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Filename: 20160609_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 9, 2016
3599 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics such as mainstream media manipulating information, independent media gaining influence, billionaires developing space infrastructure technology, social justice warriors lacking understanding of global events, increasing surveillance and control over society, designer drugs becoming more available in society, Trump's potential win in the presidency, Larry Nichols discussing Hillary's goddess-like image and involvement in scandals, presidential race coverage, Infowarsstore offering products like Living Defense, events related to Bilderberg meetings including arrests during protests, aggressive harassment of protesters by police, the internet revolutionizing journalism, Matt Drudge's prediction of mainstream media decline, citizen journalists breaking stories suppressed by traditional media, and the need for public involvement in responsible development and use of new technologies like human-animal chimeras.

The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
During the broadcast yesterday, I watched DrugsReport.com, and there was this image of Hillary Clinton, the glowing goddess.
And I started reading news articles about it, and the more I looked at it, and the more I read the transcript of what she said in her little victory speech, the more it was emblematic of how they are selling her as if she is messianic.
And I noticed that CNN literally added a golden filter to her and made her shine like a god and then blurred out the background and then like Sauron in the last of the Hobbit trilogy, burns with flame.
It is bizarre.
And it's completely and totally emblematic of how they are selling her as the savior.
I remember, when we have clips of my film, The Obama Deception, made eight years ago, or seven and a half years ago, they were calling him the Messiah, or the black Jesus, and that he was going to deliver everyone.
All he did was, well, under his tutelage, double black unemployment, the rate it had previously been.
So as I've said, if that is any indication of what
You don't win in your own life when you're successful.
You don't win in your own life when your family's successful.
You don't win in your own life when your nation's successful.
You don't win in your own life when the infant mortality rate goes down.
It's actually exploding.
No, you win in your life when someone else than Hollywood and the spin machine has told you is a god, who is a savior.
When they have great success, you supposedly live vicariously through them.
And this is the very nature, historically, of cults.
Thank you, Nico, I've misplaced my paper.
Newsbusters are the folks that first pointed it out.
CNN depicts history-making Hillary Clinton as a, quote, golden god.
They said she looked like a golden god.
And of course, they're the ones that added the filter to it, because we went to the DNC video.
I'm going to be filing a special report for The Nightly News on this tonight.
Maybe we'll even do it later live on the radio slash TV show here.
But the real feed, that didn't happen.
They just premeditated this with her in this Princess Leia goddess outfit.
Joseph Campbell, the archetypal goddess.
But that's not Princess Leia there, ladies and gentlemen.
That's more like Emperor Palpatine in drag.
And then she just... And then leans back, receiving it like out of some cult movie.
Falsehdoom and his mountain of power.
Go forth, my children.
The day of doom is at hand.
Go out into the world and burn it with the great cleansing of Hillary and the great goddess.
Cleanse the earth with blood.
Our sacred goddess of death, Kali.
I mean, this is like something out of a science fiction slash horror film, where they're electing a cult demon, an antichrist, Linda Blair, complete with... I can't even do it!
I can try to make the most evil smile I can, and I can't catch it when she leers down and goes,
We'll be back with our new Lord and Savior.
Remember, we want to welcome our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
Remember Jamie Foxx?
Well, now this is even more disgusting.
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was held in strict secrecy, and at the end of the proceeding, citizens gathered outside Independence Hall to learn what had been produced behind closed doors.
While Benjamin Franklin was leaving the hall, a lady asked him, Well, Doctor, what have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
To which he responded, A republic, if you can keep it.
But today, not only have we lost a republic, but most people don't even know what a republic even is.
For one thing, a republic is not a democracy.
The republic operates under the rule of law which protects individual liberties so that the majority cannot take away the rights of the minority.
Under a republic, the government and its citizens all abide by the same laws regardless of political power or lack thereof.
Democracy, on the other hand, only leads the mob rule fueled by the unrestrained whims of the public.
In a democracy, the individual or any groups of individuals composing the minority have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority.
It is a case of majority over man.
In other words, under democracy, two wolves can vote to eat the sheep for dinner.
But under a republic, the sheep's right to life is protected by the rule of law.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
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I've been working all day.
I took a couple hours off coaching basketball.
I get in here at 830.
I was kind of run down.
You know, I just didn't feel like I was going to make it.
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You will find Brain Force and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong.
A new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
Oh my gosh!
It's in CNBC today.
It's in the London Guardian today.
It's in the London Independent today.
It's in a whole bunch of other U.S.
It's crazy!
Ten years ago, when DrugsReport.com started linking to InfoWars.com articles with photos and videos of helicopters, marines, army, you name it,
guarding Bilderberg group meetings here in the US and overseas and Drudge linked to it the quote mainstream media that is the Decepticon state-run globalist run media the dinosaur media now the on its last legs media the hanging on by its fingernails media they came out and said Matt Drudge has gone over the edge he's gone completely insane he's over because he would dare
Link to Infowars.com and the schizophrenic beliefs of Alex Jones.
The New York Times came out and said eight years ago at this very time of year when Obama and Hillary were caught secretly meeting in the Bilderberg meeting where she decided to step down and quit contesting.
The New York Times, you can go read the article, said that I was having a full-on schizophrenic event
That I was mentally ill at a Marriott Conference Center in Chantilly, Virginia, and was imagining men in black sunglasses and suits and cars following us.
We just all had it on tape, them detaining us, helicopters, checkpoints, Secret Service with submachine guns, pointing them at us as they drove by.
All of it on HD video, even eight years ago, and they said it didn't exist.
Of course now the last four or five they've had to admit it exists but make fun of it.
Now if you read the articles they say they control Europe.
They don't want to allow the Brexit, the British exit from the Euro.
They want to destroy Trump.
They want a planetary regime and a global carbon tax and to censor the internet.
And Drudge Reports, bigger than ever, undisputed number one news aggregate site in the world, with more news traffic than Facebook and the New York Times combined.
And Facebook has over 2 billion users.
Thousands of articles later, Drudge Report, they said, was failed and gone, and now they don't even try to deny the fact that it's dominant.
And I harp on Drudge Report because it's axiomatic, it's a telltale sign, a bellwether, a gauge, emblematic.
Like when you talk about a search engine, you called it Google.
You still do.
I'm gonna Google it.
Well, I'm gonna drudge it.
It just means
Your establishment talking points that up is down and down is up and black is white and mothers and fathers are bad and private property is evil, we don't follow Mark Zuckerberg, my users are dumb effers, talking points.
We don't let you set the trends.
Drudge doesn't even so much set the trends but gets the global populist trend that's already out there and then adds his overall
...lends to it because it's what Drudge is looking at, what he's interested in, and that resonates with the general population of the world because it's synced up with them.
It's a mind meld.
See, that's how that works.
Same thing with InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
These are things I'm concerned with.
These are things my crew is concerned with.
I don't have to even tell my crew nine times out of ten what to go do or what to cover.
They instinctively get it.
They're people I hired because they were already out fighting the New World Order.
They were already aware.
They were already listeners.
You don't have to see my worldview.
It's like if you're driving along through the mountains, you know, in Switzerland in a train and look at the Matterhorn.
You're all looking at the Matterhorn together.
It's not like you're seeing what I told you to see.
I'm saying, hey, look out this window over here.
Zuckerberg wants us to look into some bag that we put over our head and then he controls the stimulus inside the bag, literally.
He wants you sitting there like a gorilla, you know, with a virtual reality hood over your head, like a Guantanamo Bay prisoner, as he walks bipedally past you, in your face.
And I'm like, you know what?
I think I'm gonna look around for myself.
That's all I'm doing is, hey, look around for yourself.
Hey, oh, look!
Our reporters and other reporters got detained, really arrested, put in vans.
Others got drug away because they dared to be in the middle of Dresden, Germany, videotaping world leaders arriving at the secret confab.
But that only adds gravy
To the turkey and the dressing and the potatoes and the cranberry sauce that were exposing these people.
But see, they still just don't get it.
Go out and have the police arrest people, act like thugs, because nice, friendly journalists are out talking to Germans on the street and pointing out what's going on inside.
Yes, toady up!
Toady up to the shadowy room that doesn't exist, that the establishment media told us forever didn't exist.
It's like they always told us one person, one vote, and then they told us, oh, it's never been like that.
Actually, the sovereign party, that's a quote from George Will, will decide, not you.
That didn't fly, but I predicted that even though they would say he was the presumptive nominee, that as soon as he clearly clenched it, they would come back with new scandals and claim he must stand down.
That's the new drumbeat last night, this morning on CNN, Fox, you name it.
Is that Donald Trump got even more delegates than he thought, and he's brought in a record number of 13 million votes.
We just saw the last election with how many in 2012?
10 million flat for Mitt Romney.
3 million more, record number, but none of that matters because, oh,
William Crystal says at the Weekly Standard that he's going to run a third party.
Even though that's failed, they cut to a Weekly Standard reporter and he goes into a 10-minute diatribe this morning about how horrible Trump is and how he's a failure and how embarrassing he is and then an exclusive interview that American psycho Bill Hemmer, not saying he's actually a psycho, he just looks like the actor.
Met with Governor Kasich.
And Governor Kasich arrogantly said, I don't think I'm going to allow him to be the nominee.
We're going to stand against him, as I've always said we are, because he's the head of the RNC at the convention.
And then the whole show, and then the next show, is all about how these Republicans, real conservatives,
George W. Bush, Herbert Walker Bush, Rhino, Neocon, warmongering, anti-gun, knuckle-dragon tyrants, want to sit up there and say, we don't endorse him, so that's it, and we're not even going to give him the money, and we'd rather have Hillary.
Because they know Donald Trump's a nationalist.
And I found a video, I say found, it has like 600,000 views, that we're going to post to Infowars.com in the next 15-20 minutes.
I'm going to tweet it out.
It's like 30 minutes long.
I'm going to put the first four or five minutes at the bottom of the hour that shows Donald Trump going back 30 years, talking about nationalism, how America's getting screwed over by globalism, how these trade deals are one-sided, how he doesn't want to run for president, but that he'd like to find leadership that's willing to stand up to make this country great again.
And how he's a, not an East Coast Republican, but a populist Republican.
And I gotta be honest with you, I'd read these statements in books he wrote back in the early 90s and the 2000s, but I'd never actually seen him say it.
And boy, they ought to put out campaign ads with this stuff.
Because he looks so sincere in these film clubs.
But we see him sincerely taking the globalist on, and that's why they're so scared of him.
They're scared of him, both political machines, for a good reason.
Because they've hijacked this nation and the world, and he's coming along and saying, hey, you're not going to run this scam anymore.
I'm coming in to try to bust this up.
Now whether he's going to be successful or not, they are in a tizzy.
Because they have hijacked this country.
They've stolen it.
And they don't like anybody claiming
That when a bunch of hyenas have taken down a wildebeest and up comes walking a lion, they don't know whether he wants to free the wildebeest or eat the wildebeest.
All they know is he's coming in on something they think is theirs.
And if the American people don't know that the establishment is your enemy, the establishment has done everything it can to make you dependent and controlled and sold off your birthright of freedom and the industries you built, your forebears built, and tried to turn us into domesticated, drooling slobs.
If you don't realize that and turn against the globalists, you're a fool.
I'm talking to new listeners.
We noticed in the last week videos and articles and reports of EBT digital food stamp cards not working.
And Drudge last week linked to this particularly viral video, it was Monday, of this woman just ransacking a grocery store and just freaking out and screaming because her EBT card won't work.
And darn it, it's time for her to get the money.
We've always talked about within a few weeks of EBT cards not working, that all hell would break loose.
Well, they are now reporting that all over the country, EBT cards are up to two weeks behind getting reloaded.
That's because folks, we are teetering on the edge of total collapse.
And when you've got a hundred million people who don't work, that's conservative, and they are entitled, and they weigh 450, 500 pounds a piece.
And I'm just pointing out, can you imagine, can you imagine an army of 400 pound people
That are so infantile, when their car doesn't work, they start throwing fits like a toddler.
And you know, in this case, you got black people throwing a black lady out who's going crazy.
Imagine what that was white people doing.
And by the way, there's plenty of videos of a Walmartian fat white people freaking out too.
It is a time bomb.
We've always talked about it.
I don't know when it's going to blow, but I tell you, that fuse is getting short.
So short, it's that moment where it burns down right into the bomb and you see that red dot and you wonder, boy, it's about to go any second.
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Yeah, here I come again, my friend!
Come on, come on, come on!
That dude's just bringing us in.
Alright, using Drudge Report as just a example of how the true independent media
...is controlling the narrative nine times out of ten now, and how the dinosaur media has lost control with their deception.
Three days ago, Drudge began linking to Infowars.com articles every day for three days in a row.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Linking to Paul Joseph Watson and other articles with exclusive intel on Bilderberg,
With the headlines, they're going after Trump on the agenda.
They want an Internet ID tax system and they want to keep Britain from exiting the Europe.
We have actionable sources and then of course Bilderberg puts out its own press release.
We grabbed that first, put it out, Drudge linked to it.
Mainstream media ignored it on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Okay, remember Drudge top-linked it.
Then today, it's in the London Independent, CNBC, and a bunch of other publications, and look at the headline, World Planners Meet.
Boy, you know, if top world golfers met, it'd be big news.
If top Hollywood stars met, if top scientists met.
But World Planners Meet, Brexit, migrants, Trump on menu, reporters chased away.
Oh, since I just looked, he just added an InfoWars link.
So, because that's newsworthy.
Yeah, they got detained.
Some got arrested.
Paul Joseph Watson.
So see, that's how fast Drudge moves.
This is a microcosm example.
So see, Drudge, 10 years ago, breaks the blockade.
Sure, Jim Tucker, Infowars, we were all reporting on it.
Daniel Estlin, others.
But breaking the blockade in the U.S.
was drudge.
Just showing how it's a facade.
And now 10 years later, they've got to admit, okay, there's a secret government, world government meeting.
Okay, yes, George Soros is involved.
Yes, they want $100 trillion in global taxes every decade paid to them.
And yes, they want to tax the Internet and control it.
And yes, they want to open the borders up.
And yes, they want to kick Donald Trump out.
And oh, Gawker and the White House-run Media Matters, Brock, can say tinfoil hat and kook all they want, but the London Guardian, one of the most respected papers in the world, the Financial Times of London, very respected by the establishment, CNBC, London Independent, all of them have to go, okay, world leaders are meeting in secret.
And then when they go back to their parliaments, and to their congresses, and to their bundestags, they get asked, what'd you do?
And lawsuits start, and people are removed from office, and then England goes, wait a minute, 90% of our laws are made by EU bureaucrats that are unelected?
What happened?
We won out!
How many years did I hammer that the UK was part of Bilderberg, and we'd have Lord Monckton on, and we'd travel there, and Lord Monckton wouldn't even travel.
We made it an issue, it became the issue, and we're winning.
So when I get up here and brag about what Infowars has done or what Drudge has done, it's not about us.
It's about a war.
And do you want to live under multinational unelected corporations that just do whatever they want and then have a bunch of weirdos in paid-off so-called media sit there in big fancy sets and laugh at you and go build a burger?
Can I get cheese and onions on that?
I've probably been on radio and TV shows
200 plus times where they said, can I have a cheese on that burger?
And I'm like, wow, that's really original.
That is so amazing.
You know, when I got arrested in Canada and they said they were gonna put me in a Toronto prison for 15 hours until the media showed up, there weren't any cheeseburgers there.
I was just trying to cover Bilderberg.
The good news is all the intimidation, all the demonization hasn't worked.
It's blown up in their face.
The problem is, speaking of DrudgeReport.com, is that Drudge again is linking to Zero Hedge, great folks, and our own Michael Snyder.
The problem is the mainstream media is not reporting on it yet.
EBT card outage.
It's been two weeks in some areas.
It's up to eight days in some major cities.
Widespread glitches.
Flashback video woman trashes store after food stamps refused.
And you watch the chilling video that's up at DrugsReport.com on the right hand side and you can see this woman flipping out a few days ago when her card didn't work.
And this is happening all over the country.
She doesn't know how to do anything.
Her whole life she's been on welfare.
Her whole life she sits there and watches Oprah Winfrey.
Where's her free car?
I love this woman.
I mean, I'm sad for her.
She's like a giant, 450-pound toddler.
She's totally deranged, and she's acting like a three-year-old.
Just like Paul Watson said, social justice warriors are arrested development fools that think they're high-tech intellectuals because they watch Mr. Maddow.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you, Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American, in a big way.
If your calling is media, fine.
If your calling is sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be, now.
I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos.
Of these Facebooks, and these tweets, and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto!
This is ghetto!
This is corporate!
They're taking your energy!
They're taking your energy, and you're getting nothing in return!
They're dumbing the language down!
Twitter's designed to reduce the language!
Directly out of 1984, it's Ingsoc!
I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're going to make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court Justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
Time is not forever.
How many more moons and sunrises will you see in your life?
Uh, rise and fall.
There's not that many.
It's a small amount.
So for people to be saying with this attitude, oh, I'll get on with my life and my greatness sometime.
No, you can't.
We're being enslaved now, and that's it.
Under the TPP, they admit you can't put a headline to the New York Times.
You're sending massive traffic to them.
They're claiming you're taking their words.
This is insane.
And you had the Justice Stephen Breyer said we need to look at a global law.
Now, remember just recently- We're getting him lined up with it!
So, they're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I'm going to make more of those vignettes.
Darren McBrain put that little two-and-a-half-minute piece together when Drudge visited us last year.
It's like a 45-minute long interview with just more little nuggets of what he talked about 10 months ago that now, unfortunately, all of it's coming true.
And that's because Drudge obviously has a lot of high-level contacts, but he can also obviously see what's happening as he follows the news for 18 hours a day as we do.
And so can other people around the world.
We're just pointing out common sense things here that everybody already instinctively knows, but we're letting everybody know you're not alone.
MSNBC, CNN, all these channels, they're about making you think you're alone.
Ha ha!
These racists don't want Obamacare.
Hey, this subsection says it doubles and triples prices.
Shut up, racist!
Well, actually, I just want to, you know, keep my health care.
Shut up!
Well, it says here I'm going to lose my doctor.
No, it doesn't!
Yeah, read the subsection.
Groober's like, thank God they're so stupid that they never actually read the subsections.
We can screw them over.
He he he he he he he.
They go on C-SPAN and say you're dumb.
Zuckerberg says you're dumb.
Well, there may be a large portion of the population that is in a coma, but just because they're going along with it doesn't mean you have a right to screw me over.
In a pure democracy, 51% can vote to rob the other 49% to enslave them, whatever.
In a republic, there are basic rights that the majority cannot vote to take away the minority's freedoms.
They've got us so obsessed with what skin color we've got, or where we came from,
Being the only rights or things that are involved.
As a general human species, it's in the news every day that they're building a world with robots replacing us.
People say, fine, I'll just sit around all day.
If it isn't a world built by humans, for humans, maintained by humans, we will be obsolete, obsolescent.
Even if the social engineers, and this is profound, don't want to get rid of us,
We will be like 500 pound creatures in the movie WALL-E floating on a galactic cruise ship already dehumanized.
But guess what?
The elite aren't gonna let us just sit here and operate like jellyfish.
The decision has been made to hasten our decline, to hasten our slouching into obsolescence, and to have an organized, incremental phasing out of Homo Sapien Sapien.
And that's what every white paper, every Wired Magazine Futurist Report, every Ray Kurzweil Google board member statement says.
In fact, there was like four articles yesterday, two or three the day before that, five or six the day before, that I had in my stack, in the technology stack, that I meant to get to.
And I'm like, you know, I've already said this 5,000 times.
Why read them saying it again exactly as I told you they would do?
Because I was only quoting them previously!
It's like, they're saying exactly what Alex said on the news today.
That's because they've gone from the boardrooms and the drawing rooms
When I was telling you this stuff 20 years ago off white papers and freaking out to now putting it on TV because they're getting ready to go operational.
And that's what's scary.
Global financial taxes phasing out of cash.
You'll still have cash, but it'll be digitally marked and track its whole history.
Cash is going to be like credit cards, you know, all tracked.
The police will just drive by and grab money right out of your credit card or debit card.
I saw that on the drawing board years ago.
It's now being done.
Covered that yesterday.
In fact, that's so unbelievable.
Let me just give you the headline.
This is Oklahoma 9 TV.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol uses new device to seize money used during the commission of a crime.
That's the whitewash article today.
The newspaper headline.
You guys give me yesterday's article was more hardcore.
It was like, in new asset forfeiture seizure, police are going to take money directly out of your debit card from a distance.
You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.
That's where police can seize your property in cash without first proving you committed a crime.
Oh, guilty until never proven innocent, without a warrant and without arresting you, as long as they suspect.
That your property is somehow tied to a crime.
That is so unconstitutional.
They've had it since the 80s.
It's under the Letter of Mark.
It's the really big, bad, evil thing the police are involved in.
But what they do is they cut the funding to the point where the police can only operate off of asset forfeiture.
They got federal laws passed where the states can't keep the money unless they go through a federal program that up to 85% goes back, hence federalizing police.
That's the other big secret.
Now the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money in your bank account or on prepaid cards.
No judge, no jury.
That's right.
We just are going to grab money off your debit card.
It's called ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access Data Machine.
And state police began using 16 of them last month.
Here's how it works.
If a trooper suspects she may have money tied to some type of crime.
Oh, this is the trooper!
Who needs a jury?
Who needs a judge?
Who needs a grand jury?
Who needs an indictment?
Who needs a G.A.?
Here's how it works.
See how News 9 reports it like it's fun?
Here's how it works.
You stick your head in the guillotine, they pull the switch, and a big giant razor blade falls out and chops your heads off.
It's so much fun.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Here's... Remember ABC News last week?
It's wonderful!
Every chobbleston of a microchip, you know it's coming!
Those are... That's a quote.
Here's how it works.
If a trooper suspects you may have money tied to some type of crime, the Highway Patrol can scan any cards you have for... and seize the money!
You mean he just suspects or she suspects?
Remember all the news reports about different areas of the country where the corrupt police pull you over and it's an old lady with three grand in her wallet?
In her purse?
And the cops just take it?
And then the local judge goes, well, we tested the money and some of the bills had cocaine on it!
Almost all money that's been circulated has drugs on it.
That's known.
That's our proof!
And they'll tell the old lady, you let us have the three grand or we're taking your Cadillac.
And most of them just go, uh, uh, uh, because, you know, old ladies are smart and don't keep all their money in the bank.
Because they lived through the Great Depression.
How police took $53,000 from a Christian band, an orphanage, and a church.
You know, I'm not anti-police themselves individually.
You know, there's a whole Soros scapegoat, the police, so they can federalize them.
But this asset forfeiture seizure and the IRS grabbing money out of accounts with no due process and now saying, oh, we're not going to let you leave the country if we're investigating you.
Or now you can't get on a plane if we're investigating you.
Now they want that.
This is so totalitarian.
You know, here's my problem.
I've got like 200 articles and they're all just this insane.
And I've got this powerful Donald Trump video I want to play and I've got loaded guest on.
Loaded guest.
You know, and I almost don't want to be presumptive about the Trump campaign, but the truth is we're in the zeitgeist of the Trump campaign, and obviously Trump talks about Infowars on the campaign trail almost every day.
Our fans are out there.
He gets briefings with our info.
Corey Lewandowski constantly tries to block it and speaks out against me and says, oh gosh, don't go on that show.
I'm sure we'd like to get Trump on, but it's not that big a deal.
Breaking big news is what's a big deal.
But it is good to see, you know, you heard Roger Stone yesterday, he goes, let me just say I'm smiling with a Cheshire Cat smile right now because Trump is back on the offensive.
What that means is he's back listening to Stone.
And I was told last week on air, you were told, and I was told over the weekend, by Larry Nichols, that he was talking to the high-level folks in the Trump campaign, that they wanted to have the info relayed over this show, so it was recorded and so they could give it to Trump.
And he's given me a lot of good tips over the years, but it was just like, really, Larry, every week you're going to come on and speak directly to them, and he goes, well, they're preparing something in a week and a half, and he's going to have a big speech on it, and he talked about it.
About Hillary and the latest crimes.
And he's one of the top experts on that.
You know, behind the Clinton Chronicles and so much more.
And I didn't know he was telling the truth, but I was just like, okay Larry, but we've already told everybody all this.
And he says, well that's how they want it relayed.
And then sure enough, Trump comes out yesterday and goes, or two days ago in his victory speech, and goes, next week, probably next Monday, I'm going to have a major speech on the crimes of Hillary.
And Nichols,
Said that a week ago, so I mean, I know Nichols is telling the truth.
It's just, it's kind of unreal to be in the Zeitgeist at that level.
It's not like a power trip.
It's, it's, it's, it's actually kind of the responsibility of it is overwhelming is the word.
I mean, I feel overwhelmed.
I'm in over my head, but, but, but here's a newsflash.
Anyone in the world who thinks they're not in over their head with all this wild technology and all these crazy developments and all the changes happening and all the moves towards singularity, these arrogant people that think they're in control, these big multinational corporations and things, I've met a lot of them, they really are delusional.
They're specialists, a lot of them have kind of like Asperger's disorder, they're super smart in ways, but they're missing overall well-roundedness and they just don't have enough
Restraint and enough understanding that no man is infallible.
They have that megalomaniacal arrogance that always goes before a fall.
And they make so many mistakes and screw up so much already as the power of humanity increases with our technologies and our weapons.
I liken it to a chimpanzee that
You've given PCP and a bottle of tequila and set it loose in a explosives factory with a flamethrower.
So that's that's the best humanity can offer with these elites.
The worst of us are running things that scampered in control and who got involved in family fortunes and you know we're good at lying and stealing and manipulating and then they seize control of all these technologies and all these systems and they're in control.
And they're totally arrogant, off their rockers nuts.
I've been at multiple parties where I've been around some of the top tech people.
And let me tell you, they are more wild-eyed and crazy than rock stars.
They are on drugs.
There's all sorts of designer drugs these billionaires are on.
They are whacked out of their brains.
They've got some kind of drug that was produced at the University of Texas.
And then divvied out that's a combination of ecstasy, PCP, LSD, and peyote, and all these other designer drugs, and they're running around on this stuff.
I mean, God help us!
They've got drugs like Limitless that actually increase your IQ.
I mean, all that stuff's real, folks, and they're on it.
They don't let the general public get a hold of it, because to get the precursors,
That you need to make these drugs.
You've got to get a lot of other controlled substances and that's why these drugs aren't available to the public.
But they got drugs that they're ready to roll out in the public that basically take your free will and people kill their own kids for.
You think people do bad things for heroin and cocaine?
Wait till the super drugs get rolled out.
Truly designer drugs.
All right, I'm going to go to break and I'm going to come back with, just in the intro, with an extremely powerful Donald Trump piece.
And then I'm going to get into all this other news, but there is just so much of it.
We're going to get into more on Hillary, depicts history-making, CNN depicts history-making Hillary Clinton as a quote, glowing God.
I've talked about this some already, but this is just freakazoid.
This just spells disaster.
It spells civilization on the edge of collapse.
Every time in history that we allow the elites to start acting like this, it's a manifestation and a reflection of ourselves.
And it means that you can stick a fork in us.
We're about to roll over dead like a big, fat, bloated, rotting whale on the shore that's got birds feeding on it.
And it stinks a mile away.
I mean, you've got this evil crone with a big jack-o'-lantern smile, worse than any Marvel comic Joker, in a goddess outfit with a big pumpkin head that looks like a rubber mask, smiling and leaning back.
I mean, if you're a radio listener, you've got to tune in next segment when I show this again.
It is over the top.
Briefly, I'm not going to belabor this.
We've been sold out of this since December.
We only had one run of it.
It is 120 capsules, enough to do a six-week cleanse.
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Now this is a 27 minute video.
We're going to be posting it up on InfoWars.com momentarily.
The title
of the video is this video will get Donald Trump elected if it goes viral.
And it is Donald Trump in the last 30 years.
And we actually have a timeline we're posting in the video at Infowars.com.
And this is Donald Trump going back 30 years.
Now, the name of the YouTube video is, this is why Donald Trump deserves to be president.
We're going to change it on InfoWars to give it more promotion.
This has 600,000 views and needs about 50 million views.
And this is what he's always stood for.
And I know a bunch of people that have known him for decades, they say, listen, he's anti-New World Order.
He's played along with these people forever.
He kept helping the country get turned around.
He gave money to pro-America groups, anti-NAFTA groups, which he did.
He wrote articles for newspapers about it.
And he doesn't want to be president.
He doesn't want the scrutiny.
He wants to live his life and play golf.
And yeah, he likes women.
It's like King David did.
I'm not judging him.
Nobody's perfect, but his heart's right.
And that's why they're so scared of him.
I'm going to air just three or four minutes of this video right now.
Then we're going to come back in the next hour and show Hillary and this bizarre behavior where she's a goddess and CNN says she's a god.
Are you a god?
Well, no.
Then die!
Remember that from Ghostbusters?
I mean, this is crazy.
This is crazy.
Hillary Clinton has got 7 million less voters than she got in 2008.
Trump's got 3 million record over anybody else, 13 million.
But he's the loser, Fox says.
CNN says.
They all agree.
He's a loser.
Hillary's way ahead in their fake polls.
They're running a jack-o'-lantern corpse against him.
Let's go ahead and play this clip of the real Donald Trump.
Would you like to be the President of the United States?
I really don't believe I would, but I would like to see somebody as the President who could do the job, and there are very capable people in this country.
Why wouldn't you dedicate yourself to public service?
Because I think it's a very mean life.
I would love and I would dedicate my life to this country, but I see it as being a mean life.
And I also see it that somebody with strong views and somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular, which may be right, but may be unpopular, wouldn't necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain, but a big smile.
This sounds like political presidential talk to me, and I know people have talked to you about whether or not you want to run.
Would you ever?
Probably not, but I do get tired of seeing the country ripped apart.
Why would you not?
I just don't think I really have the inclination to do it.
I love what I'm doing.
I really like it.
Also, it doesn't pay as well.
But, you know, I just probably wouldn't do it, Oprah.
I probably wouldn't, but I do get tired of seeing what's happening with this country, and if it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country, how we're really making other people live like kings, and we're not.
You've said, though, that if you did run for president, you believe you'd win.
I think I'd win.
Well, I don't know.
I tell you what, I wouldn't go in to lose.
I've never gone in to lose in my life.
And if I did decide to do it, I think I'd be inclined... I would say that I would have a hell of a chance of winning, because I think people... I don't know how your audience feels, but I think people are tired of seeing the United States ripped off.
And I can't promise you everything, but I can tell you one thing.
This country would make one hell of a lot of money from those people that for 25 years have taken advantage.
It wouldn't be the way it's been.
Believe me.
By the way, go ahead and faint this down.
This is him on Larry King Live like 25 years ago.
I should probably play this and for radio listeners, mention what year it is.
That's what makes it so powerful.
Starts with him 30 plus years ago, right through to today.
It's the same guy, folks.
It's the same guy.
But then he has this image as the Apprentice host.
That's what folks think of him as.
But the real Donald Trump is a nationalist and a patriot who played ball with all the New York liberals.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we just joined us, Larry Nichols, who over a week ago said that Trump was about to be coming out against Hillary for other crimes.
He was feeding info to the Inquirer and to the Trumps, but he wanted to do it on this show so there wasn't any actual connection between the two.
And sure enough, Trump comes out two days ago and says, I'm about to come out with a major speech next week and go after Hillary for her other crimes.
There is a 27 minute compilation that we just posted to InfoWars.com and the headline is, this video will elect Donald Trump if it goes viral.
It's not even our video.
I'm pushing it.
Want to get it out there.
But under the video, there's a timeline.
This is why Donald Trump deserves to be president.
Must see compilation.
36 years ago, he talks to Rona Barrett and breaks down how we're being screwed over and he wants to stand up against the globalist.
29 years ago, he talks
Oprah Winfrey about it.
He talks about it at the GOP convention 28 years ago.
1989 interview, 27 years ago.
C-SPAN interview, 25 years ago.
Press interview, 17 years ago.
Right through to a 2015 press event.
Very important video.
An article should be written about it, but it's up on Infowars.com.
It just went up there.
Hit refresh.
Send the links out to everybody you know.
I'm going to play a few more minutes of it right now, but there it is.
This video will get Donald Trump elected if it goes viral.
Now, separately, look at DrudgeReport.com if you're a radio listener, go there.
World planners meet, Brexit, migrants, Trump on the menu.
We broke that three days ago, now it's mainstream news.
But what did Drudge do?
Drudge linked us over the last three days, forcing them to then go and do their job at CNBC and the London Guardian and The Independent.
And then what does Drudge link to?
Top link on Drudge.
Reporters chased away.
Actually, some reporters were arrested.
But that's Watson's tendency to not over-report, he ends up under-reporting.
He's a great guy.
He's probably my overall best reporter.
I don't want to say that because everybody's great in different ways, but he's the most prolific, he's the most successful.
There you go.
Say it that way.
But Bilderberg, cops detain, harass reporters, mainstream media, nowhere to be seen.
Henry Kissinger, heckled as annual confab of Global Elite begins.
And there's video of it, all the rest of it, and
It's just amazing to see all of this unfolding.
So the coverage is all there.
Top world leaders meet, and there's the former head of the EU, Barroso.
He still heads it up, because they put themselves on these boards that have all the power.
It's amazing.
And then the police are there, freaking out and acting like reporters behind government-paid-for big fences are the bad guys.
But here's the good news.
The elite didn't want to be recognized.
They don't want to know that they're out there.
It's happening.
We are identifying the fact that this is going on.
Let's play a few more minutes going out to break of this must-see Donald Trump video of him from the past.
We're now up to, like, 27 years ago.
Here it is.
But, you know, I just probably wouldn't do it, Oprah.
I probably wouldn't, but I do get tired of seeing what's happening with this country.
And if it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country, how we're really making other people live like kings, and we're not.
You've said, though, that if you did run for president, you believe you'd win.
Well, I don't know.
I think I'd win.
I tell you what, I wouldn't go in to lose.
I've never gone in to lose in my life.
And if I did decide to do it, I think I'd be inclined... I would say that I would have a hell of a chance of winning.
Because I think people... I don't know how your audience feels, but I think people are tired of seeing the United States ripped off.
And I can't promise you everything, but I can tell you one thing.
This country would make one hell of a lot of money from those people that for 25 years have taken advantage.
It wouldn't be the way it's been.
Believe me.
But you might be classified as an Eastern Republican.
I guess you could say that, yes.
Which means kind of a Rockefeller, Chase Manhattan Republican?
I never thought of one of those terms.
How do you define it?
Are you a Bush Republican?
No, I think I'm really, the people that I do best with are the people that drive the taxis.
You know, wealthy people don't like me.
Because I'm competing against them all the time and they don't like me and I like to win.
The fact is, I go down the streets of New York and the people that really like me are the taxi drivers and the workers, etc, etc.
I mean, I really get it.
Why are you a Republican?
I have no idea.
I mean, I am a Republican because I just believe in certain principles of the Republican Party.
You have flirted.
Go ahead and fade that down.
We're going to come back with more of this too.
This is powerful.
It's up on Infowars.com.
But that's the intel.
He does what he wants.
He does it his way.
He doesn't cozy up to these people.
He hangs out with regular folks.
They hate his guts.
The truth is his dad was blue collar.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we are back live ladies and gentlemen.
I barely got into the seat here because I was busy like a little beaver back there working on all these breaking news stories that we're about to get to.
There is a video up on InfoWars.com if you just joined us that is very very important.
I've played like six minutes of it so far.
Throughout the day I'm going to be playing the rest of it here and there spaced out and it's Donald Trump going back 36 years ago
To 1980 in a Rona Barrett interview, right through to a 2015 press event.
And it is Donald Trump 100% consistent on being a constitutionalist and anti-globalist and not liking to see America get screwed over.
The headline is, this video will get Donald Trump elected if it goes viral.
Separately, because I know a lot of stations just joined us.
Many stations just carry the second, third, or fourth hour.
Headlines on DrudgeReport.com.
World planners meet.
What an amazing image of a world leader looking down on the earth.
The British exit.
Trump on the menu.
Reporters chased away.
And why is that so important?
That CNBC, that's the London Independent, the London Guardian, all reporting and others, forced to admit the shadow world government.
And that, meanwhile, they still have other media outlets saying it doesn't exist.
There's no shadowy group.
Nothing's happening.
But I go back to Drudge Report on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, linking to Infowars.com with the exact same headlines and intel that they're going after Trump.
They want an internet world tax.
They want to open the borders up more.
They want to stop Britain from leaving the euro.
And now, mainstream media says, according to their sources, it's the exact same agenda.
When before, mainstream media wouldn't even admit it existed.
The point is, InfoWars is leading the way, with DrudgeReport.com, and forcing the whore media, the traitor media, the Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, discredited fraud system, the face-in-the-crowd media,
is absolutely being shown for what it is.
What a defeat for them to have to admit world government, to have to admit global carbon taxes.
How are they going to get all this when it isn't just something that shows up on your gas bill or your phone bill or your insurance bill?
There's not supposed to be a public debate about it.
It's just supposed to be everything's run by these secret treaties and that's the end of it.
We just shut up and go away and accept Obamacare.
Except we're not going to just accept it.
We're going to show your leaders calling us dumb idiots like Gruber did.
We're going to show Zuckerberg calling us dumb effers.
We're going to show how it's all a giant screw job.
We're going to show the globalist plan and we're going to derail it.
This is so historic and we're so close to beating them, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't want us to be prosperous.
They want us poor.
So that we're controllable.
That's what Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, the new second part of the Rio de Janeiro agreement is, is to bring in, quote, austerity, impoverishment, planned impoverishment.
And once that talking point, which is their own talking point, isn't just at Davos meetings and Bilderberg meetings, but is out in the open, it's the beginning of the end
For David Rockefeller and George Soros and Henry Kissinger and Hillary and all their minions and all their crones and Prince Philip and his son Prince Charles who are all admitted eugenicists that say get rid of 80% of the world's population, produce viruses to kill us, bring in world government while they live like kings.
They have been cutting off the last five years the gas allotment to widows and widowers, impoverished people in England for, I'm talking in the winter, 300, 400 pounds.
That's what it cost.
Maybe, you know, maybe $600, $700 is the equation.
We've covered it here.
So that people are freezing to death in the winter, and old people are going and getting on buses that have heating to not freeze to death at night and being kicked off, while over 100 palaces of Her Majesty
Are heated in a giant multi-billion a year pound, multi-pound, multi-billion pound a year program to heat the palaces with gas.
Let them eat cake.
They said Marie Antoinette didn't say let them eat cake because they were starving to death.
She goes, let them eat cake.
But you know what?
I do know Queen Elizabeth said, let them freeze their asses off.
You keep my 100 palaces hotter than a firecracker.
Oh, and the sick freaks.
You can't have air conditioning in cars, Obama told Africans.
I quote that every day because that's the essence of these people.
Remember that?
They teach you that you being poor is how we get ahead with all this guilt instead of creating clean, good systems.
Oh, they've got their clean systems.
Those are boondoggles to steal money, give it to their friends, and not allow innovation.
Trump shatters Republican primary vote record.
Historic 13 million blowout, 3 million more than Romney.
Beat on campaign predictions, reaching 1,536 delegates.
We're talking almost 300 more than they need.
Latino support for Trump on rise, up to 37% from 22% in major polls.
Surge of new citizens eager to vote against him hasn't materialized.
Dems are down 7 million votes from 2008.
Obama, Warren, back off Bernie!
Isn't that just cute?
Oh, but you watch Fox, it's, oh, Trump's doing bad.
He's not trending well.
The Republicans have to remove him.
They're back again.
William Crystal and John Kasich said so.
And I watched over and over again this morning, Fox News, just monitoring them.
And they were just all up there talking about how Trump can't win.
And it's all a giant hoax.
Trump will win unless they assassinate him or steal the election.
And then everybody's asking me, how could Bernie not be winning?
When he got more delegates?
Well, the superdelegates said no!
And Hillary gets up and says, I will not be indicted, watch, just exactly what our guest said a year ago, and 11 months ago, and 10 months ago, and 9 months ago, and then every week since then.
As the quickening accelerates, Larry Nichols, the former handler of the Clintons to a great extent when they were co-governors there,
Saying the whole thing is a red herring to make her the underdog and now we've seen the bizarre footage coming up of her with them saying she is a goddess in a white outfit where they put a filter on and she glows like the sun and they go, she is God.
She actually goes, God, she is a God.
With a giant jack-o'-lantern head, smiling like the most psycho.
She looks scarier than Jack Nicholson when Jack Nicholson does that scary smile.
Can we pull up Jack Nicholson's scary smile and show her?
It's like Jack Nicholson's head doing a demonic smile.
And the screenshot we have there isn't even, just roll it while Larry Nicholson talks on the phone today.
Roll just that video of her when she leans back like a god.
And then goes, oh, oh, on a power trip, and then does this bizarre jack-o'-lantern crazed look.
Like she's coming through a door with a battle axe.
Here's Johnny.
And she goes, oh, oh, ah, ah.
Ah, your mother does, you know.
You know what your mother does in hell.
We now take you to Arkansas, where the man is fighting cancer.
We appreciate how much he's gone through to be able to even be with us.
And that's Larry Nichols.
Larry, I've got to hand it to you.
You said, hey, I'm talking to the Trump people.
We don't want to have her.
They've called me.
They don't have a, you know, it was your idea to not actually meet with them.
They make a big deal out of it.
I think you should just go meet with them, though.
I know you're battling cancer.
Well, by the way, hello Alex, thanks for having me.
The whole process that I want to achieve.
Now, remember, Alex and audience, I want nothing official with my relationship with the Trump people, if there is such a thing, relationship.
What I want is a candidate that I know when we bring an issue out, like on your program, when we bring an issue out, then
We need a candidate running against Hillary that will take that and help spread it around.
Not hard.
That's all we gotta do.
Short of having somebody like Trump run, we're screwed.
Because what's always happened when other people are in the race and Trump is not, they're so connected and need everybody else's money so bad.
They become pliable.
That's right, that's right.
Trump will, will bully pulpit the anti-new order message and make America great again.
That's why they're crapping their pants.
You bet, you bet.
And so anyway, my strategy will be, I'm going to serve up with your permission on your program every week.
Basically like we did when Clinton was in, Bill Clinton was in office.
Scandal a week.
We're going to try to start off a little better than that.
But for just for continuity sake, we'll try to stay at a new major scandal every week.
Well, to that end, I can't say because I don't, to be honest, I don't know.
I know what's going to be served up.
is Vince Foster.
I know, Alex, and you do as well.
We've been told by the media that's old news.
It's done been sealed up.
It's all over.
Well, let's just do this.
Remember when Trump had to deal with it last week?
It was everywhere.
The media went nuts.
They were all over it, right?
Imagine this week,
Which will be next week, actually, in his speech.
Just imagine, I'm not saying he'll do it, it's up to him, but imagine him saying in his speech, folks, they say that the investigation of Vince Foster is over.
That there's nothing to it.
The man committed suicide.
And then, then he ought to pick up that Secret Service memo that you have, Alex, and hold it up for the world to see.
And say, does this look like it's over?
Does this look like, you know, the case has been solved, it was truly a suicide?
And they could also have that Secret Service agent that just went public up there on stage with him, talking about all the horrible things Hillary did and saying, is this over?
Because she's about to be your president.
So that's, that's the plan.
That's what's got to happen and then,
You know, remember Alex, you and I talked about the Secret Service Memo, what, a month ago?
A month and a half ago?
We talked about it.
You did a great job putting it out.
People picked up on it and heard it, but guess what?
It just wasn't enough.
It wasn't enough.
So, as my training goes, Alex, you know, as a Green Beret, you become a force multiplier.
That's what you have to rely on, your ability to create a bigger force.
Well, think about it, Alex.
If Trump were to come out and say, they're saying this case is solved and it's over.
Here's this Secret Service memo.
Do you really believe it's solved?
Is it over?
The media will immediately try to discredit Trump and that report, right?
When they're trying to discredit it, you know what they're doing?
Spreading it.
Spreading it.
And that's the plan.
We've got to do that.
I'm advising them the famous C-SPAN footage that I haven't found on YouTube, but I know we've got it on VHS tapes and they can find it because it was released via subpoenas.
You remember all that you were involved in.
With all the communist generals in the White House meeting and then giving Clinton money, and then the Lorell and Hughes and the missile secrets.
I would go directly to China threatening to attack us today in the South China Sea and point out that Hillary presided over giving them the delivery and re-entry systems.
That's high treason.
That's what I'm telling you.
And Stone says, don't worry, that's going to be coming down the road.
He says, hey, we got to dole this out.
I don't know if I agree with Stone.
I mean, I think he just needs to start hammering her with everything he's got.
Well, exactly.
And remember, this is the first couple of days that we can do it.
We had to hold back our fire until he made it through the primary.
Or she made it through the primary.
She's through the primary now.
Now we're in the future match.
The future match is on, folks.
And we're going to beat her at every turn.
We're going to beat hard.
You know, Alex, sometimes, just like me with my sickness, you just want to go and go.
You know, just cut off the suffering.
Some things are too important.
You have to take your time.
You have to let it build.
You have to let it develop.
And that's where we're at.
Nothing I can say about that.
We do it this way until...
Well, no, I would go, this is stuff that I'll be doing every damn week from now until Election Day in November.
Sure, I know, but listen, you accurately said there'll be no indictment, it's gonna look like it, it's not gonna happen, and now she basically quotes you saying it's not gonna happen.
That's right.
And you know why she said that?
She said that because you know why she was able to say that.
She's got the raw FBI data files.
And the bad news for Hillary is, so do I. And you know, Alex, you know I got him.
Now what does that mean, folks?
You see, you think, you gotta not think single-dimensional.
By going after the Clintons, I'm not just going after her.
I'm going after every one of them.
Every one of them in Washington.
And the truth, that she is choosing to blackmail and extort all these people in Washington.
We've got it.
And I guarantee you there will be no quarter offered.
They're not going to give me any.
And I'm just going to return the favor, none from them.
But the key to the Secret Service memo is to get it to where it's got legs.
That Secret Service memo becomes significant another way because it, as you know, had any legitimate investigative body, like the FBI or whatever, had that investigated as primary lead on it, they would have wanted to know the mitigating circumstances of why.
Why would Foster kill himself?
But you see, there's no suicide note.
Six, seven, eight days later, when they literally, the pressure was on them that there was no suicide note, and all of a sudden they go up to his office, find that magic ring case that originally was in his car.
We had that from Linda Tripp.
His ring case was in his car, and there was blood all over it.
They moved that body.
And you know, we've talked about it before, Alex Dominguez.
If they're not going to indict Hillary on that Benghazi stuff, if they're not going to indict her over that, they're not going to indict her.
But we can knock the hell out of her budget.
Her budget calls for Alex.
She'll spend 60 to 70 percent of the money she raises.
Team Destroy.
That's what they're going to do.
They're going to destroy.
They're going to do it by saying he hates women and he hates Hispanics.
And it turns out this judge is a high-level Mexican supremacist, in my view, a member of La Raza.
And that's all seen as kosher by the media, but his law firm has been putting money up to boycott Trump.
They have been after Trump.
He should recuse himself.
So what Trump said about him is true.
He said, I have nothing against him, the fact that he's Mexican, but he's a Mexican who's loyal to Mexico.
I don't know why you'd want to be loyal to a failed state, but
It's just crazy, and that's who Obama's been putting in charge.
It's just a bunch of people that won't get along with each other.
A bunch of balkanized, divided, and conquered folks.
But that issue's moved on.
I see the hoax being pushed, that he's way behind her in the polls, and that he's in trouble, despite the numbers and many other polls showing the opposite.
What does your gut tell you the real numbers are?
My gut is accurate.
Right now, it's 40-40-20.
That's exactly where it is right now.
40, 40, 20.
40% for Trump, 40% for Hillary, and 20% in the middle and don't care.
That's where it's at right now.
You can run 10 million polls, and I assure you, if they show the real results of the polls, and if the questions are the ones that they normally ask,
That figure of 40-40-20 will hold.
It has held up through the test of time for our founding fathers.
I mean, if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.
We just can't.
We can't let him win.
Well, we're almost out of time.
And, you know, specifically give us a preview.
I want to start this as soon as we start going here.
The info that you've been imparting to the Trump people are what to look at next.
You know, you just mentioned some more of the Vince Foster.
I mentioned the Chinese generals, the missile secrets.
You mentioned some more.
What else should Trump get into in the speech coming up?
Well, the one thing that he must bring up in this speech
Is how did North Korea get their nuclear weapons?
The Clintons pulled that out and allowed them to get reactors that could enrich uranium.
That's another great point.
There you go.
And, you know, the reason that will have appeal to the broad audience, if we can get them to pay attention long enough to hear it, that's a game changer.
That's a lose-lose for America.
We not only give North Korea... See, there are two technologies.
That could have been given to North Korea.
One was that if the one system provides the power they need, etc, etc, which is one thing, it does not create any byproduct or waste products that can be used to nuke, make a nuclear bomb.
They gave them a system that allows them to make atomic and high-energy weapons.
That's right.
I remember the whole thing.
That was like ABB, wasn't it?
I mean, it's just...
Well, and the other thing that Trump's got to point out is that they haven't changed their strides at all.
What is the system that we've been working with in this country?
The broken coalition strategy.
She's the divider.
All right, Larry, we'll talk to you again.
They've made an Iran.
Oh, Iran's good too.
All right, we'll talk to you again soon, my friend.
Be safe.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Amazon's Jeff Bezos and other billionaires have been developing space infrastructure technology since the year 2000.
For Elon Musk, a rocket ship to space is the ultimate bug-out bag for an emergency escape to the galaxy's most expensive bunker, a colony on Mars.
But Amazon's Bezos is implementing his lifelong dream of colonies in space.
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Can have a solar system as dynamic and interesting and varied as what we see on the internet today.
I think you go to space to save Earth.
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So who would have a monopoly on manufacturing and energy by controlling the most valuable real estate in the galaxy?
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For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I just hate what's happened to this country.
We've gone to a country that's no longer respected.
We're in a war that we should have never... And by the way, I'm worse than any hawk there is in terms of military and in terms of defending ourselves.
But Saddam Hussein didn't knock down the World Trade Center.
He had nothing to do with it.
And there were no weapons of mass destruction.
The other day, the head of 3M said that President Obama is anti-business.
Do you get the same feeling that he does?
Well, I don't know that it's anti-business or he just really doesn't know exactly what to do.
And I'm afraid it probably is the second thing.
I don't see him necessarily as anti-business.
I think that he is not sophisticated in the ways of business.
He hasn't dealt with the people that you've dealt with and that I've dealt with.
I deal with China as an example a lot.
It is never easy.
And I've made some very big deals with the Chinese.
I've come out on top.
I've come out in great shape.
I sell apartments to Chinese people.
I get along great with them.
It's not like, you know, anti-China.
I just think it's ridiculous that we allow them to do what they're doing to this country with the manipulation of the currency that you write about and understand and all of the other things that they do.
And frankly, if I were them and if I could get away with it, I'd take my hat off to them, frankly.
They do get away with it.
And I hire companies all the time, and it's so hard for our companies to compete against Chinese companies.
I mean, these companies have such an advantage, whether it's glass for a curtain wall, or whether it's, and you use the term because you know what's happened, sheetrock.
I mean, they used to give us sheetrock, just give it.
And everybody that was unfortunate enough to use Chinese sheetrock had problems.
I mean, problems like, no, where people were dying from it.
The good news, Steve, our product is much better.
But with the manipulation of their currency, it's very, very, very hard for our companies to compete.
But I'll certainly do whatever is necessary, however I can help.
Whether they want me to make speeches, whether they want me to contribute, raise money, I'll do whatever I have to do.
We need somebody great as a president.
I know that you were mentioning that Aaron and I did a kind of an interesting video not that long ago in August about how things have fallen apart but at that point the only people who were saying it were us and you.
I was saying it I was saying it a long time ago and frankly they're talking about 50 basis points I think you should drop it a point a full solid hundred basis points and just
Sit back and see and I was actually looking at somebody a gentleman from Goldman Sachs was saying 175 so that's gonna be interesting But I think that's ultimately gonna be happy and it would be nice if Ben could get now ahead of the curve Instead of always being behind the curve.
All right That is a compilation and this is getting into more modern times, but it's really powerful the first 10 minutes or so It's up on info wars.com
This is why Donald Trump deserves to be president.
It's the name of the video.
We've put it up there on InfoWars.com with a headline that this video will make Donald Trump president if it goes viral.
This video will get Donald Trump elected if it goes viral.
This is why Donald Trump should be president.
And it's really the first 10 minutes that's the most powerful.
Him back in 1980, 87, 88, you name it, talking about globalism and how it's screwing over our economy and how it's one-sided deals by the political class working with the elites.
Now, shifting gears out of that, we're about to go to Dresden, Germany, the site of Bilderberg 2016.
And Charlie Skelton will pop in briefly during the next hour.
I'm going to cover other news though most of the time.
He's London Guardian reporter to give us his view on Bilderberg this year.
And Anthony Gucciardi will be hosting the fourth hour with all the latest news and special reports and more.
Now there's a lot I want to get to today.
So I'm just going to spend about 10 minutes with Paul Watson and Rob Dew about some of the big developments at Bilderberg this year, and then I'm going to get into the economy, the EBT card suddenly not working in different areas around the country, causing civil unrest in some areas already.
We're going to get into the bizarre media billing Hillary as a god, a goddess, a savior.
But also, you know, you see these daily show compilations where the reporters all have the same talking point about the Easter Bunny.
Or about Christmas or whatever.
This is the same talking point about Hillary.
And again, this stuff comes out of the White House.
People say, why do you care about media matters?
The website gets almost no traffic.
But it's run by the White House and the Clintons, they admit.
So when they put it out, that's when I get attacked in a thousand publications.
Which, by the way, I love.
Keep it up, please.
I mean, it's like being attacked by Hitler.
Or being attacked by a child molester.
You just still don't get you got a 6% trust rate with the American people.
Please George Soros, Nazi collaborator run media, White House run media, please keep saying I'm horrible.
How's it going for you saying Bilderberg didn't exist?
Now it's all admitted.
World government out in the open.
How's it going for you?
You've discredited yourselves, but you're too narcissistic and too evil to admit it's happened.
We're going to Paul Watson, because instead of just being there at the Bilderberg Hotel with our meeting, where reporters have been arrested, our reporters have been detained, harassed, you name it.
That's top story on drugs, by the way.
We can put that up for a moment.
Despite that, it is down the street at the train stations where the drug dealing and the raping and all the rest of it is going on with all of the wondrous little migrants that have taken over.
But before we go to Paul Watson there in Dresden, we have a new edition of the Hillary for Prison shirt.
And it looks like a classic campaign shirt, but it says Hillary for Prison 2016.
It's the second variant.
We are not going to produce more of this best-selling shirt.
We're going to keep it pretty much the same but add InfoWars.com in red to the right shoulder and leave InfoWars.com legalized freedom on the back.
But if you want to get the last variant that says Hillary for Prison until the end of time, it's got 4.9 stars out of 5, and you want to support the broadcast, get that limited edition now, because the new ones come in in a week, and these will be sold out.
We have them in all sizes still, but take advantage.
We have another limited edition that shows her as the Leering Joker on the front, and more than just fighting the info war and spreading the word about Hillary for Prison, this is about exercising the First Amendment she's been trying to attack.
Telecomedians, you know, they'll be audited if they talk bad about her and stuff.
And it's about meeting like-minded people and showing solidarity at different political rallies.
Trump, almost every day now, says, oh look, Hillary for President, I love Infowars.
This is happening, it's all over news feeds, it's all over mainstream TV.
Hillary for President is being picked up, other people are selling the shirts, I don't care, knock yourselves out.
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Let's go now to Dresden, Germany.
We're not at the Bilderberg hotel meeting.
Now we're down the road seeing the results of globalism, the results of the EU project to implode borders.
Paul Joseph Watson reporting from Germany.
Paul, a lot has happened since we talked to you 24 hours a day, 24 hours ago.
You're on the air.
You've got a drunk there with you.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this is fun.
Yeah, today we've been at Bilderberg, obviously we had the big story last night.
Do you want to be on there?
Do you want to be on TV?
Yes, yes, I want to be on TV, what?
We're at the train station here in Dresden, and this is what's taking place all around us.
You're on TV?
Yes, yes.
We're on the show.
There you have it.
Now is that guy from Eastern Europe a gypsy or is he Muslim?
I'm asking.
Where's he from?
I don't know.
He's gone now.
I'll ask him if he comes back.
We'll talk to him.
He's coming back.
Come on, Paul.
Call him over!
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
I come from Algeria.
That's North Africa.
Algeria, Afghanistan.
Well, they seem to be able to speak English, the kids.
Good God, ask this guy where he comes from.
Where are you from?
It's from Algeria.
Let's go in the train station, Paul.
I know folks get attacked when they do, but what have you been witnessing?
Let's... Well... Watch yourselves.
Be careful.
There's a lot of crazy people around here, as you can see.
Yeah, that's... Watch out.
Now, keep going.
Bilderberg itself, we've got George Soros betting on a massive economic collapse, as he talked about earlier with the Wall Street Journal, which is interesting because we've got new intel, which is in the video, the interview with Tony Gosling, which Rob did, which is on the Alex Jones Channel, which I'm going to write an article about.
He's predicting that they're talking about preparing for a huge financial collapse.
Now you remember when you went to Canada in 2006, you got the intel that an American delegate said the same thing two years before the housing bubble popped and two years before the 2008 economic collapse.
So it happened then, we got the intel out before.
And it's happening.
And that was directly from a Bilderberg Group member from the U.S.
to Daniel Istalon.
I later learned the name of the person.
He's also owned a large Hollywood production company.
Still does.
We'll stop there.
But when we have our sources, we're just letting folks know.
And so you're saying we're getting other good intel that they're preparing for another collapse right now?
Yeah, and that comes from somebody who's got good sources.
In fact, he was able to predict that
Henry Kissinger would arrive at 3.25 p.m.
today because some intel has been leaking.
At exactly 3.25 Henry Kissinger arrived.
We were able to get photographs of him.
He was lectured.
He was heckled by the crowd.
By the way, that's the top story on DrudgeReport.com.
Some reporters were arrested when they put you in a van in handcuffs.
What happened to you guys on that front?
Then we'll go back to the economic collapse.
Well, last night we were walking back from the restaurant back to the hotel.
We walked past the other journalists that were in the report there and almost immediately within a few footsteps we were accosted by several police officers.
We were just walking back to the hotel.
We weren't even filming at that point.
And so then...
More police officers arrived, more vans arrived, they kind of kettled us in, surrounded us, and they started obviously trying to intimidate us.
This is what they do every single year at Bilderberg, they try to intimidate the press.
They basically said we were being stopped for causing a distraction.
They demanded our passports.
We gave them our passports.
And then they demanded to bag searches.
And I mean, I didn't even have a bag.
So I literally had to empty out my pockets to show them what was in my pockets.
They took each of us individually behind the van to search us all individually.
And they were thorough.
They were looking for anything that they could get us on.
And then we were cordoned off to a different area.
Everyone was individually searched, and we were finally given back our passports, and told by the police, if you cause another distraction, you will be arrested.
So we said, what is a distraction, and what constitutes a distraction?
They said, causing trouble.
So it's all completely vague to give the pretext, the pretense to arrest us for basically nothing.
And it was pretty intense.
It went on for about 45 minutes.
Look, we're showing footage for TV viewers, radio listeners.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash show to see the live feed.
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, Merkel herself, she came to Bilderberg five months before she became Chancellor.
We got them picking Tony Blair, Bill Clinton.
We got them picking NATO Secretary Generals.
They come here, they're groomed, they're elected, they're picked, they're chosen.
So it's happened time and time again.
We've been proven right, you were proven right in 2006, and that's what we're hearing again now.
In 2016 that they're planning to pop this bubble.
Obviously there's huge problems in China with the stock market there.
The luxury property market around Europe is now starting to crumble.
So all the signs are coming in and that's the intel that we've got that they're preparing to profit from an economic collapse.
That's right.
That's why Soros, who's been out of the markets and out of real estate that they announced today, is now entering in big time.
The Grim Reaper is coming in to enjoy his work.
So, we've got the video interview up on that.
Again, as I said, Gosling always gets some good information because he's been tracking this for 20 years plus.
So, he got the information, he got the times that all the people were arriving.
We use that to our benefit and he got this information as well.
So, again, there's going to be another huge article about that on InfoWars.com.
I love how the cops are bugging their eyes out like you guys have done something.
You're just reporters.
Everybody knows who you are.
Paul, be safe out there because that's a tactic sometimes with the kids and stuff as a distraction.
But I want to go inside this train station if we can in a moment and see what happens.
This is where you drove by the other day and saw a bunch of the invaders dealing drugs and being arrested.
We'll be right back.
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This is the end.
This is the end.
Of the mainstream media being able to cover up the shadow government.
This is the end.
This is the end.
Coming up we've got a compilation again we're gonna play next hour showing Hillary with the media just same exact same talking points that she's the presumptive nominee, she's the goddess, she's invincible.
Oh this is such a moment in history.
The criminal, the big giant joker face is our Lord and Savior.
That's all coming up.
I'm going to have these guys ride shotgun with us a little bit in the next hour to talk about all this.
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And I'm only plugging this right now before I go back to Paul Watson, because I was about to do it for myself.
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Okay, going back to Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul, you're in Dresden, and folks just tuned in.
All I basically see is, quote, migrants walking around.
They're from North Africa.
They're from the Middle East.
I see a little girl there with her face covered up with a hijab.
Tell us what you're witnessing, and are you going to go inside the train station?
Well yeah, we can do.
It's very different to downtown Dresden where the hotel is and where Bilderberg is staying.
There's a lot of migrants around here because there's a camp nearby which we've been told about, so we're gonna visit that at some point.
So yeah, it's... I mean, when I came in it was pretty bad, but... Yeah, it's a little sketchy.
I mean, it's not awful, but yeah, there are a lot of migrants here because they brought in 5,000 into a city that's, you know, about 500,000 people, and they're gonna bring more in.
Another interesting thing out of Bilderberg, though, was that
We spoke to a guy who said that he'd spoken to the guy who owns the pizzeria behind the Bilderberg Hotel, which is almost, you know, directly connects to it.
He was told by the police that they would have to have access to his pizzeria at all times.
They could go in and out.
And that it was, yeah, they would have the keys.
They would own the keys to this guy's house for the period while Bilderberg is here.
So we're gonna go and speak to him to get his side of the story if he speaks English.
And then he also said that
They were bringing in special furniture into the Bilderberg Hotel days before the Bilderberg members arrived.
Now you saw from Rob's video that it wasn't a very plush hotel, not very well decorated for a five-star hotel.
They were bringing in furniture that was covered high-end luxury furniture specifically for the Bilderberg members days before they arrived.
So again, that's another tidbit.
And again, you know, a wink and a nod to their elitism that even a five-star hotel is not good enough for them.
They have to bring in their own stuff.
It's also fitting, like World War II, that they're kind of in a bunker now, not as nice a hotel, you know, not surrounded with hundreds of acres, not as highly protected, because their whole project, the Euro, is in trouble.
And I love how media is now admitting Bilderberg exists, but just says it's a secret talking group, but it's protected by governments when they're the ones that admit they created the European Union project.
Yeah, and that's what they're talking about again, the Euro crisis.
Another interesting thing is one of the top German ministers came out today and said that Germany needs to accept this mass Muslim migration.
They need to accept interbreeding.
Which is interesting because it goes back to what Gregor Geisse said where he said it's fortunate that only the Nazis didn't have children, remember that quote?
Sure, and if people want to marry somebody that's fine, but the government says you will have sex and have kids with somebody else that isn't your country because it's bad you're white, it's bad you're German.
And this is coming out of these... You guys have interviews with Germans going good!
We want to get rid of Germans!
I mean, they're just cult members.
Back in 70 Seconds with Paul Joseph Watson from Dresden, Deutschland.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines, waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're now into the third hour.
Final segment with Paul Watson.
I don't want to let him get back to all the important work he's doing, but we're going to be shifting gears and getting Rob Dew's take on this as well.
We've got three of our reporters there.
All I can say is incredible job, crew.
They are forcing the mainstream media to report on what's happening.
Secret global government meetings, amazing.
Paul, you're there at the train station.
We saw a bunch of police raids and we've seen women in hijabs walking around and kids running around.
Appearing to be on something, I'm not sure, with another man that was drunk, talking on camera saying they were from North Africa and Afghanistan.
Other points, and then I'd like to, you know, basically get a ground tour for TV viewers and I'll narrate for radio listeners.
Yeah, one other point is that there were two arrests today.
There were two protesters who just turned up, calmly sat down outside the barricades.
They weren't screaming, they weren't shouting, they weren't saying anything.
They were holding two cardboard signs which said something like, why the secrecy, we want transparency, something like that.
Completely non-offensive, there were no cuss words in the signs.
After about 30 minutes the police came up to them and eventually it was three rows thick of police.
Obviously to keep us dangerous reporters away from them.
They had a long conversation about how there was no free speech in Germany while Bilderberg is in the town of Dresden.
And they were forced to put the signs away and that's where it stopped in that moment.
But a few hours later the police came back and arrested them for possessing a tent.
They had this little green tent.
I don't know what they were doing with it.
But these people who were British, you know, they were quite polite people.
They were just having a conversation with the police.
But no free speech in Germany while Bilderberg is in town.
And it's ironic because they were accosted by the police.
And literally about five minutes later, Vernon Jordan arrived, I think that's his name, and he's a civil rights activist.
So you've got a top civil rights activist heading into Bilderberg while within five minutes people are being harassed simply for holding protest signs outside of Bilderberg and having their free speech crushed.
So I thought that was kind of ironic.
Well, I mean, look, I don't say this to be sensational.
In fact, I'm almost ashamed that I'm not more upset.
Germany has fallen to tyranny.
Germany is like Nazi Germany again, but it's leftist controlled.
They're arresting people for rallying.
They're telling people shut up.
It's horrible that Germany has police that have turned into anti-free speech thugs and who follow illegal orders.
This is despicable!
Well, it's not just Germany.
We saw it last year in Austria.
I mean, we got pretty much the same treatment there.
They kind of relented in the last couple of days.
I would bring up to these people when they say, we're going to arrest you if you keep covering this, I'd say Nuremberg Code.
I'd say Nuremberg.
Remember, don't just follow orders.
I would declare Nuremberg Code.
That'll be in the paper and might actually wake Germans up.
Like, yeah, Nuremberg Code.
We've heard reports that some of them are threatening physical violence against other reporters who are here.
I don't know whether that's true.
It might not be, but that's some of the claims going around.
Look, here's the thing.
They're nice until you don't follow their orders, and they follow orders, and that's what allowed Hitler to do what he did.
Be your own people.
Don't be robots.
No, exactly.
I mean, in saying that, there's a lot of political activism around this city.
I mean, just driving here to the... Oh no, Germans on average that are awake are great people.
It's their police that have the problem.
Yeah, a lot of people seem to be informed.
Some don't.
I mean, a lot of the tourists that come here didn't know what was going on.
But we spoke to one guy from Nepal who was an immigrant, a student immigrant to Germany.
He's been here for four years, speaks perfect English.
He was unhappy about how the media was portraying Pegida as racist.
He's a Trump supporter.
He's against this migrant invasion, and he's a hard-working immigrant who's learned the language, integrated, he's a big fan of us, and, you know, he sees it exactly the same way.
So that was a real narrative buster.
And again, that was another good interview that's up on the Alex Jones Channel.
Paul Joseph Watson, amazing job.
Keep dominating, keep exposing the globalists.
This is superhero level events we're seeing with the InfoWars team linked up with DrugsReport.com right now.
The top story is Drugs dare report on a global government secret meeting and reporters being harassed and arrested.
My gosh.
It's like when he reported on them not having votes in Colorado.
How dare him say that the election was suspended?
How dare you care?
How dare I care?
The Bilderberg 2016 public agenda says they will be talking about the usual items like China, Russia, the Middle East, technology, but there's one new item, the precariat.
It's a term coined by a UK economist to describe what he sees as the precarious proletariat.
He calls them a dangerous class of people who've been harmed by globalism.
According to his book, which is one of only 10 subjects to be covered at Bilderberg,
He breaks down society into several classes.
Under the small number of super-rich elite who are meeting at Bilderberg are the solitariat.
Then there's the professional technicians he calls proficiens.
Then we come to the dangerous ones, the precariat, who work menial, low-paying jobs.
So how do the elite propose to control the precariat that he says are an incipient political monster?
Well, he proposes giving every legal resident of a country money without a job to create a permanent, dependent class.
What H.G.
Wells called the Eloi.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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We're good to go.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, take us up to Bilderberg, the big shadow government that wants to have a worldwide internet tax, so they can track you and tax you and shut you off the web.
They want us to end the family and put us all in 200 square foot coffin apartments, so we pay 90% of our money in taxes.
It's been siphoned off to them, who are exempt.
They want to play God, they want to stay hidden in the shadows as their world government project is constructed.
But they shouldn't be too proud of this technological terror.
Because humanity, rising and being aware of it, will end it.
We have the ultimate veto power.
Now, Rob Dew is going to report with us in a few minutes, then I'm going to get into...
All these Democrat websites and the New York Daily News and others going, but Bernie Sanders had more delegates than Hillary Clinton.
Just got the superdelegates who are party officials and they're ignoring the fact that Bernie really won all these states and should be the leader.
And then they have all these weird socialist women going, does it matter?
It's part of our socialist plan.
She's a woman, so it's okay.
It's like, it's okay, Ted Cruz is a real conservative, so he's allowed to get all the votes in states and suspend the voting.
Or you have the voting and then they just take the delegates.
So this is a big deal.
And then them saying she's a goddess on CNN and blurring everything and she shines like Jesus in his ascension or something.
And they say, look at the God.
So that's all going on, but right now, let's go back to Dresden at the train station to see the results of the country flooded with the illegals there, and then give us a tour.
I'll narrate for radio listeners, Rob, dude.
Yeah, well Alex, right now the guy that was jumping around earlier, he seems to have pissed off another person who's over here.
The fight might ensue in one second.
Let's go over there.
All right.
He was from Afghanistan.
Alex, I ran around and shot a bunch of B-roll before we went on live and just walking around.
Just walking around here, I saw the cops questioning several groups of immigrants, just asking for their papers and whatnot.
When we walked up, there was a guy showing them their ID.
And, you know, and then going through the train station, some couldn't get on.
One guy couldn't get on the train because he didn't have a ticket, but he was trying to get on the train.
The guy said no.
So he's sitting there talking to his friends.
And right now it doesn't seem like it's super busy, but it seems to be packed with guys just hanging out, loafing around, as you would say.
You know, it's interesting, I talked to a family, a couple, I put the interview up on Infowars.com.
She was German, he was Jewish, and they seem kind of fine with the migrants coming in.
They think they have, everybody seems to think there's this endless pool of money to pay for benefits and housing and food.
Even though most of these radical Muslims being brought in, on record, want to kill every Jew they get their hands on.
That's true.
And we kind of got into that at the end.
I said something in the terms of, you know, maybe Germany has a holocaust.
They feel bad for the holocaust, so they're letting these people in to make up for it.
And he didn't want to get into that, and that kind of pissed him off, and then they... It's globalism.
It's a project to end Europe.
It's a project to create total division.
They're bringing in people to just sit around under a bunch of bums and, you know, adopt every form of crime you can imagine, because under Islam it's okay to commit crimes against non-Muslims.
And, um, you know, another interesting, uh, part, uh, thing that happened today, people, we can keep walking, people were, um, coming up to us wanting to know what was going on.
All the tours were, you know, the tours were going through and they would stop, they would hear us speaking English, what's, what's going on, what's going on?
So then I just started videotaping these people and, uh, saying, well, I'm going to videotape you if, uh, I'm going to tell you what this is, you're going to get educated.
And so we just,
You know, start telling them about the Bilderberg Group, because there wasn't much going on for a few hours.
We're sitting there waiting.
I guess the highlight was, uh, two highlights were Vernon Jordan and Henry Kissinger.
I have yet to see Lindsey Graham show up.
Well, let me ask you this question.
They just started arriving, you know, today, and it runs, the real Bilderberg is Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and then Sunday.
Well, really on Monday sometimes.
Go ahead.
What triggered the police?
Because I know this happened in Austria last year too.
Is it fair to say the worst police we've seen are in Germany and Austria?
Because, I mean, we would report if somebody did something for the police to respond.
But from what I heard from Paul, no one's doing anything.
People are polite.
They're like threatening to arrest or arresting British tourists.
I mean, British tourists are stereotypically the nicest people on the planet.
Yeah, and those people were, and they saw what happened last night, so they knew, I think, what they were getting into when they did their little protest.
But basically it just said, their sign said, what have you had to hide, and the other sign said, this will get confiscated.
Prophetic, because it did get confiscated, and we've got that video coming out.
We shot it in many parts, because it was kind of a long situation.
So there's photos up in the story at DrudgeReport.com.
The photos are there.
Okay, good, good.
And, you know, it's just amazing, um, the way we're being treated.
And last night, while we were getting harassed by the police, the twenty or so police that harassed us... Was there any trigger?
I mean, because they looked hateful.
They just looked like they hated you.
Well, at some point, they got really mad at my light.
I turned on a video light, because it was pitch black almost, and, you know, I like to shoot good videos.
So I turned on a light, and then one guy just started going off, and I could tell what he was mad at.
Through the broken German that I speak.
And then our translator, who also seemed to be pro-migrant.
He said he doesn't like your light.
Could you turn it off?
But they thoroughly searched my bag.
They went through every pocket, pulled out every little thing.
They pulled out the safety pins.
I had safety pins in a little pocket.
The Germans checked your papers and searched everything thoroughly?
Yeah, they did.
They were very thorough.
And they were marveling at the tools that I had.
I have all these little tools for things.
Oh, a little tool?
And I'm like, yeah, I use a lot of tools.
I'm kind of German like you guys.
But it was really...
It was surreal because we really got five steps away from this restaurant and they were on us.
Then the van started pulling up, more vans started pulling up, and it was how they went after the two cardboard protesters, the cardboard sign protesters.
Four were just standing there kind of stalking them, and then they all came at once, and one guy, you could tell he was, I think, learning how to be a tyrannical police officer, started reading from the guidebook, you know, Dresden makes law where you cannot have sign here, but you could have a sign over here.
So they were speaking English to the English speakers, and it was
This is very interesting to watch that go on.
And Josh shot some good footage from up top.
I shot some footage of it.
We're going to be putting that up.
By the way, notice there's not a lot of tall buildings in Dresden.
That's because, what, 500,000 people got killed in one night in a famous bombing.
That was supposedly a children's city off-limits.
They had an agreement with England.
But to get Hitler mad, to shift gears and stop bombing military bases, they sent in RAF raids to bomb civilian targets.
And Hitler took the bait and lost World War II because of it.
Dresden was a key turning point.
And when we were in the Peguita protest, there's a little marker where the first bomb fell.
So they make a little, it fell on the square there and they made a little marker.
Well, the Germans already followed a globalist project once.
I mean, the euro is a Nazi project.
So here they are helping continue a real Nazi project that will destroy their own families and collapse Germany.
And they don't care because the cops, you know, think they're God.
It's a perfect example of compartmentalization.
Yeah, that's correct.
And that's what they said.
We don't make these rules up.
We're just following orders.
Next time bring up Nuremberg Code.
I declare Nuremberg.
People brought that up while this was going on.
Somebody said, that's from Nuremberg.
That's from Nuremberg.
And that's exactly what it was.
And last night, I got mad after a while.
It takes me a while, but once I get mad, I start spouting off.
And, um, I started spouting up, well, if I was a Syrian migrant, you guys would be kissing my ass and giving me a home and food and all this money.
You wouldn't be treating me like this.
And, uh, I don't know if that pissed them off or not.
They didn't really answer me.
But today, you know, today I talked to a few of them.
I talked to a guy who had been to California.
He, he'd heard my accent and wanted to know where I was from.
And we, we talked for a while and he's working on a sergeant, but you know, these people are essentially, I told him, I said, the reason people don't like you and they're disrespecting you is because you're protecting criminals.
And that's the bottom line.
And you could say, well, they're not criminals.
They're criminals.
These people are criminals.
They work above the law.
They think the law doesn't affect them.
That's right.
And following their orders doesn't protect you.
I mean, plus you're peaceful press.
Yeah, exactly.
They're arresting Germans all over the country that try to protest the open borders.
The German government works for globalists and is an outside occupying group taking you over.
Do you understand that?
Frequency Deutsch!
And that's what we've been telling people about, the people that have been walking up talking to us.
Paul had an interesting debate with a lady who was from England talking about the Brexit.
And she was older and she's worried about her pension.
That's why she's going to vote to stay in.
Oh yeah, they always hold you hostage.
You know, oh give us a bailout or we'll implode you.
When they're the ones screwing you over.
Iceland kicked the bankers out, it's doing great now.
And people don't realize there's not going to be a pension.
By the time, the pension's gone.
They're using the pension in Germany to pay for the migrants.
Okay, and these police get out, on the side of the police cars, it says, come with us for a great job.
They think they're going to get a pension.
It's gone, buddy.
No, they'll all find out.
I mean, just like when 20 million Germans got killed in World War II.
Following orders is going to get you in a really bad position, and I just feel sorry for them.
Well, listen, huge success, man.
InfoWars videos and reports are all over the news.
Top story on DrudgeReport.com.
Global governments being openly discussed.
Mainstream media is admitting they want global government, they want internet taxes.
They want Internet IDs.
They hate Donald Trump.
I mean, I've never seen such success.
I've kind of gotten jaded to a certain point because we were having such success.
But thank God.
Thank you, guys.
Thank everybody involved.
I just can't wait the next few days to see what else happens.
As you guys follow reports constantly to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and as DrudgeReport.com and others pick it up.
But I keep doing Drudge credit because when we cover it, a lot of folks see it on the Internet.
Millions read it.
It's successful.
When Drudge picks it up, everybody looks at Drudge, not just the libertarians and patriots.
And then it forces the media to cover it.
It's just a huge deal, dude.
I mean, top story on Drudge.
Yeah, and that wakes up more people.
More people go, wow, what is Bilderberg?
And then they start thinking about it and go, wait, wait a minute, a secret group gets together from Western Europe and Canada and the United States and they have these meetings and a lot of these people run giant capital firms.
And then always what they decide on ends up being the agenda the next year?
I mean, this is important.
Exactly, yeah.
And you know Lindsey Graham's here to try to figure out how they're going to stop Donald Trump.
That he's instrumental in stopping Trump.
I don't think people understand the gravity... CNBC now admits that.
They admit from their sources.
Our sources are correct.
That's why this is important.
Well, listen.
Get back in there.
Keep getting your articles up.
You can add more to the Drudge Report article.
You know, as it develops, obviously, the video of those folks actually getting harassed.
There are signs being taken.
I mean, imagine the German police working for foreign multinationals and Nazi war criminals are there harassing the press.
This is truly despicable and I believe is a crime against humanity and a crime against free speech worldwide.
Merkel is a tyrant and is the second coming of Hitler.
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All right, Alex Jones here back live.
Let me shift gears into what's happening here domestically.
This first clip, of course, is Jamie Foxx a few years ago saying Barack Obama is the Lord and Savior.
Then we've got a clip of the media basically telling everybody that we must recognize this is historical, that she's a woman.
Total gimmick.
No, she's a criminal.
Does it matter what her race or what sex?
You can't make us bow down to her because she's a woman and use this gimmick.
Then we cut to a minute and a half of her being accepted and her coming out on stage as a goddess.
If you're not a radio listener, you gotta go to Infowars.com forward slash show to look at the video.
A huge Joker smile.
Princess Leia goddess outfit, like she's being worshipped and then they blur everything like she's on fire.
I mean this is ritualistic.
This is bizarre.
This is them trying to set her up like a dictator.
I mean what a freak show.
So let's go to that first clip.
And our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!
Now, here they are introducing our new Lord and Savior with a unified, across the media, from Fox News to CNN, the same talking point here it is.
Did you hear it?
It's the sound of that glass ceiling breaking, no matter what side of the political aisle you're on.
It's an incredible and historic moment, again, no matter your politics.
And I think we can all admit, no matter what your politics are in this situation, no matter who you support, this is a very historic moment.
Adam, no matter what your politics, this is a historic moment.
Regardless of your politics, this is a historic moment.
With all the back and forth over Sanders and Clinton and Trump and everything on the Republican side, can we just take a second?
Regardless of where you stand politically, tonight is a very special night for women in this country.
And some residents this morning are saying that regardless of politics, they are proud that their local girl has made history.
Whatever your politics are, we need to mark this moment in American history.
However you feel about Hillary Clinton, she certainly claims her place in history.
Whatever you think about Hillary Clinton, whatever you think about her politics, it's an important moment for the nation.
Now that's enough.
Just turn it off, please.
That's the Washington Free Bank.
They've done a great job there.
So, with that compilation, what we're seeing here is total brainwashing.
That was simultaneously as it happened.
They have that all pre-written, ready to push that, that this is for women.
Yeah, how's that multi-thousand percentage point increase in breast cancer doing for you in the West?
Oh, it's historic day for women.
How's all the infertility doing for you?
How's the extra work hours be treated like trash working for you?
Because the whole women's movement in the last 80 years has been run by Ebba Bernays and the CIA.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't
Try to look at the roles of men and women in society, but they're getting rid of roles for humans and the machines are coming.
Now, let's now look at...
A compilation of Hillary coming out on stage and being worshipped and then leaning back in a Princess Leia outfit and CNN blurring the footage.
And then CNN came out and called her a god and a goddess who was being worshipped.
These are quotes.
It doesn't get any more freakazoid than this.
And then she's got a big rubber head with a giant jack-o-lantern face.
Her face could be a horror movie cover.
I'm not kidding!
She could be a SAW cover.
I'm gonna call Mark Berg up and say you should make her the new star.
I mean, a big rubber-headed psychopathic demon.
Cult leader.
Let's go ahead and roll the footage.
I'm gonna be describing this for radio listeners.
It's the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee.
She talks like a robot.
I've had plenty of women as queens and dictators and elected... There should be no mistake.
Senator Sanders,
His campaign and the vigorous debate that we've had about how to raise incomes By the way, they stole the election from him.
Nobody cares, it's okay.
have been very good for the Democratic Party and for America.
Well, the Democratic Party comes first.
Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president
Stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds.
And reminding us daily just how great he is.
He says, let's make America great again.
That is code for, let's take America backwards.
No, it means have better trade deals, witch.
Look at these idiots behind her.
Oh, that's good.
Now let's show the footage then when CNN warps it and turns her into the goddess as we go out to break and she's doing bizarre Joker faces and then being worshipped by this pack of morons.
Her trailblazing campaign.
Look at that Jezebel smile.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Bilderberg 2016 public agenda says they will be talking about the usual items like China, Russia, the Middle East, technology, but there's one new item, the precariat.
It's a term coined by a UK economist to describe what he sees as the precarious proletariat.
He calls them a dangerous class of people who've been harmed by globalism.
According to his book, which is one of only 10 subjects to be covered at Bilderberg, he breaks down society into several classes.
Under the small number of super-rich elite who are meeting at Bilderberg are the salutariat.
Then there's the professional technicians he calls proficians.
Then we come to the dangerous ones, the precariat, who work menial, low-paying jobs.
So how do the elite propose to control the precariat that he says are an incipient political monster?
Well, he proposes giving every legal resident of a country money without a job.
To create a permanent, dependent class.
What H.G.
Wells called the Eloy.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're seeing reporters arrested, people harassed, British tourists with signs saying what's happening in the building, being detained, their bags ransacked, their signs and property stolen.
I tell you,
This is really a frightening time to see the tyranny that is unfolding all across the world when you attempt to expose globalists and their corporate operations to establish a private corporate planetary government.
The good news is InfoWars.com and our breakdown of this is the top story on Drudge and right above it in the same block
Is mainstream newspapers and publications from the UK to the US admitting, okay, they're setting up world government.
Okay, they want to shut down free speech.
Okay, they want to shut down Donald Trump.
World planners meet in secret to discuss the British exit.
Migrants, Trump on the menu, reporters chased away and worse.
And that is the biggest link on the internet right there.
So it's being forced out in the open.
That is so exciting.
And somebody's been helping do that for years, Charlie Skelton, the London Guardian.
He was somewhat of a critic of it.
I don't know, seven, eight years ago, whenever it was, we went to Turkey, and they arrested him and took his stuff and treated him like crap over and over again.
He went, wow, this really is tyrannical.
So he's gone from being somewhat of a comedic journalist
It was very popular, too, of being more serious, at least on that subject.
We're going to talk to him here in about a minute and a half.
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And I'm very, very excited that we got triple the amount we got six months ago, but
That'll probably still sell out in a couple weeks.
That's a good problem to have, but it's very expensive to be able to send, you know, three reporters to Germany, and send, you know, five reporters the last week to California to cover the primaries.
We're having a big effect, but it's very expensive.
So thank you for buying the Hillary for Prison shirts, the Mulan law-based shirts.
You know, genetic roulette books and videos on how dangerous GMO is.
People say, are you liberal or conservative?
I'm just a populist common sense.
You got a bunch of world government people meeting in secret.
They're acting like reporters of the criminals.
And I'm just proud of my crew and others having the courage to be out there.
Now, speaking of courage, Charlie Skelton has a lot of courage because they target him, I've got to say, six, seven, I don't know, time flies, years, that he's been covering Milderberg.
Because he's with probably the biggest newspaper arguably in the world.
It's not even the New York Times.
All over Europe, it's the big English, you know, language paper folks read.
And he's able to actually cover it.
The Guardian lets him cover real issues because they know that's how you remain credible in my view.
And so the police and governmental people know that he's, you know, high-powered.
And I'm kind of speaking for him.
I haven't had private conversations with him on this, so I've been at Bilderberg three or four times with him.
He and his wife.
He's a great guy.
But am I correct in saying they target you, Charlie?
I know you didn't come on about this today.
You came on to tell us about what you witnessed the last few days and as Bilderberg officially kicked off.
It just seems like every year, and my crew was saying this, they seem to target you, detain you, arrest you, raid your hotel rooms, harass you, try to get your rental cars taken away.
I mean, is that an accurate statement?
And why are they coming after you if it is an accurate statement?
Well, first of all, hello, Alex.
It's lovely to be here.
Good to have you.
You're looking well, looking very smart.
Well, this year hasn't been as bad as last year, I have to say.
Last year was pretty bad.
The Austrian police were pretty tough.
But this year, the German police, you know, there's not much dialogue going on.
And yes, I was, we were held up for, you know, three quarters of an hour last night, you know, with the usual checks and this, that and the other.
To be honest, there have been other people this year who've had it worse.
So, you know, which I have to say I'm glad about on a purely selfish basis.
But really, what I think I have to say the story this year for me is the number of politicians that have come.
It's a very, very political summit.
And, you know, people don't realise that it's a lot of people.
I don't know what they think it is.
But when you look at the sheer number of politicians here, you have to treat it as a political summit.
I mean, three members of the German cabinet are here.
From your perspective, how Bilderberg is changing, because you talk about they're still powerful, but they're a little more paranoid.
Well, I think the whole Brexit debate is something that concerns them for various reasons.
It would completely unplug the whole TTIP trade deal.
But worse than that, it would fragment this building block of the European Union, which is part of their, when I say they, I mean the kind of globalists,
We're good to go.
Henri de Castries, the chairman of Bilderberg, he talks about the serious consequences of Brexit.
A lot of them do.
Thomas Enders, the head of Airbus, who's pretty much playing host here, he's talked about lobbying for Brexit, against Brexit, for the Remain people.
And the Remain campaign has had money from Goldman Sachs,
I've had a conversation myself with a director of Goldman Sachs.
He was having a glass of wine last night and I went up and said hello.
I said, would you mind having a press conference?
That would be nice.
And he said he'd pass it on.
So whether or not he will, I hope he does.
Well, let's remember Charlie Skelton, again, the London Guardian, that just five, six, seven years ago, some mainstream media was saying Bilderberg didn't exist.
So, this is a huge victory for independent real press that now at least they admit it exists, and to a great extent it is as important as Davos.
It's just basically a private Davos that predates Davos.
I mean, that's how I put it.
Absolutely, and I think if you look at the press, you can see there's a definite change.
Year by year, you get more pieces in the mainstream press that treat it seriously, more pieces that do an analysis of the list, the participant list, that look at it as a kind of
Political, commercial, private summit that critique it in terms of transparency and lobbying and and that the language I think is changing and it's veering away from a kind of easy description of it as a conspiracy theory or something which you still get but you get less of and more simply journalists treating it for what it is which is a an extremely high-powered commercially paid for
A globalist summit.
So yes, I think there's a change from the point of view of the media for the good.
And in terms of Bilderberg itself, I think it's fascinating to see how over the last few years they have shifted towards
Silicon Valley and towards new technology.
You know, the people that you see on the steering committee are people like Eric Schmidt from Google and Peter Thiel, who's on the board of Facebook.
And they've just brought in Alex Karp, who runs Palantir, which is chaired by Peter Thiel, which is the big kind of data mining and data analysis company, which was set up with CIA money.
And in fact, they're bringing in
Google DeepMind people like Dennis Hassabis, who runs Google DeepMind, and they've got someone who's the co-chairman of OpenAI.
So artificial intelligence and data mining and data analysis and big data, that's been a theme for the last few years.
So what you can see is that Bilderberg is not really this old fuddy-duddy group of people.
You know, they're passing the baton on to the technocrats.
I'm glad you raised this.
Because you talk about, you know, they want to be in the future, but they're obsessed in the past with one of your headlines earlier this week.
So let's talk about that.
They admit they want a technocracy.
They call themselves technocrats.
They're going to decide.
They're going to feed us what data they want.
They're going to control the future.
These are all statements.
They're handing the baton to the Zuckerbergs and the Schmitz of the world.
Yeah, I wouldn't say they, you know, some of them fade away, but, you know, Kissinger is still here.
He's 93.
I just saw him arrive.
Wait, if you look at some of the older guys, people like Jacob Wallenberg, they run huge industrial conglomerates.
And they're still extremely powerful.
A lot of these are families, like the Wallenberg family.
Oh, of course they're powerful.
I'm just saying they're betting everything on technocracy and kind of handing the control over to the technocrats.
They're definitely betting on technology and technocracy.
I mean, without a doubt.
Because, apart from anything else, they're not idiots.
They're smart people and they want to be smart.
Because being smart,
Why do you think they wanted to keep it secret for over 50 years and what do you think they think of failing now?
It's an odd one, isn't it?
I think they've pushed the media away for so long that the mainstream media got out of the habit of speaking about Bilderberg.
They sort of forgot that it existed.
Then it became a little bit of an embarrassment, almost.
But it is an embarrassment, to be quite honest.
It is embarrassing that the mainstream media still
To a large degree don't turn up but you know they're still writing about it and I tell you what's a really good sign is that the agencies are here so we've got Getty Images and we've got Reuters who are here taking photographs and feeding them into the kind of press pool of stuff that floats around so at least the newspapers that can't quite be bothered to come here can at least
Take the photographs and then write around it.
So, you know, it's all, I would say, it's changing for the good.
And, you know, the more everyone like you and Luke Rudowsky and Dan Dix and everyone who comes and talks about everyone that keeps the subject ticking over and in the public consciousness and in the media consciousness, all of that is hugely important because, you know, absolutely, they clearly don't like publicity.
And in fact, what's interesting is that this hotel that's at this year has got two entrances and
All of the politicians, with I think about one exception, have come in in the blocked out limos, and they've been swept into the back door, down into the underground garage, with no chance of being photographed.
And you know, it's been the industrialists and the financiers that have come in the front door, because they kind of don't care.
You know, in an age where politicians talk so easily about transparency, it's kind of pathetic that very senior politicians are hiding like this.
And I think what you hit on, Mr. Skelton, again, the London Guardian, is so key, Charlie Skelton joining us, theguardian.com, is that politicians have always denied this even existed, or that Tony Blair or Bill Clinton got vetted there, or Hillary got vetted there, or Obama got vetted there.
I mean, I was there.
I saw the Secret Service drive in.
They aimed MP5 Heckler machine guns at me.
I got it on tape, and they still said, didn't happen, New York Times.
It's just such a collapse of the facade.
But you point out the political class, looking at the list, they always try to stay off the list, but more and more as you pointed out this year, it appears to be almost purely political.
Normally it's all about big business deals, or there's about to be a new war, a bunch of generals, or some of the Saudis are there.
Now the Chinese are hardly ever there, showing they've been kind of kicked out of things.
So you can really see this is so political.
What do you think's behind that from your sources or just your resource?
I mean, is it trying to keep Britain in the Euro?
Is it because of Europe and so much trouble with the migrant thing?
I mean, what do you think makes this so political this year instead of just managing the next political move?
What does it signify to have so many politicians there?
Well, I think it signifies to me that the power base of Bilderberg, which is, broadly speaking, one of
Transnational banks and oil companies and industrial conglomerates, so Shell Oil, BP, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, these giant financial entities clearly want to keep their consensus going.
They want to keep their worldview in play.
So that means that they've got a lot of politicians there that may be having trouble keeping everybody in line.
Or maybe they're trying to make sure they follow the plan exactly?
I mean, you know, at one level, who knows?
Because, you know, the politicians that come don't generally report back on it.
And, you know, for example, our Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, goes regularly.
He's not here this year, but he does regularly go.
And he reports back in his transparency data, and I use the phrase advisedly, with the phrase general discussion.
That's all he admits happened at Bilderberg, general discussion.
It's a bit like when you look at their list of topics and they have current events.
You know, that isn't telling us anything and it's kind of a slap in the face for anyone that values... Sure, remember Watford four years ago?
They were denying the Prime Minister was going?
Or was it three?
And then here he comes, you know, riding straight in?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, Tony Blair lied to Parliament about going, and then was caught on camera by Luke Rudowsky, actually, who put him on the spot.
He went, oh yes, actually, it was a very useful meeting.
Yes, I was there in 1993.
That's years after having lied to Parliament about going.
I mean, I'm hoping, you know, I live in hope, that the more attention, the more chipping away we do this story, the more we can hold it in the kind of media and public consciousness, so that
Politicians will just be more inclined to behave like adults and behave like, you know, representative democracy, you know, representatives.
And transparency is going to make them, transparency is going to make them act better.
That's why they don't want transparency.
I mean, that's it.
Transparency puts it, it puts them on the spot and it holds them to account.
You know, the last thing a politician wants is to be held to account.
Charlie Skelton is our guest at TheGuardian.com.
We've got one more short segment with him and the fourth hour starts with Anthony Ghiardi coming in.
When we come back, I want to just let you talk about whatever you think is most important instead of me asking questions, but also get into what else do you think is on the agenda that's not on this list?
What does this list that they put out tell you about what's coming up?
Charlie Skelton with The London Guardian, one of the first, if not the first, big international publications to even admit Bilderberg existed.
Okay, and again, a lot of that is so much because Drudge, about a decade ago, began to link to our articles at InfoWars.com.
This isn't about credit here, but it's about realizing the evolution of awakening and that we're winning.
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We're going to shift gears to domestic politics, the economy, and more with Anthony Gucciardi in the next hour.
I'm going to ride shotgun into the next hour with him, and Anthony will also be opening the phones up.
Charlie Skelton's our guest.
Okay, Charlie Skelton of The Guardian over in Dresden, Germany, covering what's happening.
I think we agree, unprecedented coverage, unprecedented admissions, that big decisions are being made there.
What else is on your radar screen right now?
Well, I would say that it's a statement made by the chairman of Bilderberg, Henri de Castries.
He's the guy tipped to be the new head of HSBC, one of the world's largest banks.
He was asked recently at an interview, does privacy exist?
No, he was asked, is privacy dead?
He was asked, is privacy dead?
That's right.
And he looked at the guy and he went, yes.
What's very interesting is that they think they, I'm talking about some of the elites here at Bilderberg, treat privacy as something which has kind of, for most of us, evaporated.
And yet, for them, we only have to look out the window and see the rows and rows of police vans and the concrete walls.
Privacy is absolutely alive and well and thriving at Bilderberg, but for us, you know, they have people like Alex Karp, as I said, from Palantir, who's
It's one of the world's largest private companies.
Their software is designed to crunch our data that we're freely just spouting out in every which way.
And create algorithms.
So you've got a board member of Facebook here, Peter Thiel.
You know, this is, it's all, and obviously Eric Schmidt from Google.
That's a great point.
Schmidt makes his girlfriends wear hoods over their heads, Zuckerberg's buying up his whole neighborhood so nobody can look at him, they're obsessed with secrecy and have the police harassing the press, and then they're all spying on us!
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
But worse than spying on us, they think the argument is over.
When I say that, if I'm quoting the chairman of Bilderberg, I think it's fair to say
He thinks, at least, that privacy is dead.
It's over.
So, we're living in a post-privacy world.
So, they're killing our privacy, using our data against it, and then giving themselves, like, royalty exemption from it.
And it's a very technocratic structure, if you think about it.
It's like Soviet Russia, or East Germany.
It's the elite who know everything, and the rest of us who get spied on.
And the difference is,
In West Germany, a guy had to sit there listening at the keyhole, or whatever, and here we're just throwing open our lives to data-crunching companies.
Sure, and I know on German TV, because I follow it some, they have all these shows about the Stasi and how bad it was, and then they admit it's like hundreds of times worse now.
And it's like, oh, it's okay!
Yeah, absolutely.
It's an argument, I think, that needs to be
We're good to go.
Carry on as, totally happily as ever, and just as powerful, if not more, than ever.
So, yeah, it's a kind of a... And they use all their inside data, they admit to game the markets, to rig the stock markets, the currency.
They admit just everything's rigged, they take all our data, they screw us over, and then our taxes pay to have paramilitary police harass the press.
Yeah, absolutely.
They all engage in things like libel fraud and a lot of banking fraud.
There's people here who've been implicated in these things.
So yeah, there's definitely a kind of one rule for one.
Lots of rules for the rest of us.
I'm glad you're there, Charlie Skelton, covering and hopefully before you leave or on Monday in the aftermath or so we could have you pop back in.
Folks can go to The Guardian, just type in Charlie Skelton or Bilderberg, you'll find his reportage.
Are there other good ways to follow you on Twitter, Facebook or how?
Yeah, I'm tweeting from D-E-Y-O-O-K.
We'll be back in the fourth hour.
A lot of stations cover it, some don't.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
I'll be co-hosting with Anthony.
We're getting back into what's happening locally when we return.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The poets tell how Poncho fell.
Poets tell how Poncho fell.
Like a little kid in a cheap hotel.
The desert's quiet and Cleveland's cold.
And so the story ends, we're told.
Poncho needs your prayers, it's true.
The same a few who left you too.
He only did what he had to do.
And now he's grown old.
And now he's grown old.
Now Merle Haggard died last month.
And Prince, so many others.
David Bowie.
People say, ah, David Bowie was weird, or Prince was, whatever.
If you liked their music, you liked their music.
And I liked a lot of David Bowie songs.
I like some Prince songs.
Ones I liked, I really liked.
And then of course, Merle Haggard.
That is a real bummer.
Why do I have Bummer Music I love so much?
Because I have to start talking about it every time it comes in.
That's all part of the celebration of humanity.
When Willie Nelson goes, he's like 83 now.
I got to know him back when he was like...
Last time I ever saw him, um, had dinner with him and Dave Mustaine.
They were there.
I was with Dave Mustaine.
And, uh, ran into Willie Nelson and ended up having dinner with him and he was like already 80.
And I'm just digressing.
He used to go to Twitter.
I actually sent a photo out of that.
He's a real character behind the scenes.
Oh boy, he really liked the film Endgame.
That's why he came to see it.
Back in 2007, I was sitting there and I go and I hear Willie Nelson's here, Willie Nelson's here in the packed crowd.
It was only 300 in the theater, but that's a theater of 300.
I was going to sign DVDs and all of a sudden he just walks around the corner in the counter and grabs my hand and goes, I really like your movie.
I go, well, here's my phone number.
I'd like to get you on something.
He goes, okay, and about six months later called me up.
Pretty crazy.
I'm not named Robin, it's just you hear Willie Nelson and you go, oh, I've been friends with him.
His wife's a big Democrat, I think like his fifth wife.
She's a nice lady, but man.
You know, Willie Nelson gives you a call and wants you to come play chess with him.
He invited me to go to Hawaii with him and Woody Harrelson literally for a week one time on the private jet.
I didn't have time.
I said, Willie, I just don't have time.
He goes, we're gonna have fun, play dominoes, and smoke the vape.
And I'm not really a pot smoker, but you know, when you're with Willie, you smoke pot so you can't walk.
And that's the only problem about it.
I can tell some... I'm going to stop right there.
I'm going to stop at that story.
I can't tell it.
There's too many good ones.
There's too many good ones.
About hanging out with Jesse Ventura and Willie Nelson, too.
That's a really good story.
Hung out with those two together a few times.
I didn't mean to digress off into Hollywood.
I don't care about Hollywood.
I don't care about, but if I like an artist, like a musician, or a painter, or an architect, or a writer, or a researcher, I love them.
But who I really love are people that have courage.
That's why I love Donald Trump, despite the fact I disagree with some of the things he's done.
The whole power structure is after him and lying about him and saying he hates Mexicans.
Because they took it out of context where he goes, this judge is a Mexican, I admire him that he's a nationalist and cares about his country and his people, but he's not an American.
And they said, oh, because he's not what, Anglo?
No, that's not what he said.
The judge is in two La Raza groups and his group boycotts Trump.
Look, if you want to be a member of La Raza, that's your business.
I'm not a member of the KKK.
And I don't care if people in La Raza go, I don't know, a lot of folks listening have probably had a mom or dad that was in it.
You're in college, they say you've been oppressed, I'm sure somebody did something to you wrong.
That's how the world works.
And then, hey, you're going to be part of the Chicano Studies, and it's all funded by the CIA, and the rest of it.
And it's just meant to absolutely sit there and put a chip on your shoulder.
I grew up in Dallas, Texas, okay?
And I had rednecks and black people constantly starting fights with me just because they were looking for a fight.
And I did have fights with Mexicans, too, but the least amount.
And the Mexicans all know that.
They know gringos, on average, are leaving people alone.
They'll try to marry you or try to go, you know, eat at your restaurant, but it's just all made up.
And Donald Trump is not racist, and it's a load of bull.
We're going to talk about it when we come back.
The Bilderberg 2016 public agenda says they will be talking about the usual items like China, Russia, the Middle East, technology, but there's one new item, the precariat.
It's a term coined by a UK economist to describe what he sees as the precarious proletariat.
He calls them a dangerous class of people who've been harmed by globalism.
According to his book, which is one of only ten subjects to be covered at Bilderberg, he breaks down society into several classes.
Under the small number of super-rich elite who are meeting at Bilderberg are the solitariat.
Then there's the professional technicians he calls proficians.
Then we come to the dangerous ones, the precariat, who work menial, low-paying jobs.
So how do the elite propose to control the precariat that he says are an incipient political monster?
Well, he proposes giving every legal resident of a country money without a job to create a permanent, dependent class.
What H.G.
Wells called the Eloy.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Again, I cannot stress enough, even though I don't want the attention, how awesome this crew is for InfoWars Live, how awesome the InfoWars Nightly News crew is, how awesome the entire InfoWars family is, how awesome John Harmon is up at GCNlive.com and Ted Anderson, all of our sponsors, our affiliates, you the listeners, numero uno when it comes to temporal issues, and then of course, God, who is all-encompassing.
I am just here to tell you, I am dedicated to doing the best job I can do.
Lord knows sometimes it's a train wreck.
I'm dedicated to telling you the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God.
And that's just what it comes down to.
We're doing the best we can.
What matters is intent.
The Globalists are out to get us.
Now, coming up at the bottom of the hour, Anthony Gucciardi has requested that they air an 11-minute boildown of the last time Drudge was here in town.
Crazy because I guess great minds think alike or minds that want to be free think alike.
I requested like a three minute boil down a few days ago from one of the editors.
I didn't know he'd already done this for an 11 minute clip.
He's going to be airing that because it's just everything he talked about is now happening and it's just it's important because nine times out of ten it's drudge alone.
Who ends up taking topics that no one else would put in the mainstream media and forcing it out.
The Pentagon says they can't stand it.
And really, it's indicative of the death of the mainstream media.
And you can really say the facade's fully collapsing now.
We're reaching a point where it's got more holes than Swiss cheese.
A 6% trust rate in AP polls.
But, separately, I try to do the best job I can.
Occasionally, I get a wild hair.
I was about to go get my hair cut at like 3 o'clock yesterday and then come back to the office.
And I just had a wild idea.
And I decided to, and we're going to air this a little bit later, Anthony's going to air it, but it's up on Infowars.com.
And I had this idea because I was looking at Drudge and I was watching the super clip cut, which we can roll behind me if you guys want, of Hillary on CNN leaning back in a goddess outfit, like Princess Leia, being worshipped.
And even CNN said, she's a god, she's a golden god, is the quote, history-making golden god.
And it was the weird joker face she then flashed like a demon.
I mean, I would put this in an exorcist movie where a demon possessed woman becomes president.
I mean, this is Hollywood level scary looking woman.
I mean, she's super evil, super creepy, has the bones to prove it.
The whole background starts like having an orgasm on stage and then just acting totally freakish.
And since I attacked this yesterday, not even the leftist groups have attacked me back.
They normally do, because they know it's frickin' cult level.
I mean, this is out of control.
So, here's just a short excerpt of it.
You're wrong!
You're evil!
Glory is God!
I saw it on the drugs report!
She's a con!
Don't show it yet!
Don't show the car!
You're taking me down!
That's coming up at the bottom of the hour, ladies and gentlemen!
That's good!
We'll stop right there!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
And it all depends on a lot of people say, man, you look really skinny in some photos and you look a little bit chubby in those.
Well, I mean, when Jakari's holding you back with his arm around your neck, because we did it.
It's a skit.
It's obvious.
It's fun.
It doesn't cut to a clip with it's obviously fake, like the Hitler dog video.
It's a skit.
OK, I hope we don't get arrested for it.
Pointing out that I'm suddenly worshiping Hillary and have joined the cult and I'm under her spell.
And what's the name of the video up on InfoWars?
It's Alex Jones loses it, has to be restrained by a reporter.
There it is, Alex Jones flips out, is physically restrained.
But I still lost a lot of weight there.
But when you're wearing, you know, tight 36 jeans, I should be wearing 38, looks like I got a little bit of love handles, but man, I got like 10 pounds to go and I'm a mesomorph, folks.
I have the body of a gorilla.
I'm not an endomorph or an ectomorph, okay?
I have like thighs that big around, but I don't even work out.
But I have lost a ton of weight.
But I don't mean to digress off into that.
It's just that... I've been not drinking beer for a week or so, so I'm losing more weight now.
I don't even know where I'm going with all this.
Anthony Gucciardi, we've got to have some fun.
But I really want to ask the audience.
I don't do a lot of comedy.
Whenever I do, people say, oh, he's trying to fake us, when it's obviously satire.
It was like...
Jakari this morning was like, yeah, I don't get it.
A few years ago, they said ISIS is going to assassinate Dumbo as a hoax.
I think it was The Onion.
And he goes, people said, oh my God, I hope they don't kill Dumbo.
Or why did you hoax us saying they wanted to kill Dumbo?
It's obvious.
You don't have to say satire on a 1940s Disney character named Dumbo.
It doesn't exist.
There is no flying elephant with giant pink ears.
There is a crazy Texan with the body of a gorilla, ripping his shirt off, going Hulk style, which I didn't intend to do.
Jakari kind of too quick, because we only scripted it like in 30 seconds.
I said, get over here with a camera, say you're shooting a gun piece, Buckley runs in, run on the hall, you'll see what I'm doing.
Jakari's like, okay.
And I just said, restrain me.
And so in one take, we shot this whole thing in like two minutes preparation.
It was insane.
I love doing, like, there's a bubble gun piece we did, where I just said, hey, they're banning bubble guns, they're arresting kids that have bubble guns.
My Little Kitty or Hello Kitty or whatever it is.
That's Hello Kitty from Japan.
So I said, we're going to be in this board meeting.
I'm going to pull a bubble gun out and then you're going to freak out and stop me.
And that was that was no preparation there either.
So we're going to rear a bubble gum today.
We have time as well.
But I tell you.
I'm a little bit euphoric here with Paul Watson and the rest of the crew and Drudge and everything that's happening.
How global government is absolutely getting a new you-know-what torn in it.
I mean, I know victory when I see it and I think we've almost reached a champagne level event here.
Anthony Guicciardi.
You know, you talk about people thinking that satire is real, it's because we live in a headline society.
People can't actually process things for themselves anymore, and they just read the insane mainstream media.
It looks like the onion anyway.
You go on the mainstream media, it's the most ridiculous stuff you could possibly imagine, so they don't even think now, oh, that could be satire because everything's so insane anyway.
It's like...
Already weird and already projected onto you, and they just read the headlines and no one looks at the details.
Yeah, I guess that's it.
I mean, Jakari's laughing in the background.
I'm ripping my shirt off.
It's obviously a joke.
It's obviously a joke.
I watched it yesterday, by the way.
It's really funny.
I do want to play it on here.
I mean, be honest with me.
I think it's okay.
Jakari did a great job.
I think it's real.
I think it's real.
Let me just put it out there.
I think you're obviously a closeted Hillary Clinton supporter.
You caught me worshipping her?
You were caught worshipping her.
Actually, we shouldn't have said all that.
It's real, ladies and gentlemen.
He was caught worshipping Hillary.
You have to see the video.
I'm actually more impressed by the fact that you ripped the shirt off.
You know, Hulk Hogan had to get those stretchy shirts to rip off.
They had to make them custom for him so he could rip them off.
Is that true?
It's true.
Yeah, Hulk Hogan had shirts that were custom made.
Is it really hard to rip a shirt off?
I've never done it, but it seems pretty hard to me, yeah.
Seems pretty hard.
I tried to pull him for a minute and he wasn't coming off.
I saw you just ripped him though.
He just got mad at it.
No, come on.
I'm so powerful.
I don't know.
It's not that hard.
We'll have to try it.
Well, they are thick quality shirts and it was a little bit harder than some of the other shirts that I've ripped off in videos.
You saved that shirt.
I am ripping off Hulk Hogan.
And I'm ripping off... Who am I ripping off right now?
Ladies and gentlemen, folks, we've got, coming up,
Tell us what you've got coming up today, Anthony Guicciardi.
Well, you know, one of the weirdest things that no one seems to be doing anything about, because it's a headline society and this is too complex, you know, we're all guilty of it though, is Oklahoma police, you've talked about this a little bit, but they can seize your entire bank account on a traffic stop without any charges.
No drugs, no nothing, no arrest, nothing, just gonna suck the money out of your bank account.
But it's not just Oklahoma, so we're going to talk about that.
They can pull you over, and they can just say, oh, you know, for nothing.
We should do a man on the street about this.
We should do a man on the street about this.
It is insane.
They get millions of dollars in funding from this.
And there's some groups that are talking about it, but I've not heard any of the news program, and there could be, I just haven't heard it, talk about this in depth like this.
They are taking money from people for doing nothing wrong.
And what's sad is, and what I want to talk about, is I like the police.
I think, you know, I was looking at the other day, there was a car accident.
That's how they demonize the police, is selling them on evil, unconstitutional garbage, which then they carry out, destroying their own name.
Yeah, a small percentage of the bad apples are going to do this, and then it makes it look really bad, but then they say, oh, it's okay for your funding.
It's okay, these people are probably drug dealers anyway.
Just take their money, it goes to help the kids.
You talk about discrimination, let's face it.
They're going to target illegal aliens and black people and folks, because somehow, this is the only racism I see left in the country, is
With poor whites, blacks, or Hispanics, it's just kind of seen like, as an asset forfeiture, that's what they do it to.
Now, when it's an old lady, an old Hispanic lady or an old white lady or whatever, then, oh, there'll be a big investigation, because, you know, Martha Johnson, hypothetical name, and Jane Doe was an 82-year-old Baptist preacher's wife when they took her $2,000.
I mean, they're dumb enough.
You're totally right.
These corrupt cops are even dumb enough to rob old women.
You know, so let's face it.
They pull somebody over that's got five narcotics convictions.
In their view, they're sick of the justice system being corrupt.
They're going to go ahead and just suck the money out.
But then that leads to really bad stuff.
Then you can justify anything.
You can justify anything.
You're totally right.
Guess what?
There is real racism.
And we're against it.
We're against it.
There is real racism, and that's a justification route, though.
Because, yeah, you can take the guy with the priors and take his cash, but what are you going to do?
I was at Big Bend and watched Hispanic officers who were not like, you know, the normal tough cop officers.
I'll tell you what's racism.
You can see why they'd be white, Hispanic, whatever.
They were like little communist guys, and the things they were saying were right out of university, and they were just arresting white people and leaving the Hispanics alone for drinking.
And I guess in their mind, oh, we're gonna do it back to you now.
No, how about we just don't act like this?
You know, I've had Mexican police shake me down for money because I'm a gringo.
They do it to Mexicans too.
But you know what?
It's wrong no matter who you do it to.
We all need to go back to kindergarten.
I mean, on top of that, if I was ordered as a cop to arrest people drinking beer, I would absolutely arrest one white guy and one Hispanic guy.
You know, I wouldn't just sit there and only take the white people to jail or give them tickets.
It's sickening, man.
It's sickening.
I mean, I would be sick if I was a white police officer and pulled over a black family and then sucked the money out of their credit card.
What the hell is this?
You really think about what they do, too.
Think about that.
It's like something, the numbers here, it's like $47 million or something.
And this just started a year ago.
This is, and it's not just Oklahoma.
Imagine a poor family that's in the car with kids screaming, crying, and you're like, I'm going to have to take that.
I'm going to have to take that credit card.
Well, what they say is, well, where'd you get this $1,000?
Or what you're doing with this?
I'm going to go ahead and use it.
Usually they find a bunch of cash and they say we think it's drug related.
I'm going to skip this break.
I just have to do it right now.
Anthony, do you want to just go ahead and play the insane piece now?
Yeah, let's play the insane piece.
I like it.
So, ladies and gentlemen, this is real.
This is the real deal.
This was captured footage from yesterday.
I heard the screams from over on the other side of the building.
This is what Alex actually was found to do.
I was scared.
Buckley described it as the mad scientist who's gone to the fifth dimension from Buckaroo Banzai when he kind of runs away screaming crazy.
And I said, Buckley, you're so smart.
In fact,
We should come back for the next segment with the Buckaroo Bonsai intro.
We have that in there.
Because I was trying to actually imitate... What's that guy's name that's the bad guy in Buckaroo Bonsai?
Because that's exactly who I was trying to act like when I did it.
And so of course when I ran with my legs far apart like a goblin, I looked like a goblin.
You were channeling the villain from Buckaroo Bonsai.
I was trying to look like a goblin, that's why I did.
I was trying to look like a Hillary supporter.
But yes, this is Alex Jones under the spell of Hillary the Goddess.
Here it is.
This is take one of the Second Amendment piece.
Going to do a dry run here so everybody's good with the audio.
Okay, let's start.
Hillary Clinton is going to be your Democratic nominee.
Now, Mrs. Clinton is a very controversial person.
You guys, you've got to come help me, man.
Alex is freaked out.
What's going on?
I don't know what he's doing.
I don't know what's going on.
He kind of locked his mind or something.
Oh my god, it's my queen!
What the hell is going on here?
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her!
I love her
You're wrong, you're evil!
She's God!
I saw it on the drugs report!
She's a goddess!
She's saving Earth!
She's in this prison right here!
She needs to be in prison now!
Damn it!
This guy's evil?
This is what happens when people lose their minds.
He's been infected by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Don't let this happen to you.
Get your Hillary for Prison t-shirt today.
Get your blasphemous Hillary for Prison t-shirt before Hillary outlaws them or Alex has them all destroyed.
Go to store.infowars.com today and buy your Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
Or InfoWars.
Or InfoWarsStore.com.
By the way, can you back it up to about 10 seconds for the end?
I love how Jakari's in there.
We're in this main studio.
Right next door is David Nye, who we didn't tell we were going to do this.
Like, right to the wall, doing the show while we run around the fourth hour screaming and acting like morons.
You know, at like 2.55 when we shot it.
And then later he's like, what's screaming?
What's going on?
Comes walking out.
The real sitcom, the real reality show would be mount cameras in here for the craziness that goes on, Anthony.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
And I like how the end is, buy them before they sell out or before Alex destroys them all.
It's the real threat.
Yeah, so there's Jakari, like, you know, talking about Alex has been taken over by Hillary.
In the background is David Knight trying to finish the show.
You can see him, like, putting his finger, he was asking him, like, uh, what's going on?
Because, like, we should have told him.
I'm, like, screaming at the top of my lungs.
I'm, like, right through that back wall, is David Knight.
Other people are like, what, what is going on?
Oh, I'm actually crying.
It's so funny.
Let's get serious.
This is how we fund the operation.
That is another limited edition shirt.
It says, till the end of time.
That version is about to go.
We're going to have a new one that doesn't say that.
It says, Hillary for prison 2016.
Exact same design except red on the shoulder.
Spread the word better.
It'll keep it on the back as well.
Legalize freedom.
And that helps fund this operation.
I'm constantly...
You know, plugging every hour.
Most talk shows plug four or five times an hour during the show, and that's what you got to do.
Talk radio is going bankrupt.
The whole country's in crisis, but we just do it once or twice an hour.
By the way, I didn't mean to do this, but Anthony, tell folks about Living Defense.
This sold out, what, in two days when it came in last year.
I had no idea that the nutraceutical folks, the nutraceutical buffs,
Uh, the Nutraceutical Vitamin Mineral Nazis, and I mean that in a Seinfeld way, like, you know, the guy with the really good soups, the Soup Nazi, that has weird rolls.
They really like it, not because they love Dr. Griffin when he does, but this thing's got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Okay, 24 ingredients.
I was saying close to 30.
I was going off memory.
And you take one to three capsules a day.
Do a six-week cleanse on this because parasites get killed pretty quick, but then they have eggs and stuff and cysts.
But most parasites are gone within six weeks, have completed their life cycle several times, and boy, folks take this, the reviews are unbelievable.
But I had no idea this would become, like, out of the gates, one of the number one detox anti-parasite harmful organism cleanses out there.
We finally got more of it in, because there's so many ingredients to get them all organic, all tested, all California standard, is really hard.
I mean, they set the bar, you know, where the air is dirtier than, you know, what they allow.
Or an apple is toxic.
Or an apple.
And so now it's here and you, folks, everybody should do this cleanse.
Now this is all seen as safe, you know, grass by the FDA.
But still, talk to your, talk to your, that's a law, so it's called grass, meaning it's seen as in the safe vitamin and mineral and supplement herb body.
We don't sell stuff that isn't in that group.
But you should still talk to your physician.
Because hey, you may need a physician's note to breathe oxygen.
says, you know, that carbon dioxide's evil, too.
The U.N.
But get your living defense today at Infowarslife.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139 because, and this is the big enchilada,
Look at what we're doing at Bilderberg.
Look at what we're doing covering the riots and the anti-Trump stuff.
It's InfoWars so many times is a game changer because of the amplifier a lot of times, Drudge Report.
I'm proud of the fact sometimes we're able to change the course of things without Drudge linking, but Drudge is on the same team of Liberty, so it's a great dynamic duo, DrudgeReport.com.
Talk about living defense and just about what's happening in the media, Anthony, and then I'm going to throw the baton to you.
Well, Living Defense is, for me, it's a best-seller because you don't actually, and I hate to say this, but you don't have to do anything.
So you just take it in the morning.
You take it in the morning, you take it at night.
It's not like you have to go through a cleanse protocol.
A lot of stuff's rough, yeah.
Yeah, exactly.
So some of it, I mean, hey, I love the Liver Shield, I love the Liver Cleanse, the Advanced Liver Cleanse, it works, it's the real deal, it has tons of five-star reviews, it's good.
But you're starring in the movie Alien.
But you have to do some stuff.
Or you can take liver shield, just put it in your protein shake.
But with living defense, again I hate to say it, you literally don't have to do anything.
You just take the capsules.
That's it.
Your cleanse is done.
A lot of folks do report within a week though, it does cause a flush.
Well, you know, it depends on what you got in your body.
Plus, it has the enzymes in there which can break down the shield, so-called, of these harmful organisms in your body.
I don't know about you, but... Why are you being racist against tapeworms?
I'm being racist against tapeworms, and I like sushi a lot.
I really, really like sushi, and you know how many harmful organisms are in a piece of sushi?
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
I used to see these videos where they pour Coke on, like, pork and worms.
Come on, I didn't believe it.
A few months ago... I don't eat a lot of pork, just because it's for a reason.
The point is,
Because I was just serious about it.
I like bacon though.
And I was sitting there and there was freaking worms in it and I meant to videotape it but it was so gross I didn't do it.
It's gonna be a viral video.
You know what's sad though?
The worms that you don't see are still on there.
Yeah, the edge.
Especially when you go to a sushi place and let's say it's not the best sushi place, they get the filler fish and they let it sit there and they just put it and wrap it in the rice.
You realize that's raw fish.
Nothing has been done to it.
Nothing has been done to even sear it and kill anything in there.
There's a lot of
That's why they say a lot of models don't just eat sushi to lose weight because it's low-calorie.
They want to get the worms.
Some people want the tapeworms so that it sucks the nutrients, which is the silliest, most insane thing ever.
It was popular in Japan for a while.
I think Hillary Clinton is a giant tapeworm.
I think she's stealing our nutrients and we need to living defense her out of the country.
I'm going to say this, not only do I think Michelle Obama is a tranny, I believe Hillary Clinton is a giant intergalactic tapeworm that traveled here via the ninth dimension and is actually wearing a rubber mask.
In fact, let's play the video for TV viewers just of her up there on stage when she puts the rubber mask on and turns into the Joker.
Why do you think the giant worm chose the Joker mask?
Well, you know, it's a certain look, right?
I think as a giant, intergalactic, multidimensional, ethereal tapeworm, she's going to want to look a certain way, you know?
And if that is the case, which I'm sure it is, I'm sure there's researchers have concluded that she is in fact a tapeworm.
Well, I heard she also carries all those cat worms that are in the brain and she just vomits them into the school lunch program food.
The cat worms?
You know, nobody believes the cat worms.
Nobody believes a lot of this stuff.
Scientists are growing organs of pigs.
No one believes that there's that worm that gets in the snail that makes it go to the top of the tree to be eaten by birds to then put its spores back out for more snails and actually gets into the brain and remote controls the snail.
And on a serious note, too.
No, that is real, obviously.
There is a lot of theories that the parasites that we're eating every single day that we can't do anything about that are just going in us, a lot of those parasites could be behind disease in a number of... like it could be... it could be... Folks, I'm being sarcastic about her being a tapeworm.
Uh, now Michelle Obama does have a tapeworm in her pants, but I'm being serious about the worms that go in and take over the brain of the snail, and the cats carry a worm that gets into your brain and makes you enjoy the smell of cat pee so you have more of the cats around.
That is actually real.
In fact, Anthony, pull those up during the break.
People think I'm making this up.
I shouldn't make satire and mix in with real stuff, but I'm gonna say it.
She's not a tapeworm.
She's actually a brain worm from a cat.
Okay, we'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Bilderberg 2016 public agenda says they will be talking about the usual items like China, Russia, the Middle East, technology, but there's one new item, the precariat.
It's a term coined by a UK economist to describe what he sees as the precarious proletariat.
He calls them a dangerous class of people who've been harmed by globalism.
According to his book, which is one of only 10 subjects to be covered at Bilderberg, he breaks down society into several classes.
Under the small number of super-rich elite who are meeting at Bilderberg are the solitariat.
Then there's the professional technicians he calls proficians.
Then we come to the dangerous ones, the precariat, who work menial, low-paying jobs.
So how do the elite propose to control the precariat that he says are an incipient political monster?
Well, he proposes giving every legal resident of a country money without a job.
To create a permanent, dependent class.
What H.G.
Wells called the Eloi.
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They took the good halogen out and put the deadly halogen in.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
In the beginning, a patriot is a man hated, feared, and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then, it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Anthony Gucciardi is hosting Fourth Hour with yours truly.
He wants to get to this big drudge piece.
I know we're running out of time here.
Maybe we should air it in the fourth hour tomorrow, but I'll let Anthony take over.
But I briefly wanted to mention something because I heard David Knight talking about it and I meant to cover it the last few days.
You have the precariat, and that's a merger of precarious with the proletariat, meaning the general slave population.
In sociology and economics, the precariat is a social class.
Well, they have this political scientist who's written a book about it, and it's one of the ten topics they admit they're covering in their press release of the group that didn't exist until a few years ago, because we were crazy.
The world's most elite conference this year will discuss something called the precariat, and they go on to say, yeah, we've gotten rid of the middle class, and so there's these giant masses of young people with no future.
We need to all give them money, just random money, but have state controls over them to control them.
But I've always told you the plan is to make you dependent.
The Bilderberg Group is openly admitting and mainlining, and you see European countries calling for this.
This check you get, you gotta take vaccines, gotta do what they say about how many kids you can have.
We're always told there's two people on welfare having 10 kids.
Yeah, they set it up like that to then have the cultural backlash.
Have a big, giant, uneducated mass of people of all races, colors, and creeds.
Rioting of their EBT card doesn't work in a few days.
Already happening.
Show the poor woman, you know, stomping around the grocery store after her EBT card doesn't work.
EBT cards are now failing.
It's a time bomb to then control the producers, and then it'll just be a move towards phasing out the lower class, and then it'll be phase everybody out as they get the robots in place where they'll produce everything for us, but then we'll have to socially go along with whatever the controllers tell us we must do.
And David Knight did a great job breaking that down in a 60-second piece that aired, because we've gotten rid of a lot of the commercials here.
Commercials have been obsolete on radio and TV to a certain extent for about 10 years.
If we don't produce just incredibly amazing commercials, they don't give you an effect.
If you've got all great commercials on radio or TV, yes, and make a tournament a big deal like the Super Bowl, then they're successful.
That's why you see radio and TV and everywhere, it's product placement within the show.
Most of it's hidden.
We plug a few times an hour max and it's all out in the open.
Hey, we're selling you something we believe in and we use.
I'm just digressing that we bring vignettes to the radio feeds and the video feeds.
A lot of our stuff isn't even commercials.
It's just promoting freedom because the currency we're looking for is human survival and not deciding it's the end of humanity, not deciding we don't matter, not deciding we're going to be phased out.
And then I supposedly join the elite and go along with this and lose my soul.
You build a system of dehumanization.
It will suck everyone in.
No one will escape.
Turn back now.
Warned the sentry at the four-way stop.
This way lies hell.
This way lies honor and the Dark Tower.
Child Roland, the Dark Tower came.
Read that poem and know it.
Or be the dead rotting horse in the moat.
All right, let's just go back to Anthony Guiciardi.
Anthony, I'm going to turn this over to you and let you poncho and run the rest of the transmission.
Appreciate you coming in to host the fourth hour.
I have to twist Anthony's arm to do this and I take over anyways.
But just great job, my friend.
Please continue.
And by the way, the name of the cat parasite, I couldn't remember it, it's Toxoplasmosis.
Hey, thank you.
And what happens is, basically your cats go outside, and they get infected by this parasite, they bring it in, it goes into your brain, it's been linked to schizophrenia.
That's why they may have called it the crazy cat woman back in the day, because the woman with the 20 cats or whatever, they would have a massive amount of toxoplasmosis.
And the Atlantic says how your cat is making you crazy, Scientific American says... Massive suicide increase?
And we talk to women we know who have cats and they literally laugh at us and will not listen.
They say we're insane.
And I've said it time and time again.
You hear the thing crazy cat lady where they love the cats everywhere and the pee everywhere?
It programs you to love the smell of the pee with the toxins in it of the brain worm.
It's literally science fiction.
Yes, it sounds crazy.
Pull up the snail that's mind-controlled by a worm, too.
That's on Discovery Channel.
It all sounds crazy.
And guess what?
It is crazy.
Life is crazy.
The world's insane.
A meteor could hit us right now.
We could die.
We could be in a car accident.
A nuclear explosion could happen.
Something could blow up.
The point is, we're not in Kansas anymore.
The world's insane.
And there's other interdimensional succubus parasites, the Bible and every culture say, that are feeding on us as well.
And Hillary Clinton is completely run by it.
There you go.
Well, she is one.
Big worm.
But, uh, no, I mean, she's run by a seven-dimensional bug-pissed goblin named Pink Belly.
The evidence is clear.
The Media Matters of America.
My god, he's got a shot of Hillary Clinton with her, uh, with her makeup off.
Here, let's show folks this.
World's deadliest zombie snail.
That's the National Geographic.
I don't like to hate on the general public.
I think we've turned into a headline society.
We've all been conditioned.
I've been conditioned.
I'm not above anything to look at headlines and to not realize the details.
And that's why we are going to be destroyed if we don't listen.
All right, I'm gonna leave, but they found it.
It's Dr. Emilio Lizardo from the movie Buckaroo Bonsai.
So can we play the theme of Buckaroo Bonsai one more time as they queue this up?
John Harmon, can you find that again?
Just let me know when you have it.
This is why I quit doing the fourth hour.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Because when I've been on air three hours, after that I'm against Jones.
On the GCN radio network.
Turn to my real self.
This is a big goofball.
Who would be crazy enough to actually take on the new world order and win?
Now, as this is rolling, together, mix the two, let's show people a clip of Emilio Lizardo.
There you go.
Turn up the audio on that, please.
Can you guys pull up Emilio Lozardo, Buckaroo Banzai?
I know that clip will be one of the first ones on YouTube.
And then show that with his hair all sticking out and he's like, they overthrust there.
I mean, that's what these Democrat supporters are like.
It's like they've been possessed.
Did you see all the interviews Leanne did?
She couldn't find any Democrat supporters that weren't deranged loons.
I think we should show the snails too.
Did we find it?
Here, can we please?
Can we please find Emilio Lozardo?
Or Buckaroo Banzai?
This is key, this is key stuff.
Actually, it's good, because, you know, you talk about serious stuff all day.
This is, uh, it's fun to do this every now and then.
Of course, so you, Buckaroo Banzai!
Alright, it's yours, I'm leaving, Anthony, I have a lot of work to do.
Hey, you always, you always, uh, we always come here and have fun and talk about this stuff, and then you say, alright, I'm leaving, now you get serious.
Now you talk about... Oh, there's Lozardo right there, back it up, let's see him.
I did that just for memory, and it was funny, Buckley picked up on it.
Here we go.
Here, let's turn up the audio on this.
Oh, there's no audio?
Alright, that's it.
Lozardo's left the building and so have I. Anthony, go ahead.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
Got news here I want to cover, including this craziness.
Scientists growing human organs inside pigs to create chimeras.
But guess what?
They've been making chimeras for a long, long time.
Got stories about that.
And back in the day when we used to talk about it, I would talk about it.
I heard Alex talking about it a long, long time ago.
Oh, that's craziness.
You're crazy.
Chinese cows making human breast milk from six, seven years ago.
Human animal chimeras were already unlocked and discovered in the UK.
It's all craziness, but guess what?
Like I said, like we were talking about earlier, the world is crazy.
We've got more about Oklahoma police seizing your bank account and how they can do that.
Towns banning front yard gardens.
Venezuela middle class, dumpster diving for food.
We're going to talk about a lot of that.
But first what I wanted to do, and it's pressing, we're going to have to cut off the end of it and you can see the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel, is I wanted to play this full Drudge video.
Because we played the two minute version of the Drudge warning before.
We played it a little bit today and yesterday.
But this video really summarizes all of it.
When Matt Drudge came and came on Alex's show.
He really hit a lot of key points, so if we have that ready, I know it's a lot of craziness going on back there in the production area, I would like to play Matt Drudge's Warning to America.
It's been more than 16 years since Matt Drudge gave his historic speech at the National Press Club on June 2nd, 1998.
At that time, he said that the mainstream media would go bankrupt, that individual bloggers and researchers on the internet were just as important as the New York Times.
The controlled state-run media had a field day making fun of Matt Drudge, but today their hubris has drained away, and they're no longer as arrogant as they once were.
Now we see calls for the FCC to regulate print news and online news, and we see establishment publications like Time Magazine, Newsweek, and the New York Times battling to keep from going completely bankrupt and imploding.
It turns out pretty much everything that Matt Drudge said in that 40-minute speech has now come true.
Well, Matt Drudge is saying a lot of things today that the mainstream media is still laughing at.
Why do they laugh at people that have been proven right over and over again?
Here are some of the most important moments in my view from Drudge's speech.
And we're also adding headlines from over the years to show just how much of what he had to say came true.
This is something new.
This marks the first time that an individual has access to the news wires outside of a newsroom.
You get to read all the news from the Associated Press
UPI, Reuters, to the Morrocan Agency French Press and the Genois.
I'm a personal fan of the Genois Press.
And time was, only newsrooms had access to the full pictures of the day's events.
But now any citizen does.
We get to see the kinds of cuts that are made for all kinds of reasons.
Endless layers of editors with endless agendas changing bits and pieces so by the time the newspaper hits your welcome mat, it had no meaning.
Now with a modem, anyone can follow the world and report on the world.
No middleman, no big brother.
And I guess this changes everything.
More than 10 years after breaking the Clinton-Lewinsky story, Matt Drudge remains more powerful than ever with his website, thedrudgereport.com.
Matt Drudge is a legend on the internet.
Every journalist and politician in America reads his website on a daily basis.
When radio lost out to television, there was anxiety.
The people in the radio business were absolutely anxious and demanded government stop the upcoming television wave.
Television was very nervous about other mediums coming forward.
The movies didn't want sitcoms to be taped at movie studios for fear it would take away from the movies.
Television saved the movies.
The internet is going to save the news business.
I envision a future where there will be 300 million reporters.
Where anyone from anywhere can report for any reason.
It's freedom of participation absolutely realized.
The First Lady of the United States recently addressed concerns about Internet during a cyberspatial Millennium Project press conference just weeks after Lewinsky broke.
She said, we're all going to have to rethink how we deal with the Internet.
As exciting as these new developments are, there are a number of serious issues without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function.
I wonder who she was referring to.
Mrs. Clinton continued, anytime an individual leaps so far ahead of that balance and throws a system, whatever it might be, political, economic, technological, out of balance,
You got a problem.
It can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes, which we have seen historically.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Would she have said the same thing about Ben Franklin, or Thomas Edison, or Henry Ford, or Einstein?
They all leapt so far ahead out that they shook the balance.
No, I say to these people, faster not slower.
Let your mind flow.
Let the imagination take over.
And if technology has finally caught up with individual liberty...
Why would anyone who loves freedom want to rethink that?
If you're an undersecretary at the Energy Department and you're doing an interview and you say one thing, you know, during it, you could end up being on the front page of Drudge.
Anyone saying anything can get caught up in the spin cycle in a way that is very damaging.
You know, it hurts what we're trying to do, but it also is very damaging to that individual person.
And we cannot hide our bad news stories.
Bad news gets out one way or the other, and we must come to terms with telling the bad stories as well as the good.
When bad things happen, the American people should hear it from us, not as a scoop on The Drudge Report.
Adam Goodhart wrote a great op-ed in the New York Times talking about, is this really something new?
This type of fast reporting, this competitive, very competitive, I'm part of the headline generation.
He maintains it was a going back to our foundations, when the press was found in quite a different atmosphere, when the press would report that the President's mother was a common prostitute brought over by the British Army.
Imagine if someone did that now.
We have a great tradition of freedom of the press in this country.
Unpopular press.
If the First Lady is concerned about this internet cycle, what would she have done during the heyday when there was 12, 13 editions of a paper in one day?
What would she have done with that news cycle?
That's the foundation.
That's what makes this club great, is the tradition.
And I think we have a tradition of provocative press.
And that I maintain that I'm the new face on that.
I'll take that for a season.
But a lot of the stuff I do is serious stuff.
I was first to report that the encryption was missing from a Loral satellite, for example, a couple weeks ago.
I didn't see the main press reporting that one.
So not everything I do is gossip or bedroom.
To the contrary, I think that's just an easy label to dismiss me and to dismiss the new medium.
But I'm excited about the launch of this internet medium and I get freedom of the press belongs to anyone who owns one.
Tonight, the Drudge Report and InfoWars are once again in the crosshairs as the U.S.
government seeks to regulate conservative media via election laws.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist whose stories often make their way from his website, InfoWars, where on any day you can find headlines about vaccines, mass fluoridation, and the 9-11 cover-up.
Into the so-called mainstream GOP establishment.
Alex Jones was a champion of Clive and Bundy from the very beginning.
Because he's saying he'll do whatever he has to to not be, you know, have his grazing rights stolen by these pirates.
Drudge elevated the story and it made its way onto Fox News' airwaves.
Next thing you know, so-called mainstream Republicans are calling people like this patriots.
The conservative website that's called the Dredge Report pulled out all the stops today to promote a big, new, bombshell video!
Today, the leading conservative website's headline was this.
Civil War sent it to go for handguns.
I'm an addict.
I'm a drudge addict.
My homepage is actually something else, National Review, but I find myself going to drudge all the time because as a communications professional, you can tell what's going to come down the pike.
If there's a siren on Drudge Report, you're like, oh boy, better go knock on the Oval Office door and let them know what's going to happen.
Yes, we're calling it that.
It's the latest Hillary conspiracy theory that set the internet to blaze after the Drudge Report questioned whether Clinton was using a walker in this People Magazine cover photo.
Well, internet pioneer Matt Drudge created a firestorm over the weekend tweeting, just paid the Obamacare penalty for not getting covered.
I'm calling it a liberty tax.
But a White House representative firing back tweeting, flat lie, no fee for previous years.
Scary how much influence he once had.
And then the White House shot back and said, you know, made some cheap shot about, oh, he used to be relevant.
Are you kidding me?
Matt Drudge used to be relevant?
Let me give you the numbers.
In one month, go on the website, almost 810 million unique views on the Drudge Report.
I guess that's a nice Twitter fight between the White House and Matt Drudge.
People had suggested I start a mailing list.
So I collected the emails and set up a list called the Drudge Report.
One reader turned into five.
Then turned into a hundred.
And faster than you could say, I never had sex with that woman, it was a thousand.
Five thousand.
A hundred thousand people.
The ensuing website practically launched itself.
That is the video about what Matt Drudge said ultimately all coming true.
It's the most amazing thing when he was talking about, I foresee an age in which the internet will allow there to be 300 million reporters.
300 million reporters.
And it ties in to this idea
I wanted to talk about today, and of course, there's so much news that we didn't get to cover.
I'm going to try and cover some of it.
But the idea that we live in what I call a standardized test society.
Because you see, you're only given options.
Or you could also call it an A, B, C, or D society.
What I mean by that is, from childhood, we're put into the school system where we're given tests.
And these tests are standardized.
They grade us and our value and our worth and our intelligence based on A, B, C, or D.
Sometimes you might be able to write in your own answer, right?
But the big ones, the SATs, all these big grand tests, the standardized tests from the states, from the system, right?
It's all A, B, C, or D. And we've been accustomed to this idea that we can either choose A, B, C, or D. We have to watch either Fox News, MSNBC,
Whatever you want to watch, as long as it's mainstream media, right?
A, B, C, or D. Sometimes there's not even a C or D. Sometimes it's A or B. You've been told your entire lives you have to subscribe to this system, the standardized test society, where you have no individual choice, where you can't do your own thing, right?
Even when you graduate high school, they give you a test to determine your career.
Determine your career based on this test, and there's a list of careers that you're going to be.
It's very 1984-esque.
They say, you would be best as a plumber.
You wrote these multiple choice questions because we don't have the capacity to see people individually.
You wrote these multiple choice questions and we determined that you would most likely be best as a plumber.
Well, you know, Matt Drudge didn't see just A, B, C, or D. He saw the internet, which a lot of the mainstream media type people hated because it was access points for us, the individuals, to do our thing, just like how I'm speaking to you right now is through the internet.
Or through radio, which was enabled by Alex's presence on the internet.
And what happens is, you start to lose control.
The system starts to lose control, and Drudge saw that.
No matter even what you think about him or the Drudge Report, maybe you even hate the politics of it.
But guess what?
He was a trailblazer, and he was a mega-genius.
And he is still a mega-genius, in the sense that he saw all of this coming.
He saw all of this happening, and he saw it for what it was, an opportunity of expansion into the idea bank of the world.
And instead of being someone that was sitting there saying, the Internet is bad and scary and evil,
And it is a terrible thing, and we need to restrict control, and the government needs to regulate it.
He said this is a bounty of opportunity.
And he said there will be attacks on the freedom of the Internet.
And he came on to Alex's show.
Alex's program has said such powerful things.
I mean, really, really powerful.
And speaking to the guy, he's a really amazing human being.
But the very concept
We now have these tools, these opportunities at our disposal.
Just this cell phone right here, this phone I'm holding in my hand is opportunity.
It is the ability to do anything.
It is the ability to reach people through any venue online that you could have never dreamed of.
It's more powerful than a supercomputer in the 1950s that cost $50 million.
You would just have it in your hand all day sitting there.
You have the opportunity to actually do something with it that could change the world.
You could actually take a video on your phone and change the planet.
That is powerful stuff, and the people that saw that from the beginning were people like Matt Drudge.
You know, Alex saw it too.
He was the first to start streaming his program live on the internet, like you are now probably watching it at Infowars.com forward slash show.
So, this is what it comes down to.
These are the things that change the world.
These are the things and the opportunities that we need to grasp and take a hold of.
Now quickly, before the program's over,
And Alex comes back tomorrow from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
I just wanted to hit on just a few things here that are happening.
So, we talk about the details, we talk about taxoplasmosis, the cat parasite.
Well now, scientists are growing organs inside pigs to create chimeras.
This is from the independent.
researchers have injected human stem cells into pig embryos to produce human pig embryos known as chimeras.
Now, this isn't new.
Only got a minute in here, but this isn't new news.
In 2011, Sky News reported Chinese GM cows are already making human breast milk.
And we've known for a long time that human-animal chimeras are being made.
They face new ethical scrutiny.
This was from Stat News in 2015.
And this piece from 2012 on 10 ways science is using human-animal hybrids.
There's tons of different so-called chimeras already in existence.
It's already being done.
And here's the thing about this.
We need to get involved in things that are actually detailed like this, as a society, instead of being a headline society.
You heard about the drive-by society?
How about a headline society?
We just read headlines on the media, make assumptions, don't read past the first paragraph, and leave.
We're tired, we're exhausted, we've been worked to the bone, we've been attacked, right?
We don't have time, but guess what?
We gotta get engaged, because as they start churning out human chimeras, without the public even realizing it, we're not even involved!
We're too busy as they pull over people on the side of the road in Oklahoma and take all their cash.
We're not even involved because we're too busy caught up in the minutia junk, the distraction.
We have to get aligned and get on our.
Anyway, I'm Anthony Gucciardi and this has been the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex, thank you for inviting me on.
A lot of fun this hour and stay tuned tomorrow.
Alex will be back 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.