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Filename: 20160714_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 14, 2016
3358 lines.

In "The Alex Jones Show", Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including America needing to be free before it can be great again, the possibility of an imminent war between China and the US, and a study suggesting that light running through our bodies could potentially cure diseases such as cancer. He also talks about the manipulation of poll results by big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft to support Hillary Clinton, emphasizing the importance of being aware of these manipulations when making voting decisions. The show also covers various issues in society today including the Black Lives Matter movement, globalism, and how these movements are controlled by the elite who aim to exert control over people. Jones discusses US disarmament plans, political speculation, health concerns related to cell phone use, and promotes products from his team at InfoWars. Other topics discussed in the show include the role of social media and video technology in recent events, preparedness for potential collapse or civil unrest, and the importance of having a balanced supply and demand for certain products.

Before America can be great again, she must be free again.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you ever wanted front row seats to the fall of this republic, you have got them.
If you ever wanted front row seats living in a dystopic science fiction dream world, you've got them.
If you ever wanted front row seats for the fall, the second fall, the great fall of humanity, you've got them.
The illogic of the propaganda coming out of the establishment media creating absolute abject division in this nation is so transparent.
is so weaponized, is so nasty, and it then just generates a nasty response from the so-called other side and the clash of civilizations that the globalists use in different permutations, in different combinations across this world to keep humanity in ignorant squalor.
There is so much news to cover.
A lot of it really exciting, a lot of it really positive, a lot of it horrifying.
In fact, I know I mentioned it yesterday, but you guys reprint me Paul Joseph Watson's article that links to the Chinese People's Daily, where the Chinese President says prepare for war with the United States and that it could be imminent.
I know that's two-day old news, but I've got all these hundreds of news articles in front of me and they're important.
And I'm sitting back thinking, what am I going to cover first?
Because I don't cover first what I think will get the ratings, or what I think is the most popular topic.
Sometimes I do, if I think it's interesting.
I tend to focus on what I think is really most important.
Look at that headline for your TV viewer.
Chinese President Orders People's Liberation Army to Prepare for Combat.
Beijing Vows to Ignore Ruling of International Tribunal on South China Sea.
Jiang Zeping, that's how you pronounce it, has ordered the People's Liberation Army to prepare for combat.
There's a massive fleet basically on both sides build up in the area.
He says it's a measure against possible hostile U.S.
action in the South China Sea after an international tribunal ruled that Beijing had no exclusive control of the area.
And yes, people can point out there are Chinese maps going back a thousand years ago that claim some of those islands.
I mean, I can show you maps Genghis Khan had, you know, claiming, you know, all of the old world.
The point is, is there's a bunch of other countries in the area.
It's an international shipping lane.
And China is now expanding control into that area.
And they had a deal with the Anglo-American establishment.
That they would be given the Panama Canal, they would be given basically exclusive control over manufacturing household goods and crap, but also a lot of electronics, and that they had an exclusive over rare earth minerals as part of the globalist system of dividing up power into different sectors and then playing it off against each other.
But now as we get towards the endgame of world government, you notice the double crossing is going into the stratosphere.
They're launching huge space programs, they're weaponizing space, they are copying US weapons technologies, they are selling it to enemies.
And some folks will say, well then who's bad and who's good?
Our government's bad and so is the Chinese government.
And it's rapidly deteriorating very, very, very quickly and here's a headline.
War is coming and the global financial situation is a lot worse than you may think.
The conditions for a perfect storm are coming together very rapidly.
Michael Schneider writes for Economic Collapse blog at Infowars.com.
It's not just Schneider saying it.
He links to all the top analysts saying this.
Meanwhile, I turn on the television or just read the newspaper.
I can't get away from it.
We have to cover it.
It's like half the website.
Are all these social change globalist
Disinformation operatives out just beating the drum for class warfare with a nice icing of idiotic racism.
I have an exciting announcement from articles by ViewZone.com and Transpersonal.de.
Our physical bodies run on light.
That's right!
Russian scientist Alexander G. Gervish discovered biophotons in 1923 with further research supported in the 1970s by Fritz Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist.
This system of light could possibly cure disease and cancer.
The process is called photorepair.
Fritz Pop found that cancer cells actually distort light they absorb, while normal cells let light pass through them untampered.
If you blast a cell with harsh amounts of UV light until the cell is almost destroyed, you can repair the cell by illuminating it with the same UV at a lower intensity.
But this is old news to the scientific community.
Fritz Popp concluded that cancer is a result of light already in the body that is blocked and scrambled by cancer-causing compounds.
If the body's photorepair process could itself be repaired, could that mean the end of cancer and eventually the end of deception by big pharma and the medical industry?
This is Gabe Goldiamond for InfoWars.com.
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Take action now before we sell out.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's the 14th day of July 2016 on this live Global Thursday broadcast.
I intend to open the phones up and take a lot of calls today, and one of my favorite investigative journalists, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, will be joining us.
He's had several big coups as of late, burrowing inside anti-government
gun congressman's meeting, where some very interesting information was discovered about these hypocrites.
He'll be popping in for 30 minutes in the second hour.
Anthony Gucciardi will host the fourth hour of Overdrive.
If you're tuning in to us on a local AM or FM station, please spread the word about this wonderful affiliate, and please don't take it for granted that they're willing to put information on the air, post on the air, that are actually defending this republic in some of its most dangerous hours.
It's also important to note we simulcast the radio show at InfoWars.com forward slash show where anyone can find the free video feed, the free podcast feeds later after each show that are sent out.
So you can subscribe to that for free, the iPhone apps, all of it, and a lot more and the audio streams InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We're going to be finding out obviously very, very soon about Trump's VP.
And I have talked to a lot of big pollsters who are doing private polls to actually really gauge what's going on, not just political polls paid for to find out what the candidate wants to hear so they can then put that back out to the public and create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But I will tell you, Trump
Trump is not in this realm.
Trump, just like he's not taking big money from the establishment, is not paying for push polls, where you call up and basically have the questions arranged so that it makes it more opportunistic, makes it sound more moral to be for one candidate or the other.
Or polls that basically ask you questions that are so horrible about a candidate that it turns you against them.
It's a way to put disinfo out there and say, basically, did you know that Donald Trump was convicted of rape?
Which isn't true, but your company calls up and asks that question and says, are you aware of it?
And then it starts rumors.
I mean, there's all sorts of dirty tricks that they can do with these systems.
They can also pre-program them so that when they call you, even though you vote one way, it votes another.
But the biggest thing they do is they have a list.
People that have been polled before and then they have these so-called phone lists they claim are clean and they call them and it's predominantly old landlines so it's older folks and they can be basically guided into answering the questions the way they want then the national news can put that information out
And it creates the perception that Hillary Clinton is really ahead when she's not.
Then weak-minded people who just want to feel like they're on a bandwagon and voting for the winner so they can have bragging rights go ahead and vote for Hillary.
That's basically the corrupt form of polling.
The real form of polling is to see how your message is getting out in a particular area, a particular demographic, a particular voting block, a particular state, a particular region, so that you can tweak your messaging to see what is more effective.
It's a guidance system.
And Facebook and Google have admitted that they're pledged to getting Hillary elected and demobilizing as many young people and other internet users as they can to do that by the news, by the search engine queries, by the crafting of headlines about how they direct you, where they direct you.
The fix is totally in at a level never before seen.
And Google and Facebook and Twitter and Apple
And Microsoft.
Just the entire establishment is lined up against Donald Trump.
And all the big money is lined up against him, and the mainstream media is lined up against him, and almost all the foreign leaders, from the communist Chinese, to the corrupt Saudi Arabians, to the corrupt Mexican leadership, they are all, A-L-L, lined up against Trump.
It is just such a no-brainer.
That he's the guy to vote for.
But separately from that, Rasmussen poll, Trump takes 7 point lead over Hillary.
We're going to be getting into that report.
Also, and I told you two weeks ago, multiple polls show him 7 points ahead.
And it's not just Rasmussen, but I'm not at liberty to talk about it because those are private, internal polls.
There's actually some thought in the Trump campaign that they don't want to put out too positive a news or the troops will stop fighting us hard and then Hillary can pull some scams down the road and we're going to lose the whole ballgame.
Just because we're, you know, one touchdown ahead, it's not even halftime yet, folks.
But that's the allegory, that's the analogy.
We're seven points ahead, seven points ahead, and we're going into halftime next week.
And then boom, it's into the third and fourth quarter.
It is on.
This is it.
And it's all accelerated in those last three months.
First two quarters is a year and a half.
And then it all compresses like a quickening or a singularity in those last few months.
Get ready.
Because you're going to see the dirty tricks.
You're going to see the stops being pulled out here.
But I really want to say to the Bernie Sanders supporters, I really want to say to just the general public at large, how could you not be for Trump?
You know the big banks are totally against him.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan.
Warren Buffett, Wells Fargo.
These are the big banks that launder the drug money on record.
These are the people that run the whole show.
These are the people that fund the open borders, that fund coming after our guns, that fund breaking up the family and all these disinformation campaigns and third-wave feminism and all of it.
I mean, you go look at who's financing all of it.
Bringing in the, quote, refugees.
It's all the same totally cold-blooded multinationals
That if you see what they do in Africa and Latin America and places, I mean, it's slavery.
But here they fund all this fake, gooey, modern neoliberalism that is cyanide.
Donald Trump is like defibrillators on a country that's had a heart attack.
It's electricity.
It's dangerous.
He could turn into a megalomaniac and take us in directions.
Who knows?
I mean, I could speculate all day, but the evil that's running things is scared to death of him.
For real.
He's a nationalist.
He's exposing the globalist campaign, the Saudi Arabians' role in 9-11.
He's exposing how China's bought off our politicians and giving speeches that no one covered.
They would not show any clips of what he said other than five seconds long.
It was so historic, I had tears in my eyes.
I'm not trying to go off on a Trump love fest here, but that's just a fact.
If you want to read some of the ways they manipulate polls, there's a Zero Hedge article we have posted on InfoWars.com from ZeroHedge.com.
More questions emerge about skewed Hillary polls.
You can really see the skewing because they'll have all these other independent scientific ones that show Trump dead, even, or ahead.
And then all of these other polls just show her like just massively ahead.
You know, 10, 12 points, 9 points.
It's just total bull.
I mean, look at that photo you just had on screen of her supporters.
I mean, arrested development, vapid, stupid looking, and there's this wicked alpha predator just flaming evil with a list of crimes behind her and wreckage that is just unbelievable.
And they love the gimmick, she's a woman.
It's just truly sickening.
Truly sickening.
Meanwhile, there's a new video we're going to be playing coming up.
Hillary Goon attacks elderly woman holding Bernie Sanders sign at a unity rally.
He comes up and attacks her.
That's how they operate.
They've blocked our aircraft.
Never been done before for the entire four days.
They're doing it five days out, actually.
So it's a day early.
Five days of the convention.
Oh, 30 mile exclusion zone.
Never been done before in Cleveland and in Philadelphia.
So we're going to be looking at all of that.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who you know, is an ultra-massive critic of George W. Bush.
Total credibility.
He's come out and said, Gestapo America, Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States and he is fast rising to power.
And it gets into the FBI, the Democrats, the Republicans, all of it.
I mean, the establishment is together.
They're different in name only.
The Republican establishment hates Trump.
I mean, you line up every enemy of this country, every evil group.
The people that put in the racist minimum sentencing that targets blacks particularly.
There's even statements from Hillary and Bill about blacks are super predators, blacks need to be made to heal like a dog.
But it's okay because the media said Donald Trump's a racist.
He's a racist.
And speaking of that, the weaponized ignorance.
Of the entire MTV, CBS, ABC, CNN, fiction, non-fiction, the universities, the high schools, everywhere, pulling out the stops to create total hysteria.
An Obama meeting for three hours yesterday with the head of Black Lives Matter.
He doesn't meet with foreign leaders for three hours.
Behind closed doors after a photo op to plan the Summer of Rage.
And speaking of that, be aware, but not there.
We'll have our crew there tomorrow.
Day of Rage scheduled for July 15th.
That's tomorrow.
2016 will tell you about that.
And now there's the new talking point.
And when I say this, I want you to understand, I don't say this to be shocking or for rhetoric or because there's a small connection.
What is now being announced by Obama through Black Lives Matter in the UN is State Department Memorandum 7277 and public law.
We're printing all that off right now.
I want to show that to you when we come back.
This is actually a U.S.
government plan for world government through the UN from 1962.
Freedom from War is the name of it.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
We have breaking campaign 2016 news.
We're going to have Roger Stone on tomorrow, hopefully 20 or 30 minutes before the actual announcement of who it really is.
And I'm not saying it isn't Pence to hopefully give us the first scoop.
But we did tell you a few weeks ago that he had been the frontrunner, but that Senator Sessions has tried to bow out himself.
Trump may crazily still try to pick him.
That was the way it was told to me by another insider.
But they're really going to dig up the Alabama stuff, and did he ever go to some meeting, you know, where there's 200 people and there's Klan guys there, and boom, they'll just go to town with that.
Hillary Clinton, her mentor can be a grand dragon, that's okay.
But, regardless, the word is, this is up on DrudgeReport.com, from Roll Called, you're hired, Trump picks Pence.
Trump to pick Mike Pence says source.
And I do not think that is one of the best choices.
It's a lot better than Newt Gingrich.
Because let me tell you, as much as I dislike Hillary and everything, if he would have picked Gingrich, or if he does pick Gingrich, and Gingrich, by the way, is attacking Trump today, which as soon as I saw that this morning, it's like hallelujah.
Because he just can't help but backbite.
That's just how he is.
And if he puts Gingrich too close to him, he's crazy.
I mean, it's one strategy to keep your enemies closer.
I get that.
I'm going to give Trump the benefit of the doubt until I see what he starts delivering on.
Like getting our jobs back?
Like defending our sovereignty?
So, there's different strategies out there.
It's just that, um, time will have to tell.
Donald Trump is planning to announce that Indiana Governor Mike Pence is his choice for his vice presidential running mate.
Of course, he had a meeting in private with four of the guys yesterday there in Indiana, according to a Republican with direct knowledge of the decision.
As Trump narrowed in on his choice of Pence, the two men spent time at both Trump's golf resort in New Jersey in early July and at the Indiana governor's mansion this week.
That's right.
In addition to testing the men's chemistry, Trump also reportedly impressed with Pence's calm demeanor, his experience on Capitol Hill and as a governor, and Pence's potential to assist Trump in governing should the ticket win in November.
The announcement will be made publicly at an event at Trump Tower at 11 a.m.
In addition to Pence, Trump is considered former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Army General Michael Flynn, the number two spots on his ticket.
Friday morning.
Some contenders include Senator Bob Corker.
That was never the case.
Corker went to him of Tennessee and it goes on from there.
So we'll see.
We will see.
All I know is
Hillary Clinton is seven points behind in a new scientific Rasmussen poll and a whole other index of polls that are up on Infowars.com showing that he's pulled ahead three to four points in almost every poll except for the polls being put out by Democratic Party pollsters or affiliated media groups.
And you can write a poll and ask the questions however you want.
You can use the demographics of who you called.
I already talked about that, but I tell you, you can really see how the establishment's going to strike back.
And I'm going to tie all this together when we come back from break here in a few minutes to the original Rand Corporation slash U.S.
Government Carnegie Endowment for Peace program.
Want to know where the U.N.
Want to understand why all this is happening?
comes from?
Want to understand Obama's
Youth brigades and what Black Lives Matter is.
This is a shaping of things to come and where this country is going to go.
And so I'm going to break it down as calmly as I can without getting upset why it's such a travesty and a tragedy what's happening.
But you want to see the political takeover of America?
This is what it is.
By the offshore conglomerates.
Now, before I go any further, because I want to plunge right into this when we come back from break, we are ending the special today, and it will end.
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Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I have an exciting announcement from articles by ViewZone.com and Transpersonal.de.
Our physical bodies run on light.
That's right!
Russian scientist Alexander G. Gervish discovered biophotons in 1923 with further research supported in the 1970s by Fritz Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist.
This system of light could possibly cure disease and cancer.
The process is called photorepair.
Fritz Pop found that cancer cells actually distort light they absorb, while normal cells let light pass through them untampered.
If you blast a cell with harsh amounts of UV light until the cell is almost destroyed, you can repair the cell by illuminating it with the same UV at a lower intensity.
But this is old news to the scientific community.
Fritz Popp concluded that cancer is a result of light already in the body that is blocked and scrambled by cancer-causing compounds.
If the body's photorepair process could itself be repaired, could that mean the end of cancer and eventually the end of deception by big pharma and the medical industry?
This is Gabe Goldiamond for InfoWars.com.
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I mean, I try to make sure that I don't put toxins from food and water and beverages in my system, but right now we're dealing with massive parasites, which is anything that's harmful to your body that lives off a host mechanism.
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There's so many things that are in it.
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Alright, well I'm glad we've got some back in because I'm going back on it today.
It just came back in yesterday.
LivingDefense, InfowarsLife.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to just succinctly give you the facts.
Not rhetoric.
Not hype.
But reality.
For so long, the Liberty Movement has warned about a world government UN takeover.
That even though it's now here and now happening, I'll have somebody on like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury Department, father of Reaganomics, and I'll say, you know, this is six months ago, hey, did you see the Associated Press and Breitbart and everybody?
The Attorney General just met and says, the new Attorney General at the time, Loretta Lynch, she just met with
Government leaders from around the country, and they're going to set up UN offices to oversee human rights in every US city with federal funding.
And he goes, oh Alex, the UN doesn't run anything.
Let's get back to the war with China or whatever he's talking about.
And see, I respect him.
I'm not arguing or debating.
It's all perspective.
He's absolutely right.
That it's Washington and the European globalists and the UK globalists that run the Anglo-American establishment, and they're the big families and the power brokers.
And the UN is a U.S.
puppet, and it gets 50% of its funding from the U.S., and the Rockefeller and Rothschild families gave basically 100% of the money to found it.
I've had the experts on.
I've read the congressional reports that Anthony Sutton put together.
The Carnegie Endowment for Peace runs the whole show!
But you have to understand, when the rubber meets the road, it is a UN takeover.
The globalists need to create a new government that they can transfer our powers to, away from the people, away from the states, and then have it come back in
With the stirred up angry populations, mad at what the globalists are doing here, and then here comes the good cop, the UN to save everyone, the IMF, the World Bank.
That's what this is.
Just like the TPP.
Ten years being secretly prepared, Congress not allowed to see it, lawsuits get filed, so for a few months, you can go into a room with tens of thousands of pages and different drafts, and look at one page at a time,
And no notes.
How did Congress get in the position where they're told by some shadowy group, we don't even know who, that okay, you can look at it one piece of paper at a time.
That isn't just world government, it's totally draconian, secretive, and over the top.
Will you guys queue up Obama talking about a domestic security force just as big, just as strong?
It's 23 seconds.
So, so many times, I sit here, jumping to pieces of evidence, trying to prove it to you, and I'm still going to do that neurotically, but at a certain point, I've done a lot of videos, I notice, and reports that are really popular, where I just show one article with some links, and then just tell you what's going on, instead of like, and look at this, and look at that, and read this quote, see, they really are doing it.
Look, you know they're really doing it, okay?
They really did Obamacare.
The White House sent Obama to Dallas two days ago.
And he actually got up there for like 15 minutes.
And said, oh, we're really sorry, you know, it's never okay to kill cops.
But I tell you, we're really a racist, horrible country, and we gotta reform the police, and it's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Just adding support to this whole movement, and every corporate media outlet pushing it, and every globalist computer outfit pushing it, and foreign governments pushing it, and the UN coming and having meetings and advising and filing lawsuits and running the refugee program.
It's happening.
And I've got stacks of news every day now where the UN is running all of this.
It's the consortium that sets the curricula for the public schools and the colleges, UNESCO, it sets the global standards for light bulbs, toilets, and then we just adopt it.
How cold your thermostat can go, how hot your hot tub can get,
I mean, we haven't implemented all this yet.
Some countries have.
Germany has banned the new construction of single-family dwellings, saying, we don't want families to be alone.
That's a cult.
We want you in a big building.
I first saw that in German newspapers like six, seven years ago.
People didn't believe it.
It's now in place.
And now it's coming here.
I remember 10 years ago, they were banning space heaters and outdoor heaters and fireplaces all over Europe.
People laughed.
It's now happening in the United States.
I'd tell you five years ago about coffin apartments that are going to be 225 square feet, but you pay more for them.
Less for more money.
People didn't believe it.
Now, many of the new buildings being built in Austin are 200, 300 square foot.
Folks, they mean business.
We're following a global, I'm getting chills right now, a total global government program meant to shut resources off incrementally until you're totally dependent, and then they're going to start killing everybody with bioweapons.
But they're just getting us sick right now and getting us ready for it, and that's why people want me to at least pay lip service.
Like, I've been told privately, you ought to be nicer to Black Lives Matter and, you know, say some nice things like you care and all this.
I'm not!
Of course I care!
I'm not going to sit here and play lip service!
You understand?
You need to slap up aside your frickin' head.
I don't care if you're white, whatever damn color you are.
Excuse me.
I said I'm not gonna get mad.
I am so angry lately.
We are under scientific attack.
We're under medical attack.
They're geoengineering, spending tens of billions a year.
The plants are dying all over the Northern Hemisphere.
Aluminum levels in some cases are 50 times what they were 20 years ago!
The globalist scientists won a Nobel Prize in 1992 for the plan they implemented in 1996!
It's not funny!
You know, either social justice warriors either laugh at these warnings...
Or they just ignore it and move on to, did you hear two more black guys got shot last week?
Yeah, did you hear?
50,000 black babies got killed.
I mean, just, do you understand what a joke that is?
You got a mosquito biting you, meanwhile they got your head in a guillotine, and you're bitching about the mosquito.
It's a total diversion!
And I sit here, watching it done, scientifically, having all the proof, all the documents, their whole plan, telling people what to go read, what to go look at for yourself.
The U.S.
law, U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B. And then people go read it and don't even know what they're saying.
They go, Alex, this says they can't do secret testing on us, unless it's for law enforcement or research purposes.
Including lethal.
It's on the books, they can kill us.
You're like, well wait a minute, you said the cops are our friends, but they're allowed to kill us.
It's for, at the top, law enforcement purposes.
Your enemy is not the average cop down the street that's just as compartmentalized as you are.
Yeah, I said I was gonna watch this, I was gonna take your calls, excuse me.
See, I try to not think about this stuff all the time.
It's one, I really, just the ignorance, the mind control, the enemy winning, makes me sick to my stomach.
And to know where all this is going, and to know the institutional division it's creating, and then they'll have this whole politically correct system to fix it, which is a cult attacking words and language, and independent free thought, it is just so incredibly over-the-top obvious.
On one level, this is incredibly exciting and entertaining, though.
I mean, we're living in a science fiction movie with an elite who believe they're going to merge with machines and become God, and who believe we're obsolete and are planning an organized, clean way to kill everybody off.
That's more entertaining than Moonraker, isn't it?
Written by MI6.
Getting a little taste of what's on the drawing board.
The big mega banks, the royal houses, the royal families.
I was looking at it this morning.
Will you guys Google the royal families the world meet?
And it shows less than 30 heads of state.
And you look at them and I know what a lot of those families own.
I mean, you're looking at folks that own more than half the world's wealth.
And then the robber baron, new royalty, less than 30 families.
And you look at them, and they're above the law, their wealth is a state secret, they're tax-exempt, and everyone kisses their butt.
The oldest dynasty is the Japanese.
660 B.C., still in charge today.
I gotta do a report on that.
You just type into Google.
Royal families of the world meet.
Royal families of the world gather.
I have it here on my phone.
I was looking at it earlier today.
I can pull it up for TV viewers.
It's right here.
Look at this.
Here, give me a document cam shot.
Look at that.
I was doing research on Japanese and British royals and all the little secretive meetings that are going on.
This photo came up.
Pull it up guys.
Anyways, you know what I'm gonna do?
I'm going to just give you the places to look.
And if media folks out there don't get upset about this, and you think it's cute, and you think it's funny, and you think, oh, the public's all dumb, so what, let's just go along with the elite or whatever, you deserve what happens to you, because I'm going to tell everybody something right now, and I'm going to tell especially the rich people, and they're of every race, color, and creed, the people that think you're established because you've got $10 million in the bank and live in a mansion, or maybe $100 million, or maybe a billion, and you go along with this whole thing, and you make jokes about it,
Because I don't really find many billionaires or rich people that don't know this is all true.
Because a lot of times they say, yeah, that's the way the world's always been.
So what?
Get with the program.
Yeah, the world hadn't always been like this.
Because we're getting down to the end game right now.
Hadn't always been like this.
Where everybody on that stage that we just showed for TV viewers, look them up house by house, is tax exempt, their wealth is a state secret, and they're guarded by the government.
And they are establishing a planetary world government because they think you are stealing resources by existing, and they say you're a dumb animal, and they say you are going to be first dumbed down, your psyche ripped from you, so that they, metaphysically, are authorized to kill you because you're an animal.
But first, you must be turned into an animal.
The allegory of the prince was a frog.
She kissed him and recognized he was a prince and became a man.
Instead, you take the prince and you turn him into the frog.
He doesn't even know he was a man.
He's an animal.
He's chattel.
He's controlled.
He's manipulated.
You could snap your fingers and he'll operate under the stimuli you put him under.
So what you're hearing here is the facts.
The inbred royalty of the world established ruling classes to control global systems.
They are eugenicists and they do not want you to receive the future that you could have.
They see you as a giant, ugly scourge that they haven't been able to control with wars.
Since the days of Plato, 2,300 years ago, king of the philosophers, he wrote that they should have wars to lower the population, and they should basically breed the general public to be like dumb cattle to serve the intellectual elite.
And Plato's thoughts have been adopted by every major empire.
In fact, empires that hadn't even read Plato's thoughts.
Empires that existed before Plato.
In Persia, and Japan, and other places, followed almost the exact same systems.
And now they've decided you're obsolete.
They're going to get rid of you.
And I said I'd get into Black Lives Matter, but it's just ridiculous.
You take a bunch of people that are obsessed, white, black, it doesn't matter, with hype and culture and watch the Kardashians and they're wondering why they got to go work at a hamburger place.
And, you know, they want free tuition, as Bernie Sanders said so.
And they just see these videos everywhere every day of cops killing people in the wrong, in many cases.
And it doesn't matter if statistically more people die in America.
It doesn't matter if more people die statistically in a middle-sized town every day in car wrecks than get killed by the cops in a week.
It doesn't matter!
Because again, it's a victory of the hallucination.
It's the victory of the lie over the truth.
Now, do some of the cops act bizarre?
Do they act authoritarian?
Do they act scared?
Do they treat you with disrespect?
Absolutely, in many cases.
That's a real issue.
And what this is all about is hyping people up to be politically aggressive, to prepare them to quote, take political power, but in their own downfall.
And in the crisis that comes out of that,
Establishing an even greater authoritarian tyranny.
Just like they're going to use weaker bioweapons to get us into a medical tyranny and then of course the more hardcore ones come in the future.
It's all ratcheted up.
The attacks just get bigger and bigger and bigger because we adapt to conform to the attack.
That's what the nanny state's all about.
Give up your individualism.
Become weaker when there's an attack.
And let stronger, specialized groups, warrior ants, protect you.
But you're not really a queen down in the mound.
You're being taught not to protect yourself because you're being prepared for the fire.
You're being prepared to have your humanity sucked out of you before you're blown away like dust into the atmosphere.
Now I got a little angry earlier.
I didn't actually get into 7277 and the UN and all the rest of it.
I'm gonna try to just focus briefly in five minutes.
Come back and give you a special report on it.
Then we have a guest joining us for 30 minutes.
And then I'm gonna open the phones up for the rest of the broadcast.
For Bernie Sanders supporters to tell me why you're supporting Hillary Clinton.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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We can pull the quote up, but famously, Henry Kissinger and Evian France told the Bilderberg Group, meaning, that if they could stir up enough civil unrest in the United States down the road, that Americans would welcome UN troops on our streets.
The euro is saying in response to a majority of the nations wanting to leave the euro,
Because they never voted to enter the Euro, that, oh, we're just going to nationalize your military and not let you leave.
Oh, and by the way, we're not going to let you have national teams anymore.
That's racist to say you have the Spaniards, you have the French, you can't have that anymore.
This is being announced.
You can have no identity.
The TPP and the NAU and all these other secret agreements are going to rule your life.
Well, I don't try to lionize JFK.
I think he was manipulated at many levels, really believed he was trying to establish some type of planetary government for peace.
He didn't want war with the Russians.
But one of the reasons he got killed, or at least they used the right wing out of Texas to do it.
Texas is the reason the President's dead.
They kind of had cold feet up in Chicago and cold feet in Miami and places.
Is because Kennedy did not want to have a preemptive nuclear war with the Russians.
And so, there was already a Carnegie Endowment for Peace plan from the 30s to establish the UN, the whole system we see, funded by the Rockefellers, but also the Carnegie Endowment, obviously.
This is the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, many of their minutes are now public, from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.
And you can see them charting out the whole future we live under.
And they had a plan to merge us with the Soviet Union.
Now, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the re-emergence of some Christian Orthodox roots, that's thrown that into question.
We were then told that, oh, it was all a sleeper deal with the Russians.
They were really going to re-emerge and all this.
There were certainly factions that wanted to do that, but the Russians have triple-crossed the globalists.
That is my educated view on this, seeing their real actions, and the globalist actions against them.
But if you look at this system and this dialectic, it was codified in 1962, and Kit Daniels wrote an article about this last year.
Did you know a law is on the books to disarm all Americans?
Law provides impetus for ultimate world disarmament.
And UN control over military.
And you can go to the United Nations UNIDIR Treaty and it says, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state, or dictatorship.
And then he links to the Public Law 87-29.
This is on the books.
And the original memorandum, you might want to read it.
You can still sit off the State Department and get a copy of these.
Last time I checked for like a dollar.
The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.
Through the UN.
And it shows the Russian weapons being downgraded down to zero in the graphs, and ours being downgraded to zero, and then our police are disarmed, but first the citizens.
So, the military's phased down, the citizens are disarmed, and then the police are disarmed.
And then you turn on the news today, CNN, Fox News, you name it, I've got the clips right here.
And they've got all these leftist groups saying, disarm the police.
The police should not be able to have firearms.
We're going to play these clips coming up in the next hour and take your phone calls.
I was sitting there watching all this and seeing the new community organizer they're setting up, there won't be jobs in the future, is a quasi-government employee, like the head of Black Lives Matter, who has this $160,000 a year job as a board member on a school board.
That looks like he's 20 years old.
He lives in a house paid for by George Soros.
Let's go out to break with Obama, talking about the domestic security force just as big as our military.
That's what they're setting up.
Specialist groups that'll just run around engaging in racism and infighting.
Here it is.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well- We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, they're saying we are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I don't want folks to have to hold, so I'm going to get the number out at about 20 after, so you can call in.
After James O'Keefe of the Veritas Project joins us with some breaking news, but also his take on election 2016.
What do you think of this supposed pick?
They say that Pence is scheduled with a bunch of Fox TV and other channels tomorrow in the hours after Trump set to make the announcement.
He stayed at his home for a few days.
I mean, I thought that was a big sign, but they had the other people, Genrich and Sessions and General Flynn to the same meeting in Indiana.
So I think this is probably accurate information
It's from the Hill.
Judge seems to have a good instinct for these things.
Talking to Stone, he said nothing had been decided, but that he pretty much thought who he knew Trump was going to pick now.
He didn't tell us what he talked to Trump about, but he kind of brought it up.
I said, well, I think it's going to be Sessions, even though it'll be politically incorrect and make a big deal out of it.
They're going to do that anyways.
He goes, well, you really read my mind.
Yeah, that's what I told him.
But Sessions wants to bow out.
So that was the inside info there.
And the word was it was probably going to be Pence, but we didn't want to go there.
I was kind of hoping to promote, in my own little way, Flynn, because
The media put out the whole thing about him being a Democrat to throw everybody off.
Turns out that's not true.
But regardless, he has a good background of integrity and really exposing corruption and bucking corruption and giving the information, working with General Dempsey, to the Russians four years ago when he was head of Defense Intelligence.
He was head of Defense Intelligence a year and a half ago.
He got fired by Obama for that, folks.
I mean, they weren't about to arrest him for espionage.
Because the whole military went in and confronted Obama and said, you're backing Al-Qaeda and ISIS doing this.
Is it okay if we share intelligence with people to stop them?
And Obama's like, well, if you drop flyers two hours before, and it's only certain areas.
And the Russians kept publishing the satellite photos of the hundreds of trucks an hour lined up going into Turkey.
And so we're going to blow that up.
They started blowing it up and Turkey flipped out and started, you know, shooting down Russian aircraft.
I mean, this is a circus, folks.
Trump's got good instincts.
Trump's the guy in the arena.
Trump is the guy that turned down Adelson's $200 million to take Ginrich.
If he does a curveball and picks Ginrich, that's one strike for Trump.
But I'm waiting to see what he does once he gets in.
But he just keeps amazing.
I mean, he's just done things right down the line that are unprecedented, super courageous, super dangerous.
He wants to basically downgrade NATO that's running around starting wars and backing the Arab Spring and really trying to start a new Cold War.
They're trying to bankrupt Russia.
And Trump talks about it, he has a lot of generals advising him that they have a bunch of pork barrel, a bunch of weapons that don't work, we're giving the Chinese everything we got.
He says, don't worry, we're going to have real weapon systems, we're going to be the strongest, but we're not going to start wars with Russia, and we're not going to let China get the secrets.
Because it's the Chinese that have infiltrated.
It's the Chinese that are in our defense intelligence system.
They're the ones robbing everything.
They're the ones with mobile execution vans.
They're the communists.
They're in bed with Walmart and the billionaires and the oligarchs, screwing everyone.
They're the enemy.
Not the Chinese people.
But the Communist Party of China is the most
Every science fiction movie you go see, the Chinese run the space program and run the world, basically.
The New Independence Day, the Martian movie, I mean, man, you go see movies now, I mean, there's Chinese government red flag propaganda everywhere.
Running the planetary government.
I've seen, basically any movie I see that's military or space, the Chinese are running it.
I mean, this country's in trouble, folks.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I have a stack of news articles here in front of me where students mildly criticizing people on their own Facebook are being threatened or being kicked out of major colleges.
There's two more today.
There was one just yesterday.
And Paul Watson's written a new article for Infowars.com, Black Lives Matter organizer triggered by white people demands money for being a fat black bitch, that's a quote, be ready to write checks and give up your car keys.
And what it is, is just lazy, crazy social justice warriors, I don't care if you're black, white, or whatever, that are in their own fantasy land
And see every major media outlet, movies, TV shows, the White House, blaming the police.
Well, white people better listen up, Hillary said.
Obama said we need to reform things.
Implying it's the police fault someone randomly went and shot him.
It's not right if a crazy cop shoots somebody innocent, and it's not right
If another crazy person goes and shoots five cops, then they say it's racist to say all lives matter.
That's an inversion of reality.
That's the opposite of racism is to say all lives matter.
It's racist to say black lives matter only.
But the issue here is, this is weaponization of media.
This is the next phase of what the globalists are going to do in this country.
With the UN advising and setting up meetings to watch the police in every US city.
Meanwhile, Trump is reportedly, according to sources at Fox and sources at The Hill, it's going to be Pence, the governor of Indiana.
We're going to be going over that at the bottom of the hour, taking your phone calls.
We're going to be talking to Bernie Sanders supporters.
I mean, why would you now not go for Trump?
The whole establishment's against him.
You claim you're anti-establishment.
What a joke.
The truth is, you like a big government, don't you?
You just want a piece of it.
Now, joining us to the bottom of the hour,
Is James O'Keefe, ProjectVeritas.com, best-selling author, I think a consummate investigative journalist, not going to go over all of his amazing feats with his crew, bringing down Acorn, you name it.
He is a leading expert on fighting social justice warriors.
But they have gone into an overdrive level.
They've got some calculus at the White House.
Where they believe they're going to win.
He also has a new video with a congressman admitting, oh no, you know, we're going to have guns.
You know, I mean, we're not going to say that our homes are gun-free zones.
No, no, no, just the schools and places.
So we're going to play a clip of that video.
The full video is on InfoWars.com, ProjectVeritas.com.
In fact, we have a short clip of that that I want to go ahead and play right now.
Hidden cam shows anti-gun congressmen and staffers refusing to promote homes as gun-free zones.
Here it is.
I never even thought of this angle.
I'm a big gun control advocate, but this is like a new angle I hadn't thought of that makes me almost nervous.
So that's, well you know, we'll get into the whole story with him right now and then talk about the bigger picture.
Great to have you on with us.
Hey Alex, great to be with you.
Well I tell you, you want to tackle this story first or just get into the state of the activation of what I'd call like MAL youth brigades or something.
This day of rage coming up tomorrow, this is crazy.
Well, maybe let's start with this gun-free zone story because I think it plays into the hypocrisy of our elected officials and they're not believing what they actually write in the legislation.
So maybe let's start there.
Yeah, tell us who the players are in this video.
So this is interesting.
Well, we did this four years ago in New York, Westchester, New York.
We caught people on tape.
The idea is simple.
Approach these individuals and say, I want to put a sign on your lawn saying your home is a gun-free zone because these guys are anti-gun.
Of course they would do that because they write legislation.
So what you're seeing right now is this guy is working for John Conyers.
He's a legislative aide.
He writes legislation.
His name is Eric Sperling.
And he says in the video that, oh, you can see the wheels turning inside of his head.
He says, I'm a big gun control advocate.
This is a new angle I hadn't thought about before.
It makes me nervous.
It makes me, quote, a target for criminals.
So these legislators, these congressional people, are on video saying that it would draw attention to their homes if they advertised them as gun-free zones.
Now, this is obvious to me and you.
It's obvious to our audience.
But to see the Democratic legislators say this when confronted with the truth, I think is really groundbreaking.
And I'm sure people have other ideas, but this is a start.
They're actually saying, you know what?
I don't know if this is such a good idea to advertise gun-free zones.
Well, obviously, it's common sense the places that have all the gun laws have the highest crime rates in the world.
They know this.
I mean, the rich elite that are liberal all got bodyguards.
It's so hypocritical.
I love the fact that Trump keeps saying, hey, give up your security, Hillary.
I mean, it's an oxymoron.
What point do you think, just as someone that's been following this so long, what point have we reached?
Are the social justice warriors and Black Lives Matter, and of course we have a longer clip with Rangel coming out and talking, I mean, do they actually believe anything they're saying?
Or is this just pure divide and conquer?
I do not believe they, I do not think they believe most of what they're saying.
On Friday after the shootings last week, we are entering uncharted territory.
There is a brave new world of unregulated video.
I think it's a good thing.
I think it was very tragic last week what happened and these shootings with the police, the shootings in Minnesota as well.
But the video is really catalyzing the masses.
It's creating these social movements.
And I think
Unfortunately, it's creating these mobs, these violent mobs, but I think it also can be harnessed, and this is the point I made, it can be harnessed for good to promote government transparency.
For example, we know that Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch.
We know that there are federal
And we can harness this technology, this live streaming technology, for example, for good.
And I'm a representative of an organization, Project Veritas, which is beta testing hidden camera video streaming to our servers.
That way, if anything happens, we have a copy of the video, the law enforcement takes it, we have a copy of it.
And I think that this is a power that can be used to promote government transparency as much as it can be used to hold
Well, I'm all for citizens having hidden cameras.
I think making police wear body cams all the time, I wouldn't want to work and live like that.
I think it's Big Brother.
It sets the precedent for everybody to have to have that at work, and I don't like it.
I mean, I think if a company wants to make you do it, that's your option to do it, and I think police, when they're on calls, should, you know, have a
I don't think so.
I agree with you.
I agree with you on that.
And I want to make a clear distinction that, you know, this is about little brother holding big brother accountable.
Which is the entire point of the American experiment.
Giving big brother cameras and all that, we've already lost our expectations.
Oh, cops are having to wear body cams in many cities now when they use the bathroom.
That's right, I'm sure they are.
I think the point Ed Snowden made on Vice recently is he said, Shane Smith asked him, well why aren't more Americans outraged by all this surveillance?
And Ed Snowden said, well they would be if we had the politicians on tape admitting it in plain words.
So the whole point of this technology, and I really think it's a transformative moment in American politics, because the technology is unregulated, it's proliferating, anybody can live stream video now.
Now we use hidden camera devices that are not, you can't buy them in most stores.
But the fact that we can hold Big Brother accountable and make them lose their expectations of privacy, that's what this movement is all about.
They know that at least the people and the 5th Estate, the new 5th Estate are watching.
Also, it really allows us to show that the so-called left
Are the most ignorant, anti-liberal weirdos the world's ever seen.
I mean, this is, I mean, just the video camera and YouTube and the proliferation of basically everybody getting on it now and having millions of providers of news, not just thousands or hundreds.
It's almost like a singularity.
It's showing how monstrous the social justice warriors are to a person.
I mean, these really are
Mentally ill, weirdos, bizarro land.
I mean, it's even forcing the left, who are more trendy but aren't stupid, to go ahead and admit, okay, something's wrong here.
I mean, when you look at Triglypuff, Age Skrillex, I mean, when you look at these people, Carl the Cuck, I mean, when you look at these people, they are scary.
Ma'am, a Citizen Journalist named Mike Strickland was detained.
This was covered on your website yesterday for unholstering his gun.
He felt threatened.
And there were videotapes of the Black Panthers right before he unholstered his gun, threatening to take out their guns.
So things are all caught on video.
My greater point is that we can use this as a movement for good.
And they just said down the street, pull your guns out and shoot cops.
That's right.
That happened right before Mike Strickland was arrested.
Mike Strickland is sitting in jail.
His bail is set at $250,000.
Mike Strickland, you know, is a friend of mine.
He's worked with me.
And by the way, that's a liberal, liberal town, you notice.
Now they're throwing the book at him.
I mean, it's crazy.
So we think of the cops are all bad.
Oh, they're not bad when they're liberal cops and allow people to be abused.
Right, and they originally charged him with a misdemeanor for menacing behavior, but then they charged him with two felonies.
Now, Mike Strickland was assaulted.
Last year he was assaulted.
He broke his arm in three places.
He was tackled to the ground.
And right before this event, Black Panther said, take out your guns and use them, basically.
So, that's all on video.
There's a picture of Mike Strickland.
He didn't want to hurt anybody.
He's got the gun pretty much aimed down at the ground.
He's got his hand back saying, stay back.
As people say, we're pulling guns up.
Right, right, exactly.
So this is a friend of mine, a citizen journalist, but, you know, what I draw from that whole thing is that everything is on video.
Who was attacked the year before?
Mike Strickland was assaulted by someone who disagreed with him.
Someone disagreed with him and threw Mike Strickland, that guy you just saw, threw him to the ground.
He broke his arm in three places.
He couldn't work for six months.
So he's been physically, violently assaulted in the past.
And then he just simply says back off and they've arrested him.
Final segment straight ahead with our guests.
Stay there.
Then your phone calls.
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How on earth could you not support Trump when he's totally anti-establishment and Hillary stole the election, stole your votes.
They just appointed her in California and just gave her the race there.
It's crazy.
We're going to be taking your phone calls in the next segment on that and on Mike Pence.
That's who they've... I called Roger Stone.
He said, I cannot comment.
It shouldn't have been leaked.
I'm not saying that's who it is.
I'm coming on the show tomorrow.
This leak was not supposed to happen.
So that's the quote.
So whoever did it's going to get in some trouble with Trump.
I'm not going to give you Roger's quote, but it's a big deal.
But we'll see if this is even accurate.
So I don't know.
I'm still in the dark here.
I think it probably is, folks.
Going back to James O'Keefe, James, looking at this, this day of rage tomorrow, all the establishment behind this, Hollywood behind it, taking this issue statistically, 258 black people were killed by cops.
Let's just say none of it was justified, obviously most of it was, in last year.
That's not even a blip, but you'd think it was the end of the world.
What do you think the Obama endgame is on all this?
Well, I will say that the convention is coming on Monday, and there's going to be some violent protests, and here's what I can comment on, because I can only comment on the investigations I do.
We have people who are actually meeting with some high, high-level left-wing operatives, and exposing and planning the activities for the convention next week.
And our goal is to try to preempt the violence and preempt the social justice warriors and their violence and their mob mentality by exposing it.
Who's funding it?
And what activities are they doing that's fraudulent?
For example, we got one of these guys on tape saying they're going to bust people from state to state.
Thank you.
Well, James, you just dropped a bombshell and I'm talking to some of the folks today.
We've had multiple people contact us that are in the media and who are more libertarian but seen as liberal and they're saying, listen, we're at newspapers, we're at major firms, we're at major, you know, meetings with people planning to go to Cleveland.
Uh, with, with, uh, InfoWars, uh, Make America White Again.
Uh, they're also planning dirty tricks, but they're, they're trying to figure out how to do it and not, and get, coordinate with Black Lives Matter that it's a false flag, so they're scared of getting beat up, but it's stuff like that.
It's not the type of intel you've got.
Well no, we actually have people who have been working since January building relationships with some of these high-profile, I call them operatives, people behind the scenes.
Oh wow, so you've actually penetrated into the people that are being run by the White House in Soros, I mean the actual minions.
Yeah, one of our people got burned in the process, but we still have a few of them, half a dozen of them, that have relationships with some of these operatives and they're on video describing what they're going to do.
And we have meetings this week with these artists.
Let me just ask you, why not let them come out and do it?
I mean, I know that's kind of aiding the crime.
I guess we can't do that.
But then let them come out and do it, and then let them blame it on us, and then show it was really them.
Isn't that more powerful?
But that's a moral dilemma.
I think that's a very good idea, Alex.
I think you, I mean, as long as it's not, if they say we're going to bomb the place, I'd have to, I'd have to, obviously, I'd have to... Oh, immediately, yeah.
Tell whoever it is.
But if they say we're going to do this activity and make it look authentic, which is what they've been saying, and we have this on video,
I'm holding on to this and they're still planning for the convention next week.
There are meetings taking place over the weekend about what they're going to do.
So that's what I'm doing and I'll be sure to report back to you and your audience about what I find.
It is a major miscalculation.
It's a miscalculation for the Attorney General to meet on an airplane with the former President, who's the husband of the nominee.
It's a huge miscalculation, but it doesn't mean anything unless we get it on video.
Sure, is it arrogance or is it ignorance?
I mean, what is it on average?
I mean, that's a study in human nature, but I think it's, they think they can get away with it.
It really comes down to the fact that they think that they will get away with it because people are too afraid to do anything about it.
And that's where people like you and I have to take it.
Yeah, I think... I mean, you're smarter than I am at a lot of this, James O'Keefe.
ProjectVeritas.com, books to get us booked there, blueprints how to do all this safely in the best way, but... I mean, maybe blow their cover right before they do it, and then on some of the stuff, blow it after.
That'll be even bigger.
But I can't wait to see it.
I'm gonna be there.
I know you're gonna be there as well.
Thank you so much, Project Veritas.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Big news straight ahead.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Summer of rage!
It's called The Day of Rage.
It kicks off tomorrow.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The Day of Rage all across the country tomorrow.
Social justice warriors, socialists, communists, running around with their red flags, spewing anti-white racism, most of them white.
It's all part of the dialectic of control.
Total and complete manipulation.
Hypocrisy on steroids.
Matt Damon, of course, has called for immediate gun ban.
That's the headline in the Daily Mail.
He actually called for his banning guns.
They're more honest now.
Repeal the Second Amendment.
New York Times.
New York Times.
Kill Donald Trump.
They're allowed to say that.
He's allowed to say that.
All these other publications.
Coming out.
Rolling Stone.
Repeal the Second Amendment.
And then Matt Damon, who isn't a bad actor.
I don't even dislike the guy.
I don't want to dislike him, but he's such a fraud with bodyguards and armed bodyguards.
I'll tell you why I like Keanu Reeves, man.
He is pro-gun, amazing at the range, knows his stuff, super smart, doesn't talk to the media, nobody knows what he thinks, the media says he's dumb because he won't talk to them.
Well, I ought to try to get a hold of Keanu Reeves sometime because he was in the movie A Skinner Darkly and I consulted on it and I was in it and I got to know him pretty good.
And then he opened up some, and he was just super smart.
That's some incredible motorcycles, too.
But, let's just say, he's kind of like a modern Steve McQueen, but nobody knows it.
Motorcycles, guns, whole nine yards, but I mean, pretty wild stuff.
Steve McQueen riding, you know, winning races and off-road stuff back before they had dirt bikes.
Remember all that?
That kind of stuff.
But notice you don't hear him shooting his mouth off against the Second Amendment, do you?
He's made so much of his money in movies with guns.
He's not a hypocrite.
But Matt Damon... Matt Damon is a whole nother bird.
In fact, I'm going to stop with the Conor Reeve stuff.
I've not pursued Hollywood, I've not pursued people in Hollywood, but I kind of look back and wish I would have a little more with Keanu Reeves because...
He's a really interesting guy.
I know over the years he got more of my films and stuff, and his assistant would reach out and invited me out to LA, and I just never went and did it.
I mean, I gotta tell you, I really like Kurt Russell.
I mean, to learn that he says, I'm not liberal, I'm not conservative, I'm 1776, pro-gun, pro-Americana, we need to bring Americana back.
It's the greatest system in the world, and that's why it's under attack today by the controlled left and the controlled right.
I love Kurt Russell!
Isn't it great he's a patriot?
See, I don't want to talk bad about Matt Damon.
I want to talk about people I like.
Or Clint Eastwood.
Just incredible for what he's done and what he stood for and the amount of films he's produced and just everything.
How old he is is still just an example of a real man.
Of course he's a Michael Savage listener.
Been on the show.
See, that's what I'm talking about.
Thank God we're not like these people.
Matt Damon.
The guy is a nightmare on every issue.
He's so horrible.
He spews whatever the establishment wants, and they just keep giving him the big roles.
Because let me tell you, there's very few people in Hollywood that have got the clout like a Clint Eastwood.
To be able to say and do what they want and not be attacked.
Kurt Russell had a lot of courage when he came out.
They blackball you.
I had... I don't mean to go off on this jag, but I'll go ahead and do it.
They come after you.
A pretty big Hollywood producer who's put out some of the biggest movies and been married to one of the most beautiful stars and produced a whole bunch of, you know, big TV shows, HBO, you name it.
I mean, top shows.
Shows I actually watch or have watched.
And he was pretty much just inviting me out to L.A.
He said, listen, yeah, the Secret Society, the Abe Lincoln Society has been kind of broken up.
But he said, you know, it's still there.
There's a lot of good folks out in Hollywood who want to meet with you, you know, if you ever want to come out there or come down to Houston.
And I said, yeah, I'm just so busy manning these guns here, but I'd love to go out and, you know, talk about some projects or something.
And I said, so it's really that bad?
He was like, oh, yeah.
I mean, they're surveilling us, and they know when we meet.
60 years ago, communists had to meet in secret, talking about overthrowing the country.
Now, conservatives, beyond Tom Selleck, some of the biggest names, folks, go in secret meetings.
30, 40 people.
And then Hollywood has infiltrators that go in and report it to the big bosses, and then you don't get your project done.
And this guy's a big producer.
I was flattered he came here to see me.
Really nice guy.
I mean, it's like so much the stuff I don't watch a lot of TV or movies.
Big fan.
It was like, go down the list.
It was like, wow.
You know, to actually meet the people behind it.
It's just to know I'm in a country where there's secret societies for conservatives.
And all conservative means is you don't want to turn your guns in.
You don't hate America.
You believe in free market.
I mean, you'd call these people 50 years ago liberals.
What they call conservatives today are, you know, guys that don't hate America and, you know, who are married to a Buddhist.
I mean, you know.
And then they're not even against gay marriage.
It's like, it's, uh, that has to meet in secret in Hollywood.
The pedophiles don't, though.
Oh, yeah.
Let me tell you, it isn't liberal, folks.
It's a bunch of damn pedophiles.
And they want control of this culture, and they've got an agenda, and they like screwing stuff up, and that's why nothing makes sense, and why everything's upside down, and why there's all these entitled people running around with, you know, complaining about everything, and saying, I'm a victim, wah, wah.
They're like babies.
They're like toddlers.
Paul Watson did that analysis.
Six times more likely to steal, many more times likely to not give to charity.
That's the modern liberal.
They're not liberal.
They want to tell real, open-hearted, good people that we're bad because they know it works on us and we'll try to cozy up and make them feel better like we're their mommy.
I'm not your mommy!
I'm done!
I remember driving out of here that afternoon.
I was just leaving work and I'm just like,
It's just, it's bizarre to have a big, big producer here.
And I've had so many of those bizarro meetings over the years.
I don't even have those anymore.
The guy came here.
And it's just surreal that our country is in that much trouble and then Hillary Clinton can have her goons at public unity rallies with Bernie supporters.
That's what it's built as.
Pull down Bernie signs and attack free speech and attack Bernie supporters after you stole their votes.
Was this guy a jihadi or something?
Yeah, don't let that woman have speech.
Give that man a medal.
That's probably jihadi in a suit, you know.
Keeping the little poor socialists from... And then the women gang up on him.
What are you doing?
They're going after a woman.
Yeah, where's the men around there to smack that guy right in the nose?
Hey, how's that feel, punk?
Put your nose back together now.
You just grabbed a woman.
Oh no, Corey Lewandowski, he didn't do that.
That guy just grabs her and rips it out of her hands.
But it's okay because it's Hillary.
It's for the women.
When she's not overthrowing moderate Muslim countries and bringing in the hordes of hell, the hordes of hell finance her.
She's got the whole Muslim caliphate wired up.
That woman's a puppet.
They got their arm right up there, running that show.
But it's okay, cause Matt Damon.
Matt Damon.
He calls for immediate, I always love how they have the desperate sounding, oh we care so much, I call for, I call for immediate, and then George Clooney with all his bodyguards and palaces, that has taken one refugee in, is up there in Europe giving a speech and he's fopping around, Trump's evil, what's my lines, bad man, where's the line, not gonna happen, oh, you're so intellectual.
I want to hear from Bernie supporters, I want to hear, you can call in and say whatever you want, I'm not going to censor your calls.
And if you want to make it about me, and about how capitalism's evil and everything, that's fine, but I'd actually want to reach out to you, not in a butt-kissing way, because you've already been robbed, you've been screwed over, I told you that was going to happen, the fix is in, and
If you're planning to vote for Hillary, I think you are one of the biggest morons on the planet.
How could you vote for her when the big banks are behind her, the corrupt elements of Wall Street, foreign governments, the Communist Chinese, 12 different Gulf states.
I mean, can you imagine if Donald Trump was financed by Gulf states, 20% of his campaign, that literally chop homosexuals' heads off?
How fast that little Bernie fad blow over dodos.
Got conned by the old con man, never worked a day in his life.
Fix was in on you the whole time.
Now he says Hillary represents everything that's wonderful and good.
Matt Damon called for, in fact can we get the video, there's a video of this, Matt Damon called for a ban on guns in quote, one fell swoop.
You ever thought about what'll happen?
I think he probably has.
They've gone from saying we don't want your guns, just let us register them, to yeah we're gonna take all your guns, we got camps ready, we're ready for a war with ya.
Matt Damon called for a ban on guns in one fell swoop while promoting his newborn film in Australia.
No irony, just running around machine gunning and killing the whole time.
The 45-year-old actor also said he admired the way Australia passed titer gun laws.
Just 12 days after the 96th Port Arthur massacre that was staged.
Total hypocrite.
Oh, but don't worry, Lena Dunham, whoever she is, just look at the self-importance on her face for your TV viewer, calls for altering of gun-toting Jason Bourne subway ads.
How about we stick stickers on there saying, hypocrite, I'm protected by bodyguards.
How about some of our listeners go do that?
Get aggressive with these people.
Oh no, they're putting flowers in his hands instead of a gun.
Because the image of a human defending themselves is evil.
No, these are tyrants conquering us and they want to make that idea in your psyche anathema.
They want you domesticated.
It'd be like breeding legless, eyeless, toothless gerbils to feed to a boa constrictor.
Now, a boa wants a little bit of struggle, so does a cat, before it eats something.
But, you know, not these globalists.
They want you... Well, they want you to have eyes, though, so you can be horrified when they metaphysically suck you dry.
So, I guess, no arms, no legs, no teeth.
And you're just like, ooh!
And then, here comes... Here comes one of these, you know, domestication vampires.
Or she's more of a Renfield handler.
And she's like, just turn those in, we're gonna take real good care of you, cupcake.
Matt Damon talks gun control ahead of Bourne release.
Matt Damon.
Meanwhile, it's all part of a world government UN plan created by our own government and the robber barons to disarm
Our nation, finally, and have us under a one-rule government, ending with the citizens and the police being disarmed.
Only special UN tactical units in every area.
This is the official plan, we're allowed to have guns.
And now it's all over the news, on Infowars.com, Black Lives Matter, saying there's a new Black Lives Matter support group of white people that says disarm the police now.
You know, I didn't want to militarize the police.
I knew they were cooking up the Civil War America scenario.
I tried to stop all that.
But now that they've brought the drug cartels in, now that they've engaged in all this, it's like the... One of the leaders in West Texas was a... It was a county judge, the head of the county city council.
And he came out a few years ago and said, we need armored vehicles to fight Obama when he comes and confiscates the guns.
Does that love it?
So we've got all that unfolding, but I want to take your phone calls right through to the end of the next hour, starting in the next segment.
If you're a Bernie supporter, and I'm screening your calls here on air, which means I'm going to get a little angry if it's a joke or a side issue.
I mean, I really want to hear from Bernie supporters.
There's two different topics, okay?
I usually have the open, most free-for-all show you can imagine, but I sometimes want to actually hear from you on a certain topic.
And what do you think of the leak that is supposedly Mike Pence?
And it looks like it's leaking out of Fox News because they already have interviews with him scheduled tomorrow.
To Roll Call and to a bunch of other places.
They're at the Hill.
So what do you think about that, if it's true?
I'm glad it's not Newt Gingrich.
But, hey!
Do I get another apology from the thousands of publications that said I was insane?
And I believe there's a plan to get our guns when it's all on paper?
And I have all these senators saying it on video?
And Handgun Control Incorporated saying it doesn't matter what Mr. Jones does with his rallies.
We have your children in the public schools and we are indoctrinating them and we will get your guns.
That's what the head of the Violence Policy Center, aka Handgun Control Incorporated, said in the front page of the Metro and State in 2000, when I caught bribery down at the Capitol and blew a bunch of their bills sky-high.
I caught it on video, by the grace of God.
And that's why we're going to bring them down, because they're a bunch of arrogant scum, and we're going to keep catching them.
But he actually said, we got your kids.
We got your kids.
We got your kids.
And the reason they got our kids is we let, we put them in these systems and these day camps and these systems.
We pay for these worthless college degrees to turn out a bunch of brain damaged idiots.
Now let's go out to break with Matt Damon.
Matt Damon.
Here he is.
And gun control, for example.
How much do you think that's a debate that's coming up?
You know, you guys did it here in one fell swoop, and I wish that could happen in my country, but it's not.
It's such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly.
We just can't.
People get so emotional.
That's enough.
Shut him up.
I'm going to blame him later.
That's enough.
One fell swoop, New York Times, Rolling Stone, Time to Repeal it, LA Times, Time to Repeal, the White House, all admitting that's their plan, but we're crazy.
We're just not being reasonable.
Because we just want a big shadow government to have all the weapons.
That's a great idea.
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Rasmussen has him seven points ahead.
He's way ahead now in more and more battleground states.
And his lead on Hillary is only growing.
Especially after the FBI let her go scot-free.
That really even woke up a lot of liberals.
And look, when I was growing up, or even in college, I was, quote, conservative on guns and things.
I'm attracted to what you call classical liberal society, art, literature, openness, cultural freedom.
I know there are real liberals out there, but they have been inducted into a cult that tells them what type of language to use, to be guilty, to like live in a cult.
It's classic cult programming.
And it's intensifying.
And I just want to ask Bernie Sanders supporters, how could you not vote for Trump?
He's way more populist.
The whole power structure hates him.
You know all that racist stuff is just used as a political weapon?
But do you really just want to feel like you're behind a winner?
Can you admit you've been lied to?
I mean, if Trump did one-tenth of what Hillary was doing, I wouldn't support him.
I mean, Hillary stole at least 10 states.
He should be the nominee.
Just for the integrity of our elections!
But you know, you want to be domesticated.
You want to be taken care of.
And the biggest chumps out there are always collectivists, so I guess you're just acting like you historically are supposed to.
We're gonna go to Michael, and then James, and Dustin, and Robert, and others.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
I'm gonna go bam, bam, bam next hour.
I'm gonna call soon, just a moment.
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People that run businesses know how it is.
And that's how we fund this info war, is a business model.
But our business is defeating the globalists.
We're having some success, but we're going to come back in 70 seconds.
Go directly to your phone call.
Stay with us.
Third hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're gonna go to Michael in Florida, a Bernie supporter.
James in Texas is a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Dustin, let's talk about the VIP leak, which is a big deal.
And this is a leak.
This is a leak.
Trump had a whole plan to roll this out tomorrow.
And this is RNC suicide crap.
The word is, this is out of Fox News.
That's not from Roger, but I concurred with him on it.
Or, we talked to him, let's stop there.
To the Hill.
I'm going to support Hillary.
Oh yeah, because Donald Trump wants to torture terrorists, right?
Well, here in Clay County, Florida, what the cops did, they maced somebody, Daniel Linsenbigler, and they put a bag over his head and strapped him in a chair until he died.
And nobody was held accountable.
And that's a violation of our 8th Amendment rights.
There's no cruel or unusual punishment.
And we might as well not even have a jury if they can just take innocent Americans
Say they're defiant, mace them, put a bag over their head, strap them in a chair, until they die.
Let me talk now.
Let me talk.
You said that twice now.
I think this is a very cogent argument against Donald Trump, you brought up, and is one of the only ones that is, I think, of serious concern.
Now, you've welded it in to local police, and I actually know about that case, some of these restraint chairs, a bag over the head, people suffocating.
Yeah, that looks like very sadistic, crazy behavior, and sometimes really bad sadists get off, and it's wrong.
The issue is statistically though, it's very rare, I'm not defending it, and the globalists that are literally the equivalent of, you know, just the black plague, you know, the end of the world type stuff.
I don't use the space alien analogy because people think I'm too serious about that, but they're out to get us, okay?
That's the big mass number.
That's what's going on.
And they divert us with all this.
And so Hillary and Bernie pay lip service to this Black Lives Matter thing that is a concern about police brutality that a lot of white folks and everybody else have concerns about.
And then it's projected onto that because Trump wants to act tough.
Knows they're already waterboarding people.
Kind of refreshing, he's honest about it.
And says, you know, let's waterboard ISIS.
I get the mission creep and now we waterboard everybody.
I'm against torture.
And I think we lose the moral high ground.
I think Trump is wrong on that point.
And if I ever interview him again, I think I'll raise that point.
Or if I talk to him next week.
The point is, is that, and he's backed off of it some.
Don't you see how the whole power structure is against him though?
So, I mean, doesn't that outweigh, I mean, you know, Hillary, talk about torture.
She puts, let's humanize the hundreds of thousands of Christians murdered by bloodthirsty ISIS.
You know, I understand some cops killed somebody.
Now let's put the hundreds of thousands of dead Christians, she basically backed.
Does that touch your heart strings at all, or is it even on the radar screen?
Well, it's not about a bad cop, it's about a policy that gives them the authority to take innocent American citizens
Say they were defiant, which is arbitrary, mace them, put a bag over their head, and strap them in a chair until they die.
And the 8th Amendment clearly says- Okay, okay, you're not listening to me.
See, you didn't respond.
I intellectually responded to what you said, and actually listened to what you said, and then you just, boom, went right back to talk point.
And I understand, at that level, you were correct.
We're talking about a very complex world, big issues here.
Donald Trump isn't going to try to legalize torture of American citizens here in the U.S.
And by the way, it's already going on, just so you know.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, this is going to be interesting, make no mistake.
Trump is supposedly going to announce Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, tomorrow at 11 a.m.
We got Roger Stone coming on to talk about it tomorrow.
I talked to Stone.
Niko did, he relayed the message, and I'm not going to relay all of it here, this part was private, but just that this is definitely elite, this is not Trump, and somebody's going to get in trouble for this, and that he's not going to talk about it until tomorrow.
So, that's what's going on on that front.
Probably Fox News where interviews are being set up.
I don't think so.
That's just a no-brainer.
It better not be Newt Gingrich.
On this live Thursday, worldwide broadcast.
We're gonna go to James, Dustin, Robert, Jonah, and others here in just a moment.
If you just tuned in, we had a caller just a few minutes ago who was saying, look, I don't like Trump because he says he wants to waterboard ISIS.
And I said, I'm not for torture either.
But you know, Hillary is droning everybody.
She overthrew all these countries.
She put ISIS in to kill hundreds of thousands of people.
I mean, leftist regimes going to this level are going after free speech.
In my experience, leftist police departments are some of the most corrupt out there.
And if you cherry pick a few bad examples of the police, we have the statistics.
And then your whole worldview is, I'm going for Hillary because she's against the police, is what he said.
Yet bringing up corrupt police in some area of Florida.
And people that die in these restraint chairs.
Yes, it's horrible and I've seen the videos and we need to change the laws and not allow that to go on because they don't call it torture.
See, it's all definitions.
But let me explain something.
Under Obama, torture has been massively expanded
They don't call it that.
And they teach torture to the Navy SEALs, and to the Army forces, and the rest of them.
To special forces.
Now, they teach you it's evasion of torture, or how to deal with it.
Later you're told, no, this is how you torture somebody.
So it's time for all the big kids to grow up and understand why Trump is just telling you like it is.
Oh, they'll torture if I tell them to and we're going to torture them.
It's actually sickeningly refreshing because I don't support the torture.
I understand overall it rots your country.
But the fact that Trump would come out and say it.
Is not to sell it, he's being totally real with you.
He thinks he could use the ring of Mordor, selectively, when he gave the authorization to sign torture warrants, he's ready to sign those warrants to torture leaders of ISIS and Al Qaeda to stop them.
And not rain down supplies to them.
He's being real with you.
And even though I disagree with it, it's very refreshing, very refreshing to have somebody straight talk you.
And you can't handle that.
You can't handle that Hillary is the most bloodthirsty warmonger you can imagine, that the neocons and warmongers hate Trump because he plans to have peace through strength, a real military, not fighters that cost a billion dollars and aren't as good as F-15s.
He said, actually, what he's planning.
People won't go read what he said.
It makes a lot of sense.
We have half the global GDP of the military.
Half of the military spending is done by the US, or more.
And let me tell you, they're building a bunch of crap.
It's weapons we built 30, 40 years ago that are winning wars today.
And the Russians aren't building junk, they're building real weapons.
And they're not giving them to the Communist Chinese.
We're giving what we got to the Chinese, which is insane.
Mark my words, China is who we're going to be facing in the future.
The globalists want to take Russia out because they aren't voluntarily lowering their population and committing suicide.
Say what you want about Russia, they've turned the oxygen back on over there.
They're like, oh, 80 years of communism?
I think we're going to try something a little different now.
And everybody's like, oh, you're really still a communist.
That's why Putin's arrested more than 10 oligarchs, and every time they're Rothschild or Rockefeller fronts.
You're still, oh yeah?
And the Rothschilds sued newspapers in England that said that, and lost the lawsuit.
And the judge said, I am blown away.
Go read his ruling.
He said, I cannot believe this.
You sued these people and this case proved what they said and more.
You are the shadow government in Russia.
And Putin's saying, hey, guess what?
We're kicking your ass out of here.
How do you like that?
I want the big mega banks and the globalists off my back.
I want free market.
I want a level playing field.
I want a shot.
They're trying to have a good future.
I don't want to be racially played off against everyone.
Trump says he wants to unify people.
But when you've got globalists and outsiders trying to tear the country apart, he's got to identify it.
That's not division.
Trump is acting like a man.
And that's what they don't like, because they say the age of men is over.
It's the age of the machines, and the technocrat, and the globalists, and all this delusional garbage.
Well, it's nice to talk to you Alex.
I just wanted to say that I look up to you as an intelligence officer in a lot of ways, socially and militarily.
Well, the VP leak obviously, Mike Pence, the little bit of stuff I had to figure out was that
He went to Hanover College School of Law.
So, you know, ultimately he's a lawyer.
I would like to see a military pick.
You know, I was U.S.
Army Communications and Intelligence and... Yeah, I would like to see Flynn.
I mean, Flynn's got real integrity.
You can just see it looking at him.
He's a good man.
I went and looked at his history.
I didn't just go off how he looks, but I've watched a lot of his speeches.
I've watched him.
I've read some of his writings.
He's very genuine.
Yes, yes.
You know, I agree with someone, you know, this guy Mike Pence is just a lawyer, you know?
So is Hillary Clinton, you know?
And, you know, why I don't vote for Trump is because, why I wouldn't, is because I know his system is rigged.
I know it's... Absolutely.
We have got so many lawyers.
And again, I'm not against lawyers, because you've got to have a lawyer when you're fighting another lawyer.
But we've got more lawyers than the whole planet, basically, combined.
I saw that number a few years ago.
We can check it.
But we're graduating more lawyers than anybody else in the world.
I know that.
I mean, it's a joke.
At least, like, more than the whole Western world, we have more lawyers.
And they can just twist things.
We don't need more lawyers.
We need more doctors.
And more engineers.
And more scientists.
And yes, more women.
But I don't mean weirdo lawyer women from billionaire families.
We need real patriot women.
And we need, we do need, quote, minorities.
But there's great, smart, libertarian people of every race, color, and creed.
We need to break the paradigm of how they give us these false choices of establishment Republican and Democrat.
How could someone not support Trump when he clearly has the establishment crapping their pants?
I'm sorry.
Exactly, exactly.
I mean, I, like, JFK, I see him as a JFK, but we all know what happened to JFK.
I see Hillary Clinton as the Whore of Babylon.
You know, she really is the Mother of Harlots.
And she rides in on an eight-headed, octaheaded dragon.
You know, it's a depiction.
You know, in the Bible, and she is the worst of the worst.
She is a killer of killers.
I was a trained killer in the U.S.
Army for infantry.
She scares me.
She really does.
I mean, just how, how just blatantly disregarded for life... Well, she constantly gets on TV and goes, ha, kill people, kill, ha, ha, ha, and like, and foreign governments are like, whoa, nobody does that, as you know.
I mean, that is scary.
You're absolutely right.
Great points.
God bless you.
I mean, I don't know what to say anymore.
I've never been more concerned for myself and my family in this country.
And people go, well I'm just worried about myself.
We're all connected.
That's why when they, liberals act like they have this monopoly on caring about people, or monopoly on not being racist.
They're the most race-obsessed,
Losers, because look, I remember when I was in high school, I had a bunch of jobs and I was somewhat competent compared to most people that were 17 or 18.
But I would get in my parents' business and say, I don't think you, I don't like that rug, or why are you doing this?
Everything upset me, you know, and it was like, it's time for you to move out.
This year's time for you to run your own life.
And as I got more and more stuff in my life, I'm less worried about what my neighbor's doing.
I'm less worried about, hey, you run your own life, I got mine.
And it's such an immature form of arrested development when these leftists, they're little kids, they want to run everybody else's life.
That's not liberal.
I don't, libertarians don't want to run your life.
I don't like the right-wing folks trying to run people's lives.
It turns into a whole drug war and all these other frauds.
It's just, I'm Americana.
I want what Kurt Russell wants.
I want 1776.
I want Americana.
I want the free market system.
I want laissez-faire.
This is not laissez-faire, too-big-to-fail megabanks.
That's crony capitalism holding us hostage.
I want my country back, right now!
And I'm not here to be told what language to use or how I'm a racist and I'm a bigot.
It doesn't make me guilty.
It makes me angry.
Because I know deep down inside what I stand for.
I'm so... I don't even call it prideful.
I am... I want people to succeed!
And it's not like I convinced myself of that.
It is insulting!
It is insulting!
To tell me, because of the color of my skin, what I feel, and what I need to do, and what I... all this crap!
And it's insulting to everybody else!
Who isn't part of this?
What the media is creating is not reality.
I know we all know that, but think about it.
It's a bunch of young people and folks that are confused and can't get jobs and there's not really a future and it's all weird and the media is just all just, you know, fight with each other and blah blah blah.
You've got to go out in the world and make your bones.
And you don't go out and do that by being a good fisherman or a good hunter or a good, you know, basket weaver, talking about thousands of years ago, or being, you know, a good person that comes up with medicines, a shaman or whatever.
You don't go out and have those traditional roles.
They're all gone.
So there's all this modern society.
And so you supposedly go out and you, you know, you go through the rites of passage through this or through that.
And we've had a lot of institutions, some good, some bad.
But the old institutions were at least based on primitive human activity.
And the rites of passage.
They're getting rid of the rites of passage and the new rite of passage is running around being racist, screaming and yelling and beating people up and not knowing you're the same thing as a KKK member.
I don't know what it is about KKK members, but like fat, dumb, stupid, mindless idiots.
I look at these Black Lives Matter people.
I mean, if you remove the pigment out of the skin, you got a KKK member.
I mean, it's so annoying.
We're not getting to the stars, ladies and gentlemen, with this type of behavior.
And a lot of folks go, I write it all off.
We're not going anywhere.
I don't care.
Then blow your brains out.
Seriously, if you think the world's over and it's all crap, but you want to be politically involved.
I love how they're always want to run everything, but then there's no future and blah, blah, blah.
No, there's a great future.
You just need to get out of the way or join the team.
And by the way, joining the team doesn't mean agreeing with me.
It's looking around the universe and understanding that what we're being hit with is synthetic, is not natural, and is meant to hurt you.
You know everything coming out of mainstream media is meant to make you absolutely dumber, and rock, and sick, and under their control.
Why then, when the entire power structure is against Donald Trump, and the entire power structure wants Hillary Clinton, and the entire power structure
is involved in all this.
I mean, look at this gay black guy yelling at another young black man.
He's got his gay sticker on and he's saying Donald Trump doesn't like gays or black people and wants to ship blacks to Africa.
If you're a TV viewer, it's on screen.
Donald Trump was giving interviews to the advocate in gay publications and calling for equal rights for people 30 years ago.
Donald Trump is trying to stop gays being thrown off cliffs.
Hillary takes money from the very people that do it and is launching invasions for them.
But it doesn't matter!
Because this idiot, this arrested development, giant fat toddler!
Nothing against fat people, I've been fat too.
Not all fat people, a lot of people are smarter than anybody I know, but I'm saying, this stereotype, it's a fat toddler baby, going nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh!
I want something, you're not going to get anything from the robber barons!
Anything they give you is poison!
This guy's a moron!
God, I'm sick of these.
Excuse me, Lord.
Okay, I'm going to your calls.
I'm doing better here.
I'm going to your calls.
This has been holding the longest now.
Riddle me this.
James, and then we'll go to others.
James in Texas was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Where are you now?
I'm in Texas, sir.
No, I'm saying where are you?
Who are you supporting now?
Oh, Donald Trump.
So you really are a Bernie supporter and you really are supporting Trump now?
Well, that makes a lot more sense to me.
I mean, she stole your vote.
Give me your perspective.
Well, I started to see what the DNC was doing, and yeah, they did steal all the Bernie Sanders votes.
In my mind, it was completely rigged.
I was on the train for so long where I was watching the news at the time.
The media kept playing bits and sound clips of Donald Trump and saying, oh, he's a racist.
And I was like, oh man, this guy's a maniac.
But then after I started noticing that they were stealing the election, I went and started watching full Donald Trump speeches.
And I started to realize, I'm like, I was like, he's not a racist at all.
No, his trade speech was one of the greatest speeches ever given about a presidential candidate.
It's just beautiful.
I mean, it was a declaration that we're getting up off our knees, the surrender is over!
I'm sick of watching this country surrender!
Exactly, and then, like, my biggest problem here lately has been Bernie Sanders' surrender to Hillary Clinton.
People don't, I don't think a lot of people understand the utter devastation that that caused to so many
That's what she's all about.
It's what she's all about.
She's the most fascistic, corporate wickedness.
She's not even a socialist.
The plan they cooked up with Obama, with Mitt Romney, is a screwjob for insurance companies to rob everyone.
Bernie Sanders to me is lower than Hillary Clinton because of what he did to young voters.
I myself, I'm 30, but to disillusion that many people at such a young age
I think was one of the most damaging things that any potential or any politician, period, has ever done to a younger generation of Americans.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
And look, I get, I don't like Sanders the person, because I know he's a fake and a fraud and I know, but, but, but a lot of what he stood for on the surface, NAFTA and Gap being a scam, big rich families being partially tax exempt, insider deals,
Yeah, if you're going to let them have corporate socialism, then give it to the people.
Listen, if you're going to have QE Unlimited, deliver the money to the grassroots.
Look, if we're going to just print money, it's going to cause a problem down the road, but we can actually build some infrastructure.
I'm not saying do that, but it's much more moral than letting the globalists have it all and then saddle us with the debt.
Deliver money directly to poor people.
Some of them are going to go drink themselves to death.
Others, people can actually, you know, help build themselves up.
But that's not how economics works.
And you gotta take it from somebody else.
And who you're gonna take it from is yourself a few years down the road and your kids, because that money's gonna be devalued.
Which is the same thing.
Everything comes back on you.
And so, all I know is everything's teetering on the edge of collapse.
All the elites are building, you know, bunkers and trauma rooms and helicopter escape pads.
I mean, it's just, it's crazy.
And by the way, when I get around rich people and stuff, and I mean really rich people, they are like asking me what to do.
There's no more debating, okay?
You notice everything we talk about now is pretty much just almost passe, right?
That means victory for Infowars if we act on it.
There is no doubt that Hillary is evil and will want to make you poor.
I don't completely trust Trump, okay?
I'm not stupid.
But the things he's saying are irrevocably damaging to the New World Order.
And physiologically, psychically, culturally, that's all money in the bank for Trump.
I mean, I'll just say it.
I'm emotional once I've made my cold decisions about things, but...
I get a warm feeling in my chest when I think about what Donald Trump's doing, and I've never had that for Ron Paul or anybody else.
I've admired Ron Paul, appreciate him, all the rest of it.
I don't have an actual emotional feeling, and I'll tell you why it is.
I know how much danger Donald Trump's in, and I can tell you he's for real.
Here's the problem.
JFK was for real.
They came to him with a plan, Ella Lemnister, Curtis LeMay, to sneak attack with hydrogen bombs Russia.
And he fired him and freaked out.
And then they had another plan.
The deep state came in with a socialist plan that was already there going, oh, let's merge with Russia and bring in all this stuff.
And then he did stuff like, well, I'm going to abolish the Federal Reserve.
I'm going to cut taxes.
He was doing all sorts of stuff he thought was good, but he was being misguided.
I mean, just because Trump's a good guy and really smart doesn't mean he isn't going to get misguided or have weird stuff go on.
Look, we're not out of the park.
I mean, we're not out of the woods here.
We're not out of Mordor here if we get Donald Trump elected.
It's the resistance.
It's the struggle.
It's the trying to do something.
It's the seeing somebody who I know they're afraid of.
Man, let me tell you, that's not a put-on.
They are scared of Donald Trump.
And he has been like a sleeper cell for decades against them.
But really, he was always against NAFTA.
He wrote books about how they're screwing America over.
He isn't out to get the country.
That's it.
Now, he could be bad!
I couldn't imagine if I was president, even though I know a lot of things, I can't imagine.
It's such a crazy world.
And you do one thing, you think it's going to do something, it does something completely different.
It just takes a lot of wisdom.
I just know this, folks.
We can ask for your support, we can ask for you to spread the word, because we're having huge effects.
I mean, this is the place that has the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to spreading the word.
But bigger than that, I just ask you to pray for the broadcast, pray for us next week in Cleveland, and our crew going on to Philadelphia today, but not the rest of the crew after that.
That's going to be a circus.
And to pray for your own self and your own family.
And even if you're not a Christian or religious, I think if you just open yourself up to the universe and God, because God's free will, and just say, God, you know, can you help me with discernment?
God didn't like the devil.
Can you help me?
The devil blows the doors off like Darth Vader and comes in, you know.
God, you got to ask God in.
That's how God judges countries, too.
God just pulls back and lets evil come in.
The truth is God didn't do any of it.
He did all of it, but none of it.
You see how that works?
Kind of a Zen thought, isn't it?
We'll be back with your calls straight ahead on Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Be aware, but not there.
The hacktivist group Anonymous is now calling for nationwide Day of Rage protests on Friday, July 15th at 7 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time in a city near you.
This anonymous does specify non-violence and denounces the actions taken against police officers who were not involved in these recent deaths.
But with the tagline, Day of Rage, it's safe to expect emotions to be running very high on both sides of the line.
No matter how great your empathy might be for those who have unjustly lost their lives, these protests are not safe places to be.
If your home is in or near a major metropolitan area,
Be aware that your city could be under siege.
Make plans to stay safe, hunker down with emergency food and purified water, or make plans for strategic relocation.
This is Ashley Beckford with InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for more special reports.
Not a group.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
But largely, Hillary Clinton's comments here today, John, were based around the recent violence that we have seen.
The police-involved shootings of black men in Minnesota, in Louisiana, and then the killing of white police officers by a black gunman in Dallas.
That was really what she based her comments on around today.
Remember, Hillary Clinton has some vulnerabilities herself, even as she calls for criminal justice reform because of her support in the 1990s for anti-crime legislation that ultimately helped contribute to this era of mass incarceration that she now speaks out again.
We just lost Breonna Keillor, who was in Springfield, Illinois, where Hillary Clinton just spoke, you heard.
By the way, I wanna hire Breonna Keillor.
I wanna hire her.
She gets up there.
Look, the Clintons are the ones that got the laws changed and then made incredibly racist statements.
I mean, everybody understands the numbers, right?
Because, you know, it makes me sick when I go on InfoWars.
And I see it everywhere.
And a lot of it's bots with all the racist comments towards black people.
And because you've got the racist black people, the racist bots, and they're making the, you know, white devil statements back.
You do know that despite the fact that Africans were forcibly brought here and all the things that went on and happened, some cases just as horrible as you see in the movies, sometimes totally different stories, the point is it was much more diverse than that.
You do understand that they ended up building a lot of industries and businesses and science and culture and art when they were being oppressed.
That's how it works.
Adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters, as the French historian and politician, scholar, Victor Hugo said.
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
I'm not saying it's good people are oppressed, I'm just saying that
Per capita scientific development, per capita founding universities and businesses and inventions, and just revolutionizing machine work.
I mean, just all over the country, you would go to the black machinists and the black metal workers and you would go to them.
And there was definitely racism and fights and crazy stuff going on, and the Klan was like a mafia that would just kind of go around extorting everybody.
That was after it was first set up, you know, the Civil War, when you had to cover the horses up and everything, because there was Northern Occupation.
And then it was like a, you know, rebel force or whatever.
But then, of course, everything turns into something very corrupt.
That's how all this works.
But it's so frustrating to actually know history.
And then to see government come in, in the 50s and 60s, with LBJ, and I'm not gonna quote him here, all the racist quotes, they're well known, they're in letters, they're recorded, they're on record.
You think the social engineers are dumb when they say, we're gonna give you enough money to live every month?
But, you can't have a man in the house, and by the way, have as many kids as you can?
So you'd have a nation of children, raising children,
To be beta tested on by the government?
With everything from diseases to cultural brainwashing and now you see the weapon?
That's sick!
That's something that aliens would come up with.
And I'm not saying they're really aliens.
I just look at this and it's like we're all fighting with each other.
And it's real!
If you're a white person walking down the street in Dallas and three black guys jump out when you're 15 years old and try to kill you!
I guarantee you there isn't probably one out of a million black people out there that has been physically attacked by white people as many times as I've been attacked by racist black people.
And I'm not some bleeding heart liberal.
I am so glad that happened.
I'm serious.
Dallas is a violent place.
One of the most violent places in the country.
You should have more violence in Chicago.
I was a free-spirited person.
I don't want to go off on these whole stories.
If a small percentage of black males are racist and killing each other, it's tribalism.
Humans are tribal.
Because you're wearing blue, you're wearing red.
When I was in high school, you better not wear a red shirt or a blue cap or something.
I mean, I'd be at a friend's house on the other part of town and the police pull over and say, get up against the car!
What are you doing wearing this blue baseball cap?
Well, it's a blue baseball cap, man.
Well, that's a gang hat.
Do I then hate police forever because of that?
What I'm getting at here is, I'm going to your calls, there is psychological warfare going on.
It's a fact and you can buy into it and then it seems real when you're under the mind control.
It's mind control.
And there's real elements to the mind control.
But they're shocking you, shocking you, shocking you Pavlovianly to control you.
And I'm telling you right now, the most racist people I've ever been around are liberals.
In New York, in Chicago, at events, or in college, or wherever, they'll just, you'll be sitting there with them, and all of a sudden they'll start saying racist stuff, and I'm like, is this some test or something?
Because I'm not into this.
They're like, oh, well, no, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, let me tell you, that's who they are.
And they love managing and running everybody.
That's why they accuse libertarians and stuff that are against all this of being white saviors and all this.
Because see, they're the ones being a white savior.
I don't want to save anybody but your freedom.
I just want you left alone, live your own life, free association, be with who you want, do with what you want.
Just don't screw me over.
See how that works?
And then if I like your music, or I like how you cook, or I like the science you have, or I like hanging out with you, or I like your jokes, then you'll be my friend.
But it isn't this whole force thing that's actually creating more division.
And I know I'm on a rant about this now.
It's just that I know the Democratic Party in the South.
And they're the weirdest bunch of people you've ever seen.
They are the Ku Klux Klan.
They are the Dixie Mafia.
They run the show still.
A lot of them are Republicans now.
Rick Perry.
That guy went to a KKK hunting lodge.
I mean, he's the real deal.
And nobody cares if you're Schwarzenegger and wear a Nazi belt buckle and say, Heil Hitler, because the ADL gives you awards.
That's what I mean.
It's all upside down.
The people pushing race are the ones that are the race controllers.
Because really, racism is a cult.
It's a cult of control.
And see, people that obsess on it, they aren't the racist, they're the race controllers.
The dumb people on the bottom become racist.
The people on top, it's like joining a devil worshipper cult or something.
It all then becomes about what group you're in, and then you get little goodies because you're in that group.
And Lord, I know I probably had privileges in my life, because maybe I was good-looking, or maybe I was well-spoken, or I was white, whatever.
But there were times I had bad things happen to me because of how I looked.
I mean, I don't claim to be a Mr. Beach Boy today, but when I was 20, I mean, I was about as good looking as it got, and, man, men and women would be mean to me.
They would be angry, and it wasn't until I was older and got a little uglier, I was like, folks are nicer to me now, because I don't look like a Calvin Klein model anymore.
But see, you get young people all scared, thinking there's racism everywhere, and everybody's out to get them, and oh my gosh, and then they see stuff on TV, and there's a chip on their shoulder, and then they act like everybody's out to get them, and all this stuff's going on, and then pretty soon, yeah, people act weird towards you!
And the whole country's being turned into arrested development children that can be jacked over.
You look at cults, the followers are just a bunch of scared weirdos who think they follow the leader and do what they're told, they're somehow going to reach nirvana.
You must develop yourself.
You must go through the fire.
You must be tested.
That's what makes you strong.
But I went on a whole jag, and I'm sorry, I went on one of your calls, I went on a whole jag about Hillary and the South and the Dixiecrats and all the rest of it because I know who they are.
And I'm not even saying at the end of the day, all of them are evil or whatever, they're in their own cult.
But man, I just, being a white person in the South, I know how stuff really works.
And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that Republicans, voters, are usually Christian, middle class people, who are scared.
And not racist.
I mean, I don't think I've ever heard Republicans say racist things.
You get in a room with Democrats, it is the most God-awful thing you have ever heard in your life.
And it's just a sick joke to me.
I mean, this stuff is sick.
This is sick.
This is sick.
This is sick!
It is so sick that I have to sit here and watch these brainwashed idiots run around like morons, financed by George Soros, and I know I'm 100% right.
And I can't reach these people.
It's like beating your head up against a brick wall, but I know I'm reaching some people.
And if the establishment ever starts using the Republican Party as its takeover arm, I'll go after them.
Everybody knows that.
But I'm telling you right now, they're using the left worldwide for a takeover.
And they're not bringing in 5 million Muslims into Europe because they want to help them.
They are going to use those folks, and in the end, they're going to scapegoat them.
When they invade with the New Crusades and wipe out almost all those people.
And by the way, that's getting prepared.
I want to stop the invasion now so it doesn't get to that point.
I'm doing myself and them a favor.
I really look at the moral judgment of things and what is honorable under universal law.
And I morally shouldn't have to pay for people being brought here.
And I sure shouldn't have to pay when they're being made to be a political weapon.
And I sure shouldn't have to pay.
This is Islam in 60 seconds, okay?
And why it's not compatible in the West.
There isn't one Islamic country in the world that's tolerant of other people's religions and freedoms.
The most moderate are intolerant.
Almost all of them are radical and orthodox now and will kill you
The second or third time you're caught preaching the gospel.
They will imprison you the first time.
They will torture you the first time.
They will murder you the first moment you're caught in a homosexual act.
They treat women like dogs or lower.
They are incompatible and the social engineers know full well they are basically bringing space aliens into the West.
And before the New York Times says I believe, I'm saying they're the equivalent.
They are alien.
And they can be over there.
I'm sorry for their women.
My God, I hope they have a reformation.
Man, I hate... I mean, I love how the left acts like any white male in the West hates women getting ahead.
That's why they don't want you to ever have kids.
Because the big secret is, once a woman has sons and a man has daughters, if there was any weird stuff between the sexes before, there is no difference when it comes down to wanting everybody to get ahead and everybody to be successful and everybody to be fulfilled and be good in the eyes of God.
That's all I care about.
And I love how the state and stuff goes, oh, you ought to put your girls in a camp.
I went and looked at some of these camps they're pushing.
This is like hardcore feminist brainwashing.
Put chips on their shoulders.
They're going to teach your daughters what their identity is.
You just hand your kids over to induct them to a bunch of freaks who want to sabotage your sons and daughters.
The state and its systems wants to
Teach your children their identity?
Their identity comes from their culture, their parents, their genetics, their experiences, and their choices.
They will develop their identity, but you don't want to give them time because you're not a liberal!
You're a dirtbag, psychic vampire, piece of crap that can't deal in the society of men and women and real intellectual debate.
You have to sit there as adults jacking with kids.
Because you're perverts.
Even if you don't want to put the little kids in a bed, you want to psychically rape their brains.
Yes, I see you.
Let's go back to the phone calls.
Let's go fast now.
Robert in California, you're on the air.
God bless America, my friend.
God bless you, my friend.
Go ahead.
Yeah, anyway, it's a whole world scripted.
The whole planet's being consolidated into, you know, mass concentration camps.
They're just trying to put the mass populations in certain areas.
With arrogant spoiled brats running around like Krigley Puff, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
I've dealt with three presidents of the United States.
I've had clearances with the defense.
I've worked with U.S.-Russian intelligence, you know, relations and our projects together.
And as far as Hillary's concerned, that's my dealings with the White House.
It was basically, the Clintons were basically the Beverly Hillbillies in Washington, D.C.
It was bad.
It was trailer trash in the White House.
These people are completely...
She has mental issues.
She can't be president.
The thing is, I know their campaign, what they're going to do.
Hillary's going to do the stupid bra-less thing, you know, women voting for her, don't wear your bra.
I've read the script of what she's going to do, all her stupid crap.
I know Trump, I know his contacts, what he's involved in.
It's very scripted, but... Okay, okay, listen, listen, listen, listen.
I'll skip the break if you need me.
I mean, I'm not saying I believe you or don't believe you.
You sound like an incredible guy.
Are you saying Trump scripted in on it as well?
Um, it's a good possibility.
If he picks Sarah Palin, he's 100% shill.
Because I know Sarah Palin's ex on mobile contacts and how much money she's been giving in the funnel to him later on.
But it's a possibility.
If he picks her, the thing is, he needs a Hispanic male or a female VP to get in.
Because Hillary has the gay community, lesbian gay community, um, has every female in the country, uh, trendies.
That's a huge bait.
And Trump is, basically Trump confused people.
If you look at Caucasians, males, Caucasians, I mean, they look autistic.
They look like they're under some sort of brain-dead trance.
I mean, they're real... No, I agree, I agree, but let's expand on that.
Well, they're not getting this Valhalla they supposedly, you know, just get this magic wand.
Most of them are seeing society crumble around them.
They're seen as the most uncool thing on earth.
Yeah, on average, they are wandering around like zombies.
It's Arrested Development, it's the sports, it's all of it.
But, look, they're making it the racial and sexual component.
That's what Hillary's doing, and they're definitely going with that.
What do you think will happen if Hillary does get into office?
Well, the thing is, every country is going to laugh at us.
You have a woman running the United States of America, that in itself is a joke considering that no woman has run any major military offensive on this planet as long as we know for millions of years there is no evidence of this ever taking place, okay?
For one.
Russia has submarines right off the coast of California that have been there forever.
Enough firepower to wipe out this country.
I'm concerned, and I'm in contact with people within the United States, Russian people.
There are sleeper cells in Russia, and I have contact.
I've always had contact with U.S.
and, like I said, U.S.
and Russian relations.
They've worked in defense for a long time.
Well, let me expand on this, sir.
There's actually been quite a few times that there have been women actually over huge empires, and women have launched a lot of successful offensives and takeovers.
Have you heard of Queen Elizabeth?
Right, oh yeah, I know about this.
I'm not talking about modern-day warfare, you know, nuts, you know, medieval stuff.
My concern is women tend to actually start more wars historically.
Yeah, oh yeah, if you were to look at Queen Elizabeth and what, you know... Well, a lot of other ones, you know.
I mean, look at a bunch of women running the State Department right now.
They're a bunch of warmongers.
I know, it's crazy.
You're working on emotion, you're not working on logic.
We're going to break.
I'm not going to skip this break.
We're going to go ahead and go in here.
And then we're going to be back with more calls.
I appreciate your call, Robert.
Stay with us.
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By the way, there's a very powerful article that I'm going to spend a few minutes in the next hour talking with Anthony Gucciardi about.
Paul Watson's done the research.
I knew there was some problems with Mike Pence, kind of a mainline Republican, and maybe Trump signaling to the establishment, hey, I'm not that dangerous, let me in.
But they're still not giving him money, so it's pointless.
I don't go for Lester or two evils.
But Mike Pence would be a terrible choice for BP.
For Trump, that's the headline.
Paul Joseph Watson, governor of Indiana, supports stealth amnesty, TPP, NAFTA.
And then it just goes over, I remember Pence saying, calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
are offensive and unconstitutional.
So Pence has also shot his mouth off at Trump.
Trump said, if you're not gonna vet anybody and even check their IDs, which they are still not doing, and just bring them in, you gotta cut it off, it may just be a little while, until we have a system back in place.
Yeah, there's a gas leak.
Remember like eight, nine years ago, we had a gas leak in the kitchen.
I didn't need to go on the internet to know what to do.
I mean, I just knew growing up.
I'm not a rocket scientist.
I went and I turned the gas off at the side of the house.
I had a tool to do it.
Dug around the garage and got it.
And I was reading the other day that most people, you know, call the fire department or call a handyman.
But I really think that's what's happened.
More than anything, we are separated from the land.
We're separated from reality.
We're just separated from normal human behavior.
And so people can be really, really conned.
I think that's a big part of it.
And that's why they want to get us totally dependent.
Because there's a major global awakening happening, but there's a large portion of folks who are still dumbed down, and they believe if they can hold those people hostage politically, they'll be able to vote to checkmate the minority of us of every race, color, and creed who are bound by the fact that we are awake, sentient, conscious beings that want to be free, that want to be free-range humans.
That want to be free to do dangerous things like rock climbing or ultralight or space travel.
You know, the nanny state is about capturing humanity, turning us into Chinese princesses.
I don't see anybody else that uses those analogies.
I need to do a special video on don't let them turn you into a Chinese princess.
The Africans did it.
The Mesoamericans did it.
A certain extent, ancient Europeans did it.
The Japanese did it.
But they would bound women's feet where they couldn't walk.
It's a way to control your wife, you know, the queen.
Oh, you're so royal, you don't trim your fingernails, they're two feet long.
And African tribes, the rings around the women's necks, where if you took those rings off, they suffocate and die.
Everybody's like, ooh, you're a movie star, you know, your feet are bound, all this.
It's all, this has been done before.
It's what the nanny state is.
It's gotta stop.
Oh, but it's so stylish.
Liking Matt Damon, liking all this trendy stuff is just as dumb as deforming your feet.
Now, I'll tell you, a woman looks good in high heels.
Still not good for your feet, but not that destructive.
That is quite an invention.
I love the Lord's creation, so I'll just tell you right now, I'm red-blooded.
We're gonna go to break, come back and finish up with your calls.
Jonathan, and then we're gonna talk to, who else is up here?
Harmony, Zeke, Steve and Isaac.
I'm going to get to every single one of you.
I promise.
I'm talking about the VP pick.
Bam, bam, bam.
Is it really who they claim it is?
Mike Pence.
We're going to review some of that.
I'm going to print that article.
And then we're also going to be talking with Anthony Gucciardi as well as he takes over the broadcast.
And as I get ready to gear up, shoot special reports ahead of going to Cleveland this Saturday or this Sunday.
Oh, by the way, the special ends today, and it will end, it'll be over, on The Swearable Food.
We've extended it over a week.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
They call us walking cultures.
Unholy living dead.
They like to lock us up.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, the globalists say we're dead.
We're spiritually dead.
We don't have free will.
We don't exist.
Don't think so.
You're the ones that are dead.
You wouldn't be doing the things you're doing.
You're very cold and robotic.
Yeah, you call us walking corpses.
Unholy living dead.
They'd like to lock us up.
Put us in their pretty pants.
Well, you know what?
I don't think it does... I don't care.
I think I trust Donald Trump.
And it doesn't matter who he picks.
They're going to the Communist News Network.
They're going to dissect them.
They're going to say anything they've ever done.
We know how that works.
So I just encourage people that are supporting Trump
To realize that that's part of their plan.
He could pick Jesus.
Ma'am, ma'am, I hear what you're saying.
Sure, sure.
But Paul Watson, I know, is a good guy.
He's smart.
He just dug into the basics of Pence.
And Pence is pro-NAFTA, pro-GATT.
Trump is against that.
And all I'm saying is you're supposed to pick somebody that you agree with.
And Pence shot his mouth off a lot about Trump.
Now, all I'm saying is he's a lot better than Newt Gingrich.
Man, I hope it's him over Gingrich.
But I'm just saying, do you have any concerns about that?
Well, you know, sure I do.
I have concerns about everything.
But I will tell you this, I'm more concerned about Hillary Clinton
And, like the first caller, being worried about torture.
Oh, I'm absolutely... No, no, we know Hillary is true evil.
That's why the establishment's behind her.
I'm for Trump because the establishment is totally scared of him, but if he brings in a bunch of establishment people, he better watch his back.
I get it.
You know what, I pray for his safety because I know what you're saying and Alex, I agree with most everything you say.
Well ma'am, it's okay for you to disagree with me.
I get your point.
You know, the guy's like, well Trump wants to torture ISIS so he supports the cops torturing us.
No he doesn't.
I don't think so.
Boy, that shows Obama and Hillary are really bad news.
I mean, Obama knew ISIS and Al-Qaeda, that they funded to take over Syria, was going to kill every Christian they got their hands on.
I mean, that is cold-blooded.
I mean, Obama is a conscious murderer of Christians, and I knew it for sure.
We've got to find this clip.
We played it a few months ago.
I think the headline was,
He was laughing.
Talks about why we can't take only Christian refugees.
Well, it wasn't only.
He goes, oh, come on.
You know, everybody gets to get out.
Dodgers are Christians.
We're going to be fair.
He doesn't let Christians get out.
It's like 0.3%.
He knows that country was 27% Christian.
They're murdering him.
They're murdering him.
They're raping their daughters.
And he sits there and laughs.
He is evil, man.
That guy... I used to talk to people that know him, and I used to think, oh, he's not that bad.
He's just an ESPN guy.
He just likes to have a good time, you know.
And they're like, no, he's evil.
And now I realize that Obama... Obama wants to murder Christians.
Obama... I'm going to say that again.
Obama wants to murder Christians.
I appreciate your call.
He does murder Christians.
He directs the murder of him with that blood drinker, Hillary.
I mean, oh, I tell you, boy.
You sit around TV bragging about killing people?
You're a bloodthirsty piece of trash.
Anthony, what do you got coming up after the break?
The Free Syrian Rebels, too, don't forget about that.
Going around doing some heinous stuff in Syria.
Chopping heads off in village centers, reveling in it.
Well, we're going to talk about a bunch of stuff.
University students who are criticizing Black Lives Matter face death threats, even though they say, hey, it might not be a good thing.
China hacked U.S.
banking regulators, and the whole system is kind of a big joke.
70% of people say they have their incomes becoming stagnant.
We're going to talk about it straight ahead.
I think you need to check his mic.
It's a little bit low.
Be aware, but not there.
The hacktivist group Anonymous is now calling for nationwide Day of Rage protests on Friday, July 15th at 7 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time in a city near you.
The video by Anonymous does specify nonviolence and denounces the actions taken against police officers who were not involved in these recent deaths.
But with the tagline Day of Rage,
It's safe to expect emotions to be running very high on both sides of the line.
No matter how great your empathy might be for those who have unjustly lost their lives, these protests are not safe places to be.
If your home is in or near a major metropolitan area,
Be aware that your city could be under siege.
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This is Ashley Beckford with InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for more special reports.
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They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
Well, I'm gonna get eight.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm gonna finish.
I'm gonna stay on the ball.
Because fighting tyranny isn't just like having to actually stay on a bull.
It just means you gotta have the will to never give up.
Never give in.
And we will win because they always have to censor our free speech.
They always have to shut reporters off that expose Hillary and point out laws she supported and pushed for.
Mandatory sentencing on CNN because the truth will defeat them.
No matter how many fancy technologies they roll in, they're going to backfire on them every time, just like the internet has done.
Anthony Guttiardi is taking over in T-minus 10 minutes, 11 minutes from now.
An incredible article by Paul Watson.
I had some concerns about Pence, and Paul is here hoping that this is just Trump testing the waters.
That's not the word I have from Stone, that this is a leak.
And that it's not even known to be an accurate one.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
We'll find out, obviously, tomorrow at 11 a.m.
We'll be here covering it live, obviously, even before we go on the main show.
But this is an excellent article, and I'm going to your calls right after that.
He says, Reports that Mike Pence is set to be announced as Donald Trump's VP pick tomorrow have shut off alarm bells amongst many Trump supporters because of the governor's Indiana's pro-amnesty, pro-TPP advocacy.
Making Pence VP is seen by many as a way of calming establishment conservatives and uniting the GOP.
Although, why pandering to conservatives would have failed over and over again, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc.
is suddenly a good idea remains a mystery.
Here are more reasons why picking Pence doesn't make sense.
While Trump has promised to build a wall, Pence has been savaged by respected conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly for advocating stealth amnesty in the form of a guest worker program.
While Trump has campaigned against job-killing foreign trade deals, Pence vehemently supports NAFTA, CAFTA, and the TPP.
Pence voted for the Iraq War, which Trump was against, and opposed a withdrawal date even after it became apparent that U.S.
involvement in the country was a disastrous policy.
Pence once advocated conversion therapy for homosexuals, it just goes on, which is just saying that's going to really, that that isn't what Trump supports.
Pence is not a woman, picking a female would have completely neutralized Hillary Clinton's sole campaign platform, one bolstered by the media, which is the fact that Hillary has a you-know-what.
Hopefully the Pence leak is just the Trump campaign testing the waters before a final call is made.
60 seconds from Gucciardi, and I'm going right to Harmony, Steve,
Zach, Isaac, go ahead.
No, exactly.
Why pander to the establishment?
The whole point is that people are ready for something new.
They don't want the same old establishment system.
They want something clearly that Trump was for in the beginning, or now, currently, when he's talking about, hey, this system has failed.
Seventy percent say their incomes are stagnant.
Seventy percent also say that they hate the direction of the country.
Sixty percent of the people, if I recall properly, say they don't even like the government.
In general, in the past like 20 years.
It's much higher than that.
The latest is 70%, that's another poll, but 9% approval rating for Congress, absolutely Anthony.
Let's go to some of these phone calls.
We've got Alex in Mexico, just called in, but Anthony will probably get to you later.
I do want to talk to you though, former Bernie supporter as well.
It's just always cool to get calls from outside the country.
We've got Harmony in Virginia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, hey, how's it going?
Fine, thanks for calling.
Alright, so I totally agree with the last guy.
We should not have a woman president.
Now is just not the right time.
And two, not Hillary.
I have been against her from day one.
Never, never Hillary.
But I mean, why not have a woman president now?
I mean, if she was informed and a patriot and aware and had the knowledge.
I mean, women have been good leaders in history.
But right now when you've got her in bed with Muslims who, I mean... Oh, absolutely!
She's disqualified being in bed with the nastiest, nastiest shahadis.
But that's what I'm saying is Muslims, especially in other countries, are going to see it as, oh, we got America right where we want them.
They're going to... I'm not saying I feel that way about women.
No, no, I get it.
I understand.
You're saying from the perspective of the world.
Now, let me tell you, my son is a four-time vet.
He's an amputee, wounded warrior, he's still active duty, and he's deployable.
He was in the Invictus Games recently.
You know, here's the method to the madness with Pence, if it is in fact Pence.
That's what I'm saying.
And I think more of us believe this than you know.
We need strength.
We need men, real men, like my son.
We need them in charge.
We need them now more than ever.
It's the timing.
It has a lot to do with it.
And again, Hillary just not being the right person for any job.
Now, I have worked for men and I've worked for women.
I will work for a man any day.
Women in power, you know, there's no guarantee.
Well, on average, they are more vindictive.
They're looking out for you.
There's a lot of other issues.
I mean, there's a reason in history things kind of shake out the way they do.
All I know is...
Hey Alex, I just want to make a comment here regarding Donald Trump.
When he first came out and said that he was running for president, to be honest with you, I've been all for it with his past reputation of building his business.
He's a successful businessman.
He's obviously smart, intelligent.
Yeah, I want businessmen.
I want businesswomen.
I want engineers.
I want doctors.
I want scientists.
I want farmers.
We've got 90% lawyers.
That's enough.
Exactly, and then with Trump, he would make the perfect, he seems like the perfect role model for anyone that aspires in business and wants to create their own.
Sure, so what do you think of the VP pick?
What do you think of the VP pick?
I mean, do you think it's real?
Anyone but Newt would, you know, anyone but Newt.
I'm concerned now about Pence.
With the concerns that you raised earlier regarding his connections, and that concerns me.
That's my point, actually.
When Trump first came out, it seems like a perfect fit.
He's a great negotiator.
He's intelligent.
However, I've seen things along the way, little hints, drops of hints, that just are concerns.
I'm sure they've come up as red flags for you too.
Absolutely, absolutely.
I mean, the establishment's hate of him is real, but is it because he's an outsider who hasn't been in their club and they're just afraid he's going to steal their quarry, steal their kill?
I mean, that could be the problem.
It could be.
There's just a lot of concerns that are coming out that obviously... Well, voice some of those.
The forgiveness statement, I remember that one.
That one threw up a red flag.
I mean, honestly, where he says, you know, I don't believe, you know, I need to be forgiven for anything.
He didn't admit it.
Okay, that's cool.
It's, you know, I let, you know, that was the first.
The second was the waterboarding, the torture statement, and, you know, the wall, he, I don't really take that as racist.
I'm going to be honest with you, that is not a racist statement.
I never took it that way.
Thank you Alex.
I'm a long time listener.
First time caller.
And my kids love the Propeer.
I'll get that off my back.
Thank you for your support, sir.
The stuff you purchase at Infowars store, it makes it all possible.
Thank you.
Okay, well, I agreed with a lot of what Bernie had to say, and one of the big things, I think, is if he wanted to deschedule marijuana for cannabis, and I think if Trump were to come out
That's a great point.
They should decriminalize it.
They've still got hemp banned.
You can smoke an 18-wheeler of it and not get a buzz.
I mean, why is that banned?
Because it competes with polyester.
Yeah, I just think, you know, you guys talk about the war on drugs and how unconstitutional that is, and I think that if Trump were to come out and just state that he would end the
Prohibition on cannabis?
Sure, sure.
But I mean, will you hold your nose and vote for Trump?
Or will you jump off a cliff and vote for Hillary?
I mean, she is the corporate candidate.
She is the warmonger.
She stole the votes from the Bernie people.
I mean, Trump all the way.
So you are Trump all the way?
Well, please reach out to the Bernie supporters.
Do you talk to other Bernie supporters?
And if so, what's the sentiment?
What's the sentiment?
Well, you know, I'm up in northeastern Minnesota here and things are quite progressive up here, you could say.
Or maybe not.
But yeah, I think there's not a whole lot of good things that people have to say about Trump up here.
Yeah, I mean, it's... Alright, we'll start talking to him, brother, because, I mean, he's not perfect, but he's one of our only shots at trying to really give the globalists a black eye here, and we've got the situation with the Brexit.
I mean, this is a protest vote.
Enough Clintons, enough Bushes.
I don't know who I'd hate more, a Hillary or a Jeb.
I just... Hillary's, like, was... The Clintons were a leaving, a dropping of the Bushes.
I mean, it's just, there's no way, it's like herpes.
You just cannot get rid of these people.
It gives me a headache thinking about who I dislike more.
I think it's probably Hillary.
She's just such a witch, that Joker thing.
At least Jeb acts like he's humble, but you know, it's kind of like a serial killer.
He's trying to act like he's nice, but you know.
But with Hillary, it's just full-on, like when the vampire, you know, transforms in Fright Night.
Oh, you think that's scary?
I mean, it's Hillary.
By the way, people say she doesn't project strength to the Middle East.
Everybody's scared of her.
And that's dangerous when people got nukes.
The Russians are scared of her.
And for a good reason.
She's dangerous.
She's a lunatic.
Let's talk to Zeke in California.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
That would be me.
Go ahead.
I appreciate it.
I just want to preface my statements by saying I've been listening to you for so many years, I can't even keep track how far back it goes.
But I did want to take a second to address the Trump situation and asking people that were Bernie supporters whether or not they were going to jump to Trump.
And I'm not one of those people.
I'm not going to jump to Trump.
Just real quick, because I don't even know where to begin really.
I think if Trump was really sincere about his Make America Great Again thing and if he was really about empowering America,
He would have set up some type of industrial enterprise here in the states and he's been outsourcing labor and having stuff built all over.
His argument is it's so unfair and everything's so expensive I can't do it, it won't work.
And I've experienced it where I do Made in America and then people hardly buy it because it costs 30-40% more.
And so I'm kind of in that position where, I mean, we wouldn't exist if we weren't buying it from Mexico or whatever, but I hear you.
He could do a national push, have an industrial zone or something, get investors.
That'd be a great idea.
So you don't think there's any action behind his talk?
No, not at all.
I think he's playing people like waving a raw steak in the faces of a blindfolded, hungry individual.
And then I'm not all in your pockets.
I don't know how much you have in the bank, but him as a billionaire, you could easily set up some type of industrial enterprise, have a construction team or something like that.
And then in the bigger picture... Well, I think he'd argue that he builds golf courses and hotels and apartment buildings and businesses here in America.
He does mainly invest in the United States.
I mean, come on now, the people on golf courses, I'm talking about the bread and butter of America.
I know, brother, but you understand service economy like that is what actually creates the mid-level tier jobs.
I mean, that's... I mean, Trump has produced a lot in the country.
Well, again, a golf course versus, like, construction teams, the people that are supporting them, I think he's playing them the same way Arnold Schwarzenegger played everybody here in California.
Oh, I hear you.
Well, I knew Schwarzenegger was bad.
Oh, my God.
That guy was behind the, in Ron, everything, I tell you.
And I hated Gray Davis, but it was just, like, total setup.
No, no, no, I hear you.
So, so, will you be supporting Hillary or Trump?
I mean, I would have to hold my nose and check a box for Hillary, even though, like you just said, the Bushes and the Clintons, we sick of all of them.
I mean, they're not socialists.
Zig, Zig, I love you and I appreciate you listening.
I appreciate the call, but hands down, Hillary is probably, other than maybe LBJ, one of the most dangerous, racist, demonic people you could ever imagine.
Donald Trump is all about Donald Trump.
But he wants to be the turnaround guy that makes America great again.
He's an egomaniac for real.
And I just, there's a reason they're scared of him.
He didn't have to get us.
And he's super honest.
Yeah, I make my ties in Mexico.
I'm not against Mexico.
I can make them for a tenth the price.
You can't do stuff in America.
I want to change that.
Mexico's screwing us over.
I make stuff in Mexico!
I explain it to people.
Here, buy the Made in America shirt.
It's $25, because it cost me, you know, $12, $13, $14, depending on the shirt.
Or I can buy one in Mexico for $4.
And then I can sell them to you for $9 or $5.
I just, and the people, you vote.
You control me.
You vote with your dollars.
I try to be the most moral person I can be.
But I find it very refreshing.
The Trump is honest about that and I'm not defending any of this.
I'm really concerned about this Pence thing and the amnesty and the open border and the NAFTA and the TPP.
TPP, I mean, he better come out and say he's firmly behind Trump and everything if this is actually true.
I've got to go.
I want you to take these calls from Alex in Mexico and Greg and PA and others.
I've got a meeting I've got to go to.
I wish I could listen to the show.
We obviously have a special that ends today, and it will end today, will end today, on the storable foods, all the other specials at the end.
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And Anthony, I'm going to segue to you now with, I don't know your view yet, this just broke when I was on air and you were getting ready.
You heard me read Watson's article, Mike Pence would be a terrible choice for Trump's VP.
I agree, unless you're talking about Gingrich.
I mean, Gingrich, if he comes out and endorses Gingrich, I'm going to have a mini heart attack.
The politicians have turned so bad, I almost expect it.
You know, if that's the case, at least I can start unloading on Trump before he gets in, and I won't feel guilty, but I don't think that's going to happen.
I think Trump's for real overall.
What do you think, Anthony?
Well, you know, I think it's sad.
You think about that caller that called in, and what do we talk about?
We talk about how people say, oh, I want Hillary just because she's a woman.
Then that caller, not attacking her, you know, but she says, I don't think we're ready for a woman to lead.
And I hear so many people just say these statements about just the most elementary level stuff.
They don't talk about any of the details or anything.
And we're talking about, you know, the VP pick.
You're reading an article, Watson wrote a really good one, about what this guy supports.
But instead, on the news, when I was in there getting ready, I hear the news people say things like, well, I don't know if he's strong enough.
I don't know.
I don't know if he's a strong enough person.
Like, what does that even mean?
They never bring up real issues.
It's just nothing.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
It's just meaningless.
It's like, his hair looks good, though.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, I don't know if he's fit enough to lead.
They don't talk about his actual opinions or his policies.
Leading means you take us in a good direction that's moral, constitutional, and you can get the people behind it.
That's leadership.
I mean, I would totally vote for a woman.
I'm sure you would, too, if she was actually a good candidate and had our best interest in mind and wasn't an establishment puppet.
I would vote for her in one second.
I think it would be amazing because then we could get behind a woman and it would be, oh, a woman or whatever.
It's a joke when you bring it down to gender.
It doesn't matter which gender it is.
I get her point, though.
If it was from that perspective, you'd be totally right.
I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong, but I get the perspective.
From the perspective of we don't need a woman because they're not smart, I get you.
What she's saying is with the Muslim countries and stuff, they'll see that as weak.
I get what she's saying, but I wasn't even specifically talking about her.
I'm saying the overarching thing of these people debating based on ridiculous facts.
No, I hear you.
Anthony, I'm handing the baton to you.
N4's Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Please continue.
Alright, thanks Alex.
You know, it's... I got a stack of news.
And it's one of those times where there's so much going on, there's so much craziness going on.
Everyone's talking about Donald Trump's VP and everything like that, which we're going to talk about a little bit too.
But there's other news coming out, and it's just as important because sometimes when all the craziness is going on, we miss some of the good stuff, right?
We miss some of the gems.
So, here we have Kerry, you guys may have already heard about this, U.S.
will welcome a target of 10,000 Syrian refugees, okay?
Of course, everyone's already talked about the vetting process being a failure, but that's fine.
The target is 10,000.
And instead of debating it, instead of debating the whole refugee situation, I wanted to remind you of something.
And that is that Saudi Arabia, we've talked about this many, many times, has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty.
Still, they won't take in Syrian refugees.
I mean, there are tents sitting there.
No one is in them.
Not a single soul.
They're perfectly preserved, they're clean, they're air-conditioned.
From the Washington Times it says, Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrians fleeing conflict in their homeland.
It was revealed this weekend that the country has over 100,000 empty air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees.
So, I wanted to bring that up again because I see celebrities and others speaking out and saying we need to bring in the refugees.
It's a very sad situation.
You know, it is a sad situation.
It's a very, very sad situation.
But why are we not publicly calling on other countries like Saudi Arabia with 100,000 air-conditioned tents that are empty that can fit 3 million refugees with ease, and it's way closer, it's not going to result in coming over to the United States.
Saudi Arabia is a much more congruent nation as opposed to the refugees, which many of them have reported to have been, you know, extremists that wanted to kill people in the United States.
But, no, rather guilt people and say that we're bad for not taking in Syrian refugees, right?
So, also wanted to hit on this, China likely hacked U.S.
banking regulator report fines.
And it's interesting because, this is from Reuters, it didn't just happen.
They're just finding out the Chinese government likely hacked computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 2010, 2011, and 2013, according to a congressional report on Wednesday that cited an internal investigation by a banking regulator.
This is an issue because we don't understand the true depths of our infrastructure that has been completely compromised and hacked into at every level.
And, you know, it sounds spooky sometimes, like a hacker, like there's someone in a, you know, a suit, like, hacking with all these cool screens and stuff.
It's actually much, much more simple than that oftentimes.
It's oftentimes that someone very important
Uh, has a terrible password and someone can grab it from them using a keylogger or something and access everyone's information.
This happens to corporations all the time.
Our information is not as secure as we think.
When the nuclear launch codes are 0000 also, you know, it raises some red flags.
But I will be back.
This is the 4th Hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And we're going to play a special report that Alex did yesterday that is very, very powerful.
A lot more coming up.
Stay tuned.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi and yesterday I shot a video with Alex, or rather Alex shot a video and I joined in.
And it was a great analysis on Black Lives Matter.
It was probably the best one that I've seen and been a part of.
And specifically, it's not just attacking so-called Black Lives Matter and the ideology, it breaks down the ridiculousness of what's going on and how it's really just a symptom of the raw deal that we've been served as a country.
And it's a symptom of the political correctness attack on ideology and just a whole slew of stuff.
So we're going to go ahead and play this video and then I'm going to come back and take some more calls and talk about some more news.
President Obama had a special visitor today.
They had a photo op, but then almost all the three-hour meeting was behind closed doors.
No, he wasn't meeting with the head of state.
He never meets with them for three hours.
Hell, not even the Pope for three hours.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it was the head of Black Lives Matter.
And of course the head of Black Lives Matter, another community organizer like Obama, lives in a home paid for by George Soros.
By George Soros Open Society Foundation Minions.
So he's bought and paid for in a house with people that are high level minions of the Open Society.
Thank you.
McKesson, one of the group's most prominent figures, joined several other Black Lives Matter leaders at the White House to bring up concrete action the president can take in order to appease its members.
And it goes on from there.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't about police brutality.
It isn't about some of the wrongful shootings that happened that we're totally against.
I'm the guy that wrote books on the police state.
I'm the guy that made films about it.
And I wanted to stop the police from being globalized and federalized.
And being tools of tyranny.
But now it's about federalizing them.
It's about the U.N.
running them.
It's about breaking them to bring in global control locally under the Strong Cities Initiative.
This whole thing is synthetic from the big megacorporations on down to control society and to create a civil war in this nation.
I was the first to use that term.
Now it's all over the news and you better believe
That while President Obama is meeting with this guy and other leaders of Black Lives Matter, government Soros funded, Justice Department pulling the strings, it's about creating civil unrest to make everything in America about race, not about real economic or cultural issues that matter.
Because now America, on average, is more than, quote, half minority.
And they've got the white liberals that will vote, however, as long as you say it's racial.
This is about ending thinking in politics and going all racial, which they claim they were always against.
This is the political correctness takeover.
This is their full push.
This is happening in public schools everywhere.
This is their horribly racist plan.
They're planning civil unrest coming up at the RNC and DNC and right of the election.
This is an attempt to destabilize this country.
It's very dangerous.
The very same globalists, proto-globalists, did this in 1917 in Russia, 1949 in China.
They mean business.
And it is scary that those cops weren't even cold Friday morning in Dallas.
And many of those were fighting for their lives, and Obama said, we need to reform the police, that's what happened.
And Hillary said, white folks need to listen up!
As if some white person working a job has something to do with some cop that shoots somebody in the back.
This is about selling race war in America, and this is directed by the so-called federal government that's above the law.
You better believe this country and this world's in trouble.
Now let's get up and go on over here, and let's talk to
Joe Biggs, Infowars.com reporter, with Anthony Guciardi, and get their takes on what we're facing and what we're dealing with.
Joe Biggs.
Well, just think about this.
Four days ago, DeRay McKesson was arrested in Baton Rouge protesting.
Then a couple days later was...
The funeral for the Dallas police officers who died in that horrendous attack.
And then 24 hours later, you have DeRay McKesson, the head of Black Lives Matter, in the White House meeting privately with President Obama, a man who lives in a home, like he said, by two philanthropists, James and Robin Wood, out of Baltimore.
And they are on the board of the George Soros Foundation Open Society Institute.
And he gave $35 million to Black Lives Matter alone just for Ferguson.
Understand, this is all by design.
This is a green light with Facebook and Google and everybody saying Black Lives Matter and don't say All Lives Matter, remember?
And scratching that off the board.
This is the signal for the weirdo communist rebellion that will then be administered by billionaires offshore who are tax-exempt.
Of course the billionaires offshore want to raise taxes under a Hillary thing to take our money and give it to them in a bank or bailout.
With a bunch of useful idiots burning their own neighborhoods down.
Sorry, go ahead, Bex.
I mean, Netanyahu can't even go get a meeting with Obama, but you have a guy right now who's making $165,000 from the Baltimore school district.
That's a lot of money.
This guy's making $165,000, being given a home to live into by George Soros and his board members to go out and start civil unrest.
They're going to be at the RNC and they're going to be at the DNC.
We've seen emails, we've seen different reports where these guys are protesting, they're planning
Huge amounts of people to come out, show up, and disrupt the RNC.
And I'm going to say this right now.
The globalists have miscalculated.
You think you're going to intimidate free speech and intimidate Americans by coming out and threatening people and threatening folks?
I'm coming there.
I'm going to be on the street every day.
And just because you're backed up by George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, who just overthrew Ukraine, just because you think you're God, this isn't Egypt, this isn't Libya, this isn't Syria, no, this is America.
And you're going to find out, you little bastards, and you're filthy handlers, exactly what America stands for, because we're non-violent.
Until you start it.
But your time is coming to an end, filth.
And the elite think that they're in control.
They're elite maggots that think they would pull this crap in our country.
Obama pushing total racial division and race war and killing random police.
God help us.
This is a criminal force we're dealing with.
And I'm calling for everyone throughout government, corporations, private life, everywhere, to resist this enemy with every legal means necessary.
But take the gloves off.
In the info war, we're going
Green light here.
Fire at will in the info war, folks.
It's about the balkanization, where cops are going up there to protect people's free speech by groups won by the White House that want to kill cops.
I mean, this is the takedown of America by a bunch of goddamn Benedict Arnolds!
But what's been going on?
What's been leading up to this?
Al Sharpton, Obama, all calling for the federalization of police.
We're going to have two huge events where we have paid protesters coming in to spark civil unrest.
They're going to say local police can't do this, and they want to bring in federalized police, and then it's going to be martial law all over the place.
Civil emergency.
It's all a big demonstration.
And when that happens, Obama can go for a third term.
And I'm telling you, I used to hear this years ago, I thought, I'll never try it.
God, who knows?
They got a bunch of social justice warriors that want to see anybody that's a libertarian or patriot fricking hung!
I mean, they hate free speech, they hate everything!
A bunch who live in this free, open country, who had ever worked a day in their lives,
They don't even care that Bernie Sanders voters had all their votes stolen.
They just don't care.
They are immoral trash.
But think about this.
Ohio is an open carry state.
Without a permit, you can go in and open carry.
And now the new Black Panther Party, which is known as a terrorist organization, is coming out there with machine guns, with sawed-off shotguns, with all this.
They've openly come out and said they're going to be coming out there.
Are they going to be attacked for having guns?
Is this going to be an opportunity to use as a false flag, to blame it on the right-wingers, so to say?
It's going to be interesting.
I'm telling you, this week coming up is going to be the most intense time in years.
I'll tell you right now, I'm not scared.
I am excited to be able to join the ranks of our forebears that stood up against tyrants and bullies and trash and against the British Empire and against the Mexican dictator Santa Ana.
I am so honored to stand against the hordes of Mordor.
And just the trash.
And I ask all Americans, whether they're race, color, or creed, that stand for free speech to the First Amendment, to understand this is your chance to be involved in an epic battle for the Republic.
Because let me tell you, they're not just beta testing communist overthrow now.
This is globalist, mega-bank run, communist doctrine.
They are thinking about going operational with a full overthrow of the country.
I mean Obama turning the lights off, folks.
I mean, coming after the guns, huge inner-city populations starving to death, and just demanding martial law, creating total race war.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Think about all the Bernie or Bus people, the people that donated.
And that's why they need to make some type of racial issue early on in the Trump deal and some type of riot.
And the word is, from Roger Schoen and others, and we also have this from the police.
I'm going to stop right there.
This is the breaking news.
We already knew this was happening.
It's happening now.
When Hillary wanted to demonize Bernie, she would have people attack Trump in Bernie outfits.
They're going to have people in Bernie outfits attack Trump supporters and free speech supporters, anybody who's white, to make it racial.
Because it's okay if you're another color and you're like, white, that's all right.
To make it where Bernie supporters see the fight and the clash and just think, there's a clash between Bernie, Bernie's already thrown the towel in, there's a clash between Bernie and the Trump, I'm against Trump, be nice to my Bernie, because let me tell you, I'm Bernie, listen to you, listen, Bernie will tell the truth now.
What happened here is I was sold out to Hillary many years ago.
Never worked till I was 40.
I promise you all these free goodies because we want you dependent.
I told you not qualified.
Warmonger, Goldman Sachs, biggest corporate candidate ever.
The truth is I sold you out.
Now I think you're dumb.
We're going to have our people dressed up like they support me.
Think about all the money though that Hillary would have not gotten.
Going out and campaigning.
The amount of money that they use, Bernie, they use Bernie as a pawn, I think, to get money from these groups of people who would have never given money to Hillary, knowing the endgame would be that he would, you know, pass- A war chest for Trump!
Give out, and then use that more money to go against Trump, because that's all we've seen in the mainstream media, is how everyone is attacking him, using this racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic narrative, non-stop, shoving it down people's throats.
And every time I go out on the street and ask people, why don't you like Trump?
It's the same thing.
Sex is racism.
They want to feel good, though.
They're taught.
You're good as long as you declare this.
No, you're being taught this so anybody that wants freedom can have this projected on it, and then you just piss your pants and say you can't support it.
Anthony Gucciardi.
No, exactly.
It's sad.
Once again, the media is hijacking everything.
They hijack the narrative.
They tell you that you're supposed to care about things.
They bring up the whole race issue.
They bring up all of this.
The truth is, I don't think people are buying it.
I'm not buying it.
And what's funny is, I do think black lives matter, and I think everyone in this room knows that black lives matter.
But the issue is, that when you say all lives matter, then you're racist.
That is absolutely absurd, it's completely mentally ill.
If I was a doctor, looking at this society, this country, as the media shows it, I would declare it completely mentally ill.
To say it's racist to say all lives matter, like Martin Luther King, is taking not being racist and saying it's racist.
You're a genius!
So, it's mental illness at the highest degree.
Have you ever talked to a crazy person before?
They'll just say the opposite, you know?
You come up to them, how are you doing?
Stop being mean to me!
Just totally mentally ill.
I'd like to work this out with you.
Shut up!
Yeah, this society is mentally ill.
It is deeply, deeply mentally ill.
But the good thing is, I don't think people are buying into it.
Just look at the political correctness BS.
The Redskins, right?
Oh, the Redskins!
So many Native Americans are being offended by this team, okay?
Maybe even as offensive, but guess what?
96% said they weren't offended by it.
Of natives?
But look, look, exactly, so let me ask you this question, Anthony.
What are they thinking then?
Because it isn't working in the real world, in their own weird cult programming, though they keep doubling down.
What are they doing?
70% of Americans say they are pissed off and angry about this country and where it's heading.
Over 60% say that it's never going to get better.
Like, the stats are insane.
There's 19 stats you can look up.
Like, 50% of Americans just hate everything.
People are depressed.
People are angry.
People are frustrated.
They hate the system.
So what the media does is they have a unique opportunity.
They have the opportunity to funnel all that hatred and anger, which is actually against the establishment where everyone bought into it and lost.
They got the raw deal.
They ordered a steak.
They got a bloody chunk of meat.
They got the raw deal.
So the media then takes that unfiltered rage and hatred and puts a magnifying glass on these little micro-issues.
It's all a distraction.
We get drawn into it though.
We have to cover it instead of all the other stuff.
We get your honesty, which is funny, because we have to talk about it.
But now, oh, it's Black Lives Matter versus police versus white people.
And the average childlike person, the average liberal, arrested development, thinks they're an intellectual.
I mean, literally, it's like make-believe, like they're Wonder Woman or Superman.
They're not.
They just think because it's being covered, they're getting attention, they're winning.
When instead, total balkanization is being created, and it's legitimizing a police state, they're going to bring in.
It's going to make you want the one you just lost.
You know, it is very, very sad.
The truth is, I think black lives do matter, as I said in that video, and as we all agree.
But I also think all lives matter, and if I'm a racist for saying that, that is a very, very absurd, disgusting state of affairs.
And the point that I'm trying to make, and the point that Alex, I believe, is making in that video, is that this is a very, very sad
I don't know.
Many times in my life.
I went to Utah, went up to the NSA, if you guys remember years ago, and they basically said their dog was going to rip my testicles off and eat them, and that I'm lucky the dog didn't get me because he was hungry.
So I've had cops mistreat me, and there's real discrimination.
There really, really is.
There's real racism.
But it's not about white people versus black people, cops versus whatever.
That is an insane division and we're falling for it if we let the media and the so-called establishment hijack the narrative to where it's all about race-baiting.
It's all about just how we're bad, okay?
And now in kindergarten they say, this is a black person, this is a white person, and the kids are like, what?
I don't even notice the difference.
This is a black person.
It's absurd.
That's real racism.
I'm against real racism.
I think all lives do matter.
I hate the division and I'm tired of it and it's stupid.
We need to go back to preschool and relearn some ethics and understanding of what racism really is.
And we'll talk a little bit more about trigger warning in the next segment too.
I have some things to say on that.
But first we're going to blitz through one more call.
Alex in Mexico says he's an ex-Bernie Sanders supporter.
What is on your mind?
You've got about 30 seconds.
Uh, hello.
Well, I used to, um... Well, first, let me say that Hillary Clinton is a very dangerous person for the whole world.
And I think she would just eat her young.
And I used to support Bernie because he was against TPP, which completely erases sovereignty of nations.
And the last days I've been hearing Trump speak,
And he's against, I think he's against TPP.
And what I like about Trump is that he wants to cancel NAFTA.
That actually is seen as a good move.
Right on.
We'll talk about it as soon as we get back and have some thoughts about Bernie as well.
And here are your points, 100%.
We'll be right back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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We are back.
And I apologize to the caller.
We don't have much time at all and I wanted to hit on a few points.
But just to address your point, you were talking about being an ex-Bernie Sanders supporter.
And you said, you know, it seemed like you support a lot of things he did or stood for, but obviously there were some issues.
I think that a lot of what Bernie stood for was good, okay?
Not in the economic sense, but he was against NSA spying.
He was against a lot of the so-called intrusive federal government acts that were going on, which is kind of funny, right?
Because everyone talks about how he's for big government like that.
But I can see the appeal of the Bernie
I could see the appeal.
It's anti-establishment in many regards.
It's just the little things that people don't notice because everyone loses themselves to the details as always, as we've talked about.
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But the BioPQQ, the science behind it is absolutely 100% absurd.
What I wanted to talk about now, though, is, you know, The Atlantic had a pretty good piece called The Coddling of the American Mind, and it talks about things like trigger warnings, talks about the political correctness.
You know, college campuses, people are so offended.
You see, they have higher quality problems now.
If we were to look back in history, the problems have shifted.
You see, it used to be that you were working in a coal mine, and your number one concern was getting black lung, or not having enough money for food, and that your family could die.
You could lose your life because you weren't working enough, and you weren't making enough money, and you could get black lung in the coal mines, or the breaker boys sorting through the coal and inhaling it all in their lungs.
Well now, our problems are that our feelings were hurt from someone's microaggression in school.
Or that you saw something online that offended you.
That is our quality of problem now.
And I wanted to show some images just to remind us.
Guess what?
You don't have problems if you're offended by microaggressions and you feel like you were triggered by something someone said.
You don't have problems.
Real problems are sitting in a trench, afraid that you're going to die, getting trench foot, where your foot is rotting off, you have to rip your boot off, and it looks like a disgusting mass on your foot is growing.
And the most painful thing you can imagine.
Real problems are living in a situation where you're fearful for your life, where you're starving, where you are being abused deeply.
Talk about the article I saw today where they found 38 slaves who were being abused and chained and tied up.
In some country in Europe.
I mean, we're not experiencing real problems when we talk about and cry about the microaggressions.
And I talk to people in my daily life and they say, I need a safe space, this is offending me, this is not just jokes, people say this kind of stuff.
And I just want to remind them, the images you're seeing on screen, World War II, World War I, the coal miners of the 19th century, those people faced real problems.
There's still many real problems in the world today, but these are not real problems.
These are nitpicking, high-quality problems, the most absurd level of sloth that we have reached, where we can lounge around and cry about microaggressions, because guess what?
There aren't other problems to complain about when you don't look at the real issues.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, this is the Alex Jones Show, and thank you so much for watching.
Alex will be back tomorrow from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Please don't get triggered between now and then, and remember you don't have real problems if that is your issue.
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