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Filename: 20170302_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 2, 2017
3662 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers various topics including Jeff Sessions' confirmation as U.S. Attorney General, environmentalism and contradictory behavior of celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, the use of fluoride in tap water, political ties with Russia, personal relationships, and nutraceutical products. Criticism is directed towards Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden's son Hunter, Al Franken, and those pushing the Russia narrative. The show also discusses President Trump's efforts to restore the republic and cut taxes. The speakers express frustration with media narratives and the need for people to stay informed and take action against corruption within the government. Other topics include alternative media outlets like InfoWars, financial needs to continue their mission, grass- fed beef benefits, Heart and Body Extract, support for InfoWars, and Princeton University's banning of Stormtrooper costumes at a Star Wars themed reunion due to their origins from Nazi Germany.

It's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
So, Senator Jeff Sessions, now confirmed Attorney General, was one of the top people on the Armed Services Committee of the Senate, one of the most powerful positions.
They constantly talk to the Russians, that's what they do.
When he was asked in Congress if he talked to them, involved them in the campaign, he said no.
But of course he had public meetings that were public with the Russian ambassador.
Now they're saying the Russian ambassador is a spy.
Of course he's a spy!
We have government exchanges.
They have troops that look at our nuclear weapons.
Our troops, you know, officers go look at theirs.
This is crazy.
And Chuck Schumer's playing on the ignorance of the public.
It's all coming up.
But first, Paul Watson's powerful new report, skewering a total hypocrite.
Neo DiCaprio.
Aren't you just sick and tired of being lectured about your lifestyle by mega-rich celebrities?
Climate change is real.
It is happening right now.
Let us not take this planet for granted.
Except, of course, if you need your eyebrows plucked before the Oscars.
In which case, screw the planet and fly makeup artist Sharon Lee Hamilton from Sydney to L.A.
A round trip of 15,000 miles.
That's 14 metric tons of CO2 emissions.
Now, to be fair, DiCaprio denied that he was personally responsible for flying out Hamilton.
And that's really believable, isn't it?
Because we know Leo is a committed eco-warrior with steadfast principles, right?
Absolutely f***ing not.
DiCaprio took a private jet 4,000 miles from Cannes to New York to pick up...
An environmental award.
Then flew another 4,000 miles straight back to France.
That's another four metric tons of CO2 emissions.
He also flew on a private jet to Brazil for the World Cup.
Then stayed on a 470-foot yacht owned by Sheikh Mansour, whose 30 billion-plus wealth primarily comes from...
By the way, that yacht is equal to, uses fuel equal to 83 American households annual worth of CO2 emissions.
And just three months later, DiCaprio was in New York for the People's Climate March alongside protesters who held signs that said, keep the oil in the ground.
It is the most urgent threat.
Facing our entire species.
Yeah, it's such an urgent threat that DiCaprio took six round-trip private jet flights in just six weeks between April and May 2014.
He also took a private jet from LA to Las Vegas and stayed in Vegas for just eight hours to attend a party.
Before flying all the way back again.
In 2015, as the hottest year in recorded history.
Leo was so worried about global warming that just months after that speech, he flew his celebrity friends 6,000 miles from L.A.
So they could listen to his speech on...
to Saint-Tropez.
You guessed it.
Global warming.
But Leo has to travel.
If he didn't take all these private jets everywhere, how could he possibly warn the world about the deadly danger of climate change?
Surely he's compensating for it in other areas.
Surely he's compensating for his movie The Beach, which was accomplished as a result of a precious ecosystem in Thailand being completely ruined.
Maybe he's compensating for it when he preaches about the need to curb overfishing.
Then screens a film about overfishing at a Foundation bash.
Then serves his guests whole sea bass, having flown them all in on CO2 belching helicopters.
But to be fair to Leo, he's only following the example set down by Bono.
Who rails against climate change, yet spent $1,500 to fly a hat he'd forgotten from England all the way to Italy.
Or the example set by Al Gore.
Half man, half bear, and half pig.
Whose electricity usage in one property alone was 20 times the national average.
Who lectures everyone about a catastrophic rise in sea levels, then buys an Oceanside Villa.
Leo, you're a great actor.
But you're a terrible virtue signaler.
And when it comes to being environmentally friendly, you're a very naughty boy.
You're literally the worst possible ambassador for this imaginable.
You say fossil fuels should be taxed out of existence, but if this happened, your lifestyle would cease to exist.
Please, Leonardo DiCaprio.
You need to shut...
This is Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com.
This is your tip of the week.
Article from Mercola.com.
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Waging war on corruption is Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's already Thursday, March 2nd, 2017, and aren't the globalists dizzy little beavers?
We have
Chuck Schumer, who you never see wearing an American flag pin on his suit lapel, wearing an American flag pin lapel!
Because, why, he's going after them Ruski agents.
Army veteran, patriot, constitutionalist, lawyer, U.S.
Senator, U.S.
Attorney General, defender of our borders, our sovereignty, Jeff Sessions, from Alabama, is a Ruski!
Remember, everybody's a Rooskie, but the Democrats, well known to be the party that was on the Rooskie payroll in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, and 80s.
A large part of their party.
Senator Kennedy, remember, openly was caught trying to get money from the Russians to change U.S.
But it was okay, because he was a Kennedy.
This was the type of craziness going on.
Hillary could get $35 million, both of the
Brothers, the Podesta brothers, openly on the Russian payroll, Hillary on the Communist Chinese payroll.
Because the truth is, Hillary took some money from the Russians, but they can't pay, like the Communist Chinese, the biggest economy in the world if you just look at their GDP.
I mean, Hillary, there were congressional hearings about her and Bill being on the Communist Chinese payroll back in the 1990s.
That's a fact.
I had the former head, or vice head, of the Armed Services Committee on from the House.
Kurt Weldon, he's coming on later this week or next week, last week to say he's been in all those committees and he's been in these international committees since then and that it's asinine to claim Donald Trump has any connections to Russians.
He said Hillary's completely on their payroll and is a Chinese Communist spy.
And that he's pissed off and getting ready to release the information.
Remember that last week?
He's one of the main sources of our two articles last week.
That's a pretty big deal, isn't it?
His counterpart, Jeff Sessions, was the ranking Republican, the senior ranking Republican, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee of the U.S.
Those guys pick up the phone and talk to Putin.
And guess what?
Last year, he met twice publicly in his offices with the Russian ambassador.
But when he was asked his confirmation if they'd been in contact with the Russians in the campaign, he said, absolutely not.
That's two separate things, but they think the public's dumb.
They think the public doesn't know that the national security advisor to the president in the interim talks to the Russians a lot at the phone calls.
That's who does it.
General Flynn.
General Flynn turned down a job making, I happen to know, this isn't even the news, roughly ten times what he would get working at the White House for the Jones Group or other groups like it.
Think about that.
He's just like, Russian spy?
Okay, fine.
I'm out of here.
You guys are a joke.
Speaking of the media and just this whole thing.
He can still advise Trump.
Let's do it over the telephone.
It's sick!
Oh, the head of Defense Intelligence, he's a risky agent.
Oh, Senator Sessions, he's a risky agent.
Well, they are!
Thank God the Russians want to protect our borders and cut our taxes.
It's not the Russians!
Oh, thank God the Russians want to increase military spending, create new nuclear weapons and bombers and missiles.
Oh, yeah.
Boy, I tell ya.
Did you hear George Washington was a Russian agent?
You know why they read the wrong best picture on Monday, right?
You know why, right?
They said it was La La Land and not Moonlight because the Russians.
That's why the Patriots won.
The Russians.
When I got up this morning and brushed my teeth, the Russians did it.
Not me.
You know, we just sit around and joke about this all day, but they're getting dirty.
Marie Le Pen, remember she got indicted in France for sending out five images
That ISIS put out itself, saying we're going to invade Europe, and showing them cutting people's heads off.
It's just stuff you see on the news here.
But you're not allowed to criticize Islam.
It's God in France, because the caliphate came in and bought off the Socialists.
They bought off Merkel as well, and Deutschland.
The mighty Germans, the great French, cowed by their Socialist and Green Party people that sold them down the river.
Here comes Marie Le Pen.
Who helped, after World War II, her father get France out of the control of NATO and seize their nuclear weapons on the tarmac with armed troops.
Yeah, France exists because of Marie Le Pen's father and de Gaulle.
France, after World War II, wasn't even going to be giving its country back.
Quietly, for many years, it was under globalist control.
And France got itself back because of de Gaulle, Charles de Gaulle, and Le Pen's father.
Part of the group.
Never really talked about it because it's so embarrassing to the whole NATO alliance that they tried to keep France just like they kept Germany, but busted it in two pieces.
And the truth is the globalists still run Germany today.
What a joke.
Three million men, 80% are military-age men, brought into Germany the last five years and literally allowed to rape and do whatever they want and the police are ordered to cover it up.
And now, the EU Parliament has diplomatic immunity and is above the law.
Oh, but she's had her stripped.
That's how they couldn't prosecute her.
Because in the EU, they're above the nation-state.
So she was a member of the EU Parliament, which itself is advisatory.
You have the EU Commission, headed up by Jean-Claude Juncker.
That is the unelected commission that since the EU's founding appoints its successor like the Communist Chinese or the old Soviet Central Committee that then appoints the Politburo.
Or the General Assembly.
Or whatever name they give it.
North Korea's got one.
Communist China's got one.
Cuba's got one.
Not many countries have got one anymore.
But the left thinks it's really sexy and cool.
Yeah, no medicine, can't produce automobiles, it's just a wonderful, wonderful, horrible system.
Or you're a slave.
But it's okay, because they've set it up in the EU, and so she's on the elected EU Parliament, but it's only advisory to the Council, the EU Commission.
And Junker's up there cussing at people in the EU meeting, telling them they better vote the way he wants, because it'll be embarrassing if they have to veto the ceremonial body.
What do you want me to do?
Let's go back to the article.
I'll actually read that for folks and for TV viewers.
SH, you know what do you want me to do?
The moment Junker loses it,
With whining members of parliament over EU plans.
Oh, they're whining!
They're elected and don't want an EU army to come in and take over the armies of the countries and further dissolve them.
Oh, you want to leave the EU that you never voted to enter?
You don't like an unelected commission ruling you?
We'll march troops in!
Europe's trying to go back to the dark ages.
We're trying to go back to the Middle Ages, folks, and appoint Goldman Sachs heads over all these countries.
Can't make that up.
So, now Frances Marie Le Pen loses EU immunity over IS atrocity tweets.
That's right, she's the bad one.
A member of the Parliament, her party leading the polls, and herself to be the next President of France, and they have lifted the felony
immunity the EU has so she can be arrested so that she can't be the president.
You're like, that's crazy.
All she did was show what ISIS is saying they're gonna do.
They said that was an insult to Islam and an affront to religion and they want to put her in jail for at least one year per count consecutive five years in prison.
Because she's not a traitor.
She stands for her country.
She stands for her people.
And it's all over the French news.
She's not wanted because she has blonde hair and blue eyes.
She's not needed in France.
She doesn't belong because she's white and she's French.
Who are the racists here?
Well, it's not even really the people they're bringing in so much, it's the socialists managing all this.
The Green Party, remember when everyone was getting raped?
The mayor of Cologne said, well, you need to not wear miniskirts and stuff.
And besides, you know, it's going to be great when there are no longer white people in Germany.
No more Germans.
That's a quote.
It'll be so good when there's no more Germans in Germany.
It's a death cult, folks.
It's a criminal takeover.
And they'll merge with any outside power that's authoritarian they can.
And Islam and the radical Islamic, caliphate, cancerous, Wahhabi-ish garbage that is the orthodox Wahhabism is a perfect disgusting match.
These are the type of folks that are into, like, disgusting porn, you know?
There are a lot of people that are, you know, into like really gross stuff or old ladies or old men, you know, stuff like that, you know, and really, you know, people being cuckold and, you know, a guy's wife having 50 guys in front of him basically rough her up and rape her.
That's the hot stuff with the liberals and the trendies and everybody.
That's what it's all about.
Well, imagine doing that to a country, see?
Bringing in a bunch of barbarous murderers that have been killing people all over the world, who invaded Syria, and they'll rob it and loot it and kill hundreds of thousands of Christians, and then give them an evacuation route and resettlement in Europe to just run around arrogantly.
I mean, how do you think you'd get tens of thousands of men in the streets per city and just start screaming, yelling, shooting guns in the air, attacking everybody, raping women in front of the police, because they want to encourage them to do that, to advertise it, to bring more in, but if a German tries to sit on the street corner and hand out pamphlets, the police show up, we've been there, and say, you can't hand out pamphlets.
They walked up to Rob Doo, interviewed people and said, what are you doing?
Stop it!
You know why?
Because he's six foot three and a white guy.
And you don't want the image of a leader, of a warrior, of a man standing up because the Germans might actually stop looking down at the ground and being cowards and might actually stand up.
And you don't want that!
Let's get to the break.
So, this is what we're dealing with.
And so now they're going, they're saying they're going to arrest her.
And, by the way, if you've been indicted or arrested, they're saying in France that you can't, oh, she can't run now.
Sorry, France!
The border stays open, where they admit France is in a state of emergency on its highways.
There are thousands of these videos, literally.
I've been lost for four or five hours before, sending these clips, you know, to the crew, and they play clips of it, just trying to, cars being robbed, trucks being robbed.
Families just being torn out of their cars, you're driving along through the forest and all of a sudden people just run out and start robbing you and then burn your car, rape your wife, kill her.
Islamists will like grab your baby, it's happened in France and Germany, will throw it into a river.
I mean they're in total racial, cultural attack mode because they were told to do it by the socialists that brought them in.
The Imam, the Grand Imam of Jerusalem is on video saying they are weak in Europe.
We will have their women.
We will breed them out.
They will submit.
And it goes on and on and on.
And they're not bringing in people out of North Africa and all these places to actually try to help them.
It's warfare.
France has had its tourism down massively.
I mean, it's over 50% and it's expanding because Paris is a literal hellhole now.
My crew sent them there repeatedly.
They go, we want to get out of here.
This is horrible.
There's just people crapping all over the streets like it's Calcutta.
Ever been to India?
I know how the Indians want to get out.
Overpopulation, starving people, people crapping all over the streets.
That's Paris now.
And soon we will trample them underfoot Allah willing.
Germany is not a compassionate country.
This is the Imam.
And he goes on.
They wish to absorb refugees from Syria and Iraq.
And Palestine refugees in the Levant.
And elsewhere.
Europe has become old and decrepit.
And needs human reinforcement.
No force is more powerful than the human force of us Muslims.
Well, why can't you build a civilization in your country?
Oh, Muslims, the Germans say, is their economic reports.
They need 50,000 young workers.
He just goes on to say, go there, the women are waiting.
Now they have motivated.
He just goes on to say, we're going to get your women.
All right, that's enough.
The point is, I'm not against Muslims that are scientists or cultured, and there is an upper class in these Islamic countries.
They've been exterminated, killed, annihilated.
There's an intellectual class, and it is literally just a giant population that's doubled the last 40 years, about to double again, and they're being told by the globalists, come here and overwrite the culture.
Don't come here and become part of the culture.
Islam does not assimilate, it conquers.
There is the House of Islam in the Quran,
That's Islamic countries, everything outside of it is the house of war.
And it's all just a joke!
Yeah, just show carjackings by Islamists in France and Germany, or just type in, you can type in, French roads in national emergency for migrants, and it's just everywhere.
Islam said to overtake Christianity and become the most popular religion in the world.
Well, yeah, if you don't follow it, they kill you!
That's why all the Muslim countries are 95, 98, 99% Muslim, because it's intolerant!
But it's okay, because it's so avant-garde and trendy and cool.
All right, let me get into the rest of the news.
Let me start getting into sessions right now.
But let's play, as I mentioned, and here's Junker.
Swears at Parliament.
He's the former president of Luxembourg, the richest country in the world, for globalists to put their money illegally and not pay taxes.
And it's come out that almost all the socialists of Europe are multi-billionaires and that they don't pay taxes and they put their money in offshore accounts or in Luxembourg or in the Caymans or in the Bahamas or in offshore accounts in places all over the world or in Switzerland.
And it doesn't matter, because, see, that's why France, on the middle class and rich people, for four years running has a 101% tax.
You're like, that's 100%.
Yeah, it's meant to make you pay your savings into it.
Doc, that's total war.
Having a million and a half Muslims, mainly military-aged men, that just got there in the last few years, with another 10 million or more, running around burning things for a month straight in Paris, and raping and killing, and the police doing nothing, because they've been ordered to, to destabilize the country, and then you think, well, they'll elect a nationalist, they'll stop it.
They're going to arrest her!
The arrest warrant's out!
She'll be behind bars.
You're like, well, people will uprise.
They will submit.
No, they won't.
At least that's what the control freaks think.
They want to break our will, folks.
And they want to bring in completely incompatible people to conquer us in a sick ritual.
It's sick.
And that's what it is.
The whole thing is a bunch of scum wanting to bring down the West.
And it's not even the people they're bringing in that are the bad guys.
They've been manipulated.
It's the globalists on top of it that are doing it.
And that's in their own documents, their own statements.
We've covered it ad nauseum.
I mean, the head of the EU Commission on quote migration and refugees is the founder of the EU.
He demoted himself to the position.
Peter Sutherland, and said we need to end the whiteness of Europe and the Christianity.
The Pope said he's sick of hearing about Christian roots in a Catholic newspaper.
You're like, that's abomination!
He's testing you to make you submit, to make you give in.
Why do you think Cuomo on, you know, TV, was it CNN, we played it last week, said
We need to get young girls used to seeing men's penises in the locker rooms, in the bathrooms, in the showers.
Because you're not an inclusive person if you don't let adult men in the shower with young girls.
That's what he tweeted out.
He said, the father that teaches his girls, young girls, not to want to see men in the bathroom with them, and not want to see a penis, is a bad person.
And is not tolerant.
You're like, that's crazy!
The UN accepts NAMBLA as an NGO and agrees that they should be able to have children as young as 8 years old.
Oh yeah, that's what the UN promotes.
England only says 13.
They're slowly getting it down.
So they can come and say, I want to date your daughter.
I want to court your daughter.
You're like, she's 8 years old.
I'm gonna break your nose.
Oh no, that's hateful, that's a hate crime, ban me!
Because it's love, you see?
It's love!
And they say if you just let us have your kids, we won't torture them and throw them, you know, in a shallow grave or in the river when we're done with them.
Seriously, they say.
Let us just have your kids and we won't kill them anymore.
So again, it's all about throwing it in your face.
Rubbing it in, rubbing it in as much as they can.
That's why Cuomo's brother said, if you're Christian, you're pro-life, if you're a pro-gun person, you're not welcome in New York State.
Get out.
People said, please, that's a terrible mean thing to say.
He said, I'm not joking.
You're joking.
Get out.
It's just a flaming thug on fire with criminal energy, just threatening everybody like a big pig-like monster.
Gonna stand up to him?
Stand up to Junker?
Conservatives aren't welcome in New York, according to Governor Cuomo.
Yeah, that's the London Guardian.
I know what he said.
He said, get out, you're not welcome.
So let's go to Juncker.
Here it is.
All three of Europe.
He's going so quick.
Let's back it up.
Let me start over and I'll read the text.
Go ahead, start over.
All three of Europe that they must beat.
They must presently find a path toward when the citizens of voters, when they do it, we are critical.
But, crap, I would say crap, if we weren't in the European Parliament, what do you want me to do about it?
And what he's talking about is, they all want to leave.
Poland, France, Germany, all the polls show it.
Italy just voted to stop EU expansion.
You know what just happened with Brexit?
What are we going to do?
What are we going to do?
Well, you're going to arrest Le Pen, aren't you?
But that won't stop!
When you start doing stuff like that, junker!
I mean, the Russians have had 20 more top generals, diplomats, people killed in their embassies all over the world in the last two months.
The globalists are killing the Russians because they pulled out of globalism.
You're going to kill all the French now?
You're going to kill all the Danes?
You're going to kill all the Germans?
You're going to kill all the Brits?
You're going to kill all the Irish?
Just because a bunch of globalists with trillions in hidden assets can dominate everybody and bring in Islamic hordes?
To so balkanize the country that people can never unify to kick out the parasites, a bunch of beady-eyed scumbags, who openly say, we're bringing in Muslims to destabilize things and have a voting bloc that'll burn everything down if we order them to, so you'll submit to us.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
They said, we need to use cultural warfare to keep the public down in the dark, disillusioned, and poor.
This is the Democratic Party top strategist.
And you wonder why top globalists have been leaving globalism more and more.
Because they realize it is a system of total evil.
The French Revolution worldwide.
We're the American Revolution of true human empowerment worldwide.
The real Renaissance countering their false liberalism and false Renaissance.
We're the real McCoy.
We are 1776 on a planetary scale.
And we are unstoppable when you take action and ask God for providence.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well folks, it doesn't get much weirder than this.
Joe Biden's son, Hunter, is now dating his sister-in-law and brother's widow, Haley.
Joe Biden has two sons, Hunter and Beau.
Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015 and he left behind a wife.
Haley and two children.
Hunter Biden is married to Kathleen Biden and has three children.
Hunter has been accused of using the online dating service for married people, Ashley Madison.
Though Hunter denies these charges, he and his wife are currently separated.
So now, Hunter Biden is dating the widow of his brother and aunt of his children, Haley Biden, while still being married to Kathleen Biden and being a father to her three kids and an uncle to Haley's two children.
Joe Biden has made public his support of the odd couple, saying he and his wife Jill are happy for them.
But how far can this relationship go?
What if they had kids?
Then your sons and daughters would be brother and sister with their cousins.
Well, if it does get that far, just keep the kids away from Creepy Uncle Grandpa Joe.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
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It's those people living in the wilds having to actually build civilization that are our superior ancestors.
And we need to do everything we can to recapture that.
Everyone knew that you used all the parts of the animal.
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You walk into this room at your own risk.
Because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So you knew it was coming.
Democrats target Senator Sessions.
One of the few mistakes Trump has made, he pretty much later admitted that, was to listen to Mattis, who's not a bad guy, but we've got to be able to criticize these people, and some of the other generals that...
Got like a tiff with Flynn, and Flynn reportedly is famously bullheaded and won't do the things he wants to do.
That's how he was able to get Defense Intelligence to organize a bunch of other intelligence agencies to actually share information and was lauded for that, for getting a lot done.
And that was following orders by the President with the Office of National Intelligence that kind of unifies those 16 agencies.
And so, what really happened was, is Flynn made Vice President Pence mad, and Mattis mad, and the little Marine Corps cult they've got going up there.
Which, I love the Marine Corps, and I love those guys, but that's kind of what's happening, and that's why Flynn just said, I don't need to be part of this.
That's what really went on.
I'm turning down ten times the money over here, and Trump knows what's going on, I'm out of here.
A lot of folks don't want that national security job to be attacked and go through all that.
Flynn's already exposed Al-Qaeda and that Obama was behind it and done his job.
He's done a great job.
And so it was making the Vice President mad.
So Trump did that and they spilled blood in the water and I said, watch!
They're going to find other people that have talked to Russians.
I remember at the time, I said, like Sessions, I said, he's been on the Armed Services Committee.
I bet he's talking to a lot of Russians.
Because that's who you talk to is the Chinese, the Russians, NATO, England, the Mexicans.
I mean, you're talking to people every day.
That's what you do.
There's $100 billion of covert operations a year going on in Mexico, folks.
You think he talks to the... You think Senator Sessions ever talked to the...
They admit that.
Head of the Sinaloa drug cartel?
Of course they do.
That's what you do when you're the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
There's constant deals, constant stuff going on, constant covert wars.
And he talked to the Russian head ambassador only twice in the last two years in meetings in his office in front of people about
Arms deals, arms reduction deals, exchange programs, inspection programs, that's what the Armed Services Committee ranking Republican does.
It's a joke.
But they have him being asked in the committee hearing, have you been talking to them in the course of the campaign, meaning the campaign?
No, of course not.
As if the Russians are, you know, magically, you know, Le Pen is in the lead, they say, because of the Russians.
And Gert Wilder's in the Netherlands because of that.
And the Italians didn't let the EU get rid of their sovereignty a few months ago in a big vote, despite their president pushing it, because the Russians know the Italians don't want an EU army marching in to occupy them.
And even higher taxes.
But Al Franken, the comedian, another fop, another pseudo-intellectual, another fraud,
You know, they have this clip of them asking during the confirmation hearings that, have you talked to Russians about the campaign?
And then that turns into, we've got Sessions.
Of course Sessions talked to the Russians.
That's the same craziness of December 15th, the incoming national security
We're good to go.
Of course the president can talk about sanctions!
That's what you do!
The president and the executive branch interfaces, as well as the legislative, at the highest levels with their counterparts in other countries.
That's called diplomacy?
And not having wars at the diplomatic level is called détente?
These are terms of statecraft!
But they think
I mean, look at the swollen photo of Al Franken there.
Just a total joke.
A perfect caricature of an actor playing the part of a senator.
For special interests that think they own and run this country.
With a bunch of basket case mental patient staffers who've all got chips on their shoulder and have been taught to hate America, hate men, hate families, and hate themselves.
All set up for failure.
Always thinking if they can bring us down that they'll be on top.
Trump's come out and said the top generals have advised him that our nuclear arsenal is old, decrepit, and failing.
It's 1980s technology, and the Russians admittedly, with their three new generations of Topol missiles, have supersonic systems that reportedly can get up to Mach 7 or 8.
And nothing can shoot them down at this point.
Now obviously the United States has some secret weapons programs, but the point is Trump wants it mass produced and rolled out publicly.
Just like he wants the life extension and very promising treatments that have been blocked for cancer and things that he's mentioned that he's going to try to accelerate the deployment of the American people.
Not fence it out to China and then have globalists produce it crappily and ship it back into here.
That's all that's happening.
He's coming in representing us and the criminals, the true outsider globalists that have hijacked this nation
Are now going after Sessions because he listened to the Vice President and the generals when they threw the little hissy fit and thought they'd be political with Congress and give people what they wanted and give the dog a bone and kind of halfway discipline the President and you know teach the President that they're in charge and their instincts are right and Trump knows his instinct was right.
When he told them, I don't think this is a good idea, but you're my executives and I'm going to go with you on this one, and they did it, and now they're going after Sessions.
Trump's one mistake so far.
Cutting Flynn loose.
Now I'm going to tell you Trump's second mistake if he doesn't start doing it.
We're having crimes of open sedition, open warfare being called for.
There's a story on InfoWars.com that should go completely viral.
They've now released information, even the New York Times admits it, but Paul collates it all together.
Needs to go viral.
That... Well, Eric Holder's giving interviews, too.
Saying, he is coming, like Christ is coming.
He is coming.
He's about to roll out.
Obama is going to take Trump down.
These are quotes.
With giant foreign banking money, Soros, all these other criminals, and they're going to try to bring the president down.
The globalists think they're going to defeat us.
Hell, they're arresting Le Pen!
They've got an arrest warrant out for her right now!
She tweeted, ISIS saying they're going to kill Frenchmen.
Well, you don't do that, lady!
We're going to arrest your ass!
You're ten points ahead even in our skewed polls.
We're going to arrest you!
If that don't work, we'll blow your head off!
And they'll openly call at newspapers everywhere to kill the president, and call him a racist, and call for his supporters to be killed or beaten up.
And then they're trying to push Trump into some kind of action, going, oh look, he's a fascist.
No, you are the authoritarians by any mark, any name, and you're committing crimes, and you are a globalist, multinational, fifth column, openly operating, admitting at Davos and Bilderberg and Juncker that you're unelected, and that everything's falling apart, everybody hates you, so your answer is start arresting people and killing people?
Do you understand down the road you're going, where this goes?
I don't want it to go there.
I mean, in an information war, I'm the equivalent of a major general.
You think I want to be running around in the shooting war?
You people are stupid.
And you haven't read any history.
And you don't know what's going on.
You globalists are disconnected.
You got Al Franken, you got Pelosi doesn't know that Bush has been out of office for eight years in the same press conference.
You know, they think that Putin's gone into Korea, not North Korea, just total Froot Loop land.
Total fruit loop land.
And by the way, that's not the exception of dumbness.
I've been around these people.
They are a bunch of jittering, in over their heads, big city, you know, con men that, you know, ran for city council or whatever, or, you know, were an actor that would do what they were told.
And they're in way over their head, totally being run like puppets.
They got rid of Cynthia McKinney, who's really smart.
You can disagree with some of her policies, but she's a smart lady and has a lot of courage.
Exposing vaccines, pedophilia, all of it.
They ran a guy for her seat in Congress who thinks islands float, ladies and gentlemen.
He's going to get re-elected, but forever.
So, that's what we're dealing with here.
That we come into the next segment, if you missed those clips, I'll play that intro one more time.
The dumbest Democrats ever.
It's worse with a Paul Ryan.
He's a smart little weasel.
Thinks he's smarter than everybody.
Psychos always do.
He was looking at Trump very predatorily during that speech.
Trump ought to watch his address, and he ought to watch Ryan.
A hunger to overthrow Trump.
Because if he could do that, he'd be a real man.
Because the psychos see somebody that cares about humanity, that's powerful, that has vision, that has discernment, and they just think, if I overthrow that, I'll be God, basically.
It's like the devil in heaven.
The archetype.
I'm not comparing Trump to God, but it's the same microcosm.
You got the devil looking at his superior and thinking, I could, I could, I could be that.
No, you're not that.
You're not that.
You'll never be that.
You're too blind.
You see nothing.
You think you see everything?
You see nothing, Ryan.
You see nothing.
All those guys are alpha males, though, that think they're going to be on top one day.
Trump is actually delivering.
He wants to deliver for hundreds of years.
He wants that name to be absolute, pure platinum.
The guy that turned around America and the world as nationalism and the new renaissance exploded.
But we've got some big challenges.
I want to give you the biggest piece of news here in just a moment, but I want to finish with sessions.
I want to give you the biggest piece of news I've ever probably given you.
And I know I say that more and more because the revelations just get more intense, more hardcore, more self-evident.
They think the public's so stupid that they don't know that the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee talks to the Russian ambassador.
The guy comes in through metal detectors, or he comes in in a car, gets swissed in, but even through the metal detectors, goes in and talks to people.
That's what you do on the Intelligence Committee and the Armed Services Committee.
That's what you do.
But they know the public doesn't know that.
They put out, Russians, Russians, Russians!
Oh look, we caught him with a Russian!
So let's go to his brief denial being followed outside his home this morning.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, then we'll go to the exchange that happened a few months ago during his confirmation.
But here's the first clip.
Well, I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign.
And those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false.
And I don't have anything else to say about that.
So thank you.
That's a guy that's 100% behind America.
Isn't always right in my view, but that's a guy who does what he says he'll do, who you can believe in, that's true blue, that's honorable, and you know, he's just laughing.
It's a big joke.
A big joke.
Sell out to the Russians.
He could sell out to the New World Order and get a thousand times what the Russians could give him.
This is the baloney.
These are just people that don't want a war with Russia because they have grandkids and Russia is not a threat right now unless you push them into a corner.
China's the out-of-control threat.
The Kremlin says Sessions' controversy is being set up to basically cloud the waters.
And an impediment to new relations.
That's exactly what it is.
And then there's Pelosi running around warning us about the Russkies.
After all the hundreds of Hollywood movies saying you're crazy if you think there's a Russkie threat and it being the big liberal thing to say, you know, the Russians are wonderful.
Yeah, back when they were communists killing all the Christians, you loved them.
Now that they're not, oh, they've got to be stopped.
I get it.
I understand, Pelosi.
We know where you're coming from, sweetheart.
We get it.
Let's go ahead and go to the clip with Al Franken and Senator Sessions at the time.
Here it is.
CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the President-elect last week that included information that, quote, Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.
These documents also allegedly say, quote, there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign.
BuzzFeed's now being sued.
Trump's surrogates and intermediaries.
Totally fake.
For the Russian government.
Now again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so, uh, you know.
But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious.
And if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?
Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities.
I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians.
And I'm unable to comment on it.
Now, let's stop.
They asked, in the campaign, have you had contact?
In that, and these are all lawyers, at least he is, in foreign military.
That's the question, on the campaign.
Clearly, as the ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, or the Armed Services Committee, you're talking to the Russians all the time.
These are meetings on record.
But not the campaign, but they think the public's stupid, and they think you'll turn that into a lie that Jeff Sessions, who Chuckie Schumer has now said needs to resign, just an hour ago, with all the horrible things Chuck Schumer's been involved in.
What a rat!
What a scumbag!
A truly evil, demented person.
Senate Majority Leader calls on Jeff Sessions to resign as Attorney General.
So, let me tell you what Trump needs to do.
The law says he should do it.
He should immediately.
Obviously, Sessions should.
Before Sessions can go after him, they want to get him on the defensive.
And meanwhile, Trump just wants to get the economy going.
He hopes they just back off and let him save the country and bring people together, like he kept saying in the speech a few nights ago.
But they're not going to let the president do that.
And so if they want it, it's time to happen.
Hillary was on the Communist Chinese payroll.
It's a fact.
The intelligence committees and all of them, we've had them on.
They know it.
Kurt Weldon, you name it.
It all needs to come out now, and Hillary and all of them need to be indicted.
We don't need special prosecutors for any of that.
We've got grand juries, federal grand juries, indict their butts now.
Before they assassinate Trump, or before they set a nuke off, or before they cook up all their, you know, fake garbage, I'm telling you, we have to move against these criminals now.
Trump has to take the gloves off now, because it's a dereliction of duty.
And I'll tell you, you want criticism of Trump?
Right now.
Trump needs to go after these people right now.
They are openly calling for sedition.
The former attorney general admits that he's working with Obama to overthrow the president.
This is all arrestable offenses.
This isn't free speech.
This is an attempted coup of our election.
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This is a island that at its widest level is what 12 miles from shore to shore and at its smallest level or smallest
Location, it's seven miles between one shore and the other.
Is that correct?
I don't have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.
My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over
Don't know much about history.
I stand here as a free slave.
We've seen nothing that we can work, that I can work with President Bush on, and I'm disappointed because I thought that there might be some interest in what he said in the campaign.
What are we going to do?
How can a president
Who is acting in the manner that he's acting, whether he's talking about the travel ban, the way that he's targeting Muslims, or whether he's talking about his relationship to Putin and the Kremlin.
And knowing that they have hacked our DCCC and DNC.
And knowing that he is responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families.
What is Aleppo?
Yeah, in Aleppo.
You are correct.
The fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea?
Stop it!
Stop it!
You know, we can laugh at this all day but DrudgeReport.com is linked to the news.
A bunch of Republicans, not just John McCain and Lindsey Graham,
They went on last night on CNN for a town hall to attack the president and say he's basically an enemy of America.
And now a bunch of Republicans calling for hearings, calling for Sessions to resign.
The guy they know is Mr. America.
You know, Trump comes out and says our nuclear weapons are old.
The media says that's crazy.
Meanwhile, new story on Infowars.com, top nuclear experts, U.S.
falling behind China.
That's right, after we gave them our latest technology in the 90s, Bill Clinton.
But that's not treason, giving the nuke secrets and the delivery systems, the MIRV systems to them.
That's okay.
That's alright.
Sessions has actually fought for the country, he's a rooskie.
The Republican Party is owned by the same globalists.
And they're not going to stop.
The Democrats are.
They got dumbed-down Democrats that can't even understand that.
They're out in the streets trying to bring down Trump as he tries to cut taxes on the middle class and poor people as the stock market explodes past 2100.
And as Trump moves, 21,000.
It's just insane to see people wantonly wanting to be slaves.
But that's what this is about.
That's what the globalists are doing.
It's very painful.
I'm going to talk more in the next hour about what Trump needs to do now under the law.
Because we have people that really are on the Russian payroll and the Communist Chinese payroll.
Most of these Democrats are publicly doing it.
He needs to get out and say, how dare you?
You're trying to cover for what you've done.
I'm fighting the globalist takeover of this country.
This is a load of crap.
I want new nuclear weapons and new ships to confront Russia and China because I'm a Russian agent.
We're coming after you.
You're criminals.
Of course the head of the
Ranking member of the committee talked to the Russians.
That was about issues the Senate was dealing with.
That's on record.
He came to the Capitol and met.
Briefly, because I didn't even plug this hour.
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People love the specials so much that we're extending it one more day.
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God bless you all.
Thanks for coming through, listeners.
You're awesome.
We'll be back, second hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You've got Jason Chaffetz, you've got all the usual suspects that just could never seem to go after Hillary or Obama.
Just always had the hearings but could never do it.
Issa, running around going after Sessions now, who's known as the most stalwart, upstanding person in the Senate.
And they're all just playing it safe with the neocons, trying to basically wound Trump or bully Trump into being their minion.
And if Trump just gives in, then the Republican establishment, you know, will then be buddies with him.
Just, you know, don't really get rid of Obamacare, don't really cut middle-class taxes, don't really do all this, go along with what the globalists want, and we'll let you be president.
But Trump's not backing down on any of his promises.
And so they are flipping out and
He has to just come out and smash them.
He has to come out and just annihilate them politically.
They're really scared by that speech he gave to Congress a few days ago.
They are absolutely devastated by the polls just going up and up and up.
Trump having win after win.
Their whole paradigm is shattering.
Just like they're announcing that they're going to arrest Marie Le Pen for criticizing Islam.
They indicted her last year.
She has EU immunity because she's on the EU Parliament.
They removed the immunity.
It's the same deal, folks.
They're in a war with us.
They're killing Russian ambassadors and Russian advisors and the head of Russian intelligence.
They're all getting murdered in their hotel rooms.
And this isn't even our military or government doing this now.
This is the super deep state is saying, we're going to kill everybody.
All right.
Well, I'm not going to kill anybody unless, you know, they're criminal attacking me in the street or whatever, robbers trying to come into the night.
But I can tell you how history works, and I'm pretty smart when it comes to how the world goes around.
I've been around the block a couple of times in my sleep, and you people are going to lose and you're going to get hurt real bad any way you slice this
The only way you can't lose is blowing the planet up and then claiming some victory in that.
You're going to lose.
You kill Trump, you're going to lose.
You try to stop Trump, you're going to lose.
The only way you win is by deciding to serve humanity and actually empower humanity.
And the elites will be richer than ever, but the people will be.
And all this infighting and pessimism and crap will be minimized.
We've come so far together.
Now I said I'm going to cover the biggest thing, and it's so big that it gives me a headache, because I'll be reading the news, thinking about it.
It's a thought I've thought many, many times.
And it's so crystal clear, it's so simple, but it's also so transcendent.
And it's the main debate that's going on inside the elite circles everywhere.
Again, I'm not breaking something.
This is what, when I read their own papers and their own writings, and we've covered this some before, they're obsessed with, and it's the excuse for everything they do, but then you look at their plan, and it's not even what they say they're doing.
So when we come back, I'm going to talk about that, and then a really great plan we're about to post, InfoWars.com, that Dr. Gribbs put together that I really agree with, and now what we put out, what we promote, gets major cachet with the patriots in the pro-human movement, not just here, but around the world.
You've got to say Russia, and then England, and then other countries, well really Iceland, led the way in the fight of kicking the globalists out of our countries.
But America, now that we've joined the team, is absolutely just, it's exploding.
It's now total chain reaction.
So, there's a kernel of truth that this whole thing's Russian, in that the Russians were already under the social engineering since 1917, and they know how bad it is, and they're trying to struggle free from the spirit of it.
They've kicked out most of the actual tentacles.
Still, there's the lingering smell
But all it is is self-determination of humans wanting to be with God and not with the spirit of failure and death and evil that is the God of this world.
When we come back, I'm going to break down briefly the big enchilada that Dr. Gribb's coming on and then a bunch of other special guests today as we track the civil war going on inside our government as patriots attempt to restore the Republic and the dignity of humanity.
I'm Alex Jones.
Will the Trump resistance ever get over Russia?
We've had Daryl Issa go on Bill Maher's Realtime and call for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties and for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself.
You then had George Bush during a Today interview on NBC say we need answers on Russia and also urge for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties.
This is the same George Bush who once said, I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president.
So Bush admits he's bad for the country.
Now today, Chuckie the Clown Schumer is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump, his administration, and Russia ties.
And of course, for Sessions to recuse himself.
You've had all the never-Trumpers in government and media screaming Russia for months.
You'd think they'd have found something damning by now.
Let's recall.
It was President Trump who said Crimea was taken by Russia and wants Putin to return Crimea to the Ukraine.
Sounds like a Russian agent to me.
No, this is clearly a coordinated effort and a long-run strategy to delegitimize Trump's presidency.
But the anti-Trumpers are just delegitimizing themselves.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Troyer.
This is Alex Jones.
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Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
Alright, we are seeing an open criminal.
Foreign-funded, multinational operation in the U.S., similar to what we've seen in European countries where they remove presidents with fake scandals and actually install former Goldman Sachs presidents, for some reason, every time.
Italy, Greece, you name it.
And then they announce that the EU is disbanding that nation's military and going to station troops inside the country.
It's like Hitler rolling into Danzig, or into Poland, or into Czechoslovakia, or into France, or into Libya, or Tunisia.
I mean, but it's done corporately, but then the force marches in, and they get people in political correctness,
Where the troops are liberal in Europe and they say, we are liberal, we bring in refugees, we are liberal, we ban Germans criticizing it.
Marie Le Pen, there's an arrest warrant out, you criticize Islam by saying ISIS is bad.
You cannot make this up!
And they salute and they do it.
So now it's gotten so bad that people all over the world from Italy to the UK to the US are saying no.
And so the globalists are now threatening larger wars and saying Trump's a Russian agent and now Jeff Sessions, Mr. America, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, whose duty is to meet with the Russian ambassador on a routine basis, only met twice!
In the last year and a half, at his office with the Russian ambassador, and they went, the Russian ambassador's a spy!
Of course he's a spy!
That's what presidents and ranking armed service committee senators do, is they talk to people.
What do you think, Jeff Sessions from the U.S.
Army and then a lawyer and all this stuff, now the Attorney General?
Think, think, think, think he's a little, little spring chicken?
Trump talked, everybody in Washington said, who's the most loyal to this country?
Who's the anti-globalist?
Who defeated Bush and his amnesty and all of it?
Jeff Sessions.
Who beat Obama?
Jeff Sessions.
And now the bunch of Republicans are saying he should resign, he should recuse himself, like Chuckie Schumer's their boss!
You got the big Americana New Yorker that's the real deal, red, white, and blue, versus the fake New Yorker, the fake America, the scumbag Chuck Schumer, who's a globalist, enemy of this country.
And I said I'd get to this now.
I'm going to do it at the start of the third hour in detail.
Doug Hagman's joining me, but we've got Peter Boykin coming on, who's the founder of March for Trump and Gays for Trump.
Big march coming up.
I've got a group with a huge, exciting initiative that's so important coming up here in just a minute.
But let me give you the big enchilada.
And I saw this this morning and it kind of crystallized.
This is out of Bloomberg.
Okay, because when I cover these type of things, what the media does when I'm reading an MIT report, or I'm reading a UN report, I'm reading a British Ministry of Defense report, I'm reading a Pentagon report is, they'll just snip it together.
As you all know, I am not anti-gay.
And then they say, I am anti-gay on Colbert.
And then people that work here are thrown out of their house because the landlord says, I'm gay and Alex Jones is anti-gay, you're thrown out.
I mean, this is the persecution, folks.
That we're dealing with here.
I mean, this is crazy.
But if I was, I should be allowed to say that, and my employees shouldn't be thrown out of their home with their dog.
And they could sue and do all of it.
It's just like, you know, it's like, okay, I'll move in with my girlfriend.
You're crazy.
But this is what goes on in America.
And it's the same thing.
Where I tell you what the globalists are saying, incredibly horrible stuff.
We'll all have microchips.
The family by 2030 will be gone.
We'll all live in 200 square foot control systems, where we're surveilled, where the TVs are the walls.
That's now announced everywhere.
They're zoning it, where you won't be able to get out of it in a few years.
Germany's banned single-parent homes.
They're really doing this stuff.
I'm not making this up.
And so what they do is... Let's skip this break so he has more time.
What they do is, again, I'm warning you before it gets here, like, hey, we should get organized and say no to this as a culture, as a species.
They go, oh, it doesn't exist, you're crazy, because they don't want any opposition to form, like driverless cars and taxing you by the mile.
Then once it's here...
They go, yeah, we should just accept it.
Or they snip it together and go, look at crazy Alex Jones.
He says they're planning a doomsday mass extermination event.
And he says Bill Gates is a human exterminist.
And he says all this crazy stuff.
No, Bill Gates said all that.
I made films on it with clips of it and him writing it.
I know about his daddy.
I know all of it.
His daddy and
The Eugenics Cell and IBM and Hitler, all of it, yeah.
Oh yeah.
By the way, they're not Nazi agents, they created Hitler.
The United States, Cold Springs Harbor, created the Eugenics Program and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, folks.
That was all just a test.
Hitler was following orders.
And then got set up and he couldn't believe it, he had a deal with the United States and England.
That's been declassified, by the way.
But let's get into it right now.
AI scientists gather to plot doomsday scenarios.
Oh, when I say it, it doesn't exist.
But when Bloomberg, let's click on the link so people can actually see that.
Researchers, cybersecurity experts, and policy wonks ask themselves what could possibly go wrong?
And they admit the technology is so advanced we're reaching an Atlantean moment where we're going to blow ourselves up, basically.
They've already done it.
I want to break down the real threats, what's happening.
They claim global government was to stop all this, but they're the ones making it worse.
They claim global government was about empowering poor people, making them middle class so they only had two kids.
Instead, they said, no, let's just exploit them, make them poor, let them have ten kids, flood the West, bring everything down, and we'll go to nation states.
Then we'll go
To cities.
And everybody else is poor, and you'll have mega cities that are high-tech, everybody else poor.
I mean, it's so diabolical.
So the big secret is, there's an internal war within globalism, because most people that joined globalism were top of their class, they believed it was really for the greater good, and now they get down to the endgame, they're like, oh no, we're just gonna kill everybody.
And so I can tell you how many academics, how many scientists, how many top Hollywood people, top musicians, you know, the biggest people, the biggest names.
Call me over the years, come meet with me.
You go out to communities, super rich people, they're out there just waiting.
They're moving to Tasmania, they're moving to Kauai, they're leaving.
They believe, oh my God, we got set up, we got sold out to this AI global Satan takeover and they're already freaked out and believe humanity's done and they're evacuating, hoping they survive what's coming.
Trump's coming in saying, let's right the ship!
Let's get this thing straight and shut this down!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
We're gonna play golf!
We're gonna have grandkids!
We're gonna go to space!
We're gonna walk on distant worlds!
We're gonna have a planet for people!
We've got cures for diseases!
No, stop it!
Stop it!
And all these scumbags stand up and say, you're a Russian agent!
And try to derail it.
Let's play a clip of the ad, and I'm going to Dr. Gribb, here it is.
A lot of speculation in the media or in this world about how soon it will be before robotic soldiers take the place of the fight in the kinetic world.
How soon will AI supplant the need for, and Dr. Neustadter, you mentioned a bit of it, computers fighting computers, but how quickly will AI supplant the need for all these human beings to defend these networks and do what we do?
I'll take it quickly and then yield to Peter, since he kind of wrote the books on this.
One, because I was an alumni of San Angelo.
I think it's probably going to come more quickly than we think, as many of these developments do.
The part of it that worries me the most, and by that I mean 10 years, the part of it that particularly worries me the most is that on the defensive side, many people are thinking that artificial intelligence, new heuristics, better analytics, and automation are going to help the defense.
That if only we can roll these things out faster that we will be better and the system will be more stable.
I think that these technologies are going to aid the offense much more than it aids the defense.
Because to defend against these kinds of attacks you need your own supercomputer.
That's fine for the Department of Defense.
We've got them lying around.
But for America's critical infrastructures, they are not going to be able to afford such defenses in many cases.
Certainly small and medium-sized enterprises and mom-and-pops are not going to be able to.
And so that's why that future in particular worries me if it goes down that direction because it leaves much of America undefended.
Mr. Healy's the guy that goes around bad-mouthing myself, calling for banning news, and controlling everybody.
So now we need the federal program for the AI to be in everything to make sure it all runs proper, right?
And that's the globalist takeover.
Turn loose the bugs, the viruses, the crises, the wars.
Have us all accept the super AI to protect us, and now everything's controlled.
But Mr. Healy will be there advising us the entire time.
You can just imagine it.
Now, Dr. Group, the article's on InfoWars.com, shifting gears into some really positive news.
Trump has come out and said he's got real concerns about vaccines and the fact that they're liability protected.
Again, we're not saying vaccines don't have some merit or technology.
They're dirty.
They're out of control.
The inserts admit they can kill you.
That's a fact.
They've been stonewalling it.
We've got an article up on InfoWars.com we'll put up there that is your plan that I think Trump should really look at, but I think the public should just create their own plans, their own ideas, and other doctors and other health care providers, and we have the article on InfoWars.com, we'll put it on screen, to talk about your health care plan to try to get Trump to have alternative medicine and nutrition be added in to coverage because we're getting so sick, admittedly, infant mortality's up, our life expectancy's down, the answer obviously is
Not just treating the illness, but actually finding out why we got it to begin with.
It's an amazing plan.
And so I'd like you to just quickly read over this in the time we have, and hope that listeners send this to the White House, send this to Congress, and send this to others, because we're in this critical time of trying to kill Obamacare, which they admit is part of a global government takeover plan in their own words now.
It's incredible they admit it.
We knew that years ago.
And so what we should replace it with, again, things we know that will keep people from getting sick for many, many decades to come.
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
It's always great to be on your show.
Like you were saying earlier, the globalists control and the globalists are running scared right now because their main mission is just to control you, to control the population, and to control the earth.
And that's what they're doing and what we've been talking about for years and years and years.
They call themselves technocrats.
Global rule by computers that they program.
Yeah, and so a big part of this is actually you as well because it's what we've been talking about so long and I'm just glad that you're part of this and it's what we've been saying for a long time is to address the root cause and what we're doing is just collaborating and hopefully more people can collaborate on this and the White House will listen and we have put out an open letter to Tom Price, which Secretary Price, which is the Health and Human Services Secretary,
To basically create an advisory committee under the new health care plan.
And by the way, Putin's done this, bringing in supplements and organics as their new national product.
This is already the only thing booming still in our economy.
People know this.
Why not get the president behind it for small business generation?
It's going to save massive amounts of dollars.
I mean, trillions and trillions of dollars are spent on health care, and the problem is health care is not addressing the root cause of the problem.
Sure, we don't need a cure to breast cancer.
We need to find out why it's up 3,000%.
Listen, we have proven, and I've spoken with doctors over the last 20 years, I've gone around the world, and you have too, we have proven natural medicinal protocols that can pretty much wipe out every single disease, okay?
And even the hospitals and major scientific journals have published this.
It's everywhere now.
It's everywhere.
It's just like without vitamin C you die.
They won't, I see, hospitals say they see all these people with scurvy.
My dad would see them.
No one tells you you have scurvy because you don't get leafy vegetables or your stomach doesn't absorb them.
Something very simple like that.
Or the cancer rates if you don't have selenium.
I mean it's a fact.
We already have linked, you know, fluoride, deficiency of iodine, colors, genetically modified foods, artificial ingredients, phthalates, all the chemicals in the water supply.
That is a proven fact.
All of those have been linked to the majority of the diseases out there today.
All we're asking the White House and President Trump and HHA Secretary Tom Price to do is assemble a team of
Experts in these fields that have no ties to the pharmaceutical industries, to the food industry, to the chemical industries, that can present all of this research on these compounds, these toxic compounds, to the President so we can start taking action and addressing the real problem.
And again, he's already created a commission to expose and look at the vaccines, so you go through it.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, let us present all of our research to whoever we need to present it to, to decide whether or not and how that can be included.
And by the way, as you know, there are hundreds of studies in the U.S.
alone where three flu shots doubles your chances of Alzheimer's.
CBS News 15 years ago, the CDC's own internal documents that came out in 2001, where the head of the CDC says, my God, I'm not gonna give my grandkids vaccines.
We've brain damaged millions, but we've got to cover this up.
I mean, it's all there.
They have all the smoking guns.
I mean, listen to this.
They just had a study that was published by Yahoo News about a month ago that said a tiny dose of hormone-disrupting chemicals, just a tiny dose, is responsible for $340 billion.
Unless you're like, oh, you're above 65 years of age and it's heart attacks and cancer.
We need to develop these things and there's all sorts of herbal remedies and treatments and silver and things that aren't cures in many cases, but are better treatments in their own studies than the antibiotics that aren't working.
And I don't care if it's an antibiotic or silver or whatever.
Some things will work with silver, some's an antibiotic.
I just want it to work.
I want my kids to live.
Well, it's just been suppressed.
And all we're asking for is to lift that veil and let us show you the research.
I wonder why people are so fat.
You said this 10 years ago.
It's on record.
Bisphenol A makes you obese.
Shuts down and screws up your hormones.
That's right.
The American Cancer Society came out on Tuesday with a study saying that cases among millennials, colon cancer cases, are rising at two to three times the rate.
Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, it was triple.
Triple the race.
I mean, that's pretty much what's going on right now.
Triple the race!
And they said, oh, it's junk food.
It's the additives.
You can't go to a place that has McNuggets that have plasticizers in them.
You can't eat plastic.
In all of the fast food restaurants, there was another study, actually it just came out, all the fast food restaurant boxes and all of the paper that they put your hand over contain fluoride chemicals in the packaging material, again designed to alter you and keep you in a controllable state.
Now I've spent the last couple months, because I'm trying to, everybody is very confused about what's going on with the repeal and replace scenario, Obamacare,
I don't
I've condensed it all down to the main points that they're talking about right now.
And again, we have a powerful broadcast.
Our listeners are powerful in their action and their numbers.
If they simply get your report that's got great ideas, I disagree with none of it, it's excellent, and send it out to talk show hosts, everybody, we don't even care about the credit, folks.
All we want is to get this out and to stop this endearing this whole reorganization of it.
Put in good ideas like, hey, let's cover alternative medicine, let's cover herbs, let's cover nutraceuticals, let's cover nutritional training.
Big studies show hospitals and places have the worst nutrition ever.
This is the key building blocks you need to not get these diseases in the first place.
It's just a window of opportunity that's opened up for us.
We did the same exact thing under the Obama administration.
We reached out to those guys.
We never got a phone call back.
We never even got a response back.
I mean, if you really want to address the problems and all the money that we're spending on health care in this nation, we're ranked practically last when you look at the health care of all the nations in the world.
I think we were like 28th or something.
We're the worst industrialized country in the world.
And we're living less, our children are dying more.
People always say, that's not true.
You look it up, it's true.
They've got all these weird drugs that keep you alive once they make you sick.
And I'm not saying the average doctor is bad.
They're the ones that actually know it.
It's that it's this big corporate system and Obamacare is the centralization through computers of technocracy, everything the doctors and nurses can do.
We are moving in the direction where people are becoming more educated about their health.
Sooner or later, the FDA, all of these organizations are going to have to open the doors and allow this because people are turning away from the standard allopathic care and they're looking for natural solutions and the insurance carriers aren't covering it.
That's a big part of my reach out for the repeal and replace is that we have
Health freedom.
People can say, I want to go to this licensed natural health practitioner, this licensed chiropractor, this licensed naturopathic doctor, instead of going to my allopathic doctor, or instead of being told where I have to go, and I would like my insurance to cover it.
Because right now, I think last year we had close to, I think it was $400 billion out-of-pocket expenses from people.
That were money that was spent on nutritional supplements, massages, acupuncture, any type of alternative care.
And that builds a whole new economy as well.
And again, folks, if you actually, with the fiat system we have and the level of industrialization we have, we've now reached the point we can do anything.
All the mathematicians, all the futurists, they agree.
We should be working two days a week, and then doing whatever we want the rest of the time.
And humanity is just unlimited, as long as we make it about humanity.
The globalists want to make it about controlling humanity, imploding humanity, and then extracting our wealth energy for their breakaway civilization.
That's what globalism is, and Trump is trying to block that.
The report's on InfoWars.com.
I want everybody to retweet it.
Again, that's why I love Dr. Group.
I'm not even thinking about, in the repeal of Obamacare, trying to actually have reform.
I'm just trying to think, you know, get the face sucker off of us, you know, get the cancer out.
But absolutely, why not go further, especially when we have somebody so open-minded like Trump or his wife or others that I know are informed about this, are actually involved with companies, you know, that do this, so they understand it.
Americans asked Trump to add alternative health to Obamacare, repealed.
We need to treat the cause of disease instead of just the symptoms.
Alex Jones and Dr. Edward Grubb.
We just put that up there.
Grubb really wrote it.
I had a few comments.
So it's on Infowars.com.
Tweet it.
Facebook it, folks.
If you want change in the world, be that change.
Dr. Grubb, thank you for all the great work.
I don't think we'd still even be able to operate here with all the great things you've done with us the last five years.
You've been one of the MVPs of this fight, so God bless you.
And I just love your spirit and the great work you've done.
And I will say to all the listeners, tune in next Thursday for that big, huge announcement.
Thanks, Alex.
I'll be in studio.
And what we're going to be releasing is going to be life-changing for a lot of people.
We've changed my life.
Really is.
Thank you.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, folks, it doesn't get much weirder than this.
Joe Biden's son, Hunter, is now dating his sister-in-law and brother's widow, Haley.
Joe Biden has two sons, Hunter and Beau.
Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, and he left behind a wife, Haley, and two children.
Hunter Biden is married to Kathleen Biden and has three children.
Hunter has been accused of using the online dating service for married people, Ashley Madison.
Though Hunter denies these charges, he and his wife are currently separated.
So now,
Hunter Biden is dating the widow of his brother and aunt of his children, Haley Biden, while still being married to Kathleen Biden and being a father to her three kids and an uncle to Haley's two children.
Joe Biden has made public his support of the odd couple, saying he and his wife Jill are happy for them.
But how far can this relationship go?
What if they had kids?
Then your sons and daughters would be brother and sister with their cousins.
Well, if it does get that far, just keep the kids away from Creepy Uncle Grandpa Joe.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
Hey, everyone!
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
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You've all heard the shocking statistics.
Despite spending trillions of dollars in health care, nearly $10,000 per man, woman, and child in this country, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses are rampant.
One out of three or four people is dealing with some kind of health challenge, and everyone knows at least one person with a degenerative disease.
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It's been something that I've been working on for a long time, Alex, because I think it's very, very important.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This magic moment, so different and so new, was like any other.
Until I kissed you and then it happened.
You took me by surprise.
Millie Weaver's here with us.
I'm going to try to get Leigh-Anne McAdoo and Ellen Schreuer in here a little bit later.
I like bringing in the other reporters and folks who are on the show.
They have a lot of insight, different angles.
It's like we had Dr. Group on earlier.
Things are so exciting politically.
It's beyond any sudden-death-over-time Super Bowl game, you know, that I'd watch when I was 20 years old with the buddies and beer and just think it was the most important thing in my life that I was seeing.
That was about a Super Bowl ring or a
That didn't matter to me and my family.
What's happening now is so huge.
It's so incredible.
Trump really is trying to cut the taxes, restore the republic, get the power plants back on, bring the jobs back.
Almost three trillion dollars in the stock market in just the last few months.
Biggest recovery of small businesses since Reagan's recovery in 1984 that took him three and a half years to get.
This is incredible.
It's nothing less than magic.
It's a magic moment.
And we're going to go to our guest here.
We just lost his Skype, who is the guy that founded the Trump rallies around the country.
They're going to be happening this weekend.
Millie Weaver's here, because she's going to be out covering.
We've got to send some security people, I guess, because the anti-Trump folks like to beat up women for some reason.
I guess that's what cowards do.
But Peter Boykin's coming up here in just a moment to talk about that.
But first, I want to just thank the listeners for supporting the broadcast the last week and a half.
After Google, through AdRoll,
Banned us, saying we're fake news and we don't have a right to advertise in the open market.
Which, in my view, really is racketeering.
They've been doing this to Breitbart and others.
They've been calling for censoring.
They want to shut us down.
But we adapt, we overcome, and the listeners have really been buying a lot of the products.
I've extended the sale one day, but it is ending.
Because a lot of stuff is about to sell out.
People love that we have discounts and they're supporting us and it's amazing.
We're really catching up on the shortfall we have.
They said, no, because X2 is about to sell out in the next three or four days.
We won't have more for at least a month.
We're about to sell out of a bunch of the other products because everything's 25 to 33% off at Infowarsstore.com.
And, you know, we just can't keep doing it.
T-shirts, a bunch of the T-shirts are half off.
The new Trump-Pence 2020 shirt, that I believe will be the new megaviral shirt, with Infowars.com on the right shoulder, says, Keeping America Great.
We have to let folks know, this is the president, we're not going to stop.
On the back it says, America First in 1776.
Get back in the face of the politically correct people.
Meet like-minded folks that are pro-America, very race, color, and creed.
Get in the face of their chilling effect and say no.
We're about to stop selling Trump as my president that we put out a month before he won.
We knew that was going to happen.
Hillary for President 2017 with George Soros versus the poor George Soros.
Those are almost all sold out.
When they're gone, they're gone.
But it's so important with these big rallies and this mega rally Trump's talking about, hadn't been announced yet, that everybody get the new gear moving forward.
At $9.95, we're making like $4 on average.
We need the money to fund the operation.
But I gotta say, at current sales rates, I just had to put in a bigger order to have these printed up right here in America, because we already sold out of the order we put in two days ago.
Of what we print.
They can print more every day.
Thousands a day.
But people are going crazy for this.
This is going to be the new viral shirt.
Everybody needs it.
And we've got millions of listeners.
Okay, almost 100,000 people bought the last shirt.
That sounds like a lot.
It was all over the news.
Changed the world.
Got the Republican establishment's attention.
Why don't we sell a million of these?
I know there's a million people listening right now.
Take action.
We can print a million of these shirts.
We can use a third party group to ship these out.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And I promise you this, if we sold a million shirts,
That would be, like, only five million dollars.
Sounds like a lot.
But it's actually not to fund a major operation.
That's how cheap these are.
But still, it would help us.
There'll be less plugging.
We're about to go to our guest here who's taken action.
It's in his car.
The Skype had a huge effect.
But Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
If we put out 98,000 of the Hillary for President and, you know, 30,000 of Trump's my president, that sounds big.
It already changed the world.
Imagine a million.
Like we know over a million Trump hats have been sold.
Notice CNN said that nobody was there for the Trump event, showing it when the gates first opened for inauguration.
These are liars!
They can try to censor the internet, but they can't censor the real world.
They can't censor the third dimension.
And that activism on the street is key.
But whether you even just share links to our articles or pray for us, whatever, it supports us.
But everyone needs to buy the shirt, and even if you're not going to wear it, give it to your nephew, your niece, your cousin, your husband, your co-workers.
Buy them for everybody at work who supports Trump.
Let folks know, hey, do you like Trump?
Do you like free speech?
I'll buy everybody at the office.
Business owners and people have to stop thinking by holding on, they get ahead.
It's small businesses spurring the stock market, getting us out of this depression.
People get it.
Our listeners are the people of action.
You are the shock troops of the reawakening.
Millie Weaver, we're going to our guest.
Well, you know, I was actually reading some of the comments on the video we put out where me, you, and Leigh-Anne were wearing these shirts, and what I noticed was that there were actually a lot of women Trump supporters saying, man, you know, I love these shirts, I really want to get one, but I'm afraid to wear one because I don't want to be attacked because the anti-tolerant left likes to attack women if they're Trump supporters.
When we go to a movie, my wife takes a koozie for Trump.
And by the way, she used to be a liberal.
She has a koozie for Trump right there.
Well, my solution is this.
Bring protection.
Carry protection on your person because you could be attacked for any reason.
Doesn't even mean if you're a Trump supporter.
We're seeing that every day out on the streets.
And let's be clear.
Bring your own protection.
Let's be clear because I want to hear more from you, obviously, but I'm going to go to our guest.
Because you're the person that was on the front lines and just got attacked last weekend.
You know, pushed on, told to delete your footage of a public event by the so-called liberals, the so-called tolerant.
It's only going to a Trump rally or a globalist, you know, socialist rally that you might get pushed on or attacked.
You should go in a group.
Out in public, you're going to get more pats on the back in most areas.
That's right.
But understand, you've got to get past that comfort zone and say it's okay in America to say we're going to make America great again.
If Millie, at 5'5", can go out by herself and do this, then men and women can do it.
But regardless, just get the shirt as an act of defiance itself and get, again,
Look at France.
Look at how they're cowed.
We've got to stand up.
Look at what's happening.
We've got to speak out.
Go ahead.
That's right.
Don't let them silence you because that's their end goal.
They want to shut us down.
And just as soon as we've had these March for Trump protests that are coming up on Saturday, they are already planning counter March for Trump protests, anti-Trump protests there to try and
America is in a civil war.
You think things are bad now?
If we don't show ourselves and get out there and get aggressive, the media will spin it that we're losing.
Weak-minded people will buy it, and the globalists could win.
Now, stay there, Millie.
I want to go to Peter Boykin.
Look what he started.
Look how all the marches he's already had.
Look at how it's been picked up, supported by the campaign.
This is a guy, just an average guy, that took action.
I want to find out when he started supporting Trump.
He also has the hugely popular Gays4Trump.org, which again, Trump's been the advocate.
He's always been open and inclusive.
He wants to be inclusive.
They lie about that.
You saw it this weekend.
We have to challenge these lies and let these bullies know this isn't true.
So I want to come in.
Talk about getting bullied.
I don't know he's been bullied, but let me tell you.
I mean, the liberals and some of the super socialists, you know, bullying gay groups out there, they think if you're gay, you're owned by the Democratic Party.
So I want to see if he's been bullied or attacked or threatened over that.
Courage, I'm just guessing.
Organizing Trump rallies, you've got to have a lot of courage.
So gaysfortrump.com, gofundme.com, forward slash marchfortrump.
It's happening all over the country.
You're going to be out there, what day in Austin?
It's going to be March 4th at noon, nationwide.
So in Austin, it's going to be this Saturday at noon, nationwide.
I'm going to be right by the Capitol taking care of a major business deal with a bunch of stuff we're doing Saturday, and I'm right by the Capitol.
I'm going to show up.
That's exciting.
All right.
Let's go to our guest who's been holding long enough.
We'll get him back soon for a full hour if we can do it.
Peter Boykin, March4Trump.com.
Tell us about your awakening, your journey, and then all the success you've had and what's coming up this weekend.
But congratulations for standing up for freedom.
Thank you very much.
I've liked and loved Donald Trump for a very, very long time.
He's been a really good movement.
But my awakening came a long time ago when Hillary last ran.
Uh, for the primary and we got attacked for not wanting to vote for Hillary.
We were called racist and everything.
I said, if this is the Democratic Party, I'm out.
You're going to attack you and eat your own.
Forget it.
And we started our own Clintons for McCain back in the past as well and tried to work for there.
And I kind of sat out for a while, but when Donald Trump came down that elevator and I went home and talked to my husband, we both were like super excited.
I've always busted the screen at The Apprentice, and I was on a reality show locally here a long time ago, and I always said that, you know, if I got a shot to work for Donald, I could kick everybody's butt on that show.
Well, you've been doing it with all the success with your marches.
This is going all over the country.
In Washington, though, you have Joy Vila.
We should roll some footage of her.
You can't ever see that too much.
She's going to be your speaker.
Tell us what was coming up in D.C.
Well, in D.C.
we're having the March for Trump this Saturday at noon.
Joy Vela will be a keynote speaker.
I will be also speaking.
I'm going to be speaking against fake news and the whole fake media and everything.
And we're actually going to have a dinner that night as well with Joy.
So there's a limited amount of tickets for that available.
But we're anticipating a decent sized crowd.
I mean, for something that got put together in like about a half a month.
They'll try to compare us to other marches, which is just apples to oranges.
It's not how it's going to be.
Notice, this isn't George Soros spending hundreds of millions to have his women to march, admittedly.
And that database they've plugged in for decades would move on.
This is real people.
You see that with Trump.
The biggest amount of small donations ever.
Truly grassroots.
Hillary had 7 to 1 money.
Trump still won.
This is grassroots.
That's exactly what it is.
It's organic.
And that's what we're seeing.
We're seeing these organic movements of pro-Trump going out nationwide, rallying together, showing their support.
And then we're also seeing these orchestrated Soros-funded groups going and planning to try and counter-protest and shut them down.
That's what they actually say in this article right here.
They said, bring noisemakers to help drown out the hate speech and alternative facts of the alt-right.
See, they want to shut our speech down, not debate it.
Because they don't.
All these town halls, they have a script they're reading.
A bunch of Soros crap.
These people are a joke.
Getting back to, again, Peter Boykin of MarchForTrump.com.
These are happening all over the place.
I mean, again, tell us how many cities you think this is happening.
Or if it's one person, even in a small town, just get out and stand up for free speech.
Well, on the March for Trump website, it has a small amount of the places that we're going to be.
We're going to be in Mar-a-Lago.
We're going to be in Las Vegas.
We have celebrities there as well.
A member of the Pussycat Dolls.
We got Christy Swanson that's going to be there.
We have marches and speakers at all over the places.
Very prominent GOP locations.
We got Virginia Beach, which is being ran by Scott Pressler, another very good, great Gays for Trump.
I don't know.
And it's
It's distraction.
That's exactly what it is.
They're trying to distract us from the key things that Donald Trump's doing.
Like, for example, with Kellyanne Conway, how everyone made a big deal about her sitting on the couch.
Well, did anybody notice that the reason they were there was because President Trump had the historically black college foundation members there to sign an executive order to give $25 billion to historically black colleges.
Exactly, no one heard about the 25 billion dollars in the black colleges, something Obama never would do.
It was all, Conway was so excited that this was such a great thing that Trump was doing, the unify, she jumped up all high on freedom taking photos, and so she's a bubbly, happy lady that's charming, and then she's bad.
I mean, this is the craziest thing.
Well, what I'm saying is to me, like you said, it isn't about parties, it's about unifying America, which she's done, and we've seen since Orlando especially, that finally,
You know, people that have alternative lifestyles, whatever, I don't care, gays, whatever, they really get that Trump is a unifier and are drawn to him.
Why do you think that is?
Well, we just do not want to be thrown off buildings.
We don't want to be killed.
I call the LGBT liberals gay zombies all day long.
That's my hashtag, gay zombies.
I do it all day long.
I got pages about it.
I'm like, how do you support?
I've been called Jews for Hitler, but I've turned that around.
I'm like, how are we?
You're supporting the people that want to kill you.
You are.
You know, I'm tired of it.
Oh, look what they call us, Hitler, with no... But then meanwhile, the Islamists love Hitler, usually, and openly want to kill all the people Hitler did.
Yeah, exactly.
It's... They are just totally turned around.
Let me ask you this.
Why do you think they're going so crazy?
I want to ask you that same question.
Because it does seem like the polls show people don't like it, but they're just doubling down.
They want to get rid of Sessions.
I mean, they are just so upset right now.
Look, I've met Jeff Sessions personally.
He's a very good person.
He's a very great person.
But they just love and feed off of misinformation, clickbait, fake news.
They don't have any kind of logic.
When they really say ultra-liberalism is a mental disorder, you have closed off your mind.
But we worked on trying that cure, because we had pride booths, gay pride, pro-gay Trump booths, that we're going to have a problem here.
Let me ask you about this.
If the left attacks me physically for trying to go to the inauguration, they attack Millie, and I'm not a small guy, what do they do, if they're already bullying people like me, what do they do to you?
I mean, have you been through some threats?
Yeah, at our booths, lots of people would come up and argue and yell and get in our face.
And we've had Black Lives Matter people try to shut us down.
We just stand up.
We show strong and, you know, we don't back down from that kind of stuff.
We try not to get violent.
But, you know, I tell people, look,
I know what was the phrase before was like, when they get low, we get high.
I'm like, no.
When they get low, I get even.
And if they get low enough, they're gonna kiss my butt.
Well, here's where I stand.
We can debate lifestyles, we can debate what's good, what's bad, from our own perspectives, religion, that's all fine.
We're all Americans, we all agree we want prosperity and freedom to live as we see fit, that's what a free society is.
Radical Islam being brought in is totally incompatible, why the left's allied with that, that's their jump the shark moment, showing they're really a cult of authoritarianism.
But Trump is a unifier, and I want to unify people, and the fact that the Democrats think they own gays,
They think they own the LGPD, you know, thing.
They think they own black people.
They don't.
And I know the internal polls showed a lot of even higher numbers of Hispanics and blacks vote for Trump.
Same thing, that's why they tried to steal a bunch of states to skew those demographics, because they're really scared of people thinking, hey, socialism doesn't work or communism doesn't work.
We should try what Donald Trump's talking about.
And look at the stock market!
How could they, Millie?
Well, you know, I think that more on what you're talking about is why they're crazy.
Well, this is what I think it is.
I think they're just extremely confused and they wouldn't know truth if it smacked them between the eyes.
I think that they just don't understand there's so much programming in the music and the entertainment and television and everything else that they just really don't understand what's going on.
They're actually, I think that they really truly are terrified.
That this is racist and that Trump's Hitler.
No, I agree.
If you've ever dealt with a mental illness in the family, and unfortunately most of us have, you care about this person.
You can't get them snapped out of it.
They really believe what they're doing.
Or like an alcoholic drinking three bottles of, you know, whatever.
And you just feel like they won't stop until they kill themselves.
And it's like, it's a weird feeling because I want to just hate them and make fun of them.
And I do that some and I feel guilty.
Who I really don't like is the controllers.
They know what they're doing.
But the mans on the ground are just, like you said, mentally ill.
Let's come back to our guest.
Final segment with this straight ahead, then big news on a bunch of key topics that are breaking.
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The biggest Jewish newspaper in the United States has come out against me today and says conspiracy theorist Alex Jones reveres Trump like Hitler.
Crash the Statue of Liberty.
So they have Der Spiegel here, who I'm pretty sure made up stuff that I never said, because I found a bunch of stuff in there that just... They said I have slot machines in the office.
Are there any slot machines here?
I mean, it's like really weird, okay?
I mean, I can't have MSM here ever again, because now they've gotten so desperate, they just make stuff up.
But then he said, I revere Trump like Hitler, so now that's a fact, because Der Spiegel said it.
Not that I said I like Hitler, I hate Hitler, but now it doesn't matter.
I like Hitler.
This is the next level fake news, man.
And Haritz has a big article where I'm like a Nazi and Trump's a Nazi.
Yeah, because he's got his family's married in with Orthodox Jews and he's backing Israel.
So you're a Nazi!
You know, and it's like the leftist Jews, they just can't quit lying just like leftist anybody else.
And they'll go, that's anti-Semitic.
No, leftist Jews writing this are damn liars.
And they're the ones that want all the Muslims and people that want to kill you and blow up Israel.
Well, Trump's anti-Semitic because he doesn't want to blow up Israel.
You people are a joke, man.
You're in a cult.
I don't care if you're Jewish or German or Chinese.
You're into these lies.
You're the fake news.
I mean, so now they're really resorting to crazy stuff.
Jones reveres Hitler.
Next level.
You were mentioning something key here.
Trump gives $20-plus billion to historically black colleges because of, you know, open stuff now.
You've got to let whites go.
There aren't a lot of whites going.
There's a lot of refined colleges.
Many of them are.
Some are like community colleges, but a lot are really excellent.
But they're like 80-90% black, African-American.
So 20 plus billion versus what Obama did, and they're calling this racism.
We're going to go back to our guest here in just a minute to get his final take on that in these marches.
But Millie, this is next level.
It is next level.
And you know, Obama only gave $4 billion, whereas Trump gave $25 billion.
I think that's a pretty big statement.
I don't even know.
It's almost like affirmative action, but it's good because it's jobs, because I want to end all this race crap.
Trump's pressuring automakers to move into black areas and hire blacks, which I'm not even sure under...
It's almost discriminatory, but I just want to end all this, so go ahead and do it.
But I mean, he's the opposite of what they're saying is what I'm saying.
Yeah, it's completely opposite.
Here's 25 billion, Obama got four, and it's like, screw you, you racist asshole!
Excuse me, I apologize for saying that.
But I mean, that's, it's such a lie!
It's, bleep that.
It's such a lie, folks.
It's all lies.
Let's go back to our guest, final comments from Peter Boykin.
Join us via Skype, MarchForTrump.com, DaysForTrump.com.
I mean, what do you make of this?
Did you know you're on with a guy that they say loves Hitler?
Uh, look, I make fun of him.
I made a little meme like, keep calm, everyone's a Nazi.
You know?
Pretty much.
So, I just joke.
You know?
They always bring up the, Pence is gonna electrocute you.
So, you know, I'll send him back the picture of Pence zapping people.
I'm like, it's stupid.
It's silly.
I make fun of it.
It's nuts.
You know?
But, um... It's crazy is what it is.
We're just going to keep raising funds at our GoFundMe.
We're just going to keep doing our events.
Our events are very, very open to everybody.
We've had liberal reporters say that we're the very most un-Nazi event they've ever seen.
Oh, that's what freaks them out.
We had a Cleveland rally.
I'd say more than the crowd was Hispanic or black.
Unfortunately, I didn't really see any Asians there.
It's like one Asian reporter.
The cliché is true.
They're too busy working and being the top class in the country.
It's not white people, it's Asians.
But I mean, there it is.
And they were like freaking out.
The liberals were like, oh my God, what's going on here?
Well, that's because InfoWars is super inclusive.
And we've seen that there's a lot of Latinos for Trump, Asians for Trump, African-Americans for Trump.
I mean, there's LGBTQ for Trump.
And their early victory on the news was saying, don't go to a tea party if you're racist so minorities can go.
Trump broke that, didn't he, Peter?
Oh yeah, he definitely did.
Everybody's for Trump.
And his numbers are going up, even in skewed polls.
This is very exciting.
Well, I appreciate your courage and your activism and all the work you've done.
I'm working this Saturday, but I'll be popping into the rally down there at noon.
I'll see you there, Melanie.
I'll bring my security team, because yeah, these loving liberals are out to get me.
They've said it.
We'll talk soon, Peter.
Thank you so much, and I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Alright, another great American who wants to make America great.
We'll be back.
Five more minutes with you, Millie, and then we've got big news.
Big news on the Pedophile Roundup 7.
There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America.
Let me just read a little thing here.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collected.
Well, you know what this expo's gonna be, don't you?
It's gonna be coming after you good.
Oh, yeah.
I tell you, it ain't gonna sit well down my way.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
They lost.
We won.
Wanna see what Trump's up against?
It's time to ride, boys.
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Starring Alex Jones, Charlie Daniels, Special Ops General Jerry Boykin.
You wanna shed some tears over the red, white, and blue?
Let's fix it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I can feel liberty surging, and the demons can feel it as well, as they are on fire with hate.
There is no lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, waging a frontal assault on the globalists.
No, it's straight in, hard, running over them, ramming speed.
Forget the maneuvers, as one famous British naval commander said, go straight at them.
That's the really way to defeat the enemy.
Especially when you've got overwhelming force.
We've got history on our side.
Damn the maneuvers.
Go straight at them, Millie.
That's exactly it.
And we cannot let them shut us down because that's exactly what they want to do.
They want to shut us up and shut us down.
They're going out there.
They're planning to come out here during these March for Trump rallies to basically silence us.
To show that they have more numbers.
That there's more people in America that don't like Trump, that are against Trump, than that are for Trump.
So they just want to shut down our First Amendment.
And why do Trump supporters and conservatives not go out to their anti-Trump rallies and try to shut them down?
Well, it's real simple, folks.
It's because we believe in the First Amendment.
And most of these people, if you actually ask them, because I've interviewed tons of these people, they don't believe in the First Amendment.
They say it's hate speech.
Let's just admit it.
Things go in cycles.
The right wing has done bad stuff in this country.
But if you study things, it was the Republicans that ended slavery, it was the Republicans that passed the Civil Rights Act.
The Republicans were the opposition party.
They didn't even come, they didn't have a president until like, you know, 1860.
And not that Democrats are evil, it's just they were good and evil.
They were the power structure.
They were the party.
You know, Thomas Jefferson was a great guy, but he was a Democrat.
But they were, though, the establishment.
And they've just always been bigger and slicker.
And they have projected on the Republicans
Who they really are, and now they've just got the dregs, and it's white people, it's minorities, but they're programming them with classic race-based crap.
And you get a minority that feels oppressed, maybe had some racism to them, or maybe they're chip on the shoulder or whatever.
You know, they just took classism as racism.
Let me tell you, you start living in upper-middle-class areas, they don't like it because you're young.
They don't care you're white.
You gotta go kiss their butt, these weirdo white people.
But you can go to some rich area in another area where it's like, I've been in rich areas of Mexico about rich Mexicans.
They're mean to everybody.
It's rich people acting like idiots.
You got classy rich people like Trump that are the opposite, that appreciate everybody.
And so they're playing a class warfare game.
We've got to reach out and end this.
And you know, it just reminds you, what you're saying reminded me of when Bernie Sanders got on after Trump's congressional address saying how, oh, it's not what he said because they couldn't criticize anything he said.
It's what he didn't say.
So they're just going to make up any reason to be against Trump or try to throw him under the bus for anything, but they don't want to talk about it.
All the Democratic women that refused to stand to respect a fallen soldier's family and the fact that he gave his life.
Here's what it comes down to.
We should play that again today.
It was so powerful when she did that.
We're all humans and everybody has super brains in their group.
The point is, is that globalist corporatists are playing us off against each other.
They write books, and again, White Paper's admitting it.
It's not my opinion.
It's a fact.
And so, they're disempowering everybody, and it's stupid, and Trump's really trying to unify, but he's saying we gotta have borders and a country first.
Globalism's against that.
We've gotta say we have rules first.
We have value, our taxpayers, no matter what color they are, they have some rights above other people that haven't proven their worth yet.
So, America's a club, and Trump's saying, the globals want to get rid of that.
Where it's a super elite, like Carlin talked about, let's come back with that, there's an elite club and you ain't in it.
Trump's trying to get everybody in the club.
Just like he bought up all these, I can't believe that 30, 40 years ago, there were still golf clubs, where if you weren't white, or if you were Jewish, or whatever, you couldn't be a member.
Okay, well you know what Trump's famous for?
He didn't do it just because he was a goody two-shoe.
He knows there's a hell of a lot of rich people that aren't white that come into his club!
If you go to his clubs, there's everybody there!
I mean, you know, Trump's the guy that broke up the most elite clubs in the country and they hated him where he has that thing in Florida that was a big racist area.
He went and bought it up and took it up and opened it up.
They tried to block him.
They had the inspectors go.
He fought them 10 years to open that.
That's exactly right.
That's right.
And we didn't hear them even mentioning that very much.
He doesn't even brag about it because he's already beaten these people over and over again.
He's amazing.
It's just true.
Oh, because I admire Trump.
I'm Hitler.
I love Hitler now.
Clinton says golfing at All-White Club was a mistake.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Millie Weaver, great job.
We'll see you out there on Sunday.
Alright, thank you.
We'll see you.
Awesome points.
We'll be back with Doug Hagman.
Will the Trump resistance ever get over Russia?
We've had Daryl Issa go on Bill Maher's Realtime and call for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties and for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself.
You then had George Bush during a Today interview on NBC say we need answers on Russia and also urge for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties.
This is the same George Bush who once said, I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president.
So Bush admits he's bad for the country.
Now today, Chucky the Clown Schumer is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump, his administration, and Russia ties.
And of course, for Sessions to recuse himself.
You've had all the never-Trumpers in government and media screaming Russia for months.
You'd think they'd have found something damning by now.
Let's recall.
It was President Trump who said Crimea was taken by Russia and wants Putin to return Crimea to the Ukraine.
Sounds like a Russian agent to me.
No, this is clearly a coordinated effort and a long-run strategy to delegitimize Trump's presidency.
But the anti-Trumpers are just delegitimizing themselves.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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Don't look for it.
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Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners.
The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
You said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage, I've given to, just so you understand.
A lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
That's right.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Now for a long time,
The establishment, again, would act like they were for a president or against him, but they were happy.
They're all panicking because Trump's coming out showing how the whole thing works.
And if you want to understand Trump, he just gave $25 billion in a wealth transfer to black colleges to actually say, we're not going to just give you money to be fatherless and live in a project.
We're going to only give money out to actually send people to college.
And you know, people have been at a disadvantage.
They have been set up for failure and Trump's actually trying to end it.
That's why a lot of the even black muzzles and people don't know what to do now because they see Trump actually moving factories into Detroit.
That's trying to hire black people.
Now the unions are trying to run it off as fast as he tries to bring them jobs.
So everybody really ought to be thanking God for Donald Trump.
And again, I only say that because it's the truth.
The media says I'm fawning after Trump.
And the forward is saying I admire Trump like Hitler, implying he is Hitler and implying I admire Hitler, and that's in Haaretz and a bunch of new publications.
Their new thing is we're Hitler?
And I gotta tell you, and I don't say this bragging, they are attacking me more than anybody else except for Trump.
I have Google Alerts, so I see how many articles have my name in it.
Maybe 5% have the BBC Top Presenter.
The top host in England is named Alex Jones, too.
39-year-old Welsh woman.
I made the joke to her once.
I was in her studio.
It was a satellite.
She was on there.
They were taping it.
I was on the show when I was in England.
I said, hey, we can get married and we have to change her name.
It was a joke.
My wife didn't think it was funny, but, you know, that went on.
But I get sometimes thousands a day attacking me.
So many, I can't even look at all the headlines.
I just feel like, oh, there's 10 or 15 with me, oh, there's her with her baby or her husband, and it just goes on and on and on.
Being called Hitler or deeply racist or anti-Semitic, and you've done nothing.
They just hope everybody gets scared of being called that so they won't support you.
They know they've lost.
The globalists know they've lost, so whatever the nasty name is, they're going to do it.
Meanwhile, they're a bunch of cold-blooded globalists at the top.
By the way, we've talked about this for a long time, that they were going to replace our military with drones, then our ground troops with drones, then the globalists could finally get rid of, the technocrats could get rid of their number one enemy, fighting men.
Everything they try to do is to
Make humans obsolete so humans controlling the AI can then dictate the terms of our surrender in their own words.
The globalists have said this.
That's their plan.
That's why we should start the movement.
I thought it was an image of a guy transcended a human with his arms up, rising, and the machine below, just a machine below humans.
At first I thought of like an image of a human smashing a computer or a robot, but I'm not against machines and tools, but not tools programmed and like a fine watch to carry out the distorted paradigm that the globalists have created.
Because robots will follow their orders.
They have the leftist utopians since the time of the Soviet Union pushing computers to decide where you work, what you do.
Bill Gates wants testing when you're a kid to decide what you're going to be.
All sounds great until you realize devils are programming the machine.
Oh, but it's independent.
It's, you know, it's completely out in the open and transparent and of course it's all proprietary and it's programmed by us and we'll decide what we're going to do.
And you laugh at how primitive the robots are now.
Boston Dynamics, owned by Google.
They're way, way, way, way, way, way more advanced than what they're showing.
And let's understand, why did Google just dump its robotics program?
Because they know the Japanese that are way ahead of it have just been given entrance to the U.S.
market by Trump.
You say, well, I thought robots are bad.
No, they're not!
They need to be designed to be pro-human and empower us and our markets and our future and serve us, not dominate us or displace us as the authoritarians from France, the Communist China are deploying them.
I want to start a foundation and a global movement that's pro-human.
I don't care if somebody else starts it.
I don't territorialize information.
I want to build a world that's pro-human.
I believe in humanity.
It's the human mind that developed all this stuff.
Robots could soon be covered in real human flesh.
Oxford's Boffins claim, yes.
Look at this!
This is out of the week!
Is Trumpism the new punk rock?
They say they've coined that.
I don't territorialize it, I love it.
That's Paul Watson saying for two years, the new avant-garde, the new counterculture is the libertarian, conservative, patriot movement.
I don't get mad when I see a week later, or a day later, or a year later, exactly what I said, or exactly what Paul said, or exactly what Leanne McAdoo said, or David Knight said, or Matt Drudge said.
I don't get mad when I see something that the liberty movement has progenerated or brought forth
I feel good when what we've done, or what we've seen, is picked up and countervails the system.
It's victory.
My greatest victory, my greatest pleasure, is that I listen to Rush Limbaugh, and he sounds more like me, or Sean Hannity, or, you know, the President, sure.
But the President's already dolled into the same thing.
So, they're scared of us, folks.
They're scared of you.
They're scared of somebody who believes in humanity and has a vision.
Psychopaths and sociopaths look at what I believe and think I'm weak-minded because they believe you're falling in weeks.
I should feed on you.
Well, if you're smart, you're supposed to feed on people.
Like Rothkopf, who's out saying they should overthrow Trump, head of the Kissinger Group, came on 10 years ago.
John Harmon heard the whole conversation and kept saying, listen, just join us.
Just come to New York.
You're a smart guy.
You're part of the elite.
The fact that you see it all means you should be with us.
Come on.
I can't believe, when I kept criticizing him on air, that you're not joining us.
Like, do you understand this is really hard to even join us?
I'm like, bro, you ain't the first one told me I should join somebody.
By that time, they'd already had $10 million checks filled out with the contracts.
I don't mean, you know, come to New York or L.A.
and we'll talk about a contract.
I mean $10 million.
And these guys would say, I'm the president or the vice president of this company.
I don't get $10 million in three years.
And I said, listen, buddy, this ain't about money and some big house and a lady with, you know, all this fake garbage on her so I can be around a bunch of other mummies and look powerful.
This ain't about private jets!
It's about my great-great-great-great grandkids living to be a thousand years old and walking on foreign worlds and unlocking the secrets of the universe.
That's what it's about, dumbass!
And all I want reflected back, the love I send to them, I want it right back.
We're gonna win.
More and more of those channels into the future of what we're building is opening.
That's why the enemy's so scared.
We are so close to breakaway level, where humanity survives, we pass God's test, we go next level.
We are, and then God destroys this whole creation, which is a test, and launches us to the next level.
We are millimeters away from success.
Doesn't mean there'll be great tribulations, but already we're passing the test.
We're almost there.
God's smiling.
Looks like this group's going to make it in this operation.
We have more time.
I'm going to skip the breaks.
I'm going to go to Doug Hagman.
He has the Northeast Intelligence Network, of course, HagmanReport.com.
Millions and millions of listeners and viewers every week to just get updates on the state of the world.
And he's a serious guy.
He's one of our sources with the NYPD.
We have another one, separate intelligence files that we checked with.
It was the same documents he had.
Absolutely showing.
That they were getting ready to look at indicting Weiner for child porn.
Months later, you saw that in the news.
It's now 2,500 child molestation arrests, including hundreds that were keeping children in dungeons all over the country.
It almost gets no news.
Penn State, Sandusky's son, California, 700 plus arrests, 30 plus kids in dungeons.
You'd think that'd be big news, wouldn't you?
One kid's missing, it's the biggest story for a week, but not dungeons!
Because who runs the dungeons?
They're only catching the procurers, the Renfields.
The alleged Renfields.
So we're going to get into all that, but I want to first cover this with Mr. Hagman.
I know the law, and I know he advises state police, FBI, you name it, with all of his certificates and the work he's done.
And he has the ear of these people, so do we, but he focuses on that.
We don't have the time to do it.
And I just know this, I don't want a civil war.
I don't have some dream of people that haven't been in fights to want to get in a fight.
We're winning the Info War.
I remember debating former CIA section chiefs and people on air who wanted physical overthrow of the streets just a few years ago, and I said, no.
They've agreed with me.
Oh, you were right.
We were doing it in the Info War.
This is the way to go.
I'm not bragging, but that's the kind of stuff that I'm involved in.
From a position of goodwill, you know, really trying to be good, because that's what my spirit wants.
People ask, why do I do all this?
Because it feels good.
My spirit's lined up with it.
I know it's right.
When I even think about something bad, I'm like, hmm, God's right there.
I'm God-fearing.
Oh, yeah, I'll do it.
It's not even fear of God.
Oh, man.
It's that feeling the presence of it.
Wanting to be aligned with that.
Even looking into the enemy's operations gets you scared, because you're not even wanting to do this, but even grasping their mind and getting in their mind, you're, oh, God, this is evil.
You get chills up your back.
Feeling an eternity with these people that's possible, looking down that hole into hell is so scary.
Fear of God is fear of separation from God.
That's a quote, Alex Jones.
Fear of God is fear of separation from all that is good.
That's a quote, let's sweep that.
So going to my guest,
Trump has to move.
Trump has to get aggressive.
They set this up to say he's a dictator when he says fake news is lying.
They're the enemy of the people.
They say all media's the enemy.
He's a fascist.
They're the ones with Obama in this newest article in InfoWars with holders on admissions that Obama is coming like he's a messianic god and he can't be stopped and he's going to destroy Trump.
He's going to overthrow him.
That's not free speech.
That's former executive branch saying they're going to have a coup.
They're reckless.
They're mentally ill.
They're arrogant.
We're going to be covering that.
What does Trump do as they try to say his Honorable Attorney General, former Army officer, lawyer, patriot, Senator on the Armed Services Committee who's supposed to talk to Russians.
They said in the campaign I've not talked to Russians.
Of course he met publicly at the Capitol with Russians.
That's what you do.
Now they're saying he's a Russian agent.
Chuckie Schumer is.
There's a point.
Where you know they're going to stage false flags, all scripted to make us look bad.
Why do we wait for this?
Why do we do this?
I mean, I know Trump's smart.
But what do we do to counter open criminal activity, lies, sedition, an attempt to overthrow the electoral process, and someone trying to cut taxes, secure the borders, rebuild the military, empower the family, give 25 billion bucks to black colleges, unify the people.
It's so good.
Stock market almost 3 trillion up.
Small businesses, best numbers since 1984.
Well, if these are Russian agents, my God, then I guess I want to... They're not Russians.
It's BS!
Trump knows the real threat.
Islam and the Communist Chinese.
So I want to ask Doug Hagman, what does Trump do?
I don't want to wait until they get some breakaway brigade to try to take the White House and kill Trump and claim, you know, he was a terrorist.
I mean, I don't think, I know they're moving to kill Trump right now, and then that means they're coming after all the rest of us.
It isn't about my self-preservation.
And I know Trump's watching them, maybe he's waiting until they make their move, but the world's in the greatest danger it's ever been.
Everybody better get on their knees to Almighty God.
And his intercessor, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and ask for discernment and awakening and things to happen because, let me tell you, we're now in the fight.
Stuff's so bad, it's also so good, and this paradox that I don't even have any anxiety anymore, or fear at all.
It's more we're in it.
We're in the zeitgeist.
We're in the flamethrower of decision right now.
All right, I appreciate you holding for 15 minutes while I rant, my friend.
We haven't pre-talked.
What does Trump do?
What's the ear of East Coast law enforcement?
Your sources?
I mean, I've got my sources in the military.
They're almost 100% behind Trump.
The police, almost 100%.
These people like Brennan that are known Wahhabis, trying to run all this with Obama and Holder, saying he's coming like he's Christ, the overthrow of Trump is here.
This sounds like megalomania to me.
But still, this is such a dangerous situation.
As much as I'd like to see them decisively beat,
Uh, it's very dangerous to have these type of megalomaniac snot noses doing this.
Uh, I mean, I don't think they realize they got their head in a guillotine right now.
To some extent, I think you're right, but I also think that they do understand the stakes right here, Alex.
And it's interesting, you know, what does Trump, Donald Trump, do at this point?
I think he's done much, but there's much more to do.
He's got some insiders.
My information is he's got some insiders close to him who are attempting, well, who are feeding, of course, the enemies, the true enemies of Donald Trump, the former Obama
Plants that were left over from the White House.
Oh, it's completely full of them.
So, right now, Donald Trump, as I see it, and from my contacts, he's got a multifaceted front that he's fighting on multifaceted fronts.
I mean, this is beyond any movie where a lion surrounded by 100 wolves, but he has the people.
I want you to get to your sources and what you think and all of it.
You as a person, let's just do it.
Let's get it out there.
I mean, Hillary's committed crimes, it died her ass.
Soros, it's time to get on the offense and not sit here while they get on the offense.
No, with respect to Hillary Clinton and what we've talked about before about, for example, the Pedogate scandal, the Pedogate, the emails, the 650,000 emails, the Podesta emails, and all of this.
With respect to that, you start pulling on that string, and that string has been yanked a few times.
So how did Trump give the green light?
Because I was told this would happen, you were told it came out, to get all local law enforcement to start rolling up the pedophiles, just that they were told you'll have the President's backing.
Right, and I think to some extent they have, and they've been very measured in their response against their findings.
Their findings are much more vast than, of course, what's happened so far.
However, you're looking at this interwoven, incestuous relationship.
It's a mess.
Yeah, I mean, you've got bribery and corruption that is infused within both sides of the political spectrum.
You've got upwards of 30%, and I would say that's a conservative figure, of lawmakers who are involved in some level, or either being bribed or have been compromised.
So they're controllable.
Then you've got, so you start yanking some strings, or the string on that,
That's what I'm saying.
They're like in a psycho move to take Trump out no matter what, even though clearly he's got the momentum history on his side.
What are they thinking?
Well, and I think that the response, from the Trump perspective, from the Donald Trump perspective, our sessions and such, they're looking to move methodically and using the state, federal, local... But they don't have time, that's what I'm saying!
And they know that, and I think you're going to see, based on my sources here, and I think you're going to see some leaks coming out.
So we're about to see Trump strike back?
Yes, yes.
The short answer to that is yes.
But I think Donald Trump is playing chess along with Sessions and some people within his inner circle.
I agree.
Look, I've watched Schumer's body language.
He looks like he is scared to death.
Yeah, and he is.
Now, of course, he's fighting groups like United to Protect Democracy.
This group, on the other hand, when Obama left the White House, and I think really people need to understand, when Obama left the White House, he left the White House full of landmines, metaphorically speaking, of course.
They took out hard drives, they removed a lot of equipment from, a lot of software, information hardware and stuff from the White House, from the West Wing.
And they also took with them a lot of the secrets.
By the way, you said this months ago.
That's in the New York Times, Infowars.com.
They took a bunch of classified stuff.
That's illegal.
They also leaked a bunch of stuff that's illegal.
And Holder admits it to the New York Times.
They incriminated all the crimes that Trump said they were.
Again, indict that guy!
And that's something that the guys I talk to, the street-level guys I talk to, are so frustrated because there have been no high-level indictments coming from Sessions or from, now that Sessions has been in place, and the response that they've been getting from their higher-ups is, just wait, wait a minute, you know, it's only been... Yeah, well, I think the street guys got it.
They're moving against us right now.
You know I'm not precipitous.
I never call for major moves.
This is the time to move.
Everybody knows it's time to move.
Yeah, yeah.
Because you've got groups like United to Protect Democracy, a group of five lawyers, who are part of the Obama staff, who know where the bodies are buried, who are forming using... And you've got Obama and Holder admitting they stole classified data, like Sandy Berger.
He ain't the president no more.
Obama can't give himself a pardon.
In fact, that's the key.
I read that this morning, where they admit they stole all these secret files and gave it to the media.
That's all the felonies right there.
Indict him for that.
They admit it.
Yeah, and again, my guys, my sources are saying, what the hell?
Why aren't we moving faster?
They have the files, they have the information.
Why are we moving faster?
And of course, they're being tempered at a couple levels down from Session in terms of... I'll say this, I don't normally defer, but I respect Trump so much.
He's so real that maybe he knows what he's doing.
He does this.
He lets them attack him and he stands up.
I think he's just going to let them really hurt him bad right to the moment where he gets them to actually launch a physical coup or something.
I trust the president, but yeah.
Yeah, I know.
I feel your frustration.
We'll be right back, Doug.
Stay there.
We're going to break it all down.
We're going to break it all down.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, folks, it doesn't get much weirder than this.
Joe Biden's son, Hunter, is now dating his sister-in-law and brother's widow, Haley.
Joe Biden has two sons, Hunter and Beau.
Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, and he left behind a wife, Haley, and two children.
Hunter Biden is married to Kathleen Biden and has three children.
Hunter has been accused of using the online dating service for married people, Ashley Madison.
Though Hunter denies these charges, he and his wife are currently separated.
So now,
Hunter Biden is dating the widow of his brother and aunt of his children, Haley Biden, while still being married to Kathleen Biden and being a father to her three kids and an uncle to Haley's two children.
Joe Biden has made public his support of the odd couple, saying he and his wife Jill are happy for them.
But how far can this relationship go?
What if they had kids?
Then your sons and daughters would be brother and sister with their cousins.
Well, if it does get that far, just keep the kids away from Creepy Uncle Grandpa Joe.
This is Owen Schroyer for InfoWars.com
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've only seen President Trump in golfing outfits and the classic dark blue or black suit with a red or blue tie or rep tie.
Well, he's on an aircraft carrier right now.
Let's put him on screen for TV viewers in the classic commander-in-chief outfit when they are out on the ship.
Let's go to it.
He's wearing that green jacket.
He's got the navy blue hat there.
You can put it full screen for TV viewers, it's fine.
So there you go, a new look for Trump.
He's very smart.
He's showing he's the commander-in-chief.
He's showing he's getting things done.
He is certainly throwing it in their face.
And they are panicking.
The USS Gerald R. Ford is the most technologically advanced warship.
It is scheduled to be commissioned later this summer.
So he's on a new warship, talking about how he's going to expand our military.
And the truth is,
They've been looting our military for a long time, the biggest in the world, but they've not been expanding its new capabilities.
In fact, nuclear expert agrees with Trump that we're falling behind with China on our nuclear weapons.
White House explores options including use of military force to counter North Korea.
Anti-Islam activist warns Europe faces existential crisis.
That's all up on Infowars.com right now.
We're going back to Doug Hagman here in just a moment in the fourth hour.
Anthony Cumia from New York is going to be hosting the show.
Always doing a great job.
Got a lot of other news I want to hit, but before we go any further, you will change the world.
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That's what they make you go through.
They said, you're right-wing, you're patriot, you're hateful, you hurt people's feelings, you can't advertise.
They want to shut us down.
They admit that all over the news.
Well, you came through and bought a bunch of products, so we haven't gained it back yet, but we're halfway there.
So that just shows me you're coming through.
We're expanding.
I signed the lease for the new D.C.
We're hiring more people.
We're just going to expand everything we got.
In fact, I've said I'll sell my house down the road if I need to.
I'm going to spend everything I've got to the wall in this fight.
No matter what they do, I'm never giving up, I'm never giving in, because my spirit won't let me.
Alright, Doug Hagman, I've been jumping in a lot, but talk about your state police, your FBI sources, where this is going, the frustration.
I know Trump wants to stabilize the economy, expose globalism, kill TPP, he's done all that.
But they're scared.
They know Sessions is coming after him, so they're trying to destroy him with this made-up Russia crap.
So what do you think we should do?
What are your sources saying?
And what else is on the radar?
And the latest on the name we will not speak, you know, that deals with the pedophile rings?
Well, a couple of things that I've been told, and this is interesting as well, they recognize Donald Trump as being very good at the counterpunch.
And, of course, the art of the deal.
He's approaching this, I believe, and my sources believe, as more of a businessman.
Well, he knows metaphysically when you're attacked, you're actually stronger.
A lot of folks say strike first, but if you can let him strike but let him miss or just cut you a little bit, then you get the almighty power of crushing.
And again, this from my sources, they were a little bit surprised.
I believe that was a reference to the Obama team was a little bit, or I'm sorry, the Trump team was a little bit surprised at how deeply ingrained these communist revolutionary Che Guevara types were ingrained within all departments of government.
And so they're fighting these fascists, these Bill Ayers, these Carl Dicks type people within the government.
And you'll notice that many of the slots haven't been filled yet.
That's intentional.
They're going to leave some slots filled.
But getting back to, when you pull back a little bit and take a look at this from a larger scale, it's my belief based on my sources, my information, my analysis, my investigation.
That what we're looking at here is, as I open with, is a multi-faceted war.
There's a huge war chest, a George Soros war chest of money.
Some Clinton Foundation money.
They doubled the funding when they lost November 8th.
Which means we thought we had a war before.
It's on.
Oh, it's hot.
And you have been a victim of this, as we have, and many others have, against this war against the so-called alt-right, or the real media.
The war against loyal patriots!
That's right, and perhaps this is the biggest threat to them right now.
Although we have in the corner there looming large is the threat of prosecution, criminal prosecution, the the exposure or the fear of exposure is much greater as we've seen over the last couple of weeks with the social networking
Sure, and I get it.
I mean, I get that if Trump attacks him, it looks like he's a bully, but they're criminals, and they're trying to overthrow, and like I said, Obama is organizing.
What do you make of Holder saying, he is coming, he's getting ready to roll, Trump will fall?
I mean, you're the former Attorney General saying Trump's gonna fall, when you've been involved in all this criminal crap?
I mean, that's an arrogant person, man!
I mean, I'm telling you, Trump's not somebody to mess with, neither am I!
And I'm not shooting my mouth off!
I'm sick of this, man!
And as are we.
And I'll tell you something.
One thing that I want to caution people is do not underestimate these people.
These people being Holder, Jared, Obama.
They may be... Yeah, why would he say in the New York Times, Obama is coming?
Yeah, well because obviously he's got the money, he's got the assets that have been ingrained within the structure of the government.
You have, in rapid fashion, the United to Protect Democracy group, 1.5 million dollar war chest, five staffers, it's just...
Made within 30 days.
You've got Brock, of course, with the American Bridge.
You've got Indivisible.
That's an offshoot of the Obama for Action.
You know, Obama was planning this, and I think people need to know, Obama was planning exactly this.
Maybe not with precision with Trump, but exactly this takeover or this continuous of power since 2004.
His speech in
The Audacity of Hope speech at the Democratic National Convention.
It was then when he organized the community groups, it was then that he began organizing all of the Che Guevara types around him.
The election in 08, he installed these people, had 8 years to perfect this community organizing on a federal level, and then of course, people expect this to be untangled in 4 months, or 8 months, or 8 days, it's not going to happen.
But, and you're right, we're looking here, everyone is looking, the guys on the street are looking for some sort of sign of life from those people who have the goods, who have the emails, who have the equipment.
Exactly, because Trump's delivering on policies and doing a great job and taking all these attacks, and I get he wants to stabilize the ship, get prosperity going, to win hearts and minds.
He doesn't have time.
They get that, they want to stop.
Let me show people the headlines.
Daily Caller, confirmed.
Obama administration sabotaged Trump's transition in the White House.
They admit it, the whole plan, and in there they took secret documents and gave them out and took them out of the White House so Trump wouldn't get them so he could actually say what was in them.
That's a felony right there.
Obama handler Valerie Jarrett moves in with him to his new DC bunker so he can have all these sycophants still running around and playing all this.
I mean, you know.
Obama's goal to oust Trump from his presidency via impeachment or resignation.
Here's another one, Zero Hedge.
This is in the New York Times, Politico.
Holder foretells the return of Obama.
He's coming and he's ready to roll.
The rules don't apply, we're bringing down Trump.
I mean, this is like, they're like declaring war on a giant nationalist juggernaut rising worldwide.
They've got an arrest warrant for Le Pen for criticizing Islam today.
So she's in the lead.
They just are going to arrest everybody.
Even though they're not in power, they're going to try to arrest us.
Don't they get at some point, they take our kindness for weakness?
Well, and that's a great point.
Don't mistake our silence for weakness.
There's a strategy there.
Now, that only lasts so long, admittedly.
However, again, what I've been hearing is, just hold on, because there are a few very important leaks in the actions coming here in the next 14 days.
And it's contingent, too, I believe, from what I've been hearing.
Oh, he kept looking at him in the speech saying, just let me turn America back on.
Get off the people's back.
Come on, I'm good.
You almost feel sorry for him before he drops the hammer.
Well, yeah, exactly.
So we're seeing all of this, this Cloward, Piven, Alinsky, all of these... Classic dirty communist tactics.
Everything, right.
And they've got a seven-step process that they are engaged in.
Heck, Indivisible has, I think it's a 26-page report, it's right here, or... Yeah, that's the Soros group, how to overthrow Trump.
Right, and so they're facing so much right now in terms of opposition.
It's kind of like, you know, everyone's going to be putting these fires out.
However, I do say that the Trump card, no pun intended here, the Trump card with respect to fighting this juggernaut against Donald Trump and his presidency.
Uh, is the emails, or are the emails, there's a hearing next week by Judicial Watch about an additional release of state secret emails on the Wiener computers.
So there are things happening in the background.
That was a nice question.
You and others said that it was child porn, then it came out in mainstream news that the police have that.
They want to bring it out.
Will there be charges?
So what's the battle going on behind the scenes there?
They're working from the bottom up and they are turning some people.
Apparently there are some people that are turning or willing to turn at this point.
Some states evidence we're acting on behalf of the government.
So they've been rolling up the pedo tentacles everywhere to get people to blow the whistle on the higher-ups.
Yeah, probably seven of the eight, we'll say, headlines you saw or people have seen with respect to the child pornography arrests have some relation to the larger Pettigate scandal or the DC-centric Pizzagate scandal.
Sure, but notice there are huge articles of hundreds of arrests, dozens of stories, but it only comes out once and then no more.
There's a shutdown of this.
Well, you know, it's the old saying with the mainstream media is, we deceive, you believe.
And that's what's taking place right now.
And given the fact that over 60% of American adults get their news from social networking, it's a little bit rough, especially when they control the narrative or attempt to control the narrative on the
Social networking.
So I said all of that to say this.
That's why it's so important for people to tune in to you and us.
We always just kind of add this as a proviso.
It's first and center.
That's what we do at every start of the show.
Buy the product, spread our link, support our sponsors.
We're under total attack.
We're not complaining.
It's a war.
You want people to fight?
We're warriors of the info war.
We're ready to take our licks, whatever they are.
Just know, you're what powers us.
So we have the force.
Here's the analogy.
We're six feet tall if you don't support us.
We're a hundred feet tall if you support us a little.
We're a thousand feet tall if you support us a lot.
You commit, we're unlimited.
It's all you.
And when I say you're the N4, it's not so you have solidarity and I'm patting you on the head.
You are the blood, the guts, the brains, the shin, you the fist.
Got it?
You're it!
And I'm committed.
I want to go in.
I want to go in full throttle and defeat them.
I'm totally committed, okay?
Call it whatever you want, kamikaze, suicide mission, I don't care.
Because I know how bad they are, and I care about innocence.
It's just a male warrior thing, and I'm ready to go all out against them.
But, I'm telling you, I need the energy, the prayers, the will, the financial support, all of it, and we will not let you down, as Trump says.
We will deliver!
Look how far we've come, Doug, with your show, 20 times bigger than it was 10 years ago.
I mean, it's exponential.
That's why they're trying to have their big counter-offensive, like the Battle of the Bulge, because we are kicking their scumbag parasite butts up and down the block.
Oh yeah, yeah.
And again, you've moved the ball down the field so far, and I think the level of fright, nervousness, and you can see it, you mentioned it earlier.
These people, they're gutless cowards, they're spineless cowards, they're nervous.
They believe that they can win on the numbers because they look at us, the conservatives, and especially... He's a dying minority.
And especially the conservative Christians, they look at us and they say, you guys aren't going to even get off the couch.
You might type an email or send a fax, but make a phone call at most.
But you know what?
We turn out in mass.
We wear those funny pink hats.
We dress up as, you know, women's body parts.
We carry the signs.
We show up.
You guys don't.
And that's something I think we have to... Yeah, because we're too busy working.
There you go.
However, at some point, we are going to have to answer those numbers with our numbers.
We're telling Trump, take the gloves off.
We've got to take the gloves off.
I don't mean violently, but imagine what patriots of every race, color, and creed can do if you get aggressive at an M4.
I was a 21-year-old guy 21 years ago, 22 years ago, that has done all this through support.
I'm nobody, man!
There's people better than Doug and I and Trump waiting.
You just haven't taken action.
And yes, you're going to get attacked, but it's metaphysical.
When you stand up for humanity from a pure heart, God opens doors.
I used to get upset when a door got closed and I got blocked, but then I realized, I got mad last week and I realized, as soon as that door slammed, all these new doors opened and it got even better.
It's really metaphysical, Doug.
Yeah, and you've seen the evolution.
It's a wonderful thing, too.
And we have to, I think, you know, we take our marching orders from someone greater than any man.
The high command.
So we have, I mean, we know how the story ends.
If you're a Bible-believing Christian, we know how the story ends.
I mean, we're getting direct, I mean, it's the spirit, man.
No, that's it.
We're getting orders.
People ask, is this some government thing?
Or how do you know all this?
It's like, it's the high command.
I know where we're going.
I know we're going to win.
Yeah, exactly.
But that doesn't mean that we, you know, occupy until he comes.
It doesn't mean to sit around and, you know, play chess or whatever.
Or to play some board game.
We have to put our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies into this.
And we have to show up.
We have to play our positions.
And we have to become aggressive.
Now, when I say that... Stay there.
Let's talk about when we come back.
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And now that we've built this technological system we have, if we are able to keep control of it and not give it to corrupt, psychopathic elites, who believe we're obsolete now that we've built this, what are you talking about?
If we can realize that they have us in a trance watching football games and soap operas,
And if we can dial out of that and see what Oprah Winfrey's really pushing and really talking about, world government, world extermination, then we'll beat them!
But you just have to admit there's a real world and that you got sucked into a lie.
I was the same way.
To a certain extent.
I was kind of the opposite.
I was just brought up around people that knew all of it, but I just thought everybody knew this stuff.
And I just thought if we told people, people would do something about it.
Well, that's kind of happened.
Doug Hagman, we've got this segment in five more minutes, and then I know you've got to go.
We've got a great host coming in here, Anthony Cumia.
We should just have this debate now.
How much will Trump put up with?
Because, you know, I get his strategies, but he has a responsibility.
When they say they took illegal intelligence, illegally gathered, and then lied about it, and then leaked it, and they've committed crimes, and they're on the Communist Chinese payroll, and Russian payroll, and Trump isn't, and they're saying kill Trump, overthrow him, have Sessions resign, go after the Patriots, beat up Trump supporters.
At a certain point,
I get the whole Gandhi thing, but I'm not going to sit here while I get punched in the nose.
That doesn't mean I'm going to do something, because I'm here causing the debate.
But I get what you're saying with your law enforcement associates.
We're seeing some movement, and it's good.
Well, they have the files.
Okay, and that's one thing that I'm not sure people are clear on.
I do know that at least, well, at a certain level within these, within the task force, the files exist outside
It's my understanding now that they exist outside of the evidence pool.
There was a belief in WikiLeaks if they released thousands of emails saying we'll have the children for your pleasure delivered to the hot tub and suck you on hot dogs and you know all the rest of it that something would be done.
And there's even more worse stuff ready to come out of something isn't done.
Well, yes, yes.
And I think, right, when you look at it the proper way, of course, the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine would prevent anything above board being done.
But I do think, as I said earlier, that a lot of the smaller, lower level things that we've been seeing are a direct result, at least as periphery, from the intelligence gathered from
Sure, sure.
What happens if they try a hot coup or try to say they're going to indict Trump or impeach him?
Does Trump just roll over to these criminals and let them accuse him and march in there and put up with all their BS?
I don't think Trump is going to have to do that.
I think there's enough people on his side that'll do that for him.
In particular, very high level law enforcement officers, at least that's my understanding.
Well sure, he's our elected president.
What's the former CIA director and the former president working against the country, running around announcing criminal sedition?
I mean, how long is that allowed to go on?
Well, you know what Alex, that speaks to the lack of support, at least in my view and from what I've heard, by people closest to Trump, including Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan and others.
So is that a mistake that he's surrounding himself with scumbags?
Yeah, absolutely.
Because he's delivering and doing great things, but then has Priebus hopping around.
I get keep your enemies closer, but I just don't get it.
I think that there was, they brought him, Previs came on, but I think that there was a compromise.
I think that's probably at this point reached its logical end and I think Previs might be, you know, look, I don't know, but I've been hearing some rumblings about Previs's future there.
Sure, no, I know Trump's been chewing him out, but I don't know.
Then he just says the media makes up all this stuff.
They're not making it up.
They're getting info and then twisting it.
Back in 70 seconds, final comment from our guest Doug Hagman of Hagman & Hagman Report.
And then we'll hand the baton to Anthony Cunha.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
A long way to go.
And a short time to get there.
Give me liberty, or give me death.
It's Alex Jones.
And there's beer in Texarkana.
The best part of the song is, old Smokey's got his ears on.
Nobody's gonna buy that Sessions is a commie.
So I agree we're winning overall but these rats are just so crazy and so many of them are dumbed down and just in their own world that the criminal energy is what we're facing.
Hagman in closing, what would you do if you were Trump?
I mean other tidbits we haven't gotten to.
Well, I'll tell you what, I would make sure that I was well insulated and certainly keep draining the swamp, but do it much faster, or at least as fast as I could.
And certainly relegate Sessions to file indictments.
I would unseal Obama's records.
That was the first act that he did when he went into office.
Why not unseal them by way of executive order?
Let the world know who Obama is.
Ooh, that's a good idea!
Unseal Obama's records.
Unseal the Benghazi record, Hillary saying the stand down.
You know they got that?
Oh man.
Yeah, let's talk about Trump's arsenal.
What he can do to these people outside of sending in, you know, the special forces.
Well, and that's just it.
I mean, who is Obama?
Unseal those records.
He's undoing his legacy.
Of course, that's why Jared, Obama's brain, is living with him now.
Because Jared, of all people, does not want to see Obama's legacy be destroyed.
And now, having said that, while we were talking, one of the people on the NYPD FBI,
JTTF Sex Plus Task Force watching you said March, and I'll quote here, he just sent me a message watching you, he said tell Alex that March may come in like a lion and leave like a lamb in terms of weather, but in terms of politics and this issue meaning
The files it'll go out like a lamb as well or like a lion as well So they're expecting something according to my information in real time here That that'll change the dynamics of our conversation in the next 28 days I mean it couldn't be any clearer the Democrats and the globalists are out to get everybody in her scum I mean I not standing up when he's talking about stop, you know exposing people that murder folks.
I mean, they're just crazy.
Right, right.
And the other thing, too, I think we have to keep pushing to make our voices heard within the inner circle.
I mean, you've got great context.
We've got context.
We've got to make our voices heard.
We've all got to be vocal.
Don't just count on Trump.
The people are the power.
And change will come from above.
Organizing for Action, United to Protect Democracy, what they've done, they've realized that change comes from the bottom up.
We have to realize change comes from the bottom up as well, and enforce that, and show up in numbers like they've never seen before.
All we need to do is show up, play our positions, and play it well.
In closing, you know, they've put an arrest warrant out for Le Pen for tweeting five images of ISIS recruiters saying, kill Frenchmen and stuff.
I mean, how traitorous is that?
She's the presidential leading candidate.
There's no free speech in France.
And then the EU wants her indicted as well.
They're going to try to indict her because she's a nationalist.
I mean, these people are crazy.
You know, we could be in that very same position had the election turned out differently.
Oh, Hillary said that.
Yeah, and if we do nothing different, if we sit on our desks and do nothing different, that could be us in a number of years, despite the efforts of President Donald Trump, because change cannot be enacted at that level all of the time.
So we have to do things as well.
Yeah, it's a sin as far as I'm concerned, and it's a damn shame that that's taking place over in Europe.
But take a look at Europe, and folks, I'm going to tell you, look at Europe and look at our future if we don't change what's going on.
If you want to know how screwed up socialists in the Green Party and they are in Europe, I mean they're like saying it's good to rape women, Islam needs to take over, when it's the most anti-liberal religion ever.
It's a truly sick group of people.
Yeah, indeed.
And you know, the worst thing about this as well, and I know we're short on time, is the fact that you've got the Muslims, the Muslims joining with the feminists, joining with the communists, fascists, whatever, in these marches.
This is insane.
These people are insane.
They are insane.
They're just the scum of the earth.
It's true.
Thank you so much, Doug.
Will the Trump resistance ever get over Russia?
We've had Daryl Issa go on Bill Maher's Realtime and call for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties and for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself.
You then had George Bush during a Today interview on NBC say we need answers on Russia and also urged for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's Russia ties.
This is the same George Bush who once said, I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president.
So Bush admits he's bad for the country.
Now today, Chucky the Clown Schumer is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump, his administration, and Russia ties.
And of course, for Sessions to recuse himself.
You've had all the never-Trumpers in government and media screaming Russia for months.
You'd think they'd have found something damning by now.
Let's recall.
It was President Trump who said Crimea was taken by Russia and wants Putin to return Crimea to the Ukraine.
Sounds like a Russian agent to me.
No, this is clearly a coordinated effort and a long-run strategy to delegitimize Trump's presidency.
But the anti-Trumpers are just delegitimizing themselves.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Anthony Cumia.
Anthony Cumia indeed.
In for Alex Jones on InfoWars.com.
I was just listening to Alex before coming on here and man,
If there, there's never been a more important time in history for people to get off their asses and do something.
Speak up, question, comment.
I get called out a lot.
Hey Anthony, what the hell are you doing?
I see you on Twitter and somebody's, they have five followers but you're
You're answering them and you're in a debate with them or arguing and they don't see any upside to that.
Say it's a waste of time.
I see it as a means to an end.
I want
My voice heard.
I want the truth out there.
Facts that are backed up.
I talk to people in grocery stores.
It's only one or two people.
I can't help it.
We gotta fight.
I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna take over.
Go ahead.
Alex, you're absolutely right.
It's never been more important.
We are looking at, and I hate using the word literally, and I will only use it when it is an actual literally situation here.
We are literally looking at a takeover of our government.
They want to take over a democratically elected government in this country.
We're seeing it happen.
Can you even imagine if there was this kind of an effort to remove Obama from office during the past eight years?
There would be civil war.
Obama's arrogantly running around saying, okay, I leaked the info illegally.
It's made up.
I'm taking over.
I rule everybody.
I'm not going to host the show.
But it is so crazy.
I can't believe Trump's putting up with it.
But he knows they're trying to make him look fascist.
But I'm just worried.
I mean, they are crazy.
Go ahead.
They are insane.
They are trying this.
I've never... Actually, I'm quite... I'm quite taken by their energy here.
And by their sheer ability to keep it going.
They're usually so lazy.
They are usually very lazy.
They're slacktivists.
A lot of hashtagging and whatnot.
But they are absolutely dedicated to overthrowing our democratically elected government.
They get more pissed as he gives $25 billion to the black colleges and $3 trillion in the stock market and hundreds of billions of new jobs flooding back in.
They just get more panicked realizing their horrible, corrupt system of dependency is being dynamited.
They have no other choice but to try to chip away at Donald Trump, his cabinet, his entire administration.
That's all they have.
They lost so badly based on nothing but the fact that they had what could have been the most crooked, lousy candidate ever, and she was pitted against a guy that was striking a nerve with the American people, the people that work for a living, the people that actually
And now that he's in, he's delivering, and they're even more panicked.
Oh my God.
Notice, look, he gave what amounts to an amazing presidential speech.
Not an amazing speech for Donald Trump, an amazing speech for a guy that never was in politics.
They had to admit it was the best ever!
It was one of the best presidential speeches I've seen since Ronald Reagan.
It was amazing.
And it wasn't full of these just
Fabrications and twists of words and lies.
It was him speaking about what he's done in such a short time already and what he plans on doing in the future and the confidence that people have that he's actually going to do this based on his already past performance for just the limited time he's been in there already.
It was very encouraging and people liked it.
I put on a couple of the more liberal news channels.
They couldn't even bash it!
They were trying to find something to criticize Donald Trump on.
And so now their answer is, and I'm getting out of here because I'm going to sit here while I eat my lunch and watch you, Andy, as I do every week.
I mean, come on, I appreciate you from Compound Media doing that.
Is their answer to just say we're all Russian agents now?
Love it.
Well, God, if Russia wants us to have jobs and controlled borders and private property, and God, I didn't know the Russians were doing it.
I thought that was America.
How insane is it that right after he gives that amazing speech, all they're talking about now is this Russian thing.
It's almost cartoonish in how ridiculous this is getting.
Everyone's a Russian agent.
Everyone's in cahoots with Russia.
Meanwhile, the actual things that are backed up by facts are the fact that Hillary Clinton turned over a huge amount of American uranium.
Oh, absolutely.
The ridiculous reset button.
I mean, there's no hiding that.
It's right there.
The wheeling and dealing that went on with getting sanctions lifted from Iran because of their deals with Russia.
I mean, these are the facts.
Not this fabrication that we're seeing about Jeff Sessions, this witch hunt that they're going after Jeff Sessions.
Watching Schumer.
Any time that fathead gets up and starts yapping, I get
He's physically ill.
His motivation is completely political.
He comes off like Paul Ryan is like a psychopath.
He looks totally phony.
And there he was calling for Jeff Sessions to resign, at the very least recuse himself.
You know, pretty much he wants him to just start whipping himself and perhaps carry a cross with a crown of thorns.
I don't know.
When the rising member of the Armed Services Committee in the Senate is supposed to meet with the Russians, he said, I didn't meet with them on the campaign.
And that was the question he was asked.
But again, we've seen this time and time again.
And I worry sometimes that people's eyes aren't open to the lies that we're seeing in the media.
Because this is another one of these lies.
It's the same way they leave out the word illegal when they talk about immigrants.
It's the same way they leave out the word... Trump said fake news is the enemy.
They said, oh, old media is the enemy.
He's a fascist.
He said fake news.
Fake news!
And now they're twisting this around to make it sound like Jeff Sessions perjured himself in front of Congress.
And meanwhile...
What he did was answer the question accurately.
He was asked if he met with Russians about the election, about the Trump campaign, and he's answered no.
He's a lawyer.
He knows what to say and how to say it.
If you don't like it, sorry.
That's what happened.
It's not perjury by any stretch of the imagination.
The fact that a senator is meeting with a Russian ambassador is not
That wasn't a secret meeting.
People knew it happened, not like the one with Lynch.
The secret meeting between Lynch and Clinton.
Hillary had secret meetings with Putin!
Secret meetings with Putin.
How about Holder?
How about Holder as Attorney General?
Fast and Furious.
He purged himself.
Lied about giving weapons.
To Mexican drug cartels.
But Holder says we're about to see the return of Obama.
I thought he was never there.
He was always playing golf.
I'm so scared the return of Obama.
I'm gonna cut out here now, but great job.
Keep going, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
Yes, the return of Obama.
This guy, what does he live in, like two miles from the White House now?
He just set up camp there.
He's got Valerie Jarrett there moving in with him to conduct some of his more underhanded business.
He needs some buffers.
He understands.
He's been a snake for his entire career, Obama.
He set up camp as close to the White House as he possibly can get, and he is working the strings, man.
He's working the puppet strings, him and Soros, to bring down
Donald Trump and the administration, they know with the popularity of Trump and his core, his base, the American people, the working class, the people that want jobs and pride back in America, they know that these people will get very angry if they go directly right after Trump immediately.
So they're chiseling away.
Day one they didn't do it.
They waited, they waited, and now here they are.
They chisel away, and now they're going to try to take out, and I'm begging, begging Donald Trump, do not capitulate.
Don't give them another inch as far as what they want, because they will not stop.
They want Sessions head on a platter, and if they get it, they will not stop.
They will keep moving.
Oh, that's why Trump's big mistake was getting rid of Flynn for doing his job, the same thing.
That was it.
Getting rid of Flynn.
It's the blood in the water, the feeding frenzy.
We talked about that the day it happened.
Yes, absolutely.
Like, they're gonna stop?
I've noticed with a lot of these groups, they make up their letterhead and stationary, and they send out some things when they get angry, and if they get what they want, they don't pack it up.
They don't leave and go, well, mission accomplished.
They go on to something else.
That's why all these groups are still so angry after they've gotten everything they've ever wanted.
And also, this is not going to help, but it's too powerful.
I want you to come back and talk about this, if you mind.
I've got a full slate here.
N. T. Cummings at compoundmedia.com, doing a great job with his network with Gavin McGinnis and so many others.
I'm not looking for a civil war.
They're already starting it, saying shut down the media, shut us up.
They already fired you off XM.
They're saying kill Trump, all the news, nothing's being done.
He's trying to get the economy back on like a desperate technician while he's getting arrows shot in his back.
He's trying to turn the respirator back on in America, defibrillate us.
At a certain point, they're calling for sedition.
Listen, he needs to really look at going after all these people.
I'm serious.
Yeah, I mean, he's got to realize, and we have to realize, how serious this is.
This isn't a joke.
It isn't funny.
Stop business as usual.
Yes, they are really trying to overthrow the president that was democratically elected in this country.
And it's happening.
And like I said, they'll chisel away until they find an opening to actually go for Trump.
And if any of these Republicans that you see turn around, agreeing with some of the Democrats, they're the worst.
Just traitorous.
Treasonous traitors.
I don't understand what their motivation is.
Well, they're cowards.
They've been threatened.
They want to roll over to this thing.
Yeah, it's all about, it's the reason Trump was elected.
Our politicians like we see, especially these turncoat Republicans that are siding with the Democrats in wanting Jeff Sessions' head.
I mean, we gotta get rid of these guys.
We gotta vote him out.
Well, I am out of here for the tenth time.
Great job, man.
I'll just say this.
I want to ask this question.
I want to come back and listen if you'll answer it.
What does Trump do to take the gloves off, but also...
Wow, did we not bet on the right horse, though?
Is he not delivering?
Gosh, almost three trillion in the stock market.
Small job, business, best numbers since 84.
He's doing what Reagan did in three years and a month.
Love it.
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And for InfoWars, Alex Jones.
Man, we have just been knocking this around as far as this witch hunt going on for Jeff Sessions.
Now, he's the latest one in the Trump administration that they're trying to take down as they chip away and chisel to the big prize, which is the president, Donald Trump.
And this is who they want removed from office.
In what can only be called a coup.
This is absolutely what's happening.
Don't think that they're after some kind of justice and what's good for the American people.
The American people know what's good for the American people.
And they voted in Donald Trump.
That's it.
You don't like it.
You could cry, moan about it, but that's the fact of the matter.
And the media, which, this stat is unprecedented.
88% hostile, the media, to Donald Trump in the first month in office.
You would think this guy was just
88% hostile.
Killing children.
In the streets.
You would think that would get 88% hostile reporting.
What has he done?
He's followed through on his campaign promises.
Maybe that's why it's 88%.
The media just isn't used to a president doing that.
Actually following through on his campaign promises.
Doesn't that speak volumes?
That they never intended on giving this guy a chance at proving himself?
To be a competent and one of the great presidents of the United States?
I can't predict the future.
I don't know.
I don't know what four or eight years is going to bring under a Donald Trump presidency.
But I will tell you one thing, based on the first month or so, he's making good on his promises.
88% negative press from the big networks.
Which just tells the story right there.
The news networks have always been in cahoots with the left.
They are the disinformation center for the left and they will continue to be that.
We're seeing it now with Jeff Sessions.
You turn on the news and you will hear the twisting and turning and perversion
We're good to go.
And you cannot now debate or argue with these people.
That's why the second this misinformation, disinformation comes out from the media, we have to jump on it.
People like Alex, myself, Gavin McInnes, and other people in this alternative news that we have going, have to jump on these things and square it with people
So they're not influenced by the garbage that is being put out by the networks.
88% negative press on a president who's done nothing but follow through on his campaign promises.
When I watched the speech Trump gave the other day,
And you saw in the House, the Democrats sitting down while the Republicans stand.
Now, we've seen this over and over throughout the years.
There's two teams there, and one is going to be very enthralled by their president, and the other side's just going to sit there.
But how do you sit there with your arms folded when he's just talking about bringing jobs back to the country?
You're going to just sit?
You're not applauding for a working America?
How about a safe America?
Safe from radical Islamic terrorism.
How about that?
You don't want that?
You want people dying in the streets?
Here in this country?
Like they do in the Middle East?
Is that what you want?
Well, you just sat there.
You apparently didn't like the sound of that?
Supporting our veterans?
That was garbage too.
Just sit there, fold your arms, all nasty.
I mean, can we just all have the blinders off and see that this is so politically motivated in that they don't care what he does or says?
He could absolutely have the cure for every terminal disease presented at a speech and you'd have people going, oh really?
Yeah, really?
That's what we're looking at as far as the left goes.
Man, if you look back pre-election,
When they absolutely were positive Hillary Clinton was going to win.
And the way they were talking about Trump supporters and how dangerous it would be, it's going to be after the election and after Hillary's elected.
How insane is it now that we would have just taken it like we did with Obama?
Okay, he's the president.
Let's work toward the next election.
And there they are.
Literally fighting in the streets, burning things, vandalizing, hoax, antisemitism and racial attacks going on.
It's insane.
Be back in moments.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, folks, it doesn't get much weirder than this.
Joe Biden's son, Hunter, is now dating his sister-in-law and brother's widow, Haley.
Joe Biden has two sons, Hunter and Beau.
Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, and he left behind a wife, Haley, and two children.
Hunter Biden is married to Kathleen Biden and has three children.
Hunter has been accused of using the online dating service for married people, Ashley Madison.
Though Hunter denies these charges, he and his wife are currently separated.
So now,
Hunter Biden is dating the widow of his brother and aunt of his children, Haley Biden, while still being married to Kathleen Biden and being a father to her three kids and an uncle to Haley's two children.
Joe Biden has made public his support of the odd couple, saying he and his wife Jill are happy for them.
But how far can this relationship go?
What if they had kids?
Then your sons and daughters would be brother and sister with their cousins.
Well, if it does get that far, just keep the kids away from Creepy Uncle Grandpa Joe.
This is Owen Schroyer for InfoWars.com.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Anthony Cumia.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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Things are going down.
Shenanigans, as I like to call them.
Shenanigans are going down.
We've been talking about the witch hunt for Jeff Sessions, and really everyone else on the Trump administration leading to Donald Trump.
That's their final goal, is to remove Donald Trump from office and put in who they want.
They weren't satisfied with eight years of Obama.
They want to continue his work to make the United States part of this global partnership.
The global government.
Donald Trump is saying things that the Americans want to hear.
And he's doing things that Americans want.
We want to be an independent, powerful, rich nation.
We've been it in the past.
When Donald Trump says, make America great again, that's what he's talking about.
They don't like that.
For eight years, at least eight years, especially under Obama, but under previous presidents also.
But under Obama, we've seen this move toward globalization and this knocking the United States down a notch or two by our own president.
It's disgusting what he did and how he sees America.
That's not what it's about.
I love national pride.
What's wrong with it?
Why is that such a dirty word anymore?
It makes you work harder.
And it makes you want to succeed because, first of all, it helps you out and your family.
And it helps the country out.
Which in turn helps the future generations out.
That's how this works.
Not being part of these systems.
Look what's happening in Europe, people.
Oh my God.
It's a disaster.
And again, the press doesn't want to touch on it.
They goof on Donald Trump when he talks about what's going on in countries overseas with this flooding of refugees, crime, rape.
It's insanity.
And he wants to nip that in the bud here, and he gets crucified for it.
Saying that, of course, he pulled a racist card out, and you'll never hear illegal before immigrant.
You'll hear he's anti-immigration.
When he's never said anything that would lead you to believe he's against legal immigration in this country.
But if they say illegal, then everybody will go, oh, wait a minute.
He wants to enforce laws that have been in place?
Uh, and it doesn't fit their narrative.
So, they removed key words from their reports to make it seem like he's, uh, hostile.
88% negative press on Obama.
On Obama.
I wish, right?
On Trump the first month.
I also have to put out a plea.
I have to put out a plea to Alex.
I need to move to Texas.
I need to get out of here.
New York State, here it is, or New York City, Hillary for Mayor signs are turning up around New York City.
She's like the plague!
We can't get rid of her!
Could someone else take her?
San Francisco, maybe?
But no, Hillary for mayor of New York City signs have been popping up, like having de Blasio here in New York hasn't been bad enough.
When America's mayor, Rudy Giuliani, was in charge here, when he came into office, it was a disaster, New York City.
Crime-ridden, filthy, very dangerous, very intimidating to walk around.
Giuliani took over, did a lot of unpopular things.
There's, oh my God, if I see one of those.
Oh my God.
Very unpopular because, you know, a very liberal city, and he was doing things to clean it up, bring revenue in, bring tourism back to New York City.
And he did it.
He made a lot of enemies doing it.
He did that.
After 9-11, he became liked.
Because he was the mayor that was in charge and showed how, oh my god, showed how a leader is supposed to act during one of the worst crises ever.
Uh, he left office and Bloomberg came in, but he left liked because of the way he handled 9-11.
But before 9-11?
Oh my God.
9-10-2001, Rudy Giuliani was hated.
But he cleaned up the city.
de Blasio comes in.
After Bloomberg, who was, you know, I didn't like his gun stance, that's for sure.
But he was one that understood business and that New York had to stay a safe, cleaner city to attract tourism and businesses to New York.
Bloomberg's a businessman.
He knew that that's what was needed.
De Blasio comes in.
He's the mayor now.
I walk around the streets of New York.
It's horrifying what's going on out there.
The homeless situation,
Violence, drug, the drug dealing.
Every time I walk on the streets of New York City, I am offered drugs.
This hasn't happened since the late 80s, early 90s.
This hasn't been like this in New York City.
And now it's all back.
And de Blasio hasn't done anything about it.
Now we're gonna need Hillary Clinton to come in and finish the job?
And finally, stick the knife in and twist it?
We really need leadership in this city that's going to work for the people.
And boy, we have learned that is not Hillary Clinton.
So please, I implore you.
If Hillary does run and, God forbid, becomes mayor of New York City, I'm going to need Alex to put me in touch with a real estate agent down in Texas, because I'm the hell out of here.
I cannot take this anymore.
Talking about Jeff Sessions and Trump and Schumer, Pelosi calling for Jeff Sessions' ouster, right on the heels of Trump's amazing presidential speech to Congress that he gave.
Boy, they buried that quick.
Man, if the media, one day, they didn't know what to do.
They were beside themselves because he gave such an amazing speech that they had to come up with something.
And they're covering this Sessions thing, and fathead Schumer, and Pelosi, who I said looked like, at the speech, it looked like Donald Trump opened the Ark of the Covenant and pointed it right at Pelosi.
She's sitting there, rotting away in her seat, and this is the face of the Democratic Party?
That's the face they want to put on?
Schumer and Pelosi?
So, uh, they have the Democratic response, and here's my theory on that.
They had this guy, he's a former
Governor of Kentucky, I believe, and he's sitting in a diner.
It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life.
I think it was the Democrats' attempt to look down home.
I think because they understood middle America, those counties outside of New York and California.
Those are the people that elected Donald Trump.
So here is their idea, their interpretation of what America wants to see from the Democrats.
Look at that!
Look at that!
First of all, it looks like that Apple, what was his name, Applewhite?
The guy from that cult where they all killed themselves and wore the Nikes?
He looks like that guy.
And he's surrounded by a bunch of down-home people in a small-town diner.
It's a parody.
They don't even know what real America looks like.
The working people and the people that grow our food and all that, the people that elected Donald Trump, this is their interpretation.
Like an alien came down and said, and had like a day to look at something and then duplicated it, what they thought.
They have no idea.
They are completely out of touch.
But that's their... They were trying to trick us there.
Oh, he even went as far as to call himself a Republican.
I'm a Democrat.
He didn't know what he was saying.
I'm a Republican.
My theory, Trump's speech was so strong they didn't want to sacrifice anybody.
They didn't want to sacrifice one of the old school Democrats like Pelosi or Schumer.
They didn't want any of the young bucks that might be in contention for political office in two years or four years.
So they just, this guy was the sacrificial lamb that had to give the rebuttal to an amazing
Presidential speech.
Um, and it was a joke.
It was a joke.
It just showed again.
How out of touch the Democratic Party is.
And speaking of out of touch, my God, I had a touch on this on my show yesterday and I want to share it with the InfoWars audience today.
The Oscars, we all heard what happened.
Of course, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway gave out the wrong prize in the movie contest show.
It's a movie contest show!
And they gave the wrong prize to the wrong movie for three minutes, and then they gave it to the right movie.
That's really all it was.
Well, look at that!
Shirley MacLaine processing the horror!
She's quoted!
Talk about out of touch.
This is Hollywood.
These are the people that the Democratic Party and the lefts go to, to tell us how we're supposed to vote and feel and speak, what we're supposed to watch and read, our political opinions.
All of it.
This is who we're going to.
Someone who was processing the horror
Of giving out the wrong prize at the movie contest show.
And it's not just one person.
That was Shirley MacLaine, of course, the sister of Warren Beatty.
As she watched, you would think Warren Beatty was working in the Trade Center on 9-11-2001.
As she processed the horror of watching the towers come down, knowing her brother was in that building.
That's the only time you could use processing the horror when you're talking about your brother.
Not, he gave out the wrong prize at the movie contest show.
But this is Hollywood.
Is she alone?
Is it an isolated incident?
Hell no.
Because the producers were equally as horrified, calling the, um, the mistake, likening it to the Hindenburg!
The producers said it was like the Hindenburg.
If you recall, back in the 30s, the Hindenburg over Lakehurst, New Jersey exploded in a ball of flames, killing people in one of the most horrific ways possible.
Burning to death.
Well, that is just about the same thing as, again,
Giving away the wrong prize for three minutes at the movie contest TV show.
It's like people equating, uh, uh, uh, storming the beaches of Normandy to, there it is, to, uh, The Bachelor.
Did you see The Bachelor last night?
Just like Omaha Beach.
It was crazy.
Yeah, there's the Hindenburg, by the way, ladies and gentlemen.
Is that, can you now think of Warren Beatty saying, uh, La La Land?
As opposed to, oh my God, get out of the way, this is the worst catastrophe I've ever seen.
Like the reporter was screaming, watching people burning to death.
Gave out the wrong prize.
That's Hollywood.
That's the leftist thinking, thought process.
There are important things going on in this world.
Very dangerous.
Actual horrors that need processing in your mind.
Yet, Hollywood
They're the ones qualified to tell us what to do.
As they sat at the Oscars while Jimmy Kimmel paraded normal people in front of the crowd so they could look at them like a zoo exhibit.
As the celebrities looked, Jimmy Kimmel brought a busload of regular people.
Right in the front of the front row.
And they looked on and said, those are human beings?
That we're never around these things.
Ew, look at their shoes.
Oh, those things can't cost much.
Look at the bag that woman's carrying.
Oh, it was like they were at the zoo watching these people go by.
But that's who we're supposed to look to.
Bette Midler?
I'm supposed to listen?
I follow Bette Midler on Twitter.
I apologize, but I have to keep an eye on some people.
And she's one of them.
She was tweeting about the crime going on, the shootings going on in Chicago.
There it is, there's the zoo.
Look at the celebrities looking at the zoo animals as they were brought in for their approval.
Take them away, please!
I've seen enough!
Are you not entertained?!
That's what it was!
But, um, Bette Midler, she's talking about the shootings in Chicago, because Donald Trump brought it up.
Said it's a very bad problem.
4,000 people shot in Chicago, estimated.
Well, Bette Midler, with all of her knowledge and research, said he was lying because it was a little over 750 people, I believe, that were killed in Chicago.
Thinking, her thought process is, hey, everyone that's shot must die.
She could not calculate in her head that people that get shot don't always get killed.
So instead of doing a little research and finding out that the numbers that Trump was quoting were true,
Her and her minion on Twitter all called Donald Trump a liar.
And they all believe it.
They were saying his numbers were fake.
Once again, he's lying.
Meanwhile, he was absolutely accurate.
But again, because they are some of the most uneducated people, they're not willing to do two minutes of research to find out that he was absolutely right about the Chicago shooting numbers.
Instead, call him a liar.
And have people convinced now, her ridiculous minion, that he was not telling the truth.
That's Hollywood, that's the left, that's who we're supposed to embrace and believe and trust to tell us what we're all supposed to do and think and feel.
Infowars.com, Anthony Cumia, I'll be right back.
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We're, uh...
We're out here doing our best to expose the just chicanery, blatant chicanery going on in the media.
There's so much political correctness going on that it's just the crying, the literal tears coming out of the left.
This one's great.
They're apparently the fifth
A year reunion, five year reunion of Princeton University's class of 2012.
They were doing a Star Wars themed reunion.
What could possibly be offensive about that?
Oh, there is something.
I want to give you a second to think about it.
Star Wars themed!
And of course, of course there was a problem.
People can't just... There it is.
There's your problem.
Stormtrooper costumes nixed for Ivy League school Star Wars themed class reunion because... Yes, Nazis.
Star Wars.
This, uh, I guess the class president, Lindy Lee, uh, says the Stormtrooper costumes were solely intended to reference the Star Wars characters and were not meant to be offensive in any way.
Adding that the new costume will feature another character in the Star Wars universe.
They don't want anyone showing up in a Stormtrooper uniform because, as the site explains, Stormtrooper's origins were, of course, Nazi Germany, Hitler's Stormtroopers.
Regardless of the fact that they're used in the movie.
I mean, you can't
The left loves eliminating things like it never existed.
They talk about Orwellian and they talk about how Trump is like we see in the movie 1984, the book 1984.
Meanwhile, they are practicing the exact things that we saw and read in 1984.
They fight fascism.
By being fascists.
You can't say I'm an anti-fascist and then cover your face, run through the streets beating people that think differently than you.
That is THE definition of fascism!
But they're fighting fascism.
It is so Orwellian and something like this where you can't
Mention Stormtrooper, regardless of its context, is again perfectly out of Orwell's 1984.
Thanks to Alex Jones and InfoWars.com.
Catch me on CompoundMedia.com.
Anthony Cumia for InfoWars.
See you in a couple of weeks.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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