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Filename: 20161230_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 30, 2016
3244 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various political topics such as Obama's administration, Trump's inauguration, international relations, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, genetic engineering of humanoids through GMOs and vaccines. He criticizes the media for spreading misinformation about foreign interference in elections, praises countries trying to break free from globalists' control, denounces George Soros for financing overthrow of more than 15 countries violently, and warns that reality is far worse than fictional horror movies. The podcast promotes products like Big Berkey Water Filters, One World Whey protein powder, and Fortress Clothing while discussing sanctions imposed on Russia, DDoS attacks on alternative news outlets, iodine deficiency, fluoride in water, vaccination, free speech, and global geopolitics.

It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out of the way!
It's the American flag!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
We are in the twilight of 2016.
It is Friday, December 30, 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I intend to do a two-hour Facebook mention slash YouTube transmission tomorrow night.
From the office or from my home, I have not decided yet.
But I intend tomorrow night, starting at about, I think, nine o'clock central or so, to go right through until midnight, at least in the east, to bring in the new year and say farewell to one of the most incredible years in human history as humanity awakened to the globalist technocracy.
What an amazing time to be alive, but also to understand the battle has just now begun.
Where to begin?
Look at DrudgeReport.com.
Nearing exit, Obama seeks to tie Trump's hands.
I have a stack of news articles where Obama is sabotaging the United States every way he can.
I have a stack of news articles where he is unleashing 3,853 regs, 18 for every law,
A record 97,000 plus pages of red tape.
Ugly snub of voters.
It's incredible.
Meanwhile, Putin laughs off Obama.
Russians mock political corpse, close quote.
Angry and shallow-brained.
And Putin is not expelling any diplomats.
That had been falsely announced by our news, as usual, yesterday.
And I was even watching CNN this morning at about 6 a.m.
They were announcing that Putin was kicking everybody out of Russia.
Then I went and punched up Infowars.com about 30 minutes later after I got out of the shower.
I think
Had posted an article, CNN runs fake news story about Russia closing Anglo-American school in Moscow.
It's just no proof.
Russia never said it, just completely pulled it out of their George Soros-fetted rear end.
Horrible image, isn't it?
Continuing, there's also the article by Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept.
The Guardian's summary of Julian Assange's interview went viral and was completely false.
They just put fake quotes out.
Even the Guardian now is stooping to lower levels, and see what's happening is they're going into total, bizarro, upside-down inversion world.
And I know I use the term inversion in the last decade or so, probably every segment, because if you understand inversion, or upside-down world, you understand the enemy.
Just reverse what they're saying.
So when they say, we're the fake news, and that we're lying, that means they're going total fake news.
They are the fake news.
And folks are saying, okay, tell us something we don't know.
I understand you know that, but a lot of the public knows they're being lied to.
They just don't know that it's organized criminal lying.
They've had federal courts rule that mainstream media can lie about you.
And this year they ruled and that you can't get unjust enrichment in a lawsuit even though it's proven that they were unjustly enriched on purpose.
So they've basically legalized propaganda, legalized lying for them, but they want to selectively come in with government and shut everybody else down.
Speaking of that, you know we got hit with the biggest denial of service attack in our 20-year history last week.
It's still ongoing.
Judge just got hit and he says probably the U.S.
The internet giant Amazon has been rewarded a patent for a new flying warehouse.
The Airborne Fulfillment Center.
An airship or blimp that will fly or hover at 45,000 feet.
Stocked with some of Amazon's millions of products with thousands of delivery drones waiting to be dispatched to immediately fulfill your order.
Amazon is talking about hovering these things over football games to carry popular items to those tailgating outside, who may need something last minute.
The Air Fulfillment Center will stay in the air, being refueled and resupplied by shuttles from the surface.
The patent was won in April, but recently made its circles around the internet after a CB Insider tweeted the plans for the quote, e-commerce Death Star.
Amazon already runs warehouses with the Kiva robot.
They have successfully tested their delivery drones.
Just imagine.
You look up, and there is this monster Amazon warehouse, flashing advertisements with thousands of drones flying around it.
Bit of a dystopic image.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, and we're not in Kansas anymore.
All across the Western world, MSM is attempting to demonize the language and words we use, saying, don't say Merry Christmas, use holidays.
And now they say don't use holiday.
Well, I got some news for them.
We're going to continue to use the speech we feel like using, and we're going to exercise the First Amendment in your globalist, tyrannical faces.
And that's why I'm extending the Christmas sale this year right through into the start of 2017.
Store-wide free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com and some of the biggest specials of 2016.
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That's store-wide free shipping, massive discounts, and 10% off on top of that when you sign up for auto-ship at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's InfoWarsStore.com, or go right to the supplements at InfoWarsLive.com.
Please listen carefully because I'm about to point out three things that will save you a lot of money while you get high quality products and fund the info war.
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And all out-of-stock items are never out-of-stock when you sign up for AutoShip.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Infowar and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It's hard to believe.
It's already December 30th, 2016.
And the mission we thought was impossible, is possible.
We are now only 20 days out from Donald John Trump being inaugurated 45th President of the United States and he's announcing it's going to be about the people bringing in the general public with as little pomp and circumstance as possible to get it over and done and move forward with the business of making America great again.
And so far Trump's public promise to me and his private promises
To not let me down and not let you down and restore the republic is being delivered in spades.
The ace of spades.
The diamond of spades.
The club of spades.
The heart of spades.
It's amazing.
Alright, we have a huge flotilla of guests joining us today.
We have the lawyer, the deputy head of the FCC at the time, chief counsel,
Who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine in the mid-80s so we could have talk radio and free speech in America again.
Bruce Fein is going to join us.
In fact, guys, will you print me that Zero Hedge article that had the excerpts of the legislation, the Countering Information Warfare Act, because it was a particular headline about the Ministry of Truth being signed last Friday.
Now, seven days ago, because I want to specifically read those subsections to him.
We had articles about it, too.
I just forget the headlines.
That one had excerpts as well, where it says the Board of Governors of the FCC will now be under the U.S.
intelligence agencies and will, quote, counter propaganda domestically.
I mean, this is just unprecedented.
He's going to be joining us, Dr. Nick Begich.
He's going to be popping in to give us his view on just all of the amazing weather modification going on, the social modification going on.
In fact, Leanne was covering mainstream news articles just two days ago in studio with us.
I think I forgot to talk to her.
This kind of happens brainstorming on air.
She had the articles printed up, mainstream news admitting that the AI computers that were taken into our houses like Alexa and the rest of them from Amazon are meant to spy on us and also social engineer us and brainwash us.
Actually, say, control our behavior.
So this is a giant control grid.
We'll be talking about that with Dr. Nick Baggage coming up.
You probably know the name.
Many of you know he's a selling author, scientist, researcher.
His dad was a famous congressman who was murdered.
We also, of course, have his brother who was in the U.S.
He's a very informed individual.
Now, continuing here, let me just give you some of the headlines we've got.
Or the general information.
Major diplomatic escalation by Obama.
Expelling giant groups of diplomats and their staffs out of two different Russian leased and owned buildings out of the U.S.
Everyone expected Russia to counter with this but Putin has taken the high road saying you are a lame duck, you don't represent the people or the U.S.
government or the military and so we're going to wait and see what Trump does when he gets in.
We also have CNN caught running fake news stories about it.
We're going to get into that.
We have breaking.
It's up on Infowars.com from last night.
Drudge report under biggest DDoS attack since site's inception.
Media icon questions whether U.S.
government to blame.
Well, we know that the attack we've been under for two weeks is governmental in nature and is the type that the Communist Chinese
Brag that they've been launching.
The problem is Obama is allied with the Communist Chinese.
You can't tell because the two groups are basically like Siamese twins joined at the hip.
That is a big deal, obviously.
We're also going to get into Sean Spicer, the new press secretary, who has these weak defenses for Trump.
And I'm trying to get Spicer's attention.
Because Spicer
Your buddy there at the RNC, where you came from, Paul Ryan, has come out and welcomed all this made-up crap by Obama about ferreting out Russians who were, quote, involved in our election and has endorsed the Democratic attack on Trump 45.
And I know you think Trump, while you're not looking,
I know you think that while Trump's busy and not looking, you can do stuff like this.
I came out the day before Trump repudiated Gingrich and I said, that's bull that he's not going to drain the swamp.
That's bull that he said that.
to that little Kissinger minion.
And this is all a big setup.
And the day after, Trump came out and said exactly that, and Gingrich had to come out and apologize.
So I'm not here just attacking Spicer because I want to attack Spicer.
These are very weak defenses we're hearing of the President, like, why doesn't the DNC take some blame for the hackings, too?
Did you take basic measures to protect the data that was on there?
That is the weakest defense.
How about, why'd you have the stuff on there illegally?
How about, why'd you get $35 million from Russia for our uranium, Hillary?
How about, why'd you get money from the Communist Chinese and the Saudi Arabians publicly?
You should be indicted!
How about stuff like that?
You totally changed the subject onto the fact that they've criminally done this and have been caught red-handed.
They're the ones that are doing the things that they're claiming Trump has been caught doing.
And it's very, very frustrating to see these weak, limp-wristed responses, and to see Spicer, and to see Gingrich, and to see Paul Ryan, who is the biggest weasel I've ever seen in my life, so fake, so disingenuous, totally creepy, totally lying every time he talks,
Up there saying he supports Trump and our agenda when he's a globalist operative through and through and the Democrats and CNN love him.
He is a monster.
He is an enemy of this country.
He is a George Soros baby piglet hanging off of George Soros' fetid tit.
And I am personally completely sick of him.
Looks like a frickin' vampire.
Not just his pasty white skin with the widow's peak and his little psycho eyes.
I don't know which one I can't stand to look at more, him or Obama.
They're both disgraceful trash.
Un-American filth.
I just, we need to politically purge these people.
Not physically, not in a fascistic way, but they tried to purge America, they tried to get our guns, they butchered our borders, they demoralized us, they signed us on to tens of trillions of debt that isn't ours, the derivatives.
I'm sick of them!
And I'm calling them out!
Spicer comes out of the loins of the RNC and Priebus and Ryan and all these disreputable people.
Yeah, Gingrich will say some stuff that sounds really good.
But have you read his books?
Have you read the forwards that he wrote for two different Alvin and Heidi Toffler books?
I have.
I physically have the books here in this office.
I've showed them on television.
He calls for a world government where everyone is microchipped to buy and sell.
That is word for word in 1989.
The Rockefellers love him.
That's all you need to know.
He worked for Nelson Rockefeller.
That's where this creature, this futurist, this transhumanist, this eugenicist came from.
Newt Gingrich is an enemy of the Republic.
So is these other camp followers.
I don't know if Spicer is just stupid,
But he just comes up with the weakest defenses that play into their entire game.
You don't play in their sandbox.
You circumnavigate the whole thing.
You destroy them with the facts from outside their false paradigm.
You don't debate them on their BS.
You put out the talking points.
You create the subject matter.
You control the paradigm, Dumbo.
And learn how to tie a necktie before you wear one, Spicer.
Excuse me.
You're gonna wear one, learn how to tie one.
Just look at how conceited he is.
He looks like he hasn't taken a crap in about five years.
I'm sorry.
Okay, I apologize.
God, I'm sorry.
It's a family show.
I'm getting so mad when they're trying to start World War III.
That's sort of getting nasty and I apologize to Spicer.
He might be a nice person.
I haven't watched him long enough.
I just, he may just not know what he's doing.
So we've got some of those clips coming up.
Look at this.
Let me just read you headlines.
Child Jihadist Hunt Down Execute Bound Prisoners in New ISIS Video.
Young Boys as Young as 7.
Oh, the religion of peace.
Report, Islamic State General flees to Europe with 400 soldiers disguised as refugees.
And of course, they let him in.
They know full well who he is.
The globalists launched the attack on Syria, so their defeated soldiers are coming back.
They're being defeated.
They're being routed by US military, the Russians, and the Syrian military.
Despite what Obama tried to do.
Obama is a political corpse, as the Russians say.
Obama drops 502 refugees on Nebraska in final weeks before President Trump.
Saudi Arabia jails man for a year after he publicly called for an end to male control over women.
That's just some of the news we've got there.
I've got, I don't know, 15 stacks here, probably.
Let's look at this little pile of news.
I already mentioned this.
Why doesn't the DNC take some blame for the hackings?
I mean, what a mealy-mouthed, limp-wristed response when you have them taking money from the Communist Chinese.
I'm skipping this break.
When you have them taking it from the Saudi Arabians.
The Saudi princess bragged in their own papers that they controlled Hillary and gave her 20%
Of her money.
I mean, it's game over!
You got foreign money, it's all illegal!
Your foundation, and you point your finger at Trump and claim, oh, you might have evidence the Russians accessed her server that she had in her bathroom, in a closet, illegally.
Full of all her illegal activity.
The server's illegal.
She lies to Congress.
It's full of criminal activity.
And then the Russians, you say hacked it?
They probably did!
But that's not where the WikiLeaks came from, or the DCLeaks.
Paul Ryan welcomes Obama's overdue Russia retaliation.
Oh my gosh!
Eddie Munster goes to Washington, backs up the entire BS narrative of the Democrats.
Paul Ryan, man.
Nearing exit, Obama seeks to tie Trump's hands to the Hill.
And it just goes into tens of thousands of regulations and total nightmares and shutting down jobs and just blocking building projects everywhere and just sabotaging everything.
But our wave of exuberance and free market will crush their attempts on the rocks.
We're getting to that.
Activists urge Trump to stop Obama's anti-business midnight litigation.
Obama's ugly bid to snub voters and tie Trump's hands.
New York Post goes into all of it.
Total nastiness.
Russians attack political corpse.
Here's the article out of the Observer.
And they go on to say that most of the government's against him.
The intelligence agencies are against him.
The military's against him.
And that the Russians understand that this is a multinational attempt by oligarchs to sabotage the United States further.
They've already experienced what the oligarchs did when Russia tried to pick them out.
And so Russia says in solidary, we understand and we're behind you removing your criminal cabal.
That's what the Russians actually say.
Go read it.
It's incredible!
And Italy's pulling out, and England's pulling out, and Iceland's pulling out, and Greece is trying, and Spain's trying, and Brazil is trying, and everyone's trying, trying, trying to get out from under the globalists.
And they're bull!
A bunch of arrogant George Soros's and David Rockefeller's waddling around, so disconnected.
Oh, Trump's Hitler!
I'm so afraid, oh!
Meanwhile, we have him on 60 Minutes.
The greatest time of my life was working for Hitler.
We played the clip yesterday, George Soros.
It's like, what planet do you come from, bro?
We understand your constituents are the type of people that Mark Dice goes out and talks to that can't find their rear ends with both hands.
But listen, those people don't count.
They're just welfare heads that suck their thumbs.
You understand the majority of people work in this country and are beginning to understand what's happening.
And a large minority knows where the bodies are buried, does the hanging, runs the whole show, and understands your cancer.
So here comes the scalpel.
Russian think tanks and academics agree.
The goal of the 44th U.S.
President is to complete and complicate things for the 45th one.
And it goes on.
So, we're watching sabotage.
What do you think they're doing with Israel?
Doesn't do it in 8 years.
20-something days out.
We're now 20 days out.
He says, oh my gosh!
You've got to merge.
You've got to let all the Palestinians in to Jerusalem.
Oh, they'll just kill.
And overthrow immediately.
And then now they're calling for an Innafada.
They're calling for an uprising in the Middle East.
A war against Israel.
Gee, who would have thought that would have happened?
I see a lot of idiots commenting on the website and other websites going, Alex, I'm sorry your buddies Israel are about to get blown up.
Nobody wants to stand up for Israel anymore.
Hey, dummies.
Even if I hated Russia, which I don't, I wouldn't be for a nuclear war with them because, see, it's called mutually assured destruction.
In your mother's basement, you may not have heard of it.
Israel has between 400 and 600 high-tech nukes and delivery systems.
It has the Sampson option to start a nuclear war if they're being overrun.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that?
Do you, do you, do you, do you understand they have over 50 submarines in the Mediterranean and in the Persian Gulf to pop up and launch their cruise missiles that are hypersonic?
Many times.
Mach 3, Mach 4, Mach 5, Mach 6.
Some are reportedly can go up to Mach 7.
The Russians have missiles that go Mach 7.
Imagine what the United States has?
They've got cruise missiles that aren't even nuclear.
They're kinetic with DU that go Mach 10.
That's classified information right there you just got.
But it's been out.
Idiots have leaked it.
They've got decapitation weapons in orbit with DU shabos that come in like gravity guns.
It's what it is.
It's a gravity gun that will kill people up to two miles under a mountain.
Go right through and kill you.
Well, don't think the United States is the only country that has these.
These were up in orbit in the late 1970s.
What do you think classified missions are up to space?
80 plus percent of NASA's missions are military.
It's called Mutually Assured Destruction, dumbos.
And I'm not talking to our audience.
I'm talking to the people that I see on InfoWars and on YouTube going, ah, ah, oh, the drudge is down.
So what?
We're going to shut down your right wing media and all this crap.
We're not right-wing media.
I can speak for myself.
We're Americana prosperity media that just want to live in a free country and not start wars because we have nuclear weapons.
We can't have wars on a mass scale.
Behind the scenes of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, Trump's inauguration to have less pomp circumstance so he can get right to work.
Now watch.
That's Breitbart exclusive.
They've got like a huge 20-something page article breaking it down.
Says, you know, the head of Breitbart is the head of the White House under Trump.
But you watch, the media will claim it's pomp and circumstance, even though they're cutting it in half.
Britain edging towards Trump, scolds Kerry over Israel.
They asked the United States, what are you doing?
Ask Obama, are you trying to start a war?
What are you doing?
Israel's not going anywhere.
That's what the British said, because that's the truth.
What are you doing?
Trying to start a big war.
What are you doing?
Saying, OK, maybe we need a one-state policy.
That's the new thing in the headlines.
If Israel will not merge with the Arabs, then Israel will be one state and we'll just open the borders and let in tens of millions of people from all over the Middle East.
And if you think they had a fun jihad taking over Syria and killing 300,000 people, just wait till they drive the Jews into the sea.
Of course, long before that happens, it'll be the end of the world.
But you don't care because you've got Funyuns and Hot Pockets in mommy's basement and have learned the word Jew and can say it over and over again like a magic word.
The extreme right wing's magic word is Jew or Zionist and the left's magic word is racist.
But because none of that works anymore, it's now Russian agent or Zionist agent.
Gotta pick which.
How about I'm an agent of not dying?
How about I'm an agent of wanting to see my grandkids, and space travel, and us getting off the planet?
How about life extension technology?
How about I want to get the technology they've already got for myself and my family?
How about that?
How about I don't want to live in peace?
How about I'm the real liberal?
How about the fact you can't deal with that?
See, I'm tribal, but I'm tribal about ideas, and free market, and a culture of open society.
George Soros calls his group the Open Society.
George Soros, I looked it up this morning, I was going through memory, and I went, hasn't he had a hand in overthrowing more than 20 countries?
And I looked it up.
He's physically financed the overthrow of more than 15 countries, violently.
And he has had a hand in more than 30 countries plunging their currencies.
To European countries, to Latin American countries, to African countries, to Asian countries.
Right-wing, left-wing, he doesn't care what your country is.
He'll overthrow it and make money off of it.
And then some countries never come back from their currency being devalued.
It ruins people's lives.
And George Soros likes it.
Everything nasty.
He's so evil.
He's so bad.
You can't believe how bad he is.
Backing radical jihadists worldwide to take over non-radical Muslim countries and kill everyone, basically.
Brags about it on CNN with Fareed Zarkaria.
Yeah, that's on screen.
Soros brags, takes responsibility for coup and mass murder in Ukraine, overthrowing an elected government.
And then, I'm against that.
People tell me I'm a Russian agent.
Oh, and they gave Joe Biden's son the $4 billion concession a year for the gas that comes through Russia, through Ukraine, into Eastern and Western Europe.
And now the Bidens sit over it.
It was just given to them and are reportedly sucking hundreds of millions a year out.
This is the level of criminality.
And guess what?
Trump gets in.
That's not going to happen, Biden.
And they know.
They know.
See, they know.
We're not going to do business that way anymore.
We're not going to rob people of their oil and gas.
We're going to buy it at low prices.
And we're going to put Americans to work drilling in the United States and Russia.
And we're going to cut the Muslims out.
And they're not going to run the show anymore.
Saudi Arabia is going to be pivoted into the toilet bowl.
Bye-bye, Saudi Arabia!
Bye-bye, China!
You want to feed on your people and be tyrants?
You want to sit here and dominate us and control us?
Good luck.
It's all being snatched away from you, isn't it?
Oh, you thought you'd beat America again.
Getting ready to be stomped into the dirt.
Oh, that's right.
You come from losers.
We're winners.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last night around 6 p.m.
Eastern Time, the Drudge Report went down for about 90 minutes.
Headline at that time?
Moscow mocks Obama, lame duck.
The website eventually was up and running again.
Matt Drudge tweeted from his personal account.
Is the U.S.
government attacking Drudge Report?
Biggest DDoS since site's inception.
Very suspicious routing and timing.
He also tweeted
Attacking coming from thousands of sources.
Of course, none of them traceable to Fort Meade.
Last year, Matt Drudge made a rare public live appearance when he came on the Alex Jones Show and warned Alex that the government was coming for him.
The establishment was going to shut him down.
Then this month, InfoWars came under an unprecedented DDoS attack.
Worst we have ever seen.
Then, in the same month, the exact same thing happens to DrudgeReport.
Who is responsible for these unprecedented DDoS attacks?
Why are they targeting the biggest names in real media?
Will the government tell us?
Or are they too worried about Russian hacking?
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com
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As we get ready to kick off 2017, it's more important than ever to realize it's the First Amendment that allowed us to defeat the globalist witch Hillary Clinton.
And these enemies of free speech are out there telling us, don't say Merry Christmas.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com or go right to the supplements at InfoWarsLive.com.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're getting one of the big unsung heroes of the fight for liberty on the line right now, Bruce Fein.
As soon as we get him, we'll go to him.
Obama quietly signed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act last Friday.
We'll be talking about that with Bruce Fein here in a moment.
Putin's taking the high road.
Russia president says he won't expel U.S.
implements in revenge for hacking sanctions.
But his AIDS blast Obama administration is angry and shallow.
Who are losers.
Again, shallow-brained losers.
And they also call him a political corpse.
That's what Obama is.
And with an admitted scorched-earth policy trying to sabotage the nation as fast as he can.
Which he was always doing.
That's what globalism is.
Is making the nation-states weak, the people weak, independent on the central government.
And the fact that Trump wants a boom economy and a prosperity system, that's what the Americana system is,
is why it's antithetical to what they are establishing and what they are setting up.
Now, again, I want to just let everybody know that I want to thank you as we go into the new year for all that you've done.
I want to thank you for your support, your prayers.
We have come so far.
I don't want to say of every race, color, and creed, because we are really all the human race.
We all have the same genes, we have the same red blood, you know, different color skin, just like you can have a black dog or a white dog.
They're all dogs at the end of the day.
We're human beings made in the image of the Creator, and we've really come together.
And record numbers of people have broken through the social control, broken through the matrix, and really said no to the power structure.
So I want to encourage all of you in the new year to understand that we've turned the tide, but the battle
is now just really heating up.
But we're learning that we can win.
We're learning that we're promoting things that are popular and wholesome and good.
And that all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing, to quote Thomas Jefferson.
And we're rediscovering that a nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves.
And that we've got to be sheepdogs that are going to resist that tyranny.
I've been talking about folks being sheepdogs for 20 plus years on air.
My grandfathers all told me to be a sheepdog, not a sheep, not a wolf.
It's not just, you know, ripping off the popularized film, produced and directed, of course, by Clint Eastwood, that goes over the life and death of what happened to the famous Navy SEAL.
But we are faced with the fact that if we don't take our country and our world back, it will be run and hijacked by very, very nasty people who have a desire for control because they wish to dominate their fellow humans.
Now, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, we're unable to get Fein on.
I guarantee you it's a time zone issue.
There was some time zone stuff back and forth.
Just send him an email.
We'll get him on later.
That's fine.
I've got plenty of news to cover.
But I wanted to get him on because he's the guy that got rid of the Fairness Doctrine.
This is a lawyer at the FCC and pointed out it was un-American, it was unconstitutional.
They brought it forward to Congress and Congress struck down a law saying you couldn't say you were for the Republicans or the Democrats on radio.
But that's your First Amendment.
You own a station.
It's your printing press.
It's your electronic printing press.
You should be able to say whatever you want.
And of course, the Democrats selectively enforced that.
They could be political all the time.
They could do whatever they wanted.
It was that one-sided brainwashing that basically allowed them to get into law and get into the cultural fabric of our lives, things that is incontrovertibly un-American,
And fascistic slash communistic.
And so this long battle we're now part of is something that if we look back into the continuum of time, we're really having giant victories.
Now, before I go any further, I want to play some clips here.
There's quite a few of these that deal with the fact that the globalists are trying to dumb us down.
As fast as they can.
They are moving on every front to attempt the breaking of our will.
And that's why it's our attitude that's so important.
The United States of America, geographically, is not that big.
We do not have that many resources compared to many other geographic areas.
If you took the United States and put it into Africa, Africa's close to three times bigger, the continent of Africa.
is much, much larger and has a lot more resources than we do, but why can't the people ever develop their society and culture?
Because they never had a Renaissance.
They never got out of the system of barbarism that kept Europe locked in the Dark Ages during the Middle Ages.
It is the ideas that humans have and our dreams of building a true civilization based on innovation, not conquest,
That made this country so great and that's why the globalists again have been trying to demoralize us and trying to dumb us down and trying to turn us into these pop culture driven morons that know all about what movie stars eat for dinner or where they vacation but don't go visit their own mother or father in the nursing home.
And it's this dehumanization and dumbing down that is our greatest enemy.
So I want to air this piece.
I never got to it, but I was watching it again this morning by Mark Dice, who contributes to Infowars.com.
It came out last week.
Mark Dice of MarkDice.com, who is a political and media commentator.
When he goes out and talks to the public, he isn't cherry-picking these idiots.
He's actually randomly talking to folks and showing you the response he really got.
Nine times out of ten, liberals want to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Nine times out of ten, liberals want to execute conservatives.
Nine times out of ten, they want to be able to abort children that are already born.
Seven out of ten in one of his videos, they want to
Basically kill all whites.
This is the crazy, fascistic, cult-like, mental illness, over-the-top brainwashing that they've gone through and they're also incredibly stupid.
I don't care if they're black, hispanic, white, it doesn't matter.
They are these soft, bumbling spectators who aren't even alive and are basically in a trance state.
And so for folks that don't know about the film Idiocracy that my good friend and incredible artist Mike Judge, creator of King of the Hill, you name it, made, Fox didn't like it when he made it.
And so they shelved it.
It showed in one theater in Austin and one theater in LA by law because there was a corporate agreement.
They didn't even list the name of the film.
It's become an underground mega hit, one of the top films on cable, one of the most rented and downloaded films, and now has made hundreds of millions of dollars.
Even though it had a budget, I think, of like seven million, it was shot right here in Austin.
And when you see it, this is basically where we already are, it's just that it's not evenly distributed.
Some people are really already this dumb.
Other folks
Who aren't compartmentalized, are more intelligent, more informed than they've ever been.
So coming up at the start of the next hour, I'm going to air that piece.
But right now we do have Bruce Fine joining us here on Friday, December 30th, 2016, in the waning hours of this historic year.
And I'm not going to go over his whole bio, but he was appointed General Counsel of the
We're good to go.
And of course, he's an accomplished constitutional lawyer.
I'm not going to go over all the best-selling books he's had, but we'll tell you about constitutional peril, the life-and-death struggle for constitution and democracy, and American empire before the fall.
And I want to just get his approximation as a historian, as a lawyer, as somebody that's worked in major corporations, but also in Congress, and traveled the world.
Where we are currently with Obama's scorched earth policy, 20 days out from the Trump presidency, and this draconian countering information warfare act.
Where they admit they're going to target domestic media, claiming we're all Russian agents, from Drudge Report to InfoWars, we've been named in the congressional testimony, and that the Board of Governors of the FCC will now be under the State Department and 16 U.S.
intelligence agencies.
That is in the new Defense Authorization Act.
I mean, three years ago they legalized domestic propaganda by the CIA.
This funds it.
So I want to get the expert's view on this, and someone who overturned
Something similar to this in the past, but before it wasn't spies over controlling the media.
This is a whole other level.
Before it was just the FCC and fines.
And of course they're calling for fines of what they say is fake news, even though CNN constantly gets caught publishing fake reports that Putin had expelled all these diplomats, which wasn't even true.
Obama has done that.
So Mr. Fine is joining us.
Thanks for coming on.
Well, thanks for inviting me, Alex.
Well, we've only got about 15 minutes with you.
I appreciate you coming on.
I mean, where are we?
Well, I think we're at a potential inflection point, Alex.
I think Donald Trump has terrified all the incumbent vested interests, the military, industrial, counterterrorism complex, the fear complex.
And he certainly has the philosophy right that he was elected to be President of the United States, not President of the world.
No, we don't wish harm on anybody, but after all, we cannot solve all the misery created by the defects in the DNA.
And in the process of trying to do so, we end up with things like Libya and South Sudan and Afghanistan.
We create a wilderness.
And do nothing but waste trillions of dollars that should be used on infrastructure at home.
We migrate our genius from production to killing.
And we destroy ourselves.
That's been the fate of all empires.
And Donald Trump is the only one, you know, in a line of succession in our empire, who has challenged that fundamental premise.
You know, it's said, as far back, Alex, when our empire really went into high gear in 1948,
Uh, with the arrogance that you can't believe we are the locomotive of all mankind and everybody else is the caboose.
Well, that's not calculated to get a lot of friends and it's calculated to get you wars everywhere in the world on some messianic, um...
Mission, which marginalizes the American people to being like extras in a Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza and puts in the front, you know, all other people who don't pay our taxes and are not loyal to us.
I mean, that's the big brouhaha.
That's right.
Meanwhile, we're there at the Ben Hurt chariot race where real people died with the chariots running over us.
Yeah, and that's the President's daily brief.
I mean, why is the President, why is his daily brief?
You know, it's about the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi and Nepal and what's going to happen with regard to Burma's internal development or something like that.
The Daily Brief ought to be what's happening to Americans first.
Our jobs, our health, our education.
So Trump says it's time to focus on the homeland, our country, and not the empire.
They're in total panic mode.
They're trying to destabilize, trying to get an intifada going.
I mean, this really looks seditious, what we see Obama and Soros doing as they prepare to leave.
Yeah, it exactly is.
I mean, take this U.N.
resolution where you abstain.
I mean, really?
It says, among other things, Alex, that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible.
Is it only inadmissible by Israel?
Well, really?
Every country that voted on that resolution has acquired territory by force, including the United States, which abstained.
So it's like having a law that's enforced only against one race or one religion.
Here it's just Israel, but everybody else gets away scot-free.
It's selectively enforced, and Israel's taking tiny pieces of land, exactly.
Look at how the West just backed this five-year civil war in an attempt with Saudi Arabia to take over and colonize Syria.
Yeah, or Yemen or any other place.
So it's trying to apply a standard just to one country in all the world that all the other countries get home free on.
And it's a disgrace.
And that's Obama's legacy.
This is a high moral ground that he came to.
You know, it's a culmination of the Civil Rights Movement.
I mean, it really is quite disgusting.
It's kind of a phenomenon that's been repeated throughout history.
The oppressed become the oppressors.
You know, and we stand up there with high moral courage and, oh, well, that shouldn't be you.
Why did you acquire territory by force?
Well, yeah, there was a war in 1967 provoked by the Arabs, and we went into Kosovo and bombed the damn place for 100 years to have a territory acquired by force from Serbia.
So we're giving lectures to them, but that's just one of the elements here.
Obama, going out of his way, he could have won the election, and he's so petty.
He really is diminishing the stature of the White House, the way he's trying to just throw stumbles in the Trump's way before he even begins office.
He's lame duck.
He should just put everything on cruise control, absent an actual attack on the United States, and let the process work its way out.
Bro, sometimes you've got to come on for a full hour and really get into your whole background, because it's so interesting.
I know you've been a lawyer for heads of state and all sorts of stuff, but the point you bring up about a third, basically, of Serbia that they've had for a thousand years, given to the Muslims.
I mean, this is outrageous, and we see Democrats really siding with the Muslims.
It's just a fact.
All over to take over even areas of Europe and give it to them and now Merkel bringing in millions of mainly military-age men covering up the crimes they're committing.
What do you think's behind this insanity?
Well, you know, it goes back to tribalism.
It's a distraction from confronting their own issues in their own way.
And part of it, too, Alex, I think, it's almost like species narcissism.
We refuse to recognize yet that we're not going to live in paradise forever because the species has real faults in it.
And let's go further, let's go further.
World War I was clearly started, historians don't deny it, by the British Empire against the Germans because they couldn't compete militarily with the economic system.
Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was acting like the Renaissance, like America was, and England couldn't compete with that.
The Empire couldn't compete.
So they kicked that off and then that and the Versailles Treaty gave us Hitler.
So the point is no one's saying Hitler wasn't bad and didn't have to be fought.
The point was is that the globalism of
Or the Empire of England triggered the events that gave us Adolf Hitler?
You're exactly right.
Even though we don't exonerate Hitler, but we were the ones who said in play, because we joined the war stupidly in 1917, why the heck were we fighting Europe's war?
It's crazy.
But putting that aside, it's surely the British Empire and they've been running around for a century, fighting wars, the Boer War, Burma War,
Invading everybody!
Yeah, white man's birthday, exactly right.
This is at the time we're doing waterboarding in the Philippines, you know?
Why the heck do you care about the Philippines?
How about staying in the United States, you know?
And making our country as perfect as can be.
We ought to have, Alex, this is our total misorientation.
We need the American Standard where everybody looks at us as the model again.
Yeah, our influence is the model.
You know, Alex, when we had virtually no military complex at all, a few frigates, right after our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, all of Europe trembled because they worried about our ideas, that we would set an example that would excite their own people.
They said, we cannot compete with the American experiment, it's going to spread.
Yeah, and we didn't need a single frigate to send that idea.
That standard would sell itself.
It's too sexy.
It's too sexy.
I mean, globalism is Madeleine Albright.
Americanism is Marilyn Monroe in her prime.
Yeah, well that's right.
But anyway, this is what I really think the lion's share of our problems all trace back to this crazy military-industrial-counterterrorism complex.
It creates enemies that otherwise wouldn't be awakened against it.
It squanders
You couldn't have that in Europe because it was monopolies?
Sir, sir, I know you like to talk about yourself, but...
I mean, you really are an unsung hero.
You are with the impetus to Reagan.
I mean, they admit it's your idea.
You did it all.
I mean, you started it all.
The reason I exist, talk radio, the fact that talk radio became kind of the model of the Internet, the free-for-all, the return of free speech in America, this entire revolution against the globalists, I mean,
And you've done so many other things behind the scenes.
I've talked to so many, you know, big cheeses and they say, thank God for Bruce Fine.
What do you make, sir, of this new ministry of truth, I mean, directly out of the old Stalinist Soviet Union, and they say that they're openly going to start blocking Infowars and Drudge and others.
And they have the left cheerleading on the news saying it's wonderful, let's shut Alex Jones down.
This is insane.
It is.
It's one of the first statutes whose purpose is to violate the First Amendment and free speech.
These people really understand nothing.
Holmes got it right.
The test of truth is the ability of the idea to be accepted in the marketplace.
So what are you worried about there?
I mean, no one's required to listen to your show.
No one's compelled under the guillotine threat, you know, to believe it.
That's how you understand and get access to truth.
You compete and you decide, you know, what the listeners, what seems more convincing than something else.
All right?
And we're dominating.
We're dominating.
They're imploding and they want to just shut us up.
They want us off the field.
They say they can't beat us, Bruce.
I know, which shows that they don't understand and believe in free speech, except their own free speech, which they say is the opposite of what you described as censorship.
And it really is frightening that these fundamental principles, that this is John Milne who was writing about this four centuries ago in Areopagitica, you know, no censorship, and we're four centuries, and now we're regressing
Well, you're the guy with Ronald Reagan who torpedoed all of this so Trump could even exist today and our whole nationalist movement that's spreading worldwide.
Our example's now spreading.
Brexit's now spreading.
So it's not just America leading the way, it's England leading the way this time.
I mean, it shows how the roles are reversed.
Russia leading the way for nationalism, saying no to the corporate empire.
How did you torpedo the Fairness Doctrine that was in, as you know, for 30 years, and then how would you go after this Board of Governors, the FCC and others, under Homeland Security and intelligence agencies?
Well, I mean, the way I did it is, first, this statute that purported to require the Fairness Doctrine, I re-examined it and said, no it doesn't, it's voluntary, and so we set in place a rulemaking to repeal it, and was sustained in the courts.
Then we had someone in South Carolina, Ernest Hollings, he championed a bill to force us to re-adopt it.
But we got President Reagan to veto the bill.
It's a 1987 and it wasn't overridden.
And it's stayed dead ever since.
Because it actually advances free speech.
It doesn't detract from it.
I'm not a constitutional lawyer like you, or a communications lawyer, but I'm looking at this.
I've read the bill.
I've read large parts of it on air.
I mean, the subsections, the deal of this, it's obviously thousands of pages, being the Defense Authorization Act, but the 20 pages or so that deal with this, they say we're ending bureaucratic obstacles.
It says we'll do whatever we want.
I mean, it's written as just a broad total power grab over all communications, having the FCC being at the heart of it.
It seems like this countermands countless other laws, but they declare it's a war power
So they're saying it circumvents and trumps everything.
I mean is that accurate what I'm saying?
Well, but Congress can't just make up war by summoning it into being.
There has to be something out there.
And so they realize how fragile their constitutional argument is, so they have to make it up as being an extension of the war power.
We're supposed to be invulnerable from judicial review after all.
We can't defeat the enemies unless we're suppressing speech at home.
Sure, so they're invoking the war power.
How do we counter this then?
No, but it doesn't always win.
I mean, the most analogous case, Alex, you go back to World War II, when many schools were, districts and state laws were saying, you know, you can't even go to public school unless you salute the flag.
And the Supreme Court said, you know, you can't compel that.
You can't compel people, you know, to believe something or to assert something you don't believe in.
They said the First Amendment protects that.
Does this illustrate a reckless flailing and panic by the establishment?
Absolutely it does.
Why would you ever fear free speech if you thought your argument was convincing?
The only reason you're going to be against free speech is because you think you'll lose out in the marketplace of ideas, just like any other business in a marketplace that feels they're going to lose, then they want to resort to crony capitalism, right?
Because they can't win on the merits.
That's the only reason why they're doing it, because they know their arguments are flawed and unpersuasive.
So they need to use the big club of government to give them an advantage.
Sure, well next time I talk to Trump, and I'm going to reach out and send him a letter as well, I'm going to, obviously he knows who you are, I'm going to ask that he get in contact with you and as soon as he gets in, use you as a top advisor, because you're the expert, on how to excise this or how to block this, because obviously as President, I guess he could bully, pulpit Congress into what, repealing this, or how would that work?
Oh yeah, he surely could.
I mean, absolutely, the Republicans control both Houses of Congress.
He just proposes a bill to repeal the entire statute.
Absolutely he could do that.
There's no reason why it shouldn't be done.
Alright, well, please come back in the next few months and cover this in detail.
I know you've got a lot of best-selling books out there.
Which one do you want to have the folks know about front and center?
Well, I mean, the most recent is American Empire Before the Fall, if you really want to know what the source of our current most egregious ailments are.
And I just encourage them that it doesn't matter how big and strong something looks.
It is a paper tiger as a matter of moral ethics and wisdom.
And if we stand up to the military-industrial-counterterrorism complex, we can defeat it.
And going back to being great as America and influencing other countries abroad, by example, not by bayonets and drones.
And it's a chicken or the egg.
The whole military-industrial complex is built on sand if America isn't strong.
We're not against America being strong.
We're just not going to kill the golden goose so they get extra eggs.
Alex, I say we want invincible self-defense.
We want to give our military men pay raises out of the skies of Lockheed Martin and Boeing and these other people building multiple billion dollar weapons that have no use and they need to be defending us!
That's how they make a case.
How about defending our sea lanes, our borders, our airspace, our cyberspace?
Why the heck are they six or seven thousand miles away getting shot at in some god-awful barren area with nothing but rocks?
Bruce Fine is more Trump than Trump.
Wow, thank you so much.
Thank you, sir.
Have a great New Year.
We'll be back, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Nick Begas is joining us with very important breaking news.
But first I want to air some excerpts of this Mark Dice piece where the public actually believes that plants drink Gatorade or Brondo.
Here it is.
The Brando appears to be helping the crops grow and is alleviating much of the drought and the food shortages in Africa.
Do you think that they should be sending more Brando over there to help the people get out of the drought?
Most definitely, depending on the way they're using it.
Because they don't have government set up like here, where the government actually helps out the people.
The people are mostly fending for themselves, trying to find the resources they need.
Do you think that we should be using more Brondo on the crops in Africa to help alleviate the food shortage and the droughts over there?
So they have the right idea using the Brondo to... I mean, it's what plants need.
So, any other comments on the Brondo being used in Africa that's helping the crops?
Definitely, if they got it over there, they should get more out there to help them out and get the resources they need to stay healthy and alive.
More Brondo.
It's got electrolytes and what plants need.
Now, Taylor Swift is on board also.
They're going to be doing free shipments of Brondo over to Africa to help alleviate the drought.
Do you think that's going to help with the food shortages and things over there?
Sending some Brondo?
Yeah, I think anything is helpful, definitely.
Anything will be helpful?
Brondo, it has what plants need.
Yeah, most definitely, yeah.
It's great that celebrities are endorsing a good cause.
It's a good cause.
It's to help the poor people in Africa, just to help them grow more crops, I guess.
So the Brondo's got those electrolytes.
You think it's a good move?
I do, yeah.
It's getting people's opinions.
Should President Camacho allow the Brondo to be used on the crops to stop the water shortage and the food shortage over there in Africa?
I mean, definitely if it's a problem.
Because I'm West African, so anything related to Africa, I feel strongly about.
Do you think that Matt Damon's doing the right thing by putting the Brondo on the crops to help the people?
I mean, if he's helping people, yeah.
Well, I don't know a lot about the situation, but based on what you're telling me, yes.
What would you do to help get more Brondo on the crops in Africa?
Well, first of all, you have to, what you're doing right now, you have to advertise it.
You have to bring awareness to people.
A lot of people don't know much about the Brondo, I guess.
That's what I'm saying.
You have to bring awareness to it.
That's the first thing.
First thing, bring awareness to it, and then you have to have like... Some celebrities maybe behind it?
For sure, for sure.
Celebrities, like, you have to have, me personally, I feel like you have to have like,
Every spectrum, like a celebrity, that's cool.
But not a lot of people can relate to celebrities, even though they look like a viral video campaign.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Have him talk about it.
Oh, well, I mean, if it's going to let the people eat, then, you know.
Brondo, it has what plants need.
What do you think we should do to help get more Brondo on the crops in Africa to help people?
We need more supporters.
More supporters?
We need way more supporters.
You think maybe like Taylor Swift and Beyonce should get on board?
That would help a lot though.
There are a lot of celebrities that are on the Brondo Initiative.
What would you do to help get more Brondo put on the crops?
What would I do?
I would just go out and just, like what you're doing right now.
Just start talking to me.
Just raise more Brondo awareness.
It's not right.
You know, I want to take this piece for the Nightly News and actually cut some clips into idiocracy so people understand that that's now part of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
It's now in the dictionary as well.
And that's what we're becoming.
And they want us to be idiots.
They want us to be a bunch of hopeless morons.
We don't show these videos out of enjoyment.
This is what liberal schooling, fake liberal schooling in modern culture has done.
A bunch of soft, just dangerously ignorant morons.
Because remember, these people vote.
And they think the government is their mommy.
The internet giant Amazon has been rewarded a patent for a new flying warehouse.
The Airborne Fulfillment Center.
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Bit of a dystopic image.
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com and we're not in Kansas anymore.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to have Dr. Nick Begich on with us in this hour.
We're going to open the phones up specifically on all this AI technology that's rolling into the home.
In fact, Amazon has its little spy gadget that's like your cell phone, but it listens to you, it tracks you, hackers get into it, it takes control of other devices in your house.
And somebody gave my daughter one!
I heard her talking to something and a computer talking to her.
You know, she doesn't get a cell phone unless when she goes out, you know, stay at a friend's house overnight or a field trip.
Then we give her like a flip phone.
Oh, but sure enough, I heard her talking to a robot.
I'm living in a science fiction movie.
I go in there.
There's the robot I've been talking about for six months that Amazon Googled.
Facebook, they're all rolling out, where, oh, you don't give your kid a cell phone because you know it's the internet.
They can be tracked, predators can come after them, hackers, the government.
Oh, but now there's all these little cheap things that are 20, 30, 40 bucks, and they're in your house, and they're not telling you they're getting a giant gold mine of data on you.
And then even Alex Jones' house.
I'm getting my daughters ready for school this morning.
It's like camp school.
They're off this week.
Exercise camp, bouldering camp.
And sure enough, I hear a robot talking to my daughter.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're going into 2017.
So I want to review some of these technological developments, what's unfolding, what's happening.
I'm not against technology.
It's that the globalists admit they're piggybacking everything into it.
Dr. Begich has always said, Alex, you're worried about fluoride, and yes, they admit it's meant to lower IQ and lower fertility.
You're worried about forced inoculation, and that's bad enough.
The real threat is digital.
It's electronic.
It's everywhere.
The patents, the carrier waves, what's admittedly going on, data over power lines, through light bulbs, which they admit can, quote, calm you or make you angry.
This is going on.
This is happening.
Government buildings for a decade have been testing light bulbs to calm their staff.
They don't even tell their staff that they're being put in a conditioning program.
Coming up, I'm going to go over some of the news articles they've come out with, admitting that the goal of the internet and the goal of these little AI computers that are watching you in your house is social control.
I covered that in a special report that aired on the Nightly News on Wednesday night.
So what's crazy is everything Dr. Nick Bezos talked about 25 years ago, everything I talked about 20 years ago...
It's now just passe.
They go, of course we're watching you!
You go get a Samsung TV, or another one.
It tells you, third parties will be watching and listening to you.
It actually says.
But even two years ago, people were like, that's incredible, or Chicago's paid twenty-something million dollars to put up hundreds and hundreds of light poles with cameras and microphones listening to you.
People couldn't believe that was real just five years ago.
Just six, seven years ago, they couldn't believe when we broke the stingray systems all over the country, grabbing your cell phone data illegally.
Now, they just admit it.
So we've hit a point where world governments admit it.
Total Big Brothers admit it.
I mean, it's amazing.
Our credibility is going up.
They're calling for now, censoring us.
So, I didn't do any pre-interview with Dr. Nick Begich.
I know he can go all over the map.
The election, the wars, what Obama's doing in his last 20 days, what he expects to happen and so much more.
And at the bottom of the hour, your questions for Dr. Nick Begich on technology, on Big Brother, on anything.
Because I didn't plug any last hour, and I even skipped two breaks.
I shouldn't do that.
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800-259-9231 on this Friday.
Last official broadcast that we're doing in 2016.
I am planning tomorrow night to do a Facebook mention slash live YouTube feed on both our YouTube channels and on Facebook.
I may even come in to the studio, but I don't want to make folks work.
I mean, they deserve one day off a year, don't they?
I'm worse than Ebeneezer Scrooge actually trying to wake folks up.
So, Dr. Nick Begich, bestselling author, researcher,
He joins us, earthpulse.com, not a conspiracy theorist.
He goes off the patents, off the facts, and let me tell you, we are not in Kansas anymore.
One of his best-selling books is Controlling the Mind, Angels Don't Play This Harp, ESP Introduction, and so much more.
Dr. Baggage, thanks for coming on.
Hey, thanks for having me, Alex.
It's been way too long, and it's always great to be with you.
How are you doing?
Are you still up in Alaska?
I am, and right now it's about quarter after nine, and it's still dark outside.
We don't get the sun, but in 15-20 minutes it starts to rise here.
Where should we start?
I mean, I threw a lot of stuff out there.
You pioneered exposing this whole plan.
I mean, here we are.
What are they not telling us about?
Well, you know, I think the idea of convenience is really the sales pitch that we've been sold on virtually all of these technologies over the years.
And the fact of the matter is, the convenience, you give up an awful lot.
You know, we used to think about privacy as the doorway to our homes.
Today, it's our digital doorway, which means we really have to look
At what is being collected.
All these devices, all of this convenience is about cataloging information on people.
We wrote about this.
You know, 16 years ago in the book, Earth Rising, The Revolution, talking about what was coming in terms of surveillance and technologies.
And at that time, many don't remember, but in Great Britain and London, you had no presumption of privacy no matter where you went.
They had cameras on every corner, microphones on every corner.
New York was headed that way back then.
And now we have an entire country believing that is the way to go.
And the excuses are violence, terrorism, international drug trafficking.
These were things that the military actually built into the programming, if you will, back in the 80s in a publication by the U.S.
Army War College that dealt with modern technology and sort of what it was going to do in shaping the future.
And at that time in the 80s, they said these new technologies would violate American values, would violate the Constitution.
But the military training colleges didn't stop there.
Instead they said we need strategies to bring this about and they used the strategy of fear.
Fear of terrorism, fear of drug trafficking, in order to screw down liberty and freedom in America.
And they have effectively done it.
If you look at the amount of column inches in newspapers covering those stories over the last 20 years, you can see the continual build-up.
And notice, they're the ones actually bringing in the unvetted refugees, 80% of military-age men, to create the even bigger crisis.
And when you think about this, the idea, you know, I mean, even look at our southern border.
Our southern border, 10% of the adult population has been running away to the United States for years.
What are we doing?
You know, I mean, we're supporting the closest thing to a dictatorship in Mexico.
Yeah, they have elections if you want to call them elections.
But the fact of the matter is, it's one of the most corrupt countries right on our border.
We support them.
Every time their people try and have a revolution, we suppress it.
We get involved in it.
You know, we had a revolution a little over 200 years ago.
Served us real well.
And personally, I believe that every country has a right to self-determination without interference.
And if their population is running away from a corrupt government, what are we doing supporting them?
And this happens all around the world.
We do this continually, support corruption.
Well, from your studies, and of course your father, famous congressman, airplane went down, probably killed, as you've said, your brother, a former U.S.
Looking at this, who runs it, and what's the endgame of the technocracy?
It is about corporations.
It has always been about corporations.
It is about control and influence.
It's about the banking industry.
The idea of controlling the economic means for individual people is really the route to a real dictatorship in the sense that we have the sense of an open government, but when you really look at what fuels the government, it's special interest politics.
It has always been that way.
This election
Was the explosion I think America needed to go off.
A political change that was so profound and so unexpected by the mainstream, because even with all the surveillance, they still can't register the depth of the American character, which is when we get burned a certain amount, the revolution begins.
Henry, let me ask you that question, because you've been talking about this forever, and I don't want to kiss your butt, but you've been an incredible visionary back when I would listen to you in the late 90s on Coast to Coast AM and call up and have you on my own show and, you know, reading your books.
Now I feel passé.
I guess you feel passé because literally almost everything you talked about has now come true or worse because you were just going off the documentation.
But at the same time, so many people in the system now admit that what's been built isn't good.
And what's crazy is it seems like so much of the opposition now is actually within the military and within this whole complex.
I think that's going to be the saving grace, the fifth column of American freedom.
People who understand what their commitments are, what the Constitution actually means, and are willing to stand by it.
And to blow the whistle on corruption.
You know, that's what we need more of, not less of.
You know, people are complaining about a Russian hack.
Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.
But what did they hack?
They hacked the corruption in the Democratic Party, for God's sake!
Yeah, they changed the subject!
I mean, the point of the matter is,
We've done this as the United States.
In every country, in every election in the world, we have so-called national interests, or what are really, in my view, corporate interests.
And when we've interfered with elections around the world, people have complained, and we just kind of look the other way and go on with our routine.
You know, when you think about American politics, my family's been in it for three generations.
And when you look at American politics, American government, it's, do something over here,
But the real game is on the other side.
Let's talk about the real game with Dr. Nick Baggage, the trailblazer, exposing the technocracy for what?
25, 26 years?
How long is it?
That's right.
It's been about 25 years.
We'll be right back, sir.
Stay there.
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Come and take it!
Hard to believe.
I just looked down at the start of this hour and realized this is the last live broadcast I'm doing of 2016 unless I come in tomorrow and do a special transmission and I'm going to do it whether it's at a friend's house or in my house or around a campfire.
We're going to do where I'm on YouTube with one live feed and sometimes millions tune in and then also on Facebook mentions.
Just an incredible time to be alive, and what an amazing year.
Coming up in the next segment, it's longer, I'm going to ask Dr. Maggots what he thinks was most important this year and what he's most concerned about coming up next year.
But getting back to this big issue that he was starting to hit.
While they're diverting us with the beautiful assistant, the magician is doing something with his left hand, the sinister hand.
And when we look at this worldwide awakening to nationalism, populism, which is genuine, sure there's going to be attempts to hijack it, but the globalists are genuinely panicked and scared, and I think Begich was getting to that when he said the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, despite all their AI, all their propaganda, all of it.
Their own people now are decompartmentalized because of the internet, and their own panopticon spy grid is biting them in the butt with their own NSA system.
They're trying to change the subject now, saying, oh, it's the Russians.
I mean, is that what you're getting at, Dr. Begich?
And you know, when I look at this, you know, our government has been responsible for kidnapping, torture, extortion, bribery.
I mean, all the felonies that are the class A felonies, right?
And this is our government representing us in the world?
I don't think so.
I think this is the problem.
This is why countries are angry at us.
It's not the individual citizens.
I mean, most people that meet Americans when I travel, and I travel a lot,
Is it fair to say we're trying to exercise the demon?
We're trying to exercise the rogue element?
I think so.
I think that's exactly it.
I think there is an element within government that is really solid and good, and there is an element within government that are just the drones for a class of people, the elites.
I mean, I know a lot of people in the world.
And I've met them.
And these folks all have deep philosophical leanings.
Once you discover them, you find out where they really are.
And unfortunately, the white knights in political life are rare and few between.
Do you think Trump's a return of that?
Or at least archetypally?
I think he is, as an archetype.
Now let's see what happens, is my view.
There are huge forces arraying against him.
You know, when I look back on what happened eight years ago in the Obama administration, when he went in, irrespective of what everybody thought he was going to do, he surrounded himself with the same institutional hacks, the bureaucratic hacks that actually run the government.
Trump isn't doing that.
It's the first time I think I can remember, certainly in my lifetime, where presidents come in and have not leaned into the standard political establishment.
I think that's a good sign.
There's also some risk, of course.
This is a country of risks.
But you know what?
This is the nature of freedom and capitalism is we take risks.
How big are those risks?
Three branches of government make sure they're not ever too big.
Dr. Begich, you just said something that is so amazing.
And you come from a famous Democratic Party family.
That's right.
But your dad was an activist.
He really did care about people.
He did a lot of great stuff.
I'm not going to demonize your brother, but I think it was kind of on both sides.
But the point is, is that, but I think it was a genuine good person when he was in the Senate.
He certainly wasn't one of the bad actors.
But if you pull back from all this, you've certainly been, I mean, purely a good actor, just understanding we're all interconnected.
But exactly.
I've studied his appointments.
They're all renegades.
Even when they're from Goldman Sachs or even when they're at Exxon Mobil, they buck the system and that's what he's surrounding himself with.
People are spinning it like National Review saying he's already betrayed his base.
He's bringing insiders in.
No, he's bringing in technicians that have actually been rebels from my research.
Right, I agree with that in terms of what their profiles are.
And these are the mavericks.
These are people that have an entrepreneurial bent within government that see ways to fix things.
This is what's important in government is creative, innovative, new approaches to changing things.
We are.
Democrats talking about the average person in person, and now it's Donald Trump Republicanism, which is different, way different than what the Republican Party was.
Sure, just to finish my point, because I admit it's so important, the reason I brought up your pedigree is, you're an honest, real, true progressive, not the cancerous type that they've, you know, hijacked what you are, the good liberal.
I mean you are a guy with a lot of credibility and you're saying as a political expert, I mean a real insider, just from research, you're saying it looks pretty good what Trump's doing.
That's what I'm seeing too.
Other people I don't think are nuanced enough, I'm not being arrogant, to understand that.
I want to come back and get your take on that, and then other subjects that you think are front and center, and then some phone calls with Dr. Nick Magich.
We'll also talk about what's hidden right now, what are they diverting us from, and what is Dr. Nick Magich's biggest concern politically?
On how they might try to bring Trump and this nationalist populist movement down.
We'll be right back.
His website's earthpulse.com.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last night, around 6 p.m.
Eastern Time, the Drudge Report went down for about 90 minutes.
Headline at that time?
Moscow mocks Obama, lame duck.
The website eventually was up and running again.
Matt Drudge tweeted from his personal account.
Is the U.S.
government attacking Drudge Report?
Biggest DDoS since site's inception.
Very suspicious routing and timing.
He also tweeted, attacking coming from thousands of sources.
Of course, none of them traceable to Fort Meade.
Last year, Matt Drudge made a rare public live appearance when he came on the Alex Jones Show and warned Alex that the government was coming for him.
The establishment was going to shut him down.
Then this month, InfoWars came under an unprecedented DDoS attack.
Worst we have ever seen.
Then, in the same month, the exact same thing happens to DrudgeReport.
Who is responsible for these unprecedented DDoS attacks?
Why are they targeting the biggest names in real media?
Will the government tell us?
Or are they too worried about Russian hacking?
This is Owen Troyer for InfoWars.com
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or your mind.
Alright, we could have Dr. Begichip for like two hours.
We probably should do that and actually roll through his books and mind control and the admitted patents and all the rest of it.
I know we got a loaded phone.
There was an article out of the Intercept just a few days ago.
People want to talk about AI.
And it's got basically whistleblowers from inside Zuckerberg's operation that talks about his famously sequestered Palo Alto home where nobody surveils him.
You know, he doesn't have these AI devices in his house.
And they talk about how we're all gonna be these avatars that'll be scored on the internet and by government.
China already has this.
And if you're not a good little globalist, they start lowering your score until you're not even allowed to have a job.
So it's a digital ghetto beyond Jews having to wear yellow stars.
And they talk about the fact in here that it's meant to control our emotions and our physical behavior and that the goal with the VR products is to social engineer.
Once they're in place, researchers say, the psychological aspects of digital embodiment combined with the troves of data that the consumer of VR products can freely mine from our bodies, like the head movements and facial expressions, we give corporations and governments unprecedented insight and power over our emotions and physical behavior.
And then they can not just have mass programming,
To predict the future, they can control the future.
And of course they released this last year, the one Google was founded 18 years ago by NASA and the CIA and using NSA search technology, keyword technology, that the government was in the meetings, in fact it came out and Google published this, Wired published this and said,
The generals were sitting around the table and they said, we already have search engines.
Well, what's the point?
They said, this isn't a search engine.
This is artificial intelligence hooked into billions of users where the AI controls people.
This is mind control, General.
And then they publish this like we're idiots and don't get it.
We see this arrogance because no matter how powerful these machines are, Dr. Begich, isn't the ghost of the machine the fact that a bunch of control freaks came up with this co-opted technology and believe it's going to be our downfall, when in reality it's blowing back on them?
Have they really created something that the humans that you talk about are more advanced than the elite want to admit, well they're actually scared of it, are about to actually take over and that AI will just be our tool to go to the next level?
Dr. Begich?
That is certainly possible.
You know, the one factor they can't predict in is human emotion and for the universal human factor that links us to the creation itself.
And you can't calculate that.
You can't put that into a formulation.
The idea of screwing down the population, not just the American population, the global population.
Think about finance controls, controls of money, digital money, which is now starting to take off.
Everywhere I mean you got some countries where currency isn't even utilized very much more and you got other countries have been totally disrupted like India where currency supports been taken out of circulation in order to corrupt or not corrupt the system.
So what they're doing essentially is
Taking the things that facilitate free trade and getting those under the umbrella, where all of your transactions, all of your trade, all of your activities become tracked.
And from that amount of data, if you say, well that's a huge amount of data, we can't really do much with it, this is the fallacy.
Storing the data is the first element.
The second element is sorting it.
And the ability to sort data increases exponentially every few years.
And we're about to hit the quantum computing side, where all this data will be utilized and they will be able to profile people so specifically.
And send advertising and promotion so specifically, it will manipulate and control not just emotional behavior, but take that and use it as the momentum for carrying off social change.
We already see it.
I mean, we don't even need a digital world to do this in.
The media has been, has had that tool forever.
You know, I avoid the mainstream media because it is the fake news, folks.
It is so contrary to what they're promoting.
The last few weeks I've listened to a couple of things.
I listened to CNN for a little bit and I listened to public radio.
And public radio is the panic party for the liberal agenda.
Because these people are scattered all over the map right now.
And what they're attacking are all illusions from my perspective and unimportant issues.
And when you look at the other side, the CNN side, it's a bunch of talking heads arguing with each other, doing the same thing they were doing during the Trump
Still missing the mainstream media, still missing what the average people are looking for.
And in the course of this, the alternative media is becoming more of the truth in this country.
That is only going to make us superstars.
The problem is, we now see massive denial of service attacks.
His server folks telling him, looks like US government attack on drugs last night.
This is their cyber response, who they claim are Russian agents.
The bizarre, beyond McCarthy-ite, McCarthy on PCP, LSD, mescaline, claiming I'm a Russian agent.
This is ridiculous.
I mean, this is just, it's crazy.
This is the kind of thing they're going to do.
Because in politics, if you can't attack the issues, you can't attack the logic and the rationale, you start attacking people.
And you start attacking their systems.
And this is what our government is doing.
And they used to call us, you know, one time they tried to villainize people like me and they gave us the name accumulators.
Because we could go into the mix of the matrix and pull out all the data and prove exactly what they're doing without ever touching classified materials.
And they wanted to restrict that.
Well, that's called investigative reporting.
That's right.
They don't like us reverse engineering because no matter how classified something, even with disinfo out there, we see the manifestation of what they're really doing.
Oh, you can't miss it.
And the fact of the matter is, you look at how people behave, you know, and how people act, and they say, oh, none of this really matters.
It all matters.
The programming that is happening right now through the mainstream media and has been happening,
I don't know.
I remember like 18 years ago when I had NSA folks leaking me stuff, and then I got threatened, and then I had military people come around, and then CIA folks come around trying to recruit me.
They said, listen, you could be a great accumulator with us, and we're really good guys, and all this crap, and there's certainly some good guys in there, but the overall directive is very, very bad, and what I'm trying to teach folks to do, and what you do, is to
To be able to accumulate data and be a private independent analyst for humanity, real human intelligence against the globalists, they can't stop that.
No, they can't.
And, you know, the thing about it is we've always done it the same way you have.
You know, it's people who listen to us and support us over the years that have kept us doing what we do.
And it's amazing how much information is actually out there if you take the time to do it.
And so, you know, you and I both, and a lot of us out there, we're distillers.
We take a lot of information in, we package it, we deliver it, but we also keep those sources intact so people can validate
You know, what we're saying.
And we have been right.
I mean, 99%... You have been so dead on, it's unbelievable.
I mean, do you ever shake your head and wish you were wrong?
You know... Here's my view of it, is... I think it's important to educate people on the issues.
But more importantly, we need to recognize our inner strength as human souls to change the game.
Every single one of us.
Everybody listening to this broadcast today is a force of one that is as potent as you need to be.
You're connected to everyone else, everything else.
There doesn't need to be a group.
It's called our actions.
How we vote, how we buy, where we go, what we say, all of it has power.
They want us to just be programmed to repeat what they say, their centralized message, their control of language.
If we just become independent, create art, create literature, create poetry, go outside, love our families, be good people, we will be shining lights in their system and they can't compete with it.
That is exactly right, and we are created in the image of a creator.
We have incredible potential.
We need to recognize our birthright and carry it forward, and be the force of liberty in the 21st century, to recapture the spirit of what happened 225, 30 years ago, and grab that spirit and hold it again, not in the course of violence, but in the course of clear, logical thinking, and don't let the elite take us down.
The opportunity to create change and to find alliances between people.
Look for the common ground that changes the world because the elites, their common ground is to crush us, to take away the human spirit and to make us the drones of the 21st century.
That is not what we are.
We are those lights that Alex was just talking about.
We are the light for the change that happens in the world by stepping into what we know to be right and true and acting
Acting in a good way, a responsible way, a caring way, and the way that we were created to act as human beings.
Wow, I mean, don't pause or I'll jump in, Doctor, and the reason I jump in so much, and you do too, this is exciting, and we're not like pre-programmed, we didn't do a pre-interview, we probably haven't talked in about a year, and we're on the same page because we're looking at the same reality, and it doesn't mean we're perfect, but what we're seeing is a lot closer to common sense and reality than what the false purveyors of disinformation are putting out, and I gotta tell you, I'm very optimistic.
There's a lot of negative stuff happening, a lot of bad things happening, but
That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger if we're aware of what's happening.
What are some of the biggest things on your radar?
I would be watching the elections in France and the Netherlands in the spring.
The French population is pretty anti-European Union right now.
The same is true with the Dutch.
The immigration issues are crushing them right now.
I think those elections coming up in the spring
I travel and people are saying the same thing.
It's the same globalists screwing up the same countries, whether it's Germany, the Netherlands, France,
There's only a couple hundred of them.
I mean, there's only five or six big organizations.
It's a couple hundred guys.
People always blame white people.
There's a bunch of old white guys running around screwing everybody, creating race war, creating division, and consolidating control, and then exempting themselves at the international level from the taxes, the regulations, and what we live under.
Right, and you know these European, the European Union as an example, you know, who elected any of these people?
United Nations, who elected any of these people?
They don't represent me.
They don't represent the European working man and woman.
They represent the elites that put them in power, that gave them power over us.
Nobody should have power over us unless we select them.
These are self-determining countries.
Everyone's entitled to their own form of government.
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, we can have global nations working together and treaties and agreements, but not centralized secret groups that create global secret treaties that are all one-sided, that are totalitarian.
We can't have a global government that's totalitarian.
Certainly down the road, if people, you know, want to have shared values and shared communal agreements, that's natural, but not forced.
Right, and that's not going to happen for a few more hundred years, the way I gauge it.
Now, when I say about what's coming, the big things, I think the Middle East, we've got to pay real close attention.
The Obama administration and Hillary have been in, they're doing everything they can to get us in a major conflict and to keep us there.
They're interested in reinvigorating the Cold War, which we do not need.
We need to reassess our global relationship certainly in the 21st century, but I don't believe most countries, maybe the exception China, have an interest in
Crushing what's working, but the political philosophy of China is such that, I mean I won't do business there, not at this point in time, but the Russians are changing.
I do a lot of work in Russia.
I spent a couple weeks there in Moscow and St.
Petersburg this summer, and what I see, we have all these sanctions, they are a joke from my perspective.
There's nothing in Moscow that you can't find from Western countries.
I don't care what it is.
They're not working.
It's counterproductive.
Well, you've been over there.
All I know is I go on some of the top Russian shows, people that advise Putin, and they're just Americana, Renaissance, anti-New World Order.
They seem to get that there's a real revolution against the New World Order.
They first pioneered it, kicking the oligarchs out.
They understand the chain reaction.
And I think Russia's really excited.
That's why the globalists are panicking.
That is exactly it.
And I say the strongest economies, one of the biggest surprises in the world is going to be the Russian economy.
Their ruble took a beating a few years ago, but you watch.
Putin wants to be the global leader in organic food.
We're going with Monsanto and all this evil.
They're going the opposite.
Let's take a few phone calls for Dr. Nick Baggage.
All his books are evergreen.
You can read books he wrote 20 years ago.
More important than ever.
I want to get him back up in the new year.
I've got to put, like, in the computer on the, you know, in the calendar.
Just remember, it's like a year goes by.
Oh, we've got to get Dr. Baggage on.
Every few months, he'll do it.
I want you to come on about ESP.
I know a lot of studies have proven it's going on.
Government studied it.
We all know about Sixth Sense.
Tell us why he's looking at us.
I want to get into that.
I want to break that down with you in a full interview as well.
Let's take some phone calls.
We've got Zach, Daniel, Ruth, Ben, Stefan, and others.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ben in Nevada.
You're on the air with Dr. Nick Begich.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, go ahead, sir.
The man, the myth, the legend, Alex Jones.
I appreciate everything you do.
A quick veteran combat veteran in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Do you think the AI that is in the house nowadays is actually mapping the inside of the house?
We had this technology in Iraq before we'd actually breach a door.
We could see the inside and where the people were located.
Do you think they're using this technology to create a false representation of our homes so when they introduced us into this virtual reality
That we are more accustomed to it because it's something that we're familiar with already.
What a smart point.
They admit that these little AI systems we put in our houses are mapping our houses.
They admit the police helicopters have this now.
They're just not telling the cops about the systems being rolled out.
They're 20, 30 years old.
But Dr. Begich, he has all the patents, you name it.
No, we're standing naked.
Before our government.
I mean, literally.
There is nothing about you, there is nothing about any individual that they cannot monitor.
Microsoft Connect can see through three walls on average in your house alone.
And Microsoft admits they're data mining all of it.
You having sex with your wife, what you're saying in your dreams, it's beyond 1984.
Yeah, and again...
Well, this was always sort of the plan.
I mean, it's the ultimate marketing plan when they can tailor everything to not just push you in the direction, whether it's politics or shopping.
I mean, from their perspective, it's about delivering a message, convincing people that they're correct, and then making sure they get delivery.
And they don't need to affect everybody.
They just need to push the envelope just far enough.
They call it nudging.
Yeah, exactly right.
And this is such easily accomplished.
And let's be clear.
A lot of folks say, so what if they know what I want and put a dog food ad up because they hear the dog barking.
Folks, that's only a small part.
They admit it's controlling you and then by stimuli manipulating who you are.
And you can do simple things.
You wouldn't want your wife to know all the stuff they know about you or your husband.
This is crazy.
You know, and the thing about it is, it's subtle.
And some of it is really convenient.
And so you sign on.
But when you really analyze, what are they really gathering?
And see, I think we have the opposite end of this of privacy.
I don't think data should be retained on anyone for more than the time it takes to dispute a claim.
It should be destroyed each time.
But they've got laws saying you've got to keep the data.
We'll be back with Dr. Nick Begich in your phone call straight ahead.
Great points, Ben.
Amazing points.
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We've got two more segments with Dr. Nick Baggage, and then Leanne McAdoo is taking over.
She's going to have former head of the Treasury, head of policy, former Wall Street Journal editor, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, to break down the unprecedented kicking out of Russian diplomats, closing of two Russian buildings, and Putin's response of saying, I'm not kicking any Americans out.
Obama is a mean, basically brain-dead, horrible person who just wants war.
We're trying to create peace.
So it's just incredible to see the arrogance of our elite.
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Free shipping store-wide until the 1st, and on top of it,
Yes, sir.
It's a business.
Property tax is what it is at the end of the year.
Just like car dealerships, you know, try to sell out of their cars.
So some of the best deals are not the best deals of the year.
Yeah, I would just like to say that
Why do you specifically think that Russian hacking is not a real thing?
Because I think it is.
I believe that they hacked it for Trump to win.
I believe that Trump and Putin have something going on that shouldn't be going on.
Okay, okay.
I can barely understand you because of your phone, but what I'm getting from you is
The Communist Chinese openly said they were financing Hillary's campaign.
The Saudi princess said they funded 20% of it.
She's got a foundation with billions, most of it legal money, that's all admitted.
She's got an illegal server discussing all these criminal actions.
And all these foreign states reportedly were getting on her illegal server, that's what they're supposed to do.
But to say the Russians, who have the GDP of Italy,
Controlled us.
No, we didn't want Hillary anymore.
Now, first they said these agencies said this, then Clapper came out, the head of all the agencies, and said, it's not true.
We mean they influenced, not hacked.
So, what I'm saying is, any way you slice it, it's changing the subject from the crimes they're committing.
Dr. Begich?
I absolutely agree.
You know, the fact of the matter is, whether the Russians hacked the Democratic Party's database or not, the reality is the Democratic Party was engaged in exactly what Bernie Sanders and Trump were saying.
It's a rigged game.
And it has been rigged.
And all they did is prove it.
Now, was it the Russians or some guy in a room sitting on a couch?
I don't know.
But I know this about our government.
They've hacked every system they can get into in every country in the world and have influenced every political leader on the planet, if they could.
Because that's our foreign policy.
Apple and Google admit they routinely hack millions of their own users.
That's what all this stuff is!
That's what this Amazon system you buy, Amazon Tap and Amazon Alexa do!
Well, think about the Germans.
How did they feel when they found out that we were hacking Merkel's phones?
You know, think about this.
The NSA was tapping all of our allies' phones.
What is that about?
And they're complaining about the Russians?
We were tapping the phones of the heads of state, not some Democratic Party or some political party in some country.
This is... I mean, it's calling the kettle black.
It is preposterous to even claim this, knowing the whole system's designed as a giant grid.
People just want to say the election is illegitimate.
Let me ask you a question, Zach.
Do you really think folks wanted Hillary?
Do you really think that was a good candidate to run?
Do you really think the Russians mind-controlled America?
I wanted her.
I mean, I voted for her.
I wanted her as Virginia Miner Bernie, but she lost.
I think fair and square.
But I voted for Hillary Clinton proudly, and
I get it, there's a lot of things wrong with her.
I could go on all day, there's a lot of things wrong with her.
Sure, but I'm saying... Everybody's hacking everybody, bro!
We'll be back, stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
As we get ready to kick off 2017, it's more important than ever to realize it's the First Amendment that allowed us to defeat the globalist witch Hillary Clinton.
And these enemies of free speech are out there telling us, don't say Merry Christmas.
In fact, don't even say holidays.
Well, I got news for them.
Just because of them doing that, I'm going to extend our Christmas sales right
We're good to go!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's so frustrating talking to that nice caller.
He's like, well the mainstream media and all the agencies say it.
No they don't.
The FBI and the head of Voluntology came out and said it wasn't true, that Obama ordered them, as the president, to lie.
That basically has come out.
But it's ridiculous.
Hillary had an illegal server.
You're not supposed to have those, because they will get hacked.
And then it changes the subject.
From everything else that's happening, and now they're trying to delegitimize an election and trying to start wars, as Dr. Begich said.
That, to me, is the big issue.
But notice, as you said, they keep changing the subject, Doctor.
That's right.
They want to talk about a server that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
And anybody who's had any exposure to classified materials, any number of these things would have gotten someone fired and in jail.
Uh, for some of these breaches of security.
And she was Secretary of State?
Oh, come on.
And when you think about all of this, I mean, listening to the last call, I feel sorry for him.
Because he actually bought the propaganda.
He accepted this story.
And anyone who knows anything about the Clintons, they're the most corrupt people you've ever seen.
They came into office with nothing but a pile of lawsuits coming out of Arkansas, and a chain of events that was as corrupt as it could get, and a chain of dead bodies.
In the time they've been in elective office, they have collected in campaigns and contributions to their foundations and campaigns somewhere on the order of $4 billion.
That's right.
And, you know, and I've talked about these foundations for over 20 years because this is how you hide the corruption.
They're money laundering operations and they call them philanthropists.
Right, and the thing is, they can take money from anybody, and they do.
They build huge wealth, and the deal is, it's the bribe after you're in office.
So this way, everybody makes sure you deliver before they pay you, and then they pay you.
And it's play for pay, and I don't care what they call it, or how they develop the regulations to mask bribery and corruption, but it's the same thing no matter what words you give it.
It's the same effect.
Let's take another call.
Dr. Baggish, we've got to get him back on a regular basis.
Let's talk to Ruth in Montana.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Oh, okay.
Am I live on the air?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, Alex, doctor, thank you for taking my call.
I had a really good question at the beginning of my call, but now I've had to switch it.
So now that you guys have, you know, pulled the veil back on the AI technocracy and biotechnology stuff, I'm wondering what you guys think
They're going to do, now that it's been revealed how they've been getting people to buy in as, you know, accepting these technologies and stuff, how they're going to promote them in the future.
Well, what they do is... I mean, I'm sitting there...
And I hear my daughter talking to a robot, and I go in, and sure enough, somebody's giving it to her, and I didn't even know.
And it's, again, the Microsoft Alexa, to make it sound non-threatening, or the Alexa system put out by Bezos there at Amazon.
And again, it looks non-threatening.
It's a microphone.
It admits it's spying on you.
They admit it's their plan to take over your child's life and then direct them in certain directions.
I mean, this is incredible.
If you found a neighbor putting a microphone in your house, you'd probably sue them or kick their butt.
Dr. Begich?
Yeah, you know, this is exactly it.
We've invited all of this technology in without recognizing sort of the darker side of it, which from a commercial perspective, I mean, it ought to be pretty transparent.
I mean, there should be no surprises here.
The thing about it is we've lost our compass in all of it.
And I think the idea of being programmed at a higher level, I mean, look at the curriculums in schools, look at
Look at how it's played out in the media.
Look at how it's played out all the way through your life.
Unfortunately, Dr. Begich, we're out of time.
Folks can find his books at earthpulse.com.
I've got a special report on the new Alien Covenant film, the new Prometheus, where the elite basically throw it in your face what they're planning to do.
It's very powerful.
And Leanne McAdoo's taking over.
Dr. Begich, thank you for all the time.
Please come back in the next month.
We're looking forward to it anytime you want to have it.
All right.
Thank you so much, sir.
All right.
This is a powerful report.
It gets into the globalist religion, what they believe, not what I believe.
This is the real inside mojo coming up and then Leanne and so much more today.
Thank you all for your support.
And I'll be broadcasting with a special transmission sometime about nine o'clock tomorrow night as well.
Follow InfoWars.com.
The internet giant Amazon has been rewarded a patent for a new flying warehouse.
The Airborne Fulfillment Center.
An airship or blimp that will fly or hover at 45,000 feet.
Stocked with some of Amazon's millions of products with thousands of delivery drones waiting to be dispatched to immediately fulfill your order.
Amazon is talking about hovering these things over football games to carry popular items to those tailgating outside, who may need something last minute.
The Air Fulfillment Center will stay in the air, being refueled and resupplied by shuttles from the surface.
The patent was won in April, but recently made its circles around the internet after a CB Insider tweeted the plans for the quote, e-commerce Death Star.
Amazon already runs warehouses with the Kiva robot.
They have successfully tested their delivery drones.
Just imagine, you look up and there is this monster Amazon warehouse flashing advertisements with thousands of drones flying around it.
Bit of a dystopic image.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com and we're not in Kansas anymore.
All across the Western world, MSM is attempting to demonize the language and words we use, saying, don't say Merry Christmas, use holidays.
And now they say don't use holiday.
Well, I've got some news for them.
We're going to continue to use the speech we feel like using, and we're going to exercise the First Amendment in your globalist, tyrannical faces.
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That's InfoWarsStore.com or go right to the supplements at InfoWarsLife.com.
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I think so.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
In 2012, award-winning director Ridley Scott released Prometheus, that reportedly gives us the history of where the entire Alien franchise came from.
Now, coming up in May of 2017, we're going to see Alien Covenant.
It's important to understand that the globalists, the social engineers that rule this planet do not believe the theory of evolution postulated by Charles Darwin.
They believe that advanced alien civilizations seeded life on this planet.
Their religion is a belief in panspermia or that viable organisms were purposely or accidentally seeded to this globe and that now they, the elite or the Illuminati, are continuing what the gods established and have taken control of human evolution.
Sickeningly, the eugenicists believe that they are following in the footsteps of these humanoid gods and have turned the entire planet into a giant petri dish where they are testing on the populations thousands and thousands of different mutagens every year to attempt to create these new super mutations that they believe will bring the new superhuman to the earth.
Alien Covenant's current release date is May 19th, 2017.
Spoiler alert, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to break down not just what the film covers, but the dogma and the philosophy and the religion behind it.
So get ready for the real secrets of Alien Covenant Leaked.
The first great secret of Alien Covenant is that the planet that they're showing you, this Garden of Eden, that appears to be a heavenly world on the surface, is really a giant test tube merging plants and animals in bizarre new forms.
A religious experiment of the advanced Anunnaki race that created Earth.
And that only if we embrace this merger with machine and animal as well as plant and insect can we mutate to the beautiful new form that we will become.
But of course there's going to be a lot of ugliness in the process of getting there.
It's important for viewers to understand that this is not my view.
This is not some fiction that I'm telling you.
Yes, the film Alien Covenant is a fiction.
But the ideas and beliefs that we see in this film are the deepest secret beliefs and covenants
All right.
The vast majority of us must die because we are not enlightened enough, we are not god-like enough, our DNA is not pure enough to resonate with this great truth.
Now you begin to learn in Alien Covenant
That basically the genetic engineers are terraforming planets, not just for their atmospheres, but also changing them genetically.
And that the end form that is created out of this mutation is an advanced humanoid with basic human DNA.
But first the planets have to be infected with the spores that take the atmosphere and the particulars of the makeup of the planet and then feed it through the mutation through the subforms so that the new humanoid can particularly live on that planet.
And so it's a biological spacesuit development system that then houses the overall human DNA system.
In the late 1970s, when the first alien film came out, it was something completely new.
It blew everybody away.
And Ridley Scott admitted that basically the ship was a weapon ship carrying biomechanical creatures that were used for war by advanced species.
This is not just a biological takeover.
It is a silicone slash biological merger.
And to show you how advanced the futurists were that came up with the film Alien in the late 1970s, you have to understand, this is what the globalists are now, admittedly, currently building.
The entire Alien franchise is a revelation of the method because in the Illuminati religion they must tell you what they're doing to you so that metaphysically you have a chance to fight back against it.
And they must also condition your subconscious mind, which is more advanced than your conscious, hundreds of times, to become comfortable with the fact that this is all part of a process.
If your brain understands something, it tends to evolve or adapt to go with it in a Confucius way as grass bends to the wind.
But if you're evolving to survive, that's one thing.
This is evolution to destroy us and must be resisted because it is de-evolution.
Now the New York Times and others will undoubtedly come out and say Alex Jones believes in UFOs, Alex Jones believes that space aliens created Earth.
When it's the New York Times itself in the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s, and even this year that is pushing the fact that this theory is the majority theory believed by genetic engineers and other scientists.
Because the deeper they get in to the genome and into this planet, into this creation, the more they are sure of the fact
That we did not originate on this planet and a bunch of amino acids in the ocean 4 billion years ago did not combine to then replicate and turn into this complex system we see today.
I am telling you that this is the governing belief of the ruling class on this planet, and they already see themselves as a transcendent species that has broken off from us who are guardians of the galaxy.
And I bring up Guardians of the Galaxy that came out a few years ago.
Very funny film.
Very entertaining.
But again, there's a star child who's half human, half alien.
They tell us this myth over and over again.
Jesus Christ.
Born by immaculate conception, implanted by God, has superpowers, and all the major churches and all the major systems are there to basically give the general public a dumbed-down version, while they themselves, behind the scenes, the initiates, have all the information.
And now for the biggest secret that's hidden in plain view.
Just like the advanced humanoid in Prometheus that takes the genetic manipulation and physically dies, but reseeds the planet with the new mutation, we are being sacrificed in this huge experiment.
There are thousands of studies in the last 20 years admitting that GMO crops and GMO vaccines and other systems are purposely changing our DNA and mutating us.
And in that process, pediatric cancers are up more than 10,000% on average since the 1950s.
Other forms of cancer are up more than 2,000% like breast cancer.
We are openly being manipulated as the seed stock to cause this incredible
Race of mutations so that the elite can pick and choose which new mutations are effective for them to advance their life expectancy and their quality of life.
All the rest of us are used like guinea pig animals in this sickening nightmare.
Check it out for yourself.
They are releasing salmon that are three times bigger than natural salmon that have insect genes and other systems in them.
They're aggressive.
They kill the other salmon.
And within just a few decades, they will extinct the salmon population.
The honeybees are dying.
Humans are mutating.
The atmosphere is falling apart.
And all of this is being done by design, and the elite tells us, none of that's a problem.
Carbon dioxide that plants breathe is the issue.
So, they have a fake environmental movement, distracting us from all the real issues, and telling us that humans are the problem, and so the world's going to be much better after we're gone.
They have all these big billionaires coming out and saying, we've discovered wavelengths in space, holding the space-time continuum together.
This is all a simulation.
It's fake.
There's some type of advanced species in control of us.
Suddenly they're throwing it all in your face in hopes that you believe you don't have free will and just give up and let them take control of human development.
The truth is, our species has always been able to take control of our environment, and that means taking control of this elite as well, and not letting them dictate the future of humanity.
Most of us are already walking dead.
We've been hit with fluoride since birth.
GMOs have infested our bodies.
Cancer is exploding all around us.
We see the mutations we're going through.
We see the death we're going through.
We see the bacteria and viruses being tested on us through the GMO crops, through the pharmacological crops,
Through the vaccines and through the air.
We all know about Tuskegee and injecting black people with syphilis.
We all know about radiating homeless people and vets and children that have been given up for adoption.
We all know about the secret testing worldwide.
We all know about the programs that have been done.
And I'm here to tell you, it's a thousand times a thousand worse today.
And most of the major hospitals at the highest levels are in on it.
They take your baby's blood at birth.
They DNA type it.
Big corporations then come in and buy it from the government.
And people are going out to get gene therapy and learning 30 years ago at birth their blood was taken and has now been patented and they're being charged hundreds of thousands of dollars to get gene therapy with their own genes.
I can speak for thousands of hours on this, but understand, ladies and gentlemen, the fictional horror movie, Alien Covenant, is nothing on the reality of what's really happening in this world.
Look at how they heat hospitals with baby parts.
Look at how they keep the babies alive and sell their baby parts.
Look at how they create flavor testing with baby parts.
Look at how everything they do is to degrade the human body and to drag it through the mud because it's their
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
And you have been warned.
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You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Leanne McAdoo taking the wheel for the rest of the hour and I will be here with you through the fourth hour.
If your local station doesn't carry the fourth hour, well please, you know, make sure that they get your request to carry the fourth hour, but you can also go to infowars.com forward slash show and tune into the fourth hour.
We're going to have Paul Craig Roberts joining us and I really want to get his take.
What the heck is going on with Obama's last destructive moves?
Is this a
Scorched Earth policy, just going to set the whole thing on fire to muck it up as much as humanly possible before Trump gets in?
Or are we looking at World War III?
Or will Trump even get in?
So we are going to be getting into all of that in the fourth hour, so make sure you tune in.
I'm also going to have Owen Schroyer joining me, as well as Margaret Howell getting to all of this news and more.
So one of the stories, obviously huge this week, is the actress Carrie Fisher passing away, as well as her mom.
But something kind of interesting happened.
A lot of people, as per usual when a celebrity dies, take to Twitter to offer their condolences.
Well now, you are not allowed to offer your condolences in a way that is unacceptable to the
Social justice warrior feminazis out there.
So we have a tweet coming from comedian Steve Martin, and he sparked outrage after his tweet, remembering the deceased actress Carrie Fisher, who of course played Princess Leia.
He says, when I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.
She turned out to be witty and bright as well.
So I think anyone who was a young man when Star Wars came out with Princess Leia, I think any that was like, she was the object of every man's desire, period, point blank.
But how dare you, how dare you think that a woman could be beautiful?
And how dare you say as much in a tweet after she dies?
So of course, this sparks the feminazi outrage and they say, I think she aspired to be something higher than just being pretty.
And another person says, you know, it's a picture of sexual objectification and enslavement.
She was so much more.
Of course she was so much more, but that was an iconic scene.
And frankly, she wouldn't be remembered for all of her, you know, all of the other stance she took on feminism and mental health and, you know, her screenwriting and her wit and her charm and her intelligence.
If she hadn't been cast in that movie where really she captured the heart of young men and women alike.
So the criticism here is that because this rage army came after Steve Martin, he deleted his tweet!
He was forced to delete his condolence tweet because the Twitter army came after him.
I mean, that is crazy.
Do we want to live in a world like that, where you're not even allowed to say a woman is beautiful, especially in an iconic movie?
It's not like, this article in Life's That points out, it's not like she was Margaret Thatcher, you know?
If she was in politics, sure, that's, you know, politics is not predicated on your looks, but if you're an actress, or a singer, or an entertainer,
It is.
You know, your looks are important in that business.
So yeah, people are going to comment on your looks.
It's not outrageous, but this is how far we've come.
And John Nolte had an article in the Daily Wire where he was talking about not only this Steve Martin tweet being forced to be deleted,
But also the fact that Charlie Sheen has been facing some backlash because he tweeted out after these celebrities had been passing away in 2016, he said, Trump next, please, God, Trump next.
So everyone came after him.
He didn't delete his tweet.
In fact, he doubled down.
So regardless of if you agree with what he says or not, that's the kind of country we need to live in, where if you want to say, please God, take Trump next, then you should be allowed to do that.
People died, went to jail for the First Amendment, for the right to be able to speak their mind and to live in a free country, not in a country where you have these harpies
Social Justice Warriors raging about a freaking 140 character limit tweet, calling a woman pretty.
My goodness, she was a beautiful woman.
And it's not like when she was in her little slave suit that she was just this, you know, pretty helpless girl.
She took out her captor, okay?
So please, I think she's strong enough and I think she can even appreciate being remembered as a beautiful woman who captured the heart of many, many people.
Now, moving along, I think that everyone is ready to move along with 2016.
Getting over it, Paul Joseph Watson actually had a pretty good take on how everyone is saying, 2016, most horrible year ever, let's all move on.
When for more than half of the country, we are filled with hope.
And frankly, I think that is why Obama is taking these crazy tactics.
Because he's saying, no way, you can't have hope.
You can't have hope.
We're going to start World War III.
We are going to flood your mind with fear for what this next administration is going to be up to.
And Margaret Howell is going to be joining me in the next segment.
We're going to get into these Russia sanctions.
And what do you think about it?
We'll also be taking your calls.
So stick around.
We will be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last night around 6 p.m.
Eastern Time, the Drudge Report went down for about 90 minutes.
Headline at that time?
Moscow mocks Obama, lame duck.
The website eventually was up and running again.
Matt Drudge tweeted from his personal account, is the U.S.
government attacking Drudge Report?
Biggest DDoS since site's inception.
Very suspicious routing and timing.
He also tweeted, attacking coming from thousands of sources.
Of course, none of them traceable to Fort Meade.
Last year, Matt Drudge made a rare public live appearance when he came on the Alex Jones Show and warned Alex that the government was coming for him.
The establishment was going to shut him down.
Then this month, InfoWars came under an unprecedented DDoS attack.
Worst we have ever seen.
Then, in the same month, the exact same thing happens to Drudge Report.
Who is responsible for these unprecedented DDoS attacks?
Why are they targeting the biggest names in real media?
Will the government tell us?
Or are they too worried about Russian hacking?
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That's InfoWarsStore.com for a variety of supplements at InfoWarsLive.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Leanne McAdoo with you this and the next hour.
Margaret Howell is joining me in studio now as well.
We have got a jam-packed show for you today, but I want to make sure that everybody goes ahead and takes advantage of our extended 2016 Christmas Super Sale.
It's going on right now.
Everything has quickly been selling out.
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And there they are highlighting right now the Brain Force Plus.
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You know, occasionally we'll hear a rustle.
We're like, there's a dog in that purse.
Yes, so I highly recommend it to all the new parents out there, and I do not know how the parents do it that actually have children.
Love it.
I can't diaper my baby though.
He just stays up all night.
So do I. Thank you, Brain Force Plus.
So Margaret, let's get serious here.
Let's take a
Take a little turn.
So what do you think about the Obama administration basically lighting a match and then just flicking it on their outgoing administration?
Here you go, America.
Well, do we expect anything else from Obama and his administration?
Let's face it, frankly, the aspect.
He is trying to start nuclear war.
He's trying to start World War III in his last two and a half weeks of office.
It is crazy right now, you know, this nuclear option.
I was looking at the cover of the New York Times.
Meanwhile, they're trolling Christians.
And if you click on another article, they're calling Obama the punisher.
He's punishing Russia for the election hacking.
Of course, mind you, no proof at all.
He's finally stepping up and showing strength.
This article, it's worshipping him like a demagogue.
It is embarrassing and silly.
Meanwhile, Russia is laughing at us.
Putin, literally laughing out loud, saying our president is practicing something called kitchen diplomacy.
I don't think that's a compliment.
I haven't had time to Google the reference.
Yes, I actually was going to see if Daria has any kind of Russian insight into that.
Is that something?
Kitchen diplomacy?
Yeah, it's basically when man and wife are arguing in the kitchen.
It's basically like that.
Ah, thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, so kitchen... And it is like that, because they're kind of flinging things back and forth, but in this, you know, it's the War of the Roses.
It's World War III, actually, so it's... We have Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, in the Russian Embassy in the UK, posting photographs of a little duck with the words hapless and lame written on them in English.
I don't know.
And I was laughing because I'm just thinking, wow, this is the meme wars have taken over.
Not only have memes helped get Donald Trump in office, but now the Russians are actually tweeting memes back to President Obama.
Then I kind of hang my head like, oh man, is this Trump's America?
We're going to be getting memed to death.
So I don't know how I feel about that.
But, you know, one of the people that is being considered, reportedly being considered, for a spot in Donald Trump's administration is John Bolton, who, when we all heard this, we're thinking, man, no, major, major neocon here.
So he, now, even though Donald Trump came out saying it's time, you know, for everyone to kind of move on to bigger and better things, but of course he'll wait to see if he's going to get any intelligence.
On this reported Russia hacking, he's waiting to find out what the intelligence community knows.
But John Bolton is coming out saying the sanctions that Obama has announced against Russia, they're not enough.
He wants even more.
You know, that's really frightening.
We know that John Bolton is a neocon.
He was basically a shill for President Bush on the war in Iraq.
He went to the United Nations.
He was the UN ambassador.
We understand his politics are not in line with the Liberty Movement, let's just face it.
I understand Trump's need to try to seem like he's producing this legitimate administration full of cronies, frankly.
It's really disturbing.
John Bolton would be the last person I would ever want as an advisor in terms of the intelligence community.
He is respected inside the Beltway.
I don't understand this.
We're seeing President Obama literally try to
He's trying to put Trump into a box right now in terms of the regulations that he's... 8353, 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, and then 97,000 pages of red tape according to the Washington Examiner.
So Obama is trying to tie Trump's hands in any way that he can.
The last thing we need is some neocon that's pro-war sitting at the helm.
Acting as an advisor.
Well, that's why Reince Priebus came out saying, we are, I think everyone can understand that we, the Trump administration, are not interested in going to war all over the world.
So, you know, that's at least a good sign.
You know, Donald Trump has made that clear as he's been campaigning.
He's not interested in that.
But even, I mean, if he finds out that Russia was involved somehow in swaying the elections, or if they did indeed leak the emails to WikiLeaks, and then
They've already kind of set up the war for him.
And frankly, I don't think that that's what Donald Trump is going to want to do unless I mean, what what do you think that they could tell him?
What sort of intelligence do you think that they could possibly give to Donald Trump that would justify these, you know?
That's a good question and the understanding is that there's one or two agents, intel agents on the ground in Moscow that are relaying this back and they're poisoning the entire community.
We know that the DNC leaker was a DNC insider and that's pretty apparent because they were angry that Bernie, the denomination was stolen away from Bernie.
There was somebody inside the DNC that leaked that information.
It ultimately got into the hands of WikiLeaks.
And we've questioned here at Inbowars the death of Seth Rich.
Did this play a part in it?
What was his involvement, if any?
And it makes no sense.
Russia does not care about the DNC and their corrupt little system.
It wasn't a personal beef against Hillary Clinton.
Nobody likes Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton supporters don't even like Hillary Clinton.
She couldn't even get half of America to like her.
Two million more women voted for Barack Obama than they did Hillary Clinton, according to the official number.
Everybody hates her.
This is not a personal vendetta.
We all have a personal beef with you, Hillary Clinton.
And that's the thing is, let's just say, let's just say, because Obama has already said that, you know, Russia, there was no actual hacking of the voting machines.
That didn't happen.
So the only thing they're really
Go ahead.
We're good to go.
Well, you know, and you made that excellent point.
So what did we learn from these emails?
We learned that the Podesta emails specifically, they're inherently corrupt people, that they're doing a lot of things that are not in American interest, that they're very self-oriented people.
You know, having an advisor like Huma Abedin that close to you with ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood probably isn't in the interest of the American people.
And we learned so much about her campaign, the way that it's run.
And you're right, God bless the Russians.
Hey, if they had any involvement in helping us see what was really going on with Hillary Clinton, God bless them, frankly.
I mean, that, in my opinion, deserves a Congressional Medal of Honor, not putting tanks on the Polish border, frankly.
Right, well, and see, you know, that's the thing, as I said, even if it, the way that it interfered with the election was enough to just make people stay at home and not go out and vote because they just, they heard a little bit of too much information that made them uncomfortable voting for the first female president, even though they didn't think Donald Trump was great either.
You know, and that's it, it's like, okay, so you were given enough information to know the truth about this candidate.
That he's not even going to be able to take office.
And then at that point, is there going to be a civil war in addition to a global war going on?
You would think that they're really up to something sinister based on these actions.
You know, this is what our president has done so far.
He declared Israel to be illegitimate, saying that they could not be Jewish and democratic through his little mouthpiece, John Kerry.
We were behind the UN resolution that declared those settlements illegal.
We absolutely were.
Israel knows that we were.
So he's propping up imams in Iran and bashing Israel.
This goes against decades of policy.
The American people have always stood next to Israel.
We've never propped up imams in Iran until now.
And this is the same person that's indicting Russia.
For the reason Donald Trump's in office.
The reason Donald Trump's in office is because of people like us who were so fed up, who went to the polls, who voted, who said enough is enough and Russia has nothing to do with this.
And with regards to what's happening in Israel, you know, obviously I agree they need to stop bulldozing people's homes.
They need to stop saying, you know, we're bulldozing your home.
You got three weeks to get out of here.
We're going to encroach upon this land.
It would be like
To me, I liken this to if we here in Texas were told that this land belongs to Mexico, it's their promised land, Azatlan or whatever, it's their great prophecy, they're going to get this land back.
So everyone in Texas now needs to move to the corner and they're going to put us in an open-air prison.
I guarantee you, Texas would not be, we would not be okay with it.
So, you know, I try to, I try to look at it,
From that kind of point of view, but I think it's very interesting that now all of a sudden on that one last slap to Israel saying you need to choose be a Jewish state or be a democratic state if you're going to go with the one state solution.
Meanwhile, we've seen how they have treated governments in the Middle East who are somewhat democratic, who allow Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and whatever to live freely amongst each other.
Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, they're trying to take out Assad.
These are people who
Governments who have allowed that.
Whereas in Saudi Arabia, they'll behead you.
That's perfectly fine.
They're not going to tell Saudi Arabia to be more democratic.
Do you remember when our president got involved in the Arab Spring and Egypt was torn down?
The Muslim Brotherhood came to power.
The ultimate celebration of democracy.
The average Egyptian, especially the average Egyptian Christian right now, they're in hiding, frankly, because of their democracy.
The left's version of democracy, what it means is utter chaos.
Let's put, you know, a chaotic way of thinking and power, and everybody else is going to have to run for the hills.
It's a very backwards, archaic way of thinking.
George Soros, every time he uses the word democracy, it makes me twitch.
He cares about the will of the people.
I'm like, wait a second!
Right, that's really kind of him, isn't it?
He cares about it so much over the world that he is going to single-handedly bankroll unrest and destruction worldwide and help foment a refugee crisis so he can take advantage of it.
Because he cares about what the people want.
So much about democracy.
Forget it, that the people actually voted for Donald Trump.
You guys were basically Russian spies, all of you.
Yeah, so they're coming to round up all the Russian agents.
I guess, you know, one last story here when we're kind of talking about Saudi Arabia and just, you know, I double-dog dare John Kerry to tell Saudi Arabia to pick or choose if they want to be democratic or, you know, run their country under Islam.
Saudi Arabia jails a man for a year after he publicly called for the end of male control over women.
So here we have an actual social justice warrior, and I don't mean that in the derogatory way that we kind of call them here.
He's actually someone that is being a champion.
He knows that he could go to jail if it was a woman doing this.
She could be beheaded.
But this is, you know, an ultra-conservative, Islamic, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
And basically, in my opinion, and this is not bashing people, you know, there's such a radical, demonic,
Spirit behind the hatred, the subjugation of women and children.
It's very nasty, very dark.
We covered a case yesterday.
This woman in Afghanistan goes to a market without being accompanied by her husband.
But he was out of the country.
He was out of the country.
You know, she was nameless in all those articles.
She's listed as the 30 year old.
The woman doesn't even have a name, no identity.
You talk about hatred, the ultimate hatred, stealing someone's identity to the point where they can't even move in a free, you know, does she have the right to breathe air?
Do we really want to get there folks?
She doesn't have the right to go shopping and go get some food until her husband gets back in the country or she finds a close male relative to accompany her to the market.
So then here we have this man, he was arrested because he was putting up posters
And he was calling for the government to abolish these strict rules of guardianship of women and saying, you know, women shouldn't be beheaded because they walk outside without their clothes.
So now, and the reason why he was doing this is because he was having some female relatives facing injustice at the hands of their families.
So here you even have family members who would say that you've shamed the family by, you know, walking with a male who wasn't a family member or you're not married to him.
So we're going to do you the honor of killing you.
Oh, that's so thoughtful.
That's very polite of you.
A lot of these cases involve a family member, a male family member, who wants to protect the honor of the family.
You know, countless cases like this, where we see fathers, you know, if you want to go ahead and murder a daughter, if you don't think she's behaving in a way that honors your family, you just go right ahead.
That's in accordance with the law that you practice.
But thankfully here, we operate under a different law, and we operate under a free space, and we love liberty here.
Until, you know, that's how we do and we've got to stand up to that.
But then you see these stories of Obama dropping 502 refugees, 502 refugees on Nebraska in the final weeks before President Trump.
While you kind of got the back-to-back story, Islamic State General flees to Europe with 400 soldiers disguised as refugees!
So these are simultaneous stories coming out.
We know that they are using the refugee crisis
To flood in ISIS soldiers, and do you think that they're not somehow sneakily getting into the United States as well?
And then of course we see these communities, just like in Europe, where they're taking over, you know, 800 refugees will be sent to a teeny tiny town, and that town is no... But there's 1,200 people in them!
The town no longer retains its own sovereignty or its, you know, quality of life the way it was, it becomes...
The identity of the refugees that are there who are now the majority of the people living in it.
So imagine if they start saying, well, we practice Sharia law here in this little Nebraska town.
We're already seeing places in the U.S., specifically in Michigan, that allow Sharia law to take precedence over our current laws within our own country, actually.
We're here.
It's already happening.
Well, I know Owen Schroer will be joining me soon, and he actually did a big report on this, saying that Obama should be found guilty of treason, frankly.
So stick around.
We will be right back.
Owen Schroer will be in studio.
Good day, America.
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We're good to go.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Leanne McAdoo here, joined by Margaret Howell.
And right before the break, we were talking about this refugee crisis and how, of course, Obama has really ramped up the amount of refugees that he's accepting into the country.
Of course, that was his plan all along.
But we're seeing even more than what the American people were told and trying to get in as many people as possible before Trump takes office.
Again, just trying to
That's right.
Of our basic societal, the way that we function around here, and that's what we don't want to see, dumping these 500 people in Nebraska.
You know, Leanne, it's very disheartening, but even going back to my, and we have a caller from Kentucky, I'd love to get to him, I know he's a couple down.
But we've seen this radical push for refugees, even in my own tiny little farming community in Kentucky.
I went home, we have a mosque facing every corner of the city now, and I don't even really think that the official number is being reported in terms of the influx of people.
But what we do know is he promised $110,000, he's taken close to $111,000, and they're going somewhere.
They're going to a small town, they're coming to a small town near you.
Well, they're going nowhere near
The White House or anywhere near where President Obama is going to be living.
Apparently they're going to all these little tiny Republican towns where people voted against it!
Well, speaking of the White House, there was an article in WND talking about the nine people that have been arrested in D.C.
the past last year that have been ISIS supporters.
What do we have?
We have a Starbucks barista, we have two college kids, we have a police officer, the mom next door.
The article should have been entitled, Can You Spot the Jihadi Next Door?
Literally, these people were upper-middle class, they were normal, they were attending school, they were at your local Starbucks, and oh, by the way, they were also sending money via PayPal to ISIS, and they were providing material support for ISIS on the ground in our nation's capital, which is just fantastic.
Right, and then we also have the fact that our tax dollars are paying to support these people as well, that they are then sending that money to go support ISIS, which is one of the things I'm
Looking for my article here, the Berlin terrorist actually was collecting welfare under multiple identities.
So this is under Angela Merkel's scheme there.
The German taxpayers were actually financing the terrorism against themselves.
Frankly, I don't want to see that here, but you know, as you just pointed out, it's already happening.
Rob Dew had a guest on Adam Curry recently.
He was talking about Europe and the Islamification of Europe.
Really briefly, he was doing it in a very charming, liberal way.
And he mentioned this Thien Van Gogh character, who was Van Gogh's nephew.
He was talking about Islam, speaking out and saying, you know what, we don't really want this here.
And he was stabbed and gunned down in the streets on his motorbike as he was smoking a cigarette.
And you look at stories like this, so there's such an aggression when it comes to, yes, we want these funds, but even
Even coexisting in a society of people that don't agree with you and your religious practice, there seems to be a, you know, kind of a vast intolerance for that.
Which is what we're seeing.
Well, and see, that's the thing, you know, I'm a very much live and let live kind of person.
Live and let live.
Always been that way.
I really don't mind.
Do whatever you want to do as long as it does not harm me and myself or anyone else.
I don't care.
But we're kind of being programmed to not judge, not trust our instincts, not to, you know, not to be overly accepting rather than trusting our instincts which are saying, wait a minute,
You know, I just, I don't think this is really a smart idea to flood the country with people that, you know, aren't even given birth certificates or something.
We don't even know their identity.
Meanwhile, this Berlin terrorist, the reason, you know, he was under multiple identities collecting many different welfare checks.
So here he is just taking total advantage of the system that he then goes out to destroy.
Well, stick around because Owen Schroer will be joining me in studio and then Paul Craig Roberts.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten That baby of mine wouldn't let me in So move it on over Move it on over Move it on over Move it on over Move over little dog Cause the big dog's moving in
That's right, we are now moving on over into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Lianne McAnoo being joined by Owen Schreier.
If your local station...
Doesn't pick up the fourth hour.
Hopefully by now you have already tuned in and you are watching us via theinfowars.com forward slash show link so you can see myself and Owen Schroer and all the lovely, the loveliness that we are bringing to your screen.
Now, Owen, I wanted to go ahead and kind of start this segment.
Talking about the fact that the Drudge Report was under the biggest DDoS attack since the site's inception.
We ourselves here at InfoWars have been being the victims of these DDoS attacks as well.
This is of course when you have massive traffic overwhelming a website's servers.
And so Matt Drudge tweets out
You know, is the U.S.
government attacking Drudge Report?
And he points out that, kind of tongue-in-cheek, how, hmm, these certainly can't be tracked back to Fort Meade.
So, I mean, he's able to see where these thousands of alleged accounts are coming from that are flooding his site.
What do you make of this?
Now our government is telling us that we need to be very, very afraid of Russian hackers.
Meanwhile, the government here is actually doing the hacking.
Well, I'm glad that you pointed that out.
And as far as his mentioning Fort Meade, I don't know if he was being sarcastic in that tweet or if he actually traced those back to Fort Meade.
I don't really know.
Matt, if you want to come back to InfoWars sometime soon to give us the inside scoop, we'd be glad to have you here.
But it is funny, I'm glad that you mentioned that point about the Russians because these are real DDoS attacks that have shut down InfoWars, they shut down Drudge Report, and these are things that actually happened, but
The public is more concerned about Russian hacking of the election with no proof.
And in fact, I had this debate with people on Twitter yesterday.
Let's, again, be perfectly clear, okay?
They didn't hack the election.
If Russia hacked anything, they hacked email servers, but Wikileaks says that these are leaked.
Well, actually, they say John Podesta and his people fell for a phishing scam.
Or got phished, which is even worse.
And then you're really dumb and you want to be in control of the country.
So but that's a good point in where they will have the American public frightened or thinking that Russia is hacking everything or meddling, influencing our election.
Meanwhile, Obama has come out and said we are going to take retaliatory measures, cyber measures here as well.
Of course, after saying there's no such thing as a rigged election.
Let's not forget about that.
You know, and let's also not forget, let's take this back when President Obama was having a presidential
We're good.
You know, the Cold War wants its foreign policy back.
You know why Obama laughed at Mitt Romney's face?
Because Obama knows damn well that he's the biggest threat to this country.
At the time, yes.
So it's not Russia, it's Obama.
But back to the Drudge thing, as you pointed out, it's interesting.
Infowars gets hit with the huge DDoS attack, Drudge gets hit with the big DDoS attack, shuts down both sides, unprecedented level.
RT does as well.
But this is ignored.
I don't think we're going to get any investigation from the government.
No statement from the government.
It's just going to be Russia, Russia, Russia.
And it'll be interesting to see if these type of attacks continue.
Who is being attacked?
Right now we can obviously see a pattern here.
You could say conservative or right-wing quote-unquote media.
Anyone that the establishment deems to be fake news.
But the reason why Drudge tweeted out that it was suspicious, considering the timing, was because it was just after Obama made his announcements about expelling these Russian intelligence operatives.
And the headline on Drudge was lame-duck Obama.
Ooh, he doesn't like that.
He should have tweeted it out as a meme.
Owen Schroer is going to be staying with me for the rest of the hour.
Alright, stick around.
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Bit of a dystopic image.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, and we're not in Kansas anymore.
All across the Western world, MSM is attempting to demonize the language and words we use, saying, don't say Merry Christmas, use holidays.
And now they say don't use holiday.
Well, I got some news for them.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Leigh-Anne McAdoo here, hosting alongside Austin Owen-Troyer, the Cuckslayer.
Now, I wanted to make sure that you guys know that if you're waiting to get your products from the InfoWars store, now is the time to do it, because we are quickly selling out of everything, and it's going to be several weeks
We're good.
Some of our top products there at Info Wars Life, those formulas like DNA Force, are already sold out.
And many others are quickly selling out.
We don't have a lot.
We've got to, of course, save some of those bottles for auto ship.
So if you're not signed up for auto ship, then I highly recommend that.
But this is your last chance to stock up on all your favorite products.
We're running out of inventory quickly.
And like I said, you will have to wait about a month or so.
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We've got Living Defense, 30% off, Super Male Vitality.
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Buy that hasn't already sold out at theinfowarslife.com.
Visit it today.
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We are going to completely sell out of a lot of our most popular life InfoWars life formulas.
Mr. Schroyer, I know you sent some to your family members as a little Christmas stocking stuffer.
They loved them.
They loved them.
And actually, I probably wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't for the lung cleanse that I took this morning.
Ugh, I know.
These allergies here in Austin, I sound like I've got a smoker's lung or something, but yeah.
The lung cleanse is a lifesaver.
Yeah, it was huge.
I love it.
I hit it this morning with these allergies.
It really does clear up the throat.
I've got some other things to clear up here, Leigh-Anne.
I tweeted this out yesterday and people were blowing up on Twitter and social media about this story from the Washington Examiner.
California Democrats legalized child prostitution.
Now, I'm going to get into the actual bill and the nuts and bolts of it, but just some highlights from this story.
Beginning on January 1st, prostitution by minors will be legal in California.
SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution so teenagers in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.
Legislation was written passed by progressive Democrats who control California state governments with a two-thirds supermajority.
Predictable consequence of how the real villains pimps and other traffickers and human misery will respond to this new law isn't difficult to foresee of course for the Democrats who think that they can create a utopia it is.
Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley says I quote it just opens up the front door for traffickers to use these kids to commit crimes and exploit them for even worse.
Now exactly same reason ISIS uses little kids for
So here's the deal.
I've got the bill in front of me.
You saw me print this thing out today.
It's 35 pages of changes, of laws, existing laws, amendments, and it's a bunch of, you can imagine, I mean, if you've studied law at all, you know how these documents go.
But, you know, I wouldn't even mind reading this.
Basically, basically what this really is, it does allow pimps or human traffickers to
Essentially now, the story is exactly true.
I mean, right, it is, they're trying, they're, the road to hell is paved with good intentions basically as the saying goes.
So they are good intentioned in that what's happening right now is that these children, or you know, these young kids who are getting trafficked,
They're getting arrested, and then they're getting a criminal record, and then they're getting tossed back out on the street.
So they're doing this to now kind of label these kids as a victim, not as a prostitute where they're going to have this record.
So in that part, I get it, I understand.
However, when you're dealing with these evil pimps and traffickers, what they're going to do, just like what ISIS does with their little underage jihadis, they know now that these young people aren't going to
I don't know.
They're going to go right back to the people that are supposedly taking care of them.
You know, so it's and these traffickers know that these kids are going to get right back out of, you're not going to go to jail, they're going to get right back out.
The cops won't pick them up if they're loitering.
And it becomes a slap on the wrist type of punishment for who's ever involved in this, especially, you know, the person who is
Not just pimping out these kids?
Not just pimping, but also, I guess, you know, hiring them for whatever it is they're doing, sexual acts or whatever it is.
It's more of a slap on the wrist for them as well.
But as you said, I mean, I can see what they thought they were doing here.
I don't think the headline from Washington Examiner is exactly accurate, but it will be interesting to see what sort of, you know, backlash we see from this in the legal system, in the court system in California, which is already, I mean, bass-ackwards to begin with.
Right, well they talk about how, I forget a lady there in government's name, but she actually did away with California.
There was a law saying if you're taking in welfare, if you're a welfare recipient and you have more kids while you're on welfare, you're not going to get
An increase in the amount of welfare you're getting sent, and of course that has the effect of having these people just say, well I'm going to have 10 kids because I'm going to get all this welfare.
Well, she did away with that and now California, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, they always are.
On the verge?
They are now willing to stay.
They went over the cliff!
If you're on welfare and then you keep on having kids, you are going to continue to get more money
More in welfare payments.
So it's just incentivizing being a warden of the state and not giving you the means to go out and make a better life for yourself and your family.
Here's my philosophy for issues like this, Leanne.
This is why we have a judge and a jury.
OK, we're supposed to have judges that are reasonable, logical thinking people.
And if you start to see legal action being taken by the judge that's putting these, you know, minors into situations that maybe perhaps is not beneficial for their future, well then maybe the judges need to look internally and say, well, you know what, maybe we can take measurements here because we kind of, I mean,
We're the judge.
We are the judge.
We have the final say.
Maybe we can take steps.
But instead, they just want to write more legislation, write more bills.
It's just like what Margaret was talking about earlier, the story, what is it, Obama unleashes 3,853 regulations, a record 97,000 pages of red tape.
97,000 pages!
What the hell is going on?
This isn't even a book, an encyclopedia of law in one year?
That no one understands and that's just going to be bogged down the system to try to repeal these type of regulations, but that's just it.
They feel like they can regulate their way to utopia and that's not going to happen.
It's just going to create a lot of people who are going to take advantage of the system, just like you have this
Berlin jihadists who took advantage of Germany's welfare state and was using all these multiple identities to take advantage of the welfare because again, you can't vet them!
They can tell you whatever the heck they want.
They have a fake ID that they've printed up, you know, at their different little passageways.
It's not like Obama has been told that.
No one told Obama that's going on.
He doesn't know.
No, it's just, it's crazy.
But you are actually a racist, and I am as well, for thinking that it's crazy.
For wanting to have a country and a border.
It's tough.
I know.
It's tough.
You know what, I've come to understand that's crazy.
Is the fact that we are trying to make sense of all of the sociopathic moves that are going on right now by Obama and his administration.
They're sociopaths.
They're crazy.
It is kind of like beating your head against the wall.
We're trying to make sense of it all.
It's like, no, you can't make sense of crazy.
Well, how about this?
Try making sense of this.
And this is Donald Trump being right again.
Not racist.
Mexican man charged with rape had 19 deportations.
Thank you.
A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas has been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S.
another 9 times since 2003.
So, there you go, folks!
He says Mexicans are raping everyone!
He voluntarily leaves how many times?
Nine times.
So they come, they're like, okay, are you gonna leave?
And he's like, yeah, I'll go.
He just gonna walk right back.
Hey, you were fondling a little girl on a bus.
Do you mind leaving the country?
Oh, yeah, sure.
No problem.
I'll see you next week.
He's like a regular down at the jailhouse.
See you, Joe!
Thanks for the coffee, Bill.
We'll see you next week.
I got a Greyhound bus trip here.
I just bought it.
I'm a Mexican citizen.
I was touching a 13-year-old girl, but I'll be back, baby.
Thanks to Barack Obama.
In fact, he might want to go hang out in California now.
And that's the ridiculous sociopathic...
The only thing that I'm talking about is that we here, especially in Texas, that have an InfoWars actually reporting on what's going on at the border, saying, wow, this is crazy, the border agents, the border patrol agents are actually speaking out on camera for the first time ever, saying this is crazy, we need to get a handle on this.
We are being gaslighted into thinking that we are crazy, we are racist, just let these people, let them rape your daughters, it's totally fine.
You're racist if you want to deport them.
Stop being racist.
You know what?
It's not going on.
These are not the droids you're looking for.
That's right.
The force works well on the weak-minded, okay?
Where do you want to go from here, Leigh-Anne?
Look at this.
I got a stack of news.
We literally, I don't even know whose stack of news this was sitting on the desk before we got in here.
This was for Mr. Alex Jones, and he always says, all right, I'm gonna get serious.
I'm gonna get to all of these articles that are on my desk, and as we all know, Alex Jones is famous for going off on a tangent.
Well, you know what?
While we're on that, we're about to go to break.
Uber driver reports suspicious behavior.
Passengers now face child sex charges.
These two women had a 16-year-old girl in the Uber car talking about sketchy things.
He calls the police.
Turns out that they were basically pimping out this little girl riding around in Uber talking about it.
What has this world come to?
And he was a good, upstanding citizen.
Oh, and I bet a good thing it was a human driving that Uber car.
If it was a robot, you probably wouldn't have caught these freaks.
Good point.
Stick around.
We'll be right back.
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You are listening to the Alex Jones Show and this is the Overdrive Hour.
I am Leigh-Anne McAdoo joined by Owen Schreuer and we are going... I want to say we are your source for all the fake news but you know then Rachel Maddow will take that out and run with it.
Here's your real source for all the fake news, CNN.
So here they are pushing the whole fake news narrative and now they run a fake news story about how Russia closed an Anglo-American school in Moscow in retaliation for President Obama's sanctions.
They said, Russian authorities ordered the closure of the Anglo-American school of Moscow, a U.S.
official briefed on the matter said.
So here, once again, they have their anonymous sources informing the media to go ahead and ramp up this Russia is the bad guy, Cold War deja vu.
And Russia immediately snapped back and said, come on, you guys, that's absolutely not true.
It's a lie.
Apparently the White House has completely lost its senses and began inventing sanctions against its own children.
So there you go.
Fake news.
Well, and here's the thing, I'll take the neutral stance on this.
Okay, let's say at the worst here, or whatever, let's say CNN, they just got it wrong, okay?
Now, I hate CNN, I can't stand CNN.
Let's just try to remain neutral here.
CNN, maybe they just got it wrong.
My point is, folks, you can't just label somebody fake news.
You can't just say, well, maybe CNN or MSNBC.
But the point is, everybody should be allowed to operate.
We all have a First Amendment right.
We all have the right to free press, okay?
And it's the end user.
It's up to you to decide what's real and what's fake.
So, did CNN intentionally put this story out or not?
I don't know.
The point is, for them to sit here and call anyone fake news is the most hypocritical thing ever.
Well, the thing is, they're just running with the story based on all their anonymous, intelligent sources.
And that's the thing, is we... Anonymous.
We believed those intelligent sources as well, that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and we see where that went.
But speaking of fake news,
There's another story that's coming out about Queen Elizabeth.
She's been holed up for 10 days.
Where is she?
Conspiracy theories are swirling around the internet.
I want to find out from these callers, where do they think, where is Queen Elizabeth?
What's this article?
She's been, well this is from the Express, Queen Elizabeth health update, latest as Queen remains indoors for the 10th consecutive day.
What do you think she's doing?
Behind closed doors for 10 days.
Maybe a hyperbaric chamber.
You know, maybe some... What was the name of the witch in Snow White?
Maybe she's got a little Snow White witch thing going on, if you know what I'm saying.
Sucking the essence of the young.
I don't know.
This is just fake news.
But let's go to some of the callers who's been holding the longest.
Let's go to Daniel.
Daniel in New Jersey.
Where do you think Queen Elizabeth is?
Go ahead, Daniel.
Make it quick.
Uh, yeah.
One thing I think this, I think what Queen Elizabeth is doing is, I think she is preparing herself because she knows that, you know, Great Britain is finally leaving the European Union, populism is rising, so is in America.
But I think a question that I have, right, is do you think that President-elect Trump, right, knowing that he's aware of all this fake news junk and
The mainstream media trying to post crap.
Do you think that Trump is prepared during the inauguration day to really counter and, you know, fight the mainstream media because they're going to try to attack him again and again and again.
And once, you know, Queen Elizabeth comes out.
They're going to try to attack her and demonize her.
Yeah, once Queen Elizabeth comes out looking ten years younger, you mean?
No, I think that Donald Trump is well aware of what's going on.
He says the lying, dishonest press, some of the most dishonest people in the world, so I'm... Barring them from the White House press corps?
I'm sure he's well aware of how dishonest these people are.
But as far as, you know, what I expect him or think he needs to do about the fake news narrative, I like what he's doing.
Just ignore it!
Don't even say it, it's just stupid.
Yeah, just ignore it or make fun of them.
Yeah, it's just childish.
They can say fake news all day long, but Trump, just ignore it.
He doesn't need to say fake news about CNN or N4.
Just ignore it.
Let this whole narrative die with the people that voted for Hillary Clinton.
Their politics are dying, their fake narratives are dying, reality is finally setting in, and that's why you're seeing people crying and whining and Queen Elizabeth going in her hyperbaric chamber for 10 days.
Daniel in New Jersey, thank you so much.
No, I agree.
It's really interesting, though, that the fact that the media, you know, with no proof, Obama is putting these sanctions, he's kicking out the ambassadors, he's shutting down the Russian compounds, and he hasn't offered any intelligence to the House Intelligence Committee who is overseeing this.
They're saying, why haven't we been briefed?
What evidence do you have with Russia?
But meanwhile, these anonymous sources have told it to the media.
The media knows.
I dictate.
Russia hacked the election.
So they're able to push this narrative out there to people who are a little disgruntled with the way the election went.
Maybe they want some evidence or some backing for them to do their little angry protest for the inauguration.
Justify me, Obama!
You're a Russian agent!
The media is just taking part in just ramping up this fake news narrative.
I might have to take some binkies to Washington D.C.
for the inauguration.
I think you should.
That's excellent.
Okay, well stick around because we have Paul Craig Roberts coming up.
What does he think's going on?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last night around 6 p.m.
Eastern Time, the Drudge Report went down for about 90 minutes.
Headline at that time?
Moscow mocks Obama, lame duck.
The website eventually was up and running again.
Matt Drudge tweeted from his personal account.
Is the U.S.
government attacking Drudge Report?
Biggest DDoS since site's inception.
Very suspicious routing and timing.
He also tweeted, attacking coming from thousands of sources.
Of course, none of them traceable to Fort Meade.
Last year, Matt Drudge made a rare public live appearance when he came on the Alex Jones Show and warned Alex that the government was coming for him.
The establishment was going to shut him down.
Then this month, InfoWars came under an unprecedented DDoS attack.
Worst we have ever seen.
Then, in the same month, the exact same thing happens to Drudge Report.
Who is responsible for these unprecedented DDoS attacks?
Why are they targeting the biggest names in real media?
Will the government tell us?
Or are they too worried about Russian hacking?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Leanne McAdoo here, joined by Owen Schroer, and this hour we are going to be speaking with Paul Craig Roberts.
He's got a great article out right now.
What is the Obama regime up to?
Frankly, I think this is the question that
All of us are asking right now, what the heck is going on?
Paul Craig Roberts, of course, is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate, and he served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, earning fame, of course, as the co-founder of Reaganomics.
His most recent book is How America Was Lost.
You can find all of that, as well as this article at paulcraigroberts.org.
Well, that's what I asked.
Announce these sanctions that really aren't sanctions, it's just the expulsion of diplomats because no other country is required to do the same.
When they made this announcement, the Department of Homeland Security released a report
In a way that you might think this report supports the case that Obama has made against Russia.
But if you look at the report, you notice two things.
One is, it is merely a report about the kinds of tools and infrastructure that the Russian government has that could be used
To bring a cyber attack to the United States, either to private companies or to some public parts of the government.
It provides no evidence whatsoever that these tools were actually used.
It's just a description of what they may be.
And then the other interesting thing about this is at the very top
Of the report, there is a disclaimer.
Let's see if I can read it.
I have it here.
You have it in this article.
It says, Disclaimer.
This report is provided, as is, for informational purposes only.
The Department of Homeland Security does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.
But you should just go ahead and take it on the word.
We're going to issue these sanctions and kick out the Russian diplomats.
When you say what the disclaimer does, it says that we really can't even verify that our description of their tools and infrastructure is correct.
So we have no evidence that the alleged infrastructure was used for the purposes that Obama says.
And then we have a disclaimer that the report on the nature of the infrastructure and tools cannot be warranted, that they don't really
Wow, and that is incredible because here we're thinking that we are going to be getting this bombshell information once they finally decide to brief the House Intelligence Committee.
Even Donald Trump is saying, you know, I think it's time everyone wants to move on to bigger and better things, but I'll wait and find out what they know about the Russians.
He's even, you know, trying to be patient.
But here you're saying they still have not provided any actual hardcore evidence.
You know, in the last minute addition to the NDAA there with this countering foreign propaganda, is this how they're going to do it?
Just making up fake news and just telling America they need to be very, very, very afraid of the Russians?
That's exactly all it amounts to.
In my column, I have a link to the report so people can look at it for themselves.
I'm sure I have it correct.
So what really is going on?
See, something is going on behind the scenes, maybe something that's much more serious.
On the surface, we can conclude that, well, what Obama is trying to do is to box Trump in so that he can't restore relations with Russia.
We can see that that's the obvious conclusion to come from all of this.
But that itself doesn't seem all that believable because Trump can rescind the sanctions in 21 days when he's inaugurated.
And so we should perhaps consider that there is more going on than meets the eye.
Because one of the main uses of propaganda, especially about this propaganda of a Russian cyber threat, could be to prepare the American and European populations for an incident.
It could be a real serious incident.
It would have to be serious in order to succeed in making it impossible for Trump to restore normal relations between the United States and Russia.
And so, what could be the nature of this?
Well, we don't know, but we do know that the CIA has morphed into being a deep state that uses disinformation, propaganda, to align decisions of Congress, the Executive Branch, and foreign governments with their own secret behind-the-scenes agendas.
Have you ever seen a disclaimer like this before?
Never seen.
I've never seen a report issued by an intelligence agency that supposedly backs up hostile, provocative acts of the government against another power have a disclaimer.
I mean, that's the thing.
It's like, just take our word for it.
We're going to World War III.
Now, you know,
Speaking of what we're seeing with this outgoing administration, what was the transition like from Carter, say?
Was he trying to muck up the place as much as humanly possible for the incoming administration?
No, of course not.
Carter was a gentleman.
He was a very fine kind of person.
We have no trouble.
Yeah, I mean, I just feel like this is kind of unprecedented from a petulant child, kind of scorched earth policy, if you will.
So, you know, when we were in the midst of the Cold War, did anything like this ever happen?
Are we seeing kind of Cold War deja vu?
Well, I couldn't say how many times we were given false information about the Soviet threat, because to have a threat is very valuable to the military security complex.
They get a lot of budget out of that.
They get a lot of power out of it.
So they need a threat.
And you know, Eisenhower warned us of that, what, 60 years ago.
So they need a threat.
And of course they need a Russian threat.
The Muslim threat's not a big enough threat to justify the kinds of military security budgets we have.
But to get back to this question of what is really going on here, why, it doesn't make any sense for Obama to make a fool of himself like this.
And so that's why I wonder, I mean, I can't say that this is the case, but I wonder if all of this isn't propaganda to get us ready for some kind of incident that can be used to prevent Trump restoring relations.
It would have to be a serious thing.
And if that's the case,
It could catch the Russians off guard because you saw what Putin's response was.
It was very low key.
In fact, he used it to embarrass Obama and say he wasn't going to expel anybody.
And in fact, all the American kids were invited to the Russian Christmas party.
So if, you know, if I was the Russian government, I would be wondering about this because
It may be much more than meets the eye.
And I wouldn't just sit there and say, well, this is silly because it's not natural for the CIA to provoke a situation like this unless it's a cover for something.
Right, I think that's what a lot of us are sort of seeing is that this goes way beyond just being upset that your policies completely got thrown out the window, that your candidate wasn't voted in, just being upset about the fact that the Americans voted against your policies.
This is like, wow, this is sort of irreversible.
It'll be interesting to see how Donald Trump and his administration handle this situation
What do you think about Trump's appointments?
I know, I believe you're kind of, along with us, saying let's give him a chance, let's see what he's going to do.
Well, you know, if he's serious about restoring relations with Russia,
And then his appointment to Secretary of State is a very good one because this is a person from the energy sector who has no interest in bad relations with Russia.
He wants to, you know, Exxon wants to be part of the Russian energy business.
And so, it's a totally different kind of an oligarch than the typical representative of a military security complex.
So, I think that when Trump announced this appointment, I think he gave the neoconservatives the message that he was serious about good relations.
I think, appointing the two generals, well, one of the generals, his National Security Advisor,
He's the one who went public and said that it was a willful decision of the Obama regime to send ISIS to Syria, and it was against his own recommendation as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Well, this is a very brave act, and it shows he's willing to take a stand different from the neoconservative propaganda.
And the other general is the one who convinced Trump that torture doesn't work and got him off of that kid to get him back toward a constitutional legal basis.
So I would say on the whole these are, those appointments are good.
They're all men who are strong and determined, and that's what it takes if there's going to be any change.
You know, a weak person or a conciliatory person or a person who won't go against the conventional thinking can't bring change.
So, obviously, let's give him a chance.
These appointments, for the reasons I just gave, encourage him.
Right, I agree wholeheartedly.
And that's what even Ivanka Trump said, you know, her father is very good at selecting the right people to be on his team to be a success.
What do you make of John Bolton?
Of course, he's reportedly being considered for a spot on Trump's administration.
He's coming out saying Russia must be made to feel the pain over these cyber attacks.
Well, I don't see how he could possibly be appointed, because he's a complete contradiction to what Trump has said, and he would be at loggerheads with the Secretary of State, assuming Trump can get his appointment confirmed.
You know, the Senate has to
Confirm them.
I've never understood the notion that John Bolton could be in the running.
I don't know what that could possibly be about.
Often, people float names in order to get them into the running.
So I've been, my tendency is to look at Bolton like that.
On the other hand, it could be a way for Trump to have an inside
Way of knowing what the neocons were saying and thinking.
You kind of keep your enemies closer, right?
Could be that.
But if I was Trump, I wouldn't want anybody like that.
Because you're always going to have to be, you know, have eyes in the back of your head.
Well, I now I know we're kind of running out of time here.
So I want to, you know, just what do you think?
What do you think Obama's legacy is really going to be?
Obviously, what the American people are going to think is a little bit different than what his legacy is going to be, say, inside the Beltway.
Well, I agree with the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry that Obama is without doubt the worst president ever, and that he was aligned with evil, and he did evil in the world, terrible evil.
And, you know, all I can say is when January 20th comes, it's good riddance.
I hope we never see you again.
Me as well, please.
And he just wants to be a sports commentator on ESPN.
Please, no, not even that.
Just go crawl under your rock.
So, you know, I've been kind of saying this as well, so it's interesting to hear you say it, that you're kind of
A little hesitant with just coming right out and saying it, but perhaps preparing the American people for something pretty big to happen with Russia before January 20th.
Is that kind of what you're saying?
Is be on the lookout for them kind of getting us ready for something big?
I think it's the only explanation that makes sense of what we've been witnessing, which is an all-out attack by the director of the CIA.
It's a public attack by the director of the CIA against the president-elect.
So clearly, this is an effort to discredit Trump or to prevent him from taking office or to prevent him from being able to restore normal relations.
We're good.
It has to have some reason, and I think the only thing that I can really come up with, and of course other people may come up with other reasons, but what I come up with is part of the propaganda they give the American people so that if there is some orchestrated incident, the people will be prepared to believe that it's true.
And you also kind of say, could Trump's foreign policy be controlled by false allegations?
Maybe they're even kind of setting this up so then he's going to make his decisions based on that, not pivot toward Russia and continue going with the Obama administration with Saudi Arabia, for instance.
Yes, that could be.
I mean, I'm sure that's part of it.
You see, already apparently Trump has agreed to have the CIA briefing.
It doesn't make a lot of sense because the CIA doesn't have any real evidence.
The briefing will just further convince Trump not to trust the agency.
As we've said, there may be more to this than just trying to box Trump in.
This may be preparing the ground for some kind of incident.
I don't know.
But if I was the Russian government, I would be thinking about putting the armed services on some kind of alert.
I wouldn't just sit there and say, well, this is Obama being silly.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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Thank you very much, and of course you are helping to support this broadcast, helping us stay on the air, helping us hire reporters like Mr. Owen Schroer, the viral video extraordinaire.
So I know you said you had one more, you know, story that you wanted to get to here.
Well, no, this is actually kind of carrying over from the conversation that you and Paul Craig Roberts just had.
You know, and I'm sitting here and I never really thought of this in this light.
Everybody's kind of seeing the liberal hypocrisies and the double standards and everything.
But this is one that kind of really hit home to me listening to you two talk.
You've got liberal Obama up here, quote-unquote liberal Obama, behaving like a quote-unquote conservative, right?
I mean, he's now the warmonger.
He's now the one putting stress on foreign relations.
He's now the one trying to get in to a heightened state of war or a heightened state of physical activity here.
Which is what the liberals claim the conservatives do, right?
I mean, that's the whole liberal thing.
Conservatives are the warmongers, conservatives are the ones always trying to push war.
But now this is Obama, who's basically behaving like a quote-unquote conservative, but yet...
The liberal minions are still buying it hook, line, and sinker.
Is that the Chicken Neck Nelly Bill Gates?
Well, this is a different story I can mention.
Okay, sorry.
Chicken Neck Nelly's telling us what to do.
We can talk about the Chicken Neck Nelly here with this goblin flopper in a second.
But, I just find it amazing
I just don't, I can never wrap my mind around the liberal mind hockey that these people have to play just to have a foundation in their beliefs.
Quote-unquote liberals are against quote-unquote conservatives, warmongering and all this stuff.
Okay look, I can see the smoke coming out of your head and this is exactly my point I was trying to make earlier.
You're driving yourself crazy because you are trying to make sense of crazy people.
These are sociopaths doing crazy things.
None of you out there need to try and make sense of this craziness.
Alright, so every liberal then is a sociopath?
Pretty much!
Okay, that's fine.
How about this?
Bill Gates, we'll cover this more in the news tonight, Bill Gates says the world is not prepared to cope with a deadly flu epidemic, and in this story, guess what he talks about?
He's gonna save the world!
This is the same guy that said he wants to get the population down to zero, so let's go ahead and trust him.
Lew in Kentucky, David in California, we are going to be sending you some t-shirts.
Thank you for holding so long to try and get your question in.
Now, be sure to watch the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Myself and Margaret Howell will be co-hosting.
I don't want your vaccine, you chicken neck freak!
This is GCN.
You need one.
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A sedation?
A sedation.