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Filename: 20170129_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 29, 2017
1747 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Trump's performance in his first week as president and criticizes mainstream media for their coverage. He calls Trump "Trump the Deliverer" because of all the promises he has kept so far, such as banning lobbying for foreign governments for five years, signing orders for a border wall, and taking action against radical Islamic countries. Jones also mentions that Fox News has been attacking Trump and criticizes their coverage. He then promotes Roger Stone's new book "The Making of a President" which is available for pre-order on InfowarsStore.com. Lastly, he talks about the confusion created by Trump reissuing an order signed by Obama in 2013 and clarifying it within two days. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Central Banks of Europe, and the private Federal Reserve have announced plans to raise interest rates in an attempt to curb the Trump rally on Wall Street. There has been a $2.2 trillion increase in the stock market due to the Trump administration's policies, resulting in optimism and increased purchasing across various sectors. However, some critics argue that these gains are based on flawed assumptions and lack of evidence. Meanwhile, NBC News published an article stating that President Trump will be responsible for the next recession, despite recent positive developments such as a lifetime ban on foreign lobbying and a five-year ban on working for

Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The first month of 2017 is almost over.
The sun is setting on it as we speak.
This is the Sunday transmission, the 29th day of January 2017.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We will be here live for the next two hours, as we are every Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Well, I think the best name for Trump at this point, eight days into his presidency, eight and a half days in, is Trump the Deliverer.
And I mean that as a double meaning.
Yes, a deliverer from evil in the Moses-Exodus type archetype, but more importantly, a deliverer when it comes to his promises, which is the same thing, isn't it?
I was sitting here right before we went live on air with over 200 news articles in front of me that are all bombshell.
A lot of them exclusives to Infowars.com.
I'm thinking, man, where do I start here?
Well, it's just that Trump is a deliverer.
He delivers.
Now, that kind of sounds like blasphemous, like, you know, God's the deliverer, Moses is the deliverer, but I meant it in my own mind as like delivering the goods.
Delivering on what he says he'll do.
The truth teller, the oath keeper, honorable.
In fact, he's so good
The word that's being used is dizzying.
And I'm a little dizzy trying to keep track of it all.
I mean, just today, a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign governments.
That will untie so many foreign entanglements, so many metastasized tentacles into our country from foreign powers.
That will wreck globalism so bad, even if he just gets four years.
And then a five-year ban, which is very reasonable, so you're not like making deals right before you leave.
It's the same thing as a ban for a lifetime.
A five-year ban on lobbying internally, even with U.S.
This is really a big deal.
And signing the orders on the border wall, signing the orders banning people coming in from radical Islamic countries until they're being vetted.
Moving forward on just honchoing massive factory jobs, coming back to the US, signing the beginning orders to kill the individual mandate, making you get Obamacare from private companies.
Talk about slavery.
That's what that was.
I've got to sit back with my crew and somehow, because it's like five or six, seven promises a day he's keeping, and try to have some big article tomorrow.
In fact, I'm going to call Watson.
It's like midnight there now.
After the show today, and I'm going to say, or like 10 o'clock at night, I'm going to say, please work with me tomorrow.
Can we put out a big article on all the promises Trump has kept?
I mean, normally in four or eight years, you'd look back and hope to have one or two promises kept.
I was saying if he got 30, 40% done, I'd be pleased.
It's ridiculous at this point.
And then I tuned into CNN.
It's bashing, lying, calling him a liar, twisting information.
I tuned into MSNBC, even worse.
Then I, this morning, I did a good boy's job.
I worked out for two hours.
20 minutes on the elliptical, hour and a half workout, another 15 minutes on the elliptical.
But I had Fox News on.
I got a garage gym at my house.
They were attacking Trump.
Oh, they'd have a Democrat on to say he's a liar, no one was at his inauguration, or no illegals vote, and then they'd have the softball person, no, he's just mistaken, not a known liar.
That is total good cop, bad cop crapola.
And I'm not in competition with Fox News.
I wish they would just tell the truth, save the country, whatever, but I gotta call them out.
They are disgusting.
Other than Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends, and Tucker Carlson,
It is a disgusting train wreck of people that aren't stars who've been told by their bosses, you attack Trump or you're gone.
And it's disgusting.
I could care less if Trump was bad.
Attack him all you want.
He's so good.
I don't know what to say at this point.
He talked to Putin yesterday and a bunch of other world leaders.
The British Prime Minister Campbell.
We'll get to that.
We'll get to what's really happened with the big riots and all the Islamists that are flooding in, pissed they can't just come here and have anchor babies for free.
All the pregnant women getting off the airplanes, getting ready to break water or whatever and have us pay for it all.
They're all crapping their pants to cover all that.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball,
The current battles and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians and so much more and it supports him and it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They're in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order.
So you get it first at Infowarsstore.com.
The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us and please continue to support the operation and get his book now so you're the first to have it shipped to you.
Fear is the passion of slaves, and this man knows no fear.
He is Alex Jones.
Now you can tell out of the hundreds of liners we have that I didn't write that one.
Alex Jones is King Kong on steroids.
Alex Jones can do anything.
No, I fear failure.
I fear the globalists having success over humanity.
I fear that I'm not doing enough to fight them.
That's why I'm pretty much up here seven days a week when I'm out with my family fighting the globalists, because they're so easy to defeat when we simply stand up against them, when we simply block their agendas.
First off, the traitorous, fake news, corporate-owned, globalist-owned media is lying about Trump's orders.
We have a giant development
Where it's admitted that Trump only reissued an order that Obama put in in 2013 for a limited time on a travel ban when they knew a bunch of terrorists were getting on airplanes.
So the big trolling of the media is they're all running around freaking out, pulling their hair out, going crazy because he's put a temporary ban on six countries and Obama
Three and a half years ago, did the exact, precise thing, bigger than Dallas.
By the way, there's a ban to most of those Muslim countries on Christians coming in, or Jews, or agnostics.
Try going topless in more than 14 Muslim countries.
They will cane you and torture you.
And the second offense, they will kill you.
But I saw a video from the Women's March last week here in Austin and in D.C., where I was, of topless women chanting Allah Akbar.
Even the Herald Sun in Australia gets it right.
Muslim ban hypocrisy left quiet when Obama also halts visas.
This is crazy!
But Trump is so smart, and I didn't pick up on this until today,
He issued, I'm going to show TV viewers, radio listeners, I'll break it down and give you the executive order numbers in a moment.
He issued the exact text that Obama issued in 2013!
He just changed the signature!
Knowing they would conniption fit and have corrupt pedophile Hollywood
Come out and bitch and complain about it and freak out.
Now, some of the customs officials did overextend it a bit in their hastiness to even stop folks that had green cards coming in.
No, Trump clarified them.
He went, oh, a debacle.
He's defeated.
He's been discredited.
He backed off on his own plan within two days.
No, there was a little bit of the language.
It was Obama's language.
So he clarified that.
So again, this is just
Craziness to watch all this unfold.
We're going to break that down.
We're going to break down the new mantra.
The IMF, the World Bank, the Central Banks of Europe, the private Federal Reserve here are all announcing they want to raise interest rates to kill the Trump rally.
And 2.2 trillion out of the stock market, and all these factories coming back, and optimism, and restaurants being full again, and suddenly all sorts of purchasing of textiles is up, and people are having optimism, and they're going out and getting loans for homes, and, oh, no, no, no, we can't do that because Trump's a racist.
A recession is overdue.
Here's what will trigger it.
Oh, here's another headline.
Trump will preside over the next recession, strategist says.
I mean, without looking, you type in Trump recession, you get thousands of articles the last week.
Oh, the Trump recession's here.
Doom and gloom.
Oh my gosh.
IMF, the Donald Trump boom is a bit of this and a bit of that for the US economy.
So we're going to be breaking all of this down.
We're going to look at some of the big positive things.
In fact, let's look at some of the promises delivered.
There's been so many that I don't know where to start, but the latest today was another order, another executive order.
Seven days a week you get this.
I guess this is day nine.
It's not quite over yet.
A lifetime ban on foreign lobbying.
Working for foreign governments, there should always be a ban on that.
There's always a ban on the Constitution.
That's reissued.
And a five-year on anybody that works in the government.
Totally reasonable.
And NBC has to admit Donald Trump, President Donald Trump, they hate that president.
Couldn't happen.
Because they control the news.
They're the fake news.
President Donald Trump acted to fulfill a key portion of his pledge to drain the swamp in Washington, banning administration officials from ever lobbying the U.S.
on behalf of foreign governments and imposing a separate five-year ban on other lobbying.
But there's the headline, President Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill a key portion of his pledge.
Remember we had about a month ago creeping around
Newt Gingrich saying, oh, he's not going to drain the swamp.
He's not going to ban lobbyists.
Don't worry.
Really, you little lobbyists?
What happened?
Your days of screwing everybody over are over.
Your jobs are over.
Like Trump said, a lot of people here in this room are going to have jobs after this when he signed it.
Yesterday went into effect today for Monday.
Let's play a clip here from NBC, who actually was telling the truth here for once.
Well, he is fulfilling a pledge.
That's the first thing he started doing with Pence, was just anybody that had been in his campaign.
He said, I'm sorry, you helped us get elected, but you're a lobbyist.
He doesn't need the money.
He doesn't want the money.
He isn't even talking to all these interests that are promising him all these jobs and all these things later.
He spent hundreds of millions of his own money to get elected.
And I tell the truth, folks.
And Trump's delivering.
So here it is.
Trump sets five-year and lifetime lobbying ban.
So this is a five-year lobbying ban.
And this is all of the people, most of the people standing behind me will not be able to go to work or do anything adverse to our wonderful country.
Okay, five-year ban.
It's a two-year ban now and it's got full of loopholes.
This is a five-year ban.
So you have one last chance to get out.
Good, I had a feeling you were going to say that.
This was something the five-year ban that I've been talking about a lot on the campaign trail and we are now putting it into effect.
They've had all these handwriting analysis people look at a signature they say, somebody you can trust, somebody that's into stability.
Notice it's like a expansion bridge like the Golden Gate.
It's three spikes, three pinnacles with just a perfect road across it.
Again, Trump obsessed with actually delivering.
The organization of the National Security Council.
On what he says he'll do.
Security Council, you know pretty much what it represents a lot.
But more than that, it's a trifecta.
He has the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.
The trifecta.
And his signature is a trifecta.
This gets more insane by the moment.
The trifecta signature.
Meanwhile, the enemy is in complete insane asylum meltdown, and coming up in the next segment... How long is the next segment?
Do I have enough time to play that special report?
I do.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to play Rob Dew's special report.
I'm going to premiere it here on the radio slash TV, and I'm going to go over the facts after that.
That it's worse than we said.
I've added the numbers together.
Conservatively, 7 million.
On the high end, 14 million illegals and dead people voted in previous elections and even more in this one.
And the Democrats put out strategy papers a year ago saying, don't worry, we're going to win because of the electoral college just counts the general population.
It just counts who's in the state.
So then you get numbers for voters, not just for who votes, but for whoever's in the state is counted as votes.
That's what's so fair about the Electoral College.
It just counts population.
And even if you don't vote, you're still getting represented.
And so in the system where you win or lose, Hillary totally rigged it and bragged, we have the Electoral College because of New York.
Florida, California, and other states where Democrats have been dominating recently, they said, we're going to be invincible because we have such a higher number in the Electoral College because illegals are counted in the census.
And Politico, the Associated Press, and others a year and a half ago, a year ago, have the articles on Ashanti admitted that.
And so we're talking about, you add people voting illegally in this together, it's like at least 10 million.
It could be $14 million.
The low is $7 million.
So his number of $3 million is very reasonable.
And then I've got all these studies that haven't even been in the news.
They're talking about Pew, trying to discredit that when it's one of the most credible groups out there.
The problem is Pew gets government funding.
They're really threatening them right now.
But Trump's about to clean that out.
So the dawn is coming, it looks like.
So stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
So here's the bottom line.
Select multinational corporations, not all of them, set out to establish a world government.
They wrote thousands of books, tens of thousands of white papers, spent hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money conservatively to try to set this plan up.
The big robber barons that control the U.S.
at the start of the last century developed this program of what was left of the British Empire.
And now that program kind of ran on by itself.
It was doing horrible things, was arrogant, was delusional, believed it was invincible.
Mainly because most of the people that were running it had been given it via hereditary title.
They weren't actually hard-working good people.
They were decadent.
They were disconnected.
A lot of their mid-level people were patriots, didn't like what was happening.
We built the movement.
Liberty Movement built a major defense against it.
It blew up in their face.
Now they're hoping to basically overrun first world countries with third world populations who they can convert to globalism and then basically vote to take the rights of the indigenous populations.
But instead we're actually going to reach out to those people and educate them.
Now, Rob Dew has done a special report detailing the fact that Donald Trump is totally correct about systemic election fraud by organizing retail voter fraud and Donald Trump is completely right.
Here is that special report.
The president does believe that.
He has stated that before.
I think he stated his concerns of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign.
And he continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence that people have presented to him.
Our role is to be watchdogs, and we have to provide that kind of accountability.
And I think when a president or anybody else says something that is empirically false, then one has to call him out on it.
My name is Brittany Foreman.
I work in the 52nd Ward, the 15th Division, and today I witnessed voter fraud.
It's tough to call the President of the United States a liar, because you want to respect the office.
But, um, I think it does a disservice.
Yeah, there's no fraud, Lemon.
And even to the President, and even to, you know, journalists.
Not to call.
Call it what it is, and it is a lie.
Election judges confirmed there were issues with two of the eight automated voting machines in the Clinton Township building.
Most of the issues stemmed from people trying to vote straight party ticket.
However, a number of voters told me that specifically they wanted to vote for the Republican Donald Trump, only to see their votes switched before their eyes to the Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Because he's trying to legitimize his election?
Is it because down the road Democrats are fearful that this might lead to voter suppression efforts by the Republican administration, keeping people from being able to vote in the future by requiring...
There are certain identity documents that a lot of people just don't have.
According to Joe DeFelice, the chairman of the Philadelphia Republican Party, you guys are saying that may be happening, is that correct?
Oh, it's happening.
Everything they said we were going to do, they're actually doing.
They're intimidating, they're suppressing, they're disenfranchising.
People in both parties, and independents as well, should want fair elections.
It's getting ridiculous.
They want every vote counted.
The Democrats want to steal this country, it ain't happening.
Rob Due with InfoWars.com, and in case you haven't been paying attention, vote fraud is back in the news.
And no, this time it isn't the Russians hacking our democracy, it's Donald Trump undermining it with tweets.
In fact, if you look at mainstream media news, we have headlines from CNN, White House, Trump believes millions voted illegally.
Washington Post, Trump seeks major investigation into unsupported claims of voter fraud.
USA Today, fact check, Trump claims massive voter fraud.
Here's the truth.
And finally from Politico, Trump's bad voter fraud math.
Now this is the same Politico that back in 2015 said how illegal immigrants could elect Hillary.
And what are they talking about?
Are they talking about illegal immigrants voting illegally?
No, what they're talking about is illegal immigrants going into states and changing the way the Electoral College is appropriated.
Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants and other non-citizens here legally may enable them to swing the election from Republicans to Democrats.
In fact, there are 435 electoral seats that are re-appropriated every 10 years due to the census.
So if you have a massive wave of illegal immigrants, they could tip the scales into the favor of the Democrats.
And these findings are echoed by a study from Old Dominion and George Mason University done back in 2014, titled, Do Non-Citizens Vote in U.S.
The highlights include first use of representative sample to measure non-citizen voting in the USA.
They also found that some non-citizens cast votes in U.S.
elections despite legal bans.
They also found that non-citizens favored Democratic candidates over Republicans.
And they found that non-citizens likely changed the 2008 outcomes including the Electoral College votes and the composition of Congress.
They also said that voter photo identification rules have limited effect on non-citizen voter participation.
And specifically in the study, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010, which is the same number of votes that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by in this past election.
So it really makes you wonder, is Donald Trump full of bunk when he says we need to do an investigation into this?
Or is there something behind it?
The mainstream media wants you to think that voter fraud has never occurred in this country, ever.
But now I'm going to go into some instances that happened just in this past election.
So there's a checklist on whether or not a precinct can be unrecountable.
If there's a large tear in the ballot container that would allow ballots to be removed or ballots to be put in, that potentially could deem a precinct unrecountable.
If the seal on the ballot container bag doesn't match the seal number written in the poll book, that could potentially be a cause for an unrecountable precinct as well.
Half of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount.
Michigan's largest county voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but officials couldn't reconcile vote totals for 610 of the 1,680 precincts during a county-wide canvas of vote results last month.
That's right, and this was one of the states where Jill Stein was trying to have a recount, and notice that recount in that state got quashed.
Furthermore, in heavily Democratic Detroit, it was found that 59% of the precinct poll books did not match those of the voting machine printouts.
That's 392 precincts out of 662.
Now let's move over to PA, where just yesterday, a spokesman for the State Department there said, But earlier this month, the Secretary of State said,
In fact, the Secretary of State, Carole Eshiel, was quoted as saying, there's potential for voter fraud in Pennsylvania, and added, she's powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.
And back during election day, Philadelphia GOP member, Brittany Forman, said she witnessed voter fraud.
She witnessed people trying to tell people how to vote in Philadelphia.
And in early November, state police raided the offices of Delco to seek evidence of voter registration fraud.
And that's in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Again, another swing state where the vote counts were stopped.
You see how this is happening?
Anywhere where there might be voter fraud or widespread voter fraud, the recounts were stopped.
Now, there were only recounts in three states.
Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
But there were other states that were reporting hacks to their voter registration systems.
One of which was Georgia.
And the IP address of the computer that was attacking them led back to DHS.
Now, when DHS was questioned about this, they said, well, it might be a rogue employee, we don't know.
And then when the head of elections of Georgia canvassed other states, they found at least five other states were getting pings from the Department of Homeland Security.
And then we had Obama, as he was walking out the door, wanting to put Homeland Security in charge of our election systems.
And finally, from The Daily Caller back in October, here's what voter fraud looks like in 23 states.
And they highlight cases in Virginia, Colorado, Michigan, and California, and 19 other states.
So voter fraud is real, and I commend the President for wanting to do an investigation on it.
And the mainstream media needs to get out of the way and shut up until we see what the findings are.
This has been Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
I intend to open the phones up in the second hour.
We have a bunch of special reports I haven't gotten to.
But I was just thinking, why did you vote for Trump?
And what do you think of him delivering in eight and a half days on half of his agenda?
At least executing to move forward with it.
It's so unprecedented even in history.
Even with other leaders that do what they say they do, it takes some time.
This is beyond Blitzkrieg.
This is amazing.
And CNN says, it's like he's obsessed with delivering on his promises.
Yes, this is leadership.
And you compare it to Obama, who vacationed four or five months a year.
It's a totally different ballgame, isn't it?
You know, I don't have George Soros funding us.
I don't have big corporate sponsors.
I have viewers and listeners that support InfoWars.
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That's all available.
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But the point is, is that just as we game change in politics and in
World Systems.
We game change in the products we bring you to fund our operation.
And you game change when you go check out the products.
We've got thousands of them that everybody needs.
And support people that are behind you, behind your family, and behind literally being suicidal when it comes to taking on the globalists.
And I don't mean that as in suicidal the technical sense.
I love life.
I want to live to be 150 years old.
I don't ever want to die.
I want to have great-great-grandchildren, I see.
You know what?
Put a gun to my head and say sell somebody out?
I say pull the trigger.
I will never submit or give in.
We're the people to bet on.
We're the people to support.
But beyond buying our products, I want your prayers.
I want you, when you look up at the stars at night and pray for your family, to think about me.
Because I am your family and I love you and I need you.
We all need each other in this fight.
We always root for the folks that stand up for what's good and try to help people, don't we?
There's a bunch of people who think we're weak because we care about the little guy.
Because we don't want senseless wars.
But we're willing to go to war to stand up for what we believe in.
And I'll quote Merle Haggard, I don't blame somebody for picking sides and standing up for what they believe in.
But when you sit here and you run down what I stand for and claim I'm some type of degenerate, for what I believe in, you're walking on the fighting side of me.
That's what InfoWars is in 21 years.
You're walking on the fighting side of Alex Jones, and you've got to fight.
You want to fight, you've got one.
And all I am is an electrical charge reaching out to you that feels the same way, who has the same background, the same historical experiences.
I don't care what color you are.
It's the American experience.
We've all been through it together, and it's spiritual.
I want to launch a D.C.
bureau, I want to launch a London bureau, I want to launch a New York bureau, an L.A.
bureau, I want to take the culture back, I got plans.
You think what we've done has been powerful so far?
I know that if we implement these plans, it will change the world.
Now does it put me into greater danger?
That's why I go there.
I go towards the enemy attack.
Just like World War II.
They didn't have good radar.
They didn't have GPS.
They didn't have any of that.
They had charts and maps.
And they'd be going in to try to bomb a little bitty factory.
Imagine flying 500 miles, 1,000 miles, and you're trying to bomb a little bitty factory.
And sometimes your mission, instead of the wind was in your face, you're not going to even have gas to get back.
But you got ordered to go there.
So you're going to bomb these targets and ditch your planes in the ocean.
And imagine, you're flying in, you're looking on the binoculars, you're looking at night for fires, and you go, there it is, there's the flak!
They got the shells, and you steer right towards the enemy attack.
You go right to the attack.
Because their fight against us, is our guidance system to where we gotta drop the munitions.
We're running a special that's going to end in just a few days.
We have it with the manufacture of Alexa Pure water filtration systems that cut all the garbage out and the Alexa Pure Breeze.
Amazing air filtration system.
It's only like $250.
Well, 20-something percent off.
It's way below that.
It's $149.
We're good
You know, I'm not ready yet to get into
More proof of the election fraud.
Backing up what Trump said.
I want to cover that in the next segment.
Plus their attempts to implode the economy.
I want to air a John Bowne report because I love the people of Mexico or anywhere else.
I love empowering people, and what Trump's doing will empower everybody if the dream of free market, open, free societies is actually realized.
So there's a report here, Mexico Our Neighbor Under Economic Tyranny by John Bowne.
We're going to go to break here in just about three minutes.
I don't have time to get to that.
Man, I want to get to that.
We're going to play that when we come back.
Do what?
Okay, we have time for which report?
Oh yeah, the Black Conservative Report.
This guy's powerful at the Women's March when they're attacking white people.
He says you're just acting like the enemy, like the KKK.
Let's go out to break with this report.
No, no, no, I haven't been practicing.
This is what I live.
This is what I breathe.
There's a woman in front of him saying, lock him up.
You allow Black Lives Matter on campus, but you don't allow white power on campus.
Why not?
It's the same.
Neither hate, both are hate groups, but neither are productive.
So if you denounce one, denounce the other.
It's a black guy telling a white woman Black Lives Matter is racist.
I'm being honest with you, bro.
You don't know what to say.
I'm being honest with you.
Let me tell you something.
But let me be honest with you.
Listen, chill.
I just want to say this, right?
I want to tell you something right now.
African Americans make up 13% of the population.
Yet commit over 50% of the violent gun and drug crime in the United States.
And you don't think there's a problem with that?
No, no, that's true.
It's 55%.
And if you love black folks, you want to fix that.
The last 5% of that is to other blacks.
So if you're an African American, I have a 2,000 time more likelihood to be shot and killed by another black man leaving this event than I do by a white person, a police officer, or a neo-Nazi.
We're good to go.
Listen, if Obama would have stood up and said, look, we're killing each other, we've got a problem within the African American community, he would have been phenomenal.
But he's gonna make it white people.
He hired Owens Troyer.
I wanna find this guy, I wanna hire him, either where he's at or to come here.
This guy is our next reporter.
Shot killed by another black man, leaving this event today, tonight.
And he'll call this guy Uncle Tom.
No, he actually cares about black people.
That's what's killing black people.
That's sad.
I can't even, I can't hang out in black neighborhoods.
I can't do that.
I can't.
I can't because it's a risk for me.
It's a risk.
It's sad.
There's a problem within the African American community.
This guy is kidding me right now.
I want this guy as a reporter right now.
Obama didn't address it because he wanted the black vote.
Don't reach out and find this guy.
Al Sharpton didn't address it because he's making millions of dollars off of victimizing African Americans.
Trust me.
Trust me.
I know how that is.
$1,000 bounty for whoever finds out who that guy is.
I want him.
Just like Owen Schroer.
Not because he's black or white, because he's super smart.
Headline, Washington Times.
Trump argument bolstered.
Clinton received 800,000 votes from non-citizens.
Study finds.
In a study done by Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, he found that likely 6.4% of the estimated 20 million non-citizens of voting age living in the United States voted in the 2016 presidential election.
The way he sees it, this added 843,000 votes for Clinton, 81% of the non-citizen vote.
So there it is again.
Voter fraud proven to be happening, another independent study has found.
Stack that up with independent CBS investigation, the Federalist's John Gibbs investigation, a compilation of documented voter fraud at discoverthenetworks.org, and more to come, I'm sure.
Remember, just yesterday, CNN, USA Today, and other mainstream media outlets claimed Trump's claim of voter fraud was debunked.
Even factcheck.org said it wasn't true.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
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I cannot tell you how the enemy wants to censor this broadcast and block it out.
I cannot tell you the victory you're having when you tell your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, your family, strangers, you name it, about Infowars.com.
And when you encourage them to then spread that link to others.
You want to bring down tyranny?
You want to take down people that are set in opposition against prosperity and success and free will?
You cannot find a place.
to support
People to learn what we know and go out and have success against tyranny.
It's satanic to just think you stay forever and you've got all the power and you get bigger and you get badder and you get stronger and no one else has the knowledge but you.
I want everybody to have the water of truth.
That's why I love Matt Drudge, is he's one of the only people in media that has huge power and discernment, but then wants to build up other people that are telling the truth, and just has the sheer joy of seeing that grow and become strong.
A control freak sees that and becomes threatened.
I am so pleased to see Trump.
And his connection to the zeitgeist, the force, whatever you want to call it, so strong, and in that office with all of our support and prayers and love, just becoming fantastically strong in the face of the enemy.
Because believe me, the enemy is going to now hit him hard.
Or he may be successful.
And he may be destroyed.
But regardless, it's an example to us all.
So I am very, very pleased and honored to be alive right now.
And these are times that will be long remembered.
I mean, we've seen the enemy in their arrogance try to sell us a walking dead corpse like Hillary Clinton.
Well, they won't be as arrogant next time.
They'll try to sell something better.
So we've got to be discerning and focused and understanding what we're looking at.
But this is a big time.
This is a time where humanity is choosing its destiny.
And I am just so enthusiastic, so beyond blessed to be part of the incredible positive things that are happening.
People used to say I was a fear porn dealer or negative.
I was negative because we had George W. and Obama and lobbyists and arrogance and total corruption and people at war with their own power source and just hating humanity because they were so fallen.
The fact that we're making the turn back towards God
People say, oh, suddenly you love the government!
Suddenly you love the system!
Suddenly you're so optimistic!
Well, just look at everything being delivered!
Look at everything happening!
My gut, two and a half years ago, when he first was starting to announce, I was like, God, my gut tells me he loved Trump, but I can't stand it!
You know, his TV shows, his pomp, all he's doing, that was all camouflaging at the systems and not recognizing he knows exactly what he's doing.
And then as he began to move, and I just knew he would deliver and he would do it all, but that's only because the big attack's coming.
Let me tell you, we think we're having this big victory right now, and oh, we're kicking ass, and ha, ha, ha.
This was all just round one, man, that coming out of the sea is Leviathan.
Plagues, GMO gone awry, economic collapse.
This is just God giving his people that kept crying out for defense and for renaissance and for revival a chance to get ready.
That's all this is.
You can make, whether it's five years from now, or six months from now, or ten years from now, or fifty, my spirit, my gut, my intellect can see it.
I've looked into the enemy's eyes.
I've had them try to buy me off.
I've been there.
They want our souls.
It's like that little promo piece we have.
We want your souls.
It's not about this third dimension.
It's not about crap, or Lamborghinis, or looking tough, or looking cool.
Once you have real success, you learn you don't even want it to be seen.
It's about your soul.
It's about where your soul's pointed.
And let me tell you, you better get it pointed towards God, and justice, and Jesus Christ, and his Father, and the Holy Ghost, and the whole nine yards, because this whole thing's real.
There's a war inside the Catholic Church right now.
Even the New York Times admits it right here, where they say the whole Catholic Church is trying to bring down the new Pope.
This guy's an... I'm not even a Catholic, but you can look at it as a total devil.
Tiff between Knights and Pope turns into all-out proxy war.
Jason Horowitz.
I mean, there's just wars at every level for the heart and soul of humanity taking place.
It doesn't matter what institution it is, within that institution, you can have a war for what's right.
And right now is the side to choose for eternity.
All of us that are alive, almost 8 billion people, are living in a very, very special time.
And the spirit's real.
And people better get that straight.
I love how, uh,
Yeah, ten centuries later, the Pope and Knights do battle.
I mean, my God, the current Pope runs the pedophile rings that took over the Catholic Church.
I mean, the current Pope is a giant satanic demon who wants world government and says Europe shouldn't be Christian.
I mean, by his own words, he is Obama Nation desolation.
I don't say that without real reservation.
He's dangerous.
I was threatened in D.C.
for being up against the Pope by powerful people just a week and a half ago.
And I said, I stand against him!
You decide where you stand.
But if that guy is the false prophet or a model of the one to come, I don't know what it is.
He is a giant manifest devil.
A destroyer.
And thank God the Catholic Church is trying to throw him off.
Let's go to this John Bowne report, start the second hour with more news, and I'll give the number out in your calls.
Here's John Bowne on a future for the golden, beautiful country and the shining, strong people that are Mexico under bondage.
At the end of week one, as promised, President Donald Trump is easing into the advancement of U.S.
interests as a global model on foreign policy.
Today, President Trump held a press conference with U.K.
Prime Minister Theresa May.
There are many issues on which the United Kingdom and the United States stand alongside one another.
Many issues on which we agree.
And I think, as I said yesterday in my speech, that we are at a moment now when we can build an even stronger special relationship, which will be in the interests not just of the UK and the United States, but actually in the interests of the wider world as well.
President Trump has been very aggressive on his stance regarding immigration.
Prime Minister May echoes Trump's position.
A future that sees us take back control of the things that matter to us.
Things like our national borders and immigration policy and the way we decide and interpret our own laws.
So that we are able to shape a better, more prosperous future for the working men and women of Britain.
In spite of this formation of excellent relations with the UK, our southern neighbor, Mexico, has been blindsided by President Trump's disgust with the cozy billion-dollar trade relations Mexico has enjoyed for the past 25 years.
Market Watch reports after running a trade deficit with the U.S.
from 1991 to 1994, Mexico moved to a surplus in 1995, and that's been the case ever since.
As a result, U.S.
imports from Mexico soared from $65 billion when the North American trade deal was passed,
To around $295 billion in 2016.
However, the U.S.
has been helped too, especially in border states such as Texas.
Exports to Mexico have climbed from $68 billion in 1994 to an estimated $235 billion in 2016.
As Trump pointed out though, the U.S.
is on track to run a trade deficit of close to $60 billion with Mexico in 2016.
According to government data,
That's about 12% of the nation's overall annual trade gap.
I will say that we had a very good call.
I have been very strong on Mexico.
I have great respect for Mexico.
It was a very, very friendly call.
I think you'll hear that from the President and I think you'll hear that from the people of Mexico.
And I look forward to over the coming months, we'll be negotiating and we'll see what happens.
I'm representing the people of the United States, and I'm going to represent them as somebody should represent them, not how they've been represented in the past, where we lose to every single country.
Back that up.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds with the start of the second hour.
Finish that up.
Get into all the other news.
Open the phones up to take your calls.
Spread the link.
The enemy hates it.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, how can Trump make Mexico great again?
The video you've been seeing and hearing part of, depending on how you're watching and listening, it's up on InfoWars.com.
Let's finish up with your Unbalanced Report, then get to what else is coming up in this second hour, including your phone calls.
Here is the rest of it.
While populism and the excitement of righting all of the globalist wrongs done to the United States continue to push President Trump's approval ratings to 59% and beyond in the United States, Mexican President Peña Nieto's approval ratings are at a dismal 12% in Mexico.
Nieto is regarded as yet another detached leader by the majority of Mexicans.
And why not?
A recent 20% increase in gas prices.
A huge burden to the Mexican people who have broken their backs to earn higher wages in hopes of supporting an infrastructure that is desperately needed.
A better power grid, better water treatment facilities, better plumbing.
An end to the corruption and cartel violence that has terrorized Mexico for far too long, claiming the lives of at least 164,000 people between 2007 and 2014.
A number that makes the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq look like a walk in the park.
Where has all of the NAFTA surplus trade money gone?
Apparently not into the pockets of the Mexican people.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
And that's the difference between the globalists and Trump.
Mexico just follows the old colonial model, keep people poor, control them, don't ever give them anything.
The American model is make people fabulously successful.
The Democrats go, the globalists go, what do we do?
The Republican leadership as well.
What do we do?
There's all this wealth that America produces.
It dominates the planet.
In the 1957, the US had half the world's wealth.
Actually like 57%.
By the 70s, it was 47%.
Now it's like 30%.
How do they deal with it?
They just siphon it off, they shut it down, then they don't look so bad compared to it.
I've been all over Mexico.
It's more beautiful than many areas of the U.S.
It has more oil, more resources per square mile.
It's got hardworking, smart people.
But it never had a George Washington.
Santa Ana was even more impressive than, you know, the government he overthrew, the Spanish he overthrew.
I mean, imagine, it's not knocking Mexico, other countries never got out from under colonialism.
Russia got out from under it, out from the czars, royalty, and got something 50 times worse, the communists!
Nobody ever got out from under it.
But the United States, see, we're not perfect, but we had a system where we claimed we were for the individual.
Where we claimed we were for women.
Where we claimed, and people looked at what we said we were for, and they went, I want that promise!
I want what you say you're going to do.
I believe in that, and it's that idea that the world government hates.
Hell, America's got so many sins it'll make your head spin.
But its heart, from the beginning, was pure.
That's why the American system is an enemy of the New World Order, because it will empower humanity, and the American system, if adopted, will take us to the stars and beyond.
Because, believe me, the stars are just gates.
They're just windows into the universe.
We're trapped in purgatory.
We're trapped here on this planet.
And we're trapped here with one of God's fallen creatures as a test.
And you know what?
I don't blame God for that.
You shouldn't just be given the universe.
You shouldn't just be given eternal life and power and everything God's got for us if we don't choose the right side.
You know how children are.
Does a child appreciate a toy or a coat?
Or a dinner they didn't cook?
How does your child enjoy a dinner they actually cook?
Or a sweater they actually knit?
Or a fight they actually win?
No, God's just God.
That's why I don't ever blame God for things that happen in my life, even though some of them are painful.
Because I'm dialed into God.
I'm dialed into that Spirit, and the enemy can see that and knows that.
And all my spirit wants is to never be separated from God.
I'm not looking to screw you over.
I'm not looking for a Lamborghini or a private jet airplane.
I don't care about things like that.
I care about being right with God and being right with God means I'm right with you.
We'll be back.
I'll give the number out.
We'll play some other reports.
Get to the election fraud evidence.
Trump's totally right.
It's actually sick how right he is.
That's why I freak out.
I look at Fox News and I'm attacking him.
Saying, well he's not lying.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let me give out the Sunday phone number.
It's different than the weekday number, because we totally produce the Sunday show here in-house.
The live weekday show is 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, four hours.
It's partly produced in Minnesota on our satellites, the GCN Radio Network, great folks up there.
The toll-free number to join us here, and I specifically ask callers, we don't screen your calls,
We let you get on, tell us where you're listening and your basic topic, but we don't sit there and decide what you're going to say.
In fact, if you disagree, you go to the other line.
Which might not be a fair rule, but whatever, it's an old rule, I still keep it.
I would like to hear from you about what do you think of Trump?
I mean, even if you're an enemy of Trump, has he not over-delivered on his promises in just eight and a half days?
We're eight and a half days in.
At midnight tonight, it'll be nine days.
I mean, I'm quite frankly dizzied by this.
That's the word that's been used.
It's true.
I've been amazed.
I've been blown away again how my gut just never lies to me.
I've been shocked.
It just ought to just do whatever it says.
The older I get, I follow it, and I get more successful.
My gut's the boss now.
And my gut says Donald Trump's the boss.
And that he would do everything he ever said he would do.
And he just kept saying, I will not disappoint you.
You can believe it.
Get ready.
The joke is it's like he's a time traveler.
And I'm not going to give the MSM their fodder to attack the president with the conversations we've had or have had.
But a lot of weird stuff in the universe.
A lot of crazy stuff going on.
And just as we've been hit by this plague of evil, horrible, anti-human people, God has given us a reprieve, and Trump just keeps delivering on his promises, which makes him the deliverer.
I don't mean that in a blasphemous term like he's Moses, but he is taking us out of the Egypt, the modern system of oppression.
So here's the toll-free number to join us.
It's 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
And I'd just like to hear your view.
Is he not delivering?
Is he delivering?
All these people bitching and complaining that he's banned some Islamic nations like Sudan and Somalia and Syria, which Obama in previous executive order had the exact same words.
That's the big Trump troll.
Is he just did what Obama did in 2013.
Why did Obama change that and open it up in 2015?
The UN decided to flood us with Islamicists to stage terror attacks because they wouldn't be compatible with our culture of freedom.
And I've even got top German ministers that are liberals coming out saying, we get it now, they brought in millions of Muslims into Europe, millions into Germany, 5 million into Europe, 2 million into Germany, because it was incompatible to kill our open, free society.
So again, the number to join us,
It's 877-789-ALEX and I will punch it up on my computer.
Let me go to the Comrex here.
Maybe during the next break you guys can come fix this for me.
There we go.
I can log into that bad boy and talk to Jimmy in South Carolina and others.
But before I go any further, let's look at some of the clips today.
Trump, I hope to get along with Russia, knock the hell out of ISIS together.
So he agrees with Putin to have that ongoing operation, which is good because NATO and other groups do not want to knock out ISIS.
That was their proxy army to take over the Middle East.
Talk about a crime that Trump's reversing and he's making good on it.
Here's that clip.
We have a great relationship with Russia and other countries, and if we go after ISIS together, which has to be stopped, that's an evil that has to be stopped, I will consider that a good thing, not a bad thing.
We'll absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people.
I think that Europe has made a tremendous mistake by allowing these millions of people to go into Germany and various other countries, and all you have to do is take a look.
It's a disaster what's happening over there.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone.
We go out together and knock the hell out of ISIS, because that's a real sickness.
You know, the whole ISIS thing is a real sickness.
It's a real sickness.
Now, speaking of that, let me get into the stack here, because I have it in the stack.
What Trump's talking about there, and it's so important.
Here, let's just, for TV viewers, know what I go through.
I'm not bitching when I say this, but know what it's like to read hundreds of articles and try to actually pick which one you're going to cover.
Voter fraud compilation by Project Veritas.
Illegals and dead people, or people voting in their names, all over the country.
Let's continue.
How to deal with lying liars, the top liar at Washington Post says.
Yes, Donald Trump lies a lot, and news organizations should say so.
Oh, the Washington Post again.
Trump repeats a lie about popular vote and meeting with lawmakers.
Even though it's been proven he was completely right earlier, we broke that down.
The perils of calling Trump a liar.
Trump, a lying liar who lies.
Oh, did you say lie more?
It's like lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
No, it's Politico that lies.
So that's just some of the headlines.
Sanctuary sheriff faces removal from office for aiding criminal illegals.
Here in Travis County, the sheriff has said she won't even stop people for DWIs, car wrecks, you name it.
They're above the law.
And so does de Blasio.
The Blasio has come out and basically said that, well, and here's the big story I'm about to break.
Sure, Obama issued some of the same travel bans on some of the same countries, but when he did it, it was okay.
When Obama does it, it's racist, even though he's banning people from radical Islamic countries, that's not a race, who openly want to kill us, and where they have civil war zones.
Here, unvetted, you're from a civil war zone, you just come on into the United States, and then we'll accept you running people over with cars, or shooting people.
No, it's a load of crap.
So we've got that.
We've got illegal immigrants could elect Hillary.
That's the Politico admitting that.
I've got all these stories, but I've got one here in my stack.
Is it in this stack?
I mean, again, you go over hundreds of articles and studies of election fraud and everything proven.
Here, maybe it's in this stack.
Where do you start?
Here, let me see.
Trump sets five-year and lifetime lobbying ban on officials.
Unprecedented total delivery.
Globalism critics of Trump ban bills for Germany to Google.
Got Google, the regular traders, Germany, open to the Islamists, the women chanting Allah Akbar, we want to be cuckolded by the jihadis, you know, we get it.
Customs agents ignore judge, enforce Trump's travel ban, ACLU.
Priebus won't apologize for keeping America safe.
Trump immigration order
Restricted by more U.S.
judges, and people ignore them because they're illegal.
Canada, who has incredible entry restrictions, says they'll accept the jihadis.
Good to know.
When they stab and blow crap up, you accept it.
Trump's visa bans reportedly keep Oscar-nominated director from attending 2017 awards.
Well, we can't go to the Islamic countries if we're Christian!
That's the whole point!
It's not a free society!
And it goes on and on, but I'm looking for the clip I've got here where de Blasio has trouble
Deferring Trump's immigration policy with Obama's.
We're going to play that because I've got a copy of it in my hundreds of articles of the executive order of Trump versus the executive order of Obama in 2013 where he bans the same countries for the same reasons and all Trump did was put his name on it.
So when Obama does it, it's okay, but when Trump does it, it's bad.
But alas, we've got to go to break so I can find that article while we go to break and come back and cover it and then take your phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is InfoWars.com.
The globalists who want to make you poor and stupid and controlled hate InfoWars.
What should you do with that website URL?
You should spread it like your lives depend on it.
And I know you're already doing it, so great job.
Well, no matter what color you are, you breathe, you love your children, you care about this planet, you breathe the same air, you're a human being who has red blood, and I love you, and I thank you, and I support you.
Let's move forward against the globalists who are out to get everybody.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
But bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more.
And it supports him.
And it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
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Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order.
So you get it first at infowarsstore.com.
The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, it borders on ecstasy and agony to be here in the Catbird seat watching this epic battle take place.
Go to DrudgeReport.com and look at that epic image of President Donald J. Trump, 45, as he begins week two strutting through
You can see the fact that his shadow is not taller than his soul in that powerful photo.
Somebody actually out for the people.
Somebody actually out to show all the special interests.
They're gonna be laid low.
A machine dedicated to restoring the Republic.
A workhorse who gets off on giant piles of things to do.
Somebody who's OCD for freedom.
Let's crank this song up for the 45th president.
And there's a window down the road.
When our shadows aren't as tall as our souls.
And there was a lady we all know named Globalism.
Who shines white light and wants to show.
Rock and roll.
Yeah, if you listen very hard.
Alright, let's get into your phone calls in the news.
I found it.
I had it in the wrong stack here.
It's in the Sydney Morning Herald.
It was even in some U.S.
It's up on Infowars.com from The Last Refuge.
And with Trump, we don't want to overuse the word epic, but it's all so epic, you have to keep saying epic, epic, epic, epic, because it's happening.
Is Team Trump baiting liberal media and refugee protesters by using Obama's own policy?
Well, go to the Sydney paper.
They just say hypocrisy.
Harold's son got it too.
Hypocrisy left quiet when Obama also halted visas from the very same countries.
In 2013, President Obama suspended refugees from Iraq.
For six months.
And it goes on.
Congress didn't pass it.
Obama signed off on a law restricting visas from states of concern, listing the same states.
I mean, Sudan, Somalia, these are war zones.
You can't have people just unvetted getting on airplanes.
They're like, Donald Trump's insane.
He doesn't want to set off a time bomb in the middle of your church.
Or your elementary school.
Can you believe him?
Why people just can't, unvetted with fake documents, show up at JFK?
Let's have a big, funded, Democratic de Blasio protest and bitch and complain.
Can you believe that the Treasury officials, and can you believe the border officials, and can you believe the customs officials, are doing what Trump says?
This is out of control.
I can't believe how far we've fallen as a society right now.
And it goes on and on from there.
Again, I'll say it.
I am dumbfounded how good Trump is.
There are no special interests saying anything to him.
It's all Donald Trump in there.
Up till 2 in the morning, reading news, reading bills, reading legislation like a madman.
He's like a robot.
He's like got political skill, skill and finesse, but he's got like Asperger's when it comes to like dealing with problems.
He wants to just obsess on it and deal with it.
And it's like, it's how God throws curve balls.
The globalists panicked and crapped themselves two plus years ago for a real reason.
They had actually
Been assessing Donald Trump for a while and they couldn't believe that he was going to try it and it happened.
I want to take your phone calls.
We're going to do it here in just a second.
From Jimmy to Tim to Greg to Chris to Mark to Charles to Frank to Dan to Andrew to Jim to Caroline to Mark.
We're going to take all your phone calls.
But I just ask each caller, don't thank me.
Not that I don't want thanks.
I know you thank me.
I thank you.
Just give me your point.
Give me your view.
Bam, bam, bam.
I want to take 30, 40 phone calls before this transmission ends in 35 minutes.
But again, magic is in the air.
History is happening.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
And the panicked, dying mainstream media throws out outrageous lies like nobody was at the inauguration, and you know, Trump has a small wee-wee, to try to bait everybody into debating them.
And you still gotta expose their liars, but just move on from, oh, this is a diversion, they're known liars, here they are, let's just move forward.
Because humanity's coming back up for air right now.
Humanity has a vision.
Humanity has a destiny and Donald Trump is dialed into that and this is magic.
This is magic hour.
It's beyond golden hour.
Magic hour happens anytime you decide to accept your destiny and decide to tune into believing in humanity and recognizing the enemies of our species.
And I'm Alex Jones.
And all I want is for you to be free.
And InfoWars.com is my little website.
When you take action, you move, nothing on earth can stop you.
Okay, who should we go to first?
Who's been holding the longest?
There's so many calls here.
We get like 23,000 calls an hour when the system's open.
Other talk show hosts beg for calls, but, oh, Fox News gets hundreds an hour.
Oh, I want to be on Fox News, you're so big!
I don't want to be bigger than Fox News.
I just hate what a big fraud it is.
Like, you go to the nursing home to see my grandmother, it's on.
And I go to another nursing home, it's on.
It's like, it's a joke.
It controls everything.
Sorry, I can't come on your show.
I'm under contract to Fox.
It's a big cancer.
Jimmy in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, number one, I bought you a ProPure water filtration system.
I'm thrilled with it.
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Well, thank you for the support.
They're great gravity-filled systems.
They're 25% off right now, so thank you, sir.
Okay, alright.
Now I want to say, Donald, I am so thrilled.
Oh my God, he's doing everything he promised he would do.
He's doing it so quickly.
I've got five kids, one on the way.
And I feel so much better about their future.
Can you feel the spirit shift?
Oh man, it's like, I feel better getting up in the morning.
I feel like... Let me just tell you, Trump personally has told me he feels the spirit of America and he just loves it.
I'm not trying to, it's just true.
Trump is really into serving the people and I think the enemy feels that.
Well, we sure appreciate everything you do.
I know you don't like to be thanked, but we love you, brother.
Take care.
No, no, no.
Don't hang up.
Jimmy, you still there?
Yes, sir.
What does your gut tell you, though?
I think they're going to try to kill him.
I think they're telling us already what they're going to do.
We know they can play with the stock market.
So I think they're going to do whatever they can do to dump the market and blame it on Trump.
That's just my opinion.
Well dad or kill him and I pray to God I plead the blood of Jesus over Donald Trump and I speak anything down against him that anybody would try to kill him or something but I really feel like the only thing they could do besides go after him physically
Would be the stop mark.
I agree.
Oh, I've got a stack of news.
They're saying the depression's here.
It's all over.
It's Trump's fault.
It makes me cry because forget trusting Trump.
His actions prove everything.
Judge the tree bites fruits.
They are going to come after him.
He knows it too.
He's ready.
He's very fatalistic.
I'll tell you that.
He's ready.
I'll be back.
Stay with us.
Who is Ike Batista, once the richest man in Brazil, a successful oil and mining tycoon, and now a fugitive to justice?
Brazil is currently trying to drain its own swamp, and the arrest of Batista is one of many steps they are taking.
It turns out Batista, owner of the EBX Group, was involved in bribes to the government via interactions with former governor of Rio de Janeiro, Sergio Cabral, who was also arrested, in conjunction with activities involving the state-owned oil company Petrobras.
Brazil's own drainage swamp has been called Yava Jato, or car wash.
It has produced many arrests, including Cabral's top aide and former secretary in Rio, Wilson Carlos Carvalho, former governor of Rio, Anthony Garatinho, under suspicion of vote rigging, a former top executive with Batista, Flavio Godinho, accused of money laundering in association with Cabral.
And another top aide of Cabral's, Carlos Miranda, has also been jailed, showing the United States that it is possible to drain the swamp and nobody is above the law.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I've got like 30 phone calls I want to go to.
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I want to go to Tim and Greg and Chris and Mark and Charles and Frank and Dan and Andrew and Jim and Caroline and Mark.
I got to tell you, that last caller was powerful.
Who should we talk to first?
There's so many people here to talk to.
Let's talk to Caroline in Utah.
Let's talk to her.
You're on the air from Utah.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
It's awesome to talk to you.
Thank you so much for all you do.
We're all in this together.
We are.
We are and praise God.
I want you to know something.
I'm over here and I've got tears running down my face because I'm so grateful for feeling so much more free.
That's how I feel with President Trump.
I haven't felt this free in a long time.
Well it's definitely real.
The enemy's scared worldwide.
They got all these foreign governments against him.
He's really doing what he said he would do.
And he's committed.
He is, like CNN said, he's quote obsessed with doing what he said he'd do.
As if that's a bad thing.
It isn't a bad thing.
It's an awesome thing.
And one of the great things I love about him is it's like iron sharpening iron.
He's stepping up to the plate.
He's keeping his word.
I watched his rallies every single day.
And you too, by the way.
And, you know, he's doing what he said he'd do.
He's keeping his promises.
And all the guys and all the men, I mean, they've got to step up to the plate.
Yeah, Trump's an example of how a man should act.
I'm going to jump to get some more callers, but thank you.
I appreciate all of you.
I love you.
Trump's what a real man acts like.
And let me tell you something, in talk radio and TV, I'm known as the hardest working person there is.
Drudge is well known to work 18 hours a day as well.
I'm not kissing Drudge's butt, it's just true.
He does a better job than I can with the websites.
But with Trump, it's even crazier.
I mean, I know the behind the scenes stuff.
He is a maniac.
He does 200 calls a day just on the economy.
100 to media.
Maybe 100 other to politicians.
We're talking 400, 500 calls a day?
And he understands it's all about will and he's literally in the zeitgeist on fire.
Donald Trump is on fire.
It's not a cult of Donald Trump.
It's just he's done it.
He's delivered.
He's doing it.
It's an example.
It's the return of the men.
And I'll sit here and tell you that at 43 years old, I can't work like this.
He's 70, the oldest president ever inaugurated.
It's just got magic written all over it.
Greg in New Jersey, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alright Alex, here's the thing that kills me about this news media.
You know, you got lies of omission, and you got lies of commission, and here's the lie of omission.
In all these reports that they're talking about Trump putting the ban, if you will, no one, and I mean no one, bothers to read the law.
And the law, according to the U.S.
Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter 2, Section 1182, here it is, in paragraph F, suspension of entry or imposition of restriction by President.
And it says, plain as day, whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens
That's right!
I was hearing it earlier!
He's invoking an old law that Obama has used on the same countries.
It's just an example of how they think we're not watching.
They just pity party everything.
Oh, people can't come from Somalia where there's like no airports and rocket launchers and women are like in slave pits?
Women live in Somalia in slave pits.
And this is what I don't understand.
Here's this federal judge, this Ann Donnelly.
How is it I'm able to find this law in 30 seconds?
Ann Donnelly is a political person.
That's why Customs is ignoring her.
Which is good.
Trump is forcing the fact.
He knows all he's doing is a set law.
He knows it's not even his law.
He knows they're going to flip out and freak out and burn stuff down and attack everybody and then have riots.
And then he'll just go, all I did was what Obama did.
That's why he's so smart.
And that's it.
He's like a big cat, and he's playing with his prey before he eats them.
And it's ridiculous that these people are so stupid that they think... Well, I don't get it.
He's an astrology, but he is a Leo.
He is a big cat.
They are so arrogant.
They think that we're so stupid that we don't read the law.
You don't have to be a lawyer to read the law.
That's why it's written in English.
And that's why I'm so glad that, you know, you get on the news and on your show and tell people, hey, go look it up for yourself.
That's all we do.
And they just go, oh, it's fake news.
I've got like 15 studies that 3 million illegals voted, just like Trump said.
And they just keep going, he's a liar!
He's a liar!
I'm CNN!
Trump is a liar!
I appreciate you.
God bless you.
Let's jam in some more calls here.
Let's talk to Mark in North Carolina.
He says, the enemy is uniting.
I agree.
We think we're winning, folks.
We better redouble our efforts.
The real fight's about to start.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I have this theory.
I've had it for a while, too.
Kind of goes along with a lot of yours, but I think it goes a step further, even.
There's three entities that are trying to take, that are trying to unite the world into a New World Order.
The New World Order itself, which is basically corporate banks, you know... That's the Anglo-American.
The other part is the Islamists.
Mostly Wahhabis.
I don't consider the Shiites to be in that.
No, they're not.
They're not.
And the others are the communists, who have always wanted basically a one world... I agree.
It's communists, it's Wahhabis, and it's the mega bankers.
But I think what they plan on, each thinks at some point they'll be able to overcome the others.
The big people, the big money, the new world order... But don't you think Trump's about to roll them all up?
Yeah, I mean the alliance with Russia and Japan and England is going to be hard to beat.
My thing is Trump, Putin making the world great again.
I put it all over my Facebook.
I really think Putin is also, if anything but
I see it's going to come to a real tough battle, but I think if we patriots stick to it
And I think we've got to unite with our brothers in places like Russia and the British, like the UKIP-type people in Britain.
That we can destroy this New World Order once and for all?
The New World Order is anti-prosperity, anti-human.
Yeah, there's no doubt.
It's dirtbag.
It's anti-prosperity.
We just put that out, they lose.
I mean, it's kind of like six years ago, they had the whole world government treaty, and then the treaty got leaked, where the third world had basically doubled the taxes of the West.
The third world says it's a screwjob.
Globalism isn't good for anybody.
And so, we all need to come together against the New World Order.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, my friend.
I'm going to go to break and I'm going to come back.
Thank you, Mark.
I'm going to take like 10 calls in 10 minutes.
We're going to do it.
So have your points ready.
I appreciate you having them ready.
I love you.
We're going to come back to those.
Briefly, we are Lister supported.
To say, oh, InfoWars is the tip of the spear, it's kind of cliche.
We are.
And, you know, as big as our audience is, we should bring in like $10 million a year.
We don't.
We bring in a fraction of that.
You know, people are like, oh my gosh, $50 million a year to run your operation.
We reach 50 million people a week.
People have no idea.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Now I won't get to a lot of the clips I have, but that's okay.
We'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
3 p.m.
Central with a big four-hour-long transmission.
Right now, I want to focus on taking a lot of your phone calls.
We're going to talk to Charles, then we're going to talk to Frank and Dan and Andrew and Jim and Mark and Tim.
But right now, Charles in New York, you're on the air.
Thank you very much.
Alex, I know that President Trump is well-versed in history, and he returned the Andrew Jackson picture to the White House.
And just to let you know that on January 30th, January 30th, which will be tomorrow, but in 1835, there was an attempt on President Jackson's life.
Jackson already been stabbed more than 10 times, shot many times, survived more than 6 duels, 7 duels before that.
It was Providence?
He was a real deal.
And, you know, as a little bit of Americana for all Americans to consider, the prosecuting attorney for Francis was Francis Scott Key, who was the author of the Star Spangled Banner.
So it is meaningful.
We're living in a very special time.
And I think the best line that I've heard in your program ever was the answer to 1984 is 1776.
And I believe that that is a thesis for the new world.
I agree.
What do you think of Trump?
I mean, I don't want to be over positive, but how could you be negative?
It's just total delivery.
Well, he has to do it quickly, and his biggest enemy will turn out to be, as someone else mentioned earlier, manipulation of the stock market and the financial system.
The central bank was actually, you know, what President Jackson... He said, I killed the bank on his death.
No, I agree, but they should understand the force they're up against.
If they really think that with their bravado or chutzpah that they're going to beat the spirit, they should roll over.
You know, the Achilles ankle to all this is the fact that a loan that is made from thin air, by producing the money out of ether, is worthless.
And you're charging interest on it, which is simply unacceptable.
And so any loan over a million dollars that can't be accounted for by anyone, be it dirty money or whatever.
It's null and void.
It's null and void.
So therefore, there's the key, I think, to any of these attacks on the President from any organization.
No, I hear you.
I mean, I personally have encouraged everybody involved with Trump, including the President,
That we're not people that just take the gloves off for no reason.
We're not looking for quick fixes.
But the enemy's so cancerous, take the gloves off.
We're ready to just deal with this right now.
And they're never going to give in.
They're never going to stop.
They're out to get us.
They're enemies.
And so why should we play patty cake with these people?
It's time to crush them.
Hey Alex, long time no hear.
How are you?
I'm very good, thank you.
I just want to tell your audience that in my lifetime I've never seen a president that's delivering like this guy's delivering.
And he's already dwarfing Reagan, let's just be honest.
The other thing is Ronald Reagan, he's already dwarfing Reagan.
This is ridiculously real.
I agree.
And I believe that this is our providence, like in the Bible, like when God gave his people a hundred year reprieve, I think this is our reprieve.
I truly believe that.
Or 100 year reprieve for none of them.
And the other previous caller mentioned about the Muslims, that's actually public law 414, which the President has every right to bar anyone from coming to this country if they're a threat to the United States Congress.
Yeah, no kidding.
Don't bring people in that are murdering each other in giant bloody war zones.
I have one more comment, if I may please.
I have a couple problems with this administration.
I have to be honest with you.
There's two things that I'm a little bothered with is the Treasury Secretary saying that he has to expand the IRS.
To me, that's a big problem.
I agree.
A big time problem.
Big time problem.
And the other one is that when he appointed the Department of Education head, what's her name?
That billionaire from Michigan?
Yeah, she's Prince's sister.
Yes, exactly.
I have a big problem with that because I agree with what's-his-name with... Well, sure.
I gotta jump.
We'll see what they do.
We're gonna watch it.
I agree with what you're saying.
And, like, torture is one of his bad points, too.
Trump's not perfect, but he certainly is delivering on what he said he'd do.
It's night and day with Obama.
Thank you, Frank.
Dan in Indiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead, brother.
I want to say thank you for the prize that I got for the Bill Clinton t-shirt contest.
I finally got it.
Oh good, so you went out and said Bill Clinton's a rapist.
You got your prize.
Yeah, when he was in Cleveland, I disrupted it and I yelled and I would rape and he had to stop to speak.
The thing I want to talk about is there is a lot of religion being thrown around.
I don't
Ritual where he crawled up on a man's butt.
Well, listen, I don't know anything about that.
Butt pirates or whatever.
All I know is Trump's invoking God.
Something Obama wouldn't do.
Calling on Jesus.
Calling on God for power.
I gotta jump.
But I hear you.
Your phone sounds like, at least in my ear, sounds like a robot.
It's a bit bad?
Some of these phones are so bad.
Like, is this actually happening?
I'm not cutting you off, Dan.
Call me back tomorrow.
I'd love to hear from you.
Andrew in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
I love a lot of what Trump is doing, too, but one has to understand that a president, just like Congress, is limited by the 18 related powers.
If it's not Commerce Clause related... Sure, back off your phone.
Back off your phone.
Go ahead.
It's overdriven.
Yeah, and one would say if it's not related to the several states.
Yeah, I'm Megan.
They tell me, maybe my phone system, they tell me they can understand you.
I can't understand you.
Say it again?
Yes, Donald Trump occasionally has hired people that are the dreaded Z-Word, which suggests that he works for Israel.
I'm not going to say because... Oh, okay, I appreciate your call.
Look, there's this mental illness.
Israel's this tiny country with like a few million people and everybody thinks it runs everything, so I just don't get involved in it.
I mean, I just want to like have lower taxes and have freedom of religion and private property in this country.
Everybody, like, calls up and says, Jew!
It's like a magic word or something, when Israel's an incredibly diverse country.
So yeah, I mean, he's like, his daughter married a Jewish guy?
He's a good-looking guy, got good-looking kids.
I don't know what else to say.
I mean, I just don't like, oh God, let's kill the Jews!
Somebody called in about them.
I just don't get it.
I'm about ideology.
I'm about ideas.
See, not where you came from or what color you are.
So, I don't care if you're Mexican or you're Russian or you're Japanese or you're Algerian, you want freedom and Second Amendment and private property?
Man, come on in!
You don't like that?
Get the hell out of my life, okay?
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I think one of the best ways Obama could get, or excuse me, Trump could get a tidal wave on his
Well, I mean, he is calling for basically a repeal.
It's a replacement, though.
Right, but if he would reverse all of the waivers that were granted by President Obama to, for example, the entire states of Nevada and New Hampshire... Or McDonald's.
That's a great point.
Get rid of the waivers and all those corporations won't want it.
Thank you, brother.
Mark, in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Two things real quick.
I'm from the land of Sheriff Joe, so we already kind of know how it's going to go for the next four years at least.
I just love how Trump is playing this media and turning a one-day news cycle, which I thought was crazy, into a one-hour news cycle.
And you're right.
He works so hard, no one can keep up.
And that's what they're frustrated about.
I agree.
I've told my crew.
I said, I don't know what you're going to do.
I'm in this seven days a week now.
I'm going to work more tonight.
I mean, it's just, I can feel the energy.
I always thought I had the energy.
It's so good to hit somebody that's got even more than me.
It's like, feels great.
I'm sorry to Tim and Chris and everybody else.
I'm out of time.
Great job, the crew.
Please join me tomorrow.
I love you all.
I thank you all.
I'm humble before you all.
Tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central and fullwords.com.
Spread that link.
They hate it.