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Filename: 20160811_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 11, 2016
3400 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories, including claims that Hillary Clinton is the founder of ISIS and that she should be arrested for her alleged crimes. He also mentions the Clinton body count and encourages people to visit gridwars.com to generate electricity efficiently. Additionally, he talks about whistleblowers within CENTCOM and the Defense Intelligence Agency who claim they were ordered by Hillary and Obama to fix intelligence around covering up the advance of Al Qaeda/ISIS forces. Jones also covers topics such as the Iodine Conspiracy, psychological warfare, Putin preparing for war, and the Clinton supporters' continued backing despite controversies. He talks about a brain supplement called BrainForce and warns about the danger posed by advanced technology and globalist elites promoting nuclear war. The show also covers Russian politics, praising Putin for speaking freely, criticizing US media for being controlled by globalist corporations, and discussing American politics, education, and recent Supreme Court rulings on segregation in schools.

From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this August 11, 2016 global transmission.
On this Thursday broadcast, we have cleared the deck of guests, though I may still book some as news develops today, so that we can do some in-depth analysis of what's happening in the 2016 election, but also what's happening with the world economy.
Major German banks are on the verge of collapsing, that's even mainstream German news.
These are much, much bigger financial institutions in magnitude compared to Lehman Brothers that supposedly triggered the 2007-2008 crisis from which the world has never come out of the depression.
Also, as we've been saying for three years, Hillary is the founder of ISIS along with Obama.
I've also made the point that Hillary, when she was the head of the State Department, was the commander of Al Qaeda.
Donald Trump is hammering back against them with that information.
Now, obviously, that's a fact.
Congress has had hearings about it.
The generals have gone public.
The former head of defense intelligence, General Flynn, has gone public.
He was relieved of command two years ago because he was following the orders of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, Dempsey.
To give Russian satellite intel and targeting information on ISIS and to not deliver weapons to Al Qaeda slash ISIS as ordered to do.
And General Flynn is on record talking about that.
He's also on record saying Hillary should be arrested at the RNC.
That's the former head of Defense Intelligence and the guy that reorganized Special Forces and is highly respected.
So when we get up here and we talk about putting Hillary in prison, that's not rhetoric.
That's not to sound tough.
That's the bare minimum.
And believe me, in modern U.S.
history, when you've got the head of Defense Intelligence going on Al Jazeera and talking about, we were ordered to arm Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Oh, so Obama didn't know it was an accident?
No, we were ordered.
They knew.
That's the plan.
He's risking his life in a big, big way, and so is Donald Trump.
It's not a love affair with Donald Trump.
It's not that I'm fascinated by being, you know, patted on the head by a major presidential contender.
It's that he is a trailblazer.
He knows what he's talking about, and he's surrounded by a lot of great patriots that are risking everything to tell you what's really happening.
Again, I had the state police
When he was governor, and then I had the federal marshals, once he was first president-elect and Secret Service, reach out to me that George W. Bush wanted me to say some nice things about him on air, that he was going to be watching, and that he would then invite me over to the governor's mansion.
Never told anybody that story.
One time they came down to the TV studio and said, he's going to be watching tonight.
He really likes you.
It's when I'm on local radio, syndicated here and there, but on access television.
And he really thinks, you know, that you've got the whole Bush family wrong and stuff.
He's really a great guy.
He's going to be watching tonight.
And maybe next week or something, you can come down and visit with him.
Did I roll over to George W. Bush because of that?
The answer is N-O-NO.
I'm up here defending Trump with everything I've got.
It's because I know he's for real.
He's putting his life on the line.
And this is a great opportunity for this country to put serious death blows to the New World Order.
And look at the alternative Hillary Clinton, who is coming after this country's jugglers.
So when I tell you those stories, I don't tell you those stories to make us sound big.
It's because at this point, folks need to understand the history of InfoWars and what we've already been through and now why we're here today for not compromising.
And when I'm shitting here, totally behind Trump, it's because I know from 25 years of work that he's the real deal.
Bonafide for sure.
That's why the power structure is throwing everything they've got against him.
It's a big broadcast lined up today.
We'll be back.
The Clinton body count continues to pile up.
WikiLeaks is now offering a $20,000 reward for more information in the murder of DNC staffer Seth Conrad Rich.
Rich was shot multiple times in the back on the morning of July 10th.
Although it's being investigated as a robbery, his wallet, credit cards, and watch were not taken.
Some are speculating that Rich was murdered because as a data analyst, he could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
Rich follows Sean Lucas to an early grave.
On August 2nd, Lucas was found lying dead on the bathroom floor just one month after serving a lawsuit to the DNC on behalf of Sanders supporters.
On June 22nd, former President of the UN General Assembly John Ash was found dead from a barbell to the neck just days before he was set to testify against a former Clinton crony.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
And dead bodies have been piling up around the Clintons for decades.
Leanne McAdoo for InfoWars.com
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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It is the 11th day of August 2016 on this Thursday edition.
We'll be here until 3 o'clock Central Standard Time today.
Then InfoWars Nightly News will return 7 o'clock Central Standard Time.
There is more news coming out from whistleblowers inside CENTCOM and the Defense Intelligence Agency that they were ordered by Hillary and Obama and others to fix intelligence around covering up
The advance of Al Qaeda slash ISIS forces into Libya, into Egypt, into Syria, into areas of Iraq in the last five years.
There's a new report up on InfoWars.com by Kellen McBreen.
Simcom whistleblowers.
Obama distorting ISIS intelligence.
Out superiors for altering intelligence.
And there's more on that coming out.
They've been blowing the whistle, obviously, for five years.
That's how we have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, to their credit, coming out and saying we should not be Al Qaeda's air force.
That's why they changed the name to the Islamic State that Al-Qaeda wants to establish to confuse everyone.
And then he said ISIL, or ISIL, or IS, or ISIS, all to basically manipulate the American people into not understanding that criminal elements of our government and NATO have been arming, giving the intelligence, giving safe passage to
Wahhabists, Saudi Arabian backed jihadis under different names and that's why they have trendy classes, that's why they have sensitivity classes to use the term that they actually use in Ireland and in the UK and in Germany and in Sweden and in France and other nations that when the jihadis come back by the tens of thousands into Europe
That they are sent for a week-long or month-long government-funded course to de-radicalize them!
And then to give left cover to it, the left comes out and says, this is too harsh!
This is re-education camps!
You have actual terrorists who've been running around murdering people en masse, and then the London Telegraph comes out and says, mmm, tough courses!
Jihadis returning to the UK are to be forced to go to anti-extremist classes.
Oh my gosh!
They're forced to!
They should be locked up!
But they were protected the entire time and that's just one area where it's all in your face that they've been protected the entire time.
So Trump came out a week ago and started hammering the fact that Hillary is the founder of ISIS.
And then yesterday he came out and expanded on that.
He said, you know, Obama's really the founder of ISIS, but the co-founder is Hillary.
And that's a fact.
And that's why under incredible public pressure to start bombing ISIS because of Donald Trump last year and a half, Obama started limited bombing.
So the Russians wouldn't have an excuse to come in and do it.
The Russians knew it was a fake, so they went ahead and came in and started giving hour-long or two-hour-long warnings by leaflets on the highways, by the hundreds of thousands of leaflets, get off the road, we're gonna bomb any trucks on the road.
Well, you just pull your truck and park it.
And our own bomber pilots started leaking info saying we're not even allowed to hit real targets, we're told to blow up old empty buildings.
And then Ergun of Turkey was videotaped by Russian drones day after day after day with thousands of trucks lined up coming across the border with stolen oil.
Remember the media saying Donald Trump's a crazy man, Donald Trump's an idiot, Donald Trump's a moron?
Why, you don't bomb the oil and that's exactly what the Russians did and that's what stopped the advance of ISIS and started rolling them back in some areas of Syria.
You bomb their money?
You start bombing the border points where they're running back and forth across the border into Turkey and into Iraq?
Like the VC in Vietnam running back and forth into Cambodia?
I've got hundreds of articles here and so many special reports and incredible clips that I'm going to be getting into today.
But there was one particular article this morning at about 5 a.m.
I woke up early and I was laying there in bed with an iPad and I clicked on U.S.
News & World Report story and at the bottom it had political campaign cartoons.
And so I sat there for like 45 minutes in bed looking at
It had to be more than 60 or 70 cartoons.
And all of them were anti-Donald Trump.
Not one even made fun of Hillary.
And then I saw one in particular and I thought, ooh, I'm going to click on that one and go to the story that it was associated with.
Because each one of these cartoons was associated with a story.
And it took me back to April 22nd, U.S.
News & World Report.
And it took me back to this graphic image that says it all.
It's an image of Donald Trump as a Nazi, dressed up in an SA brown shirt uniform.
Now watch those losers in the press say there's something wrong with book burning.
And he's burning GOP nomination, the rules.
Now what the GOP did was put in rules that they never had the nerve to implement that said the popular vote doesn't matter.
So in truth, he's defending the right of free expression and the right of the people.
So they put him in a Nazi uniform when they're the ones involved in high-tech burning of language and dissembling and reducing language and dumbing populations down.
And then I read the whole article, and it's a big one.
By Ed Scherner.
And it compares, Democratic Party operative, it compares Donald Trump to Hitler.
Because in his book he talks about struggling to build businesses and how hard it is to have successful businesses.
So if you ever say you've struggled, you're Hitler.
And then it goes on to say he lives in a paranoid cosmology where he's being persecuted and he's being cheated, and all of his followers do as well, because they're the ubermenschen, the supermen, and so they should always be successful or someone's cheating them.
And I'm sitting here looking at the graphic that has him burning a book
Implying that the Republicans trying to ignore a popular vote is a book and is freedom.
They transmute that like alchemists.
They turn horse manure into gold.
They spin straw into gold.
I mean, it is total fraud.
And I read it, and every paragraph was just sophistic, foppish, empty, tired, pseudo-intellectual dribble.
And then I sat there for another hour.
Until I heard my kids running around and stuff and I went in and made them breakfast.
Just looking at U.S.
News and World Report, just scanning, I looked at over a hundred articles.
And they all were just the same garbage.
I mean, it is, I've never seen such a daily.
There's got to be 30,000 articles a day attacking Trump.
From every conceivable angle under the known universe.
And it goes on and on and on.
How could this not be our champion?
How could this not be the answer?
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.
The era of our economic surrender is over.
Hillary Clinton is an agent of the Communist Chinese.
She is.
And they just think this country belongs to them.
They think your bank account belongs to them.
They think they can put us into a depression and tell you it's the greatest economy we've ever had.
Remember Obama said, America is the best economy it's ever been.
You didn't build that.
You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
And Obamacare's free.
Tell them, Gruber, yeah, you hired me to triple prices and rip them off.
Thank God they're stupid!
Hey, State Department!
Oh, we got college kids here to learn how to tell the truth and not dissemble and destroy the country.
Ah, how ridiculous.
We're going to wreck this nation.
They even celebrate on our ashes.
They are panicking because Donald Trump is ahead in internal polls.
He's been ahead.
And then when he surged 10 points ahead, even in their Cook polls, they panicked.
That means like 25 points ahead.
And so they started sampling more Democrats than Republicans in the polls and started calling lists that the pollsters know who they're calling in the computer demographics, in the actuaries, and what's going to give them those numbers.
And pollsters across the board said, I've never seen fraud this heavy.
It's a fact.
Mainstream media brags, yes, we're not impartial.
Yes, we're lying because Trump deserves it.
He's evil.
He must be defeated.
Someone needs to kill him.
I mean, how many major newspaper editorialists?
Did the New York Times editorialist call for someone to put a bullet in Trump?
Did he get in trouble?
I told everybody two days ago, they're going to make this the biggest thing ever because they're pushing for civil unrest when they steal the election.
They're pushing to cause violence.
They're pushing Black Lives Matter.
By the way, shot up a black lady in a car because they were blocking a road.
She bumped into him.
They're pushing all this civil unrest.
And so when he says, hey, they're going to take the Second Amendment, unless some of you Second Amendment folks think, you know, you can do something about it at that point, but I don't know.
That's what everybody always says.
That's why the Second Amendment's there in case everything else fails.
He just stated what everybody has said.
But they act like they define reality.
Ooh, did you hear what he said?
And then I came out yesterday and said he was just repeating what I said, what you said, what everybody said.
From my cold, dead hands!
What Charleston Heston, Chuck said at the NRA convention.
That's all.
That's all.
That's all.
That's all.
And then they have media matters go.
Alex Jones said, don't take our firearms or 1776 will commence again yesterday.
He's calling for violence.
No, I'm not.
I quoted what I said on CNN.
And of course, I'm stating the obvious that yes, you keep taking over and suspending elections and trying to arrest people for their speech.
There will be a counter revolution against you jackasses.
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We have a very, very special piece that Darren McBreen put together, paralleling modern world with idiocracy, the film produced by the Patriot.
And listener, it's just fun for folks to know how many people are patriots.
It's like knowing that Kurt Russell's a patriot.
So many others are.
Of course, we're talking about Mike Judge.
This little four-minute piece is coming up at the start of the next segment.
Then I have a very powerful special report from Paul Joseph Watson.
Are they going to kill Julian Assange?
Very, very serious situation, obviously.
He needs to start releasing everything now.
Our question is will Julian Assange be assassinated?
I have five or six clips that have been translated into English of Vladimir Putin warning of nuclear war.
Now I played a few of these clips a month ago and tens of millions of people on YouTube alone watched them.
So I thought we better just translate it all and give you the full import of his speeches on these subjects.
So we'll premiere that coming up in the middle of the next hour as well.
Roger Stone will be popping in in the third hour.
I don't know how much of it he wants to get into on air, but he personally has had all hell breaking loose against him, obviously, because they know that he's one of the people that is getting at Trump's ear and Trump is listening.
And I'll tell you, it is surreal to
Talk about issues here on air, and then word for word hear Trump say it two days later.
It is amazing.
And it just shows how dialed in this guy is, and that's why they're so scared of him.
I mean, think.
It's mainstream news that our government, criminal elements of it, armed Al Qaeda and ISIS, and worked with Saudi Arabia to turn them loose across Africa and the Middle East.
And now they're pouring into Europe by design.
And Trump is exposing it!
They are scared to death.
He's talking substance, he's talking treason, and even Fox News.
I've been monitoring it this morning.
Earlier, Kit Daniels ran it and said, just during the break, he said, you gotta see this.
They just savaged him.
Everybody on the panel.
For saying, hey, if the courts ban the guns, it may have to go to the Second Amendment.
That's what Charlton Heston said.
That's what I said.
That's what everybody says.
That's what
Ted Nugent says, the country started when they came to take the guns.
I mean, it's like if they try to go to pure communism, we're going to have to stand up.
I'm not planning it.
I don't want that to happen, but when the President of the United States is allied with foreign al-Qaeda forces, by any other name, same thing,
When the government and the Justice Department is coordinating with Black Lives Matter and George Soros to foment racial division and violence, and when the killing of cops is up 80, well 79%, now it's 82% this year from last year alone.
And that's skewed numbers because cop killing was way up the year before, and way up the year before.
It's just going straight up.
And people go, oh, what is this worship of police?
How about a worship of not having a civil war?
This is how these dirty forces that are in our government, that have infiltrated, are planning to bring the damn country down!
Excuse me!
I'm getting angry here!
This is not rocket science!
I want to reform the police because I want to live in a free country!
I want to reform myself in my own life!
When I don't want to eat two cheeseburgers at night!
I want to reform my kids and make them better kids!
But I don't hate them!
And the police are not the people running the New World Order.
They're not the ones funding ISIS.
And traditionally, they're pro-Second Amendment, and they're good people.
And the globalists know they're going to stand in the way of a takeover.
But I'm telling you, my life is one big chill.
I get chills when I talk about certain things.
I'm just, all the time, just so much energy.
It's such a quickening, such a crossroads, such a critical time.
And they take this statement of Trump, a mild statement,
And they turn it into the end of the world, and even Fox News does.
I told you they had a coup at Fox.
That's now been confirmed.
Let's go to the clip of what Biden said.
No one's picking this up but Breitbart and Drudge, thank God.
No one else... I mean, thank God they care enough.
No one else even cares that Biden said he'd shoot, you know, he'd raise arms against Obama if he tried to take the guns.
That's okay to say, because it's 50 times more hardcore, but it wasn't meant.
Here it is.
I guarantee you, Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey.
Don't buy that malarkey.
They're gonna start peddling that to you.
I got two.
If he tries to fool my Beretta, he's got a problem.
I like that a little over and under.
You know, I'm not bad with it.
Okay, there you go.
We're going to come back with a very special piece that we put together to illustrate the absurdity of reality.
But I tell ya,
One of the biggest problems conservatives have is they want to sound reasonable.
We're not facing reasonable adversaries, we're facing radicals.
50 former national security strategists came out against Donald Trump Monday saying Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief.
They're convinced that in the Oval Office he would be the most reckless president in American history.
Well Donald Trump blasted the rhinos who attacked him saying they are the ones who allowed for the rise of ISIS.
Trump's epic response reads, the names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is such a mess and we thank them
We're good to go.
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As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point.
Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits.
Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent.
But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction.
A dumbing down.
Harvard researchers have found children who live in high fluoride areas have significantly lower IQs.
Enjoy your extra big-ass fries.
Researchers found members of Congress, on average, speak at a 10th grade level.
Most Americans read at an 8th or 9th grade level.
Look, now, I'll talk slow so you can understand me.
It was just a few thousand years ago that our ancestors were using primitive breaths to communicate.
Hillary's a good leader.
I trust Hillary.
I stand here as a free slave.
You're so dumb.
You are really dumb.
For real.
Mankind became stupider at a frightening rate.
You wanna know what I found out?
Most of England speaks Americanish.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I believe that our education, like such as South Africa and Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S.
should help the U.S., or should help South Africa.
What does that mean?
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the Journal of Pediatrics.
We now go live to violence channel correspondent for Micah Davis at the extreme court with highlights on today's trial.
Good to see you in this exercise in transparency and democracy.
Is that what it is?
A great dust bull had ravaged food supplies, and the number one movie in the country was called Ass.
Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
Obama, you should run for a third term because... Obama, third term!
How many sides does a triangle have?
Damn, four.
There's no sides.
What's Osama Bin Laden most infamous for?
Or Obama?
I have no idea who Osama is.
Which state does KFC come from?
What the chicken?
I don't know.
I really don't know.
Okay, do you know what KFC stands for?
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
A little further south from that facility, there's a completely separate building where they, get this, change raw sewage water into water people drink.
They got the toilet?
But Brondo's got what plants crave.
It's got electromagnets.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
I thought your hair would be better.
It's a circus, everybody!
Look at the monkey!
Look at the monkey!
I did that on purpose!
Well, this is what psychological warfare does.
The last 60, 70 years with television.
First they put out very wholesome, good things on TV so we would bring it in, the Trojan Horse.
Accept it, trust it, love it.
And then the social engineers began to incrementally turn up the heat and now you see where they are taking us.
They're waging war against the family, they're waging war against language, they're waging war against everything decent, everything honorable.
Because they have to tear down the old system to bring in the new.
And they're not bringing in a Star Trek, Kumbaya future.
I will tell you that.
I got my wires crossed.
Roger Stone's popping in next hour.
So I will do the Russia special in the third hour today.
I got time zones mixed up.
That can happen when you're teleprompter free.
Nobody directs their own radio slash TV show live from the seat while they host it, but I do.
So it's definitely a one-of-a-kind transmission, but it does have its foibles, hiccups, and train wrecks, which I think makes it all the more lovable, don't you?
There's a new story up on Infowars.com that will tie into what we cover in the third hour today.
Putin prepares for war as Ukraine infiltrates Crimea.
Western media quickly accuses Putin of planning Ukraine invasion.
Well, Eastern Ukraine has been part of Russia for 500 plus years.
They've had more than 10 wars over it.
And they voted to leave and join Russia.
Modern Ukraine is an artificial construct of the last 100 years.
Five billion dollars was spent by the State Department.
That is publicly admitted by Samantha Powers and George Soros.
They brag about it on CNN with Fareed Zakaria.
They overthrow the country, install a fascist group of neo-Nazis, who this isn't like where they call Trump a neo-Nazi for no reason and have no proof.
I mean actual real Heil Hitler people.
And then they start killing Russians, Russian ethnics, and so a small part of the country, maybe 15%, secedes to Russia.
I think if half the country seceded to Russia, if they voted for it, that's historically the ethnic lines, I would say that Russia has a right to defend that.
Because Russia didn't start it.
I want to explain how things work, okay, in the universe, to establishment types.
When you start the war, you're in the wrong.
And when you start trying to take over areas that are thousands of miles away from your country, that's wrong.
And Putin warned that as they move missiles in up against their borders, that they're going to have to respond once they have thousand-mile cruise missiles that can be smuggled in in the missile containers
That are the same missile as what they claim is an anti-missile system.
And the Russians know this is being done.
In fact, the Pentagon, from the top, in its own doctrine, says we want to have a nuclear war with Russia.
We can win it.
Now, not the generals themselves, but the people directing them on what the mission is, have provocatively admitted that it's a first strike on Russia.
Inviting a first strike on them.
About eight years ago, they changed the doctrine.
Right when Obama got in.
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And the listeners that have bought the unit absolutely love it.
I've had folks that are into solar panel systems say, man, you really do sell a really great unit for a really low price.
How do you sell it so low?
We buy a lot of them.
Now, usually with products, we sell thousands of them, thousands of Hillary shirts, thousands of Supermoto Vitality.
So we use establishment third-party rating sites that are very hard to gain when you're for real.
But when you only sell, you know, over a year, a hundred of these solar systems or whatever,
And it's very easy for the trolls.
You can go in and see the people that gave it zero stars.
You didn't ever buy one.
People that bought them gave it 4.5 or 5 star.
So that's one of the only things we sell where it's got, you know, two star ratings because the trolls went in there and did that.
Everything else, you know, with thousands of ratings per item in some cases is an average 4.8 star.
Nobody's got that with power reviews when it comes to supplements or other products.
The average is a 4.8.
So hopefully when people do buy these units and test them out and like them, please go rate them.
The way Power Reviews is actually set up is it's actually bent towards people saying mean things about you.
So the fact that we have a 4.8 is unheard of on average across the board, but it does have a two-star review because little bastards out there doing everything they can to try to stop us.
That's what I'm trying to explain, folks.
They're trying to censor us, they're trying to shut us down, they're trying dirty tricks.
You see what they're doing to Trump?
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Now, before we go to break, I want to go to this very important report by Paul Joseph Watson.
The video is up on InfoWars.com if you want to share it with people.
And he asked the very important question of, will Julian Assange be assassinated?
Will Julian Assange be assassinated?
We need to get this report out to everyone.
Also, we need to get the report out that we put out yesterday where Joe Biden threatened to attack Obama with a gun, but the media attacks Trump.
We forced this video out of him doing that?
And also of Hillary threatening Obama?
Saying he can end up like RFK?
It'll really shut them down, but unfortunately only Drudge and only Breitbart agree with me, and so no other conservative media will pick it up because they're not conservative.
Fox News is attacking Trump savagely.
They took it down.
I was told that by Fox insiders.
I went over to the Rich Carlton and met with Fox people, okay?
I'm not going to get into the whole inside baseball, but it is a coup.
I'm skipping this network break, because there won't be a show soon if we don't stop them.
I mean, folks, we are in a crisis, an emergency here of free speech in this country.
And I know Fox News has had problems.
I know they've pushed bad things.
I know that.
But they were the quote, home of conservatism and at least covered some good issues compared to MSNBC.
The fact that it's fully rolled over.
Rupert Murdoch's always been a globalist, a democrat.
His sons are horrible.
They're making their move.
Because they know their time is short.
Let's go to Paul Watson's report.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange dropped a bombshell when he suggested that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was one of the sources of the DNC email leak.
But was he one of your sources then?
I mean, we don't comment on who our sources are.
But why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington?
Because we have to understand how high the stakes are.
Rich was killed in mysterious circumstances in Washington D.C.
Shot in the back.
He wasn't robbed of his cell phone or wallet.
WikiLeaks has offered $20,000 for information leading to the conviction of his killer.
But could Assange himself be the next victim of the Clinton body count?
The day after Assange implied that Rich's murder was connected to Hillary Clinton,
WikiLeaks posted a couple of very strange tweets.
One was a video of former Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel expressing his desire to see Assange assassinated.
I mean, a dead man can't leak stuff.
This guy's a traitor, a treasonous, and he has broken every law of the United States.
The guy ought to be, and I'm not for the death penalty, so if I'm not for the death penalty and I don't want to do it, illegally shoot the son of a b****.
Another was a screenshot of a 2013 tweet by pro-Obama author and politico journalist Michael Grunwald.
I can't wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange.
Do these tweets prove that Assange is telegraphing a warning about his own potential assassination by the Clinton crime family?
What other explanation could there be?
Why is he invoking the threat of his own murder the day after implying that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leak?
Is Assange alluding to the threat of himself being targeted by the Clintons without outright saying it so as to avoid being labeled paranoid by the media?
The notion of Assange being assassinated is starting to crop up more and more.
Actor and conservative commentator James Woods even asked for the odds on whether or not the WikiLeaks founder would survive until the election.
Remember, Assange has vowed to release more damaging intel on Hillary's links to ISIS, corruption within the Clinton Foundation, and vote rigging.
We have upcoming leaks.
Yes, Wikileaks would still continue releasing the info without Assange.
But he's the face of it.
He does all the interviews.
Assange is Wikileaks.
He's what propels the leaks into the news headlines.
Is this all
Or should Assange have somebody testing his food before he eats it while he's holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy?
Because Seth Rich isn't the only Clinton-connected individual to recently die in mysterious circumstances.
John Ash was reportedly part of a scheme to funnel foreign money to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton years, just before he was set to testify against Clinton
Ash was found dead, apparently having crushed his own windpipe while lifting weights in his home.
Sean Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor despite being in good health.
Lucas was the lead attorney in a fraud case against the DNC, filed by Bernie Sanders supporters.
Meanwhile, prolific anti-Hillary author Victor Thorne supposedly committed suicide from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Is this all just absolute nonsense?
Thankfully, the answer is yes.
The Clinton body count is just a conspiracy theory.
So I'm sure Julian Assange will be perfectly safe.
Can we get the hyenas queued back up?
Let's get the hyenas queued back up.
The TBS had banned, but Hillary complained about it because you can't compare her to a hyena, even though she sounds just like one and acts just like one.
You just don't like her because she's a woman.
Oh, yeah, I hate women.
Oh, I want to keep women in their place.
That's why I don't like Hillary.
Oh, yes.
What a dried-out, fake, old, stunted, disinformation argument.
I would support women, and I do, for candidacy all the time.
I could care less what color you are.
I could care less what you got going on between your legs.
I care about what you got going on in your brain and in your heart and in your gut.
I care that you're informed and intellectually aware of what's happening and that you believe in freedom.
And in your heart, you're a loving, good person.
And in your gut, you're strong and have courage.
Obama was meant to create racial division and he's done a great job.
Hillary is going to make it all about women and, hell, if you don't support her, you're against women.
And you watch, stuff's going to get really bad for women.
Because the globalists hate life, they hate strength, and they're targeting our women.
And the minute the women start to figure that out, it's game over.
Because as Hitler said, first you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
80% of advertising is targeted at women.
That's been the rule since the 20s, it's still the rule today.
Why would you target women if they don't run things?
Because the truth is, everybody knows the big secret, that at the end of the day, in a family situation, but also in a single situation, or anywhere down the road, it's women making most of the decisions on what's bought, what vacations you go on, what type of house you have, what type of car,
It's women.
And the system knows that.
So you get the women, you got the children.
So follow the men.
Hitler had the biggest reach out to women ever seen in European history.
It's all about the girls!
Once you get the women, you got the children, so follow the men.
Once you got the women, you got the children, so follow the men.
Once you got the women, you got the children, so follow the men.
So follow the men.
Because most men aren't leaders, most men follow women.
And you better hope those women had good mothers and good fathers.
And where are women being led right now?
Right into poverty, right into being alone and cold at night, with chips on their shoulders, married to the state.
All scientifically developed, all scientifically created, all scientifically packaged, all scientifically deployed.
Because their evil, the globalist evil, extends across all time, all galaxies, all dimensions.
To quote Heavy Metal.
All right, where should we begin when we start the next hour?
Stone just called up and said, look, he's about to go into some really big meetings.
He's going to have even more intel for us tomorrow.
We're moving the Stone interview to tomorrow.
And that's fine because I've cleared the decks, but then he had some important news and I was going to have him on, but we're going to have him on tomorrow.
We're going to do the Russia special in the third hour.
We're going to take your phone calls and cover news and get to a bunch of special reports in the second
And who do we have hosting the fourth hour today?
We have Anthony Gucciardi.
So that is coming up.
Now, by the way, I'm not hesitating here for lack of news.
There's actually so much of it that it's dizzying when I look at it.
I think the whole story
of Trump coming out and just keeps pointing out Hillary founded ISIS.
Notice the media hardly even wants to attack him on that.
They just want to say, he wants a revolution, guns, guns!
He wants to kill everybody!
Because if they have to address the fact that she headed up the State Department when they brought Al-Qaeda into Benghazi and took over that country and made it a failed state and she said, I came, I saw, he died, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
With that hyena laugh.
And then it turns out that whole war was done by her.
We have the head of Defense Intelligence, Flynn, at the time, saying they were ordered to do it, and he's back in the news saying Obama's former top intel official, ISIS is already in America, getting ready to attack, slams administration efforts to downplay threat to America.
That's on InfoWars.com.
But it doesn't matter, the hyena can laugh about it.
Let's play that.
We don't have the hyena clip?
Okay, I'm sorry.
I just kind of shot out orders on air.
Poor guys.
I thought it would happen in a few minutes.
Yeah, I want to play the hyena clip.
Hillary is the hyena.
I want to drag that back in and I want to play that on air.
Because old Hillary is disintegrating in front of everyone and I think it's the age-old parable
happens to steal it.
If their hoax succeeds and they convince enough people that Trump's already dropped out or whatever, she gets in, where does it go from there?
You can just see the rapid, accelerated decline of this country on and on and on.
So are you going to put up with that?
I want to talk in the first round of calls to first-time callers
We have good phones, that's all I ask.
On specifics of, do you buy these polls?
What do you think is really going to happen in the election?
What dirty tricks do you think they have up their sleeves?
What do you make of Hillary's health?
What do you make of Julian Assange?
What do you make of all these deaths?
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Again, 800-259-9231.
Use the toll-free number to join us on air.
If you disagree with me, maybe you're a Hillary supporter.
In fact, I want to say Hillary supporters who are real, go to the head of the line.
Because we can hardly find you out there.
I have plenty of Bernie supporters.
But I actually want to know why you're still supporting this woman.
You'll go to the head of the line.
We saw.
We came.
He dies.
I'll get you and your little dog too.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Have you spread the word about InfoWars?
We're trying to shut everybody down folks.
Don't take it for granted.
Thank you.
Please pray for us.
We appreciate you.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Brainforce, it's completely different.
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Rob Dew joins us.
You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
Tell us what Brainforce did.
I'd been working all day.
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You will find BrainForce and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Careful what you ask for, you just might get it, Hillary.
You might just steal the election.
Heh heh heh.
Then, the Crown King nothing.
Because everyone will know.
Wish I may, wish I might!
This is a battle between trendiness and emptiness and mindlessness.
A battle between the owners of the throngs of dumbed-down mindless fools.
And those that are trying to recapture and regain the ideas that built civilization.
Oh, it's easy to point back at different human endeavors and look at how innovators stumble.
To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, but where would you be without those innovators?
And it's the West that tried to end slavery.
It's the West that tried to empower women and in some cases succeeded.
And now it is a cacophony of globalists bringing back slavery.
Packaging it as if it's the latest, coolest thing.
But it's a slavery of words.
A slavery of ideas.
A slavery of economic bondage.
And it's a slavery of delusion.
Believing you're part of the power structure.
Believing you're part of the system.
And you guys just popped in my ear.
It must be key intel.
What's that again?
Trump calls Obama founder of ISIS, and then they go on and say he's not?
What does that mean?
Does that just mean they just say he's not?
Like, I know you are, but what am I?
Like, if you tell a fire hydrant it's a red fire hydrant, it is a red fire hydrant.
You just say, no, I'm not a red fire hydrant.
I identify as a fruit tree.
I mean, Obama and Hillary are the people that ran the program to turn Islamic State loose and give it weapons, and the former head of defense intelligence of others have come out and said it.
And Trump knows that when he exposes this, and they start countering him, and they start saying he's a liar, it's going to give a platform.
That's how Trump's traps work.
He comes out and says something that sounds outrageous, that's true.
The mainstream media attacks him, and he knows that it will then cause those issues to be exposed, and that's why they're calling him the suicide kamikaze candidate.
By the way, who started calling him, I'm not bragging, I just totally get it.
Who started calling him, I just remembered this, the suicide kamikaze
Suicide mission candidate six months ago?
I did.
That's now their term for him.
Because I said, he's here to expose the private Federal Reserve.
He's here to expose the harassment and attacks on Christians.
He's here to expose how our government's allied with Islamic State and radical Islam.
He's here to expose how we've got one-sided trade deals and are under globalism, not nationalism.
And whether he loses or wins the candidacy, he wins big time by bringing out issues that it's taken us decades to get one-tenth of this out.
And so he doesn't get discredited if they destroy him or kill him or steal the election unless we buy the hoax that we're discredited.
We got beat because we were moral and told the truth and stood up and then our guy didn't win because they stole it.
And my gosh, I mean, that's just terrible.
And that's what I want to talk about when I come back from break.
I was driving into work this morning and I flipped through, as I do, four different talk stations.
Two in San Antonio, two in Austin.
And I listened about five minutes to each one and I heard the same thing.
And I know all these hosts.
And some of them very well.
And I could just hear they've been told to throw the election to Hillary.
I mean, it's everywhere, folks.
It's everywhere.
And they come in and say, hey, you like your house, you like your pool, you like your BMW?
Throw this thing to Hillary or you're fired.
Take it easy on Hillary.
And I could just see it everywhere.
I want to talk about that when we come back and take our calls.
The Clinton body count continues to pile up.
WikiLeaks is now offering a $20,000 reward for more information in the murder of DNC staffer Seth Conrad Rich.
Rich was shot multiple times in the back on the morning of July 10th.
Although it's being investigated as a robbery, his wallet, credit cards, and watch were not taken.
Some are speculating that Rich was murdered because as a data analyst, he could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
Rich follows Sean Lucas to an early grave.
On August 2nd, Lucas was found lying dead on the bathroom floor just one month after serving a lawsuit to the DNC on behalf of Sanders supporters.
On June 22nd, former President of the U.N.
General Assembly John Ash was found dead from a barbell to the neck just days before he was set to testify against a former Clinton crony.
Where there's smoke, there's fire, and dead bodies have been piling up around the Clintons for decades.
Leanne McAdoo for InfoWars.com
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That's Infowarsteam.com.
You developed Living Defense for us.
It took you over a year to do it.
Why is this so good?
Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
Right now with all the refugees,
Uh, spreading disease around.
We have biological warfare going on everywhere.
These are all parasites.
Tell us about all the stuff that's in it.
There's so many things that are in it.
You have the neem in there, you have the organic clove bud, the organic wormwood.
I recommend doing a parasite cleanse at least twice a year.
Alright, well, I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
Living Defense.
And folks, you can't lose.
It's full of stuff that's great for your body, period.
And, uh,
You support the broadcast.
Thank you, Dr. Group from the Global Healing Center.
Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
The era of economic surrender will finally be over.
We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.
They have gotten the political establishment and the media establishment to become pure, wanton henchmen of totalitarianism.
If you were a foreign power looking to weaken America, you couldn't do better.
I think what the Chinese have done is really smart.
Right here in Detroit.
It's all training us to accept less, lowering expectations, a post-industrial world, a new dark age.
That's what the UN Biological Diversity Assessment 1996 calls for.
When we abandon the policy of America first,
We started rebuilding other countries instead of our own.
Not a world, Winston, that gets more beautiful, and more technological, and stronger.
A world that gets uglier, and stupider, and more stunting.
The government should allow
I voted for Hillary Clinton.
Well, I voted for Hillary.
I guess I have to since I'm working for her as well.
You want an image of the future, Winston?
It's a boot stomping on a human face forever.
Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.
Women are treated discriminated against in all these countries she took money against.
Gays and lesbians are either executed or punished severely.
They're mistreated.
She claims to be their champion.
Don't look at me, Winston, and see the black circles around my eyes, and see how ugly and weak I am, expressing myself and dying, and I torture people 18 hours a day, and I have a horrible life!
That's the beauty of the satanic evil of the priest of power ripping apart humanity!
We're here to hurt humans!
We're here to suck your guts out!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
And I want to add an addendum to that intro that Josh Owens put together.
Because a lot of people won't know specifically the passage from 1984 towards the end of the book where O'Brien has successfully
Tortured Winston into a servile mental patient who believes 2 plus 2 equals whatever the government says it equals.
And that means it can equal 10, it can equal 5, it can equal 4 at the same time if the government says.
So a suspension of logic.
When you see the social justice warriors saying, you're an effing white male, you're not allowed to have an opinion, and they're effing white males saying it to you, there's no irony to them.
And you look at that and you say, that's a failed ideology.
That's not going to win.
No, Joseph Goebbels said, you want the dumbest, most base ideology, so that people don't have to think.
You don't want to stimulate the thinking process in the public.
You don't want big, fancy, open liberal societies,
You don't want things that give people a chance to ever even exercise those mental muscles.
You take the screw tape letters, great literature, one of the top demons is talking to one of the sub-demons, and he says, don't try intellectual argument.
That will only develop those centers of his brain.
Just change the subject if he's thinking about God, isn't it time to get some lunch?
And that's what they did.
So, O'Brien has black circles around his eyes.
He's working 18 hours a day.
He's torturing Winston.
He's got 50 people he's torturing, you know, off and on during the day.
And he says, oh, I know what you're thinking, Winston.
And Winston's always horrified.
He does know what he's thinking.
I look really sick.
I look really old.
I look like I'm falling apart.
Well, that's the health of the state.
Because this state is about destroying the human spirit.
And I read this when I was like 12, and I was like, man, I've read a lot of history, but this is really dark.
Then I read it again in college, then I read it again when I was about 30 years old, because the major director was thinking about remaking 1984.
A friend of mine.
I was reading 1984 with him at the time and talking to him on the telephone about it.
And so I went and I read basically every book, fiction, nonfiction, Orwell written.
I sent off for a literature textbook.
That was like 800 pages long of his letters.
He literally ran off and hid to write this book.
And he probably didn't die of tuberculosis.
He died like nine months after the book came out.
They killed him.
And he thought they were going to try to kill him.
Because he was high-level Fabian socialist in the club, and it was so horrifying to him what they were planning to do to people, he put it in fiction.
And 1984 is 1948 when he wrote the book.
And of course, I'm not saying that.
That's what he wrote in essays.
I tell you, George Orwell was an amazing person.
He came from a very elite intellectual family that had even been on the outskirts of a eugenics breeding program.
He was married into the family, was to the Wedgwoods, the Dalton's, the Darwin's and others.
And he just had done it all, basically.
He was an imperial police officer, secret police in India, then a communist in the Spanish Civil War, heavy combat, saw how horrible the communists were on both sides, went and worked for MI6, OSS, taught propagandists there at the BBC, and wrote 1984 to warn the world.
And when you understand, I'm going to read to you just part, I'm going to read you one page from the book, okay?
And when you hear this, you have to understand, this is the actual plan, okay?
After all the hedonism, after studies show, all this porn makes sure we don't enjoy the real thing.
And where you can't form real relationships.
It's all been scientifically laid out.
And I'm not saying censor it.
I'm for free speech.
My point is, just be aware of what it's doing.
So this is O'Brien torturing Winston, and Winston's submitting now, and Winston gets it.
He says, you know, later, Winston, it's not enough that you get it now.
We're going to have to brain damage you further, though, because it's not even good that you even understand this.
I just want you to know how we conquered you first, before we brainwash you, release you on the street for a year or so.
Then we're going to shoot you in the back of the head one day, and then burn you up, and you'll never have a name in history, and we're going to shoot you as gas into the atmosphere, okay?
Because we're Satanists, and we want to kill God's creation.
That's basically what's being said here.
And then, see, if you understand this,
The ability to be free is 2 plus 2 equals 4.
You now understand the whole of it.
Now I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
And we got big Trump news coming up too.
By making him suffer, obedience is not enough.
Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying
Your will and on his own.
Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
See the Satanism?
Take over the creation, create all these mutations.
The uglier the better.
As a religious dowry, the top hedge fund people will pay a hundred million, fifty million for a vial of monkey sperm poured on a skull.
And you're like, that's not art, it doesn't matter.
It's about worth taking all the labor of what poor widows would do just eating dog food, and old people freezing to death in Detroit, and just children not getting enough food at night, and going and paying a hundred million for cans of elephant manure.
Dumped on the Virgin Mary.
And you're like, okay, well they're just trying to be radical.
No, they admit.
We want to do horrible things.
We want to support some little wimp in a, you know, black outfit with real white skin who thinks he's a vampire who runs around and creates the cans of manure as the jet copters land in New York to go in with suitcases of cash.
Oh, cans of manure.
Thank you.
You're like, well, that's just mental illness.
No, it's not.
They're conducting it.
It's a ritual.
Skip the break.
It's too important.
By making him suffer.
Obedience is not enough.
Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?
Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we're creating?
It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic utopias that the old reformers imagined.
A world of fear and treachery and torment.
A world of trampling and being trampled upon.
A world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself.
Progress in our world will be a progress towards more pain.
The old civilizations claimed they were founded on love or justice.
Ours is founded upon hatred.
In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement.
Everything else, we shall destroy.
Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the revolution.
We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman.
No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer.
But in the future there will be no wives and no friends.
Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, North Korea, as one takes eggs from a hen.
The sex instinct will be eradicated.
Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card.
We will abolish the orgasm.
Our neurologists are at work upon it now.
There will be no loyalty except loyalty towards the party.
There will be no love except the love of Big Brother.
There will be no laughter except the laugh of triumph over defeated enemy.
There will be no art, no literature, no science.
When we are omnipotent, we shall have no more need of science.
There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life.
And competing pleasures will be destroyed.
But always, do not forget this, Winston, always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.
Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of crampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face forever.
Now, think about this.
He was there at
The OSS and the MI6, and we all knew this forever when we talked about it, it was declassified two years ago, that the CIA spent billions in 1940s, 50s, and 60s money to put out ugly art, things that didn't make sense, to tell you that was beauty so that you would get a confused sense of what innately you saw as beautiful.
So that then they could finally ratchet it up to show nothing but ugliness, to the point of which
You were unable to even recognize beauty, and that you would adapt to the ugliness.
That's why they made architecture ugly, they made things squat, they made things twisted on purpose, was so that you would lose, basically, those spiritual connections to the higher, and understand that you were transcendent above all this.
Now, we all knew this.
It was declassified two years ago.
Education is meant to kill the love of knowledge.
It's meant to kill the love of discovery.
It's there to make sure none of these young people, ever,
Actually read real literature, or actually ever begin to get involved in real art.
And then they say, oh, the way you'll be successful is you're going to be an NFL football player.
Even though there's only, what, a couple thousand NFL football players, even though genetically 99% of people couldn't be an NFL football player, that's where you can still have tribal male dominance and a simulation of the tribe where they can project their advertisements, their control.
And Bernays all wrote about this.
So that's the new manhood.
And they can package the new femininity, and they just completely steal all of our birthrights away from us.
Rembrandt, with his pen and brush, being able to capture candlelight that nobody else could do, and to show a human image, more human than human, almost show the soul of a person.
That's not art.
The greatest of the Dutch painters.
No, no, no.
It's splattering a bunch of random paint where, see, anybody can be a master.
And sure, some splattered modern art is okay.
But the point is, they said, no, this is the highest level to set the precedent that they would choose what was high art.
They would choose.
They would define.
Great example of this, we're going to get to it right now.
This is what they were telling me during the last break.
CNN has come out.
I was wondering, because they weren't really covering this.
This is his latest clip, where he doesn't just say Hillary is the founder of ISIS, he says Obama and Hillary are co-founders, which we said two years ago over and over again at Nauseam, which is the truth.
Our own military said it.
So how do they spin it?
They go, well, technically the founder of what we call ISIS is this Muslim.
It's rhetorical.
It is a figure of speech that she helped fund them, protected them, gave them the weapons.
She really is, at the State Department, and then Obama as the President, the people that allowed this to happen, and allowed them to invade Libya, and then give them the support they needed to jump ahead into Syria.
That's incontrovertible.
The head of Defense Intelligence has come out.
Colonel Schaeffer's come out.
They've had congressional hearings.
Ron Paul's talked about it.
Senator Cruz has talked about it.
Everybody knows that that's informed.
Now the DNC's come out on Trump's ISIS claims.
Donald Trump should apologize for his outrageous, unhinged, and patently false suggestions of the founding of ISIS.
This is yet another out-of-control statement by a candidate who is unraveling before our eyes.
That's the Democratic National Committee.
Now, if you continue, ladies and gentlemen,
They just have a fact check.
Oh, oh, they had a big fact check in the Atlantic monthly.
Hit pause, I'll go to that in a minute.
And they said that fact check found that Hillary was accurate 70 plus percent of the time and Trump was lying 70 percent.
Oh, thank you.
And Snopes, a fat lady with a cat, tells me what's reality as well.
Snopes tells me the Islamic State, you know, isn't involving the terror attacks in Europe, because she said so!
And because the media links to them as the authority.
Really, here is another article today up on InfoWars.com from the Freebacon.
Obama, former top intel official.
ISIS is already in America.
SLAM's administration ever since downplay threat.
We have more intel.
CENTCOM whistleblowers.
Obama distorting ISIS intelligence.
CBS this morning, up on InfoWars.com.
And then we have Flynn, last year, no, no, this year, on Al Jazeera.
The former head, relieved by Obama, for not backing ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Former D.I.
director, U.S.
made willful decision to support ISIS in Syria.
I mean, that's from 2015.
Then he goes on TV this year, and their answer is to just simply say, we have fact-checked.
Let's go back to CNN.
In fact, let's play the CNN clip.
The Communist News Network,
The Clinton News Network, you know, how about the...
I mean, I don't know how you describe how evil these people are.
Anderson Cooper endorsed the Arab Spring in Libya, and in Syria, and in Egypt, our own allies being overthrown, and hundreds of churches being blown up.
He was sitting on the news saying how beautiful and wonderful it was.
These are sick, evil people.
And he admits that he's one of the major heirs to one of the robber baron fortunes, and is CIA as we speak!
It's not even hidden!
They have a CIA globalist with his Atlantic accent up there,
Like Thurston Howell III pissing down our backs.
I'm sorry, it's what he's doing.
Let's go to the club.
DNC on Trump's ISIS claims.
...resolve and steady temperament of a commander-in-chief that doesn't fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
Donald Trump has once again shown that he lacks that temperament and that he's simply unfit to hold our nation's highest office.
Hillary does.
Demand for an apology, which is a word that very rarely comes out of the Trump campaign or out of the man himself.
But one word that does often get used is dishonest.
That is his favorite word in public anyway for the media that is covering his... Alright, let's stop right now.
We have this chicken-necked woman...
Thinking our audience are idiots, and I mean, CNN's audience has gone down by another third.
There wasn't much there.
Fox has dropped in the last year, 54% in their key demographic, 35% overall.
They're dropping as we speak.
They are turning into the new CNN.
CNN is just moving to the MSNBC.
MSNBC is moving to Mao Zedong level garbage.
I mean, literally.
And we have Dempsey going three years ago and saying, we won't be Al Qaeda's air force.
We have Senator Paul saying that.
We have everybody, everybody who's thinking knows this, but she's there preying on her moron audience.
And they have this fact check on screen showing, no, here, this is the founder.
When they mean the founder, they mean the group that funded them and brought them in and protected them.
The globalists are the true founders.
In fact, let's get the Trump clip ready in a minute, but first, here is General Flynn.
For the sake of our viewers, in 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the U.S.
was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that, if you're worried about the rise of, quote-unquote, Islamic extremists?
I mean, I hate to say it's not my job, but my job was to ensure that the accuracy of our intelligence that was being presented was as good as it could be.
And I will tell you, it goes before 2012.
I mean, when we were in Iraq, and we still had decisions to be made before there was a decision to pull out of Iraq in 2011.
I mean, it was very clear what we were going to face.
Well, I admire your frankness on the subject.
Very clear what we were going to face.
Let me just, before we move on, just to clarify once more.
You are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it.
But who wasn't listening?
I think the administration.
The administration turned a blind eye to your analysis.
I don't know if they turned a blind eye.
I think it was a decision.
I think it was a willful decision.
A willful decision to support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood.
A willful decision to do what they're doing.
Which you have to really ask the President what is it that he actually is doing with the policy that is in place because it is very, very confusing.
I'm sitting here today, Matty, and I don't
I can't tell you exactly.
No, let's explain.
Well, I can tell you.
It's turned ISIS loose worldwide as a proxy army in Saudi Arabia.
But imagine, I want to tell that CNN reporter something, lady.
Even Gore Vidal admitted before he died that he would go on CNN and they would have generals there and others in PSYOP saying what he could and couldn't say.
And that's all come out even in the Washington Post of all places.
Do you understand that globalists are backing radical Islamists, Wahhabists, under the name ISIS, Islamic State, Al Qaeda, all over the world?
And do you understand that the entire military knows this now?
We've done our job.
Do you understand the police now know about this?
Do you understand the governors know?
Do you understand we know?
Do you understand that?
You sit up there thinking we're morons telling your audience this is preposterous and you know he's not going to apologize because he's such a dishonest person.
He's telling the truth.
We're going to come back and play the clip, and then go to your phone calls.
Matt, Andy, Jim, Joey, Zach, and others, toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
Please don't take the site for granted.
I want to thank you all for your support.
The globalists are really moving against freedom worldwide, because they know freedom is rising.
So don't get too depressed, but the battle is on.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Bates here with InfoWars.com.
Communist Party unites behind Hillary.
The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.
That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of reporters covering their National Political Convention last month.
And their convention was a Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president.
Here are some examples from the editorial produced as part of that
I think?
You can find more reports like this at Infowars.com.
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You got a business.
You didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
What the globalists are doing is just destabilizing things.
But what does that mean?
They're not just destabilizing the economy, the family, common sense, logic.
They're out there on purpose saying the word mother and father is bad, and the brown paper bags are hateful, the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist, or if you ask for brownies, that's racist.
This is all being done to just totally put people into a catatonic state, to just roll over and keep their mouths shut, to feel henpecked, to feel guilty.
I'm going to your phone calls, and then in the next hour, I'm going to look at the state of the world and the state of the economy and why the West is trying to start a war with Russia.
And it's simple.
The globalists took Russia over in 1917.
They lost control.
In the last decade, Putin arrested the oligarchs, kicked most of them out.
Doesn't mean he's perfect.
Doesn't mean he's got a perfect government.
But they don't have a pro-death eugenics government.
China's another power structure, but it's following the one-child policy.
It's following the New World Order.
It likes it.
Communist Chinese want to deal with the Anglo-American establishment to be the world production system, as long as they weren't military.
They would divide up the powers.
China has double-crossed the New World Order, which they were always meant to do.
Russia is just over there trying to stabilize things and trying to not be overthrown.
And the globalists are hitting them with the Islamists.
They're hitting them with all these different ethnic groups on their borders.
They're doing open attempts to overthrow the Russian government.
That's on the news.
I mean, on Fox and CNN they go, of course we've got people trying to change the elections in Russia and put somebody else in.
Of course we want to do this and that.
And Russia is standing up against it.
I mean, can you say Tsarist Russia was good when it fought back against Napoleon?
Better than Napoleon?
And what do you say about Russia when it fought back against Hitler?
Well, sure.
Stalin was planning to attack.
Hitler did a sneak attack back.
The rest is history.
The point is that Stalin isn't running Russia today.
And mainline analysts, in fact, before we do this big special report next hour,
Let's pull up that Princeton head professor about the new McCarthyism and the rest of it because, you know, back in the fifties there was a real communist threat in this country and as soon as McCarthy found out that the army and the Pentagon and the globalists were actually working with the Russians, oh, he had to be shut down immediately at that point, see, because at that point Russia was still a quasi-client state with the West.
When Stalin kicked Trotsky out,
Then the Cold War started because Russia wasn't 100% playing ball anymore.
He wasn't Uncle Joe anymore.
In World War II, he was in the newspaper as Uncle Joe, the loving helper.
But they kicked the Trotskyites out, which you know is the neocons today.
They came to the U.S.
They were given support here as defectors.
They first ran to Mexico and were being hunted down and killed, including Trotsky with an ice axe.
And again, if you don't know this history, it's all documented, undebated.
It's there.
And so, the New World Order is hopping pissed about Russia.
They cannot stand.
That's theirs.
They took that over.
They killed tens of millions of Russians every, you know, few decades, and their neighbors, and hundreds of millions were put through, you know, slave camps in the 85 years.
Sometimes up to 20% of the population.
And it was just a wonderland.
Of social engineering and political correctness.
And now it's all going to hell in a handbasket for him.
It's not just Donald J. Trump channeling Alex Jones, is it?
As the headlines read.
They're not channeling Alex Jones.
Vladimir Putin's not channeling Alex Jones.
They're channeling reality and real politics.
Neither is Trump.
Because the truth is, I've read the enemy's own handbooks.
That's why what we say is so accurate.
I'd love to take credit.
We've got the enemy's playbooks.
So, we're idiots if we don't beat this thing.
Okay, I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
Uh, briefly...
I mean, I just keep saying this every segment now because I know things are so serious.
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And believe me, if they start listening, it'll be a whole new world.
That's how we got this big this far.
We need to triple down and get crazy aggressive now.
Crazy aggressive.
Because the globalists aren't arrogant anymore.
They're scared.
They realize we're beating them.
They realize what's happened.
They realize the military, worldwide militaries, on average, don't like to be oppressors.
They're always given these false paradigms.
They're doing this for the greater good.
Now they understand the real template, especially our military.
And they're listening, folks.
And once you listen a little bit, it's not like you got to keep tuning in and know what's going on.
You already know.
You go out and see it for yourself.
The paradigm shift.
It's like a hidden image on a wall.
Once you see it, why didn't you see it before?
I'm not telling people what to think.
I'm getting them to put on the glasses.
Or take off the scanner glasses.
Take off the darkly.
All you gotta do is start actually looking at how things run, not the whole false system they put out, and it's game over.
So please don't take the broadcast for granted.
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Okay, I'm going to go to your calls now.
We're going to go to Matt, Andy, Jay, Zach, and then Gary.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to Matt in Florida.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, hey Alex, man.
Talk to you.
Go ahead.
I had a comment on Julian Assange.
I just wanted to, you know, say that I don't understand why he shouldn't be universally celebrated as somebody who champions truth, you know, for the human race.
Well, he's definitely proven he's the real deal in the last five years, six years, and so has Snowden.
Well, hopefully, hopefully, that if something does happen to him, you know, maybe four or five more Julian Assanges will pop up, you know?
But I had a question for you.
Do you know off the top of your head of any leaks that come to the top of your head that are actually detrimental, where they can say that he's some horrible enemy of the state?
When has he done that?
No, he hasn't.
That's a really great point, Matt.
Listen, I said earlier, before a break, that I was going to come back and talk about why conservatives are such failures, and I never got to it.
I'll get to it later, if I have time.
We spend most of our time responding to the globalist media.
And I did that as well.
Earlier, you know, pointing out that what he said about Al-Qaeda and ISIS being supported by Hillary is totally true, that she helped found ISIS.
So did Obama.
But I hear conservatives calling us on radio and they try to sound as reasonable as they can.
I know you Democrats claim there's too many shootings and deaths, but
And that you're blaming gun owners for what's happening, but that's like blaming somebody for their free speech, blaming everybody's speech.
That's not how you counter them, because it's not true!
You're lying!
They want our guns to enslave us, they want our guns to dominate and control us.
They're horrible dirtbag hypocrites that have bodyguards, paid for by taxpayers in most cases.
So there's this attempt by men in general to drive the most conservative car, dress the most conservatively, and act real calm and kind of replete a safe talking point.
And that's why we're in so much trouble.
We are overrun by crime.
They bring in millions of people undocumented, many of them with TB that's non-treatable.
That is run up and down the street naked with your hair on fire to get people's attention.
We've been put in this state of comfort while we're being lobotomized.
And all these jackass men that think because they act reasonable that that's manly.
You're not manly.
And because you craft your arguments and want to sound safe and want to sound reasonable, you're jackasses.
I can't stand you.
Because you're so paralyzed by what other people think.
A lot of you are smart enough to actually know what's going on, but you think it's like status, that you kind of get into a George Will mode, and that somehow you're really cool then.
No, what you are is a punk.
You think these drooling masses of people hear your quote reasonable argument and care?
They're servile scum!
And I don't mean the hard-working masses, people that are awake and know what's going on, who have more knowledge than the average establishment person.
I mean the giant, lazy, unwashed masses in the system that are like piranhas.
It doesn't matter.
When they're doing illegal surveillance and they're torturing people that's illegal, that information needs to come out so it stops.
And the argument that you get, quote, people killed, well, that's just the way it goes because they shouldn't be doing that to begin with.
But no, WikiLeaks has been very, very careful about what they release.
And so has Snowden.
Hillary, in her emails, actually exposed a bunch of real moles the U.S.
and others had inside dangerous countries.
She probably got paid to do it.
Andy in Maine, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I spoke with you a couple of weeks ago about conducting our own exit polling and volunteering at the polls and I wanted to give you an update and reach out to every listener out there and also sort of encourage them by saying in the time that it's been since I spoke to you with my Vote Protectors exclamation point group on Facebook, we since have
Hundreds of members of that group from every state in the union, people who want to get involved, and we now have VoteProtectors.org up and running.
Well that's fabulous news.
And we need the Trump campaign to officially do it.
We need independent news agencies to do it.
And again, to go to areas that are key demographics, that are battleground areas especially, and then to just simply show what numbers.
And again, it's recognized that exit polling is extremely, extremely accurate within three points of margin of error.
And you just mark it down and you do it on video and say, hi, we're citizen exit pollers here.
And of course, they'll try to send Democrats over to, wait, it's illegal, get away.
No, you're 100 feet away, or whatever the local law is, and then people want to, you know, talk about, hey, we're doing an exit poll, would you like to help us with the accuracy?
And just see how they did it, and then videotape it, put it on YouTube as you speak, with the results, so that in live time, we can match all that up, and guaranteed, there'll be articles written about it, you name it, and you may be the person out there, in Ohio, or in Pennsylvania, or in Florida, or other areas, that ends up taking it over the top.
Well, I wanted to let you know we're trying to conduct things non-partisanly to reach out to everybody across from the progressives to the conservatives.
But what we're doing is starting next weekend, the 20th and the 21st, I want everybody to go to VoteProtectors.org.
We're going to have questionnaires, surveys up there.
Take those surveys out to your area.
Listen, I think at this point I don't screen the calls.
But I don't let folks give out phone numbers and things like that because it'll be done to prank folks.
And I don't think you're trolling us.
We've had a lot of people try that before.
So send me your info.
And then let me try to vet who you are and this organization before I get info wars and our audience fully behind something.
I'm in general telling folks we need lots of groups out doing exit polling.
And I appreciate your call.
We can put them on hold and get his number.
I'm sure you're for real.
This is a great idea.
I'm glad you're doing it.
Thanks for taking action.
We just need to...
Not let our opposition be led by the opposition.
And so I need to vet, obviously, some organization before I really start promoting it here on air.
But I'm glad you called in with the fact that you're taking action to set up your own exit polling system.
Fabulous job.
So we need to get in touch with Andy and then vet who he is and his background to find out who he is and if he's a legitimate group and looks like they're taking action, then we can get behind those folks and maybe link them up with Roger Stone or somebody else.
All I'm saying is there are eight different battleground states
Eight of them.
Maybe ten.
But if you're in New York, if you're in Ohio, if you're in Pennsylvania, if you're in Wisconsin, if you're in Florida, if you're in some of those other states, you need to be out there doing exit polling.
If you're inside the polling stations, whatever, you need to be gathering that information so that it can be gotten out to the public.
It's a great point.
Zach in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Alex, yeah, my question is do you think Hilliard will back out of the debates and say something like...
Trump's a bully, he's racist, and the media will back her up, and then we won't have a real debate in this country.
Well, they're busy going to the talking point that you know comes from Hillary, that he's cancelling the debate because he protested it, and he's dropping out, and he's a loser, and he's 5,000 points behind, or whatever new, or you know, he's a fairy godmother or whatever, or his wife's a prostitute.
I mean, they're spewing every lie you can imagine.
Hillary could have health problems and end up dropping out, but I mean, I think that's speculation.
Have you seen anything towards that direction?
Uh, yeah, I could see that, but if I think he debates her, he's got a crusher, and his poll numbers will go way up, like, right after the debates.
Well, they keep implying that he's preparing an exit strategy and gonna quit.
He just keeps saying it's not true.
They just keep saying he's losing, he's quitting, just like they said that Ben Carson was losing and he quit.
And again, that basically knocked him out of the race.
This is serious, serious dirty tricks.
What do you think?
Uh, yeah.
Did you see the thing on CNN the other day?
Don Lemon vs. Dan Bongino?
You know, since you mentioned that, I'll play that when we come back from break.
We have a lot of really great clips I haven't gotten to yet, and that's one of them.
I mean, Don Lemon is such a joke, and CNN is such a joke.
I mean, the show has a couple hundred thousand viewers on CNN.
We have affiliates that carry this show.
That have hundreds of thousands of listeners on their morning shows.
I mean, it is, it is, it's just a total facade.
The dinosaur media, the enemy media is a facade.
We'll be back, stay with us.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness Before you slip into...
Globalist mind control mode.
You might want to actually study history.
That's the point I'm making.
I'm gonna go back to your phone calls, then I'm going to get into World War 3.
A lot of mainline analysts say that we are getting closer to it every day.
What does Vladimir Putin have to say?
Because more and more we play clips of what Putin's talked about and then they go super viral because no one really knew this was going on in the West.
That's what Putin's saying.
He's like, aren't you aware of what's going on?
So I've got some clips I've played before, some other clips I haven't played in the next hour, in the latter two-thirds of the next hour that we're going to be getting to, but I'm about to go right back to your phone calls.
Separately though, I always talk about how this is a dichotomy between people that are in a trance state and just go with whatever the mainstream media says and those of us that are awake.
And I don't mean that in some patronizing way, like we've got all the answers.
But clearly, you look at history, by every benchmark, we're going into a very, very serious oligarchy.
Corporate, worldwide oligarchy, where they're the new royalty and are above the law.
But here's the problem.
There's never been such a big, open, free country with so much wealth.
That's not just our history, it's technology, it's human population, it's our time in history.
It's not that the West was perfect, it's just the Renaissance was so incredible, and a rebellion against the Dark Ages and suppression, that it coincided and allowed the acceleration of a lot of technology that has empowered humanity to a great extent.
It's also made us very, very decadent.
So there's a paradox there, that it's allowed greater corruption to grow, and greater slovenliness to grow, and greater decadence to grow, and greater slouching towards Gomorrah to develop than we've ever seen.
Not just in the population, in general, but the elites themselves.
And they've gotten away with more and more, so they're somewhat delusional.
A lot of them are on a lot of different drugs.
A lot of them are very, very mentally ill.
They've got megalomania.
I mean, this is a serious situation.
But you've got parallel tracks with so much freedom and jurisprudence and private property and wealth left, that as it runs side by side, they're able to build tyrannies that the world's never seen.
I mean, the level of the surveillance, the level of lies, the level of evil, any weak group, third world country, unborn children, poor people, they can target, they savage the hell out of.
They leave you alone if you got a little bit of money and stuff, because they're predators.
They're going after the low-hanging fruit first, but gearing everything up to end prosperity.
And that's all I can say to people.
I cannot express to you how evil the globalist are.
For God's sake, the New World Order is pure death.
It's horrible.
It's anti-freedom.
It's anti-liberal.
It's anti-prosperity.
It's anti-choice.
It's so bad.
Why do you think it's allied with the worst forms of Islam and turning it loose worldwide?
Let's not debate whether there's been good forms of Islam and whether there's been some golden ages of Islam where they were actually less barbaric than Christians in the Dark Age.
I've actually studied it.
There were some cases, okay?
I want to say Christianity's way more altruistic, so is Judaism on average, but Islam's had some high points, okay?
The average Arab, or if you get into Persia,
Brain, they're smart folks on average, but they got a lot of tribalism, bad habits, bad stuff going on, a lot of oppression, a lot of craziness.
A lot of the Saudis have been inbreeding, a lot of them are mentally ill.
I mean, let's just talk about what's going on.
What about the Saudi royal family?
I mean, they all look identical.
It's total fruitcakes.
So, you've got all this happening, and so it's the best of times, worst of times, as I'm always saying at nauseam.
We're going to go break it back with your calls.
That when this sucker derails, people are in for a spectacularly rude awakening.
Because you've just got like a consortium of evil, with bad will towards the general public, engaged in all sorts of bizarre experimentation, you name it.
And I just want to talk to so-called trendies and people in the system who think they're in power because they're going along with this.
You're useful idiots.
I mean, I'm not wrong about this, okay?
I know what I'm talking about.
There's a reason military and foreign governments and others listen to us, because they can't tune in anywhere else or anything that makes any sense.
We know what we're talking about.
You're fooling yourself if you don't believe us, okay?
And I mean, look into what we're saying.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The social engineers, those that want to keep us in the dark, thought that they would incrementally bring in their planetary attorney.
Now they realize that things have backfired on them.
The internet wasn't a one-way street.
They're behind schedule.
They better just get it all done right now, which will fail long term.
The question is how bad will this get before they figure it out?
I mean, look at Hillary.
She's obviously half dead, but she won't give up.
Drudge has got polls out where
Fifty-something percent, fifty-six percent of people.
Fifty-nine percent say release medical records.
What's wrong with her?
But she won't release when she was in the hospital off and on for a year.
There's a lot happening.
We have that same question up on Infowars.com.
I want to go to your calls and I'll play that clip from Dan Bongino with the Don Lemon clip coming up in the next segment.
Let's go ahead and go to Jay in the great state of Texas under FEMA Region 6 control.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Something I haven't heard anybody's theory on this.
It actually gave me hope seeing Mateen at the rally with her, because I thought the Secret Service, they screen everybody going in there, especially the people standing behind them.
And I felt like they kind of handpicked him to be right there behind her, because these guys are around her every day, and they're scared of her taking power.
Oh, you think the Secret Service let the father of the Orlando nightclub shooter get on the stage right behind Hillary Clinton?
That's my theory.
That was my original theory.
When I saw it, I was like, wow, these guys...
Uh, they can't stand her, you know, and I'm sure she's well aware.
Listen, I'm not somebody that grovels at the foot of the security services because traditionally they become corrupt.
They're part of the apparatus of control.
But it's the good news is they're so awake.
We had Secret Service agents.
We could have got this on video, but I don't get them in trouble.
I mean, the ones at checkpoints, the ones in the suits and ties.
Everywhere, absolutely, like, thumbs up, their fists in the air.
They loved us in Cleveland.
And, uh, I don't know, David Knight ran to some of them as well, there at the DNC.
I mean, they, absolutely, they're around that criminal, and they know just how bad she is, and how un-American she is, and how bad she treats everybody like, like horse manure.
Like dog crap.
I mean, she treats people bad.
She is an evil, horrible person.
And look, none of us are perfect in high-stress jobs.
We all have problems, we all say things that are wrong, but we apologize, we're nice, we care.
She doesn't give tips.
You don't look her in the eyes.
She is a horrible person.
Anything else, Jay?
No, that's it.
Thanks for being there and telling us how it is.
Brother, thank you for being there.
I mean, to me, it's just so over the top now that we're like talking to brain-damaged zombies that aren't awake yet that it just actually freaks me out.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
You know, I thought I'd be happy to see Donald Trump quoting me almost every day.
I thought I'd be happy.
And now it just adds a whole other level of responsibility.
And it's just, it's just, is this the Matrix or something?
Is this even real?
I mean, am I in some computer simulation?
I mean, what?
But you know what?
I'm in this position because I'm not a narcissist.
People look at how I act and I talk about myself a lot because only I can express to people what I'm feeling to try to give my perspective from like, hey, this is what I'm seeing in my brain.
I see some chubby, you know, half-ugly guy that's burnt out and just sees common sense and doesn't want to be a slave and has an instinct to not roll over, and I'm just desperate thinking, my God, what would happen to humanity if I'm one of the most prominent people fighting this?
But the globalists see something else, and they see a spark of fire that can set larger fires around the world of those that aren't out to get humanity.
And look, the good news is my fire has already spread.
Your fire is already spreading.
We're all in this together.
I don't even know where I'm going with all this.
It's just mind-blowing to see most men think it's not their job to get involved.
Most men think that why should they do anything?
They don't have an effect anyways.
You don't have an effect because you act like that and you let the most evil come into that vacuum.
But getting back to the narcissism, it's a simple thing.
I'm narcissistic because I'm so aggressive and confident.
And it's the opposite.
I'm not a narcissist.
But that I see the globalists, they're beyond that.
They're like power-tripping demons.
They're megalomaniacs.
50 former national security strategists came out against Donald Trump Monday, saying Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief.
They're convinced that in the Oval Office, he would be the most reckless president in American history.
Well, Donald Trump blasted the rhinos who attacked him, saying they are the ones who allowed for the rise of ISIS.
Trump's epic response reads, The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is such a mess.
And we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place.
They are nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold on to their power.
And it's time they are held accountable for their actions.
No longer will crooked Hillary Clinton and the other disasters in Washington get rich at our expense.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We are back live.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm gonna start getting to these Putin clips.
Again, the media the first day or so ignored this.
They didn't give it too much coverage back when he pointed out that Hillary was the founder of ISIS.
Now he's saying Obama and Hillary are the founders of it.
We actually have a clip we're importing into the computer right now of Hillary back in 2010 saying the US government founded Al Qaeda.
Well, Hillary was the head of the State Department that brought in the Wahhabists, Al Qaeda, to take over Libya, to take over Egypt, and take over Syria.
So she is the modern founder of the Islamic State.
She was presiding.
Kind of like they'll talk about, you know, the British Prime Minister who helped found Israel, saying, you know, he's like co-founder of it or something.
Or they'll talk about how Lawrence of Arabia helped co-found Saudi Arabia.
She presided over it, and so did Obama.
And so did the mainstream media.
You're all co-founders of it.
By the way, we have finally dug up the clubs where I was saying that years ago.
Because it's true!
It's great to know that Trump understands what's happening, but they try to misrepresent it all.
Here is Trump.
Then Obama came in, and normally you want to clean up.
He made a bigger mess out of it.
He made such a mess.
And then you had Hillary with Libya.
So sad.
In fact, in many respects, you know, they honor President Obama.
ISIS is honoring President Obama.
He is the founder of ISIS.
He's the founder of ISIS.
He's the founder.
He founded ISIS.
And I would say the co-founder would be Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is pure statesmanship, pure leadership.
We have been captured by globalists that have it totally over on us.
And because they did such outrageous things, they think we won't expose it because it sounds crazy to say what they've done.
But the head of Defense Intelligence, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Dempsey, all of them have come out and said this.
We have senators saying it years ago!
All Trump did on the Second Amendment was basically say, for my cold dead hands, in a very watered down way, well I guess if they ignore everything and try to get rid of it, I guess it goes back to the Second Amendment.
Oh my gosh!
That's the worst thing we ever heard!
Meanwhile, Crooked Hillary, during the break, I was watching her,
On CNN, she's giving a speech on economics, and I heard her say, how dare Donald Trump say he helps the US lead in economics?
Why, we did!
Trump never said he was leading us in economics.
Trump said that he would help us lead in economics.
This woman literally sold us out to China, you name it, on trade deals.
So let's see whatever crooked Hillary's talking about right now.
The founder, the co-founder of ISIS, we now take you to her live speech.
Again, this is crooked Hillary.
On it, we list a hundred places across the United States that are already producing similar goods.
Now one positive thing Trump could do to make America great again is actually make great things in America again.
Now let's look at the second question.
Which candidate will fight for fairness?
And this is an urgent need.
We need to grow the economy and we need to make it fairer.
The tide is not rising fast enough and it is certainly not lifting all boats.
Since the crash, too many of the gains have gone to the top 1%.
The rules and incentives in our system reward corporations for putting short-term stock prices above long-term investments.
Turn it off.
I can't hear this.
With the Clintons, the major mega-banks in the 1990s got rid of Glass-Steagall.
They are the ones with Larry Summers that made it where they could sell the same house to upwards of a hundred different mortgage companies and then screw the investors over later with these different derivatives.
She keeps going, Trump wants to cut corporate taxes, the mega corporations want to make you invest in China and India and other places because they control those governments and want to make you go through their investment systems to even get into the country.
They want to make it cost prohibitive to operate here because they've got the third world sewn up and the rare earth minerals to construct it all.
This is globalism.
A global rigged crony capitalist system of fraud.
He says, we got the highest corporate tax in the world.
We're going to lower that down to 10%.
The Chinese are at 15.
It's below them.
They're still going to pay taxes.
They're just going to come here.
They pay nothing now.
Google pays 3%.
Apple pays zero.
Microsoft, close to zero corporate tax!
They wrote it!
The Warren Buffets, the Bill Gates, who are the biggest contributors to the Democratic Party after Goldman Sachs, who are the biggest contributors to Get Your Guns, the biggest contributors for Open Borders, and no one even knows they run the Democratic Party.
They wrote the laws in the 90s to exempt themselves, and they get up on TV and go,
My secretary pays more than I do.
I want to change those laws!
I'm Warren Buffett.
Then you watch the end of the ABC This Week Show on Sunday, and it says, underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway, paying for that to get higher taxes raised in the middle class, because wait for it, Warren Buffett, 20 years running, is the number one recipient of corporate welfare and bailouts.
Google it!
Warren Buffett, biggest recipient of bailouts.
He promoted.
He is a giant fraud robbing poor people, robbing the middle class of jobs, sucking off the government.
He sucked hundreds of billions of dollars into his company in just the last year alone.
You go back to 2008, he got 400 plus billion for his company in one year.
And they see a rich guy not preying on poor people like Trump, who will actually turn the economy on, and they are flipping out.
Let me tell you, you get Donald Trump in there and they don't stop his agenda, we're gonna have 10% growth rates.
You want a job?
You got one.
You want money to get a new car?
Never even been in this workforce?
You're gonna get it.
With all our computers and factories and systems, you just cut the price of electricity!
The economy's gonna roar.
This is a fact!
The biggest problem the Federal Reserve used to have back in the 90s and 2000s was the economy's overheating.
We've got to raise taxes.
It's growing too fast.
What they mean is little people are becoming independent.
Little people are becoming successful.
Little people are becoming wealthy.
We can't have that because the globalists can't compete with a real capitalist system because they work too damn good.
They give you too many choices.
Oh, she makes me so mad.
She makes me so angry.
Donald Trump wants to cut our corporate tax, the highest in the world, lobbied for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
You know who's lobbying every year to stop that tax from getting lowered?
They keep saying, we've got the votes in the House and Senate to have a lower corporate tax, to bring back hundreds of billions of dollars a year in investment.
If you try to actually manufacture things in this country, it is almost impossible to be successful unless you're really good at marketing that was made in America, and the fact that people are willing to pay more for it is the only reason you can do it, and God bless them.
It'd already all be gone if it wasn't for people like that.
And she preys on people's economic ignorance.
It makes me so angry!
If Trump cuts the corporate income tax, we're going to see a boom the likes of which we've not seen in 50 years.
If he cuts taxes on poor people and middle class, oh my gosh, tax receipts are going to double.
You go, what do you mean?
I thought of you.
Kennedy cut taxes in the largest demographic by 50%.
Other demographics, 30 and 35%.
Tax receipts doubled within one year.
Look it up, it's a fact.
Why wouldn't the IRS want double the money?
They want to control it.
They want to make you poor.
They don't want you wealthy.
They don't want you independent.
They don't want you self-sufficient.
They don't want you to be able to operate.
Let's go to the Dan Bongino clip as we go out to break here.
This is where he's tearing up Don Lemon.
Very, very powerful.
In fact, I'll skip this network break.
It's so important.
I'll get into my Russia report.
Here it is with Don Bongino, former top secret service agent of Patriot, who's told me on air, Alex, it's worse than what you're even saying.
I go, well, how bad is it?
He goes, I can't tell you.
Just know this, you're dead on.
Here's the clip.
Okay, let's play it.
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment.
By the way, and if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
Okay, explain to us, people who don't understand, that you want to laugh at what he meant by that.
Don, the man I think we all know is running for President of the United States.
He probably has some data that one-issue voters, a lot of one-issue voters vote on the Second Amendment issue.
It's clear he's trying to motivate people to go out and vote based on the potential for an open Supreme Court seat.
How that's clear to you, that was some kind of call to an open revolution and to start firing your weapons at public officials.
I'm going to start this over, it's so important.
Backing it up to the beginning.
This is a guy trained as a top secret service agent who ran the far end details, where the POTUS is posing the greatest threat, to assess real threats and to assess psychology.
It's totally clear.
He's saying America's on the line.
They're going to get the judges.
We're totally screwed.
They admit they want to ban guns all over the newspapers.
Hillary admits it.
Her own people admit it.
Barring this election, we're going to have to really get serious to save it.
It's clearly a motivation to go vote.
It's not a call to arms.
Everybody knows it.
And here's Bongino just cutting to the crap.
Okay, explain to us people who don't understand and that you want to laugh at what he meant by that.
Don, the man, I think we all know, is running for President of the United States.
He probably has some data that one-issue voters, a lot of one-issue voters, vote on the Second Amendment issue.
It's clear he's trying to motivate people to go out and vote based on the potential for an open Supreme Court seat.
How that's clear to you that was some kind of call to an open revolution and to start firing your weapons at public officials is utter absurdity.
No one said that, Dan.
No one said that.
No one said that.
No one said that, Dan.
And if he wanted people to go out and vote, why not just say, go out and vote, the Supreme Court depends on it.
The Second Amendment depends on it.
Why say something like that if that's not what he meant?
As someone who's running for leader of the free world, shouldn't he be as clear in his words?
Free world, jackass!
Don, I'll answer that question.
Listen, we can disagree about how imprudent he worded that, but to suggest that he was calling to violence means to me that you came into this with the idea that Donald Trump was calling to violence, let me make the case afterwards.
You didn't come into this with a clear and open mind.
Listen, I endorsed Cruz in the primary campaign.
I'm not a Trump surrogate.
I'm supporting him now.
What you're saying right now makes no sense.
I'm sitting at home.
I'm watching Donald Trump.
I have two ears.
I have two ears, and I have two eyes, and I can see the reactions of the people behind me.
And I'm not, you're not stupid.
Every single person you have on this panel, who are very smart people, David Gergen, who's respected, hang on, can you let me finish Dan?
David Gergen, who's respected by people on both sides.
By Republicans and by Democrats who worked for Republicans and Democrats who has worked for a president who's had an assassination attempt, who's lived through presidents who've been assassinated, knew exactly what Donald Trump is saying and we're supposed to be stupid enough not to understand that and to believe the spin coming from the surrogates and from people like you?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
He should be ashamed of himself.
Okay, now...
That's people that are desperate.
If I was Trump, I would just say, obviously I'm not calling for violence.
I'm saying there's big stakes here, and they're coming for your guns, so it's over unless we fight back at that point, so let's not go there.
I mean, that's what everybody says.
That's what I said on Piers Morgan.
Look, 1776 will commence again, he's ready to take the firearms.
We know that.
You know that.
Back off, bastard!
Quit acting like you don't want our guns.
Be honest!
What Charlton Heston said, from my cold dead hands!
Think about that!
If they come to take the guns, from my cold dead hands!
That's not illegal, that's not sedition!
From my cold dead hands!
That's all he's saying!
He's not calling for it, it's obviously coming, jackass!
You're in such a cult that you say in college exams and college entrance and high school and middle school and elementary entrance, don't say mother or father on the frickin' form!
Mother and father ain't allowed with you fruits!
Because you want to run everything, you God-forsaken tyrants!
You social engineer bastards!
You're so weak, you want to run everybody else's lives!
Because the real men don't want to run other people's lives!
That's our problem, that's our defect.
Is that we don't stand up and run our own lives, we let you run them, and it's not happening anymore!
What rights won't we give up?
Is there any line in the sand for anybody where this corporate world government will be resisted?
I'm not trying to stir people up to violence.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
We're having major inroads.
That's why they want to censor us.
The globals are trying everything they can to shut down free speech on this planet right now.
They're funding every fascistic, murderous, crazy, monotheistic, anti-woman nutcase move they can.
The globalists want authoritarianism.
They want totalitarianism.
They want oligarchy.
They want command and control.
They want centralization.
They're bad people.
In fact, can we get the full Heston Cold Dead Hands speech?
I want to play when he says, you know, they say they want to restrict our guns, they say they want to take our guns.
Well, to that I say from my cold, dead hands, an act of defiance, you have bodyguards, you have protection, paid for, you have jumbo jets, you have red carpets, you tell Africans they can't have cars, they can't have air conditioning, you tell us it's bad for us to have money, but you're filthy, frickin' rich, you pieces of crap!
It's the ultimate elitism wrapped up in all this fake moralizing trash.
And I'll tell you why.
The globalists are not elites.
Real elites that aren't on this planet and running anything at this day would have been in ancient times seen as the obvious leaders.
But in modern times, a bunch of scum get together and organize themselves to go fool the masses to follow failure.
Because they can't compete with success.
I don't care how much money or power you give a hunchbacked crone like Hillary with a diseased brain.
She hated other beautiful women when she was young.
She hated success when she was young.
She hated goodness when she was young.
That's why she wanted power.
And she won't rest till everything beautiful is extinguished and until she's squatting on it.
She wants to squat on a dead America in a puddle of her piss.
And she won't rest until she's done that.
And I'm sorry to talk like that, but I've got a big vocabulary, but I'm sorry, sometimes the vulgoth, the vulgar, the barbarian way is the way to say it!
And look at you, New World Order!
Despite unlimited trillions of money, despite all your garbage, and all your pretty faces, and all your teleprompters, independent grassroots media is kicking your teeth in!
And we haven't even gotten started yet!
I want to say something.
I'm a lover.
And that's why I'm a fighter.
And I love my family and I love justice so much.
I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stop you.
And I hate your stinking guts.
I can smell you from a thousand miles away and you smell like failure.
You smell like hell.
And I want to thank the God of the universe that I'm not with these people.
I get tears in my eyes to God, but I'm thankful every day that I don't come from filth like you that want to trample on humanity.
Thank God I'm not a degenerate, filthy vampire like you.
And I guess in the final equation, as upset as I get watching you hurt the innocent, that's what matters, is that you'll NEVER, NEVER defeat the human spirit!
You'll NEVER defeat God!
You'll NEVER win!
And the spirit of humanity is rising, and it is going to defeat you!
You think you're strong, you think you're scary, you try to mimic what you can only imagine in your mind is God's wrath, and God's wrath's coming for you!
And you deserve everything that happens to you, trash!
I want you to know something Hillary Clinton and Obama and George Soros and the Globals and the New World Order.
We've had our reporters question you in New York out on the street with Lord Rothschild toddling along looking like some reanimated dog crap.
I've seen how you are already defeated.
You're dead.
And I don't mean we're gonna kill you.
I mean, you know what I mean.
You're dead as a doornail, dead as a rotting corpse at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
So here's the big news flash, and let me give it to everybody as we go to break.
The reason the enemy's so mad is he knows he's a loser.
The reason they want to tear everything up and crap all of everything is they know they already failed, and they know they're ugly losers.
But God gave us free will in this animating contest.
And this is where we get tested.
So rejoice to God Almighty for this animating contest of liberty!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In 2016, the American education system has gone from blacks-only dorms at Harvard to this article.
Illinois College defends blacks-only course offerings.
And Illinois College has restricted certain sections of a mandatory introductory course to black students only.
Moraine Valley Community College maintains that the state-sponsored segregated classes are intended to help students feel more, quote, comfortable.
The spokeswoman also noted that it offers courses specifically for veterans and older students.
The recent Supreme Court ruling in Fisher v. The University of Texas, No.
14981, essentially legalized racial discrimination, harkening back to the days of Plessy v. Ferguson.
Yet another example of how progressives are actually regressing in the name of diversity.
This is Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for more special reports.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I'm so sorry, sir.
We don't stop.
I think I've already figured it out.
That a lot of people inside the system didn't like what they were planning 50 years ago and what you're seeing right now is the organic response to it.
All right, I said I'd do this Russian special.
It's very, very important.
I want to do it.
The magnitude of it is so incredibly important, but since I mentioned Heston, is the media going to crap their britches and freak out over Trump saying, they're going to take your guns, they admit they want the guns, which is admitted.
What do we do when the courts are corrupt?
I mean, I guess the Second Amendment guys might have some response, but he's just saying, what do you do?
He's being completely honest.
Heston's like, cold dead hands revolution.
I'm like, 1776 will commence again if we try to take our firearms.
But now they just, oh my gosh, and then it all clicked while I was watching that clip again just 10 minutes ago.
They're trying to cause civil unrest.
They might try to kill Hillary as the false flag and then blame Trump.
You should come out and say that.
Oh, Crooked Hillary's way behind in the real polls.
She's got fake polls out.
She's got, what, a brain tumor or something?
You know, they want her to drop out.
They know she's going to lose.
Still want to act like I wish some harm upon her.
Listen, you old ugly witch.
All your crimes, your soul so wicked.
I don't wish any harm on you.
I want you to have nice due process, pig.
But speaking of that, just so everybody can be reminded of Chuck Heston, this is a guy
They came on my show twice, and I was just so awe-inspired by it, I never even bugged him about it, because he's such a patriot, loves his films, spent millions of his own money for years flying around in his own jet, you name it, to promote the Second Amendment.
Second time I interviewed him, he goes, Alex, I really like the work you're doing, and if you ever need any encouragement or want to strategize, feel free to call me.
You've got my number.
And I'm like, uh-huh, yeah.
So about a month later, I call it, nobody answers, there's no voicemail.
And then the next time I call, about like a month after that, it's like, hello?
Yes, this is Chuck.
And I talked to him, I don't remember, 30, 40 minutes, with him encouraging me.
He realized he was old, he was dying, and he was all there.
You know, he died a few years later, Alzheimer's, and I questioned how quick he died.
Medication, you name it, there's been a lot of talk about that.
But he just loved to sit there and like try to
I mean, I hear him on other shows, too, encouraging the hosts.
And I learned he was behind the scenes just realizing he had the star appeal and stuff, but realizing he only had value in defending the Republic.
And he had been a civil rights activist in the 50s.
He'd written articles in the 40s, but the movement really started in the 50s.
Got going big, and he would go out to places where people were getting attacked.
He didn't do it in the 60s when it was cool.
He did that, too.
He was just such a civil rights activist.
And they called him all these damn names.
And demonized him because he was a good man.
And a humble man.
Invited Michael Moore in his house.
Michael Moore was like mean to him for hours.
And finally he said, okay, time's up, I'm leaving.
And then Moore edited it like he ran off.
No, he had him there for hours.
And the time was up.
That's when he said goodbye.
Walked off into history as a man.
A class act, not a piece of trash.
By the way, I don't like to attack little people, but Michael Moore with six bodyguards that wants your guns and my guns, wants a poor widow's guns, or a poor single mother's guns in Detroit, Michigan, or Chicago, or Dallas.
He's a hypocritical piece of trash.
He knows what he's doing.
He's got a game plan.
But I want to get to the Putin clips.
There's not really a break coming up to do it, and I won't even plug this hour so we can get to all of it.
But here's a larger clip of Heston's speech from my cold, dead hands.
How have we gone from this being Americana just 15 years ago
To now?
The end of the world, some softball comment by Trump.
It just shows you what we're facing.
Every time our country stands in the path of danger, an instinct seems to summon her finest first.
Those who truly understand her.
When freedom shivers in the cold shadow of true peril, it's always the patriots who first hear the call.
When loss of liberty is looming as it is now, the siren sounds first in the hearts of freedom's vanguard.
The smoke in the air of our Concord Bridges and Pearl Harbors is always smelled first by the farmers, who come from their simple homes to find the fire and fight.
Because they know that sacred stuff resides in that wooden stock and blued steel.
Something that gives the most common man the most uncommon of freedoms.
When ordinary hands can possess such an extraordinary instrument, that symbolizes the full measure of human dignity and liberty.
That's why those five words issue an irresistible call to us all, and we must.
So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice, to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore.
From my cold, dead hands,
And again, epic speech will live forever.
It isn't that Bush was even good.
It was clearly that Gore was openly anti-gun.
The image of a human with a weapon is the image of a free creature.
Do you defang and declaw your cat?
Because you don't trust it?
Well, it's a slave.
And that's what we come down to.
Now, I get tears in my eyes watching that because it's so from the heart.
Charlton Heston, a great Shakespearean actor,
I will continue to take phone calls after this and probably go on to the next hour with Anthony Gucciardi.
When he talked about sensing the tyranny, sensing the great menace, the peril, that's it.
It's so strong.
Oh God, they're gonna, if you think the Soviet Union was bad what they did to people, oh my God, the very same globalist systems are gonna visit hell on earth in America.
But allied with the Islamists, who are the scourge against the poor Middle East sinners.
People ask, why do globalists do this?
It's their appetite, it's their will.
They want to run everything.
And Russia, after 85 years of globalist control, broke free from it and is trying to find itself.
And so many a news article's been written, National Russian TV sounds like InfoWars.
What the hell's going on?
It's not that they're following InfoWars, it's the truth!
Anyone objectively can look at what's going on and read the Globalist on Emissions, that carbon taxes are a plan to shut down the industrial state!
And are a weapons system!
A quote from Vladimir Putin.
How many times did I say, carbon taxes are a worldwide weapons system?
Against industrial states and nation states, where the globalist combine will exempt itself from the taxes and consolidate control.
Putin came out years after I said that a thousand times and said it word for word, because it's true.
And I'm not a rocket scientist to see it.
I'm willing to say it.
I guess I wasn't cursed with following whatever the fake spin was, but seeing what it was.
You have the innate talent to lead this fight as well.
We're never going to surrender.
Because we're not surrendering to an enemy that's going to just conquer us.
They want to end us.
The ultimate satanic sacrifice of the planet.
Already underway.
And everyone in their gut knows it.
We now have CBS, ABC, NBC in the last two months all saying, everyone knows it's inevitable, all children will have microchips soon.
What type of talking point is that?
Oh, did you hear we're crossing humans with animals?
Yeah, the announcement's being made, as I told you it would.
We're entering the gulf.
We're entering into hell.
We're entering into the enemy's time.
But it's this time.
This boot camp that will test us forever.
My dad just texted me.
He said the historical key trapping of nobility was bearing arms.
Well, yes, dad, that's true.
Let's call nobility what it was.
The nobles were free.
Everyone else were serfs and slaves.
The historic trapping of being free was being armed.
And only the nobles have the Secret Service and the armed guards.
Let's start getting to these Vladimir Putin clips.
Some of these we played, some of them we haven't.
This has been translated by our own Daria, born in Russia.
Army veteran here in the United States.
Great patriot.
Let's start going to these clips, and I'm going to do more of these special reports in the future.
In fact, I'll do a big produced report, I think, with these clips.
It's so important.
We're going to do this nuclear war warning until the end.
Let's go to Putin predicts ISIS backed by the West in 1999.
Here he is as Vice President, as Prime Minister in 1999.
Here it is.
What, in fact, is happening is that the extremist part of the Muslim world, and I'd like to emphasize it being the extremist part only, that it has a very solid infrastructure in the West, in North America and Western Europe.
This particular infrastructure is what is being used by our adversaries in the Caucasus.
What if the US administration comes out against Russia and the French, German and others join them?
And we find ourselves in isolation?
Well, in that case, we need to figure out what it is that we want.
Do we want access to the lone candy at the expense of surrendering our territory from the Black to the Caspian Seas?
Isn't this the deal that's being offered here by those who have attacked Dagestan?
They don't hide their plans.
Sure, let's give up the territory, but then we have to keep in mind that they will not just stop there.
They will go on to create an extremist Islamic State, which will continue to attack us the same way they have been attacking the Chechen territories in the last three years.
Well, our capability to fight back this aggression will be reduced greatly from what it is today.
All right, so the West is using islamicists.
That's now declassified.
Now, in fact, our own head of defense intelligence was fired and went public with it.
And the media just sits there lying to the public with a bunch of chicken neck traitors.
I mean, dishonorable filth.
I mean, these people are filth telling us it's all lies and Trump's evil.
No, Trump is valiant.
Trump is noble.
Let's go ahead.
This is a clip from just a few months ago saying Clinton, Hillary Clinton is weak.
Here it is.
Mr. President, it's a good opportunity that you will be meeting with President Obama on June 6th.
Had it been instead Hillary Clinton that you were having a meeting with, would it be more difficult?
Several days ago she said, quote, what Russia is doing in Eastern Europe today is similar to what Hitler did in the 1930s.
You know, it is best not to argue with women.
Best to avoid any altercation with them.
But Mrs. Clinton has never particularly stood out for her skills and eloquent expressions.
But that's okay.
We have had meetings in the past and had amicable conversations at various international gatherings.
And I think that
Even in this case, it would be possible to find some common ground between us.
But, when people cross the line, step outside the lines of common decency, it speaks not of their strength, but of their weakness.
However, in a woman, weakness is not the worst of qualities.
All right, now I'm going to skip this other clip.
I'm going to play this later on Trump and the elections.
Now our elections are rigged.
I'll play that later if I have time.
Let's skip to him warning of nuclear war in 2007.
Then we have the warning from this year, the full warning, unedited.
I mean, this should have been all over our news everywhere.
But it's not, because it's so controlled, because trendies think
But if they just laugh at Putin and laugh at Russian concerns about missiles being moved to their borders, that suddenly controls it.
Because they're used to just lying to everyone and just being arrogant twits who don't live in the real world.
But as soon as they get called on something, they totally freak out and panic.
I mean, if seasoned military generals were doing stuff, it'd be dangerous, it'd be dangerous, it'd be bad.
These are literal nobodies who've never even been in a fistfight.
I mean, I've been in hundreds of fights.
I've done things to defend myself that I'm ashamed of, even though I had to do it.
I don't think of myself as a tough guy.
Yes, the United States
Supposedly are not developing weapons for offensive operations.
At least as far as the public knows.
Although we know they're developing them.
But let's just pretend we don't know about it.
Okay, they're not developing them, but these are the facts.
There is an anti-missile defense system being actively developed in the United States.
And sure, today it is not in working order, and we're not sure if it will ever be implemented.
But theoretically, it is created for the purpose of being implemented.
And so again, hypothetically, we understand that there will be a time
When our nuclear potential will be completely neutralized.
That is our current nuclear capability.
And if that is the case, it means that the balance of power in the world will be completely broken.
And it means that one of the powers will feel a complete sense of security.
Which in turn means that it can do whatever it likes.
Not only in local conflicts, but perhaps in global conflicts as well.
I'm only having a discussion with you.
I'm not trying to accuse you of any aggression.
But the system of international relations is a lot like mathematics.
You can't take it personal.
And we, of course, must react accordingly.
But how?
We can either match your actions and build an equally great, multi-billion dollar anti-missile defense system, or, taking into account our current economic and financial capability,
We can respond asymmetrically so that it will become clear to everyone that yes, there is an anti-missile defense system out there.
But as it relates to Russia, it is entirely pointless.
And we're going to take this route.
It works out cheaper for us.
But it is in no way directed toward the United States themselves.
I fully agree with your notion that your anti-missile defense system is not targeted against us in the same way our weapon is not going to be targeted against you either.
All right.
And then he moved in with Topol M, supersonic missiles.
Globals are moving in supersonic cruise missiles.
Now Putin's gotten more serious.
Nine years later, he comes out and says this.
I don't want to give you that clip, but you have to understand that now they've got top generals and others saying Russian body bags.
Yeah, we're moving nukes in.
We can nuke Russia.
We can win a nuclear war with Russia.
This is megalomania.
So let's get to the big clip here.
We've played small clips of this, but this is the full clip, translated to English, word for word, nuclear war 2016, Putin's dire warning.
Here it is.
Now, regarding the missile defense system.
Listen to me.
Here, all we are adults at this table.
And experienced professionals at that.
And I'm not even going to ask you to relate everything that I say later in your newspapers, publications and influence your media outlets.
I just want to tell you on a personal level and remind you certain things.
You see, the world has been free of major global conflicts in the past few decades.
Due to the geo-strategic balance of power which used to exist.
All of us know about this.
And this was achieved after the two super-nuclear powers essentially agreed to stop producing offensive weapon systems as well as defensive weapon systems.
Now they call offensive defensive.
Because everybody understands, and this is how it works, if one side becomes dominant in their military potential, they are more likely to want to be the first to be able to use such power.
Hit pause.
Back this up five seconds.
This is so key.
They're getting rid of MAD, they're moving weapons in, they're telling Russia you can't have weapons while they're developing new ones, trying to overthrow these countries to start a fight.
That's the whole point.
And the average American goes, oh, Obama's black.
It's okay.
It's crazy town, folks.
Russia wants to spend its money on infrastructure and families and repopulating Russia and inviting people in to colonize.
They don't want to depopulate and collapse.
They're the only country that doesn't.
Because they've already enjoyed 85 years of New World Order enjoyment.
Let's go back to the clip.
Likely to want to be the first to be able to use such power.
This is the absolute cornerstone to international security.
The anti-missile defense system and all of the surrounding agreements that used to exist.
I'm not going to blame anybody.
I'm not going to scold anyone.
When the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972, they delivered a colossal blow to the entire system of international security.
And this was the first blow when it comes to assessing the strategic balance of power in the world.
And at that time, in 2002, I said that we will not be developing such systems because one, it's very expensive, and two, we aren't sure yet how they will work.
So we're not just going to burn our money.
We will take a different route and develop offensive weaponry in order to retain this geostrategic balance.
Just for this.
Not in order to threaten somebody.
And they said, fine, our defense system is not against you, and we assume that your weaponry is not against us.
Do whatever you want.
And I think the reason for this kind of response was the fact that, as I mentioned, this conversation took place in early 2000s, and Russia was in a very difficult state at that time.
Total economic collapse.
On the brink of a civil war and the fight against terrorism in our Caucasus region, complete destruction of our military-industrial complex, who would have thought back then that Russia would ever again be a military power and grow strategic weapons?
My guess is that they assumed that even that which was left over from the Soviet Union would eventually deteriorate.
So they said, sure, do whatever you like.
But we warned that we would start working on this.
And we're doing it.
And I can assure you that today we have achieved significant success in that area.
I'm not going to list everything right now.
All that matters is that we have modernized our military-industrial complex.
And we're successfully continuing to develop new generation warfare.
And I'm not even mentioning the anti-missile defense systems.
And no matter what we said to our American partners, all our proposals to them, they refused to cooperate with us.
They rejected our offers and continued to do their own things.
I will not right now even mention some things because I do not think it would be proper of me to mention them publicly.
And whether or not you believe me, we offered real solutions to stop this.
And they were all rejected outright.
And here we are today, and they've placed their missile defense system in Romania.
Always saying, we must protect ourselves from Iranian nuclear threat.
Where is the nuclear threat from Iran?
But the agreement is signed.
was the instigator of this agreement, and even we helped them.
And the U.S.
We supported it.
But if it were not for the U.S.
position, the agreement would not exist.
And I consider this as an achievement for President Obama because I agree with this agreement because it eased
So President Obama can put this in his list of achievements.
But the Iranian threat does not exist.
But the missile defense systems are continuing to be positioned.
So that means we were right when we said that they're lying to us.
Their reasons are not genuine.
Always referring to the so-called Iranian threat in order to justify the system.
Once again they try to fool us.
Now the system is functioning and being loaded with missiles.
But as a journalist, I would think you would know that these missiles are put into capsules which are used in the Tomahawk long-range missile system.
So now these are being loaded with missiles.
That can penetrate territories within a 500 kilometer range.
This is key right here.
But we know that technology is advanced and we even know in which year the U.S.
will acquire the next more advanced missile which will be able to penetrate distances of up to a thousand kilometers and even further and from that moment on they will start to directly threaten Russian nuclear potential.
We even know year by year what's going to happen and they know we know.
It's only you that they tell these fables and you buy it and spread it to the citizens of your countries.
And your people do not feel a sense of the impending danger.
This is what worries me.
How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?
That is the problem.
But they pretend like nothing's going on.
I don't even know how to get through to you people anymore.
Hit pause.
I don't know how to get through to you people anymore.
That's, that's right.
We're gonna come back, finish up that clip and more, and then, uh, Anthony Giussiardi's gonna take over.
We got phone calls and a lot more.
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To evil.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
For America to be great again, she must be... Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You know, the world is in such a dangerous position that I've gone from having anxiety to being pretty damn calm.
I just really feel sorry for the average domesticated person because there's somebody that knows how to skin a buck, run a trot line.
There's somebody who knows how to fight, knows how to shoot.
I'm scared for my family and I can see what's being lined up right now about evil forces that just want to see a bunch of death and destruction.
I'm very, very sad for everybody that doesn't know what they're up against.
I just hope, Paul, the trendiness is going to keep you warm at night because it's our willingness to live in a delusion that's bringing this down upon us.
I want to finish up this clip from just a few months ago of Vladimir Putin, an international TV broadcast, a bunch of different networks, warning of nuclear war, and do you realize the great danger we're in?
I don't know how to get through to you people.
We're not just going to let
The West move weapons up and try to overthrow our country.
He's not even getting into how they're trying to overthrow Russia internally.
Just forget, say Russia's bad, okay?
What is the West, it's jacking with it and trying to overthrow it and then, you know, have George Soros run it and, you know, teach five-year-olds how to get blowjobs.
I mean, that's what they're trying to do to these people.
And it's because they had Russia for dead.
They'd sucked it dry over 85 years.
They'd laid it down, put their oligarchs in.
Kind of moved off arrogantly to, like, loot other countries.
And then Russia kind of got up on its elbows, bleeding, and went, Oh, hell, we see what happened to us.
Good God, ugh!
And then now the new world order's like, Oh my God, it's awake!
Let's get that!
The same crap they're doing to Russia they're doing to us.
You understand the New World Order hates Russia?
They hate us ten times more.
Do you understand that?
I love all these right-wingers like, oh, Russia and the Communists are secretly blah blah.
Anyone knows the New World Order, the globalists, the US and British banks put the godforsaken Bolsheviks in power.
I don't have some guilt from that, but I've got more guilt as an American than the average Russian does.
It's just horse crap.
But I'm cursed with knowledge, cursed with history, cursed with knowing how stuff works, dealing in a world of mental midgets that love their ignorance!
Well, I hope you love thermal nuclear war, dumbasses.
I'm not talking to the audience, but people out there that make jokes out of this.
Let's finish up with Putin.
They say, oh, this is part of a defense potential, not the offensive weaponry, that these systems are meant to, quote, prevent aggression.
This is not the truth.
This is incorrect.
A missile defense system is part of a whole system of offensive military potential.
And all this works as part of a whole that includes offensive missile launchers.
And so was SDI.
One complex blocks, the other launches a high-precision weapon, yet another blocks a potential nuclear strike.
The third delivers its own nuclear strike in response.
This is all designed to be part of one system, in combination, in this modern, non-nuclear, high-precision missile offensive.
And pause.
Back it up.
This is too important.
Come back and play this.
But I've interviewed Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of Star Wars, before he died.
He basically told me everything.
Not even the classified stuff, but what they'd leaked on accident.
About the Russians know the West, because of our system, has super advanced technology.
Not just that the Germans developed, but others.
They know there's like whole floating fortresses with D.U.
sabos, nukes, you name it, in space.
It doesn't matter.
If the Russians have got 20% of that with cruise missiles and other stuff, that's mad.
It doesn't matter.
Okay, the U.S.
can destroy the world, the globals that run us, can destroy the world 20 times, the Russians can do it 5 times.
That's why the Russians are saying, fine, you do whatever you want, we're developing systems to counterbalance where you fire musk and I run you through.
Let's come back with the trooper.
I mean, the Russians are saying, okay, you're getting ready to kill all of us.
All right, we've got weapons.
At least fire back and kill you when you kill us.
That's it.
Donald Trump says Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the co-founders of ISIS.
ISIS is honoring
President Obama, he is the founder of ISIS.
He's the founder of ISIS, okay?
He's the founder!
That was during a campaign rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida yesterday.
This morning, Trump reiterated this statement in an interview with CNBC.
Do you think it's appropriate?
To call the sitting President of the United States the founder of a terrorist organization that wants to kill Americans?
He was the founder of ISIS.
Then, using a sports analogy, Trump added that both Obama and Hillary would probably earn Most Valuable Player Awards for their roles in helping the rise of ISIS.
He gets the Most Valuable Player Award.
Him and Hillary.
And you can watch the full interview right now at InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
And those domestic enemies are globalists on power trips.
Look, let me tell you, the average scumbag can't handle power.
I've seen it a thousand times.
People that don't want power are the ones that need power, who follow the basic flow of human development.
They have put all these scum in power who want to start big wars.
They think they can survive at our expense.
You are the domestic enemy.
And Russia's saying, you're fire musket but I'll run you through.
So let's go ahead now and go and finish up Putin's comments from a few months ago about, you know the danger we're in, nuclear war, this is so dangerous, as the Pentagon has given its new directives to promote nuclear war as a survivable thing.
It's like they now say Fukushima leaking is okay and radiation is suddenly good for you.
These delusional elites like Nero now believe they've suspended the laws of gravity, the laws of physics, Newtonian physics.
Let's finish up the clip.
...that includes offensive missile launchers.
One complex blocks, the other launches a high-precision weapon, yet another blocks a potential nuclear strike.
The third delivers its own nuclear strike in response.
This is all designed to be part of one system, in combination, in this modern, non-nuclear, high-precision missile defense systems.
But okay, let's forget these missile defense systems, which will continue to develop and threaten us ever more.
But those capsules into which the anti-missiles are inserted, as I mentioned, they are ship-based.
And these warships can carry the tomahawks.
And one could position the tomahawks in a matter of a few hours.
And then it is no longer an anti-missile system now, is it?
How do we know what kind of weapons are in there?
All you have to do is change the program.
That's it.
And this is done unnoticeably.
And even the Romanians wouldn't know what's going on.
What, you actually think they're allowed to be informed?
No one will know.
Not the Romanians, not the Polish either.
I am well versed in such techniques.
In my view, we are in grave danger.
We had discussed this with our American partners, where they were saying that they would have liked to develop ballistic missiles without a nuclear warhead.
And we told them, look, do you at least understand what that means or not?
That means you're going to have missiles launching from submarines or ground territories, a ballistic missile launch.
How do we know whether or not it has a nuclear warhead?
Can you imagine what kind of a threat you will be creating?
But as far as I know now, this program is not active.
They have paused it for now.
But the other one they continue to implement.
How all this will end?
I do not know.
But I know for sure that we will be forced to respond and defend ourselves.
But I can see it already that they will be accusing us, yet again, of aggressive behavior, even though it is only a response on our part.
Is it not obvious that we must guarantee the safety of our people?
But not only our people, but also we are very concerned with providing the necessary strategic balance of power in the world, which is what I started with and will reiterate once again.
It was precisely this balance of power that guaranteed planetary peace.
And safeguarded us from major global conflicts over the past 70 years.
And it is a blessing, even though it is rooted in this mutual threat.
But nevertheless, the mutual threat is what provided us with global peace for dozens of years.
How could one dare to destroy it?
I do not know.
I think this is very dangerous.
I not only think, I know it is.
All right, so for those that don't know, they're moving cruise missiles in against the Russian border.
They're announcing, oh, we're going to have ballistic missiles that go up into space and back down that deliver regular payloads.
You'd never do that.
It's just you study military science.
This is so crazy.
So they want to like
Tell the Russians we're going to be shooting ballistic missiles up into space, but just don't worry about that.
Even though Japan's about to go to war with North Korea over not even shooting ballistic missiles, just missiles into the South China Sea.
Everything's escalating with China right now.
The whole world's on edge and the average trendy just goes, look, I got a beard, I got a pink sock and a green sock.
That's the equivalent of intellectual malala.
And I'm like, look, I don't give a damn if you got tattoos and pink socks and green socks.
I mean, that's great.
I like your socks.
It's just that.
You're like supporting taking my guns and raising taxes and letting bankers be exempt.
You're an intellectual retard.
And they just look at me and they just go, how do you deal with that?
And how do you deal with an elite that is doing things that are incredibly dangerous and seem to be disconnected from reality?
With Peter Thiel running around talking about children's blood and how he wants it.
I mean, it just seems like our elite's gone insane.
What do we do to stop them from blowing the planet up, Anthony?
I don't know about what we do to stop them, but you do think about it like it's a, it's like a, there's a real life pool and then there's the kids pool.
And the kids pool is everyone's running around arguing about safe spaces and if someone's offended and like just complete baloney.
And then in the real pool, it's this watching nuclear war.
And look how Putin, by the way,
Putin, if you want to be proper right.
But he's sitting there and he's not reading a teleprompter?
That's really, really scary to a lot of people in the United States because you look at Obama.
Oh, this guy's actually an intellectual.
He's actually talking to us.
He's sitting there speaking his mind.
He's not even looking.
He's not reading his notes like this, like, oh, blah, blah, blah.
He's just sitting there telling the truth.
And it's really, really freaky.
I mean, look at him.
By the way, it is the truth.
It's not like I've never been to Russia.
Oh, Alex Jones and Trump are Russian spies because they don't have nuclear war.
We don't want to die!
Russia's not in our face!
If Russia was in our business, I'd be on their ass!
The Chinese government is!
They are running the show here!
They are killing political dissidents!
They are selling their organs!
And every goddamn fake liberal is out there promoting it!
You people are not liberals!
You are sycophantic traitors!
Yeah, and Russia's not perfect.
There's deep corruption there.
You know, Putin's involved with a lot of corruption.
But hey, he's sitting there, speaking freely, not reading a teleprompter.
And if you watch the video on YouTube with him with Sanjay Gupta, they set him up at this economic forum, or world forum, and they start asking him these... He's Fareed Zakaria.
Oh, Fareed Zakaria, sorry.
And they start asking him, you know, these questions are supposed to be tough.
And he just destroys them.
He just destroys them.
Speaking of that, speaking of El Diablo, let's play... I was trying to correct you.
No, you're correct.
No, I have tech power.
It's free.
Let's go ahead... I'm joking.
Let's go ahead and go to him talking about controlled U.S.
That's the Donald Trump on U.S.
Here it is.
Let me ask you, Mr. President, you said that Donald Trump of the Republican Party, you said that he's a brilliant, talented, and smart candidate.
Everyone was talking about this.
This is what I want to know.
What is it exactly about this person that made you say this?
And do you still have these views?
Are you sure?
Okay, well.
He doesn't want to have World War 3.
Trump is a genius.
No, not a genius.
You are a very famous person in our country.
This is not suicidal.
You personally.
And not only as a host on a major media corporation, but also as an intellectual, an academic.
Why are you twisting my words?
Your yellow journalist side is prevailing over your objective analytic side.
Let's see what I actually said.
I said, in passing, that Trump is a striking person.
Do you not find him to be so?
I do.
I did not give him any other characteristics.
But what I do pay attention to, and what I most certainly welcome, and don't see anything bad in that, but on the contrary, that Mr. Trump declared that he's ready to restore full cooperative relations with Russia.
How horrible is that?
What's so bad about that?
We all welcome that.
Do you not?
However, we never interfere into the internal political processes of other countries, especially the United States.
But we will work with whichever individual the American people vote for.
Although, I don't think... See, America teaches everybody how to live in, quote, democracy.
But what, you actually believe that they have democratic elections there?
This is the truth.
Look, twice in the U.S.
history, president was chosen not by the majority voters, but by the superdelegates.
Is that democratic?
And when we try to discuss this with our U.S.
colleagues, and we do not criticize, but merely have a discussion,
They say, mind your own business, this is how we do it.
Well then, why are you interfering in our business?
Don't meddle in our business.
Sort out your own issues first.
But I repeat again, it is in fact not our business what's going on in US elections.
In fact, there are reports even of prosecuting attorneys not allowing international observers into U.S.
polling stations.
And they threaten with jail time.
But that's their problem to sort out.
That's how they do it.
They like it that way.
America is a great superpower.
Perhaps the only superpower of present time.
We accept this.
We want to cooperate with the United States.
No matter how their elections go, there will be a new head of state who will have great powers.
The U.S.
is undergoing difficult internal political and economic challenges.
The world does need a strong superpower country such as that, and we need it too.
We just don't need for them to constantly meddle in our business, telling us how to live, throwing a wedge between us and Europe.
For example, these sanctions that you mentioned, do they affect the US?
Not at all.
They couldn't care less about these sanctions.
Because our reactionary measures in response to these sanctions do not affect them at all.
But who do they affect?
But not in the least, the United States.
But they do tell their European counterparts, hang in there.
I don't know why the Europeans should put up with this, but if they want to, sure, let them hang in there.
Mateo, why should you suffer this?
Mateo will explain to us in a second why he should hang in there.
He is a great orator.
His speech was striking.
Let's explain this.
It's globalist corporations.
We don't think of being conquered by a corporation.
It's not that Russia's good or bad.
That's what this is.
It's that Russia's trying to re-establish itself so the globalists think, oh, we own you, like we own America, like we own all these other countries.
And here's Putin.
I mean, I'll be honest.
I do go, like, every few days, instead of watching TV or a movie, I'll get on the computer and, let's go hear Putin.
Talk to media for two hours with no teleprompter, and everything he says is true!
So it's not like I'm some fan of Putin, but I am because it's all true!
And the guy is like dialed into what's going on, he goes, oh Russia's incredibly corrupt, we're horrible, the mafia, we gotta fix it.
He's trying to, the fucking, excuse me, the Russian mafia is after him.
I'm not trying to lionize the guy, it's just he promotes Christianity, he promotes family, he does all this stuff, and then we've got our media saying mother and father is bad, pushing all this crap, and it's just so obvious.
We're run by multinationals, we've been conquered just like Russia was by oligarchs,
We should understand Russia's been through what we've been through and understand that these oligarchs will start a major war to stay in power and that Russia is not expanding.
They're not taking one thing off our dinner table.
They're not pissing on our face.
They're very respectful.
China is taking everything over, allied with the elite.
I don't want to fight with them either.
But it's just so clear.
Everywhere you hear, war with Russia, war with Russia, it is the total scapegoat.
Our own military doesn't want this.
They see through it, Anthony.
I think our elite has gone too far.
They hijacked American power.
They hijacked American gravitas.
They hijacked America's proper response to communism that did crush the Soviet Union.
But they don't understand that that spiritual power being in the right providence.
God's providence is not over this country now.
We are now a cursed nation.
And attacking Russia does nothing.
So I think the elite need to understand they're not executing these plans anymore in a vacuum.
You know, it's interesting.
You look at the juxtaposition, the contrast.
That video is a perfect example of the mainstream media in the United States and the failure of it because he asks an emotionally charged... This should be all over our news!
Whether he's wrong or right!
Zachariah asked them, though, a charged question about Trump, trying to pin him up against the wall and say something, right?
But Putin, regardless of what you think about him, he's not playing that game.
So instead of going,
Oh, I'm so sorry I said that.
I didn't mean it like that.
He transcends it.
He actually talks about stuff that no one else will talk about.
It's like when I was on CNN, and I'm not bragging, it's just the answer to all of it.
You're fake, you want our guns.
I'm not having a fake debate.
I transcend you.
And you talked about how Prozac was one of their advertisers, or antidepressants or whatever, and they were like, whoa.
You're not allowed to go that far.
But Putin went that far anyway.
He didn't use a teleprompter.
He sat there talking about the rigged elections.
And he's like, look, I don't get involved with your stuff.
You guys have a huge situation.
You have numerous investigations proving this is happening, but we're not going to get involved.
So how dare you even ask me about a comment I made about Trump, which he said he was a color.
Meanwhile, they're spending $10 billion a year to overthrow the Russian government.
Of course, and also, meanwhile, U.S.
approves 1.15 billion tank weapons sale to Saudi Arabia.
So it's hilarious.
They sit up there and act like, you have to be tolerant.
You know, we are against this radical Islam and blah blah blah.
Oh, we're going to give 1.5, 1.1 billion dollars of tanks and weapons to Saudi Arabia, which is
Just one of the most absurd, oppressive, terrible countries in the world.
And it's the Human Rights Watch.
They kicked it off and they paid them off.
It's all corrupt.
They had to put them back.
They actually had one of the Human Rights Watch committees, of course, right?
Yeah, they had the U.N.
Committee on Human Rights.
It's all like comedy.
It's all a joke, and the only people that don't get it are the ones that completely buy into the bill.
I'll tell you this.
There's a full-on assault on Trump, and it can be demoralizing at certain points, but I look at who they've got on TV, they look demoralized.
They know it's all a joke.
Trump's way ahead of the polls.
If they steal it, that's their issue.
But the elite are really burning down right now, Anthony.
I think they're burning so hard at both ends.
Look at CNN.
It's ratings are going down over and over again.
It just lost the third today.
They're killing themselves to deliver this twitching witch that wears a giant diaper.
They'll do anything.
Hillary Clinton is a giant diaper.
She's a giant diaper.
25 gallons of guacamole.
They will do anything to kamikaze Americana as much as they possibly can.
Because they're losers.
They hate it.
They hate power.
They hate success.
They're pieces of crap.
That's the good news.
You losers are always going to fail.
I just, I just hope they can't start a nuclear war.
Because let me tell you, I mean, Napoleon Hill were smarter compared to these guys.
They were bad guys, but it's creepy to watch a bunch of weird women in like super suits and like jewelry going, we gonna F you up, Russia.
It's like, really?
It's just not real life anymore.
It's just getting weird.
I mean, turn on the television.
It's like going to a restaurant and finding the biggest guy in the restaurant starting to fight for no reason, and you're a midget.
Yeah, I mean, you know, when you think about it, where is the riskiest place to go?
You know, it's never around intellectual.
If you go, if you go to really intellectual, intelligent, successful people that care about their life and care about their country, and we hang out with people like that, you know, we're not afraid they're going to kill us.
You know, we're not afraid they're going to do something terrible to us.
It's when you go out and you join the really mad, like, angsty, angry people that, like, couldn't do it, and they don't like success, and they hate people that try and have success.
They have something to prove.
They have something to prove, and they, they believe in all this BS.
And those are the people that are fueling it all.
And the other people... And what's weird is they're running the superpower, and they've got something to prove!
Because they robbed it!
They're frauds!
They're frauds, and they'll use anything they can to get up to the top.
So that means filing, you know, fake stuff against people, blackmailing, screwing people over.
Those are the people that'll climb, because the good people refuse to do it, and they say, no way, I'm not gonna do that.
And the good people say, hey, I can't, I can't handle this.
This is energetically draining to me, dealing, being with all these vipers, you know what I mean?
And they'll talk about this all day long, but no one talks about the real news, of course, besides... We've got it coming up, I'm gonna turn the...
No, I'm not even trying to get to the news.
The idea, though, is that no one wants to talk about the stuff that's going on like a one-hundred-and-five-million-thanks.
It was good.
That's bad.
I love him so much.
That's very, very bad these days.
I don't love him because he was a movie star.
He was so real.
The opposite of an Aryan bastard.
He was on the show how many times?
Only twice.
I never really... I never really harassed him to come on.
Play it again.
No, he's like, oh, call me anytime to talk about strategy and everything.
And I call.
It was just...
It was amazing because he was a real guy.
It's just like, it's amazing how many people actually want to come on and it doesn't end up happening until something bad happens.
Like that Gary guy, that one movie, he was exposing everything, the drug traffic.
He came on the show at one point, remember we couldn't find the tapes?
Oh yeah, Kill the Messenger, that's the movie.
Remember that?
That was Gary Webb.
Gary Webb, yeah.
No, he was like, put up my website.
No one will help me.
I've got all this proof.
My book's coming out.
These guys are breaking into my house.
They're ready to kill me.
And then they kill him.
And then right after it happens, all these attacks happen, going, Jones says he was killed.
He's a kook.
The guy was telling me they were breaking into his house.
And then I had, like, his friends going, yeah, they were breaking into his house every day, ready to kill him.
They stole his motorcycle.
The good news is, is at least the movie came out.
Then the movie shows it all happening, you know.
But you were crazy then.
I tell you, I got nauseated during that movie.
Just like they killed her.
It was like a documentary.
It was like real.
It's like, oh my God, this guy was a patriot.
They killed him.
They killed him.
But it's just like the guy, the Democrat guy, that he got robbed, though he took nothing.
The guy that shot him four times in the back.
WikiLeaks said, oh, just kill him.
But he just, he got robbed.
He was on the way to the FBI.
It reminds me of some type of like... I mean, how do these people think they're going to go on forever?
They're going to start a fight with us.
And in the end, we're not going to be able to back down.
And we're going to totally kick your ass.
I just... We're going to dig you out of your hole, just like Hitler in Berlin.
I mean, you are going to get it.
You understand?
I just imagined the police chief that had to say that was like something out of Sin City.
I haven't looked this person up yet, but imagine, you know, the Sin City people, they have like weird heads and like misformed and stuff, and they're like, uh, it was a burglary.
You know, like that's what I imagined.
They can't possibly come out and honestly say, oh, it was a burglary.
They took nothing.
They shot him a bunch of times after he supplied information to WikiLeaks.
He's on the way to the FBI.
You know, we looked into the evidence.
The forensic show, it was just a burglary.
The suspect got away.
Case closed.
Well, you're going to come back and take over and maybe take some calls from all the folks who are patiently holding.
But I tell you, it is a crazy world.
We'll be back with a Friday edition tomorrow.
Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central tonight.
And then briefly, we've got 50% off Coil Silver, which everybody should have a stockpile of.
And 40% off Anthraplex.
That's still going, right?
And a lot of other stuff, and it's your funding funds this operation.
I'm sick of plugging stuff.
We got great products everybody needs.
We need the money to fund the operation.
If you, uh, my voice is shot today from screaming earlier.
Yeah, I can tell, it's alright.
What headline do we give that, Grant?
I assume you can hear it.
I heard it.
Anyways, anything you see already takes over.
We love you all.
Do not promote that website.
There's no censorship going on.
You shouldn't fight back.
Hillary loves you.
Just submit to her.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In 2016, the American education system has gone from blacks-only dorms at Harvard to this article.
Illinois College defends blacks-only course offerings.
And Illinois College has restricted certain sections of a mandatory introductory course to blacks students only.
Moraine Valley Community College maintains that the state-sponsored segregated classes are intended to help students feel more, quote, comfortable.
The spokeswoman also noted that it offers courses specifically for veterans and older students.
The recent Supreme Court ruling in Fisher v. The University of Texas, No.
14981, essentially legalized racial discrimination, harkening back to the days of Plessy v. Ferguson.
Yet another example of how progressives are actually regressing in the name of diversity.
This is Ashley Beckford for InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for more special reports.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And I'll tell you what, watching those Putin videos that you saw before the break, it is really, really interesting and it's transparent into the reality that we live in, right?
Because what are you used to in the United States when you turn the television on and the president comes out, specifically Obama, right?
Um, well, you know, you have teleprompters at every single angle where the news media cameras are, so they turn, you know, that's why they turn and look one way and turn and look another way, and they're just reading very, very slowly in a manner of soothingness to you, that they're reading their teleprompters, that their speechwriters wrote for them, that
generally are not even that great and they're just saying, and I promise to use these buzzwords which will sedate you and make you happy.
And I'm like, yeah, right?
It's just so fake and plastic.
What's interesting is, sure, it's not even a homage to Putin, because sure, he's deeply corrupt, there's corruption in Russia, so on and so forth.
But the way that he can sit and just freely speak, right?
Just in the way that I'm doing right now, I'm not reading a teleprompter, I'm just freely speaking.
I can talk about anything, I can go into any direction.
That I choose to, and I'm not chained into a speech written by a speechwriter, the way he can just blast people like Fareed Zakaria, who tried to try the American system of shoving him up against the wall by asking an emotionally charged political question where he said, you know, you said something about Trump, something nice about Trump, do you support him?
And watch as Putin isn't playing that game.
So he came back and started tearing into him and saying, you know, did I actually say that?
And then went a step further, because you're not allowed to go there, and he started talking about rigged elections in the United States, and how the superdelegates decide everything for us, and the system is in fact not exactly for the people, right?
But you're not allowed to go there.
And it reminds me also of what we were talking about last segment.
I drew the parallel between two pools.
Like, you go to a public swimming pool, and you walk in, and there's a kid's pool.
There's always a kid's pool, right?
And then there's, like, the big pool, where you can actually jump in, and it's scary.
It's a scary world when you're in the big pool, right?
Because you could drown.
You have to swim.
You know, it's a dangerous thing, especially as a kid.
But the kid pool, that's a happy little fun place, right?
We're good to go.
This is a graphic that's on screen right now at Infowars.com forward slash show.
And the babies are running after each other.
They hurt each other's feelings.
And they're stumping on all the adults.
And it's true.
The kids pool is where you can go and talk about your hurt feelings and go and talk about your little political leanings that offended you or whatever.
But in the real life pool,
It's a scary place, because in the kids' poll, we're talking about, you know, the hate issues and the hate laws and how I'm offended by this group and how that group's offended by this and blah, blah, blah.
But in the real big poll, we're talking about the real stuff.
And that is like the article about how the United States is sending $1.1 billion of tanks and weapons to Saudi Arabia.
The extremely oppressive, horrible, dictatorship country that is absolutely the worst example of human rights in the world that also happens to head a human rights council for the United Nations.
I think it was removed from one of them and then of course it got its way back in through its deep corruption and now it's back, you know.
And that's fine though, because that's the real life bulldo and that's scary and we don't want to always talk about that.
There is some other news that we may be allowed to talk about on this program.
It's kind of like this, though.
Friends of DNC-linked Sean Lucas freaked out by his death.
This is from Paul Joseph Watson.
Friends of Sean Lucas, the attorney who was found unconscious on his bathroom floor after serving the DNC with a lawsuit, are reportedly freaked out by the strange circumstances surrounding his death.
Lucas appeared in a video in which he served papers relating to a lawsuit against the DNC, alleging that the then-DNC chairwoman, Debbie Schultz, rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton.
Now, it's just as if the other individual that was likely the person that supplied WikiLeaks with the leaked emails, who was gunned down, shot multiple times, and that was ruled a burglary, of course, and they took nothing.
But you see, that's the real pull, that's the big kids pull stuff, totally insane.
And just another little weird contrast thing I found today.
So, reading the news...
You often find stories that show just how screwed up of a system, even the establishment can't get things right.
It's just so teeter-tottering, it's all disinformation mind stuff, to the point where New York Times article says, remember this is today, the same time, actually it's from yesterday, it's pulled up today, Obama administration set to remove barrier to medical research for marijuana, marijuana research.
The Obama administration is planning to remove a major roadblock to marijuana research officials, says Wednesday, potentially spurring broad scientific study of a drug that is being used to treat dozens of diseases in states across the nation, despite little rigorous evidence of its effectiveness.
Now, there are studies that it is highly effective, right?
Oh, but then, today, this announcement.
Marijuana to remain illegal under federal law, DEA says.
DEA says marijuana has no medical value and will remain in the same category as heroin and LSD.
So it says, delivering a big blow to backers of pot legalization, the Obama administration planned to announce Thursday that it would keep marijuana classified as one of the nation's most dangerous drugs, similar to heroin and LSD.
So, announce one day, and this isn't about marijuana, it's about the ridiculousness, announce one day
We're going to remove barrier to marijuana research because of its ability to treat diseases.
Obama administration is planning to remove a major roadblock to marijuana.
It's been used to treat dozens of diseases from the New York Times.
We're going to remove it.
It's used to treat diseases.
Then the next day.
Next day.
Well, the Obama administration declares that it has no medical value and remains in the same categories, heroin and LSD, and it's worthless.
It's bad, okay?
It's very bad.
It's like, what?
But you know what happens is somebody reads the first article and they're like, wow, Obama's cool.
He's removing roadblocks to research medical marijuana.
But then the next day it's like, oh, secretly, actually, we're banning it completely, and it's horrible, and it's bad as heroin.
It has no beneficial practice.
That's how the spin works.
Also, I do want to jump into some of these calls because Alex wanted to take them.
So we'll jump into those in a second.
But first, we do have some good news.
Usually, the news stories that we read here, unfortunately, very unfortunately, tend to fall more in line with the fact that we may be entering more of an idiocracy-esque society, where we have big thirst mutilators, right?
And Carl's Jr.
sponsors basically everything.
And we're too busy stuck in our chairs watching artificial reality.
But for the first time ever,
Congratulations to America.
Americans drink more bottled water than soda this year.
And by the way, I don't mean to sit up here and just act like a jerk and insult people and act like everyone's so fat and stupid.
I also do all these things too.
Okay, so it's really joking in a meta way about myself too, right?
So I'm actually a pretty stupid American myself.
But overall,
We are actually getting better.
But this article here, Americans to drink more bottled water than soda this year.
Perhaps it's a sign of America's increasing concern with health, a glowing laziness about filling a bottle of water at the tap, or a fear of water contamination.
For the first time this year, Americans are drinking more bottled water than soda.
And if you think about it,
How could you possibly just drink more soda than water?
It is absolutely absurd.
Anyway, we're going to go to calls here since they've been waiting for so long.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sherry in Texas.
She wants to talk about USA needs to reject all corruption.
Sounds like a good idea.
Sherry, what's on your mind?
Thank you, Anthony.
Yeah, I have another point of view I want to put forth here, that it's not just about our freedoms being at risk, but it's about the death of our planet that's at stake.
And I think that anything, and it's my belief, that anything built on greed won't succeed.
It's going to fail, ultimately.
And anything that's killing our planet, anything genetically modified,
I don't
And I think all this will collapse without ever having to fire a shot.
And I think Putin knows.
See, we have to keep in mind that our healthcare system profits from us being sick.
And I think Europe knows this.
They see this, and they see how we're not willing to let go of that.
And I think that Putin, you know, he says he wants his
People safe, but I think he wants them healthy too because his country will thrive and save money from them being well.
And he knows that, you know, I think what he didn't say that he wanted to say, I'm not going to say this, but I think he wanted to say that if we don't stop you, America, our planet will fail.
And I think Europe gets it and I think we're learning it.
And I think we need to stand behind Trump and and people that aren't afraid to stand up and say, hey, we better turn around or Europe will have to stop us.
You know, Sherry, you had a great point in the beginning.
Also, when you said the fakery just can't it can't continue, just like a product.
The interesting parallel I always talk about that you kind of touched on is going to
A horrible, horrible corporate juggernaut such as Walmart that does not care about quality.
Now, I'm not against corporations.
I think business is great.
I'm an entrepreneur myself.
Let everyone that actually makes good products have tons and tons of cash to feel what they're doing.
But if you go to Walmart, let's say, and you buy a Chinese-made plastic product that's a piece of crap, right?
And it goes home and it breaks.
It's just, it's just junk.
It's just junk.
Compare that to something that is actually made with high amounts of craftsmanship, high amounts of quality, like a certain chair that you may or might not, you know, could have for like 20 years.
Made of steel and it's like not bolted up with crappy plastic stuff.
Now, compare the difference.
That is the same as politicians or thought leaders.
If you look at the presidential race this time around, look at Ted Cruz.
He's just so fake.
He just sits up there.
He cannot speak like a regular human being.
So many of them cannot.
They just cannot do it.
They can't speak like a regular human.
It's so fake.
It's like the Walmart quality product.
And it's not even about their beliefs, right?
So, Ted Cruz might stand for some things I believe in, but the way he speaks, oh, I do believe, it's so absurd.
It's beyond Frank Underwood from House of Cards.
So, you look at the quality, though.
That plastic, crap, Chinese-made junk.
Is just discarded.
But people buy it because it's cheap, it's easier, whatever.
But the quality product stays around forever.
And you're right.
Building on that foundation is important because ultimately people are going to find out.
There is a change.
There is a shift where people don't want it at all and they're just abhorrently rejecting it.
Like they just ate some activated charcoal or something.
What do you think about that, Sherry?
Well, I think our planet, it's even bigger than that, because our planet, the health of our planet is at stake.
And it's already starting to die from the West Coast, it's kind of making its way across the country.
That's true, too.
I mean, there's no question.
The birds, you know, you can't find a bird out there in some locations.
Everything's dying off.
And I think Europe is really, really aware of this, because they do things differently.
And they do things with their health in mind, and the health of the planet in mind.
And they have technologies that are very simple sometimes, like just a box on top of your house that's solar, that warms your water.
There's no maintenance.
You just let the sun warm your water and it comes down into your home.
And my son said, when he was over there last time, he said, all these little black boxes on everyone's house.
And he said, what are those?
He said, that's their hot water heaters.
How simple.
You know?
Why don't we have any of those?
You know what's funny is, it's true, one of my original passions, of course, was health and wellness, right?
And it still is, but...
There's so much going on.
The sad thing is that everyone wants to talk about environmental issues and all that kind of stuff on the news and everything, but they don't want to talk about real environmental issues.
They want to talk about, just like everything else, like buzzwords and BS.
But if you do actually look at it, look at what is being... Look, Fukushima, for example, is just dumping radioactive cesium into the Pacific Ocean and no one cares.
I mean, it's just, it's absurd.
But then you look at the food supply, too.
All the junk we put in there, we are actually killing the planet.
You're right, Europe in some ways is more advanced, but then we also aren't allowed to talk about China and India.
India is just polluting the hell out of everything and just dumping all of their contaminants, but they're becoming industrialized and it's okay.
I mean, a lot of it also has to do with the fact that, like, once again, it is something that's so hard to talk about.
Yes, hello there.
This is really a message to all Bernie supporters
Even though across the board we disagree on a lot of things, I just want to say, and I hope I speak on behalf of all of us, we are damn proud of you.
All Bernie supporters who are standing up for themselves.
And all I want to say is please do consider that all this stuff, this nonsense in the media, is really all BS.
What you really want to do is just to think what makes sense.
The counter compass where all of a sudden we're talking about eating a piece of chicken on a private plane and all of a sudden that's supposed to be racist or something or perhaps telling a woman to take a baby out of the room because the baby's not comfortable and it's being a bit of a distraction.
Compare that to what we've got with Hillary.
I mean, what we've got there is stuff involving the FBI, the military, the government, the State Department, everything.
Just take into consideration what you're being presented.
There's no doubt about what's going on.
And Alex Jones, I mean, you can say what about him, what you will, but he's a fierce fighter.
He's right in there in the middle of it, in your face.
The way he handled the young Turks, he exposed exactly what they're about.
Look at that.
When he went on to them, they're all there sitting there comfortable, acting like he's his best friend, and all of a sudden, they go crazy.
Because he's got the truth.
He's telling the truth.
That's really all I want to say.
That was eloquently said, Jason.
I appreciate that, Colin.
Actually, what you said there was powerful in the sense of why are we talking about Trump eating fried chicken with a fork and knife, when in reality, just exactly what I've been saying.
Exactly what I've been saying this entire hour.
Why are we talking about those things when here's all the real stuff?
Here's all the real life stuff.
And you're totally right, you turn on the media, but they don't want to talk about that.
And you eloquently broke down as well.
How we are being pushed through a fake narrative how we are being like it's like a dog when we then there's like like 50 intruders at the gate and they have a hot dog and they're like here get the hot dog and they throw the hot dog and we're like this massive behemoth dog and we're like running after the hot dog is all the intruders get in through the gates and I can't get the hot dog get the hot dog
Our nose can smell something is wrong, and our eyes can see something is wrong, but we're just given this bait, and it's so easy to take.
It's just so, so easy to run after the hot dog because you're a frothing hungry dog, right?
But you are being misdirected.
You are being told that you're upset about this, but in reality, in your bones and in your heart, you're being upset because humanity is being attacked in every single level by going against our basic
programming and basic instinct to grow and have a renaissance of ideas but instead we're being told we can't say certain things because it's bad, in a sense.
We'll be back in the final segment.
Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay tuned.
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What it really comes down to is if you want to be empowered or if you want to be disempowered.
If you want to have power,
Taken away from you, and told that you can't say or think certain things, or if you want to be dangerously empowered, and you want to have risk of saying something too far, or you want to have risk that you could hurt someone's feelings by what you say.
And it all comes down to this, right?
Because look at this article in the Daily Mail.
It's a silly article, but what it represents is really not that silly, right?
Rise of the girth jab.
Surge in men wanting penis enhancing treatment to make their manhood wider.
Survey shows men believe penis girth is more important than length.
Who cares, right?
But what this represents is, over and over again, people feel like they're worthless crap because they've been bought into the lie.
That they are, right?
Because you're worthless, you can't do anything, you're scum, you're not good enough, you don't look good enough.
But, also,
It's financial, because the system gives you a little promise, and if you work hard and study hard, just go into debt, just get all the banks to fund everything you do, and everything's going to be fine.
And that contributes to this, too.
You may be broke and not know it.
This is from Bloomberg.
So there really are two ways to be poor.
Some people just don't earn much money.
15% of Americans, or 47 million people, live below the poverty line, according to the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Then there are people loaded up with debt, which is a lot of people.
So they have a negative total.
Owe the bank system more money than they even have if they liquidated every single thing they own.
They are debt slaves.
Overall, U.S.
households have $12.3 trillion in debt, according to another New York Fed report released this week.
And I don't say, by the way, oh, you're a debt slave, you idiot.
No, no, no, no.
It's not about that.
We've been conned into a system.
And I understand that debt in itself is not inherently evil.
I'm not like, oh, never be in
You need loans, right, for houses.
It makes sense.
You don't want to pay your house off in cash or you would never get a house.
You need loans for these types of things.
The issue becomes, when you become into a negative, when the bank, if you liquidated everything you have, you have negative.
You have no money.
And people can't afford to pay these debts.
They were not educated properly about what they're doing.
They're racking up money on their credit cards.
I know people like this.
And then they're sad.
And they're pissed off.
And they hate themselves.
And they have to work double jobs to make enough money.
And then they also have this.
More adults.
More adult Americans live with their parents and grandparents.
Now their kids can't find a job, their kids are in debt, and they have to live with their parents.
Despite the end of the Great Recession, there's been a surge in multi-generational households.
Both the number and share of Americans living in multi-generational family households has continued to rise, according to a new study.
60.6 million people, or 19% of the U.S.
population, lived in a multi-generational household.
So, almost 20% of the U.S.
Has their kids living with them or multi-generational, right?
So someone in your family.
So multiple families in a household living together.
One in seven people owe more money to the banks than their entire assets if they liquidate everything.
This is a sad reality that we were convinced is the way to go.
And guess what?
We got to make a choice though.
Do we want to be empowered?
It's a little scary.
It's scary doing your own thing.
It's scary thinking for yourself.
It's scary not buying into the system every time.
But we want to be in the same way.
Definition of insanity.
So there it is.
Alex will be back tomorrow 11am to 2pm Central.
It's going to be a good show.
Fridays are always good.
Thank you so much for watching.
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Be back tomorrow.
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