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Filename: 20160807_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 7, 2016
1688 lines.

Alex Jones discusses election fraud in America and how private secret consortiums decide who wins elections. He mentions President Obama's response to InfoWars and Trump's comments about the election being rigged against him. Jones promotes various products available on InfowarsLife.com and shares his personal experience with witnessing election fraud. The video criticizes the media for not revealing the truth about election fraud, claiming that elections are not democratic and that it is the political parties that choose their nominees. Jones encourages listeners to join the fight against election fraud and become members of the Longevity Team at Infowarsteam.com to help their friends and family while earning income.

Not much danger zone, alright.
Hard to believe.
August 7th.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Sunday, August 7th, 2016.
We'll be here for the next two hours.
I want to start out with a four minute report.
That just collates admissions of how they stole the election from Sanders, how they stole other elections, then Obama responding to InfoWars, and Trump in a press conference he gave late Thursday before going to Martha's Vineyard, and then when we come back, we're...
As promised, starting to burrow into the actual data, we're going to prove to you about the private secret consortium that decides who wins elections.
It's been the same group since the 1960s.
This is all coming up.
This is what President Obama doesn't want you to know about.
He slipped up big time in his press conference.
This is a huge opportunity.
Here's the report.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Repeatedly now, Donald Trump has said that this election will be rigged against him, challenging really the core foundation of our democratic system.
Can you promise the American people that this election will be conducted in a fair way?
And are you worried that comments like his could erode the President's faith in the outcome of the election?
And if he does win, given that you've just declared him unfit, what will you say to the American people?
Well, at the end of the day, it's the American people's decision.
I have one vote.
I have the same vote you do.
I have the same vote that all the voters who are eligible all across the country have.
I've offered my opinion, but ultimately it's the American people's decision to make collectively.
And if somebody wins the election,
I don't even really know where to start on answering this question.
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
The federal government doesn't run
What does that mean?
The election process.
States and cities and communities all across the country, they're the ones who set up the voting systems and the voting booths.
And if Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country,
Including in places like Texas, where typically it's not Democrats who are in charge of voting booths.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
And I don't think anybody would take that seriously.
Now, we do take seriously, as we always do, our responsibilities to monitor and preserve the integrity of the voting process.
If we see signs that a voting machine or system is vulnerable to hacking, then we inform those local authorities who are running the elections that they need to be careful.
If we see jurisdictions that are violating
Federal laws, in terms of equal access, and aren't providing ramps for disabled voters, or are discriminating in some fashion, or are otherwise violating civil rights laws, then the Justice Department will come in and take care of that.
But this will be an election like every other election.
And, you know, I'm
I think all of us at some points in our lives have played sports or maybe just played in a school yard or a sandbox and sometimes folks, if they lose, they start complaining that they got cheated.
But I've never heard of somebody complaining about being cheated before the game was over.
Or before the score is even tallied.
So, my suggestion would be
You know, go out there and try to win the election.
If Mr. Trump is up 10 or 15 points on election day and ends up losing, then maybe he can raise some questions.
Okay, we're going to leave it right there because you just stepped in it with that statement about maybe then he could raise some questions, didn't you Lord Obama?
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on this live Sunday worldwide broadcast the 7th day of August 2016.
Now I'm going to be completely open with everyone as I always am.
The evidence of total orchestrated fraud against the American people and against our voting process is so completely butt naked and so incredibly overwhelming.
That when I came up here today and did basically hours of research last night and this morning and hours of work here today to present to you what I'm about to cover, I started having an anxiety attack about 30 minutes ago.
And by the way, I've never had anxiety attacks in my whole life.
But shortness of breath, almost panicking.
And the reason I tell you that is because this is what you're supposed to do
When you come face-to-face with total criminality, your body has a response that it wants to do something about it.
And that's been described by police officers, no matter how seasoned they are, they open a trunk up and there's a dead kid with maggots all over them, you know, they have an anxiety attack, they start throwing up right there on the spot.
That is a normal response when you go down in somebody's basement and you pull up the floorboards and there's 15 dead bodies.
It's the instinct, it's the will, to not just take corruption like it's no big deal and accept it, that separates free societies from enslaved societies.
Because you can say what you want about the United States and its history, but we strove and led the world, along with England, on ending slavery.
We strove and created the most patents, the most inventions, the lowest taxes, the most innovation.
That's why we were so special and people wanted to come here.
And we're seeing that reverse.
We're seeing that being dismantled today.
Now, I already knew all the information I'm about to present.
But it's kind of like having an old dusty
photo album in your closet up on the top shelf and every few months you're digging around the closet and you see it up there on the shelf but why don't you pull down the old photo album because you know you're going to be crying when you see grandma and grandpa and or maybe a brother or sister you lost or you see photos of the family at the beach back in happier times and that's really what my job's like and I'm not complaining about it
I knew all this in the last 21 years on air, 25 years politically involved.
When I first got politically involved, witnessing election fraud that was even in the newspapers and confirmed here in Travis County, Austin, Texas.
Oh yeah, even then I caught election fraud with my cohorts and we challenged at the state level and they admitted fraud but still certified it.
Still certified the Republican primary against Pat Buchanan.
I witnessed it.
And when I sat there in the last few weeks, re-collating all the election fraud data, re-collating who runs the elections, re-collating how they stole it from Bernie Sanders and tried with Trump, some of it was just flashbacks from six months ago.
Other stuff was 20 years ago, and I was up here today shooting special reports that we're gonna be putting out that I know have a giant effect.
I mean, the White House Media Matters came out and said 48 hours after Jones comes out with his measures to Trump,
Trump comes out word for word and says, I only won because of landslides.
They tried to steal the primary from me, they did from Sanders.
They're going to try to do it again.
We're going to be exposing it.
And we are going to be exposing it.
We're going to be putting the reports out and the research out, and then you're going to see that push the American people.
And I'm not going to get into inside baseball here, but I think it tells you everything you need to know about Donald Trump.
That he's getting his research and info from the grassroots and proven sources and not from multinational globalist organizations that are basically advising Hillary Clinton.
And the facts we roll out, the facts we expose are incontrovertible.
So I'm not, again, tooting our horn here.
I am just making the announcement to all the new viewers and radio listeners that InfoWars isn't playing games.
And when you are hearing this information, you are getting next-level, absolute cutting-edge intel.
Now, I want to just play this short mash-up, because we played what the President said earlier.
I want to play this short mash-up dealing with election fraud, just with the current stuff that happened in the last few months.
Interspersed with Obama's speech Thursday where he said, now listen, this stuff comes out of Texas, this conspiracy theory.
Texas runs its elections and they're Republicans.
So why are you saying there's fraud?
As if we're not talking about the national election in Ohio, in Florida, and other battleground states where we know the Democrats have been engaged in massive fraud.
And Republicans have too.
I remember exposing that.
We just cover it like
We see it.
But in front of the whole world, you saw Bernie Sanders win more than 10 states, like New Hampshire and like California, and they said, sorry, it doesn't matter, you won, the superdelegates aren't going to be for you.
We even interviewed some of the superdelegates who go, yeah, it doesn't matter if he wins the popular vote, we're putting Hillary in.
And you saw the Republicans try that.
So see, they've miscalculated and tried to hide this in plain view.
Obama has come out and said, don't worry, if he's 15 points ahead in polls, but he loses, then he's got a case of fraud.
The same people that run the polls are the same ones that will be calling it.
And I'm going to prove that in one moment.
You understand AP and Reuters.
And CNN, and CBS, and ABC, and NBC run the private secret organization that announces the winners.
And I knew all this, but I was going back over just how real it is, and how it's in the same group since 64, and how they keep changing the name to confuse the public.
It is amazing.
So you're going to discover that coming up in the next segment.
But first, here's Obama.
Mr. Trump, I'm not going to lay things out here that you don't already know.
It's last Saturday.
But I am going to ask you to seriously think about making the issue of Hillary's election fraud in the primaries one of the central issues to defeating her in November.
And I'm telling you, November 8th, we better be careful because that election's gonna be rigged.
First of all, it's rigged.
And I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest.
And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's gonna be taken away from us.
America teaches everybody how to live in, quote, democracy.
But what?
You actually believe that they have democratic elections there?
If Hillary steals the nomination, and then she openly is engaged in chicanery and things don't add up with Trump, you have to say it must be thrown out.
Hillary Clinton has had every advantage, every break given to her from the very beginning by this Democratic Party.
It has been rigged.
The political parties choose their nominee, not the general public.
Contrary to popular belief.
Then why are they holding the primaries?
That's a very good question.
It is clearly the case that when given truth serum, Debbie Wasserman Schultz vastly prefers Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, obviously, and to the extent there are things that can be done institutionally and largely to facilitate that outcome, they are being done.
When did the press see it as their role to protect the prerogative of the powerful?
Actually I think that's part of
And we're not going to recognize Queen Hillary if there's evidence of fraud.
And guess what there is?
She stole the nomination!
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
How would the party pick a new nominee?
Today is the day!
They're really thinking about maybe getting him off the top of the ticket.
He now looks increasingly like the Kamikaze Kid.
An implosion the likes of which I have never seen.
The biggest problem we have is we have a very dishonest media.
If Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country,
Including in places like Texas.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
And I don't think anybody would take that seriously.
There you go, folks.
Now, when we come back, we're gonna tell you who announced all those states that Bernie won for Hillary.
It's the same group that's gonna announce the winner.
Coming up in November.
They don't want you to know the name of this group.
And what you're about to hear, if you get the info out, we'll destroy them.
Uh, yeah.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
This is the InfoWar.
And you are the resistance.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, Dave Buckstein, The Threat Is Real is the song of a new album dealing with the level of bringing ISIS into the country.
He asked me to co-write the album with him.
I was too busy.
I'm not named, probably.
But I don't think he needed my help.
See, I wish I would have done that.
This is the guy that wrote most of Metallica's earlier stuff, like the Four Horsemen.
Oh my gosh.
One last breath of four wind blows.
Better raise your ears.
The sound of hooves knock at your door.
Lock up your wife and children now.
It's time to wield the blade, because now you've got some company.
Horsemen are drawing nearer.
Let us tease their ride.
I don't know why, I just gave that factoid, a little secret factoid, not bragging, just fact.
It's fun to be in the fight against the globalists.
It wasn't that I was even too busy, it's like, how am I going to help Dave Mustaine write his next album?
I mean, it's just, I think you can handle it, Dave.
He did name an album, two albums before that, End Game, and did talk about, in my film, End Game, Blue Pimpern Global Enslaved, that's what the album's based on, but it's not about bragging, it's about realizing that culturally,
We are having the biggest effect out there as a counter-narrative to the New World Order.
Because we understand history, and sociology, and anthropology, and who the New World Order are, what they're doing, what their plan is.
But as I basically got into it earlier...
It's like, I did this actually Friday, you pull down some of those old family albums, and man, when you see your old grandma that's been gone for a decade, or you see your old grandpa that's been gone 20 years, and you think about how sweet they were, you think about the things they said to you, how amazing it would have been to know them as a grown-up man or a grown-up woman.
I don't mean 20-something years old, I mean as a 40, 50-year-old man.
They're just so cool.
My dad's dad, my mom's dad, too, as well.
My dad's dad was so, so manly, without even trying to be.
He was just, like, walking the room.
Everybody would just turn around.
It was just, like, the presence.
And what would men like that do today?
Probably nothing, because they're so humble.
They don't think of themselves as fighting a tyranny that's their own government.
I mean, sure, my dad's dad was a B-17 pilot decorated in World War II, but again, that was directed by the government to go off and fight.
And sure, he ran as a Republican and won for local state office, you know, for part of the Civil Rights Act.
So I guess he would have been politically involved, and was.
But what would the greatest generation do today, faced with what we see?
I don't know if they were the greatest generation, I think 1776 might have been that, but I tell you, they're a hell of a lot better than what we've become.
And I'm not knocking the average person, but on average, we've become a bunch of slovenly people.
We don't appreciate our heritage, we don't stand up for our birthright, we've been overrun by tyrants, by multinationals, by globalists.
And so the last couple weeks, I knew I had to do this.
I had to make election fraud the central issue.
I had to push with my contacts to get that done.
I had to put the evidence together.
We've already put out more than 10 articles, 7 or 8 big videos, special reports, and more is coming.
And the good news is, all that evil men and tyrancy deflourish is that good men and women do nothing.
We've been standing up, we've been speaking out, and it's become the number one election issue now is election fraud, and will they steal it from Trump?
And that's a debate they can't win.
Because we have the internal polling numbers, we have the fake polls they're putting out, and the methodology of them, it's public, and we have the social media numbers, and we know Trump is conservatively 10 points ahead nationally.
You add to that the closeted factor of a lot of people being scared to vote for him or admit they're voting for him because of political correctness.
We're talking 7 points, what most experts agree.
We're talking 17 points, super whopper wins.
Now, there's Electoral College, obviously, and battleground states are more democratic in some areas, like California and Pennsylvania.
But if he doesn't win Florida, you know the fix is in.
And we're not just going to sit here and let election fraud take place, and that's the main message that I've been getting at here.
Now, next segment, because I want to have plenty of time, is when I'm going to come in with a focused live report to you.
And I'm going to lay out who really puts out the fake polls, and who is announcing the election.
Because Obama really screwed the pooch when he said this at the end of his answer at the press conference at the Pentagon.
When he said, oh, you know, election fraud, what's that?
And then, oh, well, if he's got 15 points ahead and then loses, then oh, oh, the polls are what?
And we know your polls are as valuable as used toilet paper, Obama.
Here it is.
If Mr. Trump is up 10 or 15 points on election day and ends up losing, then maybe he can raise some questions.
That doesn't seem to be the case at the moment.
I have you now.
I talked to someone close to Donald Trump two weeks ago, a Trump source that cannot be argued with.
And this individual told me he was very concerned about election fraud, and we had a long discussion about it.
And he concurred with my analysis and what should be done about it.
And I said, we're going to put together the data, which I know they're already aware of, just as an augmented file, a HUMET briefing here in the resistance.
And that's what this is.
See, you don't go out and join some agency to be part of the cloak and dagger.
You don't... You go there to be controlled and subjugated.
When you join the Republic and the truth and take action, there isn't a uniform, there isn't little gold stars, there isn't... There's the fact you've actually joined a real fraternity of people that are going to fight for this Republic to the end.
And people know in that fraternity, I'm real.
I've never backed off, I've never given in, not to threats, not anything.
And that's nothing really special.
Except in this day and age, I guess it is.
But I want viewers and listeners to know something.
If you want to join this fraternity, if you want to be part of this, all you got to do is start telling the truth and taking action.
And whether it's at a very small level, at your local level, or in a big way at the national level, it doesn't matter.
All of it together will bring the new world order down.
You want to go up against the globalists?
You want to fight their tyranny?
You want to experience it?
They're waiting for you right now.
And what's crazy is, they don't have the spirit of liberty with them.
They're afraid of us.
And when we actually take the field, it's incredible.
You will experience providence when they just fall down in front of you.
The problem is good men never stand up, as Thomas Jefferson said.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
And that's why they're panicking and putting out fake polls.
Obama screwed up big time and hung his hat on the polls.
And said, oh, as long as they say Hillary's gonna win, you don't question things.
Well, guess what?
We have the polls.
And they're admitted frauds.
They admit they're fraudulent.
Now, the big secret of who runs the election's coming up.
Harry Reid wants CIA to give Trump fake intelligence briefings.
The Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said he would rather see the CIA and other intelligence agencies give GOP nominee Donald Trump fake briefings than to make sure he's informed before potentially becoming president.
Reid suggested that it would be risky to divulge classified information pertaining to national security to Trump, so it should just be faked.
Even more incredulous is the fact that Reid is the one accusing Trump of being, quote, dangerous.
Trump is due to receive intelligence briefings in the coming weeks, as is Clinton.
It is standard procedure for both candidates to have limited updates so they're somewhat prepared to take office when the time comes.
Article by Steve Watson on InfoWars.com, linked on the DrudgeReport.com.
This is Ashley Beckford reporting.
Stay tuned for more special reports.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Roger Stone will join us for the last 30 minutes with breaking news from all things Election 2016 and Planet Trump.
We have a special report that has all the documentation.
I'm going to go over a lot of it here.
It's going to be up by tonight at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com exposing the private corporate consortium
That announces who wins the elections nationwide.
Because Obama in his press conference said two different things that were key.
He said local governments announce who the winners are.
And the media.
And it's ridiculous why Republicans run places like Texas, but not battleground states.
Total deception.
Then he says,
Look, if he's won about 15 points in polls, Freudian slip, because our numbers are he's about 15 points ahead, and then he loses, well then he's got a point to make.
The polls in AP and Reuters, Thomson Reuters, and NBC and CBS and CNN are all run by the same consortium that announces who the winner is.
It's unbelievable.
And I sit there, when I was at the RNC, I'd be talking to senators, congressmen, you name it, and they were like, how does that work?
Yeah, the media, they lie, they announce another winner when it's not.
I'm like, it's Voter News Services.
And then it was changed to this, and they're like, okay, son, I like your show.
I mean, I would sit there at the restaurant waiting for my plane with congresspeople, and they just didn't get it.
And they weren't playing dumb.
They didn't know.
And so I'm not excited about the fact that, wow, InfoWars knows this and no one else seems to.
It freaks me out.
So before I get into the fraudulent polls, let's get in first.
Then I've got some really exciting news.
I'm dealing with landslide evidence for Trump.
Let's start with Voter News Services, okay?
Now, I learned about this from the Collier brothers.
They both mysteriously died right after I started interviewing them in the mid-90s.
And, of course, I've interviewed their daughter many times, so we should get back on.
She's one of the top election fraud experts out there.
And I've interviewed Bev Harris, who had the Hacking Democracy documentary on HBO.
She's a Democrat, but she'll admit both parties do it.
And we're getting her back on soon.
And remember, though, Obama said this doesn't exist.
Well, let me tell you what does exist, okay?
The sun.
It came up this morning.
Now, this is from Wikipedia.
You say, well, Wikipedia can have fake entries, whatever.
This info, I know from my own research, is accurate.
And it has links to a bibliography where you can go see it for yourself.
And there's other places where you can research voter news services.
Films and books have been made.
But it's so foggy and secretive, most people don't even know it exists.
Kind of like the Federal Reserve is not federal.
Most folks don't know it's a consortium of six banks.
Okay, so let's go ahead and go over this for everybody.
Voter News Services was an exit polling consortium formed in 1990 by six major U.S.
news media organizations.
Its mission was to provide results for the United States presidential election so that individual organizations and networks would not have to do exit polling and vote tallying in parallel.
Yeah, you don't have to have everybody check.
Just have it magically announced by guys at the top of a building guarded by the CIA in New York.
That's what happens.
And then even Wikipedia with mainstream news links goes through every election being a fraud and computer glitches.
And so it gets disbanded over and over again, and a new group gets formed basically every election, but it's the same group.
Let me read this to you.
And it goes through each election, why they get disbanded.
2000, 2004, it goes right through it.
It says in 2002,
VNS intended to make calls in the November U.S.
Congressional and Senate elections.
It attempted to use a computer designed by VNS by an outside contractor to do this.
A system failure, always happens, occurred in the computer on election night, making quick delivery of data impossible.
In fact, collecting and delivery, the data took 10 months.
So, no one knows why it got announced, but it turned out to be a fraud.
In January 2003, the Voter News Service was disbanded, largely because of failures in 2000-2002.
VNS editor-director criticized the decision as making VNS a scapegoat.
Then it goes on.
In 2004, presidential election, a new organization called National Election Pool.
Guess what?
They just changed the name again.
We'll get to that in a moment.
Was set up by the same organizations.
In 1963, JFK was not cold.
And within a month,
They had created this AP polling service that would announce who'd won.
That got a bunch of heat for election fraud, so then they created other groups and names, always run by the same people.
In 1990, it's Voter News Services.
By 2003, it's National Election Pool, and then the same group, we don't know when, but the last few years, changed the name again to Edison Research.
So you want to know when they said the AP met,
The day before the California primary, the key final primary, and decided Bernie Sanders.
Why AP says it goes to Sanders is the headline.
You know, AP.
And they said, oh, we went to a superdelegate meeting at a rich guy's house, and they just said they weren't going to go for Sanders.
So it didn't matter.
So we asked who was for Sanders, who wasn't, and then collated it, and it was Hillary winning by 60-something percent.
And then that was in the New York Daily News.
In fact, I covered it Friday.
Maybe you guys can grab it out of the pile.
But I mean, it's crazy.
It's the same group.
Now when I say Reuters is involved, Thomson Reuters has this contract to do polling with AP, and that's the Brits that are basically running that.
You know how against Trump they are, the British government.
So, Obama, we played the clip earlier, maybe I'm putting you guys on the spot, but you know like, it's the three minute clip, it's like in the middle there where he, next segment we'll play it, where he says, well, I mean, we got local governments are announcing who's the winner.
And every time, it comes out a month later, oh really, this person won Ohio, but VNS said it was this, or whatever, Anderson said it was this, or Voter Pool said it was this, and it's just like, it's all just magicians distracting you with the pretty lady and the lingerie, and then you're like, wahoo, where'd the rabbit come from, out of the hat?
Well, there's a table with a trapdoor in it.
And I'm just here going, look, here's the trapdoor, here's the rabbit, here's how they work.
Here's how they do it, and then it gets worse.
There it is, AP count.
Clinton has delegates to win Democratic nomination day before, then they just give it to her.
And then match the numbers up, even though Sanders won, because that'd be embarrassing.
The AP met the night before to announce the winner, and then Trump dares talk about it, so he's the big kook.
Now, let's continue here.
Let's go over this.
This is the good news, I'm going to cover this in the next segment.
Shock poll, Reuters, radically changes methodology to favor Clinton.
And the poll showed a 17 point swing, and you know why it did?
Because, I've got a copy of it right here, let me show TV viewers.
This is from Reuters.
And AP, they're all doing the same crap.
They sampled 650 Democrats that they knew were Democrats when they called them versus 496 Republicans.
So that's 154 more Democrats were polled to then give her that lead.
From her behind to her ahead.
I mean, and they put it down!
See, used to they'd hide it and get caught, so now they just put it there like it's no big deal.
This is how con artists operate, and it's poll after poll after poll.
Shock poll!
Pat Cadell blasts Reuters' back-rigging polls to show Clinton up.
Oh yeah, they're also going back to old polls.
But now, despite all the fraud, Reuters baffled as Clinton's lead over Trump suddenly evaporates using the same methodology.
She's only three points ahead of Trump, meaning he's like 15 ahead of her right now.
We're going to come back and give you the biggest news yet that shows a landslide for Donald Trump.
Now that's in the real world, though.
In fantasy land.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm not kidding.
In the last week, I've seen comments on Infowars.com.
In the comment sections, I've seen on YouTube.
I've seen emails that come in.
And you think it's a joke.
And it's like, Alex, why aren't you talking about the cross-human animal clones that they've just legalized this week?
It's like when people stop me on the street and go, why aren't you talking about the private federal reserve?
It'd be like calling in today and saying, why aren't you talking about election fraud?
Or why aren't you wearing a navy blue sports jacket?
I am wearing a navy blue sports jacket.
It's like the more you expose stuff, there's like this weird mind control where you're not exposing it.
And then I've had family and friends and people on the street go, Alex, have you heard?
Human animal clones are being made!
And I'm like, oh my God, they've put the dosage of that out on the news to the point where people that are in a sleep state are now being told they've had human animal clones for 30 years.
They're just getting ready to show everybody.
I was talking to one engineer.
about how they have doors on the sides of the cows, and they just open them up and just put the seedling humanoids in, but they have no rights because they're part cow, so the cow doesn't reject it, part human.
And they can grow them up to like 20, 30 pounds, and then they harvest them?
And I've been harping on this for like 18 years since I learned of it.
And yeah, it was in the AP this week, that's why everybody's talking about it.
government legalizes human-animal hybrids.
So it's like, oh my gosh, did you hear?
Alex, it's called some voter news service that announces... I mean, it's crazy!
Yes, I know the Federal Reserve is private.
Yes, I know they're creating human-animal clones.
Yes, I know they're geoengineering and spraying aluminum dioxide on us and radioactive isotopes.
I don't know the fool's program.
I don't know exactly why they're doing it.
I know the trees are dying all over the planet.
Okay, I don't know who these people are, I don't understand it, but I've reverse-engineered it, and yes, I know.
And let me tell you, they're bad news.
NIH moves to lift moratorium on animal-human chimera research.
Maybe they'll lift the ban on building automobiles.
I mean, it's like, my point is, this stuff's going on everywhere.
And I'm not tooting my horn, I don't get the cognitive dissonance where
We do exit polls in Democrat areas, and 8 out of 10, and it's more than that sometimes, you can't find Hillary supporters.
She has like 500 people on average at her rallies.
Trump has 30,000.
Sanders has 20,000.
I don't need to know they're fixing polls to know this woman's not popular.
You go look, and they admittedly are fixing it.
They think we're so dumb, they go, yeah, we poll 15% more Democrats than Republicans, and then say who's going to win the election.
And then I harp for at least 18 years.
Because I read one BBC News article on air about how they've been cloning humans and animals, splicing them for decades.
And then all these white papers got mailed to me by listeners, you know, that was in, you know, genetic research firms and stuff.
Then I just realized, stop talking about it.
The public doesn't believe you.
Twenty-five years ago, they had part spider, part goats at U.S.
facilities all over the United States creating body armor.
And still, if I talk about it, they have national news say I'm insane.
So, I can't even get people to admit the Federal Reserve's private.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I mean, the election is admittedly staged.
They have this private consortium that announces who the winners are, the same folks that announced who the winners were in the primaries.
The difference was Trump didn't buy it.
People knew he was winning.
They had to back off.
Somebody stands up and they've got to back off.
That's incredible!
But let's play Obama where he really stepped in and then the big news.
When he says, hey, locals tabulate who the winners are.
No, they don't.
Voter News Services does.
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
The federal government doesn't run the election process.
States and cities and communities all across the country, they're the ones who set up the voting systems and the voting booths.
And if Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory that is being propagated across the country,
Including in places like Texas, where typically it's not Democrats who are in charge of voting booths.
That doesn't make any sense.
That's ridiculous.
And he goes on to say if he loses by, you know, if he's winning by 15 in polls but loses, then there's an issue.
The polls are run by the same people that announce who wins, and they're admittedly giving a 15-point lead.
See, he gives it away.
He knows the methodology, the orders that have gone out.
Hillary's emails have been public for a month.
A little less, like 25 days.
And they admit those are her emails.
They change the subject and say it's the Russians.
So, you know, oh, it's bad.
But no, they go, yeah, okay, that's her emails.
That's Washerman Schultz.
Debbie Washerman Schultz saying to AP and Reuters and CNN and everybody else how to engage in deception, how to shut everybody down, and how to have Bernie Sanders blamed for Trump rallies because they have Hillary people dressed up like Bernie Sanders supporters and then go start a riot.
Why do you do that?
You can blame it on Trump.
You can blame it on Sanders.
Hillary's outside of it to make sure those two groups don't get together after Hillary steals the nomination.
This is called chess, folks.
It's called Machiavelli.
It's not hard to think three moves ahead.
I can think 50 moves.
I don't understand.
You can do it, too.
If you just start trying, you can do it.
It's actually your brain's designed to do it.
But you have to want to do it, and then you'll be no longer blind.
But the globalists want to keep you in the dark so they can control you.
I don't think of humanity as like mushrooms.
You keep them in the dark and you feed them horse manure.
But you have to decide to not act like a mushroom.
And I'm not condescending to our audience.
I mean all the new listeners and the media people and all these delusional folks in the establishment that think you're going along with a system that's screwing over humanity, that you're going to get ahead that way.
That's why society is getting so bad.
So, in his answer he tells you everything.
They're going to try to steal the election with 15-point skewed numbers for Hillary.
They've been caught.
And he just told you how they're doing it.
Trump's at least 10 points ahead, folks.
At least.
People are so sick of the establishment, they would elect a turnip other than Hillary.
Everybody knows that.
Now, I haven't gotten to this yet, but I'm going to get to it in the next segment.
And when I saw this, I'm like, why wasn't I thinking of that?
Because that's totally true.
Gateway Pundit did it.
It's a Breitbart article up on Drudge.
Social media patterns show Trump is looking at a landslide victory.
And, you know, we have three million followers on Facebook alone on our channels.
I'm not knocking this article.
It's much worse than this.
Hillary on her live streams has a few thousand people watching.
She has less likes on Facebook with Trump with them gaming Facebook, blocking everything, admitting they're blocking it, blocking Google, won't even list him as a presidential candidate on Google, and he still has in many cases five to ten times more than
Hillary does, and if you add that together from past elections or other countries, that's an indicator of popularity.
Kind of like you go to TripAdvisor, something's got 3,000 five-star reviews, and everyone hands down says it's the best.
It is the best.
TripAdvisor's known to have real reviews.
I don't know.
Who's the winner?
You pull into a town, you don't know the restaurants, you don't have, your internet's not working.
Remember the old days, we had internet.
You're gonna try to decide where you're gonna go eat?
Which restaurant has overflow cars?
The other one has nobody parked.
That's food poisoning over there.
I'm gonna go stand in line to get the best food.
And you get there, it's all, it's incredible.
It's humid!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The phones are now open in the next segment when Roger Stone joins us.
Coming up.
What a poet!
Because the sands of time... It's such a good feeling not to be afraid of death.
And to know that your soul's secure.
To know you didn't sell out to anti-human evil.
Runnin' low!
All these evil cowards that are afraid of death, thank God, will not be marked among them.
Those that crouch down and lick the hand that feeds them.
This is an epic song right here.
Play a little bit more of it.
Running low.
Sands of time for the New World Order are running low as well.
And as they march us towards the gallows, they now discover Lucifer's trick.
They're marching themselves with us.
What a joke!
They didn't never know that!
We'll be with our God!
They'll be with theirs!
Everything they did to us, they did to themselves!
Search for the truth, my friends.
Think about these evil people.
They're dishonored.
Look at Henry Kissinger.
Look at Obama.
Look at Hillary Clinton.
Look at Michael Moore.
Soulless trash.
Giving power for a second, only to test us.
I actually feel sorry for him.
Playing a part.
You get into philosophy, you ask yourself, is the Calvinistic doctrine true of predestination?
But there's still free will.
I never agreed with that when I was younger, but now I see it.
They had free will, but they're still predestined to destroy themselves.
Alright, uh... Wow, listen to this guitar right here.
You know the, uh...
I'm not bragging.
I just want you to know the kinship out there.
The drummer and the lead singer of Iron Maiden and Big Luster.
Just to let you know that.
I've known that for about six years.
I've never told anybody that.
Had a chance to meet them.
But just anybody out there that's awake.
I didn't need anybody to tell me that Kurt Russell was a patriot.
I didn't need anybody to tell me Clint Eastwood's a patriot.
Anybody that I like always turns out to be a patriot.
Because it's a spiritual connection.
The truth.
Your calls are coming up as soon as we come out of the next segment.
That's right, the big illusion.
Gateway Pundit.
Social media patterns show Trump is looking at a landslide victory.
It's crazy to sit there and watch the listeners come across.
Then we get ratings from our AM and FM stations around the country.
The last time we got from a ad agency, because we don't buy the book as they call it, we don't subscribe to our stations that, you know, are getting the ratings, and even our local affiliates get the ratings, they're not supposed to share it with us, but we can go to a consortium and actually get the numbers that the ad agencies have, and it was 385,000 people every 15 minutes listening on Terrestrial Radio.
Now, that is only, I'd say Terrestrial Radio now is maybe half our audience on a daily basis, maybe.
I'm not bragging.
I just want you to know the success of InfoWars.
An hour, it was over 600,000 original listeners.
I mean, the top CNN shows don't even have that.
It's all just smoke.
What's the word they use in Wolf of Wall Street?
It's all just like farts in the wind or something.
It's a total illusion.
I'll be back.
Stay with us.
Your call straight ahead.
An article up at the Washington Post, wearing Don't Tread On Me insignia could be punishable racial harassment.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, also known as FAG, among its other functions, decides hostile work environment harassment claims brought against federal agencies.
On January 8, 2014, a complainant filed that the agency subjected him to discrimination on the basis of race.
In the fall of 2013, a co-worker repeatedly wore a cap to work with insignia of the Gadsden flag, which depicts a coiled rattlesnake in the phrase, don't tread on me.
Complainants stated that he found the cap to be racially offensive to African Americans because the flag was designed by Christopher Gadsden, a slave trader and owner of slaves.
Although a thorough review of the record, it is clear that the Gadsden flag originated in a revolutionary war in a non-racial context.
Liberals down!
This has been Joe Big, serving you some information at InfoWars.com.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Two years they haven't let the Navy fly the Gadsden flag or have special forces soldiers take a fancy to it for a long time wear it, especially in the Navy SEALs.
It has nothing to do with race.
John Paul Jones first hauled it up.
It had been a flag used in the militia early on as just as a rattlesnake saying, don't tread on me.
The original one is a rattlesnake across the flag.
And they just said, the Obama people said it was racist and evil, and they said you couldn't have it.
And finally, the head of the Navy came out and said, no, you can have the flag.
It's a Navy flag.
But that just shows how the globalists are out to get this country.
They're out to demonize every symbol we've got.
Because they want to fully capture this nation and use it to exploit it against the world.
And the United States is falling to world government.
It's been a long coup, long-term program to fully get the country under their control.
They're very close.
If Hillary gets in, four to five more Supreme Court justices.
And they know people are waking up, folks.
They want to get this job done now.
They'll ship 400 million illegally to Iran.
They'll make deals where Iran can have atomic weapons, basically.
They will do all sorts of scams.
They will engage in all sorts of corruption.
And they won't try to steal an election while they are stealing it?
The good news is Trump is ignoring most of his advisors and listening to other people that second what he already knows.
And people say, oh, Trump used to be nice to Democrats.
He lived in New York.
I'm not a Republican either.
Doesn't matter.
I'm a patriot.
He is a populist.
And now everything's clear to me.
Trump is either George Washington Part Two, or he's the devil.
Because if he ends up getting into office and betraying us, globalists don't act like he does.
Globalists don't reach out to the Liberty Movement.
Globalists don't say the things he said, because it puts the ideas out there that can't be put back in a box.
We're going to go to your phone calls.
Just remember that we are listener supported.
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And guys, I'm sorry, my computer, I didn't punch up the calls.
Let me punch those up so I can take some calls.
There they are.
We've got O'Brien and Marilyn and Chris and Brad and Bobby and Robin and Dylan and Kevin and a bunch of others coming in.
Kevin says he has an idea how to beat Hillary, and Dylan wants to talk about how Trump can get through to millennials.
Well, millennials have to decide they don't know it all.
I mean, do they really think Hillary cares about them?
Just let them have her.
That's what gets rid of millennials, slap them upside their snot-nosed heads.
A lot of millennials are either super awake, I don't need to slap them upside their head, but the ones that are trendies, they got daddy and mommy issues, so just let them enjoy themselves.
They want to worship that old war criminal Hillary?
Let them do it.
Doesn't matter if they're going to try to rig the election.
We've already got the election.
The question is now, will they be able to steal it?
I need to get rid of those snot-noses.
I found not kissing people's asses is the way to get them to wake up.
I mean, you can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink.
We got Chris in Georgia, Trump voter fraud, civil emergency after the election.
Yeah, they really got a lot of preparations for that.
I'm not saying that's coming, but they're definitely activating their red brigades, their cop killer groups, and all the rest of it.
And then I get one more email going, oh, yeah, you worship the police.
I've never supported police state or bad cops.
I don't support civil war funded by George Soros and shooting anybody in the back who's innocent.
And we've got, again, O'Brien and Maryland, Trump and election fraud.
Let's talk to Chris first in Georgia.
Thanks for holding, Chris.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
What I was saying about the voter fraud is, Obama knows that we're aware of it, and he is aware that the people know about civil emergencies.
So my question to you is, what do they have now?
They don't have many weapons to deploy.
Well, look, our military has been trained the last seven, eight years to go after gun owners, veterans, patriots.
We first got the secret documents.
No one believed it for a week.
Ron Paul called me and said, is that really real?
And I said, you've known me like 15 years.
You think it's real?
I said, the FBI is actually trying to interview me over how I got it.
And of course, it came out later.
They said, OK, those documents are real.
And then now that's a household known fact.
Again, other media got the documents, no one had the will to put it out.
I mean, I feel pretty insecure over the fact that I'm like up there at the top when it comes to huevos and other people aren't.
That actually scares me.
But the good news is trying to train the military to attack the American people has actually woken the military up.
But I mean, there are troops here for civil unrest.
Are you saying there aren't?
No, not that, Alex.
What I'm saying is there are troops, but what I'm saying is
The people are more powerful than the military.
We have more guns than the government.
That's what I'm trying to say.
So he knows it's going to backfire.
No, I hear you.
Listen, it won't.
I appreciate your call.
It's not about who has the most guns.
It's who has right on their side, who has the will to fight and does not listen to propaganda and to sustain the mission.
Yes, we have more guns in the military.
And yes, if we fought back against a military takeover long term, we'd win.
But we don't need to, because on average, no one is more awake than the military.
That's why they tried to purge the leadership.
So I'm glad you brought that up.
It was really a very, very deep question.
Obama's going to count on the military to do this.
They're going to stage, watch for it, false flags against the military with a narrative that makes the Liberty Movement look bad.
Thus then turning the public who supports the military against the Liberty Movement.
See, in military you don't just have two mass forces that go together.
You look at the angles of that.
I could teach a 50 year course on this, so I'm not going to try to answer it here today.
We are winning in the Info War.
We don't want to get physical offensively.
And we will only help the globalists shooing up the military in a civil war.
Or the police for that matter.
Look who's pushing for a physical confrontation.
It's George Soros and Obama.
Because that's one of the only hopes they've got.
Let's go ahead and talk to O'Brien in Maryland.
You're on the air.
Yes, hi.
I think that basically Obama knows that basically everybody else is going
It's basically waking up to what they're doing and basically they're going to try and do something about it before the election happens.
I can't remember the word.
Civil emergency?
Yeah, yeah.
The police and military have been eating up what I say like it's mother's milk.
Not because they are stupid and just love me, but because they already match everything I say with what they've got.
They take it next level with their inside info and then feed us back the information and it's just an incredible humet loop here where...
I mean, if Obama and Soros want to make this move, I'm your Huckleberry, baby.
I appreciate your call.
And that doesn't mean myself physically will do great during the first wave of this.
I'm not worried about it.
If I was the globalist, I'd really be backing off right now.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Kevin in West Virginia.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
Here's my thought.
We all vote absentee, and we take a photocopy of our absentee ballot, mail it in, so that way they can't rig it at the machines, and we all have a copy of who we voted for when we vote absentee.
I agree, I agree.
It's moral authority.
That's a great idea, but they can still have absentee early on.
This is my view.
Everyone should start their own YouTube channel now.
Don't wait till the week of, you know, three months from now.
90 days from now.
Start now.
Go out with a camera, 50 feet away or whatever the law is in your state.
Do exit polls there to show what the real number was at precincts.
And then when they steal that precinct, just a few of those stories will blow up in their face and give us the moral authority for a recount, a Supreme Court thing.
Of course, the Supreme Court would have gone for Trump, but now Scalia died, so now it's split.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you with a response back to that, then Roger Stone and more.
Stay with us.
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You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Stand up and be counted!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
The heart!
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's with us for the balance of the hour via phone, picking his wife up from the airport on this live Sunday evening transmission.
Roger Stone, former Trump campaign head, the guy that for decades has been urging Trump to run, longtime confidant, lobbyist, and friend for Trump.
His former business partner, current business partner, obviously is the head of the campaign.
And it's an amazing time to be alive to see Trump come out against election fraud and to come out and point out that it's going on.
And to see Reuters caught sampling 15% more Democrats than Republicans in their own methodology.
I'm going to show that to TV viewers here in a minute, the graph from their own website.
And then to say Hillary's 15 points ahead.
But now with that same methodology with a new Reuters poll, she's only three points ahead.
I'm telling you, I can't find anybody that supports Hillary.
I can't find them.
Even in California, we did exit polls with Hillary supporters.
Two out of ten, they were all for Sanders.
Eighty percent.
So it's an epic time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
Reuters radically changes methodology to favor Clinton.
Shock poll.
Here's another one.
Pat Cadell blasts Reuters back-rigging polls to show Clinton up.
And we've got a shot of the poll methodology they're using.
650 Democrats to 496 Republicans.
And then they've been caught saying the independents are 196.
Both of those are Democrats.
So it's even above 15 points.
I mean, this is desperate.
And then Obama comes out Thursday as he is ready to leave and play golf for his 300th round since he's been in seven and a half years at Martha's Vineyard.
And he says, don't worry, look, no such thing as election fraud.
What is that?
It's like Hillary and the Senate Armed Services Committee when they said, what about the Turkish ambassador in Benghazi?
Doesn't exist.
She goes, turkeys?
What are turkeys?
Thinking you don't know there's a country called Turkey.
They're just betting you're an idiot.
And then it's not just Reuters, it's AP, you name it, doing the same methodologies.
And then we went and dug it up.
Kennedy's killed.
They set up this AP Election Bureau.
Then by 1990 they call it Voter News Services.
And it gets caught in every election in stealing it.
And now it's called National Election Pool until this year.
Now it's got a new name, Edison Research!
And that's the same group that met the night before Sanders had the nomination taken from him and said, oh, doesn't matter if he wins the California election, we're going to give it to Hillary.
And we have a superdelegate on video bragging, doesn't matter if he wins the popular vote, we're going to give it away.
We have them jumping the shark, in my view, nakedly stealing elections.
Nakedly trying to just hide it in plain view.
Well, as you hurtle down the highway via cell phone, you just heard my 3-4 minute intro.
I like you because I saw you in a quote in the 90s in some article.
You said, listen, I only give out accurate leak info, because the first time you give out this info, you'll never be picked up by the press again.
Everything you've told me turned out to be 100%, I mean, just dead on.
Unlike other pundits.
I mean, that's why I love you.
That's why they say you're dishonest and a dirty trickster, because it's the opposite.
The real synopsis, you heard what I just said.
Is that wrong?
No, I think it's essentially correct.
I mean, it's just like when I had dinner with Nigel Farage during the Republican National Convention.
He told me that the manipulation of the polls in Britain to make Brexit look less popular, less viable, was manifest.
And they were doing it constantly.
And that it was a tactic that we needed to be prepared for here.
And lo and behold, we've seen this trend.
And it's not just Pat Caddell at Fox, but it's
Cliff Zuckin with the Rutgers Institute, hardly a conservative, a number of these liberal academics have pointed out the oversampling of Democrats in these polls.
Some polls two years ago, when Brexit started, were 75% wanted out of the unelected EU.
England never voted to be part of it.
And by the time it happened, they only won by a few percentage points, creating that illusion that everybody's voting to stay to make people feel like they're wrong.
Yeah, this is like a math psychology.
It's just like, as you know, the term conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist was actually invented by the Central Intelligence Agency.
We have a memo.
Dated to about 1955, which instructs the public relations people and presumably the plants at the Central Intelligence Agency had throughout the press on their payroll to utilize that exact phrase to try to discredit anyone who is questioning the results of the investigation of the Kennedy assassination.
And it's hurled at us constantly.
I don't believe in conspiracies.
I believe in the truth.
Uh, and I also don't think the government ever tells us the truth, so why should they start now?
Well, exactly.
I mean, now it's almost like a medal to be called that, and so there's some kooks that make stuff up, and a lot of real journalists are called that.
It doesn't work anymore.
There it is, 1967, the CIA created a label, Conspiracy Terrorists.
Joe Deck, anyone who challenges the truth and the narrative, you can link right through that Zero Hedge article to the declassification by Congress.
As you said, from the early 1960s, right after Kennedy was killed, if you questioned all the witnesses and what they saw,
You were a conspiracy theorist.
Exactly right.
We've also seen disinformation taken to extraordinary levels this week.
Let me give you several examples.
The New York Times speculating about it.
This really came out of the Republican National Committee.
It really didn't come out of the
And then I think the Clinton people picked it up, the Clinton spin machine.
It didn't come out of Hillary's bowels, it came out of Reince Priebus' butt.
Because Priebus is a Paul Ryan guy, and he was very, very upset when Trump declined to endorse Ryan prior to the primary.
Like Ronald Reagan, you know, Donald's policy was not to get mobbed in primaries.
He can support all these candidates for the Senate in New Hampshire, pardon me, in Arizona, or New Hampshire.
After the primary, but as of this moment, Ryan, McCain, and Hyatt are not the nominees for the Republican party.
Well, let's talk about what you want to cover, because I always end up asking the questions.
You've always got such great background inside baseball.
And by the way, Roger, when I say you're so accurate, I mean, really, it's scary how accurate you are.
You said four or five months ago, when the whole Chicago thing happened, that they were Hillary people dressed up like Bernie.
She'd sent them.
That's in the emails.
You said, well, I have sources.
But man, I mean, it's hundreds of things that you have literally been the first to say, like the Koch brothers are giving money to Hillary, and they did it.
I mean, the Koch brothers are giving money to
Well, at this point, Alex, I've got to tell you, I think we're looking at a very close election.
Trump is now, I think, back solidly on message.
And this next week,
That is his economic policy speech.
This is the single most important speech of the campaign.
Heavily shaped by Larry Kudlow.
Alright, StoneZone.com, you've got the floor.
Roger, when you come back, I'm turning the show over to you via cell phone as you drive down the highway in Florida.
We'll be back on Alex Jones from Texas.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The trooper.
Fire musket, but I'll run you through.
He's got to go because his wife just landed and she's coming in 10 minutes.
I'll come back in the final segment, take your calls and hit some other news.
But we were talking during the break.
We don't prescript these interviews.
I was saying, what's on your radar?
And he was saying, well, look at Iran, how our emails have now gotten this guy executed.
This is an example of how bad she is.
Plus, they're sending 400 million to Iran they lied about.
Now we've got Hillary basically falling down, having to be helped upstairs.
Look, I don't hype stuff, OK?
I've got plenty of real stuff to cover.
I'm not saying she looks like a lunatic on the campaign trail because I want to act like she's got a problem.
They're saying Trump's got mental problems.
They're saying he's got health problems.
They're saying his wife's a prostitute, an illegal alien, all this crap.
The point is Hillary looks like a dying woman and now DrugsReport.com, we can put it up, because he has the big double photo, the panoramic, with her basically falling down having to be held up.
This just broke.
We're going to put it up on Infowars.com as well.
But I mean, what's really going on, Roger?
She looks like she's in bad shape.
She's got holes in her tongue.
She looks like she's got, I'm sorry, down syndrome whenever she's out there with the balloons falling, like she's a three-year-old with a lobotomy.
What's going on with Hillary?
What's the inside intel, Roger?
Yeah, New York Democrats who move in those social circles were very surprised even when she ran.
Uh, because her health is not good.
Bill's health is also not good.
Uh, but I think she has had, uh, she's either had a small stroke, uh, or she has had some other disorder.
Those strange glasses she was wearing for a while, kind of a tip-off.
Uh, she seems to be, to have no stamina whatsoever.
So I think it is probable that she's got very serious health problems.
Remember in the debate when she was gone for ten minutes?
Yeah, very strange.
Very, very strange.
I think this is a liability.
This is typical of what happens.
I mean, why Bill and Hillary can't ride off into the sunset with their stolen hundreds of millions and their fame and be happy, I don't know.
They're going back to the table one time too many, and I think it's all going to catch up with them.
They were able to suppress the major scandals that they have survived.
Now those all get a nice healthy review like they never happened.
But I mean, it's not like we're cherry picking videos.
I randomly watch her.
In fact, I want to do this so we get more clips to always pay attention to.
She acts frickin' nuts everywhere.
She like stomps around like she's crazed on a power trip.
I mean, quite frankly, this is what you see in mental institutions.
Well, if you go through the Clinton's War on Women, I spent a lot of time talking about what I think are her dual personalities.
On the one hand, she poses as this friendly grandmother, you know, with the phony smile.
But then her real personality, she's a short-tempered, foul-mouthed, abusive, volcanic, angry, greedy psychopath.
By the way, you never brag about this, but I did some research this weekend, because I'm a Roger Stone fan, because you're just an interesting guy, and I went and read a bunch of old news articles online from you in the 70s, 80s, 90s.
I didn't know.
You wrote a book about Nixon.
I didn't read it.
It was a bestseller.
But I didn't know you were like his confidant for like 20 years and his best buddy, and that you're the guy that helped bring him back out and get him on the news and get him to have these press meetings and stuff.
I want to interview you just about Nixon sometime, but comparing Nixon to Hillary,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nixon had issues, had problems, but wasn't out to get America.
But with Hillary, she really is out to get us.
Well, when it comes to criminology, Nixon would be rolling in his grave.
The Clintons and the Obamas have gotten away with things that he could never have gotten away with.
You may recall that the abuse of the IRS was one of the counts in the impeachment against him.
Also another count using the FBI to block an investigation.
Well, the Clintons used the FBI to block the Travelgate investigation, and the Clintons, as you know, were, uh, pardon me, the Clintons had the IRS harass Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broderick.
Obama's persecuted, this whole scale industrial, so bottom line, Nixon, was he a good guy overall, or in one sentence, who was Nixon?
Well, he was very complicated.
He was an introvert in an extrovert business.
He was very disciplined.
He was very buttoned down.
He was very formal.
He was brilliant.
He understood the geopolitical game like nobody else, both American politics and international politics.
He also played the accordion, saxophone, the clarinet, the piano, and the violin.
Was Nixon out to get America?
Was Nixon a globalist?
Nixon was out for peace.
He wanted a peaceful, prosperous America.
He was not a globalist.
And that's why they got rid of him.
Who is Hillary then, boiling her down?
She's a psychopathic criminal.
Where do we get the idea that someone becomes qualified to become President of the United States because they married some billbilly who was successful in Arkansas politics and then became President in two three-way races?
Let me remind you, no Ross Perot, no Bill Clinton.
So you can say, well that's brilliant, but in both cases he won with a minority of the vote.
Alright, we got four minutes left and your wife's about to pull up there at the curb, you know, there at the airport in Florida.
Other points that haven't been made, where do you think Trump really is?
What do you make of all these polls?
What do you make of all the attacks?
You say Trump is reorganized, get ready.
Roger Stone, four minutes, give us the intel.
I think next week's economic speech is absolutely vital.
And that I know that it's a very well-crafted speech.
It includes Trump's proposal for a corporate tax rate, cutting the rate of corporate tax in the United States below that of China, which would bring millions of dollars, billions of dollars of business back home.
Also, inversion, taking this almost $2 trillion that is off, pardon me, which is offshore and not being taxed.
That is a major feather in our cap.
He also would do something that every president until Obama has done, and that is sweep the federal accounts.
There's over a billion dollars sitting in the federal accounts that is unbudgeted and unused.
It just sits there.
Every other president has swept it at one point.
Obama was the first to never do so.
So before you go cut Social Security or Medicare or so on,
Uh, you ought to, uh, you ought to go sweep these available funds to begin with.
I love how Hillary spends it that he wants to, I saw her speech here a few days ago in a press conference.
He wants to give tax cuts to rich people.
No, the rich people wrote it so they could move their money offshore.
Trump's gonna cut it so they bring the damn money back.
I love how she spends that.
Yeah, Trump is certainly not the errand boy for Wall Street.
Every hedge fund manager in the world is upset about the fact that he could become president because, as you know, he wants the hedge fund managers to be taxed the same as everybody else on Wall Street, without the special tax treatment they have in which they make billions but they pay almost nothing.
Sure, but also, globalists set it up where they can move offshore and pay no corporate tax because it's so high here, no tax overseas.
Trump cutting it incentivizes them to come back.
Don't people get that?
No, I'm afraid that they don't because they don't want to give his plan an adequate hearing.
I mean, it's a chicken and egg problem.
The media says his ideas are simple and he's never specific, but then when he is specific, it gets very little coverage.
It's a terrific plan.
As I said earlier, Larry Kudlow and Steve Moore, two of the supply-side pioneers, were deeply involved in formulating the policy, worked very closely with Donald himself.
This is going to be the centerpiece of the campaign, because if he does not put forward an aspirational message, then he won't be able to win.
You're right.
60 seconds left.
Other news, Roger.
We're going to let you go.
More and more evidence of cheating by the Clintons in the Bernie Sanders hoax, the takedown of Bernie.
And the reason that's significant is, quite simply, if the Clintons will steal the election from Bernie, why wouldn't they steal it from Donald?
Is Obama not, I mean, Obama having to come out and respond to it?
He doesn't like that.
No, I don't think so.
I think that that made me certain.
When he said, it's ridiculous, I immediately began to fear that that's exactly what we were going to have.
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Roger, thanks for the time.
We'll talk to you this week.
Thank you, Alex.
Wow, there goes a real patriot.
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You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
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Hey, everyone!
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
And as many of you know, I'm on a mission to help Americans get and stay healthy.
You've all heard the shocking statistics.
Despite spending trillions of dollars in health care, nearly $10,000 per man, woman, and child in this country, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses are rampant.
One out of three or four people is dealing with some kind of health challenge, and everyone knows at least one person with a degenerative disease.
We're good to go!
I think so.
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Because people are actually waking up to the problem that pretty much scares me the most.
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Right now, with all the refugees spreading disease around, we have biological warfare going on everywhere.
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There's so many things that are in it.
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Thank you so much for all your work, sir, on this great product.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment.
About to go to your phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Look, it'd be easy to sit on the fence, let Hillary get in, audience would explode, but I'd watch my country decline.
Trump gets in, he's not gonna be able to fix everything.
People say, ah, look, Trump got in, world depression.
World depression's already coming.
But I have to bet on who I think and who I've researched is the best person.
I don't play politics.
I don't sit around and say, oh, the smartest thing for me to do is this.
I sit around and think, what is the best, most honest thing to do?
Oh, I can be more Machiavelli than anybody, but I want to try to make the world a better place, not sit there and like play all the corruption and the weaknesses of humanity and then direct it the way I want it to go.
I'm just not a parasite.
Not a hero, but not a parasite.
Amazing nootropic, 30% off DNA Force.
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Sign up for auto ship an additional 10% at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLive.com.
Okay, let's go back to the phone calls.
Yeah, I was thinking we all vote absentee and copy, you know, photocopy, go to where there's a photocopier and photocopy it and that way we have a hard copy of who we voted for.
I don't know.
Listen, your idea is really good, but they classically stuffed the ballot box at the absentee because they've got a month or two to monkey with it, depending on the state.
The real answer is exit polls everywhere to show that the numbers don't match up.
If you've got a 3% to 5% discrepancy, you know there's a fraud.
But great points.
Appreciate your call.
I'm not shooting you down.
We've got a war game every angle.
The answer is a landslide.
And Trump's already got a landslide.
They're scared.
That's what they're saying.
He's dropping out!
He's dying!
He murdered people!
He's a demon!
Because they're scared.
Brad in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, glad.
Thanks, Alex.
You're exactly right.
And you're doing an excellent job of hitting home on what he needs to do to win.
It's got to be a landslide so they can't
So they can't rig it or they can't lie and that's what happened in the RNC because they stole it from Ron Paul eight years in a row in my belief.
They got that pervert Kasich running around saying Trump came to him and said I'll make you the king.
All lies.
Kasich saying Ohio won't go for Trump.
Everyone I talked to, everyone,
I mean, I'm literally, it was like everyone in Ohio loved Trump.
Black, white, old, young, Muslim, Christian.
I mean, it was all Trump, Trump, Trump.
It's crazy.
I had Muslim cab drivers.
I'd say, you're a Muslim.
Yes, I like Trump.
They were all for Trump.
They hate it.
They hate Hillary.
The point is, he says he's going to lose Ohio.
Yeah, because you're going to try to steal it, you little arrogant, narcissistic, mental patient.
I mean, look at Kasich.
He is a literal lunatic.
They're all establishment hacks, and Hillary is floundering.
You're exactly right.
You pull back the curtain.
It's like the Wizard of Oz.
She's got nothing.
She's weak.
She's spineless.
They've got nothing.
Listen, listen, listen, listen.
Leanne's out there doing days of interviews going, I can't find Hillary.
And I go, what is it, one out of ten?
She goes, no, I can't find it.
So I'm looking at hours of raw footage.
I go, do a report.
She's like, well, there's just hundreds.
I mean, she's probably at exit polls.
It was eight out of ten.
But no one supports her.
It's an epic time, like you always say, Alex.
This is globalism, Hillary and globalism, against nationalism, Americana, and Trump, and patriotism.
And people don't see the big picture.
That's exactly what it is, and we've got to stand up against it now, or we're going to lose it forever.
Anything else, sir?
I love you, man.
Keep up the great work.
Well, we love you.
We're all in this together.
It's just so good to talk to somebody that wants to fight this.
So when you thank me, I'm thanking you.
This is just crazy.
People go, well, why aren't you for killing the cops?
And I'm like, well, there's some bad cops, but I don't just randomly kill people.
Really, you're for the establishment.
Now, the establishment isn't the cop down the street.
It's the foreign banks, people.
Now, if there was an organization randomly talking about going after globalists, I still would say they deserve a trial, but maybe I wouldn't be so upset.
And I'm not... I'm so sick of these people.
So sick of them just getting away with everything.
It's so obvious what dirtbags they are.
They have no morals.
They have no compass.
No wonder they run things.
Because they just don't do anything!
And those of us that don't want power...
I don't want to go bitch at a neighbor because their dog's doing something in my yard, much less go fight some politician, but that's the problem.
I'm more of a man than these people, but I don't want to exercise power over them.
Well, you know what?
You put too far.
The sleeping giant is when real men say, and real women say, game over, you want to fight?
Now you're going to get one.
They go, oh, give up, be scared.
It's like, oh, you don't understand, I'm not scared.
I didn't fight you because I was asleep.
I'm awake now.
You want to go?
Let's go!
And we are going now, aren't we?
And you can metaphysically feel me getting my hands around your little neck, Madeleine Albright, when you said 500,000 dead Iraqi kids is a good price to pay for security in the Gulf as you took down one of the only non-radical Muslim groups so you could push for Saudi Arabia.
Let me tell you a story about her.
We're at Bilderberg 2008.
Hillary and Obama are inside.
The media is all, where's Obama?
Where's Obama?
They disappeared.
Remember that?
In Virginia.
And we're there.
And she pulls in.
That's Madeline Albright.
She's driving over this little car, convertible, Porsche.
We heard she panicked from the Marines that were inside later and runs out screaming.
Wouldn't even speak because she saw a few protesters.
That's who rules over us.
A blood drinking, I mean culturally, spiritually.
Yeah, dead children are
Yeah, nobody likes Hillary.
Nobody's excited for her.
You can't find anyone.
Even the people that are voting for her over Trump will admit that she's a phony.
I have an idea.
Hillary Pony is a $3 bill contest.
Whoever designs the best $3 bill, it can be passed around everywhere.
That's a great idea.
We should have another one of the Lance Armstrong of politics.
But Lance isn't that bad.
He doesn't deserve to be compared to her, but people know who he is.
She is the fraud.
She is the fixer.
We should have a contest for the contest.
Like a $1,000 prize in a week to decide the best contest that's $100,000.
To the megaviral campaign.
What do you think we should do?
I think whoever, you know, designs the best $3 bill or, you know, the best ones, and people print them out in stacks, they can hand them everywhere.
Because, like I say, even the people that are voting for Hillary, they admit that she's a big pony.
So, just, if you get that meme everywhere, and just anyone that sees a $3 bill, oh, that's Hillary.
And even get them, you know, not to try to pass them, but, like, just hand them out everywhere, where it's like, there's $3 bills everywhere, Hillary's on it, that's a great point, we should do it.
Again, I'm sitting there with a camera and a bullhorn and they go, that's Madeleine Albright.
And I watch her drive by, like she showed up not knowing anyone would be there.
She's like, this is our secret meeting.
And she's like, we're ruled over by a toad creature that literally brags about killing a half million kids.
It's like, oh my God, you have such courage to stand up against her.
I'm gonna just lay down while this demon sucks the blood out of the country?
I'm not doing it.
Robin, in the Virgin Islands, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Thanks so much, Alex.
Love you.
Listen, a couple things I would love to see with the Trump campaign.
I remember when it was very evident that Trump was going to be the one with the most votes, and immediately Saudi Arabia and China came out and said, oh no, we can't have this.
We can't trust him.
The economy will go down the toilet, blah blah blah, and then of course a bunch of other people jumped on.
But I would love for him to point out that on October 1st, the Chinese yuan is coming on the market, the gold-backed renminbi, and they already have 60% of the world's economy signed up for that, with another dozen-plus countries saying yes, they will stop using the dollar.
And my concern is that they're going to use Trump, you know, so they're going to have some of these countries come out and... Absolutely!
They could put him in and then claim the global collapse happened because of him, but people aren't that stupid and just be dumb at the heavens' fall.
I appreciate your call.
It's a great point.
Thanks for calling, ma'am.
Wish I could talk to you for an hour.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., Lord willing, with the big weekday show.
But let's put up on screen from GrudgeReport.com, it's also on Infowars.com, Hillary Clinton basically collapsing
Uh, as she goes upstairs having to be helped in.
This is happening more and more.
This is indicative.
This is archetypal.
This is a logo.
This is a symbol, uh, of the collapsing elite trying to put another corpse into power.
And, you know, trying to shove this down our throat one more time, as Roger Stone said, go into the well one more time.
We only lose by not resisting and speaking out.
We win by taking action.
I'm going to say great job to the crew, the listeners, the sponsors, the affiliates, and the good Lord above.
I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, at fullwars.com.