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Filename: 20170126_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 26, 2017
3371 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses President Trump's first few weeks in office, highlighting his commitment to build a wall between Mexico and the US due to increased security measures needed. He criticizes sanctuary cities for breaking the law by providing benefits to people who are in the country illegally. Additionally, he promotes a new line of body armor and encourages viewers to prepare for potential emergencies. The show also features discussions on economic issues in China, immigration policies, distraction tactics used by media to obscure Trump's accomplishments, and restrictions placed on past interviews with political figures by major networks.

That's Allen Railway, Chevy.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You want it, baby?
Ladies and gentlemen, it is January 26, 2017.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
We have another incredibly important transmission lined up.
Trump is now synonymous with telling the truth, keeping his promises, and delivering in Blitzkrieg fashion.
A lightning war against the tyrants.
But that's about the only, I guess, German or Nazi connotation you could make that would have any reality based in it.
But MSM is saying the stock market... I've been using a number from about a week ago.
Excuse me, I have to correct myself because that number is about a week old.
Bloomberg is reporting that the stock market has gained $2 trillion.
I've been saying $1 trillion, $1.2 trillion, $1.3 trillion.
It hadn't gone and looked the numbers up in a week.
It was like $1.7 trillion last week.
It's $2 trillion!
And MSM, you name it, are running around saying this is like Hitler.
Meanwhile, the Mexican president is saying that he may not come next week to a visit with President Trump now because he said in Spanish, we're going to play it in a moment, we do not have walls in Mexico.
Well, believe me, you deserve to have one with Guatemala.
Guatemala basically is what Mexico has become, a collapsed third world country.
And it's a good thing you have a wall down there or it would be total bedlam.
But now he says he won't attend.
Oh, so it was a rumor this morning.
Now it's official.
Just came out that he will not attend now because Trump would dare build a wall, even though all these other countries have walls.
Breaking the wall.
Mexico pulls out of the Trump meet.
So that's breaking right now on Drudge.
Let's go ahead and play the president, though, saying that there are no walls.
Here it is.
That is where we should be.
That is where the country should be.
I regret and disapprove of the decision by the United States to continue with the construction of the wall, which has for years, far from uniting us, divided us.
Mexico does not believe in walls.
I've said time and time again.
Well, I'll pay for a wall.
All it means is pennies charged for people wiring money would pay for it.
Let me tell you, 8 to 14 million dollars is nothing.
But a drop in the bucket when you talk about money transfers to Mexico and back and forth.
Okay, that's good.
So he goes on to say, you know, a negotiation is good for us to have, but now he's pulled out of the negotiation.
So now Trump is going to run over Mexico.
We deserve to have a wall.
Mexico has collapsed into tyranny under previous globalist policies, and we can have a wall.
Quite frankly, it's not going to completely stop anybody, but it's an act of sovereignty and will slow down just complete criminal lawlessness where the Mexican drug trucks just drive right over and right back over the border in large parts of
Arizona are basically off-limits unless you're a drug cartel, and you've got the coyotes in there murdering and killing the people coming across the border.
Oh, it's the coyotes doing the murdering, not a bunch of guys, you know, white guys in cowboy hats like Robert Rodriguez would have you believe.
Stay with us, folks.
I'm gonna launch into MSM pushing big-time openly for the murder of President Trump.
Sanctuary cities across the nation are pushing back against President Trump's immigration policies.
They're vowing to take it all the way to the courts.
Bill de Blasio of New York is promising immediate action against Sanctuary City's order, as President Trump's executive order is said to block federal funding to sanctuary cities just like New York.
De Blasio is saying that it's very susceptible to legal challenge, and he's promising to take it to the court immediately for an injunction to stop the order.
If an attempt to pull funds from the city is made, he goes on to say, if they make an attempt to pull that money, it would be from the NYPD, from security funding to fighting terrorism.
Of course, we know that simply isn't true.
The president is trying to enforce the law of the land and say that these rogue cities have no right to give benefits to people that are here illegally.
On Wednesday, Trump signed an order to stop federal funds from going to these cities, from New York to San Francisco, that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agencies.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for InfoWars.com.
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I am a shotgun rider for the San Jacinto Line.
The desert is my brother, my skin is cracked and dry.
I was riding on a folk coach and everything was fine, till we took a shorter road to save some time.
The globalists only fired once.
Bandits only fired once, they shot me in the chest.
They may have wounded.
They may have wounded me, but they'll never get the best of better men.
It's alright again.
Gotta love the Highwoman.
...waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
Trump is delivering on so much of what he claimed he was going to do that it's dizzying right now.
And his approval rating, even in the skewed Gallup poll, which they admit mainly targets the elderly and mainline TV watchers, which skews heavily towards the Democrats,
Shows he's already at 59% up from 57 last Friday, up from 49 just a month ago.
So you look at how they're skewing.
He's been as low as 41%.
You look at how they're skewing it.
This means his approval rating's more like 70%.
Most of the, quote, minorities I speak to, whether they be upper class, working class, poor, go, no, I really like Trump.
I think it's all lies what they've said about him.
And, but man, you know, I've got friends and family get mad at me if I say anything.
But then when I talk to them, they actually like Trump too.
They're just going along with it because they feel intimidated.
It's bullying.
But I'm going to tell you something, folks.
Ron Paul talked about it yesterday and he's been dead on.
The IMF, the World Bank, all of them are cutting stimulus next month.
They're ending the QE globally.
Now remember, that was only done for them.
Trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of liquid liquidity with 0% interest was given to them.
Sometimes pure bailouts, just pure cash.
But it's the same thing when you're a big mega bank and you give yourself and your subsidiaries, backed up by taxpayers, 0% money.
Then they go out and loan us to the public for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 points.
Some of these rates are loan sharking.
They take 0% interest and go out and give you payday loans at 25%.
This is madness.
25% a month in some cases.
I mean, they've changed laws all over the country and all over Europe to allow loan sharking, ladies and gentlemen, feeding on poor people.
Trump is moving to announce initiatives to try to stop that.
Trump is ending incentives and bailouts for the real estate market.
And the Von Mises Institute is really praising him.
Ron Paul praised him yesterday and said, no, he's doing just the right thing for the economy.
Just the right thing.
And Paul's eyes lit up like I've never seen them light up before.
Except the time Sasha Cohen-Barron, whatever his name is, tried to have sex with him in a hotel room.
He said, I'm going to beat the hell out of you, get the hell out of my way.
He lit up then, boy, got ready to kick some butt.
But they started talking about Trump really doing just the right thing to try to supercharge the economy and save it.
Paul's eyes lit up because he realizes what a desperate situation this is.
You see, the globalists gave themselves all the money for now, what, nine years at zero percent interest.
Now they are cutting it because they don't want the public to actually get any of it because Trump is normally not for 0% interest rates, but he wants to keep them like that or close that for a while to actually get the money out of the public and have the big banks, basically under order, loan to the people to try to jumpstart things before we go over the edge of a cliff.
The problem is he doesn't control
The IMF particularly.
And they are cutting their forecast.
They are trying to dial things back.
They're trying to do everything they can to put brakes on this economy.
And coming up today, let me see what time he's coming on.
Harry Dent's on the third hour.
We're going to see if he thinks the Trump effect can pull us out of this global spiral that the globalists have had scheduled for a long time, for this year.
So we're far from out of the woods right now.
And as Ron Paul said, if the economy goes down, it is not Trump's fault.
Obviously, he just got in.
He's doing everything he can, like an airplane pilot, where
The pilot has a heart attack, and there's no co-pilot, and the stewardess comes back and says, can someone fly the plane?
And Trump gets up and says, yes, I can fly the plane.
The question is, by then, it's nosediving.
Can he pull it up?
Well, Soros, who has been publicly betting against the United States for decades,
And who has been naked shorting the stock market, has everything he's got bet on this, and guess what?
It got magically leaked out of the Dutch regulator's computer system.
Dutch regulator, this is Bloomberg, accidentally posts Soros' short positions.
Yeah, no, the major patriot intelligence agencies are moving against Soros, and there's marches against him happening all over the world.
Millions have been marching in different Eastern European countries against what they call the Soros evil.
And now his positions have been released, and it turns out he was betting against America, betting against the West, and it's been blowing up in his ugly, evil face.
It's been blowing up in this goblin's face, and it's beautiful.
That's all coming up.
Now I want to praise Trump because I know he's for real and I know that he's been an incredible straight shooter and it's very refreshing to see a statesman instead of a politician.
Someone who does what they say they'll do.
Trump has kept his promise on everything he said he would do so far and is trying to launch this agenda immediately and has added two trillion dollars now.
Oh, it's up to two trillion according to Bloomberg.
He was president-elect.
Now he's been president for less than six days, and it's dizzying.
They've got CNN and all the rest of the Washington Post coming out saying, oh, it's Hitler!
Any stock market surge is Hitler!
Everything's Hitler, but their global authoritarian program.
But there's one thing Trump has not kept his promise on.
And I say that tentatively because we're going to see.
But so far, he has reversed himself, at least verbally, when it comes for calls for Hillary to be locked up or the fact that Hillary should be in jail.
Now, bottom line, I believe Trump is going to do the right thing and not try to block Sessions or others doing their job.
But here's the big news.
Clearly, if it looks like candidate Trump
Was calling for her to be locked up, which is a common sense, prima facie fact, on his face.
Then they'll use that to say, oh, he's just doing this to be political.
That's why he needs to say now, hey, we need to try to mend fences, come together and move forward.
Is because yes, justice must be done.
I believe he won't stand in the way of justice, but he needs to recuse himself publicly from the process.
But if he doesn't, then he would have broken a major promise, and plus he shouldn't be involved blocking justice.
We need to see her foundation, her cronies, and Hillary investigated and clearly prosecuted.
And coming up, we have Senator Sessions.
There's confirmation hearings saying when she is basically prosecuted, I'll recuse myself.
He didn't say if she is.
That's a big tell right there.
But the crimes are so ultra massive.
They thought that they could just commit them.
And because they were so big, they'd be too big to prosecute, like too big to fail.
Like they said, if you're going to steal, steal big.
But I'll say this, this is a reversal, and this is Trump, on the surface, breaking a promise, because he said, you ought to be in jail, I'll call for a prosecutor.
Let's go ahead and play this compilation of him back during the debates, with the mic drop moments of saying, yeah, you bet I shouldn't be in office, because if I am in office, you'll be in jail.
Here it is.
You know, it is, uh, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Secretary Clinton... When you talk about apology...
I think the one that you should really be apologizing for and the thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 emails that you deleted and that you acid washed and then the two boxes of emails and other things last week
We're good to go.
To get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.
There has never been anything like it and we're going to have a special prosecutor.
When I speak, I go out and speak, the people of this country are furious.
In my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the FBI are furious.
There has never been anything like this where emails and you get
Their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done.
That's right.
It's a disgrace.
And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Mr. President, you bring up Hillary Clinton.
You had her stand up at Statuary Hall.
And said some very kind things about her.
She fought hard.
She fought hard.
This is like America is done hearing about investigations into Hillary Clinton.
I just don't know.
I mean, I hope so.
And from my standpoint, we want to move on to the future.
So I hope so.
I don't know what the status of that is.
I know it's a lot of very serious stuff, but I certainly hope so.
So he doesn't completely break with his promise.
He says, oh, yeah, she fought hard.
I sure hope so.
I don't know the status of those things.
I'm not involved in those things.
I think he's going to deliver on this as well.
It's the nature of Trump.
He's also somebody that if you attack him, lie about him and come after his family, like the press, she still commands and Soros still commands and attack his wife and attack his son and others.
He's coming after you.
And by he's coming after you, he's recused himself and Sessions says he's going to recuse himself as well when there is a prosecution.
Because Hillary has been caught in lies to Congress, massive fraud, the stand down of Benghazi, the list goes on and on, getting money from the Saudi Arabians.
And I want to see it brought out.
I want to see them broken because they're not stopping and they've created a giant army of mentally ill cultists.
Who want race war in this country.
They're a bunch of mentally ill, twisted, ne'er-do-well white people trying to bully and whip mainly black folks and Hispanics into
Hating white people.
I mean, everyone up there campaigning to be DNC chair are making the most racist statements about how we don't need white people at the top of the Democratic Party.
Or, well I'm white, elect me because I'll keep the whites in line and make sure they don't get privilege.
I'll shut them up and make sure you get privilege.
That is the quote.
That is the definition of racketeering.
DNC chair candidate bash white people in racially charged forum.
My job is to shut other white people down.
She goes on to make sure you get the privilege.
That is the essence of racketeering.
That's what it is.
I want to set up a group and organization and make sure white people don't get anything, but you get everything.
What on earth are you talking about?
Now people say, oh, then is it racketeering when Trump says he's going to try to focus jobs into minority areas?
No, those are depressed areas.
Give people a right to work and be honorable and raise their kids.
That's how you show somebody how to fish.
You don't go give them fish.
This is total domestication.
We should put factories and jobs in all the poorest areas, like the Appalachians, for poor white people.
It's a low cost of living.
You can put factories there, pay them a low wage that's kingly for that area, and they can live better there on that low wage than they could in New York City.
There's a plan.
This is what you're supposed to do.
You rise up your poor areas by giving them a culture of honor and success.
And bringing back agriculture.
And we're doing it.
We're doing it.
Russia's bringing back organic agriculture and micro-farms.
It flips a switch in humans to do it.
We're meant to do it.
When we're not farming, we're killing.
People sitting around in cities without jobs, their brain flips and says, something's wrong, I gotta go out and get violent.
You need to be either in the dirt with your wife, your husband, having kids, you know, building farms and growing crops, or you go to war.
It's what humans do.
And we are farmers, all of us.
So we need to get back to it.
And Thomas Jefferson said that and he was absolutely on target.
He said if a nation isn't based on farmers, it wasn't just because they were growing things, it was the culture, it was the...
Ingenuity and the hard workingness and the common sense intelligence and the toughness of farmers that he grew up around and watched compared to what he saw in the cities.
I'm not running down city folks.
I'm just telling you that this is why we've lost our soul.
We look at Mexicans coming in here and go, well they've got their problems in Mexico but they're hard working and can do anything and got their families and they look excited and they're doing things.
Yeah, because they're farmers folks.
Let me stop right there, though.
Let's get to the Sessions clip, because I mentioned it.
Here he is, very ominous for old Hillary.
And, no, justice is going to be done.
And, you know, there were some people arguing to Trump, back off, they're going to leave you alone and let us fix the country.
And Trump knows they're not doing that now.
Trump knows.
And so Trump's not going to stand in the way and break the law and stop the ongoing criminal investigations of Hillary.
Now people ask members of Congress why they were seen at the inauguration shaking her hand.
It's because she's dangerous.
And when you're about to destroy somebody who's very dangerous and the head of a major mafia, you want to go over, it's an art of war, and make them think that you're not their enemy.
Well, I don't engage in art of war.
I engage in the straight attack, which historically trumps everything if you've got moral power behind you.
I'm coming after all these people.
They're not going to stop Madonna saying, blow up the White House, and then saying, F the Secret Service, you know, F Trump.
I'm not ashamed.
And then every day I see two or three articles where people are in major newspapers and major publishing houses and on TV saying, kill Donald Trump, kill Donald Trump, blow him up, murder him.
This is total insurrection against the restoration of our Republic.
ABC airs promo, I'm going to play this in a moment, for a show about President being shot during Trump interview.
Teacher posts video shouting, shooting Trump in the classroom with a squirt gun, yelling, die!
Chinese propaganda, new Hollywood movie depicts Trump like president killing US.
Albright, I'm ready to register and convert to Islam.
See, I'm telling you, the left is merging with them.
Washington Post columnist compares Trump's stock market bump to Nazi Germany.
What blows me away is just how many collaborators there are that the entire MSM, pretty much the whole complex,
He's literally anti-America and has a vicious hatred of this country even though they live here and their whole future is based on how well we do.
They're delusional because they imagine they're with the power structure and they believe because they're in these little hives of traitors that they're invincible.
It's like a bunch of criminals getting together and convincing themselves they can rob Fort Knox.
You're not going to get away with it.
We watched you building this thing.
We just giving you rope, giving you rope, warning everybody, get ready.
Now wait, when they start coming, the public that hadn't been listening is going to listen.
Watch this.
Okay, they're coming.
We have been in a stand-up attack position for 50 years waiting for you, and now we just metrically went five levels bigger.
Now you want to fight?
You attack us, we get even bigger.
It's called the American plan, dumbasses.
We only let you
Build our strength ready to crush you in the end.
Gonna suck up and roll up the whole global system.
Watch this.
Get ready to fail.
Because I've decided you probably need to know how you're going to be destroyed.
A lot of your top people already know this, but I think the minions in people need to know that you're going to be used as examples of what scum and traitors are for decades and decades and generations to come.
You're all going to be held up as the standard of filth.
Your defeat will be the birth of the new millennium, as Trump said, empowering humanity.
Your strength is our weakness.
Look at Trump supporters versus your minions.
You truly have created twisted, fallen, scared, frightened, confused mental patients.
But you're not going to get the rest of us, and somehow we're going to try to resuscitate
The zombie horde, but a lot of them are too far gone.
I've seen them.
They're gone.
We have a full right to defend ourselves from the witches like Hillary and that other harpy, Madonna, who are the opposite of the beautiful spirit of womanhood.
You are monsters!
And it's why you're obsessed with claiming you dominate and run women.
You are what you claim men are trying to do.
You're there to dominate the spirit of women and suck off of it and bathe in its essence, its blood, and to infuse yourselves.
You're the metaphysical version of who was that famous royal that would kill babies and bathe in their blood.
I mean, you people are sick.
You apply cosmetics of dead Chinese babies and take collagen injections of their melted down fat, so you're already there.
Let's go out to break.
Let's go out to break with Senator Sessions, about to be the Attorney General.
Some have expressed concern about whether you can approach the Clinton matter impartially in both fact and appearance.
How do you plan to address those concerns?
Mr. Chairman, it was a highly contentious campaign.
I, like a lot of people, made comments about the issues in that campaign.
With regard to Secretary Clinton and some of the comments I made, I do believe that that could
Place my objectivity in question.
I've given that thought.
I believe the proper thing for me to do would be to recuse myself from any questions involving those kind of investigations that involve Secretary Clinton that were raised during the campaign.
So let me go over this note for you here.
Matt made a good point in my notes here.
Sessions AG confirmation hearing the notion of the legitimacy of prosecuting Clinton was assumed rather than challenged and notice how Sessions never qualifies the recusal with a condition if then statement i.e.
if she's prosecuted that I will recuse myself great point Matt for finding that and pointing that out okay let me get into their hype kill the president blow it up murder his supporters because they're probably gonna get to Trump hope they don't
They can get to us, can't they?
And they're running around with a Jezebel spirit infusing them by their high priestesses like Hillary and other sea hags like Madonna.
But the sea hags will be defeated.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, this administration thinks that the American public has a right to know what's happening in cities across the country, and it looks like the Trump administration is going to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens, sidestepping the mainstream media's coverage of the immigration crime wave.
We have an article that's up on our website that aggregated from Breitbart News, and it talks about how this administration is going to publish
A list of crimes committed by illegals in sanctuary cities weekly, according to an executive order released.
Now, this order says, quote, to better inform the public regarding public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the secretary shall utilize the declined detainer outcome report, or its equivalent, and on a weekly basis make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens,
And any jurisdiction that ignores or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.
It looks like this administration is saying to these sanctuary cities, you deport or we're going to publish what's actually going on.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republic of prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more, and it supports him, and it supports InfoWars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They are in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order.
So you get it first at InfoWars4.com.
The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us and please continue to support the operation and get his book now so you're the first to have it.
I'll have it shipped to you.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We are back live, very honored to be here with you.
On this historic Thursday, January 26, 2017, this is an answer, a prayer of what's happening.
Again, Trump is not perfect, but he really believes he's doing the right thing.
He is committed.
And I know they're going to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
They're going to go after the crime syndicate.
The crime syndicate knows that.
That's why they're so vicious.
That's why they're so desperate.
Trump is first going to deliver on as much of the plan as he can.
So that people see that it's real prosperity and that they can actually run their own lives.
And then they are going to set the dogs loose as soon as the people are in place.
Sessions and others are not in place yet.
And the enemy may try to still set off a nuke, bomb, kill Trump.
They're openly calling for it, trying to sell the idea that it's a great thing.
We were told by insiders months ago, Paul Watson was, that the new Homeland series was coming out.
And that terrorists listen to me on the radio and that they then go out and carry out terror attacks.
I didn't see it last night because I can't keep track of all this but I got some phone calls and said it was clearly that.
And of course they admit that the new X-Files has a character based on me who's actually a good guy because Chris Carter has said he thinks I'm a good guy and so it shows Chris Carter is a patriot.
I've been told that for a long time.
But that's because he has a lot of power obviously to put out his own productions.
That's pretty rare.
I haven't seen this Homeland episode yet, but maybe later people can call in.
But ABC airs promo for a show about President being shot during Trump interview.
So this is what they're pushing on every front, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, they've got all sorts of straw men out there that look and sound like me, saying things that I haven't actually said.
And just putting out stories that I've been arrested.
There have been like, I don't know, more than 10 stories since Cleveland showing the state police and Cleveland police escort me out of a square where communists wouldn't let me engage in free speech and attack me.
And the same thing happened when I tried to get in the entrance to the inaugural, the communists came and attacked us and the police drugged me out again and said, no, we're going to close the entrance, you're not allowed to now.
And then that turns into I've been arrested.
So this is how they deceive you.
And again, it isn't about me.
It's about understanding, folks, that these are a pack of criminal liars.
But it's worse than that.
I've really thought about this.
The crew concurs, and I'm sure of it.
I've looked at it from every angle.
They are putting out blatantly false info to then have us debate them for weeks while they're busy trying to kill the movement worldwide to bring down the New World Order, and while other countries have self-awareness and realize the scam.
And they really don't want you to realize that Trump is delivering on every front because he's gone up from 41 points at his low to 59 now in just a few months.
And that's a skewed poll.
Their methodology admittedly adds 10, 15, 20% depending on how they do it to us.
We're talking about as high as 70% approval rating despite all of this.
So this is a big, big deal.
A huge deal.
And Rasmussen and other polls show similar trends.
So a very, very exciting time to be alive.
But they're going to strike back.
And listen, if the globalists were really going to back off, Trump would let them scurry away.
They're not going to.
So let me just give you the big announcement.
We're already basically in a soft civil war in this country.
And the globalists are really looking at going into high gear.
That's why Soros and the entire Fortune 100 basically all gave, the lowest was $2 million the week after the inauguration or the week after the election went in November.
They all gave, Soros gave hundreds of millions after.
Some companies gave $10 million, $20 million, $5 million, $3 million, $2 million.
You know, Kellogg's gave $2 million and then $3 million.
They gave hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars for what you're now seeing, these marches and the violence and all the rest of it.
They're not just doing that for no reason.
They're planning something big.
So keep your eyes open, your ears up, and your heads down, because when I say head down, I mean when they're shooting at you.
Politically, we need to be popping up, taking them out politically, exposing what trash they are.
I think it's good that Trump and Drudge and all of us expose their lies, but I think we should just expose their lies and say, oh look, more fraud from them.
We know they're going to, once we catch CNN and ABC News and NBC News and the BBC and everybody putting out fake inauguration photos from right when the gates opened, and doing time lapses where they cut the middle, showing people emptying out in the evening, using every deception they've got on earth.
Once you see that happening, just point out it's a fraud and move on.
Because they're distracting.
We know they're liars, we know they're scum, and they are losing.
The American people are seeing through it, and that's why they are panicking so hard.
Now before I go any further, I've got a lot of clips I want to play here.
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Okay, let me dive right back into the news here.
Earlier, I played a clip of the Mexican president saying that he will not come up and speak to Trump.
And that's because Trump said, no need to come if you're not going to, quote, pay for the wall.
And he's given Mexico several choices on how to do that.
And again, Mexico gets hundreds of billions of dollars a year of money sent back down to it.
And an 8 to 14 million dollar wall is something that Mexico really should chip in on, and it would show a sign of solidarity, and it would also show that Trump delivers on everything he says.
Quite frankly, it was a boast of the campaign, and Trump is now following through on it, but
The issue is, is that Trump will get the money one way or another.
And so, if the Mexican President wants to have a confrontation with Trump, then that's basically what is about to happen.
Trump was very gracious when he was down in Mexico, and he would have been gracious if the President came up here and negotiated.
Maybe Mexico pays for a third of it or something.
But Mexico didn't do that, so now you're going to pay for all of it.
One way or another.
And Trump knows America feels demoralized.
And America has been put in this brainwashed position of feeling like we're dirty for saying you have to have an ID to vote or we can have a fence or a wall.
When Mexico, I'm going to go back and play the President's clip, then I'm going to get back into the death threats against Trump.
When Mexico knows full well that they shake up a soda can
And that's what's in the reports.
And spray, basically, hot pepper sauce up your nose.
Which is a smart way to torture somebody.
I'm not saying it's good, but it doesn't really hurt you.
But you think you're dying.
It's way worse than waterboarding.
It goes into your lungs, everything.
I mean, it doesn't hurt you if you don't have a heart attack.
Mexico is famous for massive, massive torture that has become totally institutionalized.
Mexico, if students even mildly protest, hundreds of them get killed a year.
I mean, 20, 30 at a time just disappear off the streets.
Mexico does some horrible stuff.
I'm not here bashing Mexico.
I want Mexico to rehabilitate itself.
I don't like the fact that Trump says, well, if you're ISIS, we'll torture you.
I mean, I get it's ISIS, but, you know, you turn into this once you do this.
I mean, it seems, well, you're a bad guy, so I can torture you.
Well, that's how they started in Mexico, see?
So I'm criticizing both Trump and Mexico at the same time.
Because I told you, I mean, we're just going to tell it like it is with Trump.
He turned out better than I thought, but still, there's some things that are wrong here.
Now, expanding on this, London Guardian, Mexico tortures migrants and citizens in effort to slow Central American surge.
The globalists have put financial systems in all over the world to collapse the first world, the old world, the third world, to consolidate control.
Not my opinion, a fact.
So when they say, oh,
Latin Americans are coming here because of America.
You mean because of globalist policies using American muscle to enforce it.
Trump has real policies that will actually empower Mexico.
Because by driving wages up here, it will force people to compete and drive up wages there as well.
That's what the studies show.
As you cut the wages, they actually
Have wages that are rising, but that are put into areas that were already depressed to raise them up.
But I'm not going to do an economics lesson.
It gets pretty complex.
But people get where I'm going historically.
That general wealth, a rising tide raises all ships.
Henry Ford did some weird stuff, but he was right about paying his employees enough to buy the car.
But see, that's a growth market.
That's a renaissance market versus a Cloward and Piven agenda 21 global collapse paradigm.
But I'm going off the rails here on other subjects.
Mexico tortures migrants and citizens in effort to slow Central American surge.
There's hundreds of these stories.
Financial Times.
Mexico builds its own wall against migrants.
Pressure builds for measure to stem flow of refugees from the South heading to the United States.
It's that bad.
And I don't blame you people wanting to come up here, but it's only going to collapse us as well, folks.
I mean, it's becoming joke level.
Trump administration to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens.
There's been a major cover-up of that here and in Europe and that's coming to an end.
So when the President of Mexico says, and I'm going to play the first part of the clip because we played it all earlier, says, you know, Mexico doesn't believe in walls, Mexico doesn't build walls, on what planet are you living?
I mean, do you think we're stupid?
Mexico has a continued wall, a 100% wall, on its southern border with Guatemala.
Well, they had a fence.
Now they're building a wall.
A wall in some areas, a fence in others.
Now they're going to finish it up as a big, strong wall because Latin America is collapsing.
What if a plague breaks out in Latin America, south of the border in Central America?
What if a plague breaks out?
What if a war breaks out?
So everybody continues to pour over?
You don't have a sovereign country if you don't have
A controlled border.
And I cannot believe that I have to sit here and explain this to liberal listeners, who think it's evil and bad when we have a wall, but if the Vatican has one, or if China has one, or if Mexico has one, or if Obama has one, or if Mark Zuckerberg wants one, Zuckerberg has like 700 acres, but there's other little pieces of property
That requires our support?
That's where we should be.
That's where his country should be.
So he says they regret the continued construction of a wall, which for years, far from reuniting, has divided us.
Mexico does not believe in walls.
I have said this time and time again, Mexico will not pay for a wall.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Mr. President, you didn't read the art of the deal.
If you'd have just shown up, been nice to Trump, you could have gotten out probably paying for 30% of it.
But you're going to pay for some of it.
NATO's gonna pay.
Japan's gonna pay.
South Korea's gonna pay.
The big globalist system saps America to build this whole world.
Defense grid, and then we go bankrupt and fall into the ground.
That's all you had to do was go up there and Trump would have been eating out of your hand.
But Trump cannot abide, he's basically OCD in a good way, about one-sided deals, one-way street screw jobs.
So now Mexico, you're going to pay for 100% for being pig-headed.
So get ready.
You're going to pay for 100%.
Because Trump believes, in fairness, he wants Mexico to attack with a bunch of anti-American garbage to rekindle our nationalism.
He's basically going to use Mexico and all this anti-American hate to only make his agenda more popular.
But first, he gave you a chance.
He went down and was super gracious, super nice, said, let's negotiate this, let's talk about it, come up, but if you're not going to agree to work with us on this, that means pay for some of it.
If you don't know how this works, then you're going to pay for all of it.
It's just unbelievable that people don't understand how Trump works.
It's all right there.
He's so easy to predict.
They claim he's unpredictable?
No, he's very easy to predict.
You're going to negotiate, you're going to do a deal that's good for everybody, or you're going to be run over.
It's that simple.
And he's got control of the biggest, most powerful company there is to do it, and is about to relaunch the Republic.
So let me just warn everybody, including the globalists, get out of the way.
We'll be back with the calls to kill Trump.
Stay with me.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
103 is forever when you're just a little kid.
So Cyrus Jones.
So Cyrus Jones lived forever.
My dad's grandmother lived to be 103.
When you dig my grave.
My dad's so funny.
He was telling me how they got sent out of North Texas to Florida, how his grandmother's mother did, because they were Indians, and then how they'd come back to Texas.
Then I went and looked it up and I said, Dad, do you know what Native Americans those are?
It was just really funny.
You just can't make this stuff up.
You can't make this stuff up.
But she was still there at about 100.
She wasn't there at about 103.
But it's funny.
What was her nickname?
Ma Jones.
Alright, let's go ahead and... Her real name was Moon Jones.
Interesting stuff.
A lot of history gone.
History, though, is now happening right before us, isn't it?
And it's hard to believe that we're about to end the first month of 2017 before we have a twinkle in our eye.
It'll be 2018 and then on and on and on and on, heaven and hell.
It goes on and on, doesn't it?
Well, during the ABC interview with the 45th President of the United States, the snarky, sniveling reporter snaking around, in between that, we were all treated to an ad
Where the president is assassinated promoting a show designated Survivor.
Here it is.
And again, it's not a very good visual for folks that are on the radio, but Kiefer Sutherland's in it.
The president gets killed, so he has to take over.
This is what they're running.
You're like, oh, that's just that one thing.
No, ABC's talked about it.
He should be killed.
The New York Times has, The Washington Post.
I mean, you've seen it everywhere.
Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine have called for riots in burning cities.
The L.A.
When it's time to riot, it's incredible.
And when they riot and attack you, they just say you did something wrong.
Meanwhile, a teacher posts video shooting Trump with squirt gun, that's up on Infowars.com, screaming die in front of the class.
Dallas High School teacher posts video shooting Trump with squirt gun in classroom, screaming die.
Can we get the audio of this?
Go ahead and fade it up if you can.
Let's play this again.
I mean, this is what you have
You have these elementary school students sitting there while their crazy, whacked out witch teacher screams and yells while they're projecting Trump during the inauguration being inaugurated.
I mean, when we were kids, they'd show the inauguration or the space shuttle or whatever.
The teacher kept their mouth shut.
Now it's a harpy, a mental patient, screaming, die, die, die.
And you hear the little kids in the background going, what?
Imagine how whacked out they are.
The child abuse of this insanity.
If Hillary would have been elected, and I saw a conservative teacher squirt gunning saying, die, die in front of kids, I'd say fire that person.
What a lunatic!
What a group of crazy people!
And then white people just walk up to Starbucks, start screaming at some black lady, Trump won!
I deserve all this stuff!
You're attacking me!
Just crazy!
Crazy white people running around calling black people racists.
Trump won.
I mean, just whacked out loons.
And it gets worse.
China officially taking over Hollywood.
They've got movies coming out.
I'm going to cover this when we come back.
You know, where Trump is basically a dictator and at the end of the world and they're all calling him Hitler.
I mean, this is a group of lunatics, but not the people controlling them.
They know what they're doing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, and I've got to correct myself.
There was another one where they're screaming and yelling at Trump in front of an elementary school that I saw.
This is another one where it's in a high school.
You can hear the students in the background going, what?
As the woman screams, die, die, die, and is sitting there spraying the projection of Trump's inauguration.
But it's the same shrieking, freaking out craziness that is just bizarre.
Here, let's roll it again with sound if we can.
See, this is who you don't need having a gun.
I love how when she does the gun, she like, does it like that, like that's what makes the bullets come out.
But you wanna, you wanna hold it very still.
And just pull straight back.
By the way, I don't want to show off my marksmanship, but I haven't been shooting a lot in years, and I've been out shooting some more these days, and I think we're going to do some live Facebook mentions with some thousand yard shooting for folks.
And we're going to bring some military guys out and see how they shoot with me.
We're going to find out.
But that's a whole different deal from actual combat shooting.
Like climbing over stuff and running and swimming in a lake and then getting out and shooting.
That's a whole different deal.
But we're going to have a shooting contest.
I'm going to bring some special ops guys out with me and we're going to see who can shoot better at a thousand yards.
Obviously to show off to everyone.
I'll get pissed.
I'll probably get beat.
We'll see what happens.
But, uh, I'll do it for charity.
I tried to get the Travis County SWAT team to want to have a competition with me because they kept coming over there and trying to keep me from giving speeches in front of the county commissioners like 20 years ago.
And finally, we became friends, and they were about to have a shooting contest with me, and then the sheriff, who's a horrid, horrid Hillary-type person, wouldn't let them have it.
You know, I'm really digressing right now.
I apologize.
Just watching that woman shoot like that was pretty ridiculous.
So continuing here, I'm going to get to more of this coming up in the next segment because this is just too important to cover in the last minute here, but Chinese propaganda, new Hollywood movie depicts Trump like president killing the United States.
That's right, so he's Hitler, he's killing the U.S., whereas in reality the stock market's now up $2 trillion.
His approval rating is soaring towards 60 points at 59 from 41, and Gallup, Rasmussen, you name it, show similar numbers.
And the elite are in panic mode as he fulfills every promise he would, except for one that I'm sure they told him, Mr. President, it's not your prerogative to be in the judicial or in the prosecutorial range.
You're the executive, so you can't say I'm going to lock you up.
Sir, we just have to have the prosecutors do their job.
He's like, oh, well, yes.
Oh, I like her.
Yeah, let's move on a little bit.
Oh, she tries to destroy him still.
No, she knows what's coming.
But verbally, he's kind of starting to break that promise a little bit.
Let's say on degrees, one to ten.
Totally never blocking a prosecution, which would be illegal, if he did that, would be a 10.
And totally pushing for it to be prosecuted would be a 10 as well, because you're not supposed to do that.
But just sitting back and letting the job be done and not getting involved, that's what he needs to do.
That's a zero.
That's what he's supposed to do.
But I think right now he's on a 2 or a 3.
He just shouldn't comment.
He should say, I'm going to let...
You know, the law be followed and have the investigators go into it.
I don't want to influence things saying, I hope she doesn't get prosecuted.
I hope this is all over.
I think that's where I have an issue with the President, because he would do it just right if he just said, I'm going to let the people whose job that is under the Constitution
Discharge their duty as they swore in their oath of office, just as I've done.
But I have to tell you that the whole world knows about what happened with Hillary, and so I'm going to recuse myself, just like Senator Sessions is saying he's going to do, if confirmed.
That's where I stand on that.
I think that's about the best balanced angle you're going to get on that.
But coming back, Chinese propaganda.
New Hollywood movie depicts Trump like president killing the U.S.
Albright's ready to convert to Islam.
Washington Post again calls him Hitler.
And guess what?
More Islamists have been caught raping women.
And it keeps turning out.
The media tries to suppress it.
But it's called the Rape Games.
You've heard of the Hunger Games?
This is more like the Rape Games.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Sanctuary cities across the nation are pushing back against President Trump's immigration policies.
They're vowing to take it all the way to the courts.
Bill de Blasio of New York is promising immediate action against Sanctuary City's order, as President Trump's executive order is said to block federal funding to sanctuary cities just like New York.
De Blasio is saying that it's very susceptible to legal challenge, and he's promising to take it to the court immediately for an injunction to stop the order if an attempt to pull funds from the city is made.
He goes on to say, if they make an attempt to pull that money, it would be from the NYPD, from security funding to fighting terrorism.
Of course we know that simply isn't true.
The President is trying to enforce the law of the land and say that these rogue cities have no right to give benefits to people that are here illegally.
Now on Wednesday, Trump signed an order to stop federal funds from going to these cities, from New York to San Francisco, that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agencies.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
This is Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
John Rappaport's coming up in the fourth hour of nomorefakenews.com.
He coined that term 15 years ago, that the mainstream media is the fake news.
So we need to put out an article explaining, we should do this, man who coined the term fake news and copyrighted it, I know he's got a copyright, we ought to get him to get a trademark on it right now, orders the fake news to stop using his term.
I mean, you really couldn't do that under fair use, but you could if you were selling a product under that name.
It's just so crazy that he had the proper name for them 15 years ago when he started his website.
So Rappaport is coming up on the transmission today, and we will also, of course, be taking your phone calls in this hour.
If you just joined me, you heard the different reports where they've got everybody from the Washington Post to, you name it, saying that Trump is Hitler, and calling for riots, and calling for him to die, and for the White House to be blown up like Madonna is saying, and ABC is airing pieces during the interview with Trump showing the President being murdered.
As they prepare the public's mind for all of their different plans.
They are not giving up.
They are moving into high gear.
The total free number to join us is 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
And long-time callers, first-time callers, if you agree, disagree, you're welcome to call in on any subject you wish, but I am going to try to actually go to your calls and move through them quickly.
Do you think that Trump is delivering on his promises?
Do you think that Trump is reneging on any promises?
What do you think of the first six days of the Trump presidency?
But quick questions or quick comments because I want to move to the next person.
Let's hit a few of these stories.
Chinese propaganda.
This is up on DrudgeReport.com on the right hand side.
New Hollywood movie depicts Trump-like president killing the U.S.
It's an InfoWars story by Jamie White.
And I keep pointing out that so many of the movies I go to see have pro-communist Chinese propaganda in them.
It's getting more and more obvious.
Anti-Trump chi-coms buying up Hollywood.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little America, a dystopian adventure movie set in the future where a Trump-like U.S.
president has bankrupted America and China has called in its debts.
The film set to be produced by explosion-obsessed director Michael Bay describes a future where the president has destroyed American economy.
Again, that's what the globalists are doing.
You cannot make this up.
Promoting China.
...and prompting China to call on its debts, making it the de facto owner of the country, while many Americans immigrate to China for work.
Oh, because China is so wonderful, for they have mobile execution vans.
I'm going to cut a dystopian trailer for this movie, going in the future, Americans leave the hell of their republic.
And all of their freedom to go to China, where there's mobile execution vans, and where peaceful Buddhists are kept in cages for their organs to be harvested.
And Americans dream of visiting the Wonderland, where the rivers are so toxic they catch on fire.
But see, China needs propaganda.
They're not good at it, so they're buying Hollywood to produce films that are for both markets.
Both leftist propaganda to demoralize us,
And propaganda in China to make them feel good.
I mean, whether you go see The Martian or whether you go see...
The Arrival, or any of these movies, it's always, America needs help, and then the Chinese president is a good guy and saves us, and they're the ones that crack all the codes, and they're the ones that give us the boosters to get to Mars, and they're the ones that teach us how to potty when we're one year old, and they're the ones that, you know, bounce us on their knee, and just, they're so good.
They're so loving.
And the globalists openly say, we're looking to China to bully America into submitting to the New World Order.
With straight faces on TV and in major newspapers, China sure is right about censoring the web.
Boy, after Trump got elected, they've been vindicated for the great work they do knocking out fake news.
Computer World, New York Times had those exact quotes.
I tell you, China's really vindicated right now.
I know!
They sell baby parts.
They boil it down and sell it for women to eat in pills and inject.
God, they've got the moral high ground.
Yeah, you heard that Mexican president.
We don't believe in walls.
How dare you, America, as they build a huge one.
Already have a fence.
I mean, it's just too much to handle.
But again, they're targeting the dumbest people they can.
So, with a straight face, let me just read this to you.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little America to make you feel small.
And when the Chinese watch it, even though they're slaves, they'll just go, oh, America Little!
I mean, the propaganda couldn't get any more dumbed down.
Autobots, prepare to serve the Communist Chinese.
Defeat America.
In fact, imagine, I am Optimus Prime.
There are evil Americans.
I must take out Trump.
Megatron is actually disguised as Trump.
Take him out.
Don't let him cut the taxes and make America great again.
And yes, we must get the other Autobots to rally against the other Decepticon, Putin.
Yeah, there is 15 Hollywood movies that were saved by China at the box office.
And now they're set to just take it over.
I mean, the worst the movie is.
They're just unwatchable, but it's all red flags and the Chinese president saving everyone.
Who could make up the trashiness of Hollywood?
Transformers, The Age of Extinction, pro-China propaganda.
Yeah, even mainstream media just admits this, but they hide it in plain view.
Okay, China's taking over everything.
Okay, the Chinese president
They're in Switzerland at the Davos meeting, says he'll take over, don't worry.
He'll stop Trump!
He's got his hands on his hips like, what have I caught you doing in the cookie jar?
How dare you not let us have one-sided deals?
In fact, maybe they can have one where the Chinese dictator is actually like Optimus Prime, and then Trump's head is on Megatron.
He's like, prepare to die, Megatron.
And it's the Chinese President.
And then Trump's like, no, you will never defeat me!
I'm evil!
Or put Hitler's head on Megatron.
I mean, the propaganda is so unwatchable, but you go in and full-grown American men sit there and go, get him!
Yeah, get him!
Oh, yeah, get him!
They have the NFL coming out against the Second Amendment, and now good ol' boys are like, I like the NFL!
It's time to turn the guns in!
I believe in Obama now!
I hates, I hates John Wayne!
That's it!
The Chinese President's head can be on Optimus Prime, and they can resurrect John Wayne, and put his head on Megatron, and have, and have... The Chinese President cut the head off John Wayne!
I'm John Wayne.
I'm evil.
And then he comes back as Megatron.
No, no, he comes back as Optimus Prime.
I can't even believe this anymore.
But this is how dumbed down their constituents are.
Let me stop right there.
Now listen to this with a straight face.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little America.
How about they put out a movie like Americans have small penises?
That'd be even better.
Or Americans are all stupid.
I mean, this is just to demoralize us.
Hollywood is a complete sworn enemy of this country in their own crazy bubbles, so desperate to destroy us.
That they have now gone even more over the top than I thought they could.
What a joke!
So workless, so bankrupt, so over, so despised, so bypassed, that they're in a love fest with a collapsing communist dictatorship that has a fake stock market and is already collapsing.
China is descending into hell.
Let me continue.
Hollywood, I guess Chai Com would, or Trader would,
Is set to begin work on Little America.
Talk about the most brazen propaganda.
I'm sorry, I can't read this with a straight face.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little Peepy.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little Ding Dong.
I'm sorry.
Okay, I apologize folks.
Hollywood is set to begin work on Little America.
A dystopian adventure movie set in the future where a Trump-like U.S.
president has bankrupted America.
It was The Globalist that did that.
And China has called in its debts.
Good, you'll totally collapse.
The film, set to be produced by explosion-obsessed director Michael Bay, who does The Transformers, describes a future where the president has destroyed the American economy, prompting China to call in its debts, making it the de facto owner of the country, while many Americans immigrate to China for work.
China's actually produced TV ads years ago saying just this.
I mean, this is complete 100% communist dictatorship.
I got a new idea.
How about Kim Jong-un?
He likes Hollywood.
How about he underwrites with maybe some of the slave mines they've got, some of that money, and it can be officially underwritten by starving North Koreans, because this is the same thing.
China does stuff just as worse or probably even worse than this.
How about that?
How about?
How about North Korea start underwriting movies?
That's a great idea.
And in it, Kim Jong-Un can star!
Kim Jong-Un.
Kim Jong-Un is Optimus Prime.
I am here as Optimus Prime to defeat you, Trump.
Kim Jong-Un.
And then he literally just rips the arms out.
Take this, Trump!
Take that, Megatron Trump!
It's perfect!
Just have some laser beams and Shuba-Bluboof or whatever his name is, running around, ducking, you know, and battling the evil Americans.
Man, this shows you how close the country was to being completely gone.
They were going ahead with the Chinese takeover of our media and our culture.
Not parachutes coming down like Red Dawn, but cultural.
Universal Pictures recently picked up the rights to the movie after a heated bidding war, with several producers, reports the Hollywood Reporter.
The plot of the movie follows a former American force recon member, who's host, see, our special forces join with the Chinese.
Oh, you can't make this up.
The plot of the movie.
The plot.
Skip the break, I have to do this.
This is too funny, I'm going to get serious right now and then go to your calls.
I'm going to do, I'm actually going to read this in the voice of Optimus Prime.
The plot of the movie follows a former American Force Recon Marine who was hired by the Chinese billionaire to infiltrate an American ghetto and rescue his daughter.
See, it's okay that he works for the Chinese because he's rescuing his daughter, see, and creating a race war.
I can't believe this is even allowed to go on.
This is foreign outside propaganda.
I know the Russians aren't.
The tone of the movie is said to be similar to the 1981 John Carpenter film, Escape from New York, starring Kurt Russell.
We gotta come back into the next break with that music.
These efforts to portray Trump as a weak leader responsible for America's downfall is no coincidence.
Neither is the portrayal of China as the real controller of America.
Just a few months ago, China bought all six Hollywood studios, an unprecedented buy-up, a movie meant to repurpose Hollywood films to serve China's agenda.
It's hard to stand out in this prime.
Including influence public perception with state-sponsored propaganda.
Is this lost to anybody?
We're told the Russians are the reason that Trump was elected when they basically had no involvement.
But Communist China is openly buying up the six big Hollywood studios.
They've already begun.
They're involved saying we can't have Trump.
So's the EU.
So's the Pope.
One-fifth of Hillary's money came from the Saudi Arabians.
And Trump needs to come out against this right now.
In fact, I'm shooting a special message to Trump today.
They're going to have to pull the Star Destroyer out of the asteroid field so I can send a clear signal, but I'm going to send a transmission.
And seriously, folks, you send a transmission that China thinks we're so broke back and so pathetic that they're openly buying up old studios, telling people what movies should come out.
They blocked Red Dawn 2 from coming out.
We're good to go.
I was hearing, oh, that can't come out.
You can't criticize China.
Whatever you do, just don't put China in it.
And it wasn't just because they wouldn't allow the film to be in China.
It's because they're buying everything up.
This is globalism.
Them ganging up militarily, corporately, culturally, and taking over the United States with corporate colonization and anchor babies.
And I love Chinese people when they're American.
They're hardworking, Americana, great, beautiful, wonderful people.
The people they're sending over now with the anchor babies to get a U.S.
citizen kid are admittedly part of a larger takeover plan, and our government has greased the skins for it, and we've got a major Chinese invasion on our hands, and that isn't rhetorical.
It's textbook mega-massive 21st century
Full spectrum dominance warfare.
So of course they're telling us it's the Russians who are under the same attack trying to stabilize.
Russia and the United States are under globalist attack.
The globalists had control of the U.S., but they were about to fully chop the country's head off and put the shycoms basically in charge.
Look at Davos two weeks ago.
People aren't laughing now.
They openly said, we will teach America.
We will bring in world government.
We will defeat Trump.
You know what?
Trump, there's been some talk about Trump blocking these mergers because it is a trust, a propaganda trust.
I'm not even sure that's needed.
We need to boycott Hollywood now.
We need to picket these films, just like we did Machete that was funded by the White House to create racial division.
And we need to point out the Communist Chinese are funding anti-American films, openly funding it, and openly showing sedition in America and trying to make our country fall.
This is enemy propaganda.
They won't even let films into China that are even pro-free market, or even talk about God.
So they allow total censorship of their country, and now they're here trying to influence our election, and involve, and Trump needs an investigation of the Chinese, Communists, and the Saudi Arabians and others in our election, and we can send the people involved in the DNC to prison, and say, see, it wasn't the Russians.
This is the normal course.
Some MSM, dinosaur trader media, will say,
The sky is green when it's blue, Alex.
No, you can't do that.
You're not allowed to do that.
This isn't going to happen.
There's no such thing.
You're trying to be fascist.
No, I'm calling for law to be enforced.
We have the communist Chinese that the globalists have sold our jobs out to, and tried to position us to be their minions, stealing all our technology, openly trying to lecture us right now.
That they own us and control us, it's sickening.
And I've told you for years, who have they linked up with?
The global central banks, the EU, the communist Chinese, and the Muslims.
Led by Saudi Arabia and their dominant form of Wahhabist cult garbage.
And they've all linked up against what's left of Europe, what's left of the UK, what's left of the US, and Australia.
And for them, the globalists are making it race-based, because that's always a good operating system for tribalism.
With China, it's race-based.
With Latin America, they're trying to make it race-based, though most Latin Americans are rejecting it.
With Africa, they're making it race-based, though most Africans are rejecting it.
They are.
But still, we have got a big battle.
We ought to be thanking God for Trump and the fact that he sees this and understands this attack profile.
And you ought to be getting this live transmission link and this archive when it comes out later today about the Communist Chinese plan to take over America with the Democrats to everyone you know.
Remember Bill Ayers back in the 70s wanted to have Chinese come in and help run the death camps for Americans that came out in court?
They were just thinking old-fashioned with physical Chinese.
First, the propaganda rolls out.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls to Zach, and Cindy, and James, and Kevin, and Blake, and others.
Let's go to Blake.
He says he disagrees from Texas.
You're on the air, Blake.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I disagree, not about the communist Chinese or Hollywood.
I disagree with something you said yesterday.
It was that you didn't want
I don't know.
I think it's just such a tremendous opportunity to be able to ask the President any kind of question, to be able to control the news cycle.
I think it's a great opportunity.
Well, I think you're taking out of context what I said, okay?
A, we have to have the money.
I've got people running around here saying, send me to Washington, send me to Washington.
Well, do it on your own money!
Go now!
I mean, actually for running an operation, I have to have real money.
I have to actually then plan things out.
I have to make sure who I send doesn't just, you know, screw off all day.
I can't get basic operations I want to launch from older plans done, so I have to finish those.
The world's full of ideas, not a lot of action.
So I do agree we need to be there and ask real questions, and it's important.
And I did criticize the fact that they're going to ABC and they're going to CNN first.
Well, where's Breitbart?
You know, Breitbart's important.
So Bannon is in the White House.
Who cares?
There were tons of people from the media inside the Clinton and Obama White Houses and back and forth.
So yes, I'm going to get around to try to figure out who we want to try to send up there to do that and to be in those press conferences.
I told Paul Watson I think he's the best choice.
That's who was recommended.
I was like, hey, we like Paul Watson.
So I've got to go through that process of doing that and of getting into those events.
I just don't want to make it all about chasing the tail like old-fashioned media.
We can sit there and talk about the issues in live time.
We can tweet Trump and Facebook Trump and have him respond days later.
They're watching.
They're listening.
I'm not going to get into any details, but the President routinely listens to the show.
So, you want to talk to Trump?
You want to ask him a question?
Go ahead and do it right now.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, I think, I think a great, you know, a great, I mean, you know, asking him about, for instance, the Communist Chinese, you know, doing this, asking him... Absolutely, absolutely, that way we can inject, totally, yeah, the Communist Chinese admit they're taking over our media, they have major movies coming out where China takes over America.
Is this something that is a national security issue?
Because no other country on earth would put up with something like this being done inside their nation.
Our media being taken over by China is the real fake news issue, and they're calling for censoring independent media in this country, sir.
They're calling for shutting down our free press.
They're making a move on America's First Amendment, Mr. President.
What are you going to do about it?
Yeah, I think it's great.
You know, another something I had thought about was
That, again, ABC News, NBC News will not ask the President, but he was talking about investigating a lot of the voter fraud.
Well, what has been made public, at least, at least what Sean Spicer had indicated, was that they were going to be looking at illegal immigrant voting and people being bussed in, things like that.
But are they also going to be looking at the rigged machines?
Would they consider consulting Bev Harris?
People like that.
I've already sent a report to Trump on all this and we had public reports.
It's the public reports that are the best because we can then lay it all out and we can break it all down here and then show it to everybody and then we the people that Trump's listening to get the intel to him.
The president spends hours every day going over stacks of independent Americana media.
God bless you.
Great point, Blake.
I don't think we disagree.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well this administration thinks that the American public has a right to know what's happening in cities across the country and it looks like the Trump administration is going to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens sidestepping the mainstream media's coverage of the immigration crime wave.
We have an article that's up on our website that aggregated from Breitbart News and it talks about how this administration is going to
We're good to go.
And any jurisdiction that ignores or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.
It looks like this administration is saying to these sanctuary cities, you deport or we're going to publish what's actually going on.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
Hey, everyone!
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
And as many of you know, I'm on a mission to help Americans get and stay healthy.
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Despite spending trillions of dollars in health care, nearly $10,000 per man, woman, and child in this country, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses are rampant.
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It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
LivingDefense, InfoWarsLife.com.
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Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
The real Red Dawn is here.
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns or things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents.
Or kids who belong to their families recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need the type of cast that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sorry citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus, you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
That's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
There's a war on for your mind.
It's happening now, but in the 1980s film Red Dawn, it was the Russians with the Latin American-backed group, which was a plan that they were trying to devise, never would have happened, because the Second Amendment, as Admiral Yamamoto said, if you invade the mainland U.S., you'll be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
So instead, the globalists, the same megabanks that actually overthrew Russia and overthrew China and actually put Mao Zedong in,
Have now shipped our jobs there economically, and are now having China take over the media, and quote, teach us, in the last few months, how to shut down fake news, which is anybody that reports that Hollywood's being taken over by the Communist Chinese, who are now producing films, major blockbuster level films, with the maker of Transformers, to show Trump being basically overthrown by the Communist Chinese.
That's linked on DrudgeReport.com.
It's a Jamie White article from Infowars.com.
And what I can't believe is this isn't in more of the news.
This is big.
It's like, oh yeah, the Chinese just bought up controlling interest in the major six Hollywood production houses.
You know, Hollywood, because I've been critical of this, we can't get anybody connected to Hollywood in any of the unions to fix light bulbs, to do these studios, any of it.
And they tell us, no, we'll never work again if we work with Infowars.
We've been told, don't work with you, bye, Robert Rodriguez, other people like that.
And that's how their mindset works.
They're going to bring in the Chinese Communists with the hundreds of billions of dollars, with the muscle, all of it, and just take over the entertainment media and flood everything with anti-American crap.
Total division crap.
The Communist Chinese fund somebody to come quote, save his family and I guess start a race war in America.
Who would put up with this crap from Hollywood?
Hollywood is so traitorous, so evil, so bad, so turned over to their hatred of this country.
I mean, you see them, they want to blow the White House up.
They're totally disconnected.
They sit here in this country with all this freedom and beg for Communist China to take us down at Davos in the last two weeks.
The peso is tumbling after Mexico's president says he won't meet with Trump.
The peso is tumbling today after Mexico's president announced he had canceled a meeting scheduled for next week with President Trump.
The peso was down 1.2 percent per dollar.
The currency had been up as much as 0.8 per dollar when it began to fall.
Drain the swamp.
Trump triggers mass resignations at State Department.
Former Clinton insiders leave the State Department.
Kit Daniels up on Infowars.com.
Absolutely delivering on every single front.
Now I want to go back to your phone calls and I've got more clips I want to get to.
The caller earlier
Again, made a good point.
It'd be great to have real media in the press conferences asking real questions instead of ABC News and CBS News saying, you didn't even get elected, Mr. President!
But that's for Trump to understand.
MSM, it's totally discredited, is never going to stop lying and attacking the President until it's been pointed out that foreign multinational countries working with the Communist Chinese have bought up and have controlling shares in those companies.
And that we're looking at actual globalist operatives who have it out for this country like enemy soldiers.
It's so much worse than I can even describe.
It's so unbelievable that we have sunk to this point, and only at the very end, when they were going to shut Infowars and the rest of Free Press Down this year, did the American people finally wake up enough to get a president in, despite the fact that that walking corpse, and I don't say that like I'm gonna hurt her, I'm saying she looks like a dead person, Hillary, they were so dumb they thought they could force feed her down our throats.
That's coming up, then I'm gonna get to
Albright, ready to join Islam in the fight against America.
You cannot make this stuff up.
She already joined the... Old women don't look ugly to me, if they're nice people.
But Hillary and Madeleine Albright don't look like humans.
Let me show TV viewers a shot of this.
She says that she's going to convert to Islam.
When does she convert to looking like a monster out of some type of movie?
And then her dad was a Nazi collaborator who helped round people up and she's got stolen Jewish art at her house.
There's been 60 minutes pieces and then she bombed the Serbs that saved her when she was a kid and turned the country over to the Muslims.
One third of it.
I mean, she's just a horrible witch-like demon.
I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian, and found out later my family was Jewish.
Oh, I bet you found out later.
That's how you worked with the Nazis.
You were just like Soros.
I stand ready to register as a Muslim in solidarity.
I've been out there with the Women's Marches, folks.
It's run by the Muslims.
It's worse than I ever thought.
It is a giant, horrible, evil, covert plan.
And I cannot believe that we're crazy enough to let it get to this point.
Muslims linked up with the Communist Chinese, linked up with the mega banks, linked up with Hollywood trying to bring us down, and trying to destroy our good president, and simply trying to empower us, and get jobs, and cut taxes, who doesn't want war with Russia, that's done nothing to us?
It's so clear!
Japan knows they're linked up with the US, Russia, and the US right now, and UK's trying to get off under the globalists, that's all we got.
It's a new 21st century war, folks.
Everybody's deciding which side they're on.
Four years ago, they had a vote in Britain not to join the bombing with Obama.
First time England had said no since World War I to fight with the U.S.
or vice versa.
This is before World War I. They said, no, we're not part of this.
And now you see the Brexit because globalism was all a huge trap to turn us over to hardcore authoritarianism run by the communist Chinese.
No, sir.
No, no, no.
It's not going to happen.
And Ron Paul was on yesterday and he's like, you know, we need to have a war with China.
I agree.
But China is infiltrating us and buying up Hollywood and is out to destroy us as they've done their own people.
And I'm not going to stand for it!
It's outrageous to have those blood-drinking, blood-thirsty, murderous, communist Chinese Central Committee, Politburo dirtbags meet with that vampire Zuckerberg last year 14 times on how to quote, censor American news.
It's the communist Chinese dug up the term fake news when they banned free speech in their own country.
Well no, they're the real inventors, not John Rappaport, who's coming up in the next hour.
They say I need to plug.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is just so surreal it gives me a headache sometimes.
Now there's the headline.
They just Google whatever I say.
I don't even see that article.
The New York Times.
Facebook said to create censorship tool to get back into China.
How sweet!
And then of course use the tool against us as well this year.
Which they're now doing.
Oh how nice Zuckerberg!
And all these leftist trendies think it's cool.
They're like, well, China's reasonable.
It's no big deal.
I mean, look at me and Spalding.
We're just regular pals.
But see, we'd put up with anything, so now we're under it.
I'm going to go to Zach and Kevin and Daniel and James and Dave and Cindy and folks here in just a minute.
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But, who could make up a science fiction
Plot, where the communist Chinese own the US debt, have bought up almost all of Hollywood, and are openly telling us what movies should come out, and openly censoring Michael Savage's book coming out, and Michael Savage is banned from flying to England, that was crazy, and I'm just, while we're talking about him, he's a case point of persecution, and then they're gonna come in and censor us even more, and are openly at Davos saying, we'll prop up world government, we'll teach America to get in line,
And Americans don't get more mad?
And they call Trump radical?
He should be telling China, watch their fat mouths!
He should be saying, you're a bunch of mass murderers of your own people, you're a shame!
And your people ought to remove you from power!
You're a sick joke!
How dare you be involved with Hollywood!
And what is Hollywood doing taking hundreds of millions of dollars per film to put out trash?
What is a Transformers director putting a movie out where I'm a dictator and you overthrow the country?
Just repudiate them, and those studios will go bankrupt overnight!
Go ahead and buy all the studios up!
We're gonna bankrupt all of them, dirtbags!
You and all the old demon hunchbacks that run Hollywood, you're a bunch of satanic filth!
Bunch of pedophiles, go to hell!
Rot in hell, filth, I see you!
Excuse me.
I mean, this is just outrageous!
This is outrageous!
I can't even believe it!
I'm even, we have a great writer that points this out, but it should be even more hardcore.
I mean, this is just incredible!
The Communist Chinese, we need to add in all these articles, and the writer does it, but we should just add some links, where they're involved cheerleading, and quarterbacking, and honchoing, and directing, and coaching, and captaining, and generaling, and deploying the whole drumbeat to shut down free speech in America!
I mean, and you say the Russians are involved in America?
I kinda wish they were!
I mean, we're completely ganged up on here!
This is insane!
I didn't know we had a caller in Chile.
I apologize.
Next time somebody's calling from South America, let me know as they go to the headline.
Then I'm gonna go to Zach and others.
I'm gonna go quick now, I apologize.
Dave in Chile, you're on the air.
Hello there!
Welcome, go ahead.
And I'm really, really happy that, uh, Mr. Trump is the president of the United States of America.
I also want to say this, uh, you know, we have Chilean TV down here, of course.
Uh, the, uh, television station Chile Vision, well, it was like Chile Vision, is actually owned by TNT.
And the kind of crap that comes out over the airwaves.
It is incredible what they say about... No, that's right.
It's the brainwashing, globalist, Hollywood, mainstream media combine worldwide is feeding everyone crap.
They fall, their whole world government is over.
And it's not just that.
You know, I watch Cuban television a lot because it comes in free on satellite for me.
And, you know, I watched the, you know, the Voice of America, José Martí channel, and they're even more rabid!
And it's like, this government channel, U.S.
government channel, sending television into Cuba is so anti-Trump, it's disgusting!
Let's be clear, let's be clear.
U.S., captured U.S.
globalist propaganda out of the U.S.
is worse than the Cuban propaganda is what you're saying?
I mean, you know... I mean, folks, folks, folks, it's never been done.
The Communist Chinese, biggest mass murderers in the world, have bought up Hollywood and are deploying every major movie running down America and freedom.
I mean, and it's not for the foreign market.
It's for America.
It is the most outrageous horse manure the planet has ever seen.
Anything else, Dave?
Nothing else.
You're a vanguard.
You're the best.
No, no.
You're the vanguard.
You're the vanguard.
I love you.
I appreciate your call.
Your phone's breaking up.
Your Skype's breaking up or whatever it is, however you call in.
You're the vanguard, listeners.
I can't get out of my car in a parking lot now and walk in the grocery store without getting stopped 10 times going in yesterday.
I got stopped like 20 times inside.
I got stopped, I mean,
I'm going to start just showing people on live feed.
It's almost like I was at the Trump inauguration.
Everybody saw that every two feet.
Every other person, even as the Chicago Tribune admitted, was a listener.
It's like that all over the place now.
But like every third or fourth person.
I mean, I've got to wear a hat now and glasses if I'm in a hurry.
So I don't want to be rude and blow people off.
I have to wear disguises now, okay?
And I'm just one guy in this fight, so listen.
If all of you just tell five people a day about the show, we'll triple the size and game over.
We're so close to game over.
And we need to arrest a bunch of people at that point, give them jury trials, but then put them in prison for treason and working with Communist China in sedition.
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I just cannot believe how surreal it is.
The Communist Chinese, who have mobile execution vans in every city, who have total enslavement of their people, who
A rule by a bunch of corrupt evil generals, it's like a giant North Korea, and they allow a few economic zones for wealthy Chinese to live decent lives, but the rest of the people, over a billion, live in absolute slavery.
And if they catch you practicing Buddhism privately, or even exercise like yoga, you are taken, blood type, kept in a prison, and then your organs are sold to the highest bidder.
And the evil just goes on and on.
And they're openly buying up Hollywood.
And they're openly going to put out anti-American films.
In America!
I just... I almost just want to say to all the evil people that want to serve this, go ahead and destroy everything then!
But you know what?
There are a lot of good people in this country.
A lot of children that don't deserve this.
But man, crazy people screaming kill Trump in front of their students.
Did you hear the students freaking out in the background?
And Madonna and everybody and all these major newspapers saying somebody needs to kill Trump?
I'm here to tell you people something.
You're running your mouths and you're gonna get hurt.
You understand?
And you know what?
I'm not running my mouth, okay?
Look what we've done in 21 years to you.
In the information war.
But I gotta tell you.
Everybody has really gotten a normalcy bias, a learned helplessness, where we just accept being crapped all over.
And I'm sorry.
Trump's great.
He's strong.
He's bringing back optimism.
The approval rating is surging.
It's wonderful.
But he needs to come out against Communist China now.
And I'm directing the crew.
I rarely direct them.
I'm directing the crew to focus on this and to take the lead that this writer has done.
And I'm going to ask Watson and his brother and all the rest of our crew, focus on Communist China because it really hit me today.
This is an electronic cultural red dawn by the Communist Chinese who are at Davos admitting they're going to keep us in line.
No, you're not!
You are outrageous!
Trump is absolutely right to be sending aircraft carriers.
We need weapon systems on them, and we need to kick them out of here.
And no more Chinese anchor babies.
I'm sick of it!
I can't go to China and have a baby for free!
If I practice yoga at a park, they'd kill me!
That's it.
I'm gonna smash this microphone just to make my point.
It's not normal to just christen one in with the money changers and overturn the tables.
I think I'm gonna buy like some brand new super awesome car and take a take a take a sledgehammer to it to sacrifice like a hundred thousand dollars in front of everybody because all these people don't care about money.
They'll go, don't do it.
I don't have a clock, you know, winding down to the death of the car.
As your freedom dies, as everything else dies, as your whole culture dies, people only care about some stupid car.
But of course, for $100,000, I'll get $10 million in publicity and actually warn people and save people.
See, that's just a form of advertising.
Because they're taking a wrecking ball to this country and have been doing it.
And to you, you should take it personal.
Everyone's been trained to be so self-centered.
And I'm going to Zach's call.
They say, again, I don't care if they shut down coal power plants.
I don't have any coal stock.
That's the whole price of energy going up, moron.
Or I don't care if the stock market goes down.
I'm not in the stock market.
Almost every company that you depend on or your business works with is.
So if it goes down, we're going to be in a freaking depression.
With half the public not working and brainwashed, everything's going to burn down.
How does that sound to you?
It's ridiculous.
I'm ready to go to war with whoever wants to go to war right now.
The Islamists, the Chai Koms.
I pray to God you be brought love.
I beg Christ and the Father that you murdering scum be destroyed!
I'll be right back with your phone calls, you maggot murderers!
We'll get you no matter what!
You murderers!
You scumbag vampires!
I see you!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I can feel the spirit rising.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I've got to settle down a little bit.
The communist Chinese openly lecturing that they're our bosses and openly buying up the globalist brainwashing system is just too much.
I mean, this is incredible, because I can tell you, most of Hollywood doesn't like what the Globals are doing.
When there's a major rebellion, just talk to Chris Carter.
And so they're bringing in the Chi-Com money to try to keep control.
This is a desperation move, but it's going to blow up in their face big time.
Because we're not going to just sit here idly by and watch the Communist Chinese take over.
Let's go to Zach in Kentucky, then we're going to go to Cindy and Kevin and James and John.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Alex, I just want to thank you so much, obviously, for what you do.
You talk about the Chinese here.
Yeah, they're going to hold no dominion over us.
I can say that for at least me and my brothers here in Louisville, Kentucky.
Even my lady, my girlfriend, I just want to say, Amber, I'm so lucky to have her.
She's a truther.
You know, we wouldn't be the same people without you, man.
Anyway, past all that, Trump,
You've got the Chinese, you know, shaking in their boots, obviously.
We see it through movies, through Hollywood.
They try to control Hollywood now, that's why.
I mean, look, it's illegal to have state-sponsored media and funding, because everything in China is state-controlled, taking over our media.
This is a huge national security issue, one trillion times bigger than what the Russians supposedly did.
The Russians were laughing that they were claiming they were influencing our election.
They're fighting the same people!
It has nothing to do with Russia!
I mean, again, they say that Russia told Trump to say Crooked Hillary.
This would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
It is dangerous, you know.
And, you know, Marines, we laugh in the face of danger a lot.
But, you know, we take this very seriously.
This is our freedom.
Obviously, you take it for you.
I mean, you take it seriously.
You are the commandant of truth, in my opinion.
If we, the listeners, are the vanguard, you're the commandant.
You're the general.
Let me tell you, the Marines and former Marines are the shock troops, the bravest, the guys they send in to death's doorstep and through and beyond.
And I admire the Army and all the special operations and the Navy SEALs and the incredibly dangerous stuff they do that takes unbelievable courage.
But the Marines, I've noticed out there, out of any group, because you're a smaller group, are the most awake to the New World Order.
The Army has more awake people
On average, because they've got more people, but the Marines really are being faithful to this country.
I mean, I'm not just yelling and screaming as some act here.
I'm literally reading these articles where the Communist Chinese brag they're taking us over, and it's just outrageous.
I mean, it makes me mad that my fellow countrymen have sold out to this, and that, quite frankly, Trump's not doing enough.
I understand he's got to get in, get in place first, and he's doing it.
He's doing an incredible job.
I just want to see him drop-kick the Communist Chinese who have been openly involved in the election and just destroy this lie that Russia was involved.
Not to defend that old story that was proven a fraud, PPGate and all the rest of it, but because it's a clear and present danger.
Trump must address the Chai Koms.
They're a bigger threat than the Muslims.
Go ahead.
I mean, the public just now, you know, do a total 180 from, you know, the early 2000s, I'd say 90s, you know, on up.
We're so against sweatshops.
We're so against slave labor.
You've got those, you know, Foxconn factories.
Hopefully, you know, what is it?
Foxconn's going to move back, but they've got the suicide net.
That's just... Well, I mean, they'd be forced under Trump's regulations to be like heaven.
It'll still be like heaven to them.
He'll cut them by 75%.
You mean we get lunch breaks from only working eight hours?
We can work overtime if we want and get double?
Oh, we're going to get $20 an hour instead of 18 hours a day for like $2 a day?
Something else, Alex.
You know what?
You guys do such a great job.
I don't want to take any more of your time.
Just continue on in that, and you know, I just want to give a shout out to anybody here in the Louisville, Kentucky area.
Anything goes down, I got your six, okay?
All right, God bless you, brother.
We're going to come back.
You can do a few more calls.
I've got a guest come on about the economy.
We've got some new clips of Don Lemon, an endless source of BS and lies and distortion and arrogance and almost no viewers, but still we have to expose these enemies.
They are enemies, folks.
Sanctuary cities across the nation are pushing back against President Trump's immigration policies.
They're vowing to take it all the way to the courts.
Bill de Blasio of New York is promising immediate action against Sanctuary City's order, as President Trump's executive order is said to block federal funding to sanctuary cities just like New York.
De Blasio is saying that it's very susceptible to legal challenge, and he's promising to take it to the court immediately for an injunction to stop the order if an attempt to pull funds from the city is made.
He goes on to say, if they make an attempt to pull that money, it would be from the NYPD, from security funding to fighting terrorism.
Of course we know that simply isn't true.
The president is trying to enforce the law of the land and say that these rogue cities have no right to give benefits to people that are here illegally.
Now on Wednesday, Trump signed an order to stop federal funds from going to these cities, from New York to San Francisco, that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agencies.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republic of prosperity.
But bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more.
And it supports him and it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
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I'm Alex Jones jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Coming up after I take a few of these phone calls, Harry Dent is going to be with us for the balance of the hour.
He's made a lot of accurate predictions, formerly a big turnaround guy and acquisitions guy, of course, with Bain Capital.
He's got his charts that are historically accurate, and he's saying things will continue to downturn in many areas, but the U.S.
will be better than China and other sectors.
I had Ron Paul on yesterday, and he's been a really good barometer on the economy, and he thinks Trump's doing a lot of good things to try to jumpstart the economy, like cutting regulations.
But he thinks it's a day late and a dollar short, and it's going to be very hard to stop these trends.
He tends to agree with Dent.
That's coming up here in just a few minutes.
That said, though...
Could major new technological developments that we know a lot of which have been suppressed as what they call disruptive technologies be rolled out quicker, things approved faster, drugs, you name it.
Could that cause a new boom that we weren't expecting like so many other innovations have done?
I'm an eternal optimist.
But of course I've been being negative under Obama.
All the socialism and big government saying things are negative.
But I want to be an optimist.
I mean, I want to be a cheerleader and I think things are very positive.
Two trillion out of the stock market.
So is that going to put a wrinkle in Mr. Dent's predictions?
We're talking to him here in just a few minutes, but first off, before I hit a few of these calls very fast, Don Lemon on CNN is running around with the New York Times saying that there's no illegals voting, there's no dead people voting.
Well, they've got Pew Research showing tens of millions, not three to five million like Trump says.
So as usual, it's worse than Trump's saying.
And let's put Bloomberg on screen.
Also have Politico from last year saying, illegal aliens are Hillary's secret weapon voting.
Let's put that on screen.
We just had it pulled up during the break.
Because it's so important.
Nico found it, guys.
Because there's all these articles where they say illegals are the secret weapon.
You don't have to print them for me.
Just punch them up.
So, yeah, there it is.
Illegal immigrants could elect Hillary Clinton.
How non-citizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year.
So, that's October 3rd.
Okay, so that's what they do.
They admit all of this is going on.
The Democrats are trying to pass laws so illegals can vote.
They catch them, they catch them, but two to one, they catch just Democrats that are citizens with a list the Democrats give them of people.
That are dead, but are on the voting rolls and they go vote!
I mean, the Mexican government said go vote in America!
Everybody admits it's going on, but oh, Don Lemon and another arrogant New York Times guy.
Oh, tell us about WMDs in Iraq.
Tell us about Yellow Cake.
Tell us about how Trump was never against the war when we've got six clips of him against the war.
You're a pack of liars owned by a Mexican kingpin, New York Times.
CNN, you're about to be sold off.
You have a couple hundred thousand viewers an hour.
We have hundreds of thousands of viewers every 15 minutes.
You know what the show has every 15 minutes now, just on Fresh Radio?
Half a million.
Half a million.
That's on rated stations.
Not all our stations even subscribe to it.
We have half a million every 15 minutes.
The average time is 23 minutes, you add it all up together, we have like 4 million listeners a day on terrestrial radio!
You're a joke!
You're a fraud!
You're a scam!
You're fake!
Don't call us fake!
You hope the communist Chinese bail out Hollywood and the MSM!
And then they're so arrogant the Chinese order it to be the Chinese save America from Trump, with Michael Bay directing it?
Is that a joke?
Please, go ahead and put that in theaters!
You're a laughing stock!
I appreciate Dan Holding.
I got behind here.
He's just gotten on the line.
I'm going to hurry these calls because you've been holding for over an hour, and then we're going to go to our guest.
But here's the clip of Don Lemon that I just mentioned, who thinks you're the biggest idiot in the galaxy.
No, there's no illegals voting.
Oh, no.
Hillary didn't steal five states according to top experts.
They didn't break into six states computers and get caught.
You got caught.
You got caught.
There's a global realignment against world government.
Nationalism is exploding, something Dent predicted years ago.
Here it is.
I think that in journalism, our role is not to be stenographers.
Our role is to be watchdogs.
And we have to provide that kind of accountability.
And I think when a president or anybody else says something that is verifiably, empirically false, then one has to call him out on it.
Here's another clip.
There's another clip.
It's tough to call the President of the United States a liar, because you want to respect the office.
But, um, I think it does a disservice to the American people, and even to the President, and even to, you know, journalists.
Not to call.
Call it what it is, and it is a lie.
Uh, no.
CNN and MSNBC and PBS and BBC showing the crowd, uh, gates being opened.
Showing a pool for five minutes, then cutting when they left and saying that it never filled up when we have megapixels so good, or gigapixels, whatever those are called, that you can catch me in the crowd.
People found that, and everybody else.
It was the biggest crowd ever.
But no, he also threw Martin Luther King's bust out the window.
You're the liar, Don Lennon.
You're the fraud, bro.
You're the fraud.
Yeah, let's back it up and let's go back over a mile.
And again, they had to fence it off because people were trying to get in and attack people.
It goes on for miles and miles.
And then we have photos behind the monument of the huge massive crowds.
What should I show you again?
Showing it with no one there?
I keep saying 8.30.
Showing it at 8.22?
8.22 in the morning, they opened the gates at 8.20.
Two minutes in, people pour in.
They go, oh, that's how it ended.
That was the crowd for Trump.
Good Lord!
That's taken from the Washington Monument.
We have the photos of it back to the monument and past it!
But still, they went on air!
I saw CNN Tuesday night and said Trump was caught in another lie and that there was not a crowd and he should quit bitching!
I'm gonna ask Mr. Dent what he thinks is going on here because this is insane.
It's almost like there's a plan of self-immolation for these people.
Okay, let's go to these calls and I'll go to my guest.
Let's talk to...
Somebody hung up at the top in there for an hour.
Let's see who's up next here.
Let's talk to Cindy in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I want to thank you for encouraging us to get out there on each and every one of us and do our own thing to fight this war against NGSOC.
I write now on a site called allpoetry.com under the pen name Casparitis.
Doing very well.
I'm a patriotic poet, and a lot of it comes from your shows.
I've written about Trump, Hillary, and the hardest one I'm having trouble writing about is you.
You're very hard to write about, but I'd like you to check that out at allpoetry.com.
Everybody, the way to count them is put out art, put out love, put out true renaissance.
That will defeat these people.
And I would love to see President Trump get these Islamberg
Thank you, Alex.
Just a quick point.
Number one, I loved your Transformers voice.
It was amazing earlier.
But I do think, unfortunately, there is going to be some sort of civil unrest.
Uh, because of what's going on.
Uh, there's too many idiot, brainwashed, uh, mental patient, uh, liberals out there.
Openly calling for the death of Trump.
They'll hit you and spit on you and say, love Trump's hate.
I'm like, hey, you just slapped me in the face.
It's not about peace anymore.
They're taking the marching orders from their hypocritical Hollywood heroes like Madonna and Ashley Judd and Mr., uh,
Climate control and global warming, hypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio, and you got Matt Damon talking about people shouldn't have guns, but his house is a fortress with armed security guards.
They're total elitists.
Look, they're told, let me tell you something, with Clooney, with him and all, it's all a big joke, except Sean Penn really believes it.
With them, I know this for a fact, behind the scenes, Brad Pitt, who isn't as bad as, Brad Pitt's actually told some truthful stuff,
They all know it's a total fraud.
They all listen to the show.
I've met most of them, and I mean like exclusive parties with like 20 people.
And they are all scared to death of the big producers.
They have secret meetings about the New World Order, and a lot of them just say, screw it, I'm going with it.
And they get hundreds of millions of dollars a year for doing it, and it's disgusting.
But Matt Damon, Affleck especially, they all know it's a complete joke.
I mean, they all know it's a complete joke.
I couldn't agree more.
I actually have a cousin who's on the board of the Strain Actors Guild, and you would have thought the world ended when Obama...
Left office, and that's just the type of mentally ill people that we're dealing with.
Well, but there's a lot of folks like Chris Carter, who's openly said he's a listener and thinks what I do is good, who says he does get pressured, you know, to say positive things about the libertarian movement and not cast us as racist.
You know, he said that to Vanity Fair and a bunch of other publications.
So, there's a major fight.
I mean, it's come out.
There are secret societies in LA of people, but they've had to disband them.
I've had top
TV directors and HBO.
I mean, I mean guys that have made billions, okay?
I mean, top guys.
I'm talking about like six or seven of the top HBO shows ever.
Come here to this office, repeatedly.
Major movies.
I'm not bragging.
I've had them, you name it, and they go, no.
Okay, is this all off record?
Let me tell you what's going on.
And it's, I already know to the point, there's no point.
I haven't been to LA in years.
I'm going next week to be on Joe Rogan's podcast because it reaches 20 million people a week.
He's an old friend, but I mean, it's just a joke, but God bless you.
I appreciate your call, Kevin.
All right, to give our guests more time and to take calls later in the hour, I'm going to skip this break, but there is a total collapse of confidence in the system.
There are a bunch of big corporations that want monopolies, hoping that weaponized MSM and Hollywood garbage can suppress the public.
The Communist Chinese are openly at Davos saying, we'll keep Trump and America in line.
Hollywood movies are now coming out where Trump is a terrorist, funded by the Communist Chinese.
That's on DrudgeReport.com today.
This is so crazy, and they are completely freaking out.
Now, I know that Mr. Dent, Harry Dent of harrydent.com, again, is a really smart fellow.
I'm not going to get into his whole background, his degrees, and his best-selling books, and all the work he's done at Bain Capital, and you name it, and his best-selling book, The Demographic Cliff, which has accurately predicted, you know, that we have these downturns.
My question to him is, can we turn this around?
What does he make of what
Trump's doing.
What does he make of the moves he's making?
But first off, since you've been holding for five minutes, listen to me rant, sir.
Hadn't had you on since the year changed over.
Happy New Year.
You've been hearing me rant.
I mean, the Chinese are openly saying they're going to come into America.
They're going to teach us how to censor the press.
That's in the Wall Street Journal.
They report us with a straight face like, oh, thank you, Chinese communist murderers.
It's like a Twilight Zone episode.
As you've reported, we're in much better stead than they are.
The world's acting like they're the leader.
So now that Trump's president, just a cornucopia of ideas, what is your global approximation of the state of the planet right now?
Well, number one, this is what it looked like back in the late 80s.
Japan was the up-and-comer.
Everybody thought they were going to surpass the United States and take over the world.
And we said, no, Japan's going to have the greatest crash in history for the next decade.
and Europe were going to do better than ever in the 1990s.
And the U.S.
So we're looking at demographics.
We're looking at something economists don't understand.
And we have the same thing with China today.
China's workforce is the only emerging country in the world that already has a declining workforce.
And it declines even faster about eight years from now.
And they end up looking more like Japan.
So China's near the top of its game.
China's also over-invested, over-expanded more than any country in history by a mile.
They've got so many empty condos and houses.
And they're having a brain drain too, aren't they?
Yeah, what's that?
A brain drain.
Yeah, I mean, well, people are the most affluent, richest people are leaving the country and are getting their cash out as fast as possible.
They don't trust their top-down government.
They don't trust that, you know, this bubble.
They've got the most expensive real estate in the world by far.
Hong Kong makes Sydney, Australia and London and San Francisco look cheap.
So they've got a giant big bad bubble.
That ugly bubble, as Trump says.
And it's the biggest bubble I've seen in history.
This book, The Sale of a Lifetime, my new book, that looks at every bubble in history, looks at all the bubbles around the world.
They all look alike.
They all grow exponentially.
They all have a kind of an orgasmic final.
And by the way, Trump agrees with you on real estate.
He says it's overvalued.
He's saying, you know, no more subsidies.
They're saying that's horrible.
Isn't this what we need?
The last thing we need, all of this quantitative easing and all these subsidies and tax favored things like real estate, all they've done is create a bigger bubble that would have occurred anyway in what I call this fall bubble boom season on our 80-year long-term model for the economy.
Sure, so what do you make of $2 trillion out of the stock market?
What do you make of that?
$2 trillion out of the stock market?
I was thinking it was going to peak late last year.
Until Trump came along.
He beat the polls and won, and then he beat the markets who said he would be bad for the markets, instead of good.
The market's gone straight up ever since.
This, to me, is that final orgasmic rally.
In the third stock bubble, now we've had three stock bubbles in a row.
This has never happened in history because of so much stimulus from the government.
Every time a bubble bursts, instead of restructuring the debt and getting real and cutting costs and doing the type of things normal businesses and even governments in the past do, they just throw money in the economy and create more bubbles.
A bunch of money comes in the economy.
It's going to go chase real estate and stocks again.
And now we have a bigger stock bubble by far than ever.
Larger real estate bubbles in many cities and extreme.
Around the world, especially in places like China, London and Australia.
And these bubbles are going to burst.
That's all bubbles do.
And they burst twice as fast as they build.
That's one of the principles in this book.
The second thing is when they crash, half the crash will come in the first three months when the smart money finally realizes this bubble is over because they're playing it with leverage.
They get out really quick.
And we saw this in China last year.
Their second stock bubble peaked.
And went down 45% in three months.
The 1929 bubble did that.
And by the way, I mean, to your credit, you did predict a lot on the show.
Six months, a year out, watch.
China's the one to watch.
They're the big bubble.
And then some people are even saying, oh, it did somehow cause this.
No, it was, I mean, they wouldn't let stocks fall.
Well, the Chinese government's been buying their own stock market ever since.
They will execute you in China if you criticize the stock market.
Yeah, oh, exactly.
No, no, that's right.
You're in trouble.
So they're doing everything to prevent it, yet their market's going sideways now for almost a year.
That's called a dead cat bounce, which means you've got another bubble burst coming in China.
So sometime this year, a couple of things are going to happen.
One is first, more likely or sooner,
Italy has a huge debt crisis.
It's close to default.
Deutsche Bank is flaming out, as well as other Italian banks.
Germany has the worst demographics in the world, like Japan I saw in the 1990s ahead of time.
So we're going to have a blow-up in Germany and Southern Europe.
Second thing, at some point, and it may take longer because the Chinese do have so much power in their economy, the China bubble is going to blow.
And that's going to be the death knell.
But I tell you, something between now and then, Trump's got a big problem that he doesn't see.
He says he's going to grow the economy 4% by cutting taxes and regulations.
He doesn't understand a couple things.
Demographics are terrible.
Our workforce is going to be negative growth, slightly negative growth for decades to come, and more so in the next several years.
And the only reason jobs have been growing is we've been hiring back the people we laid off.
We haven't been growing the workforce.
Businesses haven't been investing in new capacity.
Baby boomers have been retiring.
That makes less and less labor force participation.
So a lot of these people that left, and you can see in this chart, aren't coming back.
In fact,
We're going from 67% when the baby boomers started to retire in this black line you can see.
We're at 62.5% now.
This says by 2024 we're going to go to 58%.
We're going to lose another 4.5% of our workforce.
How do you create growth in a shrieking workforce?
Number two, another chart I have shows productivity.
That's the only other way to grow.
Look, you didn't believe or some people didn't believe Trump could win.
He's beat a lot of odds.
Innovation, as I said earlier, could change the paradigm.
We're in a very advanced civilization now.
I agree with you historically on the trends.
You've been proven right.
I hope you're wrong about this.
All I'm saying is, if we have super innovation, a lot of technologies released, a lot of construction that's being done on highways and roads, if he can hustle a lot of factories to be built and jobs be created, there's a major hustle factor in humans.
Even if the demographics aren't good, if you get those that are working, working even harder and producing more, couldn't that have an escape velocity out of this trend?
Well, no, no.
We're already back at full employment, which means we've hired back all those people that wanted jobs.
A lot of people left and won't come back.
Because a lot of two-earning couples, when their kids get out of college, they say the wife stops working or works part-time.
So the problem is the baby boomers deserve to take it easy.
The problem is if they do, we're going to implode.
We're going to implode.
So with zero productivity, old people don't get more productive.
They get less productive.
We're going to see productivity is now near zero.
It's going to go even lower into 2024 before it starts to turn around again.
So if we got workforce shrinking in the next several years and productivity going from near zero, the lowest since the early 80s,
Sure, so the Republicans green-lighted bringing in immigrants who we need.
The Democrats only want to bring people who want to be on welfare, the worst type.
So now we have an even bigger disaster.
How do we get immigrants that we need?
Well, that's what Australia and Canada do.
We should be studying them.
They identify the skills they need.
They make you meet requirements.
And then we brain drain everybody.
I don't care what color you are, just as long as you want to work hard.
We send the hardest ones back home.
And we let the lowest quality immigrants just come over the border.
So we have the worst immigration policy, even though we attract more than most countries.
And that's good for demographics.
But it's not as good as attracting... When I speak in Australia,
A third of the people there are Asian, and those immigrants have higher than average educations and incomes, not lower.
So they really are a plus for the country.
Sure, they're getting the brain drain of the best.
Yes, and again, here we attract people to our universities more than any country around the world, and then we have quotas and push most of them back to the countries.
I read an article where a guy was kicked out of Microsoft, sent back to China, and within two years he started a hundred million dollar business.
No, exactly, because it's an admitted globalist plan to not let America be dominant.
We only take on people that basically are low-skilled because it's all about a control system.
It's incredible.
Harry Dent is hard to disagree with.
I'm going to come back and play a clip of Ron Paul yesterday.
Basically agreeing with him and see where he goes from there.
And then also take your phone calls from around the world.
So Mike, Kirk, James, Josie, and John and others, stay with us.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well this administration thinks that the American public has a right to know what's happening in cities across the country and it looks like the Trump administration is going to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens sidestepping the mainstream media's coverage of the immigration crime wave.
We have an article that's up on our website that aggregated from Breitbart News and it talks about how this administration is going to publish a list of crimes
I think?
And any jurisdiction that ignores or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.
It looks like this administration is saying to these sanctuary cities, you deport or we're going to publish what's actually going on.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Harry Dent's our guest.
We've got callers from all over the United States and the world with great questions.
They want to ask the guests about red China, economy and currency.
Debbie wants to talk about bankers, American wealth.
That's Mike.
James wants to talk about Trump will deliver on promises.
Jose wants to talk about Trump's wall.
Legal Mexican citizen in the U.S.
We're going to go to him first.
He's been holding a long time.
John in Florida wants to talk about Trump's Muslim ban.
It's bans from countries that are exporting Islamic terror and where we haven't been vetting their visas and where we don't have a visa vetting office.
And the media spins all that.
We'll talk about it all.
We also have a sale of a lifetime on Dent's new book.
He's going to tell you about here in just a moment.
Before I go any further, some of the new articles that I was just mentioning.
Elites Buying New Zealand Redoubts to Escape Crack-Up of Civilization.
That's the New Yorker Magazine.
Millionaires Fleeing Chicago Over Fear of Civil Unrest.
Why are the elite are buying secret hideaways?
We've been reporting on this for a long time.
This is now being admitted.
But separately, Dems to David Brock, stop helping.
You're killing us.
There's an article in the Daily Beast that just came out today.
They're eating their own.
David Brock is a horrible, horrible, horrible person.
And just gets White House directives, Hillary directives, you name it.
They're telling him, you're white, you're not welcome.
So the new thing is having everybody go prostrate themselves who want to be DNC chairs and announce how white people are inherently evil.
The Democratic Party is like a reverse KKK group now, but led by white people.
You know, screaming how bad whites are.
I probably had women tell me, no exaggeration, 300 times during the Women's March I covered in D.C.
last week, you're an effing white male and all of them were white women.
I never had black women or Hispanic women, there were a few of those there, scream at me.
It was like they kind of looked bewildered.
It's like these weird gatekeeping white people that are trying to use race baiting to control.
It's crazy.
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Okay, Mr. Dent, let's get into your new book and the different work you're up to and any other points you want to hit, and then I want to let the callers have at it with you.
Yeah, I mean, this book, you know, we show all of our demographic cycles from micro to macro and globally and who's strong and who's not and where it's going to hit and all this stuff we do.
We've updated all that, but we most focus on bubbles.
We don't see bubbles because we're getting something for nothing.
It's like a drug that makes us feel good.
Our houses are going up two to three times as fast as normal.
We're doing nothing.
Our stock portfolio is going up.
We're doing nothing.
Our mortgages cost, you know, 20% less because of
Governments have pushed interest rates to near zero, adjusted for inflation.
Our car loans are cheaper, on and on and on.
So you got to recognize a bubble because when bubbles do finally crash, we only see a bubble economy once in a lifetime, like the Roaring Twenties, which did end up in the Great Depression.
People's wealth, I mean, across the board, housing, real estate, gold, everything gets wiped out in a short period of time.
Unemployment goes up.
A lot of businesses go under, banks go under.
And by the way, I'm going to read your book because I want to be positioned.
Explain to me the basics, though, of what you break down in the sale of a lifetime.
Well, again, we look at bubbles around the world, past and present, so people say, you know, this is what a bubble looks like.
Everybody says, oh, this isn't a bubble because, no.
Bubbles all look the same and act the same and all crash the same and there's no soft landing for bubbles.
So that's the first point.
We also look at all four.
Of key indicators I've generated over the last 30 years.
I started with demographics.
That was my breakthrough.
But I added a geopolitical cycle, which has been horrible since 9-11.
And still is bad for the next three or four years.
So this stuff's not going to get better.
We have an innovation cycle that peaked with the internet recently.
Now we're down to Facebook, which is entertaining, but it's dancing cats and dogs.
It's not the sort of productivity tool that Google was and email and stuff.
Those things tripled my productivity, my research business.
And then I have a secrets recipe for a 10 year boom bust cycle.
The point is we show all four of these cycles point down at the same time.
Starting in mid-2014 and don't start to turn up until early 2020.
So the next three, three and a half years is the most dangerous time for our economy.
And unfortunately, Trump, somebody who can actually has the leeway to make some major changes, is walking into a difficult economy, as did Herbert Hoover.
He was a major businessman that got elected president, walked in office in 1929, just in time to see the greatest crash in history start later that year.
I see a similar scenario, that this Trump rally lasts until around July or mid this year.
All of a sudden, jobs growth shrivels up because we've hired back all the people and there's nobody else left to hire.
And our workforce, as I showed earlier, is not in fact as strong.
Sure, what do you make of them raising interest rates and the United and World Bank and others and the ECB signaling that as well?
Well, again, governments and central banks have been pushing down interest rates short-term and more importantly long-term with quantitative easing.
That has gotten overdone and negative rates started to backfire on banks and the economy in Japan and Europe.
So now interest rates are rising.
We are seeing some late-stage inflation, which we've been warning for the last year.
We did predict that bond rates would go up.
The 10-year Treasury from 1.38%
All right.
I think there are consequences.
Inflation is not the big consequence of the gold bug stock.
It's the fact that you create even bigger bubbles in stocks and real estate.
This stock bubble now we show in the book is way larger than the last one that crashed 55% in 2008 and 2009.
We're going to see, we're predicting a 70 to 80% crash in the next three years.
Well, let me ask this.
What do you think is causing the Trump euphoria?
I mean, the fact that we're saying we're open for business, we're going to cut regulations.
I mean, this sounds pretty positive.
I think Trump might be able to escape all this.
It's kind of like they famously have the New York Times economist claiming the internet would stall out and wouldn't stop, you know, I would stop innovating by 1998.
He was wrong.
I mean, I really just have a lot of positive hopes and I hope you're wrong.
Wrong timing, though.
One of the points we've made on all of my books all the way back to 1989.
Economy goes in four seasons.
A spring boom, a summer stagnation and recession with high inflation, then a fall bubble boom, and that's the best season for stocks and real estate and economy.
But then those bubbles and debt bubbles... Sure.
I want to take calls, but let's talk about triggers, then.
What's the time frame?
What are some of the triggers you're worried about?
Italy's just around the corner from default.
They got 18% bad loans, non-performing and rising.
10% you're technically bankrupt.
Greece is still as bad as ever, never turned around.
Cyprus, same old.
And Portugal and all the Southern Europe's
Got very bad economies, very bad debt, and Germany, who's supposed to be the strongest economy, has the worst demographic trends in the next decade.
Worse than Japan had in the 90s when they crashed.
And it's not even safe to go outside at night in most areas and France to have jihadis running around murdering everybody.
Highest terrorism over there.
Europe's gonna blow, especially Southern Europe and Germany.
The second big trigger is China.
China's bubble is totally unsustainable.
Their debt has gone up 16 times in the last decade.
Makes our debt bubble and any other debt bubble in history look like nothing.
They're gonna blow, but I think the surprise this year, Alex, is that this 150 to 200,000 job growth, all of a sudden,
Later this year just shrivels up and stops because there's nobody left to hire and companies are not even if they repatriate two trillion in overseas profits.
They're not going to put it in new capacity and jobs because there is no demand.
Consumers are tapped out at peak debt.
Sure, but let me raise this point.
Trump may be right, and I hope he is.
So far, he's been right.
If you've got such massive regulations by globalists to force us to ship our jobs to Asia and other areas because globalists can pick the winners in a crony capitalist model, if he does slash regulations by 75% and cut taxes, that boom could be so explosive that despite demographic problems,
If you look at the metrics, it could still be a lot bigger than even the demographic downturn and take us out of this.
Regulations are much more complex to deal with than simply cutting taxes.
And it's only going to reduce some costs.
The point is, you can't expand businesses when you don't have demand.
Here's the problem.
When Reagan came in, in the early 80s,
He was coming in after the biggest supply crisis in history.
That's what the highest inflation rates were telling you.
We need supply, supply, supply.
That's when cutting taxes, cutting regulations, as he did, expands.
Businesses will expand, and that's when the baby boomers were starting to spend.
So that strategy works.
To come in, we have the opposite now.
We have overcapacity, more so in China than anywhere, but all around the world.
Businesses overborrowed and expanded.
Consumers overborrowed and spent and bought homes and stuff.
In the bubble boom, and now we don't have growing demand.
Well, I gotta say this, a lot of, I mean, in general, you're absolutely right, historical, you're the pioneer of that, with the trends up and down, and the demographics.
It's just that, I mean, you admit though, that Trump beat the odds, and that things have been happening that don't normally happen.
And I think with globalism, and all the complexities and different systems, and the fact that time is kind of compacted now, and there's so many developments,
I think there's going to be curveballs in the natural order of markets that you've absolutely been right about exposing.
Here's the problem, Alex.
He's creating unrealistic expectations.
If he came in and told people, and he said we're in a big fat ugly bubble, well bubbles always burst and you can't just walk through them with no consequences.
It's devastating.
Hey, our demographics, hey, we are an aging society and we need to do X, Y, Z to do it.
If he said, you know, here's what we need to do it.
And I'm going to do these things, but to say I'm going to almost instantly create 4% growth, I guarantee you that's going to create a huge disappointment.
I guarantee you our economy would explode if they announced, and I'm saying this hypothetically before the New York Times runs with it, I say it's real, if they picked up an alien fleet
That was, you know, 20 million miles out, and was telling us, because they're rules of war, we're going to attack you when we get there.
I guarantee you, say it takes them five years to get here, our economy's going to explode no matter what the demographics are, and we're going to have all these weapon systems and space bases and stuff we never thought we'd have and super weapons rolled out, because that's what humans do in times of war, is they accelerate to the next level.
So a giant war, either with aliens or with the Chinese or anybody, we don't kill each other, could save us from the economy.
I'm not saying that should be done.
World War II, what we did, women went in the workforce because the men were gone fighting, so that was a big leap forward.
This time, the only way we could do with that and ramp up, we'd have to put a lot of old people to work, and that'd be a good thing.
I mean, baby boomers shouldn't be retiring at age 63 when they now live to 85 if they meet that age.
That wasn't true when we created all these
Welfare systems and social security and health care entitlements.
So you agree with me, though, if we knew there was a giant military threat that would destroy us in five years, we would mobilize.
That is what it would take to beat my forecast.
Just cutting taxes or regulations, I'm telling you, is not going to create this 4% growth.
Yes, an alien invasion and everybody goes back to work, including 65 year olds and 75 year old men and women.
Yes, that's the only thing that would create this sort of growth.
Well, the globalists kind of like are an alien invasion of communists and socialists and robber barons.
So I think the fight against the globalists, we all just bust our ass and work hard and politically defeat them and make an industry out of it.
I think we can stop them.
I mean, I think this is next level stuff.
We have to make it work to defeat them or they're going to use the collapse not to go with your great free market ideas or Ron Paul's great ideas.
They're going to use it to totally bring in tyranny.
Let's play a clip of Ron Paul yesterday agreeing with Mr. Dent.
And then we'll come back to Mr. Dent after the Ron Paul clip.
Are you guys ready yet?
We'll get to that Ron Paul clip here in just a moment.
And then we will take a few of your phone calls with Harry Dent.
He's got his new book, The Sale of a Lifetime.
I'll tell you what, he has a short amount of time, and I think he's sincerely trying, and when he talks about taxes and regulation, I think he's doing a great job.
Here it is.
But, the whole thing is, let's say there are some dire predictions that, you know, next year, say year 18, we have something arriving worse than 2008 and 2009.
The downturn is much worse.
No, it wasn't.
Unfortunately, there's nothing he can do.
Trump can't do it.
He can help, you know, by some of these policies.
But you can't avoid the correction.
The correction is locked in place because the deficits are there, the malinvestment.
Everybody agrees.
Interest rates have been too low too long.
And that's why he's raising it.
The full interview is up on InfoWars.com.
I need to go to these calls, I promise to.
Mr. Dent, quick comment to that?
Yeah, I agree totally.
Everything he's doing could work long term, but it takes a while to set in.
And cutting taxes only increases deficits.
We got runaway deficits.
The debt has been doubling every two administrations.
5 to 10 trillion under Bush, 10 to 20 under Obama, and it's going to 40 trillion in the next two administrations.
Unless something is done to deal with these runaway deficits and they're going to get much worse when the economy goes down.
So I agree with that.
Trump can't deal with that and it's not his fault.
Well, he's sure trying.
He's sure delivering on what he said he would do.
It's amazing.
And he can't help.
He can't help.
But you can't offset.
This is like a tidal wave, and you're putting a fire hose into it.
There's too many negative trends.
Well, we'll see what happens.
I hope you're wrong.
We've seen a lot of interesting things happen.
I would have advised Trump to run next time around, if I'd have been his advisor.
Well, but he's already the oldest president to ever get inaugurated.
So he can't run when he's 74, but I hear you.
Let's go to James in Texas, then we'll go to Jose and John and others.
James, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'd like to use this call in order to get an extremely important message that I composed out to you, as well as Trump's administration.
Yeah, I'm not screening your call.
I'm going to probably have to let you go, though, because you've been holding.
I've gone to you on air, so.
We aren't far from Tomorrowland as it's famously quoted by Walt Disney back in the mid-fifties.
All we have to do is fund the proper organizations such as NASA to train the next generations of rocket, propulsion, and space engineers as well as scientists.
Okay, again, there's this paradigm.
People call in and they tell me what they want to say and I just wait.
So you're on air.
Go ahead.
Well, right, but I want to get your take on
Yes, humans need projects and goals to put their energy into and then to have a destiny and if we don't start
Moving off the planet, moving to the deep sea, doing really dangerous stuff, cheering space colonies that launch, even though we'll probably have technology in 20 years where our ships go out and relieve the ships that were using earlier technology.
We have to do that.
We have to make our reality shows be beamed transmissions back from deep space probes.
We have to make innovation and science and trailblazers our rock stars.
Since we made drugged out musicians and spoiled rotten Hollywood people our gods, and a bunch of arrogant sports people our gods, the renaissance has begun to die.
Mr. Dan, I mean, what about big projects getting us out of this?
Well, again, it has to be huge and they take a long time to pay off.
I mean, I study innovation more than anybody.
I mean, automobiles took decades before they really paid off and created a growth in the economy.
And all of that investment would only create bigger deficits if the government did something like that near term.
So, yeah, long term.
These things can be a good thing to do if you pick the right projects.
But near term, they're not going to do anything but make things worse for the economy.
Alright, thank you.
James, I want people to just come on air and always say what they want to say.
When you're on air, you're on air.
I know other talk shows screen you a bunch, and then you get on air.
We're putting you on air.
Thank you, James.
John in Florida, you're on the air with Mr. Dent.
Hey, buddy.
I originally was going to call about the Muslims.
I'm not for registering anybody, including sex offenders, anybody.
I'll just say that.
And keeping in conversation with what you are talking about, out of respect for the author, I want to ask him first off, does he have his book in audio form?
Yes, is your new book in audio form?
It is coming out in audio form with Gildan.
I don't think it's quite out yet.
That's what I like.
I like books on audio when I drive in the car.
I don't really read books anymore.
I listen to them on audio.
I would get the book, though, because it's very timely.
I mean, people are going to have to make some hard decisions in the next several months.
Oh, yeah, I know.
I'm thinking about this.
I'm going to order the book.
Anything else, Sean?
Yeah, there's trouble in the 80s.
I think what he's got working against him the most... Unfortunately, I agree with Mr. Dent.
I wish I didn't.
I think he's got Facebook, Twitter, these kind of things.
He's going to the restaurant nowadays.
Talking about productivity.
People are just zombies out there now.
I can't even... I drive on the road for a living.
I drive a truck.
And I cannot tell you the things that I see out here with people doing 70 miles an hour with their phones sending out a LOL.
People are just zombies.
So the positivity, unfortunately, it is not going to be there.
That's right.
Television and smartphones is killing productivity.
That's right.
This could be negative productivity because people basically just goofing off on Facebook all the time.
It's entertainment.
It distracts you.
Well, let's expand on that.
I mean, it kills businesses, operations, newsrooms.
I'm always like, get off the phones and check on your Facebook and produce something.
Don't just be a Facebook star.
Don't just, you know, be a Twitter star.
Actually fight the globalists.
And our crew does a great job at that.
It's just that that's an ongoing thing in every newsroom.
Great points, John.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go ahead and go to Debbie in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
And then Mike and others.
Then Jose.
Hi, Mr. Dent.
Government has turned us all into corporations taking away our individual sovereignty and thus creating House Joint Resolution 192 Treasury accounts for us all.
Why won't they allow us access to these accounts?
Are you talking about America's being leveraged against the national debt?
Well, basically that the banks hold us hostage, so when you go for a mortgage, your signature gives them the ability to go into your account.
Sure, sure.
Let me jump to the guest about that, because we're almost out of time.
I want to go to Jose, who's been holding.
I used to always hear that, like, they sell mortgages over and over again, and they use your name for debt on the mortgage.
I rolled my eyes 20 years ago, but then it came out they really were doing something like that.
Well, I mean, to me, the biggest issue over the last decade
Debt normally grows when a generation is aging and raising their families in that part of their cycle.
So you'd expect that.
More and more mortgages.
But the whole banking system kind of colluded.
And along with the Fed to push interest rates lower than they should be, make loans easier to get, no down payment, no documentation, and created a much bigger debt bubble for consumers and real estate bubble than would have already happened naturally.
So the bigger the bubble, the bigger the burst.
That's the whole point of the book.
And so we've got a bigger crisis than we'll see in our lifetimes coming in the next three to six years.
Again, I agree with Ron Paul.
So much has happened so already that there's no way to get around this bubble bursting and debts failing and stocks going down.
Well, all I hope Trump does is cultural things to fight political correctness.
And I mean, it's a culture of liberty that is our real wealth generator in the end.
But for the future, we should win the culture war.
Yeah, and I want to see, with new technologies, they really favor the individual and entrepreneurs, and I want to see more of that come out of this other side.
It's going to be good if a lot of major institutions fail and have to restructure, including banks.
Sure, because they're the ones that have been creating the monopolies.
Let's talk to Jose.
They've been creating the monopolies on a lot of the problems.
Jose in California, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you, Alex, for the wonderful information.
You know, I'm Mexican, but most of Mexicans, well, I support Trump and voted for Trump.
And I support the war.
I mean, I mean, it's got to be done.
You know, most Mexicans are racist.
They hate USA.
They hate their own people.
Only few love America.
Only few.
You know, I know many, many illegals working here.
I think some folks get bullied into that, but I mean, the Hispanics, I know they're from Mexico, or families were, especially when this was already Mexico.
I mean, they love America.
I mean, are you talking about illegals hate America?
I know they've kind of been brainwashed into that, but...
Yeah, you know what?
What about Mexicans or Latinos at the inauguration?
I didn't see any.
What happened to them?
I saw a ton of people of every color there.
I don't think the media likes to show that, but they have been somewhat successful creating the idea that you can't be for free market if you're a minority, saying the Tea Party is racist.
I actually saw that.
That's not really the case.
I think Trump's message is very, very inclusive, but I hear what you're saying, Jose.
Let me have you come back here in just a moment.
But Mr. Dent, what do you think about what Jose is saying?
Well, I gotta tell you, immigration has long ago peaked.
Immigration comes in cycles.
We had the biggest wave of immigration peak just before World War I.
Sure, but the issue is we're not getting the hard-working people like we were.
The Democrats were saying, literally, if you're handicapped, come here, we'll take care of you.
So we got people that aren't just low-skill, we've got a bunch of people that are drags from all over the world.
But on the other hand, also though, as many people are going back to Mexico as coming, and that's probably... Yeah, the people that know this country's falling apart, they're going down there.
A lot of areas of Mexico are actually booming, that's what's weird.
They're doing better than we are because their demographics aren't bad like ours is.
So this is going to naturally happen anyway to build a wall.
Hold on, I know you got to go, but 70 seconds.
Come back and do five minutes and finish your point.
Mr. Dent's our guest.
Get his new book, The Sale of a Lifetime.
I'm Alex Jones.
Get Stone's new book at our site about the making of the president.
We'll be back with a fourth hour.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we're living on the edge.
Harry Dent is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Harry, we've talked about so much.
We've got a few more callers for you here, but in closing, any other angles that you haven't gotten into that you'd like to break down?
Well, again, people have to realize if you get out of the bubble, if you convert overvalued stocks, overvalued real estate, especially stuff that's not strategic to your life or business.
Into cash or safer investments like Treasury bonds and AAA corporate bonds.
These are the things that did well the entire Great Depression while everything else crashed.
This is what creates a sale of a lifetime.
You can be able to buy anything you want from beachfront property to gold to companies or stocks long term.
10, 20, 30 cents on the dollar, but you can't do it if you lose all your wealth on the way down.
So again, that's why I say, look, get on my free newsletter, harrydent.com.
Read this book now.
Don't wait for the audio.
Get it at Amazon because you're going to have to make some hard decisions probably by mid this year.
If I'm right, and I want you to be informed, you're not going to do these things unless you're convinced I'm right.
And I think most people that really read our books and get our stuff, we're telling the truth about fundamentals and we're not coming up with, oh, this will somehow work out because this and that.
Look, I was the most bullish economist in the world in the 80s and 90s.
I'm bearish now because, like Ron Paul said, all of these trends, boom, debt bubbles have gone so far they have to go the other way and you can only live off of free money and something-for-nothing economics for so long.
But Trump had to lose.
You weren't saying that, but Trump had to lose and he won.
There's a lot of interesting things that happen in the world, especially with all the high-tech systems we have.
Again, he'd be fine if he warned people more about some of the extremes like Ron Paul just did.
You know, I think he's been doing it.
The media doesn't cover it.
It's just the situation's going to be bad no matter what he does, and he's going to get blamed for it if he promised people we're going to get 4% growth overnight.
Not going to happen.
Mark my words on that.
Well, we'll see.
I mean, I tell you, just the exuberance might create just the enthusiasm, because so much of this downturn has been a lack of enthusiasm.
For a few months, but not for long.
You can't live on exuberance for very long.
I hope you're wrong, but we're here.
I respect you.
You're a smart guy, and that's why we're covering all the angles.
We're not kind of like CNN or whatever, kind of have its agenda or CNBC.
We're here really trying to figure this out, as you know.
Let's take one more call for you.
Let's talk to Mike in Illinois.
Oh, hi.
You're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I have to go with Mr. Dent on this one because
I've been reading articles and things about the AIIB, which is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and how China's been able to corral 57 countries to sign on to this.
And from what I've kind of gathered, that maybe their plan is to de-peg the petrodollar and have everything based on another currency and something like that.
That would blow the economy up even faster.
Look, for any of the U.S.'
's problems, China is undoubtedly a basket case.
And China's economy is much more vulnerable than ours.
Everybody thinks they're so strong.
Their debt ratios and their leverage and their overbilling, they've overbuilt their economy 10 to 15 years ahead.
They wouldn't need to build anything for a long time.
So if something goes wrong, China, we're still the best house in a bad neighborhood compared to Europe or Japan and including China by far.
And Trump's smart getting Japan and Russia geopolitically on our side against China.
I think Trump's really smart.
By the way, Ron Paul also commended him and said he thinks Trump's doing a great job, but like he said, a day late, a dollar short.
Yep, exactly, exactly.
Well, cross your fingers.
Hey, I thank you so much, Mike, and I'm not disagreeing with you.
Who knows what could happen with China and all these other, quote, countries.
We'll see what unfolds.
All right, well, Harry Dent, harrydent.com, the new book.
It's got a great name.
You're a great author.
So I haven't seen my complimentary one yet, but maybe we should sell it at the InfoWars store.
Let's have you talk to some of the crew.
Have Weldon give you a call.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
Coming up, I'm going to ask a question of the man who created the term fake news, exposing the mainstream media, and of course, that's John Rappaport.
And I'm going to ask him, what do you think they're doing with such blatant fake news?
Is it just trying to distract us from other issues?
Because we're exposing them on every front, and they just lose more and more credibility.
So, what's really going on in psychological warfare?
We'll be back.
Infowars.com is the website.
Stay with us.
Sanctuary cities across the nation are pushing back against President Trump's immigration policies.
They're vowing to take it all the way to the courts.
Bill de Blasio of New York is promising immediate action against Sanctuary City's order, as President Trump's executive order is said to block federal funding to sanctuary cities just like New York.
De Blasio is saying that it's very susceptible to legal challenge, and he's promising to take it to the court immediately for an injunction to stop the order if an attempt to pull funds from the city is made.
He goes on to say, if they make an attempt to pull that money, it would be from the NYPD, from security funding to fighting terrorism.
Of course we know that simply isn't true.
The President is trying to enforce the law of the land and say that these rogue cities have no right to give benefits to people that are here illegally.
Now on Wednesday, Trump signed an order to stop federal funds from going to these cities, from New York to San Francisco, that have policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agencies.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
I gotta tell you, it's surreal to see a 70-year-old man, who moves better than I do at 43, because I've been in a few
Brush-ups as they call them.
A few scraps.
Going onto the helicopter, basically jogging onto the helicopter with his blonde hair flapping around in all directions like some type of golden eagle.
They make the joke in Foxcatcher that he goes, you can call me golden eagle, eagle or coach.
But there he is with that wild hair strutting around
Going all different directions to promote freedom.
Absolutely freaking out the globalists.
And CJ was saying they're going to kill him.
I know this.
He's been in bankruptcy and in and out of it repeatedly and come back from nothing.
He is the exact type of guy that could turn this around.
But you heard Dent earlier.
You heard Ron Paul yesterday.
He has got it cut out for him.
He's doing all the right things to try to really make sure your retirement is still there.
To really make sure you get a good job.
To make sure the border is safe and secure.
To make sure that
We open up visas for good, skilled workers, but actually build factories here for Americans to work in with those workers, and turbocharge things, and don't just bring drug addicts and criminals in.
But the globalists are hitting him with everything they've got.
And they are putting out fake news at levels I have never before seen.
I mean, it is just, it is over-the-top bizarre how crazy they are.
And I have a theory.
Well, the crew has it, and so do I.
And I really think that's what's happening.
They're arrogant, MSM can't admit they have almost no audience, and they're discredited that they're fake news.
They can't believe they lost.
They were planning to shut down the new media, their competition, as soon as Hillary got in.
And so, even after it's proven that he had one of the biggest crowds, if not the biggest ever, or they didn't throw the bust out of Martin Luther King, they keep saying it to get us to go attack and be discredited while we debate them, instead of going, hey, look, Chrysler, Ford's coming back.
Hey, look, we're about to cut the tax.
Hey, he just pulled out of the TPP.
Hey, he's promising to build the wall and delivering.
Hey, he's coming out against vaccines like he said he would.
I think that they're really just using fog of war, smokescreen tactics, as Rob New calls them, because even after it's exposed, they lie about the crowd size.
Lie about what he said, they come back with it and CNN goes, no, these are real photos of what happened during the inauguration.
And technically it is the inauguration day at 8.22 in the morning from the Washington Monument, showing only a small crowd because the gates had just opened minutes before.
So technically that's true!
Yeah, but see, they're playing lawyer games.
But it's not the inauguration when he was up there or when it got full.
See, they're playing very serious manipulation games.
And Don Lemon, who ran these videos, is saying Trump's a liar.
So that's my question to the man who has the website NoMoreFakeNews.com 15 years ago, John Rappaport, who co-hosts every other week.
Always loved to have him.
I'm not going to hold him up too much before he covers the news.
Here, but if you go to DrudgeReport.com, he's linked to one of our latest articles, where the entire world, put it up behind me if you want, is turning against Soros.
I mean, they're talking hundreds of thousands, millions marching in streets in Europe, Eastern Europe, to stop Soros movement.
The world gets who's behind this, who's bringing in the Islamics, who's dividing things.
The documents got leaked magically about him betting against Europe and America.
All this stuff is starting to come out.
It's a very, very exciting time.
So a couple questions there from Mr. Rappaport, and then I'm out of here.
I got a lot to get done.
Nightly News come up tonight, but I will be walking around with my headset on, but I'm not talking to crew.
Listening on the free apps we've got at Infowars.com forward slash show.
So why do you think they've gone from lying most of the time to insanely lying
Is it meant to break our will?
Make us feel insane?
Is it gaslighting?
Or is it just to distract us with issues that don't matter because they're so scared that his Gallup poll numbers are exploding from 41% to 59% as people realize he's delivering?
No more fake news expert.
John Rappaport.
Hi Alex.
I think now what's happening is they do not want the public to know
Exactly what Trump is doing.
He did this, he did that.
You enumerated some of these things a few minutes ago.
This, that, the other thing.
They do not want the public to see, wow, he did this, he did that, he's doing this, he's doing that, he's bringing this back, job so forth.
They want to completely obscure all of that under this huge avalanche of bull bleep about
You know, the crowds at the inauguration and the Martin Luther King bust and all of this, it's fog of war.
It's diversion.
It's distraction.
Look over here.
Don't look there.
They do not want to document what's happening since day one of his administration.
So it's getting even crazier and it's going to get much crazier.
I mean, they'll say or do anything.
But I also think, and this may be
Sounds pretty far out.
That not only are these media organizations infiltrated by the CIA, as we know long ago, Operation Mockingbird, but some of these media operations, the reporters, the editors, they have files.
They are blackmailable.
They are controlled.
They are prisoners of what they must do and say.
Well, I'm going to get out of here, but what you're saying has actually come out and has been true, the blackmailing, the paying, but now there are so many liberty movement people in government who've actually woken up through decompartmentalization.
There's a civil war even inside the intelligence agencies, and that's why the globalists are so handicapped right now.
Go ahead and take over, my friend.
Great job.
Okay, thanks, Alex.
All right, so here we go in the fourth hour.
Lots of interesting things happened.
I love the mass resignations at the State Department.
I mean, what is it?
15, 20, 30 people, whatever it is, have just suddenly decided that they have to resign because they can't operate in this new administration.
Oh my goodness, my goodness, my goodness.
And the entire senior management team quits.
The truth is, not enough.
Not even close.
We need more mass resignations at the State Department.
Please, bring it on.
Bring it on.
Because these people are taking up space that is useless.
Their so-called expertise, you see this, oh, they have such expertise, so therefore we can't carry on business at the State Department without them, is a total crock.
Their expertise is involved in these highly complicated, endless amounts of blabbing and conferences and negotiations and piddling little meetings and so forth with their opposites in other countries who are as much freeloaders as the people at the State Department are.
Let's go back to the beginning.
George Washington.
Remember him?
Farewell address to the nation when he was leaving the presidency in public life to sum it up No entangling foreign alliances The affairs of other countries in Europe anywhere else in the world as a matter of fact are simply not our business we're not to be politically involved with them because going down that road
is destruction, as we have seen history writing it.
That's what Washington said.
And he's right.
He was correct.
He still is correct.
So the entire State Department is nothing but entangling alliances.
That's what they are.
They should have... their real office should be at the United Nations, and then they should have another office at the Council on Foreign Relations, and they should have their main headquarters at the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission.
Because that's what they are.
Globalist central.
That's the State Department.
It always has been the State Department.
For a while it was Communism Central, Socialism Central, but that sort of morphed into Globalism Central.
That's what they are.
Let them all resign.
As quickly as possible.
Let them all go away.
And you will find in the corridors of those buildings some of the most decadent, foul, stench-ridden
Evidence, documents, clues to what these people have been doing for a very, very, very long time, since at least 1945 and before.
This is one of the most corrupt agencies in the world and it was no accident that Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry headed it up.
So there you are on that.
Not enough resignations.
Trump is now saying that he's going to remove federal funding from sanctuary cities.
Another blockbuster development that never would have happened under any other president.
The gist of it is very simple.
The law states that there are legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.
When a city or a town decides on their own that they are going to accept illegal immigrants, some of whom are going to be drug addicts and criminals, some of whom are going to be here because why?
Because they can get freebies, because they can go to sanctuary cities.
It has nothing to do with a refugee crisis.
It has to do with the attraction of the good life relative to what they have now.
This was never the case in the early immigration to the United States.
This was, get off the boat, you're on your own.
Sure, you see the poem and so forth on the Statue of Liberty, but it said nothing about, and we will make the United States into a gigantic welfare state for anybody that wants to come here, and we will therefore make it much more difficult for Americans who already live here to survive.
There's nothing about that.
No, absolutely not.
So good!
Now the Sanctuary Cities, of course, are going to try to strike back.
So we're in that battle.
It's a good battle to have.
I'm here in the fourth hour.
John Rappaport will be back after the break.
Stay with us on InfoWars.
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There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America.
He's always defended the Second Amendment.
Let me just read a little thing here from Agenda 21.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights.
Well, let's take a back seat to the collective.
Well, you know what this expo's gonna be, don't you?
There's gonna be coming a few guns.
Oh, yeah.
I'll tell you, it ain't gonna sit well down my way.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
It's time to ride, boys.
We need a thousand Paul Revere's.
When I was a boy, it was okay to be proud of the flag, heritage, mom, and apple pie.
Then beef was for supper.
Dawn of global government.
Theatrical screenings on demand.
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Starring Alex Jones, Charlie Daniels, Special Ops General Jerry Boykin,
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John Rappaport back here in the fourth hour, InfoWars.
Before I get into RFK Jr.
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RFK Jr., Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
He is purported
Let's see the green light here from President Trump to be the guy who is going to investigate on behalf of the federal government executive branch, vaccine safety.
Now, I never thought in my lifetime that I would ever say those words.
And if you've been paying attention, neither should you, because this is unprecedented.
The President of the United States meets with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
at Trump Tower.
Kennedy comes out and says, okay, I'm going to do an investigation on behalf of the administration into vaccine safety.
I'm going to take on the CDC because I know all about the CDC.
And RFK does know, Jr.
does know,
Everything he needs to know right now.
Right now!
You can imagine what he might uncover with a subpoena power, perhaps?
He knows right now that there is an incredible conflict of interest at the CDC, that it's structural, that it's existed forever, and it boils down to this.
The CDC is a profit-making company.
They buy and sell gigantic amounts of vaccines.
50% of the vaccines in America for children come from the CDC.
But at the same time, they are the agency required to do so-called scientific studies assessing the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
That's called a conflict of interest, my friends.
And RFK Jr.
can document
The men and women who sit on those committees, sit on those committees at the CDC, and make assessments about what vaccines your children must have, what new vaccines are coming on to the market, the safety of these vaccines, while they take money, significant money, from pharmaceutical companies.
And this has never been challenged at the CDC.
The CDC is a rogue federal agency and a profit-making company at the same time.
And they deserve to be completely plowed under, legally, after an investigation, and completely reformulated from the ground up.
can do that, if he is given the leeway.
He knows enough right now.
He knows enough right now.
This would be staggering.
And I speak as somebody that's been working as a reporter for 34 years now and has been investigating vaccines for the last 28-30 years.
To have this happen would be staggering on many fronts.
Not only medical, it would alert the public yet again on a higher level that they have been bamboozled and
Committed crimes against them by institutions of government for a long, long, long time.
And that major media science is fake science right down to the ground.
That's what this investigation would do.
So in any way that we can support this happening,
Under the executive branch and Trump's guidance with RFK Jr.
in the lead, it's absolutely necessary that we strike back with the truth at major media who are already gathering their forces to declaim this as some horrible thing that's going to kill all of our children and all of the fake news and horrific lies they tell.
We'll be back after the break here on InfoWars.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well this administration thinks that the American public has a right to know what's happening in cities across the country and it looks like the Trump administration is going to publish weekly crimes committed by illegal aliens sidestepping the mainstream media's coverage of the immigration crime wave.
We have an article that's up on our website that aggregated from Breitbart News and it talks about how this administration is going to
We're good.
In any jurisdiction that ignores or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.
It looks like this administration is saying to these sanctuary cities, you deport or we're going to publish what's actually going on.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more, and it supports him, and it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They're in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order, so you get it first.
Infowarsstore.com, The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us and please continue to support the operation and get his book now so you're the first to have it shipped to you.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
John Rappaport here in the fourth hour sitting in for Alex at InfoWars.
We're talking about
I was talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and an investigation of vaccines.
If this moves forward, this will revolutionize the country.
I guarantee it.
If it moves forward without hindrance, vaccine safety as a myth will be exposed completely.
Guarantee it.
This will happen.
People will understand how they have been lied to.
Criminally lied to by the CDC and other public health agencies.
How these vaccines get onto the market.
The toxic ingredients that they contain.
Talking about not just mercury either.
The profit-making venture at the CDC.
That operates both as a corporation and as a public health agency in the executive branch of the federal government.
All of this will come out.
And the major media will go completely insane.
Completely insane.
So we hope that this is in the cards.
And that it's going to happen.
Now, why are the major media going so crazy right now?
I mean, we had the business of ABC airing a promo about a fiction series, a show, where a president was shot during a break in the Trump interview.
We've had reporters sitting around, major reporters sitting around, joking about assassinating Trump, shooting Trump, murdering Trump.
Just imagine.
Well, can you even imagine if Hillary Clinton had won and the shoe was on the other foot?
Reporters on television, mainstream reporters sitting around joking about killing Hillary.
How do you think this would have flown?
But, not a problem here.
Do you see the New York Times or Washington Post, any of the major networks anywhere in the world, taking these stories, and there are several, a handful at least, where you've got mainstream reporters joking about murdering Trump, and making that into a page one story?
And pounding on it day after day as an example of how far the left has gone and is willing to go in their efforts to, you can't even call it delegitimize because they're talking about assassination.
That's what they are talking about in, you know, frivolous terms.
And, you know, just and by frivolous, I mean casual like, yeah, what would happen if, you know, somebody just shot the president?
Are you serious?
This is how far major media are going.
Because not only is their own survival at stake, and they know they're losing to independent media, losing by miles now to independent media, but the entire globalist agenda is cracking and falling apart.
And what is that agenda?
What are we talking about?
We are talking about the replacement of sovereign nations with a new economic and political order that is international, a global management system for the entire planet.
That agenda is being exposed over and over again, as it has been for some time, tremendously accelerated by Trump.
And here it is.
This must not happen, but it is happening.
The entire mandate of major media was to keep this under wraps.
And never expose it.
Never let it see the light of day that this takeover, in this case of America and other countries, has been proceeding apace for a very long time.
You can go back as far as you want to go in our history.
You can go back to 1913.
You can go back to 1945.
These are key years.
But it's been kept a secret and now the secret is blown completely.
The covert op is blown.
And major media are going insane because it's their mandate to cover this up.
That's what's happening.
And when people go insane, there is no predicting what they will do or say.
They will say anything to try to escape from what they consider to be living death for themselves.
For themselves.
That's what will happen.
Let me just remind you about the 2017 Make Our Bodies Great Again initiative.
It isn't only making America great again, it's the people, the individuals, the health.
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Again, the 2017 InfoWars initiative and helping InfoWars to continue its work in this winning battle that we are in against globalism and for freedom.
Another reason that the major media have gone so crazy is because they cannot permit a discussion of what it means to be talking about America.
America as a nation.
Not as an independent, it takes a village, you know, cheese glob, collectivist world which has been
The incessant rattle of the media in one way or another and politicians for as long back as we can remember.
No, not that.
Just talking about America as a distinct, independent, existing nation, with a history, with a tradition that goes back to the formation of a republic, what that means, what the documents mean, and so forth.
That discussion must never take place, as far as major media are concerned, and people must never again become aware that America is
Its own nation.
They hoped that day was long past.
It would never return.
But guess what?
It's back.
It's back again.
It's happening.
It's coming to the fore.
This is a shock to the system.
I mean, an incredible shock to the system.
Look how far ABC, again, has gone.
This is the footage, pronouncement, from the Pope of News, I guess you could say, the Papacy of News, saying that the Trump interview that took place, just took place, first made your media sit down with, you know, a network.
Suddenly, ABC owns all of this.
And has placed restrictions on how you can show little clips and so forth, but the big restriction is after February 1st, it's gone forever.
Nobody else can air it.
The President of the United States makes statements?
Policy statements?
And this is all going to disappear down the rat hole of ABC on February 1st?
Is this, are they serious about this?
Do they really think this is going to happen?
Do they really think they can control this?
And as Alex has said, why do they want to control it?
Because they don't want other people being able to go back and say, look at what he said back here.
Look at what Trump said and look at what he did.
Gee, he said this and he did it.
He said that and he did it.
He said this and he did it.
They want to be able to... It's 1984.
It was here and then it wasn't here.
That's what media in 1984, Orwell's novel, is all about.
The media says this, and then it's gone.
The media says that, it's gone.
Today, the media say this, and it's gone.
So they want to just completely destroy all that footage.
We own it, they say.
Now, if Trump had known that, I think the chances are about 90% against that he would have ever been interviewed by ABC.
So now they've exposed themselves in a completely absurd way.
It's like watching people
Oh, you know, you've seen people that have gone nuts.
Well, that's what we're watching here with major media.
That's what we're seeing.
That's why 15 years ago I started a website under the name No More Fake News.
Because it had already occurred to me in more than one way that major media were completely fake.
Three areas, I would say,
Turned the tide for me before I started the website.
The Oklahoma City bombing, 1995, the truth that emerged about that, the book I wrote about it, and the terrific researcher, Patrick Briley, that I worked with as a source for a long time during the writing of the book.
Vaccine research, that was part of my first book, AIDS, Inc., 1988.
Immune system destruction through vaccines.
And the third thing, without going into a long song and dance, was U.S.
government mind control experiments on children.
And the testimony of Valerie Wolf, a psychologist, before a federal commission in 1995 on radiation experiments, in which she and two of her patients said yes, or two of the patients said yes,
As children, we received radiation doses, but this was part of a much wider ranging mind control program that we were enlisted in as children.
The Feds never expected that to come out in live testimony, but it did.
So those are just three of the areas
That convinced me by the time that I started my website in 2001 that No More Fake News was a good name because the major media, of course, weren't covering any of these areas that I just mentioned.
Not only weren't they covering them, they were obviously censoring them.
If major media omit a story and they don't cover it, this is not an accident.
They decide this is not good.
We don't want this.
And from many of my conversations off the record with reporters over the years, this is what they've told me.
We know, they say, what the boundaries are.
We understand what we can do and what we can't do.
There is no discussion about this except in extreme rare cases.
Otherwise, it's business as usual.
It's a machine.
For example,
Vaccine articles in which there is some criticism implied of the safety of vaccines, or the criticism of the CDC, or a pharmaceutical company, that'll get you fired if blacklisted.
No question about it.
But everybody knows that.
So, the editor doesn't have to say anything, the publisher doesn't have to say anything, the reporters don't say anything.
It's all now understood.
This is the game.
Do you want to play?
You've spent your career climbing over other people, trying to make a living, trying to make a name for yourself, maybe getting a little plastic surgery along the way, whatever it takes.
You're a hustler.
We know that.
Now you're going to destroy all that by crossing one of these lines?
And deciding that you want to take a chance?
You want to be honorable?
You want to expose the truth to the American people as you thought you wanted to do when you were 16 and you decided you wanted to be a reporter?
Of course not.
We understand that.
That's not going to happen.
This is the game, folks.
This is the way it works.
On the ground.
Every day.
In the television networks, in the print media, this is the way it happens.
And so, some of these people brainwash themselves into believing all the lies that they promulgate to the public.
And some of the others know they're lying, but for the sake of their careers and selling their souls and so forth, they just do it anyway.
That's the way the game works.
That's the way it operates.
That's what we are destroying.
Day by day.
Broadcast by broadcast.
Article by article.
Independent news media.
So we've just flashed a piece up here from my blog.
Reporters tell me the truth off the record.
The fake news business.
You should read it because these comments are incredible.
What some of these guys have told me off the record over the years.
Most people in the major media news business are CIA assets.
Many of them don't know it.
Some of them do.
It's simple.
You see?
Here's a quote from myself that I'm now reading off the screen.
I'm glad they put it up there.
One night I had a little heart-to-heart with my editor.
I told him it would be a lot easier if I just had a desk at the CIA in Langley.
He agreed.
He said we could move the whole paper there, but then the spooks would realize they didn't need us at all.
They could put out the paper themselves.
That's right.
They could put out the paper themselves.
They could very well do that without having to have, you know, a building in New York.
They could just do it all at Langley.
It's that controlled.
But the people inside it don't need to be controlled anymore.
They're playing along.
And their job is to convince the public that they're not playing along.
That they're determined and idealistic and in some cases absolutely revolted at what's happening and they have to expose it and all of this.
This is their act.
To be able to put on that act and convince the American people of it.
But frankly, between you and me, and if you haven't noticed it by now, you need to go back and look at some mainstream news.
The act is so shoddy, so bad, so preposterous, because they've now got, you know, on a team, the second stringers, the bench, that's what's in there, not the first players.
We'll be back after the break.
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There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America, he's always defended the Second Amendment.
Let me just read a little thing here from Agenda 21.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights.
Well, let's take a back seat to the collective.
Well, you know what this expo's gonna be, don't you?
There's gonna be coming a few guns.
Oh, yeah.
I tell you, it ain't gonna sit well down my way.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
It's time to ride, boys.
We need a thousand Paul Revere's.
When I was a boy, it was okay to be proud of the flag, heritage, mom, and apple pie.
Then beef was for supper.
Revelation, dawn of global government.
Theatrical screenings on demand.
DVDs now available.
Starring Alex Jones, Charlie Daniels, Special Ops General Jerry Boykin.
Wanna shed some tears over the red, white, and blue?
Revelation, the movie, dot info.
Let's fix it.
While you were sleeping They came and took it all away
John Rappaport back in our last segment here in the fourth hour for Alex on InfoWars.
Just want to say a couple more things about what Trump is doing here.
State Department, mass resignations, and cutting funding to the UN.
Oh baby!
The United Nations.
Now I can remember
Going back, let's say 1964, somewhere in there, anybody who suggested that cutting funding to the UN or withdrawing from the UN, there's also a little bit of talk about that now, would be considered a complete paranoid wacko, okay, that was out to destroy
Mankind, and mankind's only hope for survival, the UN.
Now, it's happening.
Cutting funding to the UN.
Because, of course, the government of the United States is the main financial backer of the UN, and is sitting there on territory in New York City that was donated by Rockefeller.
You know, Rockefeller.
Arch-globalist family.
And that was the purpose from the beginning.
And all of a sudden, it's happening.
The media doesn't want to talk about it.
The media would like to forget that this is even on the table, much less actually happening.
But it is happening.
I mean, your adrenaline should flow when you hear this.
Because the UN, under all of this weighty rhetoric about the Earth Charter and one human family and all of the kinds of, you know, Hillary Clinton borrows from their speeches and they borrow from hers.
It's all the same jive rhetoric.
The cheese glob collective as I like to call it.
All will be wonderful.
And what we mean by wonderful is the UN will promote the globalist management system of the world and eventually will eliminate sovereign nations and there will only be regions and the regions will be collected under this one blanket of sustainable future.
Which means all in poverty.
But it'll be wonderful.
Don't worry about it.
Just keep your eyes straight ahead and keep moving.
Another cesspool.
I mean, endless cesspool, the UN.
To go along with the endless cesspool at the State Department.
As if international negotiations, which seem to be
You know, the substance of what the State Department and the UN do.
This can only be carried out in extraordinarily complex ways by people who take decades and years to hammer out these agreements and so on and so forth.
Oh, way beyond the power of any of us to understand what's actually happening.
Oh, forget it.
Turns out this is just more jive.
Just as you and I could sit down and hammer out some sort of a business agreement in an hour or two, nations can talk to each other and hammer out agreements without needing the State Department or the UN or anything.
It's completely bogus.
It always was bogus.
It was never about peace in our time.
It had nothing to do with that.
And the power players knew it.
Big things are happening, folks.
Thanks for being here.
See you in a couple of weeks.
John Rappaport on InfoWars.
Stay good.