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Filename: 20160310_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 10, 2016
3085 lines.

In a clip from Alex Jones' radio show, he discusses the political climate and feuds between Glenn Beck and Matt Drudge. Callers bring up topics such as Ted Cruz's connections with the CFR and Goldman Sachs, the CPS system in Texas, and having Steven Bassett on the show to discuss extraterrestrial disclosure.

Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, March 10th, 2016.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is so much happening obviously, but what I want to dive into first is the fact that Ted Cruz
In the last few days has had multiple members of the Bush family and more importantly, the Bush apparatus joined his national finance team to get him money.
Now, it was known that he came out of the Bush power structure, George W. Bush, and that his wife, Et Goldman Sachs, was a key operator helping get the TPP set up years before it was even publicly known that it was being developed.
The fact that Goldman Sachs helped finance some of his early campaigning in Texas now becomes very, very clear that the Bush's know that their name...
is mud and so they have been deploying slick political operatives like Ted Cruz into the system to place this sleeper cell or sleeper operator in government and in the U.S.
Senate so that he can then activate at a later date and carry out their operations which we now see trying to knock out
The dark horse, populist candidate, Donald Trump.
Now, I personally want to believe in Ted Cruz.
He's said a lot of great things.
He's done a lot of great things in the Senate, defending the Second Amendment, you name it.
But I've been weighing the evidence.
And before, I was, you know, leaning towards him and giving him the benefit of the doubt.
A lot of folks got mad at me about that, saying, hey, he's got a CFR background with his wife, Goldman Sachs, you know, working inside the Bush operation.
And I said, well, maybe he's broken away from them.
Let's see what happens.
We've even seen the new land commissioner here in Texas, who is a Bush grandson of Herbert Walker, saying, I don't like the CFR.
I don't like the Trilateral Commission.
I don't like the New World Order.
I want to be against that.
And they're getting elected on the back of that.
So we see them coming out with rhetoric that
We know isn't true when it's the case of George P. Bush or whatever his name is.
This is how they are operating and they think we're stupid.
And now the weight is going towards Cruz being a clear Manchurian candidate of the Bush crime family.
I don't think we can convict him of it, but there's enough question there that I'm done with Ted Cruz at this time.
If he stays in the Senate and does good things down the road, I will support him.
But he's done a lot of things that are really, really bad, and he's done some flip-flopping and some support of some of these globalist operations.
He was early on part of the plan to bring in amnesty.
This is very, very serious.
We're going to be discussing this today with callers.
And more.
You can tweet your points.
We'll read some of them on air.
To real Alex Jones today, let me know what you think.
Now, separately from that, we've got Trump continuing to dominate.
We've got the media attacks heating up.
They're still asking him, why won't you disavow the Ku Klux Klan?
Whether it's 18 times or 25 times or 39 times or 47 times, you know, that it's up to, they just keep saying, why won't you deny it?
It's an attempt to, again, target those that aren't paying attention out there.
We're gonna be breaking that down.
But the really big news is the fact that they can't defeat liberty.
They can't defeat free speech.
Because it's so popular, the truth is coming out.
They can't defeat sunshine.
They run like roaches from it, so they're openly trying to adopt the European globalist models of censorship.
They are already arresting people in areas of Europe that deny man-made global warming or climate change, period.
They're already trying to go after professors, doctorates, and their tenure.
Now that's starting here, and we have chilling testimony coming up after the break from a congressional committee
With Loretta Lynch, who I just said the word Lynch.
Sorry, they actually want to ban that word.
I'm not kidding.
Actually, they are banning it at some campuses.
And the word master, because that's hurtful.
This cult now is talking about the FBI is looking into prosecuting people that deny that any climate change isn't man-made.
We're going to go to break.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Military drone technology is back in the headlines.
Recently, SCO, a subdivision of the US military with ties to DARPA, released a video of micro drones being launched from an F-16 fighter at 430 miles per hour.
The Washington Post article titled, Veil of secrecy lifted on Pentagon office planning avatar fighter and drone swarms.
The announcement also represents another step toward total autonomous military robotics.
A technology that top experts such as Elon Musk and Max Tegmark have been warning scientists to think twice about.
SEO also said in the same announcement they have successfully developed and tested Avatar flight technology.
Our new project, not previously reported, is called Avatar and calls for the Pentagon to pair high-tech fifth-generation fighter jets with unmanned versions of older jets which would be flown without a pilot for the first time.
Imagine this technology in the hands of the same government that was also forced to admit this week that it had been using domestic drones for domestic surveillance operations.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here as we broadcast worldwide.
Coming up, Paul Watson will be hosting for much of the show from London, England today.
I'll also be popping in live as well.
It is Thursday, the 10th day of March, 2016.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I come to you with grave news.
Some of the gravest news I have ever covered, period.
Not just when it comes to free speech, but to every other basic fundamental freedom.
They are using models in Europe that they're testing to ban free speech, to bring in civil emergencies, and to even ban the name mother and father, to ban crosses, to ban churches.
But the Muslims can do whatever they want and the government actually takes over churches, you can pull up the articles and turns them into mosques.
So they can mutilate their daughters, put hoods on their heads, beehive suits, everything, but the word mother and father is not allowed.
Now, you've heard Al Gore, you've heard others say they need a leftist spring in America and Europe to ban our free speech.
To come at us with the torches.
Now the Attorney General, in testimony, I'm about to play, he's so chilling, has come out and said they have the FBI looking and investigating free speech in America and they're looking at arresting people that deny anthropogenic climate change.
The UN.
Is calling for Lord Monckton's arrest.
Now they've been caught in their internal emails, worldwide, in Climategate, admitting they're fixing the numbers to hide the decline in temperature.
This is all about global government and worldwide taxation.
But regardless of what you think about this scheme, to have a congressperson from Rhode Island openly coming out
And asking her, hey, can't we ban free speech?
Can't we do this?
And she says, yes, we have the FBI looking at it.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, in the Congress, in the Senate hearing, having this meeting.
Now, think about that.
We're going to play the clip in a moment.
And they do it so calmly.
They go, well, you know, the tobacco companies got caught lying about cigarettes giving you cancer.
Can't we prosecute people?
And in New York State, they're already trying to prosecute the Attorney General there.
Scientific papers and professors that have written papers about the sun being the main driver of climate.
No kidding.
When you're tipped away from the sun, you have winter.
When you're tipped towards it, you have summer.
And she says, yes, we're looking at prosecuting them.
They mean business.
And that's why they're bullying everyone's free speech to try to make everybody basically submit to all of this.
So let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Madam Attorney General, the similarities between the mischief of the tobacco industry pretending that the science of tobacco's dangers was unsettled and the fossil fuel industry pretending that the science of carbon emissions dangers is unsettled has been remarked on widely, particularly by those who study the
Climate denial apparatus that the fossil fuel industry has erected.
Under President Clinton, the Department of Justice brought and won a civil
Rico action against the tobacco industry for its fraud under President Obama.
The Department of Justice has done nothing so far about the climate denial scheme.
A request for action by the Department of Justice has been referred by you to the FBI.
My question to you is, other than civil forfeitures and matters attendant to a criminal case, are there other circumstances in which a civil matter under the authority of the Department of Justice has been referred to the FBI?
Senator, thank you for raising that issue and thank you for your work in this area.
I know your commitment is deep.
This matter has been discussed.
We have received information about it and have referred it to the FBI to consider.
Whether or not it meets the criteria for what we could take action on.
I'm not aware of a civil referral at this time.
I will look into that and get back to you.
But I'm not aware of a civil referral outside of the one that you just raised.
Are there any civil cases with the United States as plaintiffs within DOJ's civil division in which the FBI is preparing the case for the civil division?
Are you regarding climate change issues?
Regarding any matter.
I'm not, I couldn't give you that information right now, in terms of whether or not... We'll take that as a question for the record.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's what they're actually openly saying now.
They admit they want to take our guns.
They admit that they think the family is bad, that manhood is bad.
They are bringing in driverless cars to track and trace and tax us.
They are trying to restrict speech everywhere and bully our speech.
I've told the stories and the stories have been in the press with other people where I'm just out in the public and people come over and tell me I need to check my white privilege.
It's mainly white people doing it.
This is an open form of political oppression.
This is what we saw happen in the old Soviet Union, but it's beyond that.
Not even the Soviets tried to ban the family and tear down manhood.
This is beyond that.
They want us domesticated, they want us dumb, they want us weak.
And coming up through the show today, we're going to be focusing in on political correctness and just looking at how many forms of free speech are being restricted.
I remember seeing a Texas case just a few years ago where an eight-year-old girl on study hall had a Bible in her bag and one of the teachers saw it and took it and threw it away and said, this can't be in the school.
Well, you have a right to your Bible.
You have a right to speak about how you love God at the lunch table or anywhere else.
You have a right to talk about dirt bikes or oil painting or hunting and shooting or whatever.
You can talk about you like to go to the opera or you like ballet or you like rock and roll.
You can talk about that you like Buddha or anything you want as long as it's not a call to action of violence.
You can see the stories all over the place where they go, you can't hand out Christmas cards.
See, first it's the school can't have Christmas, but now you don't have free speech to hand out Christmas cards.
Totally unconstitutional.
You can't say a school prayer.
You can't thank God when you become the valedictorian or the salutatorian.
And they bully and they push and they drive and they just won't stop.
And in Europe they say the Muslims don't like trick or, you know,
You know, Halloween either, or at the universities they don't like costume parties, so we have to ban those.
And the professors that say, no, we need free speech, are fired to the point that major comedians won't even go out who are liberal to colleges.
We all know about this.
There's thousands of examples, literally, that we could discuss.
And they're doing this because the liars, these corrupt people, cannot deal with the fact that we have the truth on our side.
And so now they want to start with, oh, banning being racist, and then ban words that are offensive, and then ban, oh, denying man-made climate change.
It never ends.
It is a Pandora's box.
We have to recognize whether you see yourself as liberal, libertarian, conservative, Christian, agnostic, it doesn't matter.
It's open.
We should all come together around basic free speech and realize that serious totalitarianism has raised its ugly, dirty head.
Now, the other big news, and I covered this earlier, we're going to get to it more later,
Is Neil Bush, who's the smartest of the family, is the cunning scam artist with the SNLs and all the rest of it, billions looted.
You know, the real criminal energy of the family in my view.
He is now behind the finance committee for
Mr. Cruz.
And you add that to the whole history of him coming out of George W. Bush's operation and all these globalist trade deals and his wife being Goldman Sachs and CFR.
Now this tips the scale to where I do not trust Ted Cruz.
I appreciate what he's been like in the Senate for four years.
I hope that continues.
He may rehabilitate himself, but this move and the dirty tricks
And the way he's going after Donald Trump and having Glenn Beck on his side really pushes it over the edge.
Now let's shift gears to the real enemy, Hillary Clinton.
This is up on InfoWars.com and it's all over the news.
Missing Clinton email.
Claims Saudis finance Benghazi attacks.
Well, Saudi Arabia ran the proxy armies in Benghazi with NATO in the West to topple Gaddafi.
That's a fact.
That al-Qaeda group that attacked the embassy or the substation, the safe house, with the three warehouses of weapons, the missiles and other high-impact weapons,
They were on record, the security force, this is all on record, that the State Department had hired for this general city.
Then they had everybody pull out because the ambassador wasn't going along with the Turkish ambassador that showed up that day and wanted the three warehouses of high-impact weapons to give to what would become ISIS.
Now you see Saudi Arabia admitting they want to give missiles to ISIS and oh, magically they already have them.
So Turkey got upset, criminal elements of our government got upset, and so the security was pulled, and you know the rest of the story, he was wiped out.
And you've had the heroes that survived on Fox News saying, no, we were told to stand down, we heard the message, it came from the head of the State Department.
They said, who gave this order?
It's from the very top.
Eight people on their sat phones were like, no, no, no, this is over 13 hours, eight hours of the siege.
So everybody else got word to get out, evacuate, you just better, but oh, the key person, the city, and then some Navy SEALs and others show up and make it go too long so that the military with eyes in the sky with the drones and satellites saw the whole thing happen.
Hundreds of people saw it conservatively in those command centers around the world.
Thousands heard about it.
That's why it's such a big deal.
This is huge.
And you can read about the email at InfoWars.com.
No wonder they want to lock Guccifer up.
No wonder they don't want us to have all of Hillary Clinton's emails.
No wonder they're so upset.
No wonder they're so scared.
Because this is exactly what all of our sources said within two weeks of it happening.
Navy SEALs, Army Colonels, you name it, who came on the show.
Risking their lives, saying this is what happened at Benghazi and we've been proven right again.
I'm not bragging, but that's why you watch, that's why you listen.
We have the facts, we're tireless, we're fearless in defense of the truth and of our families and of your families.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones and believe me, you have found it, the tip of the info arc.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness
We are live on this March 10th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be live in about an hour's time with former Trump advisor Roger Stone, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
Ton of news coming up in the meantime.
We've also got InfoWars reporter Richard Reeves talking about the collapse of the Rubio campaign.
And in the final hour, we've got Ed Martin, president of the Eagle Forum.
He's going to talk about how the GOP establishment plans to steal this nomination from Trump.
We're going to get into the latest on that.
But as I said, ton of news coming up.
We're going to get into detail after the break, but just to summarize, Glenn Beck has basically had another huge meltdown.
He's lashing out at Matt Drudge, of all people.
Matt Drudge, who has a huge umbrella.
He allows a diversity of opinions on his website.
He basically promotes everyone.
And yet now Glenn Beck has come out on his radio show yesterday, lashed out at Matt Drudge because he hangs around with Alex Jones.
Those are his words.
And we're going to get into where that originates from, why Beck is acting increasingly vindictive and bitter about this whole Trump nomination process.
So we're going to get into detail on that.
We're also going to get into Hillary Clinton being asked last night at the debate
About if she will be indicted or what she will do if she's indicted over her email scandal again, as Alex just previously mentioned.
This missing email has come out about how the Saudis financed the Benghazi attacks.
This has received very little attention, despite the fact that it's been floating around for a while now.
Released by the hacker Guccifer, so we're going to get into that as well.
And I've talked about Twitter censorship over and over again, social media censorship on this show.
And still most people don't get how important it is.
So I'm going to talk about it again.
Because we've got The Hill now reporting that Twitter is openly, and this is proven now, censoring hashtags that are negative towards Hillary Clinton and replacing them with positive hashtags.
We've also got a story about how Twitter is
Banning anonymous accounts because they, quote, harass ISIS supporters.
They're actually banning people on Twitter because they criticize ISIS extremists.
We're going to play a video on that and explain how this ties into the larger environment of Twitter trying to reshape the 2016 election by drowning out conservative voices.
And now their censorship purge has become so widespread and so dominant
That people who go on Twitter and criticise ISIS supporters, who quote, harass them, because now that's the new definition of harassment, is criticising someone.
They instituted this Orwellian Trust and Safety Council back a couple of months ago, headed up by top feminists who think that disagreeing with feminists is harassment.
So now, disagreeing with jihadists is harassment, and Twitter's shutting down all these anonymous accounts
As part of that process.
Yes, they are shutting down ISIS accounts, but they're also shutting down people who criticize ISIS.
Meanwhile, we've got yet another celebrity who joked about Donald Trump's assassination.
Again, Trump is apparently the only presidential candidate about whom it's okay, it's perfectly fine to make jokes about his assassination, despite the fact that he's right in the center of the crosshairs.
He had Secret Service protection as of last year.
He wears a bulletproof vest at all times.
And you will know why, given the amount, the deluge of death threats he receives on Twitter alone on a daily basis.
You go to Twitter on any day, you type in quotation marks, assassinate Trump, you will see a deluge.
And yes, most of this content is just vulgar, most of it's crass.
Most of it's people making jokes, but some of these people are serious.
In fact, there was an Egyptian who was about to be deported, basically.
He agreed to be deported because he made a direct death threat against Donald Trump.
So now we have yet another celebrity coming out and doing the same thing.
Facebook, Twitter, takes no action whatsoever against these people.
If they do, it takes them six months to do so.
You remember I covered the article recently where I pointed out there was a Kill Donald Trump account on Twitter.
It remained online for six months.
It took me writing an article about it.
It was gone within minutes of the article being published.
So again, we have this amazing double standard with social media.
Where, for example, now on Facebook, people are being banned for a period of seven days from Facebook for posting anything with the word faggot.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Glenn Beck opened his radio show today going off on what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
The conservative radio host was spurred on this morning by Drudge photoshopping Rubio as a midget after he didn't win a single state last night.
Beck said ever since Drudge started hanging out with Alex Jones, he's gone to this weird conspiratorial place where he can't even trust any news coming from him anymore.
Well, no one really likes you, Beck, so get over it.
Fox News reports little Marco Rubio to suspend campaign and take on a full-time job at a foam party in Miami.
Nah, I'm just playing.
But Ted Cruz better not tweet that link.
There's an article up by Truth Revolt.
Ongoing will-he-or-won't-he drama has Fox News reporting today that his big donors are pressuring Marco Rubio to drop out of the race immediately.
When CNN aired a similar report two days ago, the drama was high as Rubio's communications manager stormed CNN to set the record straight that his candidate was not even entertaining the notion.
And three hours ago, Fox News aired a very similar report.
And earlier today, CBS did the same.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show Live, this March 10th edition.
As I said, Alex will be coming up with Roger Stone, former Trump advisor.
We've also got Ed Martin coming up.
He, of course, has worked with Roger Stone, exposing how the GOP plans to steal this nomination from Trump.
We're going to hit some of this news first.
Mediaite is reporting, and bearing in mind we've had running battles with Glenn Beck for the past 10 years solid,
You know, we criticized him for his characterization of Ron Paul supporters as domestic terrorists.
We're going to get to that in a moment.
So it's been a back and forth process, but over the last several years, of course, Alex has gone to great lengths, including writing an open letter to Donald Trump, to Glenn Beck, I'm sorry, to try and bridge this gap, to try and reach out to Beck and say, why do you keep attacking us?
We've since largely ignored Glenn Beck as his media platform collapses, which I'm going to get into the stats on that in a moment.
But now Glenn Beck is back once again attacking Alex Jones and bizarrely lashing out at Matt Drudge.
Meteorite reports, Glenn Beck, I don't know what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
Glenn Beck opened his radio show today going off on quote, what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
The conservative radio host was spurred on this morning by Drudge photoshopping Rubio as a midget after he didn't win a single state last night.
So you had this photoshopped image, which most of you probably saw it yesterday.
Up on the Drudge Report, it's Marco Rubio shrunk down so that he looks like a dwarf, basically, if that's the politically correct term.
And that was the top banner Drudge headline for half of yesterday.
Glenn Beck's not happy about that.
And that he said in this article, ever since Drudge started, quote, hanging out with Alex Jones, he's gone to this weird conspiratorial place where he can't even, quote, trust any news coming from him anymore.
Beck's radio program apparently used to use the Drudge Report all the time, but now they don't even bother.
And Beck suspected that the Donald Trump campaign is behind the Drudge Rubio Photoshop.
Here's another article out of Breitbart.
Glenn Beck.
Matt Drudge and Breitbart are nothing but shills for Trump, but we're not shills for Cruz.
Even though Glenn Beck promotes Ted Cruz on a daily basis, of course.
On his radio show Wednesday, Beck blasted Drudge and Breitbart News as nothing but shills for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
But Beck stated that he and his staff have proven themselves not to be shills for Senator Ted Cruz.
Quote, Matt Drudge and Breitbart, they'll never say it, but they are nothing but shills for Trump.
And he basically went on to say, why is Matt Drudge posting a photoshopped image of Rubio?
Why is he hanging out with Alex Jones?
And this is on the same day, or the day after, Drudge splashes the blaze right on top of his website, gives them all that traffic, even after Beck had lashed out at Drudge.
Basically what's happening here, and you can go on websites like Quantcast and see this for yourself, every single conservative website that has either endorsed Trump or given him a fair shake, not aligned with the GOP establishment, any website that has not relentlessly attacked Trump, has seen its traffic and its popularity go through the roof.
You can see this with Drudge.
You can see it with Breitbart.
You can see it with Infowars.
But the blaze, Glenn Beck's website, went from attracting 29 million unique visitors per month back in November 2014, to a year later dropping to just 16.4 million unique visitors.
GlennBeck.com also plunged from 4.4 million to 1.4 million unique visitors.
And this is out of the Daily Beast.
Basically, Glenbeck's media empire is collapsing.
They just had another CEO quit.
It's basically a revolving door.
They've got managers all over the place stepping on each other's toes and their traffic's dropping through the floor.
Because, of course, Beck has come out in support of Ted Cruz.
He's railed against Donald Trump.
And now, basically, it's getting personal.
He's lashing out at Matt Drudge simply because Drudge has been largely sympathetic to Trump.
So it's emblematic of this bizarre media landscape where you've got a huge fissure within the conservative movement.
Where some, to their credit, I mean, they're right in a way, they're sticking to their guns and saying that Donald Trump doesn't have conservative principles.
We're not going to support him.
And people like Stephen Crowder have said that, Ben Shapiro.
But with Beck, it seems bizarrely personal.
And it seems to be linked to the fact that his media empire is basically collapsing right now.
Of course, we've pointed out again and again that Beck is not a true conservative himself.
So for him to level that charge at Donald Trump, and Donald Trump's supposed supporters in the media, is the height of hypocrisy.
This is an article that I wrote back in 2007.
This is nearly 10 years ago.
Complaints flood CNN, this is when he was back on CNN, after Beck smears Ron Paul supporters as terrorists.
Bearing in mind, of course, that Ron Paul, the Ron Paul movement and his supporters laid the groundwork for the Tea Party, out of which Ted Cruz came in the first place.
Out of which many of the Trump, you know, the Trump phenomenon, much of that came.
Back in 2007, when Beck was on CNN, of course, he was singing a different song.
He basically smeared Ron Paul supporters as terrorists, even said the army should be used on them because they represented, quote, a physical threat.
And you can actually go back to this article and the video on CNN where Beck says all this is still embedded.
Surprise, it still works.
YouTube normally deletes a lot of stuff.
Certainly after 10 years it's a surprise that it's still there.
But in that video you can see Beck openly smearing Ron Paul supporters.
The very people who laid the groundwork for the Tea Party for candidates like Ted Cruz.
Saying that they were domestic terrorists, that they represented a threat, and should have the army used against them.
Well, because Ron Paul held a money bomb on November the 5th, and that coincides with the attack on the British Parliament 400 years previously by Guy Fawkes, who was the first domestic terrorist.
So you can go back and watch this bizarre monologue which we played on the radio show several times over the past 10 years.
Where Beck basically equates Ron Paul and his supporters to domestic terrorists.
Because they had a money bomb on November the 5th.
And the fact that it was called a money bomb meant that it was linked with Guy Fawkes and his terrorist attack on the British Parliament 400 years beforehand.
Again, quite the stretch, but Glenn Beck did an entire eight-minute segment making this equation between Ron Paul supporters and domestic terrorists.
He's been a phony from the very beginning, so it's quite rich for him to lash out at other people within the conservative movement and call them phonies.
2012, here's another article.
Glenn Beck compares Ron Paul to Osama Bin Laden.
This was of course during the previous presidential nominee campaign.
During the debate, Ron Paul expressed his foreign policy mantra, which is that the United States should refrain from military adventurism.
The very same kind of foreign policy now being espoused by Donald Trump, previously by Rand Paul, before he dropped out of the race.
So Ron Paul said during the debate that basically, we can't have another Iraq, we can't have another Libya,
Glenn Beck came out afterwards and equated him to Osama Bin Laden for saying those words.
That was in 2012.
Then we have this from September last year.
Beck, any Tea Partiers who hate Obama and like Trump might just be racists.
So again, he equated Tea Party members who had thrown their support behind Trump.
With racists and said basically they're only voting for Trump because they hate President Obama.
If you hate President Obama and you support Trump, you're a racist.
That was the extent of the evidence for making that claim.
So again, you go to Quantcast, you look at the conservative websites that have enjoyed traffic spikes over the past year.
You can look at Breitbart, you can look at the Drudge Report, you can look at Infowars.
They've all steadily climbed.
Go and look at TheBlaze.com and it's definitely declined.
Because Beck has basically
Abandoned most of his readership.
They're furious with him.
I see it in the comments on The Blaze again and again.
He's lost almost half his web traffic.
There's a civil war with managers stepping on each other's toes.
A revolving door of CEOs within his media corporation.
So now a lot of people are basically saying that this is collapsing.
The Daily Beast put out an article saying that, you know, his empire, his media empire is collapsing.
Now we have Beck bizarrely lashing out at Matt Drudge, because he quote, hangs around with Alex Jones.
Now, you remember the late Andrew Breitbart, who of course was very close with Matt Drudge, worked on the Drudge Report with Matt Drudge before he started Breitbart.com.
He wasn't a fan of Glenn Beck.
Now, we've got this clip from Breitbart.
It was December 2011, not long before he died tragically.
Here's what Andrew Breitbart had to say about Glenn Beck.
Roll the clip.
Beck supporters, in the past, Beck has made mistakes.
And his supporters come out and try to defend him because Beck is a coward and will not defend himself when he makes a mistake.
Or lies about a person?
Or steals material from people?
Oh yes, I mean this is well documented and whenever he does it, he never answers to the charges.
He's a coward.
He will not have me on the radio show.
He won't have himself on me on GBTV.
He refused to have me on Fox.
When he threw me under the bus during the Chirag thing, I asked to be on TV or radio to explain why he had it wrong.
Months later, we found out why he wouldn't have me on.
It's because he lied to his audience on television
So they have Andrew Breitbart on a radio show, basically months before he died, calling Glenn Beck a liar, calling him a thief, saying that he poached content, that he stole content and employees from Breitbart.com.
Those are Andrew Breitbart's allegations.
Basically that he threw him under a bus.
Blocked him from appearing on Fox News.
Now, where have we heard that before?
Of course, Glenn Beck was instrumental in blocking Alex Jones from appearing on Fox News.
Now, it's perfectly acceptable to decide who you don't want on your own show.
Whose content you don't want to feature on your own website.
That's perfectly fine.
But when you start to try and exert influence and bully and intimidate other news networks, other news outlets, into not having people on, simply because you've got some kind of bizarre personal grievance with them, which Glenn Beck did to Alex Jones, which he did to Andrew Breitbart, according to Breitbart's own words, then that gives you an insight into the personality of Glenn Beck.
This is a very vindictive individual.
This is somebody who is seemingly now lashing out because his media empire is collapsing.
Again, lost nearly half of its traffic over the past 18 months, coinciding with many of these other conservative websites increasing in popularity, having traffic spikes after they either endorsed Donald Trump or at least gave him a fair shake.
Whereas, of course, Beck has sided with Cruz at every point, which is perfectly fine.
But it's just this vindictive, spiteful attitude.
He's basically the equivalent of a social justice warrior.
He's triggered by support for Trump.
So he's lashing out all these different people.
Even Matt Drudge.
Who is the most polite, genteel person you would ever want to meet, who has created an umbrella for a diversity of voices on his website, who gave TheBlaze.com the top banner headline today with the Loretta Lynch story about, you know, punishing climate deniers.
So Drudge has done nothing against Glenn Beck.
He's promoted him.
He's sent traffic his way.
But now Beck, because he has a problem with Alex Jones and because he has a problem with Trump supporters in general, is lashing out.
He's throwing his toys out the pram.
He's behaving like a crybaby triggered social justice warrior.
And it's going to be interesting to see how this all boils down if, you know, they succeed in aligning support against Donald Trump, which basically guarantees a Hillary Clinton victory, and the fallout of that in the aftermath when it comes to the landscape of conservative media.
So very interesting that Glenn Beck would come out, not just against, you know, Breitbart.com, not against Infowars, not against Alex Jones, we've seen that before, but against Matt Drudge.
Extremely, extremely bizarre.
I'm sure Alex will have his own comments on that when he comes on the show here in around 50 minutes time.
Let's move on to some more news though.
This is out of zero hedge.
Is the establishment rigging Ohio's intentionally confusing ballot against Trump?
This is very interesting.
This is out of Zero Hedge and The Daily Sheeple.
We all know the elite are on the warpath against Donald Trump, with everyone from pundits to major world leaders to the Pope speaking out against him.
Newt Gingrich recently said it's because Trump isn't part of the secret societies and hasn't taken the initiation rights.
We played that clip on the show.
Well now it's being alleged that Ohio's GOP has intentionally set up a confusing ballot in a bid to try to make sure Donald Trump does not win.
Now we saw some of these dirty tricks in Texas on Super Tuesday where people would go to vote for Trump and they'd come back and see that their ballot had been cast for Marco Rubio.
Of course it didn't sway the outcome but very bizarre shenanigans
Now, this ballot in Ohio, if you go to the website you can take a look at this image.
The Republican ballot in Ohio this year apparently has two check marks, leaving a lot more questions than answers about whether or not voters will understand how it works.
So basically what it is, if you want to vote for Donald Trump in Ohio, in the primary, you have to check two different boxes for Donald Trump.
And from what I can see,
So you have to actually check two different boxes for Donald Trump.
For no one else.
They're saying that this could be used.
To spoil the ballot and to negate many of these votes for Donald Trump.
So again, dirty tricks potentially in Ohio.
Roger Stone was on the show a couple of weeks ago and said that they were investigating that very issue, dirty tricks in Ohio to negate Trump votes.
So let's keep an eye on that one.
That one's out of zero hedge.
Now we're going to get into this more after the break, but we'll touch on it now.
This is out of the Gateway Pundit.
Dem debate question.
Hillary Clinton will drop out of race if you're indicted.
We're going to go to this video after the break.
But it ties into this report out of Medium.com, which has been circulating on the internet for a few days now, but has not received that much traction.
It's finally beginning to get the attention it deserves.
One of the leaked emails obtained by Guccifer, which was handed to RT, which basically received no attention whatsoever, actually states that the Benghazi attack, the assassination of Ambassador Stevens, was financed by none other than Saudi Arabia.
Now we know we've had the 28 pages controversy with 9-11.
Now we've got potential evidence of Saudi Arabia being behind the Benghazi attack.
An apparent attempt by Clinton to conceal the details of that in this email.
So we're going to get to that after the break.
We're going to play this clip from the debate last night.
And we're going to get to our guest coming up, Roger Stone, Ed Martin.
It's all coming up on the Alex Jones Show Live.
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We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
This is out the Gateway Pundit Dem Debate Question.
Hillary Clinton will drop out of race if you are indicted.
That's the question that was asked of Clinton during last night's debate.
Here's the clip.
And now I have a question about your e-mails.
Your Republican opponents say that those e-mails have endangered our national security.
When you were Secretary of State, you wrote 104 e-mails in your private server that the government now says contain classified information, according to the Washington Post analysis.
That goes against the memo that you personally sent
To your employees in 2011 directing all of them to use official email precisely because of security concerns.
So it seems that you issued one set of rules for yourself and a different set of rules for the rest of the State Department.
So who specifically gave you permission to operate your email system as you did?
Was it President Barack Obama?
And would you drop out of the race if you get indicted?
Well, Jorge, there's a lot of questions in there, and I'm going to give the same answer I've been giving for many months.
It wasn't the best choice.
I made a mistake.
It was not prohibited.
It was not in any way disallowed.
And as I've said, and as now has come out, my predecessors did the same thing, and many other people in the government.
But here's the cut-to-the-chase facts.
I did not send or receive any emails marked classified at the time.
What you're talking about is retroactive classification.
And the reason that happens is when somebody asks or when you are asked to make information public, I ask all my emails to be made public, then all the rest of the government gets to weigh in.
And some other parts of the government, we're not exactly sure who, has concluded that some of the emails should be now retroactively classified.
They just said the same thing to former Secretary Colin Powell.
They have said, we're going to retroactively classify emails you sent personally.
Now I think he was right when he said this is an absurdity.
And I think that what we've got here is a
I am not concerned about it.
I am not worried about it.
And no Democrat or American should be either.
There was no permission to be asked.
It had been done by my predecessors.
It was permitted.
I didn't have to ask anyone.
If you get indicted, will you drop out?
Oh for goodness, that is not going to happen.
I'm not even answering that question.
Now, of course, the audience there is packed with Clinton supporters trying to give her answer some veneer of legitimacy.
And she sounds very confident that she's not going to be indicted, of course.
We know that the Clinton machine is very good at paying off people, intimidating people, so it's no surprise that she's that confident about it.
But, of course, this comes after the Justice Department granted immunity to the staffer who set up the Clinton email server
Suggesting that he might be about to testify about crimes committed in front of a grand jury.
And then we've got this out of Medium.com.
Missing Clinton email claims Saudis financed Benghazi attacks.
Basically, Sidney Blumenthal, who is a close Clinton confidant, Clinton's advisor, sent her an email to her private server containing intelligence that Saudi Arabia bankrolled, planned, the Benghazi attack that led to the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Now what's interesting about this email is that it doesn't appear in the emails that the State Department has released to the public.
Now let me read this segment from the article, because this is key.
I mean, if she's going to be indicted, this is basically what they're going to go with, if they can, you know, carry through with it.
Quote, this missing email is certainly something that would have been requested as part of the investigation, as it was sent before February 1st and clearly relates to Libya.
So why is it missing?
We're going to get into why it's missing after the break on the Alex Jones Show, breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
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So Hillary Clinton is very confident that she won't be indicted over the email scandal.
But we have this new breaking story about how her close advisor, Sidney Blumenthal, sent her an email to her private email server detailing with intelligence information how Saudi Arabia funded and planned the Benghazi attack.
Now this email was missing from the official list of emails released publicly by the State Department and this medium.com article
Explains why and explains why this could be a huge new development in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
Why it could indeed lead to her indictment.
So from the article.
This missing email is certainly something that would have been requested as part of the investigation as it was sent before February 1st and clearly relates to Libya.
The fact that it's missing
And again, this is Blumenthal saying to Hillary, we've got intelligence that the Saudis were behind the Benghazi attack.
Bearing in mind, Saudi Arabia has been a huge donor to the Clinton Foundation.
But why was it missing from the public release by the State Department?
Here are two possibilities outlined in this article.
The State Department does have a copy of this email, but deemed it top secret and too sensitive to release, even in redacted form.
This would indicate that Sidney Blumenthal was sending highly classified information from his AOL account to Secretary Clinton's private email server, despite the fact that he never even had a security clearance to deal with such sensitive information in the first place.
If this scenario explains why the email is missing, classified materials were mishandled.
So this could be absolutely huge.
Here's the second possibility.
Why this email didn't appear in the publicly released list by the State Department.
The State Department doesn't have a copy.
This is the alternative scenario.
And this email was deleted by both Clinton and Blumenthal before turning over their subpoenaed emails to investigators, which would be considered destruction of evidence and lying to federal officials.
This also speaks to the reason why the private clintonemail.com server may have been established in the first place.
If Blumenthal were to regularly send highly sensitive, yet technically unclassified information from his AOL account to Clinton's official government email account, it could have been revealed with a FOIA request.
Freedom of Information Act.
It's already been established that Hillary Clinton deleted
15 of Sidney Blumenthal's emails to her.
This discrepancy was discovered when Blumenthal's emails were subpoenaed.
Although a State Department official claims that none of these 15 emails have any information about the Benghazi attack.
It would seem from the subject line that this email does and it's missing from the public record.
That's why this is huge.
In either of these scenarios, Clinton and her close associates are in violation of federal law.
In the most generous interpretation, where this email is simply a collection of rumours that Blumenthal heard and forwarded unsolicited to Clinton, it would make no sense for it to be missing.
Again, if it's no big deal, why is it missing from the officially released public emails?
It would not be classified if it was a bunch of hot air and it certainly wouldn't be deleted by both Blumenthal and Clinton at the risk of committing a felony.
In the least generous interpretation of these facts, Blumenthal and Clinton conspired to cover up an ally of the United States funding the assassination of one of our diplomats in Libya.
That's why this is huge.
We've had the massive controversy over the redacted 28 pages suggesting Saudi Arabian involvement in the 9-11 attacks.
Now we've got intelligence suggesting Saudis bankrolling the terrorists that attacked
The Benghazi Consulate, of course, which for days afterwards was blamed on a YouTube video by the Obama administration.
Now it's coming out that this information was sent to Clinton in an email.
It doesn't appear in the publicly released list of
State Department emails which is now available for everybody to see.
Why not?
Why is this one missing?
Is it because it contains highly sensitive material or is it because Clinton doesn't want it on the public record?
We'll be back with more news after the break.
Stay tuned.
Military drone technology is back in the headlines.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Is Twitter attempting to shape the democratic primary?
We're going to get into that news story later on in the hour.
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But we're going to go now to InfoWars reporter Richard Reeves, who of course has been covering the primaries for us for the past couple of months now.
Richard, CNN's reporting top Rubio supporters' Trump attacks have backfired.
It was Rubio's one saving grace that he looked, or was able to act, at least presidential.
Now we have him engaging in personal attacks, talking about Donald Trump's small hands and making allusions to his penis size.
Not very presidential.
So is this the end for Marco Rubio?
Is this the beginning of the collapse of his campaign?
Will it happen before we even get to Florida?
Well, Paul, that's exactly what may happen.
You know, and I think, uh, Donald Trump usually doesn't drop the ball on anything, but I think he dropped the ball the other night when he was talking about his hands.
He should have talking about that.
They were an indicator of his big, big brain, you know?
So it, uh, he is really on the ball on so many things.
Now, one thing that came out yesterday is that Jeb Bush is supposed to meet with Cruz, Rubio and Kasich.
That meeting's supposed to happen today, before the debate tonight, so we can look for any kind of surprise right now, folks.
What it is, is when Marco went negative, when Marco lost Decorum, which is another synonym, Decorum's a synonym for political correctness, which about 25% of the Republican Party, plus or minus, are all about Decorum.
You could be right.
On every issue, you can be pro-life, pro-Constitution, you can be right down the line, small government, conservative, etc.
But when you go outside of Decorum, like Marco Rubio did, which that's his key block, that is his key block of support, then boom, that's when you saw the single digits coming out.
You saw him not do that well in Super Tuesday because he went out of Decorum the Thursday prior to Super Tuesday at the University of Houston debate.
You saw him perform poorly Super Tuesday, then you saw it get even worse the Saturday afterwards after last Thursday when he had another night of debate when he was outside of the quorum.
Those folks, that establishment faction of the party, they're all about the quorum.
Another word for that is politically correct.
Another word is go along, get along, which is why we're in the situation that we're in because we've had go along, get along up there in Washington, D.C.
for so long.
So those people aren't able to yet look in the mirror and realize that they're a big part of the problem.
Now, that being said, let's talk about the dangers to Donald Trump.
This is a very dangerous point right now because the powers that be have got their political calipers out and they're looking at, all right,
Do we want to have Rubio drop out maybe perhaps even before the debate?
You know, one scenario we could happen is Kasich and Rubio don't come out for tonight's debate, and all of a sudden you have the one-on-one with Trump and Cruz.
That's a possibility.
Another likely scenario is they have the discussion, they have the debate as scheduled, everything goes as planned.
You could have one or both drop out, or they could both stay in and then they could evaluate, all right, how did Marco do?
Tonight at Thursday night's debate.
I don't think he can rehab himself with his establishment that they were trying to get to come to Rubio.
He cannot rehab himself with one good night of debate.
So I think they're really looking at having Marco Rubio step out of the race.
Prior to Tuesday's vote in Florida, they're going to try to, in a backhanded fashion, shift the establishment votes to Ted Cruz, who has good decorum.
They've got John Kasich.
He's got the good decorum, you know, so they're going to try not to let him go to Kasich in Florida.
They want him to go to Cruz to try to defeat Trump.
And in Ohio,
Kasich has got the decorum, so they'll try to point the establishment to Kasich, or if Kasich drops out pre-Ohio as well, then obviously they're going to point the establishment faction to Cruz again.
So these are the dangers, Paul, and I think it's a very, very dubious moment that we have here.
So you're basically saying that the GOP establishment now is putting pressure on Rubio to take one for the team so that his support will all be handed over to Ted Cruz and basically they're trying to consolidate that because they can't have this split support between Casey, Rubio and Ted Cruz because it's just not going to be enough to overturn Donald Trump's surging popularity.
Well, in most states, you see Marco Rubio now in single digits.
You see John Kasich in single digits.
Most states, they know that they've got just a very small amount of percentage that they can swing one way or another.
And now, as Alex talked about earlier in the show, Neil Bush joining the finance team of the Ted Cruz campaign, the news of the Jeb Bush meeting with Cruz, Rubio and Kasich.
So, I tell you what, a lot of things are in the works, and as Miriam Witcher, the Hispanic lady from Las Vegas that is totally pro-Trump, pointed out, Marco Rubio is looking for a job right now.
He's never going to have more leverage.
He's never going to have more leverage than he does right now.
After Super Tuesday, even if he wins Florida, he's still going to have less leverage because mathematically, he has zero chance, almost mathematically, of being able to go into the RNC in July with a majority, with the 1,237 delegates.
His mathematical odds of that right now are pretty low.
As a matter of fact, even for the frontrunner, Donald Trump, Donald Trump has to win 54%
Of all the upcoming delegates to get that 1237 number, he's only at 43% right now.
So historically over the last few months, he's not been able to achieve the necessary 50% or better.
He's in a position where he needs 54%.
Ted Cruz is in a position right now where he needs 62%.
And needless to say, Marco Rubio and Kasich are, you know, up there in the high 60s, low 70s of percent of upcoming delegates they need to win, which basically means they're mathematically out.
Now, like I said, Marco's looking for a job.
He can't run for his Senate seat.
He was blocked out of that.
Florida has rules where if you're running for president, you can't run for Senate.
You can't be on two places on the ballot in Florida.
So he is out of the Senate, okay, which is great news because he's proven himself to be a Tea Party traitor.
And so it's great news that Marco Rubio will not be in the Senate, but he's not going to be president either unless there's some stroke of genius by the establishment.
But I just can't imagine it.
Marco's looking for a job.
It's going to be very easy right now.
He's got more leverage than ever right now with the establishment.
It would be very easy for Koch brothers or any number of, you know, Jeb Bush cronies to come in there and offer Marco a sweetheart deal right now to step out.
Now, of course, one of the problems that the GOP establishment is going to have with this brokered convention is the fact we've got this Rule 40B, which requires the nominee to have the majority of delegates from at least eight states.
Now, currently, it doesn't appear as if anyone but Trump is going to have that.
Do you think they're going to change that rule right before the convention to try and screw over Donald Trump?
See, that's one thing if people study Robert's Rules of Order and they read different books on it.
Conventions are won and lost before the convention actually happens.
The convention, the RNC, is being won or lost right now.
People talk about a brokered convention.
Well, when you see a meeting with Jeb Bush, Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Kasich, that, my friends, is a facet of a brokered convention.
So, it's going on.
That rule change could happen by the Rules Committee right there meeting before the convention, because that's one thing that Rob Dewey and I reported back in December.
They're going to bend rules, break rules, break laws, bend laws.
And potentially they're going to break heads to do what they need to do.
So that's one thing we do by calling it out on this show, by exposing what the powers that be could be up to, or may be up to, or will be up to, that we can stop part of what they're doing.
Because that's like in Ohio, there's all kinds of reports coming out.
It was reported, I think, by you or Alex earlier, that in Ohio there's all kinds of irregularities.
As a matter of fact, it was you, Paul, you were talking about that even the Ohio primary ballot
It's confusing where you've got to check two different boxes or names to be able to vote for Donald Trump.
So a lot of irregularities in Ohio.
We're going to be looking at that.
We're going to be studying.
We're going to be watching.
And I know Roger Stone's coming up.
I'm sure he knows more about Ohio than I do.
But folks, I tell you what, one thing that scares the New World Order even more than millions of patriots here in the United States already awake
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and a way to do that is how to take your country back from the elite, become a delegate, because if this does become a contested
Yeah, we lost Richard there.
But yeah, he's basically summing up there.
This is going to be very interesting as we get closer, because it doesn't look like Trump is going to get those 1,237 delegates, which of course means a brokered convention.
But they will then have to change the rules, because only Trump would be in a position to take that brokered convention.
There's always a, there's always a way to fix things right before the convention, that's what they've done in the past, that's what they'll probably do in the future, but we're gonna get more into that with Ed Martin and Roger Stone coming up, as well as Alex Jones.
This is the Alex Jones Show, live breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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We are back live on the Alex Jones Show.
We just lost Richard Reeves there, but we've got him back on the line now.
Richard, just finishing off, you were talking about Rubio Trump, how they're going to try and screw him over, possibly, at the convention, finalising your comments on that issue.
Well, the danger is also, it's not just the convention.
The convention looms down the road, but the immediate danger is if Rubio Kasich drop out, potentially you could have Rubio win, or Cruz win Florida,
And Cruz may even win Ohio if Kasich were to drop out.
So those are the immediate dangers that they could shift this and then if that happens, if Cruz were to pull out Ohio.
And Florida with that manipulation, potential manipulation, then all of a sudden that puts Trump and Cruz pretty much tied in the delegate race.
They're going to be kind of close to tied, and they're both going to be in a position where they're going into a contested convention, I think, if that happens.
But here's, I want to break some news right now, Paul.
This is some news I've been needing to report and haven't gotten it out.
Since January.
Since January, I've been on Ted Cruz, you know, following him, going to several of his events, and twice, in person, InfoWarriors twice in person, I have invited, personally, Ted Cruz to come on the Alex Jones Show, the InfoWarriors.com Show, and through subordinates, I've invited him three or four times, probably a total of six times, counting two, personally, he said, oh yeah, yeah, let's make that happen.
Well, InfoWarriors,
When you're out there and you visit Ted Cruz out there on the campaign trail, let's ask him why will he have a meeting with Jeb Bush tonight?
Why will he hire Neil Bush for his finance team?
But why will he not come on Infowars.com, the Alex Jones Show?
So that's what I'd like to ask of Ted Cruz at this point.
Now, another thing is I think
On a different pivot point, is that Trump has not tapped into two big groups of voters that I think he can get.
And if we have a premature Rubio dropout and a premature Kasich dropout, one thing Trump needs to do is reach out immediately for these two blocks of voters, low-hanging fruit, that I know he can get.
One block of voter that I know he can get is from the Cruz campaign.
If Donald Trump will talk Constitution at somewhat close to the level that Cruz talks Constitution, then I think a lot of cruisers are ready to come to Trump, but they're scared that he doesn't talk about the Constitution enough, so they're scared of that.
So, he can get a good chunk of Cruz voters if he talks about the Constitution.
Now, another thing is Trump is always exposing a lot of true items.
He can expose the fact, look, the Democrats
I think?
Either now or in the general for sure.
So I think Trump should just call it out.
He should come out on the debate or on the Sunday talk shows this weekend and say, look, you guys, you Democrats are ready to dump the establishment.
Come on over.
Bernie's done.
Hillary's in.
Let's get it going.
It's going to be Trump-Hillary running for the general.
There Richard, because we're coming up on the break, but thanks for joining us.
Richard Reeves, of course.
After the break, Alex Jones is coming up with Roger Stone to drop some more info on the latest with Trump, Rubio, Ted Cruz and the rest of it.
But we've got TheHill.com reporting, and this is key.
How Twitter is attempting to shape the democratic primary.
Twitter is important.
It has fuelled revolutions throughout the world.
It's not just a social media platform to share cat pictures.
You look at Egypt, Tunisia, Libya.
All those governments had to shut down Twitter to try and prevent these revolutions which eventually happened.
So it should be a shock to Americans, reports The Hill.
Recently, in our own country, a grassroots hashtag has been used to debate the stances of one of our own presidential candidates.
And it was shut down by Twitter.
Not by the US government, by Twitter.
The same Twitter that lobbied for net neutrality and to keep Twitter alive around the world.
So basically, of course, you have this confrontation between a Black Lives Matter protester and Hillary Clinton.
About a week ago now, just over a week ago, that began trending on Twitter.
They shut down the hashtag and replaced it with a hashtag, say something good about Twitter.
So now they're actively shutting down the hashtag, in this case, Witch Hillary.
To deflect criticism of Hillary Clinton at this crucial time.
So now we've got documented proof on top of all the censorship of conservative voices, the shadow banning, kicking people off Twitter entirely, that they're now trying to game the hashtags so that Americans voting in this year's presidential election won't find out about Hillary Clinton and her dubious past.
This is crucial.
Again, this emphasizes how social media has become key in shaping not just emotions.
We had the huge Facebook study where they actually were able to change people's emotions.
But now, potentially, the next President of the United States.
We'll get into it more later in the show, but Alex Jones is coming off.
It's the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go anywhere.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Glenn Beck opened his radio show today going off on what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
No, I'm just playing.
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Another world, another time, in the age of one.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And I am coming to you, and I am coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Paul Joseph Watson is co-hosting with us from her Britannic Majesties, London, England.
And the one, the only Trump confidant, friend of 40 years, former head of his campaign, a guy out there doing great battle against the anti-Trump forces across the land is, of course, Roger Stone.
I'm going to punch out of here in a moment and come back.
Some in the fourth hour, because I just want to have a fresh perspective on an interview with Stone.
We've had a lot of powerful interviews with him.
He has revealed dozens and dozens and dozens of big stories months and weeks before it actually breaks.
So we can get the inside baseball and where he sees this campaign going with Trump, how they're going to battle back against it, what he sees with the broker conventions that he first warned of with Richard Reeves six months ago here on this very broadcast.
Now it's in USA Today.
Now it's in the Wall Street Journal.
Now it's in the Washington Post going, yeah, it's no big deal.
We just won't let you have it.
They're trying to mainline this type of corruption like, yeah, the TPP secret hands over our total sovereignty to secret multinationals, no big deal.
So that's what they're doing, but we're here raising the alarm and the American people have never in modern history been this awake.
You heard me a year ago, six months ago, say this is a historic moment we're entering a crossroads.
People are upset.
They're angry.
The system is collapsing like a rotten barn in a tornado.
The facade is coming down from the establishment termites eating through their own system greedily.
Nothing like this in modern politics has ever happened, and because we weren't in the technotronic era before this, nothing has happened like this in U.S.
Probably world history.
So the phenomenon will be studied for hundreds of years into the future, if we even survive as a planet and as a species.
The stakes are that high, they're that dangerous, with North Korea threatening to nuke South Korea, the Russians threatening to invade.
The time of crisis is here, because a great time of change is here, and a lot of forces are scrambling to be on top as the new order comes in, whatever new order that's going to be.
Now, Paul Watson is going to conduct this interview.
I just want to congratulate Roger Stone and Donald Trump and all the Trumpian supporters, because now we know Ted Cruz, who I like we did the Senate.
Do I want to believe him?
He's from here in Texas, at least.
He's from Canada.
He's a Texas Senator.
No big deal.
I don't care.
You can be an adopted son here.
It's just that using that mantle, he's got a lot of conservatives, libertarians to go with him.
But now having the Bush team and Marvin Bush, probably the most evil of the Bushes when it comes to white collar operations, coming in
And running his finance campaign with other Bush backing really, really is serious because Rubio's sinking.
So I guess we'll start there.
Roger, you're only with us for 20 more minutes till the end of the hour.
I want Paul to be able to conduct the interview, but I've kind of set the floor here for what we're talking about.
Have I kind of laid out some of the key points we should cover?
Yeah, I think you've hit right on it.
Look, we now know that there was a secret meeting, Karl Rove attended, Mitch McConnell was there, Paul Ryan, some internet billionaires, billionaires on top of billionaires, all frantic to stop Donald Trump.
Now, Alex, you and I have seen this movie.
In 1964, when the conservative movement took over the Republican Party at the grassroots, and the establishment, Rockefeller, Scranton, Romney's father, didn't wake up until late, and then they went hysterical.
He's a madman.
Golden Border's a madman.
He's a racist.
He's a bigot.
He is unfit to be president.
He's mentally unstable.
He'll start a nuclear war.
He'll push the button.
And of course, those were all lies.
To stop the revolution, it's now back for another go.
I'm just going to say this in closing and hand it back over to you.
And Paul's going to conduct the interview, Mr. Stone.
But StoneZone.com, we sell both of your new bestselling books on the Bush crime family and, of course, on the sex crimes of the Clintons.
Back to you, Roger.
Congratulations on all your great work.
And Paul, you take it over.
This interests me because this is a story that I've covered on a basically daily basis now.
The explosion of threats towards Donald Trump on Twitter.
We had a New York Times columnist a couple of weeks ago joking about his assassination.
We had another leftist activist yesterday joking about his assassination.
We've got an Egyptian guy who's basically agreed to be deported because he made a direct death threat against Donald Trump.
You know, Trump's had Secret Service protection since last year.
You came out with a revelation that he wears a bulletproof vest at most of his events.
Are you concerned for the safety of Donald Trump at this point, given all these threats?
Well, I think he is in harm's way because he's a truth teller.
And any time in American politics we've had a truth teller.
You know, perhaps it was John F. Kennedy being a perfect example.
The powers that be have removed him.
So Trump is demonstrating enormous physical and personal courage by continuing to go to these enormous rallies.
Now everybody who attends a rally is theoretically supposed to go through a mag machine.
to ensure that they have no weapons with them.
But there have been breakdowns in that system that I'm aware of.
So it is of concern to me.
At the same time, it is perfectly acceptable for, say, this fellow Wilson from Tallahassee, a political consultant, to say on Twitter that somebody should put a bullet in Trump
But then to be a commentator for CNN on politics.
This is the same Wilson who said that Donald Trump must be having anal sex with Ann Coulter on Twitter.
Yet he is an esteemed member of the CNN commentary lineup.
So one wonders about their judgment there at CNN.
As you know, I, of course, have been banned because I'm too much of a truth teller, whether it is the true
A sexual predator record of the Clintons and Hillary's role in covering it up, or whether it is the origins of 9-11, I don't think, you know, the Clinton News Network would rather air Mr. Wilson than myself.
Do you think that ban, that CNN ban, came directly from the Clintons, on order of the Clintons then?
Well, we know that pressure was put on CNN by the pressure group Media Matters for America, which is a George Soros-funded front.
And of course, CNN was, they folded.
The idea of any news organization folding to the demands of a specific pressure group, right or left,
Is antithetical to the idea of free press.
So their motives, I think, are clear.
On the other hand, in all honesty, on any given day, you can reach far more people here at InfoWars.com than you could ever hope to reach on CNN.
This is the new media.
They are the dying old media.
Now getting back into Trump, of course, he needs this magic number of delegates, 1,237.
Looks like that's going to be an uphill struggle going forward.
Then we've got this Rule 40B with the convention, which of course states that the nominee has to have a majority of delegates from at least eight states to be a viable contender at that convention.
Do you think that they're going to change the rule right before that convention just to try and basically screw over Trump?
Well, they're actually required to change the rule.
Rule 40B expires and has to either be amended or replaced or entirely repealed.
You see, the Republican National Convention is not governed by state or federal law.
It's governed only by its own rules.
Therefore, the Credentials Committee could theoretically look at the states where Ted Cruz has won that have employed what appears to be a pattern of voter irregularity and outright voter fraud.
We have reports of this in Texas.
We have reports of this in Oklahoma.
We have reports of this in Kansas.
We have reports of this in Maine.
We have reports of this in Hawaii.
And now we have early reports of a monkeying with the absentee ballots in Ohio.
And we haven't even gotten to the Florida primary yet.
So the convention could conceivably, Trump could conceivably challenge those delegations as having been fraudulently elected and have them replaced at the convention.
It's unclear whether he would have the votes to do that.
But recognize that he would still get to Cleveland with the largest single block
Of delegates, and that really puts you in a very strong position.
Even if he fell short on the first ballot, doesn't reach the magic 1237, which he may not because the primaries going forward here are proportional, most of them.
There's actually some question about whether California is winner-take-all due to some ambiguity there in the rules.
So if Trump does not run the table,
I don't know.
The white knight for the establishment is Mitt Romney, or whether it is Paul Ryan, or whether it is John Kasich.
I don't think we know that yet.
They'd all like to be the anti-Trump, and they're all at the table with their block of delegates, not to mention, of course, Ted Cruz.
Now I wanted to touch on Romney as you did just then.
Of course, a few weeks ago he suddenly emerged out of nowhere to start attacking Donald Trump.
That kind of backfired.
You speculated with your inside sources that he could be put forward as a candidate, that he could enter the race.
He's since denied that on a couple of occasions.
Do you still think that Romney is a potential candidate to enter this race or has that basically failed now?
No, actually I think he already has entered the race to be the compromised candidate that the convention turns to.
The Rules Committee could pass a rule saying you're not required to have received any delegates whatsoever to be considered by this convention.
See, depending on who's running and has a majority at the convention and in these pivotal committees.
But Romney is, he's all warmed up and he's in the bullpen.
He's got his makeup on and he's waiting for his 15 minutes.
Whether or not he gets in the race formally and tries to win some late delegates in California and New Jersey depends on the results of March 15th.
Remember, the filing deadlines for some of the late primaries go as late as late April.
You could still contend in California, New Jersey, and several other large states.
So it's not over till it's over.
I did predict right here that Romney would be
Blasting Trump and making his availability known.
I think he's waiting to see what happens to Marco before he decides whether to become a candidate.
Or how formal his candidacy should take in terms of form.
Now, the polls show as of this moment that Rubio and Cruz have a good shot at beating Hillary Clinton in a potential runoff.
Trump's obviously still behind Clinton in a lot of these polls.
Are Donald Trump supporters going to vote for a candidate handpicked by the GOP establishment if they feel cheated by this brokered convention that you're talking about?
No, I think the real problem here, of course, is that any net results probably tears the party in half.
Even the nomination of Trump, some
Establishment Republicans will go support Hillary.
I say let them go.
Trump, unlike these other candidates, can bring in millions of people who aren't voting today, millions of people who stopped voting, millions of people who are new to the process, or millions of people who are disgusted.
They stopped voting because they figured out that both parties are the same and it doesn't really matter.
So I think he can bring new people to the process that nobody else can, offsetting any losses he may get among Republicans.
On the other hand,
If there's a compromise candidate, if somebody is jammed down the throat of the convention, and Trump gets to Cleveland with the largest chunk of delegates this close to the nomination, and he has denied it, this nomination won't be worth having.
Those millions of Trump voters don't vote for a other Republican nominee, and the election is lost.
I think Trump has made this case very articulately himself.
So I'm not concerned about polls that show him slightly behind Hillary Clinton.
In all those polls, he is, as we say in the business, in range.
And he hasn't opened fire on Hillary yet.
He's only engaged her on a few matters.
I think?
Metaphorically, of course, rhetorically, you can't go around the country as John McCain did, praising Barack Obama as a great senator and a great American.
You're going to have to take her on in a very aggressive way.
She's going to scream sexism and that you're a brute and so on, but it's the facts.
You have to make your case on the facts.
Her abuse of women, her horrific record as Secretary of State, and of course the epic
Now, by the same token, I was wondering, if it is Trump versus Clinton, if that's the presidential runoff,
Is it going to be an added Philip to Trump, the potential that he will get all these voters that would have supported Bernie Sanders?
Because I can imagine that all those Bernie Sanders voters who become disenfranchised if Hillary gets the nomination, they're not going to vote for somebody like Rubio, they're not going to vote for Ted Cruz, but many of them would vote for Donald Trump as an anti-establishment candidate.
Do you agree with that?
I think that's a very, very astute observation.
Look, I think that Bernie, even Bernie's support is not monolithic.
Bernie has supporters who are on the hard left and they won't be voting for Donald Trump.
He's too much of a free enterpriser and too much of a conservative.
But there are a bunch of voters voting for Bernie who are very much like the voters who are voting for Trump.
They're angry.
They're disaffected.
They do see the millionaire class and the Wall Street class having it all.
Trump is the first guy in this race who's called for additional taxes on hedge fund managers.
Then Jeb was forced to follow him.
So they kind of share Trump's populist message.
I think those are the voters that will move to Donald Trump.
Trump has to make a concerted effort to attract them because at the end of the day, although I think Bernie has hit his stride rhetorically,
Tell the billionaires they can't have it all.
Pretty good stuff.
I don't think he will rest the nomination from Hillary Clinton.
Now I just wanted to touch on Hillary's email scandal because we had the staffer last week, I believe, given immunity by the Justice Department.
He can now testify in front of a grand jury, which it looks like that's what might happen.
We also had this
Strange email leak where one of the emails talks about Benghazi being funded by the Saudis.
That wasn't included in the official publicly released State Department list of Clinton emails.
How likely do you think this indictment of Hillary is, given her confidence in the debate last night where she basically brushed it aside completely?
Do you think an indictment is likely?
Look, I have no particular inside information.
Has she violated the law?
Without question.
Does that require the proof of intent?
No, it doesn't.
Criminal negligence alone would be enough for an indictment.
There is a preponderance of evidence.
There's also precedent, which we've seen Americans like General David Petraeus prosecuted for misuse of top secret documents and had his career ruined.
Now, the other question, though, is not what does the FBI find and what do they recommend?
I think the FBI will recommend her indictment.
It's what does this political justice department do?
And what leverage does Hillary have?
Hillary, I think, will probably get a walk from the Obama administration.
Otherwise, they're afraid that she will nail Valerie Jarrett's role in Benghazi, bringing the scandal back.
We'll be back with Roger Stone, stonezone.com, Alex Jones Show Live, stay tuned, we'll be back.
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We are back on the Alex Jones Show final segment with former Trump advisor and close Trump confidant Roger Stone, stonezone.com.
Roger, just wanted to ask you a quick final question.
We had Newt Gingrich appear on Fox News last week.
He basically said the establishment hates Trump because he wasn't part of a secret society and didn't partake in the rituals.
My question is, is their panic at a Trump presidency merely born out of the fact that, you know, he's unpredictable, he's hard to control?
Or is it more than that?
And do you think they have a chance of controlling Trump if he gets into the Oval Office?
The American people.
Bush or Clinton or Trump continuum is so upset.
This is a repudiation of 30 years of failed policies.
The neocon, adventurous foreign policy, disastrous fiscal policies that have left us broke, disastrous immigration policies that have left our streets unsafe, disastrous trade policies that have put us at a billion dollar disadvantage.
These people have destroyed our economy and they're destroying our country.
And people are upset about it, so upset that they're ignoring the propaganda war being paid for by the billionaires and this deluge of television ads attacking for Trump University, which is an absurdity, a real estate course.
And the American people are not buying into the big media smears of Trump as a Nazi, as a Hitler.
As a fanatic.
It's hysterical, is what you're getting.
You're getting hysteria from the anti-Trump forces, and I think it's backfiring.
Look, when you've been attacked by the Pope, when you've been attacked by the Chinese government, when you've been attacked by the former president of Mexico, Vincente Pax, and now, compared to that, being attacked by Mitt Romney is like being bit by a mosquito.
All right, that's going to wrap it up.
Roger Stone, StoneZone.com, thanks for joining us.
Great to be here, many thanks.
There he goes, Roger Stone.
We'll be sure to have him back on the show very shortly.
In the next segment, we've got Ed Martin, which is interesting because he wrote an article with Roger Stone, How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Knot from Trump.
That was on Breitbart.com about a week ago.
So we're going to delve more into that.
We've also got
More news items to cover.
Again, getting back to this because it's so crucial.
How Twitter is attempting to shape the Democratic primary.
This is now confirmed that Twitter is censoring hashtags on their own platform to make Hillary Clinton look good.
To hide Hillary Clinton's scandals.
It's openly confirmed now that they censored the witch Hillary hashtag, which of course began trending after Hillary was confronted by the Black Lives Matter protester, basically accusing her of being a racist, not good publicity.
It started to go viral, that hashtag was killed, and now it emerges, and perhaps we'll have time later in the show to play this clip,
That Twitter is now shutting down anonymous accounts, members of the hacktivist group Anonymous, for quote, harassing extremists.
That's right, if you actually criticise ISIS supporters, Twitter is now suspending, deleting those accounts.
Which is quite interesting given that back in October, Saudi Arabia, which of course has been funding ISIS all along the way,
Basically became Twitter's second biggest shareholder.
Saudi Arabia of course donates generously to the Clinton Foundation, which is why we have this related story about the email potentially being censored about the Saudis bankrolling the Benghazi attack.
So now this all is beginning to tie together and Twitter is censoring people who criticize ISIS supporters and of course
It's defending Hillary Clinton.
We'll be back with Ed Martin after the break in 4Wars.com.
Stay tuned.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Ed Martin of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum is coming up in the next segment to talk about how they're going to try and steal the nomination from Donald Trump.
Top story on InfoWars.com right now.
Former US Attorney, Grand Jury is investigating Hillary.
The former US Attorney says that he believes a Grand Jury has been convened to investigate Hillary Clinton over her homegrown email server.
Quote, the Bureau has between 100 and 150 agents assigned to the case.
They would not have that many people assigned to a classified information case, this attorney told the Daily Caller.
So it looks like that may indeed be happening.
We've also got this story from Kit Daniels.
Mass exodus.
Thousands of lifelong Democrats jump to Trump.
Now we saw this in Ohio.
I talked about that earlier this week on the show where we had a thousand Democrats in one county alone register to become Republicans so they could vote for Donald Trump.
Now we have over 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched parties to vote for Donald Trump.
Joining thousands of other lifelong Democrats in blue states doing the exact same thing.
So again, many of these Bernie Sanders supporters, probably a minority given their political outlook,
are likely to vote for Trump, far more likely than they're going to vote for Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio should Hillary Clinton be Bernie Sanders, which appears almost inevitable at this point.
But switching back to this Twitter issue, again, Twitter has now been caught censoring trending hashtags to hide Hillary Clinton scandals, to hide dirt about her.
Now we've also got Twitter banning anonymous accounts for, quote, harassing ISIS extremists.
Here's the clip from RT.
But activists from the anonymous hackers group, which targets the feeds of ISIL supporters, claim their accounts have been suspended too.
We spoke to one of them.
He asked for his voice to be disguised.
In the last two months, we've had literally dozens of accounts suspended.
My account went down without notification, never received an email or anything from Twitter, and about two hours later, it came back.
But at the same time, 15 other accounts went down.
A few accounts that did receive an email, all it stated was it violated the TAWS.
Other accounts received no notification.
There's still many accounts that have been suspended and not reinstated.
The ban comes amid Twitter strengthening its rules on online harassment.
We asked the company to comment on the suspension of the accounts.
We condemn the use of Twitter to promote terrorism and the Twitter rules make it clear that this type of behavior or any violent threat is not permitted on our service.
The anonymous activists also accused Twitter of not taking into account their work in helping to identify and suspend ISIL-linked accounts.
They add that if it wasn't for their efforts, Twitter would be flooded with terrorists.
Previously, the hackers group declared war on Islamic State.
Anonymous will hunt you, Islamic State, all across the world.
You are parasites that kill the innocent.
We will find you and we'll never let you go.
Get ready for a massive blowback from Anonymous and numerous cyber attacks.
The war has started.
The Anonymous activist we spoke to says the ongoing fight against Islamic State is making the terrorists lose ground online.
Literally thousands of accounts are going down.
It used to be that the accounts were coming right back.
I can see now that in the end, more accounts aren't coming back and we are actually slowing them down.
The size of the accounts have shrunken and I think they're losing grip on what they're doing.
Their online activity has actually went down.
They're not as active and as fierce as they used to be.
The fight that we are fighting right now on Twitter is focusing on removing graphic content from Islamic State terrorists so our children don't have to see it.
So there you have it.
Twitter banning people who quote harass ISIS extremists.
Amazing censorship.
We'll be back after the break with Ed Martin of the Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum to talk about Donald Trump.
Stay tuned.
Military drone technology is back in the headlines.
Recently, SCO, a subdivision of the US military with ties to DARPA, released a video of micro drones being launched from an F-16 fighter at 430 miles per hour.
The Washington Post article titled, Veil of secrecy lifted on Pentagon office planning avatar fighter and drone swarms.
The announcement also represents another step toward total autonomous military robotics, a technology that top experts such as Elon Musk and Max Tegmark have been warning scientists to think twice about.
SEO also said in the same announcement they have successfully developed and tested Avatar flight technology.
Our new project, not previously reported, is called Avatar.
and calls for the Pentagon to pair high-tech fifth-generation fighter jets with unmanned versions of older jets which will be flown without a pilot for the first time.
Imagine this technology in the hands of the same government that was also forced to admit this week that it had been using domestic drones for domestic surveillance operations.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
Paul Joseph Waxman in for Alex Jones and I'm delighted to be joined by Ed Martin.
He's the president of Phyllis Schiaffle's Eagle Forum.
Mr. Martin was elected chairman of the Missouri Republican Party in January 2013.
And the website is eagleforum.org.
Ed, welcome to the show.
Thanks for having me on, Paul Joseph.
Great to be with you.
Now, you wrote this Breitbart piece back now a couple of weeks ago with Roger Stone, how the GOP insiders plan to steal the nod from Trump.
It remains to be seen whether Trump can get this magic number of delegates, 1,237.
We've also got this Rule 40B with the convention, which requires a nominee have the majority of delegates from at least eight states.
If Trump doesn't achieve that delegate number, which it looks like, you know, it's going to be a struggle, just outline for the listeners the process by which the GOP establishment is going to try and steal this from him at a broker convention.
Yeah, well listen, and this is very important.
I know everybody's focused on the races that are upcoming on Tuesday and the week after and the week after.
But as you look towards Cleveland, you've got to figure out what the playbook is that has been used in the past and how it can be used again.
And so there's a couple of key points.
Number one is, when you get to the convention, if you're a delegate, you first have to go before the credentials committee.
And in the past, one of the ways to block
We're good to go.
Texas gets two, and so does Northern Marianas Island.
Now, you say to yourself, that's crazy.
Those six little territories are going to have an outsized influence, and they tend to be influenced by, wait for it, the establishment.
And so here's the thing, you're going to have a vote on credentials first to see how you seat the delegates.
And for example, what if Rubio drops out next week after he doesn't do well on Florida?
Rubio's delegates are supposed to vote for Rubio on the pledged first round.
What if some of the Rubio delegates start announcing we're going to vote for Cruz or we're going to vote for somebody else?
They could not be seated.
They could be blocked from being seated for being outwardly against the candidate they're pledged to.
That's just one choke point.
The next choke point is the Rules Committee.
Same drill.
56 states times 2.
112 members.
And they're going to be setting the rules for the convention.
People don't realize this.
The day before the convention, all of the rules under which they are currently operating expire.
And they must be ruled again.
They must be voted on again.
Now, so think about this.
If you called the RNC right now and said, I'm Joe Blow.
I want to run for president.
How do I get nominated?
They would point you to Rule 40.
They wouldn't tell you that Rule 40 expires the day before the convention, but it does.
And so, you know, we have another choke point where a rules committee made up of generally more establishment-leaning delegates will make a decision about what the rules can be.
And here's an example.
Current Rule 40 says you must have a majority of permanently seated delegates—that's a credentials fight—of at least eight states.
But that rule expires.
What if they put in a rule that says you have to have the support of any delegate?
Well, there are only a handful of free agent delegates, so-called superdelegates.
But what if one of those delegates stood up and said, I'm for Paul Ryan, and he could be nominated?
I mean, this is the kind of hijinks that's going to go on if people aren't aware of it and ready to fight back and kind of engage fully.
And that delegate count, you know, the majority of delegates from at least eight states, that can be amended to any number.
And this has happened before.
They used it to get Ron Paul out of the way.
That's correct, right?
Exactly, that's exactly right.
So that delegate, they could decide it's five before.
So this is a good example.
The Ron Paul listeners will remember.
In Tampa, when they got to the Tampa Convention, the Rules Committee met.
And the Romney boys came in.
The guy's name is Ben Ginsberg.
And he said, let's change that to a majority of eight states from a plurality of
Uh, five states.
That was meant to block Ron Paul from being put into nomination.
They didn't even want him to speak.
My point is that there are going to be a group that are going to be establishment leaning that are going to pass rules like that.
And remember, you know, one of the key things on rules, motions and rules, is that whoever acts first
Owns the framework of the debate.
I don't know if you've seen this much, Paul Joseph, you know, we get to a meeting and whoever makes the first motion tends to frame the way the argument goes.
So we, you know, conservatives and anti-establishment folks have to understand we've got to have people that frame the debate and own the, you know, why should it be that Paul Ryan should be eligible to be nominated?
I mean, that's outrageous, but that's what they're floating.
And so we've got to figure out how to be aggressive on the front end of that, and I think that's the first part.
By the way, the nuclear option...
And I don't know if this was talked about.
I know Roger Stone and I wrote a column a few weeks ago.
The nuclear option that's out there, it'll take the party down to the ground, but I believe that the establishment will ultimately do it, is to decide that no delegates are bound.
You see, until 1976, delegates were not bound except by the pressure of politics.
And in 1976, Gerald Ford was afraid that the delegates who were going to the convention were being persuaded by Reagan.
And so, they made them bound.
By 1979, 80, they unbound them, and there's an argument that could be made that delegates are free to vote their conscience.
Imagine if they get to the convention, and there's a big hullabaloo over the fact that Democrats voted in our primaries, and people are swaying our election with outside money, and we should let the delegates vote their conscience.
If they do that, they'll all vote their conscience, and I think they'll steal the nomination.
I think those are the kinds of options that could happen.
Now I wanted to ask you about Mitt Romney because, of course, a few weeks ago he appeared out of nowhere.
He started attacking Donald Trump.
He gave this ridiculous speech, which basically fell flat on its face.
It looked like it completely backlashd against him.
But there were rumours a few weeks ago that he would enter the race, even at this late stage, just to try and take it away from Trump.
Do you think he still will, at this stage, enter the race at any point?
Well, no, listen, I mean, there are only a handful of candidates who are nationally vetted that would be sort of able to run for president.
I mean, you know, the fact is that you have to have gone through the meat grinder at a high level to be able to do this, you know, in terms of your background and vetting.
And a few of them are names we know.
You know, Ron Paul is one.
Rick Perry is one.
Scott Walker is one.
Certainly Romney is one.
I think Romney, though, eliminated himself from any future political career of any kind.
I mean, I think his speech was so dumb.
I mean, the good news is the establishment is not only greedy and lazy, they're dumb.
I mean, it was a dumb speech.
If he had wanted to hurt Trump, he should have, you know, given a speech that was less traumatic and more sort of, you know, you eat an elephant one bite at a time.
You know, you don't eat an elephant all at once.
What I think Romney did there was self-indulgent and selfish and silly, but whoever put him up to it and allowed him to do it eliminated him.
He will not be the nominee.
There's no chance.
His career is over.
His political life has ended.
And, you know, I think we can eliminate him.
So now we're back down to only if the establishment goes to the outside.
They've got Paul Ryan.
They've got Scott Walker.
They've got a few others.
But I think Mitt Romney's career is over.
Poorly done and so silly and so I mean it really was a kind of a hateful kind of conduct to do that in the way he did it and of course by the time he was finished speaking they were showing the clip of Romney saying nice things about Trump and and how he appreciated his great success and it just made Romney look like a fool.
Now, this Brokered Convention, if they pick someone over Trump, if they use it to oust Trump, if they handpick a GOP establishment candidate, aren't vast numbers of Trump supporters going to protest against that by not voting for him?
Isn't this just handing the election to Hillary Clinton?
Of course, of course.
But I recall well, a Wall Street financier quoted anonymously, of course, who said, we'll take Hillary or Jeb.
We just can't have anybody like Rand or anybody who's totally outside the norm.
I mean, as I've said to people for a year, I was in the RNC.
I was on the team.
I saw it up close.
The fact is that they have about ten ways that they can force a guy like Trump, they can beat him.
And they've done this to Cruz too, but certainly Trump.
And they've tried about seven of them, and the seven haven't worked.
And it's really annoying to the establishment, they can't believe it.
Usually when you make a gap like Trump made, they're able to force the press covers and you get eliminated.
And you know, this is the Fred Thompson or whoever, you know, think about these guys that were flashes in the pan and went away.
In this case, Trump is hanging in there.
They have 10 ways, and they haven't tried 8, 9, and 10.
And you know, 9 is to steal it at the convention, and 10 is to take the party down.
And they will not give up.
This is an old-fashioned racket.
They're running a racket, the guys in power.
It's money, it's power, it's prestige, and they will lose their life and their lifestyle if the racket is broken up.
So before they allow that to happen, they will take down the party,
And they will let Hillary or Bernie or anybody else win.
They don't care about the country or the party.
They care about their own racket.
And that's what they'll do.
And so I think, you know, people need to be aware.
Don't be surprised.
The other thing I'll tell you, Paul Joseph, I think people don't understand is they won't try to announce that they're taking the nomination away.
They will start what I call dumpster fires.
They'll have a fight in the platform committee over marriage and over international policy.
And then they'll have a fight in rules over the future of the Republican Party and the convention.
And then in the credentials they'll have a fight over whether we should honor the people who had one or two delegates.
They'll start a series of dumpster fires.
We're good to go.
They hated each other by the time the 34 ballots were over so much.
They just hated each other.
There were fistfights and all, that they went outside the convention to nominate someone.
So, the danger is not just that someone else steals it.
It's that people get distracted by other fights and other chaos and other, you know, the advertisement of riot gear.
You know, they're now saying if the Trump people are disenfranchised, there'll be riots.
This is all meant to create acrimony and chaos to try to cause problems.
Okay, we're coming up on the break now, but Ed Martin will stay with us.
I also want to get into these threats against Trump, as I mentioned earlier.
We had another celebrity joke about Trump's assassination.
We know that he's been targeted.
We've got people now being deported, basically, for direct threats against Trump.
We'll get into that after the break with Ed Martin, EagleForum.org.
Stay with us.
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We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson, in for Alex.
And I'm talking to Ed Martin.
He's the president of Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum.
It's eagleforum.org.
Now, Ed, let's just say that, you know, Trump gets the delegates or he comes out on top of this broker convention.
According to the polls, Trump trails Hillary in a hypothetical runoff by around six points at this stage.
Cruz is slightly ahead of her.
Rubio's four points ahead of her.
First of all, what explains that deficit when it comes to Trump versus Clinton?
And what tactics must Trump adopt to defeat Hillary if he becomes a nominee?
Well, you know, I often tell people that, you know, Phyllis Schlafly, the organization that I head and her career, she's always been involved in politics and Republican Party politics.
She just thinks, often you'll hear Phyllis give a speech, she'll say, politics is where the action is.
And Phyllis Schlafly lost twice for Congress, and I lost a race for Congress and a race for Attorney General in Missouri, where I live.
And you learn a lot when you run a race.
One of the things you learn is that
The primary is very different than the general, and especially, you get defined after the primary is over, and you define yourself and your opponent.
And here's what I would say.
At this point, four years ago, we would have had Mitt Romney, and people would have been saying things like, Obama's a failed president, and Mitt Romney's a very, you know, honest guy, or whatever, however you phrase it.
I mean, now he's shown himself to be sort of, I think, very uncharitable is a nice way to say it, and not very good for us.
They defined him immediately after the primary as a greedy oligarch and a heartless guy and all this stuff.
And the media participated with the Democrats.
So I often caution people.
You know, Marco Rubio, to me, he would be easily defined by the media and the Democrats as very light and sort of an empty suit.
And they would make fun of him and they'd make him kind of look like a lightweight.
I think that's just a political fact of life.
He can give nice speeches and be charming and all.
And I think Ted Cruz,
And Donald Trump will face a similar challenge.
The difference is Donald Trump is known 100% almost nationwide.
He's defined as a sort of leading businessman and kind of the apprentice guy.
And Ted Cruz, even though he's more well known, is mostly well known by Republicans.
I suspect Ted Cruz would be defined as a hard right, you know, nasty guy is what they would do to him.
And I think those numbers would change.
I just go by what I know from politics.
Right now we have to look at how hard it is to win the election in America for a Republican.
You have to thread the Electoral College needle, in large part because Ted Kennedy and the Democrats have transformed the country by illegal immigration and growing dependency of voters on government.
But we have to thread the needle.
And I think one of the strengths of Trump is that he is attracting a whole bunch of folks.
I know them.
I grew up in New Jersey.
I know a whole bunch of guys that are cops and work in New York.
They like Trump.
And he's growing now.
I think there's an attraction.
And don't get me wrong, I think Cruz can also attract some of them.
But I think Trump is... Those numbers, I don't buy them.
And I think, look, Hillary's the best candidate we can face because she is so well known as a corrupt
Unpleasant person and she's also captive to Wall Street and the big interest in a multinational.
I do think the one missing story, and I didn't get to listen to the whole show today, the missing story that's not yet permeated into the general consciousness is these globalists.
Who are meeting off the shores of Georgia.
You know, Phyllis Lafley wrote about the Bilderberg.
She defined, she used the Bilderberg term the first time in the 1960s.
She wrote about it.
But they started this in the 50s, 57, 56.
It's globalists who want to subvert the nation to an internationalist vision.
And it's destroying the world and certainly destroying America.
And that's another part of what's at stake.
Now I talked about this earlier on the show, but I wanted to ask you about it.
There's this huge fissure now within the conservative movement, especially in terms of media, over Donald Trump.
We've got Glenn Beck lashing out at Matt Drudge because he put up a photoshopped image of Marco Rubio.
On the other hand, we've got websites like BrightBot, which have seen their traffic spike since they semi-endorsed Trump, even though they say they haven't.
While the blaze, Glenn Beck's website, of course he has endorsed Ted Cruz, that has been plummeting.
Do you understand the concerns expressed by some on the right that Trump is not a true conservative?
Or do you think they're making a huge mistake and that people like Glenn Beck are just acting out of their own vindictiveness, basically?
Well, I think that every election is a choice.
And every election is, at the heart of it, you have to make a choice.
And you look at someone and what they stand for.
You know, what Phyllis Schlafly has said about Donald Trump is that before he was running, all the candidates wanted to talk about tax cuts and the military and different things.
And Trump drove the point to trade and how the international trade deals are destroying America.
And how damaging they are, and immigration, how illegal immigration and immigration, legally, is transforming the country.
Without Donald Trump, I don't believe that the candidates would be talking like that.
And I think it's a little bit like the 1970s, late 1970s.
Ronald Reagan was certainly a great conservative.
Okay, stick on that thought.
We'll be back after the break with Ed Martin.
Empires on the run.
Stay tuned.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Glenn Beck opened his radio show today going off on what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
The conservative radio host was spurred on this morning by Drudge photoshopping Rubio as a midget after he didn't win a single state last night.
Beck said ever since Drudge started hanging out with Alex Jones, he's gone to this weird conspiratorial place where he can't even trust any news coming from him anymore.
Well, no one really likes you, Beck, so get over it.
Fox News reports little Marco Rubio to suspend campaign and take on a full-time job at a
No, I'm just playing.
And three hours ago, Fox News aired a very similar report.
And earlier today, CBS did the same.
Stay tuned for more reports at InfoWars.com.
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You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Paul Joseph Watson in for Alex Jones and we're talking to Ed Martin of EagleForum.org.
Just got cut off by the break there, Ed, but you're getting into this fissure within the media, particularly the conservative media.
The debate of whether Donald Trump is a true conservative.
Just finalise your comments on that.
Yeah, real quickly.
Thank you.
I think, you know, I'm often hearkening back to Ronald Reagan when Phyllis and others talk about Reagan.
People weren't worried about some of Reagan's positions because Nancy Reagan, rest her soul, was a liberal and, you know, pretty liberal lady and Reagan ended up doing some liberal things.
But on the big question,
In 1978, 79, people knew, Reagan understood that communism was evil and the Soviets were the enemy.
And he was a strong, macho, charismatic guy.
And he carried the day.
Well, I would submit to you today that there's only a few candidates, and Ted Cruz is one who's done pretty good, and Trump is one that's led the way, on the fundamental issue of whether America will be a sovereign nation.
That is, our trade deals, illegal immigration.
Trump has led the way.
And I think on some of the other issues, I'd like to know for sure where he'll be.
But I think on judges, for example, when he talks about Clarence Thomas as a model, Clarence Thomas is one of my favorite people in public life.
I think that's good.
But on the big question, I think it's a big, you know, it's kind of a starting point.
And so the media can't stand it, by the way.
And the reason the media can't stand it is because the media and the multinationalist, globalist corporations
Have to have these trade deals to make their money and they have to have illegal immigration and open borders and it's so it's they have they have to resist it and that's why they're all fading and even Fox News is lacking in credibility not even but certainly more day by day because of their
Being in the tank for the globalist vision of open borders and trade deals that gut America.
So I think the definition of conservative is someone who puts the Americans first, not the globalists or Wall Street or anything else.
And if you put Americans first, you're going to address the first threat.
And the first threat is these huge losses of sovereignty.
Now another issue I wanted to delve into, because this is something that I cover on a weekly basis now, these threats against Trump.
We know that Trump now wears a bulletproof vest to most of his events.
He's under Secret Service protection.
We have reports that Al Chapo was targeting him.
Every single day on Twitter you have these death threats.
There was an Egyptian guy who basically just had to agree to be deported because of a direct death threat he made to Trump on Facebook.
We've got
Frothing from the Liberals about how they're going to leave America if Trump becomes President.
Completely unhinged, maniacal reaction.
We've got these crazies crashing Trump events every time he gives a speech.
I mean, I'm concerned for Donald Trump's safety, not as some part of a dark conspiracy where the GOP establishment would take him out, but just the sheer amount of crazies and the vitriol being directed against him.
Are you concerned for Donald Trump's safety?
Yeah, I would say I'm concerned for Trump's safety and for Cruz's too, and for a number of these guys, but I want to point to the culprit here.
The culprit is a leftist culture that has decided that whether it's Black Lives Matter, or I'm from St.
Louis and we had Ferguson, it was a totally trumped up
We're good to go.
That there's a real problem.
So yeah, sure, I mean, I'm concerned about violence in ways that I don't think we've ever expected.
What's not true is that Trump is creating the violence, or that Cruz is creating the violence, or that somehow the speeches and the talks, that's not true.
What is true is the culture and American life has become coarser, but that's a leftist move.
And I think we have to be careful.
Again, I think I said earlier in the program,
One of the things that the left will do when they're losing is divert attention through violence and rioting and killings and things like that.
Sometimes they just use them when they occur.
There's no doubt that this kid in Ferguson was killed.
He died and then they used the situation to say something absolutely different from the truth.
But yeah, I'm very worried about it.
I think most people, and I ran for office, I was head of a party here, most people that observe politics have seen the edge take up.
And this is where I think Obama is not an honest man.
Obama has been a terrible part of degrading how we live and encouraging people to be so frustrated and shrill and to think that violence is an appropriate way to feel.
It's terrible stuff.
Well, I mean, we had, you know, Time Magazine and others after Ferguson come out and write articles called In Defense of Looting.
We've got, you know, Black Lives Matter people chanting, uh, what do we want?
Dead cops while they're marching in New York City.
We've got the ideological guru who the three founders of Black Lives Matter ascribe the whole movement to being a Sartre Shakur, who is a convicted cop killer on the FBI's Most Wanted Domestic Terrorist list.
So, you know, we had Ishmael Brinsley in New York killing the two NYPD officers as part of a Black Lives Matter revenge attack.
There are these kind of people out there, and yet, as you said, they're blaming it on Trump, claiming he's racist and bigoted, when he's got more than double the support from Muslims in America than any other GOP candidate.
In fact, all of them put together more than double.
He's set to break records for black support.
So while this racist, bigoted narrative seems to fester on the surface, there's no real depth to it, is there?
No, and look, they want to distract from anything but what is really happening.
What is really happening in this country is a lot of people, I think it's more than a majority we're going to see over the next six months, are wakening up to the fact not only that the government is corrupt and that the people in power in both parties are running a racket, and people know that, but they're waking up to the fact that these internationalist efforts, corporate and otherwise, are really degrading
What is America?
And what is our nation?
And who we are?
So, people are wakening up to that.
Now, they're going to distract with violence, and I agree with you, and it's a false thing.
But the press and the media won't cover it, because Donald Trump is not winning because he's charming, or because of stakes, or Trump University.
He's winning because he's speaking directly to what I would call a dramatic change in American culture, way of living.
Specifically, the trade deals and immigration.
Nobody in this country, I mean, when he said, I want to pause on all Muslim immigrants, I didn't meet a person that thought that sounded out of control or inappropriate.
Now, I know a bunch of people, I'm not saying there are many liberals, but I know some, the media covered that like it was insulting.
You know, I did an exit poll in one of the early states, and 90% of all Republicans agreed with the idea of banning Muslims.
That's not what Trump, I think, said, but my point is only that they're so out of touch
And what they're trying to do is stoke up violence and anger, when what's really happening is people, I think, are getting empowered.
And I think that's what we have to have.
And by the way, it has to extend to Congress, and it has to extend to the courts.
I mean, we need everybody to get back into the understanding of what we're supposed to be about, not what they want to become and want to be kings of.
You know, I find the Supreme Court, these people think they're in charge of the world.
They have a role in our system.
And so, I think people are awakening, and I think that's why you're seeing so much energy.
Okay, I think that's a good place to wrap it up.
Ed, just tell people how they can get involved with Eagle Forum.
Yeah, well the first way is eagleforum.org.
You can visit our site and read about Phyllis's career and her writing.
She's a prolific writer.
She's 91 years old and has been active in politics for 71 years.
But people can also email me directly at ed at eagleforum.org.
That's ed, E-D, at eagleforum.org.
I'd love to connect them with our work and what we're doing and thank you for the chance to be on this afternoon.
Okay, there goes edmartineagleforum.org.
Thanks for joining us, Ed.
And we're going to move on now to more news before we hit another InfoWars report.
InfoWars message to Bernie Sanders supporters.
We've got that coming up.
But this was a top story on InfoWars.com this morning.
Top Danish Imam admits agenda for Muslims to conquer Europe.
Again, this is not me saying it.
It's not Alex Jones saying it.
Undercover footage broadcast by a Danish TV station shows Mohamed Foud El Barazi, the head imam of the Mosque of Islamic Union in Denmark, which of course has taken in a lot of these Muslim migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, admitting that the goal of the migrant influx is for Muslims to conquer Europe.
So he basically said, quote, right now we are in a time when we are opening these countries.
They spoke to Islamic experts, Professors Tina Magard and Professor Thomas Hoffman, who agreed that the Islamist understanding of the word open means to conquer.
The Imam also basically said that Muslims arriving in the West shouldn't be expected, in fact shouldn't full stop, integrate into Western society.
Quote, when I came to this country 23 years ago, we were only 55,000 Muslims.
Now we are 300,000.
Hence the conclusion of this talk is that it is possible to live in this country without melting in.
You must understand the conditions without melting into society.
So this top imam in Denmark with this undercover footage basically admits that yes, this wave of Muslim migrants is
To conquer Europe.
And in fact, if you look in the Koran, and it's quoted in this article, the concept of Hijrah, or Jihad by emigration, is celebrated in the Koran.
So it's no surprise to see these top Imams calling for exactly that, calling for Muslims to emigrate to the West.
To spread the religion of Islam.
Now, of course, we've got no problem with them having their own religious beliefs.
It's when they're imposed on others that it becomes a problem.
That is the heart of Islamism.
We've previously featured a video, which is in this article, from another imam who gave a speech at a mosque in Jerusalem.
Basically said, Europe is decrepit.
They have no fertility.
We need to go to Europe.
We can conquer Europe by breeding them out.
Again, not me saying that, not Alex Jones, one of the top Imams in Jerusalem.
And it's no surprise that, you know, they're being welcomed in, given what Green Party politician Stephanie von Berg said in front of the German Parliament.
And we featured this quote before because it's absolutely shocking.
She said, quote, our society will change, our city will be radically changed.
I hold it in 20, 30 years there will no longer be German majority in our city.
I want to make it very clear, especially towards those right-wingers, this is a good thing.
So she's basically saying that Muslim migrants will become a majority in German cities, they will replace the native German population, and that that is a good thing.
Which is unsurprising the consequence of that.
This is out of AFP.
Rising fortunes of right-wing populists in Europe.
A wave of right-wing populism has swept across Europe in recent months as the continent struggles with its biggest refugee crisis since World War II.
Now the problem here of course is that many of these populist parties which have been growing in support for the past couple of years now
I mean, there's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with that, but some of them are actually fascist parties.
So again, the point I've made over and over again, classical liberals' refusal to stand up for liberal beliefs has created this vacuum where people's... they're not being represented, their concerns aren't being represented, their voices are being censored simply for expressing concern about the pace of this migrant invasion.
That vacuum has created a space where extremists have flooded in.
So now you're getting extremist parties being elected in Europe and that's going to be a problem going forward.
We're going to go to this video now.
InfoWars message to Bernie Sanders supporters.
The establishment knows what's at stake.
Do you?
Here's the clip.
I've seen signs that several businesses throughout Austin who were staunch supporters of Ron Paul four years ago now with Bernie Sanders signs.
To many, it may not make sense because they are polar opposites ideologically.
But there is some common ground.
Both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders followed their principles consistently over decades of public office.
In a word, authentic.
You know what these guys are about.
Both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders had a long association with a mainstream political party that they were never really a part of.
They were never part of the club, never part of the establishment.
That's why the establishment hates them.
It's why we identify with them.
We're not in that club either.
And the supporters of both of these men speak of the movement behind their candidates as a revolution.
But the system is obdurate.
It hates change.
The establishment of both parties each has its own ways of controlling access to power.
An article today on the Drudge Report speaks of the undemocratic Democrat Party rules.
At issue are the superdelegates.
The superheroes of the party.
Current office holders, former office holders, party apparatchiks, and lobbyists.
In fact, 1 out of 7, 14% of the superdelegates are lobbyists or former lobbyists.
Bernie Sanders started out as a 450 delegate underdog.
Hillary was one-sixth of the way to the finish line before the first vote was cast.
So far, 7 million people have voted, but 473 people, that none of us know, account for 42% of the delegates so far.
And last night's Michigan election?
Hillary lost, but got more delegates.
Both parties are dishonest and oppressive.
The political parties should be abolished or replaced with new parties.
But with the rules currently in place, the best we can hope for is a hostile takeover.
A hostile takeover is easier under the rules of the Republican Party.
As Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight pointed out, the rules of the Republican Party are not as restrictive as the Democrat Party's rules.
And it helps if you have a billionaire who doesn't need the money of the multinational corporate donors.
Donald Trump doesn't have the grandfatherly demeanor of Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders, but as gruff as he may be, he's not dependent on establishment donors and he's willing to fight.
And there's some commonality between Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Ron Paul.
Like Bernie and Ron, Trump has also stood consistently, and alone, against the establishment for decades.
Trump's stand has been in opposition to unfair trade that is taking our jobs and destroying our economy.
35 years ago, he paid $100,000 for an ad in the New York Times to oppose the trade and war policies of the multinational corporations, the globalists.
He has opposed the Republican orthodoxy of so-called free trade and of being the world's policeman.
And he has said it to their face.
He's called for ending NAFTA, for auditing the Fed, for releasing the secret 28 pages of the 9-11 report.
He will stop TPP and TTIP and stop the exporting of jobs.
Neocons and those who want to provoke wars for profit for the military-industrial complex are his biggest critics.
For all his bluster, he has long criticized American militarism and confronted Jeb to his face on the lies about weapons of mass destruction that were used to start the Iraq War.
But most of all, he's not part of the club.
Globalists hate him.
Multinational corporations hate him.
The political establishment hates him.
And the warmongers hate him.
Think about it.
He's closer to Bernie than Hillary.
And no one personifies the cronyism and corruption more than Hillary Clinton.
She must be defeated.
Bloomberg said he would enter the race to stop Bernie and Trump if Hillary wasn't the nominee.
Bloomberg understands what's at stake.
Fox News and the establishment understand what's at stake.
Do you?
There is David Knight with a special report that is sure to trigger Glenn Beck.
Let's hit a couple more news stories here in the final minute of this segment.
Father attacked by migrant Sharia patrol that told his wife and daughter how to dress.
A father has been hospitalized after being attacked by Sharia patrol in Vienna, sparking fears that parts of the Austrian capital are becoming no-go areas.
Well, I was told that was a conspiracy theory, even though it's now happening in basically every European country.
I've also got this out of Sputnik.
Is this the end, my friend?
EU collapse, possible as never before.
The European Union is no longer able to tackle the economic and migrant crisis gripping the bloc.
And basically, the risk of collapse that is at its highest now, says this top German politician.
We'll be back with more news in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show Live InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, that's it folks, live transmission.
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Kind of get some backup, folks, because a lot of us are working 18 hours a day.
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I just saw an article in a Harvard Review yesterday.
It's actually out there on my desk.
I meant to cover that, where the really hardest workers in America who actually keep the country going are burning out, because they're kind of like, you know, and it's the same thing with us.
We need to get a few more editors, a few more reporters, a few more writers, so that the people we've got aren't working six, seven days a week.
Not that we're bitching.
We just do our better work when we can get a little bit of rest.
So, I mean, I have to take off work just to get a bunch of business done and, you know, things for the operation itself.
That is really hard.
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All right.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for this live transmission.
If you are watching, you are the hope.
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That's why they want to shut your speech up.
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They can be defeated.
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That's our hope.
That's why I'm not a hero.
You're not a hero.
This is survival, people.
These are predators, super predators.
Hillary calls black people super predators.
She's a super predator.
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Central, 12 noon Eastern, the video feeds, the live show.
You'll see what I take the first, then Paul Watson and then myself.
Okay, that's going to wrap it up for the show.
Didn't get a chance to get to this article.
Vice-editor jokes about Trump assassination.
Check that out on InfoWars.com.
A lot of threats against Trump.
But joining us again 11 to 2 tomorrow for the radio show InfoWars Nightly News Tonight.
Rob Dew, 4th Hour Overdrive, breaking news and analysis.
Stay tuned for that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome, welcome one and all to the fourth hour of Overdrive, the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Doo.
We're here every day, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We've now added the fourth hour.
If you're listening to this on radio, terrestrial radio, try checking us out on video.
You can go to infowars.com forward slash show and watch the free stream.
A great way to see everything that we cover here in HD color.
And we're going to get to a lot of stuff today.
We're going to cover some Trump news.
I'm also going to take a look at CPS because back in December, there was a big, a judge came out and made this landmark decision that CPS needs to be dismantled and rebuilt.
We're good to go.
When they get children and put them into foster care, because that is their main mission, is to keep money coming into the system.
And the case, of course, the Texas caseworkers are, they're complaining about the big caseloads.
Well, that's because it's a money-making operation.
So they're really not interested in quality, it's quantity, quantity.
So they're up in arms about it.
They don't want to lose their jobs.
I heard about this, come driving in today, there's an NPR reporter who was just,
You couldn't believe this judge wanted to do an investigation and rebuild CPS.
I mean, just the cases that I've heard about.
We covered one of a little girl, a two-year-old girl, a few years ago up in Round Rock.
Her, somebody snitched on him, said they saw him smoking marijuana or smelled it.
They came and took their little girl away, brought her to this monster, who then beat her to death.
A two-year-old girl.
And I'm going to show you the photos of this little girl, beautiful little girl, snuffed out because of greedy child kidnappers.
That's what they are.
CPS is child kidnapping at its finest.
And I'm sure there's some good people in CPS who do a good job, but their main mission is to bring in more money.
I don't think it's to help these little kids.
And then when they get them in their care, they feed them with drugs, all kinds of stuff.
I'm going to get more into that.
Also when we get back, it now appears that the FBI is going to be investigated in the shooting of LaVoy Finnegan, which I think is a murder, personally.
And we're going to play a report that David Knight and Joe Biggs filed a couple days ago on that subject.
And then I've got a weird story of the guy, I think he was a former Marine who shot the Idaho pastor who was a Ted Cruz supporter.
You're not going to believe what this guy thinks, what he posted on his Facebook page.
But here's one of the articles.
Idaho pastor shot day after praying at Ted Cruz rally.
He was shot by a Marine who they just picked up recently in DC.
He was on the fence of the White House.
And you're not going to believe trying to protect Barack Obama, actually.
So it gets weirder from there.
Let me tell you what.
This is a story.
If you're into David Icke or anything, you'll you'll definitely kind of, I guess, relate to what this guy is coming from.
Manhunt underway.
Well, they've caught the guy now.
And the news report that I'm going to play is just going to blow your mind.
I'm also going to take your phone calls.
Start calling in now.
I enjoy taking your phone calls.
And I'm also going to play a little bit of a clip from last night from our debate coverage.
Obviously the Democratic debate is not as popular with our audience as covering the Republican debates, but we felt we ought to cover at least one of them.
I think this was our second coverage of the debate.
We hadn't done one since I think Jim Webb had been in the race when it was a three-person race.
Now it's just a dog-and-pony show between two wolves fighting over making government bigger or making you pay for it.
So we're going to get into all that.
Once again, the number to call in is 800-259-9231.
One of the interesting things we did last night during that live debate coverage is take live Skype phone calls.
We had several people call in.
So that was really interesting.
We're trying to do things, you know, make things more interactive and get more people to let, you know, throw out their stories out there.
Because that's what America is all about, your story, making things happen.
This is the 4th Hour.
I'm your host, Rob Due.
Thanks for watching InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Military drone technology is back in the headlines.
Recently, SCO, a subdivision of the US military with ties to DARPA, released a video of micro drones being launched from an F-16 fighter at 430 miles per hour.
The Washington Post article titled, Veil of secrecy lifted on Pentagon office planning avatar fighter and drone swarms.
The announcement also represents another step toward total autonomous military robotics, a technology that top experts such as Elon Musk and Max Tegmark have been warning scientists to think twice about.
SEO also said in the same announcement they have successfully developed and tested Avatar flight technology.
Our new project, not previously reported, is called Avatar.
And calls for the Pentagon to pair high-tech, fifth-generation fighter jets with unmanned versions of older jets, which would be flown without a pilot for the first time.
Imagine this technology in the hands of the same government that was also forced to admit this week that it had been using domestic drones for domestic surveillance operations.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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You worked, I guess, like 20 plus hours.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, apparently it's okay to joke about the assassination of presidential candidate Donald Trump, as Paul Joseph Watson alluded to earlier.
Here's the article he's talking about that he wrote.
Vice editor jokes about Trump assassination to save America from fascism.
Vice contributing editor and left-wing activist Molly Crabapple has become the latest public figure to joke about wanting to see Donald Trump assassinated.
She tweeted out...
There's like a Twitter thing going on.
She's like, I'm imagining them as stone-cold operatives about to assassinate Trump, who are also adorably in love.
She followed up with another tweet glorifying the would-be assassins, a handsome married couple who are also assassins, tasked with saving America from fascism.
Well, if she was really left-wing, she wouldn't have said handsome married couple.
She would have said something like body amorphous, whatever.
Who knows what those people are into.
I want to play a couple videos real quick.
And the big story with Donald Trump, and last night we showed this, he got 39% of the Muslim, or the people in Dearborn, Michigan, who are a majority of the people there are Muslim.
So people want to say he's racist and he hates Muslims and he's xenophobic.
Well, why are Muslims voting for him?
Why are Hispanics voting for him?
Because they believe in what he's saying.
And so let's go to the CNN.
Donald Trump voter turnout biggest story in politics.
The Democrats are down 30, 35 percent.
They're down from what they were.
We're up by 50 percent and even more than that.
You're talking about millions of people.
So I actually think it's the biggest story in politics today.
And I hope that the Republicans will embrace it.
We have, don't forget, we have Democrats coming over.
Very importantly, we have independents coming over.
And they haven't done that ever, probably ever.
And with all of these people coming over, we're going to have something very, very special.
If I win, and if I get to go against Hillary, polls are showing that I beat her.
And some of the polls have me beating her very easily.
Because when you take advantage, we will take many, many people away from the Democrats.
And we'll take many, many people away that normally go Democrat as independents.
And we're seeing that.
We're seeing that.
We had people come over here who have never voted Republican, who have never even thought about it, and they came and they voted Republican.
And I'll tell you another group of people that I've seen, and I'll be signing autographs after a speech, and we'll be talking to people, and I've had many, many people say,
And it was a beautiful thing to hear it.
Mr. Trump, I'm 67 years old.
Many people.
I'm 67 years old.
I've never, ever voted before.
I've never come close to voting before.
This is the first time I'll ever vote.
And that's so amazing.
It's so amazing.
Yeah, he's definitely woken up the sleeping giant.
Whether you agree with his policies or not, his rhetoric, his barnstorming, has really woken up a lot of people and gotten them to vote.
There was another story I read about a guy who had a Donald Trump sign in his yard, and three Hispanic youths came over and pulled it out, and he said, y'all are going to put that back.
And they pulled a gun on him, and then his neighbor ran into his house and came out with a gun and said, I got your back, bro.
And those guys backed down and left without an incident happening, but that's just another.
Yeah, there it is.
Hispanic gang members arrested after crumpling Trump yard sign and pulling gun on Trump supporter.
I think one of them was a teenager and two of them were adults, so either 18 or over.
I just watched the video of the guy and he's like, y'all gonna put that back?
Yeah, I thought it was funny.
And now, but this is what Ted Cruz thinks of Trump supporters.
He doesn't think too much about them.
He's not really interested in what they have to say.
He doesn't think they have much substance.
Here it is from his mouth.
And so what is happening, listen, Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged, and who are angry, and they see him as an angry voice.
Where we're beating him is when voters get more engaged and they get more informed.
When they inform themselves, they realize his record.
He's what they're angry at.
He is the corruption.
And if you want someone to stand up to Washington, the only one who has been doing so in this race is me.
He will stand up to Washington, right by his side he's going to have Goldman Sachs right there, leading the way, paving the way.
He's going to push a bunch of trade deals through, a bunch of globalist trade deals.
That is what you're going to get with Ted Cruz.
Unfortunately, that's the way it is.
And now he's signed on with the Bushes.
What do you think that means?
The writing's on the wall.
He's gonna pick Bush as his running mate.
I mean, if you can't see it, I'm sorry.
That's how it's gonna be.
And you know what happens when Bushes become vice presidents.
You know what happens.
So let's look at this article now.
FBI agents under criminal investigation in Lavoie, Finicum shooting.
Now a second video has come out.
It's a cell phone video.
We're going to show you that in a second from a report.
But it turns out, however, officials announced that one FBI agent is suspected of lying about firing twice at Finicum.
And he's got four other agents suspected in helping him cover up that lie.
And they were hiding the bullets and just not reporting the shots.
I mean, that's a big deal.
These guys, they released that video that drone shot.
And they were like, huh, so he was going for his gun.
Well, and then some of the protesters came out and said that gun was stolen.
That wasn't his gun.
And then it looks like, well, he was fired upon and killed by what looks like a long rifle now.
And it wasn't the handguns that killed him.
So he was there was multiple people in multiple positions.
That was an ambush set up.
Another local sheriff in Oregon called it a ambush.
So let's go to that report right now from David David Knight and Joe Biggs.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Now, David and I just saw the shocking footage released by the Oregonian right after they've already come out and said that LaVoy Finnickham's murder was justified.
Now we have raw cell phone footage from Shawna Cox inside the vehicle that proves that they were shooting at them beforehand, completely going against the actual narrative of the story that the feds came out with in the first place.
I mean, what are your first thoughts on seeing this video?
You know, it was really heart-wrenching to look at this.
I gotta say, what I saw there was murder and attempted murder of three other people in the vehicle.
Go ahead and shoot me!
You can see what's happening, and the way the video is set up, and again, it was put up on the Oregonian site, but it was released by the Sheriff's Department.
Dushane, is that the way you pronounce it?
Deschutes, okay.
Deschutes County released us.
They're the ones who are doing the investigation.
This comes on the day that law enforcement has told us that the shooting of LaVoy Finnegan was justified.
This flies in the face of that.
This is an outrage that they would put this up there, that they would say that law enforcement is justified.
How are you justified in shooting a man with his hands up?
And you can see that that's what happened here.
You can see that they're taking pot shots for a very long time at the people who are in the car.
And the way this video is set up, they superimpose the cell phone footage from Shauna Cox, who is in the vehicle, in the back seat with Victoria Sharp, with Ryan Bundy, LaVoy Finnecum is driving.
Okay, so she's taking it from the back corner so you can see what's going on.
They superimposed that with the footage from the FBI.
And here's the thing, Joe.
We've said from the very beginning, this footage from the FBI, along with their phony lying narrative, was set up to hide this murder.
They did a very low resolution, aerial footage,
Without sound, so you can't tell what's going on.
You can't tell when the shots were fired.
They've done this from the very beginning.
That was a video that mainstream media went with for a very long time.
That was a video that everybody saw.
Now, after they say, well, it's a justified shooting, now you can see what happens.
You can hear when the shots are fired.
You can see that they're shooting them as they're driving up to the barricade.
You can see that they're shooting LaVoy Finicum as he gets out of the car with his hands up to take fire away from the rest of the people in the vehicle.
He was a hero to take the fire, to sacrifice himself for those people in the car.
Yet, they still tried to shoot the people in the car.
Totally outrageous.
Yeah, and that kind of goes with the entire point that we were trying to make back when it happened.
They said that he was reaching for a gun.
In fact, you hear those shots first as the hands are going up.
So that could possibly be him reaching in pain, going, oh my God, I just got shot.
That's what I'm talking about.
All you can hear is Victoria Sharpe, a very young girl, scared, crying, praying.
The entire conversation leading up to this, no one was like, I've got a gun, I'm going to make this last stand.
The guy just said, if you're going to shoot me, do it.
Stop wasting my time.
I'm trying to go meet the sheriff in Grand
We're on our way to see the sheriff.
You can follow us.
You can follow us.
It's absolutely amazing, Joe.
And again, they did this so that they could hide what they had done.
And we've had a law enforcement officer look at this and critique what these people did.
The two guys who came up appeared to be the ones when he was still standing.
There were shots that were being fired at him as he got out of the vehicle with his hands up.
Then he walks a little bit further out, and in the video that the FBI released, you can see one guy coming from where the blockade was, and he is shooting at Lavoie Finicum, and he points out this guy has exposed himself to hostile fire from the vehicle if, in fact, there are dangerous people in there.
They're treating this guy as if he is a threat to their lives, and yet he's coming out of a vehicle.
They don't know who's in this other vehicle, the vehicle that stopped, but they feel that they have to shoot this guy with his hands up.
Exposing himself to fire from the vehicle.
Then they pull back and they shoot at the vehicle.
So, if they were dangerous, they could have killed this officer.
The other officer, who's coming from out of the snow, is shooting across at the other officers.
It's basically a crossfire that they've set themselves up in.
So, it's amazingly incompetent if you look at it from a law enforcement perspective.
But it is outright murder and attempted murder if you watch this video.
It's absolutely outrageous.
I don't know what else to say.
I mean, it's just one of the most amazing things that I've seen to superimpose the reality of what's going on with this live video.
Yeah, David Knight nails it right on the head.
Amazingly incompetent.
If you look at where those two shooters are that are on the ground, one's right behind the car.
I've got it up here.
You can see it.
We're good.
Exposing himself to if they were worried about shots coming from this car.
He didn't care.
He knew because he knew that these guys were unarmed.
He knew that they were peaceful.
He knew that they were not going to fire first.
They were totally, totally involved in the murder of a man who died on his feet.
And hopefully he will be remembered and his death will not be in vain.
And we'll be right back with more.
I mean, it's just disturbing to see this.
We'll be back.
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We are back live.
It's the fourth hour of Overdrive, the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Thank you for joining me.
I'm going to go to your calls here in a second.
And we're also going to look at a really interesting news story that started off with the killing of a pastor who was, I guess he prayed at a Ted Cruz rally, and then he was shot the day after.
And now they finally found this guy at the gates of the White House, of all places.
But let's go to Uncle Willie in Washington first.
He wants to talk about Trump and Cruz.
Go ahead, Uncle Willie.
Hey, Rob.
How are you doing?
I'm doing great.
Listen, I've been trying to call for about a year, so I'm glad I got through.
I've been listening for about a year, and I absolutely love this program.
We're not a program, we're a show.
We're not trying to program you in any way, shape, or form.
We're trying to give you information so you can make your own decisions, by the way.
But go ahead, Uncle Willie.
I gotcha.
Okay, my wife and I totally support Trump for president.
I think that would be so exciting to finally vote for somebody that we absolutely believe in.
Secondly, and I got three points, secondly, if the choice is Ted Cruz, we would vote for him, but it would be depending upon who his vice presidential mate.
If he's a typical establishment Republican, we would not vote for Ted Cruz.
And the third thing is I get a little tired of Roger Stone's comments about Ted Cruz and his wife.
Look, women are far beyond the age where they should be kept in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.
OK, their career decisions are their business.
And it's not Ted Cruz's fault that his wife worked for Goldman Sachs.
It's not Ted Cruz's fault that she worked for Condoleezza Rice for a while.
That's ridiculous.
And I really get tired of that being pushed and pushed and pushed.
And I just think we need to think independently and not just follow whatever line some supporter keeps pushing.
Well, I think the case against Ted Cruz is building rapidly, personally for myself.
I mean, he does have, you could say there's no ties to Goldman Sachs, but there are ties there.
And Goldman Sachs is one of the main companies involved in the 2008 banking crisis, and have probably been involved since then.
I mean, these, Goldman Sachs goes into countries and destroys them.
That's what this company does.
So people involved with that, you have to wonder about their moral character.
And Ted Cruz likes to walk around pretending he is the moral center of everything, and that whatever he says is, you know, piously moral.
Well, let's look at your wife.
You know, this is the person you've married, so I think you had to do the same thing with, you know, Hillary Clinton.
Here's your husband.
What kind of person is your husband?
What does that say about you if you're not going to repudiate that stuff?
Now, she hasn't been accused of anything, but you have to look at who she surrounds herself with.
And now, who is Ted Cruz surrounding himself with?
Two Bushes.
A Cruz and the Bush.
I don't know if you can trust him.
That's all I gotta say.
But thanks for calling Uncle Willie, and thanks for listening to us.
And remember, we are a show.
We're not trying to program you in any way, shape, or form.
Let's go to Rob in Washington.
He's talking about a protest going on in Washington right now.
Rob, what's going on?
Oh, thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, I just thought it was incredible that story about the protesters in Western Washington University.
I listened to a radio station, KGMI, that's local out of Bellingham.
I'm basically living stone's throw from there, but I thought it was hilarious.
The news story that they put on was the protesters were attacked by
Uh, disgruntled person in a car, you know, that was blocked by them blocking traffic.
And in the news story it said, uh, injuries included, uh, dislocated shoulder, uh, sprained fingers and bruises.
And I went and looked at the video, it was a nine second video, and there's a woman who points at the car.
The whole thing seems, uh, staged to me, but I mean, it could be.
I just thought that was hilarious.
Yeah, I'm not even pulling that up.
I pulled up protest Western Washington University and I don't even see anything.
If you go to KGMI at 790 AM, the videos on there, or they had last night... And so what was the protest about?
Oh, the protest was the demands of the... I can't remember... It was about Ferguson, it looks like.
Ferguson... Bellingham joins in Ferguson protest decision.
Oh, that says one year ago, though.
That's old.
I don't see anything on it.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know.
Uh, let's see.
Everything I see is from 2015.
Yeah, no, it was a story you guys had up on InfoWars yesterday.
You know, we put up so much stuff on InfoWars.
I don't know if you look at the Alex Jones Channel, but if you watch the Alex Jones Channel and you come back the next day, you're not going to see the videos that we had the day before.
We go through, we put up so much information so quickly.
Well guys, I am going to play this newscast when we get back from the break and I'm going to get into CPS and why it's under fire in Texas and what that means for everybody else out there.
Thanks for calling Rob in Washington.
We'll be back with more of your calls and more news.
It's the InfoWars.com Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Glenn Beck opened his radio show today going off on what the hell has happened to Matt Drudge.
The conservative radio host was spurred on this morning by Drudge photoshopping Rubio as a midget after he didn't win a single state last night.
Beck said ever since Drudge started hanging out with Alex Jones, he's gone to this weird conspiratorial place where he can't even trust any news coming from him anymore.
Well, no one really likes you Beck, so get over it.
Fox News reports little Marco Rubio to suspend campaign and take on a full-time job at a phone party.
I'm just playing.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live on Overdrive.
That's right, you get four hours of the Alex Jones Show.
Every day now, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., and then Alex is back on Sunday from 4 to 6.
And we also do the Infowars Nightly News every night, 7 p.m.
Usually it's only an hour, but last night
We did about 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Went to about 10-15 or so.
And covering the Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
We also took some live Skype phone calls.
And we had a caller call in from, I believe it was upstate New York.
This is a man who recently retired.
I think his name was Alan.
And we're just going to play 30 seconds of this call because he talked about, you know, he'd been taking some of the products.
I just actually took to brain force because I was working until 10 p.m.
and then getting up here and getting up early and getting ready for the show again.
I'm feeling a little run down.
Last week we did two of these and I said we're not going to do two of these again for a while unless there's some terrorist attack recovering.
But yeah, I took some brain force.
You've heard the commercials of me talking about brain force and how it helped me get through an all-nighter.
If you're a college student out there, I'd say give it a try.
See what you think.
And anyway, Alan from upstate New York.
Here's, I'm going to play his testimonial because I asked him, I said, what products are you on?
Just after we're done talking, we let him get his points out.
He has a great Skype connection, by the way, and recently retired.
And here's his story.
So let's just roll it.
What products are you taking?
Everything from Supermail to Brain Force to Winter Sun, X2, Joint Force, Fabulous stuff, Anthroplex, you name it.
Even got a little DNA force, so I just re-upped everything and I just went to Autopil on a lot of them.
Hey, what do you think of Brain Force when you take that?
There you go.
Unbelievable stuff.
I can't even tell you.
If one doesn't work, two sure does, I can tell you that.
I take two and it works every time.
There it is.
So, it didn't even get to the part.
I'm going to have to have Travis recut that.
Travis, if you're listening, he talks about how he lost 70 pounds from doing it.
His doctor couldn't believe it.
He had diabetes.
We're going to get it out.
Don't worry.
I'm going to get the whole clip.
I'll cut it together myself if need be.
Because it's stories like that that are amazing.
People taking these products and it's changing their lives.
So give it a try, go to InfoWarsTore.com and try a couple of the products.
Get some X2, get some Super Male Vitality, start moving around, because that's how you're going to lose weight, that's how you're going to feel better when you start getting active.
And these products will help you get your body to a place where you can be active.
So now, let's go to this story.
It's definitely turned weirder by the moment.
Idaho pastor shot day after praying at Ted Cruz rally.
And this was, let's see, it was 10 Remington was found multiple gunshot wounds outside the altar church around 2 p.m.
And his nephew found him.
He was shot four times in the back as he walked to his car.
And he was expected to make a full recovery.
Now they found the shooter.
And here's a news report.
They found him on the steps of the White House.
So let's roll that report.
A bizarre turn of events in a story that caught the attention of the nation.
A pastor gunned down in his church parking lot igniting a multi-state manhunt came to an end on the other side of the country.
Kyle Odom was apprehended safely and without incident in Washington DC this evening.
Prior to his arrest, Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White says Odom threw several items over the fence at the White House.
The initial information I'm receiving is that those included some flash drives along with some other unknown items.
Today, Odom was on his Facebook page.
He posted a bizarre rant about why he opened fire on Pastor Tim Remington.
And that post helped lead authorities to him.
ABC News now confirming that police were able to track Odom after this post in which he said the world is ruled by an ancient civilization from Mars.
Pastor Tim was one of them and he was the reason my life
Odom also changed his profile picture to a hand drawing of a creature with green eyes.
That same picture found in a manifesto Odom sent to KXY4 News.
The pages of that rambling statement laid out his belief that Remington was a Martian.
And so were many members of the U.S.
House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as some members of the Israeli leadership.
Also in the manifesto, a note to President Obama.
Not a threat, but a message.
Warning him about the Martians, telling him to stay strong.
I don't know what you make of that, but this poor guy, obviously...
Has got some thinking to do.
And I mean, if he thinks, you know, we could be ruled by aliens.
But we have yet to see one.
I don't know.
And that hand-drawn description kind of reminds me of the the leprechaun story when they thought there was a leprechaun up in the tree.
And I think it was Alabama somewhere.
And they showed the artist's sketch.
But now let's get to something really serious.
What's going on in CPS in Texas is truly revolutionary and I think is going to start a chain reaction going through the rest of the country because CPS is an organization out of control.
Of course, it was formed to do something good to protect children who were being abused and put them in families where they could be safe.
But that's not what's happening now.
CPS is not an organization that I think does that anymore.
Here's a new American story.
When CPS kidnaps children for money,
And you read down in it, it talks about how they get thousands of dollars per child that they keep in foster care.
And the longer those children stay in foster care, the more money they get.
And they also get more money as they are able to prescribe them more drugs.
So they always go in to visit the psychologist or psychiatrist and the psychiatrist gives them more drugs and they get more money.
The point is not to reunite these children with their families.
The point is to keep more children in the system so the system gets more money.
Here's the article from December 17, 2015.
Federal judge finds Texas has broken foster care system, says she'll order changes.
The long-term foster care in Texas is broken and routinely does grave harm to children already dealt a tough hand, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
District Judge Janice Graham-Jack of Corpus Christi said the state violated the Constitution by keeping about 12,000 youngsters for years in underfunded and poorly run system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm.
Alright, I'll read that one more time.
Guys, can you put the camera on that so we can see that?
Rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm.
Right there.
That's what she said, and that's quoted.
But the system, despite 20 years of reports and attempts and fixes, keeps harming children and is supposed to help, the stinging opinion reads.
Now I'll get into what changes she's going to propose, but one of the defendants in that case, the top official in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, DFPS, announced that he is stepping down May 31st, and that's Judge John Specia Jr.
announced Friday he intends to retire after 30 years of public service.
So that's what, yeah, I guess you get to do after you run a system for, what this federal judge says, for 20 years it's totally broken, you get to retire, get a healthy pension,
And I guess he probably retired so he'd get no investigation.
Now we have Texas caseworkers who are going up to the Capitol and they want to fight tooth and nail against this court-ordered, potentially costly reforms of the state's foster care system, a position that's drawn fierce criticism from child welfare advocates.
So they're trying to say, oh, but everything's fine.
We don't need to make changes.
So let's look at a few stories that maybe
Maybe they do need to make changes.
Investigators look into death of infant in foster home.
Authorities are investigating the death of a three-month-old boy who died in a Temple foster home on Saturday.
Julie Moody of Child Protective Services is investigating the death of the child in a foster home while CPS was investigating the biological family.
So they pull these kids out, they put them in foster homes, and then they die.
Here's a case just up north here of Austin.
This is from 2014.
Justice for toddler beaten to death as her foster mother is sentenced to life in prison for her murder.
And here's a picture of the vile creature.
Scroll down to that so we can see the creature who beat a two-year-old girl to death.
They think with like an iron pole or something.
And then you can see pictures of the little girl.
Her name was Alex Hill.
She was two years old when she died as a result of massive brain hemorrhaging.
Now why?
What was the threat?
What were her parents doing?
Were they beating her?
A neighbor turned them in because they smelt marijuana.
The police showed up.
They admitted that they were smoking it, so they immediately took the girl away.
That's why you don't talk to these people.
When they come to your house, you ask them to make an appointment, and you record everything.
And you don't answer anything unless you have an attorney present.
You do not incriminate yourself, because anything you say can and will be used against you.
And this was all done color of law.
They just take the child.
There's no due process.
There's no court.
They take the child while they're investigating.
And while they were investigating, she died.
Children slain in mass murder were abused in foster care, a judge says.
David Connelly charged with capital murder after eight found dead inside home.
That's in Harris County.
CPS involved before teen girl stabbed killed in Lubbock County.
And Texas CPS makes changes after child's death.
So there's a lot of death going on in the foster care system.
I think you're 12,000 times more likely to be abused in foster care.
But they don't want to make changes.
And what's the judge asking for?
Let's look at these horrible changes the judge is asking.
And the judge wants this done in 30 days.
Requiring each child in long-term care to have a special attorney, as well as a court-appointed special advocate.
They also, they have a special master will study child abuse in the homes and group homes and treatment centers.
The masters will push for the state to move children who have not had severe behavior or physical impairments to be in less restrictive settings.
CPS would also improve case files to it keeps on children including annual photos to help identify runaways.
It will also stop placing children in certain foster homes and unsafe placements like foster group homes that lack 24-hour awake night supervision.
Marcia Robinson-Lowry, the founder of the New York-based Children's Rights, which led to the effort to have these similar suits filed in dozens of states, called Jack's decision stunning and painstakingly researched.
And she also said Texas has certainly one of the worst foster care systems in the country.
So this is good news.
This is something I think a lot of people have been fighting for.
The deceased Senator Nancy Schaefer was fighting for this.
She was killed in her home, they say, by her husband, who then committed suicide.
I don't believe that one second.
She was getting into these people.
These are child kidnappers, and they want to do harm to children, and they place them in with people who really want to do harm with children.
And they get paid to do this.
It's totally disgusting.
So let's go to your calls again, once again, so hopefully we can turn that into an article and get more information out to people.
Dave in Pennsylvania wants to talk about the Obama phone lady at the Ohio convention.
He sucks!
Go ahead, Dave.
Are you there?
Yeah, it was my Obama phone care lady impersonation.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was wondering if Alex could get the Obama phone lady on the phone, Michelle Brook from Cleveland.
I was wondering if she was going to be supporting Donald Trump.
That's interesting to see who she's going to be supporting.
I haven't talked to her since the last time she was here.
But we will be up in Cleveland, so maybe we'll go up there and visit her, see how she's doing.
And maybe get her to come down to the convention and get on a bullhorn.
She's got a good voice.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And Rob, you and the rest of the crew there, you guys do a fantastic job.
I listen to you every day.
Right on.
Well, I'm a little run down today, but I think actually the brain force just kicked in.
It suddenly went bing!
And that's the only feeling I can describe when it kicks in.
It takes about 10 minutes.
So now I'm getting hyped up.
Thanks for calling, Dave.
Let's go to Mark in California.
He wants to talk about Trump's safety.
Are you fearing he's going to be assassinated?
Or attempted assassination?
Hey Rob, how you doing, buddy?
I'm doing good.
Mark Connors from the Connors Report out on the West Coast.
Great show as always, bro.
Real quick, I want to say something.
That brain force is awesome.
It is.
I can't say enough about it.
Man, I perform.
Some of you guys should look me up.
Mark Connors.
I'm constantly on my tour bus.
I'm a singer.
I'm constantly running around this country.
I tried the brain force about a month ago.
I'm telling you, I'm like, I feel like I'm 15 years old again.
Alright, sing me a plug real quick.
Brain Force makes me feel like I'm 15 again.
Come on, give it to me.
Brain Force makes me feel like I'm 15 again.
There you go.
It does.
It works, man.
People don't realize that the painstaking research that went into this, and Anthony takes it every day.
I don't take it every day.
I take it when I feel like I'm run down.
Because usually I have good energy, and I felt a little worn down today and just took some.
I feel great now.
It's amazing how it works.
I can't say enough about it.
Actually, people tried to talk me out of it, and they've said, oh, no, that's bullcrap, that's all bullcrap.
You know, I saw so much testimony on InfoWars, and I said, hey, I'm going to try this stuff, and it was awesome.
Bro, another thing, this TPS, I would like to share my story with you sometime.
Look me up, Rob.
Mark Connors.
Hey, send me an email.
It's the best way to get in touch with me.
RobD at InfoWars.com.
R-O-B-D at InfoWars.com.
This CPS thing though, bro, I spent two years locked up in a tiny little room the size of a bathroom because of these.
When I was a little boy, two, three years old.
And I'd like to share that.
Those people are
They are totally screwed up.
They left me alone in a home with people that beat me, locked me down, starved me, cut the door, shoved my food underneath the door, all kinds of stuff, Rob.
That's crazy.
I know.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of that, too.
One other thing, bro, because I know you've got a big show here today, and it's fantastic.
You touched on so much stuff.
I'm like, wow, wow, wow!
And I think that my brain force kicked in.
Another thing, bro.
I want to offer my tour bus, my mobile soundstage with a 40,000 watt sound system on it, my band, my show, Freedom Jam, the Mark Connors Show.
It's a 53 foot semi stage with sound, everything, lights, the whole shebang.
My tour bus with a mobile sound studio on it for air shows on.
I want to offer that to InfoWars.com, courtesy of MarkConnorsTV.com.
Well, you know what?
Send me an email and we'll start talking about that.
You know, we are going to these two conventions coming up.
The Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention.
So, that sounds like we might be able to work something out.
Thanks for calling, Mark.
I really appreciate it.
I'm going to jump now and go to Phil in Florida.
Phil, what do you want to say about Ted Cruz?
Yeah, that guy that called in earlier that was complaining about Roger Stone's kind of peripheral implications that he was some kind of sexist is ridiculous.
The thing about InfoWars is that we do not underestimate the women, and that his wife may actually have her satanic hopes in him.
Well, we don't know if she's satanic or not, but I will say this.
This came out of Mediaite.
Ted Cruz lies right to Christian journalist's face about tithing.
You know, if you're a Christian, you're supposed to give 10% to the church.
Well, they estimate he gives like less than 1%.
So, I guess that's Christian for you.
I don't know.
Go ahead.
He's got CFR connections?
He's connected to the CFR and Goldman and all that stuff.
I mean, you don't get in there unless you're in some kind of eyes wide shut convention.
And you know, one thing about Donald Trump, he just came out and didn't endorse Richard Haass, but said he's one of his advisors.
And Richard Haass is, I think, head of the CFR.
So we have to watch that too.
We have to be aware of every nook and cranny because these globalists are everywhere and their agenda is to get rid of national borders and create a one world government.
And that's what we're fighting against because when that goes away, it's autonomous robots on the streets.
Chips in your hand, it's tracking everywhere.
They're going to try to do it with the cars first and then, you know, ten years from now it's going to be a grain of rice stuck in your hand or probably smaller than that.
So we have to be aware of all that.
We'll be back with one more segment of the fourth hour of Overdrive for the Alex Jones Show.
You can watch us live at Infowars.com forward slash show or become a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thanks for watching and we'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
We're back live final segment of Overdrive in the Alex Jones Show.
Don't forget tonight 7 p.m.
Central InfoWars Nightly News.
Last night we did three hours and you can watch us on PrisonPlanet.tv.
When we do those long segments we do put them on InfoWars.com forward slash show and also on YouTube.
We stream them live on YouTube.
Hey, how you doing, Rob?
Hey, thanks for everything you guys do out there and InfoWars, we appreciate it.
I was calling about your CPS thing going on.
My wife's in CPS here in Texas.
Yeah, what does she think of these changes that are being proposed?
Well, they're trying to do some good changes at least.
They have a new group coming out that they just started called Alternative Response where these investigators are also doing an alternative response group where they're sticking with the families and trying to work towards resolutions by offering them resources because their priority is to keep the families together.
I know there's been some bad incidences where CPS has been made to look pretty bad, but I know for a fact that they're understaffed heavily, and these caseworkers are taking on probably 20 to 30 cases on one investigator.
And now they're doing an alternative response group where these caseworkers are also having to go out and revisit families that had cases closed just to check on the kids.
So, they're way overworked and it's getting real, it is getting hard on them, but... I think that's the plan though.
I think the plan is to keep them overworked so they can't do quality.
It's about quantity.
It's about getting kids into the system.
You know, not everybody has a perfect day.
You know, I don't think you take a kid away from a home because you catch, you know, one of the guys, they didn't even catch the guy smoking pot, he just admitted to it.
They took the kid, the kid gets beaten to death.
I mean, you can't have that.
You cannot have a system like that and say that that, well, you know, it's not just one bad apple, too.
The foster care system, and it's the CPS people that should be in charge of the foster care system, and if something's going on, they need to be getting rid of these foster care people.
But they get the money from it, and the money is too alluring.
That's my feeling.
But go ahead, continue.
Yeah, you have to understand that CPS isn't going out finding these people.
These people get their reports from other people that are concerned about children.
And then when the CPS investigator goes out there, they investigate the parents and the well-being of the child.
And then from that point on,
They have to determine if these parents are capable of taking care of the children or not.
And then, okay, and then once that happens, which it could be, you know, I haven't seen a case so far where there's been
Well, that didn't happen to Alex Hill.
She was immediately taken away and it's a sad, sad case.
Thanks for calling, Travis, for providing that other side of the discussion.
Corey in California, I'm going to give you 30 seconds.
Go, Corey.
30 seconds.
Don't thank me.
You guys need to get a guest on your show.
His name is Steven Bassett.
He's the only guy in Washington, D.C.
lobbying for extraterrestrial disclosure.
He's hitting them with facts only, no BS.
Um, and he's talking about Hillary Clinton and the Rockefeller Initiative, something she hasn't talked about in 20 years.
All right.
Hey, that's it.
Thanks for putting that out there, Corey.
Thanks for all the callers.
I cleared the deck.
That's it.
Stay tuned tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 p.m.
Join us at PrisonPlanet.tv.