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Filename: 20170119_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 19, 2017
4398 lines.

In The Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed, including potential terror attacks on Trump, globalist propaganda operations like CNN trying to create hysteria, and personal encounters with arrogant individuals in Washington D.C. The show also touches upon the importance of an informed citizenry, the significance of Trump's victory, and the role of alternative media in providing critical analysis. Additionally, support is expressed for Steve Bannon and his role in shaping policy under President Trump, while concerns are voiced about some appointments made by the President. The show also highlights various products for sale on InfoWarsStore.com, including slingbows, razors, and clothing.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now there isn't just evil in this world.
And you are seeing the sleeping giant that is the American Republic rising again like the mythical phoenix from the ashes.
This will be a day long remembered.
We are sending the collapse of the globalist program all over the planet.
Here we are live from Washington, D.C.
We're right out the window from our humble studios here.
I can see the Washington Monument.
And in fact, it'll be tomorrow that Donald Trump is going to come right down the road and go to the nation's capital to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
Now, I don't want to sit here on the show every segment and say, see, I told you so over and over again, but I've warned everybody if they were going to try to take the President out, they would use COG.
And when we come back from break, we have CNN reports and others licking their lips, promoting the idea, normalizing the idea that if Trump gets assassinated or if Trump gets removed because he's a Ruski agent, Obama will appoint the new president.
So they're selling that idea right now.
And it's very interesting that you're seeing a bunch of Democrats not show up to this, and you're seeing John Kerry not show up.
If a nuclear weapon goes off, big one, small one, so-called improvised, one cooked up by jihadis, if a nuke goes off, you can 100% know it was the criminal elements that have infiltrated the deep state, the shadow government.
We set up a shadow government after the atomic bomb was created, under mutually assured destruction.
Or under, really, the Mexican standoff that nuclear weapons created.
Where that if the government got knocked out in a sneak attack, there would be a backup emergency government to reconstitute the Republic.
The problem is anything like that can always be used to take the government over.
An example is Operation Valkyrie, using the Valkyrie system that Hitler set up for COG.
They tried to use it against him.
I'm not saying Hitler's good.
The point is you can see how this could be used here either for good or bad.
This is how they will go at him.
It was declassified back in the 80s.
That some people looked at overthrowing Reagan using COG.
So we know that COG's been looked at as the prime way to overthrow a president.
And sure enough, here it is, the day before.
The inauguration, they're floating it.
And I said, first they'll say he's a Russian agent, then they'll say he's illegitimate, then they'll say that we've got to have a civil emergency and suspend the election and have no elections.
Once they start talking about that, they'll want to federalize the election so that the, quote, Feds, the people Obama controls, the globalist control, will oversee the election.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Every bit I told you has now happened.
Now, they're going up against a rock and a hard place.
They're going uphill.
Because most of the intelligence agencies are away, most of the military is away, the American people are somewhat away.
So if they do this, they're doing it at high noon with their goods hanging out, okay?
And their big, fat, ugly butts hanging out.
So we need to let them know, we're watching you, we're aware of you, we see you, so they do not pull it off.
But let me tell you something.
It's very worrisome that we now have 50-something members of Congress that aren't going to be at this thing.
And I'm sitting here just a few hundred yards from the Capitol.
It is very, very worrisome that they're all openly talking about him, Trump, dying tomorrow and how Obama will just install someone new and it's completely normal and no big deal because he hasn't gotten any of his committee people, any of his cabinet people approved yet.
So sorry, the Trump administration never existed.
It's going to have to be
People Obama appoints.
And it turns out Obama has people designated waiting at a facility outside
Of the District of Columbia, at Site R out in Maryland, and then also out in Colorado in Colorado Springs, they've got the new government just waiting!
It hadn't even been activated in a long time, but magically for this inauguration it's been activated and the people are in the bunkers.
Is this a little bit suspicious?
You'd have to be insane as a COG historian, like I am, to not understand this is dangerous.
So again, I told you, COG, COG, COG, COG, COG is the way they're going to go.
I'm not saying they're going to pull it off tomorrow, but they're sure thinking about it.
We'll be back.
Migrants are racing for the U.S.
border right before Trump is taking office.
There's an article that's up on the Drudge Report that talks about how illegals are coming for the U.S.
border in lieu of a Trump victory.
He's taking office tomorrow, folks.
Migrants that are trying to sneak into the U.S.
on the last day of what they see because they realize that a wall is in fact coming.
These challenges are nothing compared to a bigger fear they have that someday soon U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump will build that wall and keep them out altogether.
Before Trump takes office tomorrow, they're racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.
In the town, near a frontier, a group of Hondurans warn themselves near a fire of trash in the early morning cold.
There's an article that YouTube has put up showing these migrants ready to jump the train in the event that it slows down.
And I've got news for you folks, that wall is coming, but it looks like migrants are feeling the burn, literally, and racing for the border.
I'm Margaret Hale reporting for InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more.
And it supports him and it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They're in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order.
So you get it first at Infowarsstore.com.
The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us and please continue to support the operation and get his book now so you're the first to have it.
Have it shipped to you.
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These arrogant globalists thought they defeated humanity.
The truth is, whether it's Obama or George Soros, they're losers.
Everything they had, everything they threw against us, failed.
Now, just because we defeated these tyrants, for now, doesn't mean we've won the war.
The war has happened within our hearts, within our souls, within our minds.
We have to be good.
We have to be pure.
We have to be strong.
We have to build prosperity.
We have to bring everyone of every race, color, and creed together.
If we're going to truly defeat these tyrants who believed we were going to fail, who believed their divide and conquer would work.
Yes, we've won the first phase, but the battle for the soul of humanity has just begun.
But Obama and Hillary and Soros, you were losers from the day you were born.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is January 19th, 2017.
We are less than 24 hours out right now from the beginning of the inauguration of President Trump, 45.
This is so historic on every front.
And the corporate dinosaur media keeps trying to say it's not historic that Trump was elected, when it is completely historic.
It was historic in a very negative way that the establishment, by the time Kennedy was assassination, began to install presidents that they controlled.
To a certain extent, Reagan tried to be his own president, and so they attempted assassination on him, and pretty much got control of him from that point on.
Then with George Herbert Walker Bush, and his protégé Bill Clinton, and then his son, and then Obama, we have had
30 years.
30 years of an intelligence agency coup d'etat in this country.
REX 84 was declassified in congressional hearings, parts of it, in the late 1980s during the Iran-Contra investigation.
And it was discovered under REX 84
Operation Cable Splicer, Operation Garden Plot, and others, that there were COG plans being hatched by George Herbert Walker Bush on basically overthrowing the government using Continuity of Government Systems, or COG.
It had actually been L.L.
Lehmannster in 1962, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that had proposed the plan to John F. Kennedy.
A plan to stage terror attacks in America, blame it on Russia, and start a nuclear war.
Kennedy discovered the plan, fired Limnister, but Limnister had stay-behinds in the Pentagon who became the corporate officers over two people, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.
So they sat at the feet of individuals, and their names were on reports that even came out in the 1980s, that in the mid-60s and 70s, they were inside the Pentagon and inside the Gerald Ford administration, cooking up and selling the plan of COG takeovers, using Continued Government Emergencies.
So, this group of neocons is obsessed with this.
And they understand that Hitler was almost taken out using a similar COG system, Valkyrie.
The reason I'm obsessed over COG is because when you hear them start talking about it, you hear them start selling it to the public, that means they're preparing the mind, they're preparing the soil of the brain so that these seeds will sprout and so we just think it's normal
If there's a terror attack taking out Donald Trump tomorrow, or taking out Donald Trump in Congress maybe at his first State of the Union in a year.
And then, oh, now there's a new COG made up of career bureaucrats.
And others waiting to come in, if the main body of patriots is taken out in Congress and in the executive branch, as well as the judiciary, would be a perfect time to do it during an inauguration, during a State of the Union.
But here's the problem.
Here's a little tell-tale sign.
And I've laid this out in detail.
If you're a regular listener, you know I've covered this the last month ad nauseam.
I said they'll start hammering he's a Russian spy.
I said this before the election.
They'll announce they've got to federalize the election.
Even after the election, because Obama's still in for two months.
Then they start to say the President's illegitimate.
They start to say he's really a Russian agent.
They start to say we need a civil emergency, a national emergency.
Then you'll start hearing people are going to boycott the inauguration.
Then you hear if he's killed at the inauguration, or if he's indicted days before or the day of the inauguration,
It's okay because COG will step in.
The president will appoint a new president.
Obama won't stay on.
He'll appoint a new president.
And then Homeland Security, with their people in, that they've put in, Loretta Lynch and others, or the stay-behind folks they've put in, they will then hold the new free, fair election, like they have in South Africa or Venezuela or, you know, Cuba.
And that's the rest of the story.
And now they have said everything I said they would say and do if they were planning a coup d'etat against the peaceful transfer of power.
Now, I want to be clear.
I'm not saying that they're going to do this.
Clearly, bare minimum, it's about delegitimizing Trump ahead of an impeachment, which they're also beating the drum for.
But that's
That's kind of like the field goal they're going for, okay?
They can't get the touchdown, they just want a field goal.
The field goal is building up the discrediting, sabotage the agenda of getting the economy going to undermine Trump.
It's not about the economy, it's about power.
Because if you control things, it doesn't matter, you get the money anyways.
is the richest city in the world now.
And the people here from the establishment have literally been hissing at me like vampires when you open up their crypts.
I'm still debating whether I should tell the story.
Happened last night.
But a prominent member of the media, a media owner, a media mogul, literally, disdainfully, kissed at me from a very arrogant, evil position.
And again, I realize evil people, it's like a power trip.
They're on an arrogance trip.
And they're so arrogant, they're like mentally ill.
I mean, you should have seen this guy just sit back and just go... Like he hated my guts.
Because I guess to him, I'm like a monster.
Like Frankenstein just came walking in.
And I've been running into him on the street, man.
These lobbyists and people see me and they go... And just pull back in...
I've run into some patriot lobbyists, and of course they're big listeners and big fans, but the vast majority of them, Republican and Democrat, who think they own this country, think they run this world, they are so mad the American people might try to come in and take their country back.
They are so incredibly upset.
So we've heard the build-up for impeachment, we've heard the build-up for civil emergency, national emergency, we've seen the push saying he's really a Russian agent, but Maxine Waters and everybody coming out saying Putin directly tells him what to say and came up with the term Crooked Hillary and drained the swamp.
Because again, none of us could say draining a big corrupt body, that's what you say about a corrupt city council, you drain the swamp.
Or you've got a corrupt corporate board, it's called draining the swamp.
I mean this is like a cleaning house,
Spring cleaning?
It'd be like if Trump said, we need spring cleaning.
Oh, you got that from the Russians, did you?
It'd be like if I said, boy, that's another kettle of fish.
Oh, that's a fancy term to get that from Putin.
Putin's a thesaurus.
He's like an encyclopedia.
I don't go to the encyclopedia and pull out the book and look something up.
I just go, Putin!
I call him up and I say, I know you're not busy, the President of Russia, what do I say today?
And he goes, comrade, you will say this today.
He gets his phone and he goes, listen to me.
This is what you need to do.
You need to tell Trump, I mean Trump, you Trump, you need to go on air and you need to tell them
You need to tell him that she is crooked!
I'm gonna skip this break.
But we make jokes about this.
We laugh about this.
We say this is silly.
It's not silly because they're so delusional and so disconnected from reality.
I didn't sound like...
I didn't sound like Putin, did I?
I sounded like Cookie Monster.
I don't really do a good Russian accent.
I can do other, other really good accents.
You know, the globalists are like Cookie Monster, except they're eating the Constitution of Prosperity.
But I'm, oh, free country!
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!
I mean, we could, again, make jokes about this all day, but my eight-year-old daughter still likes when I do Cookie Monster.
But let me get serious.
We're talking about nukes going off and COG.
Let me give you the big, giant announcement.
Let me give you the huge announcement here.
I'm going to play this clip from CNN and come back and get into it more.
If a dirty bomb goes off or a truck bomb full of plastic explosive or nerve gas, you know, if ISIS got in and fires a mortar of nerve gas into the crowd, you better know 110%
The Democratic Party, the globalists, the Soros crowd, are where you go looking.
If that happens, we need to understand who had the motive, who had the means, who had the history, who prepared the ground, and who called for it.
It'll be a false flag.
They will blame it on some foreign enemy, or they'll claim it's some right-wing group.
It doesn't even have to make sense.
Because they think they've got the corporate media behind them and they'll just go with the big lie and get everybody to buy into the hype.
It's not going to happen.
And because of that, they may back off.
They may not pull something tomorrow.
In fact, I think it's probably a 70% chance they're not going to pull anything tomorrow.
But still, they're hyping it and pushing it and hoping it happens and hoping some deranged lunatic shows up.
With a truck bomb or with a gun.
Because then they can demonize the Second Amendment and say, oh look, Trump's for the Second Amendment, but his inauguration got marred by gunshots.
You know, there's a threat continuum.
On the lower end, it's just riots and people burning things.
And then you move on up, it's a shooting.
Then it's a mass shooting.
And then it's a car bomb going off a mile from the inauguration.
Or it's a car bomb going off
500 yards from the inauguration.
Or it's one driving through and blowing up and killing Trump and a bunch of the government.
And then COG activates.
Or it gets worse.
A tactical nuke goes off.
Killing the President and everybody in the surrounding area.
A half mile.
Or maybe the globalists go big and just a 50 megaton detonates.
And they claim the Russians had it buried under their embassy since 1969.
The word is they did smuggle one in.
The word is there is one under there.
I mean, who knows?
We don't think the United States has a snuggle of weapons into Russia.
I mean, the Cold War was very serious.
But this is what's ongoing, ladies and gentlemen.
And meanwhile, we have these foreign multinationals admitting at Davos, we have, in fact, let's cue that clip up later in the show if we can find that.
I forgot to tell the crew.
So it's no fault of theirs.
We have Biden at Davos saying globalism is collapsing, that their whole world order is in great crisis because of nationalism and populism.
Oh, how horrible.
I thought it didn't exist.
I thought globalism didn't exist in the New York Times.
And then we've also got the Chinese Communist President there promising to prop up world government.
And we've got them all lecturing us on democracy.
Yes, the Communist Chinese President and Joe Biden about how the democratic world order is in crisis and it's the fault of nationalist movements.
You mean we elect a movement to have Brexit?
You mean we elect Trump and elect a record number of people to the houses?
See, now they're already getting the idea, because if they came right out and said, he should be removed, he is a president at first, you go, how dare you challenge an election?
You say we never should do that.
Now it's like, oh, he's semi-president-elect.
We're not sure.
Well, what if he gets killed?
What if he's a Russian agent?
Well, we do need to impeach him, because Putin talks right in his ear.
If a weapon goes off, if there is an attack,
The motive, the means, the history, the preparation is directly on the globalists.
And if they think they're going to get away with it, and they think they're going to have some COG and announce that they've got a new provisional government in place, I'm sad you're going to do that because the stock market will probably crash.
It'll be a bunch of other bad stuff.
It'll be very destabilizing.
But you know what?
I'd give your coup about 24 hours.
And about 24 hours into that, who do you think provides you your security?
100% absolute quantifiable fact that within 24 hours, a chain reaction would be shut off.
And it would be goodbye, Bluebird.
Bye bye.
So you think you're going to do this?
You think you're going to run and poison people with polonium and pull all this crap against a bunch of Americans that just want prosperity and just want sovereignty and just want to be a prosperous nation?
We don't want to be cuckold.
We don't want to be dominated.
We don't want to be shut down.
We don't want to be ripped off anymore.
And it doesn't mean Trump is perfect.
But he's not out to get us.
He's a good guy who wants prosperity and wants what made America great again.
But under globalism, America isn't supposed to be great.
We're supposed to be managed and controlled and have policies in place where we can't even compete.
That'll teach those Americans.
That's what the multinationals have done.
And it's over.
Because even if you kill me or Trump or Matt Drudge or Ron Paul or Senator Paul or whoever you think you're going to go after, let me explain something.
Ideas are what are bulletproof.
Victor Hugo, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
No army.
So, it got paraphrased in Viva Vendetta.
Ideas are bulletproof.
And we have an idea a thousand times better, a million times better.
I mean, freedom, open societies, free association, true wealth, true empowerment.
Men being men, women being women.
Notice they assault what makes us strong.
No, if you want to be something else, hell, you want to be a dog, that's great.
I'm not paying for your sex change.
I'm not paying for you to think you're a dog.
You understand?
But see, it's being imposed by the globalist-run media to make us weak because men and women together with families.
And building and being strong.
And women challenging their men.
And men challenging their women.
And culture being strong.
And admiring that is what makes us excel.
And America was the model of that rugged individualism.
They're attacking our strengths.
It's declassified.
It's in the WikiLeaks.
I knew 20 years ago, because it was in textbooks, because they bragged about it, but it was declassified two years ago.
But for decades, the CIA put out ugly art and ugly literature, and then gave it awards to say it was beautiful, to twist people's minds and to denigrate things that everyone universally knew were more beautiful and regal.
And then now what they do with MTV and all of it is to wreck brains.
This is military technology being used against people.
People go, oh, I thought the military was good.
And now they're saying military technology.
See, the military and military technology are two different things.
Globalists weaponizing the food, the water, the culture.
Is that all of us?
They hate the troops more than us because they've been
Allowed to be men to a limited aspect, to be used by the power elite, who disdain them and hate them, and then now that they're done with them, and the age of the robots is rising, they plan to get rid of them, and phase them out.
So if a nuke goes off, or a truck bomb goes off, or there's a mass shooting, or chlorine gas is released,
You know who did it, just like if the city gets caught on fire.
Admittedly funded by Soros and other Clinton-connected groups and refused fascism, saying they're going to stop Trump being elected.
Trump-Pence regime, stop it before it starts.
Bring D.C.
to a halt.
Take to the streets.
Every night, every day, growing in numbers.
And meanwhile, they're financed by the big foreign banker, Nazi collaborator.
As they take the streets and take it back if they declare COG and Obama installs some new person.
I'll be in the streets and I bet the cops will be with me.
No, we sat here and watched people elect Obama because we knew that who he was running against were shills, so it didn't matter.
With Trump, they're crapping their britches because it's real.
I'm going to go to break here in a few minutes and I'm going to come back with the clip I've been mentioning.
The full clip.
Let me play the shorter clip now.
Just the 30 second clip.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's the top story on DrudgeReport.com.
At least it was 30 minutes ago.
We can punch that up on screen for folks.
Up there on the top left hand corner of Drudge.
And the headline is...
Let's pull it up here.
CNN is reporting that Obama will appoint the next president if Trump is killed.
If Trump is killed during inauguration, Obama appointee would be president.
And they're licking their chops talking about this and saying he shouldn't be president.
And I'm going to say it again, a bunch of Democrats aren't showing up.
What's the number now?
It was 50 something this morning.
Oh, it's 60 now.
Oh, first it's 5, and I said this a few weeks ago.
First it's 5, then it's 20, then it's 30, then it's 50, then it's 60, then it's 100.
Then it's 200.
And if you see Republicans, word is, I guess McCain's saying he may not show up.
Oh, and John Kerry, and oh, the Bushes.
Herbert Walker said he didn't want to be six feet under.
He said, I'd be six feet under if I came to that.
Was that cryptic from the old Crypt Keeper?
Or was it just an old former head of the CIA being a friendly old, jolly old, jolly old saint, jolly old elf?
How many is it now, dude?
60 and counting.
It was 50 at the hotel an hour ago, Buckley.
60 Democrats and counting are not attending the Trump inauguration.
Yeah, a nuke goes off, you're all prime suspects.
We're going to come back and play the long clip, the short clip.
We've got the Soros busting people in.
We caught that on video last night.
It's all on InfoWars.com and DrudgeReport.com has amazing coverage as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Migrants are racing for the U.S.
border right before Trump is taking office.
There's an article that's up on the Drudge Report that talks about how illegals are coming for the U.S.
border in lieu of a Trump victory.
He's taking office tomorrow, folks.
Migrants that are trying to sneak into the U.S.
on the last day of what they see because they realize that a wall is in fact coming.
These challenges are nothing compared to a bigger fear they have that someday soon U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump
We'll build that wall and keep them out all together.
So before Trump takes office tomorrow, they're racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.
In the town, near a frontier, a group of Hondurans warn themselves near a fire of trash in the early morning cold.
There's an article that YouTube has put up showing these migrants ready to jump the train in the event that it slows down, and I've got news for you folks.
That wall is coming, but it looks like migrants are feeling the burn, literally, and racing for the border.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
Hey, everyone!
And as many of you know, I'm on a mission to help Americans get and stay healthy.
You've all heard the shocking statistics.
Despite spending trillions of dollars in health care, nearly $10,000 per man, woman, and child in this country, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses are rampant.
One out of three or four people is dealing with some kind of health challenge, and everyone knows at least one person with a degenerative disease.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republic of prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more.
And it supports him.
And it supports InfoWars, our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They're in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order so you get it first.
At Infowarsstore.com, the making of a president by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us and please continue to support the operation and get his book now so you're the first to have it shipped to you.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Last night in DC left me in a haze.
I tell you, I'm feeling good.
You know what I liked was that intro, that outro last segment, where we have that liner that we've had for almost 20 years, about 18 years, where we talk about, uh, we're on the march, the empire's on the run.
That is where it all meets the road, folks.
That's where, that's where it comes down to who wants it more.
You want to live in a free society or do you want to be a slave?
And again, we're not offering some utopia.
We're talking about rugged individualism, free market capitalism, the family, God, what made this country great.
If you don't love God, if you don't love family, that's fine.
Go live your life.
Don't try to make us live like you do, miserable.
You don't believe in anything, so you believe in evil.
Because the truth is, if you don't believe in anything, you just sink to evil.
That's what you manifest, that's what you believe in.
In fact, it was
Something I was reminded of just a few days ago was that not only were the folks that had the French Revolution called the Jacobins, but the Democratic Party for a while here in the United States was called the Jacobins.
And it got to where basically Thomas Jefferson had to finally start criticizing the French Revolution and come out against it once he was president.
As it turned out, during the French Revolution, for a while they even wanted to kill Thomas Jefferson.
And to explain what happened is, he's the founder of the Democratic Party.
The Jacobins were the Illuminati.
This is in the encyclopedia.
They wanted to overthrow the family.
They wanted human sacrifice.
They wanted a nine-day work week, no holidays.
They wanted to set up, basically, a council of men as gods over slaves.
But they sold this as freedom to the people and an overthrow of the church and royalty.
And I'm not defending royalty or the church.
The point is they wanted to overthrow it and create an absolute dictatorship, a cult of power.
And that very group tried to take over our revolution.
They failed, so they had their own in France and in Germany to an extent.
It failed there as well.
But it was a hellish nightmare.
And so when we look at the Democrats trying to overthrow reality, trying to hurt children, trying to bring in jihadis, trying to overthrow the church, trying to overthrow the family, it's because this is a cult.
A religion of degeneracy.
A religion of corruption.
And they are Jacobins.
And you know it's funny, I've done my own historical research and started calling them Jacobins about 10 years ago.
And then you research history deeper and you find out, whoa, I researched them and called them Jacobins, but it turns out they were literally called Jacobins.
I mean, it's just crazy how the more you research history, you'll come to your own conclusions about it, really deep stuff, and then you'll read more and find out ten years later that it was known then.
And their whole plan was known then, and that you just rediscovered it.
You didn't discover it, you rediscovered it.
It's like claiming in 1498 or 14... When was it that Columbus discovered the New World?
My memory fails.
That's the most basic of stuff now.
I can't remember sometimes, but... Those little factoids.
You know, like, uh, Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
Is that it?
You have little rhymes to remember it?
And of course we know they've dug up Vikings now that were here a thousand plus years ago, but who do you think discovered it 15,000 years ago?
Mesoamericans coming across the Bering Strait land bridge and paddling in on canoes just like the folks from Tahiti founded Hawaii 2,000 years ago.
Hawaii is one of the places the last to be settled.
2,000 years ago is when the
Is when the Polynesians discovered it, and then Captain Cook, of course, later.
It's just amazing to, like, think I've discovered things and think, oh, I figured this out, and then later you find out they knew all about it.
It was in newspapers, and the Democrats were called the Jacobin Party from about the 1790s to about the 1820s.
And then they confused Jacobinism with Masonic order, and even banned Masonry in the US for a few decades.
Because, and Washington warned of this, he said, the Jacobins and the Illuminati are taking over the Masonic order, they're turning it to evil, and they mean to bring down the entire order, and basically counterfeit and scapegoat us if we don't stop them.
So people always ask me, oh, you say you're for the Founding Fathers, they were a bunch of Masons.
Man, I've had a lot of family that were Masons, great-grandfathers that were high-level Masons and people.
Masons founded Texas.
Most of the people that fought against the British crown were Masons.
And then the British crown was Masons.
So, again, it's like saying all of Israel's bad, or all Catholics are bad, or all Protestants are bad, or, you know, all this or that are bad.
It's just not true.
Even with Islam.
You can't sit there and say they're all murderers or all killers.
It just so happens those that run Islam and the dominant orthodox dogma of Islam now that is becoming the dominant form is radical, murderous, jihad, takeover, expansionist, political Islam.
So it is an evil weapon now, but you can certainly say throughout history there's been lots of Muslims that weren't bad people.
The point is all these labels mean nothing.
But we sit here in the nation's capital, and it's important to understand that George Washington did found this country.
He was for real, and he was not part of any Jacobin revolution.
And in fact, we would have never had this country had the Jacobins gotten control.
So thank God for George Washington, a true king among men, who they wanted to make king, and he turned it down.
They wanted him to serve a third term, back before there was even a law on that.
And he said, nope, I'm gone.
See, that's a real leader, folks.
He wanted to defeat the enemy, secure the republic, and then retire.
He was about to come out of retirement, over things happening in the country, and that's why the word is they poisoned him.
Now, let's continue, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, poison!
Where have I heard of that before?
Let me start getting to these clips.
If you just joined us,
It's important to understand that a whole bunch of Democrats, 60 plus, and the number's growing, members of House, members of the Senate, former members of the Executive Branch, the head of the State Department, John Kerry, are saying they're not coming.
If a nuke goes off, if a bomb goes off,
The Democrats not attending are prime suspects.
Their party's called for Trump to be overthrown.
They've said he's a Russian agent.
They've said impeach him.
Their own publications have said somebody needs to put a bullet in him.
Somebody needs to kill him.
Hollywood producers have called for his death.
This is outrageous!
And notice the public didn't buy your demonization.
It shows how discredited you are.
So now what do evil cabals turn to when everything else has failed?
They turn to the sword.
Remember what the Bible says, those that live by the sword die by the sword.
And you've been cocooned for so long here in D.C.
Interlopers, hijackers, criminals that have hijacked our nation.
You and your collaborator media, you and the trash pile media, you and the garbage media, you and the Decepticon fake news media, you and the horror media.
Are done, no matter what you do, no matter who you kill, no matter what you pull off, the whole world sees you, the whole world hates you.
By the way, Trump and his people have started to come out and point out that China and Saudi Arabia and the EU were heavily involved in our election.
The Russians, their foreign minister came out and snapped while meeting with the leader of Australia and said, how dare you?
We weren't involved.
The proof is EU governments admit they meddled.
So, it's good to see that talking point getting picked up.
And again, this is common sense.
Why didn't anybody else point that out?
Why have I been hammering it for months finally to see people picking it up?
I'm not complaining here.
I'm saying this is common sense stuff.
I'm going to get to this clip here and the other clips in a moment.
Briefly, I want to tell you about something extremely exciting and I meant to launch this last week.
I've just been so busy we didn't get to it.
This is important on a bunch of fronts.
Everybody knows I promote colloidal silver because there's so many bacteria out there that have become drug-resistant or disinfectant-resistant.
That's a crisis in the medical world.
It's a crisis in the military.
It's a crisis in our families.
Flesh-eating bacteria, bacteria that can't be eradicated, are a plague.
And the antibiotics, I mean, one lady I was reading had to be given 20-plus antibiotics for her TB last week, and it wouldn't take care of her.
Another lady, it was 20-plus, wouldn't get rid of flesh-eating bacteria.
I mean, this is killing hundreds of thousands of people a year in the U.S.
alone, and it's just back-of-the-newspaper stuff.
So I personally have been researching a lot of things, I'm just going to leave it at that, through our contacts.
This is a whole other subject.
The fact that we're getting contracts to be exclusive distributors of the nanotech tube body armor.
Only law enforcement's been getting that for three years, and the military for longer.
The fact that we're the exclusive.
It sends a big message and it means that we can get a lot of things to the public now that were only going to be available to the military.
And I mean a lot of that's because obviously the number one listening group we have is the military and former military and who do you think owns these companies?
So they pull a lot of strings to make sure people are able to work with us.
So when you purchase these products, you're also helping InfoWars break into an entire market to bring you these incredible products that the liberals and the globalists don't want the public, you know.
Under Obama, they've banned the brass that the military has getting recycled out of the public.
They just basically throw it away.
So it's a win-win.
You need to get the body armor that's a backpack insert or the full body weighs five times less.
And that's conservative.
There's all sorts of helicopters out here and you name it.
I mean, I'm right here on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Here in D.C.
for live coverage of the inauguration.
Well, now we have something huge.
We're launching Combat One.
This has now been adopted system-wide by the Department of Defense.
It has been used for over a decade by Special Operations.
That's who they were testing it with.
This is out of the Defense Department.
The Defense Department develops a lot of things with companies.
It's been a long-term, 12-year contract, I was told.
InfoWars is launching.
We're launching.
Combat One Skin Protectant Wipes.
They've got gels.
They've got a whole line of products.
And folks, these are less expensive, because that's part of the contract, than like stupid baby wipes that don't do anything.
Or they just lower your fertility but don't kill the bacteria.
You know, the chemicals in those do that.
This is safe.
I mean, it's a whole line of stuff.
It's amazing.
You've got to go research it for yourself.
This is super advanced.
This is decades of research with the 12 years overall with the Pentagon in the field working with the developers.
Again, that's how the Pentagon does it.
But I was previously involved developing battlefield wound sealants.
That's why he was involved now with DNA Force.
You've got to have doctors that are involved even in taking things through the FDA process.
Now our products don't go through the FDA since they're under supplements.
The point is my dad has actually done that program.
Well it's the same thing here.
And they've got medical doctors there working with the military to develop this stuff.
Now my dad's product is a separate deal that's not where it's going from the Pentagon to the public, but where it's going directly to the Pentagon to be prescription.
But that's a separate product.
InfoWars launches Combat One Skin Protecting Wipes, previously only available to the DoD, military-grade hygiene technology used by special operations.
Amazing pre-preparedness and survival product.
Everyone needs Combat One.
I would buy cases of this for your office, cases of this for your family.
It's a totally new, patented, secret system that is approved, confirmed, and DOD system-wide in 2016-17 rolling out.
We have the exclusive for like four months, and then you're going to see it in major stores.
Okay, so they're just giving us the rollout as a thank you for you being patriots.
And this is what it's like when you fight the New World Order, you defeat them, you begin to return the Republic.
It's like, oh, you want the body armor?
Only police get here.
Oh, you want the boom, boom, boom.
And so it's helping support the InfoWar.
It's helping you support us with just amazing products.
So, we're launching Combat One Skin Protection.
Also, DNA Force is back in stock.
It's 10% off.
The BioPQQ alone is over the top.
Then I'm going to stop.
Skipping this break.
It's part of the celebration of Trump 45.
InfoWars Select Storable Food is now, this is the big one.
We haven't done this since December, okay?
We haven't, like over a month.
It was in early December we did this.
We got an authorization for a limited time.
What happens is their assembly line gets caught up, and so now they're allowed to do it again.
Already the lowest prices out there on high quality storable foods at InfoWarsSelect.com, InfoWarsStore.com, which is my Patriot supply, their entire catalog, just with our label.
It gets around their contracts with distributors to let us give you the lowest price out there.
And it's worked like a charm.
We now sell more food than all the other people combined because I went, duh, let's take the best, lowest cost company and really cut the profit down to almost nothing, and then we'll sell 20 times more and dominate the entire market, which they didn't agree on about two years ago.
The first time I did this, you notice I only do it for a day, and then it was once every six months, and then once, you know, every two months, and then they're like, okay, you're right.
Cutting the profit down to basically five, 10% really does work.
You're right.
Which tells you the other companies are making 2, 3, 4 times markup.
My Patriot was only making like 34% profit.
Which you need to pay for things in this country.
How about 10% profit?
That's what we do to dominate the market.
Again, free market.
Very aggressive.
30-40% off the entire line.
And then it ends this weekend.
The inauguration special.
Let's make our bodies great again.
We have to end it.
A lot of stuff sold out.
But we've got Brain Force still 30% off.
20% more in the bottle.
Supernatural Vitality, 30% off.
Secret 12, 20% off.
Liver Shield, 20% off.
Survival Shield X2, 30% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 20% off.
Prostagard, 20% off.
Bodies great again.
Extended as the inauguration special right through Sunday and then it's over.
It's over.
We've got some new specials next week on Select Stuff but this is the big special.
This is how I'm financing having a big crew here.
It does feel weird.
I mean we do need it because I need to come home to my kids and keep the fight going.
Quite a security team.
It's like bizarre.
But I tell you, my current security guys, there's just a couple of them.
So we're going to bring in some extra people and it's really great folks.
So that's going on.
Really smart too.
It's amazing how smart these guys that have been like Navy SEALs for 15 years and other guys have been in other special operations ships for 20 years.
I think they've seen a couple things.
I tell you, Q especially just constantly knows exactly what's going on.
He'll say, I bet it's this, or look at that, and sure enough it is.
But that's because the guys that don't have those instincts don't make it.
You learn, the more you live, it's like all instinct.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Go with your gut.
Anyways, folks, I went with my gut with Donald Trump, and look what's happened.
The enemy is out to get him because he's so real.
And they've got their bots overtime attacking myself, Roger Stone, and Trump, and Drudge.
That's a badge of honor.
In closing, before I get to the videos and the clips, we've got a big broadcast lined up here today.
We're going to either interview him on the street or he's coming in the studio.
Stone is sick.
He's got 20% of the energy he used to, so they didn't kill him, but they sure tried.
Are you kidding?
Tomorrow, because I'm going to be in the inauguration, in about Saturday, obviously, streaming live.
And we're going to have the crew also on the ground, so we're probably going to have some special broadcast on Saturday.
Tomorrow's the 14-hour special.
Rob Dew, come on over here, if you can.
Bring a... Well, you know what?
We'll go to break next hour and come back to you.
I just wanted to hear exactly what you've got planned, some of the stuff that's going on.
Rob Dew actually told me he got himself a groovy jacket for D.C.
So you can infiltrate the commies.
It's a purple revolution.
Merging blue and red together against the unelected Trump, the quasi-president-elect as Joe Biden.
Sure, come on in now.
So we've got all those products.
You're the people that fund all this.
Thank you for your support.
Big specials in.
But support our local AM and FM affiliates.
But don't just support them by being a sponsor or by
Supporting the sponsors.
Send them $20, $100 a month.
Don't tithe the big megachurch that you just go watch videos at and name it and claim it cult member video meetings.
Support these local affiliates, and also put a sign up on your barn.
Pay for a billboard locally, we got the money.
All in in the fight against the globalists, folks.
This is how we defeat them.
It's putting sweat in the game.
I want to support those affiliates, our sponsors as well, and GCN, and our great longevity sponsor, InfoWarsTeam.com.
Hundreds of amazing supplements.
Again, I only work with companies that have the best.
Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0, Pollen Burst, Osseo FX, got a lot of specials.
Only available to our team at www.infowarsteam.com.
Sign up to be a distributor.
You get free shipping, big discounts when you sign up for auto ship, and a portion of the profit, 6% to 7% to 8% depending on what you get, goes to fund our operation when you get it at www.infowarsteam.com.
So thank you for supporting us.
You get your great longevity products at www.infowarsteam.com because this is the free market and how we funded this.
All right, dude, before we get into who we've got on the ground, what's coming up, our capabilities, the 14-hour broadcast that starts tomorrow, and more as we're live here at now, what, 1250?
Twelve fifty-three, twelve fifty-three, twelve fifty-two, thirty-seven seconds technically, uh, eastern time here in D.C., the atmosphere, what's happening.
What do you make?
Because I know you sit there listening to the show every day, and I'm not trying to brag, I've just studied them, I know how they operate, so I tell people this and I remind them so they know I'm not joking.
I said if they start doing XYZ all the way down and then start saying COG, what if Trump gets killed at the inauguration or indicted, oh Trump appoints the president, I said if they start saying that and they don't show up at the inauguration, they may try to nuke him.
And I'm not fear mongering here.
I'm in their head.
I mean, they're this crazy.
But hell, they turn loose jihadis all over the Middle East killing 300,000 people in Syria alone.
I mean, Obama's been caught.
It's come out, audio and video of them saying, we created ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Obama wanted Al-Qaeda to grow.
Sy Hersh was exposed to it.
The military all knows it.
That's what finally, they were so arrogant, the military finally said, we've tortured people, we've done all this crap, we thought it was the right thing to do.
Now, you're actually going to put Al-Qaeda in charge of everything?
After we fought them for all these years?
What is your, you really did work with them on 9-11.
So the big tipping points here do, but
They don't know how to jump off the boat and swim for shore.
I think they're going to try to stay on the boat with us.
I think so.
And look at this.
This came out of Washington Examiner.
Media warns of inauguration drone bombing.
Not safe.
They have anti-drone technology everywhere around them.
For those that don't know, all the commercial drones and the ones you buy at the store for two years have stuff that won't let you in these areas.
I tried to fly them by the Capitol in Austin just to get a shot for our show, and it just
You know?
Plus a thousand times more than what's going on.
That's public budget.
DOD's everywhere.
Yeah, we don't see have probably 90% of security going on.
They're putting up some barriers and fences, but beyond that it's the human intel, it's plainclothes cops walking around, plainclothes agents walking around.
We spotted some earlier this week.
I'm not going to say it.
I'm not going to tell you.
It's whatever.
The point is the government's already been transferred to Trump.
I just want to give you guys a news flash.
The commanders are already giving the authorization.
I don't want to... Well, they're scared of those 200 executive orders he wants to sign as soon as he gets into office.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that.
He's going right over there and he's going to sign.
He's going to sign at least five today.
And 200 by next week.
And they are, they're literally crapping their drawers at this, and the Democrats are all running around in this bandwagon, going on Congressman Lewis, who's, he's pretty much a dirtbag.
I want to play this clip.
Let's play the short one, and I'll play the long one, I promise, next hour, right at the start of the hour.
Let's play the 30 seconds, CNN, going, if he gets killed, Obama appoints someone to COG.
Here it is.
The inauguration, you have two lines of succession.
One for the Barack Obama administration, which is still in place.
And one which really won't be in place until Donald Trump is inaugurated, comes into office and actually formally nominates and the Senate confirms his people.
You might actually end up with a president from the prior administration because of a tragedy.
Adding to the confusion, by noon Friday, all of Obama's cabinet secretaries are expected to resign.
John Kerry, the current Secretary of State, would be the first cabinet secretary in the line of succession, but he's out of office by noon.
Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, may not be confirmed for another week or two.
So who would be Secretary of State on Friday afternoon?
According to State Department sources, the job would fall to the highest-ranking non-political official in the department, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Tom Shannon.
One of the most obscure possibilities is that someone who is an acting Secretary of State, someone lower down the line in the State Department today, assumes the acting Secretary of State position, is in the line, and the worst happens, and that person becomes President, at least for a while.
All right, we're going to put the full clip coming up in the next hour with a bunch of other clips.
You know what I do, folks.
I tend to not get to those until later.
So, powerful second hour coming up.
Rob, what do you make of this?
I mean, they're clearly trying to prepare the ground for an attack.
They're hyping drone attacks.
They're hyping, you know, people are going to kill Trump, attack the crowd.
They're hoping it happens, hoping a loon does it.
But what do you make of all the Democrats not showing up to this?
That makes them suspects if something happens.
I totally agree, and I think it's a fake thing that they're saying, oh, Trump's illegitimate.
They don't all believe that.
They're probably being tipped off.
But look at this.
This was on the Today Show this morning with a segment called Drone Danger at the inauguration.
And they're talking about a high-fly security threat and that bombs have been dropped in Iraq with drones at least once a day when strapped to the bomb.
And this is a quote, a worst-case scenario, especially with hundreds of thousands of people gathered at one spot, like the inauguration, the report said.
So it's predictive programming.
Oh, we told you it could happen, and look, it did.
Well, the number one threat would be...
Somebody getting in a helicopter with a plastic explosive, and flying it in real close to the ground, so it'd be hard to be shot down by a missile, or it'd be hard to jam it.
But they've got EMP guns, you name it, and this isn't something terrorists don't know, where they can just shoot it in a helicopter and take it out.
And believe me, they're not hiding it.
There's guys with service-derived missiles out here, there's people with, you know, guaranteed with more classified stuff.
There's helicopters flying everywhere around here, as soon as we walked out on the balcony.
Well, here's the deal.
They've left our borders wide open.
They've brought in hundreds of thousands of people here, jihadis, millions in Europe.
Every time they attack,
The media blames our guns when they're the ones that brought them in.
So, here's the deal.
When I say it's a false flag, they've opened the borders up, they've brought all this in, and then we've got to be a police state at the micro level.
It's like leaving your doors open at night without having an armed guard by your bed.
No, you want to lock your doors, folks.
That's the first line of defense.
All right, tell me about the 14-hour broadcast.
We come back in 70 seconds in the second hour.
A lot of guests and a lot more.
I'm live from D.C.
Trump 45 about to happen.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
You developed Living Defense for us.
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Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
All right, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense, Infowarslife.com.
And folks, you can't lose.
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Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Great song bringing us in.
We got our Alex Jones from Pennsylvania Avenue overlooking the parade route of the 45th President of the United States and he says he's going to sign at least five executive orders tomorrow.
Another 200 the next week, because they've got to look at them very carefully.
These are legal documents.
They've got to make sure they're constitutional to just reverse everything Obama's done.
Then they've got to go dig the bureaucrats out, who look like they're scared to death.
Later in the broadcast, I'm going to go ahead and tell the story of running into one of the major media owners, who I've always been nice to and left alone, even though I've seen them take some bad turns in the past.
But talk about Democratic Party operatives inside the Republican Party, inside the Liberty Movement.
It was like... It was just crazy.
And I gotta tell you, the arrogance...
I have a great story with that too.
It's just, I'm so sick of arrogant people, and the arrogance here is dripping.
It's dripping.
It's just crazy.
I mean, you can be around Navy SEALs or Delta Force guys, you name it, who are like the top of, you know, and they're real humble and nice.
And then you're around these little scummy political operatives and they think they're so tough, so smart, they make me sick!
These people are the swamp!
Let me tell you, Trump behind the scenes, same way, so humble, so gracious, so nice.
That's because they have no power, those other ones.
And then the people that run around and go, I'm a Democratic leader, I'm a Democratic leader, they love to just talk about how powerful they are, and they really don't have any power.
And they're all sadly, like, mentally retarded.
Yeah, that's for damn sure.
Hillary's my president of the United States!
I feel sorry for her.
It's sad.
And just flying on the plane, you could tell who was a protester, who was going to be a protester, and who was there to support Trump.
And we even ran into a Texas State Rep right outside, had a big hat on, big tall guy too.
And he was proudly wearing his hat and nobody was messing with him.
Because when you walk around like you're ready to kick some butt, if anybody touches you, nobody's going to mess with you.
That's right, whenever they beat people up it's like real liberal hippies.
They don't mess with you because you're 6'4", but you know, you are wearing a purple jacket.
I am.
That's to infiltrate.
Is this for infiltration?
Yeah, totally.
You can pull it off.
It actually looks sharp.
Purple revolution.
See, little short fat guys like me, we can't pull off peacocking like you.
Well, you know, sometimes you gotta... He's coming to Washington, new suit.
I got one tonight, too, for the Deplora Ball, which you're gonna be speaking at.
Yeah, which they caught the Democrats at the ping-pong pizza place, planning to gas us.
Can you imagine if we got caught planning to gas people and causing a stampede?
It would be the end of the world.
I would be arrested the next day.
I would be in jail.
And those guys are walking around.
It's no big deal.
No big deal.
You know, well that's because the cops aren't bad, but the political bureaucrats above them in D.C., they think it's great.
No, they want to see it shut down.
They would love nothing more than to see it all shut down.
Notice they tried to imply that I was trying to get violence to the ping pong place.
What I was saying, that's probably a distraction from all the other stuff.
And then meanwhile, they're at the ping pong place calling for gassing us.
Yeah, exactly.
Hats off to Project Veritas.
They really hit another one out.
And that's amazing because that probably would have happened had they not had one of their guys in on the inside.
That we probably would be getting a gas leak.
You know, this is not a worship Trump event, but I gotta tell you.
Even a lot of the office wasn't 100% behind me until like three or four months before the election.
Now, everybody's converted.
And it wasn't peer pressure.
People really saw what was going on.
And I told the office, I said, you want to be against Trump?
Go ahead.
And I had some people that said, you know, I think I'm just going to avoid my odds.
I was like, I understand.
And you know what a lot of it was?
It was watching those debates and watching him, because we covered those debates, we would sit there and watch him and comment on him in real time.
It was like everybody piling on him, everybody lying about him.
And going, you were never against the Iraq War, we have six clips of it.
And him calling out Bush for flying out the bin Laden.
And he's against the vaccines.
It was huge, huge.
He's the real deal.
Oh yeah, the vaccine stuff.
We've got a bunch of clips.
Migrants are racing for the U.S.
border right before Trump is taking office.
There's an article that's up on the Drudge Report that talks about how illegals are coming for the U.S.
border in lieu of a Trump victory.
He's taking office tomorrow, folks.
Migrants that are trying to sneak into the U.S.
on the last day of what they see because they realize that a wall is in fact coming.
These challenges are nothing compared to a bigger fear they have that someday soon U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump will build that wall and keep him out.
All together.
So, before Trump takes office tomorrow, they're racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.
In the town, near a frontier, a group of Hondurans warn themselves near a fire of trash in the early morning cold.
There's an article that YouTube has put up showing these migrants ready to jump the train in the event that it slows down.
And I've got news for you, folks.
That wall is coming, but it looks like migrants are feeling the burn, literally, and racing for the border.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, coming up the next hour, we're going to have Owen Schroer on the ground reporting live.
We've got some of the very important reports he's filed last night, catching the buses being brought in by the Soros Group and others, with the organization's pledging to stop Trump from being elected.
Or from being actually inaugurated.
And we also have CNN, you name it, saying, what if there's a nuke attack?
What if there's a drone attack?
Other publications, The Hill, you name it.
Well, Obama will have to appoint the next president, and there will be a new election in Homeland Security with their people who federalize the election.
They will oversee it.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're supposed to have separation of powers, not just legislative, executive, judicial, but between the federal and state governments.
It's called federalism.
And people misappropriate the term federalism, meaning the feds are all powerful.
No, federalism means it's equally shared with the states with a little leg up on the feds.
That meaning the state legislatures, they elect, that gives them real power, U.S.
In 1913, same day we got the income tax in the Federal Reserve, late at night, they rammed that through.
And now we live under it.
So the balance of power shifted.
You could argue it happened after the Civil War, but it really happened after that.
It was a federal power grab for a while, but it failed to actually strengthen the states to a certain extent after their rebellion.
Now, look at all these Homeland Security helicopters flying out the southern window.
It's quite a scene.
Maybe next time they fly by the monument, Buckley, you can punch that up.
That's amazing out there.
In fact, I'm looking at my ugly head.
Let's give people a Washington Monument shot for a better shot.
I think the helicopter's about to fly back in the view.
And I believe that up there to the right, we'll get a shot of that, is the post office hotel that Trump rebuilt.
Oh yeah, there's Trump's hotel.
And we ought to go do a report on his new hotel.
He did it a year early and under budget.
Isn't that amazing?
Unlike government work, where everything's way over budget.
Right now they're having a crisis in California with this bullet train they keep wanting to build.
It's hundreds of millions of dollars over budget.
Yeah, that's why we can't ever have anything like the Japanese or the French, not that they're perfect, because there's so much corruption.
And that's a big Democrat thing.
They just bilk it.
They love to grab into those money pits.
Harry Truman.
And just siphon it all off for their little campaigns and their friends and parties and dinners.
But they don't ever build anything.
They don't ever do anything.
Yeah, how about we build an incredible spaceport?
How about we like build the future instead of just running around acting like thugs?
Have you seen the arrogance around here by these people?
It's amazing.
There's all these guys in black trench coats and...
$100,000 Rolex is not that a Rolex is bad, but they just think they're God just stomping around.
And it's like even if they have $100,000 a year job, they just act like they're arrogant.
So that's their power.
And I'm not saying.
You know, it's bad to make $100,000.
I'm just saying, they're embarrassing how arrogant they are.
It is.
And then you walk around D.C.
and what do you see everywhere?
Not even with the security that they've put up.
Walls, fences, everything's secure.
It's like, we're the government.
We can be secure.
You can't be.
That's right, you can't.
That's the big attitude.
You can't have a border.
You can't have a gun.
By the way, in Austin, because I was trying to buy a condo, so when I have family come into town or whatever, we have a condo.
I kind of live outside town.
I need a place in town.
So I went around everywhere where all the new condos are being built and I was like, I want a condo community that has a gate.
And they went, oh, the city council won't give permits for about five years for those.
You didn't know?
They don't give gate permits anymore to build.
They think we should all just be together in one community.
And I went, are you kidding?
If you go over to Tarrytown or the elite areas, there are 12-foot gates, 10-foot gates, and then gates around the houses.
And they have a one minute, because I have friends that live in Tarrytown, one minute.
I mean, you call the cops, they're there in 30 seconds.
I mean, where I'm at, you call the cops, it takes them five minutes, which is fine.
We're not bad.
The average is 12 minutes.
I'm talking 30 seconds.
They say one minute.
So they have a one minute police response time in the rich areas.
They call it the government district.
See, this is all unspoken, but it's actually in the law in Texas.
They got laws passed where Tarrytown, from the government district of downtown, only part of it is under Texas COG and critical infrastructure, they call that.
And it has its own power.
In the grid, it's hooked up to the main grid, but it doesn't lose its power when there's rolling blackouts to keep other people from losing power.
They keep their power on.
So they have better police, they have better power, they have everything, bro.
Let me tell you this, this guy I sat with on the airplane, he's a real estate developer.
He said they're building two new hotels in Austin and they have no parking.
They have four parking spots out front, four handicapped, and that's it.
They won't let them build new parking.
And that's all, and I'm telling him about Agenda 21.
He's like, oh, I don't know.
I said, you're sitting here explaining to me what it is.
Two foot, two foot deep swimming pools.
They're phasing everything out.
Coffin apartments.
He mentioned the coffin apartments.
He goes, yeah, they're really small.
We call them coffin apartments.
I said, that's Agenda 21.
That's to get everybody out of their cars.
By the way, that's my turn.
What I love is I, I brand the stuff 10 years ago, but, but I'm not bragging.
It's just, we can fight in the war is what I'm saying.
We can call it not luxury micro, no, it's a frickin' coffin apartment where you pay on average six, seven times what you would, you know, per square foot for something much better.
They're teaching you to go, oh, I love my coffin apartment, instead of having something big and nice, while they live in palatial mansions.
They don't do what they say we have to do.
That's the difference.
They don't live in the micro houses.
They don't make the hotel fancy and cool that it doesn't.
They don't go around.
Oh, this hotel has dry urinals.
Isn't that elitist?
It stinks.
They also set up, he was telling me, they set up these poop chutes for the dogs.
They cost a million dollars and the dog goes on it and it goes down to the sewer.
So people don't have to walk their dogs anymore.
They can just bring them up to wherever they're at and it just goes right down.
Sounds like hell!
It's really weird.
Sounds like hell.
That people can change their minds.
That he's not just, it's my way or the highway.
He can be talked to.
He can be reasoned with.
I think that's great.
And the guy asked him a bunch more questions.
They didn't put those on the air.
And later he goes, where are you from?
I'm from Egypt.
He just got all mad that he wasn't giving him the answers he wanted because he saw a perceived minority when this guy is, you know, probably one of the greatest guys in Austin.
Well, let me tell you, if you're a Muslim and you want to have a nice house and have your daughters on four hoods over their heads, and you just want to live in a free country, that's the thing.
Actually, most Muslims are heretics.
They don't want to be under this crap.
That's why, like, Iran, I mean, they have internal polls they've done.
Like, 70% of Iranians love America.
And they do not want to be under this stuff.
They do.
They do not want to be under this stuff.
Well, and this guy also mentioned about the Christians.
He's a Christian.
He goes, Christians are the ones who build the roads, who are the doctors, who keep everything running in the Middle East, and there's 30 million of us out there, and we need help.
Of course.
And he goes... It's the same thing in Latin America.
It's the Amish that are in South America, and they're the ones who are corrupt, so everyone survives off them.
And they live off of them and bilk them, and then they're blamed.
And again, it doesn't matter whether they're white,
Or whether they're Lebanese Christians.
Doesn't he see?
It's cultural.
And I don't mean the fake megachurch folks.
I mean the real Christians are a stabilizing force in any country.
It's well known.
And he was repeating that over and over again.
I'm like, yeah, exactly.
I said, and our government is going out there and causing the Muslims to get up.
And of course he knows.
He knows that our government four years ago overthrew Hosni Mubarak.
And then they killed tens of thousands of Christians, blew up hundreds of churches, were crucifying Christians upside down.
Oh yeah.
And then the Muslims revolted and overthrew it.
They didn't want that.
Because guess what?
Yeah, exactly.
They realized stuff wasn't working.
They ran out of another million Christians and all of a sudden the trains weren't running on time.
Yeah, and there's no doctors and there's no lawyers and there's no business people and there's, you know, nobody's doing anything except the ones who are just running around cutting people's heads off.
And it was amazing to hear him say that, being from the Middle East, coming here in the late 70s, but going back and forth and seeing what it was like and just hearing him talk about the Egyptian revolution.
I said, well, that was all our government.
He goes, I know.
I said, so why don't you think that?
Because he didn't believe that they'd killed bin Laden way back in the day.
He'd never heard about the Bin Laden story from the Jerusalem Post or the Figaro where the CIA came to meet him.
I sat there and read the article to him.
I was like, look, here it is.
Bin Laden was on dialysis.
There's no way they took him out back in 2000.
He was gone.
See, I'm glad you did that, but you should have put it on tape.
I know.
He didn't want me to be filmed.
You guys spend so much time talking about it.
It's not on air.
It needs to be on air.
Well, that's why I'm sharing the story.
You're always better in person.
You're better than I am as a talk show host in person.
I think he is going to come off.
If you host a show by yourself, you're not as good.
That's because I work off you.
No, you do a great job, dude.
I'm serious.
You do better than I do.
I hear you all day at the office.
You at night walk around educating people smarter than I am, and you'll never do it on air.
I'll do it on air.
You're doing it on air right now?
I'm doing it on air now.
So we've got to share these stories.
Like Bill O'Reilly?
Will you do it live?
I will.
I'll do it live.
I'm going to be out there live in a second.
I'm getting my gear together.
What's coming up on the 14-hour broadcast?
I'm going to skip this break.
Last one of the day I'm being bad.
But it is a big celebration.
It's my show.
I want to flush thousands of dollars every few minutes.
I'll do it.
Tell them what's coming up tomorrow.
Well, tomorrow we're going to start at 8 a.m.
and go to 10 p.m.
And I'm sure you're going to have us go longer.
So, it'll probably be 14 hours plus, but we've got David Dight, Liam McAdoo, Margaret Howe back in the studio, Ashley Beckford will probably be popping in, Darren McBreen, and then on the ground we're going to have Owen Schroer, Millie Weaver,
Myself, Kit Daniels, you're going to be running around during the inauguration, and at some point we're going to get back in here and broadcast for, I'm sure, an extended amount of time talking about the events of what are going on that day.
We've got some special guests.
I believe Celente is one of the guest hosts for the hour.
I don't have the full guest list, but I'm sure Nico will text it to me here in a second.
But it's going to be an amazing experience to share with everybody out there who can't be here, even though there's going to be a million or so people here who are pro-Trump and probably another 300,000 who are anti-Trump.
And of course the big news is...
They are coming out now and saying that a lot of the protesters aren't showing up.
Yeah, the J-20 people said they have scaled down their blockade schedule.
They've scaled it down because... Zimmerman found that this morning and read it out.
Zimmerman, if you can find that tweet again, wherever it was... No, I know.
I saw the story.
The reason they're scaling it down is most of the people that are legitimate leftists were Bernie supporters.
I've had Bernie supporters all day come up to me with, well we like you Alex, we know Trump's good now, wanting to cut prescription drug prices.
And he's not going to do it in a Nixonian way with orders.
He's just going to bring competition in.
He's going to say, I'm not going to let you sell the drug in another company for less, and then you claim, oh, it's your drug, you own it.
You're going to have to sell it for the same price if you do it here.
That's called competition.
Or I'm going to let him import from the other country your stuff you're making here, selling to Mexico, or selling to China, and then bringing it back.
Plus, all the tariffs and stuff that China's got on us internally, he wants to bring back.
We're going to have all these drugs and stuff.
You're going to make them here.
Or you're going to pay a damn tariff.
Again, folks, that's not protectionism.
We've been screwed over.
Come on over, Zimmerman.
Yeah, I love the fact that Trump has just gone out and said, you know, he's made all these announcements and he's not even president yet.
And companies are changing their tune.
They're keeping jobs here.
They're bringing more jobs in.
The guy from Alibaba said he's going to make a million jobs, a million jobs.
And these are going to be good paying jobs.
And when people see people, what about these tax cuts?
This is globalism.
They set up
The highest taxes in the world, the big corporations did because they wanted to only move to China.
Trump makes the tax the same.
All these other globalists are going to be forced to then just understand that they're going to have to bring jobs back because it becomes a free market.
And when you have more people paying less taxes, everybody doesn't have to pay as much, but we still can have all the things that make this country great.
And let me add something that's absolutely key.
A lot of people that are at Davos, a lot of people that follow globalism, it's because they're bullied into it.
Like Peter Thiel.
A lot of people do not like what's going on.
Once there's solidarity and support for real free market, which Davos claims it's selling, once the real thing comes, the counterfeit doesn't have anywhere to be.
It's thrown out in the cold.
It's exposed.
So there's a lot of people in the system that do want to do the right thing.
But there's no way they can do it because the public wasn't awake.
We had to be awake.
We had to start the movement towards nationalism and real competition again to break the globalist monopoly of crony capitalists that they claim is free market.
No, the Heritage Foundation and globalism is not free market.
And it's another great mental screwjob how they claim they're the great protectors of that when they're the opposite.
Now, I want to play a clip here.
Because I mentioned this, I want to go to a new fail video.
We've seen a bunch of these that are kind of recycled.
They're powerful.
But this is a new one because it goes back in time, not just to right before.
Let me just go back here.
Not just to right before the election, but a year before.
Video shows how media hacks howled with laughter at clown Trump.
Let's play this three, four minute clip.
We're going to come back and get into Owen Schroer on the ground with the globalist minions being busted.
Here it is.
There are no words.
How do you even have a straight face right now?
There are no words to describe what just happened.
Ed Rendell, do you have any doubt that this is anything more than a carnival show?
And you watch that speech today, we all laugh about it, and I'm sitting here laughing out loud, you know, for the entire front part of the show here as we're talking about it.
I mean, it was a rambling, a rambling mess of a speech.
That said, it was very entertaining.
I was howling, howling.
He's got gummudgeons of money, he's got a lot of recognition, and he just became the 12th presidential candidate for the Republican Party.
Is it typical Donald Trump fashion or is it hilarity run amok?
This morning some Republicans say they're worried Trump will turn the campaign into a circus.
Party leaders worry Trump's presence will turn the primary into a joke.
America's largest Latino civil rights organization called Trump an exceedingly silly man.
Donald Trump is a fool.
Hell froze over and now we're stuck in the ice with Donald Trump.
Chuck, you and I have seen this public dance from Trump before.
I guess the question is, is this candidacy for real?
Will it be significant?
It's like, I can't tell if this is politics or if this is just PR from a celebrity.
For the National Press Corps and other elites, Donald Trump's campaign is a pure vanity exercise and a target ripe for outright mockery or low-level derision.
On the one hand, he's a late-night jerk.
Half an hour of the most beautifully ridiculous jibber-jabber.
On the other, he's the proverbial skunk at the garden party.
How does the Republican Party handle a political streaker who knows how to get attention?
Sadly, the biggest bus surrounds Donald Trump.
How to take Donald Trump?
Well, consider the newspapers this morning, at least the tabloids.
The Daily News considers Trump a clown.
The New York Post considers Trump a rich guy who could make it to the White House.
I do not hate Donald Trump, but I do not take him seriously.
I thought, you know, everything that was garish and ridiculous about him was fully on display.
Will people who love him love it?
Yeah, but will it get him anywhere close to becoming the nominee or the President of the United States?
I think not.
I think there is a vein for him to tap, and he's going to get some serious votes.
He can't win, but he can get a lot of votes.
While no one expects Trump to get close to winning the nomination, that doesn't mean that they're happy he's in.
I mean, this is the problem with Donald Trump for Republicans.
Of course he's not going to win.
He probably will make the main stage.
He'll be one of the top ten vote-getters just because of name recognition and our obsession with stardom.
The problem is he's going to be a flamethrower.
He has nothing to lose.
But he says the most provocative things, like when Mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.
What is your strategy and how can you succeed?
When you say things like that?
Well, you can't, again, Gayle, the question is how can you become president?
You can't by saying things like that.
Can we stipulate for the purposes of this conversation that Donald Trump will never be president of the United States?
Monument first.
And ladies and gentlemen, here we are with the Washington Monument out the window as we're off of Pennsylvania Avenue.
We're going to have Owen Schroer coming up in about 15-20 minutes from the ground right in front of the Capitol where the president-elect will be inaugurated at 12 noon tomorrow.
They're having fantasy dreams on CNN and other TV channels of the dinosaur pile of garbage media, the Decepticon traitor media.
They're so evil I have to mention all their names.
Honka Devil has a string of names, so do they.
The Abomination Desolation, the Old Worm, the Old Dragon, the Black Serpent, Beelzebub, Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer, the Morning Star.
Well, they've got a lot of names themselves, don't they?
We're going to be there covering it all, and they're hoping that somebody kills Trump so Obama can appoint a new president.
And then they're going to have a new election that Homeland Security runs, totally unconstitutional, over the state governments.
Just that's not how federal law works, but Homeland Security wrote a letter to the Associated Press two weeks ago just saying that's the way it is, because Jay Johnson says, and you know, Loretta Lynch says, I don't care what law says, I'll get on the plane with somebody on a criminal investigation.
I don't even know if snaking badges.
I mean, that's how it rolls.
And then say we talked about our grandkids.
And you've got all these greedy, crazy bureaucrats and lobbyists and corporate people.
I'm not saying they're all bad, but we've seen a lot of them are like snakes.
Like Wormer Grimewood or whatever his name is.
Grimmer Wormtongue?
Yeah, absolutely.
Another Lord of the Rings analogy.
I was asked by Vice, why so many Lord of the Rings analogies?
I don't really watch the movies much, but they're okay movies.
It's just funny archetypes.
The archetype characters, yeah.
The archetype characters.
I mean, these people are panicking, they're scared, they're crazy, and all Trump wants to do is cut spending by 10%.
That's because every economist says if we don't do that within a couple of years, we will be like Mexico or Venezuela.
It's over, folks.
We're going over the edge of a cliff.
Sorry, D.C.
You know, the average D.C.
bureaucrat is making millions of dollars a year on everybody's backs.
We can't do it anymore.
And if you cut our taxes a little bit and increase the unemployment levels, you're going to see more money.
You're going to see more money than you can spend.
It's going to be amazing.
Then you can skim even more off the top.
And I'm not saying that's a good thing, but a real smart mafia guy wants a big, fat, juicy pig to bleed.
These people are in competition with flyover country and hate average people having any wealth.
So they're so dumb, they want a big, poor country to rule over.
That's what third world jackasses do.
That's what everybody did before the Renaissance.
In Europe, dark ages lasted a thousand years because the elite wanted to keep people poor and didn't want them reading books and wanted them dumbed down.
And you're trying to bring back the dark ages.
Guess what?
We don't want it.
We don't want it.
We don't want the dark ages.
We want the light.
We want it right now.
We want it right now.
Tony Montana says, hey, just like your president, Jimmy Carter says, I want freedom.
I want it now.
I want the world, Chico, and everything in it.
And the $500 suit.
Look at that pelican.
I think we should have Tony Montana for president.
Fly pelican.
Hey, seriously.
It isn't going to be like that having Trump president.
I love the way, that moment when he called out, called him out as fake news.
Did you see that live when it happened?
That was freaking... Oh, you're on vacation in Colorado.
Oh, we played it like 10 times.
I was actually watching it real time.
No, no, no.
We're holding back and we shot a video and just watching that in real time going, oh my God, this guy is going to be president and he's calling CNN fake news.
And when we landed at the airport, they had some CNN story with Obama, how he's just not happy with Trump.
And if he sees any meddling in the election, he is going to speak out.
They were the ones meddling with the election.
That's the funny thing.
They were the ones doing it!
Speak out Obama!
Speak out about your own meddling!
And in some places like Georgia, they broke into dozens of computers.
I only knew of three.
Georgia was hacked big time by DHS.
And they go, well, maybe it was a rogue employee.
Maybe we don't, uh, and then they never come back with an answer.
And now DHS fails.
We're like, we need to fully take control of it to keep it safe, because the Ruskies are so powerful.
And the only way they found out about other states is the guy in Georgia canvassed all the other states and said, didn't any of you guys report any of these problems?
And three or four wrote back and said, oh yeah, we had the same thing happen.
They were going in and probing our databases, probing the databases, looking around.
But what happened in Georgia was unprecedented what happened.
They were going around like two or three times, one on the day of the election, going into the voter rolls and messing with stuff.
They don't even know what they did at the end of the day.
All right, I'm bad again.
I didn't get to any clips.
We're going to come back with the clips, I promise.
Or Rob can punch me.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Migrants are racing for the U.S.
border right before Trump is taking office.
There's an article that's up on the Drudge Report that talks about how illegals are coming for the U.S.
border in lieu of a Trump victory.
He's taking office tomorrow, folks.
Migrants that are trying to sneak into the U.S.
on the last day of what they see because they realize that a wall is in fact coming.
These challenges are nothing compared to a bigger fear they have that someday soon U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump will build that wall and keep them out altogether.
Before Trump takes office tomorrow, they're racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.
In the town, near a frontier, a group of Hondurans warn themselves near a fire of trash in the early morning cold.
There's an article that YouTube has put up showing these migrants ready to jump the train in the event that it slows down.
And I've got news for you folks, that wall is coming, but it looks like migrants are feeling the burn, literally, and racing for the border.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
It's not just our water we need to filter.
It's not just our food that needs to be cleaned.
It's the air we're breathing, especially for our children.
The artificial particulates, the chemicals, is absolutely weighing down our immune systems.
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The Globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He was let in on the whole communist globalist plan back in the 60s by the congressional experts that had access to all the classified files.
And the information I'm releasing here on air, nobody else has.
I just want everybody to know that.
I think now is the time to even release that information, so people understand exactly why Trump has been a patriot sleeper cell.
And I always said, what if we had people that went along with the system, like the leftists have done, but were actually sleeper cells the other way around?
And it turns out that that's exactly what Donald Trump is.
Donald Trump is a Americana sleeper cell inside the New World Order takeover, and that is why they are truly scared.
I love people going, oh, he's New World Order.
He's been to parties with the Clintons.
What do you expect when you go to these games?
He had to play along with them.
He did fight NAFTA.
He did fight, yeah, he did some other good stuff.
He's trying to get taxes cut for poor people.
He's hired record numbers of minorities and women.
And it's put a lot of gay people in charge of... But he's racist.
I mean, I don't consider it like pander to gay people because I'm not against gay people.
None of that.
I don't hate them.
But I shouldn't have to pander and grovel to prove I don't dislike gay people.
It's just like Trump waving rainbow flags.
They say he's a homophobe.
And then like it turns out, most of his casinos are run by gay guys for whatever reason.
Trump said, oh, they're my friends.
They tend to want to work 20 hours a day and really care.
So, for some reason, gay men are the best casino runners.
And they're snappy dressers.
And they're snappy dressers.
The point is that we don't... I don't have to sit here and go, I have nothing against gay people.
Some of my friends are gay.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I don't have to sit here and explain to you that I don't dislike you.
If I said I disliked you, then you wouldn't know it.
But the left goes, no, everyone that wants low taxes really hates black people.
And I'm so sick of...
I'm so sick of my whole life hearing I hate black people and it's gone from making me feel guilty.
I'm like a little kid hearing white people are bad from white people.
I'm like, I'm bad as I've got this color skin.
And then the black people are hearing I'm bad because I'm white.
So they beat me up.
They've been turned into bad people and into what maybe what my ancestors might have done to them because they were told I was my ancestors and did something to them.
Because yes, I'll say probably my ancestors probably did do something to black people.
Most whites probably can't say that.
But I mean, I've been here long enough in this country, my family, yeah sure.
But I mean, most white people have no connection to any of it.
But I didn't do any of it.
And my parents sure as hell didn't do any of it, or their grandparents or their grandparents.
They were all Christians trying to make atonement for it.
So how do people try to make atonement for something?
How do we then become the bad guys?
Well, it's because it starts off with being white and being like, what, 13% of the world population?
It might be less than that.
It's seven now.
We control everything.
We run everything.
We do everything bad.
We created this whole system with paved roads and open sewers and electricity.
And for that, we have to be put in our place.
Well, let's give people the real history.
The Chinese.
...developed technology just as advanced as we had 300 years ago.
Their elites wrote books and said, we don't want the public having this.
We want to control people.
The Japanese, great, smart people.
Nobody argues against them.
They have the same thing.
Africans, Latin Americans, it was all the same.
The elite didn't want the public having technology.
I mean, the Mayans had a calendar more accurate than the Romans, okay?
They had the wheel.
They didn't want to give it to the public.
All the Mayans couldn't even invent the wheel.
No, they didn't want to give it to the public.
So the point is that, yeah, we get systems of control.
So can you say whites are more elite because they ended up developing the modern mathematics and space travel and clocks?
You go back 600 years ago, all of Europe was under total siege.
Most people had a very low, nobody could read, like maybe 1%.
But it was on purpose.
The Dark Ages were admittedly installed by the royals and the church.
And it made Europe so weak, they couldn't even defeat the Muslims.
And because the Muslim threat got so bad, finally it allowed innovation, at least in weapons.
And they started educating people as well.
So it was just to be able to fight the Muslims.
So dumbing people down made us worry about the fall of the Muslims.
So over a couple hundred years it developed, letting some guilds exist just to service the troops.
Because the nobles finally went, okay, we got to, they just took confidence in the noble, we got to do something.
This is a real history.
So, it forced them, competition.
See, there was no competition inside Europe, everybody was slaves.
Men were kept outside, women were brought in, just like with blacks in America.
The Romans did the same deal, folks.
But blacks were too valued, so they weren't actually kept outside.
It was the whites were like cheap slaves.
And the blacks were like the prized slaves.
And a lot of blacks were actually free.
But see, they create this thing where blacks feel like they're this tip on the shoulder, you're nobody, you were slaves, everybody was slaves.
Now, let's continue and expand out, and I'll go to these clips.
This is an important history lesson.
For whatever reason, 500 years ago, people started to break out of it in Europe.
They wanted freedom.
And a renaissance started, because people were so oppressed, about getting into literature, and getting into freedom, and getting into math, and getting into science.
And Europeans, because of their previous Ice Age brain,
They've done genetic, epigenetic tests as well.
Do obsess more about shelter and designs and hunting and preparation.
The jokes are in Europe, the trains are all on time.
There's an OCD-ness about in the Ice Age, if you didn't do stuff just right, you were dead.
So selectively, whereas Africa might have been strength, stamina, whatever, or you died.
There was plenty of that in the Ice Age, but if you didn't plan stuff out just right, you were dead.
If you tried to get home 20 minutes late from a hunting trip, you'd freeze to death.
Because it was going to go 50 below zero, like that.
And so there is that planning in the Western brain.
But see, that also gives the Western brain over to evil.
Because if it gets captured by corruption, then it starts scheming in like fifth dimensional chests.
You understand?
So that's why it takes good Westerners who are into freedom to counter Western evil.
So yes, you can say the West is evil.
Let's show the helicopter, Buckley.
Well, I think you're right.
It is.
Geographically, people do different things for different areas.
And if you're living up north, you do have to plant your crops on time.
You have to watch the weather.
And then when you're down in Sub-Saharan Africa or South America, it's a different
Well, it's a different type.
You have to be ready for a predator to come out after you.
You have to be able to defend yourself.
And you have to be able to be fast and cover long distances.
So all that makes sense.
And then you see the way it is now.
And when you talk about elites, there's good elites and there's bad elites.
There's a predator class within the elites and then within the middle class also that kind of worms their way up.
Who serve like that.
And then they want to serve that big predator head class, you know, the little flying monkeys.
The elite class should be empowering everybody to bring them up.
No, they should be.
Because then our society is going to get better.
I mean, I literally could envision 20 plus years ago, much of it.
And like 90% of my vision, I pictured other people rising up who were better than me because I wasn't arrogant.
But when I struck the alarm bells, Paul Revere, I thought it would get other people to rise up and take action, which it did.
It just took longer.
But again, there's that long term planning, that patience.
Patience is key to anything big.
Yeah, 20 years, it's like you push the pebble down the hill and 20 years later, it's a giant boulder going.
Fake news!
You're fake news!
Let's be clear.
Right before me, the same Pebble Drudge Report.
And a bunch of other pebbles.
But it was all the same trajectory.
It all kind of happened at the same time, too.
Drudge started about the same time you did.
It's like radio got invented by three guys the same week.
And it's just knowledge builds like the 100th monkey to this, you know.
I mean, drugs kind of comes in like half, like he was like a senior and I was like a junior in the same, that was in the same school, kind of the same class.
He was a little bit before me, but it was all the same wave.
And then Trump's the big mega-wave you see sweeping.
And here's the problem.
If the globalists try to block this one, I almost hope they try to block this wave, because they might be able to halfway do it.
That summons the King Kong.
I mean, if they block this, King Kong's coming.
And it'll almost be so free market, it's cultish.
I mean, I'm really worried about, oh, helicopter by the monolith.
I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm really looking forward to these next four years.
King Kong needs to climb that.
We need to make a new King Kong movie where he attacks Washington.
He climbs the Washington Monument.
That'd be badass.
It's got Trump's head on it.
He's King Kong attacking Washington!
That's it!
I'm ranting, go ahead, sorry.
A grievance.
It's like everybody's got a grievance about something.
Why don't you put your head in the game and start making something happen positively instead of just worrying about why you're not getting yours.
The reason you're not getting yours is because you're sitting out there complaining that you're not getting yours instead of doing something.
Yeah, I mean, the only problem in America, if you actually try to get yours, you're gonna get so much, your kids are gonna turn into a deck of slobs.
That's the big reason.
That will be true.
And, you know, I have that problem with my kids.
They have so much.
I'm like, you kids are spoiled.
We take you out on trips, we do things with you, we let you have stuff, and you know... And then they artificially see some Kim Kardashian show that is a prison of crap.
Who wants a closet with 200 purses?
You know, and then like, you know, extra rooms for your dog crap set up.
You know, and it's like, you know, I had a five bedroom house for a while, and I downsized to like four or three.
Because, I mean, I say four, because one of them's a study, so it'll be a room.
But, I mean, it's like, it's a hassle.
And then who wants to be around rich neighbors?
Like, I know a lot of minorities think that white people are all racist and don't like you.
Let me explain something.
You move into a wealthy neighborhood, and I moved into just middle class ones.
They're all a-holes to each other and hate everybody.
I don't care if you got blonde hair and blue eyes, man.
They're all just mean to each other, because it's like Washington.
All they've got is this weird class thing.
And again, real rich people are cool.
It's all these fake wannabes that are like so obsessed with my Mercedes and I'm cool.
And it's not that the Mercedes is bad.
It's like they want to think they're better than you.
What would you call it?
It's like a cult.
It is this weird arrogance, but it's like a powerless arrogance because they have that arrogance because they really don't have any power.
And they always want petty power, right?
What is that truck doing parked on the street?
And I'm like, that violates the homeowner's rules.
And I'm like, well, the homeowner rule actually says that to be parked there, but that's not my truck.
That's working on the other neighbor's backyard.
They're just like, I mean, I've got, I mean, I lived in the country for a while.
Then I moved back a little bit closer and I hadn't been in a place with a homeowner's association.
And it is just a fricking nightmare.
I had to deal with it too, over a trash can.
They don't like my trash can on the side of the house.
I'm like, sorry.
It's gonna stay there.
Oh, same thing.
I'm not putting it in my garage.
I've been written up for it on the side of the house.
The damn thing stinks.
Yeah, I'm not putting it in my garage.
They're like, you can put it in your garage.
It makes your car smell like rotten.
No, it's gonna stay on the outside by there.
Oh, by the way, your construction crews have garbage everywhere, and everybody else is breaking every other rule, but you're gonna single me out?
And the only answer is to start writing everybody up.
They put a sign up saying no parking.
And then if anybody parks outside my house, the tow trucks come, then everybody else is allowed to have their cars, and I'm like, I've got to start calling.
Oh yeah, the tow trucks.
And so I get back next week, I'm just going to call tow trucks every day.
And the thing is, then they'll grovel.
It's like as soon as you use force against them, they back off.
But I have to crush them first.
Well, it's that weak petty power that they think they have and they have none.
Or they think I'm dumb and they control the tow truck company.
It doesn't just have to be the number listed.
Under law, you post that, I'm going to call another tow truck.
See, they think I'm dumb like everybody else.
I'm not.
I will defeat you just like I defeated the globalists.
And guess what?
But it's the same deal.
We'll defeat every level, dude.
And we've been doing it.
We're not going to get tired doing it.
Isn't it exciting?
Whether it's Hillary Clinton or Homeowners Association, move bitch, get out the way.
Or even a small local government.
You know, a local government that comes after you and tries to put these regulations in to not let people build or let people develop their own land.
That's the kind of stuff that we're going to be doing.
And I think you're going to see, now that we've got, we get Trump in office, we settle in the first hundred days, you're going to see InfoWars take on this whole new thing, going into more health stories that we've kind of let by the wayside during covering a lot of this stuff.
We're also going to get a lot of information.
We're going to keep, not Trump, honest.
But, trying to surveil the minions.
Like this one for education, who's the only bad one because she was for Common Core.
But she's also for school choice, so Trump got told he'd like her.
He doesn't know all this stuff, but who could?
She gets up there in front of the thing and goes...
Oh, I agree to say, women grab me, they want me, I can grab them.
That's saying a woman's on you, of course they want to be grabbed.
You know, it's not like saying they're not, you know, like the leftist, if a woman's like kissing you and you touch her, you're raping her.
No, that's called what mammals do.
She goes, yes, I agree, that's sexual assault.
Boom, get out of there.
Then she tries to go over and shake Elizabeth Warren's hand and she won't even do it.
See, she went and groveled to them.
It doesn't even matter.
Threw Trump under the bus and then, you know.
Watching these hearings, like Marco Rubio... Did you know they said that famous World War II deal of the sailor getting on the boat?
Oh, kissing the girl?
That's sexual assault?
Because his hand is on her hip.
Let me tell you, a woman jumps on you and starts kissing you, and it's your wife or girlfriend you haven't seen in two years?
I mean, she's going to get mad you're not grabbing her hip.
That's what you're supposed to do.
You grab her right near the back of her neck.
You grab their butt.
That's what women want.
It's what mammals do.
They're taking our normal behavior and saying it's illegal, but then teaching your 5-year-old how to be a tranny and give blowjobs is okay.
Or get a sex change, yeah, exactly.
They're now trying to tell 12-year-olds out in California, you can have your stuff cut off if you want outside your parents.
So the government cutting your kids weenie, that's okay.
But I'm not supposed to, if my wife leans into me and I kiss her, I mean, this is crazy.
And you know, they interviewed the two people that 50 years after that famous photo that you're talking about.
The rape photo?
They didn't even know each other, but they were so happy that the war was over, they both came to each other and embraced it.
Well sure, I knew when the war was over.
That's why they were calling it the assault, because... No, no, they didn't know each other.
Well, they hate that magnetism.
She's good looking, he's good looking.
Wow, let's get it, let's have a party, baby!
People were happy that we ended World War II.
That's what they were happy about.
I mean, this was a huge, it was a huge war.
It was a sexual assault.
Helicopter by the obelisk.
We're obsessed with that shot.
Man, the cinematography we're getting out here.
It is really good.
Even the tunnels, where they have the tunnels for the subways, they have these cool-looking, catacomb-looking patchwork, or I guess a beehive.
It's amazing.
It's like a beehive underneath the ground.
It's really amazing.
So, but you walk around at night and you see, you know, how the government has everything secure for them.
They're so worried.
But we can't have that.
Oh, it really pisses me off.
Which is fine.
You left the borders open, all this crap.
You probably have to do this now.
Don't take our right to have a gun or lock our door, you assholes.
Excuse me, I apologize.
We're going to go to break.
I haven't played Clev's Haven back.
Can we play the CNN?
COG kill switch situation one more time and then we're going to go to break and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to play Owen Shroyer's report ahead of Roger Stone and Owen Shroyer joining us and our reporters are getting in place right now so stay with us but let's go out to break with this clip.
Here it is.
Inauguration, you have two lines of succession.
One for the Barack Obama administration, which is still in place.
And one which really won't be in place until Donald Trump is inaugurated, comes into office, actually formally nominates and the Senate confirms his people.
You might actually end up with a president from the prior administration because of a tragedy.
Adding to the confusion, by noon Friday, all of Obama's cabinet secretaries are expected to resign.
John Kerry, the current Secretary of State, would be the first cabinet secretary in the line of succession, but he's out of office by noon.
Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, may not be confirmed for another week or two.
So who would be Secretary of State on Friday afternoon?
According to State Department sources, the job would fall to the highest-ranking non-political official in the department, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Tom Shannon.
One of the most obscure possibilities is that someone who is an acting Secretary of State, someone lower down the line in the Secretary of State, State Department today, assumes the acting Secretary of State position, is in the line, and the worst happens, and that person becomes President, at least for a while.
The uncertainty creates the potential for chaos, high theater, or a hit TV drama.
Sir, you are now the President of the United States.
In ABC's Designated Survivor... All right, folks, we're gonna be back.
Stay with us on the other side.
And Nico just popped in my ear, which I told him to do.
So you're a little news light, boss.
I know you're excited.
Let's get into some news.
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I live back in the woods, you see.
Some of the stories up on InfoWars.com.
Trump viewed favorably by more than half of the US voters.
We know there were fake polls during the election.
It's hard to get major polling companies to actually do an honest poll for you.
It's just the demographics they use, who they target, they have a huge agenda that's known.
But Trump and others were able to do internal polls and other major demographic polling agencies and some of the internet aggregate numbers we have show that Trump's actually very popular with black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans compared to other Republican candidates and other Republican figures.
That's why I got 35% of the vote from Hispanics.
They claim they only got 10% from blacks, but we know they stole the election in many black areas.
Evidence of that came out.
Because I've had so many black people shake my hand and say they want Trump and they want prosperity and they don't like how Obama ignored them for all those years.
That's why the media knows their hold on people is falling apart.
So they're intensifying a major, major push for racial division in this country.
Let's show part of a report that's up on InfoWars.com.
From Owen Schroyer, showing the buses being brought in last night with the protesters, but they've already had to scale back.
It's like a group of young millennials who are going to be protesting tomorrow.
They're arriving by the bus.
Oh yeah.
Are you going to get this?
Why don't you have that on?
It's cold out here, man.
Alright, they're putting them on buses and it looks like it's ducks.
There's the bus line right there, it's loading them up.
Gonna take them to some housing and then they're gonna start depositing them around on inauguration day.
Roger, reporting for InfoWars.com.
Okay, now for radio listeners, we actually have video of the buses for radio listeners.
We have the video.
It's on InfoWars.com.
There's a longer report coming up in the next segment.
It's Owen Troyer reporting.
That was Rob Duke.
By the way, I'm here looking at InfoWars.com right now, and I'm looking at Belgian aristocratic pedophile re-exposed, boys and girls tortured, killed, and forced to eat feces.
So they don't just grab your kid out of the backyard and rape him for a couple months.
They torture him and they make him eat crap and they kill him after they beg for food.
And reportedly in Belgium, where this came out a few years ago, more has come out, they sit in the room while the toddler cries for mommy, like a beautiful satanic music, and while they beg and beg and beg.
Sometimes they'll feed them a little more just to get their strength back up to beg and get hope.
They call it sucking them dry.
It's vampiric.
It sucks their soul.
And that's who's in D.C.
That's who Trump's kicking out.
That's why Trump wants to stop the vaccines.
He knows that's a soft kill, a lesser magic attack on your family.
And I know this is hard to believe, folks, but there's a new article out that deals with, you know, Meryl Streep defending Roman Polanski that drugs 13-year-old girls and anally rapes them.
And that's just what he's been caught doing.
They want, the globalists want to grab your kids, and this is on record, and they want to rape them for a few months and then make them eat crap before they drink their blood.
Now, I know that sounds insane.
I'm not the insane one.
That's what they're into.
That's what they do.
People ask, why don't you cover this more?
I've been covering the satanic pedophile networks for 20-something years.
And they're just on such power trips
That they've been let into this thing by the devil and that they're on this, you know, crusade against love and light and goodness.
It's sick!
Just because they've done these horrible things and are in these clubs doesn't give them power.
But they believe because they do these unholy things they are special.
They are great.
Yeah, they're great piles of crap.
I mean, you make little kids you've tortured eat crap?
God is gonna torture you for a trillion years.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president, and it breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republic of prosperity.
But bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The devil is a master of deception.
The modern system says that if a man embraces a woman who's attracted to him and kisses her, it's sexual assault.
But teaching five-year-olds how to have sex isn't pedophilia in the public schools.
In a Daily Mail article about Belgian aristocrat pedophile ring exposed, boys and girls tortured, killed, and forced to eat feces.
This is part of a long-term satanic ritual that's carried out over and over again.
They've made films about it.
People then think it's Hollywood movies.
In history, the word, I guess, statism does go back to people that wrote about this type of thing.
But this is all a ritual.
I've read about it going on thousands of years.
Didn't even know that they'd even codified it into modern times that it was going on until more of this came out.
But by defiling the innocents, they believe they've moved themselves closer to evil.
And they kind of tell you this in Revenge of the Sith, I guess, Episode 3 of Star Wars, where Darth Vader isn't really evil yet.
Number Palpatine goes,
You must go and kill all the younglings, hundreds of children, at the Jedi Temple.
Only then will you be strong enough on the dark side.
That's exactly what they do.
They do these horrible things to defile themselves, believing they're burning away their humanity to become stronger.
Let's go to a few minutes of Owen Schroer's report from the ground with the protesters last night.
Then we're going to come back with Owen Schroer on the ground, just 600 yards from me, where the president is going to be inaugurated tomorrow.
Let's go to that report.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's Wednesday night in Washington, D.C.
Owen Schroer here.
The InfoWars crew has just arrived.
We're checking into our place.
And we already have protests.
Here we go.
This should be good.
Trump and Pence are fascists.
I don't think they know what fascism is.
Hey, what makes Donald Trump fascist?
Can someone tell me why Trump is fascist?
Hey, why is Trump illegitimate, ma'am?
Why is Donald Trump illegitimate?
Why is Donald Trump fascist?
Do you know what fascism is?
Trump and Pence are fascists!
Excuse me, sir.
Can I ask you a couple questions?
What has Donald Trump done that's fascist?
What has Donald Trump done?
Can you tell me?
I don't need your flyer.
Why don't you tell me?
That's why I'm following around.
Now you just littered.
He just littered.
So he's a litterer.
So that's nice.
Can you answer a question?
How is Trump fascist, sir?
See, here's my problem.
All you protesters never answer a question.
And you just say, F Trump, how are you doing?
So there you go, folks, this is the first protest.
There's probably about 200 of them.
This is a peaceful protest, I'll give them that.
This is like a group of young millennials who are going to be protesting tomorrow.
They're arriving by bus.
Are you going to get there?
Why don't you have that on?
It's cold out here, man.
I don't know what you mean.
All right.
They're doing them on buses now.
It looks like it's ducks.
There's the bus line right there.
It's loading them up.
They're going to take them to some housing, and then they're going to start depositing them around on Inauguration Day.
Roger, reporting for InfoWars.com.
All right, my friends, we are going to go to break here in just a moment.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
InfoWars.com is the news site.
I know all of you know that.
I take it for granted, too.
I sit here and hardly promote my own website on air or the incredible stories that are there.
But it's bigger than The New York Times online.
It's bigger than The Washington Post online.
The enemy knows that.
They are so pissed.
They are so angry.
Roger Stone is coming up right now, I'm told.
Owen Schroeder.
Is set to pop in with us in the next segment, but all this and more is coming up today.
I'm Alex Jones and we are here for the 45th president to be inaugurated tomorrow.
Stay with us.
Well the man that was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump online, get this folks, he was in fact a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now this was reported by the Daily Mail and it's up on our website.
This man once gave 20 grand to the DNC, not surprising.
He was arrested by the Miami Beach Police on Tuesday of this week for threatening President-elect Trump online.
Turns out he's a member of a prominent Northeast family that's close to the Clintons, giving that whopping money.
And his name, Dominic Papoulo Jr., he's 51 years old.
He sat near Hillary Clinton when she delivered the eulogy at the funeral of his mother, who died on one of the jets that flew into the World Trade Center on 9-11.
Now, during the eulogy on October 6, 2001, in Boston,
Hillary Clinton actually referred to him as a computer wizard.
He's now being held, of course, in the Miami-Dade County Jail after using Twitter to threaten the life of Donald Trump.
Now, Trump is scheduled to be sworn in this week in Washington, D.C.
He remains incarcerated on the charge of threatening to harm a public servant.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here with the inauguration special.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, we've got some of the crew coming back in.
Roger Stone reportedly is getting here, about to be up here in the building.
We've got Owen Schroyer, we're about to go to live, about 600 yards away, right in front of the Capitol, where Trump will be inaugurated tomorrow.
But before I go any further,
Because I didn't plug last hour.
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Now I haven't gotten to Trump actually saying he's going to do 200 executive orders the next week, five tomorrow.
I haven't gotten to our report on Stone being poisoned, that we should air next hour.
By the way, I love Anthony Cume, I asked him to host the show twice a month and he did it graciously, big syndicated host, but today's super hot.
Have we heard from Anthony yet, whether he wants us to co-host with him next hour?
I mean, I'm sure he always invites me on, he probably will, but if Stone's getting here late with all these checkpoints, because they now, just as we got here this morning, blocked the road.
If he doesn't get in, I'm sure Anthony's going to want him on.
I'll let him run the show, but, or he can kind of split the show, too, just do a Facebook mentions in here, I guess.
Because I've been hearing he's going to be here for an hour.
We'll see what happens.
But right now, I know who is here.
The great Owen Schroer.
In D.C.
since yesterday, he's witnessed a lot more than we have, just because he was at the right place at the right time.
He's right there where Trump's going to get inaugurated tomorrow.
First off, before your observations, what do you make of CNN and a bunch of other publications saying Trump might get killed tomorrow?
A truck bomb, a nuke, a drone attack.
And it's quite normal.
No big deal.
President Obama will appoint a new president, and then Homeland Security federalize the elections, so they'll decide in the new election who's president.
I mean, this is all
Everything I kind of saw in my, you know, thinking about this, and Q would call it the Odin sleep, and now we're watching all this unfold.
So, question is, is my spidey sense wrong or is this bad?
I don't think they're going to pull it.
In fact, I feel very confident that they've capitulated and they're kind of running an old program in case they wanted to do it, but they're kind of, you know, kind of like they've already paid for advertisements that were still airing after the restaurant closed.
It's kind of like,
A dollar short a day later, a day late, a dollar short.
I think they're failing.
I think they're reorganizing.
I think they're under our control at this moment.
But I'm feeling good.
I see a lot of evidence that good things are happening.
And they're really panicking and look butthurt.
And there's photos on Drudge of them, you know, the final days, like they're entitled to rule everything.
I don't know.
I mean, still, they're setting the table for COG overthrow of Trump.
They're sure selling they want impeachment.
They claim every thought he gets is from Putin.
So, Owen Schroer, what do you think about that?
Well, this is the normalization tactic.
It's a psychological conditioning tactic that they push these narratives out there.
And then if it ends up coming true, it's already normalized.
The people have already capitulated.
They don't want to make a big deal out of it.
So that's what I think CNN is trying to do here, talking about possible assassination attempts.
Talking about possible Obama appointing a different president.
And they've done it over and over.
They did it with the Electoral College.
They did it the entire election with the polls.
And they failed it every step of the way.
So my guess is they're going to fail again, Alex.
I think that they're setting themselves up for failure.
I think that you might be right and they have accepted that they've lost this battle.
And maybe now they're thinking bigger again towards the war.
What will they pull next?
They can't stop Trump from being inaugurated.
But it's funny, you talk about CNN and if Zimmerman wants to show this, he doesn't have to.
CNN is actually on top of a building.
They've set up their stage on top of a building.
And we know why.
Because we had people, info warriors like you, get behind their set, troll them, put Bill Clinton is a rapist shirts on air, hold up Trump signs on the air, so they had to go up and hide on a roof.
So that's what CNN is doing.
That's right, we've run them into a fortress mentality.
Which is the first stage of winning.
But from my experience out here, Alex, I will say this.
Trumpians have taken over D.C.
The leftists, the protesters, they want to run with all this social media trends like Occupy D.C., Occupy Inauguration.
I've got bad news for you.
We are the ones occupying.
I'm surrounded by thousands of Trump supporters right now.
I walk around Capitol Hill and people are chanting right now.
This is crazy.
Listen to this.
I walk around Capitol Hill.
Bring some of them in, Alan.
Bring some of them in.
Do we have any info warriors that want to give a shout out to Alex Jones?
He wants to hear from you.
Come here.
Look at this.
Hey, Alex Jones wants to know why you're out here.
I'm out here because I love Trump and I think he's going to make America great again.
You know, the protesters are saying that they're going to occupy D.C.
All I've seen is Trump supporters out here.
What about you?
I've not seen nor have I heard any protesters out here.
Just tons of Trump supporters.
So I think, Alex, and I don't know if anyone's seen it, me and Millie did a video.
I think they're setting themselves up for failure here.
I think they're inflating these numbers of hundreds of thousands of protesters.
I don't think so.
We've seen busloads come in.
They might get a couple thousand, maybe tens of thousands.
No way hundreds of thousands.
Look at all these people recording us.
Let me tell you something.
Nobody cares about any other media organization that comes out here, okay?
There are all kinds of media people that come out here.
They've got their cameras set up.
They've got their microphones.
Nobody goes up to them and shakes their hand.
Nobody says, hey, I love what you do.
That happens to us because we relate to these people.
We talk to these people on the street, and we're Americans like these people.
We elected Donald Trump because we want to make America great again.
Exactly, and why is it dirty to say make America great again?
People agree with that.
Under globalism, you're not supposed to be great.
You're supposed to just fail and let the government rule your life.
Again, the things people say is Trump real.
What he's saying and doing is real.
These ideas are cancer to the New World Order.
They're victory to us.
Of course he's real.
He wouldn't be invoking this.
It's like sunlight to vampires.
Trump's 100% real, man.
That is why his only issue is he's a strong man.
And he believes, because he's a good guy, and he's not going to be a hypocrite, he's going to take the gloves off.
And I agree with that to a certain extent with enemies.
I'm just saying, once the enemies are vanquished, the gloves have to go back on.
Well, and you saw the video that I shot last night, as soon as we got here, of those protesters.
They have nothing to say, Alex.
It's the same argument that they've been saying for ten years now.
They have nothing to say.
Racist, homophobe, Russian agent.
And I say, how is he a racist?
How is he a fascist?
How does he hate immigrants?
They cite fake news.
And you can see it.
What I've noticed now is they have these handlers.
So I'll be talking to somebody in these protest groups, who's just a regular citizen.
Perhaps they've been brainwashed.
They've been victimized by the fake news.
And they're actually having a conversation with me.
And we're talking.
And all of a sudden, I start to defeat their false narratives.
Oh, it's always that way with leftist and communists.
You're not allowed to talk to them because they're so worried.
They have this little brainwashed minion.
They work so hard and they paid to be there.
They might actually start listening to you.
But I think that's what's happening.
And they have like these adult handlers or something.
They come, they grab them, they run them away before they can have a conversation with us.
Most people won't even talk to me.
But the ones that do, you can tell they're just regular people.
They really think that Trump's a racist.
They've been tricked.
But when they have a conversation, I was talking to some other people, a lot of these people that are out here protesting Trump or that voted Clinton, they've never met an actual Trump supporter.
They've never talked to somebody that supported Trump.
Oh yeah, I mean they hate the fact that blacks and Hispanics at record numbers are going to Trump rallies.
That's why I think the president, once he's president in office, should continue rallies every few weeks or every few months.
It's just to bring everybody together and call for everyone of every race, color, and creed to come together to say, see, they don't want this.
They said the Tea Party was racist.
This isn't true.
We're all together.
I'm telling you, he has to do unity rallies.
I'm going to tell him that next time I talk to him.
But he's already planning it all.
What's crazy is he's talking to Trump.
It's like mind meld.
He's already on the same plane.
It's like the same frequency.
We have a name for it.
We're all powered by the force, Alex.
Make America great again.
We're gonna come back to you.
Let's get that crowd there when we come back.
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Freedom came my way one day.
And we tried to elect Trump, but they came after us.
All of a sudden they pulled out COG on me.
So I shot him down.
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy.
If I am guilty, I will pay.
If I'm guilty, I will pay.
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy.
I didn't shoot the deputy.
Yes, Sheriff.
John Brown.
I shot the sheriff.
He came in to shoot me down, so I shot him.
New and older started this fight.
We didn't start it.
Bunch of weird elites want to make us poor so they can control our lives.
Go to hell.
It's not happening.
Owen Schroer out there, right in front of D.C.
Capitol, right there, where Trump's getting inaugurated tomorrow.
Very iconic.
Please continue.
Let's talk to that crowd.
Let's see what's on their minds.
Alright Alex, well we'll move here in a second, but I just want to, again, talk about this.
We are dominating out here.
I'm telling you, there are thousands of people here.
Here, come here, we'll talk to this man right here.
There are thousands of people.
By the way, I'm coming to join you when I get off air here.
I'm coming to join you.
Here we go, we got a Latino for Trump here.
Where'd you come from to see Trump get inaugurated?
Fontana, California.
Tell me, you're with Latinos for Trump.
You beat the mainstream media brainwashing.
Tell me about that.
Well, I was born in Venezuela.
I've seen what the left has done to my country.
And ever since I've seen the Bernie Sanders movement and how extreme they took it, I saw my own country in that situation and I don't want that for America.
Now, and you're sharing this with other people as well.
Yes, I did, but the mainstream media has just brainwashed it too hard.
So I had to fight on my own campus, being a political science major, but I did it.
You know what I mean?
What do you think about Trump's plan to secure the border, build a wall?
I think it's great.
You know, you have to secure the border, but it also helps Mexico too.
You have millions of immigrants that are coming to America, giving $5,000 each to cross the border to the cartels.
And the cartels are what's messing up Mexico.
Hell, this guy is a maverick.
This guy is a real maverick.
Giving them an incentive not to come.
I love getting to meet all the mavericks in the liberal movement.
It's just so good.
Mexico can get back their feet.
You know what I mean?
They have to.
Well, thank you for your time, sir.
Hey, Owen, tell that guy that I'm telling he's a real maverick.
Hey, you're a real maverick, my friend.
Alex Jones loves you.
Alex Jones loves you.
How you doing, my friend?
You here to see Trump get inaugurated?
Yeah, I'm gonna try to see him on and on.
You don't like Trump, huh?
What's wrong with Donald Trump?
So then it shouldn't be hard to name one thing.
He's a narcissist.
He's a misogynist.
What has he done that's misogynistic?
Hillary funds the Muslims murdering tens of thousands of women.
He's a misogynist.
No, he's a real man, which you don't like.
So, I mean, come on now.
You don't believe in locker room talk?
You never have dirty jokes with your friends?
I never did it that way, no.
You've never made a dirty joke in your life?
Oh, I never had a woman!
Wait, let me ask you a question.
I was raised Catholic too, and Catholics drink and curse like sailors.
But let me ask you a question.
So, did you vote for Hillary Clinton?
Yeah, I kind of did.
Not with a lot of enthusiasm.
So, but do you think Hillary was a better candidate than Trump?
More character?
And I'm sorry, do you know Hillary Clinton's political history?
Do you know about Libya, Benghazi, Fast and Furious?
What do you think about President Bush?
Funding radical Islam to rape women and enslave them.
Yeah, we don't like President Bush.
Call that little bastard out.
No, no, no.
In fact, Donald Trump butted heads with the Bushes, if you don't remember.
He was against the war.
Donald Trump was against the Iraqi War.
I like that about him.
See, there's things that I do like about him, but not very much.
Why don't you call him an oppressor of women when he isn't, dumbass?
Not judging by the cabinet people he's put in by his attitude.
He's got a bad attitude, man.
He's like a child.
Oh, he's got a bad attitude.
You gotta give him a chance, man.
For what?
He's the president.
America elected him.
This guy claims he's anti-elitist, and meanwhile the whole elite's against Trump.
Hillary Clinton got three million more votes.
He didn't even win the election.
Oh, she stole five states.
He did win the election, actually.
No, he did.
More people voted for Hillary.
Okay, he did.
Okay, but that's not what decides the election.
You need to realize that.
Doesn't matter.
He won the popular vote, too.
Have you ever seen an actual... Have you seen a... Did you know that 98% of the counties voted for Donald Trump in this country?
No, negative.
Oh, that's too bad.
I know a lot of uninformed... That's who won the election.
Yeah, a bunch of slaves kept in compact cities.
That's right.
98% of the counties voted.
Anybody that's range-free didn't vote for him.
What brought you out here?
Didn't vote for her.
I'm here to watch President Trump get elected, because I am a Trump.
Everybody else don't live in the bubble.
The guy got it.
Where are you from?
Logan County, West Virginia.
Traveled here to see the inauguration?
Yes, sir.
Well, thank you for your time.
Owen, we're going to come back with you.
Have a safe weekend.
I don't know where Roger Stone is, but it's OK.
Stay there, Owen.
We'll be back with Owen Schroer on the ground.
And I'm coming out there after the show ends.
I'm going to be out there with special live feeds.
You bet your bottom dollar, baby.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well the man that was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump online, get this folks, he was in fact a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now this was reported by the Daily Mail and it's up on our website.
This man once gave 20 grand to the DNC, not surprising.
He was arrested by the Miami Beach Police on Tuesday of this week for threatening President-elect Trump online.
Turns out he's a member of a prominent Northeast family that's close to the Clintons, giving that whopping money.
And his name, Dominic Papoulo Jr., he's 51 years old.
He sat near Hillary Clinton when she delivered the eulogy at the funeral of his mother, who died on one of the jets that flew into the World Trade Center on 9-11.
Now, during the eulogy on October 6, 2001, in Boston,
Hillary Clinton actually referred to him as a computer wizard.
He's now being held, of course, in the Miami-Dade County Jail after using Twitter to threaten the life of Donald Trump.
Now, Trump is scheduled to be sworn in this week in Washington, D.C.
He remains incarcerated on the charge of threatening to harm a public servant.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president.
It breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
The bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
It breaks down what really happened with the Russians.
And so much more, and it supports him, and it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
So it's essential that this book go to the top of the charts in the political area, if not the very top of the charts.
Joe Biden has come out and said world government is collapsing.
They are in full crisis mode.
Nationalist movements are exploding.
Everybody needs to go pre-order.
So you get it first at Infowarsstore.com.
The Making of a President by Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, jumping on an airplane to go to the inaugural event with Trump.
Pray for us.
Here I come now, baby!
We are back live with the great Motor City madman, Ted Nugent, bringing us in.
Now, here I come now, baby.
Look, I don't have irrational hopes about Trump.
I just see the enemy completely panicking, entitled, out of control, arrogant, stupid.
And it's exciting.
I've looked at Trump's policies.
They're good across the board.
Our only problem is dealing with the fact that it's going to create such prosperity that we are so culturally evil that it'll cause a lot of problems.
But that's better than being super poor and having how we're going to live our lives dictated to us by people that are anti-human.
So the other choice is a much greater evil.
But wealth does have some dangerous byproducts with it as well.
As many historians and as many a parent has noted.
Adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.
As I often quote Victor Hugo.
It's almost annoying to have to always give credit to quotes because I want to give Victor Hugo quotes.
Or Voltaire, or George Washington, or Mark Twain.
Some quotes I do every day and I don't want to come in and say,
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo, this is the Alex Jones Show.
I think I'm just going to take those names officially.
Take those terms and put them out there.
Noah Schroyer is out on the street in D.C.
in front of the Capitol.
He's talking to folks out there.
I've got a John Bowne report I want to get to.
We have Roger Stone coming up as well and Anthony Acumia.
And again, I'm going to be out on the streets tonight with a lot of live feeds, taped stuff we'll be putting up.
Just watch InfoWars.com for the latest breaking news.
But getting serious, let me go back to Drudge Report real quick.
InfoWars has a lot of breaking news, but Drudge has even more.
Let's go over some of the news.
CNN disaster could put Obama cabinet in Oval Office.
It shows the Capitol blown up.
And that's what they're saying.
Media warns of inauguration drone bombing.
Not safe.
Fortress Washington girds and prepares itself for days of resistance.
Cops set up mobile booking stations.
Reveal training camp where protesters plan to disrupt.
We can put all this on screen.
LGBT queer dance party outside Pence's home.
Ginnrich skewers boycotting Dems.
Look, I love a lot of what Ginnrich says.
Ginnrich is one of the most eloquent speakers.
He's super smart.
I give him that.
I think Karl Rove
He's just an arrogant moron who comes up with basic Machiavellian operations but doesn't even know when to deploy them.
But I'll give Gingrich this.
He's smarter than I am, probably.
But he's got a dark twist, man.
He's a weasel.
And he comes out and, you know, says things like, oh, Trump never mentioned drawing the swamp, oh, it's all a fraud, ha, ha, ha.
Too discrediting.
And now Trump made you apologize and doesn't trust you.
Of course, Trump always didn't trust you, Dinrich.
You're just a good guide, as the former speaker, to help them figure out how stuff works.
And as Trump gets deeper into this, believe me, you're going to see some big developments, ladies and gentlemen.
And continuing with Drudge, last call before the wall, illegals flood in.
Again, I'm not against poor, desperate people from all over the world.
But they're turned in to socialists, globalists when they get here, and brainwashed, and taught all this racial hate stuff.
I mean, if we had bordering us some country or a continent with, you know, 600 million white people, but they had diseases, they were unemployed, they were uneducated, and they were being brought in by a group of people that was going to turn them into America haters, I'd say don't do it.
Well, actually, a lot of Eastern Europeans are being brought in that actually never got out from under communism and just buy it.
That's happening.
But the biggest group is the Communist Chinese now.
And they're bringing in people who get their babies free and everything else.
They stay here and their kids are citizens.
And I'm not against Chinese people.
I don't want to be under communism.
I want to be free.
But I'm not against Latin Americans.
But again, as I've said a thousand times, Latin America is gorgeous.
But they never got out from under corruption and colonialism.
And so they just have their own form of it.
It's a hellhole in most areas.
But I've been to Central America.
I've been to Mexico.
I haven't been to South America yet.
Like I said, I've been a little bit into something once into South America.
But what I'm getting at is, it runs from bad to worse.
But I don't sit back and go, boy, we're better than Latin America and Venezuela.
I'm feeling real good about myself right now.
I'm in fear of that.
I know our politicians are even worse than theirs.
They're just living off such an accruement of wealth and power and chivalry in the West.
It's such a depletion they've got that once the corruption runs out of gas, it's going to be the scariest thing you ever saw.
Because there's going to be this giant horde of bureaucrats, their own giant, demoralized, brainwashed, dependent mass of poor white people, Hispanics, blacks, you name it.
It's going to be a trash fest.
A bunch of entitled, spoiled, rotten people through MTV that have been given a culture of crime.
I don't care if you're poor, white people, blacks, or Hispanics.
Man, they teach a culture of thuggism.
It is so disgusting.
And it's all to just prime the underclasses for prisons.
Do I then blame the cops who are facing this onslaught of crime?
It's a larger paradigm playing us all off against each other.
And the answer is recognizing it.
Now, if you're a black guy in East Texas and a Dairy Queen walking out of a place at 10 o'clock at night and three Klan members try to mug you, that still goes on.
You got a right to kill them.
Now, that doesn't mean you buy into the whole race paradigm, but you've got a right to defend yourself.
Well, the same thing if you're in East Austin and three black racists try to attack you because you're white and demand your money, start trying to assault you.
Do what you got to do.
It's not racial.
They were in a race cult.
They were brainwashed.
They were idiots.
They need to die if they're trying to kill you.
But you don't sit there and then turn it into some deal of hating people because of what color they are.
You gotta understand that that's the globalist winning.
Let me ask you, it's no big deal.
I always love getting stoned.
We're going to interview him tonight, finale news.
It was here about 45 minutes ago.
I just talked to him.
He's stuck at the Mayflower Hotel.
And I'm going to try to just go over there and Skype him.
That is the answer.
And we'll do it with Anthony Cumia.
Which I said at the start of the show.
He doesn't need to come here.
Let's go to him.
I'm not mad.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I told him that.
He finally got back and said, hey, I'm still stuck here at the Mayflower.
Yeah, I knew that would happen.
Just go do the interview there.
I don't even care.
But I need to get my credentials.
The golden ticket.
Alright, thank you.
I mean, I'm not trying to get, I'm not trying to get, pardon me?
Let's get on back on then.
I'm sorry, you've been holding for 10 minutes, I'm ranting.
I wouldn't normally want to go to, you know, any type of event, but this is kind of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory right now.
And see, I'm not racist.
I like Loompa Loompas.
Have I got some freedom for you.
Guns and private property as well.
Lots of cool people.
And we're not selling out the country.
No, we're not doing it.
America's got a lot of problems.
Was that not a messed up Olympia?
This is totally screwed up.
The part is the train wrecking on air.
Listen to this.
You know, what we're seeing, though, is a revolution in America.
We're witnessing a real revolution, a peaceful revolution against the globalists, with the American people, the patriots in government, and others, leaking just the right amount of stuff to kick out the corrupt people.
Because I'm not somebody that says, hold back stuff.
I say, let it all come out, justice be done, may the heavens fall.
But reportedly, a lot of the stuff is so horrible that the Democrats have been up to,
I mean, you know, it's beyond suckling hot dogs.
I mean, if it came out, it would be a civil war.
And I'm just saying, if they keep pushing, or they shut off a nuke tomorrow, or they try something like that to keep Trump from getting in, the gloves are going to completely come off.
Because here's the deal.
We don't want to conquer the leftists and the Soros people and the globalists.
We want you to have a wealthy, great future and to be free.
We don't want to mount your head on the wall.
We're not in a wee-wee contest with you.
This isn't about that.
We just want you to get out the way.
Get out the way!
You see them headlights?
Hear that horn?
Get out of the way!
You want to drive slow?
Get in the ditch!
Get out the way!
Get out the way!
China can have coal-powered plants that are dirty?
We should be able to have clean ones.
China has lower corporate taxes than us, we should have lower.
So the money comes back in here.
That's why, like you were mentioning, Alibaba's announcing they're coming here?
Hiring a million people?
That's amazing, huh?
Steel mills coming back?
Chrysler coming back, Ford coming back, and Obama's feds go, we're just going to fine you $4 billion apiece now because you're coming back.
I mean, that's treason!
That's a military attack!
Oh, you're going to come back?
We're going to blow the hell out of you with regulators.
And again, if Trump tries to shut that down, they'll go, Trump has interfered in criminal investigations and was colluding.
We're going to indict him.
Trump's got to be careful, man.
Because they have really set him up.
And we gotta back him.
You know, we keep calling for this champion.
We keep calling for somebody to take him on.
And then it manifests in front of us.
And we're like, Trump isn't doing enough for Trump.
What happened to Owen Schroeder?
Did the camera die?
Oh, it died.
Oh, okay.
Well, it's no big deal.
You know what, we've got a lot of reports to get to.
You know, I should take some calls.
Let's talk specifically about them saying drones are going to attack.
Weapons, bombs, don't go, don't go.
Given the Democrats' cover not to be there, so if there is an attack, they don't get looked at.
Or it's just a way to call in a bomb threat, basically, to the Trump event.
I'm telling you.
Is that what they're doing?
I mean, any way you look at it, it's terroristic.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I engulfed that Potbelly.
Is it called Potbelly Sandwiches?
I had a Potbelly Sandwich during the break of three minutes and loaded it with delicious polonium.
You know, it's a conspiracy theory that polonium isn't good for you.
Pot bellies are good, too.
We have one in Austin.
They're not a sponsor, folks.
Pot bellies.
Brought to you by polonium.
That's a joke.
They're a great copy.
It's a joke about Roger Stone.
There's no polonium in it.
I shouldn't be joking about Roger Stone.
Speaking of the devil, let's go to a Roger Stone report.
So you're going to eat first?
You're not allowed to eat?
How close is it?
I think they're over at the Capitol.
I'm a little closer.
This is the poisoning of Roger Stone.
We make jokes about this.
I don't want to tell him he looks terrible on air and stuff.
But I mean, he looks like 10 years older.
He really, last night, he was like, he couldn't even drink a glass of wine.
He had to go.
So great job, guys.
You did a really good job poisoning him.
And I think he's starting to really read into the literature about polonium and how to put a good face on this.
But I'm sitting there, you know, I'm not laughing about it.
It's more like gallows humor.
Because all I can do is make a big joke out of all this.
Because we're going to get the people that are up to this.
You can bet your bottom dollar that it's not about reprisals, it's about the right thing happening.
And especially if Roger Stone dies, then you can bet the President is going to come after people that are out there.
But I ran into Christopher Ruddy of Newsmax last night, and a bunch of people at his table had come over to say hi to us.
It was at the Palm Steakhouse.
And I went over and Chris Ruddy, who I've left alone over the years, I've seen a lot of stuff, he's just looked at me with so much disdain and started making jokes and just laughing at me like it was going to hurt me.
And I was like, oh my God, this guy's like delusional on a power trip, just laying here.
And it's all true.
He gives millions to the Clinton Foundation.
And it's like true.
This guy who did such pioneering work just did it.
And then for over a decade, it's like a minion of the Clintons that plays golf with Bill Clinton.
You couldn't pay me to go play golf with that doddering zombie and, you know, the whole Jerry Epstein crew out in Florida.
So Chris Ruddy, man, when I came over, Stone goes, what are you doing with those Democrats?
They hate your guts.
And I went, no, they do.
It was like, God, it was horrible.
He was like, yeah.
I said, well, you went over there.
Well, I went over there to tell them I know what they're up to.
Stone goes over and talks to him and comes back.
That's all.
So I go, oh, that's Chris Ruddy.
And he goes, you're going over there?
And I went over there and it was just like,
I mean, he could win an Oscar for the disdain and the hate.
The fact that he thought insulting me and laughing at me would get to me, he hurt me in that a fellow human had fallen that far.
And that somebody I admired 20 years ago was that low.
And I was just like, he wasn't that bad.
See, I'm being really mean now.
But he was that bad.
He was trying to be disdainful.
A lot of folks at the table were listeners that came over and got photos with me.
And then he didn't like that.
He was like, wait, my own entourage likes Alex Jones.
And some of them were famous.
But it's just, what world are these guys living on?
Let's go to this boil down of the big interview we did just a few days ago with Roger Stone, who, he's got a good attitude.
It's like these guys that are stage 3 cancer and they're like, oh I'm going to be fine, I'm going to be great.
He's like, oh they say it was a small dose, I'll probably be fine.
And the thing is, it kills you over a long period of time.
And so the truth is, the fact that he's walking around is a big deal.
And I'm not trying to be a drama queen here or freak his wife out.
Hopefully his wife's not listening because she's a beautiful, great lady.
And I'm sitting there talking to her and he's like, yeah, I don't know.
I don't want to get into the polonium too much with my wife.
I guess it's like code word for don't, but I mean, we got to report the news here.
Took a year to kill Linthonyko.
And, uh, I love how it's only like 20 newspapers.
It should be in thousands of newspapers that Roger Stone was hit with polonium.
That sounds like a big deal.
And I sit here and make jokes about it myself.
I mean, we have to watch where I get food now, all because I just want to cut your taxes.
I mean, it's BS, man.
All right, get over there and I'll let Kumia know.
He's basically interviewing Roger Stone.
Kumia's taking over.
We got a key.
All right, we're going to go interview Roger Stone.
We got Anthony Kumia coming up.
We have a lot more.
I know we just gave out the number.
Let me skip this break for more time.
Yeah, I mean, the network complains that I skip a lot of breaks.
Hey, if they kill me, there won't be any breaks, will there?
Or any yet.
How's that sound?
Let's go ahead and go to this, uh, The Poisoning of Roger Stone report.
Here it is.
Roger Stone, what do you hope voters will take away from your book, The Clinton's War on Women?
You're pretty tough on the Clintons on this book.
You think Bill Clinton has not always been a gentleman.
No, that's really not the point.
The point is that her narrative... You're saying he raped 27 women.
He did?
No, he says he did.
He is a Bill Cosby-type sexual predator.
Not what Paula Jones said.
No, she was sexually assaulted, pardon me.
But it's just as bad.
And it's Hillary who hires the heavy-handed private detectives to silence these women.
The point is, he's abused women, she's helped cover it up, she's an enabler.
That's what the book's about.
My book sounds sort of sh**.
Roger Stone, about two weeks ago, I'd just gone family vacation.
A workingcation.
And he said, yeah, no, they just sent out the feds out to my house.
I was in the hospital for weeks.
Never been in the hospital in his life since he was born.
That was the second time in the hospital in his life.
And he said, it's polonium poisoning.
But they're saying it's national security because only a state-sponsored actor could have this isotope that can only be made in the biggest reactors, basically.
So it has a signature.
He said, what do you think's behind it?
I said, well clearly it's meant to kill you and then they just blend the Russians and said they were getting rid of one of their assets.
I said, with a living income case, it was connected back to MI6.
And I wasn't even making the connection then that it was the same MI6 handler spy that was attacking Trump and Stone and everybody that was tied to that.
I was doing research for it.
A few days after that, it was like, holy Toledo, it's the same guy.
Roger, I know you don't like to speculate, but I mean, you've been sitting there, you've known about this for weeks.
Polonium poisoning, it's big.
Let's talk about you, let's talk about why you're... I mean, I'm not trying to put you down.
I mean, I can physically see that you've been sick.
We've seen the photos, what it did to you.
I mean, it really hit you hard, and I know it has long-term effects.
Just other points on polonium.
Well, look, we get down to the fundamental question of who would have done this and why, and I come back to the deep state.
I come back to our own people.
The Russians have no motive to kill me.
They have nothing.
To hide or cover, as far as I am concerned.
If you've never heard of Roger Stone, you're in for a treat.
Not only did he serve under Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Sr., but he's also a self-proclaimed GOP hitman.
That's not a phrase to use dirty tricks to get his way politically.
Roger Stone, who has been Trump's chief political advisor, he is Trump's henchman and dirty trickster.
Roger Stone's a super bad guy.
He's one of these operatives who works the dark side, as Dick Cheney would say.
CNN confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that controversial conservative political strategist Roger Stone is done at the network.
A CNN spokeswoman told THR he will no longer appear as a CNN guest.
The CIA has been associated with some of the greatest atrocities and lies of the last 40 years.
And they're famous for poisoning people, so you're clearly saying the rogue elements of that are obviously suspect.
They've been in the news.
He's taking these
This antagonism is taunting to the intelligence community.
You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this.
What do you think the intelligence community would do if they were murdered?
I don't know, but from what I am told, they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them.
Stone goes, okay, give me the medical records.
And then the guys with the, you know, crew cuts come back to the house and, well, it's national security and blah, blah, blah.
So he's having his lawyers involved in all this, because they don't obviously want him waving around that he was hit with polonium.
So he's going to get private tested.
Right now, but I mean, this happened.
The MI6 guy worked with the murdered Levanenko guy that got hit with polonium.
I was already connecting the two.
Holy Toledo Daily Mail, out is the man behind the dirty dossier of Donald Trump, which they admit is now fake, worked with the double, triple agent.
I remember at the time it came out that experts believed that there was no reason for Russia to kill this guy, that it was done to embarrass Russia.
This is crazy!
Well, look, it occurs to me that the people who created that document
Should be ashamed of themselves.
Their dossier is rife with misspelling.
It wasn't even good for ass wiping.
So the idea that James Clapper and the boys down at Langley would include this in a report to President Obama and President Trump, this is a vile fraud.
By the way, I'm told by three sources
Low-level, mid-level, and high-level in the CIA, that the whole agency hates the globalists, wants America to be great.
They hate Hillary.
They hate it all.
They say, and I was told this weeks ago, this is all farmed out to subgroups, PR firms, as later came out.
I forgot how accurate their info was.
It's all completely fake.
So it isn't even the CIA.
The CIA doesn't like this.
I think that's why the globalists are in so much trouble.
Their own agencies have turned against them.
Well, and it would be outrageously unfair to say that everybody who works for the Central Intelligence Agency is in league with the globalist agenda.
No, there are patriotic Americans that work there, just as there are many, many, many non-political patriotic Americans who work for the FBI.
But the leadership of these agencies are rotten to the core.
Extremely powerful report that Rob Jacobson and Graham McRae put together back in Austin, Texas.
I come to you live from the inauguration of Trump the day before.
I probably should also get punched up on my computer here at the call system.
Forgot to do that.
Let me fire that system up.
If not, guys, I should have launched this earlier.
Will you text my phone the callers as I start going to those, please?
Sorry to tell you it was such late notice.
For some reason my...
For some reason my phone system isn't launching on this computer, but it's no big deal.
We're on the road, it's the fun of it all.
Everywhere I go...
Because every day I'm in an airport or something, I see newspapers.
And just looking at them, it's like seeing a dinosaur still alive, but in its death throes.
It's very rare to see.
Kind of like in the old days, a hundred years ago, seeing a steam locomotive was probably commonplace.
You see one now, you go see it.
You know, it's a big event.
When a couple big steam engines came into Austin a few years ago, I took my kids down to see them.
They were amazing things.
But these aren't steam engines.
These are
facsimiles of the old media we had that was competitive, that told the truth, that lied, that did a lot of things.
It was a mixed bag.
This new media we've had the last 30 years is completely compromised and sold out.
But I was walking last night, we did a live video at the News Museum, or the News Museum, I don't know how to pronounce it, Newsium, the News Museum here in D.C.
And outside they've got like, I don't know, 30 or more everyday frames outside, like movie posters, but inside is the front page of a paper.
Thank you Buckley, he has the call system up.
And so I walked down and looked at about 20 of the 30 or so.
And even though it was mainstream news, you could see here and there, everywhere, why they're panicking.
Trump is about to repeal a whole bunch of gun laws before he's even in office.
They've got the bills in.
Obamacare is set to be repealed.
They've got the votes.
They were told they were totally invincible.
And now, look at the cover of the Washington Post.
Congress moves to quash D.C.
GOP-backed legislation would repeal gun rules and ban funding of abortions.
Say what you want about abortion.
I shouldn't have to pay for your birth control.
You want to say it's birth control?
You pay for it.
You want to cut your penis off?
Go out back and do it with a chainsaw.
That's your business.
I ain't paying for it.
Got it, Jack?
Want to put your arm in a wood chipper?
Do it!
Want to blow your head off?
Hey, I'm all into freedom.
Do it!
I ain't paying for the bullets or your burial.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten.
That baby of mine wouldn't let me in.
So move it on over.
That's right.
The globalists, a bunch of multinational anti-free market corporations, were so arrogant they set up world government, corporate government.
They tried to get us to transfer all our sovereignty to it.
Then they said, we're environmentalists.
We don't want anybody to have prosperity but us.
We want you to be poor.
And that went over like a lead balloon, didn't it?
And now all over the world, from Australia to the UK, from Italy to Brazil, to the United States, nationalist governments are getting elected.
And the globalist Biden was just in Davos yesterday and said, our democratic world government's collapsing.
It's not democratic, dumbass!
We don't want it.
And we're sick of you.
And now we're rushing agents.
First, it was racist.
I'll tell you, Anthony Cumia, one of the top talk shows in the country, also fired off Sirius XM for just calling cop attackers animals.
I don't care if they're black or white.
They're just animals randomly attacking with a knockout game.
The KKK dragged some black guy to death.
They're animals.
I mean, that's animalistic behavior.
Got fired from his top-rated show.
So I'm so glad he's got his big last year hit network himself.
With Gavin McGinnis and so many others.
And he's such a good sport.
He's happy for us.
Everything gets behind here with the traffic in D.C.
to have Roger Stone on in about 20-30 minutes.
We're going to ride shotgun with Anthony here today, but I'm going to try to be a good guy and not be too OCD about dominating everything.
But it's not an arrogance when I dominate.
I'm like a little kid when I mess with his hand up.
Because Kumi, especially, will say something I agree with.
I'm like, yeah, that's true.
It's absolutely right.
Let me back that up until he can't even talk.
Epic things happening, but now they're all in the news going, one of them goes off.
What about drones?
Obama will appoint a new leadership.
I'm really worried these Democrats aren't showing up because maybe they know something's going to happen.
I'm not saying it's going to happen.
I'm saying they look really suspicious, so hopefully whatever they're planning, they decide to not do it.
Because after all, they've said kill him, impeach him.
I mean, this is a frothing group of butthurt losers.
You're a smart guy.
What do your guts tell you?
You know, what do your Spidey senses tell you as a Homeland Security helicopter flies by?
Obama's not giving up the reins.
Not giving up the reins.
We're less than 24 hours away from Trump being inaugurated as the new president of these United States.
And still, you can't get it out of your head that something's amiss.
Something's up.
And CNN actually saying assassinating Trump could keep Obama administration in power.
What type of inciting is that?
Could you imagine if a Republican had said something like that when Obama was ready to take the reins, that perhaps killing him might, we might be able to continue having the administration we had before.
That person's career would be over.
But instead, no, they just get rewarded.
I mean, look, Brian Williams is back on TV telling us about fake news.
It's astounding to me that they were able to, that they're still on the air.
You brought up a great point just before about the newspapers and how archaic it looks when you pass by a news stand.
It's like seeing a Pony Express rider.
Uh, out front.
It's archaic.
It's done.
They just don't know to go to the elephant graveyard and lay down yet.
Uh, this past campaign showed everybody.
Some people that have been in the business and been in media kind of knew that, uh, the jig was up.
This had been, um, we had been bamboozled by the media for years and years.
But this past campaign that we saw, they couldn't
Get it out enough to people that they are liars, they are in collusion with people that serve their agenda, and we watched it happen.
So the fact that they're still on the air thinking they have any credibility, I'm amazed by it.
They're delusional, Anthony Comea.
Stay there as I'm buzzed by Homeland Security helicopters protecting us from the Soros terrorist.
I'm going to come back and I interrupt you.
I want to get back to the COG.
CNN's salivating.
What if Trump's killed?
That's the way to fix it.
We'll talk about that.
Well the man that was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump online, get this folks, he was in fact a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now this was reported by the Daily Mail and it's up on our website.
This man once gave 20 grand to the DNC, not surprising.
He was arrested by the Miami Beach Police on Tuesday of this week for threatening President-elect Trump online.
Turns out he's a member of a prominent Northeast family that's close to the Clintons, giving that whopping money.
And his name, Dominic Papoulo Jr., he's 51 years old.
He sat near Hillary Clinton when she delivered the eulogy at the funeral of his mother.
We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on the road with a very important announcement.
Roger Stone's new book is coming out in a couple weeks.
It's exclusively available at pre-order at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the making of a president.
It breaks down how Trump really got elected, the inside baseball, the current battles, and a blueprint for the future and what Trump and others are really planning to do to restore the Republican prosperity.
But bottom line, this is the book that got Roger Stone poisoned with polonium.
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And it supports Infowars and our whole operation.
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Pray for us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
And by the way, this is something on my list.
I went to do it months ago.
When I get back, I'm cutting liners.
I'm writing them for a voiceover guy, for Anthony Cumia, for the other guest hosts that host the show, like Paul Watson and others.
So it's like, and now Alex Jones, but here's Anthony Cumia.
But hey, you know what?
So many times, Trailblazers, Mavericks, all of us in the Liberty Movement, we're busy just launching the show before we ever even get around to dolling it up and packaging it properly.
And people know that.
I mean, we're just in a fight here.
But it's good to win.
You know, my whole life I've experienced that when I fight back, I tend to win.
If I lay down, I always lose.
I mean, it was Vince Lombardi that said that, I'm probably going to butcher it, but winners never quit and quitters never win.
Or is that backwards?
Quitters never win and winners never lose.
I mean, how do you say it?
Let's pull up the Vince Lombardi quote.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
No, it's...
That's right.
But I mean, it's totally true.
And again, the Republican establishment, the Democratic establishment, they've gone from calling us racist to homophobes.
And now we're Russian agents.
Now Maxine Waters literally said this week, we played the clip like five times.
Maybe we can cue that up next.
And says, we need to impeach him because Putin tells him dirt crooked Hillary.
That's where that came from.
No one believes that.
We all know Hillary's crooked.
I mean, Anthony, did you know that when you come up with a clever point, or I do, that that came directly from Vladimir Putin?
Yeah, I got a direct line like the hotline in my house whenever I need to come up with some dirt on somebody.
If anyone needed dirt to come up with dirt for Hillary Clinton and needed to go to an outside source, you've been blind for decades.
They are the most corrupt
Crooked people that have ever had that level of power in this country.
Just the fact, this should prove to everybody, the fact that the Clinton Global Initiative was shut down because she has nothing left to sell.
She didn't win the election.
Do you think if she was elected president that the Clinton Global Initiative would have shut down?
Or would more money have been pouring in from foreign entities that wanted access to the United States government?
That's exactly what the CGI is doing.
And by the way, I heard you a month ago when you were doing the show here on the broadcast.
You said, watch this.
Now that she has nothing to sell, watch how fast that thing implodes and the money stops rolling in.
And that's an angle I hadn't really thought about.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, the party is over.
It happened so quickly, too.
Like, they don't even wait till the new president's inaugurated to shut this thing down.
Because it must have just been oozing money without any more coming in.
Because, again, she's got nothing to sell.
And they announced the shutdown last week.
Do you see that as kind of a capitulation that they may not try to steal it now that they finally gave up?
I don't put anything past them.
The entire term of Donald Trump, they are going to try whatever they can to get him out of office, to bring his credibility down.
Whatever accomplishments he makes, they will label it as racist, sexist, homophobic, whatever it is.
We've seen this happen.
How many of these politicians, Democratic politicians, aren't showing up at the inauguration?
It was 50 this morning, then 60, now it's 70-something.
These are people that, when they're campaigning, they say, we're for everybody.
We're all-inclusive.
We're not Democrats and Republicans.
We're Americans.
And meanwhile, they are cutting out... When they go low, we go high.
Right, right.
And now, like children, they're not showing up at someone's party because they don't agree with what they said in class.
And they're setting a precedent that's never been done.
Now, let's go back, because I interrupted you at the start of the first segment we're co-hosting here.
I apologize for interrupting.
Anthony Cumia, compoundmedia.com.
It's great to have the co-host with us.
Anthony, you were getting into the whole COG, the death threats, CNN salivating, other papers salivating, truck bombs, nukes, drones, don't go, run for the hills.
I mean, it's bare minimum a bomb threat.
Bare minimum, they're trying to scare people away.
Yeah, absolutely, bare minimum, they're trying to scare people away.
Another thing, I don't understand how CNN gets away with inciting people.
This sounds like, they know the desperation in some of these people to not have Trump be president.
They've hyped this desperation, they've hyped this hysteria that Hitler has taken over.
Right, and then to say, hey, and by the way, if he's killed,
We don't even have to deal with Pence or anybody.
It goes back to one of Obama's people.
How is that not criminal at this point?
I agree.
Just by the way, if he was dead, we're still in charge.
Who's going to rid me of this problem?
Yeah, that's it.
Just put the word out to the multitude of lunatics that we've seen protesting and demonstrating and the celebrities that we've seen trying to get everything from the initial campaign... By the way, I mean, I agree.
I mean, I'll go back to that in a minute.
I've had really creepy...
People come up to me just at restaurants on the street who look completely whacked out going, you're really happy aren't ya?
You think you're winning?
Well watch what happens!
And I'm like, whoa dude!
These people look, I'm sorry, but why are they so butthurt?
And they get back to the celebrities.
Yeah, the celebrities, they tried to stop Trump right from the beginning.
And then after he's elected, they try to go to the electors.
And then after the electors, they try to go to... Like, I honestly believe someone's going to rush and try to pull the Bible out from under his hand during the swearing in.
It's gotten that bad.
And they won't stop.
That's what it is.
They are so psychotic.
They don't understand that this is our president, this is the way our country works, and you have to accept it.
They are incapable of accepting this.
And by the way, you brought this up.
It should be illegal, you know, to be doing what they're doing.
What about Soros openly funding all these groups that say, quote, they're going to shut it down and block the White House and keep the inauguration from happening?
That's not free speech.
I'm a big free speech advocate as you are.
That's calling to shut down all of our free speech and our right to go to the inauguration.
Of course we're free speech advocates.
I mean, we've paid a price for free speech here.
But they don't understand that there is inciting, there are certain, you can't just say anything without consequence.
And that should be criminal.
People that assume that the right and Republicans and everything, they're so racist and terrible.
Obama went through eight years without
Even without a serious threat to his life.
There have been the nut cases that ran into the White House and over the fence and whatnot, but no one took a pot shot at him or anything.
I am in fear for Donald Trump, because this left, these are people that are out of their minds, that cannot accept losing.
They don't understand.
And I totally agree with you.
If the media keeps hyping this,
I mean, I'd give it a 100% chance the next four years there's going to be a major assassination attempt.
We already saw at least two, once where the guy got arrested with the gun in Nevada trying to shoot Trump, who came in from England.
I mean, you know, it's going to be on their hands if they kill Trump.
And listen, we're not like the left.
We're not going to go out and burn cities.
We're going to politically but also criminally come after the people that are responsible for it.
So I'm just warning the left.
They keep wanting to start a fight with the sleeping giant.
I mean, don't they know that it's libertarians and right-wingers and patriots that do the hanging?
I mean, do they think they're playing games with, like, the average trendy here?
I mean, we don't want to crush them.
But if they really try to have a war with us, it's illegitimate.
We're going to kick their ass up and down the street.
I don't think they understand that.
They're some of the least educated people I've ever seen.
They believe they're educated because they go to these indoctrination centers that are colleges.
But they know nothing of the system, the way it works, the way it's supposed to work.
They know nothing of the Constitution and our rights as American citizens.
So when they lose, they're so used to not losing, growing up getting participation trophies and all that.
That they strike out like children.
That's a good point.
Maybe Trump should give Hillary and the Democrats at the inauguration a participation trophy.
They don't understand what it's like to lose gracefully.
Hey, we win and lose through life.
That's how it goes.
You could be pissed as all hell, very angry, but you have to
I don't know.
I totally agree with you.
I want to take some calls.
I want to ask you, what else are you looking at?
What else are you concerned about?
I can laugh at the leftists and how weird they are, but it also makes me feel sad for my country that this many people are truly people I've known that are liberal, that I've been friends with.
I tolerated them, they tolerated me.
They just said, look, I'm not your friend anymore.
It's the same thing with my wife.
They are so, so upset about all this.
What do you say to them?
I mean, how do you get through to them?
Because it's like they're in a cult.
And anybody who's ever had family or friends that got into a cult, and I've actually known folks that have been in a cult, you just, like, they're gone.
You can't get through to them.
I mean, what do we do?
It's, uh, I don't think, it's gotten worse.
Over the course of the campaign and the election and now.
It's built up ahead of steam.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
I deal with them on Facebook and other social media every day.
And they can't grasp it.
And there's no explaining it to them.
I was very proud today watching Trump and his family get off of Air Force Two.
And you felt like a new era was coming to America.
We're going to skip this part, guys.
Sorry, they didn't hear us.
Continue, Anthony.
They just don't understand that and you can't show them and say, look, give this a chance.
It looks like it's going to be pretty good for the country.
They are so alien from losing that they can't deal with it.
And let's talk about that.
Okay, he's been president-elect for roughly seven weeks.
Trillion, two hundred plus million is poured into the stock market.
Chrysler, Ford are announcing, a whole bunch of other factories.
The Alibaba is announcing a million jobs.
Fifty billion in Japanese funding.
Add all the new steel mills together, it's another hundred billion.
We're talking about
Almost a trillion and a half dollars.
And almost a half trillion of it's real jobs, real money, not just stock market money.
This is unprecedented.
In fact, I'm kind of scared it's so exuberant.
People are so sick of hearing how business is over, we're a joke, Chinese century, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, this is crazy.
They're even trying to raise interest rates to stifle what Trump's doing.
And it's not working.
So it's almost like he's got the Midas touch.
I mean, this is biblical.
I'm flipping out here.
This is before he's even president.
That's really the kicker here is I've never seen a president work this hard before he's even president.
You said it looks good.
That's what I mean.
That's what I mean.
I mean, people don't know this, but Trump's making, I like to feel special, but Trump's making
Hundreds of phone calls a day to business, academia, industry saying bet on America, believe on America, I'm gonna cut the taxes, it's gonna work.
No one's ever done this.
We've done it before.
The guy works till... I know people that get calls from Trump at 1 a.m.
about business.
Business people have called me that have major companies.
And I mean, I personally, how the hell does a guy have time to call me routinely?
And he's actually following the show!
I mean, I don't want to make the media have a heyday here, but he listens late at night, in between phone calls.
What he, I mean, that is an incredible person right there.
I mean, this, I mean, I don't want to sit there and bow down to him, but this is almost like too good to be true.
We have never seen a president like this because we have never seen a president that hasn't been a politician.
This guy enjoys work.
He's built a name brand and an empire because of his work ethic.
That's it.
In fact, I've been told people that really know him well.
He relishes sitting down with a hundred names in front of him and literally licks his lips while he makes the phone calls.
I mean, that's like Superman.
Isn't this the kind of... We've spoken for years with friends and relatives about, boy, how come we can't get a president who's a successful guy?
Why do they always have to come from these group of people that are lifetime politicians that work their way up by doing favors and payouts and cronyism?
And finally we got him!
He's got like the Ivy League degrees, but he admittedly disdains them because he says they never really work.
They just live off family money.
He's going back 40 years.
I've done my research.
He's a guy that loves to go barbecue with a construction crew and cook steaks and stay up at night after they work.
He's just a regular guy, and that's what they're so scared of.
A regular guy who loves energy and loves to win.
He respects the working man, is what it is.
The working man put him where he is.
He understands delegating responsibility to get these amazing structures built.
I never saw him swing a hammer.
I've never seen Donald Trump swing a hammer, but he knows how to put people in charge that build these amazing architectural wonders.
And he always builds them, you know,
Under budget, ahead of schedule.
And ahead of schedule!
And we clamored for years, why can't we get a guy like this?
Well, here he is!
You got him!
And there's an element in this country that just does not want to see him succeed.
Doesn't even want to see him try to succeed.
I want to go to calls when we ask you this.
I agree.
What about the arrogance that...
Obama is Newsweek and Time, teaching him the survival guide and trying to help him not crash things.
And oh, Trump's not qualified, but Obama, a social worker, community organizer, like Al Sharpton, I mean, a literal nobody.
Given his degrees by the CIA, and I've had former high-level CIA on, I mean Obama's literally given his degrees, he's a total cutout, a pothead, I'm not going to get people to smoke pot, but we've got a pothead guy given all these CIA commander positions, and then he's just given the presidency, and couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag, and then the media says he's qualified but Trump isn't.
Oh, he's the guy?
Well, he's already, you know, he's Jesus and Elvis and everything wrapped into one.
So, of course he's needed to help Trump.
Hey, here's your gold watch.
Go take a hike.
You're done.
Trump's coming in.
Obama, actually, this just came in on my phone.
It was last act.
Obama cuts short sentences of another 330 drug offenders.
Now, this sounds all nice when they say non-violent drug offenders.
That's what they were convicted of.
These come from plea bargains.
He's just doing it as a feel-good stunt.
He expands spying on the people.
Of course!
Well, he brings in the jihadis, and then he lets, you know, mentally ill Chelsea Manning out.
The whole point is to make him look good.
It's just a stunt.
This is, if you remember during Desert Storm, this is the same tactic the Iraqi army used of setting the oil fields on fire.
He wants to leave... That's what opening the borders up is exactly.
It's scorched earth.
Scorched Earth policy, exactly.
He wants to leave disaster in his wake so that whoever comes in after him can't possibly do the amazing job he did.
And by the way, I've got to say this, Anthony.
I am shocked.
We're going to go to one call before break.
I can't believe how open the scorched earth is.
I can't believe Obama's getting away with this.
I think that's a scandal in and of itself.
I mean, he's openly trying to wreck this country.
Why do you think Obama was given everything in this country and then he hates it so much?
I mean, what is his problem?
Well, I've read quite a few things about how influenced he was by his father, who was such an anti-colonialism and anti-democracy guy.
And that influence, I believe, made Obama...
The fake Kenyan dad who was a communist economist, and it did do that, or Frank Marshall Davis who was the head of the Communist Party in Hawaii.
Either way you slice it, you're right.
Both of his dads, he said Frank Marshall Davis was like his adopted dad, probably the real one.
Then there's the other.
Both dads were communist scumbags.
Communist scumbags and every other influence in his life had been these militant preachers and other people that have influenced him to hate the United States of America, hate the power and influence it had over the world, and try to bring that down.
And when you have the press kissing your ass like that and not calling you out on what you're doing, you pretty much have free reign.
But it's a new era.
We aren't just puppets to the media anymore sitting there
hypnotized by mainstream media anymore.
There's other places to go, InfoWars, CompoundMedia.com, where people can get information and decide for themselves.
Anthony, do you think their acceleration of arrogance accelerated the half-life on them and the fact that they went rotten so fast?
I think MSM could have gone a few more years.
They'd have been halfway fair with this election.
I think they accelerated their demise and really shot their wad, blew their feet off.
They couldn't.
They had no other choice.
With the likes of Donald Trump gaining that head of steam he was during the campaign, they had to pull out the stops.
They had to weigh it and say, okay, do we just try to still bamboozle the people and subtly hit him with things?
Or we got to pull out all the stops and absolutely show we're in collusion with the Democrats and the liberals and just, you know, hope for the best?
And they pulled out all the stops.
Trump still won.
And their credibility is zero.
That's right.
When they talk about polls, I laugh now.
I go, they're actually showing a poll?
Are you crazy?
No one believes them anymore.
Oh no, they're like, Trump isn't popular in polls and on the street he's totally popular.
But I mean, I wasn't allowed to talk about this.
I was talking to major pollsters, not just some of the Trump people.
They're like, yeah, no, Trump's going to say that the polls are fake because he's 20 points ahead in these polls and 15 in these.
I'm like, yeah, I'm talking to pollsters.
They say they just don't publish it.
The Republican Party, Democratic Party, who traditionally bought the polls, there's always been problems.
They got together and just agreed like a year before the election, we're going to work together to stop Trump.
And it's the collusion.
And then meanwhile, oh, he loses and people go, wait, the polls said.
It's total crap.
We're going to go to break with Anthony Comey.
I promise to come back and at least talk to Charles, Cisco, Jim, Jim, Mark, and a few others.
And then we'll find out what's going on with Roger, who always shows up.
We sent over for the interview.
We don't know what's going on.
The highways are shut down.
There's like some beautiful choir singing so loud next door I can barely hear myself.
It's surreal.
They just stopped.
There's helicopters circling the ombulist.
This is either the new world or the end of the world.
We're going to cover it all, but I've got to tell you, compoundmedia.com.
People ask, Alex, why do you have other hosts on?
Well, they have me on.
I don't care.
They're trying to shut down the media.
Two weeks ago, Obama signed a bill to start shutting down independent media and have the FCC be over the internet.
So when we come back, I'm going to ask Anthony Comey about that.
I got banned by the FCC even more than Howard Stern.
I'm going from memory here, but Anthony, aren't you like one of the most banned people ever?
Yeah, companies have paid fines and yeah, they're not very happy with me because I do speak my mind.
Sure, well, I mean, that's a badge of honor.
And so, now they're announcing FCC over the internet, everything.
I'm ignoring them.
They're not real.
I'll do whatever I want.
I mean, this is total horse manure.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well the man that was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump online, get this folks, he was in fact a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now this was reported by the Daily Mail and it's up on our website.
This man once gave 20 grand to the DNC, not surprising.
He was arrested by the Miami Beach Police on Tuesday of this week for threatening President-elect Trump online.
Turns out he's a member of a prominent Northeast family that's close to the Clintons, giving that whopping money.
And his name, Dominic Papoulo Jr., he's 51 years old.
He sat near Hillary Clinton when she delivered the eulogy at the funeral of his mother, who died on one of the jets that flew into the World Trade Center on 9-11.
Now, during the eulogy on October 6, 2001, in Boston,
Hillary Clinton actually referred to him as a computer wizard.
He's now being held, of course, in the Miami-Dade County Jail after using Twitter to threaten the life of Donald Trump.
Now, Trump is scheduled to be sworn in this week in Washington, D.C.
He remains incarcerated on the charge of threatening to harm a public servant.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here with the Inauguration Special.
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I'm Alex Jones and this is the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Here's the deal.
MSM are such incredible drama queens.
I want to ask Anthony Comey about this.
He's co-hosting with me right now from compoundmedia.com.
This guy, John Lewis, this congressman comes out who's just famously, you know, involved in all sorts of shenanigans.
And he says Donald Trump is illegitimate last Friday.
He probably works for the Russians.
The election should be overturned.
I'm boycotting the election.
Trump comes out and says, sir, your constituents live in really poor areas.
I'd like to bring a factory there.
Which is just classic, old-fashioned American politics.
Hey, let's work together.
Let's try to get some money to your constituents.
Not in payoffs, but in actual jobs.
And he goes, I do not respond to racists.
And then they had other reports where they had the new head of the DNC, or she's in the running, on Fox News, and they're like, what about his plan for competition in drugs?
It's estimated to drop him half the price.
I don't respond to people that attack black leaders on Martin Luther King Day.
Like John Lewis.
John Lewis attacks him on Friday.
Martin Luther King Day is on Monday.
What's it have to do with it?
He's black.
I mean, he attacks Trump.
I saw an editorial cartoon that actually showed, like, Lewis throws mud at him.
Trump throws mud back.
The media goes, oh, poor Lewis.
I mean, we're talking about the death of common sense here, Anthony.
How in this world?
That's part one.
I'll give you time to answer this, but I'm ranting.
Part two is,
Imagine if they passed a law that the right wing was going to shut down all the liberal media, and they openly got up on the news and said it, whoever they listed would be cause celebs.
It'd be, oh, this poor person's being banned, that poor person.
Instead, they pass a law saying they're going to start banning independent media, and the dinosaur media goes, this is wonderful.
I mean, these are such discredited people.
And the good news is the population saw it.
So can you comment on Lewis?
Because, I mean, Anthony, here it is.
You kicked my ass.
You're a big guy.
But if I walked up and punched you in the nose and bloodied it,
And then you hit me back.
Do I get to bitch and say, why did Anthony Cumia just punch me back?
I guess if you're a liberal, yeah, because that's business as usual for them.
As far as Lewis goes, the reverence people have to give him, no matter how nasty he is to anybody else, the preface, the prefaces... The icon!
Yeah, let me say first, he did such amazing work for civil rights over the... And then you have to talk about, oh, but he said this, that, and the other thing.
He is a guy that is another lifer that doesn't understand how the inner cities can be rescued by jobs.
And perhaps some traditional family values.
He instantly calls that racist.
Well, that's business as usual.
And as long as they adhere to that, we're going to see more murders in Chicago, more poverty, and nothing will ever change.
Sure, let me ask you this then.
I mean, of the swamp, who are the biggest swamp creatures?
Because Hillary's kind of out of the swamp now.
I mean, isn't it Nancy Pelosi?
I mean, isn't John Lewis one of the main swamp creatures?
Absolutely, whenever he's, you know, I've seen him more sitting on the floor protesting than doing anything.
He looks exactly like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars.
It's a trap!
He, uh, and I haven't seen or heard him do anything.
Uh, it's ridiculous.
Well, here's the deal.
I've had my head split open before by people.
It's like in 1965, his head was split.
Imagine if I walked around going, you can't argue with me.
My head was split open.
That's the, and their old way of just saying they can't argue with something, they don't want to discuss it or debate it, is to just call someone racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, whatever they want.
And that's supposed to stop the argument.
Well that's done.
That almost seems nostalgic now.
So what do you think happens to Admiral Ackbar then?
What's that?
Admiral Ackbar, what happens to him, people like him?
Oh, take the trash out.
That's done.
We're looking at a new thing.
And they don't even know how to do it, because Pelosi, they had that guy in Ohio that wanted to be a minority speaker, and they wouldn't even give him a chance.
It's the same old garbage that they want to keep doing.
But isn't that good for us and the Liberty Movement now that we have a big chance?
Because if he's the swamp man, then Nancy Pelosi literally looks like a cartoon insane bird.
You know, with that little... I mean, and she sounds like a complete lunatic.
I'm sure you heard she said, the Democrats didn't do anything wrong in this last election.
Did you hear that?
They just did a great job.
Oh yeah, bang up job.
Well, that sure says something.
They blame everyone except their lousy candidate.
The fact that they exposed blatantly that they were in collusion with the mass media.
And she was packed with scandal.
But it's the Russians and racists that voted for Trump.
I don't think it was one group of 20,000 people that were traveling around to every arena around the country going to see Donald Trump, yet the polls told us that nobody was interested in his garbage and Hillary was going to pull this off.
Uh, in a landslide.
So, you know, they lie to us and we're on to them now.
That can't continue.
And I'm listening to you and you're just telling me we're getting ready with Roger Stone.
I want to go to a few calls.
Great points here, but just separately, briefly, I've got to go to these calls.
What do you make of them, just briefly, openly passing a law to put intelligence agencies, quote, over deciding what media we allow on air and claiming the FCC suddenly has total control and even the deputy head of the FCC says this is horrible, this is a takeover.
Well, we've seen this happen before.
The second the people actually get a little bit of power in their hands, and independent media that's separate from mainstream and doesn't have any favors to do for anybody else, is dangerous.
Alex, it's dangerous to them.
And they understand this, and the only way to stop it is through
Horrid regulation of fees and taxes and other things that will put people out of business.
That's how they deal with it.
This is a threat to them.
They don't like the fact that you're on here speaking the truth about things they want hidden.
They don't like that.
And, you know, at best, they'll regulate it.
At worst, they'll do worse.
You know this.
Alright, so we've got Anthony Comia, normally hosts a couple times a month, does a great job.
We're going to bring more and more hosts on here to the operation we've launched.
Obviously, I plan to probably have radio and TV live 10 hours a day by the end of next year with all these other great folks that are there.
I want to simulcast from people, promote their networks.
I don't care.
We're all in this together, folks.
This is a total fight for the Republic.
I would love to be able to cut back to a weekend show and write a book once a year and spend time with my kids.
I mean, you know how it is, Anthony.
You either, as a hard-working guy, you're either totally committed, constantly like an insane person, 18 hours a day you're out of the game.
My problem is I'm either out of the game or I'm in the game and, you know, it's taking a toll.
I'm not bitching.
I mean, it's taking a toll.
And I need, and I can't get out of the game, I'm obsessed, it's crazy.
I eat, drink, and sleep this stuff, and I don't want to just get bigger and bigger.
I want to get these people off my damn back, you know?
And I know you're the same way, so that's why we're all working together.
You're never off, really.
I mean, I'm constantly looking for stories, looking for... I'm pawing over everything from the lying mainstream media down to a blogger and disseminating the whole thing.
And don't you just get more and more pissed, though, as you have to decipher their crap all day?
It's so obvious when you watch it that it's kind of a joke now, which is good because that exposes it to a lot more people.
But when you see independent media and alternative media and whatnot, and how much you get out of that, and how deep they go into a story, and then the surface-glossing, agenda-driven crap that is on mainstream media, it exposes it that much more.
And that's what we need.
Here's a quick example.
Talk about sensational.
Roger Stone is hit with polonium.
He's really sick.
And I guess right now he's probably sick.
That's the point.
That's bizarre, by the way.
That is bizarre.
And then it turns out that the British MI6 spy that was over at Live and Eco that got poisoned to death in England and was his handler, he's the guy that put out the PPGate dossier.
And I was already tying him to it before that even came out.
How do you make that up, Anthony?
You don't!
This is... If there's a connection...
It means something.
And that's an amazing connection.
And again, so dangerous.
I mean, these people are playing for keeps.
This is dangerous stuff.
You think you're just, you know, you go on the air on a daily basis, you say some things, you expose something, and then, you know, your life is being threatened.
And I don't think they get this, Anthony.
The real tough guys aren't looking for trouble and aren't starting fights, but we finish them.
Don't they get that once they start this stuff, they open up a whole Pandora's box with people?
Let me tell you, people start poisoning my friends.
It does intimidate me.
It makes me start thinking.
It makes me start opening up areas of my mind.
If they think I've been dangerous politically, just wait.
I mean, you get what I'm saying here.
Yeah, first of all, it's not going to garner any sympathy from people, that's for sure, for their cause.
And yeah, it motivates people.
It motivates like-minded people.
And like you said earlier, our side is the side with the real judicial power taking it through the people instead of this
You know, protesting and burning down a city.
We do tend to get things done when we get aggravated, as we saw with the election.
Enough people felt disillusioned and disenfranchised in this country.
People that normally just shut their yaps!
That's another question.
I don't get why.
I wasn't even going to come to this until I got a bunch of threats, and I said, that's it, get the security team, we're going.
I mean, I don't know why they threaten us, because don't they know it doesn't work?
No, threats don't work.
They empower you.
They make you feel like now you have a mission.
You have to do this.
It's to prove a point and be part of a bigger thing.
You're in Washington, D.C.
How does it look?
right now.
Does it look just insane as far as security goes?
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff, but it's only Trump supporters here.
The police are being nice and everything.
You can go to where cars can't really go anywhere.
I hear you.
I mean I have trouble finding them, bro.
That was another thing where we knew that they were lying to us during that campaign.
I saw no signs and stickers.
I mean, if you think back to Obama's 2008 and 2012... They were everywhere.
They were everywhere.
Those Obama stickers with his little seal on there and everything.
It was everywhere.
There was no passion for this woman and every bit of passion for Trump and they lied and lied to us to try to keep us from going out and voting.
So really, the elite have collapsed.
Hillary's people had to get buses and drag people out of their houses to vote and Trump voters were chomping to get out and get to those voting booths.
I've been a pig.
People have been holding for over an hour.
In fact, I'm going to go to only five callers.
Jim, Jim, Cisco, Charles, and Mark.
Every one of them gets a free Hillary for Prison 2017 limited edition shirt.
The poor George Soros on the back.
George Soros.
So Harmon, I hate to give you extra work.
Get all their names and addresses and their sizes.
I know it's a hassle.
Please sir.
And we're going to mail those shirts.
Make sure we do that.
I should just plug this hour.
Let's skip all these breaks.
We'll skip with this one.
I'm doing it.
And the argument is, if I add like 10 hours a day, who cares?
The network is in its, you know, still got more ads airing than before.
But anyways, the point is, is that InfoWorksLive.com, 30% off on most of the products.
It ends this Sunday.
We'll have big sales like this for probably a quarter or more.
We've got the new storable food, super high quality, 34% off.
Nobody can beat that.
They'd like we raise the price, then cut it and call it a sale.
This is the lowest in the industry.
We've got a bunch of other specials.
We've now got Combat One, developed by the Pentagon.
We're good to go.
Yeah, just go to compoundmedia.com.
It's as easy as that.
Yeah, we're doing some pretty interesting stuff over here.
And it's important, because look...
I mean, I like your shows, but some people aren't going to like us and some people aren't going to like me.
I get that.
That's why I bring other people on.
I mean, I can't stand to listen to myself half the time.
Other people love it.
I don't know what's wrong with them.
But, I mean, it's just great to be together.
And don't you feel good knowing I'm there?
I feel good knowing you're there.
It's not like we're not in competition with Drudge or we're not in competition with Daily Caller or Breitbart.
We're just, we're family here.
There's not enough of us to start getting angry with each other.
We are in this together, and it is a war.
And boy, if we lose it, we're going to lose a hell of a lot.
Isn't it about our kids?
Isn't it about our kids?
Well, you have kids, and congrats.
I've been running solo for quite a while.
has kids.
There's some good sides to that, but the point is it's about family.
Yeah, family.
That's, you know, my family is everything to me.
And it is.
It is about family.
And, you know, it was so refreshing today to see Trump and his whole family getting off of Air Force Two when he arrived in D.C.
I mean, that is a traditional
She's the creme de la creme.
Of course, but they can't take, they see a traditional family like that, an extended family that love each other and are there to support each other, and they don't even know what it is anymore.
That's the oddity.
They hate it because they never had it.
I mean, I've got family that I mean, I know I can say.
You know, do anything for me, they'd do it.
They wouldn't even ask, because they know I would.
And that is such a strong feeling when you know there are people that will do anything for you.
Because their family, not because they owe you something or you owe them, it's because your family, it transcends all this crap.
That is exactly it, and that's what's going to be important when money doesn't mean anything to anybody, if you're on your deathbed or what have you.
It's the family that really matters.
Did you see this lesbian and gay activists were in front of the house that Pence is renting in D.C.? ?
No, I didn't.
They were having a queer love and trans power protest that they decided to do in front of the house that Pence is renting in the interim until he takes up residence at the vice presidential mansion.
Yeah, so they have this big thing and it's like, look, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home, even in public as far as, you know, a public display of affection, whatever that is.
Why do they feel they have to go right in to Pence's, like, on his property and have a gay dance party?
Well, I mean, what it is is drama-queening.
I don't care if you're gay or transgender.
The point is, it's like, don't teach my five-year-old about it, because you shouldn't teach him anything.
You're not, you know, I tell my kids about sex, not you.
It's just getting in our lives, getting in what we're doing, and just grandstanding to go, oh, look, we're women that like women.
Okay, tell me something I didn't know.
I mean, the big secret is almost all women like women.
You know, it just goes on.
I mean, you know, I don't blame them.
The point is... The second you say something like, oh my God, why would they do this and have this party, all of a sudden you're the bad guy, you're homophobic, you're... Exactly.
They're allowed to go harass the Vice President, which is their free speech.
We have a right to say you're a bunch of dumbasses.
But at least up until now, it's been you're the bad guy, you're not open-minded, you're homophobic.
But I think in the next few years, you're going to see an attitude take over this country like when Reagan was put in.
I think it's going to be beyond Reagan, I agree with you.
I think it's going to be Reagan to the next level.
Alright, we're going to do some calls here, I apologize.
You're all getting free t-shirts, it doesn't matter, I love you.
Gem in Ohio, you've been holding for an hour.
Go ahead, you're on the air with the founder of Compound Media, Anthony Comian.
Yeah, just real quickly, have you listened to NPR lately?
It is the worst I've ever... No, I mean it sounds like wartime propaganda, but it's against America.
No, it's horrible.
Every third segment is a hit piece on Trump.
They're openly talking about how a New World Order is what this world needs.
And thirdly, they had a guy actually come on for 30 minutes and talk about all the different ways Donald Trump should be impeached and why he should be impeached.
Oh, I mean, they're calling for him to die!
They're saying if he dies it'll all... hopefully someone blows him up!
It's crazy!
Well, that's another thing.
They're admitting world government, Anthony.
That's a good thing that Jim mentioned.
I mean, they've gone from no world government exists to Trump's ruining it!
Yeah, you know, it's fantastic.
All that work that went in eight years of Obama and just bringing down America and its leadership in the world and its respect in the world, all of that is going to be undone.
And they had such a great head start that the fact that that's going to be pulled way back and we're going to feel proud of our country again is terrible to them.
Let me do this live on air.
Let me do this live on air.
Network, can you pull all the ads out?
I know it'll be internet only.
It'll still be on satellite.
Stations will pick it up.
Can you guys extend this another hour?
Because now Stone's ready to come on.
I've got a bunch of breaking news.
Plus, I'm going out of the Capitol after this.
I might go live on Skype down there.
So it's also on the mainstreams and InfoWars.
If that messes you up, it doesn't matter.
It's not my fault this train wreck happened.
It's a good train wreck.
But, I mean, is the network okay to pull ads out or run the next hour with ads?
I don't care either way.
Can you guys do that?
Thank you, Alex.
I'm on my brain force.
I hope this will help.
If you and Roger can share four words with Donald Trump.
President of the Senate.
Because Mike Pence is not just the Vice President.
He holds a dual office.
No, they know that.
He's a tiebreaker in the Senate.
Not just the tiebreaker.
If Donald Trump assigns him to sit there every day, he controls the agenda.
He controls the gavel.
He doesn't have to have a vote, but he controls the agenda.
That's why suddenly they're going to be able to repeal Obamacare, gun control, everything.
No, I know.
That's why they're crapping their drawers.
That's a great point.
Thank you.
Let me ask you that because we have Stone here with us.
That's incredible that suddenly it was invincible.
Obamacare was invincible.
Everything was invincible.
Now it's all falling in front of us.
Is that not incredible?
I love this.
I love the fact that they were completely expecting Hillary to get in and continue this whole thing of deconstructing America's world power and it just threw a cinder block in front of them and they don't know what to make of it.
That to me gives me joy just on the revenge part.
That's right.
And then it's so nice to know that it will make America great again by building us back up and having pride in our nation.
That's right.
And belief.
That's right.
Let's go to Roger Stone.
You can stay with us the next hour if you need to go.
Come here if you need to.
That's fine as well.
I actually have to do my show in like three minutes, Alex.
I understand.
Well then listen, we're going to let you go.
Great job hosting the show twice a month.
Hope you'll come back more soon.
Thank you.
Love it, Alex.
Thanks so much.
Take care.
Thanks, man.
There he goes, compoundmedia.com.
What a patriot.
It's good to have him there with us, walking point.
Roger Stone, wow, a lot happening.
You've been mobbed here.
Couldn't get over because of traffic.
In the next three minutes, we've got a break.
Tell us what's happened.
Alex, it's interesting to be in Washington.
Obviously, there's a lot of celebration and a lot of revelry for tonight.
But in the background,
A struggle is going on over the confirmation of Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump's intended Secretary of State.
The pivotal vote is Marco Rubio of Florida.
If he abandons the Republicans, this gives John McCain, Lindsey Graham the opening that they need.
Trump would be short of the 50 votes necessary and will be forced to deal with Democrats for Tillerson's confirmation.
So right now, Marco Rubio is the key man.
I'm urging my friends in Florida to reach out to their U.S.
Senator immediately and tell him to vote for the Tillerson confirmation.
This may be the single and most important pivotal vote coming up and will set the entire tone for the Trump administration.
That's right, because if this happens the way we want, the rest of the dominoes will fall.
I think that's exactly right.
So don't give John McCain and his mini-me, Lindsey Graham, what they're looking for.
It's essential that Marco Rubio, who is a friend of mine, despite the fact that we have some political disagreements, it's essential that he stick with his party and his president and give Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson the benefit of the doubt.
Well, there's a mandate.
I mean, people want Trump, they want this agenda, they want to make America great again.
I think that's exactly right, but I think everybody saw the hearings where Senator Rubio rushed the nominee up, and he has not announced how he's going to vote.
I really hope that he will.
Come down on the side of common sense.
Come down on the side of the popular mandate.
Roger, I'm going to break for 70 seconds.
I'm going to break for 70 seconds.
We're going to come back, talk to you about 10 more minutes.
I know you're busy and I'm going to be meeting with you soon anyways.
I need to talk to you, obviously.
A lot's happening, so we're going to come right back and get into this and also CNN salivating, hoping Trump's assassinated tomorrow.
So that Obama can appoint a new president.
They're actually pushing this now.
We'll be back with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com forward slash show if your station isn't carrying this.
I'll start doing the Facebook mentions, Buckley.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
...that are trying to sneak into the U.S.
on the last day of what they see because they realize that a wall is in fact coming.
These challenges are nothing compared to a bigger fear they have that someday soon U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump will build that wall and keep them out all together.
So before Trump takes office tomorrow, they're racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.
In the town near a frontier, a group of Hondurans warn themselves near a fire of trash in the early morning.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
Alright, in T-minus 20 minutes, I'm gonna end this live transmission.
I'm gonna call Roger.
Instead of exactly when we're meeting tonight, we're going to the Deplora Ball and more.
Roger knows that about a month ago, I told him, look, I've just got too much family stuff.
I'm not going to Washington.
And then when I heard they were threatening the Deplora Ball, I said, OK, I'm going to go now.
And now since they threatened to gas it and all the rest of the stuff, I said, look, I've got to go.
So we're here, obviously they're a bunch of cowards, it's not going to happen.
But this, you know, most of the buses didn't show up.
They admit most of Soros people, like a handful, showed up.
10% of what they thought showed up.
The police are saying that we did catch buses being brought in.
You've got them openly basically calling for a terror attack on Trump, salivating and hypothetically talking about
Uh, how great it would be, uh, you know, if something happened to him because Obama could then appoint a new cabinet.
And since none of Trump's cabinet's been confirmed, it would be Obama's oyster.
And then, oh, they federalized Homeland Security and federalized the elections, and so now they're allowed to run the new elections.
They're definitely delusionally in their bunker thinking about how they're going to stay in power.
I'm not saying they're going to stay in power, Roger.
I want to be clear.
But clearly, correct me if I'm wrong, and I don't know about your sources, what they think, they are really wargaming delusional paths to power.
Yeah, Alex, what you've got here is hysteria.
Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, will not be at the inauguration.
George and Barbara Bush, feigning illness.
They have an excuse for not being there.
What a perfect setup for violence in an attempt to take out the next president of the United States.
The good news is, I think the
Security agencies and those directly around Trump understand this threat and I'm still confident that everything will be fine and he will take office as expected.
But I think the establishment and the globalists are war-gaming this because the clock is running out on them.
And they see that.
Trump is going to come to power and he's going to change things.
So you have a near hysteria and then you have propaganda operations like CNN, not a news organization, you know, trying to whip this into a fervor.
Why are they so scared?
I mean, we know Trump's for real, but he just wants to make America great, cut taxes.
He wasn't even planning on going after them.
Now I think he has to.
He's saying they're never going to stop.
He just wanted to fix things.
Why are they so fundamentally
Committed to death, basically, to try to keep this country from righting itself.
Well, because the establishment and the globalists and the New World Order, they don't have any ideology.
They're neither liberal nor conservative.
They're about money.
They're about control.
They're about enriching themselves and their cronies while the working people around the globe and every country suffer.
See, my real problem with the Bushes and the Clintons is not just that their policies have failed, that they've made the country poorer, but they themselves have gotten richer, that their cronies have gotten richer on the backs of the American people.
And they see their power ebbing away.
They see that they will no longer be able to profiteer.
Let's face it, an expanded proxy war in Syria, there's big bucks in that.
The munitions guys, the defense contractors, they were gleeful that Hillary was going to expand the war.
A no-fly zone?
That could lead to World War III!
We'll make a fortune!
So, they see their power, but more importantly, their money ebbing away.
And they can't stand it.
That's right.
You know, last night we went to dinner and I went over to say hi to some folks.
You said hi too.
You said, what are you doing with those Democrats over there?
And I said, no, they were really mean to me.
I mean, some of them were nice.
It was a few nights.
It was a big table.
Some were lobbyists.
They weren't all Democrats.
But an individual that has one of the biggest internet news sites out there,
He could be in movies, though.
He's not a bad-looking fellow.
But the gangster-ness, the arrogance, the way he leaned back and made fun of me, it didn't hurt me because he said bad things about me.
It hurt me that he was such a fallen person and so arrogant.
And I see that in Washington, this fake, practiced arrogance.
That they wear like a shield, even though I'm more successful.
I'm bigger, which I don't want on a power trip.
I'm actually humbled because of it.
It was like when he saw me, he kind of jolted kind of like and then put on this face of arrogance.
It doesn't matter.
Like Beelzebub had just poofed and smoked in front of him.
Of course it was Chris Ruddy of Newsmax who I'd interviewed many times like 20 years ago.
Last time was like 17 years ago.
And I wondered why he never would come on after that.
I've been on Newsmax, been nice to them.
They do a lot of great work.
But you had privately told me, look out for Newsmax.
Well, I think you put your fingers on it, Alex.
Chris Ruddy, nominally a conservative, a Republican, gives $1.5 million to the continuing criminal conspiracy that is the Clinton Foundation.
Uh, and, um, prohibits you, when you're on Newsmax, from discussing the serial sex crimes of Bill Clinton.
Uh, I've been privileged to be on Newsmax numerous times, but in every occasion, just before they turn on the cameras, the producer or the host would say to me, oh, now remember, Bill Clinton's rapes, that's, that's off-limits, you can't discuss that.
So the fact that Chris Ruddy is now parading around Washington pretending that he was for Donald Trump, I think it's very sad.
I like Chris, but he made his bed with the globalists and now I guess he wishes that he didn't.
I mean how do you get so arrogant just because he plays golf with Bill Clinton?
I mean the guy was the most, he acted so arrogant I couldn't believe it.
Well, the irony of this, of course, is that it's Chris Ruddy himself as an investigative reporter for the Pittsburgh Gazette who first uncovered Bill Clinton's multiple sex crimes.
And Vince Foster.
So, he knows that it's true.
There's the irony.
Yeah, I just didn't get the personal energy he gave me of just trying to act totally disdainful and make fun of me.
I mean, it went on quite a bit.
I shook his hand, it was nice.
I said, I like your work.
He just kept making smart-ass comments.
I think what's really bothering him, Alex, is the fact that you actually have viewers.
Millions of them.
You actually have listeners.
Millions of them.
Newsmax Television?
Uh, not so much.
There's nobody watching.
There's no traffic at his website.
So he wants to be in for wars.
And frankly, if his heart was in the right place, maybe he could be, but you can't be InfoWars if you're backing the globalist agenda and you're, you know, you're playing patty cake with a serial rapist and his cover-up criminal wife.
Well that's what I'm saying, but see the reason I have InfoWars is, I didn't even want it.
I wanted to defeat the New World Order.
I would give somebody InfoWars if they were better.
I mean, I'm sick of this.
I just don't get the arrogance.
I don't know how, see because you're a strong guy and a smart guy, and you enjoy work, but you're not arrogant, Roger.
And that's actually a rare quality nowadays.
There's a disease in D.C.
of just delusion.
Is it narcissism or what is it?
It's Potomac fever, Alex.
It's always been this way.
That's why I moved from here to sunny South Florida, a sunny place for shady people.
Washington is not a great place to live.
If you want to find real people, if you're tired of phonies, you've got a better chance of finding real people in Hollywood than in Washington, D.C.
Yeah, because the people in D.C.
are nice, but when I run into the politicos, they are just the biggest group of fake posers I've ever seen.
Well, and they're all rah-rah for Donald Trump today, particularly the established Republicans.
They seem to forget, or think we don't remember, that they never supported him.
Here's a case point example.
Who's the woman out of Michigan for education?
She's the only bad nominee.
Betsy DeVos.
Yeah, well all I know is I saw her on TV when they asked him, is it sexual assault?
If a woman grabs on you, you grab on her?
And she goes, yes it is.
I mean, that's not sexual assault when it's on you and you touch her.
Sexual assault would be actually doing it as well, unadvanced.
I'm glad you're there and others are there, not to tell Trump what to do, but to shine a spotlight in the media.
My biggest concern is it's such a big job filling 4,000 spots.
How does he keep moles from getting in there?
Well, you're absolutely right.
You've identified a key problem and there are a lot of quislings trying to abort the ship.
Frankly, we have no choice but to put our faith in Steve Bannon.
I'm a Bannon supporter.
I think he's like you and I, he's a fellow revolutionary.
He's not interested in Trump being a transitional president.
He's interested in Trump being a transformational president.
He said that.
And I sleep a little better at night knowing that he's at Trump's elbow reminding him of who the good guys and the bad guys are.
But forming a government, particularly with Barack Obama intentionally vacating all these second and third level jobs on the 21st to try to stop us from governing, you know, his work is cut out for him and some bad apples are going to get through.
The appointment of Betsy DeVos vexes me.
She hates Donald Trump and everything he stood for.
Candidly, I blame Reince Priebus, the former RNC chairman, Trump's temporary chief of staff.
No, I mean, I agree.
We need to, my writers, since it is a controversy, we don't make controversies.
We see them when they're being ignored and only spotlight them.
We need to spotlight the sleeping controversy of this woman who's for all sorts of globalism, all for Common Core,
I don't know who advised him on that, and then she's bad-mouthing him in a confirmation hearing.
I mean, just get, God, oh, I mean, it's just, it's a nightmare.
Alex, we're going to have four or maybe even eight years of these kind of fights.
It's the way Washington... No, I agree, but why is she so arrogant to throw him under the bus in front of the Senate?
I mean, he just is giving her this position.
What's her problem?
She's going to stab him in the back on TV?
Can't she at least do it in closed doors?
Well, that's a question for Reince Priebus.
He's the one who advocated her appointment, so perhaps he can educate us as to why she's in this position.
It's certainly not because she shares our views on education or because she's a supporter of Donald J. Trump.
Who else is questionable?
Well, it remains to be seen.
I mean, I'm happy with Jeff Sessions' appointment.
I think he's a patriotic American.
I don't agree with him on marijuana, but I agree with him, I think, on everything else.
Rex Tillerson, like Donald Trump, is his own man.
He's owned by nobody, certainly not the globalists.
He understands his responsibility and the guy he answers to is Donald Trump, his boss.
That's why the globalists are so anxious to try to block his promotion.
That's right.
And the idea that you would attack Tillerson's appointment because he knows Putin
That's moronic.
That's why you want him.
Because he's got a dialogue going.
Well sure, I mean normally you try to get a secretary of state that knows the key world leaders already.
So, in closing here, I want to hook up with you later today, as we talked about, do some live Facebook mentions, as we go to events, as you do things, as we go to the Deplora Ball tonight, because we're going to have record viewers on Facebook mentions and on other systems to do that.
But tomorrow, by what?
12.30 Eastern, we should have a new president?
That, I believe, is the plan.
I know you're going to be there.
I'm going to be there.
This is very exciting.
I mean, Alex, I have been to, I guess, five inaugurations.
Two for Richard Nixon, two for Ronald Reagan, and then one for Bush that I must have stumbled into by mistake.
But this is the most exciting one.
This is the one where we can really
Make the country great again.
Bring the fundamental change that the American people voted overwhelmingly for to the shock of Hillary Clinton and her criminal, you know, conspiracy cohorts.
A criminal elite hijacked the country.
I'm going to let you go, but I'm going to call you on the phone in about three minutes so we can talk.
Okay, Roger?
Before we go, let me put in a plug for The Making of the President 2016.
Oh, let's do it!
It's free sales now at Infowars.com.
Now available at Infowars.com at the store.
Go to the Infowars store and you can get an advance copy of this book, which tells the inside story of how Donald Trump, with the help of Matt Drudge, with the help of Alex Jones, with the help of Breitbart News, with the help of The Daily Caller, with the help of the alt-conservative media,
Scored the greatest political upset in American history.
So please, folks, order your copy today.
Such an important film, and America's been the biggest and the best so far in history.
Nobody can deny that.
The globals are trying to kill our exceptionalism.
We've been exceptionally corrupt under them now.
We're trying to reverse that, but the fact that this is one of the biggest political upsets in world history, it may be the biggest, because we're the most important country.
The world population is the biggest it's ever been in time and space.
I don't think it's arrogant to say
This political upheaval happening worldwide against globalism is the biggest human resistance against tyranny we've seen next in history.
It's bigger than Magna Carta, bigger than 1776, bigger than the Renaissance.
This, not just Trump, but this whole movement is the big enchilada, Roger.
What a great, great time to be alive.
Thank you, Mr. President.
That's right.
Thank you.
I'll call you in three minutes.
Alright folks, I'm going to punch you out of here and we're going to go back to rebroadcast where I was breaking down the nuclear threats and the Democrats not showing up and all the rest of it.
Briefly, The Making of a President is available.
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I apologize to the callers, I couldn't get to you after we ended the network show, because that's on network phones, so that ended.
But again, I've been gone for weeks, so it's good to be back here, not in the studio, but on the road, actually talking to you.
So I want to take advantage of all of that.
You are the folks out there funding
The plane tickets here, the security we have, because I kind of got this crazy fatalistic thing.
I'm not scared of dying, and I don't want to die at the same time, but it's kind of this thing I don't worry about it and don't care about it, but my kids really do worry about it, and so I do have a good security team of folks here, and that's great, and that augments the security of the whole event as well, and it takes money for that.
You know, they're giving us the family discount.
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InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsStore.com, again, it's the big umbrella site.
You can call toll free 888-253-3139.
I want to thank the crew back in Austin, you the listeners, my family, the sponsors, GCN Radio Network, John Harmon and Scott and all that crew there and just everybody.
Everybody out there that prays for us because big things are happening and I can't believe how real and historical these changes are.
That's why the evil forces are really pissed because they know Trump isn't a pedophile.
And you don't get in these clubs unless you torture toddlers and make them eat crap.
I mean, that's actually in the Daily Mail today.
That's what they do.
The judges in Belgium and England and all over, they just... Why are there so many pedophiles?
There aren't.
They get control.
They lust after power so they can feed on kids.
Those old Transylvanian legends.
Don't let your kids get near the castle.
They'll disappear.
It turned out that a lot of those Transylvanian royalty were cutting your kid's head off, putting it in the bathtub and bathing in it.
They thought it was good for their skin.
You know, and that's it.
They want to grab your kid out of the backyard and make him eat turds.
I mean, you know.
And of course, I'm directly trolling the media.
Go ahead and attack me and say it isn't real.
You know that the estrogens in the water are turning the frogs asexual.
You know we're under chemical attack.
You know your bosses cut kids' heads off and bathe in their blood before they, after they torture them and make them, you know, eat crap.
And you know what?
We're tired of that.
We don't support people that torture children, hang them up by their feet, and make them eat crap.
So, you know, that's just how it works.
We're coming for you, and you better just get used to it.
The truth is, the good guys are a lot meaner than you are when it comes to evil people, so good luck once we get our hands around your throat.
And that has just begun.
We now are about to have a non-pedophile president who actually likes beautiful women, which I know is a crime according to pedophiles.
Well, great job, crew.
I'll see you back tonight with lots of live feeds.
Watch InfoWars.com for the latest breaking news.
I should be live very soon.