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Filename: 20160926_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 26, 2016
3514 lines.

In this segment from an InfoWars radio show, Alex Jones discusses the lack of real debate in US politics since Reagan's presidency but mentions that he will be watching the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. He promotes an app released by InfoWars that allows users to watch his show 24/7 and receive breaking news updates from their website. Jones talks about the iodine conspiracy, how the government took iodine out of food and added fluoride into water despite its effects on IQ, and promotes Survival Shield X2 as a product that can protect against radiation from Fukushima. He criticizes mainstream media for their hypocrisy in hiding behind the mantle of being "media" while wanting to arrest and execute the editorial board of the Washington Post, which they have used as a source before. Jones also argues that the same mainstream media outlets are dishonorable in betraying their sources such as Julian Assange, whom they promise to keep secret but later want arrested and executed. He claims that these media outlets represent the interests of mass immigration, disenfranchising Native Americans, and promoting cultural Marxist social justice agenda. The show introduces the Reclaiming Liberty Presidential Debate Special, which includes free shipping store-wide at InfowarsStore.com and exclusive release of Biome Defense Probiotic. Other specials include 20% off Super Metal Vitality and Secret 12 Vitamin B12. These specials will end today. The host also discusses the new product, Biome Defense, which is available at $69.95, while similar formulas are $100 or more. In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses gut health and the importance of having a balanced gut flora in maintaining optimal health. He promotes Biome Defense by InfoWorks Live as a superior blend that experts agree is essential for normal immune system function. Jones mentions that gut health plays a huge role in overall health as the gut is home to over 100 million neurons and brain nanotransmitters, often referred to as the "second brain" due to its direct link with the digestive system. He emphasizes how InfoWars Life supports their operation by purchasing products from them, such as Biome Defense which costs $29.95 for 60 capsules. The speaker criticizes "soft, stupid people," regardless of race, who are part of a new culture he dislikes. He complains about changes in appearance and behavior among certain groups and wonders what has caused these changes. He also discusses mob mentality and social engineering, expressing concern over the loss of personal moral code when individuals join groups. The speaker then criticizes Hillary Clinton, accusing her of selfishness, deceitfulness, and being a "monster." Finally, he shares a video in which people are petitioning to have Donald Trump arrested for hate speech; the speaker finds it shocking that they believe they can silence someone through legal means. A caller suggests that Donald Trump should point out Hillary Clinton's crimes during the debate, arguing that she is not a "typical lady" due to her record and therefore fair game. The host agrees, suggesting that Trump should mention his history of being nice to women before going after Clinton for her crimes. Another caller argues that Trump should go on the offensive against Clinton and accuse her of treason, using the truth as his weapon and laying out her alleged crimes. They believe this strategy would destroy Clinton and expose the mainstream media's

From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance against the technotronic technocracy takeover.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to rumble!
A real debate.
Not a debate where we have an establishment Republican and an establishment Democrat.
We haven't had a real debate in this country since really the 1980s.
And Reagan wasn't perfect, but he was a political insider until he got into the White House.
The power structure did try to keep Ronald Reagan out of power because they didn't trust him and thought that he was a real guy.
And a year into his presidency, of course, they had to shoot him to physically try to get control of him.
And that gets into a whole nother kettle of fish, a whole nother story, but most of you are already fully aware of that.
This is the first real debate.
They had that commander-in-chief forum a few weeks ago that was a joke.
Hillary was able to stand up for 30 minutes.
There's new footage out today on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for coming out of Chelsea's $10 million facility.
I'm not in class envy here, but they are, and they got their money through robbing Haitian earthquake victims and stuff, and so that's why I have a real issue with them.
And here she comes out of the ten plus million dollar penthouse and looks very, very sick.
It looks like she's having to really focus on what she's doing.
And then, oh, sees the media and suddenly, you know, oh, she's fine.
Nice little joker face.
But the bigger issue here is something Paul Watson picked up on, and that's that why is she wearing, in 70 plus degree weather, a full winter trench coat with several layers of clothing on under it?
Just a question.
And it was, you know, 80 something degrees in the last few weeks there, and she was wearing even heavier garb.
Maybe she just likes to dress in a formal, formal fashion, but notice she's coming out real slow.
She's got Secret Service around her.
She's watching her step.
As soon as she sees the camera, head goes up, shoulders go up, and she just goes on down those stairs.
We know she's having epileptic seizures.
We know she's falling down.
We told you that was happening first, and now you notice it happened on camera.
And the media desperately tried to cover it up.
That's the big question.
How will they try to throw her softball questions tonight?
Most Americans in a Rasmussen poll think that they'll be, you know, basically throwing softballs for her.
What are they going to do?
Will she make the debate?
We've still got how many hours until it kicks off?
Nine hours?
What is it, 8 o'clock Central Standard Time it kicks off?
We're going to be here live covering and giving live analysis to the mainstream media system that's collapsing in front of us that, as usual, has hijacked control of the public debates to force everybody to go through their lens of propaganda.
Well, we're going to be here.
The First Amendment breaking that stranglehold tonight.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
And I cannot
Stress enough, obviously, to listeners and viewers out there how important it is to share that link.
There's a lot of people that wouldn't normally be involved in news or information or being awake are tuning in.
This is set to have over 100 million viewers just in the U.S.
Some are estimating, many are estimating, at least bigger than the Super Bowl with more than 80 million viewers.
And so a lot of folks that aren't aware of what's happening are going to end up tuning in to NBC or CNN or Fox or any of these stations and just getting more of the control paradigm.
They tune in to InfoWars, they'll get our analysis for an hour before,
At least an hour and a half, probably two hours after, and phone calls and expert guests.
And our reporters, they're on the ground in New York.
They're at the university.
And we're also going to have some of the right side reporters on.
We're going to get some of the right side's feed.
So yes, we
...are going to be actually covering the debate and carrying the debate, but not just giving live analysis.
So that's coming up in T-minus, what, 8 hours and 55 minutes, 10 seconds.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
The new free app is out.
Tonight, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central for live coverage of the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
It's the first major debate of the election.
It's 90 minutes long.
We're airing it in its entirety commercial-free with their own real-time analysis of Hillary's lies and omissions to help you separate the truth from the false narrative the mainstream media wants you to believe.
Will Hillary even make it through the night, or will she collapse on stage due to her failing health?
It's going to be a rough night for Hillary.
For example, the Presidential Debate Commission denied Hillary her request for a stepstool at her podium, according to the Drudge Report.
And as InfoWars reported in August, Hillary cannot even give a long speech without having a stepstool or a Secret Service agent to lean on for support.
And InfoWars.com has learned that influential Democrats will pressure Hillary to drop out of the race if she has a bad showing at the debate.
So again, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central tonight, Monday, September 26 for live coverage of the presidential debate.
This is Kit Daniels reporting and it's a very historic time to be alive.
InfoWars is proud to announce the official InfoWars live app available now for iPhone and Android.
InfoWars Live allows you to watch a live high-definition feed of the Alex Jones Show 24-7 and get the latest breaking InfoWars reports straight to your phone.
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And best of all, it's free to download at InfoWars.com.
The app is brand new.
This is the first release.
And it was completely built from the ground up.
We've seen example after example of cable news networks attempting to deceive you.
In short, the mainstream media is being covertly manipulated by well-financed political forces who are trying to sway public opinion and in a natural direction that only serves establishment agendas.
But InfoWars Live is the solution to the controlled press that is rapidly losing influence.
So download InfoWars Live today at InfoWars.com and learn what's really going on instead of being spoon-fed lies by the mainstream media.
More than two years ago, InfoWars first told you about our research into what has been called the Iodine Conspiracy.
I've told you about how scientists have known for decades that iodine deficiencies can devastate IQ, and how the government knowingly started taking iodine out of the food and adding fluoride, the bad member of the halogen family, into the water.
They took the good halogen out and put the deadly halogen in.
And when the Fukushima crisis worsened, as it still is worsening today, I was there telling you how to prepare yourself and your family.
Now, in 2016, even more information has been revealed concerning the connection between iodine and the gut, which many experts are now saying could be the biggest revelation ever concerning iodine.
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It's Monday, September 26, 2016.
The final countdown.
Tonight is the night for the first debate between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump.
If she doesn't cancel, she will face Donald Trump in a 90-minute battle.
We're also countdown 42 days to launch in the general election.
It is the final countdown.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide from what's left of this republic in FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas.
Our police forces and local governments are now going under Justice Department control.
The Justice Department, completely lawless, admits that it takes its walking orders from UNESCO
A body of the United Nations.
We are a captured nation.
This is about the return of Americanism, the return of nationalism versus globalism.
And that's why the entire power structure in their internal emails, not just in their op-eds, are panicking globally at Donald Trump.
Because he is so presidential.
He is full of stamina and fight and energy and all you have to do is not work against the United States and our economy will turn back on like a roaring engine.
The problem is the globalist investments in other parts of the world will suffer.
And they don't like that.
They wanted to parlay our power into global power.
But now their world government has been identified and it's dead on arrival.
Yes, we're strangling it in the crib together.
We're going to take Grendel down.
But we'll continue to have to deal with the evil force on this planet, aka, to use the allegory of Beowulf's fairy tale, Grendel's mother.
And that, of course, is El Diablo.
So we're not out of the woods yet, but humanity is rising.
Very, very exciting things are happening.
I meant to cover this yesterday, and I've got to get to it.
I meant to cover it Friday.
I meant to cover it yesterday.
I didn't get to it, but it ties into everything.
Well, you guys pulled me all the mainstream news articles where they just announced on Friday, no one's going to be allowed to be on highways anymore.
Within five to 10 years, all human-driven cars will be off the road.
Now, remember, I told you that 20 years ago.
People thought I was crazy.
But I was reading what Globalist Open were putting in white papers.
This is their plan.
You say, well that's incredibly bold, that'll never happen.
Look at how much they've wanted to do has gotten done.
Human drivers could be banned from the road.
Proposal aims to see areas designated for self-driving cars for the next five years.
Yeah, that's just one of the headlines.
One of the other headlines, that's the Daily Mail is,
No human-driven cars on the road within five years.
That's what they're pushing for, and then they can tax you and regulate you and totally control your life and control where you live and what you do.
I saw a New York Times article a few weeks ago, I meant to cover it as well, perhaps we can pull it back up, where it was how cool this guy is that he pays 450 bucks a month for a 40 square foot, you heard me right, crawl space, the size of a coffin.
So now he's even more avant-garde to not have 200 square feet, but 40 square feet is the sexiest, coolest thing.
And he's a musician from Austin.
And they celebrate, you know, the made-up loser mentality that you're all gonna be movie stars, you're all gonna be rock stars, you're all gonna be basketball stars, and you're just so cool.
But, you know, the ocean's nearby, so... And of course it's illegal that he lives there, probably, they say, but it's okay.
This is the renter system.
This is the New World Order wants a planet of renters that don't own anything but it's so sexy and it's so chic and it's so cool to live in fantasy land and to decide you want to live in a 40 square foot apartment and then end up having your basic landlord pay more in taxes than someone say in Dallas pays for a 2,000 square foot apartment.
You pay more for less.
Not get something smaller, pay less.
This is the giant scam that is the New World Order.
This is globalism.
This is austerity.
This is their system.
They had a bunch of publications a few weeks ago come out and attack me.
I guess the directive came down for a rant I did about that I've been doing for three years every few weeks since Obama traveled Africa, Asia, and Latin America and told people that they shouldn't be able to have a car or air conditioning because the quote earth would boil over.
And then they would write my quotes that made sense and then show his quotes and say I was a kook.
They'd be like, Alex Jones says that
The sun came up in the morning and then it came up.
There's this new exercise in nothing but pure ridicule that they somehow think is like super intellectual.
So before I get into Trump surging in more of the polls, the tsunami intensifying strength, what's coming up with the debate tonight, the economy, huge war news as the Russians make the most plain statements they ever made that World War III could happen, it could be imminent.
The Syrians are saying that.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff came out and said that what he's being asked to do, this is a quote, would require war with Syria and Russia, and he's not in a position to make that decision.
That's a headline.
I just read to you the quote.
Of course, I noticed this morning, as I covered this on the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m., I went and checked some of the YouTube uploads of the live radio show, TV show, and I saw a lot of the comments saying, here's Alex Jones being a fairmonger again, here's Alex... It's the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I want to slap you people upside the head.
It's what Putin was saying earlier this year.
He goes, he's sitting with the press in this meeting, and he goes, do you understand that the West is moving missiles up to our borders?
They're trying to push a giant war.
That they're loading nuclear warheads in these cruise missiles.
We've only got two military bases.
We're not trying to invade you.
Please talk to the American people and let them know how much danger everybody's in.
And I was attacked in newspapers all over the U.S.
for being a fear monger and making it up, even though my articles had the clips from Putin in them.
And that goes back to mainstream media and this new bizarre thing it does, where it doesn't even counter you, it just says, Alex Jones says 2 plus 2 equals 4, ha ha ha, he's a joke.
It's literally that stupid, and you're like, but I've been proven right.
Alex is such a kook, he said Hillary Clinton's falling down having seizures, and look she did, ha ha ha, and you're like, okay.
And then a bunch of trendies will just go, ha ha ha, it's like an exercise in idiocracy.
And it's by design.
I mean, Fox News, I was watching it this weekend, a week and a half after the New York bombing, or nine days, whatever it is, was still saying, is it a terrorist attack?
Should we call it a bombing?
And the hosts are sitting there under orders to do this, almost laughing when they say it.
And you turn to CNN, is it a bombing?
It's like, is it daytime?
Is it September 26th?
Do I have five fingers on each hand?
It's like asking a two-year-old, where's your nose?
My nose is here.
Where's your ears?
My ears are here.
It's like Fox News goes, we're waiting to hear if our ears are here on the sides of our heads.
They're talking to us like we are lobotomy patients.
I mean, I'm telling you folks, they talk to us like we've been run over by a car.
And that is to just dumb the whole culture down.
We can be right back now after the messages.
And then there's also this arrogant thing they do.
Where they lecture everyone.
They lecture everyone in the most arrogant, over-the-top way that I would write an article like this to turn someone against me.
But see, they don't even have any connection to reality.
They think, in this kind of condescension club, like we're all back in eighth grade, that they're the cool kids bullying us and making fun of us.
And that we're all going to go curl up in the corner and, you know, have a catatonic fit because we got made fun of by these people.
I'm going to get to an article that is a great example of this here in just a moment, and then it ties into a whole cornucopia of serious persecution that's coming against those of us that do know the 2 plus 2 equals 4.
But since I mentioned that video, here is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
This is from C-SPAN.
General Dunford says the U.S.
to control all the airspace in Syria would require going to war against Syria and Russia.
Now, they'll probably counter and say this is the onion and this isn't real.
They've gotten to that level now against us, okay?
But this happened.
Here it is.
We're Syria.
What about the option of controlling the airspace so that barrel bombs cannot be dropped?
All the options.
What do you think of that option, sir?
Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.
That's a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I'm not going to make.
Now, so far there aren't articles attacking us for playing this yesterday, but there are people in the comments doing it, and they've got to be trolls.
And again, I don't raise this because, oh, I've been attacked, I feel bad.
When you've got the Russian president saying we're on the verge of nuclear war, and every top historical analyst and retired general, I mean, there are articles in the news all the time admitting the world is in the most dangerous position it's ever been.
Hands down, it's not debatable.
Economic crisis, biological crisis, population crisis, wars, famine.
Bacteria that are immune to treatment.
Viruses that are mutating out of control.
I mean, the world is accelerating into the void, basically, right now.
We need to understand we're in dangerous waters.
People say, oh, that's fear-mongering.
No, when I'm out at the coast fishing, don't have much time to do that these days, but we go down there and run a boat, and we decide to go bay fishing.
We get the maps out, or the GPS out, and we look at areas that are shallow and areas that you're not supposed to go into.
And, you know, we watch what we're doing.
That's not fear-mongering, that's being in control of the situation.
That's being a good steward.
And we are hurtling into the abyss right now.
Meanwhile, you've got a political class that is so arrogant and then they have a media under them that act just like they do.
The hubris of the establishment trying to run Hillary when they know she's got serious neurological problems going back four years ago.
The arrogance of the establishment trying to steal the nomination from Sanders and then doing it successfully.
And then trying to do it with Trump and not being successful.
The hubris of the Republican establishment and others running around saying, go ahead and vote for Hillary Clinton over Trump, that completely blew up in their face and was the final nail in their coffin.
It sank their battleship.
And that ties me into this next article.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Information liberation.
That's a great website.
Washington Post begs readers, please stop calling us the media.
The actual article is a pathetic attempt at rebranding, now that they're rightly the most hated people in America, nothing less than hilarious.
Chris Menehan writes, and then it goes through a screenshot of the Washington Post and the actual article from the Washington Post.
Let me go ahead and read to you from this.
Listen to the total disconnected mental illness level arrogance.
Because these are followers, not journalists they've hired.
They've recruited followers.
They have recruited parrots.
They have recruited repeaters.
And so when you get a bunch of followers together with no real leadership,
They all just start one-upping each other on arrogance.
It's a very dangerous phenomenon.
And pride goeth before a fault.
Now, let's get into this article, because it is hilarious if it wasn't so dangerous.
Now, this is what the writer at the Washington Post says.
Dear readers, please stop calling us the media.
There's no such thing.
So the mainstream media is so discredited now and knows everyone just calls them the media with a 6% trust rate in AP's own national study, that the Washington Post, I guess editorial board, comes out with this to lecture you and say there is no such thing as a media.
And I've made the point now that if you say you don't like how, let's say, some soup you order at a restaurant tastes, they'll just come to you and say, what are you, a conspiracy theorist, you see?
Because you're not allowed to have your own opinion.
I started making that joke like five years ago because I was trying to educate a TSA agent that, hey, these millimeter wave systems can give you cancer.
They've given you fake studies, especially long-term exposure.
It's not going to hurt me much, but it's really going to hurt you in the aggregate.
You know about the cancer clusters.
And I had them repeatedly say, oh, more conspiracy theories.
I was trying to give them facts.
I was trying to tell them what studies to pull up.
But see, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
See, you just can't even have your own educated view on things.
But continuing, dear readers, please stop calling us the media.
There's no such thing.
So now, there's no such thing.
You're not even allowed to call us the media because there's no such thing.
This is the arrogance of wanting to control reality and define everything.
Mother and father's hurtful.
Brown paper bags are racist.
Blonde hair is now a sign of right-wing hate.
I'm not kidding.
That's mainstream news.
I'm getting to that in a moment.
I'm writing.
Now, this is the Washington Post.
I'm writing because I have a request.
Well, this is a way to get along with your readers, what you have left.
Please stop calling us the media.
Yes, in some sense, we are the media.
Oh, well, now it's doublethink.
There is no media.
It doesn't exist.
But don't call us that.
But yes, in some sense, we are the media.
Yes, you heard me.
This is directly out of the Ministry of Truth, 1984.
This is how you create illogical mental illness in the population.
You wonder why our kids are so screwed up?
They're under all this right now.
Yes, in some sense, we are the media.
But not in the blunt way you use the phrase.
It's so imprecise, OC.
You are imprecise.
You are small minded.
You are little.
It's so imprecise and generic.
Oh, I see.
Oh, it's generic.
Oh, you're.
Oh, you know, you know, you're kind of racist then.
That it has lost any meaning.
It's, how would you put this, lazy and unfair.
So see, you're imprecise, you're lazy, you're unfair.
We're just calling the big mainstream establishment that are so lockstep, you've blown what little bit of credibility you may have had left, you know, 6%.
You're running out that.
Last fumes of gas.
The mainstream media, the dinosaur media, is on its last legs.
Its last fumes are gone.
The engine is sputtering to a halt on the side of the road.
You are being found on the side of the road dead.
Now, here comes the mind control.
Fact is... See, you're lazy, you're stupid now.
We're going to define what the media is because it doesn't exist, but it does exist, but only when I say it exists.
This is mind control.
I'm actually reading to you from this.
This is how they talk to you.
Fact is...
Oh my gosh!
You're an establishment newspaper owned by Bezos of the Democratic Party!
Oh my gosh!
Thank you!
Fact is, there really is no such thing as the media.
So back to the original line.
It is an invention, a tool, an all-purpose smear by people who can't be bothered to make distinctions.
Oh my gosh, no.
We know the big establishment corporate media that isn't media but are propagandists.
The new media is the media that filled that vacuum.
Just like the printing press did 500 years ago.
Okay, and into the Dark Age, and brought in the Renaissance.
This is the new Renaissance.
And all day you can sit up there on a high horse and say, you're not part of the establishment, cloistered, lobotomized cogitors up in your drooling Ivy League towers.
I was gonna say ivory, but Ivy League towers.
Fact is, there really is no such thing as the media.
Oh, thank you, then I won't use that term anymore.
Thank you for telling me what language I... Thank you, language police, again.
It's an invention.
That's evil.
Oh, an invention.
A tool.
An all-purpose smear by people who can't be bothered to make distinctions.
Oh, we've made our distinctions.
You've made it very, very clear.
You've hidden behind the mantle that you were media, but you want to arrest and execute the editorial board of the Washington Post as the main source that got you a Pulitzer Prize and that admittedly made you millions of dollars in ad revenue and got all your so-called reporters all over TV?
And then your reporters wrote best-selling books off of it that the Washington Post-connected publisher made still millions more?
And then now you want Assange in prison or executed because you have zero dishonor?
Even narco drug dealers out of Mexico, if someone made them a crap ton of money and was honorable to them, wouldn't kill them out of hand.
But see, you're so dishonorable, you're so upside down, that narco terrorists are light years, leagues better than you.
You people have negative honor.
You go out of your way to be dishonorable.
Really, it's hard to be as dishonorable as you are.
I don't know how you do it.
You people are out of your minds!
You are out of your minds!
You promise to keep someone secret.
You get their info.
You tell them they're a hero.
He exposes all this illegal crap.
And then now you want him arrested and executed.
And then now, your editorial board comes out and tells us, don't consider you the mainstream media.
You're right.
You are worse than the mainstream media.
You are the jewel in the crown of fraud and deceit.
As Roger Stone says, the worst publication in the United States.
You are the plague.
You are the enemy.
You are a disease.
So you're right, we shouldn't call you the media.
Now, this is the response.
Hey, dumbass!
We call you shills the media because you all represent the same interests.
You all support mass immigration and disenfranchising Native Americans in America.
You all support the
Disfunctionalizing of America through free trade, the deindustrialization, and you all support the cultural Marxist social justice degeneracy agenda.
If you can't and you don't want to be called the media, try acting as independent actors rather than as Borg working towards our destruction.
And then it goes into the trust in the media down to 14 to 6 points depending on what study you look at.
So there you go.
Now when we come back, let's talk about why you're such an enemy.
When you sit there and try to keep the American people in the dark.
I have stacks of news here where they're now saying birthday cakes that have a policeman on them are racist and won't be baked.
And where they're saying blonde hair is racist and basically needs to be outlawed.
And everything else.
And just to show the agenda, plus liberal signed petition to jail Donald Trump for hate crimes.
The video is on InfoWars.com.
This is the reality.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be back.
It's Monday, September 26, 2016.
With only 42 days left until the general election, we are in the final countdown.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Russia is pointing out there won't be any peace in Syria, as long as the Obama administration keeps sending weapons to the ISIS-linked al-Nusra Front.
The Russian government said the militants are armed by tanks, APCs, field artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and heavy weaponry.
And of course, they could have made these weapons themselves.
Nor could they have stolen all of them from the Syrian Army.
Especially not the American-made TOW missile that jihadis used to destroy a Russian helicopter last year.
The Russians also pointed out that the U.S.-led airstrike that killed 62 Syrian soldiers has directly led to ISIS gaining ground.
In other words, the U.S.
just served as ISIS's air force.
The U.S.
State Department has claimed the attack was an accident.
However, facts point to the contrary.
The region where the attack occurred has always been under Syrian Army control, with no prior presence of ISIS.
CENTCOM even had the audacity to release a statement claiming they have not bombed the area in the past.
But that's completely false.
Unless they were targeting the Syrian government.
Stay tuned for more reports and download our new free smartphone app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
In history, it is the arrogance of elites that almost always brings them down.
And the establishment we have in this country is drunk on power, even as they collapse.
That's a good thing.
The problem is it won't go well with the Russians or the Chinese or others of this hubris and will lead to wars.
And that's obviously something that's more and more on the front burner.
I've got to tell you, the belligerent activities, the ceasefire being broken with the Russians, all the things that are being done to back ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria and other areas, that should be really, I think, one of the main topics that Donald Trump brings up tonight.
And I would go right after Hillary and say, listen,
You are the founder of ISIS.
You did go into Libya.
You did create a failed state.
And Trump can cite hundreds of mainstream headlines, congressional reports, you name it.
It's a fact.
And General Flynn is the one that, with General Dempsey and others, led the move five years ago to stop the backing of Wahhabist forces.
See, the media will attack Trump on that and say, he's crazy, where'd he get this?
Because they know that's what they're scared of.
They don't want him to keep going down that road because we've got her.
We've got her.
The Council on Foreign Relations was so arrogant four years ago that they had headlines, we've shown them here in their bi-monthly publication, Foreign Affairs, headline, Why We Need Al Qaeda.
And saying, let Al Qaeda take over Syria.
That was after a year of denying that 90 plus percent of the fighters in Syria were Al-Qaeda.
There's the headline, New York Review of Books, Why We Need Al-Qaeda.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Okay, let's continue here.
I want to get into the attack on free speech, then the polls, the latest numbers.
No guest today, but Paul Watson will be joining us for analysis in the third hour.
David Knight will host the fourth hour, and then I'm going to start getting prepared and ready from three to six o'clock.
We're going to go to a pre-debate feed, just up there in the debate hall, and there'll be some different reporters, our reporters and others, popping in.
And then at 7 o'clock, we're going to have about 25 minutes of produced news and information from around the world.
And then at about 7.25, I will come in with Leon McAdoo, David Knight, and others for about 35 minutes of live pre-debate coverage.
And then we will...
Sample and analyze different channels from C-SPAN to the AP feed, you name it, and see if they're adding any commentary or see what the moderators are doing.
We're going to be there analyzing in a long time, but I'm going to restrict our analysis to about 10% of the time.
But we are going to be again breaking down this public event.
The public has a right to respond to this.
We'll be taking phone calls at 9.30 central when the 90-minute debate ends.
Big question, will Hillary make it?
Will Hillary collapse?
Will she have a coughing fit?
I don't think there's any way, even though she's cancelled events for the last week, that even arrested Hillary cannot disintegrate
I think you're going to see at least a coughing fit.
Out there in 90 minutes.
I think that's a sure thing.
I'll be shocked if we don't.
Because the Secret Service didn't lie to us.
They said, follow her motorcade and you'll see that she has special lifters on her vehicles.
And then we said, you mean like on the side of the Suburbans?
And they said, just go look for yourself.
We can't tell you.
And then, oh, it's a van.
Okay, wow.
Oh, she's lowered out of the back.
Okay, there's video of that and photos now.
And they're like, yeah, and she falls down.
She falls down sometimes every hour, sometimes every 20 minutes.
Sometimes we think she's drugged up, you know, less.
But it's happening.
And then a month later, it gets caught on video.
So they're not lying to us about this.
This is real.
She was in the hospital for a year.
Her eyes don't point the same direction a lot of the time now.
Our own reporters in Cleveland two weeks ago, a week before she collapsed, caught her in a medical tent for 45 minutes before she went out and gave that five-minute speech she had to cancel.
Then she went back in the medical tent.
This is exactly what the Secret Service told us.
They said, just, just, just, just come watch the motorcades, okay?
We're like, well, what do we look for?
Come on, you're smart.
Just come look at the motorcades.
And then there it is, got ambulance stretchers, gurneys, Secret Service in body armor pushing the gurneys around in and out of the tent she's in.
This is what we were supposed to see.
And all they know is they're covering up somebody who's extremely ill.
So... I think there's about a 30-40% chance she's gonna have to cancel it or fall over or something.
I don't know, 95%?
100% she's gonna have a coughing fit?
The event she canceled Monday in the middle of, she had to walk off the stage and starts coughing as she left.
I mean, she just can't do it.
She can barely walk down the stairs in New York this morning.
I'm constantly playing with pens on the air, and they've told me, I did this again, I did this last week, and I've got to stop doing it.
It must be this brand of pen.
It must be a new brand of pen, because I always twirl pens in my hand, and suddenly this, I'm not bashing it, this Pilot Precise V5 RT, we got a box of these, and these little bastards leak.
So perhaps we should get some new pens here, because I keep getting, and man, I got it on the side of my face last week.
I don't break out, I'm not a teenager.
Broke out on the side of my face.
From these little guys.
You know what's in ink, right?
Total estrogen mimickers.
Look it up for yourself.
Printer ink, pen ink, you name it, has the worst estrogen mimickers you could ever imagine in them.
Now continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, before I get into the attack on the media, the attack on the free press, before I open the phones up,
We're launching a Reclaiming Liberty special that is only going to run today through tomorrow, and that is free shipping store-wide at InfowarsStore.com.
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And again, we'll put it back up there on screen for folks.
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And again, similar formulas that aren't even as good.
Or quite frankly, $200, $300, $400 in some cases is ridiculous.
We had to pay.
But we were looking into this.
I'm going to have a group on next week about this.
We had to pay sometimes just to buy the strain.
And then to be able to reproduce it at other labs, $50,000 a strain and stuff like that.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
So that's why so many other companies just kind of put run-of-the-mill stuff in there.
And reportedly, the older the strain, the better.
Some of these strains can be backed tens of thousands of years.
He's coming on the show to explain it all, but it is amazing.
We came out with the very best thing we could, evidenced by
Five years of InfoWars life coming up in a couple months.
Notice, never had a probiotic.
Could have had one any time I wanted to.
I could have a line of 500 products right now.
Probably have made more money.
Not gonna do it.
We are gonna bring you the very, very best.
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Some could argue that more parts per million is good or whatever, but some argue it's toxic.
Whatever, we just go with what is believed to be the very best out there, and it's less expensive, $19.95.
That's just an example of what we do.
I'm done talking about it.
Thank you for supporting the broadcast.
That's how we do this.
It's how we have 24-hour broadcasts.
It's how we have documentaries and films.
It's how we...
Continually getting the globalist's face and continually are able to have reporters around the country doing amazing things.
I mean, there isn't a better place to support out there, in my view.
And more and more of the commenters on InfoWars get this.
When they were reading articles today about how they want to censor the free press and how they want to censor, you know, folks who are speaking out against tyranny.
The commoners were saying, man, it's time to really not have any business with the establishment.
They're out to get us.
And it's time to really support organizations and outlets that do tell the truth.
I mean, look how much Drudge has done for everybody.
Boosting the new media, breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall, nine times out of ten when nobody else can.
Game-changing, changing the talking points to real issues, and you have the Federal Elections Commission saying they openly want to shut Drudge down, that then means everybody else.
I mean, in five days, they hand the internet over to the United Nations.
Doesn't mean they're going to shut it off next week, but the transfer is happening.
And notice the censorship is coming in like a flood.
When you're on a site like Drudge, click on the sponsors.
Because that's what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
They want to shut off our economy to control us.
Now, look at these headlines.
Liberals sign petition to jail Donald Trump for hate crimes.
Now, we went out in Austin, the liberal areas, and only half the people, and I'm glad, I'm glad that only half of them, you know, thought that Obama was setting aside national parkland in Florida for dinosaurs.
We don't go do this to make fun of people.
We do this to show how dangerous these people are in their ignorance.
But that's still scary.
Half of them thinking that, you know, the plesiosaur was still alive.
That people should lose their private property for it.
In the case of Mark Dice, it's always 9 out of 10.
And this is unedited.
By unedited, he puts in all the people.
I mean, if he finds somebody that knows that the Trump sons are not hunting triceratops, he puts them in the report.
We're not picking and choosing here.
But this goes to the danger of these people.
Because, I'm going to play this clip when we come back from break, but let me just set it up with some of these articles first.
Walmart apologizes for refusing to make police officers cake.
That's mainstream news from McClatchy.
And all it was was a retirement saying thin blue line.
Well now anything blue or police you see is racist.
Walmart is apologizing for refusing to make a police officer's retirement cake last week after an employee told the cop's daughter that the thin blue line cake design might be considered racist.
See, this is what you learn in America now is how you refuse service to everybody because you just make up that it's offensive to you.
That's how you bring a country down is creating unmitigated infighting.
Total mental illness.
Let's continue.
Teacher faces backlash, this is New York, over Facebook post calling students racist.
She's called out her kids in class, tells them they're racist, says this week.
She goes on to say it's horrible to have to sit there and see all the racists.
It's easy to spot which students are racist by the Trump gear they're sporting for USA Day.
And then she goes on to even admit what school she's at and what's going on.
This is the idea.
People are wearing Trump gear, the teacher runs around, makes it public, goes after the students, saying they're racist.
It's a weapon you use to go after people.
Here's another one.
The University of Kansas bars gorillas from jungle-themed decoration due to masculine image.
Yeah, they've already banned Martin Luther King from a lot of colleges because he didn't talk about transgenders or gays when he said all of God's children should come together, black, white, red, brown, you name it.
They've already banned him, they've already banned, you know, Halloween parties or costume parties, geisha girls and cowboys and Native Americans.
Well now a gorilla looks too much like a man, and men are aggressive and bad, so you can't have the symbol of a man.
They're so anti-human that a gorilla looks too much like a human, and humans are bad because men are bad, so that's been banned officially.
And then we've got more saying blondes are racist.
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Tonight, 8 o'clock central, we will be carrying the debate live at Infowars.com forward slash show.
This is an InfoWar.
Please post that link on Facebook.
Post that link on Twitter.
Post that link, you know, to emails you send family and friends who wouldn't normally be caring about politics.
They're just off in their own la-la land being brainwashed by entertainment media that has even more political information in it than even mainstream media.
Well, this is an important time to try to pull them out of the matrix, and every person we wake up is another nail in the New World Order's coffin.
Now, before I go any further, if you just joined us, we're about to play this video, Liberal Signed Petition to Jail Donald Trump for Hate Crimes.
That video's up on Infowars.com, but it ties in just today.
With Walmart apologizing for refusing to make police officers cake, saying being a cop is basically racist.
We've got Teacher Faces Backlash of her Facebook post calling students racist and naming which school and class she had because they were wearing Trump hats.
They make America great.
But the one that wins today is a R.A.
At the University of Kansas was advised against incorporating an image of a gorilla into a jungle-themed floor decoration because the animal apparently represents a very masculine image.
And masculine is bad.
That could trigger someone.
Assistant Complex Director Dale Morrow also noted that there are stereotypes that surround this animal and therefore its inclusion in the display would not be inclusive.
This is total mental illness, ladies and gentlemen.
This is total mental illness now where someone might not like how a gorilla looks, you can't have it in a jungle thing.
So education now is about how imaginative can you be to be offended so that everyone's just offended in a basket case and never figures out they were sold degrees that are worthless in the post-industrial world.
See, they gotta screw up the students and turn them into victim mental patients that are scared of racist boogeymen under the bed or under the, you know, table so they don't understand they got screwed over.
Now let's go to the coup de grace today.
That's the funniest one.
This is the scariest one.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's a Breitbart story.
Directly from the popular children's parenting magazine.
And if you're a TV viewer, InfoWars.com forward slash show, you can see this.
This is amazing.
Parenting magazine warns, blonde, cheerful, families, dangerous, likely right wing.
Now this is like a terrorism manual I've seen before, where it says that people are cheerful and nice, they may be terrorists.
Well now it says, parenting magazine, baby and family.
Which is obviously against the family.
Has told readers to beware of families who are inconspicuous and cheerful.
That's right, it's not normal to be happy and cheerful.
As these warning signs indicate, they are right-wing and thus dangerous.
It actually says this.
Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children.
It's evil.
It's like I'm getting a warning about Jews and Nazi Germany.
The report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world.
They're actually saying, go after nice white people.
Bully them.
And the truth is, they're just nice white people.
They'll get all freaked out and grovel to you more.
What it's saying is just go out and bully them, and if you've got brown hair or black hair,
Then you have got full license because these aren't humans.
These are bad people.
You're allowed to burn that cross in that black person's yard.
They're not a person.
Oh, no, no, not that.
See, it's the same thing.
Oh, no, no.
Oh, you're allowed to go henpeck the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman because she's bad.
With her children.
It's like these manuals in magazines say, if someone's got more than two kids in a grocery store, confront them.
I've got three.
I've been confronted.
Asserting the term right-wing stirs up anxiety and brings to mind burning refugee homes, skinheads, and the National Socialist Underground.
We're going to come back with the Democrats calling for... September 26, 2016, with only nine hours until the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
We are in the final countdown.
That's right, we'll be back with the call to arrest Donald Trump on the left.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, major parenting magazines like Baby and Family are coming out saying, and I was just reading it,
If you see blonde-haired, blue-eyed families, or you see blonde-haired, blue-eyed women with kids, and they're being nice and cheerful, you need to get in their face and let them know you don't appreciate their racism.
It actually says that.
Now, this is Nazi-level, but reversed.
Total mental illness.
But it's weaponized by the establishment, which has joined us.
Major colleges are banning gorillas from jungle-themed parties and scenes because they're bad, too, because they, quote, look masculine.
Okay, so it's an attack on language, an attack on reality.
Speaking of that, video, liberals signed petition to jail Donald Trump.
But first, since they're saying the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, you know, women are so evil, I've changed it, you see.
See, you know, the folks who don't have blonde-haired, blue-eyed, they're saints, they're angels.
You know, they've got, you know, wings on their backs.
But let me tell you, not these people.
Not these neighbors.
You better watch out for them.
I mean, this, it's only going to get worse, folks.
What, you think white people are the only ones that can be racist?
This is a social control system.
They are impregnating, implanting the quote minorities they can get to in public schools to be total racist mental patients.
I mean, this is mega insane, folks.
And this will also then cause whites, many of them, to...
Revert to tribalism, which is what they call racism, and then we're all controlled.
Let's go to part of Mark Dice's report, where liberals signed a petition to jail Donald Trump for hate crimes.
That's what they say here.
This is part of hate crime.
Being polite and being blonde-haired and blue-eyed, go after them.
Let them know you're not putting up with them.
I don't know if you're wearing a Donald Trump hat.
Go after you.
No, you got blonde hair.
I'm going after you.
And it's weird.
I used to have blonde hair.
As I got older, it turned brown, which is fine.
I kind of like my brown.
I think it's more masculine.
But the point is that
This is almost like Titian.
It's like brown, reddish, blonde, as they call it, Titian.
But I mean, you know, give me a break, man.
Oh, my gosh.
I've actually many times had black people in Dallas, but also in Austin, walk by me.
Usually I'm at an outdoor cafe or something and go, hey, blue-eyed devil.
You'll be sitting there going, yeah, I got blue eyes, big deal.
You know, they're for light gathering.
But the whole, I know, that's the devil see in the dark.
Well, whatever.
I guess it is true that on average blue eyes and green eyes do have better light gathering.
But that's what happens when you're from the North Pole, bro.
But the point is, is that, you know, a fox with blue eyes from the North Pole isn't evil.
Just because a fox from, say, you know, the equator has brown eyes or hazel eyes.
It's just total mental illness, folks.
Let's go ahead and play the Mark Dice clip.
Can you help us indict Donald Trump on hate crimes charges?
I f***ing hate that man.
We are petitioning Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, to imprison him for 10 years for hate speech.
I don't think that's gonna work.
Well, that'll silence him.
How much do you agree that anything that we can do, by any means necessary, to silence him?
You're right.
Thank you so much.
We'll get him in jail here soon enough.
One more signature for you?
I don't know if we're gonna get him in jail, but we're gonna...
Attorney General Loretta Lynch will indict him for hate crimes charges, she said, if we can get the 100,000 signatures.
You know what?
We're gonna come back to this after the break.
That slob woman...
Doesn't even sound like she's drunk.
She sounds like she's on tranquilizers.
And I notice when you talk to leftists more in modern life, even when they're not drunk or it's in the morning at a coffee shop and you hear them talking, they're like, yeah.
And they're so into being lazy and watching TV all day that they're not even alive anymore.
And the major studies show you get basically early onset of Alzheimer's-type disorders, wide-spectrum brain disintegration when you watch more than five, six hours of TV a day, when you don't get exercise, and when you just kind of waddle around, that's what you end up being.
It's just like, I want to back this up to the beginning when we come back, because you listen to her, she's like,
Because the woman is in a trance.
You ever seen somebody sleepwalking?
I have.
And they'll kind of talking to him.
What are you doing?
Where am I?
My son occasionally sleepwalks.
And he'll walk in the room.
You're watching TV or whatever, reading a book.
It's like 11 at night.
He's like, Dad, I gotta go to school.
Where am I?
He speaks completely clear.
Folks have seen him on TV, super smart when he's not sleepwalking.
But if he's not sleepwalking, he kind of goes, where am I?
These people are not in a conscious state.
They are in a dream state.
They've got studies.
Wandering around like zombies.
Tonight, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central for live coverage of the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
It's the first major debate of the election.
It's 90 minutes long.
We're airing it in its entirety commercial-free with their own real-time analysis of Hillary's lies and omissions to help you separate the truth from the false narrative the mainstream media wants you to believe.
Will Hillary even make it through the night, or will she collapse on stage due to her failing health?
It's going to be a rough night for Hillary.
For example, the Presidential Debate Commission denied Hillary her request for a stepstool at her podium, according to the Drudge Report.
And as InfoWars reported in August, Hillary cannot even give a long speech without having a stepstool or a Secret Service agent to lean on for support.
And InfoWars.com has learned that influential Democrats will pressure Hillary to drop out of the race if she has a bad showing at the debate.
So again, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central tonight, Monday, September 26 for live coverage of the presidential debate.
This is Kit Daniels reporting and it's a very historic time to be alive.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
So as Donald Trump surges in every major swing state, the establishment is panicking.
Big time.
Big time.
And Hillary has now given up Ohio.
We're going to go over all that and more.
Go to your phone calls.
So much today.
But, I was just getting into a Mark Dice video, where again, we're not cherry picking folks in San Diego and Los Angeles.
That's where Mark Dice, Infowars.com contributor, from MarkDice.com, that's where he goes and interviews people.
They're on the coastline.
And he will put the people in, whether they
Say things that are stupid or whether they say things that are informed to illustrate the fact that this is what the education system and the mainstream media have done in this country.
And if you listen to these people, they're so authoritarian, they're so totalitarian, they're so brutal.
They're like, I don't just want Donald Trump in prison.
I want him dead.
I want that effort gone.
And it's these soft, stupid people.
I don't care if they're white or black.
They can hardly talk!
And there's this new type of creature I see in downtown Austin.
And I don't care if somebody, what their sexual preference is.
I don't hate anybody.
But the point is they try to force
Whatever their weird, liberal, trendy culture is on you, and it's just super uncool.
And I go in these restaurants now that I've gone in for years, and it's like everybody's upset, they're not happy, you can't tell if it's a man, a woman.
It's like, the cool thing is for a woman to get as fat as possible, and then have facial hair?
I don't know what these creatures are, I don't know what's happening, okay?
But things are falling apart.
And look, it's one thing if you go in a restaurant and there's one of these creatures, but it's like all these creatures are taking over, and they hate you.
They hate your kids.
They hate your family.
They hate your good-looking wife.
They hate prosperity.
They love evil.
They're very stupid.
And it's like, I don't know, man, it's like they can be black, white, or Hispanic.
They all look the same.
It's weird.
I mean, it's like, I'm not against lesbians, but what's up with the mullet never going out of style?
I mean, why do they all look like Rachel Maddow?
But now there's a new creature!
And I'm just saying, what's going on here?
I mean, what's in the water?
What's in the food?
And then why do these people want to kill us?
Why do they lie so much?
And again, these are victims of the system who bought into it, it didn't fulfill them, and now they think everything else that doesn't comply with their worldview is the reason they're not in Valhalla.
And again, I'm just singling out that weird phenomenon, because Buckley and I were talking about it just the other day.
You know, you got the sports heads phenomenon of the wannabe tough guys that'll start fights with you for no reason in a parking lot, but won't stand up for their country.
You know, what's up with that?
I mean, look, look, there's a lot to criticize myself about as well.
None of us are perfect.
I'm just saying, I don't like gangs of people.
People that get into gang mentality.
People that get into weird little subcultures.
And that's what the globalists are setting up, is a system of a bunch of divided and conquered fools.
And there's hundreds of these videos, and we've done these too and gotten similar results where... And we're going to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Please sign here.
Oh, absolutely.
I'm so sick of these gun owners.
I want to put them in prison.
They just have this lust that they could be fulfilled if the state would just go out and take over.
Mob mentality.
The brain suppresses personal moral code when it gets into groups.
That's why Hitler would have nighttime rallies with fire.
Why they have sports events at night.
And all of this is being manipulated and all I'm asking people to be aware of is the fact this is ongoing.
You can make whatever decision you want, but there is social engineering going on.
I did read 20 years ago in scientific publications that they were planning nobody being allowed to drive your own cars in the future, what job you have being controlled, how many kids you have being controlled.
As a means to an end to phase us out, and now I've got a stack of articles from the New York Times to the Daily Mail saying, you will not be in your car soon, the feds have decided.
And globally, federal governments have decided.
I mean, our lives are all being decided for us is what I'm saying.
And they admit they're deciding them for us.
And then I say, look, here they are admitting they're deciding our world for us and having secret agreements.
They've been saying Hillary Clinton needs to talk about what she stands for, that no one really knows what she stands for, and then Tim Kaine, her VP, came out and said, well, she stands for treating people good and not just thinking about herself.
That's the opposite.
Hillary Clinton, and I've interviewed two different Secret Service agents that work for her, I've interviewed an FBI agent that worked with her, I've interviewed state police, from the day
That the Clintons were known, running for office in Arkansas.
The Clintons, especially Hillary, do not give you a tip.
If you look them in the eyes, they will still tell you, how dare you look at me in the eyes if there isn't a camera around?
They are the most empty, horrible, selfish, demonic people you could ever imagine.
What's known about Trump going back 30 years?
Ridiculously huge tips.
Now if you give them bad service, the manager's gonna be called over, he's gonna be chewed out.
Hiring minorities and women unlike anybody ever has and promoting them off of who gets the job done in loyalty.
Genuine, real, hardworking, compassionate, caring, but tough.
You attack Donald Trump, he's gonna attack you right back.
That's a male attribute.
To be loving and good unless you have to defend your family.
But my point is, Hillary is a monster.
What does she stand for?
Foreign secret trade deals, narcotics trafficking, evil wars, funding radical Islam.
Lecturing everyone on what words you can use.
Being so arrogant, she knows she's got serious health issues and she's still trying to be president.
Even though it's killing her!
Let's go to Mark Dice, liberal side petitioner to jail Donald Trump.
Listen to the sycophantic evil in these people's voices.
Can you help us indict Donald Trump on hate crimes charges?
I f***ing hate that man.
We are petitioning Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, to imprison him for 10 years for hate speech.
I don't think that's gonna work.
Well, that'll silence him.
But I want you to agree that anything that we can do, by any means necessary, to silence him.
You're right.
Thank you so much.
We'll get him in jail here soon enough.
One more signature for you.
I don't know if we're gonna get him in jail, but we're gonna...
Attorney General Loretta Lynch will indict him for hate crimes charges she said if we can get the hundred thousand signatures so it'll be ten years in prison for hate speech for Donald Trump.
She's actually said that.
She's actually said she wants to arrest people for speech.
Does this guy think he has a First Amendment or what?
In today's new world order you really think we're gonna be tolerating people?
Those aren't men.
Look at him.
People like Hillary?
I don't think so.
And by the way, the point about these creatures that are asexual, that run all the restaurants... They only hire their own, is my point, too.
Essentially, they're discriminatory.
You need a date of birth?
Print, birth date, signature.
Turning this petition over to Attorney General Loretta Lynch to propose that Donald Trump be indicted on hate crimes charges and in prison for at least 10 years.
Just a birthdate there, please?
Anything we can do to get rid of him, wouldn't you agree?
It's not good.
And I don't know who he thinks he is, if he thinks he has a First Amendment right to say those things, but we're gonna put an end to that real quick.
Yeah, I don't know.
What to do?
By the way, Mark's about 6'5".
That guy must be like 7 feet tall.
We figure at this point in time, radical times call for radical measures.
Oh yeah!
It's 100,000 signatures per district, and then Attorney General Loretta Lynch will indict him for the hate crimes.
One guy hears it and walks by and says, that's messed up.
Yeah, under Obama, she can direct the Justice Department to do that.
England's been doing that for a long time now.
We're going to try to bring that to America.
We are messed up.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate that.
Well, that's awesome.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
High five.
Let's arrest Trump.
Trying to jail Donald Trump on hate speech charges.
Oh, yeah.
Let's jail Donald Trump.
To jail him?
It's not like that's birthday right there.
Yeah, it's not like this guy has a First Amendment right to be saying the things that he's saying signature Signature there.
Well, we're Attorney General Lynch is gonna help put an end to that.
So thank you very much Well, that's the new world order
We support imprisoning Donald Trump for hate speech to help ensure that Hillary or the Democrats get in.
So two people he talks to don't like it.
I don't know what Donald Trump thinks he has, like a First Amendment or something to be, you know, talking mean things.
Birthday there to throw Donald Trump in prison for hate speech.
Appreciate you supporting that.
Anything we can to get rid of him, wouldn't you agree?
Thank you so much.
And if we can get 100,000 signatures to the district attorney, then Loretta Lynch said that she will indict him for hate speech and get rid of him.
Thank you so much.
It's about time we stop people like him, wouldn't you agree?
At any cost, any means necessary.
Folks, you do realize that if they start arresting us and when the Democrats are actually already talking about this, that those people will be happy.
They could be executing us on TV and most folks would watch it and get off on it as our legs twitch and jump and as we piss and crap our pants being hung by the neck.
I'm telling you, they'd love it.
Something shocking just happened in a Coast Guard unit in San Diego.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
You can run on for a long time.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to open the phones up in the next segment on the debate tonight.
What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think Trump should do?
How will the media try to spin things if Trump comes out and basically goes after Hillary for all of her crimes?
They're gonna demonize that like he's picking on a woman.
But wait a minute!
That's using chivalry!
Women didn't used to be in combat, generally, or in executive roles like this, because people wouldn't stand for a woman being called names, being attacked.
But now, she's in this world, so she's fair game.
Plus, she's not your little old average grandma.
She's a war criminal.
She's a horrible person.
I think Trump should point out, hey, normally I'm very, very nice to ladies.
But quite frankly, I don't consider you to be one because of your record.
And she can't stop him for 15 minutes.
And I'd just run through Libya and Syria and the cattle futures and the corruption and the Benghazi stand down and just crime and lying about the servers and everything else.
And so I'd say stop hiding behind the fact that you're a woman.
Stop using that just like we know about these women that are con artists and then use that to basically carry out their crimes.
She needs to go ahead and take her quote strength and make it her weakness.
But you know, that's probably not even the best attack.
I think he should go after her, because the truth is such a big palette.
I think it would work.
There's so many areas to go into here.
With coming out and saying, who is Hillary Clinton?
You act like the fact that I built hotels and golf courses and businesses and have done all this is a bad thing.
You've been in Washington for 20-something years.
You've been in politics for 40-something years.
And you are the architects of the end of Glass-Steagall and the banking collapse.
You are the architect.
of the dollar devaluation.
You are the architect of so much of what we're under right now.
And then you sit here and you say that we need you for a change.
No, it's time to do something different.
You're on the payroll of the Communist Chinese.
You admittedly, it's come out in the WikiLeaks documents, get millions of dollars basically from the Chinese government.
You should be indicted.
You're a criminal.
You're a spy.
And you know what?
The Rosenbergs, one of them was a woman and they still went to the electric chair.
That's how you lay it out.
You say, listen, I don't like seeing women get thrown in prison.
Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.
A lot of women end up getting the death penalty, Hillary.
Over the crimes you've committed and the treason you've been involved in, you need to be indicted for treason.
That's what I'd tell her.
It will destroy her and the mainstream media on the spot.
I would quadruple, and then quadruple, and then quadruple, and then quadruple down again.
With just absolute devastation on her.
Because it's the truth.
I would let her have it with everything.
And say, Hillary, I'd like to let up on you because you're so ill, but you lied to the American people about it, so we're going to talk about it.
I'd love to let up on you, Hillary, but you didn't let up on the millions of taxpayers that, under your rules and the rules that your system put in, have persecuted and taken little old ladies' houses across this nation, and taken little old ladies' bank accounts, who'd committed no crimes.
Here's the New York Times, a lady who for 40 years ran her five-table
Mexican food restaurant that just had four or five little stools up front, no more than ten people could eat there.
And the IRS took everything out of her bank account, her $35,000 in savings, under some IRS rule that the Democrats approved.
You're the bully of old ladies!
I mean, I would just come after her on every front for the portion of the debate that Trump will be in control of.
Reportedly going for big 15-minute chunks, but on different subjects.
And they're going to have Zinger questions.
They're going to come after Trump with Aleppo questions.
I said this before Gary Johnson stuck his foot in his mouth.
I said they're going to have Zinger military questions that they'll blow up and make a big deal out of if Trump doesn't know, if they say something like,
Well, in fact, I remember even saying something like Aleppo, like, what do you think of the city of Aleppo?
What should be done there?
And then if Trump doesn't know it's the main battleground Leningrad of this war, then they're like, oh my gosh, you didn't know that!
But that's the no-brainer question to ask.
What's another one?
President Obama's red line.
What would you do with red lines?
And if Trump doesn't know what the red line was, three years ago was Syria, then the one year anniversary of the nerve gas attack.
If he doesn't know that, then the, oh, oh, oh, who didn't know that?
As if any president would really know that.
It's the generals and people that you have that have the track record that you then get advised by.
Of course, presidents should know that.
Presidents until recent times would know that, but now they're too busy playing golf constantly.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
We're less than eight hours out from the historic debate.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Russia is pointing out there won't be any peace in Syria, as long as the Obama administration keeps sending weapons to the ISIS-linked al-Nusra Front.
The Russian government said the militants are armed by tanks, APCs, field artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and heavy weaponry.
And of course, they could have made these weapons themselves.
Nor could they have stolen all of them from the Syrian Army.
Especially not the American-made TOW missile that Jihadis used to destroy a Russian helicopter last year.
The Russians also pointed out that the U.S.-led airstrike that killed 62 Syrian soldiers has directly led to ISIS gaining ground.
In other words, the U.S.
just served as ISIS's air force.
The U.S.
State Department has claimed the attack was an accident.
However, facts point to the contrary.
The region where the attack occurred has always been under Syrian Army control, with no prior presence of ISIS.
CENTCOM even had the audacity to release a statement claiming they have not bombed the area in the past.
But that's completely false.
Unless they were targeting the Syrian government.
Stay tuned for more reports and download our new free smartphone app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Your phone calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join us, anything debate, anything election 2016, 800-259-9231.
What will their October surprise be?
With Syria?
A big war with Russia?
They have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying the orders he's been given...
To create a no-fly zone will cause a war with Russia, and so he's seeking authorization from Congress to follow that order and have war with Russia.
We played that clip the last two days in a row.
media because our media is so incredibly controlled.
It's not on U.S.
The Washington Post has come out with a headline, Dear Readers, or Dear Victims, please stop calling us the media.
There's no such thing.
Incredibly arrogant story.
If you heard that, you're welcome to chime in on it.
Parenting Magazine, one of the biggest in the world, officially comes out and says, in Baby and Family, that if you see blond-haired, blue-eyed people that are outgoing and nice and friendly, you need to confront them, if they're quote, inconspicuous and cheerful, and say, I will not stand for your Nazism, for your xenophobia, and to rebuke them.
Meanwhile, Major University has come out.
and said that ban on gorillas because they learned they were doing a gorilla mural, a jungle mural and they were told you will not do that because gorillas look like men and men are bad and seeing a man who is muscular might trigger a woman.
KU bars gorillas from jungle theme decoration.
You cannot make this stuff up.
And it continues, police officer takes her band because they think police is seen as racist by Walmart.
They then apologize.
It goes on and on and on.
Meanwhile, police killed five white people the same day as Keith Scott.
And you know what?
I'm not going to play this clip again because we played it twice yesterday.
But you can clearly see that the black police officer, after he's shot Scott, pulls out
Three gloves that are in his pouch because someone's been shot and one of the gloves falls on the ground and it's a glove.
You can see the cop, other cop, kick the gun away that was in Scott's hand.
It's on video.
The guy had a criminal record.
He was on medication.
The cops are screaming over and over again, drop the gun, drop the gun.
I kept thinking, why does Black Lives Matter not pick the case of the innocent black man shot by the female cop in Tulsa?
Well, because when it's open and shut, the cop gets indicted.
She's been indicted for manslaughter.
They want to pick something that can be a big fight for a year and keep the rioting and the BS going.
That's why Black Lives Matter and Soros always pick some case where there's, you know, 30 witnesses that the black guy charges and attacks, you know, the white cop.
Or the black cop shoots the black guy who's, you know, waving a gun around.
Does that mean?
You don't run into bad cops?
The point is, is that this is artificial.
This is in Hillary's own emails and Soros' own emails to create massive division.
And continuing, Washington Post, New York Times lead trend of emphasizing race of white officer, burying race of black officer.
Fox News went further, and it wasn't just a typo, this was in a bunch of articles, saying that a white officer in Charlotte, North Carolina shot Sky.
I mean, this is getting crazy, folks.
This is getting absolutely nuts.
And then we have the MSNBC clip where they go, look, it looks like the cops planted a gun.
And it's after they've shot him and you see the glove fall on the ground.
So, it's getting absolutely crazy.
At this point, let's go ahead and play a clip here of the vice presidential candidate coming out and talking about Hillary is somebody that will not be a me first type of person when that's exactly who Hillary is.
What can you tell voters other than trust us that Hillary Clinton is going to do to increase transparency and openness were she to become president?
Well, here's what I say.
Hillary has a long track record of service in public life and you can look at that.
I tell the story about her being first lady of the United States when the effort to get health care done failed and that was a tough, tough bill.
But then it tested her as a leader and she worked together with Democrats and Republicans to get health insurance for 8 million low-income American children in the CHIP program.
The measure of character in somebody in public life, I think, is whether they have a passion for somebody other than themselves.
Donald Trump made his money by creating jobs and building buildings and creating industry.
And Donald Trump is known to give massive amounts of charity.
Hillary Clinton is a pig-like creature that gave 5.7% of the charity money she raised for Haitians and others to the Haitians.
Now the only person worse is Bono, who only gives 1.8%.
I mean, imagine, you put on a concert, you raise hundreds of millions of dollars globally, and then you keep 98% of it.
I mean, these people are monsters, but the left media covers for them.
So I want to do a video with clips of Cain there.
A special report from, maybe I'll shoot it after the show today and have it for the debate coverage tonight, where we've got Cain saying that, and then showing how the Clintons don't give tips, that's on record, and don't
Give the money they get from charity to people.
This is monstrous.
And then they want kids in No Child Left Behind and all this, you know, elementary school, pre-elementary stuff, so the state raises your kids.
I mean, this is so sick.
But what did Charlie Rose, even the globalist, is leaving the sinking ship.
He said, how can Clinton win trust with one debate after failing to do it in a lifetime?
She's a wooden, robotic,
I don't know how she's going to do it.
Maybe if they pulled her off the campaign trail for a full week, you know, she's going to have the stamina and the strength.
But she was tottering when she went down the stairs this morning in New York.
Stories on Infowars.com, it's on Drudge.
Hillary's instantaneous health morph, unanticipated poll reporter, surprises Secretary Clinton.
And then she suddenly, oh, I'm doing great, after she kind of toddles down the stairs.
But the bigger question is, sick Hillary wears heavy winter coat on warm afternoon.
That's another question.
Now, after I take some phone calls, we've got a whole stack of news on the polls here.
Over in Ohio, Plunging Campaign
Pulling plug on Battleground State and our own Millie Weaver went undercover in Cleveland into their main Democrat facility.
And it's an interesting interview.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's long, but she's in there undercover talking to the head campaign people and they go, yeah, yeah, most Democrats we run into actually support Trump.
It's really hard to find anybody that likes her.
It's incredible.
And Milley's report is important, but I think we should cut it down and reissue it with the headline, Democrats, you know, undercover tape, Democrats panic, say they can't find any Hillary supporters.
And that's what we've been finding.
She can't get crowds.
She has to go to other people's crowds.
Most people were going to vote for Sanders, but she still stole it.
And I've noticed that Fox News continues
To have the worst polls against Trump to show how they're good liberals now, since they've had the coup over at Fox.
Oh, there's still Fox and Friends, there's still Hannity, there's still a little bit of old Fox there, which wasn't perfect, but my God, it was better than it is now.
You tune in now, it is lip-licking hatred.
I mean, it is drooling anticipation, salivation to go after Trump, and every time we hear, Trump's behind in polls.
This morning, Trump's behind in polls.
The twisted polls have him three points ahead.
He's 10 points ahead.
He's 15 points ahead.
That's what internal polling shows.
But quite frankly, the Trump people don't want folks to be too satisfied and go to sleep because they know they're facing fraud, dead people voting in Colorado, all over the country it's coming out where Hillary's behind.
And so, he knows he needs a tsunami, a really big win for them not to be able to steal it, because believe me, they're doing it.
They're bringing in the globalists, they're bringing in the UN, they're bringing in the EU to oversee elections when they said there's no such thing as election fraud.
Remember that?
But we forced the issue.
So that's all coming up.
Trump-Clinton deadlocked in Bloomberg poll before key debate.
Bloomberg, admittedly, and many other polls, samples 5% more Democrats than Republicans.
And then when they call it independent samples, those are mainly Democrats.
So, they do the same thing that Reuters got caught doing.
And by the way, Reuters had to back off that because there was such a backlash.
See, they'll try anything.
Oh, actually, the popular vote doesn't count in the primary.
Oh, yeah, we're not putting up with it.
Okay, it does count.
Oh, actually, we're going to sample 15 points more in Reuters polls of Democrats.
Well, that's total fraud.
Okay, we're going to stop that now.
You're discredited.
And they just do other more sneaky stuff like, again, the independent sample from experts I've been talking to.
That's where they're doing the cheating now.
This is how they operate.
So, yes, Trump has the ace card of populism, rising nationalism, Americanism versus globalism.
That's what this debate is all about tonight.
Edge of your seat, ladies and gentlemen.
But as I prepare to go to your calls, please remember, you are the front lines of the InfoWars.
That means you are the blood.
You are the guts.
You are the sinew.
You are the muscle.
You are the bone.
You are the brains.
You are the eyes.
You are the nose.
You are the ears.
You are the feet on the ground.
You are the minute men and women, no matter what color you are.
The greatest coup they've had was Ron Paul started a populist movement, InfoWars listeners did, 10 years ago.
When he was first running for president again, and then eight years ago.
And it was called the Tea Party.
And we would throw the 9-11 Commission report in the water, here in Austin and in Boston, you name it, and not say that Bush blew it up, but say the Saudis were involved, our government stood down.
And we would say, we hate the Republicans, we hate the Democrats, we're anti-war but we're not liberals, and we're building a movement to take America back.
That thing gained, gained, gained, had like 20, 30,000 people showing up at events.
The Republicans were getting attacked eight years ago, right after Obama got elected by the Tea Party.
So were Democrats.
And they came in and tried to take it over as the Populist Movement.
They were somewhat successful.
They thought they were.
But instead, that was the Libertarian Movement and the Patriot Movement taking over a beachhead in the Republican Party.
And you're seeing a gigantic manifestation of that right now called Donald J. Trump.
So win, lose, or draw, we win by being engaged.
Now we've got to go next level.
Infowars.com articles, Infowars.com videos, Infowars.com news feeds and articles.
Send them to everybody you know on a daily basis.
Tell people about it at the grocery store.
Say, hey, are you going to watch the debate tonight?
There's going to be really interesting inside scoops broadcast before and after the debate.
Have you heard of Infowars?
Yeah, I've heard of that.
Well, find out why it's so controversial.
There's a free feed.
At Infowars.com forward slash show.
Find out why the establishment hates it so much.
If Hillary calls this guy a dark hearted SOB, you might want to find out why this wicked witch hates this guy so much.
Because I got her number.
I'm on her sex.
And our information is already way out ahead of her.
We're ahead of her and behind her and at all sides of her.
And we're not going away.
She says they're losing the info war.
Who do you think they're talking about, ladies and gentlemen?
Who thought to even call it an info war?
Because I went and read their own psychological manuals that were declassified how they were going to run an info war on us.
And I said, let's run an info war on them.
But instead of firing lies, let's fire truth.
Let me tell you, that weapon's a lot more devastating.
You just have to be committed and not care what happens to you.
But in the end, it's big.
Sarah, Steven, Alan, Chris, Corey, we're going to your calls here in just a moment.
Stay with us.
But the link to send out, folks, is Infowars.com forward slash show.
I cannot stress enough that with all the censorship coming into the web, censorship on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube,
Those are the places that are going to try to knock us off first.
We have to build up our own platforms.
I have to get millions of people to tune into our own video streams, run some ads on there, and war game whether or not I can pay for the bandwidth.
I mean, this is all testing to see next level if we can supplant the mainstream media, which we're already done.
They already know that.
But we want to truly dominate them by numbers of, you know, ten times.
We want to go to that next level that no one else has achieved but say a Matt Drudge who has more traffic than the Facebook and New York Times when it comes to news combined.
We need video, we need audio, we need a news organization that is at that same level.
And that's what we're trying to build here and trying to do.
Because I want to defeat the New World Order and because we've had pure hearts and been wanting to do it for the right reason, we've had great success.
Corey's come in, because I asked his question this morning and I looked it up, and it says, New WikiLeaks.
Yeah, where are they?
Or have they come out yet?
We'll talk to Corey in a moment.
Crew, keep searching.
I mean, he kept saying, before the first debate.
Then he said within a week.
That was three weeks ago.
So I asked Julian Assange, where is it?
Well, there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, a lot of threats I know.
I know the court has upheld going after him.
We're good to go.
Americanism vs. Globalism special for only 48 hours.
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Now I know why it seemed like all the pins were leaking and not just that particular brand, which I'm sure is a great pin.
Earlier last hour when I thought a pin blew up in my face, and I thought one blew up last week, a pin had blown up at the bottom of my Alamo cup that I bought at the Alamo.
I shall never surrender or retreat, victory or death, William Barrett Travis and
There was a blown pin at the bottom, that's why all the pins were suddenly leaking.
So I guess the precise V5RT is not bad, unless it was one of those that actually blew up.
A little side issue, I don't know why I'm getting off into that, but it's important information.
Should I tell you about Colonel Travis a little bit?
No, I think I'll just leave all that alone.
I could write a book sometime, though.
All the family lore and stuff, but it'd sound like bragging, so I'm not going to do it.
I'm going to stop right there.
Let's just, let's just, by talking about the stuff going back to England and the Welsh and all that, oh my gosh.
But everybody's got great family histories, I know.
That's why the Globals want us to forget our histories and forget where we came from, because they are putting us into a future that is built on treachery.
They don't want you to know what your ancestors did, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to go to Corey, Sarah, Steven, Alan, and Chris right now.
What do you think is going to happen with the debate tonight?
Sarah from Florida, go ahead.
Yes, ma'am.
Hi, how are you?
Well, I guess I should start off with the fact that my daughter and I, we marched for Bernie at the DNC.
And basically, we're really scared about this election.
We're really scared about our choices.
And one of the things that I personally have, you know, developed as an opinion, I really think that these candidates are the same.
They just have a different way of putting things.
It's gotten to the point of where I don't trust our government or our media anymore.
It has scared the hell out of me.
My oldest daughter went to the DNC with the youngest one marching on her own.
She's the one that wanted to go.
She's published in Rolling Stone Magazine and many other media outlets that interviewed her were blown away.
By how much she knew on her own as a 14-year-old, and this was from all different parties, because we are actually truly independent.
Let me ask you this.
What do you make of the fact that even Stanford University did a study, their professors, and they had computers.
He wasn't just robbed by the superdelegates.
He won 11 states they took.
He was, by a huge margin, the real nominee.
I mean, how could you not vote for Trump?
Because you're saying that they're all the same.
Trump is against NAFTA and GATT and China has all these unfair internal tariffs on their currency and on their federal taxes and on their corporate taxes where we can't compete.
Um, and again, like, I am independent and I'm against Trump.
I'm not against, um... No, but what I'm saying is they're not the same.
Listen, China has a lower corporate tax than us.
You know what that means?
The corporations wrote it like that in the U.S.
because they wanted to go to China.
It means they won't base themselves here because we have the highest tax in the world.
But then, again, we need to look at the fact that China is one of the places that is on Trump product labels.
Trump, well actually it's Mexico, he's been totally honest.
He said, listen, people won't buy a tie that costs $100, but they will buy one that's $50 and I pay $20 to get made in Mexico.
As soon as we change things, I'm going to build stuff here.
A lot of what he does build is here.
He's been totally honest.
I get stuff made in Mexico.
I'm about making our country more powerful and reliant on itself, like he does preach.
And it's just, like I said to a lot of people, you know, there's a lot of separatism going on.
No, I hear you.
Listen, listen, I've got a job.
I'm going to come at more calls in 70 seconds, Sarah, and I understand it is a dangerous, scary time.
The whole power structure, the internal emails, Bohemian Grove, the whole elite hate Trump.
Foreign leaders, the communist Chinese president, the Saudi Arabians.
Believe me, Trump is the guy.
He's for real.
It's why they're so scared.
We'll be right back on the other side of this break.
Stay with us.
It's Monday, September 26, 2016.
With only 42 days left until the general election, we are in the final countdown.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are less than seven hours out from the official 90-minute debate held at a university in the state of New York.
We're going to have live coverage, really, for two hours before.
We're going to have some right-side links.
We're working with them, Sean, with some of their reporters.
Some of our reporters are going to be on the ground, Mr. Shroyer and others.
We are going to have, again, their analysis starting at 6, actually.
We've been saying 7 o'clock, but my reporters are traveling at the bit.
And then at 7, we're going to have myself, Lee Ann McAdoo, and others, Darren McBreen, David Knight, breaking down things.
And then we're going to, obviously, carry the debate.
I'm going to analyze mainstream media response to it.
I'll try to limit my analysis to some of the shorter periods during applauses or any short breaks.
Or obviously if Hillary collapses.
There are no breaks.
They will not turn the mics off.
She can't go to the bathroom for 10 minutes and just disappear.
Kind of just press her stopwatch and stop time-space continuum.
This is going to be huge.
You know what?
Let's put a poll up on InfoWars.com.
I wasn't thinking.
We've also got Twitter and Facebook polls.
That's one thing we're dropping the ball on here at InfoWars, because we don't have a big enough crew, folks, is that we need to have daily polls that we really promote, not just stick at the bottom of InfoWars where we ask.
And the questions.
A. Will Hillary make the debate or cancel?
Will Hillary cancel the debate?
Question mark.
He's going up right now.
Will she have a coughing fit?
Number two.
Number three.
Will she collapse?
Will she sail through it with flying colors?
Number four.
There's your questions.
I think that's a very important poll.
I want to put it front and center on InfoWars.com.
I'm not going to tell Drudge's business, but I think that's a pretty important poll.
And they say, how dare him imply she would fall down?
Well, I mean, she can't even do events!
So let's put that poll up front and center.
Will Hillary make tonight's debate?
And then put the poll under it.
That's one of our articles where she collapsed under it.
Corey in Texas, you say, new WikiLeaks, hacked election.
What's your point on that?
Yeah, I mean, first time in a long time.
I'm here in Austin, the heart of the resistance.
And I just wanted to get your thoughts on the next WikiLeaks release.
I know Assange had hinted on Hannity and the Kelly file that he was going to release the new docs before the first debate.
He even implied he was going to trim them.
Yeah, he said that four weeks ago, he said that three weeks ago, then he said more coming in a week, probably, and now we've seen nothing.
Yeah, so we scour kind of like the internet daily, kind of waiting for the news to drop with nothing.
Didn't know if you thought this was maybe a tactic to release them later on because the American voter might be too short-minded to really, you know,
Sure, well here's the problem.
He should have released them, say, last Thursday.
Friday's a bad day, but say last Thursday or Sunday morning.
People think that's a bad time.
I've found Friday nights are the worst time.
That's why they bury stuff there.
But Sunday, there's not a lot of reporters doing news.
There is less people tuning in to news, but there's still less news.
So I found that's one of the best times to release something is Sunday morning, personally.
But if I was him ahead of the debate, I would have released it
Sometime last week to give folks plenty of time to look at it, to go over it, to discover what's there, to give Trump time to bring it up.
Or I would have brought it out, say, on a Sunday, but had a limited release of only key documents to, you know, try to get that narrative out.
Or maybe he's waiting until after the debate.
Maybe he's waiting to sucker punch her with bombshells an hour before.
Who knows?
But we'll all know in seven hours, my friend, won't we?
We'll be tuning in at seven central time to your early broadcast.
Well, God bless you, and please send the link out.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Because we've got a whole bunch of different feeds.
We've gone out and licensed and a bunch of different ways to carry it.
But I'm mainly still going to be playing clips and live feeds off mainstream news.
So I'm going to be watching what they do.
Watching what, and I've got the whole team is going to be on this.
So thank you so much.
Corey, what do your guts tell you?
Will she make it?
Will she have a coughing fit?
Will she collapse?
Or will she get a safe sale?
I'm pretty sure she's going to make the debate only because if she was going to drop out, she probably would have used some excuse over the weekend or the past week to kind of weasel her way out.
Well, I've thought about it.
I agree.
I think she will definitely be at the debate, but I think that we will definitely see some weaknesses in her health.
It could be coughing fits.
It could just be, hopefully, a total collapse just so we can kind of like get to the root cause.
But it shows how she's definitely got big ol' huevos.
I mean, she's going for it.
Great points.
I agree with you.
Tonight, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central for live coverage of the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
It's the first major debate of the election.
It's 90 minutes long.
We're airing it in its entirety commercial-free with their own real-time analysis of Hillary's lies and omissions to help you separate the truth from the false narrative the mainstream media wants you to believe.
Will Hillary even make it through the night, or will she collapse on stage due to her failing health?
It's going to be a rough night for Hillary.
For example, the Presidential Debate Commission denied Hillary her request for a stepstool at her podium, according to the Drudge Report.
And as InfoWars reported in August, Hillary cannot even give a long speech without having a stepstool or a Secret Service agent to lean on for support.
And InfoWars.com has learned that influential Democrats will pressure Hillary to drop out of the race if she has a bad showing at the debate.
So again, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central tonight, Monday, September 26th for live coverage of the presidential debate.
This is Kit Daniels reporting and it's a very historic time to be alive.
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This is the final countdown, with only 42 days until the general election.
Not just the United States, but the world is on the edge of its seat, waiting and watching.
Will globalism suffer a trifecta defeat, with Russia pulling out of globalism, the UK pulling back from Brexit, and now the United States on the verge of dealing what the globalists call a death blow to the New World Order.
In the enemy's own words, globalism stands on the verge of collapse.
They've now repackaged their technocracy as the liberal world government.
Obama said we must give up our sovereignty last week.
That Americans are basically bad people that won't listen to him.
Just like he told Africans you have to be poor so that he can be rich.
They want total control.
The evil is simply
Did I get to the Charlie Rose clip or did I just talk about the Charlie Rose clip?
We need to play it.
This is Charlie Rose says, how can Clinton win trust with one debate after failing to do it with a lifetime?
This is CBS.
Here's Charlie Rose actually telling the truth.
I mean, I'm seeing big wigs desert her, folks.
They know she's got reportedly a brain tumor.
She's having convulsions every 20, 30 minutes.
I mean, this is crazy.
They are deserting her.
They know he's way ahead.
So now they say that he's neck and neck.
No, he's way ahead.
We're going to talk to Paul Watson here in just a moment.
Your phone calls as well, while Paul Watson rides shotgun with us.
But here is that clip from Charlie Rose.
Do you think she can change the trust dynamic in one debate when in fact she hasn't been able to do it over a lifetime or in terms of this campaign?
Well the central question of this entire campaign is which one of these candidates is going to fight on the side of everyday people and actually has plans that will make a difference in their lives.
Can voters trust a candidate to get that done?
And they can absolutely trust Hillary.
She has a lifetime record on both sides of the aisle bringing people together and getting real things done.
Okay, that's not edited, just a computer had a glitch that does that.
So, we're sitting there, listening to that crap, and Hillary, you can trust her, this is a woman that took 94.3% of the Haitian money, and all the other foundation money, and kept it.
And then it turned out her charitable giving, 97% is to herself to make it tax exempt.
I remember going to talk to tax lawyers years ago and they were explaining to me how I could do something like that and I said, I'm not going to do that.
That just doesn't sound right.
But that's what these folks do on a big scale.
Um, is you like set up trust and then you give them money and you give it back to yourself.
I mean, it's such a joke, but it's one thing if she gives her money into a trust and then back to herself in a scam, that's bad enough.
When she's running around saying raise taxes and everybody, she goes out and does the Haitian relief and raises hundreds of millions and then
Kept half the money off the top to run the jet airplanes and the hotels and the staff, and then of the other money that was supposed to be given to people, she kept 90 plus percent of it.
There it is, 96 percent of Hillary's charitable donations in 2015 went to Clinton Foundation.
I was going from memory there.
But do the math.
Then if you look at what she did with the Haiti situation, you can actually Google it, she gave 5.7%.
I mean, you've got to lock people up for that.
Man, we ought to have laws where if you don't give the vast majority of the money and you've got some big salary while you're doing charity, what in the world?
And then it's, oh, she cares about everybody.
She's a monster!
I've been watching her for 20 plus years!
I wish she was a good person.
I wish things weren't so bad.
You think I want to go up against this killer?
The Clinton's Haiti screw-up, as told by Hillary's emails.
Oh, Politico and others, they didn't mean to keep all the money for themselves.
And they didn't mean to pass minimum sentencing, show the black person's caught with the same amount of cocaine as a white person, they get five times as much time in prison.
And she said, we're going to teach these, you know, people how to heal.
Like a dog!
She's a crazy person!
I'm going to tell you what's crazier is people that support her.
I mean, and I heard that lady, nice lady calling him, my daughter and I are Bernie supporters and we don't know what to do because the candidates are both the same.
No they're not, his military plan is completely different.
His tax plan is completely different.
Let's go to Paul Joseph Watson and then to Chris and...
Stephen and Dana and Diehard and Eric and many others are holding.
What do you make of this narrative that Hillary is this loving, good person that loves everybody and wants to help everybody, Paul?
And then this narrative that Trump is the same as Hillary and that there's really no difference.
What do you make of this?
New thing they're trying.
And what else is on your radar screen with October surprises?
What do you predict is coming up tonight?
We're putting the poll up on InfoWars.com.
Will she still attend?
We've still got seven hours for her to duck out.
Six hours, 45 minutes.
Will she have a coughing fit?
Will she collapse?
Or will she make it through with flying colors?
Paul Watson.
Well, I mean, she didn't look too well yesterday, Alex.
She was wearing a heavy winter coat, gingerly making her way down a small flight of stairs in, you know, 70 Fahrenheit temperature.
Quite a warm day in New York.
Wearing this massive, heavy, green winter coat, yet supposedly we were told she overheated just two weeks ago in New York.
So, she didn't look too hot there.
With the debate, I mean, the media's already out doing damage control for Hillary.
They fully expect her to lose.
We've got a CNN headline, When Romney Trounced Obama.
And it's basically a long story about how, in that 2012 presidential debate,
Romney completely crucified Obama, but that it didn't obviously have an effect on the eventual result.
So they're already getting their retaliation out ahead of time.
So it looks like they think Hillary's going to get beat quite bad tonight in this debate because all Trump basically has to do is, you know, be quite reserved, avoid her attacks, avoid being baited, and he's going to win the debate.
So we've got that going on.
Then we've got the rigging, which is obviously the platforms which you've talked about
Making Hillary look taller, making her look more authoritative.
We've got the potential of Mark Cuban, again vehemently pro-Hillary, being in the front row.
You know, they wouldn't do Trump any favours, would they?
That's the point.
So they're already trying to rig it in Hillary's favour.
So you've got all that going on.
Then you've got the actual moderator of the debate, Lester Hull of NBC News, of course.
Now you remember in the previous debate, the Presidential Forum, which was kind of a debate in one sense but not in another, they had Matt Lauer there.
And even though, you know, he asked Trump probably double the amount of tough questions that he did Hillary Clinton, he was absolutely savaged, Matt Lauer of NBC.
For even asking Hillary just a few hard questions.
He got savage because his body language, because he knows Donald Trump for a long time, is a good guy.
Everybody knows that in New York.
Was not that I hate this guy.
He didn't have venom.
So even though he asked double the hard questions, it wasn't good enough.
So here's another question.
Why is NBC, MSNBC, and now NBC, why are they getting all the first debates?
Go ahead, Paul.
Well, I mean, it's a good question.
You've got Fox News coming up later on, but again, you know, we had this Matt Lauer situation.
We've got an army of leftists now trying to bully Lester Hull into, quote, fact-checking Donald Trump on the fly during the debate.
Which is completely impossible to begin with.
He's not a walking Google search engine.
He can't accurately fact-check anyone in the moment.
That's the job of the media to do after the debate.
And by the way, the mainstream media is famous for BS fact-checking.
I mean, they claim Hillary has no connection to ISIS when she's on record creating the damn thing.
No, they're famous for it.
Remember Candy Crowley in 2012?
You know, Romney gets up and criticizes Obama for claiming that he said Benghazi was an act of terror the day after the event.
We all know that's not true.
They lied about it for two weeks, claimed it was a protest over a YouTube video.
But Romney called Obama out on that in 2012, and CNN's Candy Crowley
Fact check Romney on the spot to make him look bad.
Even though she was completely wrong, she sided with Obama.
Yeah, but Paul, I don't have to listen to you because major children's publications and major family publications now say if someone has light hair or blue eyes, that is inherently racist and evil and I should confront you right now.
So we're going to put that article on screen, we're not joking, and I want to just say, I don't have to listen to you, you white piece of filth!
You're an effing white male!
And by the way, we can't show gorillas in any type of murals that's now being announced.
That's up on InfoWars.com because gorillas look like a man and a man that's muscular is threatening and is triggering me, Paul!
Well, that was a big German magazine that came out with that article, which is linked to the author of that article that you talked about.
She's a member of the same organization as that Stasi member in Germany who's working with Facebook and Twitter to censor Germans, to go after Germans politically, arrest them, fine them for speaking out against the migrant crisis.
And they actually say in that article, parents who instill confidence in their children are dangerous.
And especially if they have blonde hair, which is quite neat and well-trimmed.
They're dangerous people for doing that.
And it says if they're friendly and nice, I've got other quotes here, if they're cheerful, and if they seem confident, and if they just seem like, you know, kind of not making a big deal of themselves.
Yeah, that's bad, but we need to accept... I mean, we had another example of it in the UK.
Again, six migrants spike a woman's drink in Northern England, abduct her, rape her.
That's part of the cultural enrichment we're enjoying.
You've got a massive cover-up in Sweden, which has been going on for months.
These migrants in these no-go Muslim ghettos, which, according to the left,
And the media don't exist.
That's the conspiracy theory, even though we've been personally chased out of them, they don't exist.
In Sweden, you've had cars being set on fire every single night for months and months.
You had a drive-by shooting, you had explosions, you had packages being found next to schools last night.
And there's basically no news about it.
It's been completely covered up.
Same with the... And by the way, Soros is on record.
He's proud of it.
We have his emails.
He's public.
Financing all this.
He just gave hundreds of millions more.
500 million to help bring in more and do all this.
And then, meanwhile...
Fox News goes, oh look, George Soros gave $500 million to help migrants.
No, it's to bring more in.
It's to do all this.
Even Fox News is covering for George Soros now.
And meanwhile, $100 million from the Ford Foundation, more money from him to fund this stuff in Charlotte.
I'm going to skip this network break.
It's just too important.
We've got all this unfolding.
We've got all this happening.
We've got the same program.
We've got MSNBC saying cops are planting guns when they clearly kicked the gun away.
You see the gun on three different cameras.
And then the glove falls out of the black cop's pocket that shot the black guy with the gun.
And the media says it's them planting a gun.
I mean, this is getting crazier and crazier and crazier when anybody can see it's a glove falling out of his pocket.
I mean, Paul, these people are revolutionaries, but it's mega ultra-rich trying to overthrow everything and have us fighting with each other.
They obviously don't want to empower the minorities.
It's the same mega-rich that imploded the third world.
What is their endgame?
Because I've got to be honest with you, Paul, this doesn't look like it's going too well for them.
Well, their endgame, they've got up in Parliament and said it.
They want to basically ethnically cleanse white people.
That's one of their endgames.
That's not a conspiracy.
The head of the Green Party in Germany got up in their Congress and said, it is good, no more white people, we are bad.
Yeah, which of course means people who politically disagree with them, they want the power.
They don't live in the migrant areas.
People have done studies in Sweden, all these big leftist politicians who just love mass immigration so much.
None of them live in the migrant areas.
Quite hypocritical.
But the media's got a problem, Alex, because
The Washington Post is now putting out articles saying, begging their readers, don't call us the media.
And did you see, I read in the first hour, did you see how condescending from their editorial board it was?
Where it calls us stupid and dumb and stop calling us mainstream, you know, it's not true, we're not in lockstep.
I mean, this is how you would discredit yourself.
But they're so insulated and so arrogant, Paul, they don't realize they've jumped the shark big time.
No, it's the complete lack of self-awareness.
That's the most dangerous problem for the media right now.
You had The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, again, which is, it's supposedly a comedy show, but millions of millennials get their news and opinions and narrative from The Daily Show, even after Jon Stewart, when it was at least somewhat funny.
Now it's just direct propaganda.
But they had a segment on the Daily Show where they were talking about a conservative commentator called, um, Tomi Lahren, who's massive on, uh, Facebook.
They were saying, look, she got 65 million views on Facebook for one video.
And they were very serious about this.
They were saying this is a huge problem.
This is more than MSNBC gets.
This is more than the amount of people who read the New York Times.
So now they're finally beginning to realize that they're being completely crushed on social media, on numerous video platforms, which is why you now see the censorship really getting...
I was about to say, now enters the censorship.
So, even though we're successful, even though we have billions of views on YouTube, and even though one video of hers can have 65 million views, and one video of yours can have 5 million, one of mine 15 million, it's panicking them as they actually realize, oh my gosh, we're in our own little world, we've already been annihilated.
We've already been absolutely destroyed, so now they're panicking, saying, what do we do?
And their answer is,
Hand the internet over to the UN.
The answer is, send the Federal Elections Commission after us.
The answer is, go after our sponsors.
I mean, this is crazy.
So, our listeners have to know, you're just as important as Paul Watson, or Matt Drudge, or Alex Jones, or Joseph Farah, or Stephen Bannon, or Donald Trump, quite frankly.
You are the engine of populism.
You have to start a show.
You have to write articles.
You have to post videos.
You've got to spread the word.
You've got to fight, and they'll never stop us, Paul.
Well, I mean, that's what I did, and I can talk about it after the break, but they succeeded in one sense in censoring my video about the Charlotte riots on YouTube, but I turned lemons into lemonade and basically shot back at them.
They completely fired it, completely flew back in their face, and we can get into it after the break.
And by the way, do we even post that on Facebook?
Because we'll post kind of our little nothing videos on there, but not our big juggernaut ones.
We need to post that to Facebook and point out this video was censored by YouTube.
We should post that.
The truth about Charlotte that was censored.
This video was censored.
That should be put on our Facebook video right now.
No, I mean, that's the point, Alex.
I put it on Facebook afterwards and said, YouTube, Social Justice Warriors on YouTube are censoring this video.
They slapped an age restriction on it.
Now, it's still on YouTube, but what that does, it prevents the video from going viral.
Because when people send it out to new people who don't have a YouTube account... They're lazy and don't log in.
Yeah, it says you have to verify your age to watch this video.
So they got a quarter million views in two hours.
They put an age restriction to stop the flow.
In the next four days, they only got another quarter mil.
So what they did there was keep it from getting five million views.
Exactly, but I used it to cry censorship, which is what it was, and put it on Facebook.
Well good, see we're on the same page.
I didn't even know you'd done that.
So what happened there?
It got 15 million views on Facebook.
See, people think I'm BSing.
People think I exaggerate, because I know this like a war game.
I didn't even know Paul did that, because I can't keep track of all the stuff we're doing on our platforms.
I said, man, we should have put that on Facebook and said they censored it.
We would have gotten, I said, 5 million, right?
It got 15 mil.
So let's go to, is that on my channel or on your Facebook?
Well, it was posted on both.
Oh, so it's probably more than 15 million.
Okay, well let's go look and show people.
This is an example, folks.
They don't have 15 million viewers on an average day on CNN, okay?
Their average show has 300,000, 200,000 viewers.
Let me explain this.
A three-minute video Paul Watson did got 15 million views.
We know the algorithm.
15.2 now, actually.
I mean, but that's the thing.
Maddow has like a half million views.
She's their star.
We have like two, three million terrestrial radio an hour.
I mean, I'm not bragging.
I just don't get why there's such arrogant pieces of filth, Paul.
But you're saying they're coming to that moment of realizing, or did they always realize it for a while?
Because we've been huge for a long time.
You know, Drudge has been bigger than them for a decade.
Or are they just now discovering it, or do they now know that their viewers have discovered it?
I think they've been locked inside their own echo chamber for so long, they're only just coming to discover it.
I mean, it got 16.2 million views.
In one 24-hour period on Thursday, my tweets alone got 5 million impressions.
You know, I'm doing 100 million impressions a month on tweets.
Just tweets!
So, they're in big trouble.
This is why they're trying to censor us.
This is why they're launching that YouTube Heroes program, which again, to fight the trolls, empowers an army of social justice warriors, who are already on YouTube, by the way, bragging about how they're going to use this to censor all my videos.
It gives them the power, they earn points in a gamified communist Chinese style credit score system to mass flag videos, to delete comments.
And of course it's going to be videos with libertarian conservative opinions that they disagree with.
It's not about abuse, it's not about harassment.
You know, Facebook.
I get death threats every day.
I complain about them on Facebook, send the reports in.
This doesn't violate our community standards.
It's like, we will rip off your head and stick the flag of ISIS in your body and proclaim victory over your land, the new caliphate.
This doesn't violate Facebook's terms of agreement.
So, you know, it's one rule for us and one rule for everyone else, and that's what they're relying on.
YouTube is going the way of, you know, cable networks, television, by censoring independent voices.
Of course, none of these rules will be applied.
And by the way, Paul, to show the devastation against the enemy right now, I remember talking about this this weekend when they censored you and I made a big deal about it on Friday.
You said, yeah, I'm gonna go make a big deal of this, which you should.
Imagine, you would have gotten 5 million on YouTube because we've learned the algorithm.
By them suppressing you, it's gotten 16 million on your channel alone.
Now, when we put it on my channel, I don't even know if we said it's been suppressed, but that's a trick for our crew to do.
The point is it's been suppressed.
It probably has 500,000 because we didn't probably promote it on my main Facebook, but this is what we're talking about right there.
They tried to suppress you, 16 million deliciouses.
Now, let's expand on that.
They tried to censor you exposing Hillary's illness.
Last time I checked on YouTube and our Facebook platforms, it's got 14 million views, 6 million on one channel.
I mean, Rachel Maddow doesn't have 6 million viewers in a month!
It's ridiculous!
She's a total paper tiger!
No, the other point, Alex, is it wasn't just that individual video.
Before I posted it, I was on, I think it was about 240,000 followers just on one Facebook page.
Now that's up past 290,000.
So not only did I get the video views, I also got the extra 45,000 followers who will watch future InfoWars videos.
They not only failed to suppress that video, they handed me a huge, gigantic, new slice of audience to speak to in future videos.
I'd like to personally thank all the social justice warriors who flagged that YouTube video.
It's been really, really beneficial for future videos and, you know, it really helps.
Thank you very much.
I'm like a seal saying, er, er, er, er, and here's the story.
We don't get mad.
We don't give up.
We just redouble down every time we're attacked.
That's always been my philosophy.
It's a military philosophy.
We never give in, we never give up.
We love being attacked, we enjoy it.
And we dominate, they lose.
If we just went away when they censored us and said, I'm quitting, they censored me.
No, no, no, no, no.
You attack more when they censor, then you win.
Paul Watson, straight ahead, your phone call straight ahead and more.
Debate coverage starts tonight, 6 o'clock actually.
We say 7, but it's 6.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Nor could they have stolen all of them from the Syrian Army.
Especially not the American-made TOW missile that jihadis used to destroy a Russian helicopter last year.
The Russians also pointed out that the U.S.-led airstrike that killed 62 Syrian soldiers has directly led to ISIS gaining ground.
In other words, the U.S.
just served as ISIS's air force.
The U.S.
State Department has claimed the attack was an accident.
However, facts point to the contrary.
The region where the attack occurred has always been under Syrian Army control, with no prior presence of ISIS.
CENTCOM even had the audacity to release a statement claiming they have not bombed the area in the past.
But that's completely false.
Unless they were targeting the Syrian government.
Stay tuned for more reports and download our new free smartphone app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
We are going to go to your phone calls.
Steve in Florida, Hudson, Virginia, Dana, Eric, Canadian Soldier, and others.
Here in just a few minutes, Paul Watson, just doing an amazing job heading up InfoWars.com as the main editor.
PresentPlanet.com as well, working with his brother, who's a political scientist as well, Steve Watson, and the rest of our team.
I am so honored.
Paul Watson with us.
I've known this guy 15 plus years and I'm one of the best moves I ever made.
God has had his hand on this operation, finding Paul Joseph Watson with his popular blog, Propaganda Matrix, and getting him on the team and forcing him out of the nest, onto the air.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
So we're going to go back to you here in just a moment.
He does a Palpatine better than I do.
Anyways, we channel Palpatine at the office.
That is the main rule.
You can't really mess up on any decision you make when you do like a Palpatine giggle.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
Can't give up the secret sauce, ladies and gentlemen.
No, no, I'm getting serious here for a moment.
Speaking of, yes, it's like scoring a touchdown when I can't even keep track of it.
I say, oh, we have 10 million video views a week.
That's like super conservative.
It's like, just on our platforms, I can't keep track of it.
Some weeks it's like 30, 40 million.
It's usually 10, 15, 20 million.
It just doesn't sound real.
It's like, yeah, OK, we got 5 million views on YouTube.
The vice president of YouTube tells us the biggest thing on YouTube, and will they please let us monetize it all?
And I didn't do that because then they'd shut down the tens of thousands of other channels that carry our info, where a lot of times there'll be some obscure site that it's average video is getting like a thousand views, and one of mine will get 10 million views, or one of Paul's will get 15 million views.
It's, again, the Daily Show might have a million viewers.
These people are in their own world!
That's why when they tried to hire me at big network jobs and radio jobs,
They're like, you don't want people running around kissing your ass?
You don't want to be here in New York City or L.A.?
And I'm like, no.
You don't want to, like, be, like, one of the big Fox reporters?
Oh my gosh, Megyn Kelly!
Why, she's got 3 million viewers!
Oh my gosh, 3 million viewers!
Oh my, it's so huge!
And then her average videos, she doesn't hardly ever have viral videos.
See, in the real world of people voting with their clicks, you people are losers!
I mean, if I want to find hot-looking chicks online, I can find them.
I don't need to go look at Megyn Kelly.
Megyn Kelly, can you imagine actually being with her on a date?
The arrogant, power-tripping woman.
As I get older, I get more choosy, and I got to tell you one thing, I wouldn't touch Megyn Kelly.
I mean, Megyn Kelly looks like a nightmare.
A little young Medusa.
She'll probably end up like Hillary.
We're going to go to Paul Watson here in a moment.
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And you helped build this operation.
You are the InfoWar.
So I want to thank you and salute you.
Sorry, Paul, I want to go to some calls.
You've got a lot more to cover.
What more do you expect in the debate?
What other angles should we cover after we take a few phone calls?
I know I kind of went into...
A little bit of a, let's just be honest, a little bit of a endorphin rush there.
I'm high as a kite because it's not just that you got 60 million views on this video, that happens all the time.
It's just realizing that I'm not even keeping track of this and I saw four or five of our videos over the last few days that had millions of views without even looking.
We just take it for granted now.
We are really wrecking the hell out of these people.
This is historic, Paul.
No, it's absolutely huge and the numbers show it.
I mean, it's almost going parabolic on some levels.
You know, the more followers you get, the more views you get, the more that compounds in future.
And that kind of runaway viral element to it, that's what really scares them.
That's why they're now finally starting to come to the realisation that they're being crushed.
You saw it with Brexit.
Again, that complete lack of self-awareness.
The polls saying, oh, this is going to be a walk in the park.
Brexit supporters are all racist.
This isn't going to be a problem.
Absolute shock.
They were defeated.
Couldn't believe it.
You had butthurt millennials crying all over social media for weeks and weeks afterwards because it was such a shock to them.
And that looks like it's on the same trajectory with Trump, but it remains to be seen.
The thing about this debate is we were talking earlier about, you know, Candy Crowley and the left's push to bully Lester Holt into being an activist moderator.
Well, they spoke to some people at NBC News.
This is in a CNN article.
And by the way,
I'll be honest, I didn't even know that he was a Republican.
It's like I didn't know Kurt Russell was a patriot.
I just don't like any of these anchors.
I mean, almost none of them.
I like Brett Hume, even though he's goofy and I don't agree with he's a rhino.
But I tell you, I really like Lester Holt.
Anytime I see him, I like stop and listen.
And I mean, Williams and all the rest of them, I can't even watch those people.
So I didn't realize he was a Republican.
No, he is.
And, you know, it remains to be seen whether he's pressured into becoming an activist moderator because they also got heat for the Matt Lauer thing.
I think it was the president of NBC, Andrew Lack, I think his name is.
You know, he got heat for it as well, for simply having questions about Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
So he got lambasted for that.
It's NBC again tonight.
So will they cave into the pressure or will he be fair to both sides and not try and fact check
Sure, let me ask you this question and then go to calls.
What does your gut tell you?
I mean, I have the polls.
She's abandoning Ohio.
Trump surging ahead in Pennsylvania.
That was, you know, 10 points a month ago for Hillary.
That's, even with skewed polls, every poll shows him ahead basically now by 3 points to 6 points.
Internal polls, 10 points or more.
Except Fox.
They've got him behind, showing how they've been coup d'etat.
What are they going to do?
What are they going to pull?
Well, I mean, a lot of these polls are inaccurate to begin with, Alex, because they oversample Democrats.
The Monmouth poll has done that time and time again.
But you look at the people who have tracked presidential races for decades and decades, they're all saying that it's basically inevitable that Trump will win.
And these people, in almost every case, have never been wrong.
So whereas these polls statewide might change from week to week, these established political analysts who have tracked and successfully predicted presidential outcomes for decades and decades, there was another one in the Washington Post on Friday saying the same thing, they're all saying that Trump's going to win, that the juggernaut's not going to stop.
So if you look at that, it seems like that's the way it's heading.
As well as this reluctance, you know, with people answering questions for polls to say that they're going to vote for Trump.
Simply because of the social stigma attached to it by the popular culture that says Trump is literally Hitler and he's going to destroy the world.
They're still going to vote for him, they just don't want to tell somebody over the phone, which is exactly what happened with Brexit.
And by the way, as you know, Bloomberg has gone out with top analysts.
And they're now saying 40% chance of Trump win.
Well, the New York Times had him at, you know, 97% chance he's gonna lose.
89% now it's dropping.
They just don't want to look like too big of fools and give it away too quick.
They put out those numbers to make it look like Hillary was inevitable.
It was all a fraud.
Now that...
Their attempt at disinformation and hoaxing has failed.
They're now, every day, upping the chances Trump's gonna win.
It's very transparent.
So I see this election more of not just a rejection of globalism, but a rejection of the mainstream media.
It's the people's insurgency against the political establishment.
Like I've said before, if it wasn't Trump, it would be someone else.
This has been going on across Europe for the past four or five years, culminating in Brexit.
So this isn't just about Donald Trump.
That's why he's not just a demagogue.
This is about an entire movement that we've been tracking for years and years.
The guy that predicted that he would win is Professor Alan Lichtman and he was in the Washington Post on Friday.
He's correctly predicted the winner of the popular vote in every presidential election since 1984.
So you had the other guy who was on Fox with Lou Dobbs basically saying the same thing.
They're all saying that it's in the bag for Trump and these people haven't been wrong so far.
The only wild cards is a Trump assassination or a new war.
I want to go to some calls.
Keep you a little bit in the next hour.
I know you've got to go.
David Knight's coming in.
I've got to go.
I've got to get geared up for live coverage.
6 o'clock.
It was going to be 7 an hour before.
It's 8 o'clock Eastern.
8 o'clock Central when it kicks off.
We're going to be here at 6, right through to 10.30, 11 o'clock at night, at least an hour after the debate, with your phone calls, with live coverage, with Roger Stone and more, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you want to spread that link to everybody, that's really the key to the InfoWar, obviously, folks.
Please help us get that out on Facebook, Twitter, you name it, so people can get a feed that actually counters any chicanery.
But I want to go to calls, and then after we do that, Paul, I have a clip.
It was the top link on Drudge today.
Shitty warns on gold as bank boost odds of Trump win to 40%.
I just mentioned that, but that's coming up.
And again, how are they going to suppress gold?
I think Mr. Dent and others are really smart, and I agree we have a depression happening.
But even though we have such dollar devaluation and other currency devaluation, basic commodities are going to have to go up.
And we see oil doing that.
We see gold doing that.
What do you think, Paul?
Well I'm not sure where it's heading in the near future but I know that after Brexit, well before Brexit, they said there's going to be an economic collapse in the United Kingdom, there's going to be a house price collapse, everything's going south, it's going to be a financial Armageddon.
Nothing happened!
It was all fear-mongering, it was all hyperbole.
Again, they had a headline in the Financial Times on Friday, the Trumpian threat to the global order.
The liberal rules-based system established after 1945 is under unprecedented strain.
So that's the new thing, it's a crashing economy if we don't vote for Hillary.
Let's go to phone calls here, he's been holding the longest.
Let's talk to Chris in Virginia.
Thanks for holding me on the air with Paul Watson.
Alright, first thing I think is that
They're going to try the strategy of the unfit for president because that's the only thing I see them going with, to try to make Trump look unfit.
So I think he's going to have to hammer her on the economy, to keep her focused on the economy and what's going on there.
What do you think, Paul, about what Chris just said?
I think his best method of attack will be foreign policy, obviously Benghazi.
The fact that she personally supported and celebrated a policy, even though she's wailing at Trump about Islamophobia, a policy that displaced and killed over a hundred million Muslims as a result of, you know, toppling Gaddafi.
That's the key to go after her being the mother of ISIS and the modern Al-Qaeda.
I agree.
Also, what about her
Only giving 5.7% of the money she got for Haitian refugees to charity.
That's going to be key as well as the Saudi Arabian connection.
She's going to get up there and again claim that the fact that she has female genitalia is the prime reason for her becoming president and Trump can immediately fire back and ask her about the donations from Saudi Arabia.
You know, a country that treats women a little better than cattle.
A country that just allowed them to ride bikes
I think he should also go after her on
The old cocaine rumors of the Arkansas days, because if you can make her out to be a criminal basically, it can hammer that home that this lady is a criminal.
Oh, I've interviewed the CIA people that were there with the planes full of cocaine.
He can say, you need to be investigated for MENA and what you did, just like he brought up Ted Cruz's dad, the CIA, and boy, Ted Cruz dropped out the next day.
Great points, Chris.
Do you think she'll make it?
Do you think she'll collapse?
Do you think she'll have some kind of problem?
I think they pumped her up with enough drugs to make it at least for that hour and a half.
Now, after that, I don't know.
But why can't we make arrests?
I know we have a lot of patriots in the government and a lot of people leaking information.
Don't you think it's time, it's getting to the critical time now that people need to stand up and start making arrests?
Well, it came out that the FBI never intended to indict her and it's totally controlled.
So I gotta say at the top, our government is run by criminals.
There's no doubt.
Thank you, Paul.
I mean, what about the criminal option?
Isn't there some state courts that can go after her?
I mean, she has been caught violating national security laws.
I don't know about that, Alex.
I'm not a lawyer.
But the other thing about the debate is, you know, this is an audience that has been told to remain quiet.
You saw with the Republican primaries, whooping, hollering, laughing throughout, shouting out.
It's going to be half and half Hillary Trump audience.
Will they get a heckler in there?
We saw how Hillary responded with her handler having to calm her down when she last had a heckler.
Or could Trump get a heckler?
Could that influence the way the debate goes?
It could happen, given how the tensions are.
Let's go to Steve in Florida.
Steve, you're on the air with Paul Watson.
And our debate coverage, I should add, Steve from Florida, does begin 6 o'clock tonight.
Central really kicks off at 7 officially.
Infowars.com, Ford's last show.
Go ahead, Steve.
Yeah, a pleasure as always to speak with you, Alex.
First of all, I wanted to give you a quick plug.
I take many of your wonderful products, but I have a poetic plug for one that I use a lot, and that's Silver Bullet.
That's almost a limerick, isn't it?
You know how Hillary was using the oranges?
You need to superimpose Hillary's face on an orange and have Trump coming up behind her with the Constitution in one hand and the Bill of Rights in the other on either side of her head, the orange, and underneath the heading, Juice the Orange.
All right.
Very interesting.
I appreciate your call on that point.
We've got Dana in Florida.
Let's talk about cops and media, martial law, gun control.
Let's talk about debates tonight.
We've got Eric.
We'll go to him first.
Canadian soldier, owl killer, and others.
Paul Joseph Watson is our guest.
He heads up the editing and much of the work and does a great job at InfoWars.com.
And the rest of our team will all be here tonight covering the debate live.
Stay with us.
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Or just go to InfoWars.com.
It'll be posted on another article on the front page where you can find the free video and audio feeds.
We're going to embed at the top of Facebook our video player.
We're also going to be simulcasting on YouTube.
But they can censor us, so we've got our own backup system that we the people help build.
So thank you listeners.
For all you've done, and I keep thanking the listeners, because I want you to understand, you're not a spectator here.
You're a participant in all this.
I want to play this clip for Paul, then come back and take a few calls.
This is City Warns on Gold as Bank Boosts Odds of Trump Win to 40%.
But the New York Times said Hillary was 97%.
I mean, they're owned by the Mexican kingpin, so it must be true.
Here is that report.
Exactly, East City's saying.
Yeah, well, Citigroup is seeing increased volatility in the gold and the forex market through to the end of the year because of the U.S.
presidential race and because of the possibility that the U.S.
fed Bayhike interest rates in December.
As you said, it says the presidential race is tightening in the U.S.
and now it puts the probability of a Trump victory at 40% up from 35% just a few weeks ago.
And now, of course, this is ahead of the televised debate in the U.S.
this evening.
So, I mean, where does that leave their price forecasts?
Well, first of all, this has to be put into context that gold is up 26% this year already in a world of low and negative interest rates and monetary easing.
Now, Citigroup have raised their base forecast for the fourth quarter to $1,320 an ounce, and that's up from $1,280.
But under its bullish case scenario, where it sees a Trump victory,
It sees worsening worries over the global economy and the dovish Fed.
It sees prices going up to $1,425 an ounce in the fourth quarter and $1,450 in the first quarter of 2017.
That compares with the current gold price of about $1,335.
Alright, that's enough.
Full clips up on InfoWars.com.
My nose is never wrong.
I mean, I said, I've not been promoting gold for about three or four years, and I came in and I said six months ago, I said, I think gold's gonna go up massively, 30, 40 percent by Crescent.
I said, it's up 25 percent right now.
I don't know how I know all this stuff.
I'm not bragging.
It's just crazy.
My gut is never wrong.
And it tells, it's never wrong.
I mean, it might be wrong someday.
I just, the thing, the more I listen to my gut, the better my life gets.
It's amazing.
We're about to go back to Paul Watson for a few minutes in the next hour and your phone calls.
Then David Knight's taking over.
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Paul Watson, we've got a minute and a half until break.
Come back and take a few calls.
What else is on your radar, my friend?
Well, National Geographic put a new cover out for their, I think it was September or October issue, and it was a picture of some Muslims wearing headscarves and hijabs, and it says, The New Europeans!
Our waves of immigrants are reshaping the continent!
Like, that's a good thing.
So, are we gonna have a cover, you know, with blonde women in bikinis saying the new Middle Easterners if they all start pouring into the United Arab Emirates, which would imprison them?
Or if we put flamingos from Southern Africa in the Arctic, we'll save the new Arctic birds.
And we see all these articles coming out saying, we're the hajib, the Muslims of the future.
It's Monday, September 26, 2016, with only nine hours until the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
We are in the final countdown.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Again, you are just as important as anybody else in this fight to spread the word about new independent media that fills the gap where the mainstream media has basically collapsed.
They're dead already.
They're just now figuring that out.
They're now going to counter strike, try to shut down our free speech.
We have to fight back against that.
Paul Watson,
Who is the epitome of the new independent media, is our guest.
He'll be with us until 15 after.
And then David Knight is taking over.
And then we'll be back tonight, 6 o'clock.
We're going to have a live feed.
There is a debate.
We'll have reporters from Right Side News and our own reporters on the ground popping in, Owen Schroer and others, and then we'll have 7 to 8, our analysis with myself, Leanne McAdoo and others, and then I'll be there during the 90 minutes with giving limited analysis, and then we'll have an hour or two afterwards with live coverage.
Paul, I want to jam in a few final calls, but when I talk about you being, or InfoWars being,
An example of the real media.
15 years ago, joining InfoWars or starting your own website, I guess 17, 18 years ago, did you ever imagine you'd be here now?
Well, it was always the goal, Alex.
It's definitely accelerated over the past two years, just on the social media platforms, but of course we've got to recognise and always remember that those aren't always going to be there.
Like Drudge warned about, these internet ghettos, these social media ghettos, they can be handed out and taken away on a whim.
Which is why you've now got YouTube with its Heroes programme,
With these people salivating over the fact they're going to flag and censor my videos.
But we will always have, unless they censor the internet outright and come after it with, you know, with government power rather than with mob outrage power, we will always have infowars.
They will never be able to censor that.
That's why it's always key to have your own platform.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are only mechanisms to divert traffic back to your own platform.
That's what you've always got to bear in mind.
That's why drudges remain, you know, safe.
That's why you've got Breitbart.
That's why you've got Infowars.
We can always rely on our own platform.
If you put all your eggs into the basket of social media, they can take it away on a whim.
In fact, they had a prominent Turkish journalist today
Twitter is suspending his account on the orders of the Turkish dictator Erdogan because he was critical of him.
This is a mainstream journal.
You know, Twitter's now mostly owned by Saudi Arabia.
They allow Islamists to run riot, but yet they censor conservatives.
Now they're censoring a prominent, mainstream Turkish journalist because he criticized the dictator.
So that's what happens if you allow everything to be segregated into these social media ghettos.
Why does the so-called left... Exactly.
Why does the left have no shame?
I mean, they're allied with the scum of the earth now.
They're just, they're filth.
I mean, they are really bad people.
Well, there's an article out of Information Liberation, feminists say it's racist for Italians to have Italian babies.
Italy's native population is dying.
The government's come out with these schemes, these ads, begging Italian citizens to have babies.
The leftists in Italy came out and said that was racist, that was sexist, how dare you tell women what to do with their own bodies.
Yet on the flip side we have female volunteers at Calais Jungle having sex with multiple refugees a day.
Of course what's really going on is... And they volunteer, the hottest women, they'll have sex with the refugees because it's what the media said to do.
Talk about airheads.
Yeah, it's friendly.
But in many cases, of course, they're being raped and then told by these left-wing organizations not to speak out about it.
I think it's time we go save Italian women from the refugees.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead, Paul.
No, we've seen it in several cases.
They've been raped and they've come out after and said, well, I didn't really want to say anything about it because that might be racist.
Swedes on trains being raped by migrants and saying, well, I didn't tell the police because, you know, they're migrants.
They're from Iraq.
Perhaps they should have the right to rape us maybe after what we've done.
Because they have a superior culture.
Stay there, Paul.
A few more minutes with you.
I want to ask you your gut predictions.
Or tonight, what's going to happen in the debate?
How's Hillary going to strike?
What's Trump going to do?
Paul Watson in a few more minutes and then I'm going to talk to a few final callers like Dana and Phil, Al Killer, Canadian Soldier and others.
Tonight, 7 o'clock central, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tonight, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central for live coverage of the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
It's the first major debate of the election.
It's 90 minutes long.
We're airing it in its entirety commercial-free with their own real-time analysis of Hillary's lies and omissions to help you separate the truth from the false narrative the mainstream media wants you to believe.
Will Hillary even make it through the night, or will she collapse on stage due to her failing health?
It's going to be a rough night for Hillary.
For example, the Presidential Debate Commission denied Hillary her request for a stepstool at her podium, according to the Drudge Report.
And as InfoWars reported in August, Hillary cannot even give a long speech without having a stepstool or a Secret Service agent to lean on for support.
And InfoWars.com has learned that influential Democrats will pressure Hillary to drop out of the race if she has a bad showing at the debate.
So again, tune into InfoWars.com forward slash show starting at 7 p.m.
Central tonight, Monday, September 26 for live coverage of the presidential debate.
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It's Monday, September 26th, 2016.
The final countdown.
Tonight is the night for the first debate between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump.
If she doesn't cancel, she will face Donald Trump in a 90-minute battle.
We're also countdown 42 days to launch in the general election.
It is the final countdown.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire!
By the way, I know this is a cheesy song, but it's fun for this use.
We're not going to have another 42 days.
In a couple of days, I've got another song we're going to be using.
And we're going to have, basically by the final day before the election, nothing but countdowns.
So, I tell you, in most elections, I'm asleep through them.
Most debates, I can care less because there's not much difference.
These differences are massive.
We had a caller earlier saying she doesn't see the difference between the two.
I mean, we have all the internal emails, all the proof, all the big money not giving him money, the Republican establishment pulling their hair out, the Democrats freaking out, every criminal regime from the Chinese Communists to the horrible Islamicist Saudi royalty crapping their pants.
So, Paul, I'm going to let you punch out here in a few minutes.
I'm going to go to these calls and have David Knight come in.
But I got to tell you, my friend, I have never been more entertained.
And you know I was really negative ten years ago trying to get people to really wake up to what was happening, but incredibly positive things are happening.
Sure, the enemy's going to pull a lot of stuff, but you can just see history repeating itself where the good guys are going to end up getting the high ground here if we all take action and ask God for providence.
But in your gut, let's put it all on the line, what do you predict for tonight's debate?
And after you're gone, I'll tell folks what I think, we'll get David's take, and then I'm going to punch out until I come back on from five hours tonight at seven.
Again, we have pre-stuff at 6 Central, but we're going to start fully with full coverage an hour before 7 o'clock Central at Infowars.com forward slash show.
What is your gut level gestalt?
What do you predict for tonight?
I think if Trump does what his advisors are probably telling him to do, which is to look presidential and not lash out too much at Hillary, you know, not shout.
I mean, we saw the video a few days ago from Hillary.
Absolutely bizarre.
She was propped up shouting about how she should be 50 points ahead, looking absolutely maniacal.
You played it.
You know, he has to be the opposite of that, you know, quite reserved, on point, presidential.
He needs it to be quite a boring debate.
Hillary Clinton is going to try and attack him.
She's going to try to provoke him and make him fit this stereotype of a woman-hating bully or whatever the media wants to portray him as anyway.
So if he just, you know,
Stays calm, stays steady and avoids that kind of confrontation and stays on the topics, keeps hitting Hillary on her weak spots.
You know, the email scandal, foreign policy, those kind of issues.
Then he will come out on top and the media is already panicking.
About Trump winning this debate.
They've got headlines out ahead of time saying, well, Romney crushed Obama in the first debate in 2012.
Look what happened in the election.
Romney lost.
So you can tell by that that the media thinks Trump's going to come out on top and barring some outside influence.
Of course, you've got the moderators, you've got the audience that could be an influence, but that's probably what's going to happen.
When are we going to release the September Surprise article?
And then when are we going to release Obama saying he hates America and hates white people video?
Well, he's trying to crowdfund that video.
Last time I checked, he's probably about four grand short.
But he's got to pay his private eye before he can show that video.
So it's going to be coming soon, whatever happens.
There are people claiming, Obama never said that.
Well, the video hasn't been released.
We're going to release the video.
It's going to be exclusively on Infowars.com.
Well, I can just pay for it, I guess.
I'm not made out of money, but...
Well, he's already raised most of it, but I guess it'll be in the next week or so.
Paul, just, you pay it, send me the bill, or I'll just give me the, I'll pay it, just get hooked up with the accounting folks and let's just get this done.
Alright, we'll get it done today.
Absolutely, just like you did when you went ahead and licensed the AP video, which I get why you did it, or the video from whatever group that was, I guess it was Goldman Sachs that bought it up, of Hillary collapsing.
Obviously, it was fair use.
Everybody else had it, but they were blocking everybody's videos and then trying to deny that she'd fallen down for the first day.
We had to get the video out there so people would know the truth.
So at this point, I'm just all in.
History is happening, Paul.
So in 42 days, who gets elected?
Well, with all the momentum, with the way it's going, it's got to be Donald Trump.
And like I warned about in that video from last week, they're getting desperate.
I mean, Hillary's going to be a cornered animal at this point.
They're going to try and pull some kind of incident, some kind of racist attack, some kind of domestic terror attack, and blame it on a Trump supporter.
That's why she keeps talking about the alt-right, saying it's dangerous, it's hateful, it's violent.
That's what they're going to rely on.
That's going to be Hillary's October surprise.
I agree with you, Paul Watson.
Thank you so much for joining us.
And we will obviously be tracking everything you're posting at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Thank you.
All right, there goes Paul Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
Now, we got David Knight coming up here in a minute.
I want to get to some more of these phone calls here.
We're going to skip this network break so we have more time, but that's the last one today.
I've been a good boy.
Plus, I can skip some breaks.
I added a fourth hour.
So let's give a few breaks.
It's the same thing, you know?
Add a fifth hour, skip even more breaks.
And the aggregate of it all comes out the same amount of breaks.
What does your gut tell you, David?
I think what Paul said is pretty much dead on.
I mean, the system now knows the confidence has been lost in it.
It realizes that it's in big trouble, but a lot of its own operatives are still full of arrogance, chutzpah, bravado, whatever you want to call it, which is a dangerous combination.
Yeah, you know, Alex, I think it's kind of telling that Hillary Clinton came out last week and said, I've got a tax plan for 65%.
That's not the sort of thing that you want to brag about, regardless of what income level that is.
To me, it looks like they realize they've lost and they're going to come out here and say, yeah, we're going to... And by the way, 65% top tax rate would end investment in the country.
I want to explain to people, the globalists have, we have the highest corporate tax, the big corporations like Berkshire Hathaway and Google lobby for that because they want to move offshore and they want that incentivized and they don't want companies that they can compete with in America being here.
The big mega banks want high taxes because they're exempt from them, folks.
So a 65% tax would be a death sentence.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well yeah, that's trickled down unemployment as you're pointing out, Alex.
You know, think about this also.
Hillary Clinton has taken the last week off.
Now, I don't know if it's because she's sick, you know, I guess the DNC has become the make-a-wish foundation for Hillary Clinton, you know, her fundamental wish is she wants to be president, so let's make it happen before she dies.
But it may be that she just thought she needed a week to prepare and to figure out what it is that she really believes.
Does she support TPP this week or not?
Let's do some polling, stick our finger in the wind and see what this is going to be.
But I think it's going to be an interesting debate tonight.
I think she's going to make it.
I think they're going to prop her up or shoot her up with whatever they need to to make sure that she can go the distance tonight.
But we'll see.
I think she's got some very serious health issues.
But she's got the biggest thing she's got before her is that she really isn't sure who she is in terms of telling the people we know who she is.
We know that she is a pathological liar, that she is focused on making tens of millions of dollars for her and Bill.
But she's not sure exactly who she is in terms of her public persona.
I think it was a big defeat for her as well on Friday when she had said she was going to go to Charlotte and the mayor there wisely and this is a Democrat mayor and remember it was a black cop who shot the black man working for a black police chief working in a city that's run by Democrats and the Democrat mayor said please don't come.
And so that to both of them, but Trump had not said he was going to go to Charlotte.
She had said she was going to go.
You're going to be covering all this coming up here in just a moment.
Let me give folks my brief prediction.
I think she's going to be heavily drugged up to not have convulsions.
We know she's having convulsions on a basically hourly basis.
That's why when she does go out in public she looks so drugged up because she is drugged up.
So if she doesn't look drugged up,
Then I think she's going to have a convulsion or collapse.
I think they're arrogant.
I think they're gamblers.
I think they're reckless.
They've shown that.
They've rolled the dice so many times.
They think they're invincible.
And that's why she shouldn't be president.
We don't want a gambler, a megalomaniac, a kleptocrat in power.
So I think that Hillary, if she's not drugged up, is going to end up basically collapsing during the debate, and it's going to be epic.
And they somehow think they're going to spin that, that, oh, the poor thing, we better go for Trump.
But the reason I think she's going in, knowing she may have a convulsion and collapse, is because the Democratic Party have set this as a bellwether.
If she can't make it through this, they're going to force her to step down.
And they're going to put somebody else in there like Joe Biden or like Mr. Cain.
And so this is all or nothing.
This is Hillary's career on the line.
And the next two debates on the line as well.
But this is the big one.
The most important day in her life.
And I think that stress and the political ghosts that are coming around to haunt her and all of her concerns and all the email scandals and all of it are compounding.
And I think the level of pressure she's going to be under is going to be astounding.
And I think we're going to see a collapse of Hillary Clinton tonight, if, if she walks out all jacked up like she's on speed, I think she's going to collapse or have to cut it short or have a break or be hanging on the podium at least.
But if she comes out looking dopey and they've got her on all those suppressants, then she might make it through the debate, but she's going to be like a robot, just basically battling through it, David.
I want to take a few calls here and hand the baton to you.
What's your take on that?
I agree with you, Alex, and I see a lot of chatter from the pundits saying, well, this is going to be very different for Donald Trump because he's used to doing big crowds, cheering crowds, and even the debates that he had with the Republicans, it was kind of like a WWE match.
He's done a lot of intimate one-on-one type of things.
I think when we look at that last thing that they did where she spoke for a half hour and then he spoke for a half hour with the military groups,
I think he was better than ever when it was an intimate setting.
Trump is a people person!
Yeah, yeah.
He doesn't know what to do because he's in the real world.
They're in fantasy land.
Okay, great points.
Is amazing.
We'll see him in a few calls here.
I promise to do that.
I've just been holding the longest here.
Dana in Florida.
Go ahead.
Hey, I wanted to let you guys know that my husband and I really appreciate all the tireless work that you do every day trying to wake up people because when we try to say the things you say, people call us crazy and racist and all that stuff, so you guys have a much bigger platform and we really appreciate your work.
I had a thought that occurred to me today that I wanted to bounce off you guys, see what you think.
All this misdirection and animosity and lies about the cops and the media and the obvious stuff that didn't happen that they're saying like planting that gun.
Do you think that could possibly all be just a very early part of another large plan to create so much fear and distrust with the cops that not only does
Well, sure.
I mean, it's the globalists that have made the police have the problems they have.
Now they want to come in, the very authors of the problem, and take them over.
As if they're going to fix it.
The very central system that did all this wants a mini Civil War rebellion, but against local government.
That's what George Soros has done all over the world.
It's totally and completely transparent.
They want a type of soft martial law.
And now you can see the beta testing, the branding, to try to turn minorities into Hispanic and black KKK members.
And quite frankly, I don't think it's going very well.
You've got the media with their unified talking points to prop it up, but it's not working well.
Great points.
Thank you, Dana.
Let's go ahead and talk to Phil in Florida.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey, guys.
Thanks for having me on.
Listen, I think that Hillary, Trump needs to hit Hillary on her tax plan, on her email server, on Benghazi, and then the secret 28 pages.
I mean- Saudi Arabia.
Yeah, they made all that stuff secret.
Um, and then, uh, speaking of that, Paul Ryan has come out and he said that he has some hesitation about the bill, and I think that the 28 pages and this bill about suing Saudi Arabia for the victims is an excellent delineator so people can make their New World Order lists.
The people that are, uh, against this bill need to go on your New World Order list.
Well, that's right, because obviously more than Saudi Arabia is involved, Pentagon knows it, CIA knows it, our guests know it, and they want it to all come out.
They're the ones that want it, because it will lead to the criminals in our government that have been involved with the radical Muslims and Saudi Arabia all being brought down.
And believe me, MI6 has got its own problems.
It wants to go after Soros.
Everybody's sick of this, because here's the globalist's biggest fault.
We have boss log corruption in the West.
We have bad stuff that goes on, but at the end of the day, we don't like people hurting little kids, and we don't like people destroying prosperity and having a hard-on, you know, against...
A score to settle with the family.
And even if a lot of folks in America aren't practicing Christians, they're not out to get Christians.
And deep in their heart, you know, they know Grandma loved Jesus, so they do too.
And they're trying to, and they're figuring out, wait a minute, I sell out to you and then you come after me for how I look?
Or you've got a score to settle with people that just want prosperity?
We're not going down this road.
You know what?
And that's why this worm is turning.
Because even their own people that are mercenaries are figuring out,
There's not prosperity down this road.
And you're a chump when you work with the New World Order.
Yeah, and they're remembering the Night of the Long Knives.
I mean, are you going to have a seat at that table or are you going to get knifed?
No one's safe when we sell out to the New World Order.
There is no sellout.
You con yourself.
You're a loser if you sell out to this.
And so that's why the worm is turning.
I absolutely agree with you, Phil.
Excellent, excellent points.
David, that's a quick question for you, then I'm going to go back to calls, and then I'm going to punch out here in a moment.
What are some of the questions that you would be asking of Mrs. Hitler here?
What are some of the points you'd be making of this crime boss?
Uh, well, before I get to that, Alex, let me back up just a little bit here and say, when you're talking about this 9-11 bill, Obama vetoed that on Friday.
Hoping that nobody would notice.
And we need to shout that from the rooftops, because this is something the people who are victims of 9-11, their families, have been trying to get the right to take these, uh, you know, to take a look at them.
And this will expose the Republicans.
I mean, like Congressman Jones said, this will bring down the Bush.
He said the Bushes and the Clintons are done when this comes out.
Notice when Trump brought this up in one week.
Jeb gave up.
Because Trump knows!
And he was the one that was able to get this through, Alex, even though we had the Senators, the former Senators who were on the 9-11 Commission, had been complaining for 15 years.
Yes, yes.
Trump is exposing NAFTA, GATT, 9-11, the big banks, the rigged stock markets, everything!
I mean, Trump is awesome!
He's wrong on Snowden a few things.
We're going to educate him on that.
I mean, the point is, he's for real, they're crapping their pants.
Great point.
Well, here's the thing about Trump.
You know, I have people say, well, you know, look, he supports torture or whatever or some other issue that I don't agree with.
And I said, but understand that on the issues that we don't agree with him on, there is no difference between him and the rest of the candidates.
And you have to understand that on the things that we do agree with him on, he is the only one who's saying that.
Johnson supports the TPP and gun control.
But on the issues that we agree with him on, he is the only one who is saying that.
And that's the key.
One of the things I want to talk about is Gingrich putting out this tweet yesterday.
He said, Hillary Clinton is a fox.
She knows many facts.
But Donald Trump is a hedgehog.
He knows one thing.
And that is really key.
That is the sign of an effective leader at this level.
Not that he's going to get bogged down in a lot of facts like Hillary Clinton is going to get bogged down tonight.
And of course, we're going to be there fact-checking the fox.
No, no, the hedgehog knows deals have been set up to screw the country.
He's out for America's interest.
And by the way, he is super smart, but what he said is, I'm too much of a fox.
He said this many times.
He goes, the day I learned to just go with my first instinct and be shallow was the deepest day of my life.
Well, that's true.
Your first approximation is your spirit, your instincts, your common sense, your subconscious, God, everything, giving you that first approximation.
And it's never wrong, folks!
And so Trump's so deep, he goes with that, but then he goes and does the research.
In fact, I'm going to punch out now, if you can get to these, you can, Al Killer and Canadian Soldier, I know are great callers, Eric and Mike, and we got Mike and Engel and so many others, but David's got a lot to cover.
I've got to get off here, because I've got to get ready.
For coverage tonight.
We're going to go at seven, but Deuce said, hey, we've got to feed earlier than that, you know, of the debate hall.
So we're just going to go with that at six with our reporters talking over it, popping in.
We've got Shroyer there on the ground.
We have our reporters here.
That's seven o'clock.
I come on for an hour with Leanne and David and others, and then I'm going to cover myself.
Ninety minutes.
The debate, we're going to play it with limited interruptions, but I'm going to give some analysis.
Even though we're licensing at one level, they're like, don't put your bug on all this crap.
So I'm just going to go with the with the
You know, situation of fair use, even though I'm licensing it.
No, I'm going to cover it.
I'm going to talk about it.
I'm going to be involved in it.
So that's what all this is about, is keeping new media from getting involved, keeping us from these public events.
We're not going to be stopped.
So tonight, Infowars.com forward slash show.
It's part of the revolution.
Spread that link to everybody you know.
Tell them, tune into this viral link of the debate, and that's how you'll get them to tune in.
So I'm going to go ahead and punch out right now and turn things over to David Knight.
So, I'm punched out.
Thank you, Alex.
Let's go to some of our callers here.
We've got Al Killer in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Al Killer.
Hey, David.
Am I on?
Yes, you're on.
Go ahead.
Hey, I just want to say thank God for the renegades and the life they've beat far ahead of their time.
While we were criticizing Trump in the beginning, as soon as the vaccine came, as soon as he made his vaccine statement, I knew he was for real.
I think the two major things he's got to hit Hillary on tonight
When I played the We Came, We Saw, He Died clip for people that are Hillary supporters, they cannot believe what they see.
He needs to bring up that she is the architect of the Irish Spring, and this is not the
This is not a sane person when you hear her saying what you said about Qaddafi.
Nobody in their right mind would say this, going back any predator general ever.
It wasn't a threat to anybody, as we pointed out many times.
And what she did was, she created chaos out of order in that country, the same as they're doing in Syria.
And between those two countries, she has set the world on fire.
She and Obama.
So I think that's something that, when they talk to her about Syria,
I hope that, you know, it comes up that in the past you said, well, we're not going to have any boots on the ground ever again in that area.
They do have boots on the ground in Iraq.
They've got 4,000.
They're adding another 10 percent, or a little bit more than that, actually, another 500, so it's a little bit more than 10 percent they're sending there.
But they're saying, well, they're not on the ground, they're just advisors or whatever.
She doesn't even know what's going on.
She's supposed to be this all-wise, all-knowing, experienced politician.
She simply says what she feels like, and then nobody ever calls her on the facts.
It's absolutely amazing.
And I really want Trump to point this out tonight, because he did it during the Republican preliminaries, where he kept pointing out that these rebels that were arming up
They call him all these glamorous names, the Freedom Rebels, the Moderate Rebels.
We don't even know who we're arming up over there.
He needs to point out that Russia, I mean, I couldn't believe what I heard over the weekend with General Dunford, and the Congressman didn't even know what planet he was on, asking him to do a no-fly zone, and he didn't understand the repercussions of it.
I mean, this is absolute insanity that's going on with that, and I think what you're
They want to make Trump out to be the guy that has a temperament issue.
I really think he needs to break down.
It's totally out of control.
We've got to go to break.
Thank you, Al Keller.
You know, when we talk about not even knowing who the players are over there.
They keep telling us, well, this group is moderate.
They're good guys.
And we're going to... Then we find out they're Al Qaeda.
Meanwhile, here in America, the surveillance state says they can't even tell us what groups they're looking for.
They're just going to surveil everybody.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
And we'll cover Gary Johnson's creepy thing that he did in a report.
You've got to see this.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Russia is pointing out there won't be any peace in Syria, as long as the Obama administration keeps sending weapons to the ISIS-linked al-Nusra Front.
The Russian government said the militants are armed by tanks, APCs, field artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and heavy weaponry.
And of course, they could have made these weapons themselves.
Nor could they have stolen all of them from the Syrian Army.
Especially not the American-made TOW missile that jihadis used to destroy a Russian helicopter last year.
The Russians also pointed out that the U.S.-led airstrike that killed 62 Syrian soldiers has directly led to ISIS gaining ground.
In other words, the U.S.
just served as ISIS's air force.
The U.S.
State Department has claimed the attack was an accident.
However, facts point to the contrary.
The region where the attack occurred has always been under Syrian Army control, with no prior presence of ISIS.
CENTCOM even had the audacity to release a statement claiming they have not bombed the area in the past.
But that's completely false.
Unless they were targeting the Syrian government.
Stay tuned for more reports and download our new free smartphone app at InfoWars.com forward slash app.
This is Kit the Annuals Reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, September 26th, 2016.
The day of the first debate between Hillary and Donald Trump.
It's going to be an amazing debate tonight, and we've got a lot of people who have called in to talk about this.
We're going to go to Eric in Oklahoma in just a moment, but before we do, I want to tell you real quickly, we've extended
These two sales for several days, the 20% off Supermail Vitality and the 20% off Secret 12, those are both going to end tonight.
Again, that's Secret 12, our B12 formulation, that's a liquid form that's very easy to assimilate, as well as 20% off Supermail Vitality.
Both of those will end tonight, but we also have a Reclaiming Liberty presidential debate special.
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That's perhaps the biggest discount that you can get and that goes along with our releasing the very first ever probiotic product that we've had here at Infowarslife.com.
Biome Defense.
Take a look at this.
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I've been asking about this because we take probiotics and I wanted to make sure that we had one here.
It's a new product that we have called Biome Defense.
Look at Infowarslife.com to read about that.
Very important that you get probiotics.
We hear all the time about antibiotics, but no, you need probiotics.
The bacteria can be very, very beneficial.
You know, yogurt is just one small, familiar example about that, the culture that's in yogurt.
But there's a lot more to it than that.
And that's our new product.
But the key thing is free shipping storewide as part of our Reclaiming Liberty Presidential Debate Special.
And tonight, it ends 20% off those two products that we've had on sale, Supermeal Vitality and Secret 12.
Let's go to Eric in Oklahoma.
You want to comment on the debates?
You've been holding a long time.
Thank you, Eric.
Good afternoon, Mr. Knight.
I just want to say I'm not too worried about the debates tonight because you've heard the saying, always tell the truth and you'll never have to remember anything.
That's right.
That's why she's been studying for a week.
She's got a lot to remember.
She's got all these convoluted lies.
She's got all these positions she's changed on.
It's like, what do I believe?
What did I tell them I believe?
I don't know.
I remember their whole career, her and her husband.
I don't think they've ever told the truth.
I don't think they've ever answered a question without beating around the bush.
Donald Trump, Mr. Trump, he's got that covered.
He doesn't need me to tell him what to go on Hillary about.
He's got it covered.
I've been watching his speeches about every night for the last eight months.
He doesn't need me.
He can handle hecklers.
He can handle all that.
I'm just what I'm concerned about is everybody is so fixated on Hillary's health.
And I guess the military calls it watch for the faint.
You know what?
You know, everybody's so directed on her health.
Well, I just what they could pull something in there.
I mean, you know, watch for something, you know, because Larry Nichols always says they like the Clintons always like to run from an underdog position.
What better than the health issue?
And I know there's contacts and everything.
And the Secret Service and all that, but I'm just, you know, I'm keeping it one eye open.
Who knows, she may turn that to her advantage.
I've said in the past, she will lie even when the truth would serve her better.
She may want to come out at some point and pretend that she's weak, you know.
I mean, like I said before, you know, it's the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Let's do one for Hillary.
Let's put her in the Guinness Book of Records as the first woman to get elected president or something like that.
Turn it that way.
It's like, hey guys, I haven't got that long to live, so let's just do this one for me.
I don't know if she'll do that or not.
It's going to be hard for them to walk it back now.
They have doubled down so many times on the lie that she has pneumonia.
Non-contagious bacterial pneumonia.
Something that never exists.
But of course, her entire staff came down with a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia at the same time.
Okay, thank you, Eric.
Before I go to the other callers, I want to, real quickly, show you something that's not going to be on the debate tonight.
And that's Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate.
And he was talking to reporters from MSNBC, Casey Hunt.
They were doing an interview on the bench, which is kind of strange.
And he's talking about why he should be in the debates.
And then he does something absolutely amazing.
Watch this.
Do you think, if you were able to get on the debate stage, that you could pull even with Trump and Clinton in these polls?
I do.
And it wouldn't have anything to do with my debate performance either.
It would just be that people would recognize that there's another choice.
And that there would be an examination of me, and Bill Weld, as who we are and what we've done, and not based on that.
I think I could stand up there for the whole debate and not say anything, and everybody says, well, look at that.
He's sticking his tongue out and biting his tongue while he's doing that, and she jumps back, the reporter jumps back as startled, and they come back and they go, what did he do?
Let's play that again.
That's the awkwardness of Gary Johnson.
And, you know, we can excuse the personal
Idiosyncrasies of people.
And he certainly has his idiosyncrasies.
Thank you, Gary.
You have been comic relief for this presidential election.
Absolutely amazing.
Now, it wasn't as startling, I guess, as the big fat guy that stripped down to his g-string at the LP convention, but look.
Let's understand that Gary Johnson
Like I said before, when Alex is on, the bad things about Donald Trump are the bad things about Gary Johnson, about Hillary Clinton and so forth.
He's taken all these positions to essentially be a globalist, to essentially be a Democrat.
And he's actually taking more votes from Hillary Clinton than he is from Donald Trump, when people look at what he's saying.
He's thrown the Constitution, the Second Amendment, private property, he's thrown those things under the bus, pandering to the very same globalists that
Fund Hillary Clinton, saying at the convention he needed to get Bill Weld because he knew people, he was connected, and he had money.
Look, the LP, and I'm not talking about just these two candidates, but the LP in general, the people who run that party, have sold out.
What they want to do is get 5% of the vote in the election so they can get taxpayer funding.
That's pathetic.
When I was with the LP, we would ask that to somebody who's running for president and say, would you take matching funds?
And if they said yes, that was a disqualifier.
Now that is the reason that they're doing everything.
And they're throwing the Second Amendment and other issues just under the bus because they could care less about the principles of individual liberty.
Look, you either take all of individual liberty seriously and together,
Or you lose it all.
You can't just pick and choose which ideas of liberty you're going to have.
And so at least with Donald Trump on the things that we like, he is the only one who is saying that.
And I believe that he is honest enough that we at least have a chance to try to convince him on the things that we disagree with him on.
That we believe he's wrong on.
Civil liberties issues.
We can at least get his ear and talk to him and have a fair hearing.
You're not going to get that from Hillary Clinton.
I don't think you're going to get that from these people who simply want money from Wall Street.
Now, one of the things that Newt Gingrich put out, and I'm going to go back to the callers in just a moment here, but one of the things that Gingrich tweeted out over the weekend, and remember, Gingrich is very, very clever, very insightful.
He's still a globalist, he's still very dangerous, but he's clever, and that makes him even more dangerous.
But one of the things that he tweeted out this weekend, and I think he was exactly right on it, this is his tweet.
He said, Clinton is a fox who knows many things that you can fact check.
Trump is a hedgehog who knows one very big thing.
We need change.
Now, he's referring back to this parable of the hedgehog and the fox.
The idea that there are different types of people.
Some people are kind of, you know, foxes, kind of policy wonks, that type of thing.
And we're going to be...
Fact-checking Hillary the Fox tonight, because that's what she's going to be doing, probably.
She's going to be coming out with all these detailed things to show just how experienced and knowledgeable she is, even though, as we mentioned just a few minutes ago, she set the Middle East on fire.
And her policies have been an absolute failure.
But she's going to talk about all the many details that she knows.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a guy who knows one very big thing.
And quite frankly, it's not just that we need change.
It's about globalism.
The one very big thing that Donald Trump knows is that globalism is killing people in every country.
That's why tonight's debate is going to be watched by so many people worldwide.
Because like the Super Bowl, it is a global event, because the same issues facing us here in America are facing people in Britain, and facing people in France, in Germany, Italy, Greece.
And that is, are we going to allow a small group, a small globalist cabal, to control our lives, this one-tenth of one-tenth of one-tenth percent, to control us, to destroy our lives, or are we going to stand up and take our countries back?
I think one thing really came through today.
Listen to this New York Times article from today, September 26.
Besieged globalists ponder what went wrong.
This is on the Drudge Report earlier today.
The very first statement, listen to this, it starts out in this article.
Globalists are wondering what went wrong.
And they say, until recently, you didn't hear people being referred to as globalists very often.
That's right.
Now they're owning it.
Who was talking about them being globalists?
It was Alex Jones.
It was InfoWars.
And there was a few other outlets that were talking about this, but not the mainstream media.
And certainly not the globalists themselves.
They didn't refer to themselves as globalists.
They would scoff at that.
They would laugh if you'd call... They would call you a conspiracy theorist.
You know, we'd go to cover Bilderberg and the globalists say, oh, globalists, you're a bunch of conspiracy theorists.
And now they own up to it.
Not a day goes by that we don't see the President of the European Union or Barack Obama at the UN saying,
We've got to do something.
Or the IMF.
The president of the IMF.
All of them saying, you know, people just think that globalism isn't serving them very well.
We have to convince them that it is.
We have to tell them some lies and convince them what's going on.
But he goes on to say, you just didn't hear people referring to globalists very often.
They certainly didn't do that referring to themselves.
He said, but in a time of rising nationalism, those who see the upside of globalism have become a distinct, often embattled tribe.
He said last week, the globalists had a big family reunion in New York.
This is the New York Times.
This is great writing because it's exactly what they did.
And who was there?
They were at the United Nations, okay?
All the people except for Donald Trump.
He said, the globalists have lofty aims, of course, like working toward a climate change agreement.
And that's the key.
That's the next thing I want to talk to you about here.
Finding a solution for the refugee crisis and deepening cross-border trade.
See, that's how they're going to take us down.
Haven't I said that many times?
The path to global government is those three things, right?
Climate change.
That's how you create a global problem and then have to have a global governance to address that problem.
So, problem-solution.
We've got a global problem!
We've got carbon dioxide being exhaled by animals.
How are we going to deal with this?
We need a global government and we need a global tax.
That we can fund that global government with.
They're going to say, well, we're going to discourage that activity of exhaling.
I'm going to tell you how they're going to stop the exhaling in just a moment.
So that's one thing, climate change.
The next thing is the open borders.
And the third thing...
Are the across-the-border trade deals, the trans-Pacific, trans-Atlantic partnerships, private-public partnerships, crony capitalism, actually fascist capitalism, if you want to call it that.
Fascism, it's economic fascism by these people who write the rules, who will control all the world's economies, decide who will be allowed to have an economy and who won't.
This is what this is about.
This is not about free trade.
This is about a small cabal taking over the world's trade, creating economic chaos and saying we need more political control to deal with this chaos.
He said, take the valedictory address of former President Bill Clinton, the paterfamilias of the globalist reunion.
It goes on.
Oh, that's it.
He's the patriarch.
of the Globalist Reunion.
The Clinton Global Initiative is one of the major factors in helping to transform what had been a weak, centered-on UN diplomacy into a broader Davos-on-the-Hudson for international aspirations.
You see this?
This is the Globalist Cabal.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton at the center of it.
The Clinton Global Initiative at the center of it.
Talking about how they're going to create a globalist government out of those three things.
The climate change agreement, the open borders, and the so-called trade deals, which are actually economic domination deals.
They say, Mr. Clinton spoke of the globalist vision of a non-zero-sum world in which everyone wins.
And how that idea was under attack by zero-sum tribal politics, okay?
And this man is an absolute total liar when he says, hey, these guys over here, they're offering us a zero-sum game, but we have a system here where everybody wins.
Under globalism, everybody has been losing.
Every one of us is told, as they're selling these deals that they wrote in secret.
Everyone, every nation, hears the same story from their trade representatives.
Oh, you're gonna, you know, we did a great deal for you.
You're gonna, this country is gonna be so much better off than the rest of the countries we won in this trade deal.
Every country is hearing that.
And we're not all winners.
This isn't like, we'll be gone, okay?
Actually, the reality is, we're all losers.
And there's another story that came out on Friday that ties into this.
We talked about the zero-sum game.
They want to zero out our population.
This is a story from Friday.
Want a slow climate change?
Stop having babies.
This is on Bloomberg.
And again, it goes back to the climate change deal, to global governance.
They say carbon dioxide doesn't kill climates.
People do.
And the world would be better off with fewer of them.
People are killing their precious climate.
These are the people who could not decide on September 11, 2016, when they tried to create the initial lie of Hillary Clinton's that she'd been overheated, they could not decide on the temperature.
They were given the temperature plus or minus 10 degrees.
I mean, some people were saying everything from the mid-70s to the mid-80s.
It was 78 degrees.
I took a photo of the temperature at that particular time in New York and saved it.
We heard as much as 85 degrees.
These are the same people that tell us who can't accurately measure and report the temperature on the same day are telling us that in decades we're going to have a one degree change in temperature and that's going to destroy the world.
So therefore we need to have global governance.
We need to shut down all of our energy production.
And then they go on to say they've got this new thing called the Kaia Identity.
Very much like the Gaia Theory.
You know, they always come up with these
Who's bogus ideas to sell their bogus theories.
They say, we've got to look at how much energy the economy needs to produce GDP, how much GDP per capita people are consuming, and the population.
And then they lay this out, Eric Rosten on Bloomberg.
He says, after years of policy makers yammering about carbon light or carbon free this or that,
Writer basically zeros in on the fact that nobody wants to acknowledge the number of people in the world, particularly in affluent countries, is literally a part of the equation.
How long have they been saying this?
They've been saying this for a very long time.
It's that the media doesn't want to use that word.
Just like they didn't want to talk about globalists, they didn't want to talk about how their real agenda is global governance.
And population, depopulation of the earth, population control.
If they, they gotta take the population count down before they can actually effectively control you, force you into the cities.
And so that's the bottom line with all of this.
That is the real single thing that the hedgehog needs to know and needs to understand tonight.
Hedgehog Donald Trump.
He needs to understand that it is globalism that is destroying America and the rest of the world.
And he does understand that.
He said this election is about globalism versus nationalism or Americanism.
Why would we have a system that is not in our best interest?
And that's the system that is being sold to everybody.
They're selling a system to the British.
That's not in the British's best interest.
They sell it to the Germans.
It's not in the Germans' best interest.
Or the French.
Or the Americans.
But it's in the best interest of these people who were meeting with the Clintons last week in New York.
The globalists.
Now they call themselves globalists.
Okay, stay with us.
When we come back, we're going to finish up with the people who are still hanging on.
Thank you for hanging on, folks.
We'll be right back with more of your calls about tonight's big debate.
What's going to happen?
We'll see.
Get your opinions when we come back.
Stay with us.
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In constant sorrow
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Nye and of course tonight is the big debate.
We're going to get some more phone calls and comments on here in just one moment.
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Let's go back to our callers right now.
Mike in England.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hello, David, thank you for taking my call.
Sure, go ahead.
Yeah, two things.
One, you were talking about global warming and all that, and that's all a bunch of nonsense.
One of the reasons why we have the global warming is because it's monoculture farming, corrupted farming practices.
And I don't know if you know who Joe Stadlein is, but he's quoted as saying that, you know, and he describes what is called pasture cropping.
And one of his assertions is that if we went over to a pasture cropping system, we'd get far more productivity.
We wouldn't be using Monsanto products.
If we centralize control of everything, including our farming, that means we're only going to take one approach.
If that approach is wrong, we're all dead.
If you don't have centralized control, you can have multiple approaches.
That's one of the reasons we have a federal system here in the United States.
The idea was that we wouldn't do everything in a top-down, centralized manner.
Not only corrupts politicians, but it functionally doesn't work.
You need to be able to have a lot of different approaches so people can see what's working and what isn't working, and you don't put all of your eggs in one central basket that crashes.
Are you going to be watching the debate tonight?
Oh, I certainly will.
But the point I was going to make on that is, what he's saying is that if we change the farming practice that we have, you would sequester all the carbon dioxide, all that bad plant food, out of the atmosphere that was generated since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Yeah, I'm not too worried about climate change.
I'm worried about globalism.
That's my key thing.
Let's go to Mike in Louisiana, because we don't have much time.
Real quickly, Mike, we've only got less than a minute.
Go ahead.
About 30 seconds.
I was going to say, as far as Hillary Clinton has displayed a lot of bad judgment, and one of the things that was really poor judgment was the support of UN Resolution 1618, which effectively is the reason why they can't say radical Islam.
Yeah, I think the key is that we don't realize, most of the public doesn't realize that the globalists are playing by a secret rule.
Secret rules that we haven't seen.
And that's the key thing.
Now this is starting to be exposed.
We're going to see more of this tonight.
Join us tonight for a live broadcast of the first presidential debate between Hillary and Donald Trump.
And we're going to be having that live with the nightly news.
The entire crew will be here as well as people on location in New York.
Beginning tonight at 6 p.m.
And starting at 6, right?
Not 7.
We're going to start at 6 p.m.
Central, 7 p.m.
Eastern Time.
Join us then for the nightly news live broadcast tonight.
Americanism, not globalism!
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