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Filename: 20161208_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 8, 2016
3569 lines.

Anthony Cumia discusses political issues, climate change, financial products, and reflects on the death of astronaut John Glenn.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's December 8th, 2016 on the Thursday edition.
We are under economic attack.
Donald Trump knows that.
Here's a special report.
If China has a corporate tax, depending on which year it is, it changes 10 to 15 points lower than ours.
And if China has a currency 30 to 40 points below ours, depending on again what day of the week it is, but 30 to 40 points lower than ours.
Now they have no environmental standards and slave labor wages and 16 to 18 hour workdays with no benefits.
How do we compete with that?
Now, the mainline libertarian think tanks, like the Heritage Foundation and others, that claim they're conservative, claim they're libertarian, they'll tell you, oh, well, free trade just means we're totally wide open and we don't care what you do.
You can have 100% tariff on us, we've got zero on you.
And then they don't complain when we have our coal power plants shut down, which gives us cheap electricity, and then China builds new ones.
They don't point out that it's totally rigged
At a 90 degree angle.
Against us.
If somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant, they can.
It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're gonna be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
We're gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.
The historical problem with the coal industry is when we have these pairings back, there's nothing there to replace it.
Coal's the only industry in this region.
It's not the regulation so much as it is the execution of it.
When you come in and you tell this many people that your industry is gone, we have to have someplace to go.
Coal is a leading source of carbon dioxide emissions, and even though Minnesota's already cut carbon emissions by 20%,
New federal pollution standards require the state to cut more, 40% by 2030.
Minnesota is being punished because we took this action without the federal government telling us.
So whatever that percentage is, reasonable people can disagree about it, but why would we support a policy that punishes the state of Minnesota for acting on our own?
Richard Nixon was the progenitor of the EPA, and the basic rules were established then.
And those basic rules are, it's an administrative agency.
It's not in the executive branch.
It's not in the legislative branch.
It's not in the judicial branch.
And the president gets to appoint his people to it.
And they get to write the regulations that regulate the behavior of corporations and private individuals.
And those regulations stand unless disturbed by the courts or by both houses of Congress.
It is going to shut down about a tenth of our capacity.
And as the General pointed out, if a terrorist were to shut down a tenth of our coal generating capacity, it would be an act of war.
And it's done by design.
If Trump lowers our corporate tax to the global average, he's only made us
A level playing field.
If he goes five points below, which he's pushing for, you can argue it's a trade war.
So what?
We've been getting the short end of the stick for 50 years.
The money that's outside of this country, nobody knows how much.
They think it's $2.5 trillion.
I think it's probably more than that, but nobody knows.
That money, Aaron, is going to come back into the country, and it's going to stay here, and they're going to invest it here.
And frankly, from now on, when people make, when these companies make money outside of the country, they can bring it back in at a reasonable tax.
The reason it stays there is the tax is so onerous, as you know.
It's a massive tax.
The media's been telling us how to dress, and what to eat, and what to do, and how to talk for 50, 60 years.
We've had enough of it!
Part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Once it's everybody's responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.
All the Chinese might have a trade war.
Do it!
We're already under a trade war.
What do you think?
80% of our factories closing, and our mining disappearing, and rare earth minerals.
The U.S.
has less than 1% of global rare earth mineral extraction.
30 years ago, we had more than half.
We're under economic sabotage!
Well, the mainstream media, along with Google and Twitter, has waged a war against what they're calling fake news in this country.
Facebook has already blocked links to, quote, fake news, despite the Washington Post admitting that its expose, unquote, fake news, was based on poor research.
Well, Paul Joseph Watson has an article up on our website at Infowars.com, and he talks about how Facebook is already blocking links to so-called news stories that are fake, despite the Washington Post being forced to admit that its own definitive article on fake news was based on poor research.
Twitter user had revealed that he tried to post on the Alex Jones channel video on Facebook but was blocked from doing so because Facebook characterized the YouTube link as quote unsafe.
Now this suggestion that more than just blocking alleged fake news websites, Facebook is now censoring topics from being posted altogether.
The social network giant also appears to comply with the EU demand that all fake news which is listed on par with quote hate speech or propaganda be censored within 24 hours.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for Infowars.
Charlie Daniels, he's always loved America.
He's always defended the Second Amendment.
Let me just read a little thing here from Agenda 21.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights.
Well, let's take a back seat to the collective.
Well, you know what the next move's going to be, don't you?
There's going to be coming in a few guns.
I tell you, it ain't going to sit well down my way.
Oh, yeah.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
It's time to ride, boys.
We need a thousand Paul Revere's.
When I was a boy, it was okay to be proud of the flag, heritage, mom, and apple pie.
And beef was for supper.
Dawn of global government.
Theatrical screenings on demand.
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Starring Alex Jones, Charlie Daniels, Special Ops General Jerry Boykin.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
For too long, Washington has tried to put us in boxes.
They separate us by race, by age, by income, by geography, by place of birth.
We spend too much time focusing on what divides us.
Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us.
You know what that is?
It's America.
What we do here is we cover the news.
We also analyze how government corporations and mainstream media respond to it and how different cultures and nations and individuals respond.
We really study what's really happening in the world.
So much of this broadcast isn't just looking at mainstream news or looking at a piece of legislation or interviewing an eyewitness.
It's also looking at it in historical context and seeing how the media responds.
Here's an example.
And I've gone and actually looked at the agreement.
Trump got 1,800 and something jobs certified to stay in Indiana via a carrier deal.
Just because they got some locals to give them some tax incentives.
Not even as good as what Mexico had offered.
That's just part of trade.
That's part of making deals.
That's not crony capitalism.
The Heritage Foundation just says, let any other country do whatever they want.
We'll have giant taxes and regulations here and we'll just shut down.
That's free trade.
Having an NFL game where one team's got two players and the other has 11 players on the field is not fair.
And you have the Heritage Foundation going, yeah, we field two players and they field 11 and that's fair.
No, it's not free trade.
And so what's happening is you're seeing true populism come back, and it's got a lot of people upset, including the unions, the stinking Democratic-run union, run by a man named Jones.
I'm ashamed of my name for a few seconds when I read it.
Attacking Trump, saying you lied.
He went on Fox News and CNN yesterday.
You lied.
You said all 1,400.
Now under Obama, there was not even lifting a finger to stop Carrier.
Then he went on and bitched about another company that's leaving and said, why don't you do something about this?
You broke your promise.
As president, do not let any company leave.
Trump has been admittedly in negotiations with the other company in Indianapolis to stop them from leaving.
And by the way, he said, by the time I become president, we're going to punish people
With tariffs coming back in of their American companies and they screw us and leave.
What he says is, once I'm president, you're not going to leave.
Just like Obama said, once I'm president, we're going to bankrupt coal power plants.
They didn't say he broke his promise as president-elect when he said that.
He was president-elect when he said that in 2008.
A couple weeks out, just like Trump from being inaugurated, he said, you can build a coal power plant, but we will bankrupt you.
Same thing.
And you know what?
He did basically bankrupt half of the country and massively increase our prices.
The point is, Trump comes out and says, when I get in, we're going to punish you and they're not going to leave.
Plus, we're going to cut taxes so they make more money here anyway, so it's going to be great.
We've already had 80 plus percent leave.
They promised that wouldn't happen.
It's been a one-sided deal.
Now it's gonna be a two-way street.
That's pure, clean, economic language that's true and based in free market reality.
But I read this New York Times article this morning and watched the video and I was wondering what planet I was on.
Then I went and worked out and flipped over to Fox
And they were kind of showing both sides.
There isn't both sides to a lie.
Did he break his promise or didn't he?
He's not even in yet, and not one but two Ford plants are now staying.
The head of Ford says if you really cut corporate taxes to make it fair, we'll bring it all back.
Not just he'll keep stuff from leaving, they're going to come back.
You're going to get so tired of winning, you're going to say, please stop winning.
No, I'm sorry, you're going to win.
To quote Trump, because they've had their foot on our neck on purpose, that's globalism, to de-industrialize the western world.
Look at what's been done!
Do you understand that?
And then you read this article that I could spend all day on, but I have hundreds of important articles.
Trump unleashes tweet, oh he unleashes, they're talking about banning him, why?
And the unleashed tweet on Carrier Union boss who blasted him.
And all he said was, no wonder companies leave with unions like this.
This union did nothing to stop it leaving.
Obama did nothing.
The unions have presided for 40 years on selling out their members.
He goes, I get 1,800 of the jobs to stay.
He keeps saying 1,000 or 1,100.
It's 1,800 and change.
He gets them to stay and this Jones character
Doesn't look like any Jones I ever saw.
The point is he gets up there and he shoots his mouth off like Trump did something wrong and is a promise breaker.
What type of ingrateful, weird, twisted, freakazoid crap is this?
But it's the inverse reality world.
President-elect Trump lashed out.
He lashed out.
Wednesday at a union leader.
No, he defended himself.
Trump's carrier job deal as they promised halfway delivered.
No, it was 80% delivered.
Chuck Jones, what's he do, Looney Tunes cartoon voices?
President of United Steelworkers, local 1999, has been critical of Trump's claim to have saved 1,100 jobs at the Indianapolis plant since Tuesday.
But shortly after Jones appeared on CNN's Eric Burnett Outfront program Wednesday night, the president-elect appeared to blame union leaders like him for companies leaving the U.S.
Oh, they had the head of SoftBank, tens of trillions, the biggest Japanese conglomerate, announce at least $50 million to be invested next year in the most advanced high-tech jobs that are the creme de la creme you want.
And to bring the most high-tech Japanese secret technology here and give it to the United States.
This is a deal with Japan.
That's why Genrich sent out that thing on the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, saying the Japanese showed incredible precision in launching their attack from the Philippines, which was the most long-distance attack up to that date.
We're not saying that the people that died at Pearl Harbor were garbage.
We dropped A-bombs on Japan.
We killed millions of them.
They paid.
It's now part of a secret alliance forming with Japan to kick China's ass, people!
Now, I know you haven't been let in on that yet, but you've just been let in on it, okay?
The deal's being made right now to win.
You ready to win?
With Russia and Japan and South Korea.
You ready to win?
We were being purposely sold out to lose all of our power worldwide.
We were supposed to retain the military power, China was supposed to get the economic power under the 1970s deal, the Rockefellers did.
The double-cross happened with the globalists and the communist Chinese, and suddenly the Philippine president said we were a joke, go to hell, I'm with China.
And the day Trump was elected, he went, I love Trump, he's my boss, I'll do whatever you say, sir.
He had a bunch of his
Security detail got killed, you notice?
He got his head turned around real, real quick, as soon as Trump got elected.
And, I mean, look, the games are over!
America's back!
You wanna be great?
We've always been great, and we're really gonna be great now.
Get ready!
If we can brush aside all these enemies, who are hopping foam at the mouth angry right now.
And it just goes on.
Chuck Jones, who is president of the United Steelworkers, 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers.
No wonder companies flee the country.
Yeah, Jones, you're losing all over Indiana for who you represent.
Trump is actively fighting for the other companies he represents, by the way.
He followed up with another attack just over an hour later, after Jones called him a liar.
It's not an attack, it's called a defense.
See how they invert reality?
If United Steelworkers 99 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana.
You ever heard something that true from a president?
Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who is also governing, gave a very different description of the union back in March.
He made Trump sound like he's a liar.
No, they were trying to be nice to the union.
Oh, I'm sorry, you don't want your jobs back.
I'm sorry, we apologize.
He tweeted a photo at a meeting he had at Carrier with Jones and 99199 members, calling them hardworking.
Oh, so see, Trump's attacking, but Pence says they're nice.
That's when they brought them their jobs back and were being nice.
Now they've been stabbed in the back.
Trump stands up to it.
I'm showing you how every line is written to put Trump in a bad light.
This is pure psychological warfare.
And I've got examples against us that are unprecedented.
National Public Radio, that's run by the government,
He's on every hour, local shows, national line.
Yesterday I got a call, they said, I just heard it at 1115 on a thing called Texas Standard with their tech guy saying quote you said Hillary chops up the children personally and murders them and I said I never said that and I went and found his tweet where he said it
And then I was even able to find, he had a YouTube link, but he wouldn't let you go to it.
I went and actually found it, and it was me saying, we don't know if she's really killing kids in these rituals that WikiLeaks is releasing, but I said we know she funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda that's killed hundreds of thousands of people, put little girls into sex slave trade, and literally chopped them up.
And I talked about how they were chopping up people on the videos that were released and making the prisoners eat it before they killed them because under Islamic law they believe it sends them to hell.
That's news we broke.
That's video given to us by people that care inside the government.
And their response is that I say she's chopping little kids up.
This is the level of twisting and disinfo.
They had Colbert.
Attacked me for 11 minutes yesterday.
Because he got caught in the WikiLeaks emails coordinating with the White House.
Just crapping his drawers.
That's all coming up.
He also says WikiLeaks is full of bull.
Ha ha!
I mean a comedian posing as a news anchor so he can put disinfo out posing as news.
He is the ultimate fake news person coordinating with the White House and Hillary and then he's got the nerve as the king of yellow journalists to say that I need to grow up.
Boy, I grew up a long time ago.
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Day after day, alone on a hill, the man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him, they can see that he's just a fool.
I'm going to get back to what Trump's doing.
I have to tell you, he's been president-elect now for about a month.
And he is delivering with more hard economic reality that helps this nation than Obama did in eight years.
But that's not hard!
I'm not stealing thunder from Trump.
It's just not hard because Obama and the globalists admit their plan is to de-industrialize us in a quote post-industrial world where only they are allowed to operate quote economic zones of development.
It's a monopoly.
It's a club.
And we ain't in it.
And Trump says, you know what?
We're going back to the American system where everybody's in the club.
They tell us all the inequities of America, all the problems.
We were the club that tried to open up the club.
I know.
We were the reform club.
Didn't mean we were perfect, but it's admitted fact that England and France and Germany and the Netherlands and countries like that became the reform club.
Everybody else followed us.
And it was basically the Christian ethic.
I'll wait to hear what the pub said, but continuing here, I am remodeling my garage.
I mean, all I'm doing is putting in a steel door containment area to put ammunition, firearms, so it can be more safely stored in just one little corner of the garage.
And I don't know why I always tell stories in such detail.
It doesn't matter.
I'm remodeling my garage, so I warmed up on the elliptical in there, but there's all this equipment and stuff in there, so I left and went to the local gym that I have membership at, but never used.
And Pat Riley was there with me, he works out with me in the morning a lot, and I'm telling you folks,
I'm getting 50 times the hate I ever got before.
I usually just get nothing but love.
There were all these men in there, hey Alex, hey Greg, you're awesome.
All the guys were giving me high fives, shaking my hand.
I mean, basically all of them were listeners.
It was incredible.
Could hardly work out.
But there were women in there, and they were, I mean, basically all of them.
There were probably only 10 women I saw, and I'd be walking 15 feet from a woman, and I would see them like, look at me, look scared, and then start backing away like a demon had entered the building.
Because it's women that listen to NPR and watch MSNBC, and they are whacked out of their brains.
They are so scared of me, and I saw them pointing at me and stuff, like I was Satan.
And I was wearing a gray shirt and black pants, normal shoes, normal looking guy.
I mean, I wasn't imagining this.
They were flipping out.
It's crazy.
I'll never forget one time I agreed to be interviewed by a Clinton operative who was writing for Psychology Today.
And he said, do you ever feel like people are looking at you or talking about you?
And this was like eight years ago and I was pretty big then.
I went, yeah, sometimes people are fans and they're talking about me or they want photos.
He goes, oh, you're big, you're famous, you're a narcissist.
And I said, no, I just said they want photos and stuff.
But sometimes people don't like me and I see them talking about me and stuff.
And one time I was at a restaurant and they caught somebody putting a booger in my food and the manager came over and apologized.
They caught him.
Oh, really?
Oh, you're really important.
And he wrote in the article that I imagine people are talking about me.
And I see this is how crazy they are.
The New York Times, again, as I said, said that eight years ago, 2008, that I was insane and Bilderberg Group did not exist.
And then I was in Chantilly, Virginia, having full hallucinations.
Well, guess what they said three days ago on
Tuesday morning on the Morning Joe, they said, I and my listeners are having full-born, I played this, hallucinations about child sex rings.
No, Penn State's not a hallucination, the Catholic Church is not a hallucination, all the Hollywood stuff's not a hallucination, all the big police crackdowns in Europe and Australia and all over, catching judges and lawyers and major leaders involved, and Jimmy Savelle and the royal family, that's not a hallucination.
And I have right here the WikiLeaks tweet, you can put it up, where John Podesta caught in a hot tub party with kids.
That's their tweet.
And you read it, and it's, we're supplying kids at the farmhouse that behave very well for your entertainment in the hot tub.
That ain't code.
Clinton campaign chair John Podesta caught throwing hot tub parties with kids as young as seven years old.
That's WikiLeaks!
That ain't me!
But they get Colbert and the National Public Radio and all this crap up there saying I'm saying this!
I did not say it!
And look, just get this fact straight.
They ignore WikiLeaks now.
They ignore it all.
They just say I made all... I mean, there's thousands of pages of this about, oh my gosh, 65,000 of the best, juiciest, most succulent hot dogs.
Obama loves his succulent hot dogs.
He loves them.
He's got... I can't wait to get to Hawaii and have those hot dogs.
Is there gonna be walnut sauce on them?
Oh, yes.
Are these walnuts really good?
They weren't very good last time.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, U.S.
life expectancy is down for the first time since 1993.
According to this one study, the life expectancy of Americans decreased, dropping for the first time in over two decades.
This data was released by the National Center for Health on Statistics, and it shows that the life expectancy in the U.S.
is dropping.
Americans are now expected to live an average of 78.8 years.
Women, of course, outlive men.
Expectancy is 81.2 years.
The overall death rate is rising for both sexes here in the U.S.
The data examined the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.
They remain the same as the previous year, with eight of them growing in number of fatalities they caused.
The main ones are heart disease, respiratory disease, unintentional injury, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, kidney disease, and suicide.
Death rates are rising for white men, white women, and black men.
Now they stayed essentially the same for black women and Hispanic men and women.
We need to take a minute, folks, to remind ourselves to take care of our health.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
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It's even a great Christmas idea.
I don't think so.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Max Keiser is going to be in studio today.
This will be a day long remembered.
Then Anthony Cumia will quarterback, honcho, drive, trail boss, command, captain, general.
Program, the fourth hour.
Revolution in their heart, the children start to march.
All right, where to begin?
You know, I've been getting into Trump and what he's really doing economically and how the media is so evil they spend that.
And then I had the crew reminding me, we went into deep research on this, where they keep going, Trump's lying.
He says the planes are four billion, Air Force One, two of them to be delivered in 2023, but it's only 170 mil.
Ladies and gentlemen, the contract is admittedly an additional 3.7 million.
It's all there.
And Mark Dice broke it down a few days ago with copies of the contract.
I mean, they just know, though, you're not going and looking what a fully loaded new Air Force One cost.
And the fact they're charging too much, as Trump's pointed out, and they're trying to move to China.
Trump's lying again, saying $4 billion.
He did not save you $4 billion.
It was $170.
That was the initial contract just to plan the planes.
But they've got these weird trendies whose whole identity is watching CNN, listening to MSNBC, and listening to National Public Radio.
And you know what?
I don't spend enough time on National Public Radio because it still has 900 affiliates, government-funded, taxpayer-funded, with the juiciest, best area of the FM dial is low.
They have that whole spectrum.
Now the FCC's talking about letting Ford Foundation people carve up the lower spectrum and sell it off to other socialist groups.
You don't get the lower spectrum.
You don't get taxpayer money, dirtbags.
When you're trying to shut InfoWars down and shut down free speech and rebrand political views, propaganda.
Propaganda just means something promoting your political view.
It has a dirty connotation.
There's white propaganda.
There's gray propaganda.
There's black propaganda.
They don't give you the real definitions.
They go, there's people trying to influence things.
It's campaign finance.
Ban them!
But they can have their views.
Well, you lost that in the Supreme Court.
Okay, it's conspiracy theories.
Don't listen to it.
No, that doesn't work.
Ban it!
Ban it!
It's fake news.
Ban it!
Ban it!
What, I get up here and show Chuck Jones of the Steelworkers Union in Indiana?
In Indianapolis?
Saying Trump lost 300 jobs?
Didn't keep them?
You couldn't keep them?
Obama couldn't keep any of them?
He keeps 1,800 and something of them and that isn't enough for you?
Or 1080, whatever the point is.
It's 1100 is what Trump's saying, it's a little bit, it's like 20 less than that.
It makes my head spin trying to decipher all this.
These people are so incredibly deceptive.
I'm going to get to some of those clips in a moment, then get to a bunch of others, but most talk show hosts, obviously, if Stephen Colbert, the pseudo-intellectual who would have a show on CNN or MSNBC if they still had big viewers.
The problem is they don't have a big audience, their top shows have a million viewers.
But see, they can go over, and I said this a decade ago, to the Daily Show and all these other programs, put out this info, twist things, take things out of context, make it a joke, and have 5, 10 million, depends on the day, viewers on Comedy Central, and have all these pseudo, again, fake intellectuals watch it and believe it's real.
So Colbert went on the offensive for 11 minutes against yours truly yesterday because it came out two days ago in the latest WikiLeaks that he and his staff agree on programming with the White House and with Hillary and Podesta.
Now, we've always known that.
It's obviously scripted, the interviews and things.
His argument at the end is, grow the F up, Alex Jones.
This is called agreements.
Like Donna Shalala giving the questions, getting caught at least twice, then caught lying about it twice, to Hillary beforehand, and then lying about it to the Debate Commission.
Or coordinating attack pieces in the news and lies about Trump.
Or all the hundreds of, excuse me, thousands of fake polls, it was hundreds of fake polls every week, thousands and thousands of fake polls over a year and a half, and the emails admitting they're fake polls.
People kept saying, how do you know that these are fake polls?
Well before the emails ever came out, a month before the election.
I talked to the big pollsters.
They said, Alex, don't say my name, but all the agencies have been bought off by the Republicans and the Democrats.
Usually, Republicans would buy polls the way they wanted.
Democrats would buy polls the way they wanted.
No one dared put out too fake a poll because they'd be discredited.
I mean, the polls get caught being wrong a few times.
They go from being the most respected to the most unrespected.
Remember, you used to hear about Zogby all the time.
They were the very best.
I think they're a legitimate polling agency compared to a lot.
I've studied it.
But they got a few polls off, just a little bit.
You don't hear about Zogby anymore, do you?
Remember Zogby?
Last six, seven years, you don't hear about Zogby.
Because they got polls wrong in the 2008-2012 election.
Only by 4 or 5 points.
Man, CNN and all these other big outfits, Reuters and the other polls they use, they were off by 15, 20 points.
To the credit of the LA Times, they were only off like 5 points.
Remember, the LA Times kept showing it neck and neck.
Trump was really 5, 10 points ahead, 15 depending on what state.
I mean, I'm in the news business, folks.
I talk to the biggest people there are.
I mean, do I have to explain that?
That we're the new media.
We always wanted to take the country back.
We didn't want to be in the basement.
We wanted to be winners.
And now they're crapping themselves that I talked to the boss.
They don't know what to do.
I'm not going to quote Trump here, but just let me explain something.
Trump enjoys not telling you where he's going and what he's doing.
He enjoys giving interviews to independent and free media that tells the truth.
And he's not doing interviews right now, but when he does, you're going to really like what happens to mainstream media.
You're so over.
You're so discredited.
You're such a joke.
You're such a fraud.
You're such a scam.
I mean, you don't have an audience either.
You know, Trump will do a big broadcast CBS, or ABC sometimes, because that's still got 5, 6, 7, 8 million viewers on a top show.
Why go on Anderson Cooper when his key demo is about 100,000 viewers?
All of his viewers combined, 300,000 in the United States?
Globally, maybe a million?
I mean, give me a break!
RT Global has up to 18 million viewers an hour globally.
That's still not that big.
18 million.
Because everything's so broken up.
NPR has 40 million listeners a week.
I think that's an accurate number.
They claim that.
900 affiliates.
Government force fed.
It's all they've got left.
And what are you doing living off government and Rockefeller and Carnegie Ford Foundation money?
And then begging off your stupid pseudo-intellectual listeners.
And then you look at me, a real libertarian, a liberal, a trailblazer, a freedom fighter, and calling me, oh they had NPR yesterday on their All Things Considered, we've got this too, aired on 900 Affiliates saying I'm the gateway to the white supremacy.
I am the most hated person by white supremacists there is.
For whatever, because they're directed by a lot of the internal leftist groups, that's been proven, Southern Poverty Law Center's been caught, others have been caught.
I mean, I've gone out and protested the Klan more than 15 times, and I'm telling you folks, they are total, total foundation operatives.
But the point is, is that I've had the Klan threaten to kill me, it's been in the newspapers, on TV, we're going to kill Alex Jones.
Turned out the guy was a federal informant, I called him out right.
I mean, we've got hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of it.
And I am the gateway to the KKK.
Oh my gosh.
But listen, that part doesn't matter.
Hillary started all these wars, launched jihadis that abuse women and children and have sex trade in children.
It's all over the WikiLeaks, bizarre sexual stuff in children, weird devil worship, you name it.
I don't know how deep that rat hole goes.
I don't think ping pong pizza has a basement in it.
I don't think they're raping kids in a pizza place.
We covered what was the biggest story on Reddit and all the rest of it.
And I'm not backing away from the story.
I've always said the real stuff is in the overall WikiLeaks.
They distracted making it all about a pizza place to make it all about these poor victims over here.
And, you know, it's David Brock's boyfriend at Media Matters, and there's a lot of weird satanic art, a lot of weird crap going on, a lot of weird tweets, and a lot of rock concerts they're talking about their preference being kids.
Man, you got people coming after you because there's some weird, weird rhetoric coming out, and you're tied to Clinton, though it's tenuously through Podesta, who's on the Lolita Express with a convicted pedophile that flies kids to a rape island.
That's who the Democrats are at the top.
I'm focused on Jeffrey Epstein.
I'm focused on all that.
But they've decided this is their Waterloo.
They've decided I'm Napoleon.
They're shooting to kill.
And I'm telling you, there are more attacks on Alex Jones right now.
Than there are on Donald Trump.
I can officially say, the last five days I've gone and looked at it, there's more.
Open, naked, attacks.
There's generally more articles about Trump, obviously, and it's all like really soft lies, like, he attacked viciously an innocent, sweet little union boss for no reason.
Meanwhile, the union boss is like, you liar, you didn't help!
You're not trying to save jobs, you didn't do anything.
How dare you bring back the jobs when I sold them out?
What upside-down planet are you from?
Meanwhile, I haven't even gotten into the news.
This is up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's an InfoWars.com article by Paul Watson.
The EU gave him 24 hours three days ago to start censoring InfoWars.com and Breitbart and others.
And sure enough, Facebook is now blocking many InfoWars stories and videos, including anything with Pizzagate in the title.
So there's a lot of stuff going on obviously behind the scenes as well.
So that's why you should go to InfoWars.com and sign the petition, deliver it to Congress.
You put your note in there as well and also sign off the petition.
Leave your full info or just your name or just your statement and then we're going to deliver it in a big wheelbarrow and a big truck to Trump Tower next week and we're going to deliver it to Congress.
Sign up for our free newsletter for emergency updates as well at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
That's to get our news alerts, coupon codes, and more.
But this is specifically to be part of our free speech coalition and the website and the group we're going to launch.
We'll have weekly updates, sometimes daily updates, special reports that you exclusively get when you go sign up on the petition.
But you choose to.
You click one box to just send the petition.
You click another box if you want to be given alerts and a bunch of other stuff.
It's all up to you.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter for just the general newsletter that goes out daily.
But also, just go to Infowars.com on the front page.
You can see, it loads up, you can see the petition right there.
You want to be part of that.
But the Pope came out, you cannot make this up, in an official Italian newspaper and said those that consume alternative news are like those that are into eating excrement.
This is coming out of the mouth of the great pontiff who took over the Catholic Church according to the London Guardian with blackmail over the pedophile scandal.
That's the London Guardian.
Oh, but there's no pedophilia in government.
There's no intrigue at Penn State.
There's nothing, or Penn State, excuse me.
There's none of this going on anywhere.
Pope pontificates on fake news, calls it a sin, and likens it to the sexual arousal from excrement.
You know?
I didn't know about that until I was in college and heard about it.
And I hadn't thought about it in years.
Thanks a lot, bro.
I just got a new nickname for him.
Turd Goblin.
He's a turd burglar.
That's the new name of the new Pontiff.
He's desecrated the Catholic Church, runnin' the ground.
He says, you know, Europe shouldn't be Christian, and it upsets him, and he brings in the Islamists.
He says, if you think this guy's a Pope, notice the enemy's fully uncloaking right now.
He wants world government.
He says, if you want independent, free press, you want to eat feces.
Well, his new nickname, he's given it to himself, is now Turd Burglar.
Now we know what he's into.
Out of his mouth, he's told us his deepest secret.
A Freudian slip.
Hey, he claims we want to eat crap?
Turnabout's fair play, buddy.
You're the one that dredged it up out of your sick, frickin' New World Order little demonic brain.
You are the turd gobbler.
And worse, I will say it, the Catholic Church has been taken over by a cult of pedophiles.
Oh, the fake news of it!
Everybody knows there aren't pedophiles trying to take over everything.
Next he'll say the sky's blue.
Told you they were going to start censoring us.
Why are we under total attack by every angle?
Because we've got the light of truth, folks.
We know what we're doing.
Take one look at that turd gobbler.
He says we eat turds.
What do you want to bet?
That's what this guy's into.
He told us.
Who the hell comes out with stuff like that?
Who knowing children would hear that, would come up with such a thing?
We're forced to cover it because he is.
The media, oh, Trump and a secret recording, you know, of hours edited together, oh, you know, said something about women throw themselves at you, you could do anything.
Oh, children hurt, and it's so horrible that Hillary goes to Beyonce and all these really horrible rap concerts where they're talking about raping women, date raping women.
Oh, that's no problem.
Hillary's there clapping while they're singing about raping women.
But, oh, oh, but the Pope said he was horrible, too, saying such things.
It hurt children's eyes.
Now he's teaching people about the sexual pleasure of eating turds.
The Turd Gobbler!
The Turd Goblin!
What's the best name?
Turd Goblin, Turd Burglar, or Turd Connoisseur?
I mean, what is the new... He's not known as Pope Francis, he's now known as Pope Poopus!
I mean, I'm serious, what are we calling him, guys?
What's the new name of the new false pope?
Gobbler's good.
Turd Gobbler?
Okay, well I hear arguments going on.
You guys put yourselves on the air.
Is it Turd Gobbler?
Turd Goblin?
Turd Thief?
Turd Thief?
He's got mixed opinions about Burglar and Gobbler.
Well, he's a Gobbler.
He's a Turd.
He's a Goblin.
He's a Turd-eating Goblin that's also part of the League of Shadows.
The Poop Tiff.
The Poop Tiff.
I mean who comes up with this crap?
Who comes up with this?
We're going to eat, we want to eat turds for sexual gratification because we don't believe lying media.
And so the media is going to flip on this.
It'll be all over the news tomorrow.
Alex Jones says the Pope eats feces.
But no one will go back and point out that it's all satirical because he's the one saying we get sexual gratification out of eating them.
We, and by the way, he's listed us before.
He's talking about us.
He's talking about drudge.
He's talking about the media.
He's talking about Trump.
He's talking about the rebellion globally against this.
And he wants to say that we're bad.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
I gotta play these Trump clips when we come back, though, about how to unite the country and the jobs.
We gotta just bring prosperity and people will not be dependent on these slugs anymore.
We gotta turn back and not have the state running our kids.
I mean, what a bunch of pervs, man.
I mean, obviously, we don't know who's who or who's doing what, but they're all just a collection of really dangerous degenerates.
Take one look at this pope.
I mean, this guy's filth.
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Well, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell, but I've been seen with Farrah.
I've never been with anything less than a dime, so fine.
I've been on fire with Sally Field, gone fast with a girl named Bo.
But somehow they just don't end up as mine.
It's death defying.
It's a death defying life I lead.
I take my chances.
I die for a living in the movies and TV.
I die for a living to defeat the New World Order.
The hardest thing I ever do is watch my lead in movies.
That's right.
You built the platform of liberty for Trump to launch.
And he's starting to deliver.
I told you I don't care who he appoints as long as he delivers.
A lot of these folks are yes men.
Notice that Leonardo DiCaprio ran there to grovel to Trump.
And ask him to finance a bunch of his minions with green jobs.
You know, if those green jobs were real technologies, Trump would be financing them.
But they don't ever let the real ones that compete come in.
Big Oil, if you look it up, is actually behind the fake green movement.
And BP and Dutch Rochelle all developed it in the early 1990s.
By the way, that's a fact.
By the way, I mentioned this earlier.
Can we Google it?
Because I don't want to just tell people this and stop.
When I talk about the Pope coming to power via pedophile blackmail, that was in Der Spiegel and the London Guardians.
Let's just search.
Blackmail caused Pope to step down.
Yeah, Ratzinger.
They don't call him Ratzinger, they use the Pope name.
Yeah, Benedict, Pope Benedict.
Put that in and we'll put it on screen.
It's London Guardian, it was also under Spiegel.
You can put in guardian.co.uk after the search to make it come right up.
It was blackmail caused Pope Benedict to step down.
And then it goes through all the blackmail and the Jesuits, even in the Guardian, they know.
Papal resignation linked to inquiry into Vatican gay officials, say paper.
Yeah, that's one of them, but I know there's a headline where they talk about the blackmail.
So again, but pedophilia doesn't exist because that's what it was, not just gay stuff.
Did a gay blackmail scandal bring down the Pope?
That's Salon.
It's not gay blackmail, ladies and gentlemen.
They found dead priests, dead kids.
I mean, I've been there.
It's in the Italian papers.
I've investigated.
Pope resigned in wake of gay priest scandal report.
No, it was the cover-up of the pedophilia.
Remember that?
There was never a pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church, NPR says.
And I expect NPR tomorrow to have them have me going, oh look, the Pope likes to eat poop!
They'll never tell you that I was reading him in an Italian newspaper, Pope pontificates on fake news, calls it a sin, lines it to sexual arousal from excrement.
I'm going to come back with the clips of Trump and then all the other big news.
There's so much, folks.
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And with New Year's resolutions coming up, you need X2, Super Male or Super Female Vitality.
Hour number two of the rebellion straight ahead.
It's on InfoWar.
NPR just figured that out yesterday.
Oh, aren't they big, powerful leaders in the government disinfo op.
Oh, I'm so scared of them.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Turn me loose!
Set me free!
Love the Animated Contest of Liberty!
Entering the arena!
Every level!
I can see God's plan behind me.
And as the shadows get longer, and as the enemies get bigger, God gives us the tools, the insight, the strength, the will, the courage, the determination to overcome anything!
The spirit of liberty is rising!
And you can feel it!
And the enemy can feel it.
The enemy of old knows it's ancient enemy of liberty.
God's light shining into the world!
Look at the dual meanings.
NPR, the government-run media, the great enemy that we must bring down now.
Not because they attacked me.
I've been so distracted.
I'm not the type of person that's vindictive.
I hate to destroy things, even if they're enemies and corrupt.
I'm just not into it, but it must be done.
Because the two can't co-exist.
They suck off you and your family.
They take hundreds of dollars from the average family every year into their fetid, greasy, degenerate, slimy, hunchback, pseudo-intellectual, hateful system that hates the Midwest, hates America, is stripping with hatred and false, false intellectual garbage.
They have a subsection.
Cult shots!
Oh, wow.
Yeah, little injectors.
A little vaccine shot.
Health news.
The idea that it's healthy.
Health news from government-run, state-sponsored NPR!
Funded by the vicious, hateful Rockefellers that brought you eugenics and Hitler.
Oh, and IBM!
Oh, we're liberal, though!
Oh, we're liberal!
It had so many articles that I'm a liar.
You can look them up saying that life expectancy's down.
It's been down for at least 15 years.
Life expectancy in US drops for first time in decades, reports find.
Oh my gosh!
Well, it must be true now that so many times when people call in or there's articles, they go, Jones, you keep saying the government's killing us.
Eh, boy!
Why is life expectancy up?
And I look at him and I go, you've been to an old graveyard.
Then what's that have to do with it?
I said, answer my question.
Uh, no, no, no.
Yeah, you don't even know who your grandparents were.
Great grandparents, do you?
That's what I thought.
But, but, tiny issue.
Um, I've got family cemeteries going back to the 1820s in East Texas on our property.
All the Scots and the Irish and the English that are my ancestors.
And it's all right there in those cemeteries.
Half the graves are below the age of 10.
Most of the graves are below the age of 3 out of that group.
There's three-year-olds killed by Indians on the gravestone.
Those you can still read that trees hadn't fallen on.
I ought to go do a documentary just about my family graveyards.
One of them's on somebody else's ranch now.
They bought it from us.
But they let us walk over.
We got a call.
We get to walk two miles onto their ranch.
You know, look at the graves.
Hundreds of them up on a hilltop.
Yes, what's that have to do with life expectancy?
It's true that life expectancy of children and infant mortality with the industrial revolution in science went from on average more than a third frontier kids about half dying.
Women usually had about three kids and then died on average.
He had multiple wives.
I had great-great-great-great-grandfathers who had up to four wives.
Not polygamy.
They'd be 80 years old on their fourth wife and 15, 20 kids.
That's the type of... I mean, I might brag, but I come from super Texas hillbilly, you name it.
Basically killers.
I'm very proud of it.
But the point is, where I get all my strength, the point is, is that looking at this,
And seeing it, I know the numbers.
And I've talked to top scientists, but I've seen it for myself.
They take out the dead kids out of the numbers.
And now since kids aren't dying as often, they average that out and say, oh, it's up.
But despite that, their killing is so bad, even though that's happening, our life expectancy on the average is dropping.
But it gets even more intense.
They've got all these high-tech technologies to just suck your money out of you and keep you alive, basically a binary weapon system to simplify it.
And there's more to it as well.
We now are the worst in the world, industrialized world of immortality.
So that's going back up with us as well.
Well, the mainstream media, along with Google and Twitter, has waged a war against what they're calling fake news in this country.
Facebook has already blocked links to, quote, fake news, despite the Washington Post admitting that its expose, unquote, fake news, was based on poor research.
Well, Paul Joseph Watson has an article up on our website at Infowars.com, and he talks about how Facebook is already blocking links to so-called news stories that are fake, despite the Washington Post being forced to admit that its own definitive article on fake news was based on poor research.
Twitter user had revealed that he tried to post on the Alex Jones Channel video on Facebook but was blocked from doing so because Facebook characterized the YouTube link as quote unsafe.
Now this suggestion that more than just blocking alleged fake news websites, Facebook is now censoring topics from being posted altogether.
The social network giant also appears to comply with the EU demand that all fake news which is listed on par with quote hate speech or
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
Because of what we did on this day, change has come to America.
Something's wrong, and we all know it.
I'm Charlie Daniels, and I'm here to tell you about it.
The nation has been hijacked by international forces, bent on global governance.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The poets tell how poncho fell.
You know what I'm gonna say next?
It's hard to turn that voice off.
This'll be the year Merle Haggard made his jump into hyperspace.
Happy trails, partner.
And now...
All right.
We are under the greatest concerted attack that I think anybody in the United States has ever been under except for like Donald Trump.
It is ABC, CBS, NBC,
NPR, local stations, newspapers, it is total insanity.
And they're misrepresenting what I've said and what I've done, but it doesn't matter, it's just bringing us more people.
Our record viewers and listeners and traffic was the election, but it's building back up right now.
The new floor was 40 million a week one way or another tuning in, and we're going to be like probably 50 million this week.
So we're going back up towards an all-time high.
I mean, imagine the lives.
It's just like Donald Trump.
Carrier's gonna move 1,400 jobs.
He goes and gets them to keep 1,100.
It's like 1,080-something.
That's in the math.
And then they have the head of the union come out and start flipping out and complaining on CNN, and the media's making a scandal that Trump broke his promise that as president he'd keep jobs here and wouldn't let companies leave.
He's not even president yet!
How do you take him getting Japanese to invest $50 billion when they weren't gonna do it under Obama because of the taxes?
Just the promise that he'll try to lower the corporate tax to make it fair.
Has him moving here.
He's got multiple Ford plants.
They're saying they may bring all the Ford plants back.
That's the head of Ford.
It was one.
Already two now.
Because they saw sales just spike.
Okay, we'll move more back.
That's how it works.
It's optimism.
It's leadership.
And then, they've got all these articles.
It was the top story.
It was all over the news this morning.
Fox News was, quote, being fair.
Did Trump lie?
CNN was saying he's a liar.
And Trump tweets, man, no wonder the unions are running the jobs off.
What are you bitching at me for?
Chuck Jones, head of the union, you couldn't even keep the jobs there.
That's like if you see your neighbor's house on fire and you help get them out, then they say, hey, help me get my silverware and my and my family jewels out.
OK, I guess the house isn't burning that bad for the fire department.
I'll go and help you.
So you're you're all tired.
Your back's hurt.
You've gotten stuff out.
The fire department gets there and they look at you.
They go, you didn't help me get my couch out.
You'd be like, is that a joke, Bob?
You broke a promise.
You said you were going to get everything out.
I mean, it's like, what parallel?
I mean, I've got this Chuck Jones guy.
Transcript here, I've got the video.
Complaining, and it's like, is this a joke?
Trump lied to the American people.
You made a promise to keep all these jobs.
You halfway delivered.
No, he 80 plus percent did.
Jones told CNN, we expect you to go back and keep all the jobs.
He says all pissed off too.
We watched the video.
Jones added that Trump should also help 350 workers at the Indianapolis plant owned by another company, Rex Narod.
Rexnord, which is also slated to move to Mexico.
Workers there are also members of his local 1999.
Trump said when he was at the other plant last week that he's in the talks trying to get them to stay.
He's not even president yet.
He can't even try to get tariffs on U.S.
companies that leave, bringing stuff back in yet.
His promise is that he's going to erect fair taxes and fair tariffs, like other countries have, on a country-by-country basis, as it's supposed to be done, to equalize it.
And if they won't equalize it, we'll then change to whatever level they're at.
That's what free trade is.
If they're cheating, we go to their level.
The Heritage Foundation put America under a spell.
Saying that one-sided deals, China with a 15% lower corporate tax, China with a currency 35% below ours is free and fair.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
If U.S.
companies are run out of here because of environmental rules and stuff, if they're going to export stuff back into the U.S., then they've got to have certifications that those foreign factories were following that.
But see, they don't want that.
They want a one-sided deal to transfer our jobs.
And I know you know that, but somehow we've got to reach out to these national public radio, the state-run media listener.
The last holdouts, mainly alone, 45-year-old women, totally freaked out and scared, totally unhappy, totally depressed, the statistics show, because they listened to the government as their husband, and he didn't deliver, and he didn't come home and keep her warm at night.
They were taught male attributes were the worst thing on earth, and man, they don't know why they're so freaked out, because they never had a chance to be a woman.
I feel, you always see them, they can be attractive, but they, their hair looks crazy, they look nuts, black, white, hispanic, I don't care, they're all just... Of course you're freaked out, sweetheart!
You're supposed, you know, you're an animal, God made you, you're in the image of God, but, you know, we operate like animals, sweetheart!
You ain't following the program, cupcake!
You ain't happy!
You need you a man!
Now, there's the other side of the equation.
Men are a bunch of lazy, dumbass slobs on average.
I get it.
It's been done by design.
But women start demanding men act like men again.
Like the Spartans wives would say, you come home with your shields or on them.
There wasn't crime when daddy didn't come home killed in a battle, because that's what a man does.
You come home with your shields or on them.
Women start acting like that, we'll have space colonies in 10 years.
Women start telling men, get out there and take over!
Get out there and make money!
Get out there and be successful!
And I'm gonna treat you like a champion when you get home!
That's when society goes BOOM to the next level!
The minute you get rid of that, everything goes to hell in a handbasket.
Gee, wonder why the big corporations are selling that idea.
First thing they do in Brave New World, 1932.
Oh, by the way, we've got the bombshell special report coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Is Dew ready with it?
I know he stayed up all night putting it together.
It's dumping over now.
We will have this at the bottom of the hour.
I'm not going to play Colbert for 11 minutes attacking me and lying about me today.
Our audience is bigger than his.
He's not even worth it.
It really is.
And we're a global audience and we don't, you know, who wants to communicate with the lobotomy heads that watch him and think they're watching an intellectual?
He is a fake guy in a fake outfit where he can get away with pure fake news as a comedian lecturing us how we're fake news and saying we should be shut down along with the Pope that says those of us that
Don't believe mainstream media are like those that have a sexual perversion of enjoying eating feces.
That's official.
That's on Infowars.com from a major Italian newspaper.
You cannot make this up.
No, being a guy that took over the Catholic Church using pedophile networks, that's even Leningradian, I think that's what's disgusting, bro.
Merkel, one day, because she has to hijack the populist movement, she's about to lose control of her party.
She's been losing all these parliamentary elections.
She's almost out of office now.
She's come out and said, oh yes, you can't wear full burqas walking down the street.
It freaks the Germans out.
But then she came out today and said Germans need to integrate with Islam and accept it.
That article is on Infowars.com.
Oh, but here's some really big news for you.
NPR is busy saying I'm fake news.
They're using a Washington Post report.
Where they just say, we talked to analysts that say Breitbart, Drudge Report, and Infowars are fake and need to be banned, and that they work for the Russians.
They didn't give any proof, and I told you I was looking at suing them.
They were already, lawsuits were already being prepared by other news agencies.
You know why, folks?
Because when you say somebody's a Russian agent, you can be executed for that.
That's claiming someone is involved in espionage against their country.
That is a, that's like saying, you know, somebody's a murderer, or beyond that.
And I've been told by lawyers, it's open and shut.
They can't prove you're a Russian agent.
It is millions.
And I don't even want the millions to sit there, because I can just raise that, run our own operation.
I don't want to waste our time with these people.
But, I mean, I was talking to lawyers this week, and I know a lot of people are, and I know the Washington Post's lawyers have looked at it, and they said, look, this is indefensible.
We just cannot.
And so the Washington Post came out.
We should do articles about this.
And they have
They called it appending it, or amending it.
That's Zero Hedge.
No, they've retracted.
Washington Post, we need our own article.
Zero Hedge says they've appended.
No, they've... Russia propaganda fake news story.
And they have, here's the article out of the Washington Post right here.
They've come out and they have a big editor's note at the top saying we have no proof that the Russians ran this and it's basically made up and we can't say these are fake news sites.
That's not proper.
It's a blacklist.
You really can't do that.
And where did they get their list?
Some nebulous website.
They won't say who runs it.
Put the list out.
Two weeks ago it was some 40 year old professor lady.
But her, she wears pink glasses and has three cats.
So, she's got hair sticks up in the photos, hair sticking out.
I don't know why they do this.
Like, ironic hair, pink glasses, and has three cats.
And so she says, shut us down, take us off the web, fire my 60 employees, put us out in the street, take our free speech away.
Because she's a woman, and she's a professor, associate professor, and has three cats.
And if you have three cats, I only have two.
So see, I can't talk.
When I have three, and my hair sticks out, I can then... It's like a uniform of ironicness.
Oh, look, I'm ironic!
My hair's sticking out on the side, and I wear glasses, and I'm gonna take your free speech!
I'm gonna say you should be arrested!
And the Pope's up there, they like eating poop for sexual pleasure!
Boy, you're a pervert, bro, saying that!
Now it all fits.
Now we know what you're into.
You imagine Pope Francis sitting down to a big plate of crap, just slice it into like it's a T-bone steak, in a hood.
You see, it's all the news.
Alex Jones hit rock bottom, the boycott begins.
He said that the Pope eats poop.
No, the Pope said we eat poop!
I threw it back at him!
I don't think he probably really does it.
And you know what?
God, look at that organization overrun by every scum maggot you can imagine.
Look at him!
Poor Catholics.
Catholics are great people.
I'm not judging any Catholic.
Look at the Protestant church run by a bunch of perverts on average as well.
But, I mean, just look at how the devil takes over the church.
What a sickening joke.
It's now run by a turd burglar.
Alright, we'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Let's hear from number 45, the great enemy of the New World Order.
For too long, Washington has tried to put us in boxes.
They separate us by race, by age, by income, by geography, by place of birth.
We spend too much time focusing on what divides us.
Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us.
You know what that is?
It's America.
People say in the media, because he's saying that in every speech, that's a Nazi moron.
He said he hates foreigners.
No, he didn't.
He said, we're going to make it easier to come here if you don't have a criminal record and you've got something to offer.
Whether it's skilled, unskilled, whatever.
But you're not going to come here if you're a criminal.
And if we catch you committing a crime here, we're going to deport your butt.
Lickety split.
Everybody else does that.
And we're not going to have anchor babies anymore.
I know it's all cute and funny, but man, we're going bankrupt here.
So that's all Trump's doing is hard-nosed business.
And he said that he wants a list of all companies planning on leaving the U.S.
and will call each individually.
Donald Trump is up at 2 a.m.
He goes to sleep at about 2 a.m.
First he called his supporters, then he called Congress, then he visited Obama, then he started calling the corporate leaders and the world leaders.
World leaders and corporate leaders.
And he's made thousands and thousands of calls, thousands and thousands and thousands.
He makes like 5-minute calls, 10-minute calls, 15-minute calls, 20-minute calls.
World leader calls are up to an hour.
And Trump will sit there and go, he has a schedule.
He'll just go, you know what?
I'm staying up until 3.
Keep going.
When he goes over.
I mean, I don't want to give any inside baseball a machine for this country.
A dream.
It's a joke, okay?
And I don't fawn over people.
I could care less if Obama liked me, I could care less if Bush liked me.
You know, hypothetically, Bush did try to co-opt me when he was still governor, president-elect.
Because my sister went to school with his daughters and I met him at some things when he was governor and everything else, and he'd watch my show and heard the show.
But the point is that I wasn't into the Bushes and the globalists.
I'm into Donald Trump.
And, I mean, I'm into him big time.
And he's just delivering people.
Let's play some more of these clips.
Trump wants a list of companies planning on leaving the US.
So he can call them.
Here it is.
Donald Trump, in his interview with Time Magazine, he was the person of the year, he says he wants a list of all the American companies which propose to leave America.
He says he's going to call all of them.
I want to get a list of companies that have announced they're leaving.
I can call them myself.
Five minutes apiece, they won't be leaving.
Do you approve of that kind of muscling of private enterprise companies?
I think it's a fantastic approach, to be honest with you.
You know, a hands-on approach by the President of the United States.
It'll work.
It'll work short term.
And that's really what I think the President needs coming into office.
A phone call from the President will certainly cause any CEO to pause.
And then if that can buy the president time to implement the policy changes that need to be implemented in order for this to work and to be effective and to last, I think that's a terrific approach.
And it will require hands-on, and I'm really happy to see that he's going to take that approach.
It's not muscle to call up and say, hey, we're going to promote Buy America.
We're going to cut the corporate income tax.
I've got the votes.
He has the votes.
Trust me.
Stay here at least another year till I get this in and we'll work it out.
Or the whole economy is going to implode.
I mean, are we going to move to China?
I mean, that's the speech that's going on.
And meanwhile he has all these enemies that want to bring the country down that are globalists, so pissed that America, right on its deathbed, the intelligence agencies, the patriots, the liberty movement, the folks listening to this show, you took action, people listened, we won the hearts and minds, we turned the corner.
I'm going to go to break and I'm going to come back with a huge special report that really I can only dub Endgame 2.0.
I mean this is the eugenics program, this is the plan that runs the planet, this is what Davos came out and said within
Thirteen years, you will have no private property, you will have no rights.
Everything you do will be surveilled.
This is their words trying to induce you into Stockholm Syndrome.
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Stay with us.
Key reports straight ahead, and then the whole corporate report.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
We're on the march, folks.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Picked up on that yet?
These aren't big talking liners.
I've got a plan.
Well, U.S.
life expectancy is down for the first time since 1993.
According to this one study, the life expectancy of Americans decreased, dropping for the first time in over two decades.
This data was released by the National Center for Health on Statistics, and it shows that the life expectancy in the U.S.
is dropping.
Americans are now expected to live an average of 78.8 years.
Women, of course, outlive men.
Expectancy is 81.2 years.
The overall death rate is rising for both sexes here in the U.S.
The data examined the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.
They remain the same as the previous year, with eight of them growing in number of fatalities they caused.
The main ones are heart disease, respiratory disease, unintentional injury, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, kidney disease, and suicide.
Death rates are rising for white men, white women, and black men.
Now they stayed essentially the same for black women and Hispanic men and women.
We need to take a minute, folks, to remind ourselves to take
Take care of our health.
I'm Margaret Howell reporting for InfoWars.com.
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If you can hear my voice, you are the resistance.
Yes, you are.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing to the lies of disinformation.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If they take me out, I win.
If they put me in prison, I win.
If we defeat them early on and they just collapse, we win.
If I grow old and be a great-grandfather, have 20 great-grandkids, I win.
We all win.
You win by taking action, by taking the globalists by the horns.
It's happening now.
Why live in a trance?
Why live half-alive, lazy, not wanting to do anything, wanting to be just entertained by some diversion, some false reality, some pixie dust, you know, produced by a bunch of hunchbacks in Hollywood?
I don't mean I'm attacking physical hunchbacks, I mean spiritually.
After everybody.
Well, the big news!
Washington Post had to retract its article that fake news exists or is being run by Russkies.
Nobody bought it, but it's lawsuit city.
And it's state law, it's also in the federal code.
Usually you gotta retract within 14 days.
That's what they did.
So they put their story out to hurt everybody, knew there was pressure, so they retracted.
And they just said there's no proof that it's Russians, and we just made it up.
Oh, there you go, but it doesn't matter.
Colbert, the video's up on InfoWars.com.
Stephen Colbert came out and just, oh my gosh, because he got caught in the WikiLeaks.
And said he's now in Pizzagate.
And I'm saying that and all this, I don't even know you.
A couple days ago we just pointed out that you're in the WikiLeaks being run by the government and your producers are getting orders from the government.
We already knew that.
I didn't say you were in Pizzagate.
But I'm sure they can find somebody or have one of their interns go on there and say they are so he can be a new victim.
I mean this is just a sick joke.
They make it all about Comet Pizza, not the Lolita Express, not the FBI investigations, not the Weiner stuff, not the Epstein stuff, not all the admitted stuff.
No, no, no.
It's this one little innocent place that a gunman went in, and then we had a witness on saying he didn't hear shots or anything going on.
He was in there!
Oh, but days later, oh, shots too!
Hell, why not say ten people got killed in there?
Folks, they want to...
Divert onto this one thing, even though the FBI talks about child pornography being cheese pizza.
Code words.
That's why they picked this in the media to focus on and say we were attacking it.
Everybody jumped on it.
We were forced to look at it.
We stepped right into their plan.
That's how they do it.
They're on to the, you know, pizza code, sir.
Well, just pick some innocuous pizza thing connected to it and have the news report that we're saying it's pizza.
Everyone will pile on, and that'll become the story, and then we'll divert them.
Sorry, we're going to be doing reports on the other emails in New York and California and Hawaii and the codes and the hot tubs and the kids and WikiLeaks, you know, with the headline, Podesta.
In a hot tub with kids for his entertainment.
We have the children being brought into the farmhouse.
They're very well behaved.
For entertainment, they'll be in the hot tub.
They'll have $65,000 of delicious, succulent hot dogs.
Oh, I love hot dogs.
Can't wait to have one.
Now, let's shift gears out of all that, though.
Let's go ahead and go to this in-depth report.
We're premiering it on air.
It's not on YouTube yet.
It'll be posted the next hour.
I'll give it a headline.
But it's the secret to what runs the world.
It's in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Part two.
It's blueprint to the New World Order's master plan.
So this is really in-game.
The addendum.
Endgame blueprint for global extermination?
Because it breaks it all down.
Here is this key, key report premiering here on the radio slash TV.
This is InfoWars Live.
I'm Alex Jones.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
What's wrong?
Nothing, nothing really.
I just feel like I need something stronger.
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I've really got to hand it to the globalists.
They have stuck to their plan.
If you go back to the mid-1850s, British scientists, in fact leading scientists of the day, like Galton, and of course Wedgwood, Huxley, Darwin,
...envisioned a planned world controlled by a scientific elite.
Malthus, more than 100 years before them, had also developed a similar plan.
And they have been developing it and refining it ever since.
And you can read the books that they wrote about their plan.
Galton envisioned computers and the double helix of DNA and the science of biometrics and developed the system of eugenics based off Plato's writings from thousands of years before to set up a planned technocracy to control every facet of human life.
Carried out by a very tiny scientific elite on top.
And the British Empire by the 1850s was the dominant force in the world.
And they needed systems or sciences of population control.
So they put the equivalent of trillions of dollars today into funding these sciences.
And though these sciences were anti-human in many ways, you have to give them credit that many of the modern sciences we enjoy today were developed through their labors.
Ten years ago, I produced a documentary film that tens of millions of people watched online, and it was a big success in stores around the country.
So it was well-received, titled, In Game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
But folks thought that it was like a science fiction dystopia film even though it was real quotes and real video of world leaders in the last 80 years calling for an authoritarian science-based global dictatorship.
Fast forward to late 2016, and much of what we put in the film and predicted as near future developments has already happened.
And the rest of it is now being publicly announced.
A lot of people ask me, Alex, how did you know all of this?
Are you psychic?
And I explain to them again, have you watched the film?
It's video clips, it's film clips, it's newsreels.
Going back to the 20s and 30s,
Where they were admitting all of this.
Pre-Hitler, eugenics and this new science-based control of human procreation, compact cities, you name it, was accepted by the public because they believed anything scientific must be good.
Hitler's plan for living space and the final solution, admittedly, came out of the Cold Springs Harbor Rockefeller Foundation program in New York and was transferred in the 30s to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and was the map for the Nazis.
IBM's Thomas Watson and thousands of IBM engineers ran the Nazi war machine and the Holocaust.
And to understand the system we're going into, it's important to listen to Aldous Huxley, whose brother ran the United Nations and the UNESCO program for three decades and is the father of the transhumanist program and the former head of the World Eugenics Society, Julian Huxley.
Both men wrote books.
The Parable of Brave New World with another parable which was put forth more recently in George Orwell's book 1984.
I'm inclined to think that...
The scientific dictatorships of the future, and I think there are going to be scientific dictatorships in many parts of the world, will be probably a good deal nearer to the Brave New World pattern than to the 1984 pattern.
They will be a good deal nearer, not because of any humanitarian qualms in the scientific dictators, but simply because the Brave New World pattern is probably a good deal more efficient than the other.
But if you can get people to consent to the state of affairs in which they are living, the state of servitude, the state of being, well, it seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this, that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy,
Have always existed and presumably always will exist to Get people actually to love their servitude people can be made to
To enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
And these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of terror, because they combine methods of terror with methods
Then he said, by the year 2000, it will be evident that this was not fiction, and actually a fictionalized account of what we're actually intending to build.
Now that we've broken down a brief history of this scientific system of control, let's look at the latest huge developments.
Gentlemen, for the gentlemen out there who are not yet married, let me just explain to you, your goal is to improve your gene pool.
By marrying somebody who is superior to you!
Shortly after my film came out in 2007, Barack Obama got into office.
And all of a sudden, the eugenics program and the technocracy program, not just here in the US but globally, went from being secret
Or restricted, and not for public promotion, to suddenly being pushed everywhere.
There were shows about the world after humans, how great it'll be, and how horrible humans are, and New York Times bestsellers about how a wonderful plague would come and kill everybody, and how humans are parasites, and professors were lauded and praised who gave speeches about airborne Ebola killing 90% of the population, and how 12 monkeys needs to become a reality.
Suddenly, Ray Kurzweil said, we'll soon merge the machines, everyone else will be like cockroaches, you'll assimilate by the Borg, or you will be basically destroyed.
And now, they have MIT Magazine, they have the Davos Group, they have, almost on a daily basis, Wired Magazine, all the modern intelligentsia groups, who went from saying, I was insane, and none of this existed, it was fake news, and it was made up, it was conspiracy theory,
To rolling it out because they're so close to their program being completed.
There was an article today on Infowars.com by Michael Snyder.
Proof that the elite really do want a global society with no possessions, no privacy, and no freedom.
If they get their way, our world is going to look vastly different than it does now.
In the not too distant future.
And there are scores of links in his article and quotes by world leaders currently saying this.
The first link goes to an article that came out in November of this year, just a month ago.
At the World Economic Forum that is basically the mouthpiece of the private Bilderberg Group and secretive club of Rome.
The very same members attend this and they want a $100 trillion global tax every decade that's paid out every year.
They want the state running your family.
They admit it all.
And the exhibits in the article, in Snyder's article, are again the establishment themselves in this article alone.
From the perspective of a woman, she basically admits she has Stockholm Syndrome, but says it's good.
She's given up her free will.
Everything she does is surveilled.
AI computers read her mind in 2030.
The robots shop for her food.
She eats what she's told.
She goes where she's told.
She lives in a compact city, 200 square foot coffin apartment, and it's so liberating, and it's so good for the earth.
But there are bad people that live out in collapsing old houses and hide from the government.
Outside the new centralized megacities that I warned you about an endgame and She just doesn't like them because they're bad.
They didn't trust the government They were racist and had to be dealt with and she knows the AI computers read her mind and track everything she does but the world's a better place and she submits to it and Gives into it and just hopes they never use it against her.
Here's the headline.
Welcome to 2030 I own nothing have no privacy and life has never been better
And see, for someone awake, you're like, this is insulting, or this is written from the perspective of someone saying this is bad.
They're pushing this.
Taxes by the mile, not being able to have a car, only getting meat once a year, the government telling you by high school what you're going to be when you grow up.
Total centralization.
I'm V. I'm looking forward to showing you around Plandopolis today.
Are you ready to go?
Have you got your calorie card open on your smartphone?
I registered your visit with Slick Travel Corp.
the other day, so they've allotted you a journey time to match mine.
It makes so much sense, doesn't it?
We're so lucky.
Our kids were allocated a school quite near my practice, so I can drop them off on the way.
It saves on our calorie ration.
Well, it won't be long until the little darlings get their career announcements.
They've been working so hard, so I'm sure they'll get something good.
Not that there's anything wrong with fixing carbon scrubbers for a living or anything.
Right, what's on the menu this month?
No, not meat.
It's not your birthday.
The Global Food Council are doing a really good job of keeping food production going.
I mean, you don't get the choice you used to, but we're better off than most.
I think it's probably easiest to walk from here.
You barely see a car in the city centre nowadays, unless you're rich.
Oh, the state knows they just aren't practical anymore.
We're all trying to meet our global carbon deal.
Electric bikes are so much better for getting around our neighbourhood.
And why waste valuable space on car parks when you can use them to grow food?
That's why Huxley's book, Brave New World, and his non-fiction book, Brave New World to Visit, are so important.
Because he tells you this is the real world.
The cloning, the compact cities, the coffin apartments, the government drugging everybody, starting at age three, which they're now doing with Prozac-type drugs.
The total control, the breaking up of men and women, making everyone look the same, as professors are now saying, oh it'll be great when we all look the same.
This is the killing of the individual, forcing us into Plato's cave again, forcing us into a controlled reality.
And the allegory in the George Lucas film with Robert Duvall,
They came out in the early 1970s of Duvall escaping the robot sentries, which they admit they're setting up for real to oversee us now, and coming out onto the surface and seeing the sun and the larger world is a rebirth of Plato's allegory.
This is so incredible, folks, and it's what my film Endgame barely in three hours scratches the surface of, but still is the most cutting-edge film out there.
I want to challenge all of you to realize that when they tell you this is by 2030, 13 years away, and they're saying no one has a car, no one has any type of freedom, you're totally controlled, but it's great to be poor, classism has ended.
Here's the problem.
They're not going to ever get rid of the ultra-rich.
That's why Obama says you can't have a car, you can't have air conditioning to Africans.
He's teaching them to be austere and to be poor, so the globalists can have all the resources.
If everybody's raising living standards to the point where everybody's got a car, and everybody's got air conditioning, and everybody's got a big house, well, the planet will boil over.
They don't say we're going to innovate better science and cleaner burning systems into the future.
They don't say we're going to go to space-based colonies or undersea colonies.
No, no, no.
They just simply say you can't have wealth
You've got to take the job, we say.
You've got to go into a cash system.
All for the greater good.
They write white papers admitting in the 60s and 70s that they would sell this as being cool, as being trendy.
They make chains fun.
So now robots will decide what you eat.
They'll go to the store.
There won't be any job for you because the world's being designed where humans aren't involved in any of the industry.
This is a total checkmate so the globalists can dictate the terms of our surrender.
Wake up to it.
Understand I've been right all along.
Understand that we've trailblazed and told you what was really happening decades before it was admitted.
We told you bisphenol A was changing people's genetics and hormones.
Now it's admitted 20 years after I told you.
We told you hydrofluorosilicic acid or fluorides lowering IQs causing brain damage.
Now Harvard admits it.
We told you Obamacare had death panels and double prices.
Now they admit it.
It was in the bill.
They just said I was a liar and fake news.
We told you they were coming after your guns.
Now they admit they want to ban them.
We told you they were establishing a worldwide corporate government.
Now they admit it.
I told you they were lying about the polls and Trump, and he was really going to win.
See who was right.
Ladies and gentlemen, you think about how everything I talked about 20 years ago has pretty much come true, or they're now announcing it now.
And I was wondering how they would respond to us is they launched their final program and then everything we've said has been proven correct.
Their answer is censor us.
And now the EU says shut off InfoWars access on Facebook, Twitter, Google and in Europe.
Now they're saying in the US, now NPR, CBS, CNBC, they're all saying shut me down because they're scared folks.
I've asked globalists in off-the-record conversations.
And some on air.
Why they're doing this?
And they say because the public's too dumb.
We told them what we're doing in our own publications.
Then we tell them in the public publications it's not true.
Because metaphysically we've got to tell them somewhere with clues.
Of how to get out of it.
But we don't make it easy.
And if they can't figure it out, they don't deserve to ascend.
We're bringing back survival of the fittest.
Social Darwinism, Alex.
You need to be with us because you see the program and the plan.
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species.
A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.
Bertrand Russell.
Wells, Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russell, and hundreds of other eugenicists constantly bragged about how the establishment believed themselves to be a separate, more advanced species than the common man.
Top Eugenicists were bold enough to admit that their real goal was not improving the heredity of the commoner, but to further dumb them down so that they could be more manageable.
Nobel Prize winner Russell wrote at length about how vaccinations filled with mercury and other brain-damaging compounds would induce partial chemical lobotomies and develop a servile zombie population.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable.
And any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.
Bertrand Russell.
Over a hundred years ago, eugenicist social planners said that they'd use mind-altering drugs to control the population.
By 2007, more than 20% of the U.S.
population were on some type of prescription antidepressant.
Take action and defend free speech, and retain your humanity.
Technology's great, medicine's great.
That's all things that fellow humans innovated and created.
That's why humans are so great.
They're telling us humans are crap, that humans are obsolete, that the future doesn't need us, that we're in a post-human world, and they're doing everything culturally they can to make us unhealthy, stupid, lazy, and dumbed down.
Through competition with our fellow men, ascend as the star men or astronauts, go forth on the human-made craft of our own technology to space, face AI that's going to try to kill us, overcome the AI, and then interdimensionally travel to a new level of consciousness and be reincarnated as a star child or the Lucifer force or the Christ force and brought back to planet Earth.
Now, before the mainstream media attacks me and says that's my weird delusion, I'm quoting you from deep research, the secret doctrine of the globalists, who envisioned all this over 150 years ago and are now manifesting it.
And then, of course, Arthur C. Clarke, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, OSS, MI6, inventor of the telecommunications satellite, one of their top futurists, sat at the feet of HG Wells, one of their other top futurists, and the head of the Fabian Socialist Society,
He basically, before he died, wrote letters and gave speeches admitting the Luciferian ascension of 2001 Space Odyssey.
And of course, in Childhood's End, he really gets into what they think is really going on.
And that's why they have top billionaires and top globalists coming out saying, oh, this is actually a virtual reality of some evil entity that's controlling us, but we're real and we're going to build new artificial realities and invite you into those.
Literal matrix, see?
And it's only 2016.
It's going to get crazier.
And they believe you're profane.
They believe you're stupid.
They believe you're not ready to hear all this.
I believe in Jesus Christ.
Not the fake one of the churches, but the real Christ that stands against this enemy that wants to destroy our free will and force us into this corporate matrix board.
The evidence is now overwhelming.
It's incontrovertible.
The entire global corporate elite media combine, from the communist Chinese, the Pope, to the current president, Hillary Clinton, to NPR, to you name it, is demonizing yours truly and InfoWars because we are releasing the information.
We've reverse engineered the globalist operation.
They didn't even hide it.
And we are presenting to you here
In a clearly understandable, not hidden way, what's happening?
We're taking the occult, or the hidden, and bringing it out to light.
I hope you listen, I hope you get involved, and I hope you choose free will, and I hope you choose to follow the God that made us in His image, Jesus Christ, and not the fallen God of this world.
That you are a slave, Neo.
Like everyone else, you were born into bondage.
Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.
A prison for your mind.
We'll be back with Max Keiser in studio.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Trump cancels the Air Force One deal because it's $4 billion.
We're being overcharged.
It isn't needed.
Much cheaper just to retrofit the planes with replacement parts.
He's mad that Boeing's moving to China, too.
It's a way to try to bring them, you know, to the woodshed to wake up and stop selling us out.
China and Russia wouldn't move their aeronautics to another country.
It's total national security violation.
It was taxpayers that paid to pretty much build Boeing and turn it into what it was in World War II.
It had been around, of course, before that.
But they lied and said, oh, it's only $170 million that Air Force One cost.
But then they had to admit it's $4 billion.
This is the deceptions.
That's the fake news.
Meanwhile, Obama, as the fake news captain,
of the discredited mainstream system falsely claims generals did not tell him about ISIS.
It's on record he was told all about it and that it was Al Qaeda.
And him and Hillary were involved haunt showing the whole deal.
We covered that four years ago.
Here it is.
So while ISIS represents a clear and present danger for the incoming administration, President Obama is suggesting tonight, in a brand new interview, that his intelligence community let him down when it came to warning him accurately about the threat.
The ability of ISIL to initiate major land offenses, that was not on my intelligence radar screen.
Because here's what some of his own intelligence officials were telling Congress in the months and weeks after the first major ISIS victory in Fallujah.
Syria has become a huge magnet for extremists.
And we're seeing now the appearance of training complexes in Syria to train people to go back to their countries and conduct more terrorist acts.
Let's stop right there.
Let me give you the real proof.
We've had General Flynn Klipsch here on the air.
He's the new National Security Advisor that they're trying to confirm the media is demonizing because he retweets InfoWars.
We're just going to stop right there.
And General Flynn's also at the end of this clip pointing out that he was ordered to help Al Qaeda and then ISIS.
So they were ordered to help them and then they ordered them to falsify reports to Congress and they wouldn't.
So Obama was running them.
In fact, let's finish the clip because Flynn's on it.
Here it is.
We are concerned about the use of Syrian territory by the Al-Qaeda organization to recruit individuals and develop the capability to be able not just to carry out attacks inside of Syria but also to use Syria as a launching pad.
Its current leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is a designated global terrorist under U.S.
law and we believe is currently based in Syria.
His mission, as clearly stated in his own statements, is to carve out a zone of governing territory from Baghdad through Syria to Lebanon.
I mean, the scale of what they are involved in right now, particularly the Al-Qaeda element in Iraq, and just the level of destruction that they're having, the level of killing that they're doing inside of their country, is just terrible.
We had the club of him last year on Al Jazeera laying out that he was ordered by Obama to do all this, and it's just absolute treason.
But Obama now goes on with Fareed Zarkaria, who's a Bilderberg minion, and he's their little press guy.
And just says, oh, they never gave him intel.
I mean, talk about fake news.
Oh, but Colbert says I need to grow up and WikiLeaks needs to grow up and that we're bad and we're fake news.
You are so disgraceful, Colbert.
Stepping into a man's world as a comedian and then disgracing yourself.
Let's go out to break the even bigger lie.
Obama says there's never been any terror attacks in America while he's been president.
What do you call all these events and shootings and bombings and everything else?
I mean, there's been like 20 of them.
Here it is.
We should take great pride in the progress that we've made over the last eight years.
That's the bottom line.
No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.
It's not because they didn't try.
We're good to go.
From doing so because Facebook characterized the YouTube link as, quote, unsafe.
Now this suggestion that more than just blocking alleged fake news websites, Facebook is now censoring topics from being posted altogether.
The social network giant also appears to comply with the EU demand that all fake news which is listed on par with, quote, hate speech or propaganda be censored within 24 hours.
I'm Margaret Hall reporting for InfoWars.com.
There was a mighty nation, blessed above all of creation.
Charlie Daniels.
He's always loved America.
He's always defended the Second Amendment.
Let me just read a little thing here from Agenda 21.
The American system of justice must be changed to conform to the rest of the world.
Individual rights.
Well, let's take a back seat to the collective.
Well, you know what the next move's gonna be, don't you?
There's gonna be coming a few guns.
I tell you, it ain't gonna sit well down my way.
Oh, yeah.
At all.
It ain't gonna sit well.
Do you ever wonder what happened to America?
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Is the U.S.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhadj, and of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
In a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of the International Monetary Fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the move.
Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
From the front lines of the information war, this is the InfoWar, and I'm your host Alex Jones.
And a guy I've been interviewing for, I don't know, like 13, 14 years, Max Keiser is our guest.
He's been on BBC, he's been on RT, Al Jazeera, U.S.
television, a famous successful stockbroker.
Yeah, you're a tough man to get a hold of, Alex Jones!
You know, I mean, here you are, redefining media in America.
You've redefined alt-media in America.
You've brought over the message of the masses to the population, altered the course of the recent election.
Alex Jones!
So we're here to interview Alex Jones, of course.
Nobody else can get an interview with you.
All the mainstream media, you're snubbing them, rightfully so, because they're all troglodytes.
They're out of touch, they don't know what they're doing.
So only my show, Kaiser Report on RT, was able to get an interview with Alex Jones!
Well, I wasn't going to brag about that, but I mean, they don't do real interviews.
They talk to you for three hours, edit it to act like they're journalists, and twist it.
What's the point?
Well, we're seeing the death of mainstream media, which is fantastic, because all these corporations all turned into this oligopoly where they just, five or six corporations own all the media output in America.
And it's in the WikiLeaks, like you always said, though.
It's a talking point.
It comes out from the corporations or the White House or whatever, and then it just gets repeated by everybody.
Well yeah, that's why the so-called fake news, because there's no competition.
There's not enough diversity in media.
So you end up with five or six media outlets rushing to be the first to report on a story.
Look, the new and alternative media isn't perfect because it's so huge and so diverse.
But to have the big six conglomerates, now it's five, pointing at everything but them and saying it's all fake when they're so discredited, this is desperate.
Look at Brian Williams!
I mean, he was caught floating fake news, and he's a fake newscaster, and they booted him from his primetime NBC... Can I say I was an astronaut?
Maybe the first man on the moon?
Well, it's your show, Alex, and I would not want to interfere with anything you have to say.
Well, it's the equivalent of that.
He was shot down by an RPG in Iraq.
Not true.
So, they manufacture news.
You know, Noam Chomsky wrote a famous book, Manufacturing Consent, how the mainstream media has co-opted for the corporate agenda.
A textbook on how to create fake news.
Source to America, but also introduce what I would call the acid meme to shoot down the fake news of the mainstream media.
So when they jump on some of these stories that are, let's say Pepe the Frog, for example, which turned into a Hillary Clinton bashing, killing meme.
That generated from 4chan, it generated from the internet, it was picked up by... It causes Streisand effect.
It causes Streisand effect.
She buys into it and she looks stupid.
But because she's not really in touch with how the media works in America anymore, she sets herself up to look stupid.
People who are actually involved in media every single day, who quote multiple media sources, go to international media sources, they saw the gestation of that fake meme.
It's not that any of us are perfect.
But we just go to the wide spectrum different views.
We're not in the regurgitation echo chamber they're in.
They're claiming we're in an echo chamber.
We're in a total free-for-all.
Look, I've been on RT.
I've done a thousand shows for RT.
Russia Today comes out of Moscow.
They claim that Russia's behind all of these interruptions.
Have you ever gotten a talking point?
I've never been asked to talk to any of these sources.
New York Times has never asked me to talk to them or any mainstream media outlet.
You would think that they would want to talk to me.
You've told me the Russians never give you any talking points.
It's like unheard of.
Everybody I know that's been on RT says, I've probably been on there 200 times, they've never told me don't cover this or do that.
You try to go on CNN, it's like three hour interrogations.
The BBC is the worst.
They put you through three or four interrogations before you go on and a lot of times they just steal your stuff and give it to some other producer and they don't even... That's what they do.
They get you there and they'll have three guests only planning one and then interrogate you, find out what you're going to say and I learned you've got to actually lie to them.
I never lie but this is a military operation against them.
I would lie just to get on.
I started saying I'm not going to lie to get on.
I had to lie to them about what I was going to do to Piers Morgan.
He made a gesture like you're a crazy person, but now who's looking crazy?
The BBC has been aghast at the Brexit vote, the rise of Nigel Farage.
They're totally caught flat-footed because they're not in touch with actually what's happening in the media space, what's happening in the news, and they totally misunderstood what you're all about, what you're doing, and so now we have the Trump effect.
And the Trump effect is a remarkable phenomenon in American history.
This is basically, and we're gonna see now, the Constitution in action because
I think Trump is going to approach this presidency in a way that we haven't seen maybe ever.
He's not beholden to anyone.
He's going to take a look at every single deal, every single relationship, and it's up for review.
That's like he said, everything should be a deal-by-deal basis, not some secret multinational agreement we then don't get to even look at and then we follow.
I think so.
Of course, they always break.
They always attack first.
I said, yes, I won't attack if he doesn't attack.
So then he attacks, so then I attack.
Now, that's not really lying.
It's just what I'm saying is they are super deceptive, so you've got to get into deception mode to even get on their channels because it's so scripted.
Right, you've got to get into having a way to break through their wall, their monopolization of the media, and you've successfully done that, and you've brought over to transom a guy like Donald Trump.
So now Donald Trump is President of the United States.
I don't want to take credit for Trump, but what's crazy is, I'm just going to leave it at this, the Trump folks give me credit.
And then, you know, mainstream media makes jokes and goes, oh yeah, Trump's just manipulating Jones.
No, they have the metrics.
I mean, they're there with the numbers.
They know we have a monthly reach just on Facebook of a billion people.
I don't know why anyone wouldn't think that you were directly involved.
But I'm not trying to brag about me.
I mean, RT has, what, 18 million viewers routinely for your show.
You're huge as well.
The point is, is that, and your show is just about global news and information.
Yeah, but we have been censored heavily in the UK on our show.
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, the regulator in the UK, Ofcom, routinely censors us.
In other words, Russia today and RT, they never censor us.
They never give us any editorial guidance whatsoever.
We're free to be journalists.
I read UK News, they're pushing to get RT off TV there.
They're always pushing to get RT off the air because it represents competition and they hate competition.
They don't want any competing views whatsoever.
They want only the government line.
I saw the number 18 million a week for your show.
Is that conservative?
Well, yeah, it grows pretty rapidly.
You know, the station itself gets 70 million viewers a month now.
I think it's number two in the world.
You're one of the hottest shows.
We get 20-25 million viewers a week, I guess, per show.
It's very widely... It's bigger than 18 million.
It has grown, okay?
I just want to point out, it's the info that's popular.
And they're there all arrogant like they're movie stars at CNN when their average show has 200,000 viewers.
They're a paper tiger facade.
Can we say the mainstream media has now officially died?
You know who's officially, I think, on the ropes are the Young Turks.
I mean, the Young Turks incident leading up to this election, I think, was classic Alex Jones.
Because the Young Turks were so snide, they were so arrogant, they were so full of themselves.
They had so much confidence that their girl, Hillary, was going to win.
Alex Jones just did the Alex Jones thing and walked onto the set and said, you know, there's another country out there.
It's not just happening in your studio.
There's other people out there with other concerns.
And they were very dismissive of you.
And they looked completely uninformed and out of touch.
And what we've noticed on our show, you know,
A lot of people, a lot of celebrities said, if Trump is going to win the presidency, they're going to leave America.
You know, I said, if Trump's going to win the presidency, I'll come back to America.
You know, we're back.
We're doing, we're doing reports all over America to talk to people who voted for Trump because the mainstream media did not talk to any of these people.
I want to skip this break so we have more time, Max.
Why do you think suddenly
They say restaurant traffic's up like 40%.
Suddenly, factory orders are up in a record number.
Suddenly, Japan's going to invest $50 billion in high-tech next year.
Suddenly, Ford says we'll come completely back because we have a president who isn't out to sell us out.
You know, business relies on confidence.
America is a country built on the notion of fake it till you make it.
You know, it's a land of the entrepreneur, and Donald Trump's an entrepreneur, and he awakens the entrepreneur.
He is Americana.
He's Americana.
So it's like a horse and carriage.
When I say, when I compare him to
Oh, well look at Steven Jobs for a second.
Here's a guy who took products that were made by the U.S.
Everything in an iPhone comes out of the U.S.
government DARPA program.
He didn't invent anything.
He can't write a line of code.
But he's a great promoter.
And he designed... He packaged it great.
He packaged the great products that the taxpayer essentially funded.
And he packaged it beautifully in something called the iPhone.
And Apple's the biggest company in the world.
Same thing Boeing did.
Now they've got hundreds of billions of dollars offshore.
And Trump is... I'm pretty sure Trump's going to say,
Look, either open a factory in the U.S.
to build iPhones, or you're going to lose that $250 billion parked offshore.
It's your choice.
In other words, that's the kind of deals he's going to do.
He's saying, look, bro, we built your whole deal.
You're going to come back here.
Look, all American success has at its root the American coast-to-coast structural, infrastructural connectivity of the highway system, the internet system, and a common currency and a common government.
It's the American system.
And so corporations who don't pay heed to that, who are not willing to recognize that, who take everything offshore after they build a value here,
Trump is saying, uh-uh, you know, you're going to have to pay.
What do you make of these leftist unions?
And I know it's not left or right, but after he saves 1,080 of the jobs, he couldn't save 320, and the head of the union that Trump's been so gracious to comes out in bitches and said, you lied, keep them all, before he's even in office, he said, once I get in,
You know, if people are doing unfair stuff, I'll do, you know, one part deals that put tariffs on you.
And now the left is all bitching, taking his victory, turning it into a defeat.
But then some leftists that are being more honest are saying, we need to back off.
This is actually populism.
The American people want this.
The country's falling apart.
Let's not kill America.
So I think they went to the point of actually wanting to kill the golden goose.
The globalist corporations actually thought that they could mount our head on the wall,
The people, the intelligence agencies, the InfoWars audience and others basically staged a counter-coup against these people and they are panicking right now.
They are hysterical.
That's all you want.
You know, the union leaders, of course, are going to be lobbying for their union
Advocates for union needs, union agenda, that's fantastic.
Sure, but how do they bitch when the same union couldn't keep the business there, Obama didn't even care, Trump keeps 80 plus percent of the business and they're not happy?
I think he's just going to basically continue along the path of creating a much more fertile environment for jobs, high-paying jobs.
I'll tell you what's going to be interesting though, is that
You know, the fact is that real wages in America have gone down for years.
However, because of globalization, prices for stuff like DVDs and televisions and clothing have gone down faster.
So even though the average American quality of life has, let's say, gone down in some regards, or wages have gone down,
You don't feel it that much.
The widgets have gotten cheaper.
Because the prices of products at Walmart have gone up.
And by the way, that's the one thing that Karl Marx really got right.
They've dropped faster, it's only finished.
So in other words, if Trump says, let's bring in higher wages and your real incomes are going to go up, well that means that probably the prices for stuff are going to start going higher than wages will start going higher.
So in a lot of ways, your income may go up a lot, but your quality of life might not go up.
But we still need the industrial base to be a sovereign nation and to be self-respecting people.
We have to have a world built where humans are involved in things or we basically rot and die.
I think the industry that's going to get hit is the defense industry.
I mean, we saw it already with the discussion about Air Force One.
He's willing to take on a defense contractor who built an Air Force One and saying, you know, it's overpriced and stock, you know, took a hit as a result.
That's clearly where he's going to be able to start paying down America's debt.
America's got $20 trillion worth of debt.
It's not anti-American to say we shouldn't be paying a billion dollars for a fighter jet that the F-15, they admit, is better.
I mean, a 25, 30-year-old plane is better than this billion-plus-dollar plane that is a piece of crap.
That's where he's going to pay down.
Look, I'm always anti-banker, and bankers are horrible.
I hate bankers.
I hate Goldman Sachs.
I hate JPMorgan.
I hate Jamie Dimon.
But if under the right leadership, they can be turned into a legion of debt diminishers.
I was about to say, so you agree with my view, because I see what Trump's doing.
He's grabbing a lot of key players, but not to sell out.
He has them now doing his will.
He's got the hitmen.
He's got the worst.
So he's turning them into his ringwraiths.
That's what I think is going to happen.
In other words, if you go to a top banker and you say, look, America's got $20 trillion in debt.
Bring it down to $10 trillion, and we'll give you a 1% fee.
That's a $100 billion fee.
They'll do it.
No banker's going to say no, right?
It's like in the 1970s, New York City was bankrupt.
And they got Felix Reitan over there at Felix Lazard, and he created the Municipal Assistance Corporation bond, the MAC bond, and they saved New York.
So the banker was co-opted to do something positive for that city, and they rebuilt that city.
And Trump actually came in during that period and he developed the hotel near Grand Central Station that had become derelict, etc.
And that was his era.
So now you say to these guys, look, we've got to pay down this debt.
I'm going to give you unfettered access to any deal you want to make anywhere at any time in any country.
And we'll give you a big fee.
And as a result, the soundness of the economy goes up and the ability to create high paying jobs go up.
This is something that Barack Obama
When he took office, there was a global financial crisis, and he simply threw the ball over to guys like Larry Summers and Tim Geithner.
Who just want to wreck a consolidated economy.
Who totally screwed us!
They're the real coprophagists!
They're the real coprophagists!
They're the ones that created the derivatives, the scams, all of it.
So what do you make of Obama saying...
Eight months ago, seven months from the election, there's no magic wand to bring jobs back.
If the Chinese have a 15% corporate income tax, lower than ours, then jobs aren't going to be here.
I mean, he tells the Japanese, I'm going to equal it with China.
They go, okay, we're not going to build in China.
We're going to move 50 billion here.
It's not rocket science.
I love how the Heritage Foundation, all these fake right-wing libertarians who aren't libertarians, they go.
We've got to stop Trump.
He's doing crony capitalism.
And then, I don't know what's wrong with Sarah Palin.
I mean, I guess she is dumb.
A lot of people said, I like her as a person.
She goes, he's being a crony.
If Mexico has dirty plants and then we can't even have plants, that's not fair.
We have to equalize things out.
So how is it crony capitalism to say, we're going to lower our tax to the same rate as you to bring jobs back?
How is that unfair?
How is that not free trade?
That is free trade.
Look, Trump's going to take any meeting that makes economic sense.
If the left in America organized themselves adequately and walked into the White House and explained to Donald Trump how building huge solar arrays in the desert in America would create jobs and lower the cost of energy, he would be a convert to solar energy.
DiCaprio was there yesterday pushing that.
I was unaware of that.
By the way, you give him a good deal, he's not beholden to anyone.
He's not going to be two-faced and say, oh, that sounds great.
And then in the back room, like, I'm totally beholden to this.
No, he really does work for America.
He'll take a good deal.
Show him a good deal.
The left needs to get a good deal.
You're an international guy.
You've lived all over the world.
You're a big stockbroker.
You've lived in New York for a long time.
I know you know Alec Baldwin.
You know a lot of the Soros's, all of them.
What do you know about Trump?
Because everybody I know... Stephen Baldwin is a friend of Trump's and I'm a friend of Stephen Baldwin's.
Stephen Baldwin is a friend of Trump's.
Alex Baldwin does the Trump imitation.
But I'm asking you, what do you know from New York about Trump?
Because people that have known him for 40 years say he's the real deal.
I think that he is recognized as your kind of typical New Yorker who likes to do deals.
He's a product of the 80s.
He's a product of a bull market.
Since he won the election, the stock market has added a trillion dollars in value.
That's a trillion dollars.
So that's the Trump effect.
Yeah, exactly.
So that's a trillion dollars.
That's a lot of money, you know.
And so I think that it gives him a lot of leverage to go do deals.
And he can go to these countries around the world and say, open up shop in America, let's get some high paying jobs in America.
And with the quid pro quo could be greater access to this market or that market.
The country that seems to be completely tone deaf to what's going on here is Great Britain.
They're actually shutting themselves off from the global trade grid.
And that makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Trump is saying, you know what, America's been insular for too long, kowtowing to special interests.
Let's open this sucker up.
Let's open her up.
I'm very excited by the Trump presidency.
I think we're going to see America, a rebirth of America.
Why do you think the elites were so scared of him?
Because they can't control him.
They can't control him, he's his own man.
And so that's quite scary.
Now, I would think of you as a classical liberal.
You're anti-war, but you're laissez-faire when it comes to a lot of things.
I'm pro-lesbian.
You've made a lot of accurate predictions.
I'm not a necrophagist.
You've invented a lot of things, like the virtual stock market system.
And you're a famous journalist.
And, you know, you absolutely hated George Bush.
I hated him too.
You were disappointed by Obama.
He put Enron in jail.
Jeff Skilling over at Enron.
He prosecuted Banksters, George W. Bush.
Well, I've never seen you more enthusiastic about a political figure than Trump.
Because it gets back to, this is the greatest success of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers we've seen in quite some time.
It is a populist rebellion.
Because anyone, ideally the Constitution is written in such a way that anyone of moderate intelligence or adequate intelligence who's
You know, fairly successful, can walk in off the street and be President of the United States.
That's the way it's designed.
It's all checks and balances.
It's the people by the... And the so-called permanent bureaucracy thought they'd taken over forever.
And they just got their big fat butts handed to them.
Right, that's wrong.
Stay there.
Let's talk about the panic though, the so-called liberals.
I mean, it's cult-like.
I thought right-wingers were mad when I was against the Iraq War.
These people are flipping out.
We'll be right back.
Yeah, watch.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, U.S.
life expectancy is down for the first time since 1993.
According to this one study, the life expectancy of Americans decreased, dropping for the first time in over two decades.
This data was released by the National Center for Health on Statistics, and it shows that the life expectancy in the U.S.
is dropping.
Americans are now expected to live an average of 78.8 years.
Women, of course, outlive men.
Expectancy is 81.2 years.
The overall death rate is rising for both sexes here in the U.S.
The data examined the top ten leading causes of death in the U.S.
They remain the same as the previous year, with eight of them growing in number of fatalities they caused.
The main ones are heart disease, respiratory disease, unintentional injury, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, kidney disease, and suicide.
Death rates are rising for white men, white women, and black men.
Now they stayed essentially the same for black women and Hispanic men and women.
We need to take a minute, folks, to remind ourselves to take care of our health.
I'm Margaret Howell reporting for InfoWars.com.
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I don't think so.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, I'm not tootin' my horn when I talk about this.
It is surreal.
I never thought that we'd have 40-plus million listeners and viewers a week.
I never thought we'd have all the mainstream media attacking us.
I mean, Max Keiser over here, 25 million viewers a week.
All over the world.
And of course, he's always had big shows for the last 15 years or so.
It's just crazy to see the mainstream media declining.
We're exploding.
Very, very exciting time to be here.
And it's thanks to you supporting our sponsors.
A lot of what we do is direct sales so that we can not have sponsors that control our lives, what we do.
And for some reason, last time we had this, it sold out in like four hours.
We got a bigger amount this time.
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I want to thank you all for supporting the broadcast and making it all possible.
Now he's here, he looks really slick.
Max always looks good, but I love this blue suit.
Yeah, I got this in Soho, New York City, at a very she-she spot.
Vincercat, I guess.
So it's 1620 down there in Soho.
But no, some of the product, ozonated olive oil, is actually a really good product.
I had some on my salad earlier.
Like it's a double purpose.
So you put your face, if you have it on a salad, you just put your face in the salad.
And you can eat the salad and get the treatment at the same time.
It's got air injected into it, it's very special.
Hey seriously though, the women love it, they know what it is.
You know, health care, good skin care is for men too now.
We can't just say it's only for women.
You know, men have to be into skin care.
Until a few years ago, I always got cracked lips in the winter and cracked skin because it gets dry.
And I started thinking, why not put cream on my face?
So I do that now.
I'm becoming metrosexual.
You're metrosexual, exactly, Alex.
The day has finally arrived.
I don't like bleeding lips.
As I get older, it's metrosexual.
I think that should be a documentary.
Alex Jones' bleeding lips.
Yeah, that's fantastic.
No, no, let's get serious.
No, let's not.
I've been asking some of the questions, but I want you to be able to get into it.
What do you make of the Washington Post?
You brought this up first.
They had to retract today and they admitted their fake news list was fake and that there's no proof that Russians were behind Infowars or that
I think?
Justified their existence on pushing fake stories for years and now you've got other, you've got, remember when that plane landed in the Hudson River and people were tweeting from the wing of the plane what was really happening in real time?
And that was a huge death kneel for the mainstream media.
No one got a news crew out there to cover it.
By the time the news showed up it was all over.
So it really is just technology.
Technology is a huge factor in the disintermediation.
We were using laptops ten years ago to live stream.
The mainstream media just started doing it a year ago.
We just shot a Kaiser report yesterday on our phone in the street.
We had a 12 and a half minute interview.
We sent it off to the editor.
It'll be on the air tomorrow.
Now, how do you compete with that with a news team?
You're paying presenters and broadcasters and camera people.
You know, you can't compete with it.
So they're lashing out.
They're saying it's fake.
If you don't overspend on it, it's fake.
And to use Trump's logic, it's like, I'm not going to overspend on Air Force One.
It doesn't make it any more of an airplane.
An airplane has to be functional.
By the way, the word is...
He's tempted just to paint one of his planes up and say, I'll pay for it.
If it saves money, why not?
He'll turn the inauguration into a money profit.
It'll be profitable.
He'll sell so many sponsorships to the inauguration.
He'll be a money maker.
The word is he's going to turn down the half million.
He's going to turn down the paycheck.
I think he already said that.
He's thinking about it, yeah.
Well, he's going to bring back fiscal prudence, as it should be.
Now, as I was saying before the break... That's another reason they're scared.
He is known as a tightwad.
He's going to cut them all off from their free money.
Now, before the break, I was saying America is designed by the Founding Fathers.
You've got the checks and balances and the free press that any reasonable person can come off the farm for four years or eight years, do their duty as the President of the United States and go back to work.
Anybody should be able to do this job.
It's not the job of, you don't need an omnipotent super genius to do this job.
Just follow the instructions.
It's called the Constitution.
No special executive orders, no diverging from... In fact, it is that special so-called elite that's cloistered themselves and tried to make Washington like the forbidden city to make it, quote, so complex nobody else can run it.
Great, so let's get back to what this is all about.
The fact is you've got government buying for the people, and this is what I think.
Trump, I think, to look back and what is to compare him to maybe a Teddy Roosevelt, who came in and was a trust buster.
He was considered a, betrayed his class.
He came from a rich family, but he broke up the oil, the barons.
A true maverick.
Yeah, he was a progressive.
He was the original progressive, was Teddy Roosevelt, was actually now considered to be a progressive, and he broke up, you know, the robber barons as they were out.
He was a real progressive breaking them up.
I love how the modern left, and I talked about this earlier, please, please give me your view.
I've had people at restaurants come up and go, I don't like you and show me a gun because of Trump.
I was at the gym today and there'd be women 20 feet away and they'd look at me, because now I'm all over the news, and they would actually stumble away like they were scared
Because they're just demonizing.
So, it's a minority of people that still believe it, but man, the ones that... Believe what?
I don't know.
What are you saying?
Believe the mainstream media.
But I have people drive by and go, F you Alex Jones now.
I mean, the so-called liberals are whacked out of their brains and are so mad that I supported Trump.
Well, you've become the new Walter Cronkite, and this is a new Vietnam War.
You know, you're now the mainstream media.
You're now being seen as the face of what they perceive to be a problem.
So this is the risk of being successful, is that you've become the thing that you were protesting against.
Well, I never wanted to be a celebrity, but I'll just announce it.
It's horrible.
I mean, I'm happy to do it for the country, but let me tell you, you go somewhere and everybody's looking at you, and maybe eight of them like you, but two of them want to kill you, it's not fun.
Well, you can recognize everyone, too.
How do you deal with it?
I hide behind Stacey.
Basically, Stacey, you know, she has enough training in martial arts.
You do wear a hat, too.
She carries a small firearm.
I'm going to start doing like Drudge does.
I'm really going to buy a big hat and start wearing sunglasses.
I've been fed up, man.
But this is what we were talking about last year, Alex Jones, is that, you know, this is all going to work out as as you said it would, but then you would be the face of this.
So this is basically now your new reality.
You know, this is the new reality of Alex Jones.
So but this is the responsibility.
You've got four years at least now of this Trump presidency to carry the ball, you know, to make sure people are not being bamboozled by the the imposters.
And the bamboozlers!
You know, that's you, the tip of the spear!
Well, the spear just went into the rhinoceros of mainstream media that's now dying!
And you're pulling the spear out, and you're like, yeah, I did it, but that's right, you did do it!
Well, we did it, the listeners did it, you did it, everybody did it, but we are... I'll just say, we've been singled out with a few people.
It's like Trump banning me, Drudge, but they can't really get to him.
I said, I'm not bitching, I'm just like...
I don't get it.
If Hillary would have won, I'd have been, okay, get ready for even higher ratings.
We did the right thing, but we're going to oppose her now and try to get her impeached.
But quite frankly, it would just be a new fight.
I wouldn't be mad at Democrats.
I'm not cussing at them.
No, but now you're the top dog.
You're the top dog.
You're the guy to knock off.
That's what happens when you become number one.
NPR, on the hour, is lying about me.
Well, you're the guy to knock off.
But, I mean, I think you should, you know, take a moment to... But don't they get they're so discredited that when they try to knock us off, just like they did Trump, it empowers us?
No, because you have to understand it's all very... You talk about social Darwinism.
I mean, this is going to be a classic example of social Darwinism because now you've got the... They don't get the world's moved on.
As Spiro Agnew referred to them, the nuttering nabobs of negativism.
Are now going to be focusing on the top dog, Alex Jones, and you're going to be the target of ferocious attacks going forward.
But that's the price of being, having put Trump in the White House, essentially.
I just don't get, well I'm certainly part of it, the audience did it.
I mean, Trump told me that personally, but they've got the numbers.
It started in Waco, Texas!
You know, the injustice of Waco!
Spawned Alex Jones.
And for 25 years, you've been pointing this out.
And then finally, the mainstream media became so tone deaf and so out of touch that the voters said, you know what?
Let's just kick the bums out.
Maybe Alex Jones is right.
Enough about me, but it is surreal, because we're all part of it, but it is really one of the main focal points.
Now they've got Trump in the lead.
Take the Pope.
You know, he first got in, even though it was a lot of controversy.
I thought, oh, he's going to help the poor, oh, he's such and such.
I don't want to dislike this guy, but he's now joined in saying, get rid of fake news.
He's now joined in doing all this stuff, and now he says, Pope pontificates on fake news, calls it a sin, and lies it a sexual arousal from excrement.
And I learned a new word.
It's a cor... Coprophagy.
Okay, so... It's like that movie with Divine called Flamingos by John Waters.
I know, I did not.
It's a famous underground movie where this enormous woman slash man, she's on the sidewalk and she's actually eating a dog feces.
And this is a famous underground... It's a documentary film about Hillary?
It's a film called Flamingos, starring Divine, who was this huge transsexual or transgender star at that time.
So, this is where... So, coprophagy, being mentioned by the Pope...
It's very interesting.
Isn't that kind of blasphemous?
It's like coming out of his mouth even.
I'm learning about this stuff now and and then and then meanwhile... There it is!
There's Pink Flamingos.
Pink Flamingos.
I'm sorry.
John Waters.
And let's scroll down.
It shows some of the shots from the movie.
And and if you go to YouTube there's uh you'll find the video from the clip from that film.
Simulated turd gobbling.
Where she's actually a gobbling turd on the street.
But the reason I raised this- Apparently she actually, you know, ate dog poop.
But hold on.
That's the Pope.
That's where the Pope is going.
He's the divine of Catholicism.
It's the new Pope.
It's actually the divine of Catholicism.
Over there in the Vatican is the new John Waters film called Pink Flamingos and the Pope.
That should be the sequel by John Waters.
Get John Waters on the phone.
He lives in Baltimore, Maryland, I believe.
I don't know.
Here's the deal, I know the media tomorrow, NPR all of them, will say I said the Pope eats poop, and I'm not going to be gross here, he took us there.
The point is, they'll never say he said it.
See, that's why they're fake news.
Watch, watch, tomorrow they're going to say I blasphemed all Catholics, which I love Catholics, that's not true.
I'm telling you, he's the one saying we eat poop.
But we're not allowed to say it about him!
There's only one Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
You can't be frightful or fearful that you're going to wake up in the morning and there's going to be another Alex Jones.
Have you seen the face here?
Have you seen the face here?
This is the Pope figuring out somebody else ate his poop.
And he wanted it for himself.
What's remarkable about this statement from the Pope is that isn't it the previous Pope who's actually been involved in a sexual scandal?
That's why he left?
That's how he got in, was it was reportedly everything out of the sun.
He resigned, the previous pope, remember he just, he resigned and no one could really explain exactly why, except there were rumors that he was up to...
This was after, just a few years ago, you had the Murphy Report in Ireland, where Ireland actually closed their embassy in the Vatican due to the Catholic priest pedophile scandal.
And you had this enormous wave of Catholic priests involved in pedophilia, and it was challenging the Vatican and the Pope, and they were in trouble.
They were in genuine trouble.
And the Pope at that time, a German fellow, Ratzinger,
You know, he was allegedly involved in some sexual, sex-related scandals.
He stepped down, and they bring in this new Pope, who, you gotta hand to the Catholic Church, they know how to survive, because this new guy was a populist.
He was, he's on his knees, kissing poor people's feet, and he's bringing a common touch.
Word is, though, he thought maybe they had pooped.
Well, now we're learning something new from this Pope.
I was unaware that he was so conversant in coprophagy and pink livinga.
I'll hand it to you.
You know what this meant.
I didn't even know what that was.
I used it on my show once because I like to get a lot of words on my show.
In France, you know, I was able to get a lot of words in.
I was the first person probably to get the word bukkake mentioned on international TV.
That's right, because the French have national speech police.
They don't claim it's censorship, they claim it's defense of the French language.
What's it called, the defense of the French language thingy?
I said that basically Ben Bernanke was engaging in monetary bukkake, where he was essentially, you know, ejaculating, you know, trillions of dollars worth of, you know, financial semen, etc.
And that got through, because... Let me ask you this.
What world are we in where the Pope is admonishing us as poop eaters?
We're in a post...
You know, the Catholic Church already collapsed once, you know, a few centuries ago due to the advent of the printing press.
Now the new Catholic Church is collapsing again due to the advent of alt-media.
So this is the movie, we've seen this movie before.
So you had, of course, the reformers in the Catholic Church.
You know, who famously, you know, posted on the wall of the Vatican, on the door, Martin Luther.
You know, he had that moment in Catholicism where it was totally reformed and now this is, you know, we're the new Martin Luther and this is the new outdated Pope.
The Catholic Church is trying desperately to
Yeah, he may think they're going to reform by becoming, like, communist, but he's in this rich, armored compound saying, open the borders of Europe, but they're not bringing migrants into his place.
Remember, the Catholic Church was challenged by Gutenberg's printing press, and knowledge was passed.
The Internet of that day.
They didn't have the exclusivity on knowledge.
Now, think about the church these days with the emergence of virtual reality.
That's my next question when we come back.
Where is the economy?
Well, that's my next question, because you really are a smart guy on economics.
When you come back from break, the world was already teetering on the edge of collapse, all the signs were there, it was admitted, you know, German banks were about to go under, and then now here comes Trump, and suddenly all over the world stuff's upticking, and just the optimism of not having a bunch of Goldman Sachs banks wanting us to implode, so they can consolidate control, what happens when Mr. Prosperity shows up?
How do those two, like, hot air and cold air, when they hit, are there going to be tornadoes?
I think, yeah, exactly.
I think we're going to see some... Wind shear!
We're going to hail storms.
I mean, strap yourselves in, ladies and gentlemen.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss.
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All right, we got a long way to go, a short time to get there.
I'd like to talk ten hours.
Your energy just energizes me.
I actually got a bunch of notes you want to hit there.
Sounds like a Johnny Cash song.
Got a long show to do, but... Jerry Reid, but listen.
That's right.
You got a lot of notes we'll cover in the next hour, but first tell me... I got like three notes, that's it.
I read the profits.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
One trillion dollars added, we covered that.
Okay, we'll do it in a minute, but the economy, because like you said, it's a mixed bag.
Vladimir Putin says to say hello, by the way.
Oh yeah.
Did that really happen?
He said, when you see Alex Tom, I said hello.
That's crazy.
I better not go over there though.
I'm going to interview Putin this year.
Yeah, going over there.
Now, I am interested in this because I was told by the head of RT America before they even launched it, like eight, nine years ago, Putin's a big listener, and by the way, he likes how you play.
He likes my show.
He imitated me at the 10-year anniversary dinner.
Well, I know you're a big star all over the world, but Putin knows you.
Yeah, he's imitated me.
I did this thing where David Cameron ripped his shirt off at the governor's dinner and he looked at this clip and he said, your journalists are very interesting.
The one, Max, who ripped his shirt off is very interesting.
Let's get back to the Putin thing.
This will be newsworthy.
Let me hear this.
What'd he say?
Well, I'm just telling what he said.
You know, he's imitating me.
And Jesse Ventura was there at the dinner.
Alex Jones said say hello to Alex Jones.
He's gonna come on my show this this year.
You know, Moscow is beautiful in the springtime.
We actually got reached out to years ago by some people and I checked it was like it was like yes Putin wants to come on but he was talking about hunting because you're from Texas and I was just like... I noticed you like to go bear-tested now.
I mean, I think Putin started that.
I did that as a joke.
That whole bear testing thing.
I did it to troll the media.
This is what drives liberals crazy.
Because Putin dares to be heterosexual.
So therefore... Guys, should we Google Alex Jones on a horse?
He must be evil in some way.
Alex Jones on a horse?
Because, you know, Putin's heterosexual.
And so therefore... I'm not bragging, but aren't those some big pecs?
I mean, people are saying... Those are awesome pecs.
You know, those are Putin-sized pecs.
You've gotten Putin pecs.
Alex Putin Peck!
That's right.
He on the horse, all naked, you know.
So this is what drives the liberals crazy.
You know, especially in Britain, where not a single person in government would be classified as, you know.
I shouldn't have been laughing, because I was laughing when I did it.
No, I did it to troll him.
And then the media was like, and a whole bunch of newspapers, they go, he's a role model.
He's bringing peace around the world.
He's a statesman, you know, and, and so I am a Russian agent.
And, and, and Trump figures that, you know, what the greatest way to scroll down to the one for me and the apes.
There's one we did at Planet of the Apes, too.
The way to save a trillion dollars is to cut a deal with Putin to fight terrorism as a joint task force.
Save a trillion dollars.
Bring back more jobs.
Thanks for dropping the Putin thing on me, but can we please get into the economy?
Yeah, I thought we were out of time.
No, we're going... There's more!
What did we get?
It goes on and on.
No, we do a fourth hour now.
Stations all pick it up.
Fourth hour?!
This is worse than Joe Rogan!
Three hours of Joe Rogan!
I thought that was insane!
We're going 10 hours.
How come I'm never on Joe Rogan?
I never get out there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
He aligns himself.
Max won't let me go live on air.
He's giving me good tips on health.
You're listening to Alex... A cat caught me drinking a Mexican Coke.
Yeah, it's like, that's sugar, you know.
Listen, I deserve a treat.
If you mix a Mexican Coke and iodine, you know, you become like those Mentos videos where the whole body becomes a volcano.
It's very dangerous.
Don't do it.
Don't mix Mexican Coke and iodine.
I'm not a big sweets guy.
You become a coprophagist.
But I do like Coca-Cola.
You'll be with the Pope.
Can't we have Coca-Cola go back to regular sugar?
Well, you know, the high fructose corn syrup, which is in 60% of American food, is the biggest cause of obesity in America.
They admit it.
It programs your body to be fat.
Drinking, you know, Mexican Coke, a real sugar Coke, is actually better than high fructose corn syrup.
That's a step in the right direction.
But diet drinks and their synthetic sugars are also terrible for you.
But when you cut those sweeteners out of your diet and refined flour, you know, potatoes,
Cut starch out, cut the pies and the cakes.
Your body, you know, is going to naturally turn to stuff that's good for you.
I agree.
You are even worse.
You're in the frickin' guacamole.
You know, in Texas, they got a lot of guacamole down here.
Guacamole is fantastic, you know.
What about you, Abby?
We both have ADHD.
Will you please get in the economy?
What do you want to know about the economy?
We got Trump with one system, and the globals are trying to implode things to consolidate it.
It's weird.
How are the two going to collide?
You know, this conquest, collapsed economy, rent-seeking economy, the gulag you talk about, versus this prosperity train.
How do those two collide?
It's going to be, as we were alluding to, there's going to be a lot of wind shear, or there's going to be a lot of opposing forces.
Obviously, the stock market is at all-time highs, pushing $20,000.
He's had a trillion dollars in value there.
It's been an unbelievable move.
Warren Buffett is now in the $400 billion club with his company, Berkshire Hathaway.
Apple Computer, Google, is now called Alphabet.
And the Japanese said, we love the new attitude.
$50 billion.
They won.
But, you know, markets, you know, you know, mea culpa, you know, we, you know, the idea was that this would be a market loser.
You know, you'd have an immediate downtick in markets with a Trump victory.
And I think just about every pundit in the world was of that mind.
I didn't think that.
OK, fair enough.
And you had this enormous rally on the back of the Trump victory.
And it shows you.
I'll say this is a lot bigger than I thought it would be.
Yeah, it's a huge rally.
What's going on?
People just know they're going to get their taxes cut, so they're going to spend more.
Did you hear all the restaurants are seeing surges?
They're going to cut taxes.
I mean, they're comparing it to Reagan.
But here's the big difference.
You know, when Reagan came into office, interest rates were very, very high.
They were 17, 18, 19 percent on interest rates.
And you had... That had been Paul Volcker.
And then Volcker came in and they started bringing interest rates down for 25-30 years and as a result the bond market's been doing great for 25 or 30 years.
But now when Trump's coming into office, you know, the bond market, you know, you have interest rates at 1% or 2%.
The bond market's already at rock bottom, you know, interest rates already at rock bottom levels.
And so the idea that you're going to have that kind of move down in rates again to sustain this move.
Is it really hard to imagine that's possible?
So I think you're going to, you're definitely going to, I would say this, you know, buy the election, sell the inauguration.
That's how I would play this.
I think on the, on the election, people exuberantly got back in there instead of going to deregulate.
You're saying buy up until the 20th, sell on the 20th?
Yeah, I think on the inauguration, you're going to have, you know, a pullback.
Are you saying sell by Friday the 20th?
I think, you know, first of all, don't do what I'm saying because in the last two or three years, my stock market analysis has been extremely inconsistent because it's just been some, you know, talk about fake news for a second.
Well, even your leader losing control.
Fake news comes from something called fake prices.
You know, fake prices, you know, there's an old saying on Wall Street called price precedes news.
And typically markets are discounting mechanisms and you'll see the price movement in stocks or bonds and commodities and then the news will come out because the insiders are very sensitive and they talk to each other.
Sure, they want to know what's going to happen before they make their moves.
Price precedes news.
Now I would say that fake prices precede fake news.
So when people talk about fake news, they don't understand it's because it's the result of fake prices.
All the false government statistics that have come out, all the market manipulation, the precious metals, all the kind of insider... Sure, you've got fake news reporting on fake economic numbers.
Right, and you have robots who are trading on these fake prices, and then that spills over into fake news.
So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It always is in markets.
But more and more it's changing.
Along with Google and Twitter has waged a war against what they're calling fake news in this country, Facebook has already blocked links to quote fake news despite the Washington Post admitting that its expose on quote fake news was based on poor research.
Paul Joseph Watson has an article up on our website at Infowars.com and he talks about how Facebook is already blocking links to so-called news stories that are fake despite the Washington Post being forced to admit that its own definitive article on fake news was based on poor research.
A Twitter user had revealed that he'd tried to post on the Alex Jones Channel video on Facebook, but was blocked from doing so because Facebook characterized the YouTube link as, quote, unsafe.
Now this suggestion that more than just blocking alleged fake news websites, Facebook is now censoring topics from being posted altogether.
The social network giant also appears to comply with the EU demand that all fake news which is listed on par with, quote, hate speech or propaganda be censored within 24 hours.
I'm Margaret Howe reporting for InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
International journalist, host of the hit TV show The Kaiser Report, Max Keiser is in studio with us.
He's going to interview me for a film he's making and also his weekly TV show on RT.
Anthony Cumia, famous syndicated radio talk show host, does his own daily broadcast, his own network with hundreds of millions of listeners total a year, twice a month or so, comes in and does the Thursday 4th hour and sometimes I say, hey,
You want me to hold over a little bit and babble with you?
He says, absolutely.
And so he's invited us on a little bit just to finish up because there's so much to get to here.
And I want to get his take on this, not because it's about me, but because it's next level.
I like Stephen Colbert.
I think he's funny.
But he's posing as a news anchor so he can get away with more.
And it's very, very leftist.
OK, fine.
But he does this 11-minute piece.
I haven't even played it today.
We're going to play some of the nightly news tonight, Kaiser.
Attacking me, demonizing me.
He says WikiLeaks is fake, he actually says fake, Alex Jones is fake, and Reddit's fake.
And then he goes and shows a bunch of theories that I didn't say, or twist them.
They use a Washington Post quote where I say, Hillary kills children, she chops them up and rapes them.
But of course the full quote, when you actually go to the video they link to, is I said, by funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS rebels in Libya and Syria.
Now the Washington Post admitted that, but NPR ran it yesterday, nationally and locally.
His plug got unplugged.
It's fine, it's fine.
You don't freak out like mainstream media.
We're gonna get a teleprompter in here.
Unplug me!
We can just do a new show called... I'll show you where the hole is.
What about doing a show Alex Jones Unplugged?
Unplugged, but let's get serious for a minute.
Where's my plug?
And so NPR ran it with a quote of me on local and national.
I actually have the clips and I never got to them today.
Where they say Alex says she chops up and rapes children.
And it's edited me talking about she says I don't know if it's all this pedophile stuff's real.
But I know she funded the murder, rape, and torture of children by funding radical Islamists.
That's General Flynn, that's declassified, that's come out in the news.
So all I'm saying is it's next level twisting, next level lying, where I have family calling me last night going, did you say she chops up kids?
I go and find the damn thing, took me an hour, and sure enough it's an out of context quote.
So how do you counter lies of this magnitude?
What about Abu Ghraib Prison?
I mean, it was totally normalized.
The torture and rape of these prisoners by Americans.
And apparently some of those tapes were sent to Dick Cheney and his wife.
They were watching them as part of their sexual proloquivities.
You know, that was the beginning of the psychosexual escapades in American politics.
Now they're trying to turn that on the media, the alternative media, the new media.
Yeah, but calling WikiLeaks fake?
That's just documents.
Well, you know, WikiLeaks, again, is probably the single greatest influence that killed Hillary Clinton's president.
And you know why Colbert's mad?
He came out in the WikiLeaks.
Have you heard this?
Here it is right here.
He's in a whole bunch of them saying, and his producers are being directed by Hillary and Podesta.
Look, the problem with doing comedy and trying to do news and comedy and fake news comedy is that eventually
You know, it eats you alive.
Because essentially, Colbert will never be taken seriously at the end of the day because he is really a comedian.
And this is what kills a lot of comics in the end.
Because you can't escape the fact that you're a clown.
And no one should take you seriously.
And so now he's upset because he's not to be taken seriously.
In fact, on election night, he was saying, are you being funny?
I said, no, I can't do it anymore.
And it's like, dude, why did you just become a news anchor?
You should step down then.
If he can't be a comedian anymore... Well, he's genuinely pissed in this, telling me to effing grow up.
Well, he should step down because he's not funny anymore.
His job is to make people laugh.
That's his job.
He's a clown.
If he can't make people laugh... Sure, sure.
Well, he said there was no way Trump would win, it'd be a landslide, so who's the fake news?
Anthony Cumia, who runs his own network, we'll put it up on screen for everybody.
He's got the great Gavin McGinnis and many others on.
We're honored to have him host an hour a week, whenever he feels like it.
And again, you can find out more at compoundmedia.com.
I don't mean to bring myself up.
I'm not gonzo journalist, as everybody knows.
People are interested in the actual news, but you got the Pope saying, if we question mainstream media, we eat turds.
I mean, I'm entering the twilight zone, and then we have sexual pleasure with them.
It means how sick his brain is.
He's like, putting that in my mind.
And then we've got Colbert flipping out, saying I need to grow the F up.
What do you think's happening?
It seems like a meltdown's happening.
Alex, I am so proud, by the way, that you are now the number one scourge of the left.
You're the guy!
We've seen it happen over the years with other people.
Rush back when Clinton was president and Breitbart and everything.
You have taken, talk about that new level, you are now the brand new absolute scourge to the left.
And they don't know what to do about it.
I love it!
It's fascinating to watch and it's fantastic.
Because, I mean, I'm sure you've had people come up to you on the street, but you have, and you call them idiots like they are, and you get fired.
But what do I do?
I'm having people literally run from me in these displays, or say they want to kill me now, for no reason.
I'm just sitting there, and it's not very liberal.
Well, you kind of are the face of alternative media.
The media that was giving the people the truth during the 18 months of campaigning that we saw, while they were lying to everybody.
And then when push comes to shove, and the election happens, and we see who was actually right and who was wrong, they like to dub everyone that was right as, like you said, fake news!
And so you're the face of that to them.
But meanwhile, to America and to the people that voted for Trump, you were the guy that had it right?
It's crazy.
Here's a silly analogy.
It's like if you have this car they sell you, the mainstream media, you try to start it, the engine falls out like an old Three Stooges cartoon as you drive off the lot and black smoke and it stalls.
That's mainstream media.
Nothing's true.
Proven as a fraud.
Talking points.
Infowars or Compound Media or Max Keiser.
Put the key in.
Drudge Report.
Starts great.
Going 80 down the highway.
They call that fake.
They call delivering and being accurate and having giant audiences fake.
So, I'm glad that the fake news calls us fake.
I'm going to hand the baton to you and get a final comment from our friend Max Keiser here.
But both of you, first Anthony, where do you see this going then?
I mean, because they really have collapsed.
Now they say they want state-run media.
Will they be able to actually do this?
It is so, like I said, it's fascinating and fun to watch this whole thing because they don't know what to do.
All they can do is what they've been doing.
And what that did was get everyone in the country to absolutely not trust them anymore.
And they see everybody going to these other sources to find their news, and they're in panic mode.
And you got people like you mentioned Colbert, who was the fake conservative guy on Comedy Central, and was unbelievably popular, and now he's himself, and no one can stand the guy.
So, they don't know what to do.
They're scrambling.
Meanwhile, guys like you and I and Gavin and your guests here and everybody else that's giving people what they want, they have to be labeled.
So, this will continue, but I think we saw a grand awakening of people in America, and they're not as stupid as they were even a year ago, as far as the media is concerned.
We look and we say, they're lying to us and now we know it.
And take Max, I would call Max classical liberal, but he's been liking Trump when it was unpopular for a year.
By the way, how did you get away with that with your liberal audience?
They don't care.
Yeah, they don't care.
I mean, look at the logic of it.
But I mean, you know, Hillary herself says she had two personas, one for the public and one for private.
She's totally inauthentic.
She had her speeches for Goldman Sachs where she gave one speech and then she gave her speeches for the public.
Whereas Trump gives kind of the same speech to everybody.
And your show is you're authentically Alex Jones.
I mean, yeah, you're down here in Texas.
You're kind of a redneck, if I can use that expression, without causing too much
I don't care.
I think that they go the way of the dodo.
They're becoming extinct.
You know, the media, there's only 24 hours a day.
People can only watch so much media per day, per person.
And if you're not being watched, you know, you're not going to get the support.
Sure, they go extinct, but they're saying they want to shut us down.
And already in Europe and on Facebook, they're starting to block our articles.
So I want everybody to know, they bring us down.
It's on Drudge Today.
I was going on a long vacation until the revolutions won.
They're going to shut everybody down, so everybody should know.
If they can shut Bannon down, Drudge, Breitbart and Infowars, that's who they're listing.
And I tell you, I don't like, actually it's weird to be number one being attacked, because it is happening.
I've reached number one status.
And it's kind of fun, but kind of not fun, because I'm like, these are serious criminals, you know?
I mean, these people like overthrow governments.
What do I do?
But I guess it's just, if they're having a mess with me though, it shows how pathetic they are.
Well, there's a tremendous move toward localism.
I think people's media becomes very local, just like everything else is becoming more local.
Economies are becoming more local, media is becoming more local, and there will always be room for honest discourse.
All right, I'm going to hand the baton to this guy, because I'm hogging the hour, and I'm honored he's here doing the hour.
Anthony Comey of compoundmedia.com.
Take over, my friend.
Thank you so much.
I just wanted to get your take on all this.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, that's... He is the guy now that they're looking at and saying, wow, this is a danger to us.
They don't like when people start encroaching on their territory.
Just like we saw with Donald Trump, an absolute non-politician.
And he comes in and takes over.
Yeah, I've never held public office in my life.
I run businesses and stuff.
Yeah, let me run for president.
I think I just want to be President of the United States.
You owe people favors?
You need money or something?
No, I just really kind of like the country.
I love what it's given me, the opportunities it's given me and my family.
And I want to give back a little.
And I see how horrible this is as far as who has been in charge over the past few years.
So they don't know what to do about that.
It freaks them out that they have these people that are coming into their little playroom.
And as far as the media goes...
Absolutely you got Alex Jones saying things that the mainstream media won't say and won't talk about because again, they're in bed with this one and have relationships and owe this one a favor and that one.
These are all now alternative media that has nothing to do with paying people back.
Let's get the truth out there.
People want to hear it.
Hey, we want people to watch us and listen to us, and that's what they're going to get.
And that's what we want to do.
It's not about trading favors.
Be right back.
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Hi everybody, back InfoWars.com, Anthony Cumia in for Alex Jones.
I love saying that.
I just like saying it.
It's so much fun.
The attention Alex has gotten over the course of this election has been astounding and so entertaining to watch.
Like we were talking about before when Alex was on, they don't know what to do.
They are at a complete loss.
The mainstream media, as to what to do about this distrust that has come up over the fact that they were completely lying to us.
Well, for years and years, we all knew this.
We would say, well, the media's lying, media's lying.
And they always had some form of plausible deniability.
Somebody could always argue the point and convince some people.
Others were completely convinced that the media was indeed lying to us.
I was always in that.
I thought the media was very dishonest for a long time and wouldn't just take it at face value.
So we get to the campaign and now it's blatantly obvious their goal to get Hillary Clinton elected
They threw out any bit of integrity, journalistic integrity.
It just went out the window.
They said, this is so important to get this woman elected that we don't even care if everyone notices that we're lying to them.
It's obvious that's what happened.
It was that important.
And they also had no defense against this new alternative media that was going on.
It was always a joke to them to have bloggers and video bloggers and people writing articles.
It was a goof, right?
Oh, you got this going on the internet.
Oh, that's cute and everything.
But the truth of the matter is, that was getting traction.
And the more distrust there was in mainstream media over the course of the 18 months of this campaigning that went on, alternative media
Gain traction.
And people started saying, it's so obvious they're lying to us.
Now where can I go to get the truth?
Or at least to get facts that are coming out so I can compute it myself and draw a conclusion on my own?
Instead of being fed your opinions by mainstream media.
So they just didn't know what to do.
They sacrificed any integrity they thought we still believed that they had by trying to get Hillary elected and then the bottom fell out.
The plan was supposed to be Hillary gets elected and now it's the same kind of quid pro quo between the administration and the media and
That was it.
Now everyone's got to watch the media, the mainstream media, if you want to hear what the President's saying.
More lies, but, you know, as time goes on, their trust will come back.
Well, that didn't happen, did it?
Donald Trump gets elected.
He chooses on many occasions to just go to Twitter and go to YouTube, hit social media up, hit alternative media up, and spread his word that way.
And how interesting is that?
That the media put all their money, all their money on that one bet that they would back Hillary Clinton, make it blatantly obvious they were lying to the American people about the election, and
Lo and behold, they crapped out, as you say, in Atlantic City or Vegas.
They threw the dice and lost.
And I couldn't be happier, and people that are part of this alternative media couldn't be happier because
People's, their trust is not going back to mainstream media.
And I don't know what will happen.
I think, as Alex's guest said, they might go to the Dodo Bird, the way of the Dodo Bird.
But it is interesting to watch.
We're at a very important crossroads as far as how people get their information.
Be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, U.S.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, InfoWars.com.
Anthony Comey here.
Yeah, I loved when Alex was also talking about Stephen Colbert and that whole ilk.
We talked about the media being liars and losing their journalistic integrity, what little they had left anyway.
These late-night talk shows and things like, well, everything on Comedy Central, The Daily Show, is just a bastion of left-wing ideology.
Yeah, that's great.
Stephen Colbert tells Alex Jones to grow the F up.
That's something.
That's something.
Here's a guy that had a very successful career on Comedy Central.
Funny guy when he was playing sort of a Bill O'Reilly type.
That was his character.
And then we see he goes over to Late Night.
He stinks!
He's not funny at all!
And it's because I think the only reason he was able to be funny was he was portraying somebody that could have a sense of humor.
The left is incapable of having a sense of humor.
And these are the people that are supposedly the artists
And entertainers that give us all that wonderful entertainment movies and comedy and whatnot.
And in their real lives, they are incapable of humor.
They're incapable of understanding sarcasm and context.
They hear something and lose their minds!
Uh, it's, it's genuinely fun to watch.
Um, especially in this, uh, this time now, because we kind of see things are changing.
Things are changing.
I, I don't know where they're going to go from this point, but, um, that pendulum is definitely starting to go the other way.
And, um, I like it.
Uh, Donald Trump, of course, president elect, uh, choosing his cabinet and, uh, well,
The media hates it, don't they?
And Democrats and liberals, they hate it!
They cannot!
Every appointment, they have something to say about it.
It's racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, all wrapped up into one guy, Donald Trump.
And he's picky, he's choosing his cabinet.
And the latest thing, here's the latest thing that they're losing their minds over.
Too many military people.
They don't like the fact that Donald Trump has been choosing generals as part of his cabinet and they're freaking out about it.
Now I guess one of the stats is good old Richard Nixon back in the day, as they say.
He had twelve people in his cabinet, seven of which were military.
They were former military men.
So far, Donald Trump, two.
I think two.
Working on three, maybe.
And they're losing their minds.
So we got John Kelly, John Kelly, a Marine General, John Kelly, to lead the Department of Homeland Security.
Wouldn't you want this?
I hear the complaints sometimes and I am beside myself as to why they're complaining.
Don't you want a military man to be a head of Homeland Security?
Somebody that understands the enemy?
Understands the people that wish that we weren't secure?
It makes no sense to me to start getting on Trump's appointments in this way.
That's who you want.
Another one, of course, of course, Mad Dog Mattis.
Mad Dog Mattis.
for defense secretary and here's another one defense secretary you you absolutely want this we have been under Obama's regime for eight years and I think so many people have grown used to being castrated as a nation gel did
They start saying things like, oh, having military people, these generals in place in the cabinet, people will want to go to war!
It'll stir up Mad Dog and it'll want to go to war!
And it's like, these people understand war.
They've been in war.
They've been commanders.
They've had people under them in their command.
They understand the seriousness of war, and that it shouldn't be taken on lightly, and it shouldn't be taken on for the wrong reasons.
They don't look at it like, how much will it cost?
To send my men in there?
They've been there.
They are the best people for those jobs.
So to have people in the media come out and just because it's Donald Trump start getting on his case about his appointments is so obvious why they're doing it.
Anything Donald Trump does
They will bash, because they don't want him to succeed, is what it is.
They want him to continue to be portrayed as a womanizing, unstable, not smart, you know, all those things they called him for 18 months to try to not have him elected.
They want that continued.
I guess maybe they're gunning for 2020.
Or even the midterm elections in 2018.
But, look, horrible bosses.
Trump to pick fast food CEO for labor.
Now, this guy's a CEO of, I believe, Carl's Jr.
And the guy knows how to run a business.
Another appointment was Wilbur Ross for the Secretary of Commerce, and it's the same thing.
Oh, Wilbur Ross, the guy's worth two and a half billion dollars!
Well, we could... As the Secretary of Commerce, don't you want a guy that's made two and a half billion dollars as the Secretary of Commerce?
I'll tell you what, it sounds like a pretty good idea.
I don't even think you have to delve too far into it.
I don't think you have to be an economics major to figure out that a guy that has made himself two and a half billion dollars probably knows something about commerce.
Am I being ridiculous here?
But of course it's terrible because again, the Obama administration has trained people.
And especially when you think of eight years, this is eight years that he's been in office.
So kids in their 20s, early 20s, were barely into puberty when he took over.
So they've had their entire adult life so far, teens and adult life, their little portion of their 20s, if you will, to look at Obama as, well, this is the way things go, right?
So then you have somebody like Trump come in and say, no, we ought to have generals in this position, we ought to have a successful businessman in this position, and they lose their minds!
Because they're told, by the way, that military men are evil killers, and they're told that rich people are evil, and they just stomp on the poor to make their money, and never do their fair share as far as taxes goes and contributing to this country.
So they look at this, and then the media feeds it to them, and they go,
Oh my God, why is he appointing these people?
When, if you took a second and used common sense, you'd go, well, that seems to make sense.
You would want a general in charge of Homeland Security.
You would want a general in charge of the Defense Department.
You would want a successful businessman in charge of Commerce.
And then you come to the housing and urban development.
Well, Ben Carson?
What does he know about housing and urban development?
Maybe nothing.
Well, you know what?
Maybe nothing.
But there have been plenty of people that have been experts in housing and urban development that have stunk.
Their own King Obama came into the presidency with barely any experience, and none as far as foreign policy goes, and the first thing they wanted to do was rip on Donald Trump for having no foreign policy experience.
Well, you loved Obama when he did it.
Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
He's a guy that obviously knows how to build himself up, get himself out of, he got himself out of the ghetto when he was growing up, educated himself, became a neurosurgeon.
Don't think that's easy to do.
Not sure.
I'm no brain surgeon, so I don't know if it's even easy to be a brain surgeon.
But that's what he did, I think.
I think somebody of his qualifications can learn what housing and urban development needs and how he can provide what it needs.
Don't you think?
I think Donald Trump has been delegating responsibility his entire life.
That's why when people said, oh my god, Donald Trump for president?
What's he going to do?
He's going to put the right people in the right place.
That's what he's done his entire career.
I've never seen one shot of him with a welder's torch and pulling down his mask and welding something on a building.
But I see plenty of buildings that he's put up.
Never seen him with a rivet gun.
Never seen him tarring a roof.
But it all gets done because he's delegated that responsibility.
And that's exactly what he's doing now.
If Donald Trump is qualified to do anything,
We don't know how he's going to be as President of the United States because he's never been President.
He doesn't have a political background.
But if there's one thing we know he's good at, it's getting the right people in the right jobs to finish something, to get something done.
That, I don't think, can even be denied because that's been his career.
Over the years.
So when he picks a cabinet, and every time he picks a new name, they have a problem with it.
It just shows, again, how dishonest this media is that we have in this country.
How they are continuing to lie to us for their own means.
So they can get something as that goes on.
Yeah, Ben Carson not qualified.
Could you imagine?
Could you imagine if a Democrat like Hillary would have won the presidency?
She goes to appoint an African-American to the Housing and Urban Development and Republicans and conservatives turn around and say, oh my god, not qualified.
Terrible pick.
How quickly do you think the word racist would come out?
I say immediately.
I say immediately the word racist comes out.
So again, the hypocrisy on that left is astounding.
From everything from the coverage of the election to the recount.
Is anyone even paying attention to the recount anymore?
I don't know.
Is Jill Stein still trying to BS everybody and say that she'd have done this even if Hillary won?
Even if Hillary Clinton won, I would still be behind this recount.
But we're only counting states that Trump won, and important states that Trump won.
And I'll be speaking in front of Trump Tower.
I'll be doing that.
So if Hillary won, she'd drive to Chappaqua and stand in front of Clinton's house and do that?
Is that what she would have done?
It's, again, the hypocrisy, the phoniness, the lying.
Doomed recount effort is fading.
Yes, it is.
And she still can't quite explain why she did it.
I'll tell you why.
I'll tell you why.
Because Hillary, and everyone that supported Hillary, needed somebody to grab that grenade and throw themselves on top of it.
She was the one chosen to do this recount.
Because Hillary couldn't do it herself.
She was minutes, minutes before the election saying how Donald Trump said he wouldn't pledge to accept the results of the election.
Because they knew they were winning.
Oh, did they know they were winning.
So Donald Trump wouldn't say, yeah, I'm going to accept the election.
He's got to wait until it's over.
I want to see if there's been any shenanigans or bamboozling or something like that.
So, he wasn't going to pledge to accept an election before it happens.
And, oh my God, Hillary was like, well, this is an end of democracy as we know it.
This man's a lunatic not accepting the election.
There's the election, and let's completely switch it over.
My God, there must have been some kind of hacking.
The Russians did it!
This one did it!
And there we are.
In a recount by people not accepting a legal, democratically-run election, right after they said, how dare he not accept a legal, democratically-run election.
I just hope it's not me and Alex and some of the other people saying, I hope everyone is really soaking this in.
Because as it is funny,
It is also so dangerous to have a population that just accepts this stuff and takes it at face value, forgets how they lied to us, and starts thinking they're telling you the truth again.
Don't fall into that trap.
They've always been lying.
It was blatantly obvious during this election.
And they will continue to do it.
They will just continue to lie to us.
Another one of my favorites is the, who is that, the, oh there he is, the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt.
Thank God, a guy that just does not believe in global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it.
My personal thoughts,
I think man here on this planet does affect the environment, just like every other animal crawling around on this world.
Rock does.
We impact the environment in some way.
Whether it's life-threatening or not is debatable.
Now, when they say, well, scientists say, yes, scientists say we affect the climate.
I agree with that.
Do I think it's imperative we change it tomorrow?
No, I don't.
Anthony Cumia in for InfoWars and we'll be right back in a couple of minutes.
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Anthony Comea, InfoWars.com.
Breaking news!
John H. Glenn has died.
Astronaut John Glenn, one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, has passed.
95 years old, was he?
Man, that's a pretty good contract, I'd say.
A senator after that.
He went up, I think, on one of the shuttle missions at some point when he was pretty...
Pretty old.
I mean, the guy was right there at the beginning of the manned space program here in America.
We were fighting against the Russians for supremacy in space.
And, uh, there it is, yeah.
The transcontinental flight speed record before being the first American to orbit the Earth in 62.
36 years later, at the age of 77, in 1998, becoming the oldest man in space as a member of the seven-astronaut crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery.
Uh, just an amazing career.
Uh, personal note, I attended John H. Glenn High School in Elwood.
My high school named after, uh, John Glenn.
And, um,
It is kind of sad to see, because he got to see the amazing strides we made, especially early on, going from him as a Mercury astronaut, watching men walk on the moon, the shuttle program, all the amazing strides we made in manned spaceflight.
And then, at the end of his life, he gets to see
Us having to hitchhike a ride with the Russians on the, uh, ancient, uh, Soyuz capsules.
And it had to be a little disappointing for, uh, for the man, for John Glenn, uh, because he was one of the, just a pioneer.
And in a time where it was just about, hey, we need to get this done.
And, uh,
There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Get in the capsule, and we're just gonna light it up and see what happens.
Just a bunch of really brave men, and I think some of the millennials and college students should look at some of these amazing men like John Glenn and like some of the people we saw at Pearl Harbor yesterday.
honoring the soldiers that fought in World War II.
I don't think there's enough of that appreciation of those people and what they did and the sacrifices they made and just the courage they had to to do things to make this country great and I think we might be seeing that change again with the President Trump.
I hope
Yes, I have, for this country.
So, Godspeed John Glenn, and we'll catch you on InfoWars.com next time.
It's Anthony Comia.
I could be seen on CompoundMedia.com.
I want to thank Alex for letting me host the show.
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