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Filename: 20160321_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 21, 2016
3122 lines.

This segment discusses various issues including political rhetoric and censorship, global politics, corporate control, and health products. Alex Jones criticizes the establishment for promoting a globalist agenda and attacking those who speak out against it. The show promotes various products such as Deep Cleanze, a powerful cleanse solution, and Survival Shield Nation I9X2, which provides protection from electromagnetic radiation. The discussion also covers topics like the influence of world leaders on US politics, protests against Donald Trump, and the role of George Soros in electronic voting systems. Alex Jones talks about how issues that were once hidden from view are now more evident than ever before. He discusses how different ideologies are all part of a larger collective mindset called collectivism and emphasizes that this battle is against a criminal group with no regard for nationality or borders. The show also features specials on Survival Shield, nascent i9 x2, and a free toothbrush, and discusses Donald Trump's impact on American politics, including theories about his motives and what the future may hold.

From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, I'm going right into a special report by John Bowne.
Obama's dangerous immigration numbers lie because it integrates with open globalism.
Every foreign government you can imagine telling us we can't have Donald Trump, just breaking our will, telling us that we are under international control.
And now, from Bloomberg, Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost from Mexico Efforts in the U.S.
to Turn Illegals into Citizens to Take Over the U.S.
Here's John Bowne's report.
Recently, President Obama and his motorcade of citywide gridlock rolled into Austin, Texas, to push more Big Brother-style federal control of the technology sector at the 2016 South by Southwest Festival.
But it was a remark he made during his stop at a Democratic National Committee reception that drew ire to the ears of anyone
Paying attention to the growing threat building up on the Texas border.
Obama claimed, illegal immigration is lower than it's been in 40 years.
This statement was nothing less than a bait and switch aimed at the supposed stupidity of the American people and a dangerous statement to boot.
How so you ask?
Obama was referring to the comparison of border patrol apprehension numbers in the 1970s to the present numbers.
The DHS defines apprehension data as data representing events and not individuals.
Since 1970, apprehension numbers rose from 231,116 to 888,729 by 1979.
Apprehensions continued to increase, averaging in the millions through the 80s, the 90s, and the beginning of the new millennium.
Under George W. Bush, apprehension numbers began to decline in 2007 after Bush urged Congress to allow more than 12 million illegal immigrants to work in the United States under a temporary guest worker program.
As the presidential baton was handed to yet another New World Order puppet, Obama opened the floodgates for a mass exodus with an unconstitutional executive order protecting 5 million illegals.
Meanwhile, in February of 2016, DHS quietly created a new policy making it mandatory for Border Patrol agents to release illegals.
We're good to go.
Far more than came in under Bush.
But those numbers are hard to gauge, as the Border Patrol's hands are tied on apprehensions.
Although narcotics and illegal immigrant smuggling were conducted by organized crime, it was not nearly on the level we see the cartels operating today.
There were even relatively small-time players conducting smuggling operations within a given area of operations.
Although violence could and did erupt, the older generation of smugglers took the long view.
They would rather risk losing a load of narcotics to the Border Patrol than opening fire on agents.
Violence brought unwanted attention on both sides of the border, and that was bad for business.
This all began to unravel in the early 2000s with the emergence of the drug cartels.
These cartels are well organized, heavily armed and pathologically violent.
To give you a sense of the violence, the official death toll, as you quoted earlier, the official death toll from the cartel violence in Mexico is 60,000.
This is more than the United States military lost in Vietnam.
However, the unofficial death toll in Mexico is over
In 2014 the Border Patrol apprehended and arrested just under 500,000 illegal immigrants.
Meaning that one in every five arrests last year by the Border Patrol was a criminal alien.
Almost 50% of the criminal aliens deported in 2014 were convicted of aggravated felonies.
These charges include murder, rape, sexual assault of a child, and drug and weapons trafficking.
These are not petty criminals, and approximately 60% of those deported last year had already been deported at least once before.
Now the immigration crisis has fallen into the laps of state game wardens, who are now using devices to detect radioactive material being smuggled into the United States that could be used in a nuclear terroristic event.
Clearly, national security has been grossly compromised, and the New World Order puppet-in-chief has something
Today is Monday, March 21st, and here are some of the top stories.
The electronic voting firm that's counting Tuesday's Utah GOP election results is headed by George Soros Insider.
The chairman of the Smartmatic group is Lord Mark Malik Brown, who's also on the board of Soros' Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the socialist billionaire.
Soros, who has given over $13 million to Hillary Clinton for the election, formally warned Donald Trump that there will be, quote, consequences for his campaign to secure the U.S.
In similar news, Mexico is pressuring its permanent residents in the U.S.
to become citizens, a status that would enable them to vote, presumably against Trump, if the Mexican government gets its way.
Officially, Mexico claims it respects U.S.
sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the results of the presidential race.
Yet Mexican diplomats are hosting free workshops to assist immigrants in gaining U.S.
And remember back in 2014 when radio host Glenn Beck was giving out free gifts to illegals surging across the border?
Well, it turns out that Ted Cruz was also helping him.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Just when I think the globalists can't get any more out in the open, they double down.
Look at the headline from Bloomberg.
And it's reporting that makes this incredible act of aggression and internal meddling in our national affairs look like it's just completely normal, standard, and kosher.
Here's the headline.
Bloomberg, stop Trump movement, gets boost from Mexico efforts in the U.S.
And the Mexican government is running TV ads, running radio ads, running print ads, spending money, and working with, quote, Spanish language news entertainment to push illegals, you name it, to, quote, hurry up and become citizens, that means hurry up and get driver's licenses in California and other states, and illegally vote.
That's what this really is.
Can you imagine if we were down in Mexico, telling them who to elect, telling them what to do, they would laugh at us because for all Mexico's problems, they at least are nationalist.
The Communist Chinese government has come out and called him Hitler, Donald Trump, and threatened the United States and threatened Congress that you better not elect him.
We have seen the British government,
The current Mexican president, the former Mexican president, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on and on saying, listen, you better not elect Donald Trump.
And why is that?
Because Donald Trump has never gone through the regular political system.
He's a maverick.
And that's why they've created this giant hoax that he's racist and that what he's saying is outrageous.
So that a lot of trendies who have college degrees that they'll never get a job with, they'll be bagging groceries for the rest of their lives, can feel like they're good people and go vote in polls, a national poll, where 54% who were polled said, we want to punch Donald Trump in the nose.
These are the same people that wanted Obama and wanted free health care and didn't get it, and now they want Bernie Sanders because he's promising them the free health care.
All you got was a foreign bank screwjob.
These people are consummate, pseudo-intellectual, ignorant, anti-free speech, hateful people.
In fact, I didn't even get to all the clips yesterday.
I played one of the professor running up saying, get me some muscle, no free speech allowed, and trying to attack people.
And the other clips of the woman running up in Chicago saying, you're interviewing a woman of color.
You're not allowed to do that because you're a white male with white privilege.
No free speech.
Leanne McAdoo talked to folks downtown who would just sit there and say the most racist things about white people, but it was okay because they're a minority.
And this is the climate being fostered and pushed for the swallowing up of this country into global fascism.
And it really shows how far we've sunk.
That everyone just arrogantly does it because they know America, on average, are a bunch of rudderless, dumbed-down, mainstream media-consuming, arrested development boobs.
When I say boobs, I say that for a reason.
The popular term, boob, just means an idiot.
No, it doesn't.
It's a booby.
It's a dumb, stupid, hateful pirate.
And that's what these folks are who, I don't care what color they are, they can't get a job, they don't want to work hard, they just dream of conquest.
How in groups, they're going to go vote to get some free goodies.
And then I monitored Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the cover of The Statesman this morning.
I almost bought one at the gas station, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
And it said Obama gets warm welcome in Cuba from Cubans.
That's the Cubans that aren't locked up a half million of them for being political dissidents.
The government warned everyone on loudspeakers and on radio and TV, do not come out and protest or you'll be arrested and basically permanently detained.
And be on your best behavior and dress nice and work extra hard while Obama's here and keep the streets clean.
And you know what?
They follow their orders.
The country is collapsing.
It has basically no manufacturing, but it has a bunch of arrogant ruling class communists waddling around bossing everybody about.
Just like China has all these top generals and people making billions of dollars sitting on top slave factories, where they'll just decide at mines and factories to go, you know what?
We're not paying you now.
And they lock the workers up in container buildings and just keep them as slaves.
And if you complain, they grab you and go put you in a jail cell, blood test you, get your genetic type ready, and prepare you for harvesting.
This is who Zuckerberg and Obama and the globalists are in love with.
This is who they are, flaming, dripping,
Stinking authoritarians who have taken the wealth of America and used it to buy off a bunch of idiots and keep it at subsistence level.
Then they use class envy to program the masses who dream of some red flag takeover where they'll be living in wealthy people's mansions.
I can't tell you how many people came up to me and on air and in press interviews and say, but national health care is wonderful.
It's wonderful in Canada.
It's wonderful in England.
And I'd say you can look at the dissatisfaction in national polls in both countries.
They come here to get their health care, the middle class and wealthy.
They don't get it in England.
And they have a two-tier system, like you pay property taxes, but you don't send your kids to public school.
You send them to private school, same thing.
They have a elite clinic and hospital system that the government has to allow you to get to.
But if you're part of the insider club, then you're allowed to go get that, just like in China, and in Germany, and in England, and the rest of the UK.
It's been in the news.
They have special hospitals they go to, special MRIs, special clean vaccines, special organic reservations.
I don't know, I was watching a PBS documentary over a decade ago, and it was Prince Philip out at one of the largest palaces.
It was actually, you know, hundreds of square miles.
And they had all these old villages there that they kept old-fashioned with blacksmiths and cows and sheep and ducks and everything's organic.
And it was Philip going in himself to just say, I want this, I want that.
And going all organic, nothing but organic, nothing but pure, nothing but good.
That's what they have in China.
Just search engine the stories.
Chinese elite have secret organic farms.
And they have the army growing it for them in greenhouses.
And they wear masks when they go outside.
And then you see all these soft, just incredibly stupid looking trendies who you talk to them and they're just arrogant morons who think they're smart because they repeat talking points they get from their local trendy publications.
And they think Mao is sexy.
They think Cuba's sexy.
They just get off on it as they lounge around in designer clothes and play on slave-made iPhones.
They are the biggest contradictions I've ever seen.
There's a video up on Infowars.com.
We're going to play some of it coming up.
We're a Tucson cop who happens to be black.
Says he didn't know what to think of Trump, so he went to one of the rallies.
The Trump people were all incredibly polite, nice.
And then here come the trendies, the communists, the Black Lives Matter people, spitting and yelling and shoving and jabbing.
He couldn't believe the Trump people sat there and took it.
And then, of course they had announcements before too, don't resist, don't fight back.
And he just kept saying, why isn't this in the news?
Why do they keep saying Trump is inciting this?
The few times there's been somebody swinging and punching and hitting people, Trump has said, I'll go ahead and punch that guy back.
It's a totally normal response.
If I was Trump, I'd say, we're not looking for trouble.
We got the police and Secret Service here.
But if some thug comes up and punches you, you have a right to defend yourself.
But don't swing till they swing.
But no, he's basically now just said, you know, I guess roll over to it.
And man, you see these hateful, dumb dirtbags that are doing this?
These people don't have jobs.
They are maxed out credit cards, maxed out student loans, maxed out everything.
And they live in these echo chambers on these universities in total fantasy land.
They're not out there in America at the factories and the trucks and the people working hard every race, color and creed.
Trying to live a life, trying to take care of your kids?
They're just a bunch of spoiled, snot-nosed idiots who like to live in Cuba, even though they've never been there.
I tell you, if I see one more communist get out of a brand new Mercedes or Jaguar, I'm gonna throw up too.
These people, a lot of them know they're just a takeover fraud.
A lot of them know what they're doing.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
Central, we're here live.
to 3 p.m.
I host the first three hours, then it's InfoWars fourth hour overdrive.
Today, Paul Watson will be quarterbacking the fourth hour.
Okay, I need to get to the Cuba visit in specifics.
I need to get into China censorship, working with Zuckerberg.
I need to get to Clinton emails, reveal Google sought overthrow of Syria's Assad.
Folks, when we went and covered Bilderberg,
Four years ago in England, months before they had had Google with all these different intelligence agencies, Apple and Twitter, meeting at the very same Wadford estate.
For months, they had just closed it and used it as a command base to organize the Arab Spring.
And that was in trade publications, but not in the newspapers.
Because the newspapers know not to report on that, but then the establishment still puts out reports bragging about their success.
So again, we told you that five years ago, four years ago, it's now in her emails.
And that's what I'm getting at.
These technocrats, these big tech companies have been created by In-Q-Tel, the CIA, NSA, and others.
And they set up these corporate heads who are just fronts of these companies.
Microsoft was set up by IBM.
IBM is a OSS precursor.
I mean, this is in the literature.
You just have to read IBM and the Holocaust and other Pulitzer Prize winning books to actually get deep into the meat of it.
It's a shadow government.
In fact, you guys pulled me the Boston Globe out of the stack yesterday where
Top government insider comes out and says, listen, there's a whole shadow government.
Everything's run by foreign interest.
We're in trouble.
And this is an establishment guy that came out and said this.
They knew this in the 60s, ladies and gentlemen, when books like Shadow Government were written.
And so we're here telling you fact.
Occasionally I get into esoteric things and, you know, say all I know is whoever's running this world is evil.
It's like the devil out of the Bible.
And who's the devil?
A fallen angel of this planet, marooned here, oppressing mankind.
So they had literally over 20 publications last week say, Jones says the devil's a space alien and, you know, wants to destroy mankind.
I've said whether you're an atheist or whether you're a Christian or whether you're an agnostic,
The elite believe they're going to become gods.
That's what Ray Kurzweil says.
They believe that they're merging with machines.
They believe humanity's obsolete.
It fits the Bible narrative to a tee.
So it's real, or they're copying it and manifesting it and making it real.
That's what I said.
Again, out of context.
He's sitting up there with his surrogates, hyping racial division, economic class warfare.
You've got all these multinational foreign countries that own our debt like China, built on the backs of hundreds of millions of slaves.
And then stop Trump movement gets boost from Mexico's efforts in US.
And then they just report it like it's no big deal.
Oh, Mexico's mounting big efforts, spending a lot of money, to tell folks when they go to the U.S., don't get a driver's license, go ahead and vote.
See, they spin this like they're trying to do it legally.
Well, we have the details, actually, in a Curt Nemo article on Infowars.com that actually deciphers this BS.
Mexico attempting to subvert U.S.
presidential election.
That's right.
Foreign power tries to take over America.
And people say, oh, Mexico can't do that.
Mexico has teamed up with the globalists to merge us into an NAU, North American Union, integration by stealth.
That's in the declassified Banff, Canada, North American Union summit meeting 2007.
And then what comes next?
I remember reading the Washington Post ten years ago, where they had top generals being quoted, saying, we're working with Canada and Mexico to put troops inside the U.S.
to deal with insurrection and domestic terrorists.
We believe the new threat will be patriot groups in the future.
And then we get the MIAC reports and others where they say the military's main mission in NORTHCOM is battling veterans, gun owners, Christians, and conservatives.
It's because the globalists are going to start a civil war.
We're going to be forced to defend the Republic because we're not traitors.
And they're going to announce that we're the enemy and literally try to put us in re-education camps.
That's the Army's name for it.
Re-education camp.
Just type in Army manual, talks about re-education camp.
They use the Soviet term.
They say re-education camp.
They are hiding it in plain view.
Traitors inside conditioning us to accept foreign rule, foreign troops, oppression, and being arrested for your speech.
And saying Trump deserves to die for saying milquetoast stuff.
Here's the article.
Vote all you want.
The secret government won't change.
Boston Globe.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
A ton of clips straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Google wanted to overthrow Syrian President Assad, which would have allowed ISIS to gain complete control over Syria.
You heard that right.
Google, in 2012, wanted to help these so-called Syrian rebels overthrow Assad, according to State Department emails recently released.
In July 2012, Jared Cohen, the head of what was then the company's Google's Ideas division, wrote an email to several top Clinton officials and said, quote, Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool that would publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.
Cohen added, quote, And here's another thing.
Al Jazeera is state-funded by Qatar, a country which once was thought out of power because the Syrian president refused a proposed pipeline running through Syria, which would benefit Qatar.
For more geopolitical news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Everything from Supermail to Brain Force to Winter Sun, X2, even got a little DNA Force.
So I just re-upped everything and I just went to Autofilm.
Reverend, Reverend,
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Our government has been taken over.
In 1913, a private foreign banking consortium got three laws passed.
Two of them amendments.
Of course, both really didn't pass.
They ramrodded them through.
It's in the historical record.
A law that never was, written by Red Beckman.
He traveled to all the states that existed in 1913.
Forty-something of them.
There it all was, the proof.
They were 10 states short.
It was in the records, the states hadn't ratified.
But it didn't matter.
We got the private federal reserves.
We got the income tax.
And we got the 17th Amendment.
To take the senators from the states.
To make them popularly elected.
Not voted for and appointed by the legislature.
Then in 1921, British intelligence activates their plan to retake the United States.
Proud House is established.
Council on Foreign Relations.
New York City.
Hollywood has given massive British intelligence funding.
Suddenly all the heroes on the movies are
British swashbucklers and heroes.
France is the enemy.
Patriots are the enemy.
Suddenly the Queen of England, reviled in this nation, is on coffee cups and tea mugs everywhere.
It's in the women's and ladies' magazines how great the royal family is.
And look what we've turned into today.
It just gets worse and worse.
Cecil Rhodes' plan launched in 1900 to take the British Empire underground with a corporate system worldwide of shadow governments, secret assassination teams, and narcotics trafficking, as well as white slavery.
And now it's all here.
A world government built around enslavement.
And America has been brought to the cemetery gates.
They want to put us six feet under and complete the world government.
But only after our blood's been sucked out of us to feed the beast.
That beast is now standing on its two feet.
No longer is it in a crib.
It's hungry.
It's coming.
The battle is now just beginning.
All right, let's go ahead and get right into this because when you look at an issue like Obama going to Cuba and meeting with Fidel Castro, the dictator, his brothers, the current dictator, they pass power hereditarily just like North Korea.
It's royalty, but they have lots of red flags and crumbling houses and so everything's okay like North Korea.
And now they're announcing, oh, the big corporations are going to come in with a monopoly deal and horrible low wages, and they're going to force the agrarian and fishermen of Cuba, this is all being announced, to go work in the casinos and the hotels.
And they're going to put restrictions in on fishing and farming and make you go to the cities and be a slave at factories.
And then the generals and Raul and everybody will be billionaires.
Just like the China one-party model.
In fact, I would imagine Cuba will probably start selling organs.
And I'm not kidding.
This is a formulae.
A formula.
And it's sick.
I can walk into a grocery store in Mexico.
I've done it.
And buy pancake mix.
And I don't need to be able to read Spanish.
I can see the three lines on the back and figure out it says milk and eggs.
Just add that.
Shake and bake.
It's a formula.
And I can look at Cuba.
I can look at the Arab Spring.
I can look at Syria.
I can look at Ukraine.
And I know who's behind it.
And then it's in the news who's behind it.
Google didn't put an Arab Spring in of real reformers and real liberals.
They knew that was coming and was popular.
So they overthrew the governments and put Saudi Arabian jihadists in.
Because that's what they want.
They want oppression, and they want strong men, and they want thugs to run the show.
But they sit up there and get all the liberal donor groups to give them money to bring freedom to the women of the Middle East.
Think about how arrogant and out of control these people are.
The CIA, in more than 80 countries since its inception in 1947, look this up, has a preference to install dictators.
Oligarchies are even more preferable because you may have 10 or 15 guys in a bureau that actually run things and have puppet presidents.
That's even harder for the public to figure out.
Hugo Chavez completely sold Venezuela out and built himself and his family and everybody else huge Swiss palaces.
And if you read the Davos Forum from two years ago, they bragged that no one pays better international debts than communists.
And you've only got to work with the leadership.
You buy them off,
They act like they're fighting the West.
The West acts like they're fighting them.
Those big multinationals come in.
There's no unions.
There's no environmental laws.
There's no regulations.
There's no safety net.
You cut your arm off in a factory?
You don't get anything.
And if you complain, your wife gets fired from the state-run bakery.
And then your kids get beat up in the school!
You want somebody telling you what to eat, where to go, what you can say?
You want to be a slave?
You want to live in Bernie's big, fat, stinking plantation?
With a bunch of pseudo-intellectual, lazy, hateful scum telling you how to run your life?
You're a woman who wants to be in the theater.
You ready to get down on your hands and knees to the party officials, no matter how talented you are?
You want to live a totally humiliated life with no choices?
I look at these spoiled, rotten, stupid, moronic, unhistorical people running around demanding they get something free as if the mega banks want to give you anything free, you stupid, lazy, arrogant, dense fools!
And the very same people that run censorship and organ harvesting are organ harvesting our babies here.
And they are saying Donald Trump is Hitler.
Donald Trump can't go to heaven.
Donald Trump's so horrible.
And all the fad-driven lottery ticket mentality people
They get up and they go, yeah!
And they wave communist flags in front of Trump Tower, cussing at families as they go in, saying, the revolution's coming, we're gonna kill all of you, we're gonna shoot you, we're gonna murder you!
And it came out in court with the Weathermen.
That they would sit around just...
With top PhDs talking about how they were going to put 50 million Americans in forced labor camps and kill half of us and just getting off on it.
And then I've been around Democrats and other professors who I had no idea were communists who've come here before and they've uncloaked in front of me.
And said we're gonna murder and kill everybody, you better join us.
And look at all psychopathic.
These are cults of filth!
Dangerous, evil people!
They want to rape your wife!
They want to stomp your guts out in a forced labor camp!
That's what they do!
They want to hurt you!
They want to dominate you!
They don't want to grow fields of food.
They don't want to fix cars.
They don't want to build houses.
They don't want to build swimming pools.
They don't want to send their kids to a good college.
They hate everyone that's more successful than them.
They hate good-looking families.
They hate people who are informed.
They hate people who are strong.
They hate you because they're fallen, evil, sacks of crap.
Do you understand that?
And they're coming for us, and we better get that through our heads.
Let me tell you, most of these bug-eyed maggots know exactly what they're doing.
I've had all over this country, from New York, to Austin, to Denver, to Los Angeles, California, anarchists come up to me who are really communists, everything's alive with them, and punch me in the back and wait for me to attack them.
And I'll say, you guys are communists, you're out here calling yourselves anarchists, and you're funded by big foundations, and they'll go, of course we are, you filth!
And when you're in control, you're dead!
And you look at them, they're just weak little groups of scum that think killing good people is powerful!
Let me tell you something, filth.
You actually start a civil war, the patriots are going to mop the floor with you.
You're pathetic!
You come from bad families and evil people!
I guarantee your entire family line is a bunch of scum!
I'm so sick of you people!
You dishonorable, cowardly pieces of garbage!
Excuse me.
I just can't.
I just can't get around these people anymore.
I just can't even think about them anymore.
And the brainwashed bots of the state.
I mean, look at this photo.
China hides millions of layoffs, jails minors, protesting unpaid wages.
And it shows the face of the military guard out front, the Mao image.
They're at the Forbidden City.
And you look at the power trip these guys are in.
Remember, they're dragging political dissidents away by the throat to be put in suicide vans.
Our suicide vans, execution vans.
I remember I first told people about 15 years ago about mobile execution vans before it was in the news.
People didn't believe me.
And then once it was in the news, they said big deal.
See, these are people who aren't strong in and of themselves and don't build anything.
They just join with the state, show how subservient and sycophantic they are, they create a cult of evil, then they run around like vampires, feeding on the literal organs and tissue of humanity, selling it.
And that's what we've reduced ourselves down to.
That's what this nation and this world is falling into because there is no standards.
We won't stick up for each other.
And then Donald Trump just says we have to control our borders.
Terrorists are coming across.
People are coming across.
They're getting all this free welfare.
We're collapsing.
And people act like it's the end of the world.
Let's play this short clip out of a larger report Leanne McAdoo did with the folks on the street in Austin.
The double standard.
And if this was a white person saying what this black guy's saying, it would be called racist.
All parties need to stop throwing the race card out there and let's figure out what the hell we need to control.
Because we know, you know what I'm saying, most terrorists
I don't know.
Let's worry about controlling that first.
Let's do shut our borders down.
But you sound racist right now.
I don't sound racist.
I don't feel like I sound racist because I just want... If you were white though, like, you would be very racist right now.
You know what I'm saying?
I agree.
I definitely agree because it seems like the tables are kind of flipping around now that, you know, my culture as African Americans, we're able to say certain things.
And then when Caucasians say the same thing, we kind of, you know, we kind of take it out of proportion.
Powerful piece.
And then she also interviewed a bunch of folks that was just like, F Trump, I want to kill him.
I want to beat him up.
I want him dead.
Black, white, didn't matter.
We didn't have any facts.
It just felt good to say, yeah, he's bad.
We're all part of a club hating him.
And so just like in Cuba, they censor everybody and jail political dissidents in China.
Mark Zuckerberg has gone to China to meet with the leader of the Chinese Propaganda Bureau.
He met with the head of their internet censorship group last year and is implementing many of those systems.
I put out a video this weekend that had 24,000 views during a live stream.
They wouldn't let us put a name on it and delisted it.
A normal Facebook mentions would have about 300,000 views like that.
It had 25,000 views.
They just blocked it.
They just didn't let it go out.
And that's the type of stuff video that I was pointing out that Obama Soros are trying to launch a race war was the name of the video.
And they wouldn't let it go out.
When Navy SEAL groups put out memes about Benghazi, just pointing out what Hillary did, they wouldn't let that information get out.
And when they're trying to do that, folks, that means you're only a few minutes from midnight of everything being shut down.
And that's what we're trying to do is bully the Trump people.
Report, Secret Service, Trump campaign increasing security after threats to family and violent protests.
You have counter assault assets, you have counter sniper assets.
That says to me that this is a grave threat.
NBC News.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Majority of Americans say they'd like to punch Trump full in the face.
That's up on Infowars.com, a Steve Watson article.
54% in a national poll.
Toussaint Copp, we're going to play some of this when we come back, anti-Trump protesters, most hateful people I've ever seen.
Soros board member chairs firm running online voting for Tuesday's Utah caucus.
What's wrong with having old Soros involved in your voting?
He's a good guy, right?
He's a good, good old person, shares a lot about you.
You won't believe what a liberal protester just did to an effigy of Donald Trump.
Hung it.
Burned it.
And it's just how dumb these people are.
And they just act like they're so cool and they're so tough.
I mean, these are the most pathetic, dumb people who you know don't have jobs, don't know how to tie their shoelaces, don't know how to wipe their noses.
They just know how to go act tough and beat up a piñata.
That's how they're going to get more free goodies, is if you kill Donald Trump.
Because it's so fashionable to hate a white guy, isn't it?
It's so fashionable to just be part of this idiot moron culture.
I mean, look at these liberal trendies in the video.
They look like Bozo the Clown, all of them.
They all look dumber than my dog.
They just have that stupid look in their eye.
I just cannot tell you.
That's why MSNBC always talks about how smart liberals are and how dumb conservatives are.
It's because mainline liberals are the most trendy, vapid, empty, stupid people in the world.
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The rusted chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun.
I walk a road, horizons change, the tournament's begun.
The purple piper plays his tune, the choir softly sing.
Three lullabies in an ancient tongue for the court of the crimson.
Think about these headlines.
Obama embraces Fidel Castro in historic meeting.
Not a word about the political dissidence, the executions, the torture.
Zuckerberg meets with the Communist Chinese leadership to help censor the Internet.
The Stop Trump movement gets boost from Mexico's efforts in the U.S.
Mexico getting illegals to go get driver's license and vote.
And mainstream media doesn't call it subversion by a foreign power or treason with the administration working with them.
It's a good thing!
Thank God helps here the cavalry to stop that evil real estate builder and jobs creator Donald Trump.
Oh, we're so lucky the Communist Chinese, the greatest murderers in history, are against him.
And so is Vicente Fox.
Oh, oh, we're so lucky.
And the Wall Street Journal says People's Daily Chief warns of historic mistake if China loses grip on new media.
So there's articles about, oh, it's important they keep censorship.
And Censorship Summit Facebook meets with China's propaganda chief.
They're saving us!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Bill Gilbert, the filmmaker, is going to be joining us to talk Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and more for about 30 minutes.
Then joining us from D.C.
is David Knight, who's going to be covering the anti-Trump events and more there as he travels on to New York and other areas like Trump Tower to document what is unfolding.
We're going to be deploying
Joe Biggs out as well on the road, and Richard Reeves, because this is a big deal, this attempt to crush free speech.
G. Edward Griffin, people have been really asking us to get him on.
I always enjoy having G. Edward Griffin on.
Author of Creature from Jekyll Island, to talk about shadow government, world government, and more.
He will be joining us, and then Paul Joseph Watson will be honchoing the fourth hour.
What's happening is the establishment's gone from denying they're establishing a world government to just admitting.
There's no criticism of Cuba, there's no criticism of China.
And then China comes around lecturing us on what movies Hollywood can put out and what books can be published, openly threatening US companies buying large shares of them.
And our criminal elite are more than happy to have this go on because this is the muscle they need.
Mexico, China, all these other countries ganging up.
There's only one country that's powerful that isn't ganging up on America and isn't involved in our domestic affairs.
And of course it's the country that has NATO trying to start a war with it.
And that is Russia.
Just thought you might want to notice that.
Truly sickening.
The very same oligarchs that had taken over Russia and used communism as a management program are now doing the same thing here.
They want an October Revolution.
They want a Red Terror.
They want a Bolshevik filthbath.
Run by big megabanks, as usual.
It's exact same crud, exact same groups, exact same just will to total takeover, and they're doing it here with class envy.
And they will get rid of something bad and bring in something 50 times worse.
We're gonna talk to Joel Gilbert when we come back, but this is such a big deal.
It's amazing to see
Just how they've lowered us, how they've trained us to put up with anything.
I forget, somebody sent me a clip on YouTube of it like six, seven years ago.
I didn't actually watch it.
What's the series on HBO where the pimps are running the prostitutes?
And, you know, it shows this woman who's been run over by a car, beat up by him, cigarette burns on her, and she's at the hospital, and the pimp comes in in front of the mother, because he's so arrogant.
And he's like, baby, I'm sorry, I'm gonna get back on the street.
I'm gonna get back on the street.
I'm sorry, I'm not working hard.
He goes, that's right.
That's right, you're in trouble.
And the mother's like, what have you done to my little girl, my little baby?
He's like, shut up, lady.
And the film crew's talking to him.
They're like, well, what do you pay her?
I don't pay her nothing.
She's lucky if I give her a bucket of chicken.
The woman's just groveling, and that's the American people, just, just, oh yes, oh we're sorry, Pope.
We're sorry, Communist Chinese.
We're sorry, Vicente Fox.
We're sorry to the current president.
We're sorry to George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, calling Trump a Nazi.
Oh, we're so sorry.
Let us bow down to you.
Let us do whatever you say.
He only knocked our teeth out, put cigarettes out on us, ran over us with a car.
Let 50 men a day basically rape us.
It's okay.
Thank you.
I'm sorry we only take 10,000 Chinese women a week to have their babies free.
And China doesn't let us have one person go over there and have a baby free.
You're right.
We deserve it because we're Christians.
That's what it comes down to.
Even if we're not Christian in practice anymore, we have this Christian guilt.
And we just love being run over by criminals.
That's not Christian.
Today is Monday, March 21st, and here are some of the top stories.
The electronic voting firm that's counting Tuesday's Utah GOP election results is headed by George Soros Insider.
The chairman of the Smartmatic group is Lord Mark Malik Brown, who is also on the board of Soros' Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the socialist billionaire.
Soros, who has given over $13 million to Hillary Clinton for the election, formally warned Donald Trump that there will be, quote, consequences for his campaign to secure the U.S.
In similar news, Mexico is pressuring its permanent residents in the U.S.
to become citizens, a status that would enable them to vote, presumably against Trump, if the Mexican government gets its way.
Officially, Mexico claims it respects U.S.
sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the results of the presidential race.
Yet Mexican diplomats are hosting free workshops to assist immigrants in gaining U.S.
And remember back in 2014 when radio host Glenn Beck was giving out free gifts to illegals surging across the border?
Well, it turns out that Ted Cruz was also helping him.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Joel Gilbert is with us until about 40 after, then David Knight joins us from DC at the Communist slash Black Lives Matter George Soros anti-Trump extravaganzas that are ongoing.
Joel Gilbert is an amazing filmmaker.
We carry both of his award-winning films, No Place Like Utopia and Dreams of My Real Father, at Infowarsstore.com, I should add that.
He's a Ted Cruz supporter.
I'm a Donald Trump supporter.
I get that Ted Cruz has been more of a purist in his votes in the Senate, but I have my concerns.
Like when he piles on and says it's Donald Trump's fault, his rhetoric is causing these attacks.
No, we've been there, we've covered it, we've seen it.
Donald Trump is not the one doing this.
It is the horrible, anti-free market, Bill Ayers-led trash that he's an expert on, Mr. Gilbert is, that's out there leading all of this.
And it is just the most racist, anti-white, anti-free market, liberation theology I've ever seen.
This is directly out of the Ford Foundation, directly out of the White House.
And we have Stop Trump Movement, gets boosts from Mexico, efforts in the U.S.
to get illegals to go get a driver's license and vote or, quote, become citizens.
I mean, it is just incredible to see the foreign insurrection from the Pope, the Mexican government, the Chinese government, the British government, the French government, the Saudi government.
And then look at this.
Four U.S.
senators meet with Saudi King Salman ahead of Obama visit.
They own part of Fox News.
They're telling us what to do.
They're criticizing Trump.
Even if I didn't like Trump, I'd back him now because this is about America running its own affairs.
No one would put up with foreign meddling like this.
Where are our instincts?
Then there's this Boston Globe article.
Vote all you want, the secret government won't change.
The people we elect aren't the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University Michael Glennon.
And this guy's an advisor to Homeland Security, Congress, Presidents.
In fact, they say in the article, he's not a conspiracy theorist.
No, he's in all these administrations.
And then it goes through the fact how we have been taken over and are basically run by foreign and corporate interests.
They call it the National Security Double Government.
Oh, do I get an award that I talked about this 20 plus years ago?
But the truth is, there were books written on it by experts in Congress in the 60s and 70s.
It's been a long march.
And now they want to say, Communist Cuba's good.
Communist China's good.
It's America that's bad.
Isn't that liberal?
Selling political dissidents organs?
Chinese generals tax-exempt making billions?
Suicide nets?
Well, Apple's liberal.
I mean, you know, their CEO wears trendy outfits.
The average liberal controller is not a liberal.
Like a Thomas Jefferson.
They are social engineers using class warfare to divide and conquer and to sucker the public into collectivism because the elite can sit on top of the collectivism, exempt themselves from the taxes and regulations and laws, but then suck up their corporate welfare, all the money, and more importantly, shut down all their competition in a managed economy.
Look at Apple and Google and everybody else saying they want to go build factories in Cuba.
Of course, where you got people paid 30 cents an hour.
And you'll be under a communist general at the factory, who flies around in helicopters, and then you live in a house with a caved-in roof.
Almost all the houses there are caved in.
And then they send social workers around if your house is caved in, and take your kids and raise them in a government dormitory.
That's the plan.
China does that too.
That's what the Great Migrations, Great Leap Forwards, all that crud is about.
Breaking down, taking hundreds of millions of farmers off their land where they're happy and self-sufficient, putting them into giant communes where half of them starve to death.
And the kids that turn into their own parents, they become officers in the military and the police.
This is the Red Terror!
This is Maoist Brigades!
You know the model at the University of Texas and all over the country?
We go out and do pro-life events, Mao Brigades show up, pull up in brand new $100,000 sports cars, get out and attack us and the police do nothing.
Because of our white privilege.
Blacks, whites, Hispanics, out there for little babies.
They are the Legion of Doom.
Now I know I'm ranting, I want to go to our guests, but I've got some clips I want to play.
I don't want to go off on some argument about Ted Cruz and the rest of it, but I mean, how do you square this?
You have a viral video that's titled Champion of the Constitution, where you go over the Constitution Strikes Back, The Crusade, starring Ted Cruz.
My issue is, it's going to be Trump, and Joel, I want to hear your issues with Trump, and then I want to ask you this question.
Why then do you think the armies of Mordor, the Saudis, the Chinese Communists, Cuba, everybody's saying you can't have Trump.
I mean, if Trump was a sleeper cell of Hillary, they wouldn't all be doing this.
I mean, they're pulling their hair out.
They're pulling out the stops, Joel Gilbert.
There's no question we're at a crossroads where everything is on the line.
We never should have gotten to this point where an election would determine the fate of the United States.
It's something that's been building up for years.
We've had the radical left since the 80s have taken over the Democrat Party, have penetrated the media.
Entertainment, universities, and we've gotten to the point where they snuck Barack Obama in as president on a populist, moderate agenda.
He ran as a moderate.
He's gonna cut the deficit in half.
He's gonna support Israel.
Obamacare is not a tax.
Everything was a lie.
But it was based on a lesson that the radicals from the 60s, the SDS, Weather Underground,
They looked you in the eye.
They looked America in the eye and said we want to destroy this country.
We want to replace the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto.
We want to put 50 million people in re-education centers.
And we want to divide the country between the Chinese, the North Vietnamese, the Russians, and the North Koreans.
And they went to jail for bombing government buildings.
They went to jail for murdering policemen.
And they failed miserably because it was evil.
When they came out of the underground in the early 80s, they all went to Chicago, entered educational institutions, and they taught people like Barack Obama
The lesson they learned.
And the lesson was, don't reveal your true agenda.
Look people in the eye and tell them you want to help them.
And then use their discontent to take power.
And once you take power, you'll simply implement the original agenda.
So that's the playbook that Obama followed.
And as I chronicled in Dreams from My Real Father, Obama is a red diaper baby.
He's the child of a Communist Party USA member, Frank Marshall Davis.
He surrounded himself
With other communist red diaper babies.
David Axelrod, both his parents communist party members.
Valerie Jarrett, parents were communist party members.
Her father-in-law was a colleague of Obama's father, Frank Marshall Davis, on the communist newspapers in Chicago.
So this is playing out very poorly.
We see the symbolism of Obama today standing in front of the mural of Che Guevara, the killer, representing the United States.
We're certainly at a crossroads.
Donald Trump has kind of captured the initial energy that Ted Cruz did work on for several years in the Senate, kind of as an anti-establishment politician, and Trump
Kind of, I'd say, co-opted and expanded upon this feeling and mission.
So you see, both those candidates have captured about 80% of the vote, and I think we're headed for a very interesting convention in July, and I certainly hope one of those two will emerge.
Well, I mean, I respect your view.
You're a very informed person, so I really want to know your view, your issues with Trump.
I know you've been for Cruz, because he's more of a purist, at least on the surface, and I have my own issues with Trump.
But they've got dossiers on him, and I've talked to Dr. Corsi, who's known him for 40 years, been friends with him.
A lot of other people behind the scenes, but not just Roger Stone, and they say, look, he knows more than you do, Alex.
He knew about this before you were even around.
He's a Patriot sleeper cell.
We're not going to get into it, but don't worry.
And then I personally, I'm not going to get into his remedial run with it, but Trump has personally, you know, off record said, look, just wait.
I know what's going on.
And so he's either the greatest manipulator in history.
Or he's for real.
And I legitimately look at the establishment running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
They know something about him that scares them.
They're not just putting all this act on to make populists elect him in some shell operation.
I mean, at a gut level, this is real what's happening.
Or disagree with me if you think so.
Well, I'll compare the appeal or concerns over Cruz versus Trump.
With Cruz, his followers have seen him operate on the political scene for several years, and we've seen him stand up again and again and not change who he is.
And we understand his core principles based on his family background, based on his constitutional DNA.
He memorized the Constitution when he was in high school.
And has always been a fighter for the Constitution.
The concern over Trump with most conservatives is looking at his history of support for Hillary Clinton, support for liberal causes.
We think it's great that and we think everyone, including Hillary Clinton, should come and
Say conservative messages, just like Barack Obama did in 2008.
He said, I'm going to cut the deficit in half.
It's great to hear conservative messages from anyone, but the concern is once they take power, did they simply use that conservative rhetoric and they go back to their original DNA?
So the concern over Trump is his long history as a dealmaker with liberals.
And certainly he has catastrophic polling numbers with women and minorities that might make it very hard for him to win in the general election.
So the concern is if we know we have someone who is a conservative fighter who can unite, I'm talking about Cruz right?
He's polling very well compared to other Republicans with black Americans or even a lot of Hispanic Americans.
They had Gallup polls where 70% of Hispanics that are citizens don't want the borders up, but they're not suicidal.
I mean, there's a lot of demographics that show he'd actually be a landslide winner.
I've seen the other demographics claiming, well, he's not doing well with millennials.
So, I mean, who knows?
Yeah, well those are the basic concerns people have and I have with Trump.
Will he take office and be a dealmaker and go back to some of his liberal DNA?
Will he even be able to beat the Democrat?
So Cruz has just been someone who's been so tried and true and dedicated and steadfast.
That's why we think Cruz is the better choice at this point.
But Cruz himself would support Trump and I would too.
Well, I mean, I know this is such an exciting time to be alive and we're all got front row seats to history.
Hopefully we'll get off the bench though and get in the arena like Joel Gilbert and many others.
Stay with us.
We're going to come back and look at these leftist mobs.
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Look at your young men fighting.
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The way they've always done before.
We are going to protect our Second Amendment.
Our Second Amendment.
Remember, it's under siege like you've never seen before, and we are going to protect it.
You know, in Paris, which has the toughest gun laws in the world, the world, no tougher gun laws than Paris, France.
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130 people dead.
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Same thing happened in California.
14 people.
Radicalized people.
She probably radicalized him.
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It's the nationalism.
It's saying a country can be sovereign.
To watch all these foreign governments, the Mexican government, saying we're financing, getting illegals to get driver's license and vote, involved in our election.
It shows the disrespect everyone has for America.
No other country would put up with this.
Joel Gilbert,
I think that's why they hate Trump so much is that he is a populist and I agree that it could be a bait-and-switch but it's, you know, regardless this is so historical and then I don't mean to go off on a hateful jag about leftists because I've always just been a libertarian but I gotta say what they've bred at these universities that you've been all around the country seeing and what they've got in Europe are just free speech hating evil authoritarian
Thugs who literally say, we want your money.
I mean, aren't these just pirates?
And they're not just useful idiots.
They're such hateful people.
You document this in your No Place Like Utopia.
Where do you see all this going?
Why would the ruling class and the big foundations fund 50 years of creating such crap?
I mean, I'm sorry.
These are the most bug-eyed, authoritarian, dangerous people I've ever seen.
Yeah, and first of all, we saw Donald Trump in your clip simply stating things that were considered quite normal and mainstream 30-40 years ago.
We're going to defend the country and defend ourselves.
Now today, such rhetoric is somehow racist and far-right and extremist.
That's just an example of Donald Trump really being a mainstream normal person who's vilified as somehow being radical.
Now the years and years we've had of the leftist penetration of every level of American society between government, journalism, entertainment, which I spoke about,
This literally is the result.
The intention was to polarize America because they felt if they polarized us that they would win because they have much more numbers of people who are not economically well off and they can convince them and trick them into believing that there's an evil straw man who's preventing them from being wealthy.
Bernie Sanders' entire campaign.
By the way, he's kind of an old communist.
He didn't get the memo that you're supposed to lie about your agenda.
So, he simply says things like, there's billionaires controlling the economy that are preventing you from being wealthy.
That's a lie.
It's the government regulation and taxation which holds down the economy.
Sure, but it is select George Soros.
And other groups that are raising taxes to control the middle class and exempting themselves, that's the other part of the equation.
The Communist Socialist Society depends on wiping out the middle class and creating one big lower class with a select group of elites that control society, control the wealth.
That ensures their long-term survival.
The enemy of socialism is the middle class.
The church-going, hard-working, middle-class Americans will never buy into this progressive nonsense about
Legalizing marijuana, freeing the criminals, empowering a group of elites, and all this political correct nonsense.
So from the get-go, Saul Alinsky, back to Karl Marx, their ideology was to eliminate the middle class.
Barack Obama, don't forget, he was and is a professional agitator.
He had no interest in politics, and as you can see just from the microcosm of how many vacations he takes, he really doesn't have that much interest in being president.
He's a bum like Bernie Sanders who didn't have a paying job until he was 40.
Right, the presidency to Obama is simply a bully pulpit to agitate and divide the country.
Divide it along racial lines, along economic lines.
Obama, I'm sure, will go back to being a professional agitator.
That's what these guys do, and that's what he's been up to in office for 8 years.
Joel Gilbert, stay there.
When we come back, I want to play a few more clips and see where you think the controlled fascist left is going to be going in the future.
But also, I want to look at some of the, quote, problems in the right establishment as well.
Then David Knight will join us from Washington, D.C., the site of another anti-Trump, anti-free speech rally by subversive, would-be enslavers.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Google wanted to overthrow Syrian President Assad, which would have allowed ISIS to gain complete control over Syria.
You heard that right.
Google, in 2012, wanted to help these so-called Syrian rebels overthrow Assad, according to State Department emails recently released.
In July 2012, Jared Cohen, the head who was in the company's Google's Ideas division, wrote an email to several top Clinton officials and said, quote, Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool that would publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.
Cohen added, quote, Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al Jazeera, who will then take primary ownership over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria.
But it's well known that virtually all the insurgents in Syria are either ISIS or have close ties to the Islamic State.
And here's another thing.
Al Jazeera is state-funded by Qatar, a country which once was thought out of power because the Syrian president refused a proposed pipeline running through Syria, which would benefit Qatar.
For more geopolitical news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting in a wide, it's Alex Jones.
If you go to InfoWars.com, there's a new video out.
Anti-Trump protester who slapped a police horse describes herself as a commie feminist.
That's her words.
And when you watch these videos, these people can hardly talk.
I gotta say, the most vicious evil ones are mainly white for some reason.
It's gonna be the leaders, too.
They're real condescending and come over to like minorities and go, I'm protecting you from the other white people.
I mean, they are just the most condescending, arrogant people you could ever imagine.
And look, I got big problems with the establishment right wing and some of the things they go along with, but the left is taking over the whole world right now.
That's what the establishment's using, the crony capitalists.
It's what the big foundations have funded.
They are coming after our freedoms big time right now.
And so, all hands on deck to fight these people.
I mean, this is insane.
Now, Joel Gilbert mentions the drug war.
I am for decriminalization because I understand it just makes a police state, puts young kids in prison, teaches them how to be criminals.
But I don't want legalization because there's also another move to basically just turn everybody into drug addicts.
So I don't like the drug culture.
I don't like making it totally illegal because that puts too much money into it.
I don't like running to a police checkpoint, you know, searching for drugs or whatever.
You know, at the same time, I don't want drunk drivers, you know, driving around in both lanes of traffic.
But I don't want to pull up to a checkpoint and just be breathalyzed, you know, like it's Nazi Germany.
So there's a balance there.
But this is clearly an attempt to destabilize the country, overthrow it.
I'm going to get Joel Gilbert's expert view on this.
And really destabilize things so much that they then bring in the Strong Cities Initiative of the Justice Department and the U.N.
to bully local governments into submitting to their form of government or, quote, everybody gets sued or fired.
This is true bullying.
This is true takeover.
And I can't even believe it's happening this bad.
Joel Gilbert, what is their agenda?
What comes next?
Are they beta testing a leftist overthrow and takeover?
Or could they be getting ready to try it during this election?
What do you think they're going to do at the RNC?
We now know they're saying they're going to infiltrate delegates in and be on the inside.
I've talked to Richard Reeves, who's a delegate in Texas.
He was talking to top folks in San Antonio at their big event with the delegates, and they said there were leftist operatives of Clinton
In there, who are becoming delegates and trying to sabotage and intimidate people and threatening people, where the police have to be called.
So, I've never seen the Democrats activate to this level.
It seems like they know this is their chance to really take over.
You have to be suspicious of everything the left is up to.
Because these people have what I call a destructive passion.
And their destructive passion is based on a fantasy.
They look at the world differently from conservatives.
We look at the world and say, wow, things are so problematic in the rest of the world.
In Cuba, they're all impoverished.
We look at America and say, uh, America is the greatest place in the world to live.
Let's just look at America and compare it to a perfect utopia.
And their conclusion is, it's not perfect, so we must destroy it, and then rebuild a perfect utopian society.
Never mind that we'll have to murder millions of people along the way.
That's why the woman who said no free speech in Chicago, she goes, listen, you don't have free speech because you're white unless you're here to dismantle your privilege!
And now you see the leftists allying themselves, as they have for some years, with the Islamists.
Because Islamists and leftists have the same ultimate goal.
They want to defeat Western economies, free market system, and freedoms.
Because they view it as the ultimate target and obstacle to their taking power.
And that shows you how mentally ill they are.
Merkel and Hollande run those countries, they're tax-exempt, they get to screw everybody over, and they want to bring in 5 million radical jihadists, knowing a bunch of them are terrorists?
And, you know, just to run around butchering the whole country?
I mean, that just shows they have taken over!
Why would you burn down your own castle?
The commies took over!
Because it is a mental illness.
I can't disagree with you on that.
I call it a destructive passion.
And they won't even amongst the destruction, you know, you don't see Obama going to Cuba and looking around and saying, wow, these cars are all from the 1950s.
Because socialism freezes everything in time.
I visited the Soviet Union in the 80s.
I visited
Soviet refuseniks who were trying to leave the country.
And I remember I was in this old dilapidated building with a wooden elevator and tiny rooms.
And the people I visited said, well, you know, we got fired from our job.
We're being arrested because we're not working.
They raided our apartment.
But thank God we live in a new building.
And I said, what new building?
This is from the 1920s.
So literally, the entire infrastructure, the technology stays frozen in time.
So Obama flew over Havana and he saw the disaster of socialism, but instead of condemning it, of course, because he's one of them, he's busy praising Cuba and empowering them with his destructive passion.
And that's what the carbon tax is going to Africa two years ago and saying you can't have cars or air conditioning as he walks off this jumbo jet with 20-something planes in tow with a red carpet eating filet mignon and caviar.
That was what was on the menu that night.
Telling people you can't have a car or air conditioning.
They want a permanent slave class.
They know what they're doing.
What do they call themselves?
They call globalism their system, but they use communism as a management system they're exempt from.
But what do they privately call themselves?
They are the ones that run our lives.
The true elite, discriminating against people, exempting themselves from what we're under,
But with all this sophistic bull about unity and equality and all the rest of it.
It's a complete fraud to control people.
I'll give you one more example from my visit to the Soviet Union in the 80s.
I went to a supermarket.
It was a giant supermarket as big as Ralph's or Safeway.
People were lined up around the corner.
And when you go inside, there's no shelves.
There's simply in one corner, there's a pile of fish on the floor.
There's a pile of bread in another corner, and a pile of potatoes right in the middle.
And people wait for hours to ration a few potatoes and a few pieces of bread.
Then I went down the street to something called the Biryoska.
The Biryoska is a specialty store only for Communist Party and government officials, or foreigners with foreign currency like myself and a U.S.
I walked into the Buryatka, and it's like a modern-day Safeway.
Every bit of food and every amenity you could possibly think of.
So it's called what they call the new class.
There's a class of elites, of socialists and communists, that become the new class and the bourgeois that control everybody.
And in order to do so, they have to take away the middle class and deprive everyone else of their rights.
And this is the system that's been debunked and exposed as completely fraudulent.
Yet, the American Communists and the Pope and many of these old Communists never gave up despite the demise of the Soviet Union.
That's right, and now Zuckerberg is in China again, learning how to censor the internet and helping them and admitting it.
And this guy's got tens of billions of dollars from the free market, from the science of the West, and then he's just cozying up to these mass murderers and promising he can defeat Trump by manipulating Facebook.
I mean, it's just insane!
In my film, There's No Place Like Utopia, I interviewed some Chinese students who were in Washington D.C.
visiting, and one of them was Christian, and he talked about how you can't practice Christianity.
You can't speak out about the government.
They have labor camps still in China.
They pick you up and send you away for a few years if you speak out against the government.
It's a totalitarian system.
It's a repression of freedom from
China to Cuba, and our government and our business leaders, strangely, continue this destructive passion to somehow promote these tyrannical regimes and ignore the fact, just like they did in the 60s.
Bill Ayers and his gang would run around with the little red book of quotations of Chairman Mao, even though he killed 50 million people.
Or none.
They were quoting this guy.
The Maoism.
And we see that entire ideology and that movement resurrected in Black Lives Matter.
Kill the cops.
I was about to say, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to let you go, and I appreciate your time.
I want to have you back very soon, Joel.
I've studied the Communists domestically on the ground.
The main guy they follow is Mao, and they call themselves Mao Brigades.
It seems that he's now the guy.
He was the guy in the 60s, this is what Bill Ayers and his gang, remember their quote was, a single spark can start a prairie fire.
And Obama quoted from that in a little different way in the 2008 election.
He would say, a single conversation can change a room, a single room can change a building, can change a city.
A single spark can start a prairie fire.
That's their idea.
If you kill policemen, if you bomb a government building, it'll create this massive revolution.
All you need is the spark.
And that's what the Black Lives Matter and these Occupy people are following this idea.
And now they've got Megyn Kelly blaming Donald Trump on these communist attacks.
Joel Gilbert, thank you so much.
We have obviously both of your films for sale at infowarestore.com.
You've got several websites.
What's the best one for folks to come see your videos and more?
Go to the latest, there's no place like utopia.com and of course, obamasrealfather.com.
Alright, thank you my friend.
We'll talk to you soon.
Going now to David Knight.
All I can say is this, folks.
There is nothing more evil than this global organized system.
There is nothing more evil.
And they take a bunch of young, dumb, spoiled, rotten, middle-class kids whose parents are liberal.
They give them hardcore mal-brainwashing.
Then they take the worst of them and put them in charge of the police review board.
To then take over the police department and put a bunch of scum like them in there.
I mean, these people mean business.
I'm trying to stop this from happening because I live in this country.
I love freedom.
And these people are just as dangerous.
They call Trump Hitler?
I mean, they're...
They're like an amalgamation of Hitler and Mao.
These people are filth.
I'm going to stop ranting just briefly before we go to David Knight here.
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Now, going to David Knight.
David Knight is there at one of the Trump Towers in DC, where a press conference is coming up in a couple of hours.
And he's there watching to see if any of the leftist groups that are Soros and White House manipulated show up.
He's also going to be traveling to other cities to document what's happening as well.
And he's got to have courage to do that, because we should also add that a lot of folks are being attacked.
Uh, the police in New York are being attacked.
I mean, I was arrested in New York for leading a demonstration against Fox News and the Iraq War.
We were peaceful.
Uh, but the establishment wanted that war to go forward, so I was arrested.
But then when they attack police and hit them and throw bottles at them and slap the horses, that's okay.
Arrests aren't made.
Because that's my white privilege.
I can't protest, but communists can.
As they wave red flags in front of Trump Tower in New York, the videos on Infowars.com saying, we're going to kill you and your families.
Communism, communism.
And slapping horses, hitting police, saying I'm a feminist commie.
Those videos are on Infowars.com.
David, I know you just got there yesterday.
Great job, you and the crew, getting up there.
You drove up there.
And you're going to be on the East Coast for about a week covering these activities.
David, what have you witnessed so far?
What's coming up?
David Knight, InfoWars.com.
Alex, we're right here in front of Trump International Hotel, soon to be.
As you see the sign behind me, there's a large Trump sign, and above it it says, coming 2016.
Of course, Donald Trump himself will be here in just a few minutes.
There's a massive press conference that's going on at 2.15 our time here on the East Coast.
Literally hundreds of press from all over the world going in there to cover this press conference.
And I guess we could say they're looking at a second coming of Donald Trump in 2017 is really what the sign should say.
This was a historical site.
They got the bids for it.
They're going to make a massive hotel complex, entertainment, restaurant site out of this.
And it looks like it's just about completed.
But there's not very many protesters that have shown up at this location.
There's only about three or four protesters that have shown up.
They're making their own signs.
The big protests tonight are going to be at the AIPAC speech.
And that's going to be this afternoon.
The three presidential candidates for the Republican Party are going to be speaking to the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee.
That's what AIPAC stands for.
But of course, what they really stand for is how are people going to... They're betting the candidates on what their policy towards Israel is going to be.
I'm not anti-Israel, but I am sick of the Mexican government, the Chinese government, the Pope, Israel, Saudi Arabia, everyone just openly here telling us what to do and how to behave.
I mean, where is there an end to this?
Can we just run our own country, please?
And of course in the past, we've only seen that from Israel.
Now we're seeing it from everybody.
We're seeing it with the Mexican government, directly trying to interfere in our elections, trying to get people registered to vote as quickly as possible.
We have world leaders who are speaking out, saying we don't want Donald Trump in.
Well, they don't want Donald Trump in because he's going to act in America's interests, not in their interests.
And that's the whole point.
You've got South Korea, you've got Japan concerned because we've had a massive outflow of capital.
When you look at our trade deficit with Mexico, $60 billion, that's more than the gross national product of most of the countries of this world.
And it's getting worse every day and now they're dictating our internal policy and teaching us how to censor citizens.
I mean, we're merging into a global government right now and they're using totalitarian nations to leverage us out.
All these multinationals can't wait to get into Cuba and get the slave labor.
I mean, it's this fusion of top crony capitalism and communism is what they admit in all the Financial Times and publications is the dream scenario.
I'm going to skip this break to give you a few more minutes, but I want you to get in there because I didn't realize the press conference was starting in just 25 minutes.
I don't want you to get shut out, David.
Well, we're still trying to see if we can get our credentials through.
We thought there was going to be a rally as well as a press conference.
We were more interested in covering what was going on outside, but since there wasn't much going on outside, we thought we would go in and do the press conference.
Reeves has got the press secretary's number and they can get you in.
You might want to call him, I don't know, because Reeves is back in Texas for a few days, but I'm going to let you go to go see if you can do that, but David, continue with what you're planning while you're out there on the East Coast.
Well Alex, as I said tonight, well actually after this, there's a private meeting that Donald Trump is going to be going to with a lot of Republican congressmen and senators.
The leadership is not really going to be there.
Interestingly enough, they openly talked about how the leadership was not informed, was not going to be attending, because it's the leadership
Of both parties that are opposed to Donald Trump.
So he's going to be meeting with some of the congressmen and then after that he's going to be speaking at AIPAC along with Ted Cruz and John Kasich.
There'll be a lot of protests there, I know.
People are going to be protesting AIPAC as well as Donald Trump at that conference.
And then later tonight he will be speaking with CNN.
They're going to have the three candidates will be speaking to CNN sequentially tonight as well as I believe Hillary Clinton and I think Bernie Sanders is going to phone it in.
So there's going to be an event there.
There might be some protests.
We're going to see if those protests are going on there.
But one of the things I thought was interesting, Alex, was this piece, and I mentioned it briefly in my uploads, that was put out by National Review last week, and then they have doubled and tripled down on it subsequently.
And what they're doing is basically mocking the white middle class and saying, you people are losing not because of what we have done to you.
And they put establishment in quotes.
They put globalists in quotes.
They say, no, it isn't the establishment, globalists who are who are destroying your economy.
You did it to yourself.
And that's simply not true.
These are the same people who evidently don't remember what happened less than 10 years ago when the American people lost their homes and we also then had to bail out the banks.
They don't realize that we've got a $60 billion trade deficit or they don't want to talk about it with Mexico.
Like I said, it's more than the gross national product of most of the countries of Central South America and Africa.
Most of them don't have an economy that size and we're exporting that at a net loss each year just to Mexico.
Haughty arrogance.
The National Review is showing itself as the CIA leftist control group that it's been declassified.
It is.
And they're disdaining for bitter clingers and for Christians.
And yes, their hatred of Christian whites.
And it truly was hatred, and that was the amazing thing about it.
I wasn't aware of the article, and I heard NPR talking about it, and they said, well, if they were saying this about people of color, it would be racist.
Well, you know what?
It is racist.
And I'm not going to be told by National Review and this bunch of CIA shills that I've got to sit at the back of the bus, or I've got to use a separate restroom, because that's the way they're taking it for white males.
And I am sick and tired of those people.
And of course, remember, it was National Review that did the unprecedented thing, even for National Review, to dedicate an entire magazine
They're trying to take down Donald Trump.
It didn't have any effect.
All they're doing is driving the nail in the coffin.
He's aware of all this.
He's played them forever.
They're scared to death because they know he really wants to come in and actually turn America back on and be the ultimate hero.
Why wouldn't he?
I mean, even if he was a sociopath, he should want that and double-cross the globalist.
And that's why they're so scared of him.
Well, I think he's authentic on this trade stuff.
He's been talking about it for 35 years.
He took out a $100,000 ad in the New York Times 35 years ago to talk about this stuff.
So, you know, this is something that has been an issue with him regardless of the other issues.
He is opposing the globalists on their central, critical path right now.
The critical path is the open borders, these trade deals to destroy the western economies.
And then they want to build their new world order using climate change treaties, as well as this management of our trade.
That's another part of building the globalist economy.
That's right, and getting countries to sell out to them by selling
Our industry to those groups.
David, great job.
It's incredible.
Get into that press conference and we'll continue to watch the live feeds you're doing and we'll have clips on the nightly news tonight of the AIPAC situation.
Be safe.
Great job.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, there goes David Nunn.
I'm gonna let him go so he can get into those meetings right now.
Great job with David Knight and the crew.
And the great part is, I don't usually hire people's family, but his wife has just gone out to events separately and always gotten powerful footage.
And his son, Travis, works here separately.
He's such a good camera person.
And so I said, David, I want to send you for a week to the East Coast.
He said, great.
Can I take my wife, and can we take Travis?
So it's a family affair out there.
What other type of news organization has, you know, the dad, the son, and the mom, with the other daughter and the other son, who are both teenagers, you know, staying home here in
Here in Austin, Texas.
Just great people.
They pulled up stakes from North Carolina, sold their business, everything, to come down here and work in the info war.
And it's very, very exciting to see that.
I mean, we're a real organization, folks, that is dedicated to taking the globalist on.
We believe in individuals.
I mean, David Knight didn't win a contest, a reporter contest, Jakari did, and does a great job.
But I tell you, he was a runner-up, and then he's just been one of the best hires ever.
And I just hired him off of a few videos he did, and knowing that he was an engineer and part of a libertarian think tank that had infiltrated colleges and actually caused criminal investigations and indictments of them gassing students, not telling them, in experiments so they could then create fraudulent numbers to try to ban cars.
I mean, you know, David's been involved in some really, really, really great stuff for no pay.
And that's what he was doing in North Carolina, fighting these people and really exposing their criminal activities.
So we just salute David Knight and the whole team out there.
Very, very exciting.
And we're going to continue documenting this.
In fact, we have the clip yet of anti-Trump protester who slapped police horse, describes herself as a commie feminist.
I know the audio's not too good, there's a lot of cussing, but it's there on the site.
The anti-Trump protester arrested in Kansas City for physically attacking a police horse describes herself as a commie feminist, close quote.
Waving a giant red flag, 29-year-old April J. Foster was caught on camera yelling at the horse and trying to scare the animal as police attempted to control the unruly mob.
She subsequently slapped the horse and tried to run away when police singled her out for arrest.
On our streets!
On our streets!
On our streets!
And then I love how it's a bunch of Muslims.
Wearing hajibs with transgenders and liberals.
I mean, in a Muslim country, they would hang that person to death.
They'd stone them and bash their brains out.
But they don't care.
They don't have any problem with Islam.
They got a problem with the country that gives them iPhones and cars and medicine and high-rises and swimming pools and shopping malls.
And that is the problem with America.
We just got too much wealth.
It's too good for all this trash.
They just don't appreciate any of it.
And then now, acting like this, it is going to drive everybody into the hands of the police system that the feds are controlling, and then we'll accept any level of police state to protect us from the mobs of communists.
And then our journey into tyranny is complete, because again, they merge fascism with communism.
All these ignorant liberals that get taught these phony political templates, they're always saying to me,
What do you mean communism merges with fascism?
Dude, those are opposite!
But you read The Economist, you read The Financial Times, you read Carol Quigley, you read The Real Documents, you read the Communist Party president in China, what, 10 years ago, the BBC said, China, under Chinese communism, capitalism has been perfected.
We are the essence of capitalism.
And that's what this is.
It's a bunch of ruling elite, tax-exempt, with big slave factories, who live above the law.
Look at the big corporations licking their lips to go into Cuba.
They're not freeing it.
They don't want people to have private property.
The multinationals are going to move in there and now have slave labor.
And our media will tell us how great it is.
I mean, it's over the top.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We've got a special guest joining us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up, the one, the only, G. Edward Griffin is going to be joining us.
He'll be taking your calls in the second part of that interview.
Then Paul Watson will be commanding, chairing, anchoring, producing the fourth hour.
So much to break down here.
I want to play this clip.
It's a long clip.
It's a monotone, but the information...
Uh, is, uh, very, very, very important.
Tucson cop says anti-Trump protesters most hateful people he's ever seen.
And it went on to say that the media doesn't portray that.
They act like it's Trump's fault.
So that's why Watson writes with this lady attacking the horse and the police, you know, Trump needs to disavow this lady immediately because all the violence is his fault.
When they go out and do these things, it's his fault.
After all, the Chinese Communist leaders said so.
It's his fault they have mobile execution vans.
It's his fault they have suicide nets.
It's his fault they have rivers that catch on fire.
It's his fault that they're ruling class over there is tax-exempt.
It's his fault.
It's his fault.
It's his fault.
It's his fault.
Nafta and Gat even though he opposed them.
It's his fault.
And so for the masses of people that are dumbed down, that just sounds good to them.
Just like they want free health care.
They forget they were supposed to get free healthcare under Obamacare, so now they want Bernie Sanders to give them free healthcare.
They're just desperate zombies.
They're mentally ill.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, thinking you're going to get a different result.
And they just literally believe Cuba, I heard this in college, and Russia is a utopia.
They actually believe England has better health care than we do.
They're screwed up as ours is.
They just aren't cultured.
They're not informed.
But they're pseudo.
They're pseudo.
They're in a dream that they're smart.
They read a book.
Let's go to this clip of this police officer.
But I personally, I feel uncomfortable.
I felt like at any moment with the climate of these protesters, this wasn't the people that was involved in Trump's rally.
It was these protesters that at any moment I could get sucker punched by somebody because they're just outrageously screaming and yelling and not really saying anything but hateful slurs, calling them a racist, calling people that were involved racists and haters.
And the funny thing is these people are the most hateful,
Evil people I've ever seen.
I could not believe what I saw.
That's right.
He goes on for 10 minutes.
You've got to go see these people for yourself.
They'll walk over and go, I'm going to kill you and your family.
And then you turn around and go, go ahead and hit me, Alex.
Go ahead and hit me.
I'm like, you're not a communist.
You work for the establishment.
That's right, we do.
We're going to get you.
And you've got to see them for yourself.
You've got to see them to believe it.
And to know what you're dealing with.
I'm going to play a clip here.
Migrants attack 60 Minutes crew in Sweden.
Any crew.
People bring food or money into these refugee camps.
They just beat you up.
They attack you.
Because these aren't even the regular Muslims.
These aren't real refugees.
These are military-age men and thugs from North Africa, the Middle East, everywhere else, just beating everybody up.
You don't go to a train station and have a crew.
And just all over Sweden, people just wander around beating everyone up.
And the police in the video won't even help them.
Read the story, see the videos, InfoWars.com.
It goes on and on and on.
Again, it's in Swedish, so we're not going to play it here for radio listeners, but we're playing video for viewers.
And then they are attacking people in wheelchairs?
That's another thing about these jihadis, man.
They really love beating up women and old people and stuff.
I've never seen such cowardly filth in my life.
I mean,
I just have an instinctive thing not to attack children or women.
I see some big tough mean thug guy, acts like he wants to fight me, I want to fight him.
Bigger and meaner, I just can't help.
But just women and children?
Man, I tell you, it just makes me want to throw up.
There's just... Where do these people come from?
Who are their parents?
What's in their genes?
I just... I just don't understand it.
And why are we ruled by this trash?
I'll be back.
Today is Monday, March 21st, and here are some of the top stories.
The electronic voting firm that's counting Tuesday's Utah GOP election results is headed by George Soros Insider.
The chairman of the Smartmatic group is Lord Mark Malik Brown, who's also on the board of Soros' Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the socialist billionaire.
Soros, who has given over $13 million to Hillary Clinton for the election, formally warned Donald Trump that there will be, quote, consequences for his campaign to secure the U.S.
In similar news, Mexico is pressuring its permanent residents in the U.S.
to become citizens, a status that would enable them to vote, presumably against Trump, if the Mexican government gets its way.
Officially, Mexico claims it respects U.S.
sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the results of the presidential race.
Yet Mexican diplomats are hosting free workshops to assist immigrants in gaining U.S.
And remember back in 2014 when radio host Glenn Beck was giving out free gifts to illegals surging across the border?
Well, it turns out that Ted Cruz was also helping him.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well into the third hour now.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
For the balance of the hour, G. Everett Gribben is our guest.
And of course he is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island.
That's right folks.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The Creature from Jekyll Island.
A second look at the Federal Reserve.
Fifth edition is out.
I guess this book was first published, was it 25, 30 years ago?
Maybe longer.
Of course, Ron Paul has written a lot about the book, talked a lot about it.
Well, I'll tell you, 30 years ago, maybe 1 out of 100 people in the Federal Reserve was private.
And the shareholders were secret.
But now today, most people know it's private, and most people know it runs the economy.
We've played clips from CNBC, you name it, where they go, aren't we all just slaves to the Federal Reserve and international banks?
Don't they run and own everything now?
And then all five pundits agree.
So now that we've had this big victory and we've gotten to the point, thanks to Ron Paul and Jebber Griffin and countless others that came before him, to expose it, where do we go from here?
Because I showed an article
Earlier in the broadcast from the Boston Globe from last Friday, vote all you want, the secret government won't change.
I'm going to read some quotes from this in this hour.
We've gotten to the point where they now go, okay, the communist Chinese do own our debt and do tell us what we can do.
Okay, we're going to let Mexico have people come here and vote.
That's in Bloomberg today.
Stop Trump movement gets boost from Mexico's efforts in the U.S.
Oh, they are handing out driver's licenses.
This is happening.
So we now see how America is to be conquered and brought down.
Jim McGriffin is an expert, filmmaker, you name it, going back to the 60s, exposing the nightmare of collectivism, fascism, socialism, communism, all different flavors, like Jim Jones had cherry Kool-Aid, grape Kool-Aid, coconut Kool-Aid, it all had cyanide in it.
So there's different flavors, but it's pretty much the same thing at the end of the day, command and control.
He's the head of Freedom Force Rising across the world, great organization, educating people.
And I want to ask him, where are we historically?
Is this giant leftist move funded by the big banks and the foundations of the universities, the red flags were settling in the streets everywhere, the radical jihadis being brought in and destabilized, they seem to be launching everything they've got.
Is that a counter-offensive or a final offensive?
They're weak in many ways, and so I think they're pulling out all the stops to try to dominate and crush a burgeoning liberty movement they can see the metrics of that will defeat them.
In Hillary's own words, she's losing the info war.
Or am I being too optimistic?
I want to get his view on Donald Trump and so much more in this hour with the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Great to have you with us, sir.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I really enjoy your introduction.
It looks like we have a lot of ground to cover today.
Where would you like to start?
There's so much.
Well, you know me.
I like to start with the big picture and then move into the details.
Your question regarding where do we stand in the tableau of history, or the movement of history, I think is a good one.
Because I know that it's true that history does repeat itself.
There's no question about that.
But every once in a while something new happens in history.
Some little detail that's never really developed before.
And I think we're living through that situation right now.
We've come to a point in the evolution of communication.
And the concentration of command, as you put it so well.
The globalization of society that the world has never experienced before.
So, in the past we've always had lots of options.
You could escape from one country, go to another country.
You could cash in your currency for one nation and go buy the currency of some other nation.
All these things.
You had some options and I think one of the
The characteristics of our day is that our options are being narrowed constantly.
We can see that every day.
Fewer places to turn.
This has never happened before, and I think the trend, therefore, that we're looking at, what's happening to us, what's happening to America, has to be viewed in that context.
That the old rules may not apply.
For example, you often hear, well, the economy always bounces back, doesn't it?
I mean, we've been through this before.
We've had ups and downs.
We've had booms and busts.
But we always come back.
And that is true.
That's the repeating of history that I was talking about.
But yet, there's something new here.
And the idea was that we had something to come back to.
That there was a choice.
There was another way.
We could come back to the free market, for example.
Get rid of all of the
Thank you.
That's a different scenario today.
The whole trend of the international scene today is to get rid of that option, so there's no way to go back.
You're just stuck with what you've got, and it gets worse and worse and worse, and the end of that line is not an option to go back, but to just buckle under and live under whatever the
The powers that be decide is best for us.
That's the most disturbing part of all this because I think our time is running out.
Don't ask me how much time we have.
The question always comes up.
But I don't know.
I have a feeling that it's coming up within a generation where maybe there will be no turning back.
So that's the first observation I'd like to make, is that the decisions that are facing the American people today have a new characteristic to them.
It's a little frightening, but at the same time it's hopeful in that once
Let me not say once, but if we're able to accelerate and extend this awakening that you were mentioning just a moment ago in your introduction, that people are now aware of the Federal Reserve.
They're aware that we have no options.
They're aware that these things are being done to us.
They're aware that our leaders are sort of thumbing their nose at us and saying, what are you going to do about it, you know?
And so, where does that go?
I think we see these two forces that are rising at the same time.
Of course, the forces of totalitarianism are well in advance and we're coming along late coverage.
But we're gaining on it.
We're gaining on it.
And I think as we come to the finish line, it's going to be a very close call.
And so there's a certain...
Uh, franticness I think that we see in the parts of these totalitarian forces.
They want to finish the job real soon because otherwise the awakening that is now going on may overcome them and they also will lose the option.
I agree.
I want to expand on that.
I agree.
They're panicking.
They went from denying all this to now just being arrogant and saying, you poor pathetic white people, your jobs will never come back.
You don't have jobs, not because of globalism, because you were lazy and dumb.
In national review, and just the weaponization of media, and the nakedness of, okay, we are run by shadow groups, big deal.
And the Financial Times of London saying, and now for world government.
Of course there's world government.
And we're authoritarian, because we know best.
I think their attempt to just break our back and bully us is backfiring, and I think they're really insulated, despite a lot of their smarts.
They're not smart enough to realize that, A, they're killing the golden goose, bringing in totalitarianism, it'll hang them as sure as it hangs us, but also at the same time, they really do think, because there's all these yes-men around them, that they're insulated, and history shows that's just not the case.
Well, I share that point of view.
It's an optimistic point of view in a time when it's hard to find optimism, but I do agree.
I think that human nature is the one force that is the most powerful of all.
It rises above economy, it rises above sociology, it rises above
Human nature is such that we have this innate desire for justice and we may have trouble trying to figure out what is just because we're fed false information.
You know, we're told that the good guys are really the bad guys.
And so we're irate because we have the desire for justice.
And so we sometimes attack the good guys simply because the info war that you talk about has convinced us that they are really the bad guys.
So that's the problem.
But still, human nature is such.
And although our desire for justice and fairness and our innate wanting everybody to benefit, even though we may be a little selfish and we say, well, we want to benefit first.
You know, that's natural.
That's part of our human nature, too.
We have to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others in need.
We have to take care of our families first so that now we can take care of others that may need help.
That is true.
But still, we want the best for most people.
So all of those things are not ever going to change.
And even though a totalitarian system may be forced upon us globally,
I think they're calling me from Washington now to say that I'm on the wrong track.
But anyway, in spite of that, human nature I think eventually will rise above that.
The only trouble with that scenario is that it may take a long time.
And I really don't want to see it take a thousand years.
I want to see this reversal happen, if not in my lifetime, certainly in the next generation.
Let me ask you about Donald Trump and a bunch of other issues when we come back, and geopolitical issues as well, but just separately.
Isn't the problem with even having a partial free market is that it creates so much wealth that we let our kids and grandkids get decadent, disconnected, and then allow them to be brainwashed at the foundation-controlled universities.
And I think that really, out of everything, that really simplifies it, is the people being raised by TV, raised by college, raised by state-run schools.
They've got everything so good, but they have class envy.
You know, seeing the Kardashians, and so they feel inadequate, and Bernie Sanders says, hey, I'm gonna give you everything free, and so they're just basically beguiled by that, because they've never had to actually fend for themselves.
Well, it's certainly true.
That's part of the human nature formula too.
But I think we have to recognize that there are two forces here.
One is the natural force.
These things do take place over a period of time.
Societies that prosper do decay.
That's the repeating of history we're talking about.
But the new element is that there are groups who are consciously accelerating that.
They know that and they're playing upon it because it will benefit them right now.
And by the way, it's declassified.
The CIA, run by foreign groups by the 60s, was trying to subvert the family and break things down to make us all atomized and by ourselves.
It's all public.
The deviant TV, the art, it's not like I can't handle deviants like I'm Mr. Goody Two-Shoes.
The point is they're targeting kids, folks, before they've grown and developed an understanding of it to screw them up.
G. Edward Griffin is our guest.
I mean, this is not a government for and of and by the people.
It's a government for and by eugenicists and a technotronic tyranny.
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I've got so much I want to talk about with G. Edward Griffin.
But I know you want to talk to him too, so we're going to put the phones up for any comments or questions you have for him.
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They're digging America and the West and the Renaissance grave.
The return of the oligarchies and royalty of rule by the new environmental church is here.
In the UN's own words.
It's in my film, Endgame.
We show the UN statements from the 70s, how they wanted to bring back feudalism, feudal religion.
They even said human sacrifice would be good.
Stop venerating humanity.
The elite want us to not value individuals.
Oh, but they value their lives, though.
G. Edward Griffin is our guest, realityzone.com, freedomforceinternational.org.
We'll talk about some of that, too, before he leaves us.
This is a short segment, G. Edward, so let me just get to the Trump situation.
Then I want to ask you about the mainlining
Of no criticism of China now and their horrible human rights abuses.
No criticism of Cuba.
And they're pitching it like we're going to democratize Cuba by leaving communists in and bringing in multinationals.
Who will make perfect sweetheart deals, basically for slave wages, the Chinese model of foreign capitalists working with communists.
I mean it's so sick to watch the immorality and to just see how they are merging us into this global system just as you and others warned back in the 1960s.
Well, my comment on that is that what we see unfolding is
To me, a kind of refreshing development because the issues that previously have been well-hidden from view are now right on the surface, as you have so dramatically pointed out, is right there in your face.
And they like to put it in your face because they want to, they're boasting it.
They're at that stage right now.
And the issue I'm talking about is the fact that this whole phony baloney message that we have been getting over the past 50, 60 years about communism versus capitalism, socialism in there, fascism and Nazism and left and right and Republicans and Democrats, all of these splits, it's all phony because when you look at the leaders and all
All of these groups, they share the fundamental idea, the fundamental philosophy.
Beneath all of this is the same, and you used the word in your introduction, it's collectivism.
You accurately said that all these other things are merely different flavors, or different labels.
You peel off the label and underneath it you find this thing called collectivism.
Now collectivism has two layers also.
On the surface it's an ideological thing.
It's the concept that they teach in school.
For the greater good of the greater number, we must sacrifice the individual if necessary for society.
And all that sort of thing.
That's an ideological gloss over the top of it.
And it makes the young people especially... And me, I might add, also I fell for that when I was in school.
I think?
That really is using ideology.
That is using all these phrases to appeal to that desire for justice.
In their own words, weaponized ideology.
Weaponize it, and that's what they have done.
And so that makes us focus finally on the real essence of this battle.
It's a criminal group.
And they don't care whether they're from Russia, or France, or England, or the United States, or Poland.
It doesn't make any difference.
They all are brothers.
And they just, exactly, and they opportunistically share formulas.
They have summits, as you know.
They share ideas of scams.
They're always fine-tuning them.
They're jumping on both sides of an issue, playing us all off against each other.
So that's now so close to the surface, if not on the surface, that I think anybody can see it.
So now we can finally, finally begin to cut through all of that propaganda and say our common enemy is not communism, socialism, fascism.
It's not China.
It's not Cuba.
It's not the Republicans and Democrats.
It's a mentality.
It's an ideology.
Well, not even an ideology.
It's a criminal mentality.
I was about to say, when you run into communists on the street, they're not well-meaning, bleeding hearts.
Those are their minions.
They want to kill people and they want power.
They're just hateful trash.
Well, a lot of the young people are, because they've been agitated.
You know, when I was young, I read a lot of communist material.
Training manuals, I might add.
I even participated in a couple of training courses.
And the idea was to agitate people to the point where you fill them with hate, so they stop thinking.
And they will go out and do whatever you want.
They tried to create cannon fodder, by the way.
Gilbert Griffin is our guest.
That's right.
Crease from Jekyll Island is the book.
We're going to come back and take your calls and get into Donald Trump, where he sees things going, areas that he has noticed are successful, where he sees some rays of sunshine.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Google wanted to overthrow Syrian President Assad, which would have allowed ISIS to gain complete control over Syria.
You heard that right.
Google, in 2012, wanted to help these so-called Syrian rebels overthrow Assad, according to State Department emails recently released.
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This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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He aligns himself with the truth and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
They call it social signaling.
There's other terms for it where you go along with political correctness just because you want to be polite.
And they take the fact that Americans of every stripe, on average, just want to work hard and be successful and have a good future for them and their families.
And so they use our well-meaning inclinations against us.
And that's why it's time to be very stern with these people and get back in their face and use original language.
Because now they're saying don't use the word mother or father or boy or girl or he or she at universities and high schools and elementary schools.
Say she or he.
Again, they can get you to talk like some type of UFO cult.
They got you.
They just sit back and see, what can we get them to do?
Well, let's have MSNBC come out and say your children belong to the state.
We're going to forcibly inoculate you.
We're going to bring illegals in and pay to keep them here and make them citizens.
We're going to fly planes in every day to Texas and New York and from foreign countries and no one's ID is even checked, but you are going to go through a naked body scanner.
You must stop complying with the police state.
And not because you want to kill cops or hate the police themselves, it's Congress, it's the leaders, it's the globalists that are turning us into a Chinese-style tyranny.
And just like a communist-style tyranny, exempting when and whenever they want, in our face, to set the precedent that they are above the law.
It is an inversion of reality.
We're going back to Gilbert Griffin in just a moment.
RealityZone.com, Freedom Force International, and your phone calls.
Just briefly, we have two specials that are ending today and they will end today.
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That's why the media freaks out and goes, he sells books and t-shirts and videos and vitamins.
What a kook!
Oh, I'm so horrible!
All those big channels sell vitamins and stuff.
All of them do it.
And then they get government money on top of it.
All of them.
And then I'm bad because I sell high quality?
That the nutraceutical sites love?
The supplement Nazis love?
Because I went out and hired the most neurotic, well-known companies out there because I knew I'd be a target of regulators, everybody else.
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I thought about not even going to that level because there's so many stuff we can't carry or produce.
I'm on a rant here.
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I know your purchase funds the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.
I want to go to phone calls.
Going back to G. Edward Griffin.
G. Edward.
Looking at those points, Trump, obviously you're going to tell me your real view on him.
I want to see obviously what you see as victory points.
I see organic food 30 years ago, you couldn't get it anywhere.
It was very expensive.
As people bought it though, it built the market.
Now it's supplanting GMO, pushing it off shelves even at Walmart and Target.
That's an example of us changing our habits, voting with our action, game over.
I see examples of they're trying to ban guns, but everybody's going out and getting people to shoot.
The gun culture is growing.
There's so many examples where everybody's going analog or low-tech with washers and dryers and appliances because they work better, they don't break, and they don't cost as much.
That kills the whole smart grid that's put the taxes to control us.
There's hundreds of other examples, but I just see people realizing the power they have
To shop local, to be involved in mom-and-pop operations, as another front line against the globalists.
And again, it goes back to individual actions that end up helping the collective, but aren't directed by a top-down system.
So Trump, solutions, good things you see happening, and what you think the big hurdles are as well.
Thank you, sir.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, that's a big category.
Let's just start with your comments on the Ma and Pa operation.
I couldn't agree with you more, Alex.
The essence of a free market is the ability to enter the market at the low level.
And that's the very reason that the collectivist system has to have so many regulations and controls, supposedly in the name of protecting the people, of course.
They always have that out there as their excuse.
But the real advantage to the collectivist is that it eliminates entry into the system.
You can't just go out and set up your coffee table or your card table and sell lemonade on the street anymore, because you've got to have a license now.
You've got to have somebody test your lemonade to make sure it's pure and all that sort of thing.
Well, that's an absurd example, but it does happen.
We see it all over the place where little Ma and Pa operations are going out of business.
Uh, little local, um, hardware stores going out of business because they cannot compete with the big chains and the big box stores.
Well, it's not just because the big box stores have, uh, you know, have the, uh, lower prices and all, and the big deals.
It's also because of the regulations that they have to comply with.
If you try and sell vegetables that you grow in your own backyard, you can sell them pretty cheap down there at the farmer's market every Thursday if you want to, but they won't let you do that because now you have to have a license, you have to have certain, prove that you're using certain fertilizers and regulations.
So yes, you're right on target.
Everyone, I think, understands that, that the collectivist system that's building around us does not want
That's my comment and I think everybody understands that's what's going on.
I think?
Laws that will ensure that their monopoly stays as a monopoly and prevents competition from knocking them off.
So anyway, it's one of those things that the people down there in the street, you know, protesting against the capitalist system or what they think is the capitalist system.
They have to realize that the system they're protesting against is really a collectivist system.
Some people would call it a communist system or a socialist system.
It's a collectivist system.
It's all the same.
And as it becomes more and more centralized, the prosperity goes, and they're taught, call for more collectivism, that'll fix it.
Of course, that's the absurdity of it, and you see these people on the streets and they're filled with rage, and as I said earlier before, I understand that because these textbooks teach how to create rage.
They get young people, preferably young people, idealistic young people into the streets, protesting on behalf of what they think is an honorable, objective, higher wages, let's say, or end of the war, whatever is good in your heart, you feel that's good, you get them out there on the streets, but then you manipulate them so that they're in confrontation with the police, the police have to do their job, they have to push them back, and then...
Then somebody, probably an agent provocateur, throws a fireball into the mix and all of a sudden the water hoses come on and the gas and the mace comes out and people feel that.
The protesters get gassed, they get water hosed and from the
Now they've been victimized.
Now they've been validated.
Now the malice come to them and say, don't worry, we're going to overthrow and kill all these people.
And they're filled with rage because they felt that pressure.
That's right.
They felt that water hose.
They smelled that mace and so forth.
So now they're changed.
They're a different person.
They're ready to kill.
And this is a scientific process that goes on.
And we have to recognize that.
So that's my comment on that, and I suppose the most interesting thing in the news today is what about Trump, you know?
And I know I've been trying to avoid that issue quite a bit because I know it's controversial, but might as well jump right into it.
I think that Donald Trump is an amazing phenomenon in that he's doing what I would have considered to be impossible a few months ago.
He's actually challenging the established political monopoly.
He's actually shaking him up, and for that, I'm just...
I wish him good luck.
Anything that would break up the establishment monopoly.
But is he only doing that to terrorize them into making a deal with him to make him regional king?
Well, now we go a little deeper.
What is his motive?
And there are lots of possible reasons there.
First of all, the one you just mentioned.
Maybe he's playing the game to create more violence so that we can have an excuse for martial law.
Maybe he's just setting up the scene so that when the nominations come at the GOP that people will accept a new dark horse candidate like Romney, for example, as the final solution to put forth a candidate that doesn't trigger all of this violence.
Maybe it's a ploy at that level.
I don't know.
And maybe it's just an accident of history that somebody is playing upon the anger of the American people.
They're so fed up, as we've been saying, by watching this happening.
Well, that's where I come from.
Regardless, he's saying things that even if he is a shill, is damaging the power structure so much, that's why they're hitting the panic button.
They don't know what he's doing.
They don't know if he's going to make a deal.
But the Republican leadership won't even meet with him.
And I've talked to a bunch of insiders.
They say, no, Trump has been a sleeper cell.
He actually is aware of the New World Order, even before you were on air, Alex.
And just get ready.
Next week, he's going to come out against the Federal Reserve.
Next week, he's going to do this.
And then I've had Trump point blank tell me, you know, thank you for what you're doing.
Don't worry.
I know what's going on.
I'm going to take these globalists on, make America great again.
And he's just dumbing it down for the public.
I think he really could be real.
But regardless, he's a manifestation of the grassroots explosion.
Yeah, and the thing that bothers me about, not Trump, but the whole issue surrounding Trump, is that we're back to the same old game again of looking at personalities.
It seems like it's a contest of slogans and soundbites.
Did he really say that?
How are people going to react to that?
What's his popularity this week?
Is it going up or down?
And what are they going to do over here?
All about Trump, all about the election process, and not one time
Not one time did we hear anything about the principles, what he believes in.
His ideological, political principles.
He's going to do this, he's going to do that.
Now he loves the Mormons.
We heard that the other night.
He loves everybody.
No matter who he talks to, I love you.
You know, I love you.
You're good.
And that's his style.
And everybody, they love it.
Well, the truth is he is being populist, actually unifying around nation state and sovereignty and against globalist trade deals.
Yeah, so anyway, the thing that bothers me is not Trump so much, it's the process of covering the Trump phenomenon.
At no point are we talking about fundamental principles, like the free market, for example.
Do you like the fact that he wants to audit the Fed?
Not particularly.
That's easy to say.
Any politician, no matter what they believe at this stage in the game, says, yeah, I'll audit the Fed.
Let me ask you this, who do you like then?
Do you trust Cruz?
Alex, my mantra is I will never vote for anybody that I don't think represents my political view.
I would never vote for the lesser of two evils.
I might vote for the greater of two goods, but never for the lesser of two or three or four evils.
I think that's what's been pushing the country into despair for so long.
We've been playing that game.
Sure, what is it about Trump that has the establishment having a cardiac arrest?
Well, he's breaking their control.
I mean, I don't think they control the guy.
Now, it's possible that they do and it's a game, you know.
But I just don't think... In other words, he's not a member of the club.
He hasn't paid his dues.
And I think that's the main thing.
That's what Gingrich said.
He hasn't been initiated to the secret societies.
Yeah, and that was a figure speech, of course.
But anyway, because Gingrich himself has, we know that.
But anyway, the thing that I'm looking at is that if Trump does go and receive the nomination, we need to look at who the vice president will be.
Because Trump himself is only a bullet away.
That's right.
They'll probably put a CFR guy, and he'll be surrounded by CFR people.
So in the long game here, it's not going to make an awful lot of difference if Trump is surrounded by CFR people, because it'll be like Reagan to a certain extent, you know?
The president really can't do much.
He's surrounded by all of his advisors and his administrators.
Well, that's what this article in the Boston Globe says, is that...
I think it's...
Well, I don't know.
A couple of things come to mind.
First of all, they have no choice.
It is in our face.
And so rather than try to hide it, I think they're probably trying to write it as though it's their idea.
Sure, they're hiding it in plain view just to try to standardize it.
Let's talk to Sherry.
I agree.
We're going to break it down in a minute and a half.
Sherry in Oregon, you got a question or comment for G.E.B.?
Go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
Hi, welcome.
Thank you.
I haven't ever talked on the radio show, but I came across an info that was very game-changing from all these things happening because I heard from a very good friend of mine overseas that they were talking about that this whole agenda was well thought about.
All of this is happening with Trump, everything, because Obama and the people of global, they wanted him for head of the UN.
I don't
They're going to be a riot, and it all makes sense.
Hold on!
I want you to come back and flush out.
Stay there, ma'am.
He's saying Trump's going to work with him and run the U.S.
Obama will be at the U.N.
because that is an angle I want to discuss with G. Edwards.
Stay with us.
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He's been positioning himself for that for a long time.
Tony Blair wants to be the head of the UN.
These globalist leaders, they want to graduate, you know, out of the nation state to the internationals.
That's part of the scam.
But are you saying Trump's involved in that or what were you saying?
Not at all.
I'm just saying that right now, when they have all this riot and everything happening against Trump in the street, it's well thought out because what's happening in here, it makes so much sense to me that if Obama becomes head of the UN, he's not going to be able to do that if America is strong or the people are against all of this.
Absolutely, absolutely, because the entree is to bring us fully into the world government for Obama or others to be rewarded.
That's an important part of this.
I mean, the Strong Cities Initiative with the Justice Department admits putting cities under U.N.
I mean, it's just unprecedented, G. Edward.
Well it is unprecedented but not surprising because they've been predicting it for a long time.
They've written about how this has to evolve and they've said that you don't build a world government all at once.
You have to build it piecemeal and you have to do it in such a way that those people who are
I think?
Yes, hello!
Wow, what an incredible honor it is to speak with you, Mr. Griffin and Alex Jones.
My goodness, you guys are awesome.
Sweetheart, you're awesome.
What's your point?
Well, I've got a couple of questions for you.
What can a single woman do who owns a house, you know, just do to prepare for all this?
I've bought a lot of your products.
I got the water filter.
I think I'm preparing.
Well, that's just healthy to not drink a bunch of poison water.
But yes, and support the broadcast.
Thank you.
I would say, number one, meet local, like-minded people that are into liberty.
What can you do?
Get involved in issues.
And having friends you can count on, each other, that's the truest safety net of anything out there.
Have a garden.
You're already, you know, getting healthier.
I mean, that right there.
G. Edward?
Yes, I agree.
That's the first step, is to not be alone.
You've got to find people who are like-minded.
But once you get your security in place and it's a defensive mode that you have to take first, now I think in order to look at the long view, we have to push back.
We have to not just defend ourselves, but counter-attack.
We have to take the initiative.
We must look at a plan where we can recapture this system.
We can get the collectivist mentality out of it and replace it with people who have no... Let me ask you this great point.
What about the tactic where they infiltrate, act like they're patriots, and then are really communist, socialist, and fascist?
We won't do that as moral people.
I couldn't make that.
I happen to know some people are actually going that route now in the military, you name it, and there are people what you call sleeper cells, not to do crimes but to fight the takeover, people that have actually been embedded in the system so they can leak intel.
What do you think of that?
Well, I agree with you that we cannot use deception.
But moving into the establishment and occupying important positions is a very smart move.
And we have to do that.
But we don't have to use deceit.
We just have to be open about it.
This is why we're here.
That's right.
We're here to defend the Republic.
We're here to help.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
We're going to come back with more calls in 70 seconds with the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin.
We'll give you his website as well.
Stay with us.
Fourth hour, straight ahead on FortWorth.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting world-wide, it's Alex Jones.
I want to just say, great job with the crew, the whole office, every single man, woman here.
At M4, she's the listeners, the sponsors, the stations, everybody, the good Lord above.
And I would just also add that Paul Watson is saddling up, is getting in the cockpit over in London, England, about to take over after this quick segment ends.
Let's go ahead.
We're covering a lot.
It's a great interview today, getting so much info.
Let's go ahead and take some more calls here.
Let's talk to James in Michigan.
You're on the air with G. Everett Griffin.
Go ahead.
Hello, thank you, G. Edward Griffin.
You inspired me.
Since you were in that movie, Invisible Empire, you said that even labor leaders were part of the CFR and the secret society.
So I went, I did research, and I found that out.
It's true.
Walter Ruther was at a 1966 Bilderberg meeting in Germany.
And what my question is for you is, let's say they have another Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, at the Marriott.
If we all went and protested there and Trump went and did a rally protest in front of the Marriott, would you then change your mind about him?
Don't forget, I'm not really anti-Trump.
I'm simply saying that he's not a candidate that I would vote for because he doesn't represent my point of view.
I think Mr. Trump is a very shrewd person in that he knows what is upsetting the American people, and he has put himself forth to say, I agree with you.
I, too, am upset.
I, too, do not like the Bilderbergers.
I, too, do not like the CFR, you know.
Things like, he'll say anything.
And he pretty much told us that in the early days of his campaign.
He said, I will say anything to be elected.
He didn't say it in that many words, but he said, you know, I know how to get things done.
I work with both sides.
I contribute both the Republicans and the Democrats.
He said, I work with them both.
It doesn't make a difference to me because I know how to get things done.
So in that statement, he told us that he has no political principles at all, just how to get things done.
And so to get elected, he'll do whatever he needs to do to get elected, and he'll stand with any group that he thinks will send him votes.
Now, that's not the kind of guy I would vote for.
Now, I'm not anti-Trump at all, because I think maybe he does get things done.
But done in a true constitutional free market fashion.
That's the whole point.
That issue is never discussed.
So when I vote for somebody, I want to vote for somebody that represents the principles in which I believe.
Otherwise, it's a wasted vote.
There's something they're afraid of him on, and I've been told what it is.
I mean, they say, no, he knows all this stuff.
And, you know, he knows about the Federal Reserve, the whole nine yards, and that he says, get things done.
He means, you know, turn the economy back on, not do one-sided trade deals.
I think that's why David Knight's even supporting him now, because clearly he's going against that key globalist rail, where we make all these bad deals and sell our country out.
Thank you, James.
Let's go ahead and go to Terry in Minnesota.
You're on the air with Jim Griffin.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex, hi Doctor, how are you guys?
Good, go ahead.
Okay, anyway, listen, I know your credentials, Alex, and I've heard the doctor's.
I appreciate both your points.
My credentials are, basically, I'm one of the election of God.
As far as Trump is concerned, this is what my take on it is.
There's nothing more powerful than that Bible because everything's in there.
So I don't know why people run around this planet looking for the needle in the haystack when it's sitting on most shelves.
As far as Trump is, Trump's going to be president.
This is why.
There's no other entity in the political arena around this planet that could actually cause a deadly wound to the political system except for Trump.
It's going down that way.
And if you understand the parable of the fig tree, it sets up the last generation and everybody knows that.
I hear you.
I was hearing you had a question or comment for Griffin.
If you want to even hold over, Watson can talk to you, but I want to try to get his response here at the end.
There are so many good Christian people, and I myself am a Christian, who interpret constantly the end of the world, or this is this or this or that.
Christ said constantly don't try to know the hour or the time, only God knows that.
But all these preachers get on TV and say they know when the date is, and it really discredits things.
I'm not saying the guy's wrong.
All I'm saying is interpreting this, interpreting that, it's just, I think the Bible says that's up to God, isn't it?
G. Edward?
Oh, well, yes, I think, too.
I don't consider myself to be qualified in the theological field.
I think people get into trouble when they try and measure events with that yardstick.
Well, listen, your website, people need to join it.
Get involved.
FreedomForceInternational.org or find all your material.
Thank you, G. Edward.
All right, thank you.
Paul Watson, straight ahead from London.
Today is Monday, March 21st, and here are some of the top stories.
The electronic voting firm that's counting Tuesday's Utah GOP election results is headed by George Soros Insider.
The chairman of the Smartmatic group is Lord Mark Malik Brown, who's also on the board of Soros' Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the socialist billionaire.
Soros, who has given over $13 million to Hillary Clinton for the election, formally warned Donald Trump that there will be, quote, consequences for his campaign to secure the U.S.
In similar news, Mexico is pressuring its permanent residents in the U.S.
to become citizens, a status that would enable them to vote, presumably against Trump, if the Mexican government gets its way.
Officially, Mexico claims it respects U.S.
sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the results of the presidential race.
Yet Mexican diplomats are hosting free workshops to assist immigrants in gaining U.S.
And remember back in 2014 when radio host Glenn Beck was giving out free gifts to illegals surging across the border?
Well, it turns out that Ted Cruz was also helping him.
For more news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
I think so.
Thank you.
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Be careful what you wish.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I wanted to go ahead and talk to Paul Watson a few minutes.
I was walking out of the studio and I said, I want to talk to Paul.
He's my good friend.
We don't get a chance to talk a lot on the phone.
We're both so busy.
Or via Skype.
So why not?
We'll just do it all here personally in front of everybody.
About five minutes and I'll hand the baton to him.
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Now, going to London, England to Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul, first off tell us what's coming up today and then I wanted to talk to you about a few things.
Why do you think they're really this scared of Trump?
And do you think that when Dr. Corsi and Roger Stone and a bunch of other insiders, but before, I was told this over a year ago, there's no way this was planted by these people who are telling me this, because some of them are folks I've known in Austin for many years, wealthy folks that are well-known to be friends with Trump, and they said, man, you don't know that Trump is the mainstreaming of what you do and that you're like the underground?
And he's the operational person and that he knows all this?
You ought to really talk to Donald Trump, man.
He knows.
And so he's like, yeah, I have to buy these politicians or they take over my business.
I do it.
It's illegal.
Yeah, I don't like the fact that you can't compete and make stuff in America.
I don't like it.
I want to change that.
I mean, for some reason, he's got them so scared.
So what's coming up today and why are they so scared of Trump?
Or is it some elaborate double feint where they know that we're anti-establishment?
And so by attacking him, they really want him elected.
I mean, I just don't buy that.
Well, I think, you know, Donald Trump was created by the left, by social justice warriors.
I mean, they made themselves so hate-worthy with their behaviour and their activity, which is now being emphasised at all these rallies, where they're punching police horses, they're wearing T-shirts that say, if you vote Trump, you get jumped, blocking ambulances, blocking highways.
People are sick of that behaviour.
They've been sick of it for years now.
So the reaction was this rush of support towards Trump.
So it didn't really matter what his policies were.
And yes, he's flip-flopped on a lot of issues.
Just the sheer hatred engendered by these progressives, who aren't progressives, they're actually fascists, behavior.
...has created this rush of support for Trump.
So it's not a debate whether is Trump a good guy, is he going to follow through on what he says, what are his actual policies.
That's not what created the phenomenon of Trump.
What created it was the sheer hatred towards social justice warriors and leftists and the new breed of fascists, which is what they are, because those people are so loathed that, you know, there's an equal and opposite reaction and Trump represents the backlash to that.
That's why he's so popular.
So really, they've only got themselves to blame.
Now they're freaking out, they're rioting and staging violence, and of course, blaming the victim, and now the media's going along with that.
And again, that was emphasized last week, where you had the... Alright, Paul, Skype just broke up momentarily.
Let me interrupt as your Skype broke out.
The article you wrote's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com...
Of this woman, Paul, of this man, woman, whatever it is, with a bunch of Muslims attacking the police, slapping the police horse.
I mean, doesn't this transgender person get that in these Muslim countries they'd be stoned to death?
I don't get why the liberal trendies just worship radical Islam.
What is wrong with these screwballs, Paul?
Yes, his Skype did continue to degenerate and just lost him.
We're going to get Paul back on.
Well, I guess it's a good thing that I came into the fourth hour with him.
I just had a lark to do it because his Skype has degraded and cut out.
It doesn't normally happen with his Skype.
That's why I was able to host the show.
In fact, for months, whenever he would host the show, he'd have somebody in here for backup in case it ever happened.
So now it's happening.
I wouldn't have been here if we just would have played a clip or something.
It's just crazy to see what a television culture and a pop culture has done with these confused, crazy, mentally ill looking people stumbling around.
And then you've got Muslims that basically keep their lives on leashes with feminists patting them on the head.
I mean, these are just the most disingenuous, oxymoronic, hypocritical... I don't have words to describe it.
You have to go out and see them for yourself.
The hissing, the spitting, the hatred.
It's like this black cop said, I've never seen anyone so hateful in Tucson.
Anyone punching and spitting and kicking, trying to get beat up.
And then it's Donald Trump's fault when they do it.
Right, Paul Watson?
Yeah, the entire media narrative is now to blame Trump when you've got these people punching police horses, blocking highways.
Go and look at the Soros agitator who was behind this highway shutdown in Arizona.
She's a woman called Jacinta Gonzalez.
Look at the thousand-yard stare in her eyes.
She's got a neck chained to a truck.
She looks like an extra out of Children of the Corn.
I mean, just look at the glazed, insane, unhinged look on her face.
We want to pull her up.
What article is she in?
This is the Gateway Pundit.
Lead organizer who shut down Highway to Trump rally is Soros Fellow.
And then if you scroll down in that article, there are two pictures.
The second picture is... Why do we allow a Nazi collaborator to run around and try to overthrow our country when we know he's overthrown other countries?
I mean, this guy should be kicked out of here and banned like Russia has done immediately.
Yeah, and if you go on to the actual Gateway Pundit article, you can see the glazed thousand-yard stare in her eye.
She looks like children of the Corners.
This really illustrates what these people are all about.
Then you have the rapper and prominent Black Lives Matter activist who said, we're going to riot if Trump wins.
Then he deleted his tweet and claimed that somebody had made it up or somebody had hijacked his phone.
Again, these people say these things, they threaten violence, they stage violence, and then they blame it on the victim and say that you're a racist because you made this up.
Well, what about the Trump Tower people with the red flags saying we're going to kill you and your children?
Yeah, they carry around these communist red flags.
200 million people dead as a result of communism last century alone.
But that's tolerant.
That's liberal.
And the media gives these people cover every time.
As that black cop said, they're the most violent, spiteful, hateful people you could ever wish to meet.
And I should know, because I deal with them every day.
You should know, because you met them out at the Red Guards protest there in Austin.
These are the most despicable people, and yet the media
They literally go, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I have hair under my arms, I stink, I love Satan, I love killing babies.
Yeah, and they've got the nerve to grandstand and have all this fake, you know, righteous indignation.
You don't have the moral high ground when you're waving a flag that's responsible for the death of 200 million people.
I'm sorry, you don't have the moral high ground.
And they're trying to intimidate our free speech.
I'm all for free speech.
When people start calling for violence and organized crime, it's not speech.
It's organized racketeering.
It's a criminal subversion.
And they need to be dealt with at this point.
And I'll expand on that.
Mexico saying we're going to have our illegals get licenses and vote.
China involved.
I mean, I've never seen such a ganging up on our country.
And look at England.
You're run by the EU.
Even your own Liberal Mayor of London says it's wrong.
No, it's amazing.
If you're blocking a highway, you're preventing people from peaceably assembling.
You're blocking their free speech.
You're imposing your will to infringe on their rights.
That's not the First Amendment.
You don't have that right.
But the media still frames this as protesters.
They're not protesters.
They're agitators.
They're preventing other people from expressing their rights to peaceably assemble.
And it was a private event, again.
So it is not your First Amendment right to stop other people from having their free speech, no matter what the media narrative is, which it continues to be.
These are just protesters.
Any violence that happens is Donald Trump's fault, even though it's being staged by these crazy... Because a literal guy with an oxygen tank and a white cat, who is the latest James Bond villain,
I mean, on record.
George Soros is the new villain in the James Bond movie, and then he is running Communist groups.
I mean, that Nazi collaborator needs to be thrown out of this country, Paul.
I'm gonna hand it over to you.
Great job, great job of the crew.
Paul Watson from London.
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It's the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up in the next segment, I've got Syrian Girl popping in for a quick segment to talk about Syria, the Russian pullout, and what she thinks of Donald Trump as a Muslim.
Is Donald Trump a bigger threat to Muslims than Hillary Clinton?
But we're going to dive into this news.
Breitbart reports migrant gangs leave severed head on Amsterdam street.
In Amsterdam, a severed head was found laying in the open street.
It's just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the Mokra War, involving North African migrants from Morocco.
So you've got all these migrant gangs from Afghanistan, from Syria, from Morocco, not only attacking Europeans, but attacking each other.
You see it every day in these migrant camps.
Now they've found a severed head on the streets of Amsterdam.
More cultural enrichment.
I guess the answer is just to keep the borders open and let in a million more.
Bright Bar also reports, journalists punch kicked and rammed with car in Sweden's Little Mogadishu.
No go zone.
Now, excuse me, but I was told by the media for about two, three years running that Muslim no-go ghettos don't exist.
They're a conspiracy theory.
They don't exist, even though myself, Joe Biggs and Michael Zimmerman walked directly through one and got chased away in Molenbeek.
Again, these Muslim no-go areas don't exist, even though this Swedish film crew went to do some recording in one, and within a minute and a half, and you can watch this video in the article, it's at the bottom of the article, within 90 seconds of them arriving in this Muslim no-go ghetto, which doesn't exist and is a conspiracy theory,
They're verbally assaulted and then physically assaulted by these migrants.
One of the cameramen is run over by one of these migrants, who then speeds off in the car.
They then call the police.
The police say, oh, we can't be seen to be protecting you, because then they'll attack us.
That's why they don't go into these areas in the first place, because the police get attacked.
So the police stay off in the distance, this film crew walks through this shopping square in this Swedish town, and again, within minutes, they're verbally assaulted, and then again, violently assaulted.
Somebody else is punched in the face.
In this Muslim ghetto, this Muslim no-go zone.
That, again, according to the media, does not exist, just like the one in Molenbeek doesn't exist, and we didn't get chased out of it, none of that ever happened.
Well, of course, they caught one of the Paris massacre terrorists in Molenbeek, which doesn't exist and is a conspiracy theory.
Just a few days ago, Salah Abdeslam, he'd been hiding there for months, and they only just caught him.
And why is that?
Well, because as Reuters reports,
Paris fugitive helped more by friends and neighbours than Islamic State.
So again, after every single terror attack, we hear this often repeated narrative in the media, not all Muslims are terrorists.
Well, that's true.
But unfortunately, a lot of them are Islamists.
And a lot of them, as we see in Molenbeek, will actually protect terrorists.
After the Paris attack, security forces searched far and wide for prime suspect to law, Abdeslam, who vanished after returning to Brussels, believing Islamic State could have spirited him away to Turkey, Syria or Morocco.
Remember this is the guy who was driving back from the Paris massacre.
He was supposed to blow himself up.
They actually caught him.
They apprehended the car, the police did, but let him go again.
So he was able to sneak back into Molenbeek, the jihadist ghetto in Brussels, Belgium.
And it appears that Europe's most wanted man never left the Belgian capital.
And it was family, friends and petty criminals who helped him evade a manhunt for four months before he was arrested on Friday in the neighbourhood he grew up in, not far from his parents' home.
So he's basically been in Molenbeek for the past four months, living in someone's basement.
And because not one single resident of that jihadist ghetto, which doesn't exist and is a conspiracy theory,
Not a single one of them alerted the police to his presence, because it's a police no-go zone.
There were no police whatsoever when we walked through it the day after the raid which caught the mastermind behind the Paris massacre.
So not a single neighbour or friend alerted authorities to the fact that this guy, Europe's most wanted terrorist, was there for the past four months.
And in fact, when the police actually went to arrest him, this is out of the express, missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam, supporters, their stick hero.
So they went to arrest the guy responsible for the massacre of dozens and dozens of innocent people in Paris.
And the gentle, tolerant people of Molenbeek, the jihadist ghetto that doesn't exist and is a conspiracy theory, they attacked the police and hailed the Paris Massacre terrorists as a hero in this jihadist ghetto that doesn't exist and is a conspiracy theory.
We'll be right back after the break with Sirian Girl and more news.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Google wanted to overthrow Syrian President Assad, which would have allowed ISIS to gain complete control over Syria.
You heard that right.
Google, in 2012, wanted to help these so-called Syrian rebels overthrow Assad, according to State Department emails recently released.
In July 2012, Jared Cohen, the head of what was then the company's Google's Ideas division, wrote an email to several top Clinton officials and said, quote, Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool that would publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.
Cohen added, quote, And here's another thing.
Al Jazeera is a state funded by Qatar, a country which once was sought out of power because the Syrian president refused a proposed pipeline running through Syria, which would benefit Qatar.
For more geopolitical news, visit InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Right, it's the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show, I'm Paul Joseph Watson, and we've got two great deals on at the Infowars store.
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Now, going back to the Donald Trump news, a new poll has come out and it says that the majority of Americans say they'd like to punch Trump full in the face.
This is the tolerant, non-violent, peaceful, anti-Trump protesters who like to block ambulances and punch horses in the face.
They're really peaceful.
A poll reveals that a majority of Americans would like to smack Donald Trump in the face with their fists.
According to the findings by WalletHub, 54% of respondents said they'd love to hit Trump in the mosh.
Trump's punchability ranks way higher than Hillary Clinton, who was placed second in the survey with 14% of votes.
President Obama is down on 13%, while any congressman is placed in fourth with 12%.
Trump even beats tax attorneys and accountants.
Even the punchability of Hillary Clinton doesn't quite come up to the standard of Donald Trump.
So again, it emphasizes the point that many of the people opposing Donald Trump are violent and intolerant people, while the media portrays them as being peaceful protesters.
We've also got this article up on Infowars.com.
Anti-Trump protester who slapped police horse describes herself as a commie feminist.
The anti-Trump protester arrested in Kansas City for physically attacking a police horse describes herself as a commie feminist.
This was on her own Instagram bio.
And you've probably seen the video by now.
If you haven't, it's in the article.
But it's 29-year-old April J. Foster who was basically, she was at this rally in Kansas City waving a giant communist red flag.
The political system responsible for the deaths of 200 million people in the last century because she's really peaceful.
And she starts screaming and yelling at this police horse, as if that's going to do anything, as if she's going to intimidate the police horse into backing away or something.
Then she slaps it in the face.
Now, Peter has come out and condemned this, but in her own bio, Foster describes herself as a commie feminist.
These are the peaceful protesters who the leftist media has given cover to, you know, describe them as tolerant, reasonable, rational people, when they're the ones engaging in violence.
As I mentioned earlier, lead organizer who shut down Highway to Trump rally is a Soros fellow from New Orleans.
Yesterday, far-left open border activists shut down the highway leading to the Trump rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona for two hours.
So, if you were dying in an ambulance and you wanted to get through that highway, well, tough luck!
Because there were social justice warriors there carrying signs that said, Donald Trump is a racist, and that's more important than sick and injured people getting to the hospital.
Because these are really, really pleasant people.
Now look at this picture.
Jacinta Gonzalez.
This is the lead organizer behind this protest that shut down the highway to block other people from expressing their free speech.
That's not your First Amendment right to block other people from exercising their right.
You're imposing on their rights.
That's not a freedom that you have.
And just take a look at this picture of Jacinta Gonzalez.
I mean, talk about children of the corn.
She's tied herself by the neck to this vehicle, and she's got the thousand-yard stare, the typical glazed, unhinged, social justice warrior look.
This just completely emphasises what these people are all about.
Now let me know if you've got the guests ready, by the way, but we'll continue with news.
Tucson cop, anti-Trump protesters, most hateful people I've ever seen.
Now you've probably seen this video up on InfoWars.com.
It's a 10 minute video of a cop who went to a Donald Trump rally as a neutral observer just to try and get a sense of what this was all about.
He's seen the media portrayals, he's seen the narrative of Trump people as violent, unhinged, dangerous people.
He found out that the opposite was true.
So you can go and watch that video on InfoWars.com.
But we've got our guest now.
Syrian girl who, of course, she's been on the show today before, geopolitical analyst and contributor at Neo Journal and Sputnik International.
Now, Syrian girl, we haven't got much time, so I'll go straight to the first question.
Now, you're a Muslim, of course.
Donald Trump, who opposed the Iraq War from the start, has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
due to terrorism concerns.
He was called a hateful figure for doing so.
Hillary Clinton on the other hand voted for a war which killed nearly a million Muslims.
She oversaw a policy in Libya and Syria which ruined those two countries and led to the international migrant crisis.
Who's the bigger threat to Muslims in your view?
Is it Donald Trump or is it Hillary Clinton?
It's of course Hillary Clinton.
Trump can say whatever he wants about Syrians or Muslims.
He can insult every curse word but at least he's not actually killing us.
Like Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton has shown herself to be the psychopath.
She led to the rise of ISIS.
But it just so happens that Bilderberg have chosen her to be the US President.
And that's obviously the reason why Trump is being a talent in the media.
And he says, if he says what he says he will do, he will overturn the tables on the globalists.
He says he wants to get out of the business of raging change.
It's ironic because it seems to be that they're regime changing him and just in a typical fashion, you know, George Soros funded protesters are accusing him of attacking, you know, protesters.
He's not even the president yet and they're already trying to do it.
Yeah, we have to vote.
Go ahead.
Sorry, just one other thing.
You know, the idea of people coming into the States with claiming to be Syrian refugees, with Syrian passports, as we know, these many Syrian passports that are fake, and I don't want to hear another story in the media about a fake Syrian passport being found near a terrorist attack.
So, the only real way to vet people going into the States is to ask the Syrian government if the number on the passport
is real.
And that requires actually opening diplomatic channels, which Clinton and co have refused to do, and Obama.
So that is, you know, what I'm trying to say is, as well as there's a sanity in what Trump is saying.
And that's why he's attracted more support amongst Muslims in the US than all the other GOP candidates combined.
And that was a poll out of CARE, the Islamic Relations Organization in America.
That was when Marco Rubio was still involved in that race.
So if he's such a massive Islamophobe, why is he attracting more support from Muslims than the other candidates?
Well, it's obvious because of the reasons you just outlined.
But moving on, of course, Russia
recently pulled out of Syria saying it had accomplished its mission.
The suddenness of that announcement took a lot of people by surprise.
Putin says that, you know, Moscow can go back in with fighter jets very quickly if necessary.
But explain to the audience the wider geopolitical calculations behind this Russian pullout.
Well, there's been a lot of reasons that could possibly be the cause.
From the start,
They'd already outlined that the operation would last three to four months.
So it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that they pulled out.
They said that it would be this short.
It's probably because of the amount of money that it takes to invest in such a pullout and the fact that they'd already sort of changed the situation on the ground.
It could also have to do with negotiations in Geneva and trying to, you know, de-escalate.
There's also been talk about, at the same time as this pullout, talk about federalizing Syria and I'd like to make some points about that.
Yeah, that's what I was reading.
Reuters is reporting that Kurdish forces are now moving towards declaring an autonomous federal state in that region of northern Syria, which they now control.
Of course, they've been battling ISIS, but you claim that, in some cases, the Kurds are now resorting to ISIS-style atrocities.
Tell us what's happening and why it hasn't received much media coverage.
Well, in the first place, the plans to balkanize Syria were made public by Gonzalo Zarays in 2006.
And the reason why the Kurds have been so positively shown in the media without any of the negative aspects shown is because they fit this objective.
But in reality, the Kurds in northwest of Syria came to Syria as illegal immigrants in the 1920s when the Turkish, Ataturk at the time,
I think?
that are historically owning that land and the Kurds are only here since the 1920s in al-Hasakah and they've made they're still a minority so it boggles the mind that people would support giving a minority of people six percent of Syria's population all of Syria's oil.
The Kurds are Iranian Sunni nomads that walked across from Iran across into Iraq across into Turkey and now
a little part of Syria and letting in illegal immigrants has now resulted in them claiming our land.
And everybody seems to be uploading this.
It's quite ironic.
And the fact that the Assyrian history is not even being shown in the media because it breaks this agenda.
Now, Reuters is reporting, US dismisses Russia call for urgent talks on Syria ceasefire.
The United States on Monday rejected Russia's call for an urgent meeting over violations of Syria's three-week cessation of hostilities, saying that its concerns were already being handled in a constructive manner.
Is this ceasefire genuine?
Is it going to hold?
And what's the immediate future look like for Syria?
Are we seeing the end, finally, of this civil war in Syria?
I don't think so.
I think it's probably going to go on for a few many years to come.
Unfortunately, these people who want to tear the fabric of nations and push sectarianism everywhere and basically carve out mini-states, they really don't want to let go.
The Syrian military has been fighting ISIS now for five years.
Unfortunately, I think that it's going to continue.
Okay, now where can people find more information about your reports about this information?
Please add yourself to my YouTube channel, subscribe to Syrian Girl Partisan or Partisan Girl and I will be giving references to everything I've said today on that channel.
Thank you very much for having me on the show, it's always great.
Okay, there goes Syrian Girl.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll be sure to keep track of developments in Syria.
We've got a few minutes here left in the segment.
Going to go back to some more news.
Back to Trump.
This is our Gateway Pundit again.
Secret Service.
Trump campaign increasing security after threats to family and violent protests.
That's right.
Violent protests.
Now, of course,
One of Trump's sons received, or his son's wife I believe, received some powder in the mail last week.
Again, that was probably Donald Trump's fault.
But now there's been an uptick in threats once again.
The Secret Service and the presidential campaign of Donald Trump are increasing security for the candidate and his rallies after threatening letters were received by Trump family members.
And violent protests by leftists broke out a string of several
And again, if you go on Twitter every single frigging day while the media says that Trump is inciting violence, you have violent leftists threatening to assassinate Donald Trump.
And yes, in most cases, it's just a crass, vulgar joke.
If such a joke was aimed at Hillary Clinton or Obama, of course, the leftist media would be up in arms.
But in some cases, these threats are leading to Secret Service visits.
And still, the ignorance of these people on Twitter, the uptick in threats just continues.
It accelerates every single day, people threatening to assassinate Trump.
So we've got the Secret Service now becoming more nervous about his safety.
Now last week we had the story about the top Black Lives Matter activist, Def Poe, tweeting, we will incite riots everywhere if Trump wins.
Of course, the update to that, as I mentioned briefly earlier in the show, was that after he was called out on this,
After it got picked up by Infowars, by Breitbart, by other news organizations, he went back and claimed that he had never made these comments.
He was like, that's... He used the N-word, of course, he was like, that's not a word I would ever use, I never made this tweet.
Well, the problem for Def Poe is that people have the ability to look at archives on Twitter.
This is the Internet.
It's 2016.
Anything you post on the internet remains on the internet.
Doesn't matter if you delete it off your Twitter profile.
So, not only did he not apologize for these comments, which, you know, directly inciting riots, he lied and claimed that he never made the comments in the first place.
And then he retweeted.
He retweeted.
He didn't retweet anything.
He deleted it.
He retreated to his safe space.
He blocked me, of course.
That's the natural inclination of all social justice warriors.
When they get called out on their BS, they run away and hide.
But again, it emphasizes the point that this Black Lives Matter group, and this is a prominent leader, is a violent, hateful group.
Does that mean that all the people who march with Black Lives Matter are violent and hateful?
But when you've got the ideological inspiration behind BLM being a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI's most wanted domestic terrorist list, Assata Shakur, then it's a problem.
Imagine if the Oregon militia had their ideological inspiration as Timothy McVeigh and they were calling for riots and killing cops.
Would the media give them cover?
Would Time Magazine come out with articles, you know, in defense of rioting?
No, they wouldn't.
They ignore this, and any violence, any violent threats that are made by Black Lives Matter, by leftists in general, are always blamed, of course, on Donald Trump.
We had another incident at a Donald Trump rally the other day, where a black Donald Trump supporter punched one of these leftists who was agitating in the face.
Of course, what they didn't show you was that right next to him was another leftist wearing a KKK uniform.
So they always talk about the violence, they never talk about the provocation.
We'll be back with the final segment of the Alex Jones Show 4th Hour Overdrive.
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We are back for the final segment of the fourth hour of the InfoWars Overdrive.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
The Washington Examiner is reporting sheriff's writ, Obama silence on murdered police.
Say he backed those that kill us, despite a 300% surge in the shooting deaths of police this year.
President Obama has done little to signal his regret, leading law enforcement to charge that he is condoning the slayings.
Quote, he has a microphone in his face almost every moment he's awake and has unprecedented access to the media.
He could certainly take a moment to acknowledge these events and give us the same support.
He provides those that attack and kill us.
Carroll County MD Sheriff James T. DeWeese told Secrets.
So again,
You have Obama getting up on Jimmy Kimmel and saying that the Ferguson riots were understandable.
You've got a 300% surge in the shooting deaths of police and again he says nothing whatsoever about it because it doesn't play into this race war division narrative that they're trying to stir in the run-up to this election.
Over in Germany, the land of cultural enrichment,
Daily Caller reports, Germany is running out of prison cells because of refugee crisis.
Germany is about to run out of prison cells due to the unprecedented migrant influx in the country.
Foreigners make up 9% of Germany's population.
That's soon to rise.
But close to 30% of its prison population.
So they're disproportionately more likely to commit crimes.
That's another racist fact.
The number is even higher among incarcerated people awaiting trial as there is a risk they will leave the country.
The wave of refugees is not without consequence for the German prisons.
The Federal Union of Prison Staff head Anton Back said in a statement, so they have run out of room to house the prisoners because the migrants are disproportionately more likely to commit crimes and therefore be prisoners.
That's the cultural enrichment of Germany and they're going to let in yet more migrants.
In Sheffield, my hometown in England, students have to be shown how to use the toilet.
Top university puts up bizarre warning signs in campus loos after complaints about awful mess.
Now you can go and look at this picture on the Daily Mail.
They're having to put these signs up everywhere throughout this university telling people how to use a toilet.
Now if you scroll down into the article, they're having to do it because, quote, international students don't know how to use the toilet.
Now in India, UNICEF has to have an education program every single year because 600 million people, half the population, crap in the streets.
And it leads to horrible childhood infections and diseases.
So now they're having to introduce similar educational programs here in the United Kingdom because of the increasing influx of migrants.
And it all should be celebrated again as cultural enrichment if you don't do so.
You're a bigot, you're a racist, even though immigrants isn't a race.
Now over in Sweden,
Which again is another epicentre of cultural enrichment where film crews get attacked in Muslim no-go ghettos that don't exist and are a conspiracy theory.
Sweden is set to spend more on housing refugees than national defence.
This is out of zero hedge.
Sweden's refugee crisis has gone through the breaking point.
Even dovish politicians concede the pace of refugee spending, which is on track to surpass that for national defence in Sweden, for the first time this year, can't be sustained without revisions to a social contract based on high-taxers' cradle-to-grave entitlements, tight regulation and AAA credit.
Though now even the Liberals in Sweden are saying enough is enough.
We're completely overwhelmed.
This has to stop.
That's gonna wrap it up for this fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
Of course Alex will be back with the live radio show 11 to 2 tomorrow.
Also be sure to tune in to InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
And check out all the breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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