand Paul has come out and said that too.
This just goes on and on and on and it's totally made up.
Oh, but McCain says he wants to see by today.
He said that on Friday.
I want to see, Mr. President, the proof that you've got that you were being surveilled.
The word surveilled, wiretaps, an old archaic term.
No, it was intercepted in the exchanges under federal law.
They're grabbing all the foreign communiques.
So when the president is talking to foreign leaders, it's all being recorded.
And when the president-elect was, it's all being recorded.
And so they're playing games with words.
They were surveilling the president.
The New York Times admitted that months ago.
We've shown the headline, January 20th and more.
Now the New York Times says, oh, we have to retract that, we were wrong.
And of course, what did Rodgers Jones say at the time?
That day, at the inauguration, he said, it's totally made up.
I've never talked to him.
They say they have phone calls.
I've talked to no one.
This is ridiculous.
So then we learned with all their surveillance that they were, they had him on a public message board with the public account of Guccifer 2.0 had been deleted.
And of course, he's there.
We're there running around trying to find new leaks.
You bet.
To expose Hillary.
And they said, oh, that's talking to the Russians.
They haven't even proven Guccifer 2.0 is the Russians.
But it's a comment, it's a comment on a public page about we're glad your Twitter account got put back up.
And they turned that into headlines.
Roger Stone caught in secret communication.
And then he releases them.
They're public.
He tweeted about his talking to Guccifer 2.0 back at the time.
He's on the air talking about it.
They're like, oh my gosh, we found the proof!
And did you hear he fired the U.S.
No one's ever done that!
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag!
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are now 53 days into the first four years of the 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump, who he is, delivering on his promises against the globalists and against the corrupt elites and special interests.
Like nothing I've ever seen in history.
Yet to go back to the lore of Hercules and the Aegean stables to find such a Herculean task being carried out in such a Herculean way.
Only way to describe it.
We're gonna get into the latest attempt by the globalists
To shut down the free press in this country and worldwide.
As you know, in Europe, for the last 3-4 years, they've been banning people on Facebook, Twitter, Google, restricting them, then fining them, then arresting them.
If you even say there's rapes going on in Germany, or in Sweden, or in other European countries that have admittedly massive rape epidemics, because that happens in a lot of those Islamic countries.
And so that very anti-free speech system is coming here, but the United States has such an amazing history of the First Amendment.
That Congress can't even make a law respecting the establishment of religion or free press or the right to assemble or petition the government for redress of grievances.
So what they're doing is weaponizing media with disinformation.
Well, that's discredited the mainstream media so bad, they are a shadow of their former self.
So they're having to go to entertainment, movies, fiction, TV shows like Homeland and Saturday Night Live.
And again, Colbert is a great example, a fake
He's an actor, a thespian, playing the part of a fake news anchor or investigative journalist who then exposes fake news of Donald Trump and Alex Jones and then says things we never said or twist it and then says we're liars.
And then hides behind, oh, we're just entertainment when that happens.
Even though Colbert's come out and said it's not entertainment now, it's war.
So, this is the type of disinformation they're engaging in.
Rachel Maddow says that I believe that Obama sent tornadoes to kill people.
Never said it.
Can't play a clip of it.
Rachel Maddow says that I believe giant wasps live under the Capitol building or under the UN building.
She really said that in a serious piece.
And that I'm deeply racist in the same piece.
Didn't show proof of me being deeply racist.
But this is all they can do.
This is all they've got.
But now we have Facebook, Google, Twitter, all of them restricting our accounts, not letting us share videos, not letting you share our articles and videos, when they're the most critical, credible, and hardcore.
When we just do some little silly video or something, oh, they let that go viral.
But if it's a CIA section chief saying, I talked to CIA colleagues, they were ordered to go after Trump during and after the election, and we've got a serious newscast clip and an article, and it starts going viral.
They just took the whole thing down last week.
Have Senator Rand Paul on.
Critical information about how bad this health care bill is.
Paul Ryan.
Banned it.
Because it's credible, and it was the senator going over what was in the bill.
The same big banks are involved with Facebook and the rest of it that want this screw job that want Obamacare to keep hurting you and your family.
Remember, the Republicans wrote Obamacare with the Democrats.
They were bigger progenitors, authors of it.
They had more to do with the writing of it.
It's like 80% was the Mitt Romney screw job for Massachusetts.
So then they say, oh, we're just partisan.
We don't want Obamacare.
It's a screw job.
And I don't want Paul Ryan's screw job.
Trump's first misstep, I think, is being halfway nice about it.
Just a little better in some ways, but worse in others.
We need Rand Paul's repeal and replace!
But notice Paul Ryan's trying to hold the country hostage right now.
So getting into the fake news, first they call us fake news, then they call for us to be shut down, then they have Google ban us from advertising on Google through AdRoll, and then now just every day new shoes are dropping.
Paul Watson article got banned where they're saying that a father being on TV while his wife took care of the kids was misogynistic on BBC.
He said how ridiculous, and that video's been blocked on Facebook.
Feminist furious at funny kid video.
That's now been banned.
Facebook is blocking links to InfoWars.
We have the screenshots of it.
They said it was spam.
Yeah, Paul Watson is one of the top libertarian conservative anti-globals in the world that has more Twitter impressions than all of the BBC combined.
Paul Watson
That's why everybody wants to open the videos and watch them.
Is spam.
That's why they go so viral.
No, spam doesn't get opened and everybody knows that.
What doesn't get watched or listened to is Hillary Clinton.
Or other globalists like that.
I mean, go look, when Soros gives a speech that's on YouTube, 5,000 watch it.
When I give a speech, 5 million watch it.
When Paul Watson gives a speech, 5 million, 10 million, 25 million, 35 million watch it.
Oh, is that why I've got 20 plus films?
The average film with 10 million views on YouTube.
Or more.
One film I produced had over 100 million views on Google Video alone.
And they took that down.
Oh, it's such spam that hundreds of millions watch it!
And so now...
A lot of folks say, hey Alex, this is good that, you know, Alec Baldwin's attacking you, or this is good that they have a show on Homeland where they, you know, have a fake character playing the part of you but saying things you never said.
And I said, you don't understand.
They're doing this to set up the climate in the country where I'm hated so they can actually try to sue us and shut us down.
I know for a fact that they tried to get outgoing Lynch to have some indictment and then some criminal action against us.
During the election, Pelosi called up and demanded to be done, had a meeting, and I heard this from high-level sources, and then the next day Pelosi's daughter went on TV and said, Alex Jones death-threaded me and he needs to be arrested.
Death-threaded her?
I said she was heading up the group trying to get the electors.
She said, oh, it's a conspiracy.
We're not trying to block Trump getting electors.
That's the mind war.
They're openly saying don't elect him, electors, block his Electoral College official election.
And then they have the nerve to say they never said it, but go further and say I death-threaded them.
And that's what I was told the day before.
Pelosi and her daughter and all them met with Lynch and tried to convince her that I had to somehow be arrested.
That's how crazy these people are.
That's how entitled these people are.
And then I'm told that Sessions had to be behind the scenes as the incoming Attorney General and telling them we're going to drop those indictments or whatever once we get in if you do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're one of these little actors that plays Alex Jones and says lies about me, how would you like that about yourself?
I know you've dehumanized me and called me a racist and all this crap that other people made up, but it's not true, and I'm not putting out fake news.
You're the ones that are impersonating me and stealing my identity, and the President's identity, and hiding behind entertainment, and this isn't a threat.
But karma is real.
You reap what you sow.
You better get right with God.
Jake Webber from Homeland.
Jake Webber from Homeland, born in 1964, gets to come over here and put on his fake Texas accent, and they admit in the news that they're playing Alex Jones, and then say and do horrible things.
I'm the villain of a major TV show produced by CBS, put on table and then syndicated to television countries, and countries all over the world.
And again, this is all the scum can do.
Now, understand, they're not going to hurt Alex Jones.
They're going to lose.
They're panicking.
Globalism's in trouble all over the world.
Nationalists are in the lead all over the planet.
Le Pen's about to win.
Wilder's about to win in the Netherlands.
Italy said no to EU expansion.
The UK pulled out in Brexit.
Iceland, six years after pulling out of the globalism, has a great economy back.
Russia's pulling out of it.
The whole world's turning against it.
And so the good news is, you're failing.
And so what we're seeing is desperate, panicked, out-of-control behavior to just tell so many lies.
Because the lies in the election didn't help them.
And the lies overseas, so their answer is, let's just lie more.
And let's impersonate Donald Trump every week and have an actor get up there and say and do horrible things in the name of Donald Trump and then just say it's funny.
Oh, I'm Donald Trump, look!
Black people aren't humans, they're aliens!
And, uh, I'm a coward!
And Alex Jones told me!
InfoWars, Alex Jones told me black people aren't humans!
And it goes on and on and on.
Oh, look!
That's my answer to the alien invasion!
But the whole thing, I'm about to play the SNL piece and stop and start it.
Then we'll play the Homeland Peace.
The whole thing is a construction of lies.
Globalism is the alien force that's taking over our country.
Globalism is what is attacking a human-based economy and replacing us with robots.
Globalism is the outside alien psychopathic world government system.
Coal, it was how we get our jobs and industry back and why our electricity used to be the cheapest in the world, now it's some of the most expensive.
It's clean, it's good.
So the energy source is important.
They make a joke about that though.
An outside enemy force would shut off our power.
And then he goes on and on and on.
They go on to say, take me to your leader, and Trump's scared and runs off and says, I'm not the leader, when he's the one that marches at the head of the motorcades, when he's the one that has all that courage.
When he's the one that's let them attack his companies, his families, gone through all this hell, stood up against the media, and beat them, and political correctness, and they can't stand it, so they say in the piece, and every week, I guess this is what they do, I've seen a few of their skits, he's always a coward in the skits, because that's the opposite of who he is!
And it's meant to defame someone that's honorable, and really trying to empower the people, and it's disgusting.
So I actually feel sad for Alec Baldwin.
But Jake Webber is even worse.
I mean you talk about they've got these endless fields of wannabe actors and people that think if they could finally just get on TV or get in movies they would be somebody and they're just all in their narcissistic crap.
I have a purpose driven life.
I'm doing this because I want to change the world for humanity.
I don't want to be turned into a slave.
And you sit there and you plagiarize what I say word for word and then your writers, I think there's a case here, put their names
On the scripts that then you go read and 90% of it's what I say, word for word, and then you add the lies.
You add the fake news.
That's defamation, that's plagiarism, and it's despicable.
I wish Jake Webber would do the things and say the things he says I'm saying to my face.
Man up.
Meet me out in the parking lot somewhere.
But you won't do that, you little yellow-bellied bastard.
It's worse than telling lies about somebody.
You sit up there with weak-minded viewers, you're preying on, you little predator.
You're just a whore, though.
It's the people above you that are the predators.
The writers, and the controllers, and the dirtbags in Hollywood.
And their whole failing system as they lift up their skirt and beg the communist Chinese murderers to come stick their, you know, snout under the tent flap and get in there and, you know, give you some new political blood.
You're a bunch of losers!
And I love the fact Hollywood's imploding, and I love the fact your system's falling apart, and I love the fact you're so scared because you're scum, and you come from trash, and you'll always be trash.
Yeah, I hate your guts.
The Communist Chinese have killed over 100 million of their own people, and they're basically financing most of these shows against myself and Trump.
The new Michael Bay movie, again, where Trump's a dictator and U.S.
Special Forces turn against him with the Chinese and kill the president.
Man, you've really chosen some sick sides.
You've chosen the people that prop up North Korea.
Jake Webber.
Yeah, you bet I don't like you, because I know you're a little authoritarian, that if they arrested me, and put me in prison, and put my family in prison, hell, if they killed me, if they hung me in public, you'd get up there, and probably read off a script, and then Jones said he hated Jesus, and he hated black people, and he hates Jews, and he hates everybody else, and he's a pedophile, and then you'd kick the lever, and hang me right in front of my kids.
Well, I kicked out hanging, wouldn't you, you son of a piece of garbage?
You would!
You're a little wimp!
You love evil, you love tyranny, and I pray to God that God line you up!
I ask God, I'm so sick of these people.
It's not what they're doing to me, it's what they're doing to the... And I just... God, I never asked you for anything, but I just wish you'd teach these writers today the fear of God!
How they back up the murdering communist Chinese and every other form of evil.
They're just a pack of rats, ready to do whatever it takes and sell their grandmother out to hell for a stick of bubblegum!
Dishonorable trash.
Getting together with their all wimpy cast and, you know, screwing around and giggling and laughing when he does the Alex Jones imitations that are so bad.
Oh, good show, good show!
You fought that racist good!
You don't lie to yourselves about what you're doing!
You're trash!
God, you're trash!
Let's go to the Alec Baldwin piece.
I'll try to just start and stop.
I've already made my points, but it's just incredible.
Oh, and they say Trump doesn't know the Pledge of Allegiance in this, when it's Hillary that had, in God We Trust, or One Nation Under God taken out, and Obama who wouldn't put his hand over his heart.
It's like everything they say about us is what they do.
No one can say Donald Trump's a coward who lives in the real world.
In fact, they call me a coward all over the news.
I love it.
On the little anonymous message board.
That's their favorite meme.
Coward, coward.
Oh yeah, I'm a big coward.
That's right.
The truth is we're changing the world.
Our listeners are changing the world.
We actually care about humanity.
We tell the truth.
And your system is dead.
You are a political carcass.
There's not even flesh on the bones.
You see this, Weber?
And you see this, Alec Baldwin?
Turn back now, because the road you're going down is cultural and spiritual and moral death.
Now, let's start the Saturday Night Live piece.
Here it is.
In the year 2018, aliens from the planet Zorblat 9 landed on Earth.
They did not come in peace.
Women, the hour is upon us!
Back it up.
The fight for humanity.
Trump wants a pro-human world, a world where people have jobs, where we have communities.
The globalists are all anti-human.
So notice, aliens are attacking.
Trump's actually working with them.
The aliens are supposedly Russians.
Zorbalat 9.
So it's that whole parallel.
When it's not Russia trying to take over America, it's the globalists.
It's globalism, see?
So that's why everything's an inversion of reality.
And their writers can't even come up with their own ideas.
They just take what's really happening and we're fighting, and they invert it.
Let's go back to these pieces of garbage.
But we are not out.
We've lost limbs.
We've lost lives.
But we will not lose the United States of America.
Now let's get out there.
Destroy those aliens.
Major schools all over the US, it's been announced, are banning American flags.
They're being banned at sporting events because, quote, refugees don't like them and think it's racist or anti-refugee.
The Muslims get scared seeing it.
I'm not kidding, that's in the news today, and the Ninth Circuit banned American flags at schools in California, and they're always the ones saying F the USA at their rallies.
But see now, they're for America, they're for USA, they're the liberals.
And Donald Trump, he's with the aliens slash the Russians.
Everything a upside-down world.
I wonder if these people actually write backwards, too.
And maybe talk backwards.
I've heard of that before.
Who does that?
Let's go back to the pure garbage.
The dumb audience doesn't know whether to boo or cheer.
They got little applause things up.
Hit pause again, back it up.
Oh, they always try to copyright us, like when Kobera taxes or another, Jimmy, whatever his name is, Kimmel attacks us.
They're talking about us, dumbasses at NBC.
We have total fair use to cover this and respond to it.
And I'm really thinking about Sue and Smythe the next time they put in a fake garbage complaint on us.
Again, you want to trash us all day and then try to shut down our channels to counter your stinking garbage filth?
We're gonna do it, dirtbags.
The anti-American garbage.
Get that through your stinking heads.
Go back to it.
Hello, yes.
What a beautiful day.
Who here loves Trump?
I know this guy over here, he loves Trump.
Oh look, hit pause.
Yeah, basically only dead people like Trump.
Smoking dead bodies, laser beamed, disintegrated by the aliens.
So again, you're with Trump, you're dead, just the most base psychology.
Here we go.
Here's the deal, we are going to beat these aliens because we've got the best military, but we don't win anymore.
And the aliens are laughing at us.
They're killing us, and they're laughing at us.
We know the aliens are killing us, sir.
They have the most advanced weaponized technology we've ever seen.
Okay, here's what we do.
What should we do?
Here's what we're gonna do.
We are going to bring coal back, okay?
Again, the globalists, their whole plan is to shut off coal worldwide, because there's enough coal, again, for thousands of years, conservatively.
We have some of the biggest reserves of it.
It's totally clean, totally good, good for the Earth.
We need more carbon dioxide.
We're actually a lot lower than we were millions of years ago.
That's in all the studies, ice core samples, you name it.
Again, they're really pissed about that, because that's the one thing that's got all the jobs pouring back in, because it's going to be competitive now on energy prices for manufacturing.
So that's why they're so pissed, but they make a joke to the dumb audience that doesn't understand how electricity takes place.
Go ahead.
Here's what we're going to do.
We are going to bring coal back, okay?
We're gonna have so much coal, you're gonna say, where did all this coal come from?
I never knew there could be so much coal.
But, Mr. President, what about the aliens?
They just vaporized the entire state of California so that I won the popular vote.
That's to bring back that he didn't win the popular vote in that state, but he really did, because of all the illegals voting.
If you add it all together with other states, but again, everything's a jab, jab, jab, jab, jab.
Mixing in all their deception.
Please, everyone in California is dead!
Even Arnold?
Sir, yes, we are dealing with a highly advanced species here.
They're from Zorblat 9.
Their ships are invisible.
They're telepathic.
No, we don't know that they are from Zorblat 9.
I've actually heard Zorblat 9 is very beautiful, very fantastic.
Oh my God, does he have business ties on Zorblat 9?
Try to pause again.
So the aliens are attacking and now it's the Russians.
He sold us out to the Russians.
Again, it's the globalists that are openly ending sovereignty, TPP, all these deals to transfer our power out of the country.
Total treason.
Trump killed all that.
But they're claiming he's selling us out to foreign interests when it's the opposite.
That's why the globalists are so angry.
We're going to finish up where he attacks us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment, compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag!
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The Alex Jones Show.
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We have regular strength and extra strength.
And then MycoZX is about to sell out.
I don't know.
Is gonna end at two o'clock today.
I'm going to end the special at two o'clock today because it's about to sell out and quite frankly I would actually like to bring some more money in here to hire more reporters and more crew especially when we got kicked off of Google advertising.
Yeah, I would go out and advertise products outside of my show!
To bring money in to fund the operation.
And we're at a shortfall now because of the massive sustained economic attacks we're under.
But the listeners in just two weeks have almost narrowed that gap.
So thank you all for the support and for all of you listening.
And for all of you that opened the emails, you get the biggest discounts out there.
50% off on Super Female Vitality today.
If you're an InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter subscriber, it's absolutely free.
And now more than ever, I never was big on email because I was all about viral stuff elsewhere.
You notice I've been pushing this hard because all the experts say, Jones, you've got to grow your giant email list.
When the censorship intensifies, you could be in a foreign country and still shoot videos and still send articles to people.
And it's very hard for them to censor this.
So we're going into a real mode, like we're in the old Soviet Union.
And they're all over the news saying they want to shut us down, and they want to shut down, you know, take Trump's Twitter away, and they're actually starting to do it.
Not let his tweets get out to his, you know, all his followers, blocking all the positive comments and stuff he gets feedback from, and ideas he feeds off you feeding off him.
It's synergistic.
So they're really trying to block us right now, the articles on InfoWars.com.
Proof Facebook is blocking links to InfoWars.com.
Everything's got free shipping until tomorrow.
We're going to end it tomorrow evening, and normally you have $50 or more as free shipping, everything.
Whether it's a $9.95 Coil of Silver, or a book that's $9.95, or you know, whether it's a Myco, a ZX, an antifungal, whatever.
Everything is free shipping right now.
InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Live straw, great in the field survival straw.
It is 30% off right now.
A lot of specials.
I think?
Believe me, the elites all filter their waters, and you should, too.
Infowarsstore.com is the main site.
Sub pages, Infowarslife.com, 888-253-3139.
And we have 50% off Out of the Gates, the Trump Pants 2020 shirt to help spread free speech, stand up to the bullies, and meet like-minded people, keeping America great.
Right-hand shoulder, Infowars.com on the back, America first in 1776, Infowars.com.
Those are still at $9.95, but they are going to go up next week to the full $19.95.
And this is the new viral shirt.
I want to thank everybody for getting so many of them.
Last time it had a huge effect with our Hillary for Prison shirt.
It has that same navy blue design.
It looks really good.
It looks like a campaign shirt.
It is important for everybody to get it.
All right, let's just stop right there.
I mean, it's a fight between we the people and the globalists, and that's why you see history changing.
That's why you see them freaking out so bad.
It's why you see them openly saying kill Trump and Snoop Dogg saying kill Trump and putting it out on MTV and them allowing that on air.
Because they're openly trying to trick us into a civil war.
The new Michael Brown edited video.
All this stuff is to try to get riots going because that's all the globalists have.
And they're really preying on inner city communities and manipulating them.
But that's what the globalists do.
Like Zuckerberg said, thank God my users are dumb effers.
He said they trust me, haha, thank God they're dumb effers.
What did Gruber say about Obamacare?
Thank God they're so dumb.
Thank God they don't have attention spans.
Thank God.
That's why they're on the news today saying no one ever fired U.S.
attorneys, it's totally insane.
Oh my gosh, here's the headline, anger mounts over handling of U.S.
attorney firings.
He fires 46, does he want to do their job?
They're not loyal?
Bill Clinton fired 93 in one day.
And laughed about it.
I'll give the missile stickers to my bosses in China now.
Remember the New York Times?
Oh, we never said there was any wiretaps.
Oh really?
January 20th and in hundreds of other headlines.
Oh, just so happen to have a copy of it.
But months later you said you never did in March 4th.
Is that fake news?
Yes, it's real news reporting on fake news.
The New York Times.
The New York Times just two months ago said, is globalism real, that Alex Jones talks about?
Or is he insane?
They basically said it doesn't exist.
But a month later they said, look, we fail, we have to admit it.
Globalism's falling apart, what are we gonna do?
Oh my gosh, our world government, they're on to us.
They kept playing this Jedi mind trick of, there's no global government, there's no Davos, there's no Bilderberg, there's no TPP, no Congress, can't see it.
It's a real thing, but it's secret.
Okay, it transfers all your sovereignty over, but it's okay, because
Nobody's watching mainstream media.
Oh, we'll just put on mainstream entertainment.
Almost no one's watching mainstream news.
But, they are watching mainstream entertainment like Alec Baldwin.
So let's get back to this and the Homeland piece and all the other news.
Now I'm going to open the phones up for you to comment on this.
But understand, we can laugh at this all day.
My friends and family say, oh, Saturday Night Live has 10% of the viewers it used to.
Why do you care?
Because it's concerted.
And the globalists are arrogant.
They think Saturday Night Live is the jewel in their crown of BS.
And so the fact that they have to attack me by name on that, they see this as a huge failure.
But it's because they plan to move on us.
They wouldn't have Homeland and all these other shows saying I'm a criminal and I'm like Lex Luthor.
Yes, the new Lex Luthor character is a talk show host on CBS Showtime.
Garbage homeland.
That means that they're planning something big, folks.
They wouldn't be doing this unless they had something planned big.
They're gonna probably false flag and have some guy say he did it because of me and blow a school up or something.
I mean, that's just how they operate.
That's just how they operate.
And these same people funded the Arab Spring that killed 500,000 people conservatively now.
300,000 in Syria.
These are ruthless people.
And all of it should demoralize you.
Show the military is a bunch of obese women.
Because they're lowering standards to destroy our military?
Not against obese women, it's just you can't be in combat, okay?
And just all of it's a culture war.
All of it's to make us weak.
All of it's to lower standards so you just roll over in the ditch.
They got a bunch of angry, weird followers and beta males.
They're gonna be part of these big hen-pecking factories that run the SNL scripting.
They have, you know, their token white male come out, Alec Baldwin, to play the part of the evil president and put words in his mouth.
So, Zorba at 9, wonderful place.
They're like, oh, he's, you know, on the payroll of Zorbalat 9-2?
So, again, this is the lies they're pushing.
Let's continue with Saturday Night Live from Saturday.
General, the aliens are outside the base.
Hit pause again.
Yeah, there's so much.
I know they were thinking about Baghdad Bob, the information minister in Iraq in 2003, when there's fighter bombers bombing three miles behind him and mushroom clouds of 2,000 pound bombs and strafing happening.
He's like, we have beaten the Americans.
They are kicked out of the entire country.
We drove them back to Kuwait.
They are defeated.
Remember Baghdad Bob?
He was super entertaining.
It's the same deal, but again, they claim as the base is under attack, as the president's about to be, you know, attacked by the actual aliens face-to-face, again, it's like Baghdad Bob.
The truth is the globalists are in trouble.
The globalists are in crisis.
The globalists need to watch their butts.
The globalists are failing all over the planet.
And you're the alien global force that is alien to nation states and freedom.
You're the breakaway civilization.
The future doesn't need us.
You're Mark Zuckerberg.
You're Schmidt.
You know, you're Ray Kurzweil.
You're going to live forever.
Life extension.
You're better than us.
We better accept augmentation or be squashed like a bug.
Elon Musk.
Ray Kurzweil.
Give me a break.
Let's go back to it.
Please, we have to do something.
Look how much the aliens control.
This is the aliens, and this is us!
Pause again.
He says everything's fine, the aliens aren't getting us.
The president's an idiot.
He's of course wrong.
The whole country's in green, the aliens.
The tiny area's in red.
Now they really want to flip that because the whole country's gone red.
The problem is the reds are actually globalists as well.
So it's, you know, Paul Ryan.
But the whole country thinks they're changing things going red.
And so the blue is actually only in a few tiny areas.
So again, inversion of reality.
Let's continue.
That is a great show, this is us.
But I can't watch it because it's on NBC, and NBC has been very unfair to me.
That was product placement.
Sir, I have some terrible news.
New York City has been attacked.
And Trump Hotel has been completely destroyed.
They said, let's work on the product placement to plug our new show.
But also, lies, and the president watches it.
At a subconscious level of suspended disbelief.
But now since we did our economic money-making, the equivalent of millions of dollars of advertising right there, and their bloated advertising system, now let's do the economic warfare and say nobody's in his Trump Towers, it's been destroyed, saying it's not safe, subconsciously.
That's near subliminal.
But then publicly, no one wants to stay there, like there's roaches in the food, which they've actually tried to say in the news.
All lies.
So, again, then they want to economically attack him.
They suck off his energy to say he watches their show.
They plug their show.
Then they go, but now let's attack.
You can see them in their writing.
Let's suck his energy, the American people's energy.
Let's steal it.
Because we need him.
They don't need us.
We stole energy.
Now let's try to hurt him financially.
Because we're vampires.
We take and we hurt you.
I have some terrible news.
New York City has been attacked.
And Trump Hotel has been completely destroyed, causing $50 million in damage.
More like a billion dollars.
Well, luckily no lives were lost because no one was staying at the hotel.
Hey, pause again.
They can't help but lie.
Last time I saw, because I saw it broken down in the numbers, Trump Tower's worth over a billion dollars.
And the surrounding buildings it has, just in New York.
So again, even that's a lie.
They know it's not worth 50, so they say that, and then they have them say, more like a billion, which is actually true, but see, again, it's just all about inverting reality.
They're not creative.
And now I've understood, they don't just invert because it's, they like it, they can't help it.
They just look at real numbers and then flip them.
Wow, these people, look at them, they're just jokes.
Let's go back to it.
Back it up again.
The 20 seconds.
You see, globalists, they call it lesser magic, even though they're not actually into lesser magic, most of them.
If they can get people to cheer, that's a real studio audience.
The fake president saying something true, then they cheer that he's dumb and wrong about it being worth more like a billion than 50 million, then they're cheering being lied to.
So that makes the chomping, the pimping, even better.
You pimp so good.
Snoop Dogg asked Buckley that once.
Man, how you pimp so good.
Little inside baseball Snoop.
Man, how you pimp so good.
How you pimp everybody.
Oh, I know all about you Snoop.
How you pimp so good.
Here, let's go back to pimping so good.
Here it is.
I have some terrible news.
New York City has been attacked.
And Trump Hotel has been completely destroyed causing 50 million dollars in damage.
More like a billion dollars.
Well, luckily no lives were lost because no one was staying at the hotel.
That's not true.
Everyone loves to stay at my hotel.
I'm sure a bunch of really top-shelf, very classy people die there.
Good pause.
Back it up five seconds.
Again, this is all written, total subliminal, to manipulate the dumbest unconscious masses to say everything he says is dumb.
That's the equivalent of saying, you know, I don't lie, and then lightning goes, thunder goes off behind you.
So, classy people stay there, it's very nice.
Well, that's true.
It's one of the best addresses in New York.
Twenty years ago, probably the best address.
But it's in the top three addresses, that's undisputed.
But see, oh, they laser attack right when he says that, just showing he's a total idiot.
And I know you know all this, because you're dialed into this show.
Not because I woke you up, you found this show because you were already thinking and seeking.
Think about the victims that watch this garbage.
Let's go back to it.
I've actually heard the aliens are already here.
They've been hiding in this country.
Let's back it up.
This is key.
He's been denying the aliens are coming.
Now he's going to flip it around and say they're here.
Now this is where M4 comes in.
He goes to one black lady and then he goes to another black lady implying he doesn't think black people are humans.
Now that's not Donald Trump, folks.
That's that's Alec Baldwin.
A dumbass.
And now where he gets me mad because again
Yes, it's true Trump gets some of his news from Infowars, but that doesn't matter.
It's a lot of it from Drudge.
It's just analysis.
Like, Drudge puts out the job numbers, 290-something thousand.
It's already admitted.
It's Associated Press.
Drudge says, great again.
Trump likes that.
He puts it out.
It's true.
Is that fake news?
No, it's totally true.
Totally true!
See, we're not totally true.
We're trying to be totally true.
We work hard to get it right.
It's hard.
When we're wrong, we admit it.
You people try to lie, and I can look at you, and I just can't imagine sitting down and writing a lie like this.
So here's the big one.
They're claiming Donald Trump doesn't like black people when he got all these NAACP awards.
I mean, this is, and when he just gave $25 billion.
How many, is that 10 times what Obama gave in eight years?
And he got the right wing to cheer the biggest transfer to black colleges ever seen in history.
But does it matter?
They have a fake Donald Trump.
He doesn't like black people.
See how that works?
It's so sick that they just do this out in the open.
They're so dirty.
Let's go back to it.
I actually heard the aliens are already here.
They've been hiding in this country for hundreds of years.
It's a fact.
They're shapeshifters.
They look like regular people, but they're aliens.
Look, there's one right there.
Let's see, hundreds of years of slavery, black people.
I am not an alien!
Here she is, and so is the woman next to her, right there.
Oh, okay, no.
Hit pause again and back it up.
I want to ask viewers and listeners, in fact, I want to put the phones up for...
Black Americans, I don't want to say African Americans, whatever, they always have a new name, just people that happen to be from Africa in your lineage.
Do you think anybody black bought this?
I mean, this is what they do to me and Trump constantly, is they just keep saying, you know, they play this clip.
I do not have anything against gay people.
I'm against gay people.
I love everybody.
I love black people.
I hate black people.
I mean, they just lie.
And watch, he goes, I learned from Alex, I learned from Alex Jones.
I mean, just think of how dumb they think all of us are.
I'm gonna skip this break.
I just have to.
There may be a show soon if this continues.
This is what they're openly doing to us.
And it's so criminal to try to invoke all this race garbage.
They do it over and over again.
People say, oh, it's just, it's entertainment.
No, it's not funny.
It's all one-sided crap and they admit it.
SNL was in the WikiLeaks being advised by Hillary.
It's dirty!
It's deceptive!
And Snoop Dogg released a new video today saying kill Trump!
Why you pimp so good?
How you pimp so good?
Pimping your people, man!
That's uncool!
Snoop Dogg, tell folks about how hydrofluoric acid, for whatever reason, has double the effect on black people and is even worse than it is for any other group.
For some reason, genetically.
Oh, you're just too busy acting tough all day and all self-centered like a big-ass punk!
Like that Rick Ross jail guard piece of garbage!
I wouldn't want to have any of your mojo, my friend.
You're a loser and a dirtbag.
And so are Alec Ball and all these other rats.
I'm going to get to the Homeland Attack in a moment, but let's just continue here.
Right now.
You know, Snoop, anything happens to the President, I've got a sneaking suspicion that you're not going to be just trying to round up black kids and white kids and make sure they all go to prison.
You're going to be dealing with a lot more now, aren't you?
I think you do know that, Mr. Tough Guy.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to this garbage.
Here it is.
Here she is, and so is the woman next to her, right there.
Oh, okay, no.
Sir, where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
To the very start when he goes, black people are aliens.
Back it up again.
They've been there for hundreds of years.
Total evil.
Total race baiting.
Trump never said any of that.
Total trash.
The opposite of reality.
And then, InfoWars, a very reputable source, now saying he got it from me.
And I know our listeners get this, I'm talking to new viewers, people that are, you know, actually watch us, and I want them to see how they're being manipulated millisecond by millisecond by millisecond.
They look like regular people, but they're aliens.
Look, there's one right there.
I am not an alien!
Here she is, and so is the woman next to her, right there.
Oh, okay, no.
Sir, where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
What, the FBI, the CIA?
Pause again.
Back in five seconds.
You have to go every ten seconds for the lies.
A reputable source, FBI, CIA, with all the crap they've been caught lying about, with the WikiLeaks coming out, with 9,000 pages of how they're watching and listening and manipulating the media and framing Russia.
It's in the WikiLeaks that they frame Russia with cyber attacks on America.
Russia can barely keep its lights on!
Russia's been encircled by NATO, starting wars with them.
If Russia was all big and powerful like China in our face, screw Russia.
I've never even been to Russia.
The point is that Russia's fighting the globalists.
So again,
Oh, the FBI, the CIA, is that the right source?
No, it's InfoWars, they're the ones.
Let me tell you something, SNL.
Dumb people watch your show, idiots.
The demographics are either very old or very poor watching.
People can look it up.
That's what watches broadcast TV.
Let me explain something to you very, very slowly.
There's factions in the government.
I've never been part of one of those factions, okay?
But I did grow up around people that had been in those factions, the good faction.
And just let me explain something to you very, very slowly.
The patriots in the government for at least 15 years, actually I got reports of this before that, were ordered to listen to my show and what we broadcast here because it's on Target.
So, make your jokes all day.
InfoWars is as reputable as it gets.
It's come out in foreign hacks of the Russian government, the Japanese government, the Syrian government, the Israeli government, in the London Independent, you name it, that when they hack into people's emails and they get released, it's heads of state saying, listen to Alex Jones, watch this video, this is what's happening.
And why do they do that?
Because I understand what's going on, and I can look into things and have a background in history as an analyst.
I'm a private analyst, is what I am.
And I am able to 99 times out of 100 break down what's really happening by looking at all the information that looks like a bunch of spaghetti to other people, looks like a bunch of, you know, Rorschach blots.
And I'm able to break down the basic essence of what's happening in the different factions from my study, and then the world leaders aren't able to give their underlings classified info or other information.
They just say, watch this.
He has it.
The Japan, I mean, I remember one time I had the Japanese vice president on.
I knew he was the head of the diet.
I didn't realize he was the vice president.
He wanted to come on.
And I wasn't even like, Your Excellency, all this crap.
And they were like, in the diet, like showing my information on 9-11.
I'm not bragging, it's just that these guys sit here and make these jokes how we're not credible.
You're not credible!
We're changing the world!
You're a joke!
We just got a populist anti-New World Order president in!
Globalism's being exposed!
Political correctness!
World government!
TPP's gone!
Ten years in the making!
Blown up!
And you want to sit there and make the joke that we're not credible?
We're wrecking your whole system and your trillions of dollars against us!
And Trump just wrecked you!
So, again, inversion of reality.
We are credible.
You're not credible.
You have to pose and manipulate your dumb viewers, posing as comics, when you're really spewing disinfo.
Back to it.
Sir, where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
Info Wars.
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You know he's legit because he's always taking off his shirt, okay?
That is why I hair by demand.
I hair be bedand.
He can't even do an executive order.
Trump's been excellent at executive orders.
Incredible action the first 50 plus days.
Everybody's had to admit that.
Economy exploding.
Now he's a blibbering idiot, which again is the opposite.
He hardly ever screws up when he gives speeches.
No one knows how he does it without teleprompters.
They're completely amazed.
The State of the Union or Congress last week was incredible.
So again, they invert reality.
Here we go.
Another lie.
We launch a full investigation into these two aliens right now.
They're inside the base.
Alright troops, the time has come to fight as brothers, as sisters, as Americans.
The left's all dividing everybody, creating racial division, hundreds of films and movies doing it, pushing race rioting, all this kill the cops garbage.
But now, oh they're about unity though, but Trump isn't, he's a coward.
Here's the next big lie, go ahead.
Join me in the pledge of allegiance.
He doesn't know it.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
And then Trump messes up when it's Hillary that took out Under God.
Which is sad.
And Obama wouldn't put the hand over it.
Another lie.
Under God, for indivisible and for liberty and justice for all.
Resistance is futile!
Take me to your leader!
It's him!
He's the president.
No, I'm not.
You are!
This is gonna be so easy!
And live from New York, it's Salad!
Look at all those beta males.
Alec Baldwin thinks he's a tough guy.
I challenge him a million dollars to charity he wants to get in the ring with me.
Bare knuckle.
I'll do it right now.
I will.
I'll get in a ring with you and I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose and I will break your neck.
You think you're a tough guy messing with little cameraman people.
You coward.
You want to sit there and defame me and the president?
Get in a ring with me.
I will break your jaw in seconds.
I will smash your nose into a bloody pulp and I will rock your teeth out.
My fists are going to be bleeding with your teeth marks all over them.
You freaking bully.
You coward!
I hate you!
My listeners hate you!
And remember that scumbag forever!
We're gonna defeat this anti-human scum!
We're gonna wreck their world!
When I come back, we'll look at the coward at Homeland!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I told Donald Trump black people aren't humans.
How dare you?
Oh, I know you feel sorry for yourself when I make a statement like that.
You'll probably be in the news.
Alex Jones threatens Alec Baldwin.
You can't get up there and say you learned from me that black people aren't humans, asshole.
Excuse me.
Delay that.
I'm just getting sick of these people.
I really am starting to get tired of them.
Because I watched that five minute clip.
It took me 30 minutes to...
Start and stop it.
I was eating jalapenos during the break.
And I'm sitting there watching this crap meant to create destruction of our society.
And I'm not mad at Baldwin and his cowardly riders because they're even attacking me.
I'm sick of the world they're making for our kids.
The guy is a selfish pig.
But he's nothing compared to the guy I'm going to cover in the next segment.
And that's Jake Webber.
And I want to challenge Jake Webber as well.
He can show up in a ring with me, bare knuckles, and he can even do his fake Texas accent while he has each episode, I'm helping terrorists kill people.
I'm blaming innocent people for the terror.
I'm setting up war heroes and saying they aren't war heroes.
I mean, and they admit in the news it's Alex Jones.
I mean, you know what?
This is uncool, man.
Anybody anywhere in the world.
If you did this to Andrew Jackson 200 years ago, he'd call you out in the street, man.
I mean, dude, I don't sit there and say that you hate black people.
I mean, what the hell, man?
Just because you've dehumanized me and want to go on the news and lie about me or create some fictional character who you say is Alex Jones, you just can't get away with that, bro.
So I'm not going to attack anybody unless they legally get in the ring with me.
I guess bare knuckles boxing is illegal.
So the point is, is that I guarantee you, I just am tired of these people, man.
I'm tired of you writing checks you can't cash, bro.
I hope one of you actually takes me up on this.
Ali Baldwin is supposedly a tough guy, Iris, I'm sure he is.
I'll take him and Bill O'Reilly on, because they're both older than me, at the same time in the ring.
Bill O'Reilly says, tonight we look at sexual predators.
He cuts to a clip of me screaming about police corruption.
No, I bash the cops for being bad.
And he cuts it into a thing about women being raped.
I mean, dude, dude, dude, I'm so pissed at you.
That's why I'd kick your ass.
I'm pissed off.
You understand that?
I know that I want to punch you in the nose, you understand?
And when I want to punch you by the nose, I don't ever lose.
I love everybody, until they lie about me and my family.
And so, what am I supposed to do when you say I'm a sex predator?
This guy says I'm a damn racist?
I'm tired of it, man!
You understand?
I'm a person, dumbass!
I don't sit there and say stuff about you that isn't true.
I don't say Alec Baldwin's a child molester.
I don't say that Jake Webber's a child molester.
I don't say you're working with Muslim terrorists!
It's not funny!
But I know it's how much you hate the American people.
That's who you really hate.
You hate the Liberty Movement and you hate that we're kicking your ass politically.
And just like we're kicking your ass politically, we're just gonna sit back and let you try to start your race where we're just gonna take it.
I'm gonna put all my energy, all my aggressive, warlike energy into politically annihilating you.
And I pray to God on the altar of Jesus Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit to give me the strength and just continue to have the hedge of protection of the providence.
I know I don't deserve this providence, but God knows I mean what I'm doing.
So just God, please, please, please, please open everybody's eyes and raise up other leaders to defeat these people.
Because I just want to see this scum defeated.
They hate us so much.
They are sickening filth.
God, they're the most dishonorable monsters the world's ever seen.
They want to start wars with Russia.
They want to start wars everywhere with anybody that isn't a threat.
And then they worship all the real threats, like Communist China.
They're funded by them!
Hell, I've read what CBS got a bunch of Chai Com money.
I haven't even looked.
I bet this show's funded by them!
Look at that little self-serving, know-it-all narcissist piece of trash.
Just thank God I don't want all that crap.
Thank God I'm not with these people!
And thank God they're falling!
Thank God they're failing!
And thank God humanity's rising!
We'll be back with this piece of filth's piece!
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag!
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America.
Let me just read a little thing here.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collected.
Well, you know what the next move's gonna be, don't you?
It's gonna be coming after your gun.
Oh, yeah.
I tell you, it ain't gonna set well down my way.
At all.
It ain't gonna set well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
They lost.
We won.
Wanna see what Trump's up against?
It's time to ride, boss.
We need a thousand Paul Revere's.
When I was a boy, it was okay to be proud of the flag, heritage, mom, and apple pie.
And beef was for supper.
Revelation, dawn of global government.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, the globalists want to sabotage this country.
Well, get ready, we're coming after you.
And Alec Baldwin wants to sit there and say that Donald Trump doesn't like black people because he learned it from me.
Those are fighting words.
Talk about walking on the fighting side of me, Baldwin.
And you're a writer.
Now, I was told about this months ago by people inside the production of the CBS-funded TV show that's on Showtime and is also syndicated to television.
Jake Webber, the whatever, fifth, sixth season, whatever it is, of this ridiculous program, Homeland,
Where before it was radical Islamic terrorists, but you can't have that now.
There's a woman president in the future, and that it all scripted for Hillary to be in, and the evil Alex Jones character, who they admit in the news is an Alex Jones person, who says everything I say, like, we are the resistance, you wanna fight, you got one, we're gonna defeat the globalists, I'm taking over.
They want you to hear all that, and then they add to it, I don't like black people!
I didn't say that, that's what they say.
Or, you know, framing people for Islamic terror attacks that they didn't do, or
The president's son is out in combat and runs towards this thing to help people, but I, the Alex Jones character, edited it to say he was running away from battle.
That way people watch this, and they hate me.
And this is what they admit they're doing.
And if you're a new listener, there's another tactic where they didn't say on the news, Alex thinks Homeland's about him, he's crazy!
Alex thinks...
CBS, NBC, CNN, 60 Minutes talk about him all the time.
Nightline, they do.
Or Alex thinks that Saturday Night Live talked about him.
They'll actually say that, probably.
I haven't heard it yet.
Because they, again, it's all about psychological warfare.
They'll do what they're doing, say your name, or admit in newspaper interviews that it's supposed to be you, but then they'll say, oh, but it isn't that Alex Jones.
Again, they had a movie that came out.
I asked you earlier, what was the name of it?
The guy that did Mr. Show and all that?
And he put a movie out a couple years ago.
Yeah, David Cross, where the Alex Jones character is a racist and he got it all from Alex Jones.
He says, I got it from Alex Jones.
So, this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about attacking the free press and people that are telling the truth and setting the precedent with
Our broadcasters start restricting it and curtailing it.
Yeah, the movie was called Hits, which was not a hit.
It was a huge failure, of course.
People are sick of all your weird, cult, liberal brainwashing of lies.
So meanwhile, proof Facebook is blocking links to Infowars.com.
That's up on Infowars.com.
Google, another step closer to being unblocked in China thanks to U.S.
Homeland blames Alex Jones' character for fake news.
The March 12th episode that aired last night, we once again see Alex Jones parody Brian O'Keefe.
He's going after James O'Keefe.
Everything's just like warfare.
Hosts his InfoWrestle show discussing the military, son of President-elect Elizabeth
Cain, Vice President Cain, so they had it all lined up.
So see, well at least this is better than saying I'm blaming people for terrorism that didn't do it.
And they designed the studio to look like one of my old studios.
There's even our old logo of the tower and the antenna.
And of course they admit this.
So this is what they're trying to do.
This is how they're trying to indoctrinate people.
And I know you know this, so we'll play it, finish up, and then get to the other news.
Open the phones up and take your phone calls.
And Dr. Corsi's popping in for like 10 minutes with some big breaking news on new crimes Obama's been exposed for.
But let's go ahead and go to this, the latest homeland.
Where on earth did you get this?
Well, this was the YouTube war, remember?
This kid really had a cam on his helmet.
Caught the whole goddamn thing.
Watch this video of the firefight outside a building.
This is where it gets good.
This is where it gets good.
Meet Andrew Cain, the only son of the President-Elect.
Hit pause again.
Meet Andrew Cain, the only son of the President-Elect.
They always do kind of an Alabama accent.
The British do?
They don't do a Texas accent.
And I talk real fast compared to most Texans.
It's almost like a New York slash Texas accent.
People always say, where are you from, Texas?
Well, if I'm not on air fighting the New World Order, I talk slow.
But I'm up here, I'm pissed off.
So, let's go back to the fake actor doing a fake Texan of a fake Alex Jones with a fake video about a fake thing that never happened that they say I put out that was fake.
And they shoot it all video game style.
No one kids watch this.
It's not how it really looks.
Captain King!
I don't get it.
He was trying to save their lives.
Okay, this is something the boys put together.
It's rough, but... This is the truth.
This is the truth that no one wants to hear.
Men died.
Buddies of mine died for nothing.
Take a look at the casualties.
The battalion suffered 40 dead, 87 wounded.
Because Andrew Keene only cared about his career and how many ribbons he can pin on his chest.
And he didn't give a sh** what he had to do to get them.
But he did three tours, right?
He must have taken some risks.
We'd gone to search a warehouse in Solder City.
We didn't tell them it was a bomb factory.
We had just gotten out of the vehicles when we got hit.
What happened?
We were pinned down.
Taking fire.
So we returned fire.
The captain came over.
What did he do?
There's a lot of noise.
But he was there, right?
You saw him?
Yes, sir.
So what was he doing?
He ran past me.
He was shouting.
He ran past you?
Wait, you mean... He was running away?
Yeah, he was running.
That's for sure.
Doesn't sound like a hero to me.
No, sir.
He's the opposite of a hero.
Then we wrap it all up with something like... Cowardice.
It runs in the family.
Like I said, it's rough, but I'm betting it'll put an end to her gold star mom routine.
Is this the only copy of the footage?
Run it again, would you?
This is the truth, okay?
Now, let's break that down.
They're a fake fiction show, admittedly trying to defame me and steal my editing.
And steal things I've really said, but add lies into it.
So it's classical plagiarism that they obsess over.
If Trump's wife has one word in her speech that wasn't somebody else's, it's plagiarism.
But when they take whole pages of what I say, but then add lies to it, that's okay.
It's beyond plagiarism.
It's like plagia defamerism or defamerism.
I'm trying to think of a word here.
Defaming plagiarism.
I don't know what word you'd call that compound word, but that's what we're dealing with here.
No one's ever accused me of faking war footage.
No one's ever accused me of anything like this.
They don't even have stuff they can say is fake news I put out.
Hell, 20th Century Fox and others, you can put it on screen.
Just last week, the other fake news agency, they got $600 million from the CIA, The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, Amazon.
They admitted they're putting out all this fake news.
And they had articles about how major movie houses put up fake news sites with fake news about Trump and myself to promote their movies, but that's okay!
Here, I'll pull it up.
Pull it up right here.
Oh, we got it?
Let's put it on screen then.
Yeah, there it is, the New York Times.
It was on the Washington Post.
20th Century Fox gives real apology for a fake news campaign, which they are using that campaign in Congress, saying, ban me!
20th Century Fox, CBS, NBC, we've shown you them all putting out fake news.
And whose name do they put on it?
And Donald Trump.
I'm very honored that I'm attacked second only to Trump.
I'm very honored.
Way worse than Bannon.
Worse than Drudge now.
Worse than anybody.
Because they know you're listening.
They know you're watching.
And these are real scum we're dealing with.
I mean, when I say scum, I just proved to you they're scum.
They show some fictional president with a fictional son that's killed, and then I,
Fresh off Saturday night, where I tell Trump black people aren't humans for 200 years, aka slavery.
Remember the two-thirds deal in your voting or whatever, all that horrible crap?
Now I'm behind all that.
I'm behind slavery.
And then on the next night, I'm defaming a Gold Star veteran and a Gold Star family with a fake video, with the politicos sitting around deciding how to put out disinformation.
What on earth?
So, a fake news program with actors putting out fake info says I'm fake.
The circle is now complete.
And it's day after day, week after week.
Because we exposed globalism.
Because we knew that if the military and the police and the system and the people compartmentalized in government and corporations and private life knew what globalism really was, that people would stand against it.
But we couldn't even get them to admit globalism existed five years ago.
Or the Federal Reserve was private ten years ago.
Now everybody knows.
Even the dumbest of the dumb.
So now they resort to this.
And only the weakest-minded mental patients.
I've had them come up to me in D.C.
when they were out there marching.
I've had them on the streets of Austin.
They go, how dare you put out that fake news?
Oh, what was fake?
You know what it is!
I go, what?
They go, I saw it!
On Colbert!
This one lady, and I was like, what'd I do?
You know, a lot of people are LGBT and we're not bad.
I'm like, I didn't say that.
I saw it!
Come to work the next day, one of our crew members is told, you get out of your apartment, I'm pulling your lease.
I saw what Colbert said, your boss is a homophobe.
Even if I was, it's free speech when you kick people out on the street, but I wasn't!
It was a lie!
This is war, people!
These are dirtbag bullies that want to lie about people that aren't selling the country out.
We'll be back.
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Little Snoop Dogg.
That's the perfect line, isn't it?
Hashtag, I'm unloading.
And then he calls for gun control.
And then calls for killing Trump.
We're so close, Snoop, to the gloves off and all the punks and thugs that act so tough.
We're gonna beg for their mommies.
We're so close, Snoop.
We're so close to the veneer of civilization turning back.
And all the people like you that have led children into prison and into the drug lifestyle are gonna beg for their mommies.
So close right now, Sam.
So close.
You just keep trying to open the door.
I think that door might open.
How's our military going to respond?
How are our veterans going to respond to somebody like Snoop Dogg saying, kill our president, who's trying to get $25 billion to black colleges and trying to get factories shipped in traditionally black areas?
And ordered the government to make it a priority to hire black people.
All SNL says he hates black people because I told him so.
And then race pimps like you pimp your own people.
Why did Snoop Dogg talk about how 51% of black people never get born?
He's a selfish pimp.
He's not.
He's a piece of trash.
And he thinks he can thug around and talk about killing towards Washington 2.0.
Let me tell you something, Snoop.
What you're doing is already dangerous, in case somebody didn't tell you.
Something happens to Trump.
See, what you don't get is, I don't come from the background you get as a snitch, putting neighborhood kids in prison.
See, I come from a background where we don't shoot our mouths off.
See what we've done with InfoWars ol' Snoopy?
Changed the world!
Got the enemy on the run!
Big government's on the run!
And I think
I think examples need to start being made.
I've said this, Media Matters, run by the Democrats.
George Soros picked this up.
I think it's time for the President to take the gloves off.
I do.
Every day I see another entertainer saying kill President Trump.
I just wonder if they understand that what would happen if somebody said kill them?
Of course, the kind of people that'll kill you won't tell anybody they're coming to kill you, Snoop.
You'd just die of a heart attack, you dumb bastard.
I don't know if it'll be Snoop, cause I mean, I certainly wouldn't hurt anybody.
I wouldn't hurt a fly.
I'm just all talk up here, right?
Big man Snoop got that 357.
Now he's gonna get that Trump, isn't he?
He's gonna take that Trump down, that clown down real good.
Cause he's real tough.
What a punk.
Just like Alec Baldwin.
Just like this other piece of trash.
Jake Webber.
Here's the difference.
You're singing and talking and making fake videos about us, aren't you?
Because you're the past.
You're the losers.
You're the failures.
We're the future.
Because you're the walking dead.
You're zombies.
You're the sellouts of the system.
You don't go into the future.
You're dead already.
That's a real skull.
This is a man from India.
It's an Indian skull.
Heads aren't quite as big as mine.
My skull's twice as thick as this skull.
My brain's CC size is, let's just say, just as big.
But the point is, is that we're here looking at this head.
And somebody that lives and had eyes and a nose.
He's probably a great person.
And see someday Snoop and Alec Baldwin, old Jake Webber, they're going to be where, where this guy is.
But while you're still alive and while you still got a brain Snoop,
You might want to try to use it.
Because here's the thing, I don't want to fight with anybody, but you want to kill us?
You want to lie about us?
You want to stop us from trying to empower the poorest people in this country?
Well, just know this, you're not in the Hollywood MTV game making 10-year-old boys think you're tough.
You're now in a man's world, Alec Baldwin, Jake Webber, and Snoop Dogg.
And if this thing goes sideways and there's an actual fight, I think it's fair to say your names are on a list of people that have got some explaining to do.
We're going to come back with big news about Obama robbing investors and the poorest Americans with some big breaking intel.
It's ready to head on Alex Jones and all our enemies have been warned.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment, compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next, they're going to want to remove the flag.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Alright, Dr. Jerome Corsi is going to join us for like 10 minutes.
Then I want to open the phones up exclusively for Americans of African descent who disagree, agree, whatever.
I mean, I see Snoop Dogg and Viacom and MTV.
It's been well documented.
I've had Professor Griff, everybody on, who heard about it.
I've got it from the executives that were at MTV, rock stars, you name it, that were high level.
They said in the late 80s, early 90s, you're going to put out gangster rap.
We wanted these people to be primed to be basically put in prison.
And now it's spread everywhere.
Gangster rap has, like, infested the Middle East.
It's associated with crime everywhere that most of the rappers end up getting shot or put in prison.
The others that don't, like Rick Ross, the former jail guard, who pushes this whole gangster rap thing to get kids to think it's cool, people on the street think it's cool, they end up getting put in prison.
That's why I want decriminalization of drugs and stop making it cool and take the money out of it, not legalization.
The drug culture is horrible, but keeping it illegal empowers all these scummy groups.
And Snoop Dogg comes out with a music video calling for gun control but then saying kill President Trump with him simulating killing Trump.
And all I'm saying to Snoop is, man...
Do you understand that you and all the Democrats and everybody else saying kill the president and all this other crap, you're messing with the return of George Washington here, okay?
I mean, Trump's delivered in 53 days, massive new jobs for poor people, with a true focus on African American areas, $25 billion when Obama gave $4 billion to the black colleges.
Just everything is good!
And you're sitting there on Saturday Night Live saying, I don't like black people.
They're aliens.
That's quoting Alec Baldwin as the president.
And he says, I learned it from Alex Jones.
And then they have the new Homeland Show with Jake Webber saying basically the same crap.
And I'm setting up innocent veterans and stuff.
And supposedly Alex Jones.
This is weaponized media.
Do you understand what happens in countries when you try to kill a president and every news channel promotes killing him?
Do you understand what happens if you fail?
You're going to go to prison for this.
You're not going to get away with this.
And we understand this is a total war.
We get it.
I mean, 90% of the military is awake.
80% of the CIA is already on the Patriot side.
You people are in deep trouble, folks.
You're in deep trouble.
I know 15 years ago and 12 years ago from multiple sources,
Still, Team Six was ordered to watch my show, listen to my show.
Special Operations Command, people were like, watch this.
And that was from higher-ups saying, we're going to move against the Globals in the future.
We can't tell you all the classified stuff.
Watch this.
This guy's got it all figured out.
And I'm not bragging.
There was Dr. Corsi.
There was Lou Dobbs.
There was Matt Grudge exposing it.
People like Joseph Farah.
We have the biggest audience other than Drudge.
And Drudge magnifies what we're doing.
And I love that Drudge is there.
God, it feels so good.
I wish there were 10 Drudges.
This isn't competition.
This is life or death.
Because they know they're losing.
And they know they're in trouble.
And they're so scared that people might grow a brain in this country and actually realize how they've been manipulated.
So I want to open the phones up for African American listeners to the show.
So give me your take on this.
And the take of, you know, if you saw Saturday Night Live where they have Alec Baldwin playing the part of the president, and I can't even do imitations anymore because they'll actually take the clip and show it like I said it.
They've done this.
Two weeks ago, they've done it a bunch.
I said, you know, they'll say I'm anti-gay when I'm not anti-gay and I never have been.
And then Colbert has me going, I'm anti-gay!
And my lawyers say, yeah, you can sue him, you can probably win, but it'll cost millions and take years.
I don't have time, but at the same time, it's like, you know,
Now I don't think black people are human?
I never said that!
And it's not that it's even hurting me, it's that wow!
They put it in the mouth of the president with Alec Baldwin.
When all I want is prosperity for everybody, I want to see everybody off the Democratic plantation.
I genuinely care about everybody.
I protested the Ku Klux Klan more than 15 times.
My dad's dad got elected as an Eisenhower Republican in East Texas to desegregate the schools.
And I still, when I was a kid sometimes, we'd be at the grocery store and people walk over to my grandmother and say, F you, N-word lover, for what you've done.
And I'm not just saying that.
That happened.
And both my grandfathers almost died in World War II fighting Hitler in the Army Air Corps.
And then I get to see the Jewish forward say, I love Hitler and not even show a quote?
Man, it's next-level lies, folks!
It's next-level evil, and it's wrong!
It's wrong!
But why they're scared of us is they know we put out stories every day that are exclusive, that the White House leaks to us, that sources tell us to go to in Congress.
That former vice head of the intelligence committee on just two weeks ago, Kurt Weldon, saying, I've seen all the documents.
Hillary's a Chinese communist agent and on the Russian payroll.
Well, that's in the news now, but didn't even get picked up in the news.
But it got picked up here.
You saw it.
And his latest article confirmed Treasury report confirms what we said two weeks ago.
You heard it.
Obama stole from Fannie and Freddie investors nearly 200 billion to fund Obamacare.
That's only part of the documents we've gotten that came out in lawsuits that the White House directed us to.
So yeah, they're pissed, folks.
They're pissed that Fox is chicken and won't put this out, others are, but Drudge will, Infowars will, Daily Caller will, WorldNet Daily will.
They're mad.
They're mad the President's got somebody on the ground that'll tell the truth.
And in response, two national TV shows saying that I hate veterans and black people.
Just unbelievable.
With no proof.
They have actors doing it.
I mean, it's next level.
So that's why I'm harping on this is because it isn't about me getting attacked.
It's every day they're saying kill Donald Trump all over TV, media, entertainment news.
No one gets in trouble.
I know they want to make him look like an authoritarian.
They're trying to bait him into a deal.
He's trying to get the economy turned back on.
And hopefully then he knows the public will wake up, which the approval rating shows.
But I think the president is miscalculating.
I said it was a miscalculation to get rid of Flynn.
Turns out Trump didn't even do that.
They steamrolled him and tricked him into doing it like they do.
The Chief of Staff.
Same thing happened, I said on Thursday, I said this is no way Trump did this to Sessions.
He admits he met with the Russian ambassador twice, that's on his book.
He didn't meet with him in the campaign.
And of course the Clintons have met even more, it's come out.
It's totally normal.
And it turned out Trump didn't do that.
They stampeded Sessions in doing it, and people inside his administration told him to do it.
Without Trump's approval.
Because Trump tries to delegate.
And he yelled at him.
I heard about it before it was in the news.
He literally blew up and left.
He said, I can't believe you people won't stand up to these people.
So he's committed, he's very fatalistic about it, I can tell you that.
He's told people, he's known for a long time, that I'm ready, I'm not stopping, I'm just doing the right thing and I don't care what happens.
And if America deserves all this reform and all this success, then they're going to get it.
It makes me physically sick to see them not just lying about me, because I'm the second most attacked person now, which is a great honor.
But when I say that, it's like a hundred times more against Trump.
I'm attacked every day, everywhere, with incredible lies.
With him, it's hundreds of times a day.
And so, they don't want you to hear this info that Corsi's got.
Twitter's starting to block us.
It's all happening.
They're coming after us, folks.
You want somebody to stand up?
You want somebody to fight?
We're doing it!
And I'm not bitching.
I expect to be attacked.
Just know the epic level of this war.
So when I tell Snoop Dogg saying kill the president, I don't care what happens to Snoop Dogg.
I'm not against Snoop Dogg.
But man, he wants to be in this world of calling for killing people and stuff.
Dude, we're not in the make-believe tough guy rap world of MTV, man.
I mean, let me tell you, the Democrats and people are very, very close.
And it's not going to be the way they think it's going to be.
I mean, you guys are foreign enemies.
You're trying to overthrow the country.
You're openly calling for sedition.
You brought out, you know, the race riot crap out of Ferguson again.
You're doing all this openly.
It's in your own white papers, your own admissions.
You're claiming we're the foreign enemy when you're the globalist.
And I'm just letting you know, we kicked your ass in the election.
And if you start some civil war, it's going to happen there too.
And we're not going to just fight your dumb cannon fodder.
The police and the military are going to go around the dumbasses you got burning stuff in the street.
And every one of you globalists better be on those planes to Kauai and Tasmania.
And that's not a threat.
I can look at the tea leaves and tell where this is going.
I don't want it to be this way.
I want prosperity and I want a future.
But if you want to fight and you're looking for one, this isn't fake world.
We're about getting things done and changing the world.
But I want to hear specifically from black folks about what do you make of this?
I mean, it's just crazy.
And you look at the numbers, all Trump's doing, no president has ever, not even Abraham Lincoln, tried to deliver to black people in this country like Trump's doing.
It's actually, it's crazy.
I mean, it's crazy.
And then to see the full attack by the bought and paid for controlled assets that want to make sure all the blacks get put in prison and aborted like Snoop Dogg, it's sickening.
So 800-259-9231.
I apologize if you were calling earlier.
I had to give them the number out so they don't turn the phone system on to that.
Dr. Corsi, I don't want to get you back to your writing and your work and everything that's happening as you form the D.C.
Bureau there in D.C., but this news story is big, but what do you make of the all-out fake news attack on myself and Trump?
Well, it's going to continue.
I mean, it's also going on Roger Stone.
Been writing about that all day.
Oh, he's a Russian agent, yeah.
He's a Russian agent.
The Democrats are just in denial.
The ones who were close to Putin were Hillary and Podesta, both of whom were getting paid by them, by the Russians.
And that's all come out, but what I'm asking you is, I've never seen the media and the system allow mainstream people to say, kill Trump everywhere and organize.
This is organized crime.
If I was saying this about Obama, I should be arrested.
I never called for violence against Obama.
This is wrong.
They just can't keep doing this.
It is very shocking.
I mean, if anyone had ever said this about President Obama, you'd have Secret Service knocking on your door that afternoon.
But of course, now that the mainstream media and these artists are out there saying outrageous things of violence they're going to do to the President, it's just considered to be normal.
I mean, it's shocking.
And the Secret Service needs to... They've taken our restraint for weakness.
And also, the attacks are intensifying because the stakes are now so high.
The left knows it lost.
Hillary lost catastrophically.
I want the gloves off on Snoop Dogg.
I want the gloves off.
Go ahead.
You should have them.
And I mean, you know, I do want to cover what we've got in this article today.
No, I know it's big.
This is why they're trying to block us, because they want to ignore the huge stories you and others are putting out that are absolutely groundbreaking.
You put this out almost two weeks ago.
Now, new Treasury docs have confirmed your analysis.
And again, you got a Harvard degree.
You're a top finance expert.
Go ahead.
What we did is I worked with an expert, who was an outside auditor for Freddie.
We went through the Treasury annual reports and could document where the money was taken from the investors, from Freddie and Fannie, the two large mortgage giants.
The Treasury put it into their general fund and then we watched the accounting.
We did an Excel chart.
Which shows exactly how the money was diverted into health and Medicare, and the dollar flows are dramatically a pattern that confirms when the money was taken out of Fannie and Freddie, Treasury shuffled it off and did this commerce and housing, and then it ends up in their line items for expenditures in health and Medicare.
And I've looked at the federal law, and you've covered it, it's totally illegal.
Totally illegal.
And this also proves why it's so important right now.
It's time for all these gangster thugs of the Democratic Party that want to fight.
It's time they start getting one.
Of course, they'll just blow up a school and say we did it.
No, I mean it's time politically for them to get their asses indicted for this and everything else.
This shows, Alex, that Obamacare was bankrupt and if the Obama administration had not illegally taken money that was never appropriated for this purpose,
Looted it, and robbed the investors.
I mean, there's lawsuits on this.
The investors were... This is the biggest theft of corporate dividends in U.S.
financial history.
Which is also meant to blow up.
We know he was always an enemy of this investment because it was actually government doing good for people and actually creating wealth.
So, Obama spent his eight years trying to destroy it.
Why is that?
Well, and this is a whole income shifting to the low income.
This is what Obama cares about.
Because the elites want renters, they admit that.
Goldman Sachs admits they don't want Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They don't want home ownership.
That's right, and they want, the whole purpose behind this is Obama had a war on against middle class home ownership.
He wanted to change the United States from a homeowner's American dream, to a renter, own your own home, into a well-housed nation of renters like Europe.
And the only subsidies would have been to the low-income... To coffin apartments!
And that's in the Treasury documents.
We have that fully disclosed, and this is all ironclad.
I mean, if you take a look at the article today, it's a very detailed financial analysis of the Treasury Department's own annual reports and their own accounting.
It documents where the money went into and from the investors stolen from Fannie and Freddie, shifted into Obamacare to keep Obamacare from going bankrupt.
It's a huge story.
And by the way, I wrote this article today because the Washington Examiner doubted that we could do this analysis.
And I want to show the Washington Examiner that they're the ones who are wrong.
They're the ones who didn't know how to read the financials of the Treasury Department.
And Maria Bartiromo has picked this up on Fox Business and has started making it a major issue.
One of her largest tweets ever.
She did it on Friday.
And this issue is now going viral.
And let's be clear, see, we don't operate like other news organizations.
I call up and get guests on all the time to promote their website, their news organization, and they go, oh, the owner says, I'm not going to name names, we're not supposed to go on your show now.
And I'm like, do you understand?
We're trying to win the war.
Our platform, in this case, is like 20 times bigger, conservatively.
They go, no, we know that.
They don't get it.
We want people to come on.
When you write these articles, you give... I've told you, but you agree with me.
You go to these meetings, you give them your research that you're doing with your White House sources, and they just can't even believe that someone else is giving them the scoop.
We want to defeat them!
We don't care about having our article read more than yours!
Of course, he's already had three number one New York Times sellers.
I've already got the biggest political talk show, even bigger than Limbaugh now overall.
I'm not trying to be the biggest guy.
Drudge is ten times bigger with overall cli- I love that!
I want to defeat them!
Understand that!
We have to work together.
But that's one big problem in conservative libertarian media.
Even with stuff super hardcore, you go to people's sites, it's all their stuff.
And then- and then not- never ours or theirs.
You go to InfoWars, it's everybody's stuff.
I mean, don't people get we're in a total battle here?
Every ounce of our energy matters.
It's got to be directed downstream, in the war, at the enemy.
What we've got here, Alex, is this is the Treasury Department's own financial analysis.
You have their own internal documents!
Huge bombshell!
And we're guided through this by one of the former auditors from Freddie.
The documents have come to us through the White House sources.
You know, we're tipped off on this.
And this could destroy Obama and all these criminals.
This is bigger than the Haiti scam by an order of, what, 100 times?
Haiti's $2 billion.
This is $200 billion.
And by the way, I noticed you've only gotten a few years of it.
You've got two years of the eight years.
It's much worse.
Yes, it goes ultimately $260 billion.
It's the biggest theft of a dividend, a private corporate dividend in U.S.
corporate history.
The way to phrase this to break it out is Obama did secret bail-in, raiding private investments to fund his programs.
That's it.
Just like Greece did, just like the, what's the other island, Cyprus did.
Obama did a bail-in, secret Obama bail-in discovered.
There's your headline.
You're right.
And also, the sub-headline is Obama was happy to throw middle-class homeowners to the dogs.
He was going to end the 30-year mortgage, which is a key mortgage that gets people into their first homes.
It has for decades.
And Obama, the documents we have where they internally discussed
Eliminating, closing Freddie and Fannie, they admit that they're going to do detriment to the middle class homeowners market.
They're going to make homeownership more expensive in America, and the Obama administration doesn't care.
Well, I want to invite you on the nightly news tonight to do a 15 minute report.
Roll through the documents, you know, with the host tonight, so we can really put this out tomorrow, because the headline's key.
This is a strong headline, but it's so criminal, it's got to be... I mean, the truth is that Obama was caught in secret bail-ins, raiding private investment funds, committing massive felonies.
So there's our real headline.
We need to get this out.
Great job, Dr. Corsi.
I'm going to have Rob Duke call you right now to see when you can tape for the Nightly News to walk through these documents one by one.
We're going to come back with callers out there on SNL's lie that Donald Trump hates black people, claiming he got it from me because Alec Baldwin said so.
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Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Weeknight, 7 o'clock, Central Info Wars and Nightly News.
I'm going to start the next hour and go right to Aaron, Dante, Lawrence, Ashley, Clark, and others who said they're folks of African descent here in the United States, Americans, who have comments on SNL with, again, I can't even say what they say because they'll take it out and put it on the news.
This is next level lies.
Next level, man.
I think?
That's what I mean.
I mean, look, if North Africa is so great, or if Pakistan or Afghanistan is so great, go live there.
I don't care whether you're black or white.
But you don't know.
The average person here is spoiled.
Sure, you don't live like the Kardashians.
Who wants to?
One time I got a nicer house.
I moved out of it a year later.
It wasn't even that big, but I wanted something little.
I couldn't stand it.
All you do is live in your bedroom and your kitchen anyways.
What, you need stuff to keep all your crap?
Give it away, sell it on eBay!
I'm trying to convince my family to move into like a little farmhouse right now, I'm telling you.
Screened in ports I can sleep on, I just touched.
Point is, they just try to make everybody feel inadequate because we're not superstars in MSM.
Those people have hellish lives.
Gert Wilder's about to win the presidency there in the Netherlands, says expel Turkish ambassador from the Netherlands.
Yeah, coming there, ordering them around.
I mean, it's just getting crazy, man.
So I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I'm going to hit a lot of other important news.
I never got to...
Sean Spicer in an apple store and a woman just screaming and yelling at him that he's bad and he's a Russian agent.
And then you go to her website, she's an Indian American who says she hates white people and white people are bad.
By the way, most Indians I know are smartest, most hardworking people and statistically they're the richest people in the United States.
Oh, Paul has a whole article breaking that down with the actual demographics.
She's saying you white people are making us poor on the video.
The average white person makes $26,000.
The average Indian $110,000.
Indian Americans are the richest people in America per capita.
And by the way, I get mobbed by Indian Americans everywhere.
They just love Trump.
They just love him.
Oh yeah.
But again, everything's a lie.
I saw this Soros-funded anti-Alex Jones video the other day, and they had Sikhs on it burning Infowars magazines.
And then saying because they're anti-Muslim.
See, that's a little Soros desecration.
The Sikhs have been one of the only groups to keep 140 million Indians that have been killed by Muslims the last thousand years.
140 million plus.
And the Sikhs finally basically got formed to fight that.
And so that's what their whole thing is about, fighting Muslims.
And so they turn around that the Sikhs want open borders and want to be Muslims.
I mean, the stuff they rain down, the baloney they rain down is the greatest I've ever seen in my life.
I want to come back and write to your phone calls.
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Don't be dead, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Yeah, we're under massive globalist censorship and attack and demonization right now, the likes of which has never been seen on Earth.
Trump's under the greatest media attack on Earth, and no one's attacked more than me, except Trump.
Nothing like it.
And I don't know what to say at this point, but I just told the crew, I only grow tentacles when I'm under attack.
And everything we do once we're under attack, every new thing we launch, everything we do is very successful, thanks to God.
And I've got a bunch of ideas I've been mulling around for years that are all now just ready to crystallize with some big things.
So, pray for us, stay with us.
Alright, I wanted to give folks a chance that are African-American, black, whatever, I hate this term, just Americans, but of African descent.
To call in, and I'm not going to recap it all, but man, Saturday Night Live just had their Alec Baldwin playing Trump going, black people aren't humans, they're aliens, you can't trust them.
And then, I didn't say that, they're going to clip that up on the news.
That was Alec Baldwin saying that Trump said that, and then he goes, well where'd you learn that?
Alex Jones, very credible, very credible.
And then they have this Homeland Show saying I hate the troops, and I put out fake news, and that Trump saw this.
It's everywhere.
So I just wanted to say, what is it like to see this?
Because who buys this stuff?
But some people think if they see it on Homeland or Saturday Night Live, it must be true.
Because it's not just entertainment, folks.
They admit they're doing this on purpose.
So what does Clark, and Angely, and Lawrence, and Dante, and Aaron, and others think?
So if somebody hangs up, you can call in 800.
Especially we're here from, you know, black Americans.
So let's go to California first.
Let's go to Dante.
Welcome to the Airwaves.
Thank you, sir, for calling in.
No, you're welcome.
So this is how I feel, man.
It's like we need to stop referring to ourselves as white as to black.
And like you just said, we just need to refer to ourselves as Americans.
We need to simply just come together on the idea and the reality that we are Americans.
You don't hear Chinese people walking around calling themselves yellow, do you?
No, because they have a sense of nationality.
They have a sense of pride in their nation.
And we can have that.
We had that ripped from us.
I totally agree and look I'm not just saying this it's almost discriminatory but it's but it's like real affirmative action because bad folks has been done to black people.
Trump's actually really with the jobs the incentives the 25 billion to black colleges and that's like almost 10 times what Obama did I mean he really is trying to deliver and then Snoop Dogg runs around saying kill him.
Yeah, they don't want us to understand the Bill of Rights and Constitution is what makes us Americans.
Like Black Lives Matter movement.
What is the crux of the whole movement?
Police brutality, right?
So what is the protection of police brutality through the Constitution?
The Eighth Amendment.
The right to not have your butt kicked by police, right?
Criminal punishment?
Isn't that like the gist of it?
And there are some bad police, exactly.
But the answer is, don't have a civil war over it.
Yeah, you don't have, but that's the thing, you don't have Black Lives Matter movement having people go out and protest that police uphold the 8th Amendment, because you know what?
That would actually mean that we can all uphold the 8th Amendment.
Black, white, Chinese, whatever, in this country, Americans can uphold the 8th Amendment.
But they don't want us to think like that.
They want us to think only in terms of race, and so we always are divided.
Exactly, so we can have our birthright.
Bill of Rights, Constitution, private property, even though it wasn't always acknowledged or fulfilled early on, we're now demanding it, fulfilling it, and the system's trying to get rid of it because it does create real unity.
I don't care whether you're black or white or what, if you've got good food, good music, good literature, good medicine, if I Google who the best, you know, doctor is, because I'm looking to get my Achilles fixed and one of the top doctors is in Dallas and is black,
He's got the best reviews.
I'm thinking about going to him.
I don't care what color he is.
I want the reviews.
I want the best fix.
I want my leg fixed by the best person.
I mean, I listen to Jimi Hendrix, not because he's black, because he's a great guitarist and a great singer.
See what I'm saying?
I think that's what you're saying, Dante.
Well, she should be able to sell some t-shirts that say, hey, I'm not white, I'm American.
Or have a black teacher say, I'm not black, I'm American.
Have everybody wearing these shirts so we can just get past this racial idea and all join together.
We should put out a red, white, and blue shirt saying, I'm American, I'm not white, I'm not black, I'm not Hispanic, I'm an American, and I want the Bill of Rights, I want the birthright, I want it, I want it.
I agree.
America hasn't been perfect, folks, but the idea, the tyrants hate it.
Great points, Dante.
We're a call straight ahead.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
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Turn me loose, I'm high tonight!
A little vintage crew.
From the front lines of the information war.
Oh yeah.
It's Alex Jones.
No brag, just fact.
This is the tip of the spear, baby.
Worldwide, sovereignty is exploding.
Pro-human movements are forming and expanding.
Better turn me loose!
Little bit better than I used to be, because I'm alive.
I'm alive!
Not dead.
Not dead yet.
I want to do things that empower my species in the future, so that my actions and my genetics will live forever with yours.
It's a big contest.
The globalists want a convention to be shoveled into your grave.
To roll over and decide the species has failed.
Our species is amazing.
David Knight is back and ready to go after a week plus off well deserved with his family.
One of the hardest working guys here at Infowars in Florida.
He's back in Austin, Texas but I'm all wound up today so I'm probably going to have to co-host most of the hour with him.
But you know what?
Don't worry.
Soon David is going to have his own show and other folks are here because there's just so much going on we're going to have to probably go.
24 hours down the road, just because it has to be done.
It's not something I even want to do, it's got to be done.
Because so much is happening, and live is the way to go.
We still have to produce pieces and things that air at 7 or 8 o'clock at night, but for TV and everything, the affiliates, UHF, EHF cable, they're already starting to pick us up, but they want at least 12 hours a day.
We're going to give them more.
And so, some stations have tested it out, gotten a lot of viewership and support, so InfoWars is ready to shed its skin yet again.
And again, everybody else talks, and I wish they weren't just talking, we don't talk.
You notice, I tell you, in the next year we're going to the next level, and we will win the election, and we will expand this, and then worldwide there'll be patriot movements exploding and nationalism, and it's happening.
And it's not that I'm being given some script, and then we're just saying it.
We are creating the script, which is historical, which is destiny, which is will.
Now, we got callers calling in who happened to, again, the last caller said, yeah, I'm just American, I happen to have dark skin, of African descent, talking about SNL saying I'm this big racist with no proof.
They just say...
I've already talked about it, but they have Donald Trump up there, aka Donald Trump, it's really Alec Baldwin, saying, I'm not worried about aliens attacking the Earth, you know, it's black people, they're the aliens.
And I learned that from Alex Jones.
That was just one lie.
And then, you know, the next night it's Homeland on CBS-funded Showtime saying lies about me and, you know, that I hate veterans and all this crap.
I mean, this is a real push.
And then I need to be banned.
So they're creating the moral support to ban us as the last three weeks, well it's two weeks, not three, we've seen more censorship in seven, eight years now.
Last week it was the last two weeks I've seen more than the last five.
It's bad.
I mean, it seems like it's incremental, but in the space of time, they're cutting our head off right now.
At least they're trying.
We're on over 200 affiliates.
We're huge all over the place, but they're really trying to get the areas where we reach people in the political commons because we're so dominant.
So spread those videos more than ever.
Call it Kitty's video to fool their bots, and you can be Alex Jones.
There's lots of tricks.
But just know, you give it another chilling effect, they win.
This is a war.
It's about staying out of the fight.
I want to go to these calls, but David, just pop in, intercess all you want, back and forth with these callers.
I'm going to them.
Clark and Ashley and Nicole and Mankind and others here in just about a minute or two.
But what do you make of the unparalleled attacks?
Clearly, we've got the system scared.
You know, Alex, when they started talking about the black people being aliens, I think there was something very clever subliminally about that.
Because, you know, black people are really taking the brunt of these open borders.
We have illegal aliens come in here and they say, oh... You're so astute!
I missed that.
I meant to make that point.
They're the ones that are the most pissed about the third world populations that understand what Trump's doing.
So they're trying to have Trump call them aliens at that level.
Genius night.
Go ahead.
And what we see this weekend breaking throughout Europe, we have all these Turkish citizens.
That's what we need to understand.
Instead of even, you know, undocumented immigrants, nonsense.
Illegal aliens.
It's a Turkish colonization force being activated by Iran for the takeover of Europe.
That's now happening right now.
When we look at the language that they use, I like to use these terms, they changed illegal aliens to undocumented immigrants, but really what they are, are foreign citizens who are here illegally.
And what we see happening in Europe now, is we've got people from the Turkish administration, because they've got an upcoming election, going through and campaigning in all these European countries, and they shut that down in the Netherlands, it created massive riots.
It's not a free immigration zone.
People in Turkey don't have the ability to freely immigrate into the Schengen zone, the open citizenship within the EU.
They were concerned there was going to be a mass influx of people from Turkey.
That's right.
Let's be clear.
Let's be clear.
That's the MSM cover.
If you read deeper, Europe understands Erdogan is activating political forces for political power with the illegals he's brought in, using these political rallies as the cover to get everybody documented on the database for mobilization.
That's what Muslims do.
Exactly, but I think it makes a really clear point.
And they're so arrogant in Germany and the Netherlands going, it's our country and we'll rape your women!
Screw you!
You're animals!
You're kafirs!
Same thing!
Like they have that movie, Lethal Weapon, where the racist South African calls the black people kafir, which is a racist term.
That's a Muslim term, not just for Africans, but anybody they were enslaving.
If they were enslaving Africans or Spanish or Italians, they would call them kafirs.
And I'm just sorry, Islam is an expansionist slave religion enslaving everyone.
I mean, they have slavery now.
And that's what's so crazy.
Go ahead, sorry.
When we look at what's happening here, they're going into these different countries to campaign for the Turkish citizens who are living there.
To me, that underscores the essence of what this is.
These are foreign citizens who are coming into the West illegally.
Yeah, let's show some of those articles.
I had a whole bunch here in my stack.
It's like Airgun threatens Europe, calls them Nazis.
You know, all this other incredible stuff over the fact that they dare say don't mobilize your millions of citizens inside our country into political groups.
Right, right.
When they talk about aliens, though, they're going back to like Men in Black, where they made all the jokes about the aliens, you know, and the parallels to illegal aliens coming into the country.
But when we look at what's going on in Turkey, you really understand what we're talking about here is foreign citizens who are coming into our country like they are from Mexico.
They're saying, we're going to work with them, with our embassies, to help them subvert the American law.
This is globalism.
It's coming in and breaking up countries through this intramural warfare between nations.
Absolutely, David.
Let's go to these phone calls.
David's going to break that down more.
I'm glad you raised that because I didn't intend to get to that.
We've also got Sean Spicer being confronted by a crazy lady from India saying he's racist and suppresses Indians when Indians are the richest people in the U.S.
And by and large, incredibly low crime rate, incredible high production rate, and by the way,
The majority of Indians in polls voted for Donald J. Trump.
So it's kind of this anomaly of like a brainwashed Indian woman.
Lawrence in Virginia, you're on the air with David Knight.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I wanted to say something.
Oh, by the way, I pray for you and your family and the whole Infowars team and their families every day.
Well, thank you.
I want to talk about that house negro by the name of Snoop Dogg.
And also people like Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle.
All they are are high-paid slaves.
They're house slaves.
They get paid a little more than us.
They dress a little better than us, than the rest of us that have to work for a living.
But if they don't toe the line, they'll have to go back to the way they were doing before.
And I don't appreciate the fact that they are trying to brainwash
Younger people who admire them into putting them on an electronic plantation, which is also known as the prison system.
I mean, do you agree with it?
I mean, because I know Snoop knows what he's doing.
He's saying, kill Trump.
Then he has an anti-gun rant, though, on top of it.
And where's Snoop with all the black abortion?
Where's Snoop on the fluoride?
Where's Snoop?
I mean, I'm not just saying this.
If Trump was bad, I'd go after him.
In fact, my ratings would be higher if I did.
That's what, you know.
I mean, Trump really is actually trying to empower all the communities, especially black communities.
But I'm not.
Stephen Bannon was a big liberal.
Big union guy, grown up by liberals.
He saw the control, he decided to go against it.
Bannon's plan has been leaked, but it's also public.
Totally, particularly, he's advised Trump to particularly flood black areas with scholarships, jobs, factories, tax incentives, knowing conservatives will actually go for that.
Not affirmative action, because you get a job ahead of somebody just because you're a color, but create jobs in areas and then incentivize that and actually build people up.
And that's why they're so pissed.
Trump is really trying
To get people off the plantation, for real, and that's why they're so angry.
What do you think, Lawrence?
I agree completely.
And not only did I vote for Donald Trump in the primary, I voted for him in the election.
In fact, I've never been more enthusiastic about any presidential candidate.
You know, I'm 60 years old.
I've never been so enthusiastic about anybody.
But let's go back to Snoop Dogg for a minute, because he's very compromised.
He's a crip from Long Beach, California.
You're an accomplice.
The lawyer he had that was working for Jethro records, I believe he was a prosecutor, I can't think of his name off the top of my head.
I remember the story though, you're right.
And he got off.
Now, don't you think there's a price to pay for that?
I agree, and listen, I'm not trying to get you to sit there and say you better watch it.
I've told Alec Baldwin that, I've told everybody, I've told these Washington Times reporters, Washington Post, not Washington Times, Washington Post, New York Times, they're constantly saying kill Trump.
I mean, it's just like, I get they want to make Trump move against him to say he's a dictator, but at a certain point, Attorney General Sessions has to shut this down, because if I was saying, which I wouldn't want to do, I mean, Obama was a puppet too, so was Bush.
If I was saying kill Obama, which I would never do, they would come arrest me.
So I just don't get how they're trying to organize to kill Trump.
And then all we've seen is the biggest small business numbers since 1984.
It's just, it's sick, it's sick, it's sick, it's sick.
And the Snoop Dogg tries to, like you said, train all the kids to get induced into prison.
Other points, Lawrence, go ahead, sorry.
I think at some point,
And I guess the Democrats have nothing more but this cultural Marxism, Saul Alinsky thing going on right now, right?
So, they can't win.
As Steve Pachetnik has said on his show before, they're finished.
The only thing they can do is start violence, start a riot, and hope that the administration retaliates against them saying, look, he's a fascist now.
But you know, at some point, this fools us as a stock.
Alex, can I jump in?
That's a great point.
Thank you, Lawrence.
But at a certain point, that's what I'm saying.
They're saying, kill me, kill Trump.
They're putting words in our mouth.
I mean, let me tell you, it freaks you out when you see Alec Baldwin saying, Alex Jones told me black people aren't human.
I mean, real fast, back to Lawrence.
With no context, no history, no proof.
I mean, you know, they want to finally get to me.
They're starting to get to me at that level.
Lawrence, I mean, what do you think of that?
I understand your frustration.
Um, you know, and I watch it every day, right?
And I can understand why you get angry.
You know, but, um, and we still have to keep doing what we're doing, you know, but, but Steve Botchanik is also right.
I think they're finished.
The only problem is what they're trying to start in the streets.
And I think this summer is going to be real hot and we really have to use our brains
Instead of our emotions.
I guess things get so bad, though, that something good's going to happen.
Sorry, Dan, but you were trying to say something.
I was just going to ask Lawrence.
I interrupted you.
Go ahead.
I don't think he's on the line anymore.
I was going to ask him.
He made an interesting point when he talked about the difference between house slaves and field slaves.
And, of course, we understand.
You go through the South, there were a lot of people who lived and worked with their masters in the house.
They didn't have as hard a labor as the people in the fields did.
And they didn't hate the system that much.
They really kind of liked the system, many of them.
And so, when we look at what's coming...
We need to understand that they want all of us on the plantation, not just black people.
And if we look backwards and look at what they did to the Indians on the reservation, we see what's going to be coming in the future with Agenda 21.
Like Churchill said, if we want to see the future more clearly, we look at the past.
And so if you look at what they did with Indians on the reservations, shutting down... And by the way, they admit Agenda 21 is putting humans on reservations to, quote, save the earth, but it has nothing to do with that.
It's about total control.
Folks, it's not like we're just demonizing their side.
You cannot explain how bad they are.
And Trump is literally trying to empower poor Americans, working class Americans.
He wants prosperity.
Bannon wants to break the back of collectivism.
This is real.
That's why the enemy's so pissed.
Go ahead, David.
If we look at what they're proposing now, we had some of these libertarian conservative economists during the Reagan administration talk about losing ground.
Charles Murray, now they're going around with the American Enterprise Institute and other places talking about a universal basic income.
They were telling us 30 years ago we needed to reform welfare because it was making the inner city black community dependent.
On government.
It was taking away their desire and their ability to be self-sufficient.
Just as we'd seen with the Indian reservations, of course.
But now they're promoting the idea that we're going to have universal basic income.
Because they want to take that away.
They want to pacify the entire population.
We need to understand that we have to hang together.
We're going to hang separate.
That's right.
It just hit me.
Just like they knew the company store at Sharecroppers.
Double charge.
He ripped you off at Mayer.
All about that.
Or the Marine Company.
But I do see it as desperation.
The fact that they've got all these TV shows with actors playing the part of me or Trump saying things we don't actually say, but then the media goes with that and says, oh look, SNL takes aim at Alex Jones fake news.
They go say things I never say and then say that I said it and that they took action.
I mean, I don't think it's going to be successful, David.
What do you think?
I don't think so, but we see the same tactics used over and over again.
First, divide people racially, and then try to make alliances based on racialism.
And that's what they were doing by saying that you were against these people, you were targeting them because they were black and calling them aliens, and then getting them to self-identify with the people that have traditionally been called illegal aliens.
That's a very clever
Subconscious technique that they're using for people to get them to switch and to ally and not to see themselves as individuals.
And if we do that, we're not going to have a universal basic income.
We're going to have universal basic slavery.
We're all going to be sharecroppers.
They want to drop down the wages.
They want to make us all poor.
Folks, this is not our opinion.
You have to understand, 99% of this is all admitted.
But what is it like for you then to watch a five minute piece where every five seconds has a subliminal, an overt, a covert, all of it was a lie, all of it was a deception?
Well, you know, Alex, Solowinski's rules for radicals, one of the key rules in that was that ridicule is the most effective weapon to destroy the people.
And that's what Saturday Night Live has become.
It's just become a propaganda vehicle.
It's not funny.
It's not funny at all.
It's not well done.
It's just stupid.
But it is set up for the people who have been trained by watching a lot of television.
They've been dumbed down and they're very susceptible to this.
It is a very effective tool for brainwashing.
This is for trans viewers.
So let me ask you this question.
Am I going to call?
What happens as these two paradigms shift?
They admit two different realities.
One based more on reality, one based on fraud and lies.
What happens is that minority of people, of every race, color, and creed, but a minority of Duke people get more intense in their brainwashing and more freaked out as we build the real world.
Because that's the dichotomy, the paradox.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, the thing I see happening is we've got these two dystopian visions of the future that were given to us by Orwell and by Huxley.
We have 1984 and we have Brave New World.
We see the people who are watching Saturday Night Live, they're really the Brave New World population.
That's the vast majority of the population.
They can be easily entertained and subverted by sexual hedonism.
They'll be hit with brainwashing, drugs, will be hit with the 1984.
Exactly, exactly.
And that's the other thing, Alex.
When I was gone, I tried to take a vacation from the news, but I couldn't help but comment on Vault 7, because it was so vindicating for many of the things that we've said, and I hope that it'll become part of the public dialogue.
But then I come back this week, and I see McCain, and I see Politico and CNN saying, prove that you were being surveilled, Trump.
Well, we know that they're surveilling everybody about everything.
And the New York Times said they were wiretapping Trump.
I have the headline right here.
Yeah, exactly.
We know that they're listening to everybody.
They're using all this stuff.
And then they pretend, well, that didn't happen.
You need to prove that to us.
And of course, people like Michael Hayden out there saying, this is all fake news.
It's an illegitimate, non-fact-based worldview that's being sold out there.
And if Donald Trump wants to know if he was being surveilled, just ask them.
Well, what about when Ron Wyden asked James Clapper... Let me ask you this then, I've got to go call.
So I've got to get through these and hand it over to you.
At what point do we not respond to them because their audience is smaller than ours overall?
Because I still respond to it, but their only power now is to put out outrageous lies and have us respond it seems.
Well, true, but we have always done analysis, and I think we always will need to say, look at what they're saying and here's what is true.
We need to do that, and we're doing that.
And it's not hard!
I mean, I never said black people aren't humans.
It's the opposite.
I mean, it's like crazy to have Alec Baldwin playing the president saying, I heard from Alex Jones black people aren't human.
That is an outrageous lie, an outrageous insult to the viewers.
Well, I think it's very important for us to deconstruct their comments, just as we see Michael Hayden out here.
He's going to go out and make blanket statements that are patently false, very generalized.
He doesn't ever get into any specifics, mind you.
But he puts out these generalized statements.
This is a guy who said, I didn't need the Patriot Act.
I didn't need Section 123 or whatever it was to spy on people.
I had a direct order from the president.
Well, that's called a dictatorship.
OK, so he wants to talk about a post-fact-based world.
Let's talk about a post-Republic world.
We don't have a republic anymore.
Yeah, so if the president wants to say it happened, it happened.
They want to play both sides.
And the god to them was the state.
The president was the head of that.
That's why they're so freaked out that we seized a beachhead.
But notice, David, they're still going ahead with their plans that Hillary's president with all these made-for-TV movies about a female president and all these shows and books about Chelsea running a world government with Bill Gates.
They're still going ahead with the censorship agenda, even though they lost.
That's what's crazy is, like a giant boat, they can't turn it around, so they're still running their agenda, even though it's blowing up.
We're going to come back, take five more calls, and I'm turning it over to David Knight.
We've got the Sean Spicer clip coming up as well.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well folks, America is now offensive in America.
At a high school basketball game in Des Moines, Iowa, the students from Valley High decided to have a USA-themed crowd and wore red, white, and blue.
Despite winning the game, they lost in social justice as coaches and fans of the other team were offended by the patriotic attire.
See, Des Moines North is said to have 66% minority enrollment, compared to the 26% at Valley.
As if saying one school is a majority-minority isn't crazy enough, now they're saying it's offensive to wear red, white, and blue if you play against this school.
The biggest issue was that there was a refugee on the North roster, but you'd think he would embrace the country that embraced him.
This is a trend, as last year, Ramapo College vetoed an American-themed barbecue hosted by college Republicans and college Democrats.
So we can't even come together in patriotism under these liberals.
What is wrong with these people?
Next they're going to want to remove the flag.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, proud to be an American.
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Because of what we did on this day, change has come to America.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, we're getting the new liners cut.
So when David Knight hosts or Paul Watson hosts, you can hear their name introduced.
We're planning to launch a lot of new live broadcasts soon just because there's so much happening.
We've got to do it.
The fight is now.
That's the way to really get to all the news I'm not getting to that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to go to Mankind and Alicia and Clark and others here in just a second.
David Knight's again co-hosting with me just back after a well-deserved week of vacation with his family.
We are ending tomorrow.
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Okay, let's continue here with the phone calls.
I've got a few other things I'm going to hit with David Knight.
Let's go ahead and go to Alicia in New York.
Thanks for holding, Alicia.
Thank you for calling.
Yeah, so I guess as far as the SNL skit, I think they're just trying to make those that are still asleep feel like there's a divide, or that black people aren't for Donald Trump.
I think it really just blows the mind of some people that
Yeah, there could be black Americans, African Americans who are actually supporting Trump.
Yeah, Alex, I think it's very important for us to understand, as I said before, that this is a movement.
We've seen a lot of black people who are awake, a lot of black people who supported Donald Trump.
He did much better than Mitt Romney or these other previous Republican candidates have done.
And they understand that they have common interests with us.
They understand that they're being displaced.
They're losing their jobs.
And that's the panic by the Democrats.
Yes, yes.
Who ran this scam in the 60s to flip and claim they represented black people when they just put the party of the KKK.
The Democrats have always, have always ruled by divide and conquer demographically.
And so that's something that they've recently done.
They've flipped and they're now trying to create this narrative where everybody needs to hang together against white people, for example.
White people are privileged, except they are the ones who are privileged.
They're the ones who are coming in and saying, we're going to dictate to you who's going to have a job.
We're going to tell these people who are foreign citizens from another country here illegally, we're going to give them rights and welfare and jobs and the ability to vote.
They're replacing you while they claim they represent you.
That's why Obama completely abandoned black Americans.
Sorry, Ashley, go ahead and finish your point.
Yeah, no, I just think that they're so panicked that they don't care if they're being relevant or even making sense at this point.
I think it's just kind of like, I think back in the day, Saturday Night Live used to, you know, they tried to be more, you know, kind of up to date with what was going on.
And now I think it's just this very narrow space that they're staying in as far as making fun of President Trump, you know, how he speaks, what he looks like, and just holding on to that, he's racist, he's xenophobic.
Um, without even kind of understanding that, you know, there's, there are other things going on that they could possibly, um... Exactly.
Alicia, sorry I called you, Ashley.
Thank you so much for calling from New York.
Great points.
To me, imagine SNL has Alec Baldwin playing the president and he says, black people aren't humans.
Alex Jones told me so.
Just imagine being the person when no one's ever claimed this, no one's got any evidence and it just lets you know.
And you're like, oh, well, it's entertainment.
No, it's not.
They do that on mainstream news now.
It shows the desperation.
David, I see this as a sign of desperation.
I think they're panicking.
Well, you know, Alex, broadcast media has been losing audience share left and right.
There's a large landscape out there.
They've divided the audience throughout all these cable channels and everything.
So if NBC can go in and take their small niche audience and they can coalesce it around an anti-Trump narrative, then they can shoot up a little bit in the ratings.
And that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to create a niche audience there that they can rise in the ratings.
It's not good entertainment.
It's not going to help them in the long term, but it will help them in the short term.
And so that's why they're focusing on this.
They don't have anything else other than Alec Baldwin doing his Donald Trump attacks.
But let's be clear.
They're coming out, calling, and it's already happening on Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
They're starting to censor InfoWars.
So the audience needs to know this is ongoing.
They're censoring everybody else.
So this is their cover, putting out their fake news, having the new Homeland Jake Webber guy do horrible things in the name of Alex Jones.
Like, you have fiction shows?
It's like crazy.
That's your proof that I need to be banned?
I mean, it's just like a science fiction movie.
Who the hell can come up with this where actors play the part of you, do bad things, so then you need to be banned?
And they call us fake.
They go out and they create these dramas, these comedies, and they put people in these phony role models.
I mean, it really is Orwellian, isn't it, Alex?
I mean, it's absolutely incredible that they put this stuff out there.
I can't believe it.
It's like, maybe this is a simulation.
I'm like, they do an action-adventure thing.
Like, I'm actually the guy battling the New World Order and the globalists, and you are, and we're doing it.
Maybe it's just a video game.
I just, you know...
And so many people are so bad, like, they create this false universe where we're good guys and they're all bad.
What the hell?
But the truth is, this is all real, folks, and we're just so crazy.
When we come after them and we take a look and we say, look at what Michael Hayden said, look at this clip that nobody else plays when he goes to Washington and Lee and says, I had a direct order from President.
I didn't need a law.
I didn't need a constitution.
We look at that and yet they create these phony, stilted dramatizations that are supposed to be reality, but they really work.
We're good to go.
But here's a clip of Janet Reno in 1993.
When they first get in, they fire 93 U.S.
attorneys to carry out their operations.
Now, Trump gets rid of 46.
He tells them, just follow my agenda and the Bill of Rights.
You can stay in.
They don't do it, so he fires them.
The media goes, it's outrageous.
No one's ever done this.
The way he did it, he just announced it.
That's how you do it.
It's been going on for 200 years that a new administration comes in and just fires the last group.
But here it is.
Here's Janet Reno.
This is CBS News 1993, firing 93 of the 100 U.S.
Here it is.
Janet Reno fired every holdover Republican U.S.
attorney all across the country.
I have asked for their resignations at the request of the president.
All 93 U.S.
A one-day clean sweep.
Presidents do replace the other parties appointees, but usually not wholesale.
It's important that we build a team that reflects
So, there's a perfect example.
I mean, there's headlines everywhere.
I was in...
Last night here at the office watching the scene, it was like no one's ever done it.
Chuck Schumer's outraged.
Trump's getting rid of him because they were about to expose crimes.
No one's ever fired... I mean, a week ago they admitted people fired U.S.
attorneys en masse, but they didn't do it right.
Now it's just no one's ever done this.
They act like we have no memory.
You know, interesting, Alex, that it's not just that, but what is truly unprecedented.
It's not the firing of people, as you just pointed out.
Trump has let go half the number of people that Janet Reno and Bill Clinton fired.
But it's the fact that they are now coalescing in an opposition format, like Obama started doing even before Trump became president.
He said, I'm going to stay in Washington.
I'm going to work with Eric Holder.
We're going to sue at the state level to try to get at the... He said Obama is coming, messianic.
That's what's really different.
And they're not talking about that very much.
We have a story here from Reuters, where it says Obama lawyers move fast to join the fight against Trump.
And there they talk about some lawyers, one in particular, who resigns from his position just before Inauguration Day.
Then he gets into some opposition work and so forth and so on.
They said, what is unusual is how fast these people have signed up to be Trump adversaries.
That really is what's unusual.
The fact that they're not doing this in reaction to Donald Trump, but this is a pre-planned opposition.
And let's be clear, they're using their moles that are still in the Justice Department to communicate back with them.
They all need to be fired.
All of them.
I want to see hundreds of thousands of firings, not 46.
And we have never seen a president who left office remain in Washington to oppose as another government to oppose the new administration.
That's because I never had somebody in modern history that's actually an American patriot and scared the elite so much.
Folks, you're seeing legend right now.
I'm Alex Jones, David Nightsky hosting.
Let's go to California.
Let's talk to Clark.
Clark, you're on the air worldwide.
Yes, hey Alex.
First of all, I wanted to say I got two phase point here.
One is, how does one get in contact with you directly in order to be able to be a contributor on the show on a regular basis and be able to give some vital intel that could be very, very effective?
Yeah, the showtips at Infowars.com, we're totally overwhelmed, understaffed, always just trying to even pay the bills.
I'm not bitching, but we just spend all our time on that and other little dirty tricks they're doing against us.
But if people just want to go shoot their own things and their own videos, show their talent they've got,
You know, with a camera, and like I did, like, you know, 20-something years ago, a little, you know, used microphone I bought for, like, 50 bucks.
I had a $200 camera and a $50 little used microphone.
Went out and shot reports that had a big effect.
That's how I then got a local radio show, then syndicated radio show, and then the rest of it.
But the biggest thing, as you say, out here is a citizen reporter for InfoWars.com.
You know, you can say, you know, in an unofficial capacity for InfoWars, I'm following this report.
If it's good, we'll start posting your material.
Put it out.
If it's really great, we'll hire you, if the funds come in.
And then the next thing is, I think it's good that we, you guys are...
Giving people the intel to try to help people be relieved of what their gender is.
But I noticed that Donald Trump and them keep talking about the Bible and God and Christians, and I know you talk about that sometimes.
I think the very serious point that needs to be looked at right here, this is adding up to a spiritual warfare.
And I think sometimes when people start worrying about all the things that they're doing, there are prophecies in the Bible that give exactly what is going to happen, and that cannot be denied.
So, I think that when we start getting too worried, if you start to look into the scriptures and you see what's being said and what the prophecy is going to be, that global world... Absolutely!
Trump knows when he talked about Jesus Christ and bringing God back and the covenant and the providence and the protection and the shield and the hedge, the enemy just went... and there were like satanic events nationwide saying, kill him!
Satan is marching!
We've gone out to events, they just show up like, I love Satan!
And it's like, they're really into this.
And so then you realize, and we go to these events, I'm not kidding, they're like... And you're like, what's wrong?
And they're not even, they'll go on for like an hour.
And they're like crawling in a trash can.
You're like, what the, you know, it's like they are demons.
I don't know what's going on, but they've taken on the archetype, they've decided that's the team they're on.
You know, whether you believe in the Little Mermaid or whatever, you can play the part of Ursula or the Little Mermaid, they've decided the side of Ursula.
You know, they're deciding to be evil, they're deciding to be bad, and I totally agree with you, Clark.
Talk about it.
I mean, you know, spiritual battle, absolutely.
What do you think's going on there?
Alex, look.
One of the things that's going on is that there was a decree by God that no nation, no world power, would rule for a thousand years.
Great Britain started with the Anglo-Saxon world power,
They've transferred it over to the United States, and now they're trying to transfer it over to the United Nations.
They're trying to circumvent the decree that God has done.
So, they're not going to be able to do that, but they are going to be able to accomplish their global mission.
No, you're right.
William the Conqueror was 1,100, and they're actually into all this British-Israelism, all of it.
They think it's about to end.
You're right about that.
So it is prophecy, but the problem is, at the end of their prophecy, it will collapse.
So my thing is, when it comes to the point of civil war, because Henry Kissinger is on record quoting that there is going to be a civil war.
He says we're going to put you in prison in Los Angeles.
Yes, it's coming.
So if that's the case, when it gets to that point, people have to preserve themselves.
Don't get in that part of the fight.
And with Donald Trump, I say this, you gotta find a way to try to preserve this man who's trying to give relief to the people, because they're gonna try, he's surrounded by enemies.
Oh, I agree.
I mean, look, the Bible says it, history shows it.
Trump isn't part of it, he's a messenger.
He's a final warning, because God always gives us a chance not to go down the wrong road.
He's a final warning to turn back.
So, when it gets to that point, people have to preserve themselves.
And watch, you want to make it to the big dance.
The big dance is the War of Armageddon.
That is a spiritual warfare and that's where they will fall apart.
And we don't have to be sitting here getting all worried about it.
But we got to keep, you got to keep doing what you're doing.
Educate the people, preserve the people, because they're poisoning the food, the air, the water.
And you got to... No, you're right.
The key is souls and minds.
People being free is what matters in their mind.
And being as healthy as possible to move forward.
You're exactly right.
Like I said, I would love to come back on the show and give you intel on things.
Please do, sir.
Just start filing and saying, hey, you know, start saying this is Clark, California, giving intel to InfoWars and we'll start posting it.
God bless you.
Just do it.
David, comments on what he was just saying?
Yeah, Alex, if we're going to make America great again, we've got to understand we've got to make America godly again.
And that's not the job of government.
It's not the job of Donald Trump.
He may be there as a Cyrus to help us, to give us another chance.
But, you know, we really need to understand that America needs a spiritual revival.
The dumbed-down vulgarism that we have in this country.
And it's not morality.
Morality flows from restored relationships.
So instead of seeking people, as the churches are doing now, they need to be seeking God on their knees.
And if they do that, if there is a real revival, then these other things are going to flow from it.
They'll turn the father's hearts to their children.
It'll turn them looking to God, looking to the future.
That has to come from God.
And we have to seek that from God instead of seeking it from approval of men and creating these silly little programs.
But that's so true and it's in the scripture.
Being close to God means you
You see the big continuum, care about yourself now but care about others to come, that big continuum, the future, these wicked only look now about their own little personal power and they're so blind and so little because they didn't join with the great continuum.
The globalists claim they're collectivists, they're the opposite.
These Luciferians are me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, I'm in power, and claiming then they're actually collective.
God is about independent will, but then if you have independent will, you join with God and the great plan, which is the total collectivism.
You know, we understand as we see this moving forward, as he pointed out, it's a spiritual warfare.
That's why we see this continuing pattern coming through generation after generation.
We don't know when this is going to happen.
We saw this happen with Adolf Hitler.
Everybody said, this is the end of the world.
We've got a world war.
Look at the weapons that we have and so forth.
We don't know when that's going to come, but we keep seeing this repeat in a cycle because it's coming from the prince of this world.
So ultimately it is a spiritual warfare.
It's his mind.
It's his plan.
We're facing the devil.
Alright, take over the final segment.
That's right.
We'll try to get these other calls if we can.
If not, I understand.
Valley News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I didn't get to a lot of it, but we covered quite a bit of it.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is The Infowar.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight here.
This last five minutes we're going to try to go through as many of the callers as we've got here.
We've got Christian, Siobhan, Nicole, Mankind.
Let's go to Christian first.
Christian, go ahead.
I wanted to just say, just calling in, talking about the whole everything.
This whole planning operation is all funded by George Soros.
If you look at the Black Lives Matter movement, George Soros gave them $14 million to go out and riot.
I mean, I'm all for the message of post-brutality, but when you got a guy like this that wants to push an open society agenda, and this man has been undermining democracy and independent sovereignty since 1947, and both Republicans and Democrats are in the pocket of
These people, like this man, that want to push this globalist agenda.
They want to blend all races and cultures together to make a mono-race, and to make a mono-race and push everybody's agenda.
Look, I'm like this.
I don't care if you are homosexual, whatever you decide to do, but you know, what you're trying to do is force your agenda on everyone else, and that's not right.
They want to take away individual liberties.
As it is, and they want to make things worse.
Now, as far as Trump goes, this is the elite.
This is the elite teaming up against Donald Trump.
They want to destroy Donald Trump, as we see it.
I'm a black guy, and the area that I stay is a very liberal town, and if you're a conservative, you're either a racist or you are a sellout.
That's another issue.
Why can't we just all come together with one idea to all work together?
What they're trying to do is destroy everything.
Well, it's something that they put out for a very long time.
Cloward and Piven, we talked about that.
A couple of sociologists who said, look, we have a welfare state.
We can use this with massive immigration to overwhelm not only a country, but also its economic system.
That's the plan that George Soros is doing, and he is fomenting revolution everywhere they can.
It is the great people replacement.
They're trying to replace American culture, and that's black and white.
They're trying to bring in people in large numbers and tell them not to assimilate but to divide and conquer the countries.
And we see this happening throughout Europe and every nationality we see this happening here in America.
That is their tool.
They destroy so they can rebuild what they want to rebuild out of the ashes.
And they understand that the only opposition they're going to get
I'm calling as a black woman from the state of Mississippi who exercises my Second Amendment right by open carrying.
Good afternoon.
I want to make a point as to the fact that it's pretty sad that in the black community, and it's always been this way growing up in a family that is heavily involved politically, if you are a race and you're black and you have this mindset that from the jump you are automatically Republican, that you're not a Republican, that Republicans are against you.
They don't want to do anything for you.
To grow up and to see all the backdoor dealing that was going on in the Democratic Party started with Congressman Danny Thompson.
That's just one of the people that I was directly involved with growing up and being aware
The scales come off and you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube once you see the betrayal and the treachery and how they've used and manipulated.
Thank you so much, Siobhan.
Sorry we couldn't get to the other callers.
Join us tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.